#i still ship them hard and im not the biggest fan of the episode but its on very thin ice for me.
kr0w13y · 10 months
I knew i'd prolly ship chardee and it becoming my otp isn't a surprise, but I truly didn't think id hyperfixiate on their relationship so much other than enjoying some art but im several fics deep already started a playlist and now i have 2 au ideas.
Im also desperately in need of more fan art/fics not too many fics fit my niche needs but there are many great ones out there.
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kenjiyabuki · 5 months
so here are some thoughts about DMD Friendship the Reality while we are nearing the end
yeah yeah its not that deep but actually no one caring/talking about a show makes me want to write a LONG ASS POST bc i cant get gratification from going through the tags and reading opinions lmaoooooo so HERE damn okkk i will make the content i want to see in the world i guess dont mind me......😞
im not even the biggest Domundi fan but i was intrigued by the premise of this show. i mean it's a basically fake dating show (like one of their challenge rewards was getting to sleep in a suite together as if they are there to date for real) and the end prize isnt just an acting opportunity as it comes w the big decision of choosing a looooooong time acting partner. so i wanted to see how they would do it. BOC did a similar thing w The Hidden Character which i dropped halfway in bc it was too long and i found the challenges to be irrelevant to the ending goal. this show is the opposite of that and thats why ive been enjoying it.
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it is edited to be concise (only 5 eps) and honestly, is quite tranquil. all the challenges were about things they will be required to do in the future as DMD actors/idols and stakes aren't even that high. You could always guess who would win before they even started (((like of course broody model guys won the photoshoot challenge and guy w two series under his belt won the acting one, DUH))) but it was still enjoyable to watch. show's goal isn't to generate tension and competitiveness. it is more of a workshop/chemistry building camp and also a way to introduce the new generation and get the fans warm up/attached to them.
as i spent time in bl fandom sphere, i've come to realize introducing a new gen is tricky. i thought everyone would be ecstatic to see new blood and a lil bit of mix and match but BL fans are reaaaaaaaaaaally attached to their faves and generally see newcomers as threats who will take opportunities from their already neglected (!) precious babies (e.g. just couple weeks ago FortPeat fans were protesting the new lesbian side couple in the upcoming show for stealing screen time from their faves, which is a joke in itself). this kind of show is genius way to get people to warm up to idea of new faces. at the end of the the day, these fans' weakness is two beautiful boys indulging in sweet moments they can be delulu over and considering how ships were already born from the first episode, DMD FTR succeeded in their goal.
LETS TALK ABOUT THE BOYS :-) *this starts playing*
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I had to make this during first ep bc they are all dark haired boys w similar builds so I kept confusing them lmaoooooo (Tle not pictured as he joined later)
i will firstly talk about the fan favorite possible "couples";
KengNamping, the quiet visual couple and yes I love em!!!! they were kinda the only "conflict" in this very conflict free competition.
is Keng the CALMEST person I've ever seen? Latte is laid back too but Keng is just seems zen. sometimes (in the face of conflict) he just seemed hard to read but mostly he has such a calming presence. honestly, he should open an ASMR channel if this acting gig doesn't work out.
Namping also comes off very warm and graceful. him being "wow I'm finally in the winner suite" to Keng after finally getting chosen in ep4 made me laugh like DAMN he really was offended by what happened in ep1 and kept letting it slip. Idc, you are so right my prince and don't ever let Keng forget what he did to you...
when it comes to the possibility of them as a couple: i am kinda here for it while also not knowing if i actually believe in their "moments" in the show? Namping definitely set his sights on him from the beginning but Keng seemed nonchalant about it. Keng finally choosing Namping after his win, their sweet moment on the bed etc. seemed to me like classic reality show moment prompted by production to fit a certain narrative WHILE ThomasKong's pseudo-date-night chats seemed very real and spontaneous.
they do visually have chemistry, i'm not gonna act like i wasn't blushing when Keng trying to flirt during dinner or Namping softly touching a sleepy Keng's chin in the bed etc. Or even in ep2, when Namping tries to confront Keng about his pick but they are too timid and just unable to talk about it openly!!! arrghhh it's a hard to watch moment but still, made them more intriguing because they had such a tension between them. it would be a shame if it wasn't explored more. that tension can be channeled into an angsty series, just saying...
So, they def have a long way to go in their bond and arent comfortable like LatteFirst or ThomasKong but still, they are a strong contender and I would be glad to see them as a couple in a show. Namping already got my attention in the acting challenge and wonders can be achieved w a lil bit of workshop. they got the juice already!!!
Now, lets talk about ThomasKong.............
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me watching Thomas relentlessly chatting Kong up since THE FIRST EPISODE
so I knew LatteFirst are set be a side couple in upcoming Love Upon a Time but i was confused to see why everyone on Twitter was already going cuckoo over these two random boys until i saw them interacting... Wow, like Thomas really came here w one mission: get Kong and leave.
because Thomas is such a flirt like DAMNNN😳😳😳😳he needs to be jailed for carrying lethal amounts of charm... IT MUST BE SAID: I love his fits w those thin glasses, he should've been wearing those in those office BLs he was in because he has been serving "office siren". Tiktok girlies eat your heart out.
while Kong isn't the best at acting or singing (he is the best KengNamping shipper tho and i LOVE a fudanshi BL actor), he definitely would win Mr. Congeniality if they were giving that title. he naturally and effortlessly has great on screen charisma. he is a certified cutie and the only one who can get real full belly laughs from Thomas!!!
i think what they managed in the acting challenge is the testament to their palpable chemistry. acting wise they weren't perfect (naturally, their uneven acting experience levels were apparent) but they were the only one who managed to tonal shift in their scenes. it's because they were the only ones who played into the romantic subtext of the scene. they also held eye contact for the longest (because they are comfortable w each other and not shy!!!), which elevated their chemistry and made me AND the judges giggle and roll our hair and kick our feet and shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are obviously the most likely to win the show and they deserve it too. no matter the result of the show, i want see them carrying a series as mains because they can and should. i also believe DMD won't fumble their bag, so i am not worried about it.
to conclude, I will quote Zee,
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then we come to LatteFirst, the kinda established couple: in the ep5 preview, we see First trying to choose between Latte and the newcomer Tle, which seemed random to me and could be a production touch to create conflict in this very smooth sailing show.
i loved seeing Latte being nonchalant about the possibility of First choosing someone else, what a laid back guy. like Mio in THC, every BL reality show needs a half asleep and occasionally funny dude.
now i am thinking; what if First chose Tle, would he also replace Latte in LUAT bc DMD doesn't really fuck w mixing matching their couples. i honestly don't know where did all that come from but i feel like the result wont be too shocking, First and Latte are already really close and comfortable and got The Chemistry. need i remind of Latte punching the air a la Judd Nelson at the end of The Breakfast Club when it was announced they both chose each other for the dinner date? and their sweet and comfortable banter on that said date??? let's put our pens to work and write a friends to lovers rom-com for the boys based on that material please...
i dont think they are likely to win but might be strong contender. i just want to see them as a side couple in LUAT (hopefully this year!!!!) so they can develop themselves and their bond a little bit more before getting to a main couple level. their sweet friendship shouldn't go to waste!!! (is it obvious i am more drawn to BL couples who are besties in real life?)
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damn this post is about to be a novella so i will make it short about Gems, TeeTee and Tle, i hope Gems won't be too upset about getting slighted again 😥 like i said, stakes aren't high on this show and results are always obvious: these guys are going back home empty handed, we all know it. they are all charismatic and VERYYY talented but i just felt like none of them really focused on "getting a partner" part of the show, not just the main challenges. even TeeTee who was picked by Thomas and Keng seemed kinda uninterested about partnering up. but you cant really force chemistry and i am sure they will get many more opportunities in the future. they already started their fanbase!!! i cant stand to see Gems so upset, i hope he wont be too sad.
these are my opinions. maybe the ending will do a whole 180 and idk, GemsKeng or TleKong or some other random couple will win, who knows???? cant wait to watch the new overly airbrush filtered, Cheewin directed DMD show up to like 5 episodes and then get bored and drop it and follow the rest from gifs!!! good luck to the boys <3
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my opinion on td finalists
spoiler alert, im not a fan of most
TDI: Owen & Gwen
uh I personally don’t like either of these guys for finalists. gwen did do a lot but there were so many times where she just acted so apathetic I was like why?? are you still here?? and as for owen... I didnt like him as a character for a Long Time and he's growing on me but he just doesnt seem like finale material
I think a duncan versus leshawna finale would've been super fun to watch. especially if they teamed up to take down heather in the semifinal. those two had such a fun dynamic, especially in the triathlon episode, that I think taking it to the finale would've been fantastic. also leshawna deserved to win that season and you cannot change my mind
TDA: Duncan & Beth
duncan, while not my first choice, I can see making it through to the finale this season. but beth?? no. im sorry but shes just too much of a side character and is canonically fake nice and annoys everyone else so it doesn’t really make sense
an interesting finale would’ve been duncan versus courtney considering how volatile their relationship was this season. however, bc courtney was kinda awful to duncan, I dont think she deserves to win this season. it would be cool if there was one ending where their votes tied and they made up and decided to split the money but that just feels too tame, both for a finale and for their dynamic
harold versus duncan could be interesting, but because duncan tends to bully harold, I dont think his win would be fair in this situation. I think lindsay versus harold would be the best, as this season is about lindsay learning to take charge and come up with strategies, and while he can be off-putting and occasionally condescending, I think harold has a lot of useful skills that could really flourish in the finale
TDWT: Heather & Alejandro
while I dont ship them at all, I truly dont think there could've been a more satisfying final two. we’ve had their rivalry build up from day one, they have a ton of good songs together, it really completes heather’s arc of antagonist to antihero to protagonist. heather winning is the best ending in my mind, but I like  alejandro winning too. the only problem I have with his ending is that it only happened because heather threw in the wrong dummy-- I think it would’ve been more clever for him to have switched them or something like that
ive been thinking about some other final twos that I think would be interesting, though unable to top the canon one imo. gwen versus courtney would be really cool because of the friends turned enemies thing-- I think it would be interesting for courtney to be put in danger and gwen has a choice of saving her or going for the money and she save courtney before apologizing again (maybe dumping duncan) and the two make up and split the money. 
though I don’t really enjoy either as characters mostly due to their writing, cody and sierra would be an interesting final two. maybe cody finally stands up to sierra, or sierra struggles with wanting to be the winner of total drama or helping the boy she likes win. it definitely wouldn't be as good as the canon two but there would be a lot of clashing dynamics at play that'd be fun to explore
TDROTI: Lightning & Cameron
admittedly, I don’t remember too much from this season, but it really felt like these two kind of coasted by. I never found lightning to be a particularly compelling character and thought it weird how he suddenly went from dumb jock to evil jock in the last episode or two. cameron really felt like he was just carried through the season, similarly to beth, though I dont have as much as an issue with him winning. I dont think it was a bad finale, per se, I just think if those were the final two they should've been written better from the start
seeing as how jo really played the game and went all in, I think she would’ve been a great finalist. it would’ve been interesting to see her versus (commando?) zoey though im not the biggest zoey fan. I think a jo versus lightning finale could actually work (or brick) though if there was a jo versus cameron finale, I couldn't see him logically winning bc jo would just destroy him
TDAS: Mike & Zoey
*BIG FUCKING INHALE* no. just no. im probably not gonna say anything that’s not already been said so ill keep it short. bland, mal writing bad, have someone who's been in the game for 3 previous seasons instead of  1 make it to the ALL STARS FINALE. jfc.
you know what would’ve been an interesting finale? gwen versus courtney. they both said they wanted to reach the final two with the other one, so maybe they do! maybe they start to struggle with their friendship because of courtney’s competitive streak! maybe one of their helpers is duncan and that causes strife between them! maybe they become enemies again and don’t make up until the finale! maybe they decide to split the money! idk! it would've had a hell of a  lot more flavor than what we got
TDPI: Shawn & Sky
I don’t really have an issue with either of these characters making it to the finale. they’re compelling, worked hard, and have distinct goals. I would’ve liked to see jasmine in the finale but I'd be cool replacing either one with her: jasmine and shawn having to compete against one another would be an interesting relationship hurdle and sky versus jasmine would've been cool because they’re both very athletic and it would’ve been the first f vs f total drama finale (we've had m vs f and m vs m but no all-girl finales...)
TDRR: Surfer Dudes & Police Cadets
Again, I don’t really have an issue with this finale. I really like how Sanders and MacArthur both work hard in their own ways and have to learn how to work together (MacArthur breaking Sanders’ arm and realizing that she can negatively affect her partner and also that Sanders is super tough was a GREAT arc). I know there’s been some contention about the Surfer Dudes being eliminated and then coming back so late in the game, but it made sense to me. They chose to lose because they felt that they owed it to Devin and Carrie, and that choice paid off when Devin and Carrie called in a replacement team. I doubt the surfers expected that to happen, they were just trying to be fair, but that kindness was rewarded in a big way which I think was sweet, especially  considering how much of a hot mess this show can be. 
I gotta say, this does kinda remind me of the TDI finale, with the villain (heather/ice dancers) getting eliminated third, and their rival (gwen/police cadets) making it to the finale with the fun guy (owen/surfer dudes). The reason I like the Surfer Dudes as finalists more than Owen is that I felt they put in more effort during challenges and had more of an arc (with Josee’s mind games ending up bonding them as a team after strife, choosing to be eliminated for the sake of fairness, etc). 
Speaking of Owen, it’s kind of ironic that if I had to replace a team in the finale, I would replace the surfer dudes with the reality tv pros. they’re my favorite team and I think it wouldve been great for them to really live up to their name. I think it also would've been funny for the ice dancers to be so focused on their rivalry with the cadets that the pros just completely go under their radar until its the final three and the ice dancers are like “oh crap they’re PROS why haven't we been trying to destroy them??”
I also wouldn't mind replacing the surfer dudes with the sisters. I know emma gets a lot of hate (mostly because of nemma which I only like platonically) but I actually like her as a character (when she wasn’t being obsessive) and I think she and kitty were a great team that had a good arc of learning to work together. I also think it would be really interesting because for the final three they would all have rivalries with one another: the police cadets and the ice dancers (obvious) the ice dancers and the sisters (josee messed with them in at least 2 challenges) and the sister and the police cadets (kitty and macarthur’s game/road rage was hilarious)
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antigoneidk · 4 years
hiii💖i loved ur writting btww u r amazing🥰anyways im here for a request!! i want a tom x reader where they are both in quarantine with tom's brothers and friends and tom's going live on ig(like the quiz he did last night) and he requests the reader and she's like "we live in the same house " can it be cute, like after that they cuddle and kiss😇
I’m sorry|t.h.
a/n: thank you so much for your request love❤ (edit: so many mistakes i am truly sorry guys!)
warnings: fluff
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You were sitting in the living room watching Netflix on the TV. Blankets were all over you, making you feel cozy and comfortable. You were exhausted, even though you didn't do anything all day.All of the sudden you started feeling sleepy. and your eyes were struggling to stay open.
Tessa was sleeping on your legs. It was hard for you to move but also you didn't want to wake her. So you stayed there ready to fall asleep.
Suddenly you heard a notification from your phone.
𝘜𝘴𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥2013 𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸!
You ignored it thinking that he was just going to be his silly self talking to fans and answering questions.Well you wanted to be there or even watch it but you were so tired that even unlocking your phone was difficult.
You tried to get to sleep but you noticed that it was so quiet down there that you started looking for the boys, but neither Harry or Haz were with you. so you tried to remember something you shouldn’t have. And as the time went by you finally remembered.
It was the quiz live today! 
You quickly grabbed your phone not longer feeling tired and stopped the episode that was playing on your T.V. Michael Scott was at the screen now shipping from his famous mug. What a legend!
The three boys appeared on your screen and you smiled as you heard them talk to the fans and fighting with each other .Some of them noticed you and started asking why you weren't with the boys, while others were just saying hello. So you decided to greet them too and that didn't go unnoticed.
"Well look who decided to join us" Harry said and pointed at your username making you laugh.
"Hi baby" Tom smiled through the screen and even from there your butterflies were jumping into your stomach and your heart was already beating faster.
"She should definitely take the quiz too huh?" Haz suggested and all of them agreed. You brust out laughing not waiting for them to actually invite you, but all of the sudden you got an invention from them to join the live.
You declined feeling a little bit insecure about your appearance. You knew that  being worried about yourself,would make Tom mad. He always did,but it was a fight with yourself you just couldn’t stop it..
"Why would decline us Y/N? You just did the biggest mistake of your life. Accept it or we'll come down to get you" Tom said with a straight face and you lauged out loud at his reaction. He was the cutest guy in the universe without even trying.
"Oh she's laughing down stairs. I can hear her"Harrinson said you laughed even louder.
You got again the same invention and this time you accepted. After a few seconds your face popped up on your screen and they all let out happy noises.
"There's she is finally. Babe what are you doing?"Tom asked smiling.
"I was about to fall asleep but then realised that you all disappeared and then I remembered.I'm dumb" you said as you started yawing and smiling at the same time.
"Ohh come on you're not dumb Y/N.Okay maybe a little for forgetting such a huge event but it's okay we forgive you" Harry said looking at the screen and at your boyfriend,who was watching him with an angry face.
"Thank you Harry. You’re so sweet!"you said back.
"Okay darling listen. I have just one question for you. You need to answer this right. If you don't we're gonna have a huge problem in our relationship" Tom said as he grapped the piece of paper with the question.
"Don't put pressure on me now"you cried as your hand touched your forehead.
"So..are you ready?" your boyfriend asked you anticipated.
"Yes I am"you let out a breath and waited for him.
"So...who is the coolest super hero in the m.c.u.?"
You knew the answer,his answer. But you wanted to play a little.
"Ohh that's easy. Of course is Iron Man. Is that even a question baby, come on"you said trying to play it cool.
Well his face was something you didn’t know you wanted in your life. You felt the need to laugh so bad but you tried not to, although his was making it hard for you while he was blinking fast staring at the camera.
"Okay you know what? We’re gonna talk about this later. Now we’re gonna talk to our fans that KNOW the RIGHT answers to this quiz. You should go get some sleep okay?"Tom said looking at the screen a little surprised from you not saying the 'right' answer.
"Well I though I was right"you tried making a puppy face but failed miserably.
"No apparently you were not"Harry interrupted with a half smile on his lips.”Oh no he seems mad”
"We have to let others to join too. We'll talk later"Tom said raising his eyebrows and after 3 seconds you disappeared from your screen.
Was he mad at you? Why? You wanted to have fun for a while, you didn’t expect things to turn like these. You tried to keep up with them for a little longer, his smile not leaving his face. You fell asleep with him on your mind and sad thoughts making you feel guilty.
Two strong hands lifted you from the couch you were sleeping on. From the smell that came to your nose you knew it was him. You felt him walk for a while and then the cold sheets hit your back as he tried to let you sleep comfortably and peaceful.
"Please stay with me"you said with your sleepy and deep voice as you grabbed him from his shirt trying to make him stay next to you.
With your eyes closed you put your hands around his torso. His hands were making their way through your hair, the most relaxing thing you could have ever asked for.
"Spiderman is the coolest superhero in the m.c.u."you said opening your eyes but still not looking at him but at the wall across the room and squeezing his shirt a little more tighter."You were right I needed some sleep but now i know this is the right answer."you finally looked up at him
He smiled at you, admiring your face and how cute you were acting now.
"Do I have something on my face?"you asked little worried. Your self confidence was about to start falling again even more.
"You are the cutest person Y/N I have ever met. I love you so much. I never thought I could get to love someone as much as I do. I even question my self at night how did I get so lucky. You're the best thing in my life now. And not only now. I love you babygirl. And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel other than loved. I love you."
You looked up to the boy next to you.Him confessing his feelings to you was something that you never could get used to. You loved that boy with your whole heart and soul. Your tears left your eyes falling all the way down your face. The love you had for him was unbelievable. You couldn't explain it, or put it into words.
"I love you Tommy. And I'm sorry for making you mad today. I wanted to play with you but i never thought of this. I'm so so sorry baby" you grabbed his face and kissed him on his cheek.
"I am sorry for making you feel bad or sad. I thought you were going to laugh but after we closed and I couldn't hear you laughing I knew I screwed things up"he laughed but you saw this tears at the edge of his eyes.
His was the love of your life.
He kissed you gently on your lips. His hands now on your waist trying to pull you even closer to him. Your hands on his hair playing with them. Your felt your heart almost explode into your chest.
"Goodnight Tom"you said with your sleepy voice after breaking your kiss.
"Goodnight babygirl"he said grabbing you into a hug that lasted till next morning.
I'm so sorry for any mistakes. And I'm sorry if this is cringe for you heheheh...<3
*gif is not mine*
Thanks for reading❤
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bigmamag · 4 years
anon here. thanks so much for that meta, i really enjoyed it and i really liked how you brought up things i havent seen anyone talk about with wwx's moments of affection being subtle & lwj's are big. it made me think of yin and yang where the quiet one expresses things loudly while the loud one expresses things quietly. and no, i honestly don't doubt that wwx's affect for lwj is real. i think they love each other very much, my last ask was about them trying to make amends and how it seems (pt 1)
(pt 2) like lwj is doing all the emotional heavy lifting while wwx just seems to idk regret that his plans didnt work? so to me, not having seen it, it comes off like lwj is the only one trying to fix things. am i just missing things because fans like to talk about lwj's affection and wwx feeling like hes not worthy of love so things are skewed? also, is there any other place to watch this besides netflix? i dont have the service so im forced to watch vicariously thru tumblr :(
Hello anon again! I think you definitely should see it, mostly because it’s just a damn good show even if you ship nothing. I do have to say that it’s not so much that his plans don’t work and more like he’s literally being manipulated and is constantly misunderstood, like he tries so hard to do the right thing but things keep going wrong, my heart breaks watching it all fall apart. I think that’s why fans go feral over Lan Zhan’s devotion because damn it, Wei Wuxian needs that kind of love expressed how much shit he goes through over the course of this series. And that’s one of his biggest regrets, not being there for Wei Wuxian. Like, oh my god how he suffers and how he loses so much, I don’t want to spoil everything but when you get to episode 33, yeah, it hurts. I’d be interested to see if you still saw it that way after seeing the show, which here I bring good news because it’s on youtube for free, just search for The Untamed and all 50 episodes are there for the taking (warning that the first couple of episodes kind of start in the middle of the story, then it goes back to the beginning and we enter into an episode 30 episode flashback lol.) Also I’m working on a pimp post I may finish tonight or post tomorrow, because I love doing those things and getting people to try new stuff, so that might interest you as well
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androidemotions · 4 years
for the ask, Torchwood! (what else tho akdjjfj)
aishkasjdhkjash ‘what else’ ..... youre not wrong
Favorite character: hmm this is kinda a hard one but im gonna go with Ianto
Least Favorite character: ok, for this im gonna said adam, not because he’s badly written or anything but just because he scares me so much, like he’s a really good antagonist and that makes me hate him askjdhahsd
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): janto, tosh/lois (my crack ship 💖💖💖), ummm, gwen/rhys? ig, tosh/being appreciated, and tosh/any woman. so, thats them, thats my top five kasjhdkjhad
Character I find most attractive: oooh thats hard, im gonna say it’s tosh, jack, or gwen, oh my god, also martha, there are too many ;;;;
Character I would marry: martha, ok that one was easy
Character I would be best friends with: jack, i just think he would be super fun to be friends with
a random thought: torchwood is..... so heartbreaking at times, but i really appreciate how that heartbreak (at least in the first two seasons) is portrayed as something you can still live with and deal with
An unpopular opinion: I dont really like tosh/owen as a ship, i dont think he deserved her after how he treated her. i dont hate owen or anything but i think he should work out his issues on his own and he simply doesnt desever her u_u
My Canon OTP: easy, janto
My Non-canon OTP: again, easy, tosh/lois
Most Badass Character: ok, this might seem off-base but im gonna go with tosh for this, because despite how timid she can sometimes be in social situations, she’s so cool under pressure. like in these highstakes situations she’s unshakable, if theres ever danger, tosh is absolutely the biggest badass. this title could also potientally go to ianto or gwen. but never jack. jack is just a weirdo who runs directly at everything and it just happens to work out for him (sometimes) askdjfhkshdf
Most Epic Villain: the sleepers ! i just really like that episode over all, honestly this villain would have been way cooler if that plotline hadnt been dropped off the face of the earth after s2 (i knowww its in the audios i just mean on screen)
Pairing I am not a fan of: ok, so i already said towen up on the unpopular opinion part bc i didnt read all the way down so im gonna do another pairing i dont like, gwen/jack, it’s like, i get it because theyre both hot, but i really feel like if they were in a romantic relationship they would really just bring out the worst in each other
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): honestly, jack, because i feel like they didnt acknowledge well enough the way his trauma would affect him, or had him really work through it. like, they just would like say “oh all this terrible stuff happened to jack” for the angst and never followed thru with him dealing with that stuff, idk
Favourite Friendship: ok this one is REALLY hard!! i might have to go with ianto & lois, which i know is like crack friendship but like, its so good i love writing those two
Character I most identify with: either ianto or jack (probably ianto considering my url)
Character I wish I could be: god, can none of them be an answer???? skjhkahdhj wait, i would like to be myfanwy. because then ianto would take care of me and give me dark chocolate as a treat sometimes and also i would be a pteranodon and wouldnt have to worry about human problems anymore jdhkhasdkjh
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firesoulstuff · 5 years
ship ask game 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27 (Captain Canary), 27 (Mixen). Sorry it's so many!
Wow. Don’t be sorry! Im so excited! Alright, let’s get started here!
1. Name a ship that feels like home.
I’d say Captain Canary for that one. When Legends first started Captain Canary brought me back to my childhood in the sense that kid’s shows, the intentions for ships is pretty obvious from the get-go. You know in episode 1 Kim is going to end up with Ron by the end of the series, Katara with Aang, Danny with Sam, ect. Adult shows have more drama and complications, so you need to spend a few episodes feeling the characters out and deciding who you ship. But with Captain Canary, as soon as Sara asked if he wanted to dance, it felt like they belonged together. There was no question. It was simple, and I still love it.
2. Name a ship that you love but have conflicted feelings over.
I guess... Mixen? I LOVE Mixen, I tend to make that very obvious. But Mick is what? 47 or so? Amaya is 26 or 27? Idk, I LOVE them but sometimes I remember there’s roughly 20 years age difference between them and it weirds me out a little (Yes, I know there is 15 years between Sara and Leonard, and sometimes I’m a little weirded out by that too, but something about them having been minors at the same time at one point makes it a littler easier to get past for me)
5. Name a ship that is different from all other ships.
I’m gonna say Jax/Sin. I generally don’t ship characters who have never met even once in canon, especially not when there is probably no hope of them ever meeting, but someone put this ship in my head and I just find it so adorable!
6. Name a ship that most represents your type of ship.
Again, Captain Canary. Ships where they are 100% equals and respect each other as such are my absolute favorite.
10. Name a ship that is funny.
Ok, not my usual fandom, but Garret/Dina from Superstore. They crack me up, probably because Dina is such an extreme personality and Garret is so indifferent to most things, but when he gets worked up he GETS WORKED UP. They went from enemies, to lovers, to enemies, to friends, to one-time-lovers, to enemies, to friends, and they are still going, currently back in the direction of enemies.
11. Name a ship that is sweet.
Darhkatom. They’re just so cute. Ray is the human embodiment of sunshine, and despite all Nora’s baggage she was able to seamlessly fall into a relationship with him, it was so refreshing to not have an “I’m too damaged for love” arc.
12. Name a ship that is tragic.
CAPTAIN CANARY. They have SO much potential but Len went and died in season 1, and we never even got to see Sara grieving him (really) so we didn’t even get closure! They deserved SO much better!
13. Name a ship that is slow burn.
Killervibe. They’ve been such a good slow burn that I didn’t ship them for awhile, but they’re relationship has built so naturally that now I would love to see it explored.
16. Name a ship in which you love all characters equally.
Captain Canary. Mixen. Killervibe. Most of my ships, actually. I have a hard time shipping characters if I dislike one of them.
20. Name the best song that accompanies a ship.
Captain Canary: Hell and Back, by Maren Morris
21. Name your favorite ship from a book.
Ooh. Ok, so I haven’t read an actual book in years probably, I read mostly fan fiction. That being said, I read The Clay Marble a couple times in school, and I loved Sarun/Nea. The book is about these two 12-year-old girls living in a refugee camp, and their older siblings are just falling in love in the background and it is SO cute!
22. Name your favorite ship from a movie.
Morticia and Gomez Addams. They are their own level of perfection.
I also am a HUGE shipper of Peter Quill and Gamora
23. Name your favorite ship from a show.
I’m gonna say Elenor/Chidi from The Good Place. I feel like I’ve answered Captain Canary more than enough times, but them too. (Sidenote, Elenor/Chidi are KILLING me this season!)
24. Name your favorite moment ever from a ship. 
Going back to the old days here. When Danny and Sam kissed at the end of Danny Phantom. I somehow missed the series finale of Danny Phantom. Not missed like, didn’t see it premier. Missed like, I didn’t know it happened. I legit thought Danny Phantom just faded out like so many other cartoons, and despite all the time I spent online/in front of a TV growing up, I didn’t find out it had a real finale for YEARS. I was mad about it until I was maybe 15, and I discovered a shot from the finale online. So their getting together is my favorite moment, because it was SO built up for me.
27. Name the biggest change you would make to Captain Canary.
In all seriousness, Leonard would’ve lived, they would’ve started casually having sex which would’ve soon shifted into dating, he would’ve become Sara’s second-in-command when she became Captain, and everything she had to learn alone over the course of the series they would’ve handled together.
27. Name the biggest change you would make to Mixen.
The out of nowhere romance with Nate never would’ve happened and Amaya would’ve continued being close with Mick.
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secretshinigami · 5 years
Masterlist of B’s Bitchin Prompts
A compiled list of everyone’s prompts from this round of our exchange – thank you for letting us post them, and we hope you guys enjoy them! If you use a prompt, please let us know and we’ll reblog your piece!
Prompts are organized by their submitter, so feel free to ctrl+f to find character-specific prompts.
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Misa surrounded by lots of flowers, with Rem floating in the background.
Light, happy, wearing goth/emo clothes & he’s holding an apple.
Female!L and female!Light  on a date in an ice café
Misa  in pastel goth fashion, reading a book.
Shien from Light Up The New World meeting Mello (from his time at the mafia) and Misa (from before L died)
Near and Misa eating ice cream together
Misa painting Mello’s nails
Linda painting Misa
Mello in pastel clothes, being in a café with Misa
Beyond crying with A’s dead body in the background
Misa standing on the edge of the building she jusmped off, viewed through the shinigami eyes.
Light waking up in his teenage bedroom after he died, as a seventeen-year-old a day before he would’ve found the death note, and what he’d do
Mello finds the death note instead of Light, and if he’d tell Matt about it
Beyond and Misa spending a day together (going shopping, playing pranks on ppl, committing murder, a date, etc. it’s your choice!)
(pre-canon) Misa going on vacation with her family to Winchester, and befriending the Wammy’s kids, Maki and her father are also there
(pre-canon) Mello adopting a stray cat and naming her L, he absolutely adores her. one day she dies, how he would react
Naomi meets L, she thinks he’s Beyond Birthday. how does he convince her otherwise?
Light being suicidal, and either Misa or L stop him from killing himself, and the conversation that ensues
 Linda lives in LA, and gets contacted by Near, years after the Kira case
Misa performing a ritual to talk to ghosts after Light died. She actually manages to contact a ghost, L’s ghost
Beyond contacting Misa because someone told him she had a god of death at her command, and he wants to bring someone back (A, or L, your decision), Rem (compassionately) explaining that it doesn’t work that way, and Misa comforting Beyond (it’s optional whether or not they end up friends)
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Light and Mikami having a lightsaber fight
Rester is Takada's bodyguard
Gevanni putting together a ship in a bottle
the FBI asks B for help in a case + Naomi and Raye look on slightly horrified at his antics
Rester is Takada's bodyguard
Gevanni putting together a ship in a bottle while on a case
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MatsuLight kissing
Beyond birthday being creepy
Mob!au, ideally focused on Light
Light and Matsuda on a first date
Ryuk stays with Light during the Yotsuba arc
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A in a crop top with the queer flag(s) of your choice
Mello and sun imagery
Pokémon (Go or not) AU with the Wammy gang (including possible OCs of yours)
band AU with Light, Misa, Ryuk and L
Light with Hanahaki disease (you can pick the ship you want, make it AU or not)
Naomi and BB interacting (during the LABB case or in an AU)
L/Light being soulmates (canon or AU)
how Matt started smoking (I am comfortable with heavy drug themes)
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Light and L as goth idols
Naomi & B as Pokemon trainers
L taking care of a cat
Light, L and Misa dressed up for Halloween
LawLight Little Mermaid AU where Light is a mermaid
LawLight Mad Max AU
What chain of events brought Wammy to adopt L?
During Yotsuba Arc, Misa forces Light on a night date at the karaoke and L has to follow them because he and Light are still chained together. What happens after few drinks and some songs?
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Naomi and B rocking some tuxedos!
Mello and Matt just laying around at Wammy's. Just a nice art is more than enough, but if you feel like making it into a funny one-panel comic then that would be awesome :D
Misa and B (and any other character you feel like including) killing it at Met Gala -literally or figuratively or both is up to you xD
An LxLight slowburn with Yotsuba!Light obsessing over whether he is in fact Kira or not.
The Tales of That One Time Mello Allegedly Beat Matt's Ass at Mario Kart.
A first-person narration of Misa after finding out Light died, and how she planned her suicide (but if it's a triggering subject for you I totally get it! No probs at all)
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misa at one of her concerts! super hardcore and goth and metal
 Light and L being soft and loving to each other!!
misa and beyond but LIFE SWAP AU where b is the tormented rockstar second kira and misa is the bitter, murderous wammy's kid!
beyond meets naomi before starting his LABB plan and his love for her convinces him not to go through w it <3333 you can make it romantic if you want by im more a platonic ship sort of dude!
kira!L goes up against detective!Light
light being tailed by L’s ghost
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Near and Light kissing
Mikami and Light in the rain sharing an umbrella
Mello travelling
Domestic Mikalight
Matsuda confronting Near on the theory he brings up at the end of the manga
Nate and Light having an obtuse argument, but with romantic undertones
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L wearing Gucci
Watari on his day off
Anyone as a pokemon trainer
Misa and Beyond going shopping
Mikami and Kiyomi hanging out on their day off
Ryuk and Rem playing the wii together
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L in a sweater that says "My Gender is Shut the Fuck Up"
Light with a bloody nose and starry eyes
L with his hair in a loose ponytail, reading a Nancy Drew book
The books L read as a child, bonus points if you do Nancy Drew and not Sherlock
3 drinks Light has had with men he's in love with (your choice on who the men are)
L putting Light into a coat and leaving an object in his pocket that Light finds later, with Light speculating what the object means.
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Backup in a magical girl outfit (whether it's from akazukin chacha or somewhere else, it doesn't matter)
Mello playing a sport like soccer or baseball, in a cool sports uniform perhaps
Sayu and Light studying together!!
Backup back in his Wammy days before doing the LABB, interacting with other students or working on case files
Light and Yuri's date at the amusement park since she still wanted to go so badly after the bus-jacking incident.
 L and Rem have a chat shortly before L's death, by themselves. L likely knows he'll be dying soon, and Rem has the same feeling.
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Misa making Valentine’s Day chocolate, perhaps while daydreaming about a fantastically unlikely result of giving them to Light.
Meme redraws featuring Misa, Light, and L. Just go crazy. Any ridiculous meme image, shove these dorks in there instead.
A family portrait of Misa when she was younger, imagining her parents and sister or with their faces obscured.
Misa and Mogi on a shopping “date” in which the unlikely pair manage to work together surprisingly well. 
Light considers eliminating Misa from the equation many times, but there’s always something that stops him. Explore how he views her and the dissonance between how he views her versus how he views himself, as well as the reasoning for keeping her around longer than intended. 
An older Sayu reflecting on how her relationship with her brother has changed, and maybe trying to rekindle the closeness she felt when they were younger. 
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Misa in fashionable clothes or Misa in Scene/emo fashion
L x Light hate-relationship
Misa, Light, and L (and any other characters you prefer) as fantasy classes/races, like d&d
L/Light hate pining/complicated emotions between these emotionally stunted men
Misa getting together with Rem instead of Light
Sayu and Misa being friends
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Light and Near interacting in any form
College professor AU (any characters)
Art inspired by any of my fics or drabbles is always welcome!
Light in prison always gets a hell yeah
Light and Sayu at the beach being siblings and having fun
Canon divergence: Mello kidnaps Light instead of Sayu
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 Misa Amane giving Beyond Birthday a very Misa makeover
Demegawa at a spa, getting pampered after a hard day at work 
Team Kira (Mikami, Light, Misa, Takada, Higuchi is optional) as a visual kei band.
Death Note is actually a TV drama; Misa and Light are actors and Misa is starting to think that Light hates her just like his character even though they are dating
An insight on the aftermath of Aizawa quitting, how did his family react, doubts about his marriage and his future
Sachiko and Sayu take the day off to have a girls' night.
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Beyond chilling with some tigers in the jungle (if you enjoy drawing animals)
70s fashion Mello+Matt (romantic or no)
stone faced 1920s family-style portrait of L + the Wammy boys (A+B included or removed, however youd like)
Beyond and A start a ghosthunting business, B is essentially a fake psychic but A can actually see ghosts
Pre-orphanage backstory for any of the Wammy boys (not necessarily tragic! think series of unfortunate events moreso than a true crime documentary)
What if death note was written like a seinfeld episode?
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Sidoh drinking hot chocolate & being happy
B in a bathrobe with a strawberry pattern
Naomi and Halle on a date
Awkward post-Kira case dinner at Gevanni's house that includes all four living members of the SPK
Mello interviews B, but B mostly just trolls him and doesn't give clear answers to anything he asks
L uses astrology to try and prove that Light is Kira
Your interpretation of A with B sharing a nice moment at Wammy’s house 
A few characters of your choice aged-up (what do you think they’d have looked like in the show if they had grown older?)
Matt and Mello (either at wammy’s house or after— doesn’t have to be super shippy if you don’t want)
Near with a big fluffy dog— maybe a therapy/comfort dog
Either L or Naomi visiting Beyond in prison
Gevanni, Rester, or other SPK members reflecting on Near. Maybe including an attempt at trying and failing to treat him like a child
A and Beyond are alive for the Kira case au
Past light meeting future light
90s fashion Beyond
Creepy contortionist L
the Death Note cast recreating a famous painting1. Mello and Beyond bonding (but not as a ship)
Light in any of the circles of Hell
the main Death Note cast set in a 'Lord of the Flies' situation
Naomi, B and L shenanigans
Halle, Wedy and Naomi as Charlie's angels1. Naomi visiting B in jail
Raye meeting B
Misa and Rem painting each other's nails black.
Matt and Mello cuddling and watching the rain.
L dressed as Sherlock Holmes.
oleswap AU between L and Light.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde AU with Light as Jekyll (Kira being his hidden personality aka Hyde) and L as Gabriel Utterson.
A story of how Ryuuk summarizes his adventure with the human world in a poem, really dark poem, which he later declaims to the Shinigami King and the unnamed Shinigami.
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Shipping Game
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
Tagged by: @eurazba​ (thank you!)
Just gonna do this for Trollhunters, actually
As a note, since there’s only 5 ships, I changed the numbers around somewhat
1. Jlaireby
2. Tlaire
3. Joby
4. Ajim
5. Galadrilake
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 5?
I think I started shipping it after the show ended, when I was going through AO3 and found some Galadrilake fic. I was like, “this is a ship with both of Jim’s main parental figures... GONNA SHIP IT” and that was that.
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4? 
Oh, uh... There’s a bunch of great Ajim fic out there, but not a lot, so I usually just click on the Jim Lake Jr/Aja Tarron tag and re-read some of the stuff. I don’t really have a favorite but i am working on a couple ajim things right now
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2? 
God, I have no idea. Like Ajim, there isn’t a great amount of content, so I just find the tag and go through that sometimes.
What’s your favorite headcanon for 1?
They love to cuddle. They’ll just... flop down on the softest available surface after a hard day and cuddle and fall asleep on each other. Jim is usually the “pillow”, cos he’s so big, and Toby and Claire will just lay on him haphazardly.
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7 gonna make this 2? 
They just respect each other so much. They know what each is capable of and encourage them to do their best. They also have some really great banter, which helps their relationship in that they can talk things out if either gets to serious or angry. 
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? 
Uh, I’m not comfortable answering this, so I won’t for any of the ships.
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry?
I would think Jlaireby. Jim and Toby have known each other for years, and Claire fits so well into their established dynamic. They fight extremely well with each other, and they all know each others’ strengths and weaknesses.
Which ship has the strongest bond?
Joby. They’ve known each other since they were four and have knowledge of each other that no one else could ever know. They’re best friends! That’s the best kind of ship!
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about?
Since they’re all rarepairs, I take what I can get, but when it comes down to it, Jlaireby is the one I read the most about. I never thought I’d ship a poly ship, but here I am, shipping the hell out of Jlaireby.
Which one was your first ship?
Either Jlaireby or Joby. I can’t remember.
If 1 were to break up, how would it happen?
I honestly don’t think they would; they’ve been through too much together and they are the Ultimate Trio. But, if they did, I think they would mutually decide on it, they resolve to still be friends. They are the only ones who have been through they have, after all.
Between 3 and 5, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? 
3 is two teens (Joby) and 5 is two adults (Galadrilake), so... I don’t know. They could both hold their own. 
Maybe Galadrilake, because they have the most life experience, one’s a doctor and the other has been in a couple of wars? I dunno.
Does 2 hide their relationship, and if so, why? 
No, no they do not. Well, maybe Claire hesitates to tell her parents, but no, they don’t hide it. Toby makes sure of that. 
What is 4′s favorite date to go on? 
Ice cream date. Both Aja and Jim love ice cream, but especially Aja because ice cream is one of her favorite Earth foods. They always go to this one little parlor where the owners know them by name. 
What’s your favorite canon moment between 5? 
There’s no canon Galadrilake moment, but my favorite interaction of theirs would be the scene on the cliff in The Eternal Knight part 2, where they mutually and silently promise to support their son however they can. They love their son, and that is what would probably bring them together. 
What do 5 argue most about? 
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? 
Jlaireby. It’s my second OTP, actually. no i will not say my first
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? 
Again, I’m not comfortable answering this, so I won’t
Do 3 want children? 
They would love kids, but they would probably adopt.
unless there was some magic or akiridion tech that could give them bio kids
Between 5 and 1, which would you rather become canon? 
Aaaahhh, I don’t know!! Jlaireby has a great dynamic, but so does Galadrilake, so I’m gonna say...
...Jlaireby? I would love if Toby got included
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? 
Yes. and Yes.
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other?
Ooooh, uh, tie between Jlaireby and Ajim.
How would the proposal between 5 go? 
I would think Blinky would set up some sort of fancy meal thing, then would tell Barb how she changed his life or whatever, then propose. 
Barbara would definitely start crying. Then say yes.
Who cooks more often in 3?
...Is this a trick question
Right, that was fun!
Gonna tag... 
@elizabethemerald , @im-the-king-of-the-ocean , @emmy-puff , and anyone else who would like to do this.
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the-velociruby · 5 years
Earnest Discussions with Velo C. Raptor, #1
My Experiences with Bumbleby
I wanna try expressing my opinions & opening up a little bit here, if no one minds. This’ll be a first in a bunch of personal discourses, if anyone wants to see these kinds of posts from me. So as I am making my presence known on this site (probably a bad idea), I’ve been representing myself as a Bumbleby shipper. I wouldn’t say I’m the most devout shipper out there, nor do I really want to be viewed in that way, but when there’s a pairing that I really enjoy I’ll latch onto it tight. And Bumbleby happens to be one of them. Why do I enjoy it so much you may ask? Well, let’s dive right into that.
When I was first getting into anime, with Fullmetal Alchemist & Attack on Titan being my firsts, I was really getting into it. But my interests in most of the shows I watched died out as I finished them, and I felt a little empty without a show to be obsessed with. I was also an avid fan of Red Vs Blue at the time, so when they first announced RWBY as I was getting into anime, I was really interested. After watching the trailers, I was hooked. After watching the very first episode, I was in love with it. Granted, I didn’t like Volume 2 all that much (despite the bees’ dance), so my interests in it did die a little; that was quickly remedied by Volume 3, and then I was officially obsessed.
So while watching RWBY in its early years, I came to a few conclusions that others may have had at first: that Cinder Fall was the biggest bad, Adam Taurus was supposed to be some sort of mysterious badass (cue vomit in mouth), and everyone was gonna have a happy ending of some kind. Oh, and there was also something really important I concluded at the time: I thought everybody was straight. To me, it looked like almost everyone had a love interest of the opposite gender, such as Jaune & Pyrrha, Ren & Nora, Weiss & Neptune… and Sun & Blake. I didn’t really look hard enough into the show to think otherwise; I just assumed that Sun and Blake were gonna hook up while Yang was just gonna have her adventures happily by herself or with Ruby. It didn’t really bother me when I thought Rooster Teeth was gonna go for an all straight romance; I was pretty much fine with it because I would support the show I enjoy no matter what. Although admittedly, I did find that somewhat boring.
So if I thought RWBY was gonna go a heteronormative route, what got me into Bumbleby? Back to me first getting into anime: a thing I would do was go on the internet and search the shows I watched in the hopes of finding more content, which was how I came upon the world of fanfics and fanart. I remember how I’d look for & read FMA fanfics nonstop. RWBY was no exception; thus, I was introduced to Bumbleby through the fan-made works of its supporters (same for White Rose, which is also my favorite but a guilty pleasure because I think it’s much less likely to be canon). At first I was confused by such work, thinking ‘why would anybody ship Blake and Yang together if Blake had Sun?’ It didn’t make sense to me at first, but I found myself drawn to the numerous depictions of Blake & Yang together nonetheless.
And then it hit me: they look good together. GREAT, in fact. I was stunned, never having thought that such a relationship could have ever been conceived before. It was as if nothing could compare, nor the other RWBY ships could stand up to it. Not even Arkos, probably one of if not the most significant ship in RWBY, was designed so perfectly like Bumbleby was. Just everything about those two complimented & contrasted with each other so well – black against yellow, amber eyes complementary to lilac ones, and their fantasy inspirations intermingling with one another. The more I would find fanart and fanfics of it, the more I would fall in love with it. It was by far the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, and it was the works of other fans that convinced me that they were the perfect ship.
But to me at first, it didn’t look like Rooster Teeth agreed with that train of thought. I still believed that they were gonna put everyone in a straight romance (and by that I mean I still thought Blake and Sun were gonna hook up). I didn’t really have any of the investigative skills I have now to look deeper into the show to think otherwise, though I did question moments in the show that wouldn’t have made sense for a friendship-Bumbleby or a romantic-Black Sun. Still, I was certain that Blake & Yang were straight at first, so I pretty much made Bumbleby a guilty pleasure. Honestly, I would’ve still supported Rooster Teeth and RWBY if they went with Black Sun, as I didn’t fall for the series simply for the romance.
Then Volume 4 came out, then Volume 5, and now Volume 6. Now, I have come to new conclusions: RWBY has a bigger n’ better bad in the form of Salem, Adam is the bull-horned bastard that he is who deserved damnation, and everything is a lot more greyer than previously thought (as in not morally black and white). Oh, and I concluded something else that’s really important: not everybody is straight. Black Sun turned out to be a friendship more so than a romance; Yang and Blake were painfully missing each other during their separation; then they were reunited and that’s all that matters (music reference haha); everything just started pointing towards a deeper relationship between the ex-partners. Bumbleby was more than likely to be canon, and it pretty much is at this point. Their stories were practically woven together, setting everything up for them to be together. Everything about Bumbleby just seemed right now. I couldn’t have been more elated.
So some individuals outside the Bumbleby fandom may think that I’m “delusional” for believing in its confirmation. Some of those people may think I’m approving of something “toxic” (which is a ridiculous sentiment might I add). Frankly, I don’t care for any negative things others might say about my preferences. This is the internet, only real life can hurt my feelings. It also never matters to me if the characters in a canon or non-canon ship are of the same gender & sexuality or not, what matters is that they’re depicted to be happy and in love. I ship two characters I adore because it makes me happy. Frankly, I’m always afraid of never finding a special someone. The thought of not having a partner and living alone severely depresses me, and I have these thoughts constantly. But when I see two amazing characters I appeal to in a happy, healthy, and fantastically developed relationship, especially one like Bumbleby, it will always give me a little hope for my own future. Or if a ship’s simply canon then I’ll just love it like a blind puppy dog.
So I guess that’s all I have to say. I enjoy the Bees, they’re on their way to canonization if not already, and I couldn’t be happier. I also couldn’t be more thankful for the contributions of others in the RWBY fandom to Bumbleby. If I didn’t find the passion behind Bumbleby that others have, a passion I learned to share & understand, I’d probably be a generally more miserable person than a joyful one. Thank you for taking your time to read this earnest discussion. If anyone wants to see more of these from me, please be sure to let me know. Also, send me any asks if you want me to elaborate on anything!
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ladyadalicialove · 5 years
Onichan and Bakerix Review! SPOILER WARNING AHEAD!!
Two new episodes of MLB!! Huge spoiler warning if you have not seen them!!
Here I will discuss my many feelings on the two lastest episodes of MLB, and link the English Subs I watched if you haven’t seen them yet!
S3E9 Onichan: https://youtu.be/jh0BxLddCbY
So Lila returned and is still up to her tricks. Somehow people are still listening to her, which means that Marinette and Adrien have not told their classmates about her. Big oops there.
I honestly don’t appreciate Marinette eavesdropping and stalking Adrien at all, I never liked it before and I still don’t. I think it makes her love for Adrien seem more obsessive and really downplays how incredibly loving she can be. But at the same time I can see why she follows him, because she knows Lila is going to use him and hurt him. In a way she is looking out for a friend but she knows that Adrien knows that Lila is a liar. Therefore there is no need for her to be concerned. I’m conflicted on her motivations but in the long run she looks obsessive.
Kagami is a great character and I’ve always loved her, and my heart broke when she started crying. But I don’t understand how she can love Adrien??? If a guy took me on a date, where not only did he not tell you it was a double date with a girl friend of his, but also abandons you to go after said girl. I would be pissed, not in love? Maybe she has convinced herself that Adrien is insecure and little ignorant but that also mean he is ignorant to his feelings about her?? I don’t understand Kagami feelings but I like her.
Also she is a great potential partner for him. Hear me out because I’m a hard Adrienette, he trusts her more than any other girl. He cares for and obviously she is more than capable. His father seems to approve of her and she looks out for him. Marinette can barely string a sentence in front of him and her obsessive stalking is a bit creepy. I kinda ship Adrigami??? But then again after Silencer, Lukanette is looking fantastic.
My biggest problem with this episode is that...
CHAT NOIR ALWAYS POUNDS IT IM CRYINGGU AHY!! He never does this is my sunshine child okay!?
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Overall this episode was quite painful to watch, and I’m mad at our little sunshine child.
S3E10 Boulangerix (Bakerix): https://youtu.be/JenTrrQ8VdQ
So he pounds it with Ladybug this episode but it was too much in the previous??? I’m really salty at him! Lukanette is looking fan-fucking-tastic compared to the disaster of the love square.
So Mari's grandpa has not left the house in twenty years meaning, he did not go to Tom and Sabine's wedding, missed Marinette's birth and her all of her birthdays. Probably missed Tom and Sabine opening the bakery? Like wow that man was stubborn AF, glad he didn’t pass that on to Tom or Marinette.
I truly had a hard time this episode, Marinette's grandpa was so bitter and stubborn it was a lot to watch initially. But by the end he was so loving and caring towards her, I had to forgive him. He had Chat take him home and ran inside to see if she was safe. Marinette was a goddamn angel this episode like how she had the patience to deal with him was beyond me. But it was amazing to see her wit and see how truly clever Marinette is. Obviously nobody is better at problem solving like her, she deserves to be a hero of be paris 100%.
So this might be me being detailed oriented but when I searched up the episode list for this season, one of the future episodes is called 'Startrain'. Episode thirteen to be exact. And the train that was being announced in this episode was called Startrain, coincidence?
I THINK NOT! Here is a blurry pic for proof from this episode and a pic from the episode list on their wiki.
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And According to the synopsis of Startrain; "Ladybug and Cat Noir challenge Max's mother, now Startrain." Meaning that Max's mother is somehow apart of the new train!!! Possibly the builder or the founder of the train? Maybe she is a politician who is against it. But that’s just a theory, a MIRACULOUS theory.
My favourite part of the episode was seeing Tom and Sabine's wedding photo, how sweet!! She looked absolutely gorgeous in her gown!!! I wanna draw Marinette trying on her mother's wedding dress.
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I liked the second half more than the first half but it was alright episode in total. I appreciate having a look into Tom's side more and where his love of baking comes from. Especially how he has taught Marinette everything he knows.
Love to hear everyone’s opinions on the newest eps! The tea has been spilled and I wanna know what you guys think!
Don’t worry guys Astruc said Adriennette was gonna be canon when Season 3 ended we just gotta hold on a little longer! STAY WITH ME!!!!!!!
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pastel-cryptids · 5 years
Shipping Game!
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
I was tagged by @elizabethemerald (Thank you and sorry this is so late!!!)
(I’m not the biggest shipper so I only put 4 fldkgfkd)
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 4? (Barbmura)
There isn’t really any canon content for this ship from canon :( I mainly got into it from fanfiction!! Of course my lesbian heart immediately in love with it.
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4? (Barbmura)
Honestly, I don’t have a specific favorite fanfic! However, @im-the-king-of-the-ocean has some great Barbmura fanfics.
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2? (Symbra)  
Ah, I love this one a lot X!
What’s your favorite headcanon for 1? (Pharmercy)
Angela and Fareeha were actually engaged before Overwatch was recalled and just didn’t tell anyone. Everyone finds out when Fareeha randomly mentions it on Overwatch’s groupchat.
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 3? (Jlaireby)
I love how they all genuinely care for each other so much, and would do anything for each other!
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry?
Aah that’s hard to choose!!! Would it be cheating to say all of them???
Which ship has the strongest bond?
Definitely Pharmercy. Those women have known each other for a long time and have also been through hell and back.
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? 
Honestly, Pharmercy has the most content compared to the rest of these ships, so probably that one.
Which one was your first ship?
Symbra! I loved Sombra and Symmetra ever since I got into Overwatch, and their dynamic is pretty neat.
If 3 were to break up, how would it happen? (Jlaireby)
Probably due to mental health. I have a feeling things would get better though.
Between 3 and 4, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? (Jlaireby and Barbmura)
Probably Barbmura. Barbara is a doctor and Nomura is a skilled fighter. I think the biggest danger would probably be Barbara being human and most likely to be hurt.
Does 2 hide their relationship, and if so, why? (Symbra)
Sombra and Satya would probably hide it for a little while, due to Sombra being part of Talon. However, after Sombra leaves Talon, they’d be pretty open.
What is 1′s favorite date to go on? (Pharmercy)
They love to wander. They usually eat a nice dinner then run around the city.
What’s your favorite canon moment between 3? (Jlaireby)
When they all reunite in the Darklands :’)
What do 4 argue most about? (Barbmura)
The kids’ safety, especially Jim’s. Barbara is still paranoid that Jim’s going to get himself killed, while Nomura believes that Jim will be fine.
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose?
That’s physically impossible to choose so I won’t answer.
Do 1 want children? (Pharmercy)
Someday in the future! Angela would be nervous about their lifestyle affecting the child and Fareeha worries about being a bad mother. That never happens, of course.
Between 1 and 4, which would you rather become canon?
Both, because lesbians babey.
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? (Symbra)
Sombra flirts constantly and Satya loves it. Smooches, hugging, everything. Its slightly annoying at first, but everyone in Overwatch gets used to it.
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other?
Jlaireby, Symbra, and Pharmercy. They are all lovey nerds.
How would the proposal between 1 go? (Pharmercy)
I’m hoping to write about it one day, but I’ll just describe it for now. Angela plans everything. She picks up Fareeha and they go have a very nice dinner. Then Angela takes them to this small water fountain and play around in it. After a little bit, Angela finally gets down on her knee and asks Fareeha to marry her. Fareeha, of course, says yes.
Who cooks more often in 3? (Jlaireby)
Jim, obviously kdgfjgjs
I’ll tag @kiwibirdlafayette, @healara, @olliveen, @no-soul-no-problems, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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dork-empress · 5 years
tagged by @yellowmagicalgirl
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
Ineffable Husbands
Mostly just me going through my dash and thinking of what’s recent/what I’ve put thought into.
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6?
I mean, it was obviously leading up to this romance, but I think it super started when Griffin explaining when the two of them realized their feelings, and I really pictured Barry crying somewhere and Lup going to him, and Barry trying to fix the robots no matter how hard it was, and just....those were so visual I FELT it, ya know?
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4?
I haven’t read enough yet, but I really enjoy “Hot Single Dads in your area”
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2?
Its been a while, but I’ll go with this one.
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What’s your favorite headcanon for 1?
I like headcanons where these two still bicker, continually, and compete on everything, but its done with fun.
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7?
It’s just so SOFT. They support each other, and are best friends and it makes me happy. 
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious?
I have no idea, but I have to imagine serious for the simple reason I cannot picture Garak giggling. Or rather I can and it frightens me. 
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry?
I would say Crowley/Aziraphale
Which ship has the strongest bond?
I’m gonna go with Hance?
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about?
Klance defo. I’ve been petering off and going more into Taakitz, but Klance has longevity on its side
Which one was your first ship?
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen?
Either violently, heartbreakingly, or both. And it’d get REAL awkward at their reaper job with poor Kravitz stuck in the middle. 
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse?
I mean Crowley and Aziraphale literally went through an apocalypse so I think they got this. 
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why?
They might at the beginning at the Garrison, but once in space I feel like they’d be louder and prouder.
What is 9′s favorite date to go on?
Lunch dates discussing intergalactic classical literature obviously.
What’s your favorite canon moment between 10?
When Worf decided to sacrifice his career to save Dax.
What do 5 argue most about?
I mean I’d wish it was about Steve’s treatment of Eli, but most likely its about how to take down creepers
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose?
At the moment its Taakitz. previously klance, and wuko before that. oh gosh now that im thinking of things i have so many more ships....
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares?
I mean. I mean uh. Lance likes being tied up, right? Like it was a joke but that was in canon. 
Do 8 want children?
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather become canon?
This is amazing, of all the ones on the list this question picked 2 that ARE canon. I guess in todays day and age, I’m happier that Taakitz is canon
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends?
Wu definitely does, Mako tries to pretend he’s annoyed but he isn’t, Korra and Asami think its sweet and Bolin wishes his brother had as good taste in men as he did in women. 
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other?
I think in terms of which is most OPEN with their affections? Blupjeans. Because Lup is always trying crazy things to make Barry blush, meanwhile Barry is just overly earnest and makes Lup blush. 
How would the proposal between 5 go?
I don’t know which one proposes, but whichever one gets there first is going to be tripping over themselves trying to make some grand gesture work....and ends up ruining it by blurting it out at some point. The other thinks its perfect anyway. 
Who cooks more often in 3?
Please let it be Scorpia. I can’t picture Catra cooking, and Entrapta I am 100% certain would explode the kitchen. 
I will tag.... @sunshineraccoon, @nerdy-cait05, @keelan-666, @miss-macabre-grey and @altalemur
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keithxhappiness · 5 years
Voltron S8 Review (SPOILERS)
OK, so I just finished Voltron Season 8. I had to watch it a day late because I went to see Into the Spiderverse (which was REVOLUTIONARY btw, I highly recommend seeing and supporting it!)
One of my biggest fears about watching it late was that something would be spoiled for me by twitter/tumblr/youtube, and although I got through it without any spoilers, I did see some general negativity surrounding the finale, without really knowing why though.
But after finishing it, I took a look at some of the comments to try to decipher what it was that made people think it was so terrible! So, here are my thoughts on the finale itself, and on peoples’ thoughts about the finale:
First, I would just like to say thank you to Voltron.
I have never been one for shipping battles, and I was never concerned with all of the controversy surrounding the political statements that could be made through the show.
My main focus was the story, and my connection to the characters, particularly Keith. No, not just because I think he’s insanely attractive.
Because, he reminds me of myself…I also struggle with trusting other people, and I often think I can do everything myself or that it would be easier if I took control of the situation. I’m not patient enough to give others a chance, which is something I recognize and am working to change.
So, Keith’s development embodies my own objectives. Which is part of the reason why I love him (the other being how HOT he is).
Keith aside, everything in this season was meant to display the core idea of this story: strength through unity. It is something I hope to truly experience one day, and I think it has been demonstrated beautifully throughout the show.
It is obvious to me that a lot of effort, thought, and work has been put into animating and producing this series, something that I am angered to see not appreciated enough.
Even when you don’t enjoy certain aspects of the story, there is NO DOUBT that the creators deserve respect. Respect needs to accompany criticism of the series, or else how can you possibly expect the creators to respect your criticisms?
So, to everyone who worked on Voltron, from the seeds of its creation to its conclusion, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, and I wish you the best in all your future endeavours.
I can’t wait to see what you come up with next :)
I guess I shall split this next part of the review into things I didn’t particularly like, and things that I liked.
Starting with the things I personally didn’t enjoy (and some other commentary):
a) Allura and Lance:
Ah yes, the dreaded Allurance. Although I said that I wasn’t heavily involved in shipping in this show, I was unfortunately all too aware of the war waged within the fandom, which frankly, was more chaotic than the war in the show itself :’)
Other than Lotura, I didn’t ship anyone with anyone else, personally. And I understood the resistance to Allura and Lance becoming a couple. I didn’t feel any chemistry between the two of them, and particularly for Allura, I only felt that she saw Lance as her family, just as she saw all the others.
Like, when he confessed to loving her in Episode 1, I felt that her reaction was something akin to “UM, cool, cool. Same here." However, there is no denying that the seeds for this union were planted from the start of the show. It would be foolish to think that this wasn’t their plan all along, really.
But somehow, it just didn’t click. I can’t wrap my head around why, though! For me, I think that I prefer the idea of two characters coming together as friends, and then romantically, if they’ve been helping one another overcome some emotional trauma. You could argue that Lance was doing that for Allura, but it didn’t really happen until this specific season, and so, it didn’t quite establish the strength of their bond in time for their romance to feel like anything but just something that happened.
ALL THAT SAID, their scenes together were still very cute…and the Altean markings she left behind on his face BROKE ME. If only the strength of their union, and their mutual love for eachother, was established a little earlier - season 6, maybe - it may have felt more right.
And when she left him behind, I expected MORE from him, resistance-wise. I didn’t like that he just…let her go, after a few tears and a kiss. I wanted him to pull her back, to offer himself instead, or to see him destroyed when they were returned to their reality.
But, I’ve never experienced this type of loss before. And, maybe, deep-down, he knew that he could do nothing to stop her. I just…wanted to see more from him.
Even when she had absorbed the entity. His role was too, too passive. A few times, he’d go “Allura, um, I don’t think this is safe…maybe we should think about this…” and Allura would respond with “No, shut up I know what im doing”, and Lance would just shut up. I wanted him to pull her and shake her and force her to come to her senses!
b) Allura’s death:
I am really sad to say that I knew this was coming.
I can’t believe the leaks were real. I guess they didn’t technically spoil anything because there was also doubt surrounding their authenticity.
And even knowing that it would happen, I AM NOT OKAY WITH IT.
I am happy that they established very early in this season the lengths to which Allura would go to stop Honerva. It was always clear that she was ready to sacrifice herself. Even when she was saying her goodbyes, she seemed to already have come to terms with the fact that her path was ending.
But, that doesn’t mean I’m happy with it.
You know, it’s interesting, I always say that I hate “happy” endings. I prefer my endings to be bitter sweet - like green tea lemonade. So, for everyone to get what they want — that to me is just too good to be true, and bothers me, because real life does not have a neat little ending like that.
So, I knew the ending had to be enveloped in some amount of loss. But for Allura to lose her life, after all that she’s lost, I had hoped she would get to keep her future.
Even without her past, that she could move forward and forge a new world for her people, and get to see that world with her own eyes. IF ANYONE deserved this, it would be Allura.
And like other people, I was really mad that she never had an opportunity to say goodbye to Coran, who was essentially her father figure, or to her own father’s soul.
So, in short, I didn’t want the “death” of the show to be Allura’s….but we don’t always get what we want…
c) Honerva:
I hated her, and not just because she was the antagonist.
The hilarious thing was that Season 8 had the exact same plot as Into the Spider-verse :’) And I still don’t understand why anyONE, crazy, evil, or otherwise, thinks that it’ll be a good idea to travel between REALITIES to find another version of your lost family.
I guess IT’S TRUE that people would do anything for their family, but it seems ridiculous to me that they wouldn’t consider the possible consequences for themselves as well their own world. It’s like time-travel. You just don’t mess with that shit.
But I also hated her as the antagonist. Her objective to me was just not compelling enough…I didn’t really feel her love for Lotor or for Zarkon. I just felt that she was cray cray.
For example, consider Castlevania: a show that excellently protrays the antagonist (Dracula’s) loss. You see why Dracula loved his family, the kind of (immortal) life he could have had.
But other than a few scenes when they were in her consciousness, I just didn’t really believe in her love.
I didn’t want to see her reunited with anyone. I just wanted her to chill out and leave my babies alone.
I also didn’t like how easy it was for Allura to sway her at the end. She seemed so weak-minded and stupid, despite having all the power that she did.
d) Some other things:
I wasn’t a huge fan of the amount of action comprising this season. I mean, not that it’s the show’s fault - this is a space opera about giant mechs, so obviously, there are going to be space and mech battles.
But I guess I prefer ground/hand-to-hand combat. It’s hard for me to follow mech fights, and I just like sword fights. This is a matter of personal preference, though.
BUT, I will say that because there were SO MANY Robeast/mech fights, there wasn’t as much time for character-character interaction.
So, that made me sad.
So many opportunities gone - opportunities for James/Acxa and Keith to interact (esp after the Ezor/Zethrid conflict), etc.
This season was really flashy, and while I like flashy, as I said before, I also value the emotional connections between the characters a lot and wish that a greater emphasis could have been placed on them.
Things I liked:
Keith being a fearless leader
Krolia NOT dying - thank goodness for that, that was really worrying me
When Keith made his speech in EP1, and Krolia and Kolivan were smiling proudly :))
Matt (sad to see his ponytail go, but he still cayuuuute)
Lotor, all of the little Lotor scenes (AH, I JUST WANT TO ADOPT HIM AND RAISE HIM WITH LOVE) - saddened not to have seen him returned :((
The pictures at the end - happy to see everyone happy and thriving!
All in all, I think it is absolutely absurd (in the Snape voice) not to watch the season just because you heard some negative things. Don’t be as easily swayed as the Alteans were. Watch it yourself, think for yourself, and form your own opinion. Regardless of what you didn’t like, you can’t deny that this show has been a wild, beautiful ride. PEACE.
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royalvalkyrie · 6 years
hurricane | philippe/chevalier [3x10 tribute]
[SUPPORT ME: https://ko-fi.com/royalvalkyrie ...]
♔ So another one of my all time favourite shows and ships have come to an end. Although i've only been able to watch the first 6 episodes of s3 in english (i had to watch the rest with subtitles RIP) it feels like it's come to an offical end. Im so happy that the writers decided to leave monchevy on a happy note, i think i would've rioted if they ended the show and their break up or death. HA nOoo thanK YoUu.. But alas... we've seen the last of my babies. I can't believe that in 2015 i would've been so blessed to have found this show (BIG THANK YOU TO THE EDITORS WHO EDITED THEM! i wouldn't have found this gorgeous show!) And GOD am i glad i helped make the fandom bigger than what it began with, we where tiny and suffering but DEDICATED! and bless we are still dedicated to this day but the fanbase has grown so much! because i know a lot of crew members and actors have seen my edits, I just wanted to say the biggest thank you to everyone who worked on the show and created this masterpiece! I don't think i ever would've fallen in love with french history otherwise. You guys are beyond amazing for all your hard work! Im going to miss this show and this fandom, but for now we must say goodbye. x 
- LINKS - 
Ask: https://ask.fm/KlaineBlaine 
Tumblr: http://royalvalkyrie.tumblr.com/ 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/royalvalkyrie/ 
 - INFO - 
►Program: FinalCutProX + AE 
►Coloring: lightningxdisaster 
►Song: (in the title) 
►Fandoms: Versailles (2015-  2018) 
►Dedication: All the Monchevy & Versailles fans
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MX tag game!
Tagged by @leejooheon! Love ya!
1. Who is your current monsta x bias?
2. Who was your first bias in monsta x?
Lol also Minhyuk. I’ve stayed pretty loyal
3. Favorite monsta x song?
Oh God why would you ask them????? UHHHHHHHH... either X, Lost in the Dream, Stuck, Be Quiet or White Love
4. Who is your monsta x bias wrecker?
Usually Wonho but it varies
5. What is your favorite monsta x music video?
All In.
6. What were your thoughts when you watched no.mercy?
To be quite honest, I only watched it recently, but it was ten straight episodes of...
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BUT, after everything was all said and done, i loved them so much more and I’m so proud of them and where they are now.
7. Favorite monsta x meme?
I’ve gotta go with a classic...
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8. How long have you been a monbebe?
I’m not sure when I specifically became a Monbebe, but I’m coming up to being a kpop fan for a year (IN JULY!). I think I got into them later tho... maybe around October?? I know I spent Thanksgiving bingeing their self cam videos, so it has to be later lol.
9. What is your favorite monsta x album?
10. If you could befriend one member of monsta x who would it be?
I’m gonna say Jooheon cuz he feels like he would give the best pep talks and just be an all around great friend (and he’d probably enjoy annoying the hell out of me with his aegyo)
11. If you could marry one member of monsta x who would it be?
I wanna say either Minhyuk or Wonho but we all know Shownu would be such an amazing husband
12. How did you fall in love with monsta x ?  
Ok so this is the long story of how I got into kpop. So I intern at a record label, and for the internship, one of the things I had to do one day was research kpop (I’m not gonna get into why). So anyway, I was told to research Kpop, which I had never heard before, but I had heard of BTS because one of my favorite bands (Before You Exit) had been invited to their Staples Center show as guests. So I started out with them, and I googled “Male KPop bands” and watched some Super Junior and Exo (I can still remember the songs: Not Today, Mr. Simple, Ko Ko Bop). After that I looked up girl groups and ended up watching Blackpink, Mamamoo and Girls Generation: As If It’s Your Last, Yes I Am and Party
Naturally, I fell in love with the genre, and without knowing anything about Kpop or anything, I fell in love with BTS and Blackpink specifically (I would then find out that they’re some of the biggest Kpop bands, but that would be later). So after that I immersed myself in the genre and in everything, no longer just doing it for research but for a love of the music. After that I started going through the rabbit hole of other bands, and when I got to Monsta X, they were one of the only other bands that made me stop for a minute (I don’t remember who I listened to between them. I know I went through BTS’ entire discography but that’s it.) Then I started watching the MVs , and I had heard Shine Forever somewhere and I was like “OH THIS IS THEM????” And from the music videos, I started to see their next-level dancing, which then led me to the dance practices and... yeah. I was hooked. 
13. Favorite ship?
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