#i started doodling this guy as i was listening to the ep
puricodraws · 5 months
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He heard your wish! @mcelroyfamilystaff
[Image description: digital art of Fungalore, a mushroom wizard. He has gray skin, a spiky white beard, and a big orange mushroom hat. He's wearing a blue robe, grinning as he spreads his hands and gestures with a gnarled wooden staff. End description.]
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fumifooms · 5 months
Marchil crumbs part 5
Part 1 - Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 6 - part 7
The anime has come and since I have my shipping goggles on I am going to notice so much. This part will be less spoilery for anime onlys (tho if you want to see me talk about why I ship them and why they’re complementary this is not a good part to start with haha). Edit: After completing this part I can confirm it’s fully anime-onlys friendly and spoiler-free! For manga veterans though there are still some fun tidbits to be found, some recontextualisations and new extra content.
Holy shit guys they’re mirroring each other in the mural and reaching out to each other AND looking towards each other?!!!! Their pose is so striking and like perfectly align?! Which means it was so intentional and the staff wanted to highlight them (for an aesthetic and/or narrative purpose I’m sure but it happened)! I will never let this go we won so fucking hard let’s goooooo we are so back
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Character foils!! Dynamic duo!!
In the opening at 1:16 he looks at her to see if she’s really going to it as the most critical of monster food & muster up courage to dig into it himself lmao… "Marcille doesn’t look too grossed out, she’s picky so this food must be fine then" Aka treating her as a poison taster/good cuisine judge lmao
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Doodle from the animation director (source). I should translate it but I’m procrastinating on it so uh director’s brotp? Anyways they hanging out look at them :]
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Laios is thinking to himself there (he’s the one saying the subs), and in the meantime Marcille and Chilchuck talk, likely figuring out the money situation. Strategizing duo back at it again not wasting a second
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In the beginning of ep 1, when Marcille is rambling about where they could go to get food and what to grab, Chilchuck listens with a big smile & even closes his eyes as they walk. The implication is that he’s thinking about food, but man the scene hits different now that it’s voiced and I remember that indeed Chilchuck is closing his eyes to her voice and enjoying hearing her talk and ramble. I may be too far gone into the marchil pit
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I feel like already they’ve come far from when Chilchuck dreaded being alone with Shuro and Marcille, waiting for the Toudens and Namari to arrive.
Ok this might actually be smth I’m gonna complain about but I feel like blushes have been drawn too vividly so far. Why does Chilchuck look like he’s confessing when he tells her she’s not a burden and he didn’t mean to make her feel that way. It almost comes across as "Woah she cares what I think?" 💀 The banter ensuing is of course also great
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Ep 2 was an episode centered on them both that had the "Magic/Traps are my domain, don’t interfere!" parallel… And now with ep 3 we’re back to them being haters together. That’s her emotional support man
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In ep 4, it doesn’t show well with a screenshot but when Senshi talks about his unmanned vegetable stand with a treasure chest, while in the manga Marcille and Chilchuck both think the same thing, "That’s why that treasure chest akways had money in it…", but in the anime instead they literally finish each other’s thought. Talk about being on the same wavelength.
Ep 5 is a marchil goldmine actually, it showcases perfectly how much of a package deal they are lol. Always sticking close to each other. Glancing at each other during meals… They literally nod at each other before they try a bite to steel themselves. They exchange a serious thoughtful glance when Laios talks about Falin truly being gone atm. They argue a bit but they go right back to sitting right next to each other after the meal <3 My god I can’t deal with them they are so…… "Hate this bitch, not my friend" 3 secs later "Heyy bestie!!" Also he’s worried he brought her mood down after mentioning Falin. Made a post about ep 5 collecting even more screenshots.
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Episode 6 my hero my beloved… Again I made a post about the ep collecting all my screenshots here, and even a clip! But this IS the marchil crumbs masterpost thus I must collect the major ones here as well. First of all, fun staff drawings for the first screening!
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I already posted a screenshot from the trailer of when Chil had his head on his knees sitting next to her, but after seeing episode 5 I think it’s a fun and interesting trend to notice that they sit next to each other way unnecessarily close wow. They continue to banter a ton, she continues to be very casual with touch, and they’re really cute! I love just how much Marcille blushed damn- It’s really cute too when you remember with the bicorn chapter that Chilchuck teases Marcille BECAUSE he enjoys getting a rise out of her, flustering her and seeing her reactions. I support the teasing -> laughing because her reaction is over the top all-Chilchuck economy. Also she apologizes for having let him go alone and be gone for so long by helping him with sewing his cowl… Cuties
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She looked so happy when he opened up about his age!… And then seemed… Disappointed? When he "truly was just a kid". "So you really are a kid! How boring…" This implies that her intent was to tease him for funsies… Ok lads we reached 30 pics see you next post, I’m gonna cover the "wake up clumsy head" manga-anime differences and we’re gonna go back to our usual spoilers yummy schedule.
Here’s Marcille cosplaying as a succubus in the newest Daydream Hour… She may not be a half-foot or have deep-set eyes but let’s be real I think he’d explode
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part 6 here!!
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glamrockforg · 10 months
Pinch Pots and Patience
August 24th, 2023
Today was rough. It definitely had some stressful parts, that caused me to get in my head really bad, but it eventually ended up okay. I started today by just getting up and getting ready, and I grabbed a brownie I got from work last night for a morning snack on my way to class. I didn’t have enough time to shower tho so i just rinsed my hair and stuff. Even after the long drive I was still almost 15 minutes early which was great and to be honest the drive actually wasn’t that bad this morning, traffic was better than normal and I had one of my favourite songs on repeat (this one right here👇)
I always connect to this song really well, but today it just felt kind of… ethereal? I was in such an odd headspace but I didn’t mind, if felt good. It felt real and raw and akin to disassociation, almost. Anyways after that I tried desperately to focus in my science class but eventually I just gave up and doodled while listening to one of the newer Distractible episodes. I love Markiplier but I didn’t expect to really like Distractible so I was pleasantly surprised. After my class was over I had a bit of time between my classes so I went to the bookstore in the hopes of picking up my textbooks but let’s just say that didn’t go as planned. It was a train wreck and really stressed me out, it just didn’t go well at all and I still need to deal with all of that. After that mess I left for my ceramics class and got started on my ✨pinch pots✨ which were so exciting and I was really popping off with them and trying some new things. After class I tried to talk to this one guy that I thought seemed pretty chill to try to make a friend and it went okay, I think he’s just kinda shy but he seems cool, he has a tattoo in elvish on his neck which automatically makes him the coolest person I know lol and it also means we’re both nerds which is PERFECT for making friends because you know, common interests and things! At this point my classes were over for the day so I sped home, ate some food, and then I kinda got stuck in a weird headspace for like. multiple hours. I just felt so alone, isolated, and kind of empty because I feel really socially starved?? if that makes sense? I miss interacting with people who aren’t my mother. So I was really stuck for a while because of that, but then I could finally talk it out a bit and now i’m just going to bed early to give my mind a break. Alsoooooo I was already loving the Unknown/Nth EP that Hozier put out a while ago, but I just found the whole album today so I think imma fall asleep listening to that tonight 🩷
This is a drained but content Rei, signing off and wishing you a fantastic day.
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 202
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Last episode, Gohan created a superhero persona to disguise himself while he fights crime.   By acting as the Great Saiyaman, no one at school will find out that it’s really Gohan.
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This episode, he blows the whole thing on the second day, because some girl is on the roof when he switches out of his costume.   Hijinks, as they say, shall ensue.
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Gohan isn’t sure what to do here, so he just sort of walks past the girl and worries about it.
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He gets so wrapped up in the problem that he doesn’t pay attention in class, so the teacher makes him stand outside.  
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Meanwhile, the girl is in the same class, and she’s doodling Gohan in her notebook.    This looks pretty good, but I always wonder if when cartoon characters sketch someone in the house style, is it supposed to be photorealistic, or cartoony? 
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Anyway, the girl, Angela, is so consumed with thoughts about Gohan that she doesn’t pay attention to class either, and she breaks down in tears when she gets in trouble.
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But she uses this as an excuse to go stand outside, where Gohan is.   The teacher didn’t actually tell her to do this, but what’s he gonna do?   Punish her for pre-emptively punishing herself?  
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So, out in the hall, Angela asks Gohan if he has a girlfriend, and when he doesn’t answer right away, she gets all upset.   Then she threatens to tell everyone his secret unless he takes her on a date, so Gohan agrees.     Angela tells him to meet her in town tomorrow on Sunday.   Wait, so they’re in school on a Saturday?    That’s bullshit.  Also, why does Gohan have to hold pails of water but Angela doesn’t?  
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Gohan tries to deal with this properly, so first thing’s first, he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do on a date.    So he asks his mom, who probably isn’t the best person to go to for advice on this, but who else can he ask?   Piccolo?  Krillin?  Yamcha?   These guys all have no business giving out advice.
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Chi-Chi fondly recalls the time she and Goku hung out alone while Emperor Pilaf and Colonel Silver fought over a Dragon Ball.   I want to say this was Dragon Ball Episode 31?   This isn’t a flashback to that episode, though, since this is all-new footage, so I sort of wonder if Chi-Chi might not be embellishing things somewhat.    In any case, she tells Goku they’re on a date, and when Goku doesn’t know what that is, she tells him that it’s the most fun thing a boy and girl can do together, so he naturally assumes she wants to spar with him.  
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So yeah, none of that helped Gohan at all, so he just asks Angela not to reveal his secret, and she tells him to take her to see a movie.  
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Here’s a nice shot of the Satan City Theater.   I guesss this movie is about a volcano?   Anyway, Gohan falls asleep in the middle of it, and Angela gets upset and thinks he doesn’t want to spend time with her.   Well, duh.    You’re blackmailing him, remember?
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Gohan follows her outside and tries to patch things up, and she immediately cheers up and tells him to take her to a cafe.  
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There, she instructs him to ask her how many sugars she wants in her coffee, so he can add them for her.   
So, I get the sense that Angela really wants to have a paint-by-numbers romance, hitting specific moments that she’s seen in books and TV shows.    But she needs a boy to actually execute all of these spots, so she strongarmed Gohan into doing all of these things, but it’s never going to feel quite like it did when it happened on TV, because it’s not spontaneous.   Right now, she’s only enjoying this because she’s experiencing it firsthand, but it’s a hollow fantasy.
I say this because I’ve seen men over the years pining for similar fantasies.    Well, maybe not similar, but the same formulaic approach.   Like, “I gotta get me a girl who will dress up in a red wig and a yellow dress and a white vest and ask me to tell her how many sugars she wants in her coffee, so we can re-enact this episode of DBZ.    Yeah, that’s hot.”  Or whatever your thing is.    The reality is that even if you found someone to humor such a specific request, it would never quite hold up in real life.    You can’t manufacture this stuff.    
Maybe that was the point of Chi-Chi’s story earlier.  It was romantic for her because it actually happened, and it wasn’t just Goku doing whatever she wanted him to do.   They were both being themselves, and they hit it off, and that’s why she thinks so fondly about that time he punched a tree.   Krillin’s first date with 18 was probably nothing at all like he had in mind, but he probably loved it because it ended up cementing his relationship with the love of his life.   And I’m sure he would have loved to take 18 to a movie and a cafe, but not as an end unto themselves.    You can scoop your own sugar, and if you wait your whole life for someone else to do it for you, you might miss out on something better.    I’m not sure where I’m going with this analogy.    I take my coffee black, so maybe I should move on.   
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Anyway, Angela wants thirteen sugars in her coffee because of course she does.
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Over coffee, Gohan tries to get some sort of reassurance that she won’t tell anyone his secret, but that’s the furthest thing from her mind.   She mentions that “it” is cute, but that’s about all she has to say about it.  
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Then there’s a fire at Satan Tower.    Well, I think this was supposed to be Satan Tower, because that’s where they were going to go next, but maye they saw this building on fire while they were on their way.   
So, little bit of trivia here, this episode didn’t air on Cartoon Network because it was originally scheduled for September 19, 2001, eight days after the 9/11 attacks.   That sort of flew under my radar at the time, because I had already seen this episode on VHS a couple of months earlier, but when I heard about it I wasn’t sure what to make of it.   Were they just not going to show any TV program that featured a tall building on fire?   I think for a little while, that’s what the networks did.   At the time, no one really knew what was appropriate and what wasn’t.    I have to admit, seeing this screencap does remind me a lot of the footage of the towers burning.   But at the time, that was a very distinctive image, and no cartoon of an unrelated incident could compare. 
Anyway, the episode finally aired on Toonami about eight weeks later, but this is a filler ep, so it’s not like anyone really needed this one to keep up with the story.
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So when Gohan and Angela find this, they hear that there’s people trapped on the roof, and Gohan realizes that he needs to change into Saiyaman and save them.
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But Videl’s already on the scene.    Her aircraft can’t land because of the thermal updrafts, so she jumps down to the roof herself and tries to open a valve on a water tank, figuring that flooding the roof will at least buy time for a rescue.    There’s a whole sequence where she consults a team of computer guys about it, and this dude checks the building’s schematics and runs a simultation to see what good the water will do.    But Videl’s not strong enough to open the valve, and her fingerless gloves don’t help matters.    They’re stylish, but not much protection against the hot metal. 
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But then Gohan rushes in, despite Angela’s protestations, and Saiyaman shows up to save Videl when the water tower falls over.    He punches a hole in it, which I guess does more than Videl had counted on?    Anyway, he saves all the people on the roof, including Videl.
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Afterward, Videl spots Gohan in the vicinity, and she wonders if that might mean something.   Remember, she still harbored suspicions that Gohan is the Golden Warrior, and this is the second time she’s seen him at the scene of a crisis.   
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Then Angela finds them and assumes that Videl is Gohan’s girlfriend.   Uh-ohhhhh!
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Funny thing is, despite knowing Gohan’s secret, she seems to have no idea why he ran into a burning building a minute ago.   She thinks he was just trying to save Videl, or maybe she thinks they like to make out in burning buildings?  I dunno.   
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Heartbroken, Angela tries to play her best card, and tells Videl Gohan’s secret.   Gohan’s horrified, but he can’t really do anything, so he just starts screaming, as if he can drown out the truth.   Then again, screaming usually works pretty well on this show, so I can’t fault him for falling back on the basics. 
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But between breaths, Angela gets the secret out: Gohan wears teddy-bear underwear.   Wait, what?
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In perhaps the stupidest flashback ever, we see Angela wandering around after gym class, only to find Gohan pulling up his pants.    I guess he was changing out of his gym clothes?   Why would you do that with the door open?   
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So that’s the secret Angela’s been holding over Gohan’s head this whole time.    So what about on the roof?   Didn’t she notice Gohan wearing the Great Saiyaman costume there?   No, she didn’t, because she didn’t have her contact lenses in at the time.    Womp-womp-waaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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Videl is not amused.    I’m pretty sure in the dub, Angela wonders what Gohan is talking about, so she asks him if he had his pants down on the roof too, and Videl tells him to keep his pants on, or else.
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Of course, Gohan could care less about how many girls see his sexy undies, so he just laughs the whole thing off and claims that his mother bought him the wrong kind by mistake.    Really?   That’s the best you can do?    She bought the wrong kind, and you just keep them in your rotation anyway?    My mom bought me this shitty tank-top looking thing when I was in seventh grade and I absolutely despised it, but she wouldn’t listen to me and bought it anyway, so I knew she’d probably try to make me wear it and I wanted no part of that, so I stuffed it in a box in my closet where she wouldn’t be able to find it.    Out of sight, out of mind, right?   Well it worked.    I still don’t know where that fucker went.    I probably threw it in the trash one day just to be safe.    That shirt sucked.   Not just because it looked stupid, but because my mom wasted money on it rather than just listen to me, the only person who was ever going to wear the thing.   
Sorry, I went off on a tangent there.  That’s what this liveblogs are all about, though.    If you just wanted a dry recap of the action, you’d watch these yourself, or look it up on the wiki.   Point is, Gohan wouldn’t wear teddy bear underwear unless he wanted to.     He killed Perfect Cell.    He wears a vest.   He does what he wants.
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So Gohan’s secret is safe, but he still feels terrible about hurting Angela’s feelings, so the next day he goes to apologize to her, only to find that she’s moved on to some other boy, and she’s got a date with him next Sunday.   Badda-bump da-da-bump!
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afangirlwashere · 5 years
Wrong door (Louis x reader)
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(gif is not mine all credit goes to the creator)
A/N: so.......I’m gonna keep this short and quick......after what the fuck happened to my sweet sweet boy in this episode I just really really needed some Louis in my life ‘kay? This was sitting in my drafts since episode 2 and I forgot how good of a boy he was. I still can’t fucking believe what the actual fuck fuck happened what the fu-anyways.. If any of you have any burning ideas my requests are open so....y’know what to do...I’m sad and angry and need to go to bed so I hope you enjoy...peace.....✌️
Warnings: just some swearing, don’t worry about spoilers there ain’t any for ep. 3
Summary: Soup sucks as much as changes nobody told you about. 
(while reading I suggest you listen to this song bc it’s a bop and it nicely flows with the fic)
Soup.  Soup all the time. It was definitely better than starving but ugh.. Fuck that soup! 
(Y/N) would KILL for some fruit.  ‘Apple... Or a banana... Oh my god... Watermelon!’
“What ya’ thinking about?” Ruby asks.
“Watermelon...” (Y/N) blurts out.
Everybody at the table grunts in unison. 
“Goddamnit (Y/N)! Why do you always do this? Now I want it so bad I’d shave my head for it!” Louis bangs his head on the picnic table.
“No, you wouldn’t.” Violet says unfazed while putting another spoon of the tasteless soup in her mouth.
“Yeah, you’re right... But I’d shave your head for a piece.” Louis points at her with his spoon while smiling charmingly.
Violet has just about enough energy to roll her eyes at him.
“Or an orange... orange juice...” (Y/N) dreamily looks ahead of her.
“Somebody shut her up or I’m gonna leave this table!” Louis covers his ears.
“Please continue (Y/N).” Vi turns to her and sneers. 
“Strawberries...” she can feel the drools almost slipping her mouth.
“You’re killing me!” Louis is jokingly overdramatic as usual.
It gets annoying from time to time but at least it’s entertaining. Not a lot of fun stuff happening around here anymore.
He was the fun one of the group.  Definitely.
“Alright, I had enough!” Aasim angrily stomps to their table. 
(Y/N) didn’t notice him walking towards them because of her fruit fantasies. 
He throws a bunch of letters in front of them. 
“Whoever is doing this it’s time to stop!” he seems to be getting more and more furious each second he has to stand there “You guys already make fun of me all the fucking time especially you Louis! So if this is one of your stupid jokes-”
“Hold up, hold up... Why the fuck do you have these?!” Louis stands up.
“So they are from you!” Aasim furrows his eyebrows.
“I’ll repeat myself one more time. Why the fuck do you have these?!” Louis snarls.
That’s a whole new side of him. He never seemed to get too angry about... anything. Thinking about it (Y/N) has never seen him in a real fight with anyone yet. Well not in a fight that wasn’t supposed to be a joke.  He was kinda scary in this state. 
“Because you keep fucking shoving them under my door!” 
“No, I don’t! Your room is upstairs!” Louis defends himself.
“What is going on?” Ruby whispers to the others.
“I’m not sure, but I’m intrigued.” Tenn’s big eyes keep moving from one boy to the other. 
(Y/N) shrugs “I don’t know... I just wanted some fruit.” 
“No, it’s not! My room is eight doors before yours! I switched my old one with (Y/N)’s because she kept knocking on my door every night to climb on the rooftop and then left through my room again! It got annoying and I couldn’t sleep so I offered her to switch!” the vein on Aasim’s forehead kept on getting bigger and bigger. 
Louis stared at Aasim in shock.
If Louis wasn’t in the middle of that conflict (Y/N) could just hear him saying “Careful! If that vein pops we’re gonna have a problem.” 
“So I was... I-I was giving the letters... The whole time! To you?” 
“YES!” Aasim picks them all up again and throws them at Louis’s head and storms off to the school building. 
Louis runs after him right away “Aasim! Wait! Come on dude I wasn’t making fun of you let me explain!” 
The rest of the kids at the table exchange confused looks. 
When the wind picks up all letters start to scatter around.
“We should catch ‘em. Don’t want them floating around.” Ruby picks up two letters that still haven’t left the table. 
Tenn - being the smallest one - crawls under the table to catch another one.
(Y/N) has to chase one for a bit till it gets stuck in a bush. Violet hands her the rest of them. She notices (Y/N)’s confused stare “They were obviously meant for you. I hope you realize that... He thought he was sliding them in your room the whole time.” 
(Y/N) sets her gaze on the letters.
There were little doodles on every envelope. Stars, hearts, snowflakes, cartoony looking walkers, heads of dogs and cats, little bees, butterflies,   pressed old looking flower, all that cute stuff. 
“But why the hell would he-” (Y/N) stops talking the moment Violet’s expression changes into ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’  
“Do I really have to explain this to you as well? Louis would flirt with anything that has two legs. I thought you weren’t that oblivious... It’s obvious he likes you.” Vi keeps an unbothered stare.
“I picked up on that I’m not that dumb. But why wouldn’t he just... tell me? He is a very verbal guy after all.” (Y/N) shrugs.
Violet looks a lot less unbothered while rubbing her eyes now “Because he’s one of those ‘helpless romantics’, I don’t know! He’s an idiot! An extra idiot! He probably has like fifty songs prepared for you. I think he wanted you to feel special or something like that... I don’t know how boys think!” 
“Yeah, you might have a point...” (Y/N) thinks out loud “There was this one time I wanted Ruby to braid my hair but she didn’t have time so Louis offered he’d do it.” 
Violet looks startled “He knows how to braid hair?” 
“He doesn’t.” (Y/N) chuckles “Well he didn’t know at the time but I taught him. It took some time but he really liked it so I taught him a fish braid and dutch braid and... looking back at it now I don’t think he was that interested in braiding my hair.” 
“He just wanted to spend time with you... I mean he does pick you for everything. Patrols? Hunts?”
“I’m gonna go talk to him.” (Y/N) clutches the letters with more force. 
“Hey!” Vi shouts right after her “Just... Whatever you do, don’t hurt him too much alright?” 
Louis sat at an old school desk. There was still one room left mostly untouched by the disasters of the apocalypse. 
The downstairs classroom which was meant for classes like history, geography, and biology.  They took most of the maps off the walls because they were useful but some of them still stayed up. 
The chalkboard was filled with drawings. They dedicated this one to the kids so they could have fun with it. There were other chalkboards in other rooms which they used for plans or rules.  Until they got out of chalk. 
Still, it was nice to see one part of the school stay the same. 
Louis remembered the boring biology classes he spent sending secret messages with Marlon or drawing funny pictures of Miss. Gonzales - their teacher. Oh, how he wishes he paid more attention in that class. 
“Can we talk?” 
Louis dreaded this moment ever since he slipped that first letter under the door. Which kind of backfired at him with that whole Aasim thing but... He’ll be angry about it for a while and eventually, he’ll forget.  Aasim is not very good at holding grudges. 
“You know, I found those envelopes and papers here... And then I got that stupid idea to write letters. I’m gonna go dig a grave before I fully process how much I fucked up this time.” his foot is nervously tapping on the floor. 
“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad. Could have been worse I think. You could have been accidentally sending them to Violet.” (Y/N) sits down in the school desk that’s next to him.
“Nope, that wouldn’t have happened. I would slide that piece of paper under her door and before I could straighten my back she’d open the door and throw the envelope on my head just like Aasim did.” Louis weakly smiles.
(Y/N) has the same smile on her face. 
“Listen, Louis,” she starts “I picked up on your little crush on me.”
“Little? It’s huge! It overgrew me in a few weeks! I couldn’t even look at you when I was talking to you! Felt like my face was on fire every time!” 
(Y/N) looks at him startled “Well... Okay... I-I just wanted to tell you that I’m not freaked out by this. I don’t think you’re weird or anything.” she put the letters on the table in front of him “Here... I haven’t read any of them. If you don’t want me to read them I won’t. You can keep them and do whatever you want with them. Burn them, bury them, keep them, I don’t know. But I’ll let you decide.” 
Louis looks at her with big dark eyes “You... You don’t want them?”
“No! It’s not like that!” (Y/N) panicks “I just thought maybe you wish you could take it all back and getting rid of them without me ever seeing what you wrote could help you.” 
He looks at her with furrowed brows “I want you to keep them. Don’t read them now though that would be... weird. If anything happens to me I want you to have them so that, you know, you’ll have something left from me.” 
“Nothing is going to happen to you, Louis. I’m not losing you. You’re going to be safe and sound here with us. At home.” 
The older boy studies her face for a good second “If I wasn’t so sure you didn’t feel the same way about me like I feel about you I’d say you like me too little (Y/N).” he smirks. 
She takes a shaky breath “Never said I didn’t.” 
His response is just like she presumed.  Shocked. His stare is a bit uncomfortable but what else could he do?
“I was just waiting for you to y’know... Say something. I’m not the most confident in these ‘romantic’ things I’m sure you’re aware of that. But you seem to shine in those things so I thought... you would do something.” (Y/N) feels the need to explain her point of view.
“I just-I never thought you-I mean you always-you always seemed to not care. I thought you didn’t think about me the same way I do about you.”
“I mean, yeah you’re kinda annoying. I don’t really get how you can just blurt out stuff without caring plus your jokes can be a little insensitive at times and you named your weapon Chairless which I still think is the most childish thing you ever did but... I guess it’s all part of the reasons why I like you so much. You’re different.” (Y/N) smiles at him. 
“That was the nicest thing anyone has said about me.” Louis stands up while fixing the collar on his jacket. 
“Well, you are a nice person.” the girl stands up as well “No doubt about that.” 
They stand facing each other for a few seconds and then Louis speaks again.
“Tomorrow. After lunch. Come to the piano room.” his voice is back at his confidently relaxed tone which makes (Y/N) happier than she thought it would.
“Like a date?” she asks out of curiosity. 
“Like a date.” he nods and walks past her brushing his shoulder against hers on purpose. 
(Y/N) grins widely and turns around “I’ll be there. And you better play me a song that you’ve written about me.” 
Louis looks back over his shoulder “Oh don’t worry. I got a lot of those up in my sleeves.” he winks at her and finally leaves.
(Y/N)’s stomach did that weird thing again that it did when she first met Louis. If she remembered correctly Minnie always said that those were “butterflies in your stomach” and somehow...? It perfectly described the feeling. 
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2 e9 Live Blog
“The Troubles of the Strong”
GOSH DANG 2 HOUR COMMUTES FROM WORK I woke up at 4am just to get to work early specifically so I could leave early I could watch this episode sooner because THIS IS THE EPISODE IVE BEEN WAITING FOR FOREVER OK Ive just been vibrating at my desk all day fluctuating somewhere between ‘awerstdyfcvgbjhkn’ and ‘SADFVYNTBGVRFCE’ IM NOT mentally or emotionally prepared so WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY IMMA WATCHHHH
as always I’m watching from the perspective of someone who is up to date on the Web comic and Manga
“I know that head” *Immediatley cuts to opening theme* I SCREAM i wasnt expecting that nor am I prepared to see Zombieman not even the same 2 pictures of him that ive seen all season help my stomach is in knots and i cannot
asdfghjkl I can tell already this live blog is gonna be SOOOOO BIAS just cause IM WAITING for THE THING annd the rest is great and all but I CANT FOCUS ON ANYTHING Im really not gonna do the episode over all justice im sorry sdfghjk
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HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CALLED IT IT WAS SONIC THE DOODLE WAS SONIC i was holding my breath cause I knew there was a VERY SLIM CHANCE it would be Z but i felt it in my gut It would be sonic uhg phew ok not dead yet
lol Bakuzan stopping mid boast and just screaming dude you should’ve known then and there to quit oh my god the music is SO excessive right now I’m very distracted it better be part of the gag… or not ok
Saitama just casually explaining stuff I love him so much sweetheart,,, pft “I was bored”, honestly I just appreciate how anime captures the beats every time Saitama delivers a line like that, we expect it but it never fails to make me cackle. Also, “that kind of strength should be illegal” he says to SAITAMA yeah ok
OH!!!! GENOS BB stop getting obliterated please Dr. Kuseno is old what are you going to do when you can’t rely on him for repairs and EYYY Shout out to Atomic, Tatumaki, Flash, and King for the cameos. Genos, are you really underestimating your Sensei like that?? Are you the real genos?????
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ok in all seriousness Suiryu’s voice actor is killin it like I legit feel bad for they guy getting dragged by Saitama, U hav my respect Suiryu I still might not like you all that much but damn u makin me feel that character development
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guys I love saitama so much be still my heart it hurts ;-; this scene chouldne be as heart warming as it is right now hhhhhhhhhhh
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok so now that the tournament is officially over I know theres still a lot to cover this ep before Z???? BUT my bloodpressure WILL NOT CALM DOWN cause WHAT IF they do thingS OUT of ORDER IM ON HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT WHAT IF I DIE
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OH HI KING HELP IM HAVING ANXIETY YOU KNOW HOW THAT BE RIGHT MY DUDE aw omg how are they both so cute looking right now??? WAIT also that was a smooth transition from Saitama Face™ to serious face woah ?? You know, with all that talk I wonder what the end game is for Saitama? Like, will the series end seriously or on a joke? He gonna find a real challenge or will it somehow be another one-punch? I am completely undecided tbh…
...i wanted king to finish saying “daze” so badly right thereu said yare yare plz give me the meme plz Ok the way Saitama keeps saying ‘Kinggu’ is weirding me out also ng is great and this is very nicely drawn
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...plussireaditinamanga… PFFFTTT the VOICE ACTING-- King is such a good friend for Saitama really thank goodness for him ASDFGHJKL THE WHOLE REST OF THE EXCHANGE IS SO GOOD ‘OK JERKOFF’ im d y i n g
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I MISSED YOU PLZ COME BACK TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED BEING A LIL SHIT PLZ UR BEAUTIFUL also the king movements on the bike looked pretty neato
OK Honestly though why does no one know what the Hero Hunter is supposed to look like?? How is that not common knowledge among heroes by now?????
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OK MONSTER WIND LOOKS REALLY COOL I DIG I DIGGGG also I REALY dig the ominous music  and as this scene is nearing its end MY HEART IS POUNDING HELP  
my hands are shaking as im typing and i cant stop laughing nervously and my through is dry this is NOT NORMAL typing is hard im afraid to push play im afraid
its been 5 minutes i cant push play i cant
tfw ive been just mumbling oh my god oh my god nope nope nope for 10 minutes help help help nope
hes on my screen but i cant push play i cant open the tab i cant
everything is so much easier if i didnt FEEL but I have FEELINGS \
I cant even look at him i cant hes too perfect help
30 minutes i can breathe but like shaking ???? ???
ok it only took 45 minutes alright ok ok ok open the tab and PUSH the BUTTON
I lied it took an hour i still cant look at the screen im gonna die this man will be the death of me I CANT GO 2 SECONDS WITHOUT PAUSING AND SCREAMING WHY CAN I REREAD THE CHAPTER OVER AND OVER BUT CANT LISTEN TO HIM FOR 2 SECONDS WHY
OK im gonna start counting how many times I’ve paused from now on its been AT LEAST 8 so lets start there.
11 long pause his voice im crying his face
13 just look at him I cant my stomach
14 “DRAT” help me
15 i keep switching tabs but cant push play again oh no
18 I just noticed he definitely has eyebrows here asdfghjkl
NO COME BACK TORTURE ME SOME MORE WITH YOUR PERFECT GENERAL PRESENCE that was the most exhausting 1.5 hours asdfghjkl what if they dont make a season 3 what if I never see him in motion again what if i just die
i�� no recap this week. i think my feelings on the ep are obvious.  Thanks for reading and somehow managing to get this far? I appreciate yall so much really. Thank you for following me being nuts as I am. I seriously mean it. I’ll see yall next week with the next with the next episode!
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leecherish · 5 years
2019 July Summary
boy was this one an exciting month. here it goes!
in july 2019, I
went to a rowing trip with my mother and her classmates to northeastern hungary and suffered vigorously
finished reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clarke (aka yo guess who’s getting into shadowhunters!! maybe)
fell neck-deep into jojo’s bizarre adventure and watched all of it up to part 4. my record was when i watched the second season of stardust crusaders in less than 3 days. hit me up if you want to talk about it cuz its literally all i can think of lately lmao
beat The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind!!! after like... 10 years. here’s a longer super cheesy ramble post on that
went to see Alestorm with @gglitchshit, and it was super duper awesome fun!! thanks to her immense fame (and backstage entries) I got to meet some of them personally! they were super nice and friendly (and they let us use their freezer full of booze so thanks guys for the sponsor)
actually... drew stuff? once i get my shit together and put together a doodle dump it will be over for you hoes
in overall this month was pretty uneventful for the most part bc ive been watching anime through most of it
and listening to music which will be the rest of the summary
favorite music: at the start of the month i listened to Bank’s Goddess album a lot once again, from there it was JJBA ops/eds (stand-outs, aka the ones that got stuck in my head the most: Walk Like An Egyptian by The Bangles and Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town by The DU). Elder also came out with their new EP, that one was also very important for me (here’s Illusory Motion from it). as a bonus, here’s Mexico from Alestorm because it was stuck in my head after the show for an entire goddamn day
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miguel-manbemel · 5 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 4: Once upon a Side: When Thomas Met Them All
Sometimes you get blocked and writing feels slow and jammed, like last week. Other times, the story flows through your mind and you write it all in a couple of days. That’s what happened with this new fanfic based on the “Sanders Sides” series by Thomas & Joan. As I always say. These fanfics ignore any content after “Embarrasing Phases...” (I know as of writing there’s nothing else yet, but just in the case someone reads it after a new episode is released). It also makes reference to previous entries of this blog, “Aspects & Fanfics”, so if you want to read them, you can click on my avatar. There’s a brief mention related to a Short. They’re not canonically related to Sanders Sides, but no characters from the shorts were introduced here.
SYNOPSIS: Joan and Talyn are worried about Thomas because they think he’s starting to believe that the Sanders Sides he mentions are real and suggest him that he maybe should go see a psychiatrist. Trying to tell them that he’s fine and to make them understand him better, Thomas starts telling Joan and Talyn about how he met each of the Sides in the different moments of his childhood.
WARNINGS: There is an scene of a missing child, where there are horrifying mentions, including to the Boogeyman and what may be considered brief gory expressions. I tried to dulcify them a bit, but they could still be a trigger to someone, hence the warning. Also mentions to self harm, accusations of madness, angst of many kinds and lots of tears.
[Thomas, Joan and Talyn are sitting in Thomas’ couch. Joan and Talyn show a serious and worried face. Thomas is puzzled, looking at them]
JOAN: Listen, Thomas, we need to talk about something we’ve been thinking about for quite some time. We cannot delay it any longer.
THOMAS: Yes, Joan, I know that you borrowed my black hoodie six months ago, you thought I didn’t see you taking it, but I did. Don’t worry, you can have it if you want. Just don’t tatter it, please.
JOAN: [happy] Really? Thanks, dude!
TALYN: [frowning] Joan, focus!
JOAN: [clears throat] Yeah, that’s cool, but that’s not what I was referring to…
[intro sequence]
JOAN: Okay, Thomas. I’ll go to the point. Are you feeling okay?
THOMAS: What do you mean by that?
TALYN: The other day, with the pizza thing, you left us… worried.
JOAN: About your imaginary friends, the ones you call… Sanders Sides.
THOMAS: Oh… I understand. Don’t worry, guys, I’m perfectly fine. I know that the Sides are imaginary.
JOAN: But the other day you spoke as if they were real.
TALYN: Yeah, you literally said that you practiced the pizza recipe with them.
THOMAS: [showing total conviction and lack of concern] And they’re real, guys.
JOAN: [a bit scared] What?
TALYN: Thomas, I hope you realize that doesn’t make any sense.
THOMAS: It does to me, Talyn. They may be in my imagination, but that doesn’t mean they’re not real. They are mental projections of myself. They help me cope with my bad feelings and make me feel better. To me, that’s very real. And you shouldn’t worry. I’m good. I’m not gonna come out of this house with a knife in my hand, drive to your house and kill you in the shower. I’m not a psycho or anything like that. It’s like those kids that have an imaginary friend. They talk to them, tell them their worries and that makes them feel better. That is what I do.
JOAN: [a little angry out of their concern] But Thomas, those are little kids! You’re a thirty year old grown up man! The other day, Dominic saw you outside talking to nothing, shouting like a maniac! He thought you were having a nervous breakdown! He even phoned me to ask me if you were okay! [a tear runs down their cheek] I’m really scared for you, Thomas! Ever since you had that horrible break-up two years ago, you have been acting weird, and I don’t know what to do to help you! You’re my best friend. You’re one of the people I love most in this world, along with Talyn, and I’m scared that something is happening to you… in your head, or where-ever! [breaking down in tears] Please, tell me what can I do, because I want to help you! Please, let me help you, Thomas! Please!
[Joan hugs Talyn and silently sobs for a while in their shoulder. Talyn looks at them and Thomas with the saddest and most concerned face. Thomas looks at them both sadly without saying a word]
TALYN: Joan speaks for both of us, Thomas.
THOMAS: [after a moment of silence] I’m so sorry, Joan. I’m sorry I made you feel like this… But it’s not related to that break-up. It was hard, but I managed to move forward from it… thanks to the Sides…
JOAN: [yelling angry] Oh, for crying out-loud, stop mentioning these f… [bleep] fake doodles, will ya!?
TALYN: Joan, calm down. Getting nervous and shouting won’t solve anything.
JOAN: [putting themselves together] You’re right… Sorry, Thomas.
THOMAS: If only you could understand me.
TALYN: We want to understand you. We really do. But we don’t know how.
THOMAS: I think I know how. You may start understanding me if tell you how I met each of the Sides…
JOAN: What the…?
TALYN: We’d be glad to hear it. [to Joan, as in a stage whisper that Thomas doesn’t hear] It will be better to just follow the flow and act as if we believe him, Joan. At least we’ll be able to understand him better and to help him. And who knows, maybe it will help him feel better too.
JOAN: Maybe you’re right… [to Thomas] Yes, Thomas, tell us how you met the… Sanders Sides.
THOMAS: Okay. First I must say that I didn’t meet them all at the same time. They appeared one by one, right when I needed them in different moments of my life. The first encounter was long, long ago. I was like four years old. Mom, dad, my brothers and I had gone together to the beach. I was playing in the sand, making sand castles… You know, all that kid’s stuff…
[As he’s saying this, there is a scene of little Thomas playing in the beach. His voice of present day is heard narrating the scene]
THOMAS: Suddenly I felt someone was watching me. I turned back, and I saw a little kid, just my age, wearing red bathing trunks and a white shirt. He was looking at me without saying a word. At that time I wasn’t as shy as I am nowadays with new people, so I spoke to him.
YOUNG THOMAS: [happily] Hi!
KID: [shy] Hi…
YOUNG THOMAS: Wanna play?
KID: [showing a happy surprise] Can I?
KID: [happy] Good! Thank you!
[The kid joins Thomas and starts playing with him. They together make a sand castle]
YOUNG THOMAS: This is fun!
KID: One day, I will live in a castle like this, but bigger!
KID: Yes. And I will be a prince, the best prince in the world! I will fight dragons, I will win battles and I will rescue the princess! And we will be happy forever and ever and ever!
YOUNG THOMAS: What is your name?
KID: I have told you, I am the Prince. Call me Princey.
YOUNG THOMAS: Hello, Princey. My name is Thomas.
YOUNG PRINCEY: I know, Thomas.
YOUNG PRINCEY: Yes, I have been here for a while now and I heard a lot about you. I’m happy to have met you. Well, it was fun, but now I must go.
YOUNG THOMAS: [disappointed] Don’t you want to play with me any longer?
YOUNG PRINCEY: [sinking down in the sand] Yes I do, and we will play a lot together, but have patience. You’ll see me again soon, I promise. Goodbye, Thomas…
YOUNG THOMAS: [not giving importance to Princey’s weird way of disappearing, neither noticing his mom has sat down next to him, waving happily] Bye, Princey!
THOMAS’ MOM: Who are you talking to, Thomas?
YOUNG THOMAS: I’m talking with my friend, mom. He’s a prince and lives in this castle, and he’s rescuing princesses and fighting witches!
THOMAS’ MOM: Oh, that’s nice. I wish I had an imagination as vivid as you do, darling.
[Back to the present]
THOMAS: And that was my first encounter with Princey, or as I know him now, Prince Roman, my Creativity. I didn’t know it yet, but that was going to be a life changing day. In the following months, he’d appear in my room when I was playing. He invented new stories and we played dress-up together. When I started singing at school, he gave me tips to improve my voice day by day. My parents thought he was an imaginary friend, something normal at my age. That was until one day Princey asked me to stop mentioning him to my family, that our encounters had to be a secret from then on, for my own sake. And so I stopped mentioning him, but I never stopped seeing him. He’s been such a huge part of my life since that day in the beach I don’t know how my life would have turned out without him.
TALYN: That is a sweet story, Thomas.
THOMAS: [smiling] Yes, it was. [his smile drops] My encounter with the next Side wouldn’t be as sweet, unfortunately. On the contrary, it was horrible.
JOAN: What do you mean?
[We see the scene when Thomas starts narrating it]
THOMAS: It was a few months after meeting Roman. I had gone with my family to a Wallmart, to buy some groceries and other stuff I guess. When we approached the toys aisle, my brothers and I went to see them. I don’t know how it happened. I guess everyone lost sight of me for a second, I don’t know, but I walked away from the aisle unnoticed, and when I turned back, they were all gone. I was alone, lost and scared. I started walking all around the Wallmart. I looked in all directions, too scared to say a word, and strangely enough, I didn’t cry. Then I had the same feeling I had months before, that someone was watching me. I looked back and I saw another kid just like me. He was dressed with black trousers and a purple shirt. I didn’t know yet, but he was Virgil, my Anxiety.
YOUNG VIRGIL: Thomas, stop right where you are.
YOUNG THOMAS: But I have to find my mommy and daddy! What if they go home without me? What if they leave me here and I have to live in this place forever? I don’t want to live here! I want to go home with them!
YOUNG VIRGIL: I know, Thomas, but if you don’t stop moving, they will never find you and you may never see them again. You must stay where you are, sit down if you must, and don’t move an inch. Just lift your head and look around and, eventually, you will be found, and everything will be fine. You’ll see.
YOUNG THOMAS: [starts walking again] No, I must find them!
YOUNG VIRGIL: [threatening demonic voice, while Virgil’s music theme is heard] THOMAS! If you take one more step, I will call the Boogeyman! He will put you in his sack and take you to the Land of Horrors, where he will eat you piece by piece with fries and ketchup, and you’ll never see your mom or dad ever again!
[Thomas freezes, looks at Virgil in horror and after a moment of shock starts crying out-loud]
YOUNG THOMAS: [sobbing] You’re mean! You’re mean!
YOUNG VIRGIL: [sad, remorseful face, with normal voice] I’m sorry, I didn’t want to, but… I had no choice… I’m sorry…
[Thomas starts crying even louder and calls the attention of one of the shop clerks. At that point, Virgil sinks down and disappears, though the clerk doesn’t seem to see him]
SHOP CLERK: Whats the matter, little boy? Are you lost?
YOUNG THOMAS: [sobbing in hiccups] I… can’t… find my… mommy or… daddy! And… now… the Boogeyman… will take me!
SHOP CLERK: [comforting him] Okay, okay, calm down, everything will be fine, don’t worry. You’re safe now with me, and that Boogeyman won’t touch you, I won’t let him. We will find your mom and dad. Calm down…
[from the next aisle, alerted by the cries, Thomas’ mom appears running to Thomas and hugs him]
THOMAS’ MOM: [mixed voice of distress and relief, talking quickly] Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Thomas! My boy!
YOUNG THOMAS: [crying, hugging to her, squeezing her as if he was afraid of falling to an abyss if he got loose off her] Mommy! Mommy!
SHOP CLERK: [smiling] I’m glad you found him, ma’am. The poor boy really got the fright of his life.
THOMAS’ MOM: [to the shop clerk, with a grateful crying voice] Thank you so much for finding my son, sir! God bless you! [to Thomas] Thomas, don’t ever do that again! I thought I had lost you! I was so afraid! Oh, thank God you’re okay!
YOUNG THOMAS: [crying] I’m sorry… I’m sorry…
[back to the present]
THOMAS: Now I see that Virgil did that for my own good, but at the time I hated him. And I feared him so much. That was the time I started developing all my fears that, together with the bullying I suffered later at school, eventually resulted in my social anxiety. I kept on being afraid of him and rejecting him any time I saw him. As a result, he started acting like a threat all the time, because he thought that was the only way I payed attention to him. And he was right. Only recently we started understanding each other, and now I see him as one of the best of the Sides, because he has always wanted to protect me. I really love that dark emo weirdo.
TALYN: It’s good that this story at least has a happy ending, but gosh, what you had to go through that day… it was horrible. A mother’s and a child’s shared worst nightmare.
JOAN: You did tell me long ago about when you got lost on a Wallmart as a kid, I remember. You forgot to mention Virgil, though.
THOMAS: I know, sorry.
TALYN: Are there any more Sides, or…?
THOMAS: Oh, yes, there are. I met the next Side, when I started learning how to read and write at school.
[We see the scene Thomas is narrating]
THOMAS: I was home back from school, and the teacher had given us a little notebook with the vowels that we had to copy, to practice our calligraphy. And there I was, trying to write vowels and struggling to do it right with not much luck, when I suddenly heard a voice next to me that startled me. After the experience with Virgil, I was no longer as naive as I was before. I looked around and I saw a kid like me, wearing glasses and a school uniform, like the ones you can see in so many anime series. Later I’d know that his name was Logan, and he was my Logic and my acquired knowledge.
YOUNG LOGAN: Interesting. This writing thing is so unique and mind blowing… But, Thomas, your calligraphy is awful.
YOUNG THOMAS: Who are you?
YOUNG LOGAN: I’m just a friend that doesn’t like what he’s reading. Why are you writing so bad?
YOUNG THOMAS: I just started writing. I can’t do it any better.
YOUNG LOGAN: No, Thomas, there’s more than that. Are you holding the pencil properly? Are you pushing it to the paper with the strength you need, neither too hard nor too weak? Are you using the correct paper, pencils and other utils? Did you sharpen your pencil? Did you…?
YOUNG THOMAS: Why do you talk so much?
YOUNG LOGAN: Well, that’s what I do, I absorb the knowledge you learn so you can use it, and I help you improve it to its maximum level. That’s my job.
YOUNG THOMAS: Well I’m trying. But I can’t. My hand is too shaky and I can’t control it.
YOUNG LOGAN: [thinks for a moment] Mmmm… you say your hand is shaky? That explains the horrendous calligraphy… [his face lights up after realizing the possible issue] Aaaahhh… I think I’ve got an idea. Try the other hand.
YOUNG THOMAS: But the teacher told us to use our right hand to write.
YOUNG LOGAN: Just try it, Thomas. As an experiment.
[Thomas changes the pencil to his left hand and starts writing. To his surprise, he holds the pencil with a lot more security and he gets a much better calligraphy because of that]
YOUNG THOMAS: It is easier now! [happy] It’s so nice I can write now!
YOUNG LOGAN: As I guessed, Thomas. You’re left handed. That means you use your left hand better than your right hand. You should always use that hand to write.
YOUNG THOMAS: But what if the teacher doesn’t let me use my left hand.
YOUNG LOGAN: Then I suggest telling your mom that you can’t write with your right hand. I’m sure she’ll know what to do and she’ll talk to your teacher.
YOUNG THOMAS: Thank you for helping me…
YOUNG LOGAN: Just call me Logic, Thomas. It was my pleasure. Seeing people learning is what fills my heart with joy the most. Someday I’ll be a serious teacher with a necktie and all. For now, let me be your senpai.
YOUNG LOGAN: Don’t worry, you’ll learn the meaning of that word some day.
THOMAS’ MOM: [voice from downstairs] Thomas, it’s dinner time! Are you done with your homework yet? Do you need any help from me or your brothers?
YOUNG THOMAS: No, mom, I’m done!
YOUNG LOGAN: [sinking down] Well, I’ll leave you now. Until we meet again, Thomas.
YOUNG THOMAS: [waving] Byeee! [going downstairs] I’m coming now, mom, I’m hungry!
[back to the present]
THOMAS: Since then, Logic, or Logan, was there every time I learned something new at school. He helped me improve each skill or data I learned and also helped me combine knowledge facts to form new ones through logical mechanisms.
JOAN: He was your logic, in one word.
THOMAS: Yep, that’s right.
JOAN: Are there many more Sides to come yet?
THOMAS: I’m almost done, Joan. The next one came in when I was no longer a child. I was a preadolescent, you know, that age when puberty starts knocking at your door, but you haven’t opened it yet. I was still a child at heart and everything, but I started having… other feelings.
TALYN: You mean you were discovering your love preferences?
[we see the scene as Thomas narrates it]
THOMAS: Yes. It was during my senior year in middle school, when I started looking at the guys in my class in a different way. In a way that scared me a lot. Because I had been raised as a Catholic and I was taught at church that boys had to be with girls and girls had to be with boys, and all the rest was a sin. So, the thought of having that feeling towards other boys got me worried, thinking that I would burn in hell, that my friends would reject me, that my family would be upset or disappointed at me… so many things at once, and none of them good. That, until one day, when I was at the park, I saw a beautiful guy my age in the distance. He was so cute. But I froze and didn’t speak to him out of fear, not only of his response, but also thinking that it would be wrong if I did it. Then, as other times, I heard a voice next to me. It was Roman, or as I still called him then, Princey.
PRINCEY: He’s really cute, isn’t he?
YOUNG THOMAS: Yes, yes he is.
PRINCEY: Why don’t you talk to him?
YOUNG THOMAS: What? No! I can’t! It’s wrong!
VOICE: [next to him] Are you sure of that, though?
THOMAS: [voice from the present, narrating] I looked at the other side, and there he was. He looked just exactly as he looks now, as an adult version of me, with a blue polo shirt, brown pants, a gray cardigan wrapped around his shoulders, black glasses and a cheerful smile. He would later tell me that, as he was my inner child, it was unfitting to look like a child on the outside too, so he chose to look as an adult with the soul of a child right from the beginning. He called himself simply Dad. Now we still call him like that, but later I’d know that his name was Patton, and he was my Morality.
YOUNG THOMAS: Who are you, sir?
PRINCEY: Yes, who are you?
YOUNG THOMAS: You can see him?
PRINCEY: Yes, he’s a Side like me.
YOUNG THOMAS: A Side? That’s how all of you name yourselves? Sides?
PATTON: Yes, kiddo. That’s how we are called. But let’s not divert the conversation. Why do you think it’s wrong to like that boy?
YOUNG THOMAS: Because it is! I’m not allowed to like boys. I’m supposed to like girls. That’s the right thing to do! If I did otherwise, my parents, my family, everybody I love would hate me!
PATTON: You know, kiddo? I don’t think that’s true. Do your mom and dad love you now?
YOUNG THOMAS: Yes, I think so.
PATTON: And do you love them?
YOUNG THOMAS: Of course I do.
PATTON: How much do you love them?
YOUNG THOMAS: With all my heart.
PATTON: Do you think their love for you is any weaker, Thomas? I’m sure, they’ll accept you just the way you are. They may need time to adjust, but they should never hate you. They’re your parents and you’re their son. Only the worst people would break a bond like that for a reason like this, and your parents seem like good people. Besides, it’s not like you have chosen to feel like this anyway. Each person is born a certain way. Some people are blond, some people are red haired. Some people are tall, others are short. Some people love women and some people love men. And all of these traits are independent from the fact that they’re women, men or non-binary people themselves.
ROMAN: I agree with him, Thomas. Romance is romance, and love is love. Who loves who is irrelevant to the feeling.
PATTON: And no one in this world could convince me that real love, in any form it chooses, could be wrong.
YOUNG THOMAS: I… I think you’re right. But I don’t think my family or my friends would agree on that. I’m too scared to tell them.
PATTON: Just take your time, kiddo. One step in front of the other. You may feel like that today, but I’m sure some day you’ll find the way and the courage to let yourself be yourself and let yourself love whoever you wanna love. Not only that, you’ll be proud of it. And when you do that, everyone who truly loves you will be proud of you too. And if there may be someone who isn’t and you see they don’t have any intention to be… well, then it’s their fault, not yours, and you don’t need them in your life anyway if that’s gonna be their attitude. But we’ll see how everything comes out, in time.
YOUNG THOMAS: In time. When I’m ready.
PATTON: When you are. And then I’ll tell you: nice to meet you, Ready, I’m Dad!
[Thomas, Roman and Patton start laughing]
[back to the present]
THOMAS: It was, not only my first encounter with Patton, but the first conversation I had with two Sides at the same time to work out an issue. A prelude of many conversations I would have with them in the most crucial moments of my life. They’re a huge part of my life. I couldn’t live without them. And they’re real, Joan.
JOAN: Of course, Thomas. Now I see why you consider them real. You project your own thoughts into them so you can cope with them, and that’s fine. Maybe I was wrong, I don’t think there’s anything bad in this.
THOMAS: No, Joan, I mean they’re real, real.
JOAN: [scared] What?
THOMAS: They come to me and talk to me, and not only that, I can physically touch them and they can physically touch me.
JOAN: Thomas, that’s not possible.
THOMAS: Do you want some proof?
TALYN: Are you going to tell us that you have proof that the Sanders Sides are real?
JOAN: Then show us. Let’s end this mess once and for all.
THOMAS: Fine. Look at me, at my head in the back.
JOAN: What?
[Thomas turns back and sits squatting in front of Joan and Talyn.]
THOMAS: Look over there, in the hair, a little above the nape. Feel it. Do you feel it?
[Joan puts their fingers in the zone Thomas indicated and they feel something]
JOAN: Yes, I do. What is this? It looks like a…
TALYN: [feeling it too] … like a bulging scar.
JOAN: How did that happen?
THOMAS: It was Logan around a year ago.
JOAN: What?
THOMAS: Yes, he was trying to make me react when Virgil disappeared back then and he threw a laptop behind me, right at my head. I didn’t know it in the moment, but he had caused me a wound over there. I needed stitches and I got that scar as a memento. That’s the proof that the Sides are real. How could I do that scar to myself in such an inaccessible zone of my back?
JOAN: Suure… Suure… [to Talyn] This is worse than I thought. He’s harming himself. We need to call his family, he needs to see a doctor before he gets worse.
TALYN: You’re right. I’ll call right now.
THOMAS: [showing he’s heard them] I tell you that I did not do that myself! Please believe me!
TALYN: Please trust us, Thomas. Let us help you and don’t make a scene. It’s for your own good.
THOMAS: [yelling in despair] Guys, I’m not crazy! I swear!
JOAN: [trying to hold him] Thomas, calm down! Talyn, call now!
[suddenly Patton’s voice is heard]
PATTON: I can’t help it anymore! He needs our help, guys!
JOAN: [confused] What? What is that voice? Thomas, was it you? Now you’re a ventriloquist as well?
THOMAS: Did I even make a sound? I swear I never made a sound.
LOGAN: [his voice is heard too] But we can’t rise up in front of other people other than Thomas. It’s dangerous. What could happen to Thomas if we did?
TALYN: [a little scared] Now I’m hearing voices too.
THOMAS: [with a mix of triumphant and worried face] I told you, guys.
JOAN: You mean these voices are…
PATTON: And what will happen to Thomas if we don’t? They’ll put Thomas in an asylum, and we could lose contact with him forever. Do you want that? Anyway, Logan, I think they’re hearing us, so we have no choice anymore. We have to rise up.
LOGAN: Yes, I guess you’re right. Let’s hope nothing bad happens.
[Patton rises up in his spot. Joan and Talyn scream, scared]
PATTON: What is up, everybody? Sorry I took your line, Thomas, you didn’t say it this time, and I felt like something was missing all the time.
[Logan rises up in his spot too]
LOGAN: How are you, Thomas’ friends?
THOMAS: Hi, Patton. Hi, Logan.
[Thomas, Joan and Talyn get up from the couch and approach Thomas’ usual spot in the middle of the living room, Joan and Talyn look at Logan and Patton with a mixed face of slight horror, disbelief and curiosity]
JOAN: I… I can’t believe my eyes.
LOGAN: But your eyes didn’t tell you any falsehood, Joan, they don’t have mouths to speak. Do they?
ROMAN: [rising up] It’s a metaphor, Doctor Rapper. [to Joan and Talyn] Greetings, commoners.
[Joan and Talyn get startled at Roman’s appearance]
THOMAS: Okay, I think they won’t endure many more scare-jumps, so everybody get out right now. Virgil, Deceit!
[Virgil and Deceit appear in their spots]
VIRGIL: I really hope this doesn’t end bad.
DECEIT: There’s no reason to feel concerned at all…
JOAN: [pointing at Deceit] You didn’t mention that one in your story, Thomas.
THOMAS: Oh, I just met him last year, and I didn’t know about him until then. There’s another one, however I’ve known him for a little longer, I’ll call him. Ho…
VIRGIL: [worried, looking at Deceit and then at Thomas] Umm… no, Thomas. Honesty won’t be coming now. He was busy in his room and has entered autopilot for the moment. Don’t bother calling him.
THOMAS: [looking at Deceit and thinking Virgil is trying to avoid a fight between Deceit and Honesty] Oh, that’s right. Honesty won’t be coming. But I’ll tell you about him later.
DECEIT: [sarcastic] I feel so devastated that my dearest and beloved friend Honesty is not ready to come here now! What a pity!
LOGAN: By the way, Thomas, I just heard that I caused you a huge wound in your head when I threw you that laptop, so I apologize for that. It wasn’t my intention.
THOMAS: It’s okay, Logan. It doesn’t hurt anymore.
JOAN: Okay, okay. Let me get this straight…
ROMAN: Good luck with that!
LOGAN: Same joke, Roman.
JOAN: …whatever. So you’re the Sanders Sides? You’re real?
PATTON: Yes, kiddo. We’re part of Thomas, so we’re real.
JOAN: But how is this possible?
TALYN: I’m reeling over this…
LOGAN: Let me explain. We are physical mental projections from Thomas’ mind. We’re real because Thomas wished hard enough for us to be real. And now, he has the ability, or power, you may call it, of doing the same with any aspect of his mind, don’t ask me why he has this power or how exactly it does work because it would be too complicated for a human mind to understand. Even Thomas himself doesn’t know much about his ability. Most of the times, if not all of them, he’s not conscious of doing it. That’s why he doesn’t know all of the Sides that exist inside of him and are yet to be revealed. In time, he’ll know… maybe.
ROMAN: Now listen, this must be a secret, guys. You must promise right now that you will never, ever, tell anybody that we exist.
VIRGIL: If people knew of our existence, that wouldn’t be good for Thomas.
LOGAN: Yeah, he could become an object of study in a cold laboratory, being sliced and opened up in a dissection table, and…
ROMAN: Logan, don’t be over dramatic. First you wanted to get Virgil’s spot and now you want mine? No way!
LOGAN: … okay, I got carried away. But the point is it wouldn’t be good for Thomas.
PATTON: I’m not worrying too much, you guys. Joan and Talyn are Thomas’ best friends. They love him and I’m sure they know the right thing to do for his well being. Right, kiddos?
JOAN: Yes, you’re right, Patton. Okay, we promise to never tell this to anyone.
THOMAS: “Anyone” includes my family, your family or any of our friends. No one in this world must know.
JOAN: Yes, Thomas, we solemnly swear we’ll never reveal this secret. Right, Talyn?
TALYN: Right, Joan. I join in that oath too.
THOMAS: Thank you. Thank you, so much, you guys. And I’m so glad I can finally share this experience with someone, no one better than my best friends.
LOGAN: [to Joan] By the way, do you have any tips about good rapping? I heard you were an expert on it.
JOAN: Oh, you’re a rapper too? That’s cool!
VIRGIL: [to Talyn] I really love your eyebrows. What a cool use of color.
TALYN: Are you kidding? Your eye-shadow is the coolest thing ever! I couldn’t do it any better, and I tried.
ROMAN: Logan, don’t keep Joan to yourself! I want them to show me some good new songs to sing!
[Joan, Talyn and the Sides start talking while the camera zooms on Thomas]
THOMAS: Well, I can’t wait to see where this takes us in the future. For the moment, and until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non-binary pals. Peace out!
[end card]
JOAN: … no, Logan. That doesn’t rhyme at all.
LOGAN: Really?
PATTON: If they say so, it must be correct, right?
DECEIT: I’m truly enjoying this conversation, but can I leave now?
VIRGIL: I don’t understand what are you still doing here. Go away already. [to Talyn] You see, Talyn, at first I used an eyeliner to do my makeup, but it didn’t get much dark.
TALYN: Of course it doesn’t. Eye-shadow is so much better. You get a better gradient and the darkness matches your aspect as it should. An eyeliner is something too simple. It sounds as something Thomas would do, right?
VIRGIL: [chuckles] Right.
ROMAN: [to the camera] If we get any more meta today, we’re all gonna be ganadores of this carrera…
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thekidultlife · 6 years
Jihoon | We Got Married AU | Ep 1
Ep 1 | Ep 2 |
Genre: Fluff, Comedy???? (i’m srsly not a funny person)
(A/N: So wtf is this? It’s a fic based on the show We Got Married and god it was so hard to replicate variety shows.I’m not sure if this is still how the show goes since the last I watched was from 2009 and I just started recently on Season 4 sooo....I’m not used to this kind of writing but it calls for it. I’m not even sure if you guys would like this but oh well here ya go) lmao the fluff version of oppaya hahahaha
Tell us if you like us to add another episode or if you like it!
MC01: Ah, who’s going to be the new couple?
MC02: They haven’t actually revealed anything to us! I hope one or both of them are idols.
MC03: (laughs) You just like idols! I’m sure you’d want to see NCT Dream’s Jaemin!
MC01: Yah! Jaemin-ssi is still too young to get married!
MC04: Just watch the video! It’s starting!
(cue to a clip SEVENTEEN performing Clap and Thank You)
MC02: Omo! It’s Seventeen! One of them is going to join?
MC03: Oh! Seventeen! Who is it? Who’s going to get married?
02011 VLIVE
(the camera is focused on Woozi in his work studio, in his usual black hoodie)
WOOZI: Ah, good! Everyone’s here. Hello! (smiles a bit as he runs his fingers through his hair) Why did I suddenly wanted to do a VLive? (grins and giggles a bit; his dimples showing) Well, I have big news and I want our Carats to know first (pauses a bit) I’m not sure if Carats would like it but…(smirks) I do hope you’ll support me.
acctuser01: omo tell us tell us
acctuser02: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ i’m scared
acctuser03: ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ
acctuser04: oppa~ we’ll still support you! <3
WOOZI: (finishes reading the comments and laughs) alright, alright. Everyone calm down (clears throat) Well you see, I’m extending my invitations to everyone since I just got married.
MC02: Ah, it’s Woozi-ssi! Woozi-ssi!
WOOZI: Hello, I’m Seventeen’s Woozi. I’m 27 years old, and an idol and a music producer. I um… I never experienced any sort of relationship before (smiles embarrassingly). I never even had close female friends…so that’s why I thought I should try gaining some experience through this.
MC03: Really? I guess he’s the shy type of guy.
MC02: I’ve actually met him once and yeah, he’s really a shy person!
(A new clip plays with your girl group performing on stage)
MC04: Oh! It’s y/gg!
MC02: I’m betting on Y/N.
MC01: I agree with you! I heard they’re great friends.
MC04: Really? Well, maybe because they’re both producers
(At the backstage of Show Champion, as your girl group waits for your cue to start pre-recording)
Y/N: Ah, I almost forgot to tell you. I’m going to get married.
(everyone stops and stares at you)
Leanne: Wait, seriously? (looks panicked) Why did you only tell us now? Does the CEO know? Who is it?
Y/N: (grins) Don’t worry, they already know.
Hazel: (raises brows) Aigoo…don’t listen to her! She’s just tricking us!
Leanne: If this is all a joke, I swear!
Christel: I’m the flower girl! My dress is ready!
Y/N: (laughs) This isn’t a joke, ok? (laughs more) I’m not tricking you!
Hanna: Did you tell your parents already? (sighs exasperatedly) Y/N, don’t stress me like this!
Y/N: (can’t stop laughing and crouches on the floor) Wait, this is so funny! But I swear this is all true!
Leanne: Ah! You’re just playing with us!
Hazel: Yeah! You just told me the other day that you didn’t want a boyfriend!
Y/N: No, no! I’m serious! I’m getting married!
Hanna: AH! I get it! You’re going to enter that show, right?
Leanne: OMO You’re right!!
Hazel: Ah! Good point Hanna!
Y/N: (starts laughing again)
MC03: She’s the type of girl who kind of ends up alone, huh?
MC01: She’s the independent type. You know, like those scary girls in dramas (everyone laughs)
MC02: The “I don’t need a man” type! She strikes me as that girl!
MC04: But it’s funny how her members won’t believe her!
Y/N: Anyway, I want to ask you guys for some tips how—
Hanna: Take a peek while he’s dressing!
Christel: Take a peek while he’s taking a shower!
Hazel: Tell us if he has abs!
Y/N: (gives an annoyed look as you look at your three members) Get out.
MC03: ‘Take a peek while he’s showering’! (laughs)
Y/N: Alright, I’m serious here. Help me for a bit, ok? (everyone nods)
Leanne: Marriage is a big commitment. You have to take care of him well. I hope for all the best and that you’ll be happy with him. I’m sure our fans will still support us even after your marry him.
Y/N: (sighs) Leanne, I told you. I’m going to enter that show. This is just a virtual marriage.
Leanne: (laughs loudly) AH! I’m so slow! Wait! (laughs more) I’m sorry! I can’t believe this!
Y/N: Moving on…
Hanna: (shrugs) I dunno. You’re pretty set in becoming a good wife. You can cook, you can clean…somehow…(voice became hesitant) Don’t worry, you’re good to go!
Hazel: (gives you a thumbs up) Yes, we believe in you! Good luck, Y/N!
Y/N: I’m starting to feel afraid.
Y/N: Hi, I’m Y/N from Y/GG and I’m 25 years old. I’m an idol but I also produce songs. I wanted to join because I was beginning to get concerned with my future (laughs). You see, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t really think about marriage and dating a lot, and I tend to be very career-focused. So there is a huge possibility that I might end up alone (laughs again) so before I get to that, I want to experience what it’s like to have a family and see if I can handle married life.
MC01: Ohhh! She’s such a hard working person!
MC03: Yeah…! It’s rare to see girls like her nowadays!
MC04: You’re right. My daughter at home keeps on doodling her crush’s name on her notebook! Aigoo! Younghee be like Y/N-unnie! (laughs)
09:14 PM
MBC Building
Kiss the Radio Recording
It was late in the evening when your group had finished the radio broadcast scheduled for tonight. It was a long day—starting from a show recording in the morning, a fansigning in the afternoon and a radio guesting in the evening—it had worn you out but not to the extent of days where you had five to six events scheduled. Yet unlike your other members, you were not going home yet.
As soon as you went out from the recording booth, a staff member had given you a pretty silver envelope where the logo of the show you just joined was printed. The other members—Leanne, Hanna, Hazel and Christel—all gathered behind you to take a peek on what was inside.
Mission #1
Meet your husband at the MBC Lobby at 10PM
Your heartbeat immediately raced. You had completely forgotten about it as the day went on and now that it was time to meet the person who you were going to be married to, you suddenly felt your knees weaken. Beginning to question your decisions, you wanted to runaway but you knew you couldn’t.
“I think it’s from Monsta X,” Hanna remarked with a very assured tone as she followed all of you towards the waiting room.
“Monsta X? I dunno…the show can be very random sometimes,” you said skeptically as you played with the envelope.
“It might be Seventeen!” Leanne squealed but you simply sighed.
“I’d rather not get my hopes up. I already told the staff everything they needed to know,” you replied to them; setting the envelope on the dresser and looked at yourself on the mirror. “But I hope I look presentable though.”
9:26 PM
Pledis Building
The cold air hit his cheeks immediately as Woozi walked out of the building’s back door and to the company van. He was used to climbing into the car with twelve other people but right now, he was only with Seventeen’s leader S.Coups, and members Hoshi, Seungkwan and Mingyu ( and two other managers as well) who were insistent enough for Woozi to let them come.
“Who are you guys betting on?” S.Coups asked once the van started moving, being the leader of not only Seventeen, but also of mischief, though Woozi had to snort in annoyance.
“My bet is either on Twice or Y/GG or Red Velvet!” Mingyu announced yet everyone immediately voiced out their disapproval.
“Our Woozi can’t marry any of those girls! They’re too pretty!” Hoshi remarked and was about to add more when Woozi hit his arm forcefully.
“No, no. But Mingyu is right on Y/GG! It may be Y/GG or Pristin! It’s easier for the company too!” Seungkwan said and most of them actually acknowledged his thoughts.
“Oh just be quiet!” Woozi spat at them with a scathing glare and with that everyone became quiet; feeling the nervousness Woozi was emanating inside the car.
As soon as the van pulled out in front of the MBC Building, Woozi in a navy blue button up shirt and skinny jeans, went out and walked towards the lobby in a fast pace, without even waiting for the others. His mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of who his wife was going to be and was beginning to pray to the gods that it was someone he knew so he wouldn’t feel too awkward.
With your members, you strode out of the elevator while talking but before all of you walked into the main part of the lobby, you stopped them.
“Alright,” you sighed your apprehension out and continued. “I’m going there alone. So please don’t follow me,” you instructed them.
Though there were several whines of protests from Christel and Hazel, they immediately went off somewhere (probably to the café) while you, on the other hand, trotted into the main lobby confidently; hiding your nervousness expertly.
As soon as you saw the lobby with its large silver columns, marbled tiles, dim lighting and the few scattered modern armchairs, your eyes searched for someone who might remotely be your husband. Glancing from left to right and to several spots which you suspected he might be, you failed to find anyone.
You checked your watch to be sure that it was already ten in the evening and you were right—it was fifteen minutes past ten and there was still no sign for the person you were going to meet. Your eyes darted to the several red boxy armchairs near the glass walls to find a perfect spot to wait yet instead, what you spotted was a familiar figure.
Walking towards the area, you tapped a shoulder and greeted.
“Woozi-oppa, it’s nice to see you here!”
Woozi was looking at you with wide eyes and an ajar mouth that you immediately got confused.
“Is…is there something wrong?” You asked him as you sat on the chair beside him. Your presence next to him seemed to have snapped him out from his shock and shook his head as an answer.
“No, I’m fine! I’m just waiting for someone. You?” he asked as you looked down on your watch.
“Actually, I’m waiting for someone too and he’s awfully late,” you remarked with a slight annoyance in your voice.
“I feel you. I’ve been waiting here for a while too!” Woozi replied as he sank back down to his armchair. “By the way, how’s the album going?”
You sighed tiredly as you thought of what to answer. “Same old, same old. The progress is slow and I’m getting irritated by the day.”
Woozi chuckled as he felt irony of the situation. “It’s that feeling you get when you just want to smash the piano on the computer screen.”
“You don’t know how much I wanted to do that yesterday! God!” You groaned and continued, “By the way oppa, I have a question concerning the bass lines.”
“Yeah? Do you need help in placing them correctly?”
The two of you then continued to talk about music theory and composition that you two had forgotten that you were actually being filmed.
MC04: (laughing so hard, clutching his stomach) These two forgot about the mission! They forgot the mission! This can’t be real!
MC02: (laughing too) Someone better stop those two now!
“Ok, so like the syncopation is—”
“Excuse me.”
Woozi, slightly irked by the disruption, was just beginning to teach you how to place proper syncopation on songs when a staff member had walked towards you and tapped both of your shoulders.
“Sorry to interrupt but the show is…”
The voice of the PD was drowned out by your sudden realization that you were in the middle of shooting a show.
Shit. I forgot.
But of course, you can’t say that in front of the cameras.
“But my wife still hasn’t arrived and it’s almost eleven!” Woozi was complaining to the staff member when you finally paid attention and there it had hit you.
“Your wife is Y/N.”
Fuck. This isn’t a joke right?
Wait. Wait. Wait. Ok.
Woozi is my husband? Lee Jihoon is my husband?
Both you and Woozi stared at each other in astonishment until one of you had burst in hollering laughter. You stood from your seat and paced back and forth as you laughed your embarrassment out as he hit the armrest of the chair repeatedly, laughing as well.
“Seriously! I can’t believe this!” Woozi exclaimed as he buried his face on the armrest as he winced at how breathless he became; though giggles still kept on coming. “Everything’s…ruined!”
You on the other hand was crouching on the ground, hiding your face away from everyone as you whined. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know!”
Hiding behind the receptionist’s desk were S.Coups, Mingyu, Seungkwan and Hoshi together with your group members Leanne and Hanna. They were laughing so hard that they were all sitting on the ground, covering their mouths—trying to hide the fact that they were eavesdropping on your conversation.
“This is fucking gold!” S.Coups exclaimed as he tried to steady himself by holding on the desk. “I swear…!”
“I wish the others were here!” Seungkwan said as he clutched on his stomach. “God…I can’t believe this…Woozi-hyung is…”
“Y/N is so embarrassing. Oh my god, I don’t want to watch anymore!” Hanna remarked yet instead of leaving like she said, she stayed behind the desk with the others as they tried to settle their laughter.
“They look like lost children,” Mingyu grinned sheepishly at them.
MC02: They look like they’re peeping at their wedding night (laughs)
MC01: This is seriously funny, you know!
MC03: I like those two already! (laughs)
MC01: I’ve never seen anyone forget they were in a show!
MC02: But you can already see that they’re a good match. They’re not awkward while talking at all!
MC04: And they’re very comfortable with one another!
MC02: That’s right! Naturally, it would be hard for new couples because they still don’t know anything about the other!
MC03: That’s because they’re already friends before they got married, so it isn’t awkward at all!
After a few minutes of rest, both you and Woozi finally recovered from the previous situation and stood face to face with a bashful expressions. You could see that his ears were still tainted pink as an amused smirk was plastered on face.
“Omo this is weird…let’s do it again, okay?” Woozi started as a chuckle escaped his lips. “Hi, I’m Seventeen’s Woozi or you can call me Jihoon, if you want. I’ll be your husband, so please take care of me.”
He held out his hand for you to shake, yet instead of taking it normally, you just couldn’t help but laugh as you shook his hand.
“I’m so sorry...I wanted this to be proper but this is really funny,” you remarked; thinking of how he didn’t really need to introduce himself since you already knew who he was. “Alright, I guess it’s my turn. I’m Y/GG’s Y/N. I’ll be your wife from now on, oppa so…I guess…let’s live happily?”
“Why do you sound unsure? Don’t you want us to live happily?” Woozi teased you and laughed more when you suddenly looked panicked.
“No! I didn’t mean it like that! I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to say!” You defended yet began giggling yourself; completely infected by your husband’s contagious laughter. “Omo I don’t know anymore!”
WOOZI: (begins chuckling as he remembered what happened) I don’t know, I don’t know. (shakes head) When Y/N came up to me, I assumed that she was going to be my wife so I was really surprised that it was her (doing those weird hand gestures he usually does while talking). But when she began talking about producing songs, I thought ‘Nah, I guess she isn’t’, so I quickly dismissed the idea. So when PD-nim came to tell us about it, I just couldn’t help but laugh. I guess I was right in the end (grins).
Y/N: (serious) I wish I could just bury myself twenty feet deep underground (sighs and laughs wryly). God, that was so embarrassing (shakes head) It never really crossed my mind that Woozi-oppa would be my husband so I didn’t assume that he will be when I talked to him. I was just planning to kill time while waiting…gosh, can I just forget what happened? (you hid your face with your hands)
“So…um…what do we do?” You asked Woozi who seemed as lost as you and sighed in hopelessness.
“We’re the worst people to be in this show,” he remarked and you agreed immediately. You both were never the most romantic people out there and to be in a show about romance was one of the worst position you both could be.
You scratched the back of your head as an idea popped into your head. “How about we go to that café you always go to and we can discuss things there?”
Woozi tossed the idea to and fro in his head and finally agreed to go; understanding that there really is a need for discussion.
“Let’s go then,” he said as he held out an arm for you to hold in which you gladly reciprocated.
MC01: I think it’s important to talk about what both wants in this stage, right?
Q: So far, what did you feel when you learned that Seventeen’s Woozi was going to be your husband?
Y/N: (grins) Surprised. (leans head to the side) I didn’t really want to expect anything and then become disappointed in the end, so I didn’t think of oppa would be my husband. If I do and then someone else would turn up, then I’ll be disappointed and that’s not fair.
Q: So you’re happy that he did turn up as your husband?
Y/N: (smiles mysteriously and shrugs)
Q: So, what do you think of your new wife?
WOOZI: (smiles giddily) I’m happy. (runs a hand through his hair) Well, that’s…that’s because we’ve known each other before and I’m not too pressured to break the awkwardness. (thinks for a while) She’s…Y/N’s…someone who I think matches well with me…I don’t think it would be hard for us to get along. In fact, we get along quiet well. I don’t mind if she’s going to be my wife.
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denouxments · 6 years
dylan minnette. cismale. he/him. — did you see { alex mercier }, i haven’t seen the { twenty-one } year old in a while! you know, they’re a { musician }, and have been living in jersey city for { twenty-one years }. some say they're { cynical & indecisive }, but i think they're { generous & talented }. regardless, i’m glad { alex } is here.
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aaaaaand in the door to the right we have trash son #2, alex !! ( woo ! ahh ! ) you can find his dossier page HERE, his biography does not exist yet ( i’m gonna kick my own ass ), and there is a pinterest board for him HERE.
ok so boy is a middle child through and through LOL. his dad is a writer who also works as an english professor at new york university, meanwhile his mom works in human services helping people who have fallen off their track in life and stuff.
alex is essentially a male carbon copy of his mom in appearance but his personality is 100% his dad’s lmao
his siblings are a wanted connection !
also his household includes a deaf cat named shrimp that alex literally fished out of a gutter when he was 14. she’s his baby despite the fact that he’s mildly allergic to both cats AND shrimp ( i r o n i c ). here’s the instagram of the cat i’m saying she looks like
real mundane middle class life. there have been highs and lows like any other family, but there’s no tragedy here folks ! that comes later and has nothing to do with his family !
his dad was really into rock music and playing the drums when he was younger cuz wow the 80s and really wanted at least one of his kids to have good taste in music, so he kept the drum set and all the old records despite the fact that they were just collecting dust in the garage . . . until alex came along !
first was the drums, then it was the guitar, then it was being dual-enrolled in both the band and choir classes, and then, finally, it was starting his own band with 2 friends at only 11 years old
his dad got real lucky cuz alex clearly loved music, and he considers the 80s to be legendary. 
i'm gonna revisit his music in a moment cuz we gotta start getting into the tragedy that i mentioned ! so alex was like a really chill dude when high school started. he was a bit of a pretentious hipster bitch, but he was chill. he didn’t really say no to things ? like if something or someone just fell into his lap, he’d roll with it and didn’t really think too much about the consequences ? he was a big stoner and lost his virginity and probably way too young of an age because of it. he just didn’t really Care too much lol
he was essentially that quiet stoner that played his guitar in the courtyard and didn’t pay much attention to anything going on around him 
. . . unless he overheard you talking about something that was stupid or he didn’t agree with. then he’d butt in to be like “l o l that’s wrong !”
then he met molly ! if you’ve read chloe’s intro for bobbi you know molly ! we love molly ! molly was cute in that girl-next-door way and she was funny with good taste. it was hard for alex not to fall in love with her, really. they were friends first before they started dating, and it was through her that he met all of his current ride-or-die friends. he had never been good at making them, so she was a blessing for his social life. she was amazing. he loved her, his parents loved her, they were good. she was good and then she was gone. just like that. a car accident in which she wasn’t even the driver.
to say the loss devastated him would be an understatement. he shut down completely. he stopped hanging out with friends, stopped playing guitar in the courtyard; his presence in class was like that of a ghost. nobody ever knew what to say to alex before, and it was twice as true now. he just sort of Existed for the remainder of junior year, throwing himself into his studies instead of ever really taking the Time to Deal with it all.
it really hit him like a truck when summer hit and it was at this point that his parents forced him to start seeing a therapist.
his therapist recommended he use his band and music as an outlet, since that seemed to be his healthiest coping mechanism. ( see, i told you we’d get back to that ! ) taking this advice, he threw himself headfirst into it. like, he got really into his band. it’d been a bit of a hobby between friends before, and sometimes they worked small gigs, but now alex was also trying to produce them on a bigger scale. this helped him through his grief tremendously, especially because if felt like he was doing molly proud.
alex was 18 and had graduated when all this hard work paid off. after releasing a self-made ep entitled after molly, the band started gaining some serious traction. we’re talking getting featured on spotify’s indie hits lists and their fanbase skyrocketing in size from the couple hundred monthly listeners it had been. suddenly they were getting booked sold out indie gigs left and right all across the manhatten area. it was nuts and it is still nuts. they even have a well demanded
they’ve put out a 2nd ep since the initial takeoff and are now working on a full blown album ! exciting !
so, yeah, that’s definitely an exciting exchange for being utterly heartbroken i suppose. its been years since molly passed now, so he’s okay now for the most part. he still gets sad sometimes, and he still has all the pictures they took together and all the cheesy playlists they made for each other saved. she’s always gonna be the first girl he was ever in love with,, and i don’t think he’s yet to have a serious relationship since her, but don’t worry about him just being a clay jensen 2.0. my boy is faaaar from that and he’s had his grace period, y’know ? he good.
fuuuucking hiiiiipster buuuuullshiiiit ! coffee and vinyl aesthetic all day bby. will call out your shit taste in music
loves to debate and argue semantics. will always play devils advocate even if he agrees with you 100%. also will go on for hours about the political climate and existence if you accidentally get him there
a bit antisocial. he doesn’t really know how to, like, approach people ? and then when people approach him he has a tendency to rub people the wrong way with his lackluster people skills
tries to go to parties and bars and stuff sometimes because that’s Normal, right ?
a ride or die pal when you do manage to befriend him though ! would drop e v e r y t h i n g for his friends and loves to spoil them relentlessly. the type to randomly show up at your house in his 3,000 year old mustang and take you to lunch or just go driving. 
big ole hufflepuff
he’s not really that super free spirit that he was before molly passed. now he actually cares a more about his actions to the point of being lowkey paranoid, honestly. like he’s always wanted tattoos but he constantly second guesses what he wants to get cuz he doesn’t wanna be the guy that got a shitty tattoo, y’know ? so he hasn’t done it at all
cynical boyyyyy. he’s one of those guys that’s like “i’m a realist, not a pessimist”. definitely doesn’t have a whole lot of faith in others outside of his friends and family. will always assume the worst out of people and question their motives
thinks of himself as really boring. not in a self deprecating way, but a factual way
hobbies include music, video games ( he does streams of him being shit at pubg on twitch sometimes ! ), watching movies ( horror specifically is a favorite ), sitting on his roof at 3am to look at the sky, going on walks when there’s nothing else to do, and aggressively frowning when his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere
seriously he really enjoys horror. halloween is his favorite holiday even though he isn’t really big on candy or dressing up. he just thinks the spooky aesthetic is real fun and its cool to see what everyone else is doing
he’s a skeptic on all things supernatural so all you boogaras better snatch him up !!
i drew this expression doodle page that honestmeme sums up his personality pretty well ( it is messy so plz be kind . . . )
his bandmates is a given. i just need 2 others , , , any gender any fc. i have a wc for it.
either of his 2 siblings . . . another wc
any music friends tbh
rival musicians ? yes
people he just doesn’t get along with in general. he’s a pretentious snot so its pretty easy
unlikely friends ( probably someone super idealistic and bubbly )
childhood friends
he hasn’t had a serious relationship since molly so maybe someone he’s kinda into and that’s kinda into him but they taking it REAL slow
on the off hand some exes from him trying to see if he was ready to date again and just wasn’t
someone he debates with a lot. friends or not, they’re just really fun to banter back and forth with
horror night movie buddies !!
gets blazed w/ him on the roof in the middle of the night rambling about if ants have a conscious
he’s got his own place but a roommate or 2 would be nice !
anything anything anything. he’s constantly finding himself in bizarre situations that he just rolls with so long as it doesn’t leave a bad butterfly effect. hmuuuuuu and we can brainstorm
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brakken · 7 years
Replayed Life is Strange ep. 5, thoughts below.
Buckle in - I had a lot to say.
I was nervous about revisiting this one. The first time I played, this ending wrecked me. And I mean wrecked. I was in tears for hours. I had trouble sleeping for weeks. I couldn’t think about the game without wanting to cry. I wanted to draw fan art for it, but couldn’t without breaking down. In many ways, I’m still affected by it. This game changed me.
So, I was nervous. And not just because of how hard it hit me the first time, but I was nervous about how I’d react in replaying. Would I notice something I didn’t the first time, that would ruin the experience for me? Would I cry as much? And if I didn’t, would that mean that I didn’t like it as much? How much of that original feeling was satisfaction, and how much was disappointment?
-spoilers ahead for LiS Ep. 5-
I touched on this very briefly last time, but I want to talk about it further here, where it comes more into play: 
I do not like the Jefferson twist. Coupled with Rachel’s death, it is a shallow and uninteresting answer to her disappearance, regardless of their attempts to pretty it up with the Prescott’s involvement. Strip away the red herrings and tangled threads, and what you’re left with is a dead girl and a murderer. Jefferson becomes unrecognisable in his unveiled role - his tropey villain dialogue and mannerisms separate him so far from his earlier scenes that it may as well have been an all-new person. Maybe this was the intention, but it reads to me as utterly cliche. How frightening would he have been, had he kept his familiar composure? How much more menacing, now that his mannerisms are given a horrific context?
Even within the narrative, his portrayal in this episode feels completely wrong. Jefferson goes from a man with a sick passion for capturing true innocence, to one willing to murder multiple people. It is never understood that murder is part of his pattern. Rachel’s death was an accident at Nathan’s hands, yet now we have Jefferson killing him, Chloe, Victoria, and the intention to kill Max, all with nary a hint of remorse or doubt. He is just the bad guy now - plain and simple. And in a game where so much else is designed to be not so clean-cut, that’s... pretty boring.
With that out of the way, I do think the scenes themselves are done well. Awakening in the dark room is genuinely tense and scary - moreso with Victoria present. Desperately hopping in and out of photographs to different moments of captivity is incredibly effective - it packs on such helplessness and danger.
And even while not being thrilled with Jefferson as the villain, and while understanding it would soon fall apart, it is incredibly satisfying to help Max attain the following victories via time-hopping. A lot of the game focuses on retreading conversations with new information, and consequently, Max displays boosted confidence upon these repetitions. Returning to the first scene is where this is at its peak. She knows everything - and she’s powerful. It’s also in parts like this where I would like to applaud the designers for having a clear vision from the outset (even if I wasn’t entirely thrilled with aspects of that vision). 
A really strong story-telling tool is introducing a solution before the problem arrives, to trick the audience into thinking it’s unimportant until the reveal. Having us take the selfie right at the start of the game is a great use of this. What seemed like just a moment in a scene becomes absolutely vital - but only after we discover we can rewind with photographs. (this is also why the ep.4 Warren moment feels so weirdly deliberate. We already know how her powers work by this point so we’re paying attention every time a new photo is taken.)
I’d been put the ending off for a while. 
Once I played up to the art gallery, I took a break and then just... left it there. Left Max in a peaceful moment.
I wasn’t ready.
But lately it seemed like the real world was telling me to return to it. After a week with no breeze, the wind began picking up, and it looked like there could be rain. I found myself idly doodling Chloe and Max in my intervals between work. I had someone here ask me if I’d be writing thoughts for episode 5. I was discovering new music that aligned all too well with where I was at with the characters. 
So, I finally decided it was time, and sat down, and finished playing. Only the next morning did I realise I’d done so on October 11, the in-game day of the storm.
Before moving into the next act of the episode, I want to say I really appreciate the way they’ve sculpted so many different ways to apply Max’s rewind power. It’s great that they’re able to keep surprising me while not emptying their cache too quickly. However, I reaaally wish (and was expecting) that time-freezing would make a return in this finale. It’s used well in ep.2 with Kate, but I feel like it introduced a new threat that is never paid off. Once it’s established that Max’s power can weaken her to the point where it doesn’t function, there is now a looming danger for when that will happen again - maybe this time, the cost will be Chloe, or the town, or even Max herself. But it never does. The closest we get is when Chloe is shot at the end of ep.4, but the power's failure is more directly from Jefferson’s sedation, rather than a weakness on Max’s part. And when she does falter again, it manifests as a prolonged out-of-nowhere dream sequence. There’s some creative stuff present there, but it also stands as a missed opportunity to toy further with tangible peril.
On with the escape. Don’t have much to say here. I may not have been happy with his new portrayal, but it’s still satisfying to watch Jefferson get taken down.  It’s nice to see David on the same team as Max, and it’s a good start to a series of character farewell scenes.
Followed closely by a bad one.
Nathan is thrown to the wayside to an unforgivable degree here. He’s been pivotal in Max and Chloe’s connection uptil now, even though a lot of that happens off-screen. But as soon as he’s no longer the main threat, his presence, character, and life are all discarded. His phone message in the car provides some closure, but is far too little too late and serves more as insult to injury than any kind of saving face.
Meanwhile, Warren, a character with more screentime than Nathan but of relative unimportance to the main story, is given a spotlighted farewell. I don’t get this. I have no harsh feelings against Warren, but insofar as his relevance to Max and Chloe’s arcs, he is a sideliner. Since his primary presence has centred around a potential romance for Max, his farewell scene should be treated with an equal amount of focus. It really annoys me that you are forced to tell him about Max’s powers - there is no way to opt out of it, and all it leads to is him guilt-tripping Max with ‘Chaos Theory’ and ‘choosing the right thing’, which the game is about to throw at us anyway in the dream sequence. It’s also unjust to the scene’s purpose, which is a farewell. We may not fully know it, but we’re saying goodbye to these characters one by one. We’ve just come away from our farewells with Joyce and Frank, and all Warren wants to do is talk plot. But whatevs, I still hugged him.
The confession about letting William die was painful. I wasn’t predicting it to come up again, and by this point it felt like so long ago. And yet, it works. We’ve returned to a Chloe who’s early off of discovering Rachel’s death - and she doesn’t want to listen. And we need her to listen. Most conversations in the game can’t lead to a failure, but I find it really interesting that this one does. 
I’m very conflicted about the dream sequence. Conceptually, I love it. I love when games mess with their established order, and they’re certainly evoking a feeling of helplessness in me upon returning once again to that damn classroom. But, it rubs me the wrong way here, too. We’ve beaten the mini-boss of the game. We defeated Jefferson. Yet the final time we see him is here, forcing us to say words we don’t want to, and watch him take photos of Chloe with us strapped to a chair. I get this is Max internalising her insecurities... but we beat him. We’re onto the final boss, now - the storm. Jefferson is obsolete at this point, and there’s no rhyme or reason to show him in power again.
(sidebar: the bottle-collecting in the hide-and-seek segment was confusing and dumb and made me angry that they were still injecting completion rewards this late in the story)
I also don’t like the Dark Room sequence of the dream, because it villainises Chloe. All the other sequences present us with twisted versions of Arcadia Bay residents. Dead versions, cruel versions. We’re witnessing the weight of guilt that coincides with the coming choice, culminating in an encounter with the Other Max, and Chloe saving us from her. This should have been Chloe’s first appearance in the dream. The Dark Room sequence where she jeers at Max’s shortcomings seems so out of place with the rest of what is being said. I think this is especially noticeable given the following walk down memory lane, showing us everything we’ll lose on the alternate side of the choice. 
(sidebar: I wish that the walk had been done better - I never knew when to stop and listen to the voiceovers and when to continue onto the next highlighted moment, and it was always jarring whenever the dialogue got interrupted)
I was fully ready for Rachel to appear in this dream, in some form or another. With everything culminating, and Max messing more with time, coupled with how blunt they were to put Rachel in the ground in the previous ep, I was waiting and I was hoping. But she never showed. And I don’t understand why. As I said with Nathan, Rachel is integral in the centric plotline of Max and Chloe’s reunion. I need to stress this - even though she’s never seen on-screen, she is a dominating factor in our two main characters’ growth, and is little more than a footnote in this finale.
What we get instead at the end of this dream, is Other Max. I don’t have much to say about her. In my eyes she’s very much just a culmination of the dream thusfar. She doesn’t represent much to me beyond that, except a missed opportunity to meet Rachel and find out what the hell is going on.
Can we touch on that quickly, before the final scene? What the hell is going on? I don’t want to have everything bluntly spelled out, but... did the designers really feel like they’d laid enough groundwork that the answer should be obvious? When Chloe hamfistedly states it’s a mystery we’ll ‘obviously never figure out’... damn. That hurts. I mean, I have my own theory - I like it, and it’s the lens I choose to view the story through. But it’s unfair to put it on the players to do this heavy-lifting. We relied on the designers to draw the path for us to follow, and they took us to a dead end.
So let’s talk about the final choice. Even in replaying, and with the dream sequence’s attempts to balance the scales last-minute, my decision here still remained the same, for a couple of reasons. The first being the game’s true title, as I have mentioned earlier - ‘Save Chloe: The Game’. And hey, this doesn’t suddenly change in the final episode. This was, for me, the fixed goal as soon as I caught onto it. And to save Chloe here, she needs to be able to live past her grief. Contrasted to the alternate Chloe, whose prison was inescapable - saving her came from letting her go. But here, we need to hold on. 
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
My second main reason is Max’s character growth, and the overall narrative. This young girl is warned of a coming storm, and is then given time-altering powers. And she is constantly asking why. Not just why she got powers, but what she is meant to learn from having them. On the surface, what she learns is ‘don’t mess with time a bunch because a storm will happen’ and with that you can lean either way on the choice. But if I was going to carve right to the heart, I see the story saying ‘you can’t fix all your mistakes, but you can move through the consequences and grow in the aftermath.’ Every problem she's faced in the story uptil this point, she has tampered with to some degree in order to solve. And to do so, again, for this final decision, would make her arc amount to nothing. This needs to be different from letting William die, otherwise the game could have ended there. There is no easy decision, but the storm is here. All the pieces lie where they fell, both good and bad. 
I’m tearing this damn photograph.
All that said, I can’t and won’t fault anyone for going the other way. I haven’t played or watched the alternate ending, so far all I know it performs well and ticks story checkboxes that I can’t see over here on the ‘bae’ side.
This choice felt and still feels like the right one to me. From outside the narrative, I can certainly weigh the options and see sacrificing Chloe as the more viable. (though if you want to talk pragmatism, there is absolutely no reason why either of them should think that letting Chloe die should fix everything)
But while it’s important to ask ‘what would I do?’, it’s also been immensely important to me in these playthroughs to ask ‘what would Max do?’, or further, ‘what could Max do?’
So that was my choice. As I said at the beginning, I was nervous as to how I’d feel at the end, after having been so deeply affected the first time. And now, after crying through the whole epilogue, I found myself wondering if I’d cried enough. I looked up the scene online and watched it again, and cried. And then again, and cried. But what was this empty feeling? Is this what it felt like before, or was something blocking me from experiencing it properly?
After stepping outside into the 4am light, and then another rewatch, I realised I was, in a way, messing with time. Trying to force things, just like Max was. I even had my own Other Max in my head, making me question my own thoughts and feelings. So it was time to let it be what it was, and move on. I couldn’t recreate my first play, but I could let myself get swept up in this one.
Since finishing the game, it’s been raining non-stop here. I’ve kept inside, surrounded by the aftermath of this playthrough.
Playing this game changed me. For all it did right and all it did wrong, I was affected. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve consciously noted a tangible shift in who I am as a person. It’s brought me closer to my emotions, and has altered my creativity. It made me revise one of my comic ideas into a game - something I would never have considered on my own.
Even with all these thoughts, I reckon this comic I made accurately sums up my whole experience. 
And as I’ve done each time, here are my favourite moments from this episode:
-'I’ll always be with you.’ ‘Forever.’
-Clasping hands, as the storm rages.
-Max, unable to watch, leaning into Chloe, who looks on with newfound strength.
-Driving through the town, now in pieces. Max, too, in pieces.
-Max’s weak smile when Chloe moves to comfort her. It’s going to be okay. They’re together.
(heck, I cried just typing those out, I am so done, haha)
To anybody who read this far - thank you so, so much. This game holds a lot of emotional value to me, and hence these write-ups are probably the most personal thing I’ve put out here for people to see. So thank you for taking the time to look at this. I hope you’re having a wonderful day.
Wah, this was all in preparation for the first episode of Before the Storm, and now episode 2 is about to be released. I gotta dig in!
As always, here’s a lil sketch <3
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13thhr · 5 years
Episode #209: Empty Hands Reading – Elemental Alignments
This week, I’m reading a short excerpt from the martial arts novella, Empty Hands, as a follow up to last week’s episode on the Dungeons and Dragons influences.  This section touches on the five elements in nature (more back in episode 151) and how they fit the characters:
  Jake and Aurora both fell into a character class Wally the wizard had called the “earth type.”  As the guys had mentioned, we’d done a little presentation detailing our strengths and weaknesses early in our training (I had to do mine twice since I didn’t understand the assignment the first time and had instead talked about Aurora).  Wally used that assignment to go into something he called “The Elemental School of Personality Assessment,” which he said was an important part of not only our magical studies but our training in general.  There were five main personality types corresponding to the five divisions of elemental forces in nature – earth, water, wind, fire, and space, as well as an infinite combination of blends.
Pure earth types were grounded, practical people who, like strongly rooted trees, were good at weathering the vicissitudes of life but could be a bit stubborn at times.  Dependable, practical, and steady types like Jake and Ben fell into that category.  Pure water types were kind of the opposite – adaptable and fluid, like water conforming to whatever container it finds itself in, though they could be a bit all over the place.  Phil, an easy-going sort who tended to go with the flow, fit this category.  He was not, however, a fickle person, prompting Wally to categorize him as an earth-water blend.
“You mean like mud?” Phil had said when Wally passed him the sheet of paper containing his alignment and its characteristics.
We’d laughed, but then Wally shrugged.  “Water is flexible, but it can be hard, if the force is right.  Earth is not fluid but mixed with a little water, it moves easily from one place to the next until it dries.  Too much, though, and it just becomes dirty water.  Do you get my drift?”
“Um … no,” Phil had said after a long pause.
“You will.  For now, it basically means you have the best of both worlds.”  Then to all of us, he said, “Keep in mind these are just predictions.  It’s up to you to figure out if they’re accurate and how to apply the knowledge to your training.”   
Like Phil, Aron also ended up a blend – part water and part wind.  Pure wind types, like Allan, were open-minded and peaceful.  Like birds soaring above the clouds, the day-to-day troubles of the earth-bound held little meaning for them.  They craved freedom, which fit Aron, but could be a bit impractical and out of touch with reality (definitely Aron and sometimes Allan, who preferred to think everything through prior to acting on anything).  Pure fire types, like Lance and Blake, were no-nonsense folk who believed the best defense was a good offense.  It was pretty clear that dynamic, straight-forward weapons like the bow and sword fit guys like that.  The downside of fire, of course, was that not all problems could be solved in direct ways. 
That left the last category, which Wally had initially called “empty space.”  Aron had burst out laughing at this, muttering something about it being the one that fit me best, and the others had joined in.  Wally silenced them, then paused and said that, actually, Aron might have been right for once.  This caused me to redden in anger and disappointment as Aron went bug-eyed and laughed hard enough to fall out of his chair. 
It wasn’t like I was especially taken with any of the previous categories, but as the youngest and physically smallest of the Rangers, it would have been nice to not be different at something – anything – for once.  I didn’t really care about not being able to run, swim, climb, fight, navigate, or use magic as well as the others.  Unlike some, I couldn’t imagine myself “a career man,” so excelling at soldiering skills (assuming I lived long enough), seemed a bit irrelevant for me and my life in the long run.  Frankly, I couldn’t have cared less whether I fit earth, wind, water, fire, or some blend of the four – but “empty space?”  Come on!
As if reading my thoughts, Wally frowned and said, “Empty space is perhaps not the right term.  The magic books sometimes use the word void (which produced a burst of hoots from Aron), but that, too, has always seemed a poor choice.  It’s …” he frowned, sighed, then continued.  “At some point in the future, science will catch up to what we wizards have known for eons – that all matter is composed of tiny particles too small to see.  They are the essence, the anima, that gives substance and life to all things in the natural world.  And, as such, particles from the void can become any of the four.  Add enough of them packed together, and they become earth.  Space them out far enough, they become wind.  Push them a bit closer together, they reform as water.  Add a bolt of lightning or some other energy source, and they become fire.”      
Allan nodded, saying, “Most interesting.  So this is the essence we harness when we generate magic.”
“Exactly!  You are pulling directly from the void,” Wally said.
There was silence for a time as we mulled this over.  Finally, Jake turned around in his seat and looked at me with his steady, cool brown eyes.  “I’m sorry we laughed, Logan.  It was wrong of us.”
I reddened further and stared down at my notebook, doodling with my piece of charcoal.  “It’s okay,” I finally said, still avoiding Jake’s eyes.  When I look back on that experience, I wish I had met and held the man’s gaze to let him know I appreciated his apology.  But … there are some things I suppose that only come with age.
After a moment, Aron asked quietly, “So … do you think there’s maybe a little void somewhere in me?”
Wally rolled his eyes and said “Aron, be grateful for what you have.”  After the lesson finished, Wally handed me the piece of paper containing information on my alignment.  On the side, he had written:
Read this over, and see if you think it fits.  Find me if you have any questions.
P.S. The woman you told us about from your town – the one you grew up with – sounds like more of an earth type, though at least from your description, she sounds like an earth – void blend.  I can see why you would enjoy her company.  Hope that gives you some more information about yourself that will be helpful in the coming months.
To be honest, it wasn’t then, but looking back years later, it sure has been.
Here’s a little character sketch I did about a year ago (a little different from their final iteration) when I was coming up with the ideas presented above:
This page formerly had what I affectionately dubbed a “starving artist” section on little side hustles you could do (mostly on the internet, often with a phone) to make a few bucks here and there, often in gift cards.  Well, now you can listen to this show (as well as other podcasts) and get paid to do so!  Check out https://www.podcoin.com/ to listen to the show and start earning points that you can redeem for gift cards (Amazon, Target, Starbucks, etc) or donations to a number of charities.  Use the code “Thirteen” when you sign up to get 300 extra points.  The Thirteen Hour Podcast is now on BONUS this week, so you can earn more than normal (1.5x).
Empty Hands, the synth EP soundtrack to the novella, Empty Hands, is now out for streaming on Bandcamp.  
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#TheThirteenthHour #Podcast 209: reading an excerpt from the martial arts novella, "Empty Hands" on the 5 elemental alignments (earth, wind, water, fire, void) #dandd #fantasy #rpg Episode #209: Empty Hands Reading - Elemental Alignments This week, I'm reading a short excerpt from the martial arts novella, …
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meltedmagazine · 7 years
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    With an album cover reminiscent of a cleaned-up middle school graffiti doodle, BBQ Pope, a garage-psych-punk band of three from Toronto, Ontario, bring you their self-titled debut LP: BBQ Pope. Named after, you got it, the Butthole Surfers' song “Bar-B-Q Pope”, the band is comprised of Reid Millar on bass, Sean Hackl on guitar, and Duncan Briggs on drums. Both Reid and Sean contribute vocally, though Reid takes the lead in both singing and lyric writing. On opening track “Welcome to My Hell”, you can hear  Green Day inspired guitar riffs, and drum licks bearing resemblance to that of Queens of the Stone Age. A few of their biggest influences include: together PANGEA, Fuzz, and Stone Temple Pilots.
     This album helped me rediscover lost memories of the Santa Barbara Bowl; Duncan brings full-bodied and area rock-like drumming, which reminded me of sitting in the outdoor concert hall where I enjoyed some of my very first shows. Feelings channeled and messages related throughout the album are very much of a young peoples' honest experience. By my third listen of “Sad and Stoned”, I was hooked in - ready to sing along - anticipating the lyrics and even mistakenly a bit earlier than queued: "I'M SAAD ANND STOONED!!!". “Cry” is a total lullaby. Young adulthood and, well, life, can put you in a state of utter apathy - these guys get it - and they make it sound notsobad, too. Taking a short break from the more heavy and hearty lyrics, “All My Friends Smoke Cigarettes” conveys a straightforward message: "I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!" - whether or not they're smokin' stoges! “Make it Happen” is an ode to a lover or a friend with a twist; unconditional happiness under one circumstance. Closing out the album with “Blank Screen”, (which was stylized and improved upon tremendously since the first version on their Squid Vicious EP) I couldn't help but think that during the second half of the chorus, I was hearing a punk-rock version of Beck's “Broken Drum”. Anyone?
Sizzle on, BBQ Pope, and come visit us down here in America, too!!
What brought you guys together? 
    Sean and Reid have been friends since grade 4 and started their first band way back then. Duncan and Sean met at Rosedale Heights School of the Arts through the music program, in the summer of 2015 BBQ Pope started after Reid came to Sean with an idea for a new band with better songs. . . Sean brought on Duncan because he knew he was a cool guy.
Who are a few of your biggest influences? Is your name, which I assume so, derived from the Butthole Surfers’ song “Bar-B-Q Pope”?
     A few of our biggest influences in terms of songwriting are bands like: Together PANGEA, The Meatbodies, FIDLAR, White Reaper, Fuzz, and classics like Nirvana, Greenday, and Stone Temple Pilots. Yaaa our name is from the Butthole Surfers song, we love when our grandparents ask how we got our name!
Who’s doing the lead singing?
    Reid is doing the lead singing on all tracks except “Make it Happen”, which Sean sings.
What do you think influenced the distinct difference in/maturing of your sound in what we hear from the Squid Vicious EP, to what we hear now on your self-titled LP?
     Early on we loved bands like No Parents and Pangea, so our first EP is very reminiscent of their styles and has a less serious tone because of that. We were excited by their themes of partying and that it was music that was also fast and fun, so we adopted those elements into songs like “I Wanna Soda” and “Star Crossed Stoners”. However by the time we recorded Squid Vicious, which was a year into our existence, we'd written “Blank Screen”, which is a song about online sexual predators. We realized with that song that we were capable of writing songs about more complex things, and we were also at that time experiencing more changes in our lives, such as relationships ending, starting at new schools and seeing our friends move away for university, so we had a broader range of experience to write about, which we realized could be therapeutic. We still write songs about partying too though, cause it's fun. It was really just a weird time in our lives when we wrote the songs.
Are you generally pleased with the Toronto music scene? Are you looking to relocate any time soon?
    The Toronto music scene is something we're very pleased with. We have lots of amazing friends making awesome music. There's a super strong community of psychedelic bands revolving around acts like Possum, Kaleidoscope Horse and Hot Garbage. There's kickass hardcore/punk from Prom Nite, S.H.I.T., and The Boys. And of course there's awesome garage rock revolving around Fried Records from Goodbye Honolulu, Luna Li, Passport Radio, and The A-Listers. There's a lot of important work to create safe spaces happening from groups like Fried and Black Siren, as well as individuals like Zoe Smith who are all putting on great all Ages events in the city. The only bummer is how much alcohol sales go into how the scene works with a lot of big venues like The Horseshoe only doing 19+ shows. But there's great alternative venues like The Smiling Buddha and Faith/Void working against that. We're very happy here and don't want to relocate. Are any of you doing any solo or side projects, and might BBQ Pope have anything new in the works?
     Sean and Duncan both play in a band called Fade Awaays, which is a garage rock band they formed with our good friend Reid MacMaster. Our singer Reid has started a hardcore band called Transit Cops recently. We as BBQ Pope are writing more songs currently, so perhaps an EP is on the horizon. Also every October Fried Records puts out a compilation of its artists for Halloween, so we'll be contributing a song to that most likely as well.
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latenightreadsexo · 7 years
Operation EPS (1)
Hi, my name is Airi Huang and I’m not normal. My life isn’t normal. You didn’t have a normal teenage life. You never had an easy life, mainly for one reason. You were a secret agent.
You weren’t considered as someone in “the norm”. You were bullied a lot in school for being mixed. Your mother was ¼ white and ¾ Chinese. Your dad was ½ Thai and ½ Vietnamese. You were always being teased for being so many different races. You were always told that you would never fit in and that was sort of true. You did have some friends but they weren’t close.  You were the type of person who if someone didn’t talk to you, you wouldn’t talk. You were very quiet.  Your friends, however, were outgoing and popular. They were pretty and guys crushed on them all the time. You wouldn’t consider yourself pretty, but your friends said you were. You usually spend your time by yourself, at the library, reading and doodling in your notebook. You tried to blend into the background. That was your life every day. But soon, that all changed.
You had just come back from Christmas break, sitting in your biology class, listening to a boring lecture. You were doodling in your notebook when there was a loud knock at the door. There was a brief silence as the teacher walked over to the door. She opened the door and in walk two large men dressed in all black from head to toe. They were padded with protection gear and had a belt full of different types of gadgets. Both men had hands ready on their guns in their belts. They both scan the room and the first man had his eyes on you. Your eyes widen as they discreetly try to gesture to you. The first man begins walking over to you while the other was talking to your teacher. The man walked over to you and grabbed your arm. You tried pulling away, but he jerked your arms back. He looked at you and said, “ Mrs. Huang, you need to come with us.” You started freaking out and looked over around the class for someone to help you. But everyone was just starting, too scared to move.
The two men escorted you out of the room. “ Where are you taking me?’ You asked. None of them said anything. They took you to a black van parked in front of the school. They placed you in the backseat then close the door. They got in the car and started driving without saying a single word to you. So I just sat there silently, thinking of what was going to happen to me. The van was stocked with a lot of equipment like computers, transmitters, walkie talkies, and other stuff. They had a military-like vibe coming off from them. Every few minutes a message with common and they would reply back in code You start feeling really sleepy will the sunlight and heat seeping through windows. 
You must have dozed off because you awakened when the car stopped. You sat up and looks around. You had no idea where you were. You’re practically in the middle of nowhere. Right in front of the van was a huge building, black and shiny. It was a huge place but you didn’t know why you were there. The man who pulled you out of class opened the door for you. ”Please follow me.“ He said. You obeyed his request and hopped out of the car. He and the other man LED you into the building. You were greeted by a lady dress who you assumed was the secretary. One man whispered something into her ear. Then she looked at me intensely, like she was examining me, picking me apart. She did not attend the man and said something into an earpiece. I started to feel anxious again, fearing the worst. You were then escorted through the halls and up to a flight of stairs, which led you into a small conference room. You were told to sit and wait. So you did. But you didn’t have to wait long.
 A man soon walked into the room. He was a middle-aged man, salt and pepper hair, would wrinkles around the eyes from smiling. He carried a briefcase with him. He gave you a voicemail as he sat down. He said his briefcase on the table and opened it up. He pulled out some forms and a red pen. He looked at me and told me that he was going to ask me some questions and I had to answer honestly. ”Name?“ "Airi Huang” “Age?” “15” “What year of schooling are you in?” “Freshman year” “height and weight?” He asked you a bunch of weird questions like if I exercising, if I like action, or if I ever considered joining the military, Etc… He wrote down all my answers. He pulled out a green form and filled it out. When he was done he sighed and put his head down and looked at me. “ Well Ms. Huang, you have passed your interview.” He said. Now you were even more confused. “ excuse me, but I don’t know what you’re talking about” you said" The man gave you another small smile and said, “Ms. Huang, you are now an agent the Elite Protections Squadron.”
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lifeiszestyy · 6 years
*sometime last night i started watching an anime called alice and zoroku and i had no idea what it was about (the blurb was like “this child with powers has never experience the outside world!”) and i ended up getting like whiplash from the how cutesy the artstyle is and then there’s like whacky action and backstory drama and really cute found family dynamics?? it kind of reminds me a little of the xmen, of a cranky old guy with a heart of gold taking care of a child who is a brat but also a super sad orphan who has powers that are hard to control, so i of course, me being a sucker for that kind of thing, got sucked into it. i’m about halfway through the season right after the first story arc concludes really nicely and i’m just like what the fuck are they gonna do for the next six eps lmao
*i went to sleep around 4:30ish? or 5 idk and woke up around 12. i heard mother walking around slamming the washing machine and grunting or whatever so i was stalling bc i partly wanted to get up and partly wanted to go back to sleep. she texted me around 1 that she left for errands so i got up to get food and all that
*and i.... ended up playing the sims! i guess my one month of playing pokemon obsessively is over, which is sad bc i didn’t finish everything, so i’m hoping i can get back into it somehow at some point. sooner than two years. i’m missing event pokemon and i’m mad about it
*but i’m too low energy to play pokemon, and when i’m low energy, i play the sims bc it’s easy and also i like listening to videos while i play. i have a bunch of households that i play rotationally. half of them are my ocs and half of them are the descendants of the first family i made who are the children of my self-insert who had like 10 children, so it’s!!! a lot!!! i tried to vary the types of families but i have a weird thing about babies so i lot of them have at least two kids and now there’s pets so there’s a lot to do... which i complain about, but then when i play a household that’s just two lesbians and their cat, i’m like trying really hard to fill up their time because they have So Much time to do things lmao
*my dad cooked crab but i’m not in a crab mood!! i’m in a chili mood!! although i told him so he knows so that’s good. i mean i also could just do it myself lmaooo
*it’s inktober but i don’t like drawing with ink so... i just doodled my oc because i think it’s also oc-tober? idk if i’ll upload it but maybe... i might
*i gotta motivate myself to clean soon!! :/
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perelka-l · 7 years
code lyoko, pokemon, scp, wtnv
1. Code Lyoko
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom:
I was a bored kid who still had a TV in a room and watched stuff and everybody I knew liked CL so I watched it a lot. And then I kind of forgot about it and returned when I randomly started to doodle during geography lesson in high school and went on random google search and what do you mean live action
Fave character
XANA. I’d say William and Aelita and Odd too but XANA is always the best. Though I admit, Odd was a fav when I was a kid.
Least fave character
Season 4 Odd and Sissi I’m so upset those characters have been made into such one-dimensional shadows of old characters.....
XANAWill, Jerlita, poly willulumi... also franz/anthea go fuck yourself evolution
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get
Why the heck is WillOdd so popular? It’s my casual bewilderment at entire “pair the spares” thingamajig that so many people have going on.
Fave thing about the fandom
Idk when evo was going on it was lovely to see all theories running wild and meta from 2nd season being reread over and over again and it was lovely I think
The most despised thing
forehead jokes stopped being funny ten years ago
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be.
stop one dimensionalism being played up harder and harder starting from s!3, get rid of most of writers of Evo. I’m cool with everything else I think. Don’t give me solutions to theories, please, I love when we still have this mystery going on.
2. Pokemon
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom
Damn I genuinely can’t remember... I used to collect cards in primary school though but what brought me now to this, I’m not sure...
Fave character
Least fave character
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get
...I.... I’m sorry but amount of characters that exist here.... don’t do this to me....... please....
Fave thing about the fandom
it’s so big and parts I encountered are so friendly and I made friends and there is always amazing content being created and there is always discussion going on I really like it
The most despised thing
nothing comes to my mind now really
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be.
don’t do this to me.
3. SCP
ok this one I got asked like three times while I was writing everything above. wow. 
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom
I think it was a random post on tumblr that mentioned SCP, I saved it to read later, went on website, remembered I have matura exams to pass and went back to it after said exam. And started reading.
Fave character
Oh boy. I love a lot of characters. This is my post in which I list out my favourite SCPs. Also, I love researchers (Gears! Clef! Glass! Everyone!) and all dem GOI peeps (WONDERTAINMENT!!! AWCY!! I LOVE UIU!!!!!!!!!) I LOVE CHURCH OF THE BROKEN GOD i love a lot of guys ok
Least fave character
I.... can’t understand fixation on 076-2 like..... I get that he’s cool but please...... i don’t understand...... 
IceGears, ClockworkFlesh, Clefdraki, Ion/Bumaro, also Redd/Wondertainment family is my tiny guilty pleasure. also, Pico Ruiz/corpses. But that’s almost canon.
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get
.....i can see appeal of able/cain but it’s everywhere.......
Fave thing about the fandom
People are so creative!!!! So many different ideas!!! So many different approaches to one thing!!!!!! THERE IS NO CANON.
The most despised thing
I left fandom after some tales went to side that I just... I plainly disliked the direction ok. Sorry guys, I still love you a lot. There is also one more thing but I don’t want to talk about it.
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be.
eh, nowadays I’m staying away from SCP bc Pokemon is consuming my life but! I wish if one day I’ll come back bc I’m still too damn curious for my own good there will be even more amazing stuff that I won’t ever find time to read because holy shit amount of stuff written..........
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom
I heard the soundtrack! I listen to a lot of fanmixes and I hear Disparition’s music and oh this is what people are talking about...
Fave character
I still think fondly about Kevin and Apache Tracker
Least fave character
Tamika Flynn maybe. I never liked her a lot.
Remember when I wrote Apache Tracker/Man in the Tan Jacket fanfic? Good times. Cecilos was cool when it was still in vague territory and didn’t make me want to vomit. Oh yeah also Brownstone Spire/Glowing Cloud.
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get
Fave thing about the fandom
I loved mysterious atmosphere of the show, I liked how I thought I could create limitlessly, this world was perfect to do whatever, the music was lovely....
The most despised thing
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be.
The fandom itself. One too many times one can be called racist because of way I imagine a character or because of what character I like. WTNV as a show also changed, for much worse. Even after abandoning fandom I listened to eps but I couldn’t stand the romo, couldn’t stand voices given to characters, how gentle mysteries turned into each episode being turned into some intense events resolved by Power Of Love. I miss hooded figures. I even miss the old soundtrack. I miss Night Vale but it will never come back.
whew that was long.
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