#i literally make art. idek it was so stupid
thoughts-and-all-that · 6 months
just remembered the people on a post who were unironically calling me a nazi because i said i hate the 'modern art' thing where people paint a circle on a canvas or tape a banana on a wall and these things sell for sometimes millions of dollars. like, sorry? it just feels like a mockery to the people who spend hours and hours on art that goes unnoticed or unmonetized. also its absolutely rich people nonsense lets be real
also im jewish so it is like. a smack in the face the way that people throw around the word nazi like its a light thing to say
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impostorsshow · 3 months
I love going on Tumblr because I can't sleep hoping to get cheered up by the fandom blogs I follow and then having to clear out my following tab because my feed is nothing but "the world is ending everyone is horrible DNI list donate to the 50th person that can't afford rent".
I fully understand even making this post is hypocritical but I don't have the energy to fight with my phone constantly crashing to draw a doodle to justify the post otherwise I just wish I could find a blog that doesn't appear to be a normal art blog only to suddenly find myself overrun with depressing reblogs. Why do people actively look for and repost depressing things on the internet aren't most people nowadays complaining about being overstressed. Maybe don't search out sources of stress m8 that's the main reason I don't use Twitter or Instagram like cmon man anyway. Uh feel free to send an ask if you want me to draw something, don't reblog this post to say it because that would mean you just did not fuckin have reading comprehension at all
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the comic is cancelled. you probably already assumed that since i havent posted anything about it in a while but yeah the things dead now lol. mainly because i dont care much about omori anymore, the comic sucked, and it was too much effort. i feel kinda bad about leaving you guys in the dark for this long tho, so i thought id go ahead and include all the scrapped stuff for the comic that never got finished
while i was writing the comic i started a google doc that laid out ideas i had for future pages. heres that if you wanna know how the story ends
it was written over several months and (most) things are in order of where they go on the timeline not when i wrote them so it might be a little hard to follow
also some art i never posted
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(at least i dont think ive posted the last one)
i quoted not liking this comic as one of the reasons i stopped so let me explain that with a list of things id change about this if i were to remake it (which i wont)
remove the swearing that was so stupid
make omori mute (and probably use sign language)
omori does not express fear or stress in-game, thats sunnys job. quit it
he also does not cry and generally shows emotions (even the big ones) in more subtle ways (which i think i was trying to shift towards later in the doc) idk why he was so emotional all the time
literally everything about how i portrayed omori actually that was all just awful
the panic attack scene is fucking embarrassing i have no clue what i was thinking. im so sorry for writing it like that i did 0 research beforehand
make it shorter why did i think that would work out
id probably just make it a fic, comics take way too much outta me compared to just writing things
it does not need a big epic ending and probably shouldve ended not long after they escaped black space
the romance is horrible but thats the foundation of the comic so idek what id do about that
stop making everyone talk like therapists 24/7
and yeah it has a lot of problems but i still do care about this due to the ammount of effort and love ive put into it, i just cant and dont want to continue it
so yeah thats where this story ends ig. i had a lot of fun along the way, and thank you so much for all the support. bigger thanks to that one sunflower discord server (if you came from there you know which one) for being my main motivation and support throughout this journey. sucks this comic never got to see its full potential but im relieved to finally lay it to rest. the blog will stay up for archival purposes but i will not continue the comic any further obviously. the ask box will remain open if you wanna say anything or if you have a question about the story or whatever. thanks for reading.
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kheprriverse · 4 months
You have to stop making such amazing art. Tumblr is so restricting I can’t possibly reblog it enough /lh But alas. Words also have meaning, right?
Be warned: I may not make any sense because I’m tired <3
Your art is literally so. Inspiring though. Your style is so beautiful and pretty and it’s just somehow— It makes me want to create? Honestly. I’d love to have a style like yours, but also I’m happy with mine! So instead, the inly valid thing to do is EAT YOUR ART AND REBLOG SO MANY TIMES!!! I’m keeping my own style, and building off it: While you and other artists do the same with what you do!
That being said. Your art just makes my day sometimes. Seeing you post gives me such joy and anytime I see the stupid silly (Cedar /Affec) it’s an instant giggling and kicking my feet like a feral child. So much stimming happens, and I literally love every design and thing you come up with. It’s just. Woah <3
My want to eat art is always at a 10/10: Let me consume the heckin heckles out of everything. Like. shredding the entire walls up. Such zoomies from art. Everything about your art most times just feels. Soft and cozy. Makes it feel like home sometimes and probably tastes like. Fluff. (That’s not a taste but whatever. It counts in my brain?) Maybe even like some sweet candy or dish, idek. Tastes aren’t tasting but damn art does arting?
Not only are you a cool and amazing talented artist, you’re also such a cool person beyond that and just so sweet I would just like to hug, yknow? Strangely I feel like I should be like. Somewhat intimidated because COOL PERSON ARTIST WOAH YOU INTERACT WITH ME??!? But also, I’m not… Really that intimidated? I don’t know, feel welcoming, just like the feeling yoir art brings and its just. Comforting?
You and your silly goody personality is so amazing and you’re so talented, I’m gonna flee now back into the ground: Hopefully this made somewhat sense— And that you have a lovely week/day/month— Just time in general!
*descends away*
~ Z
No I won't stop! Only pretty designs and silly guys ✨! (I am also very tired so its all okay. Also apologies if you wanted this answered privately.)
Also I'm gonna cry abkvjadbvjkkdvbad /pos This means so much! I'm very bad with explaining how I feel but I'm gonna try my bets lmao. It makes me so happy to hear that people really like my stuff, AND think I'm a cool person! I want my space to be kinda chill, friendly, etc and I'm very glad that so far I've been doing a pretty good job :'D
tysm again! I'm very glad u like my stuff (and think I'm cool). I woke up a few hours ago with a headache, dizziness, and was just generally feeling kinda bad and couldn't go back to sleep. But seeing this ask has so far made my day 100 times better! I hope the space I provide continues to bring joy (or just general silliness) to you and others <3
(also I'm glad you like my art too. Ive been having weird issues looking @ my own art since December, which I've never had before, so it makes me become a little silly whenever I get a comment on it. Really improves my motivation and lot and helps me continue what I love most: drawing funny guys and beasties :>)
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jouno-odamybeloved · 1 year
Hello hello!! This is my introduction to myself (if you don’t read it don’t worry 😌🙏)
Name: Nadia (enter last name) 🤫
DNI: Transphobia, Racism, Homophobic, (General DNI!)
Likes: Music, doodling, reading (Sometimes, SNACKS, money, BSD <33, Oda, Jouno, Cats, Cosplaying, Richie <3333(My BESTEST/ REALEST friend), My mutuals <33, Most anime’s and cartoons
Dislikes: Too many loud things, People making jokes about my trauma with my father, Not being able to talk the right way :((, People saying that I’m wrong when I have literally the right amount of proof, a lot of people, m*ri, F*kuchi, my mom. People leaving me
Kins: RANPO, Chuuya, Q, Oda, AYA, Kyouka, Kenji, YOUNG AKUTAGAWA, Aubrey (Omori), ect..
Music I relate to: I can’t decide by: ScissorSisters, Art is dead By:Bo Burnham, Inspector Gadget By: London Music Works, Without me By: Eminem, Alien Blues By: Vundabar, Crazy=Genius By: Panic! At the Disco, You’re special (Fallout 4) Dan bull, All eyes on me By:Dr30, Usseewa By:Ado, Liquid Smooth By: Mitski, Lotta true Crime by: Penelope Scott, Blow my brains out by: Tikkle me, And so on and so on (I have way too many to list 😋)
Favorite color: Sage Green/ light purple
Favorite movie: Anything that has plot twists that are actually good (not predictable lmao)
I’m a Sagittarius (I don’t believe in the personality stuff they may be fun but they are so stupid so if you are idek a Gemini and want to be friends with me go ahead 😌)
Favorite song: I cant decide
The 2 I relate to the most in BSD: Is Ranpo and Chuuya 😌
ABANDONMENT ISSUES AND AUTISM 😱🤯🤨 (Very bad communication skills 👍)
please someone hang out with me and ignore my weirdness 💀🙏
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wormeats · 9 months
idek why im sad its been a lot of RSD vibes today just little things making me hate myself intensely and feeling like i can't do shit bc there's a lot i need to do and i just don't and fall behind and get more stressed and hate myself more
my fiancé is also really amazing and i love living w them and they always make me feel better but i need to be okay on my own too and to be able to get things done, just being comforted when im stressed and going to distract myself with something doesnt fix the things i am Stressed About idk
mayb i should go back to therapy but also i rlly wanna save money to move bc fuck florida holy shit and literally everywhere has more affordable rent than my area it is fucked but moving is expensive and im worried abt a lot idk
i also wish i drew more ive been hating my art bc i never draw so i never get better and i just see other people's amazing shit and how much other people have grown and i feel stuck and like even if i get better ill never be as good and never be someone who does cool commissions or that someone would want my art as a pfp or background and idk a lot of people have an art style with more personality and vibes but mine just looks stupid and idk how to make it more specific and stylized in any way i just hate my art rn and myself but i should work on positive thinking and supporting myself instead of tearing myself down but i suck at that too
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gustingirl · 2 years
@joon-rkive tagged me in the hardest challenge i've ever had DFKJDJSF no but i enjoy it a lot, thanks baby!!
DISCLAIMER: I strongly believe BTS has one of the few non-skippable discographies and I really love every single song they've released and this list order can change almost every single day. Also they outdid the entire kpop industry i don’t even care
Literal chills every single time I listen to it. The chorus always has me on tears, it's that little thing they do with [Kimi dake wo hiroi atsumete tsunagete] that kills me every.single.time. I'm sure it's gonna be in my top 10 in my spotify wrapped cuz at some point of the year I got obsessed.
2. SPRING DAY - 봄날
I’m sure this one is pretty self-explanatory, considering it might be BTS' best song in their entire discography. For some reason it stayed in the charts for so long.
I put BS so high mostly because this fandom completely forgot about it (don’t worry I blame the pandemic mostly). Every single aspect of this song is literal art, from the lyrics to the beauty of the music video.
I’m an english-BTS-songs stan forever and ever, no english song can make me hate their discography and it includes these songs. Butter is the queen of their english era idec anymore, it hypes the shit out of me whenever I listen to it and whoever hates it can suck my di-
The reasons for this one? Idek, it scratches my brain in the best way ever.
I like how it builds and the choreo. It also reminds me to my favorite BTS era ever.
Hypes the shit out of me for good. I can’t stop watching the MV.
I’m putting it high mostly because I denied this song for years (i’m stupid, don’t ask why) and when I finally made up my mind I hated myself for never listening to it. Good one for real and it hits so well
BRING ME BACK TO THIS ERA GODDAMIT. That's all I can say really. No, kidding. The teaser already was perfect then the whole traditional instruments and the craziness of the beats just makes me wanna jump off a balcony (i’m in my charly garcia era)
I’m not sure where to put this one but there's that one part, the bridge, makes this song rise automatically.
11. ON
Another hype one, it's lower than heartbeat because the bridge doesn't hit as much but overall I love listening to it.
Can easily be put lower if you ask me. It's here because it was the first song I heard of them and the memories gives it that plus.
I learnt korean with this one SKDFLS no but seriously, yoongi's verse and the "yoongi-ah" gets me every single time. Could listen to it forever and ever honestly.
I think it was one of the first songs I listened after getting into them and that also gives it like a plus extra of reasons to be this high. Either way, it goes on so well and also the lyric and beat play with I'm Fine makes the original even better.
I don’t get how y'all can hate this one. I hate the remixes but the song builds so sweetly and their voices sound pretty cool with it. I like the retro style and the dance breaks for the choreos were so interesting and different. That's why I like it, it was different to other styles and their english voices are nice to hear every once in a while.
My mom calls this one the pandemic song and I laugh every single time. I think the comfort this song gives me makes it sound so good. It's always about the feelings their songs give me what makes me like them more or less. That happens with LGO
MAKES ME CRY SM I really got freaked out thinking they were saying goodbye. Took me a bit to fully get into it and the hyundai version helped a lot.
I think it was one of the first songs I listened after getting into them and that also gives it like a plus extra of reasons to be this high. Either way, it goes on so well and also the lyric and beat play with I'm Fine makes the original even better.
18. DOPE
AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMEEEEEN this is their queen of hype songs.
I only hate that weird sound at the beginning of the song and this kind of hip hop is not really my thing. It's higher than WABPT2 because aw they debuted lksdfsdkf
It makes me laugh a lot for some reason, I just picture them trying hard to be bad boys in the recording studio and I laugh a bit. Anyways rapper jungkook is a FAVE.
My first comeback omg. I remember the problem called "they all dyed their hair the same fucking color". Anyways, I prefer the rock version for some reason and I feel the song would have been better if it was that one the OG version. Also the "fakey" love part kind of still bugs me but overall I love this song.
22. I NEED U
I know how much it means to them but I can listen to it every once in a while. Not my favorite but easily one of their best songs. It builds very strongly.
23. RUN
Like DNA (yeah I have many situations like this), I love the song but I enjoy it mostly while watching the MV or a live performance.
HYPEEE. But again, like DNA, the choreo kind of outdoes the song for me. I like to watch the mv and listen to the song that way than only listening to the song.
Only dropped it so low because I cry whenever I listen to it. Other than that, it could easily be higher. I just stopped listening to it cuz I genuinely can’t stop crying, I never get to finish the song
Not their strongest english song KJFKDSJ if it wasn't sounding so high school musical-ish I would put it higher. I do adore the sign language dance move and how happy they look while performing it. Also, catchy as fuck anyways.
27. DNA
Probably goes low because I might have overplayed it a bit. With this one I priorize the music video and choreo over the song itself. They kind of outdo it.
Took me a bit to get into it because the chorus bothered me a bit, when all the voices kind of overslap each other while singing different lines (never my favorite type of resource during a song, happens to with Kiss of Fire by Hugh Laurie tho I love that song) but it's still good.
I was never a huge fan of this one but I did have my obsession phase when I got into them. I like these songs were Taehyung would rasp his voice a bit tho I'm glad he's using it more like he did with Singularity.
I love Halsey but I felt she ruined the song even though she barely participates anyways. However, I only really enjoy Suga's verse. The song isn't bad but I got tired of it (enough to rank it this low, it still outdid the entire kpop industry idc)
31. N.O.
It was never a song I played too much for some reason. I do enjoy the chorus and oh shit the lyrics, I love their rebellious era.
I had a phase where I listened to it religiously but after that I sort of stopped LKDLKS. It's still very catchy.
Never really listened to it much, maybe only a couple of times.
34. FOR YOU.
Never really listened to it much, maybe only a couple of times. Before Lights and For You I prefer their B-sides.
i don’t know many armys i think i’m gonna tag @peachy-101 @christina-dh @jieunssi @senor-hoberto @jungkooks-princess @latenightjjk @sinatserendipity
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fisheadz · 2 years
Ima discontinue the “911” fanfic I have on here, moving solely to Wattpad for the foreseeable future. Again, my account over there is fisHead (or XaviPalacios3) so if you rly wanna read it, and you also have Wattpad, there ya go. If not, cry me a river. I find posting it here is just too much effort the ways I know how to, and it makes my head hurt, cuz literally the only reason I got Tumblr in the first place was for writing prompts, and then I fell into the rabbit hole of cool art and funny shítposts and “911” fanfiction so, yea. Tumblr is ok, and I’ll still be here, but I won’t be making any of my fanfics here unless I level-up my basic functions that I’m too stupid to do. Idek if I’m using the to’s and too’s right. I’m very likely not. Don’t correct me, Ik I’m dumb. So, yup. Came here to post that I’m not posting my fanfic here anymore and started a rant. Wow, me.
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count-asscrackula · 3 months
yapping under the cut because i smoke crack
ok like. can some stan girlie out there explain to me in the fucvkibg replies how the fuck people start obsessing over parasocial relationships and artists and shit?
idk like. take for example xiu xiu. i love xiu xiu, ive been waiting for 100 years for new songs, i would go to a concert if i could.
is xiu xiu married or single? what's he doing currently? where does he live? who is he friends with? what's his real name? what kind of food does he like to eat? what's his birthdate? who are his parents? these are all things i dont give a shit about. hell, i wouldnt even know xiu xiu if i passed him on the street- idek what he even looks like.
but why the fuck would i WANT to know this crap about some guy i've never met? i like his MUSIC. being good at making music doesnt make someone incredible by default. im sure he's literally just some guy, just like the rest of us.
same with youtubers. im a big fan of markiplier, always have been.
i mean, i'm sure his first name is mark, but i don't know his last name. i know what he looks like, but i probably wouldnt recognize him on the street. all i care about is that he makes videos that i think are funny. end of story.
i feel that way about movie characters, too. like the guy who plays eddie brock in venom. he's kind of hot for a man. do i know who plays him? no. do i care? also no. the ACTOR is not eddie brock in real life. so if i like eddie brock, why the hell would i be interested in mister Firstname Lastname who plays him?
idk am i just stupid or something? why do people feel like they have to get all up in someone else's business just because they like the art they make? idgi can someone explain the appeal
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mottemotte · 1 year
Surveys I Stole!!!!!!!
mostly stolen from lyric mwa mwa
tag yourself: what ice cream flavor are you?
made by lady glamcat ⚜️ 
() your name begins with c. 
(x) you have a serious sweet tooth.  
() you’re a night owl.  
() you like mystery/thriller movies.  
(x) you have brown eyes. 
() your hobbies include music or art.  
total: 2/6 
() you enjoy taking baths. 
(x) you read romance novels.  
(x) you have stuffed animals.  
(x) you don’t like drama.  
(x) you think you’re boring.  
(x) your bed sheets are white.  
total: 5/6 
(x) you’re terrible at making decisions.  
(x) you love pop or emo music.  
() you’re wearing three different colors.  
() your favorite number is 3 or contains a 3. 
() you played a sport in school.
() you mix soda flavors together.  
total: 2/6 
 mint chocolate chip 
(x) green is your favorite color.  
() you have an unusual pet. 
(x) you want an electric car.  
(x) you often spend time outside.  
(x) you brush your teeth 3 times a day.  
(x) you enjoy cooking.  
 total: 5/6 
rocky road 
(x) you love rock music.  
() you workout often.  
() you watch reality shows.  
() you collect rocks.  
(x) you’re kind of messy.  
(x) you like vintage things.  
total: 3/6 
also im so torn. do ice baths count for vanilla? and what is an unusual pet. ive had turtles, birds, chinchillas, miniature horses, a near-immortal goldfish, hamsters. also tried to keep a bell cricket once but mom said no
random questions survey
made by jody marie ✿
what is your current ringtone?: if i knew how to set my own, itd be everywhere by fleetwood mac, or the intro of kids by mgmt, but alas im fucking stupid so its the generic "retro love" one my phone came with
what is your zodiac sign?: ur gonna have to try harder than that to get my birthday scrub
what are your preferred pizza toppings?: none :,) im like cheese
are you currently single, in a relationship, or married?: LOL ME? MARRIED? im single never dated. i shoot myself in the foot like its a party trick
do you have any pets? if so, how many? (you can include names if you want): 10+ i cant fucking count!!!!
what is your favorite season?: everytime a new season comes i fall in love with it. ah. the beauty of the spring. and the beauty of the coming summer. could you imagine if we were stuck in one forever. h e l l 
how tall are you?: short, but i think im not short enough to be made fun of anymore? i had a mini growth spurt (SOMEHOW?? SO MANY YEARS LATER???? I HIT PUBERTY IN 4TH GRADE) and i learned how to walk in heels nya
what color are your eyes?: guess i kinda outed myself in the last one huh
if you eat salads, what is your preferred salad dressing?: R A N C H but one time i had this rasberry thing that was good but R A N C H
are you a morning person or night owl?: morning dove 🕊️  (i thought that they were morning doves and not mourning doves bc i always saw them when it was just me awake in the morning!!! :,) dude i was so cute)
do you have any tattoos? if so, how many? (you can include what they are of if you want): no and i think if i ever did it would go horribly bc 1. committment issues 2. i have skin issues. 
do you have any piercings? if so, how many? (you can include what kind if you want): can you believe i used to be a pussy about pain!!!! i had my ears pierced as an infant (my bio family had a single visit with me and said fuck it, stab her) and i never wanted to get them pierced again UNTIL NOW and i have no idea where to get them done woooooooo
have you ever broken any bones? if so, what did you break?: never bitch!!!!!!
have you ever had any surgeries? if so, what kind?: ive had idek how many dental surgeries. yes im insecure about my teeth (I LITERALLY SAID I BRUSH 3X A DAY I WASNT JOKING)
do you play video games?: DUH i played the classics like loz and pokemon as a kid, nowadays... still loz (i got that limited edition tri-force 3ds when it came out!!!) and hades but mostly sky. i dont have as much time to play anymore :,)
what is the last thing you had to eat?: leftover pizza woooooo.........................
what is the last thing you had to drink?: ORANGE JUICE
what is the last tv show you watched?: intentionally? no idea. against my will? whatever fbi show my parents watch non-stop.
what is the last movie you watched?: i think the breakfast club? it was a while ago...
what is the last song you listened to?: Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
have you ever had braces?: dude my dentists can never agree - i had a retainer/spacer thing for a while, then new dentist said nonono u need braces, then new dentist said nonono u need this removed asap, now my new-new dentist says if i dont want braces at my age he understands but he recommends braces. CAN YALL JUST-
have you ever dyed your hair?: i have virign hair. 10000% untouched. never trimmed, never dyed, never permed or anything but im thinking abt a perm.... just maybe. but if youve ever seen a photo of a victorian woman w her hair down. my hair is genuinely that texture/appearance, just shorter (still long but not on the floor alas)
have you ever rode in an ambulance?: yes, i actually wanted to be a paramedic for a while and i did a ride-along and my car-sickness said FUCK NO (i almost threw up on so many old people you cant imagine)
chinese, mexican, or italian food? (pick one): ITALIAN ITALIAN ITALIAN ITALIAN ITALIAN ITALIAN
what are your plans for tonight?: im thinking abt watching league of their own? or but im a cheerleader. not sure
what are your plans for this weekend?: fuck-all (actually maybe cleaning. but. e w)
why did your last relationship end?: never dated lol. but part of the reason ive never dated is i live in the middle of nowhere, which u think means slim pickings, but what it really means is every time i see someone whos hot i think ayyyyy and then they talk to me and i find out they wear tinfoil hats in their spare time. (this is why my friendships end. yes i think finding out someone is diet racist is an ok reason to drop them)
have you ever been to any concerts?: i actually dont get the appeal of concerts at all? i hate people who sing over the music. like shut the hell up i didnt pay to hear you!!!!!!
what is the last thing you spent money on?: ice cream for my mom :)
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devilisln-moved · 2 years
Looooooong, rambling post about Daredevil in She-Hulk’s Ribbit and Rip It under the cut.
Okay while it’s still fresh (though honestly I’m going to watch it again to really absorb into my pooooooores), I really enjoyed the episode and how they used Matt overall. It was nice to see him with a lighter vibe. Like, I doubt it’ll carry on to his series (judging from the hard as fuck promotional poster I saw), but it was still nice to see him smiling, flirting, and generally not being at 300% intensity all the time. I liked Charlie’s accent a lot. There was a rougher edge to it that I found really attractive for Matt. Not sure if it’s a matter of him being a bit out of practice or if he tweaked it a little. idek, it was just a little detail that I noticed.
I’m a little mixed on the action scenes like, look we were all spoiled by the hallway/stairwell/whole gd prison block fights. Like, on one hand they made me realize that we probably won’t ever see that level of brilliant and brutal fight choreography any time soon. Not while Marvel Studios is being such a taskmaster and Disney keeps being cheap, any way. I’m not sure how much of the Daredevil end of the fight was practical and how much was cgi, so I’m not going to criticize on that. Frankly, I generally watch streaming on smaller screens, so i think I miss a lot of those details. It’s like, I know a lot of people say She-Hulk looks like shit because it is so cgi heavy, and I agree, I would have preferred practical effects but corporations like paper more than quality these days so yeah, ofc Disney is going to favour cgi over practical. Capitalists doing a capitalism if you will.
My point is, I’m not going to complain here too much about it because honestly? I’m not even going to pretend that it ruins my enjoyment of the show. Truly absurd. Anyway, this is my incredibly long winded way of saying no, it didn’t blow my hair back the way the Netflix series’ fight scenes did, but frankly, I didn’t hate it. It was nice to see him more moving with more acrobatically, not to mention having his weapon which idek, made me feel a certain way. It’s like I said in the spoiler free post: I like seeing them own his comic legacy instead of just gesturing to it. Again, I love the Neflix series. It’s how I fell in love with the character, but, regardless of how I might feel about the current state of genre saturation (like I don’t want them to stop, I just want them to slow the fuck down, Disney literally owns literally dozens of other franchises. I don’t know why they’re putting all their chips in on Marvel and Star Wars while treating their audience like we’re babies with no object permanence), I have never understood the desperation to separate superhero stories from its often camp and iconic aesthetics. I mean, intellectually i get it. They want to try to catch normies as well as comic book fans and I guess...bright colours and ostentatious character and costume design are so foreign as to frighten off the average movie goer (heavy sarcasm).
(A small, unrelated rant: And it’s so fucking stupid, like sure, someone that doesn’t like comic books or even just someone that doesn’t like action movies is prolly going to be put off by more faithful designs of X-men members, but I promise you putting everyone in leather catsuits wouldn’t have changed their minds. I know most the people making these blockbusters can’t possible imagine they’re going to get the art house crowd by toning down the camp, so it really baffles me why they do it other than perhaps they’re sometimes, somewhat ashamed of the subject matter.)
Uhhh....this has gotten long and rambly. So I’m going to wrap it up. A+ that they finally got Matt laid. Look, idek, it was kind of a joke between me and some friends back when the Netflix Marvel series were a big deal. We thought it was both hilarious and kind of weird that literally everyone was getting a love scene but Matt. While I’m not all on in on his reputation as being promiscuous. Frankly he’s too busy to be that dedicated to strange. Seriously though, if there’s one thing I’ve really enjoyed about She-Hulk is that Jen fucks, and sure it’s not explicit, but it’s sincere and not stigmatized. While I know a lot of people are going to poo-poo that like oh, Iggy you’re just a bit of a perv, though. Maybe so, but my point is that I’m not the only one to notice how odd it is that we have all these pretty people in the MCU and diamond cut bodies that are only used for violence. I guess it’s nice to see writers think about these characters on a more base level. Also you know, the appreciation of how fucking sexy Matt Murdock is (not just talking about Charlie either) was nice. The subversion of the woman’s walk of shame was very clever, too (you know, he was carrying his boots and walking barefoot, presumably back to his hotel room, the way a female character is usually portrayed the morning after carrying her heels). Just a side note, I hate the term “walk of shame” but I don’t feel like being annoying and being like “UMMMM I THINK IT SHOULD BE CALLED A WALK OF TRIUMPH”. It’s whatever. I just don’t like negative language being used surrounding sexuality.
tl:dr: The Matt episode was everything I ever wanted and more 💗
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
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AOT girls (+hange) reacting to you using pick up lines.
(Includes: mikasa, annie, hange, sasha, hitch, x g/n reader)
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\\ mikasa \\
-Poor girl would probably be clueless. She wouldn’t get the whole “I hope you know CPR because you just took my breath away” Thing-  
-  She’d be so confused my mika (crying face)
- Mikasa would turn to you and tilt her head like a lost dog, trying to comprehend what you just said.
      “I took your breath away?” She’d say “Are you alright? Do you need any help?!”
-Her unknowing would turn to worry, especially since you involved the part about where you needed CPR.
     “No- mikasa I’m okay It’s just a -”
    “Do you need air!? Are You sure!? Is your breath back!?”  
 - Poor girl You’d have to explain to her how it’s a compliment, and she still would think your in pain LOL-
     “ Are you sure your okay?! Did I really do that? I'm so sorry!”
- Dont..just...dont LMAO she takes things too seriously..
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\\ annie \\
- Girl would simply shake her head and stare at you like you had just said the dumbest thing she’s ever heard. “Ehhh??? Get it…??”
“Come on… I Must be in a museum because you're truly a work of art” You winked at the woman, her face filled with annoyance.
“Just shut up-”
“Oh okay- “
-secretly loves them, but she’ll take that to the grave x
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\\ pieck \\
 -Would have to process what you were saying before getting it. It may take her a bit of time but she’d get it eventually LOL
   -deep down she thinks its so sweet and wants you to do them more often!    -But honestly Pieck loves them and thinks they’re so cute.
-Oh god but pock HATES THEm-
- he wants to throw a table at you everytime you make one of your stupid jokes.
“Baby if you were words on a page, you’d be a fine print~” You said towards your girlfriend. Pieck stopped for a moment before laughing.
“Oh dear! You and your jokes!” She’d giggle.
“That was sweet honey, thank you”
“Ew literally never talk to me again,” The blonde butted in from across the table as pieck laughed.
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\\ hange \\   -it’s a competition between you two who’s better at pick up lines (that also determines who tops tn-)
  - They’d be really good at it too. Saying them everytime they see you and everytime you pass by.
“Hey gorgeous what’s it like being as stunning as you?”
“I don’t know ask yourself” you’d say with a wink and a smile.
- laughs to themself about it later
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\\ sasha \\
- she loves pick up lines, especially yours. She finds it so funny how everytime you say one Connie buts in and say one back.
- kisses you later and tells you how funny you are.
“PAWS OFF THEY’RE MINE SPRINGER!” She’d say jokingly at Connie, a laugh in her throat as she hits him on the neck.
“That’s what you get for being bald”
- then when you two are alone she’ll make one back, commenting on something most likely inappropriate.
“Of course you’d say that sash-“
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\\ hitch \\
- finds them sexy?? 😅😭
- even if it was the stupidest shit like she’d still turn them sexual- or at least would find a way lol.
- there’s no escaping her collective hornyness LMFAO
“If you were a vegetable, you’d be a ‘cute-cumber”
“oh.. is it also because I have something cucumbers do..? because cucumbers are long and thick? And how they reach down in your throat…?” She’d say with a grin on her face, holding your hand and kissing it. “Because if so I totally know where your getting at ~”
- pick up lines are such a turn on for her idek why 😭😭❤️
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tw: rant, sleep disorder, mention of self harm, swearing, all caps.
you know when you randomly wake up at 3 am because of some random sleep disorder you probably have. and you just know your not going to get any more sleep after that .
like wtf am I supposed to do. just not be asleep until 5 but then , uh oh it's now too late to sleep might as well get up.
it's not even like this is a normal thing for me. it used to be the other way around, like I wouldn't sleep until 5 in the morning then sleep past midday.
but for the last 2 nights I got to sleep fine at about 10:30 /11:00 (that's really early for me)
like at least if I was still not sleeping at the right time it was at least for long enough but now I don't even know what to do
add my probable ADHD the mix and I can't even 'just rest' like my mum tells me to do cause I have to do something otherwise it's just painfully boring. and that usually means I'm on my phone seeing as my stupid fucking brain can't think of anything else to fucking do!.
like logically I know what I have to do like not on my phone and make sure I have a nice comfortable bed or space to be. if I need to do something get up and do it not in my bed. but brains not working properly so that doesn't happen.
having my mum in my room used to help but now it doesn't cause I get anxiety over the fact that I'm keeping her awake and then I just end up crying for hours👍.
I can't take sleep pills or something like that because I'm scared that it will somehow affect my brain to make it even worse than it already is (stupid ik but that's my brain for you).
I can't get up and sleep in a different place that, doesn't make a difference (I've tried many times)
I usually just resort to watching YouTube or violently crying so I don't end up throwing things or hurting myself.
plus the fact that it's genuinely affecting my normal life so much. I haven't been in a full day of school for literally weeks. I've missed all my mock exams and I'll probably miss all the catch-up ones as well. literally the only time I'm going in is for drama lessons because if I'm not in I'm effecting 3 other people in the group.
I think school is part of the reason I can't sleep because it just causes me so much dread to even think about being in school even though when I do go In it's not even that bad.
I get anxious in the evening about school the next day and about trying to get to sleep and failing for hours, then when I'm trying to sleep I work myself up with worry about school and how that will effect my wider life after I leave school. then I cry for a few hours, watch YouTube and maybe occasionally sleep.
at least that was the routine. bur now it's completely switched itself around and I'm sleeping from 10pm till 3am and then I just end up sleeping through the day .(I slept from 9am till 3pm today👍)
I'm failing every subject but art and history (and mayby drama) but the schools not going to know that because I'm not in for any of the fucking tests.
I don't even know what I can do to even try to start making a difference
I'm full of anger at the world. full of rage at myself for not being able to just be a normal functioning human being. I feel like I need to just shout or punch something but I don't want to hurt myself so o don't know what to do. if it's not either of those im just full of unmoving cripleing despair. is this what depression is like idek it just feel so hopeless and doing anything just feels pointless
it feels like a east of time to go to sleep just to have to wake up the next day and then go to sleep again at night .
my brain just tells me to do one or the other and then I end up doing both in a really fucked up time scale.
at least when I had that routine I knew what was happening and I could prepare (that's probably the autism).
and now it's gone half 4 in the morning and I'm still not even FUCKING TIRED just exhausted.
there's probably more I could write but I can't be bothered rn. I might talk to my counselor about this and I'll update if I get anything helpful but in the meantime bye.
(sorry this wasn't supposed to be that long. if you have read all the way to here have you got any advice? (don't worry if not))
I genuinely don't know what to do.
can anyone help? please?
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars it's been a while. i said i would do this episode last week but i had to wait for the destiny and chicken podcast to come out so here we are. basically, all of my thoughts while watching aithusia.
ugh the opening scene. i actually love it
ok ngl i remember that this guy is the bad guy but he's like 🥵🥵🥵 jeez
ik it's not just on tiktok but that tiktok where it goes 'but momma i'm in love with a criminal'
wow nice key bud
ok him running in the forest is just like you cannot outrun your demons and i thought that was so funny
smh he's so violent but he's so pretty :,)
ok but how old is this guy?? he say it's taken 20 years of his life. why 20? is that because that's when the 'last' dragon died out?? and at what age was he socially concious enough to recognize the implication of what it means to have a dragon? his is so dumb but probably like 15? so this guy is 35ish? idk man thoughts?
ok if he just feel off the cliff instead of being able to pull himself up we would've saved ourselves a lot of trouble i'm just saying druids.
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ok this is so pretty. my thoughts are like 25% me singing show tunes, 25% thinking of actual merlin things, 50% thinking about how pretty everything is
merlin is such a light sleeper. idk why that's important but he wakes up ALL the time
✨gaius is the worst ✨
ok colin's eye looked so good in this scene
stop i literally dress like this
i love his sleep clothes. it's such a vibe
aw merlin saying 'save the dragons is so cute' omg it reminds me of the vsco girls and saving the turtles HAHA
i love how equal merlin and kilgharrah feel here
asjflsjdasjdfl like ik this is the point but i love that merlin's inherited his father gift and he's always going to remember him. not that merlin would forget his father but idek
aw kilgharrah is like 'i beg you' ok now that i think abt it maybe it's slightly manipulative but it's also really not
ok actually i don't know how many time merlin uses this scene but i guess i'm keeping track now. but look how pretty
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wow the rising sun 🤪
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literally merlin just breaks in everywhere
merlin seems so earnest about wanting to see the dragons. i want to see the dragons too please
omg HAHA the woodworm is this episode??
this is a side note but i love arthur's key holder thingy it's actually pretty.
stop right now why is merlin using his magic to PANTS arthur
ok i'm pretty sure that agravaine is only in this episode this one time, and yk it's the little victories
i'm actually embarassed for arthur and merlin here. i don't like it at all
HOW DOES MERLIN DO THE HANDSTAND?? that's the one part i like
ok my question is how is he supposed to know where the last piece of the triskeleton is??
lasflkajsdljsad omg the betrayal. ouch my heart
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these scene are just like. it's actually art
ok how did merlin stay there all night and no one saw him?? literally camelot guards need to step up
omg no not merlin zooming
sklfja;lsdkjfasdlfs amerlin and the cup
i love how long merlin and arthur look at each other before arthur reacts
lsjfa;lksdsl woodworm omg and the fact that arthur believes that merlin is this chaotic is so funny
i think this is the funniest thing because gaius is like 'don't people about your magic' while YELLING ABOUT MERLIN'S MAGIC
ok that's a good point gaius we don't know what borden's intentions are
alsdjfalsd stop why didn't they wait for merlin :,(. this reminds me of when you're in highschool and you're finishing lunch and as you pack up everyone is leaving you??????
ok but i love that merlin rides in front with arthur. like- of course he does
merlin being observant 😍😍
i want to go horse riding now
THIS KNIGHT/DINNER GAG IS NOT FUNNY TO ME. NOT IN THE SLIGHTLEST. THERE'S THIS FIC by @a-small-batch-of-dragons. i literally spent like 10 minutes looking for it because i had to include it here
this scene just.. i don't like it. i never have and i never will
like- who decided that putting this scene in here would be good. no thanks
the knights sleeping in a circle and merlin sleeping on the outside. idk bro that made me a little sad
but also. i want a cloak please. i think i'm just going to say i want a cloak every episode
ok i chuckled at the interaction of 'ever herd of the word sorry?' and 'no is it a word you made up?'
dude don't ask why but i love it when people walk through waterfalls
i don't know why arthur looked so stupid when he was doing it though
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i love the nature of it all
yes merlin, you start walking toward the castle first
aw i love the knights working together. like, i know they work together- they're knights, but we love to see it
merlin and his sharp eyes again :,))
why are they making camp it's literally not even dark yet 😭😭
oh great another dinner gag. please stop. i dislike this immensely
wow i love that merlin can heal them. i also think it's surprising because merlin sucks at healing things but yk.. ✨plot✨
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this looks like the type of building teens would either be convinced is haunted and try to stay the night there or the type of building that all teens would go to to take pics for the #gram
ok is borden dead here or..
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yes i'm putting both of these picture here. who's going to stop me
just kidding it's three
ok so not dead
ok this is not meant to be creepy but colin has nice hands
borden is a creep please go away now
merlin use your ✨magic ✨ please
YES. tell him you're the last dragonlord. i stan. YES HIM AND HIS MAGIC
you better run boy
ok how he manages to get out of the castle is astounding
HAHA there was some CGI that fell and i laughed so hard because it looked so fake
omg merlin getting excited about the egg is actually so precious
both of their faces here are SO precious.
oasfasldfjasl idk why but whenever merlin walks across with the eggs i have this feeling he's going to faceplant and drop it for the comedic effect but i'm glad that never happens
bruh 'back where it belongs' like yes that makes sense but also that doesn't make sense
it's been a full moon for like 4 days now..??????
omg i actually love aithusa
tbh, i DO NOT know how to pronounce her name
why is she actually the cutest thing ever.
i love it when merlin cries, but not in a sadistic way yk? it's more the fact that he's allowed to cry
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ok i have a few dragon fics that i love but the only one i can think of right now is Returning the Favor by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle it's actually perfect
there are so many more that i love but i can't think of them but also- PLEASE REC YOUR FAVE DRAGON FAMILY DOMESTIC FICS PLEASE AND THANK YOU
anyways. i'll be back tomorrow to rant more about the darkest hr pt 2 so i'll see you then! also let me know if you want me to stop tagging you @lady-ofmagic-andstars because otherwise i will literally tag you in everything :,)
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whydowelove · 3 years
Hii! I hope your still doing ships, could you do it with enhypen, tbz and treasure? If you don't mind ( if not, enhypen and treasure pls ) ^^
i'm an aries, a huge introvert, I like drawing and listening to music, sometimes I like to read ( mostly mangas ) or watch anime. I have a huge resting bitch face and I kinda have a cold personality bcuz I have trust issues with ppl and I dont wanna get hurt. I'm mostly alone, I like hanging out with myself, occasionally I do hangout with my classmates/ siblings. Oh and I love playing games ( video games/ board games I don't mind ) also my mbti is INTP-T
I think I have said enough haha, I hope you have a great day! Stay hydrated and I hope you get enough rest! 💕
Yes, I am still doing them so dw !! I hope u also have a great day, thank you !!! And I’m so tired atm so hopefully I’ll sleep a lot tn 😭
In Enhypen I ship you with Jay !!
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Big jay vibes
I can just see y’all together so clearly in my mind
I tried to imagine the other members but jay felt the most compatible imo
Y’all deft watch anime together and read mangas all the time !!!!
You guys with go to like a Manga store or smith and just chill there for hours reading
I feel like if there’s a couch there he’ll be laying down with your head on his chest just reading
Pls, I can imagine is so clearly I hope u can too 😭
Idek if he’s into that stuff but for this I’m going to pretend he does
When u win like every game Jay is like 😧
“I let you win”
“Sureee, let’s play again then”
It’s just funny bc u guys have small, stupid arguments like this all the time 😭
It’s nothing you guys take seriously it’s just jokes and you both know that
Draw him.
He will be amazed and happy istg
He loves when you let him look through ur art book
Honestly, he wants a tattoo of ur art on him 😯
Really cool, chill couple that’s kinda just there yk
You guys aren’t really cheesy or cliche ur kinda the opposite and just a really really cool couple
I think you will open up to him and learn to trust him as time goes on
And that’s what he wants. He wants you to trust him and know he’ll never hurt u and in fact he’ll even take a bullet for u 🤷‍♀️
In Treasure I ship you with Haruto !!
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Honestly I was gonna choose Junghwan until I really thought abt it
Haruto is very mellow and laid back as well and comes off as kind of cold so I feel like this would workout
It would workout bc u guys are really similar in a way which makes it easy to understand the other
And when u understand someone it’s easier to trust them and get along ykyk
For this one I think you guys would play a lot of games at home instead
Y’all are huge homebodies you’ll do anything to stay home 😭
he will deff watch anime with you
Hell even pretend he’s a character and start doing the moves they’re doing 😭
Same with Manga’s, he’ll read them as well but I think he’d prefer anime
If u don’t already know Japanese I feel like he’d try to teach u
But if u do and all a sudden you start speaking to him in Japanese he’ll be so stunned and think it’s so cool
He’ll make his 😮 face and say smith like
“yOu SpEaK jAPanEse oMg mE tOo!!!”
No really, I didn’t know Haruto 😐
He likes watching you draw, he’d be so concentrated on the pencil or whatever ur using to draw just following it with his eyes
Ok but Haruto is literally art itself so u better draw him 😠
He likes it when u play with his hair or rub his back, even if h don’t like PDA or affection he’ll do anything to have u do it
He’ll beg on his knees if he has to
So do it!!!!
I don’t think y’all would argue much but when U do it would be a big deal
I feel like when haruto’s annoyed nothing can stop him, he’s so young and isn’t good at controlling it yet
For example he’ll show u a video and you won’t laugh or anything and maybe make a disgusted face and he’s like “...” looking at u with concentrated eyes
And you just look at him through hooded eyelids “what, is that supposed to be funny or something?” and u didn’t mean for it to sound so rude but he got so pissed and walked to his room slamming his door
He didn’t like that u gave him attitude 😭
It’s usually when u show attitude when he’s just trying to be nice, that he gets pissed off
Other than that y’all are pretty chill and get along for the most part
In The Boyz I ship you with Eric !!
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Hmm this one was tricky to decide
But I feel like with Eric being so outgoing and loud that he’s able to break the ice pretty easily
Honestly, you started trusting him after knowing him for like a month
He plays video games a lot with you
He gets so pressed when you win and says smth like
Like he’s all giddy until every rematch u keep winning and then he gets mad and goes beyond try hard mode and still loses 🤦‍♀️
Makes u laugh a lot
He makes everyone laugh a lot so this doesn’t come as a surprise
You guys are opposites and opposites attract
Yeah Yeah 😎
I feel like when ur drawing he’ll sit next to you and try so hard to draw and just draws a stick man or smth 😭
Pls he is so concentrated and his tongue is sticking out and then when he’s done he gets so excited like
“look look !!! It’s my best by far!!”
Until he peeks and sees ur work and just throws the pencil and closes the notebook 😭
He hates staying home so u guys have inconsistent dates
It’s all over the place, one week they’ll be at home and the next they’ll be in another country 😭
I think the only time u argue or get into “fights” is when he wants to go out but u wanna stay home or smith yk
Just something chill ig
Omg when your at his dorm and sunwoo or juyeon is there-
Ur literally leaving 😭
They’re so loud and obnoxious and u really be third wheeling with ur own bf 😐
They really just stole ur man, what U gonna do now
- Photo cr to rightful owners
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alittlebitmaybe · 4 years
i literally just realized how many wips/story concepts i have. it’s 9. NINE. some have only plans and some have only concepts, but some have literally thousands of words behind them. i am making a post to try to hold myself accountable and also get my head on straight, since i haven’t managed to publish anything since the very start of august. (which is to say, unless you are dying to know what’s sitting in my unfinished scrivener drafts, you can keep scrolling!)
oldest to newest:
nowhere to go: sequel to all cooped up, and basically was going to be yenskier pwp until i realized i have no idea how to write an explicit sex scene, much less one that’s pwp. benched indefinitely.
these restless feet: aka “oxenfurt tryst” aka “monster of the week” aka “julian is about to hit the road to become jaskier when tragedy strikes and he stays in academia instead, while having anxiety and regrets, but he and geralt find each other anyway--just a little later than they would have otherwise” aka “this was supposed to be a character study and it grew plot”. the original draft of this has 20k words, but i thought it had too many ocs so i reworked it and got 6k words in, then i still didn’t feel right about it so i tried AGAIN and got like 4k words in. this has seen so many lives idek what’s going on with it anymore but i care deeply about a lot of the scenes and would love to get my shit together and finish it.
omnia mutantur: jaskier has the djinn wishes and accidentally wishes geralt human. didn’t make it far into this one but what i have is kinda cute.
deja reve: has one line in the file: “jaskier gets visions from destiny.” that’s it. that’s all i had but i made a file for it and titled it. ????
passerine: PLOT CITY. this one is about jaskier having to go undercover with the nilfgaardian army post-s1 because i WANTED IT and for no other logical reason. i OUTLINED this shit. god, there’s so much plot. no one wants to read this. i wrote 6700 words before i lost steam.
zombie au: no working title, weirdly enough. this fucking beast is sitting around 26k words and is not yet 3/4 done. in which there’s been a zombie apocalypse, geralt’s life got torn apart, his relationship with yen is complicated at best and fraught at worst, ciri has been missing for five years, and he’s just suffered another major loss. when he gets a lead on where ciri might be, he sets out to find her, and comes across a very obnoxious man in the woods who won’t leave him alone. what comes next will not surprise you in the slightest. (i am most likely to finish this. at least i hope i am. i am DETERMINED.) (WHY DO I KEEP WRITING THINGS WITH PLOT THAT’S WHY I NEVER FINISH ANYTHING)
wishing well: jaskier character study. he makes a wish at lettenhove in a funny looking pool and then he spends his life both chasing and running from his deepest desires. sitting at around 3k, will probably be 5kish when done (i’m actually sort of working on this rn!! low pressure!)
vassar au: aka i subject my liberal arts education experiences on the cast of the witcher. would be serialized, probably. i did nothing but come up with a list of stupid shit that happened while i was in undergrad that i could turn into dumb fic scenes. DO want to write this.
then there is one untitled file at the end that just says “jaskier falls for his friend ciri’s dad.” i made this because i came across a fic with this concept and read it and it was good but ended up not being what my brain Wanted when i read the concept. so i made a file to hold the concept in case i ever write it.
anyway there’s my pile of shame. good day to you all. WISH ME LUCK.
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