#i literally just came up with it last night
writingsbychlo · 2 days
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SPIDER | tom riddle
summary; tom riddle has a peculiar way of showing his affection, but he's nothing if not protective.
word count; 1625
notes; I woke up this morning with inspiration and I grabbed my laptop and banged this out before even getting up. if you hate it, I literally don't care <3
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The flames of the fireplace flickered soothingly, the last warmth spilling out towards you in a subtle glow, hiding the reflections of the lake that danced around the room. Several other students were also still milling around, the Slytherin common room was never truly empty, not unless it was the summer break. Pulling the blanket a little tighter around your shoulders, you snuggled down a bit further, only stilling when the cold sense of someone else crept down your neck. 
This was a familiar chill, though. You were aware of someone else’s presence, and yet no part of that was threatening. A familiar cologne reached your nose, and before you’d even turned, you were greeting the man who stood behind you, “Hello, Tom.”
“Why are you down here?” He cut right to the point, never one for formalities, and your lips flickered up at the edges as he walked around the edge of the sofa and into your view. “You’re never up at this time.”
Always so observant. Your smile formed a little more every time he revealed something extra he’d noticed about you. That you liked a particular table in the library, that your favourite biscuits were chocolate hobnobs, that you didn’t usually stay up this late. Tom Riddle had a peculiar way of showing affection. Most people assumed he was cold, unfeeling, harsh. They couldn't be more wrong. 
Tom Riddle was a walking, talking, bleeding heart. He was an open wound, snapping like an injured animal when anyone came close. Tom Riddle was full of emotion, it just happened to be hidden behind a thick stone wall. But if you were allowed close enough to look through the cracks, the true Tom Riddle shone like golden light within. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” You teased, and he rolled his eyes, taking half a step closer to you and perching on the arm of the couch elegantly. 
“You know I go for walks at night.”
“And where do you go for these walks? What do you do on your oh-so-mysterious nightly walks?” You turned your body further towards him, the blanket slipping down from its place around your chin, and those calculating brown eyes tracked its fall along your arm.  
“That’s none of your business, and you’re avoiding the question.”
“You’re avoiding mine.” You retorted, and he simply gave you a dry look. Reaching out, Tom lifted the edge of the blanket back up and over your shoulder, securing it back into place. 
“Answer me.”
“Fine,” You sighed, head rolling across your shoulders and back towards the fireplace, watching the growing flames once again, “I saw a spider in my room. It crawled down the edge of my bed right before I could get in, and now I don’t want to go to sleep.”
You could feel Tom’s stare on you, the silence stretching between you both as he let the confession settle. There was half a chance he’d scoff, and half a chance he’d simply walk away now that he got his answer. He seemed to be debating between which one to go for. “Why didn’t Pansy get it out for you?”
Another question, not an option you’d considered, but not a surprise from him. “She’s not here, she’s at Luna’s tonight.”
More silence, and you took the chance to observe him instead. Tom Riddle was not one to cower away from a stare, and so as you watched him, he watched you too. Finally, he broke the silence, “I’ll get it for you.”
Now, that was a surprise. “You will?”
“Does it matter?” He shot back, standing once again, making it clear to you that you were to do the same, or he’d leave without you. Dropping the blanket down to the couch, the enchanted item folded itself back up and into the storage trunk you’d taken it from, as you smoothed out your jumper and followed Tom’s already retreating steps.
“It doesn’t matter, but I’m curious. Humour me.” You caught up with him, and he cut you a glance from the side of his eye. “You should also know that I’m very grateful, whether you choose to tell me or not. Thank you.”
The rigid lines of his shoulders softened a little at that. Should you know how to, Tom Riddle could be played like a fiddle. You smothered a snicker at the rhyme in your head as he let slip a small sigh. “I don’t want you to sit in the common room all night when I can perfectly easily take care of the problem.”
Your smile was full now, following him silently through the halls as he guided the way to your dorm. Opening the door, he was respectful enough to ignore the piles of mess on your roommate’s side of the dorm, looking straight towards your untouched bed, and the mug of now cold tea sitting on your bedside table. 
“Which side?”
“The far one.” You mumbled, tension creeping back into your body. What if it wasn’t there anymore? What if it had crawled elsewhere, and was now hidden somewhere in the room, ready to strike, or—
The screech of your bed frame moving snapped you from your thoughts as Tom pulled it away from the wall. It moved again, jarring along the wooden floor. Tom remained still, eyes moving for a second, two, before he suddenly strode forwards, ducking down and his hand shot out. He straightened a second later, with his hands cupped, and turned to you. 
He nodded his head towards the window, and you scurried across the room ahead of him, flinging open the window and backing far away as he neared. That made him scoff, rolling his eyes at your behaviour once again. He held his hands out of the window, shaking them off and letting the spider fall through the air, before pulling back, and clicking the catch back into place. He double-checked it, before casting his eye over the rest of the room. 
“Let me check for any more.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” Your words fell on deaf ears, as Tom shifted your bed back into place, before peering behind both desks, your dressers and the wardrobe, and finally, the bathroom. He methodically checked each and every space within your dorm for you, leaving you to sit in the centre of your once again safe bed, watching him with a soft smile. Before leaving the bathroom, he washed his hands clean of the creature that had been crawling within them, before returning to you. 
“No more.”
“Thank you, Tom.” You whispered, his chin tucking in a single nod, but a frown on his face. 
“You already thanked me.”
“There’s no law saying I can’t thank you twice, or as many times as I please, for that matter.” Your smirk made him press his lips into a line, but he had no comeback and hated not having the final word. He was calculating, something else to say, something to spin this back onto you—
“Your tea is cold. You should reheat that, so you don’t waste it.”
Your gaze flickered to the mug, and back to him, shrugging. “I don’t feel like having it now.”
His sigh sounded frustrated, and he took a few more steps into the room, towards you, instead of the door. His voice had softened once again as he took you in, looking down at you with a gentler gaze than most ever saw. “Will you go to sleep now?”
“Soon, I think I’ll just read for a while, I’m not too tired yet.” 
He nodded. His jaw clenched as he glanced towards the door, but made no move to leave. The clock in the corner ticked, seconds passing by loudly in the space, and then, “Would you like to join me on my walk?”
His words were fragile, a rare show of vulnerability from him. Uttered quietly into the air that hung between you both, and your gasp almost startled him. “Really?”
He glared, answering your question with a fitting answer. Tom never said things he didn’t mean, and you knew that. Everyone knew that. But he’d never let anyone go on his walks before, it was a hotly debated topic and a running joke within the group about what exactly took place on these walks, and what nefarious things he likely got up to. 
“I’d like that.”
“Then put on some proper shoes, and quickly.” You did as he had, rather gruffly, commanded, swapping out the comfy slippers for some boots, and throwing on another jumper for extra warmth. Tom waited for you at the door, holding it open for you to step through. “Do you like the lake at night?”
“I’ve never been out to the lake at night.” 
He made a quiet sound of acknowledgement, a hum under his breath. “Then that’s where we’ll go. You’ll like it. It’s… peaceful.”
His hand flexed at his side as you walked together, and after clearing the common room and entering the silent corridors, you slipped your hand into his own. 
He stiffened, for only a second, before his fingers wrapped back around yours, and a smile pulled on his lips as he ducked his head. You and Tom had been dancing this line for years now, something more but not quite enough. 
Not yet. 
But you’d get there, someday. His actions told you enough. Enough to know that he felt what you did too, that you were certainly headed somewhere, on a collision course together. You belonged to Tom Riddle as much as he belonged to you. 
So, for now, holding his hand as you walked the lake, and letting him chase spiders out of your room was enough. 
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obae-me · 2 days
Happy Birthday to my favorite boy who I love with my whole soul!
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He's ostentatious, yes. It's hard to think otherwise with his title of Pride, his extravagant clothes, his dramatic entrances, and his peacock-like aura; always strutting about with his head held high and his metaphorical and oftentimes literal wings held out fluttering behind him.
So, it's easy to forget how much he loves simplicity. How he craves normalcy.
You'll fully admit you had misjudged him when his first birthday with you rolled around. Rumors forced visions of Diavolo putting a screeching halt over the whole kingdom, making everyone come out of their homes and business in droves just to celebrate. He'd have a limo or flying carriage take him to an exclusive five-star restaurant, drinking millennia old Demonus so expensive, one drop could have Mammon rolling in money for months. All the while decked up to the nines- the tens, even.
But, you quickly learned that those symbols of opulence were not what he wanted.
However, this year, you still found doubt clawing at your insides. Was this enough? His brothers assured you that what you all had planned was more than adequate, but it was still difficult to think so. You wanted to give him the world... Now you knew Diavolo's struggles firsthand when it came to the fallen angel.
After he had fallen asleep, you'd rolled over and disabled the timer on his phone. Mammon had already somehow snuck in and stolen Lucifer's alarm clock, eliminating his backup (which might already be sold at this point). He could sleep in now. Diavolo had already given Lucifer the day off, but old habits died hard, and everyone assumed he'd be up before he needed to.
The plan was set. He'd wake up to already-made coffee he could sip in bed before lumbering down to breakfast in his pajamas. There would be no arguing, the house would be clean, and everyone was ready to participate in a historical museum tour that was showcasing demon adaptations of human technologies. One of which was the first magical rendition of an assembly line.
Then you'd head out to have tea and snacks in the Royal Gardens. It would be just you, him, and Diavolo (with Barbatos serving of course) while the others set up a party at the House. The only ones attending would be family and close friends. It would be then that he opened presents, ate his favorite homemade dinner, and drank a little in the company of others while playing different games. Then while the night was fairly young, you'd offer to take him away.
As you rolled over in bed, listening to his light breathing as he slept soundly, you couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited for what you had planned for him. For months, you had tried scouting for the perfect gift. Was this...enough? It deviated from what you would normally plan to get him. It wasn't a cursed record or a set of cufflinks or a tie or anything like that. This year, you'd managed to find a music box. It played a lovely little tune that had the sort of melody that forced you to go quiet, chills running down your spine. But this wasn't just any music box. No. Under certain conditions, it would show the listener the memory that would make them the happiest in that moment. And the conditions were easy, one only needed to turn the winding key exactly six times.
Thinking about presenting it to him made you all giddy inside, knowing that he could use it whenever he felt particularly stressed...but also more anxiety allowed itself to flood your nerves. What if it had somehow broken in the spot you'd hidden the gift in?! Did you check it twice last night? Yes. But stranger things had happened in this house, broken things were actually quite common. So, you'd check on it again...just to be sure.
You eyed Lucifer as you slipped out of bed, keeping the mattress from bobbing too much as you tip-toed your way out of his room. Straight to the planetarium you went, assured by the youngest sibling that he'd keep it safe by shooing Lucifer out of the area if he got too close, which was so common already the eldest shouldn't get suspicious. Slipping your way into the room, you rushed over to the specific chair you had hid it behind. The ground was cold as you sat down on it, your legs crossed over each other as you sighed in relief as the intact music box was pulled into your lap.
"Might as well give it a test run," you muttered to no one but yourself as the key clicked six times. Music poured out into the room as you opened the lid. Mist seemed to shimmer a little in the air, a scene projected into the magic. Faint voices played into your mind, syllables almost twinkling in time with the notes.
"You worry too much." A familiar voice had you smile a bit sheepishly, an old memory of Lucifer shaking his head at you being the music box's memory of choice. "I've told you time and time again that you don't need to fret over impressing me, or whatever that silly word you said was." Ah, yes...you remembered this now...it was some time ago, worrying over some kind of RAD gala. Even now you weren't exactly sure what the specific thing you had panicked so grievously over was, but you had been so anxious over letting everyone down, especially the one who you held so close to your heart. In the image, Lucifer grabbed your face, looking so deeply into your eyes, it was as if he were reaching through the haze to assure you all over again. "And if I must, I will continue to tell you time and time and time again, even if my jaw must break from the strain. So take a breath, relax your shoulders, and remember that--"
"I love you," something echoed. You jumped, your arms pulling the music box close to your body instead of launching it in the air. You shut the lid as you glanced over your shoulder.
The demon chuckled a bit as he tucked the fabric of his robe tighter against his body as he came up behind you, getting on his knees and resting his chin sleepily on your shoulder. "Should I be offended or pleased that you're sneaking off in the middle of the night to meet up with another me?"
You audibly sighed. So he saw... "Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"Answering a question with a question are we?" As he mused he wrapped his arms around your torso.
"Answering my question to your question with another question?" you quipped right back.
Even without fully seeing him you could feel his eyes roll. He gave you a squeeze and pressed his cheek right next to yours. "Am I to assume...perhaps rather selfishly...if all the secrecy is to imply that this interesting little thing is mine?"
A long pause settled between you. Was this...a bit of disappointment bubbling inside you? "It was supposed to be a surprise..."
If anyone knew the tragedy of derailed plans, it would be him. He hummed in apologetic understanding. "I can pretend like I didn't see it."
That actually had you chuckle a bit, shaking your head. You scooted on the floor to turn around to face him. Grabbing one of his hands, you placed the gift inside his palm. "Happy birthday, Lucifer. May this uplift you in those darker moments when I can't be there. May your birthday this year add to the pool of happy memories to choose from. May I be by your side for another birthday, and the birthday after that, and so many more to come." You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, chuckling at his slightly wild bed-hair that you were just now getting a good look at.
He went a bit silent, and you could've sworn as his eyes shut for a moment, a little bit of color came to his cheeks. He set your gift off to the side of himself as his arms wrapped around you once more, pulling you into a tight embrace. "And may I get to tell you time and time and time and time again...how much I love you."
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foulphantomllama · 2 days
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
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3. Eat My Heart
After that day, everytime I got alone with Minjeong, she jerked me off while insulting me. And I started insulting her. She seemed to liked it as much as i do. We were at the point that we could not quite sure if we are madly in love or hate each others guts. But nonetheless, it was one of the greatest periods of my life.
We also start spending time together. She told me about her dreams and I told her about mine. We were gettin along perfectly. In our own way of course. As we got more familiar with each other, I couln’t help but think about her body. Although she has been jerking me ever since that day, I never saw her naked. When I ask her about it, she always said soon. And I was waiting.
The day she came to my room she said to me that she wants to eat my heart. I guess now i know what she really meant. I was hers and she was mine. We were encouraging each other by literally bullying each other. We were kind of dating for a month now. But we never had sex. She jerks me off, when i try to touch her she gets mad and don’t let me touch her body.
She was a good dancer and her dream was to be a stage peformer. And she had everything to be one. Looks, charm and talent. But one day she came to me after her dance practice. She was crying. When I asked about what happened, she only said four words. “Fuck my brains out” It was so unexpected so I carried her to my bed and start to take off her clothes. Every peace of fabric I remove was exposing her skin. Her skin was pale white. I started kissing her little tits. With every kiss, she was moaning a little. I was kissing and squeezing her tits. Then I started to kiss my way down to her pussy. It was so wet. I started to lick my way around her pussy lips, guiding myself to her clit. She hold my head and pushed me deep into her pussy. I was tongue fucking her. After a moment she stopped pushing me and screamed at me “please just fuck me damn it you dog” “I am going to fuck you like a dog” I answered to her as I turn her face down and bend her over. I put on my condom. And i put one of my fingers into her little asshole. As I push my cock into her pussy, I also started fingering her ass.
She was moaning and screaming with pleasure. I took my finger off from her asshole. I grabbed her hips and started pounding her like our lives depended on it. Then I grabbed her hair and started pulling a little harder everytime. I pulled my cock off from her pussy and changed my condom. She got advantage of the situation and get on top of me. She sit on my cock and started jumping. As she jumps, her tits was rubbing my face. Then she started kissing me. “Took the condom off.” She whispered to my ear. “You do that.” I said. She got up and took of the condom and started to suck my cock. I was still trying to process the last twenty or so minutes. A month of no intimacy besides jerking me off, and then there we were having sex with each other in such passionate way. As I was drowning in such thoughts, she bite the top of my cock a little. It was painfull. So i slapped her cheek. “Oww” she said with a muffled voice. My cock was still in her mouth. I liked the idea of bullying her in bed. So i pushed her head deep that her chin was touching my balls. I was choking her with my cock. Noises of her gagging was making me even harder. So I cum in her throat. My cum was spilling from her mouth. She swallowed it. And I cleaned the rest off from her chin. But my cock was still hard. “You want more” she asked. I nodded as a yes. “That’s a shame. I need to go. Thank you for the moral boost, love.” She got up, got dressed and went out from my apartment. In the end, I was the one got slightly bullied. Again. She gave me another taste of her. But did not let me make her cum. That was enough to keep me awake at night.
A moment later a got a text from her. It was hee photo with a context saying “Why don’t you jerk yourself off today? But you have to look at me. xoxo” Shit. Then another one. “I want proof.” I did exactly what she said. But then I asked why she was crying today. She answered. “I needed some emotional support and get a princess treatment.”  “Did I treated you like a princess.” I asked. “Even better, she said.” It was getting annoying by the minute. But I asked after I sent her the proof. “Why were you crying?” She wasn’t answering to that question. Something has happened surely. Why else would she cry? But for the moment, i decided to leave it at that.
A day later she was not present at the campus. And she wasn’t responding to my messages either. It was completely normal the other night. She said good night and went to sleep. It was like she was disappeared from the face of the earth. I didn’t even knew where she lives at that time.  After a few hours, my classes ended. I went straight home. Still, there were no signs of her. I prepeared something to eat. Then I got a notification. She liked one of my older posts in Instagram. What the fuck?  “Where were you?” I texted her. She replied. “Open your door dumbass.” I opened the door. There was no one there but a little package. Another text “Did you get it? Don’t open it until I say so.” I said ok. And put the package somewhere safe. What was she planning? She was playing with me like I was her toy. I mean, of course my grades dropped significantly since I started to play this little game with her. But I can always make them better again so I just waited for her next move.
“When do I open it?” I texted her. No response again. She was fucking with me. I was getting more angry every minute she ignores me. I went to bed and tried to sleep but it was no good. I feel asleep after a while surprizingly. A notification wake me up. “Open it!” it was saying. From Minjeong. I opened it. And let me tell you, this girl is driving me crazy for her.
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sunflowers4life · 19 hours
Marauders - Moving In - Part 2
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heres part 2! thank you for the love on the last one, so here is part 2! again, warning for female reader. enjoy! the remus fan art in the header is drawn by @sophitil on instagram!
pairing: the story is marauders x reader, however, this part has a heavy focus on remus and the reader!
part 1
Sirius was the embodiment of a rockstar. He shined onstage, his presence captured attention everywhere, and there were numerous people in the bar fawning over him. The pub you had landed yourself in was perfectly described in one word: cosy. Aglow with warm yellow lighting, potted plants and records adoring the walls, giving it a comfortable, welcoming feeling to all that entered its walls. 
James had quickly sat up from the seat he had resided in, whispering something about grabbing some more drinks at the bar, leaving you with Remus. Remus had been picking at his nails for the past couple of minutes, and you came to the realisation that if you wanted to make it anywhere, you were gonna have to speak up first. “What animal do you think you could beat in a fight?” You sputtered out, before internally rolling your eyes in your head. What a dumb questions, I mean, you literally could have asked anything but you chos- “You know what? I think I could take a bear in a fight.” Remus had answered confidently, and you realised the beauty of his eyes. A colour like caramel, one you're sure you could spend nights getting absorbed in, the little gold speckles shining when the light hits them just right. 
“Do you read?” Remus had asked, quite quickly, and sure enough, the next hour had consisted of the two of you discussing your favourite books, authors, genre’s. James came and went, alternating bringing water to Sirius on stage, and bringing the two of you drinks as your conversations droned on. You found out Remus was currently at university doing a bachelor in English, and that one day he dreamed of writing his own book. It was then that you realised Remus was not shy - just, soft spoken at first, as you watched his confidence grow. A gentle smirk rested on his face, and he had begun teasing you lightly. It had begun when you mentioned your preferred chocolate - m&m’s - to which Remus cackled, before declaring that the superior brand of chocolate had to be Cadbury. “I mean m&m’s are alright, but like, Cadbury just melts! But, I guess, some as short as you would enjoy a short chocolate.” Now, you weren’t necessarily short, but Remus was 6’4. So, it didn’t really matter who he was talking to, everyone was short in comparison to him. 
The clock struck 10, and Sirius finally yelled “Thank you for coming out everyone! See you next time!” The pub filled with claps and applause, and James gathered the two of you so you could all go back to the apartment. You suddenly felt a weight fall on your shoulders, and turning slightly to your left, you realised this weight was an arm that belonged to the rock star of the night. “So, how’d we like it? Seriously, I think we’re getting somewhere! I recognised some of those girls in the corner, they’ve definitely been to our show before!” The three of you showered Sirius with praises. Quickly offering up the napkin you had brought with you, you turned to Sirius with a pen “Please, all mighty rock god, may I have your autograph?” Sirius' eyes looked like galaxies, the black iris’s glistening with the lights of the pubs, as he sported that wicked smirk of his, before signing the napkin.
“You keep that safe you hear me, one day, that’ll be worth millions!” Sirius proclaimed, as you finally made your exit. The pub was only a short walk from the apartment, and it was a little obvious from the stumbling and unstoppable giggling, you had all had a few too many. 
Retiring to bed happened quickly, however, Remus had grabbed your arm before you could go to sleep. Gently, he guided you to the bathroom, and silently grabbed a makeup wipe. He scrubbed lightly, and the repetitive motions were almost enough for you to fall asleep right then and there. You took the time to admire his scars, that made him so Remus, admiring the beautiful tan of his skin, and finally, being captured in the gold speckles within his eyes. Once Remus was 100 percent certain your face was clean, the two of you took your time to brush your teeth together - and you feared it was the most comfortable you had felt with someone in a while. 
You had known the man for what was literal 5 hours, and yet, you felt you knew him entirely. He was funny, charismatic, a little bit of a nerd, but you could also tell he was incredibly loyal to his partners. You had noticed, on either wrist, there was a friendship bracelet, one that said “prongs” decorated with dark reds and gold, and another that said “padfoot”, with a colour palette. Remus put his hand on the small of your back, before leading you to your room. You ran to your new bed, the doona, pillows and stuffed animals looking more tempting than anything you had ever seen. 
You heard the door close, a little murmur of chatter outside your door, before closing your eyes. You felt good about this. These boys so far had shown you nothing but kindness, and all 3 had such distinct personalities. The future was something you looked forward too, and finally, the world turned to silence, as you began to dream of what was ahead.
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greatstormcat · 16 hours
Hi there. I wanted to make a request for something a bit personal. All this week, my family has been criticizing my weight (which I have struggled with my whole life) and told me point-blank that no one would ever love me because of it. That being said, I would like to request a writing with Soap. Let's say the reader has been avoiding sex with him for a while. They'll kiss and stuff, but as soon as he starts pulling her shirt up, she pulls it back down and makes some sort of excuse. This goes on for a while until Soap confronts her about it. She basically then goes off, pointing out all her bodily flaws and how fat and hideous she thinks she is and asks him how he could ever think she was sexy. And all he says is, “How can I NOT?” And he makes love to her and every time she makes a complaint about her body or calls herself ugly, she shushes her, ultimately taking her in front of a mirror and making her look at herself and how sexy she looks taking him. And when they're done, Soap should talk about how she's not fat, she's cute and squishy.
Hi anon, thank you for waiting for this! I’ve been really busy and did not want to put up anything half-arsed because this is a very important ask! Anyone who makes you feel like that sucks, and I’ve been there myself with family commenting on my weight. I had a whole rant lined up but then I realised that Soap already had it in hand, so I will let him takeover from here…
TW: MDNI 18+, bodyshaming and fatphobia, emotion support, p in v
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It was getting harder and harder to make up excuses. Each time you came up with a reason you couldn’t stay over at his place, or a reason your clothes had to stay on when you did agree to sleep in the same bed, literally sleep, his eyes narrowed. You couldn’t keep this up, it was too hard, too unfair on this sweet, loving man. 
Johnny had come into your life like a wrecking ball, all loud mouth and charming personality. You had been swept off your feet by him the moment you’d seen him in the pub, a rare and welcome night out with friends, and he had zeroed in on you. He’d made you feel like you were the only other person in that hot, noisy and packed pub, his eyes locked onto you the moment you spoke to him to say hi.
The last few months had been amazing, he doted on you, texting or calling each day he was away from you back at base. He worshipped you, wanting nothing more than to hear you laugh and be near you. The problem was he was getting very amorous. Kissing and cuddling on the sofa was turning into heavy make out sessions, his hands grazing over your curves and teasing just beneath the hem of your top. 
It made you increasingly uncomfortable, your doubts about how he’d react to seeing under your baggy clothes ate at you. Unfortunately, you’d become so used to being put down about your weight, being told you were undeserving of love and affection, that you had never really let your walls down around him. The rot ran deep, right to your core, whispering to you that he wouldn’t stay and this was only a fling for him until he got bored and left for someone more like him.
Finally, things quickly got heated when he pushed you, trying to get you to tell him why you’d shut down and withdrawn from him completely after another failed make out session where you'd retreated to your room and shut the door in his face. He just burst in, demanding to know what the deal was.
“If I let you see me naked you’ll leave!” you blurt out finally, throat tight with the hot threat of tears. Everything seems to stop once you let the words out, and he stands there staring at you with an unreadable expression as you sit on the end of your bed.
“D’ya think I’m that shallow?” he demands into the thick silence, and the pain in his voice cuts like a knife into your heart. “D’ya really think I’d do such a thing? What have I said or done to give you that impression?” He edges closer as he speaks, until he reaches you and then kneels down in front of you.
“No, I don’t think you’re shallow,” you mumble weakly, trying to avoid his eyes but he cups your face in his large, warm hands and forces you to look into his crystal blue gaze. There’s nothing but affection in those eyes, love and concern for you blinding you like the sun.
“You are beautiful, and I want to be with you just as you are, right here and now,” he says softly, but with an edge of steel beneath the silk of his words. “Anyone who says otherwise and fuck off. If I hear them say it, it’ll be the last thing they ever do. You hear me?”
There’s no way to hide from him, and you nod, letting out a sigh of relief that’s quickly muffled by his lips.
“You’re beautiful just the way you are, have been since the moment I first saw you,” he says as his lips trail across your cheek and chin, down to your neck. “I dinnae care what size or shape you are, hen, I love you for who you are. As long as you are happy and safe, I’m the luckiest man alive to be by your side.”
Suddenly, you realise that having spoken your fear out loud it holds less power over you, and your shoulder relax.
“C’mon, get up,” he says gently, and you stand up, letting him position you in front of your floor length mirror. “Tell me what you don’t like,” he instructs you, standing by your shoulder and locking eyes with you in the reflection.
“Well, the rolls around my middle,” you admit weakly, hands fluttering to cover them automatically. With a smile, he takes your hands away and crouches in front of you, lifting the front of your top to reveal the skin beneath. Stretch marks catch the light but before you can react his lips are pressed to them, the soft warmth making your breath stutter.
“Tell me another one,” he groans, peppering more kisses to your stomach while you think.
“My thighs,” you say before you can think about what he has planned. Warm hands caress your thighs through your leggings, and his breath ghosts through the fabric before kisses land. “Fucking hell…” you groan, “do you really think I’m sexy?”
“How can I not, when your this fuckin’ perfect?” he answers between kisses against you hip. It continues like this, you name a part of your body you’ve been taught to hate, and he worships it. Slowly but surely, you allow him to remove your clothing so he can fully show his adoration for every inch of skin, and you feel yourself come alive beneath his affection. The feel of his body against yours spurs on the growing heat between your thighs, and the moment you beg him to go further, he does.
You lose yourself in his loving embrace, letting him make you feel utterly beautiful as he draws wave after wave of pleasure from you. Letting yourself go, throwing alway all of your doubts and fears, it feels totally natural to feel his skin pressed against yours, sweating making your both glisten as you pant and groan. He grinds into you, spearing his cock deep into you, all the time whispering praises and prayers to your dips and curves. Only when you come undone around him does he stop, the snap and pull of his hips filling the quiet until he follows you over the edge.
“Was that okay, love?” he asks hoarsely, panting heavily as he settles you against his side under the covers. “I don’t want you to regret anything.”
“That was amazing,” you breathe in response, heading still swimming slightly. 
“Good, you deserve nothing but praise. You’re mine, and you’re perfect in all your soft, squishy glory.”
You can't help but chuckle at that, especially as his rough palm rubs appreciatively over your soft hip as he says it.
"So you think I'm cute?"
"Aye, that's it," he chuckles back, placing a kiss on your forehead.
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xsleepinggoodx · 18 hours
morning sex <3
WARNINGS: somnophilia, horny Mikey, Mikey being lovedrunk on you, foreplay, oral (fem receiving) fingering. (Fem receiving) sub! Reader, service dom Mikey, softdom Mikey, tender love💕
Mikey with long black hair is extremely underrated.
This song has literally nothing to do with the story the instrumentals just give me black long hair Mikey vibes I don’t know how to explain it😭
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Waking up hard wasn’t foreign to Mikey. But it was difficult to take care of. Especially when his lovely wife is sleeping so soundly next to him.
The soft early morning sunlight on your body on just the right places made him admire you for minutes. Almost drooling on how the golden lights cascaded on your body like a professional painting. You were sleeping so soundly though, a happy and relaxed expression on your face. Fabric marks on your arms. You were probably having a fun dream.
He felt guilty for even considering to bother you, but a memory flashed in his mind to where you and him were discussing your secret kinks.
You’re blushing face, hiding away from Mikey’s shocked eyes.
“Since when were you that kinda freaky,baby? That came outta nowhere!” Mikey’s jaw dropped.
“Stop acting like your don’t have worse ideas…I’m just saying it’d probably feel good and I wouldn’t be opposed to you d..d-doing it to me..” you cursed yourself for stuttering. His laughing echoing loud.
He chuckled from the memory and how you were too bashful to even make eye contact with him. Poor, sweet baby. He thought.
He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ears. A love-sick smile on his face from how delicious you look right now. He carefully got on top of you, kissing you cheek, moving to your jawline. Leaving hickies here and there, softly moving to your neck. Enjoying how even in your sleep, your whimpering subtly.
Sucking on your sensitive skin, You smelled of vanilla and flowers. Warm from the long bath you and him had from last night. His hand in yours, squeezing it softy and oh so tender. He seemed to be wrapped around your finger.
His kisses moved down to your collarbone, sucking more. Hickies appeared more and more as he moved down. He lifted you blouse up to reveal your stomach, kissing it softly. His hands clasping around your pants, pulling it down with ease.
Once you were finally only in your panties. He had to stop himself to devour you whole. Your thighs squeezed together, making them look plushier than they already are. His calloused hands gently smoothing them apart. He kisses on your inner thighs, a soft sigh leaves you as he kisses so softly on your thighs. You repositioned yourself, your lower half getting closer to his head. He smirks at this as he’s midway to your center.
He licks your center, right on your panties making you softly moan. Your thighs lightly twitch and he chuckles. Vibrations right in your core. You whine in your sleep, your dream slowly combining with reality.
Painfully slow, he slides down your panties, revealing your wet pussy. He groans. His cock hardening more at the sight. You’re asleep and you’re still wet. So naughty.
He kisses your inner thighs moving closer to your center. Black onyx eyes on your face like a hawk. He licks a long lick from your entrance to your clit. A jolt on your body as you whimper. He smiles as he kisses your sensitive clit, circling figure 8s on it. Your other hand, unoccupied by Mikey’s hand, unconsciously gripping the sheets below you. Soft, needy moans escaping your mouth.
“A-ah! m-Mikey…mmmh” you moan loudly as you throw your head back.
He hums as he speeds up his tongue on your clit, from side to side to up and down slowly, enough to have you awake. Your eyebrows furrowed, a bratty whine escaping your lips as you wrap your legs around Mikey’s head, chasing your orgasm. Your hips arched as he sucked on your clit, your wetness dripping down and he happily licks it all up.
“M-Mikey! I’m- oh!.. I’m g-gonna cum.—“
Speeding his tongue once more as you orgasm with a breathy moan. He has never heard anything more beautiful. You whimper when he continues to suck your clit, coming down from your high. You get up on your elbows as he finishes cleaning you off with his tongue. Getting up and immediately attaching his lips on yours. Tongue in your mouth, tasting yourself as your moan in kiss. He pulls back, saliva connecting your lips.
“You taste so good, love~” he says, a teasing smile on his lips. You only look away bashfully.
Your positions changed to you on your side with Mikey making out with you. His hand wandered as he groped your breasts, deepening the kiss. His hand slides down to rub tight circles on your clit. Going faster and faster as you moan, too tired to keeping making out with him as you catch your breath in his neck.
“M-Mikey!” You try to grip his arm but he only sighs, his mouth in an ‘o’ shape. Groaning on your cunt pulsing.
he kisses your earlobe, increasing your stimulation. A loud gasp escapes you as he stuffs two fingers in you, not hesitating to thrust them in and out. Curling his fingers on your g-spot, earning whines and whimpers from you. He speeds up as you squirt on his fingers. Earning a loud groan from him as you twitch under him, moaning loudly. As you come down from your high. He kissed your cheek and kissed your lips again. Mikey loved kissing.
Moments passed and he already had you cleaned up, in your soft pjs again.
“Was that a good morning?🥰” he said as he teasingly looked at you, you only flushed deep red.
“I could do better~” you finally said back.
“Oh really?~” he said, grabbing ng your face to kiss you again.
You got too lucky with him.
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xamaxenta · 1 day
I think I asked this before and it didn’t go through (if it did ignore this pls my memory is Swiss cheese)
Mommy Marco
But she’s an old school leather biker and mechanic
Greased stained tank top and coveralls wrapped around her waist, some kind of mullet/mohawk hair going on.
Her tiddy piercings are visible through her shirt.
Ace comes in to get her bike fixed and immediately gets side tracked because
FUuuuuck. It's even worse because nothing she does works, marco completely ignores her flirting. So ace calls in the big guns (sabo)
Sabo shows up with a short skirt button up that hangs off her shoulders and no bra.
Marco pulls out a pair of reading glasses to go over some papers.
Sabo gets is knocked out instantly, she has no power
Ace and sabo start becoming regular customers to the shop (with more and more ridiculous problems and sluttier outfits) trying their hardest to get marco to crack (to sleep with them)
One of the other employees tries to bring it up with marco like "hey you know they really really want to sleep with you right?"
Marco snorts "oh I know, but my days of rolling into and out of girls beds are over. If they want me, they have to want an us"
Finally one night close to closing sabo storms into Marcos office
Marco raised a brow. "Can I help you?" Voice neutral so neutral it made Sabo want to scream and tear out her hair.
Sabo stalked up to the desk, not sashayed not strutted, stalked, her heels clicking on the floor like a countdown to the end.
She slammed her hands on the desk. “Let me eat your pussy. You can pull my hair, suffocate me l don't care, just let me get you off.”
Marco raised a brow, “and your girlfriend?”
"She literally was calling your name when I pegged her last night."
There was a long silence, Marco seemed to be having an internal debate. Tapping at the desk slowly.
"You want me?"
"Yes!" Sabo threw her hands in the air "What part of let me eat your pussy do you not comprehend?"
Marco rose from the desk, it was easy to forget how tall she was. How much space she filled.
A callused hand cupped sabos chin. "You're going to have to do what I say, can you do that?"
Sabo swallowed almost certain that it had been a mistake not to wear underwear today. "Yes."
"Good girl."
Ace pushed the shop door open, "sabo?"
Her girlfriend had sent her a message to get her ass down to the mechanics.
There was a loud moan followed by the rev of an engine. Ace turned and instinctively clenched around nothing.
Sabo was spread out naked on Marco's bike, cheek pressed into the leather drooling. Marco was behind, her bare tits bouncing, gorgeous leather straps snug on her hips. The neon blue dildo ramming into Sabos cunt with a force that Was making the bike lurch.
Marco pressed a hand into the small of sabos back and with the other revved the engine.
Sabo screamed, come glistening on the leather seat.
Ace must've whimpered, moaned. Because Marco looked at her. "You good?"
Ace made an involuntary squeak as marco pulled the dildo out of sabo with a pop, the older woman casually sticking her fingers into the drooling cunt. Making the younger woman whimper and moan.
"I-" ace felt a wet sensation sliding down her leg "I think I just came."
"Pity." Marco stuck the come covered fingers into sabos mouth who began to suck them dutifully. "I wanted to see if I could make you gape like this doll.”
"I can." Aces heart was pounding, she was shaking. "I can take bigger dicks that sabo!"
"That true doll?" Marco was looking to sabo now, not bothering to remove her fingers.
Sabo nodded her eyes glassy, hips wiggling down the seat. Back towards the dildo.
"Uh uh." Marco chided removing her fingers and smacking the younger woman's ass with a resounding smack.
She smacked the pale flesh several more times, till both cheeks were bright red.
Aces cunt throbbed with each slap of flesh
Marco leaned back stroking her dildo idly, patting her large bare thighs. She crooked a finger to ace. "Cmere sweet heart. I want to see how you ride."
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Sabo getting dicked down as she deserves at the end when she pegged Ace the night before— didnt even fill Ace’s cunt just made her squirt from some insane anal instead…
Sorry it took me so long to post this i was… hoarding and coveting again bc it was so good and bc i was trying rly hard to think of a good tag so i can find this again whenever i want which is now made but
Ace coming on the spot just from walking in and watching them can i get the longest hell yea boi bc im nutting right there with her 😫💦💦💦
I love wombenn mas… im always speechless over how good this au is
Sabos nickname being DOLL 🥰 whats Ace’s? Hussy? Stud? I can see Marco calling her cute biker goth gal a stud whilst double penetrating her holes with the dual strap bc shes gREAT at multistasking,,,
Ace being competitive now that theyve managed to snag Marcos attention 😋… says she can take bigger which TRUE but also realises even she has a limit… what that limit is yet to be found out tho (its fisting—)
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saintobio · 3 days
first of allllll…. i think the time momjo sending the child guardian paper (?) that satoru typed out of anger is a hint…. and then satoru telling yn that sachiro called akemi mama… this honestly hurts alot more, imahine carrying your baby for 9 months, taking care of baby sachiro for 3 years alone, all the sleepless nights… and sachiro just ugh u dumbass small brain toddler (literally). anyways, satoru looking at akemi during suguru and shoko’s wedding, his hand rubbing akemi’s stomach at the cabin when she was in pain. honestly this part was akemi faking her pain or…? cuz there was a line that said after satoru asked if she wanted to go home her face didnt show anymore pain ? lololll idk. i dislike (hate) gojokemi but i think theyre gonna be endgame with all these theories coming up oh godddd. and the way yn threw the necklace into the lake, satoru went to search for it but did he manage to find it ? no. but during sn yn (well, suguru) found gojos wedding band. so in sy, yn threw away satoru’s “heart”, and it was never found again, thats a hint (?) bruhhh i hate thissss (i love this so much actually it made me feel so much i love u saint) i also recall the first time satoru and akemi first did it together he said smthg like i could learn to love u ? if i remember correctly. and the morning at the cabin after yn and gojo did it, yn was crying bcs they had a heartfelt talk ? and u mentioned they both felt guilty. the guilt is…. yeah.
BUT ALSO, satoru once said that yn has always been the one, sera when she saw gojo after forever told sukuna that he looks different when hes being with akemi, like hes not being himself? but that was when they first got together so idk about now. him not calling gojokemi exclusive. oh how they were happy and loving when yn got pregnant 🥹 but well it lasted until… yeah. also u said something about gojo gonna be on his knees again, since yn is now depressed and suicidal, i think for her heart disease shes gonna sign a DNR, then satoru on his knees maybe begging the doctors idk gawd idk someone mentioned dnr and i just… 🙂 its not that she wanna leave sachiro either, but i think shes telling herself everything will be better if she dies since sachiro, still very young, doesnt even really remember yn (just why sachiro) and called akemi mama… also why the hell didnt gojo use protection when fucking akemi oh gawd pls hate u satoru if she gets preggo.
anyways, i cant wait for gen to be back. i love u gen and ian.
oooh i also remember that you said there was a scene that inspired the birth of sn/sy, was it in chapter 11 ? or we’re not there yet…
honestly why dont yn just join shoko and suguru and be in a happy poly relationship ever looollll just kidding. my heart hurts, im still all in for gojoyn endgame but it doesnt seem realistic. ive been cursing gojo and akemi ever since the chapter came out loolll gotta give myself credit for being able to do my exams while still thinking bout this. 💀
omg there’s a lot to unfold here idk where to start 😭 but i just wanna say, it’s amazing how you’re so thorough in remembering those details in sn/sy bcos i honesty don’t have enough attention span to do that !!! sdjsj now while i can’t answer everything you mentioned, i can say a few things:
- akemi isn’t faking her pain, she’s truly struggling from it
- gojo doesn’t want kids outside of marriage (or should i say if not with yn), so he’s definitely careful with it.
- yes, it is indeed sy11 that birthed the sequel :’) i had that scene in mind before sn was even finished
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preciouspiastri · 6 months
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// the wolves - amy shark // outcast - kimberly heart // go home - julien baker // homecoming by logan sargeant
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honeyvenommusic · 3 months
#glass animals#honestly i wore out dreamland sm my brain took a lonnng break from expecting anything from them?? idk i’m just huh????#like….. when i say wore out#i cannot describe how much i listened to it#i usually have some vague idea even if it’s a ridiculous number#like 52 times in a month for an album or something (has happened)#i cannot recall w this#gonna say bc 2020 & they were Literally the last band i saw live. next morning everyone found out about everything annd lockdown. no joke#so it was big dreamland time when it dropped and revisiting their past albums when i broke out of its spell lmao#(pretty sure before that like january was when i listened to déjà vu 100+ times in a row tho so oop. it was a tough day lol)#anyway seeing this aww man. i really have had this band with me for a long long time. 🥹 i remember hearing gooey on the radio one night#driving home from work late @ night in 2014. the drive was so short i couldn’t be arsed to fish out my ipod & plug it in#sometimes so just popped on a good station i had preset. started the car and heard this *voice* and i was like who????#had to check the station bc it was an alt station and i thought i had it on another one which was fine i was just v confused#it was in the middle of the song & i was immediately anxious to know the name hoping i’d hear it & it wouldn't just flow into the next song#then the dj would pile the names together after x number of songs played bc i was tiired (but woulda stayed in the car ngl). got lucky &#ran inside to find it then yelled at my roommate the next day that she HAD to listen to it during a smoke session after work#(i was right & it blew her miiind)#god. what a fucking time. what a fucking band. idk what the disc horse is surrounding them now since they blew up via tiktok#i’m sure people are v quick to say they’re overrated bc of that but idk & i’m glad i don’t know. they’ll always be this#highly inventive incredible band i stumbled upon for the perfect night drive home after a long long shift#a band that came back from a Horrible accident that should have ended 1 of their lives & somehow didn’t & should have ended them#as a band (like still cannot believe Joe was drumming in 2020 & i saw it with my own eyes like how tf???!?)#a band deserving of all of its successes. glass animals forever
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i am going to fucking explode this class with my mind. what the FUCK do you mean NO POINTS for late submissions. killing stabbing biting maiming
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bimiio · 8 months
#y’alllll last night was WILD😭#ok so literally partied for 8hrs straight#let’s start there#11pm-7am#originally was just goin 2 a queer party but NO ONE showed up so it was rlly lame n no one was dancing#which is wut i went 4#so me n my friend went 2 dis after hours club#there’s no pics/vids allowed n they don’t sell alcohol#there’s also an entrance fee n they only take cash 4 everything#it’s basically just a club 2 dance at but none of da music has words or anything it’s all just untz untz untz music yknow??#anyways it was super fun danced a lot n w so many ppl#even tho it was like ALL straight ppl😭#i was less nervous 2 just dance n rlly get into it cuz none of da straight men there were dancing well anyway so there was no pressure#SO many guys were dancing up on me😭#n it was fine i danced w them like i literally came 2 dance#but sum of them kept tryna overstep🙄#lucky 4 me i’m intimidating n men act like dogs when they’re attracted 2 me so it was pretty easy 2 keep em in check#also told ALL of them i’m a lesbian but dat was not a deterrent clearly#i got offered SO MANY drugs 😭#every single guy i danced with n even guys i didn’t dance with#got offered molly n coke n weed#one guy didn’t even have da weed ON him but i told him i only smoked weed not cigs so he offered 2 literally leave n come back w da weed..#not even 2 smoke WITH him cuz when he asked if i smoked weed after i said no 2 cigs i was like#‘yeah i do i don’t wanna smoke w u tho’#same dude bought me da hella overpriced water they had there <3#$6 for a bottle of water is CRIMINAL#men r so easy tho i just squeezed his arm when i was following him across da dance floor n asked if he worked out#then he was at my beck n call 4 everything#so silly#0ut
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playertwotails · 1 year
So was finally able to watch Sonic prime today and I have so many words after the first watch.
Gonna put it all under the cut so spoilers for Sonic Prime below.
So I love Nine so much. He is gonna be probably one of the best characters in this show, in my opinion.
Just he's been through so much with no one caring about him at all. I like that he's just a very selfish character but in an understandable way. Why would he stay and help these people he's never met, no one ever bothered to ever help him so why would/should he help them. So yeah of course he's not gonna care to help the resistance they never did anything for him.
He only cares about Sonic who is the first person in his entire life to ever be kind to him. Nine has an immediate attachment to Sonic, despite him saying otherwise that they aren't friends, but actions speak louder than words there buddy-o. Like you literally wanted to start a new world with just the two of you my guy.
I see people thinking that Nine thinks Sonic abandoned him there at the end, and I think he does a little bit but not 100%. In that he's not gonna just betray Sonic since Sonic didn't save him. Nine is smart he knows Sonic keeps randomly traversing the Shatterverse thing area and has the same energy signal. Once Sonic is able to explain "oh I was going towards you but then got booted into the in-between" Nine will probable be like "oh that tracks based on my calculations" (in my mind I want it to go like this at least, plus I hate plots with the "oh you left me so I will betray you" when literally it was out of the other persons control to leave them, idk I just really am not a fan of that kind of plot line).
Also Nine still made sure that he gave the Eggman quintuplets a reason not to kill Sonic. I think once Nine realizes they can't find Sonic in that reality he'll put two and two together of what happened.
Also also can we talk about how Nine was literally smarter than all 5 Eggmans put together. He hacked their computers, overrode Rusty Rose, and figured out how to traverse the Shatterverse in a few weeks with the shard that the human forms of Eggsecute couldn't figure out when they literally had it for seemingly years. Nine just Legally Blond "what like it's hard" the Eggmans so bad.
Side note, can we just talk about how in almost every single world Sonic's first response is "I need to find Tails!!" He needs Tails to figure out what going on and how to fix it but also that's his best friend and little brother, new situation find the person he trusts the most first. Him saving Mangey Tails when he first got to the jungle world was just so adorable he was so worried about him.
There's so much with this show I wanna talk about but I'm real tired.
Let me know what ya'll think of of Sonic Prime and/or Nine.
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roguemonsterfucker · 4 months
don't mind me i'm just watching some monsterfucker movies for 'research' purposes
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shmeemin · 6 months
wishing for the longest time that i could go back to digital painting and struggling to make it happen .... and then last night it randomly coming back to me. how lovely
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heybaetae · 6 months
i am Not doing well folks
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