#i listened to my old favourite emo band I used to put on repeat when I was 13
shititsarobyn · 5 months
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Hugf…Guh…w..women <<<3 :)
So I’m losing my mind and women are hot (nothing new) but ANYWAYS I felt there was a distinct lack of blood covered Donna art or at least I haven’t seen many so I godsdammit will feed myself if necessary.
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tenrose · 1 year
Hey Amanda : ) Love your blog! Random question: I’ve been listening to a lot of French music lately and I was wondering if you have any favorite songs you want to share. Thanks x
Heyy sorry for the long delay :/
So tbh I pretty much don't listen french music lmao
But if you are into rock music, yuou should listen to Indochine, it's the most famous french rock band, they've been around since the 80s and they also always had engaged texts about queerness, war, etc.
Check : L'Aventurier (aka their most famous song we always butcher at karaoke cause it's too fast lmao), 3e Sexe, Canary Bay, Tes Yeux noirs, La vie est belle, J'ai demandé à la lune, Les Tzars, Trois nuits par semaine, College Boy, and basically everything.
There's also Superbus, another rock group, I don't really follow what they are releasing now. You can check : Lola, Butterfly, Travel the World, Addictions, Apprends moi, Mes défauts, Je reste encore, C'est pas comme ça...
Also gotta out myself to my french followers as I used to be a big Kyo fan during my emo phase lmao. They are not a emo band but they were there during the emo eras and most of their texts are sad af lmao.
If you want to feel included in the middle of french millennials just learn the whole lyrics of Dernière Danse, we all go batshit crazy when this song starts playing. Also check : Le Chemin (we also go insane for this one), Je cours, Chaque seconde, Pardonné, Je te vends mon âme, Dans ma chair, Sarah, Sad Days, Ce soir (honestly just listen the entire albums 300 Lésions & Le Chemin I love every song), Comme des frères, Le Graal.
Mylène Farmer, I'm not a die hard fan but still I would love to see her live cause she's famous to put on the greatest show. This woman is kind of a legend. She revolutionized music videos, and she has an aura... you either love her or you hate her tbh. She has a very special kind of voice and people don't like her cause she sings A LOT about death, but she also sings very explicitly about sex and non gender norms.
Check: Pourvu qu'elles soient douces (the music has a 20 minutes clip and it's the one that revolutionized the music videos), Sans Contrefaçon, Désenchantée, Ainsi sois je, Les Mots, C'est une belle journée, Dégénération, Oui mais... Non, California, L'âme-stram-gram, Innamoramento, a personal favourite of me: it's a Baudelaire's poem she put into music (I'm a big Baudelaire's poetry enthousiast).
If you're into rap, then absolutely check Diam's. Again she came from my teen years, she doesn't release music anymore, she chose another path. BUT she is very important to the rap scene in France. She is the first female superstar rapper here and everyone still respect her today (if they don't, don't trust them). She was walking in the middle of a male field with basically her talent and her spite and that's all. And most of the french women of hip hop wouldn't be here today if she didn't path the way. Again, I'm repeating myself but more of her texts are not very joyous lmao. She also talk a lot about France's society racism and sadly, currently listening to her in 2022 and well... it's still very true...
Check : La Boulette, Jeune demoiselle (definitely not a deep text but a veryfamous song of her), Parce que, Cause à effet, Dj (another french millennials karaoke moment lmao), T.S. (definitely her most heavy song it's about her suicide attempt), Marine (this one is about Marin Lepen a french far right politician that has been now multiple times in the second turn of presidential elections), Ma France à moi.
You can search "variété française" if you want to listen to all of our classics from the 80s (or before) to the 2010s. Basically I don't really listen to a lot french music but when I do it's probably classified as "cringe" and "old" by everyone else lmao. I kinda stopped following whatever music has been released after the 2010s.
Again, sorry for the late reply, also sorry about the typo, too lazy to read myself ^^
Hope it helps :)
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paper-n-ashes · 3 years
Sarah my love!!! From the music asks list may I ask 17, 18, 19, and 20? It always seems like our music tastes overlap so I can't wait to hear the answers to these. Hope you're having the loveliest day <3
Issa, my sweetest honey. Took a while with this because I had to do some THINKING. Oh boy. I am so sorry because I can’t talk about music without going into unnecessary detail.
17. What songs remind you of very specific events or people when you listen to them?
See most songs do this for me, but there’s one that sticks out more than most. 
Love Lies by Khalid and Normani. So, a fairly chill song right? Now, I fell in love with this song right when I was detoxing and withdrawals were fucking me up big time. This song, for some reason, I played on repeat while I paced around my house because I couldn’t sleep, and walking helped to settle the restless leg syndrome I was experiencing. I still adore this song because it’s funky as hell, but also reminds me what a fucking SHIT time in my life that was, which helps prevent relapse. 
18. Top 5 favourite songs of all time?
This is the hardest fucking question ever? It honestly depends of the day. And my music taste has a wide spectrum so GOD this is going to be difficult. I’ll try to diversify from my different playlists.
I Don’t Trust Myself (With Loving You) - John Mayer - A classic favourite of mine. The whole Continuum album is a masterpiece, but this song is so effortlessly smooth and funky. Settles me right down. 
Sudden Desire - Hayley Williams - This song means, just, SO much to me. Has fuelled so much of my writing. It’s definitely off beat and alternative, but I couldn’t love it more.
Rules - Doja Cat - OKAY but this is the song I never tell anyone I love. But it was my most played on Spotify last year HAHAHA. Because it is a fucking banger. And if you don’t feel like a boss ass bitch listening to it, I honestly can’t help you.
MANTRA - Bring Me The Horizon - Literally like nothing else on this list. This tops my emo/heavy music playlist. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve belted this on the way home from a shitty shift. SO cathartic. 
Where Did The Party Go - Fall Out Boy - Yes this one song narrowly edges out the rest, but actually the whole fucking album is my pinnacle. Literally my favourite band and album of all time.
19. Put your library on shuffle and say your favourite lyric from the song that first comes up.
Okay Spotify is dumb and doesn’t let me really shuffle all of my playlists, so I’ll just use my Writing Songs playlist 
Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris - Hayley Williams (I adore ALL the lyrics to this song, one about not comparing yourself to others, but here’s a beautiful verse)
‘I have seen your body And I have seen your beauty They are separate things Pretty, pretty, pretty things But I am in a garden Tending to my own So what do I care And what do you care if I grow?’
20. What songs are your ‘go-to’ songs when recommending new music to people?
I can’t do individual songs, but rather some artists I recommend taking a dive into, and my favourites of theirs
Rufus Du Sol - Hypnotised + Brighter + Like an Animal + Eyes
Hayden James - Better Together + Just Friends + Favours + Hold Me Back
NOTD - So Close + Keep You Mine + I Wanna Know + I Miss Myself + Wanted
PVRIS - Death of Me + Old Wounds + Gimme A Minute + Dead Weight + You and I
Against The Current - weapon + that won’t save us + Voices + The Fuss
Au/Ra - Ghost + Assassin + Panic Room + Ideas + i miss u
JFC. This got long. Sorry again. 
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taeguboi · 4 years
BTS as... Rockers
Ngl, I panicked a little when I checked on the masterlist because an older post about BTS as rock band members was labelled as this title and I’d already written this one for like 3 members already. There’s various genres I mention, some of which are also metal and pop but I thought a simple general title would be best here.
Anyways, my second post coming back recently. Hope you enjoy.
Mainly a classics man
Loves to analyse lyrics
and loves writing his own lyrics based on his current favourites
It’s like a form of literature to him
Loves to chill out to prog and psychedelic rock
Accidentally had the same music tastes as that weird geography teacher in school
Probably has a pet named after a member of a power / symphonic metal band
sorry I’m a bit of a Nightwish nerd and now I can just imagine him calling for his dog “Floor!” and everyone getting confused because they think he’s just shouting at the ground
this is the kind of genre he likes the most other than classic rock; that’s where the most literature references are. It’s poetry about poetry
Has a journal of art and lyrics quotes for when he’s super into a song
Could be mistaken for a geek in school 
because to a juvenile ear, his taste in music might be challenging to listen to
like no one else had the patience aged 12 to listen to a 9 minute song or an instrumental track
and then even at 15/16, how many people your age would listen to Dark Side Of The Moon?
Guess he would say music is all about sitting back and listening and taking it in
Would love to be a songwriter for the right kind of singer
unfortunately though, he’s a bit of a loner
likes his own company too much
it’s probably the solitude that motivates him to write 
too many more friends than he already has would be too much of a distraction
It’s not a sad situation though
music is what Namjoon loves the most
and “nothing else matters”
Oh yes, let’s have a bit of Metallica in there too
It’s not until he finishes school that he becomes more in touch with what people in the current world of rock and metal like
discovered “Rollin’” by Limp Bizkit like WAY too many years after it came out
“Have you heard this ace song man?”
“yep... in 2004 dude”
But he’s no ashamed or anything, no
He’s proud to be a fan of the bands he likes
even if they aren’t to everyone’s tastes
“Well, sorry if this isn’t some 3 minute long four chord song repeating the same 5 words”
If they don’t appreciate it, their loss
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The old ones are the best ones
Think 50s rock n’ roll; Little Richard, Elvis, and so on
mixed with guilty pleasures of songs about ‘my baby girl’
Loves themed music nights
Whilst of course his favourites are the 50s themed ones
he also loves showing up to 60s nights to flaunt the flower power
or 80s nights in a fun wig as some member of a hair metal band
all the styles are very fun
but on a daily basis, he’s basically dresses like a teddy boy
tight trousers with white socks peaking out
jacket - sometimes a suit jacket, sometimes denim
as you can imagine, when a lot of this stuff comes back in fashion...
“Well, I did it first...”
you know, in this era he means he did it first
Loves a good finger clicker song
Once considered doing a tribute act around pubs and clubs
but he couldn’t decide who he wanted to be
Probably should take a role in some live production of Grease
he’s seen it enough times
and he can sing
He reckons he could never do theatre for long though
his fantasies are with playing instruments to perform
talented keyboard player
starting to get the hang of guitar too
but he does get carried away whilst trying to learn guitar
because he wants to add on all the cool moves NOW
He’s got some bangers he created on the keyboard though
he didn’t really intend to create original songs
it just happened one day after a break up
and he listened to Heartbreak Hotel
too many times
he just sat at his keyboard
and made something that really felt special
and then the day after that, he made a more upbeat song
and the week after that, he has 4 full songs in total
Open mic nights become something he enjoys 
a bit of a local celebrity
“Would you play my grandma’s 80th party? Pleeeease?”
and aww bless him, he plays all the throwback songs at care homes
all free of charge
slips in some of his original music too
“Ooh, I’m afraid I don’t remember that one dear, must be my brain”
“Oh, no no no” explains Jin “I made it myself”
Old dears just love him basically
but so do the girls his age
Whilst some think the whole 50s get up is a bit lame
some go wild for it
because he dons all his outfits so well
and his songs feel so true to the era they were inspired by
you gain a love for the 50s just from watching Jin
Talented boy, keeping the 50s alive
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A lot say Yoongi has an acquired taste
an electronic element to rock or metal always makes it more interesting to him
loves industrial music - NIN for days
Linkin Park made most of his jams
cried for half a day at the news of Chester no longer being with us
Likes a bit of new wave, synthpop, all that
emo songs just help you through the bad times okay
Can equally enjoy a dub festival as much as a rock concert
some people think his taste is actually naff
but then they realise he also listens to the likes Foo Fighters or Sum 41
Plays like the same 30 songs on repeat
but his collection has so much more
He has some rock and blues for the road trip
he’s got your 70s singalongs for the party
Was briefly a DJ at a rock bar
got fired for not playing enough popular songs in his set
“wtf I thought this was a bar where people could appreciate this” huffs Yoongi
“yes but people want to sing to ‘down with the sickness’ or something, not ‘down in the park’!”
“stuff you then, I’ll take Gary somewhere else with me”
guilty pleasure: Kate Bush
A somewhat gothic sense of style
but not overwhelmingly gothic
He likes bandannas and black clothes
not always in black clothes though
sometimes the merch he wants just isn’t available in black
but no worries
as long as he can happily flaunt the music that makes him who he is
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Can listen to any rock genre
give him something and he probably already loves it
So yeah, the band members are pretty cool and all that
but what Hoseok has more interest in the backstage roles
he’d love to manage a rock band
be a tour manager
guitar tech
Much knowledge is stored in that brain of his
and he wants to put it to good use
He starts out as a promoter and organiser for the rock bar in town
which he eventually lives above 
His events are ace
he can pick out fresh talent that everyone on that scene can enjoy
His showcase nights are the place to be
everyone can agree, he’s got amazing taste
no one can disagree with him
He’s a one man show and still managed to pull it off
he’s the promoter, the sound guy, the tech on all the instruments
way more professional than most other local music events
He takes pride in his work
did I mention he’s so good, it becomes a full time job?
As time goes by, he listens to less and less older music
but that’s okay
he’s happy with the time it takes to listen to all the up and coming bands
in the moment is where you should live
and he can still appreciate a band’s influences should they initiate conversation
“man, this dude really knows his stuff”
“will you manage our next tour?”
“can you do sound at our next gig? our guy’s rubbish”
and that one is like right in front of their current sound guy
The future is bright for Hoseok
his love for rock music could really earn him a solid living
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Some say he’s a bit of a poser in his leather jacket
but he really does love his rock music
Sometimes a bit behind on modern rock bands or releases
Low key wishes he was born in the 50s / 60s 
just so he could live in his favourite eras
his heart really lies with the classics
60s, 70s, 80s.
90s at a push
not the later 90s where grunge bands did pop
actually any movie made in that time makes him cringe
like he’s all up for good clean fun
but christ it’s like they were trying to go back to the 50s or something
not everything is ‘swell’ you know
Don’t get him wrong though
he does also like some 50s music
He may or may not have spent that one time acting like Elvis in the mirror
it really hyped him up before a night out though
it may or may not have become a thing before going out in the evenings to boost his confidence
His all time favourite bands have to be The Rolling Stones and AC/DC
and no, he couldn’t pick between the two, ever
Doesn’t really have a desire to be in a band
but sort of accidentally picks up the bass to help out a mate in a band
and sort of accidentally becomes a permanent member
It’s just a cover band
but it’s so much fun
Sometimes, you can have a really bad day
and then listening to 23 people singing “I Love Rock n Roll”
kind of lifts your mood
“Play Wonderwall!”
gets a bit annoying to him
kind of wants to hit that one guy around the head with his bass
but he holds back
Because being aggressive wouldn’t be very rock of him
and whilst he does like punk music
he’s definitely not a punk
Screw all that political rubbish
music should be to enjoy yourself with
stop worrying about the world for one minute and
let’s sing about whiskey and cigarettes and just living life
“What do you MEAN you don’t know any Def Leppard songs?”
“For crying out loud!”
He tries to understand that not everyone will listen what the music he likes
“but... like seriously, how can you not though?”
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Probably likes all the underrated bands
Loves vinyl
definitely collects vinyls
Likes to shop at vintage stores to fulfil his obscure taste
People are like “you paid £60 just for that?”
but to Tae, it’s worth every penny
He likes the classics too
he can sing along in a rock bar to all the well known tunes
old or modern
and there may be loads in his vinyl collection barely anyone recognises
but there’s some more familiar faces too
there’s The Beatles, Guns n’ Roses, Foo Fighters, anything like that
it’s just only like 20% of his huge collection
Whilst his style is inspired by those he idolises...
he can never copy them
that would be an insult to them and his originality
Plays guitar and writes songs
never anything soppy though
actually fairly hesitant to pick up an acoustic guitar
always plays electric
and the songs he makes are about having a good time, life experiences
but not about love
He can listen to a couple of cheesy tracks
he just won’t make any
“Who the heck is John Otway, Tae?”
“Oh, you know, Wild Willy Barrat”
“Willy who?”
“Cor baby, that’s really free!”
“Headbutts! da da da da da... Headbuttttsssss”
I feel like rocker V loves anything that feels slightly random
probably make his own secret songs that sound silly to others
Probably has a band that never gigs
it’s him singing and playing guitar
and a bassist and drummer that aren’t really sure why they’re here
but they kind of like the unique stuff he does
and the band is almost purposely bad
“It’s the imperfections that really give a song character”
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Modern rock and metal
low key emo
Tears Don’t Fall by BFMV on repeat aged 14, his first break up
Lives for festivals
like when he goes to work, that is what he is earning money for
well, that and bills and food
has a jar for each festival he wants to go to this year
Also loves a bit of melodic punk
like when that one Australian band are finally coming to his country
he HAS to go
help me I’m really sad because this is me and The Decline were supposed to be coming to the UK and then this pandemic happened and now I might never see them criii
Has a playlist for every aspect of life
every feeling, every colour, every occasion
songs that remind him of a time, ones where he can visualise a colour...
many people don’t get it
“how many playlists?”
“how can a song be a colour?”
it just is
like come on, listen to this Red Jumpsuit Apparatus song 
and tell him this doesn’t remind you of gold
Could be a journalist
knows everything and anything about his favourite bands
because it’s the perfect mixture of everything he loves about music
vests because M.Shadows
So badly wants to be in a band
tries every instrument you could find in a typical rock band
loves the drums
gets stuck on guitar though in his first band
well, he was just desperate to go gigging
he left after a year and a bit though
got boring
forms his own band instead around him being on the drums
Lives for this band
it’s like a rock band but with political lyrics
and they can perform at most events
they just fit any bill
gigs are booked almost every weekend
road trip with the lads
they travel like 50 miles just to be paid in beer only
Dreams of big time collaborations
that will probably never happen and he knows that
but it’s nice to dream, right?
puts on his own gigs a few years down the line
of course his own band are always on the bill
everyone thinks his gigs are a hoot
He even manages to book some lesser known punk bands 
but they are a massive deal to him
“God, I love live music!”
“Do you always wear a black shirt guk?”
“Hey, I’m a drummer! It’s hard work; a lot of sweat involved... I’m sure no one wants to see my wet pits whilst trying to enjoy the show”
and then that person wishes they never asked...
but he’s right
he knows that a good band is all about the hard graft and work
and he is always so thankful for the great rock bands that influence him
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anotherloganstan · 5 years
Do You Think Logan Is Gay? - Analogical
Summary: Virgil very much likes Logan, in fact they’ve made out before, but he wonders if Logan is gay. Roman is very much exasperated with his roommate so sets them up to talk. [College/University AU with romantic Analogical, platonic Prinxiety, and background romantic Royality]
Based off an incorrect quote from @more-incorect-quotes
Virgil: Do you think Logan is gay?? Roman: …. Roman: Didn’t you two make out last night? Virgil: BUT WHAT IF HE MEANT IT AS A FRIEND
Warnings: making out, minor anxiety, drinking alcohol
Word count: 2,350
Buy me a coffee!
Him and Roman are both on their respective beds in their dorm room, Virgil with his legs crossed and extra credit work on his knees while Roman lies on his front, one earbud in listening to the soundtrack of yet another musical. Roman’s walls adorned with movie posters of hot actors and his acting awards taking up more shelf space than his actual books for college – which is a lot considering he’s an English Literature major. Virgil’s side is more minimalist, the plain black sheets with purple cushions and his textbooks in a neat order on his shelves, the only knickknacks being his cute nerdy figurines – a lot of which came as presents from his friend Patton (and he only really got into some of the shows because of Logan).
Virgil sighs suddenly, putting his work aside before flopping onto his back, his eyes closing feeling exhausted, yet he can’t help his mind from racing, not the usual anxiety but something different, something more.
“Do you think Logan’s gay?” he asks suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence between him and his roommate.
And there’s just silence from Roman for a moment, taking in exactly what Virgil’s just said for a moment too long where Virgil doesn’t think he’s actually heard him and opens his mouth to repeat himself. But Roman speaks up.
“Didn’t you two make out last night?” Roman asks, voice clearly laced with a little confusion but mostly exasperation. He’s used to Virgil being an anxious gay mess – as he can be sometimes too, okay, he just finds Patton so adorably cute that he forgets to function a lot of the time – but this, this is something else entirely.
He vividly remembers dragging Virgil to the cast party knowing fine well Logan, the tech guy, would be there as would Patton, costumes design, and well things escalated…
Virgil is not a party person regardless of the type of people at the party but Roman had insisted with a sly smile and the comment of ‘well, Logan will be there too, you know?’ So, of course he’d said yes and been dragged along by Roman – who was dressed to the highest heavens in tight white pants, a black tank top, and his red and white bomber jacket whilst Virgil’s in his usual skinny jeans, a band t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Even Roman had to admit that he looked good especially with his eyeliner all smudged and lips painted a pale pink.
Patton’s there in the hallway chatting as they enter but immediately drops everything when he catches them. He flings himself into Roman’s arms who easily picks him up and hugs him, Patton presses a big kiss to his cheek and it’s obvious from a mile away that they’re madly in love with each other just they haven’t really gotten there themselves yet. Roman puts him down and Patton gives Virgil a one-armed hug accompanied with the question, “how are my two favourite boys?”
And Roman makes a strangled sort of noise before laughing it off and replying, “I thought Logan was one of you favourite boys?”
Patton laughs too with a shrug and pulls them both to the drinks table, but Virgil can’t help being distracted by the mere mention of Logan’s name. He’s handed a plastic cup with vodka and lemonade in, he thanks Patton and takes a few sips when he knows it’s not too strong.
And he doesn’t know how long he’s been here yet, all he knows is that Roman and Patton are both missing, and some theatre girl may or may not be trying to chat him up or at the very least trying to get to know him which he does not want. So, he excuses him to get another drink, just his third (and probably last) of the night – he’s not drunk but he’s not sober either.
“Hello, Virgil,” a voice greets him, the low tone and the way his name is said like that lets him know it’s Logan, the man he’d maybe been hoping to avoid all night or maybe hoping to run into… Virgil’s not too sure what he wants. Virgil turns to look at him and his words are stuck in his throat at the simple look of him. The ever so smart Logan looking, well, casual in a navy t-shirt, jeans, and a black jacket, and Virgil might just need to lay down for a moment or seven.
“Hi, L,” he responds blatantly, “uh, how are you doing?”
The question is lame and he’s about to make a quick exit, but Logan responds, “I’m quite alright but, you know, parties aren’t really my thing, I felt as if I should make an appearance though. How are you? I’m aware this isn’t exactly your scene either.”
He’s right. And they have so much in common that it makes Virgil want to bang his head against the wall because Logan is so god damn perfect in his eyes with his stupid glasses and stupidly soft hair and stupid smart wit and stupid stupid-ness.
“Uh, I’m alright, I mean the alcohol isn’t so bad but I’ve no idea where Roman’s gone, probably with Patton somewhere kissing his face off,” he says, laughing lightly at the end, watching as Logan too laughs, his eyes shutting slightly and he needs to stop being so attractive or Virgil is really going to do something he regrets later on.
He does. He does something very, very stupid but very, very right. He kisses Logan, completely ignoring the other’s response, in fact cutting him off just to feel his lips on his own. Logan stiffens obviously but his hands grasp at Virgil’s leather jacket, holding him close and a silent indication to ‘keep going, please’. They only separate when someone coughs and reminds them that they’re blocking the drinks table.
So, they flush and move to the side of the room, in the darkest corner possible. Virgil opens his mouth to respond but Logan is quicker in kissing him, harder and with more force than before, and his hands find Logan’s hips holding him steady much more than to keep Logan close. And his tongue is inching into Logan’s mouth, gladly allowed access and he just doesn’t stop. He kisses and kisses him until he feels nothing but Logan and the faint taste of gin on his tongue – because of course Logan drinks gin.
And that’s how Roman finds them, pressed up against the far wall practically devouring each other. Roman pulls him back by the collar of his jacket, his eyes fly open as does Logan’s who looks more than embarrassed to see Roman standing right there and averts his eyes.
“Enjoying yourselves there?” Roman asks, cocky and smartarsed as ever, and when he gets no response but various noises he says, “alright, come on, we’re being kicked out since it’s so late.”
He ushers Virgil away so they can walk home and faintly hears Logan telling him he’ll text him at some point. He doesn’t text him when he gets home or in the morning or at lunch time.
“But what if he meant it as a friend!?” Virgil shouts, panicked and clearly doubting himself as he sits up from his position and faces Roman, playing with his own fingers, and clearly this is something he needs to talk about but maybe not with Roman.
So, Roman sends a sneaky text to Logan:
Hey nerd, your not-quite-boyfriend is freaking out over your last nights make outs, come reassure him or I’ll have your head xoxox
Then one to Patton:
Yo, Pappy, mind if I come hang around yours for a bit, I have a feeling my room is going to be occupied with two nerds grossly making out for the rest of the night xoxoxoxoxox
And he sighs, looking back at Virgil, ready to fill in the time with some good old-fashioned romantic advice till Logan arrives.
“Look, dude,” he says, taking his ear bud out and sitting on the edge of his bed opposite Virgil’s very position, “he likes you, a lot, he’s just bad with feeling and shit. I don’t really know if he’s gay but he’s into you, he was full on making out with you for god knows how long last night and has been eying you up for weeks now trying to work up the courage to make a move, you know, just like you, you emo nightmare.”
Virgil still doesn’t look convinced, eyebrows furrowed, and lips pulled into a pout almost, “but…” he starts only to weakly trail off. Roman sighs.
“Virge, you’re a catch whether you like to believe it or not,” he starts, looking Virgil right in the eye, still staring at him when he blushes and looks to the ground, “you’re smart and witty and a little cynical but I’m sure Logan finds that endearing, plus you’re hot so… that’s a plus.”
Virgil laughs, half hearted and weak but it’s a start.
“But seriously, if you and him don’t get together soon I will scream, you’re meant to be, call it true love,” he finishes dramatically flopping onto his back with his hands in the air, “and I get to be your best man when you two get married!”
And Virgil opens his mouth to respond, something witty or cynical no doubt, but is cut off by three brisk knocks at the door. So, he gets up and opens it to reveal a somewhat messy Logan on the other side, wearing nothing but a grey low V-necked t-shirt and jogging pants as well as trainers, his hair mussed too (as if he’s been running his hand through it constantly which he has) and he doesn’t look as if he’s slept much last night. And Virgil hates how his heart jumps to his throat at the mere sight of the other man.
“That is my cue to leave,” Roman announces, slipping on his trainers and bomber jacket before squeezing past the soon to be couple, “and don’t wait up for me I’ll be at Patton’s.”
Just like that’s he’s gone down the corridor which Logan is still currently standing in.
Virgil steps to the side letting Logan in with a silent nod and letting the door shut behind him. Logan looks awkward as hell just standing there, not looking at Virgil but rather around their room. Virgil goes to tell him to sit down but Logan moves closer to him, looking at him weirdly before seeming to gather up the courage to reach out and hold both of his hands with his own. It’s sort of sweet in an awkward, stiff way that Logan doesn’t know how to be otherwise – unless he’s a little tipsy of course.
“Look, V,” Logan says with such seriousness in his voice that Virgil’s heart drops, he’s waiting for the ‘it was a drunken mistake’ or the ‘it’s me not you’ but that’s not what comes.
“I like you, Virgil, I really like you a lot but I’m not good at this,” he says, gesturing with his head to the intertwined fingers, “I’m not good with feelings or with physically showing them like, you know, like Roman does or even Patton, I’m not a physical person but, well, last night we kind of…” he trails off, cheeks flushing a pretty red and Virgil can’t help the warmth he feels in his chest, a smile creeping onto his face.
“We made out, L,” he offers, snarky but quiet, fond, as if anything louder would break what they have.
“We, um, yes, we did,” Logan stutters out, clearly trying to get his thoughts together into coherent words, “we did. And I don’t want you to think that’s all it was, that’s all I want because, well, because I really like you, and I realise I’m talking around in circles.” He gives a weak laugh, forced to try and prompt Virgil into talking to him, to reassure him that he hasn’t read this wrong and the Virgil may feel the same.
“I think I get it, L,” he says softly, brushing his fingers over the back of Logan’s hands, “you like me, you like like me, you have romantic feelings towards me.”
Logan laughs lightly at the serious words from Virgil, maybe a deflection to avoid using the L-word. And Virgil doesn’t want to use that word either, not just yet.
“But I like you too, Lo,” he says, all serious again, “I like you very much and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by saying something so soon and last night well I didn’t know if you meant anything by it or not, I was just paranoid and scared because what if it ruined us forever, what if you never wanted to speak to me again, what if-” He pauses to take a harsh breath, focusing on the way Logan’s hands tighten around his own to ground him.
“Virgil,” Logan says, one hand leaving Virgil’s own to gently and hesitantly cup Virgil’s jaw, “I would never leave you, you could never do anything to make me hate you or stop being your friend, I care for you far too much, V.”
And, god, does that make Virgil feel a little bit sick. But in a good way.
“I- Lo, I…” he tries to get his words out, but he can’t, his words catch in his throat and he feels choked up.
“Hey, no, V, none of that,” Logan says, pausing for a moment and hesitating before pulling Virgil into a hug, it’s loose but warm and comforting. And Virgil sags into it, resting his head on Logan’s shoulder and taking some deep breaths, merely enjoying the closeness of the other.
They’ll talk about this all later, about officially becoming boyfriends, and Roman will ring them and ask if they’ve ‘sorted their shit out’ and Virgil will hang up on him only to be called by Patton and tell him everything as Logan lays against him, eyes closing and his head right over Virgil’s heart. And Virgil cannot wait.
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slouchyslouch · 5 years
Taking Back Sunday’s 20th Anniversary Tour
Getting back into the tumblr thing again to find other music writers. Here’s a repost from my Medium account.
The first time I listened to Taking Back Sunday, I was probably around 12 or 13. I was just getting into the so called emo and pop-punk scene. Taking Back Sunday was one of those bands that were easy to get into because there was so much affection in the vocals, you had to yell out the lyrics even when you had headphones on. The show at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver exhibited how old music could still bring together a horde of former (and maybe present) scene kids and unite them in glory.
You could feel a certain excitement in everyone at the venue. My friend and I were grabbing beers only a few minutes before the show was supposed to start. As soon as I saw the now elderly members of Taking Back Sunday get on stage and immediately started playing “You Know How I Do,” I had the most intense urge of just getting into middle of the crowd as soon as possible. The cascading guitars of the song pummelled like a vehicle’s engine getting ready for the long trek. Adam Lazarra started to combust on the stage: “So sick so sick of being tired / and oh so tired of being sick,” a line thematic of my generation’s emo kids. Everybody just wanted to be their own person and not have anyone tell them what to do. My friend and I couldn’t stop giggling about how we were going to see them, and here they are on stage as pumped as they looked 20 long years ago.
Slowly, but surely we made our way towards the mosh pit in time for “Cute Without the E,” a classic by the Long Island band. Adam Lazzara at 37 years old still looks great, a kind of scene Jimmy Page as my friend mentioned at the time of the concert. He doesn’t look like a rockstar that’s dwindled to the fringes of the scene but a man still worthy of the stage. I was aways at awe watching him swing that mic on early youtube clips and here he was as nimble as ever tossing the mic around like a whip easily coiled and ready to lash out. John Nolan looks like a dad now with hair flowing down both sides of his face and a semi-kept beard. He still belted out my favourite echoed vocals, always fighting for space in the song but in reality always complementing Lazzara’s wails.
One of the highlights from the concert was the popular “You’re so Last Summer.” Goosebumps crawled all over my body as soon as Lazarra belted that iconic opening line from the track: “She said don’t!” — the crowd relishing in the song’s luster. High school was such a time of isolation and angst for a lot of these late twenties “kids,” but that doesn’t mean we could relive those times with a sort of nostalgic joy. Everyone gathered for this celebration of music can look back into those times of yearning. It’s always nice to look at ourselves now and realize how much we’ve grown and matured.
After they finished playing the album “Tell All Your Friends,” Lazzara had one of the members of the Maine come out to flip a coin whether to play the albums Louder Now or Where You Want To Be. I wanted them to play the former but the latter got picked to the delight of the crowd. It seemed like the younger generation of Taking Back Sunday fans (probably people my age) would have gone for Louder Now because of the song “MakeDamnSure” but I didn’t mind it. It was one of the bigger highlights of the concert by a mile and probably had given me the biggest nostalgia hit. That was one of the first songs I played live with my first band in the Philippines. Those were the makings of musicians following their own path today. At the Commodore Ballroom that night though, bodies flung against one another in the hopes of feeling each other’s sweat and passion, bits of saliva trickling out of everyone’s mouths shouting out the words of a disgruntled poet about a bad relationship: “I just want to break you down so badly,” a line possibly misinterpreted as putting words into action but is actually meant to convey the deeper sadness of having oneself being put down by a loved one. There’s a willingness to hurt the other person but there is a love that holds it back.
Towards the second half of the album, everything slowed down. Most of the crowd stopped moshing and just kept to their miniature head-banging. It was only during the 3rd part of their set where they played “This Photograph is Proof” and “A Decade Under the Influence” where the crowd gained a third jolt of energy to start another mosh and singing along to the teenage anthems of their childhood for the last hurrah. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” a catchy lyric repeated through Nolan’s angst on the track has been ringing through my head for a few days now. The lyric captures a moment of lingering anxiety before a predicted breakup. The opposite could be said about the whole night.
At the end of the show, I was left with feeling a sense of elation, a sort of transcendence within the present world. There aren’t a lot of bands that can do that. Maybe it was the nostalgia hitting me hard, or maybe it was just my communion with the audience. There’s a sense of intimate unity you achieve when moshing with other people who know the lyrics. It’s a shared dance we’ve savoured in our teenage years, a time when everything was easier even if at the time, it felt like the whole world was against us.
I found out about Taking Back Sunday through one of my good friends from my childhood. He showed me the song “Timberwolves at New Jersey” during our preteens, a time for some of us when we started to consider rebelling against our parents. That intro guitar riff with Lazzara singing, “Get up, get up, come on, come on let’s go!” always got me out of my seat and made me want to start moshing. I long for the days when I was just getting into that emo scene and wanting to be a punk rocker so bad. Most of the people my age at the show could probably say the same, and for that one night we collectively embraced that culture not with a mutinous furor but with a devotion to the music.
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semi-friendly-emo · 6 years
About Me~
1. Full name
Ashley Marie D (not putting last name)
2. Zodiac sign
3. 3 fears
Being Rejected, Spiders, and The Unknown
4. 3 things I love
My pets, Forensic/Crime cases, and Music
5. My best friend
Sgt. Henrald....my little hedgehog who I recently lost. He was my parrot on my shoulder and my comfort. I was planning on getting him certified as an Emotional Support Animal because he made me feel so loved.
6. Last song I listened to
Kill the DJ--Green Day
7. 3 Turn ons
Confidence, neck kisses, and Loyalty
8. 3 Turn offs
Self-Centered Attitudes, No Career Plan, and Inconsistency
9. What colour underwear I’m wearing right now
Gray and White
10. How many tattoos/piercings do I have
2 Tattoos: Rafiki from The Lion King on my right ankle with his quote “it doesnt matter its in the past” & A Heart on my left foot by my pinky toe its made of a cat and dog with rainbow watercolor behind it (its a memorial for my pets)
4 Piercings: First & Second hole, 2 Cartilage on my right ear
11. The reason I started blogging
I felt so alone and when I feel rejected, I hyperfocus on my interests so blogging let’s me do exactly that without having to be me.
12. How I feel right now
Sad, Alone, Scared, Confused, Unloved, and Heartbroken because I’m watching AHS and Twisty just died in the last episode I’m not over it.
13. Something I really really want
To be loved
14. My current relationship status
15. Meaning behind my URL
I love roses and the rain. I was listening to “Still Breathing by Green Day” and a lyric said “'Cause I'm still breathing on my own My head's above the rain and roses” and I just had this feeling that I needed to make that my label to recover.
16. My favourite movie
Iron Man....First one the second sucked the third is great but OG for the win
17. My favourite song
Lately....Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy
18. My favourite band
DON’T MAKE ME PICK....It’s between Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy
19. 3 Things that upset me
Being Ignored, Talk I am Dramatic/Lying, and Failing
20. 3 Things that make me happy
My Pets, Music, and The Night Sky
21. What I find attractive in other people
Eyes!!!!! A persons eyes will never change and they will tell you all there is to know about a person.
22. Someone I miss
Sgt. Henrald even though he was a hedgehog. I also miss my ex from my posts, he has been there for me through so much this past 2 months so his lack of presence hurts.
23. Someone I love
Pete Wentz. Let me explain: He is also Bipolar 1 so his lyrics tend to express his inner demons that I also have. He attempted suicide early in FOB’s career and has since talked about it to help those who feel death is the answer. He wrote “What a Catch, Donnie” to promise Patrick that he’d never try suicide again. He loves his children more than the world and has said they are his happy pills they cured his sadness. He saw Patrick be uncomfortable in a photoshoot because Patrick was heavier at the time and gave him the classic fedora telling him that he would be safe under the hat and that built up Patrick’s confidence. He was signed talent most known Panic! At The Disco (2018 Went is 38 and Urie is 30. When signed Urie was 17 so Went at 25 was signing on such young talent). I can go on forever but the point is, Pete Went saved me. When I was diagnosed Bipolar 1 a few weeks back, the only thing that made me feel human was the MANIA album because it explained what I was dealing with.
24. My relationship with my parents
Comical. Parents never married so visitation all my childhood. Turned 18 my dad walked out of my life and has since called ONCE in 2 years only to demand an apology from me. He knew of my massive surgery and never once asked me how I was doing. My mom, let’s just say once I graduate college next year I am moving out of state.
25. My favourite holiday
26. My closest blogging friend
@dying-inner-light tbh emos gotta stick together
27. Someone famous I’d date
So many...Sebastian Stan or Tom Hiddleston if I have to limit it down.
28. A confession
I am completely numb and I know I will stay this way till I feel loved in any sense. Since losing my hedgehog I have gone blank.
29. 3 Things that annoy me easily
Loud Noises, Not Listening, and Repeating Myself
30. My favourite animal
Pandas or Turtles
31. My pets
Jet (aka Pudgy Butt yes he answers to this more than Jet) he is my rescue dog 8years old breed ????
Hunter (aka Boogie/Booger/Jimbo Jones): I only say Jimbo Jones when I'm pissed at him thats his name from the humane society. He is my cat and  will be 11 years old in May but sadly his twin sister left us last May which he became distraught over.
Holly (aka Buddha): she is my 10 year old forever kitten. her legs are stubby so she looks dwarfed but shes THICC hence Buddah.
Flora (aka Florence when she is bad): THIS IS MY BABY shes my kitten who will be 1 year on April 2nd. She is a ‘special snowflake’ she has grand maul seizures with no medical explanation (brain MRI’s and tests not one answer to the seizures or her ‘specialness’).
Cotton & Candy: my sisters little hamsters but Cotton is mine.
32. One thing I’ve lied about
Being Okay
33. Something that’s currently worrying me
Being Alone Forever
34. An embarrassing moment
Food running once and I have the plate in my hands and when I turned around the sandwich and chips when flying across the kitchen and the whole BOH saw.
35. Where I work
TGI Friday’s
36. Something that’s constantly on my mind
Why people walk out?
37. 3 Habits I have
Turning off all the lights no matter the time, Getting to a place crazy early, and Having music on 90% of the time or else I get anxious
38. My future goals
Move to PA, Be a Forensic Anthropologist, Get married, Have kids, and Hope for the best.
39. Something I fantasise about
Wedding Day
40. My favourite store
Hot Topic (are you shocked though ?)
41. My favourite food
Mac and Cheese
42. What I did yesterday
Watched Netflix because I was sent home from work.
43. Something I’m talented at
Remembering fact about serial killers and forensic identifications
44. My idea of the perfect date
Movie Night in with take out and fairy lights
45. My celebrity crush
No shame....Robert Downey Jr.
46. My favourite blog
I don’t really have a favorite? Any blog that isnt racist, sexist, condoning, and hateful is my favorite.
47. Number of kids I want
2 or 3. I am also going to say the names I like because why not: Alice, Nova, Roseline, Stella, and Dahlia. Dominic, Anthony, Orian, Sebastian, and Levi.
48. Do I smoke/drink
Smoke no unless you count armomatherapy pens but its not actual smoking just looks like it.
Drink: fuck yea
49. One word that describes me
50. My favourite quote
Remember Who You Are-Mufasa
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Pet Library  Interview
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Pet Library are an math rock two piece featuring George Milner (Drums, Vocals) and Tim Andersson (Guitar Vocals) based between London and Hertfordshire. Their sound takes elements from math rocks titans TTNG and Tiny Moving Parts. The most interesting thing to me about this band is that they use their music as an outlet and projection of themes based around mental health in order to put the subject in a more positive light. I think that’s pretty rad. 
&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href="http://petlibraryuk.bandcamp.com/album/the-corners-of-my-eyes-hold-the-most-vivid-visions"&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;the corners of my eyes hold the most vivid visions by Pet Library&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
How did Pet Library Formed and what made you want to play music together exclusively instead of working with other musicians?
Tim: I went to see George's Nu Metal band at a local pub which, was pretty terrible. A few months after I tweeted online about wanting to start an emo band, George replied and then Pet Library formed.
George: When I first met Tim, I'd had quite a lot to drink and we only really talked for roughly ten minutes and arranged our first band practice. I remember when I first turned up to band practice our old bassist and Tim was there though, because of the amount I had to drink the night before I was really unsure which one of them was Tim.
Tim: I didn't actually know that till now. Yeah that’s how it all started, a pub gig and tweet.
What made you want to become musicians and begin writing and playing music?
George: For me the main inspiration was from seeing My Chemical Romance during the Danger Days tour and the reaction from everyone in the room when they played The Only Hope For Me Is You. Seeing that made me want to create something that could make people feel or react in a similar fashion. 
Tim: I heard Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple and wanted to learn guitar from that it was mainly a result of my stepdad playing a lot of classic rock when in the house when I was younger. From there I started getting into bands like Mettalica and became a bit of a young metal elitist. I got into punk bands mainly from listening to Gnarwolves and Tiny Moving parts which really opened up a bunch of new avenues in my playing style.
What misconceptions did you first come across when you first started playing and how did you think and feel about music back then?
Tim: When I first started I thought that I would instantly be a really sick guitarist but, then I quickly discovered how difficult being a musician was and that it was going to take a while to get to the level where I was able to express what I wanted on the guitar. 
Strangely enough I had several phases where I didn't actually play guitar for a year or so. I feel that most of development and progression  came from playing with George in Pet Library this band has pretty much allowed me to play everything that I hear in my head. 
George: At first like Tim, I thought that I'd be able just sit behind a drumkit and be able to play everything I could possibly think of, unfortunately its a bit more difficult than that.
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You spoke before about bands such as Tiny Moving Parts being a main catalyst to making you want to change the style of music you played can you explain that in greater detail?
Tim: Yeah Tiny Moving Parts was the main band that really wanted me to become a better musician, I even bought the same guitar as Dylan but that wasn't enough, I had to learn all of their songs. Breaking down Dylan's approach to the guitar really allowed me to create anything I wanted to in Pet Library in terms of technicality we're both very different musicians but he's definitely one of favourite players.
George: Before Pet Library I never really played with anyone like Tim. I'd only played in post harcore bands with lots of breakdowns or music that required me hit everything really hard and aggressively. Playing with Tim really requires me to have to think about technically complimenting what Tim is doing, its a completely different and fresh approach for me, though I'm mainly just trying to rival Tim's playing style. We equally push each other to become better musicians and there’s always a feeling that we are moving forward as a band.
How are the songs in Pet Library written and who brings what elements to the table and how would you describe being a two piece compares to playing in a larger band?
Tim: Well since there's only two of us its a pretty small table. Being a two piece is not exactly something we do by choice its just that we wouldn't be able to find anyone who shares the equal amount of passion commitment. Pet Library is essentially the brain child of me and George and we are equally precious about the music we make and since lyrically we are talking about different aspects of mental health and finding someone who can relate or take the topic seriously isn't the easiest thing to find.
George: Tim will mainly bring an idea or a riff to practice and we'll usually work on that  for a while and then improvise other sections until we get to the end of something that feels like a solid idea, that process gets repeated until we have a complete song. Its a really organic experience. Nothing is really pre written or decided before we get to that space. Lyrically we both have the same style and approach to writing lyrics most of the themes are very melancholy. We try every idea that each of us has to see what works so there aren’t any boundaries that we personally set, its just a case of whatever comes out comes out. 
What was the last time you got out of your comfort zone as musicians? How important do you think it is for musicians to push themselves out of their comfort zones?
Goerge: Mainly when recording our album which is still in the works. The main challenge was to write music that sounded completely different to our for track EP but we still wanted to maintain the original style and sound that we have in Pet Library. I think its important far artists to try new things and explore what they can do with different elements or genres of music.
Tim: I'd say that there's a specific difference between pushing yourself and writing new material. Forcing yourself to make music that you don't want to create or play isn't a form of progression so there's really wrong with staying in your comfort zone if that’s what works for you as a musician.
What specific bands made influenced the album? that you’ve currently been working on?
George: Tim's more into the mathy side of things and during the writing process I mainly listened to My Bloody Valentine and lots of Radiohead.
What advice would you give yourself if you could go back and see yourself as a younger musician?
Tim: Avoid buying a BC Rich and get into Emo sooner and learn something other than Deep Purple songs.
George: I'd tell myself not to be so pretentious about playing drums. Back when I first started playing anything that I couldn't play would deter me from focusing on developing my skills. I'd tell myself to focus more on the simpler elements of playing drums and then move onto the technical stuff later. 
What was the last band that made you exceeded your expectations of what was possible with music?
Tim: MeWithoutYou has is the main band that I'm into at the moment.
George: I'm a huge Radiohead nerd, anything that they put out really just blows my mind I don't understand how that band really continues to make great music. Sad Blood as well, it was great to see a band playing cool emo pop and just really catchy music. 
Pet Library will be playing in Southampton at So Punk Fest on Sunday 3rd Of Feb tickets can be purchased here:
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You can follow Pet Library’s Pages and stream their music at:
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