#i like it cuz they don't idolize each other and it's very much friends to lovers which is a trope that I'm a sucker for
cursedchildofchaos · 2 years
I really am amused by how ml fans treat the love square as almost separate ships, like they are all the same two people, sillies...
But also, hahaha, the first real kiss that's gonna be remembered by both parties is of my favorite ship hahahaha in your face you mothertruckers
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ueidesign · 2 months
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Because i saw someone on X putting these two pic next to each other, and i couldn't stop thinking about it all day and had to write a loooonnngg paragraph to explain how beautiful and well considered these covers are
i see hidden meaning all over it, and im screaming!
In the first one (Mimir Yamato), all the other members are awake, some are chatting , some are just staring at the camera WHILE two members are looking else where, which is the sleeping Yama, and as u can see in the pic up there, These two are Riku and Mitsu
And this is insane cuz u know well my fellow i7 lovers how important Mitsu was in Yamato's character development, so it makes a lot of sense that he is genuinely worried about him (BESTIES FR)
As for Riku , im not so sure about it, so feel free to correct me if it's wrong
Riku has always received some kind of different treatment from Yamato , and we see that a lot if u rewatch the series like me for 1000 times
So naturally, Riku would also feel the same way as Yamato does toward him !
Another thing to add about Riku is that both he and Yamato are VERY important members to the group
Riku being the center - Yama being the leader
Hence, they both burden a lot of pressure in keeping the group together
As for the second pic, the memebers are all asleep while Yamato is wide awake (being silly and bad boy)
Refrencing how serious he is in keeping his friend protected, away from harm even in their weakness (sleeping)
Not to forget
That Yamato indeeed was ready to leave the group behind just to keep them safe from all the bad gossip and reputation they would gain if his "secret" was to get exposed
Last point I would like to add,and it is more like a simple comparison
In the first pic the colors are soft and pastely
Showing i7 idol image of being a lively fun and innocent group
However, in the second one (Yamato's center song album pic), it has Yama own characteristic in it only, which is a dark gloomy adult like theme
I don't want to go into too much depth into the colours cuz i won't shutup then
But to keep it short , dark colors tend to have some heavy meanings to them
And from the way i analyse this , isn't this how Yamato views celebrities, unpure fake, and complete liers...
Btw im very normal about Yamato
Don't mind me , just a humble designer passing by
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nerflufser · 5 months
<casual questions PART TWO!!!!>
(5) what’s your art style?
(6) what’s a specific thing you can draw and never get tired of?
(7) do you o you have a favorite book/movie/show?
(8) yet not having any idols, are you a fan of many diffrent creators and take inspo of them? (You don’t have to awnser this one, you actually don’t have to awnser any of these btw.)
((THERE YA GO. >:3))
Oooo~ yay more questions :)) (sorry if my typing is a bit wonky I just woke up LMAO)
5) uhh honestly I dunno, people have said it's realistic with cartoony features other people call it a weird more cartoony form of anime, ig just my own style?? Cause I see where they're coming from I have taken inspo from all those things and shaped it into something of my own style:)).
6) Zip. She's pretttyyyy much the one thing I've been drawing since day one of digital. Now I did have this other OC I did draw non stop their name was like XZIRLIC?? (All caps cuz I'm sure that how I wrote it on paper 💀) I've been thinking of re-drawing them but they are a WILD OC I have. I also have this horse pony thingy I don't think I ever gave it a name 💀.
7) For books uhhh I haven't really read anything too new to me. But there was a book a few years back around the time covid stuck up that I got from target 💀 it was called' a wolf called wander/wonder (can't remember) ' it was about this wolf that left their home after their clan died from this other wolf clan past the mountains seeking haven. It don't think I ever finished it 😭 I was thinking about re-reading it but I do have another new book I got. Movie? Mhmm I have a lot of those ig mostly John wick movies, a little free guy is good to, another good one I recently watched was bullet train. (I'm sure you can see where this is going 💀💀) so mostly comedic violence (No this doesn't go for like SAW or some bs that shit is nasty AF man.) My favorite show of all time is the good place. Shocker ikr /sar I got into it about mid way last year and has watched it over and over again it's become a comfort show of mine. I also like the concept of it with all the plot twists but also teaching people about philosophy!? That's fuckin awesome.
8) pfft I am a fan of a lot of creators- I really like @/whoectypes stuff I really like their OC designs and how they're building a world, they are also a super cool person in general. I'm not close to them I wouldn't even call each other friends or anything, more of moots, we both support each other and treat each other with respect. For another person?? @/cupsie most definitely, they were actually one of my first followers. And then we became like besties cuz yk we simp for ray- I mean ram- I mean cause of a common interest. I really like how they use pastels and they doo rubber hose soooo gooooooddddd arugh I just start jumping up and down and flapping my lil silly hands when I see their art /pos. Now I don't take inspo from any creators that I remember seeing on this app (or at least not intentional) alot of my inspiration comes from dali. **Insert dramatic duh duh DUHHH here** yeah dali. I grew up with dali, now the real question is, "how can a cartoonist be inspired to start drawing from a surrealist?!" Actually surrealism and cartoonism is actually VERY similar, look at the colors look at how proportions aren't correct, don't look directly at the picture look at what something has to be deemed surrealism and cartoonism in a modern day conversation (omg me actually being kinda stupid and smart 🤯). Anyways before we get off track is the question ' how? ' the answer to the question is **drum roll please** colors :p. And the flowy-ness of his art, you can see a lot of different ways I use like smoke or water, that's from looking at dalis work, same with all his vibrant colors ugh I love it. I didn't study off of him, oh no. I just live a bike ride away to a museum that features his work so granted I would go there like every other month or something stupid cause of school or families in town, so I'm quite familiar with his art. So as DR. Seuss there's a mini art gallery again a bike ride away and they change out the paintings and sculptures like every other month or something. So you get more familiar with his work. Same reasons as dali too color and flow.
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splatoon-edits · 9 months
do you have any rarepair splatoon idol ships that you really like. for me it would be the polyship of shiver, frye, and marie. and the worst part about that is that since that specific ship, not just shiver and frye or shiver and marie, since it is a rarepair, has so little content. thank fuck i have my autistic little brain so i can think up situations to put them in.
oh cod yeah polyships are so hard to find content for. I love poly deep cut and i'm so glad they do actually have some content. But frye shiver and marie???? how have i never considered that before. i do like marie x shiver and i've seen less content for it but marie x frye is cute too, but all 3??? such a good idea. i am adding this to my list of ships immediately.
as for idol rarepairs...? hmmmm.... i sort of like all idol combination ships but as for some rare ones i really enjoy...?
Callie x Marina x Pearl as a poly ship. I just think Marina deserves two upbeat pink squids. And i think Pearl and Callie should never be allowed to hang out without chaos ensuing. Which is exactly why they should be allowed to date and cause as much chaos as they want. I may have read like one singular fic or headcanon about it once way in the past and i've just liked it ever since.
Also- not an idol x idol ship, but, Marie x Spyke. I honestly see them as aro x aro who are in the worlds most evil qpr. I just know they would bully each other incessantly. It's not a ship i'm actually invested in, but i just like thinking about it every once in a while. I honestly don't even need to see ship content. Just let me see content of them as friends.
And while i'm here lamenting. I'd like y'all to take a wild guess what my fav agent ship is. IT'S 4 x 8. I CAN'T WIN. I don't mind 3 x 8 (i think of em as friends but don't dislike the ship) but its SO POPULAR THAT THERE'S NO 4 X 8 CONTENT!! Tho it could be worse. I could be a 4 x 3 shipper. Those people are just always losing. I'm not even entirely convinced they're real.
EDIT: I FORGOT SHIVER X CALLIE!!!!! I THINK IT WOULD BE SO CUTEEEE!!!! Like i think at first Shiver would kinda assume Callie is weaker than her considering she's from Inkopolis. But the more time they spend together the more Shiver starts to realize "oh she's crazy" and they do stupid stuff together. Also i just think Callie is very affectionate and Shiver is easily embarrassed and so you have shiver trying to keep her cool but Callie just smiles at her and holds her hand and Shiver combusts and starts blushing SO hard.
EDIT PART TWOOO: i didnt mention it in my original version of this post. But my other fav agent ship is 4 x 3 x 8 cuz i adore poly agents. I saw someone mention it in the notes and yeah its SOOO adorable.
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winnertpot · 2 years
The reason why Winnerclock can POTENTIALLY work so well is because they both went through the same fate of being forgotten by everyone, albeit with different circumstances, and now are two forgotten people who want (or dont want to) find someone again. People who say that "clocks character is just boiled down to fawning over winner" seem to forget that he was Quite Literally forgotten for 5 episodes and didnt even wanna be around his teammates anymore. Besides that he didnt rly have proper friendships to begin with. Ofc he'd latch onto the One Person he finds interest in, even if that interest can be parasocial. He wants a friend
Winner on the other hand? We do not know much about their past but they do not like to be reminded of it or be Idolized. This is why I said *potentially* cuz even If Winnerclock is cut from the same cloth that does Not Mean it'll have to work, considering it can very quickly end into winner's boundaries being violated and them not wanting anything to do with him. I don't think Clock is doing it maliciously, but Winner has all right to be uncomfortable. But There Is Still Potential For A Friendship And They Could Understand Each Other So Well They Could Be People Who Were Lost To Everyone And Yet Proceeded to Find Each Other
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antiquemotel · 2 years
It was confirmed by a classmate that Sunoo Jay and Yuna are classmates, could you do a reading on their bond?
♡♡Sunoo, jay and Yuna Bond (extremely detailed) Tarot reading ♡♡
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Hello lovely, sorry for the late reply, I just returned from my long awaited hiatus and am now refreshed and ready to accept requests<33 ( Yuna and the enha members you mentioned have a very specific energy flowing for them, kinda like the GIF so I'm eager to do this reading as well<3 ) Before I start, a quick Disclaimer:Tarot readings are subject to interpretation. All tarot readings given by me are for entertainment purposes only. Choosing to believe in the tarot is a choice.
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Now, for Yuna, she always has this mature energy whenever I read for her, kind of like a desert rose. As I used to read for many of the ITZY members after their debut, I found that Yuna is probably the member with the biggest shift in energy. I am aware that They have all graduated and so this is more of a where their relationship is going moving forward, and what had happened before to cause that.
Jay and Sunoo seem closer than ever, this is evident in their daily interactions, and the fact that they're both in the same band probably makes that ideal for their improvement as a whole. Sunoo and Yuna definitely had a more flowering bond that Jay and Yuna. Honestly speaking, looking at the card placement, I doubt that Jay and Yuna ever really interacted in the first place. It seems like a hit or miss, Jay and Yuna would see each other for a second at a mutual friends get together, or a certain class, if taken at all. Jay never really took an initiative to speak with her, and maybe there was a reason behind it? Like an ACTUAL serious reason. Now, it's very evident that ITZY and Enhypen have been close at times away from the public eye, Especially Yuna, cozying up to a certain member (which I will not speak for~). ~~~This could have impacted Jay's chance at forming a relationship/friendship with her, despite him wanting to make amends. Now with Sunoo, he feels as if his feet are in cold water due to his inherent liking for Yuna and what was once a blossoming friendship seems to have dissipated into thin air. This seems to be from a certain awkwardness or from a lack of time/energy for them to reach out after graduation~? Perhaps from schedules or a lack of interest from both parties.
Reading for Jay and Yuna is like Reading for Jake and Ryujin, a ship that never seems to set sail. I just don't feel romantic energy at all any more, but there definitely could have been in the past, only a simple barrier stopping him. Either an inconsequential girlfriend, or maybe someone else with Yuna. (irrlyhatetobethebearerofbadnewsbut) a lot of idols date, and most of it isn't serious, esp among up and coming/rookies… Turns out, dating bans are mostly for public/ obvious dating? Like for example, if idols were to go out to private clubs/secret parties, companies wouldn't even bother trying to stop them. There's a WHOLE life inside of being an idol and soooo many scandals that will never be uncovered cuz of the kids that come from rich companies (heavy on the big 3 cough cough** YG cough ** cough**) that pay off news outlets (corrupt ik right).
Okay but Sunoo, he seems to actually be such a sweetheart, OMFG. A lot of idols I read for aren't actually the people they appear to be online, but Sunoo FRR just chilling. He was SCANDAL FREE until a few months ago, where something to do with a crush popped up, and the members found out? But it was swept under the rug immediately as it was quote on quote “Unconventional” ykykyk I'm just not going to elaborate because that's some HEAVY stuff that could end his career if it were to be shared among K-netz...
Yuna right now seems to have moved on from her High school phase, as she is speedily trying to outgrow the childish image others set out for her… She seems to be getting involved in the wrong crowd recently? Or maybe it's just a switch in concept from the company. Anyway, I feel a much more at peace version of Yuna than ever before, as she seems to have let go of any past jealousy or misunderstanding/failed attempts at forming connections.
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That's it for the reading my loves<3 a bit heavy, but it must be said… I do answer requests, so please do feel free to send me some (anons welcome), and I do in fact also do personal Tarot readings! Here and Personal ships Here
Buy me a Coffee<3
My Masterlist<3
(I'm planning to add a bit more NSFW to my Masterlist so if you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see, feel free to request or DM me, if you would like to talk, my door is always open LYSM<3)
copyright AntiquemotelⒸ︎ (Tumblr), 2021. All rights reserved. Do not repost or plagiarise.
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Hello! I see you are very knowledgeable about Cats Warsaw and I would love to know if you have any information about the costume design. The choices made are very interesting and honestly I don't understand it but would love to know more about why they look the way they do!
Yes, I actually do know some stuff. Most of it is from the interview with the costume designer Dorota Kołodyńska, from Cats Warsaw book, with some of my own observations. So thank you for the question and let’s get started cuz it’s gonna be long
The very short answer as to why Cats Warsaw costumes look like they do is: ‘cuz London said so and the fashion world was what it was
The long answer is under the cut ‘cuz it got very long, and it has some pics
The long answer: despite it being a non-replica, and first full non-replica at that, all the creative decisions had to get a green light form Webber/Mackintosh/The really useful theatre company/whoever else in London. The main rule they gave was that it can't be similar to the og show, like at all. This is also why it takes place in the backyard of an abandoned film studio instead of a junkyard. And that “no similar things” rule combined with a different setting and a “desire to make Cats more ours” resulted in such a different look.
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Here, for example are first projects for Jennyanydots and Tugger’s costumes
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And here is the first project for Demeter (top) and I believe the final one for Grizabella (bottom)
The main inspiration for the costumes (and make up too) was actually what was then happening in the fashion world. That’s why there are so many different textures (feathers, pieces of fur, mesh tops etc), the asymmetry in where those pieces are located and the neon colours on some costumes. Wigs were made after the costumes were complete, and they were supposed to be “modern and timeless”.
The main inspiration for make-up (which was the last to be designed, after the costumes and most of the wigs were complete) was the then recent Dior show, prepared by Sergiusz Osmański who was make up designer for Cats Warsaw. There of course were other inspirations too, for example the inspiration for Macavity and his shiny pants evolved from Mad Max, through the Matrix, to anime. Also, I believe the actors had some input too, at least a tiny bit, since for example Misto’s famous facial hair was, and still is, his first actor’s day-to-day look.
Surprisingly (or not) choreography was also a major influence. Since there is a lot of modern dance mixed in, most leotards have wide legs, instead of fitted ones, as apparently is custom in modern dance. And since the characters are grouped into two camps: the singers and the dancers, there was more room for creativity. And by that I mean, the dancers’ costumes are usually much simpler out of necessity, while the singers, since they don’t have to move as much, could have much more elaborate costumes.
For example, Carbucketty and Alonzo’s costumes are very similar, but since Alonzo is a dancer and an acrobat he just gets a usual simple top-pants combo with some shoulder fur, while Carbucketty who is a singer wears overalls instead.
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Carbucketty (left) and Alonzo (right), not the best quality, but it’s the best picture I have rn
Another example: Mistoffelees got top-pants combo with a vest to which his tail is fixed, while Skimble (who doesn’t really dance) wears a suit jacket and puffy pants with calf-high boots.
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I’ll be using this picture of Misto till I die, you can pretty easily see all the parts of his costume (except for wig and make up). And this is the brown Skimble I’ll also be mentioning later, you can see his costume has much more details (like the watch chain and the watch) than Misto’s
There are some divisions between the characters, and it reflects in their costumes. As usual, some cats have owners and collars and are more put together, while others are strays and thus a little bit messier. Some are pure breads, some are not. Another divide was determined by gender, with toms being generally more on the brownish-greyish side with bigger shoulders (lots of fur there) and queens generally being slimmer and more colourful. This rule was mostly for the dancers’ costumes, but wasn’t that strictly enforced.
Another interesting thing, was that there was an intention for a yet another divide, this time between Munkustrap and Tugger. As in, they tried to make it clear that, and I quote: “brave Munkustrap is the leader of the wild, predatory, grey cats, and the Rum Tum Tugger, a type of youthful idol - the leader of young, cheerful, playful and colourful cats.” The designer saying that the clan is divided very strictly into those two groups, and from what I can see, yeah they somewhat succeeded in achieving that, but again, I think it ended up being less strict of a rule.
As for the pattens on the costumes, each cat has a unique patten designed by Mrs. Kołodyńska with some help from her graphic designer friend, which was then printed on fabric and pieced together.
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Here is how some of the patterns looked like up close
Similarly, each cat has a unique wig and make up. And (and this is really important) if they play the same character, each actor has their own version of the costume. Sometimes those changes in costumes are tiny, for example the only changes between three Misto costumes that I can see are slightly different amounts of white in the pattern and the wigs (first Misto has this messy one that kinda makes it look like he has ears, while the other two have much neater, kinda curly wigs, with one of them having small curly ponytail added).
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Since I don’t have any good enough pics of different Mistos, and it’s too late for me to look for any, here are both Tuggers instead, and as you can see the main differences are the patten on the top and the wigs
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On the other side there is Skimble who in one version is more orange (here) and in the other more brown (the one earlier).
But the most differences has definitely Munkustrap with quite a different look for each of his four actors (and they differ in patterns, colour, wigs, make up and how see-through are the mesh tops). This is awesome, and it’s one of the things that really helped me determine the cast in the recording.
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Here are make-up projects for one of the male kittens (left) and for one of the Munkustraps (right)
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Here is another Munkustrap getting ready (you can see the differences in make up)
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And here is the third one who is mix of the two others (his wig is also kinda a mix). And that’s just make up and wigs
And here I will end this general overview of Cats Warsaw costumes and why they look like that, mostly ‘cuz there isn’t that much more info on that topic. I plan on doing some more thorough break down of the costumes, possibly with each character getting their own post, but that’s for the, hopefully near, future.
If you got all the way to here, then I can’t thank you enough for reading it all, and I really hope that you like it, and again thank you so much for asking this, I’m always happy to talk about Cats Warsaw
If you (or anyone else reading this) would like to be tagged in the future in the costume breakdown posts, then please let me know, I’ll be happy to do it
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shihozaki · 3 years
Hi I heard your did matchups? Can you do one for me from mha and give me a quirk if you want....
5'3 (short I know 😭) tan skin with freckles spread across the tops of my cheeks. I also have dimples under my eyes but I got made fun of because they were usually on the bottoms of people's cheeks in 4th grade.
Im pretty busty in the chest area which I hate because boys would always make weird comments. I also have a birthmark on the back of my thigh.
Short black hair and dark brown eyes.
Im pretty childish. I tend to have bursts of energy. But I can be calm when needed. I'm pretty sure I have ADD 😅 cuz sometimes I have a hard time paying attention. I can also be very responsible because I have four younger siblings. I tend to use humor as a coping mechanism because I don't have a good relationship with either of my parents because my mom was abusive and my dad left me when I was 7 months old. I'm not keen on physical affection unless I'm the one giving it. I won't sugarcoat things if you want my honest opinion I'm going to give you my honest opinion whether you like it or not because I want you to be your best self. I am VERY protective of my friends. Like the " I'll fight anyone who messes with you" protective. I am a dark empath meaning I'll have empathy for you if I care for you but if you cross me then I will lose ALL empathy for you. I also get really nervous around men because I was sexually assaulted a lot when I was younger....
Random facts and things I like:
Im Latin American. My astrology sign is Virgo. My top three Kins are Todoroki, JD from Heather's, and Bakugo. My favorite food is egg rolls and my favorite dessert is raspberry cheesecake. My favorite movies are The Shining, Heather's, and Alice in Wonderland. I enjoy things like reading, witchcraft, writing, scary stories, and listening to music. Don't judge me but my top two idols are Marilyn Monroe and Tiffany Valentine from Chucky 😅
Do what you can and don't rush yourself ❤
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Thank you for waiting! This time I chose a character who isn’t shown in the anime too much- but I thought he would be perfect for you! (I hope it was okay that the person was a male- you didn’t specify what gender!) I hope you enjoy it.
I pair you up with Tensei Iida!
- Your quirk is Lie-detector! You can tell if a person is lying. You can detect their heartbeat, blood pressure, changes in a person's breathing, and sweating. It could be used for more than lie detecting, perhaps a medical usage, too. It’s not exactly a hero quirk- but it’s helpful in everyday life.
- You first met Tensei when he saved you from a villain attack. When he saw that you were nervous, he tried to comfort you, and you guys became good friends after that
- He found himself patrolling around your area a lot, hoping to see you again, and when he did, he asked you for your number, not wanting to miss his chance
- It took a bit of time for you to warm up to him completely- but it was so worth it. He was respectful of your boundaries and never made you feel uncomfortable or pressured
- He adores you and finds you adorable. He loves everything you do- even your little daze offs.
- He understands that you use humour as coping, and he doesn’t stop you. But he does get worried sometimes. He wants you to have the best life and let go of the past
- He loves counting your freckles and your dimples- you don't understand how much this man cherishes you :)
- When he got his injury from Stain, you were devastated. You asked him if he was okay, and he replied with yes- but your quirk detected a lie. You guys had a long talk after that, both of you finding comfort from each other
- You got very angry at the villain and it was the first time Tensei had ever seen you so mad. He calmed you down while laughing. Did I mention his laugh is one of the best things ever?
- He knows you don’t enjoy physical affection, and he totally understands. He instead shows you how much he loves you by spending time with you and reminding you every day that he loves you
- Overall you guys have a very trusting relationship where you find comfort from each other and show each other the beauty of true love:)
Scenario: Visiting him after the stain injury!
“Tensei!” You ran up to the bed, Your boyfriend opening his eyes at your voice. “(Y/N), I’m glad you’re safe.” He said. You shook your head. Tensei was always so kind. Too kind. “Don’t worry about me- worry about yourself. Do you know how worried I was?” You shouted. It was frustrating how Tensei was giving you a pained smile. Your hand made its way to his cheeks, giving it a small stroke. His face leaned into your touch, giving it a small kiss before letting you pull away. “I’m sorry for making you worry.” He whispered. “I’m okay.” Lie. That was a lie. “You can’t lie to me, Tensei.” You replied. Tensei laughed. “I’ll be okay, then. I’ll feel better after a nap.” You nodded. You were mad- really mad. “I swear I’m going to murder that hero killer.” You muttered, gripping your hands. Tensei smiled. “Sure you will.” “I’m serious! Who does he think he is, trying to mess with my boyfriend?” You yelled out, earning a chuckle from your boyfriend. He felt better now that your energetic self was here. “I love you.” Blurted Tensei. You froze, amused at the sudden remark. Truth. That was a truth. You smiled. “I love you too.”
Song: Odysseus Under The Old Tree by Koan!
Sorry if the scenario was a bit over the place, I hope I got your personality right. Please do not hesitate to comment about the work, and I hope to see you again soon :)))
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ferie-anon · 4 years
Hi! Hopefully you can help me ^^' I may sound dumb sorry, but I feel a strong emphathy/connection with Nct Taeyong, like I can get 99% of the time why he thinks/acts some ways. Ways that are mine as well. But I don't really get the reasons, looking at his chart. I'm Virgo Sun, Cancer rising, Pisces Moon, Virgo Merc, Libra Venus, Gemini Mars, Virgo Jup, Aquarius Sat. Can you tell me if I'm just delusional? Because honestly, I wasn't originally into him, but I've become so because of...this. Thank you soooooo much, have a nice day!
Ooh well lets see then! Taeyong is a cancer sun with a leo moon and you may think that you two have totally different moons and that may be why you don’t understand the correlation. However, your cancer rising is attracted to his cancer sun, most ppl with the same rising as someone’s sun sign feel drawn to them, ex: I have virgo rising and most of the kpop idols I have liked or sorta biased are virgo suns :3 Also, your pisces moon gravitates towards his cancer sun, you feel like you understand his personality or relate/empathetic becuz your water moon can feel the similar energies and vibes that he a water sun projects. (Cancer suns are sensitive and intuitive, your pisces moon is also sensitive and intuitive) 
If that makes sense ya know, and next off Taeyong’s mercury is in gemini. Virgos and geminis share the same ruling planet, which is the planet of mercury so you may feel like you agree with how he thinks or his communicative ways, both gemini and virgo mercuries may analyze things down/details when they are interested, like a specific hobby, becuz gemini is inherently curious and utilizes their intellect along. Virgo mercuries are pretty organized and detailed in their observations but other placements need to affect it for further inquiry. Taeyong’s venus is in gemini, and your venus is in libra. Gemini is trine to libra, this is a positive aspect, and they both are air signs so you have similar ideals/values in friends and partner, and you may understand each other easier on a telepathic way cuz having the same element puts you two to be on the same wavelengths. Now here Taeyong has his mars in virgo~ Your virgo sun and virgo mercury is very appealed by his virgo mars, cuz its a conjunction when there are same signs in placements) so Taeyong will be organized and dilligent in his interests and goals and this appeals to you becuz your virgo sun, you are organized, systematic, and neat. Also, your gemini mars is conjunct to his gemini venus, and since you have the same sign, your gemini mars may prompt you to be curious and be fluid in communication, and you feel attracted to his gemini venus’ intellectual attitude and his deep ideals of a partner(Taeyong wants someone who he can connect with and talk with, casually yet heartbeatingly). This is evident in his gemini venus as these natives value communication over other stuff and want a partner to talk and relate with that they won’t feel bored with. Overall, I won’t do sat and jupiter cuz this will be longg and I do understand at the surface level of the charts it may be hard to see the connection and attraction, but from wut I can see, I can see why you relate to him very well~
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grapehyunshair · 5 years
Strawberries and cigarretes || Lee Donghyuck
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A/N: photos are not mine, non idol!au inspired by a troye sivan song, probably kinda bad cuz i was in a rush but i couldnt get this idea out of my mind all day so here it is enjoy xx
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Remember when we first met?
You said, "Light my cigarette"
So I lied to my mum and dad I jumped the fence and I ran
But we couldn't go very far
Cause you locked your keys in your car
So you sat and stared at my lips
And I could already feel your kiss
You met Donghyuck, or Haechan as he preferred to be called, on a Tuesday morning in school. You knew of him and of the things he did and sometimes you talked to him in class, but you didn't really know who he really was. You didn't really have to know much about him to understand the kid was trouble, from his black leather jacket to the million broken hearts he was responsible for breaking, you were pretty sure you didn't want to associate yourself with him. In fact, you didn't really want to associate yourself with anyone. You were a pretty closed up person and you found making friends pretty difficult so for the most part you found yourself hanging out by yourself at the back of the school. So that's where you were on that Tuesday morning, waiting for the lunch hour to pass while looking at the peaceful, blue sky when you heard footsteps from behind you and and someone plopping down next to you. No one really hung around the back of the school so you got startled at the sudden arrival and you turned to see who the person was, when you saw Haechan sheepishly grinning at you while mumbling "Sorry, I just needed a breather I hope that's okay with you."
You nodded quickly, too intimidated to actually say anything and faced the front again. None of you actually tried to break the silence that existed between you, both of you too consumed in your own thoughts and busy enjoying the peaceful environment. That was until Haechan spoke up, nudging you softly with his elbow making you turn and look at him once again.
"Hey Y/N, can you maybe light my cigarette?" He asked softly, taking you by surprise both at the request and at the sudden realization that Haechan was breathtaking. You of course, knew that Haechan was one of the most handsome guys in school, the number of girls swooning over him being the receipt, but you never had the chance to admire his face from up close. And with the way the light fell on his face, you could finally understand why he had all those girls following him all those school years. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said chuckling.
"What? Oh right, sorry. U-um I don't actually smoke so..." You trailed off, looking at him apologetically, "You know, you should stop smoking though, it's bad for your health and totally gross." You said, furrowing your brows and snatching the cigarette Haechan had just placed between his lips, away from him.
"Oh? And who are you to tell me what to do?" He said, smirking, one of his eyebrows raised like he was questioning you. You scoffed and turned away from him again, blushing before mumbling, "I'm just stating facts." You could hear him chuckling from beside you before he suddenly said, "This place sucks want to get out of here?"
"You mean as in skip school?" You asked shocked. "No way, first of all my parents will kill me and second of all I barely know you, why would I want to skip school with you?" You raised your eyebrow while crossing your hands over your chest. "For all I know, you could be a killer."
"Oh c'mon Y/N. We've known each other since elementary, I'm pretty sure you'd known if I was a serial killer. Plus you're a teenager dude, live your life a little."
"Correction, I really don't know who you are besides all the rumors who may or may not be true and I won't be able to live my life if my parents find out and murder me." You saw Haechan falter a bit at your words, like what you said hurt him a little, before regaining his posture and playfully pouting at you, "C'mon pleaaase. I promise they won't find out a thing." He said and you don't know what came over you but you muttered a soft "fine" and that's how you found yourself jumping over the school fence with Haechan on a Tuesday morning and run the streets until you both got out of breath, so you stopped and opted for sitting at a nearby park.
"Sorry, I locked my keys in my car so I walked today." He muttered apologetically, while walking next to you.
"Don't worry, it's okay, I walk to school everyday so it's not a big deal." You shrugged and turned around to take a look at his face, only to realize that he was already staring at you with a look in his eyes you couldn't really understand. You blushed at the sudden proximity, before you started running and shouted "Hey whoever reaches the benches last, buys the other one ice cream." Haechan laughed and quickly followed you, purposely losing and buying you ice cream, before you both sat down and started talking like you were friends forever. So that's how, you spend your Tuesday in the park, having the best time you've had in a while, getting to know aspects of Haechan you didn't know existed. And when your parents asked you later in the evening how school was, you looked them in the eyes and smiled, lying to them by saying it went great.
Long nights, daydreams
Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Headlights on me
Racing to 60, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like
Blue eyes, black jeans
Lighters and candy, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
After that day, you two found yourselves reaching for the other's company more often each day. Haechan felt like he could be his real self with you and he really enjoyed hanging out with someone who he knew wouldn't judge him based on what the others said. You also found yourself enjoying his company, the once assumptions you had of him, thrown out of the window from the first day you started hanging out with him and you were really thankful that someone actually took time out of their day to hang out with you. At first, your friendship was restricted at the back yard of the school, were you both sat next to each other, many times not really talking yet enjoying the endearing silence, while other times none of you could stop talking. After a few months though, Haechan found himself calling you at any time of the day, just to hang out with you, whether that was stopping by your house, or taking you out for night drives. The later normally happened when he had a lot in his mind and he just wanted to see you. And soon, that became a part of your day. He became a part of your day. He would pick you up to go to school and drive you back because he didn't want you to walk on your own and after a few hours he would probably call you up to go on a night adventure. On a cold winter night, while you were sleeping you suddenly heard your phone go off. Alarmed at the sudden noise, you shot up and reached for you phone picking it up, not bothering to look at the caller's ID, already knowing who it was.
"Hyuck?" You said, calling him by a nickname only you were allowed to call him, "Are you okay? It's like 3 am." You said, a yawn escaping your lips.
It was silent for a while before he answered. You could hear his ragged breath through the phone, making your eyebrows furrow and your heartbeat increase. "Can we please go for a drive?" You heard a whisper, making your heart break a little. He wasn't okay.
"I'll be down in 5." You said, "Arrive safely yeah?" You heard a small yes and then he hung up.
You sighed and plopped down into your mattress again. To say Donghyuck had now a firm place in your heart now, would be an understatement. You loved him and not only in a friendly way. Somewhere along the laughs, the hugs, his jokes and his stories you had developed a stupid crush on him and your heart broke at the realization he would never love you the same you loved him. However, you promised yourself you wouldn't tell him anything, too afraid of losing what you had, even if it wasn't what your heart wanted the most. That's why, you wore a pair of sneakers and sneaked out of the door quietly, running to his car and slipping in before he drove away. At first it was quite, but that was until you reached for his hand with your own and he stopped the car near a cliff turning around and looking you with glossy eyes.
"Why am I never enough?" He said, voice breaking and you resisted the urge to reach out and hug him, chosing to listen to him instead. "It's like, whatever I do, my parents don't really care you know? Even after all this time, after all those things I've done to gain their attention they still won't acknowledge me. I-I have no idea what to do goddamit. They only care for their money, like it's the only thing in the world. They're so caught up in their jobs that they can't even see their marriage is failing. They can't even see what a failure of a son they have." He said, raising his voice and he hit his hand on the wheel, startling you.
You knew of his family problems, from brief mentions in the past, but you didn't know it affected him so much. Suddenly it all clicked. Now you understood, why Lee Donghyuck was the person he was, why he never let anyone else know the real him, why he caused problems. He was just a kid, wanting to get love and attention. You cupped his face with your hand, your fingers wiping the stray tears that escaped his eyes and he tilted his face to the touch of your palm sighing in content at the feeling.
"You're not a failure. You're one of the most interesting people I know. The smartest. And if your parents can't realise that then it's not your fault. You're an amazing person Hyuck. It's not fair to you to hide behind a mask. I know who you can be and who you are. And I'm proud of you for pulling through all this time. It's time to prove to yourself, who you are too." You said, voice barely a whisper while Donghyuck's hand found it's way towards your own free hand and held it like his life depended on it. And before you could even mutter another word, he reached out and gave you a bone crushing hug, mumbling a soft thank you before kissing your temple. You sighed at the familiar scent of cigarettes and strawberry gum, his favourite flavor, before sneaking your hands around his waist to hold him closer. And you stayed like that for what it seemed hours, comforting one another.
That night you went home and cried until you fell asleep, because what you felt for him was so strong yet so stupid because you knew he would never feel the same way.
Remember when you taught me fate?
Said it'd all be worth the wait
Like that night in the back of the cab
When your fingers walked in my hand
Next day, nothin' on my phone
But I can still smell you on my clothes
Always hoping that things would change
But we went right back to your games
"Do you believe in fate?" Donghyuck had asked you one night where you both laid in the park, your head on his chest while he played with your hair, while you were gazing at the stars. Over the span of your friendship, Donghyuck had in fact fallen in love with you as well, but he was too scared to act on it, both from the trauma of his parents broken marriage and from the fact that he could lose you. That didn't stop him from doing anything he could to feel as close to you as he could in that way, confusing both you and him at the progress.
"Hm?" You said, looking up at him, only to see him looking at the stars above you. You took the time to admire his face and the way his features were painted silver by the light of the moonlight and there was nothing you wanted more in that moment than to softly kiss his lips. But you knew you couldn't so you just looked at him, grateful for the fact that you could at least share those moments with him.
"I don't know, fate, soulmates, do you believe in all of that?" He said, taking his eyes off the night sky to admire your face and the way your big eyes looked at him.
"I mean, it'd be pretty cute if that was true. Imagine having a person made to be with you. Your person. Like the universe came together, just to find two people that were made for eachother. That shit's romantic." You chuckled and raised your eyebrows and him. He grinned and caressed your face with his hand, making your heart almost leave your chest and you prayed he couldn't feel how hard it was beating.
"I should get you home." He whispered, still looking at you, his fingers brushing against your lips, "It's getting late."
That night, he had forgotten his keys again. So you took a cab back to your house together, him not wanting to leave you alone until you were safe inside your house. His hand never left yours the whole ride, his fingers walking in your hand, while you rested your head on his shoulder, listening to him humming a sweet melody. That night, before he left you to go to his house, Donghyuck couldn't resist you anymore. That night, he kissed you for the first time, in your doorstep, hands softly holding your waist as if he was afraid he'd break you. That night you slept in bliss, hoping that finally things would change, that he actually felt the same about you, while he went home mortified at the thought that he would ruin something as pure as you. That's why the rest of the days, he did anything in his power to avoid you. He stopped picking you up, stopped picking up your calls, stopped hanging out with you. He'd see you at the halls and would change direction, breaking your already broken heart even more in the process and making you wonder if all this was just a game to him.
And even if I run away
Give my heart a holiday
Still, strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
You always leave me wanting more
I can't shake my hunger for
Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Yeah, they always taste like you
Long nights, daydreams
With that sugar and smoke rings
Always taste like you
Running away from you and his feelings had to be the most stupid thing Haechan had done so far and he had done a lot of stupid things. He was aware of that yet he didn't know how to fix what he broke. Ever since he stopped talking to you, he wasn't able to eat, he wasn't in the mood to do anything and he had pretty much returned to the person he was before he met you, which he absolutely hated. Most importantly he missed you like crazy, he missed your laugh, he missed the way your face scrunched when you were confused, he missed listening to you talk, he missed the way you cared for him. The quick holiday his heart had taken away from you made him realise the one thing he already knew but was too afraid to admit. He was hopelessly and utterly in love with you. He wanted to be your person, the person you share your happiness and your struggles with, the person that you feel closer to you than anyone.
You weren't much better actually. That week without Hyuck was probably the worst of your life. He had made himself such a constant in your life, that you still waited for him to call you up in the middle of the night to drive you places, resulting you in not sleeping for the past week. You couldn't do anything other than sleep to ease the pain, seeing as literally anything else reminded you of him and your heart couldn't take it. The worst thing was that you literally felt played and humiliated. How could he get so close to you only to toy you like that? How could he show you this side of him and then play you like he played all those other girls? All those thoughts were occupying your brain, yet you still felt the same way about him. You still loved him and that upset you more than anything.
On a Saturday night, you were moping around the house, watching a sad movie and eating ice cream when you heard the doorbell. You looked at the time confused, seeing as you weren't expecting anyone but nonetheless you still went ahead and opened the door. And the minute you opened it, you wished you had just pretended to be asleep because there in front of you stood Donghyuck, his hair disseveled like he'd run his hands through it too many times, dark circles decorating his beautiful eyes and a regretful look on his face. You tried to close the door but he stuck his foot in the house, blocking you from closing it before he entered the house and threw his hands around you, engulfing you in a desperate hug. You stood there frozen, not knowing what to do, wanting to hug him back but knowing you shouldn't. He took you out of your dilemma by pulling away and taking your face between his hands making you look at him.
"Can we please talk?" He said softly, his eyes searching your whole face. You unfroze from your position and took a step back, your hands crossing in front of your chest defensively.
"I don't think we have anything to talk about. You've already made it clear Haechan. It was your game. You've won, you got everything you wanted." You said, your voice breaking, making him know how upset you were. You saw the hurt in his face, when you called him by the name everyone else called him, like you didn't know him.
"Please Y/N. I swear what you believe is not the truth." He said desperately, taking a step towards you while you took one back.
"Oh and what do I believe then? Tell me Haechan, what do I believe? You kissed me, you asshole, you made me fall for you and then what? You ignored me? Like we never meant anything to eachother?" You said, your voice accidentally raising, while tears you didn't know had found home in your eyes fell down your cheeks.
"I got scared okay?" He said, throwing his hands in the air, "I've never felt this way about someone Y/N and I got scared. God, I'm stupid, I know that but I'm also utterly in love with you and that mortifies me."
"Y-wait what?" You whispered, looking at his face and saw that his eyes were as well glossy with tears. "You do what?"
"I. Love. You" He said and took a step towards you, reaching out and taking your hand in his, putting it on his heart. "Feel this? You're doing this to me. And I- I didn't know how to handle it. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I felt that if I was with you, I'd ruin you somehow. But at the same time, I just can't get enough of you. And I don't know when you took my heart and made it yours, but as much as I know that I'm bad for you, I can't stay away from you. I-" You cut him off by placing your lips on his, softly while your hand found a place in his hair softly tugging it. He froze at first, but soon deepened the kiss, resting his hands on your sides, lips softly moulding together with yours.
You pulled away and looked at him before slapping his head playfully. "You idiot, stop making choices for me. I love you and I can't imagine a better person for me than you. I love you so much." You grinned, happy tears falling from your eyes before he wiped them and kissed you again.
"I love you so much. I'm sorry I'm such an idiot and I'm sorry it took so long." He said and smiled sheepishly with the same smile he had when you first met him when he joined you at the backyard. "Can we go cuddle and make up for the lost time now?" He pouted and you laughed while hugging him.
"Sure, come on."
And that's how you spent the whole night, wrapped up in each others embrace, talking and laughing, happy to finally belong to one another.
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Scaredy Cat. (Badboy!SigurdxReader)
Bet you weren't expecting this, huh.
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Requested: 26. "All due respect, but that's a bunch of crap." From the prompt list.
A/N: Badboy!Klaus was quite popular so why not try this? 🤷‍♀️idk how to write proper bad boys so spare me I'm trying 😂 this is also a bit of an idol AU? 😂 you can call me artist; you can call me idol sorry I'm actually loving the BTS comeback even though a lot of people don't...aannd that's not the right place to discuss this I'll shut up. Moving on.
Genre: Fluff.
(Second Person Point of View)
Being friends with an idol had its pros and cons. On one hand, it led to you being friends with all his group mates, and it also scored you dates with other idols. On the other hand, you barely get to even see your friend; it's always video calls, and even those aren't as often as you'd like. But what can you do? As long as he's following his dream, you're happy for him.
Sometimes, however, you wish you could just have him around whenever you need him. He's always very caring towards you, but he can't help it that he's busy. So, sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with your own problems yourself. Or do you?
Pacing around the living room, you contemplate calling Serge. If he was sleeping, you really didn't wanna disturb the tiny bit of sleep he gets. What if he was busy doing something else? He usually calls when he's free anyway..
"It's okay; I'll be fine." You whisper to yourself reassuringly, even though your voice came out filled with uncertainty. As you approach the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, you flick on as much light switches as possible. There ain't no demon attacking you tonight, nope.
You down the refreshing glass of water. "There. That's not so bad. I can do thi-" your sentence was cut off by your own squeal. What was that noise?
You hesitantly inch closer to your open kitchen window. As you were scolding yourself for leaving that window open, you peek into the back yard of your house. There it was. The source of the noise.
You could see the bushes shaking violently, indicating something or someone was in there. Trembling hands reach to quietly shut the window and blinds, as you tip toe away from the window. Maybe it was the fact that you were home alone getting the best of you, but you were terrified to the core. Someone might be lurking around in your backyard, and that would explain the odd noises you'd been hearing for the past hour or so.
You rush back into the living room. What in the world were you supposed to do?
Call your parents? They're thousands of miles away; they can't particularly help.
Call the police? Okay, you're not actually sure someone is out there, and you don't wanna just call for nothing..
The only person left to call was Serge..
You promised yourself that you'd call one time; if he doesn't pick up, you have to try to ignore the noises.
Please, for the love of everything good, pick u-
"Hello?" A voice deeper and more calm than Serge's booms through the phone.
You frown. "Um, isn't that Serge's phone?"
"Yes, darling, but Serge is shooting for his up coming drama right now, so he can't respond to the phone he forgot at the dorms." Darling? Oh, it's him. "Figured you might need some company, though, so I replied." You could almost see him smirk.
Now, when you say you're friends with the group Serge belongs to, well, there's an exception, and that's the one and only Sigurd Curtis. Fans love him for his 'mysterious charms', but all you could see is an irritating jerk. And now was really not the time for him.
"So? What did you call for?" His question reminds you that you hadn't replied to him earlier.
You sigh. "I called for Serge, but he's not here, so I'm hanging up."
"Oh, come on, am I not good enou-" you hang up before hearing the rest of his teasing and whining.
You couldn't really understand him much. He was generally quiet, but somehow, when it comes to you, he becomes the most talkative person on the planet. Which would've been fine if he didn't use all his power to tease you and flirt with you for no reason.
Well, there's no other choice but to deal with the unreasonable fear yourself.
"This is not working." You huff, unable to stop thinking someone might break in. Your house didn't have a single light bulb turned off, which was probably going to be a pain when your parents receive the electricity bill, but you didn't have any plans of turning any of them off for now.
You stare at your phone, as if silently willing it to start ringing and showing Serge's picture. Of course, that didn't happen even after you stared for a full minute.
"Should I try calling again?" You sigh.
You took your heart thumping in fear as a yes. You prayed with all your power the idiot would respond, but once again, you were greeted with the flirtatious tone you feared hearing.
"Missed me already?"
A loud groan sounds across the empty room. "When is Serge coming back?"
"I don't know, cupcake." Knowing he specifically uses this to make you uncomfortable, you try your best not to cringe. "I've just been informed you're home alone. Is that why you want Serge? You're scared?"
Your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Usually..when my parents go on trips for work, Serge spends his time talking to me to get my mind off of the fact that I'm home alone." You admit sheepishly. "Sometimes he even sings me to sleep." You add in a quieter voice, part of you hoping he didn't hear it. You didn't even know why you were telling him this; maybe sleep-deprived you was extra friendly and liked over sharing.
"Oh." A pause was followed by a confident statement, "I could do that!"
"W-what?" However, there was no response. "He hung up? What in the world is wrong with that guy?!"
No longer than 2 minutes later, you were jumpscared by the doorbell. You silently approach the door, unsure who would be at the door. Of course, there was a face that popped into your head, but you somehow still couldn't be sure if it was really him.
"Sigurd?" You eye the taller male. His hair was freshly dyed black; he was even given an undercut while the hair on the top of his head was styled in a messy quiff. His attire was black as usual. Of course, as an idol, he had to switch colours, but when he got to wear what he wants, he'd almost always dress in black, to add to his 'mysterious' aura- you assume. He wore a black tank top with random scribbles on the front, matched with black skinny jeans that had some chains hanging from them; you never really understood that odd choice of clothing, but you didn't question it. What you did question, however, was the choker he wore.
"Sharing closets with your dog or something?" You point at the strange accessory. It was adorned with spikes and a few silver chains intertwining with each other; the best way to describe it was that it looked like a dog's collar.
"Ha ha very funny. It's called fashion, pancake, you wouldn't understand." Wearing a sympathetic smile, he pats your shoulder, allowing himself inside.
"Are you hungry or something? Wasn't it cupcake at first? Now it's pancake? What's with that?" You roll your eyes. Nice sleep-deprived you was nowhere to be seen, apparently.
He glances at your chest before looking back into your eyes and giving an innocent smile. "Nothing." He walks further into the house, not waiting for a reaction from you.
"You little-" you bite back an insult, knowing he just enjoys pushing your buttons. You had to stay calm. "Why are you here? I didn't even invite you. Plus don't you have work or something?!"
"You implicitly invited me." He points out, "And, no, we're on a break, remember?"
A sudden knocking noise makes you jump before you could even respond to the dork that made himself comfortable on your couch.
He stares at you with a raised eyebrow, "that was a branch hitting the window.."
"I knew that." His intense stare doesn't waver. "Okay, fine. It scared me..a little! I'm scared of being home alone, and there's a person lurking outside the house and-"
"There's a person lurking outside the house?!" He hops off the couch, his expression -for once- not smug or playful but concerned. It somehow made your heart skip a few beats. Surely, you were overreacting, though; there's no way he just looked attractive because he seemed concerned. There's no way you suddenly noticed how well black contrasts his skin tone, making it suit him beautifully. Nope.
"Well, I'm not very sure it's a person.." you explain shyly, "I just heard some noises and saw the bushes moving.."
"Man, you freaked me out for nothing." He runs a hand through his visibly soft hair. "Where was it you saw the bushes move?"
"Okay, stay here and keep the door locked; I'll take a look outside to ensure nobody's out there." He instructs, after you show him to the back door.
"Sigurd, you don't need to do this. What if someone dangerous was out there?" You attempt to reason with him.
He chuckles, "you worried about me, cupcake?"
You pretend to gag. "You might as well find yourself a ride home cuz I'm not gonna be opening that door again."
After a few moments, you hear Sigurd call out for you, claiming you should come out. He has teamed up with the serial killer outside and plans to trick you into getting murdered?
"Oh my god stop panicking; just come out! It's a puppy for God's sake!" He shouts, even though he really couldn't see you or your desire to ignore his request to leave the safety of your house.
"Fine!" You shout back, as you reluctantly pull open the door. The view beyond the door certainly made you glad you complied with his request, though.
Sigurd was crouching on the grass rubbing a small Pit bull's belly. It wiggled its tail happily, as he continued to shower it with affection. You almost let out a small awwhh. You almost forgot that this was the same guy you threatened to not let back into your house.
"I think that's my neighbour's puppy." You muse, as you approach Sigurd and the pit bull. You check the red, spike-filled collar. "Look. It's matching with you." You tease.
"Hey! How many times do I have to explain-"
You cut him off to add in a mocking tone, "it's fashion!!"
He merely glares, to which you laugh. It was your turn to tease him for once. "Anyway, we need to take it back to its owner." You state.
"Can't we keep it for a bit longer, please?" He pouts, catching you off guard.
"U-uh, um, we can't!" You begin to object, but all you could think of was how cute that was. Looking at this guy, with at least 2 sets of ear piercings and a hair cut to display a rebellious aura, just sit there pouting at you because you told him to take the puppy back to its owner- it was so strange yet so adorable.
You do your best to ignore the red adorning your cheeks, as you stand your point and demand he takes it back.
"No fun." He grumbles, as he lifts the puppy and holds it to his chest. "Fine; where's the house? At least come with." He gets off the ground. That's when you first notice some minor details of his tank top. The sides were sort of see-through, allowing you glimpses of his toned body underneath.
"Whatchu starin' at?" Your eyes meet with the smug male's. His smirk just never left his lips, as he continuously wiggles his eyebrows at you.
"Nothing!" You push past him, giving yourself a way to hide your burning cheeks. "That's the house; just follow me." You announce, mainly to change the topic.
After doing your duty as a noble neighbour and returning the puppy to its owner, you head back to your house, Sigurd following behind- obviously.
"I'm so tired." You yawn.
The dark haired male gives an excited grin. "Time to sing you to sleep!" He claps happily. Mysterious charms they say. That guy is the biggest dork you've ever seen. You are friends with Serge, though, so maybe second biggest dork.
"You really don't have to-"
He cuts you off, "All due respect, but that's a bunch of crap. I want to do it, and you want me to do it too." Well, he wasn't wrong. Sigurd's voice is really unique; it's one you really enjoy listening to. This would pretty much be like a private show..how can you say no?
"Well, get comfortable cuz I'm not gonna strain my precious vocals just for you to not fall asleep." He informs, earning an eye roll from you.
Once you place yourself in relaxing position and pull the covers up to your chest, Sigurd begins singing quietly and soothingly. His voice was so calming and gentle, urging you to throw away your worries and let the sweet melody carry you to the land of dreams. Which you inevitably did. Your eyelids had already gotten too heavy for you to keep them open; therefore, it took no time for you to drift into deep sleep.
An annoyingly loud ringtone disturbs your comfortable sleep, and you force your eyes open.
You hear a groan coming from the edge of the bed, almost giving you a heart attack before you remember last night's events.
"Hello?" Sigurd grumbles into his phone. As it was a video call, you could see the caller- Serge.
"Sigurd, wher- wait a minute; is that (Y/N)?! Why are you in bed with (Y/N)?? (Y/N), why are you in bed with your least favourite member of the group??" Serge cuts off his own speech to begin yelling about the situation he misunderstood.
"Wait; what do you mean least favourite member?? Why am I your least favourite?! Who's your bias then??" Sigurd complains. What made it funnier and cuter was the fact that you could tell he was genuinely offended by him not being your bias.
"Guy." You confess, "or Joel."
"I spent the night here and sang you to bed; don't I at least get an upgrade??" He whines.
"Hey, why am I not your bias?" Serge joins in, also visibly offended.
"You're my friend. it's weird to have you as a bias." You defend.
"Joel and Guy are your friends too!" Serge just isn't having it, clearly.
"Oh my god, Serge, just let it go, please?" You plead. It was too early in the morning for this.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We'll discuss this later." He states. "Anyway, Sigurd, where did you leave my phone? I don't wanna keep using Guy's! Well, not that he would let me, but yeah."
"Your pho- oh." Sigurd's confused expression switches to an embarrassed one. "I might've taken it with me?" He pulls a second phone from his pocket.
"Sigurd, I've been calling since morning! You better bring it back right now! I can't believe you-" Sigurd cuts off Serge's rant by hanging up. "Well, I guess I have to go. Man, I'll never hear the end of it!" He groans, to which you giggle lightly. "I mean it is your fault for taking his phone." You point out.
"I was comforting you!" He defends. He looked so hurt you didn't appreciate his 'efforts', which made you want to pinch his cheeks or something. His hair had gotten messier, somehow making him even more attractive, yet you wanted to pinch his cheeks. Well, in your defense, he was acting like a child.
"Anyway, I'm gonna get going now." He pushes himself off the bed. "If you ever need someone to spend the night again, always call me." He winks. "You're an idiot." You shake your head.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)." He smiles. (Y/N). This was the first time he calls you with your real name ever since you met.
"You just called me (Y/N)." You grin victoriously.
"No, I didn't, cupcake." He yells, disappearing into the hallway. You throw your head back in frustration. He just won't stop being his annoying self, huh? Sadly, you felt yourself liking it and waiting for another meeting with him.
"I'm getting bias wrecked, aren't I?" You sigh.
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ongnable · 6 years
Okay I think I need your help! I started following Wanna One few weeks ago and I don't know what to watch to know them better! (I discovered them after being forced by my friend to watch Master Key 😂) so yeah I went around YouTube but if you can direct me to "worthy" content I'll be glad! ((especially with Ong cause it was kinda love at first sight 💕)) thanks and love your blog ✨✨✨
Ong being loved is honestly such a mood
I’ll put everything in order so it’s easy to go through, and list mainly the OT11 stuff + links to eng sub! ^^
Burn It Up
Beautiful (Movie ver.)this is not the full version which is almost 15 minutes long (and i’m still salty about the unequal screen-time); to fully understand the story - watch the ’prologue’ too!
Beautiful (Perf. ver.)
I Promise You (I.P.U.)a personal favourite; it’s honestly such a blessing for soft stans!
Shows (2017-8)
Broduce –is definitely more than ‘worthy’ since we not only got to meet W1 in their pre-debut states, but also a bunch of talented boys/men. I think that the main reason our ‘core’ fandom is so strongly bound is mainly because of PD101 and how well you get to know them since it’s filmed over such a long period. you can only fall deeper in love, and appreciate their hard work more and more each time you (re-)watch broduce~
Mnet Present –this was kind of an ‘intro to W1′ type of thing from Mnet before unveiling Energetic, but it’s kinda precious how you can tell that the boys were still a little awkward with some of the others they didn’t perform with during broduce and how being in W1 still hasn’t really hit them since it was filmed before they started promotions. not a must-watch but it’s lovely to look back on.
Wanna One Go S1 –season 1 only has 2 episodes, but it quenched the thirst for content before they’re debut! XD if you’ve seen the legendary ongniel date gifs, this is where it’s from!! the boys were paired with their ‘main ships’ from back in Broduce. This is also where we were first introduced to the legend that is Sungwoon’s grandpa!
Return of Superman! 194-195 –not OT11, but i love boys that play well with kids, so it can’t be helped XD be prepared to melt into a puddle of goo watching the kids play with mom-Jisung, the uncles, and big bro-Jihoonie~
Weekly Idol 315-316 –gave birth a myriad of inside jokes (including the X-thigh dance which brought out all the Nu’est W x W1 broduce feels). Daehwi also cemented his status as a girl group dance machine whilst the boys were just their normal meme-worthy selves
Happy Together (510-512) (521-522) (531-?)–this wasn’t OT11, but there are sooo many moments from HT (Minhyun’s text-hwang status and Ongniel making headlines for their ‘couple drama’? yaaaas)
Wanna City –Mnet knows that variety shows are very much where W1 belong, so of course between Wanna One Go S1 and S2 we get a lil something special XD Hyung vs. Maknae line interactions are always hilarious, and Ong’s losing streak from Master Key basically begun here X’D If there’s one cut to watch from this it’s ‘Annyeong Cleopatra’! 
Wanna One Go S2 –the one true mecca of W1-variety. the ‘must-watch’! if theres one thing on the list to watch it’s W1 Go S2!! Most of the gifs/moment videos you’ll see floating around will be from this~
Amigo TV –just the boys being their normal memey-selves with a lot of food involved!! (Dan was busy with It’s Dangerous Outside of the Blankets while this was filmed - which is also a must-watch for soft-Dan)
Outrageous Roommates –only ongnielhwan, but since you like Ong I’m rec-ing this!!!! Justice League team interactions are my fav and when you put the ultimate comedic trio of W1 together with other hilarious people (aka. Yook joongwan from Rose Motel); it’s just a great ‘feel good’ show to watch after a long day!
Other OT11 shows:I Can See Your Voice (OT11) // SNL (personally not a fan of SNL, i just get loads of second-hand embarrassment from their skits >
A few other recent shows with Ong:K-RUSH // Radio Star // Hello Counselor
Comeback-shows (+ debut)
1x1=1 (To Be One) Premier Showcon –a legendary debut showcase~ they debuted in Gocheok Sky Dome which is a first! they made history just by debuting
1-1=0 (Nothing Without You) Comeback Show –basically we watch the boys eat at the beginning, do a hidden camera and then we appreciate all the hard work they put into filming Beautiful even though so many of them got so little screen-time T^T
0+1=1 (I Promise You) Comeback Show –another bts of m/v filming as all comeback shows require~ W1 also prepared an event for fans (even tho Ong was Mc-ing and unable to attend the same time as others); which was super super sweet. Also- Wanna One karaoke + more Sungwoon’s adorable grandpa! XD
Other Performances
A Summer Story x Nayanahonestly speaking I’m not the biggest fan of this mix, but it’s OT11 and they looked really cute and the summery outfits suited them well since it was reminiscent of their 1x1 album Pink ver. outfits ~
Jaehwan’s Immortal Song Perfs (20170930) (20171118) –I have a weak spot for rocker!Jaehwan so I personally like the November perf more, but Mnet likes promoting ballad!Jaehwan >
“Comes And Goes” - Terius (aka. Hwang Minhyun) –woop, the mask fooled no one, naver blew up as soon as this ep (and the ep before) aired cuz everyone knew if was Minhyun X’D it’s even funnier because Daniel was on the panel!
La Dolce Vita –is a recent cover they did on Sugarman 2, and to me it is definitely worth watching if for nothing but them saying ‘señorita’
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charmspoint · 3 years
I know you said they don't have a concrete story yet, but would you be ok with telling us more about Zan and Ghost? They seem really interesting
Anon you don't know what you unleashed its like past 1am here but I could talk about them forever.
This is gonna be under the cut because nobody has to be subjected to this.
General quick point: Both of these started off as bnha oc's but then reached that point where I was like 'yeah, I want them in their own story' so rn their powers are just powers with no wider context since I aint got that story
I'm gonna start with Zan cuz he's older by creation and my fav oc atm. For him we have TW's of child abuse and neglect, familial death, trauma, drug abuse, depression and anxiety, though I'll be running through this points as quickly and non graphically as I can cuz...I'm not gonna make you read my thesis so it should be fine.
His full legal name is Kazuya Moriyama but he goes by Zan Mori, he's 24. Zan was created to be two things 1. Character design with a fully body tattoo 2. Someone to use a power I came up with but didn't match with a character yet.
Here's that power, yes I have a copy paste off it:
Nightmare fuel is a power that terrorizes everyone, including its user. Zan’s sweat contains a special kind of chemical that when smelled causes mild to severe hallucinations, paranoia and other fear responses by interacting with victims brain chemistry. However, this chemical is only contained in sweat that he produces as a result of fear so, for example if he goes running in the gym, nothing bad will happen. The strength of the power depends on how much Zan himself is afraid and how much sweat he is producing. A weak dose will only result in sense of unease, a feeling of being watched, escalating through general paranoia, with its worst manifestation being complete loss of touch with reality and intense hallucinations. It's odorless and since it’s a chemical can be stored for later use. The last stages of it are very hard to reach because they require for Zan to be at similar levels of severe distress. It affects him as well, often resulting in endless loop of him being afraid, activating his power because of his fear, the power causing more intense fear and so on.
So here is where we start to build.
Zan's backstory hinges on him developing this power very early on in his life, as a result of mutation that his parents were not ready for. Kids get scared of things, a lot, especially when their own power feeds back into that fear. His family quickly spiraled from it, going from trying to figure out how to help him to neglecting him to dying very bloodily in front of him as a result of the constant psychological distress. After that he was cycled through different foster and youth homes with pretty similar result before striking it on his own basically as soon as he could.
Zan's main motivation is to find a way to get rid of his power. He hates it, hates what it represents and how it essentially stripped away his ability to connect with anyone. He doesn't control it, he doesn't activate it, it simply happens to him whenever he gets distressed and as someone with deep seated anxiety caused by that very same power, he gets distressed a lot.
He self-medicates. He self medicates a lot. I don't really have the world planned out but it's very much a world where powers are a new thing and the society just doesn't have systems in place to catch people like Zan. So he basically keeps himself high as much as he can, to numb himself out so he doesn't feel anything so he doesn't get scared so his power doesn't get activated.
When I created Zan, I expected him to be a very jaded, angry, abrasive character and in some ways he is. He's very slow to trust and tends to keep away from people. His first instinct is to mock and insult, he dresses like an emo reject, he's absolutely covered in tattoos, he's a dark humored pessimist and just not the kind of person you want to be around for long. He's also probably one of the most empathic characters I have on the roster atm. He's like, a natural big brother. Any kids younger then him, fuck older than him but awkward and unsure, he's instantly adopting. Fuck everything else, his kids now, he'll make them lunch and make sure they get to school. Zan is more so abrasive out of need than out of actual malice or bad attitude. He does want to be close to people he just knows how that always ends so keeping away is a lot safer. He is genuinely very loving and soft when he lets himself be. He's not great about advice but he's a good listener and the type to throw everything on the backburner to come and help a friend out. He is inherently kind, he just doesn't allow himself to be so very often, unless someone damn well takes a chisel and digs it out of him.
Fun fact time:
He's got a knack for painting and idolizes Van Gogh
He's got a cat named Shikei who he picked up after it got run over by a car, it likes only him and wants to see the rest of humanity burn
Here are his established tattoos, yes I have a copy paste for that too:
Full body tattoo in shape of a jungle of thorns crawling over his entire body, save most of his face. The whole piece is done in eerie, cold colors, with a sudden splash of warmer color here and there, the thorns themselves being colored in misty and muted blues and greens. Over his heart, there is a tattoo of a birds nest, but the nest is breaking apart, suffocated by the thorns clustering around it and breaking into it, its branches drenched in blood, the baby birds in it barely even noticeable. Along the length of his spine and over the width of his hips an ornate cross of st. peter is painted, also crumbling, red spider lilies breaking through the frail rock. His shoulder blades are covered in sunflowers, strikingly bright on the cold surface of the thorns and painted in Van Gogh style. There is a chain of daisies lines across his neck and down to his chest, covering an old scar and a tiny ring of roses over his ring finger. On the nape of his neck, two butterflies are pinned by the thorns, appearing to still be alive and in agony as their bodies are pierced. A silver snake slithers through the thorns on his right arm, though its shade helps it blend in with the color of thorns, it’s body a tiny bit coiled, considering should it strike or not. On the back of his left hand there is a tiny leaf bug, trying to hide amidst the bare thorns and on the outer shell of his ear, mostly hidden from view by his head, is a ladybug, wings spread like it is about to fly away. A swarm of blue butterflies paint the silhouette of his lungs across his skin and two koi fishes circle each other endlessly on his hip. In thorns climbing up and down his neck, there are tiny fireflies, just barely bright enough to be seen. Two thin thorn branches separate themselves from the cluster on his neck and climb across his temples, their thorns appearing to be piercing through his skin and letting blood flow.
The tattoo is still in progress.
This was the brief summary.
Ghost! Ghost is a lot newer than Zan, I only made them at the start of this year so they are a lot less detailed but they hit the ground running. Their tw are mostly prostitution and existentialist feelings but I'm not getting into anything in detail.
Their full name is Ghostown Verb and yes they did name themselves that. They are 27 and their power is Forget me not, as I said previously, as soon as they are out of someone's line of sight, to that person it's like they never existed. The memories of meeting them return as soon as they are back in the field of vision but uhh you can see how it would be super easy to lose a child like that.
Ghost grew up on the street in a kind of do whatever you can when you can how you can attitude. Turns out it's really hard to get help from anyone when they can't remember you as soon as they stop looking at you, which includes but is not limited to social workers, well meaning passerby, police, foster homes and landlords. The name and face for the paperwork doesn't exist and people just find themselves grasping at nothing, feeling like they are forgetting something but not knowing what it is. It works in some ways, shoplifting is a lot easier when you're sure that you can just turn a corner and be safe, but it's mostly just a hassle. Ghost is homeless most of the time and when they were old enough for it their career of choice became prostitution simply because it's pretty much the only job where the customer doesn't need to remember you after they're no longer looking at you and it's not like Ghost has to answer to any boss who would have to either.
They had not had a kind life but they are the let and let live type. They don't stress a lot about things and generally take everything in a fly. They are very extroverted, very loud, very friendly. They form friendships fast because they know they'll lose them fast and same goes with love affairs. They live in the moment because for everyone else the moment is the only place where they exist. Loud fashion, loud words, loud actions, provocative and noticeable, they just want to be seen by people, remembered by people, they want the attention on them even though they know it's useless. Much like Zan they also have no control of their power so all they can do is live with it. At least it doesn't bring anyone any direct harm, they are grateful for that much.
But it does leave them displaced, unanchored. They don't have any support system, no family, no long term friends. The system can't even remember them for long enough to decide it isn't equipped to deal with them. They flitter through peoples lives, there one moment and gone the next. The biggest impact they can hope to have is the nagging feeling of having forgotten something.
It's not like they are exactly sad about it, their main mentality is just not to worry about things they can't change. These are the cards they've been dealt with and play those cards they shall. At the very least they are having fun with their life, doing whatever they want with no one remembering them long enough to stop them.
But it's a lonely existence with no viable human connection. That much does get to them.
Fun facts!
They have a tattoo of a forget-me-not on their shoulder, I haven't decided do they have it before the plot whatever it is starts, or do they get it cuz Zan's influence.
They like to make their own clothes when they can, though having a stable enough place to be for a long enough time is rare.
Their biggest fear is that when they die nobody will remember to look for their body :)
That was a brief rundown of these two! If you made it to the end damn congrats I love you
0 notes
Episode 1B - “I'm praying to Yoncé I survive and don't get first boot.”-Jess
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no words.
I'm praying to Yoncé I survive and don't get first foot. That ain't a cute look xoxox
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i'm already forgetting to search for the idols, i'm already getting paranoid about if i need to start making alliances instead of just enjoying the really cute convos i'm having with ruthie lily and kevin (max is kinda dry and annoying but... we'll try to make it work ig).... and i'm already hating every challenge we do especially this one although i actually really liked the challenge it was so creative and fun, i just hated that i have bad luck and am stupid with the deduction things, HENCE why i havent looked for the idol yet. LOL. so.... tl;dr - things are going perfectly! this hufflepuffle is workin exactly as he should!
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I just wanna say we really are the hufflepuffs. 114 moves in like 5 hours, but we did it.  Really proud of Ruthie, Landen, Kevin, Max, and I! Sending positive vibes to slytherin. Hope they are okay in this madness.
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Yo my tribe? Kinda dope. I think that everyone worked really well together today! I think Joanna kinda took the lead and some of her ideas were... a choice. But! It got us first place! I think that this tribe has a good shot of getting to swap unscathed.
With Slytherin going to tribal, I really hope that someone I don’t know goes, but at the same time I’d be okay with Jess going? I feel like she’s such a sleeper threat in most games I’m in with her and I really just don’t want to compete with that this time around.
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I kind of snapped and got myself an idol good until final 6 teehee.
I knew that the Snape's letter or writing or whatever that freak was up to was SOMETHING. Did I get lucky... hell fucking yeah.
A crackhead like me SHOULD NOT have all this POWER.
I also gave Jacob literally the worst clue ever because we are sharing clues ladies xoxoxo
The clue was:
"Snape is taken aback. “That wouldn’t be any business of yours now would it? I wouldn’t want to find out you are spreading false information. I trust you won’t have any issue with that”. Congrats! You’ve discovered Snape Storyline 2! That’s all for the moment, and will end your search for this round."
BOTH ARE HALF TRUE. Just in case he doesn't put 2 and 2 together and now I went from place to place on purpose. He's gonna think now I gave him something of value and I know he's gonna think "No way someone go an idol on day fucking 3".
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CONFESSIONAL 1.1 — Walking into the Great Hall, I saw a few familiar faces... for not good reasons!
First Jacob, who I know from tengaged. He and I were in a similar friend group for a short period before he left it, but we had a rocky relationship. We flirted a bit (blame 16-year-old Nicholas), but that is in the past.
Secondly, Jess... who I just directly sent home in Eve’s The Challenge: Fresh Meat. She did not have great words to say to me (such as I’m condescending), so I was very wary and, honestly, unhappy with her being here.
But, as Kylie Minogue says, it’s better the devil you know.
Flash forward to the Sorting Ceremony, and I’m so happy to be.. Slytherin? I told Mister Vintage (Sammy) and Mister Heinen (Caeleb) that I’m either a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but I suppose I’ve been lying to myself.
Then, I see my tribe: both Jess and Jacob are present. This is a curse wrapped in a blessing wrapped in an enigma. And, I love it.
I hate, hate, hate conflict and bad vibes, so I directly spoke to both. Jacob did not easily recognize me, but remembered me fondly; so, a successful reacquaintance. Jess, on the other hand, was definitely more apprehensive (as was I), but I made one thing clear: the past is the past, and I am declaring my loyalty.
I have been hurt in previous games by shoving the past aside while the other is still grudgingly aiming for revenge, but I feel Jess is different. She apologized to me about her words, which did hurt, and I apologized to her. What I said was honest, so I’m glad to see a fateful blossoming.
The first reward challenge is revealed, and honestly, I’m really bad at participating in pre-merge competitions, because I do not mind tribal. However, I do want to, since we are such a small tribe, focus on maintaining our numbers in case of a swap. We came in second this reward, and honestly, I’m glad to have eaten cupcakes (although I hate cherry). The fact we all chose a dessert and were privately messaged makes me assume someone received an advantage, but who knows...
What I DO know is that I had two separate relationships, so I wanted to lock a trio down (Me, Jess, Jacob), but I obviously did not want to gamebot this early and make the chat day one. So, naturally, i waited until after immunity.
Speaking of immunity... I took charge, because I like it, but also, I wanted to be able to take blame if we lost. I hate the whole “let’s vote someone out cuz they cost us a virtual challenge” this early in the game, it’s a cheap way to vote. I want to vote on loyalty and activity instead. That’s why I am probably going to target Jessie or Vi, but I‘m unsure as to which will be my vote. On one hand, Vi is much less social, but she also contributed a lot to the challenge. I do not want to judge a book by it’s cover, so I will reach out to her and assess her vibe.
I like going to tribal first, because my philosophy is that it’s better to test loyalties now, rather than guess loyalties later.
Regarding other players, Jules and Juls just played in a mini with me and sheeped the majority alliance to screw me over, so I’m not feeling them right now. Bitterness doesn’t exist in my mind: play well and I respect it; sheep and be stupid, and I will gladly dish out the karma. 
I’m satisfied with the happenings of this game so far, and I hope to make it further!! This is one of my first real orgs so, I’m em definitely excited. x. nick
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Yay we won immunity. Raffy do be carrying our tribe though!
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WELL WELL WELL!!!!!!! as far as my relationships go which is where i left off last round, really nothing much has changed about how i feel about or view my tribemates, but in exciting news... we won immunity!! i am not going to be first boot that is so nice, and im hoping that we can keep winning immunity until a swap so I can feel more secure. I think I could stand a shot if we lost on this tribe but i think if so the vote would split 3-2 i dont think i can get a unanimous vote on anyone unless its myself which is NOT WHAT WERE TRYNA DO HERE !! if anything i feel like i have the best chance to wiggle myself in with the girls (lily and ruthie) Max would probably be my ideal first vote if we ever lose an immunity because I know landen can be useful in challenges, but he YET AGAIN addressed me with a name that does not sit well with me he called me a "challengewhore" yet another reference to TS 2020, so this is not a good sign. Ideally I could get landen out and still be set but i know he has a relationship with juls who i also have a relationship with and wish to continue to have in this game, and us going against each other could make that more stressful than it needs to be because i know landen avenged beck for voting juls out maybe juls would do the same for him? Much to think about, but thankfully i dont have to think about it all that hard because yet again we ARE SAFE !!! woo, anyways thats pretty much it hopefully we can keep winning :D
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Ahhhh safety feels so nice, I’m glad that I’m not in danger of being the first boot. Also I love the fact that ravenclaw won the first challenge with so little moves HAHA!
I want to go far in this thing with lily and with kevin, my goal right now is to get to merge and owen be alive so I can work with him!
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I am very happy to have won this immunity challenge. We barely won, but I managed to pull my tribe to a victory. Emphasis on the "I" part. I am very frustrated with my tribe's lack of challenge activeness and ability. If the time did not work for them, then I do not know why they even suggested doing it at 2 PM. This challenge would have gone faster if I had done everything myself. In the end, though, I hope this helps in me staying in the game because I am a necessity if they want to ever win a challenge in first place. I highly doubt that they could do it without me.
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So I’m currently writing this with one hand because my cat decided to lie on my other one  anyways Nobody is really talking about the vote which means it’s probably me going but I’ll see what I can do to change that
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Here's a breakdown of my first few experiences since I am writing this a few hours before the first tribal council.
FIRST I was cast in this game along with a BUNCH of people that are icons across different formats of Tumblr Survivor - so that's intimidating. Mostly because my play style is kinda vanilla in comparison. I gotta find a way to stand out or I'm going to be thrown out fast.
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SECOND There's a twist that will probably have some major effect at some later point in the game where everyone is added to the Great Hall. I think that it's for convenience of posting things like results and challenges so it only has to be sent to one chat... but also so that we can feel THEMATIC which is a lot of fun.
The game started in the Great Hall and we got sorted into our houses and the implication was that it's random but.. I don't think it's entirely true if I can read into what the hosts said to me once I was sorted into Gryffindor (something about running out of room in Hufflepuff) - because I definitely didn't say Gryffindor in my application.
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THIRD My tribe has the following people: Joshua, Juls, Raffy, Autumn, and myself. 
I do not know how many of theme said Gryffindor when they applied but also did not want to bring it up to them as I am masquerading as a brave idiot. :D
Anyway, I started conversations with all of them and they all seem very sweet!!
I've played in a game before with Raffy where he was super snakey but also a great ally until he tried to snake me. So there's that... he's also an "over the top" type of person so he takes charge a lot of the time and voices his opinions about everything. I hope we can create some sort of working relationship in the game, but I think that he will tell me the truth if he does align against me.
Autumn is super chill and super strategic-minded. She puts lots of thought into all of her decisions and makes calls that benefit her getting to the end while trying to align with the right people. If I can't get to the FTC of this game... TBH I want to make sure she gets there. I played with her in one game and we both were tossed out one after another when the game turned on our "side". I don't think that relationship will factor into this game as it was forever ago and we both kinda play "new" every time we start a game but I'm hoping she will want to try and play with me just because I've seen how great she is at the game.
Juls is a very fun person who seems to always be having a great time! I found out she lives in Texas too and that she was excited to get to know me because we are from the same state. I was like.. do I know you? Because when she messaged me the way she did implied that she knew who I was and I was thinking OH NO what have people said.
Joshua seems really sweet. He hasn't added incredibly much to conversations so far with him but he has contributed some fun things. I love that he tries to be entertaining, but as I see it so far he's the first person I'd be willing to vote out if it came to our tribe going to council... though of course, having said that I bet they've all declared me their first choice.
FOURTH The reward challenge was the Letter plus Number challenge so as predicted...
I did terribly and earned 0 points for our tribe and was SO happy it was not for immunity.
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The immunity challenge was a Choose Your Own Adventure Puzzle.
We got a slow start in that I feel like everyone was afraid to make a move because that would put a target on whoever "failed for the team". Then me and Raffy kind of got things rolling with him taking the main leader role and me taking on a secondary role either agreeing with his suggestions or contributing a suggestion for what we should do.
There was a misunderstanding with the competition and we ended up making a whole bunch of extra moves because it was unclear to us that the letters we found at a later part of the challenge were able to be changed into numbers at a lockbox so we did a bunch of extra stuff... and I was resigned to the fact we were going to the first tribal when we go surprised that Slytherin... DID WORSE!!! O_O
Anyway... I still have no alliances or confirmed "working game" relationships and I really don't feel like starting those conversations at the moment so if I am out of the ones established or on the bottom of one that will add me to "pick me up" for later votes then I blame myself for not trying hard enough in that category.
FIFTH I definitely didn't just now search for the idol and waste two days that I could have searched other times. Nope! Not me!! :)
Anyway I went on a trip to Hagrid's Hut because I love me some Hagrid and I figured he'd let me in since I"m a Gryffindor and he loves us the best (you know, like a reverse Snape)... I dug through all of his junk and found his umbrella. Apparently I liked that it was pink and then left his hut. 
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To be honest, I probably should have taken his dragon's egg and turned him in... maybe could have gotten him fired.
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Someone finally got me to come out of retirement- can you believe it
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It's been cute so far and I have no complaints, probably cause the hosts wisely put me, Owen, and Dan in separate corners lmao. Yooo if we all make it to merge?? Hell hath no fury. But we will cross that bridge when we get there! And for now I enjoy the calm before the storm. I deadass forgot how to be an org so I need all the time I can get to socialize and reacclimate. Me checking Skype more than once a year? Don't remember ever doing that. I love Raffy, it's always good to see Chips, I think I like Juls, and I'm not sure how I feel about Joshua but it's fine. I like Gryffindor cause we have no beef and I hope it stays that way.
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ok so my tribe lost :( big sad. but im def ok bc jess is soooo close to me and we made a threesome with nick so. i think jessie is an easy first boot bc shes not around as much as vi. but really its our decision at the end of the day!
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here’s the hot goss.. i’m a little upset i didn’t get anyone i Know on my house/tribe but also grateful HSBSNSNN all i know is that so far i’ve been doing pretty solid in securing relationships with those on my team (at least.. i hope so :flushed:) and i’m hoping they all like me hehe. kinda praying to just mist my way to merge where i can be united with people who like me enough to keep me around still.. >:D 
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Having crushes can be fun but most times they send me into a catastrophic shit storm of anxiety because I can't just let shit be ? Like I had a crush on a guy for damn near 3 years straight as a tack (with some questionable interactions between us but again I over think shit) because he was a really nice cute football player well. I got over him senior year (not counting the more than 30+ other crushes) then like a quarter into senior year I got a crush on a semi close friend and I wanted death. Shit got so bad I actually broke down and cried a little while he was not even a few feet away he thought I was napping lol. Took like 7 months and I got over him finally but then I met a guy on Grindr and at this point I was solely interested in gay guys cuz nothing more emotionally fufilling than someone who actually has the capability of liking you back. But I was being a hoe too so it was a mixed bag. Well I happened to go on a hoe free adventure around town with a certain young man and I was enthralled this dorky sob was so sweet. Skip forward 5 months and we still talk to each other and I miss his stupid face so much it hurts and a very sad realistic part of me has a feeling we will probably move on but right now the concept alone makes me want death and I'm irritated because it's my first actual real not an unrequited crush and I really don't want to give that up yet and every guy I talk to that isn't him doesn't compare in a sense like they all lack that connection I have or want with him. I don't want to idolize him but he's the best non familial not solely platonic friend I've had and it kills me everyday I don't talk to him but he's terrible at responding which I get he's living his life but uguugufuf. Usually I'll message him first and he does too sometimes which I appreciate a lot but I feel bad bothering people about things especially since I do like him and he's said it's not a bother but I still act the way I do and I won't message solely for that reason. But I desperately want to but I rationalize why I shouldn't to put myself off and I want to die
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