#i left to go to the bathroom and came back and i was in a battle with the reaper and iw as just like
erwinsvow · 2 days
we need more moment where shy!reader was studying and practicing new things to show rafe!! ik that girl is so kinky and it’s always the shy girls <33
YESS omg i srsly love that drabble when i reread it im like she was cookin.. i feel like shes the type to try to prep herself with a dildo bc she can never take all of rafe but imagine he found it n was like ?!!?
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really—your boyfriend was too big. it was excessive, and though you could never find the words to tell him to stop or slow down—mostly because you didn't want him to—he always did anyways.
no matter how much you insisted that you could take all of him, rafe didn't like to listen. so you were stuck in a conundrum, and your choices were either lying to your boyfriend that it didn't hurt or accepting the fact that he'll never be as rough with you as you want.
you were willing to sit down and accept a lot of things without a fight—but this was not one of them.
one discreetly wrapped delivery later, you had yourself your very own rafe-sized dildo—a pretty pink color and of such a size that it had your insides churning with anticipation. about half an hour later with the use of some lube and lots of work, you were successfully able to fit about three-fourths. it wasn't perfect, yet, but it was a work in progress.
you didn't want to overdo it and end up insanely sore either, and you were beginning to realize even half was enough to have you cumming over and over again. so much so that you almost forgot about the date you had planned with rafe for that night—scrambling to get up and get ready.
that night, after a nice date and way too much ice cream, you realized you were too fucked out from your afternoon activity to go for another round for rafe. it was no big deal—except it happened the next day. then the day after that. and the one after that.
you had mastered the rafe-sized dildo, and you could take the entire thing after week of practice. but it also meant that it had been a full week without your boyfriend fucking you—something that hadn't happened since you had lost your virginity to him.
a little too clueless around rafe like always, you hadn't realized anything was wrong. rafe was on edge—pent up and unable to keep taking out his frustration on the golf course after almost breaking one of his clubs—but you didn't really notice.
you were waiting for tonight, after another date to show him your new-found skills, but of course, he didn't know that.
getting ready in your bathroom, blasting music and doing your makeup, you don't even hear the door open to your bedroom. rafe came to get you early, knowing you would need more time but way too antsy to wait alone in his car.
he sits on your bed, listening to the muffled music from behind the closed door. he's not impatient with you and hardly ever like this, but the current situation had left him more desperate to see you than usual.
leaning against your headboard, he feels something under your pillow. lifting it to move whatever it was—knowing you, the book you had been reading last night—his jaw clenches when he sees it. a dildo. not just any dildo—a huge dildo. under your pillow like you'd just been using it or something.
the pillow stays in his hand but he has an overwhelming urge to chuck it across the room. was this the reason the two of you hadn't had sex in a week? were you finding pleasure from some stupid toy instead of him?
"rafe?" you ask, stepping out of the bathroom and staring at the scene in front of you with big eyes. you're distractingly pretty everyday but even more so today with a short skirt and done-up face for the date he's not sure if he'll be taking you on.
your face burns with humiliation—stupidly realizing you hadn't put the damn thing away after last night. rafe is looking at you and then looking back at your bed, his fist tight around your pillow.
"um, i-"
"do you wanna explain? i'll give you five fuckin' seconds to explain-"
"no, it's not what it looks like-"
"really, kid? what it looks like is you're fuckin' this stupid thing instead of me. y'know, i'll just fuck off and you can have fun-"
rafe stands, not really angry but still sounding like he is. it's more pent-up frustration bubbling up, but you rush over to him anyways, looking so panicked he feels bad the second he said anything. he can't stay mad at you for longer than a minute.
"it's not what it looks like, i swear-"
"what is it then, huh?"
"i was just practicing! i was just trying to get better for you. see, it's yours." you motion to the toy still on the bed.
"huh?" rafe asks, looking between you and the bed.
"it's you. see. it's like... your size. um-" you get flustered again, shutting up in the fear that you've just said something to rafe that you should have kept to yourself. "i'm.. sorry?"
"no you're not."
"no, but i feel bad. are your feelings hurt? i'm sorry."
when rafe glances back at you, tearing his gaze away from the bright pink that's beginning to hurt his eyes, he realizes how sad you look, thinking you've done something to upset him.
"no, m'fine. just.. tell me next time. it was a jump scare."
"okay.." you stay still infront of him, awkwardly playing with your hands waiting for him to say something. you're a little concerned rafe's still upset, but he doesn't seem to look it, rather looking at you expectedly.
"what?" you question immediately, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"what? get on the bed. you've had enough practice. time for the real thing."
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stylesharrys · 2 days
Y/N’s never been with a man like Harry before. (Blurb)
A/N: I haven’t posted any content on here for a while (but I’m working on it I promise), so here’s a little blurb for you darlings — I’m also opening up requests again so if you have any blurb ideas, feel free to send them in <3
For as long as she could remember, Y/N had always done everything when it came to relationships. The cooking, the cleaning, the date planning — all of it. It was never like that in the beginning, of course. Most men would love-bomb and tell her everything she wanted to hear. She’d never realise until it was too late.
That’s how it always happened.
And yet, she always allowed herself to forget those signs whenever she met someone new. Always told herself that it wasn’t fair to pre-judge anybody and that perhaps that’s just how they were and it wasn’t an act.
It was foolish, really — her way of thinking. Because time and time again, they always proved her wrong, always left her feeling alone and unappreciated until she finally bucked up the courage to call it quits and leave.
She tried to be more weary of it when she met Harry. She found herself mentally scrutinising every word he spoke, every promise he made. She’d lock everything away in a safe in her mind that she’d go back through if he ever slipped up or started showing signs that he wasn’t who he portrayed himself to be when they first met.
But that day didn’t come, it still hadn’t.
In Y/N’s most recent relationship, she’d never been so low. She’d stupidly agreed to move in with James and from there, it went downhill pretty fast. He never cleaned up after himself, ever. His damp towels would be left on the bathroom floor, his empty beer bottles and candy wrappers would be left on the counter instead of in the bin, and the one time he did wash the dishes after dinner, he made a right cock out of it.
Weaponised incompetence was what she remembered her mother calling it. When somebody purposely carries out a task poorly as to not be asked to do it again.
He didn’t cook, had no idea how to use the washing machine and at one point made it blatantly clear that because he worked, he shouldn’t have to come home and do chores around the house after.
That was the cherry on top for her. Because Y/N worked, too. She worked the same kind of hours and still did everything in the home and cleaned up after him day in and day out.
When her and Harry first started dating, she kept her heart close to her chest. She was far too afraid of making the same mistakes as last time, of wasting time and energy into someone who isn’t willing to give her one-hundred percent back.
But Harry did.
Harry cooked on nights that Y/N cleaned and vice versa. She never once had to ask him to pick up his damp towel or put his rubbish in the bin. Harry just did these things. He changed the sheets on his own accord, he did more laundry than Y/N and he enjoyed a weekly Sunday deep clean with her, blaring music and lighting a candle at the end of it.
Tonight was no different. She came home from work a little later than usual and dinner was already waiting for her on the table. Harry had remembered she texted earlier in the day that she was feeling under the weather, and prepared her some chicken soup with buttered rolls for as soon as she got home.
A bubble bath was run and fresh pyjamas were warming in the dryer. The floors had been hoovered and mopped, the laundry was folded and hung in the wardrobes and the trash had been taken out.
The realisation of something that happened every day hit her tonight for some reason. Perhaps because Harry picked up the chores she typically did as well, or maybe because he thought of her and did the dinner and bath to make her life a little easier.
Either way, it had tears stinging her vision and her heart thumping. It was silly, really. She was getting emotional over her partner doing the bare minimum — him pulling his weight and keeping their home clean.
“What’s a’matter?” His gentle voice cooed from across the table.
Y/N smiled tearily, taking a bite out of her roll as she shook her head. She didn’t want to make a thing out of this — she knew he’d only laugh at her and call her a numpty. (Which in this instance, she was.)
“Nothing, I just appreciate this a lot,” she swallowed her food as the tears began to dry.
Harry squinted at her, not quite buying what she was saying. “Y’sure? If the soups bad, you can be honest and tell me. Promise I won’t get too upset.”
She laughed at him, shaking her head. “I just hope you know how much I appreciate and acknowledge what you do in our home and our relationship. Thank you for not leaving everything on my shoulders.”
Harry’s face softened into one of adoration, like he couldn’t believe she was thanking him for doing what any responsible adult should. But he understood. She’d told him about her exes, about how she felt like their mother ninety percent of the time.
Harry couldn’t imagine ever being like that.
“I appreciate and acknowledge everything you do, too. Know you’ve had a rough day, didn’t want you coming home to stuff to do. You can have your soup, take a long bath and I even charged your Kindle.”
Y/N smiled at him, lovingly. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” Harry’s words were sincere, and she knew he meant what he said. “Oh, and I cancelled the plumber for tomorrow, so you can still get your nails done.”
She frowned, finishing the last of her soup. “Why? Did he come out today?”
“No,” Harry shook his head. “I sorted it.”
Y/N quirked a brow. “Sorted it as in…”
“As in I fixed the leak. You don’t need to hire maintenance people for the house, babe. If you notice something needs fixing just let me know and I’ll sort it.”
His statement shouldn’t have made her feel hot inside but it did. A man that would actively repair their house and not batter an eye or complain about it? That would do it without being asked?
Now, why the fuck did that turn her on?
Tag list:
@kissfromadove @stilesissaved @kiwitsayedsugar @savannahwendel @triski73 @stylesfever
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svt-incognito · 2 days
i was thinking about mingyu accidentally saw you masturbating from your apartment across his. you notice him and you guys masturbate to each other, you squirting, his cum shooting on the window. he goes over to your place and he fucks you against the window, manhandling you, calling you a slut.
💪🏻 .ᐟ.ᐟ across the street
incognito thot : (the above ask)
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tw : voyeurism ,, fem reader ,, having sex with strangers idk
The first time it happens was an accident. You'd had a rough day and wanted to treat yourself with some wine and some self-indulgence. You weren't completely naked, you had a little tank top on and you had just pushed your underwear to the side to dig your fingers in. Though it didn't hide much from the strong muscular man who lived in the apartment right across the street. You didn't notice your curtains had beef opened, giving a full show to the man standing by his own window staring at you. His expression was hard to see, but you could tell that he had a beautiful face and a beautiful body. Embarrassed, you ran to the bathroom and his yourself.
You had successfully forgotten that incident with a little too much wine and a heavy sleep that night. A few days later, you saw the man again. You were home later than usual, going to your bedroom to change our of your work clothes. You didn't know what came over your mind at that moment. Maybe it was the man's finely sculpted shirtless body that had turned the hots in you.
He was looking at you and you at him, as you smirked, unbuttoning your work shirt seductively, pulling it off your shoulder. Your trousers came down next leaving you in your matching lace lingerie, which you wouldn't wear normally on such a day but since your laundry was pending it was all you had left to wear and you were glad for it.
The man cocked an eyebrow, almost challengingly. It brought some kind of confidence in you and you stripped out of your undergarments too, giving him a full show of your boobs and ass as you did so. You licked your lips, settling on the bed and opening your legs wide, touching your exposed clitoris which had been throbbing from the excitement of the voyeur already.
The man took a seat on the top of the table right against his window, his dick pulled out as he stroked it while watching you. You put on two fingers inside your soaking cunt, your head thrown back. (If the old man who lived one apartment above the man's looks out of his window at that moment, he might just die from a heart attack).
You increase the speed of your fingers, already close by, reaching to pinch your pebbled nipples in your other hand. You think of the man and his huge cock and his sculpted body as your eyes close and you cum, body shivering with the rush of dopamine and adrenaline in your body.
When you open your eyes, the man was panting, the window in front of him painted with the translucent white semen. You see him rush to get something on his table - a paper and pen you realise. He scribbles down something and flashes it against the window glass.
Can I come over?
You chuckled and signalled approvingly, causing the man to jump and put on a pair of pants, leaving the apartment. He crossed the street as fast as he could, just a pair of sweats and a tshirt thrown in his body. He guessed the floor number and trusted his sense of direction when he luckily knocked on your door.
You opened the door giggling, pulling him inside since you were still completely naked. He pulled you into a kiss and you reciprocated immediately, sucking into his bottom lip. He pulled his t-shirt off his body and you helped him pull down his sweats, finding his dick hard and throbbing with the absense of any underwear. "Oh my god, it's even bigger up close," you giggle.
You two walked to your bedroom, while kissing and exploring each other's bare body with your hands. The man pushed you against the same window you voyeured him through, sinking thick two digits inside your cunt. "Shit, such a slut, having your pussy pliant and open for a stranger."
You whimpered as he mocked you, nibbling on the skin on your shoulder. "second drawer on the nightstand -- there's condoms."
Mingyu rummaged through the drawer without letting go of you, pulling the hot pink coloured box of Durex. He chuckled, "babe, this is a medium size. It's not gonna fit me."
You whined as he curled his fingers against your spongy spot. "Well, I never thought I was gonna have luck with a monster like you! Looks like you're gonna go in raw."
"I feel bad for you having to fuck all those average guys. This pussy is made in heaven, it deserves a big dick," mingyu said pulling out his fingers and licking the juices off them. He lines his dick with your entrance, making you bend till your arms rested on the window sill. "don't worry though, I'm gonna treat this pussy just right."
He plunged into you, your arousal and his precum acting as the perfect lubricant. You could feel his balls slap the hell outta your clit as his hips rutted into yours, hitting you deep everytime. You let out loud whimpering moans as he hits your ass, making it red. Your body shakes with the rhythm, making your boobs bounce like from those animated porn movies. You already feel close to your orgasm and you think you could come untouched already.
The man comes first though, pulling out just in time to cum on your ass. He reaches down to massage your clit, soon drawing and orgasm from you. He picks you up, chuckling when he sees your fucked out face.
"my name's mingyu, by the way."
You giggle, "hi mingyu, I'm (y/n). Welcome to the neighbourhood."
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lazyjellyfish300 · 2 days
(pls + ty) a funny/fluffy lil drabble about miguel working up the courage to finally tell reader he’s spiderman and reader’s like “yeah dude i know” 😭
Hello love! Here ya go!! Hope you like it 😁🥰
I know.
Miguel O'Hara x gn!Reader
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Word count 1.5k
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
Miguel's suit dissipates in the bathroom, arriving home late after the police scanner alerted him to a heist at a bank uptown, freezing when he hears a creak and a sleepy groan coming from the bedroom you two shared. 
The hour late, during which most diurnal beings would be asleep. Except for him.
He pauses, Adam's apple raised in his throat, until he hears the reassuring silence once more, letting out a deep exhale of relief as he opens the door. 
You were tucked into dreamland, or so he thought. Bed dipping slightly with his weight as he got in next to you. 
"How was the overtime?" You ask in a groggy voice, still turned away from him. 
Alarmed, Miguel looks at your back then down at the floor as if he's calculating something in his head. 
Shock, how did you....wait....oh. 
He forgot that his cover up lie this time was that they needed him to come in for overtime at the office. 
"It was okay." Miguel shifts over to you, laying his arm across your abdomen. "I'm sorry I woke you up." 
A smile tugs at your lips. "The office won't be calling tomorrow morning, right?" 
Miguel returns a lazy smile at you. He would do everything he can to be there for you to make up for it. Although, it would be a tall ask of Nueva York's unpredictable crime patterns.
"I am sure that they won't." He hums. "I'll have the cinnamon rolls and orange juice ready for your book club tomorrow like I promised." 
You feel a grateful buzz in your heart. Even though your boyfriend could be busy, he wasn't forgetful. "Thanks, babe."
He looks down at you, brain wracked with guilt at lying to you again. He knew he couldn't keep you in the dark that much longer. He can't go on lying to you while you did absolutely nothing wrong. You kept his household up and running, did your cute little hobbies and entertained your rowdy group of friends you were always hanging out with, giving him a love that he was certain was never meant to find him in this lifetime, accepting all of his flaws in the messy packaging it came with, never once making him feel bad about who he was or his emotional struggles. You just patiently held his hand and waited for him in your cozy shared bed like you always did. 
And how did he repay you? Oh, only by lying to you for the entire six months you were dating about his entire existence. His second secret occupation and double identity as Spider-Man, if his talons and his crimson eyes he hid behind contacts weren't glaringly obvious enough. 
His lip trembles as his eyes rake over you, back in dreamland where you belonged. Something about seeing you so tranquil like this made it the final straw for him. 
He was going to tell you, tomorrow. And you'd hate him for the rest of your life. Six months of bliss, a mere glimpse into the happy life you could have shared together, all shot down the drain with just two words. You deserved better and he knew it.
Selfishly, though, he kept up the act because the idea of doing life without you would've drained his world of all color and meaning quicker than his door slammed, the closet emptied of all signs of you except the sheets barely clinging to the scent you left behind, your taillights disappearing down his street for the final time while he reeled inside the home you built together from the shock of having all of you and then none of you all at once. 
A couple tears fall down his face as he pulls your sleeping frame against his chest, too distraught to sleep. Savoring what it feels like to hold you just one more night before you slip through his fingers and he'll once again know a life where he must go on without it. 
Since Miguel didn't sleep all night, he had no issues getting up in the morning to slide the cinnamon rolls in the oven. Filling up the fancy pitcher with orange juice he knew you liked to use for the guests for "fancy" occasions. 
As he watches you bounce anxiously around the apartment, he feels horrible knowing that he's about to drop this bomb on you right before your friends come over, but he simply can't go another minute without being suffocated by the weight of his secret. 
If his heart was going to get utterly destroyed and the one sliver of a fragment of happiness he's ever known in this existence will slip back into the staggering ocean of nothingness, then better to do it now.
Do it now when your friends were on their way, your mind was awake, and you'd be surrounded by everything else you loved in life besides him to fall back on. He figures now will be the best time. 
"...Then we need to have the welcome chalkboard on this side so that way when they come in...." You mumble, shuffling to the left and take three steps back. "Okay perfect..." 
Miguel clears his throat. "We need to talk..." 
"Not now, sweetie....got book club in 20 minutes and no plate settings laid out and goodie bags still in the closet...." Your voice tapers off as you run back into the bedroom. 
"Oh, thank you for getting the cinnamon rolls and orange juice by the way!!!" 
Miguel hears the police scanner go off. A high speed chase underway in Brooklyn. He curses quietly, then feels his face go white. "Baby?" 
"What?!" You snap, slightly irritated and frozen in place, your clothes frazzled, balancing a box of neatly packed goodie bags themed after the book you're reading with some banners and streamers about to fall out of your arms. 
Here goes nothing. 
"I am Spider-Man." 
One of the goodie bags falls to the ground with a thwack. 
"And there are 12 inches in a foot." The plastic crinkles as you set the decorations on the countertop, pulling up a chair to tape a banner from one corner of the ceiling to another. 
Miguel feels like he's got whiplash. "What...?" 
"And my dad's a jerk." You pat a piece of tape to one end of the banner. "Also, smoking tobacco is bad for you!" 
Miguel feels like he's in the Twilight Zone as he slowly walks to the couch with invisible math equations floating around his head. 
"And the ending of Game of Thrones was a disappointment! And JonBenét Ramsey's family had something to do with her murder! And the Apollo 11 moon landing was the most highly televised event in human history!" 
Miguel swallows slowly. "You...you know?" 
You walk to where he's sitting, placing your hands on his shoulders. 
"In other news, water is wet. Yes, I know, baby. You think I didn't notice your contacts that you always leave by the sink? Or the amazing coincidence that every time there's an Earth shattering event on the news, my boyfriend just happens to be absent? Or when I do turn on the news, a guy with your exact height, build, and cute pair of buns is plastered front and center on the screen? Not many people are six feet nine inches tall, Mig." 
Miguel is speechless. 
"Also, normal people don't have the police scanner running all day." 
Miguel feels like he just jumped out of a plane, and 100 feet right before he was about to splatter all over the pavement, his parachute burst open. 
"You're...not mad?" 
You sigh. "No, I'm not mad." 
You cup his cheek.  How could you be mad at a face so sweet as his? Or the fact that your boyfriend's closest thing to a red flag was that he lied about public service and risking his life to save others in his free time. 
"I was just waiting for you to be honest with me about it. Please don't ever hold something like that in again." You kiss him and he melts. 
"I know what I signed up for when we started dating. I'm in it for the long haul and there's nothing that you could tell me that I wouldn't want to figure out together, okay?" 
Miguel breathes a sigh of relief. "I love you..." 
"I love you more." You hastily run back to the counter, setting out the goody bags and making the finishing touches to your lovely spread. 
"Don't you have a 2006 Chevy Malibu that you need to go apprehend?" 
He smiles. You're absolutely right. 
And as he looks back at the offending vehicle slowly rotating in a circle of his red webs hanging from a tree just 30 minutes later while NYPD scratches their heads and books the driver into jail, he feels his phone buzz in his pocket with a text from you. 
We're gonna need more cheese and crackers. Mind "swinging"by the store? 🕸️🕷️😏
The gals adored the cinnamon rolls btw! 
Good work, today, Spider-Man! I love you. Make sure you come home to me. ❤️
And from then on, he always would. 
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mattslolita · 13 hours
imagine Chris reaction when he seems edits to his gf (us) with audios like “my pussys hood that’s why I got 2 baby daddies” or like p power and shit like…
He obv reposts them immediately
p power - c. sturniolo
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in which ... chris sees an edit of you to p power, sparking an idea that includes his brother. boyfriend!chris x black!fem!reader x bsf!matt
warnings ;
"𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓, '𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔'."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
chris was bored.
you were in the shower at the moment, and chris knew you'd take a while since you had just gotten in. he was laid back on you guys' shared bed, scrolling through his phone mindlessly.
he decided to open up tiktok, figuring it'd be more entertaining then whatever he was looking at on instagram at the moment — he seen some random videos, some making him chuckle a bit as he reposted them.
a thumbnail of you was on the cover of a video, causing him to stop scrolling. the first clip was you posing before throwing it back to a tiktok chris remembered you filming a few days ago — the edit audio was to p power by gunna and drake.
the editor used a few scenes of you in the triplets videos as well as you making your own tiktoks — he bit his lip he watched it, feeling the heat rush to his dick as he realizes he's getting hard now. he reposted the edit then clicked off of tiktok, his brain working a mile per minute.
when they edited you, they used a clip of you hugging on himself and matt, which caused an idea to brew in his brain — chris knew you would be down for anything when it came to you guys' sex life, as long as you both were in agreeance of it.
before you guys dated, you had mentioned that when you hooked up in the past you were open to threesomes and even participated in them at times — you explained to him that you had a male and female partners, two other female partners, but you'd never had two male partners before.
and that's where his idea came in, especially when he saw one of his brothers in the clip.
suddenly the water to the shower turned off, letting chris know that you had finally gotten out of the shower. he smirked to himself as the gears turned in his brain, setting his phone down on the small table next to the bed.
you exited the bathroom, your hair put up in a towel as water droplets dripped off your brown skin — chris wanted to take you right there, but he needed to act a certain way in order for his plan to work.
"hi, baby!" you called in a sing song way, grinning as you made your way towards him.
but before you reached him, he quickly got up from the bed and walked around you, causing you to furrow your eyebrows with a confused expression. "okay, are you good?"
"am i good?" he mocks you with a scoff, "i'm fine, y/n."
"you don't sound like it," you pouted, scoffing as you wrapped your towel around yourself tighter, "how bout you go cool off until you can learn to stop having an attitude?"
chris chuckles dryly at this, moving to grab his phone from the table and bumping your shoulder as he exits his room. you stare after him in shock as he closes the door behind, causing you to shake your head as you drop your towel from around you.
chris's sudden attitude with you was puzzling, as you both were just fine before you had even gotten in the shower. it pissed you off, because when you had originally gotten out you had planned on trying to spend some time with him.
now you were left to your own devices.
unbeknownst to you, chris had made his way into matt's room. the second oldest triplet brother was sitting in his gaming chair scrolling through his phone, with music playing in the background softly.
he walked inside his room and flopped backwards on his bed, putting both of his hands under his head as he stared up at the ceiling.
"so you're just gonna come in and not even say why you're in here?" matt asks his brother, obviously slightly annoyed with his lack of speech.
"have you ever thought about fucking my girl?" chris says randomly, looking over at matt.
the question catches matt off guard, and his eyes widen at this — he wasn't gonna sit there and act like he definitely didn't find you attractive, because he most definitely did. and something he never admitted to chris was he had a wet dream about you before, and it'd been eating him alive ever since. so when chris asked this question, he couldn't tell if it was a setup or not.
"i mean y/n is very attractive, but..." matt starts, his cheeks reddening as he sets his phone in his lap and rubs the back of his head.
"so you'd hit if i let you?" chris asks with raised eyebrows, his lip slightly upturning.
matt's confused at the way he seems to find the situation funny. "i'm not necessarily....opposed?"
a few minutes later, you sat on the heels of your feet as your vibrator worked on your clit — low moans escaped your lips, as you were careful not to let anyone hear.
music was playing throughout chris's room to drown out your lewd noises, but unfortunately it didn't do anything to help as matt slowly creeped up to chris's room.
you had forgotten to lock the door, which gave matt access to open the door slightly as you continued blissfully.
the first thing he noticed was how wet your pussy was, instantly causing heat to rush to his dick as he watched you pleasure yourself. your soft whines were like music to his ears as he closes the door behind him before slowly making his way towards you.
it was as if you sensed a presence behind you, causing your head to whip around — your eyes widened as matt stood there, a smirk on his face as he watched you.
"matt...what are you do-"
"don't let me stop you, y/n," matt quickly interrupts you, causing confusion to blossom as you looked at him with scrunched eyebrows, "chris not making you feel good enough?"
you bite your lip and let out a breath as you set the vibrator on the side of the bed and look at matt wearily. "he had an attitude with me earlier, so i took matters into my own hands."
"he's foolish to have made you play with yourself," matt tuts, shaking his head as he walks closer to the bed.
he stops in front of you as you look up at him with doe eyes, embarrassingly thinking about how matt's words made you even more wet. he swipes his thumb across your chin, poising you to look up at him. "you want some help from me, sweetheart?"
"but matt..." you say shakily, as his cold ringed finger caresses your cheek, "i can't cheat on chris..."
"guess you'll have to be quiet then princess, hm?" matt grins, licking his lips and you nod.
you felt terrible for betraying chris, but you couldn't deny the fact that you've thought about what matt was like in bed. he motioned for you to lay back and you obliged, moving backwards onto the bed as he crawled over you and looked down at you.
"such a pretty girl," matt hums, pressing a kiss to your jaw, causing you to whimper slightly, "gonna make you feel so good."
he pressed wet, opened mouth kisses along both sides of your jaw but you felt yourself growing impatient as he was nowhere near where he needed him the most. he kisses all the way to the middle of your cleavage, kissing the valley of your breasts as he took your right nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking it.
"mhm, matt," you whined, tugging on his brown locs as he massaged your left tit with his other hand.
he kept eye contact with you as he switched, taking your left nipple into his mouth, sucking at the sensitive bud as he massages your right tit.
"please matt, touch me," you whine out, bucking your hips as it meets matt's clothed, but prominent erection.
"you want me to do what princess?" matt asks you with a smirk, raising up from you slightly.
"i want you to touch me," you beg, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
"look at that, you're such a slut," chris's voice suddenly comes, causing matt to smirk wider as he completely gets up.
your eyes widen as chris goes to stand next to matt, both men crossing their hands over their chest as they stare down at you with smirks plastered on their faces.
"w-what?" you say, looking back and forth between the two of them, "i-"
"bet you always thought about fucking my brother, haven't you?" chris continues, licking his lips as he eyes you.
you pout slightly at this, putting your head down in shame which confirmed his suspicions — he chuckled darkly at this, stepping forward and gripping your chin harshly, forcing you to look up at him.
"well i'm giving you the opportunity," he tells you, his eyes darkening as he looks down at you, "you gonna be a good girl and let matt fuck you?"
"yes," you mutter meekly, causing chris to let go of your chin as he backed away from you.
he nods to matt, who immediately steps foward and smashes his lips on yours, knocking you back onto the bed — matt's hands roam all over your body as he slips his tongue into your mouth, teeth clashing.
chris goes to sit in his own gaming chair, his eyes never leaving you as he watches the way his brother his about to ruin you.
matt quickly wastes no time in pulling his pants and boxers down, his hardened cock springing out and leaking with precum — you marvel at his length with wide eyes, chris watching your expression contort as his eyes traveled down to your soaked core, causing the erection in his pants to strain as he begins palming himself through his pants.
matt aligns himself with your entrance, lubricating his cock with your juices before slamming into you eliciting a loud moan to ripple from your chest.
"f-fuck!" you scream out, your back arching as matt begins ramming into you.
"don't be shy with her, she likes it rough," chris smirks at you, still palming himself, "don't you, y/n?"
"mhmph," your muffled voice sounds, as you grip the sheets, feeling all your senses being knocked out of you as matt continues his assault inside you.
"so tight, fuck," matt groans, throwing his back, his chain dangling above you as his cock slides in and out of your walls.
"you close yet, baby?" chris asks you, his eyes glazed over as they're clouded with lust.
you're too caught up in the way matt is pleasuring you to notice that chris was speaking to you, having had your nails digging into matt's back — he gently grabbed your chin forcing you to look over at chris, who smirked. "answer him, sweetheart."
"m'close," you whimper out, "m'gonna cum..."
"hold it y/n," matt grunts out softly, causing you to whimper in protest.
"but i-"
"you better hold it," chris sneers at you, and you pout when you lock eyes with his taunting gaze.
but you couldn't help it — the way matt's cock was hitting your cervix drove you over the edge, and you couldn't hold it; with a loud moan, you came around his cock. matt lets out a low moan as his cock twitches inside of you before he pulls out — he pumped himself twice before his hot, sticky cum painted your abdomen.
chris's eyes darken as he sees that you did not listen to instructions — you knew from the way he gripped his chair before standing up that you were in big trouble.
matt, still trying to catch his breath gets up from the bed and plants a kiss on your forehead before he turns to chris with a grin, holding his hand out to dap him up. chris daps him up and matt quickly moves to the bathroom.
in a weak attempt to flee from punishment you turn on your backside and crawl towards the other side of the bed — but chris is quick to grip your legs and drag you back to his side of the bed.
"what did i tell you?" chris seethes, pushing you so that your face is stuffed into the pillow and pulling your ass up in the air. he sends a smack to it, causing you to whimper loudly. "didn't i tell you to hold it, you slut?"
"i-im sorry..." you mumble, but chris just shakes his head and tuts as he hurriedly goes down to be level with your pussy.
"should've thought about that earlier, ma," chris taunts, rubbing his fingers along your folds causing you to moan, "you know what happens when you don't listen."
chris wastes no time in licking a stripe up your clit, eliciting a moan from you as he grips onto your thighs to keep you steady. his tongue delves into your folds, eating you out like there's no tomorrow.
"fuck baby, fuck!" you blabber out, moaning as chris pulls your pussy impossibly closer to his face.
he adds a finger inside of you as he continues lapping at your pussy like a starved man — you feel yourself becoming overstimulated, but you knew this was nothing compared to what he had in store for you.
suddenly matt comes back into the room with a smirk, his eyes immediately darting to your soaked pussy as chris ate you out. matt goes to lean on the bed in front of you, lifting your chin so that you're facing him.
"think you can make me feel good at the same time, princess?" matt smirks down at you, and you nod as another moan escapes your lips.
"need you in my mouth please," you whimper out, "y-yes, right there chris!"
he sends another smack to your ass as he becomes pussy drunk now — his movements with his tongue increase, as he speeds his fingers up.
matt slides his sweats and boxers down once again, revealing his already hard again cock. your mouth waters as he strokes himself twice before he aligns it with your mouth.
"open up, pretty girl," matt directs you.
you whimper and open your mouth, matt slipping his cock into your mouth — he lets out a low grunt as he begins to slowly move his hips forward, his cock hitting the walls of your mouth.
you feel your orgasm from chris approach quickly, but before you can, he stops his movements. matt begins fucking into your mouth at a rapid pace, his hand going down to grip your hair as his head is thrown back in pleasure.
"such a good slut," matt praises, "letting us use you like this."
chris snickers as he quickly rids himself of his own sweats and boxers, his erection painfully throbbing as he lines himself with your dripping core. you moan around matt's cock when chris slides into you.
"you're so tight baby," chris says, leaving a kiss on your back as he bottoms out inside of you, "fuck..."
he begins pounding into you at an animalistic pace — you feel yourself quickly getting overstimulated, nevertheless you loved it. you look up at matt with your doe eyes as he continues fucking into your mouth.
"gonna let me cum in your mouth, pretty?" matt asks you and you moan around his cock as a response.
his cock twitches inside you, and he takes it out with a pop — you open your mouth wide as matt shoots spurts of his hot cum inside of your mouth. you swallow every drop as he looks down at you in admiration.
"don't forget about me baby," chris grunts, his grip on your ass tight as he lands a smack to it, quickly rubbing it as his cock slides in and out of you.
"please chris, faster," you moan hoarsely, gripping the sheets in front of you as your back is arched, "feels s-so good..."
"such a tight pussy, could stay in it for hours," chris moans lowly, his head thrown back as he repeatedly pounds into you, "look at you, taking me so well."
"you close yet?" chris asks you, your response a muffled whine to let him know you were.
"yes p-please i need to cum-"
"hold it," chris says coldly, pulling out of you.
you're confused until he flips you over, slamming into you again causing you to cry out. "fuck chris! it's too much!"
"you know your safe word, ma," chris tells you, throwing both your legs over his shoulder, "look at me."
you forcefully grips your chin to make you face him — sweat beads his forehead as his hair sprawled out across his forehead whilst he continues to ram in and out of you. chris looks down at where his cock meets your stomach, pressing down on it before he looks back up at you. "feel me right there, baby?"
"mhm," you moan, nails scratching his back as you're sure there will be marks there, "please let me cum, chris..."
"don't you dare till i so," chris grunts, leaving sloppy open-mouthed kisses on your neck, "fuck, m'close. gonna let me feel you up?"
"please," you whine, your back arched.
chris's cock twitches inside of you, telling you he was about to cum — with a loud moan of your name, his hot cum shoots inside of you, painting your walls a creamy white. however, his thrusts don't cease and you cum right after, your juices mixing with his as you let out a loud moan.
he helps the both of you ride out your orgasms then he slowly pulls out of you with a hiss — he presses a kiss to your cheek before falling down beside you.
your legs are sore and you're incredibly tired — chris notices the way you're struggling to move, opting to get up and carry you towards the bathroom where matt currently was. the middle triplet notices and opens the door wider, moving aside so that chris can place you on the toilet.
"i was just getting a towel," matt tells his brother, before looking down at you, "you alright, y/n?"
"yeah," you nod sheepishly, as chris takes the towel and begins to clean you up gently.
"was that too much for you, mamas?" chris asks you softly looking into your eyes for any signs of uncomforting feelings. "were you okay with matt, too?"
"don't worry, it was okay," you tell him with a smile to which he smiles and places a soft kiss to your temple, "will that be a regular thing?"
"only if you're comfortable with it," chris tells you but a smirk tugs at his face, "but not likely, cause this pussy's mine."
"hey y/n, you want anything to eat?" matt asks, peeking his head in the bathroom doorway.
"i'm starving, yes!" you tell him, and he clicks his tongue and nods before leaving again.
"let me get fresh sheets real quick," chris says, "you take a shower then when we get out we can watch a movie and eat?"
"sounds good, thank you baby," you smile.
"i love you, angel," chris says, planting another kiss to your lips.
lil 💌
for my girls !! @muwapsturniolo , @thenickgirl , @luverboychris , @guccifrog ! i love y'all, m'sorry ts shit took so long😭😭🤍. this is my FIRST 3some smut fic, ntm on me if it was bad y'all....
hope you enjoyed nevertheless !💌
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @mrssturnioloo @mattsturniolosleftnut @sturnprime @thenickgirl @guccifrog @nickgetsmewetter @eyeliketoeatpoosay @e1ias3 @sp3aknaur @middlepartmatt @summerssover @riasturns @sturn777 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @pinksturniolo @chrissturniolossidehoe @chris-slut @hoesformatt @raysmayhem-72 @lanas-doll @chrisssluttywaist @mbbsgf @jetaimevous @matthewscorner @chaossturns
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gyubeom · 3 days
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Creamy vacation
Pairing: Bf!Yeonjun x Reader (Idol au)
Genre: smut
Warnings: Reader is a female, squirting, degradation, use of (baby, babe, and honey sexually and non sexually), nipple play and sucking, Yeonjun’s really horny
a/n: Hi ya’ll Im back with another post. Hope you guys like it, enjoy! Btw this is a non requested fic!
You and your boyfriend decided to go on a vacation since promotions stopped and his company gave a break to the group he’s in. You wanted to look the best as possible on your vacation. So you texted your friend to help you out in shopping for a few new outfits and swimsuits.
You met up with her at a mall and went to have lunch first. Once the two of you were done, she suggested to find a new swimsuit first. You agreed and went to a store that sold cute swim wear. The two of you split up to find swimsuits. Then you heard foot steps behind you, when you turned around you saw your friend holding up a two piece bathing suit.
It was a baby pink with white ruffles outlining the bottom of the bra and it has a matching skirt with the same white ruffles to match. It was quite revealing from your liking but you decided to go with it. With that, you and your friend thought it was the perfect swimsuit to wear on your trip. After purchasing it you both went to other stores to buy more clothes. Once you were finished you bid your goodbyes and you both went home
The day of the trip came, you woke your sleepy boyfriend up and started to get ready. You wore one of the outfits you bought with your friend. After doing your hair and make up you guys drove to the airport. When you arrived it was almost your flight so you quickly stopped at a cafe to buy coffee and breakfast.
You boarded the plane on time and settled into your seats. “Are you excited baby” Yeonjun asked while smiling at you, “of course I am, we haven’t been on a trip let alone a proper date in months” you replied. He chuckled, “yeah I know baby, the important thing is we still get to spend time with each other” you smiled at his remark. Suddenly you could hear the captain announcing that the plane was about to take off. So you buckled your seatbelt and watched the view as you took off.
When you arrived at the hotel your boyfriend suggested you go swimming on the beach nearby. You were excited since you remembered the new swimsuit you got. You quickly unpacked some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. After changing you styled your hair a bit and put on some lip balm before going out of the bathroom.
When you went out, your boyfriend’s jaw dropped. “You like?”you asked while spinning around, suddenly your boyfriend held your waist tightly and pulled you into a kiss. He kissed you roughly, you were in shock but melted into the kiss. You felt Yeonjun guiding you to the bed while his hands roam around your body.
You let out a small moan when you were pushed to the bed. The both of you completely forgot about swimming. Yeonjun started to grope your breasts through your top without breaking the kiss. He pulled the tied string holding your top together. He then removed your top and tossed it somewhere in the room.
He pulled away and moved down to leave hickeys on your boobs and neck. He left a trail of kisses from your breasts down to your upper thigh stopping at your cunt. He tugged on the bottom you were wearing “can I?” he asked. You nodded as he removed your bottom in one swift move. He then spread your legs open to reveal how wet you were. “Damn baby you’re so wet, I’ve barely done anything” without a warning he started to pump three fingers in your dripping hole.
You moaned at the sudden stretch. He started rubbing your clit with his free hand whilst keeping his quick speed. You felt your legs shake each time he would shove his fingers back inside you. After a few more pumps you felt him hit your g-spot which made you let out a dragged out moan.
“Yeah you like that slut?” Yeonjun teased while massaging your g-spot. You rolled your eyes back at the sensation of his fingers. Not long after, you felt your orgasm reaching “Baby, I-Im going to cu-cum” you said.
Unexpectedly, he pulled all of his fingers out and stopped rubbing your clit. You whined and tried grinding on his fingers to get back on your high. “Look at you, such a slut, trying to grind on my fingers. Can’t be patient huh hon?” he said teasingly. You pouted and he let out a small scoff.
He started to undress and tossed his swimming trunks on the floor along with your bathing suit. He then roughly turned you around to put you on all fours. In an instant, he bottomed out inside you. You let out a loud moan that the whole floor could hear.
He started at a slow pace, finding his rhythm, once he did, he picked up the speed. You moaned in the pillow underneath you and gripped the sheets. “Fuck your so tight even after I fingered you?” Yeonjun said in between thrusts. You let out a ‘mhm’ before moaning again.
You felt his grip on your waist tighten as his speed increased. You felt one of his hands reach down to play with your clit, rubbing fast circles on it. You screamed his name from the amount of pleasure you’re receiving. This made you near your high once again. “Honey I-Im gonna cum soon” you said in between moans.
“Cum when I cum baby” he said you whined as he started to lift your hips higher to reach deeper inside you. The next thing you knew he was filling you to the brim with cum. Your released followed as well. He thrusted a bit more before pulling out and spreading your ass cheeks open to see your pussy leaking with a mix of his and your cum.
He groaned at the sight as he started to lick your cunt. You let out a loud moan from overstimulation, but Yeonjun kept on going. Your legs felt weak, if it was ‘t for the strong grip of Yeonjun you would’ve collapsed. Yeonjun continued to eat you out like a mad man.
He then shoved two fingers into your dripping entrance which made you let out a scream. He massaged your g-spot while licking your clit. “Fuck yes! Yes Yeonjun!” You screamed. You could feel the smirk grow on his face at your remark.
You felt your high reaching for the third time today, “Fuck! Yeonjun Im cumming again!” once he heard that he increased the speed of his fingers and started sucking on your clit. After hitting your g-spot for the last time you came hard on his fingers. Some cum splashing on his face.
He turned you around and took a look at you. When you opened your eyes and saw him he had puffy red lips with a mix of saliva and cum coating it. At this point you were very sensitive and overstimulated.
Yeonjun leaned down gave you a peck before picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. He carefully placed you down in the shower while starting the hot water. You saw his dick grow hard again, when you looked up he captured you into a passionate kiss.
He then reached down to squeeze your ass, not breaking the kiss. He then pulled away “Fuck baby you’re so horny, letting me touch you even though you cummed two times today?” he teased “Mhm fuck yes, ca-can’t get enough of you” you said. He scoffed and left more hickeys on your body.
He then pressed you against the glass door and spread your legs. You moaned at the cold glass pressing against your sensitive nipples. He then pushed his dick into you without a warning. He started at a fast pace which had you moaning his name.
“Fuck! Yeonjun you feel so good!” you screamed “Yeah? You like that whore? Gonna cum on my cock for me again?” he said between your moans. You felt so fucked out but it felt so good having his dick deep inside you. You could hear the slight thud of the glass each thrust.
“Fuck this pussy is still so tight after all of that fucking” you clenched down harder on his cock that you’re practically choking it. He then pulled out and turned you around. He held the back of your upper thigh, “Jump baby” he said. You jumped, now you were leaning on the glass door with your legs held up by Yeonjun.
He aligned himself to your entrance and thrusted hard into you. You moaned loudly at the new angle, “shit! Jun it feels so fucking good!”. “Yeah you like this whore?” you moaned in agreement. He was thrusting into you hard and fast that you were bouncing up and down which increased the pleasure.
You could feel him staring at your bouncing tits as he fucked you stupid. He then leaned down and took one of your nipples and sucked them hard. You moaned his name continuously from this. The air in the shower was hot and you could see the fog building up. Moans and the sound of skin slapping filled the room. You heard Yeonjun pull away from your nipple with a lewd pop that made you moan.
You then felt your high again as you increased his speed. Without notice, he came hard in you making you moan loudly. You came hard as well covering his cock with cum. He then pulled out and gently placed you down. Then he roughly pushed you to lean against the foggy glass. He then spread your legs apart to take a look at your pussy. He then delivered a slap to your cunt making tears form in your eyes from the pleasure.
He suddenly shoved his cock in once again which made you squirm. “Don’t fucking move whore, didn’t you want this? Hm? To be fucked stupid?” he said with a stern voice. He was still as hard as a rock when you fucked you. You only let out babbles and incoherent words.
You were so fucked out and overstimulated. You felt your high reaching shortly after, but this felt different, it felt powerful and full of overwhelming pleasure. “Ah! Fuck! Yeonjun Im gonna cum again!” “Shh baby let it all out” he said while rubbing your clit roughly and pinching your clit. “Fuck!” you screamed before squirting all over his dick. He pulled out and rubbed your clit to help you ride out your high. He then came on your back shortly after.
Yeonjun held you up and helped clean you. Once the both of you were done you were placed gently on the bed. You heard Yeonjun join you as well, he leaned in your ear “you did so well for me today baby, so fucking hot” he said before pulling you in his chest to sleep. You both fell asleep the whole day and went out for dinner later on.
a/n: Hi guys I hoped you enjoyed. Tell me if you want a part two of this fic. Thats all thank you for reading!
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minluvrz · 3 days
SALVATORE - art donaldson & patrick zwig
cw ; nsfw! smut n handjobs
wc ; 1.7 k
[ notes- i am obsessed with salvatore by lana del rey. the title has no real significance. i also did not proofread this. but anyways, I haven't written in over two years and i actually hate this, but i am so attached to challengers that it's upsetting. take this fic about what happens in the hotel room after tashi leaves! ]
The deafening slam of the hotel room door was enough to shake both Art and Patrick from their Duncan-induced trance. Though the room was filled with comfortable silence, Art found his mind racing, trying to rationalize his emotions. He was painfully aware of his throbbing erection, but the source was less than concrete. Making out with Tashi Duncan on a shoddy hotel bed was enough to arouse anybody, but what Art felt was deeper than that.
The slow, teasing feeling of Tashi's lips on his, the scent of her light floral perfume as he leaned in to trail kisses up the column of her neck, Patrick's warmth invading his personal space, the licks of Patrick's tongue against his –
“Holy shit.”
Patrick's voice came out shallow– slightly wrecked as if he couldn't believe what transpired. Which he couldn’t. The Tashi Duncan was just in bed with him. And he had also just made out with his best friend, but that was beside the point.
Patrick looked over at Art, to assess if he too was in the same state. He was met with pink-flushed cheeks and even redder ears. Art was leaning back on his elbows on the bed, his chest rising and falling deeply, labored breaths escaping his mouth. Patrick would be lying through his teeth if he said he didn't feel his dick twitch at the sight. Trying to mask his condition with humor, he spoke,
“Somebody’s excited.” Patrick's signature side-smirk grazed his face as Art turned his head to the left to face him
“Shut the fuck up, Patrick.”
“So what? We’re just gonna sit here until our boners go down?” Patrick reached for the nightstand to grab his box of cigarettes and a lighter. Placing it between his lips, he lit the end and took a long drag. Art's eyes quickly flicked downwards to watch the movement of Patrick's lips against the cigarette, remembering the fleeting feeling of his lips. He painstakingly tore his eyes away and spoke. 
“What else are we supposed to do? Take turns jerking off in the bathroom?”
He spoke sarcastically, making eye contact with Patrick. He breathed out a small cloud of smoke and shrugged his shoulders.
“We don’t have to go to the bathroom.”
Patrick avoided Art’s quizzical glance and continued,
“I mean it’s nothing we haven't seen before. And we did it back in the day-”
“That was once.”
Still, Patrick's hand gravitated towards his crotch. He didn't want to cross a boundary, but the pulsing and sticky mess in his boxers begged otherwise. His other hand passed Art the cigarette to test the waters. 
“Shit man, I mean you do you.” 
Patrick didn’t miss the way that Art’s eyes dug holes into his erection. Taking this as an ‘Okay,’ Patrick's hand finally made contact with his cock through his boxers. He bit his lip to contain the otherwise embarrassing moan that would have slipped out. Art watched the tantalizingly slow strokes he took up and down his clothed dick, feeling his own twitch wildly. He sat up and nonchalantly placed his body closer to Patrick on the bed.
Eventually, Patrick found his pace and his head knocked back against the headboard, a shaky groan coming with it. He kicked his leg out from under him, placing it on Art’s bare leg. The touch set both of their skin on fire, a gasp escaping Art’s mouth. The urge for friction on his dick was becoming unbearable, and he lowered the waistband of his boxers down.
Patrick let out an unabashed, pornographic moan at the sight of Art’s cock and shoved his hand into his boxers to feel skin-to-skin contact. Suddenly, Patrick was reminded of the past, The time at the Mark Rebellato Tennis Academy. When it was pitch black in their shared room, Patrick had to bite back gasps and moans to not wake Art. The time when he showed Art how to jerk off. Whilst Art was thinking about their crush in her all-too-short tennis skirt, Patrick was getting off to the sound of Art’s whines as he finally came.
In real-time, he let out a loud whimper as his hips bucked up towards his fist.
“What are you thinking about?” He plucked the cigarette out of his mouth and shoved it onto a ceramic plate on the nightstand.
 Art's voice echoed in his ear, far too close for comfort. However, he liked it, he liked the uncomfortable stickiness on his hand, the uncomfortable heat radiating off of their bodies, the discomfort of him uncovering his true feelings towards Art.
“N- No way man, can’t fucking say it.” A fucked out grin appeared on Patrick’s features as he leaned his head onto Art’s shoulder. Art’s entire body tensed, but his dick couldn't deny how he truly felt as a glob of precum slid down his length.
His original thoughts about the warmth of Tashi’s thighs and the way her tongue felt against his were replaced with Patrick's. The warmth of his body against his own, the smell of cigarettes, the smell of him. His eyes trailed down to Patrick's hand moving furiously over his cock, squeezing at the angry red tip. Art trailed his hand soothingly up and down Patrick's arm, cooling the fire that he felt throughout his entire body. 
Patrick tilted his head upwards to look at Art, and suddenly everything felt very real. He couldn’t explain why he was in bed with his best friend and jerking his cock, but he didn't fucking want it to stop. 
“You have a nice dick, Art”
“S-Shut up Pat, don’t make this weird.” 
Though his sentence was meant to sound assertive, and dominant, the last few words ended up coming out in a whiney moan as Patrick's hand grazed his upper thigh.
“It’s already pretty fucking weird, don’t you think?” He laughed out, slowing the pace on his cock. 
Art’s rushed breathing and choked-out moans and gasps were the only sounds he could focus on, other than the slick noises coming from his crotch. He wasn’t sure how or when they got this close, shoulder to shoulder, heads leaning back on the headboard.
“You close, Art?
Though he would’ve usually settled on a snappy response, he was far too desperate to be sassy.
“Yes, yes, fuck– I’m so fucking close.”
He turned his head to make eye contact with Patrick, their noses brushing in the process. They were so close, they were practically breathing in each other's air. Fighting the urge to smash their lips together. Patrick instead gripped Art’s wrist, stopping his movements.
The sound that ripped through Art’s chest had them both pause in silence. It was almost primal, in between a whimper and a sob. Patrick almost came right then and there. 
Patrick placed his own hand on the base of Art’s cock, and kept it there for a moment, just barely squeezing.
Art’s hips involuntarily chased the heat of Patrick's hands, and then the begging started.
“Please, please, please, I’m almost fucking there– please keep going, I promise I’ll be good–” 
Patrick had to rip the hand on his own cock away as he almost lost his composure. But anyways, who was he to deny his best friend pleasure? 
He started a brutal pace on Art’s cock, squeezing the tip and occasionally digging a fingertip into the slit. His free hand came to push down on Art’s hips to prevent him from squirming too much. Art’s moans pitched higher and higher, and Patrick was sure that they were going to wake up to noise complaints the next morning.
“You gonna cum for me, Art?” Patrick's voice came out wrecked. “Gonna make a mess all over my hand?”
Art couldn’t even find the time to respond as he felt his abs flex and let out a sob as he came all over his best friend’s hand. Patrick kept going, stopping only when Art's large hand gripped his.
“Fuck– that’s enough.”
Art slumped against Patrick's body, taking a moment to catch his breath. Before he could think about what he was doing, he pressed his lips against Patrick's once again. The kiss was fiery, all tongue and spit. Art pulled away, but not before biting on Patrick's bottom lip with a playful tug.
Patrick interlaced Art’s hand with his own and led it to his neglected cock. He moved both of their hands in tandem up and down his length, taking care to swirl their fingers over his tip. Art took mental notes on what movements gained reactions. He whimpers when he digs a finger into the slit of his cock, moans when he lightly nips at his neck, and nearly cries when he rubs his palm in circles over the tip. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum–.”
Patrick closed his grip on Art, forming a tight circle with their hands. He began unabashedly fucking into their hands –  mostly Art’s, and let out a loud groan as he finally came. Art appreciated the warmth of it as it dripped down his fingers, and without thinking, he brought his fingers to his mouth. He licked each of them clean, swirling his tongue around his pointer finger while making eye contact with Patrick.
Without missing a beat, the brunette swung his legs off the side of the bed and stood to his feet. He swiped a sock off of the floor threw it at Art’s face, and grabbed another article of clothing for himself.
“Clean yourself up. I don't want another spilled milk incident.”
“I just made you cum and you're still treating me like an asshole.”
Patrick snorted as he turned his back and walked into the bathroom. He let out a large sigh as he shut the door behind him. The lines of their relationship were starting to blur, and he had no idea what to do about it. He had two options. Pretend this shit never happened, or go to the point of no return. Pushing down the thoughts, he washed his hands and looked up into the mirror. He looked absolutely fucked– to put it gently. However, what gained his attention the most was the red-purple splotches on his neck
“Art Donaldson!” 
He stormed out of the bathroom and returned to find Art lying on his back, playing with cards. He sat up as Patrick gestured to his neck.
“We have a fucking match tomorrow, and you decided to give me hickeys?” 
Art feigned disappointment and responded, 
“You’re a bit of a whore anyways, I thought you’d like it.”
“Do me a favor and shut the fuck up, Art.”
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taycherouz08 · 3 days
𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬- 𝐂. 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bwf!Chris x fem!reader.
𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: smut.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: sexual content, use of handcuffs, oral (f & m receiving), p in v, choking.
Chris lay down on his bed while you finished taking your shower, exiting the bathroom.
“Chris? Are you a police officer now? Or are you planning to kidnap me?” You asked, raising some handcuffs in the air, making him burst out laughing.
When you went to lie down next to him, you jumped a little abruptly, causing something to fall from under the mattress. You bent down to pick it up and when you did so, you literally stood stiff.
“Honey, you are so innocent, do you want me to show you what those handcuffs are for?” He smiled approaching you.
“I... I don't really understand what they are for, honestly” You said without understanding it and without stopping to look at the handcuffs.
Chris looked at you with almost black eyes, biting his lower lip.
“I need you to trust me on this, baby” His voice was hoarse again.
“I trust you” you said somewhat confused.
“If you're uncomfortable, you don't like it or it hurts you, just tell me to stop”.
you nodded, nervous.
Chris gently took your hands, placing the handcuffs so that your arms were above your head, unable to move, handcuffed.
He looked you up and down and you could swear his eyes were completely black.
He slowly raised your shirt until your tits were exposed. He ran a finger over your nipples, making your body shiver at his touch.
You couldn't move and seeing that you were completely at his mercy sent a tingle through your core.
Chris knelt between your legs and trailed kisses from your breasts, down your stomach and to the inside of your thighs, biting them. With one finger he moved your thong away a little and without realizing it, his tongue was between your legs, licking and biting in a way in which you were only able to moan and squirm because you couldn't touch him.
“I like that, princess, I love hearing those noises” He spoke against your humidity and you let out a little scream of pleasure.
You wanted to cum, you needed to, it was driving you crazy.
“Chris please, I need..." You tried to speak.
“Do it honey, let me see you” His tongue increased the pace, it went in and out of you, he licked up and down and you couldn't take it anymore.
You came in his mouth, making him moan as he cleaned you all over.
“You're amazing, honey” He said and kissed you, making you taste your own taste.
Before you knew it, Chris had taken off his boxers and his cock was positioned at your entrance, you thought it was too big and when he started to enter you, you moaned loudly, making him grunt in response.
He entered you completely and his hand placed on your neck, squeezing gently and making you look into his eyes. His peace was increasing, and you were getting more and more needy, you needed to touch him.
It was driving you crazy, and you loved it.
“Chris...” You said in a whisper between moans.
“Ask for what you want, darling. If you ask well, I will give it to you” You loved it when he spoke to you like that, you body trembled before his voice.
“Let me make you feel good, please”
“Do you want me to cum in your mouth, princess?” He said and his hand on your neck squeezed a little more while his peace was decreasing and he left you completely.
You don't know what he did with the handcuffs, but he lifted you up and placed you so that your arms were behind your back, so you could only use my mouth.
Chris got up and stood up, putting his member in front of your face, which you put in your mouth without thinking, you couldn't even fit half of it, but Chris put your hair up in a makeshift ponytail and started to move slowly, making it go deeper and deeper into your throat.
You heard him grunt between moans and you loved that, so you breathed as deeply as you could and let him take the reins of it.
“Honey, I'm gonna cum, swallow it all for me, okay?” He said and you looked into his eyes even with his member in your mouth.
Chris shuddered in your mouth and your throat began to swallow everything he released for you. Once he was done, he let go of your hair and you pulled back, licking the last drops that remained on the tip causing him to moan again.
─── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ───
hiii sorry if this kinda sucks, it's my first time writing something, hope you enjoyed it :)
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corroded-hellfire · 14 hours
Hello 👋🏻 for pre Eliza #ayw requests
I saw this video and it gave me an idea for As You Wish……Eddie and Reader take younger Ryan and Luke to a real life Hot Wheels show. I think this would blow Luke’s mind and Ryan’s brain would be trying to work out how it works. 🙂
Luke would LOVE THIS. It makes me so happy that you saw this and thought of him! I was trying to think of something for Luke’s birthday and this is just absolutely perfect for it. Thank you so much for sending it in!
Words: 5.6k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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When Eddie first came across the advertisement for the Real-Life Hot Wheels Show in Indianapolis, he immediately knew that he wanted to take his youngest son to it. Both sons, of course, but the youngest is crazier about the small toy cars by far. 
When Eddie saw that this show happened to be two days before Luke’s birthday, it felt like fate. The little boy’s fifth birthday was on Monday, and Saturday just happened to be the day of the big event in the big city about an hour away. Eddie immediately snatched up the phone and dialed the number printed in large, bold orange letters on the bottom of the flyer to purchase four tickets. 
In March, when the tickets had been purchased, Brittany had said there would be no problem with her coming along with her three boys to celebrate the special day. But as the week of Luke’s birthday in May approaches, suddenly, her tone has changed.
“What do you want me to say, Eddie?” Brittany gripes. “I have to work.”
“You had plenty of time to get the day off!”
“Maybe you should’ve reminded me a little sooner,” she snaps back.
“Wouldn’t think I’d have to fucking remind you when your son’s birthday is.”
Now Eddie has an extra ticket that he isn’t sure what to do with. Wayne wouldn’t be able to sit on the metal bleachers because of his back. Steve wouldn’t want to go while his sons are left behind at home. And it wouldn’t be fair to bring just one of the Harrington sons and not the other. Plus, there is no way that Eddie would be able to handle both of his boys plus a Harrington kid all on his own. 
There’s someone Eddie wants to invite to be the fourth person, but he’s not sure if it would be appropriate or not to bring it up. Thankfully, Ryan adores you almost as much as his father does, and practically asks the question for him. 
“Daddy!” Ryan stage whispers the moment Eddie walks through the door after work the Monday before Luke’s birthday. 
The older man raises an eyebrow at his son as he tosses his keys down on the small table he passes on his way into the living room. He kicks his black chunky boots off and scratches at his scruff with dirt-stained fingertips.
“What’s up, kiddo?” Eddie asks. 
Ryan looks around to make sure Luke is still in the bathroom. 
“I had an idea for Luke’s birthday!”
Before Eddie gets the chance to inquire further, you stroll in from the kitchen and Eddie finds himself smiling like a teenager with a secret crush. The cuffs of your denim shorts that brush the middle of your thighs are so tempting to stare at, but Eddie forces himself to keep his eyes on your face—though that’s no hard feat with how gorgeous he finds you. 
“Hey, Eddie,” you greet, and your boss feels as if he could melt on the spot just by the sound of your voice. “How was work?”
“You know,” he says with a shrug, trying to shake off any trace of fluster, “same old, same old. How were the rugrats?”
“Little Tasmanian devils,” you tease. 
“Afraid that comes with the last name ‘Munson,’” Eddie says with a dramatic sigh. His words make you giggle and a fluttering in his stomach threatens to take Eddie airborne. 
“Daddy!” Ryan rasps again, this time a little more urgently. He marches over to his father who picks him up and holds him against his toned jumpsuit-clad chest.
“I think I know who should come with us on Saturday,” Ryan says, a smile that’s a blend of mischievous and prideful lighting up his face.
“Oh yeah? Who’s that?” Eddie asks.
Instead of responding verbally, Ryan turns his head until he’s grinning in your direction. The conversation between the two Munsons clearly confuses you as Eddie watches you tilt your head and raise your eyebrows in question.
“What’s Saturday?”
Eddie opens his mouth to respond, but a loud pitter-patter coming down the hallway has the man clamping shut to avoid spoiling the surprise. 
“Daddy!” Luke cheers as he runs into the room.
“There’s the troublemaker,” Eddie says as Ryan wiggles down from his arms. Luke’s quick to be his older brother’s replacement, diving in towards Eddie, trusting that his father will catch him. He does, of course, and hefts the small boy up. “What’s new, Scooby Doo?”
“Nothin’,” Luke says with a shrug. “Oh, wait. I ate an ant off the sidewalk during playground time.”
Eddie stares at his youngest son, blinking a few times before asking, “What color?”
“Okay, you’re fine,” Eddie says, putting the boy down. 
“That’s gross,” Ryan says as his little brother walks up to him.
Eddie shakes his head, in amusement or bemusement you’re not sure, and subtly gestures for you to follow him into the kitchen. It’s hard not to trip over your own feet as you move behind your boss. You’d follow him to Jupiter and back if he asked. 
“So, uh,” Eddie starts softly once the two of you are alone in the kitchen, “Saturday we’re going to Indianapolis for a real-life Hot Wheels show.”
The way your eyes light up with excitement has Eddie’s heart thumping against his ribs.
“Oh, he’s going to love that!” you gush. 
His responding dopey grin momentarily stalls Eddie’s train of thought before he remembers Ryan’s suggestion.
“Yeah, I couldn’t believe my luck when I found the ad for it. But, uh, turns out Brittany can’t get out of work for it.”
You hope you’re able to keep some of the fury blazing in your eyes hidden from your boss. Sometimes it’s a challenge to hold your tongue about Brittany around Eddie—that’s why your poor roommate gets an earful of it almost every day when you come home. 
“Ryan, he just, um, had a great idea,” Eddie continues. His tongue darts out and licks over his lips. “Would you be interested in coming with the three of us on Saturday? I know it’s last minute, so there’s no worry if you can’t. Or if it’s not your thing, I get that too.”
“Eddie,” you say with a soft chuckle. 
The sound vibrates through his body, liquefying his heart on the spot. 
“I would love to go with you guys and celebrate Luke’s birthday.”
Technically, you do have plans for a lunch date with your friend Lily that you’ll have to cancel, but there’s no way you can pass up this opportunity to spend extra time with the Munson men—especially Eddie. 
A sigh of release emanates from Eddie’s chest, and he gives you a grin that makes your knees weak.
“Great. It’s a surprise for Luke, so he doesn’t know anything is going on this weekend. I’m not even going to tell him even when we’re in the car on the way to Indianapolis; I’m too excited for the look on his face when he sees the real-life tracks and cars.”
“He’s going to lose his tiny mind,” you say.
“He is,” Eddie agrees with a hearty laugh. 
“Do you want me to come by on Saturday or do you want to pick me up on the way?” you ask.
Originally, Eddie had just figured that you would come to the house, but the thought of having your address is too tempting for him to give up. Not that he’ll ever do anything with the information, but just to get a peek behind the curtain into your life, a glimpse at where you start and end your days. 
“We can pick you up,” Eddie says, trying his best to be casual. “That’ll be another fun little pit stop for Luke.”
“Perfect. Here, let me give you my address.”
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“This is where you live!” Luke exclaims as soon as you slip into the passenger seat of Eddie’s car. 
“It is!” You turn to look at the boys over your shoulder and give them a smile. 
“Do you live on the tippy top?” Luke asks, pointing out the car window to the highest level of your building. 
“Nope, just the second floor,” you tell him as you buckle your seatbelt. 
“Not as fun,” Ryan laments.
“Will someone please tell me where we’re going?” Luke whines five minutes after Eddie has pulled out of your apartment complex parking lot. 
“Hey, what did I say?” Eddie raises his eyebrows and looks at his youngest son through the rearview mirror.
Luke’s bright blue eyes turn skyward, and he lets out a huff that makes it sound like he’s deflating. 
“It’s a surprise.” Luke’s voice is the most monotone you’ve ever heard it.
“Exactly. And no one is going to spoil the surprise,” Eddie says as he pulls onto the highway. “So quit asking.”
He doesn’t, of course. He asks four more times over the course of the journey. 
The drive to Indianapolis takes a little over an hour, but it passes by in a flash with the constant entertainment of the Munson trio you’re traveling with. Luke’s insatiable curiosity about anything and everything only takes breaks to give out tidbits of information that he already knows. Many times, Ryan tries to get his little brother to shut up so that he can talk to you as well. And Eddie is the King of Wit as he makes you laugh with comebacks to the boys, and jokes that make your cheeks hurt from smiling so much. It’s almost a disappointment when you have to get out of the car with them. At least you know you’ll have the ride home to experience this Munson brand of insanity once more. 
The moment Eddie puts the car into park, you keep your gaze on Luke. He’s straining in his seat to look out the window, anxious for any clue as to where he is. He’s the first one to unhook his seatbelt and hops out of the car, immediately squinting in the bright sunlight.
“It’s hot,” Ryan says as he steps out of the car. 
“Jesus, you’re right,” Eddie agrees. The man reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a black hair tie. You can’t help but be mesmerized as you watch him bunch his beautiful curls up and tie them into a bun on the back of his head. Small strands of hair frame his face and you feel all the blood in your body drop to between your legs. 
At least if I pass out I can blame it on the heat instead of how unfairly fucking good my boss looks, you think to yourself. 
“What is this place?” Luke asks. He has one small hand shielding his eyes from the sun as he swivels on the spot, looking for any clues to solve this puzzle.
“Come on,” Eddie says, nodding his head towards the stadium at the other end of the parking lot. He offers his hand to his youngest son who happily takes it, eager to get whatever show this is on the road.
Ryan slips his hand into yours, which makes your insides feel as warm as your outside as the two of you trail behind Eddie and Luke. 
The closer you get to the entrance, the more you notice people wearing shirts with the Hot Wheels logo on them, but you’re hoping Luke either doesn’t notice or just thinks it’s a coincidence. The four-year-old still seems to be buzzing with anticipation when Eddie hands four tickets to the attendant who lets you through the entry way into the stadium. 
A cool, shaded tunnel is all that separates you from the main event and you’re pretty sure your excitement is greater than the kids’. Eddie looks over his shoulder at you and gives you a wink. You know it’s meant as a signal to watch for Luke’s reaction, but it sends goosebumps all over your body and you stumble over nothing as Eddie turns back around.
“Are you okay?” Ryan asks, his hand securely in yours so that you wouldn’t fall. 
“I’m good,” you say, shakiness evident in your voice. 
Quickly, you make sure to turn your attention to Luke. Just as he’s about to step back into the sunlight with his father, you take a deep breath and hold it.
Eddie brings Luke out into the stadium proper, you and Ryan right behind them. It takes Luke a few minutes to absorb what he sees. 
In the middle of the stadium are twin life-size Hot Wheels loops, orange as bright as flames. At the beginning of each track, sit two empty racecars, both designed to look like the pocket-sized toys the youngest Munson brother collects. The one on the left looks like cans of paint were thrown on the car. Splotches of neon green, white, and a little bit of black cover the car from nose to fin. The car on the next track looks painted with more intention than its counterpart. This one has a base coat of canary yellow with dark red and blue flames emblazoned on the hood, roof, and trunk. Both cars have the signature Hot Wheels logo on the sides, in the dramatic red flourish. 
Once Luke’s brain catches up with what he sees in front of him, his eyes grow exponentially wider. Matching grins appear on both your and Eddie’s faces as you watch it all sink in for the little boy. 
“Whoa,” Luke says, eyes darting everywhere. 
“You like it?” Eddie asks, shaking his son’s hand gently.
Luke gazes around for another few seconds before looking back at his dad.
“I love it!”
Luke pulls his hand from his dad’s and jumps up and down on the spot, his little hands curling into fists that he holds against his chest. A high-pitched whine of excitement squeaks out and you can’t help but chuckle. His glee is palpable and seeing him so happy is infectious. 
“It’s Hot Wheels!” Luke turns to his brother and repeats himself. “Ryan, it’s Hot Wheels!”
“I know!” Ryan says, an elated grin on his own face. “Isn’t it so cool?”
“Yes!” Luke squeaks.
“Come on,” Eddie says, his large hand gently patting Luke’s back. “Let’s go find our seats.”
One downfall of it being such a hot day in Indiana is that the aluminum bleachers that you’re allocated to are toasty even through the material of your shorts. 
“Does anyone want some water?” you ask once you’re all settled.
“Me,” both boys say.
“I’ll come with you,” Ryan says. 
You gladly accept his offer and take his hand as the two of you venture off to find water.
On the bleachers, Luke squirms in his seat next to Eddie, so excited he can hardly stand it. The little boy tugs on the sleeve of his dad’s t-shirt and Eddie looks over at him.
“I’m so happy!”
Eddie chuckles, his heart growing three sizes at seeing his son this way. Luke’s generally a happy kid, but this euphoria is a whole different level for him, and Eddie realizes he would’ve driven to Alaska for this if it meant putting that smile on his son’s face.
“I can tell,” Eddie says. “I’m glad you’re happy. I’m glad I found something fun for your birthday.”
“And I’m so happy I’m here with you guys!” Luke continues.
Eddie for the first time realizes neither of his sons questioned why their mother wasn’t coming with them today. No wondering why she didn’t get in the car, why she wasn’t here with the rest of the family. And neither of the boys seem to mind one bit. In fact, Luke just said he’s happy to be here with the three of you. Not his mom, but you here with them. Honestly, Eddie couldn’t agree more. He’s not about to spend his son’s birthday celebration psychoanalyzing what that means, though.
“We’re all so happy to be here with you,” Eddie says. He leans forward and presses a kiss to Luke’s curls. They’re slightly sweaty but neither of them cares. 
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A loudspeaker crackles to life and an announcer with a booming, lively voice asks the crowd if they’re ready to have a good time today. 
“Our drivers today are Buzzy Graham and Oliver Ronald!”
The first man—Buzzy—gives the crowd a wave and jogs over to the splotchy looking car. He straps a neon green helmet on and climbs into the life-sized toy vehicle through the driver’s side window. The second driver, Oliver, also gives a wave and a smile as he makes his way over to the car painted with flames. An indigo helmet gets strapped to his head, and he slips inside of his car as well. 
The moment the show starts, and Luke hears the first revving of an engine, he’s on his feet. His hands are clenched in excitement again as he waits with bated breath for the cars to get into gear. The kid has put his cars through tracks just like these a hundred times before, now he’s ready to see the real thing in action. 
The buzz of the crowd dims as the hundreds of people in attendance wait for the show to begin. Finally, the purr of an engine sounds above all other noise and Luke clasps his hands together with an excited gasp. Ryan is also full of anticipation, sitting at the very edge of his seat and watching with eyes almost as wide as his little brother’s. 
Over the speaker, a countdown begins.
Both cars go full throttle across the checkered starting line. Luke intakes a sharp breath and Eddie can’t help but notice it doesn’t come out right away as he watches the two cars speed along down the orange track. 
The cars approach the first loop and every muscle in Luke’s tiny body is frozen as he watches in anticipation. Ryan also has his eyes glued to the cars, but his is more of a fascination of how the cars don’t fall while they’re upside down in the loop. 
“How did they…” you just barely hear Ryan say to himself over the roar of the audience. 
Now that the cars are out of the loop, they’re coming up on the jump over a shallow ravine, to the other side of the continuing neon track, where the finish line is. 
The Splotch and The Flames both start their small incline to prepare them for the jump, and Luke’s hands go up to grab the curls on top of his head. This is possibly the most stress the kid has ever endured in his life. At least it’s the good kind, Eddie can tell. 
“Here we go,” Eddie says just as the cars are about to be airborne.
And suddenly, there’s nothing beneath the spinning black wheels but dust and air as they soar over the pass between the two disconnected parts of the track. Luke swears it all moves in slow motion. 
The rubber tires of the splotchy car touch down on the other side of the ravine first, bumping and jostling the car forward as the flames one lands a split second after it. 
The end of the track is only yards away, so the splotchy car has the upper hand and is the first one to cross over the black and white finish line.
“WOO!” Luke cheers. His hands come free from his mess of curls and he throws his arms up in the air. “Yes!”
“Wow!” Ryan stands up and claps his hands, cheering alongside his little brother. 
“Daddy, did you see that?!” Luke asks, turning his wide-eyed gaze on his father. “That was the coolest thing ever!”
The genuine excitement and happiness wafting off of, not only Luke, but Ryan too, has Eddie grinning ear to ear as he nods in response to the small boy. Eddie would absolutely agree that this is the coolest thing ever. But not for the same reasons his sons do. 
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The tracks are cleaned and reset a number of times, letting different cars and different drivers take their turns. But none of the excitement will ever live up to that initial race to Ryan and Luke. Seeing those real-life Hot Wheels in motion for the first time blew their little minds. By the end, you and Eddie are both watching the boys more than the show in front of you. 
Once the last race has been run and the show has come to its end, it’s clear all the excitement and sitting out in the heat have worn the boys out—-Eddie and you too, if you were being honest. The sun is setting now and it gives you a reprieve from the heat as you head back to the car.
“So, kiddo,” Eddie says, gently shaking Luke’s hand where he holds it in his own. “Where should we stop off on the way home to grab a birthday cake?”
“I get cake today, too?” Luke asks, voice rising higher in pitch the further he gets in the question. “Awesome!”
Eddie was planning to get a second cake for Luke’s actual birthday on Monday, but guilt gnaws in his head. You won’t be there on Monday, and Brittany will.  You’ll be the one who remembers his birthday wish, always said aloud despite Ryan’s reminder to keep it a secret. 
Since you can’t be there when Luke blows out the candles on Monday, Eddie ensures that he’ll have a cake today as well. The happier cake, Eddie bitterly thinks.
“Dairy Queen!” Luke announces as everyone piles into the car. 
“Nice choice,” Eddie commends, raising his eyebrows. 
“I love those little crunchy things in the middle of the ice cream layers,” Luke elaborates as he buckles himself into his seatbelt. “They look like little clumps of dirt but taste like little nuggets from Heaven!” 
You and Eddie share an amused smile as he slips the key into the ignition and starts the car. 
“Oooh!” Ryan says, twisting in his seat to look out the back windshield. It’s dark now, but he knows it’s the general direction of where the stadium is. “Can we take our car on the Hot Wheels track?”
Luke gasps in excitement and joins in the begging.
“Please? Just once?”
“Guys, we can’t just drive on to the track,” Eddie says, shaking his head in amusement. Though he will admit to himself, that sounds like it would be so much fuckin’ fun. “Professionals drive those cars. Cars that are specifically made to do that kind of stuff.”
“Yeah,” you add, turning around in your seat to face the boys as Eddie pulls out of the parking space. “And I don’t know about you, but if I went upside down like that, I would feel too sick to have any delicious Dairy Queen ice cream cake.”
You’re aware your words are most likely untrue, but it gets the boys thinking about the sweet treat again rather than wanting to go perform professional stunts in the dark with no supervision. 
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There’s a drug store right in front of the first Dairy Queen you come across on the drive home, so you run in there to grab some birthday candles while Eddie and the boys get a cake. 
You meet them at an outside table where Eddie is carefully removing the vanilla-frosted cake from the box. While he takes care of that, you unload the bag of supplies you bought at the drugstore. Sure, Dairy Queen had paper plates to eat off of, but there’s no way they had ones as cool as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ones you found. 
“Ahhh!” Luke’s face lights up when he sees the package of plates and happily takes them from you so he can rip the plastic off. 
Of course, the matching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle napkins were a necessity as well. But with everything that Luke likes, there’s no way you could stick with one theme when you saw the party supply aisle. 
Next, out come the Scooby Doo party hats and matching noise makers. Ryan giggles as you situate his hat atop his dark golden curls and adjust the strap below his chin. Unsurprisingly, Luke went for a noise maker first, which has Eddie giving you a fake glare. With a soft giggle, you give him an innocent shrug in return.
Scooping up another cardboard cone hat, you step closer to Eddie and slide it on him. If you’re being honest with yourself, this is mostly just an excuse to touch him. The backs of your fingers lightly brush against his stubble as you hook the string on his strong jaw. His hair is still tied back, but that gives you the perfect opportunity to fix the strands of hair that frame his face when they get shifted from securing the hat. 
The moment the pads of your fingers make contact with the soft tendrils of hair, a pleasant chill runs down your spine. Doe eyes watch your face as you arrange small sections of his fly away hairs, but you don’t dare meet his eye. There’s no way you’d be able to keep all the emotions you try to keep bottled up inside from broadcasting across your face like a scroll sign in Times Square. 
You clear your throat and take a step back. Trying to will all heat away from your face, you slip on your own Scooby Doo party hat, make sure Luke is wearing his, then tear open the package of candles you bought. The frozen frosting on top of the cake has thawed a bit from being outside in the Indiana evening heat, but it still takes a little effort to stab five green striped candles around the edges of the cake, and one white one in the middle for luck.  
Eddie slips a silver lighter out of his pocket and leans in until there’s a small flame dancing on top of each candle’s wick. 
“Okay,” Eddie says as he slips the zippo back into his pocket. He moves to stand behind Luke, gently resting his hands on his son's shoulders. “One, two, three…”
A chorus of Happy Birthday to You begins and Luke’s gleeful face is illuminated even brighter by the fire casting its light. 
“…happy birthday, dear Luuu-uuuke. Happy birthday to you!”
“Make a wish, sweetheart,” you tell him.
“But don’t say it out loud!” Ryan reminds him, a hint of anger in his voice letting you know this is a regular occurrence. 
Luke’s lips form a pucker as he thinks. The gears churning in his head are practically visible as he casts his gaze upward, then downward. Then, his eyes flit to his father behind him, then over to you. A smile that you could only describe as hopeful slowly grows on Luke’s lips as he leans in towards the cake. The almost-five-year-old takes a deep inhale in through the nose, then blows all his candles out in one shot. 
The smoke curls into the air and disappears as you and Eddie clap your hands now that Luke made his wish. 
The cold cake is the perfect dessert to be eating outside on a warm summer-but-not-technically-summer-yet night. The vanilla and chocolate ice cream along with the crispy, crunchy pieces in the middle are the perfect way to end such a lovely day. 
You’ve never had a day out with the Munson men like this before. Something deep inside of you wonders if all of this was a good thing or bad thing, though. Because before you didn’t know what you were missing. Now, you know how it feels to spend time with them as a person—not an employee. Just as a friend to Eddie—-and okay, maybe still like a babysitter to the kids. But it’s so different than just being in the Munson house until Eddie comes home, get paid, then leave. This was time together. And it was one of the best times you’ve ever had. 
“You’ll always have the memory of today,” you whisper to yourself as you walk away from the guys to throw away empty plates and used napkins. “Even if I never get another day like this again, I’ll always have the memory of this one and how nice it feels to spend time with them. All of them.”
You take a deep breath walking back towards everyone, mentally composing yourself so you don’t give away that you’re getting caught up in your own head. 
“We ready to get back on the road?” Eddie asks, patting his front pocket that holds the keys. 
“Yes—oh. One second. Luke?” You chuckle and take a seat down at the table. When the little boy looks at you, you gesture for him to come over to you. “It’s a good thing I didn’t throw away all the napkins.”
There’s ice cream all over Luke’s face. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he had been trying to devour it by osmosis. 
“How did you get chocolate in your eyebrow?” you ask with a chuckle as you gently rub at the area above his eye. After one more once over, everything looks good—nice and clean. “There we go.”
“Thank you!” Luke leans in and pecks your cheek before spinning around and heading towards the car. 
The small display of affection has you giddy as you follow behind him. It’s the little moments where you realize that they love you right back that turn you into a puddle on the floor. But you’d happily stay that way if it meant the boys love you even half as much as you love them. 
Despite the recent sugar rush, it doesn’t take long once you get on the road again for the boys to fall asleep. Soft snores come from one of them, but it’s impossible to tell who since they’ve somehow come to sleep with their heads resting up against one another’s. 
It leaves no room for you and Eddie to talk, but you don’t mind. Companionable silence with Eddie is comfortable, there’s no urge to fill the silence with some small talk or forced conversation. It’s relaxing even, to sit next to Eddie and just be. There’s nothing you have to do, nothing to worry about, it’s just you sitting next to Eddie while the beauty of Indiana at dusk rushes by outside the windows. As much as you don’t want to think about it, you could definitely get used to this. 
When Eddie pulls up to your apartment complex, you almost want to be a child and beg for one more ride around the block. The boys are still sleeping and the only sound is from the crickets chirping outside as Eddie kills the engine.
“Thank you for inviting me today,” you say. “I really had a lot of fun.”
“Yeah, those cars were pretty cool, huh?” Eddie asks with a soft chuckle as he reaches up to scratch the back of his neck. 
“Oh, no. Well, I mean, yes, they were, but I didn’t just mean them. I had a lot of fun hanging out with the three of you.” If your wife bails on you again, just let me know, you think, but almost laugh to yourself when you realize you need to correct it. WHEN your wife bails on you. 
“I had a really great time, too,” Eddie says. “I always have a great time with my boys. But you made it even more fun.”
Heat rushes to your face and you instinctively avert your gaze and duck your head. 
One of the boys lets out a whopper of a snore and it startles both you and Eddie, who let out soft matching chuckles at your own jumpiness.
“Since they’re out like a light,” you say, looking over your shoulder at the two boys snoozing in the backseat, “tell them how much fun I had with you all, yeah?”
“Will do,” Eddie affirms. 
“And give them a kiss from me when you tuck them in.” Part of you is tempted to lean in and press a quick peck to Eddie’s cheek that’s meant for him to then pass in turn to the boys, but all emotions other than desire somehow keep it reigned in. 
Taking a deep breath, you reach for the door handle and curl your fingers around the silver lever. 
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?” you ask Eddie, offering him a small smile. 
“Absolutely. I’d, uh, offer to walk you inside, but I’ve got these two sleeping sloths in the back. I don’t trust them alone—even unconscious.”
Your soft responding giggle has Eddie smiling in his shadowed corner of the car. 
“Bye, Eddie.” The passenger side door opens with a clack and you swing one leg out of it.
“Bye, sweetheart.”
The moment the car door closes behind you, Eddie’s gaze falls to your ass. He watches each sway of your hips and finds his teeth sharply digging into his lower lip. 
“God damn,” Eddie mutters to himself once he sees you’re safely inside your building. 
He sits there for another quiet moment, one hand on the gear shift. After taking a deep lungful of air and releasing it slowly, Eddie turns the car back on and pulls out of the parking spot. 
The car hasn’t even made it out of the complex parking lot when Eddie hears his youngest stirring in the backseat with an overexaggerated yawn. The little boy smacks his lips together a few times before he opens his mouth and speaks in a voice still laced with sleep.
“Can I have some more cake?”
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2chopsticks2eyes · 3 days
(Part Two)
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This is part two of a multiple part series, please be sure to start from part one!
(Part One) | (Part Two)
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Fem Reader
Themes: Angst, (Smut), (Fluff)
Word Count (all parts): ~21.8k | AO3
Summary: You were penniless and working tirelessly at a seedy club when you were assaulted. As soon as you resigned yourself to your fate, Lee Minho saved you, albeit grudgingly. You received treatment and you didn’t have to pay them a dime under one condition: You must be confined to his home for the remainder of your recovery.
Author’s Note:
The overall plot line was based off a recommendation from @linoots from Tumblr (I received permission from them to write this type of content)
(I’ve missed you all dearly. So sorry it’s taken so long 🥺)
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You silently watched as the doctor removed the IV that had been pumping fluids into your body for the past 48 hours and you rubbed the uncomfortable bandage he replaced it with.
You refused to make eye contact with him. In fact, you did not look or talk to anybody since you woke up in that same home-hospital room you had grown accustomed to. Not Chris, not Felix, and definitely not Minho.
You were a shell of your former self and you didn’t know if you were upset or relieved that you were revived. You didn’t know what to make of it. But now, there was one emotion you knew that burned brighter than your numbness.
You couldn’t quite believe Felix’s words when he said that Minho was the one who came to your rescue… again…
But that was preposterous. The bastard probably told the younger man to say that to make himself look better… Whatever, fuck it all.
You allowed yourself to be led back to your room to get some rest. However, when Felix left and Minho walked in, you fortified your walls even further. You felt your face turn sour with each passing moment without even looking at the man and you rolled over in bed so your back was facing him.
There was a long pause of silence that seemed to drag on for hours.
You finally heard a long sigh and then the sound of him plopping down into the chair by your bed. “You know…” He started, and you squeezed your eyes shut. “There’s a reason I bothered to do all of this...”
You tried your hardest to ignore him, but you couldn’t control the fact that his words piqued your interest, your ears already tuned-in to his velvety voice.
“Not just this time, but… the reason I brought you here in the first place.” After a moment of silence, he realized you weren’t going to respond, so he huffed in frustration. “Forget it.”
You suddenly heard the door open and you peered over your shoulder. Without turning to face you, he blankly said, “You are now required to have 24/7 supervision, congratulations.”
And with that, the man walked out while Felix walked in, a meek smile on his face and hands full with baked goods.
“In the mood for cookies?” You sighed and just returned to your side as you balled up in a mess of frustration and confusion under the covers, mind still tingling with the thought of what Minho was going to say.
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter, Felix. I’m a grown woman.”
Felix just huffed, obviously sick and tired of your complaints. “You know why it’s this way, sweetie. Don’t blame me for doing my job.”
The topic was a constant now. He was obviously there for your physical therapy, but he was also everywhere else. You loved the man, you did, but there is only so much time you could stand without a little alone time!
You wanted to watch TV? He was there. You wanted to nap? He was there. You couldn’t even go to the bathroom without having to leave the door open so he ‘has access to you at all times’. Thank god he stayed outside while you did your business…
After a week of this bullshit, you decided to do something about it…
Throughout your exploration of the house, you found some rooms with names on them. Evidently the ones that Minho once said were strictly prohibited. A couple of the rooms had names you were completely unfamiliar with, but others, you remembered well. Chan, Felix, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, and finally some large double-doors with the initials L.M.
Lee Minho.
The man had supposedly been ‘out on business’ the entire week, but you knew for sure he had come back today with all of the ruckus of the house staff.
So, when you were positive that Felix had finally passed out on the sofa in your room for the night, you, as quietly as humanly possible, snuck out of the room and tip-toed down the hallway and downstairs to the doors you knew by heart now.
The room was surprisingly extremely secluded and you thanked the heavens because you knew for sure you wouldn’t be able to keep cool once he was in sight. You were fully prepared to bang your fist all the way through Minho’s door to meet the man himself if that’s what it took, but as you raised your fist to knock, the door suddenly opened.
Well… shit…
You really didn’t want to admit it, you really didn’t, but… the sight before you was absolutely, without a doubt, mouth watering. He looked just as surprised as you, but you found yourself focused on something other than his face for once…
The man was completely shirtless, pajama pants riding low on his hips and revealing the prominent V of his abdomen. Speaking of abdomen, the dude was of course ripped. Well, maybe not Dr. Chris (Or Christopher, or Chan, or what the fuck ever you want to call him) kind of ripped, but enough to make your eyes bulge out and glue themselves to every inch of impeccably toned abs and pecs.
And another thing that stood out in particular was the sleeve of tattoos twisting and swirling around the upper half of his right arm. You had only seen him in button-ups thus far and, even if he rolled up his sleeves, you somehow hadn’t ever noticed it. You were usually hyper-focused on his face, but at that moment, all you could see was the vast amount of skin on display.
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“What are you doing here?” His stern words snapped you back to reality and you had to rapidly blink to regain a semblance of consciousness.
What am I doing? You shivered and grimaced at yourself for your intrusive thoughts before meeting his eyes.
“Uh-uhh I–” You halted your words when you noticed he was clutching something on his side. Curiosity got the better of you and you peered around his towering frame to see a soiled and basically useless bandage dripping with blood. “Holy shit! Are you alright?!” You said stepping towards him instinctively, catching yourself once he tensed and stepped back, correcting his posture as if to defend himself.
Psh, what could you possibly do to him? You couldn’t even defend yourself…
He glanced at the cloth he was currently pressing to his side and made a disgruntled noise. “I’m fine.” He said with a curt and slightly annoyed huff. “Why don’t you have anyone watching you right now?” He grumbled, obviously frustrated as he looked around behind you in search of your babysitter.
You furrowed your brows, still peeved but also worried about the still-bleeding wound on his side. “I had to sneak away because I don’t necessarily appreciate being babysat like a fucking child! Now you need to refresh that bandage before it gets infected!” You borderline shouted.
You could almost feel the daggers he shot at you with his eyes pierce through your flesh. “I said I’m fine! Now go back to be– Hey!”
You cut his sentence off short when you saw a first aid kit that looked like it had been through war and back on a small table behind him before you marched your way in, not giving two flying fucks that you were invading his room. “Get your ass in here, we need to clean you up first.” You demanded, collecting the kit and marching into what looked like the ensuite, completely ignoring his protests.
Jesus, is this much luxury even necessary? You thought as you passed through his behemoth of a room. Gray, white, and covered in smooth marble and chandeliers, it housed all of the amenities to be considered its own wing of the house. The gray material of the sofa and bed looked so soft and luxurious you were tempted to walk over and run your fingers along them. But that would have to wait.
He slammed his bedroom door shut with a huff and turned around. “You can’t just–!” You ignored him as you strolled into the bathroom (Still unnecessarily gorgeous).
“Just get your ass in here and sit!” You shouted from the bathroom. When you saw him stop in the doorway and glare at you, you just proceeded to open the first-aid kit and then pointed at the black and white marble countertop next to the sink. “Sit.”
He rolled his eyes before squeezing them shut and breathing out a slow sigh. “You… You’re a pain in my ass.” He groaned before dragging his feet over to you and hopping up to sit on the counter like you asked. If you hadn’t been right in front of him, you would have almost missed the slight hiss of pain he breathed through clenched teeth.
Why you had felt a pang of sympathy for the man, you had no clue.
He watched you apprehensively as you washed your hands and moved to face him. A brief moment of awkward silence had permeated the air before you tentatively raised your hands to remove the soiled bandage.
Minho visibly stiffened, but he made no move to stop you as your shaky fingers slowly peeled back the gauze.
Holy shit. That was 100% unmistakably a bullet wound.
Your mind was automatically transported back to that first night where you witnessed this guy casually gun down those men, effectively splattering five different brains on the fresh snow without even batting an eyelash. Who the fuck is Lee Minho? And what all was he capable of?
“If you’re going to just stand there and stare, then kindly leave me the fuck alone.” His gruff voice made you jump slightly as you were pulled from your thoughts.
You cleared your throat as you proceeded to throw away the red-stained dressing. You avoided his eyes as you grabbed the saline solution and a towel, still feeling his eyes bore into you with every movement.
However, you froze as you held the saline up to the mangled skin. “U-um… Did you take out—?”
“Yes, I already removed the bullet. Get on with it.”
Your stomach churned at his affirmation of the cause of injury, but you were getting sick and tired of his assholery as you glared up at his blackened eyes. “You know, a little gratitude goes a long way, shithead.”
He seemed stunned for a moment, looking at you as if you had gone crazy before returning to his deadly glower. “Look here, Tinkerbell—“ You bristled at that stupid-ass name again… “YOU’RE the one that barged in here. YOU’RE the one who has been a pain in my ass ever since you got here. So, no, I won’t give ‘gratitude’ where it’s not deserved. Plus, you’re the one to talk…” He murmured the last bit, but you still clearly heard him.
“Then why bother saving me in the first place?!” You basically screamed at him.
Silence and a shocked disposition was all you got in return.
“I had nothing to live for anyway, so why bother?! You could have just as easily ignored what was happening and went on your merry fucking way. Could have left me behind that dumpster to freeze and bleed to death so you wouldn’t have to deal with this ‘pain in the ass’. Could have also left me alone to OD and suffocate on my own vomit the other day. So what gives?” You finished with a seething remark while gesturing to yourself.
His face was stark blank. “You want to know why I saved you?” He said through gritted teeth. You just responded with a curt nod. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before his expression morphed into something more solemn. It seemed like he was having an internal battle before he began to speak. He finally sighed and leaned his head back against the wall mirror with closed eyes. “I once… I had a cousin, one that was very close to me. I would always be overbearing and protective and she would always tell me to stop babying her.”
He chuckled fondly as he reminisced and you found yourself latching onto his every word. You chalked it up to the fact that you were finally learning something about this enigmatic man and this whole fucked up situation.
“Anyway, as we got older and I got busier, I began giving her more space. She was becoming a woman and I accepted the fact that she could begin to take care of herself.” He paused, but considering the faintest waver in his voice and his dry swallow, it didn’t sound like it was because he was waiting for a response… “I thought she was safe… but there were… others… vile pigs that knew how close she was to me…”
Another beat of silence and you watched his face slowly morph from sorrow to unbridled rage.
“I found her in almost the exact way I found you…” His words felt like a punch to the gut and painful images flooded your mind as you swallowed the bile that rose to your chest. “But, in her case, the scum that had… done that to her had already fled and I… I couldn’t save—” He squeezed his eyes tighter and his jaw clenched hard around the emotions before they could spill out.
You both knew he didn’t need to finish that sentence.
You felt the numbness that had taken over your soul begin to crack once again at the feeling of sympathy towards his cousin, and that shit scared you like none other.
“So, yeah. You might be a raging bitch and I might be a pretentious motherfucker. But even so, I couldn’t just leave you… I just couldn’t…” You felt something churn in your gut and you furrowed your brows in frustration as to what it was. You watched him take a deep breath and sit up a bit straighter. “So, with that being said, I can’t just allow you to throw away everything you’ve worked for so far.”
As if indicating that he had enough of the back-and-forth, he attempted to grab the saline bottle from your hand, only to be met with adamant resistance. You gently pushed his hand away (thankfully without any struggle) and brought the saline and towel up to his ever-bleeding wound that was dripping down to the puddle it created, causing a concerning amount of deep crimson to flood the marble countertop.
You silently flushed the deep cavern with the solution until you deemed it was properly cleaned before moving on to the peroxide. “This might sting a bit…�� You warned as you watched his jaw clench. He closed his eyes as you disinfected it and you wondered how he could keep so cool after having a bullet plunged into his side.
Once he was properly cleaned and covered in antibiotic ointment, you picked up the gauze and searched for some tape. Your eyes widened as he wordlessly moved to hand you a long compression wrap.
You emitted a noise that sounded somewhat like a sputtering engine and your face flushed as you saw his suppressed smirk. To wrap that thing around him, you would have to run your hands all over his muscled torso… fuck.
“Something the matter?” He lilted in that nonchalant, annoying timbre. Teasing. “If you don–”
“It’s fine!” You cut him off, maybe a bit too loudly as you refused to make eye contact. “It’s just… just… don’t you have any dressing tape?” You said as you coincidentally eyed his well-defined pecs and abs.
He shrugged. “Nope. Not with me anyway. I just have this—“ He said while waving the fabric in front of your face again with a challenging brow lifted.
You nervously chuckled and squeaked out, “O-okay… Stand up…” You instantly felt goosebumps rise all over your flesh as he hopped off the counter, keeping the gauze pressed to his wound, and stepped a bit too close for a man you barely even knew. Deep breaths, you can do this…
“Hey…” You slowly raised your eyes to meet his own at the sound of the softer change in his tone. He took the tiniest step back to make it easier for him to look you in the eyes. “If you're uncomfortable… I mean… I’m not…” You don’t think you had ever seen him struggle so much with his words. He sighed and closed his eyes before sadly looking at you again. “You have nothing to be afraid of with me… I wouldn’t even think of…” He huffed and shook his head in disgust as he seemed to be thinking of the exact same thing that had plagued you day and night since arriving here.
Before he could even drive his point home, you gently laid your hand on his shoulder, causing his gaze to return to you. “I know…” You replied. “You hardly scare me, Lee Minho.” You teased with a wry smile that even surprised you.
His disturbed face was slowly replaced with a pleasantly surprised grin similar to your own. You watched with feigned mockery as he raised the wrapping once again. “Then prove it, Tink.” You just scoffed and rolled your eyes at the shortened version of his unrelenting name for you and snatched the elastic cloth from his hand.
“Fine.” You huffed defiantly before looking at his abdomen once again. You tentatively pressed the end of the wrap against his heated skin that made you blush. You could feel him watching you and you suddenly felt like hiding.
You wrapped the bandage over several times, feeling yourself tense up every time you touched his bare skin, and secured it tightly once you were finished. “O—“ Your voice cracked when you tried to speak and your face heated as you cleared your throat. “Okay, you’re finished…”
You wouldn’t look him in the eyes, how could you after you basically forced him to let you run your hands all over his tan, muscular, and absolutely gorgeous skin?
“W—“ He hesitated and, despite yourself, you found your eyes instinctively seeking his own out to somehow read the words through his dark irises. You found he was searching your eyes as well with pursed lips before he looked away and cleared his throat as well. “Thank you.”
“Channie-hyung wasn’t available when I returned home so I tried to take care of it myself. I guess my half-assed effort didn’t do much, huh?” He chuckled and looked back at you with a meek smile.
Who the fuck is this man and where did Lee Minho go?
He nervously chuckled and you realized you’d been staring at the man far too long. You took a deep breath and stepped back. “Well, I kind of owed it to you now, didn’t I?” You said it lightheartedly, but he furrowed his brows.
“You don’t ever have to owe me anything.”
You arched a brow, but he just turned and began packing away the first aid kit again. You watched his back, trying to remember why you came to his room in the first place. “Minho?”
He stilled his movements.
“What do you even do?” He turned and arched a brow at you and you rolled your eyes, stepping forward next to him to lean against the counter. “Like, you are obviously loaded…” You said gesturing to your luxurious surroundings. “You have a full staff with a doctor to patch up nasty bullet holes like this and god knows what else…” You both looked at his bandage. “And not to mention the bullets you cleared through those guys’ heads without even blinking an eye that night…”
He bit his lip and you followed the action with your eyes. You instinctively wet your own lips. After he was done staring at the marble countertop for an unnecessarily lengthy amount of time, he hesitantly turned his body to face you.
“You could say I sort of run something like a… secret organization?” He said tentatively like it was a question unto himself and you furrowed your brows.
You squinted skeptically at him. “So… you're telling me—“ Is that worry on his face? “—that you're a secret agent? Like a spy?” You looked at him in disbelief.
He sputtered a restrained laugh and looked at you with a suppressed smile. “I suppose you could say I’m like a spy.”
“LIKE a spy?”
He looked up like he was deliberating. “Sure. Like a spy.”
“But not actually a spy?”
He groaned at your questioning and ran a hand through his messy hair. Come to think of it, this is the most dressed-down look you’d seen on him. Gone were the button-ups and slacks, now replaced by sweats and a compression wrap over his shirtless body.
He stood straight and crossed his arms, obviously ready for the conversation to be over. “Does it matter? Look, it’s already really late and Yongbok will panic if he realizes you ran off.”
Oh shit, that’s right. That’s the whole reason you were even there. In Minho’s bathroom. Standing closely to him. With the man half naked and you in your flimsy, silk nightwear. Your peaked nipples seemed suddenly way more apparent as you crossed your arms over your chest. You rapidly blinked as if suddenly waking up and quickly stepped back.
“I-I wanted to ask you something…” He arched his brow and you continued. “Can you please call off the reinforcements? I know I made a bad decision and all, but I will honestly go crazy if I have to use the bathroom with the door open one more time.” You found yourself begging rather than demanding like you had initially intended.
Why, though?
He looked hesitant and you quickly added, “I don’t even mean all of the time! Like, I’ll keep my bedroom door open so he can check up on me and he can even watch me secretly while I’m around the house, I just want at least a little sense of privacy!”
You knew you sounded like a pathetic child, but you had resigned yourself to that fate as soon as you had to take a massive, violent shit earlier that day and you knew Felix had heard everything from the other room. Without any doors to create that sweet, sweet sound barrier? Ugh… You were still mortified to look at him.
You silently watched him with imploring eyes as he tiredly rubbed his brow. “You…” You widened your eyes with a hopeful energy pulsing through them, hoping to portray as such as he looked into your pleading eyes. He sighed. “I suppose those terms are fair…” You lit up like a Christmas tree before he raised a finger. “BUT, if you are EVER alone ANYWHERE, you need to let him know where you are and give him regular updates on your whereabouts to let him know if you are okay. Okay?”
You vehemently nodded your head and perked up. “Thank GOD!”
He smirked and crossed his arms again. “I think I like you calling me a god. Have I upgraded from a narcissistic asshole?” He tilted his head with raised brows and you were, once again, reminded how gorgeous this man really was.
You rolled your eyes and went to shove his shoulder, but before you could even touch him, he grabbed your wrist in the blink of an eye. For some reason, you both looked surprised as he froze with your wrist in his hand from less than a foot away. Your heart was racing and you chalked it up to being from fear of someone grabbing you.
But why did that conclusion not feel quite right…?
Before you could ponder it, he dropped your arm and quickly stepped away. “Fuck. I-I’m sorry.” He shook his head and you watched worry swirl in his eyes.
No, you weren’t afraid of this man. You don’t know why, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you intentionally. Even after everything… “It was just instinct! I swear! I would never intend to—“
“I know, Minho.” You cut off his panicking, but his brows gave away his lingering concern. “I guess I’m just going to have to take your word for it on the whole spy thing, though, because those were super fast reflexes.” You chuckled to ease the tension and his face softened slightly.
It was silent for a moment and he cleared his throat again. “Well, I should walk you back to your room, it’s late and I’ve had… a very long few days.”
You took a large breath and promptly left the bathroom. “I’m perfectly fine on my own, you know?” There’s that twinge of irritation again…
”I know, I know. But if Yongbok is awake, I want to be able to ease his worries and update him on his role in taking care of you.
Taking care of…
Not treating, not monitoring. Taking care of. You supposed that’s what they were doing, huh? Felix was, in fact, doing much more than treating or monitoring. He waited on you hand and foot and you were being a bitch about it. You made a promise to yourself right then and there to let him know as soon as possible how much you appreciated his care and apologize for your behavior.
You nodded, both to yourself and to Minho’s reasoning before making your way back to your room with the mysterious and intriguing man just a few steps behind you.
Felix was a saint. Not only did he forgive you when you apologized, but he went as far to say it was his fault for being overbearing. Which was obviously preposterous.
With your new parameters in effect, Felix decided to leave the estate shortly, before quickly returning with gifts for you. Among them were several jigsaw puzzles and you perked up at the sight of them. Over time, you had come to really appreciate those puzzles. So much so that you had already finished all of the ones currently at the estate, strangely enough. All kinds of different collections displayed on random tables throughout the mansion.
Felix was true to his word and gave you your space, only briefly giving you regular check-ups as you sat in one of the many living rooms that giant freaking place held and began the therapeutic work of putting together an adorable puzzle of a litter of kittens.
You would love to have cats…
When a sudden ruckus erupted down the hall, you furrowed your brows and looked behind you to the source. Down the corridor you saw the same seven men that you had seen regularly around the house (obviously minus Felix) dressed in what looked like active-wear gathering around the front entryway.
The men never approached you, but that was most likely because you tried to make yourself scarce once you saw one of them. Maybe Dr. Chris, Felix, and Minho you trusted, but you didn’t know those other men and it made you sick to your stomach thinking of being alone with a stranger without one of those three men accompanying you.
”Okay, guys, this is just routine training today, so no fire hazards, alright Hyunjin?” You heard Minho announce to the group.
Training? Like their super-secret-spy type training?
You felt yourself stand and march over to them without even formulating what you were doing. Who needs rational thought anyway?
If you were remembering correctly, the one named Jeongin spotted you first with a look of surprise. “Come. On. Hyuuung. We need to be prepared for anyth—“ Jeongin harshly elbowed the one who you assumed was Hyunjin and quickly spoke up.
’Hy-Mr. Lee, sir. I think someone is here for you…” He nodded a bow to you and you returned it, giving a meek smile to the group before meeting Minho’s gaze.
He looked slightly surprised before giving you… was that a smile? No, surely not…
You cleared your throat as Felix made his way over with hurried steps and a worried expression. You, then, glanced over at the other men who had become quiet as death upon you stepping up next to Minho. You scanned over them before slightly bowing. “Um… Good morning…” You introduced yourself before hearing a small ‘oh’ from the man beside you. You turned your head as he stepped forward and turned to face you again.
”I guess I haven’t really introduced them all to you yet… These are my… This is my inner circle.” He hesitated and turned to gesture to each of them. “Some I’m sure you already know. Like Channie-Hyung, Yongbok, and Jisung.” The three nodded politely with soft smiles. “But to formally introduce you to the others, this is Changbin…” The shorter, muscular man offered a shy smile. “Hyunjin…” Your eyebrows raise at the incredibly handsome man as his full lips formed a smile as well. “Seungmin…”
”Nice to formally meet you.” He said with an amused grin and you nervously chuckled as you informed him likewise.
”Then there’s our maknae, Jeonginnie.” Hyunjin cooed at the youngest when he also gave a shy smile and he received a death-glare in return.
All of the men remained incredibly polite, bowing their heads when introduced and maintaining their distance. Shit, they probably already know everything about you and your situation… especially considering the fact that no one asked you who you were or why you were there.
You guessed you understood and you were actually somewhat grateful. It saved you from having to explain it yourself and relive all of the pain again…
”It’s very nice to meet you all.” You gave the men a polite smile before turning to Minho again. You were on a mission. “Minho, can I please come train with you guys?”
You could hear a pin drop with how silent the room got. “You… you want to train?” You gave a determined nod before slumping your shoulders at his shake of the head. “No. No way.”
“What?! Why?!”
”Um, I think it’s best we head out first. We will meet you there sir.” The youngest quickly relayed before walking out the front door with the other men in tow, Felix quickly retreating to some other corner of the estate.
After watching the mass leave, you fixed your glare on Minho’s resolute expression. “Not only are you not employed by me, but you also have an injured arm—“
”It could be good therapy for me! And I can even raise it horizontally now!” You demonstrated the movement with gritted teeth, trying to hide the pain, and he responded with an unimpressed visage.
“You are already receiving therapy and you would just be a liability. So, no. End of discussion.”
A liability? Ouch.
You felt anger rise up in you and you took a step near him, his features remaining stone-cold. “You… You’re a… ugh!” You couldn’t even muster up the will to call him an asshole anymore. What the fuck was WRONG with you?
With the lack of anything better to say, you furiously stomped away up to your bedroom to fume in private, but not without flipping him off the entire way there.
“Knock knock, love.” Felix announced before stepping through your open doorway. It hadn’t been long since you petulantly curled up on the plush armchair by your window to angrily watch the rain outside.
Of course it would rain. Apparently fate had decided to mock you as if you were an actress in some sort of sad music video. Surely Felix would agree.
You watched with hesitancy as he held out his hand to you. “Follow me.” He said calmly with a smile. “I want to show you a new room.” You perked up at that notion. You had been running out of places to explore recently and the prospect of seeing something new was like a kid going to a playground.
You took his hand and allowed him to lead you to one of the many locked double-doors on the estate. What you saw made you gasp in awe. Bookshelves upon bookshelves lined the walls of a massive, two-storied library that was stocked to max capacity with what looked like brand new books as well as older than hell pieces of literature. All surrounding a cozy living area with couches, armchairs, and even a fireplace.
”Minho-hyung must really trust you to let me show you this. These books mean a great deal to him and many of them are extremely fragile as well.” He trusts me? You thought as you watched Felix’s eyes widen. “I-I mean Mr. Lee…”
You furrowed your brows and turned to him. “Why do you do that?” You asked and he just blinked at you with worry written on his features.
”D-do what?”
Playing dumb, are we? “That! Those other guys do it too! Why don’t you just call him Hyung? You all are obviously close. Why try to hide it?”
Felix nervously rubbed the side of his neck and looked down. “It’s not like we are trying to hide it, necessarily. We are just trained to remain professional. It’s just much harder when we are all home and much more relaxed.”
You nodded your head in understanding. “But why do you try to hide it with me? I’m not exactly here on business.” You arched your brow and he smiled sweetly.
”It…” He seemed hesitant to speak until he sighed and lowered his head. “If we keep things professional with you, it might be easier when we have to see you go…” You were taken aback. Easier? Is he saying they would miss you? Why? You were a nobody, and you were honestly kind of a bitch. No, that can’t be it.
”What do you mean by easier?”
He seemed confused by your question. “When you spend so much time with someone, it’s easy to get attached. Even the coldest heart can find warmth in someone they find trustworthy and important.”
Trustworthy? Important? You? What in the world did you do to earn those titles?
Felix must have read the disbelief on your face because he continued. “You and I have spent a lot of time together over the past months. I’ve learned a lot about you and your habits.” You blushed. He most definitely knows a lot about you. He’s seen a lot too. “I know you are a good person. I have an eye for these things.”
He winked at you and you huffed a chuckle.
“And Minho-hyung knows you are a good person too. He just has a different way of… expressing his feelings.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “No, it’s true! We discuss you and your progress often and the kind of leniency he gives you in this place is unheard of for anyone other than our circle. Even some of the house staff haven’t been allowed in some of these rooms you’ve seen.”
What on god’s green earth did you say to them to trust you? I mean, of course they can trust you. You bear no ill will toward any of them, not seriously anyway. But why do they think so? Felix could definitely see the confusion on your face when he gently placed a hand on your upper back and guided you two further into the treasure-trove of books.
“Don’t think about it too much, love. Just know that everything we do, we do out of good and pure intentions.”
You definitely thought about it too much.
You were determined.
You were going to get out of that damned house, even if just for a minute, whether he liked it or not. By exploring the house, you ended up finding a board room, like true business-official type shit. A long table surrounded by office chairs and even a projector screen. And with a small tip from Felix, you knew they all happened to have a meeting that morning.
An actual business meeting. Not the one including half-naked women this time.
So, after gearing up in some serious workout attire, you marched yourself to that exact room, not even bothering to knock. You were on a mission. ”Lee Minho, I demand to be included in your training. I won’t take no for an answer!”
His were the first eyes you seeked out when you entered the room and you willed yourself to not back down.
You, then, remembered the presence of the other seven men in the room and how silent everyone had become. It was as if they thought, if they move even slightly, all hell would break loose. And by looking at Minho’s facial expression, they might have good reason to think as such.
”I. Said. NO. Now please see your way out. As you can see, we are clearly busy.” You were pissed, no, more than pissed, but you squared your shoulders.
However, before you could utter a word, Jisung spoke up. “Hyung. I think we should let her. She is obviously passionate about it.” Minho glared at his friend and then back at you. He was silent for a moment, as if he was deliberating, before speaking again.
”FUCKING HELL, MAN! I have been sitting on my ass here for months now for a reason I’m sure everyone here already knows about—!“ You watched guilty expressions color the room. “—and now that I’m getting better, you’re not going to help me defend myself if something like that happens again?” You witnessed his eyes widen as a traitorous tear fell down your cheek. “Fuck. You. Lee Minho!”
Resilience be damned, you were itching to escape that suffocating room and the problem within it. You stormed away once more with a harsh slam of the door and a burning fire inside you fueled by hate and anger.
Fuck this.
You felt a plop on the couch next to you and you jolted in place with a tiny squeak.
After the meeting room fiasco, you had been spending all of your time in the library. You were so immersed in your book that you didn’t even realize there was another presence in the room.
With a quick whip of the head and an incredulous look on your face, you watched Minho smirk next to you in amusement. “For someone who is super quick with their tongue, you sure are slow with everything else.” He chuckled as you came down from your fright and you placed a hand on your rapidly beating heart.
That motherfucker just about killed you! Well, not literally, but still! You closed your eyes to collect yourself before opening them again to glare at him.
However, instead of that same annoying smirk, his face turned into one of regret. “Shit, I’m sorry… I didn’t even think if that would make you… fuck, I didn’t—“
”It’s fine!” You quickly cut him off, knowing where he was going with that statement. “I-I’m fine… you just startled me a bit.” You calmly placed your bookmark before turning back to him with narrowed eyes. He looked a bit more relieved.
”Still, I need to be more… considerate.” He looked down at his hands, avoiding your eyes. “In more ways than one…” You furrowed your brows in suspicion before he returned your gaze once more. “I’ve thought about it a lot and I realized that I haven’t necessarily been easy on you throughout all of this. I might have played a part in helping you physically, but I didn’t consider how this would all affect you mentally.”
You were speechless. Was this the same man? He’s actually being… remorseful…
“So, yeah. Sorry about all that…” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while averting his eyes. He clearly wasn’t used to apologizing so much. “I, um… I wanted to ask you if we could, like, start over?”
You had never seen the man fumble so much since meeting him and it was quite a refreshing sight. “Why? Are you about to drop another ridiculous rule on me and you’re just saying this to lessen the blow?” You huffed a bitter chuckle.
You could see his temper start to rise before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m saying this…” There was a slight edge to his voice before he opened his eyes again with a much more gentle demeanor. “—because I am tired of us butting heads.” He slumped into the backrest and you arched a brow. “And also because you were right.”
Okay. Something is seriously wrong.
”I thought it would be dangerous for you to train with professionals and be subjected to a room full of random men.” He limply turned his head your way while remaining melted into the cushions. “And yes, there will be other men there. All of my subordinates use this training center. It’s one of my most used gyms for my… industry.”
You scoffed. “Pft. ‘Industry’” You mocked with finger quotations.
He smirked. “Yes. Industry.” His face gradually returned to a more serious disposition. “There is also the matter of secrecy.” You nodded your head. Yeah, that made sense considering his occupation, but who were you going to tell? “Not saying I don’t trust you—“
”Why do you trust me?” You blurted, the question still buzzing around in your mind like an annoying pest. He furrowed his brows as if he didn’t understand. You continued. “Like, yeah, I get why you saved me now and all, but why do you trust ME?”
His brow slightly softened and he cleared his throat. “Y-you have given me no reason not to trust you. Why? Did you do something?” He said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “No, asshole. It’s obvious to me that you should trust me, but you’re just going to take my word for it? You must be a really shitty spy.” He guffawed loudly, sitting up with a bright grin as he seemed like himself again.
”You haven’t seen what I can do, Tinkerbell.” You rolled your eyes, but you did find the notion intriguing.
”Oh yeah? What can you do?” You could see a spark light up in his eyes as he stared into your own and you had to gulp down the saliva that pooled in your mouth from the sight.
”Well…” He shifted to face you, elbow now propped up on the back of the couch. “You’ll get to see some of it when we train you.”
You felt your heart jolt. “When you train me?” You felt the corners of your mouth slowly lifting and his followed right behind.
”We leave at noon. Unless you’ve changed your mind?” He mused.
”No! No, I want to!” You looked at the clock. 11:30. Shit, he couldn’t have told you a little sooner? You sprang to your feet and he stood as well. “Just let me go change and I’ll meet you in the foyer.”
He just gave you a brief nod before turning on his heel and leaving you giddily buzzing in your skin.
Somehow, you had plenty of options to choose from, but you opted for a simple T-shirt and joggers. Not the cutest, but who were you trying to impress?
A vision of Minho flashed in your mind and you reeled from the thought. Ugh. Why did my head think of HIM? In fact, why were you thinking so much about him in the first place? You chalked it up to it being from interacting more frequently nowadays. Yes. That must be it. You resolutely threw on a hoodie over your shirt and marched your way to the foyer.
“You ready? It won’t be easy.” He said from where he was leaned up against the staircase banister. You took in the sight of his workout attire, not really taking the time to fully appreciate it until now.
He wore a loose pair of sweatpants and an airy tank top that allowed you to gaze at his intricate sleeve of tattoos once more. He would almost look human if he hadn’t been blessed with his other-worldly beauty.
You blinked away the thoughts and gave a firm nod to him in response. “I don’t want easy. I want effective.”
He smirked and stood up straight when you approached. “We’ll see soon how confident you are in that statement.” You glared and he gestured his head. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Instead of heading out the front, he made his way further into the house. You furrowed your brows. “Where are the other guys? And where are you going?”
”Tsk. So many questions!” He mused and grinned at your responding scowl. “The guys are already there and, as to where we are going…” He stepped up to a large door located in the next room and opened the door for you to enter first, your face surely gawking at the luxury. You heard a chuckle from behind you. “Your reactions are always so adorable.” He smoothly teased.
You whipped around and glared at him as he just continued walking past you. “Now…” He turned back to face you again. “Which one do you want to take?” He said plainly as he gestured to the plethora of extremely expensive cars.
The garage definitely looked like it belonged in a spy movie, but you were stumped. He said he was like a spy. Not a spy. Like a spy. You were still racking your brain as to what that meant.
Your eyes grazed over the fancy marble interior of the museum-like garage and the cars on display. How can someone have this much disposable income?
You didn’t know the first thing about cars, why did you have to pick?
When you just pointed to some random car, he raised his brows. “Really? The Rolls Royce?”
“Well, shit I dunno! Why do I need to pick? You obviously know more than I do when it comes to this!”
He cackled and led you closer to your chosen car. “Oh, I know waaay more than you, Tink.” You grumbled and he chuckled as he opened the door for you, letting you slide into the disgustingly luxurious vehicle.
”Why do you even have all of these cars? Don’t you have someone else to drive you?” He donned a cocky half-grin when he slipped into the driver seat.
”Sure, when I’m on business I do. But we are just going to train.”
In the blink of an eye, his face was directly in front of yours as he reached across you, eyes fixed on your seatbelt strap as he grasped the material. As soon as he stretched it across your body, he seemed to notice your surprise.
He froze, blinked at you rapidly, then quickly averted his gaze back down to the strap to buckle you in. He cleared his throat and gulped before starting the car. “Plus…” He added with a slightly strained voice. “It’s not nearly as fun riding as it is driving.”
“Was the bag seriously necessary? Who would I even tell?!” You seethed as you threw the black, silky fabric at him.
Before you two even left the driveway, he forced you to shove your head in a stupid black hood so you “couldn’t know the location” once you left the estate later. You told him that it was unnecessary and stupid, but the man insisted.
You ripped the damned thing off as soon as he put the car in park.
”Have you forgotten what I told you? About my work? Why are you surprised with the secrecy?” He explained calm and composed as he discarded the bag in the car again.
”Well then blindfold me next time! I could barely breathe!” You were over exaggerating, of course. That material was extremely airy and breathable, you just wanted to feel superior to such treatment.
”Well excuse me, your highness…” He rolled his eyes as he pulled out his keys and walked up to the door of a large, nondescript, concrete building. Unlocking and opening the door for you, he gave you an exaggerated bow.
You narrowed your eyes at him as you passed the threshold, and marched into what looked like a massive gym complex of some sort.
However, the entire building was devoid of life. Of course that’s not including the seven familiar figures you saw fighting on the far end of the room. ”I thought you said all of your employees train here?” You said with an arched brow.
Minho passed you with a shrug. “Not today they don’t.” Well that answered nothing…
”Hey there, girly! Ready to get that blood pumping?”
”Calm down, Changbin. She is still going through therapy, remember?” Dr. Chris told the younger muscle man from where he was doing crazy heavy deadlifts off to the side.
”I know, I know, grandpa.” Changbin smirked at the doctor’s glare. “But just remember: ‘What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow.’”
The other men groaned in tandem and you found yourself slightly smiling. “That’s a great motivational outlook, Changbin.” You said to the group as you watched Changbin’s face light up.
”Okay, enough, enough.” Minho declared. “Today’s training is obviously a bit different than usual.” He gestured vaguely at you. “We have a base level trainee and she needs to be trained from ground zero.” He gave you a side-eye and a cocky smirk. “Maybe even lower than that…”
”Hey!” You made a move to give him a lighthearted shove, and then was immediately reminded of what happened last time as his hand shot to your wrist to stop the action. You tried to free yourself, but his grip was like stone. “Let me go, asshole!”
”Make me.” He said as he suddenly faced you, pulling you closer. “Come on, show me. What would you do if you wanted to be released?”
You didn’t have an answer for him. Any move you could possibly make would be caught by his cat-like reflexes. You just challenged him with your eyes before his own softened, along with his grip on your wrist.
Just as your wrist was released he gave you a couple pats on the head. “Don’t worry Tinkerbell. I’m sure you will figure it out eventually.” You just about growled at him as he walked over to stand by Chris who was now seated on a bench nearby. “Channie-hyung and I are just here to observe and critique ALL of you, so do your best.” The man made an annoyed expression and waved the back of his hand in front of him. “Well? Get on with it!”
With that, you found yourself surrounded by six (frankly gorgeous) men looming over you.
“Hey! Back off! Don’t all go at her at once! I said ground zero you pabos!” Minho shouted from the sidelines before the others retreated and Changbin stepped in front of you.
”Calm down, Minho. This is what I’m here for.” You breathed in a resolute huff and nodded at Changbin. “I’m ready.”
“Watch out for her arm!”
”Don’t actually try to hurt her, idiot!”
”That’s too rough!”
The entire training session Minho had shouted at each and every one of the men trying to teach me at least once and it was growing tiresome. “Why even let me train if I can’t even, I dunno, actually train???” You grumbled at the stubborn man as the group was taking a break. “I have legitimately learned nothing with the parameters you have set!”
”For real, hyung. You aren’t letting her show her full potential. She needs—“
Minho instantly cut Changbin off. “I will decide what is needed and I think that it would be better for her to just watch for now. It’s obvious that she is not ready.”
”WHA—?” You squealed with widened eyes and a disbelieving expression.
”Actually, I think she is doing quite well in her recovery…” Dr. Chris stated matter-of-factly where he stood next to the other six men drenched in sweat.
You watched Minho slowly turn his murderous expression to the doctor, but you stepped into his line of sight before he had the chance to retaliate. “Please let me continue… I promise I will take it easy, I just…” You looked down at your restless hands before returning your gaze to his blackened irises. “This is just really important to me…”
You watched as the man’s face minutely softened and glanced at the seven men around you that also awaited his instruction.
”Please?” You implored, not used to such pleading from your end. His eyes darted back to you before he moved to rub his temples with a sigh.
“Fine.” He groaned. “But base-line self defense only. We can move on to more advanced training once you have recovered a bit more.”
You don’t know why you felt such relief come over you. Maybe it was the satisfaction of even marginally getting through to him, but you let a wide grin escape as your body involuntarily moved to hug the man.
What the fuck?
Just as quickly as you embraced the man, you retreated just as fast with furiously heated cheeks. Why in the world did you do that? You were FAR from hugging terms with him! He probably just about shot you in the head from the unexpected touch!
However, you couldn’t help but notice the citrus and sandalwood scent emanating from his solid, warm body. His skin felt like flames against yours and you welcomed the heat. It didn’t last long, but the simple contact with him made your blood boil and quickly reddened your entire face.
When you pulled back and cleared your throat, you witnessed a millisecond of bewilderment on his stone-cold face before it was immediately schooled back into place (but that did nothing to cover up his bright red ears). “Th-thank you.” You mumbled before you escaped to the water fountain that was, blessedly, on the other side of the room. Never mind the fact you had a water bottle already with you by the group…
By the time you and the rest of the boys finished (which was a very productive start if you do say so yourself), Minho had informed he was called in for an unexpected ‘business meeting’ across town and that training would finish early for the day as he needed to take a couple of his men with him.
You were a bit disappointed, but at least you got to do something. Which was more than you expected honestly.
As you requested, you were blindfolded for the car ride back instead of the stifling bag he donned you with on the way there, but you rode back with only five of his men instead.
You could feel all of their eyes on you as you rode in silence. Jeongin drove the unnecessarily expensive limousine, Changbin, and Hyunjin sat across from you, and Felix and Chan bracketed you on each side.
The silence was even more suffocating than the bag you wore earlier as you felt yourself start to become antsy. “For the love of god, please someone say something! I feel like I’m an exhibit in a museum right now.” You whined and buried your face in your hands (even though you couldn’t see anything anyway).
”And what a lovely piece of art you are, darling~” Hyunjin lilted before you heard a slap of skin and an over dramatic squawk from said man.
”Yah! Don’t be a creep!” You heard Changbin exclaim as the precious Felix giggled next to you.
”It was supposed to be a compliment!” You heard someone click their tongue before Chan decided to speak up.
”It’s interesting isn’t it…” He commanded the whole group’s attention with practiced ease and you quickly realized the hidden influence this man had over the lot of them. Which would make sense due to the fact that the doctor had probably saved most of, if not all of their lives at some point in time. “I haven’t seen or heard of Minho ever taking it easy on a trainee before… Most of them have to come see me even after their first session with him.”
”For real though, the man is ruthless with everyone else! He will even push them through the pain of broken bones!” Hyunjin exclaimed incredulously.
”He wants to make sure they are prepared through anything, even excruciating pain.” Jeongin stated simply from the driver’s seat.
Holy shit, these guys are no joke! “What the fuck? Why can’t he do the same with me?!” The entire car went dead silent in response. You could feel the annoyance creep into your bones. “Is it because I’m a girl? Seriously?!”
You heard Felix scoff next to you. “As if.” He sputtered in amusement. “The female trainees are some of the toughest among all of us.”
Then why?
”Maybe he just has a soft spot for you…” You heard Hyunjin mumble and you outright cackled at that one.
”Are you kidding?! Have you seen the way he treats me??” You question with an incredulous chuckle.
“You never knooow~” Hyunjin stated with a teasing lilt to his voice before you heard another smack.
And before another word could be said, your blindfold was removed and you were ushered into the estate once more.
A soft spot? What a joke.
I hope you guys are happy with the turn-around. 😏
I’ve missed you all so dearly and I apologize for the wait. 🥺 I would say that the next part will come out sooner, but I don’t want to guarantee that if life decides to fuck with me some more. 🙃
As always, please like, follow, and share!
Thanks baby Stays! Love you and missed you guys! 💋😽💋
And of course my squad and tag list:
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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sungiejpg · 2 days
WHY ME?; na jaemin [smau]
17. the worst nightmare + written (after each 3 photos!)
𓂃⊹pairing: jaemin x f!reader
𓂃⊹tags: college au, enemies to lovers, smau, humour, reversed trope
𓂃⊹synopsis: he is known as the nicest guy on the faculty who gets along with everyone, well…maybe not everyone
𓂃⊹warnings: suggestive messages/topics
ignore how bad the narration might be 😭 I didn’t have enough time.
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“So, Jaemin,” Y/n and Jisung’s mother called him while he was finishing preparing the table with Jisung’s help, he already had a bad feeling regarding the conversation. “Did you see that my big baby finally got a boyfriend?” She said smiling, Jaemin already knew their mother always wanted Y/n to get into a relationship. Bingo.
“Oh, they are not dating,” Jaemin clarified while trying not to sound pissed off about the topic. Although, why would he get pissed off, it’s not like he cares.
“Not yet,” their mother replied, still smiling. Jaemin loved that woman, she always treated him like a son, but this exact day he wasn’t that fond of her.
“Mom! Please don’t say that when Y/n comes,” Jisung jumped in the conversation trying to shush his own mother, something that made Jaemin appreciate him even more.
“I know I know”, she repeated, “but wouldn’t that be cute?” she asked while looking at Jaemin and completely ignoring her own son, who was pretending to vomit.
“Haechan is not cute,” Jaemin replied, trying to maintain his composure. But again, he doesn’t care if they date, does he?
“Aw, our Jaeminnie,” she screamed. “Always taking care of my kids,” their mom said while pinching his cheeks. He just smiled awkwardly.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom then,” Jaemin said, exiting the room as a way to end the conversation and forget about it forever if possible.
No later than 4 mins you came, not without praying internally Jisung wasn’t already dead because of a spider or something, since you took longer than intended.
“Mom?” you asked when you saw your mother smiling standing in your kitchen and a kinda scared Jisung next to her. Well, not more than yourself, you could already tell what the topic of the night was going to be. “What are you doing here?”
“Aw my baby! I missed you so much” she screamed, running to hug you, which you reciprocated. “I came here since it’s been long since I last saw you and I wanted to have dinner with my two babies”.
“And?” You asked, already sensing what she was going to say.
“and I also invited someone special for dinner too,” she finally said after breaking the hug, Jisung smiling awkwardly, or scared, next to her. Kill me now, you thought, knowing it was going to be your biggest nightmare these days.
“Mom, don’t tell my is Jaemin, please.” Although you could already tell it was going to be him.
“He is already here, he went to the bathroom,” Jisung replied instead, still maintaining a nervous smile, which made you even more nervous.
“But I meant someone special for you,” your mom answered. Oh yeah, exactly, why would Jaemin be special to you. Wait, you thought, no way.
“Don’t tell me is…” But you weren’t able to finish your sentence since your doorbell rang, showing your biggest nightmare, fuckass Lee Haechan. Jisung is so dead, you thought.
“Hi family!” Haechan greeted everyone, not without smirking when he saw your face. And if things couldn’t get worse, it was at that moment when Jaemin came back from the bathroom and looked confused at you two. Jisung is so so so so dead.
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“Well,” you said while putting your phone down after your mother and jisung left, not without her pinching Jaemin’s cheeks and saying he should go see her soon. You still don’t know how that even happened, since when was he that close?
“It’s been long since we last talked properly, only both of us,” Jaemin said, trying to make the situation less awkward. Who would have told you two months ago that you would be awkward with Jaemin, not because you hated him, but because you wanted him…
“I don’t think this counts,” definitely not awkward at all. Both of you were still in the corridor next to the door.
“So Haechan and you, huh?” he said while getting a bit closer to you, sounding a bit pissed off. Why would he? Maybe because Haechan was his friend?
“Not you too, I would rather light myself on fire than date him” quite literally. You even thought about doing it while your mom was trying to set both of you up during the dinner. Also poor Jisung, who had to listen to all of that.
“Hey, he’s still my friend,” Jaemin joked while smirking and still getting closer to you. If he kept doing that you would jump on him and bite his head off, out of excitement, not hatred. “Is he that bad?”
“Well, he isn’t I guess” you sincerely replied, “but I don’t like him, romantically I mean.” That coming off way more awkward than you intended since Jaemin was way closer than before.
“Romantically? So,” he said still getting closer, he smelled like vanilla, of course he did. “So do you like someone?”
One second he is smirking and the next second his tongue is tangled with yours, making your heart rate increase. Maybe this is where you die. After what felt like an eternity, he pulling back from the kiss and looking at you confused, as if he wasn’t the one initiating it. However, both of you heard the sound of keys.
“Well, bye,” he blurted out as soon as he heard Jisung out of the flat, opening the door.
“What do you mean by well bye?” You screamed, but he already left half running, leaving Jisung and you confused. What the fuck just happened.
“What’s going on? He didn’t even take his jacket with him,” Jisung mumbled, but you didn’t listen to that, too busy trying to grasp the situation.
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Never getting over you- Part 2
Characters: Carmy Berzatto x Reader
Summary: Carmy seeing you that one night, brought back mountains of memories. Memories he's been trying to bury for a year. With him not being able to get you off his mind. He could only do one thing.
Warnings: Erotic memories, fluff, saliva, cursing
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A/N Did not expect that big of response! Thank you guys :) I've been gone for a little bit but with the trailer coming out and the new season this month, I got inspired again.
Part 1
He couldn't get you off his mind. So many questions raced through his head.
"Cousin!" Richie snapped, bringing Carmy back to reality.
Carmy looked cluelessly at him not remembering what Richie was nagging him for.
"Jesus Christ, am I talkin' to a wall?" Richie exclaimed glancing over at Sydney.
"The people at table 7... The- the fuckin' shellfish allergy. They're paranoid, they want rea-"
"Reassurance, yeah-yeah... I'm a little busy 'ere, can't you do your job?" Carmy went from station to station looking over everything that was firing
" Yo- you don't think I've tried?" Richie followed raising his arms.
"Fine! fine, I'll go..." Carmy yelled
Another night past of pernickety customers. Carmy was finally glad to close and lock his door and take a deep breath in his apartment.
He leaned against it for a few moments, finally taking in the silence of his surroundings and to be left with his thoughts on what the fuck actually happened tonight.
He kicked off his shoes and as if he was on autopilot, made his way to the bathroom, starting up the shower.
His mind never lifting from seeing you across the street. He couldn't believe it at first. With the lack of sleep he has been dealing with lately, he honestly thought he was losing his mind for a second.
Was something wrong?
Were you in trouble some way?
The way things ended between both you and the nasty words that hung in the air ever since. He really did think he wouldn't see you again.
His mind flashed back to seeing your cheeks red and raw with tears staining them. It was hours of fighting, he didn't know what time it was, but with the sound of the birds outside, most likely early morning.
"If you want to go..." Your words broke off, wiping your nose with a disintegrating tissue.
"Just fuckin' go" Your voice turned sour.
He stood leaning against the back of the couch. The only piece of furniture between the both of you.
He knew that if he left your apartment, he wasn't going to come back. He couldn't deal with this right now. The Bear was at a point of maybe not happening.
But you didn't know that. He didn't tell you that because he knew you would blame yourself. He could barely hold himself together.
With his head hanging low, he took one deep breath before bringing his eyes to yours. He took in your beautiful sorrowful eyes one more time.
"Fine... I'll go" He uttered weakly.
As he grabbed his keys and phone off the kitchen counter, a streak of panic ran through your veins.
Was this it?
Was this the final straw?
The last fight?
"Wait-" You spoke up
But he didn't wait, he continued to put on his shoes.
"Carmy plea-" You rushed over to him, grasping his shoulder and pulling him back.
He shrugged your hand off.
"Carmy, baby.. I don't want- please" Tears started rolling down your face as you came to the realization.
He glanced at you one more time as he made his way out the door, and closed it behind him.
You stood there, utterly lost and exhausted. The sinking feeling in your stomach only getting deeper and deeper.
Carmy did what he needed to do and poured himself into his work. He didn't give himself one minute of free time to let his mind drift onto you. He didn't want to feel the pain in his chest. He just needed to keep himself focused and busy until the pain was buried deep enough that he didn't have to deal with it.
But the sight of you tonight made him vulnerable. The dump truck of emotions that he felt shook him completely.
Days went by, and time went slow. Even in the hectic kitchen, service seemed to be a struggle for Carmy. Simple things that he was usually on top of were slipping through his fingers. He couldn't fuck up, after all the shit he has gone through to get The Bear up and running.
Before he knew it, he was outside your door. He thought that maybe he would have backed out on the way there....
Or outside the building...
Or maybe up the stairs...
But here he was, on 1am on a Tuesday.
"Fuck it" He mumbled, biting down on his lip in annoyance and pausing a moment before knocking on your door.
With an unexpected knock, you snapped your head to the door. You looked at your phone to see it was past midnight.
Curiosity got the best of you, made your way to the door and looked through the peephole.
Your eyes widened to see Carmy on the other side. Your stomach dropped and your mind went blank.
A moment went by and without thinking, you opened the door.
Your eyes landed on his tired ones.
"Carmy.." A word you haven't spoke out loud in months. Your were taken completely off guard and your voice showed that with it's softness.
"I-i" He stuttered looking down, his hand stuffed his wool jacket.
"I thought I would che- fuck.."
You could sense the nervousness off of him, with his tumbling of words.
He looked through his eyelids, with his head hanging low.
"Do you want to come in?" You moved aside giving him room to make his way.
Without another word spoken, he walked past you and the oh so familiar smell of cigarettes, gum and just Carmy filled the air around you.
As much you wanted to convince yourself that it didn't.... It made you crumble inside.
You closed and locked the door, turning around to find his eyes on you.
You looked down and realized that you still were wearing one of his white shirts as pjs. Your stare was back on him, a small playful smile was on his face. A smile he was trying to hide.
The last time he saw you in that shirt, you were bent over on his mattress with it riding up your back with every thrust. The memory made his jeans tighter. He noticed how your hard nipples would peek through, making it incredibly difficult to drag his eyes away from them.
He knew you noticed because you crossed your arms immediately and sucked in your lips trying to hide the blush that was appearing on your cheeks.
A million thoughts were running through Carmy's mind. But to find you in his shirt, short circuited something in his brain. He couldn't get past seeing your face contorted in pleasure or the little whimpers that escaped your mouth.
With your eyes back on the ground, you watched as he slowly walked closer to you until you could feel his body radiate heat onto your arms.
Your eyes followed his fingers as they gently brushed up your arms and over your shoulder. They slowly made their way to the bottom of your chin, bringing your face up to his. Where his eyes were already on yours.
"Do you want me to stop?" He whispered, his warm breath hitting your lips.
His blue, soft eyes slowly got tainted by something darker.
You shook your head subtly feeling his callous fingertips brush your lips.
Nothing could have stopped you from giving in to him. The very drug that you've been withdrawn from for a year. All you wanted to do right now was overdose.
Without any hesitation from either of you, your lips crashed together.
You felt his hungry with the kiss immediately becoming desperate. He brought his hand up and wrapped it around your neck. The sensation you missed so much. With both of your mouths wanting to taste as much as possible, the kiss turned wetter. You could taste the stale nicotine on his tongue. You felt him lean into you more and more until you caught yourself up against the door.
You felt him pull away for a brief moment, only to be able to catch your breath. His hand still on your throat. His blown out pupils searching yours. His fingers still wrapped around your neck, he brought his thumb up to your lips.
You knew exactly what he wanted. Without hesitation, you opened up obediently, letting his thumb brush up against your eager tongue. He clenched his jaw feeling you gently starting to suck his tongue. It only reminded him of how much he loved your mouth.
Your innocent eyes. swollen lips and wet saliva bringing him to the edge of falling apart.
"Fuck- I've missed you"
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starfxkr · 3 days
Okay but trap!!jj x stripper!!reader and the reader divulges reluctantly to JJ, after one of his many unannounced house visits bc he just needs to see you—not even to fuck but just to see your face—about some dude that got handsy with you at the club (you end up telling him bc you’re not in the mood to fuck and he’s all soft and worried) and then makes it his mission to find the guy, and force him to apologise to you with a bloody face and maybe a few missing fingers 👀👀👀
Need a blurb for this wow oh wow oh wow
jj could sense something was off the second he stepped into your tiny apartment, coupled with how long it took you to respond his heart plummeted at the thought if you being hurt.
but you came around the corner soon enough--eyes red rimmed with a half hearted smile, "sorry, i was in the bathroom i didn't hear you."
"man, whatever i don't care about all that what's wrong?" he was quick to get close to you, holding your face in his hands while he looked down at you with furrowed brows.
you do your best to avoid his gaze, lest you start crying again and you shake your head, "nothing, just...hard day at work i dunno."
jj steps back, grabbing your hand and steering you towards the kitchen for water, "nah babygirl, don't do that tell me what happened."
this is what you were afraid of, jj could be quite...intense when it came to solving your problems, "just...some guy...got too handsy at the club and it just sucked it's no big deal."
"you were crying."
"i cry all the time."
"bullshit, no you don't, who was it."
there was no getting out of it, so you described the creep as best as you could and tried to stop jj as he headed out, "please don't make a big deal i promise, i'm fine."
he turns to you, a wild smile on his face as he kisses you on the forehead, "don't worry that pretty head about nothin, just gonna talk to him."
you're awoken later that night by a banging on the door and you jump, rushing to the door in efforts to make it stop, grabbing the gun gave you just in case, "what the fuck!"
it was the creep from earlier--bloody and drooling as jj uses his knuckles- or what's left of them- to knock on the door.
"jj what the fuck i coulda shot you!" you whisper shouted and he grinned.
"good, means i taught you well. now this motherfucker has sumn to say, go on now."
he's gasping, struggling to get his words out until jj pokes him in what as to be a gaping wound in his bloody side, "i-i'm sorry, i should have never touched a nice young woman like you," he stops to gasp and jj damn near growls, "and?"
he flinches "and i'm a pervert and a creep who should have my balls cut off."
"nodding, jj smiles again, "good...now i'ma go finish this up you have a good night aight? i'll pick you up in the morning we'll get breakfast." with a wink he leaves, dragging the man back to his car all bloody and crying.
what the hell have you gotten yourself into.
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0cta9on · 7 hours
you sure you really know all fromis_9 members by the surface still? if not, can you make a lewd thoughts of your choice?
Hello anon! Sorry, I'm still not that familiar with the fromis_9 members :/ I will take this chance to write about a short smut about Eunha bcs I haven't written about her yet :>
(Adding this part after I finished writing: This like 10% BFH, 90% I wanted to try something different. Unedited so might be bad, but I hope it's interesting at the very least :})
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This is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong. She’s your daughter’s friend, you shouldn’t be doing this.
Yet no matter how many times you repeat this to yourself, you still can’t seem to let go. Maybe it’s because you’ve been left unsatisfied after your wife cheated and divorced you. Maybe it’s because she’s the first woman to give you attention years after the divorce. Or maybe it’s because of the simple fact that her body is so fucking delicious.
“Mmm, the water feels so nice and warm, daddy~” Eunha says, resting her head against your chest. You kiss her neck, eliciting a cute whimper from her plump lips.
Your memory gets foggy whenever you think about how this all started, probably your mind trying to suppress all the sinful acts you’ve done. All you can remember is that one day, your daughter brought Eunha home to work on a project for school, and then suddenly, the cute Korean girl is on her knees in the middle of your laundry room, sucking on your cock like it’s second nature. Your daughter never found out about that time, let alone the multiple other times that came after. In the bathroom, in your car, anywhere you could find a little privacy, you and Eunha would fuck like rabbits. She became your dirty little secret. 
When you heard your daughter say she would be going to a sleepover tonight, you actively had to stop yourself from looking too excited. “Sure thing, have fun,” is all you could utter before immediately fishing your phone out of your pocket to tell Eunha the news. At best, you would get a couple minutes with her before your daughter would start to get suspicious. But a whole night? Filthy fantasies ran rampant in your mind, thinking about all the things you could do to Eunha’s tight little body. It’s all disgusting. You are disgusting. But hell seems a whole lot more bearable with your dick inside her pretty mouth.
Eunha plays with the bubbles, sloshing them around the bathtub. Instead of tossing her on the bed and having your way with her, you decided to start things slow with a relaxing bubble bath - something you and your ex-wife used to do for your anniversaries.
“This is so romantic, daddy,” she says, grinning up at you. You pull her tighter towards you, caressing her hefty breasts.
“I’m glad you like it, baby.” Sweet little moans escape from her lips as your hands travel across her body, going down the curves you’ve already memorized at this point. Her hips buck as you tease her clit, sending mini waves across the water.
“Oh yes daddy, that feels so good.” Eunha’s head falls back, eyes shut and mouth agape in ecstasy. You take the chance to shove your tongue in between her glossy lips, savoring the faint taste of strawberries. She moans heavily into your mouth with each squeeze of her tits and each flick of her clit. 
Her body is like a game you’ve played over and over again, you’ve ingrained all the combos and strategies in your mind to the point that it’s muscle memory. Bite her clavicle, she’ll make this noise. Squeeze her ass, she’ll make a different noise. Do both at the same time and she’ll do something else entirely. So easy, so predictable, yet it never ceases to be thrilling.
“Y-yes! Finger my pussy, daddy! My pussy is all yours!” It barely registered in your mind, your feverish movements in and out of her tight hole, causing water to splash out of the tub. You’ve become so enamored in playing with your little toy that you forgot about the good part. No matter, it won’t take long for her to do it again.
“Augh!!” With a loud squeal, her body squirms as her climax overtakes her before falling limp into your arms. “That… was so… amazing…” Eunha plants a small peck on your cheek. Her breasts rise and fall with each heavy breath, water glistening on her beautiful chest. Much to her delight, you are far from done.
You help her out of the tub and dry her off, exchanging brief kisses as you feel each other up.  Her smooth skin feels plush under your grip, way better than what your ex-wife felt like. Eunha looks up at you with a hungry glare while stroking your erection.
“I can’t wait to have this inside me~ Daddy’s cock is soooo big and thick.”
You chuckle at her juvenile words that sound like they’re ripped straight from a vulgar porn script. The moniker left a bitter taste in your mouth, but it stuck naturally: you are, in fact, old enough to be her father. In a repulsive way, it does turn you on, especially when it comes out of those slutty lips. 
Eunha giggles as you pick her up by her ass and carry her lithe body to the bed like a ragdoll. Her supple thighs are already covered in her slick, desperately waiting to be used like the toy that she is. Those large, glistening eyes never leave yours, promising to give you everything and more. You know she can’t, but she’ll try to, even if it hurts her.
“Ooh yes, fill me up, daddy.” Her familiar yet luscious tightness surrounds your member, accepting every inch of you. A chorus of grunts, moans, and expletives fill the room, crescendoing into an incoherent symphony of lust and sin. So sweet, so delicate, her pussy takes you so easily without resistance. Fuck. Fuck, this is wrong. This is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong. She’s your daughter’s friend, you shouldn’t be doing this.
Yet you keep thrusting and thrusting, marking her body with consequences she’ll have to face alone, harder and faster until tears drip down her face. Kiss her, endure the burning of fingernails in your back, it’s the least you can do right before you absolutely ruin her.
“F-fuck! Daddy, I f-fucking love you! A-ah, yes!”
Your body continues like a machine, but your mind is still human. Love. You tried to love her, tried to think about the future with her in it. But it’s all dark. Deep down, you know you don’t love her. You love her body. You love the way she takes your dick down her throat or into that tight cunt. She takes it so well. So. Fucking. Well.
You’re close. Eunha has already went through two or three orgasms at this point, but you fuck her right through all of them. Her face is frozen in lust, eyes rolled back and mouth desperately catching oxygen. Your fingers sink into her hips, pounding away at her like she’s a piece of meat. Her entire body shakes violently as you dump your load directly into her womb, nothing but a glorified cum rag. You pull out, watching the mixture of your juices drip and stain your sheets, marking them with your sin.
Eunha looks at you with that damn twinkle in her eyes - she wants more, and so do you. Your favorite little toy to use as you please, never arguing or complaining or fighting with you. Dress her up in whatever you want just to rip it off and fuck her senseless. Purely built for your pleasure and your pleasure alone. You pounce onto her, ready for another round. 
Suddenly, the both of you freeze. Eunha’s sultry look is replaced with shock, fear, and shame, her gaze fixated on the doorway.
The door swings open on its creaky hinges. You always thought about fixing your door, but never got around to it. But that’s the least of your problems right now.
“D-dad…? What… the fuck… are you doing…?”
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Baby face
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Summary: You start to get upset when Dean decides to shave off his beard
Word count: 0.5k
A/n: Live. Laugh. Love. Bearded Jensen.
Your hands gently moved through Deans beard, the small hairs causing you fingers to tingle from the sensation. His own hands rested on your thighs, holding you gently as you sat on top of the bathroom counter. 
“Princess?” He called, watching as your eyes drifted from the hair on his face to his relaxed ones. “Are you gonna start or are you gonna wait for it to grow longer?”
A small pout found its way onto your mouth, “I don’t want to get rid of your beard.” You whined, having half the mindset to hide the razor from the taller man. “I’d rather watch it grow.”
Dean mirrored your pout, albeit mockingly. “Well, it’s starting to get on my nerves, princess. It has to go.”
“Ok. But what if we just leave a bit of stubble instead?” 
“But, it’s attractive.” You told him, hoping that’d he change his mind and keep it for just a little longer. 
“To bad.” He replied, stepping from between your legs. Taking a bottle of shaving cream and the razor from your grasp. “It’s starting to itch.”
You let out a small huff, slightly mesmerized at how he gently applied the shaving cream to the lower portion of his face. The fluffy white sudes mixing into the small strands thickly and throughly 
Dean wetted the blade beneath the warm faucet, giving it a good shake to take off all excess water. Fingers gently pressed against his chin, he began to shave against the grain of his beard. You felt your stomach drop as you watched the foam disappear and just the smooth skin left in its place. 
“What if you just keep a mustache?” You asked, leg coming up to your chest as you rested your chin on top. 
Dean stopped his movements, glancing at you through the mirror. “Absolutely not.”
A scoff came from your mouth. “Why not? Do you think you’d look like hitler or something?”
“I wasn’t thinking that, but now I am.” He told you, continuing to shave away at his facial hair. 
“So, no?”
You shook your head, sliding off the counter as you made your way behind the older man. Placing both arms around his torso you rested your cheek against his back, listening for his heartbeat through the back of his shirt. 
“Princess,” Dean called, not stopping his movements. “What are you doing?”
“I can’t watch you ruin your face.” You told him bluntly, turning your face to bury it in his shirt. 
A chuckle left his lips, giving a smile glance over his shoulder to look at you. “Ruining my face, huh?” You nodded. “You know it’ll grow back, just like last time and the time before that.”
“But it’s torture.” You wined. “It’s like I’m dating a child when your done.”
Dean gave a small nod of his head, knowing that you’d either be talking about his childish behaviors or the baby face he’d get after shaving. Though it could just be both. “Yeah?”
“Will it make you feel better if next time I let you shave me?” He asked, dragging the blade over the last strip of foam from his face. 
You nodded you head just a tad, “A little, yes.”
“Okay, princess.” He wiped any remaining shaving cream from his face before turning around and wrapping his arms around you. “We’ll do that.”
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gilbirda · 2 days
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 27
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
First chapter || << Previous chapter || Next chapter >>
Jason knew it was going to be an interesting day when loud knocking woke him up way too early than when he was supposed to wake up.
He glanced at his phone, wondering if one of his more annoying siblings had decided to torment him for fun, but there were no new messages.
“I know you are there! Open up!”
Jason had half a thought to ignore Danny until he gave up. Or phased through the door—
“You know I can just phase through this thing, right? I’m being polite— this is me being polite and respecting boundaries. So open this door and let me in!”
He groaned loudly and sat up on his bed. “Whatever, man. Come in or welcome to my abode or whatever you guys need to access.”
Surely enough, after a few seconds Danny walked in looking at him with an eyebrow raised. He wasn’t even fazed by his naked chest and the scars on his skin.
“Did you just call me a vampire?”
He shrugged. “Jazz was a bit weird about permission to enter the first time she came over.” He yawned. “And made the same face when I asked about the vampire thing.”
“That’s because Vlad is a creepy vampire wannabe.” Danny crossed his arms and leaned on the doorway of his bedroom, watching him get up and walk to the bathroom to freshen up. “Ghosts can be weird about entering territory when it’s about a haunt, but you are too weak to make a claim yet.”
Jason hummed, washing his face and deciding to talk about his ghostliness later. Maybe this could be a good chance to bring up the idea of that visit to the yetis.
“In any case, Jazz has no actual reason to be weird about coming into your apartment… apart from the fact that she likes you.”
Jason looked up and glanced at Danny’s reflection in the mirror, watching him with a small smirk. Was the shovel talk going to happen now? He sighed. Better get that over with.
“Why are you here, Danny?”
The younger man uncrossed his arms and glanced away, thinking. Was it that bad?
Finally, he looked at him with new resolve, his blue eyes steeled with determination. “You are treating me to lunch.” It wasn’t a question.
“Am I?”
“Yes. We are going to this Batburger place that everyone talks about online.”
Jason walked back to his room and picked up his phone. It was almost one in the afternoon. No wonder he was hungry. He shrugged and went to get some jeans and a shirt, ignoring the burning stare of his guest on his back.
Soon they were on the move to the nearest Batburger that was just around the corner. It was the only one that ventured into the Narrows and it showed — Red Hood had stopped a robbery in this place enough times that he knew the day and night shifts by name, and had gotten enough free burgers as well.
Danny was quiet the whole way, checking his phone and humming and/or groaning at the texts on the screen.
Once at the Batburger, both placed their order and Danny abandoned Jason to pay as he searched for a place to sit down. Jason didn’t miss how the chosen booth had perfect vision of the exits and was away from any windows or prying eyes from the staff.
He checked his phone one more time, but he didn’t magically have more messages from Jazz that could offer a light on what Danny intended to get out of interrogating him. He was pretty sure by now that a shovel talk was not the goal of the conversation, which opened the question, what the fuck was Danny’s deal with the silence and seriousness.
Finally, their order was done and he brought everything to their booth, noticing that Danny left him the disadvantageous seat that made him face only Danny and give his back to the door. He didn't like it, but would survive just this once.
“Okay,” he didn’t beat around the bush, “whatever it is, just say it.”
“How do you know I have an agenda?”
Jason didn’t even grace that with an answer. Surely Danny must know his poker face was non-existent. He had seen Jazz make better faces, and she was the one who body slammed a thug in front of one of Gotham’s vigilantes and then pretended to be a normal human.
“Okay, okay. World’s best detectives.” He made a dismissive gesture and shoved a bunch of jokerized fries in his mouth. “Hm. These are good.”
They were good, despite the name. Jason loved the damn fries. Still looking Danny in the eye, he picked a fry and slowly bit into it.
“This is not a shovel talk.” Danny started, carefully sipping his drink. “I don’t— Jazz can date whoever she wants and unless you give me reason to think you’d hurt her in any way—”
Jason kept his face totally blank, flashes of her bruised wrist coming to the front of his mind, but Danny narrowed his eyes and stopped eating, interlacing his hands instead.
“I see.”
Jason swallowed. Did he know? How much did he know?
“Jazz told me. About what happened.”
“And?” He tried to act nonchalant, but he knew if Danny could read him when he kept a blank expression, he could see through his attempt.
“Relax. She barely said anything about you. Which,” his eyes glowed green, “tells me more than what she could actually say in words.”
“What do you mean?”
He took his time, grabbing his burger and taking a bite of it. He also chewed slowly, smirking, knowing that he was being a little shit by making him wait.
Finally, he swallowed. “You are not going to eat? The burger is pretty good.”
Jason picked up his burger and bit down, eyes fixed on Danny and his little smirk, waiting what he would do next. He somehow didn’t feel like it was an interrogation and more like he was being watched by a predator taking its time to delight in their prey’s fear.
“I know about the gun.” Jason choked. Danny didn’t move or showed concern. “I know about Batman’s and your interrogation. I know how you treated her.”
Jason felt cold, but kept it together and took a sip of his own drink trying to recover from almost choking to death.
“I’m the one talking.” He leaned in, picking another fry and putting it in his mouth. “Again, Jazz didn’t tell me much but I know her and I know how to read her.” He chewed, eyes still glowing green. “I need to know what happened.”
“But you said—”
“I need to hear it from you.”
Jason could almost visualize the crown burning over Danny’s head. He was talking to the King, not his girlfriend’s younger brother.
He briefly considered trying to hide, or maybe offer a shitty excuse, or maybe a watered down version of the facts — but Danny had already let him know he had ways to know he was bullshitting him.
He sighed and bit more of his burger.
He knew Jazz valued Danny’s opinion, but in the case of the young king deeming his acts enough to keep them apart, would she go against his wishes and still want him? There was a real possibility that after this conversation their already complex relationship became even more impossible.
He felt a pinch in his chest, the familiar resentment he felt the previous night coming back full force. Was all of this worth it? Was she worth it? Worth of being stared down by this unnerving creature, ruler of another dimension, who could easily smite him out of existence?
He watched his hands, almost feeling the touch of her skin. His scarred knuckles softly caressed by her fingers as they watched a movie. The familiar weight of her hair as he pushed it aside to kiss her.
Jazz was… She was… Jazz made him feel wanted. No conditions, no fine print, no agendas. After thinking about it, he was more and more convinced that Jazz was not the kind of person who hid a secret plan or exit strategy. That she was as broken as he was, forced to be a warrior since teenagehood and stumbling through life searching for purpose.
He understood they weren’t so different after all, so maybe she understood that side of him too.
Jason looked up at Danny, who patiently waited for an answer. His small smile betrayed that he knew about his internal turmoil, and was just humoring him while he gathered his thoughts.
“I love her.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
He nodded. “I don’t— She and I—” He grumbled, one hand ruffling his hair. “I have been betrayed before, and when Bruce came forward with all that stuff… I thought I was being deceived again.”
“You didn’t ask Jazz if it was true.”
“I didn’t. It was just too perfect. Made too much sense.” Danny narrowed his eyes. “I understand now that it was all bullshit, but I found out then that Jazz gave me that damn green stuff and I don’t how much you know about me, but me and the Lazarus Pits don’t have a good history.”
Danny nodded and bit his burger. His eyes also stopped shining. “She saved your life, you know.”
“I know.”
He remembered waking up and finding her eyes watching him. He dismissed them at the moment, but they had been clearly shining green. If he wasn’t so focused on the euphoria of being alive and with her, he would have stopped and accepted that there was a lot more than meets the eye with Jazz.
It didn’t make sense to dwell on that now.
“I already owe her too much.” He admitted after a moment. “But I will repay her with my life if needed.”
Danny’s eyebrows went to his hairline and he started laughing. He slapped the table, laughing so loud that the other patrons of the Batburger were looking at them now.
He sighed. Danny found that even more hilarious and continued laughing.
“Oh man, that’s… You don’t need to be cute with me.” He wiped the few tears gathered in his eyes. “And no need for such declarations of love. Or staking your life on it, pal. When you die, your ass is mine. With how contaminated you already are, and with a previous resurrection, you are definitely one of my subjects when you die.”
Jason had suspected it, but this confirmed it. He wouldn’t know peace even after he died.
Whatever. He would deal with that later.
“Jazz and I talked, after what happened. I apologized. I— I won’t do that again. I don’t… I know I’m not exactly—” He stopped to glare at his food. He wasn’t getting anywhere. He breathed in and tried again. “I’m not boyfriend material. I'm a crime lord. I can be violent. When I came back to Gotham, I introduced myself to the criminal Underworld by arranging a meeting with all the lords and giving them their second in command’s heads in a duffel bag.”
Danny nodded along but didn’t say anything. If he was judging him, he wasn’t showing.
“Jazz says she understands my work and from what we learned yesterday maybe she does, but still —”
“Why are you dating my sister, Jason?”
He looked up, and somehow he couldn’t see anything human in Danny. It wasn't just his eyes, it was… everything. Shadows coalesced around him and the bright fluorescent lights from the ceiling blinked in and out of existence. Danny himself looked older, bigger, sprawled on his seat like he was sitting on a throne and lazily watched him from above.
If it were another situation, he would have tried to find out what tricks he used, what kind of magic he possessed to do this to him and not raise alarms in the Batburger.
“What do you mean?” He cleared his throat, feeling it dry, but couldn’t move a finger to reach for his drink.
“If you are such a dangerous man… If you understand you are not ‘boyfriend material’ — “ he made the air quotes “ — and cannot provide the stability or security my sister needs… Why are you still with her?”
Because he loved her? Because she understood him? Because she wasn’t trying to change him, like everyone else?
He couldn’t choose which one to say. And somehow he knew that “love” wasn’t a good enough answer for the Ghost King.
Danny’s left eye twitched. He leaned in. “What tells me that you won’t wake up one day and realize she’s not worth it, Jason? That one day you won’t think that you actually want to go back to the severed heads and the recklessness?” Jason felt his breath leaving him with every pointed question. What was Danny doing? “How can I be sure that my sister is a priority for you?”
As the King leaned back on his seat, Jason could finally take a much needed breath. He pondered the words, how familiar to his own thoughts they were. He had decided that he would let the insanity of Jazz’s life permeate in his, that it wasn’t such a big deal, that they would deal with things as they came.
But was it ever so simple?
Nothing was simple with Jazz. Or with him. He knew that he could never have any resemblance of a normal relationship with a civilian, and even hero relationships had a high chance to fail — the Mission, after all, took place over everything else. Bruce had taught him that, on top of his crime fighting knowledge.
He had already given up by the time he met Jazz, but he said yes because she was supposed to be something simple, something temporary. Mundane.
Was she really those things? Simple? Temporary? Mundane?
No. That’s not what she was, and that’s not why he got into a relationship with her.
Danny’s eyes followed him as he controlled his breathing, the green changing colors as he probably followed his inner turmoil.
Jason licked his lips. Why was he staying? Why was he willing to try?
“She chose me.”
Danny arched an eyebrow. He wasn’t expecting that answer.
“She wants me. That day, when I—” he swallowed “ — When I pointed a gun at her and asked her questions like she was some kind of criminal,” he closed his eyes, haunted by her hurt eyes while he accused her, “she was honest when she said she wanted me. Everything else I could easily tell she was hiding something, but about her feelings… there was no deceit.” He remembered her phone, the lock screen picture, his smile. “It could have been anyone else, could have been my own brother, but she chose me.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“It does. It really does. I hurt her, I questioned her, I threatened her, and yet she wanted me. She wanted to give me a chance. I won’t let it go to waste.” He let his shoulders drop, trying to ease the tension. “Not going to lie, I am… wary of this whole Ghost Royalty business, and I know it won’t be easy, but nothing has ever been easy for me.” He shrugged. “I have always had to work harder to get what comes easy for everyone else. I was born here, in the Narrows, and I grew up on the streets.”
“Bruce Rich Dude adopted you.” Danny nodded and looked aside, and the death grip the young man somehow had on their surroundings was eased. The lights stopped flickering.
Jason rolled his eyes at the theatrics. “Yes, but it was short lived. Just like me.” He smiled at Danny’s chuckle. Jazz wasn’t kidding about the death jokes being a norm in her life. “I was murdered at fifteen years old. When I came back, Brucie had another kid taking my place.”
“That’s rough buddy.”
The illusion was completely broken. They were back at the Batburger and Danny was just a guy eating his lunch again. No more eldritch horrors.
“You said this wasn’t a shovel talk.” Jason pointed out, reaching for his drink.
“I wasn’t intending to, honest.” Danny shoved the last of the fries in his mouth. “It’s difficult, you know — being her brother and the King.” He said as he chewed. The contrast of the Ghost King threatening him and not even five minutes later loudly chewing fries without any care wasn’t lost on Jason. “I just…” He made a vague gesture.
“It’s nice that you care.”
Danny glanced at him, surely noticing how charged that sentence was, but didn’t comment on it. “I’ve never seen her be so… careful.” He tilted his head, just like Jazz does. “No. That’s a lie. The last time she behaved like this was when she was covering for me.”
“Protecting me from our parents.” His eyes glazed over a little bit, remembering. “She doesn’t appreciate dishonesty; but she would cheat, lie and fake smile to Jack and Maddie to keep them away from me.” His eyes were bright blue when he focused back on him. “Just like she tried to pull with me to protect you, bird boy.”
Jason chose to ignore the blooming warmth in his chest and finished the rest of his burger. Danny chuckled, probably knowing what he was thinking. It was getting annoying not being able to hide like he was used to.
“I appreciate your honesty,” the younger man said, placing his head on his hand and resting his elbow on the table. “Your story checks out with what she told me.”
“So you are fine with it?”
“No. Not in a million years,” his smile was definitely threatening, “but somehow you are what my sister wants and she was willing to fight me for you so… you have my interest.”
“Not approval?”
He hummed. “We’ll see about that.” He looked down at the table and lazily pushed aside the empty box. “Keep making her laugh and I will reconsider.” Maybe he noticed Jason’s confused face because he added: “I haven’t heard her laugh in ages.”
“You are joking,” he rolled his eyes, “she laughs and giggles all the time.” Danny wasn’t smiling. “What—”
“You don’t know how she was back there.” His smile turned sad. “I didn’t know how much she was hiding— No, I did know, but I didn’t want to think about it. My sister… She told you about David, but she didn’t say what happened after that. What happened after she killed for the first time. After… everything.”
Danny’s eyes became watery. “I didn’t ask and she didn’t tell me. Every damn time she came back, gave a report and pushed through. I kind of got used to her not coming to me for all this stuff, so I never…” he looked away. “I should have done something. Especially after David. I knew shit went down but I didn’t know it was… that.”
“And what happened? Did she swear off romance?”
“Nothing. She did nothing. She powered through it like she does with everything else — she says she is ‘fine’ and focuses on everyone else, bottling up her emotions, and crying alone when she thinks nobody hears her.”
“Why? Because it's a weakness?”
“Because right after she broke up with him, we had a Siege. I feel like the worst brother ever, but we couldn’t afford her being out of the battle, and then we just… never talked about it?”
Jason hummed and picked up what remained of his burger, shoving it into his mouth as he considered the new piece of information.
He didn’t know how much she wasn’t sharing about her past; but again, there was a lot he wasn’t talking about his. It wasn’t unreasonable for him to be ignorant of aspects of her life at this point.
“In a way,” Danny interrupted his thoughts, “I think it is a good thing she ended up with someone like you.”
Jason lifted an eyebrow. “Someone like me?” A vigilante? A zombie? A criminal?
“She always waited for Robin to fly in and sweep her off her feet. I know this. I’ve read her diary.”
Jason froze. “I’m not Robin.” He growled.
Danny lifted his eyebrows. “You are Red Hood, which is way cooler.” Right. Danny was a fan. “And the Gotham hero she likes the most.”
“I thought you were the fanboy?”
The other chuckled and leaned in. “She had been researching you guys for a while before coming here. Boards, papers, internet forums — anything you can think of, she got her hands on it. She tried to hide it, but her rants about Red Hood were significatively longer than the others. She always said that the finesse and smarts of the execution of Red Hood’s exploits in Gotham were fascinating.” He sipped his drink. “She didn’t mention a duffle bag with severed heads, though.”
Jason didn’t even try to hide the blush. What was the point?
“It’s not public information. The others don’t know about this.” He considered it better. “Or I think they don’t. Bruce is not very keen on sharing with the class if he does.”
“But he has to if he wants us to work together.” Danny continued, eyes fixed on something behind Jason. “Tonight we are going through all the prep for the Justice League meeting… and meet up with the Spirit.”
Jason perked up. “Tonight?”
“Yep.” Danny sipped his drink, but there was nothing else but ice. He looked displeased.
“Can I join?”
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