#i know it’s been awhile but i have not forgotten about this fic!!!!
fluffypotatey · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!
saw that today was wip Wednesday and i thought why not share what have have for my dr geyer fic!
here’s a snippet of the aftermath with the ghost riders (aka, the “Liam reveals all” moment with his parents!)
“HE DID WHAT!” “Okay, uh, so I know that sounds bad but—” “How did he wrap you up in all that duct tape? How did he find that much duct tape?” “Dad please—” “Okay, okay, so zombie cowboys, cannibalistic people who are also supernaturals, supernatural hunters who are hellbent on killing children just because they have claws…am I missing anything?” “....no? Okay, um, there’s also the Dread Doctors—” “Ah, yes, the pseudo-science eugenics people, Melissa told me about them.” “Wait what–” “MELISSA?!”
*jazz hands*
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fakesimp · 9 months
alright so i was thinking..luxiem separate reaction to shu practicing his magic ofc and he accidentally turns u into a baby. for like 24 hours. 😭 this ofc is sfw cuz..babies yk
if u have questions dont worry abt asking u can dm!! thank u in advance!! 🩷
Accidental Sorcery
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Warning !
Fluff ; Crack ; Mentions of Confusion ; Established Relationship
Fic are made in medium form !
A/n !
Second ask checked on the list ! I hope this reaches your expectations !! <3
Vox Akuma
This demon is stumped,
And this demon, is holding his laughter as he sees your little cute figure, he is stifling his laughter as he glance down at you in a certain sorcerer's arms before looking at up at the person who's holding you that is smiling in agony.
"I'm so sorry, this. This shouldn't have happened, it'll last for just 24 hours, so please. Make sure they don't get hurt"
That's what the sorcerer said, with an apologetic look on his face as he handle you to your Beloved Voice Demon. "24 hours, got it."
Or so he said.
He have no idea what does babies like, for thousands of years he had been alone, he had forgotten how to take care of babies. It'll took him quite awhile to finally be able to handle you.
So overall, he is kinda not too good caretaker, but hey he tried his best at least.
Though when you turned back to normal in his arms the next morning, you will get a clingy af Demon because he missed the adult you and he can finally rest without hearing a baby's cry for hours.
Mysta Rias
Just, good God, I don't know how you'll live.
Just kidding, I believe he is even more scared than you, because he could barely take care of himself, and how exactly is he gonna take care a damn baby?
And the fact that the baby is you? Making him even more worried than he already is.
"Shu, what the fuck did you do" "I, It's an accident okay, this is not how it's suppose to go."
Mysta internally screaming when Shu told him to take care of you for 24 hours, and now here he is, having a staring contest with you.
But in the end, both of you had fun with each other, he'll made you laugh so many times because of his stupid thing he did either by accident or on purpose.
At night, you're definitely deadass asleep on the bed, because you're so tired.
He actually fed you well too, despite him not being able like to cook for himself, and don't worry he didn't cook the food he feed you. He doesn't really trust himself for cooking for you when your body is more fragile.
The next morning when you turned back, he is so relieved you're okay. Hugs and cuddles with him in the morning, lazy morning with him because he needed that rest <3
Overall, he is a good caretaker.
Luca Kaneshiro
"Omg, a, a baby!- Who, Who's this? "
"It's your lover."
"Oh, haha.
What? "
Luca was left speechless when Shu explained your situation, and now that he is holding a, baby you in his arms.
Shu is still feeling guilty for what happened, but Luca told him not to worry too much about it, he'll take a good are of you.
And he did! Literally.
He took a day off to take care of you, making sure you're safe and sound. Since y'know, his job is, not quite kids friendly.
A literal golden retriever, he knows what to do to make you laugh, your laughter will literally be echoing throughout his apartment. He would make his, lackeys, doing stupid thing to see you laugh.
Food? Don't worry, he'll get the finest baby food for you to eat! And he himself is going to feed you, and it is quite a challenge, but he did it.
He is not gonna sleep until you sleep first, and it took goddamn hours for him to manage to get you to bed, and what's funny is that he fell asleep first.
And you soon after followed him, into the dream world. In his arms.
The next morning he woke up first, and saw you had turned back normal, "Oh, BABEEE WELCOME BACKKK!!" Is the first thing he said as he hugs you quite tight in his arms.
A lovely caretaker honestly.
Ike Eveland
"Please tell me this is not who I think it is."
".... Yes it is who you think it is.."
"Oh my god... What happened Shu..."
Ike was in closing his eyes the entire time, he is having his moment as he process what Shu just said.
Shu is so guilty upon what happened, after he told Ike how long the effect will last Ike is internally sighing.
He is a good caretaker, you're in good hands don't worry.
He knows how to take care of you, feeding you with proper food, playing with you for a certain amount of time. Also sleeping at the right time.
As messy as his sleep schedule is, he will not tolerate you sleeping late like him, so he will make you go to bed at reasonable time.
He is with you yes, but he's going to keep an eye on you, while he's looking at his phone too. Once you are asleep, he would gently pat your head as he laid beside you.
When you turned back in the morning, he will sigh in relief that you're okay, he'll pull you into his arms.
"Thank God you're okay."
Shu Yamino
The man who caused the accident.
He is having a staring contest with you, you're on the floor looking up at him, and him looking down at you on the floor.
"Oh no."
Is what he said before picking you up and tried to figure out how long does the effect will last. Once he found out it'll last for 24 hours, he doesn't really know what to do.
He could entertain you with his shikigamis, so overall, the one that's doing the care is his shikigamis. But he is going to be there for you,
One time you're pulling on the hem of his pants, he looked over at the small figure behind him. Humming softly, "Hm? What's wrong?"
If you wanted him to company you, he'll melt. The way you ask for his company is so cute. He would drop whatever he's doing and went to company you.
Knowing that as soon as you hit the bed, you're fast asleep. He was in awe when that happened, he'll pull up his blanket and look over at the clock, it is almost 11 pm and he felt quite bad for making you slept quite late.
He barely done anything as a caretaker honestly, but hey, he is going to be there whenever you need his company.
Once morning arrived, he is asleep next to you. You are the one that's awake first, you stared at his sleeping figure before snuggling close to him, he was quite surprised at the sudden movement, but when he realized it's you he'll hug you close to him. Chuckling away before whispering an apology.
"I'm sorry, It won't happen again, I swear"
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There we go !! I hope you liked this <3 ! Thank you for requesting !!
( 2/10 )
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flightfoot · 5 months
ML Fanfic Recs for 2023: 10K - 20K Words
So I’ve been going through and adding particularly good fics I’ve read throughout the year. Only Complete fics, of course. Enjoy!
Chat Noir and Marinette decide to fake date in order to get Buttercup jealous enough to confess. Why won’t that boy make a move on such a wonderful girl as Marinette? And why is he beginning to hope that Buttercup stays blind?
Adrien wakes up in Nino’s arms. Neither of them have any explanation for this, considering they were nowhere near each other the night before. 
Marinette and Zoe uncover a ring stashed away in a closet. Why does it have an unusual effect on Chloe?
Felix isn’t careful enough when he goes snooping around the Agreste Mansion. Gabriel decides that he can’t let him roam free.
Kim bets Alix that she won’t be able to attend all of her friends’ weddings in a row. She has never been one to turn down a challenge.
All this and more below the break!
May I Introduce Myself, Your Highness? by @chocoluckchipz
Whether picking up a stray animal off the streets or saving a dying child at the market, Adrien had always strived to be the best version of himself. Truly, he would've been the perfect candidate to be snatched up by a kwami, were he an orphan, dying somewhere remote after a short life full of nothing but suffering and misery. Yet as it stood, the sole heir to the French throne had little to complain about. Apart from, perhaps, a complete absence of a love life. That is until a mysterious girl, wandering around his gardens at night, catches his attention.
I love Fantasy AUs. It’s a bit unclear what’s happening at first, but it all gets explained in the last chapter. Also don’t worry about the age gap between Marinette and Adrien at the start of the story, I promise it’s not a problem in the end.
do you think I have forgotten about you? by @roseinaugust
Based on the song 'About You' by The 1975. Memory Loss. Told in alternating time lines, one leading up to and one dealing with the aftermath of Marinette relinquishing the Miracle Box and the guardianship. Marinette struggles with her life after losing her memory, though there is a persistent voice that calls to her that always seems just out of reach in her memory.
Beautiful memory loss fic here, with seeing Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s relationship before she gave up the Miracle box, juxtaposed with the present day, when Adrien is only a stranger to her. I could really feel how Marinette was struggling with navigating these new circumstances, with her friends seeming to expect her to remember, to be who she was to them, to Adrien especially, before, and her just... not knowing whether she can do that. It’s got a happy ending though, for those who are concerned about that.
Creative Lies and Destructive Truths by @azuriteartist
Alya and Lila are two sides of a never-ending fight. The fight between truth and lies, between honesty and deception, between justice and personal gain. And now they have the powers to elevate that fight to a city-wide level.
Can Alya stop the deception before it destroys the city? And can Lila stop the truth before it destroys her?
So everyone who’s been around my blog for awhile knows how much I love Alya getting the spotlight (I mean my sideblog alyaappreciation is dedicated to her, because frankly, she needs it), and azurite’s lovely fic here is no exception. Fu ended up giving Tikki to Lila and Plagg to Alya. There actually isn’t tension between them at first, they get along well to start with, but Plagg knows Lila’s lying about things and eventually pushes Alya to take action once they grow alarming, until the two of them are both accusing each other of being liars as superheroes, and the public doesn’t know what to believe. 
I’m betting there’s more of this AU to come. I hope so, I love the consideration and agency it gives to both Alya and Lila.
How Marinette Learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Ball by @rosie-b
Hidden from the crowds thronging around the busy fairy portal in Paris's town square, a fae gate sits at the edge of the forest, locked, rusty, and full of ancient magic. Marinette thinks that this abandoned gate must not work anymore... but one day, a fairy disguised as a black cat steps through it.
Ah, Fantasy Soulmate AUs, my beloved XD. This ain’t the only one of this fic type I’m gonna be recommending. This is just a cute fluff fic without much strife. I love Marinette and Chat Noir being able to be childhood friends via his visits, even if he has to pretend to be her cat whenever he comes over, and I ESPECIALLY adore Alya being his chaperone and quickly becoming friends with Marinette in her own right. It ain’t a complicated plot, but it is a nice and warm fic.
Vengeance Noire by @phiellydinyia
After a horrific argument with his father, Adrien escaped from the mansion with his heart in pieces. In hindsight, it made sense why an akuma was sent his way. He shouldn't have let his emotions get the better of him.
But he never expected Plagg to be even more upset than he was. He never expected his own kwami to be akumatized. To become the threat of a city he swore to protect. And what's worse is the fact that Chat Noir can't jump in to save this one.
But Ladybug can. And that's why he has to find her as quickly as possible, suit or no suit.
I love some good Adrien angst, especially with a delicious side order of Plagg and Adrien’s bond with each other. Even as Adrien’s barely functional, though, he’ll do everything in his power to save Plagg, even if Plagg wishes he wouldn’t go quite that far. 
the best laid plans (of bugs and bakers) by @mexicancat-girl
Paris is buzzing with the appearance of a new ladybug-themed hero, Scarabella.
Alya decides to use her second hero identity to help her best friend Marinette. A bit of her flirting with Marinette is bound to make Marinette's crushes jealous and finally ask her out! Her plan is fool-proof…!
Except when it's not. Not enough people are talking about Scarabella flirting with Marinette. How can Alya properly help her best friend if the news can't be bothered to cover Marinette's budding romance with Scarabella and only posts things about Marinette with Chat Noir?! So Alya puts her all into her plan, upping up her flirting each time she appears as the newbie hero Scarabella.
This totally does not backfire in any way.
I adore fics that center on Alya, I haven’t exactly been shy about that fact. This is a nice one for some Alyanette adorableness! (And some Scarabella and Chat banter, I really enjoyed reading that as well). “Fake” flirting to make crushes jealous tends to turn real very quickly, and this is no exception. It’s hilarious, Alya’s the last one to figure out that her romantic relationship with Marinette is very much real XD.
Control by @generalluxun
A fun and rebellious gesture by her friend Zoé leaves Marinette accidently in possession of something more precious than she ever expected to hold.
It's a blessing. It's a curse. It's life itself.
She has no idea what to do. There is so much wrapped up not only in WHAT, but also WHO. Her friends and partners can offer advice, consolation, and support, but in the end when you are both Ladybug and the Guardian you are the one in control.
This is a fantastic SentiChloe fic. Marinette ends up with Chloe’s amok and isn’t sure what to do with it, whether to try to give it to Chloe, whether to try and use it to make Chloe a better person, or whether to just hold onto it secretly. Along the way, she ends up getting into Chloe’s head, getting a better idea of Chloe’s mindset, what she thinks and feels when she does the things she does. I loved seeing her struggle with figuring out what to do, it ended up being a great character study for both Marinette and Chloe!
Within Your Heart by Inkyibis
It's Valentine's Day and Ladybug just wants to her superhero partner to find his love.
And what she wants, the Lucky Charm will create.
If only she could remember what it is she did last night.
Adrino fic here! Marinette’s drunk and feeling awful that her superhero partner is alone on Valentine’s (she’s in a loving and committed relationship with Alya), so she creates a Lucky Charm to help Chat find love! In this universe, Ladybug’s Lucky Charms have the power to create new rules for the universe to follow, such as making one that demands that if you have any magic in you, you have to tell the truth or else you’ll freeze. Or in Adrien’s case, that he has to wake up in the arms of his true love every day XD. It’s very sweet and I love both Adrien’s and Nino’s relationship, and the relationship between the rest of the Miracuteam members as well, even though that’s not the focus.
This Distance Between Us by @coffeebanana
After defeating Monarch, the search for the Peacock Miraculous brings Ladybug and Chat Noir to a hotel room in London. But it's hard to enjoy the victory when Ladybug can't figure out why Chat's been so quiet, why he seems so sad. How's she supposed to help if she has no idea what's wrong?
This is a great Sentiadrien fic, with Chat freaking out about it and feeling like he’s not worthy of Ladybug’s affections, but not telling her what’s actually wrong because he thinks she won’t want him anymore if she knows. Of course, he’s wrong about that.
Also there’s a pretty intense confrontation with Felix, pissing Chat Noir off is a bad idea.
Auspicious by The_Rabbit42
Entry #6 for AU April 2023: Reverse-Crush Kwami-Swap
Adrien is quiet and reserved whenever he's not consumed by stress. And between extracurriculars and modeling and his responsibilities as Mister Bug, he's often stressed. He appreciates his kitten, but he loves his bright and outgoing classmate. Not that she knows that.
Marinette's parents have always allowed her a good deal of independence, but she's felt her confidence skyrocket since getting Plagg. Simply being Lady Noire allows her to be more flirty and free. She likes her friends, but she loves her stoic and heroic partner. Not that he knows that.
This is just a lovely fic that’s exactly what it says on the tin. I like how Rabbit goes into what Lady Noire’s and Mister Bug’s dynamic is like here especially.
Of Crisp Days and Crispier Cakes by @scribeofrhapsody
Gabriel wants to not be sick. Adrien wants to make a cake. Nathalie wants a chill birthday. Maybe they can help each other. Maybe it'll be a disaster.
So this starts off as just the cute fluff fic of Adrien and Gabriel attempting to make Nathalie a birthday cake that the summary indicates, but soon evolves into a more action-filled drama fic when Gabriel makes the terrible decision to akumatize a cashier while sick... a cashier who happens to be in the same shop as Nathalie and Adrien. Who are willing to put their secret identities at risk in order to save each other.
After Irritation Do Us Start by @scribeofrhapsody
It was the most difficult decision of his life, but Gabriel did it. He let go of Hawk Moth. He moved on from Emilie. Now, all he wants is to enjoy life with his son and new wife. Unfortunately, a certain nephew of his seems to be determined to unearth what Gabriel needs to remain buried.
I love this look at what could have happened if during the season 3 finale, Gabriel had decided enough was enough and given up on being a supervillain, moving on with Nathalie instead. How much better things could have been if he’d just decided to stop - though Adrien still wouldn’t be happy to discover why Hawk Moth had suddenly stopped attacking.
Oh yeah, there’s an OC here called Gerald who Adrien’s puzzled by, since he’d never heard of this guy before the past year. At the end of the story you find out why he’s included in the story. It’s not a major thing, but it is kind of funny and fits well with the rest of the story.
Rocking the Cat-Eyes by @buggachat
“I like being a girl.”
“That’s the alcohol talking,” Marinette snorted.
“I’ve always been a li’l jealous,” Adrien admitted.
“... Of what?”
“That you get to be a girl,” Adrien murmured, “and I don’t.”
When Marinette and Adrien host Girls' Night at their apartment, Adrien is easily welcomed to attend as "one of the girls"... but has a bit too much to drink. Some drunken confessions are spilt, some assumptions are made, and most of all...
Adrien is confused.
This is a great Genderfluid!Adrien fic. Marinette actually figures out that Adrien’s not entirely cis before he does, and tries to let him know she’s supportive... but unfortunately Adrien comes to some incorrect conclusions...
Anyway it’s a lot of fun, and Adrien rocks a dress and makeup!
Desperation by OuzoAthena11
Marinette is at the end of her rope. There seems to be no hope for defeating Monarch, not now that he has most of the Miraculous and has figured out how to transfer their abilities to others.
Tikki has an idea: Awaken the memories of who Marinette was in the past to see if any of their knowledge across time and the multiverse could help.
But this means that Marinette might forever be changed, and so will Chat Noir, if he should choose to do this.
Little did they know that they knew each other in their past lives, and how frequently they crossed paths and even were a couple... well, that meant that they are soulmates.
Star Wars crossover fic here, with Marinette as Obi-wan and Adrien as Quinlan. I like how the reincarnation aspect was handled here, with Obi-wan’s and Quinlan’s memories being prominent and them “waking up” in a way at first, but those settling back down after a bit and Marinette and Adrien going back to being mostly themselves, but with a lot more life experience under their belts and some cool new abilities - which comes in handy for taking down Monarch!
Family by @unecoccinellenoire
“You know,” Nino grins, “if you need advice on being a big brother in a year or two I’m sure I could help.”
The bottom of Adrien’s stomach dropped out.
Adrien struggles with the concept of his father and Nathalie having children.
So this is a world where Adrien and Marinette managed to defeat Gabriel, taking his Miraculous, with them giving him an ultimatum: they won’t out him as being Hawk Moth so long as he doesn’t cause any more trouble and does right by Adrien. Gabriel does, in fact, move on finally to Nathalie, giving Adrien a lot of mixed feelings to deal with. He still loves them both despite everything, but he’s also angry at them and he definitely does NOT want them to have children, both because he thinks they’d like any biological child they had more (he’s also harboring guilt from indirectly being the cause of his mom’s death), and because frankly, they screwed up too much with Adrien for him to want them to inflict that on another child.
And then there’s also Adrien dealing with the realization that he’s a Senti on top of that and wondering why he and Felix look the way they do, what Emilie’s reasons were.
It’s mostly just Adrien getting to talk things out, navigating this emotionally fraught situation he finds himself in now that the dust is settled.
Galaxy In Your Eyes by @liiinerle
Arriving in Paris, Kagami almost immediately finds herself assaulted by a dark, infectious butterfly. When she wakes up, a ladybug-themed superhero is standing over her, and her eyes are like holes into an empty, vast, and incredibly alluring universe...
An AU where the two main Miraculous function differently from the norm.
Nice Marigami fic here! Or should I say, Ladygami - technically Marinette doesn’t exist, only Ladybug, who’s an immortal creation goddess, or something like that. But she still fights to protect Paris from Hawk Moth alongside Chat Noir, who is still a normal, squishy human underneath the suit.
Anyway, there’s a but of inspiration from Nimona here, with a lot of people being scared of Ladybug because she’s a bit... out there, especially when she shapeshifts to have like, 6 extra arms and a lobster tail. Kagami’s into it though XD
Stay Weird, Ladybug by @diadraws
Ladybug receives an invitation at the end of a patrol!
Contains some of my own headcanons, most notably: MIRACULOUS HOLDERS ARE CREATURES!!! They get actual animal traits when transformed instead of just a costume. My tumblr is diadraws where I elaborate some more on my headcanons which may add some additional context to this fic if you are interested!
CONTENT WARNINGS: *major* depictions of panic attacks, discussion of child neglect/abuse, and a minor emetophobia (vomiting) warning towards the end.
I’ve loved the comics and fanart I’ve seen dia create for this AU, with Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s more animalistic designs, so reading a fic set in that AU was a real treat! It’s mostly just a Ladrien sleepover at Adrien’s house, but it’s very nice and cozy, with some good character development of Adrien helping Ladybug with panic attacks she keeps having.
Trapped by @consistent-chaos-corporation
Felix asks to visit Adrien as soon as his father is gone. Gabriel catches him snooping, looking for Adrien's Amok.
Everything gets worse from there.
Damn, poor Felix. He came to try and help Adrien, but instead Gabriel stole his Amok, forcing him to obey his commands, holding him prisoner in his basement for months. If you want some quality Felix whump, this is the fic for you!
When Secrets Come Undone by SortaArtsy
Ladybug promised not to tell Adrien... but she never promised not to confide in Cat Noir. What happens when Ladybug unintentionally vents to the one person who wasn't meant to know any of it?
May not be season 6 compliant when it comes out.
This is a “Adrien finds out what everyone’s been keeping from him post-S5″ fic, and I think it’s handled really well! He feels very hurt, betrayed, and disbelieving initially about being a Senti and his father being Monarch (...mostly being a Senti, it ain’t that hard to believe that Gabriel was a supervillain), and is angry at everyone who kept it secret from him, but he still handles it well, going and talking to the people involved, getting their reasoning and perspective. 
Wanted: Catnap by SortaArtsy
Adrien Agreste has barely been sleeping, trying to be everything expected of him. What happens when he spreads himself too thin? Sick!Adrien/ Cat Noir
Adrien’s just pushing himself so hard, trying to do his regular duties, until his illness forces him to rest. I love how concerned everyone is over him - even GABRIEL eventually relents and wants him to rest. It’s just cute and nice and fluffy.
Felix is Fine by SortaArtsy
Felix wakes up sick, but is determined to keep it under wraps. Kagami refuses to be fooled. Feligami fluff. Implied past trauma/ abuse, though nothing explicit. Set post S5 so there are SOME SPOILERS!
If you want a Felix sick fic, this story’s the fic for you! I like how Felix and Kagami actually talk about why Felix is so determined to keep the extent of his illness hidden, what caused him to feel like he needs to do that, and Kagami’s understanding about it. Colt sucks.
Our Tales Are Endless (That’s Why I Tell Them) by @joonapeach
Marinette lives a simple life - one surrounded by pretty dresses, fresh macaroons, and the calming view of Paris. It's a life she thinks she has always fit in.
And yet sometimes, when a certain boy comes by her shop with a flower and a new adventurous story, she can't help but wonder if there's something else she's missing.
This was a truly gorgeous story. It’s the classic “Marinette gives up the Miracle Box and loses her memories” storyline, exploring her life two years later. Even though she’s had time to heal and recover, she still feels like she’s missing something, something big. At least Adrien’s stopping by regularly to tell her stories about Ladybug and Chat Noir, even if she doesn’t understand why they resonate with her so well.
a winter so warm by @rosekasa
winters were hard for even the best of vampires, but at least adrien had marinette to keep him warm with her cuddles.
december was going to suck without her. so it was only to be expected to get extra cuddles in before she left, right?
(well, not really, considering those heating supplements he was taking, but she didn't need to know about that).
This one’s mostly just cute cuddly adorableness! It’s basically like all those “Marinette gets the Ladybug trait of needing to cuddle up to someone for warmth”, but with Adrien instead. And of course featuring Marinette being a very talented witch who just wants to help Adrien stay warm when she isn’t there XD.
The 8 Weddings of Alix Kubdel by The_Rabbit42
The bet is simple: with the Rabbit Miraculous, Alix will be speaking at all of her friends' weddings. No matter what age they tie the knot, she'll be there looking the same. From Alix's perspective, she's going to each ceremony and reception one right after another in a nonstop bender.
This fic’s a lot of fun! I loved seeing all the different weddings, as well as how Alix slowly felt more and more out of place, with going forwards in time. Some of the weddings could get, uh. Exciting as well XD. And while there’s been years in-between Alix’s appearances for her friends at the wedding, for Alix, it’s only been a few hours, if that...
and I thought I heard you sing by @into-september
When Hawkmoth has been defeated and unmasked, Marinette is left with two problems and no solutions.
First, that Adrien is further out of her reach than ever before, and no-one can tell her how to get to him.
Second, that Cat Noir is far more troubled than she knew, and the only thing she can do is wait for him at the place they agreed to meet.
It’s your classic “Hawkmoth’s defeated and taken into custody but that means Adrien’s in for a rough time” sort of fic. Everyone’s worried about Adrien and wants to give him what comfort and support that they can, but he’s being hidden away from everyone (which I mean, honestly that’s a good move), so that’s not really possible. Plus, Ladybug’s noticed that Chat’s having a tough time in his civilian life, which worries her.
Time Locked AU by PumpkinPatchworkQuilt
In Time Locked, instead of just fixing the damage it puts everything post akuma back to exactly how it was, people, buildings, memories, time. Since it’s more extreme than in canon it requires both The Cat and The Ladybug to complete the Cure,(and visually contains both as well). Because of this only those with a miraculous can recall the events and only those who cast the Cure will have any lasting effects from the fight and even then it’s limited to scars, phantom aches, getting a tad more muscle definition and of course spatial displacement in extreme cases.
Since technology is slightly resistant or incompatible with the miraculous magic, footage of right after the akuma attack will survive, on a technicality and as such only reappears when the time catches up the the recorded time, that could be minutes, hours, or days depending on how long it took to defeat the akuma.
First story: Alya’s Guide to Surviving a Magical Terrorist Which You Can’t Remember
In a world where the fight against Hawkmoth is kept secret from the public, one Alya Césaire sets out to bring the whole thing to light, (and possibly win a journalism award while she's at it)
This was an interesting AU, I loved the focus on Alya especially and her investigative abilities, figuring out that there was a battle between good and evil taking place in the background of everyone’s lives even though most signs of it are wiped clean after the battle’s over. And Adrien and Marinette pick up on her cleverness and want her to help! I love how much appreciation this fic shows for Alya.
Stitched Together by @nedjsmlfavs
Stitch Witch Marinette was just supposed to be having a nice, terrifying outing with her best friends. She never expected to find a magically trapped kitten, but here we are! Whatever happened to this poor little guy?
Poor Adrien, being transformed and chained up for ages, having no idea that he was gonna be rescued. But at least he got to have fun at Marinette’s place as a cat! 
Most of this fic is adorable, though with some dark undertones lying in wait. After all, SOMEONE chained up that poor little kitty...
Love Remains by @kasienda
Marinette stood in the center of her own room. The pink walls were adorned with sketches and photos, and other unfamiliar souvenirs of her life. Her eyes jumped curiously from a hand made purse to a bowler hat decorated with a feather to a cork board covered in pictures of her friends.
She loved her room. Which made sense, she supposed. She had theoretically been the one to decorate it, but she didn’t remember decorating it. And now, the room was like a cave filled with treasure.
Because each little piece of it held a secret - some part of herself that meant something to her, a clue to what her life had been like before…
Before she had woken up in the arms of a boy wearing a magic black catsuit. His heartbroken sobs had caused something in her chest to twist painfully. She hadn’t understood why then, but from that very first moment she knew she had wanted to make things better for him.
She had no idea how to do that now that she understood what she had lost.
Sixteen years worth of memories.
The echoes of which were papered onto the walls and notebooks of her room just waiting to be rediscovered.
No one else seemed to share her excitement.
Unlike most “Marinette loses her memories” fics, this one isn’t super angst for Marinette - she takes it in stride. Now, everyone else, not so much. It’s really interesting seeing her contrast who she appeared to be before with who she is now, particularly when it comes to her previous self being in love with Adrien and not Chat, while she’s in love with Chat and not Adrien. Of course eventually she finds out certain things that makes that make a lot more sense. She isn’t so different from how she was before after all...
Betrayal by @jennagrinsoverml
Ladybug planned to use Viperion's power of Second Chance to get Chat's identity to Su-han without Chat knowing or agreeing.
Of course, then the world went crazy, and she didn't go through with it.
But when an akuma exposes Ladybug's plan to Chat, he doesn't know that. He just knows that his Lady betrayed him.
He deals with his feelings in the best, most mature way he can think of.
He disappears.
So I, like a lot of others, wanted more follow-up on Ephemeral, and particularly on the betrayal of trust it was for Marinette to try to trick Chat Noir into giving up his identity to a third party without his knowledge or consent (I wrote my own take on that at the time, called Transcient, that I’m proud of). This fic did a good job of exploring that, with Adrien reacting in a manner that made sense to me (repressing his negative feelings about the situation as much as possible and trying to justify it to himself, but still feeling terrible despite his own best efforts), and how Marinette realized that she messed up, since Luka keeping it secret that he knows hers and Chat’s secret identities caused her to be upset as well. It did a great job of exploring those negative feelings and letting everyone talk things out, explain their viewpoints, and rebuild their relationships afterwards, which is something I really value.
Swimming in Circles by @generalluxun
Life has moved on for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She's not where she thought she would be seven years ago, but she's still in a good place. Classes, hobbies, friends, her life is full despite the lingering shades of her faded yet sweet middle-school romance. Then just as quick at the first time, someone drops into her life and turns her into an absolute mess once more.
Love and crushes might be her undoing, but she's got a little more experience this time to weather the storm. This fateful stranger stirs memories as well as emotions inside of her, and with a forthrightness her old self would be jealous of, Marinette takes the plunge.
So this is a Trans fic, with Marinette’s new crush being a trans version of a certain classmate who she doesn’t recognize, who’s changed a lot, for the better. I like how it deals with the baggage she has with that person, has her think that through.
Three’s company by @torvalvt
Kagami has been doing her best for years to ignore her feelings for her friends. It doesn't help that Adrien and Marinette insist on spending as much time as possible with her, even going so far as inviting her along on their dates together. If only the affection she felt for them wouldn't get in the way of their relationship. Because it is growing harder and harder to tamp down her feelings with how close they are getting to her.
This is adorable. Adrien and Marinette really want Kagami to join their relationship and she just doesn’t dare hope for it. If you want some adorable Adrigaminette from Kagami’s perspective, I recommend checking this fic out!
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demxters · 1 year
first off write me something about hangman that will finally make my ass read top gun fics
u got it bby, enjoy <3 also ARE HIS TITTIES NOT ENOUGH TO SWAY U TO READ SOME TG FICS??? (this also got ridiculously long my bad)
tw: one mention of anxiety
The Ways Hangman Says I Love You…
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*gif credit @unicornships
for someone who can’t stop running his mouth, jake ‘hangman’ seresin struggles with saying the words ‘i love you’
however, you don’t mind because over the course of your relationship, you realized jake doesn’t say ‘i love you’
he shows it
the jacket
the first time you noticed it was during a night out at The Hard Deck with the rest of the squad
you were shivering and all but turning the color blue as you stood out on the deck with the rest of them
you had forgotten your jacket that night so you were practically glued to hangman’s side the entire time
he feels you shaking against him and it makes you frown
“baby, did you bring your jacket?”
the chattered “no” that leaves your lips is enough to have him running to the parking lot
“wait here,” is all he says as the rest of the aviators look at you in confusion
you can only shrug in response
he returns with his your US navy sweatshirt and you are absolutely baffled
“arms up, buttercup”
you playfully roll your eyes at the cheesy statement and put your arms up reluctantly as he pulls the sweatshirt over you
the warmth of the fabric and his lingering scent is enough to have you warming up immediately
jake’s lips quirk at the sight of you in his sweatshirt and he presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head
“much, thank you.”
on your way back home it hits you that you haven’t seen this sweater in ages
and it’s been on missing for awhile
your anxiety starts to get the best of you and you catch yourself thinking
“were you keeping the sweatshirt in your truck this entire time because i kept stealing it from you? if so, then i am so sorry. you could’ve just told me and i would’ve gave it right back. seriously-“
he cuts you off with a laugh and if you didn’t know him so well, you would’ve thought he was laughing at you
he reaches over the console and grabs your hand in his, placing a soft kiss against the back of your hand
“that’s not why. i keep it in the truck because i know that you always forget to bring your jacket when we go out. then you end up complaining that you’re cold and i end up giving you mine. which i don’t mind, but i would rather not freeze to death.”
you almost stop breathing at his confession
“oh…thank you”
“no problem, sweetheart”
the soap problem
surprisingly, hangman’s favorite store is bath and body works
i mean this man is BIG on the seasonal scents
it’s christmas time and he has any place that has a sink stocked with vanilla sugar cookie soap
and because he loves it so much, you don’t tell him that the smell gives you the worst headaches
but somehow, jake being attentive as he is, notices that the you’re bothered
so one day when you’re at work he runs to bath and body works and switches out all the soap for a softer smelling scent
you get home and follow your usual routine, when you notice the soap in the bathroom
“jake, did you change the soap?”
“i don’t know. you didn’t seem to like it all that much.”
“but you only bought that one kind of soap. don’t tell me you bought more soap.”
“calm down, sweetheart, it’s really not that big of a deal.”
you give him the biggest kiss on the lips at that
because to you, it was the biggest deal in the world
“no one as ever bought new soap for me before. i love you.”
he only smiles, nudging the tip of your nose with his before kissing you again
i could go on and on about the things this man does but i’ll stop here for your sanity
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so-mordor-itis · 11 months
If your requests are still open, would you mind doing a little scenario of Leon and reader being two agents that have been together for awhile and just that dynamic? I'd love to see how you write that
Oh man...I LOVE THIS!!! I definitely imagine ID!Leon or re6 Leon here.
"Are you ready to go?"
"Are you sure?"
"Are you positive?"
You glared at Leon for a moment. "How many times are you going to ask me that?" If he was going to push your buttons this early in the morning, you would've preferred if you had a coffee in your hand. Then at least you could be creative with your jabs.
He shrugged, a tired but amused look in his eyes. "Until I know for sure you're actually ready."
"I am!"
"Okay, but the last time I asked you this chain of questions, you had forgotten your pistol by the front door."
"It's on my hip, dad. I'm not that forgetful anymore."
Leon gave you a funny look, blue eyes scanning you just in case. "That was last week, baby."
"Fuck off, I got everything." You shuffled past him to make your way to the front door, duffel bag in one hand, handbag in the other.
Leon called your name and you sighed. "Yes, dear?"
"You forgot your glasses."
With a huff of anger you pressed heavy footsteps across the room to grab at the said item that was conventionally on the kitchen counter. "Anything else?" You asked, irritated.
"Well, you also forgot to kiss me good morning, but that's optional I suppose." Leon held a feign look of hurt. Shaking your head, you grabbed his shirt collar to plant a kiss on his lips.
"There. Now you owe me coffee."
You passed by him again, attempting to ignore the look of adoration on his face. "Oh yeah," you called to him.
Leon hummed in acknowledgement, following close behind you. "If we're late for work, I'm blaming you."
"Not my fault you keep forgetting everything, sweetheart."
"I think about everything at once, alright? My mind is a cease pool."
"I'd say."
You glared at him again, prompting him to chuckle. "Asshole."
"I love you too."
Before he could plop himself in the driver's seat, you stole it from him. "I'll drive today."
Leon sighed, you were always assertive. He couldn't argue with you even if he tried, and he had tried before. "Something wrong with my driving?"
You gave him a nervous grin, not elaborating. "Just let me drive."
You heard incoherent grumbles before watching the passenger's side door open. "Everyone insists I'm a reckless driver but I don't see it."
"Do you not remember what happened to your bike?"
"That was an accident, and you know it. You were there."
"I was there," you nodded, backing out of the driveway. "to watch you crash it."
"You're insufferable."
"Look who's talking." There wasn't any malice in your voice this time around. You couldn't hold back the smile anymore. He had a way of pushing your buttons, and you also poked at his, but that was the beauty of your relationship. You balanced each other out.
You wouldn't have it any other way.
Tags: @uhlunaro , @madeholyy , @seraphiism , @universal-imagines , @unhealthy-leon-brainrot , @izuniias , @justonemore-fic , @leonskillshot , @honeyfict
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ygodmyy20 · 6 months
Opps this post got forgotten! But if I don't post it today when will I!?
Okay so, I've been thinking for awhile on the question: why do I like terumob and why did it take over my brain? What is it about it...what caught my interest. As someone who was very NOT into ships when i first got into mp100, why did I crashland into this one?
This post has been in progress for like....weeks now? Nearly a month? 3 months? Yea.
Okay so. Here we go. THOUGHTS! On terumob and why the fuck I like it. Below the cut.
Like I mentioned, when I first finished Mob Psycho 100 in June of this year I wasn't into any ship. I was actually REALLY NOT into ships. I really liked gen. I wanted to explore the characters and I loved the complex relationships between everyone but I didn't want it to be overshadowed by romance. I purposely steered clear of any and all ship art.
But then I started to see some TeruMob fanart and I was like "Aw man, they are so cute and squishy." And I started to like them....just a lil bit. ONLY A LITTLE BIT.
BUT then I read more Teru-centric fics, read Teru analysis' and then I was like. Oh shit, Teru is 100% so into Mob it's like....this kid has it bad. He has a major crush. And even on the rewatch I am like WOW yep, confirmed in my brain, Teru has it bad. The subtext of his pinning is JUST so there for me. I didn't even have to look hard for it. I suddenly was very in on the Teru-one-sidded part of the ship.
But here's the thing, I'm not a big fan of ships like that... feels too unrequited. Hard for me to really like it. I need to have some level of something from both sides. Just how I am.
So that still leaves the question.
When and how does Shiego liking Teru work? Is there any subtext for that or am I just making it all up because I want the ship to work for me?
(which also is fine ya'll, no judgement if you ship two characters that barely interact, thats the fun of fandom stuff!)
I mean, all things considered, Shigeo likes Tsubomi. Scratch that, he REALLY likes Tsubomi. Shiego loves very strongly, like all his emotions. And he definitely likes Teru, they are good friends, so I kept thinking: where and how does that cross into a crush to me, for these characters?
Teru cares a lot, he adores Shigeo—Shigeo is kind, he is powerful, he is everything Teru wants to be. But are there places where I see this same level of intensity from Shigeo?
Annnnnnnnd then I got to their fight in season 3.
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Everything Shiego did to Teru was so pointed. So raw and angry. Like I said, I think Shigeo feels his feelings very strongly and, I don't know, just the fact that he PERSUED Teru to humiliate him EXACTLY in the same way again, tells me that their first meeting had an intense impact on him. We don't see a lot of his feelings on his meeting with Teru, besides the brief ??? in that episode. After meeting Teru, it's just...life goes on as normal for them. But deep down I don't think Shigeo ever really tackled his complex feelings about Teru and their first meeting.
So it all comes out, its all be stewing for AGES, and what comes out is mean. It's aggressive. It's almost sarcastic? It's what happens when we let things chew us up inside and comes out all twisted.
Teru evoked such a strong reaction from Shigeo, even if Shigeo didn't admit it or express it, that I can't help but think, after things have settled, after he has spent more time adjusting to his whole self...after they both take time to really examine themselves and grow....
....that Shigeo wouldn't develop stronger feelings for this boy who also turned his world upside down. Who made him feel such strong emotions, who changed his world too.
Teru was forever changed by meeting another esper his age.
I think Shiego was too.
And I think where I started to love them was after the finale, after Teru's acceptance of Shiego for who he was.
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I don't want to pigeonhole any of the espers into only being able to date other espers. But I also....yes, Shiego is a normal kid, but he is also Shiego.
Teru is a person who understands the strength it takes to keep that power, who has seen Shiego at all sides. His best and his worst.
But gosh this scene....
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Yeah this whole scene just.....just yea. OUGH.
But yeah I just feel like Teru's crush would only grow after that. He would see Shigeo as a person over an all powerful esper.
While I like to think Shigeo's would develop over time and them smack into him like a runaway freight train. Because Shigeo FEELS so strongly, for all his emotions. He feels sadness strongly, he feels love strongly, he feels anger strongly—he just feels everything SO strongly. That is why he is powerful, that is why he is who he is, that is why ??? became what it is.
Anyway. My thoughts have ended and that's all i got. Thanks for coming to my ted talk of rambling mess that has been in progress for months that I realized whelp with the anniversary of the end of S3 nearly here, mind as well post it.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
The Little Things (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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Don't mind me, I'm just gonna-
*drops a near 6k word count fic on y'all all about Shin Soukoku cause I can while dancing to Super Mario 2 music sped up version*
Kay bye! *leaps out window*
...Nah but seriously. Heyo everyone! Awhile back I wrote this for a friend while we were yelling about these two (You know who you are- hi bestie! :D) I originally sent it to them via google doc, but given how easy the links to those fics are to lose (The amount I've lost...gone but not forgotten *cries*) I've decided to post it here!I hope you like it!
CW: Swearing, violence, guns, self-loathing, angst, wasted food (RIP Pork Buns), mentions of the Port Mafia Boss and Elise
Summary: In between assignments and tasks, Atsushi and Akutagawa find time to enjoy the little moments within their strange relationship.
“Is that cake?” Atsushi raised a brow at the small slice of chocolate cake Akutagawa pulled from his plastic bag. It looked homemade- maybe someone in the Port Mafia made it?
The idea of anyone there baking sweets was wild.
“No, it’s a bomb.” Akutagawa deadpanned, peeling at the plastic wrap around the plate. “Watch yourself- it just might blow up.”
Atsushi started. Did Aku just make a joke?
At the silence, Akutagawa offered the first forkful in silent inquiry.
“Oh, no thanks. I hate chocolate.” He smiled, fighting down a laugh at the brief look of shock on Akutagawa’s face. “Never been a fan. You however-I didn’t know you liked sweets.”
“Is that an issue?” His expression went hard.
“Not at all. It’s just…unexpected.” Atsushi held up his hands, smiling sheepishly. “Do you like all kinds of sweets or do you have a favorite?”
Akutagawa narrowed his eyes at him, suspicion rolling off his tensed frame like waves. For a moment. Atsushi wondered if he just blew their lunch date-meetup. Then he sighed, turning back to his cake.
“I like chocolate.” There was the barest hint of a blush on his cheeks. Akutagawa shoved a forkful of cake in his mouth with a slight grimace, refusing to look his way.
As if he couldn’t get any cuter.
…..Huh? Atsushi felt himself flush.
“Hm.” Was all the weretiger responded with, taking a long drag of his teacup, ignoring the raised brow Akutagawa sent him.
“Hey, Akutagawa! Here!” Atsushi shot his arms out before the other could stop him, pressing a small handkerchief wrapped box into his chest. It was hastily wrapped- as if he was tying it while running to their usual meetup spot. “This is for you!”
“....Huh?” The wide eyed shock on his face was priceless. Atsushi resisted the urge to laugh as he watched Akutagawa handle the box like one handled a baby- careful and slightly terrified. “This is…?”
“Open it!” Atsushi encouraged, resisting the urge to bounce on his feet in his anticipation. “I didn’t knot it that bad!”
“Okay, okay, settle down.” Akutagawa’s lips twitched as he gently pulled at the knot, going especially slow, much to Atsushi’s chagrin. When the ends of the cloth fell away, it revealed a little plastic box, within it a variety of chocolates.
“Oh?” Akutagawa stared, seeming to freeze. Atsushi felt himself sweat, tugging at his shirt hem.
“I know it’s not much of…well, anything- I just remembered a while back you mentioned you liked chocolate, and I had some lying around and figured you’d like it- of course if you don’t, I can always take it back-”
“You remembered.” It wasn’t a question. Atsushi blinked. Something soft was in Akutagawa’s expression, and his hands trembled some as he held the small box of treats. Atsushi felt his heart squeeze. “I didn’t think you would…”
“Of course I did! I remember everything you tell me.” Then he flushed, eyes wide. He said too much. “For the missions! And our tasks! Ehe…”
“Yes..having a good memory for those things is important.” That faint blush was back, and Akutagawa wouldn’t look at him- not directly, anyway. “Ehem…This is…” Then he paused, brows furrowing.
“Wait- where’d you get this?” Akutagawa finally met his gaze, raising an eyebrow. “I thought you hated chocolate?”
Seems like Atsushi wasn’t the only one remembering details about each other.
“I do…but like I said- I just happened to have it on me, hehe.” He grinned, deciding not to mention where his source was. He’d bring Ranpo a fresh box of chocolates on his way back from this meeting. With all the snacks he keeps on hand, he wasn’t likely to miss it before he got back.
Akutagawa raised a brow, not entirely believing him. Then he looked back at the box of chocolates, that content expression returning. “I can’t remember the last time someone gave me a gift…so thank you. It means more than you know.”
Atsushi swelled, feeling rather proud of himself. He would make this a habit he decided in that moment; all to see that soft expression.
Though he’d probably have to start buying his own chocolates.
“Ugh, no way…” Atsushi groaned miserably as the sky began to cry. Raindrops dropped in a slow mist at first, but within minutes it began to pour, flooding the alleyways they snuck through. He could already feel his shoes fill with water, making his toes curl unpleasantly.
“Hm, how troublesome indeed.” Akutagawa mused, brows furrowing as he came to join Atsushi beneath the thin railings of the alley. His shoulders felt damp already, and a chill shot down his spine from the icy droplets. “Walking back in this will be rather annoying.”
As of late, it seemed like he and Atsushi couldn’t shake each other. Whether it be on impromptu missions Dazai set them up on, or just little moments like running errands and returning home- somehow in this big city, the demon and the weretiger were never far from each other.
A part of Akutagawa couldn’t deny he liked it that way. That however was a part he’d rather strangle until blue with Rashomon before ever admitting.
“Man, I should have brought an umbrella! I figured it’d rain while we were inside the warehouse and stop after, but I guess the universe has it out for me…” Atsushi shoved his hands through his bangs, groaning in his hands. “This is revenge for Ranpo’s snacks, isn’t it, world?” He mumbled.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little water, weretiger?” Akutagawa shrugged, Rashomon shooting out of his back and forming a shelf above him, shielding him from the continuous onslaught of rainwater. “Though I suppose it’s expected, given what you are.”
“Shut up! I’m not a cat- I just happen to turn into one!” Atsushi glared, rubbing his arms with a slight tremor when the rain began soaking his shirt. In an act of defiance, he took a step out into the elements.
And immediately regretted it.
“Oh my god, that’s COLD!” Atsushi flew into Akutagawa’s shelter of Rashomon, clinging to his coat and shivering. Then he glared, cheeks pink. “Not a word.”
Akutagawa didn’t think he could speak even if he wanted to. This close, beneath the immediate smell of rainwater and warehouse dust, the weretiger smelled like tiger lilies. He could see the strange ombre in Atsushi’s eyes, the way they went from a rosy pink to a warm gold- like a sunrise. The way his lashes framed those odd but pretty irises of his.
So unfairly pretty. Akutagawa forgot how to breathe.
“Hey? Is something wrong…” Atsushi began, only to flush a brilliant red and jump back into the rain. “Oh god- I’m so sorry, how invasive of me- Ah, this rain! I uh…”
Maybe it was how pitiful he looked, soaked and embarrassed. Maybe it was the way he looked at him just now, with those damn sunrise eyes.
Maybe that part of Akutagawa’s heart wasn’t so small after all.
Slowly, as if it were a machine coming back to life after many years, Rashomon extended outward, creating an umbrella-like cover beside its owner. The space was…tight, but it would give Atsushi room to walk with him. “Come on, before you catch your death.”
The weretiger blinked, eyes wide. Akutagawa could feel his face heating; he pretended it was from irritation while waiting for the other to make a decision. “Hurry up before I leave you here.”
“Oh! Right- thank you.” Atsushi ran over, standing within the cover. This close, he could smell tiger lilies again. Did he wear perfume? Would it be weird to ask?
Would it be weird to just reach out and hold his hand-
“Don’t mention it. Just- come on.” Akutagawa made his voice as curt as he could, hoping it hid the fluster he felt himself slipping into. In silence the pair walked back, Akutagawa’s hands shoved in his pockets while Atsushi continued rubbing his arms, trying to warm up.
When he peeked, the weretiger looked equally flushed.
Must be getting sick, he told himself.
Yeah. That’s it.
When he got back to the agency; Atsushi decided, he was going to murder Dazai.
Just a simple task, he said. Scout out the scene for us to make sure it’s safe, he told him. There shouldn’t be any trouble, he insisted.
Of course, Dazai forgot to mention the literal Mafia meetup being held in such a place.
 Atsushi knew he should leave- turn back before any of the Port caught a glimpse of him hovering near a dirty window. It was fairly high up- the main reason why Atsushi was sent on this particular request was due to his cat-climbing skills- so the chances of being caught were slim.
He should go, had he not caught sight of a familiar face. Stoic as always, black fringe fading into white that framed his pinched face, hands shoved in his pockets. Akutagawa.
He was standing by with a short redhead- Chuuya, he assumed. Dazai had mentioned a redhead in the Port who he’d encountered a few times before. He looked especially irritated, whomever they were meeting up with apparently was late.
Finally, after around half an hour, two grungy looking guys came through the large metal doors, their footsteps echoing across the filthy floor. Between them a smaller man led, his body bent forward and his hair a halo of thinning grays around his wrinkled face.
“I take it your boss sent you with what I wanted?” He asked, and Atsushi felt himself straighten. Despite appearances, the man’s voice boomed and carried, demanding respect with each word. Within the room, even Akutagawa and Chuuya straightened, the latter glowering upon realizing it.
“Yeah. You got what we want?” He demanded, waiting. There was a tense silence before the old man gestured for one of what Atsushi assumed to be his guards. The man opened his jacket, revealing a tightly wrapped parscal.
“Toss it over, we’ll do the same.” Chuuya commanded, straightening to his full height. The old man chuckled, clearly amused.
“Kids these days- never learn to respect their elders. Fine then.” He nodded, and the parscal went flying. Rashomon was out in seconds, catching it with ease. Bringing it to his eyes, Akutagawa peered within, face grimacing.
“This is it. Boss’ order.” He didn’t sound too thrilled about it though.
“Good grief. Alright, here.” Chuuya kicked the box by his feet towards the men, his gravity control making it sail easily across the floor. It landed with a loud thump by the guard’s feet. “I’ll take it this should cover it?”
The guard peered within the box, nodding after confirming the contents. Atsushi couldn’t help but wonder what was in it. Money? Jewels? And what was in the parscal?
No time. He really had to go. He watched Chuuya and Akutagawa turn to leave.
Just as the remaining guard pulled out a gun.
“TURN AROUND!” He heard himself scream. Shit! The old man’s eyes flickered to the window-
And suddenly there was a boom of red. Rashomon exploded out of Akutagawa’s back, sending the guards flying. Interesting enough, the old man remained unfazed. In fact, he hadn’t moved at all. Rashomon bounced around him like water hitting a rock.
“His ability- it’s a shield!” Chuuya yelled, already jumping into action. He crossed the room in seconds, taking the two guards on. Despite the size difference and being outnumbered, Chuuya was easily the better fighter. He dropped low, kicking the goon with the gun in his hand in the ankles. As he fell back, he grabbed his fallen gun, pointing it at the other one. He pulled the trigger-
But the bullet bounced! Seems this old man’s ability expanded beyond just himself. The guard smirked cruelly as he charged, tackling a surprised Chuuya dead on and sending him flying.
Akutagawa started, Rashomon shooting out to catch Chuuya before he could hit the wall. Too late. The old man was upon him. He moved so fast, an elbow flying to Akutagawa’s windpipe as he brought a knee to his gut. Rashomon quivered as Akutagawa wheezed, gasping for air.
Chuuya shot out of the rubble with a roar, flying at the guards. His gravity power saved his life, but just barely- Atsushi could see he was wounded- crimson against orange hair, bruises forming on the side of his face.
Akutagawa stumbled, the old man hooting softly as he watched the boy drop. “Such a shame- the Port Mafia really has let themselves grow weak if this is the best they can offer.”
Hot rage shot through Atsushi's veins. Just who did this old creatin think he was? He got up, ready to jump into the fray- and stopped.
Why was he getting involved? This wasn’t a mission assigned to him by Dazai or the boss back at the agency. He wasn’t even supposed to be here. Right now would be the ample time to leave; to use the chaos within to slip away before anyone else saw him.
Saw him.
Atsushi’s eyes dropped down to the breaker box just outside the warehouse, an idea already forming in mind.
Within the warehouse, it was chaos. Chuuya had disposed of one of the guards, his body crumpled in the background as he fought the one still guarding. From the looks of things, the shield only protected from the front. Right now- the redhead was trying to get around and go for the back, but the guard stayed on him like glue.
Akutagawa and the old man were fighting once more- this time however, Akutagawa was prepared. Rashomon bounced again and again off a shield, keeping him at bay. He couldn’t land a hit, but neither could the old man. It seemed he needed his arms held up in a specific way to keep it on, leaving them in a stalemate.
Just one moment. A second was all Akutagawa needed. He looked up-
Their eyes met. Atsushi mouthed only one word. Blackout.
Then he tore out the breaker box with his claw.
The warehouse went pitch black, blending in with the night sky. Atsushi rolled down the wall as gunshots exploded from within, the faint sounds of two men crying out before everything went eerily silent. For a short, heartstopping moment, Atsushi was scared one of them was Aku.
Then the doors opened, Chuuya and Akutagawa stumbling out, bruised and wounded, the parscal in hand.
“Next time that creepy bastard wants us to pick up dolly dresses, he better get them through Amazon.” Chuuya growled, limping as he dragged himself down the quiet streets. Akutagawa seemed to be half listening, nodding along as he rolled his shoulder. His throat was bruised, and he was covered in small cuts, but he was alive.
Atsushi felt himself breathe again.
“Are you even listening? Ugh, forget it.” Chuuya waved him off, walking ahead as he carried on complaining about their boss. Akutagawa paused then, turning his head.
And directly looked at Atsushi.
The weretiger didn’t call out. He didn’t say a word. He merely looked back at him, watching. Akutagawa blinked once. Then twice.
Then the rarest thing happened. He smiled.
It was small, nearly unnoticeable and a bit pained, as if it hurt to move his face. Judging by the bruise blossoming on his cheek, it must have been.
Still- that smile. It erased it all. The injuries, his messy hair, the torn clothes- all of it faded away as Akutagawa smiled at him. It was like he was a god, so painfully beautiful it was near impossible to look directly at him, and yet Atsushi did. He didn’t care if his face was on fire, or if he was gaping like a fish. All he wanted to do was get lost in that beautiful smile.
And then Akutagawa looked away, and reality came back. He was gone in minutes, fading away in shadow, leaving Atsushi sitting there, still thinking about that smile.
Akutagawa hated instruments.
More specifically, he hated the piano.
The boss was so insistent he’d learn to play it. Think of how useful of a talent it’d be if you ever found yourself needing to blend in. Blend in where, the orchestra? Good luck with that. They all knew the real reason why Mori wanted him to learn to play.
Because Dazai used to play.
Not the piano- but the Violin. Akutagawa remembered watching him play a few times- the way he’d stand tall, the instrument like an extension of his body as he ran his bow over the strings. His songs were always so sad sounding; they never failed to make someone cry- usually Chuuya, even if he’d never admit it. When Dazai left, Mori burned the instrument, and music was snuffed out, much like those who betrayed them.
Apparently he was now back in his music phase and decided Akutagawa would be the next musician. Had it not been for Gin and her soft encouragement for him to learn- “Ma and Pa would have liked it, I think” she told him- he’d probably set the grand instrument ablaze himself. Just what would he play on it, anyway? Songs of sorrow and anger? Christmas tunes? Suppose he could play a quick death march before a bullet lodged into his brain or a knife to his jugular.
Wasteful. The worst part? He was a natural talent. The lessons flew by and before long he knew all the cords and how to work them into songs. Gin liked them- she would lay across the top like those women in the movies, face in her hands and feet kicking while he practiced. Sometimes she’d sing- her voice soft and delicate. It was those moments that he liked best.
And then Mori asked him to play for him and Elise when they’d marry. He stopped playing it after that.
Now he found himself lingering by a different piano- dusty but well loved, sitting in the corner of what he assumed to be a church. It was abandoned now- the room stale with lack of movement. His fingers glided over the top, making streaks against the smooth black surface.
Like magic, he felt himself back at the music room with Gin, playing a song and her singing-
“Nothing of interest here- hey, is that a piano?” Atsushi’s voice shook him free from his memory. The weretiger joined him, his shoulder bumping gently into Akutagawa’s as he took a seat. “I love the piano! I wonder if it’s in tune?”
Things have been…interesting, these past few encounters with the weretiger. Since the warehouse incident, they’ve been less stiff, more relaxed. Atsushi didn’t jump away if he got too close, and he smiled more easily at him. Their once harsh word exchanges melted into soft bickering, and more than once Akutagawa felt himself fighting down laughter whenever they talked. Not mean, condescending one but genuine mirth at the little things he’d say and do.
What the hell was happening to him?
“I know like- one chord. There was this woman at the orphanage; she was the only nice adult there. She tried to teach me to play, but I never quite picked it up.” Atsushi made a big show of cracking his knuckles, wiggling his fingers. “Okay, let’s tickle these ivories!”
More like make them scream, Akutagawa soon learned. He winced as Atsushi slammed his fingers down into the keys, hitting random clumps and creating what he could only describe as “mindless noise”. He sang along with it, the words lost in the sound as he swayed with his chaos.
“Oh, there once was a cat named Piccolo! He was the fattest cat anyone ever known! He rolled and he cried, and he’d spit in your eye, so the village chief ordered him to-”
“Weretiger!” Rashomon shot out, grasping Atsushi’s wrists and preventing him from hitting more keys. The church rang with the noise. “What happened to knowing only one chord?” He growled through gritted teeth.
“Oh, right! It was…um…” Atsushi looked at the keyboard. “You know- I can’t remember. But it was one of them I just played, I’m sure!”
“That wasn’t playing- that was slapping.” Akutagawa pulled Rashomon back, shaking his head. “I don’t think I heard a single chord in any of that.”
“Oo, you can hear chords, can you? Alright, Yiruma- it's your turn.” Atsushi stood, offering the piano. “Let’s see what you can do!”
Akutagawa stared, first at the piano, then at Atsushi. A mix of nostalgia and disgust filled him when he thought of playing again; Mori ruined any enjoyment he had with it.
And yet…Atsushi was giving him those eyes. The ones that presented a challenge. And Akutagawa had a hard time turning down challenges.
He also had a hard time turning down Atsushi.
He sat down in the warm seat before those intrusive thoughts came back. Stretching his fingers, he let them rest on the cool ivory, wondering where he should begin. ��Any requests?” He asked, be it a tad sarcastically.
“Whatever you wanna play.” Atsushi smiled, leaning against the side of the piano. Akutagawa hated how attractive he looked like that- FOCUS AKU! “I’m all ears.”
At first, he simply pressed keys- not the way Atsushi did it- this was far gentler, and actual cords. The weretiger’s smug grin melted into a look of surprise, making the other smirk. “Show off.” Atsushi grumbled. Akutagawa fought down a chuckle.
Then he was moving his fingers against the keys more intentionally, a song coming to mind. He didn’t know all the words- he only heard a chunk of it once when he was walking with Gin through the city. He did know the chords though.
Soft music played throughout the church, Akutagawa’s fingers playing out the beats in a steady rhythm, getting lost in the sound. He felt himself right back with Gin again, her smile encouraging and kind- the few beckons of light in the awful world of the Port Mafia.
Then he was singing. He probably sounded terrible; but he kept hearing Gin encouraging him to, so he gave in.
“If you had it all, would it be enough?
Can you find the way and still be lost?
I write songs about being someone else
That say fuck the world, you’re not angry enough.”
Beside him, he heard Atsushi suck in a breath. Be it from surprise or relation to the song, he didn’t know. Akutagawa kept going.
“Yeah everybody tells me it’s alright.
Everybody tells me I’ll be fine
Everything is not o-fucking-kay,
Oh but they can’t tell me why.
I put the picture on the shelf
Leave the memory behind
But the truth is I can’t say goodbye.”
Was he getting too real? Maybe. Atsushi was quiet beside him, not interrupting, just listening. He took that as a sign to keep going.
“So I made friends with all my demons
Let ‘em sink their teeth in
Got used to the feeling of letting it go
So give me something to believe in
Or throw me in the deep end
It all feels the same with your eyes close
So you can throw me in the, Deep end
Deep end
Deep end, Deep end”
And..that’s all he knew. The rest of the song was lost to him. He dared a peek up at the weretiger, waiting to see him fighting off laughter or wincing at Akutagawa’s singing.
Instead, he was leaning into the piano, eyes misty and something incredibly soft in his expression. There was no disgust, no second hand embarrassment, none of that. Only the look of a man who found something he was fond of, the smallest of smiles on his lips that took Akutagawa’s breath away.
Surely he must be thinking of someone else. There was no way he was looking at him like that.
The idea that Atsushi was thinking of another made his chest ache, a strange hollowness within tearing at his insides. In a haste, he slapped his hands onto the keys, startling the other out of his reverie. “I don’t know the rest- really, I hate the piano; we shouldn’t have done this. We have to go before the cops show up-”
“Aku.” Atsushi’s voice made him pause, halfway out of the seat. He was focused again, the expression he was wearing tucked away and replaced by his usual smile. “That was amazing. Truly.”
His chest ached again.
“It was just a thing I learned at the mafia. That’s all.” His voice sounded foreign to his ears, cold and distant. In the corner of his eye, he saw Atsushi wince. “Just forget about it.”
But he was already out the door; the cool air of the city blowing on his warm face as he stumbled out. He walked at first, but then he was running. And then he was bolting. He needed to get away- to go somewhere else. He found himself flying down alleyway after alleyway, stumbling over his own two feet before crashing hard on his knees, coughing in his hand.
When he pulled it back, it was wet. However, it wasn’t blood that made it so. When did his vision get so blurry? He blinked, shaking when he realized it was tears.
He was foolish. A complete idiot! How could he let himself fall for the Weretiger? A Detective Agency member- the Mafia’s enemy. They’d never work out; and soon- he’d leave him. Just like how Dazai did all those years ago.
It would never work. Nothing ever did in the Port Mafia. They were sewer rats- destined to live and die among the filth they waddled in. And Atsushi…he didn’t deserve someone like that. He deserved someone who could stand in the sunrise with him, who could see how it matched perfectly with his eyes. Someone who could listen to his songs and jokes and antics and laugh freely alongside him. Someone who could make him happy.
And that wasn’t Akutagawa.
Curling up, he wrapped Rashomon tightly around himself. In past experiences, he found his ability rather sound proof. It was only then did he finally let himself sob.
Atsushi sighed as he leaned back into a park bench, head still reeling. It had been a few days since the church incident, and there was no Akutagawa in sight. He could be busy, but Atsushi was sure he was avoiding him. It hurt- the sudden shut down from the other. Atsushi recounted the event in his mind hundreds of times, trying to figure out what exactly he did that made him flee.
He truly meant it when he said Akutagawa’s playing was amazing. Really- he was referring to his everything; the way he played, the words he sung, the way they broke something within his chest as he found each lyric incredibly relatable. That last moment, when the song ended and Akutagawa turned to look at him- there was so much…vulnerability in his gaze. Was he waiting for Atsushi to say something then?
Oh dear- perhaps he failed him afterall.
Pulling the bag of pork buns closer to his hip, he stood, deciding to head back to his apartment. It was probably dumb, waiting here for him. They hadn’t agreed on a meetup spot; Atsushi had hoped if he remained at the same location for the past three days, he’d pop up. So far, it proved fruitless. He made his way to the entrance.
And found himself staring at Akutagawa.
Silence so thick it could be cut with a knife, the two stared at one another; frozen. The rest of the world seemed to go silent, the people walking by shut off like a mute button. Akutagawa seemed stunned, and Atsushi doubted he looked any better.
For a brief, terrifying moment, he was scared Akutagawa would bolt. He remained standing. Then-
“Weretiger I-”
“I bought Pork Buns-”
They had spoken at the same time. Akutagawa blinked, startled. Atsushi felt himself return to reality.
“I uh…I bought Pork Buns. At the local convenience store? I remembered you liked them and..” He waved the bag in the direction of his apartment. “It’s probably not a good time, and if not you can just take them but…do you want to come over and eat? I bought too many…”
Akutagawa stared, the look making Atsushi squirm. Then he spoke once more. “I’m not busy…sure.” Relief flooded Atsushi’s chest.
“Great! Come along then.”
The walk back was terribly awkward. Neither spoke, but it was tense this time around, words heavier than steel stuck in their throats as they finally arrived at Atsushi’s place. Fumbling for the key, the weretiger pushed open the door, flicking on the light. “Pardon the mess, I didn’t get to clean up this morning.”
Removing his shoes, Akutagawa looked around. If he noticed the messy futon and leftover ramen cup, he didn’t say. Instead, he nodded. “Thank you for having me over.”
“Yeah, yeah- sure.” Atsushi smiled, hating how polite everything felt. He wanted so badly for Akutagawa to point out something- to make a comment on his tiger plushie that the other gave him in return for the chocolates- to tease him about knocking things over on the counter. He wanted anything else but this super quiet, super polite version of Akutagawa. “Erm, let me go put these down-”
“Weretiger. I must apologize.”
Atsushi froze, scared to turn around. Oh no, was he leaving already?
“The other day- I left without a word to you. That was incredibly rude of me, and I’m sorry.” Akutagawa sounded…choked. Like there was something else there he wasn’t mentioning. Atsushi figured he’d let it be.
But then, would anything actually change if he did?
“You ran pretty far after you left. I didn’t see where you went, you just kinda- disappeared.” Atsushi turned, facing him. “I never got to finish what I was saying.”
“I didn’t want to hear it.”
Ouch. Okay. Atsushi tried to hide the hurt with a smile. “Fair enough.”
“Wait- no. Fuck, this is hard.” Akutagawa ran a hand over his face, clearly frustrated. “That’s not what I meant. Sorry. I mean- I was…” He struggled with the words, waving his hands. “Weretiger, I don’t think I can keep doing this.”
Another dagger. Atsushi felt his heart drop into his stomach. “Doing what?”
“The whole- whatever this is. It’s killing me.”
A third. Atsushi felt his eyes sting. “Just say it, Akutagawa.” He sounded harsh in his own ears. Good.It’ll make him leave faster. “Say it and be done, already.”
Akutagawa flinched as if struck. Then he straightened, eyes intense.
“I’m in love with you, Weretiger.”
The buns hit the floor.
“I’m in love with you- I’ve been in love with you since- I don’t know how long now. Everytime I close my eyes, I see you. I hear you laughing in my dreams; I see you smiling at me when the pain’s at its worst and it’s killing me because I’m not good enough for you. I’m not the kind of person you deserve- a sewer rat who’ll only stain you with my filth-”
“Shut up.” Atsushi sounded strange. Akutagawa stared.
“Shut the hell up, you son of a-” Atsushi stormed across the room, grabbing the front of his coat.
And then he was kissing him. His lips crashed into Akutagawa's like a man craving water. At first, Akutagawa was frozen in shock. Then he was kissing him back, clutching the other tightly, pulling him in against his chest like he couldn’t get enough. He tasted like chocolate. For once, Atsushi found himself liking it.
When they pulled away, flushed and breathless, Atsushi reached up, gently pulling at the fringe framing the other’s face.
“Now you listen to me, Aku.” He tugged, earning a mild wince from the other. “First of all- you don’t get to decide who deserves me. I decide who deserves me. Second of all-” He released his hair, poking a finger into his chest. “I don’t want to ever hear you describe yourself as a sewer rat ever again. If I get stained, I get stained. Despite the white fur, I’m not some pristine tiger figurine.” He moved the hand poking his chest up to cup Akutagawa’s cheek, running a thumb against the smooth skin. “Finally- I never got to say what I wanted to say the other day. So you better listen.
“I think you’re amazing. The way you carry yourself; how you’re still so you even after everything you’ve been through in the Port Mafia. How you have these cute little quirks about yourself and how you’ve got so many hidden talents. I think you’re amazing, and I’m in love with you too. I’ve been in love with you for a long time now.” He smiled at the wide eyed stare he got, watching the hope in Akutagawa’s eyes meld into soft happiness.
Then he pinched his cheek, pulling slightly.
“But if you ever just up and run off on me again, I’ll kick your ass. I’m a weretiger- we like to eat little sewer rats who drive us nuts.”
“Sorry.” Akutagawa said through a deformed mouth. Atsushi released his cheek, leaning up to kiss it. “I thought you'd be in love with someone else.”
“Who else is there? Ranpo?” Atsushi raised an eyebrow. Then he looked thoughtful. “It would make getting you chocolate easier…”
Akutagawa couldn’t stop it. The laugh he fought down so hard bubbled over, then another. Before long, he was leaning into Atsushi, laughing for the first time in what felt like forever. The weretiger stood stunned, then he was giggling. Next thing he knew, he was laughing just as much, clinging to the other and squeezing tightly.
“Ohhohoho my god. I fuhuhucking love you, Weretiger.” Akutagawa wheezed out, wiping away a combination of happy and mirthful tears.
Atsushi looked just as teary, his cheeks warm and smiling like sunshine. “I love you too, Aku.”
Thanks for reading!
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schmerzafte · 1 year
Iucunda Memoria
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A.N: Hello, it's been awhile, but I'm here again! This fic is inspired by @a-casual-kpopfan, thank you so much for editing and being a massive inspiration (I hate you btw.)
“Nice day, right?”
“Yeah, it’s a bright sunny day.”
The park feels a lot brighter these days, usually it’s empty at this hour, but people are currently playing with their friends, parents with their children, and a couple of people hanging out playing board games, it’s just setting the mood a bit nice. You’re also happy because it’s been months since the last time you had seen her, so it’s a good change of pace to your life since the last few months have been terrible for you. College starting to get hectic and your research has been, well, let’s call it slowing down.
What can a college student do to improve their life?
Normally people hang out at cafes, talking about their life and what’s going on with their studies, discussing assignments, eating together, that sort of thing. But with you, an introverted college student, all you can do is play games on your computer, maybe continue your research, stare at the world from the small window in your room, thinking about what’s going to happen next.
You have your friends of course, but that doesn’t mean that you want to go out with them all the time, the majority of your life is filled with thoughts of happier days back in your childhood and teenage year, and you’re wondering “where did it wrong in your life that led to this point?”
Nonetheless, here you are now, in the park near your university under the bright sunlight, beaming the earth and making the flowers bloom. It’s blissful, everything’s good, and everything’s all right, with you, and your partner.
“Usually it’s empty, looks like people are slowly returning to their usual activities.” You said.
“Right, it almost feels… Unnatural, like something is aligning together for some reason.” She replied.
She got a good point, and you start to think, “what’s going on? Why do I feel sad yet happy somehow?” You’re both here, spending time together just like in the old days when both of you cherished the moment, sitting there on the same bench where you and your partner used to sit since the moment you met.
Where you shared all the moments in your life, and she shared hers with you, creating a bond that you didn’t know was possible, you never thought that someone like you, who is isolating yourself from other people, managed to tie this knot of friendship, and even formed a relationship, something that you didn’t even know exist.
Relationships are a strange concept.
How can someone manage to tie themselves to another person they didn’t even know about?
How can someone develop feelings for another?
Where did it come from?
It’s always a mystery waiting to be solved. At least that’s how you used to think. For whatever reason, you are involved in a relationship too, with someone whom you adored and cherished the most.
Your partner since high school, Jo Haseul.
“What’s going on right now? How are things going for you?” She asked, with that beautiful tone that you used to hear every time she comes home from work, waiting for a call from you.
“Well, the usual, still studying and researching for my thesis, it’s funny seeing my friends graduated earlier than me, it makes me sad seeing my progress, feeling like a failure every time I took a step, but life pulls you back two steps.”
“It does feel weird.” You thought to yourself. Normally, your colleagues would be calling you right now, asking for your help to assist with their research, but ever since you started falling behind, everything feels too fast-paced for you.
Now all your colleagues are already graduated from your university, now working at places you don’t even know about and having no way to contact them, since they are too busy with their work.
The feelings of being forgotten by your friends, and companies, are the worst thing imaginable for you.
“That feeling again, huh?” Forgetting people is something you could never comprehend. How do people just forget each other? It seems impossible, from your perspective. Whenever you made new acquaintances, you always tried to be the best person they can depend on, even though sometimes you are a very awkward person, you manage to find people that you can call “friend”, and form a study group together.
“It’s alright, everyone has their own pace, I think what’s being set for you, is a slow journey, waiting to end with a good one.”
“I always believe that people are meant to be happy, in any way possible, but sometimes, that happiness is there, waiting for the right time and the right place. You just need to discover it, even if it takes ages to find.”
There it is.
The positive attitude about her that you recognize so well. There’s something about being positive that just keeps your day together, even if the storms are gathering, the clouds start to block the sun, everything just turning dark, that positivity is what keeps you alive.
It’s what keeps you from giving up.
“Yeah, I guess. I never know how my life will end, with a blast or a letdown. To be honest, these days I feel like a zombie, walking around lifeless, with no clear goal of where to go, just me, myself and I. It feels weird, but it’s what I’ve been doing, at it keeps me at bay.” You tried to insert your inner thoughts, wanting her to support you again, with that positivity that you missed all the time.
“Honestly, that’s what kept me alive all this time, Haseul. You’re keeping me alive, you always believed in me, even though things are going downhill all the time, and I have to thank you for that, for believing in me, for supporting me, for cherishing me, for loving me all the time.”
You smiled at her, trying to lift your emotions back again, after being hit by a massive tragedy that shattered everything to pieces.
Hours pass and the two of you started to pack everything and leave the park, because it’s going to rain sooner rather than later, and you definitely don’t want to be caught standing alone in the rain again, like someone who’s lost.
“Thanks for everything, Haseul. It’s been fun seeing you again after all this time, I’m glad meeting you.” You tried to hold back those tears, and you started to hug her. Wanting to recognize those warm feelings again, after holding back everything, after what happened. But the storm arrived sooner than you thought, and when it came, it destroyed the whole foundation of what you believed in. Those feelings you were afraid of the most, showed up at the worst possible moment.
“Thank you. But who are you?”
131 notes · View notes
honey-decadence · 2 months
My All (Mia Fey x Reader)
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no it's not a joke! i've had this in the drafts for awhile now and thought it would be a nice treat for today! no pranks, no bs, just an Ace Attorney fic!
the original prompt for this came from a list from another user that i had forgotten the link to! the only things in my notes were just:
one word prompt: #16 besotted - a strong infatuation, blindly or utterly infatuated
im terribly sorry for not being able to provide the list but if i do end up finding it, i'll be updating this with a link!
CW: NSFT, reader has no pronouns but is referred to as Mia's girlfriend, no mention of genitalia, nipple licking, kissing, office setting, Mia and reader just REALLY like each other
Word Count: 1157
“I want to do everything with you. I want this moment to go on forever Mia.” you confessed, softly pinning the woman down on her desk. Your hands grasped her jacket firmly.
“Is that so?” the woman hummed, enjoying the intense look on your face.
Your hands then ran over her body, from the soft shoulder massages you gave, from the gentle squeezes on her waist, to the more daring gropes of her breasts, there wasn’t a single part of Mia you didn’t want to touch, you felt like every inch of her deserved your undying attention. Part of it was because with Mia as your girlfriend, it was easy to lose yourself.
Had it not been for the window’s blinds being shut and the calming black veil of the night, the bell boy from the hotel across the office might have had an eyeful of another office incident: except this time it was the two of you being unable to unstick yourselves from each other.
You guided the woman to lay down; Mia was on her back on top of her own desk and her hair sprawled out with important papers scattered across the floor. You closed the distance and rested your weary head in the crook of her neck, taking in a deep breath of her scent. Everything about this woman was so captivating to you. 
It all happened so quickly, this feeling of desire overcame the two of you in one second, you were both discussing the evidence of a case, and the next, you both started getting handsy with one another. Your memory was foggy at the moment, unsure of who placed whose hand on whose butt, who said what, who first kissed who, etc.
However the end result was the same; you became smitten, you were deeply infatuated with the defense attorney and you wanted to take her right then and there. Your hand ran along her curves slowly, soaking in the sensation and her soft sounds, and latched on to the zipper of her suit. Your thoughts were riddled with the many images of Mia and you in various positions and scenarios, each one getting a little more raunchy and promiscuous than the last.
“You know (Y/N)…” her voice cut through your daydream. You looked up and stared into her eyes but that still didn’t stop yourself from slowly unzipping her jacket as you listened closely. The faint sound of the zipper seemed to fill the thick atmosphere.
“Nick is going to see this mess tomorrow morning.” her voice was playful as always.
With the zipper finally reaching its end, her jacket slid off her torso, revealing that same black bra that you were all too familiar with. Your hands wrapped around her, prompting Mia to arch herself towards you and allowing space to unhook the garment. Her own hands ran across your back, tugging at your own bra strap through your button up shirt and quickly unhooking it, letting the sound of the snap reverb throughout the office. It was a simple teasing gesture but it did wonders for your guy’s drive.
As your own fingers fiddled a bit with the hooks on your girlfriend’s bra, your gaze shifted back to her chest and you became distracted by her chest. You so badly wanted to give her one of her boobs a small bite and leave a mark but you had to exercise patience. Besides, you knew well that Mia probably wouldn’t want to show up to the trial with a love bite, visible for all the people in the court to see. 
But…. then again… with a bit of concealer or even a scarf, no one who would notice right?
You swallowed hard, trying not to get too wrapped up in your fantasies and focused on the present. You looked back at Mia grinning, clearly aware of the trance you’ve been put under by her. No amount of words you could say would ever capture how much you adored this woman.
“I’ll clean it up after. Promise.”
At last, her bra became undone. You wasted no time lifting the band up and over her breasts, watching them bounce slightly before they lolled to her sides. Immediately you lowered yourself and sucked on one of them, enjoying Mia’s slight squirming as your tongue circled around her nipple, your teeth ever so carefully grazing the nub. Her stifled moans resonated along with the sounds you made, driving you into an even more horny state.
Maybe it was the fact that you two hadn’t had the time to have a proper date or maybe it was because of how draining being a defense attorney could be, so much so that it wasn’t uncommon for one of you to fall asleep while chatting over the phone. 
Either way, all that pent up energy and drive overtook you both and brought you two into this frenzied state. You then felt one of Mia’s hands run through your hair, gently tugging your head to look up at her. You gave a soft but obvious whine; you wished the foreplay had lasted longer than a few moments but your boss demanded your attention right then and there.
And honestly, when would you ever turn down the chance to look at her pretty face? Her smile never failed to raise your spirits.
“Y/N…” she started. Her hand drifting down to the nape of your neck, her nails subtly scratching you. This time, it was your own back that arched a bit, whimpering as she bought you towards her, inching closer to your ear and whispered:
“It’s getting late don’t you think?”
Not a second later you uttered, “Why are you so damn gorgeous?”, completely ignoring her previous statement, you were so enraptured by her. Mia could only chuckle, finding amusement in her girlfriend’s honesty. It couldn’t be helped; it was the first thing that came to mind as you saw her, not just today but every time you saw the defense attorney. That honesty was something Mia appreciated from time to time.
You shifted a bit, cupping her face and kissing her, lingering there for what felt like a long period of time, enjoying the heat of the moment. Despite her warning you of the time, Mia licked your lips, knowing exactly what she wanted to do next. You opened your mouth, allowing her to invade your space and savor you for every second she could, even if it meant closing the office later than anticipated, even if it meant not following through on her own advice.
At this point, all the papers on the floor seemed irrelevant: the case, your guy’s stress, the bills, closing the building for the night: any worries you had, none of that mattered right now.
Your infatuation with Mia was the only thing that mattered, you two wanted nothing more than to get drunk off one another right now.
the title was inspired by this song, i felt like it really encompassed the feelings between the two, especially the chorus
for those that don't speak spanish, it's pretty much the same as the english version of this song with tiny changes in the nuances:
"I'll give you my all for one more night
and just so I can feel your body next to mine
I can't keep reliving our song
I'll give it, my all to you, to have your love"
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haechanhues · 2 years
So I recently (like a couple of months ago) read Bowie’s Books by John O’Connell which is a series of essays exploring David Bowie’s list of 100 Books that transformed his life and I thought it was a way to make my own. These are all fics (in some way or another) that have been memorable in many different ways and I hope to share them with you all. 
This is also a full on sap train so I thought you should be ready. I’m also weirdly nervous since this feels kind of vulnerable and makes me shy. but haiii 
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1. @timextoxhajima - HOSTIS | THE BOYZ (completed) 
May as well get this one out of the way first. This story means a lot to me, for different reasons. This au is very fun and a very sultry enemies to lovers and I got carnal pleasure from this book. I love this story and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. BUT the most important reason I love this fic is that it lead me to one of my best friends who means a lot to me. I’m a successful fan if you think about it.  I also kind of cringed at writing this but it’s true (Dana it’s our sappy hour) 
2. @bambisgirl - Confident | ENHYPEN (completed) 
Ahh! You're still going by the time I’m writing this (you’re almost finished) but I loved seeing your updates. This fic was so so fun, I enjoyed it immensely. The way I could just see it playing out in front of me. It was amazing. I just can’t stop talking about how fun and just how joyful I felt whilst reading the fic. I’m telling you it had powers! Powers! When I was sick I would curl up with this fic and it made me feel really good, so thank you and I appreciate you. 
3. @svtskneecaps - Play It Again | SEVENTEEN (completed) 
I just re-read this recently! But I loved it. I love this concept so much! TMI but it reminds me of this old Nickelodeon version of Groundhog Day (The Last Summer?) I loved the way friendship is portrayed in here and I had a really good laugh. I also really loved the development of this fic - it was really fun. I always have a great time reading it. 
4. @/ - ??? | BTS (completed) 
I’m sorry, I remember reading this fic awhile ago and now I’ve forgotten the name of it. Ahhh. I’ve been looking for it these past couple of months to give proper credit but haven’t been successful. But it’s so amazing. It’s about a forced/contract marriage with Hoseok who doesn’t want to be married but has to learn how but he’s in love with another girl, Taehyung is an annoying cousin and Jungkook is a pool boy? (Help me find it please) But I loved the slow burn - the PACING of this story is to die for and I just love love love it. Okay but someone please tell me what the fic is before I cry. I can’t wait to find it again to reread it and get obsessed all over again. 
5. @lunarlxve - Trees In Fall | ENHYPEN (ongoing) 
Let me just tell you the amount of times I refresh the page every time you update and even when you’re just online. Like a dramatic reading~ it gives me hope, it gives me excitement, it makes me happy. Like I don’t know there’s just this level of enjoyment I can’t explain whenever I read Trees In Fall! I am diligently waiting for the next update! I’m obsessed. 
6. @kinktae - Waterloo | BTS (one-shot) 
Everytime I read this I just fall for it all over again. The romanticist sucker in me loves this story with my whole heart. The fact that it’s inspired by Mamma Mia 2? Man, I love those movies they were my comfort and my everything when I was growing up. I read this so early on when I came onto Tumblr and whenever I come back to it’s always some kind of refresher. Like home and adventure in one place :) So thank you, I appreciate you more than any of these words can portray. 
7. @ateezmakemeweep - You’re The One That I Want | ATEEZ (completed)
I remember reading another one of your works and as soon as you released previews for this one I was already hooked. I think I even set alarms as well - to be completely honest and trust me, I am slightly embarrassed by it, but it was so good. It was something I could look forward to and it still is - even though it’s been some time since you finished it. Also the betrayal in this. Fucking hell he’s lucky that redemption arc came for him. Murder on my mind for real. 
8. @justoneday-namjoonii - It Burns, Doesn’t It? | BTS (ongoing) 
So quick expose storytime but on my old account I had written this massive observation (?) paragraph of every character in the fic and putting on my detective hat was so fun. I loved doing it. I’m very interested in these characters and what the fuck they think they’re doing. These characters have these flaws and these stories that are so compelling. The scary thing is the characters are so easy to hate but I find myself being very fond of them all the same. I never tire of them and I’m not sure I want to let them go when this fic is completed either. 
9. @skyesins - Red Mercedes | EXO (completed)
Well first of all, it’s been so long since I read this but I still haven’t gotten over it. I think it got so bad that I couldn’t even stomach looking at * because of how he’s portrayed in this fic. Like I feel like I didn’t know pain until I read this. Perfect if you’re an angst lover. A little too perfect. I feel like I need compensation of some kind....which was stupid because I basically willingly put myself through that pain. Like I got so angry and then sad and then back and forth. So thank you for the perfect type of pain and the resetting of my standards. Read : am I masochist?... after reading this? probably. 
10. @dayinseoul - Baby | BTS (completed) 
I have a memory deeply ingrained in my head relating to this story and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever had in my life. It’s hard to explain but my new university hall was planning what I can only describe to people who are unfamiliar with Māori culture as a massive sleepover for orientation (for those who are familiar though - a noho) My flatmates at the time (the girls) and I were just starting to get to know each other and had joined me to read over my shoulder as well. So us three were all on one mattress and just reading the available chapters. I’ll forever remember that and be thankful of that :) 
11. @starxblossom - Cherry Wine | NCT (completed) 
It also won’t tag for some reason?!
Truly a story after my own heart. It’s a story I’ve been infatuated with since the first chapter and even though the last chapter as been completed for like three years now - it’s always at the back of my mind. Like if you think infatuation only exists between people you’d be wrong. I’m so incredibly fond of this story and I want everyone to read it so we can have long talks and have tipsy afternoons to this. It’s like music to me. 
12. @nikihoon - Jealousy Jealousy | ENHYPEN (completed) 
This story is so fun. So so fun. Like it was devious fun. I can’t describe it. I just physically couldn’t stop reading it. Truthfully I got in trouble with my mother for being ‘on my phone too much, what have you been reading anyway?’ whilst I was reading this. I’d also like to just mention Jungwon briefly but HE IS SO CUTE. I COULDN’T STOP LOOKING AT HIS PHOTOS ON PINTEREST WHILST I WAS READING THIS. Sorry I promise my favouritism is over - at least for now but ahh I just love it. A serotonin boost taking form in a story. 
13. @escapewriter - Redamancy | SEVENTEEN (completed) 
I’m in love with these characters. These boys bring chaos and healing wherever they go. I love Y/N. My standards are just raised but I can’t really explain what standards have been raised but I’m just here to say that they have. I just re read it again recently (like literally just now) and these characters have such a way of forming a little mould of themselves on your heart. In truth too I was contemplating which of your stories to add on here but it just clicked when I saw this. 
14. @ddeonuism - My (Accidental) Demon Roommate | ENHYPEN (completed) 
SUPER ENTERTAINING. I must say this story tested my loyalty so much and so often. It was on the interrogation table pleading and crying I’ll tell you that much. I remember just constantly looking for updates and being so happy each time. I was in a very angry phase (I don’t know what to call it) but this felt very healing and very calm in comparison to my moods. So thank you for that. Thank you for sharing and writing it. 
15. @yutaholic - Smashing The Six | NCT (completed) 
I’m writing this before my baby’s addition but it is so close to being completed. I’m really loving the story and the plot. I don’t want to spoil too much but I’m so glad I stumbled across your account and this story and binged the fuck out of it. I saw you updated recently and may have...accidentally decided to read it instead of paying attention to my meeting. Nobody noticed though so thank fuck but even I did get caught - I have zero regrets. 
16. @biaswreckingfics - No Exit | EXO (completed) 
Well first of all - hey, big fan! I watched you become a deobi through my other account and it was so satisfying to see. When I first got into No Exit - I can’t quite remember the chapter but I was practically hanging off every word you said. You always seemed to update when I was in the car going to university and I can remember just constantly refreshing the page again and again to make sure I didn’t miss it. Then when you uploaded a sequel - oh it was like love to me. So I’ll say it now - I love you, thank you :) 
17. @moonscriptsx - Scandalous | BTS (ongoing) 
Well first of all, I was so distraught when you got hacked and all your work got wiped away. I shed a tear. It was actually so heartbreaking. Scandalous was one of my favourite fics and was one that I binge read twice to enjoy it more than once. Then when I couldn’t find you one day - I went absolutely insane trying to find you. I FOUND YOU RECENTLY THOUGH! HENCE THE TAG! AHH! But I’m so happy you’re writing again and even though this fic no longer exists I’ll be enjoying your other fics regardless. 
18. @wooyukh - Loved | TXT (completed) 
When I tell you how much I fell in love with * during the time you were uploading this. Like the reality is that your fic was the music I fell in love to and I’m so glad for you. I loved this. Absolutely. I loved the simp that the both of them had and I loved everything. I loved LOVED and that’s the end of it. I hated one character in here with all my heart and I’m so glad about the ending. Ahhh it’s been so long - time for a re-read soon I think :) THANK YOU. 
19. @neoculturetravesty - We Met In Online Class | NCT (completed) 
OH MY GOD the writing quality is always MUAH (I’m in love with it - it’s so- I can’t explain it without letting out a sound that’s close to a moan, I’m sorry. But I love it. I love the tone of the story and the aesthetic I got from it. I don’t exactly have synesthesia but I got such a profound sense of feeling I can’t explain. It was like I was reading it but I could just see all these colours and feelings that I could just squeeze and it was just beautiful so thank you. 
20. @fairyofhee​ - Wasted Times | ENHYPEN (completed) 
My newest obsession. Loved it from the very beginning. I’ve been going through some new sort of thirst for the man that is *. But I loved this - all throughout - it became some sort of remedy for the shit going in my personal life. Bearing through the pain of cliffhangers was worth it. I’m obsessed. Still am. * is my safe haven right now. So I’m glad for this story for strengthening (?), processing (?) emphasising (?) that. 
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author’s note : now I’m going to run away and go into hiding. four more of these guys... 
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bellaxgiornata · 5 months
Hello Bella! 😊 I love your Charlie stories all soo much, but when will we get a new chapter of Safe Haven? 🥺
Ahh thank you! 💕 I know I have quite a few for his various characters! As for updates on fics, I can let y'all know a few things I'm working on.
So I know there's many of you dying for the next chapter of Safe Haven (it's been months since it got an update, I know), and I'll say that I am currently working on a couple of different fics right now, but chapter sixteen of SH is one of them. As to when exactly it'll be ready, I have no idea, it just sort of depends which fic comes to me the loudest (and what I'm feeling writing) and ends up being completed first. So besides chapter sixteen of SH I'm also working on part eight of Seeking Forgiveness, I've gotten a good chunk written for the next installment for The Devil at Your Window that is tentatively titled "Borrowed Scarf," and I'm also working on FFTD's next installment "The Recurring Nightmare." I've also got a partially written fluffy one shot about Reader getting caught staring at Michael's ass during a Kinsella meeting that I want to finish at some point, too.
And for those reading this that are also curious about what else I'm working on or trying to get updated soon, no I have not forgotten about All These Years (because it's almost finished), or Frank's fic You're Safe With Me or the Daryl Dixon smut that is almost finished. I'm hoping to work on the next chapter of Frank's fic soon, though. It's been awhile since he got a good update.
As I mentioned a few months back when I announced I was pregnant, my writing has slowed drastically from what y'all are used to and my brain is sometimes just dead. I'm trying to keep up with updates and sometimes my brain just goes in another direction and I can't focus on anything else until I write what is stuck on my mind (for example, I've got two other Matt Murdock fics I'm trying hard to shove away as it is 😅), so I appreciate the understanding and patience! Writing has just been hard for me lately which has been frustrating me and making it difficult for me to sit and do it.
But anyway, there is my long winded response! 😅
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five-bi-five-mind · 2 years
I wishhhh you would write a jjxreader fic. Literally anything💜
Hell or High Water
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x fem!Reader
Words: 3.1k+
Summary: An unsub is hunting the loved ones of the team and JJ's greatest fears all seem to be coming to life. She will go to just about any lengths to protect you, even if it means pushing you away.
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort (maybe?), a bit of smut
Warnings: Vague mentions of stalking, murder, talk about a serial killer. Uh, angsty smut with r receiving. Let me know what else I need to add!
A/N: This ask has been sitting in my inbox forever and I am so sorry for that. I've been working on this for awhile, but my other stuff kinda got put on the back burner for MTT. This turned out... different than I had planned this for. But hope you enjoy, anon. And just because this took me a minute to answer I hope y'all know I do take your suggestions seriously and have them all written down (and a lot of them already started).
Series Masterlist || Part 2 
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(gif not mine; credit to creator)
Part 1: Dead Body
The slam of the door made you jump out of your skin. It was way past midnight and while you hadn’t been asleep, the sound of your door had you wide awake within seconds. JJ wasn’t home yet, you were all alone in your apartment. You hoped that the stomping across the floor coming your way was her, but you always felt a little on edge. Especially when usually she sends you a text telling you she’s on her way home. You hadn’t gotten that text yet. 
Holding your breath, you scanned the room for something to hold on to for protection in case it wasn’t your wife who’d loudly entered your apartment. You clicked the TV off, slowly began to stand from the couch, incredibly relieved you left the lights off. Choosing rather to watch something you were half paying attention to until JJ came home in the dark as you waited. With the help of only moonlight to light your way, you began to search for some place to hide, but then you heard a voice and your whole body began to relax.
“(Y/N)?” JJ’s voice called through the apartment. She must have forgotten to send you a text. Which was incredibly unlike her, but right now, you were just relieved you weren’t in any danger. “Where are you?” 
“Right here.” You walked across your apartment and towards her voice. You noted her tone when she asked where you were. She sounded off. 
“Thank god,” she mumbled under her breath and flipped on a light. Once she did that, you immediately noticed the disheveled state of her. She looked… exhausted to say the least. Yet, her body language simultaneously read as if she was incredibly on edge. You immediately noticed her red rimmed eyes as well. She had been crying, something incredibly rare for your usually guarded and collected wife. 
“What happened?” You whisper, walking towards her and reaching out your hand to take her own. She simply shook her head, and you could tell she was fighting back tears. “Was it bad?”
You watched as she clenched her jaw, her eyes searching yours for a second. For what? You had no clue. There’d been hard cases before. Cases that JJ couldn’t help, but bring a piece of it home with her. You’d talk it out, you’d hold her while she lay silent in your arms. You knew the drill, you knew when things like that stayed with her. But this was something different, and you couldn’t figure out what. All you knew was that it was beginning to scare you.
“What happened?” You repeated, squeezing her hand in yours and giving her a pleading look. She shook her head yet again, but, to your surprise, with the hand in hers, she pulled you to her and wrapped her arms around you in a tight embrace. This caught you off guard, and all you could do was hold on to her waist to steady yourself as she squeezed you impossibly tight and buried her head in your neck, taking a deep breath as she held you. She was shaking, you could feel it now and she was holding you as if you’d disappear at any moment. “Please, just say something.” Your voice broke as you spoke, and all JJ did was squeeze you painfully tighter. 
“You don’t want to know,” She finally spoke, her voice was quiet, barely even a whisper, but there was anger dripping in those words, you knew her well enough to hear when she tried to hide it. And with each passing moment, her behavior was making you more nervous. “Let’s just go to bed, please?”
You pulled back to look at her. Searching her eyes, all you saw was pain and fear. Tears were starting to well in her eyes yet again and you realized it might be best not to push what happened just yet. Not tonight at least. You simply nodded your head and she let go of her hold on you, only to take your hand and practically pull you to the bedroom. Watching as she locked the bedroom door behind her, you thought that action to be curious. But then again, all of her behaviors tonight have struck you as odd to say the least. You sat on the edge of the bed and she slid down next to you. The minute she did, her shoulders slumped and her head fell into her hands. You didn’t say a word, brushing your hands through her hair as gently as you could while you waited for her to recover. She didn’t cry, she didn’t speak, she just stayed like that. Still as can be, apart from the steady rise and fall of her chest. After a moment she looked back up at you and you saw the exhaustion in her eyes once more. You helped her get undressed, sliding her jacket off her body and placing it beside the bed. She slipped her shoes off and stood to remove the rest of her clothing and change into something more comfortable. The silence in the room felt too heavy the whole time. As she moved across the room to get ready for bed, you noted the way her body moved. It was apparent to you that she was still trembling and her movements felt rigid, guarded, as if she was on high alert. 
When she slid into bed, you followed soon after and she immediately pulled you into her arms. Wrapping her whole body around yours, she gripped your shirt so tightly, that you could feel your shirt shake within her fists. You turned, with much difficulty in her tight embrace, and brought your hands up to cradle her face.
“It’s okay,” you whispered. “I’m right here.” 
She didn’t respond, just leaned in to press her lips against yours in silent desperation. You kissed her back the best you could, all the while still holding her face. Her grip on your clothing grew even tighter, to the point where you could feel her nails dig into your skin through your shirt. She continued to kiss you with a need you don’t think you’ve ever seen from her. With the best of your ability, you kissed her back, trying to convey your love, your care, and your support for her. Yet, as one of her hands released its grip from your shirt to grab your jaw instead, your heart broke at the feeling of just how badly her hands were shaking. 
You attempted to pull back, to get a word in. Part of this just wasn’t sitting right with you, and the more desperate her kisses grew, the more your mind raced at what could possibly be wrong. But you couldn’t manage to pull back, not when the hand on your jaw tightened  each time you tried to turn your head and held you firmly in place, her tongue all but forcing your lips apart in an anguished attempt to bring you ever closer to her in every possible way she could. 
When her tongue brushed against yours, you began to lose your resolve. Your hands moved from her face to fall back down on the bed in surrender and in a blink you realized she was no longer lying beside you, but on top of you, her legs straddling your hips. The hand not holding your jaw was now very quickly making its way under your pajama shorts. Her lips broke from yours for a moment, and you gasped for air. You felt her hand slide in between your legs and that finally shook you enough to act. 
Darting your hand out to grab her wrist, she stops and finally meets your eyes again. It felt like time was standing still. The silence of the room felt suffocating. She stared down at you, neither of you moving, you held your breath. Her eyes were guarded, but you still saw through it. Beneath the surface, you could see that she was in so much pain.. 
“JJ, what are you-”
“Just let me,” her voice cracked as she spoke. “Please, (Y/N).”
You both stared for a moment. She was waiting for your response, you realized. You searched her eyes like they would hold all the answers to what’s going on with her, but you couldn’t find anything. The only thing there was this desperate need that seems to have taken hold of your wife. You swallow and slowly relax your grip on her wrist.
“Okay,” you nod. “Okay…” 
And without hesitation she begins to move again, her lips going back to connect with yours in a fierceness you can’t keep up with. The hand gripping your jaw, now moved to tangle in your hair as you struggled to kiss her back. Her other hand also began to slide back in between your legs. You felt her fingers slide through your folds, brushing past your clit and pausing before going further. She waited, her lips parting from yours so she could pull back, just to check in one last time. You nodded frantically, starting to feel your own sense of desperation for her. A deep seated need for her to touch you, claim you, and promise everything would be alright. You didn’t know much about what was going on with JJ right now, but what you did know was that tonight wasn’t about tenderness. This wasn’t going to be one of the many nights you’ve had with her, where you’d slowly explore each other’s body. No, tonight was about her pouring every ounce of want and need into you, fueled by whatever sadness and fear she seems to be carrying. So when she slid two of her fingers inside you, she didn’t hesitate to go at a brutal pace. 
You let out a groan when she pulled your head back by your hair to drag her lips down your neck and when she curled her fingers in just the right spot, you felt your eyes roll back. Her lips moved to your shoulder, teeth sinking into the skin there and your hands flew to her back, nails digging deep enough to leave marks. The way she was touching you was rough, messy, hungry. Each thrust of her fingers inside you, each time her teeth would sink into your skin only for her tongue to dart out and sooth it, was bringing you closer and closer to that edge at an embarrassingly fast rate. 
As you feel yourself getting ever closer to a release, JJ’s hand untangles from your hair to yet again grab your jaw. Tugging your head back to be level with hers, in the haze of pleasure she was giving you, you hear her grunt out “Look at me.” You don’t register it at first, but then her hand squeezes your jaw and your eyes struggle to focus on her face. “Look at me. I want to see you when you cum for me.” and when you meet her eyes, the thrust of her fingers goes impossibly faster and harder and within seconds she pushes you over that edge, reducing you to nothing but a moaning mess beneath her.
After a moment of both of you just catching your breath, she untangles from you. Rolling off you only to tug you closer and lock you in her arms again. She has your head tucked underneath hers and the room has returned to that suffocating stillness. You feel her take a deep breath and you wait as best you can, afraid to be the one to break the silence.
“I love you,” she whispers and you feel her lips press against the top of your head, her arms squeezing you almost painfully tight in her embrace. 
You turn to bury your head in her chest and mumble your “I love you too” before letting the room fall back into silence. You know you won’t learn what’s happening tonight, your anxiety is still simmering under the surface as you lay in her arms, but you know she’s not ready to say. As hard as it is, you can be patient about this. At least for now. Her “I love you” took some of that fear away from you, but not completely. You still felt dread for what she might say come the morning, but for the time being you just took a fist full of her shirt in your hands and held her just as tightly as she held you until you both finally managed to fall asleep. 
When the morning came, you stirred from your sleep and reached out to the other side of the bed. However, when you found it empty, your eyes shot open. You knew for a fact that JJ had the day off today, and it was rare for her to leave your bed in the morning without waking you. Especially after a night like last night. 
You sat up immediately and looked around the room for signs of your wife. All of the anxieties about her actions last night were rushing right back to you and your thoughts raced with so many different worst case scenarios. But then, you heard movement outside your bedroom and the tell-tale sound of JJ’s footsteps pacing back and forth in the hall outside your door. 
You pull back the covers and slip out of bed, towards the door. Slowly and quietly you reach the door and as you begin to open it, you pause. 
“Listen to me, Gracia. You’re going to say you need a trip. Just say it’s a vacation, that you need some time away. The reason doesn’t matter.” JJ’s voice carried through the hall as you stood in the doorway of your bedroom. She had stopped pacing and was facing away from you. You could tell she hadn’t realized you were awake yet and you just stood there frozen as you listened to her words. “You’re going to tell her she’s the only one who can make it since everyone else is busy with a case and that (Y/N)  is your backup. And then you’re going to take her and you two are going to just go. You’re going to go far away. Out of the country. Some place peaceful, tropical, remote. I don’t really care, just as long as you’re both gone...” 
You weren’t meant to hear this conversation. It most clearly wasn’t meant for your ears. You knew something was off, obviously, with the way JJ was acting the night before. Right now, though, she almost sounded unhinged. This only signaled one thing for you. Whatever the case is, it must be getting personal for the team. You recalled an early conversation she once had, one where she talked about sending you away if she worried her job would bleed into your life together. She told horror stories about past agents getting targeted personally by unsubs, and how family would tragically end up in the line of fire. 
You listened for a moment as JJ and Penelope kept going back and forth on the plan. A plan that, from what it sounded like on JJ’s end, didn’t seem like Penelope was in love with. You couldn’t blame her, because on top of the anxiety coursing through you, something about what you were hearing was bringing up other emotions. 
JJ brought the phone down from her ear, letting out a groan of frustration before whipping around and stopping in her tracks. She looked like a deer caught in headlights. You held your breath and waited for her to say something.
“(Y/N), what did you hear?” She takes a step forward. 
“Enough.” You spit back. “And you’re not just shipping me off.”
Her demeanor shifts and suddenly the air of anxiety she has about her transforms to one of exasperation. “I’m trying to protect you,” she says in a low voice, a silent warning in her tone that dares you not to test her further.
“You can’t just make me leave,” you stood your ground. “I can handle myself. I am your wife. I am not just going to let you send me away on some vacation while you’re clearly in danger.”
“That’s exactly what you’ll do,” JJ practically growled through gritted teeth, her tone dripping with anger now. “You are my wife and I promised to protect you. You are the only thing on this earth that matters to me. So you’re going to go. You’re going to go until this is over so you can be safe and alive. And I don’t have to worry every day while I’m trying to catch this guy that I’ll come home and find you bleeding out on our kitchen floor. I can’t have that. I can’t live with that fear.” 
“So, that’s what’s going on? You are being targeted then?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“I’m not being targeted, you are.” You froze at her words. You hadn’t expected that. “Years ago, before I was even part of the team, an unsub came along that targeted the lives of BAU team members. He escaped our investigation eventually, but his actions were…” you watched her clench her fists as she paused for a moment to take a deep breath, “...gruesome to say the least. And on top of that they were personal. They were families of the team, close friends, parents, kids, it didn’t matter who. He would pick them off one by one and then go for the agent. When the team got too close though, the murders just stopped. Every lead they got was a dead end until they stopped having leads all together.”
“Then why do I have to go-”
“Because two agents of the BAU found their entire family’s murdered in a similar way, one by one, until they were all gone and we were too late. We believe this is caused by that same unsub.” Your blood ran cold and all you could do was stare back at your wife as she continued. “And I’m not taking any chances if we’re right.” 
You shook your head furiously. No, there was no way you were going to leave your wife. You didn’t care about the danger you were in, all you heard from that explanation was this potential unsub could hurt her too. 
She crossed the hallway, while you just stood there in silent shock. Placing her hands on either of your shoulders she gave you a somber look. 
“You’re going,” her statement had no room for argument, no room for buts. She was looking at you with such strong conviction. Yet, as she did, tears filled her eyes and you realized your look must match hers because after a moment you shrugged her hands off your shoulders and took a step back. 
Squaring your shoulders, you mustered up all the composure you possibly could in light of this news. And with as much finality as you could manage you uttered, “Over my dead body.” 
And you meant that literally.
A/N: Don't worry there will be a part 2. So far, from what I have written, I only plan for this to be two parts but also... knowing me, things could change. There could be more.
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justdontaskme · 2 years
Tonight is For Us (Ona Batlle x Reader)
A/N: I wanted to try my hand at an Ona fic, so here's a short one as my first attempt before the big Quarter-final game. Let me know what you think!
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For the entire game, you were literally on the edge of your seat. Yes, Spain would move on with a tie or a win, but Denmark was really giving it to them. There were a few moments where you were really nervous for your girlfriend and her Spanish teammates. 
After your match against Northern Ireland, you decided to use your off day to watch your girlfriend play in her last game of group play. Decked out in a Batlle Manchester United jersey, you stood there, cheering at the top of your lungs. 
The minute the final whistle blew, you were jumping up and down with the rest of the Spanish fans. You were beyond happy to see your girlfriend and her friends celebrate as they get to continue playing in the Euros. 
Waiting patiently wasn’t exactly your forte, but you had to hold it in. You watched from the stands as your girlfriend made her way over to celebrate with her family. She knew you were coming, so she started to scan the crowd until her eyes finally landed on yours. 
She waved back and forth excitedly, hopping up and down as if it would make her easier for you to spot. And you couldn’t stop the soft smile from forming on your face at her actions. You blew her a kiss and motioned that you’d be outside when she was done.
Now, you were outside with Ingrid, both of you waiting patiently for your girlfriends to come out. You steered clear of any talk about the England vs Norway game, not wanting to bring up a sore subject. Instead, you directed talks to her and Mapi and how their relationship was going.
Your conversation was interrupted when the Spanish players finally were making their way out to the buses. Soon, Mapi popped up with Ona right behind her. 
"Hola, mi amor," Ona greeted you, immediately throwing her arms around your body. 
"Long time, no see, stranger," you said, returning the hug. When you felt her still holding on, you let out a small giggle. "I missed you, too."
It had been awhile since you had last seen your girlfriend, having had to say goodbye at the end of the season for Man United. You unfortunately had to turn down her invitation to vacation with her and her family on her birthday due to your own family obligations. 
And after that the two of you were due to report to your respective national teams for camp before the official start of the Euros. So it was quite an emotional reunion for the two of you. 
While it wouldn't be a surprise to the fans to see the two of you together, you did try to keep most of your relationship private or at least on the down low.
"Great game, baby. You looked so good out there. Couldn't take my eyes off you," you whispered in her ear, wanting as much privacy of this moment you could get when surrounded by so many people. 
She blushed at your comment, her head dropping shyly, but her smile was unmistakable. 
"Thank you," she replied. 
Pulling away slightly, you brushed her freshly washed hair back so you could clearly see her face. You wished you had the time to really appreciate her beauty and the glow she had from winning her game. 
"Why aren't you wearing the Spain jersey I gave you?" Ona asked, as she took in your outfit, a small pout on her face. 
“This one still has your name, and it's still red. Doesn't that count for something?" you said, turning around so she could indeed see her name along the top. 
"But I like you in my other one," Ona huffed, crossing her arms. 
"I love you, Ona. I really, really do, but I'm just not ready to betray my country like that, especially when we’re still in the competition," you joked lightly, separating her arms and wrapping them back around your waist. "And in case you've forgotten, you'll be playing us in the Quarterfinals."
“I know, and we will win against you,” Ona stated quite confidently.
“That’s where you’re wrong. England is going to take it all the way because it's coming home this year,” you told her. You were fully confident in your squad, your group play this tournament just reinforcing that feeling. 
She rolled her eyes exaggeratedly at that, "We will see.”
“Spain will win this time,” Mapi piped up, hearing  parts of your conversation from her spot next to you two. “And we will knock England out in their own stadium.”
“Don’t get too cocky, love,” Ingrid said to her girlfriend, “as much as it hurts me to say, England is very good this year.”
“You have no faith in us?” Mapi and Ona stood side by side pouting in sync.
Ingrid rolled her eyes, “I do. But I do not want you to underestimate England. I know firsthand how hard it is to play against them.”
“Right, sorry about that,” you said, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck as you were reminded of your team wrecking Norway. 
The midfielder just waved her hand dismissively, “Don’t be. It was not our day, and you just played the game.”
“I still think we can beat you,” Mapi said.
“Wanna bet?” you asked, eyebrows raised in challenge. 
Mapi rubbed her hands together mischievously. She always loved a good bet, “Ooo, I like the sound of this. What do you have in mind?” 
One finger tapped against your chin as you thought carefully, “Hmmm, loser has to post a picture of themself holding the winner’s flag onto Instagram.”
The blonde centerback bobbed her head a few times as she took the bet into consideration. “I like it. You’re on.”
Mapi held out her hand to seal the deal, and you quickly shook it. Both of you then turned to your girlfriend, expectantly, “Are you getting in on this Batlle?”
“May the best team win,” she said, shaking your hand as Mapi cheered behind her. 
“Thanks for calling England the best,” you replied cheekily, your laughter spread to Ingrid as the two Spanish players stood there shocked. 
Before either of them could properly respond, the Spanish players were called to start loading the bus. So, Mapi and Ingrid went back to saying their goodbyes as you and Ona did the same. 
"Can I see you tomorrow?" Ona asked, her tone slightly hopeful, knowing she had a day off in London tomorrow. 
“Sorry, love, but today was my free day and I used it to come see you already,” you said, one hand coming up to cup her cheek to keep her eyes on you. “I have to get back to Southampton so I can travel to Brighton with the team.”
“How about tonight?”
“Don’t you want to celebrate with your teammates?” you asked, motioning to all the Spanish players currently in good spirits. 
“I’ve seen them everyday for the last few weeks, and I will see them tomorrow. I want time with you,” Ona answered. 
“I’m supposed to drive back tonight, but I might be able to buy a few hours,” you said, pulling out your phone to text Leah and ask her to cover for you for a bit. 
Ona cheered. “I have pizza. I can ask Aitana to leave the room for a bit and we can watch a movie,” Ona suggested. 
“That sounds lovely,” you said, “I’ll meet you back at your hotel.”
And even though you were surrounded by a bunch of people and probably had a few cameras pointed at you, Ona stepped forward and kissed you softly. Surprised, you took a second to respond, but you returned the kiss with all of your affection. 
Less than an hour later, you were curled up in bed with Ona’s head on your chest as you two watched some comedy, a half eaten pizza next to you. 
It was a simple night, but it was just what the two of you needed in the midst of all the chaos this crazy tournament had. While the two of you may technically be enemies from this point forward, you knew that no matter the outcome of the quarter finals, you would have each other. That’s all that mattered to you. 
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comicwritesstuff · 7 months
Rules and stuff
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Right now there isn't really anything I won't write tbh, just give me something you want written and I'll probably do it. The only depending factor is age and like what fandom or thing you want it written about so these are the people I will write for :)
NSFW: ♤ Romantic: ♧ Platonic (just friends): ♢
dont be afraid to ask if I know something, cause I'm not putting everything I know on here, or ask for people I may have forgotten.
-Five Nights at Freddy's movie: Vanessa Shelly/Afton: ♤♧♢ Mike Schmidt: ♤♧♢ William Afton: ♤♧♢ Abby: ♢
-FNAF Security breach/fnaf in general: Glamrock Freddy: (depends)♧♢ Roxanne Wolf: ♤♧♢ Glamrock Chica: ♧♢ Montgomery Gator: ♤♧♢ Sundrop:♧♢ Moondrop:♤♧♢ Eclipse: ♤♧♢ Vanny:♤♧♢ Vanessa Security guard: ♤♧♢ Gregory: ♢ Cassie: ♢ Micheal afton: ♤♧♢
-Marvel: ♤♧♢ for any and all characters over 18, I know marvel, I will write for every character.
-The office: Kind of a dead fandom but mostly any character ♤♧♢
-Creepypastas: its been awhile since I've thought about them but tbh i'm dying to write for them so ♤♧♢ except for children n stuff, ben drowned gets an exception don't sue me.
-House M.D: Been wildly obsessed with this show lately ♤♧♢ for all characters
-Criminal Minds: ♤♧♢ for JJ, Reid, Hotch, Emily, Rossi (love me an older man), Morgan. ♧♢ for Penelope.
-Harry Potter: Call me a nerd all u want, I still love these movies so much. ♤♧♢ for most characters but for NSFW they will be older. I'll also write for dilfs like Snape or Lucius.
-Wednesday: I think Wednesday Addams is mad fine so ♤♧♢ for her, ♧♢for all other characters :)
-Spiderman Into the spider verse/beyond: ♤♧♢ for Miguel or Peter b. parker, ♧♢ for mostly anyone else.
-Trolls band together: ♤♧♢ for Velvet and Veneer only. I won't write for the trolls unless you ask really nice, or if its a human au for them. But for Velvet and Veneer im prolly gonna make them human for any fics :D
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call-me-copycat · 10 months
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Hello everyone! I'm terribly sorry for being away for so long! I've been busy with school and looking for a job (plus the awful heat - bleh), but I still wanted to take a moment to thank you all for 400 followers!
I know the number of followers isn't that important on Tumblr, but I still want to reach out to thank everyone who's here! Despite all my absences and delays too, it means so much to me! ✧( ु•⌄• )
I wanted to do an event!
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Look at the slots and find which ones are still open. If you're the first one then how lucky of you! It's first come first served!
Put in a request with the emoji/genre and the character. Then please tell me what you'd like the short story to be about. Please be as specific as possible (it helps me out), and please just ask for MHA characters. This is all MHA x Reader, it can be romantic or platonic, just please let me know!
You're done! Once I finish the short story then I'll mark the slot as [CLOSED], along with the link to the fic
I'll try my best to make these requests my top priority! I have free time this weekend so I feel I can spend it well (˶ᐢᗜᐢ˶)
If you want a Pick-A-Prompt, then please pick a prompt from the ones I gathered below, and then please tell me the character. Again, please be as specific as possible, it greatly helps!
Please Don't Ask:
Please no character x character
Please no NSFW
No real-life people can be involved in the fic (ex: celebrities, actors, political figures, etc)
I don't write ABO since I don't know anything about it (just putting this here since I got a request for it awhile ago)
No OCs please
🍰 Fluff [OPEN]
☕ Angst [OPEN]
🍘 Hurt/Comfort [OPEN]
🍮Childhood Friends [OPEN]
🔪 Yandere [OPEN]
🥠 Pick-A-Prompt 1 [CLOSED - #8]
🥠 Pick-A-Prompt 2 [CLOSED - #4]
🥠 Pick-A-Prompt 3 [OPEN]
Prompts (for Pick-A-Prompt):
"I'm glad you came into my life"
"It scares me what I'm willing to do for you"
"I've been looking for that shirt"
"You better have a really good reason for being out of bed"
" I thought you’d like some company. "
"Do you trust me?"
“I can’t sleep, can we have ice cream?” / “I was about to say that.”
"Why are hiding behind me? What did you do?"
"Do you want my help or not? Cooperate with me here"
"Trust me, I was an extremely irritating child."
♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡ ♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
Thank you all once again! I hope you enjoy the event, and just so you know I'm going to start writing again soon! The cooler season is making it a bit easier to think properly (=゚Д゚=)
I hope you all have a wonderful day! ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
*P.S: I'm also currently working on those requests! I haven't forgotten about them!*
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birthedstars · 2 years
Building A Family: 1st Trimester 
TW/CW: Miscarriage Mention
AN: Gonna be a multi-parter(probably two or three). First part is mostly set up. Gonna try to work on it while I do request based fics.
Morgan stared at the test between their fingertips. It was happening. Those mornings feeling sick. All explained by a set of blue lines. Morgan cupped a hand over their mouth, trying to stifle the sounds of their own sobbing. They and their partners have been trying for so long but…Morgan wasn't supposed to be the one to get pregnant.
Layla was the one who was excited most about the idea of being pregnant and dealing with all of the symptoms. She'd read all the baby books and every web article on how to get pregnant efficiently. Layla was the one who dealt with the loss of it most. The pain of trying and failing. Morgan's fingers tightened on the test and felt themselves get choked up. Why did they forget birth control?  How would Layla react to something like this? She would be angry right? Would she hate her?
Morgan had never seen Layla angry before but the idea sent them spiraling. Their heart began to pound hard enough that they felt it down through their toes. Their breath started to hasten and grow in volume with their anxiety. Morgan felt sick to their stomach. Even worse than the morning sickness. 
"How do I tell her? Should I tell Isaiah first? When should I-" 
A door from the ground floor of the house opened and closed abruptly. 
"Yooooooo, babe! I'm back and I got the groceries!" Layla's voice echoed through the halls. 
"I-i'll be down in a minute!" Morgan shouted. They quickly stuffed the pregnancy test into their back pocket. 
Morgan quickly steeled themself. They would wait for as long as they could.
Morgan walked down to the kitchen to meet their partner. Layla was beautiful to say the least. Purple and Noir black, curly hair that reached down to her shoulders. It was dyed that way, but it paired well with her vibrant blue eyes. 
Between them, Layla was the more outgoing and confident type. Especially with how she dressed. Deep cut, v-neck crop top that showed off some cleavage and her midriff. Shorts were down to her mid thigh and accented the roundness of her ass.
"Hey babe," Layla planted a kiss on Morgan's forehead. "There are few bags left in the car." 
Morgan nodded silently. It all felt awkward. Hiding something so life changing from her. Not knowing how to pull the words out of their own throat. 
Morgan hurried through helping Layla with the groceries. Just looking at the food she'd bought made Morgan sick. Morning sickness again. Morgan did their best to shove it down until they got the chance to sit down. 
Morgan swayed to the couch in the living room to rest and bite back the nausea. They rubbed their stomachs absently as they sat down. The unmistakable firmness of it made it worse. 
Layla sat down on the couch next to Morgan, leaving barely even hairs width of space between. Morgan felt her hand trace their back. Her fingers lingering on Morgan's bra straps. 
"You've only been home a few minutes and you're already…" Morgan tried to stifle a moan when Layla's hands gripped their thighs. 
"Isaiah is going to be a little late, but who's to say we can't get started awhile," Layla pressed her body up against Morgan's, putting their back firmly on the couch. 
Layla shifted her hand to the waist of Morgan's pants. Layla planted a kiss on Morgan's lips as she pulled their pants down and discarded them to the wayside. 
It had been sometime since Morgan had sex with Layla without Isaiah. They'd forgotten how smooth she was, flowing from one point to another like a graceful serpent. Morgan didn't even realize that Layla had already reached up under their shirt and took a handful of their breasts. 
Just the slight grasp of them made Morgan yelp. They were so sensitive. Why were they so much more sensitive now? It didn't take much more of Layla's playing for it to settle in. It was because of the baby. Morgan's body was already changing. 
"Stop!" Morgan quickly grabbed Layla's forearm that was up their shirt. Layla looked up from between Morgan's legs in shock. 
"Woah, what's wrong?" Layla stared up at them, eyes full of worry. 
Morgan started getting choked up again. The words started catching in their throat like rust on a chain fence. Morgan did all they could to force the words out.
"I…I'm pregnant." 
Layla's face went blank. No feedback at all. Morgan could feel tears well up into the bottom of her eyes.
"I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I took birth control correctly, or maybe I didn't, I don't know!" Morgan started to unravel.  "This was supposed to be your baby! Not mine!" 
The bedroom was echoing with Morgan's sobbing and babbling until Layla got up from her position on the floor. 
Morgan felt a slight sting on her cheeks, then warmth. Layla clapped her palms onto the side of Morgan's face. 
"The only thing I want is to have a kid with you and Isaiah, stupid,"  Layla said, not breaking her eyes away from Morgan. 
"Y-you're not mad…" 
"Never," Layla said, not breaking her gaze. "Well, I might be a little sore, but the end means so much more to me. I love you Morgan, and this is the last thing that would change that." 
Morgan felt their heart twist. Layla liked putting on a strong front when she was hurt, but this was genuine. No facade. Morgan felt another wave of tears spill out of their eyes. 
"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok you big crybaby," Layla pulled Morgan close into a tight hug. "It's ok, as long as you let me rub your belly and listen to the baby whenever I want though. Unrestricted belly rubs for life!" 
Morgan felt Layla's body stiffen a bit. 
"Oh holy shit…we're going to be parents. We're going to have a kid." Layla continued, the realization just hitting her. "Isaiah is going to freak when he gets home." 
Morgan sniffled and laughed into Layla's shoulder. How did they get so blessed?  
Being treated like a fragile glass was the worst. Everyone is afraid that the slightest tap could crack you. That every bump on a table that you stood on was as apocalyptic as an earthquake. A slight tumble could shatter you across the ground, leaving you in disrepair.
Layla was sure people would be more and more sensitive around her now that Morgan was pregnant. Trying not to trip over their words or offend. Layla didn't care either way. But only Morgan and Isaiah knew that. 
They did their best not to treat her carefully when Morgan's pregnancy was confirmed. It came out a few times now and then the past few weeks, especially today. 
Morgan's first ultrasound was today. The three of them were walking through the parking lot of the OB/GYN office. It was a private practice that a friend of theirs worked at. They were pretty supportive of the trio's relationship so it was pretty comfortable. 
Layla's chest tightened and stomach turned with each step.
Last time she was here, she was clinging weakly to Isaiah's shoulder and blood was dripping constantly from between her legs. That night was a nightmare. Probably the hardest she'd ever cried in her life. 
Two years of trying. All of that excitement. And she didn't even make it to the first ultrasound. 
"Hey, are you ok?" Isaiah asked.
Layla was startled out of her thoughts. The tall, slightly muscular young man moved beside her. His gaze didn't betray a whole lot of worry, as per usual, but she could tell by his tone that he was. Only a little bit though. Layla took a deep breath and put on a smile. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just ready to see what's going on in Morgan's belly is all," Layla said with a smile. 
The practice building was fairly homely and down to earth. Wooden floors, light blue colored halls, pretty open for a mid sized building. It didn't have the sterile feel most hospitals had. Probably comes with territory of being family owned. 
Almost immediately after signing in, A heavy set young woman with flaming ginger hair dressed in office scrubs approached them. 
"Hey guys! I'm so, so excited for y'all!" The woman drew Isaiah into a spine breaking bear hug. 
"Nice to see you again, Amber," Isaiah managed to say through her grip. 
Layla didn't even get to say a greeting before dragging her and Morgan into a big hug. She was still as strong and excitable as ever. 
"Let's get yall back to the examination room," Amber said, pulling Morgan by their arm. 
Layla and Isaiah followed behind briskly just to keep up.
Amber somehow was always the most excited one in the room when it came to good news no matter what it was. She was an old childhood friend of Morgan's, but she always seemed to treat Layla and Isaiah like they were friends from right out the womb. 
The group entered a room that was toward the back of the office. It was a room specifically for ultrasounds, so it only had the basic and most necessary equipment. A small display screen, a computer with the ultrasound transducer wired to it, and a bed already covered with the medical paper. 
"Ok, Morgan, you can lay down  right there and lift up your shirt over your belly," Amber instructed as she switched on the computer.
Morgan laid down on the propped up bed and lifted their shirt up to the bottom of their chest. Layla guessed that they were only two months in, but the brown skin of Morgan's stomach already had a noticeable curve to it. Even under a shirt it looked bloated sometimes. Their belly button was even a bit shallower than before. Morgan was a petite person, pregnancy was bound to be more pronounced on them. 
Amber squirted ultrasound gel onto Morgan's stomach and pressed the transducer onto Morgan's gel covered abdomen right below her navel. 
"Alrighty guys, let's take a look around," Amber shifted the transducer.
 The breathing of all three soon to be parents slowed. Layla clenched to Morgan's hand and she felt Isaiah's fingers grip her shoulder. A bean shaped image appeared on the screen and a small, alien looking figure in the fetal position was within it. A vibrating beat echoed through the room. 
Morgan clenched Layla's hand. Isaiah, stern as always, only stared at the monitor with wonder. They were real. Their heartbeat was strong. 
"That's our baby," Isaiah whispered. 
It was. Layla's eyes were glued to the monitor. Everything was so real. It was a live baby. Breathing. Slightly shifting and bobbing 
"Everything looks good, heart beat is strong," Amber slightly moved the monitor a bit. "It's too early to tell the gender but, congratulations!"
"Hold on, what's that to the top of the screen," Isaiah spoke up. 
Layla looked to the spot Isaiah pointed out. It looked like a sac next to their baby. Amber shifted the transducer up a bit to get a view of it. It was a shock to say the least. 
Layla's jaw dropped. Two heartbeats were in sync within Morgan's womb. Two figures sleeping within them.
"Well, well, almost didn't catch it. Looks like you're having twins! Double congratulations!" Amber announced. 
Morgan's eyes became as wide as saucers. 
Isaiah couldn't help but go slack jawed. 
Layla's face forcefully pulled her mouth into a huge grin that spread on her face.
"Well…I guess we know why I look so bloated already," Morgan's face relaxed and she chuckled bashfully. 
Isaiah's expression was blank. Probably running several calculations and adjusting the budget they had for two babies already. 
Layla felt like jumping up and down right then and there. She pulled Isaiah's still dumbfounded form close to her and Morgan into one big group hug. 
They may not have been growing in her womb or even using her eggs, but these were her rainbow babies too. 
And she couldn't be happier. 
Isaiah fumbled through the kitchen cabinets in search of a can of tuna. Isaiah knew what he was getting into when he agreed to enter a serious relationship with Morgan and Layla. He knew what he was getting into when they decided to have children as well. Late night convenience store runs were gonna be his life for the next 6 months or so. 
Sometimes their needs left him scrambling though. Who would ever wake up from a nap and decide they absolutely needed mint ice cream topped with Tuna? Why would he think to buy a ton of chocolate last week? It made his head spin on occasion. 
Morgan dealing with a sudden onset of pregnancy cravings halfway through the 3rd month of carrying twins and Layla having what she calls "period cramps painful enough that she's going to kill god for making her this way" or something.  
Isaiah put the tub of chocolate mint ice cream under one arm, a can of tuna in one hand, new Morgan's prenatal vitamins that they needed to start taking, a bag of dark chocolate in his mouth and some utensils in between his fingers. Just imagining Morgan eating the combination made him gag. 
Isaiah walked up the stairs to the bedroom. The TV was only just audible with what sounded like a late night cartoon. Isaiah enters the room steadily just to make sure he didn't fumble any of what he was carrying. 
"Jeez…I was only gone for 15 minutes," he muttered walking in.  
Layla was cuddled up against Morgan side with her head resting just above their pregnant bump. She looked deep in sleep while Morgan stroked the curls of her hair. One moment she was boisterous as always, even in her complaints, and the next she was conked out like a sleeping cat. Morgan was still awake however, the fabric of their sleep shirt stretched subtly over their bump down to the top of their belly button. It was already starting to get one of those dark lines that leads through the navel too. 
Morgan put a finger to their lips and shushed quietly as Isaiah placed the late night snack on the night stand. 
Isaiah knelt next to the bed and put a hand on their swelling belly. It was so smooth. Morgan was bound to be on the bigger side. Being short, petite, and carrying twins was the recipe to having a big belly. 
To say it turned him on would be an understatement. 
It was a part of the "plan" of course. Morgan and Layla both knew of his fetish well before they'd even gotten serious about their relationship. Layla teased him about it when they first started trying for a baby and Morgan had gotten a little used to using that fact in dirty talk when he was getting close to cumming. However, now that Morgan was pregnant, the conversation never came up.
It didn't bother him till Morgan's shirts started to accentuate their form. It wasn't on purpose, they were just all belly. Isaiah's mind wandered as his palm rested on the warm skin of Morgan's bump. How big would their belly get on them? What shape would it take? Round spherical like it was a weighted ball or would the babies elongate their stomach instead? Would their bump drop early just with the weight of two babies. Their belly button, already shallow, popping out into a knob or being pulled flat into the swollen skin of their stomach.
Isaiah's anticipation threatened to consume him every once and awhile. When they got bigger it would probably be harder to repress his feelings, but he would put whatever made them comfortable first. Without hesitation. 
Morgan took a scoop of the green ice cream and plopped it into the bowl. Then they popped open the can of tuna and dumped it right on top of the ice cream. They took in a healthy spoon of both in their mouth and smiled like a kid at a fair.
Isaiah's stomach squirmed. Ok, maybe there would still be some hesitation.
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