#i just love round headed fellas i just do
thewandererh · 26 days
I think I have a type 😳
@calamarispider (ran no have @ :[)
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(behold, the beginning of a however-long-spanning jashling gift bomb. this one is of a few specific round headed jashling fellows i adore with all my heart 😭. you can see where Dyadracide’s inspiration came from <33)
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dckweed · 11 months
Not sure if you're doing top gun requests right now, but if so, here's one. Rooster with a girl who is helping penny at the bar on a super busy night and there is some rowdy group who keeps calling her over and staring at her, and eventually they go too far and try to grab her but she just knocks one of them clean out and as the guys (hangman, fanboy, etc) is taking care of them, rooster takes her away bc she was about to go crazy on them lol. He's just like "that was so hot but you don't need to go to prison tonight."
baby i am always taking top gun requests. ooooh i love this idea so freaking much, thank you for choosing me to send it too, i absolutely do love it when you guys send things!
please note that i see every request that comes in and i am getting to them one at a time! with that being said, feel free to send one in!
anway, how are we all doing today? are we staying hydrated?
warnings: drinking, violence, inappropriate groping and harassment, bar fights, established relationship with rooster!
"BITCHLESS & DICKLESS' bradley rooster bradshaw x fem!reader
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It was a busy Friday night at the Hard Deck, you and Penny the only two working and barely able to keep up with the constant flow of customers coming through, it only seemed to get even more crowded and rowdy when a small group of sailors fresh off the base come through, taking up a couple of the tables near the juke box. They signal you over and you make your towards them, order pad in hand incase they order more than just beer.
"Hey guys, how can i help you?" You ask, your voice upbeat and a smile on your face. It was sticky hot outside and you knew your shirt was clinging to your skin because of it, you tried not to feel too uncomfortable with the obvious way two of the men were staring at you. "Eyes up here, fellas." You say, giving a playful angry look. You were used to being looked at, it kind of came with the job title of bartender, but that didn't mean that it didn't make you uncomfortable.
One of the men cocks a smirk at you, leaning back easily in his seat. "They'll have a round of Budweiser," He says, his eyes not leaving you once as he gestures towards his friends. "and i'll have your number, sweetness."
Before you can open your mouth to object politely, one of his buddies beats you to it. "Hey, Hanks, give some of us a chance with her damn." He chuckles flashing you a smile.
"How about none of you get a chance?" You say sweetly, laughing with his buddies. "I'll be back with the beers in a minute." You shake your head, walking back to the bar. You grab six cold beers from the ice box and start putting them on a serving tray.
"Those boys gonna be trouble?" Penny asks, maneuvering her way behind you with a few drinks of her own. You hadn't realized that she had heard the interaction.
"No, they'll be fine." You shake your head, glancing back over at the table as you pop the tops off of the bottles one by one. The one that had asked for your number, Hanks, was staring at you and talking to the rest of his friends at the same time. His gaze unsettled you, but you carried on with your job anyway. You make your way back over to them, planting your serving smile back on to your face as you start handing out their beers. "Alright fellas, let me know if there's anything else i can get you, okay?"
"That phone number is still wanted, honey." Hanks' friend says, taking a sip from his bottle. He shoots you a wink and manspreads in his chair, you perk an eyebrow at him. What was it with navy boys being so goddamn persistent?
"I'm sure it is honey," You say, your voice a little more stern on the matter this time around. "but my boyfriend sure wouldn't appreciate me giving it out to random navy boys that walk into my bar." You turn to head back towards the actual bar, where you see Penny starting struggle.
"I don't see him around, im sure what he don't know won't kill him!" Hanks voice calls after you, its almost admirable how persistent they are, it was afterall one of the more endearing qualities about your boyfriend when you first met him, although you had to say that he hadn't been nearly as uncomfortable as these boys were.
"Oh he'll be around!" You call back over your shoulder, not noticing that at that moment said boyfriend and his group of friends had walked through the front door of the bar. You didn't notice them for quite a few minuets, giving them plenty of time to get to their usual seats as you worked on the fresh wave of customers at the bar, mixing drinks and handing them out almost mechanically.
After around twenty minutes or so Bradley comes up to the bar, standing directly behind you, your back turned as you pour beer from the tap. "Here you g-Bradley!" You exclaim excitedly, nearly spilling the beer in your hands before you hand it to the man standing next to him.
"Hey baby," He says, his voice gruff and hoars, tired. He gladly accepts your kiss as you lean across the bar for it, pressing his lips against your own. He was still wearing his flight suit, and still covered in sweat, and a quick glance towards the others told you everything y ou needed to know.
"Rough day?" You look at him, eyes questioning as you get to work making their drinks. Whiskey neat for Jake, Scotch on the rocks for Bradley and Natasha and a pop for Bob, your favorite sober companion most evenings.
"You could say that," He says, a deep sigh leaving his chest as he watches you, already feeling more at ease. You didnt pry any farther, knowing he would tell you all about it in bed that night. "When are you off?"
You pout, coming around the bar with the drinks on a serving tray. "Not until nearly closing tonight," You say, walking with him towards the others. Bradley studiously takes the tray from you, ever the gentleman even on his roughest days, his arm brushing your shoulder as you walk. "Hey guys," You greet, giving Jake and Bob your usual friendly kiss on the cheek, and with a giggle you give one to Nat too when she taps hers and gives you a lopsided grin. You could tell by looks on their faces that they all needed a dose of happiness.
"Where's mine?" Bradley whines, hand on your hip possessively. You roll your eyes at him but lean up to kiss his waiting cheek anyway, adoring the small smile that tugs at the corners of his lips.
"Awe come on Rooster, you get her all the time, let the rest of us have some." Natasha says, causing you to throw your head back in a laugh, leaning farther into your boyfriend. Your laugh was infectious and the whole group lets out a chuckle, you watch their bodies relax afterwards. "Might want to keep em coming, Y/N , it's been a rough one.."
Jake looks somewhere behind you, eyebrows pinched, stare hard. "Looks like you're in need, Y/N" He says, raising his whiskey to his lips to take a sip.
You look over your shoulder, your eyes landing on the group of sailors from earlier on the other side of the bar. "Those guys again," You sigh, grabbing your tray off the table.
Bob grabs your wrist before you go, and you furrow your brow at him. "Are those guys giving you a hard time?" He asks quietly, he knew Bradley was already on edge as it was and didn't want him looking for a fight.
"Nothing i can't handle, Bobby," You say, ruffling his hair with a wink before heading off towards the group, putting some pep back in your step. "Ready for round two already, fellas?"
The night drags on quickly and slowly all at the same time, customers come and go, drinks are made and made again and carried out to tables. The two main groups being your Boyfriend and the rest of the daggers and the group of boat boys who become more rowdy as the night drags on.
Bradley is already uneasy with them as it is, catching them staring at you one too many times and asking for your number more than once, to which you studiously turn them down, looking his way as if asking for help. He knew he would step in when needed, but he also hoped that didn't need to happen, he knew Penny would talk to Mav and Mav would talk his ear off about it tomorrow on base.
Your patience had more than worn thin, and you were counting down the minuets until your shift was over, hoping that the last half an hour would pass without any issues. Your hopes were wrong though.
You were bringing the group of boat boys another round of beers and a couple of waters and were just picking up the empties and placing them on your tray when you feel it, a large, sweaty hand sliding up the back of your thigh and right up onto your ass, giving it a heavy squeeze. Your eyes widen. "You wanna lose that fucking hand?" You ask, voice gruff as you stand up straight. The entire table quiets.
"What? Fly girl over there is good enough to squeeze this thick ass but i'm not?" Natasha had playfully smacked your ass on her way to the restroom a short time ago, something the two of you had grown close enough as friends to do. It had made you laugh, but this? Oh this was an entirely different ball game.
You see red, and off in the distance you hear Bradley and Jake both yell and the sounds of chairs scraping against the floor as they all get up abruptly. Youve done it before they can even reach you though. The tray drops from your grasp, your dominant hand balling up as the sound of shattering glass reaches your ears and your fist collides with Hanks' face, right between the eyes. You feel a sickening crunch under the force of the blow and blood spurts out of his nostrils as he slumps down, you had hit him hard enough to knock him out.
"What the fuck?!?" Bradley is next to you, arm out protectively as his friends all stand from their seats, ready to brawl over what you had done, even though their pig of a friend had done worse in your opinion. "Y/N?"
"Bitchless and Dickless over there can't catch a fucking hint!" You yell lunging for his friend. Rooster's arms hold you back though before you can make contact with him, the entire bar watches you scream and kick at the sailor as your boyfriend drags you out towards the parking lot. "Fucking assholes! Squeezed my fucking ass!"
Surprisingly, Bob is the first to throw a punch. He had been watching the idiots mess with you all night long along with Rooster. And after their long ass day he was just as ready to fight as the rest of them, infact, he actually took pleasure in what he did. His fist collides squarely with Hanks' friend and Natasha drags the already semi conscious asshole across the floor after you and Bradley, Penny coming to help her.
"Jesus christ baby, you started a fucking brawl!" Bradley laughs, opening the passenger door of the bronco, shoving all of his stuff onto the floorboard as he sets you up on the seat. "That was so fucking hot," He says, hearing police sirens in the distance already. "You have no idea how bad i want to fuck you right now but i can't have you going to jail tonight, buckle in tight baby.." He says, closing your door before running around to the drivers side, the only the thought on his mind is getting you home where you're safe and in your guys' bed, preferably underneath of him.
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llamagoddessofficial · 6 months
May we please have more crumbs of farmtale sans?
I wanna follow the trail to the source 👀
I'm SO glad that everyone seems to like farmer Sans as much as I do. It warms my heart to see people appreciating the bumpkin.
Here's more romantic-leaning headcanons.
Though his giving love languages are gifts and acts of service, his receiving love languages are very different. He likes doing stuff for his loved ones but he's incredibly awkward when you do stuff for him; he appreciates it, of course, but he won't know how to react.
He prefers receiving quality time, and touch.
Offer to accompany him on one of the many long car rides that come with living in the country. You can listen to music together on the shoddy radio. Do the early morning farm rounds with him! You don't even have to help- he might actively stop you from helping, bundling you in his coat because he's worried about you getting too cold or tiring yourself out. He'll see you nodding off while standing (it's 5am) and he'll scoop you up so you can sleep against his shoulder. He only needs one hand to do his chores anyway.
What matters to him is you're there.
Alternatively, give him casual gentle touch. It drives him wild. Put your hand on his arm when you laugh at his jokes, bump him when he's being teasing, nudge his knee with yours. Lean on him for any reason. He's good at masking how flustered he is in the moment but later, he'll be hiding his face in his pillow while recalling it.
A gentle touch on his cheekbone will have him flustered for days.
He's unintentionally a great flirt. He has a very soothing voice, and if he speaks softly enough completely normal polite sentences sound incredibly hot. He'll wink and say "i'm likin' the new hair, dolly. s'real cute." and you'll be reeling.
During winter, you'll pretty much never be alone. Either you're at his and Papyrus' place, or they're at yours. They're worried about you feeling lonely.
He tells his plants all about you. He's even named his favourite flowers after you. He'll take that secret to his grave.
It's not just Papyrus who's vying for you and Sans to end up together. It's pretty much the whole monster community. Sans, the quiet fella who's never enthusiastic about anything at all, is head over heels for the new human in town? A good love story is ALL the rage somewhere nothing ever happens. You've got an entire community desperate to hear wedding bells.
Sans is completely unaware of the fact that you might think he's hot while working. You see a confident, strong, sexy skeleton with his sleeves rolled up over his big arms. Meanwhile the second he notices you're approaching, he's sniffing his shirt because he's self conscious of how intensely he smells of cows and sweat.
Having just said he doesn't do great with receiving gifts... if you cook something for him he'll love you forever.
He's prone to jealousy. It doesn't show, but he'll pout if he feels like someone is stealing your attention. Time is a valuable currency in the countryside and he doesn't like when someone steals yours from him.
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stevesjockstrap · 9 months
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@stcreators event 01: favorite
Ahoy Captain
“Jesus H. Christ.” Eddie stopped walking so sharply that Gareth ran into his back. He did a double take and his jaw was on the floor.
“What the fu-“ But Gareth followed his gaze and his jaw also dropped. “Is that?”
Jeff came to stand next to them, eyebrows raised. “…Steve Harrington in a sailor outfit?”
“That’s the Steve Harrington you won’t shut up about?” Drew said, especially loud in the crowded mall.
“Shut up!” He turned to hiss at him before rounding back to stare across the hall. “Did I die and go to heaven? Pinch me.” He pulled the sleeve of his leather jacket up and offered his arm to Gareth. He pinched his forearm roughly, without looking down. All of their eyes were locked on the figure in the brightly colored ice cream shop, now coming around the counter to crouch down to hand a cone to a small child. Doing so making the tiny shorts ride up his thighs, but Eddie’s eyes were suddenly drawn to where his v-neck hung open, getting a glimpse of chest hair.
“Buh,” he turned to Gareth to announce.
“Yo, we have to go in there. This is like once in a lifetime shit.”
Eddie adamantly shook his head and started backing away but Gareth and the guys shared a look before suddenly grabbing him under the arms to escort him awkwardly through the mall thoroughfare.
“Oh no. Oh no.” He chanted under his breath.
Back behind the counter now, Steve greeted them as they bodily pushed him into the store. “Welcome, fellas! Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I’ll be your captain!”
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathed. It’s so much worse, being this close. Steve’s eyes shine under the terrible fluorescent lighting and he can see the muscles in his arms flex as he leans onto the counter.
“If you need any help let me know. The flavor of the week is triple decker extravaganza!”
Eddie’s brain had stopped working. His arms were dropped as his friends went further up to the counter to look at the ice cream options. He continued staring stupidly at Steve as he leaned a hip against the back counter.
“You guys check out the new record store yet?” Steve Harrington was actually making decent conversation with them. What universe did he teleport to this morning?
“No, not yet,” Gareth answered. “That’s where we were heading actually, when uh-“ he awkwardly turned around to make eye contact with Eddie, still a few feet behind them and drawing Steve’s attention over to him.
“You don’t want anything?” Steve asked him. Oh he wanted something. Wanted to drop to his knees in front of him. Or the other way around. He wouldn’t mind either way. He would’ve done anything to have Steve’s undivided attention on him and now that he had it he was blanking on English. He opened and closed his mouth a few times. He finally forced his body forward, tearing his eyes away from Steve to send a panicked look at Gareth. He just smirked, the absolute asshole.
Steve frowned at him and he wanted to melt into the floor. “If you’re not a fan of ice cream we have cookies, too.”
Steve being so sweet to him finally rattled some brain cells loose. “Oh, um, no, that’s-“
Jeff chuckled from the other side of Gareth. “Eddie here loves ice cream. That’s why we had to stop in. Isn’t that right, guys?” The rest of his band laughed obnoxiously and nodded. Steve looked at all of them confused, but still with an easy smile when he turned back to Eddie.
“What’s your favorite?”
“Um, huh?” Eddie blinked at him. He watched as Steve pulled his bottom lip in to bite it, probably trying to figure out what was happening with him and the guys. Eddie’s gut clenched. He hoped he didn’t think he was doing anything wrong or they were making fun of him.
“Your favorite ice cream? We can talk about any of your other favorites after we get that out of the way,” he grinned at him and Eddie had to grab the counter in front of him when his knees threatened to give out.
“Rocky road?”
“Perfect. Coming right up! Cup or cone? Or waffle bowl? It’s like a big cone in a cup?”
“Cone please?”
Once he wasn’t under the heavy gaze of gorgeous brown eyes, he turned to his friends for help. But Drew just snickered at him and Jeff sent him a thumbs up. Dicks.
Steve handed him his cone and their fingers brushed. He dumped all the change he had into the tip jar and Steve fucking winked at him. The guys ordered their ice creams suspiciously easily, but Steve kept coming back to Eddie’s side of the counter. He tried hard not to hold eye contact with him as he licked across his ice cream.
“So was it worth it?”
“Wh-what?” He stammered.
“Coming in, for the ice cream?”
“Definitely. The ice cream is… great.” He looked around and realized his friends had gone to sit in the furthest booth by the door. Steve had only been sweet and amazing to him and he couldn’t leave without at least having a somewhat competent conversation. “But I- I really came in to see you.”
“Me?” Steve leaned further across the counter towards him. He turned those big brown eyes up at him and Eddie wasn’t sure if he could get any other words out.
“Couldn’t walk away from you in this getup.” His hand moved on his own accord to reach out and tug on the red tie in the middle of his chest.
“Oh,” he huffed. “Yeah. I wish I would’ve known before I agreed to work here. Not that I had any better offers.”
Eddie’s fingers itched to run along the blush that appeared across his cheeks.
“No, no, it’s- I mean, I like it.” He winced as it came out, but his eyes shot open when Steve chuckled. “Really. I really like it.” He cleared his throat because that couldn’t have been his voice. It was deep and gravely and sounded way too fucking hot to have come out of his mouth.
Steve’s wide eyes tracked his tongue as it came out to wet his lips. Fuck.
Eddie leaned a bit closer, drawing on this unknown confidence that came from Steve Harrington hanging on his every word. “So what time do you get off, Captain?”
This was a benedryl-fueled thought but Scoops!uniform Steve was the only thing my brain wanted to give me for “favorite.”
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onyourhyuck · 6 months
Animal Instinct. | NCT SERIES
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Title: CHAPTER 1 ‘The Untamed.’
— Prologue: “When the sun sets meet me at my apartment, if you dare.”
— Summary: You are a marine biologist. You should be able to understand animals and their way of living. When you encounter a new society in a bar under the name ‘Sour Grapes’ you find yourself in a troubling situation with seven different men. Seven different animals.
— Genre: Smut with plot. Minors dni. Fantasy with modern timeline. Female!reader. Secondary genders (but with animals) dreamies are complete red flags. Dub-con. Everything is very dark romance related. Nothing here is for the weak. Everything is just pure filth. It gets progressively worse and worse. Multiple orgasms. Overstimulation. Pet names such as ‘my pretty whore’ or ‘princess’ — minor hair pulling, Fingering (female receiving). Creampie, cumming inside / no protection please use a condom.
One thing you love about yourself is that your work basically shapes your entire routine. You love walking inside your laboratory seeing the animals in the tanks you have to take care of and examine. This included various important research that no one should know. It is highly top secret. A simple leak of what you collect samples from the sea or other animal biology from biomes and journals you keep could really be a mess for you.
Working on separating the two and three sides of the samples you have listed from the deep oceans all throughout different sights. You felt a hand approaching behind you quickly.
The man taps your shoulders when you’re so busy working with the test tubes. “Hey Y/n mind giving me—” you jump and turn around with a fright.
“Seriously Johnny! I told you not to sneak up on me like this. Especially when I’m working with these highly reactive test tubes.” You scowled at your coworker, Johnny Suh. He was one of your friends and coworkers. Wearing a white cloak and round black glasses on.
He was a handsome fella. Very charming and handsome you have to admit it. Johnny can be professional but he could also be quite a mood maker in such a serious profession.
Laughing at your unusual behaviour, you’re never this jumpy when you are working but he probably assumes he scared you to death. “What got you so anxious Y/n? You never get scared when i do this.” Johnny raised an eyebrow. He swore he could see your own soul leave your body.
Truth be honest ever since that night with Ningning all you are thinking about how your entire life has been a lie. Sour Grape’s has taken your mind over. No. Mark has taken your entire mind off and away from your daily routines. Everyday you’re thinking about ‘How can this be possible?’ Humans coming from other animals and not just monkeys. It’s insane information. You shouldn’t be believing this but when Jaehyun said it’s a secret; it makes you think there must be some truth to it.
No one on earth would make up such a stupid fairytale on the spot.
If you weren’t a marine biologist with side degrees of zoology you’re just the type of person to not let this slide. You want to learn more.
You want to experience the truth. You want to see if it’s the truth if they actually are who they are setting themselves to be.
Letting out soft mumbles as you close off the testing tubes, afterwards putting the collective tubes in the stirring device. “I haven’t slept well for the past few days. Sorry if i seem like I’m on the edge.”
He gave you a soft smirk leaning on the side of the table while watching you. “Oh honey you seem like you’re more than on the edge. You’re off the edge.” Your eyes make eye contact after you were done with your tasks.
Your friend trails now questioning you as you’re looking at him with a soft look that made your thoughts even worse.
“What’s on your mind, Y/n?” Johnny asked with a small smile. You shake your head, you don’t want to share something so crazy. He might think you’re actually insane, or worse, he might even think you lost your entire marbles.
“Nothing serious, John. Let’s just finish up and go home. I’m tired.” You excused yourself from the conversation to finish up. The only thing you want to do today is figure out what to eat for dinner.
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Walking down the street to your favourite food truck, you decided to take your mind off whatever you were thinking for the past week or so.
You felt like your brain was just constantly going back to the same topic and it was draining truth be honest. What better way to distract yourself than to eat your favourite stir fry noddles?
Being a local customer the food truck owner gives you discounts nowadays because you were a customer for a long time. A regular at that.
“Hey I would like the usual.” You gave a smile at the owner who nodded seemingly being happy to seeing you drop by.
“I was beginning to think you’d never return, Y/n.” Said the truck owner and you gave a little smirk. “How could I not return? You make the best noodles.” Complimenting them they blushed and started making the noodles for you.
But then something flashed behind you at a fast pace. You didn’t even realise it until the figure stood overshadowed by their body remaining still as a statue.
Gawking at the menu on the side. Your eyes widen when you turned around with disbelief flashing over your lips and cheeks.
“Young man what would you like?” The owner interrupts your own lingering thoughts of shock. The voice, the sound of his breathing, everything else made you feel so small and in danger just by the presence alone of this man.
He looks back from the menu. “The original stir fry m’am.”
You did not realise you were literally staring Mark down in this moment until his face turned over to you and you quickly looked away biting your bottom lip, staring at your very own feet on the ground. You can’t believe it that Mark and you crossed paths when all you’ve been saying is how you’re going to distract yourself finally!
What was this coincidence? Fate? Destiny?
There was this expression on his face that falters when he finally acknowledges your existence. It’s like he met you before but he was trying to find out from where.
And then it hits him. You were the one with Jaehyun that one night.
The dark tone of voice strikes you like a knife behind your back if anything. “You’re that girl at the bar that one time.” Mark said to you, turning to look at you fully with his entire body now facing you.
You definitely caught the predator’s attention now with how easy you’re to read. God you hate being so readable like an open book — a very non interesting book at that.
You fake a smile, maybe if you just pretend you don’t know him he will give up speaking to you. “Oh no, I don’t attend bars. I’m… allergic to alcohol.” You cringe deep inside when you made up the most stupid excuse.
Really? Allergy? He didn’t even ask about your allergies.
Mark frowns which lead you to believe he wasn’t completely swayed by your own actions right now. You forget how much of animal instincts he must have by now. You can’t fool a tiger easily.
“You must’ve mixed me up with someone else.” You said quietly trying to make it seem more and more believable if you just keep talking.
Thankfully you were praying for your meal to arrive first beforehand he got his. The prayer was answered when you grab your plastic container smiling and thanking them. You literally dashed away but why try to run away?
Trying to out run one of the most dangerous cats you probably made the worst mistake to even show a hint of speed in your movements.
When you were to reach your destination to your car the same black towering figure stands over you. In front of you with a dark gaze.
You let out a mini gasp to be honest, you feel like your heart is being crushed by two large walls that keep on moving forward and forward until your heart and lungs collapse.
Mark sighs. “You know that I can hear your beating heart when you lie?” He said rather amused but also it was eerily like a reminiscing threat thrown at you. You stand there quivering, trembling even, and it made Mark so much more entertained than he thought he would be.
He took a step forward. The stir fry plastic box was shaking in very discreet manner in your hands. Each step he takes you took three steps backwards.
This was a new cat and mouse game you didn’t want to be playing with him at all.
“Y/n was it? Jaehyun mentioned you.” Mark said with a little more confidence now that he actually had you cornered. Now you cannot lie on the spot and try to run away from him.
It’s ridiculous. He looks and was human but in reality he’s not just entirely human is he? He’s a freaking tiger with probably the most define genetics. It’s crazy to you.
You mumble trying to get away still. There was just this instinct inside you to make excuses until you can’t anymore. “Sorry i have to go, i am extremely busy.”
Your heartbeat picked up again, Mark sighs pressing an arm around your body and now moved you to sit down at a bench in the scene. You flinch and he forced you to sit down in front of him with his dark eyes watching you. “Another lie. You must enjoy lying a lot don’t you?”
You look away. You’re watching anything but him. “What do you want from me? I swear I don’t… I don’t know anything.” You’re trying your best to make this situation just deescalate.
He grinned amused. “Well that’s also a lie.” He said sitting down next to you on the bench as your heart was racing incredibly fast. Mark thought you might die on the spot if you keep stressing yourself out.
You took a little breath when he sat down next to you which seemed a little less nerve wrecking.
Eventually your heart calmed down when the silence overtook you both. Mark makes a quick glance over at you again, and he continues to speak when he waited for your nerves to sort themselves out.
You sigh. “I didn’t know you liked this place.” You tried to make a conversation as well but you weren’t sure how well he will respond to it.
Heck you don’t know this guy at all.
“I like it. I’m a regular here.” Mark said with a smirk and he moves a bit closer to you now, he opens up his plastic box of stir fry and starts to eat it with the plastic fork you’d get at a restaurant or other food trucks.
You saw him eating and you slowly shift to open your stir fry. But to be honest you’re too scared to even eat in front of him. You’re trying to act normal though. So you take a piece and ate slowly your own food along with Mark. The man kept watching you even though he ate. But you’re avoiding to even acknowledge him so much.
“Y/n do i scare you?” He was quite blunt and upfront. You flinched when he mentions the exact words you’re feeling.
You awkwardly chuckle and put down the fork. “Is it that obvious?”
Mark scoffs a bit. “You didn’t try to hide it.” He leans away and ate some more, you felt a bit less scared and now more guilty. Now that you think about it he seems like a normal guy now.
“Sorry. What Jaehyun said to me that night at the bar messed with my brain.” You admit it, which made the man next to you smirk. “You know I’m human as well. But I do admit it was fun seeing you trembling.” There was a sense of eeriness in his words but at the same time you were watching him.
He admitted to you that watching you embarrass yourself in front of him was a thrilling show but you decided to just not respond to it.
You didn’t even know what to say back anyways.
“So… are you actually…” your voice trails off unable to think of how to say this. How do you even phrase this?
Mark saw your expression like it was the most readable thing he has ever laid eyes on. He leans forward putting the plastic box down. “Part Tiger?” He spoke those words right out of your throat. You bite your inner cheek nodding.
“Is it true?” You asked with your eyes widen.
He grinned and stands up, putting hands in the front jean pockets he then turns around to you rather amused by your curiosity.
Has no one ever told you that curiosity killed the cat? You’re like a small, tiny cat who can’t keep their nose out of something that wasn’t their business.
It felt rather authentic for you though. Most people are just nosey but you seem to be curious because you want to discover something new.
And that is exactly what Mark likes about you. Your intentions are something he hasn’t seen before. Leaning forward he writes something on the paper and passed it to you, with the same hand you saw the large metal ring with the tiger engraved on it. Grabbing the piece of paper you look cautiously from the paper towards Mark’s dark gaze.
“When the sun sets meet me at my apartment, if you dare.” He said to you simply.
Just like a tiger he caught you by surprise with how sharp his tone of voice was full of silky seriousness. And then he disappeared into thin air as well. You only looked away for a second just for Mark to be gone in front of you.
Leaving you questioning if you should take the bait and go to his apartment even though that sounds like some kind of messed up plan.
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For once you were dreading the sun setting. Getting out of your car you look back at the paper in your hand and then your eyes fall back on the complex building in the front.
The address that brought you to this place makes you both anxious and excited. You have many running thoughts on your journey going inside. Every single muscle contraction meant you were growing close and closer to danger.
Slipping your hand over the doorknob you didn’t even knock, the door opened up with the man revealing in front of you.
Mark heard you from a mile away. He knew you’d come and he was right when you stood in front of him with a stunned look.
You really do make him feel like he’s hunting you down.
“Come on in Y/n, I don’t bite.” Mark smirked seeing your hesitation as your eyes peek inside the apartment before your whole body walks in. Mark closed the door after you fully enter.
There was a lack of trust between you two but for some you are wanting to trust this man. You don’t know why but you know one thing for sure; he has bland furniture. All neutral colours and very modern in his apartment.
You tread carefully and put your purse bag down on the couch nearby as you stand in middle of his apartment. Your gaze follows where Mark was on the wall leaning one side of his shoulders on it, the muscular arms crossed together and the lower body curved towards the right side.
Breathing hitching you feel it becoming a round ball in your throat. “So Mark will you admit that what I know is true?”
You came for the truth only. But to Mark he wanted more from you than just to give you a simple truth. He wanted to take a taste of something much better than any truth could provide him or to you.
The body slips off the wall approaching you slowly while his gaze was rather intense and playful while watching you.
“I don’t think I can prove anything verbally to you.” Mark whispers gaining a closer look at your face and the natural scent of your body blending in with the morning coffee you drank as well as your floral perfume; creating this intoxicating sensation in the nasal passages. Mark could crawl to you just by the smell of your own skin.
Hands slowly moving to your waist pulling you closer by an inch your feet trotting forward in little steps towards his body. “But I can show you how a tiger has it’s fun?” He smirks brushing the hot breath escaping from his mouth down to your neckline, while his large eyes are watching you keenly to see your reaction for approval.
Goosebumps evoked on your skin when the tiniest touch of his fingers kneading on your waist bringing you closer to him made you fall into this trance; a trap in other words you’re not escaping a primal animal’s desire at all.
He lifts his head only a little, waiting for your lips to give him consent or a sign of any sorts. But you seemed to stunned and even timid.
The reasoning of you coming to his apartment wasn’t to sleep with him. But the idea of sleeping with someone as magnetic and attractive as him clouds your judgemental. You’re a smart woman you know that and even Mark knows it; you know your stuff. But you certainly look tempted by the invitation.
The only thing you could think about was how badly you want to kiss his lips in that moment. Swiftly you press your hands up to his jawline and pull him in with a sudden kiss when your decision was made finally. Your sudden lips and the taste of them lingering in the air stunned the tiger but you soon felt his hands clawing at your hips lifting you up with his arm muscles — bringing forward your body against a nearby wall as your mouths clashed like two boulders in action. Fighting for something you would like to say is survival; survival of the fittest.
Grunting at the smallest thing, Mark enjoyed hearing them a lot, even the clawing he did down your back and to cup your round ass made you grind up against his body in a friction. Your reactions were what made Mark’s instincts going up the roof. The inner animal was raging from just how much you do this to him. You look ethereal and vulnerable.
Your tongues are tied like a knot together constantly trying to go back and forth only to end up pushing and pulsing instead. Your hair was a mess from just the heated makeout with the man who did not show you a signal mercy.
Running your hands through his hair was probably the most difficult thing for him. Mark’s sensitive area was always his hair and head in general.
You wonder if it’s because tigers in general have sensitive ears; in fact all cats have that trait. It just made your mind run free whenever your fingers cross over his hair. He always lets out soft noises between the heavy parting kisses with your red feverous mouth.
Deciding that the wall won’t be enough for him or for you in that matter. Mark lifted you again this time turning only a small swift left to the bedroom the door opens enough to keep you in and throw you on top of his bed. Watching your body sink on the mattress wasn’t as satisfying as your arms pulling him on top with your lips connecting again for another passionate kiss.
Your voice sounds like music to his ears, Mark could never get tired of hearing your own heart racing and pounding against your chest either. It might be his favourite sound afterall this time.
“Fuck — Mark, hold on.” You adjust yourself on the bed when his hands slipped over your shirt unbuttoned it down along with your lowering clothing slipping it to your ankles. Mark did not know a single vocabulary word about slowing down. He was an animal. Animals don’t wait they just do whatever they want. Whenever it suits them. Your words were pointless to Mark.
He gave you a look when your hands press on his biceps. You needed a moment to calm your heart otherwise you would feel like this whole moment will not be savoured enough.
Leaning in he gave you a gentle peck instead on your lips. Mark tried to slow down to your liking. Holding himself back was hard when you look like this in your underwear and bra only. With your skin on skin contact too.
“Please.” You whisper. “You really don’t hold back.” You chuckled a little bit. Mark grinned softly at your reaction.
Humming he slowly took off his shirt. “Didn’t Jaehyun already tell you?” He sighs and your gaze looks up at Mark when he mentioned another name. “I don’t settle down for anyone.” Mark mumbles connecting back to your close body again when the shirt fell down on the bedroom floor.
He doesn’t settle for anyone so there is no reason for Mark to slow down for anyone. Mark goes fast for everyone and everything.
Your eyes are glued together as one. Your heart skips a beat when Mark was simply staring at you but it felt like he was chasing you across the jungle if anything.
Seeing your stare he had a feeling you might be thinking about your second options. Mark pressed forward to you.
“You still have the option to leave sweetheart, because I won’t give you this choice afterwards anymore.” He slants his fingers down your forearms and your eyes lift up staring into his own deadly irises.
You breathily sigh. “No I don’t want to leave.” You tell him with a determined look and you press your lips on the side of his neck kissing down to his defined collarbones.
Mark chuckled at your amusing response. You don’t want to run away yet you’re the one who told him to slow down?
“Alright. Don’t blame me for what’s about to happen next.” Mark’s voice was dark and low, everything that had been attracting you to him all along. You couldn’t wait until Mark kissed you again, you’re craving for more and more.
You don’t even know what you’re craving; is it the dangerous thrill? Or is it the fact that there was this biological element that keeps your hormones growing more complex.
Whatever it was your thoughts shatter down like a glass on the ground shredded to pieces creating a map of what you’d call your scattering thoughts. The heat forming underneath the pawing motions of the hands threading your body like a needle, grabbing your perky breasts. Hearing out your grasps and manhandling you into the mattress to a position of what his desires are. You’re nothing more than a rag doll. In this scenario you didn’t know what else to think. You were caving for more.
Escaping grasps when the rough grain fingers rub down to your revealing womanhood. His yellow-ish sharp eyes glow by the excessive amount of excitement. Your insides were much mild to his fingers. But they manage to heat your insides up so much faster. When he pumps them up and down your eyes were trying to squeeze shut.
Mark didn’t want to look away from your precious eyes when he was pumping his fingers inside your pussy walls. He wanted to watch you cry out. To him if you weren’t shouting to the top of your lungs then he did not do a good job. And Mark values his ego and pride of pleasuring women he takes to bed. You need to have a good time, your pleasure means so much more than his own.
And that’s the type of man Mark is. He focuses on you as much as he can. There was a sense of addiction towards you. Mark loved smelling your increasing scent on his bedsheets that you’re sprawled across looking like a desperate prey begging for mercy, but deep down you want so much more. With those aching teary eyes Mark knew you were close to a climax.
But did his hands stop? No. Mark didn’t care if you’re close to cumming. Mark will make you cum thrice if he wants too.
By the next few minutes you’re not sure what’s happened but your mind was fogging out between the lines. The bed sheets were leaking by your juices and Mark’s hand and your pussy were only an inch away from one another. His fingers were so deeply embedded inside of you it’s causing your voice to come out like a strain meld.
“Oh fuck… fuck… Mark I think I came already.” You said the obvious not knowing that was his intention all along. To make you release so much you’re starting to lose train of consciousness.
The tiger smirks fondly by your answer. Mark stretching your pussy out so much just so you can be able to fit him later on.
Pulling out his fingers out of your hole he licks them across his plum lips while gaze on your eyes. There was not much space between you two; your breathes are touching.
“You taste so sweet, Y/n.” Mark deems it. Pulling apart the boxers fell on the bedroom floor and he pulled your ankles down so your legs are spread round the hips.
You’re gawking at the sight of his thick glory shown towards your face. You’re not sure what else to say because your expression said it all.
Mark sultry chuckles watching you was seriously amusing. You don’t try to hide your expression with your widen little eyes. “What is it? Did i leave you speechless already?”
Though it sounds cocky. Which it probably was. Mark had a good reasoning to sound like a complete womanising douche.
He was thick. Thicker than anything you’ve seen before. You’re unsure what to say but you cannot argue with him either. He did leave you speechless. It was embarrassing for you.
Mark took your token of silence so he leans his face closer to give you a peck on your lips. He whispers down to your shoulders aligning his face with it. In a way this was to comfort you.
“Don’t worry Y/n. We aren’t finished just yet.” Breathily into your skin Mark buried the nose on the collarbone as the shape of Mark enters your pussy walls this time it was stretched with a slight burning angle that caused your whole body to tremble by itself. Holding on to the bedsheets underneath your body you feel like you’re floating by how just the tip touching at your velvety skin you’re reacting so much to it. This wasn’t usual. You’ve not experienced something like that before.
It’s nothing like the previous times you’ve slept with a guy before. It’s nothing like that.
In this case it feels like you’re fighting for your life but at the same time you’re submitting to yourself knowing Mark was the powerful one here. The one in charge of the moment. The variable that will never change is Mark. In a sick twisted way you like this. You like becoming the prey. The way you’re underneath Mark as he is thrusting you like a wild in-domestic beast, it’s what you’ve been craving all this time. The thrill of it.
For once you’ve forgotten all about biology. You’ve became it instead. Maybe you’re starting to finally understand how it feels to be stepped on by someone stronger than you. For once in your life that is.
Mark couldn’t get enough of you however. It’s the way your dark hair is floating like strands of ribbons on his bed sheets that smell of you now. He knew that once you are finished it is mostly likely to return to normal life. You’ll probably never hear from him. Or he might never hear from you on that matter — but those bed sheets will have your lingering smell and he doesn’t think he will change them for a while. You’re addictive. Strangely Mark has never been this compatible before with just anyone.
It’s crazy how a simple “come to my apartment” leads to you actually having sex later on. But you didn’t care how easy it seemed. You were enjoying it far too much to worry about the consequences. Mark was far too lost between the creeks of your neckline and the collarbones, his thinly pressed tongue sucks across your beautiful canvas. Your moans are starting to resemble poetry to his ears. As if you were all he wants to listen to on hours end.
The tiger felt every inch of your insides clenching with awe around his shape. It was the way you wrap around so easily. Your arms do the same thing. They wrap around his body and cling onto him forever. Mark wouldn’t have it any other way.
Your eyes only part ajar like a door does only to see yellowish sparkles of phenomenal beauty spreading across the bedroom. Widening at the sight you felt like you’re hallucinating. But when you’ve looked at the man above you thrusting you seen exactly a pair of two golden Iris’ staring down at you with nothing behind those eyes but lust.
It felt as if every muscle in his body extended to his original position when Mark grunts the bottom lip pierced to his fangs. “Oh yes, keeping looking at me like that. Such a pretty whore you are.”
Cheeks grows out in awe when Mark brushed over his fingers into your hair only to press you even more into the mattress digging his clock so deep in your insides you’ve lost knowledge of how far you could last. By now it’s been far too long. Your body’s overdrive is now overheating like a computer would — yet Mark shows no sign of slowing.
Even the way his voice stood still like the sea breeze. You’re at a loss of words.
Pulling at your hair slightly Mark decided to make you sit up a little so he could rearrange the speed of his thrusts to become quicker and sharper. Which only made you gasp audibly loud when you’re held in this position for so long. Your brain begins to fog once again.
Mark groans besides your shoulders, carving his teeth marks all over your body. You’re starting to look like a butchered meat eaten alive by him.
His eyes shift close. “Fuck… that’s it… now take it all Y/n.” You’re starting to see some slowing down when Mark unleashed the folds between your pussy walls. You’re starting to give up the moment Mark leaves you to the brim; looking full and plum like he wanted you in the state.
Eutrophic state of being overdriven by an animal, was all you’re able to process.
Breathing heavily into your skin you’re closing your eyes only a little, but everytime you do that you wanted to drift off to sleep. Eventually you’re wondering if you are asleep because all you see is black with a faded out voice I’m the background calling your name all over again.
By the morning you’re awaken by your own fine reflection of how much your body actually endured last night.
Your lips part away staring at the front. Teeth marks scattering from top to bottom. You look like a whole different person compared to when you stepped a foot into this apartment.
Your eyes dart around the bedroom putting on your clothes that were left on the floor. You had to make yourself presentable at least once in your life because right now — you feel and look completely out of place. Brushing your hands into your hair messily brushing it out any knots. Then you open the bedroom door and step out. You’re met with a smell of eggs frying in a pan.
Following the scent you’re now approaching the shoulders of a man. Short sleeve tight shirt on flexing out muscles while wearing an apron. You’re filled with some form of happiness when you see that food is being cooked.
You mumble with a groaning stomach already. “Morning. What are you cooking?”
The man turned around with a little smirk seeing you’re already dressed and awake. Mark was expecting you to be knocked out a little longer. At first he thought you died on him last night. You’ve suddenly out of nowhere blanked out. But it turns out you were due in need of much sleep.
Mark pressed the eggs out of the pan and onto the plates. Your eyes following where his muscular arms extend out the plate towards you. You took a seat down on the chair by the kitchen aisle counter. He pressed a smile.
“Eggs and some toast. It’s the best I can do.” Mark announces.
You smiled and grabbed a fork. “It’s fine I’d eat anything anyone makes me.” You wish you could’ve shut your mouth when you said that though, because you maybe held your expectations high for Mark. He cannot cook eggs for the love of God.
The smile drops on your face instantly and you clear your voice a little when you’re sending a gaze back at Mark. You take a bite of the half burnt — nearly black at the bottom scrambled eggs. How do you burn eggs? You’ve got no possible human explanation for this sorcery.
For someone who is made to be a perfect stone with no hard edges; Mark can’t cook.
You might of found Mark’s first flaw.
You trail off mumbling. “Maybe I should cook next time?” Nonetheless you eat it all without a complaint. But you had to jokingly point o it out to Mark. You’re an honest woman. You couldn’t lie to him. It might feed his delusional ego.
Mark scoffs a little and chuckles at the end. “Good idea, Y/n. I can handle the other eggs.” You nearly choked on your chewing. But before you could say anything to him he was walking out of the kitchen area with that giddy smirk on his face as if he’s proud for saying something as outrageous as that.
“I’ll be in the shower!” Mark announces without a care that you’re probably as red as an apple.
You shake your head in disbelief and trail off a little laugh. You have a feeling this might weirdly be the most calming morning you’ve had. You go back to eating your scrambled egg wondering what else you will expect…
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank you!! Reblog and Follow me for more smuts like this!!
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cevansbrat0007 · 11 months
Moments Shared
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Summary: You and Ari share a moment during a lazy afternoon...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Brat!Reader, Fluff & Schmoop, Light Smut, Secrets, Discussions of Imaginary Friends, Brief Mention of Pyromania, Light Fingering, Ass Slapping, Mentions of Spanking, Mentions of Restraints, Love Songs, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: This story is part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Semi-proofread but not beta'd. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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“Mm?” You look up from your place sprawled across Ari’s chest, the steady sound of his heartbeat having almost lulled you to sleep after yet another lazy bout of lovemaking. 
The perfect activity for a quiet Sunday afternoon.
“Tell me something.” The easy rasp of his voice has you smiling before you even realize you’re doing it. “About you.” He absentmindedly runs his knuckles up and down your arms, marveling at the trail of goosebumps he leaves behind in his wake. 
“Um, what do you wanna know?” You press a soft kiss against his pec, the soft hairs adorning his skin tickling your nose. 
The bounty hunter takes a moment to think. “Anything.” He finally responds, as if he had weighed his options and decided he was better off not pressing his luck. So he’d settled on accepting whatever it was you deigned to share with him. And he’d be damned grateful for it. “Whatever you wanna tell me.”
“I guess I’m just not sure don’t what to say.” Of their own accord, he wraps one of your curls around a thick finger, tugging playfully. 
“Okay then, how ‘bout I start?”
“...Alright.” You roll onto your side, propping your chin up with your hand. “Take away then, Levinson. Or do you need me to do a drum roll so – eep!” You let out a squeal when he swats at your hip. 
“Mind the sass, woman.” Ari grunts, although the teasing quirk of his lips makes it known that he’s only joking. 
“Such a Beast.” You stick out your tongue at him, earning yourself another swat from your man. 
“And don’t you forget it.” He reaches out to intertwine his fingers with yours, stroking the pad of his thumb across your palm. “Now, stop trying to make me lose focus while I think of a secret to share.”  
“Oh...we’re telling secrets now, are we?” Well, that certainly upped the stakes a bit. 
“Of course.” Ari presses a swift kiss to your clasped hands. “Nothing too heavy, baby. Just our deepest and darkest.” He winks then, chuckling when you try to pull away. “Hey–I was kidding. C’mere and settle down.”
“Fine.” You blow out a breath as you shift under the blankets. “Let’s hear it then. And you’d better wow me.” You affectionately boop his nose. “I won’t be held responsible for your self-esteem if you bore me to sleep.”
Your bounty hunter sighs before tucking an arm behind his head. He’s quiet for a moment as he mulls over his words. But you don’t make any move to antagonize him further. If he was in the mood to share then who were you to stop him?
“I…had a dog named Bacon growing up.” He muses before clearing his throat. “It, uh, kinda looked like a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and Beethoven.”
“The composer or St. Bernard?” You tease, lightly poking him the ribs.
“St. Bernard. Forgot the name ‘til just now.” 
“Well, that must have been interesting. Never heard of that mix before.” You tell him truthfully, suddenly confused when you feel him tense beneath you. 
“He was three hundred pounds with a white lightning bolt that streaked across his left hip.” 
Now, that part of his admission gives you serious pause. You pull back, cocking your head to the side as you wait for him to continue. 
“Sometimes he talked. Fella had the coolest British accent.” Ari stares up at the ceiling, his eyes glazing over as he watches the fan overhead go round and round. “Although he didn’t eat much considering his size.”
“Ari…” What in the ever loving canine capers was he talking about?
“It’s funny…” He chuckles, his big body vibrating with mirth. “Because his favorite foods were chocolate cake, brussel sprouts, and green peas. Now, I love the first one but can’t rightfully stand the other two. And I know they say about dogs and chocolate…”
“...Makes them sick.” You mumble, wondering where he was headed with this bizarre fever dream of a recollection.
“But Bacon loved it.” He continues, almost as if you hadn’t spoken. “He and I went on so many amazing adventures. Best imaginary dog a boy could ever have.”
“I’m sorry.” You wheeze as you let out the puff of air you’d been holding without realizing it. “What?”
“He wasn’t real, Bird. But he was the closest thing I ever got to an imaginary friend. Or a pet for that matter.” Ari flashes you a toothy grin. “Ma didn’t mind too much because it meant I stopped pestering her about adopting every stray mutt we saw wandering down the side of the road.”
“But you said…wait…” You felt like you were about to short circuit. 
“Baby.” Your man’s face is serious as he leans over to cup your jaw, his thumb tracing the apple of your cheek. “Dogs don’t talk. I mean, not with words anyway. And definitely not with British accents. Be sure to make that note when you’re writing about this in your diary tonight.” 
“Oh, screw you!” A laugh bursts from his chest when you push him away. The smug bastard clearly thought he was funny. “For your information, I thought you might’ve suffered some kind psychotic break. Asshole.” Balling up your fist, you land a solid blow to his kidney. 
“I’m sorry, darlin’.” Ari coos once his laughter finally fades. “We moved around a lot when I was a kid. Me, my Ma, and my two sisters. Never stayed in one place for too long. Things tended to get pretty lonely at times, so I made up Bacon to cope.”
His voice dips as he moves closer so that he can rest his forehead against yours. “I haven’t spoken to anyone about my buddy, B, in damn near twenty years, save for you. Is that okay?”
And just like that you can practically feel your heart melting. 
You swallow thickly as you break away, giving yourself time to respond. “It is. Thank you for sharing with me.” Ari gives you a cursory nod which also signals that it’s now your turn. Great.
“I…might’ve been a bit of a firebug growing up.” A shiver courses through you, which is odd considering the fact that you’re not the least bit cold. “Something about the way the flames danced and all that.”
“Is that right?” His tone lets you know that he’s intrigued. 
“Yep.” The word flops out of your mouth. “God, I probably shouldn’t be telling you this. You might arrest me.” You cover your face with your hands before peeking at him from between your fingers. “Can I please have a minute to google the statute of limitations for the State of Texas?”
The lawman’s unexpected snort has you giggling. “From here on out, anything you share with me while I’ve got you naked in my bed will be considered off the record.”
“Okay, well – wait.” You cast him a suspicious glance, your face still partially obscured. “You promise?”
Grinning, Ari surprises you by holding up his hand and offering you his pinky finger. “I have a five-year-old niece who assures me these kinds of agreements are legally binding.”
“Alright.” Biting the inside of your cheek, you find yourself reaching out to wrap your corresponding digit around his. “But just to be safe, let me see you cross your heart.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He gives a rueful shake of his head before complying. “But I draw the line at sticking a needle in my eye.” 
“Duly noted.” Needing to stretch your languid muscles, you decide to take a second to arch your back, revealing bare breasts to Ari’s gaze. And while he doesn’t say anything, you can’t help but notice how his wandering fingers appear all too eager to pull it down even further until it’s draped across your hips. 
“I’m still listening.” Ari assures you even as his pink tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Just didn’t want you to overheat.” 
“How thoughtful of you.” You respond, rolling your eyes. Thankfully, he doesn’t appear to notice since he’s too busy tracing abstract designs along your pouting nipples. “Shall I continue?”
“Please do.” He rasps as his pupils dilate with desire.
“As I was saying, I used to be a bit of a firebug. And I…” You’re forced to bat his hands away so that you can attempt to concentrate on your story. “Well, one time a couple of us kids got our hands on some industrial grade firecrackers. The “good shit” as they say. This boy - Curtis – he bought ‘em from his cousin, Rudy. He claimed they fell off a truck on its way to Dallas.”
“Curtis. Rudy. Dallas. Got it.” A stubborn Ari goes back to toying with your breast. “Feel free to keep going.”
“I mean it, Ari. These weren’t just any ordinary firecrackers we’re talking about.” Your eyes go big as the memory overtakes you. “These were special. The name on the box read The Devil’s Anus.” 
Ari whistles low, the unusually graphic name briefly jolting him out of his reverie. “Well, that certainly paints an image.”
“Uh huh. I can still see that box like it happened yesterday. And for all the trouble it caused, it definitely was a product of Satan. Anyway, me and some of the neighborhood kids thought it would be a good idea to sneak out in the middle of night to set ‘em off. So we rode our bikes to this field on the outskirts of town to put on a little show. Mind you, this was right after the Fourth of July.”
“Mmhm.” Now his fingers have moved to fiddle with the edge of the sheet. Knowing him, he was probably seconds from kicking it off the bed. He didn’t like keeping your naked body hidden for too long. 
“Ari, would you quit it?” Again you try to fend him off, and again it does almost nothing. “Anyway, I always carried matches with me for moments like that. And so we start lettin’ ‘em fly one by one. And it was flippin’ awesome, you hear me? But they were also really, really loud too.”
“Suppose I’ll have to take your word for it, my little pyro.” 
“Well, none of us had really accounted for the noise. And not only that, but those things shoot far. One went rogue and we ended up losing sight of it behind this abandoned barn across the clearing and…” A loaded sigh escapes your lips. “The next thing we knew, the whole thing went up in flames.”
“Holy shit.” Ari blinks, now fully invested in your tale one more. “What’d you do?”
“It all happened so fast. We turned tail and raced back to town. Peddled our bikes home as fast as we could, ducking in the bushes whenever the police or the fire department whizzed by. God, I was terrified. I mean, thankfully they were able to extinguish the fire before it did too much damage but…” You trail off, allowing your bounty hunter to fill in the blanks for himself.
“I’m, uh…I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that the perpetrators were never apprehended?” Ari quirks one tawny brow as he watches your teeth begin to worry your bottom lip.
“Correct. And I prayed every night for three months straight, hoping against hope that it would stay that way. God did his part and in exchange for His grace, I never touched another match ever again. To this day, I even get nervous lighting the occasional candle.”
Finished, you give into the temptation to bury your face in his chest while you wait for him to say something – anything – about your revelation. You’d never told a soul about what happened that night. You and your little crew had sworn to go to your graves with the knowledge you’d almost started what could’ve easily turned into a pretty devastating fire. 
People went to jail for that shit.
“Say something already.” You eventually whine, hating the sound of silence the longer it lasts. “Please, Beast.”
“It’s just…” You feel a hand come to rest on your lower back. “After all this time, it’s just wild to know I’ve been sleeping with a fugitive from justice.”
Your head snaps up as you watch him snicker, your eyes narrowing into menacing slits. “You had better not breathe a word of this to anyone or I will end you.” You grip his face, squishing it between your fingers. “Just because we’re a couple hundred miles out from the ocean doesn’t mean you won’t find yourself at the bottom of it. Are we clear?” 
“Crystal.” He confirms through pursed lips. 
“Thank you.” Comes your demure reply, which has you sounding every inch the southern belle. And then you release him, all the while struggling not to react at the way he dramatically wiggles his jaw. 
“Never been more turned on in my life.” Ari growls as he palms his growing erection through the thin sheet. “I’m not usually the type to get my rocks off at the threat of bodily harm but…I just might have to let you tie me up one of these days.”
Immediately your eyes light up at the prospect of your bounty hunter finally letting you be in charge. Your gaze flits towards the direction of his pants, wondering if he maybe had his cuffs stuffed in one of his back pockets. 
You knew without a doubt that you could have a lot of fun with those shiny metal restraints he seemed to cherish so much.
“That was a maybe.” The man at your side is quick to amend. “So don’t you go getting any ideas just yet.” His imperious tone has you pouting before he’s even finished his sentence. 
“Hmph.” You cross your arms over your chest, purposely pushing up your breasts. “Then I guess I’m done sharing.”
“Aww, c’mon now, Duchess. Don’t go cold on me.” Ari nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, his freshly trimmed beard tickling the skin along your pulse point.
“Nope. I’m done and – ooh!” You cry out when he repositions himself so that he can pull one of your nipples into his mouth, his warm tongue expertly swirling over the pebbled tip. He sucks hard, moaning against your flesh. 
“But I’ve still got lots more secrets to tell.” He purrs, his hand creeping between your bodies in search of something a little more…delicate. His favorite part of you that he claimed was always so soft and sweet. 
“Well, I suppose that’s just t–too bad.” You croak out when his skilled fingers make contact with your slippery folds, causing your hips to arch. “I’m not interested.”
“Liar.” Ari teases, shifting his big body so that he can focus on your sensitive clit. “I’ve never let a woman tie me up before. So maybe give me a little time to warm up to the prospect of restraints. It might even help if you let me do the honors first, hm?”
“Then go get them.” You hiss, nipping at his jaw. 
“When I’m good and damned ready.” He snarls back before slanting his mouth over yours, his tongue sweeping its way past your lips to duel with your own. “Fucking brat.” Ari takes his time exploring every inch, every corner. And when he feels your body go lax in submission, he knows he finally has you exactly where he wants you. 
Or so he thinks anyway.
“So what if I am?” You cup his face with your hands, drawing him even closer so that he’s on top of you. Not wanting to be without him for even a second longer. “You like it.” You allow your teeth to graze over his plump bottom lip. Once. Twice. Sucking it into your mouth before releasing it with a slight pop.     
“Maybe I do.” This time his growl rumbles deep in his chest. “But if I ever hear about you playing with firecrackers again, I promise to light your ass up somethin’ pretty.”
“You’re gonna have to catch me first.” Of its own accord, your hand comes down on Ari’s muscled butt with a resounding smack.
“Did you just…spank me?” He asks, surprise evident in his tone.
“I did. And I’ll even let you in on a little secret while I’m at it.” You confirm without even a hint of remorse as you reach out to stroke the pads of your fingers along the veined edge of his impressive cock, loving the way he responds to your touch. “I’m probably gonna do it again.”
You offer him an impish grin, which he eagerly returns. “Try it and I’ll see to it that my handprint is permanently tattooed on that sexy ass of yours.”
“But what if I’m still a little tender from earlier?” You try, delighting in the way your gruff bounty hunter switches from faux indignation to genuine concern in less than a heartbeat.    
“Are you?” His nostrils flare as he waits for your answer while his big hands skim their way down your body, checking you over. Looking for any sign that you might need more time before going another round. 
“Not really.” You tell him as you guide him back down to your weeping pussy. “Maybe I just wanted to see what you’d do. See if you’d be okay with taking it easy if that’s what I needed from you.” Your gaze locks with his at that moment, your eyes searching his cerulean depths for any sign of irritation or annoyance – of which you find none. 
“You wanna know a secret, my fierce little Bird?” Ari murmurs, his lips brushing along the shell of your ear. “Let me know when you’re ready.” You shudder when you feel his sharp teeth gently nibble your delicate lobe. 
“I’m ready.” You respond, sounding more than a little breathless. But even so, your hands find their way to the globes of his ass once again, squeezing in warning. 
“I can’t wait for the day when I finally see you wearing nothing but my cuffs. And then I’ll show you just how good it can feel to give yourself to me. But I can sense that we’re not quite there yet, you and I, so – hush and let me finish please.” He pins you with a knowing look when you open your mouth to interrupt. It falls shut without a word. And then Ari moves to straddle your waist before pinning your arms above your head.
“So we’re gonna give it a little more time. Time for me to prove to you that I’m the man you need every day of the goddamned week.” He leans down to capture your lips in a brief, but meaningful kiss. Leaving you stunned.
“But that’s not my secret. At least not really. The real secret is that ever since I laid eyes on you, I've spent almost every damn day whistling love songs like an idiot. Now, I’m gonna be honest. I hated it at first. Because in my experience, it’s kinda difficult to feel like you’re the biggest, baddest motherfucker walking around on two legs if you’re too busy humming "Just My Imagination" under your breath to remember to glare when it's appropriate.”
“I’m so sorry. But for what it’s worth…” You shimmy in his hold, loving the hungry look that swiftly flits across his handsome features. “Assuming that I’m allowed to speak now, that is.”
“Be my guest, brat.” 
“For what it’s worth…I might have a whole playlist dedicated to your overbearing ass.” You feel your cheeks heat. But you’re not embarrassed by your admission. If Ari could be vulnerable, then perhaps you could too. “One that I may or may not listen to on my way to and from the shop every day.”
Ari swallows the lump in throat, his entire body momentarily overcome with emotion. You really have no idea how happy you just made him.
“You still thinking about flying away on me, Bird?” He asks, shifting his grip on your wrists so that grab a hold of your chin.
“Falling for you is more like it.” Your spoken secret comes out barely above a whisper. “But don’t let that go to your head or anything.” 
Because you still weren’t quite sure if you were prepared to survive the landing. Only time would tell.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.” He smiles down at you, his eyes brimming with affection. “But…if you ever feel yourself falling too fast…can you at least promise to let me catch you?”
A beat goes by before you hold up your pinky finger, which he readily locks with his own. It makes your heart melt all over again. 
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Beast.”
Famous last words. If only you’d known what Fate had in store for you, then perhaps you would’ve made a promise that was easier to keep. Because you’d never been the type to gamble on anything or anyone. Not men. Not love. Because you’d already learned the hard way that that kind of shit was never a sure thing. But heartbreak…
Now that one always seemed to be waiting for you just around the corner no matter where you looked. And deep down, you were convinced that it was only a matter of time before it found you again.  
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sevikasbeloved · 5 months
Sevika saying I love you for first time
Me 🤝 always making my characters say ily prematurely, this is right up my alley.
And I am co-opting her last name as Lanes idgaf
Poker night.
It was the Last Drop’s annual tradition, the one day out of the year when the bar was bounds more lawless than it was on a regular day, as in, anything goes.
It was the only night where you could stab someone for looking at you funny or do an insane amount of drugs without enforcers sniffing down your backs for an arrest, no matter what it was, you could do it here.
Not to mention it was Sevika favourite night. She called it fright night - fitting due to the fact that this day was the first day you met her, and she gave you way more than a fright. (Wink wink)
Anyhow, today was here and Sevika took you officially as her girlfriend, warding off any fuckeads or creeps who assumed that tonight gave them an excuse to be toward to a woman like you.
She held you by your waist, her fingers roping in the soft material of your short dress as she guided you to her table. The barman who had the unfortunate task of being on shift tonight scurried over to your table like clockwork, handing out a glass to each person that sat around it - those people being you, Sevika, two old geezers and a young fella who clearly just figured out the rules of the entire night (safe to say he’d already shit himself).
As the barman shied away from the table, Sevika slid into the booth chair, assuming her position at the head of the table as you slid onto her lap, perching yourself against her thigh as you leaned your head against her shoulder, already dreading the boredom that was poker.
“Baby, don’t fall asleep on me tonight,” she whispered into your ear as her hands remained occupied with the cards she shuffled between them.
“I won’t, I promise.” You hummed, and that you meant, moving your eyes to focus on more interesting things in the bar,
Like, the drunken men who danced like sailors, unable to rid themselves of their sea legs as they smashed drinks around in the pint glasses, smashing them (full or empty) onto the hardwood floor.
“cheers cunt!” One of the men shouted, slapping another across the face, the scene making you struggle to suppress a giggle.
Turns out when you give people a free for all, they just get drunk and act like kids.
A collective groan from Sevika’s opponents gained your attention as you looked back to the table, the scene of Sevika already winning her first round.
You kissed the temple on her head, leaving the tip of your nose to linger against it,
“Good job, baby.” You whispered against the shell of her ear. She hummed, placing her hand against your thigh, gripping it ever so slightly, causing your lower half to writhe against her thigh.
The table looked over at the two of you in annoyance and disgust as you pressed another kiss against the side of her face.
“You gonna win another for me?” You mumbled, suddenly becoming interested in the game, remembering how horny she became when she’d win.
“What’s the prize if I do?” She hummed, grazing her nose against your cheek, already dishing out a new set of cards.
You giggled at the sensation against your cold face, grinding your ass back into the crook of her hip as a response.
“How’d you know that’s exactly what I wanted?” She teased, her hand wandering up your thigh, cutting close to exposing you to the rest of the table.
You swatted her hand away playfully, “only if you win, Angel.”
You could almost hear her growl as she pulled her hand fully away, readjusting herself in her seat, the motion of her thigh bouncing between your thighs almost making you take back your ‘if’.
For the rest of the match you could do nothing but watch, suddenly becoming infinitely more interested in whether she won or lost - even though she’d never lost a game at least since she met you.
One by one, members in the booth tapped out, leaving you alone with her and one other man, clearly determined to win it all.
Sevika was unshaken by his determination though, almost too preoccupied by you to even notice the fat stack he slipped into the pool.
“I’m getting impatient, baby.” She mumbled into the locks of your hair.
You giggled at her sudden disposition to the game, noticing how the lad opposite you had reassessed his hand, growing more nervous as she pushed her previous winnings into the pile without even thinking.
“Call it.” She said to the man, knowing she already had a winning hand.
“Huge bluff, I can see right through it.” He scoffed, beckoning her to play her cards.
You and Sevika both looked at each other, sharing a knowing smile.
“Tell the gentleman what cards I’m holding, baby.” She said aloud, looking over at him with an almost sorry smile, almost.
You hummed, leaning forward dramatically as you analysed what you knew to be the winning hand. You milked it, arching your back fully so Sevika could get the best view, feeling your skirt ride up ever so slightly as her hand grazed your ass.
“A royal flush, mister.” You smiled and winked, perching yourself back up against sevika.
She threw her cards down on the table and whistled for a barman to clear her winnings. The man stood up in a huff, storming off to a lesser stakes table, taking his chances there.
“Put that on the bar’s tab, everyone drinks for free tonight.” Sevika ordered.
The barman looked at her with wide eyes before nodding and scurrying off behind the bar, ringing a cowbell as he announced-
“Drinks on Sevika all night!”
The whole room erupted into cheers, some even coming up to offer their personal thanks.
“You’re too kind, Sevika, really, you always look out for the people!” One man said, a smile as big as ever on his face.
She barely heard the thanks as she kissed against your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
You turned your head, stealing a kiss for your lips before pulling away too look at her.
“Why did you do that?” You said, impressed by her sudden generosity to the people she usually doesn’t have a nice word to say about.
“Cause,” she moved you so you were straddling her, “I’ve got all I love and need right here.”
Your heart stopped beating when you heard that word leave her lips with full earnest,
“Love?” You repeated back to her, unsure if you heard it right.
She chuckled, revealing that toothy smile that made you fall for her in the first place.
“Yeah, I love you.” She said, almost breathless as she realised that was the first time she said it aloud.
Your brows knitted together as you lost any composure you had, tears threatening to spill in the busy room.
She held your face, planting a kiss against your cheeks then nose, chin and finally your lips, pulling away to say,
“I love you so much it hurts.”
You giggled, head falling into the crook of her neck,
“Sevika Lanes, I love you too.”
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chocolatechubby · 6 months
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Maybe it was the glass of heavy cream and dozen gingerbread men I ate just before bedtime. Or maybe it was the fact that it was Christmas Eve, and the residue of waiting up for Santa Claus hadn’t diminished in the 23 years since I was six years old. Maybe it was the hard on that wouldn’t go away if I thought about growing fat and round. Whatever it was, I couldn’t sleep. I reluctantly pulled my bloated body from my warm bed to take a piss and a crap in the bathroom. On the way to the john, I passed the Christmas tree in the living room. The shiny packages underneath danced with the reflections of twinkling lights. I’d made quite a haul this year. I was pretty sure the small neatly wrapped package in the front was an Ipod from my mom. And I was pretty sure that the envelope from my ex-partner was a membership to a gym. My gaining sixty pounds had a lot to do with our break-up. It was nice that we were still friends. “Funny…” I thought. “The thing I REALLY want Santa to bring me won’t fit under a tree.”
When I had finished in the bathroom, I took a long look at myself in the mirror. The 160lb gym rat was gone. There in front of me was a 220lb jock-gone-soft. Since I had continued to go to the gym, I was thick and solid. The roundness of my face was beginning to cut away my cheek definition. The beginnings of a double chin made my cock jump. The definition in my arms was beginning to fade: I loved putting on sleeveless shirts and seeing the thick round guns that were once defined biceps and triceps stretching through. My legs were growing huge. The size 38 pants were straining to keep my thighs in. And I had a real belly. Not the beginning gut I was so proud of in college, but a thick waist protruding over my jeans and a noticeable round mound that jutted out from my plump tits and curved forward six inches. It had gotten a number of rubs and stares from my co-workers over the past few weeks. I thought my pecker was going to fall off from all the jerking off I did in the office restrooms after each “Woah! When’s the baby due?” or “You’d better lay off the holiday food Chris!” But it wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I wanted to look like all of those fellas that I admired online. I wanted people to move out of the way when I walked down the street. I wanted to look in the mirror and be awed by my girth. I reached down in my shorts and began massaging my cock. I imagined what it would be like to have to work pass mounds of belly fat just to touch it. I could feel my hard on growing, and my dick was responding to both my touch and my fantasy. It wouldn’t be long now—at least not for the explosion from my balls. The weight gain would take more time.
As I was going for climax, I heard a sound. Not from me but coming from the living room. At first faint, it grew louder—a slow and steady rise and fall. A snore? It sounded like someone snoring. Maybe somehow the air conditioner had turned itself on. I listened a little more intently. No, this was a HUMAN sound. Someone had broken into my apartment! I pulled up my shorts, looked around for a blunt object, grabbed the toilet brush, and headed towards the sound. As I rounded the corner, I was not prepared for what I saw. There in my leather armchair next to the Christmas tree, snoring to high heaven was Santa Claus.
Only it wasn’t Santa Claus. I mean he was dressed in a beautiful red suit—far superior to all those costumed Santas that you see in department stores. This suit looked like it had been tailored for him: luxurious and warm—trimmed in ermine and leather. It fit his big round frame to a “t.” He had to weigh 350, if a pound, and his thick beard was close-cropped, neatly trimmed, and a deep auburn like the wavy hair that curled from under his fur cap. This guy couldn’t have been more than thirty-five years old. And he was gorgeous. During my whole relationship with my ex, Zach, I had never cheated. But I will admit—especially towards the end when he started nagging more about the weight—I had serious fantasies about dudes like the one asleep in my easy chair, but they never included being robbed by them.
Next to him on the floor was a big, empty red velvet sack. I had to admit: this guy had class. I’d read stories in the newspaper about thieves breaking into houses dressed as Santa Claus and taking people’s presents. I never thought it would happen to me. Pictures of the Grinch stuffing Cindy Lou Who’s Christmas tree in his sack crowded my brain. Well this sucker wasn’t getting MY Ipod without a fight!
I tiptoed over to where the hot thief was snoring, and I kicked his engineer boot and stepped back—toilet bowl brush held high. “Hey you!” I shouted. The guy stirred. I gave him my best grimace and said: “What the hell do you think you’re doing in my place?!” He opened one eye and peered up at my brush and me. He grinned (and of course he had a killer smile) and said, “What are you going to do? Tidy Bowl me to death?”
I wasn’t quite ready for such a laid-back attitude. It took me aback for a moment. “No, smart ass…” I answered finally. “… I’m going to call the police and have you hauled off to spend Christmas in jail—that’s what I’m going to do!!!” I bellowed triumphantly. “Oh, and for future reference: Santa has a WHITE beard—not red! You are NO Kris Kringle.”
“Actually, his beard isn’t white. It’s silver. And you’re right…I’m not Kris Kringle. He’s my dad. I’m KARL Kringle—his youngest son.”
Of all the responses in all the scenarios that I could imagine, not one of them included that particular statement. I stood in shock with my mouth open. He fumbled around for a bit and spoke: “This is what I get for breaking the first rule of Christmas Delivery: Don’t Fall Asleep. It’s just that it’s been a long night and seeing as this is my Last Stop and all, I couldn’t help myself.” He yawned and started hauling his big belly out of my chair “Look, don’t set off your loaded brush—I’m just looking for my wallet.” He was even more appealing standing. He was a fireplug: about my height (which made him somewhat short), he reminded me of Sean Astin as Samwise Gamgee in “The Lord of the Rings”: much bigger, but as cute as he could be. He patted himself down, searching around his big gut and barrel chest for a bulge. “Ahh, here it is!” He pulled out a simple leather wallet and flipped it open. “See.” He said.
I slowly inched forward and took the wallet out of his chubby hand. There he was, smiling with rosy cheeks. NORTH POLE DMV: Driver’s Permit was printed in white at the top of a red and green card. “May operate cars, trucks, motorcycles, snow skis and High-Capacity Sleighs” was prominently placed in the lower right hand corner.
“Real cute” I smirked. “So you’re a clever bandit. I’m sure your cell mate will get a real kick out of your sense of humor.”
“Man, some things don’t change, do they?” He smiled. “You’re still a closet believer posing as a skeptic aren’t you? I remember when you were six years old and wanted ‘Dream Date Ken’. You said to yourself, ‘I’ll believe in Santa if he brings me Ken.’ When you didn’t see it under the tree that Christmas morning, you were really sad, but you said, ‘I knew he wasn’t real.’ Boy were you surprised when you found it…”
“Hidden in your stocking!”
“Hidden in my stocking!”
We said it at the exact same time. My mouth was agape. “How did you know that?” I uttered. “Because I asked Dad if I could put it there.” Karl said. “I was twelve. Dad had been training me to take a route of my own. I had been coming with him since you were a baby—watching you grow up. I wanted you to work harder to trust your beliefs.”
I stumbled to my couch and sat down. This was incredible! So it was true: Santa really DID exist. “Yup.” Karl said, as if he’d read my mind. “Only the doubters have got part of the story right: he DOESN’T circle the world and deliver toys in one night. He hasn’t done that in a few hundred years. He has help from his sons.”
“Sons” I gasped, with emphasis on the “s.” “You mean there’s more of you?”
“Oh yeah” said Karl. “It's the family business. There’s Kris Jr., Kevin, Kurt, Klaus, Kyle, Keith, and Kwame.”
“Kwame?” I asked.
“Yeah, a little incident with dad and an African Queen a few years back…we don’t talk about that.” He whispered.
“So we divide up the earth and each take a chunk. Dad spends most of his time these days with the kids that need him most. He took India and New Orleans this year.”
“I see…” I said. “And you got my area.”
“Well, not so much GOT, as CHOSE your area. I told you. I’ve been watching you for many years. I’ve been waiting for that jerk of a boyfriend of yours to exit the picture. I’ve been crushing on you for a while now. I happen to be gay.”
“Oh.” My dick was jumping at regular intervals now. “Are all of you uh…?”
“Gay?” He said. “I doubt it. Nobody’s talking so we don’t really know. I’m pretty sure Kwame is. He keeps picking San Francisco as one of his stops. Listen, do you mind if I make myself comfortable?” he asked. “Uh…no.” I stammered, still trying to make sense of the fact that I had a big, bearded Santa Claus in my living room that was hot for me. “Great” he said and proceeded to undo his belt and buttons. His velvet coat fell to the floor, revealing the magnificent fat physique bulging from his white undershirt. His big, gorgeous arms were covered with a layer of soft red fur, and I could see tendrils of the same curling from under the neckline of his t. He began playing with his nipples as he slowly moved his ball belly towards me. “Listen,” he said again. “…do you mind if I make YOU more comfortable?”
“Uh…no.” was my startled reply.
We stood face to face. The heat between us was more intense than anything I’d ever felt before. He smelled of smoldering fires and apples and cinnamon. He leaned in, and I felt his cock. “So THAT’S what’s meant by Christmas Sausage! “I thought. He pulled me into him and whispered, “I’ve been waiting 29 years for this” and moved his tongue over my lips and into my mouth. He tasted like warm cocoa. His belly met mine and I moaned at the solid thickness of his girth. Our tongues swirled together in a hot dance that left me weak and energized at the same time. I could have stayed like that forever.
Karl ran his thick hands over my nipples, slightly squeezing them between his fingers. He slowly traveled down to my belly and began massaging it with both hands. I was in heaven. “Such a beautiful starter belly. I was so hot for you when you started putting on weight that I had to stop working in the toyshop—couldn’t concentrate. Kept making Barbie dolls with penises!”
“Oh.” I mumbled—trying to get his tongue back in my mouth.
“And now I’m with you” he said, caressing my cheek. “And we’ve got all night. He leaned over and kissed my gut. “I’m going to give you that present that won’t fit under the tree.”
For a moment I was stirred from my reverie. Had he really the power to know what my deepest desires were? I tested him. “Oh yes? “I whispered in his ear. “What might that be.”
“Don’t be coy Chris” he smiled. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. By dawn, you will be fed, fucked, and fat as a house. Are you ready to get started?”
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middlingmay · 12 days
Gale Cleven never learned to flirt
And I have some HCs about that and how it came to bite him in the ass.
Here, have 2K+ words of the Buckies being an absolute mess.
Gale managed to reach his mid-twenties without ever flirting.
He and Marge had been inseparable since they were kids. Being together was second nature, so by the time their teenage years hit, the awkward rituals of their classmates trying to catch some guy or girl’s attention just didn't apply. Gale simply told Marge whatever he thought and felt. If it never strayed into the territory their classmates were so eager to dive into head (or pelvis) first; if it never sounded like the cheesy lines boys used to ease past a skirt, then that’s because he was too much of a gentleman. Everyone knew it. Marge’s dad never batted so much as an eye when she spent time with Gale, because he was such a good boy.
Really, that should have been the biggest clue among many before he signed up.
But then he did sign up, and he met John Clarence “Bucky” Egan, who flirted with everyone and everything.
No, really—everything.
One night after one too many beers, John was leaning against a coat rack, regaling Gale with some story or other. He gave a particularly enthusiastic wave of an arm, and nearly sent it toppling over, and him with it. But John's reflexes were still good even three sheets to the wind. He caught it before it hit the ground, set it up right and said, “Sorry, doll. I’m normally a gentleman. I’ll show you, sometime.”
It was the first time Gale laughed until he cried.
Gale had been flirted with plenty, of course. Others back home had batted eyelashes at him and sidled up to him and placed fleeting, coy touches in innocent places.
John did absolutely none of that.
He drawled and called Gale doll, sweetheart, dilly and beau. He’d look Gale in the eye whilst talking to someone else entirely and say, “My guy, Buck, here…”
He pressed their foreheads together and grabbed Gale's thighs tight and put an arm over the back of Gale's chair.
He’d chuck Gale's chin and press hands firm into the small of Gale's back, around the curve of his hip, into the dips of his waist and that was usually followed by a quick, deliberate clench of his sizeable hands.
John outright called him gorgeous, “a real heartbreaker”, and the others would laugh but that was always one of the few times John didn’t join in.
He watched Gale’s training and his flights like a hawk, bugging others over the radio: “Where’s Buck?” He’d bugged those in the tower so much, that he nearly got himself banned.
John sang love songs - badly - and smirked at Buck the whole time.
Finally, in the after, when they’d left Wyoming and Wisconsin behind for good, John had stepped up behind Gale in the kitchen in the house they shared and reached forward. He placed a whisky glass of apple juice on the counter and came round to Gale’s side. He leaned his forearms on the counter and looked up at Gale through tumbling curls he’d been letting grow a bit and said,
“Lookin’ awful lonely there, doll. What’s a guy gotta do to be your fella?”
And apparently Gale was easy, because he downed the apple juice to wet his parched throat and lips and threw his arms around John’s neck and kissed him with a fire he hadn't felt this side of a plane.
He threw the rest of himself at John, too, who caught him easy and hoisted him up on the counter. He pulled Gale's hips forward by the belt loops and ground his own hips up against him just as his tongue slid home dragged and teased out the gaps and moans Gale couldn’t control—
That afternoon, evening and night had been incredible. But, if Gale thought finally getting what they had been stepping towards for all these years would have taken some of the pressure off, he was dead wrong. He craved more.
Only, he had no idea how to go about getting it.
He wasn’t like John. Never had been. Flirting and being so damn bold didn’t come easy to Gale. Truth be told, he’d never has a reason to flirt before. And for the first time in his life, John was being absolutely no help.
If Gale didn’t know him any better, he would have said he was being shy.
But ain’t no man who could do those kinds of things with his tongue got any business being shy.
And Gale knew John wanted it, wanted him, just as badly. He caught the heated looks; heard the aborted gasps when Gale did something - anything - that showed off his physique (and his brain, he’d later discover). Christ, he felt it every time he woke up before John in the morning.
But it didn’t seem fair to always leave it to John. John had done the bulk of the legwork throughout their whole relationship, even before they finally figured it out. It was Gale’s turn.
So, he started easy.
The next morning that he woke first, the heavy weight of John at his back, he buried his smiling, blushing face in the pillow and rocked back into Bucky’s hardness. He did it harder than he expected, and Bucky woke with a groan pulled from the depths of him and grabbed Gale and pulled.
Gale revelled in his easy and rapid success and coyly teased, “John. You woke me up with that thing.”
And John abruptly released him, full of apologies and sweet kisses to his shoulders before he toddled off to the bathroom, leaving Gale painfully disappointed.
Disappointed, but not deterred. His next idea involved Bucky’s favourite hobby: lookin’ at Buck. There were horses stabled in a field nearby, and Gale had permission from the owners to take them out for some exercise anytime he wanted.
John had never been, but agreed readily enough when Gale asked him to come along.
Gale made sure to wear his tighter pants, and when they got there stripped off his shirt so he was left in only his tank, and mounted a horse called, of all things, Major.
Gale didn't go overboard. He was still workin’ an animal that demanded respect and care. But he made sure to show Bucky the flex of his thighs, the roll of his hips, the strength in him, staying in the saddle when Major wanted to jump.
He got a little lost in it and wasn’t sure how long it had been. But when he looked up, John was gone.
He found him back at the house, stumbling down the stairs red-cheeked, glassy-eyed and a little breathless. And Gale knew. He knew that look; had seen that look so many damn times since they were cadets in basic.
He looked at John with such vicious fury, that he’d gone and done that without him, that John had turned tail and given him a wide berth for the rest of the day.
Gale was going to pull out every damn hair on his head. He’d tried everything he could think of: pressing up against Bucky whenever he moved past; biting his lips like he knew John loved. He even rubbed Coppertone on John’s shoulders and back when he was out doing yard work in the heat one day. But, when Bucky had turned to him and rasped a husky, “Thank you”, Gale got so worried that John was dehydrated, he’d rushed back into the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water and glowered at him until he drank it all, before fetching him another one.
One day, Gale had had enough and decided to take a leaf out of John’s book. He was gonna flirt with that man like he’d seen John do a dozen times before, even if it made him feel like the stupidest man alive.
He allowed himself a small whisky for courage. In return for John dramatically reducing his alcohol intake, Gale sometimes, rarely, let himself indulged and shared a glass with John.
He downed this one in one go and headed into the living room where John was trying to pick a record.
Gale sidled up to him, placed his arms around his waist and said, “Hi darlin’. Can I buy you a drink?”
John’s eyes crinkled, he smiled so wide, and leaned back into Gale's arms. “Oh, I dunno. My ma warned me about guys like you.”
Gale thrummed with excitement that John was playing along, finally, finally getting the damn hint. He let his hands move from John’s hips to the spot on his belly, just above the waistband. His fingers tickled and traced along the hem. “Guys like me?”
“Mhmm. Y’just wanna get me outta my skirt.”
Gale's breath hitched. He moved the palm of one hand to John’s thigh. Heavy and slow, he stroked it up and up, letting John feel the drag of each finger. “I think you’d look good outta your skirt,” he mumbled with a nip to John's ear. He stilled his hand on John’s upper thigh and with one finger, drew a teasing line across the expansive width of it. “Maybe keep the stockings on, though.”
John choked on a laugh, on thrilled disbelief, and Gale grinned into his neck and let John turn in his arms.
And the best part, Gale quickly decided, was that for the first time ever, he managed to make John blush—at the mention of women’s stockings no less, which he had much more experience in than Gale.
Gale rejoiced as John careened forward, tongue slipping straight into Gale’s panting, waiting mouth, and Gale whimpered in the dizzying satisfaction of it as they fucked their tongues into each other and their bodies writhed standing there, in a promise of what was to come.
But then, John pulled away. Gale watched him suck on his own tongue, like he was savouring the taste of something, before clarity and realisation descend over John’s face.
“Ah,” he said. “That make sense.”
Gale frowned, even as John drew him in close and pressed their foreheads together so softly and asked, “Wanna go to bed?”
Gale could have crowed. “Mhmm. Yeah. Yes.”
John brushed a hand through Gale’s hair. “Yeah. Lets get you all tucked in, before you wake up with a sore head.”
Drunk. John thought he was drunk. And rather than giving Gale what he wanted, he was trying to be a gentleman and send him to bed. But Gale was too frustrated to be endeared by the evidence of John’s goodness. Not tonight. No siree.
He almost screamed and threw his hands up in the air. “Goddamn it, John! I’m not drunk!” He even stamped his foot. “I am trying to fuck you!”
John just stood there dumbstruck while Gale raged.
“I have been trying for days! But you, for the first time in your sorry life, have become as dumb as a bag of rocks! How come a girl used to just have to look at'cha long enough and you were all over her, but I try every trick I got and nothing!”
That jolted John out of his Gale-induced stun. “Tricks? What tricks?!”
“Oh I don't know: how about rubbin' against you like a damn bitch in heat the other morning!”
“You said I woke you up! You haven’t been sleeping good!”
“And showing off with the horses—!"
“That was on purpose?! Buck - I left because I got hard watching you! I didn’t want you to think I was some kind of perv! No one should feel like that around an animal!”
“The I rubbed you down with Coppertone?!”
“I was gonna! I got that one and I was gonna, Buck! I swear to God, but then you made me shotgun water and started yellin’ at me about dehydration!”
Gale had worked himself into a fervour and paced the living room, barely looking at John.
“After that first night, you ain’t come near me like that again. And I know I’m hopeless at this kinda thing, and you got a lot more experience than me. But I don’t want it all to be on you. And Christ, John, I was starting to think you didn’t want—what are you doing?!”
John’s shirt was on the floor and he was using one hand to wrestle his undershirt over his head and the other to unbuckle his belt.
Muffled under the fabric of his shirt Gale heard him say, “You said you wanna fuck,” he finally pulled the shirt over his head and his curls sprung free and wild, “we’re gonna fuck.”
Gale stood with hands on his hips, still in his lecture pose. “Right here?”
John lost the belt and went for the buttons on his pants. “Right here.”
Gale drummed his fingers against his hips and stared as John dropped his pants. “Well…that’s, good.”
John snatched Gale by the belt and dragged him him. “Don't be getting shy on me, now.”
And normally that was exactly the kind of thing that would send all of Gale’s bravado running for the hills, but he’d been so desperate for so long that he pounced on John before he even made the conscious decision, and together they undressed him in record time.
John got him on the floor, somehow, and twisted and flipped them so Gale was on top, and Gale looked at him with one eyebrow arched in breathless judgement. “Really?”
John nodded wide-eyed. “Oh, yeah. Really. I’m serious, Buck. I don’t think I can go near those stables with you again. It’s indecent.”
Gale gave an experimental roll of the hips, and when John keened and bucked underneath him, Gale clenched his thighs and drove him down and brought him back under control easy. So he didn’t see that much difference between the skill this would take and what he used to work Major. But still. After what he’d put him through, John didn’t deserve to have it too easy. “Hm, I don’t know. How long you gonna last like this? You got a lot of making up to do.”
And John looked mortally offended, but he’d learned something about Gale through all of this too, and said, “About a long as you will when you see me in those stockings you’ve been fantasizing about.”
And Gale’s hips jerked without his permissions, and things descended beyond the power of words after that.
Later, as they languished on the living room floor with the throw from the couch tossed over them to ward of the evening chill, John turned to him and said, delighted, “You could just ask me to fuck you, you know. Ever thought of that?”
And Gale smirked and nipped at the finger tracing his cheek. “Don't count on it.”
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reds-writings · 24 days
can you write Cooper Howard with a gn reader i’ll take anything in desperate 🙏🙏🙏
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(pairing: the ghoul/cooper howard x gn!reader)
a/n: thank you for the request anon! i used this opportunity to get a feel for writing his character as a practice run so i hope this is to your liking! feedback is greatly appreciated!
warnings: cursing, petnames(?), violence, cooper is a meanie as per usual, etc
word count: roughly 1.1k
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“I told your ass he’s mine!” You grunted as a result of harshly landing on your ass for cover in the middle of a truly unnecessary shootout smackdab in Filly.
“You snooze you lose, sweetheart.” Came the lazy drawl of the irradiated cowboy, also known as the absolute bane of your existence, somewhere afar behind his own cover amidst this gunfight. Bounty hunting was already a tough business as is but with the infamous Ghoul who somehow always managed to sniff out where you were to swipe nearly every potential bounty from under your feet, things had started to get fucking ridiculous. 
You were low enough on caps and supplies to where you couldn’t let this tired routine repeat itself once more. Safe to say, you were pissed. 
“Who said anything about snoozin’ or losin’, you fuckin’ radioactive WORM-” You shot at another one of your bounty’s backups before popping out to switch cover.
Bullets riddled the dirt far too close to your feet for your liking before you slid behind an old rundown wagon. All you needed was the damned fella’s head to bring in should you get to him first. How was it any fair that you put in all the work to track these shitheads down and all the Ghoul had to do was follow you right to the goods? Never even lifting a wrinkly finger? No matter how much you tried to throw him off your scent between jobs it was just no use. 
“You best give up now fore’ I put a bullet between those lovely eyes of yours.” Rang his voice again and you wanted to gag like a petulant child. 
“You can take that weird flirtin’ of yours and shove it up your shriveled ass!”
“You think too highly of yourself, sweetheart,” His gun fired off a few loud rounds, “Give up or I’m fuckin’ shootin’ the shit outta you both. Maybe then I'll finally know peace.” More shots zipped by and it appeared his feigned sense of patience was running thin. This cat-and-mouse game seemed to bore him quicker than usual today. 
“Go fuck yourself, cowpoke. You should be able to manage just fine without this one given you’ve nabbed all the others, lazy bastard-” Wood splintered next to your head in that instant. His patience had definitely boiled over but, like a fool, it didn’t deter you in the slightest. You managed to catch a glimpse of the bounty scurrying closer toward an empty saloon to escape. It was now or never.
Grabbing a grenade from one of the corpses nearby you pulled the pin and hauled it with a quick prayer to whoever was listening in the general direction of the Ghoul. You heard a sharp curse and couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you bolted towards the escapee. The resulting explosion of your last ditch effort almost threw you off your feet but you regained momentum quickly with whatever adrenaline-driven desperation you had left. 
It wasn't long before the thwip! of a rope and a violent tug around your ankles dashed all of your hope and short-lived triumph. As well as all the air from your lungs as soon as your tired body slammed to the ground. 
Jagged rock and debris from the Filly dirt bit at your skin as your competitor pulled you towards him like you were a helpless calf caught for slaughter. The anger rolling from him in waves caused by petty inconvenience could’ve had smoke billowing from his ears. If you had any sense you’d start being terrified right about now.
Though, you figured you wouldn’t have to worry about caps anymore if he just finished you off.
“I’ve had just about enough of you. Always gettin’ in my fuckin’ way.” He yanked you close enough to straddle you with a rusted knife to your throat. He wanted to make this personal now. 
“Can’t blame me for tryin’ to survive-” You wheezed as he landed an unforgiving blow to your stomach. He could be a real mean bastard when he wanted to. 
“Quit yappin’.” The ghoul snarled with yellowing teeth and a burning hatred that would have just about anyone else withering away. Up close he wasn’t all that bad looking for what most would dub a monster. Maybe you’d hit the ground too hard.  
“Circlin’ back to pretty eyes…you sure got some yourself for a ghoul n’ all-” Another blow had a flash of stars bursting across your vision. That fucker broke your nose! Seems like snarky jibes from him were fine all day long but sue you for getting one in yourself. 
Before he could decide to jam that knife of his in your throat, a series of hacking coughs erupted from his chest causing his hold on you to momentarily weaken. Looks like his desperation for this bounty came from a lack of Radaway to keep his sorry ass alive.
That was too fucking bad. 
Taking the interruption as your chance, you spit a generous glob of red-hot blood into those pretty eyes and swung a hefty rock at his scarred head. He fell to the ground with a bark of surprise but that didn’t stop you from hitting him again until you made sure he was out cold. 
With your chest heaving, you wiped your forearm beneath your dripping nose and winced. You'd have to reset it later.
Why did everything always have to be so difficult? Fighting this hard for anything these days was hard to be justified for a life like this but the cycle would go on. Pathetic as it was. Looking down at your reddened and dusty clothes you groaned knowing that a bargain for anything decent would be a pain in the ass. 
Your ears perked up at a scuffle nearby. The bounty was still trying to make a run for it. Of course. Taking the rifle from the knocked-out cowboy you aimed from a distance before blowing the runaway to bits and pieces. Job mostly well done. Now you needed to get the hell out of dodge before sleeping beauty came to. 
Rummaging through your bag you found a spare vial of Radaway. If you left it for him he’d probably forgo the more than generous gesture and just be hellbent on eliminating you like he’d originally intended. But, what fun would it be if the only consistent figure in your day-to-day died in the most underwhelming way possible? You needed a reason to fight. That was all. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Rolling your eyes with a huff you flicked the vial at his unconscious form, not really caring where it landed before making your way to retrieve the pesky bounty's noggin and head on to the next town. You’d need to make quick work without any stops tonight lest you wanted to tango with Grumpy again but you'd manage.
He’d find you one way or another, that was a given. But you’d sure as hell be ready. 
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hoodharlow · 9 months
So I'd Rather Just
AN: everyone thank @sativachilombo <3 gif by @harlowgifs
Requested? My prima Kat
Warnings: smut
Word Count: 1.9k words
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"Sober and focused, I cannot walk down no deli alleys
I still got the fellas 'round me, I love 'em and tell 'em proudly
My mama needs help adjusting, my father needs help accounting
I'm lookin' out heaven's window, I know that there's hell around me and—"
Miriam looked down at the monitor as Jack finished the last of his song. She motioned for him to walk out of the frame. She held out her hand and counted to five with her fingers. She closed her hand into a tight fist, letting the camera guy turn off the camera. 
"Okay and cut! That's a wrap!" She yelled. 
All the crew clapped and some of Jack's friends went to hug him. They were in Denver to film Jack's music video for Denver. Miriam was directing the music video and she thought they should film it in Colorado. So for the week they went to Denver. The mountain side was the last scene left to film and they finally finished it. He did a few where he was in his hotel suite with his friends, where he was on stage and where he was at a strip club having an existential crisis. 
Miriam looked over to one of the random goats roaming around and walked up to it. She squatted in front of him and began talking to it. 
"Jack, you were so good. This is gonna be a good one." The goat blinked and walked away. She used a boulder to push herself up. 
Jack was standing behind her with his hands on his hips. "You're not funny."
"Sorry, I saw white and a messy beard and confused y'all." Miria shrugged. 
Urban and Nemo coughed, hiding their laughs.
She went over to the camera crew and showed them her notes. She had outlined what she wanted for the music video and how to edit it. Jack watched one of the guys stare at her chest as she fluffed her hair back. She decided to opt out from wearing a bra under her halter top. Her nipples were on full display. Every so often the guy would look at them as Miriam talked. 
"Okay, if you have it done by Monday so we drop it on Wednesday that would be great." Neelam told the camera crew. She turned to Miriam. "If that's all, then we can head back to town. Are you guys going to your grandparents's place or back to the hotel?"
"We're going to your grandparents, right?" Jack asked Miriam.
"Whatever you want." She shrugged, wrapping her arms on his side. "Just know it's three hours from here."
"Yeah, let's go back to the hotel. We can drive in the morning." Jack nodded. 
They went hand in hand back to Miriam's G-Wagon. Jack helped Miriam into her side. He went over to Urban and his other friends and they briefly chatted on where to meet up for dinner. He bro-hugged them then walked back to the car. He was about to back out when a goat stood in front of them.
Miriam stuck her head out and yelled, "Jack quítate!" at it. With that the goat walked. 
"I hate you." Jack mumbled, as he gripped her headrest to go in reverse. 
"Then why do I have this?" She showed him the jewelry on her left hand.
"You're worth $25 million, I'd be an idiot not to give you that." He said, trying not to laugh. "I'm joking, I gave you that because I love you and I wanna grow old with you." 
"Mhm," she rolled her eyes.
"I'll even let you play whatever you want." Jack offered his phone to her.
"I mean this is my car so I should be able to play whatever I want." She said, queueing up 'Pocketful of Sunshine' as 'Drop the World' by Lil Wayne played.
"There's so many fucking goats." Jack commented as they drove.
"Fun fact, these goats aren't native to Colorado. They were brought in from Montana in 1947 for aesthetic and hunting purposes." Miriam explained. 
"Fucking nerd–"
"TAKE ME AWAYYYY, TO A SECRET PLACE. A SWEET ESCAPE, TAKE ME AWAYYY" Miriam belted out, cutting him off. 
Jack rolled his eyes and let her enjoy her white girl song. By the time they reached the actual highway that led them to Denver, they were hit with traffic. Miriam lowered the music and pulled herself into a ball. She rested her head on the headrest and dozed off. Jack took off his jacket and draped it over her. Almost two hours later they finally got to their hotel. 
"We might as well have gone to Aspen." Miriam grumbled. 
She got out of the car bent over backwards to stretch. She effortlessly pulled herself up without her hands and then twisted herself, cracking her back.
"Glow Stick, are you done?" Jack asked.
"No." Miriam said, proceeding to crack her knuckles and wrists. She pulled her curls into a messy bun. "Now I am."
Jack rolled his eyes. He grabbed their things from the backseat and they went straight to their room. 
Miriam began stripping and kicked off her leggings and top. She tossed her panties at Jack and went in the shower. He followed right behind her. Jack pressed himself onto Miriam, gently pushing her against the tile wall. He bent down and nipped at her neck. One of his hands went in between her thighs. 
"You're wet." He murmured against her neck.
"Yeah because I'm in the shower." She giggled. 
Jack pouted. "I wanna eat you out."
"Well I wanna eat dinner, so…"
They finished showering. Miriam changed into some KentuckyBoyTyler jeans and a simple cropped white tee and her Vans. She went in her tote and took out a big stack of ones. She weighed it in her hand and guessed it was about a thousand dollars.
"Is this yours?" She asked him. 
"Yeah I wanted to recreate the strip club scene." 
 "With only a thousand dollars? Kehlani threw more at me. Plus, I can't stand seeing you go through it when I shake ass."
"Given your talent it shouldn't surprise you that I look devastated." Jack said sarcastically. 
Miriam threw her empty tote at him, making him laugh. "Fuck you! Do you know how hard it is to twerk whilst doing the splits?"
Miriam opened one of the takeout bags they got for their leftovers and took out a slice of pizza. She ate while a handful of Jack's fans took pictures with him. They spotted Jack and Miriam while they ate but when they went to pay the fans followed them out, asking for pictures with Jack. Miriam went in the car to wait for him, but she was ready in case his fans got too in his face. She took mental notes of the videos she'd seen of his manager herd him away from fans. He waved goodbye at them and sauntered back to Miriam.
"Hi Mr. Popular." She said, singing popular like Kristen Chenoweth in Wicked.
"Yeah, yeah," he waved her off. 
The drive back to the hotel wasn't long. They retreated to their suite. Jack changed into his grey muscle tank and the grey sweats he wore when they filmed in the hotel room. Miriam took off her clothes and put on the yellow and brown striped shirt Jack wore. She plopped herself in the middle of the bed and scrolled through the channels to see what was on. Scoob was on Cartoon Network so she let it play. She tuned in just in time because a snippet of Jack's song played when the Scooby gang went trick or treating. 
"I always forget I made that song." Jack said, laying next to her. 
"That's literally my favorite song. Don't ever disrespect Yikes like that." She frowned. 
"What if I get a little disrespectful with you?" He quirked an eyebrow at her. 
"Okay." She smiled innocently. 
Jack pounced on her. He knelt in front of her and spread her legs so he'd have more room. They began kissing and nipping at each other. He kissed up her body, pushing his shirt up. One of his hands went down to tug her panties off, but she stopped him.
"Shit, I thought…" he said apologetically, sitting up. 
"No, I just wanna do this first." She pushed him against the pillows and got in between his legs. 
Miriam pushed back the sleeves of his shirt and laid on her stomach with her ass in the air. Jack tugged down his sweats. Miriam kept her brown eyes on Jack's blue ones as she took his cock and slowly stroked him. Her mouth practically watered at it. She sucked his tip and licked his sides.
"I wanted to call cut and spend hours doing this when we were filming you in bed." She muttered as she stroked him.
"Hours? You know I can't even last ten minutes when you– fuck!" He threw his head back feeling himself deep in Miriam's mouth. 
Miriam’s eyes never left Jack’s as she took him back in her mouth. His stomach began to contract after a few bobs, letting her know that he was close. Slowly, she pulled him out of her mouth until only his tip rested on her tongue. She widened her eyes, making her look more innocent as she stroked him. 
"Let me come in you." He panted. 
"You are?" She said in a duh tone.
"Your pussy smartass." He reached forward to her ass and smacked it.
"How do you want me?" She asked him. 
"Stay like that." Jack said, getting out of bed. 
He got behind her and pressed her back down so that only her ass was in the air for him. He knelt in front of her and aligned himself to her entrance, slowly pushing himself in her. Miriam quietly gasped as he slid in her. His hands gripped her waist, slowly rocking his hips into her.  
As the minutes passed, his thrusts got rougher, and Miriam couldn’t hold back. She begged Jack to keep fucking her at that irritatingly slow and rough pace she loved. He leaned over, his chest against her back. His lips kissed all over her neck as he continued to fuck Miriam. She pushed her hips back against him, lazily meeting his thrusts. Miriam pushed back her hips rougher to meet his thrusts. He gripped the long sleeve she wore with one hand, using it as an anchor, while the other went back down to her clit. Jack worked his fingers roughly as he pushed his hips into Miriam. He buried his face in her neck, kissing her sweet spot. Her quiet praises filled the room, egging him on. She quietly whimpered his name, lazily meeting his thrusts before her orgasm took over. Jack’s orgasm followed soon after, pushing himself deep inside. 
"Good?" He asked a few minutes later. 
"Like always." She hummed contently.
Her phone went off. She reached for it and rolled on her back while Jack laid next to her, toying with the hem of the shirt. 
"Solana sent me some teasers to post for Snooze since it comes out tomorrow." She said, showing him a picture of Jack sitting by SZA. 
"I can't believe you had me eat fries that were on her ass." Jack chuckled.
"You're right, that should have been me." 
"Personally I would rather eat our come off your pussy." He said, swiping his fingers in between her legs. 
"If you wanna eat me out just say that." She rolled her eyes. 
Jack smirked, "Actually, I want you to sit on my face." 
Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux @cherry4everrr ​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ @youngharleezy @youngharleezyxo ​ @babyharleezy ​ @that-90s-girllll ​ @alinaharlow @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww @awhore4moree @noescapricho-essentimiento @neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract @whywontyoulovemecami @camificrecs @itsyagirljaz @w1ldthoughts @killatravtramp
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twinksrepository · 4 months
A Valentine's Day treat. Well more like night after
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Dante X F!Reader
CW: Food play, P in V sex, teasing, bad puns
Word count: Roughly 3K 
A/N: It's been a few months since you started dating the silly pizza man, and fail to keep that on the down low when it's Valentine's Day and one of your co-workers pesters you about dating the man but being at work. Good thing Lady is giving Dante a hard time as well. Well maybe after your shift you can find a way to have some fun with your boyfriend. 
The third of my Valentine’s Day fics.
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Quirking your nose as you scrawl out the last of your notes before handing them off for entry in the system you let out a long exhale. It’s not even ten pm and you’ve already dealt with four accidentally swallowed rings, three broken noses, and two stabbings. The stabbings were a little normal for the emergency department but the rings weren’t. 
“I don’t understand why people just can’t propose like normal people, why do they put it in food Doctor?” You snort shaking your head as one of the orderies rubs at her temple. 
“People want to be different, if they knew how often people miss the ring dropped in their champagne glass because of nerves they might try something else.” Signing your name before looking at the next person on the triage list and reading what happened. “Like this person. They tried chocolate mousse, I’ll give them a point for originality.”
“Me. Hey Doc?” Letting out a hum as you double check to make sure you don't hand anyone higher up on the priority list to check with. “How come you're here tonight and not out with that man of yours?” 
You feel your nose quirking again. “Which man would that be?” Attempting to avoid eye contact as you do know exactly who they're talking about. Your silly pizza loving man with a knack for killing the demonic, even if most people think he's just a regular handy man of sorts. 
“Funny. That broad shoulders white haired fella. Damien or something.” 
“Dante” you wince as the correction slips from your mouth with ease. 
“Him!” Grinning like the cat that ate the canary at catching you. “Come on, I've seen the two of you out around town. He's a hottie. Why aren't you out with him instead of in here dealing with the chaos of proposals gone wrong?” 
You laugh hearing how the night in the ER has been going so far it sounds about right. “He's working tonight, besides I'd rather cover this night over New Year's and the Fourth of July anytime.” Winking before you head down the hallway with your clipboard, hoping this couple is a lot calmer than the last. 
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“Explain how I'm a bad boyfriend!” Dante was pissed as he swung the rebellion slicing one of the lizard like demons in half sending Lady a look of bewilderment. 
“If you were a good one I wouldn't have to explain it.” Snarking back as she unloaded a few rounds into her own quarry before shaking her head at him. “You really are terrible with women, at this rate the pretty little doctor is gonna leave you. Working on Valentine's Day.” 
“It's just a sappy day to give chocolates, if she wants to leave me over that then fine!” Slicing another demon and dodging having a set of talons driven through his back. As much as he said that the smaller voice I'm his head was screaming. No. It wasn't fine. She was his and it didn't matter what day it was he should be balls deep in her, making sure she smelt of him and sex. 
“You really are an idiot.”
“Whatever Lady. Are we finishing this job you asked for my help for or not?” He'd rather focus on a fight than the way his pants were growing tighter. Damn libido.
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As you left the hospital that morning, well 3 am, you couldn’t help but swing into the nearest 24 hour store to grab a few grocery items for yourself and saw a few items that made you smirk. A package of chocolate dipped and plain strawberries, grabbing them before heading to the devil may cry office with a can of whipped cream and a terrible plan. 
Trying the door to find it unlocked and slinking inside, a good sign that Dante is home otherwise you would have had to try and dig through your bag for the spare key he’d given you. “Dante!” If the lights in the main office hadn’t of been on you wouldn’t have called out, but if it is on then it’s a good sign your handsome man is still awake. 
“Backroom Babe!” Well, that answers that, heading towards the door that hides a short hallway ending in a minuscule kitchen. The main level of the office doesn't have much besides the front area itself which takes up the bulk of the floor space, there is a second bathroom that you’re certain before you entered his life was the only one Dante used. Well used being an operative word. 
Stepping into the space and finding the white haired man holding a small glass filled with amber liquid. “That kind of night huh?” You snort laying your paper bag of goodies on the the tiny counter before dropping your overnight bag to the floor and approaching him. 
“Any night that involves Lady is one of those kind of nights.” Rolling his eyes before taking a sip of the drink and setting his eyes on you. “Didn't think I'd see you this early, thought you were working the ER tonight?” 
“I was.” Lifting your arms to drop them over his broad neck and play with some of the longer white hairs at the back of his head and leaning closer. His jacket is draped over the chair you suspect would snap if anyone sat in it so your arms are able to rest more against him instead of the leather. “My shift finished about an hour ago and I didn't have a lot of paperwork to do. How was your night?” 
Raising his drink between your bodies you watch him quirk a brow as if surprised you asked “Shit so far. Now that you're here though.” Hooking two of his fingers in one of the belt loops of your pants and tugging you a little closer to him. “It seems to be getting better.” 
Tossing the rest of his drink back before sliding the empty glass behind him and dropping his hand on your hip you get the hint and push up on your toes as he leans closer to you. Only for your senses to be flooded by the smell of rancid copper and things you'd rather not think about. Sharply pulling away from him. “You smell like ass” Waving your hand in front of your nose as you screw up your face at him.
“I got home maybe ten minutes before you walked in!” His tone is haughty as he lifts his hands exasperated by your reaction, and for a moment you're distracted by the shift of his shirt and the hint of pale skin. 
“You need a shower if you want a kiss.” Shaking your head at him and hiding that you had been distracted by his body. “Or the other treat I have for you.” You might be annoyed that his first thought was a drink before getting cleaned but his lifestyle wasn't focused on getting the grim off his body right away for the longest time. 
Hearing you mention a treat, however, has his mood shifting and a smirk on his handsome face “A treat huh? Do I get a hint?” Wiggling his eyebrows as his gaze roves over your body, making you flush in response. 
“I don't wanna ruin the surprise but let's say trying something new.” Giving him a wink as he grabs his coat and starts to walk past you. “Only clean good little boys are going to get it though.” 
Roaring with laughter as he turns on his feet facing you as he walks away. “Guess I'm outta luck. Even with a shower, I'm zero outta three on that list.” Dropping his hand to his crotch just before stepping out of sight. “Especially the little part.” 
You can't help but laugh as he slips away, waiting until you hear either the water running from the downstairs bathroom or the creek of the stairs as he heads to the upper level. It's the creaking of the stairs that you hear, grinning as you wait another moment before placing your food for tomorrow in the fridge. At least you don't have to worry about something trying to crawl out of the neglected device. This time. 
Keeping the strawberries and whipped cream with you as you headed out to the main part of the office once more, checking the main door was locked before taking the stairs. It was more for your own peace of mind than anything else, if something wanted to go after Dante a metal bolt wasn't going to stop it. 
Hearing the shower run as you reach the top of the landing you slow, pondering for a moment if you should join him or just jump into your own little surprise. You did have a quick shower before you left work because you hated the smell of the antiseptic on your skin, but the idea of rubbing your hands over his wet chest are hard to ignore. Giving your head a shake you keep walking, if you don't commit to what you have planned you'll never try it, and Dante likes surprises in the bedroom. 
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Leaning across the bedspread as you hear the sound of his footsteps you grin to yourself before swallowing to try and settle your face. As the door swings open you try to get your expression sorted out so you aren’t a blushing mess, trying to aim for sultry. 
Dante has a towel thrown over his head missing your expression and one slung around his waist, except he has the size of them backward. The larger one over his head and the smaller struggling to remain tied around his waist with how thick his thighs are and your little plan to try and seduce him fails as your jaw drops a little. “Maybe it’s me who’s getting the treat instead of you. Big boy.” Tacking on the last word to get him to lift his head. 
At least your little plan worked as his composure snaps for a moment as he stares at you, his eyes following the trail of whipped cream along the lines of your stomach from your covered core up to your tits. “Babe.” A hard swallow and it’s clear as the towel around his hips flutters from something hidden underneath that he’s getting aroused. “Are those strawberries on your tits?” 
“I figured since it was too late to get you a sundae I’d try and be one instead.” Trailing an index finger along part of your stomach and scooping some of the cream up before sticking the digit in your mouth and sucking on it hard enough to hollow your cheeks. That towel around his waist stood no chance as his cock hardens and sticks up from the edge, raising the fabric as if his dick is peeking out at you. “Sorry, but it’s the best I could do on such short notice.” 
Using one of his hands to pull the towel from around his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor with a wet smack your covered core throbs. His eyes are wild and you can see his neck flexing as his jaw works. Too bad all his attempts are undone by the way his length keeps twitching as it arches from between his legs. “I don’t see any ice cream unless you’re hiding it under that pretty body of yours.” 
Striding closer before he stops. Dante is far from unobservant and the man has noticed your own gaze keeps landing between his legs. “For some reason, I don’t think you have any for me. Not with the way your eyes keep looking at this fine display.” With a snap of his fingers, the towel is gone and you can’t help the little noise of satisfaction you let out at his naked body. He’s fit and knows it, surprising with his terrible diet, but you can’t get enough of it. 
“You’re right. I wanted some meat tonight.” Winking at him before spreading your legs, showing him the damp spot on your underwear. “I think you should come get your dessert before it gets too warm though.” Adding a small whine at the end as you want to feel his skin against yours, or his tongue. Really he can remove the fruit and cream covering your torso anyway he wants to. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t cover your pussy in cream too.” Snorting as he closes the final distance and you feel his bed dip as he joins you. 
“I might be willing to try food play but I am not having anything go in my pussy that isn’t sanitized.” 
“Sorry Doc, I gotta call you out on that one.” Running one of his large hands along your thigh before snapping your underwear with his finger. “My tongue and fingers go in there all the time.” You roll your eyes and reach a hand out to try and get him to pay more attention to your body. 
“Funny Dante. Honestly though. Do you want to lick or help me clean this up? The cream really is starting to run.” A chuckle before he moves, throwing a leg over your body and settling so he straddles your form, sliding down a little as his hands come to rest beside your body. 
“I think I can help with that problem.” Lowering his head to where the cream is starting to run just below your naval and licking a wide strip along the stream of white painted on your body. Right away you moan, the heat from his tongue chasing the chill that was seeping into your skin has you shuddering. “I’d have rathered lick at another cream though.” Lapping his tongue up your body and following the trail up your belly, all the while your hands are roaming across his back. It’s hard to stay still under him as you react to his closeness, your muscles shifting in delight at the texture of his tongue, and the way his breath fans out across your tummy. Rubbing your thighs together the slightest amount as you grow wetter the closer his head gets to one of your breasts. 
Almost there and your clit throbs and your body tenses. 
Laughing when he shoves his face between both of your boobs, covering the sides of his face in the cream before looking up at you. “Wanna taste my cream now?” Wiggling his eyebrows and you aren’t sure where the cream ends and his hair starts. 
“You’re so cheesy Dante.” 
“No. But I can go get some spray cheese if you’d rather lick that up.” Shuffling and grabbing one of the strawberries to pop in his mouth before dipping his face towards yours. As his lips connect with yours you don’t bother trying to respond to him verbally, instead letting one hand slide up along the muscles of his back and tangling in his hair. Parting your lips and moaning into him as his tongue darts out to lick the inside of your mouth, tasting some of the cream and strawberry juice on him. It isn’t a long kiss as he pulls away and grabs the other strawberry, holding it to your lips and offering it to you. 
“I ate two chocolate covered ones earlier. Those two were for you.” Smirking up at him as he rolls his eyes, tossing it in his mouth before reaching for the floor to grab the towel and wipe the cream off his face and one of your tits.
“I’ll remember that for next time.” Going in for another quick kiss making you gasp as he rolls his hips against yours, certain you could feel some of the fluid dripping from his tip smear against your belly. “Now to clean up this remaining mess the way you wanted.” The movement of his tongue is different this time, short quick swipes as he works his way up around to the tip of your nipple. Understanding why he cleaned the other off as he starts to circle his rough thumb against the hard nub, an involuntary roll of your hips as you sigh. The burning in your core grows hotter under his touch. 
Another whine as he ignores the tip of the nipple under his mouth, his lips kissing the edge of the skin now instead of lapping at it as if it’s some sort of divine nectar instead of cheap whipped cream from a can. A few more rolls of your hips as you try to edge him on, wanting more from the white haired man however he is having none of it. 
“Seems like this was more a treat for you than me.” The hand that had been massaging your other tit is now at your hip keeping you from moving while he leans more of his weight on the arm he has resting beside you as he licks everywhere but the point of your breast. Making low grunts and groans as he laps at your skin, tilting his head to make eye contact, and once he does he sends you a look that you can only describe as sinful. 
“Dante, please. No more teasing.” Doing your best to plead with him as your body thrums, you want him and you’ll do anything at this point to get it. “It was just a silly idea.” 
“Lucky for you.” Dipping his head and flicking the hard flesh with his tongue at last. “I like silly.” The hand at your hip pushing your underwear to the side and pushing his way inside your tight heat, while at the same time sucking on your tit like it’s the last thing he’s going to do. 
Your reaction is immediate as you scream his name, your back arching and pressing your chest more into his mouth as you cum around his tip that’s barely part way inside of you. His fingers circle your clit while keeping the thin fabric that divided your bodies away from your core as he works more of himself into you, trying to drag out your orgasm as long as he can. 
Growling as you respond, dragging your fingers down his shoulders and trying to press more of his body down to yours lost in the sensation before you’re panting from the overstimulation. Dante stops the movement of his fingers and lifts his head from your now abused breast, smirking at the indent of his teeth in your supple skin and the bruise forming there. Once you calm down he’ll rip those panties off your hips and fuck you for real. For now, he’s content feeling the tremors of your walls along his length while you recover from your first release of the night. 
“Guess I’m not that bad of a boyfriend after all.” 
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
I really love your mere mc headcanons that got me thinking.
What about the mere mc being a blu whale. the oceans gently giants if I was correct blu whales don't eat octopus or eal but mostly krill.
How tall would they be in human form though that I don't know.
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I got inspired by this art.
OOOOO! yea! Gentle giants are my JAM! thank you for this beautiful idea! I'm going to just share how the octavinelle fellas react to you as this mer, but if you wanted other characters please feel free to send in another ask!
Also, a slight warning that you are referenced to have a large and plush body form, in case it makes any of you upset at that.
Honestly, the picture provided is a beautiful and perfect blue whale mer. With the white underbelly and the dark skin contrast. The small barnacles and other tiny creatures happily living on the side or back of the whale. Would be about 70 ft tall from head to tail. The average person is about the size of a small action figure to you. You mostly feed on small schools of fish and krill. You do have to surface for air every 20 minutes or so.
Your human form is very tall and fairly soft. A slightly more rounded body type but still very healthy. about 8ft. (sorry anyone who prefers cm). You have deep blue hair with small white speckles that resemble barnacles. you also have many similar markings along your face and shoulders, like freckles! your teeth are practically the opposite of the eel twins' shark-like teeth. you have very flat and large teeth. Many stay away from you due to your large height and many small incidents when someone tried to fight you and you just batted them 20-40ft away with one backhanded smack. You're incredibly strong but never use your full strength.
Azul: Oh no not another tall one... When he noticed how often you bump your head on things hell offer a contract to make it so you can walk comfortably around the school. Aka take some of your impressive height away. You are one of his best customers due to just how much you order and eat at the lounge, kinda a nightmare for ordering stuff but your happy face at getting to eat 20 lbs of small fish is worth it. Tried to hire you as a bouncer since you could easily carry and kick people out if they were causing trouble. Finds your fairly relaxed and kind personality nice. He knew right away that you were a mer, the blue hair and the markings and barnical-like spots were a dead giveaway.
When you invited him to swim with you, he was rather shy about being in his mer form, but he knew you would be nice to him, and probably too big to notice his insecurities due to his weight in that form. Was a bit floored at just how BIG you were, he knew blue whales were big but you were huge! Despite your giant size, you were very careful and kind, gently holding his 10ft long frame in your hands like one would with a baby kitten. He practically melted into your warm embrace and shyly asked if you could go swimming again. You do wonders for his self-confidence. Especially knowing you would defend and protect him from others and his own harsh thoughts. His favorite memory is when you needed to go for air one night and you brought him with you to look at the galaxy sparkling above you both.
Jade: Finds Azul's and Floyd's reactions to your height very amusing. Also can't help but chuckle when you knock your head into the ceiling and have to crawl or awkwardly crouch around the school's halls. Helps you find some other ways around the campus that uses fewer overhangs when possible. He was amazed at how strong yet gentle you were. You treated others with so much love and gentleness that it reminded Jade of how he tends to his mushrooms. Also amazed at how much you eat a day. in your human form, it's about 40-60 lbs of fish/shrimp/krill a day! Asks you many questions and why you don't use your intense strength to make others do as you say. He asks a lot of questions because he likes to hear your gentle yet loud voice. He headcanons that your voice is the voice mountains would have.
Another one who was a bit surprised at your invitation to sim in your true forms. You knew when to invite them since all merfolk need to stretch their fins every once in a while. Can easily keep up with you and swims around your arms. Acts and is the size of a small boa to you. he likes wrapping around your right arm as you swim around. Enjoys the speed you travel as he relaxes against your soft blubber. Does tickle you every once in a while by lightly knawing on said blubber. it doesn't hurt you so you're fine with it. Might fling him away if you get too ticklish though. He would just chuckle and tease you about being ticklish. Always follows you to the surface when you need to breath.
Floyd: Dang it! now he's not even the tallest in the Octavinelle dorm anymore! Saw how large you were and the blue of your hair and called you "Bluey" "Whaley" or just "blue whale", depending on his mood. Loves how you allow him to squeeze you, kinda awkward as he squeezes as hard as he can around your middle since his head only reaches your chest level. Loves to bury himself into your plush form. Also sometimes will just latch onto your back like a crazy backpack. You just chuckle and continue until he gets bored. Whenever he's in a bad mood you always find a way to cheer him up. Tried to challenge you to an eating contest when he saw how much you ate each day. He lost and got all grouchy and whiney cause now his tummy hurt.
Was SO excited when you invited him to go swimming in your merforms. Zoomed around your whole form cause he was that excited. Likes to wrap around your left arm and stick his tongue out and say in the current as you swim at high speeds. Asked you to launch him with your tail out of the water and screamed with joy as he went. Demanded to do it again a bunch more times, very much like an excited kid. If he's not around your arm, he's like a little scarf/choker. Bites you so often, mostly to just get your attention since you don't get hurt by his impressive chompers. He says you don't taste very good. But loves the feeling of biting into your blubber, and he likes your loud and gentle laughter as you say that tickles. Also has taken a nap on your back when you were both near the surface.
All three love to be around you and your calming aura. Azul likes to be held by you or nestled in your hair or on your back when you go swimming. Jade and Floyd enjoy being around your arms or swimming beside you. All in all, they love you and how you treat them all so well and bring out a much softer side of themselves they didn't even know was there.
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dual1pa · 1 year
swim party
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warnings: smut, no use of y/n, partying, language, underage alcohol consumption, smoking (all characters aged up to 20). 
“He likes you, I swear on my own mother’s grave! He told me and Nancy the other day!,” Robin said, pouring you a cup of beer from the keg. 
You just arrived to Steve Harrington’s infamous summer break party — it was always a scene due to someone being too drunk and doing something stupid — either the cops or an ambulance is called. 
Steve promised that this party would be “different” and nothing like that would happen — but you didn’t believe him as he says that every year. 
Your best friend, Robin, was in the middle of telling you how your other best friend, Eddie Munson, is “super in love” with you. Okay sure, you yourself have feelings for the incredibly handsome fella, but you were positive he only saw you as a friend as you never really noticed any signs. 
You took a swig of your beer — which was unbelievably gross to say the least — and slammed the red solo cup on the counter when you finished it. 
You were hesitant, “I don’t know Robs.”  
“Look, just try to be a little touchy feely with him tonight. He’s around here somewhere,” Robin looked around to see if she could find him but no such luck. 
Were you really going to worth the risk of possibly making Eddie and your friendship totally awkward if he didn’t feel the same way. 
“Well, if I’m going to do that, I’m gonna need a bit more to drink.” 
“YES,” Robin exclaimed, pouring you another beer, “Go get him, girl.” 
You were happy that you listened to the little voice in your head telling you to wear shorter shorts and a t-shirt to the party. Also, you had a skimpy two piece bathing suit underneath. 
Typically, Steve’s parties die down rather quickly where it’s just your typical friend group: Steve, Robin, Nancy and Eddie are smoking and swimming in the pool. 
Once you had a few more drinks in you, you weren’t too drunk to the point of totally embarrassing yourself, but just enough to one, be aware of your surroundings and two, make a move on Eddie. 
You swerved through the many people in the living room dancing to whatever pop song was playing through the speaker. There were a few couples making out in the corners of the room and on the couch, other’s chugged their drinks and creating drunk conversations about who knows what. 
The more you thought about a possible relationship with Eddie, the more you fell in love with the idea. You trusted Eddie with your whole heart and you could totally see a future with him. 
There he was — only because you heard his voice outside. 
He was with his friends playing a round of beer pong. 
In your first attempt, you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind to surprise him. 
It was like he instantly knew it was you.
He tried his best to turn his upper body to move you to the front of him for a proper hug. 
“There’s my girl! Finally, you’ve arrived,” My girl.
He was drunk, of course as you could smell the beer scent on his breath. 
“Only for you Eddie.” 
All you wanted to do was lean up and kiss him, you were in his arms and at the perfect angle to just reach his lips — but you stopped yourself. 
“I’m almost finished with this game after I kick these guys’ asses, then I’m all yours,” he smiled. 
On the other hand, his friends booed him as it would be his last game. 
“Shut up all of you. She is more important,” he aimed the ping pong ball at one of the cups and made it in. 
“Huh, seems as if you’re my good luck charm, gotta keep you around every time I play this game - or any game really,” he laughed. 
“Aww, I’m your little good luck charm, that’s so cute,” you replied. 
“Can y’all just go have sex already? There’s so much sexual tension here I can cut it with a knife,” Eddie’s friend, Ronnie, admitted. 
“Hey, sometimes you just shouldn’t talk, K?” Eddie said in a joking voice, “Don’t listen to him,” Eddie told you. 
In your mind, you wouldn’t mind doing... anything with Eddie.
The rest of the night, you did your best to be more “touchy feely” with Eddie, dancing super close to him, always touching his arm, but you weren’t sure if he was catching on. 
You felt as if you gave him many clues to just kiss you already, but he wasn’t taking the hint. Either he’s honestly not thinking about it or he just sees you as a friend. 
As the party died down, Eddie and you met your friends out by the pool. Nancy and Robin were hanging out in the water while Steve smoked a cigarette on the pool chair. 
Eddie went to grab one from him and sat down next to him, he ever rarely swam. 
You weren’t missing out on getting some pool time in. You turned around to look at him to be sure he was looking at you before you grabbed the hem of your shirt and took it off your body. Next, it was your pants. You shimmied off your shorts and dove into the water. 
It was freezing. 
You shivered as you swam over to the other side of the pool where Nancy and Robin were having a conversation. 
“Hey, how’s it going with operation ‘get Eddie to fall in love with you’?,” Robin asked. 
“Terrible,” you sighed, “Guys, I think he only wants to be friends. I have him several chances to make a move and he just... hasn’t.” 
Robin looked at Nancy, they had an idea that you were unsure of. 
“Why don’t you two have some time out here alone then? I’ll grab Steve and make Eddie stay out here with you so you know... you don’t drown or anything,” Nancy said. 
You nodded and watched them swim to the other side of the pool and hop out, grabbing Steve and heading inside. 
Eddie watched them leave, but ultimately chose to stay outside with you. 
You swam to the middle of the pool and kept your eyes on him. 
“That was so weird that they left us out here like two minutes after we just got out here,” Eddie chuckled, watching you swim around. 
You shrugged your shoulders, “Maybe they all got cold.” 
“It’s like 85 degrees out at 1am!” 
“Well if you think it’s so hot, why don’t you come in and swim with me,” you asked. 
“I’m not the type of guy to go swimming, you know that.” 
“I know it’s just... I’m kinda lonely in here.” 
“Then get out and come sit up here with me.” 
“Are you sure you don’t wanna come in?” 
An idea popped into your head, it was a bit forward, but you had nothing else left to try. 
You pulled your bathing suit top strings apart, leaving you topless in the pool and threw it at Eddie and he caught it right away. 
“Do you wanna come in now?” 
He instantly got up from the chair and threw off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. 
You giggled as he splashed you from the cannonball he did. He swam up to you and took you into his arms. 
You instantly wrapped your legs around his him. 
He looked down at your breasts with wide eyes. 
“Can you kiss me already?,” you asked, but begging inside your head. 
He looked at you, then at your aching lips and leaned in. 
He tasted better than you thought and he was a marvelous kisser, my God, what have you been missing? 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. His tongue swiped along your bottom lip desperately wanting to stick it in your mouth. 
You opened it a bit more and felt his tongue exploring your mouth. 
Moments later, he detached his lips from yours.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since... forever.” 
“Well, god damnit, you should have done it sooner,” you laughed. 
Eddie backed you up to the wall of the pool while kissing your neck. My God, it felt so good, you knew that boy would be a good kisser. In the water, you tried your best to grind up against his groin, but it was a bit tough. 
Once you opened your eyes, you spotted your friends in the window cheering you on and making obscene gestures. You shooed them away and let out a squeal once Eddie bit down on your neck. 
You leaned your head to the left more to give him more space to attack your neck with kisses and hickeys — something you would definitely need to cover up with foundation in the morning. 
As much as you had fun humping your best friend, you were in need of more. You needed to feel him skin to skin.
“Can we take this somewhere private,” you reached for his cheeks for him to look at you. 
“I thought you’d never ask. Can’t fuck you in a pool now can I?” 
Your eyebrows widened, “I mean you could but that be kinda gross since it is King Steve’s,” you joked. 
He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the pool. You quickly grabbed your bathing suit top and asked Eddie to tie it in the back for you. 
He wrapped a towel around his lower half so his friends wouldn’t see the aching boner he had. 
The cool air hit you as you opened the patio door. Steve, Robin and Nancy were all hanging out watching a horror movie. In unison, they all turned to you, who was sort of hiding behind Eddie. 
“Mind if we use your guest bedroom tonight?” 
“Go right ahead,” Steve said, “Just wash the sheets tomorrow!” 
You followed Eddie up the stairs, memorizing every birth mark and mole on his back. God, he was perfect. 
He opened the door to the guest room and shut it behind you. Before another thought could enter your mind, he pressed you up against the door, giving you passionate kisses on your lips. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist then moving them down to grab the flesh of your ass, patting slightly, encouraging you to jump and straddle his hips. 
He carried you over to the bed and plopped you down on the soft grey duvet. He laid down between your legs and continued his assault on your neck.
You were very vocal when it came to sex — whenever you had it — because you loved letting your partner know that what they were doing felt good. 
You ripped the beach towel he had on and shimmied his swim trunks down so his cock sprang free against your stomach. 
Instantly, you put your hand around his shaft and began teasing him but moving your hand up and down.
“Oh god, baby, yes,” he said into your neck, “Always been thinking how your hand would feel around my dick. Just as I imagined — perfect.” 
You quickly reached your hand up to spit into it to use as lubricant. Once he (and you) were ready, you moved your swim bottoms to the side and gently guided him into you. 
At first, it stung like a bitch. It’s been a while since you last hooked up with someone so you were a bit tight — didn’t seem to bother Eddie as he was a moaning mess as he brought his lips back to yours. 
He followed your moves as he continued to plunge inside you. You took it easy as Eddie had a big cock, but once he was fully in and you adjusted to his size, you begged for movement. 
He leaned on his forearm to take a good look at his cock disappearing inside you, only making him closer and closer to his climax. 
You opened your mouth to let out a moan as the two of you looked at each other while he fucked you. 
Every second, the tip of his cock hit that certain sweet spot only guiding you more and more to your own orgasm. 
“Yes, Eddie. Deeper,” you breathed, gripping tightly on his semi-wet hair. 
You moved your hands down to his bare ass to feel the movements of his thrusts. 
Each time his tip would reach your cervix, you saw stars. Oh my god it was like heaven. 
His hand snaked down your center to toy with your clit aiming to make you come before him — and it worked. 
Your legs squeezed tightly around his hips as you let the sensation of your pleasure take over your body. 
Curse words and moans left your mouth as he took himself out to unload himself over your stomach. 
Once he was finished, he collapsed on the bed next to you. Your immediate reaction was to cuddle up to his warmth, tangling your legs together. His finger traced lightly on your shoulder. 
You looked up at your best friend to his eyes already on you. He gave you a light smile as the sex tired him out. 
“Can we finally get together now?” 
“I’m all yours, babe.” 
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fandomwritingbit · 1 year
(bf's dad) william afton x (fem)reader pt.2!
WARNING: swearing/blasphemy. smut. oral sex (male) vaginal sex, age-gap, inappropriate relationship, guilt. sort of exhibitionism, sort of. 
NOTES: afab reader. After hiding her "session" her besie mate's Michael's dad, reader avoids them both for a couple of weeks. But Mr Afton catches her off guard in a shop shit goes down... Cameo from big tescos and another character crops up a bit later on too. 
Pt.1 here
It had been easy to move on from your night at Afton's...in practicality. You'd been able to physically leave William Afton at the door. After cleaning yourself up, post the mind-blowing sex, you'd look Mr Afton in his eyes and implored him to never mention this to Michael. He'd scoffed telling you that you'd needn't worry, his tenuous relationship with his son wouldn't be improved by bragging to him that he'd fucked you stupid against the side table in the living room. Still though, you'd promised yourself that you wouldn't engage in this inappropriate shagging again, even if the thought of his solid frame pinning you against the wall made your mouth fucking water.
And you'd stuck to it, of course not going over to Michael's again, shit not even speaking to Michael really. He'd come up to you at Uni the following day and the second his dark eyes locked on to yours - so like his father's - you were filled with guilt and the image of Mr Afton. And the worst part, you sort of enjoyed it. God, he'd asked you why you looked so tired that day, you nearly laughed: "Well mate, I'm knackered because last night when I came over to see you, your dad gave me the best fucking I’ve ever had and I stayed up all night reliving it over and over again.” Of course you didn’t really say that, you’d thought it though, so you’re pretty horrid. In reality, you’d quickly made up some excuse about staying up late doing your coursework and got the fuck out of dodge, avoiding your friend’s eye line all week. Then the week after.  And then today.
It was Tuesday evening, not that it mattered really, you were so run off with your feet with pissing work to do you weren’t really counting days: truth be told you’d almost put the whole situation out of your head. 
You’d think your local big Tesco would be quiet on a Tuesday night, but of course it wasn’t, there are fuckers everywhere, stocking up on alcohol most likely, you want to yourself but no, your budget certainly isn’t allowing that. You make your purchases as fast as the bloody queues will let you and head for the door. 
Stuck in your head as you’re leaving, you hear a crisp whistle - the kind that says ‘yoo-hoo’ as opposed to the wolf variety - and you turn, ready to tell some teenager to swivel. But no. Of course. OF FECKING COURSE. At the end of the aisle you see a chuckling Mr Afton slip just out of sight. The reminder that he existed and wasn’t just something you’d wank to, nearly made you double-take, you were close to just walking out and pretending you hadn’t seen him, but the man obligated you to approach when he re-emerged beckoning you over with a mouthed “Away, y/n.” So you went over, wrapped in a lovely blanket of nervousness.
Rounding the corner of the aisle to where he stood, you didn’t stop yourself from looking him up and down, yeah, he was still a good-looking bastard. You weren’t a jittery sort of person really, yet this man threw you so much on the back foot you couldn’t find anywhere to look. 
“I know it’s cliché: but fancy seeing you here.” He rested his elbows on the front bar of his trolley, bringing himself to your eye level, you’d forgotten what an impossibly tall fella he was. 6′6 at least, crazy in comparison to you or indeed anyone.
You weren’t exactly sure how to respond to him, eventually settling on:
“Yeah, believe me I did not expect to run into you.” You were smiling as you spoke, partially at your own embarrassment and at the stupidness of the situation - this is exactly the sort of thing that would happen to you, the universe must really have a grudge at your expense. He laughed at your curt response, the heat of your cheeks exposing your discomfort at this encounter.
“Charming. Am I really that bad? As far as I’m aware, we left on good terms.” He was teasing you, shaking his head as he spoke mockingly.
“We really did, sorry I’m just-” Just be fucking normal, you internally berate yourself, this really isn’t that shocking. “I don’t know... surprised to see you.”
He nodded, bringing the back of his thumb to his mouth as he considered your statement. There was something about silence when stood with this man that you couldn’t stand, it gave you time to think about last time: about his hands pulling you across that table by your ankles, the feel of his chest against your head as he pounded into you, good God. 
“I get that, sweetheart. Jesus, I hardly believe you’re real.” He laughed briefly before continuing, “When Michael talks about you now, I have to remind myself to behave.” The mention of Mike’s name made your eyes widen, you were lost in the effect Mr Afton had on you, it almost physically hurt to be slammed back into reality like that.
“Yeah, I can’t even look at him at the moment... He does this thing with his head as he listens to someone talking, like tilts it to the side. And you do exactly the same thing.” You looked down as you said the last part, unable to hide the slight smirk grazing your lips; seemingly knowing what you were referring to, he grinned. 
“That’s why you’ve been avoiding him then?” Yeah, mate, that really isn't the half of why you've been staying away from Mike. “He’s been complaining after you all week... to be honest I think he’s got a little crush on you.” Eyeing you up as he spoke, he watched you rub your arm in awkwardness, bloody hell you were a sweet sight to see. 
“I feel bad.” You somewhat explain, hands rising into a shrug. He moved closer to you slowly, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was about in the aisle behind the two of you, running his tongue between his lips before he spoke.
“Well...” he leaned down close to you and you gulped, the invasion of your personal space should have been unwelcomed, but it really wasn’t. Quite the opposite, you pressed your thighs together, the smell of him arousing you more than it should be possible. 
He continued; his voice low “Do you feel guilty ‘cos you did something wrong? Or because you enjoyed it?” You laughed, almost in disbelief that he said that and that when he did you felt butterflies like an idiot. Squaring up to him nearly, you kept your eyes anywhere but his as you replied shortly.
“Both. But also because I’d do again.” He was very bloody close to you now, unable to help himself once you’d said that. He felt his cock twitch against the fabric of his trousers, the idea of fucking you again driving him near crazy.
“Oh. Would you now?” His breath stroking the side of your neck as he talked. 
An old woman walking past the two of you towards the cereal aisle, reminded him of where he was and what he was doing: flirting hard with a lass half his age in a fucking Tesco, poor Ethel didn’t need to see this. He moved away from you and for a brief moment you forgot how to stand up on your own.
 Checking the time on his watch, he smiled to himself. “Did you walk here?” He asked innocently enough, somewhere subconsciously you must have been able to tell where this was going, but it hadn’t been brought into the light yet.
“Yeah. I don’t live far away.” Your eyebrows narrowed as you answered, the important part of your brain not up to speed or grasping the relevance of this question.
“It's late, I’m giving you a lift.” It was a statement not a question and you giggled at his blatant excuse to get you alone.
“Do I have a choice?” “Nah. it’s dark out. I think.” he said smirking, craning his neck to try and see over the aisle divides to a window. 
“They’re tinted windows, mate.” You laughed into the back of your hand. He nodded his head pulling a face that said, ‘yup I realise that...now’. 
“Alright.” he grinned, voice reeking of mock offence. “And how was I supposed to know that, you minx?” You shrugged, still grinning at him. “Anyway, my point stands.” 
“Isn’t this the same thing you did last time? Using my safety as a ploy to keep me around?” you enquired, doing your best to try and wind him up. It looked like it was working but in fact your cheekiness just made him want to pursue you more - he had exactly the same issue last time. 
“Yeah, and you bit then too.” He winked at you, before beginning to push his trolley out of the aisle. You shook your head, hating that it was this easy for him to make you want to follow him. For fuck’s sake you barely knew him! This was something they warned you about as a kid, really not a good idea to get in strange men’s cars, especially when they evidently have an ulterior motive: and yet you were still going to, weren’t you.
When he was done checking out, he met you at the door to the shop with his bag. And you follow him like a lamb to his car. It was dark and he smirked at you smugly, a mouthed “I told ya '' on his lips made you giggle as you got in his front seat. He joined you, seconds later, and that familiar feeling of nervousness crept up your spine as you were in the confined space with him. 
“Well, lovely. Where am I taking you?” He watched your face for reaction and you froze a bit, deer in headlights and all that.
“I should say: nowhere. And get out your car...” you think out loud, sitting up in your seat a bit, mock motioning to the door handle, which prompted him to press the lock button on the driver's side, rather dramatically, he just grinned, not even moving his gaze from you. Man, he’s something else, you think to yourself. Just blinking in response before you turned fully towards him in the seat, giggling mischievously.
“You’re kidnapping me?” you state, raising your eyebrows in feigned disapproval.
“I wouldn’t say that. It's more...” he paused thinking, half a smile on his face. “Smuggling. I’m not kidnapping you, just moving you from one place to another.” He ran a hand over the top of his head, chuckling, you really always had something to say. “
Ah that makes it okay then.” you say sarcastically, snickering at the look on his face. “But... stupidly I might ask if I can come to yours.” Your own audacity was really surprising you, not long-ago sharing floor with this man made you unable to string together a sentence; here you are now, a hair trigger away from saying ‘Oh aye mate, I’m after going to yours on the hope that you’ll shag the life out of me again.’ 
He didn’t say anything to you, just sniggered as he turned on his car and began making an exit. He’d really hoped that that would be your answer, God, he’d been banking on having you again, in truth there was a lot more he wanted to do to you, and he’d been thinking about it non-stop for the past fortnight.
The journey back to the Afton residence really wasn’t very long, only about 15 minutes due to the lack of traffic, the roads deader than that poor old Ethel in Tesco. As you began to recognise the familiar turn of the road, the stupid flitting butterflies came back; unlike last time this was a deliberate choice with the activity about to transpire on the table, in consequence you were practically buzzing with nerves just thinking about it. 
The time in between stopping the car, taking the keys and unlocking the door, and Mr Afton cornering you in his bedroom passed in a blur, maybe it was the nerves, more likely though the arousal. Let’s face it, all your cards were known and neither of you could wait much longer. 
You had so many comments to say about how boring his bedroom was, honestly it was like a showroom, no personality just bed, tv, drawers. It was very fucking clean too, you had a joke banging around in your head about his last encounter ending in a professional deep clean, but before you could demonstrate your comedic genius, your back was against the wall and his tongue was down your throat. You couldn't complain though, nor did you want to. 
There was just something about how he kissed you that knocked the air from your lungs and filled your pretty little head with cotton wool; it was embarrassing really and part of you sort of hated him for being able to do that. So, in true stubbornness you elect that this time the bastard’s not bettering you. Pulling yourself away from him, he grunts slightly at the lack of contact, his arousal evident in front of you.
“Where do you think you're going?” His voice thick with restraint, it was taking a lot for him not to grab you right now. But there was something about the mischievous glint in your eye that made him hold on - at least for now. 
“I hardly got to have a look last time. I’m doing it now.” you state, the ability to be clever gone. It was true, in your rush during your last meeting, you’d been too focused on yourself to get a proper gander at the bloke before you and there’s no time like the present. 
Though your face felt hotter than the sun, you find the courage to start undressing him, unable to glance at the snug expression leering down at you. 
“You just broke your own fucking clothes rule.” You couldn’t help but laugh, his voice was a bit too serious given what he was saying, but you suppose that’s understandable when you have what he’s thinking with in your hands. Moving to continue, he catches your arm. Clearly, he wasn’t joking about the rule because his hands are cold against your flesh, sliding under the fabric of your shirt, close enough to your waistband that your legs quiver slightly. Hooking the shirt, he pulls it from you, grinning at how your bravado had faltered a fair bit already and he hadn’t even done anything yet.
“Satisfied?” You ask, the grin on your face not nearly as brave as you wanted it. The way he was looking at your chest told you the answer already, he looked hungry, and the only thought bouncing around his brain was how crazy you were driving him.
Not letting him distract you too much, you slide your hands down his torso, eventually landing at his belt, which you soon pull free. With a hum of slight amusement from above you.
“God, you’re driving me fucking mental.” He half-moaned, breaking into a slight chuckle at the sight of you, it was disbelief. Honestly, he’d only popped out for some shopping.
Perhaps you’re enjoying playing with him a bit too much because before you can even get to your knees to take this ‘exploration’ further, you can feel your knickers clinging to your slick. You hadn’t even really seen it last time, he was big, almost intimidating, and for a moment you kneel looking at him, before slowly taking hold of his cock, smirking as you dare to look at his face.
Continuing with your agenda, you take the tip of his cock in your mouth and run your tongue over it, now able to taste the precum already there. The thought of him aroused just from seeing you at the shop made a pang of want chime through you.
As you became more confident with it, taking more of him, a firm hand grabbed hold of your hair - not guiding your movement exactly, but grounding himself. You weren’t able to take all of him, but you didn’t need to, your focus on his tip and simultaneous stroking with your hands was more than enough. 
The groaning above you almost made you want to smile in a kind of dirty victory, but you keep focused on your task. You were a bit too good at this and not wanting to... ‘over-exert himself’ too soon, he pulls your head away, quickly bringing you to your feet.
“Did I offend?” you ask as he turns you from him, biting kisses down your back whilst experienced hands pull your clothes from you. It didn’t pass you by that doing so was somewhat considerate, the marks he was leaving wouldn’t be seen by anyone else, they were personal. 
“Fuck, no.” he answered finally, through a smirk. He’d stripped you so fast it could have been a magic act and now you stood, naked, save for your panties. His fingers plied under the fabric and began toying with your abundance of wetness. God, you were fucking precious, your little mewls as he played with your clit, making his cock ache. Stiffening, as he changes the patterns he draws on your bundle of nerves, you feel the pressure of your high building, he was much too good at that. Pressing his fingers into your pussy from behind, your back arches involuntarily, the mix of his digits pulling slowly in and out of you and the mean biting kiss he burned into your hip was insane. 
And before long you were so desperate that you pulled away from him with the intention of enticing him to you. But you didn’t have to, he grabbed you and turned you to face him, so quick that you giggled in his rush. 
Letting him push you back onto the bed, you can’t manage to shift a stupid smile off your face.
“God, you’re fucking precious, you.” 
You’re laying on your back and he kneels between your legs, not wanting to mess around any longer. The sight of your wet little cunt was too damn tempting and slowly stroking himself he rubs the tip of his cock between your folds, spreading your slick and laying a blanket of anticipation at the pit of your stomach.
So many dirty words were on his lips but before he could say any of them the clear sound of the front door slamming made both your heads turn. You look at him with half a grin and look back to the door to hear the sound of heavy feet clumping up the stairs: Michael was home. 
Of course he fucking was, now of all times. Not 5 minutes earlier, not 5 minutes later, now. As his dad was teasing the dripping entrance of his best friend’s needy pussy. Both breathing heavily and fuming with his arrival.
You see the older man fold his lips between his teeth, an expression of unbelieving annoyance beginning to form. But you wanted it too much, and the idea of your mate being in his room was not enough to stop you raising your hips to feel William’s cock pressing against your hole. 
A voice above you, makes you look up. “You don’t care that Michael’s home?” he teases, letting you continue rubbing against the length of his cock, having to battle with the urge to shove into you, as he knew just how thin the walls were in this shit house.
You laugh a little, “I’ll be quiet...” you try, voice as sweet as the arousal between your legs. A sudden hand grips your hips, pulling you up with ease, the tip of his dick pressing just inside you, enough to make you gasp. 
“Not if I’m doing a good job, you won’t.” He laughs, thrusting halfway inside you, making you yelp in surprise, a hand flying to your own lips. “See?” He continues chuckling, but the feeling of your walls tight gripped around him, broke him down enough to thrust shallowly inside you. His hands holding your hips to keep you still whilst he did so, the image of your lip between your teeth testing his patience.
From in his adjacent bedroom, Michael’s head piques in doubt at what he was hearing, but the realisation of the low grunts of his father mixed with a steady whimper of a lass, made his jaw drop slightly in disgust and disbelief. He turns his tv up, trying to distract himself, shaking his head.  
“I-I don’t... he won’t know it’s me...” You begin, your persuasion interrupted by the moans he plucked from your lips. “He’ll think you’ve got some random lady in here.” And that was enough for him.
He pressed himself fully inside you, setting a slow but tantalising pace, his cock deep and brushing that fucking amazing spot inside you, that made you whine.
You’re so close already, all his teasing had paid off, and you find yourself gripping at his forearms, eager to taste your climax. Your fluttering walls give you away and the man above you smirks as he presses his thumb to your clit, circling it, slamming you into orgasm sharpish. 
“Fuckin-” you start, lost in the pleasure that coursed through your veins. You felt so fucking tight around him like that, pulsing sporadically around his cock, fucking bliss. He groans, dragging your body forward, his hips rutting against yours, fucking you through your orgasm. Near addicted to it, he pulls you so far, your lower body completely off the bed, useless to do anything but accept the pace you were given which had become rough. The sound of the two of you was accompanied by skin slapping hard against skin, the lewd noise of your cunt taking what he gave you topping it all off. You were so fucked up already and couldn’t give less of a shit at that moment, only clawing at what parts of the man you could reach. 
From across the room your phone buzzes unnoticed. Messages from Michael, relaying the events that you already, but shouldn’t have known. ‘Can’t fucking believe it’ - ‘my dad’s got some lass over and I can hear everything 😭’
God, you wanted to fucking cum again, rolling your hips to meet William's thrusts, trying his restraint. You were like a vice around him and the moaning was taking him over the edge. As much as it pained him, he pulled himself from you, grinning at your almost instant,
“What are you-” 
He takes hold of you, picking you up from the bed and dragging you across the room, slamming your desperate body against a wall, your back to him. For a moment you’re confused, not exactly complaining, but confused. 
“If he can hear it... he might as well hear it all.” he grunts into the back of your head. You’re about to protest this, but it's lost in your head when he presses back into you rough, fucking you dumb from behind. Everything else was gone, except the want to feel this man cum inside you. You were close yourself and the laboured groan against your skin, pushed you closer to your edge. His pace was hard, but becoming more erratic and greedy against you, the thump of his chasing clear as day on the other side of the wall. 
“Fuck, I’m going to-” You didn’t really need to hear the rest, cutting him off with an eager plea for him to cum inside you. He presses you flush against the wall and you smash into your climax as he hits you just right, your flexing grip triggering his own. His pace stammers as he cums, each movement accented with a near animalistic grunt. Your eyes were wide at the feeling of his release inside you and beginning to trickle down the back of your leg.
He holds you there for a moment, before slowly pulling out, wanting to see just how pretty you looked with him dripping out of you. Turning to face him, you smirk, your face hot. 
Seeing him looking at you thoughtfully, your brow raises, 
“We’re not done.”
God, long one there! 
PS: sorry Michael, even I feel kinda bad about that lmao. 
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Round 1, Group A: Matchup 7
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Haruka Nanase vs Tracey Sketchit
Reasons for being generic + Propaganda below
Haruka Nanase
Haru has The generic anime boy cut with black hair and blue eyes. He hardly ever talks. All my boy wants to do is swim and be homosexual with his pals (but in a cool way). He is the Main Character of course. Hardly ever makes a facial expression that isn’t straight boredom. If I drew him you wouldn’t be able to tell him from any other black hair anime boy if it weren’t for his jammers and swim club jacket tbh
I feel like if you drew him in the style of Mazm: Pechka he'd just end up looking like Pyotr tbh
I love him your honor. Free! shaped me fundamentally
Tracey Sketchit
He has a very "just some guy" vibe, spending most of his time as a background character quietly observing after his 30ish episodes as a main character. Former head writer Takeshi Shudo himself once said on his blog that he thought Tracey didn't have a strong enough personality. Appearance-wise, Tracey has dark hair and brown eyes and doesn't stand out all that much.
He is literally *just* a guy. The best guy, but just a guy. A little dude, little fella. The guy ever.
Tracey is an incredibly sweet respectful king who got sidelined by the anime. It’s so sad because he loves drawing and research and pokemon, but he barely got any screentime 😔 I think he’s a wholesome fun character and he deserves more love!! 
Despite the fact that large swathes of the fandom either give him flak for being "boring" or completely forget about his existence, to the point that people also meme about his forgotten-ness, he has persisted. He went 17 years without a single line of dialogue due to his expensive seiyuu and then finally got to speak again in the final episode of Ash's story. He has 12 fans but we are dedicated and we are proud and we adore this sweet boy.
Tracey is king. Respects women, stays in his lane, draws pokemon. What’s not to love???
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