#dyadracide soul
thewandererh · 26 days
⚠️🩸TW // NOOSE-INSPIRED LONG ROPE NECK (little nightmares 2 teacher type beat), BLOOD, NECK-IN-GUT IDEA, big teeth?? misaligned eyes??, trident thROUgh his head and bEtWeen his brains💥
before i do more jashling fanart, have a Dyadracide (one of my first real Soul designs after knowing cj for a year) dump :]! picking my favorites from a whiteboardfox canvas that i’ve been drawing nonstop for a few hours in every day. might share the other unchosen doodles later but have these for now.
ordered chronologically :]!!! drew a lot more than this but have the silly trident head guy for now
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been learning how to render liquid cartoonilly-realistically, and it’s been fun! figuring out layering and stuff. learning on my own :]! i’m not weird about liquid i just love rendering it <3,, speaking of rendering; i’ve definitely gotten better at rendering him, but am tryna squeeze in a simpler sketchy style to draw faster. the layers are fun but they take a while <\3
ok this might be a little weird but to keep the blood out of his throat his voice is a little breathy sometimes (hence the excessive ‘h’s. its fun to write them lmao). breathy autotune 😭
alsO the stitches on his hoodie elbows are from his ability to detach his forearms, and they stay connected to him with the same rope his neck is made of. his anatomy is questionable but long neck = less gut (its stored inside him). lots of huggable ability ❤️. HES SUCH A DAD. it’s like beer gut but not,,AND because those arms are connected to his gut, if you like…lean into him too hard or whatever his hands twitch. playfully pumch him and his hands shudder. silly guy. i know its definitely an interesting way to interpret soul but i like him like this :]
ok bye 💥💥
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thewandererh · 26 days
I think I have a type 😳
@calamarispider (ran no have @ :[)
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(behold, the beginning of a however-long-spanning jashling gift bomb. this one is of a few specific round headed jashling fellows i adore with all my heart 😭. you can see where Dyadracide’s inspiration came from <33)
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thewandererh · 1 month
💜💙❤️finally designing some jashlings for myself…after a full year of knowing chonny… 👀💦
i have pages of designs for the three that i doodled in my school sketchbook, and honestly i can’t pick one so i’m using ✨all of them✨. switching em out yknow?? maybe i accidentally created a bunch of aus instead of characters(??) because they all have loops that happen in different ways, or maybe they *are* the same but in different loops—the chonny paradox. anyways uhm some fellas to mention: nerd mind, merve (<3), deltarune soul, roe, toy-style soul, tadc mind (half an accident), a rabid heart, simon mind, an extremley nonbinary soul…heart with heart-eye glasses but then disruptivevoid reblogged someone’s cute render of the same idea— (honestly, lmao)
the gangs all here !!
but anyways I want to show off one design of soul in particular that has become an extremely fast favorite between me and my fellow rain-jash friend Sluggx!! it’s kinda gorey so i don’t know how to censor it :[, but the image is small so scroll past if the warnings above irk you. but uh. say hi to Dyadracide—a word i coined that means “to kill the duo”
me and my friend sluggx are going FERAL for him,,
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ft roe and corona 🔱👑☀️
had the idea of designing a buttload of minds a bit ago, then recently this week i decided the same for soul. doodled him at school, then showed him to my friend via whiteboardfox :]. i draw Dyadra semi different now than there, but all his design is the same. rope neck that coils up inside his body when not in use, oversized pointy teeth (went monochromatik style with human teeth originally but nah), frizzly uhkempt hair, and a trident through his head. he’s always bleeding from the roof of his mouth, whether the trident is retracted into his skull or not. i love him so much😭💛. he has a full body and even a cute little gut but that’s kept for later for now. consider this a teaser of my inner workings :monk_devious:
ive been drawing him *SOOo* muchhh aaugha…can’t wait to show you when i can :]. building a batch of art for a tumblr post that i’ll dump later today maybe. get ready for some fun and gore galore~ (its not too gorey, just the trident-through-head-hes-always-choking-on-his-own-blood concept in full force. yummy ideas have to be explored huhu)
and off i go to have a late brunch. i always write these when i have something else to do lmao. *bites into omelette*
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thewandererh · 4 days
@if-you-heart @if-you-mind @if-you-soul
told heart this but i drew fanart of ya’ll’s sweet angular soul guy :]! i couldn’t not…look at his dumb face…..🥺
i have two versions because the lighting experiment came out ok-ish. t was originally blue (because it was coming from the left side lmao) but red looks better 🤷
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it’s a little simple and the composition is messy, but it was a good stress relief + shading practice :D! im proud of it. i’ll definitely draw him (and the gang) more though if i can!! been getting better with hair recently and tested out my skills with this one :]. styling and keeping consistent with hair is tough, but oddly relaxing. did some lineart in the car somehow 👀??
he looks like such a,,,bro i can’t….. i love how stupidly spindly he is
i was attached to this stupid lanky fictional(???) man the *moment* i saw this post. absolutely bonkers. i was so charmed by this concept i shared it to all of my friends you don’t understandjshdkdhdgsgd /silly /but yeah i did do that XD
also you fazgang have been reblogging and liking my stuff 🐥 <- looks up at you like this chick
for you onlookers have some more posts by the fazgang (what the if-you-hms-gang call themselves) to gaze upon. you will not regret,,
i’ve noticed a trend that i often tend to write big paragraphs about a simple piece of art i’ve made, which is okay but i get the lack of interaction lol. im very proud of my art, and go on rambles on why i like it. the formatting i turn to aswell as the text and images almost turns the post into a collage? visually?? i love collages so it works out XD! but anyways,, im not upset over notes, i just like getting my art out there. so thank you to everyone whose viewed, read, liked, and followed for the ride :]. im glad you appreciate my stuff, it’s what i can offer <3. it won’t be consistently one fandom but im glad to not be alone in my interests. good god that sounded like a traumatized rant (maybe it was but:)
TLDR: check out if-you-heart/mind/soul :]! they are very cool and nice💛
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