#i have several things in my life that give me that thankfully but the point remains
giantkillerjack · 2 years
I... have deep-fried... my nervous system. I have overdone it today and thus I have done myself a hurt. I am a small zombie of a man. And also I am not a man. I am very very cute and also braincell supplies are running alarmingly low. I have many unread messages. I have autism. I have 6,000 thoughts on Arnold Judas Rimmer and his Longterm Hetero Roommate-ship with Dave Lister.
I am 7/8ths of the way to completely comatose and what remains of my brain is still like "do not worry my dude i will continue to produce images of the old space men kissing.
"I know it feels like the flu wrapped a lemon around a sledgehammer and then artfully rearranged your skull with it but so long as there is a single ounce of life left in this body then by God there will be gay thoughts about chicken soup machine repair man David Lister."
and what I'm saying is I don't understand how the emergency power reserve system ended up this way but I think it is also keeping me sane in Deep Space
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the-boy-meets-evil · 1 month
not according to plan | hjs (teaser)
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summary: your ex-fiance is getting married and everyone you know is going to be there. when he calls to ask if you're coming, you accidentally mention a boyfriend. which would be fine, if you weren't very single. thankfully your best friend comes through with the perfect solution when he sets you up with a friend of his.
pairing: joshua x f.reader genre: fake dating, strangers to ?? | fluff, slight angst, smut rating: explicit (in the full fic), minors DNI word count: ~1.1k in this teaser (full fic ~22k) notes: johnny suh as the ex (sorry!), also includes other idols not in seventeen solely as face claims, there's a heavy focus on the fake dating, mentions of food & drink, warnings to be added to the final fic fic post date: friday, april 26th (full fic here)
a/n: i started this legit months ago as kind of a joke, talking about it with @shuadotcom but it's finally done (and a lot longer than i anticipated).
thank you to: @wonwussy & @kwanisms who read over this for me (too long ago), and to @cheolism @wooahaeproductions @hannieween, & sj for all the brainstorming help along the way. tagging: @aaniag @gyuminusone @crepecakeu
if you'd like to be tagged in this fic (or any of my fics), comment, click here for my tag list, or send an ask 💕
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You still think this is a terrible idea, yet agree to meet Jeonghan’s friend, Joshua, anyway. Apparently, he’s somewhat new to the area, doesn’t know many people, and is incredibly easy to be around. There’s no mention of why Jeonghan thinks he might be willing to pretend to be your boyfriend. A part of you wonders if your friend even told him, but he’s not that cruel. So, whatever the case, Joshua must at least have some idea of what he’s walking into. 
Several days pass between the nightmare of a call from Johnny and you actually meeting Joshua, which only adds to your anxiety about whether or not this is going to work. Johnny is asking for a name for the seating chart and for dinner selections. Your mom wants to know when they’ll be able to meet this new boyfriend before the wedding (because “meeting him for the first time at a wedding is gauche” and we wouldn’t want that). Your sister is convinced that he doesn’t actually exist since you haven’t posted him on social media. That you can at least answer to say that not everyone posts their entire life online like she does. It doesn’t seem to allay her suspicions, though. 
Then, there’s the fact that you’re actually meeting Joshua for the first time at dinner. All you wanted was to go for coffee, yet he insisted. You couldn’t exactly press the point. Not when you’re planning to ask this stranger to pretend to date you just so that you can avoid the embarrassment at your ex’s wedding. On top of that, because Jeonghan really is a demon at his core, you don’t know what Joshua looks like. Don’t know who to look for. Which leads to you doing the only sensible thing and showing up 5 minutes late for dinner, hoping that he’ll already be at the table when you get there.
It works.
When you give the reservation name at the host stand, you’re immediately led back to a table. Without even thinking about it, you smooth your hands down the front of your dress, looking for a small amount of comfort in this situation. It’s not even that you struggle around new people, this is just…well, it’s a lot. It’s out of anyone’s comfort zone. Whatever you’re expecting, it’s not the man sitting at the table the host leads you to. He nearly stops you in your tracks. 
His black hair is perfectly styled down to the pieces on one side that come down over his forehead. The black dress shirt he wears is open at least one button too many, but he makes the exposed chest look work in a way models would envy. Even though his pants are black as well, he makes it look classic and effortless, rather than too dark. That’s all without even acknowledging the soft smile on his face. This man would break a thousand hearts without even saying a damn word. While you’re appreciating him, you miss the way his eyes rake over you appreciatively. Miss the way his eyes trace your curves and the way the dress clings to you. 
In one fluid motion, he’s standing up to greet you, a gentle kiss placed on your cheek. Is it weird if your knees are a little weak? Well, even if it is, there’s nothing you can do. You’re completely captivated. 
“You must be Joshua,” you say. Brilliant, you think. That’s obvious.
“It’s nice to meet you. Jeonghan had nothing but good things to say,” he answers with another smile as he pulls your seat out for you. 
“I feel like he hardly told me about you,” you respond. Joshua raises a perfect eyebrow at that.
“Then why did you agree to go out with me?” Joshua asks. 
“Go out with…is this a date?” The question comes tumbling out. 
Joshua’s eyes widen in genuine confusion. “Is it not?” 
“What, exactly, did Jeonghan say to you?” 
A lot and nothing at all, it turns out. Joshua tells you about how he’s somewhat new to the area, which you knew. About how he met Jeonghan through work, kind of. They work in the same building doing very different things and happened to run into each other getting coffee a handful of times before Jeonghan introduced himself. The two had hung out several times, something Jeonghan had not really mentioned, and gotten to know each other over drinks more than once. The very first time, Jeonghan had mentioned you and Joshua admits immediately being intrigued without pressing for more information. 
In any case, Jeonghan talked about you pretty freely, a fact that’s hardly surprising. Before Joshua texted you, Jeonghan had mentioned, in what Joshua calls an offhand way, that you were sick of dating the same people. According to Joshua, through Jeonghan, you were looking to possibly be set up. (Read: Jeonghan thinks he’s crafty and isn’t going to come out and tell this man what you’re really looking for. Typical Jeonghan, honestly. You know that “offhand comment” was anything but. And you had the audacity to think Jeonghan would have to tell Joshua what he’s getting into. Rookie move.)
Now you’re in a bit of an awkward situation because this man is honestly gorgeous, one of the prettiest humans you’ve ever met. And, already, he seems like he might be sweet with a pretty good sense of humor. It’s just…well, you’re absolutely not looking for a relationship and this is the last person you want to get involved in your mess. Thankfully, you get a moment to catch your breath when someone comes by to take a drink order and suggest an appetizer. It’s just enough time for you to talk yourself into telling Joshua the real story.
To his credit, he only looks mildly surprised as you outline your whole situation, inform him that yes, Jeonghan does know all of this, and clarify why you didn’t actually realize it was a date. It’s hard to miss the way his eyes seem to sparkle a bit when you also admit that he’s absolutely stunning in a way that hurts your feelings. Easier to miss is the way his face barely falls when you say that you’re not actually looking for something right now. Interesting. 
“So that’s the whole thing and now that I’ve embarrassed myself in front of you, I’m sure you’ll understand if we never see each other after tonight,” you finish.
“How am I supposed to go to a wedding as your boyfriend in a matter of weeks if we don’t see each other after tonight?” Joshua wonders.
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let me know if you want to be tagged when i post the full fic next week 💕 (and what you think so far)
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mrsharrington83 · 2 months
Idiots in Love
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REQUESTED – My asks are open if you have a request ^_^
Summary; (For the sake of this fic, Steve and Nancy never happened) Steve and reader being dumb and having moments of being iconic together. Since everyone knows that Steve isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, maybe he just needs another person to be as dumb as him or maybe he just needs someone else to match him mentally.
Words; 3.4k
warnings; swearing, usual stranger things, things, slight mention of drug use, blood and injury. not proof read.
A/N; thank you for all the requests! I apologise for taking so long getting through them all. i cant write a 0.5k-1.0k fic for the life of me at the minute! Its 2am for me now, but i really wanted to get this out!
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Dustin said Steve was an idiot because he had too much hair on top of his head which left too much room for air. For you, Dustin said it was because you’d been around Steve for far too long.
Hawkins, Indiana, 1983.
School was a bore, you tried your hardest and whilst you did ace some classes, you also completely failed in others. Picking up extra tuition and getting help from anyone who would give it to you was a struggle. You didn’t like asking for help, it made you feel dumb, but more than that, it made you feel useless. Why did you struggle so much in certain classes and not in others?
You honestly thought it was from a fall you had as a child when you were learning how to ride a bike. Your father had stupidly taken off your stabiliser wheels and let you go on the hill of your childhood garden, right into a tree. Whilst you were fine overall, you did end up with a nasty bump on your head.
Not only were you not that smart academically, but you were also very accident-prone, which is how you met Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. You weren’t the most popular person in school, you had a small group of friends and that was enough for you. You didn’t want to be known by everyone. As you walked down the busy hall to your locker, hardly taking in your surroundings and paying attention, you slammed into someone’s back. Your extra tuition books and folders fell to the floor,
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going!” The person you slammed into turned around, Steve Harrington, one of the most popular, sought for guys in school looking down at you, “I- I” you stuttered and he smiled, placing his sunglasses on the top of his head, he always found your first meeting adorable, it was something the party had heard several times and not got bored of hearing it. The nervousness in your eyes, the way you pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. The way you bent down to get your books, just as he was doing the same. Your heads collided and bounced off each other, his glasses joining your books on the floor, thankfully not broken,
“Shit! Sorry!” It was Steve’s turn to apologise as he slipped his discarded glasses into his pocket and pulled all of your books and folders into his arms, standing quickly so as not to embarrass himself further, “are you okay?” you just laughed and nodded, taking the books from his arms as you thanked him. That was the start of yours twos budding romance.
Hawkins, Indiana, October, 1984
It was a constant source of amusement for the party, they couldn’t believe some of the stuff you and Steve came out with half the time and how you were both so in sync,
“Maybe if we set this on fire,” Mike stated as he looked toward all the drawings on the floor,
“Oh, yeah. That’s a no.” Steve bites back, shaking his head, throwing a tea towel over his shoulder as he leaned on one foot, hand on his hip,
“A double no at that,” you called back to scrambling kids who were already gathering supplies and pointing at drawings on the floor,
“The mind flayer would call away his army,”
“They’d all come to stop us,”
“We circle back to the exit,”
“Guys.” Steve interrupted the party as they carried on talking between themselves, rushing around, completely ignoring the two older people in the house,
“By the time they realise we’re gone-“
“El would be at the gate,”
“HEY, HEY, HEY, this is not happening!” You and Steve bellowed over the party as they stopped to look at the both of you, your arms falling around as Steve grabbed the tea towel from his shoulder, whipping the air,
“Do you two share the same brain cell?” Dustin looked towards you both,
“No!” you both shouted in unison again, looking towards each other before laughing, the kids joining you.
They were all ecstatic when they found out you were both dating, though they did have to push you both in the right direction, this whole thing was an unlikely friendship between people. The only reason you were involved with Dustin and his friends was because you babysat him whilst his mum was at work, this caused you to get involved with the disappearance of Will last year and in turn, with you being close to Steve. He was brought into the mix also.
It was so obvious to others, how you both felt about each other, but it wasn’t for you and Steve. After some coxing and words of wisdom from the younger party, as you called it. You and Steve were finally an item, though they didn’t find out until months later when Steve let it slip,
“Dustin, stop picking on my girlfriend, would you?” Steve looked up from his plate of food as he moved bacon around with his fork, leaning back against the dining room chair as he stretched,
“But she just- wait? What... girlfriend?” Dustin looked back and forth between you both, the pair of you looking confused, “you’re meant to tell us!” Steve carried on moving food around his plate as you took a bite of toast leaning against the counter,
“Tell you what?” you asked wiping the crumbs off your hands onto a discarded tea towel,
“Have you been listening to any of this conversation?!” Dustin questioned, “That you’re together! I can’t believe this! How long have you two been a thing?! Wait until the others find out about this!” You picked up your plate with half a slice of toast left and took a seat opposite Steve as Dustin still stood shocked, playing with his walkie,
Steve finished up his food and stood up to put his plate in the sink, he looked at the calendar furrowing his brows slightly at the small writing, “Like seven months? Right?” he looked back at you as you nodded, your mouth full of toast.
Dustin once again stood dumbfounded, his mouth visibly agape as he pressed a button on his walkie, “you are not going to believe this, guys.”
Hawkins, Indiana, June 1985
“Oh, this is ridiculous.” You smoothed out part of your Scoops uniform that was now creased and bloody from your split lip and Steve’s as he was continuously hunching over you in a Russian loading car trying to gather his senses and not be knocked from pillar to post by Dustin’s driving up front, laughter bubbling in your throat, the situation was anything, but funny. All three of you (Steve, Y/N, and Robin) had been interrogated to the max, but once they found out there was a tie between you and Steve, they took advantage of that.
“Who do you work for?” the guard got down into your face once more, holding the arms of the chair you were tied to, his eyes glaring into your own,
“How many times do I have to tell you I work for Scoops Ahoy? I scoop ice cream for a living!” you cried out as you earned another slap across your already throbbing jaw. Steve was tied up behind you already passed out, they’d done a number on him and all you wanted to do was get out of this place and tend to his injuries, he didn’t deserve any of this. Robin was tied to the corner of the room having to witness her two new best friends being treated like this.
The Russian guard got in your face once more, “it looks like your friend here needs a doctor. Just as well we have the very best.” A smirk across his face made you see red, and without thinking you spat at him. A slight tinge of blood from your split lip was dripping down your chin, staining the collar of your uniform, “you’re going to regret that little one.” With that he muttered something else in Russian before leaving the room with the other guards, leaving you three on your own once more, but not without Robin calling them all bastards and yelling to let you all out of there.
“Steve?” you called gently as Robin tried to manoeuvre her arms from her binds to no avail. Unlike you two, she was tied to a bench so she couldn’t do much whilst she was bound up. Steve started to stir, pain evident in the way he groaned, “oh thank god... are you okay?” you asked quietly not wanting to be too loud,
“Ears are ringing, I can barely breathe and, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, but apart from that I’m doing pretty good.” His voice was laced with pain and sarcasm.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you came to an abrupt end, all three of you hitting already pained parts of your body as Dustin crashed into something,
“You guys alright back there?” Dustin asked as he looked to Erica with a slight shrug, “They’re fine, come on. Let’s go.” Dustin hurried out and opened the back of the loading car, hurrying you all out. Time was of the essence after all. This definitely made him think about how he acted sometimes, it was a handful and the fact you and Steve cared for him and all of his friends ample times made him furrow his brow slightly, not that he would change after they got out of this mess, he had an excuse, he was still younger than you.
 “Guys! Come on!” Dustin bellowed as he huffed in annoyance, slapping his wrist, and ushering everyone into the elevator.
“Oh my god! A skateboard!” you screamed out in joy, jumping on a red platform truck as Dustin got to work pressing buttons and hoping for the best, once the elevator started to move, you started to struggle. Steve grabbed hold of the platform truck to stop it from moving too much,
“It looks like you're surfing!” Robin pointed at you as Dustin and Erica glanced at each other quite clearly done with your shit.
“They look drunk,” Erica stated, all of you now splayed on the floor talking about food, “why are they drunk, or drugged?” she questioned as Dustin felt Steve’s forehead,
“He’s burning up,” Dustin spoke to Erica alarmed,
“You’re burning up” Steve bit back, trying to push Dustin away with his hand whilst you and Robin laughed at the ceiling,
 “Eyes are bloodshot, pupils dilated, Steve,” Dustin pat his cheek lightly, “are you drugged?”
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.” Steve poked Dustin’s cheek and started laughing again as you and Robin shot up,
“you have marijuana?!” you crawled over to Steve and laid next to him, “gimme!” more laughs erupted from the three of you as Dustin and Erica watched on, wondering what the hell they were going to do to get you all out of this mess in one piece.
Getting you all back to the mall safely was a lot harder than Dustin could have imagined, Robin was picking at her uniform whilst tripping up over thin air whilst you and Steve were trailing behind humming and drumming the air to Simple Minds- Don’t You (Forget About Me) a song that had been on the radio continuously for the past month- a song Dustin thought you were both getting annoyed with as it came on the radio hours before you were in this mess and you were both scrambling with the radio to turn it off with rushed words of, fuck sake, turn it off, not this again, if I hear this song one more time I swear,
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.”
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
Keeping you all hidden from the Russians was a lot harder than it could have been, with you three wanting food, and then trying to separate to find food, Dustin thought of a quick solution and got you all into the movie theatre but not before Steve reached into the bin to pull out a bag of discarded popcorn,
“You three sit.” Dustin pointed at the three vacant chairs as you all complained about being too close, and how the seats sucked. “Well then don’t watch the movie!”
“But we want to watch the movie!” Robin exclaimed as other people around you started to get agitated,
“Then watch it!” Dustin apologised to other people trying to shush you all, changing his tone to a hushed annoyed whisper, “Whatever you do. Don’t... go... anywhere.”
“Fine, Dad.” Steve perked up shaking his shoulders slightly as you and Robin snickered, taking handfuls of popcorn and shoving it in your mouth.
“That settles it,” Dustin huffed, “I'm never having kids." The pair sat down a few seats away, keeping their eyes off you trying to fetch up a plan.
Once they both realised you three had left the movie theatre, Dustin let out an audible sigh from his chest, this day, was not it.
“So, like, I wasn’t totally focused in there or anything, but... I’m pretty sure...that mum was trying to bang her son.” Robin leaned against the wall as you and Steve took turns drinking water from the fountain,
“But they’re the same age.” you stopped drinking and looked towards Robin,
“No, but he went back in time.” Robin looked up to the ceiling, balancing on one foot and then the other,
“Then why is it called back to the future?” Steve asked confused as he stopped drinking, letting Robin get to the fountain.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” you stated “Back means past so how could he be travelling back to something that hasn’t even happened yet?” you questioned Robin, Steve looking at you doe-eyed, completely agreeing with you,
“He has to go back to the future because he’s in the past, so, the future is actually the present, which is his time” Robin added as you looked confused,
“wh...What?” you and Steve looked at each other astonished before you both got distracted by the ceiling lights, dizziness, and churning in your stomach had you all rushing to the toilet, bringing up everything that happened in the day.
“Well that was no fun,” your voice was harsh, your throat sore as you leaned back against the cold wall of the cubical, no longer dizzy, everything still, the walls no longer moving around you, “Back to the Future though, I can’t get over that.”
Hawkins, Indiana, March 1986
Walking into the creel house was way more disturbing than it looked outside, creaking floorboards, furnishings covered in dust and cobwebs, completely derelict, wherever you stood, something creaked.
Lucas went to check on a small lamp for some light, probably to take the edge off an already eerie situation, “looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill.” He stated as Dustin turned on his flashlight, you and Steve stood behind him glancing back and forth to each other,
“Where’d everyone get those?” Steve asked noticing that everyone had one except you and him.
Dustin looked back at the both of you as if to say unbelievable, “Do you two need to be told everything? You’re not children.”
“Thank you.” You said under your breath a little, huffing as Dustin took his backpack off,
“Back pocket.” He was used to you both forgetting things like that, you were both usually good with weapons and things you might need, and everything you didn’t, but never flashlights. You really did need to be told.
Max pointed out a big grandfather clock, hoping that everyone else could see it taking you away from looking at the scattered furniture,
“Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?” you asked looking at the hands that were still,
“Maybe he’s, like, a clockmaker or something?” Steve said next to you, as you pursed your lips actually thinking about it,
"I think you cracked the case, Steve.” Dustin chimed in, shaking his head in disapproval as you watched on, nudging Dustin slightly. Nancy told everyone to go in groups of two leaving you, Steve and a smiling Dustin. Steve let out a sigh and walked off signalling you to follow, “Was that a sigh?”
“No, I did not sigh.”
“Why’d you sigh?”
“I didn’t sigh. Just come on, dude.”
“I heard you.”
“We were just always partnered up with you, okay?”
“You have a problem with that?”
“It’d just be nice to, I don’t know, mix it up a bit.”
You continued to walk the stairs, creaking with every other step, as Dustin hurried up behind you, the pair of them starting to bicker a bit, a usual occurrence, “I’m boring to you? Is that it?”
“No it’s the opposite,” Steve added as he moved his (Dustin’s) flashlight around careful not to knock anything off the walls,
“Maybe me and Y/N should partner up and you go around this creepy house alone, is that what you want?” Dustin asked as Steve shot his head around almost tumbling back down the stairs,
“No! I don’t want that, sorry man.” Steve moved his hair that had fallen a little flat huffing once more. “We do make a good team, The Three Musketeers and all that.” You smiled at Steve’s remark, it was a book you both had to read when you were at school, though boring at the time, the lessons you learned from the book stayed with you. Chivalry, honour, heroics, and willingness. It was true. You, Steve, and Dustin probably had spent the most time together because even though you could both be a bit daft from time to time, you were both reliable and trustworthy with any problem Dustin had, even if that meant issues outside of the upside down. You both never found anything that Dustin had to say daft.
“Hey, uh, Henderson?” Steve asked, looking at the cobwebs that littered the place, “could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we’re supposed to be looking for here?”
“I second that,” you cut in,
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” Dustin looked back at the both of you smiling, “Sherlock Holmes.” Seeing you both confused he huffed sincerely.
“That’s great. Thanks. That’s great. Really helpful” You huffed and shook your head, feeling dumb as Steve placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing his thumb slowly, a knowing glance only the both of you understood.
“You're not stupid, not to me anyway.” Steve smiled as a small laugh escaped your lips a small vent in the floor catching your eyeline as you walked over to it, “Y/N, let me.” Steve crouched down in front of you lifting the metal from the floor, jars of preserved insects had you grimacing before Steve shot up alarmed, shaking his arm and flailing his hand to get a spider off, both of you clumsily falling through cobwebs and the door, into Nancy,
“Hey, hey, both of you, stay still. Stop moving.” She took time to rid you both of cobwebs as she lightly dusted dust off your arm, you and Steve then looking over each other,
“It was a black widow.” Steve lets out a breath of air, calmer than he was before, “Don’t go in there.” He shut the door adverting his attention back to you, moving a stray piece of your hair behind your ear, kissing your nose lightly. “So uh, Nance. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world, and stuff. Maybe we can all go out. You know? Me, Y/N, you, Jonathan, when he’s back.”
“I’d love to.” Nancy looked at you both endearingly, she was glad you both had each other. Everyone needed someone. She knew you both back in school, but never really spoke to either of you. She was too wrapped up in perfecting her grades, reading the next book on the shelf, but she was so thankful to be in your lives now.
Steve was finally with someone he could be himself around without feeling bad or awkward, even in this messed up world the both of you bounced off each other as though it were effortless. Although you were sometimes the biggest idiots, you were the biggest idiots in love.
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janaispunk · 8 months
still bejeweled
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
word count: ~4.4k
summary: after breaking up with your boyfriend, your self-esteem is crushed. your best friend takes you to your favorite bar to take your mind off of things. there's a band is playing there tonight and the singer immediately catches your eye. inspired by taylor swift's bejeweled – and when i meet the band, they ask, 'do you have a man?', i could still say, 'i don't remember'
tags/warnings: explicit smut, only 18+, no/pre-outbreak au, no sarah, musician!joel, small age gap (reader is in her late 20s, joel's in his mid 30s), alcohol consumption, joel pulls her hair, able-bodied reader, a bit of angst, fluff, making out, fingering, dirty talk (joel talks you through it, i just know it), praise kink, unprotected p in v (i just didn't feel like mentioning it, this is my fantasy world where pregnancies & sti's don't exist, but they very much exist in the real world, don't do this), joel has a big dick (it's canon), consent king joel, rough sex, ass-slapping, hair-pulling, please let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: this came to me while making breakfast and listening to taylor, and didn't want to leave my head again. pretty self indulgent, i'm fairly certain that a musician!joel in my life would fix me. also, to boyfriends everywhere: fuck you <3
• dividers by the lovely @saradika!
• find my full masterlist here!
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You storm out of the apartment, fighting back the tears that are threatening to spill over. This is it for good, you tell yourself. It's not the first fight of the sort that you and your boyfriend Max – now ex-boyfriend, you guess – have gotten into, with you usually backing down eventually, to keep the peace between the two of you. You've been together for more than three years, and you had hoped that this might be the one – the guy that you can settle down with, the one that you've been waiting for.
But over the past few months, Max has gotten more distant, less involved in the relationship, less interested in you, making you feel like you're burdening him, like you're always asking for too much. Like you are too much. You had asked several times if something was bothering him, something that you could work through together. Everything's fine babe, I don't know why you're even asking. Stop getting on my nerves with this.
You scoff to yourself. Usually, this was the point where you would step back from the argument, not willing to invest energy in a fight that wouldn't lead to anything anyway. Maybe things weren't perfect with Max, but they were what you knew. Familiar, comfortable. Better than being alone. Maybe not the big love that books and movies told you about, but who knows if that sort of thing even exists.
But today, when he just wouldn't give a shit about anything you said, something inside of you had snapped. “I feel like you don't even love me anymore. Do you?!” you had demanded, and the look on his face had told you everything that you needed to know.
That's how you find yourself on the street in front of your best friend's place, the short walk having somewhat cleared your head. Who does Max even think he is? It's not too much to ask to care about your partner, to show interest in them, to support them, is it? And he hasn't done any of that in quite some time.
All things considered, he just wasn't that great of a boyfriend. Still, you can't help feeling sad about it. Another relationship failed, another guy that just didn't deem you as good enough to pay attention to you. Maybe you're just not that interesting, a voice in your head whispers. You sniffle and shake your head, willing the thought out of your mind.
Your best friend Amanda greets you at her door, immediately clocking your slumped shoulders and reddened eyes, and hugs you tightly while leading you into her living room. Her concern for you elicits another wave of tears and you shakily recap today's events to her. She listens patiently, thankfully not telling you that you're better off without him or something like that, because even though you know that yourself, you don't think you could bear someone else saying it.
“I just can't believe that I'm single again and need to start over once more and I just-,” you bite your lip, willing away the tears that are pooling in your eyes, “I just feel like I'm not enough, like I can't keep a guy or I'm too picky, I don't know. It's just so frustrating, I don't wanna end up alone.”
Amanda's expression softens and she pulls you into her arms again. “You're not gonna end up alone, I promise you. You're funny and smart and,” she looks you up and down, “fucking hot. But you can't settle for less just because you're scared of ending up alone, okay? You're gonna find the guy that's right for you and then it will all make sense. Promise.”
You sigh, not sure if you believe her but also not in the mood to argue. After more talking, during which she eventually slips a glass of wine into your hand, Amanda decides that the two of you should go out tonight. Blow off some steam, show the world and yourself that you've still got it, as she puts it. You're honestly not sure if you've ever had it to begin with, but you let her enthusiasm wash over you, playing along as she insists that you wear one of her skimpiest dresses and starts doing your make up. You feel a little self-conscious with the tiny black dress that she has put you in and the dramatic red lipstick that she's currently applying to your lips.
“Don't look at me like that. You look so good and you'd know that if that fucker hadn't made you feel like you didn't for the past few months. But you've been too good of a girl for far too long now, and we're gonna change that tonight. Deal?” She expectantly holds her hand out for you to shake and you feel the excitement starting to bubble up in you. Maybe she's right and you do need to let go of your insecurities tonight. You shake her hand and she laughs delightedly, causing you to giggle as well.
Amanda finally declares that you're good to go, digging a sparkly handbag that's covered in tiny silvery jewels out of her closet. That one's actually yours, but you had left it at her place a few weeks ago after Max had told you how it was just too much and how you looked ridiculous with it. You had let it slide, thinking that it wasn't worth it to ruin the evening by fighting over a stupid handbag. What was wrong with you, you think to yourself now.
You look at yourself in her full-length mirror and you have to agree, you do look good. The short dress leaves most of your thighs bare, hugging your curves in all the right ways and the lipstick looks amazing, drawing the focus to the shape of your mouth. You do polish up real nice.
Amanda's boyfriend Patricks whistles appreciatively when you both exit from the bedroom and wishes you loads of fun. That's what a boyfriend should be like, you think to yourself. Supportive, loving, and just... kind?
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Amanda drags you to one of your favorite bars. You've been here countless times together; usually it's a good crowd and the drinks are cheap. It's live music night, you realize as you walk in and notice the small stage at the far end of the room, which also explains why it's more crowded than usual. You push through a few people and manage to find two seats at the bar, from where you can watch the stage and hear the music, but it isn't too loud to talk.
The bartender comes up to you and Amanda orders tequila shots before you can even open your mouth. “I would've stuck to wine,” you complain to her and she shrugs, a big grin on her our face.
“That wouldn't be half as fun. We're going all out tonight, remember?”
You roll your eyes and nod, but when you down the first shot and bite down on the lime, you can't help the laugh that bubbles up in your throat. “That's my girl!” Amanda giggles and promptly orders another round. After two more shots and feeling the tingling warmth that's spreading through your body, you let your eyes wander around the room until they find the stage.
It's mostly local bands that play here, some better than others, and tonight's isn't half bad. It's four guys, a little older than you, mid-thirties if you had to guess, and their music has an acoustic, country-ish vibe to it. Your eyes linger on the man in the front, who is softly singing into the microphone while strumming along on his guitar.
He's kinda hot, you muse to yourself, gaze trained on the way his muscles are softly flexing while he's plucking on the guitar strings with his large hands, the sleeves of his dark t-shirt straining against his arms. His deep voice is washing over you, reminding you of whiskey and honey, and you squint a little to take a closer look at his face. He has a strong jaw and pouty lips, and dark, expressive eyes that gaze into the room while he's singing. You can't explain it, but something about him just feels... warm. Like he's safe. Kind.
He has a scruffy beard and messy curls, giving him a sort of rugged look, that, combined with his incredibly broad shoulders, has you biting your lip subconsciously. How easily he could cage you in, how big and warm his hands would feel on your body...
Damn, he's really hot. And you really feel the tequila talking right now.
Amanda's fingers appear in your field of vision, snapping impatiently and you turn back to her, heat crawling up your cheeks. You might have been staring a bit too obviously. “Which one?” she grins.
“Huh?” you ask, rather poorly feigning innocence.
“Oh, come on! Okay, I'll guess,” she continues on, not giving you a chance to even try to deny anything, “it's the singer, right?”
“I-,” you start, but the look on her face tells you that it's already a lost cause, “yeah.”
She laughs delightedly and gestures to the bartender for another round of shots. “Oh, I don't think-,” you try to object, but she shushes you.
“I won't rest until you've made a move on that guy, good choice dare I say, and live a little. So drink up!” She toasts to you and you can't help laughing yourself before you tip your head back and swallow the burning alcohol in one go.
You steal another glance towards the stage – maybe a rather extended glance in all honesty – and catch the singer's eye. He holds your gaze for a few seconds, then he lets his eyes wander around the room, before returning to you, his lips curling into a knowing smirk when you're still looking at him.
You hastily tear yourself away, leaning into Amanda in an attempt of hiding how flustered you're suddenly feeling. “That was fucking hot,” she breathes into your ear.
“I know,” you whisper back urgently. Then the insecurity kicks back in. “Do you think he really meant me? I mean, we're all the way in the back here, I bet he can barely see-”
Amanda swats at your arm, shaking her head. “Please, he totally meant you. You're gonna talk to him later, you hear me?”
You groan, “Oh my god,” and lean into her further. “I'm not cut out for all this, I wouldn't even know what to say.” She tsks at you and orders another round of drinks, not taking No for an answer.
You loosen up a little over time, throwing a few more glances towards the stage and delight in the way he always seems to just wait for you to look at him. When you've made eye contact several times, he winks at you and you can't help but giggle, a kind of warmth spreading through you that has nothing to do with the alcohol. A wide grin stretches across his face as he announces the last song for the night. You give up all pretenses, your eyes basically glued to him until he strums his guitar one last time, then thanks the audience and joins his bandmates as they wander off the stage.
The bands usually pack up, then join the bar's patrons for a few beers. You try not to appear totally desperate and refrain from staring at the door that leads backstage, instead busying yourself with your drink and listening to Amanda, when you feel someone sliding to the bar counter behind you and a hand lands to rest on your shoulder. A very big, very warm hand, you come to notice, before a deep, honeyed voice floats into your ear, causing you to turn around.
“Hi. Can I buy you a drink?”
He seems even bigger up close, and even more handsome, and your lips part slightly, taking him in. You take a beat too long to answer, just sinking into his deep brown eyes, and a grin slowly spreads across his face. “I'm Joel, by the way.” He extends a hand for you to shake and you blink, shaking yourself out of your staring, quickly taking his hand and offering your own name.
His hand dwarfs yours, enveloping it in his warmth and you feel yourself blush. This is the moment, you tell yourself. “I'd love a drink,” you smile at him and he flags down the bartender to take your order. You steal a glance at Amanda, who's nodding enthusiastically.
“So...” Joel drawls when you have your drink, still standing so close to you that you're almost touching, with a smirk playing around the corner of his mouth, “do you have a man, or-?”
Your thoughts briefly flicker to Max, but you find that you can barely remember how devastated you felt mere hours ago, that you can hardly recall his face right now. “No... no, I don't.”
“She most certainly does not, she's all yours,” Amanda chimes in, leaning around you and beaming at Joel.
You can't help but giggle at the entire situation, pleasantly buzzing with both the alcohol in your system and the feeling of having Joel in your direct proximity, and finding him more attractive with every minute that you look at him.
“I really liked your performance,” you tell him and his grin widens.
“Yeah? I could tell, sweetheart.” You laugh; the pet name has your heart soaring in your chest, but you feel completely relaxed with him, not awkward, not desperate to please him or keep his interest. You just feel... good. Really, really good.
Talking to him is easy. He makes you laugh, makes you feel comfortable, and your cheeks almost hurt from smiling so much, but you can't stop. He's constantly touching you, his hand lingering on your shoulder, your arm, sliding down to your waist, and leaving goosebumps in its wake.
When he pulls at your hips to pull you off your bar stool, you quickly follow his lead, letting him sway you around to the music that's now playing from the juke box, giggling the entire time. You feel like a teenager, but you couldn't care less. You're tipsy, you're happy, the easily most attractive man that you've ever met seems to be more than interested in you – you feel amazing.
Joel's hand comes up to cup your face, his calloused fingertips brushing over your cheek and you lean into his touch. His eyes flick down to your lips and your breath stutters in your chest. Your arms wrap around his neck at the same time that he leans in until his mouth meets yours, your lips eagerly opening against his.
A pleased hum is rumbling up in his chest and both of his hands grab at your hips, pulling your body flush against him as his tongue licks into your mouth. Your hands burrow into the messy curls at his neck and you all but whimper against his lips. You feel his mouth curl into a smile before he pulls away, the look in his eyes a little dazed, mirroring your own.
“You you wanna come home with me?” he asks quietly, “I live right around the corner.”
There's no need to even think about it, you want this man desperately. You quickly check on Amanda, who waves you off with a shit-eating grin and some rather crude words of encouragement.
You swing your glittery purse over your shoulder and Joel whistles lowly. “That's fancy. I like it.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “You do?”
“Yeah. Suits you.” A wide smile is spreading across your face and, without a second thought, you grab his hand to pull him out of the bar.
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He really lives close nearby and you're stumbling through a dark hallway barely five minutes later. Joel has his hands on your hips and his lips on your mouth, kissing you roughly as he leads you into what you presume is the direction of his bedroom. He kicks the bedroom door shut behind you and crowds you up against the wood, his hands grabbing at your sides, pulling at the dress, revealing more skin to his touch.
The room is dimly lit, yellow light from the street below filtering in through the windows, and his eyes roam over you. “Fuck, you're so hot,” he growls and captures your mouth in another searing kiss, his hand coming up to palm at your breasts, roughly squeezing the flesh and running his thumb over your nipple through the fabric. You mewl into his mouth and he pulls back breathlessly. “You're an eager little thing, aren't you?” he murmurs and you arch your back, trying to press yourself back into his touch.
“Please, Joel,” you whimper and he chuckles before diving back in, his tongue hot in your mouth and his fingers creeping under your dress, toying with the hem of your underwear.
He pulls it aside, his fingers grazing your already soaked folds and you buck your hips into his touch. He slides your dress up higher until his hand comes to rest on your bare hip and he searches your face.
“You're feeling good? You want this?”
You nod eagerly and he tuts softly. “Gotta let me hear it, sweetheart.”
You bite your lip, his respectfulness paired with the dark look in his eyes spurring your arousal on even further. “I want it, please.”
“Good girl, so polite too,” he murmurs and your legs almost buckle underneath you. His hand travels back between your legs, grabbing at your underwear and quickly pulling it off of you, before his fingers are back, sliding through your wetness and circling your clit slowly.
“Fuck, you're dripping. So good for me, all eager and ready, huh?”
The whine that comes out of you sounds faintly like a “yes” and he presses another kiss to your lips, before he thrusts two fingers into you, stretching you deliciously.
“Fucking tight,” he murmurs against your mouth, his voice sounding wrecked already. He sets a languid pace, pausing every so often to curl his fingers deep within you, hitting that spongy spot that has your legs shaking and your hands grabbing at his shoulders as high-pitched whines fall out of your mouth.
You can see the pleased smirk on his face as you're falling apart on just his fingers. His other hand travels up to the straps of your dress, pulling them down and revealing your breasts to him.
His lips suck on the newly exposed flesh and you hear him mutter, “so fucking pretty” against your skin. His mouth travels to your nipple, flicking his tongue over the hardened bud, while his fingers keep thrusting and curling inside of you.
Heat is boiling in your abdomen, licking at your spine and you can almost taste your orgasm already. “Joel, I'm gonna- please don't stop, please,” you manage to breathe out.
“You're gonna come on my fingers, pretty girl?” he asks, before sucking your nipple back into his mouth. “Go ahead, let me feel it.” His thumb starts to toy with your clit in quick, precise circles, and you gasp. The heat spreads through your entire body as your orgasm takes hold of you, your toes curling and your legs shaking while you pulse wildly around his fingers.
“Good girl, you look so pretty when you come,” Joel whispers, trailing kisses from your breasts up to your neck as you slowly come down from your high.
Joel maneuvers you to his bed, supporting your weight and gently setting you down until you're sprawled out on the covers. You can still feel the aftershocks from your orgasm, but your want for him is coursing through you like a wildfire and you eagerly stretch your arms out for him.
He chuckles, mumbling something about you being insatiable and quickly pulls his shirt over his head, revealing golden skin and a body that's obviously strong and muscular, but he still has a softness to him.
You sit back up and scoot closer, your hands flying to his beltbuckle as you press kisses against his belly, reveling in the way his breath hitches and his muscles are twitching under your mouth.
You tilt your head up, silently asking for permission as you tug on his pants and he nods, smiling down at you. You pull his pants and underwear down in one go, desperate to see all of him, and you can't help the soft gasp that escapes your mouth at the sight before you.
He's fucking big, and you should probably worry about fitting all of him inside of you, but instead the fire in your abdomen is flaring up again and you subconsciously press your thighs together.
Joel leans down to you, pulling your already bunched up dress over your head and leaving you just as bare as he is.
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” he smirks.
“I- yeah,” you nod, shyly smiling up at him and he pecks your lips.
“Me too.”
He crowds you in, his broad body looming over yours as you lay back down on the bed and his fingers find their way in between your legs again. He grazes your clit, then swirls a finger through your wetness, spreading it on your inner thighs, and your hips buck up into his touch, causing him to chuckle.
“Impatient little thing.”
You can barely form a coherent thought, you're desperate to feel his cock inside of you and you eagerly part your legs when he situates his body between them. He grabs at your thigh, spreading you open even wider, before landing a playful slap against the backside. An almost embarrassingly loud moan escapes you and Joel's smirk turns downright feral.
“You liked that, sweetheart? You like it when I'm a little rough with you?”
He's grinding his hips against you, sliding his cock through your wetness, the tip almost catching at your entrance. You're past the point of caring, nodding mindlessly, you just want him inside of you.
“Fuck, yes, please Joel, please.”
“Should've known,” he mumbles, “it's always the quiet ones. Actin' all shy, but you need it bad, don't you? Gonna fuck you so good, take such good care of you, don't you worry.”
You whimper, your breath catching in your throat when he lines his cock up with your center, his tip already parting your walls, but he stops himself again. “Tell me once more, sweetheart. You still good, still want this?”
“Yes Joel, fuck, I want it,” you whine. The words have barely left your mouth when he slams into you, filling you to the brim. You cry out at the sudden intrusion, your walls fluttering around his length, trying to accommodate him as he's splitting you open. The stretch is intense, bordering on painful, but you still feel yourself getting wetter around him, pain turning into pleasure as he stills inside of you for a few moments to let you adjust.
“Goddamn it, you're tight, you're taking me so good, such a good fuckin' girl.”
His mouth is close to your ear, muttering filth to you with his hot breath fanning against the sensitive skin on your neck. Another loud moan falls from your mouth at his words and you clench around his cock that's still buried deep inside of you, causing him to groan.
“Yeah you like that, wanna be a good girl for me, don't you?”
You nod breathlessly and he pulls out almost entirely before slamming back into you, setting a brutal rhythm that's forcing moans from your throat and has you wildly clenching around him. One of his hands is playing with your nipples again, pinching and pulling at your delicate flesh and sending delicious sparks of pleasure straight to your core while he's still fucking you deeply. It's incredible, already easily the best you've ever had, but you still want more, want him deeper.
“Oh my god, p-please Joel,” you stutter.
“Please what?”
“H-harder, please.” He growls at that, pulling himself out of you and flipping you around until you're on your knees, presenting your ass to him. He presses his cock back into you, knocking the air out of your lungs, and his hand connects with the skin on your ass cheek in a harsh slap.
“Knew you were a filthy little thing, fuck, just waitin' around for someone to give it to you hard, huh?” he growls. The way he's talking to you is going straight to your core and you feel a second high approaching rapidly.
His hand tangles in your hair, making a fist and pulling until you're arching your back, slightly changing the angle and letting him hit a spot inside of you that absolutely devastates you. There's stars dancing across your eyes, your thighs are quivering and your walls are pulsing rhythmically.
“Not someone, just- just for you,” you moan out, shuddering around him as another orgasm washes over you, your vision swimming and you're clamping down on him.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Joel mutters, his hands grabbing your hips roughly and holding onto you with strong hands as he stills his movements and spills himself deep inside of you.
You feel almost delirious as Joel hugs you tightly to his body, kissing you deeply before he gently lays you down on the bed. He cleans you up, gets you a glass of water and covers you with a thick blanket before he slides into bed beside you.
His arm wraps around your middle and he pulls you closer against his chest, engulfing you in his warmth and peppering your bare neck and shoulders with kisses. You nuzzle into him, your eyes falling shut as you relax under his soft touches. You can't remember the last time you felt this good. Protected, cared for, happy.
“Sweetheart?” Joel's voice sounds from behind you and you give a little hum. “I know this started out like a one night thing, but-” he pauses, almost sounding a little shy, “promise me that you won't just vanish in the morning, okay?” You smile and crane your head to press your lips against his once more.
“I promise.”
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a/n #2: ...yeah, this would definitely fix me. shout out to the real life amanda for being an amazing friend and the best hype woman, thank you for yelling about pedro with me 24/7. also shout out to the real life patrick for being an amazing boyfriend and providing us with insights about the male sexual experience lol. thank you guys for being the best adoptive parents to my third-wheeling single ass. <3
thank you so much for reading! if you liked this, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment!
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lvndrptchwrk · 13 days
Inarizaki team reacting to a ballerina s/o please. Like the had practice earlier and came late to their game, and they had to throw a sweater over their ballet attire to watch them play.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : kita, suna, atsumu, osamu, aran x gn! ballerina! reader
((i really liked the idea of them reacting to you arriving right in the middle of their game while wearing the ballet attire so literally all of them react to that happening, as well as some other headcanons ! i hope i did them all justice ! also excuse how late this was, i literally was fighting for my life trying to write this lmao))
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Kita Shinsuke
♪ always does his best to attend your recitals and watches you practice.
♪ if he cant attend, he'll always try to get a recording or meet you afterwards with a bouquet of flowers for your hard work.
♪ ensures you properly stretch and maintain a healthy diet, often meal preps for the both of you so he knows you'll eat.
♪ takes the time to research ballet techniques and moves so he can try to understand what moves you do when you dance and if you need practice on any dances
♪ secretly enjoys it when you come to watch him practice but worries when you arrive in ballet attire because he knows you're tired
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
The game had just reached a technical time out with Inarizaki reaching 16 points in the first set. The team had gotten off the court for a water break, but Kita had noticed you watching them.
He always seemed to notice the littlest of things. He jogged over to the barricade, drying his face. "You made it." He commented, giving you a big smile. "Of course, you know I'm always going to try and watch all your games." You say, and he finally notices your attire.
"Did you just come from practice?" He asks, and you can sense the lecture about heading home to properly change and taking time for yourself before going to watch his games coming, but luckily you were spared as Atsumu called him back over. "Good luck out there Shinsuke." You waved him off, but he refused to leave you without a quick hug.
The smell of his cologne lingered, and you finally got the chance to relax while you watched Inarizaki play and win the match. When they finished, Kita jogged back over to you with a smile on his face. "I thought you wouldve gone home and changed. That seems uncomfortable to wear." He notes, watching you shuffle in your spot.
" Well, I wont just pass on the opportunity to watch your game! You did amazing today, by the way. Now, we can both go home and unwind from today." You pointed out, and he sighed. The idea of walking you home and possibly unwinding with you, relaxing on the couch with a movie on after a long day seemed very appealing to him.
"Alright, let me grab my things and we can go home together."
Suna Rintaro
♪ has some of the songs you practice to saved so he can listen to it and imagine you dancing
♪ was he roped into being your practice partner because of his flexibility? yes.
♪ has several recordings of your practices and recitals and watches them when he misses you
♪ is guilty of ditching practice a couple times (but never any actual games) to watch you dance
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
It was one of those days where Suna just had to practice. Preliminaries were coming up and fast, and as much as he'd love to watch your graceful figure dance, he'd have to do that another day.
Thankfully though, you had other plans. Finishing your practice early had allowed you to finally watch him practice, and not the other way around. You never minded him watching you, your dance mates loved having him around, it just wasn't often that you got to see him practice and you were taking the chance.
You had reached the gym he was at, where he was in the middle of a practice match against another school. You stood by the doors, simply opting to watch while wearing your ballet attire and his hoodie. Just as the other team had called for a break, he looked over at you, and his whole face lit up.
He dashed over to you and engulfed you with a hug, hiding his face in your shoulder. "Thank god, these idiots were about to start driving me crazy." He whispered, and you let out a laugh as you hugged him back.
"Well practice finished a bit early for me so I figured I'd watch you practice for a change." You told him, and he eyed your outfit. "You should change, isn't that uncomfortable?" He asked, and you shrugged. "Nah, I'll just change after you finish practice for the day."
Before he could say anything else, Atsumu called him back. He gave you a quick hug before returning to the game, and you watched as he played intensely. It's almost like he was showing off. After the game, he practically ran to the lockers to grab his things, and was at your side in minutes.
"Let's go home and eat some jelly sticks, we deserve a treat today."
Miya Atsumu
♪ is your biggest supporter aside from your family, and definitely had missed a couple of practices to watch your recitals or practices.
♪ always comes with a sweet treat for you to enjoy afterwards, even if its not the best option.
♪ does his best to help you practice and stretch, uses that as an excuse to hold you tbh
♪ is always in awe about your balance and mobility, has picked up a few moves that improved his volleyball performance
♪ always coming handy with a comfy change of clothes or ice packs just in case!
♪ has a 6th sense for spotting you in the crowd, no matter what the situation is
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
He silenced the audience once more as he went to serve. His ability to practically mute the entire stadium for his serve still astounded you to this day. You watched as he performed another service ace, the crowd going wild.
It'd be rather rude if you tried to call for his attention while he was concentrated, and you were willing to watch him play.
That thought flew out the window when Atsumu whipped his head to smile and wave at you before his next serve. You jolted and waved back, wondering how he managed to see you. None of his other teammates were looking, and you started to think that he had a radar for your presence. You wouldnt be surprised if he did, considering he was somehow always aware of his brother as well.
After winning the game, he bounced over with a huge smile on his face. "Ya saw me win right?! When my serves practically knocked them over?! And ya saw mah sets to Samu and Aran?! And-" He rambled on about his game, as if you werent there watching. He finally stopped to take a drink, and noticed your attire.
"Wait, did you come straight from practice?! Ya shouldve gone home and changed first, and wait- is that mah hoodie?!" He exclaimed, turning red at the fact you had worn his hoodie. You smiled and just gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Well, of course I came right after practice. I'd never miss the chance to see you win Atsumu." You commented, wiping the sweat off his forehead with your sleeve. He grew bashful at that, trying to stutter out a response.
"C'mon blondie. Go meet back up with your team so we can go home."
Miya Osamu
♪ listens to your dancing playlist while he cooks!
♪ like atsumu, he brings you food after your practices and recitals (he usually cooks it!)
♪ very particular about ensuring you eat and will probably spend time preparing all your meals
♪ really enjoys it when you also watch him practice and come to his games, tries to hear your voice in the crowd
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
The game was practically over by the time you arrived. Inarizaki had the game in the bag, with a 7 point difference. Osamu had his head in the game, but no amount of concentration could make him miss the sound of your voice, cheering him on. Atsumu had taken notice and teasingly said, "Looks like yer special audience is here." The silver haired boy looked over to see you, in a hoodie over your ballet attire and a big smile on your face as you cheered for him.
Well damn, now he has the need to show off to impress you. Good thing he's already pretty good at that.
He spent the rest of the game doing just a bit more than usual and trying to be cool, which of course had you looking and laughing for the couple of goofs he did. After the game, he came over to you and rested his forehead on yours. "Hey, didja see me?" He asked, a bit too eagerly.
"Of course I did, couldn't take my eyes off of you when you show off like that, ya dork." You chuckled, cupping his face and watching him turn red. You could see Atsumu and Suna laughing at his embarassed state, with Kita and Aran trying to hide the fact they were also laughing. Dorks, all of them.
"C'mon 'Samu. You're sweaty and my muscles ache. Let's get some food, yeah?"
Ojiro Aran
♪ i feel like he took a couple of ballet lessons as a kid, so he knows a bit about some moves and helps you practice!
♪ this man would also give great foot rubs (i mean this in a non sexual way, hes just very caring)
♪ would gift you with ballet accessories to ensure you are as comfortable as you can be while dancing
♪ definitely tried to hide you from the rest of the team, along with his ballet past, but failed when you kept showing up to practice in ballet attire
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
To be frank, Ojiro was sweating. And not from practice. You see, Ojiro Aran is a very private person.
Sort of.
He's the straight man of the team, always forced into weird antics that makes him question his sanity. Truly, he wonders if he joined the circus instead of a volleyball team with how they act at times. It's partially the reason why he never tells him about his own personal life outside of volleyball. That, and they never ask.
You were one of those unspoken topics of his life. Don't get him wrong, he adored and loved you! But oh god if the others found out about you, the questions would be never-ending. And he already deals with so much from them.
So seeing you sitting with his coaches on the bench while he was playing had spiked his heart rate. Especially when he hears Atsumu say, "Who's the cutie sitting with the coaches?" The entire team takes a glance over at you, who just waves excitedly at Aran. The ace takes note of his hoodie covering your ballet attire, and suppresses the urge to stop and admire you. He can do that after he wins the practice match. But for now he needs to make sure that no one else tries to talk to you or hit on you.
He practically bowls over the twins as he makes his way to you after the match. "Hey beautiful love of my life partner whomst I love! Let me go and grab my things so we can leave!" He says a bit too loudly, making the others stop and stare at the two of you. His face was red, both from practice and him processing what he'd said, but it made you laugh. And as long as the others knew that you were his, he didn't mind the others knowing a bit more about him. The smile on your face as you got up to hold his hand was worth it.
"Sure, 'Jiro. Here's your water. You did very good today, ace. Now let's leave before the others start questionin' us, yeah?"
┗━━━ ━━━┛
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so-mordor-itis · 1 year
Black and Blue, Still Singing For You
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Inspired by @scariusaquarius 's series Unlikely Salvation (Go check them out pls-) I hope you guys enjoy! I actually felt pain writing this...mmmm pining
“To be careful with people and with words was a rare and beautiful thing.” -Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saenz (@leonskillshot ;) )
The cold air of the lab brushed over your neck. You held back the urge to shiver as you passed through the mechanical doors, clipboard in one hand, coffee cup in another. This would be another long day, but at least you wouldn’t be bothered by anyone else–the lab was yours and only yours. You wouldn’t have to deal with judgmental looks or scowls from your peers as you jotted down notes on your latest subject.
“Having a rough day already?”
Said subject’s voice echoed from his glass chamber. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, a tired expression on his face as he attempted to greet you. His cheeks and rims around his own eyes were crowded with black streaks from the Plaga parasite in his chest. The whites of his eyes a milky yellow color, his pupils–which were once a radiant, icy blue–now a dull grey. Leon was sitting on the ground of his (you honestly would have called it a prison cell at this point) chamber, his legs criss-crossed as he patiently awaited whatever you needed him for. Your heart ached with pity every time you saw him now, but you couldn’t allow it to show. Leon didn’t want to see it.
You sighed, scanning over the papers you were given just an hour prior. “You know how it is. The higher-ups just love working me to the bone.”
“Oh yes,” Leon huffed a laugh. “They make you think you’re free, but suddenly you find a 500-page document on your desk the next day.”
“Mhm, story of my life,” you replied. Squinting at a string of sentences. Experiments were placed on hold for a week after realizing just how tender the parasite was. A single cut through it would sever Leon’s nervous system and kill him instantly. You didn’t want that, and the people in the chairs higher up certainly didn’t want their weapon to perish under odd circumstances. It was a risky situation all around. One you desperately wished was in someone else’s hands. Leon Kennedy was an asset, not just to the DSO, but to the President. Anything going wrong, from him dying due to the Plaga, or to him going absolutely feral and escaping, would lead to your job being thrown out the window. Or worse, you could die in his hands, and there would be nothing anyone could do to stop him.
A year ago, he was sent to Spain to retrieve President Graham’s daughter, who had been kidnapped. She was taken by a cult, one that worshiped a parasite they had discovered underground. A lot of the details were classified, and for some odd reason, you were given only a handful. Ashley Graham had been injected with the same parasite, but thankfully, he was able to get it removed before it evolved into the next stage. Leon, having been dealt the same card, wasn’t so lucky. He wanted hers removed first, placing her safety above his. Just as the parasite was about to be removed from his own chest, it evolved. Apparently, according to the Las Plagas files, Leon maintained his humanity somehow. Perhaps his will was too strong. Or he was just too stubborn.
Either way, your nerves were calmer, knowing he was somewhat in control of himself.
“What’s on the schedule today?” He asked you. He was trying to sound bored, but a part of his sentence felt wary. You didn’t blame him. You wouldn’t exactly be ecstatic to be poked and prodded with knives and injections. “I’m guessing more parasite testing.”
“Actually, you just got a new treatment,” you told him, now facing his direction. “Gonna try a new type of medicine.”
Leon blinked in surprise. “Will it work?”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out.” You tried to give him a hopeful smile, but knowing how resistant the parasite was to other treatments, you didn’t want to give him any false aspiration. “That’s not until later, so you get to keep your superpowers for now.”
“Yes, because that’s so exciting,” he drawled, crossing his arms. “Get to be friends with the little fucker in my chest some more.”
You snorted. “Other than that, I’m just here to take notes,” you groaned a little at the idea. “Again.”
“You get to keep me company for a little while longer, huh?”
“Yep, lucky for you.”
You turned around in your chair to get started before hearing his voice again. “I’m glad it’s you, today.”
You bit back a smile. “Like my company?”
“More than you think.”
The treatment proved to be fatal. Leon had coughed up blood as it was injected into his veins. The parasite wiggled in his chest, moving his ribcage back and forth as it fought against him. You stopped the medication right away, sighing with defeat.
“Sorry, Agent Kennedy, I guess you’ll have to hang in there longer.”
“Not your fault,” he said, wiping the blood from his mouth. You wished you were allowed to give him a tissue. “And you’ve known me long enough that you don’t need to be so formal. Just call me Leon.”
You had met Leon a few times before all of this happened. Moreso just passing by him in the main office while delivering notes and progress reports. Despite his rugged exterior, he was charming. He had asked you if you’d like to join him for dinner once, but you had to decline due to a project you were assigned to then. Part of you worried he would be upset, but he was immediately understanding.
Fate was truly an evil mistress.
It was an awful feeling, not being able to actually interact with him. You felt as if you were watching a hamster in a cage. He slept, ate, breathed, did everything in that glass chamber, and all you could do was observe. It made you feel as if you were a part of the problem, part of the reason he was trapped in there, part of the reason he wouldn’t be able to smell fresh air again. Wouldn’t be able to feel another’s touch.
“Got something on your mind?” His voice interrupted your thoughts. He was standing now, leaning against the back wall, perhaps occupied with thoughts of his own.
You shook your head. “Nothing you need to worry about.”
“Well, considering you’re the person who has to be here, watching me, noting down my behavior, I can’t help but worry it is about me.”
“Actually, it’s not.” You paused, thinking if what you were about to say next was wise. “For once.”
“Am I on your mind a lot or is it the Plaga moving around?” He’s teasing you now, and you honestly appreciated the distraction.
“You know, I was gonna compliment you but now I’m just gonna ignore you.”
“Ow. Harsh.”
“You started it.”
You turned your back to him and you can’t help but wonder if he’s pouting. You wanted to know what he was thinking, if he also appreciated a distraction from what future experiments he would be subjected to.
“You don’t have to eat lunch here, you know.”
“Well, technically, I do.”
“No, I mean in front of me.” Leon scowled a little as he casted his glance at your food. “It’s rude, honestly.” He wasn’t actually upset, jealous maybe, but not angry.
“You can’t eat normal food anymore anyway.” You brushed him off.
Leon sighed. “I know, but still. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss it.”
You felt a little terrible. “I’m sorry. I guess I felt like I…actually nevermind.” You stopped the words from flowing, but you didn’t stop his curious gaze.
“What? You can’t say that and just expect me to ignore it.”
“It’s stupid.”
“Just say it. Can’t be more stupid than half the shit I’ve said to you the past few months.”
“Half of that was you high on pain meds.”
“It still applies.”
You gnawed on the inside of your cheek. “I felt like I owed you a date.”
“Owed me a date?” He echoed.
“You asked me to dinner at least a few times, and I couldn’t say yes to any of them.”
Leon blinked, realization slowly clouding his expression. “Oh. Well, if you think this is equivalent to a date…I’m a bit worried about how low your bar goes.”
You rolled your eyes, attempting to remove yourself from the spot on the floor. Your legs had started to cramp anyway.
“Hey, wait,” he said. You tilted your head in confusion.
“I didn’t say I wanted you to leave.”
You gaped at him, heart fluttering in your chest. You glanced at the office clock, your lunch break ended in five minutes. This was so stupid, getting close to your subject simply because he was a man you once knew, once thought you had a small crush on.
Though you supposed sometimes the most unwise idea was the best one.
You sat back down and somehow he no longer looked miserable.
You had been transferred to another lab, away from him. You knew this would inevitably happen, not even for personal reasons, but simply because they needed you in a different department. Yet, part of you couldn’t help but believe it was because you started treating Leon more as a human than as what your co-workers saw him as: a test subject that needed to be tested. Needed to be worked on, carved into their image.
Four months went by before you finally saw him again.
You were informed by your superior that they finally found a treatment that made the parasite lose its grip on his system, but they still wanted to keep him in that chamber. To watch. To observe. To keep him as their little guinea pig. All you had to do was keep watch for the final time. You had the best notes, after all. Had known him the best before this all blew up and caused such a ruckus.
Leon looked almost the same as the last time you saw him. The black lines on his face and hands had slowly faded, but the ones on his chest and biceps still lingered. The medication was working, but slowly. Once he saw your face, his eyes lit up, his heart monitor beeped a little faster and you couldn’t help but find that endearing.
“Been wondering where you’ve been,” he commented. You could tell he didn’t want to say he missed you, but you knew him well enough to know the undertones of his words. Leon wasn’t the best at communicating, but his actions always spoke louder. “They transfer you out of state?”
“Something like that,” you approached the glass, not wanting to admit he was more handsome now. His face was less sickly and his eyes were no longer sunken into his skull. His cheekbones were more defined. He was getting better. “I hope they didn’t treat you too poorly while I was gone.”
Leon shrugged. “I mean it was the same, besides hearing your voice every other day.” His eyes met yours now and you felt your heart flutter again. “I kinda missed your stupid jokes.”
“Oh, my jokes are stupid?”
“Have you heard the words that come out of your mouth?”
Leon laughed a little and suddenly the room felt brighter.
“Well, lucky for you, you get to hear me all day.” You said, poking the glass as if you were trying to poke him.
“Yeah,” he said, his gaze not wavering away from yours. “Lucky me. You still owe me another date.”
You rolled your eyes, sticking your tongue out at him. He only smiled again and you peel yourself away from the glass to sit in that all familiar office chair, and the all too familiar feeling of Leon’s gaze was once again glued to your back.
You wondered how long it would be until you could actually tell him you hated the way he made you feel. If you ever could.
If there would ever be a timeline where you two could actually go on a date, and he could kiss you the way you wanted him to.
@seraphiism , @uhlunaro , @izuniias , @honeyfict , @konigbabe , @airanke , @muffimtv , @justonemore-fic , @mandalhoerian , @tosuckmyweenis , @boundinparchment
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nariism · 11 months
i don’t dance!
pair. pro-player!ushijima x PR manager!reader
content: fluff, reader is his VERY TIRED PR manager who really deserves a raise, weak attempts at humour, no pronouns used for reader
synopsis. you need to teach ushijima how to waltz
wc: 2.2k
a/n: i eat the “teach me how to dance” trope up for breakfast, lunch and dinner. (also yes i absolutely did use a high school musical song as the title who’s gonna stop me)
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ushijima wakatoshi is what people typically refer to as emotionally unavailable.
he just doesn’t have the time to worry about trivial things like romance or feelings or anything of the sort. not while he’s trying to keep up with his rigorous training schedule on top of countless interviews and photo shoots that you, his wonderful PR manager, generously offer to help him prepare for.
it’s no surprise that this man - 6 feet and almost 4 inches of pure heart throb material - has yet to find a partner worth keeping around. not that he hadn’t had one night stands, per say, but being emotionally available for a committed relationship isn’t something he has on his mind right now.
although he isn’t exactly the type to be nitpicky about this kind of stuff, he does come off as cold if you don’t know him well enough (unintentionally, of course). people who he welcomes into his life simply find him too busy or too severe in his mannerisms to form proper relationships. thus, his friend group is kept tight, extending almost exclusively to members of the japanese national team.
ushijima keeps to himself and minds his own business. he doesn’t speak until spoken to, unless he has some opinion about other volleyball players you have to thwart. he doesn’t make a fuss about insignificant things. he respects his elders and works hard in every aspect of his life that involves his career. words are kept short and to the point, never sugar coated and he certainly never lies.
he specifically remembers one scenario in which an adoring fan had come up to him after a game while you were distracted with the press, and they had confessed their undying love to him much to his horror.
“could you leave me alone?” he had told them bluntly when they asked if he could please dm them on twitter, and you nearly died on the spot when the cameras all turned to the pair behind you. it was a horribly busy week for you, playing the role of damage control all while ushijima remained completely indifferent to the storm that was brewing on social media around his name and how he was trending for two whole days after the fact.
thankfully, the fan had gratefully accepted a bouquet of flowers ‘courtesy of ushijima’ (which he also almost vehemently denied online before you smacked him upside the head), and all was forgiven. it even made him trend for a couple days longer, but this time with everyone singing his praises. he should give you more credit where it’s due, because being a PR manager for someone so terrible at smiling for the camera is like hell on earth.
you had told him once that it was important to keep a good rapport with his fans, even if they were more forward with their advances than he was used to back in high school. he looked at you funny until you continued: “i’m not saying you should go off and date anyone who confesses to you, but could you at least be a little nicer?!” sounding extremely exasperated.
he didn’t even end up agreeing with you, too distracted by the way your lips moved while you scolded him to pay you his full attention.
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“tonight’s the gala. everyone will be there.”
“i know.”
“so why,” you hiss out the words through grit teeth, jaw tense as you pinch the bridge of your nose, “are you standing outside my house when you should be getting ready?”
he’s silent for a moment. you glance up to make sure he’s actually still standing there being stupidly handsome and that you’re not just dreaming he is. ushijima averts his gaze awkwardly, hands in his pockets as he contemplates whether or not he should say what’s on his mind and risk having you slam the door in his face in frustration.
(it’s happened before; once, when he told you he was the top reply on a post for asking what “smash” means and why everyone was commenting it under all his instagram photos. you slammed the door in his face then, too, but he could still hear you erupt into laughter from the other side much to his confusion.)
you’re looking at him expectantly, with a brow raised and your lips pursed as you wait for an explanation.
“it’s a gala.”
you close your eyes and take a deep breath, patience wearing thin. “i know, wakatoshi. i just said that.”
“it’s a gala, so...” he huffs, “i have to dance, don’t i?”
you look up again at his words, confusion written all over your face. you’re in the middle of getting ready yourself, dressed to the nines. not as his date, of course, though he’d asked you.
(“what did you just say?”
“why can’t you just come with me? it would save you the trouble of getting the extra ticket. it’s not like i’m taking anyone else.”
“i can’t- that’s-... it’s unprofessional.”
“oh. i see.”)
you take the opportunity to scrutinize his outfit, as your eyes always end up doing. you’re always observing him closely, hoping and praying he doesn’t do or say something that will get him cancelled. in his defense, he’s gotten better at keeping his mouth shut when he knows you’re sitting there stressed to all hell about what you’ll need to apologize for on his behalf that week.
not that he would ever admit it out loud, but he likes the attention a little bit. enjoys being fussed over, since he spends most of his time isolated save for the members of his team. and it’s not like you’re very secretive about your judgment of him. it’s your job, for one, but there’s an undeniable and genuine worry in your eyes every time he says something he shouldn’t. he thinks it’s fine that he indulges in your presence just a bit, especially since people have found him intimidating his whole life. it’s nice to talk to someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to him once in a while.
you sigh quietly. “yes, you’ll have to dance. why?” you open the door wider for him, a gesture he’s familiar with equating to come in. “you’re not planning on bailing ‘cause of that, are you?”
he watches as you retreat further into your house, probably to fix your hair one last time before you head out early. you always arrive to these sorts of events earlier than he does, and always in a separate car. you were insistent that he arrive either alone or with his own date, since it would reduce the risk of scandals questioning your seemingly close relationship with each other.
close is not the word either you nor ushijima would use to describe your feelings toward one another. sure, you were the one helping to manage his schedule even though the job description did not at all entail that, and you’re the one keeping him in line with the media. he even has you over sometimes for dinner after an especially long day. but no, you’re not close. work acquaintances at best.
“no, i’m not bailing,” he tells you as he trails behind, following you to the mirror in the hallway - the one hung up above a high table littered with trinkets from past events and some photos of you and your friends and family. you look at him with a quizzical expression through the mirror.
he stands rigidly behind you. the thought that it feels strangely domestic with you getting ready in front of him like this crosses his mind, and makes him grossly warm and fuzzy inside.
“i don’t know how to dance.”
you pause in your ministrations, hair that you meant to pin up falling back over your eyes as you stare at him with bewilderment. “you what?”
“i don’t know how to dance,” he repeats, though you heard him perfectly fine the first time.
“you... don’t know how to... dance...” you sound out the sentence slowly, hoping that you possibly misheard him. to your horror, he only nods in confirmation.
in your one year, three months and twenty-two days of working with ushijima, how could it have never once dawned on you that this 6 foot monster of a volleyball player doesn’t know how to do something as elegant as a waltz?
it’d never been a problem before. most events don’t include anything of the sort, and all the events you do attend with ushijima are to give out awards or give esteemed recognition to MVPs. but for a christmas gala, there will definitely be booze and partying and absolutely dancing involved.
for a second, he thinks you’ll keel over and place your head into your hands on the table like you usually do in these situations, or that you’ll start muttering curse words to yourself, or maybe you’ll scold him some more for never learning. but much to his (pleasant) surprise, you just laugh. and laugh. and keep laughing, until there are tears in your eyes. his poor heart can’t take it.
“what?” he asks, almost sounding offended. but his expression is still stone cold as you look back up at him, turning to face him this time. his breath hitches when the action causes a whiff of your expensive body spray to waft in his direction.
“i just wasn’t expecting you to say that,” you muse. he knows what you really mean is that you’re surprised he isn’t here causing trouble for you before this event like he always does, complaining like a child that he doesn’t see the point of attending. “why didn’t you just say so? it’s easy. i’ll show you.”
he stares at you momentarily while you stand there, hand outstretched as an offer to take it. he half expects you to yank it back and laugh in his face, more cruelly this time, but you just smile at him with the slightest tilt of your head. you sound so genuine that any hesitation left in his body melts away, and he awkwardly accepts your hand and waits for your guidance.
he’s stiff as a board as you pull his hands where they need to go, one resting on your hip and the other hanging in the air for you to take. “i’ll teach you how to lead first, okay?” he can only nod in response. you step forward once with your left, urging him to step back with your timing. then you’re shuffling over, gliding along the floor with ushijima trying his damndest to follow along, and then your feet meet again in a different spot.
he grunts quietly in concentration, watching your movements carefully and clumsily trying to catch up. it’s a simple enough motion, but he’s too big and it feels clunky to do this for the first time. you seem deeply amused by his confusion, and he glares at you quickly before his eyes are back on the floor.
“now you try. we can go slow,” your voice is soft. encouraging. so unlike your usual stern demeanor with him. “step forward.”
ushijima does so obediently, sliding his left forward to the best of his memory.
“good. now your right goes to the side and the left follows.”
he listens to you again, but his gait is much larger than you anticipated, and your back hits the table behind you with a gentle thud. he mutters something along the lines of an apology, but he seems too focused to realize the compromising position he’s put you in. you smile at him anyways, rotating around 90 degrees to give you more space to move.
“now again in the opposite direction.”
“this is too complicated.”
“this is the easiest motion...”
“i don’t like it.”
“you gonna keep complaining or are you going to dance with me?”
he stops in his tracks, boring into you with intensity in his eyes. you watch his adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows. “...what’s wrong?”
ushijima just shakes his head, and then his feet are moving again as he tugs you along clumsily. “nothing. but maybe you should be my dance partner for the rest of tonight.” you raise a brow at him in question, even though you can feel the heat rising in your face and all the way to the tips of your ears. he clears his throat, looking away. “wouldn’t want any bad press about my terrible dancing,” he quickly adds.
this gets a laugh out of you. “as your PR manager, i don’t think that’s the kind of negative press i’m supposed to be getting you out of.”
“and as a friend?”
another laugh, a little breathless. “yeah, yeah. fine. as your friend i’ll make sure no one knows how awful you are at this.”
he blinks down at you, unsure if he’s ever seen you so relaxed before. you’re always so high-strung about work and keeping his name clear. there’s a softness gracing your face right now and he doesn’t know how to handle himself or his racing heart.
okay, yeah. maybe he can try and be a little nicer to his fans to see you like this more often.
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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feelingpoorly · 4 months
Life lesson: avoid expired egg noodles
So I usually post whiny attention seeking shit like this on my insta bc even tho my kink does not apply to me at all, in some weird way complaining about how ill and knowing people would see it still kinda turns me on a little
But I figured what better place to whine about it here instead since, idk this is kinda what this blog is for
So we went to the shop last night and got a bunch of food from the reduced section. We do this fairly regularly cuz the expired food is so cheap and it’s usually fine if you eat it same day
Well I learnt my lesson lol. Amongst one of the things we got a couple packs of fresh egg noodles in some sauce. I didn’t really like them, but store bought is never gonna be as good as the real thing anyway right?
I was snacking on some cereal at like midnight, having eaten these noodles at like 7. I noticed that I was getting pretty severe stomach pain in the top of my stomach. It was weird and I didn’t really understand why. However I had taken some prescription painkillers earlier that day and although I take a different medication with them to try and stop this happening, they can have a habit of wrecking my stomach and giving me a tummy ache. I thought it was weird, since I definitely HAD remembered to take them with the other med this time, but whatever
Anyway I woke up this morning, we were going out to meet up with some of my partners friends for coffee. I immediately realised I felt bloated as hell, like painfully so. I figured it would pass once I was up and moving around.
It did not.
It pretty quickly progressed into pretty severe stomach cramps, to the point where every time I stood up, it would cramp so hard I couldn’t stop myself from kinda curling over and wincing. At that point I was starting to worry something was actually wrong and I wasn’t just a bit bloated.
I quite quickly started feeling pretty sick, and that’s panic territory for me, being emetophobic. I took a dissolvable anti sickness tablet, but the nausea combined with the horrible cramping made me feel very unwell. I really felt awful and sick and at that point I had to say to my partner, if I say I don’t feel well please can you just take me home. I didn’t know how I was gonna cope sitting in a coffee shop feeling like this. When the cramps hit I was in a lot of pain. Bearing in mind I live with chronic pain, I’m not a baby about pain, but this was the kind of pain that you just wince voluntarily and I couldn’t hide it.
Thankfully the anti sickness meds kicked in, and after sitting down for a while the nausea and the cramps settled down a bit to the point where I was no longer freaking out about being ill in public. I should probably add here that on the way there in the car, my stomach was making some really upset sounding deep rumbling gurgles. Like it didn’t sound good. The kinda gurgles that only come with being sick. I didn’t feel well enough to have a drink or anything to eat which probably looked a little suss. Later on a got just a bottle of lemonade hoping it would settle my stomach but when I sipped it, it just make it worse and my stomach started cramping again.
Skip to being home this evening, I’d thought the worse was over and I’d been feeling kinda ok. I had some light dinner, and what a fucking bad idea that was lol.
Im not having the intermittent intense cramps anymore but like, now my whole stomach feels bloated af again and I have like this sharp cramping pain kinda all over, both upper and lower stomach with just no relief. I’m so bloated my stomach is sticking out but there’s no relief from it at all. Holding my stomach helps but I feel so embarrassed so I’ve tried to hide it and only rub my tummy when my partner went to sleep.
What makes it worse, is that up until this point I had no idea what caused any of this. But when we got home, there was an absolutely rancid smell in the kitchen that smelt like off, rotting food. It was absolutely foul. It almost even smelt like vomit, and just smelling it made my nausea kick off all over again.
It was the leftover noodles. And let me tell you, they smelt pungent as FUCK. I literally ate those last night, and they smell that bad today? No wonder I’ve felt ill. I have that shit in my stomach. Even after my partner bagged up the leftovers, sealed it and put it in the bin, just the PLATE they were on is still emitting this foul smell, it’s just awful
Eating dinner was a bad choice, because now I just feel worse again. I don’t feel that sick anymore, probably because of the meds, but my stomach feels horrible again. I’m in so much pain, I can’t suck my tummy in at all with how sore and bloated and painful it is. I feel like an absolutely pathetic self indulgent lil bitch but I literally just went to make myself a hot water bottle to hold to my tummy as I try and sleep, because it hurts and this is not fun. I just want some relief, and currently nothing else is helping. As I’m lying here holding my tummy with one hand and holding the hot water bottle on it with the other, it’s gurgling and glugging really loudly sickly again and it just feels awful. I can literally feel it in my insides, and with the way it feels I just really hope it doesn’t all come back up again, probably still along with the undigested noodles from last night if the way I’m feeling is anything to go by 🥺
Anyway, I just came here to complain about it in way too much detail lmao. Hopefully someone enjoys my misery. As I said, although it’s embarrassing as hell, somehow the thought of other people knowing or being sympathetic etc is also kinda hot
If anyone wants to use my sorry ass as fic inspo then ofc you have my blessing lmao. In fact, if you do, PLEASE let me know as I’d love to read it haha
Anyway, off to moan quietly to myself and hold the hot water bottle on my aching tummy now x
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scarfacemarston · 8 months
saw your post saying that you want ideas for Fenris, so here's my 5 cents;
You know the romance ending for Fenris? Whenever I see it and I hear Varric say "a hero was born" for some reason that makes me think that it is giving us the idea that Fenris has become a dad, soooooo, any thoughts on Fenris as a dad?
Have a good day/night
Hey! I LOVE that idea. Seriously, that is so heartwarming to think of. It's been months since I've written hc and I've never written for Fenris before, but I hope you like it! I have bonus hc's from the crew below the cut. Background: Despite being together for over several years since Act 3 and the fact that they might as well have been married, Varric and crew still found themselves surprised to hear that Fenris and Hawke were pregnant/adopting. "Broody with a Broody Jr on the way? I knew it'd happen at some point; you owe me 50 coppers, Rivani."
If pregnant - Hawke was initially worried Fenris would leave them because of their first night together, but he had proven himself loyal to a fault numerous times, the thought thankfully disrupted quickly.
Fenris is the worrying warrior until after the baby is born, or if adopting, til they bring them home.  His mind is always going a mile a minute risk calculation and problem-solving for things that haven't yet happened. Hawke has to get him to snap out of it. He's extremely attentive partially because he tries to think about any possible situation and discomfort and how to avoid it. If Hawke is pregnant, he's ready, whether through ginger tea, soothing balms, hot towels, massages, craving outings, you name it.
It's not original, but the baby would definitely be named Bethany, Leandra, or Malcolm if it's a son. With adoption, he feels a little more in control. (I love the idea of Fenris having a daughter, so that's what I'm using her. Feel free to hc differently!)
The baby loves his voice. Adores it. She perks up whenever Fenris speaks, even if it's the quietest of murmurs or humming. Fenris would talk to the baby if his partner is pregnant, calming her down, especially if she starts kicking.  
He doesn't mind getting up in the middle of the night to take care of her. He's lived on such little sleep before, but this was something worth it. He sometimes likes the quiet to reflect on his new life and gaze at the miracle in his arms.
Fenris has to be reminded to put her down sometimes so Hawke can hold her ---then Hawke has to be reminded to put down the baby so they can get work done.
Definitely lots of story time together and time spent reading books together. 
He wants his child to be curious about the world and not be afraid to question why things are the way they are. He encourages her to ask difficult questions, even if it's something he doesn't always want to answer. He will try to answer in an age-appropriate manner anyhow.
Incredibly protective. He never thought he'd have a family, and now he has someone who depends on him more than anything. He is never far from her; if he can't chase after them, she's in a playpen where he can keep watch. However, he also tells himself that falling and making mistakes is okay. Scratched knees or messes are to be expected. Fenris becomes very good at toeing the line between being protective and allowing her to pick herself up and figure out solutions "by herself." (Of course, he'll still be there to kiss it better or give her a boost.)
He and Hawke agree that they'd rather gift her love and time than gifts.
Somehow, Fenris has ended up with an extra Malbari, 2 cats, and a goat as pets.
He teaches her a lot of skills, Lots of nature excursions, and teaches her things like navigation, plant identification, starting a fire, and helping her learn a language. 
He and Hawke agree to teach her self-defense once she's old enough. He's a firm & thorough but patient teacher.
He and Hawke believe she should do whatever she pleases with her body. Does she want long-flowing hair? He'll show off his braiding skills. Does she want chopped hair like FemHawke? Done. 
If she turns out to be a mage, Fenris would accept it. He would know that was a possibility whether she was biologically theirs - because of Hawke's mage line or, if adopted, that it is a randomized gene. He would be lying if he didn't think their lives would be easier if she wasn't a mage - but that is because he is worried for her and the current politics - not so much because of his past treatment of mages. It would take him a little time to process it, but he would love her just the same……….he only hopes that Hawke or one of their friends can help with the magic because turning the floor into an ice rink or the smell of burnt hair can only be tolerated for so long.
The Hawke crew isn't always around, but I like to hear them stay in touch and visit. Maybe they still travel together. I hated the idea of them breaking up.
Varric has most definitely written a few adventures with her in mind - one being a talking animal version of Hawke's adventures. Another about griffons and another about malbari adventurers.
Merrill brings the sweetest gifts and loves telling stories and taking her foraging. Flower crowns are a must.
Isabela develops a liking for stuffed plushies. It started with a stuffed parrot, and before they knew it, the bed was crowded with stuff like Malbari, parrots, griffon, cats, and whatever she could find. Isabela also gives her her first pirate sword. Baby Hawke loves her jewelry.
Aveline - mage or not - offers to train her in combat. Of course, Hawke laughs and says, "She's a baby. I think she's fine for now." She'd offer to babysit - Hawke having a child really has her curious about starting her own family with Donnic when they can find the time. Donnic makes her a set of cards so she can "play" diamondback with them.
Anders offers medical care if he is around and also offers to tutor her in magic - but I think we all know what Fenris' thoughts on that would be. Still, Fenris would begrudgingly be thankful for any care he provided.
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skits-things · 11 months
@ironstrangehaven Here's my entry for IronStrange Week 2023 Day 2: Nervous | Orange. Will post on AO3 when the DDOS attack is over. This was betaed by @darkkitty1208. Fic is under the readmore.
“Ahaha… Phew. Oh, it’s finally happened. You’ve got your first schoolboy crush, you big baby.”
“I don’t have a crush. There is no crushing here. I’m not nervous, and I didn’t do any of that! As often as you’re saying.”
Tony lunges for his phone and punches in a number he’s long since known by heart. Thankfully, and likely motivated by some sort of conditioning, Rhodey picks up near instantly. “Rhodey. Rhodey, something’s wrong with me.”
“Tones, what’s going on?” Rhodey asks, all cautious alertness. 
“My heartrate’s skyrocketing, I’m sweating and I can’t focus on anything - not even my projects. Rhodey, what good am I if I can’t get into the zone? All I am is my mind Rhodey. I NEED my mind.” Tony paces and runs a hand through his hair. “Something’s seriously wrong if I can’t make shit.”
A pause. “FRIDAY, is Tony dying again?” 
Offended, Tony says, “I’m right here.” 
“Yeah, and you never tell us anything if it has to do with your health. Thus, the big baby monitor protocol.” 
“It’s called the Tony Monitor.”
“That’s what I said.”
Tony scowls, but is cut off from arguing further by FRIDAY saying, “Boss, while exhibiting symptoms of an anxiety attack, is not currently experiencing an attack. After cursory research, it seems to be nervousness.”
Rhodey groans and Tony can practically hear the eyeroll. “Tony, you’re killing me. What are you even nervous about?” 
“I’m not nervous.” Tony denies. “I don’t get nervous. I’ve had nerves of iron my entire life.” 
Rhodey hums in thought. “You know, you might have a point there. I’ve seen you get defensive from trust issues, but I don’t think you’ve ever been nervous-nervous.”
“See!” Tony exclaims, vindicated. 
“FRIDAY, what’s making Tony spazz out?” Rhodey mercilessly kicks Tony back down to Earth. Tony makes a sound of indignation, but FRIDAY, the traitor, proceeds to answer Rhodey’s question. 
“Dr. Strange is due to come by for a meeting regarding maintaining relations between Kamar Taj and the Avengers going forwards.” And then, because he doesn’t get to keep anything to himself apparently, Friday says, “Boss has checked the schedule three times and has shifted things in his workshop twice. He periodically stops working to clean up after himself and has changed five times.” 
Tony doesn’t get to do more than squawk in protest before Rhodey's raucous laughter pours over the phone. Insultingly, it goes on for several minutes. A couple of times, Rhodey pauses as if to say something, only to burst into suppressed giggles that Tony could still hear. 
Tony’s scowl grows deeper. 
“Ahaha… Phew. Oh, it’s finally happened. You’ve got your first schoolboy crush, you big baby.” 
“I don’t have a crush. There is no crushing here. I’m not nervous, and I didn’t do any of that! As often as you’re saying.” 
“Sorry boss.” FRIDAY apologizes, without a speck of actual regret in her tone. “You did, in fact, do all of that.” 
Tony scoffs. He changes the subject. “And what’s with you, Platypus? Even if I did have a crush on Strange, which I don’t, you’ve never approved of anyone I took interest in before.” 
The unimpressed silence stretches for just a fraction of a bit too long. Tony winces. “Because the only people you’ve ever had around were gold-diggers or mindless parrots.” Rhodey says flatly. “Strange is just you, but more on the opposite scale of things. You two balance each other out.” 
Tony only gets to feel touched for an instant. “Besides,” Rhodey continues, “Stephen might be an asshole, but underneath that shell of his, he’s all gooey insides. He’s a pretty fun guy.” 
Tony blinks. He tries to clean out his ears. “I think I have tinnitus. What did you just say?” 
Rhodey laughs mockingly. “We’ve talked every once in a while. He wanted to give me some options I didn’t have before. Did you know the wizards can use magic to move paralyzed limbs?”
A lump instantly forms in his throat. No, Tony didn’t know that. His mind races with the implications. 
“I said no. And don’t you try and talk me out of it.” Rhodey chides without missing a beat. Tony closes his mouth. “What happened, happened. I’ve made my peace with it. Sure, it would be nice to stand on my own two feet, but magic’s not for me.” And both of them know, no matter how much he trusts the ones who wield magic, Tony will never be fully comfortable with it being used around him. 
“You’ll figure something out, Tones. I’ll just wait until you can science me up a solution instead.” 
Tony takes a minute to process that. He clears his throat. “Well. Of course I will.” 
He searches for a way to divert the conversation away from feelings, only to feel like he’s been hit by a clue-by-four. “Wait. What do you mean you’ve been meeting with Strange? And did you call him Stephen?” 
Rhodey chuckles. “We meet once a month to chat. He translates some of the nonsense from my doctor’s appointments. He’s a damn good doctor, too. Remember that crick in my hip? Three different docs could only tell me something was wrong, but Stephen managed to sort me out after I told him about it. It wasn’t my spine, it was my skin - I’m mildly allergic to the muscle relaxant. It’s why the symptoms were only showing recently. Some exposure is fine, but overtime, the effects added up.”
Tony’s face does something. He’s not sure what he’s more conflicted about. That Strange went over his head to talk to Rhodey about using magic or that Rhodey’s apparently been meeting Strange for months - enough to call him Stephen (seriously Tony can’t get over that) - when the asshole knows that Tony’s been trying to get Strange on the team for just as long. 
(Unsuccessfully, but Tony prefers to think of it as a work in progress.)
“And don’t think you’re going to distract me.” Rhodey pauses and if he didn’t have a smirk the size of the Sicilian, Tony would eat his suit. “This isn’t about me and Stephen, this is about Stephen and you.” 
“What, our working relationship as heroes?” Tony tries to deflect. 
“Aha- nice try. It kills me that I can’t be there to watch you fall over yourself right now, but I’ll have to settle for prying your mouth open for the details. When are you going to ask him out?” 
Tony twitches and argues, “I’m not going to ask him out, because I don’t like him. He’s an asshole wizard who refuses to do the smart thing and become an Avenger.” 
Rhodey scoffs. “Pull the other one, it’s got bells on. You haven’t been this much of a mess since that time in Philly where-” 
“Alright, fuck- I thought we agreed to never speak of that again.” Tony cuts him off hastily. 
“You agreed. I hold veto rights.” 
He does, which Tony likes to pretend to forget about. He tongues his teeth in thought. “I dunno Rhodey, I still feel like this is all about something else.” 
Rhodey says something, but it’s covered up by interference. After a moment, his voice comes through loud and clear. “Alright Tones, I’ll let you believe that. But when you get your head out of the ground and take a hint, don’t try and push him away. Stephen likes you a lot or he wouldn’t have stood for having you hound his every step. Just man up and ask the guy out.”
There’s a lot for Tony to unpack in that (Stephen likes him?), but he doesn’t get the chance to think it over. More noise can be heard over the call. “Listen, I’ve got to go- keep me updated alright?”
There’s a tone to his voice that brooks no argument, and Tony knows he’s talking more than just about whatever crush Rhodey thinks Tony has. The soft warm feeling in his chest is more familiar than the way his guts nearly overturned just a few minutes back. “Yeah, yeah. Go do whatever it is you’re needed for.” 
The call ends and Tony’s left feeling better than he had before he talked to Rhodey. His Platypus really does know him best. Even if he HAS to be wrong about Tony liking Strange.  
Just to prove it, Tony pictures the wizard. His lithe, graceful movements. The way he somehow makes robes from ancient history look like some sort of fashion statement. His smug smirk, cheekbones sharp enough to cut diamond, and the ever changing color of his eyes. 
Tony flushes. Fuck. Maybe Rhodey has a point after all. He laughs uneasily, but Rhodey’s words come back to mind. 
Stephen likes him? Well, if Rhodey’s right about Tony, Tony won’t bet on Rhodey being wrong about Stephen, too. Plans start building up in his head. He’s going to charm the pants off the wizard- and hopefully a lot more too. 
Still late posting this, but not as late as last time. Maybe I'll actually post on time at some point!
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scwheeler · 2 years
🩰 ˖ ࣪⊹ — tank tops & roof tops
pairing: mike wheeler x fem!reader
summary: for a school project, you are asked to write a small paragraph about someone you cherish and care for in your life whom is not a family member or related by blood, to show the value of friendships and relationships that could be greater than one’s shared by blood. in the paragraph, you may only chose one adjective.
warnings: mention of reader having hair in face due to wind and ears pierced, karen being the best character ever, your mom being the worst…
age of pairing: 15-16 years old
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[ding-dong] [ding-dong]
♪ oh girls, girls just wanna have fun ♪
♪ they just wanna, they just wanna (girls) ♪
♪ they just want, they just wanna ♪
“y/n! come on down! the wheelers’ are here for dinner!” your mom shouted out from the downstairs’ kitchen. you heard several footsteps enter through the front door and lots of chatter between the parents. you quickly took off your headphones and paused cyndi lauper, standing up and tossing it on the bed behind you.
you rummaged through your messy closet drawers to find a sweater. you knew your parents would get mad for wearing a tank top at the weekly ‘family friendly’ dinner, taking turns hosting at your house and the wheelers’ house.
thankfully you found a beige sweater stuffed underneath your t-shirts and jeans that was gifted from you grandma around four years ago. you prayed that it fit but as soon as you put it on, there was no exit.
the head hole was fit for a ten year old at most.
“knock knock,” a voice said in a sing songy tone and a two quiet knocks on your wall. “in a second!” you responded still trying to either get that stupid sweater off or over your head. you groaned in annoyance, giving up after almost twenty tries and the background laughter didn’t help the encouragement.
“don’t just stand there wheeler and help me,” you grumbled, struggling with the arm holes and everything now. “ok ok no need to be a hothead,” he stifled his laughter but you obviously understood his unfunny dad joke. “get it cause—”
“—of course i get it!! now get this—this thing off!!” you whined. mike finally got the sweater off your head and threw it onto the foot of the bed frame. you took a deep breath and threw yourself onto the bed.
standing in front of you was none other than your best friend since birth, mike wheeler. the moment mr. miller had assigned that english homework, you knew who it was going to be about.
he was your best friend, not related by blood and you could easily write a paragraph full of facts about him.
unfortunately, you didn’t know how to describe him, especially in just one word. awkward? kind-hearted? funny? tall? bossy? there were just so many options. also how did it reflect on how you felt about him.
he’s just your best friend but was he just your best friend? how did you feel about him? was he charming? sweet? a mean person or nice one? you needed an umbrella term to describe this boy but since birth and till now, that word has been undiscovered.
“god imagine if i died from a sweater i got from my grandma on christmas,” you let out a few laughs then jumped up towards the window to get some fresh, chill air.
mike followed you to the right side of your room where the window was. you opened the window and carefully pulled out the window screen so you could climb onto the roof. “wait we forgot to refill last time so double time now,” mike mentioned, grabbing your shoulder to prevent you from climbing onto the roof right away.
you turned around and pointed your finger at mike with widened eyes, “you. are. a. genius.” he grinned and raised his eyebrows but before he could agree with your statement, you yanked his arm out of your room and down the stairs to the fridge.
“y/n! there you are! you didn’t even greet the wheeler’s, and what did i tell you about wearing tank tops to dinner?” your mom grouched while moving plates to the dining room along with nancy and karen. but you were too busy to get snacks for the roof hangout that you just nodded and said ‘uh huh’ in response to everything your mom complained about.
“oh lay off on her a little janice, y/n is so gorgeous. these tank tops fit her so well, i might have to go to the mall to get her some more!” karen exclaimed, grabbing napkins from the counters. “karen, she’s attracting too many boys’ attention and not in the good way, you know!”
your mom responded, changing her focus from the china plates on the dinner table to you in the kitchen, carrying cans of soda as mike fished them from the fridge. her reply earned an eyeroll from you because this conversation had just come up for the third time this week.
karen playfully hit your mom with a dish towel as your mom continued to stare you down with her hands on her hips. “she’s a teen girl in highschool, remember when we were their age, getting a boy��s attention was the only thing on our minds! lucky for her she’s already got a boy’s attention for sure since she’s beautiful! michael sure thinks sooooo,” karen teased, sharing a glance with you and mike.
you looked down to mike who was mid-cola-grab. he was staring literal daggers at his mother. you quietly laughed to yourself and avoided anyone’s eye contact by staring at the kitchen black and white tile.
“ok y/n i think it’s time we return upstairs,” he rushed his words and shut the fridge door. you nodded but like before, he grabbed your arm and pulled you up the stairs with a couple of bags of chips falling onto the floor and cans of soda rolling down the stairs. “michael, we are to use coasters in this house! remember this isn’t home!” karen shouted from below the staircase as you looked back to laugh at mike’s face. he rolled his eyes and gave you a ‘dont even’ look.
once both of you reached your bedroom, you grabbed two throw pillows from your bed and climbed out of the window. luckily, your room’s window didn’t face the front of the house and the roof was fairly easy to access from your window. as soon as you got up, you put the pillows down beside the blankets and put the sodas into the cooler.
“hey some help down here?!” mike yelled from the window and you rushed to grab the chip bags from his arms so he had free arms to climb. “thanks,” “well i couldn’t let my precious bags of chips fall into my backyard!” you sarcastically remarked, hugging the chips over-passionately.
he scoffed and snatched one of the potato chip bags out of your arms resulting in a small ‘hey!’ from you. you let it be and laid down on the scaly roof. since the first day you came up here, you knew it would be a great place to get away from things.
like people, school, drama, and especially your parents. with their constant nagging you would’ve climbed out of this window one way or another. however, you grabbed layers of blankets to make it comfy and a few pillows for a headrest. then you brought mike here and it’s now a secret hideout for the two of you. even though your neighbors could probably see two teenagers crawling on a roof at night.
you put the chips in a separate bin that you already had kept here since the start and put the sofas into the mini cooler. you stared at the sky, sadly the sun had just set so there weren’t going to be stars until a while.
there was light breeze and wind that made a little chill but neither of you minded. you stared at the sky when your hair started getting in the way of your face. you were going to sit up and face where the wind was so you could get the hair out of your face but someone else did it. mike did.
he took the liberty in moving your hair from your face. but this time it wasn’t like yanking on your hair or making a joke, he tucked your hair behind your ears and stared in awe. the hues of orange and yellow from the sunset shone on your beautiful features which made them stand out.
the way your hair carefully followed the way of the wind and how your lips were parted but didn’t dare to speak. they weren’t chapped either and always fully coated with a new chapstick. you probably had a whole collection under your bed and renew them like every month.
he paid attention to the details.
the small cut on the left side of your upper cheek after dustin’s new cat clawed at you when visiting from a couple of weeks ago. it was still healing but in a week it would be completely healed.
he looked to the left and right, seeing your ear piercings. he remembered the day you got your first ear piercing, you came to school the next day with puffy red eyes from all the crying in the first grade. you hated them because you were obligated to wear the plain silver fem ones for about a month or two. but mike thought of an idea to put stickers on top of them which meant it was limitless and you could change them anytime!
you stayed at his house for hours in nancy’s room while she was at a sleepover, looking for stickers. she had a whole stationary set and you changed your piercings to red, green, puppies, smiley faces, and almost any design or color you could think of.
you got your second piercing at your house, in your room. mike came over with max, lucas, dustin, el, and will for a movie night but then it became a sorta sleepover. all the boys slept in the living room and the girls in your room.
in the middle of the night you, max, and el thought of a crazy idea to pierce your ears with a needle and an ice cube because max had seen it on tv. you got your sewing kit and ice cubes from the fridge.max her own which to el’s and your surprise, ended really well. they looked bitchin’ so you obviously wanted them too. so you held el’s hand and a pillow while max went to work.
unfortunately your pain tolerance wasn’t as high as maxs’ and you screamed in pain. it started to bleed since you flinched and a trip to the ER was necessary. max profusely apologized while you told her it was fine and el wouldn’t stop crying because you were crying. lucas was comforting max while will and dustin were holding mike back from breaking down the hospital doors down so he could see you.
even though everyone knows he can’t do it with those lanky ass arms (it’s the thought that counts i guess…)
so you got stitches in your right ear while the left ear was left bare. they were all glad you didn’t die even though it was just an ear thing. max swore never to do that again and even stopped wearing earrings in general.
he wanted to tell you how pretty you are and how the warm tones made you look like a painting in an art gallery. he wanted to kiss your nicely coated lips and put a band-aid on your healing scar. buy you ever clip-on earring in the world and make sure you never see a needle again, nor an ice cube!
he wanted to always be beside you. next to you. because then he could stare at you for as long as he wanted.
which was forever.
you stared at his eyes and just noticed how many freckles he had. they reminded you of sprinkles on a cupcake, so perfectly and delicately placed as if there was a sketch drawn before hand. he was sculpted like a statue in one of those fancy art museums in europe that people would pay millions to go see.
his eyes sparkled with the little glimmer reflecting from the disappearing sun to his right. the brown in his eyes almost looked light a tan or even orange. his lips were rather red than pink. you guessed it was probably because of how many cherry popsicles he eats.
how could you have not noticed these about your best friend? well you’ve never seen him in this light. not in the sunset or orange-ish hue light. but in this ‘more than friends’ light.
you didn’t know how to describe the feeling as if time had stopped when your eyes met. the two of you didn’t even move a muscle. you were speechless. him, he himself was breathtaking. he was literally taking your breath away like the police song. you felt the world moving but only revolving around the two of you.
you never knew what to describe mike wheeler in one word. too many options you thought. but how could you miss the perfect word that described him and how he makes you feel.
mike wheeler is breathtaking.
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
Human at Work
When our ship landed to deliver the overdue shipment of weird little space goats, I admit I was surprised when I saw what their owners looked like. “Big,” I’d been told. “Polite,” as well. Even “Very careful about where they step.” But no one had told me to expect pink elephants.
I almost stopped in my tracks as I exited the ship, only jumping forward again when a shipmate’s bug leg prodded my shoulder blade. I stepped quickly and did my best to stare without slowing up to the proceedings.
Our small crew was bringing the cages out onto a landing pad raised off the ground, level with the average head height of the gigantic life forms whose home planet this was. They strolled by on business of their own, each with six legs and trunks in pairs: top and bottom. Their tails looked prehensile too. But the most striking part was the color: as bright pink as any flamingo, with flappy ears that faded to a more salmon-orange with yellow edges. All they needed was polka dots to look like the most absurd hallucination this side of the Milky Way.
“Hello, esteemed client!” announced our captain as he led the procession toward the pink face waiting at the edge of the platform. Captain Pockap was, I’d learned, the nephew of the captain of our sister ship, and somewhat new at this. I hoped he was waving his green tentacles at the right alien.
This elephant was pretty noteworthy, actually. Its eyes had the white haze of cataract sufferers on Earth. And as we approached, it moved its ears down to show a hat of some sort— Wait. No.
It that a human on its head?? I thought as I walked. What the heck?
It was. While Captain Pockap greeted the alien that still hadn’t spoken, I took in the sight of the muscley blonde guy perched on a saddle that was clearly custom-made for this scenario. He was wearing weird little booties and had one foot raised, like he was ready to tap out a message on the alien’s head.
“And hello to you too!” Pockap concluded with a wave up at the human.
The pink behemoth finally spoke. “Kindly do not distract my seeing-eye human,” it said in a deep voice. “He is working.”
Pockap gave many flowery apologies, which the alien ignored in favor of enquiring about the state of its cargo.
“The animals are in perfectly good health,” Pockap said. “Though they did give us some trouble. I’m afraid I’ll have to insist—”
His demands for additional money were interrupted by urgent hisses from several crewmates who knew better, and (thankfully) by the arrival of another giant pink elephant.
The two aliens spoke in rumbles almost too low to hear. The crewmates yelled at the captain in whispers. I stood awkwardly to the side, a newcomer without much stake in any of this.
“Hey,” called a different voice. “Quick question.” It was the human guy, waving me over while his employer (owner?) was busy with conversation.
I trotted to the edge of the platform, careful not to lean too far. No railing. “Yes?”
“Is there one ship like that, or two?” he asked, pointing over my shoulder at the lemon-looking thing we’d come in.
“Oh! Two,” I told him. “The other one looks just like it. Parked over thataway.” I pointed off to where Kamm’s ship was picking up a new courier job. The two were nearly the exact same model on the outside, though only one had corridors tall enough for me to stand comfortably.
“Thank you,” the guy said in clear relief. “I wasn’t sure I was describing it right. Glad I directed her to the right one.”
“Yeah, you got it!” I said. I made to move back toward the crew, but he had one more thing to say.
“If you’re looking for a change in careers, there’s plenty of demand for sight assistance here,” the guy said. “We work in shifts, and the pay is good.”
“Oh, uh, thanks! I’ll keep that in mind.” This wasn’t the type of career I was aiming for, but it certainly was memorable. I wondered if there was a foot-tap code.
The second elephant said its goodbyes and moved off, leaving the seeing-eye human to snap to attention and catch his employer up to speed with the surroundings. No one had moved much except for me. I sidled back to where I was supposed to be.
Wiser minds had prevailed, thankfully. Pockap didn’t press for extra fees, and the blind pink elephant who owned the goats didn’t say anything about his conversational misstep. I was quietly shaking my head about how strange my life had gotten when Pockap got involved in moving the cages onto the waiting cart, and he bumped the controls that let all of the goats out.
They immediately bounded across the platform in a wave of gleeful orange tentacle-fur, kicking up their heels and knocking each other over. Their scrambling was only matched by the ship’s crew going for the nets to catch them again.
I chased after two of the little troublemakers who broke away from the herd to make a mad dash toward the alien elephant at the edge of the platform. I could see the human tapping urgently at the giant head, but not soon enough. One of the goats skidded to a stop while the other sprang across empty space to land beside him.
He caught it. Just leaned forward in his harness and snatched it up like a wayward puppy. The one that had stayed on the platform was already scampering back toward the ship.
“Good catch!” I called. “Hey, are they poisonous?” No one had been able to say for sure, and it seemed like an important detail right now.
“Only if you’re allergic to bees!” the human said as he bundled the wriggling creature into his shirt. Anemone-tendril fur smacked his face.
“Thanks, good to know!” I said. “Let me grab a cage to put that one in.” I darted off while the blind elephant asked what was happening with more patience than the situation deserved.
Thankfully for all involved, our ship was the only one on the platform, and the door was shut. Those frisky goatlings had nowhere to go but around in circles. Not that they minded running in circles, of course, but it was only a matter of time before the crew managed to grab them one way or another. Mostly with nets. Sometimes with hands — or the equivalent — and sometimes with trash cans or whatever else was convenient. I hauled a single-occupancy cage over to the edge and got permission to climb onboard the giant alien’s head in order to retrieve the little critter that was trying to kick free.
I almost lost it over the edge. Almost. But the client didn’t need to know that. I got it in the cage and put the cage back on the cart with the rest, and that was all the mattered. The animals were none the worse for their adventure.
Pockap was allergic to bees, though.
“You finish up here,” he wheezed to the yellow Heatseeker who was already ushering him back toward the ship with exasperation on her lizardy face.
She spoke into her communicator to the crewmembers still on the ship. “Need a medical scan for the captain. Toxins and allergens. Quickly, please. He’s — okay yes, Zhee is carrying him in now.”
The gaudy purple Mesmer had scooped up the captain like an octopus that needed to be tossed back into the sea. It looked like an awkward motion with his praying mantis arms, but then, everything looked awkward to me and my human hands.
“Our sincere apologies,” said the new acting captain, coming to join me at the edge of the platform where she could address the client. “In all honesty, that spokesperson is not suited to this job. I hope his incompetence hasn’t caused you undue distress.”
It hadn’t. The large alien was more amused than anything, and willing enough to finish the transaction. Moments later, payment had been transferred and the animals were in a transport car, off to be someone else’s problem. I looked around to make absolutely sure that there were no sneaky little orange faces hiding somewhere. All clear.
“Farewell,” rumbled the elephant. “Safe travels.” It turned away from the platform slowly, leaving plenty of time for the human on its head to scan for tripping hazards and give the all clear. “Home, Jeeves.”
I held in a burst of laughter. Jeeves? That can’t be his real name. Did the first person to be a seeing-eye human suggest that as a job title? Amazing.
A cutesy little peeping noise told me the acting captain was doing her people’s version of a sharp whistle for my attention.
“Sorry, coming,” I said. Everyone else was heading for the ship, and I brought up the rear.
“Considering a job change?” she asked with a flick of her tail.
“No thank you,” I said. “A noble cause, I’m sure, but it doesn’t speak to me. I’d rather stay with you folks.”
“Good,” she told me, walking faster. “You’ll be useful to have on hand when we tell Pockap that we’re voting him out of the captain’s chair.”
“Oh my,” I managed. And I thought today was already as eventful as it was going to get.
(More backstory for the book. I’ve already got the next bit planned out!)
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pansyfemme · 5 months
how did you start transitioning so young? thats awesome tbh
I’m from an open-minded family, and knew a lot of queer people growing up. A lot of the exact timeline is blurry, but i began questioning my queerness when i was 10 or 11. I never considered myself straight growing up, so it wasn’t very surprising that i might be, but i knew i felt nothing like other girls my age and i didn’t know why. When I was 12, I was going through a lot of severe mental health issues. I had been dealing with a lot of them my whole life, but that year was the point that I had to leave public school and recieve a lot of help, and around that time i was able to peice together that the extreme discomfort and depression i was experiencing was because I was transgender. I was lucky enough that i was seeing a therapist who not only believed me, but was able to reccomend officially to my parents that helping me to transition was one of their best shots at helping me with my mental health. My parents were hesistant at first, not really because they didn’t believe i was trans or that they didn’t like trans people, but because i was young and already dealing with so much. But thankfully, they did a lot of research, joined support groups, listened to all my counselers and agreed to help me transition after understanding the risks of not doing so. So i ended up being fully socially transitioned by my thirteenth birthday, and started a new school as a boy that fall, changing my legal name and sex on all documents around the same time. I had already been through a lot of puberty, i was an early bloomer, but i was able to get on hormone blockers about a week after i turned fourteen, and on hrt six months later. After i was on hrt, things slowed down since i was not legally able to get surgery yet, but after struggles both with a deeply terrible surgeon i met with and covid, i was able to get top surgery at 17, which finally allowed me to ‘pass’ since i was extremly large chested and wasn’t able to before that. In the past two years i haven’t done much medically but i do intend on pursuing a few more surgeries in the next few years and hopefully finish my medical transition before im off my parents health insurance. In short: I have supportive parents, good doctors, live in a state with decent laws, enough mental health history to convince insurance im a major risk if they don’t approve my healthcare, and happened to come out within the short window that treatment for trans kids existed but wasn’t as hard to access as it is now. My family is not wealthy, so we were lucky that the insurance my mom’s job gives us happens to be one of the ones that has good coverage for trans healthcare, and our proximity to major colleges makes certain types of healthcare easier to access. I’m aware im a rare case, and i consider myself very lucky. But that’s basically what it is.
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dark-side-blog3 · 3 months
From "Phantom Blood" to "Stone Ocean", which JJBA part do you think would be the best to be isekai'd into, and which one would be the worst?
Thanks for sending in the question anon! I've been thinking about it all day and going down a bunch of historical rabbitholes to make my choices (which, after typing out several hours later, I realized wouldn't be much fun for anyone to read).
For me personally, I’d say the best one to be isekai’d into would be Diamond is Unbreakable (part 4), and I think the worst one would be Battle Tendency (part 2).
I give my reasoning below, with some heavy editing, which may make it sound a bit strange. I have a tendency to talk too much, so I've tried to edit it down. It's still a bit long.
I can't see any benefit to phantom blood, considering Dio is at full overpower with abilities we never see again in other parts, and everyone else would simply be too easy to force into backing off. Johnathan is easy to manipulate, so is a young Erina. Speedwagon can settle for less than he wants in a relationship if he feels Johnathan will judge him for it. And Zeppeli... Is kinda the only threat, but I can't really fathom what a relationship (platonic or romantic) would be like with him. In any case, not the best, but not the worst.
Battle Tendency has my ass beat. I do not run, I will not run, and what would even be the point when more than half the characters in this arc are superhuman/cyborgs? I can't outwit, lie, cheat, or gross out any of them and expect to survive. Even the ones that wouldn't kill me like Suzie Q just have an impenetrable state of delusion. I cannot win this one. Having a horrible time here. Dare I say, the worst time actually.
Because yes: Vento Aureo is all about the mafia having superpowers, and it's well established that they can be some crazy, creative fucks when it comes to torture and murder. And they should be the absolute worst, because organized crime can do way scarier shit than anyone can in Stone Ocean simply because resources and time aren't hard to get.
BUT! I think since there isn't a world war going on, with cyborg Nazis-- Which is a low bar, but such is life when you overthink-- is what makes Vento Aureo better than battle tendency.
And Stone Ocean is... Bad but tolerable. I'd just try my best to mind my own business, and crumple like a paper ball when someone pulls possessive/obsessive shit. It probably wouldn't even connect in my brain the characters are acting yandere, I would just assume they're doing standard prison things since I got isekai'd into the prison arc.
Now that narrows done the best choices between prt 3, and prt 4.
I'mma go ahead and say it: I'd prefer a small town in Japan to crossing countries and continents.
Diamond is Unbreakable has it all. Modern-ish technology, the original pop culture yandere herself, reliable access to medical care (good luck finding my very specific pills in the middle of a desert), and thankfully: A much smaller cast. Keeping track of all the characters in Morioh? Infinitely easier than keeping track of all the characters in Stardust Crusader. Even if we're including those one-off villains, and random background characters, a-la those twisted wonderland isekai.
Though considering JJBA is a franchise that's mostly manga and anime, it's not likely the multiple characters would become interested in the isekai'd victim, since the mechanics would be fundamentally different. A reader or a viewer isn't really a god, they're more of a prophet, if even that. Or just really good at cold reading someones personality. To continue this tangent just a smidge more, I think if you said you got isekai'd, the only people who would both understand what you're saying and believe you is Toshikazu, and maybe Koichi.
What the hell am I supposed to do being dragged place to place, or sitting in a house for three months? With the tech from the 1980's?
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keylovesstuff · 4 months
It's Coronation Day!!!! Whoo!!
Hi everyone!!! my motivation and energy have finally aligned to get this done and I cannot be happier.
Little Events: Chapter 3- The Coronation
Note: There is a line in here that implies underage drinking nothing too detailed I promise but just in case wanna give you a heads up.
What does being an effective ruler mean to you? 
Peach had been thinking about this question for the last couple of days after Toadsworth proposed that she write a speech to share with the community that raised her. Everyone on the main council who had direct involvement in her physical and diplomatic training for years now, had complete confidence that she was ready. There were a handful of toads who thought otherwise and voiced their criticisms aloud.
What does she know about life and how the world works to make the best decision for their lives?
That question was the most frequent one she's heard from the people and even now with a few days to go, she still doesn't have an answer. Toadsworth had offered to help her out with the letter but she had declined for several reasons. For as much as she valued his insight, he already had his plate full with preparing for the ceremony and he was already stressing every little detail to make it all perfect. If anything, having him fret over something that should really be in her words from start to finish would frustrate them both for wanting it worded a certain way. For the most part thankfully she didn't have to worry about that with her current companion dozing off in the sunlight.
"Think any harder Peaches and your brain just might pop out" Bowser chuckled without opening his eyes.
"Excuse me but we all can't just pop out miraculous speeches that move a crowd within hours" she rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out to the back of his shell. Adjusting the quill in her hand, Peach refocused her attention to the same four words that's been on the paper for the past hour and a half. 
Everything that came to mind no matter how she chose to word it didn't feel right. Should she just list her promises and present it to her people that way? She shook her head at the thought...that would be something a small child would do not someone turning sixteen. Bullet points are all fine but, elaborating those statements would definitely be expected.
"What a shame more people don't have my charismatic personality." Bowser finally opened his eyes, turning his head to face Peach who was once again pulled out of her train of thoughts by his words. "Oh  give me more credit, I can come up with something on the spot. Didn't even need a quill and paper for a brainstorm with my first speech" he added with a smirk.
"No way" Peach gasped aloud, setting her materials on the grass beside her. "You're telling me you didn't write anything beforehand or even rehearsed it several times in front of a mirror. That speech you gave when they crowned you King was way too good" she leaned towards him with each question.
"That's exactly what I'm saying and by the looks of what you have right now..." with a glance at the paper "Maybe you should give it a shot" he added as she snatched the sheet back up.
"Giving a speech with some sort or organization is one thing. Giving a speech without any preparation is another" Peach told him while looking thoughtfully at the paper. "I think if I write something down it would give me the confidence I need to face them" she finished and heard him scoff.
"It's that uncertainty there that makes your people think you're not ready to rule. If you can't even write a simple paper given days in advance what are you going to do if you're put on the spot?" He asked her seriously while examining his claws.
Peach froze as she considered his words and thought back on her interactions with people from the past week. Perhaps she could have been more confident in both her body language and word choice. Instead of inching away and shyly assuring the toads that she's ready to take on whatever challenges may come…she should have stood tall, looked them in their beady eyes, and even if it was fake confidence in that moment, they surely would have more faith in her now. A couple more quiet minutes passed of her thinking before she concluded that it would be another day of completing nothing. She folded the paper into sixths, put the quill in the pocket of her pants, placed the lid on her ink, and rolled her eyes.
"You're kind of sounding like Toadsworth, can we change the conversation?" Peach asked, crossing her legs and setting her hands in between them.
"Ugh don't compare a King as superior as myself to that old fool you call an advisor"  Bowser scrunched up his face following her lead and sitting up as well. "I'll have you banished from the darklands, the next time you say something like that" he added tone free of any amusement.
Peaches' stare matched the seriousness of his last statement that told him 'Toadsworth is far from a fool' and that he should take that back. Bowser backed down for the time being.
"Fine then don't compare how I'd say something to how your advisor would say it. I'm completely serious about that last part though." He finished.
"Joke's on you, Toadsworth would love to hear that I'm no longer allowed to step foot in your homeland" Peach giggled at the thought of The mustached toad smiling for miles if she were to tell him after four years of knowing each other that he told her to never come back again.
Toadsworth and Bowser got along well together most of the time. After all, Bowser gave him and the rest of the council decent advice on what a Kingdom being built from the ground up needed from firsthand experience. The Koopa also kept true to his word when it came to discovering unknown parts of their land for resources. Throughout the years they found a variety of consumable mushroom power ups. These served to greatly improve the toads productivity as they found the red ones greatly raised their size and strength. Yellow-orange mushrooms with red spots worked similarly to the red ones but grew its user to gigantic proportions which proved useful for taller buildings, her castle being the most recently completed project. There was a one person limit on the use of those to prevent any accidental crushings.
They found that blue mushrooms would miniaturize the user and even now, the toads weren't really sure how they felt about it. Already being three feet tall they didn't really like being that much smaller  and couldn't think of other tasks it could be useful for at this point. Then there was a Green that no one was sure of its functionality. After a couple attempts of consuming the mushroom with no effects, they decided it would be best to save what they found to study more thoroughly since they were such a rare find in the first place.That's where the positive interactions between the two ended.
Most disagreements between the Koopa King and Older Toad came from their approaches to Peach's leadership teachings. When it came to her obstacle courses, where Toadsworth opted for cardboard cutouts, Bowser commanded the minions of his army to take the places and dare them to hold back. The introduction of power ups brought on more problems as they went back and forth on whether she should or shouldn't be allowed to use them for certain exercises. Toadsworth would often tell Bowser off to his face about how sick he was for the look of pleasure in his eyes as she managed to barely avoid getting her head chopped off by a piranha plant or losing a power up after a small misstep. Majority of the time Bowser laughed in his face and told him to suck it up cause in a life or death scenario she may and may not make it as he told Peach to run the course again but in her heels.
Bowser's conceited attitude rubbed Toadsworth the wrong way and he always told Peach to not let the way he talks have any influence on her as if she didn't have her own mind. The whole month they've been going back and forth on every little detail for this coronation and other things that could probably be discussed at a later time if she was honest. 
Should the event start sometime in the late morning and run all the way into the afternoon? Or do they allow it to be an all night affair running into the next day?
The earlier it starts the better for everyone to be able to join and there are way more fun activities to do during the day. Versus Bowser's idea of celebrating all night rocking out and possibly indulging in beverages not fit for young toads.
They were not recreating his crowning as King where he had to take the trip to the darklands himself to escort the princess in training back home, catching taking a few sips of whatever was in that cup was Toadsworth's only response. 
They ended up settling for Peach's suggestion of starting around two in the afternoon and lasting into nine at night with the plus of shooting fireworks.
Fast loud rock music to keep everyone from the snooze fest that would come from soft soothing instrumental music that Toadsworth pitched.
Peach just suggested a mix of both cause everyone likes a variety of everything right? She knows she does even if her preference leaned more towards the instrumental playlist she grew up with, she's come around to the music in the Darklands.
They should do the allegiance signing at the... End of her speech it makes sense that way. Her main color should be...Pink. It's been her favorite for as long as she could remember. When can they start visiting and introducing her to other kingdoms...When everyone has free time to go together.
Fingers snapping in front of her face pulled her out of her thoughts. Shaking her head and looking up at him, she realized he was asking her a question. She hummed to let him know she was listening.
"Finally I swear you space out the most. Your King was asking what you wanted for your Birthday?" He repeated.
Rolling her eyes, she chose to ignore the first part of what he said. With all the preparations and struggling to write as of late, it was hard to remember that they chose to hold the coronation on her Birthday. Since she just appeared out of a pipe to them one day and she was too young to have any recollection herself, The toads just chose the day she came as the day they would celebrate her birth. Toadsworth chose this day as well to symbolize just how far she's come from being a tiny lost girl depending on them to this young woman who's fully capable of doing anything. Peach understood the sentimental meaning behind it all, even if she would go as far from saying she was capable. As the years have passed, even if they don't exactly see eye to eye on everything, her advisor would always be her number one fan and she would always appreciate the faith he has in her.
"I'm not sure" she told him honestly and then thought of a good idea with a gasp "how about you play something on your piano? You know that one melody you've been working on for awhile? It's so nice and I'm curious to see if you've gotten around to adding any lyrics to it" she gazed off in the distance.
"No" He simply answered as she whined out a 'c'mon' followed by a 'please' "as much as I would like to hear you beg. It's far from finished and the words haven't come to me yet." He finished.
"You asked me what I wanted and that's what I would like." She pouted. "So much for 'Mr.Words Come To Me In Seconds'" she mocked her hands mimicking air quotes.
"For that comment, now you don't get to choose. I'll get you whatever I want" he smiled proudly at her crossing her arms accompanied by her brows furrowing in anger with a 'whatever' in response. " back to the Birthday two questions. Will there be cake? If yes. Are you making it?" 
"Of course there's going to be cake and you know the answer to the secondary question. I rarely bake anything anymore." She answered and again reminisced about a hobby she was likely rusty at now.
Growing up she enjoyed watching Toadsworth and other adults prepare meals and as soon as she was tall enough to reach the countertop, Peach would be right next to them offering to add or mix ingredients together. It took awhile for Toadsworth especially but eventually, she was allowed to prepare full meals with little supervision and assistance. One year someone gave her a cookbook of recipes they wrote themselves and she immediately fell in love with the sweet treats. Once she got the hang of dishes, she grew confident to add her own twists on them. When everyone started getting serious about her training, being in the kitchen was one of the last places they let her go. It was in the early days of their friendship that she made cake one day and Bowser impatiently ate the entire thing and demanded she make another one.
"What a shame" was his only comment to that as he stood up and Peach followed his lead. "Anyway since you don't need my help with writing anymore I'm going to go and handle more important stuff. I'll see you in a few days.  Make sure there's some good stuff at that buffet table " He started in the direction of the pipe home.
"Ok I'll try. See you soon" Peach waved him off and once he was a good distance away she headed back towards the castle.
When Peach returned, she took note that Toadsworth wasn't in his office as the door was shut and locked. That was a good thing for now she supposed as she wasn't ready to have him question her about the speech. In fact maybe with the third and final change in atmosphere, she would finally string together the right words. She chose to go to her bedroom as a nice outfit change and fresh shower would probably rejuvenate her. On the way, she ran into one of the cooks, who offered to make and bring her a midday snack which she declined in favor of saving her appetite for dinner. 
Blow drying her hair halfway, she opted to let the rest of it air dry as she headed over to her dresser drawer. Peach pulled on a red pair of pajama pants and a plain pink tank top before slipping on her favorite fluffy light pink robe and some black bedroom slippers. By the window, sat her long white desk with a few dried up ink spots. There sat the paper from earlier which still had visible creases and the same four words that continued to taunt her. Ready to get started she sat down, pulled herself up to the desk, and grabbed her quill. The tip touched the next blank spot under the words and that's all she remembered before her mind went blank.
Peach kneeled before Toadsworth as he had asked her too. The audience had grown silent enough where you could hear a coin drop. Her heart was beating so fast she felt as if it would pop out of her chest at any minute. She kept her eyes on the ground and waited for her next order. The crown was placed atop of her head with only the slighted adjustments. With that she asked to stand and once more she was met with the hundreds of eyes on her.
"I give you the first...Princess Peach Toadstool. May she live a long healthy life and lead this Kingdom to many great things." Toadsworth finished and the crowd erupted in loud cheers and applause.
"All Hail Princess Peach" A lone toad somewhere amongst the others shouted. This coaxed others to join in as they repeated the phrase over and over again.
The echo grew fainter as the sound of knocking pulled her out of her dream that felt so real. Peach blinked her eyes several times as she refocused on her surroundings, glancing in the direction of her name being called from the other side of the door. Letting out a yawn she could feel drool on the left side of her cheek that she easily wiped off before looking at her hand. Stained in black she gasped loudly as she then noticed the knocked over ink cup that not only coated her hands but her paper as well. The voice on the other side was filled with panic as they called her name once more and asked if everything was okay. This time she responded.
"Uhh Yes sir I just spilled something. Please come in though." Peach stuttered out to Toadsworth now clearly registering his voice. She walked over to her vanity stand and grabbed a few wet wipes to get the ink stains off her hand and no doubt her face.
The slightly graying mustache toad opened the door and walked in and from the mirror's reflection she could see him eyeing every little corner of the room. Everything's in its place and the closets organized too she wanted to tell him reading his body language. The smell caught her attention before she noticed the serving tray in his hand.  Peach concluded she must've slept through dinner and the staff inside the castle couldn't get an answer from her, thus Toadsworth hand delivered her food himself. Cheep Cheep filet, rice, some mixed vegetables, and a cup of ice water all sat nicely on both the plate and coaster. She followed his movement as he went over to her soiled desk Noticing the mess he turned around and decided to place the tray on her bed instead.
"Peach Dear, your desk is an absolute mess. I fear that we won't be able to get a stain of that gratitude out no matter how good we wipe it" he placed his chin in between his fingers as he took in the damage. "I'll put in an order first thing in the morning and they should have a new one in here by the afternoon at the earliest." He assured her pulling out a miniature notepad and quill jotting down the reminder for himself.
Peach was about to speak up and tell him that there was no need to worry about the desk since it was still usable and the stains didn't bother her but, it seemed Toadsworth still had more to share as he continued.
"Though we're putting the final touches in your work office so there will be no need for you to bring anything extra to bed after all..."  He said as a matter of fact
"A Princess shouldn't do her work in the same space she should be getting her rest" Peach said along with him. She's heard it at least five times a day since they started working on it.
"Ah so remembered. Perfect, I'm very proud." He praised her and finally he noticed the paper on the desk. "Oh goodness was this the speech you've been working hard on?" She froze and hunched her shoulders at his question "It's simply unreadable but I trust that you finished it and took time to memorize as well. Yes?" He turned towards her and she avoided eye contact.
The long silence spoke volumes and was a dead give away of another day of procrastination. Peach figured she should at least give him something no matter how pointless it would be to him.
"I tried writing in the library and it was just too quiet. I went up to the hillside and even with Lord Bowser's company and advice, nothing came up." The scoff and 'predictable' comment at the mention of the Koopa from Toadsworth didn't go unnoticed. "I just came back home after that with the intentions of finishing it but I guess I fell asleep" she finished
Peach could feel the glare burn a hole on the side of her head as she crossed the room to get to the bathroom. From the corner of her eye she could see the disapproving shaking of his head and arms crossed. He waited for her to come out and sit down on the bed before he started talking again.
"You're cutting, finishing that speech awfully close for having two weeks on it would you not agree?" He inquired.
"I promise you I'll have it finished by tomorrow. I'll even leave it on your desk if you promise to only glance at it." She negotiated with him. 
"Have you forgotten about the last of the preparations we scheduled for the next two days? The dress rehearsal,  where the council would like to hear the speech beforehand to offer any last minute suggestion. Does all that sound familiar?" He reminded her by listing off each thing by his fingers.
All of that stuff did slip her mind but in fairness, she had 2-3 appointments everyday for the past two weeks with training sessions thrown somewhere in the mix. If Toadsworth didn't keep everything in his planner and stayed on top of her, Peach would probably be a no show at everything. He was taking his role as her royal adviser very seriously and showing that there was no one more suited for that role than he was.This stuff also reminded her of something she'd been meaning to ask him even if she already knew what he would say. There was no harm in trying though she supposed and just went for it.
"Toadsworth I was thinking, could I maybe do my own hair and makeup on the day of the coronation?" Again completely ignoring his previous inquiries. "I promise It'll look presentable." She told him. 
Toadsworth didn't answer her right away. He seemed to really be considering it and she could tell that he was mentally weighing the pros and cons of her request. The only fair reason she could see him denying her is because she's only been doing her own makeup for a couple of months. All the more reason for him to give her the opportunity to perfect the skill is what she could counter with. When Toadsworth makes up his mind about someone however, it's hard to sway him. 
"Absolutely not." He watched the hopeful expression drain from her face instantly "This is an extremely important event and it'll no doubt go down in the history books. You're still an amateur when it comes to both things and I will not have you looking any kind of way." He explained
Seemingly finished with his self rant, Peach was about to retort with a response of her own but, as soon as she opened her mouth, he did too.
"However, with it being your Birthday we'll let you have a little input in the process. Remember, everything needs to happen on time. I can't have you taking up three hours redoing your makeup or restyling your hair cause you're satisfied with it one moment and the next you're not. You do understand where I'm coming from right?" He asked her and gave himself a pat on the back when her face brightened with a wide smile. 
"That works! Thank you so much" she jumped off the bed nearly spilling the tray and knocking Toadsworth over as she wrapped her arms around him. "That's rude though I'm not that indecisive when it comes to getting ready. Give me a break" she told him half seriously.
"Would I say it if it wasn't true?" He returned the comment with a similar tone, they both shared a little laugh before. His expressions grew serious as he pulled her away from the embrace. "I do need you to get that speech done. You have till the morning of the rehearsal at the latest." She nodded eagerly.
"Pinky promise It'll be ready by then" she held out her finger waiting for him to lock together and seal the deal. He did.
"Well with that I'll be retiring to my quarters for the evening. Be sure to eat all your dinner and leave the tray in the hall for the staff to pick it up on their morning rounds." Toadsworth made his way to the doorway and Peach followed. "I'll be here at eight sharp to escort you to the first of your appointments. Do make sure you bring the paper and quill in case inspiration strikes you while we're about." He told her.
"Yes sir, Toadsworth. Goodnight and I hope you get plenty of rest." Peach wished him. Now that he mentioned eight in the morning, that reminded her how they didn't go over tomorrow's schedule. No use in saying anything about it now she figured.
"Same to you as well my dear. Please come and see me if you need anything.  I'll be up for a little while longer. " He finally said, turning to make his way down the hall.  
Peach closed the door behind him after a few moments. Not long after finishing her meal and one final trip to the bathroom for the night, she lay comfortably in bed. The only light source came from the moonlight as it shone on the desk. Even now the right words still hadn't come to her and while it was frustrating she knew thinking about it wouldn't get it done. Pushing those thoughts aside for now she faced away to stare at the door instead. Closing her eyes it took her over an hour to finally fall asleep. 
Two days came and went like a blur and Peach could not have dreaded it more with the knot in her stomach. She felt as if the moment she got out of bed, she'd puke up last night's dinner. The sunlight that greeted her, did nothing but burn her eyes and in turn hurt her head. To keep the room from spinning she laid face down and pulled both the pillow and covers over her head. Though hopeless, she wished she was maybe a week in the future already crowned and working on whatever assignment that required her attention. That same knocking on the door from two nights ago, did nothing for the way her heart was rapidly beating as she tried to curl more into herself to be as small as possible.  
"Peach My Dear, it's Toadsworth can I come in" He called out as chipper as ever. 
"Come in!" She groaned out weakly. Glad someone sounds like they're in a good mood she envied.
The knob twisted and in walked Toadsworth. Similarly to the other night, she smelled the food first but that didn't coax her one bit into removing the covers. If anything it spoiled her appetite even more.
"Happy Birthday to you my dear and here's to a wonderful coronation day." He cheered. Taking the tray over to the new desk he sat it down and finally took a better look at the bundled object on the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked, a bit worried.
"Can we maybe...um I don't know...do this at a later date?" Peach asked him in a quiet strained voice.  She had to repeat herself a little louder as he didn't hear her the first time.
"I'm afraid not my dear, unless you're really-" he gasped aloud causing her to flinch slightly at the sound. He was at the side of her bed in an instant pulling the covers away. This made Peach finally move the pillow out the way as she stared tiredly back at him. "You're not sick are you? I should've been more observant of your health these past days." He pushed her bangs out of her face in order to feel her forehead. 
I wish Peach thought to herself miserably as Toadsworth began to mark off all the common symptoms associated with sickness. No fever, Throat feels fine, No dry cough, No stuffy or runny nose, and no red eyes. Nothing. The next thing he asked made her sit up in bed sharply, turning a bright cherry red in embarrassment.
"Oh perhaps your monthlies decided that today would be a good morning to pay you a visit. Never matter, just do what you usually do and I'll get someone to make you a herbal tea and if necessary I'll get the doctor to come over." He assured her. "My apologies for not taking this into consideration when picking a date. I should've done a better job at tracking it" he spoke aloud as he started off. He made it two steps before he felt her hand grip his turning to face her once more.
"It's not that and please don't ever track that please. I can do it on my own." She begged him.
"Well if you're not sick in any way, what seems to be troubling you this morning? We got some time to talk about it. Maybe I can help" he pulled himself up on her bed and covered her hand with both his urging to be honest and that he was listening.
"I suppose, I'm just extremely anxious about everyone's reaction to everything." She told him looking down at their hands.
Truth is all the outcomes that have come across her mind have been nothing but negative. Almost all of them ended in the same scenario: 
The toads not accepting her as their leader and banishing her to some unknown land.
Peach felt silly to think something like that would happen in a million years but, there was this nagging voice in the back of her head telling her otherwise. Other minor things included forgetting her speech and stumbling over all her words after rehearsing it repeatedly all night. There was also tripping on her feet despite being able to walk  perfectly fine in heels for years now. Finally she would rather disappear, if for some reason she just broke out in tears in front of the people that trust her to be strong regardless of what's going on. She didn't notice her breathing slightly escalate or her hands shake involuntarily until she felt Toadsworth squeeze them, bringing her back to the present.
"Words probably won't do much to ease your anxiety about this but it really is all that I can provide" He told her honestly. "I want you to take a deep breath and just take time to remember the most important thing. You know what that is right?" She followed his instruction. A deep inhale and  an exhale. Shaking her head at the question. He chuckled "I know you know it but I have no problems reminding you. Just as much as you want to succeed, we all want to see you do so as well. We'll stand by you through everything that happens. We may be bigger in numbers then when you were younger but we'll always be a community that takes care of each other, yes?" He told her confidentiality.
Toadsworth was right about both statements. While it eased her nervousness a bit, it didn't go away entirely. If it was anything she learned from growing up amongst the toads, they had unconditional love and loyalty to each other and would always be there to lift each other up no matter how bad things get. She nodded her head in agreement.
"Good. Now I'll return in an hours
 That should be enough time for you to get situated for the morning." He rubbed her hands gently before getting up to leave.
"Toadsworth" she called out to him. Pausing in the doorway he looked for her to continue. "Thank you for the wishes for earlier and I'm going to make you all proud" she promised.
"Of Course and you've already made me prouder than you'll ever know." He gave her a wide smile and with that he left.
Peach carried out her usual morning routine with a new purpose and feeling a bit better about herself. In between mouthfuls of fruits, Bowser had sent his 'gifts' to her and the staff delivered it outside her door. A potted piranha plant that she'll put on the balcony till it learns to obey or she accidentally kills it in self defense. A hefty bag of what sounded like gold coins... someone's feeling generous. Lastly a piece of paper that she at first assumed was a portrait of himself as he did that every year however, this paper was wrapped in a red ribbon. It took her a minute to realize that this was the treaty they agreed on all these years ago. Cutting it close by sending it the day off but Bowser has always done things on his time and terms.
Peach placed the document on her desk. She figured when she meets back up with Toadsworth he'll read over the details and they'll negotiate things at a later date if need be. After handing over said paper, Toadsworth took her to the hairdresser and told her that he'd see her around an hour before the event got started. They tried out multiple hairstyles yesterday to see which one she liked the most. At one point they narrowed down styles to one long single braid or just curling it and styling it in a cute updo or letting it hang down. That's when she flipped through the book and saw a variety of different hair buns so they tried them out until she found the one. Everyone loved the rose bun and they opted to brush her signature bangs in and added a small pink heart shaped hair clip. 
Peach touched up her mascara a bit, having done it earlier before coming after a couple toads applied her makeup. The toads let her put on the light pink lipstick herself. While they got outfits from other places, The toads crafted most of the clothing in her wardrobe and they went all out creating gowns just for today. She must have tried on over two dozen different custom dresses the other day. By the third hour she felt as if her legs would give out standing in one spot for so long.  Between all the yes's, no's,  try the other one on again, and if you like this one you she thought it would never end. Everyone instantly fell in love and agreed that the final dress she tried on was the one. 
A powder pink floor length spaghetti strap v-neck dress with lace on the top. For added modesty they paired it with a long cape the same color. Peach had just finished sliding on the 6-inch silver heels when one of the toads came over to her with a flat light pink gift box tied with a hot pink ribbon. It's from Toadsworth who told them to give it to her once she was dressed.  They left her alone in the room to open it and she almost broke into tears upon seeing it along with a handwritten note. A sapphire jeweled brooch and a pair of matching big sphered earrings, her favorite gemstone for as long as she could remember. 
"It's beautiful just like your eyes"  he told her when he caught her admiring the gem through the glass.
The note as simple as it was made her heart swell with happiness. It said:
" Happy Birthday my beautiful Princess,
I'm so proud of the person you're growing into. You're so confident, strong, and kind everything a good leader should be. I cannot wait to see all the amazing things you will continue to do in the future. 
Forever by your side, Toadsworth"
Peach reread it several times fully taking in all the words. With a long deep breath she folded the note and placed it inside the lid of the box. She stood in front of the mirror and put on the earrings first. She positioned the brooch in different places around her chest, before settling by pinning it in the middle. Time seemed to fly by as she admired her final appearance only pulled out of her thoughts at the toad guard asking if she was ready to be escorted to the throne room. Two of them led her in the front while two others followed behind.  The walk that seemed so short now seemed never-ending now as the nerves from earlier started making its way back up.
Too distracted to notice, the toads stopped in front of the large brown double door and she almost bumped into them. They were waiting on the green toad told her. It shouldn't be long now a yellow toad said from behind. This was it,  the real deal, her one and only chance to make a good impression as a Princess. Do it as you rehearsed and They will love it, was what she kept saying in her head. From behind the door she could barely make out the words Toadsworth was saying until he said 'I give you Peach'. 
Not wasting even a second more, both toads each took a side and pushed the door open. Peach squared her shoulders and stood tall and faced forward. The atmosphere around her went silent as they took the tread towards the steps. From the corner of her eyes she could see the orchestra of toads playing their instruments. Both sides were filled with citizens applauding and smiling at her entrance. Bowser did take his spot at the front and even he seemed to be impressed with her newfound confidence. The guards broke off to the left and right sides and pivoted facing each other as they reached the first step.
Peach continued forward as practiced. Heart beating faster with each step up. Toadsworth stood at the top holding a pillow with her golden ruby and sapphire decorated crown. The final step came quicker than she was expecting and once she was next to Toadsworth, she turned to finally face the audience. With a raise of her right arm the applause and music faded into silence. This was it she willed herself and with one final exhale she was ready to speak.
“Good afternoon my people. I want to first start off by thanking each and every one of you for being here today as I take the first step towards being someone you guys can look too for protection and to depend on to make the best choices possible for you all." She started and surprised her own self at how clear her words were coming out. "I want you all to know that you can always come to me with any concerns you have and I will hear you out through everything. I won't promise that there won't be any mistakes but I will do my best to remedy them as soon as they happen. It is with the love and kindness you've shown me all my life that has taught me what it means to grow a  community. So I promise to take all those teachings and put them into practice to keep it growing. Thank you for giving me the chance to be your leader. I won't let you down" She finished with a graceful curtsy to them all and once again the audience erupted in applause and cheers.
"You may now kneel" Toadsworth told her and the audience once again went silent as she followed his instructions. 
She felt the crown being placed on her head. It's as if with that one object all the responsibilities fell on her shoulders at once. While anxious about it, at the same time, she was ready to take on those challenges to the best of her abilities.
"You may rise." Again at his word, she did as he asked. "I give you all the first in name. Princess Peach Toadstool of the mushroom kingdom. May she do amazing things for us all" Toadsworth announced.
"All Hail Princess Peach" The entire throne room was filled with toads shouting the phrase over and over again. The Koopa King himself even joined in.
Peach was ready to show them all what she was really capable of.
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eveningstxrr · 6 months
So, I’ve recently come up with some lore that kind of makes sense on the Supreme Deity.
Now, as an ex-Christian, one thing I know for sure is that the figureheads of the Church were were primarily males, the females that were mentioned a number of times in a good light were Eve (somewhat), the virgin Mary, Elizabeth — Mary’s cousin, and Mary Magdalene, etc.
So on the 40 (?) minutes I had on my bus ride home from school, I created something on the Supreme Deity using what I have stated above.
First things first, her predecessors were all males. For numerous generations, there were only male rulers, which is pretty ironic since they're referred to as ‘Goddesses’ which is the term used for females.
When she was conceived, there was a prophesy given that she would change the flow of the Goddess Clan for many generations to come and would be known as ‘The Supreme Deity’.
Now, everyone strongly believed that she was a male and celebrated this prophesy, thinking that she would put an end to the Demon Clan once and for all and lead the Goddesses to prosperity.
However, one of the ‘Seers’ tells them that the child would be a female rather than a male, and this sparks an outrage. The ruler at the time, her father, immediately sentenced him to be beheaded for speaking ‘blasphemy’.
Now, her mother was already quite frail, and having such a negative spotlight over her head only caused her health to weaken further.
As she was being born, both her and her mother faced some complications which was life threatening in both their parts, but thankfully, they survive.
Weaker than ever, her mother is advised to not have another child if she wishes to live.
When the mid-wife announces the Supreme Deity — who I’ve named Athena because it kind of fits — is a female, everything takes a whole 180 from there.
Her father is enraged, cursing at his barely conscious wife for birthing him a disgrace, and blaming Athena being a girl on her, to which the mid-wife explains that since a woman’s egg cannot choose the gender of the baby, the fault was his.
Reluctant to have a woman as his heir and face being a laughing stock, he takes in numerous concubines, ten to be exact, hoping that one of them would bear him a male child.
As he does this, he neglects his wife who’s slowly dying and the newborn Athena.
Unfortunately for him and themselves, all the concubines only bear female children which causes him to lash out and kill all ten of his concubines and their daughters, earning him the name as ‘The Blood-Soaked King’.
At this point, people were ready to accept her as the heir to the throne and come to term with the prophecy, but the King was desperate to have a male child.
The aides had advised him to accept it and move on, telling him that the more he mulled over this, the more his image in the eyes of the people would worsen.
He didn’t listen, and much to everyone's dismay, he took advantage of a young maid who had just begun serving his wife and impregnated her.
The aides were severely disappointed, and urged him to kick her out of the palace for the both of them to save face — mostly him because he did force himself on her, but alas, he never takes their advice.
His only response was, “I will keep her here in case she gives me a son, if not, she and her child will join the concubines in the world of the deceased.”
Nine months pass and it’s the moment everyone’s anticipated.
The maid bears a male child.
Because of this, the King makes her his official mistress and makes it official that his son would take the throne when he is of age.
None of the royals were happy with the news, after all, they would rather have a ruler of high noble status like Athena rather than one with the blood of a commoner.
Because of the heartbreak, Athena’s mother dies, leaving her orphaned at the young age of three.
As the two grow up, the King makes it obvious that he doesn’t care about his daughter, doing his very best to marry her off to some low ranked noble family and call it a day, but she doesn’t let that happen.
Athena is very clearly more intelligent than her younger brother which makes her very important in the government, and everyone who has expressed how they think she would be a better fit for the throne was executed and replaced.
Once her brother her turned eighteen (in goddess years), she was twenty three (in goddess years), and he was to be coronated.
However, the coronation aligned with the death anniversary held for her mother.
Once again, the aides brough their concerns to the King, telling him that moving the coronation to the next month would be ideal so Athena and her maternal family would be able to mourn her mother.
He tells them that if they prioritize her over his son ever again, he wouldn't hesitate to kill them all.
And just to spite them, he makes the coronation fall on the day his wife dies, at the exact hour of her death.
However, this ‘joyous’ occasion is turned into a bloodbath by the Ten Commandments (of the time) who kill off the prince just as he’s crowned.
They kill everyone who was at the coronation at that moment. The King and Archangels (of the time) are no exception.
Hearing the news that the coronation was ambushed, Athena leaves her mother's memorial to prepare for battle.
The battle is horrible, the Goddesses were on the verge of defeat, and it is at the peak of the battle that Athena shows just why she was prophesied to be called the Supreme Deity.
The battle ends in the Demons retreating, and in bloodstained clothes, Athena goes into the chapel where the corpses of her father and brother are and takes the bloodied crown, sovereign scepter and sovereign orb.
Then and there on the day were she’d lost her entire family, she gained the power she’d been seeking since she learnt how to speak.
Athena rose to the throne and became the first ever female ruler and the most powerful one in the history of the Goddess Clan.
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