#[lister voice] smegging ptsd yeah?
giantkillerjack · 2 years
I... have deep-fried... my nervous system. I have overdone it today and thus I have done myself a hurt. I am a small zombie of a man. And also I am not a man. I am very very cute and also braincell supplies are running alarmingly low. I have many unread messages. I have autism. I have 6,000 thoughts on Arnold Judas Rimmer and his Longterm Hetero Roommate-ship with Dave Lister.
I am 7/8ths of the way to completely comatose and what remains of my brain is still like "do not worry my dude i will continue to produce images of the old space men kissing.
"I know it feels like the flu wrapped a lemon around a sledgehammer and then artfully rearranged your skull with it but so long as there is a single ounce of life left in this body then by God there will be gay thoughts about chicken soup machine repair man David Lister."
and what I'm saying is I don't understand how the emergency power reserve system ended up this way but I think it is also keeping me sane in Deep Space
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