#i have class in 7 hours and 26 minutes
star-man-creature · 9 months
kid named funger
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Don’t say Forever- Chapter 3
TW: Bullying
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Janis Imi’ike is known for quite a few things. She’s an artist, a good singer, an outcast, an orphan, a dyke and for the past three years she’s also been a raging insomniac.
Ask Janis the last time she slept eight hours. Go ahead. Ask.
Trick question, the answer she cannot remember. As Janis sits on the comfy bed covered in a large weighted blanket, in a silent room. She wonders why sleep won’t come naturally. She parts her hair, blows it out of her face and repeats the process. She scratches her bug bites. She stretched and twists her back until it cracks. Everything she can think of she does. Hoping it calms her mind and lets her rest. It doesn’t.
Nonetheless, she picks her phone back up and scrolls instagram. She wishes she had her paint stuff here. She wishes she were anywhere but here. Although Regina may have been sort of nice. She doesn’t believe it will last. 
Janis just wants her grandma again. The minutes tick by on the alarm clock way too slow. Eventually she falls asleep, the clock reads 3:26 am. 
Her alarm blares. Janis sits up her hair everywhere around her head and her pajamas top completely twisted. She lets out a yawn and a stretch. Before looking at the clock.
Shit! She has to be in regina’s car in ten minutes. Janis frantically hops out of her bed before getting caught in her sheets and slamming to the ground with a yelp. 
“Shit!” She shouts running her sore nose as she quickly pulls on a pair of black jean shorts and an oversized flannel with Elmo on a graphic tee flipping the bird under it. Janis grabs her shoes and pulls them on as she runs to the bathroom.
She quickly applies deodorant and eyeliner and mascara before brushing her teeth. No time to eat now! 
As she rushes out to the front yard she sees regina blasting the horn and smirking at her from the drivers seat. 
Janis slides into the back and buckles before turning to her and snarking.
“I’m not late!” She snarls curling up next to the window. Regina’s glare hardens as she backs up.
“watch yourself imi’ike.” She scoffs before starting the drive over to karen’s. 
She beeps a couple times as the tall girl runs out. She almost trips over her comically large heels as she pulls a flower striped cardigan on. 
“Hi Regina!” She says smiling, sliding on the other side to janis. She looks her up and down before smiling and putting out her hand for a shake.
“Don’t touch her Karen, my mom found her in a sewer. She might have rabies” Regina snarks turning up the music and looking back in her rearview mirror at Janis.
Janis grumbles and slides lower in her seat wondering what changed from yesterday. 
As they pull up outside gretchen’s house, the perky brunette is already standing outside waiting for the car to pull up.
She rushes up the door and opens it sliding in. 
“Cute skirt regina!” she says without breathing. Regina grins and turns to her.
“Thanks, mommy just got me it, new drop at zara. It’s not supposed to come out till next month” She brags. Janis watches as Karen leans up to the from seat.
“Careful, Regina says the stowaway has rabies” She whispers loudly to Gretchen who snickers as Regina slams into a parking spot. 
“She’s mom’s charity case, and of course i have to suffer for it” Regina scoffs pulling her keys out of the ignition. She grabs her bag and slams the door behind her.
“Where do I know her from” She hears Gretchen ask as she walks into the school. she goes to the front office and requests her class form. 
Janis pulls out her phone and types a quick text to damian. 
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Janis quickly runs to his locker and steps next to him. 
“Oh my love!” He shouts pulling her into a hug not caring as her feet leave the ground. Janis kicks her feet and groans.
“Damian, i saw you last may.” She struggles trying to slip back to the ground.
“I know it’s been too long I missed my favorite little lesbian” He says setting an arm around her shoulder and leading her to class. 
“I’m so glad mommy george set it up so all our classes are together.” Damian smiles ruffling her hair.
“One, don’t call her mommy george and Two, it is nice but it kind of sucks that she thinks i need a babysitter and three, apparently she made regina have the same classes with us too. So watch out”  she shoots over her shoulder as he runs to catch up with her.
“WHAT” He screams right in her ear. She pushes him away and snarls.
“Dude watch my ear” She grumbles and shifts her tote bag higher on her shoulder.
“sorry sorry, I just- Regina our classes” he says pretending to faint on her. Janis yelps as she gets pushed over. 
“Damian!” Sheri grumbles as she hits the ground.
“Sorry sometimes i forget your smaller than average” He smirks. She grumbles  and flip him off behind her as she stalks into the class. They sit together at a table. 
The grumble and laugh. Hating the fact they have math first period but loving that they have it together. The continue laughing as the door slams open to their class.
Janis groans as she sees Regina standing there in her leather skirt and white tank top glory. How she gets away with that stuff is beyond her.
The Queen Bee looks around the room a few times, her gaze stopping at Janis and Damian sitting at their 4 person table.
“Please sit anywhere but here” Janis begs into her crossed arms. Regina stalks over and sets her purse down on the desk across from Janis.
“Seriously” She groans slamming her head on the desk as Damian pats her back sympathetically. 
“Shut up imi’ike” Regina scoffs tapping her pink nails on the desk. 
Some boy with shaggy brown hair makes his way over to set his bag down. He ruffles with his button down.
“NO” Regina snaps turning to him. He blanks and runs across the room to another desk. 
Damian’s and Janis’s mouths drop open. Damian leans forward and places his hands on regina’s.
“Teach me your ways master sensei” He says bowing his head to her.
Miraculously Regina fucking giggles. Than she looks at damian and janis and nods.
“Sit with us at lunch. Than I’ll show you” Sheri says with a head tilt.
Damian and Janis yell at the same time than turn and look at each other. Regina leans back with a smirk and pops her gum. 
Damian raises his eyebrow and leans in and whispers something in Janis’s ear. She pales and turns back to the front.
“ok fine” Janis whines.
Regina raises an eyebrow. 
“What did he say to you” She asks leaning forward and setting her chin on her palm.
“Nothing” Janis blushes. Damian smirks.
Looks like they’d end up having lunch together after all.
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so like we're all aware of the uh absolute disaster of arrests related to the coronation, right? with the police arresting people for seemingly no reason at best?
anyone want to hear a first hand account of one of them? yeah?
well, let me introduce you to the group who were arrested in the middle of a seminar that was entirely unrelated to the coronation who were arrested by the metropolitan police with a rather surreal tangent about vegan breakfasts.
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[Alt Text:]
‘It was utterly surreal’: police accused of farcical error after 14 arrested at seminar on day of coronation
Primary teacher and ex-civil servant were among those attending class. Here they recount what happened
Daniel Boffey Chief reporter, Sun 21 May 2023
“I felt that they knew by the time they had taken us to the station in the van that they had the wrong people,” said Lauren, 26, a medical writer in the pharmaceutical industry.
The post-coronation wash-up over the last fortnight has been marked by an array of surreal stories of bungled arrests, from the republican activists swept up by police for possession of luggage straps to the pro-monarchy Australian architect who had been simply seeking to enjoy a pleasant day out at Westminster Abbey.
It has been notable that in each of those cases, after intense media attention, the Metropolitan police has since admitted some regret and announced that no further action would be taken.
The group, almost entirely female or non-binary, aged between their mid-20s and late 60s and largely new to activism, let alone its more extreme manifestations, were arrested on suspicion of being a Just Stop Oil cell intent on disrupting the crowning of Charles III.
In reality, they had gathered in a small nondescript room in a rented work space in east London for a seven-hour seminar about the theory, history and practice of non-violent protest after expressing an interest in the social activist group Animal Rising, largely via its website.
They were put in minivans outside the building, with eight of the group taken to Brixton police station in south London and six to Stoke Newington in north London. Hillwood was sat in the vehicle for hour and a half before disembarking in Brixton. There was a further 90-minute wait outside the station before being checked in at the custody desk.
It was 4pm by the time Hillwood was led to her cell. She asked for her solicitor and was served a vegan “all day breakfast”. “It was literally beans,” Hillwood said. A solicitor advised her to offer no comment to the officers’ questions.
But when it came to his turn, Jenkins felt no such compunction. “I said my intention was to sit in an all day training course learn about non-violent protests, meet some new people and avoid the coronation.”
The group were let out late in the evening on bail pending further investigation. Those arrested have since tried to piece together what may have happened. They learned that Just Stop Oil had previously used the building for meetings, along with many other organisations.
The police had mentioned some placards lying around in part of the building, and some paint unconnected to the training. The truth, said Caitlin, was that it was a horrible bungle. Animal Rising is planning a civil case for wrongful arrest and imprisonment. “I want the police to drop it,” said Caitlin. “I want my phone and my watch back and I want this wiped from the police database.”
The Metropolitan police has declined to comment.
full article here
so little tl/dr: the metropolitan police essentially raided a 7 hour seminar that was unrelated to the coronation, and arrested 14 people on suspicion of being part of just stop oil and held them for over six hours because uh, well theyd rented the same room as just stop oil did one time and there was some signs i guess.
(side note on just stop oil; ive read a lot of conflicting information about them as activists and i honestly dont know if they are a real activist group or if its astroturfing. if anyone more educated on them wants to elaborate, please do.)
they were arrested “on suspicion of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance” because the police believed they intended to disrupt the coronation.
im not sure how they planned to do that since they were five miles away from it and in a seven-hour seminar, but who needs logistics or facts when you have a law that violates human rights.
theyre still being investigated now; the police still have caitlins phone; theyre out on fucking bail.
again, the police believe their part of just stop oil because they rented a room that anyone can rent and apparently they saw some signs and placards.
if you wrote "25 police officers mistakenly raid a seminar on non-violent protest as they believed them to be part of a conspiracy for renting a room" as satire, youd probably get the feedback or it being a little on the nose. but nope, this actually happened.
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not-so-bored · 1 month
May has the potential to be the most intense month of my life so far!
But the next months will sure beat it!
My name is M. I use he/him pronouns. I am a half-time retail employee, full-time chaos, and a European. My goal is to study at a university in the Netherlands starting in September 2024, and I am doing everything necessary to achieve that. I am determined because if I fail, I will have to stay in my home country, which is something I’d rather avoid.
I love cats, Philosophy, Computer Science and silly little emojis. This sideblog takes the form of a progress log. Its purpose is to hold myself accountable. I don’t usually post photos. 
Nice to meet y’all! 
Semi-schedule, plans and goals 
Week 1 (1 May - 5 May): 📌 Take care of myself. ✔️ . 🥗 Eat regularly. ✔️ . ⏰ Sleep more than 8 hours per night. ✔️ . 🧠 Meditate for at least 10 minutes. ✔️ 🗒 Study. ✔️ 🏬 Work shifts: 2. ✔️✔️
Week 2 (7 May - 12 May): 📌 Take care of myself. ⭕️ . 🥗 Eat regularly. ⭕️ . ⏰ Sleep more than 8 hours per night. ❌ . 🧠 Meditate for at least 10 minutes. ✔️ 🧸 Relax. ⭕️ 🗒 Revise. ⭕️ 📝 Exams: 3. ✔️✔️✔️ 🏬 Work shifts: 2. ✔️✔️ 👔 Discuss my contract extension with my boss. ✔️ 👥 Hang out with people. ✔️ 📃 Prepare my scholarship application. ⭕️ 📃 Write a report on Computer Science Classes. ✔️ 📱 Wabi-Sabi Studyblr Challenge by ddaengstudies 🍵
Week 3 (13 May - 19 May): 📌 Take care of myself. ⭕️ . 🥗 Eat regularly. ✔️ . ⏰ Sleep more than 8 hours per night. ⭕️ . 🧠 Meditate for at least 10 minutes. ❌ 🗒 Study. ⭕ 📝 Exams: 3. ✔️✔️✔️ 🏬 Work shifts: 3. ✔️✔️✔️ 👔 Discuss my contract extension with my boss. ✔️ 👔 Send 50 job applications. ✔️ 🎟 Help with organization of an event. ✔️ 👥 Hang out with people. ⭕️ 📱 Post my April Achievements on Tumblr. ✔️ 📃 Apply for a scholarship. ❌ 🎟 Participate in an online event organized by the university. ✔️ 🍜 Try ramen. ✔️
Week 4 (20 May - 26 May): 📌 Take care of myself. ⭕️ . 🥗 Eat regularly. ✔️ . ⏰ Sleep more than 8 hours per night. ⭕️ . 🧠 Meditate for at least 10 minutes. ❌ 🧸 Relax. ⭕️ 📝 Exams: 2. ✔️✔️ 🏬 "Volunteer" for paid overtime. ✔️ 🏬 Work shifts: 3. ✔️✔️✔️ 👔 Send 50 job applications. ⭕️ 👔 Update my English CV. ❌ 👔 Create my Dutch CV. ✔️ 📃 Apply for a scholarship. ✔️ 👥 Hang out with people. ⭕️ ✍️ Edit my WiP. ❌ 📘 Learn Logic. ❌ 🇳🇱 Learn Dutch. ⭕️ 🪡 Finally finish my embroidery project. ✔️ 🚲 Go cycling. ❌
Week 5 (27 May - 31 May): 📌 Take care of myself. . 🥗 Eat regularly. ✔️ . ⏰ Sleep more than 8 hours per night. ❌ . 🧠 Meditate for at least 10 minutes. ❌ 🧸 Rest. ⭕️ 🏬 "Volunteer" for paid overtime. ✔️ 🏬 Work shifts: 3. ✔️✔️✔️ 🫡 Thank my coworkers. ✔️ 👔 Send 10 job applications. ⭕️ 👔 Attend a job interview. ✔️ 👔 Make a decision. ⭕️ 👔 Polish (haha) my Dutch CV. ⭕️ 🖨 Print my Dutch CV. ✔️ 👥 Hang out with people. ✔️ 🇳🇱 Learn Dutch. ⭕️ 🚲 Go cycling. ❌ 📋 Set goals for June. ⭕️ 🎒 Pack for a trip. ✔️ 🔜 Go on the trip, explore and meet new people. ✔️✔️✔️
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study-with-aura · 3 months
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Monday, February 26, 2024
Today was a nice day, I especially loved this evening since it is observation week at ballet. My mom stayed to watch class, and I was very happy that she did. Normally she spends time with H's mom while we're in class, since H and I are in the same vocational grade, but they both stayed since they were allowed. Normally parents aren't allowed to observe class since it can be distracting. They have observation twice a year.
I am also going to post my mood tracker on here for the next 14 days. I think it will be nice to have a record of it, and if I enjoy it, I have an original copy to copy more pages as needed. Although, it might be better, after the 14 days if I find it helpful, to download an app to my phone so I don't waste paper. If anyone has any good mood tracking apps they would recommend, let me know in the comments or in an ask.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed the distance formula + reviewed slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines + learned to find areas on the coordinate plane + practice + learned to classify figures with coordinates + practice
Lit and Comp II - Copied Unit 19 Vocabulary + read chapter 27 of Emma by Jane Austen + completed descriptive writing assignment then emailed to mom for grading (47/50 because I could have used better descriptive words)
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + quiz (100%) + read about the royal palace of Madrid + looked a photos of houses in Spain
Bible I - Read Joshua 19
World History - Submitted essay to Mom for grade (40/40)
Biology with Lab - Read about how acid rain can change an ecosystem + read facts about natural gas + looked at the use of wind and solar energy around the world
Foundations - Read more on resourcefulness + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + learned about propaganda + learned about propaganda in political campaigns + watched previous political campaign ads + read about propaganda in advertising
Piano - Practiced one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry Unit 6: Lesson 4 (parts 4-6) + Unit 6: Lesson 3 (parts 1-2) (both lessons were already assigned)
CLEP - None today
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 187-285 of A Door in the Dark by Scott Reintgen
Chores - Cleaned my bathroom + cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study + took the trash and recycling out
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Psalms 118)
Volunteered for 2 hours at the library
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for the advice of my friends. They know me very well, and when I have trouble figuring something out, they always know what to say or how to help or how to support me.
Quote of the Day:
The funny thing about armor is that it doesn’t just keep other people out. It keeps us in. We build it up around us, not realizing that we’re trapping ourselves.
-The Unbound, Victoria Schwab
🎧Prelude Op. 33, No. 7 in F sharp major - Sergei Bortkiewicz
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a-ghost-princess · 2 months
The RMS Titanic
(This post is LONG sorry not sorry, also it's 2.20am as I am about to press post, that's a little creepy that I finished this post at almost the same time the Titanic slipped under the waves on the 15th, I know it's the 14th now but still little creepy) (Also if I got anything wrong feel free to tell me, as it is hard to find which info is true)
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112 years since The RMS Titanic sank in the early morning of April 15 1912 after stacking an Iceberg late at night on April 14 taking more than 1,517 lives with her, into the North Atlantic Ocean.
The RMS (Royal Mail Ship) Titanic was a British passenger and Mail Carrying ocean liner owned by White Star Line she cost $7.5 million to make in 1912 in today's money that would be around $244,994,210 in 2014 (if I worked it out right).
She was one of the largest Ships on the seas next to her sister The RMS Olympic and The HMHS Britannic, 
Construction of the Titanic started in March 1909 only a couple of months after the Construction had started on Olympic December 1908, The Britannic would not start Construction until 1911. Her builder where Harland & Wolff shipyard in Belfast.
The Titanic stood 175 ft from her keel to the top of her Funnels, with the length of around 882 ft and a width of  92 ft, weighing in at sound 52,310 tons, her installed power was 24 double-ended and five single-ended boilers feeding two reciprocating steam engines for the wing propellers, and a low-pressure turbine for the centre propeller with an output of 46,000 horsepower. She had 9 decks from from A to G (I would go into say what all the Deck are but this would make the post into a novel) She had 2 Two three-blade wing propellers standing at 23 ft and 38 tons and one centre propeller standing at 16 ft and 17 tons. Her service speed was 12 kn 24 MPH her max was 23kn 26 MPH, 
She had the capacity of around 2,453 passengers and around 874 crew. Was designed to carry 64 lifeboats but that was halved to 32 and on her maiden voyage she only had 20 lifeboats when she left. 
The Titanic was laid down (start building) on March 31 1909, she was then launched (being transferred from a dry dock to water) on 31 May 1911, Completed on 2 April 1912 and had her Maiden Voyage on the 10 of April 1912. She did have to sail from Belfast Where she was built on April 2 1912 to Southampton but that was not classed as her Maiden voyage. 
On her maiden Voyage her passengers numbered approximately 1,317 people: 324 in First Class, 284 in Second Class, and 709 in Third Class. Of these, 869 (66%) were male and 447 (34%) female. There were 107 children aboard, the largest number of whom were in Third Class. With around 900 crew members, 
The estimated duration of the journey was approximately going to be 5 to 7 from Southampton to New York, porting at Cherbourg in France and Queenstown (Now known as Cobh) in Southern Ireland in between where some Titanic passengers would disembark and some would board. ( https://titanicfacts.net/titanic-maiden-voyage/ can have a look at this site, It give you a little break down of her journey I did not wanna put it all in this post, it’s already long)
Her first days at sail went by without a hitch until the night of April 14 when at 11:40pm she hit an Iceberg on her starboard side (right side) of her hull below the waterline slicing open the hull between five of the adjacent watertight compartments. If only one or two of the compartments had been opened, Titanic might have stayed afloat, but when so many were sliced open, the watertight integrity of the entire forward section of the hull was fatally breached. Titanic slipped below the waves at 2:20am on 15 April.
The timeline that I found says that she hit the Iceberg at 11.40pm 14th, at 12.40am on the 15th Captain Smith gave the order to uncover the lifeboats and to evacuate women and children at 12.45am the first lifeboat is launch with only 28 people on when it could hold up to 65. 
It took the Titanic around 2 hours and 40 minutes to sink taking with her around 1,517 lives, 
(This may not be the right numbers but it what we know or what we think to be know as I have seen many different number of who sadly passed and who did not)
Men - First class Total on Board 175 - Lots 118 - Survived 57 Second Class Total on Board 168 - Lots 154 - Survived 14 Third class Total on Board 456 - Lots 381 - Survived 75 Crew Total on Board 863 - Lots 674 - Survived 189
Woman -
First class Total on Board 143 - Lots 4 - Survived 139 Second Class Total on Board 94 - Lots 15 - Survived 79 Third class Total on Board 165 - Lots 89 - Survived 76 Crew Total on Board 21 - Lots 3 - Survived 18
Children -
First class Total on Board 6 - Lots 1 - Survived 5 Second Class Total on Board 23 - Lots 0 - Survived 23 Third class Total on Board 79 - Lots 53 - Survived 26
April 15 1912 would be the last day anyone saw the Titanic above the waves, The next time anyone would set eyes on the Titanic again would be 73 years later on the 1st of September 1985 sitting 13,000 feet under the sea in two halves, as she split in half in the skinking (https://www.titanicbelfast.com/history-of-titanic/titanic-stories/finding-titanic-from-search-to-seabed/#:~:text=Although%20the%20Titanic%20lies%20in,the%20world's%20most%20famous%20ship! A site talking about the events on finding the Titanic)
Now in 2024 she has laid there for 112 years, but sadly in the next coming years some say maybe 2030 the Titanic with collapse completely as a rust-eating bacterium found on the ship named Halomonas Titanicae, which has been found to cause rapid decay of the wreck.
It will be sad to see her fully lost to us but she will always be remembered.
Not to sound cheesy but as the song once said “My heart will go on” Titanic's heart will go on and the hearts of all the lost people.
(this may make the post EVEN more long but, a heart for every 1,517 soul that was lots may they rest in peace)
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bookgeekgrrl · 5 days
My media this week (26 May-1 Jun 2024)
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Lady Parts are BACK and I am beyond delighted!
🥰 The Red House Mystery (AA Milne, author; Simon Hester, narrator) - a really entertaining golden age detective story. Genuinely sad he only ever wrote the one.
😊 Someone who cares (Just_my_latest_hyperfixation) - cute, entertaining single dad Steve/nanny Eddie fic
😐 Strange Medicine: Dr. Maxwell Thornton Murder Mysteries (S.C. Wynne, author; Matt Haynes, narrator) - p much a standard but entertaining cozy in thoroughly fictional small town. Until the surprise fatphobia in the epilogue! And the epilogue was literally just setting up the next murder so it was TOTALLY SKIPPABLE! I wish I'd known bc I would have just stopped and not had my mostly pleasant experience tainted. I do have to say that the narration was really stellar on this, doing a great job with the buttoned-up, tense voice for Maxwell and the relaxed drawl for Royce
💖💖 +102K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
What’s Your Order? (JJK) - 9-1-1: Buck/Tommy, 18K - "5 Times Buck Guessed Tommy’s Coffee Order + 1 Time He Didn’t Have To"
eight ways to say i love you (middyblue (daisyblaine)) - 9-1-1: Buck/Tommy, 8K - "Homemade tomato sauce; a team barbecue; a drunk dial; getting ready to meet the parents; a basketball sub; sex; oranges; a stolen sweatshirt. Whatever he’s feeling, he doesn’t need to put a name to it right now. He can keep an eye on Evan’s tomato sauce and enjoy dinner with him and cradle this warmth in his chest until they’re ready to say it out loud."
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s10, e5
Thousandaires - s1, e1
D20: Misfits & Magic - "Class Conflict" (s10, e2)
D20: Adventuring Party - "True Facts About McDonald's Apple Pie" (s5, e2)
D20: Misfits & Magic - "Family On Six" (s10, e3)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Wet Fire (and Bad News Brooms)" (s5, e3)
D20: Misfits & Magic - "We're The Heroes" (s10, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "That's The Squad" (s5, e4)
D20: Misfits & Magic - "Misfits and Magic Holiday Special" (s10, e5)
Doctor Who - s1 (series 14), e4-5
We Are Lady Parts - s2, e1-6
⭐ What Next: TBD - Why Hospitals Keep Getting Hacked
Re: Dracula - May 26: Count Me in Every Time
⭐ Working - A Classic Opera Gets an Overdue Update
WikiHole - Saving Private Ryan (with Jason Mantzoukas and Paul Scheer)
Re: Dracula - May 28: Despair Has its Own Calms
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Terrible but bingeable TV shows
The Allusionist - 195. Word Play 5: 100 Pages of Solvitude
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Canada Obscura: The Feral Horses of Sable Island
Shedunnit - Dylan's Whodunnits
Shedunnit - Bonus: Poets, Politics and Popularity
99% Invisible #352 - Uptown Squirrel [update]
Vibe Check - Your Fate Has Been Decided
⭐ Code Switch - White evangelical Christians are some of Israel's biggest supporters. Why?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Canada Obscura: The Giant Orange Sphere
Pop Culture Happy Hour - We Are Lady Parts rocks with bracing honesty and nuance
Consider This - How these newly included MLB stats recognize the legacies of Black players
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Nursery Rhymes
Ologies - Anagnosology (READING) with Adrian Johns
Short Wave - A Silky Shark Named Genie Swam 17,000 Miles, a Record-Breaking Migration
Re: Dracula - May 31: New Scheme of Villainy
NPR's Book of the Day - Two books trace the social and historical impacts of food
Dear Prudence - I’m 39 and in Love With a 67-year-old. I’m Concerned About Judgment From Others. Help!
⭐ Pop Culture Happy Hour - Best Fictional Bands And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - SwordTube, En Garde!
t's Been a Minute - Is it time to re-name "summer?" Plus, prom fashion is all grown up
⭐ Slow Burn - Gays Against Briggs | 6. The Murders at City Hall
⭐ Slow Burn - Gays Against Briggs | 7. Turn Around. Fight Back.
Welcome to Night Vale #249 - Rifts
Welcome to Night Vale - Bonus Episode: Behind the Scenes (May 2024)
Hit Parade - The Bridge: Girl Groups (Lindsay’s Version)
Bonnie Raitt Radio • Chill
Pop Radio • Upbeat • 1970s
Shaun Cassidy radio
The Partridge Family radio
Pop Radio • Romance
We Are Lady Parts (Music From The Original Series - Seasons 1 & 2)
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thank-the-gods-im-bi · 5 months
My thoughts on the PJO Lightning Thief movie. Spoilers for the movie I guess. My commentary is funny to read with it because then you really understand what I mean! What a ride this was
1. “The politically correct term is satyr” Jesus it made me chuckle because of course the threw in the comment politically correct. Go off Grover I guess
2. How old is Grover if at 12 he’s 24 and when he looks 16-18 in the movie? I just got questions man how old is he?!?! Why doesn’t he have his horns yet?!
3. Low key I want to go to this camp cause it’s looks like fun for teens/adults
4. It’s kinda accurate at certain points. Like lines from the book. But at the same time wrong character
7. Also it’s supposed to be the summer and why he got pants and a heavy jacket on? Also how do they explain both Chiron, Percy and Grover missing from school cause they just fucking dipped
8. Yea let’s throw the guy with absolutely no lessons or absolutely anything like that into capture the flag! Also where the fuck is Clarisse?
9. God luke is hilarious! “That’s a sword that’s a sword!” God got me wheezing
10. Glad to know in both video adaptations the Percy’s trip and fall.
11. Why is annabeth out of breath and a genuine dick in the beginning? Like she did two steps forward and is breathing heavy! Was it cause she had to talk all mysterious and sultry? What was that for?!
12. THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THEY ARE IN THEIR 30’s BESIDES THE MAIN 4?! Why the campers so old?!
13. Logan Lerman was a great percy at the wrong time. I will stand by this
17. Damn annabeth has been there for a while I imagine since she was 7 and never went on a quest yet. Who hates her in this movie?
19. How did Luke break into his dad’s house?!
20. Interesting take for Persephone. Also Persephone’s pearls?! Fucking weird
21. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH CUSSING?! They’ve said ass twice now!
22. GROVER IS KILLING IT ONCE AGAIN! Opening up the soda machine and screaming cause there’s rats and saying the health department needs to give this place a f! His actor is so good!
23. The Fucking JUMPSCARE at Aunty Ems
24. Medusa fucking slaying. You go creepy lady! Also Medusa hates autistic people. I know it’s rude not to look people in the eyes but I can’t help it!
28. Grover almost killing them in oncoming traffic
29. The water animation to heal people is kinda sick I won’t lie
30. “It’s forbidden… Zeus made a law that gods can’t see their mortal children” fuck off
31. Why did they keep the head? Why didn’t the mist cover up the Medusa head?
32. Why is everything in Ancient Greek? Like even just name plates
33. Did they really just hide in toilet stalls for hours? Instead of just sneaking back in?!
34”you’re going to kill the janitors?! Those are working class Americans!” Stay slaying Grover you are the best part of this movie
34.5 “their not dead just unconscious. We have 30 minutes come on!” NOT THE GUY YOU SHOT OFF THE LADDER AND FELL ON TO MARBLE MAN MIGHT BE DEAD
36. How many times did the janitor actors have to go over their lines together to say them in unison? Also they don’t fight the hydra till the second book
37. WHY DOES ANNABETH HAVE SO MANY WEAPONS AND WHERE IS SHE STORING THEM??? A cross bow, a bow and arrows, I want to say a sword but I could be wrong. Just so many weapons
38. How are they getting the money for the gas to go from New Jersey to Tennessee to then Las Vegas? That’s a lot of gas!
41. Never let Grover drive is the main point of the movie
42. “A giant storm cloud covers most North America… several states has issued an evacuation.” TO WHERE?! Where can they go?!
43. Charon(I hope I’m spelling it right) is such a mood I love him so much
44. “Thanks for telling me, man. You’re burning money. We’re in a recession. That’s treason!” WHEN WAS THIS MOVIE MADE. Please hold for a quick Google check. 2010?! It’s 14 years old?! I got siblings younger than this movie! No wonder this is a line!
45. Why is the underworld just the idea of hell? I mean come on. There are souls being burned and all are being tortured. That’s so wrong man
46. Persephone is kinda hot. Also she shouldn’t be there yet cause it’s THE SUMMER NOT THE WINTER but you know
47. Why does hades look like my uncle I don’t talk to. Ok I don’t talk to most of my uncles but on my dads side if that makes sense. When he’s in satan mode he looks like my stepmom
48. HADES WASNT DAMNED TO “HELL” HE WASNT PUSHED TO BE THERE. What the fuck?! It’s so Christian coded but in a bad way. There’s a good way and a bad way but this is a bad way.
49. I thought I could keep it in but the hellhounds scare me so Fucking much those aren’t hounds they are terrible beasts I don’t like them!
50. Hades being cruel and abusive is a tired trope. It’s so exhausting.
51. Grover being a big man is going to make me cry! But we all know why he wants to stay. Bow chica bow ow
52. How does sally know where the entrance to Olympus is?
53. Oh no! Luke is the lightning thief! Roll credits
54. Were Luke an Annabeth ever close? Cause they act like they don’t like each other or just barely tolerate each other
55. If they never went to Olympus for the winter solstice how did Luke steal it? I imagine a demigod in Olympus would cause so questions
56. I hate Luke and Percy’s fight. Terrible. Awful. Why is it here?
56.5. The only acceptable part is where Percy basically drowns Luke for a hot minute
56.5.5. Where did all the water go?
58. The elevator and the scene of them going up to Olympus was sick af
59. They got 2 minutes to climb up 20,000 steps. Fucking good luck I guess
60. I like the visuals of how big the gods are to the mortals. Even if it was badly done. It visually is really good
61. Maybe don’t point the blade at the gods Percy!
62. Psh Athena saying I’m proud of you to annabeth? A mother saying that to her kid? Yea that has totally happen to me. Oh why am I crying? My roommate is cutting onions and there’s dust in my eyes
63. Haha! Percy got daddy issues! I certainly don’t know what that feels like. Sorry my roommate is starting to cut another onion
64. Maybe a little too early for this note but did they not give her the head of Medusa? Is gabe not dead?! Also not telling your mother you love her before leaving for the rest of the summer? Shame on you!
65. “First rule of battle strategy” maybe put your hair up so it’s out of your face! Come on annabeth that’s reckless!
Alright I just finished it. Those are my thoughts I want to do the second movie tomorrow cause I have work in the morning. But I’ll do it whether people read this one or not. I might do the hunger games movie too or something like that! It was a lot of fun!
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zalrb · 10 months
Red White and Royal Blue Review
I'm sorry but as the president's son, wouldn't you know not to get drunk at an official engagement like this?
Is that cake about to get ruined because it feels like the cake is about to get ruined. I didn't see the trailer.
2. Yes, it was ruined. I feel like I should be drunk for this.
3. I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT MY REPUTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. I was like what’s going on with Uma Thurman but I realize she’s trying to do an accent. I do not think it’s working.
5. This ... looks weird to me
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It almost looks like photoshop, idk.
6. I’ve only been watching this for ten minutes but .. why can’t I remember his name, whatever president son dude, I think he’s the weakest link. The dialogue isn’t as snappy as it thinks it is although I did chuckle at the “you’ll act like the sun shines out of his ass and you have a vitamin D deficiency” but Zahra sells the quick “snappy” wit with more ease than he does. He isn’t comfortable with it.
7. Equerry dude is hotter than both of them.
8. Alex. His name is Alex.
9. Honestly, out of the two of them, Alex is acting like the bigger jackass.
10. Yeah, Alex kinda irritates me.
11. He flirts better with Miguel. Those eyes?
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like I know we’re not at the flirty part with Henry yet but I can already tell we’re not going to get the same energy.
12. I don’t think you understand the laugh that came out of my mouth when I saw this
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because it’s basically like they each got their own Black Best Friend and I know this is supposed to be like DIVERSITY.
13. “Omg people would kill to come to my NYE party” so far, this is a pretty basic party, sir.
14. So Henry is supposed to be uptight and posh and Alex is supposed to be more carefree, the drunk partier dude, but the thing is, the actor doesn’t come across carefree, he feels like he’s trying to be carefree so he actually makes me feel more uptight than Henry because I’m like, you’re not letting loose but you’re supposed to be the loose one.
16. LMAOOOOOOOOO. Honestly, I don’t know if them choosing Get Low as the song they’re supposed to see each other across the dance floor and look at each other longingly is brilliant or terrible.
17. Aww Henry wanted a NYE kiss. Sad face.
18. Henry, I just feel like you could do better than Alex?
20. Well at least they’re not Malec when they kiss.
21. He’s reminiscent of a a young Al Pacino -- I’m actually thinking of Al Pacino in Scarface but they did darken his skin for Scarface, which is you know.
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22. “He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football” this line is wasted on these two. Jesus, give it to people with chemistry.
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he deserves a better scene partner.
24. I can’t believe I’m not even an hour in.
25. Alex, do some work!
26. Oh, this banter is terrible. People are comparing this to Merthur?
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27. Wait, but I want to know which other famous boys he’s shagged.
28. This is probably the most I’ve cared about them so far
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29. And he's blinking rapidly to show he's nervous but it should be in the body language, Alex is kind of just standing there. It should be nervous and exciting and intimate and thrilling, it's just ... kind of happening. Like the dude who plays Henry, his back must be TIRED from carrying all of this.
30. Ah yes,
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it's giving
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but way less intimate.
31. OK. So. I was going to add a screenshot but I was afraid tumblr would block it if I did so when they're making love, Alex -- who I almost called whatshiface -- says "I can't believe how wrong I was about you" and here's my thing with dialogue during sex scenes and I feel really bad for comparing these two movies because no one deserves this but it reminds me of when anons were like please watch some clips of the um, what's that movie series based on Harry Styles fanfiction -- After -- WE ARE GOING TO PAUSE TO BRING ATTENTION TO THE PROCESS I WENT THROUGH TO GET THE NAME OF THESE FUCKING MOVIES:
I typed in movie based on harry styles fanfiction and then Google was like Anne Hathaway and I was like what no, there's another movie based on One Direction fanfiction?? HOW MANY ARE THERE? then I was like wasn't Jughead in the movie? but then I forgot his real name so I had to be like Riverdale cast and it was like Cole Sprouse and I was like RIGHT! then looked up his fucking filmography and it wasn't there and I was like I swear I saw a clip with him in it and then I was like RIGHT, he is a twin so then I Googled his brother's name then I got Dylan Sprouse and then I looked up HIS filmography and got the name of the movie JUST FOR THIS BRIEF MENTION IN THIS STUPID POST and I was like, but anons can't search the masterlist??????????
anyway there's that scene where they're having sex in her office or something and like in the middle of them having sex he's like "SAY I'M THE ONLY ONE" or something and it just made me laugh because his voice is unaltered, he just delivered the line like they were having a regular conversation and that's what happens here, Alex just says this line and it takes me out of the moment because I'm like you're not being breathy or moaning or something as you talk, you're just talking like normal? THEN DON'T SPEAK.
32. But what does Alex do? Is he in school? Is he ... what does he do? I know he wrote a memo that nobody read and will probably end up being a huge meaningful contribution down the line but he's talking about wishing he could help more and I'm like what's your job? Like you can still help people in whatever job you're doing, like are YOU going to hospitals and talking to dying children? Like what's happening here?
33. And he's going on and on about making his dad proud and being someone who can do something but you're the guy who got drunk at a wedding and made a 75,000 pound cake fall. I...
34. Ah he's a law student. Volunteer at a free law clinic then, jesus christ.
35. OK their together texts are infinitely worse. "I CAN'T HAVE SMUT FILLING MY INBOX".
36. I mean, Miguel is a journalist, Alex, I...
37. So I'm guessing Miguel will break the Alex/Henry story. Because duh.
39. "Dad, what is this music? It's so not the vibe" I'm sorry but I find Alex insufferable.
40. Oh so Henry DOES read nonwhite authors, jfc.
41. Ohhhhhhh whatshisface, Alex, is having the IT ALL MAKES SENSE moment, which MUST happen when the love interest is singing, HENRY IS HIS FOREVER BOO. And then of course, princes can't be gay so even though Henry feels the same way, I'm sure he'll be all I TOLD YOU NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME.
42. This movie seems like there'll be a rain kiss in it.
43. "Yeah, he's tougher than he looks." You guys were drinking tequila shots, doing karaoke and playing volleyball, not chopping wood for your only source of heat during winter in the Appalachians. Relax.
44. "You can understand my life a little more" which is cool but what about HIS life, Alex? I don't know I just find him extremely self-centered.
46. Aww, he's in the pool with his hand over his heart. I needed a better couple for this.
47. And here we go with the downturn before the uptick.
48. He's trying so hard to be melancholy and this is what we get?
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A furrowed brow?
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I mean are you? What is this, Stefan about Caroline? Please be serious.
50. Well, there's rain. But they're not kissing.
51. "I flew across an ocean" which would be more impressive if you weren't the president's son, Alex.
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You didn't actually storm the castle, though. Who are you now, Damon?
53. This should be way more frenzied than it is. He should be yelling, out of his mind, and Henry should be doing exactly what he's doing now.
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Well that's because he's amazingly self-centred.
55. ON. HIS. BACK.
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56. Stephen Fry being in this is kind of perfect though. I just wish the movie was better.
57. OK well that's over.
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mgufm · 1 year
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SEPTEMBER 18  —  OCTOBER 6, 2022 a setup @ mugunghwa, south korea
6 PM
in the early evening of september 18, kojirō is taking a little-known shortcut to his next class, cutting through a secluded area of the green, when he overhears jiyeon and yua speaking in low voices. he hides behind a wall, and overhears them talking about miyoung and jisoo. he discovers the truth about miyoung and jisoo's relationship prior to jisoo's death, and overhears that neither miyoung nor yua plan to tell mina the truth. he quietly escapes the garden, leaving only the soft rustle of a rose bush.
7 PM
mina, miyoung and mingze receive separate e-mails from detective lee sangwoo, inviting them to return to the police station for questioning on september 27. the detective tells them that there have been new findings in the case, concerning the relationship between jung miyoung, and the deceased, kim jisoo. they're told they'll be given a chance to revise their statement.
9 PM
kojirō visits mina at her dorm and tells her everything he overheard at the green.
8 AM
through her impeccably reliable and so far unfailing sleuthing, yua comes to find that mina, miyoung and mingze had been invited back to the police station for questioning on september 27. yua keeps the information to herself, though the thought to tell jiyeon crosses her mind, and has no contact with jiyeon until the next day, when jiyeon herself contacts yua.
10:30 PM
hours after attending a normal day at school, mingze walks into the police station in the late hours of the day, approaches detective lee sangwoo, and says he's ready to give his statement ahead of schedule. the detective agrees and puts him in the chair. mingze gives a tell-all of what he saw, sparing no details. when asked if mina knows about this, mingze says he doesn't know.
11 PM
mingze leaves the police station, picks up a bulky backpack he had stowed away behind an alleyway dumpster before entering the establishment, and walks to the bus stop. he waits for the last bus of the day that will take him to the pier, a one-way ticket burning hot in his pocket. it starts to rain. as he waits for the bus to arrive—any minute now—he decides to call ( bullet train ), knowing his close friend had mentioned wanting to leave town before. ( bullet train ) picks up after a ring.
( bullet train ): mingze? it's late. what's up? mingze: i gave my statement to the police and i'm leaving tonight. the last bus is coming in about ten. it'll go to the pier for the last barge off this damn island. we always talked about leaving, right? come with me. we can leave tonight and never look back. you can go anywhere you want, or you can come back home with me. we'll help each other figure it out, like we said we would. ( bullet train ): ... mingze: ... ( bullet train ): ... mingze: hey? ( bullet train ): i can't leave now, mingze. ... not anymore. i... mingze: what do you mean— ( bullet train ): if you asked me a week ago, maybe i would have, but things are... complicated here again. things are never as simple as they seem here, but i can't leave my family now. not when they'll get caught in the crossfires of this... mingze: what? of what? don't let them tie you down to this shithole. ( bullet train ): ... ... ... i'm sorry, mingze. i know everything, and i'm sorry about all of it. about this town, this school, this island... honestly, i didn't think any of it was real—or, maybe i always knew but i... but i guess... mingze: what are you talking about? ( bullet train ): don't look back, alright? don't ever come back here. your life is in danger here. real danger. whatever you think this island is, it's worse. don't look back, not for anyone, not even for me. got it? mingze: i don't understand. what about your life? what are you— ( bullet train ): you don't need to understand. the less you know the better. when you think of this place, or me, or anyone you knew, don't forget the pain you felt here. i'm sorry, mingze, but thank you for thinking of me.
the line goes dead. the bus arrives. mingze boards the bus, the boat, and doesn't look back.
8 AM
miyoung walks into the police station as requested by detective sangwoo. he puts her in the chair and tells her that they've discovered new information about the case. the detective tells her that her and son jisoo were alleged to have had intimate relations a few weeks before his death, specifically, they were seen on the night of his birthday party on june 7, 2022. the detective asks miyoung if she can confirm this or not, if she continued to be in contact with jisoo at an intimate capacity after the date in question, and if mina knows of this alleged relationship. 
"yes, fine, it's true. we... hooked up on his birthday then kept seeing each other after that. i don't know if mina knows. jisoo said she doesn't. i don't think she knows. ... if you want to know why i did it... i didn't do it to hurt anyone. or, maybe i did... i don't know anymore. it doesn't matter, right? i did it," miyoung answers. the detective is quiet for a beat, as if he's giving her more space to speak, but miyoung says nothing more. the detective notes her statement and lets her go. 
outside the building, miyoung looks at her phone. her notifications are filled with texts from concerned friends asking about what happened with her questioning, and what she told the detective. miyoung replies to only one message.
jiyeon: what did you tell him?
 miyoung: i told him i don't think mina knew. ok? 
 jiyeon does not reply for the rest of the day.
10 AM
yua accepts a call from jiyeon. "fire exit," says jiyeon, before dropping the line.
yua makes her way to the fire exit of maehwa hall.
"what is it, jiyeon?"
"you knew they were getting called in today and you didn't tell me."
"no, i didn't know, i—"
"save it," jiyeon cuts her off, "it doesn't matter now. i was waiting for you to tell me, but you didn’t. i had to find out from minhyuk. and if you didn't know—and i don't believe you—you should have known. i told you to stay on top of this, yua. luckily, miyoung is in her right mind and told the detective what he needs to hear—that mina didn’t know. i can’t get ahold of mina or mingze, so i don’t know what the fuck they’ve said.”
"jiyeon, i'm—"
"if you think i'm letting jisoo die for nothing, you're sorely mistaken, yua. i will do anything it takes to make sure his sacrifice isn't wasted. ... i didn't know he was at that building that night, you know. he told me he'd be at practice. ... but it doesn't matter now. maybe the less i know the better. but whatever he meant to do, whatever happened, it worked out for us. and i'll see this to the end, because i understand what's at stake here. we lose everything if we lose her. this is serious. this is life and death. and if you don't understand that, yua, i will make you understand.
( post mortem ) understands this. they know what needs to be done. they would die for this, because they understand. and they will die for this, if you don't start doing what you're supposed to do. are we clear?"
with teary eyes, yua nods.
"say you understand."
"i understand."
7 PM
jiyeon, minjun, yua, siyeon, nika and ( plaid ) receive separate e-mails from detective lee sangwoo, inviting them to return to the police station for questioning on september 29. the detective tells them that there have been new findings in the case and that they'll be given a chance to revise their statement. he provides no further details.
after receiving the e-mail, ( plaid ) invites mina to have dinner together. nika immediately texts yua, saying she wants to meet at once.
7:30 PM
nika and yua meet at a secluded area in the town's park. nika tells her that she had received an invitation to go back in for questioning. yua says she received the same message. nika tells her that she suspects it has something to do with a relationship between miyoung and jisoo. yua looks alarmed, and asks where she heard about this. nika says there have been all kinds of rumors going around about all members of the red and green club. when asked if it's true, yua nods.
"what will you tell the detective?" nika asks.
"the truth, of course."
"and what is the truth?"
"that she didn't know. none of us knew. i only found out at the party."
"is that what you didn't want to tell me at the party?"
"i was trying to protect you. the less you know the better, nika."
"you guys are always saying that. i don't know what you mean. i heard even mina told the detective that she knew."
"that's not true. you just have to tell the detective the truth, nika. we didn't know. no one knew. you have to tell the detective that she didn't know."
"how do i know that's the truth? i always feel like you're hiding something from me. there's... something you're not telling me. i don't know if she knew—"
"i know, i know—but you have to convince them that she didn't know. tell them there were no signs. you didn't see anything. you truly believe that she didn't know."
"why would i say that if i don't know that it's true? yua..."
yua continues to beg nika to change her statement. nika doesn't budge, and, with finality, declares she'll tell the detective what she thinks is right. she tells yua not to contact her for a while, then hurriedly walks away.
8 PM
over dinner at their dorm, ( plaid ) tells mina that they've been called back for questioning by detective sangwoo on september 29. "i've heard rumors about your friends... is there anything i should know before i go in?" ( plaid ) asks. mina looks off to the side. after a beat, she answers, "miyoung and jisoo were seeing each other. i didn't know about it. that's what i told the detective too. i really didn't know. that's probably what he'll ask you." ( plaid ) nods. the dinner continues on in silence.
11 PM
in the dead of night, minjun is woken by an unusual phone call.
minjun: yua? why are you calling? what time is it— yua: (distressed. urgent, hurried speech. voice shaking slightly.) have you told her? minjun: who? what? yua: jiyeon. have you told her we're going in on the 29th. i know you got the invite from the fucking detective, too. minjun: no, i didn't tell her. yua: tell her. minjun: what? you tell her. and she probably got the same invite, anyway. i dont'— yua: i can't, minjun. i can't— not again— she'll— it can't be me this time. but you have to tell her. tell her now. now.
the line drops dead. after a moment of thought, minjun decides to call jiyeon. but before he dials her number, he scrolls further down his contact list for another name. siyeon's phone rings.
siyeon: minjun? why are you calling me? minjun: have you told jiyeon that you're going back on the 29th? siyeon: what? no, i haven't. how did you— minjun: good. don't tell her. stay away from this, siyeon. we don't need you here anymore. you can leave. you should leave. honestly, if i could go back, i never would have brought you here. ... i guess, for that, i'm sorry. siyeon: w— minjun: don't talk to me about this phone call. i'll say i won't remember. my advice... leave town.
the line drops dead. presented with the idea of leaving town, siyeon decides to stay put.
minjun dials jiyeon.
jiyeon: what? minjun: we've been called back. you too, right? i think everyone in the club's going back on the 29th. jiyeon: thank you for telling me. you know what to say, right? minjun: ... jiyeon: remember what i told you at the greenhouse the day after the fire. don't forget what's at stake here, minjun. we can't let jisoo's death be for nothing. and you don't want to make things worse for your family, do you? for everyone's families. you have the power to help them. make everything the way it was before. minjun: ... yeah. yeah, i know. convince him she's innocent. i get it. jiyeon: good. make sure everyone else going in on the 29th gets it.
jiyeon drops the call.
10 PM
after taking everyone's statements, detective lee sangwoo is unconvinced that kim mina was unaware of jung miyoung and son jisoo's relationship.
11 PM
detective sangwoo visits ( post mortem ) to ask for updates on the autopsy. after a short chat, ( post mortem ) gleans that detective sangwoo finds kim mina suspicious. they tell the detective that the official autopsy report will be out soon, but not that night. the detective leaves. yua emerges from behind a closed door where she'd been hiding.
"he suspects her," yua frowns.
( port mortem ) looks at the floor, then nods.
"what does this mean for you? for our family?"
( post mortem ) pulls out two sealed envelopes from their desk, and hands one to yua. "i've run out of time, yua. i can't stall him any more. this is the real report. the truth. and this," ( post mortem ) holds up the other envelope, "is what i'll be giving the detective tomorrow. yua, listen to me. the keepers' mission is real—you've known it all this time, haven’t you? or, at least, you’ve suspected. i’m telling you that it is. everyone on the island will lose everything if she's taken from us, but we don't have enough power anymore to decide the ending. i've carried the secrets of this town on my shoulders my entire life, yua, and i'm tired. i'm sorry you'll have to do the same, but... i am giving you a choice i wish someone gave me. i know you'll do the right thing—i'm just letting you choose who you'll do the right thing for."
yua takes the envelope handed to her. "what... why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?"
"we didn't convince him," ( post mortem ) answers, "you know what happens now."
"no, please—there must be some other way— some way we can—why would they—"
"power is what you want, yua. the power to change things. the power to not have to make decisions like this. but we've run out of that power. the only way we can get it back—that power, our lives—is to keep mina on this island. like we've done to her for hundreds of years. that means closing this case and making sure nothing falls on her."
"so, i should... i should burn this? make sure no one finds it? what does this even say? did mina kill jisoo?"
( post mortem ) shakes their head, the look on their face unreadable.
"i'm giving you a choice, yua. it's the best i can do—i'm sorry i can't do more. i can't free you from this... this town, this island. our family—every family on this island—has been doing this for hundreds and hundreds of years. it's what's kept us safe... comfortable... thriving. it's too late for me now, but... you get to decide if all this... this town, your family, your money, the life you knew, your legacy... is worth it.
that envelope... you can open it, burn it, hide it, show it to the other keepers... you can do anything you want with it, yua. but don't mourn me, okay? jiyeon was right. i do know what needs to be done."
yua returns to her family’s home that night, and hides the sealed document in a locked box under her bed. she attaches the small key to a charm bracelet nika had gifted to her, which she then starts wearing at all times.
the official autopsy findings come out. son jisoo is declared to have died of asphyxiation attributed to the fire. the case is formally closed.
almost a week after the case is closed, mundanity seems to reclaim the small town of mugunghwa. a sleepy silence covers the town like a warm blanket. radios and televisions hum almost too low to be heard, except in one household.
in the dark basement of detective sangwoo’s home, a tired television plays the news channel day in and day out. pictures and newspaper clippings and documents are stuck to a cork board, connected by red strings. case files and notebooks are stacked on top of a table.
BODY FOUND IN LAKE, reads the headline on screen.
‘the decapitated body of a 30-year-old woman was found on october 4 in donglim lake. authorities have performed an autopsy, but are unable to confirm the woman's identity as of now, as she possessed no identification and her fingerprints had been strangely burned off. we encourage you to approach the busan police department if you...’
"is that ( post mortem )?" ( brainchild ) asks, putting down a sandwich they had made for their father.
detective sangwoo sighs, "probably."
"decapitated? fingerprints burned off...? who would do that?"
"someone who wants to send a message but doesn't want ( post mortem ) to be found."
"what message? didn’t their family call?"
detective sangwoo shakes his head no, and sighs again. "they're dangerous," he says, "the people in this town. ... listen, i don't want you helping me with this anymore, alright? maybe you should go live with your uncle in seoul for n—"
"what? no, i'm not leaving you here."
"alright. just... just watch yourself, kid. and i know it’s a big ask because you go to school with them but... try to stay away from those kids from that club, alright? something’s off... i just don’t know what yet. you know what i always tell you."
( brainchild ) nods, "don't trust anyone."
detective sangwoo nods approvingly, taking a bite of his sandwich. “wait, one last thing. that mingze kid. any news about him?”
( brainchild ) shakes their head, “haven’t heard anything.”
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ooc info . this concludes act one ! ic , we’ve now entered the month of october 2022 . our next event will begin on october 11 ic , so feel free to plot interactions up until that date but avoid setting plots after .
these events were decided by character choices . some dialogue and individual statements were omitted from this plot drop to keep it from becoming toooo lengthy . if you’ll be writing about these omitted instances , please include the dialogue verbatim and try to modify as little as possible . pages will be updated to include all characters’ revised statements  +  all new info over the next few days . 
the canon liu mingze is now considered departed . the skeleton post mortem is now considered deceased . see our guidelines for deceased / departed characters . 
if you have any questions , just ask ! 
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The French School System - Part 2
Part 1 is here.
(This is accurate as of June 2023, but the way the Éducation Nationale is going, it probably won’t be so for much longer...)
SO! Part 2. Small explanation of Collège.
(Under a cut because it got long.)
Collège is the first part of secondary school, so what you’d call middle high in the USA I think? At the end of Collège is the Brevet, which is roughly equivalent to UK GCSEs.
These are the years (taken from my previous post):
“Collège” - 1st part of secondary school (at the end of 3ème is the Brevet (equivalent to GCSEs) which certifies the end of Collège) - equivalent to middle high (US) 11 - 6ème - Year 7 - 6th Grade 12 - 5ème - Year 8 - 7th Grade 13 - 4ème - Year 9 - 8th Grade 14 - 3ème - Year 10 - 9th Grade
Ages are the usual age when starting the school year.
Here are the usual time slots for each year in only the mandatory classes:
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6ème: 26 hours/week
French: 4h30
Maths: 4h30
History-geography (+ a weird ethics and civics thing): 3h
First language (other than French, typically English): 4h
Science (in 6ème it’s regrouped as a general big thing instead of being subdivided): 4h
Sports: 4h
Art: 1h
Music: 1h
5ème: 26 hours/week
French: 4h30
Maths: 3h30
HG (+ the other thing): 3h
First language: 3h
Second language (mandatory, other than French, typically either Spanish/German/Italian): 2h30
Biology + Earth Sciences: 1h30
Physics + Chemistry: 1h30
Technology: 1h30
Sports: 3h
Art: 1h
Music: 1h
4ème: 26 hours/week
Exactly like 5ème.
3ème: 26 hours/week
French: 4h
Maths: 3h30
HG etc: 3h30
The rest is the same as 5ème and 4ème.
BUT. There are 10 extra hours in total during the year of “vie de classe” which are used for when your main teacher (prof principal) needs to talk to you, or to do class projects, or to vote to elect class representatives.
AND. 3 hours of the 26 (in 6ème), 4/26 in 5ème are used for “accompagnement personnalisé” which is basically your class goes in half-groups and has more attention given to each student than can be given in a full class. These can also be EPIs - enseignements pratiques interidisciplinaires - which are things that mix two subjects (or more) together to do a project. So if you did something that mixed French and Music, for example.
Students can also take an extra language from 6ème on, usually Latin/Greek or a regional language.
Additionally, students can have extra activities at school (clubs and sports things and stuff) which don’t count in the 26 hours.
Now! We are lucky here! Because I still have some of my timetables from when I was in 4ème and 3ème. 5ème is basically the same as 4ème, and in 6ème you just don’t have the second language.
Here they are:
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Now, I’ll be the first to admit I was a dramatic little student who just wanted to take as many classes as possible.
Also, I was in the bilingual section and had more English than normal people because I was in an international school.
As you can see, in 4ème I had more than 26 hours. I had 33. This was because:
- I had an extra 2.5 hours of Mandarin (as the regional language because I lived in Asia)
- and 2 extra hours of English because I was in the bilingual section, and 2 extra hours of history-geography in English for the same reason
- Vie de Classe was counted in my timetable as a regular class (so 0.5 hours per week, or once every two weeks) because it was easier that way
All of which bring us to 33 hours.
In 3ème: 33.5 hours.
Same things as before, but I only had 1.5 hours of HG in English, and an extra 30 minutes of accompagnement personnalisé . I’m still missing 0.5 hours in that but I’m too lazy to spot them.
All in all, this is pretty regular! It’s very common for French students to have Wednesday afternoons off, and I’ve yet to meet a school which doesn’t do that. We also have a lot of homework, in addition to all the classes. The system works fine for collège.
Now onto the Brevet! It’s a national exam.
(for the link skip to “Objectifs et socle commun”. And at the end there are some previous exams if you want to check them out)
It’s more or less equivalent to English GCSEs, I think?
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It’s the lowest level official national certificate you can have that counts as a certificate of education.
It’s out of 800 points, including 400 determined by specific exams. You need minimum 400 points total to pass.
It’s four written exams: one exam in French (100 pts), one in maths (100 pts), one in history-geography (50 pts), one in science (50 pts).
AND one oral exam (100 pts). Which is basically a glorified presentation.
For French:
- worth 100 pts
- lasts 3 hours
- 3 parts (well 2 officially):
   - 50 mins: Grammar + reading comprehension + questions on a text
   - 20 mins: dictée (spelling text based on a text read aloud)
   - 1h30: writing (either text analysis or creative writing based on a prompt)
(Officially: the first two parts are together and collectively are worth 60 pts and last 1h10. The last one is 40 pts.)
For maths:
- worth 100 pts
- lasts 2 hours
For HG:
- 50 pts
- 2 hours
For science:
- 50 pts
- 1 hour
- 2 out of 3 sciences: remember how there are 3 science subjects? You get 2 out 3, randomly picked by the ministry for all of France. This also unofficially means 2 parts of the exam, so you get 30 minutes for science 1 and 30 mins for science 2. But you can do 25/35 or 50/10 no one cares.
Well, now that I’ve explained collège and the Brevet... onto the next post! Lycée!
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666writingcafe · 2 years
MC Texts Levi Throughout the Day
Author's Note: This occurs before the official start of Lesson 12. Think of it as a set up for what's to come.
MC: (6:16 am) Levi, you better hurry up to the breakfast table before Beel gets here and eats your food.
MC: (7:57 am) My first class starts soon. You're probably just heading to sleep, but try to get up soon so that you have time to get ready for the speech.
MC: (9:58 am) Hey. The speech is in a couple of hours, so you should start getting ready. I heard attendance was mandatory for all students.
MC: (11:26 am) Where are you, Levi? The speech starts in 34 minutes! At least let me know if you're sick so that I can tell Lucifer. I don't want you getting in trouble.
MC: (11:51 am): Levi, this isn't funny. I know that you keep your phone on you at all times. People are asking where you are. If you're upset at me, that's fine, but at least send something to one of your brothers.
MC: (3:33 pm) We're almost back at the house. The speech went well, and we're having dinner at Ristorante Six to celebrate. Diavolo told me to extend an invitation out to you, so PLEASE make your presence known soon.
MC: (4:21 pm) Levi, I'm worried sick. This isn't like you. Please respond!
MC: (5:30 pm) We'll be heading out soon for dinner. I can bring you back something if you would like. Just let me know that you're okay. Please.
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krishnasangani · 1 year
WEEK 1: JAN 25 - JAN 29
Hi Again! So I have started recording my sleeping logs and the coffee I consumed. This is week 1, which began January 25, 2023, til January 29, 2023. Unfortunately, some of the days were not able to be tracked by the SleepWatch Application. So for this week, I won't be adding pictures of my SleepWatch, but I promise to add them from next week onwards. I have added photos of the coffee I drank this week below. Every day I measure my data and take note of the following:
The time I go to sleep
The time I wake up
Total Hours of Sleep
Coffee Intake
The cause of sleeping at that time
The effect after waking up
The goal of this week: This week's goal is to sleep 6-8 hours daily with a minimum of 1 cup of coffee daily. To use the sleep watch app to track my sleep and to be in bed by 11:30pm.
January 25, 2023
Slept: 1:35 am and Woke Up: 9:35 am
Total Hours of Sleep: 8 hours and 2 minutes
Coffee Intake: None
Cause of sleeping at that time: No classes that day
The effect after waking up: I felt energized and fresh after waking up
January 26, 2023
Slept: 2:04 am and Woke Up: 9:00 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 6 hours and 56 minutes 
Coffee Intake: 1 glass of Iced coffee at 9:34 am
Cause of sleeping at that time: I had a lot of academic work last night 
The effect after waking up: my head hurt a little bit when I woke up.
January 27, 2023
Slept: 12:50 am and Woke up: 5:05 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 4 hours and 15 min
Coffee Intake: 2 cups of Iced coffee at 6:53 am
Cause of sleeping at that time: Finishing my PA Log 1 and Binge Watching Grey's Anatomy 
The effect after waking up: I had to wake up early because I had a 7:30 am class and felt super exhausted. 
January 28, 2023
Slept: 5:07 AM and Woke Up: 12:45 AM
Total Hours of Sleep: 7 hours and 38 minutes 
Coffee Intake: none 
Cause of sleeping at that time: I Slept in the morning because I attended a farewell party
The effect after waking up: I woke up with a big headache and was hungover.
January 29, 2023
Slept: 7:04 am and Woke Up: 2:24 pm 
Total Hours of Sleep: 7 hours and 19 minutes 
Coffee Intake: 1 Tall Cafe Latte from Starbucks at 2:54 pm
Cause of sleeping at that time: I Slept in the morning because I went to a partying with my friends the whole night and I had breakfast with them.
The effect after waking up: I woke up with a big headache and was hungover.
Pictures of the Coffee I consumed
January 25, 2023 - no coffee
January 28, 2023 - no coffee
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Summary of the week
What I need to improve on
If possible, I need to wake up at the same time each day.
Go to bed around the same time each day.
I need to improve on only drinking coffee once and not twice a day.
I need to go to bed early, at least at 12:00am max
I should avoid taking naps during the day
What I need to maintain
Take a 30-minute to 1-hour walk every day
Avoid having midnight cravings
What I need to get rid of
To stop sleeping super late at night and waking up late.
Stop sleeping in the morning during the weekends.
Stop thinking of caffeine as the solution to drink before going to classes in the morning.
Recommendations/Suggestions for the week onwards
Instead of drinking coffee, I should drink tea as my alternative
Instead of sleeping late and waking up late, I should reverse: sleep early and wake up early
Instead of studying late at night, I should study early in the morning.
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vulpeskorsak · 2 years
Day 29 of Whumptober 2022: A bet won
Day 29 of Whumptober 2022!
Sleep Deprivation | Defiance | “Better me than you.”
Timeline-wise my current shorts go: Day 2 -> Day 15 -> Day 5 -> Day 16 -> Day 25 -> Day 1 -> Day 18 -> Day 22 -> Day 13 - > Day 29 -> (Day 4 -> Day 9*) -> Day 3 -> Day 7 -> Day 8 -> Day 21 - > Day 19 -> Day 6 -> Day 28 -> Day 11 -> Day 12 -> Day 23 -> Day 14 -> Day 17 -> Day 24 -> Day 26 -> Day 20
*Day 4 and 9 do not happen in the same AU where Ludwig exists.
Days 10 and 27 are a modern AU.
Victor is my human fleshsmith inventor (KibblesTasty Homebrew class) from a long-running DnD adventure.
Otty is an adorable gnome assistant from his backstory.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42735564 (AO3 link)
A bet won
“I’m going home!” Otty shouts out, betting against herself that today she will get no answer.
“Bye!” Victor yells back from somewhere deep in the lab.
Otty stops in her tracks, looking at the closed door with a dim light coming from under it. It takes her a few seconds to process the word.
“Oh my fucking…”
She is unsure whether to be deeply concerned or start rolling on the floor from laughter. She runs through the corridor and swings the door open.
“Ah? Forgot something?” Victor actually bothers to raise his head from his alchemical table to look at her.
His bloodshot eyes look sunken and much darker than usual. His hair is a bit of mess, which he usually never tolerates. She is unsure when was the last time he ate or took a bath.
“Doctor…” She starts slowly. “When was the last time you slept?”
“Ah… Not… not sure. Why?” He mumbles, his gaze dropping back down to the blueprint of his new project.
“Ok… How about… How long have you been working on this project now?” She smiles desperately hoping that he does not answer what she pretty much knows he will.
“Ah? Let me see… Eight days, seven hours and five… six minutes.” He says and then thinks about it again. “Wait, why are you leaving so early in the morning? Did something happen?”
“I… I just came back after leaving yesterday at eight in the evening. As usual.”
“Ah… I see.” Victor rubs his eyes. “That’s interesting… Sleep deprivation effects? Could be a good topic for an experiment, don’t you think-“
Otty gasps and jumps back as the Doctor crashes onto the floor, unconscious.
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tinyunderwear · 2 years
From Sandy Hook to the NHL Draft, one prospect’s enduring connection
Scott Wheeler
Jul 13, 2021
Editor’s note: This article has been updated to correct the date of the Sandy Hook shooting. We apologize for the error.
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At 9:39 a.m. on the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, Patty and Fred Samoskevich were sitting in the Blue Colony Diner on Church Hill Road in Newtown, Conn. They were eating breakfast when cop cars started flying through their quiet town.
“My God, there’s no reason why they need to be travelling that fast,” Patty said.
As they stepped out of the diner and into the parking lot, the wave of Newtown local police turned into a rush of Connecticut state troopers. They assumed the worst.
“Something has happened,” Patty said, turning to Fred, believing at first that the worst could be a fire, or maybe a robbery at a nearby bank.
Patty was supposed to hop on the interstate ramp adjacent the diner to begin the commute to her job of more than 25 years in the mortgage business. Fred, a tower crane operator, needed to turn right to make the short trip back to the family’s home down Riverside Road.
But before she got in her car and he in his truck, Patty turned to her husband again.
“You know what, before I get on the highway I’m just going to take a ride by the kids’ school just to make sure everything’s OK there,” she said.
So she went left to make the short drive to Reed Intermediate, a school for fifth and sixth graders where her twin children, Mackie and Maddy, had just begun that fall. When all was quiet there, she turned back and hopped on I-84, while cop cars continued to speed past her in the other direction.
Less than a mile from the diner, Fred came to a stop, hopping out of his truck where the cruisers had screeched to a halt outside Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Knowing that the road was a slow, meandering drive through the woods on a normal day, Fred, without talking to anyone and still believing he’d arrived at the scene of a fire at the school, decided to direct the traffic that had begun to back up, waving through fire trucks, town officials, and local post office security personnel he didn’t even know existed.
At Reed Intermediate, Mackie and Maddy, who’d celebrated their 10th birthday just a month earlier, were sitting in their science class when its lights were suddenly turned off and they were told they were going into lockdown. They remained there for four hours.
“It’s a day that I’ll never forget,” Maddy says. “I remember every detail about it, which is kind of crazy.”
“I just remember sitting in that dark classroom for the longest time and just not knowing what was going on,” Mackie says. “It was scary.”
Long before that morning, Sandy Hook Elementary held a place close to the hearts of the Samoskevich family and everyone else who called Newtown home.
Mackie and Maddy had been students there from kindergarten through fourth grade until their graduation that spring. Before them, their older sister Melissa was there, too. The school itself sits just a couple thousand feet from the Samoskevich family home through the forest that divides them, a walk Mackie guesses might have taken 10 minutes.
But none of the Samoskeviches yet knew of the tragedy that had just taken place. That a gunman had walked through the same school doors they had so many times before to murder 26 of their neighbors, including 20 children just 6 and 7 years old. That the lives of so many in their town had just been shattered. And that, though their family of five would escape unharmed, they would carry that day with them for the rest of their own lives.
Nearly nine years later, Mackie is set to be picked in the first or second round of the 2021 NHL Draft. And when people ask him about the town listed in his bio or about his family, he has a singular appreciation for what those things mean to him.
Newtown (or Sandy Hook as he calls it), Fred, Patty, Maddy and Melissa are his world, his everything.
There were two things that eventually made Fred realize it wasn’t a fire.
The first was when his kids’ former kindergarten teacher, Janet Vollmer, emerged from the school with her students. In the moment, he found himself thinking it was weird that her crying didn’t appear to be out of pain but as someone who was trying, desperately, to keep her composure.
“Mrs. Vollmer, are you OK?” he asked as she passed by him with her trail of children.
“We’re OK,” she said to him. “We’re OK.”
The second was moments later when one of the cars he asked to slow down, an unmarked old Ford van without windows, pulled right past him. Its driver made eye contact before stopping 10 feet from where he was standing to unload half a dozen men holding rifles. When the men leapt out, they didn’t pause to look for someone to talk to, like so many others had. They just sprinted down the street toward the school’s entrance.
Fred cries as he tells the story.
“I’ll never forget Mrs. Vollmer’s words,” he says, pausing to compose himself before choking them out a third and fourth time. “‘We’re OK,’ she said. ‘We’re OK.’ That hits me right now.”
He can still feel how the hair on his arms stood up and his heart sank when the men in that van unloaded.
After they arrived, he recalls how “everything went south” and cruisers made way for ambulances. Then came the groups of gathering parents who passed by with questions he couldn’t answer because he didn’t want to let himself believe that what had actually happened was worse than his worst fear.
“I didn’t really get a closeup. But I had to help out a lot of parents and I didn’t know what they were asking because I was convinced it was a fire,” Fred says between breaths. “That really hurts the most, knowing that I could have talked to one of the mothers that lost a child. That hurts. I couldn’t help her.”
Patty turned around on her way to work that morning when word of what had happened began to hit the news.
“It was a rough morning. It affected us for a long time,” Patty says. “I don’t know to this day how the parents go on. I really don’t.”
Halfway across the country, Melissa was on a bus to Chicago in her first year as a student and hockey player at Shattuck-St. Mary’s School in Minnesota when one of her teammates showed her the news on her phone.
The first thing she did was panic, nearly hyperventilating from the shock. Hours later, as she tracked the news and the number of deaths climbed, she allowed herself to cry.
That night, she told herself, “I’m going to play for my hometown tonight,” an experience she describes as out-of-body. The following day, she made arrangements to return home early before Shattuck started its Christmas break.
“I’ll never forget that day. I just felt so separated and so far away,” Melissa says.
When Mackie and Maddy returned home from school and walked through the front door, the first thing they saw was the television lit up with images of people and places that they recognized — and many others in uniform that they did not.
Into that first night and beyond, a world’s worth of news vans arrived and the police presence expanded.
“Helicopters were flying over our house all night. And I mean, tree height with guys on their landing thing with guns in their hands staring at me,” Fred says. “It was pretty heavy.”
Before putting the twins to bed, Fred and Patty sat them down to try to explain what had happened in terms they would understand. “The kids were young. They didn’t fully understand. And it was hard,” Patty says. “We were close with a lot of the faculty.”
When the names of those killed were eventually released, they learned that among them were 6-year-old Jack Pinto (the younger brother of one of Mackie’s classmates, Ben Pinto), 52-year-old Anne Marie Murphy (who taught Melissa in second grade), and 27-year-old Victoria Soto (Melissa’s favorite teacher).
When Melissa arrived home from Shattuck, Patty and Fred struggled with what to do next.
“We ended up bringing them to a rink outside of town to let them skate and try to get their minds off of it,” Patty says, laughing for the first time. “It was all about just trying to keep them safe and keep their minds in the right place.”
Hockey has always been the place the Samoskevich family goes to get away.
It was also the first thing that bound them together, before tragedy ever did.
Fred played the sport into high school and when Melissa was 3 years old, instead of installing a pool in their backyard, he constructed a year-round hockey rink, with concrete for ball hockey in the summers that he could cover in plastic and flood in the winters.
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 Fred’s backyard rink. (Courtesy the Samoskevich family)
My wife thought I was crazy and I did too when I was about halfway done,” Fred says, chuckling to himself.
By the time the twins arrived and Fred got Maddy onto the ice, she took off walking, her pacifier still in her mouth. Mackie was a different story.
“Mackie started bawling his eyes out,” Fred says. “It probably took him a week to get over it. But I tell ya, once he got over it, he just took over past there.”
Together, the three kids grew up spending their afternoons after school out back, with Melissa showing her younger siblings the ropes. When they’d get called in for dinner, Mackie would strap on goalie gear in the kitchen while Maddy took shots at him. On weekends, they’d follow Melissa to hockey tournaments with her travel team in Eastern New York, stickhandling their way in and out of arena lobbies.
“Part of the reason why they’re the best of friends is because we’ve been together every weekend for their entire lives,” Fred says. “That’s what we loved about it. We were on vacation pretty much every week. We didn’t go to Disney World, we didn’t go for a week to the Caribbean or anything like that. We were in Philly, we were in Boston, we were in Toronto, we were in Edmonton.”
The twins were always inseparable, with Mackie choosing forward and Maddy choosing defense so that they could practice against one another. Both Melissa and Maddy played boys hockey until their bantam years, so Mackie and Maddy also played on the same team until he began playing AAA up a year with the 2001 age group.
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Mackie and Maddy also played spring and summer hockey together. (Courtesy the Samoskevich family)
Every step of the way, Melissa was always there to give them pointers after their games.
“She taught us a lot growing up. Just seeing her love for the sport made us fall in love with it,” Maddy says. “And then when she put the work into it, it paid off.”
That work carried Melissa to the pinnacle of the sport. Beyond Shattuck, she played for Team USA’s women’s under-18 team twice (collecting a gold, a silver, and a spot on the tournament all-star team in her second appearance). She then spent four years at Quinnipiac University, including two as captain. She was the second overall pick of the Connecticut Whale in the 2018 NWHL draft. In 2019, she won gold with Team USA again, this time at the women’s world championships. This past season, she was hired as an assistant coach with Penn State’s women’s team (though she’s not yet prepared to call herself retired).
Mackie and Maddy have always tried to follow in her footsteps.
After finishing fifth grade, they both also attended Shattuck. In 2019, Maddy played for Team USA at the under-18 worlds, just like her big sister had. She then also committed to Quinnipiac, where she has just finished her freshman year.
Mackie’s turn to represent Newtown is up next at the University of Michigan — and the NHL beyond that. He spent two years with the USHL’s Chicago Steel following his time at Shattuck.
“To see my sister in those spots, it’s something that I want to do, to be on TV and have everyone watching,” Mackie says. “Just seeing where she was and how she got there has been a huge thing in my life.
“And I also want to represent Sandy Hook. It’s my favorite place in the world.”
Mackie calls his two sisters his best friends, a bond that they all say was strengthened in the years after the shooting.
These last two years, Mackie has called his sisters every week from Chicago. This year, when he broke his finger crashing into the boards, they dreaded being away from him.
As a family, they found the pandemic most difficult because none of the five do well being away from each other. In a normal year, Fred and Patty would visit Mackie half a dozen times in Chicago. This season, they weren’t able to visit until they were both double-vaccinated around playoff time, as Mackie’s Steel chased and won the USHL’s Clark Cup.
As soon as they’d won, he couldn’t wait to get home to celebrate it with them.
“When I’m at home, I’m not usually out and about with other friends because we’re always together and I’d rather be with my sisters,” Mackie says. “Not everybody has that.”
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 Mackie and Melissa. (Courtesy the Samoskevich family)
None of the people who’ve worked with Mackie over the years have asked him about Sandy Hook. Not Ben Umhoefer, who coaches and runs the program at Shattuck. Not Ryan Hardy nor Brock Sheahan, who were his general manager and coach with the Steel. Not Michigan head coach Mel Pearson, who will welcome him to the Wolverines in the fall.
But they know all about Melissa, Maddy, Patty and Fred, because Mackie’s always talking about them.
And when you ask them to describe Mackie the hockey player, they can do that.
Owen Power, Mackie’s teammate in Chicago and soon at Michigan and the presumptive No. 1 pick in the upcoming draft, calls him the most talented player he’s ever shared the ice with. Pearson gets giddy when he talks about how he may be able to use him.
Umhoefer will tell you that Mackie’s game speaks for itself.
“From a skills, skating, talent perspective, there’s really not a lot to pick holes at,” he says.
Sheahan laughs about how often Mackie appeared in the videos he showed the Steel this season, both offensively and defensively, calling him a complete player. He and Hardy also said they saw Mackie do things every night for two years that nobody else could. Mackie, Sheahan insists, is “as elite as it gets” as a skater and puck handler.
“I think he was the most skilled player in the USHL,” Sheahan says.
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Mackie Samoskevich is NHL Central Scouting’s 26th-ranked North American skater in advance of the 2021 NHL Draft. (Courtesy Chicago Steel)
But they’d all rather talk about Mackie the person.
“The way he treats everybody is awesome,” Hardy says. “He’s a very kind and genuine person and I think that speaks to the parents that he has and the relationship that he has with his sisters.”
Sheahan will tell you that he has learned as much from Mackie as he has taught him, something he says is rare.
“He’s a great kid,” Sheahan says. “He really burns to be a player, like he really works at it. He’s the type of guy I like to just sit there and talk with.”
Umhoefer talks about the Samoskeviches as a humble, hardworking, blue-collar family who have and will accomplish special things. Though he never spoke with any of them about the shooting, he and other faculty recognized that they were shaken by it and tried to go out of their way to check in on them at Shattuck.
“Mackie was a really quiet kid with us. He never really showed a lot of emotion. He’s one of those kids that’s sometimes hard to get a read on,” Umhoefer says. “But the shooting was a really sad time for everyone that worked in education and then there was a lot of focus brought onto those kids because as a school you feel a lot of the same emotions that they feel when you see that they’re hurting.”
Mackie’s quiet nature is one of the things that all those who’ve worked with him talk about.
“Mackie is identical to me and Madison is identical to my wife. I was the same way Mackie is right now, a little quiet,” Fred says.
But to Maddy and Melissa, Mackie is a different person than the one the rest of the world sees.
To Maddy, he’s a confidante who is easy to talk to.
“He was always there for me. If I had a question about hockey, he would spend a good amount of time teaching me until I got the full answer. I feel like I’m the player that I am today because of him,” Maddy says.
To Melissa, the reserved Mackie people see at the rink is someone else altogether at home.
“He’s soft spoken but it’s funny because he’s also a little shit around the house,” Melissa says, laughing. “He’s one of the funniest kids I know when you get him going. We make fun of each other a ton. So when people see Mackie and think he’s quiet, that’s because when he’s at the rink he’s ready to work.”
Melissa thinks that attitude has taken Mackie this far.
“Me and Maddy go to the rink and work but we like the social aspect of it,” Melissa says. “The quietness of him is because he’s a 24-hour athlete. And it has paid off for him and that’s solely because of him. He’s out on our outdoor rink for hours just stickhandling by himself. Watching his work ethic is amazing. I wish I had it.”
Whenever Patty thinks about her son’s draft day, she gets nervous.
“The butterflies just drive me crazy,” Patty says.
When Melissa and Maddy think about his big day, their octave changes in excitement.
“It’s going to be amazing. I’m so proud of everything he has accomplished,” Maddy says. “He has worked so hard for this and he deserves it. It’s going to be an emotional day.”
“I’m just,” Melissa says, choking up, “yeah … I’m really proud of him. He deserves all of the attention.”
But the draft won’t be the only thing on their minds. The first thing they’ll all think of will be Newtown.
“We love Sandy Hook … um,” Fred said, pausing to collect himself once more, “it’s just sad going forward. You see one of the moms out at the grocery store and it just brings you right back to it. We’re a resilient group of people here in Sandy Hook. We help each other out as much as we can. Plus, the help we received from the world. It was amazing what everyone did for us around here, it really was.”
“It was life-changing for so many, including us,” Maddy adds. “It brought our family a lot closer. After that day, our parents were there for us and we were there for each other.”
Not a day goes by where Mackie doesn’t think about that day or his hometown.
“It’s crazy to think about all of the towns in the world and your town is the one that this happens to. To see that people are willing to do that, I can’t believe it continues to happen to other people,” Mackie said, pausing himself for the first time. “But at the end of the day, it was a pretty amazing thing to see Sandy Hook come together. It was a positive thing in one small way, how everyone was able to come back from it the way that they did.”
And it’s that last part, that sliver of good, that he’ll carry with him.
It’s a reminder, he says, of how little hockey actually matters, and of how much his weird little hockey family does.
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(Graphic: John Bradford / The Athletic; photos: Courtesy the Samoskevich family)
6 notes · View notes
alexis-venkman · 2 years
Cross off the ones you’ve done (IC)
3. GOTTEN PREGNANT (main verse and munsoniacshow verse)
13. SEXTED (main verse)
21. BEEN OVERWEIGHT (according to her ex and some modeling companies)
65. SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE (in munsoniacshow verse)
90. PEED OUTSIDE (👀👀 "Please don't ask. I was drunk.")
93. TAKEN A PREGNANCY TEST (in main verse and munsoniacshow verse only, so far)
Tagged by: @gothams-white-knight
Tagging: @eddieleemunson @munsoniacshow @fox-muses (for Will) @collective-muses-rp (for Steve) @brucieboy297 @patrickoharaandco (for Beowolf or Cygnus lol you can pick). And anyone else I may have forgotten to @, or just wants to do this!
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