#i feel like an off-brand pokemon trainer
catastrophic-crow · 8 months
i have a migriane that feels like—aside from the typical symptoms—i have too much blood in my skull. very unpleasant.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hewwo! So I was wondering if you could do some angsty headcanons of certain Pokemon accidentally hurting their Trainer Reader, who has been nothing but supportive, loving and caring for them?? Those certain Pokemon would be Koraidon, Iron Valiant and 2 more Pokemon of your choosing
Ough yeah I'm always up for angst-
The other two Pokemon will be Mimikyuu and Maushold!
After a gang of Maschiffs ran off with Koraidon's sandwich, the fighting/dragon type was understandably angry...especially with the leader Mabosstiff taunting them into a fight-
In which it got clobbered with Outrage. But even after that, Koraidon was still in a blind rage, staying in their Apex Build form.
You attempted to calm them down, but forgot that the attack still hadn't finished..
And they whipped around to slash you with their claws.
Your yell of pain made them snap out of it, and despite your attempts to hide the deep scratches they left, they shuddered as they realized what they've done.
They hurt you.
Just like.....
Suddenly Koraidon runs away, and you eventually track them down, finding them at the beach where you first met, curled up in the sand and back in their Limited Build.
By this point, your wounds were bandaged and you had casual clothes on, but seeing you and remembering what they did made them whimper with guilt.
They expected the worst, but you just sit down to comfort them, holding them as they push their head into your chest, trembling.
They feared that tey were becoming just like that other Koraidon--the one who killed an actual human.
Yet somehow you knew that's what they were thinking, as you reassure them they're not gonna turn out that way, and that you're gonna be alright.
To prove you still trusted them, you allow them to sniff and nuzzle you, while you stroked their feathers until they calmed down.
"Why don't I make you a brand new sandwich, Korai?" You offer with a smile, which seems to cheer them right up.
They briefly go into Apex mode....just to hug you gently against their throat sac, lifting you off your feet for a few seconds.
You just sigh and accept it.
Iron Valiant
Being programmed to be a merciless warrior, it's no surprise when your Iron Valiant sometimes defies your orders and throws themselves into danger.
But the problem is that they've been dealing with some internal conflict lately, especially when they learned Gardevoir and Gallade are your aces.
They don't know it yet, since it's such a foreign emotion to them, but they've been feeling...extreme jealousy.
They're overanalyzing the psychic types' interactions with you, wondering what made them so special...and why they can't be like them.
Being in-tune with your other Pokémon's emotions, Gardevoir and Gallade take notice of this during a picnic and decide to speak to their future counterpart privately. But Iron Valiant quickly got aggressive and began threatening them with their bladed weapon.
You witnessed this and tried standing between them and your psychic companions--
Only for them to accidentally strike you, knocking you out instantly.
This horrified Gardevoir and enraged Gallade, who went to fight IV while she did her best to heal you with Wish.
Eventually the robot did see you were unconscious, freezing for a moment as a new emotion was registered in them: Guilt.
That distraction allowed Gallade to gain the upper hand and knock them out.
The next day, you were released from the hospital, having suffered only a minor concussion and some bruises.
Upon arriving home to your worried Pokémon, you immediately asked where Iron Valiant was. Gallade didn't wanna tell you, but Gardevoir showed you to the backyard...where they stood rigidly, completely shutdown. Apparently they let their battery run dry all night as some sort of punishment.
After recharging them (with some help from Pawmi's Spark), they awaken with renewed guilt upon seeing you, kneeling down in apology.
But you convinced them to stand back up, instead embracing them and expressing your forgiveness.
"I know why you were angry...you just wanted to be like Gallade and Gardevoir. I've raised them since they were Ralts, so we do have a close connection. But don't ever think that I'll ignore you, IV. You're just as important to me, too."
After getting into a fight with a murder of Murkrow, your sweet little ghost/fairy's disguise was a lot worse for wear.
They try fixing it themselves, but even though you gave them a sewing needle...it just wasn't coming out right. Not the way they wanted it.
So much was wrong with it. The neck was still crooked, the ears were misaligned-
You didn't know how stressed they were until you hear their cries coming from an old pillowcases they were temporarily using for cover, and wanted to help them.
Unfortunately, yours was akin to an extremely stubborn child who didn't wanna share. And they freaked out when you tried taking their costume away, leading to them slapping your hand.
But in doing so accidentally jabbed you with the needle.
You winced in pain, although Mimikyuu quickly realized what they had done and panicked, dropping the tool and slipping further into the pillowcase, leaving their costume out in the open.
After plastering a bandaid on yourself, you got to work fixing it.
Mimikyuu never protested or said anything, feeling guilty for hurting you.
However, after some time you did feel the small, trembling lump hidden in the pillowcase curl up against your side. You patted it gently, humming a small song to help them calm down.
Once their costume was repaired, you presented it to them with a warm smile, and they...initially hesitated to take it.
You realized why, and closed your eyes so you didn't look at their true form, only opening them after the costume was on.
Looking down, you see them holding your hand and nuzzling where you had the cut, tears in their eyes.
"It's okay, Mimi." You coo. "I know you didn't mean it. I'll be okay..thank you for trusting me."
They didn't hurt you directly...although they did feel responsible for the situation that injured you.
It all started when their two children began chasing some Hoppips who flew off when the wind picked up, while their parents rested during a picnic.
However, you were very observant and quickly noticed the little mice have gone missing, going to search for them so their parents didn't freak out.
You eventually found them being tormented by a Persian, who was circling around them menacingly.
Without thinking about your own safety, you just ran towards them and shouted at the feline Pokémon to get away, scooping up Maushold's children into your arms.
And you turned your back just as Persian lunged, attacking you with Fury Swipes, claws ripping through your shirt and scratching your skin.
They stung like hell, but you refused to let it harm either of the mice.
Fortunately, it didn't get a chance to attack again, as a flurry of Bullet Seeds caused it to flee.
You smiled as the rest of Maushold came to the rescue, reuniting them with their children.
But you didn't tell them about the attack until you went to Nurse Miriam and explained the situation as she treated your injuries.
To make a long story short...the parents were mad at their children for endangering you, though you gathered them all into your arms and hugged them closely.
"Don't be upset with them, they chased after some Hoppip and didn't know any better." You gently told the parents. "I can take a few scratches from a mean Persian if it means you're all safe."
As Tandemaus, they knew you were very loving and protective over them...but the fact you'd risk your life not only for them, but their kiddos? They teared up a little.
They feel very grateful having you as a trainer
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strawberryicemoon · 8 months
You should watch Pokemon Horizons
You should watch Pokemon Horizons. No seriously. You should watch the most recent Pokemon anime. Obviously people have different tastes and a children's anime isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea. But if you've ever enjoyed Pokemon, or are a fan of children's cartoons (particularly children's anime), I have to recommend trying Pokemon Horizons. Pokemon Horizons isn't finished yet, at 25 episodes, so there is always time for it to take a turn, but it has just completed its first arc "Liko and Roy's Departure", so I feel confident in recommending it. And with the English dub coming out soon (hopefully), bringing availability to a wider audience so whenever you get the chance, I’d recommend it.
Our main protagonist is Liko. And I don't want to define her by her predecessor, but she really is Ash's antithesis in the best of ways. Nothing against Ash, it’s just a change was necessary. Ash is a hot-headed, straight-forward, confident, extroverted. Liko is an anxious introvert. She's unsure of her identity, and what she really wants to do at first. You could say she's a lot like previous female Pokemon protagonists in that regard; though it's too early to make any conclusive statements about where she's going, I will say I think her particular flavor of self-discovering protagonist hasn't quite been fully utilized. To be brief, I think she's less focused on figuring out her dream, and more on figuring out what she wants next, in a step by step fashion. She’s learning to understand and prioritize what she really wants, not what she thinks she should do. One of the earliest bits we get in the series is her grandmother telling her the importance of that first step, and so as Liko continues to grow in tiny steps, and makes more of her own decisions it feels like growth. Liko is most charming for who she shows herself to be when she stops thinking. Stops hesitating and worrying about doing the right thing. Someone who jumps off buildings. Who charges into battle because it's the right thing to do. We are often treated to Liko's internal dialogue. Where we hear the thoughts she doesn't say aloud due to her more introverted nature. She often expresses her anxiety, her surprise when she does something rash or when something weird happens to her. Which makes her moments of strength all the better, as she grows into a strong trainer, who more easily and more deliberately makes decisions about her future. Also, despite not actively thinking about it as much, Liko does figure out what she wants. And without spoiling it, she’s more like Ash than it may seem at first.
Liko also is in the center of a minor chosen one narrative, possessing a mysterious pendant inherited from her grandmother (and it's suggested she may be descended from an ancient hero), with a power that only Liko can unlock. (Side note: we haven’t gotten too much of her grandmother yet, but she is just a fantastic example of a badass old lady). That may not necessarily be appealing to many people, but it’s a great catalyst for her growth and a justification for her to be getting involved in bigger conflicts in what will probably be a shorter series in a franchise that has escalated the stakes a lot since Red and Blue. She is at series start, a damsel in distress. She's a brand new trainer, targeted by an evil organization for reasons she doesn't understand, rescued by people who are just hired to protect her. But Liko, despite starting out somewhat meek, and overly people pleasing, decides very quickly that she doesn't want to just stand by and let events happen to her. She wants to chase them herself. It may have been extraordinary circumstances that lead her to the Rising Volt Tacklers. But she stays with them because she realizes that this is what she wants to do, this is where she'll grow, and become the person she wants to be. Currently in the series she has already shown very tangible growth as both a person, and a Pokemon trainer. 
Speaking of her being a Pokemon trainer, her Pokemon complement her and her goals well. She was given Sprigatito specifically as the result of an interview judging her personality, so we the audience are instantly cued in that we can use Sprigatito as a way of understanding Liko’s personality. At the beginning Liko doesn't understand Sprigatito, but she also admits that she also doesn't understand herself very well. All the while Sprigatito is very much so, a cat. Who does exactly what she wants to do, when she wants to do it, taking life one action at a time, something Liko does throughout the show. Sprigatito seems to respond better to Liko when Liko is confident and when she does things that she really wants to, not things she feels she should. Sprigatito and Liko are naturally on the same page, so when Liko deviates from that, in the name of doing something she feels she should do rather than wants to do, Sprigatito gets upset. This is an effective way of building up both their relationship, and helping us to clearly understand the girl who doesn't understand herself, providing a catalyst for Liko’s growth. In addition Sprigatito’s calming aroma, and ability to use Leafage as a smokescreen are fitting tools for Liko’s goals and habits.
Hattena, Liko’s first catch, is caught later into the arc, but also fits Liko well. And gets along well with Sprigatito. Hattena is a pokemon known for being sensitive to emotions, and requiring a gentle, calming trainer, which helps highlight Liko’s strengths, and is relevant to Liko’s personal ambitions.
Roy is a passionate, energetic, friendly boy. He has more of an idea of what he wants than Liko, which is to unravel the secrets of his mysterious ancient Pokeball, but he’s still rather laid back. This may make him sound more like Ash, to which I won’t disagree but he is still a defined character himself. (And being “Like Ash” could mean a lot of things considering Ash took on many characterizations throughout his history). He has a big grand dream, but it’s unique to him, and is well defined. He's not as nuanced as Liko, but he makes a charming foil to her. While Liko can be more hesitant and had to be circumstanced into the journey, Roy’s been itching for one for a while. Liko’s grandmother pushed her forward, Roy’s grandfather’s been holding him back. Liko has to learn to consider what she wants, Roy has to learn to support others. Like Liko, Roy’s been making progress on becoming a trainer, often through the support of each other and helping his Pokemon out. 
Though Sprigatito and Liko were a pair assigned to each other and had to learn to get along, Roy and Fuecoco just matched vibes and decided that they actually wanted to help each other reach their goals. Fuecoco and Roy are a great pair too. Fuecoco is a simple type of 'mon. He likes to eat, sing, and wants to be strong like Friede's Charizard. They sing a lot as a form of bonding, which is adorable
Roy's other pokemon is Wattrel. Another glutton. Who also likes to sing. Who has his own ambitions. Unlike Hattenna and Sprigatito who get along well, Wattrel and Fuecoco often argue. Both are boisterous Pokemon with a lot of (metaphorical as of now) firepower, with a lot of ambition. While Fuecoco is more cheerful, and Wattrel grumpy, their inability to naturally support each other fits with Roy’s more individualistic personality. 
Okay, Spoiler time...
The show has gone out of its way to keep them hidden. If you want to keep the twist please skip. However, I think this twist is going to go the way of the identity of Luke's father, so your days are numbered before it's spoiled forever. And I feel I can't really talk about Horizon's and why you should watch it without discussing them. So skip to the end of this section if you don't want to hear it. For the third member of our trio and Quaxly's partner, I am going to talk about spoilers.
While Dot's voice actress and presence in show was announced very early on, along with the rest of the crew, it wasn't immediately clear what was going on. Or rather, she was announced as Nidothing/Gurumin. Liko's favorite streamer. Which was an odd character to give such importance. But by the end of the first episode it's apparent there's more to Nidothing to the story. She does the next episode previews. And while Quaxly had featured in the first poster and was clearly set to be part of the crew, it was not clear who Quaxly belonged to, and it just so happened that Gurumin had a Quaxly. And then the reveal of a Quaxly and a Fuecoco that was certain to become Roy's partner already as part of the Rising Volt Tackler's crew made it a sure bet that Nidothing was part of the crew. The only question was who. The mystery was a good hook, at the start of the series, but they didn't leave it dangling too long.
Dot’s a shut-in, who has already shown tremendous growth, beginning to leave her room, interact with her fellow crewmates, and acknowledge her friendship with the other kids, and her partnership with Quaxly. While we haven't gotten as much of them yet, Quaxly seems to be the perfect partner to Dot. Quaxly is a showy type of pokemon. Energetic and confident, everything she exudes as her Nidothing persona. Though time will show more depths to both characters. While we don't know much at all about her backstory, we know she's been a full-fledged member of the RVT for a while, as essentially their IT person (and internet research specialist), and that she's Murdock's niece (we'll talk about him too). We know she was inspired to begin streaming by Iono (the ScVi gym leader). But what exactly caused her to become a shut in, join the RVT, and befriend Quaxly remains to be seen. We are, afterall, 25 episodes into what is sure to be a 70+ episode show, (likely 100+). And things are just getting started.
That's enough of spoilers.
The kids have a strong friendship that is just starting to grow. It's already clear that they're becoming the kind of true companions that any group of traveling companions should be. Real ride or die for each other, and we're only 25 episodes in. They're goofy, inexperienced, and intensely curious with great potential for growth. We've already gotten instances of them inspiring and encouraging each other. While I don't think they are the most compelling group dynamic out there, they've got potential, and they certainly aren't bad. They're connected, either directly or indirectly, to the mystery of an ancient hero, and want to know more.
They also make for fantastic rookie trainers. Their team sizes are small, and they accumulate pokemon slowly. Which gives them time to show the growth of their individual pokemon and their bond. There’s also a lot of focus on the kids learning to BE trainers. Learning how to come up with strategies, be creative, expect the unexpected, and actually train their pokemon. It’s one thing to show a trainer training a pokemon, and another showing a trainer learning skills to help them direct their pokemon in battle so it's always good to see multiple aspects.
When the anime started there were 151 known pokemon and a promise of more, but nothing crazy. It was feasible to give every pokemon some degree of focus. To try and get as many pokemon as possible some of the limelight. But now there's over 1000. That's not really possible, so I think the quality over quantity works better. More importantly, working with the individual pokemon helps to highlight the growth of the trainer and why they're important. It's very important in Pokemon that battles don't turn into trainers yelling orders that pokemon interpret into all sorts of additional things, and probably didn't need to be told to do in the first place. Liko and Roy are shown to help their pokemon grow by encouraging them, and providing guidance on how to use their moves, and shows how they help in the heat of battle, by strategizing and helping to figure out not just which moves to use but how to utilize them in different ways. In short, Horizon's does a great job of demonstrating what skills are necessary to be a good trainer, and shows them honing those skills, rather than just focusing on their personal-emotional growth or the growing strength of their pokemon.
But the kids aren't the only ones who matter here. The brave Asagi is filled with adults with their own problems, histories and goals. Adults that help guide the Asagi's three charges, and are excellent role models.
Now, to preface, Pokemon has been increasing adult presence in the games especially since Sun and Moon, for better or for worse. After all, such a big draw of the Pokemon franchise was the power fantasy for kids. The ability to see a world, see in themselves, the ability to be independent and strong. (Which is a large part of kids growing to be independent and strong). I'm not really a fan of the way that the most recent games have commentary about the ways adults fail children. In Sun and Moon it's Lusamine's condescension towards kids, Sword and Shield it's the way Leon keeps Hop and the protag away from the conflict for most of it, In Scarlet and Violet, it's for better or for worse the school setting. On the anime side of things we had Ash going to school in Sun and Moon, and then establishing a base at Cerise laboratories where he gets adult supervision (and Chloe going to school). We sure are getting a lot of school these days. I think that erases a huge part of the big appeal for Pokemon, at least for child me, and likely for many of you at one point or another. The disappearing ability for children to explore the wilderness was the inspiration behind the franchise to begin with. It's a world where kids are treated seriously. Where they can be strong, because their strength comes from their bonds and their friendships, where their age and lack of experience doesn't make them babied. Where they are in control of their lives and given the respect they deserve. And in a world that's increasingly hostile towards children, a world where we are increasingly taking away children's freedoms in the name of keeping them safe it's more important than ever that the pokemon world remains a world where kids as young as 10, are free to choose their own path in life, change the world, and not be held back by what adults say they can or cannot do, a world where the god makes no such age distinctions. So no. I'm not generally a fan of the increased presence of school and adults in Pokemon and the commentary of "how fucked up is it that 10 year olds have to save the world". No It's an amazing world because 10 year olds have the power to save the world and aren't subject to the whims of the adults around them.
But all of this is to say that so far, I'm liking how the adult presence is handled in Horizons despite my predisposition against it. I think it's because the characters aren't above our children protagonists. Our children don't match the adults in strength and experience. But they are shown to be strong and drivers of their own stories. They aren't helpless. They chose to join the Brave Asagi's crew because it was the best way to accomplish their goals. The adults support the kids, they are never there as an obstacle for the kids to overcome, nor do they impede the kids abilities to face challenges and peril on their own. And the kids, while they may cause them problems, are never shown as a burden on the adults. The adults aren't useless though either. They're full-fledged characters in their own rights. If anything the story goes out of its way to tell its audience that children and adults aren't that different after all (particularly in episode 19). Adults struggle, they cry, they get excited. Being an adult doesn't have to mean getting trapped in mundanity. Being an adult can include doing the things you're passionate about and chasing your dreams. Being an adult doesn't have to mean you have to give anything up. Which is meaningful in a franchise old and beloved enough that whole families across generational lines can be invested. Now onto those adult characters.
Friede, the partner of Captain Pikachu, and the main adult character. He's kind of a spiritual successor to Ash, with his Pikachu and Charizard, and leader of a group of world travelers with a desire to learn about Pokemon. There's something poetic about the main adult character having Pikachu and Charizard. While Friede isn't Ash and Captain isn't Ash's Pikachu, they do have some similarities. Friede and Ash are both confident, passionate hot-heads who are skilled, albeit unconventional battlers. Captain is an unorthodox battler who breaks the mold of what a Pikachu is considered capable of doing. Episode 18 is their backstory, and if nothing else I would recommend the episode. Friede is a young pokemon professor, disillusioned with the title. Who, due to a fateful meeting with Captain Pikachu is inspired to start the Rising Voltacklers (RVT). The name actually has some significance. Despite Pikachu being Captain, he's the de facto human leader. But the fact that Captain gets to be well, Captain, is fantastic. Friede often forgets to tell people about his plans, and often causes problems with his lack of communication, but he's a strong and clever battler, who knows a lot about Pokemon.
Orla/Orio is the team mechanic. We really don't know much about her yet besides the fact she is originally from Kanto and Friede's childhood friend who at some point moved to Hoenn, before Friede asked her to make the Asagi fly. She asked to join the crew as a mechanic of Friede's half-thought out dream, in lieu of payment. She's cheerful, passionate and friendly. Her partner is a Metagross, and she often works with more rough around the edges fire types to keep the Brave Asagi aloft. It's clear that it's a lot of work for her but is something she's passionate about. 
Murdock is the chef, and a lot of his promo art shows him looking stern, and he's physically the largest member of the Brave Asagi's crew. However, the fact he has a Rockruff and an Alcremie will tell you far more about his personality. He's basically a surrogate dad to all the kids. He's shown to get along well with Roy and Liko, and worries about the kids. But he has been shown to get intense when it comes to his food, and the people and Pokemon he cares about getting hurt, even if he isn't too much of a battler. We don't know a lot about him yet, though we do know he used to be a Patisserie with Alcremie and an old friend who he separated with on poor terms due to tension involving Alcremie's evolution, but we don't know how he ended up joining the RVT.
Mollie, while not yet stated outright, is heavily implied to be a Joy. She at the very least, is from a family of Pokemon doctors and while she does love taking care of pokemon, knows that for every pokemon who can make it to get treatment, there are others who can't. This isn't the first Nurse Joy we've seen do this (there was the one in the Orange Islands at least), but it's always nice to get more insight into the Joy family and the worldbuilding that comes with that. And also characters who take a path layed out for them and instead of following it, or simply heading in a different direction, change the path to suit them. Mollie constantly has a grumpy look on her face, and avoids going into Pokemon centers. But she really is kind and cares deeply about Pokemon.
Last but not least is Ludlow, who I don't have much to comment on, since we don't know much yet. But his fishing boat (the Asagi) literally forms the foundation of what would become the Brave Asagi, the RVT base of operations. He's the team grandpa. He doesn't really do much, but he seems to be the character who everyone gets along with and respects, and is often off on his own, and looks after the Brave Asagi when everyone else is busy.
The nature of the conflict between the Explorers and the RVT leads the encounters between them to be large scale and action packed. Battles that take place in the air, across cities, in cave networks and in old castles. It’s rarely as simple as a 1v1 battle. There’s usually traps, escapes via misdirection, sneak attacks, and strategy employed on both sides. Humans are also often involved in the action themselves, shown riding on pokemon, running around, and even facing attacks on occasion. There are still of course more traditional battles, but they aren’t the majority of battles. With the more traditional battle rules off the table, the possibilities are increased. This also allows the kids more agency. They may not be strong enough to directly counter the RVT, but with some luck, teamwork and some creative thinking they can get themselves out of situations or hold their own until backup arrives. 
I'm not generally one to comment on the more technical animation aspects, primarily because I'm not much of an artist, but I think it's worth mentioning. While Horizons is still, first and foremost a long running children's anime so it's not like its animation is particularly mind blowing. But, it's still worth credit. I found myself pleasantly surprised at times. The airship setting allows for some truly fantastical settings.
I’m not saying Pokemon Horizons is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen or anything, so don’t set your expectations sky high. But it is a show with a lot of heart that I think deserves to be seen, so if you’ve wrote, the show off as just the Pokemon anime, give it a shot. The premise is different from the previous anime and is a completely different kind of show. The characters are lovable, the plot is intriguing, the battles are dynamic, and the atmosphere is filled with wonder and discovery. I think you’ll find yourself pleasantly surprised. 
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savefiledelta · 9 months
Off brand for me, but heres a true Pokemon Story I wanted to tell
My first pokemon game was pokemon white. I got it for christmas in elementary school. I chose the firetype starter pokemon, tepig. Her name was Flamr. My very first pokemon.
I wasn’t a very good pokemon trainer. Theres a part of the game where a dragon roars at the top of a tower you’re climbing and the whole building shakes. I was so terrified that I made my brother play through that part.
I cried when I couldn’t figure out the simple riddle to one of the boss fights.
Through all of it, I only ever used Flamr. And I got attached to her. She was my strongest pokemon by miles and miles.
Once while training, Flamr wanted to learn an advanced move called Flare Blitz, a powerful fire attack which hurt the user. I didn’t want her to learn it, because I didn’t want to hurt my friend. I wasn’t gonna let Flamr hurt herself for me.
My friends all beat the game before me, and understood the game better than me. So when we went to battle each other, all my pokemon were all one-shot by their legendaries. Except for Flamr. Who was two shot. That image is burned into my brain, of Flamr facing down an impossible opponent and living with the smallest sliver of hp. I know it was just because of her level, but a part of me felt that Flamr wanted to win because she loved me. Because she wanted to spare me from another round of humiliation.
Eventually I reset my game when I learned that was the “cool” thing to do. Its what all the other pokemon players were doing. And I lost Flamr, of course. I still feel so guilty over that. I didn’t have alot of friends, and the ones I did have were never very good. It felt like Flamr was the only one who really loved me, and I threw her away. I know she was just a bundle of code. I know that it was just a child’s imagination. And its dumb to cry about it. But Flamr’s “death” still keeps me up at night to this day. And sometimes, when I’m playing pokemon and my monster lives with a sliver of hp. I think, in the back of my mind. “Was that you, Flamr?”
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shibology · 15 days
mine, all mine <3
genre: angst to comfort
summary - reader is sad, overworked, and crying and rika comforts them
extras - established relationship w rika, reader gender isn't specified, third person, reader is a people pleaser (im projecting), also a huge workaholic, intentional all lowercase, reader's ace is a lycanroc, little dialogue for reader i'm sorry, also a bit short i'm sorry y'all
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as the brand new champion, you've been constantly off on interviews and being challenged by trainers who looked up to you. you always accepted these offers in fear of not being liked by others. because of all you did, it was common you wouldn't have the proper time to eat or even drink anything. you also devoted a lot of time to training your pokemon and making sure they were their best, which lead to you commonly being sick from overwork, even prior to becoming champion.
rika, your girlfriend, was currently at work at the league. she had to be there especially early today for some event, meaning that you two didn't get to spend the morning together. it made you sad, but that's how her work was. you found yourself once again sick from how hard you've been working and struggled to get out of bed. you attempted to stretch your arms to grab the bottle of water that was on the nightstand located at your side of the bed, but you were just too weak. and despite being sick, you couldn't help but feel like you haven't been working hard enough recently.
you're afraid of not being able to uphold your newfound reputation as champion. the mere idea of having people see you as less important as you currently are made your stomach hurt. your goals of wanting to be someone others can look up to was clearly taking a toll on you as you finally managed to make it out of bed, but not before you hissed in pain from your tired legs. you finally managed to drag your tired legs to the bathroom to make yourself look somewhat presentable, i mean, you're not going out today anyways.
you sat on the couch and curled yourself up. it seems that you weren't sure when to quit, because the urges and desires to work filled your mind, you wanted to try, just for today, just to push yourself a little further to sharpen your skills. so, you did. you got up, put your clothes on, and went out to practice.
in the middle of your training session, you felt dizzy. *really* dizzy. you stumbled back and placed a hand on your forehead, trying to ground yourself. your lycanroc quickly approaching you in a panic, but all you remember is hearing a loud thump on the ground of your yard as you completely fainted.
you weren't sure how long you were out for, but you could imagine rika's face when she came home from work and your lycanroc immediately ran up to her, beckoning her to follow it to the backyard, and it showing her you passed out on the ground. her expression immediately dimmed as she ran to your side. "hey, baby, are you there?" she called out, shaking you slightly. when you didn't wake up immediately, her heart rate quickly increased as she scrambled to get her phone to call somebody.
you woke up to the bright lights of the hospital you were at, immediately shutting your eyes to avoid the brightness. you sat up and looked around, not seeing rika anywhere. did she forget about you? were you not good enough for her? did she not want you anymore? you felt embarrassed, humiliated, and upset. and all of these feelings came out in the form of tears that quickly began to stream down your face. your hands began to shake as you cried into your palms.
the door slid open, a rika who was holding a plastic bag to quickly dropping it and rushing over to you. "hey, hey, baby, calm down, alright? it's okay, i'm here." she placed a hand on your cheek and pulled you into an embrace, you instinctively wrapped your arms around her, quietly sobbing into her chest as she rubbed your back and held you close. "you're safe, alright. what happened?" she asked, half not expecting an answer as you were currently sobbing your eyes out on her, but you quickly pulled yourself from her and spoke. "i don't know if i'm good enough, what if my lack of hard work has made people think less of me?" you said in a series of broken sobs, which caused her heart to shatter into pieces right there. you were her everything, and seeing you speak these things about yourself and see yourself so lowly made her want to cry herself. she brushed a stray piece of hair from your face and spoke
"don't say that about yourself," she placed a hand on your cheek softly, pressing a kiss to your hot forehead before speaking again. "you're hardworking. very hardworking. you push yourself to limits that nobody could ever think of, and you did all of this to become the champion," she paused once more, rubbing circles on the back of your hand which was at your lap. her facial expression remaining somber as she kissed you once more.
"..and that's what makes you special. you're the most hardworking person i know, you always try your hardest for people. so stop worrying about how others perceive you and live your own life. i'll support whatever you do.. try to remember that." these words felt like the soothing medicine to a deep wound in your heart, you shifted yourself up and pressed a kiss to her lips as she handed you a few tissues.
..You knew you would both be okay in the end.
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belades · 2 years
Okay so for a while now I've had an absolute Galaxy brained theory about Iono from Pokemon SV.
Namely, the theory is that she's straight up actually not human but is a Rotom.  As ridiculous as this theory is, I figured I may as well record all the reasons that led me to come to that conclusion, initially as a joke.  I don’t necessarily think it’s TRUE, but think all the details are worth compiling and sharing, so humor me.  If the pace of this seems weird, it’s cuz I’m adapting it from a twitter thread I just made.  Anyways, heads up, this post will contain spoilers for major game plot point.  I won’t spoil things directly but there’s allusions to really important stuff.  Anyways, as ridiculous as this sounds, I actually find it pretty interesting, so hear me out.
So for starters, first and foremost: her mouth.  She has the same mouth as Rotom, just like any mechanical object Rotom inhabits.  What she DOESN'T have is Rotom's eye color, but Rotom's eye color specifically changes based on what it's inhabiting, it is only blue in base form and the phones.  There's more to it though.   Second most obvious is her personality.  She's a mischievous little shit and it is frankly the best thing about her.  As simple as this is, it also completely describes how Rotom act.  Third simplest is that wild Rotom live nearby, even if they’re rare enough people are startled at the idea of seeing one outside a Rotomphone.  
Initially though, this just made me think it was EXTREMELY weird she didn't have a Rotom on her team.  This woman kind of looks like a rotom, notably has a personality like one, and lives near them, it feels like a glaring omission.  This caused me to jokingly hypothesize "Oh, she's a Rotom that is inhabiting an android body or an electronic doll, which is why she doesn't have a Rotom on her team".  Of course it was a joke, this is all pretty circumstantial evidence.  While it still is absolutely a goofy “what if” even now, it started to become a bit less of a joke as I thought about it.
The next bit's circumstantial but starts to add up with the other stuff.  Every gym leader in Paldea has an off type Pokemon that they Terastralize to be on type.  For all of them there's logic to it, even if strange.  Teddyursa like Honey -> bug (and it’s used by a pastry chef, thus would have honey).  Sushi chef sends out crab, sudowoodo goes from fake grass type to real grass type and the trainer considers it a form of performance art, Staraptor loses flying weaknesses, which goes into Larry’s side job, the musician has a guitarist, the cosmetic and perfume woman has a flowery fairy, the guy in the alps has a cloud bird who becomes protected from a 4x weakness.  All of them make sense and are on theme for the trainer’s brand, occupation, or the pokemon’s competitiveness.   Except for Iono's Mismagius.   So Iono for some reason has a ghost type that has nothing to do with electric type or her occupation.  Humorously enough, this makes Electricity Iono's primary type, and Ghost her secondary.  I can't think of any other reason for a mismagius other than perhaps, once again, “She’s a little shit” which is.... a lot more vague than all the rest.  
This is where things start to go from design and personality quirks to being actively strange.
If you talk to people around the city, some of them will comment on something weird they noticed about Iono when they think about it: she doesn't age.  They say she's been streaming for years (How many is unclear, but from the dialogue, presumably at least five to ten) and still looks the same, and they have no idea how old she is because of it.   Add to this the weird glitchy looking twitches she does both in and out of battle whenever she's startled (it is very much blink and you’ll miss it in battle), which I initially thought was simply a bad animation, and let’s be very real, it might be, this game was way overcrunched.
Anyways,  all this was stuff I noticed as I was playing through the main storyline and it felt increasingly weird and consistent, despite the implausibility of it all.  In fact, the implausibility of it all was the main thing bugging me and making me keep dismissing it as just a fun what-if.  Pokemon world technology is advanced, sure, but not advanced enough to make a totally visually convincing lifelike animatronic or android.
And then uhhhhh.... And then I beat the game.
As I said, I’m going to limit spoilers, but the whole "Technology isn’t advanced enough to make an android body humanlike enough to fool people into thinking it is one" is uhhh, no longer the case.  Albeit there are caveats to that.  Anyhow, what led me to decide to actually compile everything an actually post it was that a few minutes ago, I noticed something explicit enough that it ACTUALLY STARTLED ME, even though I've known about it this whole time but never put much thought into. 
Iono’s outfit.
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(wait I just noticed putting this together that she also has Rotom’s horizontally split pupils, shit).  Anyways, back to her outfit.  Without straying TOO far into spoiler territory, her outfit is interesting because of her inner outfit.  It is very specifically a lattice of iridescent Hexagons.  And now I’m starting to think again about how her outfit appears to be a modified straightjacket, complete with belts to restrain someone. 
I don't expect us to ever get official confirmation on this, but wanted to share it.  
Also, because I sure as heck didn’t consider why it might be significant for a while, if you need a clue as to why her outfit being comprised of a lattice of iridescent hexagons is important, then without getting too much into endgame plot details, I’ll leave you with “what are they that would make this important” as opposed to the “Why is this important”
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hylianane · 1 month
please i have to know which pokemon you think zoro would have?!!! and if you have hc! bc i literally think about this way too much and have a big google slides worth of info bc i gave all of zoro/luffy/sanjis pokemon lore
I AM THRILLED THAT YOU ASKED THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, and in return I’m challenging YOU into telling me all of YOUR Pokemon AU HC, too.
I have Pokemon teams for practically all the Strawhats (+Vivi) written down on my notes app, but not all of them have lore skjfks most of them are just what I considered to be ‘on brand’. INCLUDING for Zoro’s, who I once drew here with his Ceruledge and his Honedge that will someday grow into Aegislash. For these two, I had the idea that Ceruledge was originally Kuina’s Charcadet that Zoro adopted, along with the Wado Ichimonji, after she passed. Ceruledge’s Scarlet dex entry reads “The fiery blades on its arms burn fiercely with the lingering resentment of a sword wielder who fell before accomplishing their goal” which made me feel like it and Zoro could truly bond about this their shared loss. Honedge, on the other hand, is the first Pokemon I imagine Zoro actually catching because….. it’s a living sword. How could he not do anything in his power to catch it? It, too, would eventually fall in love with Zoro’s ambitious, and together with Ceruledge would develop the cute habit of trying to imitate their trainer’s santoryuu by having Honedge place itself in front of Ceruledge’s mouth every battle- incidentally making it so Zoro only fights in doubles. I also have him written down as having a Scyther (probably his second catch after Honedge), Weavile, Garchomp, and Kinggambit (which he impresses and catches last, in Wano).
I’m already rambling about this jshdjs you got me all excited aaah. I’m just gonna quickly list off some Pokemon partners and my reasoning then: starting with Sanji’s Slowking (which has its relation to royalty, obviously, but is actually my pick because Slowpoke’s tails are shown to be edible in many games, the dex says that they just pop off painlessly and regrow over time. So for Sanji, he’s be like a food dispenser in the form of a friend), and Brook’s Obstagoon, Toxtricity and Skeledirge (which he calls his ‘band’. I imagine he catches them all on Thriller Bark shortly after being rescued and informally invited to join the crew) and Usopp’s Volcarona (he caught her while alone on Water 7, and in Enies Lobby she proved to be nearly unstoppable. He later had to claim that he inherited her from Sogeking) and Nami’s Absol, (captured in Jaya, and who’s ability to predict and call over natural disasters and weather phenomena has only ever been tamed by Nami. Most of the pokemon I gave her are cat-like, so I let her have one (1) dog in Absol and one (1) mouse in Raichu)
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stargazeraldroth · 8 months
Get Ash Ketchum therapy challenge. Seriously, this kid has died, has seen legends fight and try to tear apart the fabric of reality, may or may not be eternally ten years old (though no one else ever ages, so who knows-), and really does try his best… People are just pissy he isn’t Red or something- And! Don’t get me wrong, I love Red, he’s fun (though my favorite Adventures character will always be Yellow… Love my gender nonconforming daughter), but Ash is his own brand of special.
I mean really, how many other people repeatedly take in Pokémon that have been abused, neglected, or abandoned, and are willing to put up with the consequences that will have on said Pokémon, ranging from lashing out at him despite him having done nothing to earn it (Charizard, potentially from some form of insecurity) to what seems to be intense PTSD episodes (Infernape). And! People whine and bitch about him “abandoning” his Pokémon, but meta reasons aside- They wanted to go? Primeape wanted to win that fighting tournament, why would Ash trample on that dream? Why would he prevent Pidgeot from protecting a flock that needed her help so much? Why would he stop Goodra or Greninja from protecting places and Pokémon they care about, places and Pokémon he knows need them? He wants to be strong but strength isn’t the end all be all for him, he wants his Pokémon to be happy above all else!
Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn whether or not he’s the strongest, he’s certainly one of the kindest people in the entire damn franchise. I will die on that hill.
I feel like a lot of the hype/praise around Red comes from nostalgia. Like yeah, he has a reputation as a very strong trainer, but so do other characters... like Cynthia. I personally don't feel much hype around him aside from "Oh, it's Red, this might actually be a tougher battle". I didn't grow up with those games, so I don't have any kind of connection to Red. Technically speaking, Ash is my Red.
I may not be Ash's biggest fan, he's annoyed me a few times (evolve your Pokemon dude), but I don't hate him. And can I just say the Sinnoh League was absolutely rigged? The anime is more lore-based than the games, why was Tobias (was that his name) allowed to bring a Darkrai, Latios, and presumably more Mythical/Legendary Pokemon to the League battles? That's a significant and relatively unfair advantage over other contestants, and it felt like a cheap way to make Ash's journey continue.
Dude, I literally remember Ash having a death/near death streak in the movies alone! Like the movie about Victini, this dude almost froze and suffocated to death in outer space! Give my boy a break! And you're right, if we wanna talk about being considerate of Pokemon's feelings, Ash is right there. He is by far one of the best examples of treating Pokemon as sentient beings with their own choices. Like, how many people can say they'd be that chill about their Pokemon wanting to leave? How many people can say they'd LET them leave?
Put some respect on Ash's name.
(This is also off-topic but am I the only one who got upset they didn't use Hop in the anime? I remember my friend showing me Goh and I got so upset.)
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lunarscaled · 9 months
if lyric could pick three legendaries they identify with, who would they be ?
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hmmm this is a good question! I had to seriously think about it. I think Lyric wouldn't necessarily view themselves as a legendary pokemon-esuqe trainer, and definitely thinks of themselves as someone more common, but if they had to pick three they would do a lot of research on other regions, the origins and myths behind them, and try to think about how those pokemon feel.
The first one isn't too hard to pick ( and is debatably canon in their PokeMas EX un-official verse ), which is Articuno ! It was the pokemon I picked for their Sygna suit like two years ago.
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Articuno's original gen 1 Red entry is:
A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear to doomed people who are lost in icy mountains.
Which I think speaks to Lyric a lot, since they don't necessarily feel that being a gym leader is their calling per-say, and they're on a gym on a mountain alone like 90% of the time without their pokemon. Lyric probably has seen Articuno flying at least once and wondered if it, too, was lonely in the mountains.
Second would maybe be Phione, for its sort of off-brand Manephy nature, never able to succeed the original and theoretically one of many. it's pokedex entry is
It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted.
I think Lyric sort of idolizes that ability to always return home and the idea of the cradle of the sea. Lyric has two water/ice pokemon on their gym team but they don't get to see the ocean much because their gym is on a mountain, but they probably romanticize that sort of free-drifting existence with no responsibilities.
Third is Glastrier. For simple reasons: Lyric is a farm kid and that is an Ice Horse. Big "It would understand me" vibes. Part of its entry on bulbapedia is also
Glastrier possesses incredible physical strength and extraordinary destructive power. It is noted to be an aggressive Pokémon that forcefully takes anything it wants. ...Glastrier's legs allows it to travel through the snowiest of lands and worst of roads. It enjoys challenging any strong opponents it finds worthy of battling.
Lyric doesn't really want to admit to it, because they're worried about being someone who is aggressive and childish instead of the strong, intimidating gym leader they feel they should be, but Lyric does like battling. They want to be strong. As a trainer Glastrier is the kind of force they would want to be on the battle field, but their anxieties and self doubts hold them back from pursuing that.
bonus mentions for: Magearna, Shaymin, and Meloetta which are all legendaries Lyric probably just likes reading tales about because they remind them of their mother + brother in some way.
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blueskyscribe · 1 year
Time to roast Pokemon Gen 5
I was really looking forward to playing Pokemon Black / White (Gen V) because everyone said it was the Pokemon gen with the best story.
The plot:
Evil Guy wants to take over the region.
Evil Guy is like "Hee hee I will trick people into releasing their Pokemon, then I'll easily take over with MY Pokemon."
Evil Guy tells everyone that keeping Pokemon in pokeballs is exploitative. He frames this in generic terms (no examples) and this is enough to make the crowd gawp and wonder aloud if Evil Guy is correct. They seem shocked by the idea the Pokemon could be exploited, to which I say . . . do these people ever watch the news? Like we have had four previous games full of pocket monster exploitation by bad guys. Anyway, Evil Guy urges everyone to release their Pokemon.
Evil Guy of course has an Evil Team. And since the Unova region is based on America, of course they are themed as . . . MEDIEVAL KNIGHTS!
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But don't worry, this team also has American theming such as Seven Sages, a couple ninjas, and a late game castle which erupts out of the earth.
It's all so generic. It's too bad, because America certainly has a history full of conflicts and villains. All right, there are some topics that I wouldn't trust Pokemon writers to address with enough sensitivity (like racism), but what about "Pinkertons versus unions"? Organized crime and crooked cops? The 1920s had a rash of fake spiritualists bilking people out of their money, what about a team based on them, with Psychic type Pokemon? With a Champion based on Harry Houdini, who loved unmasking fake psychics?
But no, we get store-brand Final Fantasy bullshit.
So anyway, Evil Guy's plan relies on people believing that he means well and is trustworthy. And therefore, Evil Team starts . . . committing a wide variety of crimes! In front of witnesses! They steal pokeballs from children, they kick Pokemon, etc.
"But maybe they still have plausible deniability," you might be thinking. "Maybe people won't believe kids." Well, maybe not, but they also commit crimes in front of Gym Leaders, the most trusted and powerful people in the Unova region. Like, one of the Gym Leaders has a museum, and instead of breaking in stealthily in the night, Team Evil just goes through the front door in broad daylight and steals an item while everyone stares at them.
Let's reflect on some other shortcomings of Evil Guy's plan which, to reiterate, is to guilt people into releasing their Pokemon.
First, if a Pokemon loves its owner, why would it leave just because it was released? Why wouldn't it continue to hang around, like the wild Rockruff that lived in Professor Kukui's house in the anime?
Second, if all Pokemon WOULD rather flee into the woods than stay with their human, then the bad guy is seemingly correct.
Third, what about the asshole trainers who don't care about their Pokemon's feelings? We know they're out there, there's a Pokemon move called Frustration.
Fourth, even if Evil Guy tricked everyone into releasing their Pokemon, there is nothing to stop the populace from catching NEW Pokemon the minute Evil Guy starts using his Pokemon to bully people. Feed Evil Guy's plan to a Trubbish and throw it in the bin, because it's garbage.
On a final note, when looking at the ethics of keeping Pokemon . . . Of COURSE it would be unethical to keep a lot of them irl! Giving children Fire type Pokemon would be grossly irresponsible. Litwick feeds off human souls, you shouldn't keep one. And the Yamask--introduced in THIS GAME--are described as "the spirits of people interred in graves. Each retains memories of its former life."
Now personally I love the weirder Pokedex entries and all the Pokemon with horrifying origins. I love that Pallosand shoots the bones of its victims from its arms and that Phantump is the ghost of a child who possessed a stump. However: Gen V made a beeline for the only rake in the yard and stepped on it. Most Pokemon games sidestep Poke-catching ethics; it's understood that this is all pretend, nothing is actually being captured, and therefore the player doesn't need to worry about such things.
But characters within Black & White bring this argument to the forefront, and without having any rebuttal. This is why the Evil Guy makes generic arguments like "If you don't release your Pokemon they can't fulfill their true potential", instead of telling the crowds "Catching a Yamask means you're enslaving a human ghost" or "Hands up anyone who caught your Pokemon by burning, paralyzing, or poisoning it."
So, yeah. Pokemon Black & White has the second worst story of a mainline Pokemon game. I haven't played Black 2 or White 2, maybe they were better.
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whene kakashi is ESPECIALLY feeling like a little shit
he would be the type of person to give tips while his pokemon absolutely pummel his opponents
Kakashi: Being in tune and connected with your pokemon allows your team to have even greater foresight in battle ^_^
Obito, running as one of Kakashi's pokemon is on his tail trying to nip his butt: YOU POINTED AT ME BEOFRE I NOTICED YOU AND SAID 'Sick 'em.' D:<
Kakashi is at peak 'Little shit' when Obito is around. He's not sure what it is about his friend that unlocks that side of him so strongly, all he knows is he sees Obito and needs one of his Pokemon to bite him
usually, Jolteon, who is more than happy to take part in this game and will get all of the trees after when she manages to successfully nip Obito in the butt (very gently. he'll be in pain for like, two minutes tops)
and of course, the first one is exactly how he is mid-battle and it's so off-putting for a lot of trainers who challenge him. the worst part is the longer the trainer has been with their pokemon, the more sassy Kakashi gets with it
like a brand new trainer still learning will get genuine kindness and pointers
someone who has all eight gym badges and decided to try a fight against elite four Kakashi will get treated like a novice and it infuriates them.
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monstersummongenre · 1 year
Why Goh Might Stick Around
So I’ve stated before that I believe that Chloe and Goh are going into the next series as important characters. I say “important characters” to sort of leave the option open of them not travelling with Ash(since it's possible they won't be) but still being prominent, idk if that’ll happen but it’s a possibility. Think the first few episodes of XY, how Serena was on her on journey while Ash and co were on a separate one but more like how sometimes characters get episodes just they'd be in different places and maybe have subplots in each other's episodes but like they'd being doing there own thing. With occasional episodes of them running into each other sometimes. But that’s not the point of this post. Onward to Goh and why I think it's possible for him to stay in the show longer.
Goh wants to go on an adventure. Like how Ash has in several different regions. That’s not unheard of from Ash’s travel companions, them going off on a separate journey. However, there’s not a lot of reason for Goh to pick one of the other eight regions Ash has already explored because Goh has already been to them so many times. If he wants to do an Ash style journey, he’s gonna need to start fresh in a new region, new to him I mean. And as I just said he’s been to all 8 regions, so he’ll need a new one. And isn’t there a brand new region that actively encourages adventure? {psst, it’s Paldea.}
But that’s not all.
The other night, I was telling KK about the episode “Gotta Catch Ya Later”, having looked into it more so I could better refer to it in my Ash & Chloe Friendship post. In the episode, while unsure about where to go next Ash sees Ho-Oh, who was flying towards Hoenn, sparking, or maybe kickstarting, Ash’s adventure to Hoenn. Sorta like a guide of sorts.
Shortly after, in our conversation which side railed to Journeys, KK went “Wait how did I not notice before? Ho-Oh and Lugia are the Gold and Silver legendaries.” Then she went on to basically say that Ho-Oh is to Ash as Lugia is to Goh. Like Ash with Ho-Oh, Goh saw Lugia at the beginning of his journey as a trainer, his trainer debut, sure he hadn’t yet had a partner Pokemon but that was still the start of him being a Pokemon trainer, and while we don’t know how this current battle is going to end, or what it will mean for Goh it, we do know here it has appeared as he’s trying to decide on going on a journey.
I genuinely don’t know if any other companions had seen a Legendary at the start of their journey, and as a (possible) guide for another journey (Lugia is at the very least gonna help Goh smooth over how he’s feeling and possibly lead to them having a proper conversation, I believe,) but it feels very Main Character tm. And with Goh already being a co-protagonist, built to be a pair with Ash, and with the added detail of Lugia and Ho-Oh being a pair, it just feels like maybe Goh’s gonna continue being a main character.
Not only that but Goh seems like a character with lots more potential, I know all characters stories continue after the leave but don’t they typically have a fairly satisfying conclusion? I’m not one to judge a story’s conclusion before it’s actually confirmed concluded and I have seen it all, so I can’t say much for any of the companions’ conclusions. However, I’ve seen people say Goh and Chloe’s stories aren’t sastisfying, or something in that vein, and it doesn’t sound like a “Oh as always, the companions aren’t getting a very satisfying story end”. It sounds like Goh and Chloe aren't getting a very satisfying story end. Once again, I, personally, cannot fully form an opinion on that but might I suggest that maybe it’s not a satisfying end, because maybe it’s not the end? An end of an arc or section maybe but not the end of their stories as important characters.
Something that actually supports this idea that, at least, Goh's story isn't over is while he's learned many things over the course of the show he still hasn't quite learned to not mind gaining support from others, I posted about this yesterday, about Goh needing to be traveling with someone because of what the narrative has been setting up.
As a matter of fact, I think if they wanted to show that he's grown as a person in regards of being able to know that he can depend on people and they were writing him off, his news might've been, "I'm deciding to stay on as a chaser," or "Horace & I are going on a journey" or something that demonstrates he knows it's okay. Because while he's gotten better with receiving help, his wanting to go on an adventure alone, because it's Goh, and his reasoning of it being "too easy" if he goes with Ash instead of alone, shows that he has still not accepted that it's okay to have someone supporting & helping him.
Like if anything he accepts support/help when absolutely necessary or like on an event basis but he hasn't accepted that people can just support him day to day. And it's just like Goh, Project Mew didn't set up a team of five Chasers for nothing, they figured it'd be easier with five people. Nobody wants life to be hard so it's okay to have someone around to make it easier, that doesn't mean you won't grow as a person or stronger or whatever, you and whoever you're with should be supporting each other.
But of course he hasn't learned fully learned that, that kind of lesson is one of rewiring the brain, that mess takes time. He's got it drilled in his head that he needs to be self sufficient, okay on his own, and that he doesn't need anyone else or to bother anyone else. So if they used two series to teach that to him, it really wouldn't be strange.
In conclusion, travelling with Ash or not(though these signs are probably pointing towards travelling with him lol), I don’t think Goh is leaving the show. I think it’s very likely for him to still be an important character going forth into the next generation. He’s still got potential and lessons to learn, he wants an adventure--which Paldea is perfect for, and he’s sorta like Legendary bonded with Ash(for lack of better/concise/understandable wording).
But I guess we’ll know for sure when the next season starts huh? 
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pangolinheart · 1 year
If Rhiki was a pokemon trainer, what pokemon would her team be made of and why?
Actually, a while ago I made a pokemon team for Rhiki when the trend was going around! I'll repost it here (please don't judge me for how bad i am at coming up with pokemon nicknames):
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Finally found the time to do one for Rhiki's! It was really hard to narrow down the choices. Fittingly, as a Dark Knight, she ended up with a lot of Dark-type pokemon. I tried to find pokemon that both had meaning in her story and that Rhiki would like.
Alolan Ponyta: It's Fripon!!!
Ceruledge: I haven't played the most recent generation but this design was too fitting to pass up. The name seems self-explanatory.
Houndoom: A fire/dark type. A flame in the abyss, get it?? (Also I just like houndoom it was one of my favorites growing up.) She got him as a houndour and has raised it very diligently.
Zweilous: I wanted to include a dragon type as an homage to her Dragoon origins. It's gotten bigger (and gained a head) since she got it, but it's still growing. I'm terrible at names, obviously, so I named it after Rhiki's favorite deity. (Nidhogg Jr. seemed inappropriate.)
Corviknight: A gift from an old friend :')
Espeon: I felt like having a cat pokemon was obligatory - this one even has purple hair like her. Rhiki is a very emotional and emotionally-tuned in person, so having a psychic pokemon didn't feel too off-brand.
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peachypede · 1 year
11, 14 and 16 for Leppa and Trueno? :))
11. What is an item of clothing/an accessory that completes them/makes them feel safe?
Her apron, but not for any safety but for comfort knowing that her grandchildren turned out better than her child did. Pecha made her apron for her when she was getting into making clothes back when she was only 12 and Leppa keeps it with her as a reminder that Pecha and Rawst have both followed their passions and are happy now <3
Hat and guitar. He's balding and likes to keep the sun off of his head, so he has a collection of vaquero hats to wear. Also likes his guitar on him because the strap has a place to hold his pokemon team, but also because what if he wants to sing at a random moment? He's gotta have his guitar on him. He was and will always be the guitar guy playing background music at parties.
14. Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
"Hard work pays off, but take time to yourself too. What's the point of hard work if you can't enjoy the rewards that come from it?" - Leppa
"A pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze." - Trueno (idk what this means either. I guess it's like enjoy life to its fullest or something)
16. What was the happiest moment of their life?
Both will say it was their wedding. Included moments they would mention would be:
The adoptions for Pecha and Rawst finally be finalized
Pecha becoming a champion trainer in Paldea
Pecha's graduation from Naranja-Uva
Rawst's graduation from Naranja-Uva
Rawst hitting one millions subs (although they don't quite understand what this means, they take it as Rawst is very successful at his job)
Pecha's brand starting to sell in stores
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pokenimagines · 1 year
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I posted 247 times in 2022
That's 188 more posts than 2021!
243 posts created (98%)
4 posts reblogged (2%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 237 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#pokemon x reader - 94 posts
#pokemon - 94 posts
#reader insert - 93 posts
#x reader - 92 posts
#reader - 90 posts
#fanfiction - 90 posts
#imagines - 90 posts
#request blog - 87 posts
#request - 87 posts
#pokemon fanfiction - 86 posts
Longest Tag: 52 characters
#pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl x reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
“Can I put you on my to-do list?” GuzmaXreader (again) Their first meeting when he realizes how much of a badass this new trainer is. If you want to make if after a battle and they offer advice and some honest words for our bug dork.
Discord (16+) - Request Information - Event Post 
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one! This piece is for an event that’s linked above with the other information!
Guzma - “Can I put you on my to-do list?”:
Guzma looked over at you from across the battle field as he took his final pokemon back into its ball. He was both amazed and furious as the dust began to settle and his large stature began crossing the terrain over to you. Your starter pokemon went to shield you in case he tried to hit you, but you knew better. Guzma wouldn't be that much of an idiot...hopefully. Besides there were witnesses around and Nanu would have no issue arresting him on the spot for attacking a trainer physically.
He got right in front of you, leaning into your face. He was about to spit out some rude words and insults, maybe a threat or two your way. Then he got a good look at you. You held your head high, pride seeping off your very bones as you glared at him. You weren't scared and something about that amused him.
The biggest thing he noticed, however, was the fact that you were cute...just his type actually. He smirked as he bent over, his mouth grazing your ear, "Mind if I put you on my to-do list, cutie?" you froze in your spot and glared at him.
"If you finish as fast as our battle I doubt I'd get any satisfaction out of it." You spat back and Guzma snarled before getting to his full height. He flipped you off for good measure before stuffing his hands in his pockets and walked off. As Kukui came over, asking what he said, you couldn't help but look at Guzma's ass.
273 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
SFW Prompt - Arven or Nemona, your choice - “So you can answer a phone call but can’t respond to a text? You’re driving? Excuses, excuses.”
I have been stopped several times while exploring
Event Information | Prompts List 
SFW Arven: Text Me, Please?
You heard the rotophone ringing as you grabbed it from your pocket, answering it. Arven's voice filtered through the speakers of your phone and you sighed at hearing him.
"So you can answer a phone call, but can't respond to my texts?" Arven said, his voice sounding a little annoyed with you.
"I'm driving..." You murmured, having your partner jump over a particularly large cliff. Even though your legend could technically go by themselves and be totally fine, you still liked being in control of where you were riding.
"You're driving? Excuses, excuses." Arven said, "Anyway, I wanted to let you know that you're close to a titan." As soon as he said that, you could feel the ground rumbling underneath you.
"OH REALLY?!" You shouted, trying to stabilize yourself so you and your pokemon didn't fall to the ground, "THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP!"
"Well I did text you..."
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Please click on the links above if you want more information on the event or the prompts. Fun fact? Did you know we have a discord server? We have a brand new RP starting today as well! We have an announcement post about it, but you could also just go to the server and see for yourself!
282 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
SFW Prompt - Grusha - “My jacket is probably big enough for you to fit inside it.”
Event Information | Prompts List 
SFW Grusha: Big Enough For Two
You were freezing cold as you watched Grusha finish up his battle; the poor trainer challenging him failing miserably with their underleveled team. You shook in your spot, teeth clattering and you cursed not getting a thicker jacket. There was a reason Grusha wore mitts, a scarf, and a huge jacket. The top of the mountain was frigid.
Grusha recalled his last pokemon and pocketed the ball before turning over to you. The crowd was dispersing and he was able to easily make his way over to you.
"You're cold?' He asked, despite it being obvious. You shot him a small glare as you frowned. Grusha couldn't help the small smirk under his scarf as he lifted his jacket a bit.
"My jacket is probably big enough for you to fit inside." He mentioned and you paused. Was Grusha, the so call cool kid, was offering to let you crawl into his jacket? You didn't want to miss the opportunity as you shuffled over to him and crawled under the jacket. He unzipped the top enough to fit your head.
Your arms wrapped around his toned waist and you smiled, enjoying the warmth his body was giving off. "It's big enough." You chuckled, feeling his arms settle on your lower back.
"You know this is seriously uncool." He commented.
"You offered."
"I didn't think you'd actually do it..."
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Please click on the links above if you want more information on the event or the prompts. Fun fact? Did you know we have a discord server? We have a brand new RP starting today as well! We have an announcement post about it, but you could also just go to the server and see for yourself!
283 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
SFW Prompt - Arven - “I’m bored…do something entertaining!”
Tiny bit of story spoilers? Ish? It probably happens in the first hour of the game if you rushed it.
So I've had this hc in my head ever since I got to the part where Arven called player chara 'little buddy', but I hc that Arven could totally just pick up and tuck the player character under his arm like a doll. In this particular hc, pc is a little gremlin.
Event Information | Prompts List 
SFW Arven: Bored
"I'm bored...do something entertaining!" You whined over at Arven. The boy looked over at you with an unimpressed look. He was currently trying to get through one of his research books to help further your adventure. Still, you were never good at sitting still.
"And what exactly do you want me to do?" He asked, putting a dog ear on his book and closing it. You hummed, looking around the cave you two were chilling in.
"We could race or something? I dunno. Something fun. Balance a sandwich on your head. Really...anything please." You whined again and Arven shook his head at your antics.
"We're not children." With that, you scoffed. Not children, but very bored teens in a cave doing nothing crazy fun. "And why would you suggest balancing a sandwich on my head?" You shrugged at that.
"I don't know Arven, but we gotta do something. Wanna battle?" You asked, sending out a small Pachirisu you had caught earlier today, "I bet my Pachirisu could totally beat you in a battle." You called.
"We're not having a pokemon battle." He said and you frowned.
"Oh no, I meant you battle Pachirisu. Not your pokemon." You said with a sinister smirk, "Zap zap, Arven, let's dance." Needless to say, another idea was shot down.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Please click on the links above if you want more information on the event or the prompts. Fun fact? Did you know we have a discord server? We have a brand new RP starting today as well! We have an announcement post about it, but you could also just go to the server and see for yourself!
284 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
SFW Arven | Headcanons | what kind of gifts would they like and how would they react to a surprise birthday party/what kind of party would they like (i feel like they may not be super into surprises but idk might be a toss up) feel free to choose one instead of addressing each of these
I can see him being more or less confused by surprise parties, but not opposed to them. Mainly due to his background.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Arven: Surprise
You loved Arven to pieces; you were his little buddy. Due to this, you wanted to do something extra special for him on his birthday.
When you originally approached the idea of birthdays and asked Arven what he wanted to do, he just told you not to worry about it since he didn't care much about his own birthday.
When questioning him some more, you found out the cold hard truth. He hadn't celebrated his birthday in a very long time. Even when he lived with his parent, they would sometimes forget about it. Not on purpose, of course, they would just be too into their research.
Needless to say, it kind of ruined birthdays for Arven, and he didn't much care about celebrating his own. He'd be more than happy to do something for his friends, but not himself.
That's when your plan hatched with Nemona and Penny at your side. You were going to throw him a surprise party.
Nemona kept trying to say the best way to celebrate was with a surprise battle tournament, but both you and Penny had to shoot her down. This was for Arven, after all.
You managed to rope some of the staff in as well in the preparation. Mr. Saguaro had helped a lot with making some good foods for you guys to have for the party. Clavell even reserved the cafeteria just for the party so you guys had a big space.
You had asked to borrow Mabosstiff from Arven and put the pokemon in a little party hat.
When Arven came in, he was shocked to see the party poppers. All his friends were there, ready to celebrate the big day.
He was sheepish and scratched the back of his head, but admitted that Mabosstiff looked adorable in his party hat.
The party went well and by the end, when clean up was all done, Arven asked to speak with you privately.
He thanked you but you could see the tears threatening to leave his eyes as he did so. You did the only thing you could do, and it was to hug your friend and let him cry on your shoulder.
This was the first time in years he got to celebrate his birthday, and he was so grateful to have his friends there with him. He's just happy he was able to hold it together until the end and not cry in front of the others, how embarrassing would that be?
Arven swears he'll do something even better for your birthday, and it might have turned it into a bit of a competition between you two to try to one-up the other on birthday party throwing.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
302 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Well, it’s been a year and it’s almost time for it to end. Damn. Here’s to hoping next year is an even better one!
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bleedingmyway-blog · 2 months
am i a reluctant pokemon fan ?
so far, both of the posts i've made here touch the subjects of pokemon/nintendo. it would be sort of stupid to make the third post ever say "i actually hate pokemon". so instead, i'll borrow the words a youtuber used to describe his relationship with kingdom hearts and call myself a "reluctant pokefan". why reluctant, and not ex you ask ?
for the simple fact that i still massively enjoy past episodes. in my life, there has not been a year where i haven't played an older pokemon game on a mobile emulator or dusted off the old 3ds to play some 4th/5th gen pokemon. while i've grown bored of a number of games that i have played too much during a period of time (dark souls 1 comes to mind), pokemon is really the only franchise i go back to; serving both purposes of being somewhat of a comfort game and genuine entertainment.
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my latest emerald run, i had to grind like a mad dog to get my hands on a feebas
the reason i mention "genuine entertainment" like an android awkwardly trying to describe human feelings is because i know a lot of pokemon fans outgrew the franchise after discovering more complicated rpg/mon sagas like shin megami tensei, romancing saga, digimon and thus no longer draw an actual feeling of satisfaction and entertainment from the games. but to me, despite playing more rpgs over the years, i've never really stopped having fun playing the games. i will fully admit nostalgia plays into it, but it is definitely not enough to make me sink 40-50 hours into a given pokemon game (that i've most likely already played) every 6 months. the older games, while not being necessarily complicated gameplay wise (i remind myself sometimes that for the longest time the game was aimed at children) all have their own brand of uniqueness, which in my opinion, stretches further than gimmicks each game has. atmosphere, characters, the general artistic direction for the pokemons and the folklore for each generation makes each game worth playing for me. regardless of whether you think the battle system has not evolved at all in more than 20 years, that there the dressing aspect of pokemon has not gained any depth whatsoever, that the lore sometimes fails to stick together, that the game retain too much of their linear modus operandi over each opus, the pokemon experience offered by the older games couldn't be find anywhere else. all these examples of critics i quoted happen to be a few of the gripes i have against the entire franchise, which have amplified over the years.
Hence, my being a reluctant fan.
while what you've read so far has been almost like a letter to a long lost lover, what you're going to read is an aveu of hatred and disgust towards the direction taken by the games after the 7th generation (i personally judge pokemon sun/moon to be the last good games). don't expect an objective argumentary about why it's bad, cold hard facts or post ironic memes : i simply am going to express my hate for the mediocrity game freak subjects itself to.
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i am not going to go into details about how vomit inducing the textures look (hint : i think it looks like actual gameplay from one of those crappy chinese mmorpgs that you see advertised on shady torrenting websites). how, in 2020, pokemon makes its first mainline entry onto a TV system which such godawful graphics, lackluster characters that somehow look inferior to the avatars from a prior mobile game (pokemon go) is beyond me.
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lacking 3d animations, battles still load up in an enclosed area where the trainer is nowhere to be seen, pokemons remain static, simple looped animations with not even a god damn idle animation, something that mid 90s point n click games had for chrissake. it is unbelievable game freak went on about the pokedex not including enough pokemons as to concentrate on the ones they're going to be using when truthfully, you couldn't put less work into what's already in the game if you wanted. "it could be worse" yeah, sure, if they didn't just lazily re-use the animations from the 3ds
and you may argue that this had always been the case, to which i'll answer that the only example of gf being this lazy was the shameless copy/paste of the post-league house of battles (whatever its name was) in ORAS; considering the original one in XY was already incredibly lackluster. i actually suspect gamefreak started getting real lazy around that time the way, providing players with the bare bones minimum of pokemon games : expect that's the thing, it's no more interesting than a plain bowl of white rice with nothing on it. pokemon, at its base form, is rpg so behind and archaic that it could be called backwards. features that have existed for 2 decades in mainstream jrpgs such as wild life encounters and beast riding are seen as good additions, while the series was conditionned to smaller machines with weak technical capabilities, the limitations were excusable, but i refuse to ever pay for the undercooked pieces of garbage that nintendo has somehow been able to churn out at a faster rythm than back when the games were made for smaller formats; and on top of that, pouring a thick greasy nasty sauce of dlcs on top.
legendaries that no longer have any connection to existing folklore/mythical symbolism, flagship legendary pokemons being just recolors of each other. jesus christ, scarlet and violet were centered around the gimmick of motorcycle dragons being ridable and somehow nintendo manages to flip the middle finger by making said pokemons CRAWL on top of being extremely buggy
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let us ignore, once again, the awful graphics (final fantasy XII on ps2 somehow looked better in its pixelated glory)
the problem is not the choice of gimmicks or pokemons whatsoever, that's up do debate, we've had for each ds game a gimmick to act as a placeholder of the lower screen, but there's no soul left, and as to define this vague concept; not spontaneity from the devs, no extra-work to make the player smile as he thinks "they didn't have to do this but i like it", like getting something on the house from a burger joint you already love. no, you can truly feel that even though nintendo has always been multi billion dollar company, they now decide to make money on unfinished games, capitalizing on a new demographic of older players who won't mind spending 50, 60 bucks on the lastest pokemon game no matter how shamefully mediocre it is.
i think i'll stop here as i would have to go deeper into detail, but frankly, i feel like i could go on forever, with more structure, and yet, it feels childish because this is ultimately the result of disappointment at the downhill slope a loved franchise that occupied a big role when i was younger is taking.
thanks for reading once again, and do tell if you've any objections or remark concerning something i said
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