#i even wanna ask CN if they Still hold rights to the show just for curiosity sake but heres the thing. reaching iut to companies and
oscill4te · 2 months
I wonder if it would annoy people who worked on a show 15+ years ago to have some rando reach out asking about their experience with working on that show but by god ive been wanting to do that
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jewwyfeesh · 10 months
Tasty Travels - An Unexpected Journey 5
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Suou Tsukasa, Tsukinaga Leo, Sena Izumi, Sakuma Ritsu, Narukami Arashi
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Ritsu: Just now when we were chasing after the car, there were people holding their phones out taking photos… who knows, maybe someone’s already captured a photo of Secchan looking horrifically inelegant and uploaded it.
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Translator's Notes: [1] 美味指挥棒 (original CN term) was used as a blanket term to refer to the biscuit sticks (pocky/pretz etc). As such, I decided to use a tl of the original term instead of mentioning either brands. 美味 - tasty/delicious, 指挥棒 - baton (conductor's baton)
Season: Summer Location: Outside Ensemble Square
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<A while later>
Tsukasa: So, Leo-senpai, kindly explain yourself. How did you manage to forget that your companions were still in town, and drove off on your own?
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Izumi: Chasing after cars is a suuuuuper~ annoying thing to do, and some pedestrians even thought we were filming some sort of show…
Ritsu: It’s so tiring~ Feels like I’ve maxed out my exercise quota for the year, and from here on out I don’t wanna move at aaaall.
Arashi: Yeah, agreed. Running around like that without any thought for my image… I look anything but beautiful.
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Ritsu: Just now when we were chasing after the car, there were people holding their phones out taking photos… who knows, maybe someone’s already captured a photo of Secchan looking horrifically inelegant and uploaded it.
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Izumi: …If I find any pictures on the internet that ruin my perfect image, you will not be let off the hook, Leo-kun.
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Leo: Why are y’all looking at me like I abandoned you? Do I seriously look like someone who’d do that? I should be the one asking why you single-handedly decide to run over!
The event isn’t over yet! I had intended to let everyone wait in town, and drive over by myself to pick up the second set of taste testers… Suddenly disappearing then reappearing with more promotional materials… isn’t this as fun and enthralling as a magic trick?
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I wasn’t expecting all of you to run after the car, though, it really gave me a shock! It’s not good to disrespect traffic rules, ya know? Obviously, as ‘idols’, you should be the one setting the example! Am I right or am I right?
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Though, it really seems like y’all can’t bear to part with me! In that case, y’all can tag along for the round trip afterwards!
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Izumi: There’s actually a round trip involved? Why didn’t you tell us about these important things earlier!?
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Tsukasa: If it was for that reason, it’s completely OK for you to discuss it with us from the very beginning, Leo-senpai!
However, this is a sign that you are doing your part, so… I’ll do my best too.
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Arashi: Ufufu, as long as you’re enjoying yourself, I suppose these sorts of situations are also a kind of special journey in their own right…?
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Ritsu: Yep yep, that’s exactly it~ And, when you compare it to any ordinary journey… If you’re our King, then these events are actually some rather unexpected pleasures~
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This journey is truly one of a kind, sweet and delicious~ Here ♪ (Ritsu shoves something into Tsukasa’s mouth)
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Tsukasa: Ritsu-senpai! This isn’t particularly appropriate…… (nom nom)
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Izumi: Do you take me for a blind person, Kuma-kun!? I saw that! You’re not allowed to sneakily give him any more chocolate flavoured ‘Delicious Batons’[1]!
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Leo: Wahahaha, in that case, let’s officially rename this trip to Tasty Travels!
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Three, two, one…… blast off ☆
Translator's Notes: [1] 美味指挥棒 (original CN term) was used as a blanket term to refer to the biscuit sticks (pocky/pretz etc). As such, I decided to use a tl of the original term instead of mentioning either brands. 美味 - tasty/delicious, 指挥棒 - baton (conductor's baton)
← chapter 4 | event page lines/interactions →
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aereres · 3 years
For You, I'd Become Hercules | 2 | - Auston Matthews
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Summary: A happy life with Tyson. That was what you and Auston had been expecting ever since you had moved in. The universe, though, had other plans.
A/N: Here it is! Oh-my-God I couldn’t wait to finally post part two!
Word Count: 5,3k
Warnings: smut, lots of panic and crying, stalking, creepy people, court and lawsuits lmao I think that’s all
“Daddy,” Tyson whined when Emily, his kindergarten teacher, told the parents it was time to leave. “I don’t want you to go,”
“Tys, c’mon, be a good boy,” Auston kneeled near his little boy, gently caressing his back. “You’ll have fun with all the other kids,”
“I’ll pick you up in only a couple of hours, baby,” you whispered, wiping the tear that slipped past Tyson’s eye before kissing his cheek. Your own eyes were glossy, it was hard for you to actually see.
When Auston looked up at you to find some sort of help, you saw just how much everything was affecting him too. Tyson was slowly growing up, already headed off to Kindergarten, and it was especially hard for your lover to let him go. Auston had been his father for years, but he had never thought seeing him start school was going to be that hard, never.
If you hadn’t paid attention to your surroundings, you would have thought it was an angel calling for Tyson; instead, it was a little girl dressed in yellow, her red hair in a high ponytail. “Do you wanna color with me?”
Tyson’s teary eyes left Auston to settle on the little girl, who was pushing a blank paper his way, a bag full of crayons in her other hand. The little boy nodded his head, wiping the remaining tears on his cheeks quickly before sitting down next to her, leaving you and Auston on your own.
“Do we really have to leave?” Auston whispered, watching over his kid, who was smiling like crazy already.
“I think we should,” you mumbled with a strangled giggle, noticing the glances the teacher was giving the two of you, the only parents left inside the classroom. You left the overly decorated room after saying goodbye to Tyson and his new friend, Tiffany.
Your hand slipped into Auston’s when the door was shut behind you, heading towards the car to get back home. The drive was silent, Auston’s hand still linked with yours over the console as he kept his eyes on the packed road.
He missed the turn to reach your condo, instead driving straight away from the city until he reached the top of a hill. He turned the car off just then, finally letting you take in the landscape, the CN Tower seeming so distant from your spot.
The silence inside the car was enough to activate the crowd of thoughts that had been sitting inside your head for what felt like months, your thumb mindlessly caressing the back of Auston’s hand.
After the family trip to Cabo, everything had seemed to move so fast. You had been busy with work, but tried to spend as much time as possible with your boys, which then led to Auston asking you to move in.
It had been a big step, if you had to admit it. Your life after officially living with him and Tyson, though, had become the best life somebody could ask for. You didn’t mind waking up in the middle of the night to Tyson’s crying because of a bad dream, or you didn’t mind packing lunches for three one bit. Secretly, it was the life you had wished for ever since you had been Tyson’s age.
Auston sniffled from your side, catching your attention and finally snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked at him, noticing his red, swollen eyes and his still wet cheeks.
“He’s just- he’s growing so fast,” he whispered, biting on his lip as he squeezed your hand. “I’m really happy, you know, just kind of shocked he’s leaving us already,”
“It’s just kindergarten, baby,” you reassured him, wiping his cheeks with your palms before pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“He’ll be in college before we know it, Y/N,”
You laughed at that, making a smile appear on his own lips as he turned the car back on. “Let’s just focus on the moment,” you whispered, smiling his way before leaning in to kiss him again. “And he’s already made a friend, there’s nothing to worry about,”
“What’s her name, again?”
“Tiffany,” the glare you gave him was enough to make him laugh. “Auston, you’ll have to start remembering his friends’ names, from now on,”
“I will, I will!”
Tyson was running to you with a wide smile the moment you hopped off the car, tackling your legs in a hug. “Mommy!”
“Hey, little man!” You said excitedly, ruffling his hair before sending a quick wave to the teacher. As you propped him into your arms, he started talking about his day, he showed you his drawings when you were strapping him into his seat, and you weren’t shocked to see him fast asleep in the backseat just a few minutes later.
The ride back to your condo was short, with the radio playing lightly in the background as Tyson’s slow breathing filled the car. He didn’t wake up when you propped him back in your arms when you parked the car in the building’s garage, but snapped his eyes open excitedly when he heard the sound of his father’s and godfather’s voice.
You let him to the ground, watching him run towards Mitch and hug his legs in less than a second. “Little man!”
You walked towards the kitchen, reaching the three of them and leaning against Auston’s side. Tyson had already been lifted on top of the island, his shoes barely off as he gained the attention of everyone before he started his monologue about his first school day.
Mitch was listening closely, giving Tyson every ounce of his attention as Auston smiled tenderly. “And I also made a friend! Her name is Tiffany!”
“Tyson is already finding girlfriends, I see,” Mitch teased, tickling his tummy as the two of them laughed. “‘Atta boy!”
Tyson laughed, finally able to skim away from Mitch’s hands and finish his story about the day. By the end, his eyes were droopy, barely staying awake as he tried to focus on what his godfather was saying.
“Let’s go take a nap, Tys,” you whispered, lifting him into your arms before you walked to his room, gently helping him inside his bed. You let your eyes stay on his sleeping form for a little while, gently carding a hand through his hair as you zoned out.
You didn’t hear the front door close, but you were snapped out of your thoughts by a gentle hand on your shoulder, your head snapping around to meet Auston’s eyes.
“Thank you for picking him up,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around your frame and holding you close to his chest.
“Of course,” you breathed out as you leaned on the tip of your toes, meeting his lips in a soft kiss. His hands sneaked down to your waist, holding you tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
“Oh my God,” he chuckled between kisses. “Not here,”
You giggled, remembering just then you were still in Tyson’s room. He picked you up in less than a second, expertly leading the two of you to his bedroom right after shutting Tyson’s door.
Everything seemed to move so quickly as he sat on your shared bed, your legs straddling his waist as the two of you made out. Your shirt came off pretty quickly, followed soon by his, and you let your hands wander around the newfound skin of his chest.
“Is this okay?” He asked softly, his breathing uneven as he let his forehead rest against yours. You nodded your head, grabbing his hands and putting them on your body, giving him your consent. His eyes darkened, positioning you on your back, his body sliding back on top of yours in less than a second.
What had happened after that became history, just two bodies moving against each other in their own first, love-filled dance. You found yourself lying in Auston’s arms a few hours later, your eyes still groggy from the nap and your body feeling pleasantly sore.
“Hey,” Auston whispered, his fingers running through your hair as he smiled at you.
“What time is it?”
“Just a little after five,”
You mindlessly drew shapes on his chest as you relaxed against him, never letting your eyes leave his.
“I love you,” he whispered, everything he had been thinking about spilling from his mouth before he could have even stopped himself. “And it’s fine if you still don’t, you know? I just felt like you should have known,”
Your heart stopped beating for a quick second at his words, a big smile forming on your lips right after his declaration. “Auston?”
He didn’t respond, just hummed your way as his eyes stayed on your intertwined hands. “I love you, too,”
Tyson ran towards you after another day of school, his entire body excited for what was about to come right after the two of you would get inside the car: his first-ever ice hockey practice.
The small duffle bag was already waiting for him in the backseat, with the tiny skates and the hockey stick they wouldn’t be using for a while, since everyone in the course still wasn’t able to skate.
“Mommy!” He squealed excitedly, jumping in your arms before having you buckle him inside his seat.
“Ready for practice, big boy?” You asked, kissing the top of his head quickly. “We’re picking up auntie Steph on the way,”
He smiled excitedly, looking out of the window as you stepped around the car, closing his door behind yourself. You felt like you were being watched again, the same feeling you had felt that morning when you had dropped Tyson off.
The front of the school was still packed with mothers, fathers, grandparents picking up their little ones, but it didn’t take much for you to figure out who was looking - rather, glaring - at you.
She stood to the side, sketchily smoking a cigarette as her black hair flowed over her shoulders because of the breeze, showing off a big tattoo near her neck. Her eyes never left yours as you stepped inside the car, giving her one last look through the rearview mirror before speeding off towards the rink.
Tyson talked your ears off about his day, but it was hard for you to follow through with his monologue as your mind went back to the woman in the parking lot. You picked Steph up quickly before heading towards the rink, keeping quiet the entire car ride until you unbuckled Tyson from his seat.
“You okay?” Steph whispered, her hand placed carefully on your back as you grabbed Tyson’s bag for him. “You seem kind of shocked,”
“I’ll tell you later,” you mumbled, letting your eyes scan the rink’s parking lot to reassure yourself Tyson was safe. Entering the doors, you were greeted by the coach: a patient-looking man in his fifties whose face lightened up as soon as he saw Tyson.
“Tyson Matthews?” He asked, kneeling down to your boy’s height to shake his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,”
He later pointed you and Steph to the stands, where a couple more moms and dads were sitting, looking at their kids on the ice.
“You’re worrying me, Y/N,” Steph admitted when the two of you sat down, your leg bouncing anxiously as you looked around the rink for any sign of the woman. “What’s happening?”
“This morning I brought Tyson to kindergarten,” you started, your eyes finally meeting hers as you explained your side of the story. “I felt like I was being watched, you know, as if someone was looking at me,
“I picked Tys up earlier and this woman was watching us, it was creepy,” you admitted, taking a quick look at your phone before letting your eyes find Tyson in the middle of the rink, laughing with another kid. “I’ve never seen her, no idea on who she is,”
“Maybe you should tell Auston,”
“But what if it’s just a coincidence?” You whispered, rubbing your temples with a sigh. “I’ll just- I’ll wait a little and see what happens. He’s already so busy with practice and all,”
“I just want you and Tys to be safe, alright?”
“Yeah,” you muttered under your breath. You tried to relax, letting the sound of skates on ice and kids’ laughter lull you into a state of calmness until almost all the anxiety left your body for the night.
Tyson quickly waved your way, smiling up at you as he showed you he had already learned how to skate. With a proud smile on your lips, you took a video for Auston, and decided to let the entire matter about the woman leave your mind.
Your kid was on the ice for the first time, it was a moment you just couldn’t forget.
You were sure nothing would ever make you as happy as seeing Tyson on the ice did. He seemed to love hockey just like his father did, spending hours on hours on the iced surface just to have some fun.
He had been able to go to one of the team’s practices, he had skated next to his dad, shot pucks as best as he could, and played around with the coaches and the rest of the team. It looked like the kid and the ice were made for one another, and you and Auston couldn’t help but be extremely proud of your boy.
Standing by the glass of the rink, you watched Tyson with his teammates and coach, running after their respective pucks with mini sticks. Aaliyah was on the phone with you, ranting about what her current boyfriend had done during the previous days, her voice annoyed.
“And guess what! He was at the bar with his friends all that time!”
“No way,” you muttered in shock, stifling a laugh when you heard your best friend pouring herself what you could only guess was wine.
“Yeah, and when I went up to talk to him he became super bitchy,” Aaliyah sighed, probably shaking her head. “I’m proud to call him my ex, now,”
“It was time you dropped that asshole,” you admitted, letting your eyes scan the rink, finding Tyson in the middle of the ice, handling his puck with a smile on his lips. When you looked up, though, you realized there was more to the picture.
Behind him, right on the opposite side of where you were standing, stood the woman. The one with the black hair, with the tattoo on her neck. Seeing her there made it clear: it wasn't just a coincidence anymore.
"Man, that guy was truly a douche. He couldn't even make me cum," Aaliyah mumbled in your ear, but you barely even registered her words.
You stared the woman down, deciding what your next move would have been. "Y/N? Are you there?"
"A, I'll call you later," you muttered quickly before ending the call, making your way around the rink to confront the woman. She had been at your neck for days, following you and Tyson around. You were done with it.
She was quick to run away from you, but it didn't stop you from chasing her. You had made it to the exit of the rink, but when your eyes scanned the parking lot, she was nowhere to be seen. No trace of her around you.
Breathless and angry, you went back to your previous place on the stands. Nothing was holding you back anymore, at that point.
You needed to find that woman.
“No, I don’t think we should advertise it like that, honestly-” your co-worker Martha began speaking, the loud sound of your ringtone interrupting the conversation. Looking down at the screen, you realized Tyson’s kindergarten was calling.
“I’m so sorry, I have to take this one,” you muttered, heart beating out of your chest as you left the meeting room. “Hello?”
“Mrs. Y/L/N? I’m Emily, Tyson’s teacher,” the woman on the other side spoke. “I called to inform you that someone has been trying to pick Tyson up the entire morning,”
You stopped in your tracks, your eyes bulging out of your head as Emily kept explaining. “She was consistent, didn’t want to leave after we explained to her she wasn’t authorized to pick Tyson up,”
“Can you- can you give me a brief description of her?”
“Uh- dark, long hair, tall, in her twenties,”
It was her. The woman that had been following you all that time. And she had tried to pick Tyson up.
“You didn’t let her take Tyson, right?” You asked, tears springing to your eyes as you panicked.
“Obviously, we didn’t,” she reassured you. “Are you okay, Mrs. Y/L/N?”
“I- uh, I’ve been feeling worried about Tyson’s safety. That woman has been following us for quite a while, now,”
“We can ban her, if it would make you feel safer,” Emily gently said. “I’d also recommend talking to the authorities about it, ma’am,”
“I’ll be there to pick Tyson up in ten,” you shakily said, ending the conversation with the teacher with a quick ‘goodbye’ before leaving your workplace. You had never felt that scared in your entire life, barely holding on as you pulled up to the kindergarten, your heart beating out of your chest.
Before entering the school, you grabbed your phone, dialing Auston’s number. Just as you thought you were going to be sent to his voicemail, his voice snapped you out of your trance.
“Auston, we- we have a problem,” you sniffled, running a hand through your hair as you looked out of the car window.
“What’s happening, baby?” He asked, sounding worried, too. “Please, talk to me,”
“I’m picking Tyson up right now,” you whispered, brushing a stray tear from your cheek with the back of your hand. “Can you come home as soon as possible? We’ll talk there,”
“Sure,” he stuttered out. “Y/N?”
“I love you, I’ll see you later,”
When you had finally reached home, Tyson speeded off to his room, obviously after greeting his father. You were sure you had never seen Auston that worried in your entire life, a frown masking his face when he saw your teary gaze.
Without even saying a word, he wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a warm hug as you finally let the tears fall. You felt extremely anxious; your worries for Tyson, for Auston, for your own self, were overwhelming.
“Whenever you’re ready, baby,” Auston whispered in your hair, swaying your bodies to lull you.
“This- this woman,” you sobbed, your tears staining his hoodie. “She’s been following Tyson and me for months,”
Auston’s shock was evident when he quickly cupped your cheeks, attentively making eye contact with you. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just- I thought it was just a coincidence. She was always at the kindergarten, I thought she was just there to pick up her kid,” you admitted. “But then I also started seeing her at the rink, and today Emily called me to tell me that woman had attempted to pick Tyson up multiple times,”
“Fuck,” Auston muttered, running a hand through his hair as he looked down at you. “We should probably call the police,” He sat on the couch, wrapping his arms around you when you settled next to him. “Can you maybe describe her for me?”
“Black hair, skinny, tall,” you mumbled. “I don’t know if it’s helpful, but she always wears red lipstick,”
Something clicked inside Auston’s mind, you could have told. Pictures of her crowded his mind as he tried comparing her and the woman you had described. Scrambling for something he remembered her for, he could only come up with one of the most obvious things about her. Tattoos.
“Does she have a neck tattoo? Close to the shoulder area,”
With your eyebrows scrunched, you nodded your head, remembering quite easily about the inked skin you had noticed. His head dropped in his hands, making your heart beat against your ribcage heavily. “What are you thinking, Aus?”
“That’s Jessica,”
Tyson’s mother.
Auston had never thought she would have come back. She had made it clear that night: she wasn’t going to come back; and yet, there she was. She had been following his son and his girlfriend around, creeping around them like a stalker, scaring them to death.
They didn’t deserve it, at all, was all he thought. He had never seen Y/N that shocked in his entire life, tears of fear and worry streaming down her face. It made his blood boil, it made him angry to see her like that. Jessica was going to pay.
With a sigh, he looked at himself in the foggy mirror: the dark bags under his eyes - the first thing you could notice about his appearance - were the result of a couple sleepless nights spent to figure out what he was going to do, how he was going to help you. His unshaven stubble peeked out, reminding him of all the mornings spent in front of papers, trying to solve the big knot that was child custody, something he had been so clueless about for his entire life.
And then came his eyes. They were filled with anger, with frustration.
He had been the happiest man on Earth ever since Y/N had come back in his life, stealing his heart all over again; Jessica wasn’t going to ruin his life just when he was at his happiest.
“So we should settle for a restraining order?” Auston asked, mindlessly stepping around your room as he talked to his lawyer. “I’m afraid this might need more than just a restraining order,”
You sighed when you heard the doorbell, stepping out of your room and finding Tyson playing with Ema, who had been kind enough to help you and Auston during the complicated situation you had been going through. You had kept Tyson away from kindergarten for his safety, what had previously happened with Jessica was enough to scare you to death.
“I’ll take the door,” you whispered to Ema, who was silently looking at her grandson, a worried look on her features.
The doorbell rang again, this time snapping the toddler out of his thoughts. He latched onto your side, a clueless smile planting itself onto his lips as he waited for you to open the door.
It shocked you to see that familiar tattoo so closely, every detail imprinting itself in your memory. Jessica stood in front of you with all her pride, her eyes gingerly falling on your face before flying down to Tyson.
“Look at my baby,” she whispered under her breath, kneeling down to the kid’s height to take a good look at him. Putting all the shock aside, your protectiveness took over, pushing Tyson away from her.
“Don’t even look at him,” you hissed, eyes cold as they found hers.
“Baby, the lawyer is asking-”
Auston stopped in his tracks when he saw who was at the door, quickly stepping towards the two of you to stand by your side. Ema also joined the scene, picking Tyson up and sending the mother of her grandchild a glare before leaving the room.
“Jessica, what do you want?” Auston was quick to ask, his voice filled with venom.
“Auston,” Jessica greeted him, smirking your way. “I want my kid back,”
“After everything you’ve done to us?!” Auston raised his voice. “You left him on my doormat, Jessica. You left us alone with no help and now you come back?! You’ll never be able to see my son again,”
“Our son,” she specified, looking at you as she reminded you who really was the mother of the kid you loved so much, a pang of pain hitting your heart.
“Don’t even try to consider him yours,” you hissed, clenching your jaw. You had had enough. “Tyson doesn’t have a mother because you abandoned him and never came back,”
“You will never be his mother, no matter how hard you try,”
“At least I try to be present in his life, Jessica,” you said, your fists clenched into balls as you stared her down. “At least I show him love, I treat him as my own son. You won’t take him away from us, no matter how hard you try,”
“We’ll see you in court,” Auston said sharply from your side, wrapping his arm around your waist to stabilize you, to support you.
“Oh, is that how things are going to go?” Jessica huffed, rolling her eyes. “Just let me see my kid,”
“You don’t even call him by his name, do you expect us to let you meet him?” you snapped. “We will see you in court, and you should leave the building before I call the police,”
“You won’t forget about me, girl,” she hissed before walking away, leaving you to stare at her back as she left. Your heart was still beating against your ribcage, so fast from all the adrenaline when Auston pulled you back inside your house, wrapping his arms around you in a firm hug.
“Auston, I-” you cried, sniffling against his chest as you finally let yourself relax in his hold. “I’m so scared,”
“She’s never going to take Tyson from us, baby,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I promise,”
“Mommy?” Tyson’s voice was small, you barely even heard it. “Mommy, don’t cry,”
Even more tears left your eyes at his words, and he was quick to find himself in your arms, hugging you tightly.
“Oh, Tys, I love you so much,” you sobbed, tightening your grip around his smaller body as you enjoyed the moment. “I will always love you, no matter what. Okay, Tys?”
The toddler nodded your way, his eyes soft as he let his face hide in the crook of your neck. Auston joined the two of you, kissing the top of your heads before swaying all of your bodies from side to side.
“We’ll be alright,” he whispered in your ear. “We’ll be alright,”
You hadn’t expected to ever find yourself in court for something as serious as child custody, ever. You were nervous, to say the least. You, Auston, and Tyson were in the hands of one of the best lawyers specialized in child custody; you had been reassured you’d win the case at least twenty times already, but it didn’t help to calm your nerves.
In the short time that had divided your first real encounter with Jessica and the day of the sentence, you had truly started appreciating every single moment you had with Tyson. God only knew what was going to happen in that room.
Auston held your hand during the entire sentence, squeezing your palm every time he’d feel you getting nervous. As the matters were discussed via your respective lawyers, you let your eyes peek in Jessica’s direction.
She was dressed in black, her usual signatures - the bright red lipstick painting her lips, and her neck tattoo - shining under the lights of the room. ‘How could such a beautiful person live without kindness, or love, for her own son?’ You asked yourself. ‘How could she heartlessly leave Tyson and Auston alone, and come back years later to try and snatch him away from the loving hands of his father?’
You spaced out, blocking the sound of people talking, focusing on the ground. In your head, you replayed every single moment you had been able to spend with Tyson, the little boy that had stolen your heart.
You focused on every important moment: the time in the hospital, the lazy Sundays spent with your boys and Felix on the couch, the gala where Tyson first called you ‘mommy’, his first practice.
‘We do not remember days, we remember moments’, was what Cesare Pavese had once said, and finding Tyson and Auston finally made you really understand what he meant, with that quote.
“The sole custody of Tyson James Matthews will be given to the father, Auston Taylour Matthews,” the judge, a middle-aged woman, spoke. “Have a good day,”
It felt as if your heart started beating again, when she spoke those words. Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes as you looked at Auston, who was equally as happy as you were.
Even if not appropriate, he pulled you in a hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck as the two of you created another moment together. Ema, who had been sitting behind you all that time, joined the two of you with tears streaming down her cheeks.
“We did it, baby,” Auston whispered, sniffling slightly as he wiped a fresh set of tears from your cheeks. “We finally did it,”
You spent the afternoon trying to explain the situation to Tyson as best as you could, his curious questions bringing you even more happiness. As much as you wanted to spend the entire night with your boys, Auston was determined to bring you out to dinner.
The entire deal about Tyson’s custody had made both of you extremely busy, you barely even were able to see each other. Mrs. Blake had been more than happy to keep Tyson for the night, and maybe you really needed to spend a night with your lover.
“You look beautiful,” Auston said from behind you, nervously fidgeting as he looked at you putting on your favorite set of earrings.
“And you look nervous,” you giggled, turning around to press a kiss to his lips. “Do I still make you nervous, Matthews?”
“How could you not?” He smirked sweetly down at you, kissing you another time before grabbing your clutch for you. “Let’s go, baby. This is our night,”
You laughed, spinning in his arms before slipping in a pair of heels, ready to leave your condo and get to the restaurant. The look of shock you had given Auston the moment he parked in front of the CN Tower was enough to make him laugh as he helped you out of the car like the gentleman he was.
He spoiled you with a wonderful dinner, talking about everything in front of a glass of wine and the beautiful view of Toronto. Your dessert was brought to you after a while: two nice bowls of ice cream, just what you always used to order when you were kids.
“You know, I was thinking about it,” Auston mumbled, clearing his throat as he pushed the spoon with the last few remnants of ice cream into his mouth. “And we’ve been together for almost a year,”
“Damn, you’re right,” you chuckled in amazement. Time had gone past so quickly you had barely even noticed it.
“This has been the best year of my life,” he admitted, pressing a quick kiss to the back of your hand, his palm sweaty. “And I wish the next ones could be as perfect as this one year we spent together,”
You smiled at him, biting on your lip as the butterflies in your stomach kept dancing to the music that was his love.
“I know it’s probably too soon, but I just can’t help myself, Y/N,”
A hand cupped your mouth as you finally realized what he actually had meant, and when he let himself sink on one knee, opening a velvet box with the most beautiful ring you had ever seen inside, tears started to spill from your eyes.
“We’ve been through hell and back to be where we are now, and you’ve loved me unconditionally no matter what I did or what I said. You’re the only one I want, you’re the only one I need. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”
It was a no-brainer. You didn’t even have to think about your answer, it was clear.
Taglist: @thirstyybitch @bellaguarneri @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @trashforbarzal @roopehinttz @callllumhood​ @sunsetholland​
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 12 (Kiro) Part 4 [Confession of the Stars] Translation [CN]
For previous translations of Season 2 Chapter 12: Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3
[Confession of the Stars]
Even so, I still didn’t see Kiro’s face. The hospital still expressed his unwillingness to see anyone.
But nonetheless, it was fine for me to text him. I want him to know that he is not alone.
As long as he wants, I will appear in front of him immediately.
In the past two days, Kiro has asked Savin to bring his belongings to him from time to time and sometimes buy a few books.
After entrusting a lawyer to submit my alibi for me, I no longer need to go to the Task Force for regular reports.
However, the previous hospital hostage incident triggered more and more group skirmishes and discussions on the Internet continued on.
Everyone wants become the one who wins the right to speak. On the other hand, the hostile takeover incident of LFG, which had been raging before, was gradually suppressed.
There hasn’t been much movement on LFG’s side, so the problem probably isn’t that serious. I also successfully sent out the USB flash drive according to Gavin’s instructions.
Many departments of the company are asking whether or not to follow the hot topics to produce a show. I was so busy that I could only text Kiro at night.
Such days lasted for more than a week.
After nine o’clock in the evening, I had just entered the house, dragging my weary body when Kiro called.
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Kiro: ….Miss Chips?
His voice was a little cautious, wary, and even quivering.
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MC: What’s wrong?
Kiro let out a little laugh from the other end.
I’ve been so out of it lately. It’s been a very long time since I heard him laugh so enthusiastically.
Kiro: MC, say my name.
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MC: Kiro, are you okay? Why are you so happy?
He didn’t answer but just laughed happily.
Kiro: What are you up to?
MC: Of course, I just got home from a rough day at work. ***Changed some wording***
Kiro: Thanks for all the hard work, Miss Chips.
I was lying on the sofa and complaining to Kiro about recent events. He listened carefully, and from time to time he also grumbled about his troubles to me.
This moment gave me a certain illusion, as if nothing was wrong.
The next day I heard that Kiro asked Savin to bring his guitar.
At the same time, the Task Force came forward and started to take control of the chaotic situation reasonably and accurately.
I checked Weibo and found that more and more people are no longer emotionally angry, but deeper in discussion about the relationship between Evol and ordinary people.
Along with the nice weather, I think a lot of things are heading in a good direction little by little.
I had a rare chance to get off of work early today. After thinking about it, I went and bought Kiro’s favorite canelé and arrived at the door of his ward.
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MC: It would be wonderful if I could see him today…
While I muttered this, I stretched out my hand to knock on the door.
Before I could, an overly harsh and messy guitar chord came to my ears and left me frozen in place.
The crude, sharp sound felt as if it was forced out like a shout being torn from a person’s throat and the chords held some frustration within them.
It was so depressing. It was even hard to breathe.
After a profound silence, a few faint guitar notes came quietly as if crying. The voice was soft and desperate, as if it was not a note.
But a shattered dream.
I leaned on the door and listened to the broken chords, holding my breath without making a sound.
Finally, I left the snack in the nurse’s care. I told her to give it to Kiro after waiting for a bit and then left.
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On the way home, a new advertisement shot by Kiro some time ago is being displayed on the large screen on the side of the road.
Passerby A: Kiro clearly announced that he’s an Evolver. Why is he still so popular?
Passerby B: Kiro is Kiro. What does that have anything to do with being an Evolver?
Passerby A: Maybe he used some special Evol to control you and made you like him so much.
Passerby B: Do you actually know him or even understand him?! Of course, there’s a reason why Kiro is so well-liked. Do you think Evol can do everything?
Passerby B: I’ll show you this collection. You’ll understand after reading it. Why hasn’t he released a new song yet….?
The girl and her companions walked away slowly and I watched their backs disappear into the night.
In this turbulent moment, there are still many people talking about him, expecting him, and waiting for him. But at this time, I don’t want to tell him this.
Stars dotted the night sky, watching the whole city tenderly and peacefully.
I took a photo of this night sky with my phone and sent it to Kiro.
I don’t know what Kiro is struggling by himself, but I hope he won’t make all his expectations become his own burdens.
There was no reply from Kiro that night.
Until 7:25 the following evening, my phone rang.
***During this next scene, the 3rd anniversary song is being played. It made the entire scene so much more emotional and touching but also sad. The BGM in this whole chapter was meticulously chosen.***
Kiro: Good evening, Miss Chips.
Kiro: How did you know that I wanted to eat canelé? When I ate it yesterday, tears were about to come out.
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MC: Tears from the corners of your mouth? ***T/N: She means drooling***
Kiro: Hehe, hurry up and remove the camera you installed on me!
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MC: If there really was a webcam, that would be great….by the way, how are you today? ***Woah, woah, MC!!! So you want to upgrade from sneaky pictures to sneaky videos? MY GIRL!!!***
Kiro: Of course, I’m doing well!
MC: That’s good. It seems that the retreat is working effectively.
Hearing what I said, he laughed. His voice full of energy.
But we both know that these are all tacit masks.
Kiro is too clever. He must know how weak his excuses for shutting himself up are.
So weak that he doesn’t believe them himself.
When 7:30 came around, Kiro stopped talking. Then suddenly he spoke solemnly.
Kiro: Miss Chips, I want to play some songs for you.
MC: Okay! I haven’t heard you play a song in a long time.
Gentle guitar music came slowly from the other end of the phone. I imagined Kiro playing right now and closed my eyes, feeling a little nostalgic.
Soon, one song was finished.
Kiro: Sitting on the bed and closing my eyes just now, it felt like I was in a concert.
MC: That’s not right. The audience hasn’t arrived yet and you can’t have a concert with just you.
Kiro: Then come to the special concert. A concert dedicated by Kiro himself.
Kiro: Miss Chips is the only special guest.
MC: That’s not very monotonous.
Kiro: How could it be?
Kiro: Miss Chips, are you standing by the window right now? Can you see the stars outside?
Listening to what he said, I immediately got up and went to the balcony.
The stars outside the window twinkled and hung in the night sky like little lights.
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MC: I can!!!
Kiro: My favorite stage is like this starry sky.
Kiro: That was my first stage. It was not very big and crowded with people.
Kiro: That day was the same as today, a sky full of stars. There was a long passage leading to the main stage.
Kiro: Every time I stepped on a square, a star will light up under my feet.
Kiro: The audience turned on the flash from the back of their phones and the whole world seemed to be connected into a sea of stars.
Kiro: In that moment, I told myself to shine in this sea of stars and become the brightest one.
I slowly listened to him talking about his beloved stage and the brightest star in his heart.
I was on this end of the phone, looking at the starry night outside. I could feel him holding my hand and leading me towards the stage.
I saw him piously touching the places he knew and missed the most, holding the guitar and standing in the most radiant place.
His entire being seems to be shining.
Kiro: Miss Producer, would you say I’ve done it? 
MC: Of course.
MC: You did it long ago.
Kiro laughed lightly. This time the guitar music was accompanied by his singing.
His voice is so soft and sincere, like some kind of long-distance reunion. Like a farewell to something.
After a dozen songs were sung one after another, Kiro’s voice was already a little hoarse.
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MC: ….Since it’s a concert, can I still have an encore?
Kiro: (chuckles) Since it’s MC’s request, I would definitely not refuse it.
Kiro: This is the last song called “Confession of the Stars”.
***T/N: Decided to include both the EN and CN versions of the lyrics. I’m not a songwriter so the CN version is what Google Translate gave me. I really love Bian Jiang’s singing in this scene so do give it a listen 😉. Also, I love how there’s no BGM music playing while he sings because I feel like that would just take away some of the emotion.***
Kiro: (EN version) “I got a song that I wanna sing for you~ It may not be perfect, but it will have to do~”
“Dreaming your dreams and going your own way~ Sometimes you feel lonely, sometimes heartbreak…”
(CN version) “There is a song I want to sing for you~ For you who work hardest in the world~”
“On the road towards your dream~ Sometimes you feel a little lonely….”
***Now I can’t hear this song the same way ever again. WHY, KIRO!?! TELL ME WHY!?!? YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO BREAK MY HEART!!! TAT***
When I heard the familiar, leisurely melody, I was overwhelmed. The song seemed to pass through time, embracing me tenderly.
I always feel that something will end after this song. I want to try my best to hold onto it, but I can only grasp at nothingness. ***FORESHADOWING!!! Actually, this entire “concert” is.***
Eventually, I could only wait quietly for it to come to an end.
Kiro: (sighs) The concert is over. Thank you, Miss Chips.
Kiro: (In the sweetest, most tender voice): Good night.
-End of Part 4-
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niyes-lahiffe · 3 years
hey hey @emdoddles surprise!! I’m your secret santa! so here’s some good ol’ love square 1 and love square 2 (djwifi) in an older au ;) I hope you enjoy!! @mlsecretsanta
Babies are More Tedious Than What we Bargained For
Paris was always so wonderfully pleasant this time of year.
Most people would disagree, since during the wintertime, it was unbearably cold to them. But to Marinette? Cold meant bundling up in soft blankets, drinking delicious hot chocolate, and of course, cuddling with her wonderful husband.
Though, right now, she had other things plaguing her mind.
Marinette was sitting at her desk, deep in thought as she repeatedly tapped the pencil in her hand against the surface. She hadn't even noticed her husband returning home from work, and what snapped her out of her stupor was when he gently kissed the top of her head.
"Oh! I didn't even realize you came in," she said bashfully. Adrien just gave her a warm smile before quirking an eyebrow.
"Alright, what's eating you?" he asked as he scanned her up and down. "You look adorable but your hair's in a messy bun. Not to mention you've got a pencil behind both ears, in your mouth, AND in your hand." He knew her too well, even if she was...obvious.
Marinette's face started growing red. "O-oh I uh, I've just been...thinking..."
His quizzical look never faltered, if not grew even more intense as he pressed her on, "About...?"
"I...I...!" She took a comically deep breath. "I WANT TO HAVE A BABY LIKE ALYA AND NINO DO."
Adrien blinked. Marinette blinked.
"You..you want a baby?"
Marinette's mouth snapped shut and she nodded eccentrically.
As Adrien gawked, Marinette prepared herself for the worst, whether it be him denying because he didn't want one or because he wasn't ready or...
She yelped when Adrien gleefully scooped her up in the air with a bright laugh. "Marinette, that's wonderful!"
His hug was so tight but it was wondrous. Marinette blinked down in surprise at him. "It...really?" She didn't think she'd ever seen his grin as big as it was at this moment.
"Yes!" The kiss he gave her lips was sloppy, short and excited, and it sent every one of his emotions through his wife's veins. He set her down, but not before he twirled her around again, their delighted laughter filling the air. "I know we've talked about it briefly before but neither of us were ready...but I think we are now."
Marinette grinned at him, agreeing, "I think so, too."
They leaned in for another kiss when a loud, boisterous noise from outside interrupted. They were completely jarred, immediately running to the window to see what on earth had happened.
In unison they dashed over to the window.
"Oh dear..."
"Hot coco's done!"
Nino walked up to his wife, who help their baby in her arms. Little Zoe giggled at her papa when he leaned down to give her chin a tickle.
"It smells fabulous, babe," Alya complimented before reaching her head forward to give Nino's forehead a kiss as he played with Zoe.
The ground suddenly shook, and Alya and Nino both gasped. She handed the baby to the DJ after he set down the coco and peeked through the blinds to see what was going on. Her face blanched.
"...What is it?" Nino asked as Zoe babbled in his arms, completely carefree as she played with the headphones around his neck.
"I don't know, but it's something bad. Maybe an akuma, maybe some strange magic force, maybe something worse."
They both glanced at their kwamis, who shrugged.
Nino was in shock, yet still groaned. "An akuma? We haven't even heard from Hawkmoth in years! Why now?"
Alya backed away from the window, clearly distressed. "I don't know, but we need to help."
"Alya, we have a baby."
"One of us needs to go and see what's going on, then," Alya replied as she gently gave her fingers to Zoe, who grabbed them excitedly.
Nino first looked at his wife, then down at the baby in his arms. He was silent for a moment before saying, "You go. I'll watch over her."
Alya nodded and pecked her husband on the lips. "I'll let you know if we need any help."
"Please be safe, babe."
"I will." Rena Rouge was now standing where Alya was a moment ago, and she smiled encouragingly as she leaped out the window. Zoe cooed in awe as her mother, now a colorful superhero, zipped away.
"Don't worry, she'll keep her promise," Nino told his daughter, though he was mostly talking to himself. "She has to."
Carapace stood on the street in anxious anticipation. Rena had never contacted him, but judging by how long she was gone, he knew they were eventually going to need help.
Zoe was in his arms, sound asleep despite the loud noises of battle that surrounded every corner. This child was truly something else.
He hadn't had any time to get in touch with a babysitter, friend, or anyone of the sort, so he had to stick with putting a fake Rena mask on his child's face so no one would recognize her. It was a super cute mask that he absolutely would be gawking over if he wasn't so nervous about the fight.
Carapace's toe tapped as he heard Ladybug and Chat calling out in the distance, then cursed internally as he watched his wife fly across a few buildings.
Yeah, he really needed to help.
Carapace turned to the woman who was standing next to him, watching the fight in concern, and said, "HI do you like babies?"
He probably should've worded his sentence a bit better. The lady turned to him with wide and incredibly confused eyes. Rightfully so, but it was too late to go back now.
"Uh..yeah. I do," she replied. Judging by her weary eyes, it was obvious she'd already have run off if Carapace wasn't one of Paris' famed heroes.
"GREAT!" He gently shoved Zoe into her arms and took off, yelling all in one breath, "Watch her for me for a quick sec I'll be right back thank you!!"
The tedious battle had finally been conquered. It definitely wasn't CHALLENGING, per-say, but it was one of those times where everything just took forever. Rena had already given Carapace a scolding for practically throwing their child into a unknown lady's arms, but his defense was he was too anxious to think straight. However, when they finally landed on the street The green-clad superhero had dropped off Zoe, the lady was there and the baby...wasn't.
Carapace gawked at her. The lady also looked surprised so there was that, but she unfortunately wasn't getting out of the parents' rage.
"Where." He was going to say more but the lady interrupted with a panicked, "I DON'T KNOW SHE WAS HERE A SECOND AGO I SWEAR-"
"She was what?" Rena stepped in.
The woman proceeded to explain that she had been holding onto the baby for one moment (despite the extreme confusion at the suddenness of it all), and then she was simply...gone the next.
"You gave our baby. To a random stranger. And she LOST HER?" Carapace started backing up as Rena gripped her hair. "YOU GAVE OUR BABY TO A RANDOM STRANGER AND THEN SHE LOST HER!!" Her husband couldn't get away in time. Rena grabbed his shoulders and shook him viciously enough to cause him to go dizzy.
The stranger pointed behind them, eyes wide as a kite (and luckily before Rena could do any more damage) and croaked, "Uhhh...what's that?"
Carapace and Rena Rouge looked behind them to see a floating Rena Rouge mask.
"Mama! Da!" A childish voice called out happily, and Carapace would've had a heart attack as the mask stepped closer if he didn't instantly recognize the voice.
"There's my girl!" Rena rushed forward and scooped the object in the air, which admittedly looked pretty odd. Zoe giggled as she materialized into view. The superhero turned back to her husband, whose eyes were wider than saucers. The random lady was also no where to be seen. "So...our child can turn invisible. Might be a good idea to let LB and CN know."
Ladybug sat atop the rooftop and sighed as the sun fell, sending the sky into an array of beautiful deep colors. Sunsets in Paris were something magical, especially in the winter when all the clouds gathered together to create combinations never seen before.
Chat Noir landed beside her with a thump and gave her a delighted wink when she smiled up at him. He sat down next to her, fake stretching so he could casually slide his arm around her.
"I'm your wife, you dolt, you don't have to do that," she snickered at him.
Another pair of thumps sounded from behind them and they turned to see Rena and Carapace, with their still-masked baby in their arms.
"Sorry for the interruption, L," Rena said, smiling at her and Chat's extremely cheesy position.
"We've got some tubular news!" Carapace help Zoe out from underneath her arms, and she blew a raspberry at the pair of superheros. "Look at my child."
"That's great news but I think we knew about that already," Chat joked.
"But watch this!" Rena walked up to Zoe and said, "Can you show us your little trick, baby?"
Zoe laughed happily as she suddenly disappeared from view, leaving only the mask behind.
"WHOA now that's new!"
"What on earth caused this?" Ladybug asked as she stared in awe.
 Carapace said, "We're not entirely sure-"
"-But we think it has something to do with the fact we're both miraculous holders," Rena finished for him. She tickled the area below the mask and Zoe reappeared with more giggles.
Ladybug and Chat stared at each other. "Well. That's certainly...exciting!" Ladybug chided.
Rena inspected the both of them for a good moment. "You two are planning on having a kid, aren't you?"
They would certainly be surprised if they didn't know this was just how Alya was.
Ladybug sighed, defeated. "Yeah..."
"Well, I just wanna let you know that, despite how strange this is, I know Carapace and I will get through it." She grabbed her husband's hand and gave him a warm smile, which he returned.
Chat laughed at their cheesiness. "That's GROSSSS."
"Oh like you and lovebug aren't any better, cat boy!"
"We can tell you two dudes need to talk, though, so we'll give you some space," Carapace said with a wink. Then, he and Rena were off with a heartful goodbye.
Ladybug and Chat were silent for a long moment, finding themselves holding their hands together tightly.
She finally broke the silence with a, "...I still think we should do it."
Chat gave her hand a loving squeeze. "I think so, too."
They shared another sweet kiss as the sun finished setting, unsure of what was to come for their future, but they knew they'd be fine as long as they were together.
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they-call-me-megs · 4 years
Strangers - MLQC - Kiro x MC
I don’t know if you’re at all like me, but when I saw Kiro in the latest preview for the upcoming CN chapters on MLQC, I FELT THINGS. He was giving serious Daddy vibes and I. am. not. mad. about. it.
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So I felt inspired by it and some dance music I happened to be listening to at the time. I’m certainly not a Kiro stan, but he’s really been growing on me lately.
Warnings: NSFW(18+) smut
Dating a superstar wasn’t for the faint of heart. While there were times it had its perks, it typically meant you couldn’t have a regular date night. There weren’t casual dinners out. You couldn’t go dancing together on a whim or at any club. There was no going to get drinks at the bar together without someone inevitably coming up to talk to him. Kiro was always gracious--taking pictures, signing autographs, overall just being his kind and charming self. That didn’t change the fact that sometimes you just wish you could go out without someone bothering the two of you.  
When a new exclusive club opened up downtown, it felt like you might get the chance for a night of fun and dancing that you’d both been wanting for so long. VIP access. Heavy security. It was advertised as a place for celebrities and elites to let go without the fear of a watching public eye.
“Weeeellll? What do you think? Wanna check it out?” Kiro asked, giving you suggestive eyes and a sly smile. How could you say no to that face?
“It would be nice to actually be in public with you and feel like we could let loose. Plus, you know I’m always a fan of dancing with you.” You gave him a little bump with your hip and a smile back.
Kiro grabbed you by the hips, pulled you towards him and brought his lips to your ear. “Wanna spice it up a little bit?” 
“What’re you thinking?” you asked with an eyebrow raised questioningly. 
“I don’t know...maybe we meet there as strangers. I look down at the bar and see a mysterious and sexy woman that I just can’t seem to take my eyes off. Well--I guess that’s not much different than I already feel when I look at you, but could be fun, yeah?” he said, sticking his tongue out slightly and giving you a quick wink.
You gave him a smirk and tried to hide your blush before responding. “Ohhh….doing some roleplaying, huh? I could maybe be into that. If you’ll call and get us on the list, we can work out the details. For now, though,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing your face to his, “you’re no stranger and I’d very much like to be known by you, if you know what I mean.” With a light kiss, you led him to your bedroom.
For the night of your date, you decided to buy a new dress and some new heels. If you were really going to play the part of a stranger, then you obviously had to have a dress Kiro had never seen before. You went with a burgundy lip to match your burgundy satin slip dress that fell over your chest showing just enough to give a tease while still leaving something to the imagination.  You looked like a fine glass of wine and couldn’t wait to see Kiro’s reaction.
The plan was for you to arrive before Kiro. You checked in with the bumper  at the door and went inside to find a seat at the bar and get comfortable while you waited. There was something exhilarating about not knowing what the evening would be like. You ordered yourself a whiskey dry and tried to calm the little bit of nerves that you had. It wasn’t long before the bartender came up to you with a second glass that you never ordered. “Compliments of the man down the way,” he said, pointing his head towards a blonde man that looked at you with a sly smirk and gave a quick wink. The nerves you had shaken before ramped back up into a flurry of butterflies in your stomach. He was wearing fitted black pants with a black button up shirt that was undone just enough to show the top of his chest. He had a navy blazer jacket on top, making him look older than he typically looked. He wasn’t dressed like a fun-loving guy. He was dressed like a man. You gave him a small wave of acknowledgment and thanks for the drink before downing your first and picking up the second. You saw someone approach Kiro and start to chat him up. She looked familiar--you were fairly certain you had seen her in a magazine or two. While she at least wasn’t a fan bombarding him, it shouldn’t surprise you that someone would have their eyes on him. His aura was undeniable and he was sexy as hell. You knew you didn’t have anything to worry about with him--that didn’t stop you from wanting to up your game to make sure his eyes were only on you. Your favorite song had just come on, so finishing up your second whiskey, you set your glass down and moved to the dance floor.
Situating yourself in the middle of the dance and making sure you were still in eyesight of Kiro, you closed your eyes and let go, the two whiskeys lowering your inhibitions just enough to not be afraid to feel the music while you moved. You gave quick glances to him, still sitting at the bar and the same woman still talking to him. He had his body leaned back on the bar, arms outstretched and one hand swirling his glass around. While the woman’s attention was completely on him, his attention was completely on you. You made sure to give him a show that he wouldn’t be able to resist. His final breaking point was when a man approached you and tried to dance with you--he stood up and didn’t even acknowledge the woman talking to him as he left the bar and made a beeline for you. You turned towards the unknown man to tell him you weren’t interested when Kiro approached you from behind, whispering lightly in your ear, “Mind if I join you?”
You gave him a small nod over your shoulder and he brought his hands up to your waist, pulling your body flush to his. It was hard to tell where your body started and his body ended the way that he was grinding on you in sync with the music, and you could feel his hardness growing behind you. At the peak of the next song, he quickly flipped you around and brought your body back to his, moving his thigh between your legs as you continued to move to the music. He licked his lips before bringing them to your ear. You could feel his hot breath as he whispered, “God, the way you’re moving on me here makes me think I won’t be able to wait to get home to take you--I’d take you right here on the dance floor if I could.”
His voice made your response sound like a purr. “Mmmmm...awfully bold thing to say to a woman you just met.” He gave a soft chuckle and you found yourself nuzzling into the crook of his neck, still grinding together. “We probably couldn’t get away with it here, but I may have an idea, because I don’t think I can wait either,” you said back, giving the bottom of his ear a light bite. 
Never would you have dared to have sex in such a public place, but the drinks had you feeling fearless and the way Kiro was moving on you and the way he growled in response had you ready to have him pound into you hard and fast. You grabbed his hand and led him to the bathrooms. You had stopped in when you first arrived to check your make-up and realized that they had private bathrooms that were nicer than your regular, gross club bathrooms (leave it to a VIP club to go above and beyond). You pulled him in with you and the moment the door was shut and locked, Kiro was on you, your body flush with the door, hands above your head being held by his. He began sucking on your neck, leaving a red mark before looking up at you to say, “I want to make sure everyone in this place knows you’re taken.” He continued his journey down to your chest and made quick work of the top of your dress before bringing his mouth to your peaked nipple, giving it a light suck before flicking it with his tongue. You tried to hold your moan in, but when Kiro dropped fully to his knees, you knew you were in trouble. He pushed your dress up and slid your panties to the side before sliding his tongue through your folds slowly, eyes up looking at you when you finally let your moan out. It was like his mouth was magic the way he worked your clit, bringing you to your climax in what felt like no time. 
“Oh God, Kiro. I need more. I want more. Now.” Your voice was shaking as you let out your plea, still coming down from your high. He made quick work of his belt and undid his pants, wasting no time lifting you up, pressing your dress up a bit further, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Kiro’s strength was often underestimated--he was obviously slim and toned, it might be easy for someone to dismiss his ability. Only you got to see the full extent of his strength and stamina in moments like this--moments when his eyes went black with lust and he turned nearly primal. He slid his cock through your wet folds before sheathing himself in you with a quick push, your walls immediately clenching at the pressure. 
“MC...Jesus. You...feel...so good. I...love the way...your pussy feels around...me.”
“I want more, Kiro. Harder. Don’t hold back,” you hissed through clenched teeth, still trying to keep your voice down.
“Then give me more. I want to hear you. All of it. Don’t hold back, baby.” He began thrusting harder, your back pushing more into the wall behind you, one hand wrapped around his neck while you used the other to try and hold yourself steady against the wall. Right when he hit you in your most sensitive spot and let out a loud moan, you heard a knock at the door. You looked at Kiro who didn’t let the disturbance keep him from sliding in and out of you. 
“It’s...Oh...Ahhhh...occupied!” You tried to keep your voice steady in your response, but he was making that nearly impossible. He began thrusting harder and brought one hand between you to rub circles on your sensitive bundle of nerves and gave you a look that was dripping with desire and a smirk that told you he didn’t mind that someone was outside.
“Come for me, MC. And let them hear you.”
The person began knocking again as you were brought to orgasm again, the sound of your pleasure guttural, and most definitely heard on the outside of the door. A few more thrusts and Kiro found his release, riding it out while you came down, wrapping your arms around him. 
Kiro sat you back down and held onto your arm, your legs feeling quite like jello. You brought your dress straps back over your shoulders and went to clean yourself up when Kiro stopped you.
“Leave it. I want them to smell it on you when we leave. I want every guy in this place to see you and wish that they could do with you what we just did.”
Was he trying to get you riled up for a round two before you’ve even left the bathroom? Because if he kept it up, it was definitely going to lead there. You shimmied the bottom of your dress back down and brought your arms back around his neck. You gave him a light kiss before bringing your lips down to his neck and started giving it a strong suck. He gripped your hips hard, groaning as he said, “Are you trying to kill me? I’m not sure the people outside can handle another round.” 
You removed your lips from his neck with a pop, admiring the red mark you left behind, wiping your lip with your thumb. “I had to get even and make sure that everyone out there knows you’re spoken for as well.”
He gave your cheek a quick pinch before pulling you next to him, arm wrapped around your waist, and opening the door. You were met by the woman talking to Kiro earlier, eyes wide and mouth open. 
“Sorry for jetting on the conversation earlier. I had someone I had to take care of. Have a good evening,” he told the woman before walking off and then whispering to you, “I know that we will.”
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xiaomoxu · 4 years
MLQC CN Lucien (Xu Mo) Long Day Date Part 3 & 4
It's Xu Mo Birthday which has released on CN server. I'm doing translation for personal reason, so I'm sorry if there's some mistranslation. Kindly tell me if you found some :) feel free for read it~ ^^
Read Part 1 & 2 here
I poured the white tea-scented batter into the mold Xu Mo handed over, and couldn't help sighing.
MC: So you knew it from the beginning, including the gifts I prepared...
Xu Mo: Knowing what you want me to do is not the same as seeing you doing these things for me.
MC: But this is not a surprise!
Xu Mo: Is it important to you to surprise me? Then I can be more surprised next time.
Xu Mo smiled, unscrewed the faucet, reached out to test the temperature, and rinsed my battered hand under the warm water.
I watched the water flow down, and he wrapped my palms, tacitly obeyed.
MC: Forget it, I just want you to be a little more happy on your birthday, and I don't really have to surprise you.
Xu Mo: Your presence is the biggest surprise to me.
His lowered voice fell on my ears, and the heat spread to my heart. I couldn't help giving him a chin on the top of my head to cover up the fluctuations in my heart.
Xu Mo closed the water, pulled the plain cotton cloth on one side, and drew it dry.
My heart is beating between fingers and fingers. Xu Mo was very calm, his palms were dry and warm.
Xu Mo: Having been busy for so long, wanna take a break now?
MC: It's okay, I'm not very tired.
Xu Mo's voice seemed to have a magical power, and people couldn't help but relax after hearing it. Although I said that I was not tired, I yawned naturally.
Xu Mo: Take a break.
When I came to the living room, the autumn sunshine outside the window filled the room, and it seemed warm. I looked at the soft sofa, really tired.
Xu Mo : Are you going to bed?
MC: No, no need! I'll just lie down here.
Xu Mo: Alright then, I'll get a blanket.
I quickly found a place to lie down on the sofa, and there was a text book and Xu Mo's coffee on the coffee table.
I picked up a book at random, and when I opened it, it was full of some difficult proper nouns, which completely exceeded my vocabulary, which made me feel sleepy.
Xu Mo: Are you interested in quantum mechanics?
MC: What?
I raised my neck and looked at Xu Mo who was walking over with the blanket in hand. His smile was very reserved, and I suddenly had the urge to not admit defeat.
MC: Hmm! But the words in this book are too small. It makes my eyes dizzy.
Xu Mo: Then, I read it for you?
Xu Mo sat beside me, covering me with the blanket.
The heat on his body attracted me inexplicably, and when he approached, I could smell the white tea scent left by the cake.
Xu Mo: Lie down, you will sleep better.
Xu Mo pointed to his leg. I hesitated for three seconds, still unable to hold back my greedy heart, blushing and lying down curled up.
MC: It's... really warm.
I raised my head and looked at the superior line of Xu Mo's jaw. He lowered his head and smiled at me, picking up his glasses and the original book on one side
Xu Mo: Then I started?
MC: Ah? Ah! Okay.
Xu Mo began to read the difficult original book. His voice is elegant and gentle, and every turn is like a sprout that has just broken through the soil, touching my heart softly.
I can't understand most of the words in his mouth, but the soft voice is like a flowing waltz. Just listening to it makes me happy.
Before I knew it, I slowly closed my eyes, and gradually stepped into the dark and sweet...
MC: Ah.. what time is it?
When I opened my eyes again, there was a faint warmth in front of my eyes, and a light smile sounded in my ears.
Xu Mo: Woke up?
The darkness in front of me exposed layers of crevices, and bright sunlight came in. I sat up slowly and saw Xu Mo sitting beside me smiling at me.
Xu Mo: I thought... you could sleep a little longer.
He took off his glasses in one hand and still held the original book of quantum mechanics in the other.
I rubbed my eyes, still a little sleepy. The sunlight came over from behind him, and for a while, I was almost uncertain whether I was still in a dream.
His shirt looked a little messy for some reason, and a few buttons were loosened, revealing the usual hidden lines.
My eyes circled back and forth, still a little startled, swallowing water involuntarily.
Xu Mo looked down at my sight and smiled slightly.
Xu Mo: You untied this.
MC: What?!
Xu Mo: You don't seem to be very honest when you fall asleep.
MC: What
I finally woke up, and this time I was so sober, I almost jumped off the sofa.
Xu Mo: What's wrong, don't you want to be responsible?
The smile on Xu Mo's lips grew thicker. I stared at him with widened eyes for a long time, and finally felt wrong with the sense of smell that I had cultivated through the past two years with him.
MC: You are teasing me again
I grabbed the pillow at hand and threw it over, Xu Mo caught it with a smile, and sighed regretfully.
Xu Mo: I thought you were a very responsible person.
MC: What kind of sense of responsibility is this? Childish! Cunning!
I held the pillow and launched a series of attacks, Xu Mo just parried, and did not fight back.
When I was tired, I realized that our distance had become much closer at some point
Xu Mo: Do you want to be responsible to me in this way?
He gently pulled my arm and I almost reached his chest.
I could clearly hear his steady heartbeat, and there was still the faint white tea aroma under his nose.
MC: Ah! My cake!
Xu Mo: It has been taken out and is cooling.
Xu Mo calmly supported me who almost jumped up. I looked in the direction of the kitchen, and only then did I see the closed oven.
MC: what time is it now?
Xu Mo: It's noon. I ordered food for delivery, should we have lunch first?
MC: I touched my stomach and quickly agreed.
The lunch Xu Mo ordered was Chinese food, which tasted very authentic. I asked him where the takeaway order was, but he said there was no takeaway order.
MC: How do you know the phone number?
Xu Mo: ....I remember that.
Looking at Xu Mo's plain expression, I marveled at his genius memory, and once again felt subtle.
After eating, I went back to the sofa and wanted to help him organize his books
I picked up the original book on the coffee table and went to the bookshelf in the corner.
Looking at the books in hand, I suddenly found that the title pages of these books are signed by a small pen: L.X.
MC: Strange... how does it resemble Xu Mo's English name?
When I came to the bookshelf, I couldn't help but admire again, and ran my fingers across the neatly arranged spine of the book.
The bookshelves in this hotel are amazing, they are more like the residents' personal collection, rather than the popular books that other hotels will put.
I looked at the rows of unreadable English letters, and quickly noticed a brown book on the top.
MC: What is this? No name?
I climbed the small ladder to retrieve the book and took down the book without a title. The cover is made of antique leather, and when you open it, you can even see the floating dust.
Xu Mo: What are you doing?
MC: Woah!
Xu Mo's voice suddenly rang from behind me, I turned around abruptly, shaking my hand, and the brown book fell to the ground.
Xu Mo: Be careful!
I fell back from the ladder and was in a warm and firm embrace. And the man was frowning, looking at me intently and nervously.
Xu Mo: Did I scare you?
MC: No! I am always in a panic. Ah, I just dropped a notebook, let's see if there is anything wrong.
Xu Mo: It's you who should confirm that there is nothing wrong.
MC: I'm fine! When setting up the shooting scene, I often climb up and down like this, hahahaha
Xu Mo's eyes remained on me, faintly showing the inexplicable gloominess gradually turned into helplessness. I dare not look deeply and pick up the notebook that has fallen on the ground.
MC: This is...
When I saw what was falling out of the notebook, I was stunned for a while.
MC: Xu Mo..
Xu Mo gave a hum, then suddenly thought of something, and smiled softly.
Xu Mo: Did you still find out
I held the yellowed photo with two fingers, turned my head, and looked at the man in front of me.
MC: Why are there photos of you when you were a kid here?
MC: Hahahahahaha! You were so cute when you were young!
Xu Mo: Is it cute? I don't seem to be described that way.
I don’t know how long it took, and Xu Mo and I were still looking through this old photo album on the sofa. I pressed against his warm body, and gradually forgot the time.
After uncovering this treasure, I almost opened the door to a new world about Xu Mo, and I had many questions about every photo.
Xu Mo patiently answered me one by one. For some reason, he always seemed to have a self-sustaining calmness about his past, not excited, nor missed.
MC: So why didn't you tell me this in the beginning this your apartment?
Xu Mo: It's just a residence, it's not very different from a hotel.
MC: How come?! You have been living here when you were studying in the UK, this is your home, right?
Xu Mo's face seemed to be slightly moved, but he quickly returned to his calm and faint smile.
Xu Mo: From the perspective of property ownership, it can be understood this way.
After learning that this is the place where Xu Mo once lived, all the subtle feelings this apartment gave me can be explained.
The X on the doorplate is too homey and familiar, the white rice and tea in the kitchen, and the special bookshelf and the signature on the book...
I didn't expect this person to be so cunning that he would bring me to his home again without knowing it.
MC: Wow, how old were you? There is cake cream on your face, not that you don’t eat sweets is it?
Xu Mo: It was when I was 6 years old. I didn't eat that time either.
MC: Eh?
Turning back a few pages, I gradually discovered that all Xu Mo's photos seemed to be 7 years old.
Thinking of the scenes I saw in my dream before, I couldn't help but squeeze.
I looked up at Xu Mo beside me. In the setting sun, his eyebrows were covered with a faint blood red, and I couldn't help but clenched his hand
MC: Xu Mo...
Xu Mo: What happened?
MC: Nothing, just, suddenly.....
Perhaps it was my palm that conveyed some uneasy emotions. Xu Mo looked at me and quickly showed a soothing smile, touching the back of my hand.
Xu Mo: it's already over. Now, I am by your side.
MC: ..... I am a little unhappy because there is no me in your past!
MC: In the future, we should read our memories book on this day.
Xu Mo stared at me for a long time. After a long silence, his eyebrows finally opened with a long-lost relaxed smile.
Xu Mo: Well, it's like the memories book you prepared for me last year.
MC: We will have many memories books.
I shook my head vigorously, trying to get rid of the anxiety and worries that had just surged in my heart. A light from outside the window came in. I was shocked by the passing of time.
MC: Ah! It's already this time, the cake is not finished yet!
Xu Mo: Don't worry, there is still a while before dinner is ordered.
I hurriedly stood up and looked at Xu Mo's appearance in his spare time. He always seems to anticipate all my flaws and make all arrangements.
I looked at his eyebrows and pulled his hand.
MC: Let's do it together!
Xu Mo's face was slightly blank, and he quickly recovered.
Xu Mo: I haven't done it. Wouldn't it matter if you accidentally spoil your gift?
MC: But you are the most important part of the gift! Doing this with you will make it more meaningful!
Xu Mo stared at me in depth and light for a few rounds. It seemed more mysterious in the twilight, but it made me feel at ease.
He nodded slightly and said yes.
Xu Mo: Then you should teach me carefully
I cheered and pulled him to the counter to take out the cake then start to make the cream.
Xu Mo watched me cut through the cake base skillfully, pour the cream and fruit layer by layer, and his face seemed to be in a trance.
MC: Come, put cream in.
I handed him the decorating tool unceremoniously, and he was shocked for a few seconds, and began to use a rigorous method of experimentation.
I looked at him cautiously and couldn't help but laughed.
Xu Mo: ....Is the way I am now, funny?
MC: No! Wait a minute!
Before Xu Mo could react, I rushed to the suitcase and fetched a Polaroid. I took a photo of Xu Mo holding the cream bag from a distance.
Xu Mo's face was caught off guard, and he laughed again soon.
Xu Mo: Are you going to leave me here alone, teacher?
MC: Don't panic, I am coming!
I put the Polaroid on the edge of the table and began to teach Xu Mo how to squeeze the cream into various decorative shapes.
MC: It’s not that difficult, you see, it’s like drawing...
As expected to be a genius who mastered a scalpel, Xu Mo quickly learned the trick and squeezed a gardenia shape on the cake.
MC: Wow, that's amazing! I have been studying for so long, but I still can't do this level.
Xu Mo: It's more interesting than imagined.
With the help of Xu Mo, the cake gradually took shape. Every line is beautiful and smooth.
After finishing decorating, there is some cream left in the bag. Xu Mo's gaze swept around and suddenly fell on my finger.
Xu Mo: Let me do another exercise.
MC: What?
I haven't reacted yet, Xu Mo has already pulled my left hand and skillfully squeezed a snow-white gardenia on my ring finger.
Xu Mo: Do you like it?
I looked at the delicate white flowers like sculptures on my fingers, and couldn't help but blush.
MC: .... this is a waste.
Xu Mo: It won't be wasted.
My heart jumped, only to see Xu Mo lowered his head and leaned close to my finger, the back of the finger was warm and warm, and that white gardenia had been accepted by him.
MC: Xu Mo! What....
Xu Mo: Well, it seems to be sweeter than the one on the cake.
Xu Mo's long and narrow eyes showed a bright light, and my heart was beating like a drum. It took a long time to react and hurriedly withdrew my hand.
MC: No, don't challenge the teacher thinking that you have learned it! Now you have to learn to write!
I hurriedly took out the jam and the one-size French flower, but because I was too panic, I couldn't find a suitable filter.
Xu Mo's hand stretched out from behind, and accurately inserted the metal filter into the cut piping bag
Xu Mo: can we start?
MC: ....Okay, thank you.
His arms are warm and strong, and the mood that has just been disrupted finally stabilizes a little bit. I installed the jam and cleared my throat.
MC: The next sentence I wrote is a demonstration for you.
While I was talking, I moved my wrist and wrote this line solemnly in front of his eyes.
Happy Birthday to Mr. X
MC: Did you see it clearly?
Xu Mo: Yes, clearly.
The voice seemed to stop for a while before it sounded deep, and when it fell to my ears, it shocked my heart with countless gentle ripples.
It seems that this day's rush, or everything that has been done for this person in the past, hundreds of days and nights of company, have a place to stay.
The dusk outside the window gradually deepened, and the street lights on the street came on. The warm lights in the house surround us, and the sweet creamy aroma persists.
Xu Mo: Thank you.
MC: .... It's your turn.
Xu Mo took the piping bag in my hand, and suddenly wrapped my waist with his other hand, pulling me over.
His magnified face caught in my eyes, my chest was full, but I couldn't bear to look away.
MC: Write well..
Xu Mo: Okay, I'm writing.
His other hand walked skillfully on the cake behind me, but his eyes were tightly locked on my face, gentle and relaxed, with ease.
MC: What are you writing?
I wanted to look back, but he was firmly clamped on. His approaching face made me unable to escape, I could only hit his forehead and listen to him whispering.
Xu Mo: It doesn't matter what I wrote. More importantly, thank you that you're here with me.
I also remembered that when I met Xu Mo at the airport, he was confident that there was always a certainty in his eyes that I couldn't see through.
MC: So what is your third basis?
Xu Mo paused, smiling slowly.
Xu Mo: it's you.
MC: What do you mean?
Xu Mo: Because it is you, I know you will come.
I blinked, a little unconvinced.
MC: Anyway, Professor Xu has always known everything.
Xu Mo chuckled lightly, his warm lips pressed against me, his breath with the aftertaste of buttery gardenia.
Before closing my eyes, I had already peeked from the corner of the light that he had written on the chocolate card.
Maybe I have long been used to letting go of everything in front of this omniscient person.
Just like everything he put down to me
Xu Mo: starting today, here is...
The second half of his sentence was hidden between his lips, and it became the eternal secret of this day.
And the small letters on the row of chocolate cards still appeared in front of my eyes.
1115 with you, at home.
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Thank you for reading ><
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lakkimi · 4 years
[TRANS] K-Pop Pia Vol.10 (2020) “2019 FNC KINGDOM -WINTER FOREST CAMP” part 2/2 - interview with Jaejin
"You have to work super hard!", something that has become his motivation
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Lee Jaejin will follow Lee Hongki, FTISLAND’s vocalist, to enlist on January 21. In FTISLAND, he is in charge of the bass, subvocals, and recently, composing too. (t/n: I don’t know what they meant with “recently”, Jaejin started writing for FTISLAND with I Believe Myself and that was back in 2009. He started composing for FTISLAND with Yume, and that was in 2011.)  has finally released his own songs, 3 months before he makes his enlistment, through his first solo mini album, Scene.27.
Jaejin presented us with a world unique to him, a world of music that is different than that of FTISLAND’s. Using Jazz as the basis, his songs are filled with warmth and softness, the way that he as person is.
There were barely any chances for us to visit him for an interview during his tour to commemorate the release of his album, but we were finally able to visit his waiting room in Nagoya concert hall for his solo mini live and listen to his story. Starting with the release of his album, Scene.27 and following up with his solo live, we made an approach to Lee Jaejin’s artistry.
In KINGDOM, he still holds on to his belief that FT is still the best.
――This issue will be an FNC FAMILY exclusive, so we would like to talk about KINGDOM first. As one of the performers, is there anything that you look forward to?
First of all, I am looking forward to meet the FNC family after a long time. We don’t really have that many chances to meet like this. And when we do get to perform together, I could only think of “as expected, we are still the best!” (laughs) Hongki hyung always said, “I don’t wanna do KINGDOM”, but when we started to perform, his gaze would change. For us, we also look forward to perform together with CNBLUE, our good rivals. However, they still can’t beat us of course, at least for us, huhuhu, sorry CN (laughs)
――Ho! As expected of FNC’s first artists! What about the collaboration stages?
I like that we get to have many collaborations and perform together. I like stages where I can show my colors properly, and the experience of performing with members of the other teams is precious, that I think it would be nice to have more of this. This time, FTISLAND will have less power as Hongki isn’t here, but our juniors that sing well (N.Flying’s Seunghyub, Hweseung) have come to help, and N.Flying have also come to help to be my back band for my solo stages. I am looking forward to that. I am busy thanks to FTISLAND and my solo. (smiles). 
As a soloist, it is the most important to be able to show how much I enjoy music
――Please tell us more about your solo album and tour. You have just finished your Tokyo concert. You previously said that “the completion of an album is its concert”, but in reality, how was it to be able to sing live in front of fans?
I was nervous (laughs). At first, after completing FTISLAND’s FIVE TREASURES TOUR with its encore concert “ARIGATO”, I wanted to take and dedicate some time to prepare and perfect the (solo) concert. However, suddenly I had to take over the I Loved You musical from Hongki hyung, so I had to manage doing the musical (in Korea) at the same time as my mini live in Japan. I still had preparations for the mini live, and there were things that didn’t go as well as I wished, but I was happy that I was able to perform at the musical. I worked hard on the preparations on my own, but when I did my first solo live in Tokyo, there were staffs and fans who put in so much efforts to help me, I thought one again, “ahh I have this many fans..”, “I can’t just let it be like this!”, “I have to crazily work hard for this!”, I was incredibly motivated. “Let’s do this!”, and that’s how I have become so much ambitious now. (laughs)
――I’m looking forward to it (smiles). You seemed really nervous during your first live in Tokyo?
On the first day, there were so many things that were unexpected to me. I have always performed as a band, but this time, I am performing a solo. That’s why, there are so many things that I didn’t know about. Not only that I had to change my singing techniques, but also how to center the sound that came through the in-ear monitors, a lot of details that had to be done differently. That’s why, no matter how many times that you did rehearsals, when the actual audience came in, unexpected things still bound to happen. So whenever I felt that I did a mistake, I would feel really nervous because of that. Especially, in the first concert, when I started singing, my voice came out too loud that I was surprised myself. And that’s why I became really nervous suddenly (laughs). I knew clearly that if I feel troubled by it from early on, it will just follow me around to the end, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I just wanted it to be the best.
――I could feel that by the night performance, you were already more relaxed.
Yes. I have been around for 12 years, I have an excellent adaptability (laughs). From now on too, I hope that I would be better and better in every concert.
――Jaejin is a bassist, but during your solo live, you only touched your bass once, during the Polar Star performance. How did it feel to perform without bringing along your bass?
As expected, I feel safer if I bring my bass~ (laughs). I have been doing live performances for 10-ish years which made me develop singing while playing my bass pose, so now that I have to sing without bringing along my bass,  something just felt wrong to me. Even more, I was already too used to being in the position to support Hongki hyung, so it felt unfamiliar and strange that I was in the position to lead the band and everyone. As FT’s bassist, I have developed the mindset to play and have fun on my own, but now, not only that I have to be the main vocal, it had just been brought into my attention that it is important that I develop a good rapport with the audience as well. I wanted to apply this right away to my next live performances, but now that I have to enlist first, I guess it would have to wait (laughs).
Now that I have tried out being the main vocal, I could see the efforts that Hongki hyung put in.
――What kind of image that you want to show as a soloist?
I am still a rookie soloist, so I think that my top priority for now is to show what is it that I’m doing properly. That’s why, nowadays, I’m learning how solo artists engage the audience in the fun. I’ve been watching foreign R&B solo artists’ live these days. What I learned from there, is that they all instead of actively telling the audience “what”, they actually put importance on thoroughly enjoying the show themselves. I think they were so mature and cool, I want to do it like them too. Indeed, it’s also something that differentiate it with a band too. In a band, it is important to be able to harmonize, but as a soloist, you only need to 100% focus on yourself, I feel that it is important that you can show how much you enjoy the stage yourself. 
――After trying out being a main vocal singing by yourself on stage, is there anything that you have come to realize in regards to Hongki as FTISLAND’s main vocal?
I have come to realize... a lot of things. In regards to doing recording for example, as I already said before, all this time, my responsibility has always been to support. But using the same singing methods as a main vocal, it actually turned out too weak, it just didn’t turn out well. In FTISLAND, Hongki and I not only have different vocal style, but we also hold different roles. I have been doing music for 12-ish years, but as expected, it is hard to be the main vocal. 
――Then, how did you overcome it, being a main vocal?
I’m doing something that I really have never done, so I shared my worries with Hongki hyung who has a whole lot more experience on this, and I tried out a lot of different things too with him. However, he then had to go enlist (laughs) However, now that I have given this a try, I got a little more sense of responsibility. The responsibility not only to support, but also to lead. Once more, I feel how Hongki hyung is amazing.
――As expected, Hongki! like that (laughs)
That’s right (laughs). We also did musical practices together, and I asked him a lot of things like what has he been doing all this time (for the musical). I have come to know things like, “Ah Hongki hyung was doing something like this at that time..” or “Ah Hongki hyung has been working hard on this” that made my respect for him grew. I couldn’t help but to wish Hongki hyung for more strength as there were things that actually were too bothersome (laughs) but Hongki hyung put so much efforts into them - and he knows it himself too, that’s why he has such a great confidence in his singing.
――Ah, I also felt the same about Hongki when he became the vocal trainer in Produce 48.
Right? For Hongki hyung, 3/4 (of his talent) is something that he got naturally (laughs) but the other 1/4 is hard work that I didn’t know he put in until now.
――How would you like to advance as Jaejin, a vocalist? 
I feel that being a vocalist is a new thing to me. I feel like I am starting over as a rookie. I am happy that I also get to do a musical during this rookie phase. I learned a lot from these people who are vocal experts. I also found out a lot of things that I want to fix, it turned out to be such a great experience. It also gave me a lot of motivation to advance myself.
――You are doing your musical while also doing your tour simultaneously, but I feel that your throat is doing just well.
No, it’s not well at all.
――I didn’t know.
Is that so? That’s a relief then.
Through FTISLAND and solo, I want to try out different characters.
――To sing the songs from your album live, are there any changes that you made from the original version? 
I made some changes to Love Like The Films and Oasis. I sang Love Like The Films more softly when I did the recording, but for my live, if I sing it the same way, the sound of the band will overpower my voice. That’s why I sang it more strongly in the live. For Oasis, because it’s a cool sounding song, I thought that it would be better to arrange it more cleanly and tightly for the live performance, that’s why I made a bit of changes to the sound. I think it is just right to have the recording and the live versions sound differently.
――You also did the arrangement for FTISLAND’s live too, but for your solo live, what kind of arrangement that you had in mind?
If want my concert this time to have the mood of the album Scene.27. I said, let’s make it Jazz and ballad sounding.
――Among them, there is FT.Triple’s Love Letter, it made think of the old times.
That’s right. I also sang it after a long time. Fans were like “Oh! Love Letter?!” (laughs).
――Why did you select this song to be included in your first solo live?
It’s also one of the challenges that I took upon. I can’t do FT.Triple anymore now in FTISLAND, but it’s one song that is most well known with my voice as the main one, so I thought that it is a good opportunity to bring it back.
――You also did Polar Star, the song that Hongki said “I’m not gonna do it”. 
Everyone likes it, right? I like it too, as it is a song that gives you the feeling of hope. As Hongki hyung already said no to performing it, I’m doing it instead (laughs).
――How was it, singing an FTISLAND song as your own?
I only played my bass for the Polar Star stage, and the fact that I sang it while playing the bass gave me the FTISLAND song feeling. It felt like I sang to support Hongki hyung, so it was like the feeling of meeting someone after a long time. I am working hard for my solo, but as expected, I want to be able to perform as FTISLAND again as soon as possible. Doesn’t everyone feel the same way?
――That’s right, that’s right. As I watched your Polar Star stage, I felt that, indeed, Jaejin is the best when playing bass.
Well, it can’t be helped. It’s something that I have been doing in the past 10 years (laughs).
――As we all miss the you that is playing bass, what about making a song that you can sing while playing bass?
No no no. The way that is used to catch the rhythm for bass and for vocals is different, so it is hard to play bass while singing the melody. That’s why I chose to not play bass during my solo live this time around. Adding to that, as Scene.27 has Jazz and R&B underlying to it, even just playing the bass is already hard, so to do both, for me it would be impossible~ (laughs) Indeed, I’m presenting different characters as FTISLAND and as a soloist.
When we tune in to each other in FTISLAND, I am just too focused that I can’t remember anything else.
I am working hard as a soloist, but indeed, I want to perform as FT again as soon as possible!
――As you embarked on your live tour, was it able to make you look back on the Scene.27 album?
I still don’t have a clear map on this, but I am starting to have a bit of direction that I want for my next album. For my next one, I have a certain music style that I want to try, as lately I have been listening to it.
――What direction is it to be exact?
It would still be Western style music like Scene.27 but with simpler melody and I will add more repetitive parts to it. I won’t pay attention much to the lyrics, the songs will be easy for everyone to sing along, something like songs that you can party with. But it’s not a concrete plan yet, for now, I am still gathering ideas. It’s because, in 2 years (note: after he finishes his military enlistment), I will prioritize FTISLAND first. And so, doing solo could be in plan in about 3 years from now. By then, my musical interests might have changed too. I have a lot that I want to do (laughs).
――Was it a new experience to be able to work with a band of Japanese musicians for your solo tour?
Yes. As expected, they have different styles in many ways compared to when I am in FT. In FTISLAND, as a bassist, I have a lot of challenges that I took on, there were a lot of cases where I went, “How should I do it?” that it gave me headache. In the band here, everyone is pro, and I am free to do anything. “Ah this is the feeling of being the main vocal (laughs). I only need to memorize the lyrics and sing. I don’t even have to do tuning, I don’t have to change my instruments too. I’m liking so much the freedom that I have. 
――In 2019, you were not only lead a band as a soloist, you were also able to participate in N.Flying’s tour. Through this experience, were you able to see the good points of being in FTISLAND once again?
That’s right. I might be just boasting, but I did feel, “As expected, FTISLAND has an amazing vocalist!”. Of course, please don’t take it that I’m saying that N.Flying is bad, but I feel that Hongki hyung is just that even more amazing. Also, (in FTISLAND) as we have spent so much time together, I feel that our bass and drum is much tuned to each other. I enjoyed playing bass with N.Flying’s Jaehyun, however, I feel that I can match with Minhwannie’s drum playing energy much better that I always enjoyed it so much. I think, even if I play with other bands, I would feel the same way. In N.Flying, I’m in charge of keeping the rhythms, but in FTISLAND, I feel that we all are in charge of it together. When we tune to each other in FT, I would become too focused that I don’t remember anything else. Really, (laughs) I wouldn’t even know what I did wrong or what I do, to that extent. However, I think I can only say this (about FT) as we have been around for more than 10 years (smiles).
――I think, it’s more that you would feel a lot of things as you work together for a long time. 
As Hweseung entered the band, I feel that there seems to be more balance in their vocal department. The fact that they have a twin vocalists, where hweseung can take on the parts that require long and high notes, while Seunghyub can take on raps with his low and deep voice, I think it has become their strength. They have nice vocal and music style, they also have grabbed their balance. They also have a bit of this Western music style to them, as well as band style, it feels like they have a little bit of FTISLAND and CNBLUE. It feels like they are able to absorb a lot of different things. They also have good songs and live performances. The harder they work, they more time passes by, I feel like they would be able to be an excellent band. They are a band that I am looking forward to see how they would advance in the future. That’s why, I hope you will be able to support them while FT and CN are away. You can like them, but don’t forget that FTISLAND is still the number 1!
t/n: Translated by Lu, 100% accuracy is not guaranteed. Translation is based on Japanese-Korean translation thanks to fprit. :) 
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brianc521 · 6 years
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The first time he brought up your sewing machine was when you both moved in together. He claimed that you never told him that you knew how to sew and could easily make him and you things for the new apartment rather than spending all the money you did.
You brushed it off, saying that you only knew the basics and weren’t confident in your skills to make a new duvet.
The second time it came up was months later, your bestfriend had found out she was pregnant with a little baby boy and complained that all the stores sold were girly things.
So you set off to the closest fabric store and made her her own baby blue blanket with baby giraffes and elephants on it.
Shawn was home when you gave it to her and she freaked when you told her you made it;
“Here I have something for you,” You smiled, pulling the blue material out of the bag and handing it to her.
She opened the blanket to see the offsetting squares.
“Where did you find this? This is adorable! And just what I was wanting to complete the nursery.”
“I made it.” You smiled.
Her jaw dropped and Shawn spit his sip of water out while his eyes bulged.
“You made that?” He asked leaning forward, wiping his face with the back of his hand.
“No way!” She squealed, looking at it in more detail.
“Babe, you told me you only knew the basics when it came to sewing.” Shawn said moving to the couch so he could see the blanket too.
“Baby blankets are apart of the basics.”
“This is a helluva lot better than just ‘basics’ I thought you got that from like Babies ‘R’ Us or something.” He said still in shock.
“Just bought some fabric and thread, broke out the old machine and got to work. Took me a good day but it was fun.”
“I love you, this is amazing. Jace has the best Auntie!” Your bestfriend cheered passing the blanket off to Shawn so she could hug you.
Now he wouldn’t leave you alone.
“Baby, just a blanket.” He whined.
“No Shawn, I’m not making you a blanket.”
“Like the baby one you made Jace, just bigger for me.” He pouted.
“Why do you even want one? It’s just a blanket, we have tons.”
“So when I leave for tour I can have it in my bunk.”
“You’ll lose it, and all my hardwork will be for nothing.”
“No! I promise I won’t lose it. I’ll cherish it, sleep with it every night. Please Baby, it will be like a piece of you with me while I’m away.”
He was putting up a good fight and you really wanted to get behind the machine again, so why not?
“You have to buy the fabric, it’s gonna take a lot to make a blanket big enough for your big ass body.”
“Yay!” He cheered, tackling you to the bed in a huge hug, kissing all over your face. “Thank you Baby. This means so much.”
“I have a right to quit at anytime.”
“Okay,” He scrunched his eyebrows together, “Don’t quit though.” He pouted his lips out at you.
So here you stand, in the fabric store, human teddy bear holding you from behind while you look at all the different patterns he can choose from.
“I don’t care.” He shrugged, planting a kiss to the back of your neck.
“Stop,” You whined, trying to get away from him. PDA not your favorite thing.
“No one is even here, and no one is gonna see us. Who the fuck would think, Shawn Mendes and Y/n L/n are at a fabric store.”
“I know, but can you choose so I can make it already?” You bounced on your toes. Excitement to make something getting to you.
He chuckled, wrapping you up in his arms again, “You choose Baby, I don’t care.”
“No it’s your blanket, you wanted it so bad. Choose.”
“Can you help me choose, like if I pick one and you find a nice accent to it?” He reasoned.
“I can do that.” You nodded.
He let go of you, walking up and down the rows of fabric, picking at a few but putting them back. 
You lost him for a little bit while you looked at some of the accessories; scissors, razor cutters, pins, extra needles, etc.
“Babe!” He said quickly when he finally found you.
You jumped, and looked over at him.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, but I think I found what I want.” He said pulling you towards the row of fabrics.
“You could have just picked it up and brought it to me.”
“Oh, I didn’t know. I didn't want to mess it all up.” He looked at you sheepishly, you smile, pecking his cheek and following him.
He takes you down a row that has a few choices of music notes, but he stops in front of the one with guitars on it, pointing at it like he won a prize. “I like this one!”
You giggle at his eagerness and nod, pulling at the roll and handing it to him to hold.
You roam around, looking back at the roll often to see if you can find a good accent color to go with it and you find white fabric that is printed with sheet music, holding it up to him for an opinion.
“I love it.” He smiles, nodding.
It’s then that you let yourself notice how cuddly your boyfriend is.
His curls have grown out and sit perfectly on his head, his grey zip is hugging his torso, signature black skinny jeans hanging on his hips. He’s tired, you can tell by the way he rubs his eyes, and his lazy eye is in full force.
You just wanna kiss him, cuddle him, and love him.
“Okay, tell you what.” You say stacking the sheet music fabric on top of the guitar one, zig zagging through the rows and pulling the light grey fuzzy fabric off the shelf too.
“What are we doing with that?” He asks, looking at you confused.
“We’ll use this for the back, that way when you use it on tour it will be all cuddly for you.”
He smiles, cheeks pink from smiling so much, and nods. “I like that idea, you know I love to cuddle my blankets.”
“I do know that.” You smile at him.
“I like to cuddle you too.” He leans down, pecking your lips, pulling back with a smile.
“That was cheesy, but you’re cute so I’ll allow it.”
He laughs, “Thanks Baby.”
You get home from getting the fabric, Shawn running off to make you coffee while you start getting your materials ready to cut the fabric.
You’ve cleared your card table off, making that the cut station, ironing board and iron out as well, sewing machine plugged in and ready on your desk, John Mayer coming from the speakers and well now Shawn walking up with two coffee mugs.
He’s changed into his sweats and you changed into shorts and one of his shirts.
“Can I watch?” He asks softly, taking a seat in the chair by your corner, pulling it closer to you.
“Sure Baby,” You smile, taking a sip of your coffee before looking for a place to set it.
“I’ll hold it for you.” He says holding his hand out for your cup. You grin, handing it back over and getting to work.
You’re cutting squares to quilt them together, and Shawn’s watching intently, following your every move.
“Why do you have to use that thing?” He asks, pointing to your baby razor cutter.
“To get the little pieces.”
“Can’t you use scissors?”
“This is faster, and leaves a cleaner edge.”
He stares at you and watches you swipe it across the fabric again, your finger holding an edge down.
“Please be careful.”
“I am.” You nod.
“Your finger was too close to that blade Y/n.” He shakes his head in protest.
“It’s okay,” You smile at him.
“Okay,” He huffs, watching you and cringing every time your finger gets close to the blade.
Once all the squares are cut you’re pinning things together so you can figure out how you need to piece it all together.
You’ve almost got it all done and ready to start sewing on when you get yourself with the pin.
“Oh ouch!” You whip your hand back, shaking it a bit.
“What? What happened?” Shawn sits up, setting the cups down so he can come to you.
“Just pricked myself with the pin.” You wave him off.
“Let me see it.”
“I’m okay Shawn.”
“Let me see.” He says grabbing your hand and looking at your finger where one tiny bead of blood sits. “You’re bleeding.” He looks at you with wide eyes.
“It’s okay, I’ll wash it and keep going, I’m good.”
“No you’re done for the night, you’re bleeding.” He shakes his head, trying to take you away from your work.
“No Shawn I wanted to get sewing tonight.”
“Not tonight, you’re bleeding.”
“Look,” You take your hand back, putting your lips to the spot and wiping the blood away with your tongue. “All done, no more blood.”
He glares at you, blinking slowly at you. “You’re still done, you’re tired. I don’t want you cutting yourself.”
“I’m okay,”
“Babe,” He sighs, “Can we please just cuddle? I love that your doing this for me, and I know I asked but I kinda just wanna go to bed and cuddle.” You smile up at him, biting your lip. “You’re kind of stressing me out. Almost cutting your finger off and stabbing yourself.”
“Shawn, you’re so dramatic.” You laugh, wrapping your arms around him. “But you’re right, I’m tired. Let’s go to bed, I’ll work on it tomorrow.”
“Yeah let’s cuddle.”
“Yes!” He cheers, picking you up and running you to the bedroom after turning the light off in your work room.
He wakes the next morning to empty cold sheets.
He sits up, looking around, not finding any sign of you.
He gets up, padding down the hall and that’s where he hears you humming.
He peaks into your workroom but you’re not there, confused he keeps wandering to the living room, finding you.
You’ve managed to move your desk in front of the windows that show you the view of the sunrise and the CN Tower. You’re sewing his blanket, humming along to the Kings Of Leon song playing softly out of the speakers.
He walks over, tilting your coffee cup toward himself and finding it empty.
“Morning Gorgeous.” He whispers, voice thick with sleep while he pads to the kitchen to make you more coffee.
“Morning Baby.” You call as he walks away from you.
He returns with a full mug and a kiss on your cheek.
You’ve gotten a lot done while he slept in, and you’re almost ready to put the top and bottom parts together to finish the blanket completely.
He sits at the couch, admiring you and how you are totally in your element right now.
He’s got a guitar in his lap while he plucks at a few chords, scribbling some lyrics down on the paper, looking back up at you often for more inspiration.
You get back into your zone, forgetting he was there entirely as you cut the back and pin it, sewing the blanket together.
Within two hours you have the blanket completed and you are really happy with yourself. It turned out just the way you wanted it too.
You made it big that way he could actually cuddle and roll himself in it the way he likes.
You smile, turning to show him, standing and holding it out but when you look at your boyfriend, well he’s passed out on the couch, mouth open, snoring softly.
You giggle, walking towards him, slowly taking the guitar from his limp hands, setting it back in the case that’s on the floor. You look at the blanket you draped over the couch so you could grab his guitar.
You grin, grabbing the blanket and laying it over your boy, kissing his forehead and leaving him to nap on the couch while you clean up the mess you made while making the blanket.
Back in your workroom putting extra fabric away, you jump when two arms wrap around you. He’s engulfing you in himself and the blanket, kissing at your neck repeatedly.
“I love it!!” He smiles, happily hugging you tighter.
“Good, I’m glad.”
“It’s perfect, you’re perfect. I fucking love you.”
You smile, turning in his arms and wrapping your own arms around his waist.
“I love you too.”
“Thank you so much Baby, I’m gonna sleep with every night on tour.” He kisses your cheeks.
You giggle through his kisses, burying your face into his chest, letting his warmth seep into your skin.
Two months later, he’s snuggled into his blanket, texting you goodnight and falling asleep.
Geoff opens his curtain to ask him a question to find him cuddled into his blanket, smile on his face, breathing deeply in his sleep.
Geoff snaps a picture sending it off to you but also posting it on Instagram, has to embarrass the boy every now and then.
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@/geoff_warburton: When @/shawnmendes can’t sleep without his blanket @/yourtag/n made him. #hecantsleepwithoutit #wheresmine?
You see the post, giggling and texting Shawn to tease him a bit. But he takes your teasing proudly. 
He knows you don’t understand it. You don’t get how important that blanket is to him. It truly is a part of you with him while he’s away. He knows that you made this for him, and him alone. He can go to sleep knowing that in someway he’s falling asleep with you. 
He also knows that you don’t understand how attached to this blanket he is. The only way he can fall asleep without it is when you are wrapped up in his arms. He proudly takes his blanket with him everywhere, and when fans and interviewers ask him about it he’s happy to share that his beautiful girlfriend made it for him.
It’s become his security blanket and when he’s sad, needy, and homesick he just wraps up in that blanket and feels at home.
And it’s not long before you’re requested for blankets from the rest of the team.
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booabug · 6 years
ml cringe challenge roundup pt3
links: pt1, pt2, (here), pt4
Open challenge: reblog this post and make me cringe with ways established relationship Adrien & Marinette would be utter lovey-dovey trash raccoons.
@mari-monsta thought u could hide quality content in tags did u......
TAGS » #they ARE like that #they are the couple that is always touching even if super casually #if they dont see each other for more then one day then they get rly sad and moody #whenever they see each other after being separated they run into each others arms #alya and nino find this especially funny #they pack each other snacks and foods bc they know theyre both scatter brained and forget to eat #(again nino and alya find this hilarious bc they pack food for each other and not themselves???) #adrien has this freaky ability of knowing when marinette is running late and about when shes about to walk into the room #he goes 'marinettes here' then she coems through the door #it freaks everyone out #they start laughing at thing the other said/jokes they want to tell the other when they are apart #this is a fun game
omfg I find the food packing thing so funny and cute, also Adrien’s baedar because I imagine him sitting bolt upright and whipping his head towards the door, staring intently like a pointer dog when he goes, “Marinette’s here.” The jokes thing is 3cute5me and relatable cause I do that with my friends and our inside jokes :3c you’re right this is fun and it lets me outsource fluff >:3c
@lunashadow6955 (post)
They’d wear matching outfits,
Adrien would model any outfit Marinette was making and totally wear it all day to show off to everyone how proud he is of his girlfriend,
Adrien would totally give Marinette those overly huge stuffed teddy bears with a note saying “When you miss me, hug this and think it’s me.”
They would constantly hold hands, or something, because God forbid they aren’t touching or anything like that,
They would do that cliche thing where they drink a milkshake with two straws and stare into each other’s eyes, Marinette would then get whip cream on her lip and Adrien would totally kiss it off,
As LB and CN they would totally do the classic Spiderman kiss.
THIS IS GOOD STUFF and the teddy bear note omg... imagine Marinette sending him pics later of the teddy bear in Chat Noir clothes, saying it’s still not the same... but much better now.
@mindfulmagics (post)
@bluerose430 probably try to get engaged like, immediately lol. Just by announcing that they’re going to get married and Adrien appears with a ring and they’re like 15 and he just asked her out like a day earlier.
this is what reminded me of the propoji thing and made me post it lol. lmao I love the idea of adrien having absolutely no chill.
@miraculousmumma (post)
Writing each other notes during class and slipping them into each other’s pockets.
Being each other’s lock screen and wallpaper on their phones.  Constant selfies of Adrien kissing Marinette’s cheek.
Marinette leaving Adrien mushy voicemail messages when he’s working.
Let’s face it, he would arrange a flashmob for her birthday.
Cute nicknames.
Sharing food, feeding one another, one dessert, two spoons.
all true and cute and aaaaa the voicemail one gets me right in the kokoro... I can imagine a lot of them having “you can do it!” type stuff and Adrien spending his breaks listening to them on repeat and maybe crying a little
@whatsdisshiz (post)
During lessons like electives where they’re allowed their devices to listen to music they call each other and listen to each other’s voice instead
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i cant even add on/make jokes/pretend this doesnt make me wanna cry cause my heart is bursting. post over im too much love this
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fearofaherobrine · 5 years
Roleplay Server Log #394
"Zly Checks In, Grocery Shopping, Cn Kidnapped, The Firebird and the Sphinx”
[Zly Wilk] - makes his way back to the path he was on before meeting up with Lazur. They make their way to the general direction of the bar, passing near Lie and CP's place.
[Aether] Is crying because CP briefly put her down-
[CP] - It's okay, I'm just getting you some fresh clothes
[Zly Wilk] - hears Aether as they get close - Oh, that's right, Lie had her and CP's baby.
[Lazur] -looks uneasily at the house - Uh... good for them?
[CP] - Come on kiddo, don't cry.  Do you wanna go see the dogs?  Let's go see the dogs- He starts carrying Aether towards the door as he also works on getting her dressed
[Zly Wilk] Oh, come on... we should stop in and offer our congratulations to the new family.
[Lazur] -unsure noises-
[CP] Steps outside and watches his daughter fuss at the sunlight- You're fine, it's just a little light
[Zly Wilk] - Walks up but keeps a respectful distance - Hey, CP.
[CP] - What?- He's heading for the dog pen
[Zly Wilk] Just passing by,  wanted to congratulate you and Lie and meet the new addition.
[CP] Turns so they can see Aether better- Yeah, she's arrived alright, and is being fussy right now
[Zly Wilk] -smiles- Awww... she's adorable.  Babies can be a handful, even when they don't have powers.  
[Lazur] - is standing back slightly with a polite smile trying to hide her 'I'd-rather-be-anywhere-but-here' feelings.
[CP] - She can already set herself on fire
-The wolves are crowding the fence to sniff at Aether-
[Blake] Follows Cp out of the house and gives the newcomers a decisive - Urf.
[Zly Wilk] so I've heard. Well at least the flames aren't setting anything else ablaze... yet. - he moves his gauntleted hand around so that the light makes the gem on the back and the gold sparkle but doesn't shine on the baby
[Aether] Was reaching for Blake but gets distracted by the shiny-
[CP] - So where have you been hiding as of late?
[Zly Wilk] we built a little place in one of the wooded biomes.  Been farming, growing those glowing apples doc and Yaunfen and I created.  Been rather relaxing.... -sly look- took up making alcohol too... everyone needs a hobby.
[CP] - Alcohol, that's a good idea
[Aether] Stretches towards Zly-
[CP] - What are you doing you little silly?
[Zly Wilk] -chuckles and lets Aether grab onto his gauntlet hand's fingers - yeah, I've been working on a hard cider just for Brines... with a little more kick than a Steve could handle.
[CP] - Doubt it would do much for me, but for Lie?  Would probably make her drunk
[Zly Wilk] - produces 3 differently shaped and clearly marked bottles from his inventory-  feel free to try them yourself sometime. Let me know how it goes.
The skull shaped bottle with the white eyes is the Brine Cider, the one that looks like an apple is a little less potent, but still alcoholic, and the baby bottle shape is just regular apple juice from the native apples... in case you needed something for the baby.
[CP] - Well we are starting to introduce her to new foods, I'll have TLOT make copies when he comes back
[Aether] Tries to put Zly's fingers in her mouth-
[Zly Wilk] - keeps his fingers just out of reach - I don't think those fingers would taste very good, little lady.  -at CP- Just be careful with the skull bottle. I have a slight immunity to its effects and I was still knocked out for a couple days testing that batch.
[Lazur] -crossly- I thought he was dead, the jerk,except he never despawned....
[CP] - I can handle most alcohols, so we'll see- He shifts Aether so she can't reach the gauntlet anymore
[Aether] Fusses-
[Zly Wilk] well, we're off to the bar. Going to unload some of the mild and non alcoholic stuff on Sam if they want it for the collection.  Tell Lie we said congratulations as well if we don't see her.
[CP] - When she comes back from irl I will
[Zly Wilk] - waves at Aether - bye bye, little one.
[Lazur] - already fast walking away -
[Zly Wilk] - catches up - What was that about?
[Lazur] ....What was what?
[Zly Wilk] -gives a look-
[Lazur] Ok...ok.... I don't like kids, ok?  Not. My. Thing.
[Zly Wilk] Ok! Ok! Forget I asked.
[CP] Calms Aether down and heads back inside with Blake following.  He puts Aether in her crib and watches Blake lay  down in front of the crib as she falls asleep- Sleep well my precious little girl
[Lie] Has a decent selection of fruits and veggies in her cart for the server as they head for the meat department-
[Doc] Is just eyeballing everything. - This is all so much....
[Lie] - I know, and I guess you're not used to seeing so many cuts of meat...
[Doc] Not really no... I kinda skipped this when I went out with Cp. He's always in such a hurry.
[Lie] - Well, out here you get different bits of meat from different parts of the animal- She points to a chart on the wall behind the counter showing where each part comes from
[Doc] Pokes a package. - It's the sheer amount of plastic that unsettles me.
[Lie] - Well the plastic does help keep the meat from contaminating stuff
[Doc] I understand... but I still hate it.
[Lie] - I know- She moves a little farther down to the bacon section- Hey, here's something you and Deer might like- She holds up a red box with a black label with bacon inside
[Doc] More bacon?
[Lie] - A specific type, maple bacon
[Doc] I don't know what maple is? I presume it's just flavored differently?
[Lie] - Maple is...  It's similar to touchie syrup, but it comes from tree's
[Doc] Oh, okay? I'll try it. - They take the package and glance to one side. - That's odd. What's wrong with these eggs? Are they dirty?
[Lie] - You mean the brown ones?  No, that's how some eggs are.  Egg's can come in a variety of shapes and colors
[Doc] Puts them in the cart - Hmmm.... Can you think of anything else?
[Lie] - Well, we still need to get something sweet for Yaunfen, and maybe some cereal for Aether
[Doc] I was hoping for suggestions, you lead, I'll follow. What else is there out here that's sweet that we don't have?
[Lie] Leads the way to the cereal aisle and to where the brightly colored boxes are- Let's see here...
[Doc] Geeze... these characters look rather crazy. Everyone is super excited to eat whatever is pictured. Do these things have energy boost effects???
[Lie] - Er…  In a sense?  They're packed with sugar.  The characters are mostly to attract children...  Fair warning, there are plastic bags inside of the boxes just to keep the cereal fresh- She picks up a box of honey nut cheerios
[Doc] Frowns- I'm sure I'm going to have to take out the trash once I unwrap all this other stuff anyway. -hir fingers graze several brightly colored boxes.
[Lie] - Take your pick Doc, they're all equally sugary
[Doc] Settles on a box of Froot Loops. - I like the rainbow one. And if it's sweet, Yaunfen will most likely love it too.
[Lie] - Usually you eat these with milk for breakfast- She spots some baby puffs and grabs an apple flavored one of those
[Doc] Milk we have plenty of thankfully.
[Lie] - Exactly, shall we check out?
[Doc] Absolutely.
[Lie] Heads for the check out and spots an open self check out and goes there-
[Doc] Gives the plastic bags a dirty look. - Don't get any. We'll take the cart out and I'll carry the stuff myself.
[Lie] - Okay, we still have to put the stuff in the bagging area though- She moves pretty smoothly as she scans things until it's time to pay- Your turn
[Doc] Pulls out hir card and blazes through the small menu. - Getting better... These are really simple little computers.
[Lie] - Yup, it doesn't take very long to learn them, but some people who can't read signs still have difficulties
[Doc] I believe it. - They take the handle of the cart and push it towrds the door.  - So how are you feeling Lie? Physically or otherwise?
[Lie] - Fine, other than exhausted and sexually frustrated
[Doc] Oh dear... I know you hate TLOT's coffee. Should I be working on something that won't set off your allergies? I also know you don't want my help with the other issue.
[Lie] - I think I'll be better once Aether is on an actual sleep schedule
[Doc] So... maybe something for her? How do you relax a baby so they'll sleep better? - Xe pushes the cart around the side of the building and bends over it to start putting things in their inventory.
[Lie] - I don't even know
[Doc] Maybe a noise she likes?
[Lie] - She does get sleepy when I sing to her...
[Doc] I could make you a record for a jukebox? - They're just putting the last few things away.
[Lie] - Maybe, but I think it's about time to head home
[Doc] Agreed. I need to finish this little update. Hopefully I won't get beat up when I'm done. It's a fix for some of the water physics errors and might break a few small things.
[Lie] - I'm sure you'll have plenty of help fixing it.  It's a clean copy from the office, right?
[Doc] Yes, thankfully. - They use some nearby electronics to make a hole and hop through before reaching back for her.
[Lie] Takes Doc's hand and follows-
[Doc] Closes it behind them and they're back on Lie's lawn. -I hope we didn't miss anything important.
[Lie] - I wouldn't hope so- She heads for the front door of her house
[Doc] Just show me where you want your part of the stuff.
[Lie] - Right, we've got a spare chest set up just for Aether's food so we won't be scrambling to find it- She let's Doc in and finds CP in the main room- Hey, where's Aether?
[CP] - Sleeping, everything go okay?
[Lie] - Yeah, everything went smoothly
[Doc] We got lots of new stuff. - They sit down on a block and start ripping open packages and transfering food into normal Minecraft containers before making copies and trunking them.
[Lie] - I'm going to check on Aether real quick
[CP] - Alright, just don't trip on Blake, he was right in front of the crib when I left them
[Blake] Is in the crib with Aether and curled around her protectively.
[Lie] Heads for the room and opens the door quietly, upon seeing the predicament she quickly pulls out her phone and starts recording- Blake?  What are you doing?
[Blake] Opens one eye to regard her and parts his jaws ever so slightly to let out a very quiet 'boof'.
[Lie] - Blake...  You don't belong in the crib
[Blake] Rrrrrrrrr.......
[Lie] - Don't give me that, that space is too small for you
[Blake] Curls up around Aether a bit more and gives her a defiant look.
[Lie] - Oh my god...  You are being ridiculous...
[Blake] Huffs-
[Lie] - Alright, alright, just make sure she stays safe and warm
[Blake] Eyebrow - Since he is extremely fuzzy. Being a wolf and all.
[Lie] Stops recording and heads back to the other two, laughing to herself-
[Doc] Has a little pile of plastic, cardboard and styrofoam nonsense at their feet. - I split the eggs and bacon with you too. That cereal is.... really fragrant.
[Lie] - Yeah, it can be.  Hey Doc?  Do you mind sending something to Dawn's computer for me?
[Doc] Sure, what is it?
[Lie] - A video I just took, feel free to watch it yourself
[CP] - Just wanting to update Dawn or?
[Lie] - Go look at our child CP
[Doc] Takes the phone curiously and watches the clip before laughing quite hard. - Well Dawn did say he was clingy....
[Lie] - I think Aether has her first friend
[Doc] Sends it to Dawn with a smile. - A kid needs a pet anyway. And he'll help keep her safe.
[Lie] - Oh absolutely
[CP] Teleports into the bedroom and back- Really?  I'm not even sure how he got in there without knocking the crib over
[Doc] You should see some of the places Waffles gets into. Lh too, but I kinda wonder if he can no-clip sometimes because of his glitch.
[CP] Groans a little-
[Lie] - Let me know what Dawn's response is to the video, I don't think she has my number
[Doc] I will. - They gather up the garbage and start aggressively melting the pixels into a single block-shaped glob.
[Lie] - Need  any help with that Doc?
[Doc] No... just compacting it so none of the bits stray off. I can't think of any way to use it so I'll just take it out when I'm finished with my work.
[Lie] - Okay
[CP] - I think it's time for us to take a nap...
[Lie] - That does sound good...
[Doc] Yeah, I have coding to do anyway. You guys enjoy. - They start heading outside-
[Lie] - Thanks for going out with me Doc
[Doc] Anytime Lie. - They head down the steps into the rosy late afternoon and ride Gir back to the castle.
[Yaunfen] Has dozed off with their head on the kitchen table-
[Waffles] Is laying on the counter, covering most of it. Their giant paws and stump of a tail twitching a bit as they dream.
[Deer] Is cleaning up some dishes, humming softly to herself-
[Waffles] Rolls over to open a sleepy eye and give her wrist a little lick.
[Deer] - Good kitty Waffles- She gives them a little ear ruffle
[Waffles] Happy - Mow.
[Doc] Comes downstairs witha little click of metal on stone. They see Yaunfen tuckered out and speak to Deerheart quietly. - It's Fru isn't it? TLOT and Steve and even Stevie went out to get more iron.
[Deer] - Yeah, I'm not sure what we're going to do about them...
[Doc] Block them in until they can be tamed. Our friends are all over it.
[Deer] Gives Doc a quick kiss on the cheek- Come on, let's get our little one to bed
[Doc] In a minute, I brought food. I want to put it away. My inventory is super full. - They start unloading and the heavy sweet smell of the froot cereal fills the room as it's moved into the trunk.
[Yaunfen] Sniffs curiously in their sleep-
[Deer] - That's a lot of stuff
[Waffles] Sniffs one of the purple carrots and makes a face at it.
[Doc] No sense in wasting a trip right? - They show her one of the brown eggs and the dragon fruit. - Weird stuff.
[Deer] - Lie's world is certainly filled with curiousities
[Yaunfen] Rubs their eyes sleeply- Mom? Mada?
[Waffles] Hops down and streches.
[Deer] - Yes sweetheart?
[Yaunfen] I smell something weird.
[Doc] I brought you some cer-ea-l. You can have it for breakfast if you want.
[Deer] - It's from the real world
[Yaunfen] Oh, that sounds nice- Yawns-
[Doc] You should go strech out in your room. You're gonna get a cramp snoozing on the table.
[Yaunfen] Sudden start- Fru???
[Deer] - Sleeping
[Yaunfen] Oh.. good. -They get up and shuffle towards the stairs. - Goodnight mom, mada...
[Deer] - Good night
[Doc] Poor kiddo...
[Deer] - They're so worn out...
[Doc] I know the feeling. Randomly destructive responsibilities can really wear you down. - Thinking of Cp...
[Deer] - We should get some sleep too- She takes Doc's hand
[Doc] I want too, but I need to do the little update. I'll join you soon, just go to bed my love.
[Deer] - Alright- She kisses Doc's hand and leaves for the bedroom
[CN] He is sitting curled up in Firebirds lap, having listened to his elder explain calmly and patiently what had happened before.  The small NOTCH fiddles his fingers a bit as he works up the nerve to ask a question-
[Firebird] -Can tell CN wants to ask something and waits patiently for him to get the courage to do so-
[CN] - Um...  Firebird?  Could you...  Um...  Could you maybe...  Show me?
[Firebird] I... -He purses his lips- If.. you want me to, CN. I suppose so...
[CN] - Please?  I just...  I just can't wrap my head around the destruction you say you've caused...
[Firebird] -Sighs a bit- If you're certain.. -Stands up and tucks CN under one arm. It's actually kind of comical looking-
[CN] - Um, we should probably let Lie know we're leaving...
[Firebird] I know, I needed an available hand.
-In chat- [Firebird] I'm going out for a bit with CN, Lie.
[Lie] Sleepily- Just make sure he comes back safe, I trust you Firebird
[Firebird] Well that's handled... -There's a bit of a ripple as he opens a way, and in no time at all they're stepping into another seed. The point is grand ruins, overgrown with vines.-
[Firebird] Hm... Time's really taken it's toll here... -Sets CN down-
[CN] Looks around at the ruins- Is there anybody even around here anymore?
[Firebird] In this old place? I doubt it. You're free to look around, if you'd like. -He steps carefully to the doors at the end of the hall, regarding a painting on the wall with a frown. He shakes his head and pushes the door open to step out-
-The place seems to have been some kind of altar or similar, and if you judge the motifs around the building... probably to Firebird himself.-
[CN] Follows Firebird, distracted by the images around him- What was this place?
[Firebird] One of my last temples.
[CN] - Why'd you destroy your own temple?
[Firebird] I'd come to my senses around then and.. I didn't want to see this wretched place again. -He's looking out at the horizon and a single tower in the far distance that stretches toward the sky-
[CN] - But you were still blue?
[Firebird] Yes... It took a long time for the color to fade. Lets see.. If Teran is that way.... -Steps out onto the ruined steps to stalk around to the side of the building and look for another tower- It took me a long, long time to change. And an even longer time for my colors to change.
[CN] - But last time they started going blue, you just pulled them out!
[Firebird] Not the best way to deal with it, but it worked. There... Let's go. -He transforms into a bird and waits for CN to do so too before taking off into the air-
[CN] Shifts and flaps up into the air-
[Firebird] -Guides him along past a few ruined husks of villages-
[CN] Would remark on their saddened state if he could in this form, noting the absolute lack of life-
[Firebird] -Flaps hard into an updraft, and soars over a hill, and an expansive, ruined city comes into view in the distance. A broken tower is visible in the center of it-
[CN] Is not prepared for the updraft and tumbles through the air a little-
[Firebird] -Swings around to flick a wing under CN to make it easier on him-
[CN] Rebalances himself and soars alongside Firebird, looking down at the ruins, wondering if any life remains at all-
-There are ruined buildings, vines covering everything, and--- Is that a villager? Surely not. It was probably CN's imagination. The most damage is in the city's center, near the tower. Firebird alights to land near the thing-
[CN] Follows suit and shifts back- Whoa...  It's still so big!  Even though it's ruined!
[Firebird] -Stays as a bird for a few minutes before shifting back too- I believe this was the biggest city back then, beside any current ones...
[CN] - Cool!
-Once again, CN thinks he sees a villager in the distant ruins, but they're gone before he can blink.-
[Firebird] I.. suppose so. I never thought of it much.
[Firebird] -Rests hand on the ruined tower, and the stones flicker golden and then blue, he quickly retracts his hand with a frown- It was just a place, back then.
[CN] - And now?
[Firebird] Now It's not much of anything.
[CN] - Oh...- He wanders a little to look through broken windows inside of the abandoned homes
- There's a rustle behind Firebird-
[Firebird] -Starts after CN only to pause, head turning to look behind him.-
[CN] Turns to look at Firebird only to get pulled through the window behind him as Firebird is looking away-
[Firebird] -Doesn't see anything so he turns back only to find CN missing- CN? CN?!
[CN] Struggles as he's pulled father away from Firebird- Hey! Let me go!
[Firebird] -Hackles rise a bit as he rushes toward where he heard CN from-
[Villagers] -Frantically pulling CN further through the building-
[CN] - What are you doing? Stop!
[Villager] - I think the better question is what you are doing with Ra foolish child
-There's a bit of panicked yelling from Firebird outside as he's deterred by villagers brandishing spears. CN can just barely make out "Move! Don't make me hurt you!"-
-It makes the Villagers inside hurry CN out the back entrance and into another ruined street-
[CN] - Wait! Where are you taking me!?
[Villager 2] Away from here! Away from HIM!
[CN] - But he's my friend!
[Villager 3] Friend?! As if that monster could have such a thing. A toy, maybe, but friend?
[CN] - Yes! He... He's taught me to read and write! And... And a bunch of other stuff!
[Villager] - Quiet! You'll make it easier for him to follow us!
[CN] - No!
[Villager 2] -Digs around to try and find an available cloth to cram in CN's mouth to shut him up-
-Firebird's yelling is growing incoherent, but louder-
[Villager 3] Be glad he hasn't taught you to kill and maim, child.
[CN] Struggles as hard as he can- Firebird! FIREBIRD!
-He can't lose him like this. He can't lose him like this. He shouldn't hurt them.-
-He can't lose CN like this.-
[Firebird] Forgive me, -Flames burst from the bird, knocking the villagers around him back in a wave of hot agony before he surges into the air-
-The Villagers are rushing between half crumbled buildings and mostly destroyed streets, starting to get headway from Firebird-
[CN] Tries punching and kicking, but he doesn't have the leverage he needs to do anything other than irritate- Let me go!
[Villager] - Stop that, he is already angry enough. He will likely hurt us
[Villager 3] Likely? We'll be lucky to live! -Hushed whisper as the bird goes zooming by overhead. Slaps hand over CN's mouth to keep him quiet-
[CN] Tries to pull his head away-
[Villager] - Stop that child! Or are you suicidal?
[Villager 2] - Ties cloth over CN's mouth once the other villager removes their hand. They're reaching the cities edge now, and the desert beyond.-
[CN] Makes a face and in a bit of desperation flares his tail a little-
[Villager] Hisses in a breath seeing the blue feathers-
[villager 3] What has Ra done to you child? Believing him a friend, bearing the colors of his true form...
[CN] Muffled response-
-They've managed to get out of the city into the desert, but they don't head far. A sandstone temple past the city limits that blends in with the sand seems to be where they're going. -
[CN] Struggles, trying to get at least a hand free from their grasp to remove the gag-
[Villager] - Stop that child!  We do not want HIS attention!
-Firebird doesn't seem to have realized that they escaped the city...-
[Villager 2] We're almost there...
[CN] Gets his arm free and starts pulling off the gag, ready to scream Firebirds name as loudly as he can-
[Villager] Turns around to grab his arm again- Stop that!  You'll end up killing us!
-The villagers rush into the temple with CN and shove the doors shut behind them. The temple is plain and a few villagers in the entranceway look at the group bewildered-
[CN] Looks around, scared and unsure-
[Villager] - Ra has returned...  He had this child with him
[Villager 4] Take the child to the Sphinx, let her judge him! If that child came with Ra... Who knows what's wrong with him... What that monster did to him.
[CN] Is confused over who the Sphinx is, Firebird never mentioned her to him-
[Villager] - You're right, she will be able to discern the truth
[Villager 4] She is in the tapestry room, last we saw of her.
[Villager] Starts dragging CN along- Then that is where we're going
-The other villagers that aren't necessary for this separate from the villager dragging CN along-
-They pass through a few other rooms before going down stairs into a room full of tapestries. At the end, staring up at the biggest one is... an actually familiar shape.-
[CN] His eyes widen in recognition as he notes the familiar shape-
[Villager] - Lady Sphinx?  I have brought someone for your judgement
[Sphinx] -She turns and, Oh yep. Just like Firebird had offhandedly mentioned, she is shirtless. CN has seen this lady in a few pictures Firebird showed him.- Oh? And why is that? -She stalks over and bends down to regard CN with a calm expression.- Why is he gagged?
[Villager] - Ra has returned and this child was with him, he kept screaming for him and drawing his attention towards us.  It was for the safety of the group
[Sphinx] Ah. Well, this far down he cannot hear us. -She removes the gag from CN- And what is your name, hm?
[CN] - Your the one Firebird said he always had to put a shirt on!
[Sphinx] -Taken aback- Wh. What?
[Sphinx] Who?
[CN] - Firebird!  He's the one you guys keep calling Ra, but that's not his name...
[Sphinx] -Purses her lips before giving a wave of her hand to dismiss the villager.- You say he calls himself Firebird now, hmm? What a... plain name.
[Villager] Hesitates but does leave-
[CN] Shrinks down a little, getting nervous again at being alone with Sphinx-
[Sphinx] At ease child, I am no risk to you. Come, tell me of him now. We haven't seen Ra in hundreds of years after his defeat, and if he has changed, I wish to know of him now. Of what he stands for, if he stands at all. -Coaxes CN further into the room and to two cushions by the large tapestry. They almost vanish into the tiles color wise.-
[CN] - I...  He's my friend, he's always nice!  He, he's taught me how to read, and write...
[Sphinx] And that is all? That is not much to be proud of.
[CN] - He...  He taught me how to fly!  And build nests too!
[Sphinx] To fly? Are you like him? -Her tail curls into her lap-
[CN] - Yes?- His tail feathers fluff a little
[Sphinx] … Interesting. But you only speak of what he's done for you. Not of how he is, child. Are you sure you even know him?
[Sphinx] He never even told you his true name, after all.
[CN] - He, he didn't want to scare me...  Flowey was the one who started telling me, all Firebird told me was that he had done a lot of bad things in the past...  And...  And my brine trusts him!  And so do the others!
[Sphinx] Or maybe he just didn't want you to know. Thought you too weak, child. Ra was a tricky one, after he changed. His ire could be drawn with but a word, at times.
[CN] - He's only turned a little blue once!  And that's when he was fighting DN, otherwise he hasn't gotten into any fights!
[Sphinx] Hm... -Her head turns to regard the big tapestry, of the bird himself, seemingly... falling down? The edges of his wings in the cloth are blue.- I see...
[CN] Fingers Firebirds feather amongst his bundle of feathers at his waist- He's not bad...  He's not a meanie
[Sphinx] Maybe not now, he isn't. But I have my doubts. You never told me your name, child.
[CN] - Uh...  C...  CN
[Sphinx] CN, huh...
[CN] - Can...  Can I go back now?  Firebird is probably wondering where I am...
[Sphinx] Hm...
-There's a distant.. boom.-
[CN] Immediately turns towards the noise-
[Villager] Comes running back in- Lady Sphinx!
[Sphinx] -Already getting to her feet- How far from the temple is he?
[Villager] - Not far at all
[CN] - Firebird?
[Sphinx] Well, we best go greet him, hmm?
[CN] Nods quickly-
-They go up the stairs, and several villagers with spears are rushing out the entryway, probably to deter Firebird, but judging by the increasing booms and the sudden heat.. you could assume it's not going too well.-
[CN] Tries running ahead-
[Villager] Grabs his arm- Are you insane!?  Stop!
[CN] - LET GO!
[Sphinx] Let him run to his "friend". See if he even recognizes him.
[Villager] Gives her an unsure look before letting CN go-
[CN] Bolts forwards, pushing his way through the weapon bearing villagers- Firebird!
-Firebird is blue, and also stamping a villager out of existence a mere 10 blocks from the temple. A ball of flame is cradled in his hand, and scattered about is the remains of others who had tried and failed to stop him.-
[CN] Runs right for him, grabbing his tunic- Firebird!  Please...  Stop...  I'm right here, I'm okay
[Firebird] -Comes to a halt as CN latches onto the front of his tunic, and the wild expression he'd been wearing previously comes to a more... expressionless look.- ...CN? -The ball of flame remains in his other hand, while the other one drops and slowly pats CN's shoulder-
[CN] - Please, it's okay... I'm okay...
[Firebird] -Looks up at the Villagers that are still bearing spears and pointing them at him- …. I was worried.
[Sphinx] -The villagers part for her easily, and as soon as she gets an eye on Firebird she purses her lips.- Interesting.
[CN] - They didn't know...  They didn't know you're okay now...  You're not a meanie
[Sphinx] Judging by the senseless murder, I'm less inclined to agree. How's it been, Ra? I see you finally decided to put a shirt on.
[Firebird] Oh shut your mouth, Sphinx. -The ball of flames is flung at her, to which she easily sidesteps- I should have you all beheaded for that, you know.
[Sphinx] I'm quivering in my nonexistent boots. The child says you've changed.
[CN] Presses closer to Firebird-
[Firebird] And what of it?! Do you want to try your luck next? -Slowly calming down as he rests both hands on CN's shoulders-
[CN] Is still trembling a little after everything he's gone through-
[Villager] Is watching with a critical eye- Lady Sphinx, what are your orders?
[Sphinx] I personally would like to see the so called change in attitude our once god has had.
[Villager] - And how would you plan on doing that our lady?
[CN] Is sniffling a little, feeling safe enough with Firebird to cry-
[Sphinx] -Ignores the Villager's simple question- So, where have you been? I can see you've sunk your claws into some poor child, for him to care so deeply about you. Mind control?
[Firebird] -Scoffs a bit and gently picks CN up, holding him to his chest- There is no mind control at play. You already know I have no abilities toward that, unlike Fl..... Set.  As for where I've been... Another seed.
[CN] - It's private...  Caused my spawn to end up in the void...
[Villager] Watches Firebird carefully, certain that he'll hurt the child in his arms-
[CN] Quietly- Firebird, I wanna go home...
[Firebird] In a moment CN, in a moment.
[Sphinx] If not mind control, what power does the child hold that compels you to care, hmm?
[CN] Snuggles in closer, hugging Firebird-
[Firebird] -Purses lips a bit- … None. He has nothing that would have compelled me to care, unlike you. No truth finding, no devouring of men, no ability to turn day to night, nothing. But that doesn't matter. Now. We're leaving. You'll be free of me again. -Turns on his heel with a heavy sigh-
[Sphinx] I think I'll join you, see if you've truly changed. Brother Horus can take care of the villagers. He should be returning soon, after all.
[CN] - You can't, the server has a white list.  You have to get Doc's approval
[Sphinx] Is that so? I don't believe that's quite true.
[Firebird] -Raises his other hand to open a way, a few villagers gasp-
[CN] Sticks his tongue out at Sphinx-
[Sphinx] I'll eat that tongue of yours, child. I'm not beyond devouring pesky children. They're so soft and chewy...
[Firebird] You touch him and I'll kill you myself.
[CN] - Lie would be mad too
[Sphinx] At least others care for you than this old mess.
-Firebird steps through back to the server and Sphinx follows-
[CN] Relaxes a little being safely home-
[Doc] Is already heading to the spawn in a huff- Can't get any fucking work done without some jackass stupidity---
[Firebird, still very much blue] Troubles, Doctor?
[Sphinx] Very bright, very colorful. Already quite promising...
[Doc] YES. Did I tell you it was okay to let a half-naked cat person in? No I did not!
[CN] - Told you!
[Doc] And you dyed your feathers? Having a spa day??? Is this some lady of the late evening?
[Firebird] -Opens mouth before shutting it a few times-
[CN] - Firebird got angry...
[Doc] sarcastic-  Brilliant.
[Firebird] -Clearly suppressing the initial response to bark out "I'd have you killed for that"- And what exactly crawled up your ass and died? Hmm?
[Doc] Indicates the shirtless person next to him-
[Sphinx] -Looking everywhere but Doc-
[Doc] Do I get an explanation? Or did you just adopt a cat?
[CN] - Her people kidnapped me!
[Firebird] Oh, so it's alright for others to bring people in willy nilly? She followed me in to make sure I wasn't murdering CN somewhere quiet.
[Sphinx] To be fair, if your murderous ex god returned with a child, you'd be concerned too.
[Doc] If that's been happening I'm not aware of it. No one has come in without permission in quite some time, and for good reason! Firebird is here because Mix vouched for him. This is still primarily a Herobrine sanctuary.
[Firebird] -Takes a deep breath before calmly setting CN down- Well, I'm sorry for not giving you a heads up. [Sphinx] Mix? -Vaguely familiar expression- About yeyy high? -Gestures at roughly Mix's height- Cute?
[Doc] huffs at Firebird - Yes. A cute little Herobrine that yeets dinosaurs?
[CN] Moves so Firebird is between him and Sphinx-
[Sphinx] I was wondering where she went. What a delightful little butt.
[Firebird] -Startled choking noise- Don't say any more, I think I might puke...
[Sphinx] -Bark of laughter-
[CN] Tugs at Firebirds clothes- Firebird...  Let's go...- He does not want to be alone right now
[Doc] Will she vouch for you? Firebird didn't ask permission so I'm not taking his word.
[Sphinx] I'm not quite sure, but I suppose I should hope so?
[Doc] If not, I'm tossing you back out. I don't like uninvited guests. - In chat, - hey Mix?
[Mix] -In chat- Yes?
[Doc] I've got a lady at the spawn who says she knows you. Wild hair, cat tail, no shirt?
[Mix] Oh nooo, the shirtless lady? She's still shirtless?
[Doc] Mind if tp you? I know you're quite a walk away. I'm tossing her out if you say she's trouble.
[CN] Shifts to his bird form and flits up to Firebirds shoulder-
[Mix] If she's still shirtless I'd like to not. I know exactly what lady you're talking about. Beside not putting a shirt on ever, she's fine. The worst she'll do unless provoked is be shirtless near you and pester you with riddles if she gets bored.
[Firebird] -Pets CN a bit- What, no devouring people anymore?
[Sphinx] That fell out of style not too long after your fall from grace. Sure, it's entertaining, but out of style.
[Doc] Grumbles- Mix says you're acceptable but annoying. I trust them well enough to let the barging in slide. - their hands skirt over the command block they're holding under one arm- You're locked in for the moment though. Consider it a probationary period. And eating people will get you stomped by me personally.
[Sphinx] That's completely fine, I had no plans to leave so soon. And eating people is out of style anyway. -Hand wave-
[Firebird] Can I go now?
[Doc] Yes. Just don't do that again. I'm trying to do an update dammit. Everyone keeps intrupting me.
[CN] Ducks his head a little, knowing it's actually mostly his fault-
[Firebird] You could have just... Done the update. -Shrugs before skirting off with CN-
[Sphinx] -Stands there for a hot second before trailing after Firebird-
[Doc] Considering the last few times have ended up with things being majorly glitched, I'm not inclined to hurry! - eyeballs Sphinx- And where are you going?
[Sphinx] To observe, unless you are going to station me somewhere, of course.
[Doc] Has realized Cn is still really upset. -Let him comfort the kid alone dammit. Just... come with me. It looks like it might rain anyway.
[Sphinx] -Looks at Firebird and CN for a moment before turning to return to Doc's side-
-There's a little rumble from above and Doc starts heading back towards the castle. -
[Doc] Who are you anyway?
[Sphinx] I'm Sphinx, Speaker of Riddles and the only one to harass Ra more than Horus and not lose an eye. Wait… Uhh… Firebird is what he goes by now, yes? -Taps chin- I think that's what the child said. What an unoriginal name. Why not just name yourself phoenix?
[Doc] Because it's hard to spell? I'm Doc. By name and nature. - They open the door for her and head down the steps beside the horse pen just as the first drops begin to fall.
[Sphinx] -Shuts the door behind her and pads down too. Her claws make little clicky noises. Nice.-
[Doc] So... are you a glitch? - Xe shifts the block to hir other arm and passes down the second stairs near the shower and fireplace.
[Sphinx] Hm? Oh no, I don't think so. I am what I was meant to be. … probably. -Taking everything in as she follows Doc-
[Porygon] Makes a happy beeping noise as it trundles around the corner to see who's come in.
[Doc] Do you have a home game? - They reach down to pat the birdlike pokemon but don't attempt to pick them up. Obviously.
[Galvantua] Peeks at them from high on the wall as they pause in the vine room-
[Deer] Starts coming up from the bedroom, completely naked-
[Lh] Runs in front of Deerhearts hooves and sashays-
[Sphinx] The very same we stand in. Although I've seen a few others following in Firebird' footsteps... -Same hat Deer, same hat. Titties out.-
[Doc] Now I'm confused. You don't look like a NOTCH and you don't have a glitch.
[Deer] Yelps as she trips and face plants on the stairs-
[Sphinx] Yess?
[Lh] Squeaks in alarm and bolts upstairs-
[Doc] Hears the noise and puts down the command block to check on her- Deerheart! Are you okay???
[Deer] - I'm fine, why haven't you come to bed yet?
[Sphinx] -Pokes the block with a foot before traipsing down the steps after Doc-
[Lh] Comes back to sniff Sphinx-
[Doc] Unexpected guest- xe helps her up and thumbs at Sphinx-
[Deer] - Oh, hello!
[Sphinx] -Tail wiggles  as LH does the sniffy- Hello!
[Deer] - Love are you still working on the update?
[Lh] Mew???
[Doc] Trying too. I was almost done... - they look her up and down- Were you amusing yourself waiting for me my darling?
[Deer] - Of course not!
[Doc] Okay... Deerheart, Sphinx, Sphinx, Deerheart. And I suddenly feel overdressed...
[Deer] Tugs on Doc's coat- Then maybe you should remove some things
[Doc] Ah-hems- They take her gently and lead her back up so they aren't crowded in the stairwell. - When I'm done I will because, barring other emergencies; I'm going to go to bed.  
[Lh] wiggle butt and tries to bap at Sphinx's tail.
[Sphinx] -Calmly swooshes tail out of LH's reach-
[Deer] - So the only thing that needs to happen is the update getting installed?
[Lh] Little backflip-
[Doc] I just have to cross my fingers and toes and let the files in. - They're heading for the command block again-
[Deer] - Alright, so Sphinx, what brings you here?
[Sphinx] My murderous ex god, who seems to be living a surprisingly peaceful life here.
[Deer] - Murderous ex god?
[Sphinx] He goes by Firebird now, apparently.
[Deer] - Oh!  Yes Firebird has been very helpful here, especially when it comes to CN, he's taught him a lot and has untaught some things a...  Not so nice NOTCH taught him
[Doc] Winces at the mention and arranges a few things before hitting several keys simultantously. Theres a little ripple and hum and the change spreads out in a gentle wave across the server.
[Deer] Shivers-
[Sphinx] Hm... Interesting.
[Deer] - Yes, CN's grown a lot under his care, and you can see Firebirds attached to him as well.  I don't think Flowey interacts with either of them very much though
[Doc] 18w10c is in play. Lets see how it works... - they take out a stair block and place it in a little pool of water against the wall. The water flows smoothly over the step- Well it looks better at least.
[Deer] - Oh  good, now we can sit in the water without going so deep
[Sphinx[ That would explain why he murdered about 20 people in his search for the child,  definitely.
[Deer] - I'm sorry, he what?
[Doc] HE DID WHAT????
[Sphinx] I do believe the child told you he "got angry".
[Deer] - Oh dear...  Well, he wouldn't be the first here to have a relapse
[Doc] Grinds hir teeth - 'Getting angry' does not mean going on a murder spree.
[Sphinx] Well, from what you've stated, it's quite understandable.
[Deer] - He practically see's CN as his own child at this point Doc, what would you have done if it was Yaunfen instead?
[Doc] Steadying breath- He's a NOTCH. I get upset when NOTCHs murder people okay? I expect it from the creepypastas, and even a few of the brines. You tell TLOT he did that and you won't see him for days.
[Sphinx] -Calmly Swishes tail back and forth- If it soothes you, back in the day it would have been well over 20.
[Doc] Pacing a bit - No, that doesn't help at all actually. No wonder Flowey was trying to kill him.
[Sphinx] Hmmm.. Well, it's the truth. -Shrugs apathetically-
[Deer] - Doc, you've seen how often Firebird has helped us since coming here, fighting DN and Harvestman
[Doc] I know.. I know.. I'm not proposing anything. I'm just... irritated.
[Lh] Makes another grab for Sphinx's tail.
[Porygon] Rolls over to lean on Deerheart's left hoof.
[Sphinx] -Swishes tail again, bopping LH on the snoot-
[Deer] - It's alright Doc, you know Firebird will help us if we need it
[Lh] Mew! - chuffs!
[Doc] Rubs hir temples - And we can't even just avoid telling TLOT since he can read minds... I am not looking forward to this....
[Deer] - I'll talk to him, you know he trusts me explicitely
[Doc] That might be for the best...
[Deer] - But for now, bed.  Do you need a room Sphinx?
[Doc] Thumbs at the hallway behind hir. - There's an empty room here, one at the top of the stairs at the other end of the room, and another where we came in. Take your pick.
[Sphinx] I'll find somewhere.
[Doc] The kitchen is down there, help yourself if you're an early riser. - yawns-
[Sphinx] -Gives a nod before vanishing off into the house-
[Deer] Takes Doc's hand- Come love, let's sleep
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All My REVIEWS REVIEW: (2016 and 2017)
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 Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt and welcome to my first review of 2018! I guess you could call this season three? Which if we're going with that analogy that means that this and 2019 will be my best years of reviewing. And then it'll be all downhill from there, as I slowly fall into a rut of perceptual seasonal rot. So enjoy it while it last, damn it!  It's insane to think that I've been doing this for almost two years. And as this dawned on me, I started to feel a bit...introspective. We've all look back at our past, sometimes with regret, other times with nostalgia. And we've all made mistakes that we are not proud of-  EXCEPT FOR ME CAUSE I'M A FU*KING BEAST!  -And I got to thinking about my past works, my old reviews, and began to wonder if they actually still hold up. It had been forever since I had actually reread some of those older ones. And that's what we're going to be doing here today. Because what kind of critic would I be if I couldn't take criticism myself? And since they say that "you are your toughest critic" I figured it be good to see if I could take what I've spent the last two years dishing out.  Here's how this is going to work. I will be looking at all twenty two of my past reviews, and give my BRIEF thoughts on each of them, as well as possibly give some context on where my mindset was when I was writing them. Think of this like a directors commentary of sorts! However, any multi-part reviews will be counted as one for the sake of convince and time. So really it's closer to eighteen reviews. Also, obviously, this review will be sort of a companion piece to those reviews, so might wanna read those reviews first. But with that all said, let's jump right in and start at the beginning, with my first ever Deviant Art review... Powerpuff Girls 2016 REVIEW Part 1: (04-14-16) Powerpuff Girls 2016 REVIEW Part 2: (05-02-16) Powerpuff Girls 2016 REVIEW Part 3: (05-19-16)  So I wanna explain where my mindset was with this review, and what inspired me to start reviewing in the first place. If you remember back in early 2016 EVERYBODY in the cartoon reviewing community was going on and on about this show. Everybody was hating on it and bashing it, even before the show had premiered. Saying that it was going to suck. I was cautiously excited for the reboot, excited at the idea of the Powerpuff Girl's becoming a spanning franchise in the same way as Batman or Ninja Turtles where. If this show turned out well, Powerpuff could become a cartoon that's remade every decade or so, and people could watch and experience it for decades to come.  And when you're in the minority opinion, and you see everybody just bashing the thing that you are super excited about, it can be a bit discouraging. When the show actually premiered I thought it was...okay. And the problems I did have with it weren't the problems that everybody else had. But as more and more videos came out from popular cartoon reviewers, I decided that I wanted to write a review in order to release all my pent up thoughts and frustrations.  So yeah, my reviews weren't made because of a love and passion for reviewing and animation, but out of BITTERNESS AND HATE!  Re-reading the reviews, They weren't AS bad as I thought it would be, though there is very much a "pilot" type of vibe to it. There's no videos or images like my future reviews would have and it's kinda light on actual jokes.  There's a part in this review where I said that Craig McCracken gave his blessing for the show, we now know that isn't the case. But at the time that's what Tom Kenny said. And I don't want to change it because I believe that it's important not to try to undo past flaws and mistakes. I also feel like I was too nice in the review looking back on it now.  I don't know if it's just my opinion changing or just me wanting to extenuate the shows positives because oh how much everyone else was extenuating it's negatives but if I wrote this today I wouldn't be so kind. I said the show was meh but now I think it is a bad show. I just don't think it's the "end of CN" like so many people were saying at the time. But regardless I feel like I still stand by a lot of my points I made in the review. I still don't care about the memes, or the change in crew and voice cast. I'm upset by writing and lack of action and comedy that made the old show great. And I still hope that CN will give Powerpuff another try sometime down the line, and give it the reboot it deserves.  But I had a lot of fun making this review, and it would inspire me to make many more in the future. So I guess Powerpuff 2016 changed my life for the better.... Steven Universe Hit the Diamond REVIEW: (06-16-16)  Honestly...I think this one really holds up.  You can easily tell that this review set the trend for what my reviews ended up becoming overall. Images and videos where added, there's a really good balance of both comedy and analysis. My intro was introduced (yeah, I didn't realize this till now but the Powerpuff Girls reviews didn't have my typical intro.) And it started the Lapis "This plan sucks" meme.  A bit of background, originally this wasn't going to be my fourth review. I was going to review the CN short program "Mixels" because somebody had asked if I had. But after watching through it I just...had nothing to say on it. Then I saw this episode and impediment got re-inspired. I remember writing the whole review in just two or three days, it was all very impromptu. Overall I'm proud of this one, and I think it would be a good "first review to read" kind of thing to introduce someone to my reviewing style.  I'm not sorry for that RWBY Chibi joke by the way. It was my finest moment. Don't Hug Me I'm Scared REVIEW: (08-22-16) "So that's my review of Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared (Hopefully it didn't come off as too rambly and fanboy-y)" Well too bad past me, because it totally did.  Okay, to be fair, this review isn't THAT bad. Not as bad as I remembered it being, but still not one of my best in my opinion. Part of it has to do with the topic. DHMIS is a hard series to summarize and explain, and that's kinda the point of it. But I still feel like I could of done a better job describing it. The problem is a lack of structure, and the whole thing comes off as kinda rambling and confusing. Especially if you were a newcomer who had never heard of the series prior to my review.    I feel like I did a better job talking about the production side of the series than I did talking about the plot and characters. During this time I feel like I really struggled with purely positive reviews. I feel like a lot of them just came off as, like I said, rambly and fanboy-y. That's why I did so many "so bad it's good" movies and episodes in my first year of reviewing. I feel like if I had given it another draft it could of been a lot better, but what are you going to do. Camp Camp REVIEW: (09-24-16)  I remember this review being a bad one, but after rereading it, It's nowhere near as bad as I remembered. It's far from one of my best review and a lot of the problems I had in regards to doing positive reviews are still present thought. (Over-explaining things, a bit fan boyish at parts.) Overall though, it's not a BAD review, just a very "average" one.  The only noticeable things about this review in particular is that 1.) It's my first review where I had links at the bottom to other reviews and 2.) it's the only review to my knowledge that actually convinced somebody to watch the show they probably wouldn't have watched otherwise. And that really means a lot to me, cause that's a huge part of why I even do this. To introduce people to things that they will hopefully really enjoy. So in that regard I can't look upon this review THAT harshly. Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktacular REVIEW: (10-24-16)  "Anyway, then we Jimmy appear on top on a tombstone dressed in his devil pajamas,"  Yes past me, "Then we Jimmy appear" indeed.  SERIOUSLY WHY DO ANY OF YOU WATCH ME-  When it comes to my reviews there are two main types. There's the one's that are deep analysis, often based on series that I feel very passionate about. These reviews are made with the purpose of introducing people to these underrated series with the hope the reader will check out the series, and hopefully be as impacted by ir as I was.  And then there are the reviews where it's just like "Ha! This is stupid. Let's make fun of this direct to TV movie intended for five year olds, lol." This is one of those reviews.  A problem I do have with this review other than grammar is that there are several moments where I kinda explain the jokes that are in a movie. And I don't do a very good job at explaining them because I lake the context surrounding the jokes. If I made the review today I probably would wanna cut some of those lines out. The review is also noticeably longer than the others up to this point, so that's something.  I never did end up reviewing the sequel like I said I would...at least not YE- Ouran High School Host Club REVIEW: (12-09-16)  So for some background here, I started watching the series really early in the year and decided I wanted to review it. However, the series took me a long time to finish, like almost six months from what I can recall. Which is odd because the show only has 26 episodes. But this was a very busy time for me, with me getting my first part time job, my family moving, and having to work on my comics on a weekly schedule. By the time I had finished this show, while I did enjoy the show a lot, I had kinda burned out about the idea of doing a review of it. But I didn't want all the material I had already worked on to go to waste, so I decided to just kinda muscle through it, and I think you can kinda feel that in the review.  There are still plenty of jokes in it that I'm proud of, but there are also some flaws with it. I wish I was a bit quicker in terms of summing up the cast, as that takes up almost half of the review itself. I also feel like the review doesn't have the best "flow." to it, if that makes sense. It kinda feels like I'm just jumping from point to point.  But it was my first Deviant-cember review, and my first anime review. So two big milestones there! Frosty Returns REVIEW: (12-16-16)  The most interesting thing about this review is that it's the to take a MASSIVE jump in total page view. It's weird, like why this one? I guess Frosty Returns is what my audience was secretly clamoring for? I think, this might have been when I started posting my reviews on the Mr. Enter deviant art page, so maybe that could explain it. But I'm not positive.  Anyway, as this is another "make fun of something stupid" review and not a deep passion filled analysis. There's not much to really say about it. I really need to stop mentioning the good jokes in reviews like this, they don't translate very well when transcribed from special to script. Also it spoils all the best parts. I'M SORRY FOR SPOILING FROSTY RETURNS, I HOPE YOU ALL CAN FORGIVE ME! Also I remember getting very tired half way through this. It was my first time doing reviews back to back and I was really anticipating the "2016 Year in REVIEW." But I buckled through it regardless.  I still need to review T.I and Tiny's Holiday Hustle by the way. Add it to the list! The Legend of Frosty the Snowman REVIEW: (12-23-16)  By the time I had starting writing this review I was so tired of writing and so wanting to work on the yearly retrospect that it kinda felt like a chore to write. But like a chore, I'm glad I did it because I think it turned out pretty good. It's a good bit longer than my previous reviews, which was a pain at the time, but there are some good jokes in here. Nothing else really to add, except for the fact that I wanted to use this image in the review, but forgot until after I already published it. 
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I could give you context on what this image is...but is there any context that would justify it? 2016 Year in REVIEW: Part 1 (12-30-16) 2016 Year in REVIEW: Part 2 (12-31-16) "Getting mad at the year, an abstract concept, just feels...unproductive to me. It seem's like it's the wrong target to be directing all this anger at. Sometimes bad stuff just happens, and there's a good chance that by the end of 2017 we'll hate that year too. Because most of the bad stuff that happened in 2016...probably won't just go away come January 1st."
 I got the idea to do this review probably half-way-ish through the year, and it was by far the review that I was most excited to work on. And honestly I think the yearly retrospects are, in general, the funnest reviews to work on. And good thing too because if It were any other review, I would probably be to tired and unmotivated to actually work on them.  If I have one regret it would be the final ranking of the series. In hindsight I would swap RWBY Chibi and Camp Camp's rankings. Though this may just be a "hindsight is twenty twenty" thing, as I think Camp Camp improved with it's second season, while RWBY Chibi got a bit worse.    These reviews where a lot of fun but also an exhausting experience. I had written five reviews, back to back, during the holidays, which each review becoming longer and longer. I was tired and started to feel a bit done by the time I was working on part two. (As originally it wasn't going to be a two parter. It just kinda ended up that way.)  Also this was sorta the point where my reviews started getting longer. As righting five reviews in such a short amount of time naturally made me start writing more. Like how when one is put under intense physical training over a short period of time there bodies naturally adapt, and become stronger. It's like that, but with dumb cartoon articles. Top 10 Toonami Ad's of the [adult swim] Era: (03-20-17)  As you can see, there was a bit of a gap between reviews here, for obvious reason. After Deviant-cember year one I was DONE with reviews for a long while. I needed a break.  This might be one of the funniest reviews to do the research for. I sat down and watched ALL the eligible bumpers and ads in chronological order and it was great! I didn't even care that there where hundreds of ads to look over, I just had a blast!  It was also my first top ten list! Top tens and top fives were always something I liked seeing other people do, but not something I often felt very comfortable doing. Not that I'm against them or anything, it's just that I have a hard time making them. I'm the type of guy who's exact opinions on things changes very often, and so it's hard for me to say "this thing is worse than this but better than this." I don't think that I could ever do a "Favorite Show of All Time" list or anything like that. I like so many different things for different reasons...I just don't think my brain is wired to work that way. So that's why whenever I DO make a ranking list, I try not to take the actual ranking that seriously, and just use it as an excuse to show off some stuff I like.  However, despite this, there are some things about the review that I would change looking back on it. You can still see my struggles with doing a fully positive review. Like I said earlier, It took me a long while to learn how to do positive reviews without sounding rambly and fanboy-y. Also there's almost no jokes in this one. I don't think the lack of jokes in a review is NECESSARILY a bad thing, but I feel it kinda is in this case. Since I was covering such a niche topic, some humor might have made the review better, and give people who we're uninteresting in bumpers and Toonami something to latch on to. Oh well...   Dragon Ball Super: Battle of Gods Arc REVIEW: (05-01-17)  The first part of my Dragon Ball Super retrospective series, (Which, with the recent announcement of Super ending will now have a conclusion. I sort of assumed I'd be reviewing Super until I either died or stopped doing reviews, whichever came first.) This review had a lot less recapping than I remember it having and has a good amount of both comedy and analysis. (Probably because I had the whole "compare and contrast" element to it.) Overall a fairly good start to a retrospect. Other than that not much to say though.  I'm also really proud of that "Godtube" joke. Like I know I used MS Paint, but I still think it's a really good edit. #humblebrag Samurai Jack Season Five REVIEW: (06-19-17)  "In general I tend to be more critical and nit picky about things I like than things I hate." Does anybody else feel this way, or is it just a "me" thing? I'm genuinely curious.  If there's something that this review made me realize is how quickly things come and go in the cartoon community. I was on a hiatus at the time the season ended so this review came out about a month later. And by that time it seemed like everybody had moved on from Samurai Jack for the most part. And I don't mean this as a way to complain about a lack of views or comments or anything. On the contrary the amount of views this review got seems to be on par with what they normally are and I think I actually got a bit more comments than I usually do. What I more mean is that while the season was running it was all anybody was talking about, and then once it ended nobody was discussing it. The "buzz" was gone so to speak, and it feels like that's what happens whenever a show isn't currently running or goes on break. The fandom burns bright but dies out fast, and that's kinda a shame. I feel like a lot of great shows don't get talked about as much as they should because there not quote unquote "relevant" and thus end up getting swept under the rug.  As for the review part, this is one of my personal favorites. I really wanted to make sure I did the season justice, which is part of the reason it came out almost a month after the season ended. I wanted to let my feelings settle for a bit a see how I felt after I had time to think about it, rather than just having a gut reaction. (Though I'm not saying there isn't a place for stuff like that.)  Also my first review with a title card! Title cards where something I always wanted to do but I was always afraid it would just be to time consuming, but now I think it's worth it, as I think it does add a bit of flair to the presentation. Also I've gotten a lot faster at making them. (The title card for this review was done in one evening for instance.) Watamote REVIEW: (Oh, the Cringe!) (08-14-17)  This review was easily one of the hardest to make. I started watching the series in preparation for the review in FEBRUARY, and didn't finish it until SUMMER! (I don't have time to watch cartoons! I have cartoon reviews to work on!) At the time I was watching each episode twice, once alone and once with my brother, and I think that's what made me burn out on the series. That time period was also the time where I started my new job as well, so maybe that was also a factor. I guess it makes sense, but considering the show is one of my favorite cartoons of the decade and only TWELVE episodes long, I dunno, I figured I wouldn't have that kind of reaction to it. This review was suppose to be my fourteenth review. Then it was going to be my fifteenth review, until finally it ended up becoming my sixteenth. That's how long it took for me to finish the show episodes!  So eventually I just bit the bullet and finished the dang show. Then came the problems of actually writing the show. Like I said before, I have a problem doing positive reviews without ending up ramble-y and fanboy-y, and so I REALLY wanted to make sure that it didn't happen this time. So I wrote THREE drafts of this review (prior to this I only did one draft.) I would go reread it and change things, reread it and change things...  And I'm really proud of how it turned out. The beginning part has a few awkward lines, but overall I really am proud of how it turned out. This is really my first positive review that I really loved, and it has given me the confidence to do more reviews like that in the future. You don't need to just make fun of things and review the most bottom of the barrel stuff. You can make a review where you just talk about a series or show or movie that has a special place in you're heart without it being boring. I tend to prefer reviews where their is a balance of jokes and analysis, but you don't always need that. If you're talking about something you're passionate about, that passion will seep through to the viewer. Or at least that's how I feel. Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection 'F' Arc REVIEW: (9-18-17)  I typically try to get the Dragon Ball Super reviews to come out roughly as the arcs finish on Toonami, but here I was a bit late, and by the time the review was finished the televised broadcast was already well into the Champa arc. As such, I kinda had to rush this review out in order to not fall even farther behind. And so my heart wasn't really into this review as much as it was with some of my other reviews. I still like how it turned out overall (I wouldn't publish a review if I wasn't proud of it at least a little.) but overall this feels like a review that's just kinda...there.    I feel like to much of the review was just recapping the events of the arc, and it could of used more jokes or analysis to make it feel a bit less dry. This is also my first review with a title card drawn in FireAlpaca! That's right, I moved on from MS Paint! (At least with title cards.)   Rick and Morty REVIEW: (With MiketheHuman113) (12-01-17)  My first colab review! I had wanted to do a collab for a while, and at the time Mike was the person on the site that I knew the most about, and when I saw him post a list of all time favorite characters, and saw Rick as number two, I thought that he would be a good pic.  Actually doing the review however was a bit of a challenge. I had to write my segments, send it to him via note, and then get his segments back and paste them into my journal in a way so that it sounded natural. Then I had to rewrite some of the transitions to make it all flow together.  Why didn't you just use Google Docs? 
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NNNHHHHGGGGUUUUUU!!!!!  Anyway, this was a topic that I wanted to get off my chest for the longest time, so I was very happy to finally do so. I do have some problems with the review though (None of which where on Mike's end BTW, just to be clear he was awesome.) I feel like there's a lot of jumping around with the points, and the review's overall flow suffers as a result. I also wished I hadn't jumped around so much from spoiler to non spoilers as much as I did, and if I were to redo the review now I think I would want to make them review more general and less focused on specific moments and episodes. That way it be easier to follow if you hadn't seen the show.  I also wish that maybe it was a little shorter. It was my first time doing a collab, and I figured it be easier because I would only have to do half the work. But what ended up happening (and I blame my own workaholic-ness for this.) Is that I made a full length review, and then stuck Mike's contributions on top of it. So not only was the review long, but it wasn't any easier than a normal review. in fact it was probably harder.  But I'm glad I did it. I was fun and I'd love to do more collabs in the future. However given the previously mentioned difficulty it'll probably only be a "once a year-ish" thing. But y'never know. Who do you think I should collab with?  This was also the first time I made art for a review outside of the title card. In this case the Super Smash Bros style intro I did for Mike. I want to make those for everybody I do a collab with. Also I noticed that after this review, I began to be more noticed in the DA review community. Probably because Mike's in it, so I could leach off his audience. However, oddly enough, the views for this review are bellow average, so who knows. Dragon Ball Super: Champa Arc REVIEW: (12-08-17)  HEY KIDS AT HOME, COUNT THE AMOUNT OF TIME I SAY THE WORD "MISSTEP" "OPPORTUNITY" AND OR "WASTE." I'LL GIVE YOU A HINT, IT'S WAY TO FRICKIN' MUCH!-  There's also more spelling errors than normal. Overall I just blame the rush of Deviant-cember, and the fact that like in 2016, my heart was really set on the yearly recap instead of this.  The review as a whole however, ironically, is kinda like the arc itself. It starts out kinda slow, with mostly recapping events. But as the review goes on it's get's a lot better, with more jokes and insightful analysis. Not much else to say about this one. Top 5 Obscure Christmas Specials You Should Watch: (12-15-17)  I feel like there were some unprofessional moments in this review, mostly as a result o a time crunch to finish the review before the deadline. From not rewatching Nestor to tracing the Hawkmoth logo it feels a bit sloppy to me. (Even though I'm sure these are things that won't bother most other people.) I was in a bit of a rush for this part of deviant-cember as work and the holidays in general gave me less time to work on the reviews, in addition to the stuff that I was posting on Mondays. I wanted to succeed in my goal of doing two uploads a week during Deviant-cember since I failed to do so in 2016. However, I am glad that I was able to talk about so many weird specials, and I don't think that review suffers to much from the rush. When I was writing the review, I felt burnt out from reviews and just wanted to move on to the yearly recap, but looking back on it now, the review isn't really that bad. There are some good jokes in it and I love recommending obscure stuff to people. Maybe one day I'll do a part two.  OH! And it turns out that "A Cranberry Christmas" IS lost media! It's the first piece of lost media that I watched before it got lost! WE NEED TO FIND THIS, GUYS! 2017 Year in REVIEW: Part 1 (12-22-17) 2017 Year in REVIEW: Part 2 (12-29-17)  Most of the things that I said about my 2016 year in review could be said about these reviews, so I don't have much to add. Have I mentioned that I hate the "This year sucks" meme yet? It such a stupid thing, to hate on a year. And I worry that with our cynical society we live in that the "This year is awful" thing will go on until the end of time itself. 2017 was fine. 2016 was fine. Y'wanna know what year was really a dumpster fire. 1942. That's the year we entered the second World War, segregation was still a thing, and all the meme's sucked that year! It was awful!  My only real regret about this review was using the word "hate boner" when talking about Castlevania's views on religion. I think the term "hate boner" is really dumb sounding and at the time of writing the review I didn't realize that people used the term so unironically. (No offense to people who do use the term. It' just a term I really don't like, personally. Just use the term "bias.")  And that's it. ALL 22 of my reviews reviewed! Do I recommend...me?  Well personally this JoyofCrimeArt guy does have his fair share of problems. He can come off as a bit fanboy-y and ramble-y at times. His reviews sometimes have weird pacing issues, jumping from point to point. While I enjoy how in-depth he can SOMETIMES be, they can be a bit long at points. Also he has a lot of unpopular opinions, and sometimes I wonder if he's just being contrarian. Not the mention the fact that, since the idiot thought that having THREE web comics running simultaneity at the same time was a good idea, he doesn't actually post reviews very often when compared to some of his reviewing counterparts.  On the other hand though...there are some positives to the guy. He seems very passionate about the topics he talks about. He has an okay balance of analysis and comedy. And I also like how he talks about a variety of different stuff. From popular series, obscure series, anime, web series, direct to DVD movies, bumpers, HIS OWN REVIEWS. You never know what you're going to get.  Is he the best reviewer on DA. Probably not. Heck, he's probably not even in the top fifteenth. But if you're willing to devote a half hour of you're time to reading one of his overly long reviews, who knows, you might just enjoy yourself. Or not. I dunno.  So that was my review of my reviews. What are your thoughts about my thoughts about my thoughts. Leave those thoughts in the comments down below. I would love to exchange thoughts even if we don't have the same thoughts. Do you have a favorite or least favorite review of mine? I'd be genuinely curious to know. Please fav, follow, and comment if you like the review and have a great day. (I do not own any of the images or videos in this review all credit goes to there original owners.)
https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/All-My-REVIEWS-REVIEW-2016-and-2017-739596421 DA Link
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reigningxo · 7 years
Changes (Roman Reigns)
Chapter 4
I honestly can’t believe I came across Roman Reigns in one of Toronto least famous bars, him starting to talk to me, let alone him asking me to show him around Toronto. I showed him the CN tower, we walked around the city, we talked, laughed, it was like we have known each other for ages, unfortunately, we didn’t. Curious him, wanted to see my place before he left, so halfway the tour, we crashed on the couch at my place.
“So your boyfriend,” he began, “why did he leave you so early?”
“Hold up Reigns, I’m stopping you right there,” I laughed and sat up, “Jhoni is my best friend, not my boyfriend. He’d wish.”
“Ouch, poor guy.” He laughed. “Do you have one?”
“A boyfriend?” I raised a eyebrow, looking at his flawless face. He slowly nodded. “I had one, until this morning.”
“Oh,” he sat up, taking my hand in his, causing me to shiver, “I’m sorry.”
“Nah, don’t apologize, it’s not that I miss him or something, he was a jerk anyways. I’m better off without him.”
“It’s always good to hear you got rid of something that’s not good for you,” he stood up, “talking about getting rid of something, I gotta go. Gotta catch my flight.”
“Who would possibly want to get rid of you?” I chuckled. “I wish you could stay longer.” I pouted my lips causing him to laugh. God this man makes me weak. It’s not that I was a major WWE fan, but I knew what it was because of Jhoni. Monday, Tuesday and other important days in the WWE buisnes, were the days he was at my place. The huge flirt persuaded me to get WWE Network so we could watch all the matches live and also from years ago.
“I would love to babygirl,” he took a few more steps forward, almost closing the space between us, “but I’m afraid that I got a flight to catch.” Roman smiled. Fucking shit, he’s making me wanna do things to him and they ain’t sweet things.
“Why don’t I come along,” I joked, “I could be y'alls personal make up artist.”
“That’s a pretty good idea since we are running out people.” He laughed. I looked at him for a minute, not knowing if he was serious or not. “I’m dead serious Lani, let’s go.”
“Wait what? You are actually not joking?” I ran a hand through my hair as he nodded. “You can’t expect me to leave my house, work, and everything else just to fly with you to Germany and everywhere else? Well, I don’t really care about my work, but my house and friends.”
“Listen,” he laughed and put his hand on my shoulders, covering them wholly, “I ain’t telling you what to do and what not to do, I’m just saying let’s not think for a moment and hop on that plane with me.”
“You’re having some very impulsive plans Reigns.” I shook my head smiling. “I can’t believe I’m agreeing on this on such short notice.”
“So that’s a yes?” He asked excited. I nodded and he gave me the biggest hug I had in a while. Warmth radiating off his body on mine, causing me to sank deeper in the hug than I actually expected to. “Even though we just met, I swear, having me as company is way better than having somebody else’s.” He said, still hugging me. “You ain’t gonna regret this, I promise” Roman let go of me, noticing I wasn’t speaking. “Is this maybe too fast or..?”
“Yes, I mean no,” I struggled with my choice of words, “It’s amazing and I’m really looking forward to going through all of this, but it’s just extremely overwhelming.”
“I get that and trust me, I never do this, it’s overwhelming for me too. We don’t even know each other properly.” He took one of my hand in his and looked me in the eye. “But maybe the universe is giving us this opportunity to find out,” he said, making me laugh, “Are we maybe moving too fast, probably. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to get to know you.”
“You took all the words out of my mouth, Reigns. I’m in, just give me a couple of minutes to pack.” I said, making him hug me again.
“You ain’t getting rid of me any time soon.” He winked as I ran up the stairs to pack my stuff.
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt. 14
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
i got my harry potter nerd on for this chapter, mostly because i wanted to write and didn't know what to write about
also, i'm glad you all liked the previous chapter <3
dipshit = adrien fergie = alya no = nino dancing queen = mari
fergie: its 2 quiet in here time for the #discourse
no: no
fergie: shit im blanking i need a topiC @the babs: someone pls
no: i refuse to support this
dipshit: Anything?
fergie: yes
dipshit: Ok give me a second
no: fuck dude i just wanted a day of chill
fergie: babe with friends like us thats just not possible
dancing queen: What are we doing??
dipshit: Hogwarts house discourse Go
no: i cant believe i have to break up with you
fergie renamed this conversation to “hogwarts house discourse”.
dancing queen: Oh no
fergie: alright alright alright adrien = puff mari = puff nino = puff
dipshit: How do you figure
no: uhhh
dancing queen: Sorry al that seems wrong
dancing queen: oh it is it definitely is but ur all sweet enough for hufflepuff and loyal and we all eat too much food hmmm realistic one… adrien = puff mari = snake nino = raven mayb
dipshit: Make Mari Gryffindor and I’ll agree with you
fergie: whaaaaaat our girl is ambitious aF theres no way
dipshit: But she’s also a really strong leader and incredibly brave
dancing queen: If were arguing over anyone Id say adrien should be a gryffindor Oh wait maybe ravneclaw???? Hes super smart Shit this is really hard? He could be in three???
no: the fuck i was thinking slytherin actually
fergie: ???
dancing queen: ???????
no: listen my dudes the hat takes what you want into consideration right? it does it for harry anyway
fergie: what does this have to do with marshmallow being a snake which is just not accurate
no: im getting there
dipshit: Are we going by stereotypes or nah
dancing queen: Nah The stereotypes suck
no: im just saying theres no fucking way if we were wizards teh agrestes wouldnt be pure bloods and gabriel would be classic fucking slytherin
dancing queen: Ok Ill agree with that
fergie: mhmmmm
dipshit: I wouldn’t say that
no: bro even if you arent going off stereotypes your old man is probably the mos t ambitious perosn ive ever met like scary mari is almost as scary
dancing queen: Hey!!!!!!
fergie: so sorting hat
no has changed their name to sorting hat.
sorting hat: sup
fergie: are u saying adrien would ASK 2 b slytherin
sorting hat: well yeah yeah i am 
fergie: …………… i did not consider
sorting hat: i know you didnt
dancing queen: First of all since we cant decide and Im getting mixed answers from online quizzes
dancing queen has changed their name to lion snake.
lion snake: Second of all doesnt the hat also base it off of what you value the most??
dipshit: Lion snake? Like a chimera?
fergie: nerd
dipshit: Actually the chimera also has a goat ignore me
sorting hat: what the fuck
dipshit: Greek mythology
fergie: u kno what i dont wanna kno
dipshit: Anyway back to this
sorting hat: oh yeah anywa yeah the hat does but adrien wanting to please his dad might overrule that idk my dude jk didnt exactly lay ou t the rules of this super great
fergie: jk needs to c h i l l and ye each of the golden trio couldve ended up in at least one other house
dipshit: That would’ve been cool Also I don’t think I try to please my dad that much
fergie: oh sweetheart
sorting hat: dude
lion snake: Adrien you really really do
dipshit: Really?
fergie has changed their name to adriens legal guardian.
adriens legal guardian: someone needs to take care of you
dipshit: I promise I’m fine I’ve got Nathalie
sorting hat: does nathalie give you hugs
dipshit: No? Why is that relevant?
adriens legal guardian has changed their name to i love adrien.
i love adrien: turn on ur location agreste
dipshit: Please know that’s actually kind of creepy I’m at home you don’t have to worry about location
i love adrien: hella
sorting hat: alya chill out with the name chagnes also now im gonna be confuse d
i love adrien: i love him too but truuuuu
dipshit: ????
i love adrien: can i change it
sorting hat: last time for today??
i love adrien: ilysm
i love adrien has changed their name to cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub
dipshit: I have a fanclub? Wait that wasn’t the smartest thing to say
lion snake: Its a good thing youre cute
dipshit: I try to ignore them
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: have u ever been on the official insta of the fanclub bc its hilarious and beautiful
dipshit: …. Alya why
sorting hat: oh we totally googled you
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: mhm
lion snake: ^^^^
dipshit: That’s…..nice of you?
lion snake: Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable omg
dipshit: It’s just? Kinda weird?? I don’t mind and I probably should’ve expected it I just forget sometimes that that’s a thing people can/will do
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: adri if it makes u feel any better i google everyone ive googled everyone in this chat in our class their parents ymself random strangers if im able to
sorting hat: that is not surprising at all
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ur not special i mean u r ur v special to me and ilysm but not here everyone gets googled and twitter stalked also tell whoevers running ur official accounts to be less lame idc about salad u eat
dipshit: What????
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ur social media is B O R I N G i kno u dont run it but i still expected more memes
dipshit: Honestly I don’t look at it
sorting hat: its like the person we thought you were when we first met you except more boring
lion snake: Ok no thats not true Because I thought he was an asshole
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh shit tru
dipshit: Ahhhh yeah sorry about that
lion snake: Its fine I promise!!! Weve talked about this Its like Super perfect adn model-y and professional andnot  at all a teenage loser who stayed up until 2 watching sailor moon and eating doritos
sorting hat: fucking relatable
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: weebs
sorting hat: yo youre the one who decided to date some
lion snake: Hey Ive never asked Adrien do you have unofficial personal social media???
dipshit: ……………………. Shhhhhh
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: WHAAAAAAAT LINKS LINK S LINKS LINSK
dipshit: I have a tumblr but that’s it
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh my go d this weekend  we get 2gether adn make adrien all the social media and we revamp his tumblr bc ur theme sucks
dipshit: ???? You’ve never even seen it???
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i know it does marsh !!!!!!!! can u imagine if lb and cn had social media!!!!! id c r y
PM between dipshit and lion snake
dipshit: P l e a s e
lion snake: Oh my og d
dipshit: Please please please please please please please plEASE
lion snake: HOld on!!! Im discussing with tikki
dipshit: Plagg says he doesn’t care what we do
lion snake: Yeah we arent trusting him
lion snake: No Just because of that No
dipshit: Pleaaaaaseeeeeeeee My lady it’ll be great I swear
lion snake: U gh Well talk on it on patrol tonight k??
dipshit: YES!!!!
19:05 in hogwarts house discourse
sorting hat: i know weve moved on but man. fuck snape
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: do u think if i track down lb and cn and ask them for their hogwarts houses theyll tell me
sorting hat: worth a shot?
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: update: chat says ladybg is a gryffindor and lb says shes iether that or slytherin so like mari and they cant agree on cn
sorting hat: damn you adrien i cant stop thinking about this what is mari?? what is adrien??? what am i?? al youre either gryffindor or ravenclaw ive decided
lion snake: Youre the sorting hat shouldnt you know all???
sorting hat: bruh we need the actual sorting hat for this
lion snake: Fair enough
sorting hat: lets say adrien is a hatstall and move on
PM between dipshit and lion snake
dipshit: Rise and shine bugaboo Akuma at 3 o’clock Literally 3 o’clock the time not the like If you’re using 12, 3, 6, and 9 as directions It’s not You know what My tracker on my baton is turned on so use that to find me
dipshit: Mari Mari Alright plan b I’m gonna call  you and if you don’t pick up I’m going to show up on your balcony Which sounds creepy but also this akuma is now stacking cars and I don’t really know what to do? They aren’t even trying to do anything else right now Am I missing something??? I’m confused
lion snake has changed their name to ahHHH
ahHHH: IM SO SORRY Tikki woke me up my phone was muted She says Waitw e dont hav etime for this Ive gotta transform so Ill talk to you when I get there??
dipshit: It’s fine just watching an akuma build a tower out of cars Remind me to show you how to sync Skype up to your yoyo
ahHHH: Youre on skype on your baton??
dipshit: Yeah it makes things easier
ahHHH: Huh Al and nino didnt wake up?
dipshit: I think the akumas too far away for them to hear, but also it’s not exactly being distructive When we actually start fighting people might start waking up but for now it’s being pretty quiet even with the car stacking
ahHHH: Well thats good they need their sleep Wait if the akuma was quiet how did you know??
dipshit: People started posting to the Ladyblog forums and I had that open in another tab
ahHHH: ???/ Why were you up????
dipshit: Bad night I couldn’t sleep so I put on Howl’s Moving Castle
ahHHH: Feeling any better?
dipshit: I’m sure I’ll feel better when I see you :3
ahHHH: Oh myg do Itst oo early for this Ill see you in fa few just stop that cat face
dipshit: ;3
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breeeliss · 7 years
Cn & lb's weapons have Internet access & untraceable IPs so when they're bored on patrol they livesteam & do random shit on youtube & bc of that everyone sees them as people not just heroes & sometimes alya gets in on it & they stream to the ladyblog
have you guys ever seen that shipping video that thomas sanders and jon cozart did? this is p much based off that xD
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
Summary: “We’ve noticed something interesting going on. An alarming number of people seem to ship Ladybug and I.”“
Yeah, it’s tricky stuff shipping real life people. People expect us to be romantically compatible. But are we?”
An exclusive Ladyblog Livestream Event with Ladybug and Chat Noir where they decide once and for all whether Ladynoir is a compatible (and acceptable) ship. Remember to like comment and subscribe!
“Okay, guys. Act natural, and remember this is just for fun. You guys cool with doing your own intro and everything?”
Ladybug scoffed. “Are you kidding? You’re giving him control of an entire video, he’s totally fine.”
“You can literally make fun of me until the end of time, I don’t care. Do you know how much I’ve fantasized about doing a YouTube tag?” Chat Noir bounced in his seat a little bit and cracked his knuckles. “I am beyond ready.”
Ladybug jutted a thumb at him and smirked at Alya. “See? I think we’ll be good.”
Alya snorted and finished setting up her phone on the little tripod mount she bought specifically for the occasion. Her hands were shaking a little bit because she was still finding it hard to believe that Ladybug and Chat Noir were actually sitting in her living room, not even a few feet away from her. 
It had always been her dream to do a Livestream to the Ladyblog that wasn’t just focusing on the superheroics. Yes it was always exciting to get details on fights, on their powers, on what goes through their heads in the middle of battles, but at the end of the day they were still the same age as Alya. She wanted to have the chance to just do something silly with them. News reporters very rarely treated them like the teenagers they were, and Alya was sure that her followers would get a kick out of them doing something humorous on camera. She’d made a whole blog post about it one night when she was sleep deprived and not thinking before she typed. 
But two days later, when she caught them right after another akuma fight, Ladybug pointed her out of the crowd and mentioned that they both saw the post she’d made. “Feel free to ring us up when you have an idea for a video,” she grinned.
It was almost too good to be true, but Alya wasn’t going to let go of an opportunity like this. The amount of views and followers she’d get after this would be astronomical. She was practically vibrating. “Alright, you crazy kids, I’m gonna read off the questions for you once you start. Whenever you’re ready.”
Not even a moment after she clicked record, Chat Noir froze, opened his mouth wide, and let out a huge sneeze. Ladybug jumped and buried her face in her hands, wheezing with laughter. “You freaking dork, we just started.”
Chat Noir chuckled. “I thought about Mr. Pigeon and I couldn’t help myself.” Ladybug leaned back in her chair and cackled while Chat Noir rubbed his nose.
“Hello, Ladyblog viewers!” Chat Noir said through his laughing. “Peace, love, and ladybugs to you all — oh my god, I improv-ed that! Can you use that from now on? Peace, love, and ladybugs? Wait, wait, Ladybug write that down, I wanna trademark that.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes, but pulled out her compact and typed it into the chat function. “I’ll text it to you right now, hold on.”
“Excellent,” he grinned. “Peace, love, and ladybugs! My name’s Chat Noir, and I am here with the lovely, wonderful, beautiful, and incredible Ladybug!”
Ladybug shut her eyes and hummed. “Oooh, I loved that. Thank you.” Chat Noir did a little bow while Ladybug picked up after him. “So, believe it or not, the two of us actually read the Ladyblog a lot, mainly because you all are so active on it, and we just wanted to thank you all for the kind words and support you give us everyday. We may not always be able to respond to it, but we see and we really appreciate it.”
“However, we’ve also noticed something interesting going on in the comments which is that an alarming number of people seem to ship us.” Chat Noir looked at Ladybug. “I dig it.”
“Yeah of course you would,” Ladybug teased back. “What is it called again? Ladynoir I think?”
“Yeah, Ladynoir! I mean, all kidding aside, I totally get it.”
Ladybug snorted. “Do you remember when Alya got all of those pictures of us when we were playing tag along the river? We were hanging off of each other the entire time, so yeah, super not surprised.”
“Just to clear up anything, we’re not dating,” Chat Noir told the camera. He darted his eyes side to side, leaned in close to the camera, and whispered, “ yet.”
“ He wishes ,” Ladybug whispered, winking at the camera. “But yeah, it’s tricky stuff shipping real life people, you know? It’s like…all these people sort of expect us to be romantically compatible and then the two of us are just left here thinking, are we?”
“So to rectify this dilemma for you all, we’re going to figure out today whether the two of us are compatible! So we’ve got these….mini whiteboard things…” Ladybug held hers up to the camera. “….and we have a bunch of these compatibility questions that you guys all sent us for us to answer.”
“Basically we’re going to keep track of how many times we agree and disagree, and if we’re on the same page more than we’re not, we can officially call ourselves compatible and you are all free to ship to your heart’s content.”
Chat Noir snorted. “Do you realize the amount of fanfiction fodder this is going to give people? Like seriously, just imagine it. Watch it pour in the night she posts this.”
“But see, you would know that, because you’re the only person I know who would read fanfiction about himself.”
“Um, you liked that Ladynoir story I sent you a week ago.”
Ladybug shrugged. “Well, yeah it was really well written, I’m not going to deny that.”
He reached over and flicked her on the nose. “So don’t be a hypocrite.” She pouted at him while he drummed his hands against his whiteboard. “Alright. I’m ready. Alya! First one.”
Alya chuckled. “Alright guys, first one: toilet paper over or toilet paper under.”
He blinked. “Wait, what?”
Ladybug nudged him in the side. “Like….when you put the thing in the dispenser, does the paper flip over or under, Chat.”
Chat Noir made a disgusted face and started frantically scribbling on his whiteboard. “Is that not obvious?” Ladybug shrugged as she wrote down her own answer.
“Alright, flip one…two…and.” They both flipped their white boards to the camera and cheered when they both put ‘over.’ “Oh my God, I was terrified you were going to say under,” Ladybug said in relief.
“That is so creepy,” Chat Noir explained, erasing his answer. “Like who even does that?”
“Alright so that’s a point!” They both celebrated once more and high fived as Alya got the next question ready.
“Okay question number two,” Alya read out. “White, milk, or dark chocolate.”
They both scribbled on their boards for a couple of seconds before flipping their boards at the same time. Ladybug stared at the answer on Chat Noir’s board and her jaw dropped. “What in the actual hell, are you serious?”
Chat Noir hugged his board to his chest defensively. “White chocolate is delicious! Are you insane?”
“It’s not even freaking chocolate, you monster!” she argued back. “It’s like….if I mixed together white crap, milk, and sugar, I’d get white chocolate.”
“Dude, who the hell puts dark chocolate? That’s not chocolate, there’s no sugar in it!”
“Chocolate is supposed to be bitter! Everything else is way too sweet, it ruins the taste.”
Chat Noir grumbled as he erased his answer. “I’m breaking up with you.”
“Ditto. I want all of your things out the house by this afternoon.”
“I’m keeping the car.”
Alya was covering her mouth, trying not to let her laughter show up in the shot. “Okay, okay, this is the third one. Do you take your tea with or without sugar.”
“There’s no point to this, I already know what she’s going to say.” Chat Noir laughed and rubbed a hand down his face when they flipped their signs and he saw ‘without’ scribbled on her board. “You’re an abomination.”
“I….okay,” Ladybug said, facing the camera directly. “I dare all of you to fight me on this. Sugar does not belong in tea. Like I can maybe get behind you putting it in coffee but that’s literally it.”
“You are asking the Internet to fight you, my Lady.”
“I don’t care! I’ll fight all of you!”
Alya piped in. “I mean….I put sugar in my tea, so.”
Chat Noir reached over off camera to give Alya a high five. “Yes! Team Sugar Tea.”
“You’re all gross.”
“Alright, alright! Number four! Early bird or night owl?”
Ladybug hissed and stared up at the ceiling for an answer while Chat Noir poked his tongue out and started scribbling with intense concentration. It took them a while to both finish drawing, but Ladybug had ‘night owl!’ on her board, and Chat Noir had drawn a cartoonish owl in response. “Yes!” Ladybug exclaimed “Oh man, I was getting bummed for a second.”
“Yeah, but I’m not surprised the two of us are, we’re always out late.”
Ladybug nodded. “We schedule patrols for like an hour, and then once we’re done the two of us kinda just hang around for hours because we don’t wanna go home. There was one time we were out until like two in the morning.”
“We were definitely out until three at least once too.”
Alya pulled out the next question. “iPhone or Android?”
“Yikes, this might cause a fight,” Ladybug winced.
“Nah, don’t jinx it, I believe in us,” Chat Noir waved away, writing his answer. “These are good questions, by the way. Like….every married couple should do this.”
“You’re gonna make fights break out,” Ladybug snickered.
“Ah, fighting’s healthy. Alright, flip!” They stared at each other’s boards and cheered loudly when they both wrote ‘android.’ 
They fist bumped with both hands, and Ladybug bounced excitedly in her chair. “Oh thank god. Aren’t they better phones though?”
“People with iPhones are over here ranting about Siri, meanwhile they just lost their headphone jack, so who’s the real loser?”
Ladybug laughed to herself. “Have you seen the, uh….what are they called? The dongle things? Like that attachment you have to get to use regular headphones.”
Chat Noir snickered into his hand. “It doesn’t even sound sexy, like who wants to be in the street and be like ‘ah, sorry guys, gotta pull out my dongle for a minute’?”
“It sounds dirty, don’t you think?” Ladybug sniggered. Chat Noir cackled and almost fell out of his chair. “No seriously like ‘I have to pull out my dongle’ sounds like I have to pull out my….” She gestured to her lap and was grinning as she watched Chat Noir take one of the couch cushions and press it to his face while he muffled his hysterics. “What?!”
He shook his head and sat back up. “Oh man, I love you. Wait how many more do we have?”
“Three more. The next one’s uhhh….” Alya snorted in laughter. “Oh man, god help you two. Dogs or cats?”
Chat Noir covered his mouth with both hands and slowly turned towards Ladybug. Ladybug let her shoulders drop and stared in disbelief at the camera. “Why would you do that to us?”
“Ladybug — ”
“Chat don’t do this — ”
“Ladybug I’m like dead serious — ”
“You’re so dramatic, oh my god, it’s going to be fine!”
“Just please,” he begged. “Please. Answer carefully and honestly. This is like….do or die.”
“What would you do if I said dog?”
“Don’t make jokes like that!”
Ladybug turned away from him and looked back at him over her shoulder. “I’m writing my answer.”
“I’ve literally never been this stressed out in my life.”
“Do you want me to count you guys down so you show your answers at the same time?” Alya asked.
Chat Noir made a show of sniffing, making his voice sound like he was on the verge of crying. “Yes, please.”
“It’s like you have no faith in me,” Ladybug teased.
“Don’t lie on your answer!”
“I’m not going to lie, Chat, don’t worry.”
They both wrote down their answers and gave Alya the thumbs up when they were done. “Alright guys. You’re gonna flip on my count. One….two….three!”
Chat Noir kept his eyes closed when he flipped his board, holding it a full arm’s length away from him. “Agh, I’m scared.”
Ladybug tapped his leg with hers. “Flip, trust me.”
“Are you sure?”
Chat Noir opened his eyes, stared at her board, and threw it behind the couch as he threw his arms up in glee. “Thank all the adorable kittens in heaven, you’re a cat person!!!!!! ”
Ladybug held her arms out. “You want a hug, I know you do, bring it in.” Chat Noir wrapped his arms around her waist and started to fake sob into her stomach. She patted him on the head and snorted. “You threw your board clear across the room.”
“I don’t care,” Chat said, his voice muffled. “You love cats and that’s all that matters in the world.”
“ Is that all that matters?”
“You’re willing to accept my kind into your home.”
Ladybug turned to the camera again. “See, he thinks he’s actually a cat, so he takes all this very seriously. Excuse him, he’s almost done.”
Chat Noir stayed huddled up to her for a minute more before he sat up properly and smacked his cheeks a little. “Oh man, that was an ordeal. Oh dammit, my whiteboard.”
“You threw it into the plant! Like by the television!”
Chat Noir quickly came running back to sit on the couch. “I got it, I got it.”
“You two are too much. Alright, this one is Fall Wedding or Spring Wedding?”
Ladybug snorted when she wrote down her answer and sighed in relief when they both ended up putting ‘Fall Wedding’ on their boards. “I feel like the two of us would rock a fall color scheme, don’t you?”
“Plus, like, have you ever seen those wedding photos where they like throw fall leaves into the air? Like when they do outdoor weddings? Wouldn’t that be the cutest thing?”
“Oh my God, my parents did that! It’s super cute, oh man, I wish I could show you. If we get married though, we’re screwed on the cake.”
“You like white chocolate. ”
“Oh my God, are we going to start this again.”
“I’m going to remember this for at least the next month, you think I’m joking.”
“So can we get milk chocolate and call it even?”
Ladybug hummed and bit her lip. “I’ll bring it up with the wedding planner, we’ll talk about it.”
Chat Noir shook his head, rubbing his hand across the board to wipe it clean again. “Remember what I said about all that fanfiction fodder?”
“Bet you ten euros there are gonna be like twenty wedding fics by the end of the week.”
“Nah man, more than that. We’ll see.”
Ladybug sighed and smiled at him. “Last question, right?”
“Mmhm,” Chat Noir grinned. “Alright, what’ve you got for us, Alya?”
“This is a fun one,” Alya prefaced. “Ladybug or Chat Noir.”
They both laughed uproariously and were quick with their answers. Alya already figured what they were each going to write before they even flipped over their answers, but she had to admit it was really adorable to see them smile at each other when Ladybug wrote ‘Chat Noir’ and Chat Noir wrote ‘Ladybug.’
“I’m very cool with that disagreement,” Chat Noir beamed at the camera. “If that’s the only thing we fight about, I’m blessed to be honest.”
Ladybug tapped him on the shoulder. “Wait, I think we won.”
“We won?”
“Yeah like we got the most compatibility points.”
“Oh crap, did we?”
Alya looked down at her notebook and nodded. “Yeah, you got more of them matched up.”
They both threw their hands up and cheered. “We’re compatible!” they chanted at the same time, Ladybug falling against his shoulder in a fit of giggles.
“Damn, so I guess….?”
“Yeah,” Ladybug finished. “We….essentially did the work for you. So you are free to ship to your heart’s content. Go forth!”
“You have our permission,” Chat Noir assured. “And if you guys could low-key tag me on Instagram with links to your stories, that would be awesome.”
“You know damn well you have a physics test next week, you are not going to ask for fanfiction.”
“I’m fine , don’t worry about it. I wanna see what they come up with.”
“Listen. Tag me in them. So then I won’t give them to him until he finishes studying.”
Chat Noir shook his head at her in disbelief. “You’re just going to read them before I do!”
“ Offended that you would think that.”
“We will discuss this later.” Chat Noir turned back to the camera and clapped his hands together. “So….that’s it I guess? Um….Ladybug and I have Instagrams!”
“Yeah, apparently, when you do things from our weapons, the IP addresses get totally scrambled? So you can’t trace them and you can’t tell who we are. Which is great because that means this loser can post all the videos he wants to his.”
“Oh did you see what I tagged you in this morning?”
“Yeah the seven cat videos? Of course I did. I always do.”
Chat Noir pumped his fist. “Excellent. Anyway, uh, we fool around on those things a lot, so if you’re in the mood for a laugh, feel free to check us out. Alya’s gonna leave our links below this video.”
“And if you have any suggestions for other videos we can do, let us know. Alya will keep us updated, because these are actually really fun,” Ladybug said. “Oh! And always stay safe! If you ever see an akuma, always stay indoors and put as much distance between it and you as you can!”
“Yeah, really important guys, we wanna keep you safe, but you have to remember to stay alert at all times okay?”
Ladybug pouted her lips. “I guess we have to say goodbye.”
“Wait wait! Our tagline!”
“Right, right.” Ladybug counted them in so that they spoke at the same time. “Peace, love, and ladybugs!” They both fell into more laughter and Ladybug waved at the camera. “Until next time, everyone.”
Alya fiddled with her phone and stopped the recording. “Aaaaaaand, that’s a wrap.”
“Sweet,” Chat Noir replied. “Was that okay? You think they’ll like it?”
Alya shook her head and dismounted her phone from the tripod. “That could not have possibly gone more perfectly.”
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duckduckhonk · 7 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like Destiel.
You: [fem!dean badboy!cas unest.] (1am) Cas, come over. I can't sleep. I'll owe you a cig. DW
Stranger: Little busy right now, babe. Save me that cig though. CN
You: Busy? At 1am? Can't you ditch it and come over? DW
Stranger: What can I say, busy life. CN
Stranger: Give me 20 more minutes. CN
You: How about I come over to you? I'm not changing though. DW
Stranger: I've got company but sure, you can come over. CN
You: Wait, what? Cas, are you having sex right now?? DW
Stranger: Not exactly. CN
You: Just tell me what you're up to. DW
Stranger: I'm getting a blow job and smoking some pot. CN
You: And texting me. She doesn't mind you not paying attention? Or is it a he this time? DW
Stranger: He doesn't mind. Thinks I'm taking pictures. CN
You: Please do. Send me one too. DW Who is it? DW
Stranger: Really? CN
Stranger: I don't know. Luc? One of Gabes buddies. CN
You: Yeah, why not? Also, I'm coming over. DW
You: He's older than you? Damn, Cas, good work. DW
Stranger: Hell yeah. CN
Stranger: By the way he's like, completely gay. Don't try anything with him. CN
Stranger: [Image attached: Luc grinning up at the camera before going back down on Cas.] Have a lovely video. CN
You: Yeah, yeah, wasn't planning on it. I can't share him, but I can still share some pot, right? DW
Stranger: Of course. I'll always have pot for you. CN
You: God, he's hot. I'm gonna want to see that video when I get there. Or if you can hold out a few minutes, I'll catch the live show. DW
Stranger: I'll try. CN
You: Awesome. I'm almost there. DW [paras?]
Stranger: (Sure, could you start?)
You: [Okay]
You: Deanna had left her small apartment a few minutes after she had texted Cas initially. If Cas said he was busy, he would probably be a long while. She walked up to his building and went to the second floor to his apartment. She dug around in her jacket pocket before pulling out a key to his place and unlocking the door. She was still in her night clothes with just a jacket on top (might be Cas', it was huge on her). "Cas?" she called out as she walked into his room. "Oh, hello," she said with a smirk as she found him with Luc on his knees in front of him. She walked forward and pecked Cas' cheek before glancing down at the older boy, grinning. "He any good?" she asked quietly.
Stranger: Cas had spent the last two days in a drug and sex filled haze, only really making conversation with Cas and whatever friends of his chose to come visit him. When Dean had asked him to save himself he couldn't deny, pulling Luc off and letting him have a rest before his friend showed up. When Deanna walked in he grinned, welcoming the kiss to his cheek. "Amazing. Good stamina, he's had my cock in his mouth for almost an hour now." He murmured breathily.
You: Deanna's eyes widened. "Really? Wow, that /is/ amazing," she said. "Now that I'm here, I think you can let him go," she said. "I'm bored, I need you to be focused on me," she told him. With that she walked towards the bed to look for Cas' joint. She found an unlit one and quickly lit it, taking slow, long drags from it. "Do you need help? You're taking a long time," she said, walking back over to him with the joint dangling from her fingers.
Stranger: Cas just smirked and rolled his eyes, De could get demanding from time to time, especially when something was bothering her, or she didn't have enough attention. He let his head fall back when she went, reaching up to pluck the joint from her lips once she was back. "Mm, if you want. There's a loaded bong over there." He gestured to the low table. "Go get that started and I'll be over.m, alright?"
You: Deanna crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Aren't you high enough, already? No more of that for you," she said. She was a little worried about him, to be honest, and she needed to get him out of whatever rut he was in. "Just fuck his mouth quickly, let him go, and then you're going into the shower. And then we can talk, or you can finally go to sleep," she said. She did need to talk, she missed him, but if he needed to rest, it was fine. She'd stay here for the night, they could talk in the morning.
Stranger: Cas just frowned. "Alright. Damn. Way to kill the mood." With that Cas gently nudged Luc away, letting him know that he could finish now. Cas had made plans to go out with him tomorrow, but he was pretty sure wasn't going to let that happen. He tucked himself back into his boxers, a job that could be finished in the shower, and sighed, leading Luc to the door. Luc got clingy and sweet, kissing Cas and telling him how perfect he was. Five minutes went by and Cas returned with red lips, even messier hair and a hickey on his neck. He sighed and picked up the joint again as he flopped down into his chair.
You: Deanna huffed as Cas went out of the room. She didn't mean to be a spoilsport, really. She wanted to have fun too, and let Cas do whatever he liked. But being inside his apartment, with everything smelling like pot, or sweat... It was disgusting, and someone had to say something to Cas. She walked over to his chair and sat down next to him, wedged in, half sitting on his lap. "I wasn't trying to kill the mood, you coulda come first," she told him. "He seems... nice," she said, trying to get him to smile as she poked his ribs. "Really likes you, huh?" she commented, turning her head to stare at the hickey. She reached out and pressed the bruised skin before replacing her thumb with her mouth, sucking hard at his skin, feeling something like jealousy in her stomach.
Stranger: Cas welcomed De with a loose arm around her waist, dropping his head back against the chair. "Mm, he's alright. Too needy, though.." he scoffed, rubbing a hand down his face. "He's been here for two days and hasn't let me suck him off or even touch him the whole time." He let out a long sigh at the feel of De's lips and smiled. "Thought I had to get a shower? Or was that just so you could have me to yourself?"
You: Deanna pulled back, pleased to see the spot become darker and larger. She sighed and kissed his jaw. "No, you really do need to take a shower. I'm not getting into bed with you stinking like you do," she said. "C'mon, get up," she said and pulled away. She stood and then tugged at his arms, "Get into the shower," she said, pushing him towards the bathroom gently. "Want me to join you?" she asked.
Stranger: A groan left Cas throat when he had to stand and he sighed. Slowly making his way to the bathroom, chuckling at the nudges De was giving him his back. When he reached the door he turned around, chuckling as he took his clothes off in front of his friend. "I don't really mind. Question is, do you want to join me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow before turning into his bathroom.
You: Deanna smirked and followed him inside. She did want to, and she didn't mind either. She stripped out of her clothes and joined Cas under the shower spray. "How long since you last showered?" she asked. "Also, could you shave? You look hot and everything, but I really don't want beard rash on my skin," she told him with a grin.
Stranger: Deanna could be the biggest pain in the ass sometimes, but still Cas smiled, shaking his head as he kissed the top of hers sweetly. "You're such a diva. And the last time I showered was like 3 days ago. I'm not that gross, just had /a lot/ of sex." He laughed, reaching up to get his razor before handing it to De. "You wanna do the honours? I'm too stoned."
You: Deanna wrinkled her nose at him. "Don't be stingy with the body wash," she commented with a chuckle. She took the razor from him and smiled up at him. "Shower first. I can shave your face after we get out, okay?" she said. She put the razor away and quickly used the soap to lather and wash her body. Might as well, since she was in shower.
Stranger: Cas just laughed at her, taking the body wash but just standing to watch her for a moment. He'd had two girls over yesterday, but De beat them by far. "You're amazing, you know that?" He murmured, making sure to cover himself in soap. "Like, seriously." He whistled, teasing. "God damn."
You: Deanna giggled and pinked, batting at his soapy chest. "You're not so bad yourself, Cas," she told him, looking him up and down with her eyebrows raised. "I'm gonna hop out. Unless you want me to shampoo your hair?" she offered with a shrug.
Stranger: Cas hummed, grabbing his friend by the waist and pulling her closer. "You can shampoo my hair. Give me a nice massage.." with that he picked his toothbrush out of the holder, squirting a generous amount of toothpaste on before he began brushing.
You: Deanna laughed as Cas brushed his teeth while in the shower. She turned him to face his back and then squirted shampoo onto his hair. She used her hands to work it into a lather, being careful to avoid his eyes. "Your hair are getting so long," she murmured. She tugged at them with a grin before pushing him under the water spray and washing the shampoo out. Then she started massaging his shoulders and continued till the water started turning tepid. "Okay, let's get out. I still gotta shave you."
Stranger: "I like it." Cas mumbled with a mouthful of mint, spitting. And then grinning when De pulled on his hair. "Kinky." He stayed silent the rest of the way, relaxing under the pressure of Deannas hands and the warm water. When the girl spoke he hummed and opened his eyes. "Mm, alright." With a turn he wrapped his arms around the girl, walking her out of he shower. "You're like my personal little groomer."
You: Deanna laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well, someone's gotta make sure you look presentable," she joked. "How else are you gonna win the beauty pageant?" She leaned up and pecked his lips lightly before pulling back. "Oh! Look who's back..." she said with a smirk, glancing down at his erection. "Wanna take care of that first or should I shave you?"
Stranger: "With my boyish good looks and charming personality." He chuckled, grin lazy as he sat up next to the sink. "Duh." He welcomed the kiss, closing his eyes momentarily and humming. "You can take care of it for me, right seeetheart?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
You: Deanna grabbed the razor and the foam before coming back to face Cas. "I'm not one of your sluts... But of course I'll take care of it for you," she said with a smirk. "Just hold still for this," she said and quickly started to shave his face. Once she was done, she wiped his face with a towel and grinned. "There you are," she said. "Much better," she said. She stepped back so he could step down. "Bed?"
Stranger: Cas poured when De started to shave his face first, fidgeting and ending up with a few little cuts here and there. When she was done he sighed, hopping down. "Yes please." He started to nudge De towards the bedroom, slowing every so often to enjoy the view.
Stranger: pouted*
You: Deanna laughed as Cas tried to hurry her up. "So impatient," she complained in amusement. She sat down on the edge, still naked and a little damp. "How do you want me?" she asked, staring at his face before sliding her gaze down to his impressive cock.
You: [[email protected] just in case we disconnect!]
Technical error: Lost contact with server, and couldn't reach it after 3 tries. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.
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