#mlqc season 2 translations
sylvia-forest · 1 year
[CN] Shaw's Upcoming S2 CH 38 - 40 karma
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If it's to see you, anywhere is fine.
[R&S - Life is a long road]
“If there is no straight path, then let's feel life to the fullest in the bumps.”
Like an unrestrained declaration, the soaring music suddenly cut through the dull air. In the front, Shaw plucked the strings quickly and played a leaping melody with Randal in tacit understanding. Jensen looked at him and roared higher and higher.
Each note is a rebellious and vigorous life force that strikes the soul through hearing.
-- “Rock and roll can continue”
39 notes · View notes
laxmiree · 2 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s On Fire MQ translation + video with sub EN (Part 3/3)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for an MQ that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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On Fire MQ | Part 1 (1-2) | Part 2 (3-4) | Part 3 (5-6) | Moisturize ASMR
[Warning]: The content of this MQ is currently the most explicit compared to other dates and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 17 (CN server). It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
Part 3 & 4-> [Here]
[Subbed Video, TURN ON CC!]
—[Part 5]— Video Timestamp [31:11]
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The kitchen is filled with all sorts of ingredients.
After studying a few recipes, Lucien starts by cleaning the vegetables one by one, arranging them neatly based on size and color.
I put the excess ingredients into the refrigerator and see him preparing to chop vegetables on the cutting board. His movements are meticulous yet unfamiliar.
MC: Do you want some help?
Lucien arches an eyebrow ever so slightly, then frees up one hand to pull me behind him, his voice gentle.
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Lucien: Yes, then come closer and help me, okay?
I wrap my arms around Lucien from behind, adjusting his hand to control the force and posture of chopping vegetables.
MC: [smiles softly]...Are you sure about this?
Lucien: Mm, I'm not particularly skilled at this. This position makes it easy for you to correct me at any time.
I wrap my arm around him with some struggle. I can feel his heat seeping through our clothes, causing a slight warmth in my ears.
Unwittingly, I remember the first time I spent New Year's Eve with Lucien. He also once stood behind me and wrapped his arm around me under the pretext of learning to make dumplings.
MC: ...Then, I'll make an effort to not get distracted.
MC: It's better to cut in from this angle...
Two people working together noticeably accelerate the process. After the pot is ready, Lucien and I stand on either side of it, seasoning it together.
Seasonal vegetables lose their raw appearance in the sizzling hot oil, transforming into delectable dishes on the dining table.
MC: The colors are right, and the cuts are similar. At least in terms of appearance, we've perfectly replicated these dishes.
MC: I just wonder how they taste. These dishes look so good, they couldn't possibly be bad, right?
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Lucien: They're definitely going to be delicious. After all, we made them together.
Lucien: However, in the coming year, I will try my best to break away from this lady’s help and lead this process independently.
MC: Hehe, it's okay if you don't break away.
MC: I'm happy to accompany you and enjoy this process together. Plus, occasionally being Professor Lucien's "guide", I couldn't ask for more.
Lucien glances at me with a smile on his face, then bends down to kiss me lightly on the eyes.
Lucien: [chuckle then KISS!!!!] Since I have your permission, I won't insist on proving myself anymore.
Lucien: In the days ahead, accompany me to tackle more complex menus.
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At the dining table, Lucien picks up his chopsticks, slowly bringing each dish to his mouth. He chews carefully, seeming to savor the unique taste of each dish
Though it's just an ordinary lunch, he eats with exceptional seriousness.
Lucien: The change in cutting technique has a much greater impact on the crispness of the vegetables than I anticipated.
MC: It's subtle, isn't it? Even though the cooking method remains the same, just changing the cutting technique makes the texture much crispier!
Lucien: Hmm, it's also interesting to stew meat with fruits.
MC: Hehe, that's because fruit acids not only tenderize the muscle tissue but also blend in smoothly with the flavor.
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Lucien: [chuckles] So, although all these dishes are delicious, I particularly enjoy the stew you've added your ingenuity to.
It's rare to see him provide detailed commentary on dishes beyond just "delicious", and I can't help but raise my chin in pride.
MC: I've actually made some observations before when cooking. Just a slight change in the dish can make a huge difference in taste!
MC: It's kind of like the difference between the front leg meat and the hind leg meat, very distinct!
Lucien's gaze, which was originally focused on tasting the dishes, shifts towards me. Under the lamplight, his eyes soften, as gentle as water flowing into a stream.
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Lucien: This classmate's metaphors are always so imaginative.
Lucien: It seems like every inch of the world you perceive is so vibrant and intriguing—
Lucien: Just like these rich dishes, they can evoke a range of emotions and also spark inspiration.
I prop my chin up, looking at him with interest.
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MC: If that's the case, then I also want to be the “fruit” in the stew, making Professor Lucien even "sweeter"~
MC: Every happy and interesting experience in my perception, I want you to experience them together with me~
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Lucien's eyes soften, and he taps his knuckles gently on the table.
Lucien: [whispers] In that case, can we do something fun together right now?
My eyes light up, and I stand up, walking over to his side. I cup his face in my hands, smiling as we lock eyes.
MC: Of course, then... what do you want to do?
Before I finish speaking, Lucien's hand gently lowers my head, and he plants a light kiss on my lips.
Although it's just a gentle touch, and although the atmosphere isn't ambiguous, I feel my heart beating wildly due to the unexpected intimacy.
I look at him with a flushed face, seeing overflowing tenderness in his eyes, and a magnified reflection of myself.
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Lucien: I want to thank this lady who “shares the world” with me.
Then, he leans down, slowly closing the distance between us—
Until our hearts and minds feel the same frequency, melding together into the gentle twilight.
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As the last rays of twilight fall, Lucien invites me to experience the festival in this small town.
Lanterns adorned with festive decorations hang on the streetlights, and the air is filled with the scent of firecrackers.
As New Year's Eve approaches, there are already many stalls in the small night market, with couplets, paper-cut decorations, and various potted plants joyfully arranged together.
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MC: These paper-cut decorations are quite ordinary, yet they're selling for two digits. They're not as pretty as the ones you've made, but I just bought something really nice!
I take out a box of pink, peach-shaped pastries and hand one to Lucien.
MC: "Longevity Peach Buns"~ Would you like to try one?
Lucien takes a bite, his brows furrowing momentarily as he examines the bun in his hand with a hint of skepticism.
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Lucien: [smiles helplessly] I wouldn't recommend it.
Even Lucien, who isn't usually picky about food, expressed dissatisfaction with the bun, which piqued my interest.
I take a bite, and the dry bun with a hint of artificial flavoring fails to satisfy even basic taste expectations.
MC: Uh...!
MC: [unamused] Although it's not tasty, it does look festive... Let's just display it at home when we get back.
Lucien smiles and shakes his head, then picks up a set of spring festival couplets from a nearby stall.
Lucien: The wording on these couplets seems rather ordinary.
Lucien: I'm thinking, why don't we buy some raw materials and try writing our own couplets at home?
MC: Sounds good! Then when the God of Wealth arrives, he'll see that the couplets we've put up are heartfelt and sincere.
MC: If he's in a good mood, who knows, maybe we'll strike it rich~
From the "福" (fortune/blessings) character for the front door to the refrigerator and even the shoe cabinet, to the money tree for the entrance and the glowing little dragon...
As we chat and laugh, the bags we're carrying are already overloaded.
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We load the bags into the car and return to our seats. Just as I start to fasten my seatbelt, Lucien pushes open the car door again.
Lucien: I suddenly remembered there's something else I need to buy.
MC: Then I'll go with you.
Lucien: No need, it's right nearby. I'll be back soon.
Before I could react, Lucien had already closed the car door and disappeared into the bustling crowd once again.
—[Part 6]— Video Timestamp [36:42]
(T/N: if you haven't watched the video, please watch it from this timestamp! The BGM choice + voice acting really help set the mood~)
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MC: What did Lucien go to buy...?
Snacks, or decorations? Before my thoughts can stray any further, Lucien's figure returns to the car with bags in hand.
MC: You're back!
The car door is pulled open, and along with Lucien’s scent, the chilly wind brings in a subtle smell... of gunpowder?
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Lucien: [chuckles] I bought some fireworks...
MC: Oh~
Lucien: And firecrackers.
MC: [surprised] Eh?
I widen my eyes and look into the bag. Besides a few fireworks, there are…
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MC: O- one-thousand-firecrackers-rolls and firework rockets?
Seeing my reaction, Lucien satisfactorily curls up the corners of his lips.
Lucien: As an "experiencer," of course I must try some sufficiently exciting things.
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The car, loaded with goods, returns to our courtyard. Lucien parks the car and, together with me, we unroll the long red firecrackers on the ground.
The long firecrackers snake around like a red dragon lying on the ground, almost covering the entire courtyard.
I hold the lighter, watching the fuse that is about to ignite the firecrackers and can’t help but feel nervous in my heart.
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MC: Lucien, could you, could you wait a moment? I'm not quite mentally prepared yet!
Lucien: [chuckles] Then allow me.
Lucien seems to chuckle softly. Before I can react, he has already struck the match, and the flame dances on his fingertips.
The fuse instantly ignites, speeding forward like a shooting star. I quickly grab Lucien's hand tightly, pulling him away as we run.
The next second, the firecrackers erupt like an awakened dragon, emitting a thrilling roar.
My body instinctively tenses, and I hastily cover Lucien's ears while he does the same for mine.
(the way they instinctively protect each other instead of themselves :”…)
His broad palm reassuringly shields those startling explosions.
Despite the barrier, my hearing becomes even more acute, listening as the firecrackers "rampage" through the courtyard.
I look at Lucien, in the faint red glow, his face is coated with a shimmering warm light, and from beginning to end, his lips are always brimming with a smile.
The bright light swiftly dashes through the dark night. After the long-lasting thousand blasts fade away, the air in the courtyard seems to have turned red.
Lucien waves his hand in front of him, trying to dispel the pungent smell of firecrackers, yet the smile on his lips never falters.
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Lucien: Whether it's from the sense of hearing or the sense of smell... The stimulation I'm receiving is far more excessive than I anticipated.
MC: Many things you just have to experience firsthand to truly feel them!
MC: Just like I've come to realize, besides with the beauty of fireworks, Professor Lucien and the firecrackers are also quite "compatible"!
Lucien raises an eyebrow and takes out all the remaining fireworks and firecrackers from the car.
Lucien: That sentence sounds like a stereotypical impression of "Professor Lucien".
Lucien: Fortunately, tonight happens to be a good opportunity for "out with the old, in with the new."
The night sky stretches endlessly, as dark as a piece of black velvet, while the courtyard ground is scattered with remnants of red firecrackers.
Lucien stands between the darkness of the night and the redness around him, with the match he ignites in his hand being the only source of light around.
This glimmer of light remains silent, yet always manages to ignite clusters of earth-shattering fireworks in my world.
So I walk towards him, and together we light up all these fireworks.
The light flies into the night sky, showering down gently, casting warm hues upon us.
And beside me, Lucien's smiling expression is just like the fireworks filling up the sky.
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In the end, Lucien and I left a few fireworks unlit and returned to the car for warmth.
The distant sound of firecrackers can be faintly heard, with occasional fireworks lighting up the night sky, illuminating the scene inside the car.
We sit side by side in the back seat, enjoying a moment of tranquility after the playful revelry.
Bright light filters through the car window, casting ambiguous light and shadows on Lucien's face. I trace his profile, and my heart is filled with joy.
MC: Looking back, we've had a lot of fun in just a few days.
MC: Going to the home exhibition together, selecting ingredients and cooking together, wandering through the festival night market, and even setting off fireworks and firecrackers...
MC: I wonder how Professor Lucien feels about this "town trip"?
Lucien meets my expectant gaze, but instead of immediately responding, he ponders for a moment.
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Lucien: I've thought of many different answers, many different adjectives.
Lucien: Happiness, warmth, contentment... Each word seems to encapsulate my feelings, yet they all appear a little shallow.
I listen earnestly, reaching out my hand to intertwine with his palm.
Lucien: Whether it's in the warm room, cooking together under the bright lights, or lighting firecrackers together and making "noise".
Lucien: At the moment of accomplishing these things, I have a vague feeling.
Lucien: These seem to be things I've never consciously longed for but deeply desire to do.
Lucien: And year after year, in the New Year, you've helped me realize these, even wishes that I myself didn't fully grasp.
Lucien pauses unusually as if carefully considering his words. After a while, he simply casts his gaze toward me.
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Lucien: So if there's anything missing, it's that I want my little lady to feel my happiness.
MC: I've already felt it...
But Lucien gently shakes his head.
Lucien: I want to paint it more vividly for you. Not through carefully crafted rhetoric, perhaps not even by speaking.
(T/N: insert the solemn, melancholic, yet hopeful 5th anniv special theatre BGM 😭 if you've read this far and haven't watched the video, I’d actually beg you to watch 🥺 The timestamp is: [42:09] )
Lucien gently takes my hand and places it over his heart.
In an instant, the world quieted down.
With the familiar heartbeat in my palm, it feels as if the overflowing sense of happiness is also held within my grasp.
"Thump, thump," resounding as if echoing through the entire universe. And it speaks—
Lucien is very happy, very content with life.
And so am I.
At this moment, I seem to also taste the shallowness of "words", for no matter how many words are spoken, they can't fully express the deep love beating in my heart.
So I recklessly approached him, wanting to convey my most profound feelings to him.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, my fingertips threading through his soft hair, as I lean in closer, Lucien gently but firmly pulls me into his embrace.
The smell of gunpowder fills my nostrils, seemingly carrying the heat capable of igniting flames with it.
The lips merely brush against each other, then clinging lovingly and inseparably, unwilling to part ever again.
Our tongues entwine as if thirsting, drawing out every bit of sweetness, until our breaths become so chaotic that they can't be distinguished from each other.
Can a deep kiss express this love? Can a long embrace reveal the yearning in the depths of our hearts?
While thinking about all this in a daze, Lucien's whisper comes to my ear.
Lucien: [whispers breathlessly] Is this kiss enough to explain it all?
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MC: Not enough...
I instinctively spoke out, not knowing whether I was answering him or telling myself.
Upon hearing this, with one arm still around me, Lucien unbuttons his shirt with his other hand, revealing his well-defined physique.
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Lucien: [chuckles and whispers] Then tonight, I will lay bare all of myself to you, okay?
His eyes still carry a faint smile, but they are moist as if they've captured light, burning and deeply sincere.
I nod and kiss the corner of his eye, taking in all of him.
His warm lips carry a slightly wet sensation as they wander over my body, igniting my skin like clusters of flame.
The intimate and meticulous licking makes me feel like I'm about to melt, my body instinctively tensing up, sliding towards the only fulcrum.
Lucien: [noises of him eating… something, and sighs in satisfaction] ….
The fingers holding my calves suddenly tighten, pulling them wider apart. I sit back heavily and then whimper out in pain.
MC: [blushing] Lucien….
My voice comes out sweetly and aggrievedly, elongating the end of his name with a deliberate undertone. It sounds like pleading for mercy yet also carries a tacit demand.
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The sound of muffled laughter reaches my ears, Lucien flips over to be on top of me and presses me down, kissing me on the lips.
Between the disorganized breaths, he murmurs something on the tip of his tongue.
Lucien: [whispers] Sorry, does it hurt a bit?
I nod, but in contrast to my answer, I thrust my hips upward, wanting to fit even closer to him. In the process, I almost hit my head on the car door, but Lucien protected me.
The decorations on my clothes roughly brush against Lucien's exposed skin as he moves, causing him to tremble lightly.
Lucien: [chuckles] These little decorations are a bit in the way.
Those words are much colder than his kisses, and I can't help but watch my heart beat faster as he gently picks at them and lets the decorations fall.
It's just that there seem to be more and more things that get in the way between us… the top, the belt, and the skirt, they all seem a bit unnecessary.
The car's air conditioning blows dry, warm air, dispersing the remaining traces of coldness on our skin.
The moist sensation behind my ears makes me feel like I'm lying on a stream, his voice, hoarse and low, reveals a fervent longing.
Lucien: [hoarsely] Now, can you understand this feeling clearly?
My heart beats fiercely, and within my hazy consciousness, I seem to hear the emotions hidden behind Lucien's questions.
Instinctively, I tighten my arms around his neck and wrap my legs behind his waist. My hand gently caresses him.
MC: I think... I still need more time to understand.
MC: This is what you want too, isn't it?
Lucien’s laughter-tinged voice drifts into my ears.
Lucien:  [whispers followed by more wet kiss noises] The night is still very long.
The ambiguous warmth inside the car envelops us like the steam of a hot spring, carrying us into the clouds.
It seems there are small trinkets on the dashboard that can't withstand the shaking, but we are too preoccupied to notice.
Unintentionally, someone presses the car window button, and the distant sound of fireworks leaps into our ears.
Tiny snowflakes land on my outstretched arms, only to be melted into droplets by the heat.
"Splat," "splat."
This night, when the old days and the new years merge, we seem to need a little more warmth.
[Bonus: some h-word translation notes before afterword because I don't want to ruin the beautiful smut with my dumb commentary]
Lucien: [whispers] Sorry, does it hurt a bit? I nod, but in contrast to my answer, I thrust my hips upward, wanting to fit even closer to him. In the process, I almost hit my head on the car door, but Lucien protected me.
(T/N: this sentence implies that the pain is not from her sitting back but… him fitting inside *cough*)
The car's air conditioning blows dry, warm air, dispersing the remaining traces of coldness on our skin.
(T/N: this description implies that they are both already completely undressed at that point. To counteract the chill from being unclothed, the warm air conditioner is turned on :>)
[Afterword, rambles and highlight(s)]
⎯ Just like how sunlight helps plants to grow, love nurtures Lucien's growth over the years.
Even after 6 years, Love and Producer still have such a talented writing team that never FAILS at making us feel h-word and cry at almost the same time ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽. This date is not angsty in the traditional sense, in fact, the date in general is so sweet and full of daily life. But the end really punches you just right in the feelings ESPECIALLY with the 5th anniversary special theatre BGM.
Honestly, it’s hard to explain why this date is so good and makes many CN stans cry by the end of the date. It’s… something that you can experience only if you know him for so, so long. It's something that can only be felt by witnessing his growth from the moment you first 'met' him until now. The feelings of observing someone you've ‘nurtured’ with love and care for years finally blossoming into the most colorful and unique 'fireworks' you've ever witnessed… they’re really hard to describe.
But anyway, before this essay turns into an analysis of "The Little Prince" and Lucien, let’s talk about the date, shall we? If last year's date theme was along the lines of "accepting yourself and your emotions from the past," then I predict that this year's theme seems to be about "experiencing and living the present"; and this is such a fitting theme for Lucien. Why? Because as a character, before he met the MC, he was simply an "observer" instead of a “participant”, curiously observing and experimenting on everything around him, and yet never really ‘participates’ and ‘experiences’ in it.  However, thanks to MC, he has begun to actively participate in the hustle and bustle of the world, experiencing many things that have made him more vibrant and ‘alive’. This transition from ‘observer’ to ‘participant’ is cleverly depicted in this date by making him into a participant in the experiments with MC, rather than solely being the experimenter as usual.
This date as a whole centers around two important things, experience and emotions. While the relationship between experience and emotion can be complex and multifaceted, the way I get it from this date is that; if ‘experience’ is more about the ‘input’ that we get from our senses, then ‘emotions’ are the ‘output’ of our experience. In other words, experiences provide the stimuli that trigger emotional responses. Both experience and emotions are important things for us humans; together, they contribute to our ability to fully engage with and appreciate the present moment, rather than simply going through the motions of survival… They’re also two things that Lucien has been learning over the years.
First, let’s talk about experience, when our observer scientist sheds his lab coat and removes his glasses, he transforms into an ordinary person sincerely in love with you and deeply experiencing love. This date depicts how he experiences love in the warmth of everyday life, and amusingly, it almost makes this date feel as if MC and Lucien are newlyweds on their honeymoon ahah. From shopping for furniture for their new home to encountering silly and unexpected problems that the organizer throws at them (just like how everyday lives always throw problems at us lol), to grocery shopping and cooking together, and cough even the fact that they’re basically ‘on fire’ everyday cough— The grocery shopping parts are especially funny (with just Lucien being Lucien lol)... and cooking scene is just chef kiss. It's really endearing to witness how he adapts to homemaking tasks in his unique way, all because of his love for you.
Still on the topic of ‘experience’; do you know that both of the more descriptive spicy scenes are part of the plot? First, the spicy domming ‘guiding’ scene. In that scene, MC guides him to focus on what his senses told him instead of giving processed answers. And this seems to work because, throughout the date, you can notice him developing more opinions on things based on his senses as he experiences everything. Previously, because he never slowed down and always looked far ahead (See also, his Summer UR MQ, recent CN birthday date and story for more in-depth digging about this theme-), he never fully ‘experienced’ life. But with MC's guidance, her “sharing the world” with him, he starts to perceive the world around him more keenly. This transformation is evident in tasting scenes and fireworks scenes, where he earnestly uses his senses to taste their cooking, hearing the loud firecracker noises, and smelling the scent of gunpowder. She doesn’t only ‘bring’ color to his monochrome world, but also the taste, smell and noises of the world around him as he experiences the present. All these stimuli make his world no longer feel ‘silent’ to him. Sometimes, loving him feels like pulling a ‘god’ from his pedestal to experience the lively and ordinary life of mortals. Perhaps he loses some of his ‘invincibility’ (like for example, that causes him to fall for consumerism trap lol), but in this way, he becomes more alive and real.
Then about emotions. The initial discussion about emotions centers around “emotional synchronization” between lovers, setting the stage for exploring how MC and Lucien perceive and handle each other's emotions. Just as MC accepts all of Lucien's emotions, whether they be sadness or happiness [referencing Lucien’s CN birthday date in 2023], Lucien reciprocates by accepting all of her emotions. Lucien demonstrates emotional stability and maturity as a partner, creating an environment where MC feels no need to restrain her emotions in his presence. He is fond of and intrigued by her colorful range of emotions (and a bittersweet reminder of how her moods affect her “color” in his eyes ahah:”””). This highlights their curiosity and fascination with understanding each other on a deeper level.
For them, all human emotions are important, but MC initially wanted Lucien to feel more positive emotions. With the concept of “emotional sync” in mind, she promises to convey more positive emotions for him, inadvertently restraining her own emotions in the process. However, during their time together in the small city, she learns that even so-called “negative emotions” have value. Despite facing challenges or "troubles," both characters find joy and support in each other's company. MC finds Lucien's moments of vulnerability endearing, while Lucien appreciates MC's encouragement and companionship. They both come to acknowledge the natural ebb and flow of emotions in their relationship, realizing that some negative emotions are far from being detrimental; it’s simply part of their day-to-day life. Those emotional fluctuations are just a very small part of their overall happiness~
ALL THE FEELINGS FROM THE SECOND EXPLICIT SPICY SCENES SUCCESSFULLY MADE ME CRY. Experiencing all sorts of things with her during experiments and everyday life … even things and wishes that he never consciously longed for yet always wanted:
The meaning of these words are difficult to render accurately in English, and my “Xu Mo/Lucien is very happy, very content with his life.” are just barely scratching the surface… While 快乐(kuài lè) refers to a more transient or temporary feeling of happiness and joy, often related to a fun event, 幸福 (xìng fú) encompasses a profound and enduring sense of happiness and contentment in life. It signifies a state of well-being that extends beyond momentary pleasures, often associated with having a loving family, spouse, fulfilling relationships, and a sense of overall satisfaction with one's life. So when combined, it emphasizes the fact that while experiencing all the ups and downs of the world with her, Lucien is not only feeling immediate joy and pleasure ("快乐"), but also enjoying a deeper, more lasting sense of happiness and fulfilment ("幸福"), he is both happy in the moment and all of his life. By slowing down and deeply experiencing each moment of their shared life, he discovers his own happiness and longing that even he himself never knows about. So, he wants her to experience every bit of his happiness and love that has blossomed because of her… candidly and unrestrainedly wants her to experience all of him.
In another vein, LOVE IS A VERB, NOT A NOUN!!! It's a continual action, continual choice, continual promise to another person. And no matter how many words are spoken, both of them can't fully express the deep love beating in heart. So, when words are too “shallow” to even capture a fraction of deep love and happiness, he can only confess them through instinctive actions, recklessly pouring out his heart in every embrace, every kiss, and every touch. And yet, the question still stands, Can a deep kiss express this love? Can a long embrace reveal the yearning in the depths of our hearts? They’ve done everything, yet it still feels not enough, and perhaps… it will take a lifetime of shared experiences and ‘confessions’ to fully reveal the depths of his love and longing for her.
AND SPEAKING OF CHOICE(S), the BGM choice for that last spicy scene is freaking genius!!! It comes from 5th-anniversary special theatre“The many choices of life” video (You can check it on my YT!). This special video is all about the power of your/MC’s choice. I want to highlight the first “what if” scenario. The first “what if” is about what would happen if she had chosen to not meet Lucien.
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In this scenario, the narrative explores what would have happened if MC hadn't met Lucien. Without their encounter, Lucien would still be questioning and seeking understanding from the world around him. He would have found another path, albeit one that didn't involve her, dedicating himself to searching for the 'most optimal solution.' However, his world would remain black and white, indifferent to whether there were people who tried to understand him and care for him :”. Anyway, by using this as a BGM choice, it accentuates the power of your/MC’s choice in shaping him being the way he is right now; while still running on the path to explore truth with dedication, he also finds happiness and contentment along the way because of her choice.
In conclusion, Lucien’s writers never fail to captivate us and deliver top-tier writing! This date highlights the importance of experiencing life fully and embracing all emotions, while also underscoring the transformative power of love~ His writers really excel at utilizing his character to its fullest potential. I can go on and on, talking about all the small details and references on this date but this UR won’t be published any time soon if I do LOL. If you’ve read so far, thank you for reading this date and my rambles~
80 notes · View notes
hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] 100 Days Companionship (Different Content): Day 21-30
Note: Since this event was already released in MLQC, I’ll keep translating it. Because...
MLQC CN / TW = Summer - Autumn/Winter
MLQC / MLDD = Autumn/Winter - Spring
MLQC KR / JP = Spring - Summer
So... there must be some of different contents between servers.
Note(2): MLQC JP changed some mentioned fruits with strawberry because spring is the perfect season for harvest strawberry in japan.
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- Day 21 -
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[CN/EN Day 21] Lucien: A little alley cat is stretching out lazily in the spring sun, and it’s making me suddenly want to sunbathe with you.
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[CN Day 21] Gavin: The weather forecasts says we’ll be experiencing varied temperatures. Don’t leave the air-conditioner on.
- Day 22 -
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[CN/EN Day 22] Lucien: It seems that the flowers on the balcony, have become more relaxed after several times of spring rain. Did you notice it?
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[CN Day 22] Victor: Don’t drink too much cold drinks just because it’s getting warmer. Use less ice.
- Day 23 -
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[Golden Week Series] Victor: You already started planning your trip for Golden Week? Let me know when you've decided where we should go.
- Day 24 -
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[CN Day 24] Gavin: Eli took a trip to the countryside, and returned with several strawberries. Because he left us one each, I’ll bring it home later.
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I said before, I will say it again– Victor and MC are the biggest dummies ever....
“To me, [...] you’re the only one who is the most important.”
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✧ NOTE ✧ I truly was planning to translate this chapter around November, after I’m done with all my exams. But after reading the chapter, it almost felt like a crime not sharing these little snippets 🥺. Although, you might not be able to grasp just how much emotions lie in these little snippets if you aren’t caught up with Victor’s S2 storyline so far, especially CH 17, how much he has been through so far, and how much they have been through for each other~ ♡
Nevertheless, if you are open to spoilers, you can still read under the cut for some beautifully written sugary sadness. :'(
I won’t be doing a full translation now. For the context of the snippets I want to share, I will note down the events in bullet point summaries:
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MC wakes up in the prison cell.
When the scheduled alarm rings out, she tidies herself up and stubbornly holds onto the bars of the cell, completely ignoring the surveillance camera monitoring her movements.
A figure appears, who deliberately slows down his pace while passing by her cell and meets her gaze with absolutely no emotions showing in his eyes. But she keeps staring at his profile closely, and quietly calls out his name.
This has been the tacit everyday routine of sending Victor off to the interrogation room, ever since they were captured by NW again and kept in different cells. And this is the only time they get to see each other.
After seeing Victor off, MC is taken to the laboratory for an unknown drug injection, treating it as an experiment– just like every other day.
However, today MC loses her cool and asks the researcher some bombing question, who then injects a second dose of drug in her body– and this is the first time this happens.
As a result of the second dose of drug being injected– MC starts seeing strange images and one of them is Victor being interrogated.
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She sees: Air from a strange white air-conditioning is wrapped around Victor, his always straight posture becomes very stiff. The frost forms on his eyebrows, eyelashes, hairs. In a matter of minutes, most of his skin is covered in red patch of rashes and bruises, his face pale, lips purple. He’s then asked about why him and MC destroyed the stone tablet and everything related. But Victor doesn’t budge an inch. After another failed interrogation, a NW member is beckoned, who draws out a circle out of thin air, and a flow of air-current clings to Victor’s body. Then from another drawn circle, a burst of water vapor surrounds Victor. All the frostbites, bruises, swollen marks gradually disappear, as though everything was MC’s illusion. But his face devoid of any blood or whatsoever still gives MC a sense of warmth amid the cold, reminding her that this is all real. And this process keeps repeating. 
When MC returns to her senses, she realizes she has been sent back to her cell. While she is praying hard that this wouldn’t come true, she isn’t sure whether what she saw was real or an illusion. Her urge of wanting to see Victor intensifies and she comes up with a plan.
According to her plan, she offers the NW Commanding Officer that she will tell them everything, if only they let her stay in the same cell with Victor and drops some tart on how she has learnt her tactics from the CEO. <Basically she gives back how in CH 17, the NW Commanding Officer picked on Victor and MC’s tacit understanding, and their exact same way of responding to any situation.>
MC leaves the room without looking back or waiting for a response from the other side.
This entire section afterwards, till the end of this post, his voice is SO GODDAMN FRIGGIN’ SOFT, only listening to it would make you want to cry. 🤧
♫  Music in this section- [1001 Nights] ♫
I haven’t slept much all night, until the ear-piercing sound of the electric bell comes from outside the dark bars.
I climb up at the speed of lightning, finally waiting for this “special” moment.
I pat my cheeks, run my hand through my hairs so that I don’t appear too haggard, and walk quickly over to the bars.
Eyes passing through the narrow passage, at the end of the light source, I see that silhouette my heart has been longing for.
Victor walks towards me step by step as he carries the light on his back, the expression on his face unreadable.
But his steps remain as firm, and sure of having the victory within his hands– the same as any time in the past.
My heart floods with indescribable sourness. I stare at him intently, wanting and trying hard to see clearly every detail of his body.
I want to know whether he is concealing something from me again and secretly suffering alone.
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The moment our eyes interlock, the brilliant rays that surge through those dark pupils of his eyes are the same as every time before, and I understand that this is the secret signal to tell each other we are safe and sound.
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Perhaps because I look too unsightly at the moment, Victor slightly raises his eyebrows the instant he looks at me.
But he doesn’t stop his footsteps.
The instant the familiar body temperature brushes past me, my reason finally collapses. My body reaches out a hand before my thoughts can catch up, and grabs the hem of his shirt.
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Feeling a momentary pause in his footsteps, I immediately wrap my arms around him firmly from behind, making him not being allowed to move.
The familiar warmth of his body emanates from underneath my palm, and I curl my fingers with yearning, as though only this way I can be slightly at ease.
MC: Victor, you....
Just as I’ve called out his name, the tip of my nose suddenly turns sour, and the words that I’ve wanted to say are blocked up in my throat.
I feel Victor’s figure startling slightly, but he doesn’t push me away.
I quietly glance towards the two NW team members not far away. They exchange looks with each other, but unexpectedly they don’t step forward to stop me either.
Instead, they avert their gazes pretending nothing has happened, and stand at a rather distant position.
He gently holds my hand, and asks softly.
Victor: What’s happened?
MC: You, are you okay? Are there any injuries?
Victor: No.
He replies very quickly and very firmly, as if generally wanting to make me feel relieved, and takes my hand that has been holding him tightly.
I can’t see his eyes, and yet am flustered for no reason.
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MC: Really?
Victor: [His voice trembles like....]  What’s the point in lying to you about such things?
I hesitate for a moment, and suddenly feel the surrounding becoming exceptionally quiet. Looking up, I find that the red light on the monitor has truly stopped flickering–– Time has been suspended.
I knowingly embrace him even tighter, and pour out all the words in my mind that I’ve just choked up.
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MC: Last night I.... saw some very strange images. It was like a dream, and yet it still seemed very terribly real.
MC: I saw them using something similar to a freezing Evol on you, and torturing you to extract confession....
MC: ....when you were injured, they healed you, and then continued to interrogate you. Just torturing you like this over and over.
Victor: ....
MC: I know this sounds very absurd. But I don’t know for some reason, I’ve continuously been feeling uneasy.
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MC: I’m afraid that if you haven’t experienced this yet, then it might mean that you will experience in the future....
MC: Victor, I’m very worried about you....
The man in front of me hasn’t spoken all along. Feeling anxious, I tug on his shirt, wanting to make his body turn around.
However, even before I can exert any force, the hand that has been holding me suddenly clasps my right hand.
I suddenly recall that the back of my hand is full of bruises which were left behind during the experiment. I try to pull back my hand, but fail to do so.
Victor grabs me even harder, and carefully avoids those bruises.
Victor: What did they do?
The surrounding is too quiet, amplifying the bitter chill in his voice.
But even with such obvious ice-cold tone, my heart feels as if it’s being scalded all at once, and tears of pain fill the rims of my eyes.
Having being caved in the darkness for so long, a simple sentence of deep concern can feel like a salvation.
I lightly fold my fingers, and rub my hand against his as I try hard to keep my voice under control.
MC: They said that there are still a lot of toxic substances left in my body from the poisonous fog of the Hunter Game, and that it needs to be disposed of cleanly.
Victor: Nonsense.
Victor: So you....
MC: Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I’m not dim-witted to let them manipulate me.
I hastily rush to explain before Victor can ask a question.
MC: I also felt that something was odd. So I noted down the dosage of medicine each time.
MC: Afterwards, as soon as we get out, I’ll ask the BS research department to look into it.
MC: And so far, I don’t seem to have experienced anything out of sorts.
I squeeze Victor’s palm in secret.
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MC: Victor, you don’t need to worry about me. On the contrary, you must be careful with the NW’s people.
I raise my head to look at the back of the man in front of me. His tall figure completely envelopes me, as though he’s ready to charge and break through the battle for me at any given moment.
He is still silent, and I don’t know if he has believed my words or not. When I try to open my mouth to call out to him, I feel him turning over my hand again.
The scar left on the palm of my hand while smashing the stone tablet is delicately rubbed by his palm. Feeling a little itchy, I simply take hold of his fingers.
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MC: This is fine too. They’ve already turned to scabs.
MC: You’ve to trust my speed of recovery. This little injury will heal completely very soon.
An extremely soft sigh falls into my ears, and Victor finally turns around. After looking at me fixedly for a while, he raises his hand and tucks my hair behind my ear.
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Victor: Dummy. Why do you always leave yourself riddled with scars?
MC: I don’t....
I lift my eyes to meet his gaze. The cold light outlines his edges and contours distinctly, and only then do I find that he seems to have lost weight.
I don’t know why, those images that came pouring into my brain that night flashes through my mind––
Under Victor’s pale complexion, his lips were purple, and yet he didn’t timidly retreat in the slightest amount or degree.
That face gradually overlaps with the person before my eyes, and the rims of my eyes feel somewhat burning hot.
My intuition tells me that Victor certainly is concealing something from me, but perhaps now is not the time to ask questions.
I can’t help but lower my eyes, and sigh as I speak in a low voice.
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MC: ....definitely it’s the person who doesn’t say anything– is more stupid.
Victor: What are you whispering about again?
MC: I was saying, you don’t even know how solid that stone tablet was. It took me quite a while in succeeding to smash it.
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Victor: How could I not know?
A faint smile surges in those pair of calm eyes. Victor’s voice is a little hoarse as he speaks, but his tone is extraordinarily tender.
Victor cups my both hands, lowers his head, and softly blows on the wounds and bruises that have already formed into scabs.
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His expression is tender and sincere. His thick eyelashes cast two shadows under his eyes, stirring softly along with each breath.
Warm lips seem to brush against my palm imperceptibly, and I can’t help curling my fingertips, a wave of numbness whirling over the bottom of my heart.
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Victor: You’re right. It’s not you who’s stupid.
He lifts his eyes, and stares at me with a deep gaze, as earnestly as if he is making a solemn promise.
Victor: MC, wait for me for a few more days.
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MC: Okay.
Even if there are many questions in my heart, I still don’t hesitate to answer.
Victor brushes the top of my head, and leaves directly afterwards, and the two NW team members tacitly follow closely behind him.
MC: [confused] .....
I seem to surmise something in hindsight.
Could it be that these two NW team members deliberately “turned a blind eye?”
Although it was an impulsive act of mine to block Victor’s path, but he didn’t appear to be making any secret of it in the least. Could it be that these two NW team members are his people?
Thinking of this, I loosen my breath a little. Perhaps, my worries are unnecessary.
After all, he is Victor. The Victor who is able to devise battle plan in a tent no matter what or how the situation is.
I slowly clench the palm of my hand, trying to firmly hold onto the warmth and strength that rests there.
Late at night, a sudden explosion occurs, all the doors to the prison cells open. Terrible sounds of cries, pain, panic-- break out and lights go off. MC decides this is her best opportunity to be with Victor, and starts running to find him first.
Amid the darkness and chaos, she is suddenly pulled into a deep embrace and instantly realizes Victor was looking for her too.
After settling down a bit, Victor explains the escape plan, and things go as expected, but at a certain point– MC suddenly wants to look if the CORE related laboratory she saw in her memories is true or not.
While she recognizes it’s an impulsive move now and is afraid they don’t have time, Victor assures that they have 30 minutes before getting out of here. As they follow the route from MC’s memory, they truly find the laboratory and CORE related documents, and the test subject was MC herself.
They suddenly realize that a researcher is hiding in the corner and observing them. They pretend to threaten him and get out the truth from him. However, he suddenly makes an unexpected movement.
MC instantly remembers from her memories that there is an alarm button which the researcher is planning to push, enabling Victor to stop him on time.
The researcher gets startled, and asks MC about how she knew about this. However, MC’s brain right now is immersed in a complete different thought:
♫ Music in this section: [Long Dream]  ♫
I slowly open my mouth, my chaotic train of thoughts gradually becoming clear––
Those images that I’ve seen are all real, the laboratory is real, the alarm button is real....
Victor in the interrogation room is also real.
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Feeling Victor’s gaze on me out of the corner of my eyes, an indescribable wave of sadness occupies my heart.
I look up at the person in front of me with a burst of dull ache pounding in my chest.
Those cruel scenes truly happened. When I didn’t know, Victor endured everything alone but chose to not tell me anything.
Victor, you are the dummy!
I bite my lip tightly, and try hard to calm down my emotions as I raise my hand, and snap my fingers at the researcher.
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MC: [to the researcher]  Don’t ask so many questions. Just get a good night’s sleep first.
The researcher looks a bit sluggish, and loses his consciousness very soon.
Perhaps being relieved of the danger for the time being, I quickly walk back to Victor’s side and tug on his wrist, half forcing him to face me.
I stare at him, and he also looks back at me with some astonishment.
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Victor: Why are you crying?
MC: ....crying in anger.
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Victor: ....
MC: Victor, I know that you are very strong, and that you can confidently undertake any decision or risk.
MC: But don’t underestimate me either. I can be very strong too.
MC: I may not be able to catch up with your footsteps so quickly, but I’ll still keep running. I’ll try very hard with all my might.
MC: I don’t want to be a dummy who doesn’t know anything, nor am I so vulnerable that I can only stay inside your harbor.
MC: So, trust me a little more too, just like I’ve always trusted you.
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I make the statement in all righteousness. He lowers his head as he listens earnestly to my words. So much so that, he even laughs softly for a bit.
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MC: I’m very serious. Why are you still laughing!
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Victor: In that case, want me to pull a long face like you?
Accompanied by a slight sigh, he suddenly stretches out his hands, and gently takes me into his arms.
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Victor: Although the process has been a bit torturous, but the outcome of some things are more important.
MC: No, it’s not.
MC: To me, neither the process nor the outcome is important. Neither the next second nor the last second is important.
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MC: You’re the only one, who is the most important.
MC: So, aside from me, you must also store the words I’ve said in your heart.
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Victor: So, aside from you, I must also store the words you’ve said in my heart?
To my surprise, he slowly repeats my words once again.
MC: ....That’s right!
MC: No, put me backward in the line. But my words––
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Victor: Got it.
Victor: Anyway, the human heart is very large. There’s sufficient space to store everything within it.
Warm finger pads rest close to my cheek, gently wiping away the moisture from the rims of my eyes.
Victor: Now we only have fifteen minutes left. Are you going to stand here looking silly and keep crying, or are you going to walk with me?
I sniffle, and withdraw from his arms.
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MC: We walk!
Victor breaks into a laughter, picks up that report, and pulls me along as we leave the laboratory at a fast pace.
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I’m really really really sorry if you felt confused while reading the snippets, because I didn’t delve into the details, and I did leave out many important information needed to understand what’s happening, and of course the chapter is very long and a loads of stuffs happen, what I shared is a clip worth 5 minutes LOL. Unfortunately, I can’t get on with the translation until my exam ends in November... Hopefully after that, I will be able to do it with all the freedom in the world! (*´ω`*)
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link4eva · 3 years
Kiro’s S2 Growing Troubles Company Project Translation [CN]
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Hey! This is a continuation of Kiro’s Season 2 Campus Youth Company project which you can read here!
This translation was done through the power of Google Translate.
This translation contains spoilers for content that has not yet been released to the ENG. If you wish to not be spoiled then please don’t look below the cut.
*Spoilers below for future content!*
[Stage 1]
Kiro: MC, did you see the notice that Teacher Huang posted in Moments? 
MC: What notice?
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Kiro: Summer camp, the whole class together…. I really want to go. 
MC: I also want to go…. Sketching in the village at the foot of the mountain to escape the summer heat sounds very pleasant.
The director who came to participate in the pre-launch preparations of the film just stepped into the conference room and undoubtedly overheard our conversation.
Director: Do you mean the class that you re-lived high school with before?
MC: Well, Teacher Huang was the headteacher at the time, and we were just discussing their summer camp.
Director: Summer camp? It sounds too student-like.
Director: Anyway, there is still a while before that happens, so go if you want and take advantage of the time off to rest as soon as possible. And….
She thought about it for a moment and then gave us a smile.
Director: If this summer camp experience can be filmed, it will be good promotional material after the movie airs.
I met Kiro’s eyes and have already made a decision.
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Kiro: Let me ask Teacher Huang first if we can participate. 
Kiro fiddled with his phone, typing and sending messages. I didn’t know how long he was going to be typing for so I leaned in to take a look….
It takes up more than a dozen lines of the text box.
After a while, Teacher Huang sent a voice message.
Teacher Huang: Of course, you’re very welcome to join us. Although you and MC spent only a short amount of time with us, you are still members of the class.
Teacher Huang: I will send you a registration form in a moment, you just have to fill it out and give it to me. The students would be very happy if they heard the news.
Kiro looked at me with a “yeah”, sent a thank-you reply, and when he raised his head again, he had a bright smile on his face.
On the day of departure, Kiro and I arrived at the designated place early to wait for the bus to arrive. *Changed some wording*
The departure time was set at 7 o’clock in the morning, but even still with it being midsummer, the sun was so fierce that people couldn’t open their eyes.
As I looked at the road, I put my hand on my forehead to block the sun. Kiro opened up his suitcase and put his fisherman’s hat on top of my head.
I turned my head and was about to talk to him when a blue and white bus had approached us and was slowing down.
Kiro greeted him as soon as he saw the bus number!
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Kiro: 8516, it’s this one! 
When the bus stopped, he immediately took my suitcase and walked to the outside of the bus, put both suitcases into the storage, and stepped onto the bus.
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Kiro: S-urprise! 
The students inside saw us getting on the bus, and at first, there was no reaction, and then burst into applause and cheers-- *Changed some wording*
Classmates: Kiro!
Classmates: Oh my God, are you coming?!
Kiro: Hey, long time no see~ Happy summer everyone~
Kiro: Teacher Huang said that this summer camp is a group activity that the whole class must participate in, and I can’t be absent of course.
Mr. Huang, who was sitting at the front, stood up and dragged Kiro and me onto the bus.
Teacher Huang: Kiro and MC, find a place to sit down and fasten your seatbelts.
Teacher Huang: Okay students,  now the whole class is here. I announce the official opening of the 3rd summer camp. *I think it was supposed to be “3rd” but I’m not entirely sure*
[Stage 2]
The itinerary of the summer camp is quite packed.
Occasionally, we would go up the mountain to sketch and take pictures with our classmates. We would also occasionally go to town to shoot some material for the film advertisements. 
By the third day, Kiro and I had collected a whole 5G’s worth of vlog material. Kiro was very satisfied with the results of this trip.
Kiro: After the fifteen-day summer camp is over, maybe I can go back to sort out the material and edit. *Changed some wording*
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Kiro: By the way, are there any arrangements for the afternoon, or are we going up the mountain with them? 
Kiro and I were talking and walking to the door of the homestay. We ran into a few classmates, who we were closer to, sitting in the corner and whispering amongst each other. *Changed some wording*
Kiro glanced at me and leaned forward curiously.
Kiro: What cake? Are you talking about who has a birthday?
Classmate A: Hush! I’m staying in the same room with Shu Shu, and I happened to see her birthday when I checked it, which is today.
Classmate A: And it’s her eighteenth birthday this year, which is very important. We just want to give her a simple celebration.
Classmate B: We just took a look and there isn’t a store that delivers. So, we want to take a taxi into town and order the cake there.
MC: ….But if you leave now, you will definitely be late. Teacher Huang also arranged for the seniors in the village to tell you about folk tales.
Kiro took on this task, almost without thinking.
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Kiro: It’s okay, the two of us can go buy cakes. 
Kiro: We visited the town a couple of days ago so we’re familiar with the route. Just leave it to us, you can go to class with peace of mind.
I also nodded and quickly agreed.
MC: We can also buy some decorative ribbons and balloons so that it will have a somewhat celebratory atmosphere.
Before they could say anything, we waved to them.
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MC: Leave it to us~ Let’s keep in touch and call me if you need anything! 
(At the Cake Shop)
Shopkeeper: Our cake bases are all freshly made so you two will have to wait a while.
Shopkeeper: The cake you order is relatively big. In addition to writing “Happy Birthday” on it, you can also write 1-2 blessings.
As the shopkeeper said this, he took out a pen and paper and gave it to us.
Shopkeeper: Write the blessing on the paper and then I’ll take it to the pastry chef.
Kiro: Okay~ Let’s think about it first.
Kiro took the pen and paper and sat down with me in the corner of the cake shop by the window.
Kiro: What would be the best blessing to write to an eighteen-year-old birthday star….
MC: It’s a bit difficult, so let’s change our mindset. What did you want most when you were eighteen?
Kiro put the pen cap on his forehead and thought about it for a while.
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Kiro: I didn’t think too much about what I wanted “most”. There were already a lot of things going on at the time, and there was no time to stop and think about it. 
Kiro: What about you, what did you want when you were eighteen?
MC: I didn’t really have anything specific either, it’s just that there is a feeling that it’s important to get through each day one by one.
MC: Hope that from this day on, life will change something. I hope that from this day on, nothing will change in my life. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: That’s it.
Kiro looked at the crowd coming and going outside the window. After a while, he took off the pen cap and seemed to have an idea. 
[Stage 3]
That night, when they came back from the mountain, Kiro and I had already decorated the living room with balloons and flowers.
The owner of the hotel kindly gave us several large boxes of Coke. The red cans filled the long table and made up the words “Happy Birthday”.
Shu Shu’s eyes were covered by someone from behind as she was led step by step.
When everyone arrived, the student who was covering her eyes, released his hand. She opened her eyes bit by bit and saw the lively surprise in front of her.
She was at a loss for a while as she covered her eyes in surprise and laughed twice, her eyes welled up as if she was holding back tears.
Shu Shu: Haha I knew it!
Shu Shu: Damn, you secretly planned a surprise birthday party…. Originally, I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to cause you trouble.
Kiro took out the cake from the refrigerator and put it on the table carefully.
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Kiro: The eighteenth birthday is very important, so it should be celebrated! 
I drew two tissues from the tissue box on the table and wiped her tears.
MC: The birthday star can’t shed tears today, wipe them quickly and prepare to blow out the candles to make a wish.
When Shu Shu took the tissue, she smiled at me with tears in her eyes and took my hand. *Changed some wording*
Shu Shu: I’m overwhelmed with emotions right now. *Changed some wording*
Shu Shu: I actually didn’t plan to celebrate my eighteenth birthday. Growing up is a very important thing. Am I not ready yet?....
Shu Shu: Say it out, don’t laugh at me. *Changed some wording*
I couldn’t help touching her head and using the remaining tissue in my hand to wipe off the two teardrops on her face.
MC: You don’t have to think so seriously….
I winked at Kiro, and he quickly leaned over, putting on a brilliant smile to comfort Shu Shu.
Kiro: It doesn’t matter, it’s normal to have such thoughts.
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Kiro: I have had similar thoughts before. I think it must be very hard to grow up. It is necessary to face all kinds of challenges in this world alone…. 
Kiro: No longer can I be carefree like a child.
Shu Shu was obviously touched by Kiro’s words. She nodded to Kiro with affirmation in her eyes, waiting for him to continue.
Kiro: But actually, did you know that growing up is more fun than being a child?
The dozen or so pairs of eyes in the living room were all looking at Kiro. It seemed that they were all confused, but they didn’t say the same as Shu Shu. 
They all seemed to want to hear the answer to the question from Kiro’s mouth.
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Kiro: No matter how carefree life was when I was young, I always lived within the limits of freedom given by adults. 
Kiro: Only when we take that step into adulthood, the door to exploring the world is officially opened to us. The most intuitive is the freedom to control time and money. 
Kiro: You can book plane tickets at any time for an impromptu trip, and you can lie down on a comfortable bed for a whole day.
Kiro: You can earn money to buy things you like, and fill the refrigerator with your favourite drinks and snacks.
While talking, Kiro and I looked at each other.
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Kiro: You can also confess openly to the person you like, and walk openly while holding hands on the street. 
I nodded my head, knowingly. Instead, he patted Shu Shu on the shoulder and continued to encourage her with a smile. 
Kiro: So don’t worry, if you blow out the eighteenth birthday candle, you won’t become a boring adult in an instant.
Kiro: Look at me, I have liked playing music and games since I was a child. Even now, I still play music and games in the same way.
Kiro: Believe me, you can freely choose your lifestyle and like it too.
[Stage 4]
Seeing the thoughtful expressions of my classmates, I couldn’t help but blend into the atmosphere.
MC: Do you have plans for what you want to do in adulthood?
MC: When I was a child, I always thought that I must go to an idol concert after work and buy tickets for the first row.
There was a burst of laughter from all around, and the students chimed in one by one.
Classmate A: I just want to have the freedom to drink milk tea. My mother said that milk tea is junk food and never allows me to drink it. I want to drink milk tea in my dreams. *This kid’s a big mood lol*
Classmate B: I want to own a cat. My parents don’t like pets, especially my mother, who dislikes cats that shed hair. I said I would clean up after them myself, but she still refuses.
Classmate B: Once I start working, I will move out and adopt a stray cat.
Classmate C: My parents are very supportive of me. They agree on whatever I want, so I want to be independent early on, find a better job, and earn money to be filial to them.
They talked enthusiastically, drawing up a blueprint to be fulfilled in the future.
In the middle of the conversations, the stars in the mountains are all bright, vying to flash the most dazzling light in the Milky Way.
I quietly approached Kiro and sighed softly.
MC: Eighteen is a very beautiful age.
MC: It’s great to have hopes and dreams in my heart.
Kiro smiled at me with his arms folded and his head tilted happily.
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Kiro: What are you talking about, MC? Every age is like this, and the age with hopes and dreams is not only eighteen. 
I accepted his smile knowingly, opened the cake box with him, and put Shu Shu’s birthday candles on top.
Kiro: Come on, let’s get back to the task at hand. Turn off the lights--
As I lighted the candles, the classmates also stopped talking and sang a happy birthday song in unison.
Classmates: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you….
MC: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~
Kiro: Come and make a wish.
Shu Shu was pushed to the front by everyone, there were tears in her eyes and an uncontrollable smile, her hands were folded to her chest.
Shu Shu: Shall we make a wish together?
This proposal was approved by everyone, Kiro and I were also pushed towards the cake.
The light of the candles flickered in the darkness, reflected in everyone’s eyes, and then slowly, they closed their eyes one after another.
I secretly looked at Kiro, and under the dim light, he opened his eyes and stared seriously at every face present.
Perhaps the subject of “youth” and “growth” has a new meaning in his mind.
After some exploration, it will become his superb performance in the movie.
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Kiro: Shu Shu, can you blow the candles? 
Kiro asked softly, his eyes fell on a line of blessings on the cake-- Listen to the inner voice and move forward freely.
[Stage 5]
The night before we left the town, Kiro took me to take a walk outside as a final farewell to this summer camp.
Involuntarily, we talked about the confusion of the students about “growth”.
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Kiro: In fact, growing up is not terrible, but the journey of facing the unknown is terrifying. 
Kiro: When I first made a movie, I was also very nervous. Everyone on the set seemed to be very experienced and skilled. Only I was a novice.
Kiro: I often couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, and I kept thinking about what to do the next day in my head-- not deliberately, but uncontrollable.
Kiro: Every time that I feel I can’t do it, I just bite the bullet and move forward.
He raised his head, letting the evening breeze in the mountains ruffle his bangs, his eyes looking towards the night were clearer than the blue in the sky.
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Kiro: Haha, if you tell the kids this kind of thing, they might feel more scared. 
Kiro: But the process is not scary at all.
Kiro: When I look back, I will only find it difficult, but it’s nothing.
He said, turning his head to see the road we have travelled.
Kiro: As it is now, I walked a long way without knowing it.
My heart was filled with the tranquillity of the night, I breathed in the fresh air and stretched out my arms.
MC: And-- There are always beautiful scenes along the road, which makes people forget the tediousness of going forward.
I lowered my eyes and looked at him with a chuckle.
MC: Maybe there will be a very interesting person who can walk with him.
I stopped and stretched out my hand to hold Kiro’s sleeve.
MC: I’ve been thinking these two days, there really isn’t a single moment when we will suddenly change from children to adults….
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MC: Like me, I often forget that I am already an adult, and people around me often complain about me, just like a small child. 
MC: Maybe it’s because someone has been tolerating me….
MC: No matter what wild ideas I have, he will agree with me, understand me, and support me unconditionally.
MC: Surrounded by this kind of love, I may never be able to become an adult.
Kiro was taken aback and then curled the corners of his mouth, smiling gently at me in the quiet summer night.
Kiro: Who said so? *This line came out kinda wonky so I hope this is right*
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Kiro: I have the people who support me the most, understand me the best, and tolerate me in every possible way, making me feel that I can do whatever I want. 
Kiro: Often more capricious than children, and often makes me feel lucky.
Kiro: --The world of an adult is wonderful, and the world of a child is very happy.
He stepped forward and I saw the stars, the moon, and the mountains reflected in his eyes as well as myself in between.
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Kiro: And I can have two worlds at the same time. 
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Season 2 Gavin and MC’s High School History- Detailed Timeline
I’ve updated a bit on the Season 1 Timeline for things that I didn’t discovered yet at the time, so if you want to be all up to date on their history in Season 1, please read that post first before carrying on to this one! :) And yes, lots and lots of spoilers! Please don’t read if you won’t want to be spoiled on future content.
Details from Season 1 were applied accordingly to Season 2 as most things have stayed the same in terms of the timing and events that have occurred. However, in Season 2, we can see how MC has taken initiative and changed some things about her and Gavin’s high school past together. 
This is a timeline following the years of high school that MC and Gavin had together. Compiled of dates, rumours and secrets, calls, texts, and other. The source will be shown allocated to its corresponding sentence. If there is anything you need clarification on, or if you would like to add anything in, feel free to send a post/ask or just comment and I’ll try to incorporate and adjust accordingly! Based off of true correspondence of the Chinese education system in Shanghai, where the schools there are very strict, with specific responsibilities and events students must have and attend to. In addition, this is different from Western school systems where years 7-9 are in a seperate schools from years 10-12 before university. Dates and seasons mentioned will also be noted as accurately as possible to suit the Loveland storyline in which different events occurred. 
“Would I be able to change the ending if I could meet him earlier? If I could enter his life in an earlier time?”
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Gavin enters high school.
MC and Minor enter high school. She ties her hair in a ponytail again.
Gavin is a grade above her. He is in his last year of high school.
Late Autumn of October 2010
“When I was fifteen, the rain was just like this. Seventeen year old Gavin crossed the curtain of rain, and the school jacket he had placed on me carried the scent of an inexperienced youth.”
On a rainy first day of school, Gavin helps Mr Keller move the tables and chairs in the classroom. 
Without taking an umbrella, Gavin leaves. 
At the same time, MC saves a cat in the rain with her handkerchief, attempting to shield it from the incoming rain under a roof. She gives it a nice ham sausage.
Gavin watches her from a distance. 
She turns and smiles at Gavin. [S2 Chapter 2]
Gavin shelters her with his jacket. He runs away before MC could do anything more. Now, from the memories from Season 1, she now knows in disbelief and in joy that Gavin really was the one who gave her his jacket. 
MC is found by another student, who asks about the jacket. MC says that it belonged to a kind student. 
She picks up the cat and leaves with her classmate. 
The student continues to say that since it’s someone from school, she’ll surely encounter them again. 
MC agrees. [CN S2 Throbbing Date]
MC, now 16 years old, in her spare time plays and sings to Liszt’s Liebestraum No. 3 (Love Dream) for a talent show.
At the rooftop, Gavin is wounded by a gangster’s knife. A gradually intensifying melody is heard. 
Gavin kicks the gangster boss but then is pursued again. Outnumbered, wounded and losing consciousness due to major blood loss, the gangster boss kicks Gavin off the roof. 
A heavy, surging melody sounded, transcending through time and allows Gavin to reflect on his past- to his father, to his late mother, and invokes deep reflection and epiphanies. 
Heavy notes seep in Gavin’s ears as he almost hits ground zero. He feels his limbs emerging with the wind, and awakens his wind evol. 
Gavin is now reborn.
The music continued to play. Gavin ends up humming with a bird. Gavin hears MC’s singing.
MC stops, mesmerised by the ginkgo leaves flying through the wind. She knows this was the moment when she had saved Gavin.
Gavin vows to protect her for the rest of his life. [CN S2 Tempering- Rumours and Secrets]
Gavin saved Minor from bullies. 
Minor also happens to be MC’s outgoing, talkative desk-mate who sometimes helped old ladies cross the street. How he managed to hang around Gavin and not get beaten up, nobody knew (except us).
Gavin is always at the school gates at 7:30am. Carrying his flat school bag, he orders fish balls at the snack kiosk on the north side of the school. It was the third day in a row that Minor noticed. 
Yes, Gavin still loves fish balls. [CN S2 Chapter 9]
Gavin saves Minor from bullies again. Minor dedicates himself to be his “bro”. 
Minor idly mentions that more people were giving MC love letters.
Gavin tells Minor to collect all the people who were planning to confess their love to MC. 
Minor doesn’t want to be wingman anymore HAHA
Gavin stared those boys down as they trembled with fear. He tells them to take them back and if they scare her, he’ll make them regret it. 
Minor realises Gavin’s feelings for MC. 
MC looks for Gavin but struggles since he’s rarely at school in this world too.
MC still hears about him as the “frightening school bully”. She recalls the warning- “your unintentional actions may lead to irretrievable consequences.”
She hears gossip about Gavin collecting protection money.
MC defends Gavin by questioning whether they had evidence of his actions.
Minor cuts into MC’s side of the argument, claiming that Gavin had saved him from bullies outside of school in the infamous mention of a 1v10 fight.  
A student asks MC if he could copy her homework. She refuses. 
MC, thinking of her good future subordinate Minor, gives him her homework instead. 
Minor acts a little suspicious before MC heads off to find Gavin. 
She walks to the senior hallways and stops in front of a self-revision classroom to find Gavin sleeping.
A teacher finds MC and asks her to come with them to get the new music score for a future orchestra performance. 
MC with a heavy heart, looks back at Gavin before she leaves.
Gavin waits at the music rehearsal room on the fifth floor with strawberry milk.
Gavin thinks that if MC wouldn’t arrive now, then she probably wouldn't arrive at all. 
He leaps out of the window onto a nearby tree and onto the floor but encounters MC, who drops her music sheets at the sight of him. 
Gavin wonders if she’s afraid of him.
Actually, MC struggles to come up with an opening line from the overwhelm of happiness. 
Gavin helps pick her sheets up and returns them.
He announces that he’s leaving coldly, and disappears before MC could chase him. 
She wonders why Gavin always runs at the sight of her. 
MC returns to the music room only to find strawberry milk placed on the piano bench. 
MC thinks of Gavin as she half-heartedly plays the piano. 
Gavin ends up shooting hoops.
After, MC decides to go home and passes by an alleyway, hears an uproar that captures her attention to see Minor being cornered by seniors. 
Minor unintentionally gives away MC’s position to the seniors and she has no choice but to confront them. 
Minor states that he wrote a challenge letter to the seniors not to bully others and they’ve been giving him trouble everyday. 
MC sighs and apologises to Gavin in her mind as she uses his name to stop the seniors from advancing on them. 
She states that they were protected by someone- that someone being Gavin.
Minor asks MC if she knows Gavin, and to her own discontent, ends up denying knowing him personally. 
The seniors don’t buy it, and start cornering them further against a wall, leading MC to no choice but choosing the option to use her Evol for them to escape. 
The seniors mock her, and state that even if Gavin does come, he’ll get beaten up too.
Alas! Gavin appears with his fabulous opening line of intrusion- “is that so?” 
Gavin slams the basketball which lands directly against the head of one of the seniors.
Gavin almost chokes as his eyes sets on MC. He silently blocks her from the front against the others. 
Minor exclaims in his delight to Gavin’s annoyance, who evades his hug. 
The seniors back up, but Gavin is already in pursuit. 
They banter some more. Gavin takes off his jacket- (oh, now it’s getting serious!!)
Gavin retrieves a baseball bat from one of them and then calls for help.
MC takes the bat to cover his blind spots.
Gavin is surprised and states that he directed his statement earlier towards Minor, not MC. MC says that she can help too. 
The danger and adrenaline that MC feels fills her with hope that this meant that she could meet Gavin earlier, rather than later in Season 1. 
Gavin gives no room for her to strike, realising that Minor wasn’t exaggerating when he said “1v10”.
Minor is unfortunately beaten up. 
One of my favourite Gavin scenes of Season 2- 
Gavin: The next time you see her, you better hide far away. 
Gangster: Bro Gavin, she came to us first…
Gavin: Then you better hide even further away.
Gavin subconsciously glances towards the worried-looking girl, not realising that his tone is downright fierce and frightening. 
Gavin: Remember. She’s under my protection.
Minor treats Gavin and MC to noodles at Lynn’s Kitchen. 
Minor offers his seat to MC to sit next to Gavin, but Gavin ends up sitting next to him anyway. 
MC orders her bowl of beef noodles with soft-boiled egg, with no coriander. 
MC realises that she might have sounded too overly familiar with the restaurant and asks what Minor recommends, but directs the conversation to Gavin, stating that he is a regular. 
Mr Noah states that it’s the first time Gavin is with MC. Minor teases them that maybe next time they’ll come together. 
While Minor rambles on about MC’s heroism, she takes a peek at Gavin, who looks completely unaffected by his injuries. 
After they finish their noodles, it’s already nightfall and Minor dashes off to leave the two alone. 
Gavin offers to send MC home. MC agrees, not wanting to let Gavin to change his mind. 
MC is extremely joyful that Gavin is with her again. 
She struggles to keep up with him and his long legs as they walk. Gavin adjusts his pace for her. 
MC stops at a drugstore to purchase medical supplies.
Gavin is stunned and reluctantly lets her treat his wounds as a “thank you” gift. 
Gavin tells her that she doesn't need to worry about the seniors, and that she doesn't need to listen to what Minor says. 
MC confusingly states that Minor hasn’t said anything. Gavin’s expression stiffens from the response.
The bus to take MC home arrives and they bid each other farewell.
Gavin stands at the bus stop and doesn’t leave, his eyes passing through the windows to fall on MC. 
MC finds determination, hope and gratefulness that she was able to meet Gavin again, that none of them came late (reference to the goodbye in Chapter 37) and takes their renewed destiny in her own hands again.
She dashes to the entrance of the bus and calls out his name. 
He freezes and allows her to continue. 
MC tells him her name, that he’s welcome to listen to her piano playing next time, and that she’s very happy to meet him. [CN S2 Throbbing date]
Gavin and MC bump into each other at the school gate.
Minor is requested to take a photo of her on Gavin’s phone. (This correlates to CN Ashes and S2 Tempering Rumours and Secrets, where the photo is seen to be tainted with blood.)
MC leaves a post-it note at Lynn’s Kitchen, “I might never see you again and I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I miss you”, about a friend who transferred schools.
Gavin knows she hates people who leave without saying goodbye the most.
Gavin, also in the vicinity near Lynn’s Kitchen, writes a post note. “Until I met you.” [CN S2 Reunited Yesterday Rumours and Secrets]
Gavin stares at MC from another classroom behind the window.
She stretches, peering outside to look at Gavin, who turned his head away.
She feels disappointed but still looks at him longingly then snickers.
MC is still warned not to get close to him.
Gavin constantly sits on a ginkgo tree with his eyes closed during the late Autumn, listening to MC's gentle piano playing.
Meanwhile, MC would peek at him in secret with a smile.
Though, their gazes never met. [S2 Chapter 19]
Summer of June-July 2011
MC is currently in a class. Gavin is seen running from the window. MC can clearly see his eyes, direct and candid. [S2 Chapter 2]
They occasionally go to Lynn’s Kitchen together. 
Gavin orders his spicy noodles, with garlic, cilantro and thinly sliced beef. 
He comes up with excuses to stay with MC for longer, such as tying his shoelaces or pretending that he didn’t have an umbrella on rainy days. “They all were,” he says.
Gavin is still profoundly known as the “school tyrant”. 
But in his heart knows and is grateful that MC is unafraid of him.
Gavin would listen to MC play piano for him in the music room. 
She’s happy that all her memories of high school weren’t all about exams and studying- that Gavin would play a big part of her high school youth days.  
Before graduation, Gavin’s father expresses his thoughts for Gavin to join the organisation for special training. Gavin refuses, but his father uses MC to influence him to agree. 
Gavin in his short period of freedom writes a letter to MC. He ponders about what to say on the wet piece of paper, thinking about their first encounter, and how she close and unafraid she was to him. (This opposes to Season 1, where he would think about how she started to distance herself, and all the “what-ifs”.)
All he wrote was- 
“Saturday 9am, I will be at the school library waiting for you.  - Gavin.”
Gavin finishes a fight with other boys from school in an alley after they talk inappropriately about MC. 
Gavin, bloodied and bruised, asks Minor to make another copy of his letter. 
Minor thinks the letter is a symbol of passion and fierce love more due to the blood stains and decides to keep the original. 
He writes “GAVIN” and places it on MC’s desk.
Gavin leaves school before the arranged time he wrote on the letter. 
She hears that Minor had left a bloodstained letter on her desk and thought it was a threatening letter, so no one dared to go near it.
By the time she went back to the classroom, the letter was gone.
MC searches for the letter for a long time. She feels powerless that she wasn’t able to find it this time.
Gavin had already left before the scheduled time. (*cries*)
MC frequently visits Lynn’s Kitchen like how she used to with Gavin. 
She sits at Gavin’s seat and orders his favourite beef noodles with extra chilli, even though she can’t handle the can’t handle spice as well as him. 
She still is unsure why Gavin left school so suddenly- that this was something that somehow still couldn’t be changed. 
But she knows one day, they’ll meet again.
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Gavin: I don’t know why, but I suddenly thought of you.
His gaze, from afar off, slowly drifts to my face.
Gavin: At that time, I was thinking…
Gavin: “What are you doing right now”?
The large fire scorches incessantly. Once again, he seems to sweep away all the regrets in my heart plainly and simply.
Gavin lifts his hand, rubbing his palm along a lock of my hair.
Gavin: All those things aren’t important anymore. The important thing is that we’ve met again.
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
【MLQC CN】Season 2 Chapters 6-10 PV (with Eng Sub) |【恋与制作人】第二季第6-10章PV (附英文字幕)
I haven’t been doing subtitled videos for a while now but I managed to squeeze a bit of time out today to do this. 
This PV seems reminiscent of Chapter 18, so the angst lover in me is rejoicing.
The usual instructions/disclaimers to all my other subbed videos apply. 
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Hello! Just wanted to say thank you for all the translation of MLQC content (especially Gavin). I fell into a deep hole of MLQC by binging your translation. Just wondering what’s your perspective or analysis on the dynamic/relationship between S2 Gavin and mc. Are they friends just working together but obviously there’s something between them? Since S2 where they’re more mature and on the same wavelength
Hello Anon~ May you enjoy your stay in the deep and cosy hole of MLQC ヽ(・∀・)ノ 
🍒 S2 spoilers under the cut 🍒
Short answer: As of Ch 17, I’d describe their relationship as old friends who have complete trust in each other, and will protect each other with their lives. Also, Gavin has a crush on her.
Long answer:
1. Old Friends and Gavin’s crush
It’s strongly hinted that Gavin has feelings for MC, both as a teenager and as an adult! 
While MC gets flustered by him (e.g. shooting game in Ch 9) and cares deeply for him, I’d say that the crush is more one-sided on Gavin’s part.
Papergames wouldn’t want to step on any toes by making it seem as though MC is inclined towards a particular love interest unless it’s in a split chapter or a date!
In Throbbing Date, baby Gavin secretly bought her strawberry milk and said he'd protect her 🥺 THIS BOY DEFINITELY HAD A CRUSH AS A TEENAGER.
Despite how the writers tried to mislead us multiple times from the karmas that adult Gavin and MC are adversaries given their respective organisations, it’s crystal clear that Gavin doesn’t view her as one. Amongst other things, he:
gave her a ginkgo bracelet in Ch 1
was open to letting her listen in on his call in Ch 2
asked her for assistance in an interrogation in Ch 9
said he’d always protect her in Ch 9
unconsciously drifted to her house at one of his lowest points in Ch 11
gave MC his oxygen concentrator in Ch 16
was only vulnerable around her in Ch 16
The question here is whether he’s treating her simply an old friend or if he likes her romantically. 
I’ve done an analysis on their early dynamics here which describes how Gavin has a soft spot for MC even when he appears guarded. When we see their banter in [R&S - Reunited Yesterday], he seems to treat her more like an old friend. 
But we later on, it’s evident that Gavin’s feelings do extend beyond mere friendship.
In Chapter 2, Gavin prohibited Tang Chao from making physical contact with MC.
In STF Filming Project, Gavin was visibly jealous when MC mentioned “a very kind person” i.e. S1 Gavin.
In Chapter 9, Gavin went into blush mode just because they shared his jacket underneath the rain.
In Chapter 11, MC asked why Gavin chose her to work with him in such a dangerous operation. Gavin hinted that it was because the people keeping an eye on him knew how important she is to him:
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Gavin: Cough. Under these circumstances, the person I’d want to involve least in this matter… Without a doubt, that person would definitely be you.
2. Complete trust in each other
Gavin’s trust in MC can be seen in most of the bullet points stated above. 
As for MC’s trust in Gavin, she:
was relieved that Gavin was handling the investigation of Kiro’s incident in Ch 2
was not fearful at all when they were surrounded by flames in Ch 2
expressed how much she trusted him in the rain in Ch 11
let herself fall off a rooftop, knowing he’d catch her in time at the end of Ch 11
3. They protect each other
There are so many instances of them protecting each other in Season 2!
Notable Instance 1: Throbbing Date
I let out a faint sigh, slanting my umbrella towards the kitten next to me.
And then:
A shadow suddenly cloaks me from above. When I lift my head in shock, a large and warm school jacket covers me, including my head.
This scene is especially significant if we contrast this with the way they met in S1. Back then, MC covered the kitten with a handkerchief. 
Just as an umbrella is more durable than a handkerchief, MC is more courageous in S2 as compared to S1. Even so, Gavin still steps in anyway, protecting her with whatever he has to offer.
Notable Instance 2: Chapter 9
But the jacket doesn’t seem to be large enough, and isn’t sufficient for two people to walk while standing side by side. After a moment of thinking, I stagger slightly, standing in front of Gavin.
Here, Gavin’s jacket isn’t enough to cover the both of them. 
Symbolically speaking, Gavin’s methods of protecting MC aren’t always enough for the both of them. In S1, he lost control of his Evol and he had no choice but to leave her side for a period of time. 
While S2 Gavin cleared MC’s name from false allegations multiple times, he didn’t even know that MC was involved in the Hunter Game till in later chapters.
So what does MC do? She stands in front of him, which is a protective stance. She works on being stronger herself, and strong enough to protect him.
As we see in later instances, they do protect each other.
Notable Instance 3: Chapter 9
Gavin: When it rains, you should keep the umbrella for yourself.
Here, Gavin is discouraging MC from getting involved in dangerous situations. As far as possible, she should protect herself first. Let’s compare this with Chapter 11.
Notable Instance 4: Chapter 11
I walk over slowly, lifting the transparent umbrella over our heads. Rainwater patters against the surface of the umbrella, becoming the only sound in this silence.
And later on:
Gavin takes the umbrella in my hand, his eyes carrying with them resoluteness and certainty.
Gavin’s a Commander who has been through field training under intense conditions. He doesn’t need an umbrella. Furthermore, the rain had already drenched him to the bone. 
In such a sorry state, there was absolutely no need for him to accept MC’s umbrella. Yet, he did.
Symbolically speaking, the acceptance of MC’s umbrella represents his acceptance of her protection. This was likely the moment when he decided to involve her in his investigations of the New Years Eve Incident.
The remaining two notable instances are self-explanatory:
Notable Instance 5: Shooting Stars Date
Gavin: Don’t worry. Since I agreed to let you come along, I have sufficient certainty that I can protect you. You won’t face any accidents.
MC: ...
Before I can say anything, the controlled “meteorites” plummet straight to the ground. I seem to hear the piercing sounds caused by the intense friction.
Gavin: Give me your hand.
Gavin offers me his hand. I stare into the depths of his eyes, neither anxiousness nor worry in my heart. There’s a courage from simply standing beside him.
MC: Okay. In that case, I’ll bind my safety to Captain Gavin. I won’t let you come to any harm either.
Notable Instance 6: The oxygen incident in Chapter 16
Just before the final wisp of oxygen leaves my chest, I halt my breathing, feeling for the portable oxygen concentrator I carried along with me.
…at the very least, Gavin has to leave this place safely.
In the dark waters, I try my best to feel for the corners of Gavin’s mouth, stuffing the portable oxygen concentrator into it.
All of a sudden, I feel the corners of my mouth being pried open by something icy cold.
MC: Mmph?!
I take a breath instinctively, but don’t get choked.
When I open my eyes, Gavin’s frantic expression crashes into my line of sight. The tips of his fingers press against my lips, and he seems to be confirming if I’m biting on the object in my mouth properly.
In the dim light, I see that the portable oxygen concentrators in our hands are on each others’ mouths.
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shinydelirium · 2 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 30: Day and Night (Kiro) Part 2 Translation [CN]
Previous translations of Season 2 Chapter 30: Part 1
Please excuse my comments/reactions (***) throughout the translations. There was so much going on in this chapter. 
[Disguise and Determination]
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In the silent car, I sat cramped in the passenger seat, occasionally sneaking peeks at Helios from the corner of my eye.
At the next turn, the scenery outside the window gradually became familiar. Seeing that I’ll be home in no time, I pursed my lips and decided to break the awkward silence.
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MC: What were you doing at GR?
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Helios: I should be asking you that.
He looked straight ahead with a blank expression on his face. I paused before speaking truthfully.
MC: I thought GR might have clues about the mechanical box so I went to investigate…
I suddenly remembered the last time when he told me to abandon those dangerous thoughts and sheepishly changed the subject.
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MC: Nevertheless, aren’t you guilty of being suspicious?
Helios: I only said that to deceive him.
Helios: I promised to help you with the investigation and I keep my word.
Helios: So until then, don’t act on your own.
There was a bit of anger in his voice but it couldn’t hide his worry.
I frowned as I looked at him. Seeing his distant profile against the backlight, my heart stung.
It seemed that every time he behaves like this, it’s to confront those with ill intentions.
It’s his disguise as well as his armor.
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MC: Are the guys in NW still after you?
He softly murmured the answer.
MC: And that’s why you’re posing as Helios?
Helios: On top of keeping out of sight, it also makes it more convenient for me to do things.
MC: So the reason they came after you…does it have something to do with that experiment video?
There was a brief silence and Helios stared at the blinking traffic light for a long time before speaking again.
Helios: They’ve been watching me for quite some time.
His hand instinctively went to his ear.
Helios: It’s just that I’m running out of patience.
My heart felt like it was being stabbed by something and the clues that I couldn’t understand before finally became clear to me.
That’s why he decided to get treatment during this time even if the method caused him so much physical pain.
He knew what he was doing and what it meant in the end.
All at once, I truly felt how powerless and frustrated I was at not being able to keep up with him.
Sunlight outlined his profile, revealing his determination and nothing seemed able to bring him down.
My mind’s made up—
I can’t leave him alone. Even if I can be of little help, just a little bit, I want to be with him.
Just when I was about to say something, my phone’s screen flashed suddenly and went black.
Before I could react, a blinking underline cursor popped up on the screen automatically typing out some letters—
What’s going on…?!
I stared wide-eyed in shock and at the same time, I heard a soft jingle beside me like some kind of signal.
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I looked up and saw Helios’ face change.
He turned the steering wheel sharply, slammed on the brakes, and stopped the car firmly on the side of the road.
Then he took out a mini computer from the back seat and started tapping on the keyboard.
I stared blankly at his nervous, stern face realizing something crucial must have happened.
I looked at my phone again, only to find that the screen had gone blank again and then a line of black letters appeared like ripples on a lake—
“I can help you.”
My fingers squeezed the phone tightly in my hand as a cold sweat broke out on my back.
Without giving me more time to think about it, the screen flickered to black again and white words appeared.
“In ten minutes, you’ll find what you’re looking for here.”
In the next second, all the words shattered into a million pieces and then started coming back together, forming a pattern.
I wanted to restart my phone but found that all the buttons weren’t working. The broken pieces continued to piece together on the screen.
Is it a new Trojan virus? Or is someone remotely controlling my phone?
I bit my lip, waiting intently for Helios to finish what he was doing and ask his opinion. Abruptly, the sound of the keyboard stopped.
A cold touch suddenly grabbed hold of my hand.
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Helios: Did you get a message?
I gave him a worried look and saw his eyes widened. Many emotions I couldn’t make out swirled in his clear eyes.
His voice was full of urgency along with some unusual restlessness which made my heart beat heavily in my chest.
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MC: …Yeah. Some strange words showed up on my phone and now it’s like this. See?
I simply recited the text on the screen just now to Helios and he took my phone with a frown. Immediately, he connected it to the computer with a USB cable.
Noticing me staring nervously at him, his fingers on the keyboard halted and his eyes sank.
Helios: I’m tracking down the IP address that sent the message.
Helios: The person using this IP…
He paused.
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Helios: Might be KEY. ***👀👀👀 KEY IN THE MAIN STORY!?!?!***
[Silent Companionship]
I watched in disbelief as Helios pursed his lips, his eyes darkening as he looked at me.
Helios: Don’t you know who that is?
MC: I…
“Aren’t you KEY?” was on the tip of my tongue but I swallowed my question and suddenly realized something.
It’s unlike him to be so nervous and anxious which meant that the person he wanted to track must be important.
I instantly remembered a lot of our conversations we had in the past. Some serious and some not. Then, it slowly dawned on me.
This KEY must be Kiro’s master.
He quietly stared at me without urging me like he didn’t care or rather he already knew the answer.
Fine light casted over his silver hair making it sparkle. I thought about it and gave a firm nod.
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MC: I do.
MC: It’s not you so it can only be your master, the previous KEY.
Helios was shocked, not expecting me to be so frank. His pupils dilated.
MC: …I’ve seen reports about KEY in my dad’s notes.
MC: There are also a lot of rumors about him in BS. Some people say…he was the one who took you away.
MC: And you mentioned him before too when we were in the hunter game.
MC: So I did my own research…
I can’t help but feel a little nervous after saying this. Although these are facts, nonetheless, I kept the real source of the information secret.
Helios: Is that all?
His voice was very soft like a whisper. He sounded unsure and it seemed like he was unwilling to ask more.
I suddenly felt a little sad but in the end I could only blink my eyes hard and gave a light hum in response.
Around the same time, the computer beeped. Helios lowered his eyes and started typing on the keyboard again.
Lines of written code from the screen reflected in his eyes, giving me a warm sense of nostalgia along with some remorse.
Helios: My master just up and disappeared without warning four years ago and I’ve been tracking his IP.
Helios: The ringtone from before was specially designed for that. Once his device is online, I’ll get a signal.
Helios: So this is my chance to track him.
He spoke calmly but his shaky fingers betrayed his urgency.
Seeing his determination, I was reminded of that time years ago when I saw him like this, never giving up when he came across the perfect opportunity.
How many times did he have to experience disappoint to be so calm and skilled like he is now?
Feeling a bitterness spreading in my heart, I quietly watched him type out code after code until the pattern on the screen gradually became clearer—
A live view of the street was displayed.
I took a closer look and my eyes widened.
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MC: There…that’s the green belt trail near my home. Why is the map marked here?
I paused trying to process my thoughts.
If the person who sent the message is really KEY, then his words must have some merit.
But he said what I was looking for would appear here. What could that be?
Then it hit me.
MC: You keep tracking down the IP. I’ll head over there and have a look!
Helios: I’ll come with you.
He pointed at the fast-moving pages of numbers on the screen, put the mini computer in his pocket, and swiftly got out of the car.
Helios: I set up automatic tracking so if anything comes up, it will be immediately locked.
Helios: He did teach me after all.
Helios: So of course, I can’t afford to mess up.
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A black box glowing with white light is suspended in the air of the green belt. The eerie image contrasts sharply against the peaceful environment.
MC: I knew it, it’s the mechanical box!
The white light recedes and I couldn’t help thinking back on the mechanical box I stumbled across on the road earlier.
The memory of being attacked flooded my mind and I shivered. After looking around, I hurriedly reached out to take it—
My wrist was pulled back and Helios pushed me behind him.
He reached out, grabbed the black box in one swoop and weighed it a few times in the palm of his hand, looking at it in deep thought.
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MC: What does it feel like?
Helios: Quite heavy, nothing special.
I hesitantly stretched my fingers to touch it but Helios suddenly lifted his hand making me trip.
MC: Don’t lift it up so high. What if someone sees it?!
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Helios: Don’t worry. There’s no one within a few hundred-meter radius. On the way here, I hacked into the city surveillance network to confirm the area.
Helios: But it’s strange. Right now, it’s too quiet for a residential community.
After he said this, I noticed that the trails are indeed vacant today.
MC: Could it have something to do with the message I received?
Helios didn’t say anything which only confirmed my suspicions.
MC: Not only did the other person knew where the mechanical box would appear but also knew that I was investigating it.
MC: Even the area was cleared especially for us.
If the other person really is KEY…is he helping me? But why? Why did he appear now of all times after going missing for so many years?
Helios frowned. Seeing him like this, I held back my unspoken questions.
All of this is happening out of nowhere and so strangely. Many doubts buzzed around in my head.
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When Helios got back inside the car, he kept staring at the computer without making a sound. I glanced at him and saw that his coiled body became even more tense.
Could it be…I had a vague idea that I didn’t dare ask out loud but his eyes still caught mine.
He looked up, his eyes flickering like a sea of starlight.
Helios: I lost the signal.
MC: …
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Helios: It’s fine. It’s not the first time.
He smiled indifferently but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Helios: Have you received this message before?
I thought hard then shook my head. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something else and met my eyes.
Helios: MC, can you leave your phone with me?
Helios: I have a feeling he’ll contact you again.
Worried that I would refuse, he added.
Helios: I promise, I won’t read anything else other than that person’s messages.
His eyes glimmered and I could see the innocence and sincerity that I was all too familiar with. My heart softened a bit and I raised my hand to smooth out his unruly hair.
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MC: I’ll give you the phone under one condition.
MC: Wherever you go, I want to be with you.
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Pushing open the door of the apartment, Helios raised his hand and pressed a switch near the door. With a beep sound, various electronic devices booted up at the same time.
MC: Is this your “secret base”?
He nodded but there was a strange look on his face.
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Helios: Have a seat, I’ll…be out in a little bit.
Before I could answer, he walked straight into a room. After a while, the door opened and velvety soft golden hair greeted me.
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As soon as we locked eyes, I could clearly see the shy and embarrassed look on Kiro’s face. ***Did he do what I think he did?!?! I wanna see him transform!!! Why do doors exist!?!?😫😫😫 ***
….At a time like this, should I act normal and pretend that nothing happened? ***No, there’s nothing normal about someone changing their hair color on the fly like that, lol***
Kiro coughed and waved the mini computer in his hand.
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Kiro [clears throat]: Give me a sec, okay? ***Lmao!!! I’m laughing because he had to clear his throat in order to go back to being “Kiro”***
I hastily nodded and he quickly started working at the coffee table. I placed a pillow in my arms and stared at his back as he became engrossed in his task. I couldn’t help but think about today’s events.
After all, KEY has no reason to help me so why is he doing this? Is it because he knew that Kiro was with me and that’s why he sent those messages to me?
But if it involves Kiro, why not contact him directly? Or is there some other reason I haven’t thought of yet? ***I’m sus. It’s not an imposter, is it?***
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Kiro: What are you thinking about?
A voice came to my ear and I came back to my senses only to find that Kiro was sitting beside me at some point.
MC: I was thinking, why did KEY contact me?
His expression froze and there was a hint of softness in his eyes.
Kiro: Honestly, I don’t know either.
Kiro: He always had this casual attitude when doing things and he tends to come and go whenever he pleases. From what I remember, he was always busy.
Kiro: Even though we lived together, I still couldn’t figure his whereabouts.
MC: Why does he sound so mysterious?
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Kiro: Nah, he wasn’t mysterious at all. Just an average but great guy.
As Kiro talked, a burning light flashed in his eyes but he still couldn’t hide his fatigue.
I tossed aside the pillow and lightly patted my thigh. He immediately understood what I meant and laid down.
MC: Tell me more about you and your master.
He blinked as he thought about what good memories to tell me.
After a while, his eyes lit up.
Kiro: My master….he’s someone who can never find a pair of socks and drinks his coffee with a spoonful of sugar.
Kiro: Although he is a very powerful hacker, he barely gets a pass in the life skills department.
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MC: Pfft, on the other hand, Kiro who he raised, is not only passing but has full marks.
I gently brushed away the bangs from Kiro’s forehead and there was some tenderness in those bright eyes.
Kiro: Because he taught me a lot of things, I was able to understand and accept myself.
Kiro: Come to think of it, it was so long ago.
Kiro: In fact, his whereabouts have always been unpredictable. I’d often get puzzles or codes from him.
Kiro: After cracking them, I would get some information about him.
Kiro: Sometimes, it would just be a bad joke or gossip about an actor I like.
Kiro: Other times, it would just be a photo of a landscape….
Kiro: Although he never said much, I knew he was telling me—
Kiro: Hey, kiddo, I miss you.
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Kiro: But then…he completely disappeared without a trace.
Dim light fell over his shoulders, casting a lonely shadow.
A long time ago at the hacker conference, he also told me about him and KEY like he is doing now.
MC: Did you write back to him?
MC: Did you say you missed him too?
He shook his head and lowered his eyelashes.
Kiro: His messages were one-way and that information will automatically be destroyed after I cracked them.
Kiro: I didn’t even get the chance to save those beautiful pictures.
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MC: Damn, does he have no sympathy for the “recipient”?
Hearing my “fight for injustice”, Kiro laughed softly.
Kiro: At first, I couldn’t understand it either.
Kiro: However, I slowly realized that he was telling me in his own way—
Kiro: Other than long-term companionship, it’s also important to constantly explore the unexpected and unknown joys in life.
Kiro: Although he’s not by my side, he’ll always share this small moment of happiness with me. ***This is the most that we’ve heard Kiro talk about KEY in the entire game. Even though KEY isn’t physically in the story, he still has such a strong presence.***
He raised his head and his eyes gazed at the starry sky outside the window, looking off into the distance.
My eyes swept across the empty room in front of me and his solitary back. The tip of my nose suddenly felt a bit sore.
I don’t know how many nights he spent hopelessly holding on to these little bits of words, wondering about what KEY was thinking?
Repeating this over and over, the hope and disappointment that came with it.
Leaning down, I tenderly rested my forehead against his.
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MC: Then, let me stay with you from now on.
MC: I can’t write code, make clever jokes, or take pictures of landscapes but I’ll be with you—
MC: Creating beautiful moments together and witnessing the wonderful views of the world with our own eyes.
His warm, slow breaths caressed my face, melting my heart.
MC: I’ll always be with you.
A warm blanket wrapped around my back and I felt Kiro holding me tight, surrounding me with his familiar, sweet scent.
In the darkness, I saw him gazing at me with burning eyes. The night sky gradually became clear and reflected in his eyes.
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Kiro: Then, you can’t run away, Miss Chips.
He closed his eyes and softly smiled.
Kiro: Many stars are testifying for me.
MC: Yes, they’re all witnesses…no, they’re heaven’s witness. ***T/N: So I had a very difficult time translating this line because MC is doing a play on words so-to-speak in which the “witnesses” she’s using is referring to a “human witness” but Kiro mentioned the stars so instead she says “witness stars”. However, that doesn’t make much sense in English so I went with “heaven’s witness”. I’m sorry if it sounds really cheesy but that was the best I could come up with. Translations be HARD.***
Amused by my words, a corner of Kiro’s mouth perked up.
The sky overflowed with vibrant stars and specks of light seemed to fill the whole room.
After much time had passed, the stars fell into a deep sleep and steady breathing drifted to my ears. Looking at his peaceful face, I said a silent prayer in my heart—
Please let him find KEY soon.
Let his thoughts be laid to rest and receive that long-awaited embrace. ***This entire scene is too sweet which can only mean one thing...***
-End of Part 2-
20 notes · View notes
sylvia-forest · 2 years
[CN] Shaw's S2 R&S - Keep Going
⚡ This post contains detailed spoiler's for r&s which hasn't released in EN yet!⚡
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[Released Date: 29 June 2022]
[This was translated by Google translate and by my friend!]
“The direction of the pace is always determined by him.”
[Chapter 1]
“The school rules are very clearly written. Freshmen must stay in school dorms, that is part of the school rules!” 
“You are a freshman, how can you not listen to the management and make your own decisions? Move back before the school takes measures!”
This summer was really long and boring.
There was a slight buzzing of air conditioning in the ears. The heat that penetrated through the window was intertwined with the chatter of the counselor, inexplicably making people drowsy. Shaw leaned against the window, turned his head to look at the shiny leaves downstairs, and pulled his neckline impatiently.
There was only one elective class tonight, and he had planned to sleep at home until the afternoon. But the counselor suddenly called and said in a serious tone that he wanted to talk to him about leaving the dorm without permission. 
Shaw wasn't frightened, and went back to school after a meal. Before entering the office, he still thought about watching the broadcast on the LED screen in the corridor for a while.
The news stated that the temperature is the highest ever this summer…no wonder the cicadas sounded particularly noisy.
“Shaw! Are you listening to the teacher!” The tone in his ears suddenly rose to a degree.  
Shaw responded indifferently, and finally moved his gaze back from the window: “Oh, I heard it.”
“Don't just hear it, there are some things you have to take to heart!”
Finally hearing the echo, the counselor took a breath and held up the teacup: “Every freshman was admitted with excellent grades, and if he can't enter the university, he will have lowered self demand. Alright, this thing…”
“But I refuse.” 
Shaw said coldly. He changed to a comfortable position and leaned against the wall, and out of the corner of his eye saw the counselor's hand shaking with the teacup.
“What's wrong? Do you have any conflict with your roommate?” the counselor asked angrily. 
“No contradiction, I like to live alone.”
“Group accommodation allows you to meet a lot of peers, and everyone sits together at night and talks about life…”
“It's boring to listen to.”
Shaw neatly interrupted the counselor's words, letting the latter's face suddenly flush red. He raised his hand to open the gap in the window beside him wider, and his slender eyebrows finally stretched a little in the suddenly refreshing air.
It’s finally a little more relaxing. This office feels depressing, just like the people inside it.
“Shaw, you probably haven't realized the seriousness of the problem.”
The corner of the counselor's mouth twitched, and the stiff smile finally disappeared. He lowered his voice and leaned forward, “If you continue to violate school rules, your credits will be deducted!”
The swaying light spot outside the window hit Shaw's face, he squinted his eyes, and let out a light sneer: “If you want to deduct it, then go ahead.”
“I'm not joking! I'm being serious here!”
“I know. I'm serious too, if you want to deduct it, just deduct it.” Shaw shrugged and looked at the counselor indifferently: “I'm here to learn something, just make do with the credits. ”
“ you…..!”
The counselor's lips moved, and it seemed that some words were still stuck in his throat, but Shaw had no interest in listening. He straightened up and gave the counselor a slight nod before walking out of the office with his feet raised.
Before taking a few steps, an angry shout came from behind: “I warn you, if you don't have enough credits, you will be expelled!”
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll take the exams again.”
Shaw replied without turning his head, and his pace didn't stop, he only waved his hand back. When he was about to get to the door, he remembered something, and slowly added a sentence:
“After enrolling here again after the exams next year, I still won’t live in the dormitories.” 
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[Chapter 2]
In the deepening night, the class bell rang in the evening. Not long after, the students poured out of the teaching building in groups of three or five. Shaw yawned as he walked through the crowd, and started a game as he continued walking. Before reaching the end of the stairs, he was suddenly halted. 
“Shaw? It's a coincidence that I met you here.”
The voice was unfamiliar. It was probably someone he knew when he took an elective course. Shaw gave a perfunctory “um”, his eyes still fixed on the screen where the battle was in full swing.  But the other party followed behind him ignorantly, and babbled familiarly: “I haven't asked you yet, how does it feel to live off-campus? Isn't it very comfortable?”
“It's okay.”
“I really envy your life, there’s no trouble. You might not know what our dormitory is like now…”
“Act at 9:40 tonight. ”
A line of messages popped up from the top of the screen, lightly blocking the “victory” of the game interface. Shaw snorted and put away his phone, finally glanced at the boy beside him who was complaining constantly, and narrowed his eyes slightly - he remembered that he had met him in the dormitory before, and he was barely considered a “roommate”.
“I'm sorry, these things have nothing to do with you, I've been talking about it for a long time.” The old roommate seemed to notice his impatience, but he continued to pour out his bitterness: “But I really can't find anyone to talk about. In the dormitory, those people are chatting so loudly every night, and I'm almost mentally weakened…”
“Have you told them about this?”
“No, not everyone dares to challenge others like you. The other party said, and sighed heavily: “Speaking of which, you are really good, and you dare to fight with the teacher in order to quit the dormitory.  Hey, if you're still in the dormitory, maybe you can…”
“Why do you expect me to stand up for you?”
“Well, that's not what I meant,” the other party said hesitantly: “It's mainly me who is really weak…”
“When it’s time to fight, I don’t dare open my mouth. Always finding excuses for any contributions I didn't make” - seeing the expression of the timid person in front of him who keeps explaining, Shaw clicked his tongue and suddenly felt bored. 
“You can fight for what you want. Can you solve the problem by complaining?” Shaw walked down the steps after speaking, “Let's go.”
He waved his hand casually, leaving the distracting whistle behind him. When walking out of the school gate, Shaw glanced at the clock in the security room.  Just after nine o'clock, the pointer moved silently forward a notch amid the noise of the students coming and going.
“I've been waiting for you for a long time.”
“Tsk, what’s the hurry. Isn’t it fine as long as you get what I gave.”
Shaw looked up and down at the person in front of him, his eyebrows slightly raised. The other party snorted coldly and handed Shaw a black S-shaped earphone engraved with a slightly tilted tail: “We have already investigated the route. You put this on, and all actions will be at our command later.”
Shaw casually took the earphone and tossed it a few times like a pebble. The other party glanced at him with some dissatisfaction, but lowered his voice and said: “According to the plan, you start first…”
“Come on, I don't need you to direct me.”
Accompanied by the voice, the small earphone was suddenly thrown by Shaw, drawing a smooth arc in the air, and immediately fell back into the arms of the original owner. While the two of them were stunned, Shaw climbed to the outer edge of the wall with one hand and crossed lightly. Immediately straightened up and looked at the vast night in the base.
He was already familiar with this place.
Shaw quietly and swiftly turned from the window into the corridor and stood in front of the archives door. Accompanied by a soft crackling sound, a few small electric lights sank into the defensive device like swimming snakes. In the next second, the door that had just been indestructible suddenly popped open a crack.
22:08. It takes two and a half minutes for the nearest patrol member to arrive from the scene, which was enough time.
Shaw retracted his gaze and walked into the archives with ease.
He sneaked in once when he was a child, and the layout in front of him didn't seem to have changed much from that year.  Thousands of floppy disks were still stored in the lower cabinet in the center, and the paper files are placed on the shelves in different categories. Shaw walked slowly to the depths of the reference room, looking carefully among the shelves.  When his eyes swept across the rows of experimental reports inadvertently, some fragments suddenly appeared uncontrollably in front of his eyes -
The icy temperature of the metal instruments, the beeping sound of the instruments beside the bed, and the lights above the head that make people unable to open their eyes......
Shaw's footsteps paused invisibly. But in the blink of an eye, he walked over to the data rack in the back row with a cold face, and began to rummage without looking up.
There are many secrets in this data room.  About genes, power, or the life and death of some people. Whichever one is released is enough to attract a group of people like wild dogs. Shaw's eyes slid over the rows of small characters and codes without reluctance, and finally stopped somewhere in the middle of the data shelf. He took it down and glanced at it with interest, took out his mobile phone and took a dozen pictures, and checked the time during the e.
22:10. As expected, more than enough.
Shaw turned around and left without any hesitation. The moment his hand touched the door of the data room, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded above.
“Hi...that kid won't get exposed, right?”
The howl of sirens pierced the night sky.  On the street corner outside the base, a man suddenly straightened up and looked at his companion beside him: “Would you like to help me?”
The other person threw the cigarette butt on the bottom of his feet and crushed it. The black and red sparks flashed for a moment, and soon disappeared into the mud: “The organization has inspected it before sending the mission. This one called Shaw is more powerful than you think.”
“It's just a matter of suffering, don't worry about it.”
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[Chapter 3]
Shaw didn't make them wait long.
It was only four or five minutes between the alarm going off and the disappearance, maybe less. A slender figure jumped down from the wall through the night, appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye, and shook the phone at them.
“Turn on your airdrop and see if this is it.”
Shaw leaned against the wall as he said.  When the body touched the cold, hard and rough wall, it tightened imperceptibly for a moment, but fortunately, this slight abnormality was hidden in the dark night.
Shaw continued to glance at the screen nonchalantly, and suddenly sneered.
“Tsk, this name is so lame.”
The other's mouth pursed into a line, and he swallowed the words forcibly. After confirming that the document was correct, he nodded stiffly to his companion. The other person looked at Shaw nonchalantly, and suddenly said, “You might as well reconsider the previous proposal. We can provide the best room for your abilities.”
“It's no use.”
Shaw twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain: “I said it long ago, I'll only cooperate with you, not to join you.”
“I have already provided the information you asked for. It's best not to make me wait too long for the matter I want to investigate.”
“You can rest assured that BS has always believed in their partners.”
Probably didn't expect Shaw to be so merciless, and the other party had no interest in continuing the conversation. Without further delay, the two figures quickly disappeared into the bushes like ghosts.
There was silence all over again, as if nothing had happened. Only the lights inside the NW fence were still flashing red, like some kind of silent warning.
Shaw didn't move, his body leaned against the wall slightly straightened, as if he was listening to something. After a while, his shoulders finally loosened a bit and left in the opposite direction to the two of them.
After turning a few street corners, he finally turned into a remote alley.
The street lights in the alley were broken at some point, and it was so dark that he couldn't see the road under his feet. Shaw seemed to have finally returned to a safe environment, and moved his shoulders while walking. When the night wind blew, the wet cloth was attached to the wound on the back, and suddenly there was another sharp pain. Shaw couldn't help frowning, gritted his teeth and wiped the sweat from his forehead - Originally, his head was a little dizzy because of the residual heat, but now he was completely awake.
Shaw mumbled.
Unexpectedly, over the years, NW's security system has become a lot tighter.  If it weren't for dodging in time, he would have just been cut off a few pieces of meat by the defense net that was suddenly triggered.
Fortunately, this toss was for nothing.  According to the agreement, BS will be responsible for helping him investigate that matter. As for the other thing left—
A burst of dizziness suddenly hit. Shaw's figure shook, and his eyes suddenly darkened for a moment.
The moon was in the sky, the clear glow slowly reflected the commotion in the alley, and enthusiasm surged up again, sweat dripping silently along his jaw, and there seemed to be a bright light flashed from the dragonfly's eyes on his chest in the dimness.
Shaw slowly raised his eyes and realized that he was only a few steps away from the back door of the antique shop. He exhaled softly and slid down the wall a little bit and sat down. After a while, he raised his hand and knocked on a small door beside him.
The faint sound of footsteps came from behind the door, mixed with familiar complaints. Immediately afterwards, a bright yellow light leaked from the crack of the door and hit him straight.
“It’s so late in the evening, who is this inconsiderate person knocking?”
"Old Yan, it's me.”
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[Chapter 4]
The light in the store was dim. Maybe he’s just stingy or something, but Old Yan only turned on the ceiling lamp. Under the dim light, the herbal soup that was hastily pushed over looked even more suspicious. The dense heat accompanied by the bitter taste persisted for a long time, causing Shaw to wrinkle his nose.
“Don't be picky, hurry up and finish your drink and leave. You really know how to pick your time…” Obviously noticing Shaw's expression, the old man with long braids yawned and muttered in dissatisfaction.
“I didn't come to you for this.” Shaw picked up the bowl with interest and took a sip, frowning suddenly.
Old Yan next to him hummed and said, “Then why are you here?”
Shaw took off his dragonfly eye and put it on the table, and pushed forward: “You said before that this thing left to me by the old man can be archived by the world, why doesn't it work? ”
“How do I know?” Old Yan's voice lifted up: “You brat, don’t always let me answer your questions!”
I don't ask who you ask, Master never said what this is for, Shaw thought. But he didn't speak, but waited calmly for a few seconds. Sure enough, Old Yan didn't hold back his words: “Actually, I also find this strange. It may not be time. . . .
“Oh, forget it, I can't say anything else, you can figure it out for yourself.”
There was a sudden roar of books falling to the ground from a corner of the room. Old Yan cursed in a low voice, got up from his chair and trotted over. In the small aperture illuminated by the light, he was suddenly the only one left.
Shaw leaned on the back of the chair without saying a word, raised his head slightly, and stared at the bean-like light.  Then he straightened up, picked up the dragonfly eye, looked at it for a moment, and tried again.
The blue-violet luster of the colored glass flickered in the palm of his hand, but after a while, nothing happened.
Shaw closed the dragonfly eye as usual. He closed his eyes a little tiredly, and there was not a bit of urgency between his eyebrows.
Anyway, no matter how long it will take, he will definitely get the answer to what he wants to explore.
After stacking the fallen books again, Old Yan straightened up, turned his head and glanced in Shaw's direction.
There was no one under the light, and the young boy next door had long disappeared. As if he had never been here before. Only one bowl was left on the table, and a faint layer of light was reflected in the empty space.
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[Chapter 5]
Specialized course, pretty good; elective courses, barely above the passing mark; physical education, excellent; english…tsk, barely above the passing marks again.
In any case, the final exam was passed safely.
After browsing the last column of the transcript, Shaw closed the computer casually and walked to the window with his slippers. A few fallen leaves floated into the window with the slightly cold air. He took a piece casually and suddenly realised that winter is approaching in a few days.
It seems that when life is “rich” enough, people are unaware of the passage of time. In the past six months, he frequently skipped classes, and carried out “cooperation” with different people to get what he needed. He had a lot of information in his hands like flowing water.
In addition, he had to take time out from time to time to study the notes left by the master. Occasionally whenever he’s free, he would have to flip through the textbooks to cope with the frequent exams…
Unexpected situations are always emerging, but everything was still under control, and he was also at ease. Just deal with this and then deal with that. Before he knew it, what he thought was an extremely long semester at the beginning of the school seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye. 
Shaw was out of his senses for a while.  He retracted his gaze from the window and picked up the skateboard on the wall.
It's rare to have free time today, so why not go to the skatepark for a few laps.
Probably not because of the holidays, there were very few people in the skateboard rink on this day. The field was wide open, and Shaw had a lot of fun skating. It was not until late at night that he walked out of the venue carrying the board. The blue-purple bangs on the forehead hung down, with a slight dampness of sweat.
The vending machine on the side of the road was shining with warm white light, and Shaw approached and took out a few coins and stuffed them in. Accompanied by the sound of the beverage shipment, his mobile phone suddenly clanged a few times in a short while. Shaw hooked the pull ring with one hand and slid the phone away.
A few messages, he didn't know who sent them. Shaw took a few sips of soda, and glanced down from the corner of his eye.
“Shaw, tonight, my roommate brought a pet back without discussing it. He said he would keep it in the dormitory. This time, I couldn't bear it, so I came forward and negotiated.”
“Unexpectedly, they were willing to take a step back after the communication, and the problems related to work and resting, they even listened to it.”
“You have to fight for what you want... This sentence really gave me a lot of inspiration, thank you!”
Shaw's gaze paused on the last signature and frowned for a moment, he finally remembered the old roommate who would always nag at him.
He put away the phone and the corners of his mouth curled up. After a few sips of the drink, Shaw raised his hand and threw the can at the trash can in the distance. 
The aluminum can fell precisely into the bottom of the barrel, and there was a dull low sound in the silence. He picked up the skateboard and walked to the side of the road without looking back, Shaw's eyebrows seemed to stretch a little under the moonlight.
The streets were deserted, and the whole city was still immersed in sleepy dreams.  Shaw took a few steps to the curb of the slow road, glanced at the empty road, and suddenly changed his mind.
Throwing the skateboard to the road, he bowed slightly and rushed out with a swoosh, the corners of his clothes rattling in the air. Like a flash of electric light, it disappeared into the neon misty night in the blink of an eye.
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laxmiree · 10 days
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 56 Translation [Lucien’s Part]-(1/2)
This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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I see your darkness, your failures, your confusion.
Just as I catch sight of the building, my body freezes involuntarily.
The place where the mentor-pupil mission has led us is none other than the former site of the Twin Leaves Orphanage in reality.
Translation under the cut!
[S2 Chapter 56 - Unsolvable Crux]
Some context about this chapter batch! Long story short, MC's Miracle Finder program which is more of a long and traditional TV show is struggling to compete with the popularity of online short videos (cough, funnily, it is almost like Lovepro's current situation in the otome market-), but she still has some time to find ways to make it more popular again before the next meeting with the investor (pretty similar to the start of the main story huh-)
At the same time, Odyssey, a hyper-realistic VR game is currently on hype right now, the game was developed by a company called Infinite, and it can be played with a device called Golden Apple (GA for short). This game lowkey feels like hidden ads for LaDs ngl
—[Chapter 56-8]—
I'm sitting at my desk, playing with the leaves of the green plant on the table, unable to help but sigh again
MC: I can't just chase after streaming platforms and make short videos for the rest of my life, can I.....
...This will only make my company lose its style and be homogenized into one of them.
At present, it seems like there's a new information technology emerging every minute. If we don't seize the opportunity, we'll only be left with the crumbs of others' success. It's just like…
Lucien: “Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place.”
The familiar words echo in my ears, and I can't help but feel a bit dazed. Suddenly, a strange sense of familiarity wells up from within me.
This feeling, where I'm at a loss at the company's situation, seems to have happened in the distant past as well.
The calm, windless afternoon and those ink-like eyes come to mind.
When I was filming the final episode of "Finding Miracles" I was also grappling with decisions about the future, feeling anxious and lost.
At that time, Lucien became my program consultant, and the struggling program suddenly came to life starting from that episode.
I can't help but smile as I find my phone and send a message to Lucien.
MC: Is Consultant Lucien busy? I'm coming over to see you now~
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The bright sunlight reflects off the entrance of the Ultima Bioscience Research Institute. As soon as I step out of the car, I see several visitors walking out of the building with gloomy expressions.
Visitor A: Is Professor Lucien such a high-and-mighty figure? Every time we come here, he's never around!
Visitor B: Maybe his research is going downhill at a critical moment? Even his assistant says they don't see him often.
Visitor A: Then he should come out, meet us, and discuss the results. Is it really good to shut himself away and do research like this?
MC: …?
Lucien not seeing visitors? I'm a bit puzzled.
A couple of days ago, when I met him in "Odyssey", he told me that the scanning function in "Odyssey" is very useful, as it helps him transfer data.
Could it be that he's doing closed-door research, so he's not seeing visitors?
I take out my phone in confusion and see that there's no reply to the message I sent him before leaving.
Pete: I'm really sorry, Professors. Next time, when you come again…
No one pays attention to Pete's voice. The visitors get straight into their cars and leave. He awkwardly scratches his head and walks away.
The situation in front of me deepens my confusion. I push open the door to the research room lightly.
MC: Lucien…?
There's no response inside. I stick my head in from behind the door, then pause for a moment in surprise.
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I had thought I would see Professor Lucien asleep among the mountains of research reports and experimental data...
...But I didn't expect to see him actually sitting on the visitor's sofa, wearing the third-generation GA device.
At Lucien's feet are some hastily packed fast food wrappers, along with two unpackaged GA helmets.
He leans against the sofa, half of his face obscured by the helmet, devoid of any expression. Only his fingers, which resting on the side, twitch occasionally.
In an instant, I understood why Pete's expression was so complicated.
Who would have thought that Professor Lucien, while shutting himself off from visitors, would be sitting in the research lab playing "Odyssey" so openly!
If I don't go ask Lucien about the situation soon, I feel like I'll become even more worried and confused.
I take a deep breath, take a helmet out of the packaging, sit on the empty experimental bed next to him, and decisively put it on.
The brilliant sunlight warmly bathes a lush green field, and the moist air rushing towards me feels refreshing.
The grass beside me is nourished by the river, lush and abundant. With the river breeze rippling against both banks, the grass sways, gently tickling my calves.
This is Lucien's home in "Odyssey". When it's not busy, I often spend leisurely days here with him.
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I look around and quickly spot Lucien sitting by the riverbank. I walk over to him joyfully.
MC: Lu-
Before I can even say his name, Lucien tilts his body slightly and gestures to me.
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Lucien: Shh-
With one hand, he stops me from trying to pat him, and with the other, he lifts the fishing rod. As he moves, the water ripples gently.
"Splash!" A fish with golden patterns bursts out of the water, its tail swishing lively, causing water droplets to splash around.
The water droplets slide down his face like morning dew, tracing a meandering path on his handsome features.
Lucien blinks and then looks at me, his lips curling into a smile.
Lucien: [chuckles] Caught it.
—[Chapter 56-10]—
I come out from behind Lucien and poke the lively fish.
MC: What a plump and beautiful fish, I don't think I've ever seen one like this when I go fishing myself!
Lucien chuckles lightly as he unties the fishhook, then puts the fish back into the water, watching as its tail swishes and it swims away into the river.
A notification suddenly pops up.
——————Congratulations to the player [X] for completing the fishing achievement — [Encounter with Golden Marigold Fish].
Next to the achievement page, there's a line of small text that reads, "Congratulations, you are the first player globally to achieve this accomplishment."
MC: Wow, did I just witness the birth of a golden legend?
I gaze at this unheard-of achievement in astonishment, while Lucien maintains an unsurprised expression.
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He smiles faintly, reaching out to wipe away a droplet of water that splashed onto my cheek just now.
Lucien: Shouldn't MC also be awarded an achievement — the first player globally to witness the birth of the Golden Marigold Fish achievement?
His banter makes me unable to help but smile. I glance around at the scenery, sighing as I look around.
MC: I never expected that the charm of "Odyssey" would be so great that even Professor Lucien has become an "Internet Addict."
I clear my throat and then nonchalantly add a "harmless" little question.
MC: Lately, it seems like I've been seeing you online often. Is the work at the Ultima Bioscience Research Institute relatively easy?
Upon hearing my little probing, Lucien smiles but doesn't rush to answer.
He stands up and tidies things up, gesturing for me to look towards a nearby location.
Lucien: [chuckles] Before answering that question, do you want to go check out the newly renovated home of an "Internet Addict" first?
MC: Um? Of course, that sounds great~
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I never imagined that Lucien had actually expanded a laboratory within his home without me knowing.
The layout, facilities, interior decor, and even the functioning equipment replicated a professional laboratory down to the last detail.
Data and reports are neatly arranged, and as I measure the thickness of one stack of data with my palm, it exceeds the breadth of two hands.
Judging by the thickness of these materials, Lucien seems to have been conducting research in the "Odyssey" laboratory for quite a long time.
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MC: While others come into the game to relax, Professor Lucien is actually working in the game. What an exceptional scientist...
Lucien smiles calmly and prepares a cup of hot tea for me.
Lucien: Try it. Does the taste and flavor differ from the real world?
I take the white tea and sip it lightly.
MC: [smiles softly] It seems there's hardly any difference, but I'm not really a tea connoisseur. I just drink it often because of you.
The tea leaves stretch in the boiling water, blurring our views of each other. I lean back on the comfortable sofa, seemingly understanding his implication.
MC: Professor Lucien, do you think since "Odyssey" is so similar to reality, why not explore an "experimental field" in the game too?
Lucien remains silent, seemingly acknowledging. He brews another cup of tea with the tea leaves and places it back in front of me.
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Lucien: The laboratory here is quiet enough for me to focus more on my research.
He winks, his gaze gentle and focused, conveying a sense of reassurance to me.
Lucien: And as you've seen, in addition to research, I also casually complete game tasks.
In just a few sentences, Lucien perfectly answers all my questions.
I prop my head up a bit dazedly, pondering. If it's about finding peace and quiet, the Ultima Bioscience Research Center isn't usually noisy.
...Could it be because of those people?
MC: Is it because of the increase in visitors at the Ultima Bioscience Research Center recently? Is it affecting you?
Lucien nods in response to my gaze, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
Lucien: Recently, we've shifted the research focus to the deterioration disease. Some organizations are well-informed and have been eager to collaborate with me.
I nod in understanding.
In the realm of research, this isn't uncommon, but collaboration means sharing progress and results.
For Lucien, who prefers minimal interference in his research, this is indeed troublesome.
However, is the reason really that simple?
Lucien's demeanor and tone betray no hint of anything unusual, but I can't shake off a lingering sense of unease.
MC: By the way, Lucien.
I rise from the coffee table and move to sit beside him, one hand looping around his arm.
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MC: Actually, I'm not at the company right now. I'm at the Ultima Bioscience Research Center, currently in your research lab.
Lucien: It seems that I'm not the only one bringing work into the game.
Facing Lucien's slightly teasing gaze, I bury my head in his chest, breathing in the scent of tea lingering on him.
MC: [in a coquettish manner] …I didn't expect Professor Lucien to still see through me.
Lucien's smile doesn't diminish as he gently strokes the top of my head with his hand.
Lucien: I think it's work time now. A girl who wants to fish wouldn't play "Odyssey" with me so conspicuously.
MC: I do have some problems that need Professor Lucien's advice and assistance.
I peek out from his embrace, tilting my head back to look at him.
MC: How about we talk as we walk? I also want to explore other areas of Professor Lucien's home and see if there are any new changes~
—[Chapter 56-11]—
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Lucien pushes open the back door of the laboratory, revealing a glass corridor with a hollow top.
Sunlight filters through the glass, casting mottled light and shadow. His figure appears both real and illusory in the interplay of light and shadow.
I walk hand in hand with Lucien in the glass corridor, pouring out recent work matters in one breath.
MC: ...So, if we just chase after trends like other companies, we'll still end up being left behind in the industry.
MC: After all, I remember from a media class that "homogeneous works will ultimately be eliminated, and innovation is the key to industry development."
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Lucien: Your judgment is correct.
Lucien blinks at me in affirmation and then poses a rather “insightful” question.
Lucien: So, what are the plans now?
I pause for a moment, somewhat unconfidently, and share with him several new program proposals that I have been contemplating.
MC: ...I've reviewed these proposals repeatedly. Although the content of the programs is quite interesting, I can't shake the feeling that it's still not enough.
MC: Maybe I should plan a program with more thrilling and exciting scenes…?
Lucien brushes off a leaf that had landed on my head at some point. I take the leaf, twirling it idly in my palm.
Lucien: Before the inception of "Odyssey," none of us imagined that we would be twirling this fallen leaf in a virtual world.
Lucien's calm and composed voice comes through as he touches the fallen leaf along with my hand.
Lucien: Fallen leaves, the air, and us walking…
Lucien: Without mentioning it, many people might forget that all of this is made up of data.
Lucien: The success of "Odyssey" doesn't rely on content but rather on the innovation of its presentation.
Lucien: If you were to just change the content, with your abilities, you'd surely create a buzz, but for discerning viewers…
He smiles slightly, his eyes looking at me with insight.
Lucien: The level of excitement in content has no threshold; as long as there's a lack of "technological" innovation, being replicated and surpassed is just a matter of time.
Lucien: On this point, Miss Producer, you understand it better than I do.
Lucien's words bring to light a thought that I've been vaguely aware of but haven't fully grasped. I blink, feeling a little enlightened.
MC: So, now, rather than pondering new programs, the new program medium is the more important thing?
The pressure before me seems to have cracked open a bit with Lucien's words, but I still find myself anxiously rubbing my hair.
Short videos, with their quick and concise nature, have almost taken over as the predominant form of media presentation in today's world.
MC: What else can be innovated? The "opportunity" won't just fall from the sky.
Our hands interlock as Lucien gently takes mine, and with a breeze, the leaf I had almost forgotten about is swept away, disappearing from sight.
Lucien: Personally, I feel that perhaps we can try to find a blue ocean.*
MC: Blue ocean?
[Trivia: Blue Ocean strategy is a business strategy that involves creating new market spaces and making the competition irrelevant. A current relevant example is Papergames creating Love and Deepspace 😂]
Lucien looks at me with a thoughtful expression, his lips curling into a smile. With his slender fingertips, he smooths out the hair that I had ruffled.
Lucien: For example, in fields like holographic technology and artificial intelligence.
My heart skips a beat.
Indeed, while there have been numerous developments in related fields before, it wasn't until the explosion of "Odyssey" that these two concepts suddenly experienced explosive growth.
From the perspective of a film and television company, this is simply the perfect combination of new technological power and emerging phenomena.
The wind picks up, causing the leaves of the trees to rustle against each other, gracefully taking flight as if nature sings its gentle song.
As I behold the incredibly lifelike natural scene before me, it feels as though a long-standing boulder in my mind is finally starting to shift.
MC: Are you referring to "Odyssey" itself?!
Lucien: It's just one possible direction. "Odyssey" is the firstborn of this blue ocean, overturning and rebuilding many people's preconceptions.
The sunlight filters through the trees, casting scattered patches of light onto the path we're walking on. The slanting rays create specks of orange hues, gently enveloping us like orange veils.
Lucien: Now that we're in the midst of it, it's the best proof of all possibilities.
MC: Combining media with "Odyssey"...
I pause in my tracks, lost in thought. Lucien doesn't interrupt me, waiting quietly by my side.
I raise my head, looking at the sky in "Odyssey," which is indistinguishable from reality. In my mind, several new ideas start to take shape.
Unable to contain my enthusiasm, I leap up and hug him excitedly.
MC: Thank you, Professor Lucien, for answering my questions and clearing up my confusion!
Lucien: Just bringing a bit of research mindset into the discussion. I'd be honored if it was helpful to you.
Lucien lets me hold him and pats my back, his smile deepening.
Lucien: However, we haven't formally confirmed our teacher-student relationship yet, so you can't just casually call me "teacher".
Before I could react, an interface to formalize our mentor-pupil relationship suddenly appeared.
I blush slightly and without hesitation, press the "confirm" button.
At the same time as the system message "You have become a pupil of X" pops up, a mentor-pupil mission suddenly appears in my taskbar.
MC: Huh?
[Lucien and MC get transported]
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Xiao Shuai: My friend is the best Xiao Mei in the world. We are happy when we're playing outside, but she's not happy once she gets home.
Xiao Shuai: Can Gege (older brother) and Jiejie (older sister) make Xiao Mei happy?
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MC: I thought the mentor-pupil mission would be about technical teaching, but I didn't expect it to be helping children…
Lucien: Does MC prefer to learn technical skills?
MC: No, no, that's too tiring. Let's just help the kids together!
I smile and rub Xiao Shuai's chubby cheeks.
MC: Okay, let's leave it to Gege and Jiejie!
A prominent guiding route on the ground emits a white light. We follow the route and soon reach the end of the road.
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Alongside the old gate, the fence entwined with vines is covered with lush green leaves, occasionally dotted with a few wildflowers, giving it a lively appearance.
Several two-story buildings in the courtyard are arranged in picturesque disorder. Although the paint on the walls has faded, it still exudes a sense of warmth and tranquility.
Just as I catch sight of the building, my body freezes involuntarily.
The place where the mentor-pupil mission has led us is none other than the former site of the Twin Leaves Orphanage in reality.
[Trivia: Twin Leaves Orphanage is where MC, Lucien, Kiro, and other kids got experimented as a child]
—[Chapter 56-12]—
As I gaze upon the orphanage in "Odyssey," a chill runs down my spine, and I can't help but tighten the scarf around my neck.
However, unlike the desolate old site in my memory, the NPC children are now playing and frolicking in the courtyard, bathed in warm sunlight.
I tell myself not to overthink it and quickly find several children playing in the corridor to ask about Xiao Mei with Lucien.
Child A: Xiao Mei? I don't know her.
Child B: There doesn't seem to be anyone by that name in our orphanage.
We ask many children, but surprisingly, not a single one knows Xiao Mei. I scratch my head in puzzlement.
MC: Could it be that Xiao Shuai's mission information was incorrect?
Lucien ponders for a moment, then looks towards the teacher who is answering questions for the children at the classroom door not far away.
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Lucien: Let's go ask the teacher.
After the children leave, I approach the teacher politely and cautiously start the conversation.
MC: Hello, do you happen to know a student named Xiao Mei? I seem to have found something belonging to her.
Teacher: We don't have a student by that name here. You might have the wrong place.
I stand there puzzled, about to ask for Lucien's opinion, when I turn around and realize Lucien is nowhere to be found.
Before I can even speak to search for him, the door of the adjacent office opens, and Lucien steps out, holding a piece of paper in his hand.
Lucien: I found the student roster from this office.
MC: Pfft…! So Professor Lucien already guessed that the teacher wouldn't be able to provide any useful information, so he pulled a "diversionary tactic*"?
[T/N: "声东击西" is a Chinese idiom that literally translates to "sound from the east, strike from the west." It refers to a strategy where one creates a diversion or distraction to mislead the opponent while executing a different action elsewhere :> ]
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Lucien winks at me.
Lucien: Just a small tactic, hopefully it pays off.
As we scan through the long list for a while, we still haven't found Xiao Mei's name. Just as I'm about to give up and look for a guide, Lucien suddenly raises an eyebrow.
Lucien: There seems to be an issue with this list.
MC: What do you mean?
Lucien doesn't reply, but instead, he folds up the list and leads me towards the storage room at the end of the corridor.
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After opening the door, a stale smell fills the air in the storeroom, and tiny specks of dust float in the dim light.
Lucien closes the door behind me, and for a moment, the entire room seems to be engulfed in a heavy darkness.
Yet, in the pitch-black, a faint green glow suddenly appears before my eyes.
MC: …This list glows!!
The original text on the list is obscured by the heavy darkness, but the text printed with luminescent material is clearly visible.
MC: "Night Division Roster", Xiao Gu, Mai Mai, Xiao Mei... Found her!
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Lucien: It seems my guess was correct.
Lucien: Earlier, I noticed the words "Day Division" on the list under natural light, so I speculated that there might also be a "Night Division" present.
MC: So Xiao Mei appears in the park every evening before dusk and leaves after sunset, not to "go home," but to attend classes in the Night Division?
Lucien: Smart. This should be the reason why no one knew Xiao Mei when we came during the day.
MC: How strange... Why are the children mysteriously divided into day and night divisions?
Lucien walks slowly beside me, seemingly not intending to take further action.
Lucien: Perhaps we'll have answers when night falls.
A slightly cunning smile curves on Lucien's lips, and I instantly understand his intention.
MC: Right, if we wait until it's late and quiet, the children from the Night Division will naturally come for their classes!
The only task now is to wait, Lucien and I hang around, watching as the sunlight gradually shifts towards the west.
MC: I can't shake the feeling that this orphanage mission seems to have some sort of prototype reference... like the mirrored building* we encountered before.
[T/N: MC talks about S2 ch 33]
MC: There's a kind of... indescribable familiarity in my heart.
Lucien: Don't worry, this sense of familiarity might just help us complete the mission.
Lucien gently ruffles my hair and gazes towards the direction of the orphanage, deep in thought.
As night falls and moonlight shines upon the orphanage, Lucien and I hear footsteps echoing in the corridor.
A group of children silently make their way through the long corridor toward the direction of the classroom.
Their shadows elongate in the dim light, devoid of daytime liveliness, only the faint moonlight reflecting their youthful yet serious faces.
As if influenced by this atmosphere, I also lower my voice and whisper softly into Lucien's ear.
MC: Shall we go now?
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Just as Lucien and I start heading towards the classrooms, we're suddenly stopped by a security guard.
Security Guard: Sorry, the orphanage is not open to the public right now. Please leave.
MC: We're just…
Before I can finish my sentence, a "Mission Failed" screen suddenly pops up, and Lucien and I are immediately teleported outside the orphanage.
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MC: ….??
MC: How did the mission fail already? We haven't even done anything yet!
Lucien: I'm thinking that perhaps there are some "invisible rules" in place at this orphanage at night that we're not supposed to break. Once violated, the mission fails immediately.
Lucien: "Not getting caught by security" must be one of them.
MC: Isn't this too troublesome?
Lucien: With me around, do you still find it troublesome?
MC: Pfft, of course not.
I take Lucien's hand and wink at him.
MC: Then let's solve this small trouble together~
One minute later, Lucien and I find ourselves back in front of the orphanage.
MC: Uh, sorry... I saw a mirror and instinctively looked into it. I didn't realize it would also count as breaking the rules.
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Lucien: It's okay. Every failure is an exploration step toward success.
Lucien: I thought solving the puzzle on the blackboard would open a secret door or something like that, but it just attracted the attention of the teacher.
MC: At least the orphanage teacher acknowledged Professor Lucien's math skills…!
After seven or eight attempts at exploration, we finally lurk near the classroom. I open the window and quietly peek inside.
In the dim light, the children sit by the worn-out desks and chairs, attentively listening to the teacher's explanation. There's an eerie and quiet atmosphere in the air.
A sudden horror and chilling feeling rushes through my heart, and I instinctively look towards Lucien, who is holding my hand.
But when I turn around, the first thing I see is not Lucien, but a slightly pale-faced little girl.
She has appeared behind us, seemingly out of nowhere, and is looking up at us curiously.
—[Chapter 56-14]—
MC: Are you X-Xiao Mei...?!
I feel goosebumps all over my body, and my voice trembles as I speak. The little girl nods, and I exchange a glance with Lucien.
We take Xiao Mei out of the teaching building and arrive at the tree next to the garden.
Here, I finally breathe a sigh of relief, looking at the girl in front of me with braided pigtails.
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MC: Xiao Mei, your friend Xiao Shuai is very worried about you, so he asked Gege and Jiejie to come and check on you.
I try to talk to Xiao Mei, but she keeps her lips tightly pressed together and glances at me before curling up into a ball, not moving at all.
No matter how I try to talk to her afterward, she ignores me.
Xiao Mei looks much thinner and weaker than children her age. Unlike the lively and noisy children during the day, she appears to be particularly quiet.
Just as I am feeling troubled, Lucien gently calls my name and takes my hand, leading me aside.
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MC: What should I do, Lucien? She seems particularly resistant to communicating with me…
Lucien: [gently] I think maybe it's not resistance, but rather she also needs an opportunity to connect with you.
Lucien: When you talk to her, although her reactions are a bit cold, her body always unconsciously moves closer toward you.
Lucien: Rather than resistance, it might be more like "not good at" or "not daring" to communicate with you.
My heart tightens. Could it be that the reason why these children from the Night Division are so quiet... is because of similar reasons?
Children in orphanages are already more prone to feeling lonely than others. A girl who struggles to communicate is even more susceptible to being ignored to some extent.
I should use a more friendly approach and gradually make her feel understood.
Thinking this, I look more carefully at Xiao Mei, trying to find some breakthrough to make her relax
Xiao Mei has her eyes closed slightly, gently burying her head in the slightly worn scarf around her.
MC: Lucien, look at that scarf…?
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Lucien also looks over and after a while, he speaks softly.
Lucien: Some children develop a dependency on specific plush items during their growth process, finding a sense of security in them.
Lucien: I think, this scarf might be just that special existence for her.
I look at the curled-up Xiao Mei, feeling a mix of sadness and tenderness. Despite the scarf in her arms being very worn, she still holds onto it dearly, unwilling to let go.
Lucien notices my emotions and tightens his hold on my hands.
I give his hand a firm squeeze back, smile at him, then return to Xiao Mei's side and crouch down again.
MC: Xiao Mei, let me tell you a secret. When I was little, I also received a scarf from someone very important to me.
Xiao Mei doesn't say anything, but she turns her head slightly to look at me. I continue to speak, smiling as I recount distant memories in a soft voice.
MC: I really, really liked that scarf because every time I saw it, it made me feel like that person was still with me.
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MC: When I felt lonely or scared, I would hold onto it, and those feelings would slowly disappear, just like magic.
MC: Later on, I would often chat with the magic scarf, and it became my best friend whom I could talk to about anything…
I made up a fairy tale about me and the magic scarf, and Xiao Mei listened attentively, starting to sit up slowly.
When the fairy tale was over, Xiao Mei blinked her eyes and smiled at me for the first me.
I suddenly think of something and take off my scarf, wrapping it around Xiao Mei's neck.
MC: Your scarf must have a lot of power. Now, Jiejie is giving you her scarf too.
I boop Xiao Mei's nose, and she no longer resists my approach.
MC: From now on, Xiao Mei has two powers to protect her. So she doesn’t need to be afraid of anything.
Xiao Mei looks at me, blinks her eyes, and the next moment, she starts sobbing softly, as if she had been suppressing it for a long time. She doesn't cry loudly, just hugs me tightly.
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Lucien bends down a bit and gently strokes Xiao Mei's head.
Not long after, Xiao Mei takes out a sketchbook. As she writes and draws, she tells her story bit by bit. Finally, we can piece together the truth.
It seems that from a long time ago, the children in the orphanage have been divided into a day division and a night division based on their physical condition and performance in the orphanage.
From the beginning, the two divisions just have different schedules, but gradually it evolves into differences in meals, dormitories, and the attention they receive.
Nowadays, the children in the night division seem to have become an "invisible" group in this orphanage, as no one ever casts a glance their way anymore.
Although Xiao Mei doesn't understand the reason, she knows that she and her friends in the night division all dislike this kind of life.
She wants to escape, to be under the sunlight with the other children, but she's powerless to do so alone.
After settling Xiao Mei with Lucien, I stomp my foot indignantly.
MC: They're all children, why do these people treat them differently?!
Lucien takes the drawing Xiao Mei handed to us and ponders for a moment before speaking lightly.
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Lucien: I'm afraid it's not just emotional discrimination that's at play here.
Lucien: Emotional neglect alone wouldn't warrant them going to such lengths to establish this system, so I suspect there may be deeper interests at play.
MC: Are you suggesting that the children in the night division might be exploited by the orphanage?
Lucien nods, gently taking my slightly cold hand and rubbing it, a gentle yet firm smile on his lips.
Lucien: [smiles gently] Whatever it is, it will be resolved tonight.
[Next Part-> Click Here]
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] 100 Days Companionship: Day 3
Note: Since this event was already released in MLQC, I’ll keep translating it. Because...
MLQC CN / TW = Summer - Autumn/Winter
MLQC / MLDD = Autumn/Winter - Spring
MLQC KR / JP = Spring - Summer
So... there must be some of different contents between servers.
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Victor: Since you don’t have a plans today. You can skip the line if you want.
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Lucien: This isn’t an e-mail for sign-in reminder, but an e-mail to inform a certain lazy bun to not forget to have breakfast.
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Kiro: If I’m giving half of my luck and happiness to Miss Chips, I'm sure you'll have a pleasant day today.
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Gavin: I felt a intense cold wind when going out on a mission...You’d better bundle up 
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Shaw: Hey-hey! What time is it? If you just spend your whole weekend staying up late and sleeping in, isn’t that a waste?
4 notes · View notes
[CN- Season 2] Victor And MC- Chapter 17- Eng Translation (Part 1)
“....Victor is clearly not in front of me right now, yet I feel that he can always see me.”
⌚Warning:⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a chapter that is yet to be released in the global server. Don't continue under the cut if you don't wish to be spoiled! (◍���ᴗ•◍)
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✧ NOTE ✧
Highly recommend checking out the bullet point “plot review” translated by @cheri-translates ♡
Please please please remember to revisit CH [27-11] and CH [28-2] of S1 in case your memory of the details have become foggy, before continuing under the cut. Because there’s another very detailed re-enactment similar to CH 10. This one is just.... even more sad. 🥺
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✧ [CH 17- 1] ✧
At MC’s Home- 2 days after Hunter Game officially ended: While checking the news MC finds it’s been officially confirmed that the illicit drug “Small Syringes” was used in the Hunter Game and the portal mentions LFG’s acquisition scandal-- STF is going to conduct a thorough investigation on the issue.
Seeing rumors about LFG still circling overwhelmingly, MC gets mad.
However, soon finds the news => LFG’s PR department has officially stated they have no relation with the Hunter Game and they will take legal action against the rumors.
Being able to make the decisive and accurate strategic-decisions in the first instance - this is precisely Victor’s style.
Hearing this, I feel slightly relieved.
MC sends Victor a text praising his vision with an “admiration” emoticon.
She sends him another text saying the media might interview her soon on the matter. She feels public take-over right now might not be the best idea and asks for Victor’s opinion.
Looking at the unanswered dialog box, I sigh lightly.
The chat history is still stuck at ten days ago.
At first I thought it was because the Hunter Game broke off the signal. But now it seems that, the messages have indeed sunk into the sea without a trace.
The sudden outburst of the situation got everyone caught up into a tailspin. Although I believe Victor can guarantee his own safety, I am still a little worried.
I hesitate for a moment, but still type that line I want to ask.
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MC’s message:  “Victor, why haven’t you contacted me lately? What’s wrong?”
The phone screen goes dark in the process of waiting, and doesn’t light up again.
It seems that the more one speculates absent-mindedly about a certain possibility, the more those overlooked minor details will arise in one fell swoop.
For some reason, I recall that earlier phone call that came out of the blue, warning me repeatedly to not be reckless.
Now that I think about it, Victor at that time always gave a kind of strange feeling, which I couldn’t tell.
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MC: ....Just make a phone call to hear his voice. It cannot be regarded as contacting rashly, I think.
Thinking of this, I pick up the phone without hesitation.
At the same time, Goldman calls and tells MC => Victor has asked her to come to LFG with a report at 10.
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MC: Victor? He wants to see me? What else did he say....
I still haven’t finished my words, and there is the sound of a flurry of busy signal coming from the other end of the receiver. Goldman has already coldly hung up the phone.
MC: ....
I’m not at all surprised being treated with such indifference.
But what is the proposal? I don’t seem to have any project recently that needs to be reported on....
I’m a little perplexed for a while. I open my work email-inbox, and search back and forth, but no luck either.
MC: Strange, did I miss any task?
With two hours remaining from 10 o’clock, I no longer struggle. After washing up quickly, I stuff a notebook in my bag, and hurriedly get out of the door.
After all, what I can be certain of is that, I will be able to see Victor very soon.
MC arrives at LFG: Goldman continues to coldly ignore her greetings. :<
However, another young man MC is unfamiliar with, leads her to Victor’s office.
After taking in the sight inside the office, my heart inexplicably thumps for a while in confusion.
Obviously it’s daytime, but the blinds are tightly folded, making the room appear exceptionally dim.
Warning strips are attached to the desk and the bookcase on either side, the contrasting color making this already serious office appear even more oppressive.
A strange feeling bubbles up in my heart. I have a vague feeling that this place has already been maintaining this state for a while.
I avert my line of sight, gazing towards the familiar black office chair.
The chair is empty.
Victor is not here.
✧ [CH 17- 3] ✧
Bewildered at the sight, MC asks the young man about Victor.
The man explains Victor only told them to ask MC to come at this time, no other details.
While MC is still perplexed as to why someone else but Goldman took her inside Victor’s office, the man introduces himself as Lawyer Duan JunJie (Caerus introduced in CH 10) and tells MC about the arrangements Victor has made.
Upon MC’s questioning, he tells MC that after the Hunter Game was made public, no one has seen Victor. STF came to investigate here and they came last night as well.
The man leaves saying it’s time for his break, asks MC to make an appointment at the front desk if she needs something.
MC bitterly jokes to herself that all of Victor’s employees are time-conscious like him LOL and closes the office door.
My heart also sinks immediately following the light that has been isolated from me.
The phone is still quiet. I still haven’t received any reply from Victor.
However, in this seemingly blank period of time, he still has been very eventful ー from all the big strategic-decisions made by LFG, to the small ones as replacing the person to receive me.
In a daze, I have the illusion that he is still watching me from somewhere.
This makes me calm down slightly. I take a deep breath, and start to size up the office in front of me.
Despite feeling something amiss, MC doesn’t find anything in particular and she realizes Victor doesn’t want anyone else to find the clues. As such, she suddenly recalls somethingー
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MC: ....Proposal!
Since Victor has asked me to come “to report,” I decide to walk through in accordance with the usual sequence of the process, and give it a try.
I use the notebook as the project planner, and gently place it on the table according to my usual habit.
MC: ....Mm?
I stare blankly at the tabletop.
Most of Victor’s office supplies are stored and organized properly. However, there are exceptions too, such as ー the fountain pen he uses to sign documents.
Perhaps because it’s often used, this pen has always been placed on the table by him. But now it’s inserted inside the pen holder.
In normal times, this kind of overly suspicious “looking for difference” would certainly be complained on by Victor.
But right now, anything unusual might be a reminder left behind by him.
I pick up the fountain pen, and examine it carefully, but I don’t find anything special.
MC: Next, Victor will be attending to the documents while drinking coffee.
He is used to putting the coffee cup on his left-hand side, just incase he accidentally spills it while writing. But at the moment, the cup is on the right.
Yet there is nothing unusual about it either.
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MC: Am I thinking too much....
I put the cup back in his left-hand side, and continue with the process.
MC: Normally speaking, he would have asked me to look for a place to sit down first while he is reading the proposal.
I turn around to the direction of the sofa not far away.
A porcelain vase is usually placed on the table next to the sofa, and flowers are placed there when esteemed guests pay a visit.
Occasionally I also bring him flowers to “adjust his mood.” So that vase has always been kept here.
But now, there is only a stack of folders in its place.
I open the folder and flip through it, inside it is full of some insignificant files.
There are even a few of the first drafts of my proposals from a long time ago, which still carry the markings he casually made on them.
These are some of the old immature cases I’ve gone to. I didn’t expect Victor to still keep them.
The familiar handwriting at the annotations fades slowly along with the paper.
After turning over a few pages at random, I finally notice something different.
There is a handwriting that appears to be inadvertently marked with some words, but the color of the ink is dark, and it must have been added recently.
There are several pages in a row that have marks like this. I hastily link up the marked words.
MC:  (reading out) “Protect yourself from exposure to NW”....
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MC: !
It’s NW again.... It seems the recent events are all connected with NW.
Why would Victor come in contact with them to some extent?
And for someone as efficient as he is, he is using such conservative methods to indirectly convey this to me....
There is only one possibility.
The situation he is now facing is very urgent, leaving him with no way to appear in person.
Nervousness and restlessness occupy my mind, and my heart begin to beat violently.
I immediately check all the other papers thoroughly as well. When I turn to the last page, a post-it note comes off the glue, and falls off.
It’s a pink sticky note with my own handwriting on it which says, “What are we eating later.”
I remember it was during one of those long and tedious meetings. I got so bored while listening that I tore up a sticky note, and passed it to Victor.
At that time, I only received a silent expression. But the sticky note before me now has an additional line of address, and also a line of reminder.
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MC: (reading the note) “After you’re finished, head over there first”....
MC: Is it for me to meet up here after I’ve finished handling the matter?
MC finds the address somewhat familiar, but can’t put her finger on it and decides to focus on what Victor needs her to do first.
MC thinks since STF came to search, the clues Victor has left behind might have gotten affected, but she’s also certain Victor will definitely leave something behind that cannot be destroyed.
She tries to think from “Victor’s perspective” and thinks if the “BOSS” will follow her method and use pinhole camera like she uses during BS missions.
After searching every corner of the office, MC indeed finds a hidden camera.
From the contents she finds => three men dressed in NW uniforms asking Victor to come with them. Despite dropping some tart on if NW really wants to be involved with a notorious company like LFG, Victor goes with them without putting any defense.
✧ [CH 17- 4] ✧
I stare at the image before me in shock, chills running down from my heart to my fingertips.
Could it be that he couldn’t be contacted during this period of time is because he was taken away by NW?
My inside is in a chaos, as I hastily browse through the call log and check the time in the CCTV footage along with itー
It’s the same day.
Victor (phone call flashback): Remember, regardless of what happens, don’t panic.
Victor (phone call flashback): Don’t always be reckless, running into dangers....
Victor (phone call flashback): And trust my judgements.
As it turns out, he didn’t make that call on a whim. He was saying these to warn me.
[ Note: The call MC is referring to, and has referred to several times before is the call Victor made in CH 13ー HERE! ]
If I were a bit more attentive at that time, could I have heard his reflecting overtones sooner?
Worry and annoyance fill my heart. But at this very moment, I don’t have enough time to think about it.
MC fast-forwards the video and finds NW also did an investigation in Victor’s office. 
MC opens another video, and she notices => in between getting up and leaving, Victor tapped on a drawer.
MC gets it: She pulls open that drawer and after rummaging through she finds the documents related to LFG’s acquisition of the “Small Syringes.”
MC realizes: The reason Victor is targeted at the moment could only be this, and from how Victor protected these documents, NW was looking for these. But she’s at a loss for what he wants her to do right now.
And the next bit: As much as it shows their strong understanding and chemistry- it’s just sad.... really sad. ;-;
I look at that absolutely empty chair in front of me, seeking to turn my brain to keep pace with his train of thoughts.
Victor (in MC’s mind): Not letting them find the documents is the first step. The documents are the crucial evidence. Thus, the second step should be bringing out their implicit values as soon as possible.
Faintly, even though Victor isn’t sitting there, I seem to be able to see his silhouette ー saying word by word that he has taught me in regular days.
Victor (in MC’s mind): And this is something you’re precisely the expert at. Make reasonable use of these documents and the information at hand, make sure that they are disseminated as far wide range as possible within certain channels, and guide the direction of the public opinion.
When analyzing whether or not to release the assassination list, Victor also did as such, guiding me step by step.
Victor (in MC’s mind): Without action, there must be no gain. Handle the matter calmly and then trust my judgement.
It's extremely quite inside the office, but I can always hear his voice.
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MC: Okay, CEO Victor.
I unconsciously raise the corners of my lips, seemingly if only one thinks of his voice, there in lies the power to soothe peoples’ hearts.
I stand on the opposite side of the table. As though submitting the report, similar to the ordinary days, I analyze the questions in the article one by one, which Victor has left behind for me.
Victor (in MC’s mind): For what reason I could be hiding them?
MC: This is the actual fact about LFG’s acquisition of “Small Syringe”, which can entirely cast away the relationship between LFG and the Hunter Game.
Victor (in MC’s mind): What do I want to use them for?
I ponder for a moment, and give my answer.
MC: ....Using the company’s transmission channels to conduct pressure.
Victor (in MC’s mind): How to conduct pressure?
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MC: You allowed yourself to have ten days before contacting me, which indicates you’ve never gotten away from NW. However, there is no key evidence to prove that LFG’s acquisition is related to the Hunter Game. Even if it’s for investigation and interrogation, you shouldn’t have been kept all along as well. What's more, according to the general circumstances, the NW also doesn’t have the right to either search or arrest privately. NW’s myriad of actions should be called into question.
I finish in one breath, and again look at the document in front of me.
MC: In addition, although it is not yet suitable to disclose the whole truth.... But these data can just prove that LFG has been carrying baseless accusations.
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MC: Victor is too.
I look at that unoccupied chair, and suddenly realize that Victor has prepared everything so thoughtfully that he seems to have anticipated this day a long time ago.
According to Victor’s usual nature, all the things that might make me anxious, he will not easily let me know.
But the fact that he is now letting me participate to this extent explains his current situation mustn’t be optimistic, and he needs my help.
Although I always cannot help but think, if I paid attention to his abnormality a bit earlier, and thought of something sooner, maybe things would have been different....
But now I am moving forward with Victor’s plan step by step. Instead of repenting and redressing my errors, I should believe in him more.
I breath out slowly, and finally sit down in the chair opposite him somewhat wearily, flopping down on the table.
There are many things waiting for me to do. But I still need some strength and courage to withstand the restlessness in the depth of my heart.
Reminiscing and re-enactment of S1 CH 27 and 28 starts.
♫ Music changes to: Victor’s S2 theme  ♫
It’s dark in the room, which inexplicably makes me remember a long-awaited reunion ー a very long time ago.
My eyes were blindfolded by the fabric. But I still impatiently wanted to confirm that, the person in front of me was him.
I wanted to hear his voice, wanted to hear him call my name.
....In this way, I can feel at ease.
And for this reason, I also made a promise with him in a very childish way.
Thinking of the scenario at that time, I cannot help but laugh a little, and follow after the memory of the action by stretching out my hand.
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MC: At that time, I certainly didn’t expect that there will be one day, when the dignified CEO Victor will also take the initiative to ask for my help.
MC: Although I still get called a dummy now, but maybe I have matured a little bit, right?
I grin reluctantly at the empty chair.
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MC: However, still haven’t gotten quite mature enough. Also there’s no way to be like you, to be as steady as you are and holding your feet at all times.
MC: So.... if I still want to make a pinky promise with you now, would you feel it’s very childish?
Victor’s voice message: You’re surely doing something childish again right now, aren’t you.
Suddenly, Victor’s voice rings out in the quiet office.
I freeze.
Amid the silence, the landline’s light flickers on the desk, and his voice transmits outwards leisurely.
That is a message from Victor.
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MC: Why exactly at this time....
Victor’s voice message: I’m naturally well aware of what you can do, to what extent you can accomplish and how long it might take.
As though having a conversation, his reply directly picks up on my question.
Victor is clearly not in front of me right now, yet I feel that he can always see me.
Victor’s voice message: But I guess, you’d now want to seize the opportunity to make me promise you something again, isn’t it?
Victor’s voice message: With your level of enthusiasm for childish things, pinky promise is the most probable thing you’d choose at the moment.
The sound of clothes rustling comes from the speaker. Mysteriously and inexorably, I always feel that I seem to be aware of what he is doing.
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Victor’s voice message: About the reward you want, wait until the matter is resolved and then let me know in person.
The sunlight outside the window seems to have become a bit stronger, making its way through a small crack in the shutter and landing on his chair, slightly dazzling to the eye.
Victor (in the flashback of S1 CH 28-2):  “There, pinky promise.”
As I recall, he once said this to me softly.
And at this very moment, his voice continues to rise from the telephone, slowly passing through the speaker.
Victor’s voice message: Now I can make the pinky promise with you.
The memory of that response seems to have traversed time in an instant, and falls back in my ears, carrying it with a reassuring tone.
I seem to truly see Victor, who is still sitting here. He then stands up, holding out his pinky finger in front of me.
And hooks together with my outstretched pinky finger.
Victor’s voice message: Aren’t you going to say anything?
MC: ....
I take a deep breath, as though I have drawn infinite courage.
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MC: I promise you, I will do everything I can to resolve this matter, so that you can come back as soon as possible.
MC: I won’t hide behind you this time.
MC: However, you must be safe and sound until I settle this matter.
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MC: We’ve pinky promised, and neither is allowed to break our promises.
The air is quiet for a long time. Victor seems to have left a long time for my “bold, visionary words.”
After waiting for a very long time, along with a reassuring, soft laughter ー he drops the final reply for this conversation that has transcended time.
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Victor: Don’t make me wait for you too long, MC.
✧ [CH 17- 6] ✧
At MC’s office: MC returns with the documents, and discuses with Anna, Kiki, Willow, Minor on how to release the truth about LFG’s acquisition scandal, and create pressure on NW to release Victor, and thinks even if Victor isn’t with NW at the moment, it will help him in taking his next step.
After working on the report till evening ー the news reaches 100M views, and 10K discussion threads in a ridiculously short amount of time after its publication, and the public opinion heavily leans towards LFG and Victor throughout the night.
The next morning ー unsurprisingly, all the portals are vanished, and NW hasn’t made any public response. MC becomes certain that Victor is still under NW’s capture, and gets anxious again.
As such, MC goes to the address Victor told her to, and realizes it’s Grandpa Chuck’s house.
Grandpa Chuck: Child, you’ve finally arrived.
MC: Grandpa Chuck....
After the world restarted, many events have proceeded towards entirely different paths at the intersection of fate.
This time, I didn’t pay Grandpa Chuck the unauthorized visit, and disturb his tranquil life.
But I didn’t expect that Victor would guide me here to meet him in person.
Grandpa Chuck: Do you know who I am?
I come back to my senses, realize I’ve lost my tongue, and smile awkwardly.
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MC: I know. You’re my dad’s friend. And Victor....
Grandpa Chuck releases a gentle laugh, and nods.
Grandpa Chuck: He’s got everything arranged. Come with me.
I follow behind Grandpa Chuck, being a little puzzled in my mind. What did Victor arrange here with Grandpa Chuck?
Walking into the cabin, the memories of what was once here come rolling out in a display before my eyes at this moment.
The wooden furniture reflects a shimmering gentle glow under the sunlight ー neat and warm.
It’s as if everything is the way I remember.
I think of the first time I entered the other dimension. I thought I stayed here for only about two or three hours, and Victor almost rushed in because he was worried about me.
At the moment, the scene from the past comes floating in my mind in a roll, and a corner of my heart instantly becomes soft.
[ Note: MC is referring to S1 CH 11-22 ] :<
MC exchanges greetings with Grandpa Chuck, and they talk about her fathers’ whereabouts. After reassuring her, Grandpa Chuck changes the subject.
Grandpa Chuck: Victor came to me earlier, and requested me to do him a favor. He asked me to let you stay here for the time being. When the time comes, he will come to pick you up.
Grandpa Chuck: In fact, after your father left, I’ve never come here either.
Grandpa Chuck: I promised Victor. On one hand, it’s because I also wanted to meet you, and come here to have a look.
Grandpa Chuck: On the other hand....
Grandpa Chuck laughs as he looks at me.
Grandpa Chuck: He really  values you, and wants to ensure you are safe.
Victor has paved the way for my safety from beginning to the end.
He knew that once I announced all these, concerning the NW always keeping a low-profile, it will be more than just a provocation.
After I try to force NW to return Victor under the pressure of the public opinion, and to provide everyone with an explanation, they will certainly not leave the matter at that.
Therefore, he asked me to come to Grandpa Chuck’s place immediately after I’ve completed the task. But....
NW has never come forward to declare their position. In addition, they are pressing down the level of heat.
As for Victor’s whereabouts and well-being, no one knows yet, and the entire situation of the matter has entered a deadlock.
Thinking about this, I raise my eyes, and solemnly shake my head at Grandpa Chuck.
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MC: Grandpa Chuck, I can’t stay here.
Grandpa Chuck smiles, as if he has anticipated my answer long ago.
Grandpa Chuck: Victor was right. You really won’t agree to this easily.
Grandpa Chuck: He asked for you to trust his judgement. If you have any objections, wait for him to return and then protest.
Saying this, Grandpa Chuck comes forward to hand MC the cup her dad once painted as her birthday gift, but at that moment the entire cabin starts shaking.
People from NW appear out of nowhere. One of them holds a knife to MC’s neck, and pushes her towards pitch black darkness.
MC arrives at a place three sides surrounded by neat white walls, a large mirror at one side, and people in white uniforms.
A man in uniform shoots her a cold glance, and reveals the mirror to be a clear glass:
I look out the glass, my breath stalling tightly.
Sitting opposite, Victor is alone amid a land of darkness.
The room takes up a large area, the emptiness sweeping away in the environment inexplicably reveals a lifeless atmosphere.
The wall right behind him is full of display screens. Surprisingly, all the contents of the images are of Victor at this moment.
I mechanically avert my line of sight, looking towards Victor once again.
On his wrists, the handcuffs reflect off an ice-cold and suffocating light.
✧ [CH 17- 7] ✧
In the dimly lit interrogation room, Victor sits silently on the central chair.
The cold light of the chandelier encases the position of his seat, reminiscent of an incorporeal circle of pictures, reflecting the handcuffs on his wrists even more icily.
I want to call out his name, but a man with a tang knife holds the blade directly against my neck.
??: Don’t worry. This is a one-way glass. He can’t see you.
That man appearing to have a special identity warns me. But I don’t have the mood to care about his words, and just keep my eyes glued on Victor.
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Although I have already anticipated the possibility of him being held captive, but seeing him being handcuffed at the interrogation table still causes a burst of dull ache in my heart.
His demeanor is still calm and collected, but he is unable to cover up his fatigue.
Victor should not be sitting here.
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At this moment, he seems to have sensed someone on the other side of the glass, and slowly lifts his eyes to look over.
He doesn’t make eye contact with anyone on our side. I know that he won’t see me either.
??: Good Morning, CEO Victor.
That man who possibly is a commanding officer, takes a step forward, and starts talking in a deep voice.
??: Today’s breakfast was pretty good, huh? Once in a while, living this kind of life where you don’t need to worry about work, isn’t it nice too?
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Victor: [sarcastically]  Someone has been worrying about LFG on behalf of me all along. That indeed makes it a lot easier.
Victor opens his mouth without changing his expression. The man smiles lightly.
NW Commanding Officer: I don’t have the capabilities of CEO Victor. I simply wish to find out about some situations, that’s all.
With that said, he walks away while crossing his arms. A team member next to him takes a step forward, and speaks in a business-like manner.
??: Custody number A021, Victor. Your interrogation will begin next.
That team member speaks while spreading out a record book in his hand.
I glance at it from my peripheral vision, only to see that the words written on it are densely packed, and there are no less than dozens of pages!
??: What is the purpose of LFG’s centralized acquisition of “Small Syringes” in the last few months?
Victor: Commercial secret. No comment. Even if you ask me ten times a day, my answer still won’t change.
Victor’s expression is indifferent, and there isn’t a trace of ripples in his tone.
The person who is interrogating him doesn’t care, and continues to ask the next question as before, akin to an ice-cold machine.
 ??: What is the connection between LFG and the Hunter Game?
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Victor: There is no connection. LFG has never heard of the game you are talking about.
??: A few months ago, you used a fake identity to place a big bet in the Hunter Game Region 9 Level 2 tournament. Since then, LFG has begun to acquire the manufacturers of the “Small Syringes” in large quantities.
Victor: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
NW Commanding Officer: Mr. Victor, don’t forget, we have the documents in hand which can prove that you have  placed a bet.
The commanding officer next to me suddenly interrupts, his tone taking a bit of toughness.
Victor: It seems that, the NW commanding officer doesn’t have a good memory. I have already said the same thing many, many times. LFG doesn’t have the slightest bit of concern about the Hunter Game. If you must splash this bucket of dirty water at LFG, in that case, LFG will also investigate this matter to the end.
The conversation between both parties still continues while my heart tightens.
All the signs prove that they have already conducted such an interrogation many times.
I tightly pinch the palm of my own hand.
For so many days now, Victor has maintained a cautious state. I also cannot act blindly without thinking.
People from NW were able to find Grandpa Chuck’s cabin, which indicates they have the means to master Victor’s plans.
Now they have brought me here, making me witness Victor’s interrogation process and concealing my existence from him. They certainly have some other purpose.
At this moment, I’d better remain calm, and observe the changes in the situation.
NW Commanding Officer: Mr. Victor, I believe our “communication” appears to have some deviations. We haven’t asked you to come here wishing to stand on the opposite side with LFG. As long as CEO Victor co-operates with our investigation, and hands over the things we want, you may leave at any time.
Is NW trying to use LFG to threaten Victor?
I nervously look towards Victor, but he merely raises his lips faintly.
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Victor: With NW’s abilities and means, what can’t be found? I am here. The doors of LFG are wide open to you all. If you still haven’t gotten what you want, then it means I simply don’t have that thing. 
The NW commanding officer’s complexion changes slightly, a cloud of shadow fleeting past his eyes.
His gaze sweeps over me, then turns his head to look towards Victor once again.
NW Commanding Officer: CEO Victor probably isn’t aware. This news has been very lively over the past two days. [MC’s company Name], the company you invested in, reported several news articles with a series of corrections about LFG’s malicious acquisition of the “Small Syringes.” Even, the footage of CEO Victor being taken away by us was made public. 
He pauses for a moment, his lips curling up in an almost imperceptible smile.
NW Commanding Officer: Especially the person in charge for [MC’s Company Name], MC. Her style of doing things is not only in accordance with your high efficiency, and accuracy but also is able to co-operate with you without showing any trace. Such “tacit understanding,” I presume CEO Victor must be very pleased.
My heart clenches tightly for a split second.
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Victor: Making reasonable judgements and handling the news is the most basic professional ethic of the media workers. Since she carried out an incorrect report before, she ought to be correcting it as well.
Victor: This kind of mending the fold after the sheep are lost manner of handling things can only show that her performance in the past few years has been barely passable.
[ Note: Victor uses the idiom “亡羊补牢” (wáng yáng bǔ láo), which literally translates to “to mend the fold after the sheep are lost,” which conveys the idea of “acting belatedly” or “better late than never.” I decided to keep the idiom as it is, cause it sounds cooler LOL ] 
Victor: As for the “tacit understanding,” it’s out of question. Even if you have seen something or misunderstood something, it’s none of my business.
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MC: ....
Reason tells me that he is saying this to protect me.... but his icy tone still makes my heart inexplicably a little sour.
NW Commanding Officer: I can understand Mr. Victor being in such a hurry to draw a line. After all, this Miss MC is indeed very special.
NW Commanding Officer: CEO Victor has acquired so many “Small Syringes.” Presumably, he is also aware of the existence of CORE, isn’t he. We found that there might be a bit of relation between Miss MC and CORE.
Victor’s expression doesn’t change, seemingly not being interested in what he has said in the least.
The commanding officer doesn’t care a bit either, and continues to speak minding his own business.
NW Commanding Officer: CORE doesn’t exist in her genes, nor can it be ruled out either. And, CEO Victor hasn’t looked for the CORE as urgently as the other people. Did he figure this out already at an earlier time?
NW Commanding Officer: It’s no wonder that you care about her so much.
Hearing his words, my eyes widen in bewilderment.
How did they arrive at this conclusion? Could it be from that experiment they did on me earlier?
Furthermore, what does he mean by “doesn’t exist, nor can it be ruled out either?”
I subconsciously look towards Victor.
Although his expression hasn’t changed in any way, but a momentary hesitation still flashes through his eyes.
However, he still pricks up his eyebrows, and replies unhurriedly.
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Victor: As it turns out, NW mustered large force in bringing me over here and make me listen to this story. But it’s a shame that I don’t have any interest. 
Victor: As far as it’s concerned, for LFG, [MC’s Company Name] is just one of the numerous investment projects. Capital only recognizes profit. Apart from this, nothing is irreplaceable. 
Victor: If this investment project were to be replaced, I would naturally care about the other person in the same way.
The NW commanding officer nods and smiles, looking as if he has finally heard the answer of his satisfaction.
NW Commanding Officer: As expected of someone who is able to reign the business world at such a young age. I quite admire CEO Victor’s personality.
NW Commanding Officer: Indeed, no one is forever trustworthy. Am I correct, Miss MC?
Turning his head, the commanding officer gives me an alarming glance, his tone carrying it with a faint ridicule.
Without waiting for me to respond, he presses some push button. The one-way mirror between us rises little by little.
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Victor’s gaze is subconsciously casted over, fully colliding into my gaze, and finally landing on the blade resting across my neck.
NW Commanding Officer: The two of you must have a lot of catching up to do. We won’t disturb anymore then.
The commanding officer gives a meaningful glance, gesturing for the man to put the knife down. The ice-cold edge of the knife streaks across my skin.
NW Commanding Officer: Oh, I’m sorry Miss MC. You aren’t hurt, are you? He is a bit stupid. But I don’t think CEO Victor should care about this trivial matter. After all.... “Nothing is irreplaceable.”
After saying that, he leads that man away, leaving Victor and I on the two sides of the spacious and empty room.
I catch a glimpse of Victor’s momentary astonishment. My eyes unnaturally circle in the air, and finally rest back on his face.
Victor seems to be wanting to speak, but in the end he doesn’t say anything either.
We look at each other in silence, the atmosphere becoming somewhat awkward momentarily.
✧ [CH 17- 8] ✧
After looking at each other for a few seconds in silence, the worries for Victor still overflow out of my heart.
I shoot a glance towards the four corners of the room, and find surveillance cameras in all corners.
Our current state might still be under the surveillance of NW.
I have originally wanted to open my mouth more cautiously, but without the glass barrier, the dazzling handcuffs on Victor’s wrist appear even more jarring.
The worries and distress I have just swallowed come rushing back to my heart, and I cannot help wanting to ask him about his situation.
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MC: Victor, you....
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Victor: [softly and hurriedly]  Didn’t you go to that address?
I have just opened my mouth when Victor’s slightly angry tone interrupts me.
I meet his gaze, and in there apart from a little suppressed anger seems to be the exact same concerns as mine.
MC: I did go to Grandpa Chuck’s place, but there a bit of mishap happened. A person from NW broke into Grandpa Chuck’s other dimension and brought me here.
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Victor: ....Going to such great lengths.
Victor snorts coldly, a bit of chilliness penetrating out of his eyes.
I scrutinize his expression, and word it carefully.
MC: But now that the public opinion is at LFG’s side, we should be able to get out of here soon. After all, NW doesn’t have the right to privately imprison either.
Victor: It seems that what the commanding officer said just now was right. You indeed  have done a pretty good job.
Victor’s tone is indifferent, as though he really has pulled apart the ties with me.
But his slightly upward trailing voice still reveals a little bit of his true feelings.
I try hard to control my expression, and also pretend to speak indifferently.
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MC: After all, I still have “basic professional ethics.” In addition, you have been here for so many days, no one approved my proposals.... It truly was a too much of a delayed job.
My volume gradually becomes small, and I blink at him inadvertently.
Victor: In that case, now I will give you an opportunity to report on your work during this period of time.
MC: Huh? Right now?
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Victor: And also about the latest news. Since it’s your field of expertise, report on that too.
I am stunned for a moment. But after meeting his tranquil eyes, very quickly I retrieve my train of thoughts.
Victor is trapped here, and is unable to learn about quite a lot of information.
Conveniently, I walk over, and seize the opportunity to eye him up from top to bottom thoroughly.
Apart from the dazzling handcuffs, his body is completely clean, and there aren’t any traces of wounds. I breath a sigh of relief, and rapidly report the information that I have sorted out in my brain one by one.
MC: Actually, my follow-up report on the acquisition was not just in order to follow up on the truth of the matter. It was also because LFG got caught up with the negative public opinions related to the Hunter Game.
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Victor: [voice drops strikingly]  Hunter Game has been made public?
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MC: Mm. During this time when you weren’t present, Loveland City launched a city-wide Hunter Game.
As soon as the words leave my mouth, Victor suddenly takes a step closer to me.
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Victor: [extremely soft and panicking tone™]  City-wide? Did you participate too?
MC: The promoters of the game used peoples’ lives as bargaining chips. Almost all the citizens were forced to participate in the gameplay....
MC: But now the game has already come to an end, and majority of the people are also reinstating their regular lives.
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MC: And I was even able to report the news on behalf of LFG. Don’t worry.
I gaze at the glistening emotions in Victor’s eyes, and give him a comforting smile.
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Victor gently closes his eyes, as though he is suppressing something. When he starts speaking once again, he has already regained his tranquil tone.
Victor: Suddenly choosing to brave a huge risk like this, what is the purpose of the people behind the game?
I shoot glances a few times towards the surveillance cameras not far away, then stealthily move closer to him, lowering my volume.
MC: It’s in order to unseal the lighthouse. It’s one kind of relic-like existence, and it requires gathering up sufficient Evol energy to open....
I explain the concept of the lighthouse to Victor, and again mention the related information of Joker.
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Victor seems to look pensive as he listens to my description.
Considering the situation before our eyes, I don’t have enough time to think much into it, and specially emphasize on NW’s activities at the Small Rock Reef.
MC: At present, NW has taken over the energy gathering system under the Small Rock Reef, and also has taken away the apparatus used to gather the Evol energy. The marked scale stopped approximately at 98% when the apparatus was taken away.
Victor knits his eyebrows, as though he is sorting out the information I have just said.
Victor: In other words, each stage of the Hunter Game is actually all about unsealing the lighthouse. And this time, Joker needs the power of the people of the entire city to unseal the lighthouse.
I nod, but Victor’s expression appears to be sinking.
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MC: Is there something wrong?
Victor: Let me ask you. Suppose you are Joker, and you have spent so much time and energy in planning this thing. Now you can already see your success, but your plan has been wrecked. In that case, what is the first you’re going to do?
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MC: I’m going to mentally rain curses on the person who wrecked my plans.
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Victor: [sighs heavily and helplessly] ....
Victor seems to be chocking up all of a sudden, and casts me an obvious speechless expression.
Victor: Then what about the second thing?
MC: ....Perhaps I will try to give it a go another time? I’ve already accomplished to this stage, and it would feel quite hard to swallow this breath.
Victor: That’s right. At this juncture, he will not allow his plans to fall through the cracks.
MC: But now the game has already been made public. People from all walks of life in the society have fixed their attentions entirely on his actions. There shouldn’t be any place where he can continue to conduct the game, should there?
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Victor: The “society” is so huge that inevitably there will be places where the others can’t see. Just like this secret prison. We were completely unaware of it beforehand too.
When Victor finishes speaking, we sink into a brief silence.
He is right. Joker has been in the dark all along. It is only then we became aware of his actions when we were affected by the waves.
And where he will continue this next game, we simply are unable to find out.
Just as we are pondering in silence, a loud bang sounds in our ears, and the ground also trembles slightly.
The alarm installed overhead is set in motion. The room immediately flickers red light, and the shrill sound of the alarm reverberates continuously.
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MC: What’s going on?!
Just at this moment, the door of the interrogation room is quickly opened, and several NW members walk in.
??: Please come with us.
When they have finished speaking, they approach us without any explanation and pull us along, preparing to take us away.
Victor stands rooted in his original position and doesn’t move, his expression remains unchanged as he speaks.
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Victor: Wait a minute. I want to see your commanding officer.
??: The commanding officer has important matters to attend to at the moment, and has accounted us to assist with your transfer. Please co-operate.
Victor still doesn’t have any reaction, and interrupts them.
Victor: A sudden explosion occurred on the island. Don’t you guys want to know what was the reason?
There is a moment of silence on the other side.
Victor: It was the port where the explosion occurred. Am I correct?
Several team members look at each other meaningfully for a bit. Among them, one member finally turns around to walk outside the room.
Calmly and unhurriedly, Victor sits back in his seat, and also pulls me to his side in the process.
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MC: What on earth is going on?
Borrowing the sound of the alarm in the room, I lower my voice, and ask him in a whisper.
Victor doesn’t answer me directly, only squeezes my hand.
[ T/N: He is wearing the handcuffs.... ಡ‸ಡ ]
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Victor: You will find out in a moment. Remember, don’t make a fool of yourself.
Very soon, that same officer from before appears at the doorway.
NW Commanding Officer: How did you know about that?
Victor: Just the most basic judgement, that’s all. I suppose, by means of the strengths of NW, a good plan must have already been deployed as the response. But if you want to make it truly foolproof, I can offer a shortcut.
The commanding officer looks towards Victor with some suspicion. Victor opens his mouth as he unhurriedly explains the way.
Victor: The commanding officer has investigated on me so carefully, he must be aware of my Evol. There are many Evolvers within the Time and Space Administration, but only a few of them can traverse through timelines. I have the ability to know the future, and I can naturally help you in controlling the current situation.
NW Commanding Officer: In that case, CEO Victor, why don’t you tell me how is the situation at present?
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Victor: In fact, before I came here, I have already seen the situation that is happening now. I learnt that there is an apparatus in your hand that is capable of gathering Evol energy. It originally belonged to the promoters of the Hunter Game.
Victor: But now it seems that, the original owner of this apparatus doesn’t intend to abandon it. And once the number on the apparatus has risen to its full capacity, you may not be able to bear the consequences which will be brought from it.
I furtively observe Victor’s expression, and a wide panorama suddenly opens up in my heart.
Although he indeed has the ability to know the future....
But what he is actually saying right now, is entirely on the basis of his speculations and judgements from the information he has.
Victor’s ability has never only been so simple like a powerful Evol.
I watch as he lifts up his head, and fixedly looks towards the person directly in front.
Even if he is sitting inside an interrogation room, his freedom is restricted by the handcuffs — he is still able to seize the initiative into his own hands.
And the choice he has given, it’s one that no one can refuse.
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Victor: Officer, there isn’t much time left for you to consider. It’s time to make a decision.
✧ [CH 17- 10] ✧
The interrogation room sinks into a brief silence, the expression of the commanding officer becoming unpredictable.
NW Commanding Officer: Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Victor. We appreciate your kindness, but for now it’s better to shift to a safe place first.
In the face of the commanding officer’s blunt refusal, Victor on the contrary, glances at the digital clock on the side, and smiles as if having a card up his sleeves.
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Victor: Before that, I suggest you to prioritize ensuring the safety of the buildings near the port.
The commanding officer’s expression changes, and he stands motionless in his original position.
Victor: Two minutes later, the building at the west side of the port will explode.
A deathly stillness hangs in the air as no one moves, as though here it’s rather one of a stalemated war against time.
Two minutes later, a loud bang can be heard along with a sense of swaying.
I suppress the astonishment in my heart. The commanding officer narrows his eyes, and starts speaking after a while.
NW Commanding Officer: I believe in CEO Victor’s ability, but this is also merely a one kind of passive remedy. If you want to take back the initiative again on the basis of this alone— I’m afraid that it’d be quite difficult. To figure out the other parties’ whereabouts and the deployments in advance, we can interrogate the prisoners who have been re-captured after the prison-break.
I listen to his words, and frown slightly.
As it turns out, the prisoners also escaped along with the explosion just now?
My brain is running at a high-speed. Clearly, the NW commanding officer has already believed in Victor’s ability, and said that originally some information will not be told to us.
Although the situation is slowly leaning towards us, but the decisive bargaining chips are still lapsing.
We need a way to be able to find Joker faster.
Akin to igniting a flint, I suddenly think of something, and subconsciously take a step forward.
MC: Officer, I have a suggestion regarding what you have just said. I could directly read the memory of the prisoners, and find out the whereabouts and the purpose of the attacker much faster.
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MC: Afterwards with a basic understanding, CEO Victor could then travel through time and discern his actions in advance. In this way, it’s almost foolproof—
Victor: No need.
Victor’s slightly amplified angry voice quickly interrupts me.
His eyebrows crease tightly while he doesn’t even look at me.
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Victor: There are many more ways to confirm the attackers actions. There is no need to let her deal with this matter.
MC: CEO Victor, the most important thing right now is to be able to reach an effective co-operation, don’t you think so?
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I turn my head towards him and blink, hoping he can understand my intention.
I know his fears. But since I am by his side, I will not allow him to face the danger all by himself.
I also believe that our tacit understanding can certainly reverse the current situation.
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Victor remains silent for a long time, and ultimately closes his eyelids slightly helplessly.
Victor: [almost talking to himself]  Just this once.
When he opens his eyes again, his gaze has already returned to the sharp one, looking towards the NW commanding officer.
Victor: What do you think, officer?
NW Commanding Officer: The plan she has put forward is indeed very efficient. If this is the case, we are willing to give CEO Victor’s proposal a try. However, CEO Victor must have corresponding conditions too, am I correct?
Victor: Three conditions. Any one of them is missing ー this deal is off the table.
NW Commanding Officer: Isn’t this a bit too much?
Victor: You can try to find other partner to co-operate with. But at the moment, you’re in more of a rush than I am.
The commanding officer remains silent, and sits down opposite of Victor.
Seeing Victor regaining the control of the situation, and the ever high and mighty commanding officer looking somewhat defeated, I breath easy in my heart.
Soon afterwards, I also hold my breath, and listen carefully to his conditions.
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Victor: Number one, guarantee that MC will not be harmed in any way.
Victor: Number two, unlock my handcuffs and turn off the surveillance in the room. Otherwise, I cannot use my Evol.
Victor: Number three, after the matter is concluded, make sure that we leave safely.
The other person contemplates for a while. Then he whispers a few words to confirm with a team member at his side, and extends his hand towards Victor.
NW Commanding Officer: To a pleasant co-operation, CEO Victor.
Victor doesn’t get up, only flips his wrists slightly to reveal the key-holes in the handcuffs.
The commanding officer beckons, and a NW team member at the side steps forward to unlock Victor’s handcuffs.
Seeing this scene, my heart also seems to be a bit light.
When I am just about to walk over and examine Victor’s condition, someone even quicker than me snaps another hand-cuff onto Victor’s wrists.
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MC: You?!
[ T/N: This is the first time MC snaps in this chapter. ಡ‸ಡ ]
NW Commanding Officer: The surveillance in the room has already been cut off, and we have also retrieved the handcuffs restraining Evol. Now these handcuffs will not affect the using of Evol. I also request for CEO Victor to comprehend.
The commanding officer threads his way through a loophole, and speaks in an ill tone, but Victor doesn’t seem to care at all.
Victor: Triviality. But before taking her away, let me have a few words with her alone.
NW Commanding Officer: I believe, CEO Victor will not waste too much time.
Along with the dropping of the sound of the door being locked, Victor frowns once again as he looks at me.
[ T/N: His voice turns into the “only and only” soft™ for MC level soft™ for the rest of the part. ]
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Victor: Do you know what you are going to face?
MC: A scientific research organization with a mysterious background - NW, and a villainous Boss who has made a mess of the world, and turned everything on its head?
Victor: It seems that you indeed are quite clear about it. Notー
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MC: Not too stupid.
I laugh as I take his words.
MC: Victor, are you nervous?
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Even though he has been handcuffed here spanning longer than ten days, in the face of the interrogation under high-pressure, he still remained calm, made calm judgements, and took back the initiative.
But now, he is actually hesitating, and is even deeply worried.
Victor: There must be many uncomfortable things in the memories of that group of prisoners. In extreme terms, there are even memories of hurting others, perhaps of painful times when being experimented on.
MC: This is exactly what I’d like to see.
I straighten up my waist, and look firmly at Victor.
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MC: We almost know nothing about NW. This is the best opportunity for us to find out their state of affairs. I am not afraid.
Victor: Really not afraid?
MC: ....Okay, still a bit afraid.
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MC: But this is the best option I can think of to help you, and at the same time, seize more initiative.
Regarding those dreadful memories, I’d actually fear them too. But to become the person who stands side by side with him, I simply cannot fear it.
Victor looks at me, and tucks my falling hair behind my ear.
[ T/N: He is wearing the handcuffs.... ಡ‸ಡ ]
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Victor: This is something you’ve decided on. Since you have already made the decision, I trust that you can get it done. You have the courage and insight, and also the capability.
Victor: But my worries have nothing to do with them. Pay attention to your safety and don’t mess around.
I look at Victor, and smile softly.
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MC: Victor, the same goes for you too.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
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