hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Happy 2022 Tanabata Day: Victor
🚨 Warning: This post contains spoiler from Double Seventh Day (07.07/08.04) which didn’t release in any servers. 🚨
Note 1: This post includes Mails, Phone Calls, and Go See Him (GSH).
Note 2: No voice pack available for Phone Calls and GSH :"
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Mails: The Time is Speaking
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Victor: Doing childish things with you is the most important significance of Tanabata. The one who gave this day a special meaning, is you.
Phone Calls: Hidden Surprise
Victor: Did you wake up?
MC: Yeah, I’m also done with dressing. How about you?
Victor: I just parked my car at our meeting place. I also found a ‘surprise’ that someone hid in the car last night.
MC: How, did you know there was another gift?
Victor: A dummy will always be creative with gifts. There can't be anything but weird-looking baked cookies.
MC: It’s not weird. It was really cute, you know!
Victor: Not bad.
MC: In that cases, what did CEO Victor think when he saw that ‘surprise’?
Victor: It’s still in the parts, so I can't comment it.
Victor: Before I assembling it, shouldn't you explain it first?
MC: I’ve talked to you about it before. About the new "Museum of Time" in the city.
MC: The gift is a souvenir that was sold exclusively there.
Victor: Oh, I saw the museum logo and instruction manual. Is this a sundial lamp?
MC: Yes. There is a picture of a cat curled up in the middle of the disc, it's really cute~
MC: When I first saw it, I thought it would be perfect for you!
Victor: To me, Its just looks like an dummy who is always attacked by drowsiness and dozing off.
MC: …I didn’t do something like that.
Victor: So, who was dozing off in the car last night?
MC: .....
Victor: After you've finished dressing up, go downstairs. I'll go there soon.
Go See Him: 2022 Tanabata Festivals
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Victor: .....All of dummy’s thoughts, were written on your face.
Victor: Don’t worry. I prepared exactly what you wanted. Whether it’s Tanabata or not, I won’t disappoint your expectation.
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Happy 2022 Tanabata Day: Kiro
🚨 Warning: This post contains spoiler from Double Seventh Day (07.07/08.04) which didn’t release in any servers. 🚨  
Note 1: This post includes Mails, Phone Calls, and Go See Him (GSH).
Note 2: No voice pack available for Phone Calls and GSH :"
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Mails: Entwined Sweetly
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Kiro: Miss Chips, the baked sweets I sent to you contain a surprising special secret flavor! Who will be the 'lucky boy' today!
Phone Calls: Happy Express Train
Kiro: Miss Chips, it’s me!
MC: Kiro, have you arrived at Loveland City?
Kiro: Bingo! Now, I’m on the way to MC’s house!
MC: My Tanabata plans are getting really long. I’ll be waiting for you to come back here~.
Kiro: Wait for a few minutes!
Kiro: Oh, yeah. Look at your phone. Are you receiving a strange emails?
MC: Eh? I’ll take a look.....You mean this ”Tanabata Happy Countdown”?
Kiro: That’s it. Did you open the attachment?
MC: It’s open! .....Wow, when I downloaded it, my phone wallpaper became a pixel art. Did you make this?
Kiro: Hehe, that’s right. Congratulations, you got Kiro’s special wallpaper!
MC: It’s full of little stars and little magpies. Also, there’re two bear cubs, which are very cute.
Kiro: I think so too!
Kiro: Did you notice that, the bear cubs are dressed as Hikoboshi and Princess Orihime?
MC: Yeah. Moreover, Hikoboshi’s bear is on an airplane. As expected of Kiro, full of originality!
Kiro: I’m glad that you liked it!
MC: Wait, these bear cubs were on the both sides until a while ago, but now they seem to be getting closer...
Kiro: Of course, the bear cubs will also spend Tanabata together. The distance between them, is the countdown until the two of them meet.
Kiro: When the bear cubs meet, I will appear in front of you too.
Go See Him: 2022 Tanabata Festivals
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Kiro: Miss Chips! Since I bought a really nice photo album, how about we using it for Tanabata photos?
Kiro: Let’s fill the album together!
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Happy 2022 Tanabata Day: Shaw
🚨 Warning: This post contains spoiler from Double Seventh Day (07.07/08.04) which didn’t release in any servers. 🚨
Note 1: This post includes Mails, Phone Calls, and Go See Him (GSH). 
Note 2: No voice pack available for Phone Calls and GSH :"
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Mails: Playing for All Night
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Shaw: You want me to go with you to Tanabata festival together? In that cases, it’s time to get ready for the night. When we go there, we’ll play as much as you like, so be prepared.
Phone Calls: Tanabata’s Special Order
Shaw: Hello. Hey, don’t talk to me yet.
Shaw: You’re, opening the gift while giggling now, don’t you?
MC: Don't tease me! I’m not giggling.
Shaw: Hmm..... so that means, you’ve opened the gift, right?
MC: .....I’m not that slow you know. I have already opened and looking at it.
Shaw: And, what did you learn from looking at that?
MC: This scarf’s pattern, is the old picture you showed me before?
Shaw: Oh, you have quite an eye for it, don’t you?
MC: It’s very nice watercolor painting. Even if it’s printed on the scarf, it’s so beautiful!
Shaw: Huh, looks good then.
MC: Where did you buy such a special scarf like this? There’s no brand name written on the box.
Shaw: Who said I bought it?
Shaw: I got it as a thank you gift for helping with restoration. But because I don’t use this kind of thing, I sent it to your place while i'm at it.
MC: Even though my name is written on the card, so it’s just a “incidentally”.....
Shaw: ...Tch, what would you do if I sent it by mistake?
MC: No matter how you look at it, it’s a gift for me, isn’t.
Shaw: If you really think so, do whatever you want.
Shaw: However, since you’ve received the gift, you’ll have to listen to what I have to say for all day today.
Go See Him: 2022 Tanabata Festivals
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Shaw: Don't be late for the Tanabata special event at Live House tonight.
Shaw: The detail is.....I won’t tell you yet. You’ll know when you come here.
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Happy 2022 Tanabata Day: Lucien
🚨 Warning: This post contains spoiler from Double Seventh Day (07.07/08.04) which didn’t release in any servers. 🚨
Note: No voice pack available for Phone Calls and GSH :"
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Mails: Morning and Evening with You
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Lucien: The wish I wrote is simple. It is to be with you for a long time, from morning till night. Can you make it come true?
Phone Calls: Evening Drink Invitation
Lucien: Hello, it’s me.
Lucien: Since it’s still early, did I bother you?
MC: No, not at all. I just getting ready for today! I will, never be late!
Lucien: Don’t rush yourself, take it easy.
Lucien: I called you because, I received a custom-made glass a while ago.
MC: That glass we designed together?
Lucien: Yes. I never thought, it would arrive on time today.
Lucien: You’ve been looking forward to it for a long time, so I wanted to let you know as soon as it arrived.
MC: Hooray! Actually, I already prepared japanese plum sake.
Lucien: What a coincidence. I also, prepared various flavors of sake with low alcohol content.
Lucien: I hope, I’m lucky enough to invite you. Miss, would you like a drink tonight?
MC: Sounds good! I’ll bring plum sake and snacks
Lucien: If we drink from the glass we designed together, it will surely give you a special taste.
MC: Since we have delicious sake and foods, can I looking forward to our classic Tanabata?
Lucien: *Chuckle*, Sure. Today’s schedule included, going to see the stars, and reading poetry.
MC: Reading poetry while enjoying sake, sounds like a lot of fun. What poem will Professor Lucien read this year?
Lucien: If you’re curious, why don’t you try to guess it? When we start drinking sake, let’s check our answer together.
MC: If I win, will I get a reward from Professor Lucien?
Lucien: *Chuckle* Of course. Since you seems to be so confident, I’ll think about the reward properly.
Go See Him: 2022 Tanabata Festivals
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Lucien: This year’s Tanabata Festival at Loveland University, seems to be more crowded than usual. Because of that, Miss Cute Student, don’t forget to hold my hand. 
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Happy 2022 Tanabata Day: Gavin
🚨 Warning: This post contains spoiler from Double Seventh Day (07.07/08.04) which didn’t release in any servers. 🚨
Note: No voice pack available for Phone Calls and GSH :"
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Mails: The Wind That Causes The Milky Way.
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Gavin: It’s all right, don’t worry about the weather. Just follow me. I’ll surely show you the most beautiful night sky tonight.
Phone Calls: Kasasagi Bridge’s Fireworks
Gavin: MC, it’s me.
MC: Gavin, you’ve already arrived!?
Gavin: No, not yet. Don’t rush yourself. I’m buying melon bread. I’ll bring it later.
Gavin: I might be a few minutes late getting to your house, so I thought I’d contact you just in case.
MC: It’s okay! Are you at that shop we passed by yesterday?
Gavin: Yeah. You said you wanted to try it, right. I just left early so I stopped by there.
MC: If the queue is long, why don’t we line up together next time? It’s hard to stand in line alone.
Gavin: I'm fine. It will be my turn soon.
Gavin: There seems to be a limited white peach flavor today, do you want it
MC: Yes! Since it’s a limited edition, we should definitely try it.
MC: By the way, I just saw it on the Moments, there will be a fireworks event at night, do you want to go with me together?
Gavin: I was, trying to tell you about that too.
Gavin: A advertisement posters of..... “Kasasagi Bridge’s Fireworks”, were pasted on the road.
Gavin: The poster's picture was so beautiful, so I thought you would like it too.
MC: Wow, is that true? I can’t wait it any longer.
Gavin: *laugh* it’s still early. I’ll be there soon, so wait for me.
Note: Kasasagi Bridge is Magpie Bridge, which means Gavin and MC going to watch fireworks at Magpie Bridge, like Hikoboshi and Princess Orihime who get back together again on the bridge made by magpie.
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Go See Him: 2022 Tanabata Festivals
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Gavin: This year’s Tanabata event, seems to have more complicated rules than usual.....
Gavin: But, I have the map in my head, so I’ll take you wherever you want to go.
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Drawing Quiz: Shaw
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: Drawing Quiz” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️
Since there's no Love Carnival Event, Koipro held the one of its event's game, "I'll draw, you guess" in Twitter.
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
Q1. Summer Game
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[Hint] Shaw: The things I sent last year
🤍Answer: Fireworks
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Q2. A Something That Made Up of Two People
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[Hint] Shaw: What you want me to do
🤍Answer: Love Confession
Q3. My feelings
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[Hint] Shaw: You got it right?
🤍Answer: Happy
Q4. A Kind of Art
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[Hint] Shaw: One of the street art.
🤍Answer: Graffiti
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Drawing Quiz: Kiro
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: Drawing Quiz” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️
Since there's no Love Carnival Event, Koipro held the one of its event's game, "I'll draw, you guess" in Twitter.
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
Q1. A Food
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[Hint] Kiro: The cause of our encounter
💛Answer: Potato Chips
Q2. Summer Game
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[Hint] Kiro: The classic game in summer
💛Answer: Kimodameshi (Test of Courage Game)
Note: Kimodameshi is a Japanese activity in which people explore frightening, and potentially dangerous, places to build up courage. Kimodameshi is usually played in the summer, in group activities such as school club trips or camping.
Q3. Relationships
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[Hint] Kiro: The three of closest people!
💛Answer: A family
Q4. A Place
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[Hint] Kiro: A place where everyone smiles
💛Answer: Amusement Park
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Drawing Quiz: Lucien
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: Drawing Quiz” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️
Since there's no Love Carnival Event, Koipro held the one of its event's game, "I'll draw, you guess" in Twitter.
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
Q1. Landscape
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[Hint] Lucien: A fireflies in the night sky
💜Answer: Stars
Q2. Summer Game
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[Hint] Lucien: Summer night game with friends
💜Answer: Hyakumonogatari
Note: Hyakumonogatari (A Gathering of One Hundred Supernatural Tales) is a japanese's summer scary game where the 100 candles would be placed in a circle, and the players would each tell a ghoulish tale / scary story. As each tale ended, the player (as storyteller) would douse a single candle. After the light from the final candle vanished, someone or something terrible would be waiting in the darkness.
Q3. A Creature
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[Hint] Lucien: The colors seen by the painter
💜Answer: Butterfly
Q4. Legendary Person
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[Hint] Lucien: A princess from the moon
💜Answer: Kaguya-hime / Princess Kaguya
Note: Princess Kaguya (from "The Tale of Bamboo Cutter" or "The Tale of Princess Kaguya") is a princess from the Moon who is discovered as a baby inside the stalk of a glowing bamboo plant. After she grows, her beauty attracts five suitors seeking her hand in marriage, whom she turns away by challenging them each with an impossible task; she later attracts the affection of the Emperor of Japan. At the tale's end, Kaguya-hime reveals her celestial origins and returns to the Moon.
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Drawing Quiz: Victor
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: Drawing Quiz” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️
Since there's no Love Carnival Event, Koipro held the one of its event's game, "I'll draw, you guess" in Twitter.
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
Q1. A type of Land
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[Hint] Victor: An area with little rainfall
❤️Answer: Desert
Q2. A kind of Dessert
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[Hint] Victor: The thing with same name
❤️Answer: Pudding
Q3. A type of Drinks
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[Hint] Victor: A popular drink
❤️Answer: (Boba) Milk Tea
Q4. A Something That Made Up of Two People
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[Hint] Victor: What we should do in Tanabata
❤️Answer: A date
Note: "I think I have seen that draw before", You're right. Question 4's draw is slightly similar to CN server version🥺
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] Drawing Quiz: Gavin
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: Drawing Quiz” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️
Others: Gavin, Kiro, Lucien, Victor, Shaw
Q1. Celebration Day That Happens Once A Year
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[Hint] Gavin: For me, it's July 29th
💙Answer: Birthday
Q2. National Holiday
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[Hint] Gavin: A certain special day in July
💙Answer: Tanabata / Qixi
Note: Gavin drew the scene when a flock of magpies made a bridge for Princess Orihime and Hikoboshi (Vega and Altair)
Q3. Legendary Creatures
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[Hint] Gavin: A kind of Youkai (Japanese supernatural creatures)
💙Answer: Kappa
Q4. Weather
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[Hint] Gavin: It also has something to do with me.
💙Answer: Wind
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] 3rd Anniversary: Victor’s Answer
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: A Question for Him” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️  
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Q1. Please convey your feeling other than express your love directly to the Producers who spent irreplaceable days with you.
Victor: It looks like you are the one who came up with this ridiculous game huh. Well. “If you can persuade me, I’ll go along with your game all night long” Is there a pudding? Dummy. your thoughts are already in sight.
Q2. To success at work, what is the most important thing you think?
Victor: The key to success at work is to identify clients and competitors and develop strategies that leverage the strengths of the company. To that end, it is important to continue all efforts toward the future. You've probably been there in the last three years. Be confident to yourself.
Q3. You always say I'm childish...when does a person become a mature in Victor's view?
Victor: Dummy. I don't think it's really childish. Someone who thinks for herself, and spares no effort to achieve her goals, is already a mature adult.
Q4. It's almost 3rd anniversary, but if we're having a party at Souvenir, what will you prepare for the course menu?
Victor: In that cases, I'll do Souvenir's recommended course. Beef Stewed in Red Wine, Bouillabaisse from Marseille, Escargot Burgundy Grill. Is there anything else you would like to eat?.....Of course, I didn't forget the pudding. Because I know Dummy's hope from the beginning.
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] 3rd Anniversary: Shaw’s Answer
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: A Question for Him” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️  
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Q1. Please convey your feeling other than express your love directly to the Producers who spent irreplaceable days with you.
Shaw: Huh? Why should I answer such a question like that? Well, since my mood is good today, I’ll go along with you only this time. "I don't care about the words. You can only look at me." Haha, Don't turn red just because I was whispered in your ear.
Q2. For Shaw, now, how many songs are included in Shaw's Walkman?
Shaw: I haven't counted it. Oh right, I'll count it for you. And I'll also tell you my recommended songs. What? You want to hear my song? Heh, What a good hobby for you.
Q3. How is your essay progress? Is it going well?
Shaw: ...When I complained about my essay on Moments before, you "Liked" it, didn't you? Why did you forget it? Well, don't worry. I have no problem in writing my essay, and it doesn't get in the way of our playing time.
Q4. If you want to travel, where will you taking me to?
Shaw: I'm not thinking about a specific place, but I'll definitely take you to an interesting place.
Question 3.
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] 3rd Anniversary: Kiro’s Answer
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: A Question for Him” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️  
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Q1. Please convey your feeling other than by express your love directly to the Producers who spent irreplaceable days with you.
Kiro: What an interesting question! Well~, If it was me, I would answer it like this “I really like you, Miss Chips” Haha! That’s cheating? Sorry - Sorry! But when I see Miss Chips, my love for you is overflowing, so it can’t be helped, right?
Q2. What genre of games do you like?
Kiro: I have a lot of favorite games, but the most fun one is the online game. Because it’s more fun to play it with everyone!
Q3. What is the first thing to do when you wake up in the morning?
Kiro: Say “Good Morning” to Miss Chips!
Q4. What do you do when you are depressed?
Kiro: In the old days, I might have endured it alone. But I have Miss Chips now, so I want you to heal me with a hug. Even when you’re depressed, I’ll hug you tightly! Oh, but isn’t just once enough? How about twice? 
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] 3rd Anniversary: Gavin’s Answer
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: A Question for Him” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw
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Q1. Please convey your feeling other than by express your love directly to the Producers who spent irreplaceable days with you.
Gavin: ...Okay. ....*cough. “The place where you are, is the place I go home to. I’m always stay by your side” is this conveyed? Okay, then I’m glad.
Q2. How much do you train yourself everyday?? I’m on a diet so I want to do my best with Gavin as my goal.
Gavin: Working out everyday is necessary, but I just do the usual menus such as running and muscle workout. Diet? I don’t want you to overdo it, but it’s good to work hard with something as your goal. I’ll support you.
Q3. What was your most delicious home cooking?
Gavin: Well...I still can’t cook delicious food, but I’ve been able to use deep frying pot and oven recently. When you come to my house next time, let’s make something together.
Q4. If you want to grow a plant next time, what would you like to grow?
Gavin: I like plants that don’t die even if I can’t take care of them so much.....like a cactus.
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] 3rd Anniversary: Lucien’s Answer
⚠️Attention: This post contains spoiler from “Koi to Producer 3rd Anniversary Event: A Question for Him” which didn’t released in any servers.⚠️
Others: Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, Shaw  
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Q1. Please convey your feeling other than express your love directly to the Producers who spent irreplaceable days with you.
Lucien: Well. I’ll take a quote from a certain great writer. For example... “The moon is beautiful today. Look, come here?” Did your heart fluttered? (Chuckle), me too.
Q2. How many books do you have at home?
Lucien: I haven’t counted it, but because I was surprised that you wanted to see my library, so I think maybe there are quite a few of them. When you come to my room next time, why don’t we count it together?
Q3. Have you ever thought that you weren’t like yourself?
Lucien: Since I met you, I had a lot of unexpected changes. But I think, it’s also because you made my world brighter. Thank you.
Q4. If you want to keep a pet, what pet do you want?
Lucien: I haven’t really thought about keeping a pet, but I would love to take care of any animal with you.
Update Note: A quote from Soseki Natsume, "The moon is beautiful", is a more poetic way of saying "I love you"
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hakutaichou · 2 years
[JP] 100 Days Companionship (Different Content): Day 89 aka Shaw Day
This mail based on Solstice Date
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Shaw: How is it? Did you impressed with my lecture at museum today? When you go to the museum from now on, you should take me to deepen your knowledge.
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MC: "Shaw-oniichan", can I listen to your explanation too?
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hakutaichou · 2 years
Koi to Producer x GraffArt: Four Seasons with Him
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