#i didnt like that the main new ally character was the only one who had a gi like the protagonists
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my redesign of assassin/s4 skylor! i’ve just been on a kick for the past couple of days idk
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aethergalaxias · 1 year
ninjago crystallized rewrite (kinda)
UGH so i guess i deleted that post i made where i asked people about complaints they had about crystallized??? so here i am making a brand new post instead. please kill me
spoilers below!!!
give her a consistent character please. please. please. ple
redemption arc?????
im giving her a redemption arc instead of keeping her evil because i think thats what the writers were aiming for,,, it just didnt turn out well :/
also i feel like keeping her as a villain would be way easier so i wanna do the opposite >:)
no llorumi. get away. die 
in this version shes only working for the overlord because he brought her back to life and she doesnt want to die again
a lot less cruel; shows genuine regret over her actions 
still doesnt like lloyd, but willing to work with him to get rid of the overlord
refused to explode the ninja in ep 14 which led to the overlord replacing her with clouse (yes. clouse is here) as his second in command
some shit happens with pythor and harumi finds out that he freed the great devourer. harumi gets pissed and decides to betray the overlord
instead of lloyd escaping on his own harumi helps free him and they escape the temple together. emotional conversation ensues. harumi officially leaves the council and becomes an ally
shes down fighting with the main gang during the climax instead of at the overlord’s floating island thing
after helping to rebuild the monastery she pulls a garmadon and goes off on her own to go on a journey of healing and self-reflection or whatever
or she goes to jail and then goes on a journey of healing and self-reflection or whatever. consequences babeyyyyy
i mean i could also just keep her as a villain
i feel like that would be a lot easier. not rewriting a lot here since keeping her evil takes way less effort than giving her a legitimate redemption arc
getting rid of all the scenes where shes like “noooo dont kill lloyd D: possible redemption arc?? oh no wait nvm im evil again” shes just consistently evil now
lloyd doesnt take her with him when he leaves the temple she just jumps out after him. because she is insane <3
uhhh idk what to do with her at the end. she either dies or goes back to prison
problem one fixed. onto the next one.
oni lloyd oni lloyd oni lloyd
it was built up to be this huge thing and we got like five seconds of him??? unacceptable. where is my boy??? let him be angry and go feral and destroy stuff he deserves it
while escaping the council lloyd goes partial oni. he only realizes this once he ends up in the river, which ends up freaking him out, which ends up with him being unable to revert back to Normal Human Form. not full oni at this point hes just got like. the horns and fangs and stuff
(he stays like this until the final battle because why not)
(he stays like this AFTER the final battle because why not)
lloyd is like “oh no im a monster :( what have i become :( this is horrible :(“ until garmadon tells him to stfu and starts training him
(training goes better in this version since lloyd’s stuck with the oni traits which leads him to be a little more accepting of them)
episode stuff happens. yea h
uh uh overlord “kills” garmadon, lloyd goes batshit and turns full oni, Fucking Murders the overlord, crap now hes lost control of his oni form oh no. garmadon is freaking out, garmadon turns into an oni, the elemental dragon shows up, cool epic battle, lloyd regains control, yayyy happy ending cue the music
post battle he still keeps the horns and stuff. its part of his acceptance arc or whatever. im a very big fan of creacher lloyd okay
problem two fixed. man i am killing it
um uh those were my two major problems i guess i’ll just put minor stuff here
nya doesnt get her powers back. consequences for being turned into the ocean. sorry bbg 😔 no more elemental powers all the ninja are average human beings except for zane who is still a robot
“bbbut then howd the merlopians get the message that they needed help???” idk power of friendship. someone sends them an email. nya just yells it really loudly. general Bad Vibes or smth
nyas still a ninja bc like you dont need elemental powers to be a ninja. or something inspirational like that idk
pixal stays as samurai x because nyas too busy being an epic girlboss 
the elemental dragon IS the og 4 ninja. they had an awesome magical girl transformation or whatever. dw they turn back to people afterwards just without their powers
clouse should be there. clouse needs to be there. clouse is revived as part of the council and becomes a major antagonist
lloyd legitimately thought his friends were dead in that one episode??? and then he found out they werent and he was like oh ok cool :D ??? anyway now theres a scene after nya and wu rescue him where hes like hhhhhhow the fuck. are you alive i thhought you all got murdered and then he has like 50 emotional breakdowns at once bc i! like! suffering!!!!!!!
wu’s wing mechs are actual dragon wings because garmadon got wings therefore wu should also get wings. i think thats only fair
wu DIES. he falls off the temple and DOESNT land in the water and the newspaper kids DONT find him. sorry dude its for the greater good (lloyds character arc again)
the new ninjas actually do stuff. they are helpful!!! annoying but helpful. also they dont get turned to crystal right off the bat wtf writers
vania gets lines. and a cool emotional fight with her father
lloyd’s problem with his father learning empathy is less focused on the fact that he’s part oni and more focused on the fact that he was literally brought back as a violent destructive overlord hellbent on murdering his son and conquering ninjago
i get rid of the birthday card line. like i get the significance behind it but you could have picked literally anything else??? turned the emotional moment around real fast 
also lloyd and garmadon get a better reconciliation arc instead of just arguing Forever
minipix gets a name goddammit. she literally saved their lives and they’re like “oh yeah minipix 7 is a good name” what the hell. why 7. are there 6 other minipixes who've saved your ass from exploding?? yeah i dont think so
that is ALL I HAVE RN ill probably come up with some other stuff later
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dabistits · 2 years
i am SURE you have gotten endless asks of people talking about hox and for that i am truly sorry but not sorry enough to not dump this in your inbox </3 i have been malding about the gunga villa fight ever since it came out and what horikoshi did to both twice + hox's characters...it feels kind of silly to say this now but i used to kind of have faith that horikoshi wouldnt fuck up the tdrk family drama by giving endvr any sort of redemption arc and for a second there i thought he was doing pretty good at it (i would have preferred endvr die in a fire but as an abuse victim the way horikoshi was going about it felt... respectful enough) and then!!! AND THEN...i always had mixed feelings about twice's death bc hori's weird like. running gag that hes in love w/ toga always put me off but his character is also incredibly relatable and like. idk he tugs on my heartstrings a little (a lot) but the... idk the implications of having hox ultimately kill him after he refused to stop struggling+their entire exchange prior to dabi showing up was like. i agree a lot with that post you made talking about how horikoshi could (and SHOULD) have taken hox's character in an entirely different way after that point instead of just having him support a serial abuser and keep going on like what endvr did doesnt matter because he feels bad about it. personally i think its incredibly unrealistic for hox to just...not only turn a blind eye but also continue to actively support endeavor especially considering his own past? like sure there could have been a tasteful look into having to re-compartmentalize his perception of this man who was not only his idol growing up, to a colleague, to an ally with the new information he now has from dabi that shows like. hey the only difference between this man and your own piece of shit father is that one of them is publicly regarded as a hero and that the system you are sacrificing so much of yourself to uphold is likely full of these people, and protects them in the interest of maintaining a status quo that continues to trample on people like jin and dabi, all but forces them to become villains to survive and then profits off of killing and incarcerating them. the current hawks is just so unrecognizable to me at this point that the only thing that keeps me from wanting to see him eat shit is the emotional attachment i have to the character he was like, 200 chapters ago that just so happens to share his appearance. twice didnt have to die but like god if horikoshi was going to kill him off anyway i wish he would have made his death have more of an impact on hawks' character instead of the bullshit in like chap. 299 where hawks is like: man i want to be more like this guy who i killed. let me go honor his memory by supporting this serial abuser and overall resident piece of shit for No Conceivable Reason. sorry for dumping this in your inbox i am a little too embarrassed to care this much about bnha on main;;
posting without commentary. bnha ranting is welcome in my inbox❤️
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maxbernini · 2 years
will never understand why they didnt give this god awful heartbreak season to anais and whatever they are praising for s10 to be the theme to maya! like imagine it s6, the new gen was started by lola and it would have ended with maya and they would still be together because the heartbreak season would not be about them. deborah says as argument that it had to happen to a couple that was already together, but why? if you write an actual good season with a couple that has chemistry then who cares if they were together before? the theme is supposed to show through, right? instead they ruined the best couple with a horrible season and are praising the next season about someone that no one cares about i will never understand them
speaking of my previous ask, i also do not understand why they did not give tiff's pregnancy storyline to jo
omg i’ve been campaigning for maya to get s10 as soon as s7/8 were announced in 2020 shsjsks like max s7, sekou s8, jo s9 and maya s10 so her and lola could bookend the new gen and they’d end with a season all about graduating from teenagehood to adulthood!! relatedly how insane is it that of the four original la mif members the only one to officially be a main is maya 😭
anyways what you’re saying makes sense but unfortunately you’re applying sense to a situation that simply doesn’t have one. the reason maya got a heartbreak theme and anais is getting s10’s super important topic is bc:
- deborah has said the plan was always for them to break up and then when a producer suggested the heartbreak theme she realized she could do it with maya, so they were going to break up regardless in the bg of someone else’s season lmao, this just allowed them to focus on it entirely and write the normal people fanfic of their dreams
- anais is literally a blank canvas, we know like 5 things about her. she’s the perfect candidrate to throw at whatever random topic was picked out of a hat, since the approach is to pick a topic and then pick a character who fits it best
i’m on mobile about to go to work lol so i can’t find it rn, but i know ally (who you should be following anyways 😌) has written about how shirley wanted to focus on tiff and deborah wanted to do hidden pregnancy, so even though jo would’ve been the best fit for the latter in la mif, it wouldn’t have happened as long as tiff was around i guess. which is still bonkers to me like tiff was very clearly written in s6 to be nothing more than a one dimensional mean girl plot device, everything was set up for a max season lmao (and i’m guessing they wanted to save jo for the HIV plot too)
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mino177 · 4 years
Oh boy episode 4
Here are my problems with the newest episode of Yashahime:
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 1.       Why only grandpa seems to care about Moroha? Kagome’s mother and Sota doesnt seem to give a crap about her.
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They didnt show her Kagome’s room or pictures of her own mother and father and they barely mentioned Inuyasha. And Sota even had the gall to say that Towa reminds her of Kagome when Moroha is around and a perfect combination of her parents?
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I just dont get it. Is Sunrise that desperate to put the twins in the spot light that they are even want to destroy family bonds?
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Also again why Kagome’s family didnt question Moroha about her parents especially when they heard her saying that she doesnt know her own mother???
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2.       I am sorry why Towa is the only one who is wearing white clothes? Is she suffering from main character syndrome? Remember the time when Kagome was a main character and she actually followed the dress code even to a very long and impractial extent? But fuck that Towa can do whatever she wants in school. And why Towa doesnt have any friends or interacts with anybody from the future and from her school? And dont give me because she dresses differently and fights because if she protects others from bullies like her bio said at least she would managed to gain some friends or allies. But nope.
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3.       Waoh Setsuna learned to play that violin really fast and she is wearing modern clothes but not Moroha who seems to fit in with modern humans pretty well. She doesnt deserve to bond with her family or wear modern clothes or go to school.
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4.       Solving plot holes by Sunrise style. I like how they tried to bring up the dangers of time travel and bringing back items from the future then have Moroha immediately shut them down. :D
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5.       While I love and adore Moroha I am starting to have a problem with her character a little bit. Isnt she a little bit too smart and cunning compared to her parents. Dont get me wrong Inuyasha and Kagome were pretty smart at the beginning of the series but they would never use or trick people like Moroha. This behaviour would fit Miroku and his children more. And please dont give me but she has grown up alone in a very bad time period. Because Inuyasha went through the same thing and he didnt really like how Miroku tricked others. I think he would be kinda disappointed by this. And I also have a kinda bad feeling that Sunrise might want to turn Moroha into a bad guy. I mean she isnt called the red demon and destroyer of demons for no reason and she also killed sy’s father and she would gladly kill a demon just because others said so. Really makes me wonder if Sunrise tries to ruin her too.
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6.       Why does the Tree of ages look like Kikyo? I am the only one who thinks it should look like Inuyasha instead? I am kinda mad at RT and Sunrise that they didnt do anything with Inuyasha as a forest spirit concept because it seemed that the Tree even tried to protect Inuyaha at the beginning of the series. Also that arrow got destroyed in episode one by Kagome so there is no reason that the tree spirit could use that. But I guess Sunrise needed to give a big fuck you to both Kikyo fans and her haters. Kikyo can never rest in peace and demons and spirits just going to use her form forever…
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7.       My biggest issue. Sesshomaru renounced his Great Dog Demon title. I dont know if I should laugh or cry about this bs. Just let me say this in the original story while Sesshomaru traveled around he was still viewed as the Lord and the Son of Inu no Taisho. He was deeply respected by other demons who tried to serve him. (unlike Inuyasha who got treated horribly) Sesshomaru seemed to leave the politics to her mother because he was still young and searched for power and to understand his father better. Sesshomaru also protected the land from the Cat demons and went war with them. But Sunrise tries to tell us that Sesshomaru just give up his title and let he whole territory suffer and for what? Not because to protect his family. Because Inu no Taisho managed to do that withouth giving up his title (although Sunrise is probably going to change that soon) and being the Ruler would also give protection to his family, especially to his half demon children. But I guess Sesshoumaru doesnt give a shit about his family anymore…
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8.       To be fair Setsuna is kinda right about this. But on the other hand this demon tries to ruin everything which means killing everyone Setsuna loves. This is also funny because she is supposed to be a demon slayer you know the people who immediately jump after demons if others call them for help. I would expect this behaviour from Towa not from the supposed to be demon slayer Setsuna.
 Also just to mention this situation is nothing like  Inu no Taisho and his children. Inu no Taisho went to war against the cat demons and win and killed their leaders and he also tried to kill Ryukotsusei but he only managed to seal him before he died. Inu no Taisho sacrificed himself for his children and for others and tried to cut the lose end as best as he could but his time was cut shortly because the dragon demon was too powerful for him. Inuyasha could only detroyed a weakend and sealed Ryukotsusei and not a dragon demon on his full potential.
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9.       The Tree ofs Ages wants the twins to kill their own father??? Really the twins and Moroha? I am sorry but so far their power levels arent even coming closer to Inuyasha’s withouth his sword and not even speaking about Sesshoumaru who is stronger than his brother.
And also why? The tree seems to chit chat with Sesshomaru wihtouth any ill intent but now it wans to kill him? Also Sesshoumaru isnt giving a crap about his children is still out of character.
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10.   I miss those times when the characters in Inuyasha had to go through hardships to gain their new powers, meanwhile Towa gets a new power in every episode for almost no reason.
Also why does her sword look more like Inuyasha’s while Moroha’s sword looks more like Sesshomaru’s?
 Omg what if the twins are also Inuyaha’s children? What if they are three-quarter demons? It would explain everything. The strange swords, why the girls dont have strange forms and why the tree spirit also called Moroha Sesshomaru’s daughter and why they are called Princesses and why were the twins in a forest. I am just kidding with you guys. :D But what if?
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11.   Yeah maybe it is better for Rin to sleep forever. If she is the dream butterfly she wouldnt want to wake up for this mess. Because then she would have stole many years from others and would have made her own family and daughters suffer and her beloved Sesshomaru would abandon their children.
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Why Moe (Sota’s wife) can never open her eyes? It starts to get really annoying.
 And can we stop with the name signs which comes up in every episode? We are at episode four we dont need that every time a character is on screen. We arent going to forget their names, we arent brain dead Sunrise.
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Moroha’s demon desing is so ugly. I expect her to have white hair like her father, she kinda looks like Mujina that demon who tricked Shippo. Noo… :’(
Cant wait for Sunrise to ruin Moroha’s character in the next episode...
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naw-naw-honeyimgood · 3 years
ChengQing (lmao never realized that was their fucking ship name)
so pros of (Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing):
one of the few possible het ships available to mdzs fans like there are all of five named female characters and this is the only one not in an established het pairing. and like sure ive seen yanli w/ someone else a couple times but you CANT put her with JIANG CHENG and i cant say ive ever seen mianmian in a serious relationship in fics with anyone besides either her canon hubby or a chick (usually yanli, wen qing herself, or even sometimes both lmao).
it’s basically written itself in cql!! he has a very obv and clear crush on her, even gives her a comb and offers to help her! she seems interested but the way the storyline went it was simply not meant to be :’(
you get to pair off jiang cheng!! ngl once u finish mdzs its kinda sad for everyone not wangxian (in their generation/above) cuz theyre the only one that get a happy ending. Everyone else is forever alone / depressed / bitter or a combination thereof. so it’s nice to see jiang cheng getting a happy ending!
he... gets... kids...? like ngl as a childless person that is happy to stay that way thats not exactly a pro in my eyes but you might look at his relationship w/ jin ling and say “he’s a great father! he deserves to be a father!” which okay good news! wen qing can bear children!
Now. Cons. 
for one thing the fact that you have a lack of options doesnt exactly mean every possible het pairing can have good chemistry even if you change circumstances enough. there comes to a point where certain pairings can only be really viable if one or both of them are ooc.
lets be honest im willing to bet that AT LEAST 80% of the reason cql introduced this ship was because they were not allowed to make the wangxian pair explicitly Together (and i dont even mean anything specifically sexual), and they needed SOME SORT of romance to feature in the story. xuanli doesnt count because theyre an established background ship,  the jiang parents dont count as romance, we aint talkin about the villain relationships, and lbr, mianmian already had a lot more signif in cql than mdzs. so it makes sense that they took the arguably most important male chara besides wangxian and made him have a crush on the most important female character that wasnt his SISTER. 
what im trying to say is that cql pulled that pairing out of a hat. if you look at canon at ALL i highly doubt there would ever have been feelings, just as there never were. we dont quite know the age dif but we know that wen qing was the older sister and wen ning might have been a bit younger? than the boys? cannot quite remember but we dont know if she was only a year or two older or if it was like. mingjue and huaisang. we dont know! and i canNOT see jiang cheng going for an older chick. also their personalities would clash So Much. she has older sis vibes and not the gentle kind like yanli. she snaps at wen ning’s mumbling and stuff a good couple times- you think she’d tolerate jiang cheng’s emotional immaturity? hah. 
this also kinda segues into my main point of: as depressing as it is that jiang cheng is forever alone unless you pair him off... he would honestly put whoever you pair him off with through hell. he’s not nice. so many jiang cheng stans like to argue that he’s a traumatized kid that was raised to channel his emotions through anger (and raises bitterness under his skin like an ugly puppy) but inside he has a heart of gold, and they’re... not exactly wrong! i mean- literally every younger chara is traumatized in some way. but... that doesn’t really... excuse the shit he’s pulled? as much as jiang cheng stans like to forget: jin guangyao was RIGHT when he said that jiang cheng’s insecurities got wei ying killed. his CLOSEST ALLY. 
tying back to wen qing we have their actual CANON interactions (or lack thereof). wen qing didn’t exactly protect wei ying and jiang cheng out of the goodness of her heart when lotus pier fell: she was protecting wen ning (her BROTHER) from the repercussions of his own actions by saving wei ying (and Jiang Cheng ig idk he was just there bUT YOUNG MASTER WEI-)
not QUITE sure why she agreed to doing the golden core transfer (maybe scientific curiousity? i mean she had an unproven medical theory and here was a volunteer) but it def wasnt For Jiang Cheng.
and then the next time she saw him? do you guys remember the next time she saw him? it’ was when jiang cheng came up to the burial mounds to kill wen ning’s corpse and tell wei ying to turn over the wens. 
KEEP IN MIND that jiang cheng KNOWS wen ning and qing SAVED HIS FUCKING ASS after lotus pier (not How but he KNOWS THIS) and yet he still tells wei ying to hand them over.
he makes wei ying choose between what amounts to the cultivation world and his morals. 
that does not a good healthy relationship make. also again their personalities would clash like so bad. i love wen qing way more but you have to admit her personality is super similar to madame yu’s. and we already agreed that jiang cheng was traumatized as a kid. im not saying fengmian didnt have a hand in it but you gotta admit a good amount was madam yu and her insecurites and accusations she piled on her son. and you wanna pair him up romantically with someone who won’t take his shit and smile? will call him out? HAH.
im not saying this because i think jiang cheng should be with a softer personalitied (guy) like lan xichen or wen ning or huaisang because god knows those pairings have their own issues. im just saying that in canon-verse all i can ship whole-heartedly is jiang cheng / therapy, but since there is not therapy in canon-verse, or even if there WAS then there’s no way he’d admit to needing it, then yeah he can stay single for all his bitter life. better that than making jiang parent relationship 2.0 like fuck.
(this of course means that in modern aus where he DOES get therapy i am Open)
also real quick but jiang cheng was NOT a good parent to jin ling and i will not take constructive criticism like sure he was better than the jiang parents and the lan parents but that is SUCH a low fuckin bar and it’s a fact that in chapter 9 jin ling literally thinks “if I can’t slice off her head with this blow, I will die here- death it is then!!” (taken gratefully from the exiled rebels scanlation) and that is NOT a healthy-minded child.
the only healthy minded children is like. jingyi. and probably sizhui. although i am not here for the way the lan sect raise children but sometimes you have to take what you can get.
also i want you to look me in the eye and tell me that wen qing could and would do anything besides throw down with someone that so much as looked at her brother wrong
because jiang cheng apparently decided to lay the blame for jin zixuan’s death at wen ning’s feet (which is incredibly ironic considering he blames wei ying for yanli’s death??? like i feel like he could stand to use his brain cells a bit more??) and repeatedly tried to kill him.
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camelely · 4 years
13rw S4 Fix
 So i did one of these for last season and I think now that I’ve had some time to think about S4 I’ll do the same. While last season I thought the issue was one character being overused. But here it seems like there were multiple smaller things that could have improved the whole season Again I’m keeping the same basic plotline and characters :) 
1) Winston 
Have Winston stay at Hillcrest. Him moving to Liberty did nothing for the main plot and he was basically a red herring through most of it. Let him try are befriend the characters from the outside. He can learn about Jess from Bryce’s trial and the news coverage and then try to befriend her at Monet’s. This is where he meets and later starts to date Alex. Since he doesn’t go to liberty school Alex sees him as a sort of escape and lets him in. Clay and Ani dont tell everyone about him because they dont know he is trying to get close to them. It makes them seem less like assholes and more like people. They don’t mention his connection to Monty because they dont realize how close he is getting to answers. Clay can still suspect he did the graffiti, after all it was a break in and a non student could have done that. Plus Estella is another red herring in the school. She serves that purpose so let Winston be the outsider looking in. His arc would still be about knowing a different Monty and not knowing who is was at Liberty but now he is literally the outsider who didn’t really get Monty, rather than it just being a figurative thing at the prom. You can still have the prom scene it would just be entirely imagined rather than the half imagined thing they went with. I think they overused the people talking to ghosts thing so here it would be a  fantasy of Monty and the relationship they had rather then a representation of what could have been. However I don’t think this would have retracted from the point. Also play him up, he is a sympathetic antagonist and it sucks how much he is sidelined for Diego. I didn’t hate Diego but Winston and him basically went through the same arc. They were pro Monty and ending up dating a member of the group, couldnt believe that member was involved and then learned something about Bryce and Monty agreed to move on and just did. All while saying they will alway care for that member of the group. It was an unnecessary rehash. Having WInston be the outsider looking in and Diego the insider looking out also lets their characters compliment each other. They should still work together, just have Winston contact him looking for Monty’s friends. It’s simple. 
2) Tyler and Tony 
Oh Tyler. The character who seems to be in the middle of everything despite never doing anything himself. I didn’t mind his arc of helping the cops find the guys who sold the illegal guns. But Tony’s suspicions, eventually leading to Clay and Tony finding out the truth and just moving on never really go anywhere. I think  it would be cool if Tyler tells Tony, despite the cops telling him not to tell anyone, because he trusts Tony. But Tony, who has had bad run ins with the cops, thinks it is a bad idea. He doesn’t want Tyler taking the deal. Tyler says its the only way the guns wont be traced back to them but Tony thinks teh cops are planning to double cross them to mind out more about Bryce and Monty. At the same time he starts getting close to that cop that takes him boxing and helps him get into college (i dont remember his name for the life of me lol). Tyler sees this as being hypocritical and pulls away. Tony still suspects Tyler is behind the lock down because he is pulling away and Tony is getting paranoid. The rest of their story can still be the same but this way they can show Tony’s paranoia and his loyalty. 
As for Tyler and Estella, It was fine. The scene of them in the bathroom was really powerful, being in the bathroom with a de la cruz and becoming comfortable because isnt her brother was really nice. This could even be another reason Tony and Tyler fight. Tony can be paranoid that Tyler is trusting her too quickly and think she will turn on him. 
3) Jess
Her arc with the principal, being scared and agreeing with the security measures before she sees them in action was really interesting. Focus more on it and less on her manipulating Diego. I did like parts of that arc for her so I don’t want it completely gone but I do think focusing on her working with the principal would have been cool. I would call more attention to her first meeting and her agreeing with the measures and slowly show her change her mind and start to turn against them. Maybe even have an early scene of her and ANi talking about it and have Jess admit she feels safer. Move the creepy cop trying to pat her down to the second or third day. So she can have a moment where they make her feel safe before the negative experience. I loved the protest and a bit better build up would have made it amazing
Her arc with Ani. They fought over Bryce... It should have been a conversation. Not a moment where Ani judges Diego and then they argue. I still think this arc should have been Chloe and Jess and should have been in last season. But they had the opportunity to include Chloe this season and just didnt. I’ll talk about this a bit more in the Zach section but I think Chloe should have been at Prom and the moment between the Ani Jess and Chloe should have been then. It would be right after Jess and Ani made up and would have been cool. 
I don’t think she should have had scenes where she saw and talked to Bryce. Yes it created some powerful moments but they could be reworked. Have WInston use his wealth to commission a positive thing in the paper about Bryce and Monty and have her talk to his idealized photo of Bryce. I will mention it in the Clay section but her hallucinations detracted from his journey with mental health. 
4) Clay
Okay two thing here the first is his arc with mental health, hallucinations, and blackouts. They used it for drama and I wish they hadnt. It should have been about him healing. I didnt mind the way they handled the realization for clay that it was him doing everything (Did they explain the symbol he kept drawing because I missed it if they did? or i just forgot because it was that forgettable lol) but I think the whole thing could have been handled a lot better and a more educated fan then I can provide a better explanation for what exactly was off about it. I will say the the therapy sessions were repetitive and I know thats realistic but for a tv show its boring. The scene were Clay goes to his home was weird and low key scary. I understand the purpose but  I wish he had called him and asked to meet at his office instead. A more likable and relatable journey for Clay with his mental health would be really good for a show that was accused of glorying suicide (personally i dont think it did. My inbox is open if you wanna talk though :))
The second thing is the phantom phone caller. I hate this trope so it might just be me but this is so stale. There are exactly two ways it could go. The person could know everything and be a real problem or the person could be fishing for information and not be a real problem. The whole thing was predicable since Winston had red herring written all over him, Estella was barely developed, and on this show it is always the football guys. Instead let the pranks be smaller and less crazy. Like these boys had to coordinate a lot to mess with Clay. There should be more than one prank and end with a Monty doll and Clay holding a knife to set up the camp episode. But they should be pranks, not the phantom caller psychological torture bs. The blood shower can also happen just on a different day. Clay can be confused about what is real and what isnt making him even more worried about his blackouts and again assuming the mental health arc is handled well, the pranks can be a real part of it. Dumping him in the pit on the camping trip also seemed kinda attempted murdery so maybe do something like tie him to a tree of the path or in a small dirt ditch not a rocky pit where if he hit his head or fell weird the team would all be murderers. 
5) Alex
His arc with Charlie was one of my favorite stories this season. I was also not bothered by him getting close to and exploring his sexuality with Winston and Zach. I’m in the minority but I’m glad Zalex wasn’t made canon and Zach was used to be an effective (kinda) ally and good friend. Plus this way Zalex can live on in the fandom untouched or ruined by the writers interpretation. 
They should have given us Alex in therapy. He tried to kill himself had a traumatic injury, an arc with steroid abuse, and an arc about killing someone. All of which were forgotten this season. All the other characters seemed to be dealing with Bryce and Monty, why not focus on Alex? Even if it isnt in therapy just let him exist in his feelings.
6) Zach
I have one major issue with Zach’s arc, the lack of Chloe. She was the reason he almost killed a man. Let them date, let him start to spiral while dating her. She doesnt know what he did. Have them grow apart on screen but her still connecting to him and not wanting to give up on him. They should go to prom together. I know the hooker was supposed to represent Zach turning into Bryce with the hookers and the drunken sex/potential rape  and cocaine. But Chloe fills the same comparison. He brings cocaine she is not okay with it, He tries to convince her to have sex in the back she is not having it. Maybe he tries to convince maybe it becomes a bit worse than that but she breaks up with him at prom and leaves early. She sees Bryce in him, she doesnt have to say it but you can see it on her face and she walks away when her mind and heart tells her to this time no making excuses. Boom Chloe actually has an arc. As for Zach this is a big wake up call for him he sees what we had become. I know it is later in the actual show but I think it should be in the prom episode so he can have a better conclusion in the finale, like the other characters. The whole season was a downward spiral and I wish we got to see more of him pulling himself out of it. If the whole finale is him getting better even though he wont be all the way done he will be in a better place up the end.
7) Justin
Okay the hard one. I think the writers really wanted to kill him. I mean a fan favorite, who did bad things, and the death would be in the series finale. this is a tv writer’s drug of choice. So I’m gonna do a fix where I still kill him first then to the ideal version. Ok so first Justin dies. No HIV/AIDS. It was out of nowhere, unneeded, and seemed a bit insensitive. If you want it to be related to his drug use, make it so he got a bad batch when he relapsed. Or maybe organ failure. If it doens’t need to be drug related it can be an accident or someone he knew on the streets getting revenge, like that drug dealer we spent time with last season. Or if Justin helps Tyler put the gun salesmen behind bars then have it be retaliation for that. He can still go to the hospital and have goodbyes but it wont be an aids diagnosis and death in the same episode. I know they had signs in earlier episodes but the timeline is still really fucked up...
An ideal ending would have him live. He can still pass out at Prom. The diagnosis can be a combination of stress and withdrawal symptoms.He can be the red herring for the person in the coffin. If Justin lives he can represent hope. He can show the audience that you can get better and things can work out. Even if you are sick and think you will die you can do better be better and live in a better world. Plus I love him and really wanted him to be happy. The message would be you can get out of a bad situation and wold have ended a sad series on a positive note. Even if you are a bad person. Even if you have bad circumstance. Even if it feels like the world is against you, it can get better if you put in the effort. Which felt like the message the show was going for in eariler seasons by showing the people on the tapes doing better but abandoned this last season.
So who would I put in the coffin. Ani’s mom. Now I know she wasn’t a well liked character and her mom wouldn’t have the same audience or character reaction Justin’s death did. But this version isn’t about making the audience sad. Ani would finally have a plot that was really about her, her mom died, Bryce’s mom basically wants to provide for her. And she isn’t sure what to do. Justins funeral felt like it was overshadowed by graduation anyway. Now Ani’s moms absence and the funeral being overshadowed both make sense. She is going to college and doing what she can to honor her mom. And the death of a parent causes Clay to immediately appreciate his own family more. The theme in the first season with Clay was appreciating and acting on his feelings for Hannah before she was gone. Ani’s mom dying is a reality check for him and he know the most important things are his family and friends. Justin’s arc was about finding a family and he did. The core of the show is about family, friends, and the importance of  a strong support system. And starting it with a mother grieving her daughter and ending it with a daughter grieving her mother would be a cool full circle moment.
This post is really long so if you read all the way down Thank you! :) 
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon and other anon it makes me really happy that you like my au! I only planned for Foolish Jr. To be the name of a special totem Foolish had that he gave to Ran (its special cause while it can be used as a normal totem, if broken it can summon Foolish as a small part of Foolish is in the totem. It can also be used multiple times and repaired as many times as needed, which basically made it Foolish's personal totem). Though for Finley, I have it so the group stumbles upon a desert village that manages to point them in the general direction of Foolish's home. But I realize they wouldn't actually be able to find it, so I'll have Finley find Jackie who manages to convince her to take them to her father's temple/home. 
1: Yep. While Ranbob did tell Ran that his memory has been getting better, Ran still is a bit hesitant and treats everything as if Ranbob will forget it. Ranbob did tell him Dream caused it but Ran didnt believe him.
8: Cletus, Grievous, and Jackie I would all consider anarchists. Although Grievous may be less of one than the other 2. A bored group means finding stuff their not supposed too and screaming. 
11: Shocked, relieved, happy, a bit sad, and impressed. Even when Ran booted him off the top of the King of The Hill, he was still relieved and happy his brother was alive. 
14: No one in this au, in the sub Brothers + Others. Ranboo, Phil, and even Techno get to throw Jackie. Though Jackie only got willingly thrown by Ranboo and Phil. For Techno he just kinda got in the way so Techno picked him up and threw him into nearby bushes. Also, I HAVE NEWS! I decided Raq will kidnap Ranbob, as this could be the perfect push to make Ran go "Oh fuck. I really do still care for him." And have Ran run out into the middle of the night to find him. With the others following behind by a hour or two. 
Duel wield :). Just imagine you have to fight Techno just to see him wielding two duplicate strong ass swords and he's like an extention of them cause he's so good at using them. 
More emotional pain than you think, but somehow also less than you think. Don't ask me to explain cause I'm not sure how I just get that vibe from the group to be honest. I'm sorry.
All of the above, Tubbo tells Jackie the long running joke of Ranboo being the main character due to his incredible luck with finding rare things or getting out of situations. And Jackie gives Tubbo blackmail by saying how Ran once willingly stepped into water because he never had a big fear of it growing up (cause Mizu) and he actually forgot that water hurts him. 
If one does spark a city will fall. 
Yeah, they all kind of make group sessions where they all sit down, exchange known information and look at it while trying to piece it together. They also exchange suspicions and conspiracies they have. 
He succeeds in convincing Ran that people aren't always as they seem and that some actions have a much deeper meaning. Like he uses how he lives with Techno and Phil and how they where feared anarchists that once ruled a world wide monarchy and where known as basically immortal because no one could even get close enough to hurt one of them. So he was scared of them when he first moved in, and how while it was rough at first, he learned their reasons for destroying L'Manburg, see how Techno wasnt the monsters others said he was, was given training and praise by Techno, and a father figure and someone who made it clear how much they cared for him by Phil. And he never expected any of that, so he tells Ran to attempt to get close again to his brother, cause his brother hasn't changed that much, but he needs to get closer to see. But he fails in stopping agurements because whenever he gets involved he gets yelled at and he doesnt have enough prior knowledge to completely and truly help. 
Sapnap and Karl say they dont really mind, cause they where never really close at all with anyone in any haunting group (for now). But they also feel a weird separation from everyone else, not a massive one but like there's a small wall between them and everyone else.
Anger, mostly from Techno. Cause Techno is pissed Dream is still around and its when this information gets out Techno basically states that their all staying until Dream is laying dead at his feet. To which Phil, Ranboo, and Sapnap all happily agree. Ranboo is surprised and feels awful. He feels like its his fault that Dream has tortured his descendants. Phil is just as angry and eager to kill Dream as Techno. Sapnap is also pissed and eager to be face to face to Dream so he can say exactly how disappointed he is in him (cause he knows Dream still cares about him, even if slightly). Tubbo and Karl are hesitant to kill Dream. Mostly because their scared of how killing Dream will affect the timeline and are still worried about how they'll get home. 
It doesn't get worse but it also doesnt get better, it mostly stays the same until Ranboo snaps and says something that really affects them. In which the fighting does get a bit better. 
Other anon, here is your reply!
1: Oh no, that's not good.
8: Sounds like a recipe for sweet chaos.
11: Aww, that's sweet. Also makes the following events more painful.
14: They should toss Tubbo and Jackie at the same time, just one immediately after the other. Also, very fun! How does Ranbob get kidnapped? How does the whole rang react to it? How quick do they get him back, how do they do that, and what happens in the aftermath?
Terrifying image, I'd flee immediately. Bad enough that he had one, people must be absolutely horrified that he's gotten ahold of an exact replica of his powerful blade.
Honestly, I think they just radiate that feeling in general, anon.
Pfft. Oh that's hilarious. How many times does Ranboo's Main Character energy come into play? Does Ranbob forget he can't go in water too? How many times have one of the ender siblings just went to step into a puddle or something while their groups panicked?
What kind of pranks do they have in mind to be so destructive??
Interesting. What kind of theories do they have so far?
On one hand, that sounds like very good advice, and potentially offers Ran wanting to get to know the other two more. On the other, all I can imagine is Ranboo being really cryptic and ominous while his descendants are just like '???'.
For now? Do they get closer to them? Does anything spark this?
I'm curious, what exactly invokes those feelings for Techno and Phil? Ranboo and Sapnap I can understand, with Sapnap feeling some responsibility for Dream, and Ranboo for his descendants, but as far as I know, weren't Dream and Techno somewhat allies? Did Dream do something back in the past to gain the two's ire? Or were they angry for a different reason? How do the others react to Tubbo and Karl's hesitation, both before and after knowing their concerns?
What does Ranboo say that does it?
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls The Heart Live Rambles
S8 ep8 Parades and Charades (or something like that)
My gosh this episode is perhaps the best one we've had all season, and by that I just mean that Elizabeth actually had screen time, and she had actual lines, and she was part of plot that is relevant to h e r. Finally, the main character actually felt like the main character. HOWEVER, she is not very likeable in this episode, I must say (she hasn't been likeable for a while but you know)
The start of the episode when Elizabeth comes off her horse and she tries to talk to Nathan. I'm so glad that Nathan is firm even when Elizabeth doesnt like it. And he's not mean about it, he just tries to be honest while protecting himself and Allie from getting hurt even more. I honestly just love it when Elizabeth and Nathan have disagreements in general because when they do have arguments, it's usually because someone's feelings are showing and then it resolves in having made good progress in deepening their relationship. Elizabeth was totally out of line during that conversation btw. 'Now you're just being hurtful', um says the woman who rejected this man's love proposal and is now hurt that his niece didn't want to invite her to her very important and personal adoption ceremony...wow Elizabeth you really be asking for a lot. And then she's upset that he has to ride off to take care of mountie business. Yes, Elizabeth, this man has a job to do and your conversation will have to wait, sorry girlfriend.
When Nathan told Lucas to 'Save it' haha! Though I enjoyed it, I hope they don't write Lucas and Nathan to turn into enemies bc they are both pining for Elizabeth. It seems like it's headed in that direction based off of their dialogue throughout this episode. I guess it's understandable since Nathan has already been rejected and isn't backing down while Lucas and Elizabeth are a more official item. Okay, yeah, I understand it, but I don't want it to go too far *thinks back to the Lucas and Elizabeth in the rain scene* I guess I can't hope for that with this show. And later on when Lucas was talking to Nathan about how he should be thinking more of Allie and not getting her hurt. Ooooh I wanted to slap that fool. Who is he to be talking about Allie, he doesnt know anything about their relationship and he had no right to bring her up. Ugh that made me so angry.
Lucas's office. May I just say. Daaang. That's some nice, fancy office he's got there. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. They were planning this reveal for a long time I bet to make Lucas look more attractive in this love triangle. And let me say, that first scene with Elizabeth in Lucas's office finally made me understand what Elizabeth see's in this guy. We were finally shown a glimpse into Lucas's daily life and how he handles business. Elizabeth comes in wanting to talk, but he has to be on the phone bc, ya know, the guy has to work, and we see him taking care of his responsibilities instead of pining over Elizabeth. Usually, in every scene that involves Elizabeth and Lucas, he's typically able to give her his full attention and the entire scene is about him wanting to win her favor. But finally we have a scene where he isn't just there to win her heart and he has to tell her, 'sorry, but can we do this later?' And bc of that the dinner invite didnt come across too forward and it made sense bc they had things to talk about. The scene just really built up a new side to Lucas's character that I felt we hadn't seen yet and that was lacking. He actually feels like a character with an independent purpose now. And of course I didn't forget. The French. Yeah it was both attractive and again added to Lucas's character. I'm sure the Lucas shippers are drooling right now. And on a more serious note, his French sounded very good and I actually just looked it up Chris McNally speaks French so...yeah very cool. But Elizabeth's French when she was saying goodbye at the door...oh how cringey. I mean she spoke well too, but it was just unnecessary and oh I cringed so hard when she did that.
When she went back to his office later...oh no. He said he didnt feel up to having dinner together, and then she still didnt leave him alone and was like, well I can stay and we can just talk. Um, no Elizabeth, the man just said he didnt want to talk right now, but I guess since it's not talking over dinner then it's okay??? And she patted the cushion for him to join her on that teeny tiny little bench. Yo, there was no room for two there. They were pressed up against each other so much it was so awkward to watch. I mean that was like being forced to sit in the two-seater bus seat when clearly there's only room for one. And then the hand hold...yuck, and the deep breath like they were both being tempted...eeh, and then he kissed her hand...ooh. He had to tell her to go bc he wanted to remain a patient man. I'm glad he told her, I'm not surprised that happened. Come on Elizabeth, give the man a break. I mean what did you think would happen when you asked him to sit right next to you on that tiny bench for one. Omg and she fanned herself after exiting. She likes him that much?? Or she's trying to make love form from a purely physical attraction.
I really don't like the whole Rachel and Christopher romance. Maybe I would like it and believe it more if the actors actually looked like teenagers. I mean, Rachel does not look 17, especially since we regularly see child actors on the show in school and they are entering their teens, if they aren't teens already. When comparing a kid like Anna to Rachel, Rachel just seems way to old for 17.
I love how we see Allie's side to this love triangle plot. I loved the scene between her and Elizabeth in the school house. I liked that we were finally having a discussion between just them, and then Elizabeth opens the invitation! I laughed so hard! The pop up of Nathan in his mountie uniform and Elizabeth at the dinner table. Oh that was so funny! and also adorable. Allie wasn't taking any of it, yo she said *Fine and she snatched that invitation back and she tore it up. I was yelling at my tv, yes Allie you tell her!
When Elizabeth approached Nathan at the parade...come on E. That was not the time or place. Again, I like that they have these conversations and disagreements, but the writing of that dialogue was just so bad I thought. It was so awkward sounding and the pacing just felt off. It really didnt flow and I wonder if the writers were running out of time or something. When Nathan said that Allie is afraid to talk to Elizabeth without him present...oh that hurt inside. I feel so sorry for Allie, she's so hurt by all this I just want to make everything better for her. I like that Elizabeth's concern for Allie is at the forefront bc it's like her and Nathan are the concerned parents, but since Elizabeth rejected Nathan (and therefore Allie too) she really has no right to demand a say in how to help Allie feel better. Elizabeth isnt part of the family unit and Allie is solely Nathan's responsibility. I really liked Erin's acting in the way we could see the moment where Elizabeth thought back to her conversation with Rosemary and decided right then and there that she had to ask Nathan what it was he wasnt telling her. I'm kind of disappointed in the secret though. I had made that prediction, but thought it was just too much and unnecessary drama...and then of course that's what it was. I have no clue how this will play out. I can't even remember the preview for next week. Anyway, overall, Elizabeth central, but also Elizabeth's annoying. Lucas shippers finally have something of substance...sort of. And as usual Nathan and Allie steal the show and I couldn't love them more.
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diangeloyoyok · 4 years
my review on pjo movies
first up with have The Lighting Thief obviously
 Poseidon’s entrance lowkey kinda fire but high key weird
‘it’s been many years’ didn’t y’all just have that winter solstice party together ???
‘if your son if the thief i will send him to the pits of tartarus’ ouch that hurt ngl
logan lerman 🥺
he would’ve been such a good percy if they did the movies when he was younger IDC IDC IDC
i stan black grover and just grover overall
i wish we got to see my bitch nancy
gabe to me is just *hmm* perfect in this movie, he’s not as mean in the movies but he’s still an asshole ehehehe
i love Chiron actor i think it’s very accurate
also wtf chiron is bros with the big three lols 😹
y’all know jenna davis?- that’s who the girl who plays ms dodd’s looks like
so they just gonna ignore him and tak ab him while he’s RIGJT. THERE.
‘This is a pen. This is a pen.’
‘Are you guys crazy? This is a pen man!’
the scene with gabe makes me uncomfy bc percy says in the book gabe never hits percy in front of sally but ok 😗✌️
leaving percy was the *mOST* difficult thing poseidon *the GOD of water* has ever done wow percy is that cool
‘You’re half donkey?!”
i am da wittlest minotaur 😳✨🙈
such a subtle entrance to the camp love it
why y’all give percy the pen before he supposed to be a badass and rip the horn off wjth his hands but ig
wait so in this dumbass movie percy doesn’t even do anything to get the horn goodbye
i’m still very pissed that they took the scene of annabeth sayjng ‘you drool when you sleep’ but it’s fine i’m NOT fine
why is no one wearing camp shirts 🤬
they may be wrong but i didnt know it was ‘brUnner’ not ‘brUNner’
it’s kinda cute how when percy first sees annabeth he’s like ‘ooouuu who’s that name now 😌😏”
brown haired blue eyed looking ass BITCH
‘A real horses ass’ laughed a LITTLE
so the poseidon cabin is just *THAT* open poor percy no privacy
oh wait wth they already know his daddy poseidon 🤨
like everyone just knew ????
when did percy get new clothes the fuck
why did everyone laugh and shake their heads when chiron introduced percy what whores
omg luke 🥺
i know everyone knows this but it’s *SOOOOOOOOO* unrealistic annabeth and luke aren’t on the same team. like i’m pretty sure in the first book annabeth said they had a permanent allies type thing with the hermes cabin
‘that’s a sword! that’s a sword’ aw baby luke why’d you have to be evil 🙁🤚
where the FUCK did that bitch tryna be annabae come from
she realky said ‘i love trees🌲☺️❤️’
why does annabeth act like clarisse during capture the flag
why are there like actual 30 yr olds at camp
luke was so excited when he saw percy get up he said ‘omg no way✨’
so suddenly percy just knows sword play 😀
y’all red heads a bunch of babies
i already know it’s coming
shit no
i hate it
i hate it so much
already ew’d out
‘i definitely have strong feelings for you, i just haven’t decided if they’re positive or negative yet.’
‘well you let me know when you figure it out’
‘you’ll be the first’
why they just drinking nectar for fun?? like bruh you tryna die or sum
after that i can’t watch anymore tonight
it’s been like 3 weeks but let’s not talk about that
i’m not even gonna comment on the campfire scene anymore my god
i like how in movies everyone is like “omg the underworld so scary percy you can’t go that’s so dangerous you will DIE”
and in the books they’re like “yeah it’s dangerous but whateva you 12 yr olds have fun down there bring me a souvenir!!”
why does luke have?? video?? games?? in?? his?? cabin??
why is luke the only one in his cabin like where’s the stolls and chris 😳
you mean to tell me luke broke into hermes house just for like funzies and to steal shit?
sounds like travis and connor but ok✨
what the fuck even is the whole pearl plot
i don’t even wanna talk about the medusa scene
percy has an ipod 🤡
“i’ve only been in the outside world a few times” did you fucking practice driving those few times or WHAT
if percy could actually heal people with water wowie imagine how useful
why did percy bring swimming trunks on a quest
can this brown haired bitch shut up already
sally never took gabes last name excuse you 🤣
ofc it’s fucking fox news giving us that bullshit info on sally
they in nashville wee-doggie 🤠
‘hey it’s your mom’ obviously dumbass she has eyes
so they hid in the potty room for like 5 hours? huh
yeah let’s jus facetime lukey real quick 🥰
silly boy percy
“how flipping awesome was that”
does percy even know he can bend water in the first book
that’s gonna be an unexplainable statue for the workers tmrw
lotus hotel baby
the only reason this movie is watchable
vegas be lookin kinda fresh i wannna go
i wanna stay at the lotus hotel this place looks sick asf
lotus flower treats yummy yum
here comes gaga 😮
why they laugjing so much
wonder if nico likes gaga
imagine like 10 yr old nico just straight vibing there
grover pulling out the dance movies yessir 🤩
“no❤️ percy don’t eat the flower”
why didn’t percy just like grab the flowers and throw them
i’m bored ✨
ooo skeletons
charon my queen 👑🥳
“we drowned in a bathtub, all three of us” 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
i wish that was in the movie
i wish a lot of things were in the movie hit that is high
we’re in the same boat in the very same boat
how do you get seasick in an elevator- BOAT?
the way to the underworld is over the styx it’s a river
i know, you show off chicks
sexist much? go make a splash
i’ll splash you
it’s like watching titian’s clash, they’ll kill each other it they’ll kiss if we’re lucky they’ll end up in an abyss
hades do be looking kinda cool tho
that’s a cool ring you got there hades
omg mommy sally 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
how did percy not notice the lightening bolt in the damn shield befORE???
“it’s luke shield he betrayed us”
damn she switched sides real fast
this phoney bitch why does she want power and a war sis go plant shit
i refuse to believe hades is abusive sorry sis you ain’t fooling me
god where’s Juniper when you need her
so no fight between percy and aries 🤡
instead we have lukey pukey
omh he’s the lightening thief i did not see that coming ong 😳
^^ me on twitter after it’s revealed on the percy jackson tv show
can this luke character chile
percy pulled a harry styles and said “i’m falling” 😔
“yeah, i think i am the son of poseidon”
okay 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
omG i goT bUtTerFliEs
how does s-dog jusy know how to get to olympus did y’all get freaky up there or
that’s actually kinda how i imagine olympus looking so
i guess
good job
what is this ant man why they so small
“i have no connection to poseidon”
p-dog looked kinda hurted 😳
as if zeus would ever compliment percy
has athena ever told annabeth *or any of her kids* i’m proud of you
“i need to speak with him” “just this once”
yet we got poseidon showing up once in awhile just to say hi
7 months? 😀
percy was 7 months old?
now i don’t remember much but i don’t think it was that long luv ❤️
i thought i was watching percy jackson not harry potter tf is up
sally and percy have my whole heart
g-man got his horns
chiron 🥺✨
missed my main hoe 😍
why are there so many fucking campers
there’s like 500
let’s take a chill pill shall we
annabeth and percy look like siblings in this
 incest 😳
they bouta fiGHTshe better have won
k well that’s it thank the gods 😘
i’ll be back in like 4 months to review sea of monsters i need a break of bullshit
it’s gabe
he pulled a demi
stone cold
stone cold
everyone will be happier without him
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troybarnesbucky · 4 years
I woke up and decided to analyze each 9-1-1 pairing with regards to timing and also buddie
I just woke up and all im gonna say right now is this: this is long-winded but basically it takes a look at all the relationships on 9-1-1 and compare the timing and level of intimacy to that of buck and eddie’s relationship. 
at the end of season 1 of 911 I remember watching and realizing they were gonna push the whole bobby and athena relationship, and I was surprised, because I didnt think there was any preamble or much hinting to it. but I guess it made sense to me - they were both single, both in the same social circle, they got along. sure, made sense. and then season 2 comes along and they’re smack dab in the middle of their relationship and we have zero time to adjust to it as an audience, but once again, we quickly did (mind you, I did not watch it live as intently as a fan would, but I do recall a lot of episodes because my mom watches the show and I remembered a lot when I was catching up myself). at this point bobby and athena are happily married and I really do love them together, genuinely.
then, maddie comes along and there’s a bit more to the story. she has a lot going on, a lot she’s been through and we spend much of her first season getting to know her and watching her confront her past and create her own present. chimney had a bit of a rough start with relationships (.... tatiana, sorry love, but you could’ve had it all sis). her and chimney start out as friends but it’s very clear from their blossoming friendship that the writers intend for us to want a relationship for them, and we DO. because theyre adorable together and genuinely have so much chemistry and they’re good for one another. it’s a bit of a slowburn but we get there eventually, so much so that in the season 3 finale, we find out maddie is pregnant! which yes, did make me cry shut up. 
hen and karen had a rough start. even if they did look happy, they went through a ton of shit in the first and second season, especially the first season. which is fair; hen cheated on karen, and a large part of her storyline revolved around her ex and having to fight for denny. but there’s so much love between them, and a heavy history that is palpable through the screen. by the time season 2 comes around, they are a bit more grounded, and more so by the time season 3, too. it was interesting to think about their relationship is comparison to the others, which we watched blossom in real time. especially in season 3, because we see their love and support of one another during their attempt to have another child, and yes I also did cry when they met nia for the first time and no I will not elaborate. hen also went through a lot of shit this season; karen, despite what she went through, was and continues to be super wonderful and supportive, if a bit wary (but its okay because drunk karen and chim was a gift and we were well fed) for a second. their relationship is everything and also karen carries the whole show’s sense of humor on her back, I said what I said. 
then we have three more main relationships: michael and athena’s, which is over in episode 1; buck and abby (im not counting ali because genuinely she was in three episodes, im only looking at the main relationships for each character), which starts and ends in season 1; and eddie and shannon, which technically starts before season 1 and kinda ends in season 2 but then she dies. 
personally I dont think there’s much to add about michael and athena’s relationship. firstly, michael is a doll and if they hurt him in season 4 I will riot. but more so, the show gave us a LOT to work with in terms of their past relationship. also, it was interesting as a viewer, to learn about them from the bottom up. we see the tail-end of their romantic relationship and watch it get replaced with a genuine love and care for each other and their family. it’s a stark contrast to what a lot of shows on television would go for; it has a bit of rough, bumpy start, but by midway through season 2, they’re both on steady ground in terms of personal family life, and it’s actually a breath of fresh air. their dynamic is heavily surrounded by love for family, and we love love love that. 
I think with abby and buck we all liked it a little, at the start. buck was sweet to her and we see a change in attitude and an effort from buck that is clear to have never been made before. abby is also a pretty admirable character; she takes care of her mother, is incredible at her job as a dispatcher, and she struggles with maintaining personal relationships but still gives it a go with buck. and buck, from the start to end of the season, grows a lot, both independently from and surrounding their relationship. as a viewer I watched the show way later on, so I knew abby was leaving and honestly, I really did like her and their chemistry. as we go into season 2, we have buck, who is still living in abby’s place, and then the introduction of eddie.
so here’s the thing; this is where I was trying to get to. the show (the writers) made and continue to make interesting character and relationship choices. with eddie and shannon, there is a very clear closeness and chemistry between them that yes, does get revamped for a little. there is also history, which is very important and can’t be disregarded. but more than anything, we are looking at timing in this meta. eddie comes along in season 2 and there are a lot of things happening: hen and karen are getting back to normal, athena and bobby are suddenly dating, buck and abby are - despite what buck thinks - very over, and chim is single and ready to pringle, plus maddie is new and freshly separated from d*ug. as we go through season 2, we see development with athena and bobby, very clearly on their way to a stable relationship and marriage. hen and karen are working through things, we don't really doubt their relationship either. both maddie and chimney are single, and they become friends, and we very quickly, as viewers, realize where the writers are taking us and what they want us to think. 
so now im gonna get on my clown shit when I talk about buck and eddie. specifically, regarding the writers and their timing and why I think they’re either really stupid or actually very smart.
listen, everyone loves slowburn. hell, I'm writing a buddie au that will probably end up being like, upwards of 80k words and it’s gonna be a slowburn. buck, at the beginning of season 2, is in denial. im not gonna go through details but I will say that like..... okay, he’s heartbroken and thats fair. eddie, through means of “what a man,” is introduced and within one fell swoop, buck is immediately jealous and then like, twenty four hours later, they’re besties. tea. totally fair. in terms of timing, especially regarding relationships, there really aren’t many things to note: buck goes through that weird thing with taylor kelly, eddie goes through his drama with shannon, and when shannon wants a divorce, it kinda all goes to shit. by the end of season 2, we have buck trying to move on (and also nearly dying by means of a firetruck but thats not my point but also writers wtf) and dating ali (guys how do you spell her name lol) while eddie deals with the aftermath of his (ex, technically but I don't know if its mean to say that) wife. there are more than a few moments between buck and eddie that hint to a potential romance and feelings, like the santa scene and multiple others. then, season 3 is very very interesting. 
buck and ally(? seriously I don't know) are broken up, eddie is focused on christopher and actually, also buck, and then the tsunami happens. there is also not much going on in terms of other relationships on the show; maddie and chim get their shit together while also having a crazy season starting and ending with talking about having kids with a brief intermission of “I cant say I love you” and nearly dying on both parts and albert appears lol (and then disappears, too?? wtf). athena and bobby are pretty cool, hen and karen are trying for kids and hen wants to be a doctor. we have some others, like josh, who go through too much shit for my liking and deserve better, and michael, who...... deserves the world. 
okay. cleared that up. but timing-wise, if we look at the writers and their regard for timing, then we see this: any time two characters are single and there’s an ounce of friendship even hinted, they end up together. fine, that’s fair to say because we’ve seen it, right? after the tsunami, which is a WHOLE OTHER thing im not getting into, we have the lawsuit, eddie fighting, lena bosko (yall can be mad but she was hella cool), hen killing that cello (I think) player, michael getting sick, wow this season was fucking insane holy shit.
but in terms of character relationships and timing, a lot goes on with buck and eddie. in this one season alone, we go from eddie being the first one to hug buck at his surprise party and christopher giving buck a card with “bff” on it, then buck almost dies (again) and eddie is, quite frankly, the only one who takes no crap from him after he quits and then the tsunami and buck literally tearing himself apart to find his best friend’s son and collapsing at the sight of them reunited and then “there’s no one I trust more with my son than you” (is that the quote, I don't know it by heart) and THEN heart eyes, and then the lawsuit and supermarket and “you’re exhausting” and “christopher misses you” and “I couldn't even call you to bail me outta jail” and then the “I’m hearing a lotta ‘I’s, buck” and “I forgive you” and then the Infamous Kitchen Scene and me endlessly screaming WHY WAS BUCK’S HAND ON HIS BELT LIKE THAT? but also very pointedly I will say eddie fighting specifically when he can’t talk to buck and then it stops around the time he can hmmmmm. and also “this is eddie’s house im not really a guest here” then the fuckaifajfgkjfglgakjdgag tunnel collapsing and buck literally, once again tearing himself and everything apart for a diaz, digging with his bare hands and the defeated look on his face and refusing to think about eddie dying and eddie very nearly dying but then recalling christopher, his family, buck, then christopher and buck, then christopher and buck again, then a rare shannon appears, and then it’s just-
okay. OKay. O K AY. ok. here’s what I think. either the writers are incredibly smart or just viciously stupid, or the third, lesser liked option, they know what they’re doing and don’t give two shits. they are sitting on, and quite frankly they have created, a fucking goldmine. but in terms of timing, and relationship choices, we have eddie and anna(?) as a brief thing that will either reappear in season 4 or never be touched again, then abby’s lame-ass apology that was just her attempting to justify her actions by claiming she simply just should’ve told buck sooner. but a lot of this season explores buck’s loneliness, and in a way, too, eddie’s. 
yes, eddie has christopher, and the others? they have families and significant others. buck has no one (except maddie but you get my point) to go home to. I think, in terms of timing and thematic elements, this season took the time to explore the loneliness of two men, but also by doing so, only high-lighted their need for one another, their love for one another. in the past, that has lead to two couples getting together: athena and bobby, and chimney and maddie. 
so, my point is, season 4 is the make it or break it point. we got (weak-ass) closure with abby, eddie’s anger and regret with shannon (and yes, christopher), an exploration of both of their loneliness, and a very, very clear rocket launch of their closeness and dependence on one another, in season 3. it started with a lot and ended with closure on all extraneous factors that could have possibly deterred the two of them from a potential relationship. more so, abby is getting married and buck has no choice but to move on; he may not have loved her anymore but he needed the closure (and no I do not think it was good enough and I think buck deserved more but that’s not my point).
this can’t be read that much into. it’s not subtle, it’s not subtext. it’s very clearly there on our screens, with every small or big line. they mean a lot to each other. anyone with eyes can say that, has to say that. the problem is, what’s the intention? like, are the writers actually doing what I've just said, setting up for a slowburn, taking it season by season. you can look at it that way, and it actually doesnt take a lot to get to that point of a thought process. there is a HUGE, fundamental shift in buck and eddie’s relationship in season 3. there is a perceived difference in their friendship versus both their relationship with others and the friendship between others. denny doesn’t call chimney his best friend, “his chimney.” athena has never once told hen she trusts her children with her more than anyone in the world. 
there are a lot of interesting choices that have been made over the course of three season, particularly this past season. there are also a lot of possibilities for the upcoming season. we may see a return of that teacher, we might see buck fall into other women, we may see eddie not fully over shannon, or (hopefully not) an abby return. it’s just a matter of waiting, but there’s no denying the way things were left off; buck and eddie were both single throughout the entirety of season 3, considerably closer and not guests at each other’s place, both very lonely in spite of the people around them, closer to each other than the rest of the 118, both have a family member (or more than one for eddie) to keep them anchored. buck is, yes, more lonely, but they are both left off in the same place. my question, more than anything, is whether it’s intentional after all that’s said and done. and if it’s not, then why, pray tell, are the writers following their OWN very clear and self-fulfilled pattern of timing and relationships to an even stronger extent than they ever have? 
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sophfandoms53 · 5 years
Endgame Talk
This little discussion is gonna have massive spoilers for Avengers Endgame. This is your warning if you have not seen the movie. If you haven’t seen it, just scroll all the way down as fast you can. If you have seen it or you don’t care about spoilers, then welcome! As for the rest of you, you have been warned.
Okay so. I know we’ve all got our own opinions on Endgame, the way the plot works, the way certain characters were treated, and especially with its ending.
I’ve read a lot of reviews and reactions about Endgame the past few days and in all honesty. There isn’t much I disagree with. A lot of the critiques given to the film are valid critiques. Some are just nitpicks that don’t really matter. But over all, the criticism is pretty fair.
In regards to the time travel, I barely understood how it worked in the film. All I know is that it worked and everyone came back. All I needa know lmao. I didnt understand time travel in back to the future, I didnt understand it in gravity falls, I didnt understand it in TMNT, I didnt understand it in Power Rangers, and I don’t understand it during this movie.
Time travel is a very difficult thing to figure out with story telling as every move made has its consequences. Which is why when I see people saying “The time travel in this movie created plot holes.” It makes me laugh because uh duh it’s time travel, of course it creates plot holes. We have yet to see any creator or writer do time travel and not have it cause plot holes or confusion. This doesn’t excuse said plot holes but it clears up that Endgame isn’t the first victim of the trouble time travel has on its story.
Okay let’s talk about Tony and Steve’s endings.
Oh boy.
I’ll start with Steve because right now I ain’t ready to talk about Tony.
Steve went back in time to put the infinity stones in their proper places before the team originally went back to bring everyone back and he was suppose to come right back to the present (or future in their case) but he doesn’t. Instead he stays in the 70’s (which is when he and tony got the Tesseract) and forms a relationship with Peggy and when we see him again in present (future) time he’s the age he would be if he was never frozen back in the 40’s.
Now, while I do agree this causes a lot of confusion in regards to events in Civil War and such but. That’s our timeline. What happened with Steve staying back in the 70’s was that he created an alternate time line where, all the events we all saw still exist, but he was able to live a happy marriage with Peggy. Or at least that’s how I saw it honestly. Steve staying in the 70’s didn’t change or alter anything in the main timeline. We know this because we saw that nothing changed.
Also. Steve never belonged in this time period anyway. In The First Avenger, Steve is fighting in WW2 and it’s a soldier. He was meant to be in the 40’s but he made a sacrifice that caused him to wake up in modern day. And while Steve did a lot as Captain America, that doesn’t change that this isn’t where he belongs. He watched as everyone in his past was either changed (Bucky being mind controlled) or lost (Watching Peggy die). Steve’s entire past kept coming back to haunt him. Which is why he took the opportunity to stay in the 70’s with Peggy. To give himself a happy ending. This was something foreshadowed throughout the film as well.
Now. Lets talk about the big one.
Tony Stark.
Okay. Now that that’s out. Lets talk Tony Stark.
Imma be real. The minute Morgan Stark (whom is adorable and needs absolute protection) popped out of the tent, I knew Tony’s fate. I had a huge feeling Tony wasn’t gonna make it out. And it hurt that I was right.
However, as much as it hurt to see Tony die, to see him make the last sacrifice, it makes sense both for story telling and within Tony’s arc as a character.
We’ve watched Tony grow from an arrogant man who didn’t really care for the world around him but his industry, to someone who wants what’s best for his family, who became a mentor of a young kid with a lot of potential to the point that only Tony really believed in him and who wants to protect the world.
We saw Tony go through this arc from beginning to end.
Tony’s never had it easy in his life. He lost a lot, he fought a lot, and he stressed a lot. Tony, throughout these films, has never had a proper time to relax and appreciate what he has because he was always fighting to protect himself, the ones he loves and the world. It got to the point in Iron Man 3 that Tony began losing sleep and could not rest because of all the torment he has been through.
Keep in mind Iron Man 3 takes place The Avengers and what happened in Avengers? Loki and a huge attack on New York that only they could stop. And who sent Loki on this attack?
It always comes back to Thanos.
Joe Rousso confirmed back during Infinity War that Thanos and Tony have connection.
In the sense of story telling, Thanos acts as a foil to Tony.
In an interview, one of the Rousso’s said:
“It’s all the heroes. I think he has the most specific connection to Tony because Tony is a futurist, and he has predicted a threat like Thanos. It’s lived in his brain even though he couldn’t name it. Tony is the most desperately driven, down to the core, to react against something like Thanos, although all the heroes will face a threat, no matter who it is or where it comes from. But I think this is intrinsic to Tony’s psychology, and because Tony started it all with Iron Man, he has a special connection to the threat that’s facing him."
Despite not meeting until Infinity War, Thanos and Tony have always had a connection. Thanos was the one that kept Tony restless. The reason he stressed everyday. Thanos was the reason Tony has to witness the loss of all his allies and surrogate son.
It’s all been Thanos.
The reason I call Thanos Tony’s foil is because of this connection.
Thanos and Tony have similar goals. They both believe what they’re doing is the greater good for the world. There’s a connection between them because of how they both think and operate. It’s why Thanos tells Tony he has respect for him in Infinity War. Thanos understands Tony’s view. And because he understands, Thanos serves to show Tony, and the audience what Tony would’ve become had he not grown and became obsessed with “balance” instead of the greater good.
In doing so, Thanos couldn’t live in a world without Tony and Tony couldn’t live in a world without Thanos.
Now I know some of you are probably like, “But Tony did live in a world without Thanos. He spent 5 years without Thanos around.”
and you’re right.
Technically, you’re right.
Even within those 5 years, Tony was still haunted by what Thanos did. How Thanos won and that they lost. We saw throughout Endgame that Tony never forgave himself for what happened and especially for what happened to Peter.
Despite Thanos being dead, Tony is still haunted at the memory of Thanos and all the damage he created.
Hence why Peter was Tony’s main motivation throughout the film. When the team attempts to ask Tony for help regarding time travel, Tony declines as he says his too risky and because he doesn’t want to lose what he has now. Which is Pepper and Morgan.
His wife and daughter mean more to Tony than anything. We’ve seen Tony’s love for Pepper grow and we saw how much Tony loves his daughter. I love you 3000!
He got 5 happy years with them. Tony had his happy ending for as long as he could. Until once again, Thanos’ actions came back to haunt him. Seeing, remembering, that Peter was one of the people that were lost during Infinity War, the kid Tony grew to love as a son, and looked over and mentoured, Tony never stopped working on trying to bring Peter back. Without Peter, Tony felt like he failed.
At the end of the day Tony wasn’t worried about himself, he wanted Peter safe and sound. He wanted the world to be saved.
Tony needed closure. He needed to know the evil that haunted him for years was gone. He needed to know that his family and friends were safe. He needed to know that he fought until his end. And he did just that.
Tony Stark never ever stopped fighting. Ever.
Which is why Tony makes the ultimate sacrifice.
Using the stones and losing his own life.
Yes it hurt. A lot. It affected us and the characters in the film. But that’s how Tony’s arc was suppose to end.
It’s why Pepper said, “You can rest now.”
Tony fought Thanos non-stop for years and years on end. He never thought he could be at peace. But when he saw all his loved ones around for him, especially Pepper, his loving wife and Peter, the boy he risked everything for, and that they were officially safe and the monster that haunted him could no longer harm his family. He go be at peace.
He could pass on peacefully.
Tony Stark learned to love. Learned to care. Learned to grow. Learned that you’re not always alone.
Tony Stark learned all that he needed to in order make the final sacrifice in order to kill Thanos.
Tony Stark put the world’s protection before his own life.
Tony Stark is the true super hero.
His final words,
“And I... Am Iron Man.”
Were that for a reason, not just as a call back to he ending of the first film.
Those were his final words because Iron Man is not Tony Stark.
Tony Stark is Iron Man.
Tony Stark is the hero.
It’s the lesson Tony taught Peter with the phrase, “If you’re nothing without this suit than you shouldn’t have it.”
It’s not the suit that makes the superhero, but the person who wears it.
Tony Stark wears the Iron Man armor.
Tony Stark is the hero, not Iron Man.
Tony Stark’s arc has concluded.
There is no denying the pain and tears that were felt and shed during Tony’s death. But it was his time to go.
It was Tony’s time to rest.
Tony Stark fought and lived hard.
Tony Stark died happy, at peace and as a hero.
~We love you 3000 Tony~
Thanks for reading this far if you did. This is just my take on the film. Don’t take it as fact alright. What did you guys think of Endgame?
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irmacornelia · 5 years
30 Days of WITCHversary - 14-18
This week was hectic so Im dumping the last few days all at once.
Ahhh the shit-talking ones, I adore WITCH, but boy do I have some salt.
14- Something that irked you
I have to say the biggest thing is the fact that there simply wasn’t enough dragons, especially past the 2nd arc. Their power origin is dragons(until the late-series retcon nonsense), the motif is ‘you are something more than human now’, and then???? nothing? They forsook the ‘you are not fairies, you are not witches, you are something more ancient, strange, and lovely’ stuff and went sparkle fairy. Oof ouch the retcons.
Dragons all over the four dragons issue, dragons on the restaurant, Nerissa’s panel here? dragon.
Tumblr media
This isnt something that the comic is guilty of only either, the show is guilty of it too, and they had no excuse, the comic was already out pretty far, and they wanted a show that appealed to boys, so why didn’t they go all in???
There were dragons on Taranee’s laptop when they talked about quintessence, there were dragons in the origins episode, there was dragons in the Phobos fight, in the one where Nerissa tries to take Earths Heart the first time, and there was the mention in the last episode, but did we see anymore dragons? Especially as their Zenith forms which I’ve complained about before was the PERFECT opportunity to tie in the motif? No.
There should have been way more dragon flavor.
Some dragon-shaped auras, the zenith deus ex transformation should have been dragons, Id have even taken totally western dragons, just,,, pls. More dragons emblazoned on coats and people referring to them as dragons. Maybe have part of Phobo’s goal be becoming a dragon. IDK just toss more in there!
And why did they strip the dragons out in the later arcs? My answer is Marketing. Things needed to be pink and sparkly or they are seen as encroaching on different demographis, and not sellable, as CEOs love the minmaxing. Dragons aren’t considered cute, for some reason, and so they had to go. That cash cow was primed to be power-milked until it died. And well. It did.
Im not saying that the shift in priorities from juicy dragon-flavored undertone creeping horror of being uninformed newly minted child soldiers against their will to sparkily faerie idols who do magic sometimes and smooch a lot of boys totally killed it but... Well... 
You know.
You can tell im salty about this, and have been salty about this for over a decade, can’t you.
15- Something that needs a quick fix
In the beginning issues, some of the wording implies the only worlds are Meridian, which is just basically hell, Kandrakar, which is basically heaven, and Earth, and no other worlds. Which is all well and dandy, except.... 2 arcs later that stops being the case.
Change that, because it goes off the rails from that view so fast its not even funny. The simplistic, ‘Meridian evil lizards, Kandrakar good glowing green immortal gods or whatever’ can stay, I guess, because its part of the deconstruction of the ‘evil’ world and ‘good’ world, with Earth as the purgatory thing that media does but just. Right from the start say ‘multiverse’ ‘many worlds’ ‘many dimensions’ one or any of those. It would be just the tiniest, but most wonderful continuity fix.
Just a couple word changes, no panels need to be changed at all.
Something that needs an overhaul
The retcons and plotholes in general. Ive spat quite a bit of salt about the retcons and plotholes already but. WITCH has an undeniable plothole and retcon problem. I love WITCH more than anything, but oh man. It has that one glaring, unfixable flaw.
There are regular adaption plotholes in the cartoon (Biggest one- Why did Yan Lin not give them lessons on how to fight, negotiate, what powers they have and can grow to have, the species that live on Earth and Meridian, a primer into the history of Kandrakar and the other worlds when she was ALIVE to give them?? They didn’t have them and didn’t know anything in the comic, because she DIED and Kandrakar wasn’t gonna go shit for WITCH! They were ALONE!) but oh no, im talking about the comic more than anything.
Everything contradicts itself just. So Much.
It would be fine if it were an american-style comic where each run is its own canon, but its trying to be serial and im dying squirtle.
Decide whether their wings are stylized feathers or butterfly wings or what (in ONE chapter book they changed the canon 3 times!!). 
Decide whether dragons are their powers or not, how their powers even work, what time of year and how old they are judging from the canonical minimum of days that have passed, how serious their job of defending the universe is. Pick a set of truths and stick with them!!!! Twists are ok and you can change the focus and tone over time but you cant just. Kick out established truths and replace them with shit that makes previous nonsense invalid. The overhaul needs to chose their truths BEFORE they start and then stick with it the whole way through!
And their truths they say and then never talk about why they came about need to be de-plotholed. Kandrakar has a noninterference policy? Why? What the fuck does that mean and how come they can send the guardians then? Kandrakar commands the dragons, yeah? Ok, why do they leave them alone all first arc. Matt was part of Kandrakar? Yeah, why didnt he train them into the dirt and not tell them anything whatsoever? Why did he base his relationship with Will on a den of lies that totally shit on his character before that arc????
What it needs to get this overhaul is just a total reboot that takes all these truths and plots, and makes them one cohesive thing.
Only problem. I dont want this fandom getting The V0ltr0n Treatment. I couldnt bear it, to have it get really popular and be filled with people who think its ok to threaten VAs and suicide bait and viciously bully people for daring to have redemption arcs in their fics. I don’t want this place to become a place of fear, I dont want to have the cozy atmosphere be transformed into a hectic high-traffic disk horse zone, even if it gets us an official Perfect WITCH Cartoon.
So no matter how much I want WITCH to have this flawless unfucking of the plotholes... I think I’ll be content with it the way it is.
17 - Something that needs to be revisited 
P… ple ase,,, give me flashback arc.
Previous guardians can give us padding arcs until the writers figure out how to plot the main stuff, previous guardians can give us worldbuilding, previous guardians can give us backstory for characters we have met, and can give us villains that feel connected to the current plot.
How neat would it be if we had an issue following Kadma and halinor setting up their magic Illuminati? 
How neat would it be if we had Luba and Yan Lin working together while Yan Lin was still active?
How neat would it be if we got a more in-depth Nerissa origins story, complete with what she plans to do after she stamps all over Kandrakar for the inhumane 40+ years of solitary confinement?
How wonderful, storywise, it would be to have villains and allies who knew past guardians, howevermany cycles back, to see and hear of guardians before, and how they failed, but this time, WITCH wont?
Day 18 - Something that needs more love from the fandom
Hi Yes Have You Heard The Good News Of The Four Dragons And Xin Jing?
Dragons,,,,, good. Please let us make more dragon content.
I am a biased dragon who wants more dragon things, yes. I am aware.
But oh, I cant be one of like 3 people writing dragon AUs. I mean, considering the fandom size, thats like a whole 3% but You Know.
‘What fan content do you want to see more of?’ Dragons. Always dragons no matter the fandom or appropriateness of giant flying lizards.
Everything is improved with dragons.
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notruvik · 5 years
finished kh3 a couple of days ago and i have some thots on it.. this took me a while to write, but seeing the general consensus right now im glad im not the only one whos got some Feelings about it. obvious spoiler talk underneath the cut!
before anything i wanna say i did enjoy the game. i had fun with it, it is polished to beyond and isnt per se a rushed product technical wise - which makes my grievances with it the more harrowing
first and foremost i dont have too much gripes with the story and its ending overall. sora ‘dying’ had been hinted at before and seeing how the disney worlds played out i had expected it to happen. the revival of aqua, ven and terra was sufficient and while the seasalt trio only had one scene to call their own, it’s fine, really. it brought the emotion across and worked as climax for their arc. im happy that theyre happy
however, its nothing more than that: it’s fine. the game itself didnt do anything to make all of these returns and happy endings meaningful. it simply presented you one longer-than-average cutscene and a boss fight for each respective trio and had you fill in the blanks. for 20 hours it feels like the game is at a standstill as you go from disney world to disney world, forcing you to do unrelated tasks and seemingly doing everything to prevent sora from going into the realm of darkness until the very last 7 hours of the game where everything happens at once
that feeling of ‘standstill’ is caused by nothing really happening in sora’s physical journey. yes, he does meet marluxia, y!xehanort and vanitas (arguably the best and most efficient encounter in the game), but youre no step closer to the goal youre trying to achieve nor is any other character making any visible progress. when its time to finally take the first step, youre soon thrown at the very end of the plight: you save aqua, you immediately save ven, youre at the keyblade graveyard, you reunite everyone in the span of 2 hours and then its end game already
theres not breather in-between. no moment to let your achievements sink in and let these lost wielders get acquainted with the main cast and have some form of reunion. to make it feel like they matter in the present time. after all is said and done you find the resurrection of the wayfinder and seasalt trio meaningful not because the game helped you connect but because youve spent the past 10 years thinking about them.
this overall covers my main complaint about the game. further on i tried to collect some other issues in smaller points which i think just added to the Experience
to address the elephant in the room, kairi has been such a waste once again. being advertised as keyblade wielder, finally playing a role in all of this, only for her to get kidnapped immediately and killed is an awful move. being the reason sora is ‘dead’ in the end leaves such a bad bad aftertaste on top of all that. since a bunch of other posts have already discussed the issues at hand, i wont go in on this too hard. i do wanna say tho that kairi here feels like the epitome of character mismanagement problems the game is having in general; you dont feel for her. she says a lot of things, but is not acting on it. you dont see her training, you barely see her fighting. shes not talking to sora up to moments before her death, its no wonder youll forget about her until sora brings her up again post-end boss
continuing, instead of introducing mysterious female character(s) which never serve any purpose, i wish they had used the time to develop the characters which actually were at stake here. same goes for the many more sub-plots that never lead anywhere. the time spent talking about The Box, The Girl, The KHuX Survivors could have been used to ease the fallen heroes into the story. DLC content would have been perfect to introduce all these other elements into the present for future installments, instead of leaving all of these mentioned new plot points entirely unresolved. as its stands kh3 is a playable sequel bait instead the end of the xehanort saga
no radiant garden hub world? a huge portion of plot relevant characters are gathered there, why wouldn’t you add this one to the selection? the relief you would feel seeing the outcome of the restoration committee, kairi finally getting back in touch with her homeworld, damn, even just being able to interact with your allies on an npc level would be enough to make this game feel alive. this emptiness spreads out to the other world as well: like many AAA games, kh3 suffers from beautiful but empty world syndrome. sure, the worlds are huge, but theres nothing to do but fight enemy hordes and run for hours. arendelle arguably being the worst offender where all safe point spawning places look the same
minor, but still gonna mention it: sora still hasnt thanked namine and it personally drives me nuts. it wouldnt be that much of a problem honestly if theyd stop bringing it up every other game, throwing out cutscenes solely dedicated to that.. like, come on.
im trying to be optimistic here, but kh3 was supposed to wrap all these ‘spin-off’ into the main story line, not hint at a dozen more games to come. the game overall feels like another side project, instead of a full blown main title which is a damn shame. i already wrote this on twitter, but to me kh3 feels like the point where the series loses all of its emotional value in favor of ‘unforeseen’ plot twists to create this historic epic that paints nomura as some kind of ingenious story teller. instead of providing a story that focuses on the fight between light and dark, the power of friendship, and of course finally giving us an ending to all these characters weve grown attached to over the years, its simply put sequel bait in order to promote a (pretty much) pay to play mobile game. and it left me disappointed
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tumblunni · 5 years
Wow i had such a weird dream?? The story itself wasnt too unusual, just an emotional moment of an anime that doesnt exist, but the way the dream delivered it was really confusing!
The plot of this apparant anime was that there was some sort of ragtag group of monster people wandering the earth looking for a place they could belong without being hated. And i got the feeling here that they'd just found a place where things were going good, but the show's recurring villains appeared and revealed their secret to the town and now they had to flee again as everyone they thought was a friend took up pitchforks against them.
And the main focus character was really interesting? I dont think he was actually the protagonist but he got the focal role in this episode. Cos the monsters had to disguise themselves as humans to live in this town, and this was the youngest monster who didnt know how to do that yet. He had a really emotional struggle of pushing himself so hard to try and master this skill, because he was actually unique amoung the group for being a monster that was actually once human. So it was a combination of frustration at being a burden to his new friends, with desperation to finally see his own face in the mirror again.
And I feel like maybe before he became a monster he was bigoted against them and scared of them? Within the dream i recalled watching that other episode some other day, and apparantly it was super emotional. It started off just seeming like another 'we find the town of the day along our journey and meet some friends and/or solve a conflict' type thing. And this kid was mostly antagonistic through the episode, a dumb naive kid who believed everything negative about monsters and now struggled with the situation of being the only one who knew the truth that these guys are monsters but also now theyre doubting whether they should reveal it because these people seem so..normal?? And scared?? Starts to doubt whether all the other monsters executed by the corrupt church in their town were fully sentient too, and every time the 'nice' priest was teaching them how to spot liars he was really teaching them how to kill innocent monster people who were just as scared as the humans are of them. But the roots of gaslighting and abuse from this priest ran deep, so the kid struggled with the choice and ultimately made the wrong decision. Also i think maybe theres a reveal that the priest was actually their biological dad too, just for even more levels of why theyd make that wrong decision. And more reasons why its horrifying that the priest dad just treats his kid like shit once they outlived their usefulness. Im thinking something like the kid tries to make up for their mistake and save the protagonists but they get captured by their dad and like.. Ok holy fuck this dude is outright willing to murder his son and he's eminantly aware that these monster people are 100% sentiebt because he's using the threat of killing his son as a way to get them to lay down their weapons and agree to be recaptured. And then i think there was something super messed up when it was revealed all the monster attacks that happened to the town to get them so scared and paranoid were actually orchestrated by the priest as a form of control over his citizens. He had some sort of Ominous Doom Science to both turn people into monsters and control them to do his bidding. And like the predictable asshole he is, even after the protagonists gave up in order to save the kid he still killed him anyway. And after snapping his neck he threw him down into the prison cell with the protagonists and was like 'lets torment them by making them fight the kid they wanted to save'. Because it turned out he'd been doping the kid with a special dose of the monster formula ever since birth, and he was his 'secret weapon' all along without knowing it. Ultra super mega concentrated doom form of the artifical monsters he uses in his army, activated upon the moment of the kid's death. But then it turns out the ultimate experiment was too much for him to control and the kid was able to keep their mind in their new form, and turn against him to save their new friends. But when they realized what had happened to them, they broke down in fear. And everything was super depressing cos the protagonists knew this poor kid was now doomed to share their fate as monsters, and theyd have to take them away fron everythung theyd ever known in order to keep them safe. But also heartwarming at the same time because the kid had never known a truly loving family before, and as they passed out in the arms of main protagonist mom friend werewolf they felt like maybe this is what having a real family is like...
So anyway that led to a bit of an angsty team dynamic with this new recruit? The kid was obviously all new to monsterness and terrified of everything. But also even now they were struggling with that 'what if my abusive dad is right' instinct drilled into them from all those years. They still struggled with really believing that monsters arent evil, and like 'no i must have only disobeyed him because i was infected and i didnt know it, monsters are evil and i became one because i'm evil too'. Unwilling to believe that their dad did that to them and trying to find excuses where it would be their own fault. Maybe the kid was even tricked by another villain at some point who lied about having a cure? Like even whenthey became more able to trust their new monster friends they were still like 'theyd be happier if they became normal right?' Lots of angst and messing up and this poor kid feeling not only weak and useless to the team but also outright toxic to them.
So all of this led to this situation where disguising yourself as a human is a skill all the other team members already mastered and this kid is struggling real hard to accomplish it in order to save the day. Ans its extra depressing cos they havent seen their original human face in months, and theyre trying to cling onto the memories but scared they migjt forget what it was like to be human. And then i cant really recall all the details but i feel like the writing and cinematography were just super amazing emotional on this scene of the kid struggling to Do The Thing in time to save their friends, and like.. Atone for all their mistakes.
Also i think like the kid had this big super kaiju ultimate chimera form which was what their dad designed them to be, but also most of the time they were poofed into a tiny mascot sized version of that. And theycd never actually managed to control their powers enough to turn into their battle form willingly until now. Just this super depressing and also uplifting scene of this fuckin tiny monster kid being pinned to the ground underneath the villain's heel, trying desperately to turn human again to save their friends. And i think it was an awesome moment where they did manage to regain their old face for just a few seconds, but instead of actually learning to master the human transformation they learned to master their battle form instead. Like, accepting that that old face isnt who they are anymore, and it wont help like they thought it would. What they really need now is their REAL face! Some sort of dramatic badass speech about this that cuts the villain's philosophy right in half, and then a badass scene of tiny kid finally being able to control (and not be scared of!) their beast form, and fight the whole damn army singlehandedly to save their friends!
Also i think there was an extra emotional moment somewhere along the way where one of yhe villain generals was like 'no, stop, i want to see if they can do this', and actually started motivating the kid. Like i think they were a brainwashed soldier of the old priest bastatd who was sent to kill these monsters supposedly to avenge the priest's dead kid but they were actually starting to have doubts when this terrifying monster that 'killed them' seemed to act so much like a child. So this was the big moment of them finall believing the kid, and getting to see proof it really was them and the priest really was a manipulative evil bastard all along. So i think they switched sides and joined super powered up kiddo in fighting their fellow knights, giving them the keys to go free their friends. And possibly this knight person also joined the team after this and was the first proper human ally theyd ever had? And probably had loads of emotional plots of atoning
ANYWAY that was the cool really engaging story of my dream that i wish i could watch a real anime about!
But the weird part was that this was all delivered really fragmented cos of how little sleep ive had lately. I was seeing it in the form of (for some reason) laying down on the stairs at my abusive father's old house, listening to it playing on the tiny tv he had in his room. And you may have noticed i kept mixing up the kid's pronouns, thats because everyone in the dream was represented visually by a character from some other franchise and it was REALLY confusing! The kid was like an amalgamation of all the dudes from Wolf's Rain which i guess is where the concept of wandering monsters in human illusion came from. (Tho they werent all reverse werewolves like in that show) It was weird cos i knew this character was meant to be a child but they looked like five ripped teenagers smooshed together? Cos i havent seen that show in ages and couldnt even remember the protagonist's name. (Was someone called Hide or is that a guy from tokyo ghoul? I think they had the outfit of the tokyo ghoul guy.) And then predictably the evil priest dad was cornello from full metal alchemist mixed with my old doctor who had the same name. But less predictably the redeemed villain holy paladin knight guy was replica riku from kingdom hearts?? Ans specifically his medal from the app game, like he came with a floating medal attatched to his waist like a mermaid who was also a coffee table.
Also it just ended with a floating box of hair dye that turned to face the camera and it was actually coffee in a hair dye package. Like an exact replica of the blonding bleach i usually use, right down to every detail, but all the text was replaced with coffee info. I..i dont know what that has to do with anything else that just happened...
Oh also i think maybe one of the other teammates was a big cuddly 50-something circus ringleader type guy? He was the friendly comic relief but actually deep downn the most tormented of all of them. He'd been imprisoned as a circus attraction for most of his entire life and dressing up like a ringleader now he was free was kinda a way of coping? But yeh i think he bonded well with the kid cos they both didnt have much experience with being free and everything seemed new and scary. This guy also didnt have much experience of monster society either cos he'd been enslaved since he was a child. Man this anime sounds so fuckin intense and dark and emotional but also full of powerful friendship!! Why cant i watch any more episodes!! give me a sequel dream!!
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Honest talk
I made this blog to roleplay as the character of the Halo games, Thel Vadam. I made this blog around the times Halo 4 was released, wich didnt featured a thing about Thel. This character had grown up on me for a long time and it comes back from 2005 when Halo 2 saw the light. I played his missions on the campaign and began to like the guy; however Master Chief, the main character, was still my favourite.
But that changed when Halo 3 came out. I didnt had money to buy a 360 at launch so when Halo 3 came out I had to play with a friend, and as player number 2 I always played the campaign as Thel. That and his actions through the game made me like him even more than the Chief; when the game finished I had this big wide smile on my face when he was there, at the memorial for the soldiers made by the UNSC. Even as a former enemy of mankind, Thel showed so much respect for those who fall, after his kind and the humans allied to be present there.
The years went on, and we didnt know anything else from Thel. The speculations going from "he became the leader of his whole race" to "probably died on a civil war or betrayed by someone". So I decided to keep going with his adventures, in the format of roleplay.
To my surprise, Halo isnt very popular on the Tumblr roleplay comunity, fanpages are numerous but roleplay blogs are not. That made me eager to be open to crossovers, because it would be very interesting to have Thel involved in other kind of scenarios and make him interact to people he normally would never meet right ?
Big Mistake
I dont know if is the way I portray him, or that he isnt interesting to most people. But I just cant interact with other blogs, and if I do, it would be only for a fragment of time until Thel is forgotten and left behind. The worse part ? I only have made long friendship with a few blogs but one by one those have been abandoned. And with sad eyes I have to bear looking how any new messages I send are left unanswered.
And I am nervous about talking to new people, because most of the times I get ignored, or I receive a rude warning telling me to back off, I really am a chill and normal person for real, I dont mean any harm, I just want to interact with your muses because they are awesome !!!
However, I guess the one at failure here is me, and the muse I picked to roleplay with. One most people might find boring, or ugly to talk with. And I cant force people to talk woth Thel if they find him unnapealling and boring.
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