#i did the base texture for the second one but it still needs detailing
saruin · 6 months
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ytremia · 4 months
Process - Sunakawa Cake 🎂
A little breakdown of how I made my 3D recreation of the "thank you sunakawa" cake from Ore Monogatari ~
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1. Collecting reference
Aside from referencing stills from the anime, I came across the official cake sketch from Madhouse's website! It was really helpful in identifying all the toppings on the cake and other details.
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Next was collecting real-life references of all the ingredients I needed to make and taking notes of the shapes, textures and variety.
2. Modelling & Texturing
I go back and forth between modelling and texturing, and jump all over the place so I'll break things down based on the toppings/elements:
A. Macaron
I referenced Canosie Lab's macaron tutorial here, tweaking the process a little bit; using one mesh instead of two and using particles to distribute the boolean meshes. I ended up with LOTS of vertices, so I made a lower poly version of the macaron and used those to avoid bogging down the computer. As for the texture, I used Blender's procedural nodes, utilizing mostly the noise texture node.
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Above: The first row are the lower poly versions of the macaron and the second row are the original meshes with around 200,000 vertices each o_o
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B. Cookies
There's not much to it here; I just modeled the cookies and used procedural textures I've made for a previous project (I'll post that project soon!!!)
The icing is made using bezier curves with some bevel depth. I used the draw tool to draw on the cookies. I did the same for the writings on the cake.
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C. Strawberries
I've previously made strawberries for another project so I just used those but baked them to a lower poly mesh first. I used Canosie Labs' strawberry tutorial as reference :) I initially used a scaled down version of the regular-sized strawbs, but decided to make a proper mini strawberry 🍓
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Left: with scaled down regular strawberries, Right: proper mini strawberries.
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I made them super shiny with lots of subsurface scattering to make them look juicy and gummy-like -- not the most realistic but I think they look cuter like this :>
D. Orange slices
The orange slices were the most challenging to make! Did a lot of trial and error to get that pulpy texture oranges have but I managed using a combination of voronoi nodes :") If you look at the pictures below, you can see how the orange looked in the beginning vs. at the end after I refined it some more.
They look fine from a distance but a little janky up close; maybe I'll do a breakdown one day once I figure out a proper node setup.
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Above: before & after
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Left to right: rendered, colour only, B/W
E. Orange peel
A simple plane with a solidify and curve modifier. What's most important here is the texture! I used two different shaders (one for the pith another for the peel) combined using a mask.
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F. Jelly beans & choco marbles
A tweaked subdivided square for the jelly beans and subdivided icosphere for the choco marbles. The two use pretty much the same shaders but the jelly beans have more subsurface scattering.
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H. Cake
After placing all the toppings, I sculpted the cake (using the multires modifier) a little bit to model the cream that's displaced.
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Top 18 of my favorite full-body poses of Little Knack, from the first game.
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He still glows brightly from manifesting, here, but I like this expression because it reminds me of a kitten somehow lol.
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I'm not sure why I like this one so much. He is far quicker at climbing the giant relic than this image describes, but there's something like, I like the shape and there is an energy there.
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The composition? Is so pretty? You might notice that my avatar is a sketch of this (as of early June 2023. I know I will change it again).
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This one, I really like: the color and shadows of the night, the grey stone, and drama of the pose. It's not really representative of the scene since he gets back up quickly and seems no worse for wear, but I still like it.
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Knack has such long arms in the first game, that when he isn't running and is more casually walking, he sometimes holds his hands out just a bit while he swings them to avoid dragging. It produces an interesting effect.
More below; Thought it would be nice to cut off after 5 images to avoid long posts.
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Trying to decide whether this one will make the cut. I like the hunched over crouch look, not sure why. Also did anyone notice they straightened his posture in the second game? I'll have to check again.
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The sunset does a pretty good job of putting those carvings in stark relief. Literally! Look up "define in relief". Anyway I just love the colors, texture, and detail here.
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Put that boy on a skateboard. Need I say more?
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I'm mainly just putting this here because it can be hard to notice, although I think even the animators play pretty loose with it, but Knack's pupils may still be pupils when he small; there's a radial pattern that could define his eye region, and the pupils tend to move within that pattern, except for when they don't.
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Once again I like the colors, the energy. You know he's going to hop off that rock. He is so Shaped.
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The contrast here is perfect! You can see Knack and the relics lit up against the shadowed cliff. There is pleasing visual interest drawing the eye from the little sprinkle to the relics more up close and visually larger, you can tell the relics are falling away as Knack plummets. Interestingly, they seem to come off in layers.
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Might remove this since I can't brain. Something like, the poses are nice and the lighting. There's somewhat the arm-swing I pointed out earlier.
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Oh my goodness this one! Hi! I want to also include the smile he does, but that's a close-up.
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And the high-five! YEAH!
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I love Knack's expression in this one hehehe. Kind of wish I could combine it with another one where the Doctor and Ryder aren't awkwardly mid-stride.
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I just love that impish grin.
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And the kinetics of this one are so nice I think. You can tell which direction he's going based on where his ears flap around.
That's basically it. I wanted to share screenies of the second game also, but my mama's laptop can't handle all the Knack.
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Presenting the project that made me heterophobic:
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Yep! I am the dork that painted the masks of our current five boys over the course of three-four days (easier to space than six would be and lets face it, I do not care for kurlzz). I chose the Notes from the Underground masks because I've realized that it's the album that most of my favorite songs thus far come from. I quickly began regretting my decision at the point where I realized exactly how limited my paint options were and how many cool colors I would need. More details for each mask below (going bottom to top).
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Danny's mask looks almost nothing like the actual one mostly because I painted the circles first and did not realize the mask was more angular than I initially thought. I also had no gold, so we've got a lovely yellow mixed with tan for the base color. The bullets are rough but also smaller than you'd think and a basic brush set from Michaels does not, as I have learned, have super tiny brushes, so I did the best I could on the casings. I am proud of the fact that I tried to make the rust work as best as I could, and if you look really closely, you can even see the mesh in the eyes (looks a little clearer on the left eye). The smirk is present on the right side and I do think it's decently recognizable.
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This one made me cry. Any criticism of the fire around the eyes will be met with the response to suck dick because, to be quite frank, I challenge anyone to do better at 1 am and remain disturbingly proud of them. I'm kinda sad that my green (mixed from blue and yellow, because my budget is two pennies and all previous supplies) dried up early cause I was hoping to get more of the Louis Vuitton-style details, but still pretty damn good. I think the pyramid and the canisters turned out nice. Also, a little bit of a cat-eye shape for the eyeholes and the fire, but that was deliberate and I will not be ashamed of it in my moment of pride (I will undoubtedly feel the shame within five minutes of posting, but that is a problem for future me).
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A fun an interesting fact is that this is the second time I've done this particular mask of J3T, and both times I have realized I love doing the butterfly. It's super fun because as long as we get the basic swirls in, it's alright if they don't match length perfectly. The cracks are slightly off because the very first ones were free-handed, but I did my best to get the rest of them proper, and they even work to form the nose. Apparently the orange looks more yellow than I thought.
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This one was a welcome relief after crying over the detailing of J-Dog's mask. Again, no metallic colors, so our silver is grey. The little black lines are there to add texture to the edges (as it turns out, none of my brushes added it in a sufficiently noticeable way), and this one looks the cleanest imo.
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Last but not least, Charlie's bandanna (sunglasses painted over because, as it turns out, I continue to suck at painting and drawing glasses). The buildings are likely not accurate to the actual picture, but my reference photo did not show the actual city on the bandana so I just did some buildings, a fancy lil' LA and we're calling it an artistic interpretation. Also, check out that S. Coolest S I will ever draw in my life, got it right on the first try.
Anyways sorry that I didn't post this sooner cause I technically finished all of this yesterday evening, I have a flight soon so I am typing this up at 4:30 am at the airport.
(Tagging @vampswillhurtyou and @cutelittlenightmarethings cause both of you said you were interested and I have no idea whether or not this will show up in the main tags.)
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Final pic to show what it looks like at a slight distance and with other object to provide scale. Note the paint palette thingy having 3 shades of grey in it because, again, shoestring budget and persistence substitute everything for us.
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ilex-manor · 6 months
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General WIP update - 21 Nov 2023
I've been having trouble lately focusing on what I want to work on. I'm trying to stay productive, so I'm bouncing between multiple projects, day by day, doing something on a project I can focus on that day. The above pictures are from the three major things I've done some work on in recent weeks. Porting Lara Croft to SFM, improving the female headparts from Skyrim, and the start of a Fledgling replacer for VTMB.
Big ol' wall of text after the cut.
Porting Lara's Casual Explorer outfit from TR:U to SFM:
I had an idea for a poster with Lara and Rayne nearly a year ago. The SFM port of Rayne I used before is poor, but I had no idea how poor it is until I popped it into Blender to clean it up. I decided to port the model myself, and also this outfit of Lara's, I just took this long to get around to it. Anyway, the major hiccup with Lara's model is that her clothing has some digital wizardry going on with the shaders, and I can't use that data in SFM because the Source engine doesn't have a shader like that.
Short version, the cloth and leather parts of Lara's outfits have multiple bumpmaps. A main bumpmap, and then smaller bumpmaps containing detail for the weave of the cloth and the texture of the leather. To get this data into SFM I had to combine things into a single texture, which sadly meant losing some of that fine detail. That work is done, so now I have to do the cleanup and technical work to get her into SFM. The one thing that will take longer is bringing her weight painting within Source's limitations.
Improved Female HeadParts for Skyrim:
I actually did another pass on the topology before I updated VV's model, I just didn't post about it because I wanted to have more to show. Going back to the project now, I immediately ran into problems when I went to update the shapes of the different races. I couldn't get the shape of the Redguard face to match the original mesh. Wondered/worried about it while doing other things, and then it clicked - certain vertices and edges form a sharper edge of a part of her face, and I'll have to keep these vertices and edges the same (or at least very close) as they were on the original mesh.
With that in mind I did another thorough pass on the topology. The above picture is the result. (Left is original, right is updated). The critical edges were the top of her cheekbones, and her chin. Combining this retopo with the original shapes from the .tri files looks very promising. Much better than my previous passes.
Fledling replacer for VTMB:
Despite the frustations the Malk replacer caused me, I feel a strong urge to make another one. I don't plan on working on her any time soon, other than building her base body. The last two pictures above are the female Tremere's second outfit, and a reference body I built in MakeHuman. Same as the Malk, I'll build her completely out of exsiting VTMB assets. I'm planning to use a face none of the fledlings use, I'm only putting her on the Tremere skeleton because I need the bones in her hair. She won't be a replacer for a specific clan. The plan is to take a mesh from VTMB and rebuild it over this reference, matching the shape and topology.
The reason I'm building the base now is because I'm hoping to learn from it. I'm still having a lot of trouble with topology around the joints, particularly the hip- and shoulder sockets, and hopefully studying/referencing/re-creating the topology from the MakeHuman mesh will help me with that. I'll take whatever I learn from this and use it to update VV and Heather's SFM ports (again), as well as update all the female Malk models. Will also apply it to the multiple other VTMB models I still want to port to SFM, as well as any custom models I put together.
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misscaptainbear · 1 year
A while back I wrote a blog on how I'd make a soulslike using retro hardware, I'm gonna repost it here :D
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Yeah, so the twitter post where I first explained my idea was my most liked/shared post by like a factor of ten. Since there was so much interest, I figured I might as well make a mockup in Unity. Look what you made me do. 
Here’s a link to the build, and the controls are detailed on that page too. For the full effect, I’d also recommend using JoyToKey or a similar program to convert controller inputs to key presses, because I was too lazy to implement key rebinding for a mockup. See the itch.io page for suggested bindings.
Also, if you (yes, you!) want to continue this work, the zip file for the build also contains inspiration art, models, game data, and source code. It’s low polish code and almost nothing is systemic, but maybe it’s a springboard for someone who wants to push this project farther. I’d love to see it. The work that I have the rights to (i.e. everything except the inspirational art) is hereby released in the public domain.
The first and most noteworthy thing I’ve discovered while implementing is that there were more animations than I anticipated. Like, I figured there’d be a lot, and there were more than that. As of right now, there are 532 player sprites, each at 100x100 pixels, giving us roughly 6.4 mb of sprite data. (assuming indexed image format and smartly cropping fully alpha 8x8 blocks)
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One of the things we could to further shrink these is to run-length compress them, and also reuse tiles. I considered writing a python script to go over all 8x8 tiles within all sprites, and saving them in a massive lookup table. Then, it would go through all sprites again, replacing the tiles in the sprite with any similar tiles. This would mean, say, the thigh tile from one animation might be the cloak in a different frame if the pixel colors and shapes were sufficiently similar. However, I decided not to because it doesn’t actually have any savings on modern hardware, only on tile based renderers.
I could have also hand deleted specific entire frames of animations and reused similar enough ones - just by eye - but I also wanted to include all of the animations in the data that I distributed, just for the sake of it all being there for anyone who might need it, for whatever reason. I think these techniques might get the total data down to 50-60%, but that still means a ton of data just for the main characters sprites. 
I could also cut the animations in half by simply making the character designs so that the left-facing animations can be reused for the right-facing animations, but I felt that put a lot of constraints on enemy design and combat readability, so I didn’t pursue that either.
Turns out tons of animation variants work better on skinned 3D models (which is why I’m pitching my next souls game on the Nintendo 64. Hit me up Bandai Namco!) I chose to do one player model with no costume changes and just a boring sword. Any variants like clothing, weapons, or equipping a shield would have completely blown the animation data budget.
You’ll also notice the game runs by default at a low framerate, 15 frames per second (The quality can be changed with the - and + keys during runtime if it causes discomfort). I did this for two reasons. One, it made the animations, which run at a consistent 10 frames per second, feel much more in line with the sprite movement and the camera rotation. Plus, it might accurately simulate the game running on actual hardware; making the game run a quarter at SNES framerate might be required for the “high-fidelity graphics” on show here. (Who knows if the hardware would actually allow that without awful artifacts though, ha). But throttling framerate is a tried and true tactic for better visuals. 
Another thing that surprised me is the amount of reuse on environment assets I was able to get. I was ready to put together a bunch of textures for the walls and floors, but I finished up what I wanted to achieve and found I’d only used 20 64x64 textures. I think the real game would benefit by focusing on unique tilesets to give each zone or level a special feel, and I think that’d be within the budget of a real game.
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Environment took about 20 textures total
I also quickly abandoned the differing-heights-of-walls idea I talked about in the first blogpost. The requirements of the way walls are rendered described in the post made certain arrangements of walls impossible, and those were kind of the only level designs I wanted to use. That’s confusing, here’s some drawings to explain what I mean. Basically, having shorter walls in front making a visually tiered level with hedges that obscure the walls behind them just isn’t possible using that technique.
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The rendering technique causes gaps where there would be walls behind walls.
While we’re on the topic of environment, I guess I skipped over the way we’d have to z-sort sprites to allow walls to layer correctly over them, and for sprites to draw back to front. That’d be a performance issue too probably. 
Palette and Rendering
One of the big wins I had was the palette I set up, I felt it was super moody and conveyed the tone I was going for. It felt muddy and sad and tired. It had pops of blues and greens, but even then they muted and melancholy. To achieve this look, there were three mechanisms here. First, all the sprites and environment textures were palletized to those colors. Then, in-game, I used a fog effect to fade the world to black. Finally, a post processing shader took any pixels outside the gamut and palletized the final game render, so every pixel displayed is within that palette.
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The palletization is most noticeable in gradients, where it slightly changes the tone of colors. In a cool retro way, I think.
To create the sprites, I was kind of forced to do it by rendering 3d models (blender files included in the data!). This was due to time and money. As mentioned previously, I would have loved to dress up in costumes and downscale, pixelate, and rotoscope real pictures, but that costs stuff. Also, I’m sure hand-pixelled sprites would absolutely look more appealing, but like I said above, there were just so many animation sprites. The upside to hand authoring is you can have more control of implied movement during animation, and therefore probably fewer frames. All said, I don’t dislike the rendered results, it has a bit of a Diablo 2 look to it, but I wish I had been able to experiment with different techniques, mostly for fun.
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I remember loving to see these render breakdowns in gaming magazines and websites back in the day
I think if I had lower-resolution-better-looking sprites, fewer animations using the techniques described above, and designing levels so as to not have to  z-sort sprites, it just might be able to run on SNES. Just maybe. A commenter mentioned it might actually run on GBA, and I could see it being possible. Shoutout to the most impressive 3D gba game ever.
One final design note I liked: The ducking mechanic was inspired by Super Mario World. I felt that was a nice homage, and there wasn’t enough buttons for more soulslike interactions like parrying, so it felt like it was a good choice with some mechanical depth with the limited inputs I had available. And, this game being simpler is alright by me - we are theoretically in the realm of before King’s Field. 
So there it is. I said I didn’t have time to implement it, and I did anyway. This is all your fault.
But for real, I really enjoyed tinkering with this, and I’d love to see anything that gets made out of this idea. Hoped you enjoyed reading this!
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Character Illustration: Finishing my Final Character
Now that I've finished my silhouette I am able to start illustrating my final character. I started by using the silhouette to make my outline. I originally was drawing the outline in procreate but I've found during this course I think Photoshop is better for line work. This is the outline I came up with. I looked at the research I did into the fashion during the time period when I was drawing the dress. I wanted to get the base shape of the gown right from the start so I don't have to go back and fix it later.
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I then tried out some different values from Phoebe. In the first one I had no major highlights or shadows so it was really flat and needed the depth. I added some white highlights in the second value but it still looked quite flat. So in the third value attempt, I really played with the contrast to see how far I could push it. I then made a few small colour adjustments in the fourth value and that's the value I took forward to turn into my colour version.
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I started by just adding in the base colours. I chose red as the colour for the top layer of her dress as it was featured a lot in the fashion I saw from the time period. I used the yellowish/golden colour because I think it made her look almost royal.
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I then added some more details. I adding some pleating to the skirt of her dress to try add some interest and depth to her. I also added some shadows onto the red part of the dress. I also added shadows around her arms and chest to help show extension of her arm. I added some shading to the fan which I think really helped it look more dainty.
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I then tried a few facial expressions. I didn't like the first one as I think the style of the face didn't suit other features she had. I tried a more cartoonish style for her face after and I think this suited her better.
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I then finished up the character by changing the yellow underskirt to a white and straightening her mouth. I used a paintbrush on procreate to add a bit of texture to her skirt so it looks like she is still a painting. I'm really pleased with the character overall. I really like her pose and silhouette. I could have probably been more creative with her colour palette but I think the simplify of it as it doesn't take away from her dress and the story. I'm really glad I chose to do the values and colouring in procreate rather than Photoshop as I prefer the control I have in procreate to Photoshop. I find it easier to use layers and blend brushes in procreate.
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Week 3, Sept 20th - 27th
My animatic is now finished and can be viewed below. Originally, the story I had in mind ended up being a whopping 6 minutes in length. Oops.
It has now been shortened to 4 minutes. This is still longer than the 3 minute film goal, however most of the shots are held ones that consist of the same subject being in frame for about 8 - 10 seconds, and that is where the extra minute is coming from.
This adjustment from 6 minutes to 4 will allow me to reallocate my time appropriately to work on other aspects of my project, and also cut some elements out all together (such as many of the additional props I had planned to model this week). Ultimately I think this decision will be better for the final product, though I wish I could have made it the total 6 minutes.
Some shots may seem out of place or abrupt because of this after-the-fact adjustment. I did not want to redraw the frames that needed more context (for example, the introduction of the red-yellow butterfly, which originally had much more of an entrance than appearing next to the red one) but I hope to use close-up shots to re-add emphasis. Instead of redrawing this, focused my time on building an asset for the project this week.
This week I aimed to model, texture, and rig both butterflies for my animation. I ended up completing one, which I can copy and edit to create the second butterfly.
I didn't have time to re-texture the second butterfly with the appropriate shaders needed to create the emissive effect of the wings. However, now that I have less props to rig this week, I can give it extra time without delaying my production schedule.
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Last year I made a butterfly as well that was essentially a flat plane with a simple picture texture and a toon shader. This year, I want my animation to have a more realistic feeling to it, so I tried to replicate the texture of a real butterfly wing more accurately.
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The base mesh of my character was something else I worked on this week. It still needs a head, hands, and the feet need more work, but I will continue this week. I didn't want to add too much detail to the body model, aside from making sure there will be sufficient geometry and edge loops for rigging and weighting accurately.
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Lastly, this week I tested grass textures. I like how the image looks on the blades as a collective, and with some modifications to the base geo of the grass when I'm creating the MASH network it will look more realistic while still having that slightly stylized look that I admire.
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To-do for next week:
Finish base model
Modify current butterfly for second
Start modelling clothing, mask, shoes, and other accessories for character
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leopardmask-ao3 · 1 year
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I posted 2,597 times in 2022
That's 2,460 more posts than 2021!
56 posts created (2%)
2,541 posts reblogged (98%)
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Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#hermitcraft - 412 posts
#fanart reblog - 369 posts
#for mom - 250 posts
#not fandom - 246 posts
#empires smp - 146 posts
#save for reference - 99 posts
#pixlriffs - 61 posts
#minecraft - 48 posts
#writing - 46 posts
#tango tek - 41 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but maybe that's what happens when you lived on an ocean world and then bioengineered yourself in the opposite direction when it exploded
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The art piece I did for the content exchange hosted by @mastasof-ravenkroft ! My giftee was @muuum-am-i-adohhhpted and their Empires fic Beyond The Sunflower Field (which I loved, by the way)! This piece was a very new style for me, but the painterly vibes just felt right for a scene of Gilded Homestead/Heliantha. I decided to set it somewhere around mid-fic, where Pearl has been working the land around Heliantha for a while, but hasn't taken on her leaderly title yet.
17 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
10 Weeks of Celebration for 10 Years of Hermitcraft
Prompt 2: Meaning and Impact Anyone can learn how to build beautiful things. Just ask Bdubs! Even people who have tried to kill him in the past are welcome students of his brilliance.
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"Your base is... tall."
"Why yes it is! Thank you for noticing!"
Bdubs led Foxtrot across the grounds outside his monolith. "So, what brings you to my humble home? Just a neighborly visit, or are you looking for advice from ol' Bdubs?"
The android dragged his gaze away from the towering structure and focused on Bdubs' face. He was still learning the balance between politeness and honesty... "Both?"
"Well, welcome," Bdubs replied. "I do love seeing my wonderful friends and neighbors take an interest in what I'm doing. I saw you're building a base of your own here - that's great!"
"Yes, I wanted to join in with the town plans," Foxtrot replied, "learn how you all do things and be a part of it. I never really learned how to... make stuff that looks good, though - before finding you all, I had no reason for that."
"Oh yes, that's revenge quests for ya." Bdubs nodded. "And of course, you came straight to the expert!"
"Well, I asked Tango first," Foxtrot corrected. "He told me to come talk to you, because that's where he learned a lot of building tips from and he thought you could explain things better than he could."
"Awww, how schweet of him," Bdubs effused. "Come in, come in, I'll show you around!"
Bdubs backed into a corner to let Foxtrot through the door. "It's kind of tight quarters in here, I know, but that made every floor a great challenge for me. I don't know that I'd recommend makin' too many rooms this small while you're still learning what you're doing, to be honest, but feel free to use any ideas you get from this place!"
"Okay!" Foxtrot looked around the entry room, focusing on the half-hidden barrels and chests. "Why are these... like this?" he asked. "I think I understand the arch, but you'd get much more storage if you didn't have the trapdoors and just had a wall of just barrels."
"Ahhh, but it's all about texture and breaking up the space, isn't it?" Bdubs replied. "The shelves just make sense here. And there's more storage up on the second floor - it's not like I need it all in one place." He led Foxtrot up the stairs to show him. "See? There's always a balance to be struck. This is all perfectly good storage space! It just doesn't need to be all lined up in straight rows of labeled double chests to do its job!"
"So basically, don't have too much in one spot that's all the same thing."
"Yes, yes, exactly that! And make sure you mess around a bunch with the details. For example: trapdoors are a wonderful thing to add in if you aren't sure what to do. Come on, I'll show you just how much detail you can pack in if you want to - and more storage!" Bdubs started up the stairs again. "Come check out my plant lab."
Foxtrot pricked his ears a little higher in curiosity. "Plant... lab-?"
18 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Week 4 of the 10 Weeks of Celebration for 10 Years of Hermitcraft challenge - this week's prompt is "Comfort and Calm".
Stress has her name for a reason. She senses it in others, and though she wasn't there for it herself, she can feel the effects of the moonpocalypse from everyone around her. She does her best to help out in her own way.
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Stress hummed as she assembled and set a picnic table in front of her house, big enough to seat seven or eight people. She had realized, somewhat belatedly, that her little teapot house may not comfortably fit everyone who was invited - though it was certainly open to them - so this tea party would be held mostly outdoors.
Zedaph was the first to arrive, trotting up while Stress was still setting the table. After an animated greeting, he picked up a couple plates and started to help out. He had somehow gone through the end of HC-8 and the move to HC-9 practically unscathed, and Stress had invited him because she appreciated having more of that kind of energy at her little gathering. She herself had been off-world at the time: an extended vacation with Iskall and the other Vault Hunters, which had become even more extended when they heard the news.
Stress and Zedaph chatted for a while, but as soon as Tango reached them, Zedaph was there. He hung off Tango like a human weighted blanket, even as Tango tried to sit down. Tango clearly didn't object, though. Stress giggled at the awkward position this put Zedaph in and pushed a chair closer. "'Ere you are, why don't you both sit like that, eh? Instead of contorting yourself to lean over him all the time."
At this point Tango was chuckling too and he gently shoved Zedaph into the second chair. "Yeah, you don't have to twistificate yourself around on my account. Plus we'll both need our hands free for food."
"Oh, yeah, good point." Zedaph extricated himself and sat down, but sat almost between chairs, pressing himself against Tango's side and acting very casual about the fact that he was doing so. Stress just gave that a knowing nod. At Xisuma's request, she had been the one who had finally found Tango, adrift and alone. He needed the weight and presence of some human friends.
By that time, the other invitees had arrived: Cleo, Jevin, and Xisuma. Stress greeted them warmly and served tea to everyone before sitting down herself.
"Are we expecting one more?" Cleo asked, indicating the empty chair with a place setting.
"Don't you worry about that," Stress replied. "'Ave some tea, 'ave some snacks. It ain't much, since we've all practically just got 'ere, but that's alright, innit?"
"We're all here, and that's what matters," Jevin agreed, picking up his teacup in both hands and savoring its warmth. "Food and stuff will all happen eventually."
Xisuma just nodded at that. He had taken his helmet off for politeness and to drink his tea, and he still held himself nervously, as if expecting someone to come up behind him at any moment and tell him to stop having fun - but the others could see him smile a little more every time he looked around and saw a hermit’s base or one of his tablemates.
The conversation was quiet, but earnest and kind. Everyone mostly avoided talking about what had happened, instead expressing their relief and excitement at the new world, their new plans, and what they could do now that they were together again. The snakes that Cleo had acquired occasionally reached for a bite off one plate or another. Cleo fed them morsels, Xisuma didn't seem to notice nibbles disappearing, and Jevin waved one away like an annoying fly as he reached to refill his cup. (No one had actually seen him drink any tea, and no one was paying enough attention to see how he held the mug with a thumb dipped into it. He never had figured out an easy way to absorb liquids that looked like how the humans did it.)
"Halloooo Stress! What's all this about?"
Stress looked up with a grin at the new arrival jogging toward them. "'Ello Iskall! Care to join us?"
Iskall put his hands on his hips with exaggerated indignance. "You're throwing a whole party over here and you didn't invite me? How could you!" He cracked a little smile, mostly joking and unable to be truly mad.
"Well, clearly I didn't need ta," Stress pointed out, "seein' as you found us anyway, right? Look, I even set a spot for you. I knew you'd turn up whether I wanted you or not."
"Well, if you insist..." Iskall sat down with a huff, then giggled, triggering laughter from the rest of the table. "Hallo, everyone else here too! Could someone please pass the tea?"
20 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
Loving the vibes of Pixlriffs, by all accounts and behaviors the most Normal Guy around, just hanging out in his yard having a conversation but then briefly having to pause said conversation to go chase away a minor god like he's chasing off a stray cat that got into the garbage
109 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm seeing people post their art here that they did for the 10 Years Of Hermitcraft, 10 Weeks of Celebration art and writing challenge and realizing, oh, yeah, maybe I could post the fics I'm writing for it here too. The challenge isn't really tailored to writing but it says it is so I took it as a writing challenge anyway.
Prompt 1: Dressed for the Occasion In which Grian helps Cleo make her new dress a little bit better. Who better to ask for clothing help than someone who sewed himself together?
Read it on ao3 or
"You're going to the party like that?"
Cleo turned and gave Grian a withering gaze. Grian's button eyes gave no hint to his intentions. "I am," Cleo replied. "Is there a problem with that?"
Grian ran a finger around one cuff of his red suit - a slightly nervous habit that he'd probably picked up from Mumbo. "Well, your dress is very nice, and I get the look you like to go for, but that tear in the side..."
"Is meant to be there, yes," Cleo finished. "I've got to have inventory access somehow, right, even at a special event."
"Inven- right, of course," Grian realized. "Well, even though we both know it's meant to be there, it doesn't really... look like that, does it? It kind of looks like you had an accident with a tree branch, to be quite honest."
Cleo crossed her arms. A few of her snakes hissed at Grian. "Oh, it does, does it? Are you offering to help fix it?"
Grian nodded. "I am, actually. We can definitely keep the gap there, but just make it look... cut, rather than ripped, right? And that would mean making it a tiny bit bigger, so it'll actually be easier to use."
"...Can you do this while it's on me?" Cleo relented. "I don't fancy trying to get this dress off and on again right now."
"Yeah, should be simple enough," Grian decided. "I'm not going to try and hem it or anything, that would make it look too fake. Gotta go for at least a sort of natural look."
So, Cleo stood with her arms crossed as Grian worked away, using a miniature pair of shears that he always had on him, trimming away stray threads and bits of fabric and treating the cut edges with a special slimeball-based glue he'd gotten off-world.
"I gotta say," Cleo commented, watching him work, "I didn't really expect you to be this... graceful at this."
"Lots of practice," Grian replied. "It did take a few tries to get the hands right on the body I pattern all my others on, but I need the ability to repair myself, right?"
"Ah, yeah, that's true, isn't it. You get good at one-handed sewing too, since they're always the thing that get damaged first."
"Ughhh, that is the worst when that happens. Sometimes I have to use another body entirely to fix the first, but you don't really do that, do you?"
"No, that's pretty uniquely a you thing. I just gotta either deal with it anyway or ask whichever hermit is closest that I trust with a needle."
"Are there many of those?" Grian asked, an invisible smile in his voice.
Grian laughed, then put away the anti-fray solution and got out a needle and thread.
"I thought you said you weren't going to hem it." Cleo frowned.
"I'm not, I'm just making sure the corners don't pull too hard." Grian made a few quick stitches here, a couple more there, then stood up and clapped once, an action that made no sound except a quiet paf. "Right, finished." He set down two gold blocks between them. "What do you think?"
Cleo turned to the side, looking at her reflection in the polished gold. Grian had turned the ripped bit into a sort of flame-shaped opening at her waist, a curving shape that actually complemented her nicely, rather than looking like - well, like a zombie had ripped a hole in it with their teeth. Whlch may or may not have been what she had previously done to it.
"I think... I really like that actually," Cleo admitted. "Thanks for that."
"A hole in a dress that shows off the hole in you," Grian said matter-of-factly, as if that were a common, normal reason for a design choice. Then he snickered, which Cleo followed.
"It does!" Cleo said with exaggerated emphasis that just made Grian laugh harder. "It's so practical!" In a more normal voice, she continued, "Genuinely, it never occurred to me that you had sewing skills that extended past, like... making weird new bodies for yourself."
"Oh, yeah," Grian said as the two continued on toward the party. "I make, or at least adjust, most of my clothes - even did a dress for myself once or twice. Anyway, who do you think tailors Mumbo's suits?"
132 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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borahaejenn · 2 years
💜Dear Bangtan and ARMY💜
  It’s that time of the year when I have to get my booster shot haha 😂 I talk about it in one of the videos but my parents are getting it and they told me to check if I can get it so I can and by now I got it. They had like one appointment slot open for 8 pm and I did it. I shall come back to tell y’all how I feel. Alright I came back from my appointment and slept a whole 12hrs I'm awake and I have no symptoms lol I woke up well. I thought I would have muscle soreness because I worked out well yesterday but I'm good. hehe if anything I felt it aided my digestive process. haha Also, HELLOOOOOO! How are you this week? I started gift wrapping gifts and I realized I needed more boxes than bags for gifts this year. Lol I literally drove around town looking for boxes in stores for a whole day only to find all the box aisles dry. Lol I even went to DAISO but I found snacks instead lol I was mad at myself because I didn’t realize that in my storage unit I had some Christmas stuff saved and I found so many unopened boxes that I didn’t use last year and my mom told me that she could have sworn she told me last year to save the unused ones and I was like “I don’t remember” until I found them lol 😂 y’all they were still in their plastic wrap from the store and I was over here struggling. I can remember small details but not even if I put boxes in my storage lol 😂 they do call it selective memory for a reason lmaoooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 just kidding.
    I was excited because the game THE DEVIL INSIDE ME came out and I love those games, the ones that tell a story and feel cinematic and are based on decisions lol I live for seeing many different gameplays to see how people think and what they would choose. The fight or flight response comes out really hard with those gameplays because they are designed to be like butterfly effects and any little thing can change one thing and you can’t tell what is right or wrong. Lol 😂 it’s nice to hear different gamers explain why they chose something and it is equally as valid even if it may be different than what is expected in a general sense. I would live my best life if ever y’all split into teams and played any game from The Dark Pictures Anthology lol I would love to see if y’all will finish the games with survivors lol I can already see the chaos happening because the decisions are hard at times. Lol But, I watched HOLLOW play it all and I binged his videos and it was good. Lol he got out with all the characters surviving and a lot of his decisions were risky but they worked out in his favor it was so dope! For this one that came out, it did feel like the film SAW but it also had the essence of the film PSYCHO. The main antagonist has an interesting psychological background. But, it was different than the other games in the series and I saw a sneak peek of the next game and it gave me ALIENS sci-fi horror vibes and I can’t wait. Lol 😂
   Taehyung, I saw your live it was chill like Jin’s but so chaotic in the games. Lol 😂 I noticed there was a Suga, marry me ARMY and a Hobi’s wife ARMY lmaooooooooooooo I thought it cute how you added ARMYs birthday in your user ID😭 I also have to ask, for the mafia game lol did an ARMY named WOONG literally kill off each duck around you single-handedly while keeping you alive just because? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I just kept seeing heads flying and blood gushing while you just stood there and looked confused on camera I could not stop laughing.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was one of the best awkward top-tier silences ever. Lol your facial expressions are always giving. 😂😂😂😂😂Taehyung, after seeing this live I found out that you are the second person I have ever come across to eat cherry tomatoes like regular cherries. The only other person who likes cherry tomatoes is my dad and I eat them in my salad only. Lol everyone around me either don’t like the texture and they give it to me or my dad just like with olives. But, I am the only one who likes pickles in my family. I read from ARMY that game that Fall Guys is not an easy game for a beginner and many said you did pretty good for someone who just went into it live like that. So that’s cool. I never played that game, but I thought of Mario Party lol where you chose a character roll a dice and you choose a theme and you have to go through obstacles to make it to number 1 lol but Fall Guys is more like “every person for themselves” like Super Smash Bros. But differently lol it’s fighting on survival mode and I dig it, also mostly because you get yeeted off the stages really funny lol 😂 whoever created the huge wind-looking turbines really wanted people to fall. 😆I also noticed ARMY trying to push you to the finish line and even trying to get you up from that one obstacle you couldn’t climb midway lol it was sweet yet funny. I am glad you enjoyed your time with ARMY.💜😊
  KOOOOOOOOK ! Lol I made a video talking to you about this lol but that was AWESOME! You got a sparkly jacket✨✨✨✨✨✨ you were shining, you were glowing, you were serving. Lol I loved it, honey! 👌 Up on that stage you gave the meaning “to shine” justice. You are really meant for the stage. I loved that you said this, “But what’s fortunate is that there weren’t any big mistakes and I could at least enjoy it a little bit.” Growth looks lovely in you. I say this because this week I was also thinking about how growth looks and how it feels and sometimes we aren’t fully aware we are in it until we surprise ourselves and realize that we are capable of something a couple of years back we wouldn’t think we could possibly do. I love that you validate how you weren’t satisfied with yourself but you are happy you did it with enjoyment and with no issues. It was different coming from you and I dig it. Also, the fact that you did so much on your own in so little time reminded me of how Bangtan does a lot and evolves to situations really fast even on their own schedules.I think it’s not only professionalism but also discipline and skill that y’all have built with time and I am proud of y’all for that. I think as a member from Bangtan you came out and represented so well and from yourself, you proved that you have a lot to offer, honey. That’s what’s up!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 I also saw the videos with TEAM KOREA it was nice to see you interact with soccer players lol but the shirt looks dope! I think it’s nice you also said this to them, “I hope that they obtain results that exceed how much they practiced.” That inspired me and it just adds more to what you said about yourself and your performance. More so, sometimes we want to do beyond in the presence of others because we want to, but in the grander scheme internalizing the idea that we did enough to how much we worked hard towards it is also important regardless of what the result is. Being gentle with ourselves to realize that it’s okay if it wasn’t a full knock out but it went well and I enjoyed learning and doing something as much as I could with what I could give. It’s also like saying that I could do better but also the me of now is enough too. I like that. 😇 it’s a beautiful sentiment, Kook. Hehe I will listen to DREAMERS, well, and give it a lot of love. ✨😘 Also, it was nice to know that the water dries fast in Qatar. Lol since our skin is quite absorbent of what you put on it, I think your skin loved the water and absorbed it fast. 😭 haha I hope you ate well as well as the BTS CREW 🙏 oh and Kook it’s okay to enjoy your time haha when I see people having a good time, I like that. I never know what goes behind the scenes of a picture all the time so I don’t like to assume that someone is doing more or less of something just because of pictures. I look at photos these days and I’m like “moments pass and at least they felt happy even for a bit today and I’m glad.” We all know and I know you work just as hard, don’t worry. Haha 😆 I relate to explaining to people because I use to go out to concerts a lot and people would always have something to say even past “friends” and it hurt me because they just kept saying that I was not studying enough, that I was wasting my time going to concerts when I could be saving my money on other things, and even that I was not serious or to be taken seriously for going out a lot. We all sometimes judge because we want to make a narrative we have of someone in our minds real so hard by making assumptions when they don’t show us what we may want to see on social media. It’s natural for people to be drawn to that but it can be changed. What people didn’t see was that I studied every time and was passing and acing a lot of my classes and the times I did a post on my social media were not of me in the library and just concerts lol, that I was paying my own concert tickets and worked hard to go out and enjoy my time, and that I was depressed and me going to concerts really helped me get through it and just release. People can see my photos and videos even today and think certain things but that is just like an hour to a couple of minutes of one day. We are all constellations of the many different little stars from life that make up who we are. Nothing is ever linear or one way and I don’t see y’all in just one linear way. Y’all are constellations that are up in the sky and form many different beautiful views because you showed those different perspectives to me. After being here with y’all for almost a decade, I quite love the views I am still seeing when I look up at your sky. Hehe 😊 I love you JK. 💜 I have to say lastly, thank you for working hard. You did well. ❤️I just finished watching the MV too lol Fahad Al Kubaisi sings so beautifully as well and the collaboration between both of y’all was amazing. The whales made me tear up lol but the effects are gorgeous. I noticed ARMY commenting a lot about you being surrounded by all the flags and you looked so sick in those moments. That low camera angle was doing what it came to do lol  Bangtan is worldwide and this just adds to it and I love the unity. haha I dig it! 💪
       Jin, I came back to also talk about the last episodes of your traditional alcohol journey. Lol let me begin.
-The cameo of my homie the EAST WINDS making an appearance just a few minutes in lol 😂 I was laughing at the wind coming just in time when y’all were trying to smell your wine. Lol The East Winds knew what they were doing. East Winds is everywhere. lol I would know I am their apprentice lmao 🤣I’ve been around the homie enough times to know it is them. But, I am happy your alcohol came out sweet and good for the first time.👍
-“This is the perfect timing to boil some pork.” (Mr. Baek not even a full two minutes into the episode) lol I love it.
-this is funny, “So the proof of the pudding is in the eating?” then the BTS CREW : [the proof of pudding is in the drinking] lol well played. Or should I say, well said? Lol
-I was wondering for a bit why you said you smelled Hawaii lol and I think I know why. Hawaii is also known for its nuts, especially macadamias lol I remembered when I tried their chocolate called Hawaiian Host because my mom brought a pack one time from work and it was delightful. Lol 😂someone gave them to her and each day after I got home from elementary school I would go and have one until the box was finished. 🤤 but I can see how you got to chestnut. 😂
-YEAST is the queen we never thought we needed. Lol you get natural flavors in alcohol and you get to make all types of bread with it! Yeast is a winner here. Lol
-FAIRPLAY. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Mr. Baek is just as chaotic lmaoo I was done when he said this, “while we do this what if I trip and we drop this?” *while holding the giant bowl of your makgeolli* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
-the banter in the car with the yukhwe sauce lol I can see y’all are both competitive by nature but lowkey about it. 🤣
-Mr. Baek outshining you in the market. 😆He was stunning on everybody left and right. I was like damnnnnnnn last time I ever saw someone be greeted that much was when my grandma was showing my mom and me the town my dad grew up in and she was just being stopped left and right from shop owners to neighbors lol she was really into the community so she knew a lot of people. Lmao 😂 as her introverted granddaughter I was shocked. Lol I have never seen someone be so well-rounded with people. Mr. Baek knows the vibes. Haha
-the turnip kimchi looking really delicious right now. 😭 I have to give a minute to appreciate all the food aesthetics and shots that the BTS CREW provided because it was outwardly especially the sizzling ASMR with the tofu and frying the kimchi. 👍👍👍👍👍👍 literally, CHEF’S KISS. Ahhhh!That’s how I fry my kimchi with my chicken from time to time too lol I either have it with rice, or I make it into a Hispanic dish. And it really does hit the spot when you have just that right amount of oil and the aftertaste of the meat.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love how near the last episodes it got to talking about different smells and textures. I really think you could make a show where you make and talk about food with different guests too, Jin. The last episodes felt so organic when it came to you talking with Namgil and Mr.Baek. It was food madness and just speaking of it. It’s so nice. Lol I enjoy food based on texture and taste and at times it takes me a while to adjust to certain ones but then it sits right. I love it. My sense of smell is off at times lol which is why I don’t use perfumes and only go for vanilla or light coconut-scented items lol those are strong and enticing to my senses enough for me to smell. But with food, it depends. Lol
-I can see that being a chef is also poetic. I say this because of Mr. Baek’s attitude toward most things throughout the episodes. It has that essence of we won’t know unless we try it. I saw that you kept asking if something looks good or if it would taste well and Mr. Baek would say to just wait until you tried it. I was picking up on a life philosophy here. Haha it was refreshing to hear someone say things that go along the nature of enjoying the action of just trying something out. It is like Pharrell said, you don’t have to put it out, but just try it out. It goes well here too with Mr. Baek but with the art of food. It’s awesome.
-Jin, did you roll your eyes when Mr. Baek said he wanted to visit you where you get stationed in the ARMY lmaooooooo I love you. Haha 😂 you are so unserious sometimes. Cute.
-the plate. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 that’s me but with bread. My sister always looks at me in disbelief and judges me it’s funny. She is like “you didn’t look hard enough” as she grabs the bread I was looking for right out of the cabinet lol I just say I’m blind. It can’t be helped. Lol 😂
-TOFU ON PERILLA OIL 😭I feel like tofu is hit-or-miss with people. Not everyone likes it and some people do but they like it either really soft in their soup or really grilled. I like mine really grilled with salt and pepper and even in my fried rice, but I avoid it in soup lol
-“Not everything is made with sugar.” Imagine being a chef and being told by many people that they can taste the sweetness in food and assume it’s sugar lol it’s frustrating. Haha I say this because in the past when I got into food nutrition and I started making my own foods and experimenting I would make food for myself and that is the first thing I thought of and I learned that society as whole lives in a world where most foods are processed and almost everything has sugar that if they ever started to make their own food or even tried more home cooked meals they would assume or taste sugar because of that factor.  But jokes on them because you can make food and not even add sugar lol it can be tasted with natural produce. But, it baffled me back then. I would eat more out than at home back then so I felt and tasted the difference after a while.
-Namgil with “the sound is going to be music to our ears” and “I didn’t think you could do anything on your own.” Lmaoooo in one context he was referring to the kimchi and in the other he was referring to you. It’s hilarious. But, he is so chill and I love how his reaction to The Astronaut was alike to that of Mr.Baek. The track just makes you speechless, thoughtful, and peaceful. Lol you can see that in their expressions.😭
-the distillation process was sick lol it was like Mr. Baek had a whole chemistry set up in his kitchen I was laughing when he had to back up a bit because the fire got bigger when he was starting it lol 😂last week I said it reminded me of my chemistry lab and it is because in my class we had different sciences majors taking the course and some were, of course, chemistry majors and some of them told us that they took on the major because they wanted to work in the alcohol industry and our lab teacher was like “you made a good choice” lol it requires science to make alcohol and it’s awesome. Haha however you don’t need to be a chem major to make alcohol, but it’s cool when you can apply what you know to it. Haha it’s like a full-circle moment.
-I agree that times are changing in the essence of traditions and cultures and it’s nice that there are people who cherish it and want it to continue forward because who else will? Mr. Baek has a point. While technology is good, it is also nice to be able to do things hands-on and not lose or be out of touch with that knowledge. Having certain food traditions and processes is what even made the things we have now become what they are and if we lose that foundation, that blueprint, then what? We need that foundation to hold the future down too or we may just lose it all in the process. It’s like not forgetting where you came from once you notice where you are now. You need those roots to look back at to guide you when you may need to the most. It is important to preserve certain things too.
- Lmao Jin “Mr. Baek’s makgeolli was made with his feet and mine was made with my hands.” Jokes on everybody because you can’t touch the makgeolli or you can ruin the taste during certain processes. It taste good because it was sanitized well, meaning no hands or feet were involved in the making of the makgeolli. The makgeolli makes itself once you pour it and keep it closed for a couple of days. Lol I know hands have to be involved to pour and clean the rice but I meant this as a joke and in looking at the bigger picture. Lol 😆
-the matching PJs are a hit. 🔥 y’all were twinning.
-“Heroes drink from the start of the day!” “Morning vitamins” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 me with coffee. I’m sorry. Lol
-“It feels warm” …. "it’s because of me” lol real smooth Jin. Haha I bet your kalguksu did the trick. Haha
-The ending was bittersweet. I love how Chief got the essence of your energy through the name of the recipe for your alcohol. BROTHERS OF FOUR SEAS. I thought of this imagery in my mind, one where the four seas refer to north, south, east, and west. It is figurative to the idea of bringing people from all hemispheres together or in this case, your alcohol is meant to bring people together. I think in all sincerity you fit that. You like giving to people and your energy brings people together. You have the energy of a person who goes where the winds and waves take him and you like being around people. You evolve to people well and your laugh and humor are also quite inviting lol you hold up to that name Jin. You are a communal being. But this is just my interpretation. It is a lovely sentiment though to have that name Chief came up with be given to your alcohol recipe. I enjoyed this whole series and thank you for working hard JIN✨💜✨you did well too, honey.
  Park Jimin! Min Yoongi!!!! HI!!!!! It’s been a bit since I addressed y’all and I just wanted to say I miss you, too.😭 And Yoongi just know that whenever I see my cat each day I think of you. 😊 lol You are just soft to me. And Jiminie!!!! I saw little things here and there and I saw that you are working hard in your music and I am so happy to see that. I wish to say, FIGHTING as well! You are behind the scenes putting in work too and I see it, honey. I am very happy to see your process is moving and going. Let’s go! Please stay warm. I hope you don’t get sick this season too. 😁✌I LUV U. (❤ ω ❤)
Jin I saw your weverse notification and had no idea about the article until just now later after I saw what you meant. It’s okay. I am sorry you have been waiting to do things properly and low key and it just going the way it did. I dislike when things can’t go in y’all’s control because it’s hard when you want to do things with time and word gets out and something else gets said and since the media is powerful sometimes people can misinterpret and react to things when they see it. I still remember when you posted about saying happy birthday to members because then if you didn’t certain people would misinterpret it as something that it isn’t. I’m sorry y’all also may have felt pressured because of things like that. I know y’all most likely always say it behind the scenes without even having to post about it. Lol whether you say happy birthday to each other online or not, it does not define how close or how much y’all care for each other. Only y’all know that because y’all talk with each other and we don’t know what is happening behind the scenes but we can’t assume either. I don’t think it’s right to always assume something just because it isn’t validated by someone posting about it on social media. Not everything has to be put out there and people should not see social media as a means to validate every little aspect of a persons life unless the person says so. Lol some people need to touch some grass and remember that social media is controlled most of the time and people post what they want to because that’s what they want to show because that is what they are consenting to out of free will and it doesn’t define that whole person’s life. Like people need to step out of that glowing screen in front of them they are scrolling into each day and remember that. But, I do hope people listen to you and give you some space and privacy when you have to go because you may have family and friends saying goodbye to you and that needs to be protected too. 💜 it is a delicate time which means we must handle your words and wishes delicately and seriously too. I am just glad I can say goodbye properly next week even from afar and I am just happy we can all wish you a happy birthday before you go. I know it isn’t the happiest time since you have to go soon either the first week or second week of December but let’s send you off well and with love. 😭✨ I want to. I love you too Jin. I will do my best too. 💪
     I shall go now haha. I got videos being uphill again but I’m in another location. Lol I tried uploading the videos with better quality but they just download that way lol the beginning of some videos is glitchy but then it gets better lol enjoy.🤣 at least you can laugh or smile a bit for today. I also got a video for Hobi, because I know MAMA AWARDS are next week and I wanted to wish him the best too! FIGHTING, HOBI! 🌈 I am ready for some HOPE. HEHE 🌈 FIGHTING BANGTAN, ARMY, AND BTS CREW! ✨Oh and also, I love you. Please take care. 🙏 it’s soup and noodle season for sure and I shall go get some noodles this weekend, please eat deliciously too, my loves. 🤤 let’s eat well. YES, NOODLES IN MY BELLY!!!! HAHAHA
Also, it’s thanksgiving today lol but it’s like any day to me just with a hint of my moms tamales and a lot of sweet Mexican bread afterwards lmaoo  I will be like Mr. Baek these next days but instead of with pork I will refer to tamales. I will be out here saying “It is the perfect timing to have a tamale” 😂😂😂😂 we just get so many leftover that even if we go and drop some off to my aunts and uncles we still are able to eat some the next two days.🤣🤣🤣 it’s like every moment it’s tamale time. Lol My mom loves to be like Oprah with the food every time the holidays comes by and its charming, humbling, yet funny. lol She is like “And you get tamales, and you get them too, ERRYBODY GETS A TAMALE” lmao if you are her neighbor she will drop by and give you some. It is endearing.😁 so if you are celebrating or not please have a nice delicious meal my loves. Sure this may be a day to spread thanks and the idea of giving but I do that every day in different things that I say and do. I like to practice that sentiment a lot these days. I’m trying to build character lol even if it’s hard sometimes. That’s why it feels like another day lol 😂 but, I know many people have family over or possibly no one at the moment and it’s okay. You are not alone and if anything learn to be okay with making your own traditions in holidays even if it’s enjoying it people who feel like family, friends, and even if it’s just you. Nothing wrong with that. But please eat well.🤤 have a nice day off and from afar just know (I am honoring your words Jiminie but differently. Hehe you inspire me in many ways my love☺️) that someone from California understands you but also is grateful there is someone like you here today. I love you.🥰
With mucho amor,
Your Jennifer 🌻✌️🐰✌️🌻
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awkward smile just because hehe
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Process of Character Sheet (2)
The second character sheet that I have done along with a few screenshots. These are the Law Enforcers in my world.
The process is very similar to my previous post, I started with some very sketchy linework. I have tried to keep this one a bit cleaner than my other robots since they would have a more complex design that needed to be clear.
This design was pretty hard to come up with so I looked at a lot of different concept art for robots to get some inspiration. I decided to keep the weapon completely black since it made it look very ultramodern.
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I decided to go with a very dark grey for these ones because I thought it would make them look more menacing and advanced. I also decided to add 2 fin looking pieces on their shoulders to further amplify the unapproachable spiky look.
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It was very hard to decide what colours to use for the little detail but at the same time I knew I couldn't spend too much time worrying about them since they would be all blended and shaded anyway which would ultimately make them look similar in colour anyway.
I still tried to keep the opposite colours from the other robots, as a way of symbolising GOOD vs EVIL.
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Since I used yellow for my other robots, I decided to use some blue for this ones. I thought it would be a bit ironic to have them have some blue, since blue is usually seen as the hero colour.
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I made the little paint details in red because I thought it looked good with the teal looking blue I already had. I didn't add too much red because I didn't want to throw of the balance between colours.
I tried to make the red ''paint job'' look a bit rough and as if it was made in a rush. I did that as way of making them look more real and as if they took some damage and need to be repaired and repainted pretty quick and very often.
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In some places I even totally erased some of the lines to further accentuate that.
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After I was done with the flat colours, I started adding all the details. I didn't add too many highlights (besides the final one) because I wanted them to look as if they were matte.
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Just as I did for my other sheet, I added a lot of texture everywhere. I think this is brilliant way to mix digital art with traditional art elements and it is something that I will probably continue doing.
I added a few touches of purple and a very desaturated yellow for a bit of variation since I thought the colours where a bit too much on the cold side.
And just as for the other robots, I added the government logo along with the identification code.
For the final highlights, I added some more blue mixed with white. I really like how this makes the piece look a lot more polished and put together, as if this was actual concept art.
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For the weapons, I only added a few yellow lights and details, which made a huge difference. The colour also goes along nicely and it doesn't make the piece look too crowded.
One think that I would change would be to have added some additional highlights to the weapon (the version where I showcased it) as well, since it looks a bit flat.
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I also forgot to mention but for every character sheet I also added the colour pallet with only the base colours.
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im-a-lil-simp · 3 years
Hi can I request a realistic/L'manberg AU with techno? I just want some fluff about how the reader put on techno's cape and pretending to be him and noticing that he's been watching them the whole time
Warmth (Technoblade x Reader)
Okay so I'm not the best at realistic AUs like this, but the request was so cute and I absolutely love it. I will be trying to pump out a lot of fics here soon though, you guys filled my ask box very quickly. Thank you so much for that! I had a lot of fun making this, just writing it made me giddy.
It had been a very long trek. Ever since your boyfriend blew up the entire country of L'manburg, you guys had been trying to fly under the radar as much as you could.
Since everyone knew where his secret base was, even his armory, you couldn't really hide too much. Everyone knew that you were dating the ultimate traitor of L'manburg and there was a chance that they might use you to get to him.
When Techno told you that he wanted to move bases, it made you sigh in relief. You wanted both you and him to be as safe as possible. If that meant moving bases, you were more than happy to.
It also meant that maybe the two of you could have a bigger base than the one you were in before. Maybe it meant that you could actually have a double wide bed that could actually fit your giant boyfriend and you at the same time without being uncomfortable.
The entire day beforehand, Techno went out scouting for the new base and where he might want to put it. When he finally decided on an inconspicuous place within a small village, he knew you would like it as well.
That entire day he was gone, you spent packing. Everything that was actually left in the chests got put into bags and ender chests. You tried your best to pack all of it, but you knew that a second trip to gather it would most likely be necessary.
When he arrived, he had you help him load up the horses, though he did the majority of the work. You felt bad for the amount of weight they would be carrying. They would definitely be recieving treats once this was all said and done.
Setting off on the trail to your new hideout, you had no idea what to expect. You didn't however, think it would take so long to get there. By the time you both arrived, it was around sunset and you were yawning on the back of the horse.
You unloaded things into what seemed to be an abandoned library, filling new chests with nothing but the bags that you had brought. You were right when you said you need a second trip.
That night, the both of you stayed in what would eventually be a very nice and elaborate base. But in the morning, you found that the spot next to you was vacant.
You stretched before getting out of bed to find Techno. Walking outside the building, you found him with Carl. He was prepping the horse to go back for the rest of the stuff you had left the day before.
"Wait, let me go get ready and I'll come with you," you said as grogginess nipped at your throat.
"No it's okay. I'd rather let you stay here and rest. Besides, there's not very much left, I can handle it myself."
You wanted to protest, but knew that it would end the same as it always does: with his arguments being the wiser choice and losing your uphill battle.
Settling on seeing him off, you stood on your toes to kiss his cheek (even if you're tall, it'd be kinda funny ngl). He pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead before climbing onto his horse and setting off into the distance.
Walking back in your abandoned library of sorts, you rested for a bit longer before getting bored of doing nothing. So you decided to fix that.
You had barely sorted anything last night before letting sleep take over, so you guessed that would be your job for the day.
You organized things into specific chests methodically, taking good care not to damage anything, and still going slow enough as to not overwork yourself.
A little while after mid-day, you were nearly done sorting the items that were already there. Most of the chests were organized but you knew that Techno wouldn't let that last very long.
Nearing the end of your sorting, you came across something that you didn't even know existed, even though you packed the bags.
It was a spare cape and crown that you assumed were spares, just in case something happened to the ones he wore the most often.
The crown was beautiful. Similar to the other one, it was made of gold and red jewels rounded the sides of it. It was slightly different in the detailing, but regal none the less.
The cape was another story. While it was still beautiful, it fit a better description. It was made of a velvet type of material that felt smooth between your fingertips. Silky almost, but you could still feel the slight texture of fur. It almost radiated warmth.
Warmth was something that rang bells in your head. The snowy landscape the village rested on was cold, and you were ill-prepared. Sure, you had warm clothes, but not nearly warm enough. And the shelter of your new home only provided shelter from the elements, not so much the cold.
You weren't freezing, but you were not warm.
Deciding that it wouldn't hurt anyone, you pulled the cape out of the bag it was in and threw it around your shoulders. You snuggled into it lovingly.
It was indeed warm. You instantly felt warmer and you almost fell asleep right there. It was a blessing that you were standing up, or surely you would have.
After a couple minutes of relishing in the warmth, you caught a glimpse of yourself in a window. You looked almost as royal as Techno did. It was then that you got another amazing idea.
Digging for the spare crown, you took it in your hands, before gently placing it atop your head, as royalty might. Looking in the same reflection as before, you did a slight curtzy and swished the cape around. You could used to this.
Then you started to say things that Techno might, throwing on an intimidating voice and belting one liners that usually would make you tumble over in laughter.
You were pointing in every direction and placing your hands on your hips matter-of-factly. Taking one last spin around, you spun in a full circle before stopping with the front of your body facing the doorway.
You opened your eyes to see Techno leaned against the doorway with a slight smile on his face. He looked amused.
Your eyes were wide with shock and your face went a shade of red that could match the cape that you were wearing.
How were you gonna explain this to him?
"I- I didn't mean- I was only trying to- ... when did you get here?"
"Since you put the crown on. It was quite cute."
Your face turned a darker shade of crimson as you went to take of the garments.
"No no," he said, walking towards you, "you look like you're having fun."
He adjusted the cape before taking your cheek into one of his palms. His hands were cool to the touch.
"Besides, I could get used to seeing you in my clothes, you look stunning."
He pressed another kiss to your forehead before embracing you in a large hug. Maybe one day you'd marry him and truly become royalty.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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sugar-petals · 3 years
sub!Yuzu | nsfw alphabet
🌹 NOTE ⇢ content for our fave figure skater, the legend himself. mr. yuzuru hanyu is 1000% dom candy and i’m here to honor it at length ⛸
— WORDS. 5k
tags + warnings. dom/sub dynamics, femdom!reader, role reversal hc, smut, kinks, cum play, spanking, sex toys, very freaky yuzu, kitten play, mdlb, crying kink, food play, prostate orgasms, bondage, some deeper stuff & angsty bits, asthma mention, aftercare
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  A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Once the cat ears come off, who is Yuzuru Hanyu not to remain in character for a while. For the shits and giggles, and because it’s cozy. Once a catboy, always a catboy, it’s the law of the land. Curling up, kneading at you for the head pats and massages, you know the programme. 
Also: Yuzu is famously soft-spoken and always finds the right thing to say. So, stimulating conversation for the cooldown. This is literally so nice. He’s unafraid to reflect everything in detail, say what he preferred, what you could change up together, what he wants to try next. The afterglow is not just physical, as in you give him something to drink, it’s 70% verbal which is very important to him as a consistent habit.
Of course, not to forget: Always gotta have a Winnie Pooh plushie ready. He embraces it readily and, as we know him, does some roleplay right then and there. Yuzu, professional cutiepie he is, is the kinda sub who treats all plush and pillow stuff as alive and breathing. You as his domme are in on the play and also treat his things as holy as they are to him. That Yuzu lets you into that world is the biggest compliment you can possibly get. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
We all know Yuzu’s godly ass and thighs. Or the staggering waist and beautiful black hair that makes him a total bombshell in his classic comb-back styles. His face is soft and expressive and so damn unique, his legs muscular and long, his back and tummy chiseled, the list goes on and on. Jesus, he has so many great features. All body parts a masterpiece. That are all capable of god-tier contortionism on top of that, gotta mention it in passing. Just so you know if you haven’t seen him bend his every limb into directions you wouldn’t believe are humanly possible. 
Interestingly though. If he chooses, Yuzu picks his feet: They are his most important instrument and weak spot. His ankles are where the magic happens. So, you taking care of them a little would mean the world to him, imagine a candle light massage. Not to worry, no-gross-alert. Yuzu has perfect and cute feet. That’s gonna be a Victorian moment, oh my god I saw his ankles. For his partner, short and simple: He likes a shoulder to lean on. He loves being touchy in general, all body parts are amazing to him. Being in a profession that’s all about the physics, Yuzuru knows about the wonders of the body.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Certified king of cumsluts, doesn’t even hesitate. The more, the merrier. If he’s not covered in sticky stuff, Yuzu would be underchallenged. It’s less about the taste, texture or any degradation, for him it’s the playing around with his tongue. Somebody wants his mouth preoccupied. Give the cat his milk. Feed him his own cum mixed with yours. He’s gonna lap at it and swallow.
Since Yuzu’s dream is a mommy domme baking him something, he just loves the smell of dough and hazelnuts and cinnamon and everything — you know what’s coming: Imagine the food play. Nuts indeed. Anything that even remotely looks like a creampie is something he wants to get his lips on. And Yuzu is not the type to be a foodie at all, let that sink in. Sexual-looking food is just too big a temptation, though. And you spoiling him that way... oh my. Surefire way to end up in bed right after. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has a butt plug collection. Once almost went on the ice with one in. The more you know. Also— this guy is the kinda type fantasizing to get absolutely railed on a bed of plushies. He has troubles suggesting it to you because he doesn’t want them to get actually dirty. But the idea gets the two of you kind of horny. Sometimes, a thought is better as a fantasy than actually executing it. You can use it for riling up’s sake, whispering it to him during dirty talk. How you’ll bounce on him and ruin him and milk him while he’s splayed out so innocently on your bed. I smell corruption kink. 
Another secret Yuzu keeps is just how much he changed his mind about wanting his partner to control everything in bed. He grew up with a pre-defined ideal type of a cute, nice skater girl who’d let the reins very loosely around him, who he can speak Japanese to because he had problems with English, who is small and someone he will protect. It wasn’t something based on experience and trying things out: It was simply expected of him. People wanted the domineering Yuzuru on ice to be that way in private, and make use of his power, be a man, savior, boss. 
The reality being: He never felt truly as tough on the ice, nor was he gender-conforming in person. In fact, that is what he became famous for, and it reassured Yuzuru very often how people would accept and actually celebrate this side of him. Which is so refreshing, and a sight to see. The side that was dorky, clingy, childish, gorgeous, and cute has always been there, but now he embraces it more as his comfort place. He has to know what he’s doing in his skating programme and show competitive spirit to achieve his dreams, but that’s where it stops.
His former ideals are something people wanted to hear, it was an adaptation of the environment rather than thinking it through on his own. So, years later — oh boy have things changed. Yuzuru no longer defines his ideal type that way, saying whoever he likes is someone he’d be with. What was a fantasy template and filter is now gone and adapted to his newfound, own preferences. Yuzu is comfortably open-minded rather than being a copy to mainstream. He found fun in speaking English, opened up to the world at large, had more girls around him who he could befriend, grew more confident in his stature, and is well aware — turns out he’s the cute one. Who needs to be taken under a wing. He likes strong-minded girls and says if he had a wife, she’d dominate him. Yuzuru secretly wants her to be in charge entirely, she owns his body and soul. Not in daily life where things are just normal and everyone goes about their business. Sexually, where he surrenders instead, and is taken care of.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
The tale of an introvert. What he knows — he hides it well. Has eyefucked a whole lot of people and is the type to lust like mad from a far distance, and nobody will ever know. Crushes harder than peppercorns in a mill. If he loves someone, it lingers in his mind every split second of the day, may god have mercy on him. And if you know him: Yuzu aims too high to keep it light and easy and clumsy. He hates being an amateur, he’s terrified of starting out something. He dreads not knowing what to do, how exactly to behave, talk, touch, breathe, respond, negotiate, prepare. That’s a hundred percent like hell to him.
Ironically, he has a natural feeling for it and he’s literally amazing in bed, has a sense for social interaction is all the way cute with something valuable to say. But what he believes is something way different. Yuzuru is a diehard, nervous perfectionist. He can only think of it as a rated performance since his mind usually has to work that way to skate well. His esteem is on a knife edge depending on how well he thinks he does. So, the inevitable: He will shy away from sex altogether. He draws immense skating passion from staying celibate, in fact it’s his success secret, but it still eats him up from the inside and makes him frustrated beyond measure. Not even for the pleasure, since he’s so ambitious that’s almost forgotten about, but for being told he did well. 
That’s how much he believes sex is a drill and capability test. And it’s sad that he thinks it’s like his skating career, racking up points for the impossible things judges want and being in a deadlock when it comes to showing his artistic side. He feels thrown into cold water if he doesn’t know everything beforehand. If he ever works up the courage, which probably won’t happen, he will pay an expert to learn from rather than let something all over the place happen with a random person or even someone he might like. 
Yes, you heard that right. He’d rather see a sex worker than ‘mess up’ his first time according to his sky-high standards. So, Yuzu’s experience remains limited since he’s so 100% do or die, and so anxious, and so torn about social interaction, he doesn’t get how his peers can be playboys and get married and flirt with someone they like and all that. He sort of has an easier time with guys, but girls... he can’t approach. To top it off, he also feels like he’d burden his first time one somebody or embarrasses himself, so he will reject and avoid suitors. Those are usually not the people he crushes so hard on to begin with. It’s bound to be one-sided and he knows, so he will abstain and focus on career and use the cheers of his fans as a substitute.
Truth is, he feels helpless and distant from sex sometimes, especially with his practice-heavy lifestyle and hyper-smart mind, Yuzuru has an intelligence that exceeds what most people can grasp. He’s alone on the ice and Brian as a coach is often the only reference person who truly gets him, and leads him well without being controlling. But that’s professional life. Sexually, Yuzuru is metaphorically: coachless. He surely observed it well when Javier (the #1 ladies man, his opposite) was still active and a social butterfly helping him fit in, but Yuzu would always be worried about his extreme fame and spotless image when introduced to someone fangirling over him. He’d rather prefer someone who comes across as a mentor and solid, loyal-to-death person to look up to. So he would do anything to have someone benevolent like that. Most girls would expect him to be the sex god and expert, but he knows that’s only half of the story and based on his characters on the ice. Yuzu crafts these to counterbalance how he really is — withdrawn and indirect. 
Yuzu is extremely calculating and selective, he scans suitors well, protects his reputation, and is mortified of failure. So, he’d rather learn it by the book and from someone he’s not emotionally attached to. In a one-night stand that might also be the case, but he doesn’t know what to expect, and he’s absolutely terrified of sudden sexual vulnerability. He himself often says he values his own struggle between feeling so weak and being strong again 
Besides: He’d have problems squeezing hookups into his schedule and lifestyle, he’d have to cut down on things and create a double life. Plus, Yuzu is famously inept with social interaction up close, he flees the noise and unpredictability. So, it’s better to have a long-term partner. If he doesn’t know something yet, he has it down in one day like the single axel. Definitely counts on his partner teaching him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
We know Yuzu’s signature move is the lean-back Ina Bauer. So, whatever position allows for an arch is the real deal (cough, taking the strap — oh my god his ass is made for it). But anyway, he can pull off anything with that stellar flexibility and core strength. 
If I think about it. Yuzu might like sitting on your lap very much. I know it’s not a sex position, I mean it can be once his inner lapdancer awakens or you use a strap-on, I rather mean... just for some sweet moments and making out. But yeah: Fathom Yuzu gyrating on your like that. Not in an outright lascivious manner or Chippendales style. The Hanyu way, with embellishments and all the grace. This is gonna be a huge turn-on and perfect foreplay position.  
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not much to elaborate here: Yep, Yuzu is true goofball indeed. Really flustered and clumsy when eye-to-eye in missionary, and yet: He’s ultra serious towards the end, there’s gonna be an aggressive staredown before cumming. The feeling gets pretty intense, his duality between silly and ‘yeah, give it to me’ is no joke.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Would probably die from inflammation if he shaved clean under those tight suits and did all these chafe-heavy skating routines. Doesn’t have a lot of body hair to begin with, but for pits and pubes, it’s alive, wild, and decently long. Out of all people, Yuzu cares particularly about aesthetics, but in this case pragmatism will prevail. He doesn’t care too much about it either as long as it doesn’t get in the way of something. Having sex with Yuzu tends to be well um well all about a hundred types of friction so any stubble would be a bad idea.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
You haven’t seen a guy in love like that. It’s a figure skater thing for sure. Since he works to portray these sentiments on the ice daily, hardly anybody can play up feelings so delicately and palpably like Yuzuru. Emotion is what his entire career is built on. He knows how to express himself directly, appropriately, intimately. Couldn’t be any more romantic. Yuzu can’t go without it. 
Very passionate, ‘for your eyes only’ kind of atmosphere. Yes, he shows off on the ice, it’s his job (although of course, that word doesn’t really sum up what skating means to him). But private Yuzu is someone you can claim as yours. He will make it clear, he wants to belong to you, he’s yours, dedicated, devotion is the entire point. Less with a slant of what some subs like, very hands-on ownership of a mistress. It’s more emotional. He’s really attached and all smitten. Your private little haven is everything to him. 
Talking about little: Yuzu can be quite a pillow prince sometimes. At least when the initiative doesn’t go back and forth as it frequently does, you often alternate with suggestions and ways of tweaking an ongoing play session. You blindfold him or tie his wrists, He might be standard tired from practice or just fascinated to watch you work your magic on him. 
He also likes music to set the tone for intimacy, who’s surprised. Prepare: Yuzu likes dramatic classical music all the way. He’s probably one of the few people who can make it more than ‘classy’ and definitely more than cringe. He selects pieces very well. This is gonna be a practice template to cum together when the music reaches its peak. Makes the whole thing full of adrenaline.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lots of fun to him. Would beat it 24/7 if the ice wasn’t calling him. Drowns himself in lube. This guy’s me-time is so rated R, Cardi B would be inspired to remix WAP to wet ass penis as an anthem just for him. A dry dick is a ruined day for Yuzuru, as is a session without teasing his prostate in whatever way he currently fancies. Once he tried it, he never went back. The intensity knocking him out is something that Yuzu thinks about all the time. Strokes like a pro, does all these little moans, can do it forever, loves the feeling, chases the high. Adrenaline junkie on the ice? No different with his hand around his cock. 
Will masturbate everywhere in the house and has to really get his head in the game to make sure he won’t ruin any carpets. So, he always has at least two towels with him. In the kitchen, in front of the TV, in the shower, the bed. Watches his fair share of eclectic porn, he gets really desperate. Especially before you started dating, Yuzu would shut himself in until the lotion ran out. Can jack off to something romantic (he starts crying) or something extreme (he loves shocking himself and ). 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Very curious about sadomasochism. Googles a lot of things that make him hard during the day. Often jawdropped by his research, but once he tries things out with you, nothing can really shock him anymore. Absolutely wants to be collared, it’s his biggest fantasy. Another little secret he has, Yuzu is decked out in skating gloves, right. He wishes he could feel you wearing them, or he keeps them on for sex himself, the lacey transparent ones. Looks especially pretty when his wrists are tied so, major photograpy material. Oh yes, Yuzu likes the camera, he can work it. The guy is photogenic in any position and can strike any angle you want. Your phone background is a new Yuzu snapshot every week already, imagine your gallery, 5800 kinky pictures.  
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
I’m gonna say it. The frozen lake out of town, late at night, condoms and lube with you. A quickie that will leave your genitals frozen. Yuzu might get stuck inside you because it’s -15 Celsius. Call that fantasy on ice. Jokes aside: Come on, Yuzu is the biggest ever hermit homebody. The couch will have a bunch of indents after your week-long fucking sessions after he comes home training. Also, at his desk while he does work for university. You ride him, Yuzu studies. Double the ambition. His dick is completely sore. The lake out of town thing might go down, but without sex. Just skating together under the stars, Yuzu doing amazing spins and spirals around you, very very romantic.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Yuzu is a crazed Sagittarius. Have you seen these men? They just want it all. Must be the influence of Jupiter. Zeus was definitely vibing that way. And yes, Yuzu has borderline unhealthy gold medal thinking in bed. He wants to be not just good but damn good with pleasing you. If you don’t have a good time and head home without an orgasm, he’ll consider himself a failure. Yuzu won’t cut himself any slack there. You’d have a hard time changing his ways into something more chill and moderate. Instead, you will see the benefits of rolling with it once you see how improvement fuels him and does make sex really mindblowing.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Couldn’t do things like slapping you, spanking. Yuzu makes for a terrible daddy dom, it’d not suit him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Cum-dripping oral mess, Yuzu is the brave kind. Totally into it, and can’t resist a good blowjob. Will act different afterwards, there’s a lot of erotic tension. “This evening again?” is what those eyes are saying.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Outstanding kinesthetic intelligence. Every inch of his body follows his intent, and yours if you have him take on certain ways of kneeling. Yuzu can do it all, whatever you want. Tantalizing, moderato, overwhelmingly fast. He can take it, he can portray it. And knows the value of a pause like a true connoisseur. Not just when he wants to prevent cumming early, also just because the moment is right. That’s why cockwarming is a staple, as well as you having him wait patiently for kisses. To top it off: If you give him a blowjob, building up the tension by doing nothing is damn effective. The ruined orgasms you’re gonna give him... delicious.
Everything’s gonna have nice transitions as well, no awkward climbing and rolling and tangling limbs. If he gets something from another room that you need, no slouching. The university course as good as the extracurricular activities. Being inconsistent with any subsidiary details? Not in the Hanyu household, he’s keeping it classy. Yuzu feels like if he makes the bridges to new positions even remotely messy, the feeling is killed and it’s as if he’d break character mid-skate. Although he’ll have to practice and refine and test a lot of things because he’s not super experienced and adapting to your own movements is an individualized thing to do, he’s a masterclass of quality, period.
Even when things get fast and heated, nothing feels off. Having that kind of body smartness also means: Yuzu learns by touch, whatever you do. He knows by the way you pull his hair what comes next. How much saliva drips off your tongue when you suck at his neck, he knows how hard you’ll to ravage him in five minutes. This guy observes things you aren’t even conscious of because his physical understanding is just so fine-tuned.
The sense of rhythm, and every skating programme of him will showcase that, unbeatable. Unless his mood is really impacted by something severe, your guy feels it in every bone. He’s an artist, after all, he listens to music all the time. Dissecting rhythms to turn them into movement is what his line of work is all about. The pace will always fit the mood. Everything is precise, but never crude. Instead, the way he moves is dictated by an inherent flow. With little accents that match right with any thrust, like putting his hands on your sides when you’re on top of him.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hit it Shakira: Whenever, wherever! He seemingly carries an entire condom factory with him. Or, to be more exact: At least three of them.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
This one’s a complicated case. Yuzu being reckless on the ice may or may not mirror in your private life. He might need some downtime, so bring out the soft domme stuff. No trial and error stuff, just going through a routine of things you love the most. On the other hand, he always gives it all. This guy’s endurance at your hands is amazing. Advanced kinds of BDSM he will not feel deterred from at all. Rough toys, anal hooks, sounding, whips, why not is Yuzu’s motto. But then again. He has such a confusing mix of innocence and feeling like he’s completely hardcore. You might end up experimenting a lot, but also not daring the leap sometimes because the mood is different. And then rather go for softer hours, where Yuzu will be all shy shy and more bursting with excitement than ever. A good, interesting mix is what I’m saying.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Yuzuru, once he gets a bit of practice to gauge the situation... Viagra on two legs, absolute unexpected powerhouse. You might end up pondering to work out a little and go for a run because this guy is in a consistently outstanding shape to say the least. Olympic athletes are literally hard to fuck with. And since Yuzu is starfishing sometimes (which is very adorable), or he’s in bondage for some time, that presents a further problem: For a second round, he’s full of energy, while you already spent energy. So, you alternate with who’s active, and the other leans back entirely. He has to remind himself since his body is programmed for it: This is no contest — the point is feeling good.
You might ride him reverse cowgirl all the way while you watch TV, and after the overstimulation fades he will eat you out ad nauseam, full course slobbering, sweeping the whole menu. That way, it’s less about keeping up with him, which would be hard for most people not doing sports at his galactic level. He understands, Yuzu knows he’s not normal in that regard, you don’t have to worry. Some exercise still doesn’t hurt, just to further increase the quality of sex anyway.
Then again: Why go jogging and do some laps wasting valuable together time when Yuzu’s lap is the best workout? And running doesn’t guarantee your stamina in bed is perfect even if it does help. You rather wanna manage how to draw out the arousal. It’s a self-control thing, with the goal of having you match up in every aspect as good as you can. In which case, you can count on him to pull it off: Have you seen Yuzu doing jumps side by side with a bunch of female skaters? Copy paste. This guy knows how to synchronize with the ladies.
Something that has to be mentioned beside that, though. Yuzu has asthma since 2 years old, and it’s often a mind thing to him still these days. He doesn’t let it stop him from sleeping with you because as always, he’s not letting anything get in his way. He has learned to live and thrive with it. But you both have to mind the possibility of an attack, he prevents it with inhalers, and the mood plays a crucial role. Yuzu being comfortable and confident is so important to his breathing, and keeping a good rhythm rather than being chaotic in bed. So, you will plan most of your sexual activities rather than improvising. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Would stuff an entire sex shop into his every available orifice. Yuzu is a toy freak, he wants to try everything. Motto: a new one every day. Well, almost. But he can afford it. Buys stuff he uses solely on himself, things you use on him, things he uses solo and you use on him, and as the cherry on top, every possible high end vibrator on the market for you. Any size, too. This bitch will browse through the latest innovations, prepare to get off. He’s obsessed with seeing you use it on yourself. Yuzu owns a separate phone just for videos of you buzzing your clit, and him fingering you for minutes and minutes. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Extremely so. Loves to be a total brat only to get put into his place. He does it so you’ll pull the chin grab on him. He likes getting choked out as a punishment as well. Yuzu also tends to be very around the corner if you will when it comes to soft subbing, he lays over expecting cuddles but doesn’t say so. Buds his head against your chest, nuzzles, and so on. Lighter forms of teasing come to him very easily. Loves to prompt. Roughhousing, banter, favorite thing.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Moderately loud because his voice is very very light, but unsurprisingly — he’s just beautiful. What a nice tone. Gorgeous whimpering sounds. And when you go hard on him, voice cracks! And really heavy breathing. What’s gonna be the most striking though is his expressiveness. We know it from the ice and interviews, and he can really amp it up even further. No need for screaming, that face will speak the volumes.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You’ll be blessed with him if you have a huge crying kink. Yuzu definitely opens the waterworks every other week in bed. Happy tears, horny tears, relief tears, aftercare tears, orgasm tears, masochist tears, romantic tears, subspace tears, he has it all. He also begs for the type of pain that makes it stream down his face for minutes. He’s touchy-feely all the way and feels like he can really connect with you that way.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His ass twitching is kind of a spectacle, but I don’t have to tell you, do I. Yuzu has muscles for the gods in there. So voluptuous, you can’t call it any other way. Big booty boyfriend, Jesus you can show him off, he loves it. Around the house, he will flaunt them big ole athlete buns in particular, acting like it’s unintended. Um, Yuzu, those are joggings. Smack it, he is sure to moan. 
And may I respectfully mention as well — this guy has some major big ass balls figuratively and literally. How else would someone be motivated to jump a triple axel like it’s nothing. Not kidding, they’re big and round and ugh. His love for tight pants doesn’t help. He knows what your eyes like and dresses just to flex the goods. Screams for more spanking and pinching if you ask me. Yuzu is definitely serving it. Well-endowed, you lucky girl.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Mega horny, ready when you are. On a scale from zero to hundred? Breaching into the 90 percent right there. Yuzu’s hormones are literally insane. On paper he’s 26, but his dick wants the 18th birthday party. Jesus is he gonna be clingy when he’s in the mood. All wrapped around you in a backhug in the kitchen or when you iron a costume of his, and that’s sexy of him. He’s not gonna hide what’s filling out those sweatpants. He’ll desperately grind up against you like it’s Christmas.
Paired with his puppy eyes and little “Do you have some time... I’ll iron this tomorrow” — instant pounce. He’s admittedly a bit hard to keep up with sometimes, though. The reason: With that level of exercise, he has major pent-up energy. That machine is definitely running. Heavy sports changes your hormones, nervous system, and especially blood flow. Now take that to the scale of his performances and regimens? That equals a firework of horny. No wonder he masturbates all the time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Takes some time. He cools down, sweats it out, chugs water. However, don’t underestimate how tired Yuzu can already be. His daily routines and competitions have a toll on him. Ironically, he’s not a deep sleeper, however. Yuzu might toss and turn and have sudden energy bursts, or ideas, or gets hungry. So, he needs his plushies, he needs a weighted blanket, warm pajamas, a hot cup of his favorite warm drink, a light snack, and you by his side. Spooning him excessively and sometimes even humming to him. Yuzu looks like a certified angel on his pillow, his well-deserved rest from everything is so important, too.
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NOTE - hope i could indulge you, thank you for reading!
© 2017-2021 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed. depictions fictional.
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Sensitive Spots Part 2 (NSFW smut/angst) Mammon X Male MC
This is a continuation of another post: Part 1
Yuki is FTM (he/him). I just wanted to write smut but characters decided to go for angst
"What? Did I say something weird?" Yuki asks as all the demon brothers stare at him.
"Oh, Yuki." Asmo coos. "You really don't know what you do to us do you? Giving Mammon's wings special attention and then asking to do the same with everyone else."
"We weren't doing anything like that!" Mammon barks. "And even if we- If we were, what's the problem, huh?"
Yuki shrugs. "It's biology, and I like biology. I wanna learn about demon anatomy, and, while books can teach a lot, a diagram is nothing like touching the real thing."
"Well, that statement isn't wrong," Satan chuckles. "I suppose I should have leant you more descriptive books."
"That would be nice." Yuki comments. "Though, I'd still like to poke and prod y'all if y'all'd let me."
"You can poke and prod me all you want, Darling." Asmo giggles. "I can show you just how different demon anatomy can be."
"Me first." Belphie buts in.
Beel pauses chewing. "I wouldn't mind it either."
Satan chuckles. "I'd be happy to help educate you with a private lesson, Yuki."
"Oh no you don't!" Mammon growls. "The only one giving Yuki an anatomy lesson is me!"
Levi whines. "How can all of you say this stuff so casually?!"
Lucifer sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. "Yuki, why is it that you always seem to rile them up?"
"I don't fucking know, but it's nice to know I can study y'alls' demon forms, at least most of you it seems like." Yuki smiles. "This is gonna be fun."
"I can't wait, Darling." Asmo leans in closer to Yuki, but, before he can respond, Mammon yoinks him out of his chair.
"I call dibs!" Mammon yells before running off with the human as an uproar comes from his brothers. The demon pulls Yuki into his room, slams the door, and shifts into his demon form as he faces the human.
"So that just happened?" Yuki looks at Mammon with confusion.
"Can you not be a nerd for 5 seconds?" Mammon grumbles with his cheeks flushed. "Do you have any idea what you've been saying?"
Yuki stares blankly at Mammon. "Uh..." Yuki shrugs.
"Well, if you really want to be a nerd and study demon anatomy, you'll be studying me first." Mammon pouts.
"Oh uh, okay. So how do you wanna do this?"
Mammon gulps and takes Yuki by the hand, guides the human to sit on the bed with him. "Ya can go ahead and touch me..."
Yuki hesitates. "Where am I allowed to touch you?"
"Anywhere. Just- Touch me."
Yuki looks over Mammon's torso before tracing the markings on the demon's chest. Mammon's breath hitches.
"They're a different texture." Yuki mutters. "Are these tattoos or...?"
"They're kinda like birth marks." Mammon answers. "I didn't pick 'em."
"They look good on you." Yuki begins to undo the buckles of Mammon's top. It doesn't take long for the leather to fall from Mammon's shoulders. Yuki scoots himself to sit behind the demon.
"Ya really like my wings, don't ya?" Mammon chuckles softly.
"Yeah," Yuki answers easily. "They're really cool." Yuki delicately pulls at Mammon's wing and sees how far it can spread. He feels the thing leathery like skin and follows the white edges to the demon's shoulder blades. Mammon bites his lip. Yuki's hands feel up along Mammon's back, feeling how the muscles connect to the demon's wings. Mammon swallows his moan.
"You said the tissue here was sensitive." Yuki comments. "What does it feel like?"
"Good." Is the only word Mammon can get out without letting a groan slip past his lips. Yuki rubs the area where the leathery wing joins Mammon's back. The demon's wing twitches. Yuki rubs it again, the wing twitches again. Mammon can feel his cock stirring in his pants. Yuki tries rubbing another spot, this time Mammon's wing flutters. Yuki does this again and again, finding different spots at the base of Mammon's wings, seeing how the wings move depending on where he touches. A soft curse from the demon catches Yuki's attention.
"You good?" Yuki asks, looking over Mammon's shoulder. The human notices how Mammon's chest is heaving, cheeks and shoulders are flushed. Yuki's eyes widen as he looks further down and sees Mammon's cock straining against his pants. "Oh..." Yuki mumbles. "Oooooh, so they're that kind of sensitive."
Mammon turns to the human and growls. "Now you realize it?"
"'Huh?' 'Huh?!' Is that all you're gonna say?" Mammon tries to calm his breathing down.
Yuki shrugs, eyes not leaving the tent in Mammon's pants. "It's interesting anatomy. Is this kind of reaction common with all demons or is it-"
"Are you seriously still acting fucking like a nerd right now?"
"Should I not be?" Yuki asks.
"Fucking-" Mammon grunts. "You really are something else."
Heat rises in his Yuki's cheeks. "Are demons different down there as well?"
"I- Yeah." Mammon gulps. "Do ya... wanna see?"
Yuki slides off the bed and sets himself between Mammon's legs. "May I?" He asks.
"Fuck yes." Mammon groans.
Yuki hesitates for a moment and then undoes Mammon's belt. He unconsciously licks his lips as he pulls the zipper down, leaning closer as he does so. When Mammon's cock springs free, Yuki's eyes stare in amazement.
"Wow." Yuki mutters. White markings line either side of Mammon's cock, and rows of ridges are stacked along his shaft. Yuki leans in closer, fingers wrapping around the base of the demon's cock. Without thinking, Yuki leans down and licks the tip.
"Fuck." Mammon moans.
"Sorry, I don't know what came over me." Yuki pulls away.
"Don't fucking apologize." Mammon reaches down and runs his hand through Yuki's hair. "Go ahead. Study my cock with your mouth."
Yuki leans in closer again, looking up at the demon to make sure what he's doing is okay, and takes the tip of Mammon's cock between his lips. He runs his tongue over the slit, savoring the taste of the demon. His hand slowly begins stroking the demon.
Mammon groans. "Fuck, Yuki."
Yuki takes more of Mammon into his mouth, mind going fuzzy as heat grows in his lower body. Yuki's other hand wanders down and begins rubbing circles against his clit through the fabric of his pants. Yuki strokes faster and begins to bob his head, taking in more and more of Mammon's cock each time his head descends. When he looks up, Mammon's blue eyes are staring back at him with flushed cheeks.
"You look so good with your lips wrapped around my cock." Mammon moans.
Those words both embarrasses and encourages Yuki. He tries to take Mammon deeper, trying to take the demon down his throat. He chokes and has to pull away, but he does back down, determined to take all he can. He closes his eyes as his head bobs faster, both of his hands working Mammon's cock.
"Y-Yuki-" Mammon pants. "I'm- Fuck, I'm close."
Yuki pulls Mammon's cock from his lips and strokes the demon's cock. He opens his mouth, tongue out and ready. The human looks up, watching as how Mammon's shoulders shudder and how the demon's bottom lip bleeds as he bites it.
A guttural groan escapes Mammon as he cums, his fingers digging into Yuki's scalp. Yuki keeps staring at the demon, taking note of every detail he can, as rope after rope of cum shoots into his mouth. Mammon stares back, watching as Yuki licks his lips clean and sucks the tip of Mammon's cock, making sure every drop is in his mouth. For a moment, the two stare at each other in silence. When Yuki swallows his cum, Mammon pulls the human onto his lap, and they kiss each other desperately.
"Mammon!" Yuki gasps when the demon bites the base of his neck. "Fuck- Your teeth."
"Too much?"
"No." Yuki grinds on Mammon's cock. "Do it again."
"Fucking asking to touch all my brothers." Mammon growls in Yuki's ear. "If you're gonna pick us all, I'm gonna be your first."
Yuki moans loudly as Mammon's teeth sink into shoulder, and the demon bucks his hips. "On you back." Yuki commands.
Mammon's pact pulls him down onto the mattress. He gazes up at Yuki with wide eyes.
"Was that okay?" Yuki asks as he rest his hands on the demon's chest.
"Y-yeah, ya just surprised me."
"Sorry." Yuki chuckles and lifts himself, pulling his leg free from his pants and underwear. His shirt is just long enough to cover himself. Mammon can't see it, but, when Yuki sits himself back on the demon's abdomen, Mammon can feel how wet Yuki is.
Mammon's hands trace up Yuki's thighs and pushing up the human's shirt. "Damn." He mutters.
Yuki flushes and pulls the shirt back down. "It's okay. You don't have to pretend to find me attractive."
Mammon's eyebrows furrow. "'Pretend?' What the hell are ya- Yuki, you're hot as fuck!"
"I'm really not." Yuki shrugs. "I accidentally got you horny, now you need a release, and I'm a warm body close by. It's okay, I'm mediocre. I get it. You don't have to lie."
"I ain't lying!" Mammon grumbles and flips Yuki over, laying the human face up while he cages Yuki in with his arms. "What the fuck are you talking about? Yuki, you fucking drive me wild! You drive so many demons nuts with how hot you are!"
Yuki stares blankly at Mammon for a beat and then laughs. The human yelps suddenly when Mammon flips Yuki on his back. "Mammon?" Yuki gasps.
"You're fucking sexy." Mammon growls. "If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you." The demon licks up Yuki's neck, making the human gasp. Mammon's hands sneak under Yuki's shirt, feeling up the human's torso.
"Ma-Mammon-" Yuki moans. "You don't have to-"
"I want to." Mammon pulls Yuki's shirt over the human's head. "I want you."
Yuki looks back silently before nodding. "Okay, just- If you want to stop at any time, I won't be mad."
"Ya don't need to worry about that." Mammon mutters as he trails kisses down Yuki's torso. "Spread your legs for me."
Yuki gulps and does what he's told, opening his legs and revealing his hard clit and wet folds. Mammon rests his hands on the human's thighs and licks his lips. He leans in closer and blows on Yuki's sensitive bud. Yuki gasps, hips jumping forward at the sensation.
"Mammon, please-" Yuki mewls.
"Don't worry. I got you." Mammon says before running his tongue across Yuki's hole. The human's hands shoot to Mammon's hair, one of them gripping one of the demon's horn. Mammon goes deeper, pushing his tongue into Yuki and savoring the human's taste.
"Fuck- Mammon, I- ." Yuki moans, back arching. Mammon shifts his his focus, tongue twisting around Yuki's clit, as two of his fingers slowly enter the human's hole. Yuki's legs encase Mammon's head, pulling him in even more.
"M-Mammon, yes- Mammon." Yuki squirms in the demon's grasp as he repeats Mammon's name again and again. Mammon's fingers pump into Yuki, making the human's legs shake, as the demon sucks and nibbles on Yuki's clit. With a final curse and whimper of Mammon's name, Yuki cums. Mammon feels Yuki's walls squeeze his soaked fingers, and the human's clit pulsing on his tongue.
Mammon pulls away and licks his lips as he looks over Yuki's body. Yuki's chest is heaving, and his body still twitches as he comes down from his high. Yuki's arms have pushed his glasses up as he covers his face. "Yuki," Mammon pulls himself up and kisses Yuki's chest. "Lemme see that handsome face of yours."
"I'm sorry." Yuki chokes out, not moving his arms.
"What the hell are you apologizing about?"
"I just- This is-" Yuki sniffles. "What we just did- Why? How could you- Why me?"
"Ah fuck, are ya crying?" Mammon panics. "Did I hurt you? Did I-"
"No! No, I just-" Yuki wipes his eyes. "It feels so impossible. Mammon, you're- I know I'm not ugly, and that I can be cute sometimes, but I know I'm not sexy. You said that's not true, but you're- You're fucking gorgeous Mammon. You have it all, the looks, the voice, the confidence, the experience, but me- I just- I don't understand how you would ever do something like this with me. I'm just the mediocre nerd who's lucky enough to not be repulsive on a good day."
"What the hell, Yuki? Is that how you see yourself?" Mammon pulls the human in for a hug.
"I mean, how else can I see myself." Yuki murmurs. "Look at me."
"I am, and you're fucking sexy."
"I don't understand how you can say that."
"Because you are!" Flushed, Mammon leans in and kisses Yuki with agrowl. "You don't know how often you drive me wild."
Yuki is silent for a moment before speaking. "I don't understand, but... I know you aren't lying to me. I just- You're you, Mammon, a model with tons of fans who flirt with you, while the only people who try and get my attention want to copy my assignments or ask to cheat off of me during exams. It's obvious what people think of me, so how- Why do you, of all people, think I'm sexy?"
"Yuki, have you seen your face? Have you seen your body? Do you know how often you leave me all hot and bothered? I-" Mammon's face turns a darker pink and takes Yuki's hand, guiding it to hard cock. "Your voice, the way you called my name. The way you moved and moaned for me, I'm hard again because of how fucking sexy you are."
Yuki kisses him.
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tipsydipsydo · 3 years
Birthday Gift [M] 
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Pairing: octopus hybrid! Jimin x human! Reader x octopus hybrid! Seokjin
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 1.2k 
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut/PwP
Warnings: Dirty Language + Dirty Talk; Sex Toys; Masturbation; Double Penetration; Anal play; Oral (f.); Exhibitionism + Voyeurism; slight Overstimulation; Strength-/Power-Play; Praising; Petnames; Orgasm Denial; Teasing; Edging; Tentacle-Play; Jimin has a tentacle tongue...
A/N: Finally it’s done! That’s my sweet and short Birthday-Gift for my dear friend @breadoffoxy and I hope you like it Baby~ I’m so sorry that it took me so long!! But I’ve finally written it and I really hope that I ruined you at least a little with it!
Status: unedited
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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Within a single second your whole face, your ears and even your neck burns in the color of beet red and you have some struggles to gulp properly. Quickly you turn the package around and put the ripped wrapper over it, looking around in your silent and empty apartment. Even though you alone at home and Jimin is already at work... you’re panicking that someone would see you with such an obscene object, too embarrassed to even look at it. You literally expected everything... just not that. Not such a gift with such a comment in the card he wrote. 
Today is your birthday and you was more than exited to know what your Boyfriend Jimin got you for your first shared birthday, especially after he teased you for weeks with subtle hints. The little comments he dropped here and there made you with every new day more curious but you couldn’t connect the details with another. At the end of the day you didn’t knew anything new except the fact you’d die out of curiosity before your birthday arrive.
Now ‘the day’ of all days finally arrived and you are flustered beyond belief, in fact a little mortified somehow. Despite all of the shame you sense, there is arousal pooling between your legs. You can’t resist the urge to pull the damaged wrapper away and to look at your gift once again. Almost automatically your front teeth are gnawing on your bottom lip and the slowly growing ball of lust makes itself noticeable in the pit of your stomach. Yeah, Jimin makes definitely sure you’ll enjoy yourself and keep your needs satisfied. 
In front of you, on the surface of the table lays a new tentacle dildo which is still wrapped in the hygiene plastic bag. It’s a little bigger than the one you already own and has a slightly different coloring. Your boyfriend knows how much you love that toy, integrated it more than once in a play session and learned quickly how to use it to drive you completely insane. One time you quietly mentioned that you wish you’d have the money to purchase a second dildo of this type... you have a weak spot for double penetration and the unique texture of the toy made you almost addicted to it. 
‘Happy birthday, my Darling! 
I hope you enjoy your day off and that you like the first gift I’ve got you for your birthday~ ;) 
I’d love to see you using the toy and his sibling when I come home from work... would you do that for me? It’s essential for the next presents I’ve organized for you. 
Love, Jimin’ 
Oh god... you don’t even dare to imagine what Jimin have planned for you, it sounds so delicious yet so unholy and sinful. You have no Idea how you’ll survive the night after he gave you those instructions. 
You’re so lost in your own pleasure that you didn’t even noticed that someone arrived and opened the front door, let alone that two figures are now standing in the door frame of the bedroom and watches you silently. 
The suction base of the smaller dildo is attached to the flat plastic panel you’ve bought some time ago to be able to use this toy without hands in bed as well. The length of the tentacle dildo is completely buried in your cute ass, your stretched out rim gripping the girth firmly and hold the toy in place. It’s so deep in you that your ass cheeks almost reaches the plastic surface, your feet and your back on the wall are supporting your body weight. 
Your birthday gift, the new and bigger tentacle, plunges into your tight pussy in a rapid pace and causes such beautiful and delicious squelching noises... so nasty and filthy. The big toy stretches you so wide open, up to the point that you are sure your pussyhole would gape if you’d take it out. Your arms are aching from the weight of the toy and the strength you have to put into the thrusts to make the friction really pleasurable. But all of this doesn’t stop you to pushes your own limits, this feeling of getting stuffed so fucking full with tentacle turns your brain to mush. You can’t think properly anymore, the only thought in your ruined brain is about cumming on these dildos so often until you pass out. 
“Oh Babygirl... I see, you followed my instructions like I said. Hmm, such a good girl you are for me. I think you’ve earned a reward, don’t you?”
Jimin’s teasing voice and his chuckles let you snap out of your lost thoughts, your eyes widen at the sight of Seokjin besides him. The taller man leans with crossed arms against the opposite of the door frame and smiles devilishly at you. His eyes are dark and full of lust and the thin fabric of his chinos aren’t hiding anything of his hard and aching boner. He’s showing you in a shameless manner what your little unintentional show did to him.
“Sweetheart, you can’t imagine how happy I was the moment I found out about your tentacle dildo... there are a few things I was worried to tell you about. You need to know, Seokjin and I are a little different to... normal humans. We have special abilities and features... we both are octopus! Hybrids. Besides our normal human limbs we own four other octopus arms and if we want to, we can show them off. What about we show them to you and make you feel even better with them? I’ll only accept those silicone tentacles for foreplay and self-pleasure now, is that clear? Now, get off of those toys and let us make you cum until you can’t scream anymore...”
You’re only able to nod, trying to process all of this with your mouth agape but they even let you collect one single logical thought. Pulling the toys out of you and remove the panel completely, Seokjin takes the place behind you instead. Then you can already feel very realistic, slippery tentacles wrapping themself around your thighs, opening your legs even further and holding you with a tight grip in your place. 
Jimin goes on his knees between your legs, eyes sparkling brightly in a color you’ve never seen before and his lips opens in a smirk. His tongue pokes out, only the form of the muscle reminds you of a human body part. The texture is completely different, has now a bumpy structure but looks kinda similar to Seokjin’s tentacles... slowly the certitude sinks in. It’s the fifth limb, one of Jimin’s tentacles. 
“I know how much you love to have my tongue between your legs, you have such an insatiable oral fixation, don’t you? What about we combine these two things with each other, getting tongue-fucked by my tentacle... hm? Spread those swollen pussy lips for me and show me how your greedy, gaping hole clenches around nothing. Expose your pussy for me.” 
These are the last words before Jimin drowned himself between your legs. 
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allegra-writes · 4 years
“Fool’s gold”
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Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Smut. Sex pollen.
This is an alternative version to my fic "Fireproof", where the reader gets doused by the sex pollen instead of Peter, but you don’t need to have read that first. As any sex pollen fic, this can qualify as non/dub-con, so read at your own discretion and responsability.
Dedicated to @angel-spidey because without her this would have never seen the light of day💓
Peter knew it was wrong. He knew it. He wasn't delusional enough to believe it was something other than the pollen making you act that way. Making you say those things. You had always been sweet to him, that was true, but you were sweet to everybody, didn't make any difference if they were a janitor or an avenger, it was one of the reasons he liked you so much. 
He also knew he wasn't the only one. His eyes weren't the only pair of eyes that strayed to you in the lab, Harley too seemed to be rather distracted whenever he was in your presence. And in fact, Peter didn't think he had ever seen Steve visit the lab that often before. Ever. And the guy was freaking Captain America, how could he ever compete with that? 
You didn't feel the same way about him, he had resigned to that a long time ago. To watch you from afar. To love you from afar. Because at least that much was true: the only way he knew he beated the other two men, beaten them by a long shot, was that he loved you the most. 
That was why he had left the med bay, because he couldn't stand it, seeing you like that, fighting against your restraints, skin flushed and eyes on fire, calling him, begging him to…
He wasn't able to resist it. 
And why he had walked away from the lab, leaving Bruce and Tony and even Stephen, to wrack their brains trying to find a cure, when the obvious solution was right in front of them. 
That was how he had found himself alone, in the dark, pretending to nap in the little on call room right outside the med bay, still in his suit after that disastrous mission they should have never let you tag along in the first place. Far enough from you not to hear your desperate pleas, but close enough to help if something happened. If the damn alien substance raised your fever enough to- No. He wasn't going to think about that. Dr. Banner was going to come up with an antidote. They still had time. 
Yeah, he knew it was wrong. He knew he should have told FRIDAY to alert mister Stark as soon as he heard the soft sound of your footsteps on the hallway. He knew he should have fled as soon as the knob turned and you entered the room. As you made your way to him. But he was paralized, frozen in place, as you leaned down over him, running your hot, way hotter than normal, hands down his chest, leaving fiery trails in their wake over the thin skin tight fabric of his suit. You raked your nails over his abs, feeling the muscle riple under your touch. 
"Y-you shouldn't be here" He stammered, as your fingertips came close, dangerously close, to the place where his suit was already starting to feel tight around his hips.
"Hmm… but you won't tell on me" your thumb traced the base of his length, a barely there caress that nonetheless had him jumping. "Will you, Peter?"
He breathed you in, another mistake. He could practically smell your desire, leaking through your pores. Pheromones, sweet and mouthwatering. 
He wouldn't. He couldn't. 
Even in the dark, he saw you smile bright at his surrender. Discarding your lab coat, you straddled his hips, little blue skirt riding up your thighs, and released your hair from its ponytail as Peter watched, entranced by your every move. You spread your legs a little more, letting your center come in contact with his by then obvious erection. He could feel your heat through his suit, choking on thin air when he realized you weren't wearing any underwear. 
"F-fuck…" He gasped, eyes rolling back inside his skull as you started rocking above him.
He tried desperately to hold still, to stop himself from bucking his hips up to meet yours, but it was impossible. Every cell in his body telling him to move, to touch, to take what he had wanted for so long. What he had never dared to dream he could have. 
You moaned at the delicious friction you were creating, and you could hear him starting to breathe harder too. He felt amazing, a soothing balm to your burning skin everywhere you touched. This was what you needed, what the chemicals running in your blood demanded. He was warm, and hard, and male. But more than that, he was Peter, and he had to be yours. There was no other way, no other ending for this story. 
You grinded your pelvis against his harder, the pressure on your clit just perfect, the coarse texture of his suit only adding to the sensations. You were making a mess of it, ruining it, but it was worth it just to hear his groan the moment your wetness seeped through the fabric. 
"We can't… we can't do this" Peter tried to protest, even as his hands flew to your waist to aid your movements. 
"Why? Because an alien pollen is messing with my head?" You got rid of your t-shirt, and Peter's reply died in his throat, you weren't wearing a bra either "because it's wrong? Because It's dirty and-"
A wounded sound left Peter's mouth, a wordless surrender, a sob at his own damnation, and he snapped, his fragile control finally shattering to pieces. One second you were on top of him, teasing him within an inch of his life, and the next you were trapped between the soft mattress and his hard body, as his lips ravished yours, one hand roughly massaging your breasts, the other slipping under your skirt, searching blindly, fingertips digging into the delicate skin of your inner thighs. He was furious in his onslaught, desperation clear in the way he was kissing you, all teeth and tongue. Greedy. Ravenous. 
Because if this was all he was ever going to get, just one night with you, as you used him to scratch an itch, then he was going to make the most of it. He was going to commit every little detail to memory: The shape of your body under his, the taste of your skin, the smell of your hair, vanilla and cinnamon and something else, something uniquely you. The sweet little moans falling from your lips. 
"Peter, please"
He almost died when you said his name like that, breathless and needy.
"What do you need, princess?" He sobbed, "Anything… it's yours…just-"
"You. I need you" You replied, graceless fingers clawing at his suit, "take it off, please, I need to feel you"
He obeyed, pressing the spider on his chest and practically kicking it off in his haste to return to you. You welcomed him back with open arms and open legs, as he crawled up your body, kissing every inch of skin he could find in the way. Your breath hitched when he got to that little spot just under your breast, and you could feel his smile against the curve of it, right before his lips enveloped your left nipple, calloused fingers circling the other one clumsily, unskilled. But you were too delirious, too far gone to notice, the miles of skin against yours both soothing and stroking the fire within at the same time. 
You cried out,
"Peter! Please, it hurts so much, please! I- I can't-"
He kissed the tears away, softly, delicately. A stark contrast to his own demeanour just minutes ago.
"I-it's ok. I got you" He cooed, caressing your face "I'll make it better. I promise" 
He braced himself on one arm, elbow digging into the mattress next to your face, as he wrapped the fingers of his free hand around himself, aligning with your center. It took him a few tries, even slipping out once. He had no idea what he was doing, only knew that you needed him, and he wasn't going to let you down. Your life depended on it, and it was too important, too precious for him to even think of failing. 
You raised your hips just a bit, and he was sliding in, easily, so easily, as if he was meant for it. As if your bodies were two pieces of the same puzzle, finally falling into place. 
"Oh god…"
You clutched as his shoulders, burying your hiss into his neck. 
"Oh my god are okey? Did I hurt you?" The panic in Peter's voice made you smile despite yourself. He was still Peter, the sweetest most caring guy you had ever met. Soft, even with his hard cock so deep inside you, you could feel it in your soul, in your very essence, already claiming you as his. 
But you didn't need gentle. You didn't want him to thread softly. You needed hard, and fast, and more.
"Peter… fuck me"
"I-..." His eyes met yours, and you saw a new determination in them, jaw squaring as he withdrew almost completely, only to surge again, tearing a new cry from your lips. 
He let instinct take over, starting to thrust in and out of you, your tight, silky heat making his eyes roll inside his head
"Fuck! Oh god… oh my god… you feel…" He panted, amazed, handsome face scrunching in pleasure, eyes closed and mouth slack, "Fuck, you feel so good!" 
You wanted to reply, to tell him how amazing he felt too, every inch of his thick hard cock stretching you just right. Every ridge, every vein sending shocks of pleasure to your body until you couldn't see straight. You could feel you peak already building, with every delicious drag.
"More… Peter, please… more" 
How could he say no, when you were begging so prettily in his ear, hand tugging at his curls making it hurt so good? He picked up his pace, hips slapping against yours. Over, and over, and over… 
You were still on fire, every inch of your skin alight, exploding in sensation but it didn't burn anymore. Now it was a simmering warmth, making everything sharper, more intense. Better than anything you had ever felt before. He was better than anything you had felt before. 
And Peter was lost in you, in your moans, in your body, in your cunt. In the way you were taking him, consuming him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, changing the angle, letting him reach deeper, bury himself almost to the hilt. Your blunt nails digging into his back until he smelt blood. 
He fucking loved it, love the idea of carring your marks even after this was over. He knew he wanted you to wear his. 
His lips found your neck almost of their own accord, sucking and nibbling until the sounds leaving your throat were nothing short of pornographic, the wanton whines and moans resonating in the room until he was sure Bruce and Tony could hear them all the way to the lab. 
"Yes, scream for me baby girl, let them know how good I'm fucking you" Peter didn't know where it was coming from, that arrogance, that… possesivenes. He knew you weren't really his. It was the pollen, you would never be doing this otherwise. And he probably wasn't that good, it was his first time after all. 
But your cries, the way your whole body was trembling under his, were giving him confidence. 
"Oh god… you're coming for me, aren't you? You gonna come on my cock?" 
You opened your mouth in a silent scream, and he almost fell on top of you taken by surprise by the feeling of your walls squeezing his cock for the first time ever, triggering his own release. But he didn't have time to recover before you croaked a weak but firm, 
He met your eyes, stunned, but all he found there was assurance and passion. 
He turned around on the small bed so it was you the one on top. 
"Ride me" 
You didn't need to be told twice, straightening on top of him, rising slightly on your knees only to let yourself fall back down, impaling yourself on his dick. He licked his lips, looking like a king with a hand behind his head, gazing up at you through hooded eyes. 
"Show me"
He gestured towards the mini skirt you forgot you were still wearing. 
"Lift up that pretty skirt, and let me see how good you take my cock" 
A little whine left your mouth at his words, and you did as you were told, never stopping your bouncing motions.
It worked as Peter imagined it would, his softening cock coming to life again as he watched it disappear inside you. 
"Look at that" he whispered, almost in awe, "such a beautiful pussy, looks so pretty, stuffed full of my cock…" 
You picked up your rhythm, a little unstable on shaky legs, both hands still holding the fabric up and out of the way.
"Peter…" you whimpered. 
"What do you need, baby girl? I told you, anything you want is yours… I'm yours" 
You moaned, incapable to find the words. Thinking was impossible, speaking was inconceivable, not with him still between your legs.
He bucked his hips, 
"That what you want, princess?" He smirked, smug, "Like it better when I give it to you?"
You nodded, shamelessly, your legs burning with the effort but stopping was not an option. He sat up on the bed, enveloping you with his arms, thrusting up into you faster, deeper…
You felt the head of his cock stab your cervix, and he must have felt it too, because he groaned, eyes glazing over. 
"Can you feel me? Feel how deep I am?"
"Yes" You hissed.
"Gonna come like this…" He took hold of your hips, bringing you down hard as he thrusted up, "come so deep inside you… mark you… from the inside" 
You could feel it approaching fast, the pleasure he was inflicting on you too much, too soon. 
"Fill you up so good…"
"Until it's gushing out of you… and then… gonna fuck you again…"
"Come inside you again… make you my little cumslut…"
"Yes! Please… please give it to me"
He could feel you tense around him again,
"What do you need, princess?"
"Your come" You screamed, "Give me your come, Peter!"
"Fuck! My pretty little slut… take it… Take it!"
And you did.
You passed out somewhere between rounds five and six, utterly sated and exhausted, but Peter couldn't sleep, terrified of the moment you woke up, all the pollen consumed, the spell broken. He knew it wasn't real, but for a few hours, he had been happy, pretending you truly did love him, wanted him, as he had loved and wanted you since the first time he had seen you, all that time ago, the day mister Stark had entered the lab with you in tow, announcing Peter that he had a new lab partner. 
He was running his fingers softly up and down your naked back, a barely there caress, watching you sleep, relaxed and happy, when he heard the buzzing coming from your lab coat, long forgotten on the floor near the bed. He took it out and saw Tony’s name lighting up the scream.
He slid to pick up.
“Fucking finally! Y/n, where the hell are you?!”
“Mister Stark, it’s me” He whispered his reply, as not to wake you up.
“Peter! Thank God! What happened? Please tell me you didn’t-“
“Sorry, Mister Stark,” Peter interrupted him, “We kinda did…”
“Shit! Please, Peter, please tell me you kids used protection!”
Tony left out another loud curse at the other side of the line.
“Where are you? Y/n did something to Friday and now it won’t tell me where you are in the tower. You still in the tower right? I need the both of you to come to the lab right now” Tony was talking a mile a minute and Peter knew something very bad, not of the good was going on.
“Because,” Tony’s voice was frantic as he tried to explain the gravity of the situation, “That pollen thing? That’s not an aphrodisiac like we thought, it’s a fertility treatment. It messes your hormones and hers up with every fluid exchange! Like an artificial heath”
Peter turned to look at you, peacefully asleep, curling up to his side, blissfully unaware of anything and everything going on outside that bed.
And maybe it was the alien substance fucking up his brain, maybe he was the one fucked up, all by himself, but the mental image of you, round with his child, sleeping like that next to him every night? It wasn’t half as horrifying as Tony seemed to think it was.
After all, the girl of his dreams was finally his, and a baby would guarantee she would remain his, forever.
“You know what, Mister Stark? I have to go now. Talk to you tomorrow…”
“What? No, kid, don’t hang up on me! Peter Parker I swear-…”
Tony Stark heard the line go dead.
The end.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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