#i could have gotten it done 2 years ago but I haven't done anything
tardis--dreams · 2 years
We have 5 lecturers in english linguistics. One won't be there next semester, one is cutting back on work because of illness, one of them i don't even know, one of them I'm too ashamed to ask (again) and the only one left just told me he couldn't supervise my ba thesis
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borahaerhy · 2 years
Maneater (2) - kth
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Genre: smut, angst
Warnings: Very slight Yandere themes, Taehyung is just a little obsessed, and also a cocky little shit, Cigarettes, college parties, unprotected sex (bad), multiple orgasms, fingering, fucking on a pool table, slight dom Tae, these bitches are both DESPERATE, there might be more than what meets the eye here.
Word count: 2.6k
A few people wanted a part 2 for my Maneater oneshot that was requested a few months ago, and considering I haven't been able to get this pairing out of my head and basically already wrote another part in my head, I decided what the hell, and wrote a part 2. Hope you like it :)
Also I wrote this while extremely sick so if any of it is incomprehensible, lmk and I'll fix it when I feel a little less like a zombie lol
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Taehyung wasn’t very used to hearing the word no; especially from the women he’d found himself interested in. 
He was sweet, thoughtful, kind, and considerate. He had excellent manners and always opened doors and paid the bill; not to mention he was extremely attractive. 
Whether it be hookups or relationships, Taehyung had always gotten what he wanted from who he wanted it from; not that that was why he was nice, it was just a great side effect. 
But then there was you. 
“You’re just my brother’s annoying friend,” 
Your words rang out in his head constantly; how easily you said them and then how easily you disappeared into the crowd of people. You were gone, and you stayed that way. 
He guessed he deserved it for the words he’d said to you all those years ago, but that didn’t change how bad it hurt, or how much it confused him. 
He had never thought of you as anything but his friend’s little sister until he saw you all grown up; but now, he found it hard to think of you in any other position other than bent over the bathroom counter. And he couldn’t get the image out of his head. 
But you, in all honesty, didn’t think much about him. 
Sure he was a good fuck, one of the better ones you’d had - but that was all it was. A fuck. Getting attached to people wasn’t something you’d done since - well - him, but this was different. He wanted you this time. You were nice enough to let him have you, but now his time was over. You’d maybe see him at another party and sleep with him again, only because he’s really good at it, but there’s no way you’d ever want anything more with him. That ship has sailed, and the crush faded. 
Unluckily for him, his crush was just starting. 
Only after you’d slept together did Taehyung realize that you went to the same college, just on polar opposite sides of campus. Your degree programs were very different, and you were a few years behind him, so it made sence that he never saw you on such a huge campus aside from at his own frat party, but he’d definitely heard of you. 
The really hot sorority girl that made almost every player in the school fall to their knees. They’d do anything to get with you, and after you’d slept with them, they were constantly trying to get you back, but you were gone. Never to be seen at the same place or with the same person twice. 
He just never really expected that person to be you. 
His little Squishy breaking the hearts of men who played more women than he could count. He was honestly kind of proud, in a fucked up kind of way. He never liked how the guys in his frat would act like playing people was some kind of game, and you kind of showed them that it wasn’t fun to be on the receiving end of that. 
But now he found himself on the receiving end and wasn’t too big a fan. 
So now here he was, leaned against the wall of a party he knew you’d be at, scanning the crowd of people for you. It didn’t take him long to find you, all he had to do was keep an eye on one of his friends that had been trying to get with you for months now. 
Taehyung may or may not have been the one to encourage him to ask you to come to this party; that you’d no doubt get to know him and fall in love with him. 
It was a dirty thing to do, and something he certainly wasn’t proud of. But you did something to him, something he'd never experienced before. He’d never wanted anyone as much as you, especially after what you’d said the last time you saw each other. 
You very quickly blew off his friend, just like he knew you would, and here was his opportunity. 
He stepped away from the wall and ushered himself through the thick crowd of people as he took a cigarette out of his pack and placed the butt between his teeth, sliding the pack back into his pocket. He walks past you, being sure to brush against you slightly as he moves. He pulls a lighter out of his pocket, straightens out his cigarette, and lights it, taking a moment to inhale slowly before he leanes his head back, exhaling before his eyes move straight to you; your eyes already glued to him. 
Your crush on him really ramped up when he started smoking and drinking, something he’d taken notice of when you were younger but decided not to pay too much attention to. Until he needed to get your attention, that is. You’d always ask for a hit of his cigarette, and he’d never let you. You were too pure to be tainted. 
He smirked lightly before he took a few more steps away from you, opened a door that led to a set of stairs, and set down it, closing the door behind him.
You waited a few seconds, mostly just standing in stunned silence trying to collect yourself from just how hot he was before you finally started walking toward the same steps he’d just gone down. 
You stepped down carefully to make sure no slip-ups happened with your obscenely short skirt, only to realize that the basement was completely empty aside from Taehyung setting up a pool table, cigarette hanging loosely in his mouth as he took another drag. 
You crossed your arms before you made your way over to Taehyung as he pretended like he had no idea you were even there. You stopped when you were next to him as he was leaned over the table and pulled the lit cigarette from his mouth, before placing it between your own lips and taking a drag. 
“Now, when have I ever let you do that, Y/n?” He stood up straight and took it back from you before you were even able to finish hitting it. He replaced it in his mouth as he looked down at you, almost making you feel small as you blew the smoke out to the side. He turned back away, moving the cue ball to its position on the other side of the table before he took another drag and removed the cigarette from his lips. “What are you doing down here, Squish?” 
“I thought there would be more fun activities down here,” You shrugged, taking a few steps back to look at what all was down here to do; which wasn’t much. “Guess I was wrong.” 
Taehyung smirked lightly, standing back up straight before he turns to look at you, who was now on the other side of the pool table, looking down on the game that was ready to begin. 
“Ever play before?” You were almost taken aback by his question. Did he really just want to play pool? You crossed your arms again before shaking your head. He stepped over to the wall and grabbed two pool sticks and handed one to you before he returned back at his post at the end of the table. “I’ll go first,” 
He leaned over the table, cigarette still hanging from his mouth as he lines his stick up with the cue ball. He takes his time making sure he’s lined up correctly before he took his shot. He managed to sink three balls, to stripes and a solid. 
“Because I was able to knock in both solids and stripes, I get to pick which one I want to on my next shot. And I get to go again before you, because I was able to sink. If you're able to get one of yours into one of the pockets, you get to go again,” You nodded, only half paying attention as he flicked his ashes into an ashtray on the side of the table before he replaced it between his lips and eyed up the table. 
There was a wide-open shot that he very easily could’ve taken, but he decided to try another approach. He shot, he missed, so now it was your turn. 
He gestured for you to take your shot, and you began to eye the table, trying to find the easiest move to make. You line up what seemed to be a simple enough shot, and miss. 
“Ah,” He puts his cigarette down in the ashtray before he moves over to you. “Your stance is all wrong. Here,” He pulled your hips back into his before he wrapped his arms around you, positioning your body correctly against his as his arms helped you get a better angle on your shot, though neither of you were really paying attention to that at this point. 
Taehyung's leather jacket was cold against the bare skin of your arms, his hot breath on your neck a dastardly contrast. As he pulled your bodies closer together, you could feel his erection growing in his jeans against your ass; something he wasn’t even close to trying to hide. 
Goosebumps ran down the length of your arms as your breath hitched. With all the tension growing between you, you almost didn’t notice whenever Taehyung took your shot for you, you only actually noticed because it made him basically grind into you. 
Good thing you didn’t actually give a shit about the game, because you definitely missed; Taehyung let himself get a little more distracted than he had originally planned. 
He let go of the pool stick slightly, moving to stand back up before you threw the stick to the side, turned around and pulled him back into you, desperate kisses and hands all over each other as fast as they had been the last time. 
He effortlessly lifted you onto the table, hands rising under your skirt to grip your bare hips as you pull on the soft locks of his hair. You softly moaned into his mouth as he pulled your panties off, his hasty fingers making quick work of your now exposed pussy, plunging two fingers into you without much warning. You gasped loudly, gripping onto him roughly as his other hand was pressed firmly against the small of your back, keeping you pressed steadily against him as he slowly began to finger you.
“Gotta keep quiet, baby, we aren’t exactly in a locked room this time,” You gave a curt nod as you bit down on your bottom lip hard, not being very successful at stifling the moans that he was drawing from you. 
As his fingers moved faster, they curved up into your g-spot perfectly with every thrust. You couldn’t help but to let out a loud moan as his thumb connected to your clit, circling it deliciously in rhythm with his fingers. His mouth enveloped yours, swallowing your moans before anyone heard and decided they wanted to come check it out. This was something for him to see, and him alone. 
Your climax came quickly, your body nearly going limp with intensity you’d never felt before taking over you. Before you knew it, Taehyung had laid you down on your back and was on top of you, pushing all the obstacles out of his way before he slid off his leather jacket and carefully placed it under your head. 
He pulled his jeans and boxers down just enough so that he could comfortably fuck you before his lips were back on yours, drinking in your fucked-out yet desperate little moans. His forearms came down on either side of your head to help prop himself up after he position himself at your entrance and slipped in almost aggravatingly slowly. 
“Tae…” You were essentially begging him to do more, to hurry up and fuck you, the smirk on his face oozing with cockiness as he somehow began moving slower. 
“You’re such a fucking dream, Y/n,” His voice was low and rough as he slowly pulled out, capturing your lips in his once more before he swiftly and roughly pushed back into you. You nearly scream from the pleasure, his long cock stretching you out perfectly as he repeatedly thrust in and out. 
He moved your hands above your head and pinned them down, his free hand moving down to grip your hip, giving himself more leverage to fuck into you with. There was no shutting either of you up now; his low grunts mixing with your pleasure-filled moans, and even that couldn’t cover up the sound of skin slapping. If anyone were to get too close to the basement door, the whole party would know in seconds; but you were both too engrossed in the other to care at all about the possibility of being caught. 
Taehyung didn’t know if it was because of his desperation to have you over the past couple of weeks, or that now that you were under him, your tits were bouncing so roughly that they were almost completely out of your top; or maybe it was the way you were always just so reactive to him and every move he made. But no matter the case, he knew he wasn’t going to last as long as he wanted to, his climax swiftly approaching as you threw your head back, moaning out his name as he pulled your leg up higher to hit your g-spot better. 
He buried his head in the crook of your neck, softly sucking on the sensitive skin as he let go of your wrists, moving his hand down to in between your legs where he began furiously flicking and pinching your clit, something he’d picked up that you’d loved in your last encounter. 
As your pussy clenched around him, he covered your mouth with his hand, helping you ride out your orgasm without alerting the entire neighborhood until he finished only a few seconds behind you. 
He collapsed on top of you, your breath heavy and uneven as you tried to regain your composure after what was quite possibly the best sex of your life. 
“You sure you don’t want to just make this a regular thing, Squish?” Taehyung spoke softly, still slightly out of breath after he’d gotten off of you and down from the table. You smiled lightly as he helped you down, fixing your top for you as you adjusted your skirt, still eyeing the ground for where your underwear might have gone. 
“Thought I was pretty clear the last time, Tae,” the smirk was still plastered to your face, but there was also a smirk that refused to leave his. 
“But you’re here, aren’t you?” This took you off guard, Taehyung never really being the sassy or argumentative type. Yet here he was, looking down on your dumbfounded face with a smirk spread across his playful lips. 
“Like you weren’t the one trying to get me down here?” You almost scoffed, before remembering that you don’t care. 
“But you’re the one that followed me down, not the other way around, Squish,” He took a new cigarette out of the pack and lit it, as you decided to abandon your panties and go back up to the party. You turned away and started toward the stairs, arms crossed over your chest.
“You want me Y/n." He leaned against the pool table, hand resting in the pocket he had slipped your panties into when you weren't paying attention as he took another long drag from his cigarette. "You always have, and you always will,”
Note: Might just fuck around and make this a series
Taglist: @bangtan-yn @thesheepzhangyixing
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xxavengingangelxx · 2 months
A Brighter Side of Grey 1/?
This is for my lovie @bellgraves. :) This is a continuation of my fic As the Rush Comes.
Summary: A female mercenary got a lot closer to killing Graves than anyone else had. So Graves put her in her place. After leaving her for dead, he was almost certain she was gone. So what happens when he catches her making another attempt on his life?
Warnings: Violence, drugging, kidnapping, all the things that come with writing about dueling mercenaries. If I need to add anything, let me know. Eventual smut, possibly enemies to lovers, I haven't decided :)
I have no idea where this fic could end up so let's all of us take a ride and see where it takes us! I didn't get a chance to proofread so please excuse any mistakes.
The first thing you remember…no the first thing you feel is pain.
Horrible pain.
Not being able to breathe like you should be able to. Instinctively you reach up to what’s blocking your airway.
Tubes that were making you gag.
Your right arm appeared useless so you used your left arm to try and pull the tubes out of your throat.
Someone tried to stop you from doing it but you shoved them away and finally yanked the tube out of your throat.
And you gagged, dry heaved over your hospital bed.
And when you did, you felt fire across your ribs.
More people came into your room and were shoved down, strapped down like a mental patient…
You gasped awake.
Another night, another nightmare.
All thanks to Phillip Graves.
You sat up in bed and grabbed your phone, seeing it was 2 in the morning. These nightmares had been going on every night sometimes multiple times a night since you’d regained consciousness.
You were almost ambidextrous before but now your right arm was at 75-80% mobility thanks to the spiral fracture Graves had inflicted when he broke your arm.
So you used your left arm to toss the covers off. Life had been pure hell since Graves had almost killed you. You might have been medically fragile when you got discharged from the hospital but that didn’t stop your boss from beating the shit out of you for the failed mission.
A year, your boss had said,  you have a year to stop faking this injury shit, find Graves, and kill him. Bring me his dog tags with his blood on ‘em.
You were almost certain that beatdown had take away mobility from your right arm too. You ran your fingers along the scars where the hospital had to cut your arm open and add screws and metal plates.
You had gotten an apartment with a garage because you were told it was going to take you months to recover. You dressed in shorts and a tank top before heading to the garage as you normally slept naked.
You got into your garage and looked upon the masterpiece you had been putting together in the last year. The entire wall of the garage was Phillip Graves. You’d been obsessed with tracking him down so for the last year that was all you had done, track Graves as much as you could.
You’d used string and thumbtacks to track his movements with as much detail as you could but you were still missing some pieces. Luckily paying a highly ranked military officer overlooking PMC contracts was finally able to pin Graves down to your home country.
As far as you knew, he was back in the States which would make killing him easier. You wouldn’t have to worry about a third-world enemy capturing you or a fake passport so you could focus all on Graves.
The map on your garage wall was taller than you, making you need to get a stepladder.
Graves was supposedly taking an R&R with his company in Houston, TX which was perfect because no matter where Graves went in Houston, there were sure to either be empty buildings or some other way your could hide high up and snipe Graves.
Sniping would be the lowest risk but the lowest reward. You wouldn’t get to see him die.
The highest risk highest reward would be to allow yourself to be captured, pray Graves didn’t kill you outright, and lay low, get information, gain his trust, then kill him before leaving with dead Graves’s dog tags and interior information about Shadow company.
I don’t care how you fucking do it, you recall your boss telling you after you reeled and almost whimpered from the pain the beatdown he’d given you for failing your mission. Get it done. Be his fuckin’ whore for a year and then kill him. Snipe him. Get it done or go ahead and pick out your headstone.
You’d be able to prove yourself and provide information on Shadow Company. Your boss wouldn’t see you as a failure anymore and you’d get to live.
Weeks of trying to make a decision was interrupted by a text from you boss, simply saying, Two months left.
You’d tracked Graves down to Houston but it was proving difficult to find him in a vulnerable position enough to take him out with a sniper rifle.  He was too heavily guarded to simply approach him and attempt the hit.
That night you fell asleep and finally slept for more than 5 hours straight because you finally had a plan. You’d make a pathetic attempt to hurt Graves and you were certain his boys would jump all over you…but they wouldn’t kill you…not until Graves gave the order.
And if Graves did give them the order at least you’d die quick rather than slowly and painfully at your boss’s hand.
Today was Graves’s last day in Houston or so you’d been told from intel. So you needed to move quick.
It hadn’t been too hard to find the fancy hotel where Graves and his Shadows had been staying. So to make sure you wore a cloth mask similar to the one you wore when COVID had been rampant. You’d died and cut your hair. The only part of you left unchanged by a large margin was your height.
You walked into the lobby and eyed some of his men, each carrying heavy military backpacks or duffels as they loaded their Tahoes and Suburbans in the back parking lot of the hotel.
You were walking down a hallway as you tried to find a way up to the roof when you saw him.
Graves himself. The Shadow himself. Shadow-01. A legendary mercenary and the CEO of his own private military.
Before you new what was happening your breath caught in your throat. Were you panicking? Afraid? He was leaving his own hotel room, military backpack securely on his shoulders. You thought he was alone when you saw what you’d describe as a dumb bimbo whore walking out of his hotel room after him.
And then fear turned into…jealousy?  Why the hell did you care who Graves slept with?
But it was definitely jealousy burning in your chest.
So when she walked away while Graves was getting the last of his belongings from his hotel room, she brushed your side and that was all you needed to shove a knife right into her ribs.
She started to cry out but you delivered a sharp karate shop to her throat to where she couldn’t speak. Next you delivered a blow to her solar plexus, so she’d be quiet for at least the next minute while she gasped for air. You used your gloved hands to shove the knife in her hand, making it seem like she had either done it herself or done it accidentally.
You turned the corner when Graves closed his hotel room door, keycard in his hand.
“You trip, darlin’?” He drawled as he walked closer to his female friend. When he tried to help her up, he noticed she was bleeding heavily from her side. And that she was gasping for air.
“Holy shit,” Graves actually sounded surprised. “What…what happened?”
And you smiled for the first time in a year because you were proud of yourself that you’d managed to startle Graves.
After finding a stairway that led to the roof, you busted the lock on that door and made your way to the top of the building.
It was cold, windy up on the roof and you were glad you’d worn layers. Layers were mandatory anyway because you needed to change the clothes you’d entered that hotel in. But first…
An attempt on Graves’s life. Not a real attempt but you certainly had to make it look real.
It didn’t take long for you to build the short-range sniper rifle you’d brought with you.
You had to wait longer than your would have liked as the police and an ambulance showed up. Then the coroner. Whoops, you thought. You hadn’t meant to kill her.
Good riddance, bitch. He’s mine. And you had no idea where that thought came from.
Graves finally exited the hotel towards the back parking lot.
Through the scope you saw he looked…shaken, unsure of what had just happened.
And that made you smile a second time.
You had counted the number of men Graves had with him as they loaded up in the parking lot.
Three were missing.
You frowned into the scope, trying to see if they were already in the vehicles.
Nope. No one was in the vehicles yet.
So where were they?
Maybe in the hotel?
You were about to take another look through the scope when it suddenly darkened around you. You thought it was nothing. It was a cloudy day so maybe the sun had slipped behind the clouds.
But you were suddenly dragged backwards, away from your rifle and across the rough material of the roof.
You reached for a knife down your shirt and sliced into that motherfucker’s hand hard enough that he hissed and released you.
Shadows. They probably swept every location for threats before their boss made himself visible outside.
You knew another thing that might shock this Shadow enough to where you had more time to react was to remove your mask. You were certain Graves had warned his men about you.
And you were right.
Once you lowered the mask, you saw the Shadows's eyes widen. “You’re dead,” he gasped.
You were about to tell him, Tell your boss to finish the job next time when you heard a footstep behind you. You turned and had no time to react as a Shadow used his rifle to strike you across the left side of your head.
And then…
A sharp, stinging pain followed by falling deeper and deeper into a black hole.
You woke up when the vehicle you were in hit a sharp bump in the dirt road. You tried to take a breath but it was difficult. Your mouth was duct-taped shut and your hands being bound behind you didn’t help.
You felt someone tear the long sleeve of your right arm followed by a muffled, “It’s her,” you guessed they were identifying you based on the scars Graves knew he left on your body.
Then you heard Graves’s familiar drawl say, “Drug ‘her. She can’t know where she’s going,”
You tried to move but your body felt heavy and wasn’t responding to your brain’s commands. The sensation reminded you of how you felt coming out of another surgery to repair your arm. Whatever they were using to drug you was strong. And no matter how hard you fought it, you lost consciousness faster than you would have liked.
You woke up on a cement floor. The duct tape had been removed from your face but your hands were still bound behind you. It was causing significant pain in your right arm.
“What’d I say would happen to you if I got ahold of you?”
And when you opened your eyes you saw him standing in front of you, larger than life, in the same uniform and vest he’d had on the night he almost killed you.
Phillip Graves.
And that was when your breath caught in your throat again and your heart started skipping beats.
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emmierosebear · 4 months
Series: Fuck you Baby
Joel Miller × Y/n Fanfiction
Warning: Abuse, Sexual fanfiction
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Chapter one
It had been a year of traveling for Joel and Ellie, they never stayed in a place for more then 2 days. They crossed many states by foot looking for Tommy (Joel's Brother) but ended up staying in Jackson for a about for awhile, Joel showed up riding a brown horse with black hair. When he got about 100 yards into Jackson he Saw his Brother Tommy. You thought to yourself "Who is that?" Everyone was very skeptical for Joel's and Ellie's arrivel, they haven't gotten new people since you arrived about a year ago. When Tommy was done hugging Joel he screamed for you "Y/n! Can you come help me?" You put down your Hammer down and screamed "Coming!" You went down and went over to Tommy saying "What's up?" Very calm but nervous for the new arrivals. Tommy said "This is Joel" Wiping he tears off his face you said "Hello" Tommy then asked you if you could show Joel and Ellie around Jackson you said "sure"
After about an hour of the three of you walking around Jackson you put them in the house you were living in, You walked up to the door with you key in right hand "You two will be staying here, I live here as well I hope this won't be a problem" Joel gives the most dirty look ever and Ellie then hits him, he grumbled under his breath saying "what? We can trust them" You walk about the house with Joel and Ellie and then put Ellie two doors down from Joel's room. "I hope you like this room" as you open the door for Joel. "I will be right next door if you need anything" he ignores you and two seconds later says in an agitated voice "would you fucking leave!?" You leave the room and shut the door behind you, hearing him take off his clothes. You walk downstairs into the basement full of clothes and grab Ellie and Joel's about a close size in clothes and bring it up to them. You knock on Ellies door and say "It's Y/n, can I come in I have something for you?" She opens the door and says "sure come in" You put the clothes on her bed and tell her there is more clothes in the basement if she doesn't like the size or anything. She then thanks you for the clothes and apologizes for Joel. "It's fine, I understand, it was the same for me" she looks confused and said "what do you mean?" You look at her and say "you think give been here my whole life?" " I came here about a year ago lying in the snow alone and Tommy saved me" she asks how that happened and you push it off to another subject saying"Oh crap, I have to give these's to Joel for after his shower and start dinner" she's fine with that and waves bye looking around her room some more. You got into Joel's room thinking he's in the shower still but standing by his bed side and only hips and down covered, you say "oh shit" then shut the door you leave the the clothes at his door and run to your room shutting the door as quick as you can and slowly putting yourself on the ground with your back to the door blushing and thinking slowly about the water dripping out of his curly hair and down his abs, you can see only a little bit of his cock.
About 15 minutes later you go down stairs to make dinner for Ellie and Joel, you make chicken and white rice for them and you call them down for dinner. Ellie came down running happy for dinner. You ask her where Joel is and she said "he's not coming" You ask "why?" She replied with he's hurting and doesn't want to eat" You say "oh, well I hope he's okay" You think to yourself " God, I wonder what happend" you both eat dinner and then tells her we have some popcorn she jumps out of her seat and asks "can we have some" You tell her "Um Fuck yeah" After the popcorn and all the stories you guys share she goes to her room to hit the shower and go to bed. You go upstairs and get into your pj's and fix you hair nicely. Wearing only a long sleeve sweatshirt and underwear you go downstairs to clean up. The lights are off and it's dark but enough light to clean up, after about 30 min Joel comes down but you don't hear him. You continue with the dishes and humming softly, Joel walks past you still without hearing him puts his hand on the side of your left hip not to bump you and you get startled and drop a glass China plate on the ground and you cut you hand bad. Joel turns around quick and looks at your hand and you crying walking away slowly, Joel says "stop" you get scared with the aggressive stop and runs into the bathroom. You grab your first aid kid from your cabinet under the sink, shaking trying to open it with the blood pouring out your hand. You think to yourself "Fuck, I need Fucking stitches this is so fucking great" Joel comes in the bathroom and sees the floor is covered in blood and your hand is cut open badly, he gets on your level and holds you hand in one place. He begins to hold pressure on the womb with a gaze and asks you "where is your alcohol?" tell him in crying voice "under the counter" he runs and comes back with the alcohol. He opens the bottle and says "I'm going to pour the bottle on your hand to clean it out then I'm going to have to stich it up" You don't care and want to the pain to stop. He begins to pour the bottle on your hand and you bit your hand and try to hard not to scream. After an hours of stitches on your hand from Joel he wraps your hand up and asks what you would like to do next you reply "I need to clean up the blo" he stops you right mid sentence and says "Never mind I going to help you into the shower and your going to clean off the blood" you blush and nod your head. He begins to remove your clothes so you start to freak out. You have scars all over your body and don't want him to find out so you pull back and say "you know what, I think I'll go to bed" he gets closer to you and says "I can't let you sleep in your bed all coverd in blood" you insist its fine but he doesn't take no for an answer. He starts with the sweatshirt and sees the scar all over you shoulder and chest. He asks "What happened" you start to cry and just can't talk, he then asks "can I take off the rest of your clothes?" You nod very little. As he takes off all your clothes he talks you through it, he turns on the shower and begins to take off his clothes and helps you in. He closest the curtin and touchs your shoulder and you moan in a hurt way, he say "Does that hurt?" You say "yeah" he then says nothing and pulls you in and holds you in the shower with the warm water slashing onto your back you just cry and hold him tighter. After the shower he helps you put clothes on and puts his sweatshirt on you and you smile lighly. He helps you into bed and pours some alcohol in a glass cup for you and says "for the pain" you thank him and he walks out but you say "Joel?" He turns back and says "yeah?" In a low porny voice and you say "can you lay in bed with me" he is hesitant but he does anyway. He takes of his shirt and pants and lays with you. You guys begin cuddel and you feel safe. You feel and bulge in his pants and you begin to feel horny but still cuddles anyway
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silenzahra · 5 months
Current gaming situation 🕹✨
Felt like sharing the games I'm currently playing, even if I've paused some of them because of my lack of time 😅
-Super Mario Bros. Wonder 💙
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I'm literally stuck on the second to last level, and I can't access the last one until I'm done with this one 😫 It's being such a pain! I don't wanna spoil anything for those who haven't played this game yet, so I'll simply mention two words and make them small so you can avoid them: music blocks 😬
-Super Mario RPG ❤
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I can't even remember the last time I played this game 😭 Peach had just joined the gang, but I haven't had the chance to continue playing in forever and I simply can't wait to resume it! 🥹
-Luigi's Mansion 3 💚
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Okay, I actually beat this game twice throughout this year 😂 So I only play once in a while, unhurried, chilling and enjoying the adventures of Luigi hunting ghosts in a haunted hotel 👻 Also Polterpup 😭😭😭 Cutest dog EVER 🥹🥹🥹
-Super Mario Odyssey ❤
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I started replaying this game for the second time a few months ago, and again, I had to stop due to life happening 😅 I played it for the first time back when I bought it in 2018, so I'm kinda rediscovering it and I'm enjoying it just as much as the first time! 🤩 (or was, you know what I mean 😂) New Donk City has to be my favorite part btw!
-Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga 💚❤
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THIS GAME 😭😭😭 This was my very first Mario RPG game and also my first RPG game EVER, and it was the one that made me fall in love with Mario and Luigi for the first time, and with their cute brotherly bond as well 🥹 And it was also the first one that got me into writing fanfics, so OF COURSE I had to replay it as soon as I got Nintendo Switch Online! 😭
I've replayed it sooooo many times during its 20 years! 🥹 I was 13 when I got it for my GBA, and I obviously got the remake for 3DS years later, but even though I love it, I still prefer the original one. Mario and Luigi look so cute with all those pixels! 😭❤💚
Those Bros. Attacks, those references to Luigi's Mansion and The Legend of Zelda, the Firebrand and Thunderhand!!! 😭😭😭 This game means the whole world to me and I'm just so happy I got to replay it again on my Nintendo Switch! 🥹
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And of course: Prince Peasley 🤭 Look at this gif I found, AW aren't they adorable!? 😭😭😭 @itsavee4117 let's fangirl together 🥹😭💚💛✨
So yeah! These are the games I have started but haven't gotten the chance to finish yet, even if three of them are actually replays 🤭 I ocassionally play Mario Kart 8 and Tetris as well, and I get back to Disney Dreamlight Valley whenever there's a new update 🤭
These are some games I would like to play next year (once I'm done with the ones I mentioned above):
-Super Mario Galaxy, since I own a copy of Super Mario 3D All Stars but never found the time to play this game, except for a very short try!
-Paper Mario, since I never got to play it as a child and it's available on Nintendo Switch Online! 🤩
-Banjo-Kazooie, one of my childhood games that I ADORE with all my heart 🥹 Same as with Paper Mario, I wanna replay it since it's available on Nintendo Switch Online!
-A bunch of old The Legend of Zelda games: Minish Cap, Ocarina of Time, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages... I played all those games growing up and I really loved them! And again, they're available on Nintendo Switch Online, so it's just a matter of finding the time to replay them little by little.
-Princess Peach Showtime. Of course I wanna try the new Princess Peach game! 🤩 Can't wait for it to come out next year! 👏
-Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon. BUT OF COURSE. I mean: it's Luigi. How could I NOT wanna (re)play this game? I own it for 3DS but it's going to be such a BLAST to play it on my Switch next year! 🤩
-Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. My second favorite Mario RPG game EVER 🥹 (only after Superstar Saga) I literally screamed and burst into tears when the remake was announced in the last Nintendo Direct 😭 This game is so important to me! I can't wait to replay it next year 🥹😭❤✨
Okay, this post ended up being way longer than I expected 😅 Thank you so so much if you read everything! 💖
And of course, feel free to share anything that comes to mind about these games, or about the games you're currently playing! I'd be happy to hear anything you'd like to say! 💖
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @cactusdragon517 almost a month ago lol, I'm slow to get these done.
How many works do you have on ao3? 21
What's your total ao3 word count? 202,835
What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Call of Duty and I'm still hanging around the TOG fandom. But I've hardly posted anything in years lol. Someday when my toddler is a little older I'll get back into posting more.
Top five fics by kudos:
Share Your Address - Fencer!Joe/TA!Nicky College AU - Insta-love. So much texting. Everybody wants to punch Keane.
It Feels Like Flying - Joe/Pilot!Nicky AU - This is porn. Enjoy.
Brothers Fight - Joe & Booker working through their issues post movie.
Everything I Did to Get to You - Sequel to Share Your Address (my top fic by Kudos) - AU - A few years later Joe and Nicky spend the holidays with friends and family.
Collapsing Walls - Book of Nile!!!!! - Established Booker/Nile - Booker and Nile get caught in a building while trying to assist during an earthquake.
Do you respond to comments? Yes!! I try to respond to all comments for at least a few days after I post something.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't write a lot of angsty ENDINGS. I'll Never Love Another (Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky) has a fuck ton of angst in it, and I know some people thought the ending was bitter sweet bordering on sad.... but idk (spoilers?) no one died and they're together sooooo that's a happy ending in my book lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Gees, idk lol Share Your Address?? It's so sweet you'll get cavities.
Do you get hate on fics? I never have. *knock on wood*
Do you write smut? Hardly ever. I mean I HAVE, and actually the most recent thing I posted was like straight up porn lol. But mostly if there is sex it is only hinted at/fade to black. Or buried in a 60k fic so you have to work for it!
Craziest crossover: Probably Book of Nile + Princess Bride (it's a WIP that I haven't touched in like 3 years *sweats nervously* I swear I will finish all my WIPs EVENTUALLY)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of???
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!! A one shot I did was translated onto a Japanese website that I forget the name of lol. I've also had a podfic made of one of my one shots if that counts.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ashley and I tried at one point lol it was a modern AU DinLuke fic.... it kind of fizzled out eventually. @ashleyrguillory we should look at that again someday lol
All time favorite ship? Obligatory "Just one??!!" ok but idk Charlie/Claire (LOST), Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) and Derek/Stiles (Teen Wolf) are the most important to me??? I read the most fic for Ghost/Soap, [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #1], and [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #2] lol
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I refuse to give up on any of my WIPS!!! I have 4, and all of them are planned/outlined to the end... I even have multiple completed chapters for two of them. I'm not a quitter... I do take my time though lol
What are your writing strengths? Oh gees... idk someone else who has read my stuff needs to tell me this... I think I've gotten a lot of comments complimenting me on keeping characters true to canon?? idk guys! someone else answer this!
What are your writing weaknesses? I really struggle with action and sex scenes. Where are they? I, the person writing this fic, certainly don't know. (come to think of it this might be part of the reason that I don't write a lot of smut)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Whatever floats the author's boat.
But I personally have done it a few ways. My favorite to both write and read is just to write what they say and then identify what language is being used if the POV character can understand the language. something like: "Oh no," he shouted in Italian.
OR if the POV character doesn't understand the language I would write something like: Nicky shouted something in what Joe thought was Italian. OR Nicky said something in a language Joe couldn't quite place.
First fandom you wrote in? Supernatural lol
Favorite fic you've written? One????? You're getting 2!
I'll Never Love Another - Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky AU - SO MUCH LETTER WRITING - This was my Big Bang in 2021, and I love the FUCK out of it. It's my favorite fic I've ever written and I reread it kind of often because of how much I enjoy it lol
Impelled by the Persuasion of Love - Canon verse Joe/Nicky and Andy/Quynh - Takes place in France during the 100 years war. I have an obsession with courtly love/chivalry and figured I should shove it onto our favorite immortals <3 - I wrote this for a TOG zine that came out in early 2021
=== Truly, IDK if I've got 20 people to tag but I'll give it a go!!
@innerslumber, @alloutofgoddesses, @ashleyrguillory, @stevethehairington, @sindirimba, @disregardandfelicity and anybody else who wants to do this, consider this your tag!!!
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galaxythreads · 7 months
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To be honest, I don't know. If you'd asked me a few years ago I would have honestly said no and been kind of offended anyone could hold Loki accountable for anything. But the thing is - now, after a lot of therapy, I don't think that mental illness or distress is an excuse for hurting people unless it is a genuine psychosis. If I was Loki's lawyer, which I'm not, I would say he was experiencing temporary insanity (a type of psychosis sort of) at the end of Thor 1.
But here's the thing, even if Loki wasn't really aware that what he was doing was wrong - did he still hurt the people around him? Yes. He did. Thor will carry lifelong mental scars from that fight. So to me, it's a gray area. Loki may not have understood what he was doing was wrong per se, but Thor was still hurt anyway. And this is not, in any way, a trade-off. Thor has hurt Loki in the movie, so Loki gets one free pass for all that he did to Thor? No. Not how this works. You don't get to hurt someone just because they hurt you. Like that works in fiction as motivation because it's fiction. Thor was hurt, and Loki was hurt. Their relationship is a mess and that was the point of the movie. They both hurt each other.
In the Avengers, Loki's official, MCU given body count may be 80-160ish people, but what about injuries? Mental trauma in the aftermath? Grieving loved ones? That's a minimum of 1000+ people affected.
And here's a not-so-secret secret: I don't think Loki was mind controlled in A1. I don't.
I know MCU has said Loki was being influenced by the scepter, but what does that even mean? They've never explained and Loki doesn't behave the same way that Clint or co did when they were mind-controlled. The scepter clearly has WEIRD effects on people, but what that means for Loki is ?????? They've never explained that further than a couple of sentences and before I accept this as being like canon-canon, I have to know what that means.
I will happily die on the hill that he was tortured by Thanos -- you will pull that from my dead, rotting fingers -- and that is a type of coercion that would absolve a lot of guilt, but I do and don't think Loki bares some responsibility for the invasion. I don't know. It's a gray area. I like the idea that Loki was tortured and then he agreed to attack New York to escape it. Mostly because I'm not afraid to wrap characters in darkness. I think Loki is allowed to have done something awful to escape something equally awful. Gray area. I'm not afraid to poke at the gray area.
But the thing is? Even if Loki 100% absolutely bares blame for Thor 1 and Avengers 1, canon matters very little to me in MCU anymore. They haven't given me anything I was happy to accept into my personal canon since Infinity War. I write fics with whatever now. I characterize Loki off of OG Loki and will continue to do so until I die, sometimes I put in that he was mind-controlled, more often than not I don't. I write Loki as a good person who did an awful thing to escape a worse thing that defines the rest of their existence but they're still trying to be a good person anyway. When I engage with Thor 1, I write Loki as having gone through a massive psychosis, but still having hurt Thor. I write Thor and Loki's relationship as both of them having hurt the other but still willing to burn down worlds for each other. Y'know, just a tad (lot) unhealthy. (But in a fun way because this is fiction and no one is hurt by it). Like my version of canon is slightly detached from canon and I know that, but like? I don't care. No one cares? Do you know the amount of comments I've gotten about a character being ooc in the last 1-2 years in MCU?
Because what even is canon at this point? I could write Loki as literally anything and there would be a canon justification for it because Loki's canon characterization is such a mess now that there's no "correct" version of him anymore.
Like guys -- I write about Hela being a good sister. Do you think canon backs that? Absolutely not. Do I care? No?????? no I don't. She, Thor, and Loki are the best siblings in my heart and I will continue to write about that despite what canon says.
Once I let go of the idea that every character I like is secretly a 100% moral human being who is free of any guilt or terrible things, it relieved a lot of guilt and expectations I have for the characters. One of my main characters in my original book series has a body count in the actual millions and I absolutely adore them, okay? Because it's fiction. No one is hurt by me liking this character. I'm not going to start advocating for death. I've liked Loki since I was 15, and I didn't grow up to be a murderer. Honestly, now I kind of prefer the little bit of darkness because redemption stories are just my Thing TM. I love, love taking the dark or dark-adjacent characters and then dragging them into a found family against their will.
So I don't need Loki to be free of all guilt in order to like him. But I'm also happy to explore the idea that he is because it's fun either way. Darkness or less darkness, he's still just Loki.
(That's why I'm having fun with the Loki season 2. Because to me it's like a fic that took one interpretation of what happened and rolled with it. Because canon is whatever at this point. Loki in the series did attack New York by choice. Does that strictly agree with canon of A1? No. Absolutely not. They're ignoring so much, but the series isn't about that event specifically even as much as I wish it WAS, it's about Loki's relationship with the other characters. Idk. It's complicated.)
Fics are often a love letter to canon, an exploration/extension of what canon is, but other times they're someone looking at canon and going "WHY." and then rewriting it. I'm in the latter part now. I used to be the former, but MCU is just. MCU now. So I kind of looked at Loki and Thor, took a cookie cutter to both of them and then left with that. There's still other dough, but I don't care about it.
So yes I hold him accountable. And no. And kind of both?
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WHY ILLUMINATION SHOULD Turn The Sing movies into a series (episodes) or a graphic novel series
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(Sorry if it's to long I just need to write what I think)
I love the sing movies as much as the next person, its probably one of illuminations best franchises. As much as I lobe the movies and the main characters, I wish they would explain their backstories before meeting buster, And with the third one in development, I'm hoping they do just that. But what if they don't. Well that's what I keep asking myself, how they could show the audience the characters stories or their lives, after and before. Well I've come up with an idea on that. I have 2 possibilities a series (episodes) or a graphic novel series.
Here let me explain what they could do and why.
A series (episodes):
If the writers don't have time to make movies for sing, they can(could) make a series to show what the characters are doing and their development or introduce new characters in the story. And also talk about their life and things that have happened during the movies. It could also have side stories or parts 1 or 2 episodes to see what each character and storyline is doing, and also help character traits be developed in a character, see what their relationship with each other is like, and even help bring in new songs to the show and have each character show their skills. And most importantly answer questions each movie leaves about, and explain things that happened before.
Graphic novels:
We can learn about the characters and their backstories and new characters that might not be mentioned in the movies (or series) And they can address serious topics like death of a loved one more seriously and it can mainly focus on one character and their past and how it happened. And most importantly it would save illumination a lot of time and keep people from asking or waiting for something to happen. And if the characters have a dark backstory, and the people at home don't have to complain that anything risky is put it on theaters or TV and get complaints about it on what their viewers are watching. And ok it's not like animation studios haven't done anything like that. I mean look at Disney & pixar, they've done things parents might not agree with, or things that might scare kids, or done things that people should discuss or things that shouldn't be hard to tell kids and DreamWorks has been doing those things for years it wouldn't surprise me if Illumination did that to. Not that I have a problem with it, I'm glad that animation movie studios are having characters be or talk about things that make them feel real, like family drama, discrimination, Sexuality, mental health, depression, trauma, etc. And like most animation Companies who have not recently but not too long ago have Done these things to give "life" and personality to the characters, but because of the backlash and criticism that that many entertainment studios have gotten, (like Disney and pixar) studios have taken less risks and been struggling with either doing what critic's want and certain audiences want, or doing risks and doing what another certain audience wants or the other way, and if Illumination is worried about taking a risk of any of those things I mentioned, and are afraid that a franchise will be be ruined or canceled because of it, they should make a graphic novel series to explain things or to continue it. There are so many things I would like to say about entertainment studios and criticism and backlash they could get, or the unfair criticism their movies can get, but I'll save that for another post.
Anyway That's my opinion, but what's yours? Answer in the poll and if you have your reasons or opinions comment on what you think, If you don't let my opinion that's okay.
And when the votes have been done, I'll explain more about it.
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felassan · 1 year
Snippets/speculation etc of interest from Mark Darrah part 2 (in parts due to Tumblr character limits. Part 1 link), from his co-stream of The Game Awards, under a cut due to length:
"[BioWare] did have a trailer just 4 days ago [the new cinematic], it was a trailer that wouldn't have gotten, Geoff would not have put that on TGA, so it was too small for TGA and too big to be [inaudible]". He said it would have been a lot at one time to show the new cinematic on DA Day, Absolution releasing and to be at TGA. On why that video was chosen, he said probably because it was done, or close to done
When another game was announced and gave a date in its announcement during the world premieres, he said "Yeah, see, they're literally dating and announcing at the same time, Dragon Age might be thinking of doing the same thing"
When asked in chat "​does this mean we're getting DA:D in 2024 tops? Not even late 2023?" he said "no, it doesn't mean that, it means they're keeping their options open and they're just planning to spend their money over their summer, like they're just compressing their marketing so they can have a louder campaign, it doesn't mean anything. It means you're not gonna see it [it's not going to release] in the summer [of 2023], but you were never gonna see it in the summer. 'Cause they have one more big beat. They could drop a big trailer at E3, that's June, if they come out in November that's still tons of time. We'll see something from them in the summer, unless something goes horribly wrong they would have to do something in the summer. I still think they're targeting November 2023, like, eleven months from now. They would do it [push to 2024 if they had to], their financial year ends at the end of March, but the reason they would delay it is for quality reasons, EA wouldn't push it for any other reason"
He said "I don't know, but I doubt DA:D will have a multiplayer at all". Chat asked "the mandate from EA to make DA4 MP when you were running it, did you think it would eventually shape up and work, or was it a bad idea from the start?" and he said "it could have worked, but it was the right choice to move away from it. [...] It could have been made to work, there was work yet to be done there and definitely there wasn't perfect alignment on it. [...] The team wasn't really on-board with multiplayer so it would've been uphill. If the team doesn't wanna do it, it's basically a virtual impossibility to get them to do it effectively and make it good"
He doesn't think the temporal gap between DA:I and DA:D matters really, if the game is good, though "you're definitely not building on momentum. It's a standing start, for sure". "2016 was the best time to release another Dragon Age, but after 2016 you largely lost that moment". Mass Effect is going to have the same situation obviously - "there's enough time between them. [though] it can actually work in your favor because you don't have any drag either"
When asked in chat "wonder if BioWare could have afforded to release DA spin offs in between DA:I and DA:D. Heck why not have some other studio make something? Lack of resources?" he said "EA doesn't like spending money"
"RPGs are expensive and they take a long time". "Probably we need to get used to long development times, but I do think the industry knows, we haven't figured out a way out the other side yet. I think the answer is more true sequels and more [asset] reuse, but there is an active [gaming] community backlash against that sort of thing, so". Not reusing assets much between DA games has happened "for stupider reasons than concern about fan backlash" though
"You just have to treat Frostbite with respect. BioWare has not built upon itself [re: Frostbite] as effectively as it could have unfortunately"
When asked in chat "what did the Dragon Age 'finalling team' do in Mass Effect: Andromeda?" he said "lots of things. The DA team helped shipped ME:A, they came up pretty late, helped with triage, helped with bug-fixing, some level, I think one level was made by that team"
The Alpha phase is much later than two years out from release
"I don't know what it's gonna be like playing DA:D [himself], because there will definitely be stuff in there that was there when I was working on it, so it'll be really weird, I think"
He's not covered by any NDA from BioWare about any upcoming news, but he doesn't ask them for things that he wouldn't want to talk about, because otherwise they would stop telling him things
One of his pitches for Joplin was "no DLC and to make another game in 18 months"
Expansions and DLCs are things you can have devs working on while you're waiting for the next franchise to pick them up. When asked in chat "​why were DAI DLCs so short compared to games like The Witcher 3 DLC? Any reason in particular?" he said that the DA DLCs were trying to be more focused, while The Witcher 3 DLCs were stretching up towards expansion packs and CDPR had/has different terminology for things like patch vs DLC vs expansion pack
When asked in chat "has the origin of the Blight plot been modified since DA:O or did the team stick with the original vision?" he said "the idea is always to leave those threads as open as possible so that they can be tied into a lot of different places, so. Broad strokes are still the same, yeah"
"If we don't see DA:D today we won't see it til EA Play or E3, because that would be as late as you could go in date for pre-orders. I doubt we would see anything between now and then, anything like a trailer at least"
Mark and Matthew Goldman were working together on the DA:D teaser trailer from 2018. "More Matt than me, because I was already taking over Anthem at that point". Mark's talked a few times to Matt since he left BioWare. Matt was only on Twitter because of his role in BioWare and is still in game development
For voice acting in DA, Kate Mulgrew became expensive after Orange is the New Black (which released in 2013)
When chat said "I think it would be a bit late to change DA4 based on Absolution's reception" he said "they wouldn't change it based on its reception but they could change their positioning"
When chat said "maybe they want to give some time between showing Absolution and the trailer for DA:D just in case, since new fans may judge DA:D by Absolution" he said "yeah, that's the thing, they might be holding, they might be keeping some powder dry in case, if Absolution stinks they have something to, a palate cleanser. I think that's reasonable thinking"
[source, part 1]
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katareyoudrilling · 3 months
Hi Kat! For your ask game 🍓 (or dealer's choice if you already got that one!)
Hi Jess! I haven't gotten this one and I love this story! I'm going to give you the full long version... lol
I guess you could say it started when I had my first orgasm at age 34. Is that what you were expecting? lol
That started a chain of events over the next several years that included a final deconstruction of my conservative evangelical purity culture upbringing. I got really mad and also really determined to own my sexuality, which meant exploring my sexuality in a way I never had before.
Thankfully for me, my husband came along with me on this journey. I am very aware it could have gone a different way. So in our exploration we tried a role-playing script or two. It was a lot of fun, but the writing...wow... left a lot to be desired. I wondered if I could do better. It is now the summer of 2020 and I watched The Mandalorian season 1. What happens next isn't going to be what you expect...
I noticed the name Richard Ayoade in the credits for the droid Z. I remembered his name from The IT Crowd, which I love. I had never done the celebrity obsession thing, but I fell HARD. And I decided to write about him. I had never written anything before and I didn't know about fan fiction yet. I had a lot of fun with it!
At the end of 2020, one of my dear dear friends watched Mando season 2 (as did I) and became obsessed with Pedro. She decided she was going to drag me into the Pedro pit with her and started sending me interview clips and photo shoots and youtube videos etc etc etc. I dutifully watched and found him utterly charming, but I didn't get it, until one day I did. After that, she told me a story about someone in her past who Pedro reminded her of. She thought it might be good fodder for a story. It was and I wrote it over the next 6 months or so. You can read it here.
I found I really enjoyed writing romance, but my friends could only read so much. Knowing that I was enjoying writing, my dear dear friend pointed me to tumblr and the existence of fan fiction. I started reading in the fall of 2021. There came a point where I couldn't just consume without telling the authors how amazing their work was, so I made a tumblr of my own in January 2022. I didn't intend to write anything of my own, but I was so inspired by everyone's stories that of course I had to try for myself. And that's how I posted my first fan fic almost exactly 2 years ago!
Thanks for reading my very long story. I hope I actually answered the question! lol
Writer truth or dare
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hepbaestus · 2 months
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Ello hep!! Congrats on 250 <3
For your ask game!!
Ello shen!!! I hope you've been well! <3
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
I always find this type of question difficult, but I think dependable, resilient, introverted and genuine are good words to describe myself. I've gotten better at being these things over the years but they still hold true to who I am (or at least what I hope others see and know me as).
🖤 favourite hobbies outside of your blog?
I don't really have many hobbies (I have a lot of abandoned hobbies though) but taking photos and playing pc games are two hobbies of mine that I enjoy a lot! I want to branch out and do more like pottery painting and flintknapping, I've done them both before and want to do more of, but money ;-;
✈️ favourite place you've travelled?
I've not really travelled much (or at least have some memory of it) but I have to say Wales! I went to Wales, almost 2 years ago now, to climb Snowdon and it was so pretty!
Here are just a few of the photos that I took during the car ride/climb up so that you can see just how pretty it was.
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🍐if you could make one character real, who would it be?
Oooooo there's so many! Shen, why would you do this to me? /lh
I think I would make Newt from the Maze Runner trilogy real. Either him or Dean Winchester from Supernatural. I think it'd be interesting to see how they'd live their lives, like, would Dean have become a firefighter like he was applying to be before he died or would he go into another profession?
🌝 a show you would recommend to everyone.
BBC Merlin. I have a lot of fond memories of just having finished eating tea (evening meal, whatever you may call it) and sitting in the lounge and watching an episode once a week. Also if I had to suffer through the 2012 Christmas Eve episode finally then so do you :)
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it important?
The best gift that I've ever been given was a little hand-sewn felt cat-like creature from a long-time irl friend of mine! She gave it to me a fair few years back now and I made sure to keep it when I was going through a rough patch of life™.
It's actually sitting on my desk right now, looking at me as I game or do anything on my laptop. It fits perfectly in my hand and whenever I feel homesick I look at it and it feels like I have a piece of her with me even though we're 200+ miles away from each other and it makes me smile.
If she sees this (which I doubt with how much I post), she is a moot of mine here, I hope she knows that I love her and miss her. I haven't been home since Christmas so maybe soon I'll plan a trip back home.
Ask game!!
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woman-respecter · 3 months
hi i want to chime in with my own bestie breakup story! i didn't for a while because i didn't think it would contribute anything, but then i remebered it was initially a 3 way breakup BUT i was able to make up with one of them.
so my first two years of college i had 2 really close friends in my major, though i was closer to one of them, Jane, than the other, Kate. we would do pair assignments and stuff together, trading off who had to work with a rando. sophomore spring was the first time all 3 of us worked on a project together (with a 4th, Other). i was having some mental health issues that semester and was working on my end of the project pretty slowly. Jane and Other both asked me if i wanted help, but i assured them i could finish in time, and they didn't press it, so i thought we were cool. cut to a week before the project is due, my part is basically done except some integrations with my groupmates parts. i try to ask them questions but they don't really respond until i find out 2 days before the assignment is due that they'd gone to the professor behind my back and asked to do a back up project because they were worried i wouldn't finish. and they'd switched their focus over completely to the backup, leaving me hanging. the worst part for me wasn't that they thought i couldn't finish (it's just homework who cares), but that they thought so poorly of me as a friend that they genuinely believed i would let *them* fail the project because of me.
i was pretty wrecked, that summer (and whole following year really) i was extremely paranoid of all my frienships. i tried talking to Jane when we got back but both of us were adamant in our positions, which sucked because our lives were still pretty entangled otherwise. Kate i didn't talk to at all in the fall, but we had a class together in the spring and she would say hi when she saw me. and then one day she mentioned she'd been in my hometown over winter break and i got so sad because i realized how much fun we could have had if we were still friends. so i texted her asking if we could talk because i missed her but i was also still mad. as soon as we sat down she apologized for what had happened and said she'd known they were in the wrong the whole time and she'd spent all year wanting to reach out but being afraid of how i'd respond. and just like that we put it behind us. senior year we even risked doing an assignment together again. (it went well!)
i know this is long lol but. i haven't gotten over my friend breakup with Jane, and it's possible i never will. this was 7 years ago, mind you. but patching things up with Kate repaired all my shattered confidence and made me realize that i am redeemable and worthy of having close frienships. we wouldn't have made up if that wasn't the case. and honestly her and Jane's friendship faded pretty naturally once we were no longer a trio but she and i still hang out when we're in the same town which is extra vindicating.
i hope all of your sakes that you find somebody like Kate, who makes you realize your friendship is worth fighting for. it changed my life, truly.
i’m so glad you were able to patch things up with kate! salvaging 50% of a breakup is pretty good all things considered lol
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carewyncromwell · 9 months
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Just because they've been in my sketchbook a long while and I haven't done anything with them since they didn't really turn out the way I wanted...here are a few unfinished doodles I've done over the last year!
Starting with the top left, we have Carewyn and Merman!Orion, as referenced in that one short Mermay AU I did a year ago with Carewyn as a performer on Coney Island --
In the midst of Carewyn singing this song, however, the other four members of the Circle of Khanna were startled to realize that the Manta – who’d been curled up out of sight in the tank at the far corner of the stage – had actually gotten up off the ground and floated up to the top of the tank, sticking his head out above the water and resting it down on his arms perched on the edge of the tank so he could listen. His eyes had even drifted closed while Carewyn was singing, as if relaxing. And when Carewyn stopped singing and actually looked up at him, his black eyes softened noticeably, and he nodded slowly and approvingly.
On the top right, we have an unfinished 10-year-old!Jacob, 2-year-old!Carewyn, and the old Bach family cat Ella under the Christmas tree, as referenced in this one short fic I did earlier this year around Father's Day --
As Jacob told the story [of Hansel and Gretel], he took every opportunity he could to make Carewyn laugh, putting on his best imitation of his snippy English teacher when reading for the woodcutter’s wife and a cackling, “old-lady” voice for the witch. It entertained both Carewyn and Jacob greatly. Carewyn liked the first story so much that Jacob went on to read two more – Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella – after which Carewyn started to nod off. Her head drooped down onto her brother’s shoulder, and Jacob smiled fondly down at her before, taking care to avoid Ella the cat, he slid both himself and his little sister out from under the tree and scooped her up so he could carry her upstairs to bed. The old Siamese cat proceeded to follow Jacob and Carewyn upstairs, only breaking off once Jacob had put Carewyn to bed and closed the door.
Next, on the bottom left, we have Jacob's usual look while working as a barman for the Three Broomsticks, as referenced in this drabble I set during Carewyn's seventh year. (I didn't finish this one because seriously, Jacob, your muscled arms will be the death of me.)
The bottom middle obviously is Ghost-Bride!Carewyn from my Haunted Mansion AU, featuring the infamous clock featured in the original ride -- I'd been visiting Disneyland on one of my days off work that day, and while re-riding the Haunted Mansion (my personal favorite ride), I started drawing her in the queue and then finished her up while eating lunch at the Golden Horseshoe. I actually got a few families looking over my shoulder both in the line and at the restaurant watching me work, which made me blush! XD
And finally, thanks to some asks and prompts earlier this year making me remember how much I love him, the bottom right is my Marauder Era boy Ed Rosier and his OTL Regulus Black, back in their school days. Ed's face claim is Sebastian Stan, and when Ed was young, he used to dye his hair blond the way Seb has in some of his lesser-known non-Marvel-associated films (such as I'm Not Here). Ed did this as to better set himself apart from his older brother Evan, who Ed was constantly confused for, due to the two brothers' strong visual similarity, as well as constantly overshadowed by. It was only after losing Regulus, being disowned by his family, and learning of his brother's death that Ed went back to his natural hair color, making him much more resemble Seb as Bucky Barnes. Regulus's inspiration for this sketch was everyone's favorite fancast for him, Timothee Chalamet, even if personally I imagined Regulus having straight hair and looking much more like Skandar Keynes while originally reading the books.
Much love, all! Hugs and kisses! xoxo
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Tagged by @batrachised. Thank you!
1-How many works do you have on AO3?
102. We will not discuss the number of fics posted on the ff.net account I maintained in high school.
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
298,956. Lower than I would have expected, actually. My longfic days were primarily, again, in high school, so on AO3 it's mostly shorter one-shots.
3-What fandoms do you write for?
Currently on a Blue Castle kick. Previously my main fandom was Les Mis, mostly bookverse, and prior to that I spent a decade or so as a Harry Potter girl. I have dabbled in other things, but none of them deeply enough for me to consider them actual fandoms that I am in.
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In the darkest time of year -- Hadestown, post-canon. I believe this is also the fic with the most notes on tumblr.
The Black Sheep and the Mad Muggleborn: a love story -- HP, post-canon. I really liked writing this one and, like all my HP work, now have deeply conflicted feelings about it.
And I could be enough -- Power Rangers 2017, character study. I only wrote 2 fics for this movie and I adore them both so much.
Stormforged -- ASOIAF, alternate ending. This was written for Femslash February and represents the sum total amount of time I have spent thinking about ASOIAF since reading the first four books in a week during standardized testing week back in high school.
We rose with voices ringing -- HP, alternate post-canon. Can you tell I default to song lyric titles a lot and also enjoy musicals?
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I am trying to be better about this! For a long time I didn't because I hated everything I wrote the moment I published it and the only way I could publish at all was to throw a fic out the door and never think of it again.
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You know, I'm not sure. I haven't done full on angst in a long time. Probably either Waiting for sunrise (LM) or With nothing to remember (also LM). Honorable mention goes to Real in its consequences (still LM) which exists solely to take a ridiculous premise seriously.
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's new and still my beautiful child, so this one goes to Ties That Bind, Bonds That Strengthen (TBC).
Oh! Honorable mention to The title of citizen (LM Animates-verse). It's... it just has to be read to be understood, tbh.
8-Do you get hate on fics?
Not since the old aforementioned high school era ffn account, where I once got flamed for writing het. Ah, the good old days. (It wasn't even endgame het, lol.)
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope. I've played with some fade to black and a couple, like, sensuous bed scenes, but I find it boring to read so I don't write it.
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have come to love crossovers, honestly. I like putting characters into Situations. Can't think of any particularly crazy ones though.
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've ever found or been told about, although realistically with how much I've written and how long I've been doing it I'm sure there are some out there.
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, but I can't off the top of my head remember which ones, unfortunately.
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I am a dreadful co-writer. I will, however, build a world with you at the drop of a hat. Shout out to @steelplatedhearts for the PoTC mermaid worldbuilding we did years and years ago that I still think about fondly.
14-What's your all-time favourite ship?
It varies. Right now unfortunately it's the two leads from the Forbidden Hugs story, which is unfinished original fiction. Fandom wise, I still like me some Logic and Philosophy.
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Anything started earlier than this year, unfortunately.
16-What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have gotten decent at having an entertaining narrative voice without it being too distracting.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot? What plot? Plot is when people sit in rooms and have conversations about their feelings, right? What do you mean Events must occur? I'm calling my manager, this doesn't sound right at all.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Mostly feels needlessly pretentious, honestly. I don't know if I've ever really even considered it.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
HP, starting at age, oh, 14 or so.
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
Again, Ties That Bind is still my beloved child, but I have a huge soft spot for both Power Rangers (2017) fics. Oh, and underdog fav status to Never go anywhere, never see anyone, the nichest of niche crossovers where Mary Bolkonskaya befriends doesn't-even-get-a-canonical-first-name Aunt Gillenormand.
Tagging @lemeute, @manyswarmsofbees, @amarguerite, @ohhgingersnaps
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bagheerita · 9 months
2, 13, 22, 24, 37 ❤️️
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
Kind of a combination... I don't really "plan" chapters, but I usually start a story with a destination in mind and a general idea of the things that need to happen to get the characters to that point. So for each chapter I do tend to start with a list of "items XYZ need to happen here" and then they just sort of unfold in the way that feels best (and I surprise myself when Y takes a chapter and a half lol)
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
I'm not sure I know what writing tips are common... and I'm not sure that I follow anything. But I feel like common advice, that I know I've given, is to write for yourself, and I feel like I've gotten better at that lately. I used to be way more conscientious about making sure I wrote characters IC, or that I adhered to canon events. But lately I've been more indulgent about trying to turn my crazier ideas into actual fics. It's been fun.
 22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Not much. If there's something I haven't done, it's probably because I haven't had time or inspiration to try it out yet. More of a "I haven't had an idea worth writing yet" rather than "I won't write this." I like trying new and different things, such as POVs, styles, and tropes. Most of the things that I would not write are things that I don't read, so they are things that I forget exist so I'm not sure what they are, if that makes sense? There are certain kinks that are just YKINMKATOK, so I'm not going to write that. The big thing that would be something I would never write is: I like happy endings, so I'm never going to write a fic with a completely depressing ending.
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
I have a really bad memory for things that I don't find useful (i have a bad memory just in general lol), so if I ever got bad advice I think I forgot it... I think the worst "advice" I ever got was a lack of advice/critique when it was asked for. Several years ago I asked a friend for her comments on something I'd written and her only comment was "It was great." I'm glad she enjoyed reading the story, but I was really needing something more eviscerating- I needed someone to point to the thing I already knew was wrong with the story and help me figure out what that thing's name was so I could fix it.
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
This is one of those highly subjective things where "its done when I know its done." I tend to prefer shorter chapters both because I feel like it makes the story flow better and because it gets the chapter posted sooner.  But the main thing is that the chapter needs to accomplish what it needs to accomplish, and it only ends when it's done.  What a chapter needs to accomplish can be very subjective too, but if it's a multi pov fic the chapter tends to end when that character has done and said everything they need to do before the next chapter switches to another pov. For a single pov fic a chapter is usually marked by an event or emotional turning point that I feel like I need to achieve, and whenever that's done the rest of the chapter is just whatever window dressing I feel like I want to add. 
Thank you so much for the asks!!! ❤❤
Join the Ask Game!
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plothooksinc · 10 months
fic writer meme: 2, 3, 9, 25?
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Ahh, nope? Nope, not really. If my brain goes "but what is this idea" I then go and write that idea, so inasmuch as I think in terms of tropes (I don't, usually, I look at my writing after the fact and go "oh this contains tropes A B and C" but I've never sat down to go "Imma write a trope") if I have a desire to write it I've already written it. That being said, that doesn't mean there are tropes I haven't done that I will not do in the future! They'll just kind of happen organically at some point I guess.
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Almost certainly! (Though I wonder if tropes is really the right word for the meme maker, honestly...) Um, I don't find any trope in itself awful gross and off limits, but I'd find more than a few either in my list of "I'm not interested in writing this" or "I am not capable of writing this", and anything even vaguely smut related goes into both categories. There are likely a whole bunch that are not smut related that I also wouldn't write, but I don't have the awareness to know what those might be off the top of my head. (this does not include romance, FYI, I'm quite happy to write that, but I generally only write very specific kinds of that, too, because I'm allergic to anything that gets syrupy).
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Snowblind, without a doubt. "I've got a great idea! Let's take two people who hate each other and ditch them in the middle of the Japanese countryside in winter!" Did I know anything about Japanese countryside, winter, snow and blizzard survival? I'm Australian. Nope. Had I ever written chapters that were 99% description of bitter harsh conditions? Nope. Did I spend hours researching for nearly every paragraph I wrote of chapter 2? Yup. About the only thing I knew was that you could use animal grease to protect your extremities from the cold, and the rest was ferocious research the entire way through, lmao. (Me, a year ago: how...to...survive...an...avalanche...) That being said, Snowblind is also one I'm pretty proud of for the exact same reasons, I had to work for this one.
25. What do you look for in a beta?
Someone who has a good grasp of writing themselves and I know has very similar views to me on the source material. My first fic went un-betaed because I didn't know anyone in fanfiction land, until I hit about chapter 15-ish and developed enough of a rapport with one of my readers that we were talking offline and she agreed to help out. Legacy went unbeta-ed for the most part for the same reasons (new to TMNT fanfiction). I made an exception to the rule for Underdark because I'd gotten like.... 50 pages in before I started posting but I wasn't sure if the story worked, so I asked on LJ if anyone would be willing to help out and got two offers, so I took them both. Sometimes I need a beta before I have the courage to post, ahaha.
When I started writing NRFTW I knew exactly who to go to because we have incredibly similar opinions on TMNT and their characterisation and have known each other and RPed with each other for years, so I just popped on to discord out of the blue and said HEY PI and she said YES GIMME and so I have latched onto @shadowbends for all things TMNT related and she's an excellent writer no matter what she says (I still have a spray bottle, Pi) and has been invaluable on the way through. ♥ So. You know. Find a person you can work with as a partner and go for it.
Thank you for the questions!
Meme for Fic Writers here.
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