#i basically woke up at 7 to go to school
justanobsessedpan · 28 days
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"Well? What does it say?"
"I know you're feeling shitty..."
"I am being tortured by the non-existent gods."
"Yeah, but it's barely 37°C."
Hi sweeties...I'm sick so some Sicklock for you. Be well my Bubbles <3<3
@totallysilvergirl @helloliriels @dontfuckmylifewtf @sussexinchelsea @loki-lock @topsyturvy-turtely @matixsstuff @ohlooktheresabee @boredsushi @ohmrshudsontookmyskull @nathan-no @astudyin221b @oetkb12 @psychosociogentleman @darkkitty1208 @zira-and-crowley @beesholmes @mydogwatson @liv-olive-oliver @tiverrr @peanitbear @sunshineinyourmind @a-victorian-girl @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes
(If I somehow missed you or you want to be tagged, just tell me!)
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strawberrysturniolo · 3 months
never grow up part eight
summary: after their break up, a drunken text from chris sends their friendship spiraling yet again
part 7 part nine
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Chris’ POV
I got invited to a party tonight. It’s some celebration for a certain YouTuber I’ve never met before, but a party is a party when it comes to LA. It never really matters who they are, but getting invited is enough. 
I dressed in a black hoodie, dark pants, and a white beanie pulled over my head, concealing the long hair I have yet to cut. 
I haven’t talked to Sunny since the break up. It’s weird to even call it that considering our entire relationship was long distance. I don’t even know if I can count it as a real relationship, but I know she would, so I don’t want to be the asshole who doesn’t see things the same way. 
The worst part about all of this is the fact that there’s no one I want more than her. It’s always been that way, and it’s never going to change. It’s always been her, and the fact that we’re on opposite sides of the country makes this all so unfair.
The love we have for each other has always been so strong, and I thought we could handle anything. I thought distance wouldn’t be so bad. We would work hard, and our determination would show how much we love each other. We would have to fight for it and prove to the other person that we wanted it, and I know we both did.
So why did it have to go this way?
I want to reach out and ask her how she is. I started to, but she left me on read. Petty little actions from her side of things that made me think I would never be able to get through to her. 
I know she’s upset, and I can’t blame her, but my intentions were there. I knew it would only get harder, and I needed to end it before it would have made the breakup worse. I love her so much, she knows that. It’s like she’s trying to convince herself otherwise so she doesn’t come back to me.
Above all, I just want my best friend back.
We used to be able to talk about everything. Hell, I knew what fucking tampons she used because she would send me out to get them when we were in high school and she couldn’t leave the fetal position in her bed from her cramps hurting her so badly. 
I knew what time of the year was her least favorite and how to cheer her up so she didn’t struggle for months. I knew how she liked her food so I could make sure the order was perfect for her when we would go through a drive-thru.
This was all so unfair, but I need her to work with me, and she refuses. 
I followed my brothers to the Uber and sat silently in the backseat behind the driver with my phone tucked in my pocket. I felt like an idiot for checking the notification every time it vibrated. I hoped it would be her, but it never was. 
Like an absolute idiot, I text her again, surely making a fool of myself. 
Me: Can you let me know you’re okay?
I tuck my phone back into my pocket and pull it back out when I feel it vibrate again. 
Progress has been made, because she read it, and reacted to the message.
I have to remind myself that it’s something when I see the thumbs up tacked to the top of my message to her. While it’s not much, it’s something and I have to be grateful for that. 
I met up with some of my friends at the party, all of whom were waiting for me to arrive with shot glasses in their hands. I don’t bother asking what the drink of choice is before I throw it back, letting it burn my throat and make me choke on a cough. 
Without getting a chance to ask for a drink, a different cup is shoved in my hand. I take a sip and purse my lips in disgust at the shitty beer they bought for this party. Once again, I remind myself to be grateful, because at least something is going to be getting me drunk tonight. 
It doesn’t take much to get me drunk tonight. I woke up late as usual and hadn’t eaten until we arrived here, and the only food I’ve put in my body are small snack plates that are arranged on a large table. Crackers, cheese, and pieces of pepperoni. Basically a fucking lunchable pack scattered across a charcuterie board. 
The same girl keeps bringing me drinks. She wants to get me drunk, and I know why. She knows what she’s doing, and even though I do too, I don’t bother telling her to go away. I’m known for being a piece of shit at the last minute when I could’ve prevented all of this. That became obvious with me and Sunny, right? 
She has dark makeup covering her eyes, and the lighting only makes it harder to see her face. Not to mention I’m tipsy and my vision is starting to go out. She reaches for my hand, the one not holding an almost empty beer, and she places it on her shoulder. I play with the strap of her tight dress while she pulls herself closer to me. She wraps her arms around my own, holding herself at my side, making me wonder if I’ve said anything to invite this arrangement that I’ve already forgotten about. 
Once my friends walk away from us, she raises herself on her feet to whisper in my ear. 
“Do you want to go somewhere?”
I furrow my brows, sipping the rest of my drink. “Not really.”
She pouts her dark red lips at me. “Why not?”
I set my empty cup down and lean against a table. “I can’t even see straight right now. You could be a dude in a wig for all I know.”
She laughs a bit at me, but I’m not making jokes. She takes both my hands and traces the curves of her body with them. “Does that prove anything to you?”
A shiver goes up my arms as I feel her body. My head feels like a fucking bowling ball. My legs are frozen but somehow also feel like they’re about to give out. My eyes can’t stay open, I’m starting to wobble, but when I fall forward, she catches me. 
“I got you,” she whispers, holding me carefully. 
“Where are my brothers?” I ask quietly, unable to speak any louder without feeling like I’m going to projectile vomit. 
She looks around the hall we’re in. “Maybe they’re occupied too.”
I shake my head. “No. Take me to them. I have to find my brothers.”
She goes to argue with me, and yeah, she’s hot, but she’s not who I want. 
I push myself off of her and struggle to stand. I look like an idiot when I try to walk away. I’m falling into people and trying to open my eyes enough to see either of my siblings. I almost make it to Matt when my body collides into someone else’s. I would’ve been sent through the floor if they hadn’t caught me.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Nick curses at me through gritted teeth. “You look a fucking mess. You’re embarrassing all of us.”
I look up at him and can’t control the way my chin is shaking. I can’t do this right now in front of everyone. 
“She’s never going to talk to me again.”
Nick’s face softens. He wraps an arm around me and takes me to a door that leads us outside. He sits me on the ground and stands in front of me. “Yes, she will. She’s just upset right now.”
I shake my head, tears starting to pour out. “You don’t get it. She’s all I wanted. I fucked it up. I rushed into everything. I went too fast. We could’ve been perfect, Nick–”
“Okay!” he interrupts me. “And maybe you just weren’t. Maybe it wasn’t enough. I mean, fuck, Chris!” he runs his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry that you’re heartbroken, I really am, but you can’t keep burrowing your head under the dirt and moping about the same thing. If she’s not talking to you anymore, then that’s on her. You can’t make her want to come back to you. Just give her time, and she’ll come around if she really wants to. If she doesn’t, she’s not who you thought she was. Either way, you need to get your act together. You can mope in your room, but don’t get trashed here in front of everyone.” 
The words hit me like a fucking knife, cutting me open after every single one. I feel so hurt that I have to check to make sure I’m not actually bleeding out right now. 
I want to kill him for what he said, the way he talked about her, but I’m so weak right now I can’t even move, and by the time I have that strength back in my body, I won’t even remember this interaction.
He sits outside with me and forces me to drink a water, waiting until I’m composed enough to go back inside. 
I let that anger towards Sunny rip through me, because I’m tired of being sad. 
Me: No one is ever going to love you the way I did
Me: I love you more than anyone else and I always will
Sunny’s POV
Needless to say I thought I was going to throw up when I read that message. 
I had barely finished my shift at work, only just clocking out and walking to my car. My bag almost fell out of my hands when I read what he wrote for me.
Chris had been trying to reach out for some time now, but in all honesty, I just needed a break. I needed to get myself back on track and try to piece myself back together after he continued to rip me apart, sew me back together, and rip me apart again. It was exhausting. I was exhausted.
Above all, I love him no matter what our relationship is, so when he texted to make sure I was okay, I of course answered. It may have only been a thumbs up, but it was something, and that’s what he wanted.
No one is ever going to love you the way I did.
Maybe that’s true, but hopefully no one else destroys me like you did too.
I love you more than anyone else and I always will.
Then why did you throw us away?
I let the questions consume me on my drive home, and once I make it to my shower, everything unfolds. I’m a sobbing mess, embarrassed at the control he has over me. I want to scream at him. I want to hate him and never worry about him again.
But he’s the same guy who would ask me if I wanted a Barbie or a Spiderman tattoo when I scraped my knee riding our bikes.
The same guy who would clap my muddy shoes together after we played in the dirt.
The same guy who would wipe my tears when a stupid boy made me cry.
And now he’s that stupid boy, and no one can wipe my tears. 
The next morning I woke up angrier than ever. 
How dare he do this to me. This back and forth and push and shove, I love you, I can’t be with you, but no one will love you like I do bullshit. I’m tired of it. It’s not fair, and it’s damaging to our friendship, which should be what we’re trying to salvage above anything else. 
I’m barely thinking when I reach for my phone and call him. I know he’s probably sleeping, and part of me wants him to wake up and hear me rip him apart for a change, while the other part of me hopes he doesn’t answer so I can say I tried and then never do this shit again.
“Hello?” he groans, his voice a groggy mess. Just as I thought, he’s asleep.
I hate the way my entire body softens at the sound of his voice.
“We need to talk.”
“Right now? he asks. “It’s five in the morning Sun–”
“Do not call me that.”
He sighs. “I get not calling you baby, but now I can’t even call you your nickname?”
“No, Chris, you can’t.”
My tone is clear. I’m a pissed off, worked up mess. He knows that. It’s obvious. 
“What did you call me for then?” 
My throat tightens. Sharp stabs thrash at my flesh, and then I realize the knives I’m picturing at my neck don’t exist. 
My voice breaks slightly, but I cover it up enough. “What the fuck was that text last night?”
He sits up in his bed so fast I can hear the bed shift through the phone. “What text?”
“No one is ever going to love you the way I did, and I love you more than anyone else and I always will,” I enlighten him. “What? You don’t remember!”
He pauses. “Actually… no, I don’t remember.” Silence fills the call. “I was at a party last night. I got drunk, and I texted you. I was busy thinking about how you cut me off entirely after I tried to keep things normal between us, and then while I was drunk I must have had a breakdown and texted you.”
At this point, I’m furious. The words spew out of my mouth before I can think about what I’m saying. 
“Did you have fun fucking another girl while you were thinking about me?” 
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, clearly thinking about if he should throw a comment back at me, or if he should be the mature one for a change. 
“No, Sunny. I didn’t. I was busy sitting outside with Nick drunk off my shit, not thinking straight, trying not to throw up, while I cried over the fact that I thought you hated me and I lost you for good. Was a girl trying to come home with me? Yes. Did I get the fuck away from her because she wasn’t you and no girl will ever fucking be you? Yes, I fucking did.”
Guilt treads through my bloodstream. The snap at him only felt good for a second until he broke the dam that held him together and told me everything he felt about me and him.
“Then why did you break up with me, Chris?” I finally let go and let the tears fall. “Why didn’t you fight for us–”
“I was fighting for you every fucking day, Sunny! Every day! I had to get up every morning and not know when I was going to see my girlfriend. What’s the fun in that?! You and I both know this was the right decision for right now, and if you want to hate me for what I decided to do, then you must not want to be with me in the future, because if I said that I fucking promise that we’ll be together someday, just not now, then that should be enough,” he fires off.
“I’m sorry.”
He inhales deeply, gathering himself again. “Work with me here. I’m promising you that we’re going to make it out of this alright if you just fucking work with me. No more of this back and forth fighting shit. No more of us not hearing the other person out. I want you in my life no matter what it fucking is. Now can you say that you understand and you love me too and that you trust me that this is the right decision so I can go back to bed? I have a hangover, Sunny. Please.”
That’s better than never in a million years. 
“I love you,” I mumble, even though I’m trying to scream it. “And I trust you.”
tag list: @luv4kozume @luverboychris @luvsturniolo @ev3rgreenxtrees @thottie777 @plasticferal @angelworldspost @alluringsturniolo @sturniolho @sturniolopowers @sleepysturnss @sturniolovoid @st7rnioioss @flowerxbunnie @gamermattsgf @christinarowie332 @nicksbf @n6ptunova @bernardenjoyer @bellybumm @mbbsgf @mattsneezing @mattitties @mangoposts @sturniololol @sturnswift @sturniololoverr @sturniolo @sturnioloos @lacysturniolo @sturniol0s @hearts4chris
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Am i the asshole for getting my mom yelled at?
✨🐢✨<—-so I recognize the post
So yesterday, my mom (40F) left me (15F) at home with my siblings. Everything was going fine until I was called to school to help with the report books (my house is one of the nearest) I told my brother (12 M)to take care of our younger siblings (7 F and 2 F), while I went to school. I also told my mom that I was at school, helping my teacher.
I came back around 1:30 pm. My brother was busy playing games with his friends and him & my sisters haven’t eaten lunch yet. So I told my brother to stop playing with his friends for a bit and eat. After I ate, I tried feeding the youngest, but she didn’t want to eat. I, not wanting to deal with her crying (i get angry easily and I don’t like scolding my siblings), didn’t force her, but waited for her to want to eat. I accidentally fell asleep while waiting (I have horrible sleep schedule, so I was tired) and woke up like 3hrs later. I tried feeding my sister, but she still didn’t want to. So I forced her. Then my dad came home and saw that 1)My mom wasn’t home, 2)my sister barely eat anything. He was angry but he didn’t told me.
Anyway, my dad had to go to the hospital (he has a knee injury) and my mom was going to meet him at the hospital. He wasn’t going to bring my youngest sister, but she insisted on coming.
This is where I might be an asshole. As my dad was bringing my sister, I mentioned that she also cried this morning, like, 5 minutes after my mom left. She had previously put my sister to sleep so she doesn’t need to come with her. But she woke up around 5minutes after my mom left, crying because she wanted to come with my mom. I thought he was going to treat it like a grain of salt and forget about it. I was wrong.
My dad basically blew up on my mom bc she “wasn’t taking care of the kids”. My mom got angry at me because I didn’t feed my sister and bc I told my dad about my sister crying, and blamed me for getting yelled at by my dad. She scolded me saying “can’t I have a break for once?!” And “ I wasn’t even gone for a whole day. Just 8.5 hours!”. The thing is, even her friend brought her son (he’s around,like, 4 or smth). That was one of the reason my dad was angry at her. Now my mom isn’t talking to me, and don’t know what to do.
Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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tiredslepz · 7 months
better late than never, right?
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cw: mutual pining, childhood bestfriend! megumi x reader, slight jealousy (from megumi's part), slowwwwww burn, ooc, not proofread
a/n: thank u so much for my first req!! i hope this satisfies u:))
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when you were younger, you and megumi were so close. wherever you went, he would follow. you were practically neighbors, so it wasn't that hard to play together. when you went to the playground, megumi would also be there to play with you, even if he didn't actually like the playground. you two would talk together almost 24/7, sometimes resulting in megumi sneaking out of the house at night. and of course, you enjoyed it very much. megumi was your closest, if not only, friend. he'd always be there for you, comforting you, or protecting you.
even when you grew up, you went to the same middle school, and your friendship had not faltered one bit. sure, you may have moved out from your childhood home, but you still do see megumi every weekday.
as the day went on, you heard from the corners of the hallways that megumi had always been getting into fights. you sighed, then walked over to a nearby bench. you placed down your bags, and decided to relax for a bit. a gentle pat on your shoulder woke you up.
"oh, hey," one of your classmates greeted, looking nervous. you fixed yourself up, then tilted your head instinctively. there was a short silence, until they broke eye contact with you, looking away. "u- um.. here!" they handed you a neatly made letter, and quickly ran away. you seemed puzzled, and decided to leave the letter in your bag before reading it. this was like, the fourth time this month? yet, there was only one person you'd want to receive from.
the next day, you completely forgot about the whole letter. you searched for it in your bag, but it wasn't there. at all. well, it probably got blown away by the wind. there were strong winds when you met up with megumi before class. you shrugged the thought away, and fixed your bag again.
sadly, megumi had started to skip class. it wasn't for the whole class, but when it neared the start of the class, or the end, he'd be gone pretty early. though, after your letter got lost, less and less people had approached you. you got more time to rest, considering all the people bugging you before.
after middle school, you and megumi unfortunately didn't get to go to the same school. that also meant that it would be harder to meet up again. the only connection you had with him was via text. you tried to talk to him everyday, but with all the highschool activities you had, and megumi being busy with all his stuff, the conversations shared between the two of you were short-lived.
well, not until megumi regularly invited you to a cafe near your house, and today was no exception. you dressed up quite nicely to see your one and only childhood bestfriend again, and you entered the cafe with grace. you look around, and saw megumi. you gave him a sweet smile, waved, then walked over to his table. "megumi! it's so good to see you again." you sat on the chair across, and put down your purse.
"it's.. nice to see you too, [name]." he returned the smile, not breaking eye contact. "so, hmm, how're you doing?" your eyes sparkled, smiling at him again. you displayed it quite clearly how happy you were to see megumi again. he hummed softly, then shrugged. "i guess i'm.. okay? nothing too special has happened after our last meetup." you nodded, humming a similar tune.
"that's good! well, good that you're doing okay. maybe not too good on the nothing too special, but um, yeah!" you continued, and megumi smiled in return. he looked around, then his eyes found his way back into yours. "[name], do you remember when we were younger? when we'd basically be together everywhere?" you nodded in response, paying full attention to him. "it's sad we don't meet eachother more often." he added, humming. "you know, [name], you're really pretty."
your eyes widened by the compliment, and you squeak in return. "o- oh? thanks- thank you, 'gumi." you nodded, smiling softly. you hate how your heart beated every so slightly faster after the sudden compliment. you hate how the blood rushed to your cheeks so fast. you also hate how easily the nickname rolled off your tounge. "..you're pretty too, you know." you murmured, not expecting him to hear or even understand what you said.
"huh?" his eyes widened, definitely not breakinf eye contact now. it was one for him to basically confess, but now that you've returned the compliment? that's.. way too much for him. "do you...?" he left the question open to continue, and his eyes only widened more when you nodded. "..yes, i do 'gumi. i like you. for a long time, too." you mumbled shyly.
he didn't say anything for a while, none of you did. it was really scary for you, and you don't even know what was going on in megumi's head.
"i like you too, [name]. maybe even longer than... you did?" he inquired, wanting to know more. it's crazy, extremely crazy, especially crazy to him that this was happening. he had spent years yearning for you, and all along, you felt the same?
you looked back at him, admiring him. his eyes, his mouth, his nose, him. as if memorizing him, you smiled, and looked down at your hands and nodded. "maybe."
he smiled, and reached out for you hand, which you slowly took. he squeezed it tightly, and looked at you in your eyes. "well, better late than never, right?" you chuckled, and nodded in response.
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stranger-stevieee · 2 months
Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
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Summary: As Will Byers' older sister, you have a responsibility to protect him. When you fail, you have to go through the process of getting him back safely. Between fighting inter-dimensional monsters, a girl with superpowers, and getting your brother back, you might just end up falling in love along the way.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Byers!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings (entire series): cursing, angst, gore and violence (in the later seasons), fem!reader, enemies to lover (sorta), any other warnings from the show
November 7, 1983
You woke up to the irritating sound of your alarm going off. Reaching over to the nightstand, you turn it off. Dreading the idea of having to go to school today. 
After getting ready for the day, you head down the hall to the kitchen where you see Jonathan making breakfast and your Mom frantically searching around the house for her keys.
“Good morning,” you say, sitting down at the table
Looking back at you over his shoulder with a small smile on his face, he says, “Morning” 
Mom not replying until her keys are secured in her hand, “Got ‘em! Good morning sweetheart”
Walking over to Jonathan she starts saying her goodbyes before walking over to you.
“Okay, guys, I will see you tonight…where’s Will?”
“Oh, I didn’t get him up yet,” Jonathan explains
Hearing this, you jump up from your seat, a small smile covering your face as you say,  “I’ll wake him, Mom.”
“Thank you, sweetie”
Walking towards Will’s room you can faintly hear mom scolding Jonathan, “You have to make sure he’s up!” “Mom, I’m making breakfast.”
Rolling your eyes playfully you call out, “Will! C’mon, you have to get up for school! You’re gonna be late…” 
Your sentence was cut off by the sight of his messy sheets and empty bed. With a bit of panic, you ran out of the room and back into the kitchen.
“Hey, Mom? Will’s not here…”
“Did he come home last night?” She asks with a concerned expression while you and Jonathan reply with “I don’t know”
Her expression was somewhere between shocked and irritated, “You didn’t check?”
After Jonathan explained that he had worked an extra shift last night, causing him to come home late, Joyce told him that it was a very irresponsible thing to do, and she directed her attention towards you.
“And you?” 
“N-no I was out late last night too. I was working on a project,” you responded
Walking towards the phone she looks back at the both of you and says, “I can’t believe you guys!”
“It’s due today!”
She starts dialing the Wheeler house because that's where Will was last night and figured he might’ve slept over, but when she gets off the phone you can tell something is very wrong.
Your baby brother was missing.
“Okay…uh, I’m gonna go to the police station and see if they could help us in any way. You two stay here and start looking.”
You and Jonathan had searched the whole house, plus the shed until you eventually decide to go into the woods.
As you are about to head out, you get a knock at the door.
Opening it, you see Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, and Dustin Henderson standing there. Will’s best friends.
These boys have been there for him, basically, forever, and over time they have become like family to you. You gained 3 more brothers.
“Hey, boys… what’s up”
You already know what’s up. Every day the 3 of them show up to pick up Will and ride to school together. Only today will be different.
“Hi, Y/N!” Dustin speaks with the cutest lisp, “Where’s Will? He’s usually here waiting for us.”
You don’t have it in you to tell them the truth. That Will could possibly be missing. So instead you go with, “Oh…yeah we actually didn’t see him this morning. He probably just left early for school”
Mike, always the skeptic, asks “Early? He never leaves early. Late? Maybe, but never early”
Feeling panic rising, you immediately reply, “Well… I don’t know, Mike, just get to school.”
“Whatever,” he says walking away, the other two following behind him.
Taking a deep breath in and out to calm yourself down, you call out to Jonathan telling him your ready to head out.
“Will, where are you bud?”
You’ve been out here for at least an hour before Joyce came back from the police station. 
“Kids!” She yells out frantically, “Did you find him?”
“No, Mom he’s not anywhere”
As she walks deeper into the woods she asks “Did you check ‘Castle Byers’?”
Jonathan replied, “Yes, that’s the first place we looked”
Completely disregarding his statement, she went towards ‘Castle Byers’ determined to find her son. 
Of course, as you both explained, once she pulled back the curtain that acted as a door, she found it to be empty.
With a heavy sigh, you immediately go back to calling for Will. Jonathan and Joyce joining you.
“Will! Where are you?”
This was going to be the longest day ever.
“Bitch!” Mom says slamming the phone down. You and Jonathan flinching in response
“Mom. You have to stay calm”
She was calling Lonnie, your dad but you refused to call him that, trying to ask him if he’s seen Will.
While Joyce goes back to the phone, picking it up to dial again, Jonathan goes back to making a missing poster for Will.
He’s making the actual poster part of it while you’re picking out the perfect picture to put on it.
During this process, there was so much going through your mind.
What if we never find him?
What if Will is hurt?
Or worse, what if he’s dead?
This is all my fault. How could I have let this happen? I’m supposed to protect him. I failed.
Your mind won’t stop running, it’s working overtime to find all the answers to all these questions.
You can’t take it anymore until you finally drop the pictures and turn to Jonathan.
“Johnny, what if he’s not ok?”
He stops his writing and looks at you saying, “Hey, we can’t think like that. He’s fine, we just gotta find him. Okay?”
You can tell he’s barely keeping it together himself but is trying so hard.
Looking up out of the front window you hear a noise. A car door. 
“Mom,” you say quietly, Jonathan quickly following with, “Cops,”
The chief of police and 2 other officers have started wandering around the house. Looking for anything they can that would prove as evidence.
When they arrived, Hopper had Will’s bike in his hand. Saying he found it on the side of the road, just lying there.
As they walked around you knew they weren’t going to find much. 
A mess? Maybe. But no evidence.
Because if there was anything you guys would’ve found it already.
Hopper came back inside the house saying that he called for a search party that would start soon and go well into the night. 
You volunteered to go but Joyce said she wanted all of you to stay home and get some rest.
And so you do. The three of you stay home, and while still trying to figure out the poster situation you get a call on the phone. 
Joyce rushes to answer, and while you can’t hear anything being said on the other line, you can hear her screaming frantically. 
Your immediate reaction is to run over to her and try to figure out if it’s Will on the phone.
With Jonathan following closely, you both start questioning her, asking questions like “It’s Will?” and “Mom, is it Will?”
After getting nothing but frantic yelling from her, you decided to grab the phone and question the person yourself. 
But before you can, the phone suddenly lets out a bolt of electricity and Joyce jolts back dropping it.
Jonathan immediately rushes to her side asking, “Mom, was it him?”
You stand in shock looking at the both of them wondering what the hell just happened. 
“What did they say?” you ask 
She replied, saying “He just breathed. He just breathed.”
Jonathan immediately pulls her into a hug whispering “It’s ok, Mom. It’s ok,”
Eventually, Mom managed to fall asleep for a bit while Jonathan cleaned up the mess in the living room while you worked in the kitchen.
“We’ll find him right?” you ask Jonathan while organizing all the pictures scattered across the table
“We will. And when we do everything will be okay again.”
A/n: Helloooo!!! I’m so excited to be sharing this with you! I absolutely love series rewrites so I decided to make it myself to incorporate the stuff I like into one big fic. So basically this chapter has no Steve in it (😔 ik) but it just is the backstory of everything. Yk Will going missing, how the reader responds to it, all that stuff. Also, I promise the chapters will get longer. Anyways, I really hope you all enjoy and thank you for choosing to read my work! (any criticism is welcome but please be kind)
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rosemarycovet · 9 months
billy loomis/stu macher x reader who owns a pet monkey 🙈
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(I LOVE MONKEYS SM I WANT ONE SO BAD BRO😭😢)your monkey also doesn’t have a name or gender so you can choose and the monkey is referred as ‘your monkey’
-when billy first found out you had a monkey he was a bit surprised and concerned but still thought it was pretty cool
-at first your monkey did not like billy
-like at all
-your monkey was sassy to billy
-like whenever your monkey would hear billy try to gaslight/manipulate someone or billy says some bull shit to you
-your monkey would give him this face
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(the ‘Estúpidos’ pic is your monkey to the people billy successfully gaslights)
-your monkey would be like ‘be fucking for real🤨😐’
-one time billy woke up from taking a nap in your living room to your monkey on his chest holding a sandle about to attack him
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-he was low key kinda scared
-billy would glare at your monkey and your monkey would glare back
-whenever billy would come over your monkey would be like ‘not this bitch again 🙄’
-but eventually they warmed up to each other
-I swear billy and your monkey would laugh together when they see some dumbass in a horror movie
-your monkey would also help billy sneak billy from your window into your bedroom
-your monkey would be near your window signaling that it’s safe for him to sneak in
-they are always rolling their eyes or giving stank face to people they don’t like
-they randomly be trying to scare each other😭
-like jumping out of hiding corners jump scaring each other
-one time you even caught billy having a conversation with your monkey even though your monkey couldn’t speak actual words
-you were pretty concerned and confused it was just random
-they go from one minute to hating each other to loving the next
-stu ADORES your monkey so much
-so does your monkey
-your monkey loves stu
-when stu first found out you had a monkey he wanted to meet your monkey straight away
-when they first met stu gasped and squealed like a school girl
-stu would spoil the fuck out of your monkey
-always buying your monkey costumes/clothes
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-they’re always random ass outfits as well😭
-stu is always taking pictures/polaroids of your monkeys as well
-he basically acts like your monkey is your guys child
-they are always taking naps together and snoring as they sleep
-your monkey likes to lay in stu lap or sit on stu’s shoulder as it lightly pulls/grabs on stu’s hair
-stu and your monkey are always have a cheeky smile/smirking at each other like they did something mischievous
-sometimes you think stu is only coming over for your monkey 💀
-stu loves having horror movie nights with you and your monkey
-one time during the winter stu bought your monkey a coat to go outside in the snow (like the funee monkee gif edit/video)
-your monkey was hopping every where in the snow with stu
-your monkey has it’s time of it’s life whenever stu is around
-stu is always awwaing at your monkey 24/7
(I promise you guys i’m working on y’all’s request I just have to get these ideas/drafts out the way I have to many😭)
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gahyeonszn · 10 months
Helloo, can you write a lsfm ot5 x reader where the reader is born only 7 days after eunchae? so theyre basically twins lol
catching z's
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genre: fluff
warning(s): none
note: didn't know how you wanted this written so i just made it into a fic, hope you like it!!
you and eunchae were the very obvious babies of le sserafim which everyone loved. sakura loved treating you two like her daughters, chaewon loved playing around, yunjin loved teasing until one of you ran to sakura to tell yunjin off, and kazuha loved feeling like an older sister towards you two when one of you needed help with something.
you and eunchae were the closest out of everyone since you were insanely close in age and shared most of the same interests. you were like sisters who didn’t want to spend a second apart from each other which the others found endearing and adorable. there was one day where the other girls had found you and eunchae way cuter than normal though and that was when you two were getting ready for school only to fall asleep in each other's arms because you were both tired.
sakura had walked into you and eunchae’s shared room, waking you both up for school with a shake on the shoulder. you groaned while sitting up, rubbing your eyes while calling out for eunchae. eunchae didn’t stir, turning around so her back was faced towards sakura who shook eunchae’s entire body, waking her up instantly. you got out of bed, walking towards the closet to pull out your uniforms. you handed eunchae her uniform to which she tiredly thanked you, yawning after.
after the two of you got dressed, you both went to the vanity to put on light makeup before going into the kitchen to eat breakfast. eunchae grabbed the face roller to deal with puffiness while you started to apply mascara, scared that you might mess up with how your eyes kept fighting to close. eunchae put the face roller down and scooted over a bit so you could sit down at the vanity with her, leaning her head on your shoulder once you had sat down. you put the lid back on the mascara tube before putting it down and resting your head on top of eunchae. you both yawned in sync, causing you two to giggle before letting both your eyes shut.
what you two didn’t hear was chaewon and yunjin calling your names for breakfast since you two were about to be late. sakura sent kazuha to check on you two since she knew that if she were to check on you two, it would be a whole lot of scolding. kazuha got up from her comfortable spot on the couch without making a fuss, making her way towards you and eunchae’s room, pressing her ear to the door before opening it. silence, not a single sound which was unusual for you two since eunchae was always so full of energy in the mornings that it would spread to you, making you full of energy in the mornings as a result too. 
upon opening the door, kazuha melted at the sight, quickly but quietly running over to the older girls to tell them. they all quietly followed kazuha who held out her arms to show the way you two had been sleeping. yunjin was quick to pull out her phone to snap pictures, taking in the moment before sakura woke you two up. chaewon pleaded quietly for sakura not to wake you two up since you were just too cute, but sakura shook her head, crossing her arms.
“they’re going to be late, school is important.” sakura said, walking towards you two, but stopping when she saw you snuggle closer to eunchae. sakura walked out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her, hanging her head low in defeat.
“couldn’t do it, i’ll write an absence note for them to take tomorrow.” 
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pumpkin-spice-whump · 2 months
Okay I got a little more confident. Here's the first chapter.
This is a while after Jack had first been kidnapped and sold. This is the first chapter of the book, the other one was a flashback. (Sorry that's confusing. It'll make more sense with the whole thing)
Jack bangs his head against the wall. 106. He lazily lifts his neck and drops it again. 107. He decided he was on his way to beat his all time high of 318 a while ago. He only stopped then because he blacked out for a second, and he figured that repeatedly smashing his head into the wall wasn’t the smartest.
Except who the hell cares what the smartest thing to do is when you’re bored out of your mind.
Not ‘oh there’s nothing on TV’ bored. Bored like Jack only has eight books in his cell anyway, and never mind the fact that he’s already read them all so much he’s got them memorized, but also the light has been flickering and if it goes out then he’ll be in darkness for months on end so he might as well just sit in darkness now by choice. So that’s what Jack did. He took a nap. Again. And then sat in darkness and banged the back of his head against the wall because that was better than letting his mind wander.
Jack can never let his mind wander. When it does he always ends up sobbing so hard he throws up, or plots how he can potentially end his own life.
If he lets his mind wander he might think of his mom. He might think that she’s forty eight now, and he missed another Christmas with her. He’ll think about how terrified he was when he was grabbed and thrown into a van. How he never even thought about that happening to him and so he had no idea what to do except lash out and kick his attacker.
He’s still got the scar on the side of his head from the man’s rings.
Jack will think about the times he’s tried to keep track of the days on the wall next to his bed, but he just gave up when he stopped being aware of when was day and when was night. He had a little breakdown that day, when he realized that he’d been there so long he didn’t know exactly how long anymore.
He’ll think about the fingers he lost for trying to run. The way he limps every time he walks and keels over every time he breaths. He’ll think about the part of his ear that--
113. 114. 115. 116.
Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!
Jack had a TV once. One of those big box TVs with the VHS player attached that he hadn’t seen since he was in elementary school. He played the few tapes he had basically 24/7. They weren’t good movies, he saw Joe Dirt so many times he dreamt about him, but it was something. Human voices to occupy his time. Voices besides his painful memories and… Mr. Reeder.
Mr. Reeder isn’t the man who first took Jack. Once, in a bout of quiet contemplation much like this one, Jack let himself realize that he was in fact a victim of human trafficking. In his mind, trafficking was only for sex slavery or organ harvesting. But he was kidnapped, and then sold. For money. It’s not like he’s got Google on hand, but Jack’s pretty sure that’s the definition.
No, Jack’s actually got no idea who first threw him in the car. He was walking home from a friend’s house. Not even a friend, just someone to hang out with so he wouldn’t be bored.
Man, 15 year old Jack had no idea what boredom was.
It was dark. He had headphones in playing music. He was alone. He was an idiot.
He never heard the car pull up beside him. Someone grabbed his shoulder and he turned around to ask them what the hell, but by the time he understood what was going on he was already in the man’s arms, hand over his mouth and phone tossed to the street. Jack had kicked out, managing to kick his attacker in the shin, but it didn’t stop him. He was thrown into the trunk of the car, and before he could even catch his breath to call for help, he was knocked out.
The whole ordeal probably didn’t take more than two minutes, if that. No time for anyone to hear a scuffle and come looking.
Jack woke up later to his arms and legs tied up, duct tape around his head, and the feeling of blood on his face.
He doesn’t like to think about the early days. The constant fear and exhaustion that took hold of him. That still does if he’s being honest. He likes to think he’s more resigned now. Apathetic, if you will.
It makes stomaching his own existence a little easier.
He lifts his head off the wall once again, but pauses before he can get to 121. Jack is a very very good listener, out of necessity. So despite being a floor down and many walls away, he can always hear Mr. Reeder’s car pulling into the driveway. No matter how many times he heard it, Jack can never stop the way his body tenses, the way his heart rate picks up. He swallows and stares up at the ceiling, waiting for more.
It’s been a few days. Mr. Reeder would leave to go to work every day, and sometimes he’d go somewhere for a night or two. But this has been the longest ever. Jack had woken up and went to sleep eight different times (half were naps, he knew, but even still it was at least four days.) He’s running out of food. Even if he didn’t see Mr. Reeder every day, he at least knew he was home.
Sickening that this is his home.
The door upstairs slams and Jack can’t repress a flinch. He stares up into the darkness, eyes following the sound of heavy footsteps across the floor. The footsteps stop. Jack holds his breath to listen, the only unwelcome sound that of his own heavy heart.
A slamming door is not good. Stomping across the living room is not good. What kind of mood is he going to be in?
Jack gasps and flinches at the sound of Mr. Reeder yelling, a wordless, angry shout, and then something crashes to the ground above him. Another shout and crash. Another. And another.
Mr. Reeder’s throwing things. So it’s safe to say he’s in, what Jack would call, a not good mood.
He tries his best to tune out the sounds above and focus on himself. He needs to calm down before Mr. Reeder gets here, or it’s going to be worse. Freaking out beforehand helps no one, and he ends up being in pain anyway so, you know. What’s the point. Jack closes his eyes (he can’t see anyway) and takes long, deep breaths in through his nose, and out through his mouth. His ribs flare painfully with each inhale, but Jack welcomes it. It grounds him. Lets him know he still exists, in this painful body and dark basement. He still exists.
Jack makes himself keep breathing as the footsteps get closer and closer, making their way down the stairs and stopping just outside his door.
It never gets easier. The suspense of waiting for his captor, it just never does. Even if his mind knows it’s going to be the same old same old, his body was terrified. It was tired of being hurt, of being hungry, of being tired and bored.
Sometimes he’s so bored he’s actually excited, not nervous, when Mr. Reeder comes. Oddly enough, this was not one of those times.
The keys jingle. A lock clicks. And Mr. Reeder pushes open the door.
Jack squints against the light from the basement filtering in from the cracked door. He lets out his last inhale and stares down at the heavy boots in front of him. They weren’t originally that dark of brown, but … you know. Blood.
Mr. Reeder just stands there for a moment, staring at his captive. He’s silhouetted against the light so Jack can’t see his expression. Jack waits for him to say something, anything. He doesn’t.
Jack clears his throat. “H-hi Mr. Reeder.”
“Shut the hell up.”
Jack nods, looking at the ground, heart pounding in his ears.
Mr. Reeder’s hand shoots out suddenly, gripping Jack by the hair and hauling him up out of his room. Jack hisses in pain, hands clawing at the fist tangled in his hair. If it was up to him, he would’ve shaved his head ages ago. But Mr. Reeder would never give him a razor.
Jack kicks at the ground, trying his best to get his feet under himself enough to relieve the pressure on his head. His bad leg howls in protest at the sudden actions, but he does his best to push through. As he begins to be dragged up the stairs, Jack grits his teeth to stop from crying out, knee painfully banging against each. Individual. Step.
Each step, Jack is able to brace the pain a little more and become more aware of what exactly was happening.
He is going upstairs. He hasn’t been upstairs since he first got here. The current circumstances are much different than those last time, so why the hell is Mr. Reeder bringing him upstairs?
He begins to fight.
Jack has been doing this a long time. Longer than he actually knows, but he’s positive it’s years. He’s an adult probably old enough to drink. That’s a long time to become a professional at getting your butt kicked. And being a professional victim, Jack knows that the less you struggle, the easier it is. Easier to deal with the pain, faster to get it over with, and easier to stomach your own cowardice… Or resourcefulness. He’s a survivor, that much he knows.
So he only fights back when he’s really scared.
And he has reason to be. When Jack was just a brand new greenie kidnappee, demanding to be let back upstairs, Mr. Reeder had leaned down, close to his face, so close that Jack had to lean away from the smell of the peppermint gum he was chewing.
“The only way you are ever going back up those stairs,” he said lowly, coldly, “is if I want to see your brains on the wall in natural lighting.”
It was the first time that Jack had thought I might not make it out of here alive. It took him a much longer time to accept it.
Apparently he hasn’t accepted it at all, Jack thinks as he wrenches his head out of Mr. Reeder’s grasp and dives to crawl away from him. It was never going to work but he needs to try.
Jack Thatcher was NOT taken away from his mother for years just to be shot in the head by some isolated lunatic. At least, he wasn’t going to without a fight.
Mr. Reeder grabs him easily, yanking him back by his bag leg, stretching it out. Jack can feel poorly healed bones in his knee scraping together, pinching the long disused muscles around them. He let out a shout before Mr. Reeder pulls him by his waist instead, hauling him into a room and slamming the door shut and sitting in front of it, trapping Jack inside.
With nowhere else to go, Jack pushes himself into the corner farthest from his captor, arms protectively shielding his right knee. His chest heaves and he can feel the stupid tightness starting in his throat that happens before he cries. He hates crying in front of Mr. Reeder, but it is continuously unavoidable.
Mr. Reeder sits in front of the door, catching his breath as well. He runs a hand through greasy hair, staring at the ceiling. He sighs heavily, like his life is the one here not worth living.
With his captor temporarily distracted, Jack takes stock of his surroundings. A mattress with no sheets is pushed against the corner opposite himself, some dirty clothes thrown at it’s end. A cracked mirror is attached to a dresser, dust slightly distorting the image of the ceiling. Behind Jack is a window half boarded up, letting a sliver of light into the room, washing over his captor. It looks like it’s golden hour outside.
Jack’s struck with the thought that this is the first time he’s seen the sun since he went down those stairs. Really, since he was thrown into that car as a teenager. He always had a blindfold on, or he was transported at night. The most fundamental, most simple and base thing a human has access to, Jack hasn’t for years. Still just out of reach.
His attention is brought back to Mr. Reeder when he sighs again. He warily looks up at Jack. “You’re lucky you know.” Jack doesn’t move. He’s heard the ‘you should be glad I’m not worse’ speech before. “You have no idea what you’ve missed. No idea… what you’ve been spared. What I’ve spared you from.”
Jack only watches apprehensively. His body is tight, poised like he’s ready to try to run again. Where, with Mr. Reeder blocking the door? That’s for future Jack to find out.
“I didn’t mean to spare you from it,” he goes on. “Heaven knows that wasn’t my intention. I think you could have benefited from being in the middle of it all.” He chuckles and Jack shrinks away even more. “Oh the look on your face would’ve been everything… Oh well. It’s just about over anyway.”
It’s nonsense. Utter nonsense. Mr. Reeder is certifiably insane, no doubt about it. He’s gone on long manic monologues before, Jack’s heard about everything.
He’s never seen Mr. Reeder pull a gun from his waistband though.
He can’t help the sharp intake of breath, the sudden urge to run! Run now! Go! He’s got no idea what to do with it so he just stands up, so quickly it doesn’t even hurt, and backs even further into the corner. Mr. Reeder always threatened that he had a gun but Jack had never had proof until right now.
Mr. Reeder looks at him from under his brows. “Sit down Jack.”
All he can do is shake his head, breaths coming out fast and shallow. The floor is liquid beneath his feet, making his body shake where it stands.
The gun clicks and points right at Jack. “Sit. Down.”
He slides down the wall, hands up. His throat bobs with a swallow, just to do something with his mouth other than sob. Tears fall steadily down his cheeks and his lower lip trembles.
Mr. Reeder, satisfied with Jack’s cooperation, relaxes his grip on the gun, hefting it like he’s simply judging the weight.
“There wasn’t much time,” he says. Jack shifts his focus from the gun to his captor, staring with wide eyes and frayed nerves. “I was trying to think about what to do with you but… I mean there just wasn’t much. I’m not sure I would’ve done anything even if there was. You’ve said it yourself Jack, who wants to die alone?”
His eyes meet Jack’s for the first time and Jack can see… tears. Welling in them. It only terrifies him more. “Mr. Reeder…”
“Shh. Shh sh sh.” He shakes his head, working his jaw. “Do you believe in God, Jack?”
Jack swallows. “I don’t know,” he whispers, voice catching on the words. “I used to.”
“What about heaven and hell? Think those exist?”
Jack can feel the panic claw up his throat, making him want to sob and scream. “I hope so.”
“Hmm… I wonder if hell will be any worse than earth.”
This is it then, Jack thinks. He’s going to take us both out, as a sick end to his sick life. He’s bored of me and now it’s over, it’s all over.
“Mr. Reeder please,” Jack begs, tears blurring him, “please don’t. Don’t do it.”
He furrows his brows, and looks down at the gun. He shakes his head. “See you in hell, Jack.”
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busycucumbermelon · 5 months
The Cullens' Treasure
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Summary: After befriending a new kid at your school, you soon realize your brother only focuses on his girlfriend and partying. you got fed up and decided to ask your new friends for help.
Part 2 of our coven mate
 Warning:  threats, unwanted, physical, touch, mention of child endangerment 
The buzz of your alarm clock woke you up out of your deep slumber. You glanced over at the clock - 5:30. Here comes the rush of your morning. Get up, make breakfast, wake your brother, and wake the kids. Bathe them and get them dressed, make sure they have all their homework done. Then you're part of the morning. You'd usually just let them play while you take a shower, get dressed, do your hair, and double-check that you have everything you need for the day. Out the door at 7:00!
The kids got to school around 10 minutes before they needed to, but the staff there had a schedule with you and your brother. You could drop them off early and they could spend some time in the classroom doing their own thing. Today, you took a few minutes to encourage Sarah and Melanie. The two of them would be giving the new girl attending their school, the tour. Carter didn't really want to walk around with his sisters and a random girl though, so he would just be playing in one of the classrooms.
Your brother didn't accompany you while you were talking to your siblings. Currently, you and him were having a fight, but that wasn't going to stop you from being the best big sister you could as always. You gave your little siblings a kiss and went back to the Jeep.
"you know, it would be nice if you at least got out of the car and put yourself aside for your little siblings."
"Oh, shut it! I'm tired. Me and Olivia were up all night." You whipped your head towards your brother so fast you were sure you'd get whiplash.
Recently, all that had been talked about was your brother's girlfriend Olivia. You had nothing against her; she was a sweet, loving girl. However, your brother was skipping shifts while still begging you to clock in for him. You were basically working double time because of him.
On top of that, when you got home, you had to take care of two sick little girls and a cranky little boy who was trying to make sure his sisters were okay. Yet, your brother still had the audacity to complain about it.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm trying to take care of a family, while working, and making sure my little siblings are okay. Melanie has cancer, and Sarah's hydrocephalus doesn't exactly make everything all okay with her. We're lucky Carter doesn't have anything similar, or we wouldn't be able to pay for food, the rent, school, hospital bills. You don't care about any of that though, just Olivia!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't want to spend my entire life with my annoying sister and little siblings that, honestly, could just die for all I care."
The last thing you wanted to hear was your brother ranting about everything, especially bringing kids into it. These were your little siblings, the last trace you had of your parents, and the fact that he just wanted them to die hurt.
The rest of the car ride, you were quiet, crying out of your window, happy you decided not to put on makeup this morning, otherwise, this would be a whole other scene.
When the two of you pulled up to school, you grabbed your bag up from the floor and jumped out of the jeep, slamming the door behind you. The first person you saw that day was Olivia, running up to the car. She looked like she was going to give you a hug, but then second-guessed herself and went to your brother’s side of the car instead.
She probably noticed how upset you were and realized that it wasn't her place to comfort you, since the two of you hadn't always been on the best terms.
In your distress, you didn't notice the new fancy cars parked next to you, until now. As you stormed past, you could make out the people inside. The first car closest to you had a blonde with slightly wavy hair wearing a floral green top, a white scarf, and jeans. They were pretty pale, just like the guy on the passenger seat. You didn't give them more than a glance as you continued to walk across the parking lot.
When you got closer to the school building, you saw your two closest friends standing there - Chris and Crystal.
Crystal was the first to notice the tear stains on your cheeks. Chris was too oblivious, pulling you into a hug. It was exactly what you needed. After an argument with your brother, you knew they wouldn't ask any details or harp on it too long.
Although the company of your friends was comforting for you, it wasn't for the people sitting in their cars behind you -
Jasper and Bella, sitting in the parked cars behind you, had their eyes closed, just to make sure nothing happened once you went inside with your friends. As soon as you stepped inside, they opened their eyes again,
You were quiet as you watched your two best friends chatting while walking down the hallway. The tiredness was starting to slowly set in, but you weren't too worried about that. Even your teacher had made an agreement with you. As long as you got good grades, she would let you sleep in class. So, you tried to engage in the conversation as much as you could, even if it made you exhausted, as it usually did talking to the two idiots you called friends.
"No, I'm saying Natalie and her roommate disappeared." Natalie was one of the popular girls in school. You weren't friends with her or her roommate, but this was where the gossip would usually go.
"Maybe something happened to Natalie's roommate and she's just looking after them," you added to the conversation, providing your own speculation.
"No, no. Well, maybe, I guess no one knows. Did you guys hear? Sounds like we might be able to get out of a little bit of work in gym today. It sounds like we'll just be sparring and you know how the gym teacher is. He's so sexist - he won't let any of the girls participate," Crystal always hated gym class. Her excuse was she had really bad hand eye coordination.
"Uhhhhh." Chris was obviously not excited to fight one of his friends in front of a bunch of girls.
"Yup," Rose teased, throwing an arm around your waist, and pulling you into her. If Chris decided to hit her, this was always her ploy to use you as a human shield.
"Alright, alright. You idiot, let me go to class." Crystal walked away, heading for her Spanish class and telling Chris that she'd see him in gym.
You walked into your English class, saying hello to your teacher, and took a seat at your usual table. You didn't like sitting next to the window, so you took the seat right next to it. No one usually sat around you because well, you wouldn't be much help. You usually just fell asleep and as you did everyday, you put on your hood and put your head down in your arms.
Everything for English went perfectly smooth, even with you sleeping through the entire class with your notebook under your arm. Jasper took down notes for you, periodically looking at the clock to look at your reflection. Bella sat behind you, staring at the clock for the majority of the class. if you had been awake, you would've thought she'd had enough of school already, or she just really wanted to see her partner. You'd seen Divine do it multiple times before, and it could only be assumed it was the same for Bella.
Next was Biology to, as usual, you sat by yourself. Usually, you'd pair up with some acquaintances that you had in that class, For this class, you were sitting next to one of the new students, Emmett.
Seeing him immediately brought you back to the parking lot, You just stared straight ahead, deep in thought, not taking in a word your teacher said, as you thought about what happened earlier that morning.
You scanned the room, and sure enough, you were able to recognize the girl who was sitting with Emmett in the car. She was pretty and had paper-white skin, something you hadn't noticed when you were walking past her. Maybe it was because your eyes were blurry with tears?
A small part of you was kind of worried, though. It wasn't even possible for some one to be that light. Maybe vitiligo, or a lack of sunlight? Or, maybe they just didn't go out a lot?
But before you could think too much on it, the professor started the lesson. Today, you were going over chemical bonds. It sounded complicated from what you could gather before you started to space out. In the corner of your eye, you noticed that Rosalie and Emmett had a close eye on you.
What did their proximity to you mean? You had no idea, but as you started to space out on the lesson, you couldn't help but pay more attention to the duo than anything else in the class.
"When you think of bonds, you may not think of ions, like most people you probably think of bonds between people - like-." After that, the professor started speaking again, although, just like earlier, you started to space out as soon as he did once again.
It seemed like he wasn't planning on giving a long spiel and was going to give you a paper or partner work regardless. Either way, you were pretty sure that spacing out wouldn't hurt that much. You'd already slept through English today, and you'd been fine.
You ended up resting your hand on the table as you began gazing into one of the walls. Sitting in the back middle of the class, it was pretty much far-fetched for the teacher to notice you and call you out. On top of that, the majority of teachers knew of your home arrangement and would give you much more leeway than the rest of your classmates.
Your hand on the table felt like something was slowly taking away some heat. It started at your pinky and a little bit of your wrist. When you glanced over to your new table-mate, you saw that he had his hand next to yours and was tapping the table.
What do you make of this? Do you just keep staring ahead? Or, do you try to get a better look at what he's doing and maybe even talk to him? Just as all these questions started to swirl around in your brain the teacher told all the students that they would be choosing partners. 
As kids scattered around the classroom to find a partner, you noticed your table mate quickly look over at the girl from the parking lot. Their gaze was intense and it looked like they were whispering or mouthing something to each other. The motion was almost fluid, it was as if they were having a personal conversation of some sort. But, they weren't yelling or getting loud, and the situation was so tense that you had the impression that they were discussing something else... like, a secret! What was it about though?… As your table mate moved his hand, his arm flexed and muscles contracted, as if he was holding back from reaching out to you or trying to make some point or comfort himself. You couldn't quite tell what his motive was, but something was definitely on his mind...and it made you curious.
"Hey there!"
Nella was as sweet as her nickname and was not like any of the other students who treated new students like freaks at a circus. She had a natural gift for making friends anywhere she went.
"So I was wondering," Nella says. "But it's all up to you." She pauses, "I know you don't really like partnering up with people you're not really comfortable with, and I totally get that."
"But," she continues, "I was thinking, maybe one of us," she gestures to you and herself, "each could partner up with one of the new kids?"
You nod in agreement, as the group of remaining students breaks out into hushed chatter, discussing partnerships and strategies.
A small, nagging voice in the back of your mind was telling you this was a mistake, but it was too late now. Nella was already off to find the girl from the parking lot. It made you feel awful that that was all you really knew about her.
You turned to see your table mate, his eyes fixated on you. Everything in you told you that this was a bad decision and you were right. He asked the question you feared, only serving to confirm your suspicions.
"So we're partners?" his voice sounds off. Though you've never heard him speak before, something feels wrong. The way he spoke...it was weird.
Fear and worry took hold of you as he asked the question, afraid that you had made a mistake.
"No, this is all in my head," you tell yourself. "I'm being paranoid. There is nothing to worry about; I'm probably just on edge since I've been feeling so emotional all day."
Then, you hear your table mate ask you a question, which makes your heart start racing all over again.
"so what's your name? I don't think you've told me yet." His tone was so friendly, that you almost forgot what you were panicking about.
"Y/n, what's your name?" You're noticeably calmer now and are actually able to focus on your partner. You decide to ignore those intrusive thoughts and take a deep breath to remain in control.
"I'm Emmett," he says, "and your friend is partnered with Rosalie" he adds, as if that explains everything. The fact that he dropped that information without any sort of preamble makes you wonder if he was just making a casual observation or maybe he noticed you were kind of nervous up
As the class continued, you were mostly tuned out. However, you were surprised to realize that Emmett was doing most of the work. It was as if your table mate had a hidden talent for understanding this stuff that you just couldn't comprehend.
Rosalie also caught your attention; she frequently looked over at you, but it was never nerve-racking or intimidating. It felt...natural and normal.
 In your Spanish class, you need to discussed something with Crystal. You anxiously rocked back-and-forth on your heels, waiting for her outside English classroom. You always walked together, and you needed someone to talk to about your feelings and how weird class was.
You also felt uncomfortable with the way the town perceived the new kids. They gave you bad vibes, and you just couldn't fully trust them.
Although Crystal wasn't the first one out of the classroom, a new girl was. You had never seen her around, so you suspected she was new to town.
When she spotted you, the new girl quickly stopped in her tracks. She bit her bottom lip and quickly continued walking.
Although you hadn't spoken a single word to the new girl, you could tell there was something else in her mind. It seemed like she wanted to approach you, but was hesitant to do so...
And before you knew it, Crystal was right in front of you with a small smile pulling at the corner of her lips, hoping you would indulge in the drama.
"She's a bit strange, isn't she?" Crystal whispers and pauses for a moment. "She goes by the name of Alice, and we are sitting next to each other."
With that, Crystal quickly moves on. Beginning to walk to Spanish class.
"Well, in every single one of my classes there's been a new student, and I was partnered with one of them. Alice seemed pretty okay, so maybe you should just give her a chance."
You paused, unsure of what to say next. You felt so anxious and stressed out by the whole situation, but you didn't want to sound like you were complaining or making excuses.
So instead, you decided to keep it quick and concise. "I've been a little stressed out lately and the new kids don't really help."
"God, it's your brother and Olivia again. I hate them," Crystal says in an annoyed tone. "I know they're in love or whatever, but she can't just throw away all the responsibilities he has."
She got really upset when it seemed like someone was screwing you over, especially with Olivia since the two of them hadn't gotten along too well. You, however, felt conflicted. You understood your brother's anger, but your siblings would be distraught if they heard what he had said.
You tried to keep your attention on Crystal, but you kept getting sucked back into your own thoughts. After getting thrown back into your thoughts for what felt like the hundredth time, a tap on your shoulder brought you back to reality. You looked over at Crystal, who now wore a bright red flush on her cheeks.
As you looked over, you saw a new student. He was a tall, buff guy, obviously Crystal's type. His teeth were sharp, and his hair looked greasy, like he'd been sweating.
"Excuse me, could you tell me where Spanish is?" he asked. His tone came across as a bit demanding and harsh. You didn't know what his problem was, but you were quick to jump as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere.
He quickly apologized for scaring you. He explained that he was in a rush, which was why his tone sounded a bit harsh. He was just kinda frazzled, since he didn't really know anyone in his new school.
In that moment, Crystal shot her shot and began trying to push you out of the conversation. She knew you were stressed, and she wanted to take control of the situation.
Jacob and Crystal continued their conversation as they walked to Spanish class together. Although his eyes occasionally gazed your way, you felt comfortable; it wasn't the same as everyone else looking at you with some weird thing in their eyes.
Jake was enjoying the conversation; he seemed comfortable and happy to talk. He reminded you of the time when your brother and you were on the same team and felt like the two of you could take on anything together.
Once you made it into the classroom, you moved to your seat. You typically went on autopilot at this point, distracted by your daydreams. But today, you were having just a little too much fun eavesdropping on Jake and Crystal's conversation
Slowly but surely, Crystal and Jake make their way to you. If Jake had been in a different Spanish class, you were positive Crystal would have followed him.
you decided it would be better if you stopped eavesdropping and simply let your eyes wander around the classroom. You were curious to see if your conspiracy theory about every single one of the new kids being in your classes was actually true...
And sure enough, one of the new students was Alice from before. Her eyes seemed to stare at you with a blank, empty expression. It was almost as if she was dead, like a zombie, waiting for the right moment to pounce. Before you could give it too much thought, you grabbed your pencil pouch and laid out a few of your favorite colors on your desk.
This class wasn't your favorite, and you typically stuck to monotone colors when taking notes. But this could be an exception, especially because Alice was sitting so close to you.
Jake and Crystal's conversation began to taper off as Jake continued to look down at his phone. His eyes occasionally lingered on you and Alice , but you were only getting most of this information from Crystal.
Since the lesson had already begun, you chose to pay attention to what Miss Glosson was teaching. Despite all your curiosity about the new students, you decided it was best to try and focus on studying instead of getting distracted.
As Crystal and Jake's conversation died off, Allison and Jake were now involved in their own stare down. Each of them waited for the other to make the first move, deciding between who would finally budge and move.
Edward had been sending everyone texts throughout the day detailing your thoughts. You had a really bad gut feeling and you felt like this whole situation was kind of freaking you out. However, the Cullens were known for their stubbornness and unwillingness to do what they didn't want to do, The hardest thing was that Jake didn't want to see the same thing happen to you as it did to Bella. You were anxious and had your own issues to deal with. You didn't need a clan of vampires desperate for your attention, especially not with their abilities.
The Cullens were stubborn, especially when they wanted something. This was going to turn out to be way more than Jake thought it would be.
At some point, Alice finally broke when she looked at you and then down at her phone. Jasper and Edward both texted her, presumably worried about your weird vibes and how odd they made you feel.
Jasper expressed concern over your emotions, saying they were "off."
Edward also weighed in, saying you were going through a lot. He mentioned your worries about your family, school, and also made a mention about the staring contest between Alice and Jacob, which was definitely not helping your stress levels. There was always a slight hint of mint whenever you were thinking about school, and your family, The flavor either varied between vibrant, cherry, or strawberry for positive thoughts, or sour for negative feelings.
When you were stressed in particular, it was a bland flavor. A taste that was salty and extremely stale, like everything just went away. An empty void of flavors. It was almost like eating food without salt or any seasoning. Like a stale bread crust, devoid of any flavor.
At some point, Alice finally broke when she looked at you and then down at her phone. Jasper and Edward both texted her, presumably worried about your weird vibes and how odd they made you feel.
Jasper expressed concern over your emotions, saying they were "off."
Edward also weighed in, saying you were going through a lot. He mentioned your worries about your family, school, and also made a mention about the staring contest between Alice and Jacob, which was definitely not helping your stress levels. There was always a slight hint of mint whenever you were thinking about school, and your family, The flavor either varied between vibrant, cherry, or strawberry for positive thoughts, or sour for negative feelings.
When you were stressed in particular, it was a bland flavor. A taste that was salty and extremely stale, like everything just went away. An empty void of flavors. It was almost like eating food without salt or any seasoning. Like a stale bread crust, devoid of any flavor.
Alice couldn't believe what was happening. She couldn't believe Jake was staring at her like she had anything harmful in mind towards you. She was there to protect you, to cherish you, to do anything for you.
How dare he think she could do something to harm you?! It was crazy to even think she could do anything like that. That was just ridiculous and out of the question.
Jacob finally looked down at his phone. He almost snarled at the way the Cullens talked about you. They spoke about you as if you were already part of the family, like you had already accepted their offer.
The fact that Jasper talked so freely about your emotions made Jacob even more frustrated. Just because he could taste them, didn't mean he should discuss them so openly. Your home life was not just an open topic for the Cullens to talk about freely with each other.
As Alice suddenly stood up without asking permission, she nearly threw the door off the hinges while leaving. Jake, on the other hand, followed after her, not to comfort her, but to scold her for her outburst.
This whole ordeal confused both yourself and Crystal. You were both directly behind Alice and the door. When she threw the door open, it ended up scaring the hell out of you both.
As Alice left the classroom, she knew she scared you. Edward and Jasper had been texting her non-stop.
Jasper hated the new taste in your mind. It was overpowered with cinnamon and something sour, like a lemon. The tastes didn't blend well at all.
Upon seeing Jake follow her, you’d thought they'd be back-to-back arguing, but it appeared they weren't. Instead, the moment Alice was out of your vicinity, she took off running down the hallway, much faster than she should have.
Humans might not have been able to see a blur like Alice, but she was moving so quickly that she was just barely detectable. The hallway cameras were mostly for show, and Jake knew that Alice was headed towards the elementary school that was just nearby. When Alice was looking for something that reminded her of you, she opted for the elementary school.
It wasn't far , and the elementary school wasn't very big or important in itself. But it was a place that would remind Alice of you. well, your little siblings reminded Alice of you would be more correct
Once Alice arrived at the elementary school, she stopped outside of one of the windows and looked inside. She was able to see right into your sibling's classroom. Renesme was also inside the classroom.
Even though Renesme technically shouldn't be put into the school yet, the Cullens had found a way to make it happen. They knew that it would give them an excuse to see you just a little bit more. It also helped further cement Renesme's place in the family, which was a plus.
When Alice looked into the classroom, she saw Sarah and Melanie playing dolls with Renesme. Carter occasionally tried to insert himself into the game, either by slamming a dinosaur into the doll or sneaking in toy cars here and there.
Renesme was having a great time. She had never had the opportunity to play with kids who were the same age as her or looked the same age as her. Even though she wasn't taught everything she needed to be a part of human society, it still brought Alice great comfort watching Renesme enjoy herself.
Even though Renesme was a definite bonus, she wouldn't completely calm Alice down. If she was Bella, then seeing her kids and a small dose of you and your siblings' bone structure would have definitely calmed her down. However, since she wasn't Bella, Alice was thinking about requesting Jasper to come see her
Before Alice could do anything, Jake arrived. He walked all the way to the elementary school to follow her.
"You look like a total creep, standing in front of a school and peering in through the window," Jake said.
"If you're trying to be subtle, you're doing horrible, and Edward, standing outside the classroom? Seriously? Can she have any privacy?" Jake continued.
It's not our fault," Alice said defensively.
"It's only way for Edward to hear her thoughts. If he couldn't, then this process would be moving much more quickly."
Alice then continued, "If you don't like the speed we're moving now, then you definitely wouldn't like it if it was moving at the same speed that we're thinking..."
She explained that it wasn't their fault. Even though Alice understood Jake's thoughts, she still felt that the Cullens deserved more of a chance.
It's not my fault," Alice said. She defended her position once more. "It's the only way Edward can hear her thoughts."
"Edward got really crazy last time when he couldn't hear Bella's thoughts at all," she continued.
Alice also seemed bothered by Jake's constant input. "Why do you always have to insert your opinion into everything," she said.
Jake and Alice had retreated into the nearby woods. They had spotted a teacher watching them and saw Renesme looking at them out of the corner of her eye.
The fight had not ended, and in fact, there was no end in sight, as the two sides seemed pretty determined to stick to their own opinions.
As soon as gym class started, it was time for the boys to spar. Chris was paired up with Emmett for this, while all the girls were required to sit on the bleachers.
Bella and Rosalee was sitting behind you, while Crystal was right next to you. You had been leaning on her shoulder, curled up in a ball.
This was the first time in a few days where you just felt so tired. You wanted a break from life's craziness
Suddenly, you felt a cold hand over your forehead. You jerked back abruptly, as the person who touched you was concerned.
"Are you getting sick? You're burning up."
You quickly denied it, trying not to even think about the possibility. There was no way you could be sick right now, not with everything else going on. You had a doctor's appointment to get to in just 30 minutes. You just couldn't be sick.
"No, no, no."
Author note 
So sorry this took so long because I had been lacking motivation, which has made life very hectic and difficult. I realize there's a lot more that I need to add, and this is already a lot to begin with. However, there will be another part. Rest assured it may just take a while
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cherry1sblog · 11 months
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PAIRING:Lee heeseung x fem!reader
GENRES:smut,fluff,bullying,alcohol,party,unprotected sex (rember to wrap your Willy so the out come won’t be silly🌝)
WARNINGS there is bullying in this heeseung is basically a dick to y/n and nothing in this story is real!!! This is fan fiction and the way I write about heeseung is not the way I portray him as he’s a person himself this is simply for entertainment only !!
SUMMARY:heeseung had always bullied you through your 3 years of Highschool but never let anyone touch you other then him and if he found out someone did that was the end of it you were basically marked as his toy that’s until the summer of your junior year you had enough you were done with him always making fun of you and you hated the fact that after all he did I to you you still adored him and liked him but it dosent matter cause you wanted to leave your senior year with a banger so you were no longer your nerdy self still smart asf obvi but appearance wise different you got contacts new clothes thank god you guys didn’t have a dress code and most importantly you spent all summer learning how to do your makeup……
(Word count :………)
You woke up that day at 4 in the morning all tho school didn’t start till 7:40 you had 3 hours to get ready for you first last day of senior year you showers blow dried your hair styled it put in your contacts and lastly did you makeup you were ready to go feeling a bit scared slightly pulling your skirt up more revealing more of your thighs but you didn’t care you were going to do this no matter what and no one can stop you not even Lee heeseung
Walking into school heads turning new faces old faces appearing but everyone seemed to stair at you looking some took out there phones and took photos asking if they knew who you were that upset you a little you went to this school for 3 years and people only saw yourself really only when you became “pretty” but still u were now super nervous now but your rember your main target Lee heeseung you clutched your purse and went straight to your classroom people Turing around seeing who entered you sat in a random seat next to a girl you’ve never seen she seemed super bubbly she was quiet a talker to “hello!!”you were shocked by her sudden loudness “oh…sorry…that must’ve been to loud “she lowers her voice you giggled “it’s okay why do you seem so excited tho”she turend to you with a big smile “well it’s my last year of Highschool and I get to meet new people so I’m really exited I Gusse “you just nodded an okay “oh I’m chu btw!” Ofc a cute girl with a cute name made sense “I’m y/n” you smiled at her “I’m guessing that this isn’t your first year “”nope I’ve gon sense freshman year here so I can tell you a lot about here if u want “she smiled brightly and hugged you you’ve never had a freind before so this was all knew “tysm!! Oh sorry is hugging now your thing”she looked at you but you didn’t know if the only freind you were sorta making would leave you if she found out but you trusted her “ah sorry I’m just not really used to having freinds or talking to people “she looked at you confused “your littlest drop dead gorgeous and no one can take there eyes off you” you giggled awkwardly “okay I’ll tell you I a secret up until my junior year I was a big nerd and I wanted a change so here’s the knew and improved me “you smiled happily until ofc someone had to walk in and ruin your fun lee heeseung
Your smile went down and chu noticed “what’s wrong y/n”he heard her say your name and wiped his head that way looking confused cause he didn’t notice you until chu said your name again “y/nnn can you hear me are you okay “ you let out a little cough rember not to break “yeah I’m okay sorry “and just as you were minding your busses heeseung came up to you “wow I really can believe it they park y/n dosent look like a nerd anymore “u just rolled your eyes at him “what do you want lee I’m not playing games with you anymore “he came close to your ear “just cause you changed dosent mean you aren’t my toy still isn’t that right doll”you didn’t know what to say he always caught your tongue “now go get me some snacks from the lunch room I’m hungry “he put 20 dollars on the desk expecting you to pick it up and run over there like always “no”you looked up at him and stood up took the money and threw it at him chu also seemingly upset “you know what heeseung if you want a stupid snack go get it your damn self “he seemed shocked a your response but started to smirk “right I’m sorry I wouldn’t want you running in that skirt you might wanna pull it down “chu getting ready to defend you but you didn’t need her to cause this is what you prepared for all summer “no I think it’s fine actually it’s ment to be like this but if you done being a dick you can go “everyone in the class stunned now not at the fact that you just told off they lee heeseung but at the fact that your the girl who used to do everyone’s homework that you were heeseung toy but just cause your not a nerd anymore dosent mean your not still off limits
//lunch time\\
By lunch time you already had 9 boys come to ask you for your insta and 12 girls ask what different makeup products you use or what you skin care was but those were the good things there were people saying you had gotten plastic surgery you did certain things just to get the money for your stuff people even said there was no way you were lee heeseungs little toy and if you wondering why they call you Lee heeseungs toy it’s cause he could pick at every part of you body and you did what he wanted he could slap you pull your hair push you and you still always did what he wanted you to do but he had made it every clear that you were only his to fuck with and no one eleses
You had saten down with chu to eat lunch her happily taking a bite of food made you happy you finally had a friend well let’s say a couple freinds you had met this boy really shy but nice named soobin and another boy who was more outgoing beomgyu they were also new and just transferred so your guises group was prefect but anyways you all were sitting down and enjoyed your food you were happy for once out of your Highschool life you finally had people you could go to the mall with have sleepovers go to party’s with but ofc like always you were knocked out of you thoughts by yet again heeseung he had just pushed a kid to the floor for getting him the wrong dumplings him jake and sunghoon walking away from the boy they had just scared heeseung walked passed you but Sunghoon said something and walked back to where you were “hey y/n” you looked up seeing as Sunghoon and Jake never really participated in heeseungs stupidness but they did have there fare share of “fun “with it “hey sunghoon”you said coldly”huh “he stuck his tongue threw his cheek “it really is you then HOWD you get so much hotter over summer I mean you were a cute girl but now your really js something eles “as he was about to start going closer heeseung pushed him away not to hard but just enough to make him stumble “what the hell do you think your doing “ “not like your ever gonna do anything plus she wouldn’t dare you even if you wanted we all know she’s your toy but she can speak for herself “ you saw heeseung clenching his fist but it made you angry how he thought he could control you “I told you everyone knows y/n is off limits “ “off limits to bully I’m not bullying her I’m simpling asking if she wants to go out sometime “ as heeseung was about to open his mouth you answerd “y-yes “they both looked stunned beomgyu soobin and chu having there mouths open wide “I would like to go out with you sometime “ “doll chose very wisely here “ “you don’t get to control me heeseung I’m done with your bull shit you can’t just walk all over me agian “ heeseung Just loooked at you with an expression you couldn’t understand “you heard her anyways y/n uh I’ll pick you up Saturday and 4:30 “you nodded your head smiling heesung had stormed off at that point.
//the next day\\
“Y/NN THERE YOU ARE “chu comes rushing to you sitting pulling out the chair and sitting in it she seemed to exited “yk chu sometimes I wonder if you on something “she just laughs “we’re not talking about that rn LOOK THO” she hands you her phone and it was a party ofc the boys were having as a welcome back to school like they did every year but you had never gone but this year you were definitely going no matter what even if you had to sneak out “holy shit the back to school party “”yeah it’s gonna be at jakes house tonight so we better go shopping after school “you both looked at eachother cause obviously you guys had no idea what to wear to a back to school party
//at the mall\\
“Ughhhhh y/n we’ve been to three dress shops already and you’ve liked non of them “she said dragging her feet with bags in her hands “look chu my dress it has to be different then something I would normally wear if I was the old me remember we’re gonna go out with a banger and If I were you I would go return the dress cause this dress shop is they best”as soon as you guys step into the dress shop chus mouth drops and gose to pick up a dress “Y/N YOU WERE SO RIGHT OMG “ you start to look for dresses to seeing witch one you like it came down to three dresses a white one simple and short but cute a blue one the had sparkles and a slimy black one with a diamond straps as soon as you came out in the blue one chu loved it it fit your body perfectly glitter on is and everything you would be shining with the lights they would have and you knew this was gonna be the one you got some simple black heels to for the dress witch you loved as you guys were leaving the store ofc you had to see heeseung and 6 of his guy freinds you were fucked “yooo hold up “Jake stops you and everyone is looking at you and chu”see what I tell you heeseung it was her and uh what’s your name”he looks at chu confused “o-oh I’m chu”he looked at her up and down “cute” your a bit nervous cause everyone still had there eyes on you normally you would just hide away but no you weren’t going to go down “my god can you fucking pervs look at something eles “heeseung grabed your had and took you into a hallway where others weren’t at “h-HEY let go of me “he released your arm and put u up agains the wall making you a bit flustered “doll see your starting to piss me off just cause you where this stupid shit only makes you look like a slut and you going out with Sunghoon lemme just tell you this if you wake up the next day and he’s gone don’t ever expect to hear from him again and this big mouth of yours needs to learn how to shut the fuck up “he let you go as you feel to the floor being in this position triggered something and you remembered
-flash back-
The three girls you were so afraid of had gotten done beating you leaving you on the rooftop heeseung had come out of the corner he was watching everything happen in coming up to you you looked up at him and your eyes got watery he grabed your face and looked at you “don’t cry it only makes you look pathetic”and he let go of your face and walked away later that day you found a bandage on you desk but didn’t know who put it there
-end of flash back-
“OMG Y/n”chu ran up to you finding you on the floor holding your chest “are you okay what happend did he hurt you are you crying “”I’m im fine chu ty “she helped you up and you guys left the mall you didn’t have time to cry and be sad you were going to this party no matter what like you said
//arriving at party\\
Soobin had picked you guys up all four of you guys going to the party as u guys got off people do what they do gossiping like there’s no tmrw anyways you walk thru the door being greeted by Sunoo even tho he was friends with the boys he wasn’t a complete jack ass “omg so glad you guys could make it” hugging u and chu and giving the boys a side hug “well um if u guys want drinks there in the kitchen and yeah pretty much just enjoy but go greet the boys if u want “ u guys nodded beomgyu chu and soobin going to say hi to there friends as you went alone to go get a drink “hey you guys want a drink “they all nodded saying a beer was good u walked into the kitchen seeing people make out drinking laughing and partying as this was your first party you didn’t imagine it to be exactly like the tv Highschool shows but hey you couldn’t complain walking up to the alcohol section seeing jay and sunghoon he waved at you as u came up to him “damn y/n you look amazing “Sunghoon said “thank you I didn’t exactly know if this was a good fit but now that I know you like it I’m guessing it was “sunghoon and jay scanning you from top to bottom “so uh y/n you want a drink “jay had asked “yeah just give me four beers “he nodded sunghoon pulling you by your waist and bending down to your ear a little “hey I just wanted to make sure you were okay yk after what happened”you felt an Aw because he actually cared you wispers back into his ear “yeah I’m fine I wasn’t gonne let him get to me “he smirked looking at you and gave u a kiss witch you were not prepared for but ofc someone was watching you the entire time and pushed him off you “what the fuck sunghoon”you could tell heeseung was mad but why what reasons did he have to be upset “oh hey heeseung”sunghoon smirked at him like as if he knew he wasn’t supposed to be doing what he just did “don’t fucking hey heeseung me what the fuck do you think your doing “ “I mean I thought it was pretty clear I was kissing her “hey you guys cmon don’t fight “jay stood beetween the boys “yeah cmon heeseung don’t sweat it we’re just having some fun “ those words hurt you you thought sunghoon liked you or were you really just there for his entertainment now?
You put your head down a bit upset and you saw heeseung smirking “what’s wrong doll I told you aren’t I right “ you were annoyed at heeseung at the fact he was right again but you felt embarrassed “shut the fuck up heeseung “ “dont be mad doll you guys were just having fun right “ in that moment it clicked to sunghoon the way he had said it and he felt bad “wait y/n that’s not how I mean it” u we’re gonna take this as your opportunity to get back at heeseung “you smiled at Sunghoon going up to him whispering in his ear leaving heeseung and jay curious “don’t worry I know we’re having fun but heeseung just ruined it so can you take me where we can have fun” you left sunghoon speechless the girl who always had to run errands for his bsf and who would always get picked on was now so bold and a bit flustered “u-uh yeah sure “ he grabed your arm guiding you to what you assumed was jakes guest room but as you looked back you could see a very annoyed heeseung
//15 min after entering the room\\
As you and sunghoon were making out his shirt already off and your dress guliding up to your hips sunghoon s hands placed on your thighs massaging them you were nervous but just as he was about to go under you stopped him “hoon wait um it’s my first time so I’m kinda scared”he just smiled at you “hey we don’t have to do it if you don’t want we can take things slow” maybe heeseung was wrong maybe he really did like you and you were gonna shove it in his face that you and his bsf were gonna be together “well do u js wanna watch a movie and cuddle” by this time you were ready to sleep so u agreed “yeah but um do you know if Jake has any clothes to borrow or I could js sleep in this I don’t wanna bother” he got you and went to a drawer in the room “scince we stay at jakes a lot we basically all have are own room heres my shirt “ he throws you a plain white tee but no pants so you look confused at him a bit “oh did you want like shorts or somthing sorry” he was about to go back but you stopped him “no like this is fine I actually prefer to sleep like this “ he just nodded and he went to change into something more comfortable but you didn’t expect him to come back with no shirt so you gasped seeing his pretty toned body “what?” He asks you just blush and shake your head as he smirks the rest of the night was fun but you fell asleep that night not thinking anything of it
//the next morning \\
Your eyes fluttered as you heard a knock on the door and seeing Jake come in the room made you panic and in that moment you wanted to die sunghoon still sleep until “YO WHAT THE FUCK SUNGHOON” and in that moment sunghoon woke up “nah dude I feel so betrayed you promised to help me clean but instead you got to fuck y/n “ and cause ofc everyone had heard jake yell Niki sunoo and heeseung came to the room and your eyes met heeseungs and you could see clearly he was upset “ Jake we didn’t fuck she just slept over “ “yk that’s hard to BELIEVE when she’s wearing your shirt and you have no shirt “ Jake had a point but it was the truth you guys really had not done anything “actually it wouldn’t be hard to believe sense y/n s a slut” you got up from the bed and threw the pillow at heeseung “you know heeseung just cause your a fucking whore dosent mean I am and I just borrowed his clothes you idiot so fuck off “ scince you had no shorts and just a shirt the boys just looked at you niki and sunoo deciding it was better to leave but heeseung was about to say something but sunghoon had cut him off “ hyung can you please just let this go “ and with that sunghoon just closed the door on them and locked it and in that moment you both realized you had school “ughhh we have school “ “we can always skip “ you quickly refused never once missing a day not wanting to hurt your perfect attendance “ cmon y/n don’t be such a nerd or are you still the old y/n?” You knew he was only saying that to persuade you but it did work “ I mean n-no I just um wouldn’t know what we would do “ sunghoon just shook his head at you “ we could just chill go to the mall do anything are you really that boring ?” Offended at his hitting him on his bicep “let’s just chill then “
//after schoo\\
After school normally the boys would all go to jakes house tk study play games shit like that witch they all did thinking that y/n would be gone by then but they were very wrong when they see y/n and sunghoon on the couch asleep “holy shit heeseung hyung is not gonna be happy” jungwon picked you up and ran with you on his back you being confused when jungwon locked his door and threw you on the bed “WHAT TH-“ jungwon covers your mouth muffling your yelling until you stoped “shut the fuck up unless you want to make heeseung hyung and sunghoon hyung hate eachother more right now “ honestly you couldn’t give a fuck less and if this made heeseung miserable then you had every reason not to care “ why should I care on fact I actually don’t mind going back ou-“ jungwon grabed your hand pinning you on the wall wtf is it with everyone pinning you on the wall “ look I know heeseung hyung did fucked up shit and I know it’s fucked up we didn’t do anything but we all grow from our mistakes and plus now your like hot so please just shut the fuck up and well stay in here”.
Okay well I’m im just gonna leave this here I feel like I had y’all eating for too long I honestly thought I would be done with this by now but I went on a family vacation recently so I had no time but I’ll try to make the next part as quick as possible ty all sm for being patient
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nitrokiraru · 6 months
madatowa drama cd notes as someone who has very limited jp knowledge. i am simply using my 4 yrs of high school japanese, google translate, and a dream. just posting this for fun so it’s not like an official translation or anything it’s just basically me describing what’s happening to the best of my ability and also being insane about them
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major events that happened that i could make out as like a tldr
-mada reunited with someone he knew when he was little
-towa learns abt mada’s past, mainly around a guy named “kurahashi”
-mayu eiji and kotarou appearance :D being sillies as always
-two yowie moments. first one in an alleyway second one presumably in their home. both are freak nasty as usual madatowa shenanigans
track 1
-LOTS of fighting noises in this
-towa and mada have a coffee and say it tastes like shinkoumi. some dudes come up to em and try to fight
track 2+3
-somebody notices them and gives them a job. presumably to fight people
-towa fights some people and it riles him up
-this part has already been translated but i just wanna scream abt it here bc!!!!!! towa brings him and mada into like an alleyway or something and he goes “hit me. it has to be you.” and mada says something like “you really are a lost cause/what am i going to do with you, huh?” hits him n his mouth fills with blood and towa kisses mada to make him taste it dnnsjdjd ❤️
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-they have a quickie in the third track in said alleyway like the freaks they are
track 4
-a character (acquaintance of mada) called him “kei” which was kinda crazy to me since nobody called him that in the vn
-theyre in south america i believe? it’s funny in drama cds when they go to a country outside of japan and still speak japanese
-this character knew mada when he was little??? omg
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-somebody came up to towa and madarame and said “forget everything you saw/heard today”?!
-there’s a VA in here that lowkey sounds like koujaku dmmd but idk how to check
track 5
-it’s funny how some tracks in here are like 2 minutes and the next one is 20
-dude i forgot how good nitroplus’ like sound effects are these mfs sound like they’re in my ROOM
-towa n mada having a convo abt the previous day. i think they may be arguing slightly? tone feels passive aggressive
-birds chirpin’ and towa’s breathing. he just woke up
-he just said madarame in the softest voice ever… 💔💔
-i think he woke up on their bed and mada left before he did
-towa: where did you go?😕 *track ends*
track 6
-footsteps. towa in a coffee shop once again
-cut back to towa. beep beep boop. towa calling somebody? ITS MAYU KOTAROU AND I THINK EIJI OMGGGGG T__T I MISSED EM
-i missed mayus silly voice
-they keep talking about somebody named “kurahashi” related to mada and kaga
-sasaki and toono mention?
-mayu: did something happen between you and madarame? did you two fight? (in the most teasing lil shit voice ever)
towa: *exhales smoke probably abt to hang up the phone* i’m done. -__-
-eiji: mata!! (see you!)
kotarou: mata na.
mayu: mata ne~ ^__^
the difference in tones was cute
-towa walks out of da shop. the dude from before comes up to him and asks if he wants to know what he and mada have been doing
-he like grabs him?? menacing music playing
-ok towa said let me go i think he pushed him up against a wall or something
-this dude is asking towa if he knows abt mada before he joined the takasatogumi. some massive lore bits goin on here (i understand about 20% of it)
-from what i got: madarame and kaga had a promise. lots of talk abt this promise. lots of talk abt madarame’s history with his siblings and takasatogumi. this entire bit is probably really interesting lore wise but i can’t understand most of it…💔 apologies
- enter madarame from the distance to save towa from this dude’s grasp
-he walks away.
-madarame: that guy…what happened?
towa: nothin. we just talked
madarame: really?
towa: yea. (he lyin)
track 7
-they go back home (i think) and enter.
towa sighssss. towa and mada talk time it seems ^__^
-madarame’s voice is so soft when he’s w him…cries
-towa: mentions something abt kurahashi
music: gets Suspenseful
-towa talks abt the stuff that dude told him
-towa ran away into a room?! (once again this would make me more sense if i even understood the weight of that dudes words and the lore of what happened)
track 8 (pretty sure this is the beginning of disc 2? however i’m listening from dlsite so it just shows up as track 8)
-this track is 20 minutes oh god pray for me as i try to even figure out what the hell is happening
-towa goes to see kurahashi and some dude tells him he needs an appt lawl… he lets him in tho
-“you came after all, towa” *suspense music starts*
-there’s a new takasatogumi?¿
-the dude who calls madarame “kei” is here telling him this. actually i think this is kurahashi i’ve just been calling him “the dude” this whole time but maybe it is kurahashi LMFAO i’ll just call him that
-wait the interrogation/euphoria music is playing? they’re still doing this segment in the drama cds omg
-towas voice still remaining the sexiest shit ever god
-IS HE TRYING TO SEDUCE INFORMATION OUT OF HIM or is it just his voice. maybe both
-more lore bits abt mada that i can only get bits n pieces from
-towa provoking da hell out of this mf.
-literally what the HELL is happening some other dude came in i hear clothes rustling and towa said Unhand Me
-the guy who sounds like koujaku is back apparently w him. they saved towa :D
track 9
-more kotarou eiji and mayuuuu. looks like they’re with towa and madarame now
-ok they left lawl
-everything’s all chill now i think that last track was the drama. i can’t wait until somebody translates the whole thing so i can actually understand what da hell happened
-once again their voices when they speak to each other alone are just 💔💔..
-it got a bit intimate at the end there i think i’m abt to hear a secks scene ngl
track 10
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-blood and knife(?) mention oh it’s abt to get real crazy in here
-mada: want me to cut you (non-verbatim ish)
towa: yes…..!!
-i’m punching the air.
-*cut sfx* mada: did that hurt?
towa:… feels good
-towa is such a fucking freak (affectionate) my god
-i think mada is licking the blood up oh my goodnes i’m abt to pass out and i’m only 2 min in
-oh he’s . towas whimpering . i’m normal (yes they’re fucking now)
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-towa: cut me more. i want it to hurt
-mada keeps cutting him and towa keeps doing that little whimper FAWKKKK I CANR
-after they finished
towa: you’re covered in blood.
mada: whose fault is that?
towa: yours, isn’t it?
-ok that just changed me and i am very glad i bought this CD so i can now listen to it for the rest of time.
track 11 (last one!! ;_;)
-outside ambience. towa talking abt da sky
-at the coffee shop again talking w da waiter
-melancholy music playing.. why am i feeling emotional
-if i heard this correctly mada and kaga had coffee together that tasted like what they’re having rn?¿ madarame talking more abt his past but like. fondly i guess
-madarame said something that kind of gagged towa but IDK WHAT IT WASSSS HE SAID “who knows”
ARKTA song once again for the ending! AND IM DONEEE
ok so. i’m not gonna give a full review since i didn’t understand all of what they were saying but i saw on twt some people are going to start translating it? so perhaps i’ll relisten once a translation is out and give my full thoughts but as of now i loved it regardless. i missed towa and madarame a lot i love their dynamic 💔 just a bunch of freaks fighting mfs occasionally and going anywhere but still sticking beside one other. im rly glad i actually bought it because i get to listen to it whenever AND it’ll probably feel like the first time once i finally listen to it along with an eng translation so i actually know wtf is GOING ON
anyways hi and thank u if u read this whole thing. ’m gonna buy the rest of them soon and also make a review post but probably not as long. the reason is because god i MISSED TOWAS VOICE SO MUCH LOL i must hear it again. that is all
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luishies · 3 months
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sweets* ˚ ✦ part 2
Genre: fluff Warning: kissing word count: —- authors note: this is my first fanfic so theres many mistakes or awkwardness..but hope u enjoy!<3 (Woonhaks POV most of the time~)
Summary:y/n is part time worker in a small convenience store near Woonhaks house. Woohak buys sweets everyday just so he can see her.
: ̗̀➛Part 1
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚                                                                                                  ⋆ ˚⋆୨୧˚
                                            I love sweets,but I love you more.
Messenger 9:37pm
 “Hey! This is woonhaks number right?” 
“Hey!! Yeah this is my number”
“Okii! I was just checking if its right hehe”
“Well have a good night <3~”
“Oh okok yeah have a good night too :)”
I felt my face heating up and my stomach had this funny feeling.She sent me a heart. I snapped out when I remembered my ramyun cooking.
Time check: 7:50am
Omg. I'm late! I was running to school with my hair still dripping.”Kim Woon Hak?” the teacher shouted.A loud bang from the door “I'M HERE SIR!” I shouted while trying to catch my breath. “I’ll let u go this time but next time i'll consider this as late mr.woonhak..” the teacher said while gesturing me to go to my seat “Yes sir! Thank you sir!” I said loudly, making some of my classmates laugh.The day went by so quickly. While i was walking home someone i remembered about y/n. I went back to the convenience store and I saw y/n fixing something on the shelves so I decided to scare her. I crept behind her and held her waist “BOO!” I said loudly but not shouting. I swear I saw her face go so pale but it became red. I was trying to think why till i realized our faces were just inches away from each other and that i was still holding her waist. I  felt my face get red and I backed away as fast as I could. “Oh..uhm.. Sorry about that haha..I just saw you so I decided to scare you..I didn't mean to be a creep by holding your waist or being so close! I swear! I'm so sorry!!” I was basically rapping. She just looked at me and started laughing “Woonhak it's okay! It actually helped me, i've been super sleepy and when u surprised me it woke me up, very much! Haha” she said while giving me the most heartwarming smile. I swear I could feel myself melt everytime she laughs,smiles or anything… “Are you gonna buy something? Or did you just go to see me?” she asked me “Maybe i'll buy something or maybe i did go here too see you.”   where am i getting this confidence omg.. I went to the candy aisle while y/n went to the cashier to help a customer. I bought the same sweets as yesterday. While she was scanning these she asked me “are these your favorite? You bought it also yesterday” i looked up too her while she was counting my change “Ya i like these sweets, I think i might even go here everyday for it.'' I said. “Are you sure it's the sweets that make you want to go here?” she said “or u want to go here everyday for me?” she said while laughing. “Why go here to see you when we can go out.”
“Huh?” she asked while her face was red. “I mean like we can just hang out.” “outside of your work u know?”. “My grangran owns a cafe just down the street. Wanna go there? I can wait for your shift to end "I said while rubbing my neck. “Oh.. um yeah! That would be nice.” “My shift is about to end anyways, I'll just fix something then we can go,” she said smiling. She said yes…omg is this a date? Or is it just a hang out?what if she's just saying yes because she doesn't want to seem rude…  I was waiting outside the store,pacing back and forth until she left the store wearing baggy jeans and a green hoodie. How can someone look so pretty in a simple outfit??  “So lead me mr.woonhak” she said in a jokingly way “ofc my princess y/n” i said while handing my hand out for her. We were holding hands on the way to the cafe. I swear I felt like I was gonna die at that moment. When we arrived a staff member told me that grangran went home. “Woonhak you've really matured huh, You already have a girlfriend” one of the staff members teased me. Y/n and I went to the counter and ordered some food and drinks. While we were eating she kept on talking about how much she loves (your interests and hobbies). I never saw someone so cute while talking about stuff.. I really wanted to hangout more with her but when i checked the time it was already 9:00pm. Omg..it's late, why is the time so fast?? “Oh shucks.. It's 9 already.” y/n said while looking at her phone. “I'll walk you home” i told her while packing my stuff “Oh no it's okay! I just live a few minutes away from here!” she said “i'll just walk with you till your gate.Its late, i won't let a girl walk alone at night” i told her “fine.. Thank you” she said with a smile on her face. While walking, she kept talking about the things that happen in the store. “Oh! There's my house you should go to, it's late, maybe your parents are looking for you.” she said “Oh..ok.. Well uhm thank you for today.” I said while walking backwards. “Y/n..can i tell you something before i go?” I asked quickly. “Hm? Of course you can”. “Well uhm..i've really liked you since i met you and i want to ask if you want to go out with me.” I said nervously while my eyes were closed. I don't want to see her face..I bet she's judging me or laughing. Until I felt someone get closer and kiss me on the cheek. “Of course, I thought this was a date actually haha” she said with a gorgeous smile. “omg..wait..AHHA im shocked wait..” I said while covering my face because it was so red “OMG I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFY I'M SO SORRY!” she said “NO NO IT'S OKAY HAHA IM JUST LIKE SHOCKED..” I said while trying to assure her it was okay. I felt my body take control again. Omg what is wrong with me. I cupped her face and lifted it up so she could look at me. And i..
Kissed her. 
I felt my entire world stop again. But I felt this entire weight just disappear from my chest when she kissed me back. "I love sweets but i love you more y/n."
(sorry that this kinda sucks..im like half asleep while writing this AHAH)
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badcaseofcasey · 1 year
Steddie Soulmate/Met as Kids AU - Part 7 (The End) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
a/n: we’ve made it to the end, folks! I have had so much fun posting this and seeing all of your reactions as I went, so thanks for coming along on this ride with me! I’ll be posting the full fic to AO3 soon, so keep an eye out for that. Without further ado, the final installment (for now…)!
The next thing Steve knew, he was blinking back against the light, the room filled with a warm late morning sun. He and Eddie had gravitated towards each other during the night and he woke up with his arm slung low across Eddie’s hips. They were still facing each other so Steve could see Eddie’s peaceful expression as he slept.
Steve let out a huge sigh of relief when he felt Eddie’s breath moving his arm up and down where it rested. According to the clock on the nightstand, Steve had gotten a miraculous six hours of sleep without waking up from a nightmare or tossing and turning over worries about whether or not everyone was safe. Steve knew it was likely because the person he worried about the most had been lying safely next to him.
The other benefit to sharing a bed with Eddie was that he got to watch as the other man slowly woke, eyes scrunching up to keep out as much of the light as possible, to stay in his cocoon of sleep as long as he could. It was adorable, Steve didn’t mind admitting it, and he couldn’t help the smile across his features either.
“You see something you like?” Eddie asked, voice rough with sleep. “Just saying, it’s been a while since I’ve woken up to a pretty boy in my bed looking at me like that.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Take me out to dinner first, Munson.”
Eddie’s eyes slowly opened and Steve noticed, not for the first time, that they were the color of molten chocolate when the light hit them just right.
“Morning,” Steve said. “How do you feel?”
“Like a bunch of interdimensional hell beasts used me as a chew toy,” he responded. “But I feel less like that than I did yesterday, so I’m going to count it as a win.”
“Good,” Steve said.
They were both quiet for a few minutes, soaking in the warmth of the sun streaming in through the windows and of each other’s body in the bed next to them. Eventually, Eddie sighed and held his eyes open.
“I think I promised you a conversation,” Eddie began.
“That you did,” Steve said, steeling himself.
“I just want to know… What does all this mean to you?” Eddie asked. “Because for a long time, I had this idea in my head of what would happen when I found my soulmate again, but then we did see each other and it was… not like that. But recently, things have been different and I know you and I both aren’t the same kids we were at the park, or even the ones we were in high school. So.”
“So,” Steve agreed. “I see why you’d want to talk about that.”
“And I grew up with this image of my soulmate as this dragon slayer, the person who could battle away anything that was bothering me and make it all okay again. And not two weeks ago I watched you do literally that - with demobats instead of dragons, but still.”
Steve laughed slightly. He was suddenly self-conscious about where his arm rested on Eddie’s hip, but when he tried to pull it back, Eddie just scooted closer to keep Steve’s hand where it was. Eddie’s arm was steadfastly around Steve’s shoulders as it had been when they’d fallen asleep.
“And, to put it all out on the table,” Eddie continued, “because I literally almost died and that puts things in perspective like no other, let me tell you, and because I’m sick of not saying it anymore - I’ve kind of been falling steadily head over heels in love with you since I saw you kill a demobat with your teeth, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.”
Steve sucked in a breath, eyes wide. He wasn’t quite sure he had heard Eddie correctly. After everything he’d done to basically reject Eddie over the years, he hadn’t dreamed that Eddie could really love him. And yet, here Eddie was, admitting it out loud and without shame that he didn’t just love Steve, but that he was in love with him. And wasn’t that a miracle, in and of itself.
But Steve must have been processing in silence too long, because it was Eddie’s turn to try and pull away, muttering about how he didn’t expect anything, and how he knew that there were such a thing as platonic soulmates, and it was okay if Steve didn’t feel the same way - and that just wouldn’t do.
Steve used the hand on Eddie’s hip to keep him still and brought his other one up to cup Eddie’s cheek where it rested against the pillow and angle his face so that Steve could press their lips together in a sweet, but sure kiss.
Eddie sucked in a breath as soon as their lips touched and Steve could sense his surprise even before he pulled back to look at him.
“I’ve already got the one platonic soulmate,” Steve said. “And honestly, she’s kind of a handful. Not sure I could handle another.”
Eddie looked at Steve like he was a wondrous thing and huffed out a laugh. “Thank god. Because I was talking a big game about being fine with whatever you were ready for, but I think it honestly would have killed me if you had wanted to keep things friendly.”
“Definitely not,” Steve smiled before leaning in to kiss Eddie again, this time angling his body a bit more on top of Eddie’s so Eddie’s head could rest on the pillow.
They stayed like that for hours, swapping gentle kisses - and some not so gentle - and basking in the glow of being together and on the same page for the first time since they were kids in a park fighting dragons. 
Steve had nearly stopped in his tracks when he pushed Eddie’s shirt up to feel the warm, still-healing skin and saw his own handwriting snaking along Eddie’s rib cage. Eddie had been right - there were a few letters missing and a few others stretched into scar tissue, but they were still perfect to Steve, and it felt like a punch to the gut to see them there for the first time, proof that Steve hadn’t lost Eddie after all.
Eventually, they would leave the safety and stillness of their bed to start their day, running into Wayne in the kitchen who gave them a knowing look when they arrived together from the downstairs bedroom. They would find their way around each other, adjusting when needed to fit the other into their respective lives. Eddie never did move out of Steve’s place, even when he was fully-healed, not until they all moved out - Wayne to his new trailer, furnished by a shady wing of the US government, Eddie and Steve to their first apartment together.
And though the rest of the dragons they would face were of the metaphorical kind rather than the interdimensional hell beast variety, they would always face them together.
taglist: @infinitetrashbag @vampireinthesun @swimmingbirdrunningrock @maya-custodios-dionach @thev01dd @obsessivlyme @a-little-unsteddie @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @spectrum-spectre @red-panderz69 @magpiemuseum @minjintea @finalmoondragon @thatonebadideapanda @estrellami-1 @freyaforestafay @biatcgh @sadcanadianwinter @im-sam-fucking-winchester @bidisastersworld @justanothergirlwithobsessions @anaibis @thing-a-ling @rosered93 @newtstabber @void-o-chaos @thegingerrapunzel @baron-zemo-trash @katireads @child-of-cthulhu @the-s-is-silent @i-must-potato @hellomynameismoo @lovelylilbadone @theotalksalot @lydi-cyan @background-noise-headache @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @slitherynchiken @grapefruitgalaxy @bookbinderbitch @luthienstormblessed @blues-tunes @murdblurdock @grtwdsmwhr @xpaperheartso
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topguncortez · 8 months
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Not Dead Until You're Warm and Dead || Whumptober day 7 - R. Abbott
whumtpober masterlist || whumtpober taglist form
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synopsis: Your and Rhett's relationship had been anything but easy between bull riding and lies. But you had hoped that you would be enough for him to come back alive.
word count: 2.8k
@ailesswhumptober prompt: flatline
warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, mentions of sex, mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, death, character death, allusion of suicide.
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When Rhett first laid eyes on Y/N, he knew she was the one for him. He had missed his chance with Maria, holding back on his feelings and letting her walk out of his life. But when he saw her standing on the fence line as he lowered himself onto his bull, he knew that she was going to be his wife. He held on for his life, lasting the whole eight seconds, and impressing her. The boost of confidence from the ride was what he needed to go over and talk to her. Her cheeks turned red as he invited her for a dance, telling him that she couldn’t dance to save her life, but he assured her that it was okay. He had kissed her that night. 
After that night, Y/N basically disappeared. She was nowhere to be found and it seemed like no one really knew who she was. Rhett had asked around town, asking pretty much everyone where the y/h/c girl went and who she was. It had dawned on Rhett, he never got her name. When Rhett was ready to give up, throwing in the towel that she was just a one-night stand sort of girl (even though they didn’t hook up) he received a call from an unknown number. 
“Hello?” He asked, creasing his eyebrows. 
“Rhett Abbott,” Her voice was like honey, and Rhett chuckled to himself. 
“How did you get my number but I never even got your name?” 
“I asked a friend,” She smiled. 
“I asked a friend about you, but it seems like you are just some figure of my imagination.” 
“I can assure you that I am not.”
They had talked for hours on the phone after Y/N had explained who she was. She was originally from Amelia County, but as soon as she graduated high school, she packed her bags and went to the coast. She would occasionally fly back to Wyoming, the last time she flew back was to watch her little brother ride against Rhett. Neither one had noticed the sunset, the moon rising in the sky, or the first strands of the orange morning sun. Rhett woke up to his alarm clock and looked down at his phone to notice that he was still on the line with her. He smiled to himself and whispered ‘sweet dreams darlin’’ before hanging up. 
And that’s how it went for weeks. He would call Y/N after dinner and they would talk for hours about everything under the sun. He learned that she was studying to be a nurse, in her third year at USC. Y/N learned that Rhett had made it to the finals, and she was already looking at flights to come watch him. Rhett rode one of his best rides when he noticed her smile in the stands during the finals. He focused on her the whole time, and the second he heard that buzzer go off, his mind was locked on finding her. The next morning they found themselves wrapped up in each other's arms. 
They continued their relationship long distance for about two years until she graduated college. Rhett had saved up his rodeo money packed up his truck and headed out west. He stuck out like a sore thumb as he walked around campus in his levis and blue flannel. He was going over in his head what he was going to say to her. The last time he had seen her was over six months ago when she had flown home for Thanksgiving. Rhett was going to propose to her, he had already asked her dad for her hand in marriage. He easily found her dorm room and waited on the bench until she came out. 
“Why look at what we have here? You lost Cowboy?” Y/N asked as she walked out the door. Rhett stood up, holding the bouquet of carnations in his hands.
“Slightly,” Rhett said with his usual half smile, “For you,” 
“Thank you, love,” Y/N took the flowers, and then placed her hand on his face and brought him in for a kiss. 
Their date went off without a hitch, Rhett taking her to a lookout spot that he had heard about. He laid some blankets down in the back of his truck and shared the sandwiches and stuff he had prepared. She talked about her final days at university and how she got a good job at the children’s hospital nearby. Rhett told her about how he had finally gotten away from his family, and Y/N was shocked. She never thought she’d see the day when Rhett Abbott left his family’s ranch, but here he was. He took her to the one-bedroom apartment he got which was covered in boxes. He tucked his shaking hands in his pockets as Y/N walked around the small place and explored. 
“Rhett this place is- what are you doing?” 
“I’m proposing,” Rhett said, as he was down on one knee with the ring box in his hand. 
“I know, why?” 
“Because I love you enough that I want to be with you forever.” 
“Yeah, really,” 
“Yeah, yes! Yes!” 
Rhett placed the ring on her finger and held her tightly in his arms. He made love to her for hours that night, trying to make their bodies as close as possible. They felt as if they had truly become one, their hearts, minds, and souls. 
Their wedding was small, held back home in Wabang. Perry and Royal had worked hard to clean up one of the barns so they could have a reception out there. It was no secret to Royal that he wasn’t thrilled about the wedding and his youngest son fleeing out west. He had hoped that Rhett would take over the ranch when Royal couldn’t do it anymore. Perry was happy to see his brother finally settle down and had hoped that this would stick. Cecilia was also happy to have another daughter in the family. The two of them seemed very fairytale-like as Rhett held his new wife close to his chest as they swayed on the dance floor. But the honeymoon feeling came crashing down quickly. 
Their first fight had been an ugly one, over Rhett’s drinking. Years of riding bulls and popping painkillers had become a second nature to him, something he quite couldn’t let go of. Rhett had found a farm to work as an extra hand, but it was quite enough for him. He thought when he left Wabang and chased after the woman he loved that it would be enough. Having her be his, his own Mrs. Abbott, would be everything he had ever dreamed of, and it was. But he fell back into his old ways. Y/N would get pissed as he’d stumble in at odd hours of the night as she was trying to sleep before her early morning shifts. She had finally had enough of it. 
“Jesus Christ Rhett,” Y/N cursed under her breath as she looked at the drunk man who had just knocked over something, “Why do you constantly do this shit.” 
“Do what? I’m too fucking drunk to do this shit with you right now.” Rhett slurred. 
“Well Rhett! The hell do you expect!? This is the fourth night in a row you have come home completely trashed. You keep doing this shit, enough is enough,” Y/N yelled. 
“What do you mean?” Rhett sobered up as she climbed out of bed, and grabbed a bag from her closet, “What are you doing?” 
“I’m leaving.” 
“No, baby please, I’m sorry,” Rhett grabbed her hands to try and stop her, “Please, you can’t leave me,” Rhett’s voice cracked, “You’re all I have. I left everything behind to be with you. I have nothing.”  
“I never asked you to do that,” She bit back tears. 
“I know, baby, please don’t leave me.” 
And she didn’t. She stayed by his side, even when he told her that he was going back to riding. She was actually proud of him for getting back on the bull. He had done his best to stay away from the temptation of the old life; the booze, the pills, the pussy. But old habits die hard. His body was older now, taking rougher beatings when he would get bucked off. He would have a simple celebratory drink with the guys after the rodeos. Rhett found himself out later at night, coming home to a quiet house with his wife at work. Their schedules hardly ever matched up. He got bored of using his hand in the shower, and he could hardly remember the last time he and his wife made love. 
He didn’t fuck them at first. He’d only let them suck him off before a ride, releasing the tension. But that only did so much. The rodeo hands seemed to look the other way when it came to his infidelity. He’d fuck the no-name buckle bunny before the ride, not bothering to learn their names or even show them an ounce of respect. He saw them as playthings to fill the void he was missing from his wife. He thought he was good at hiding it, but Y/N had always been smart. 
She knew that he was hiding something from him. She could tell in the way he wouldn’t touch her, his kisses were just pecks, and he avoided looking into her eyes. Y/N had even seen it with her own eyes at one of his rides. She had gotten the night off of work last minute and decided to surprise him. The whole crew seemed to act weird and barely paid her any attention as she walked through the trailers to find him. The smile ran away from her face the second she saw him walk out of his trailer, fixing his belt, and a bombshell blonde walking out behind him. Y/N felt her heart break as she leaned against the side of the trailer away from his eyes. 
Y/N felt bile rising in her throat as she emptied the contents of her stomach. Rhett heard the sounds of someone retching and walked around the side to see his wife. His eyes widened as he ran over to her, and moved her hair back. 
“No!” Y/N cried and pushed his hands off of her. 
“Baby, you’re sick, let me-” 
“Get the fuck away from me!” She yelled and Rhett stepped back in shock, “Fuck you, Rhett! I saw you! How could you?” 
“Babe I’m-” 
“Your shit will be in the driveway.” 
Rhett had come home that night to exactly what she said, his stuff in the driveway, but he wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. So he sat outside the front door and waited for her. Y/N felt bad when she saw him in the morning and let him in. She ignored him the best she possibly could, but it was hard to do. Rhett could hear her break down while she was in the bathroom and it made him shed a tear himself. He sat on their bed and waited for her to come out of the shower, he could see the dried tear stains on her cheeks. 
“I promise you, I’ll never ride again. I never wanted to hurt you.” 
And he had stayed true to his word. He had told his dad over the phone that he had officially given up riding. That he and Y/N had decided to start trying for a family. Rhett didn’t want to spend his time away from his family or worse, like some of the legends in Bull Riding, dead or gravely injured. Rhett had stayed away from the rodeo life for about six months. And in those six months, Y/N and he worked on their marriage. They went to therapy, talking out their transgression and disagreements. They got back to the basics, bringing back romance into their lives; going on dates and trips. They had some of the best sex they had in years. They had both seemed to forget what had happened six months ago until he got that call from Royal. 
“I told her I wasn’t going to ride,” Rhett whispered as he stood in the kitchen. He was making breakfast for Y/N, after a busy night of lovemaking. 
“We’re in danger of going bankrupt, we need this,” Royal said, “We can’t lose the farm.” 
“There’s nothing you can do?” Rhett ran a hand down his face. 
“You know I wouldn’t have asked you to do this if there was,” 
“Fine,” Rhett said, “When is the ride?” 
“Three days.” 
“Three fucking days?! That’s our anniversary.” 
“I’m sorry Rhett.” 
“I gotta go, she’ll be up soon.” 
Rhett had gone to the rodeo by himself, it didn’t bother him, he was used to going by himself. It did make him a little upset that she didn’t even bother to come with him. He stood in the waiting area as he waited for the name of the bull he would be riding. The second he was given the bull, he knew it was a lost cause. The bull was impossible, no one had been successful in completing a ride. His team gave him a pat on the back and Rhett gave them a shy smile. The first person he had called was her. 
“Is there anything you can do?” Y/N asked. She was sitting on the back porch of their house, looking out at the waves as they crashed on the sand. 
“You know how these things go,” Rhett said as he leaned up against the side of his trailer. 
“I don’t like this Rhett,” She said honestly. Silent tears were running down her face. 
Rhett could hear the sadness in her voice, and could only picture the tears running down her face as she looked out at the setting sun, “I know you don’t. But I promise, I’ll come home to you.” 
“You fucking better Mr. Abbott,” She sniffed and wiped her tears away. 
“I will, Mrs. Abbott,” He smiled back, “I gotta go okay, I promise I’ll call you right after.” 
“I love you Rhett.” 
“I love you Y/N.” 
She had watched the clock, as she settled down in a chair in front of the fireplace. The class of whisky was cold in her hands as she counted down the seconds until Rhett’s ride. Rhett said a small prayer as he walked up the metal steps towards the bullpen. The crowd was going wild as he waved his hand and greeted his team. They helped him down on the bull, and it already was bucking the second Rhett put his weight on the animal. Once it settled, Rhett tied the rope around his hand, making sure he had a tight grip on it. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, seeing glimpses of his future life with Y/N, a few kids, and a beautiful house back home on the Abbott Ranch. Rhett opened his eyes the second they opened the gate. It didn’t last long until a consuming darkness filled his eyes once again. 
Time seemed to tick on slowly, and her eyes never left the clock as she waited for the call from Rhett. Assuming from the time it had taken from the ride until now, that it hadn’t gone well. Everyone in the community knew that the bull Rhett had was a troublesome one. It was known for bucking off its riders in the first couple seconds. The second her phone rang, she picked it up. His name hadn’t even slipped past her lips when his team manager told her what had happened. Her heart was shattered in her chest as she dropped the phone on the carpet. Her knees shook as she collapsed to the ground screaming out his name. 
Her eyes were blurred with tears and her head was spinning as she pushed herself up from the carpet. Her phone was still on the line and they could hear her screaming for him. She walked out into the sand, her chest felt on fire as she let out loud sobs. She didn’t stop as her feet hit the wet sand from the waves. The further she walked into the water, her clothing felt heavier and heavier. The waves would crash and pull her underwater. She fought to keep herself above the surface, keeping her lungs inflated with air. The saltiness of water strung her eyes as the waves hit her. She looked up at the sky, looking at the stars and feeling the heaviness in her heart. She felt her feet leave the ground and she took a deep breath, as she felt a wave pull her completely under. 
In the black abyss she had fallen into, she could see the man she had always wanted. Rhett stood there waiting for her, his hand outstretched. She smiled at him as she placed her hand in his. He placed a hand on her cheek, brushing the tear from her cheek. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. 
“I told you I would come home,” Rhett said. 
“I know you did,” She spoke to him.
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taglist: @els-marvelvsp @sarahsmi13s @topgun-imagines @cassiemitchell @xoxabs88xox @seitmai @a-reader-and-a-writer @bradleybeachbabe @kmc1989 @senawashere @beautifulandvoid @ohtobeleah @rogersbarnesxx @oatmealisweird @dempy @devil-angel-winchester @gillybear17 @cornylovers
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Draco malfoy headcannons
flavor: fluffy and smutish but they're separated so you won't get jump scared
Also I'm returning to my roots with this stinky mf okay I have writers block
Liked you in the hallway crush type of way yk like when there’s that one person in the halls that you're like “god damn, anyways where’s my next class”
Never even tried to speak to you was just like ” I'll gaze from afar”
The only problem is that he has major resting bitch face so you were sat there racking your brain over what you could’ve possibly done to this random daddy’s money kid (like this isn't set in a private school but LOOK OVER THERE)
Confessed by just standing in front of you and 👁👁 before handing you an outdated birthday card with a 100 dollar bill inside with a note inside that was basically just him like “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLE-“
You did give him a shot and he did actually speak words to you
bitchest bitch ever yall bicker (lovingly of course) 24/7
“did you for real just copy off of me?” “Okay well at least I don’t have daddy issues” “You cannot be talking and you know it”
He gives stick bug vibes yk
does not comprehend normal human life you could be complaining about doing laundry and he is like “Just have one of the elves do it?” and you are like “😶right so-“
just assume you have the answer to everything bc like you’re his partner? tf?
“how far away is Saturn in kilometers?” “They don't measure distance with kilometers, Draco, you dumbass. It’s called lightyears.” ‘right so in lightyears then?” “How tf am I supposed to know?”
he’ll hear a crash and look to you like you know what’s going on and you’ll turn his head back
I'm not one to assume someone’s sexuality but it's very much bisexual for the both of you (he likes guys and you know it)
a hot guy will pass and you both turn to each other like {insert Bratz meme here}
has created mustard gas on accident
laughs at his own jokes unironically (he is the only one laughing)
will try to be relatable and it's just like “yk that moment when your Prada shoes get gourmet chocolate on them”
makes up new names for your stuffed animals bc he thinks all the ones you picked were “lame”
his beauty sleep comes above everything else
Once Theo woke him up (there was a fire they had to evacuate) and the next night you found him hovering a pillow over Theo’s face you tackled him to the ground
Only knows how to play dominoes no card games or anything only dominoes
Bought you guys matching sleep masks
And embroidered PJs
And bunny slippers
PDA hater
He’ll sit next to you at max when you're around lots of people when you're just around his friends he's down with hugs and hand-holding holding maybe a cheek kiss but that's it
Alone is a different story he's attached to you he's actively trying to crawl under your skin as we speak
Terrified of bugs he's standing on a chair and screaming the second he sees one
Pays you in kisses when you take the bug outside (after you wash your hands)
Prefers baths over showers
Hates dogs and growls at them more than they growl at him
Only likes cats in theory bc they leave hair on his clothes
He's a reptile man
has owned a bearded dragon and will own more
Cold mf you wanna look me in the eye and tell me he has good circulation
Presses his cold ass feet against you while you're on the brink of sleep so confused when you swing your hand back to smack him
“I'm just cuddling you?”
“Cuddle somebody else fucking ice cube bitch ass”
Every single night
He sleeps on his back with his hands on his stomach like he's going to get lowered into his casket it's embarrassing
Thinks he knows how to shake ass and then when he tries (and fails) he considers never speaking to anyone ever again
Has gotten flirted with while he was with you and he just stared at them blankly bc he couldn't tell if it was happening
And then he left the room entirely
Walks in on people butt ass naked bc he has not learned how to knock (only child syndrome)
Stares a lot
He has nothing better to do so he’ll just come join you in your dorm and 👁hi👁
You've learned to block him out so he’ll scare the shit out of you
Sure he doesn't know how to flirt but he has money so he makes up for it
If you look at anything longer than three seconds he's following behind you with his card and the other twelve bags you have
This does have you ending up with things you didn't want so your friends love your random gifts
One of them will walk into potions with a luxury purse and one of the other kids will be like “tf Did you get that?” and your friends are like “🫵” And you're like “I didn't want it” So some of the student body does hate your guts just a little
favorite food is plain white rice
Thinks that acrylic nails go under the skin yk like in those videos with the fake hands pushing the nails up the finger yeah he thinks that actually happens to people
Jaw on the floor when you explain to him that's not what happens
Nsfw kinda
Down to three-way and will NOT let you forget
“I met this cute girl at the-” “I'm down. 😐”
“Oh did you see Harry this morning he was-” “Do you think he'd hook up with us?😐” “Babe. We've talked about this” “just once please”
Has asked you to peg him
unless you have a dick then he's asking for one of those two-way things (you're on my blog you know what I'm talking about dude)
Actively begging sobbing on his knees “Please baby Please being so good please”
Would be a swinger and he'd have a pineapple on his front porch
Has dabbled in the lockerrooms
Will ask you if the boys can watch him hit and you said only if they see him at his lowest begging and pleading for you he is silent as of now (give him two weeks)
Type of bitch to be covered in hickeys and when someone is like “What happened? To your neck?” and he's like “Literally what are you talking about?” will gaslight them into thinking there's nothing on his neck
Prefers cuddling naked but hates not immediately being in the bath after sex so he has to battle himself in his head
Can't dirty talk he's like “You look so nice when you're not in clothes? Do you like my wee wee?” and you're sitting there “bitch your what?”
Have resulted in him not being allowed to talk
Quickies number one hater
Needs his time to get into pussybitchboy mode
Okay bye
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i-love-scarameowche · 4 months
Soft yandere David x reader
TW: Slight angst, ooc David probably, size+strength difference, a few uses of Y/N, after time skip, stalking, fem!reader.
WC: 1.2k
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You were practically rushing around this morning, in a hurry because you have a job interview. You woke up late, had to make breakfast for your little sister, bring her to school, and now, it's finally after the interview. You hope you got it. You already work as a bartender, but it's just not enough to provide. Especially now that your rent has been raised.
As you walk, spaced out and thinking, you bump into someone. You freeze and look up from the ground, and you have to crane your head to look at the man. Your heart practically stops in your chest. The guy is, to say the least, huge. And you don't live in the best place, though practically none of Night City is necessarily "the best". You're terrified. The man looks tired and annoyed, his eyes are narrowed and his eyebrows are furrowed as he looks down at you.
"I-I'm so sorry." You choke out, quickly backing up from the man. His expression stays the same for a minute, before it softens. "Nah, it's good. We both should've watched where we were going." The man says, smiling a little. "Um..yea. Thank you." You reply. You thought he was going to be livid and have a much, much, worse reaction than he really did.
The man just smiles a little more and holds out his hand for a handshake. You hesitate at first, but take his hand and slightly shake it. Your hand is miniature compared to his. "I'm David." The man, who is now known as David, states. "Oh um..I'm Y/N." You clear your throat as you utter, but David just nods. "Nice name. Well I gotta go so, I'll see you around?" David lets go of your hand and begins to walk past you, turning his head back a little to hear your response. "U-Uh..Yeah." You murmur, and David smiles as he walks off.
David was right, only he sees you a lot more than you see him. He excuses his actions with the thought that, well, Night City is dangerous. He's just making sure you're okay. There's no harm to it. He just needs to protect you. You have no cyberware, he assumes you couldn't afford it even if you wanted to, do you want cyberware? Is that little girl your kid? If so, how young were you when you got pregnant? What's the girls name? He's sure she needs a father figure in her life, right?
The next time you bump into David was a few weeks later, he smiled down at you and asked if you wanted him to help you home. It was pretty late. And he doesn't seem like a bad guy, but you didn't say yes. You barely know him! David jusr smiled and nodded. He gets it. If he was in your position he wouldn't have said yes either. But still, he followed you after you left, making sure you didn't realize he was there. He doesn't want to call it stalking, he's just making sure you're okay, but yeah, he basically stalks you.
Eventually, after a few months of purposefully bumping into you, the dates not too far apart but not too close either, you considered David a friend. You started planning some hangouts if you had some free time. He learned that the girl, Nana, is in fact not your daughter, and she's 7. You brought Nana with you when David invited you somewhere or vice versa, and she was shy at first, but she grew to like David.
David was with you while you worked every now and then, just stared at you as you poured a shot of liquor for a customer. David walked you home after your shift ended, 12am. You offered to let him stay, and so he is. You don't have an extra bedroom in your apartment, and you know the couch isn't very comfortable, so you added that he could sleep on your bed if he wanted. He was ecstatic. Up until he realized that, 1, you'd be sleeping on the couch and 2, your bed nor your couch allows him to lay down comfortably. But he was still optimistic, he got to be around you, and you trusted him enough to sleep in your house.
You gave him two blankets and a pillow when he said he was fine with sleeping on the couch, and now it's dark, he's sitting on your couch, a blanket hanging off his shoulders and another covering his lap.
He can't sleep. Maybe because of the fact he's sitting, or maybe the fact he's been left alone in the dark with his thoughts; He doesn't blame you for either, he gets why you can get a bigger couch or a big spare bed, and why you can't keep the TV on for very long. But the real reason he can't sleep, at least to him, is because you're so close to him, just down the hallway. But at the same time you're so far away, he's in the same small apartment as you, yet can't even catch a glimpse of your face right now.
David tries to be optimistic again, at least he can protect you and Nana if something happens. Because you certainly can't. He admires you even more for the fact that your only Cyberware that is installed is for communication and the basics, not only because you couldn't afford any Cybernetics, but because you don't want any. David's thoughts are back to the fact that you're in another room. How do you look when you're sleeping? Maybe you look peaceful, blessed with the sweetest of dreams? Or maybe your face is contorted in fear, your mind riddled with terrifying nightmares? 
David stands, quickly folding the two blankets you gave him and placing them on the couch. He quietly walks down the short hall and is faced with your closed door. He tries to excuse his actions, what if someone broke into your room? He's just checking. He opens the door.
David is met with a rather small room, even for this apartment, the only thing in it is your bed, closet and photos of Nana as well as drawings from her taped onto the wall. He searches for you through the darkness, he can see you easily so he steps closer. He's rather quiet for someone of such large stature. Once he's beside your bed he just stares for a little. You don't look peaceful nor fearful. You just look...troubled and tired, yet so beautiful. Just like always. Even in the few hours of sleep you get, you don't get a break, your mind is still riddled with thoughts of paying rent, waking up on time, feeding Nana, paying the babysitter, making sure Nana is okay. 
You don't deserve to have to work two jobs and get a small amount of sleep before the cycle repeats. You don't deserve to have had to drop out of school so you could take on jobs and pay for you and your sister's necessities. 
He sighs and moves his large, cold and metal hand up to his face and kisses the thumb lightly. David then reaches down with the same hand and brushes his thumb against your cheek as he simultaneously crouches down beside the bed. He makes a promise to himself. To his mother, to Nana, and to you.
No matter who else he fails or has to hurt, he'll watch over you.
He'll protect you.
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Notes: This was a request for my Cyberpunk Edgerunners book on Wattpad !! I love him
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