#i am in no way saying you're wrong or that you can't have those headcanons
i know this is a thing that Literally Everyone says, but some people really do need to stop viewing their personal headcanons as Facts.
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jax-yacks · 12 days
Idk man most of my interactions with the trans community or discussions about the trans community online were about how nonbinary people were just college aged white women wanting to feel special or trans men should be less prioritized when considering trans safety
Or trans men are all truscum like Kalvin Garrah or even worse like Buck Angel
Oh and they were all cringe and gross and nonbinary people were even more cringe and tucutes -- just white people trying to find ways to be oppressed
And actually it's fine if trans women mess up and say things that are hurtful to trans men or nonbinary people or gnc trans people -- why are you holding them to such high standards?? Why are you expecting trans women to even talk about trans men anyway?? Why are you expecting lesbians to care about trans men?? Why are you trying to make women center men???
Because men are the worst! Trans men included! Why would you ever want to be a man? Why would you ever want to date men? Why would you care about men in media? Why would you headcanon a character as a trans man?
Look!! There are trans men and nonbinary people saying the same thing!! Let's parade then around to make sure you know we have the higher ground! Why can't you just agree that you're terrible? Trans women who agree with you are just pickmes
Do you know what it's like to spend the first almost decade of realizing you're trans engaging in spaces that should be safe for you, that should care about you, but only do so with a list of conditions because you have so much to make up for by being you
The last couple of years seeing people talk about transandrophobia has literally been life saving. It took so long for me to accept that all of that shit was bullshit and we shouldn't have to just deal with it. That those attitudes are wrong. It took close friends constantly reassuring me that I wasn't making things up or exaggerating for me to feel comfortable contending with the fact that fellow trans people could really be just as hateful and bigoted to their community as anyone else.
I am so, so thankful to people who are bringing these discussions to light and raising awareness of trans men and nonbinary people from the past -- our histories, our academia, our existence.
I am so relieved to have a name for what I have experienced and watched others go through.
I'm glad I finally feel free to ignore and block people who say transandrophobic things without fearing it's *me* who is actually being hateful.
It's great to finally feel like there's a community out there for me.
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matchadobo · 2 months
KIDD; wedding headcanons
warning/s: partial nsfw but no occurrence of the actual thing, super fluff i died and alived
i'll fix the formatting lateeeerr >:) red ones are individual bullets while white ones are subheadings of the previous red one (hope that makes sense)
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* when you bring the question to him he'll be like:
* "me? you wanna marry me?" he'd point to himself.
* "yes, silly! who else?!"
* "i-i mean," he'll instantly become red and start fumbling over his words. "i-i was supposed to pop the damn question out..."
* you best bet it'll be a full blown steampunk wedding! he'd want it to be in the victoria but it's also fine with him if you'd want a beach or garden wedding so long as the theme stays. this i what i think he'll be wearing, the aesthetic of the event, and what your gown'll be.
* during preparations, he'd mostly leave it up to you so long as you follow his color palette: red and blacks. but when it comes to foods, he'd be keen on having an attendance while you taste test and choose out stuff.
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his and your fits
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* before your wedding day, he'd be soooo anxious. i have this thought that when you two are individually out on your bachelor/ette parties, he'd be calling you by the end of it just cuz he can't sleep.
* "it's pretty late, kidd. did your party just finished?"
* "yeah, every one's knocked out of their damn minds. and apparently, i can't fuckin' sleep."
* "hmm, nervous?"
* "like the fuck i am." he'd try to deny it but eventually give in. "i wanna see you before i sleep."
* "but you know the superstition-"
* "fuck that shi-"
* "no! i don't want any bad luck!"
* "luck? baby, we defy all odds, don't we?"
* he'd insist but you'll also insist. so he just settled on an overnight call where you two slept in.
* during the wedding day, you two'll be tired as fuck because the only sleep you guys got was 2-3 hours because of talking and comforting each other until 5 😭. while getting ready, kidd will be more impatient and irritated than usual. but it's just due to the combination of weariness and anxiety. mostly anxiety. he never felt this anxious when it comes to you, he'd always be confident about how you two felt about each other. but right now, all he thinks if he's sure or not. if you're sure with him. eustass kidd never doubts, but he feels so deeply for you he'd never want to hurt you and that brings him to a wall. the people involve with him that day had a hard time working with him because his attitude is extraaa mean 😔
* but when he sees you at the end of the aisle as you donned a dress that looked way too good on you it was insane to him, all his worries left his body through a tear that cascaded down his eye.
* "you crying?" killer nudged kidd, noticing the taller to reach over his breast pocket to fish out the hanky.
* "shut up, you ain't the one doing the marryin'."
* i imagine his vows to reflect the kind of person he is, passionate and brute about it. he'll be soooo poetic it'd surprise you.
* "where do i even start fuck-" you'd giggle along with the audience. "i do lotsa damn declarations but this is makin' me shy, jeez."
* "name," he'd sheepishly look at you. "you are my dream and i honestly curse the seas that i'd only found you nos and not at the time i needed you the most. and now i, for the life of me, can't imagine how i'd live without you."
* "i, eustass kid, will put hands on anyone who mess with my wife, if those fuckers think they're so big, well so am i, aye?! if she cries i'll cry with her, and trust me when i say i will kill any bastard who dares do her wrong, because that's my wife, they better not look at her cuz she's taken, she's mine. got it?"
* "you've learned to love me, an insufferable asshole, in ways i never thought possible. you've seen the worst and the best, the weak and the strong, the ugly and somehow the pretty in me. you make me a better man."
* "you conquered all my fears, seized my pride, and built my strength. you are the reason i became the way i am today. you crawled your way in 'ere and took control over my heart, you little monster."
* "from the start, i haven't exactly been kind to you. i mean, i've been rude, and disrespectful; but you grew on me, you were patient and measured up to my irritated ass... so much that I don't know what happened, you really snuck up on me... so may you forgive me my past dumb mistakes. because even if I am stupid and mean, and I may not show my love properly, I love you and will do anything to give you what you fuckin' deserve. you know that."
* "name is a great woman, one who stands and always fights for what she wants, and I want the honor of being your husband. we'll conquer anything, yeah?"
* "okay i'm very fucking embrassed now so i'll just come out and say it... I need to marry you, not because I love you, not because I like you, but because I have to to... yeah, I said it, I don't like you or love you, i need you in my fucking life."
* man he'd end up crying while saying them. but his voice wouldn't waver, it's eustass kidd come ooooon
* he'd be dramatic and give you the bridal kiss where you kind of hang mid air and he supports your back.
* reception would be firrrreee it'd be an absolute rave! you'd have your wedding dress be modified where you can discard the tulle or some shit to make the dress shorter.
* your guests and dearest friends each made a speech about your craziness with each other
* "kidd was so damn insane for this girl. one time, he asked me if he should get her an otter or dung beetle as a christmas present. bro doesn't even celebrate christmas until she came along!"
* "kidd stood out as one of name's partners, he was the first jackass she fell for that was actually a keeper."
* "i'm telling you, kidd became so self-conscious when he met name! he started worrying if his lipstick was the right shade or if his eyeliner looked neat!"
* "what confuses me was whenever they talked to me about each other, the word 'i hate' always comes first and them being whipped follows after. it was annoying."
* drinking games come after, trivias about the couple and between you two after. and as expected, it was competitive because neither of you wanted to lose and give way 🤣. kidd as a man, will never go easy and let you win tho. he respects you like that.
* but what prompted me to make this hc is the wedding garter tradition 🫦. this will be his favorite part. he'd be very extra tho,
* he'll take off his suit jacket and roll up his sleeves when you two are in front for the act.
* he'd maintain reaaaally strong eye contact and will be feeling himself while you burn red and start fanning yourself from laughing or actually feeling flustered under his gaze.
* he'd get under your dress, have a long whiff of that 🐱 and his breath'll tickle you bc he nasty like that, lick your thigh a little, give the flesh on your hips a squeeze, and drag the garter off with his teeth very very languidly
* he'll be very pouty when it's time to give it to the bestman tho
* then the actual rave comesss! blasting music and lights at the victoria, it didn't seem like a wedding reception. but you and kidd were in the center of it all, dancing with each other the same way you two met in a bar.
* "wanna get out of here?" he whispered with his hands on your hips, bending down to your ear due to the deafening beats.
* "hmm, ain't this familiar?" you giggled.
* "aye. this is the part where you come with me and we kiss at the back."
* "eh? that's different from what i remember. your mean ass was angry at me for stepping on your shoe." you poked at his nose while he laughed subtly.
* "shh shh, we both know how bad that ended. bar got fucked up real good." you two broke out in laughter, reminiscing at old times.
* kidd would inevitably drag you to his quarters, man's hungrryyyyy
* he'd be so desperate to take off your clothes, with how beautiful you look today and how he was deprived of you for a couple of nights
* you'd leave the deck making out, walkign sideways, backwards, u name it
* "it'd be pretty weird if the bride and groom's gone on their reception, right?" you broke out of the kiss.
* "and we don't give a shit about it, don't we?" he'd grin, tugging at your lips
* aaaand stuff thst happens in the honeymoon happened 😏
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been in the works foR WAY TOO LONG
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sokkastyles · 2 months
I have a question, I know we know that shipping does not equal morality. And I get that, and I really like that. However, on my other blog, that should have been my main blog (yes I am that dumb). I have talked about Aang's non-consensual and criticized how Kataang is written, however, if you ship Kataang I won't come for your throat because that's not my style. I know the few misogynists/antis on here and on Twitter, and I don't want to let a few bad apples be my impression of a fandom, that's not fair, So now I'm side-eyeing myself over my past remarks. Likewise, I know shipping is not equal to morality, but I also want to criticize Kataang because of how flawed it is and how wrong that kiss was (and other things). I have no idea what I'm saying because at this point I'm rambling. What do you think?
Well, there is a difference between criticizing a ship and criticizing canon. I don't honestly care what people ship. I use the antikataang tag because I don't want to argue with people who do ship it, but that doesn't mean I won't be critical of what is in the show. I think expecting people not to engage critically with media is absolute nonsense. But there is a difference between engaging critically with the actual media and criticizing people's fanon or headcanons, which is where you get away from critically engaging with canon and move into the area of criticizing other people's opinions, which is how arguments start.
Like, there isn't really any actual concrete argument you can make to criticize zutara, because zutara does not exist in canon. It's all fanon and headcanons and speculation. And criticizing other people's opinions just makes you look like a dick.
You also have to take into account the intention behind something. The thing about the way Katara's relationship with Aang is presented is that we're supposed to root for Aang to get Katara, and every obstacle towards that end is just there to create dramatic tension for the male point of audience identification. That's the real problem with the noncon kiss, and people who are critical of it are right to point it out.
In contrast, when I say shipping isn't morality, I'm talking about people who write, let's say, dubcon zutara fics. Fanfiction as a genre is largely female-centered fantasy. Yes, even those lurid fics you're thinking of. People write and read these fics for completely different reasons and have completely different expectations than when watching a series like ATLA. Trying to say that someone can't criticize the way the show presents Aang kissing Katara after she said she was confused as a mistake to be glossed over (that is forgotten as soon as it happens) because they also happen to like reading darkfic is nonsense. There's also a long history of women's interests being policed that informs my views here, vs the fact that consent has only fairly recently become a conversation in mainstream media. You have only to look at the way the show itself portrays Katara having interests (especially in boys) outside of Aang as dark and dangerous to see this happening in ATLA itself. Or the way the creators got away with saying that zutara shippers are doomed to end up in abusive relationships while painting Aang as a typical Nice Guy stereotype who expects Katara to magically become his girlfriend (and gets angry when she doesn't) and seeing nothing wrong with it.
The thing is that zutara, if we look at the way it's written in canon as a metaphor for a romantic relationship, follows the same tradition of how fanfiction has historically existed as an exploration of romantic and sexual dynamics. Those conversations about consent are actually happening and being explored in fanfiction, even the dark stuff, whereas relationships that are presented as "wholesome" often push us to NOT have those conversations. So when I say shipping isn't morality, what I actually mean is that noncanon shipping and darkfic actually has more of a moral leg to stand on than uncritically engaging with relationships on the grounds that Aang is the hero so his goodness and worthiness to get the girl should just be assumed. Zuko has to work for his right to be in a relationship with Katara because he didn't start out from a place of goodness, and that, on its own, is very female centered because instead of starting out from the perspective of the male hero deserving a relationship by virtue of being the hero, we see the idea that a man has to work to gain a woman's respect and affection.
So it's not so much that I hate KA, but I hate the idea that we should engage in it uncritically. And that would be true even if it really was the most wholesome relationship in the world. The same thing cannot be true of zutara because even the darkest of darkfic are about women centering themselves in the narrative and engaging with power dynamics in ways that are subverting patriarchal norms about relationships by definition.
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shut-up-danny-kun · 1 month
I've read hundreds of Star Trek TOS fics by now and it never ceases to amuse me how many different ways there are to fuck up Spock's characterization...now hold on just a minute - this post has a more interesting point than “fanfic writers stupid”, I promise you.
Every time, it's a spin on the massacre wheel. It's kind of amazing. Will he be overly emotional to the point where he's not himself anymore? Will he be so cold it's unpleasant and kind of hard to understand how he's lived to this point? Will he be extremely horny for no good reason? Will he speak in a way that sounds complety wrong?
I chuckle and shake my head. Of course, I KNOW what Spock is like, and MY interpretation of him is the most perfect and correct one. Obviously. He's just a very nuanced character, formed by many people in an unconventional way, with traits that seem to contradict each other at first but ultimately form a rich and unique character that so many people fell in love with specifically because he's so complicated...
Or...is he?
Let's entertain the idea that there isn't one correct interpretation of Spock, that all of these messy bits of characterization are not part of a bigger picture, but...just what they are: a product of many people with starkly different visions, working on a show that refuses to properly develop its characters. What then? Well, then Spock is a Rorschach test. Each viewer connects the random dots in their own way, and ignores the ones they don't like.
Let's use an example: me! In my interpretation of Spock (the most correct one, of course) he is, first of all, gay and on the asexual spectrum, reserved, largely uninterested in casual flirting or sex. When he is interested in the aforementioned things, he tends to be quite ashamed of it.
Makes sense, right? I can show you plenty of evidence for why that could be true. However, in the beginning of the first bloody season, Uhura sings a song about how Spock is actually kind of a heartthrob who likes to drive women insane with how hot he is, and Spock smiles. He smiles at her, as if agreeing and being very amused by all this! This interaction goes against pretty much everything I think about Spock. So what do I do? I explain it away in the most bizzare fucking way possible. See, Uhura and Spock are friends (there is no evidence for this), and Uhura knows everything I've just told you about him (through telepathy I guess? Not like he'd ever tell her!) and she's just trolling him (why would she do that? That is NOTHING like Uhura!). I need to do some Olympics-level mental gymnastics here, the opposite of Occam's razor.
“But Danny,” I hear you say, “it's just the start of the show! They hadn't figured out his character yet!”
To which I say: you can say that about anything! You can blame it all on a bad writer for that episode, and ignore virtually any scene that doesn't jive with your headcanons. It's there, and I can't ignore it.
So...how am I different from the people that want Spock to be thar heartthrob Uhura is singing about? That evidence is as much a part of canon as my favorite lines. Well, I'm not any different, that's the thing. And all those writers I complained about also have a point.
It's kind of a nihilistic take, I know, but maybe the reason Spock is such a cultural icon is because he is...whatever you want him to be: just concrete enough to spur on your imagination, yet vague and contradictory enough to let your brain fill in the gaps.
Don't get me wrong: I absolutely do not believe in this. In my mind, it just so happens that I'm one of the, like, 5 people ever who truly understood Spock (and one of them is Jim Kirk himself). But I still think it's something worth thinking about next time you're mad at a fic.
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correctproseka · 10 days
An essay on autistic Mafuyu
Coming from a very autistic person.
Mafuyu has a bunch of autism symptoms, but a lot of them can also be explained by other reasons, such as her upbring and trauma, but not all of them, so I'm going to start speaking about the explainable by other things traits and move up to "boy you're tism". (Notw that the trauma explanation can also have a pre-disposition to happen due to tism)
In the biggest "can be explained by her trauma" category, we actually have the biggest reason people headcanon her as autistic. Her Alexithymia. Which is just a fancy word for "can't recognize her own feelings". No i did not have to copy paste that name to not write it wrong. Yes, many autistic people are bad at recognizing their own feelings, me included. But we also have to note that Mafuyu absolutely hid away those feelings for a mask and because they were needs not being met, a "good girl" like her doesnt get sad or angry right? Thats what made her push down those feelings so much she just ended up.. numb. Its extremely common in depression as well as autism which made me personally not realize i was depressed until someone made me put it into words, it was similar to my normal.
Theres also her.. exquisite vocabulary, Mafuyu uses lots of fancy terms sometimes, which is very stereotypical white boy autism. But also, she was pushed books down her throat by her mom since she was a child, she was expected to be this "fancy" and "smart-sounding". So she is.
Observant. Mafuyu doesn't talk a lot, she observes. She can recognize things on others sometimes, but mostly about the environment, which can be an autism noticing a bird singing 5 blocks away or a trauma "i need to notice this or i get fucked" reaction.
Mafuyu as mentioned, tends to listen more than speak, I am personally not this kind of autism, but it exists, Mafuyu is quiet, listening and only speaking when she feels her input is needed. This can be simply a mixture of autism and trauma. She doesn't feel the need to speak, so she doesn't, why would she waste her energy like that? Smh.. but also her good girl mask is supposed to be a good listener, not much of a yapper.
Now we are starting to move onto the things she does that are less explained by trauma and more explained by tism. Which is my favorite part to analyze.
Parallel play: Mafuyu seeks comfort with being with niigo and working alongside them, she doesn't even need to be talking, as seen by the kitty event where she kept just listening to them on earphones, she just wants to be near her people and gets calmed down by being with them.
Bluntness. As an autistic person i am extremely blunt in wrong situations, and can easily not recognize its the wrong situation. Per example Mafuyu's "why dont you imagine you're gonna get killed if you dont do it in half an hour" or all the times she points something out to Ena and gets a scream back because it was the wrong time? Mafuyu says what she thinks and when out of the mask she really. Really. Lacks a filter, because she doesn't know when or what she's supposed to speak or not
She.. kind of needs people to say the obvious? Sometimes she doesnt realize whats going on, why she's reacting in a way, so and so. One of the reasons Mizuki had to tell her it's ok to run away. Mafuyu never considered it. It wasn't obvious for her like it would be for a lot of people, she's kind of very oblivious in emotional matters like that, and needs someone (coughs usually Mizuki) to explain something to her
There's probably more but im doing this in like 15 minutes.
Plus, all in all, she makes autistic people like me really relate to her, even if they can be mostly explained by trauma doesnt mean she doesn't show those signs or that they're only because of that, even the mask she uses is a known neurodivergent thing.
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ohthemis · 1 year
I saw your pregnancy headcanon! So wholesome and lovely ❤️. Now what would be their reaction when you tell them u want a baby?
tot boys when you want a baby
characters: all
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stars in his eyes. he's shocked at first (thinks you're messing with him)
"are you serious? you're not joking around?" "of course."
pulls you into the tightest hug ever. suddenly he's thanking you and everything.
"god, i love you so much" "i love you too." "thank you, thank you, thank you."
if you're trying for a child, he literally tracks your ovulation with those period tracker apps.
"let's try in 2 days." "not that i'm complaining, but that's oddly specific." "it's your ovulation date."
promises the world to you. he's just so ecstatic.
"i'll be the best parent. i swear." "of course you will." "you won't even have to lift a finger."
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absolutely no shame
"you look nervous, did you think i wouldn't agree?" "no, but..." "let's start now, in fact!"
he exhibits no self control and maybe that's why you love him
"no worries, mc! together, we'll be a baby making machine!" "please never say that again" "why not?!"
probably the least stressed over it out of the four. and in a good way.
"are you not scared at all marius?" "of course i am! but why wouldn't i be happy about this? i'm going to have a baby with you, mc. i'd say my happiness far outweighs my fear."
he knows it's going to be hard, and he's going to be cheery for that reason.
"you know, in a few months time, both of us are going to feel like absolute shit. so why not enjoy now?" "is it really that simple?" "it is for me. it's not hard for me to be happy when i'm around you."
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he's so in love with you it's disgusting
"i'm excited thinking about it, mc." "i'm excited too." "i can't wait to see little us running around wrecking the house. it'll be the best part of my life."
scrapbooks everything
"are you sure we need a picture of the pregnancy test?" "of course!" "if you're sure..."
practically glued to your side
"does anything hurt? you need to puke?" "i feel fine, actually." "maybe you should take a day off..."
he prefers to build the furniture for the baby room instead of buying
"would this shade of yellow be cuter or should i change it to the more orange-y one?" "are they not the same color?" "you're right. the first one is better." "???"
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super serious about the whole thing. not fucking around.
"having children isn't easy. are you sure you want this?" "yes, i'm sure, vyn." "i trust you, you know that. but this won't be like anything else we've ever gone through."
tries to fully plan it out to the best of his ability. sounds like a medication ad.
"have this. it helps with body ache and immunity." "it smells weird." "it's safe and healthy. your tongue might not love it, but your body will."
if you're trying for the baby, he's suddenly in touch with the top OBGYNs and pediatricians.
"meet your new OBGYN, my love." "what's wrong with my old one?" "there were too little "top 1 in the country"'s on her resume."
god bless him, he's doing his best
"you have 132 open tabs on babies?" "if we're going to do this, we're going to do it right." "we'll probably need less news articles and more pregnancy tests."
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loving-azerath · 8 months
i usually like hiding in anonland but here i am! would love headcanons about tf 141 (and maybe könig) preparing to propose and like how they'd do it! maybe show or describe the rings too 😌💕
i've been craving ghost, könig, and gaz content but whatever you're most comfortable writing!
Oh BOY did you go to the right writer for this LMAO
So Captain Price, he is old fashioned. He knew after a year or so of dating. He would...if you have a father or a good relationship with him (Lets be honest if you like Captain price that isn't likely) he would ask him for your hand. He would probably keep it a secret from everyone. Not risking his team accidentally letting it slip to you. He would also listen to you I think. He would enjoy prying the information on how you want to be proposed to. "Could ever see yourself being on the big screen of one of those? Askin' to be make a man's dreams come true?" He would ask, as you watch kisscams on your phone. You would tell him, if you want it private or not and he would commit to memory. You would never see it coming and it would be everything. When you say yes he would smoke a cigar to celebrate and ask you to make a facebook post because he doesn't want to mess up the announcement.
Simon Ghost Daddy Riley, he isn't one for a lot of attention and he probably also didn't think he would find someone to marry. So he would get the ring, with the help of at least one trusted person. He would ask them to make sure your nails are done or that you are in the perfect mood just to make sure nothing goes wrong. He would probably doing it in the most intimate setting. Between the sheets? Maybe. In his car after a long drive? Maybe. Would he watch you cooking breakfast for them, and not be able to contain himself anymore? Getting on his knees behind you and grabbing your hand. Yes. Omg. When you say yes, he would shower you in praise about what a beautiful bride you will be. How much he can't wait for you to be his wife. The sex though? More possessive. You are his future Wife now. New kinks unlocked for this man for sure.
Johnny Soap MacTavish, this man is too proud to do it quietly. He wants everyone to hear you say yes to him. He would do it in a pub, or in front of the team. Two drinks in for courage. He would have gotten the ring like six weeks after dating. Knowing you were the one almost as soon as you flashed him the right smile after a horrible joke. Now here he is in the pub, his friends hooting and hollaring while he gets down on his knee and asks you. When you say yes the drinks that are practically thrown in the air. He would lift you for sure, spinning you around and kissing you (might be turning into a soap girly)
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, let me tell you right now this cheeky little shit. Knew you would say yes. Had the ring on him at all times and would take pictures of it near you while you were looking for at least two months until you finally catch him at breakfast. He would sit there with a SHIT EATING GRIN and say something like "Bout time, love. Startin to think you lacked complete situational awareess" He also knew you were the one after 6 months when you don't hate him for being deployed. and Fuck him like a whore when he gets back (might be turning into a Gaz girl too...fuck)
Konig, my sweet sweet Schatz. He got the ring, but holds onto it for a LONG TIME. He is SCARED. Now he is a confident man in a lot of ways. In his skills, his size, his rank. He knows his shit and he knows it. However, you are his weakspot. Disappointing you is something that would kill this man. So he would spend months and months planning and making sure everything is perfect. Most likely a romantic dinner, private so he can remove his hood. SO you can see his whole face as he asks you. He would be shaking and when you say yes he has to ask "ReallY?" A couple times before getting a little too excited and scooping you up. Ya'll have the nastiest sex after too...
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Miles Fairchild headcanons
Warnings: yandere Miles, self harm, smoking , reader and Miles are making out(?), mention of kidnapping, negative self talk , manipulation, idk if there is anything else
Summary: how I think Miles would act with a s/o with self destructive tendencies (that's totally NOT self projecting). There are two version. One with a not yandere Miles and one with a yandere one. The first part applies to both
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(I know this isn't a miles gif but I couldn't find any good ones. Also not my gif)
If we're being objective, he wouldn't realise until later on , since he views most self destructive behaviors as normal(we all know he is self distractive too)
He would meet you at some shady place like an alley or the back of the school building. You were holding a cigarette between your fingers
Seeing you smoke he asked for one too
You gave him one and lighted up for him , his face close to yours , a smirk forming on his lips
That's when he knew
After that he would look for you in every place he went
He was quick to notice how you were always fiddling with your fingers , pulling the skin from around them
Later on when he saw you eat he realized that you ate too little/ too much
Chewing the inside of your cheek was something that he quickly noticed how often you did
Most kids Miles knew smoked for one reason: to impress their peers. That's how it always started before ending in a habitthat carried people in their adult life
He knew that some people also smoked because they were 'troubled'
But with you it was different.
It seems that you did it from pure hatred towards yourself
He had the impression that you heard somewhere that phrase ' smoking kills' and that's how you picked up the habit
Not-Yandere Miles
When you too got together he tried helping you avoid those habits in the most subtle of ways
Going in for a kiss whenever he notice you biting your lip and holding your hand when you started messing with it
Once his hand somehow stoked the inside of your wrist and he felt something weird
You felt something was wrong and you looked at him
He was staring at your hand and appeared to be having a mental debate
His subtlety was stopped at once that day
' do you cut yourself?'
You tried pulling of his arms . He didn't let you
You couldn't look at him
'no , i-' you tried saying but then glansed up at him catching his gaze.
You shut your mouth
'can I see?'
You hesitantly nodded.
Lifting your sleeve up , he didn't like what he was seeing. Old scars all around , with new ones not taken care of properly
He took you to his bathroom , bandaging you up
That was it for Miles. He now understood how he needed to help you.
' that's it. I have noticed some things that you fo and need to be stopped '
He always told you haw pretty and smart as capable you were , but after that he would be even more adamant about it
Negative self talk? Say goodbye to that shit because now whenever you try to talk bad about yourself he will cut it out immediately
Smoking? I don't think so. He will keep a close eye on you . Of course he can't tell you not to do it , but he can distract you and start making out with you so that you do it less
He holds your hand All. The. Time
Self harm? Nuh in, how about any time you feel like that you go talk to him. He will let you on the drums , trying to teach you . He will take you on a harse ride , running in the estate.
Yandere Miles
When you too got together he slowly and easily manipulated you
You would say something like 'i am so dumb' and instead of him saying you aren't ,
he would kiss your cheek and say ' well you are a bit dumb but that's why you need me'
He didn't like you piching the skin around your nails
'stop doing that, it's stupid!'
He would do like weird half insults
' you are so useless , but at least you're pretty'
' you're lucky I love you or else I wouldn't be able to stand you'
He would either think smoking is cool and encourage it or he would just not allow you to ever smoke again. No in between
Noticing your self-harm though?
Oh that changes everything
Takes everything sharp you own and hides it away.
Regularly checks your wrists to make sure there are no new scars
Threatens you to never do that to your self again
Would even get to the point of kidnapping you to keep you from doing it
'why would you do that! Do you not live me?'
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isa-ghost · 2 months
Phil and bagi hcs?
Also these will apply to AMFMN!! Because SURPRISE, if no one has checked the fic tags, her name is listed as a main character. ;) She'll be arriving in Chapter 6!! :D
I cannot fucking WAIT to expand upon their dynamic, which is funny because by the time Bagi shows up, Phil is possessed so it won't be exploration through direct interactions until the recovery period waaay later in the fic. Nonetheless it'll be hype! :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Phil is a member of the "Bagi can do whatever she wants forever" club. He supports her rights and wrongs and fully believes she could kick his ass no matter how unbalanced of a fight it'd be in his favor (disclaimer I don't actually know Bagi's exact pvp skill level 🤔)
Bagi is a member of the "God I want Phil to take me on a flight some day, I am so sad his wings are fucked up" club. (She would probably be terrified /pos)
I don't know what it is about their friendship but I feel like Bagi is so much more attuned to the way Phil thinks than the average islander. I guess I'd say it's because of how perceptive she is in general, especially with how she's a detective? Whatever it is, Bagi just has this talent for reading Phil like a damn book. And she won't hesitate to call him on his bullshit either. She's much like Fit in that regard. Crow man can't hide SHIT
Like fr if Phil ever gave Bagi reason to be concerned the first thing she'd do is start cornering those closest to him and either ask what's up or be like "hey Phil's on some shit rn, we gotta go force him to confess whatever stupid shit he's shouldering on his own and bottling up"
Phil has definitely been whacked with the frying pan for not venting and acting like he has to brave the horrors alone btw. Bagi's the type of friend that'll kick your fucking ass if you're not self-caring or being mean to yourself. (I am projecting LMAO)
Bagi isn't as Holy Shit We Could Die Any Second about things as Phil, but they're both very protective people, which can manifest in very volatile ways when they're hurt or angered by something (ie: Feds). I would not want to experience their individual wraths simultaneously.
Bagi is one of the top people Phil shows his gift giving love language to. Be it resources she needs, pictures he's taken of her/Em/Tina or of weird island shit, the means to complete cookie tasks, etc. She's one of the first in mind.
GOD Phil wants her to teach him how to wield a frying pan so badly. He's an excellent swordsman and bowman, but PAN?? The enjoyment he'd get out of it would be infinite, he'd love to be kicking ass while getting a laugh out of it bc pan go BONG when it hits a motherfucker.
If one needs something the other says yes no hesitation. They might ask each other a couple questions, but as soon as they have 100% clarity, they trust each other with the rest and know that if something goes wrong, whoever is present at the time will unleash hell on the person or monster that caused it.
I've somewhat already hinted at it but GOD the mutual admiration they have for each other!! Their wits and way with words, their natural sense of leadership, their determination to defend what they believe in, what they think is right, and the people they love, their specific expertise, the list goes on. They just think the other is so fucking cool and brilliant.
Tbh I think in the right circumstances they'd teach each other some lowkey fucked up tricks they have up their sleeves. Like Bagi giving Phil insight on manipulating people into giving the answers you're looking for by asking the right carefully worded questions, or Phil teaching Bagi the best spots to hit/hurt a person/mob to really do some damage just purely as a "hey if you ever find yourself in a Situation, here's a tip" thing
I don't know how better to show this without explicitly saying it: These two are not the other's fucking caretaker. Phil is not Bagi's father figure and Bagi is not Phil's mother figure. Yes, they can scold each other when the other is doing something dumb (cough, 7 hcs ago, cough). Friends do that. They support each other and call each other on their bs. That is not parenting, that's being a good friend. And they are to each other.
On that note, it hasn't come up too much yet but when shit sucks (like when the eggs were lost or lost lives), they're good at distracting each other. But like without halting the process of dealing with their emotions. If they're sad, they'll be sad together, but they're good at picking the right conversation topics to lighten the mood. If they're mad, they'll be mad together, and they'll plan what to do about it with each other.
I think I've sorta demonstrated it well enough in a couple of these hcs already but AUGH, they're just. So on the same page with each other almost all the time. And when they aren't, they're so good at giving each other perspectives they didn't think of before. Which, I don't mean to compare Bagi to her brother here, but is also how Phil and Cellbit can be with each other too; though they've somewhat fallen out of that sync post-Purgatory. The way the Mystery Siblings are so on the same wavelength as Phil makes me so *slams fist on desk*
Phil is normally a very Just Vibin' kinda guy but Bagi can get him into some really deep intellectual conversations sometimes and it's so 🍿🍿🍿 to watch
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reyreadersblog · 19 days
My unpopular TIG opinions.
Since y'all are expressing opinions out here..who am i to leave out? Now have in mind that these are MY opinions, some of these are unpopular some of these are NOT, some of these are even underrated facts but let's just ignore that..
(Please don't hate me)
1. I DON'T CARE ABOUT EVE, and i don't want her to be with Grayson..bcs APPERANTLY and very unfortunatly there are people out there who ship Gray and Eve..crazy..i know, i really don't care about her, i already made a whole post about why i don't like her at all, she's a manipulator, she's a liar, she's a backstabber. She traumatised poor Gray and threatened Ave. I respect your opinion if you like her and i truly understand where some of you are coming from, but i just can't manage to like her, don't hate her i just dislike her. Even if she gets a redemption arc..i can't seem to understand how i'll like her character after what she has done, but if i will..."forgotten but never forgiven"
2.underrated characters, there are so many of them in this books, for example Zara Hawthorne. I love her honestly, i could never hate, i understand she may have done some wrong things...but i love her nontherless♡♡ and same goes for Alisa Ortega.
(Honorable mention) also come on, give my man Oren some appreciation he deserves, you think following teenager around is easy? Even if it's his job and he gets paid, it's still tiring..😔
3. Uhh..i am scared to say this...i prefer Nash and Alisa to Nash and Libby...WAIT, WAIT, WAIT...DON'T KILL ME YET..LET ME EXPLAIN FIRST🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻, i saw @hawthornesbiggestfan 's post, and that encouriged me to say this, read that post bcs that explains exacly how i feel. I love Nash and Libby, they're super cute, i can't wait for their wedding and think they are going to have a very happy family...but..i'm still at the restaurant😔, EVEN THO we never got to know Nash and Alisa's story, smtg about those two had me invested in them from the beggining, like imagne Alisa growing up and Nash slowly developing a tiny crush on them..young love..passion..childhood lovers...love confession..ughh, also the fact that Gray, Xan and Jamie already saw her as their family, like an older sister. Such a shame we never got to see their story. Again, i'm not saying i dislike Nash and Libby tho if it had been love triangle between Nash, Libby and Aliso...i would choose Nash and Alisa...
3.Avery is freaking underrated, yk what's sad? SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, and she doesn't get enough hype (i've made a post about this too) meanwhile people are swooning over Hawthorne brothers, and yes i am one of them but i love Avery to death, i even saw someone comparing Avery and the brothers saying "oh she's so boring..Hawthorns are way better than her..blah..blah..blah" technically they were saying fuck poor people, i know for a fact NONE of the brother would last an hour from where she came from (iykyk), she's a girlboss, and a main character for a reason.
4. As much as i love Averyjameson, i have to say their story is pretty much over, We'll probably get some cute moments from them in tgg or in games untold, but they ARE NOT a main couple anymore.
5.TGG IS A NEW SERIES, please understand that it's new book series with new characters (at least most of them) stop attacking JLB, it's her books, it's her choice.
6.Lyra Kane's haters don't make sense to me, especially those one who mock, and laugh at her lovers saying "you don't even know her, i'm gonna laugh at y'all when she turns out to be Eve 2.0" uhm...sir..miss..shut it. I respect your opinion if you're a Lyra netural bcs it's true we don't know many things about her and i totally understand if you can't love her yet, but don't hate, we know we're delusional most of the times, but that's what headcanons is for, for fun, alight, let people have fun.
7. Will all due respect i have...Averygrayson shippers are...dumb..yikes..sorry, but it's the truth, i'm tired of talking about this, it's been 4 books, Avery is happy with Jamie, they're perfect for each other, their relationship status is great and Gray is most definetly getting a new love interest..but of you still ship and have faith in them..do so..who am i to stop you? Just don't be disappointed when it won't be ture.
8.i may be judging too early but Savannah and Gigi being in the game..doesn't sit right, tbh honest it'a NEPOTISM at it's finest, i love both of them so much..but..nah. again, idk for sure..it may be some trick, it's JLB after all.
9.there are too many repetitive charcter traits..Jameson and Rohan, Grayson and Savannah, Gigi and Xander, Eve and Emily, every single dad, exept for Isaiah.
10.Speaking of Isaiah, he is extremly underrated, i mean he is the best dad in the series and somehow people talk about Sheffield Grayson more than him.
Sheesh...don't kill me in the comments please, i'm too young to die🙏🏻😔
(I'll probably do a part 2...
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
Congratulations on the milestone!✨✨
I wanted to request a bts headcanon! There was this one trend on tiktok last year that was like “you’re not dating but you’re not just friends either” lol so I guess like a bts in a situation type of thing? Thank you thank you! 💕
i know exactly what trend you're talking about and i was never sure if that was supposed to be, like, an actual situationship or like that more cutesy in-between crush & dating stage so i'll try to do both.
once again tag teamed this with @hot-soop bc i have no original thoughts.
come tell me how wrong i am :)
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headcanons: bts in a situationship
seokjin —
has the least situationship energy out of all of them imo. mr. domestic king of commitment probably wouldn't be able to handle the uncertainty of it, but could be convinced if the other party wasn't ready/didn't want to commit.
(let's be real, it's impossible to not be in love with him, so [rihanna voice] good luck with booking that situationship u speak of.)
thinks he's being chill and in actuality is being the least chill person alive. red ears & neck 25/8.
does the "let's just play one more round of mario kart" con until the next thing you know it's 2am and the only way you're getting home is an overpriced rideshare, so whoops, might as well stay over, what would you like for breakfast?
strikes me as the type that'd be similar in that in-between stage, too, but way more acts of service.
picnics in the park, polaroid pictures of things that remind him of you, beats that video game level you're stuck on without you even having to ask, rambles on and on about his webtoons, chill weekends spent together at home.
yoongi —
completely down for a situationship. might be made for it, actually. you don't even need to ask.
however. realizes he's Emotionally Compromised and has his "oh shit wait what the fuck" moment months in. good luck sorting that mess out!
yoongi: it is very obvious i have feelings for this person and it is very obvious where we stand with one another.
also yoongi: disappears for a week bc of work and doesn't say a word.
also also yoongi: casually shows up at 3am and wants to hang out like disappearing without a word wasn't at all weird and confusing as fuck.
also also also yoongi: has the nerve to be confused when you call it off because he doesn't seem interested.
spends the next few months overthinking literally everything and reappears with a wall of text detailing everything he likes about you.
in that more cutesy in-between: playlists, "do you wanna hear what i've been working on?", open the door please it's 1am and yoongi's outside with takeout, absolutely giddy when he gets to teach you about his interests.
hobi —
can't see him being all that different from the way he'd be in an actual relationship, tbh, which is both a blessing and a curse.
a f f e c t i o n a t e
(but is it "i like you and want to be with you" affection or "i do this with literally everyone there is no way to tell if it's something more" affection?)
king of overcommunicating! good morning texts, phone calls before bed, memes and silly pictures throughout the day.
wants to trade ootd pics. sends you one everyday even if you don't reciprocate. pouts for days if you playfully roast his fit, but sometimes he needs someone to be honest about those questionable shoes he wears.
somehow knows literally every person to exist. has a friend who works at that cool new club downtown. the gallery with that hot new exhibit. knows someone who knows someone who works with that band you can never get tickets to see.
ensures you will never want for anything while you're with him.
namjoon —
ooh boy.
quiet. a lil obsessive. observant. can definitely be jealous. the kind of guy who loves to think he's good at situationships until he's in one and realizes very quickly he's not.
has a natural urge to play games to test you then have an existential crisis about whether that makes him a bad person.
wants to have all of your attention but will not ask for it. wants intensity but questions whether that’s sustainable long term.
ghosts when he’s in his feelings but writes you long, thoughtful paragraphs when he’s drunk. "that one guy who jerked you around in college" vibes.
will break your back and your heart at the same time.
in that cute in-between: museum dates. meetups in the park in the middle of the night to stare at the stars and get all philosophical. let's go try out that new distillery and catch that new arthouse film after. does this guy even have friends? because it's been 8 years and you still haven't met them.
jimin —
fun until it isn't.
lively and sweet and easy until it isn't.
flirts with literally everyone but gets real petty and kinda mean if you do the same.
thinks he isn't good enough. wants compliments and validation. another chronic overthinker. playful banter until he takes it too seriously and needs reassurance that you do actually like him.
not a ghoster but also not good at ending things so just lets it go stale and wither away.
dates? drinking and dancing. maybe one of those sip and paints. tickets to the ballet. competition shows at his place with takeout.
cuddly and affectionate but why does he call all of his friends his soulmate?
in the in-between: loves showing you off. would probably love to do your makeup. sickeningly sweet comments on all your ig selfies. always holding your hand.
taehyung —
intense. has a tendency to get a lil self-centered and disappear in that big noggin of his.
physical rather than emotional. will blow your back out in 10 different ways before he tells you he likes you.
(and only does this at 5am when he's drunk and just spent the last half hour crying to jimin on the phone.)
insecure so he plays it carefree and silly, but, dear reader, it was not, in fact, carefree and silly.
golden hour. takes the best photos of you on film. paints you silly things and nearly cries when you actually display them. can't cook but tries making a date of cooking together anyway; cons you into paying for the takeout after it inevitably fails. record stores. red wine.
jungkook —
either a major fuckboy or the most sensitive man on the planet there is really no in between here.
either never commits or is ready to get married the second time you hang out.
no chill. someone please remind him to be normal about this.
j e a l o u s !
facetimes you in the middle of the night just because.
learns all your favorite songs on guitar. loves a photobooth; keeps the film strip in his wallet. teaches you how to play video games but gets really pouty when you wind up being better than him. diners at 2am; a milkshake with two straws. obnoxious gym selfies. pretends he doesn't want to sing your girl group songs at noraebang yet suspiciously knows all the choreography.
shy shy shy
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Hello! I was wondering if I could request Akihiko sanada turning down a gn reader but he realizes he likes them back later on?
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Persona 3
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Character(s): Akihiko
Genre: Fluff + Some Hurt
Type: Headcanon
Description: You fell first, but he fell harder. Much harder.
Warning(s): Gender-Neutral Reader, Rejection(Toward Reader), Mentions of Other Characters(Mitsuru, Junpei), Reader is A Senior Like Akihiko(Shared Classes), Seemingly Unrequited Love
Hi, hi! Of course you can request this <3
Thank you sending an ask and I hope you enjoy! Sorry for wait as well!
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The world was a blur as you walked, blue and white meshing with the grays and browns of buildings and used paths. Rejection always hurt, even when you expected it. Akihiko was known for telling people "no", but you kind of hoped he would say different with you...
At least you could still be friends. Saying goodbye forever would've ruined your heart more.
Time had rushed into the starry evening during your walk home, orange mixing with pink and blue until they turned into a gentle purple...but everything continued on while you remained stagnant. Heart still clenched and eyes still blurred.
Akihiko wasn't much different, but he had no idea why. Perhaps it was because you're friends that he can't get that look of hurt in your eyes out of his mind.
It takes a good portion of time for him to get a handle on his feelings, but the process gets sped up by Mitsuru and Junpei. "Dude, you're totally in love!" and "Well, perhaps you like them too? You certainly care deeply for them." are two of the many things he hears from them. He always denied it, but then would continue pondering. Did he like you that way?
Each day you ended up within one another's presence, he noticed more and more. The way the light made your eyes shine with a morning dew at the lockers, the way your hands looked as your fingers adjusted sliders and reorganized lab papers, and how he wanted to link his pinky with yours on the way to lunch. And right now, he was memorizing the shape of your lips.
He had invited you to Chagall for a cup of coffee. Why, he wasn't sure, but with the way you talked about the flowers the old couple at the bookstore gave you for white day...he couldn't care. Your smile, though withheld, made your eyes gleam. He saw the way you grasped your clothes in your hands to release the energy you were keeping at bay and he saw how your upper lip spasmed into a wider grin.
"You're-" He stopped himself as soon as he began, finding comfort in the light dancing within his cup, "..sorry." How could he say you're amazing without hurting the both of you more? He already told you no. "I just...I'm sorry." However his apologies only seemed to confuse you, making you pry without meaning to. "For what, Aki? You haven't done anything." Except for one thing, he thought.
A ripple of silence fluttered around your table for a few moments, breath taking and soul crushing. "Is.." He held his breath at your voice. "...is this about the other day?" Of course you'd figure it out, he likely looked as uncomfortable as he did then. "Akihiko." His eyes met yours when you leaned forward, "You have nothing to apologize for. You aren't interested and there's nothing wrong with that." Whatever nervousness, anxiousness, you held was stifled in favor of reassuring him. "That's exactly why I'm apologizing, (Y/n)! I said I wasn't into you, but I am!"
Your heart squeezed in such a terrible way. Hurt and disbelief was all you could feel swell in your throat, bitter against the back of your tongue. He liked you even though it took him a little to get there. It should've been relieving, and you supposed it was - just a tad, but those morose feelings washed any good that could come from such news. "I-" He pressed his lips together for a moment, taking a breath, "I didn't mean to...to hurt you. Back then...I didn't know how I felt."
"Well, my feelings haven't changed, Aki. As...as upset as this makes me, I still like you." With a burn behind your eyes, you blink and breathe deeply, "I doubt that'll change." He took in a breath of warm air, as if to reel himself in. "Then-" He pressed his lips together, meeting your eyes..
"Can we try dating?"
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dozing-marshmallow · 9 months
Dawg…..i NEED NEEED NEED more of Chris Nibling with the other campers please 🙏 🙏
You ask, you shall receive ;D
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“Where did I leave it...?” The pretty blonde girl wondered around the campsite one day, in search of something. She finds you sitting in your beach chair and the missing item fades from her priorities,“Oh! Evening (Y/N)! Woah...you look tinier than I remember...” 
“Huh?” You look up at her. Did her mind go on holiday again?
“Yeah! You’re like a little kid, I’m surprised they let you on the show!” She blurted out. Yep, it has.
“That’s because I am a kid! Not a little one.” You proudly remind her,“A little kid wouldn’t own a makeup kit now, would they?” you held up the one you found to her, not knowing it was hers, let alone what she was searching for until she squalled.
“Omg!” She plucks it from you, her long hair shimmering with the sun,“Thanks (Y/M)! You’re like my Santa’s little helper! Oooo! Have you ever tried this stuff?” 
“The makeup?” You tilt your head,“Isn’t it for adults?”
“It’s for everyone!” Lindsay averred,“Oh, it’s a must! Makeoveeer!”
The idea startled you,“I don’t know... Uncle Chris might not-“
“Ohhh we’ll be fine! He’ll totally change his mind after seeing it!” She was very certain, which could either mean it’ll go exceptionally or horribly.
Only one way to find out.
"So lucky!” She holds your jaw up,“You're still at that age where you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want!”
"Huh? Can't you also eat whatever you want?" You asked your beautician of the day, unaware of adolescence’s side effects.
"I caaaan't! Too many carbs and butter tarts is bad for you!" She complained,"You break out into hives, grow hair everywhere and get taller...!"
“Eww!” you pull a face of repulsion,“I can’t imagine what you’re going through! It sounds so hard!”
"As Buddhism says, it's a part of life if you wanna keep tanning." A breath of sorrow, she searches her bag,"Okaay... Um, let's start off with the foundation!"
You watch her squirt some of this skin matching liquid on her blender,"Do you know what you’re doing?”
"Sure I dooo! But I bet you didn't know that when I was eleven, we had this charity called something Foundation visit us at school and they weren't even about make up!” She begins to dab it on your cheek,“So glad I exposed those con artists in front of everyone! What kind of charity deceives people like that?"
Uh huh...
"Eyeliner time!" She declares, hoarding the blender back into her kit.
You didn’t recognise what “eyeliner” was until she took it out, a pen looking thing,“Ohh I know what that is! My uncle uses that all the time! I always thought the way he did it looked creepy.”
“Uncle? You...have an uncle?” She repeated wide-eyed like the term was foreign.
“Ohhh right!” Her mind brought back to the minimum work,“That’s where I know you from!”
Having that needed to be recalled, you were kind of getting scared about what was she putting on your face.
“Let’s add a beauty mark therrrre! And you’re done!” She takes out her mirror and holds it in front of you,“Tadaa! What do you think?”
“It’s the wrong way, Lindsay.” You lightheartedly inform her.
“Oops! Sorry!” She flips it around, and you see the final product at last.
You gasped... 
Maybe it’s because you were inexperienced with makeup, but in your eyes, Lindsay was phenomenal, the very best: the shine on your nose and correctly placed pastels were all so glamorous to your young mind, you felt guilty for ever doubting her. She knew what she was doing!,“I love it! I love it, I love it, I love it! I look like those models Uncle Chris talks to sometimes! I don’t think I ever wanna wash my face again!”
"You're welcoooome!” The “dumb princess” chimed, twirling her finger around a strand of her hair,”Still think he won’t like it?”
Absolutely not! Maybe if he likes it enough, you could convince him to replace his current make up artist with her! Fingers crossed!
Hearing DJ, you jump into a non-lethal bush and waited until he was in your peripheral vision to grab his attention.
“Thought I heard you (Y/N)!” he warmly came over to you, used to your ways of a child,“Everything alright with you?”
“Yep!” you emerge, lifting your head up to make eye contact with the tall jock,“I wanted to know if...you wanted to feed the squirrels with me.”
“Aw, I’d love to-“ He paused. He had to remember that this adorable child was related to Chris,“Count me in!”
"Yay!" You pull onto his large hand and led him into the woods. Seeing a family of squirrels, you lean on a log and pass him your spare bag of nuts. While you waited for the bushy tailed rodents to warm up to you, DJ had a very serious question to ask.
“What’s the name of your teddy?”
Oh man! You were going to miss him so much when he goes,“Mrs Maple! She was there for me since day one! Chris got her for me.”
He takes a second to appreciate your innocence, connecting the story to his relationship with momma,“You really love him a lot, don’t you?”
You made a fuss from his imprecise words,“Mrs Maple is a girl!”
“I know that! I meant Chris.” Now they were precise; even at your error, he managed to not raise his voice if it meant the feasting squirrels could continue entrusting their vulnerability to the both of you.
“Ohh! Yeah, I love him a lot too! He’s on my top ten favourite people list(and so are you)! There’s no uncle in the world I would trade him for.” You exclaimed, goodbye-ing the squirrels in your thoughts,“Aww...”
Luckily, you weren’t left alone by nature’s animals for long; something further away moves into your sight, slow and mature. You excitedly point it out,“DJ, do you see that? There’s a moose over there!”
And he returns the excitement, by picking your smaller body up and sitting you on his shoulders. Woah! You’ve never been this high before! “Let’s get a closer look! Moose are also friendly.”
With his hands secured around your legs, you spread your arms out, mimicking an airplane,“Weeeee!”
Another session of free time led the campers to be diffused everywhere on the island, so there were very few people in the mess hall- such as Harold, Leshawna, and yourself, who was playing uno with Duncan. The stack was currently a green 8, like his mohawk. It’s Duncan’s turn and he takes a pause, before smirking.
“Two plus six makes eight...” he places down two cards at once, a blue two and a blue six.
This boils you to take discipline,“Pick up two cards, Duncan! You can’t do that, that’s cheating!”
“No it’s not!” He revolted back.
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!” you huff,“Chriiis!”
Having being called, your uncle gets up from where he was sitting and comes behind you,“What’s the problem?”
“Tell Duncan he can’t do that!” You demand, throwing a finger at the smug juvenile delinquent.
Chris complies to your exact words, by repeating in a dull tone,“Duncan, you can’t do that.”
“Aww come on, dude! You should’ve seen what I did! Look and decide as the host if it’s fair.” He gleefully folds his arms.
So Chris does and whether it was so he could see you irritated or that he genuinely liked what Duncan pulled, he approved of it.
“Hah! Sorry smarty pants!” Duncan laughed in triumph at you gritting your teeth,“Looks like you’ll be the one picking up two cards!”
You throw your deck at him,“No I won’t, because I quit!”
“Aww, is someone mad they couldn’t handle my genius?” He derided, resting his face on his palm, monobrow wiggling.
“Shut up, cheater!” You stuck your tongue out at him,“Cheater!”
So annoying!
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The Eye of the Buttholder
A/N: Before I figured I was bisexual I thought everyone checked out everyone's butts. My main headcanon is that Steve always knew, but I like it when he figures it out or when someone else figures it out.
Steve's eyes were always drawn to butts, no matter the gender. There was nothing to it, really. There is nothing wrong with appreciating a good butt especially when he was trying to appreciate Eddie's. The guy wore baggy jeans, so it was hard to tell what kind butt he had, and Steve found it hard to appreciate. Can't the guy wear tight jeans for once? Well, Steve's prayers were answered when Eddie came into Family Video wearing a crop top, his vest, and very tight jeans. Eddie grinned and pointed toward the videos as he moved to start browsing.
Steve's eyes wandered over Eddie's backside, enjoying the way the jeans hugged him perfectly. His bottom was small but cute. It was perfect. His mouth fell open when Eddie bent over to look at the other shelf. Steve felt himself lean forward. Eddie's hair fell over him like a curtain, and Steve was too distracted to notice that Eddie's eyes were now on him until Eddie called his name a couple of times.
"Hey, big boy! You see something that you like?" Eddie asked as he stood up.
Eddie was expecting him to get nervous, but Steve wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
"Yeah, you have a nice ass! Why do you hide it?" Steve asked.
Eddie grinned and bounced over to the counter.
"You like my ass, Stevie? Do you normally check out another man's ass?" Eddie asked.
"I can appreciate someone's ass without it being a thing. Isn't that a thing people do?" Steve asked.
"It's a thing some bisexuals do, and I should know because I am one," Eddie said softly. "I wouldn't know about all. I'm not sure every bisexual is an ass person."
"Oh, does that mean you like both?" Steve asked.
"Well, I guess that makes sense. It's not exactly straight to check out another guy's ass, is it?" Steve asked.
"Huh, I mean, it's not like I was internalizing it on purpose. I guess I just didn't think that I felt that way, or I didn't think I could be that way," Steve said. "You know what I'm saying?"
"Yeah, I get it. So, you're not freaked out about it?" Eddie asked.
"Why would I be?" Steve asked and paused, thoughtfully. "After facing interdimensional monsters, I realized that life is too short and that when you discover something good about yourself, it's easier to just accept it. Why waste time freaking about something you can't and don't want to change about yourself?"
"Damn, you're just the complete package, aren't you?" Eddie asked. "The first time that I realized that I also liked guys, I flipped the fuck out."
"Well, I just now realized that it's just more people to have sex with," Steve grinned.
"Hah! I knew it. I knew as soon as I saw those hips, that ass, and those pouty lips that you, Steve Harrington, are a slut. Very slutty hips, those are," Eddie said, saying the last part in Yoda's voice.
"Slutty hips, you have too," Steve said back and they both giggled. "I'm proud to be a slut. Sex is great."
"I wouldn't know. There isn't anyone lining up to have sex with me," Eddie said, blushing me.
"That's crazy. The first time I saw you, I thought: This guy is hot. If I was into guys, I would totally hit that," Steve said, and Eddie laughed.
"So what you're saying is there at least one person in line wanting to fuck me?" Eddie asked.
Steve leaned forward as Eddie did the same. They were so close that they could feel their breath on each other's face. Their noses were now touching. Steve closed the gap and pressed his lips to Eddie's. He froze at first before relaxing into the kiss and deepening it. He really got into it. Eddie wrapped his arms around his neck while boosting himself over the counter and right into Steve’s arms. Steve barely had time to catch him. He broke the kiss.
"Jesus, Eddie," Steve said.
"When do you take your break?" Eddie asked.
"A few minutes, actually," Steve said.
"How about I pull around back, and you can take your break in my van?" Eddie wiggled his eyebrows.
"Okay," Steve said.
Eddie gave him a big kiss on the cheek, slapped his ass, and hopped over the counter. Steve laughed as Eddie swayed his hips dramatically as he walked out the door, giving his own ass a little smack. Steve thanked God that it was a slow day. Steve went into the break room and woke Robin up from her nap. After spring break, they weren't allowed to take their breaks together anymore.
"Hey, I'm taking my break now. Eddie's out back waiting for me. By the way, I'm bisexual and I am probably going to be making out with Eddie in the back of his van," Steve said and hurried out the back.
"What?!" Robin exclaimed, jumping up, and went to try to open the door. "Goddamnit, this damn door is stuck again! Steve, you can't just drop something like that and leave. Steve! STEVE YOU STILL HAVEN'T TOLD ME YOUR MIDDLE NAME EVEN THOUGH WE'RE MEGA BEST FRIENDS HARRINGTON! This is not proper bathroom etiquette."
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tgcf-fanon-exposed · 5 months
this blog is the tgcf counterpart to @svsss-fanon-exposed and @mdzs-fanon-exposed :3. both those blogs are the inspiration for this one. this blog, like the others, is made to differentiate tgcf fanon from canon. i haven't seen as many fanon things being accepted as canon in the tgcf fandom, but we might as well make the counterpart!
i will post once or twice a week, and i will be citing the seven-seas translations as my source, but i may reference the donghua/manhua at points. a list of topics i have covered is under the cut :3
i am a professionally obsessed with tgcf -- i have read the novels/watched the donghua multiple times -- so send me asks! it can be anything, as long as its related to tgcf. maybe its something you've seen come up a lot but you aren't sure if its canon, or you just want to see how canon your headcanon is.
i speak minimal chinese, so i sadly cannot reference the original novels very often. i cannot talk about chinese culture as well, as i am unfamiliar with it.
please keep in mind that this is for fun! ill try an answer as many asks as possible, however it probably wont be consistent. i will also try my best to keep a neutral standpoint on everything i talk about as well. just because something isn't canon doesn't mean you can't like it!
Edit: Please note that while I try to differentiate canon from fanon, there is no denying I can be wrong! I would be more surprised if I was always right! And I haven't seen it happen with this blog, but please don't think that every single thing from here is correct. I try my best, but do not take what I say as purely correct. Any work of literature is going to have some level of nuance and many different interpretations will exist. Plus, the EN versions are translated, so some meaning will be lost. And I try not to let my biases get in the way, but they are still there. It is nearly impossible to be completely neutral.
The rating system! I'm using the same one as @svsss-fanon-exposed
CANON: this is supported by the text, and most likely explicitly stated. if you're trying to be as canon-compliant as possible, this rating is for you.
FANON – SUPPORTED: not directly stated in canon, but it's a very likely interpretation! most likely was hinted at or a reasonable conclusion to come to from the novel.
FANON – NEUTRAL: who knows if this is canon or not. most likely wasn't covered in the text, or there isn't enough evidence to swing one way or the other.
FANON – UNSUPPORTED: not directly stated in canon, but it's a very unlikely interpretation. most likely was a reasonable conclusion to come to from the novel.
FANON – CONFLICTING: this idea directly contradicts something stated in the text. if you want to stay as canon-compliant as possible, this rating is not for you.
and lastly, please add onto my posts with more evidence! i'll try to find as much as possible but there is always a chance i missed something.
stuff i've talked about:
Qi Rong Has Green Eyes
Mu Qing is a Medic
Xie Lian Doesn't Know His Food is Bad
Quan Yizhen Has Tassel Earrings
Hua Cheng's String, Eyepatch, Braid + Xie Lian's String
What are the Four Different Ghost Ranks?
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