#i am absolutely projecting through izuku in this one
izukutsuki · 6 months
just read "You Felt Like Mine" by Jenanigans1207 on ao3 and i want to recommend it!!!
it's a teen and up fic with 58.278 words completed in 05/2022, in which izuku gets hit by a quirk that makes him forget the person he's in love with - yall know who that turns out to be.
i'm not a big fan of "hit by a love/memory/whatever quirk" type of thing - i usually read these for funsies.
BUT!!!!! THIS!!! FIC!!!!
it's sooooo cute and well written! i love how they wrote aged-up katsuki and how in character his reactions (and izuku's) seem.
the only thing to watch out for is the size of the chapters - there are only 3 chapters to just the first one is 20k w long. that didn't bother me, anyways.
“So what you’re telling us,” He begins stiffly, his shoulders feeling tight. “Is that Deku is going to wake up and he’s going to remember absolutely everything except one person? And whoever that person he forgot is, that’s the person he’s secretly in love with? And that person, whoever they are,” Katsuki is so close to smashing his fist through the wall or exploding the table to smithereens between all of them. Holding his anger in check is getting physically painful. “Has to get Deku to fall in love with them again, or he’ll never remember who they are? Am I missing anything?” -- Or: Izuku gets hit by a quirk that makes him forget the person he's in love with. He wakes up in the hospital with no idea who Katsuki is.
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bkdk-fan4ever · 11 months
BkDk | Pro Hero!Bakugou Katsuki | Pro Hero!Midoriya Izuku | Quirk Accident | Amnesia | Amnesic!Midoriya Izuku | Required Love
You Felt Like Mine by Jenanigans1207
So what you’re telling us,” He begins stiffly, his shoulders feeling tight. “Is that Deku is going to wake up and he’s going to remember absolutely everything except one person? And whoever that person he forgot is, that’s the person he’s secretly in love with? And that person, whoever they are,” Katsuki is so close to smashing his fist through the wall or exploding the table to smithereens between all of them. Holding his anger in check is getting physically painful. “Has to get Deku to fall in love with them again, or he’ll never remember who they are? Am I missing anything?”
-- Or:
Izuku gets hit by a quirk that makes him forget the person he's in love with. He wakes up in the hospital with no idea who Katsuki is.
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pugszler · 2 years
re fanfic ask game: ✏️, 📬, 🎡, 🪜
thank you blake!!! <3
✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic)
hmm well technically i did start out in middle school writing crack/humor fic for kingdom hearts (albeit they were in the form of screenplays). i had a huge ass fucking binder of them and there were A LOT, all hand written on wide ruled paper. i never technically uploaded them online (sometimes i shared mini ones in comment sections on a fan site i used to troll on... 😬) but i did have an audience at school! i had two friends (who i prob bugged relentlessly) to read my stupid stories but i honestly think they liked them and were always super nice to me about them and gave me praise. one of my friends even drew fanart for some of them :')
📬 The best comment you ever recieved?
aaaah omg i can't remember specific ones off the top of my head but i Know that the best comments i've ever received on my fics were from both @icannotweave and @artiemisiaa!
raye, you've left enormous essay-length comments on multiple fics of mine and you rlly made it clear to me that you loved what you read and each part that you liked the most and just. gosh i'll always remember just how much interest you showed in my dumb self-insert fic w kohei despite never having interacted w the canon material. your comments were basically love letters to my writing and i'll never forget your kindness and enthusiasm :'))) <3
artie, i know it's been a long while since i last updated domino effect, long enough that Both of us have kind of lost most of our interest in bnha, but i just want to say that your chapter-to-chapter comments Really helped me keep writing through the bulk of that fic! it was SO NICE to know that someone was enthusiastically following along w each update i uploaded and that you were having fun while reading! you also praised my ideas and characterizations a lot and that was... incredibly validating for me :') i worried A Lot during my time writing domino bc i was afraid of how well i was writing my favorite characters, but you assured me multiple times that i was doing them justice. you're my favorite type of commenter, thank you again <3
🎡 Your favorite scene to write in -insert fic-?
aw blake, buddy, dude, my pal... "-insert fic-" means you gotta specify one of the fics i've written before lmao ah well don't worry i'll pick one for ya :P hmm i think my favorite scenes to write in Any fic are funny ones (i like to pretend that i Am actually a comedy genius sometimes lmao). i remember one of the scenes i loved writing the most was from "gradual shift" (aka the fic where shouto gets turned into a cat) and izuku attempts to hide cat shouto in his hoodie while he sneaks him into the dorms but then he runs into shinsou at the elevators who is absolutely delighted to meet a new feline friend and izuku is just freaking tf out and shouto is just like "mrow" (mrow meaning hi)
🪜 Tell us a random fact about any fic!
by some miracle (i.e. prior to 2015 when my mental illnesses started to wreak havoc) prob half of the fics i wrote at first were basically All written within the course of a 24 hour period. several of them had actual deadlines (like for events and exchanges) so that really got me into that last minute panic kind of productiveness (which makes sense since i was attending college just around/before this time period so i was Very familiar with this method of getting important projects done lmao). i pulled full all-nighters for Many of them and honestly... it was a blast. prob one of the best experiences in my life lmao. writing entire ass fics over the course of a single evening until the sun rises is a wild experience. felt really fucking good once you finish.
(link to ask game)
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
Thinking about Shiggy and Izu affection
Izuku guiding Shiggy by the hand
Holding hands when Shiggy has a breakdown, but instead of palm to palm, its like... Izuku cradling Shiggy’s hands. He cradles his hands from underneath and Tomura’s palms face upright. It’s not that Izuku is too cautious of decay, it’s more like a reminder that Tomura won’t hurt anybody. That no matter how bad he thinks he is, if his hands aren’t touching something, it won’t decay (this method also works well in cold weather. keeps the hands warm)
Izuku isn’t used to being comforted when he’s upset. He’s always shrunk in on himself and tried to hide it, tried to hold everything back. But somehow its just easier when Shiggy is here (something something your enemy seeing the worst and most vulnerable side of you and still accepting you, making it easier to open up). For some reason, Shiggy doesn’t laugh at him or scoff or leave him to cry. He does look uncomfortable sometimes, but he never leaves. Eventually Shiggy has no idea what to do with his hands or his being in general, so hugs ensue
Shiggy often props his legs up on Izuku’s lap, crossing them and snickering when Izuku gives him a tired sigh
Izuku has sort of a fixation on his hair. Long or short, Shiggy’s hair frames his face and it makes him look... pretty. Is that the word? It does look nice anyway. Jealousy isn’t really the word he would use with this, it’s not like he’s ever payed much attention to his own hair to warrant buying hair products or even bothering to brush it sometimes, but he can’t help but marvel at Shiggy’s hair sometimes. Needless to say, whenever Eri begs to braid it, Izuku’s always next to her, brushing his fingers through it and getting the knots that Shiggy never takes care of out (he guesses they are similar in that respect. curly hair, whatever length, is a bitch to take care of)
Piggyback rides. Yeah, thats new. One usually expects, given heights, that Shiggy is the one carrying Izuku, and that is true sometimes. It truly surprises everyone when Izuku is the one they see carrying Shiggy though. It’s a little awkward due to how tall Shiggy is, but the kid always makes up for it in strength. Most of the time he isn’t even using One For All. Though it is a bit of a pain when Shiggy’s hair sweeps past his shoulders, tickling Izuku’s arms. In this case, Momo usually lends a hair tie to get it out of the way
(Shiggy groans and rubs his ankle, looking to Izuku. “Hey, kid, carry me. My feet are killing me.”
“What? You were walking fine a second ago.”
“Yeah, well, now they hurt. Come on, I thought you were a Hero? Aren’t Heroes supposed to help those in need?” Shiggy cracks a sly grin as Izuku huffs up at him
Bakugou, who was watching, is about to stomp in when Izuku sighs and shrugs his bag off his shoulder.
“Alright, hop on.”
“Nice. You really are a true Hero, Midoriya!” Shiggy snickers
“Deku, you can’t be serious.” Bakugou tsk’s and turns to Shiggy “Don’t take advantage of him, asshole!”
“It’s fine, Kacchan, I got this! Can you clear a path for me though? I’m gonna need some space.”
Shiggy knocks his knuckles against Izuku’s head “Oh? Am I too heavy for you, brat? I thought you were this super strong Hero who takes no bullshit, you know? But I guess I was wRONG-”
Izuku activates OFA and speeds down the hallway, green sparks an afterthought on the squeaky floors as the kid races down corridors, outside the gates, around the area. All the while grinning as Shiggy holds on for his fucking life
They finally stop after 5 minutes, the older swaying as he lands on the ground and groans. Izuku checks on him, wondering if he’s okay, and when Shiggy suddenly grabs at his shirt - and misses - Izuku laughs nervously
“Aha... do you think I went too far?” He asks before being chased all the way back to the friend group by Shiggy - a dangerous hand outstretched to reach for him. He wouldn’t decay him, right?
Shiggy decays his shirt and is definitely the person Aizawa hears laughing in the hallway as Izuku asks for a new one, shivering in the staff room while he waits for Midnight to come back with a spare shirt.)
Anyway yeah. Shiggy and Izu affection
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
i’m not sure if this will make sense but,
how would the bakugou, izuku and shouto react to their comfort character appearing in their world and getting to meet them saying how much the reader has helped them etc... but reader gets permanently stuck in their world (also has a quirk and stuff) and they end up together just like the boys have always wanted
if this doesn’t make sense it’s completely fine 💗
(i’m in love with your writing 💗)
🍀 Hello! I love your asks keep bringing them my way ☺
This will be quite long since I have a lot of ideas, I have many comfort characters myself so I hope I don't self project! x honestly this will be very long for each character for sorry in advance ♡
Boys meeting their comfort character
Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya
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His comfort character deffiently comes from a smaller anime series, one that isn't dubbed in most language or the manga is only sold in a few stores with limited stock since no one buys them, so he's always eager to get his hands on them incase he misses a chapter
He first noticed your character when they appeared from a battle scene, nothing to do much with the main plot until further in the anime when they're more important, e.g. their backstory, why they know the characters etc.
He knows not many people talk about you since your not in every chapter which annoys him so much, "tch why the fuck arn't they in this issue? They clearly could of figured this out by now jez"
He has read small amounts of headcanons and scenarios about you since they isn't much known about you, he did like reading the fanfiction on the down low 👀...smutty or not leave that up to you ;)
So when he was walking down the street after going to the local manga retailer, casually reading something on his phone, and out of the corner of his eye he see's someone? Something? Moving and seemingly struggling after hitting their head
Being the hero he is katsuki makes his way over "you okay dumbass? Why are you in an alleyway?! Do you speak-"
Oh my god...its y/n no no the y/n!!
What are you doing in Japan?! "Hey?! Why are you dressed like y/n? You a nerd or somthin' " katsuki says as he steps back trying to grasp at the situation
"Cosplaying?? I'm am y/n? Where am I? Where are my friends?! What-" y/n stands up confused, where were they, how did they get here, so much going through their head
"Calm down idiot, your in Japan" Katsuki knew from headcanons that you don't like not knowing what's going on, so he is going to try and explain everything calmly...well he'll try is best
He tells you where you are, he has zero clue how you got into his world like what??? Your an anime character???
Either way you follow him around since you know absolutely know one else, have no money or somewhere to stay
Bakugou is freaking tf out on the inside, 'omg what tf do I say?' 'do they want to know who I am?' 'can I ask a out their world?' 'can I see if some conspiracies are true?' Katsuki was knocked out of his train of thought when you piped up
"So, do you guys have magic powers here? Like the ones from (anime)?" y/n says looking around "hmm..yeah there called quirks, mines really fucking cool look" Bakigou proudly shows of his quirk to y/n, y/n is beyond happy to see a new magic quirk, they want to train right away so they can practice with new skills
You and Bakugou go somewhere to train after he tells Kirishima he won't be back for lunch, Bakugou is fan boying so hard right now, honestly if he could just kiss-
Then it hits him..Bakugou is your only friend. Could...could he possibly get you to go to u.a? Like through recommendations? Who knows but he will bring you back to u.a for shelter and since Aizawa has a hard time saying no to kids with no families *ahem* anyway!
You have been at u.a for a while now after Aizawa seen how truly strong you were. Since not many people knew you were from a small anime, you could just make up a backstory from where you are from and people will believe it!
Since you were stuck to bakugous side for the first little while until you were comfortable with everyone in class 1-a you started to feel something for the blond...and he deffiently did to!
How did you know? Well quite simple really. He never shouts. Has your name on his phone as a nickname, a nice one at that!. He will be your little body guard if your going somewhere new, takes any chance to hold your hand if your in need of help during training...yeah he is really simping....HARD
He asks you out one day after reading numerous scenarios online about how people think you'd like to be asked out. So he does it. He is 100% honest about why he likes you, about how you helped him through the villian attacks.
You were shocked! But clearly his resources were true since you accepted his confession :)
After that you too were little love birds known as U.A strongest couple. Awe~
Midoriya see's you as a side character from a 'slice of life' manga. This boy loves how you interact with the main character
Loves how you have no problem trying something new, like would you try baking a cake with him?
When he realises he is writing his own theories on your character in your own notebook about how you would help him- he realises how much you helped him...only if he could thank you
When he hears of a new student interning under Present Mic, he needs to see who they are, what's their quirk, quirks? Everything. He grabs a new notebook just incase!
So too his surprise he sees you...the y/n standing beside Mirio laughing! This boy couldn't move...All Might steps in to encourage him to speak to you
"H-hey there um, what's y-your name?" Midoriya says as he is sweating like he is speaking to his idol, ok no his love??
"Hello! I'm y/n l/n, nice to meet you Mirio here was just telling me about U.A, congratulations on the sports festival your quirk looks very interesting"
Midorya.exel has stopped working
Ok this poor boys soul leaves his body...the prettiest, confident, amazing person he has even met knows who he is?? Ok dream complete.. after meeting allmight but still!
"I-I.." midoriya couldn't get a word out, not before Present mic steps in "yo listeners! How about Midoriya gives you a tour? Gets I'm out of trouble for a while" Mic suggests "sure" y/n says grabbing their bag waiting for Midoriya to follow along
After you two got along from the tour, You stuck around Izuku and his friends. You fit in just right!
Midoriya didn't want anything bad to happen to you since well, unfortunately u.a doesn't have the best streak at the moment for being unproblematic.
He knew you were strong and could hold your own. You proved that at the provisional licence exams.
He just..wanted to spend more alone time with you? So that's when Iida had the smart idea of Midoriya asking you out
"WHAT?! Iida I couldn't, what if they dont like me back?! I cant ruin our friendship! I like them too much, I love them too much-"
Midoriya loves Y/N
This is when he realised he needed to act fast incase someone like Kaminari steps in, so he decided to ask you to hang out in his dorm to watch an all might documentary
As Midoiya was setting up the TV, he asked you to grab the blankets from his draws, but you found something else
"Midoriya, why do you have a notebook with me helping you with your problems? U.a has a therapist, ate they hearts-" "AH DON'T LOOK AT THAT!"
He's doomed...or so he thought
"Wait, Deku, you like me?" Y/n asks with a smirk on their face, midoriya sheepishly nods as he hides his face
The poor boy admits how you helped him through his hard middle school days and his new way of life as a hero student, you were shocked, but you couldn't help but almost feel like his hero
When you two started to date, nonone was surprised, seriously have you seen how Midoriya acts around girls? Yeah he had the same reaction around you but 10x more flustered
Aizawa just Hope's you can teach him how to not break his bones and be less of a problem child :)
Todoroki might either read fantasy manga's or some type of lovers trope, childhood friends, enemies to lovers etc
He see's you as one of the possible love interests in a certain series, he doesn't like how you are treated though
"Seriously? That's what he said to them? No I would of said __" Todoroki deffiently takes criticism to heart about you, no one and I mean no one is aloud to bash you.
Oh people think your overrated online? Well heres a 16 word.doc on why your wrong.
He always wondered how you would deal with him, would you find Todoroki loving? Could he be your prince charming your longing for?
It doesn't take long before Todoroki was sent to recovery girls office after training. Only some light scraps that needed to be cleaned out.
When Shouto opened the door to her office timed stopped for him.
Why on earth was y/n in u.a?!? How did you get here, how long have you been here??
This boy immediately takes out his phone too see if he missed an article where your character was based on someone in real life just incase your parent works at u.a
Todoroki please stop with the love child business....sweetie you have bigger problems ♡
When you were being treated the small amount of supposed amnesia that you had since you don't know how you got here or why you had a quirk
Todoroki cautiously sat down on the bed next to yours waiting for medical assistance while he wraps his head around what was going on
'Why were you here?' 'Are you as kind as your character portrays?' 'Is it true you like warm blankets and morning kisses?' 'Who are you related to? Maybe midnight you both seem-'
Todoroki is taken out of his thought bubble when antiseptic was placed onto his wounds
"Todoroki its unusual to see you here, normally its that Midoriya one who has broken a new bone. Poor boy might think if he breaks enough in a row he wins an all might keychain" recovery girl says as she cleans up Shouto's wounds as she rambles about Izuku
"Excuse me? Tokoroni?" Y/n says as they try and get Todoroki's attention
"Um, its Todoroki, but yes? can I help you?" stay calm, shouto they are right beside you
"Do you know much about U.A itself? I don't know what goes on here since I'm going to be placed in general studies until they see how strong my quirk can be and since I don't know anyone here could you tell me places to stay away from?" Y/n asks worrying about Musutafu since they don't know the area, and since they need to practice their quirk, battling villains will be hard
"Apologies I have class after the bell rings but here, take my number if you need to go anywhere I'll take you my quirks are quite strong. I can help you get stronger to protect yourself"
Shouto knows what he's doing, after you both wander Musutafu and you can get use to your quirk your 'learning Musutafu' adventures became 'best cafe dates'
People realised you were together when the paparazzi caught you two sharing Mochi on a park bench in the park near a koi pond one spring day, your classmates freaked!
Like how did they not know? Who were you? Why are you so good looking??
Also Todoroki made sure to tell you around the time you met Rei just how much you helped him deal with his emotions and how you helped him cope with the stress of changes in his life
"Sho you know I'm always here, I'm getting the hang of not being in my world anymore but I wouldn't want to go back since you wouldn't be there" y/n places a kiss on shouto's neck
"Thank you love, but I still want to test out some things I read about you" "hmm? Like what?" You say curiously "well do you have a mole by your priv-" "SHOUTO!"
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Apologies for this taking so long! I had a migraine and I wasn't feeling too well in general :(
I love your requests feel free to leave more!
I have some time after next week to really bulk post so even if it's a small ask still send it my way!
-> masterlist
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Tell Me You Love Me (My Hero Academia)
One Shot
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Oh, heck yes. This was so much fun and so cute to work on, omg! I love these two! I hope you’re prepared though, anon, because Bakugou doesn’t go easy with the teasing in this one! Enjoy! ^^
35. “I’m not even touching you.”
The teases in this fic were inspired by YOU lovely people! Thank you for your valuable feedback!
“Hey, Izuku,” Bakugou said tiredly as he stepped into the room, plopping his bag onto the floor by the door.
Deku glanced at him and smiled. “It’s weird that you call me that.”
“You’d rather I call you Deku? It was supposed to be an insult, not your hero name, you know.”
“I know. But it’s kind of grown past that. Coming from you now is almost endearing.”
Bakugou grunted, but offered a small smile anyway. “Whatever you say, nerd.” He moved to the desk and leaned on the back of the chair where his boyfriend sat. “What are you working on?”
“A research project.”
Bakugou peered over his shoulder. “You’re researching hedgehogs?”
“Okay, so I went down a rabbit hole. It started out as research.”
“You mean a hedgehog hole.” The blonde chuckled and wrapped his arms around Deku’s shoulders from behind. “Come to bed, Deku.”
Deku blushed. “Kacchan, I have work to do.”
“You’re watching a video of a hedgehog sneezing. I think you’ve done enough work for today.”
“Deku~” Bakugou warned in a teasing tone, reaching a hand down to trail up his side. “Come on, now. Enough work. Let’s have fun.”
Deku hesitated for a moment, then decided it would be better to go with it than resist. Besides, he had done a lot of actual work today, even if Kacchan couldn’t see it. He closed his laptop and stood up, but no sooner had he gotten to his feet than he was swept right off of them. He yelped as Bakugou carried him to the bed and tossed him onto it.
“Ah! Kacchan, don’t throw me!” Deku protested, giggling, feeling his heartbeat quicken when his boyfriend straddled his waist with a wicked grin. Immediately his giggles became unstoppable. He lifted his hands defensively. “No, nohohohoho, Kacchan…”
“I’m not even touching you yet,” Bakugou teased, chuckling along with him. “Are you seriously that ticklish?”
“You know I am.”
“Mhm. Especially here.” The blonde rested his hands lightly on Deku’s hips, making the green-haired boy whine between his giggles. Bakugou laughed. “I haven’t even started yet. Save some for the real thing!”
“I cahahahan’t help it!” Deku pouted. “You’re teheheheasing me!”
“Is that what you’re giggling about? You like it when I tease you?” Bakugou started randomly poking at various ticklish spots on his boyfriend’s torso, grinning at the little yelps and giggles he got in response. “You like it? Huh? You like being teased? You like being tickled? Show me that smile, you adorable nerd~”
Deku covered his face with his hands instead, too flustered to look at him. “Kacchahahahan, dohohohohohon’t!”
“Why not? You’re way too cute like this for me to let you go now.”
“Dohohohohohon’t say thahahahat!”
Bakugou grinned, starting to scribble along his ribs and sides, forcing even more giggles from him as well as some squirming. “I’ll say whatever I want, thank you. For example: you’re the cutest little nerd I’ve ever met, and you’re so much fun to tickle because I love hearing that adorable laugh of yours. Come on, Izuku – let me hear it!”
“Stohohohohohoooooop,” Deku whined, still covering his face with his hands. “Kacchan, you’re so mehehehehehehean…”
“You like it.” Bakugou slipped his hands beneath Deku’s shirt and pinched up and down his sides. “Don’t pretend you’re not enjoying this.”
“F-Fihihihine, I do lihihihihihike it, but plehehehease, Kacchan—”
“Don’t make me come and get that laughter.”
“B-But I’m alreheheheady lahahahahaughing!”
“No, you’re giggling.” Bakugou settled himself even more on Deku’s waist, gently grasping his hips again. “You know what I want to hear.”
Deku peeked through his fingers, blushing and beaming. “Thehehen you’d behehehetter come and gehehehet it.”
Bakugou quirked a brow, smirking and pressing his thumbs in a little harder. “You sure you want to sass me when you’re in this position?”
“Eehehehehehehehehe! Kacchahahahahahahahan!”
“Fine. We can do this the hard way. But you’d better show me that smile if you don’t want me to absolutely torture you.”
Deku squeaked, but quickly covered his face again, shaking his head.
Bakugou growled playfully, digging into his hips without mercy. “You asked for it.”
“Aw, does it tickle here? Is this a bad spot? Hmm?”
“You walked right into this. Now deal with it, Deku.” Bakugou grinned at the shrieking, flailing form beneath him, satisfied when his boyfriend was finally forced to bring his arms down to try and push him away, showing off that bright smile of his. “Aw, there’s that adorable smile. I was looking for that.”
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Deku screamed with laughter, thrashing on the bed as much as possible, desperately trying to push Kacchan off of him. It was all for naught.
“No way.” Bakugou chuckled. “Tickle, tickle, tickle, little nerd~”
Bakugou smiled endearingly down at his desperate boyfriend, enjoying how he shrieked and flailed and laughed uncontrollably, cheeks red and smile bright and tears leaking from his eyes. Izuku Midoriya was far too cute for his own good. The blonde leaned down to kiss him, still tickling his hips relentlessly.
“You are,” he said between kisses, “the most *kiss* adorable *kiss* nerd *kiss* I’ve ever met.”
The kisses had descended to his neck at this point, making Deku completely hysterical. He kicked his legs frantically. “KACCHAN PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! PLEASE, IT TIHIHIHICKLES TOO MUHUHUHUHUHUCH!!”
“Oh, does it now?” Bakugou kept up his merciless assault. “All right, then, I’ll stop…as soon as you admit that you’re adorable.”
“Guess I’ll keep tickling you, then. Tickle, tickle, tickle.” Bakugou bit his ear playfully. “You’re not going anywhere and you know it. Tickle, tickle—”
“FINE!! FIHIHIHIHIHIHIHINE I’M ADOHOHOHOHORABLE!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Deku screamed, unable to do much more than laugh and grasp weakly at Kacchan’s shirt at this point, completely spent. “PLEASE, KACCHAN!!”
Sensing that his boyfriend really couldn’t take any more, Bakugou gradually stopped his relentless tickling and sat up just enough to look Deku in his teary eyes. He murmured, “Tell me you love me.”
“Of course I love you,” Deku whispered, breathless. “I love you, Kacchan.”
“I love you, too.” Bakugou kissed him again, deeply. “You adorable, ticklish little nerd.”
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angstlizard · 3 years
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Very happy to be able to post the work I’ve done for the @bnha-big-bang this year! I was put on the amazing @i-am-snowils-admiral‘s team with her fic, Legacy!
Legacy is a one-shot fic centered around the idea of the One for All quirk not only passing down the quirk itself, but also the will of the First. The main focus is dadzawa & dadmight trying to help Izuku, so if you’re into that, this fic is an absolute must read!
The image descriptions were done by @ive-been-losing-sleep! I am extremely thankful for her work, especially considering how much there was to do!
[ID: a vertical, three panel collage of images from the manga. The left panel is an image of All Might in his weakened state, sitting with one arm on his knee. The only color is the yellow of his hair and his pants.  The center panel is an upside-down image of Midoriya Izuku in his hero costume. His hand is over his chin, like he’s thinking, and he’s shaded green. The rightmost image is of Eraserhead, shaded in red. He has one hand clutched in his capture weapon around his neck. The letters “L E” are typed above the left panel, the letters “G A” below the center panel, and “C Y” above the final panel, spelling “LEGACY”]
[ID: a nine panel collage arranged 3x3. The first panel, in the top left, is a photo of the surface of rippling water. The image beside it is a photo of a stoplight in fog. Its red, yellow, and green lights project as beams through the mist. The top right panel depicts a broken screen, shattered so lines of color disrupt the black screen. The leftmost panel of the second row is an image of the First User from the manga, standing with one arm outstretched. The center panel is a photo of a tree in a flat field, barren of leaves so every thin branch is visible. Its branches are tipped with bright spheres of light. The third panel of the second row is an image of Midoriya Izuku from the manga. His back is angled toward the camera, so his face is obscured, as he stares at a massive wall in front of him. The first panel of the third row depicts the words “I’M LOSING MYSELF” typed in white, type-writer font over a black background. The panel beside it is a black-and-white image of curling smoke. The final panel, in the bottom right of the image, is of the words “isn’t it lovely, all alone. heart made of glass, my mind of stone.” The words are white over a black background and slightly blurred.]
[ID: an eight panel collage, arranged with three panels in the top row, two in the second row, and three in the bottom row. The first image, in the top right, appears to be a page of a book with only the word “Help” written on it. The second panel is overlayed in yellow and depicts the meeting hands of Adam and God, from the Sistine Chapel, with a circular loading symbol situated between them. The final image of the top row is a black-and-white photo of folded cloth with fringed ends. The first panel of the second row is a dark photo of an outstretched hands covered in lines of neon blue light. Beside it is a photo of an empty hospital bed with light streaming in from a window out of view. The first image of the bottom row is a photo of an empty road. In the sky above the road are the words “For a minute there, I lost myself” written in type-writer font. The panel beside it depicts an image of Midoriya Izuku in his hero costume from the manga. He has one hand over his chin as he looks down, like he’s thinking. The last panel, in the bottom right, are the words “I WON’T GIVE UP” typed over a pastel green background.]
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softer-ua · 3 years
I wanted to explain a bit of Bakugo's 'jealousy' to Deku starting new friendships, I think it's more a matter of insecurity rather than jealousy. Like Bakugou can't empathize as naturally as other people, most of the time he can't identify his own emotions and has an attitude that people, in general, disapprove.
He is aware of this and is one of the main reasons why he resented Izuku, he had all this traits and used them effortless.
I think what bothers him the most is how easily this people who meet Izuku for less than a year can bond so well with him with little effort. I think he mainly is upset with how others can say what they mean...and he doesn't.
I think it's more of him being insecure and petty, he really is not that angry, but...sad. It also points out how he was the one who threw away their friendship.
Ugh, everytime I stop and think about Bakugo I get sad, he is still a jerk but i'm glad he got a second chance and upset in how people doesn't stop to notice he really doesn't want to screw his second opportunity
I couldn’t agree more
I think the saddest part is that until recently Katsuki couldn’t articulate any of those thoughts, like it’s hard to imagine for more well adjusted people just how pure and raw Katsuki was really running on just a “This situation makes me feel bad and it needs to not” baseline
It’d be like living your entire life with a thought on the tip of your tongue but always out of grasp, but it’s with just about everything that isn’t a hands on skill.
Empathy is very much a skill you have to learn to use correctly and grow it. We’re all born with the ability to be compassionate but if you don’t grow up in a home that values that and encourages you to use it than you won’t have the guidance need it for it to flourish.
It’s even worse in homes where it’s actively discouraged purposely or not, the child ends up trying to suppress on of the key elements to the human experience.
Katsuki is someone who naturally feels a lot but is never taught how to deal with them, all he’s ever learned is that if you don’t like someone’s behavior being angry will stop them. When the only tool you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail.
Katsuki feels like there’s something special and unique about Deku that makes him more heroic, but no one else around him seems to see it or acknowledge it. Which I can only imagine feels like a constant undercurrent of gaslighting.
Deku never wins at anything but he still reminds Katsuki of AM in a way he quite literally can’t explain, and it’s something that he knows/feels he’s lacking.
Not only is Deku naturally kinder, he’s also grown to make it instinctive. He doesn’t have to think about it, he’s not bound to a “what do I say” mentality because he’s comfortable enough to know that his goal to save everyone with a smile shines through.
He’s mastered the art of making people feel seen and understood, and as he gets older he starts adding more practical hero skills to his tool belt.
This scares the absolute shit out of Katsuki because he doesn’t understand or see himself, and doesn’t want others to either. He wants to project the idea of strength and victory without any of the human vulnerability attached to it.
But regardless of how calloused, afraid of vulnerability, and closed off you get, no one out runs the desire to feel connected. Katsuki underneath everything is suffering from a profound amount of isolation, that is often self inflicted to keep control.
Katsuki is smart and physically gifted, it doesn’t take much to master something and make it muscle memory for him which makes his reflexes insane. But it’s not instinctive, Deku can walk into a situation blind and figure out what the objective is and how to achieve it as long as his body can keep up with his mind.
Katsuki needs a clear objective, telling him to rescue or win isn’t enough. Left to his own devices he will achieve those ends and nothing else, if the victims are physically rescued he’s not sticking around to make sure they feel safe, if the objective is to defeat a villain than everyone else better get out of his way. Katsuki needs to feel in control and to make guesses leaves you open to getting things wrong.
It’s not until he’s pretty much directly told he needs to be kinder and more careful about how he goes about things does his behavior change. Which has lead to an avalanche of character growth, because before now Katsuki had a very pinhole view of what being a hero is being he fit in the hole no one corrected him until reality slapped him in the face.
Deku had to have a full picture, and that’s why now even if he doesn’t know wtf is going on he’s very quick to put the context clues together and understand the quirks around him and the objective because he’s okay with getting things wrong and trying again.
Basically Katsuki has been very lonely and confused for like 90% of his life, and he keeps learning how much of that is his own fault ☹️
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Okay, so the brain’s a bit caught up in one of my other writing projects, but I refuse to abandon this entirely. So I’m gonna just power through this and then get back to Vibing™. 
Actually, it’s kinda cute that the hero Thirteen is introduced in chapter thirteen. I wonder if Hori did that on purpose or just managed it as a fun coincidence. 
[No. 13 - Rescue Training]
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So we start off on Wednesday morning (which would be April 12th/11th) at 7:35 AM. There’s a hostage situation by a villain who looks like a goddamned pokemon (my brain has made the ‘buff ditto’ comparison and now I am Shook) who is, according to Mt. Lady, a serial robber and murderer by the name of Habit Headgear. Kamui Woods, whose wood bindings have apparently been broken trying and failing to contain the guy, is tossed back on the ground as he notes the villain is strong and a quick strategist.
Seems like she and Kamui Woods have teamed up together! Or at least responded to the same villain attack again. Also, who’s this dude?
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Random Mii Blaster escaped from Smash Ultimate and is now in BNHA, when will the madness end. 
Naturally, the hostages are not handling this situation super well, though the crowds watching don’t seem as worried? IDK hard to tell from far away. The buff ditto villain uses double team, no wait I mean agility, actually his high speed to show how outclasses the heroes on the scene are. 
As he announces his plans to escape, we see All Might rushing in loud enough for the stomps to be heard. He announces his arrival mere moments before he fucking snaps the villain’s neck with a handchop - or, well, not really, but damn that had to be a hard hit. All Might also managed to grab the family out of harm’s way in the process, announcing that he’s on his morning commute. 
The crowds cheer for All Might, while Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods are somewhat put out - they appreciate the help, but also worry All Might will put them out of business.
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(I guess this is where all those fics that do bring up how All Might cuts down the hero job market on his own pull from? Or just coincidence, who knows.)
The police thank All Might with salutes for the help, and All Might give his own quick responding salute before he declares he needs to head off so he won’t be late. Of course, that’s when he hears about a hit-and-run (that super hearing lol) and takes off, just so coincidentally in the direction of said trouble. Despite that fact that he needs to get to work. This man.
While he’s in the air, he considers how his speed has dropped, and that he’s been weakening since he passed on his power. Not to mention that after his rescue of Izuku and Katsuki from the sludge villain, his maximum time went down. Which is not at all referencing him about to overdo it again and lose more time, no siree.
We descend into a flashback to right where we left off after the battle trial, with All Might confronting Izuku about telling Katsuki about (some of) One For All. All Might is surprised and a bit nervous? Worried? Or that bead of sweat in the flashback might be from the strain of holding the form when he’s about to run out of time. 
In any case, Izuku in the past apologizes and says he hasn’t even told his mom, but that he had to tell Katsuki something… All Might determines this might be a consequence of not being explicit enough about keeping the secret, since Izuku isn’t the type to brag or boast. Also calls Izuku too sincere, hah, isn’t that the truth. All Might says it’s lucky Katsuki thought he was joking, so All Might can forgive the slip this time, but that Izuku cannot tell another soul. 
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(Stares at this.) (Looks at recent manga events.) Whelp.
Anyways, All Might catches the car of the hit and run guy (and man, that face the dude is making) while thinking about how, suitable successor or not, Izuku’s still just fifteen, so All Might had to make things clear. Of course, then All Might overhears about a hostage crisis the next town over, and, well.
We transition to right after lunch (12:50) with Aizawa announcing that that day’s hero training plans - something supervised by himself, All Might, and one other teacher. Izuku realizes it has to be a special class, while Sero raises his hand to ask what they’re doing. Aziawa’s reply?
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I swear this is exactly the same shit All Might did before the battle trial, gimme a second-
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Bahahahaha incredible. Though then again, I wonder if those are security cards keys to certain locations. It would make sense, though then I wonder how Katsuki and Izuku were able to get into Training Ground Beta without one… hrm…
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Anyways! Kaminari, Ashido, and Kirishima end up talking about it; Kaminari says it’ll be a rough day, with Ashido pumped as she agrees, and Kirishima also pumped as he says that it’s what being a hero is all about. Asui notes that she’ll be right as home in a flood. Aizawa silences them with a glare, saying he’s not done. He presses the button to unveil the costume lockers, telling the class that it’s their choice whether or not to wear their costumes, since some of them are ill-suited for this kind of activity.
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Oh boy, will this put you on the path to the hero you’ll be come… but not for the reasons you think, buddy. The joke here is trauma.
It seems like most of the class does still choose to go in costume, barring Izuku - whose costume is still being repaired after the damage done to it in battle training. However, he still has his belt, gloves, knee pads, and mouth guard (with the mouth guard being new) on him. 
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Golly, I wonder why your costume needed to be replaced, Izuku.
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Also Tenya jkfdkjdgfkj Oh My God You Dramatic Egg. He’s got a whistle and he’s directing the class to line up by ID number so they can fill the seats in an orderly fashion. 
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I’m love this boy so much. And it’s even funnier because the bus has an open layout, meaning it was pointless. Poor Tenya is in Despair, with Ashido teasing him for his efforts being wasted. 
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Savage. But yeah, looks like it’s Sato, Izuku, Asui, Kirishima, Tenya, Ashido, Aoyama, and Kaminari in the front seats. And Asui - sorry, Tsuyu - just outright says she says what’s on her mind, which startles Izuku since he didn’t expect her to talk to him I guess? She tells Izuku to call her Tsuyu, then turns to him and just says his quirk resembles All Might’s. 
Izuku, being the sincere boy he is, stutters and stumbles out something that almost looks like a denial, before Kirishima, bless his himbo soul, points out that All Might doesn’t get hurt by his own quirk, so they’re already different in that way. He then goes on to state that that kind of simple, strength enhancing quirk is awesome and that a lot of cool stuff can be done with it. 
Kirishima then goes on to show off his hardening, saying that it’s good for a fight, but otherwise boring. Midoriya ‘holy fuck I love quirks’ Izuku thinks otherwise, actually sparkling as he proclaims the quirk to be neat and more than enough for going pro. Kaminari notes that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal. Aoyama says his navel laser quirk is both strong and cool, and thus perfect for heroics. Ashido then kneecaps him by adding in that that’s as long as he doesn’t blow up his own stomach.
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Ashido’s Savagery: The Sequel.
In the next panel, we see Katsuki’s been paying attention to this convo, which has me wondering if this is when he was first starting to piece together OFA from Izuku’s mention of ‘getting the quirk from someone else’ and ‘like All Might’s’. However, when he is brought up in the conversation (alongside Shouto) as examples of ‘strong and cool quirks’, he feigns disinterest and looks away, trying to play cool.
(Also, he doesn’t seem to have his gauntlets on him here, though I know he’s brought one with him as seen a bit later. I wonder whether he chose to leave one of them behind or if he might have been restricted from bringing more than one by Aizawa… interesting either way.)
Tsuyu then brings up how Katsuki being so unhinged means he’ll never be popular. Katsuki, naturally, takes offence and slams his hands on the rail in front of him, demanding to know what she just said. Tsuyu sticks out her tongue as she points at him making her point. Poor Jirou, having to be seated next to someone so loud.
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And the moment literally the whole discord was waiting for, Kaminari’s brutal vocabulary takedown of Katsuki, something cut entirely from the anime. Friendly reminder that Kaminari is, in fact, a major lit nerd! He’s Not Dumb! Stop Making Him Dumb In Fics! He not only has the most verbose vocabulary in the class that isn’t from the rich kids (and in some ways is even more so), he also has Katsuki absolutely pegged despite only knowing him for a few days. He Earned His UA Spot.
While Katsuki snaps back at Kaminari, Izuku is hunched over in disbelief that Katsuki’s the one getting bullied for once, but he supposes that that’s UA for you…
To the side, Yaomomo declares the conversation vulgar, while Ochako is laughing and saying it’s fun. Offscreen, I’m assuming that it’s Kaminari mock-marvelling at how he didn’t think Katsuki’s mouth could get any fouler. 
The last panel on the page is Aizawa interrupting them to announce that they’ve arrived at the training grounds, and to look sharp. The whole class (I guess?) snaps to attention.
And that’s the halfway point, so I will leave the USJ proper for next time! This has been a Savage Mina and Smart Denki appreciation post, so appreciate them, or else.
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saint-eridell · 4 years
Afterparty | Deku/F!Reader smut
I found this in my drive unlabeled and untitled, so y’all get first crack at it before it goes on AO3.
3.5k, half-beta’d and proofread. Will probably give it another pass at some point. All characters depicted are in their early twenties. Major tags: Dirty talk, 69, dominant-ish reader
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You crash through Izuku’s bedroom door locked at the lips, stumbling across each other’s feet as you both adamantly refuse to give the other room to walk. Izuku pushes the door shut with his other arm wrapped around your waist, breaking away to suck in a breath before laughing. You return the laugh as you hastily tug the bottom of his dress shirt out of his slacks. “I thought we were never gonna get out of there,” you murmur.
He drags his teeth along the side of your neck as he fumbles for the zipper pull between your shoulders. “Wouldn’t have seemed like forever if you had any patience,” he breathes back, his grin apparent even if you can’t see it. “You’re lucky no one at the party caught on.” As he rumbles into your ear, he somehow gets the zipper of your dress pulled down the length of your back and nudges the soft fabric off your shoulders.
You happily shift out of the dress completely, leaving you clad in your underwear as he carefully lays the garment over the top of his dresser. You take the half step with him to seam yourself up to his clothed chest as soon as he’s facing you and begin popping open the buttons of his shirt one by one with nimble fingers. “Aw come on,” you pout back. “You don’t think you’d be ridiculously into the idea of someone knowing exactly what we have planned? Making them insanely jealous with what you know you can do to me and they’ll never get to?” Alright, maybe the two glasses of wine you’d allowed yourself are starting to get to you more than you’d thought. Poking Izuku into self-serving reactions seems like the exact game you want to play.
A hand snakes its way into the hair on the back of your head and tugs you into another demanding kiss as you get to the last button of his shirt. Izuku shrugs the offending garment off and tosses it aside, much more careless with his own clothes than he was with the dress. You begin to kiss your way down his bare chest, but he nudges you backward toward the bed and up onto it instead as he quickly gets his belt open. You follow the guiding, perched at the foot of the bed with your knees spread enough to let him slip between them after shucking his slacks.
“You might be projecting a little bit, love,” he replies, crowding you up the bed until you flop against the pillows and he can hover above you. His free hand traces the edge of your bra, grazing along the transition from silk strap to lace edge as his nail runs over the cup. The drag sends a shiver through you that you try to repress with your lower lip pinched between your teeth.
“What’s the matter?” he asks as he watches you squirm on the spot. “Am I right?” His smile widens, revealing an edge of straight white teeth. His fingers spread over the cup of your bra and give it a firm squeeze. You gasp quietly, and his smile only widens more. “I think I am. I think you like the idea of showing off.” His thumb finds the sensitive flesh of your nipple through the padded cup and rolls it between the biggest knuckles of his thumb and index finger. You arch into his hand while doing your best to maintain composure, but it already seems like a pointless battle and neither of you are even naked yet.
He’s right, though. It’s not a secret that you two are dating, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you’re intimate. And yet, thinking back to the birthday party you’d finally managed to extricate yourselves from, the real highlight was watching Izuku’s eyes follow you around. He seemed to catch every slip of a pale thigh, every devious little smile, and the hungry looks he gave back had you completely uninterested in anything but the afterparty within an hour of getting there.
Without warning he pushes a hand underneath you and darts for your bra clasp. You sit up in surprise and he snaps the clips open with a single flick of his fingers, a show of dexterity that has you grinning as he strips the bra off. “Who’s trying to show off now?” you ask as your back touches down on the mattress again.
“What, that?” Izuku holds your bra up and looks at it like he suddenly doesn’t know what it even is. “Doesn’t everyone know how to do that?”
You blink at him. “Uh… no, no they-” You cut yourself off as his innocent question breaks around a barely repressed smile, and you roll your eyes as he drops the garment to the floor. “Fuckin’ troll.”
Izuku leans in again, his fingers spread over your bare chest. ”I don’t know what you might even possibly mean,” he says back through a quiet laugh. You can’t help but return the laugh until he rolls both nipples to stiff peaks between his knuckles, when your laugh tapers off into a breathy noise. You roll yourself into his lap, where only two layers of thin fabric separate you and the hard shaft pressing along your slit.
Izuku rumbles his approval. “Bet you were thinking all sorts of dirty thoughts tonight,” he says into your ear as he cups the undersides of your breasts and squeezes.
You nod and tilt your chin up, offering more of your neck to his wandering mouth. “By the end of the night you could have put me up on the table in front of everyone and I would’ve happily taken it,” you purr back, letting your legs fall open a little wider. “Thought you were gonna eat me alive a few times.”
He grinds against your core with a strangled noise that he only barely swallows down. He presses his face into the side of your neck to kiss and nip along your throat, but you can feel how hot his cheeks are as he trails over your skin. “I thought about it,” he confesses in that tiny voice that you know means he’s speaking truthfully, if also through his own mortification. His dick betrays his bashfulness, though; it’s hard to believe he’s completely overwhelmed when it feels like he’s trying his absolutely best to fuck you through his boxers.
You encourage him when he pauses by grinding down against his lap again, a quiet whimper echoing against the lips you can feel pressed to your throat. He replaces his lips briefly with his teeth, dragging another muffled noise from you as payback. “Wanted to put you on my lap and make you ride me,” he continues, a little shakier than before. “Let everyone watch you take it until you can only remember how to scream my name.”
Your gut clenches behind your navel. Whatever you’d been expecting, it hadn’t been that. His hands smooth up your sides, then back down toward your hips where they settle with a harsh but satisfying grip over the jut of both hip bones. Oh, Izuku was learning so fast. He’d obviously been doing his own research; that kind of vulgarity was new from him, but it hit a Big Red Button that you hadn’t been aware of and you’ve already decided to keep it going no matter what it takes. “You could still do that,” you remind him through a hard exhale. “You want to? You want me on top tonight?”
Izuku nods against your throat. “Yes,” he rasps. “God, yes.”
That’s all you need to hear, and likely all he’s going to be able to say. You push to the left with your legs wrapped around his waist, rolling you both over so his back is pressed to the mattress and your knees are tucked at his sides. You can finally see his face again, and the first glance hits you like a freight truck: he’s flushed bright pink from his hairline down, lips parted around uneven breaths as he watches you with wide, hungry eyes. The scars that cover his chest and arms stand out against the harsh excitement lingering across his skin, and you catalog it all at your own pace as you circle the flat plane of his chest with your nails.
Izuku squirms under your weight. “Babe,” he rumbles, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. You can feel self-consciousness rolling off him in waves, and you offer him a comforting smile as your hips rotate in a long, slow circle. The tension pinched between his brows releases as his head falls back against the pillows.
“Relax,” you say back under your breath. You smooth a palm down the center of his chest, to the seam of his defined abs. He lets out a shaky breath and sinks into the bed. “You’re alright.” The calming tone of your voice seems to balm whatever frayed nerve that had him squirming as he goes still under your gentle touch and soft words.
Once he’s no longer squirming, you gently push your fingertips under the waistband of his boxers and begin rolling them down his legs. He obliges without lifting his head, a breathy noise reaching your ears as his shaft finally springs free and hovers over his lower abdomen. He peers down at you but you give him no time to react; as soon as you’ve tossed the boxers aside, you scoot yourself up to kneel between his thighs and wrap a hand around the base of his dick.
His reaction is immediate. He thrusts into your grip with a weak moan that echoes out of a slackened jaw without any sign of restraint. You let him take his own edge off as he rides your grip with a hand clamped over his mouth. You smile to yourself; Izuku doesn’t usually let his bashfulness get the better of him anymore, but every now and then you manage to find a weak spot he hasn’t covered yet. When he settles into a comfortable rhythm again, his hand slowly coming to a rest on his chest instead of slapped over his face, you tip your head down and lick a stripe up the underside of his entire length with the flat of your tongue. He keens hard, pitching up to try and push into your mouth as you pass over the head, but you sit up again with a giggle before he can get anymore contact. He peers at you with a single half-open eye.
“Tell me to relax, then pull something like that.” Izuku huffs, his irritation absolutely fake.
You raise an eyebrow. “Like what?” you ask back, just as coy and shy as he likes to pretend to be. “Oh, like this?” You repeat the motion, running your tongue in a full circle around his head with your lips parted and every second visible before closing your lips around him and swallowing around it. You hum into him as he bucks in your grip again, your noise of contentment drowned out by the desperate groan that rips out of him. His fingers push into the hair on top of your head, threading through to your crown before tightening against your scalp without restricting your movement.
“Nn- I fucking love your mouth,” he grinds out toward the ceiling. You feel him dig his heels in like he’s going to try and thrust up, and preemptively press both hands to his hips to keep them flat against the bed. When you make up for it by breathing deep and relaxing your throat, slipping down until you can feel dark curls against your nose, he moans loud enough to startle you. “Holyshithowthefuckdidyoudothat,” he breathes with desperation as you slide back up, managing to keep yourself composed spare one small cough to clear your throat when you let him go with a lewd pop.
You don’t answer back except to quietly giggle again before going back to work. Your head bobs up and down half his length, slow and methodical while you keep him secured against the bed. He drapes a forearm over his eyes, the bright pink of his cheeks suddenly pronounced against his tanned arm and the jagged scars that cut through in stripes of harsh relief. He alternates between heavy breaths as you take him into your throat and needy little whimpers every time your tongue catches a sweet spot, his heels dug into the bed while he struggles against your weight where it holds him down.
“Hey,” he whimpers, and it’s so ragged and desperate it makes you stop dead and immediately look up at him. He runs his tongue over his lips again, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. “C’mere. Wanna help.”
It takes your brain a second to catch up to what he’s saying, and when it does it’s your turn to sport a bright flush. Hello, more new territory you hadn’t even been bold enough to ask for yet. “You sure?” you question back.
He nods eagerly, and his wild grin makes your heart skip a beat. “Yeah,” he replies, short and gruff. “Get up here.”
Your heart jumps into your throat as Izuku pins you with a determined stare, his pulse throbbing against your occupied hand. He’s sure, and there’s no way in Hell you’re gonna say no. You lift a knee and move to straddle his stomach without any further questioning. He spreads his hands over both sides of your ass and squeezes hard, pulling a surprised gasp out of you as you readjust your knees in a bid to stay upright. It’s no good; he pushes you forward over his lower half, causing you to have to throw your hands down on either side of his legs to keep yourself upright. He sits up while you’re distracted, giving back the tormenting swipe of a flat tongue you’d teased him with earlier through the fabric of your soaked panties. You suck in a breath through gritted teeth and roll back against him, surprised by the intensity of the blunt friction and frustrated by the lack of direct contact.
“These,” he groans, popping the waistband against your lower back. “Need to come off like yesterday.”
Ah, fuck. Right. You’d been so invested in making Izuku squirm that you’d completely forgotten to finish stripping yourself. You peel the last garment down and awkwardly wiggle across his midsection as you strip them off one leg at a time. As soon as your knees are back on the bed Izuku reaches under you to grab you by the hips, forcing you to bend and open for him again before he sits up and buries his tongue in your folds.
The open mouth groan that comes out of him is drowned out by the sharp wail that he pulls out of you. You arch back into him, your hips slack in his hands. His dick brushes your chest as you momentarily lose your composure, smearing a streak of precum across the top of a breast while you writhe against his grip. He doesn’t seem to care about the lack of attention on your end, seemingly too preoccupied with laving over your slit and dipping his tongue inside as far as it will go with your hole held open between his thumbs to care.
After what feels like an hour of losing your mind against his mouth you have to move, do something - anything, or you risk falling to pieces way before you want to. You readjust and suck him down into your throat again, thanking him for the deft flicking of his tongue by dropping all the way down until your chin touches his pelvis. He lets out a strangled noise that’s muffled against your inner thigh, where he plants a hard bite as you pop up and suck in a greedy breath that comes out with a high pitched moan.
You trade off move for move: every time you take him deep, he answers back by filling you with his tongue and circling the pad of a thumb over your overstimulated clit. When you twist over half of him and circle your hand over the rest, he sucks you until you’re bucking back against him. The noises grow more obscene as you both begin to lose patience, the wet contact you have going enough to drive you nuts but nowhere near enough to get either of you off.
Just as it feels like you’re going to come out of your skin you pull away from his grip and move down his abdomen again. He laments the lack of contact with a quiet noise of confusion, his dick bobbing underneath you until you line up over it and sit back. He hadn’t gone past a single finger, but you’re basically dripping and the glide to his base is easy despite the ache of him pushing your walls outward. His nails bite into your hip bones as he lets out a loud, choked moan that bounces off the walls with his name as it comes tearing out of your mouth. He bottoms out exactly where you need it the most, and the counter-circling of his hips has you panting hard as you plant your hands over his thighs for leverage and ride him hard enough to feel it in your midsection when he bottoms out.
His hands pull you down into him, doubling the force when your skin smacks together and you pant in unison, punctuated by the occasional needy moan when he goes particularly deep. Your head tilts forward, hair curtained around your sweat-beaded face. It’s hard to tell who’s in control anymore. He’s not forcing you down, but he can easily flip you over at any second if he really wants to and you both know it. He’s letting you take the lead, to set the pace and dictate what’s happening so he can lay back and let you use him. The headiness of the moment goes right to your bloodstream as your heart hammers behind your ribs.
Just as you’re starting to squeal with every thrust, he pulls you against him and grinds deep. “Turn around,” he pleads, his voice absolutely wrecked against the shell of your ear.
You pull off his lap and turn yourself to face him as fast as you can while your legs tremble underneath you. He guides you up and seats himself in you up to the hilt again, a hand on the back of your neck guiding you into a desperate kiss while he resumes thrusting up into you at an unforgiving pace. This time he’s taking more control, snapping against you with purpose as you gasp in unison against each other’s mouths.
The hand on the back of your neck snakes around and his fingers spider over your throat. He knows precisely what having your throat squeezed does, and he seems to revel in it as he hits a deep spot inside you that has your eyes nearly rolling back. “Cum for me, baby,” he growls out of nowhere, snapping your attention back down to him as his hand squeezes harder around your throat. “Right now.”
The command shatters something in your brain and you come undone immediately. Your eyes slide up and roll shut as a wail rips through you, quivering every time he drills up into you as he fucks out every second of an earth-shattering orgasm. He grits his teeth with a gravelly rumble and follows you within seconds, low noises spiking up into wild gasps as he lights you up as deep as either of you can go.
Once you both finally burn yourselves out you collapse down onto his chest. You bury your face in his sweat-coated neck as you struggle to find your breath, his own rattling hard in your ear. His hand returns to the back of your neck, massaging the nape in slow, gentle circles. “Holy shit,” he murmurs between exhales. You feel his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard, and the next exhale that leaves him is heavy with a bark of a laugh. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I didn’t know you could get me off by ordering me,” you murmur back, grinning as you feel his neck brighten in self-aware embarrassment. “It’s fine, by the way.” You press a kiss to the point of his jaw. “I liked it.”
Izuku watches you with slightly unfocused eyes for a moment when you sit up far enough to look at his face, his hand still circled loosely around the front of your neck. He looks down to your lips a couple of times before pulling you into a kiss that’s nowhere near obscene, but still makes your heart thunder in your chest. You break the contact and remain close enough to brush against his lips as you purr:
“I’m facing you the next time you feel like dragging me onto your mouth, though.”
His blush surges down to his jawline like a drought-fed wildfire and you suppress a loud laugh against his heated lips.
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karliahs · 3 years
‘I always come back here,” he says, more because he can’t keep the anger inside anymore than because he really wants to confide in Aizawa. “No matter how long it's been. Even when I do all the right things. I never get free."
Aizawa’s expression is mostly just tired; a knowing kind of tired. Izuku thinks maybe no one ever gets free of anything, that maybe life is just a collection of snowballing consequences that eventually slow you all the way to a stop. If he could pick one person to get some freedom, to get some ease, it would be Aizawa.
"Were you here last week?” Aizawa asks, in his quiet, patient voice. “Were you here in that garden?"
Izuku is crying, because of course he is. All he does is cry and yet he's never cried out. He's never gotten rid of it. He shakes his head.
"I know...I know it's not enough,” Aizawa says. “Maybe you always come back, but the time in between still counts. You get free over and over, just not forever." It’s rare to hear Aizawa raise his voice, outside of trying to be heard over the chatter of twenty kids, but this quiet feels different. Like he doesn’t have anything more to give either. "I'd give you forever, if I could."
Izuku looks into Aizawa's eyes and knows that he means it, knows that one other person gets how unfair it is that you can never really save someone all the way. The experience lives inside of them, and it can survive so much time and so much safety. It makes him think differently about all the villain fights he’s ever watched, all the videos of All Might carrying people to safety - did the people resting on his strong shoulders ever forget? Did they wake up shivering because the ground had fallen apart, the fucking ground beneath their feet, and if that can happen once then you’re never, never safe.
“It’s not fair,” he says, something weak and childish pervading his voice.
Aizawa nods. He doesn’t need to do anything else. The fact that he knows this well, knows this better than Izuku ever has, is written across his whole face, his whole life.
“It’s not fair ,” Izuku repeats, voice breaking, collapsing down and resting his forehead on his teacher’s shoulder. An arm winds its way around his shoulders. Izuku shakes and cries and waits - waits for it to be better, waits for the part of him that knows how to pick himself back up from things like this to come back. Waits for the ground to break again, always.’
from redux, part 5 of rescue
...later even than i said it would be, but here you go! thank you for asking and giving me the chance to ramble!!
‘I always come back here,” he says, more because he can’t keep the anger inside anymore than because he really wants to confide in Aizawa. “No matter how long it's been. Even when I do all the right things. I never get free."
i'm glad you chose this part! i was a little nervous about it since it's maybe the furthest i've taken izuku from his canon characterisation, but ultimately realistic trauma responses + exploring the themes i wanted to explore won over sticking to canon. kid's been through a lot
i'm always interested in how emotion can distort time, and how every breakdown can seem to pull you right back into every other breakdown you've had. in the headspace where negative conclusions are always the largest & most important thing, remembering having felt this way before doesn't equal 'i survived it then, i can survive it now' so much as 'i'm going nowhere, i should have never gotten off the floor the first time, all the trying i do in between is pointless and an embarrassing waste of time'
recovery is hard enough anyway but i think for someone like izuku, whose journey with one for all has been so much about effort equalling reward, it's so frustrating that ticking off every point on your recovery homework checklist may not actually mean that you...feel better
Aizawa’s expression is mostly just tired; a knowing kind of tired. Izuku thinks maybe no one ever gets free of anything, that maybe life is just a collection of snowballing consequences that eventually slow you all the way to a stop. If he could pick one person to get some freedom, to get some ease, it would be Aizawa.
something i tried to capture in izuku's narration is that he is still just a kid figuring out what the world even is, so having these traumatic experiences is absolutely going to warp that profoundly. darken your door deals with that a lot too, the way that as you grow up you start to see that these untouchable far-off adults are actually also unsure and lost and prone to getting pummelled by the world
but he is also so kind. a lot of this series is aizawa and izuku pushing each other forwards by turns like no YOU get better. and this gets hashed out more further on in the fic, to drive home the idea that part of izuku's despair is a loss of belief in heroism since it can't defeat the lingering consequences of experiencing harm, and part of the 'solution' to that is the counter-evidence provided by all the kindness offered between them in this series, showing that while it isn't as straight-forward as picking someone up and carrying them away from danger, there is so much we can do for each other
"Were you here last week?” Aizawa asks, in his quiet, patient voice. “Were you here in that garden?"
Izuku is crying, because of course he is. All he does is cry and yet he's never cried out. He's never gotten rid of it. He shakes his head.
"I know...I know it's not enough,” Aizawa says. “Maybe you always come back, but the time in between still counts. You get free over and over, just not forever." It’s rare to hear Aizawa raise his voice, outside of trying to be heard over the chatter of twenty kids, but this quiet feels different. Like he doesn’t have anything more to give either. "I'd give you forever, if I could."
i saw izuku crying a lot in the fun anime show and decided to project every feeling i've ever had about this inconvenient involuntary stress response and tbh. i am right
'he's never gotten rid of it' it's a mental illness cliche but i do feel compelled to describe it like you're carrying around something awful and ugly that takes away all your joy and breaks all of the things you wanted to do and be. like that sentence doesn't explicitly specify an object/what 'it' is, but i feel like people got it
here is aizawa's inverse of izuku's if he could pick anyone to get free it'd be aizawa. rare that they manage the 'no, YOU get better' switcheroo card within just a couple of paragraphs
and it's also...if i could pick you up and carry you away from your problems forever, i would. if i could change the way pain works to spare you from it, i would.
Izuku looks into Aizawa's eyes and knows that he means it, knows that one other person gets how unfair it is that you can never really save someone all the way. The experience lives inside of them, and it can survive so much time and so much safety. It makes him think differently about all the villain fights he’s ever watched, all the videos of All Might carrying people to safety - did the people resting on his strong shoulders ever forget? Did they wake up shivering because the ground had fallen apart, the fucking ground beneath their feet, and if that can happen once then you’re never, never safe.
talking a bit about time and pain again...the frustration that a short terrible experience can be followed by months of nothing but rest and gentleness, and yet the short terrible experience is still somehow stronger
a lot of this series is about izuku developing from a more innocent understanding of suffering and heroism, or rather having that innocence forcibly taken away and having to deal with what that means for his goals and his future...i also wanted to see if it could be more powerful ultimately to not show a great deal of what happened with shigaraki, but make it possible to kind of read it in reverse in the impact it's had on izuku. shigaraki wanted to break izuku's belief in all might and the heroism he represented, and he certainly succeeded in fracturing it
i distinctly remember as a child hearing that one of the worst parts about having someone break into your house wasn't the experience itself, but always knowing after that that someone breaking into your house could happen. that being added to the list of possibilities in your head, so that being home was ruined even if it never did happen again
“It’s not fair,” he says, something weak and childish pervading his voice.
Aizawa nods. He doesn’t need to do anything else. The fact that he knows this well, knows this better than Izuku ever has, is written across his whole face, his whole life.
“It’s not fair ,” Izuku repeats, voice breaking, collapsing down and resting his forehead on his teacher’s shoulder. An arm winds its way around his shoulders. Izuku shakes and cries and waits - waits for it to be better, waits for the part of him that knows how to pick himself back up from things like this to come back. Waits for the ground to break again, always.
a lot of recovery is work but a lot of it is just waiting. sometimes when you're in a certain place all you can really do is hold on until your resilience or capacity for joy come back. one of the most helpful things i learned was that sometimes when i'm incapable of saying anything nice to myself, to do the equivalent of going 'okay, we'll talk later.' because it always does come back
i love rescue and everyone who reads it, very much
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
I was partnered with this guy for a student-teach other student project. Me and him were the ones teaching. Things were a little slow and we didnt really have a lot of people. We decided to walk around the school and we were walking near the lockers. He was behind me and I was in front. I tripped and just grabbed the lockers and he was behind me so he grabbed the locker so he wouldnt crush me. I turned around and was blushing a lot. He just smiled at me and laughed. Haikyuu! (preferably) and/or My Hero Academia if you're able to please and thank you. Happy 1k!! Hope this works!
Okay these matchups came so quickly and vividly and gosh if this isn’t the biggest romcom moment ever I don’t know what is 😖 so for your first matchup, I just had to pair you with...
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Hands down one of the most reliable characters in the show, Daichi would be the person to volunteer for a student-teaching project. He’s very studious and consistent with his grades, and that solid work ethic shows in other aspects of his personality as well. He loves to help people who need it or ask for advice, so this was a fun opportunity for him to take up. When he saw that you were the other person helping out for the day, let’s just say that his excitement was practically doubled.
He’d definitely admire you at work with other students in your group when he had the chance, which luckily for him was pretty often seeing as the class was going slower than initially expected. When you offered to take a walk around the school for a bit, he took up the proposition quicker than you expected.
Daichi has a confident and steady speaking voice that he maintains in practically all conversations, but his tone shows more intrigue/curiosity for ones that he’s particularly involved with. And anything you say is immediately captivating to him because...well, it’s you! And he thinks you’re super cool and definitely admires you, but he doesn’t want to overwhelm or embarrass you by just blurting that out of nowhere. So he’s totally enveloped in what you’re saying and paying attention in this way that makes your cheeks feel warm - and you don’t even register that your feet were no longer coordinating with each other before your hand finds the cold metal of the hallway lockers.
Can it get worse? Depending on your definition of worse, then maybe!! There’s Daichi right behind you, the jacket material of his uniform just barely brushing against your back as he attempts to steady himself. What’s more, turning to apologize brings you face to face with the guy himself, and oh gosh what were you going to say because he’s just? Right there?? Gosh imagine being face to face with him I’d actually die on the spot—
With the most soothing laugh you’ve ever heard, he helps you find balance on your own two legs once again and asks if you’re okay like the concerned sweetheart he is. He doesn’t stop smiling like a dork for a couple minutes afterwards, and he only laughs when you softly reprimand him for how embarrassed it’s making you feel.
After the project was officially over, Daichi would definitely hand you a folded piece of scrap paper with his number scrawled on it in neat handwriting. Insists that you don’t have to do anything with it if you don’t want to, and then proceeds to look at the floor with a small smile when you immediately punch the information into your phone’s contacts. Texts you the same evening because he can’t help himself, and of course you text your “project partner” back.
And for My Hero Academia, I pair you up with...
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My baby. My angel. Sweetness incarnate. I am so jealous of you for singlehandedly securing this boy’s infatuation, but you absolutely did so take such a shining achievement with pride.
Of course he volunteered to help for the student teaching project, have you met this boy? Izuku loves helping people improve! That number 4 spot in his class exams is not for nothing, that’s for sure. While he’s not the best at concisely articulating his points (he goes on mumble rants way too often for that to not be the case), people still like how approachable he is when it comes to asking questions, and he’ll eventually help students work through what they were stuck on in a way they can understand.
Alright I know what you’re probably thinking: wouldn’t Midoriya just go beet red if he accidentally got that close to you in this situation? My answer is no, because while he would likely be flustered thinking about it later on, his first and foremost priority is making sure that he doesn’t fall on you. Lots of asking if you’re okay and if you’re hurt anywhere, even if the whole tripping scenario wasn’t too perilous of an experience in reality.
He’s got a soft laugh that reminds you of a sunny spring afternoon and it’s never failed to put his peers at ease. It’s not teasing or entertained either; rather something like relieved/glad to have prevented an unfortunate collision in the middle of the school hall. Everyone knows that this sweet, sweet broccoli boi would apologize profusely if something had actually happened to you, no matter how small the impact may have been.
He’s got those big emerald eyes that pierce the heart just right, and they fall on you with so much admiration that his thoughts are practically projected in 4K and big neon lights that say, “YOU TAKE UP AN ENTIRE THREE PAGES IN MY JOURNAL!” It’s endearing to see how much he holds you in high regard, and to be honest you could say the same thing about him when it comes to respect and admiration. He works so hard and it shows.
Maybe help him along by asking to have dinner with him in the dorm’s common room after the project ends — be prepared to catch him this time around, just in case he stumbles on his own two feet at your invitation. He’ll absolutely take you up on it once he recovers.
I hope you liked it! Thank you again for all your support 🥰
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Wolf's Fanfic Masterlist pt 3: BNHA pt2
Disclaimer: I mainly write AUs. I am behind on or flat-out ignoring the source material for pretty much every fandom on this list. If I like the source material, I will get to it at some point. Feel free to ask questions. I may or may not rant about source material that I have a love-hate relationship with.
Links will appear as things are written and posted on AO3 and Tumblr. BNHA oneshots and snippets will be another post.
BNHA (My Hero Academia)
Scraps/one-shots that were too small to be considered stories but told a story all their own.
NaoMight Week 2020
All For Izuku
The first Weilder of OFA is Izuku's imaginary friend growing up. Yes, that's as weird as it sounds. No, I am not up to date with canon. This was written around the time the Failed Camp/Bakugo Kidnapping Arc became animated.
Better in the Worst Way
"Take a swan-dive off a roof and wish for a Quirk in your next life." Izuku does. What he doesn't do, is die. He thinks. Instead, he wakes up four years old and determined. Not to burn the world down, but to make it hear him.
Bitter Taste
Mic is closer to All Might than Aizawa is, but Aizawa still comes through after the former Number One Hero returns from a date gone wrong.
Generation Overtime
One For All works strangely in that it generates a new life-force with each new holder. The Quirk is passed down, but the embers of One For All remain with the former user until that user dies. So it’s the user’s life the new being is attached to, not the Quirk’s passing. Eight holders later, Piripiri Hisashi grows up as a younger brother to one Yagi Toshinori.
Just Enough
Something is up with Mic, and Aizawa is determined to figure out what it is. But he doesn't have the best track record in dealing with emotions, even when it comes to his partner, so it might take a while. Or: Five Instances of one Yamada Hizashi acting strange and one Aizawa Shota doing what he can to figure out why.
Push and Pull
Inko isn't a Hero, but her Quirk is still useful. Especially when it comes to keeping track of her little boy.
Quirk Daemons
The whole "Izuku can see others' 'Quirk-creatures'" in a world where everyone can see their own creatures but not anyone else's. Kind of inspired by His Dark Materials.
Singing to the Sky
Gran Torino taught differently than Nana did. After all these years, Toshinori still isn't quite sure if that's a good thing. Based on a song.
"Hey, Yagi-san, you still believe what your mentor told you?"
"Gran Torino has told me many things that I may or may not still believe."
"The one about losing yourself. When you grow up."
"Your heart dies." Yagi finished. The words felt bitter on his tongue.
Spiritual advisor
Izuku can see ghosts. Here's how that affected his younger years.
Scrapped Snippet: Inko worked as a legal assistant at one of the most popular mediation contracting firms in Tokyo. An old coworker of hers from when she and her team were contracted to Might Productions shows up on her doorstep with her son in tow. Yagi Toshinori is not Izuku’s father, but she certainly wouldn’t mind if he were.
Take a Break
Scrapped Snippet: One For All is a stockpiling power and we know later on that manifests as Midoriya having multiple quirks from past users. Some people claim All Might didn’t have full access to his powers due to the trauma he’d undergone. That’s perfectly valid, but Yagi Toshinori is no fool. He will absolutely work himself to death for the right cause. That’s basically what Heroism is, in his eyes. So what if the past users had enough of that bullshit and manifest to stop him?
The Yagi-Todorokis
AU of an AU where Toshi and Rei were childhood sweethearts, but lost track of each other after high school. Not long after Endeavor's debut, Tohi spots a familiar face and does his best to catch up with his old friend. But Enji, as usual, is a dick. So Toshi becomes something of an unwanted house guest as he does his best to keep Rei (and their growing family) safe.
Training Days
Aizawa can't get Shinsou to understand why his Quirk can't be the end-all be-all. Mic has a peculiar solution, which seems to amount to riling Aizawa up.
Walked Home
A stranger overhears Katsuki telling Izuku to jump off a roof and wants to make sure the kid gets home alright. Izuku is extremely wary, but agrees. The Sludge Villain happens anyway.
You Worry Me
Kids talk, Toshinori finds out a few days into this community service project. But Izuku doesn;t seem to have a problem with the words coming out of his mouth and Toshinori really, really wishes he did. Since Izuku won't reach out for help, Toshinori will have to do something about it himself. Luckily, the staff at UA is more than willing to help.
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A Call of the Siren - Chapter Three
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A/N: Hey this is a shorter chapter for now but chapter four is already in the works and much longer. We finally get more into the classes and more interactions with our favorite Lord Explosion Murder. I am also looking for a beta if anyone is interested! I don’t own My Hero Academia. I only own my own characters and the story I create within Horikoshi’s masterpiece of a world I’d love to live in.
Chapter One Chapter Two
“Class 1-A...1-A...1-A...goddamn where is it?!” Delia whispered to herself, frustrated. She was never good with directions. She was already on edge today due to the fact she was almost caught by her mother with the wrong uniform on. She had bought her local school’s uniform and it was currently stuffed in her locker to change into before she got back home. She lightly pulled at the end of her braid while she tried to look at the school map again. 
“Oh, uhm hi! Are you looking for 1-A too?” A nervous voice said from beside her.
Looking up from the paper, she was greeted by a boy with messy green hair and a red face. 
“Hi!” She decided not to tell him she actually knew him. At least not yet. She didn’t want him to look at her like she was crazy and a stalker. “Yes! Any chance you know?” 
“I’m a little lost too but maybe two minds are better than one?” He was so flustered with his red face and jerky hand movements - it was adorable. 
They walked around the corner and found it down the hall. Walking up to the door, they both stopped.
“Why is it so big?” 
“Are there giants who go here?” He asked in response.
Before her nerves could get to her, she opened the massive door. She immediately heard two familiar voices. It was Angry boy and the guy from the entrance exam. They both stopped talking once they noticed her and Midoriya at the door. Actually, the whole class turned to look at them. She was pretty sure they both wore matching red faces at this point. The blue haired one straightened his back and marched on over to them without delay. 
“Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida-“
“Uh, hi! I know! My name is Izuku Midoriya. “ he said waving his hands. “It’s super nice to meet you.” 
“Midoriya, you realized there was something more to the practical exam, didn’t you?” 
“You must be very perceptive. And YOU!” Delia was totally fine with watching the exchange before she realized Iida was gesturing to her. She blinked, “ uh, hi?” And did a small wave with a raised eyebrow.
“You also realized there was something more! I saw you as well run to the aid of that girl. You both are superior students!”
“I know that messed up hair! Oh, and you too!” Another voice joined the conversation from behind her. Turning, she saw it was that small girl from the practice exam. 
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Angry Boy with clenched fists at his desk. His head was tilted slightly meaning he was possibly listening. 
Bakugo’s POV:
Oh course fucking Deku was here. 
The bastard ruined everything. He was supposed to be the only one from their school to make it to U.A. He was the best. It only made sense. 
His eyes slid over to the girl standing next to him. It took a moment for him to realize it was the girl from the park he kept running into every time he went to train. She had a puzzled look on her face as that Somei private school douche suddenly pointed at her.
He was used to her in baggy shirts and shorts with messy hair but today her hair was pulled back in a thick braid down her back. She wore the standard girl uniform but her tie was crooked. Her blue eyes were striking even from here.
… It annoyed the ever loving fuck out of him for some reason. 
Of course Deku and this brat would be in his class. 
Delia’s POV: 
“If you're just here to make friends, you might as well pack up your stuff now.” A deep voice said from behind them. The class whipped their heads over to the giant yellow bag on the floor by the door. “Welcome to UA’s Hero Course.” 
What in the actual…?? Delia was just blinking while she could hear Uraraka and Midoriya were making nervous whimpers beside her. 
“It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That’s not gonna work. Time is precious.” 
This man looked so tired as he emerged from his sleeping bag but gave off such an intimidating vibe that had Delia nervous to speak. He is a Pro, of course. Who he was she didn’t know but knew she was going to find out real quick.  “Hello, I’m Shota Aizawa, your teacher.” Well that much she figured despite the class being shocked before a uniform was thrown at her face. 
Aizawa had led them out to a large practice ground rather than the orientation that everyone was itching to attend. He quickly nipped that in the bud with dictating how he will run class as he saw fit and that the Ministry of Education needed to catch up on how we are not created equal (something she was sure her family would have an opinion on..) before she heard him address a classmate. “Bakugo, you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam.” Delia looked over to who he was possibly talking to and saw it was Angry Boy.
So that's his name. Bakugo. It was kind of nice to finally have an answer to that question. 
“What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in Junior High?”
“Sixty-seven meters, I think.” Bakugo replied. Wow. He actually can speak in a normal tone. Delia had only ever heard him yelling at her like a psycho no matter what tone of voice she used. 
“Right. Try doing it with your Quirk.” Aizawa instructed as Bakugou stepped into place. “Anything goes, just stay in the circle.”
“All right, man you asked for it.” What a cocky way to talk to our teacher on our first day, Delia thought, Kid’s got some balls.  
“DIE!” With that, he blew up the sky. A massive explosion sent the ball flying until it was no more than a small dot in the air. Delia couldn’t believe the sheer power Angry Boy - no, Bakugo - had all this time. 
As he commented on knowing the limitations of our quirks, Aizawa turned the device towards the class: 705.2 meters. 
How was she going to compete with that?
The 50 meter dash was a bit difficult as she couldn't see how to use her quirk for that so she just full on sprinted. Thankfully, she had spent the last year running on the beach and it gave her some decent speed. 6.7 seconds. Okay, not great but she’ll take it as Uraraka ran slower than she did.  
The strength test was difficult and pathetic.
As well as the long jump. 
The side jump felt fine. 
Finally, the softball ball test. 
“Bell, your turn.” Aizawa tossed her the ball which she nearly dropped as she walked to the base. Delia was getting nervous and fed up with her performance. She made it this far only for her teacher to kick her out the very first day. 
No, not today. 
“Sometime today, Extra.” A lazy, smug voice called out. She didn’t have to turn to know who it came from. Blowing the hair out of her face, Delia squared her shoulders. Well, fine then. 
In a quick motion of her hand, she pulls all the water out of everyone’s water bottles to form her signature water whip and shoots the ball into the sky before she had lost her nerve. 
“Finally.” Her sensei mumbled while showing the number. 567.3 meters. “ Learn to apply yourself and stop acting like you don’t have a quirk.”
Delia nodded stiffly and walked back to the group as Midoriya replaced her in the circle. She felt a nudge on her arm. “ That was pretty awesome!” The boy with the spiked red hair whispered to her with a giant grin. She couldn’t help but smile back, “ Thank you. Sorry for stealing your water.” He shrugged and waved her off, “It was a worthy cause. Can’t have you getting kicked out on day one with a power like that!” Delia started to tug at her braid, not used to any positive attention for her quirk. 
“My name is Delia Bell, by the way.”
 “I’m Ejiro Kirishima.”
She smiled again before turning back to what was happening just in time to see Midoriya throw the ball with outstanding force. “Mr. Aizawa.” He curled his hand with his newly injured finger into a tight fist, “ See? I’m still standing.” 
Delia was impressed but unsurprised since she’s witnessed it before from the entrance exam. And considering who his mentor has been. 
Everyone was flipping out but she noticed one person was not a happy camper about this at all. Bakugou was hunched and practically steaming with anger as his hands started blowing off mini explosions. Then he rushed towards him, “DEKU YOU BASTARD! Tell me how you did that or you’re dead!” 
Aizawa immediately threw out his scarf and stopped Bakugou in his tracks. “Back off.” 
Delia rolled her eyes at Angry boy still fighting against their teacher over what she was sure was an over dramatic reason and reached down to her water bottle before pouting. She used up her water with everyone else’s. Frigger frick. 
Aizawa had them go through a few extra tests before finally showing their rankings. Delia clenched and unclenched her fists at her side as the projection popped up. Her eyes were scanning as quick as they could..Bell..Bell..Bell..Bell! 
Delia Bell : 21st place out of 22. 
She felt defeated but relieved all at once. She wasn’t out but she had some serious work to do. Delia sadly looked over to where Midoriya was standing. Biting her lip, she went over to him quietly and put her hand on his hunched over shoulder. She figured words weren’t the best in this scenario. 
“And I was lying, no one is going home.” He clicked the screen away along with all of our ability to blink or move for a minute. Somewhere in her head, Delia heard a record being scratched. Aizawa grinned (if you want to call it that) before continuing, “That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it you’re all in the tests.”  
You ABSOLUTE motherf- 
Delia was putting her school shoes in her locker when Uraraka bounced up to her side.
“Oh. Hi?” 
“I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out in the entrance exam when I was stuck!”
Waving her hands at the smaller girl, “ Oh my god no stop that. I wanted to thank YOU for trying to talk to them into giving me points afterwards. That was so nice of you!” 
“How did you- never mind. It was no problem because you deserved it. I mean you ran to me when everyone else was running away. I could’ve been squished!”
“How about we call it even then?” Delia laughed as she saw them going back and forth over this for a while. They started to walk out of the building when Uraraka grabbed her sleeve and started running towards Midoriya and Iida. 
“Oh, it's the infinity girl!” Iida exclaimed before seeing Delia catch up next to her. “ and the girl who stole all of our water!” 
Feeling her face heat up, she laughed a bit. “I’m sorry about that. I wasn’t thinking about the after effects.” 
“Oh, it was totally worth it! I’m Ochaco Uraraka and this is Delia Bell.” Uraraka gestured to herself and then Delia before pointing to the boys. “Let’s see. You are Tenya Iida and your name is Deku, right? Midoriya?” Midoriya damn near choked when he heard that. 
“Uh, well...My name is actually Izuku. Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me.” He anxiously explained. Delia scrunched up her nose and squeezed the books she held lightly against her chest so hard the edges of them bit into her hands. Delia promised herself to make sure to trip Angry Boy the next time she interrupted one of his runs. Maybe even drop one of his weights on his foot or maybe just a good old fashion punch. 
“Oh! I didn’t realize that. I’m sorry. But you know what? I like “Deku.” It could make a great hero name!” She threw her fist in the air before she smiled at him sweetly, “Plus, I think it's kind of cute.”
“Deku it is!” 
Delia burst out laughing and shook her head. Boys are so simple. As she listened to her new classmates bicker, she smiled at them. “This is going to be an interesting year.” Delia hooked her arm through Uraraka’s arm, who practically bounced at the gesture, and followed the boys down the hill towards home. 
Oh, how she would eat, get sick from, and violently throw up those damn words later. Baka.
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Shouto stared at the ground.
Heroes sucked.
He looked up at Bakugou and Midoriya, who were both very confused to have been dragged to his room.
Shouto sighed. “I need your help.”
Bakugou raised an eyebrow. “Is this about what I told you about Best Jeanist?”
Midoriya frowned. “Is this about what I told you about All MIght?”
Shouto smiled. “Partially. How do you feel about a vacation?”
Or:  So apparently projecting onto Shouto means that Shouto is now going  apeshit and kidnapping his entire class to fuck off to an isolated  resort location, featuring: my anger at the current top three heroes;  Dabi, Fuyumi, and Natsuo being supportive because I will let the  Todorokis be family fuck you; Katsuki being as nice as possible in order  to fucking scare the shit out of Midnight, All Might, Nedzu, and  Jeanist; Uraraka throwing people out of windows nicely; and Izuku and  Tomura bonding over being child soldiers for causes they didn’t entirely  realize what they were when they first started.
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning
No Archive Warnings Apply          
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Class 1-A & Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Natsuo & Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Natsuo & Todoroki Shouto & Todoroki Touya, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, etc. - Relationship, Class 1-A & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Class 1-A, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Asui Tsuyu & Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki & Todoroki Shouto & Utsushimi Camie & Yoarashi Inasa, Todoroki Shouto & Yaoyorozu Momo
Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Midoriya Inko, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga, Hagakure Tooru, I might add more as they appear
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BAMF Todoroki Shouto, He’s just angry, I mean he’s also sad and depressed and traumatized but he’s going fuck it and channeling anger, yes I AM projecting thank you for asking, funny story I used to think that the Todoroki siblings were actually the most sane, because they all realized what they went through was fucked up, but then the Dabi thing happened, so Shouto gets re-angry at Endeavor, and while he might still forgive him he knows he needs to face what he did, enter 6 tons of gasoline, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Needs Therapy, Dabi realizes Shouto is not a puppet, Shouto realizes that there are other ways of saving people than being a hero, Midoriya realizes that All Might is kind of a jerk, Bakugou realizes that people being jackasses should not be normal to him, Uraraka realizes that Shouto is absolutely willing to spend Endeavor’s money on her, Tomura realizes that he was gaslighted and manipulated, Aizawa realizes that he is a father to way too many children and deserves a sleep schedule, Natsuo realizes that fucking with people is really fun especially with his girlfriend, Fuyumi realizes that it’s okay to be angry, Twice deserved better and all of Class 1-A is angry about it, the League is fucked up but they acknowledge that they’re fucked up, WHICH IS MORE THAN I CAN SAY FOR THE FUCKING HEROES, this will never be canon but let me live, Mirio's getting kidnapped too let's GO PEOPLE, I'm still mad about the sports festival warning, full warning this might count as bashing, this might also count as crack, part of my let fuyumi be a little shit agenda, let momo be a badass
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findingarcadia · 3 years
Made For Him
Chapter 4 : Disharmony
The two of us sat in silence for a bit, drinking in the sounds of nature. Me more so than Shoto, who was undoubtedly enjoying the sensation of my fingers running through his hair. To this day my mind could not understand why he dyed it but nonetheless went with it. To be honest it looked good on him. Him and his two-colored eyes. We sat on Yua’s porch watching our group of friends and family play, get dirty, and wrestle through the dirt. I loved each and every one of them in their own way. That included the older people in our ‘family’. Thinking about this family brought my mind to the many unanswered questions I still had.
What exactly are we?
Why is everything a secret?
What is it that lingers around and tugs at me?
Am I crazy?
Living in Washington, let alone a town so close to the border of Canada it was 50 percent forest and more beyond the United States border and mostly protected by laws – laws that forbade many from trespassing on certain lands or deforesting. I never understood the importance of that until recently, the forests were our home. We were woodland people if anyone had to label us. I never understood why part of that many questions deal. We stayed away from the towns and people mostly. We’ve lived here in Spokane since we came to America.
In my time here I did notice many things, people steered clear of us. The other kids rarely spoke to us. We were labeled weird and barbaric for living in the woods and surviving the way we do. I’d like to think we were normal….mostly. We lived like anyone else, shopped for food, hunted for the winter, used furs to help warm us along with some luxuries. We just kept to ourselves. Like a tribe. Or a pack.
My mind raced, dark green bunnies zipping about on my life and questions that I barely heard the words that came from my best friend.
“Earth to Izuku.”
I took a breath and pulled my hand from his hair and looked down at him. “Sorry, mind bunnies.”
“I see that. What is going on in that head of yours?” He said as he turned slightly toward me.
“Would you believe me if I said absolutely nothing?”
“No.” Shoto deadpanned.
Sighing I tugged the blanket around myself and up to my chin. “You know, we’ve been here for a long time.”
“I’m just saying. Anyway, it’s been what eleven years.” I said softly through the fabric while looking out at the slowly dimming light. Aizawa would most likely want me safely inside the house, and he would probably call Yua just for kicks to make sure I was home. “No one has changed.”
Shoto paused in his motion of attempting to get up and let his eyes shift toward me.
There was a long pause that made something in my head sound an alarm.
Something was not right.
“Change?” he asked. “Change as in personality-wise or what? We don’t need to change who we are or what we do because here we are a family. We look after one another. Why change?”
Smooth Shoto Todoroki, real smooth.
“Yeah…” I agreed knowing full well he detoured the true meaning behind my statement earlier.
“Come on, worrywart. Let’s get you inside.” Shoto stated as he turned and lifted himself to his feet. He offered a hand to help me from my comfortable spot and sadly I took it mourning the warmth and comfort that I had at that very moment. Letting the blanket slip from around me ungracefully, I shoved it back into the chair and allowed Shoto to pull me towards him and ultimately toward the door.
“Aww look at you being a good babysitter. You brought me back home right at curfew.” I taunted. “I’m sure if you sit and give paw, you’ll get treats.”
Shoto just stared at me while I had gotten my keys out and had them in the door ready to open it. “Forget Aizawa and his issues,” Shoto said as he moved away from me with a small smirk on his lips. “You’re lucky I let you live past childhood.”
A snort gracefully slipped out of me, or as gracefully as a snort could. Before I could say anything Shoto swatted my backside and took off, off the porch, and along the path toward his family’s house. His agility to this day confuses me and makes me a little uneasy. Shaking my head I opened the door and walked in, toeing my shoes off at the front. The house Yua and I lived in was designed similar to a traditional Japanese house. Well at least on the inside. Shoes off at the genkan.
“Hang your jacket up!” Yua’s voice floated through the house from the kitchen. Her senses always amazed me, her knack for knowing who was in the house or what was going on was unreal, but hey I guess that is a mom thing. What’s funny is that I had been seconds away from just tossing my jacket either on the floor or on a chair.
Making my way to the kitchen I spotted the mother-to-be, or already mother… I don’t even know anymore. She was creating a concoction of things. Taking a sniff, I could smell a weird mix. “Onions, peaches, chocolate, noodles…” I paused watched her add pickle juice while she had a cookie shoved in her mouth. “I’m ordering take out.”
“Awww Izu, you don’t want some?”
I looked on in horror, surveying the dishes and chopped vegetables on the counter and the other empty containers. “Nope.” I declared. “You and your craving have just created a monster sickness in my stomach.”
Yua giggled and shrugged while she attended her…whatever it was.
“Where’s the beef?”
With all the weird craving this woman had, there was always meat involved. Beef usually, ground and made into the perfect meatballs, or shredded and sprinkled over something. I swear the baby was a carnivorous beast and it made its mother eat weird nasty meat concoctions. Ah, the price of motherhood. Those dark, fuzzy, hopping creatures were back in my brain. Lately, weird things had been happening when it came to Yua, her abdomen would swelling and something it looked like the baby was having a party in there, other times her abdomen would be a normal size for someone who was as pregnant as she was. I had thought to ask but assumed it would go into the pile of unanswered questions.
“Hey.” Yua touched my chin. “I’m going to be okay.” I wondered briefly when I had zoned out long enough for her to waddle herself toward me.
“Mind reader.” It was like this woman knew me so well that my thought never escaped her.
Yua just smiled and pulled away from me with her hand pulled up into fists, like she was ready to throw a punch. “I’m a fighter, besides I’m just pregnant not…”
“I know…”
I didn’t want to think of anything happening to the one person aside from Aizawa that helped nurture me and raise me. For an orphaned child she has never met, Yua had given up being anything normal and risen to the plate of motherhood. She gave me a home and made sure of our places in this family. She stood up to many people when it came to me and my mischief, Aizawa included. You know I think that was why we were together like this because Aizawa saw her love and care and willingness to fight for someone she knew nothing about.
“You’re gonna be okay.” I whispered to myself, hoping that if repeated enough I would believe it. That if said enough like prayer, it would be true. Pregnancies are difficult, sometimes women die in childbirth. Especially if the family was insistent on home birth, those were difficult if there were complications.
Shut up brain.
“Alistair?” Changing the subject was the best considering where my brain decided to go. Stupid bunnies making my train of thought run wild. Yua’s husband, the man she left Japan for. He usually was glued to her side, never one to leave for fear of something happening. Hence the fear instilled into me. Besides, Yua could cook and he never missed her meals. Even if I was not fond of the man, he just gave me weird vibes, his absence was a bit strange to me.
“He won’t be home tonight.” She said as she waddled back and forth in the kitchen, messing with her mixture of food. “Try this.”
Having let the mind bunnies free to dash and hop I realized too late that I took the bite offer. I had regrets, major regrets. Never again was I allowing this woman to feed me. Her food, I wanted no part of any longer. “Disgusting!” I had spit it out in the trash and proceeded to drown my mouth with anything sugary to get the taste out of my mouth.
“Hmmm…” she said and spooned a portion into her mouth. “Your loss, I guess.”
I gagged and proceeded to take large gulps of the soda I had opened. “I’m gonna throw up.”
Yua shrugged and proceeded with her project. At this point there was no other word for it, the food was a project made for the science fair. It was a concoction made of pure pregnant evil.
“I swear, if I didn’t know you, I’d say you were evil.”
“Then you don’t know me very well.” She said as she took another spoonful.
“Yeah, on that note.” I left the kitchen in search of the takeout menus we had stashed somewhere for when Shoto and I had those boring nights of video games and crap talk. “Alistair isn’t home, even though he’s like your guard dog. Aizawa has given me a curfew and gave me babysitters. You’re messing around with me in hopes of distracting me from asking questions.” I yelled as I dug through the side table drawer in the living room. “What’s going on?”
Yua’s form appeared in the entryway of the kitchen leading toward the dining and living area. “Izuku, do me a favor. Stay out of it.” Her expression was one of pleading and I turned away from her face to look at the now found menus.
There was silence on my end. I couldn’t stay out of this, it involved me. I’m part of this family. I deserve to know.
“Yeah, I didn’t think you would.” She sighed. “I’m stressed, Izu, I don’t think this is good for me so please.”
My eyes widened and I looked at her then. She struck where it hurt, my care, and worry for her. “You’re gonna be fine.” I repeated my statement from earlier. “Besides telling me to stay out of it, makes me want to know even more. It obviously must be big, and it involves this family. I am part of this family.”
Yua didn’t respond. Not a word. I couldn’t read her expression and at that moment, deep down I knew this was far bigger than I expected.
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