#i also know people LOVE to make it Not His Fault that the coffee pots were scrapped
Out of all three of the Fat Controllers we see in the Railway Series, who would you say is the coldest/most cruel in terms of personality and actions?
Only one of them ever blocked off his entire main line and threw a dependent into solitary isolation for months in order to teach a lesson to a literal Toddler Engine.
So I think Fat Controller #1, Original Flavor Sir Topham Himself, wins this one pretty handily.
#chatter#i also know people LOVE to make it Not His Fault that the coffee pots were scrapped#i get it#but... look#we seem *in general* to have a remarkable shortage of the railway's early rolling stock on this island#i'm just sayin#i don't even condemn FC1 *too* harshly for that because i think it was the hatts themselves#that would up really introducing/pushing this standard for a large company to Keep Everything in service#anything fc1 did i think was probably the norm or ethically better than his contemporary counterparts#but yeah compared to charles hatt? compared to stephen the sweetheart?#easily the coldest#little question#i do think charles was better at keeping on a more overall more professional and even keel#and sometimes *to some engines* this might look colder or more detached#but yeah overall i suspect he's way more of a soft touch than his old man#one example is i tend to headcanon fc1 grew *chummy* with edward in the later years to an extent that fc2 wouldn't just because...#that's weird. and unprofessional.#it's Twin Engines that gives me this vibe#edward is all casually eager to give his unsolicited opinion (bizarre quality that no one ever encouraged in a late victorian worker tbh)#and fc2 shuts it down pretty coldly lol#which! to be frank! is probably better management than leaving himself open to the appearance of favoritism#and ofc i've many a time sung my tune about fc1 being soft on thomas and fc2 rapping his knuckles much more sharply at the first opportunit#but i think this shows better sense and makes the whole fleet more comfortable#standards are consistent#rws discussion#the fat controller
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landograndprix · 9 months
woman ✾ l.n - iv
❧ you love max, you really do but your little brother has been getting more on your nerves each day as he tries to set you up with one of his friends.
❧ verstappen!reader. Reader is older so if that's not your cup of tea, don't drink it. ;)
❧ welcome back, it's been a while, getting more into girlies life & a new friend has entered the chat..martijn -> martin garrix. If you want to be tagged, let me know! Also since this has been an ongoing series for a while and my tagging system is fairly new, know that I'm not using those tag lists for this fic, only the ones who wanted to be tagged for this one specifically.
❧ prev part – next part
📍 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 199,762 others
y/nverstappen solitude 🏡
view all 423 comments
hannahh hey, do you want to be my wife..like..please
hamilt44n your such a vibe
teampapayaa how much for you to become my private chef? 👀
landonorris are those stroopwafels?
landonorris bring me some next time
y/nverstappen no, I don't want to
landonorris guess I'll have to go to Amsterdam myself then..
y/nverstappen I'll make sure not to be here then..
norrisnorris this is the most random and unexpected friendship I've ever seen but I'm here for it 😂
y/nlove hand in marriage please..
irisxo nice dress, would be a shame if someone borrows it
y/nverstappen buy your own
irisxo what's the fun in that, that's gonna cost me money
lestappen116 Charles hiding in the likes 👀
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y/nverstappen posted on their story
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📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by victoriaverstappen, landonorris and 201,671 others
y/nverstappen monaco days 🇲🇨 ☀
tagged; victoriaverstappen, irisxo, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, kellypiguet, landonorris
view all 402 comments
maxmaxmax finally some jimmy and sassy content 🥰
irisxo that pasta doesn't even look that bad, what we're you on about?
charles_leclerc no it was really bad 😅
irisxo well you tried your best, that's what matter right?
y/nverstappen tried his best..yeah
charles_leclerc we'll order in next time..
verstappenmaxx happy belated birthday to P!
norry4 lando?
bott_ass just casually name dropping Charles and Lando as if it isn't going to start drama.
y/nlove why would it start anything, she's with her family, it's not her fault kelly and max adopted lando 🤡
julieeeexo god forbid a woman being friends with men..
victoriaverstappen had so much fun this week ❤️
kellypiguet thank you for P's birthday party, she loved it! ❤️
sharl16 Charles did not just try to cook bestie a dish, did he not learn from his own Monaco vlog?
landonorris you didn't get my good side
y/nverstappen I did though, your face is not showing.
landonorris oh so that's how it is? Okay..
landoscar I am SO confused 😩
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since this was a series long before I started my taglist system, I only tag the people from this list
taglist @hockeyboysarehot @beatricemiruna @starwarssavy23 @be-your-coffee-pot @thecubanator2 @ironmaiden1313 @hanniesdawn @leclercdream @alexandralibbre @elliegrey2803 @watersquirtpewpewboomm @laneyspalding19 @whoreks @cha-hot
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harrywavycurly · 2 months
Sarah I love killers love!! I love how he just drops everything to answer the phone when we call🥰🥰 I was wondering if it would be ever so possible to get some more of that? Like the conversation kinda things you do!😍😍
Hiii babes!! Awe I’m so glad you like the series!! Of course I can give you some little convos where Eddie answers the phone while he’s “busy” with something/someone as well as when he just drops anything to talk to you in general 😂 I hope you enjoy!💖
CW: Eddie is a serial killer
-find all things A Killer’s Love here✨
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“Hey baby what’s wrong?” “Why does something have to be wrong? Why can’t I just be calling my husband because I miss him?” “Sweetheart it’s…eight thirty at night on a Tuesday so normally by now you’d be tucked into bed with a book…so what’s wrong?” “I want some tea and…I can’t find my favorite mug…” “give me one minute baby I’m gonna mute you okay? I gotta talk to Rick really quick.” “Okay honey tell him I said hello and sorry for interrupting poker night.” “You don’t need to apologize sweetheart but I’ll tell him you said hi…….listen up my wife is on this phone and if you so much as breathe a little too loud and she hears you I’ll make this the most painful night of your like you got that? And I really don’t want to tape your mouth shut because it’s such a waste of tape but I will…now….just let me tell her where her mug is and then we can get back to our little chat okay? Nod your head if you understand…Good……sorry about that baby.” “It’s okay so…do you happen to know where-” “top shelf in the cabinet left of the microwave…that’s where your pink mug with the smiley faces on it is.” “Oh god you’re the best..I love you.” “I love you too Princess I’ll be home in….an hour or so depending on how much money Rick is willing to lose tonight…” “be gentle with him honey.” “I’ll try my best.”
“Why won’t you just be still? It doesn’t hurt as much when you’re not wiggling around like a worm on a hook….wait one moment my wife is calling…sorry I hate gagging people but I can’t risk you yelling or anything so…here we go….hey baby.” “Hey honey! So I’m standing in the kitchen and I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight and I also can’t find the remote to the tv.” “Okay well the remote is next to the coffee pot that’s where you left it this morning when you turned the news on while getting ready for work…now for dinner what are the options?” “You really do just keep track of everything…uhm let’s see the options are…spaghetti with meatballs…I can make meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans or….uhm well that’s all I’m in the mood to make so those are the options.” “Spaghetti sounds great sweetheart….one moment baby I gotta help someone with their head gear.” “Oh yeah go help them honey! Safety first!” “Yeah safety first……you were doing so good and now…now I have to use the tape and I fucking hate using the tape………don’t look at me like that I told you to just be still this is all your own fault now I’ll be right back….hey baby…so does spaghetti sound good to you?” “Yeah that sounds great I’ll make it enough so you can have leftovers for your lunch tomorrow.” “Perfect…I gotta go but I love you and I’ll be home soon.” “I love you too.”
“Hey sweetheart.” “Hi honey I’m not bothering you am I?” “Not at all I’m just uh..digging some…holes…for Henderson’s mom’s new bushes for her backyard.” “Oh that’s so nice of you to do that….” “What’s wrong? You sound upset.” “Well uhm…don’t freak out okay but I’m…lost?” “Lost?…baby how are you lost in Hawkins it’s not even that big of a city…” “I think I turned left somewhere I was meant to turn right…and now I’m on a street called sir Timothy? I haven’t ever been in this neighborhood before and it’s getting dark and my phone can’t even locate me to tell me how to get home and-” “hey hey it’s okay baby I’ll come and get you and you can just follow me home okay?” “You…you know where I’m at?” “Yes you’re in that new development over by lover’s lake…really nice houses over there…big plots of land too it’s nice.” “When have you been over here?” “On my way home once or twice…I just drove around seeing if it was maybe a place we’d wanna move to eventually.” “Oh…I mean it is…nice over here but I love our house.” “I love our house too…now just sit tight and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” “Okay…I love you…thanks for coming to rescue me.” “I love you too and you know I’ll always come and rescue you…it’s part of the job of being a husband.”
“Honey? Why are you all out of breath? Are you okay?” “Yeah baby I’m fine I just had my phone in my locker at work and had to run when I heard it going off.” “Oh I’m not bothering you during your break am I? I know how much you love your sixty minutes of silence in your truck.” “No sweetheart you’re not bothering me…are you home already?” “I am! That’s actually why I was calling…I was seeing if tonight could be our date night for the week? Since I’m off early and you don’t work tonight?” “Sure we can have date night tonight….I should be home around five.” “Oh perfect that gives me two hours to be a couch potato before I have to start getting ready….” “Baby…” “yes?” “Is that really the only reason you called?” “I might’ve just also wanted to hear your voice…it gets all rough in the middle of the day from you yelling at people to do their jobs correctly….” “Oh and you enjoy that do you?” “You yelling? No but…I do enjoy what it does to your voice…but I’ll let you get back to work.” “Oh you’ve gotten your fill then huh? I’m free to go now?” “Yes you’re free to go.” “Okay well I’ll see you when I get home…if you miss me too much feel free to call me…” “you just want an excuse to get out of working.” “No I just like hearing your voice…I love you baby I’ll see you soon.” “I love you too honey…see you when you get home.”
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jumping-joey1104 · 6 months
do you do hoodie or masky? if yes!!! HEADCANNONS?? :D
Crawled out of my grave for this, it was so comfy too
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Let’s do both, I like ‘em
As much as I love the silent and brooding Hoodie compared to Brian being all bubbly and everything. I still like the idea that Hoodie is just Brian being puppeteer by Slender. So no split personality thing going on.
After being a proxy for so long (and nearly becoming paralyzed and dying from a high fall) he is a lot more somber.
But like an Emo Older Brother kinda vibe, he still jokes and is caring to a lot of people. Almost too caring, he’s a man that likes to give gifts of kindness.
So he’s the caregiver of all the proxies, he wanted to be a nurse so he’s usually the one that has the first aid kit and knows how to keep somebody from loosing an arm because he wanted to pet coyotes.
Also, stoner. He only smoked a few times with Alex and Jay during college years but afterwards he picked the habit up more. To combat the pain from training and fighting and the constant nightmares.
He’s a relatively chill guy, even if you’re on his bad side he’ll bite his tongue and just avoid you. Not one to really lash out.
Masky on the other hand has abandonment issues. When it comes down to choosing between himself and the other proxies he’d choose himself in an instant.
Hoodie has given up on the chance of a normal life, but Masky still holds onto that hope. He hates it, hates himself for being so childish as to believe he could ever be a normal person again.
But he still wakes up every morning and starts a pot of coffee that’s Brian’s favorite brew and make sure there’s enough sugar for Toby to have his own cup. Putting dishes away so Kate knows where everything is.
He’s more likely to lash out than Hoodie, mostly towards people that have wronged him. But he always silently apologizes to the person in some way.
Some say he’s all dark and brooding because that’s who he is as a proxy, in reality he’s trying to hold himself together in hopes that it keeps the rest of them together.
He doesn’t smoke like Brian but he’s definitely one to smoke through a single pack in a day if he feels like it. He doesn’t really care about the consequences, he just wants to take the edge off.
All in all, Masky and Hoodie are inseparable in the way that they cling onto each other in hopes that the other brings them peace. There was a point in time where Brian blamed Tim for everything, that it was his fault all their friends died. It was a dark period in the group, and they still haven’t apologized for the words shared. At least not verbally, because at this point the two can’t see themselves without the other.
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jpmarvel90 · 9 months
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Don't let me down - Part 3
Masterlist Scarlett Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2
Relationship: MamaScarlett x 16 yr old Reader
Summary: Scarlett is devastated to learn the true extent of Y/n's injuries. Whilst Y/n is preparing for their court date and the decision she has to make.
Word count: 5684
Y/n's POV:
After getting ready, I reluctantly headed downstairs, dreading what was waiting for me. I don't think I'm ready to talk about what's happened to me. I've never really had to vocalise it before. Talking with Danny and the police was the most I'd ever admitted to anyone other than Laura and it felt wrong doing it.
When I came downstairs, Scarlett was at the stove watching the pancakes whilst Colin was preparing some coffee. "Morning kiddo." He greets me with a warm smile when he sees me enter the room. "H-hi." I return, my voice causing Scarlett to spin around and look at me. "Would you like some coffee?" He asks me, waving the coffee pot at me. "Yes please." I reply, knowing I'm going to need a lot of caffeine to get through today!
"Take a seat sweetheart. Pancakes are almost done. What would you like with them? We have bacon, syrup, fruit, or chocolate spread." She offers up. I'm not used to having options let alone a choice on what to eat. "Uh. Bacon please if that's ok?" I reply hesitantly. "Good choice. Can't have pancakes without bacon. This one here only eats them with fruit." Colin jokes, making Scarlett gasp in faux offence. I like the bond they seem to have together. There's so much love there but they don't take themselves too seriously.
Scarlett places a plate with three pancakes and bacon in front of me. "I'd rather have something naughty as a snack than at breakfast." She points out. "She's training for her latest movie, and I swear if I see any more kale I may leave." Colin continues to joke, making me genuinely laugh. Is this what breakfasts are like for normal families? Happy and fully of laughter? I see Scarlett do a double take when I laugh, smiling widely. "Just shut up and eat your pancakes." She instructs Colin, grabbing her own plate and joining us at the kitchen island.
"What time are you meeting Laura?" Scarlett asks me. "Uh 11." I respond and she nods. "Perfect. I'll need to pick you up at 2:30 though so we have time to get ready for the court date later." She responds. "That's perfect. She has work in the afternoon anyway." I say, turning my attention back to the food in front of me.
There's small talk whilst we eat, but I'm waiting for the moment that Scarlett starts questioning me on the injuries I have. Though she did say we don't have to talk about it if I don't want to, so maybe she'll leave it for now. "I've got to make a quick call, but have a great time with Laura, kiddo. See you later." He says to me. I smile and watch as he leaves.
I can already feel Scarlett's expectant eyes on me. "The weather's nice today isn't it." I say and she laughs. "Yeah, it's particularly warm today." She responds. "I don't think I'm ready to talk about it." I admit to her before she can ask anything. I find sometimes it's better to be ahead of people rather than wait for them to start talking. I'm not sure how much I trust Scarlett yet and there is a lot to unpack. But there is also a worry in the back of my mind, that when she finds out how broken I am she won't want me anyway. Do I want her to want me?
"That's ok honey. I do hope that you feel comfortable talking to me about it someday. I want to be able to support and be there for you as much as I can. I missed too much of your life, all my fault I know, but I hope that I might be able to make up for some of that now." She expresses honestly.
"I appreciate you not pushing me. This whole situation is still a lot to process and I'm not sure when I'm going to be in a place to talk." I warn her, not wanting her to get her hopes up. I can see that it causes a flash of hurt to wash over her face, but she tries to hide it. "Of course. There is no pressure. Ultimately all that matters is that you are ok and happy. I still hope that is with us, but I will support you if you'd rather move to another foster home." She shares, taking me completely by surprise.
Although I can see how much that hurt her to say, I can see the truth in it. I never thought that I would get to have a choice in this matter. I feel like I'm still on edge here, but so far everything they have done for me has been thoughtful and with no hidden meaning to it. I think I'm safe here and maybe Scarlett does deserve a second chance. I just don't know how easily I can fall into being her daughter. But maybe the foster situation is good as it gives me time to work that out.
After talking a little more, I head to grab my things to meet up with Laura. I think I need this time with her. I need the comfort she provides by just being there and I need someone that I can talk to with complete honesty. "Are you ready honey?" Scarlett shouts up the stairs. Checking the mirror once more, I decide I look suitable and not like I've had two traumatic days.
I jog downstairs to see Scarlett waiting with her bag over her shoulder and keys in hand. "Yeah, I'm good to go." I tell her with a smile. She calls out to Colin to let him know that we're leaving and then we make our way out to the car. The journey isn't as awkward as the one last night. We talk a little about the court appointment this afternoon and what will happen. We then switch to talking about school and if I'm ready to go back in on Monday after the school break.
I assure her that I'm ok to head back and don't need longer off. Normally I hate when it's a school break as it means I had more time at the home. I also can't wait to get back to playing soccer. She agrees that it'll be good for me to go back and says that if I'm still with her that she'll do the school run for me as it's a little far to get the subway.
Eventually, we pull up at the café and Scarlett turns to smile at me. "I'll see you back here at 2:30, But I'm going to be around the area, so just let me know if you want picking up earlier. I can be here within 10 minutes." She tells me with a genuine smile. It feels very strange having someone care enough about me to drop and pick me up. But I think I like it. Knowing someone cares about where I am. It's nice.
I thank her and jump out the car and make my way into the café. I take the usual table that Laura and I sit at and order drinks for the both of us. It's not long before my best friend joins me and is pulling me into the tightest hug. "How are you doing?" She asks me as she takes the seat opposite me. Her concerned gaze on me. "My head feels a little like it's going 100 miles an hour at the moment." I admit with a bit of a chuckle. "How has it been staying with Scarlett?" She questions me and I think about how to respond.
"It's been ok. Her and Colin have been really nice." I tell her. "Good, about time you were treated properly." She states protectively. "I'm still a bit on edge. Although I can see they are truthful in their actions, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to fall. I guess I'm just worried that there is some ulterior motive to them wanting to adopt me." I admit.
Laura looks at me for a moment as she chooses her words. I always know that I'm going to get honest advice from Laura. Even if it's not what I want to hear. I know that she's only saying what's best for me. "I can understand why you feel like that. But you have to remember that she got in contact with you before she knew any of the shit that you've been through. She's not just doing this out of pity. And she certainly isn't doing it for publicity, she's one of the highest earning actresses there is. She doesn't need it." She advises me, seemingly able to read my two biggest worries without me having to say a word. She really is the best friend I could ask for.
"But she already has a family. What if I don't fit into that or they don't actually end up liking who I am?" I share my worry causing her to smile at me. "Trust me Y/n/n. You are the most likeably person there is. Everyone on the team fell in love with you in minutes. Scarlett and Colin already seem to adore you from what you say. Yes, it's going to be a big change for all of you and it's not going to be easy. But never worry about them not liking you." She expresses, taking my hand in hers and giving it a comforting squeeze. She gives me her dazzling smile and I feel my heart flutter. God I could look at her smile all day.
"If you decide to stay with them. You need to give it time. Things aren't going to be normal tomorrow. You also need to learn to not completely shut yourself off." She continues to give me her words of wisdom. "I don't shut people off." I defend but Laura just scoffs. "It took months for you to open up to me. If things get tough, you go into protection mode and shut down. You have people that are here for you to help you through it. You never know. Maybe you'll actually find talking about things with people helps." She smirks at me, knowing she's got me on that one.
"What would I do without you?" I ask her with a smile, and she laughs. "Your life would be a hell of a lot more boring. I brighten your life." She laughs. It's my favourite sound. "Yes, you certainly do. You're everything to me." I say, my cheeks instantly blushing when I realise, I admitted a little too much.
Laura stops and looks at me with a face I can't interpret. Then her smile grows even more. "You mean the world to me Y/n/n." She returns with complete honesty. My cheeks blush even more, and I drop my gaze to my empty mug. "Come on. Let's go for a walk in the park before Scarlett comes to get you." She suggests, holding her hand out to me. I easily take it and follow her out of the café to the park nearby.
She doesn't let my hand go as we walk, and I can't stop the warm feeling it gives me. We take a walk around the park before taking a seat under the big willow tree overlooking a small lake. "You know that regardless of what happens with Scarlett, you will always have me right." She speaks after a moment of silence. I look to her and see an almost shy smile. "I know. You're my person and I am the luckiest person in the world." I reply, making it her turn for her cheeks to blush.
She pulls me into her lap, and I rest my head back against her and her arms wrap around me. I feel completely safe with Laura and for the first time, I feel that maybe, she might just feel the same as me. When things with Scarlett have calmed down, maybe it's time to talk with Laura properly.
"You know, I need to meet Scarlett properly. Make sure her intentions are good." Laura says to me, her breath tickling my ear. "Isn't it meant to be the other way around?" I giggle. "Hmm, normally. But in this case, I need to make sure she's right for you and that she's not going to hurt you again. Besides, I wasn't exactly nice to her when I met her last." She shares and I laugh as I recall the time, she filled me in on what happened that night. "Yeah, probably wasn't the first impression you wanted to give your favourite actress." I tease her. "Shut up!" She whines as she pinches my sides, tickling me. We end up rolling on the floor laughing our heads off. This is the happiest that I have felt in a long time. Maybe things might be looking up for me.
After calming down, I check my watch and see that Scarlett will be heading back any minute now. "How about I see if you could come for dinner one evening. You can meet them both." I offer her and she smiles. "I'd like that." She replies easily, standing up and brushing herself off and holding her out to me. I take it and she pulls me into her for a hug. "I love you Y/n/n." She whispers in my ear. "I love you to Laur." If only she knew how much.
She walks me back to the café, our hands intertwined again. I spot Scarlett's car and say goodbye to Laura before making my way over to Scarlett. I open the door and she smiles as I get in. I feel much lighter than I did this morning. "Hi Sweetie. Did you have fun with Laura?" She asks me, a small smirk on her face. "Yeah, I did. It was just what I needed." I tell her and that seems to make her happier.
We start the drive home and my mind goes to the impending court appointment that we have in less than two hours. I think I've made my mind up. I just hope that this decision isn't the wrong one. Surely, I'm due some goodness in my life right now?
Scarlett's POV:
Whilst I'm waiting in the car for Y/n to come out, I notice her actually walking over from the park. The first thing I notice is the big smile on her face. I've never seen her smile like that, and it warms my heart. She has the most beautiful smile. Then my eyes drop to the linked hands with Laura. Are they together? They look rather comfortable together. They make a cute couple.
I watch as they say goodbye to each other, and I notice that Laura's gaze lingers on Y/n as she makes her way to the car. Even if they're not together, she definitely has feelings for my daughter!
When Y/n gets in the car, I can't help but smile at how happy she seems. When she says that the visit with Laura was just what she needed, I'm glad that she had that chance today. She must have so much going on in her head, I'm glad that she has someone that she can talk to. Hopefully, one day that might be me. But for now, I'm more grateful for Laura than ever.
"Maybe you could invite Laura over for dinner one night?" I suggest whilst we're driving home. I look to her when she laughs. "What's funny?" I ask her. "I suggested the same thing after she told me that she wanted to make sure your intentions for me are true." She shares with a smile. "Oh really. I certainly feel like I need to make a better impression on her than I did the first time I met her." I share and Y/n laughs, clearly knowing what happened. "I'm surprised she spoke to you like that. She's like your biggest fan." She admits, still smiling. "Though you can't tell her that or she will literally kill me." She says seriously to me. "Secrets safe with me." I promise.
Our conversation on the way home seems much more fluid. Though her mind seems to drift the closer we get to home. I imagine she's thinking about our court date. I'm nervous for what she has decided. I promised myself that I wouldn't push her to tell me. She needs to make the decision that is right for her. I hope that when she sees how much Colin and I want her, she'll agree to stay with us.
Once we're home, we both head our separate ways to get ready for court. I change into a pant suit whilst Colin comes out of the bathroom in his own smart suit. He always looks so good in a suit. "How are you feeling?" He asks me, placing his hands on my shoulders and giving them a slight squeeze. "Nervous. I don't know what she's going to decide upon. In the car she was talking about us meeting Laura which made me hopeful. But I'm worried to get my hopes up too much." I share with him.
He gives me a sympathetic smile. "All we can do, is show her how much we want her to live with us and provide her with a life that she deserves. Hopefully, she's seen a glimpse of that since being with us. But just know that I am going to be by your side through all of this regardless of what happens. I want to be a father to Y/n as much as I am to Rose and Cosmo." He expresses and I think my love for him just grew even more. "I love you so much." I tell him, spinning around in his arms and capturing his lips with mine. "I love you to Scar. Always." He returns.
When we get downstairs, Y/n is sat waiting in the living room on the couch. She's nervously rubbing her hands up and down her legs. I walk into the room and take a seat next to her. I desperately want to reach out and take her hand to give her some comfort, but I don't want to push any boundaries with her. "Are you ok sweetheart?" I ask her and she looks at me with a gaze full of panic. She hums and nods unsurely.
"I don't really have any nice clothes. This was the best I can find. Is this, ok?" She asks quickly, pointing to her outfit. She's in a blue skater dress. She's curled her hair a little and looks beautiful. "You look perfect honey. Nothing to worry about." I reassure her. She gives me a tight lipped smile and I see her shoulders relax slightly. "Are you two ready to go?" Colin asks quietly walking into the room. "I am. Are you Y/n?" I ask turning to her and she nods, standing up.
The sound of the radio is the only sound in the car as we make our way to the courthouse. I think we're all to scared to say something wrong. I just wish I was able to comfort Y/n more. I know it's going to take time. But all I want to do is hold her, tell her I love her and that she is safe with me and for her to believe it.
Danny is waiting for us at the entrance when we arrive, and he takes us into a small room away from all the people in the hallways. "Hi Y/n, how are you doing?" He greets Y/n first and I see her instantly relax. She seems to really like Danny and feels safe around him, which I'm glad about. "A bit nervous." She admits shyly. "That's ok. There is no pressure today. The judge will ask Scarlett and Colin some questions and then he'll ask you some too. Just answer honestly." He informs her and she nods in understanding.
"Does he know about what happened? You know with everything?" She asks him with a worried look on her face. "He does. But Judge Bailey is really kind. He's there to make sure the outcome is what is best for you. There is no judgement on you as a person." He replies. I hate how nervous Y/n is with all this. But hopefully, after today we can move on from this and start to make a better life for her.
Danny explains a bit more to all of us and makes sure that Colin and I have all the relevant papers that we had to bring and fill out. I don't want our case to be rejected because we forgot something! This needs to go perfectly.
Time ticks on and eventually we're called into family court. We're the last case of the day, so thankfully, there are no others waiting for their case to be heard. Not that it would matter. I don't plan on hiding Y/n from the world, but I want it to be on her terms when that knowledge becomes public.
We take our seats behind the desk. Y/n is sat on the desk to the left of us with her social worker. She looked nervous when she was told that she had to sit away from us. If I wasn't so worried about her, I would have melted at the fact that she wanted to stay. Colin has a grip on my hand the whole time as Danny does his introduction to the judge. Thankfully, when asked, the social worker confirmed that they have no disagreement to us foster Y/n. Now it's just down to personal statements.
"Mrs Johansson." The judge addresses me, and I stand in response. Danny indicates for me to move to the podium in between the two desks and I make sure to give Y/n the biggest smile I can. I'm surprised when she returns it. "You are Y/n Y/l/n's biological mother?" He asks me and I nod as I respond. "I am." A smile tugging at my lips, proud to be that. "And you're now asking for an emergency foster status so you can home her with the intention of adoption." He clarifies reading over the papers Danny had presented.
I really wish he would say it like he did. Y/n isn't a dog that we want to rehome. "I do your honour." I confirm and watch as he nods. "Now is the time to make your statement as to why you want to progress with this case." He looks directly at me, and I feel my heart start to beat faster at the thought of talking so honestly. But I know that there is a lot that I want Y/n to hear.
"16 years ago, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I put my career before my daughter. I thought at the time it was what was best for her. I didn't think I could dedicate time when I was working so much. But within a week of putting her up for adoption I regretted it. I longed to be the one that watcher her grow up, that was helping her to learn to walk and talk. To tie her shoelaces and be there on her first day of school. But I only had myself to blame for it."
I pause, not wanting to let my emotions take over me. "I tried to reverse the adoption, but I had given up my parental rights and I had to accept the fact that I would have to wait until she was 18 before I would be allowed to approach her and that was a hard pill to swallow. I tried to move on, but she was always there in my mind. Every day I wondered what she was doing, what she was interested in.
It took me by surprise when my lawyer called me and told me that Y/n had been moved into the foster system and I was legally allowed to approach her now. I felt like I was being given a chance to create a relationship with her. As soon as I knew she was in foster care, I wanted to adopt her, to have her be my daughter again.
That desire has only grown in the last week. The only solace that I had over the last 16 years was that Y/n was in a caring and loving home. Being given a life that I wouldn't have been able to give. But now I know what she has been through, I want nothing more than to be able to provide her with a safe, loving, and happy home now. Something I wish more than anything I had given her from the day she was born."
Tears prickle at my eyes as I speak. I feel my shame and embarrassment at being so selfish and the impact that the decision that I made has had on Y/n. "I may have only spent the last two days with Y/n, but I can tell you that it has only made my love for her grow even more. Because despite everything that she has been through, she has grown into a kind, intelligent, beautiful, and funny young woman and I couldn't be prouder." I share, directing it directly to Y/n so she can see my honesty.
"I know I may not deserve a chance at being Y/n's mother again. It is something I have to earn. But I hope that today, you'll allow me the opportunity to provide her with a home until she decides on what is best for her. I hope beyond anything that she'll find it within her to forgive me and allow me to be her mom. But I understand that that might not be what's best for Y/n."
I take a deep breath as I finish, turning to return to my seat. I see Y/n sat with glossed over eyes. Her social worker with a hand on her shoulder to provide her some comfort. As soon as I sit in my seat, Colin wraps an arm around me and places a kiss to my head whilst Danny whispers a well done to me. "Mr Jost."
The judge now turns his attention to Colin who sits upright. "I understand that you aren't Miss Y/l/n's biological father. Are you supportive in Mrs Johansson's endeavour to complete the foster and possible adoption of Y/n?" He asks and Colin smiles widely. "I have known about Y/n since Scarlett and I's first date. She has never been a secret in our relationship, and I have fully supported Scarlett in wanting to have her be a part of our lives. I look forward to having her become part of our family. I already feel like she is my daughter, despite only knowing her for a few days." My eyes don't leave Colin as he speaks, my heart growing to know that he has so much love for her too.
When I glance over to Y/n she has a look of shock on her face. I don't think she ever thought that she would hear words like that from Colin. I hope that it will help show her that we are both 100% for this. Her face soon turns to one of nerves at the judge addresses her. I notice how his voice becomes much softer and he gives her a kind smile. "Miss Y/l/n. I know that this has been a difficult few days for you. I would also like to apologise for the fact that the system failed you with both your adoptive parents and the foster care you received. I have made sure that an investigation has been launched to ensure this never happens again." He tells her.
I'm glad they're doing that. It's too late to help Y/n but hopefully it'll stop any other child having to experience anything like she has had to go through. "Now, if you wouldn't mind just standing there at the podium, I have a couple of questions for you." He requests, pointing to the stand.
I watch as Y/n slowly stands and makes her way to the stand. She meets my gaze and I give her a warm smile, one that she partial returns. My heart starts to race as I wait to hear what she's about to say. I'm about to find out if I have any hope of building a meaningful relationship with my daughter.
Y/n's POV:
Standing here at the podium is the most nerve wracking thing that I've done. Hearing the honest words of both Scarlett and Colin took me by surprise. Colin's especially. To know that I was never a secret between them made me happier than I thought and knowing that Colin wants this as much as Scarlett makes me feel more comfortable.
Listening to them, it helped me make my mind up. I know there is a long way to go, and I don't know if adoption is going to be the end goal. But I want to live with them. Scarlett will never be able to take back what she did, but I'm sure if she could, she would. To ask to be in a different foster home feels a little like I'm cutting of my nose to spite my face.
It's also got so much more risk to it. I'm pretty sure I'm safe with Scarlett. But going elsewhere is a complete unknown. I know the judge said they are investigating everything, but there is a systemic problem within the foster system and any changes as a result of the investigation won't be imminent. And ultimately, I just want to have a normal life. A normal family. Maybe I can have that with Scarlett and Colin.
"Miss Y/l/n. Firstly, I'd like to ask if you feel safe at Mrs Johansson and Mr Jost's home." The judge asks me, giving me a kind smile. "Yes sir. I do." I respond quickly and easily. "That's very good to hear. I only have one more question for you and I want you to answer honestly. Do you want to be fostered by Mrs Johansson and Mr Jost?" I knew this question was coming, but my answer isn't quick from my mouth.
I look to Danny, who's giving me the most reassuring smile. My gaze then falls to Scarlett, who's eyes are full of unshed tears. Fear evident as she waits for my answer. Colin is providing her as much comfort as he can, but I can see the concern on his face too. I turn back to the judge, grateful that he's not pushing me to answer. "Sir, I think I would like to be fostered by Scarlett and Colin." I respond. I hear a small gasp and a stifled sob as the judge thanks me.
"Thank you, Y/n. You can sit back down again." I return to my seat at the instruction of the judge whilst he sorts some papers in front of him. "Ok. After hearing the testimony today, I approve the emergency foster status of Mrs Johansson and Mr Jost and place Y/n in their charge as their foster daughter." The judge confirms. I hear a small 'oh thank God.' From Scarlett but the judge looks back to me. "Miss Y/l/n. I know that you're trying to find your safe place and know who you can trust. All I want to say to you is don't miss out on an opportunity to have the life you deserve because you're scared to forgive." His words hit me hard and I try not to let their affect on me show too much. I thank him and stand from my seat as he hits his gabble down.
Scarlett and Colin look almost jubilant together as Danny is collecting the relevant forms from the bench. My social worker smiles at me and walks over towards the other table. "I'll be in contact with you to arrange regular check ins. We'll start with bi-weekly and then move to 3 month check ups once I'm happy that Y/n has settled." The social worker explains to Scarlett who nods in agreement. She then turns her attention to me. "Thank you, Y/n. For letting us have the chance to give you the home you deserve." She tells me through sniffles. I give her a tight lipped smile, still feeling cautious in this moment. "C-can I uh. Can I hug you?" She asks me insecurely. I'm grateful that she asked, respecting my boundaries at the moment.
I nod and slowly open my arms to her. She carefully wraps her arms around me and places a hand against my head, holding me to her chest. The smell of her perfume is weirdly comforting and familiar. The hug is warm and safe. It feels like a hug from a mother. Something my adoptive mom never gave me. "I promise you that I will do everything to make sure you get the life you deserve." She whispers to me before placing a kiss to my head and letting me go.
Colin is almost bouncing on the spot next to her and I open my arms to him too, laughing as he quickly hugs me too, with a little 'yay' coming out of his mouth in excitement. "Thank you, Danny. For everything." Scarlett says to Danny who's smiling over the scene in front of him. "Of course. I'm glad that things have gone well." He returns.
We start to make our way out of the courthouse and towards the exit. Danny has hung back so he's next to me. "I'm still always at the end of the line if ever you need me." He reminds me and I smile at him. "Thank you." I return easily. When we reach the car, Colin is holding my door open for me, Scarlett standing by his side. "Come on, let's get you home." Scarlett says with the biggest smile on her face.
Home. I actually think this might be the first place that will ever feel like that to me.
Part 4
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To help explain personality/chaos levels/Vibes for each of the Links, here’s how I imagine all of them would drive if cars existed (loosely ranked from best to worst, it’s not a hard set scale):
Twilight: Literally perfect, has never hit the curb before in his life, always uses his turn signal, never speeds, has never been pulled over. Driving with him feels SAFE and he makes sure everyone is comfortable and ready to go BEFORE he starts the car. He will tell everyone off for being too loud and tell them he needs to focus on the road, and he also checks the traffic maps before he goes anywhere so he knows the best route to take because he gets anxious sitting in heavy traffic. Most likely to have a minivan to drive ‘the kids’ around in, and also a pickup truck for work
Calamity: Perfect driver, both hands on the wheel always. The car ride is dead silent because he’s mute and also refuses to put on music, plus he’s not that talkative anyway, so it’s up to whoever’s in the car to talk if they want to. Would probably drive a small black SUV
Past: The kind of person who you cannot read whether or not they’re a good driver just based on vibes, but are surprisingly good. Sometimes stops are a bit rough and maybe they’ve hit the curb once or twice, but has never been given a ticket. Would have an older car that they’ve taken good care of, like an early 2000s Toyota Corolla
Mask: He’s a good driver, he’s just so stressed he has a death grip on the wheel and if people don’t let him over on the highway or he can’t merge over on surface streets he will burst into frustrated tears. Has to have the music turned up loud enough so that Hylia can also hear it, but without it he’ll be too much of a nervous wreck to drive. Would drive an SUV, he couldn’t handle anything bigger (he’d get too stressed out)
Sky: His kindness and music taste makes up for the fact that in a fifteen minute drive, you gripped the handle and feared for your life once. He asks if people are buckled up before he starts the car because one time he braked so hard Mask’s face bounced off the dash and he still feels bad about it. Would drive a smaller car and it’s definitely bright red
Minish: Inexperienced, and sometimes forgets to put on his turn signal. Has ran a red light once or twice. He’s 15 so he wouldn’t have his own car, he’d probably use Twilight’s or Wars’s
Warriors: He has never been in a crash that was his fault, which no one believes because getting in the car with this man feels like tempting the reaper. The kinda guy to hit a pot hole that leaves the car making a brand new sound and just go “OOPSIES!!!” but he cries himself to sleep over it. He either screams along to his playlists or he tells you the hottest gossip you’ve ever heard. Usually has an iced coffee in one hand and waves it around when he talks. Would have a Ford Escape, but like a 2013 Ford Escape specifically. He also checks the traffic maps before he leaves because he likes to he efficient and will leave very early for whatever event he’s going to
Tune: He’s never been the direct cause of a crash and that’s what’s important. He calls his car “ol’ girl” in the most respectful loving manner, and treats the car better than anything else in his life. That being said, he is a truly awful driver and would have a little old sports car
Hyrule: Struggles to stay in the lanes because he gets distracted by landmarks. Past has had to grab the wheel and steady it on more than one occasion. HAS hit another vehicle because he stopped too late. He’s also run several red lights because he thought he could make it
Tears: Better at off road driving than on road driving. You need to take a car up the side of a mountain? Tears is your guy. Otherwise don’t get behind the wheel with them, EVER.
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rockitmans · 1 year
Blaine Anderson Vs Valentine's Day (2/14)
Summary: Blaine drunk posts on his Instagram asking for a date for Valentine's Day. He gets one.
Notes: Written for the @klaineccfanficlibrary Valentine Challenge. Today's song is You're My Inspiration by Chicago
Warnings: Google Translate (me not the boys)
Read on AO3 or below
Tina is true to her word. She comes and makes him pancakes and wraps him in a blanket and coos at him before immediately confiscating his phone. She apparently knows his pin because she unlocks it without asking. Blaine makes a token noise of protest. 
"Don't worry. I'll handle this," Tina says. 
Blaine is worried. "I can't expose you to all that, T," he says sincerely. "People are disgusting."
"Blaine. I'm a twenty seven year old woman that has spent a non zero amount of time on dating sites. I promise you it will be nothing I haven't seen before." She glances at the screen. "Oh, Jesus Christ."
"I told you!" Blaine cries, exasperated. 
"It's not that." Tina glares at him. "I can't believe you still have the post up." She waves the phone at him and Blaine gets a glimpse of himself, bedroom eyes and all. Tina looks at it too. "You actually look really good in this picture."
"Thank you?"
"But you need to delete it. I hate Sebastian but you can't set your tweenage fans on him. He'll probably go crazy and do something absolutely wild. And then you'll end up in one of those stupid articles like on Buzzfeed. 'Guy Makes Post Begging For Valentine's Date And You Won't BELIEVE What Happens Next'."
"What happens next is that my best friend is mean to me," Blaine says petulantly. "And there's no point deleting it. It's already Out There. Probably already been screen shotted and shared on Twitter and had someone doing like body language analysis of my picture on Tik Tok. The wheels are off."
Tina sighs. "Maybe you can pass it off as satire? A statement about the commercialization of Valentine's Day and how it's perfectly fine to be alone actually." 
Blaine's head is throbbing. He’s way too hungover for this. "Of course it's fine to be alone. Coffee?" 
"Yeah," Tina says absently, tapping away. Blaine feels real fear for about the fourth time that day but he leaves her to it. He's probably already going to have to delete his entire account and move to The Philippines. His mother's family will take him in. He loves his cousins. He could do it. 
He makes a pot of coffee and by the time he's taken a few fortifying sips, he feels strong enough to peek over Tina's shoulder again. She seems to have abandoned the idea of damage control, which is probably lucky because the uncharitable side of him suspects she would only make it significantly worse. Instead she’s working through his DMs, deleting anything with penis in it without even flinching. Blaine feels a pang of real fondness for her. 
"You're an angel," Blaine sighs. “The meaning in my life. My inspiration.”
“Alright, calm down,” Tina says but she smiles. “Dumbass.”
Blaine gratefully closes his eyes. As much as he and Tina mock each other, he doesn't honestly know what he'd do without her. And she's probably right about one thing. He should delete the post. He'll just do a standard Instagram apology acknowledging fault, ask his fans not to harass Sebastian, and wait for it to all blow over. 
Tina laughs beside him and Blaine cracks an eyelid. "What is it? A weird one?"
"Nah," she says, passing him his phone. "A good one."
hummelbrag wants to send you a message
Roses are often red
'Di Fara' means 'To Do'
I've double checked my personal list
And all that's on it is you 
Now that I have your attention with that work of honest artistry, I just wanted to say sorry about Sebastian. But also good riddance. He gave the impression of being a gay Trump supporter and you don't need that kind of negative energy in your life. 
Regardless, being cheated on absolutely sucks and as much as Valentine's Day is overdone, it's a particularly shitty time of year to have it happen (speaking as someone who will be Sad and Alone this Valentine's Day) . Good for you for calling him out and good for us to get that picture of you 😉. Dreamy AND talented. You will find someone more worthy in no time.
Blaine reads it twice. In all the noise of the last day or two, he’s kind of put his feelings about Sebastian’s infidelity aside. But it’s good to have someone acknowledge how horrible it actually is. And it’s all mixed with the ego boost of being blatantly flirted with. He barely knows what to think. He glances at Tina.
"He wants to do you," she points out helpfully. 
"Yes I got that. But I think that's a joke," Blaine says. “To get my attention apparently."
“It looks like it’s worked,” Tina teases.
"He did also say you're dreamy." 
"He did," Blaine admits. He looks at the message a third time. It's kind of funny and sweet all at once. He's quite clearly learned nothing from any of this because a very large part of him wants to respond. "I should probably have my social media powers taken away from me."
Tina makes a non committal noise and pours herself some coffee. Blaine takes the moment to click through to hummelbrag's profile and his jaw quite literally drops. The profile claims the name Kurt Hummel and that Kurt is an assistant editor at Vogue, both of which Blaine registers dimly, but also pales in comparison to just how gorgeous the guy is. 
Kurt's pictures are more posed than Blaine's. He clearly works hard on angles and lighting to best show off the clothes he's talking about. And the result is that he looks completely stunning in all of them. 
"He must be a catfish," Blaine says. "No one this attractive would be flirting with me through Instagram DMs. That's just not my life." 
Tina grabs his phone and whistles through her teeth. "Yeah, he's pretty hot. But he's got too many followers to be some random catfish. Maybe you should reply to him."
"I would love friends that didn't actively encourage awful decision making," Blaine grumbles, thinking about how on board Sam had been about the original post. Which was clearly terrible. 
"If he's a freak you can just block him," Tina points out. "What's the worst that can happen?"
"A phrase that obviously only precedes the best things," Blaine says drily. He slides his phone back into his pocket. "Thanks, T but let's watch a movie or something. I just want to forget about it for a while."
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hijack711 · 4 months
Tumblr media
Tag(s): fluff, story building, daily life, wholesome moments
Another new day came, and the rays of sunlight gradually crept into every corner they could. Even though he wasn't bothered by the alarm, Rehn still woke up relatively early, stretched his arms to pick up the phone, and the time displayed was 05:50. Rehn himself was surprised by this. Looking to the side, Rehn smiled and stroked the hair of the girl he loved. Her lips were somewhat pursed for sleeping sideways, making Rehn always feel like she was a little child. Getting out of bed, Rehn pulled the blanket over Rosé before heading to the kitchen to conduct his morning ritual.
All 6 members of Unity loved the scent and bitter taste of coffee, and 3 of them had a certain level of passion for this drink, so on the long marble kitchen countertop placed several tools and machines for coffee making such as a moka pot, an espresso machine, a manual espresso maker, and Rehn's personal favorite, the phin filter, his homeland signature coffee brewing tool.
Rehn put the coffee in the filter and poured in a little bit of boiling water just enough for the coffee to bloom, expand, and set, then added another round of it. Feeling craving for a breakfast dish with eggs, Rehn decided to make scrambled eggs, served with tater tots made from last night's grated potatoes.
It was 6:50 a.m., and Rehn heard something coming from upstairs, where the door to the room at the end of the hallway opened and closed. Rehn immediately knew that Rosé was awake. Walking towards her boyfriend, Rosé instantly hugged him.
“Jesus Christ, don't bite me! Go over there and clean your mouth, babe.” - Rehn
“Okayyyy.” - Rosé dragged her feet lazily toward the sink
“I wonder what dish you would like to eat?” - Rehn
“A bowl of pho with a glass of iced milk coffee, honey.” - Rosé
“Sorry, babe. Remember? Drink less caffeinated drinks, babe, or I can make you a glass of fruit punch.” - Rehn
“Oh okay.” - Rosé
While waiting for her boyfriend to make breakfast, Rosé kept staring at Rehn with her eyes half open while sitting at the kitchen island.
“Don't stare at me like that, I can't concentrate, hahaha.” - Rehn burst out laughing when he heard Rosé said
“How did you know that? Oh, and the last few times too.” - Rosé
“Rosie, babe, it's been two months since we went on a date night, guess where I'll take you to eat tonight.” - Rehn
“Hmmm, is it the bulgogi restaurant where we took your parents to?” - Rosé
“Okay, it's decided, thank you.” - Rehn
“Huhhh? What was that? Confused unga.” - Rosé
“Learning from my own experience every time I ask you where to eat, I finally came to a conclusion that I'll just let you decide, it'll be quicker.” - Rehn
About an hour later, Ivy and Damian arrived at the kitchen area.
“Seriously, do you intend to live here rent-free?” - Ivy
“You've only been here three days but you've almost demolished all the food in our refrigerator, Chaeyoung noona. Every damn time we suffer from food shortages, it is mainly because of you.” - Damian
“Why is everyone in this house so mean to me? Okay, if that's the case then I'll call your parents so they can lecture you again, honey." - Rosé
“Da fuq? They called you that and now I'm at fault. What in the f*cking logic is this?” - Rehn
“That's because you're the leader of the group and also considered the head of the family, so you better be prepared for your parents to give you another whoop in your pretty bum, honey. By the way, I do like your butt.” - Rosé winked
“Eww, gross, go show your feelings elsewhere, go back to your room.” - Ivy and Damian
A few minutes passed, and the four people's conversation gradually became more lively. Due to the loudness of the conversation, and the volume of the chat still showed no signs of decreasing, it woke up the remaining three members of Unity and they undeniably displayed signs of dissatisfaction.
“Why is it so noisy? I was having a great sleep!” - Sirene
“Oh, you're not leaving yet, unnie, why are you here for so long?” - Yuki
“Watch your mouth, you little shit … There, your coffee.” - Ivy
“Thank you.”- Baekgi
“So, what have you been talking about just now? I vaguely heard you guys say something about food.” - Sirene
“Well, I was going to invite my girls to come here for a feast or we could go to a restaurant this weekend, it's been a while since our two groups went out together.” - Rosé
“So noona, what are we going to eat?” - Baekgi
“It could be seafood or grilled food, I'm still wondering which one to choose.” - Rosé
“Or we can go eat yakitori, I know a place.” - Rehn
“Ah, I remember that restaurant.” - Ivy
“By the way, unnie, how was the checkup?” - Yuki
“It was good, the doctor just told me to pay attention to my diet and get more rest.” - Rosé
While Rosé was chatting with the four members of Unity, Rehn stood at the side and smiled, watching his girlfriend have fun and relaxing moments after a long period of tiring work, which was nothing good for Rosé's health, especially for her current physical and mental condition. Noticing that her younger brother was dumbfounded looking at someone she knew, Ivy nudged his shoulder slightly, she smiled proudly at Rehn.
“It was a bit risky, little brother, but you managed to pull it off, such a man you are.” - Ivy
“I just did everything I could, we didn't even plan for it, even if we did it would have been much later in our lives. Thank you for backing me up, sis!” - Rehn
“When you told me the news, I was so worried, but then I remembered that you spent most of your childhood in America with the guys from the hood, you even beat them at their own game, so I was relieved, glad that I was right.” - Ivy
It was a quarter to eleven, a black coupé was speeding towards a designated place, the car took one last turn and then drove straight into the parking lot. The suicide doors opened and stepped out of the car were Rehn and Rosé. The two then held hands and walked into the elevator to go to Rosé's apartment which she shared with Lisa. Walking up to the door, Rosé had to do what she always found a bit annoying which was unlock it and it had two layers of security.
“Lisa, I brought food home.” - Rosé
“Oh, you're back. Ah, oppa, hiiii. You go girl, you have a boyfriend so there is no need to care about your sisters, right? Well, it is obvious when you are in love. Back then, she always said "Single life is so fun, it's just the four of us.", but now she mercilessly pushes us aside." - Lisa
“Honey, let's go, leave her be.” - Rosé
“No no no, I'm sorry, it was just a joke, did you have to take it the hard way.” - Lisa
“I've always been curious why you're always single but now I know, it seems like your communication skills are not on par with your dancing ones, Lisa.” - Rosé
“Ouch, sis, that's hurt. Oppa, did you hear what your girlfriend said? Being in a relationship with oppa, your sarcasm is getting better and better.” - Lisa
“Okay, stop teasing each other. No offense, Lily, you are good with your words, you have a sexy brain and a great sense of humor, but you often carry your jokes too far. You have your own beauty, Lily, just continue to nurture your beauty and improve what needs to be improved.” - Rehn
Because Rehn was in the kitchen and was busy arranging the food containers neatly, he didn't know that Lisa's eyes were wide open and surprised by what he said.
“Ah… uhmm… thank you oppa.” - Lisa shyly answered with a blush on her cheeks
“Awww, Hank, sweetie, are you doing good with Aunty Lisa? Come to mommy.” - Rosé
Upon hearing noises in his territory, Hank woke up and had a look around the apartment. Hank heard his mother call his name but decided to do a feint and rushed towards his dad.
“What the???” - Rosé
“Hahahaha, kekeke.” - Lisa and Rehn burst out laughing at the expression on Rosé's face
“Hank, you love your daddy more than me?” - Rosé was in disbelief
Suddenly the doorbell rang, attracting everyone's attention. Looking at the indoor monitor screen, Rosé saw that it was Jisoo so she quickly opened the door for her sister.
“Hi unnie.” - Rosé
“Oh, you're back, I thought you were still at oppa's place.” Jisoo
“Oh oppa, hiiiii, do you need any help?” Jisoo was in a great mood today and it was even better when she saw the jokester of Unity.
“Hi Chichi, ah, thank you but I'm okay. We brought you girls’ favorite dishes.” - Rehn
“Thanks, oppa!” - Jisoo
“Well, that's a bummer.” - Lisa
“What is it?” - Rosé
“Jennie just finished her pottery class but couldn't find a cab due to the traffic jam.” - Lisa
“Was it the pottery class you girls told us when our two groups went to the pizza place near it?” - Rehn
“Yeah yeah, that’s the one, oppa.” Lisa
“Honey, can you go pick her up? How long will it take, 20 minutes?” Rosé
“Are you underestimating my driving skills, you amateur?” - Rehn asked in a playful tone while doing the pointing pose of Jotaro
“Pfftttt, hahaha, what the heck, oppa?” The girls laughed
“Hahaha, stop fooling around, you comedian.” - Rosé
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” - Rehn
Standing on the sidewalk watching countless vehicles jostling and competing to move forward, Jennie felt unlucky to have chosen today to go to the pottery class. KakaoTalk's notification bell rang, it was a message from Rosé telling Jennie that Rehn was on his way to pick her up. The displayed time showed that Rosé's message was sent 10 minutes ago. Before Jennie could reply, she heard someone calling.
“Yen-ah. Hop in.” - Rehn
Jennie did not respond but just smiled exposing her mandu cheeks and hopped in the car.
“Pfftt, heeheehee, oppa, what’s up with your hair? It's a mess.” - Jennie
“Well, apparently, Jisoo can handle the spiciness better than my jokes, and because of that, she gave me one hell of a smash.” - Rehn
“Hahahaha, wait, she “smashed” you?” - Jennie teasingly asked
“Yeah, ……, wait, no, not that kind of smash.” - Rehn tried to save his life after realizing what he just said
“Ohhh, someone doesn’t think before they talk, yet you dared to tell me to mind my words, hmmm.” - Jennie
“Ok, thanks for reminding me, and let me clarify, Jisoo only gave me a few blows to the head.” - Rehn
“Huhh? She gave you head? Hahahaha.” - Jennie
“Wait, fuck, NO, Kim fucking Jennie, you seem to love wordplay, huh? What got into you today?” - Rehn
“Hahahaha.” - Jennie
Rehn couldn’t help but laugh with Jennie at his own mistakes. The jokester was in disbelief that Jennie had given him a taste of his own medicine. Rehn wasn’t even mad but joyful at Jennie’s friendly retaliation, he was relieved that Jennie was back to her happy self after all the drama.
“You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?” Rehn
“Hahaha, and also, oppa, I know you have a good sense of fashion but THESE?!!” - Jennie
“You are specialized in roasted foods, right, because you are doing a very good job at roasting me.” - Rehn
I was kinda out of words to describe the sound of Jennie’s laugh at this point so the best I could come up with was Jennie laughed out loud and then wheezed as she started to slide out of her seat.
“Whoa whoa whoa, girl, get a hold of yourself.” - Rehn
“One thing for sure is you’re starting to adopt some of mine antics.” - Rehn
“I think I’m kinda becoming more like you, oppa.” - Jennie smilingly said
“Yeah, you’re becoming more like me.” - Rehn
The laughter of the two was gradually replaced by a pause of silence as Rehn needed to concentrate to weave through the traffic. Noticing that they were no longer caught in a traffic jam, Jennie asked.
“Oppa, are you free tonight?” - Jennie
“Oh, sorry Yen, Imma take Rosé out for a date tonight.” - Rehn
“Oh, you don’t have to be sorry, oppa. It’s just that our group is about to get back to work so I was kinda hoping to hang out with you … anddd your group.” - Jennie breathed a sigh of relief
“Well, no need to worry about that, we still have many opportunities, you just need to set the date.” - Rehn assured her
“Okay, oppa.” - Jennie
Returning to the apartment she shared with Jisoo, Jennie left her belongings there and accompanied Rehn to the apartment of Lisa and Rosé which was right next to theirs.
"Hi, Girls." - Jennie
"Wow, that was fast, oppa." - Lisa
"Next time, when we need to order deliver, I'll call you, oppa" Jisoo
"Then I'll make sure to charge you triple." Rehn
“Honey, come, have some lunch. Jennie unnie, here’s the plate, come on, dig in, oppa made a lot. ” - Rosé
After the lunch ended, Lisa and Jisoo went to the room leaving a poor Jennie to clean the table while Rosé and Rehn had to wash the dishes. Jennie looked towards the two of them and then shifted her eyes to Rehn.
"Wish I could have more opportunities like you said, oppa." - Jennie thought to herself
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queerpanikkar · 2 years
...i was following you
Buck thinks he could kiss this man. But the only thing that comes out is, “Are you a libertarian?”
Eddie’s face changes to one of horror. “Why would you even ask me that?” he demands. “Oh my God, Buck. What about me—please tell me what made you think I was a libertarian so that I can never do it again.”
2k | read on ao3 | (yes i am sorry)
Honestly, Buck doesn’t know as much about cryptocurrency as Ravi thinks he does.
He’s not unfamiliar with the concept. He knows that it makes you rich and lots of billionaires invest in it. Or maybe lots of people invest in it and then become billionaires or something. He knows that there’s something called Dogecoin that exists, somewhere on the internet. He knows that several of the people he follows on Twitter have funny animated icons as their profile picture, but only some of those mean anything.
He’s also rapidly figuring out that cryptocurrency is bad . Like, bad bad. He’s also learning, between Ravi’s irritated little pauses for breath, what market volatility is.
“And they’re terrible for the environment,” Ravi continues ranting. “Can you imagine powering, like, a bunch of computers for every second of every day just to store some information that may or may not ever be used in real life? That’s so stupid! The Amazon rainforest could be depleted because of fucking Logan Paul’s Pokemon card NFT.”
“Ravi,” Bobby suggests carefully. It sounds like he wants to say ‘Let’s all use our inside voices’. “Maybe you want to have this conversation when Buck doesn’t have a sharp object in his hand?” He motions towards the cutting board. “Also, I’d like to eat lunch in the next hour, if that’s okay with you.”
Ravi throws himself onto the couch with a groan, feet coming up to rest on the arm rest. “No one had a problem with sharp objects when Buck was chasing after me with a chainsaw.”
“For the last time,” Buck complains, chopping an onion with a little too much force. Hen looks between them as she climbs up the stairs, but she probably knows what they’re talking about. Ravi’s been on the topic ever since he got back onto A-shift after last week. “It was a misunderstanding!”
“It was a chainsaw.”
And yeah, Ravi’s got him there.
“This is your fault,” he mutters to Hen dramatically when she heads for the coffee pot. “If you hadn’t told him about what I said—I was just joking—”
“You called me middle-aged,” Hen replies, dead-pan. “I’m holding my grudge. I told Karen. She’s holding a grudge too.”
Buck groans. He has a habit of putting his own foot in his mouth these days—is trying too hard for Eddie and Maddie and Christopher that he slips up, a little, when it doesn’t concern those three. Maybe he’s taking it all a little bit for granted, but if there’s one thing he’s always been able to count on, it’s Hen. “But Ravi—”
“Ravi is correct,” Ravi interjects and then falters sheepishly when Bobby gives him a look. It’s almost like normal Ravi and political Ravi are two different people. “Sorry.” He shrugs. “At least you’re not a libertarian.”
For a second, Buck thinks Ravi just called him a lesbian. He frowns and crosses his arms. “I could be,” he says, and oh great now he’s got onion juice on his elbow. “If I wanted to.”
Hen rolls her eyes and Ravi opens his mouth to retort, that familiar gleam in his eyes that Buck’s begun to associate with words like, ‘Campaign Finance Reform’ and ‘Socioeconomic gentrification’. And Buck loves learning about a lot of stuff, really, but he feels like Ravi’s starting out with the assumption that he is at all able to name the three branches of government without consulting Wikipedia. So he’s very, very grateful when the alarm goes.
Lucy turns to him in the firetruck, and Buck thinks maybe he’ll get her to explain to him what a libertarian is because he’s pretty sure she already thinks the 118’s got a few screws loose anyway. But then she says, “You smell like onion,” and the moment just kind of escapes him.
read on ao3
tags: @berthulf @henwilsons @hetrez @kissyboytroye @dispatchersdiaz @1stbonesfan @polargypsy @whyisshesoromantic @itsbuckactually @buckbegns @himbodiaz @adamsparirsh @ravipanikar @fruitydiaz @dontknowwherethereis @bedhadakdiaz @theideaofhome @zaedabi @britishmysteries @lawyerlauren @moonn-liiight @sunshinediaz
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
So a scenario (please please please feel free to ignore it if it's not your liking, no pressure on you, I really really appreciate your hardwork and I love your writing thank you so much for all of this amazing fanfics you keep bringing) where f! Mc urges Lucifer to take break from his relentless overworking but Luci refuses and says something harsh which he didn't mean, Mc get's extreamly upset and leaves the house to get fresh air but she got kidnapped which Luci didn't realise till 2-3 days because he put spells on his office door to keep away his brothers and MC's whinning but when he comes out he sees whole house on rampage Because mc was missing and they can't sense anything with pact Because it was fading and Everyone is extremely angry at Luci, Luci realises his mistake and finds his Mc almost half dead where before falling into coma Mc makes Luci realise how much they (his brothers & Mc) all need him to be physically with all of them and Mc ends up in Coma, end it with fluff (wake mc up) please I beg you 😖 I know you love angst but I don't think I can take more angst I cried whole night yesterday after reading your "A question of time", love you and please take care of yourself ~ 💜
House of Stone (Lucifer x GN!MC)
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There you were, skipping into his office as you always did, the softest smile gracing your lips as you reached his desk, leaning over it to look at him, but he didn’t look at you. There was no time to play your games, there was no time for anything, not when Lord Diavolo had his desk constantly stacked with paperwork that needed to be completed. He didn’t mind doing it, not before you came along, but now there was the constant pressure of keeping you occupied and satisfied while also trying to complete the never ending work pile. His pride never allowed him to put you at the top of his list of priorities because as much as he cares about you, he needed his Lord's respect, and he owed it to him as well. “Lucifer, you should take a break. You’re working too much, and way too hard. We’re all worried about you.” Your voice broke through his thoughts and his head whipped up to look at you finally. His eyes narrowed, and he found it almost laughable that you’d try to have a say in how much or how little he worked. He scoffed at you, flicking his wrist to shoo you out of his office. “I don’t need your opinion, or your worry, Y/N. If you’d stay out of my office and let me concentrate, maybe I could actually get something done. You think you can do that?” 
For once you didn’t put up an argument, you actually backed away from his desk and left his office quietly. He knew that what he had said was out of line, but as always, his pride kept him from going after you to apologize, well, it kept him from apologizing at all. You meant well, but he also had to finish his work, and it’s not like what he said wasn’t entirely true. If everyone would just leave him be for a little longer he could finish what he had to get done and maybe he could actually get some rest, which is what everyone was apparently worried about. The door was quickly put under a spell, no one would come in and no one would get out, and by no one, it meant him. He wouldn’t allow himself to leave until every single sheet of paper on his desk was read and signed off, no matter how time consuming or exhausting it was, he would get it done. Along with what was basically a locking spell, he also soundproofed the room, the only noises he could hear was his own breathing and the sound of pen against paper as he scribbled his name at the bottom of each paper. What he hadn’t heard was the sound of the front door slamming shut and all his brothers begging and pleading for you not to leave, and then the sound of their fists pounding against the door to his office as they tried to tell him that you had left. 
How much time had passed since he had snapped at you, since that spell had been placed on the door? He’s not sure, and if it wasn’t for the coffee pot that he had set up in his office, he would have figured out sooner, but the fact that he was able to survive somehow on solely coffee and stale bread while he was working made it quite easy to lose track of the days and how many had passed by. The work on his desk was finally done though, and he could finally leave his office, and he was hoping that the home that he had left to the care of you and his brothers was still standing outside of his office. Long legs and arms stretched out in front of him as he finally pushed his chair away from the desk, gathering up all the papers and preparing them to be taken to Lord Diavolo. “Then I’ll see how Y/N is doing…” He told himself, because deep down, he knew that he had been too harsh. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you or his brothers to worry about him, it felt nice to have people actually care about him for once. His brothers usually cared about themselves, well, most of them did, and you, well… you always cared about him, although he didn’t know why. 
As he took the spell off the door, that’s when he first heard it. The commotion of his brothers outside of his office, although they weren’t right outside the door, they were speaking loud enough for him to tell they weren’t all in their own separate rooms, which was strange. His first thought was that someone had unintentionally burned the kitchen down, or maybe they had made a hole in the wall while fake wrestling, and he was entirely prepared to brush it off until he got an adequate amount of sleep, but then he opened the door and saw all of his brothers rushing around the halls, their phones in their hands as they fervently typed out messages, others had their phones up to their ears, growling loudly when they clearly didn’t get an answer. “What is going on?” Every head in the room turned to look at him, all of their eyes were shooting daggers in his directions, and for once, he was the one who didn’t have a clue of what was happening or why everyone seemed so irritated. 
“Y/N is gone!” “I don’t know what happened!” “-Just walked out the door, looked like they were crying!” “-Not answering their phone!” “I don’t feel it anymore…” “-Like the connection is fading.” All of his brothers were speaking over each other, but all of their words were directed at him. You had walked out, you had left the house, and he felt this strange sense, a pang of guilt mixed with worry. He was worried about you, as were all of his brothers as well. It looked like none of them had gotten a wink of sleep, not even Belphegor who looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open just to glare at him. “Will you all be quiet!? Mammon… tell me what’s going on!” All of the tiredness he had felt before had quickly vanished as soon as he heard that you weren’t there, and now the only thing that he wanted to do was make sure you were okay, to get you back home safe. Mammon would know what was going on better than any of his brothers because other than himself, Mammon was the one who kept a close eye on you, he was the one who made sure you stayed out of trouble. 
“After leavin’ yer office… Y/N just walked straight out the door. We tried callin’ for them, but they weren’t listenin’. We tried callin their phone too, and textin’, but they ain’t pickin’ up. Now… we can’t feel ‘em anymore… like the pact is fadin’ or something.” It was like everybody in the room froze, because that “or something” wasn’t good, the pact fading wasn’t good. Although he himself hadn’t made a pact with you, he knew that his brothers weren’t lying, because he didn’t need a pact with you to feel a connection, and now that he was out of his spellbound office, he could feel that something was fading, he just didn’t know for sure what it was until his brothers verified it for him.
How long had he actually been locked up in his office? How had he allowed something like this to happen? He knew this was his fault entirely. If he would have just gotten up, satisfied you just enough to make you feel better, pretend that he was getting some sleep… anything but scolding you for caring… this wouldn’t be happening. But then again, his pride won’t ever allow him to admit that he was in the wrong. This was somehow his brother's faults for not stopping you, for not going after you. Why hadn’t they tried to stop you, why didn’t they follow you? They knew well enough that it wasn’t safe for you outside of the house, that you shouldn’t be roaming around the streets of the Devildom by yourself, but they let you go. Maybe this was more of his brother's faults than he thought, but he didn’t have time to argue with them. 
“We have to find them. Mammon, Asmo, and Levi, you take the upper side of town, Beel, Belphie and Satan, you take the lower side, I’ll stay in the middle and look around. If any of you find them, you call me immediately and tell me exactly where you are. Now go.” He’s hoping that you hadn’t gone far, that nothing terribly bad has happened to you, although their words of the connection with you fading has him beyond worried, and he’s almost terrified of what he or his brothers will find if they do find you. There’s only one reason why pacts would fade, and that’s a reason that he doesn’t want to dwell on too long. If he starts believing that you’re dead already, he’ll give up, his brothers will give up, and that’s something they can’t risk. As long as there’s some type of feeling… no matter how faint, it means that you’re still alive. You’re somewhere, and they’ll find you, and hopefully it won’t be too late. 
The groups dispersed and Lucifer went out on his own, searching everywhere and anywhere for you. Places he never would have stepped foot in, he was right there. He was on edge, and every second that passed just set him further into a panic. “Where…?” Where could you possibly be? None of the brothers had texted him, so they clearly hadn’t found you either, and he was starting to feel hopeless, like he would never find you, and if he or they ever did, you surely wouldn’t be breathing. His brain was fogged with worry, and he couldn’t even begin to think of where you could have ended up, or what could have happened to you. At this point, he was walking through the streets in a daze, he wasn’t even watching where he was going, and that’s when he ended up in a back alley that was almost too dark to navigate. It led to a dead end though, and just as he was about to turn around and walk back out onto the street something caught his eye. A single shoe sticking out from behind a pile of rubbish, and he felt the bile rise in his throat as his blood began to boil. He knew without a doubt that it was you, he knew those shoes, and he knew they were yours, and he immediately ran over, pulling your body up off the ground. “Y/N…” 
He could barely hold himself up on his own two feet anymore, just the sight of you like that had made him weak, and he was seeing red. If he hadn’t known any better, upon first look he would have thought that you were dead, but your heart was still beating, although feably. “Just… hold on a little longer… Okay?” Did you even hear him? Your entire body was limp, and even though he knew there was still some life in you, it was fading fast, and you already appeared lifeless, and you weren’t responding to him at all. He had hoped for the best, but no amount of preparing could have gotten him ready for this. 
There was no time to rush to the castle, and until he knew just who exactly had done this to you, he didn’t trust anyone in the Devildom except Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, and his brothers. His arms wrapped around you tightly as he zapped you and himself to the castle, standing in the entryway, and he didn’t even know what to do, and he couldn’t find his voice to call out for the butler, so he was more than grateful when the demon walked around the corner and kind of froze when he saw him standing there with you. 
He wasn’t the type that asked for help, but in this instance, there was nothing else he could do, and even though he couldn’t voice the word, he was pleading to Barbatos with his eyes to do something, anything to fix you, to make you better. “Right.” Was all the butler said as he rushed over to grab you from his arms, but he wouldn’t allow it. Wherever Barbatos planned on taking you, he would go to. All he needed was for the butler to lead the way, and he would follow. The last thing he wanted was to be away from you again. 
Hours, days, weeks passed by, and he never left your bedside. You had been laid up in one of the guest bedrooms of the castle, it had been turned into a makeshift hospital room, the slow, steady beeping of the heart monitor had been the only sign to him and his brothers that you were still alive. Other than that, you were lifeless, a shell of the person that you used to be. “Lucifer, it’s alright if you go back home. Y/N will be fine here, and you’re just making this harder on yourself sitting there and staring at them.” Diavolo’s voice sounded from the doorway of the room, and for once, Lucifer disagreed with him. He deserved all the pain that came along with seeing you like this because it was his fault that you ended up like this in the first place. 
“I’m staying here until they wake up. It’s the least I can do.” You were always there for him and he had shooed you away, he had pushed you away, and this is how you ended up because of that. He’ll sit by your bed for another week, for another month, he doesn’t care how long it takes, because when you do wake up he wants to be the one you see first. “Lucifer, I understand… but your brothers need you back at the house. They’re just as upset about this as you are.” As if he didn’t already know that. They weren’t just upset about what happened to you, they were upset with him, as they should be, because he was the reason behind it. That wasn’t the thing that was keeping him from going back though, it was you. You were keeping him from leaving, because he refuses to go back to the house when you’re not there, because as much as his brothers and you need him, he needs you and his brothers just as much. 
“Lucifer…” He had fallen asleep, and it happened so scarcely that once his eyes shut, he found it difficult to open them again even if he did feel fully rested… but that voice… it wasn’t Diavolo’s, it wasn’t his brothers, it was weak… soft, almost a whisper. It was you. He sat up straight, his eyes shooting open to look at you, and a sigh of relief escaped him when he realized that it wasn’t just a dream, that he hadn’t heard your voice calling his name in his head. You were awake, and you were saying his name, and Father, it sounded so sweet. “Y/N… I’m…” How does he say he’s sorry? Would you even accept it if he did? Why would you? Why should you? He didn’t expect you to, but he still felt the need to say it. To push his pride aside for once and actually own up to his mistake, because this was the biggest mistake he had ever made. 
“I know you’re sorry…” You had said it for him, before him, but it wasn’t enough. He needed you to hear it from his own voice, because this past month as he sat beside your bed wondering if you’d ever wake up again, he realized that he doesn’t just need you, and he doesn’t just care about you. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean what I said… and I hope that you can forgive me.” Because he loves you, and he never wants to go through the fear of losing you again. He needs you more than you’ll ever need him, and although his pride would never allow him to say it out loud, it’s the truth, and he doesn’t know what he’d do without you. 
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Twelve
⚠WARNING: Swearing, arguments, mention of past character's death
• ────── ✾ ────── •
“So, you’re the Osamu Y/N won’t stop talking about?”
You shove Makki’s face away from it’s imagined perch between yours and Osamu’s shoulders.
“Ouch! So mean~~~”
“You’re fine,” you reply with an eye roll. You knew your friends would want to tease you about Osamu’s appearance at group therapy, which just wrapped up. At least they waited until the five of you were outside and away from the other group session attendees. But that doesn’t mean that you welcome their inquisition.
“I apologize for my boyfriend.” Mattsun steps up. He offers his hand to Osamu. “Matsukawa Issei. The strawberry idiot is Hanamaki Takahiro.”
Osamu, still mute, reaches forward and grabs Mattsun’s hand. “Miya Osamu, but it looks like you know that already.”
You blush furiously as Mattsun grins at Osamu. “Yeah, we do.” Mattsun shoots you an evil look. “We all went to high school together, so we have all the dirt on Y/N whenever you want it.”
“Okay, that’s enough of that.” You interject and step between Mattsun and Osamu. You feel your face is burning with embarrassment so you turn your back to Osamu and give Mattsun a glare. He returns it with his own lecherous grin, with Makki perched on his shoulder with a shit-eating smile of his own.
A laugh behind you makes you crane your neck over your shoulder and you send another glare to Osamu.
“I might have to take ya up on that offer.”
You now realize that it may have been a bad idea to have Osamu, your dry, sarcastic friend, meet Mattsun and Makki, your dry, sarcastic and just as prone to stirring the pot friends.
“There will be no sharing of any stories, by anyone.” You know Mattsun and Makki have enough to fill books upon books of your previous exploits, but you’re also addressing Osamu, who for sure has a few embarrassing moments he could share.
Osamu, Mattsun and Makki chuchle at your request, and while you silently lament at that budding friendship that will only cause you future headaches, you notice Oikawa standing off to the side looking bored.
“Osamu, this is Oikawa Tooru,” you introduce him, knowing that he’s not jumping up to dazzle and charm. “Oikawa, this is Osamu.”
Oikawa turns his gaze to you, pausing to glare with all the contempt he can manage, before looking at Osamu. “I’ve just gone through an emotional and draining therapy session so I apologize for not being bright and unaffected like some of us.”
“Stop it,” you hiss at him. He’s not lying, as he always cries in group therapy (which you would never fault him for.) But you’re not sure if his jab at the end was directed at Osamu, who sat quiet and stoic for the entire meeting, or not.
Either way, Oikawa’s behavior right now is ridiculously inappropriate.
But Osamu just chuckles. “Nah, I get it. People have different emotional responses and cope differently.”
Oikawa doesn’t reply but his eyes narrowing means he’s not happy with Osamu’s mature response.
“Well after our sessions we usually go grab some dinner,” Makki says, trying to diffuse the tension. “You’re more than welcome to come with, Osamu.”
Bless your sweet heart, Makki, you think. He’s always nice and polite and you knew you could count on him to open the group to Osamu.
But of course Oikawa has to slam that door shut and lock it. “Oh, so sorry Osamu-kun but we actually have to discuss a gathering coming up soon.” He gives Osamu a simpering smile with no ounce of regret at all. “I’m sure you understand.”
Yet again, Osamu takes his rudeness in stride and nods. “Of course, I’m pretty tired anyway. But thanks for the invite.” He looks at you and smiles. “Coffee tomorrow?”
You nod, unable to speak around the rage bubbling in your gut. You don’t react when Osamu waves to your friends and walks away - you’re zeroed-in on Oikawa, who is expertly avoiding your gaze. You keep your anger reigned in as it threatens to explode.
“Oikawa,” you start in a low voice. Your teeth are grit together and your hands are shaking.
“I’m feeling dumplings for dinner.” Oikawa doesn’t even acknowledge you calling out to him before turning away and heading up the sidewalk. He also doesn’t bother checking to see if you guys are following him.
The arrogance and gall that Oikawa's showing to you guys, his friends, makes you see red. You open your mouth to scream when a hand rests on your arm.
“Not here,” Mattsun says. “Let’s talk like adults, c’mon.”
He pulls you forward, Makki flanking your other side. The three of you follow Oikawa's figure, now several yards ahead. You know your friends are close to you to try and keep you calm but your brain is supplying reason upon reason to pummel Oikawa into the ground.
He’s waiting for you all outside of a restaurant your group frequents, and when he spots you getting closer he goes inside.
He’s delusional if he thinks he’s safe there.
When you walk inside you catch him getting a table for four. Mattsun walks ahead and takes the empty seat next to Oikawa, leaving you and Makki to sit across from them. You’re glaring daggers at Oikawa, who still hasn’t looked your way.
The table is silent, even when a waiter comes by, fills the water glasses, and leaves. You don’t look away from Oikawa as he peruses the menu. The anger you feel is nearly boiling over, the contained fury making your hands shake again. The culmination of events from the past few weeks has brought you to this moment - it just took Oikawa being unnecessarily rude to Osamu, someone who does not deserve that kind of behavior, for you to finally address the issue.
“Oh, maybe we should do dumplings for Iwa-chan’s picnic celebration.”
Like a rubber band, you snap.
Your hand comes down on the table, hard. “I cannot believe how rude you were to Osamu. You had no right!”
Out of the corner of your eye you see other patrons glancing at your table, and Mattsun and Makki look ready to step in and intervene. But your eyes are trained on Oikawa, who has finally met your gaze. His eyes are sharp and his mouth pulled down.
“Well Osamu-kun wasn't the friendliest either.” Oikawa shoots back. “It wouldn’t have hurt him to be a bit more outgoing.”
“You said it yourself. It was an emotional and draining therapy session.” You smile meanly, relishing in throwing the words back in Oikawa’s face. “And it doesn’t help that you were being a total prick.”
“Hey guys, c’mon.” Makki speaks up but is ignored.
Oikawa replies to you scathingly. “Well excuse me for not wanting to be BFFS with the person that you’re replacing us with!”
“What are you talking about?” You ask, exasperated.
“You heard me.” Oikawa snaps. “You’ve barely been talking to us or hanging out with us since meeting Osamu, and it’s obvious that we’re being replaced.”
You laugh, tickled at Oikawa’s audacity. “I spent nearly every day with you last week, how can you say I’m replacing you?!”
“You’re only there because I asked you to be!” Neither if you are shouting yet but you know it’s not far off. “You’re not even there all the time, you’re texting Osamu when you’re supposed to be helping me!”
“Well maybe it’s because Osamu doesn’t make me feel like shit, and doesn’t constantly guilt me into being your friend.”
“Or maybe it’s because he’s giving you the kind of attention that we can’t give you.”
You freeze, a loud ringing echoing in your ears. “Excuse me?”
“Knock it off, guys.” Mattsun’s request falls on deaf ears. You’re both wading into dangerous territory, and some part of your brain is telling you to back off unless you want to ruin your friendship with Oikawa. But another, more feral part of your brain is telling you to ruin him.
“I don’t know what your fucking problem is Oikawa, but maybe you should take a look at how you’re treating your friends. And then realize that’s why no one wants to hang out with you.
“Maybe you’ll realize that monopolizing our time and punishing us for doing things without you isn’t the best way to keep us around.”
You don’t stop the sneer that comes across your face. “And you say that I’m a shit friend - you’ve haven’t been keeping up with me either. Makki and Mattsun are the only ones who have asked me how I’ve been. They’re the only ones who noticed that I’ve been losing weight and sleeping less. They’re the only ones who’ve asked if I’m okay when I’m clearly not, because they use their goddamn eyes and actually give a shit about someone other than themselves!
“I can barely get myself out of bed in the morning but somehow I still made time to wait on you hand and foot, and this is the thanks I get?” You're breathing heavily at the end of your rant, staring down your friend across the table.
Oikawa doesn’t give any indication that your words had any effect on him. “What do you want, Y/N?” He asks patronizingly. “You want a pass because you’re tired? We’re all fucking tired. You want sympathy because you miss Iwa-chan? We ALL miss him. What, do you think you’re special because you’re in love with him?”
A horrid silence settles on the table, more devastating than any barb you or Oikawa have flung at each other. You feel your heart jolt painfully in your chest and the air is pulled from your lungs in a whoosh.
“What?” Makki asks faintly.
You’re frozen still, staring at Oikawa who now has a matching look of horror on his face. His breathing picks up, and his eyes shimmer.
“What are you talking about?” Makki asks, his voice a bit stronger than before.
“Y/N.” You thaw enough to turn your head and meet Mattsun’s dark eyes boring into yours. “Do you love Iwaizumi?”
You glance back to Oikawa, who’s eyes have filled with tears. “Y/N-chan,” he gets out, audibly fighting through his tears.
Another beat passes before your flight instinct fully kicks in and you take off.
Your friends call after you, Oikawa’s distressed voice louder than the rest, but you don’t stop. You head out into the sidewalk, not bothering to stop the tears falling as you walk home alone.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: And there it is....Y/N's secret is out. Definitely not in the way that anyone wanted, let's hope things even out in the aftermath (😬😬😬) Thank you all for reading!
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @@bongofrito @babucrow @beidouluvr
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
Yamcha SFW Alphabet, please? Thanks :)
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I tag @beneathstarryskies because she is a huge Yamcha fan!!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Yamcha is incredibly affectionate. He shows his affection through gifts and physical touch. He will always look out for you too and make sure you are doing your best. He is very supportive as a friend and lover, so really he’s just so nice all around.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Yamcha is a fun loving friend. He loves to hang out with you and just do fun things. He likes to do stuff like go-karting, mini golf, going to play some arcade games, hikes in the mountains or even just watching a movie. He would be the type to introduce himself to you first and it wouldn’t take long for you two to hit things off.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves to cuddle! Nothing better than to hold you close and wrap himself around you to keep you warm and comforted. One of his favorite things to do with you is to watch a movie with you and cuddle up on the couch. If it’s cold outside, you can expect some yummy hot cocoa and some cookies to go with those sweet cuddles. Yamcha loves holding you to his chest and stroking your hair or massaging you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yamcha would love to settle down with you if he gets the chance to. He’s not the most keen on cooking and cleaning, but he would do it for you. If you wanted to settle down with him and make him feel loved and happy, he would learn to be domestic. What he’d truly enjoy is for you to be his bimbo wife.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would be bitter, sad and terrible. Yamcha would hate it. He hates the idea of hurting you. It would take everything deep inside of him to not be cold about it. If he has to break up with you because of something you did, it’s very bitter and mean. But if you break up because of something he did, he’s going to be so devastated.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
All Yamcha wants is a wife. He wants someone to make him feel loved and supported all the time. Someone he can build a life together and support and just be happy with. Nothing would make him more happy than if you were to settle down as soon as you felt ready for it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s very gentle. He loves making sure he doesn’t use his strength on you, seeing as he is very strong and he doesn’t always know his own strength. In terms of emotionally, he is generally gentle and sweet but sometimes he may crack jokes that only he finds funny and that might hurt your feelings. If that’s the case, all you need to do is tell him and he will apologize.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves to hug! They are tight, warm and just feel so safe and secure. He will hug you any chance he gets. It just feels so nice to him. Holding you in his arms is one of the best feelings in the whole world. He will do anything to have his hands on you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It will slip out of him so early, he’s quite a bit embarrassed about it. Yamcha falls for people a little too quickly, and because he has always had this phobia of talking to girls, it just makes everything worse. He will stumble on his words and tell you he loves you early in the relationship, but he truly means it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets pretty jealous. If anyone thinks they can get their hands on you, you better believe that Yamcha is going to turn possessive. It can get pretty dark when he’s jealous, so you may need to reassure him. It’s not his fault, he has some insecurities.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Yamcha loves to give all kinds of kisses. It depends on his mood and what part of your body he’s kissing. He loves kissing you whenever and wherever. His favorite places to kiss you are your lips, your tits and your inner thighs. On himself, anywhere goes.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s not bad with children. He’s funny and fun, and he treats them with kindness. He would be such a good father if you wanted to have children with Yamcha. He would be so doting and teach them so much. He’s patient and understanding, so you know he would be so sweet with your children.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Yamcha are relaxing. He likes to sleep in when he can and when he finally does roll out of bed, the first thing he does is start up a pot of coffee. Breakfast is usually take-out of sorts unless you feel like cooking. And it’s just pretty relaxing all in all.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Yamcha can also be very relaxing. A nice dinner with a glass of wine, some soft music and maybe some intimacy. Nothing has to be fancy, but Yamcha will treat you to dinner at a restaurant from time to time. Lots of cuddling if you’re at home.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It wouldn’t take too long for him to start opening up to you. He would probably leave some details out until you know each other fairly well. He doesn’t want to make you worry too much or scare you off. He’s patient with you and if you are patient with him, he will share some secrets with you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It depends on the situation with Yamcha. For the most part, he can keep his cool. He can be cocky sometimes if someone tests his patience, but he’s not meaning to be too cruel. He wants to be level headed.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers a lot about you. It means so much to him to be able to remember your favorite colors, foods, movies and music. There’s no way he’ll ever forget your birthday or your anniversary. He may be a knucklehead from time to time, but he’s got a very good memory...especially if it involves you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you said “I love you”. That’s his favorite memory. You were blushing and being so soft. He felt how genuine you were being just by your soft kisses. The way you held him close, holding onto him as if he might float away any second. It’s just the greatest memory for Yamcha.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He can be very protective, but he does love to give you space and time to do your own hobbies and interests. If you need to be protected, he will fight and defeat anyone causing you grief. He doesn’t mind if you try to protect him, but he’d feel so guilty if you got hurt trying to protect him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Yamcha enjoys having a balance for this in the relationship. If you want to plan some stuff, he is not at all against it. Sometimes he’s got things planned and they can be so special too. He doesn’t want to spend too much time on everyday things, but he does love to spoil you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He doesn’t always get his dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. He can be a little bit of a slob sometimes, but he does make a concerted effort to clean up after himself when you move in with him. He doesn’t want you to baby him too much.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Yamcha always wants to look his best, especially if he’s going on a date with you. He will not expect it from you, but if you want to look nice for him, he’s going to be pretty happy about it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’d be insanely lost without you. You help him stay sane. You help bring structure and responsibility to his life. You make him feel wanted and loved, and that’s all he ever really wanted.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Yamcha wants to teach you how to protect yourself! He would even show you how to do some of his signature fighting moves if you’d want to learn. He loves the idea of you being around him so much and he just gets to show you how to fight.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Yamcha doesn’t like cheaters or liars. He just wants people to be upfront and kind to him. He will show that same kindness if it’s being extended to him. He doesn’t want people to use him because he is a great guy.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He snores lightly, but he is a big cuddler. You will never feel cold or lonely with Yamcha in your bed. He holds you close every single night.
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dreamingmanip · 3 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: None (if I need one let me know in my ask!)
Prompt: NONE
Word Count: 1,860
A/N: Okay, this time I didn’t use any prompt from my board on Pinterest. I came with the idea last night (thanks insomnia), and I thought I could make it in 2 parts. Let me know what do you think in my ask, is always open for you. If you want t, like it and reblog it. Thank you very much! 
A/N 2: I’m gonna pin this imagine so you can easily find it on my page, I will do the same when posting part 2. :)
A/N 3: This awesome gif is from Pinterest but, it comes from Wattpad. Her account is Ariana-Fic and you can find it in her fic “Soldiers in Intelligence”.
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Being a cop wasn't easy, putting your life in danger to protect and serve others sometimes wasn't successful. It was 50/50, every morning you will be walking out home not knowing if you could come back.
It had been three weeks without a person in the unit. Detective Jay Halstead had been wounded in a crossfire in a covert operation; when one of you got hurt everyone took responsibility even if it wasn't that way, only for some it was harder to try not to blame yourself for what happened. You had blamed Hailey for not covering Jay enough even though you knew it wasn't her fault, you even avoided her a few days after that. 
She was her partner way long before you were assigned to Intelligence by Sergeant Voight.
Narcotics helped Intelligence in a case; it was your case but somehow their case intertwined with yours at some point, both departments agreed to work to stop the overdoses in the area. You were the best at CO, so it made sense for Sergeant Voight to pick Jay, one of his best undercovers for a purchase. Your skills didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the Intelligence Unit, even for someone with experience like Jay. After the case was over he offered you a spot in his Unit, you doubt it for a moment, you were good in Narcotics, good pay, accumulated vacation days, Voight wasn't known for being a patient person and some co-workers encouraged you to take that step by commenting on how crazy you must be not to accept such an offer. 
You were well received by all, perhaps except for Sergeant Trudy Platt, who didn't like strangers or new people in the district. Jay was among the first to congratulate you when you arrived, for a moment you thought you'd be partners but Voight wouldn't break his dream team, so he paired you with Kevin Atwater, whom you've been entrusting your life and darkest secrets to ever since. 
Atwater was the first one you told about the nights you stayed late with Jay in Molly's, he was the first to know how those late nights became visiting his apartment, to end up arriving together one morning, to the district. He had told you about Voight's rules and how he was firm with them after Jay's last relationship had gone bad with his partner and that had affected his way of working a bit.
Jay and you decided to go slowly, the only one who would know about you two would be Kevin, it was agreed at least, but Hailey Upton was very good at her job so she soon realized what was happening between you. She had supported you, although she did not agree to hide this from her sergeant, she wanted to see her partner happy.
They were all at their desks, doing paperwork on a case they had closed the day before, when Trudy appeared on the stairs.
"Guess who came back from her mandatory break."
You looked up from the papers in front of you to look at a smiling Jay Halstead, who was looking at Trudy with a raised eyebrow.
"Nice to see you too, Trudy."
"Yeah, now try to get away from the bullets for a while, I don't want to have to worry about any of you for a long time."
Kevin and Adam were the first to approach him, joking and patting him on the shoulder. Kim and Hailey were next, giving him a loving hug before heading back to his places. You had stood up to lean against your desk, your arms crossed over your chest, Jay leaned closer, although he kept some distance, the mocking smile still on his lips. You were the first to speak.
"I see you survived, Halstead."
"Hey, don't say it like that, I'm going to think you're not happy to see me alive."
You pressed your lips together so as not to smile because of his comment, it was the game that both played in front of everyone else, the sarcastic comments to pretend that they were not getting along as well as they should. You nodded and looked at him.
"It's good to have you back."
Jay's smile widened and he put his hands on his hips.
"Look at that, you're happy to have me here."
You rolled your eyes and sat back in your chair when Voight left his office, leaning against the doorframe.
"How are you Jay?"
Jay nodded his head looking at his boss.
"Good, Sarge."
"Good, because I just hung up with the Superintendent and he wants to acknowledge what you did. Tomorrow there will be a public event, downtown."
You all clapped for a moment, before Voight continued speaking.
"Now try not to die until tomorrow."
Without saying more he returned to his office. Jay went to his desk to catch up on all the overdue paperwork, from time to time you looked up to observe him, you were glad to have him back but the moment you knew about the award, you felt a bitter taste in your mouth. Why were they going to decorate him when he almost died? 
You stood up and went to the coffee room, took one of the cups on the wall and poured yourself some, you still felt that bitter taste in your mouth. You heard footsteps behind you and looked over your shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
Jay asked, taking another cup, reaching for the pot and pouring himself some coffee as well. You leaned a little to look towards the door, checking that no one was around to hear you. You started to get tired of that, checking over your shoulders to see if no one could hear your conversations or whatever you were doing behind closed doors.
“Uhm, yes, I’m just a little tired. We have been in some paperwork duties from a few cases from the past weeks.”
You took a sip from the cup, making a little grin at the taste of the coffee.
“Well, just for the record, I know when something’s bothering you. We have been together almost a year.”
He looked satisfied with himself, and you couldn’t deny it because he was right, Jay knew you so well almost since day one. You looked at him and gave him a little smile, his mood was good after dealing with a grumpy man at his house because he couldn’t get back to work after being shot, and you definitely didn't want to be the one to screw it up. 
Kim walks into the room without realizing the interruption she just made or how you take a little more distance between you two, starts a little chat with Jay and you decide to go back to your desk.
Later, in the locker room, you were finishing picking up some things from your little blue locker, putting them in the gym bag you were carrying that day when Kevin appeared next to you, opening his own locker.
"I don't see you so happy today, you were quiet for most of the day, man you didn't even laugh at Ruzek's nonsense. I thought having Jay back would make you feel better."
You sighed and took a seat on the bench, rubbing your hands over your face before looking at your best friend. You played with your lower lip a bit before speaking.
"Kevin, am I crazy for wanting more in this relationship? I mean, we've worked well without anyone knowing, what difference would it make if we did from the knowledge of Voight, of our friends?"
They both fell silent when an officer entered the room and moments later he left the room, you clenched your fist and struck the cold metal in front of you, you felt frustrated and helpless. Kevin sat next to you, rubbing his hands together as he took his time answering you.
"Y/N, you are a pretty strong woman who knows what she wants, don't let anyone make you feel like you can't, not even some of my friends. If you want, I can talk to him, you know man to man" .
His comment made you laugh a little, releasing a bit of the tension in your chest, you bumped his shoulder with yours, pushing him a little.
"Thanks Kev. I don't think that talk is necessary but I will take it into account for future problems."
"Whenever you need me, girl."
You took your bag, Kevin had helped you lift your spirits but you knew you had to do something with your feelings, for better or for worse. 
Jay was in the kitchen when he heard you arrive, a smile formed on his face as he came out to greet you, an ice cold beer in his hand and a hockey game in the background on television. He walked over to you to kiss your forehead, took your bag and set it aside by the door.
"It took you a little longer than usual to get here, I'm sorry I didn't wait for you. Trudy wanted me to fill out some forms for tomorrow and I left earlier."
You couldn't look at Jay without stopping to think about the consequences that your words would have, you knew about his past and you didn't want to be the evil witch who would ruin what you both had until that day. You settled next to him, resting your head on his chest while he watched the game and he made imaginary shapes on the skin of your arm.
It took you a few minutes before you could form a sentence, your voice lacking the strength you had gathered all the way to his apartment.
"Jay, what if we tell Voight we're together?"
Your voice caught his attention, looking at you completely confused.
"Y/N, we both know that we can't say anything at the moment if we want to continue working in the same unit."
You slowly sat up again, turning a little so you could face him, Jay was sure of what he was saying, it showed in his face and in the confidence with which he had spoken.
"Jay, I'm tired of having to hide from everyone, like what we're doing is wrong. Voight will understand if-"
"I've been through this before Y/N, I know what I'm talking about. I also refused to hide my thing with Erin, but things changed. If we tell this to Voight he will remove someone from the team and we know it will not be me."
You felt the air come out of your lungs, as if someone had hit you, Jay realized his mistake when you stood up, he began to move his head trying to speak, he left the beer on the coffee table trying to take your hand .
"Y/N, it's not what- it's not what I meant ..."
Unaware of your movements, you started to take your things in a frenzy, Jay seemed to be talking to you but you couldn't identify his words or what he was trying to tell you, you just left.
To be continued...
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dovenymph · 3 years
little lune
authors note: inspired by @soulmemesarc birthday prompts!🥳🎂 also this is unedited sorry for any typos
" no no no! breakfast in bed for the birthday girl/boy/angel! lie down, let me take care of this... "
" so there's this tradition. a law, really. i have to kiss you as many times as your age. so prepare yourself, babe. "
find my masterlist here
word count: 1.9k
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you and harrison really didn’t have much in common.
this, you discovered, on your first date. he’d seen you at his neighborhood coffee shop on multiple occasions and prayed each day that you couldn’t see the infatuation building in his eyes, hoping one day soon, he’d’ve built up the courage to finally talk to you.
and you both thank god that that day had come and you spent nearly the entire day tucked away in the corner of the cafe talking about everything and anything.
he loved dogs, liked to consider himself a dog dad, even though the blue-grey staffy he showed you just over one million pictures of, technically belonged to his best friend. you on the other hand, grew up with cats curled up at your feet.
harrison could stay out all night, and did most weekends! very used to having to scrub last nights remnants off his body in the mornings and piecing together the events through blurry instagram stories. whereas, you were much more lowkey. always down for a good time, but couldn’t really stand the feeling of other people’s sweat on you while packed in a crowded club
despite this, the two of you fit together like puzzle pieces. like he was the sun, and you were the moon.
when harrison first brought up the comparison, you laughed and teased him for being such a cliche but when he smiled down and replied with “just for you, my little lune”
your face burned under his palms as he spoke the pet name so adoringly and with so much kindness in his eyes. and in that moment, you both knew that your differences in opinion were trivial and the only thing that mattered was you both bonded over your growing affection.
your face burned under his palms as he spoke the pet name so adoringly and with so much kindness in his eyes. and in that moment, you both knew that your differences in opinion were trivial and the only thing that mattered was you both bonded over your growing affection.
there was one thing you both had in common though and that was sleep.
there was one thing you both had in common though and that was sleep.
you could sleep for hours each, harrison very proudly bragging that his record was 18 hours straight.
whenever you went over to his house, he immediately locked the two of you in his room, receiving many suggestive comments from his roommates about the nature of your activities, but in reality he just locked his arms around you and took you to dreamland with him as the two of you slept the day away.
so it was no surprise that that was the position you both were in right now, the morning of your birthday slipping away like a handful of sand through open fingertips.
soon enough though, the ring of your phone had gone off too many times for you to ignore and you had to wake up and face the multitude of happy birthday calls you were receiving, without a doubt waking your boyfriend in the process.
“mmm, tell them to fuck off” he muttered as your cousin wished you a happy birthday, the phone being passed around to all your relatives.
“can’t babe, m’family’s callin’”
“b-but… we haven’t had a birthday snuggle yet”
the softness in his tone (his teddy bear persona being reserved for your eyes only) practically melted you “almost over, m’love”
five minutes later, the last of your cousins and aunts and uncles had wished you a happy birthday and you hung up, the multiple conversations taking away any last shreds of slumber.
you looked over at haz who had his face smushed into the pillow, his soft, blond hair swept into his face, looking as delicate as ever. his hands involuntarily twitching at the comforter as they called out for yours to intertwine with.
with a smile you cautiously slipped off the bed, but he still awoke anyways, poking his head up like a child. “where ya going?”
“to start the kettle, go back to sleep.”
“no no no!” he whined “breakfast in bed for the birthday girl. lie down, let me take care of this.” he dragged himself out of bed, placed a tender and loving kiss to your forehead before shoving you to the mattress and throwing the covers over your entire body, leaving you nothing but a giggling white sheet.
his heart soared in his chest at the sound as he made his way to your kitchen. he’d only been over your place a few times, your relationship still relatively new. so he tried his best to quietly turn on the kettle and then locate your pots and pans to get started on a birthday breakfast for you.
as he was flipping the pancakes, he started thinking about making a little smile with the strawberries and that brought a little smile to his face.
he barely recognized himself when he was around you. he was so lovesick, so head over heels for you. unlike he’d ever been with any of his previous girlfriends.
your relationship wasn’t in the early stages per-say, he openly called you his girlfriend, and you your boyfriend, but he still felt the need to impress you, he still felt nerves creep in his stomach before every date. the honeymoon stage, as some liked to call it. the comfortability was just around the corner, he was sure of it. but until then, he liked to keep you on your toes.
placing the meal on a tray and walking back to your bedroom, he thought to later tonight and bit his lip. he had planned something for you, something grand. it was a little much for your first birthday spent together, but he only realized that after everything was payed for; but you deserved it. you deserved all the magnificent things life had to offer, and he would fall to his knees in order to be the one to give them to you. so he hoped you would like it.
“happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my darling, happy birthday to you” he sung as you looked up at him from under the covers.
“thank you, lovie. it looks great.” you smiled and he carefully placed the tray on your lap, crawling up next to you.
“anything for you, lune.” he spoke with a kiss to your lips.
that was how the morning progressed, bites of pancake shared here and there, syrup flavored kisses peppered in between.
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
haz’s wet chest was pressed against your back in the bath. the room scented vanilla and filled to the brim with bubbles and candlelight.
“what do you want to do later today, haz?”
“anything you like sweetness, you’re the birthday girl.”
“hmm, nothing planned big guy?” you teased, and he splashed a little water on your exposed torso.
“of course i do… but, it’s still your day, you can do whatever you want.” he replied, pressing kisses to your neck.
“whatever i want?”
“mmhmm, have whatever, do whatever… have me do whatever you want… to you” he spoke, voice deep and kisses hard.
your heart rate picked up, sure he could sense it as he pressed his tongue to your pressure point, gasping you consented with “i like the sound of that”
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
“haz… can you at least slow down???”
“sorry! sorry! it’s not my fault i swear!” he retorted, swerving in and out of his lane.
“yeah well i can’t exactly tell now can i?” you snapped, feeling around the blindfold he insisted you wore
“hey! don’t mess with it! we’re almost there!” harrison looked over at you and worried his bottom lip in nervousness. the location was only down the road and every possibility was running through his head. did he invite enough of your friends? sure you got along with his housemates and coworkers, but he didn’t want you to feel awkward at your own party. was it too much, would you feel too pressured?
he turned into the parking lot and took a deep breath, you were here now, so it was now or never. “can i take it off now?”
“yes, sweetness.”
you yanked it off and immediately looked around, face contorting in confusion.
“cmon, it’s around the corner.” he grabbed your hand and started to make his way.
“i- i hope you like it. if you don’t that’s fine, we can do something else. i swear! no pressure really, this, this is really just an idea. but i thought it seemed fun, so i, yeah, again, i just hope you like it.” he rambled, about to add on another reassurance that you could leave whenever you wanted when your gasp interrupted him.
“woah…” you took in the field before you. fair games, food trucks, rides and even a ferris wheel covered the entire ground. your friends already enjoying the festivities.
“haz this… this is amazing…” your head snapped towards his as you thew yourself into his arms. “th-thank you so much, oh my god!”
harrison knew that if you weren’t anchoring him in that moment, he would’ve floated to heaven. you were so sweet and happy, he was more than elated.
“it’s all for you, babe. let’s go enjoy, yeah?” he said, pride running through his veins at the good job he did.
you found your friends, all giving you bear hugs and dragging you away from harrison to go on rides. he didn’t mind, he got to spend all day with you, and you were too good not to share.
he sat at one of the picnic benches as tom brought over two slices of pizza. “mate, i gotta say, this is fucking awesome”
harrison beamed at him at the compliment. “yeah i know!”
tom laughed and shook his head, “wanna call you a smug div, but honestly, y’should be proud of yourself.”
harrison felt his cheeks warm at his friends words. “thanks mate, i- i’m just glad she likes it.”
tom let out a *whapush* noise, “so whipped.” and harrison just rolled his eyes, but bit back any denials. he was whipped for you. not only did the thousands in pounds he spent for tonight prove it, but the way his heart danced in his chest at the mere though of you, did too.
“yeah, i guess i am” he smirked, meeting tom in a fist bump and beelined towards you.
you felt his arms wrap around your waist from behind as you spoke to your friend, her eyes lighting up at the scene.
“mind if i steal her for a moment?” he asked, giving your friend his best puppy eyes, to which she giggled and shook her head, sending you a wink on her way.
“y’alright, birthday girl?” he muttered, head buried in your neck.
“more than alright. thank you again haz, i really, i really don’t know how i can make this up to you.”
he spun you around in his arms and gave you a passionate kiss, trying to convey all his love through it, hopefully telling you that you didn’t have to make anything up to him, that he’d buy you the earth if it’d make you smile.”
when he pulled away, you stared up at him like he was a figure from your dreams and he thinks you understood him.
“cmon, let’s go on the ferris wheel!”
“lead the way, lune.”
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
the night sky surrounded you both as you at at the top of the ferris wheel, looking down at the city.
“so…,” harrison began. you hummed in response and he squeezed your clasped hands together.
“so there's this tradition. a law, really. i have to kiss you as many times as your age. so prepare yourself, babe.”
you laughed and scooted impossibly closer to him, “oh yeah?”
“mmhmm! now remember, i don’t make the laws, only enforce them.”
he began to count upwards from one and kiss your lips. some soft and light, others held out and leaving you a little breathless.
“so many kisses tonight, i love it”
“well there’s more where that came from.” he said, “now where was i? oh right, 16…”
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The trip to Scotland.
cw nausea and vomiting but no details I promise, fainting I think?  I don't really remember, dizziness, food mentions, let me know if I need to add something more I haven't looked at this chapter in a while and I a posting in a rush.
Martin’s hand is damp in his.  The same tacky, salty grit of the Lonely fog.  A little bit of fog trapped between their tangled fingers, or maybe just the anxious sweat of two people who don’t really know each other as well as they should.  
If Jon is being honest, it’s not a comfortable sort of hand holding, but he doesn’t care.  He will keep clinging to Martin’s hand as if that single point of contact can keep Martin weathered to the physical plane.  
It makes packing more difficult, but Jon doesn’t care.  Not as if he hasn’t been living out of a backpack for months, or anything.  (Longer still if you count living off a shelf before most of his belongings were ruined in the flesh attack).  Still, he stuffs in the few items not in his back, and takes a healthy stack of statements and shoves those in, too.  Probably depressing that he can fit those in a single bag with all his earthly belongings.  
Jon doesn’t feel well.  
He hasn’t felt well in a while.  But the exhaustion is getting to him.  Apparently shredding a person with his mind is a bit rough on the body.  Even if the supernatural hunger is more than sated.  
Heh.  The unnatural feeling of being content and full and powerful at the same time as hallow and shakes and weak.  It would be enough to make him dizzy, if he wasn’t already dizzy.  If he hasn’t been dizzy constantly since statements were limited to empty paper, as if he hasn’t been dizzy since his early 20s and his POTS diagnosis.  (And before, but that’s where he was still convinced it was nothing).  
Jon is loathed to let go of Martin’s hand when he starts Daisy’s ancient car.  It’s more than a little beat up.  Jon tries very hard not to remember Mike Crew’s blood in the back seat.  It’s clean now.  Mike’s blood and Jon’s vomit long since scrubbed away.  Nothing quite like being carsick at gunpoint.  
Jon shivers.  
He can’t let himself think about Daisy now.  Such a confusing jumble of anger and fear and sadness and regret and friendship and comradely and resentment.  It’s… it’s too much for him to take in.  
He hasn’t ever been able to reconcile his feelings about Daisy, and now it’s worse.  Worsened with his exhaustion.  They were friends, they were enemies, and he couldn’t give up on her because that would mean that he was also lost.  She hurt him and she loved him in a way.  He couldn’t forgive her and  she was his closest friend for a while.  She was terrible, is terrible, but she was all he had and he loved her for being there.  It’s too much to think about.  And Basira.  Christ, he feels terrible losing Daisy like that, and yes he loved her in a way, but he wasn’t in love with her like Basira is, and he knows the helplessness and emptiness of losing someone he’s in love with.  
He shakes his head roughly.  The bite of headache and way the world sickly twists in and out of focus for a moment distracts him enough to start the car.  He looks over at Martin, pale but solid.  He reaches for Martin’s hand as he drives them to Martin’s flat.  
Jon has to do most of the packing for Martin.  Martin more attached to him than free thinking individual.  Drifting after him, pulled taught by their tethered hands.  A balloon pulled along by the wrist of a small child on a rollercoaster.  Although Jon can’t fault him for that, he thinks that might be an apt description for how he’s feeling.  …Pulled along by unknowable forces beyond his control.  And he’s flapping helplessly in the breeze of a battle far bigger than him.  
No.  Focus.  
Shove clothes and toiletries and tea and books and a few items that Jon judges to look treasured.  A worn stuffed tiger, a few faded pictures, a deck of tarot cards, he even takes the ratty binder that are shoved under the other ones (the nicer ones that Jon has already packed with the essentials), a tattered notebook under a layer of dust, a well loved poetry book, a small box of earrings, and what looks to be Martin’s knitting.  
It’s still a pitifully small amount of luggage for an indefinitely long trip.  The large first aid kit that he found makes him feel a little better.  (Emotionally, but also physically after he downs some paracetamol.  He eyes the dramamine, but he’s going to be driving and he can’t risk getting drowsy.  It’s not like they have time to stop).   
Nausea twists down deep before Jon even starts the car.  Catching at his stomach as he settles Martin’s bags in the back seat.  Still trying to search out the stains that are long gone.  
And oh fuck he killed someone.  
And yeah the bastard deserved it, but Christ he feels sick.  Sitting behind the wheel, staring blankly ahead.  
Martin’s hand in his.  
Martin squeezes his hand.  
Jon squeezes back.  
It’s fine.  He’s fine.  Just… Just drive.  
It’s the next step, and he has always been good at pushing from one step to the next.  Don’t worry about what happens next, just drive.  
Martin is here and… not fine, but alive and whole, and slowly thawing next to him.  
“Hey…”  Jon forces his tight throat and tighter chest to allow the word past.  
They haven’t spoken since Basira told them where to go and gave them a ring of keys.  
This almost shakes Martin out of his stupor.  Almost.  “Hey,” he echos.  
Jon wants to pack so much into a question.  How do you ask everything?  Are you okay?  Do you love me?  Do you know I love you?  Do you need anything?  Are you sure you want to come all this way with me?  Are you okay with moving in with me?  Are you hungry?  If the fog comes for you, will you tell me?  But those are too many words.  Martin starts looking glazed over when there is too much going on.  Too much movement, too many people, too much sound, too many questions.  And Jon wonders if the Lonely only served to magnify this, and if so, did he notice?  Did Martin hide it well?  Did Jon make it worse?  What if he makes it worse now, but what if he makes it worse by not saying anything.  
“You ready?”  This will have to be enough.  
Martin nods, apparently not noticing the pause.  
Jon tries not to jump out of his skin when Martin starts rubbing circles on Jon’s hand.  It’s surprising, but it feels nice.  
More than nice.  
Jon starts the car.  
It’s chilly.  Late September.  And it’s getting dark.  Both in that the sun is going down, and in that storm clouds are gathering.  
Jon knows they can’t stop for the night.  
He just has to get them to Scotland.  Hopefully then it will all be okay.  
They stop at a service station just out of the city.  Jon gets a black coffee.  He buys Martin a tea and a sandwich.  
He knows the coffee won’t do his stomach any favors, and will more likely than not set his heart to hammering, but it will be worth it not to fall asleep at the wheel.  
He can’t let Martin drive until Martin looks like less like a space cadet.  
But Jon hopes the tea brings color back to Martin’s face, even if he can’t quite tell in the sickly light of the service station, or the dim light of the evening as Jon tops up the petrol.  
Highway before and behind, and Jon is throwing up.  Pulled to the wrong side of the road in the dark and the rain.  Trembling as Martin rubs his back and gently pulls back his hair.  
They aren’t even halfway there.  His heart is beating too quickly.  Anxiety?  Caffeine?  POTS?  Nausea?  Who’s to say.  But Jon is miserable, but there isn’t much choice, because being a passenger will make it worse, even if that would mean he could take some medicine.  But Martin is in not fit state to drive.  And Martin must know that, because for all his soothing, he doesn’t offer to drive.  Or he almost offers, but Jon can see the thought die on his lips.  Besides, Jon is fairly certain Martin can’t drive a manual transmission car.  Not that Jon is particularly good at it, and stalled the engine twice leaving London.  
The occasional car and lorry thunders past.  On the side of the road, Jon can feel their movement in his core.  He worries how he will get them safely back on the road, as he spits in the dirt.  
“Sorry.  Let’s go,” he mumbles his embarrassment to Martin.  
He tries to ignore the pitying look that Martin has fixed on him.  
“Sure we can’t stop?”  
Jon shakes his head, and the dizziness threatens to take him down.  He sags against Martin for a moment.  “Can’t risk it.  Perils of being on the run, I’m afraid.”  
Martin frowns at him.  
“I’m fine.  Just… tired and… well, carsick.  We’ll be there by morning.”
“Yeah and the fact that you basically collapsed against me is something I’m just supposed to ignore?”  
Jon waves him off.  
The brief conversation seems to have stolen all of Martin’s words.  He quietly gets back in the car, and Jon shudders and sways without Martin’s warm bulk holding him up.  
He starts the car, and takes Martin’s hand.  
Just a few more hours.  Then they can rest.  
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sanders-sides-fic · 3 years
A hole of your shape in my heart
So… My brain went to war with me today. So I wrote some Anxceit-centred angst to cope. Consider yourself warned, this will hurt. I do hope you'll enjoy it regardless, though.
Trigger warnings: implied depression, mentions of panic attacks, self harm, fainting, memory loss
If I forgot a trigger or there is something you would like to be added to that list, please go ahead and tell me. You can do so anonymously as well.
It wasn't that bad at the beginning. A bit of a cold shiver, running down his spine. Ice that seemed to settle in his lounges. A dull ache. Nothing serious, really. He knew that it wasn't good to ignore it, he knew that from the start. And yet he couldn't help it.
They were happy. That was all that mattered to him then. Remus and Janus were happy. That was more important than a bit uncomfortableness. He was used to having panic attacks, mental breakdowns and the sudden urge to cry anyways. This didn't make such a big difference.
Except that it did.
You see, Remus was born without a soulmate. He just didn't have one. Janus, on the other hand, had an accident when he was younger. There was a nasty scar on the left side of his face, which he had covered up with a tattoo of a snake later. Ever since that accident, he'd been soul-blind. Colourblind for soulmates. He did have a soulmate, he just couldn't feel the bond anymore. Oh, it was still there, alright. He could feel that much. But he just couldn't tell anything beyond that. So he'd given up on finding that soulmate.
That's how Remus and Janus had gotten together in the first place. And that was wonderful. It was great. They made such a nice pair. They were happy and in love and sweet and… And it had come as a blow to the face to Virgil.
The three of them had been friends for years. When they'd become teens, Virgil had finally realised what the bond had been telling him all the time. The pretty sparkles around Janus, the glitter in the air that portrayed his emotion in colours, the warmth around his heart that reminded him of Janus. Janus could only feel that warmth. He wondered what it felt like to him. What he felt like to him. Because Janus was Virgil's soulmate.
Virgil had been a bit happy and a bit sad about that. Happy because he liked Janus and he knew him and that was fine. Sad because Janus couldn't tell that they were soulmates.
And that was why he kept telling himself that he'd tell Janus. For sure. But somehow he always ducked out the last moment. Something always happened. Just little things, but things that were bad enough to make him retreat into his shell.
He should have known. When Janus said he would give up on searching for a soulmate he couldn't even tell apart from the rest of the world, he should have known. And yet he hadn't expected Janus to start dating people. Janus was his soulmate, his. He didn't even consider the possibility that he might see other people. How very stupid of him.
He had almost told Janus that day. They were eighteen then, and he had bought a yellow nasturtium, Janus's favorite flower. It was inside a black pot that he'd made himself. He'd always liked to do pottery, it calmed him down. This was the best one he made so far, he thought.
He also wrote down what he wanted to say. How much Janus meant to him, how badly he wanted to be with him, that they were soulmates, that he didn't even mind that Janus couldn't tell and that he was sorry he hadn't said anything before. That it was okay if Janus needed time because this was so sudden, but that he hoped he'd give Virgil a chance anyways. Virgil had used his favorite paper. It was a bit fancy, but not over the top. And it smelled like Lavender, which always calmed him down. He'd wasted quite a bit of this paper because he kept starting over, but that was worth it. Janus was worth it.
But Janus had already told him that he wasn't waiting for his soulmate anymore. And when Janus arrived at his apartment that day, it was with his hand in Remus's.
"He asked me out earlier. I can't believe I said yes, the way he did it was terrible, really." But Janus had smiled, and Remus had laughed, and Virgil had been late.
He knew Remus wasn't to blame, and neither was Janus. They were happy right now. Remus hadn't been happy or confident when it came to the topic of love in forever. Janus had suffered because he'd always been so, so scared of his soulmate rejecting him for not being able to tell. And now they were happy and it was without him.
It hurt. A lot. But he didn't want to ruin their happiness. It was only his fault. He was to blame, for hesitating. For not wanting to ruin their friendship. For being selfish.
So he secretly took the letter and hid it in the bottom of his desk drawer. And he wished them the best.
After that, they started to drift away. Remus and Janus had a lot of date nights. And Virgil drifted away from them because he couldn't stand seeing them. It hurt too much, was all. Whenever Janus would smile at him, whenever Janus laughed, whenever Remus sighed and told him about a cute thing Janus had done, whenever they shared a milkshake, whenever they were so there, so with each other.
Whenever Janus insisted Virgil come as well, saying he missed him. Because Virgil knew, he knew that was because Janus could still feel the soulmate bond. But Janus didn't know, and Janus didn't see him that way, and that was just cruel. Why did fate do this to him? Why did it hate him so much?
After a while, when Virgil couldn't take it anymore, he begun to initiate fights. Janus was too much of a liar, he was too anxious to trust him. Remus was creepy and gross, he couldn't understand why he would say something like that. In the end, he became more and more of an asshole to the two of them. Their days were either spent apart or fighting, and Virgil would cry himself to sleep, pain and cold emptiness gnawing away at his soul.
After a while, he had pushed them so far away that he barely saw them at all anymore. And by then he was so used to it that he could just pretend everything was fine during the day. Sure, he couldn't bare to take off his hoody even in scalding hot summer. Sure, his panic attacks got worse and more frequent. Sure, he had started to wear black eyeshadow purely to hide the bags under his eyes. Sure, he woke up to dried tears on his face every single day. But it was fine. He was fine. He could take this, if it meant that the two most important people in his life were happy.
Patton, the soulmate of Remus's brother, had somehow ended up noticing how he was alone all the time now. And he'd adopted him into their friend group.
Roman and Remus were on bad terms with each other, so he barely knew them. It was kind of a fresh start, even if it was a rocky one. Remy and Roman were the least accepting of him. Roman because "A, he is the type of person Remus would hang out with. And, B, he hurt Remus with his sudden bullshit. Believe me, if you knew the things I learned through my brother…" and Remy just because he didn't want to breath the same air as him. Apparently.
Remy didn't hang out with the group if Virgil was with them. They meet up without him, which was a solution everyone was fine with. Besides, Remy had always liked to suddenly disappear and appear according to his mood. At least that was what his soulmate, Logan, said.
Roman, on the other hand, couldn't stay away that much. After all it was Patton who stuck to Virgil like friendly glue made out of puns, and Patton was Roman's soulmate. Both of them were extremely clingy too, apparently. So the two of them exchanged sarcastic comments and rude nicknames, but they didn't outright hate each other. At least Virgil didn't hate Roman.
Logan was nice to talk to. Almost as good at debates as Janus. They didn't have debates about philosophy, though. Those were reserved for Janus, and it felt like betraying him to have such a debate with someone else. They soon got to a point where hanging out was almost enjoyable, where they kind of liked each other.
And then, suddenly, it got a lot worse. A lot worse. So bad, Virgil couldn't get up in the morning. He couldn't eat anything, couldn't stop crying, could barely breath. About four panic attacks and one night of terrible, terrible loneliness later, Roman, Logan and Patton showed up at his door.
He couldn't help himself. He was so lonely, and he felt so worthless, and Patton was the only one who really wanted him around anyways. So he shrugged their concerns off, taking a sip from his hot coffee - the only acceptable hot beverage in August - and saying: "Well, I just… assumed you didn't want me around. I mean, you don't like me much anyways, so."
Patton had gasped in offence and horror, and Virgil couldn't help but smile at that, though the hole in his chest was still too much to bare and he couldn't look at them. "Yeah, yeah. Except you, Pat."
He'd been wrong. Logan drew up an entire chart to prove how much he contributed to their friend group and how much he provided. Even Roman told him that he was wanted, needed even. It was nice and wholesome, and to his surprise, it made him feel so much better. For just a moment, the hole inside his chest wasn't as icy and cold.
They ended up watching Disney that evening, with a bowl of popcorn and too much comments to actually concentrate on the movie. Later at night, Virgil even confessed that he knew his soulmate. A sore subject he didn't want to touch normally. They asked him why he was single, of course, whether it didn't work out between the two of them, whether that was even possible. And Virgil had shrugged. "I wouldn't know. We never tried, he already has someone." Then he'd chuckled. "I guess that was why I was such an asshole to Re and Jan when they got together, too. Kinda made me feel jealous and… lonely. Don't tell them, though. They don't even know that I already met my soulmate."
Janus would have been proud of him, for how well he had managed to lie to his new friends. Well, not lie directly. But a lie of omission, right?
There were many days like this after that. Days where everything got too much. His new friends understood that he sometimes had bad days. Patton would sent him videos of cute dogs and cats when he let them know he was out of order for that day. Roman would send him memes and Logan would tell him fun facts. It was precious of them, and it made Virgil feel a lot less lonely. The cold was still there, layered around the soulmate bond, the hole was just as gaping as always, but he didn't feel as lonely. And that was good enough.
Other days he could almost pretend that things were fine. He would be around his new friends for as long as his little, introverted heart allowed him. Then he'd listen to music, get stuff done, worry about dead lines and the world instead of Remus, or Janus and his absence in Virgil's life. Sometimes he would read, too. Or do pottery. He didn't do pots anymore though. Or flowers. Just art or tableware.
He didn't even mean to do it the first time. Really, it was an accident. He was just tired, and he did the dishes and then he accidentally cut himself with a knife. But as the blood trickled down his finger, the pain outside kind of overwhelmed the pain inside. So he sat down and watched his finger bleed. Because his hand was wet, it looked like more blood than it actually was.
He thought about that moment often after that, whenever the pain got too much to bare and he could barely hang on. And he did try to fight it, really, he did. But in the end, it was too tempting. Just a few cuts at a time, at first. Somewhere where no one would notice. With the hoody, that wasn't even that hard, actually. He always put on gauze, too, to make sure it didn't get infected.
It got a bit more when he heard from Roman that Janus and Remus had broken up. Apparently Janus felt weird dating Remus. They suspected that it was because Remus wasn't his soulmate - because Janus was Virgil's, his, he was supposed to date him and he wanted to yell it at Janus already, telling him the truth, finally holding him and kissing him and filling this Janus's formed hole in his heart - and Remus fully understood it. Things were a bit awkward between the two of them, but they would keep being friends.
And it got even more worse when Patton was Patton and decided to use this opportunity to get Virgil to make up with the two of them. It was nice of him, but the thing was that Janus was still Virgil's soulmate and didn't know about it.
He and Janus didn't get along too well. He made up with Remus way faster. And Roman didn't like Janus too much either, but once again Patton insisted on adopting the man into their friend group and Roman was too clingy to avoid him. But Janus made it, in the end. Of course Janus made it. He was dazzling and charismatic like that.
Only Virgil couldn't help keeping his defences up. If he let them down, he would tell him the truth. And he couldn't do that, not now, not until he made everything okay again. But he couldn't do that, not without letting his defences down and that just killed him on the inside.
And then he had a bad day. But he wanted to see Janus, so he got up and met up with the others. It helped. Seeing Janus there helped. Hearing him and Patton talking about Kant, watching him smile at Logan and joke around with both Remus and Roman… It helped. And yet it made him so much more aware of what he was missing.
Remus and Roman drove home together. Logan was supposed to meet Remy, so he had excused himself earlier. Patton worked in the café they'd been in, and his shift started after their meeting. So that left Virgil and Janus to walk out together.
Janus smelled like coconut, and his lips were a little chapped. Early winter, he always got chapped lips this time of year. The light made his skin glow, and from this angle with the way the light hit them his left eye looked a lot more golden than brown, unlike the right one.
It hurt. He wanted to grab Janus's hand, he wanted to kiss those lips, he wanted to hug him and never let him go, he wanted to grab him and hold him close until the smell of coconut would transfer to himself as well. He wanted, he wanted, he wanted so bad.
But how was he supposed to do any of it? How was he supposed to tell him?
In the end, he decided to just get it over with. Like a bandaid, just ripping it off. Straight out with it. But just when he was about to, had already taken a breath and opened his mouth…
"I missed you." Janus's melodic voice sounded way too sad. Virgil didn't like it. "Why did you just leave us behind, Virge? I missed you, but… You were acting so strange. You still are. Are you mad because I never texted you?"
He didn't say anything. Couldn't, even though he wanted to.
"If that's it, then I'm sorry. But, Virge, I… I did miss you. And you acting so cold to me really sucks. You're getting along fine with Remus now, so why not me?" He stopped and looked Virgil in the eyes, looking like he was searching for something. What, Virgil didn't know. But he didn't find it, judging by the way he averted his eyes. And that hurt, too. Everything hurt. He just wanted to go now. "I thought we were friends."
"No. I don't think we ever were supposed to be friends." Virgil took a deep breath. Now. He had to tell him now. Bandaid, remember? Just tell him. Virgil opened his mouth, looking at Janus.
Right. Just out with it. "The truth is we're soulmates. I'm sorry I never told you, I was scared. But I love you, Janus." Right. That was all he had to say. Just three sentences. Go on, do it. Please, just get them out already. It's been years now. You've known since you were sixteen, you've known for four years now. He deserves to know, too.
In the end, he shook his head. "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I…" couldn't say it again. He ignored the tears gathering in his eyes as he turned away from Janus's hurt look. "I'm not feeling that good."
And he ran. He ran away, like he always did. God, he was such a coward. And for what?
At home, he pulled out the letter from last year. Then, he screamed. He couldn't take it anymore, he just screamed and sobbed. And he knew that it wasn't fair, that he'd done this to himself, but he was in so much pain. He just couldn't take it.
But he'd done this to himself. By hesitating, by not giving the letter, by ruining what little relationship he had with his soulmate, by pushing him away, by lying, by not saying what he wanted to. And what for? A fleeting happiness, a failed relationship, a churning ball of fear in his stomach?
Virgil didn't mean for it to get that bad. He meant to stop earlier. He didn't mean for the wounds to be that deep either. But they did, and he didn't, and he only really realised when he got dizzy at standing up. Oh. Oh, that was a lot of blood. And he was still bleeding. Damnit, he needed help. But who would…? Who could…
He grabbed his phone and called the first number in his contacts. It was Remus's voice that picked up after the second ring. "Hey, Rem. It's me." He winced at how weak his voice sounded. "I, uh… I did something stupid. And I know I've been an asshole, but I really, really need your help."
"Janus said you didn't feel so good." Remus sounded genuinely worried. And was that Janus's voice in the background? It was, wasn't it? Tears sprung to his eyes again.
"Yeah. Hey, tell him I'm sorry for me? I wanted to say something, but I didn't again, and… yeah." He couldn't understand the response he got. Blinking, he tried to stay awake. Falling asleep was bad, right? Oh, right. Remus. "Listen, Remus, I… Did something stupid. There's a lot of blood. I think I need to go to the hospital."
"Blood? The hospital? Virgil what did you do?!"
He flinched at the panicked voice. That didn't suit Remus at all. Wait, wasn't that Janus? Had Remus put him on speaker? Well, it didn't matter, really. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He said instead. And then: "I'm scared."
"Okay. Okay, shit. We're almost there. It's alright, we're almost- Take a left, Re, that's faster. We're almost there, okay Virge?"
"Okay." He hesitated, lump in his throat. He thought he could feel tears running down his face, but he was a bit too out of it to be sure. "Thank you."
They kept their word. He could hear Janus's shocked cry and Remus's cussing before the darkness took over.
When he woke up, he was in a white room. Around him, he could see a bunch of people. One with dirty blonde hair and freckles, holding hands with a brunette with glasses. Next to them sat a man with similar glasses and black hair. On the other side was a man much like the first, but with one strand dyed silver and the rest chestnut brown. And another man, who stole the breath right out of his lunges.
Long, golden hair, tied up to a bun, pale skin, warm eyes somewhere between gold and brown, and a snake tattoo on his left cheek. He wore black, with yellow and gold accessories, and he was absolutely stunning. Around him there were weird fireworks, almost like glitter. Did the others see that, too? It was blue, and something inside him told him that that was worry. The same part clenched around his heart, demanding to make the worry go away.
But… "Who are you?"
They all gasped, looking at him. "Virgil?! Oh my god, you're awake." That was the voice of the man with the dyed hair. What was his name? He couldn't quite remember.
"I don't… Who are you? Where am I? Do I know you? I think I know you, but…" He trailed off, regretting having said anything when hurt crossed the stunning man's face. "Sorry."
"Oh, no, you don't… I'm sorry. I should've noticed you were hurting." He sighed, putting on an obviously fake smile as he grabbed his - Virgil's? His name was Virgil, had the man said, right? - hand. "We are your friends, Virgil. That's Logan, Patton, Roman, and Remus. And I am Janus." Janus. Yeah, Virgil though, that fit him. But somehow, Janus looked like he was steeling himself for something. He took a deep breath, smiling more, tears in those wonderful eyes. "I'm you soulmate."
"My soulmate?"
Janus nodded, clutching a purple piece of paper in his hand. "Yes. It's a bit complicated, but, I am. We're soulmates."
Virgil nodded, looking around. There were a lot of people around him. And they all looked so happy to see him awake. His friends and his soulmate, huh? Virgil looked back to Janus. "There's a lot of people here."
"Do you want us to go, kiddo?" That was Patton who'd said that, right? He sounded sad at the idea, and Virgil didn't like it much either. So he shook his head.
"No. I was just thinking, there's a lot of people caring about me."
He got a few sad smiles in return. "Of course, Virge. We all love you very much. And don't you dare to forget that again, you hear?" Janus clenched Virgil's hand in his and put it to his forehead, almost desperately. "Don't you ever dare forget that I love you. You idiot."
General taglist🖤: @gattonero17 @alias290
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