#lttc minish
Here’s a bit of an intro to the Links in this au!!
Feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any questions or wanna know more about any of them :)
Warriors (Hero of Warriors)
- He/Him, Asexual Biromantic
- 27 years old
- Games: Hyrule Warriors
- Good friends with his Zelda
- Not a real blond, dyes his hair regularly to keep up the appearance that he is. He has no one fooled
- Absolutely fantastic at doing eyeliner, everyone’s jealous
- Knows Mask and Tune from the War of Eras
- Natural born leader, acts a bit over the top to cover up insecurities
- Bad food anxiety from being poisoned a lot but he’s doing his best
Tears (Hero of the Wild)
- He/They, Bisexual
- 24 years old (124 years old)
- Games: Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom
- Married to their Zelda (recently)
- Rebuilding Hyrule slowly after everything that’s happened
- Missing an arm, wears a prosthetic. Has startled several of the others by just removing it at random because they forget it’s a prosthetic sometimes
- Very friendly, selectively mute so they use sign to talk sometimes
Wolf/Twilight (Hero of Twilight)
- Currently stuck in wolf form so Tears just calls him Wolf because no one knows he’s a hylian, they just think he’s a really odd wolf. Will eventually be called Twilight once he can turn back into a hylian
- He/Him, Bisexual
- 24 years old
- Games: Twilight Princess
- Assisted Tears on their first journey when Tears was 17-18 and Wolf/Twilight was 23. He has been stuck as a wolf ever since
- Lives with Rusl and Uli, but has been missing for a whole year
- Quiet and anxious, incredibly loyal
Sky (Hero of the Skies)
- He/Him, Bisexual
- 22 years old
- Games: Skyward Sword
- Chronic pain, lightning scars (look up lichtenberg figure), tattoo of wings that wrap around his wrist in honor of his loftwing
- Plays his harp as a way to relax
- Very friendly and talkative. Good person to go to if you need a chat
Tune (Hero of the Winds)
- He/Him, Pansexual
- 19 years old
- Games: Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass
- Didn’t loose his eye, he just wears and eyepatch “for the aesthetic” (that’s his answer when people ask him why he wears it) but also so one of his eyes is always adjusted to being able to see in the dark so if he has to go below deck quickly for an emergency one of his eyes is well adjusted and he isn’t disoriented. His right eye is also extremely sensitive to light and the patch protects it
- Wears dark eyeliner under his eyes
- Curly, shoulder length hair that he ties up and has several small braids weaved into
- Knows Warriors and Mask from the War of Eras
- Very talkative, misses his boat
Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule)
- He/Him, Aro/Ace
- 18 years old
- Games: The Legend of Zelda, Adventure of Link
- Pretends to be a lot more shy and quiet than he really is
- Loves people but is very cautious around them
- Looks a bit frail because his clothes are a bit big for him, but is actually quite strong. He is not someone who should be underestimated
Past (Hero of Legend?)
- He/They, Pansexual
- 18 years old
- Games: A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds, Link’s Awakening, Edit: And the Oracles games
- Dyed Pink hair, has the longest hair of the whole group
- Happily lives with Ravio
- Loves apples
- Has a rabbit form he can shift into to squeeze into tight spaces
- Friendly but cautious, isn’t the most trusting
Calamity (Hero of the Calamity)
- He/Him/They/Them (usually prefers He/Him), Bisexual
- 18 years old
- Game: Age of Calamity
- Mute, doesn’t speak at all, only uses sign
- Doesn’t trust Tears at all, in fact at first Tears makes him extremely uncomfortable. Calamity makes Tears sad because they’re reminded of all the trauma the both of them went through, but Tears recognizes they’re two different people
- Looks up to Warriors a lot
- Very facially expressive
Mask (Hero of Time Masks)
- He/Him, Bisexual
- 17 years old (physically)
- Games: Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask
- Refuses to tell anyone his mental age, that’s between him and Hylia
- No one knows he is the Hero of Time, he’s scared to admit it because the others hold the Hero of Time up on a pedestal and he’s scared they’ll be disappointed to realize it’s him
- Has the Fierce Deity markings on one side of his face and one of his eyes is completely white but he can see out of both of them.
- Shy, quiet, reserved and mistrustful. Extreme abandonment issues have left him to expect everyone will leave. He only trusts Warriors and Tune, it takes him quite a long time to warm up to the others
Spirit (Spirit Tracks Link)
- He/Him, bisexual
- 16 years old
- Games: Spirit Tracks
- Friend of the birds
- Sees spirits and talks with them occasionally
- Absolute gremlin
Minish (Hero of the Four Sword)
- He/Him, straight
- 15 years old
- Games: Four Swords, Minish Cap
- Selectively mute, uses sign sometimes to communicate
- Very sweet, a little shy at first but quickly warms up to the others
- Misses his grandpa very much
- He and his Zelda are childhood friends
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fever-project · 14 days
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Uhhh description. Minish from @linked-through-the-centuries, by @crazylittlejester. Other Links from Mirrored Links by me >:) anyways, I got obsessed about Minish for a hot sec, so I wanted to draw him with my Mini. I imagined that Mini would break down upon seeing an alternate version of himself who is younger and taller. And then Fourth is over a foot taller than both of them. Honestly this was funnier in my head, but I wanted to draw my blorbos, so I did.
Anyhow, Jes is Can_Opener on Ao3, where the story for lttc is on. He also has a bunch of fanfics for LU on there, they’re great.
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LTTC Links as Things Me and My Friends Have Said Part 2:
Warriors: I hit my damn head on the wall, the cold kiss of death cannot come soon enough to soothe the pain of this unforeseen tragedy
Sky: Would patting you on the shoulder help?
Tune, about Wolf: Ooh he takes two steps at a time like a big boy!
Wolf: *happily prancing about*
Tears: He’s EPIC
Mask, to Warriors: You're always in your ‘twink era’ bro, that's a lifestyle at this point
Minish: Boys arent cute, they look like rats and different breeds of dinosaurs
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I mentioned on a previous post that the Links first find themselves in groups before the come together as a whole, so here are those groups:
1. Warriors & Mask
They find each other in the forest and are very happy to see each other. For Mask it’s been 4 and a half years since the end of the War of Eras, for Warriors it’s been 7. They’re confused as to why they’ve been brought to this forest neither of them recognize but they work well together because they know each other
2. Tears & Wolf/Twilight
They run into each other immediately in the desert, and are very excited to be reunited. Tears still has no idea their best friend and companion is more than just a wolf, and Wolf is happy because if Tears is here, maybe they can help him find the master sword and turn him hylian again
3. Tune & Minish & Spirit
They meet up on an empty plain, it’s easy to spot each other with no trees around for cover. Minish is incredibly wary of Spirit and Tune at first, but they warm up to each other and get along quite well. Minish and Spirit remind Tune of Mask a little bit because Minish is a bit wild under all that shyness, and Spirit is plain wild. They have their bumps, like Tune forgetting Minish doesn’t speak with his voice at all (at first) and Minish getting overwhelmed by how loud Tune is, but ultimately they’re a good trio
4. Past & Sky
They run into each other in the mountains, Sky is used to the colder climate because Skyloft, high up as it is, is quite cold. Past on the other hand is wearing shorts, so ends up getting quite cold, and Sky offers him some warmer layers. They’re both rather friendly and get along well, although Past is a bit wary of Sky. Sky definitely trusts Past more than Past trusts Sky at first, but they become quite close before they end up running into the other groups
5. Calamity & Hyrule
Calamity is extremely mistrustful and wary, he’s friendly and kind, but he’s in an unfamiliar place and he’s scared, so he’s constantly on edge. With Hyrule being as non-threatening looking as he is, Calamity is able to relax around him eventually and the two become close friends. They both like to wander and explore, and they initially meet up in the ruins of an old town, but travel a lot, and are the first pair to run into another group: Past & Sky. Calamity and Hyrule work well together because even though Calamity only signs, he does not speak at all, Hyrule is incredibly patient with him and makes sure they walk side by side so if Calamity has something to say, it’s easy for Hyrule to notice. Even after they join with everyone and meet all the others, these two remain close
If you have any questions just shoot me an ask!! I love to get them, and I don’t know what kind of information you guys want about my versions of the Links, so ask and you shall receive
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I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this at all yet, but the story begins with the Links finding themselves in an unfamiliar place (which is a sort of ‘in between era’ that is as vast as the BOTW map, the era is quite large). It’s morning when they all wake up alone in different parts of the land, even though none of them remember going to bed the night before, and most of the supplies they’d had just they day before are gone. Everyone is allowed ‘one’ item, so here is the list of what everyone has to start off with:
Warriors: All 8 knives he keeps hidden on his body at any given time. He is never without them and whatever brought him here didn’t dare take those from him. He is however missing his sword and fire rod and everything else, but he was allowed his 8 small knives. They’re counted as one weapon
Tears: They got extremely lucky and have their entire slate with their full inventory. Their ‘one item’ is quite a lot of things all packed in one slate
Wolf/Twilight: Nothing technically, his crystal is the one thing he was allowed but it’s already in use so all he has is his wolf form
Sky: Goddess harp. Not the most useful thing in a fight, but it brings him comfort and he’s resourceful enough, he’ll find something
Tune: The Wind Waker
Hyrule: The white sword
Past: His staff that he uses both as a mobility aid on bad pain days, but also as something to hit people with ans something to ‘channel his magic’ (which is more of a mental hurdle. He doesn’t actually need the staff to do magic but he feels better if he has it). It’s incredibly durable and very ornate
Calamity: Royal Bow [Edited 4/3/24]
Mask: His plus one is technically the Fierce Diety, but he has basically nothing because the deity is oddly silent and Mask can’t seem to draw on his power at all (there’s a post titled ‘Fun Facts About Mask’ on my page that goes more in depth about how his situation with the deity works)
Spirit: Lokomo Sword
Minish: The Four Sword
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send an ask!! I’m working on writing the first few chapters and I really hope to post them soon :)
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LTTC Links as things me and my friends have said, Part One
Mask: I haven’t felt truly happy since the third grade
Tune, not registering what he just said: I have fuzzy socks!! :)
Warriors, squinting off into the distance: Just two hoes, on the open road
Tears: What will we find? We don’t know
Minish: What’re you gonna do with all that mac and cheese?
Tears: ✨Serve✨
Past: Your sense of humor is awful, absolutely atrocious
Mask: Die.
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GREETINGS, I have the first chapter!!
I hope you guys enjoy!! If you have questions feel free to drop an ask in the box :)
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do you have any specific design choices in mind in order to distinguish between the different links?
I DO I DO, I’m just an awful artist so I can’t like… fully sketch out what I have in my brain but I can do my best to describe it!
Warriors: Would he even be HW Link without that damn scarf- It’s a staple part of who he is at this point, and it was a gift so of course he always has it. I haven’t done much to change what he wears, it’s very similar to the green tunic he wears in game, just with a lower cut V neck and the fabric of it reaches his knees. He has a few more “professional” looking outfits, he likes to dress nice and look presentable. Also I have designed him better boots because drawing his canon boots killed me. He doesn’t wear the blue earrings he did in game, he’s switched them out for gold ones
Tears: This guy’s wardrobe would have Warriors on the ground sobbing if the good captain ever caught the full extent of it. Tears likes to mix it up, wear new outfits, their favorite is the Frostbite Armor tunic with the strappy sandals you get at the beginning of totk, and he likes doing his hair nice, but that’s not always practical, so they have the hylian trousers and champion’s tunic that they wear most of the time. He also has multiple piercings, so they can wear more of their charmed earrings at once
Wolf/Twilight: Well right now he’s stuck as a wolf, but if he weren’t, he’d wear his Ordonian clothes. They’re comfortable for him, and they remind them of home (he really misses his family). He does still have his green tunic which is more comfortable to wear armor with, but again, he is stuck rn as a wolf so clothes are the least of his concerns. Tears saw he had pierced ears and gave him small earrings with guardian resistance
Sky: I’ve definitely redesigned his outfit in my mind quite a bit. I imagine he’s very attached to his green tunic, but I think he’d wear the red piece of his “casual clothes” (i don’t know what it’s called) over that. The sail cloth is wrapped around him kinda like a shawl. He has feather earrings from his loft wing, and he wears his blue earrings right above them (so he has two holes in each ear). Sky also has a tattoo that wraps around his right wrist (his sword arm), and it’s his loftwing’s wings
Tune: Another one I’ve redesigned a bit. He wears a loose fitting dark green tunic that he leaves incredibly loose around the neck, tucked into pants and belted. (Think William Turner from pirates of the Caribbean. There’s one specific outfit of his I’m thinking of, with the dark red shirt from I wanna say the third movie). He wears an eyepatch, and his hair is quite long and very curly, but he ties it up and out of his face. His hair also has several braids woven into it. He has a lot of piercings, several in his ears and an eyebrow piercing
Hyrule: Very similar to his in game design, simple green tunic with brown sleeves and brown pants. He doesn’t have much, but he likes his clothes. They’re a bit worn, so they have patches and places where embroidery covers small holes, and at this point he could afford to buy new clothes but he’s sentimental. Wears small gold hoops in his ears as a last resort to sell if he really runs out of rupees (it has never come to that)
Past: They have very long, bright pink hair that they sometimes tie up, but a lot of the time is just loosely braided to keep it out of their face. Down, it reaches just past his collar bones. He has a long green tunic that’s kind of dress-like, belted with a flashy belt, and wears shorts under it and then boots. The fabric of the tunic is a bit flowy like a dress as well, and Past has embroidered little patterns and flowers along the bottom hem. They got bored one day. They have a lot of earrings and necklaces, they like shiny things, and have a staff they claim is used to channel magic but really is just a fancy walking aid (he doesn’t need the staff to do anything magic related. It’s literally just cool to them and it also helps them walk when they need it)
Calamity: Champions tunic or full on soldier gear. He hasn’t learned to relax much, he’s always a bit stressed and he dresses to impress and to look “official”
Mask: He’s another one I took creative liberties with. He wears incredibly casual clothes, mainly a plain white linen shirt belted over plain brown pants, because he doesn’t want to be associated with the Hero of Time (which is he, he just won’t tell the others that) and he doesn’t own a whole lot of clothes. His hair is shoulder length and cut a bit choppily (he did it himself), and sometimes he pulls it back. He has simple but pretty blue earrings, which were a gift from Warriors for one of his birthdays during the war
Spirit: He wears his engineer’s clothes, they are usually covered in dirt or coal
Minish: He wears something VERY similar to his in game design, except I’ve also given him a small, darker green cape. He gets cold a lot, and he often wraps it tight around himself. He’ll also put the hood up sometimes to try to remind himself of Ezlo
One day I’ll have to get over my inability to draw and sketch these out, but for now I hope this works!! None of them wear the hats, those were just things they had for their adventures :)
If you have any more questions please ask them!! I would love to talk more about these guys I just literally don’t know what to say
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Do you have like, a color sheet for the Link’s outfits, like how you did with their hair, eyes, and skin? I just really want to draw your Minish next to mine because mine is a solid 4 feet at the ripe old age of 19, while your’s is 4’7” at age 15, and I think that hilarious. Your Minish looks like he’s 11~12 years old while mine looks like he’s 6. Also, height comparison below of the difference 7 inches can be
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Barely up to his shoulders. And here’s the thing, your Minish can get taller with age. Do you see the comedy I am seeing. I am going to make my Minish cry.
Minish basically just wears his in game fit but with a couple patches on it, specially on his knees, and he has a rich dark green cloak with a fur lined hood he wears in winter
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the cloak would be similar to these i found on pintrest with how it closes. I’ve been spending a lot of time like, figuring out their hyrules and their worlds they all come from and Minish’s is VERY warm, so he gets a bit cold a lot in this era they’ve been thrown into so he wears his cloak a lot. it DOES have a fluffy hood (i dont think the ones in the pic do, but i chose these as references specifically because of the way they close at the neck)
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do you have things to yap about Spirit? Minish even? I love the blorbos
- Spirit needs to have things in his hands to tinker with, like, at all times because otherwise he will lose his mind. He loves building things and then taking them apart, and if he ever got his hands on Zonai materials he’d construct something insane and he’d do it with a crazy grin on his face. He kinda scares some of the others because of the wild crazy fire in his eyes, Tears absolutely LOVES this guy
- Minish, while not super tall or muscular looking, is terrifyingly strong. He can, and will, pick up Warriors and throw him a good few feet. His Little Guy Stare makes him look deceptively small but he can absolutely destroy someone twice his height, and then he’ll stand over their unconscious body like 👁️👁️. He constantly has the five year old ‘Mom, i frew up’ look and he just stands there quietly like 🧍‍♂️. He loves nature and he loves the feeling you get when you’re surrounded by incredibly tall trees, he really likes exploring
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I'm so happy Spirit is also part of the Links cast! He (and Calamity) are so special to me and I'm glad they're included in your au
A question I have about Spirit - typically, he and Wind/Tune are portrayed to be the closest, since they're the same age, sort of like twins, but Tune is older in lttc. So, who is Spirit closest to? Who's the train guy's favorite Link?
Calamity is my special little blorbo and I love him so so much, and I’m really happy to be able to add Spirit, he’s really awesome too!
Tune is about three years older than Spirit in this au, and while they will be super close (because they’re in the same starting group), Minish is really gonna be Spirit’s partner in crime. Spirit will also get along fairly well with Mask and Tears, but he and Minish are gonna be the duo up to no good >:)
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To help explain personality/chaos levels/Vibes for each of the Links, here’s how I imagine all of them would drive if cars existed (loosely ranked from best to worst, it’s not a hard set scale):
Twilight: Literally perfect, has never hit the curb before in his life, always uses his turn signal, never speeds, has never been pulled over. Driving with him feels SAFE and he makes sure everyone is comfortable and ready to go BEFORE he starts the car. He will tell everyone off for being too loud and tell them he needs to focus on the road, and he also checks the traffic maps before he goes anywhere so he knows the best route to take because he gets anxious sitting in heavy traffic. Most likely to have a minivan to drive ‘the kids’ around in, and also a pickup truck for work
Calamity: Perfect driver, both hands on the wheel always. The car ride is dead silent because he’s mute and also refuses to put on music, plus he’s not that talkative anyway, so it’s up to whoever’s in the car to talk if they want to. Would probably drive a small black SUV
Past: The kind of person who you cannot read whether or not they’re a good driver just based on vibes, but are surprisingly good. Sometimes stops are a bit rough and maybe they’ve hit the curb once or twice, but has never been given a ticket. Would have an older car that they’ve taken good care of, like an early 2000s Toyota Corolla
Mask: He’s a good driver, he’s just so stressed he has a death grip on the wheel and if people don’t let him over on the highway or he can’t merge over on surface streets he will burst into frustrated tears. Has to have the music turned up loud enough so that Hylia can also hear it, but without it he’ll be too much of a nervous wreck to drive. Would drive an SUV, he couldn’t handle anything bigger (he’d get too stressed out)
Sky: His kindness and music taste makes up for the fact that in a fifteen minute drive, you gripped the handle and feared for your life once. He asks if people are buckled up before he starts the car because one time he braked so hard Mask’s face bounced off the dash and he still feels bad about it. Would drive a smaller car and it’s definitely bright red
Minish: Inexperienced, and sometimes forgets to put on his turn signal. Has ran a red light once or twice. He’s 15 so he wouldn’t have his own car, he’d probably use Twilight’s or Wars’s
Warriors: He has never been in a crash that was his fault, which no one believes because getting in the car with this man feels like tempting the reaper. The kinda guy to hit a pot hole that leaves the car making a brand new sound and just go “OOPSIES!!!” but he cries himself to sleep over it. He either screams along to his playlists or he tells you the hottest gossip you’ve ever heard. Usually has an iced coffee in one hand and waves it around when he talks. Would have a Ford Escape, but like a 2013 Ford Escape specifically. He also checks the traffic maps before he leaves because he likes to he efficient and will leave very early for whatever event he’s going to
Tune: He’s never been the direct cause of a crash and that’s what’s important. He calls his car “ol’ girl” in the most respectful loving manner, and treats the car better than anything else in his life. That being said, he is a truly awful driver and would have a little old sports car
Hyrule: Struggles to stay in the lanes because he gets distracted by landmarks. Past has had to grab the wheel and steady it on more than one occasion. HAS hit another vehicle because he stopped too late. He’s also run several red lights because he thought he could make it
Tears: Better at off road driving than on road driving. You need to take a car up the side of a mountain? Tears is your guy. Otherwise don’t get behind the wheel with them, EVER.
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I’m working on more fun facts posts for the sillies! (Mask, Wars, and Sky are excluded from this because I already did posts for them)
If you have specific questions about any of them feel free to just ask, the ask box is always open :)
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Finish is tiny and also the youngest! Does that affect how the others treat him?
Minish is VERY tiny, like none of the Links are what I would call “tall”, Twilight (in hylian form) is the tallest and he’s only 5’8, but Minish is 4’7 and the youngest
At first, the others definitely felt more protective of him because he’s the smallest of their group, however the kid has an insane side none of them saw coming. Minish may be 15, and he may not speak (at first), but he can put the fear of Hylia into the others. After their first fight as a group against a group of monsters, everyone got a rather nice display of how easily Minish can take care of himself and the others as well
Of course, he is 15, and as anyone who has been 15 would know, it’s a stressful time to be alive, so the others of course look out for him, especially the older ones, but the group looks out for everyone equally, it’s not just Minish
If you have any more questions please please ask!! I would love to talk more about these guys who have been living in my mind for months, I just don’t know what to say about them
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updated chart because we have Spirit now! One day… One day I will draw them all…
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For the ask questions - which of the Links is the most responsible?
And a second question: What do they prioritize more as people - their duty and most pressing issues (main quests) or helping everyone and also taking their time solving small problems (side quests)?
I hope I've written it in a way that makes sense lol sorry if not
For most responsible it’s a tie between Twilight/Wolf and Warriors, they both have their flaws but those two are what make the group stick together. Warriors is the negotiator and peace keeper as well as their planner, and everyone looks to him as the leader since he’s the oldest, and Twilight/Wolf keeps track of him and kind of herds the others. The group would not be functional as a GROUP without one of them
For your second question (I hope I answered this well 😭):
Warriors: He feels horribly guilty if he cannot save everyone. When the War or Eras took them to villages that were being destroyed and if he had to choose between helping fight back the monsters, actively driving the enemy out and helping an injured civilian get to safety first, he would pick the civilian every time. He’s a defender of the defenseless, and while it hurts him to know he’s not helping his men fight by taking a minute to help a civilian get to a safe place, he knows that person would have died if he hadn’t helped. He’ll take the ‘side quest’ every time (he views it as his responsibility since he fully believes the war is 100% his fault and he takes the blame for everything)
Tears: They’re so side quest oriented because they get distracted a lot and desperately want to help. Like yes they will absolutely help a korok find its friend, or they’ll gather 20 baked apples for you. The main objective is incredibly important to him, but Tears loves showing people acts of kindness and lending a helping hand when they can
Twilight: The main objective is his biggest priority and it’s the biggest thing on his mind, however he will stop and help if he’s able to. He’s more oriented towards the end goal, but he loves to help and is more than willing to lend a hand
Sky: His priority is everyone and that’s part of why he gets overwhelmed easily. He gets frustrated with himself when he feels like he’s failing or falling behind in his quest but he always has to stop and help, even if it means he doesn’t have as much energy to dedicate to his main quest
Tune: He laser focuses in on the main objective and it becomes his top priority. He will stop and help people, but he will not REST until his main objective is achieved
Past: They stop to help everyone they can, they’re very side quest oriented. The main objective is incredibly important to them, of course it is, but they are physically incapable of refusing a side quest or helping someone who needs it
Hyrule: He lives for the side quests, he lives for the little treats and the trill of completing little goals. Like yes, defeating Ganon is the most important thing, but he’s a little guy and he likes to run around (I don’t think there are a lot of side quests in his games that I remember, but he would love them)
Calamity: He prioritizes his duty as a knight and his responsibility to the kingdom over anything else because he’s pretty much completely lost himself and doesn’t know what he wants for him anymore. He will still help people, but his main priority is stopping the calamity and saving the kingdom as a whole
Mask: A lot of the others are some mix of both but Mask is TRULY the middle ground. He has an incredibly strong sense of justice, and he does whatever he thinks is most right in the moment. If that means helping someone with a side quest, he’ll do it, but if that means skipping a side quest to focus on the main objective, he’ll politely decline and come back to the side quest at a later time
Minish: He’s INCREDIBLY side quest oriented, he lives for the trinkets (the kinstones were soooo good for him). He’s still working towards the main goal, and that’s very important to him also, but he takes time to frolic. His priority is helping people and being kind
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