#how to protect yourself from coronavirus
bitchesgetriches · 2 years
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Take care of your body
Why You Should Take a Break: The Importance of Rest and Relaxation
I Think I Need to Go the Emergency Room?
Run With Me if You Want to Save: How Exercising Will Save You Money
Your Yearly Free Medical Care Checklist
Ask the Bitches: Ugh, How Do I Build the Habit of Taking Meds?
Blood Money: Menstrual Products for Surviving Your Period While Poor
On Pulling Weeds and Fighting Back: How (and Why) to Protect Abortion Rights
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Survive in an Apartment with No Heat?
Take care of your mind
Our Master List of 100% Free Mental Health Self-Care Tactics
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Protect My Own Mental Health While Still Helping Others?”
Kurt Vonnegut’s Galapagos and Your Big Brain
Everything Is Stressful and I’m Dying: How to Survive a Panic Attack
Stop Recommending Therapy Like It’s a Magic Bean That’ll Grow Me a Beanstalk to Neurotypicaltown
Making Decisions Under Stress: The Siren Song of Chocolate Cake
Ask the Bitches: I Know How to Struggle and Fight, but I Don’t Know How to Succeed
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Absolve Myself of Financial Guilt Over My Pricey PS4?
The Frugal Introvert’s Guide to the Weekend
Update: I Know How to Struggle and Fight, but I Don’t Know How to Succeed
Take care of your time
Stop Measuring Your Time in Beyoncé Hours
Help! I’m Procrastinating and I Can’t Get Up!
You Won’t Regret Your Frugal 20s
Actually, Fuck Big Goals
How to Insulate Yourself From Advertisements
I’ve Succeeded at Every New Year’s Resolution I’ve Ever Made. Here’s How.
Romanticizing the Side Hustle: When 1 Job Isn’t Enough
8 Free Time Management Systems To Try in the New Year
My 25 Secrets to Successfully Working from Home with ADHD
I Am So Over Productivity Porn
Take care of your career
High School Students Have No Way of Knowing What Career to Choose. Why Do We Make Them Do It Anyway?
The Actually Helpful, Nuanced, Non-Bullshit Way to Choose a Future Career
Woke at Work: How to Inject Your Values into Your Boring, Lame-Ass Job
Are You Working on the Next Fyre Festival?: Identifying a Toxic Workplace
My Secret Weapon for Preparing for Awkward Boss Confrontations
Freelancer, Protect Thyself… With a Fair Contract
I Hate My Job and I Don’t Know How To Leave It: A Confession
A New Job, a New Day, a New Life, and I’m Feeling Good
Season 1, Episode 9: “I’ve Given up on My Dream Career. Where Do I Go From Here?”
Take care of your space
How to Successfully Work from Home Without Losing Your Goddamn Mind (Or Your Job)
Leaving Home before 18: A Practical Guide for Cast-Offs, Runaways, and Everybody in Between
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
How To Maintain Your Car When You’re Barely Driving It
Take care of your people
How Dafuq Do Couples Share Their Money?
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Protect My Own Mental Health While Still Helping Others?”
How Can I Tame My Family’s Crazy Gift-Giving Expectations?
Ask the Bitches: I Was Guilted Into Caring for a Sick, Abusive Parent. Now What?
Love in the Time of Coronavirus: How to Protect Your Community and Your Soul from COVID-19
Be Somebody’s Eliza with a Simple Yet Life-Changing Act of Kindness
Take care of your financial well-being
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Make Myself Financially Secure Before Age 30?
How to Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Ask the Bitches: Is It Too Late to Get My Financial Shit Together?
Slay Your Financial Vampires
Should Artists Ever Work for Free?
Don’t Spend Money on Shit You Don’t Like, Fool
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Financial Math
Share My Horror at the World’s Worst Debt Visualization
Stop Undervaluing Your Freelance Work, You Darling Fool
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luna-rainbow · 10 months
Hello, hello, long rant incoming
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When I reposted this on AO3, I had intentionally minimised tagging and summary because I wanted to archive it rather than attract readers. I didn’t even tag it Steve/Bucky because there just wasn’t enough mention of Bucky in it. Importantly, P*ggy was not tagged.
The user calls themselves “Rebuttal” and their only work is another essay rebutting someone else’s post on Civil War, which they had to post separately because I guess the OP blocked them. So we have a serial offender with too much time on their hands going around to directly suck the joy out of other people’s fandom experience.
They begin with this:
Although I don't particularly care for Steve's ending, this essay does not offer support for a different one.
*Inhales* Honey, can you please Google analytical essay and narrative essay before you unload your drivel on other people? This "essay" is a fic - while there's some character analysis, the emotive language should be sufficient clue that the focus is the story. It’s like reading The Fifth Elephant then writing to Sir Pratchett to argue his “essay on Discworld” is factually incorrect because it offers no support for the idea that the Earth is flat.
Steve is self-sufficient. He is not shown as requiring Bucky as foundational to his being. (…) We do know Steve was willing and expecting to go it alone after Sarah's death and that he is fully confident in his own abilities; he can "do this all day." Bucky's offer at the apartment earns a small smile, not a great overcoming.
I enjoyed how you, at multiple points in your essay, pick at certain turns of (evocative) phrasing while ignoring actual canon mentions. Explain why you deliberately omitted my mention of the canon phrase "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky". Sure, Sarah was Steve's touchstone, but Steve's words clearly indicated that upon Sarah's death, that touchstone role shifted to Bucky.
Steve's "I can do this all day" is said a total of 4 times during all the movies. Each time he says it to a bully (one time he specifically says it to protect Bucky), and never in relation to his emotional turmoil. Also just, factually, he never references "I can do this all day" when Sarah dies can you be real for a sec.
It's mighty rich of you to say a grieving person who had JUST BURIED HIS SOLE LIVING RELATIVE that a) "he is willing to do it alone" - I can guarantee no one who has lost their sole beloved family member feels "willing" in that situation; and b) downplaying the smile that took all of Steve's energy to muster. All I can conclude is you know nothing of grief. (And since you love the word "disservice" so much - your interpretation of the scene is a fucking disservice to CEvans' acting.)
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Steve's choice to go to war has nothing to do with Bucky. Steve has tried five times to enlist and stated his reasons, which have nothing to do with Bucky and everything to do with not liking bullies.
Because, you know, saying “I want to join the 107th cos I’m gay for my best friend” is going to go down real well in the 1940s military *snerks*
Can you get your head out of your ass for one minute and consider that people make decisions based on multiple factors? By acknowledging that Bucky is an important factor in Steve wanting to join the war DOES NOT MINIMISE STEVE'S MORAL COMMITMENT TO FIGHT BULLIES.
Steve is also not aghast at hearing Bucky's assignment. - Back this up.
Bucky does not believe in pre-serum Steve as much as pre-serum Steve believes in himself. - Right. *In Bucky’s tired voice* Because simply ~*♫~believing in yourself~*♫~ is going to stop you getting killed. This is a fucking war, not a back alley. Do you know the death rate for US soldiers in WW2? 1 in 40. For perspective, the death rate from coronavirus is currently sitting at 1 in 70.
Whether Bucky went to war or not, Steve wanted to go. - Again, back your ass-umptions up.
Steve was told Bucky was dead. He was going to try to rescue the rest of the 107th. Again, to suggest that Steve's courageous act is about Bucky is a disservice to Steve.
So not only do you remember fuck all about the movie where it doesn’t involve your fave, you apparently remember fuck all about the scenes where YOUR FAVE APPEARS.
P*ggy: “What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?” Steve: “If that’s what it takes.” P*ggy: “You heard the Colonel. Your friend is most likely dead.” Steve: “You don’t know that.”
Also, Steve wanting to rescue his best friend is a "disservice" to his character? Condolences to your friends and your character, I guess.
It is strange to ignore Steve's interactions with people other Bucky. Okay here we go, we’re finally getting to why this steaming trash heap landed in my inbox. It's Peggy who - I knew it. I fucking knew it. Of course it came from someone who likes Miss I-need-to-make-everything-about-me - appreciated pre-serum Steve at the flagpole - Oh you mean the appreciation she showed by not uttering a single word to him?
Peggy and Erskine supported pre-serum Steve's drive to do his part when Bucky did not. It seems truer to say that they more likely "kept Steve afloat" during his basic training, of which Bucky had no part.
Hold on. *walks off to cackle* *walks back, wheezing*. P*ggy kept Steve afloat? Miss-never-said-a-single-word-to-Steve-P*ggy, “supported” Steve during his basic training??
Again, I urge you to actually watch CATFA, where *checks notes* your fave has her biggest movie role. AFTER STEVE FINISHES BASIC TRAINING, the two of them sit in a car and exchange the infamous lines:
P*ggy: “You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?” Steve: “I think this is the longest conversation I’ve had with one.”
They have, by their own admission, not had a conversation before this, so which bull’s ass did you pull the “P*ggy kept Steve afloat during his basic training” shit out of?
There is nothing in the scenes to suggest he finds it a great miracle. The whole assumption of Steve's reaction seems to be a Bucky-centric projection rather than Steve-centric.
No, honey, I think you are just blinded by your Bucky hate. You looked at a scene where 2 characters (including your fave) claimed that Bucky is no longer alive, and Steve himself said, "I thought you were dead" - and Bucky was, against all odds and expectations of at least 3 different characters, found alive...and said, NAH NAH NAH NAH there's nothing here! There's nothing~here~to~suggest~it's a miracle.
Honestly I think you're the one living in a different plane of projection.
When Steve awakens in the future, his line to Fury is "I had a date." With Peggy, not Bucky.
Pfft he said “I had a date”, not "I had a date with P*ggy". So your interpretation is just as invalid.
And just, realistically, do you really think Steve is deluded enough to expect he’d wake up in time for a dance? And...do you really think Steve is desperate enough that he'd go for a woman who blasted him with live rounds for locking lips with another woman? When in your own words you said he hates bullies?
We do not know what Steve thought as he died, so saying he is content with death is not supported.
How about this -- "we do not know what Steve thought as he died, so saying he is not content with death is not supported". It’s my conjecture against yours and you’ve come onto my turf to be a presumptuous prick.
He has Peggy and Natasha. To ignore these two relationships seems to do a disservice to both characters.
Ah yes, the great relationship with P*ggy, who in 5 minutes of her screen time is characterised by: 1) mocking Steve as “dramatic” when he asks for guidance, and 2) her florid delirium in which he had to pull the emotional labour to placate her, and 3) her being grateful that she's led a great life without Steve.
If oldwoman!P*ggy was such an important relationship to Steve, he wouldn't have lamented to Natasha that "it's not easy finding someone with shared experience".
If there is any lesson Steve should learn in the modern day, it is that Steve sacrifices and Bucky leaves. Once involuntarily with the Snap, but twice voluntarily.
WHO THE FUCK HURT YOU AND MESSED UP YOUR BRAIN. I don't know how you can look at those scenes and pretend that the sole victim is Steve.
(Actually I can, because it's a common refrain from certain shit!stans who can't deal with the idea of Bucky being morally good)
Bucky sacrificed his own freedom and lived time in order to protect other people from getting hurt. And Bucky being involuntarily "Snapped" only counts as "Steve's sacrifice"?? The one who actually dies/gets Snapped isn't making a sacrifice? My gods the logic in this one is strong. (Also by referring to Bucky's death as Steve's sacrifice you have inadvertently acknowledged just how important Bucky is to him but I guess that flew over your head like the rest of this story)
It also ignores that Steve lived five years without all of those people. He had accepted the loss and changed into someone they would never truly know or understand.
Do you hear yourself…
Steve lived TWELVE YEARS WITHOUT YOUNG P*GGY. He had ACCEPTED THE LOSS (although, in my mind, it's really no big loss) and BOTH OF THEM HAD CHANGED INTO COMPLETELY UNRECOGNISABLE PEOPLE, not to mention they never truly knew or understood each other to begin with. So if your logic is that Steve has changed too much in 5 years to be around his old friends, why the fuck would he want to be around a woman he last saw 12 years ago and who he knew got an entire happy married life with another man. Eww.
I mean if NTR is your kink that's fine but no need to flaunt that on my turf.
The fun thing about fandom is that canon is open to different interpretations. You could read the tavern scene to say P*ggy is inviting Steve to be her right partner, just as I could point out that Steve’s pointed silence is a resounding rejection of that invitation.
But there is incorrect fandom etiquette, and that’s when you stomp into an innocuous narrative musing and start a ship war.
And I beg of you to learn another word from "disservice".
(The whole pile of horse shit for anyone needing to have their blood boiled)
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friendraichu · 2 years
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Reducing Restrictions: The CDC Has Announced It’s Okay To Die Of The Coronavirus Now
If you’re one of the final holdouts who has remained strict about COVID precautions even as most of the country has done away with masks and social distancing, prepare to breathe a sigh of relief: After almost 3 years of COVID-19 upending our lives, the CDC has announced it is now okay to die of the coronavirus.
Finally, one less restriction to worry about!
CDC director Rochelle Walensky gave a press conference this morning to announce the major change in CDC recommendations, explaining, “Early on in the pandemic, every death from the coronavirus was a tragedy. Thankfully, due to remarkable advancements in being desensitized to widespread sickness and death over the past several years, we have reached the point where dying of the coronavirus has become fine. Similar to dying of the flu or in a car crash—other causes of mostly preventable deaths that we could do more to curb, but don’t because it’s sort of hard and boring—dying of COVID-19 is now completely okay we recommend that Americans begin incorporating passing away from this disease into their daily routines.”
According to CDC’s updated “How to Protect Yourself and Others” page, the CDC still recommends hand washing, getting vaccinated, and increasing ventilation as ways of mitigating COVID risk, but under the subheading “Dying of COVID-19” it now states “COVID-19 is a deadly disease, but dying from it is now fine. Currently, close to 500 people a day are still dying from it, but that’s OK, because it’s not quite as bad as 3,000+ a day, and as long as you don’t do the math of how many that adds up to in a week or a month it doesn’t seem terrible, really.”
This new guidance couldn’t have come at a better time for the thousands of patients currently hospitalized with COVID-19 who are hanging on for dear life, as now they now know that if they do end up succumbing to the disease, it’s perfectly okay. Additionally, the CDC has announced that anyone who has been taking life-altering precautions to avoid COVID-19, including the millions of Americans of an advanced age and those who have preexisting conditions that make them more vulnerable to the disease, now has the official go-ahead to not only contract COVID-19, but to succumb to it.
Yep, it was definitely time for the CDC to take this important step towards returning to normal! This announcement couldn’t have come soon enough!
Of course, some will say the CDC waited far too long to make dying of COVID okay, and others will argue they should have waited until daily deaths were down to like, 150 a day before giving the all-clear to dying of COVID, but after almost 3 years of trying not to die, this is going to be welcome news for the majority of Americans. While the CDC is unlikely to announce that it’s okay to die of monkeypox or polio anytime soon, hopefully we can eventually get there as a nation as well. If you’ve been avoiding dying of COVID, trust in the CDC’s updated guidance and give yourself a break from all that stress and anxiety, get out there, and die from it.
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kkanabel · 1 year
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march 10th, 2020 ( chapter 4 , week 2 )
sypnosis: The new year has just started– you’re moving into a place with your closest friends after reaching the peak of your career. Now that you can afford to live in Tokyo, you can finally spend time with your closest friends and go out on the town to further grow your YouTube channel. It’s time to have a new start in your new place and meet hot, rich people to be your possible future partner. This is the life to live; it’s great being famous and living in a big city with your best friends!
Wait, never mind– COVID-19 is in Japan? Fuck.
Well, at least there’s this one hot guy you keep seeing on Tik Tok who keeps posting about cleaning.
[ 9 : 02 AM ]
You were nursing a warm cup of hojicha to your chest in your favorite mug. Your legs were crossed atop a white modern-style stool by your kitchen island. This was your morning routine– you’d wake up (at some point), drink either some tea or coffee, and check your phone before staring out the window and questioning life.
There were many windows in your apartment. They spread out across the walls, giving the room lots of sunlight. You always pulled up the blinds in the morning. 
Things were only getting more worrying in the news. Today, the government of Japan officially declared the coronavirus outbreak a national emergency. As of this point, there are 514 people infected and there have been 9 deaths in total. The emotional strain it’s taken on you is already terrifying. You’re seeing articles about the state of corona in China, and it’s even worse.
You text your parents a couple times every day, making sure they haven’t caught anything. Their growing age worries you. If they caught the virus, what would happen? You don’t think you could handle it. You’re too young for that right now. You look at the clouds in the distance through the window, the entire sky blanketed in a thick cover of gray fluff, offering wishes to the sky. 
It’s getting warmer and more humid outside. Around this time, you were planning on buying a bunch of spring clothes for some new videos. You couldn’t leave the house, though.
But you didn’t mind that. You were just waiting for the end of this in a couple weeks. You wanted to stop worrying about your parents and about your friends. It was exhausting, looking at the news and worriedly going to the Phone app to call your parents to check if they’d left the house or if they started developing random symptoms.
You get knocked out of your anxious trance when you hear Hinata opening the door from his/Oikawa’s room and yawning a muffled “good mornin’” to you. You uttered one back to him, smiling as you finished the last of your hojicha and hopped of your stool to walk over to the sink, washing your mug and placing it into the dish rack. 
“How was your sleep?” you ask as a way to distract yourself, heading back to your favorite stool. 
Hinata was in the middle of grabbing bacon, eggs, and orange juice from the fridge for an American-style breakfast. He sighed when he heard your question. “See this bump right here?” he pulled his bangs from his forehead and pointed to the growing red bump on his head. “I hit my head again.”
You laughed at him, causing him to groan and release his hair back onto his forehead, fluffy orange curls flopping back down. “We should really get those shelves removed. It’s not like we use them anyway,” you said, pausing. “Hm. I guess we should remove them after coronavirus ends.” 
Hinata just turned on the stove and placed a pan onto it. “Want some?” he offered, putting oil on the pan and waiting for it to heat up. He turned on the stove fan, so you listened as the machine whirred to life and started breathing in the delicious smells of fried bacon.
“Absolutely!” you thought for a moment before speaking up again. “Hey, why don’t we get some pool noodles, cut them, and then put them onto the edges of the shelves? It’ll protect your head at night.”
He turned back to you for a moment, his eyes brightening. “That’s genius!” Then he paused and narrowed his eyes at you. “Wait. Isn’t that what they do to babyproof a house?”
Laughing, you nod your head. “It would still protect your head, though! Maybe I’ll order some the next time you hit your head again.” 
The ginger scoffed. “Please just get them now. You know I’ll hit my head again!” he complained before realizing the bacon finished cooking. He placed the bacon evenly onto four plates.
You watched his back as he moved around, grabbing one of the eggs from the carton. He cracked the egg open, gingerly dropping it into the pan as it sizzled and hissed in the bacon’s grease. Meanwhile, he plugged the (really cute) white retro-style toaster into the power outlet and plopped pieces of bread into it for the eggs.
You were very proud of this toaster. You gave it to them as a housewarming present before you knew you were going to move in, knowing that you wanted the toaster for yourself. You were glad that you inevitably started owning it. 
Hinata made four plates for everybody and placed yours in front of you. Grinning, you told him to move close to the plate so you could take a photo to show off how great of a roommate you had. He smiled brightly behind the plate, putting up two peace signs. 
It smelled amazing. These were the kinds of moments you were grateful for when you moved in. You were really looking forward to more of these moments.
[ 1 : 09 PM ]
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Today is upload day! Starting last week, you’ve started to double the amount you normally upload onto YouTube. This, of course, means that you need to work twice as hard, but you’ve been stuck inside, so there’s not much else to do.
You’re waiting as your video uploads to your channel, sitting in the living room next to Oikawa as he edits one of his videos. He’s wearing blue-light glasses and a fluffy grey bathrobe that you gifted him for Christmas, sitting with his legs rested atop an ottoman and ankles crossed together.
He’s truly the epitome of a modern-day man. In his earbuds, his voice plays over and over again as he cuts and moves around clips of himself. You’re doing the same, editing a video for next week.
Today, you’re uploading a video for outfits in quarantine. You pray that the algorithm takes kindly to this. In your video, you clarify your update to your uploading schedule, and you tell everybody to stay inside and stay safe before giving them tips for outfits. Of course, all of the clothes are linked in your description. You aren’t a monster.
In fact, you’re wearing one of those outfits that you showcased in the video– some sweatpants and a mock neck sweater underneath your graphic-designed sweatshirt. Of course, you popped on quite a lot of jewelry. After all, “accessories are necessities,” as you always repeat in your videos.
Your hair is put in a cute and trendy hairdo– one stolen straight off of TikTok. 
When the sound of your own voice and the sight of your face starts to repulse you, you put down your laptop and head to the fridge for a drink. “Hey, ‘Kawa! Want somethin’ to drink?” you call from the kitchen to the living room to ensure that Oikawa can hear you through his earbuds. 
He jolts for a moment and pulls out an earbud in his panic. “Oh! Yes! Could you grab me a juice?” 
You grunt out an affirmation before sitting back down next to him and handing him his mug. During this gesture, he also puts away his laptop and lets out a relieved sigh while stretching out his arms and wrists. “Have you finished uploading yet?”
You check your laptop quickly, seeing it at 58%, and then shaking your head. You pull yourself into a sitting fetal position on the couch, and you face Oikawa. “So, I talked to Kenma about doing some sort of Minecraft server thing with him and uploading it to our channels. Wanna join? I’ve already asked Tobio and Shoyo.”
Oikawa’s eyes widened. “A Minecraft server? Dang, I haven’t touched that game since 2015… but my builds were god-tier, so yes. Absolutely.” He finished the last of his juice. “Get ready to be pranked 24/7.”
This statement makes you cackle. “What makes you think that? I’ve destroyed you so many times in Mario Kart. I doubt you’ll be any better at Minecraft. Do you even know what a cave is?”
He rolls his eyes. “You only ever win because you cheat!”
“How is following the game’s rules cheating?!” You laugh as he accuses you.
“Stop placing banana peels in front of me!”
“Dude. Bro. ‘Kawa. I love you man, but you can’t blame the game’s mechanics for losing in this case. Accept that you suck.”
Oikawa ceases this subject matter because he knows he’s lost. “Anyway, when are we gonna do it?”
Craning your head up to the ceiling, you say, “Honestly? I’m not sure yet. Maybe about a week or two. Maybe when we’re out of this quarantine?”
He then crosses his arms together. “I wouldn’t bet on this ending anytime soon. I think it’s going to last longer than two weeks… Why are you so convinced it’ll end soon?”
“I don’t know. I guess it’s because I can’t imagine it lasting any longer. I don’t want it to,” you admit, bringing your gaze back down to the ground and groaning. “I’m worried about my parents.”
He pats your back to comfort you, and rubs your shoulder to ground you. “It’s alright. We’ll keep sending them groceries every two weeks, so they won’t have to leave the house. I’m sure they’ll be okay.”
Then, a notification sound knocks you out of your emotional state again. “Oh! It’s finished uploading!” You then get busy liking and responding to comments to distract yourself from your worries. 
Oikawa glances at you and gives you a soft smile before getting back to his editing.
[ 2 : 19 PM ]
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[ 10 hours later ]
You shrieked in your bedroom after checking on the video you just uploaded, a hand clasped over your mouth after the high-pitched noise. It was the dead of night, but your brain didn't even register that you made a horrifying noise.
Your brain was completely frozen, staring at the screen on your laptop.
Worried, Oikawa, Hinata, and Kageyama all rushed to your door and opened it in a panic.
"What's wrong!? Is there a pervert!? A thief!?" Oikawa screamed, holding up a lamp as a makeshift weapon.
Hinata was holding a plant. Kageyama wasn't even holding anything. He just looked sleepy, confused, and worried.
The ginger had definitely shuffled out of bed at your scream, and you could see a red bump forming on his nose from where he probably tried to get up in a rush to make sure you were okay.
"G-Guys. I reached three million views in ten hours!" You screamed, jumping off your bed and jumping for joy into their arms.
The three men were frozen for a moment, confused. This was before they started jumping with you, smiles of joy cracking open at their faces.
"Oh my god! We need to celebrate! Let's grab some champagne!"
[ video of the week ]
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a/n: hehe what do y'all think? btw, thank you so much for all the reposts recently! i appreciate it so much <3 also, please lmk if i have a typo or anything lol. i was kinda typing this up in a rush.
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workcompattorney · 1 year
Injured on the Job Due to Lack of Proper PPE
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What Is Personal Protective Equipment? Personal protective equipment (PPE) is any type of gear or clothing worn by a worker to protect them from hazards that could cause injuries or illnesses. This includes items such as safety goggles, hard hats, respirators, and gloves. It also includes items such as face masks and shields that have become more common in recent years due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Why Is PPE Important?
 PPE is important as it helps protect workers from potential exposure to hazardous materials or conditions. For example, if a worker is exposed to loud noise for an extended period of time without wearing ear protection, they can suffer permanent hearing loss. Alternatively, if a worker works with chemicals without wearing respiratory protection or protective clothing, they run the risk of inhaling toxic fumes or getting burns on their skin. 
The Responsibility of Employers Regarding PPE
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that employers protect their employees by ensuring a safe work environment free of hazards, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Employers must provide appropriate PPE to workers at no cost, as well as make sure it’s properly maintained, inspected and used in hazardous conditions. 
Employers must also clearly communicate their PPE requirements to all employees, train them on the use of PPE, continuously monitor employee compliance with PPE regulations and enforce safety practices with disciplinary action when necessary.
If your employer neglects these duties and you’re injured as a result, you have rights to workers comp benefits. In fact, fault is generally not taken into consideration when making a workers compensation claim. Here are the steps you can take to protect yourself:
Document everything – Keep detailed records about your injury and take photos if possible. This can be helpful when filing a workers’ compensation claim.
Get medical attention – Seek medical attention right away so that your injuries can be documented by a healthcare professional. Tell your doctor all relevant information about your injury including when it occurred and what happened leading up to it so they can provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Reach out to an attorney – Consider speaking with an experienced St. Louis workers’ comp attorney who can help make sure you get fair compensation for your injuries. They’ll be able to advise you on what legal options are available and guide you through each step of the process so you don't have to go through it alone. 
St. Louis Workers Compensation Attorneys
At the Law Office of James. M. Hoffman, we understand how difficult it can be when you have suffered an injury due to your employer's negligence. That’s why we prioritize providing comprehensive legal knowledge about workers’ comp cases. We can explain the legal process clearly so that you understand what kind of compensation you might be entitled to receive. Contact us today at (314) 361-4300 for a free case evaluation.
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prince876 · 2 years
How teenagers can protect their mental health during COVID 19
Lockdowns are trying times for children and teenagers. They may feel overwhelmed, and experiencing coronavirus stress about falling sick. They may also feel worried about older members of their families. In a lockdown, many of the common activities have come to a halt; And teenagers who are used to spending time outside homes can find it very difficult to be caged inside their house. The lockdown has impacted the lives of young adults. There is a surge in online activity and digital engagement- from social media to online gaming and entertainment. Young adults seem to be inseparable from their gadgets.  Here are a few ways that teenagers can adopt to protect their mental and emotional health during COVID
Try to stick to a schedule
Making and maintaining a schedule for home is particularly challenging. It needs some self-discipline, that a lot of us tend to keep losing. Indulgence is a human tendency, especially during the teen years. But chalk out a routine for yourself and try to follow it to avoid falling into quarantine depression.
Incorporate reading in your schedule
With a lot of screen time, reading, may give you an alternative form of entertainment and will keep you engaged. What was the last comic book you read? Or maybe it’s time to discover Harry Potter with words.
Not just binging, but also creating
 If you’re spending a lot of time online and watching other people’s creations, allow yourself to be inspired. Think of some content you could create and share too!
Spreading awareness, Helping, Reducing Stigma
You can help the cause by educating people about COVID 19, by explaining preventive measures to those who may not know. Some people have been found to hide their travel history or symptoms. This could be due to the stigma and fear around the illness and quarantine. Many people are scared about what could happen once you test positive. You could spread some awareness to bring down stigma and fear. Here are some important tips that you can share with others to help them build resilience within themselves. You can also use Wysa’s free tools to manage any quarantine anxiety or stress that you may be experiencing.
Taking breaks from the news
While keeping ourselves up to date on information, we must take some time off the news and following the statistics of the world or our cities. Unwinding is an important part of de-stressing. trust news only from trustworthy channels.
Staying connected with friends and family
Keep in touch with friends who are far. If you’re home with your family, you may also spend some time with them, by eating meals together, cooking together or exercising together. Here are some ways you can be more connected
Have a baking online party with your friends. Share new recipes with each other, and eat together. All online!
If somebody has a skill they are good at, you can create a small group for learning new skills. For example, embroidery, dancing, playing the guitar and many other activities.
Reconnect with old friends who you may not be in touch with presently. Ask them how they’re doing.
Write and Share: You can take some time to write reflections, short stories, ideas and share them among friends! 
Exercise, Sleep, and a Healthy Diet
 This is important to boost your immune system. Also important for your mental health. 
Seek Support
Reach out to parents, mentors if need be you can also reach out to professionals who are providing mental health care in these challenging and testing times. 
We at Wysa have released free tool packs for all to help you cope with the stress of isolation and to manage current health anxiety. You can download the app here. If you find it difficult to talk in person, you can always talk to Wysa, an AI penguin written by therapists that you can talk to anonymously about your mood and struggles.
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amaranth-devi1 · 2 years
A little memory refresher.
There's nothing wrong with that, I understand Teemu's feelings in August -21. Yes, it was marketed to us from the beginning, that you take all this and two doses, because it prevents infections, you get herd protection and so on. They got pizza and gas if you took vaccine & +. And the thought of getting on the trip was perhaps the strongest influence of all. Even when at the end of the year it was forbidden to go to the theater, night club and restaurant without this, the rest of the sheep started to bend and some of the group were even ordered this to earn a living. Fortunately, not all of them fell for it either, since health is the number one priority for these guys.
👇🏻 Yes. That's how it was marketed to us, let's not forget that. A return to normal was just an arm's length away. And then there were "us idiots" who asked, for example, that:
How can it be guaranteed that the new mRNA technology is safe when the vaccine entered the market with a super-accelerated schedule?
How can a vaccine that produces herd protection be developed for a respiratory virus that typically mutates quickly, when it has not been successful before (cf. influenza vaccine, previous attempts to develop an mRNA vaccine)?
How can an experimental (the results of clinical trials must be delivered by the end of -23 and the product is still on the market with a conditional marketing authorization) medical procedure be a condition for things that are part of basic rights in people's lives?
Why should you protect yourself from a virus from which more than 99% of those who get it recover?
Isn't it important to have a healthy lifestyle and support your own immunity?
👇🏻 Well, in any case, already in December 2021 it became clear that the vaccine does not provide herd protection and does not prevent infections. The coronavirus is not going to disappear anywhere, which must have been completely clear to the experts (and to the rest of us) from the very beginning. That's when the story started to change on the fly: The vaccine is never intended to prevent infections, it only protects against a serious form of the disease (which is not a problem for healthy working-age and younger people in the first place, nor for many elderly people in good health, and especially not after the virus had already mutated for many viral generations) .
👇🏻 The next thing that happened was that those who took 2-4 vaccines started to rejoice that they didn't get the serious form of the disease, even though they got infected. After all, the purpose of the vaccine was specifically to prevent a serious form of the disease, like Teemu in his tweet. Only three weeks in the corona!!!
👇🏻 At the moment, we are in a situation where vaccinated people repeatedly get corona (or something) and suffer from long-lasting symptoms even in the middle of summer, while still enjoying the good effects of several vaccines.
👇🏻 At the same time, it is a completely clear phenomenon that unvaccinated people remain healthy, or after contracting the corona virus at some point with very mild symptoms, do not suffer from any other health problems afterwards. There is more and more research evidence on how the vaccinated are more likely to get sick and carry the virus longer with them, the more boosters are taken.
👇🏻 How will the story continue in the fall? It's interesting and quite sad to watch. Due to all the corona measures, several frequent vaccinations and constant illness, people's immunity is so weak that it can hardly withstand several new corona vaccines, especially if no attention is paid to strengthening immunity, e.g. in the form of sufficient vitamin D intake and lifestyle.
👇🏻 Let's hope that the scenarios of some experts will not come true any more, but that the epidemic will remain calm and people will start to heal by taking the reins into their own hands and really starting to act for their own good 🙏🏻 Fortunately, almost every one of us has this opportunity. You too can be! It's nice and safe 😁
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Office Disinfection
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Keep Your Staff & Visitors Healthy With Professional Office Disinfection Services
Adequate decontamination is more important than ever for the peace of mind of your staff. Our team will sanitize your space with non-toxic disinfection products in as little as an hour.
Disinfection Protects Employees, Visitors, and More
If you work in a setting with heavy foot traffic, which is poorly ventilated, or which cares for at-risk populations, you’ve likely wondered if your cleaning products are strong enough. With our thorough office disinfection services and fogging products, you can be confident about the safety of yourself and others.
Safe Commercial Office Disinfection Service for Daycares, Offices, and Other Facilities
Kill Viruses, Bacteria, and Mold in as Little as an Hour
We use deep cleaning methods that are effective, quick, and EPA-approved. Using powerful fogging disinfectants and cleaners, we’ll decontaminate spaces of pathogens like coronavirus and norovirus. Your space will be safe to re-enter in as little as an hour.
Sanitization Services Safe for Food-Contact Surfaces and More
Our cleaning products aren’t one-size-fits-all. Whether you run a busy restaurant or healthcare facility, or you operate a public venue, we have safe, effective products. Whatever needs you have, we know exactly how to meet them.
Disinfectant Processes Tailored to Your Needs
Some high-touch surfaces are similar anywhere you go, like door handles or faucets, but no facility is identical in its cleaning needs. We take into account who visits your property and where you get the most traffic to create the ideal disinfectant service for you.
Effortlessly Keep Your Company Clean with Free, No-Pressure Quotes
We make it easy to decide if our services are right for you with no-commitment free quotes. To create those quotes, we learn what your priorities are, what type of chemicals you’re comfortable with on your property (or not!), and more.
Why Work with Whitehall Carpet Cleaners for Commercial Office Disinfection Cleaning?
Decades of Experience
We’ve been serving the Midlands for over 35 years. We’ve encountered just about every problem you can imagine. With our EPA-approved List N cleaning products, we deliver high quality results, every time.
Locally Owned & Operated Since 1986
For over three decades, we’ve proudly served Columbia and the surrounding area. As a member of the community, we provide upfront quotes, no hidden fees, and we always deliver the results we promise – guaranteed.
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The health of your customers and staff shouldn’t be trusted to just anyone! We are fully licensed and insured. Our company is certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), which vouches for our expertise.
In today’s world, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for your staff and visitors is paramount. At Whitehall Carpet Cleaners, our professional office disinfection services offer peace of mind by effectively sanitizing your workspace with non-toxic products in as little as an hour. From killing viruses and bacteria to tailored disinfectant processes, we prioritize your specific needs, providing transparent, no-pressure quotes and guaranteed results backed by over 35 years of experience. Choose Whitehall Carpet Cleaners to keep your workplace clean, safe, and thriving!
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karasa · 4 months
Hi Rachel, can you hear me?
Originally published March 27th, 2021
Rachel, it’s been a year since I heard your voice. As I was sniffling and sneezing, horrifying customers with my allergies as the coronavirus became more and more real.
“It’s going to be fine, did you have some lasagna?” You looked at me. You were smiling. Everytime we talked, you were smiling. When you were telling me about how your son’s father was going to stop by, about the crazy neighbors you had, the plans you set to reinvigorate our cafe, for every trouble you shared with me and every bright moment we had together, you always smiled.
I keep trying to make a lasagna that’s as good as yours. I think of you with every bagel sandwich I order, every coffee I make at home. I think of your smile when I take a sip of my latte, I think of how your eyes lit up when I’d shuffle to the back for a new drink to try.
“Don’t be so down on yourself, it’s good!”
Rachel, I miss you so much. My life would be different if you were still here. I’d still have my friends, my job, I’d have more confidence that came from how proud you were every time I told you about something I’ve done.
Rachel, it’s so unfair. So many people have passed but I never knew it could happen to you. You are a life force that transcends what life means. You were the foundation of everything I wanted to be. Strong, self-assured, brave, proud. You were everything a perfect chef wants to be. Organized, headstrong, creative, spontaneous. You were everything a perfect mother could be. Open, thoughtful, compassionate, loud. You were everything that a COVID victim wasn’t supposed to be: healthy, careful.
When I got the call in April, I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t. For so long you’ve been a little voice that lives in my head, every chance I had to falter I’d imagine you in the kitchen, giving me advice as you always would when service slowed down and we’d get a chance to talk.
“Mija I don’t get it, if you wanna do it, do it. Who’s stopping you but yourself?”
“Listen, I know you’re not stupid so I can trust you not to do that, because that’s stupid”
Rachel, you still inspire me. The grief that pounded on my chest for 3 months straight pushed me into therapy. I learned how to cope. How to be kind. My therapist would sit with me as I panicked and cried, as I gasped for air she would coach me on how to find myself again. But I still heard your voice. “Dude, seriously? It’s not your fault.”
Rachel, I don’t want to believe that you’re gone. I want to get a text tomorrow from you that says “I can’t believe you wrote about me, weirdo! thank u.”
What hurts me the most is knowing that I rarely said this to your face. I think you knew how I felt, you were my kitchen mom. You were THE shoulder to cry on, you were THE person who would hang our accomplishments on the fridge. The person who knew how to make everyone smile. The person who loved through food.
Our last words to each other were “I love you. I’m going to miss you.”
I remember the hug you gave me after I told you I was leaving for spring break. That the soonest we’d see each other would be the end of March.
Rachel, I wish I could’ve taken you that day. I would’ve hid you from the world, protected you from the transmission of the virus that killed you. I would’ve done things better.
“He’s a keeper, you know. I really liked him.” You said, after my boyfriend came to visit the summer before. Maybe it was you that cancelled my flights and pushed us to move in together. Maybe it’s you that’s been protecting me and all of our other cafe family members.
Rachel, I know you can hear me.
I don’t know what death means, but I know that the extra boost I feel from making excellent food is your smile radiating. I know that the accomplishments I’ve had feel better, because I feel your hug and I can see the happy dance you’d do when things really went your way.
Rachel, I never knew I’d speak of you in the past tense. Maybe 20 years from now when we’d be distant memories of each other, waxing poetic to our inner circle about how we made a home out of a cafe on Washington street. I never knew that you wouldn’t be around.
Rachel, I love you. I miss you. You are my best friend. I’m an entire time zone away from our first and last meeting place, but you’re in my heart always.
Rachel, I know you can hear me. Thank you for listening.
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sgreffenius · 4 months
First, let us get our terms right. Lab leak became shorthand for one explanation of how Covid-19 started and spread. Wet market became shorthand for a competing explanation. Both the outdoor market and the virology lab at issue were located in Wuhan, China.
The term conspiracy theory became attached to the first explanation on this side of the globe. At no point did anyone accuse staff at the Wuhan Virology Institute of cooking up a conspiracy to infect the world with a gain-of-function virus that would kill millions of people all over the world.
We know how the phrase conspiracy theory works in the West. It actually works in a lot of ways. I don't need to explain them here. Arguments about whether Covid-19 infected millions due to an accidental release of a gain-of-function virus developed at the Wuhan Virology Institute actually do matter, though. We can't let Dr. Fauci's changing attitudes about this explanation for the pandemic obscure that.
We kept hearing the phrase during the pandemic, follow the science. Without a doubt, public health officials' primary aim throughout the pandemic was to protect themselves from looking bad, not follow the science. They certainly did not want American citizens to know that the National Institutes of Health, an agency Dr. Fauci's agencies worked with, had funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Virology Lab.
Thus Dr. Fauci and his colleagues subjected us all to mumbo jumbo about conspiracy theories. Once you introduce that term into your argument, you increase confidence that your side has the upper hand. No one one wants to be caught believing in a conspiracy theory. Calling an accidental release of the virus from the Wuhan Virology Institute a conspiracy theory was a perfect way to distract attention from the fact that the National Institutes of Health had funded gain-of-function research at the lab for years.
That was Dr. Fauci's strategy. When you want to protect yourself, and the truth makes you look bad, you do not tell the truth. You obscure it. When the truth comes out down the line, you can deny your denial. You can deny that you ever denied an accidental release of the virus from the lab as a plausible explanation. That's all you need, a double denial, to make many people not care whether you are a trustworthy public official. Who, after all, expects public officials to be trustworthy in the first place?
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borneonashiksblog · 5 months
Navigating a Safe and Stress-Free Birth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant women and their families are faced with a unique set of challenges when it comes to delivering a baby. It is important for expecting mothers to understand the risks associated with childbirth during this time, as well as the safety protocols that must be followed in order to ensure the health and safety of both mother and baby. This article will provide an overview of these risks, as well as provide guidance on how to best prepare for delivering a baby during this unprecedented time.
What to Expect During Labor & Delivery During the COVID Outbreak-
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the labor and delivery process has been impacted in many ways. It is important to understand what to expect during labor and delivery during this time, including hospital safety protocols and the risk of virus transmission during birth.
Hospitals are taking extra precautions to ensure that their patients are safe while giving birth. This includes implementing social distancing measures, wearing masks at all times, and limiting visitors in the birthing suites. Additionally, hospitals are also screening for COVID-19 symptoms before allowing individuals into their facilities. Although there is a risk of virus transmission during labor and delivery, it is important to remember that hospitals have implemented strict safety protocols to reduce this risk as much as possible. By following these protocols and understanding what to expect during labor and delivery during this time, you can help keep yourself safe while giving birth.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great deal of uncertainty and fear in expecting mothers. Many hospitals have implemented safety protocols to protect both mother and baby, but there is still a risk of virus transmission during labor and delivery. To help reduce the risk, it is important for expecting mothers to be aware of what to expect during labor and delivery, as well as tips for making birth delivery as safe as possible despite the pandemic. Strict hospital safety protocols should be followed to avoid the risk of virus transmission during birth.
Tips to Make Birth Delivery as Safe as Possible Despite the Pandemic-
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we think about childbirth. In order to ensure safe labor and delivery, pregnant women and their families must take extra precautions to reduce the risk of contracting the virus during this time. This article will provide tips on how to make birth delivery as safe as possible despite the pandemic, including information on precautions for labor and delivery, preterm labor risks due to coronavirus, and other safety measures that can be taken. By following these tips, pregnant women can reduce their risk of exposure to COVID-19 while still ensuring a healthy and safe childbirth experience.
Many women have had to rethink their birth plans due to the risk of infection and the changing regulations surrounding hospital visits and medical procedures. It is important for pregnant women to stay informed about their options so they can make an informed decision on the best birth method for them during this time. In this article, we will discuss some of the most popular birth methods available during these Covid times, including natural childbirth, water births, and cesarean sections. Natural birth during the pandemic is possible, but it requires extra precautions from both the mother and her healthcare team.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced pregnant women and their families to make difficult decisions when it comes to birth methods during pregnancy. With the virus still spreading and hospitals overwhelmed, many pregnant women are opting for cesarean births during this time. Cesarean births provide a safe and controlled environment for both mother and baby, as well as reduce the risk of virus transmission during delivery. However, there are other birth methods that can be considered in order to remain safe while still giving birth naturally
Ensuring Your Mental & Physical Health Before & After Giving Birth in a COVID World-
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a challenging environment for expecting mothers and those who have recently given birth. With the stress of the pandemic, it can be difficult to prioritize your own mental and physical health. However, it is important to take care of yourself before and after giving birth in order to ensure that you are in the best possible condition for yourself and your baby.
It is important for pregnant women to follow the guidelines set by their healthcare provider in order to reduce their risk of contracting the virus. This includes wearing a mask while out in public, practicing social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings. Additionally, pregnant women should focus on getting adequate emotional support from family and friends as well as eating foods that boost immunity.
Pregnancy diet during covid-
During pregnancy, it is important to ensure that your diet is balanced and contains the right nutrients for you and your baby. With the spread of Covid-19, it is even more important to pay close attention to what you eat. Eating a functional diet with anti-inflammatory foods can help protect both you and your baby from any potential harm caused by the virus.
Functional foods are those that contain essential nutrients that are beneficial for pregnant women. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Eating these foods will help provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy during pregnancy. Additionally, anti-inflammatory foods such as fatty fish like salmon or sardines will provide omega-3 fatty acids which have been shown to reduce inflammation in pregnant women.
By following a nutritious diet during pregnancy while taking into account the current Covid-19 pandemic, you can ensure that both you and your baby stay safe and healthy throughout this time.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Self-Care
Take care of your body
Why You Should Take a Break: The Importance of Rest and Relaxation
I Think I Need to Go the Emergency Room?
Run With Me if You Want to Save: How Exercising Will Save You Money
Your Yearly Free Medical Care Checklist
Ask the Bitches: Ugh, How Do I Build the Habit of Taking Meds?
Blood Money: Menstrual Products for Surviving Your Period While Poor
On Pulling Weeds and Fighting Back: How (and Why) to Protect Abortion Rights
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Survive in an Apartment with No Heat?
The Expensive Difference Between Recreation and Recovery 
Take care of your mind
Our Master List of 100% Free Mental Health Self-Care Tactics
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Protect My Own Mental Health While Still Helping Others?”
Kurt Vonnegut’s Galapagos and Your Big Brain
Everything Is Stressful and I’m Dying: How to Survive a Panic Attack
Stop Recommending Therapy Like It’s a Magic Bean That’ll Grow Me a Beanstalk to Neurotypicaltown
Making Decisions Under Stress: The Siren Song of Chocolate Cake
Ask the Bitches: I Know How to Struggle and Fight, but I Don’t Know How to Succeed
Update: I Know How to Struggle and Fight, but I Don’t Know How to Succeed
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Absolve Myself of Financial Guilt Over My Pricey PS4?
The Frugal Introvert’s Guide to the Weekend
Take care of your time
Stop Measuring Your Time in Beyoncé Hours
Help! I’m Procrastinating and I Can’t Get Up!
You Won’t Regret Your Frugal 20s
Actually, Fuck Big Goals
How to Insulate Yourself From Advertisements
I’ve Succeeded at Every New Year’s Resolution I’ve Ever Made. Here’s How.
Romanticizing the Side Hustle: When 1 Job Isn’t Enough
8 Free Time Management Systems To Try in the New Year
My 25 Secrets to Successfully Working from Home with ADHD 
I Am So Over Productivity Porn 
Take care of your career
High School Students Have No Way of Knowing What Career to Choose. Why Do We Make Them Do It Anyway?
The Actually Helpful, Nuanced, Non-Bullshit Way to Choose a Future Career
Woke at Work: How to Inject Your Values into Your Boring, Lame-Ass Job
Are You Working on the Next Fyre Festival?: Identifying a Toxic Workplace
My Secret Weapon for Preparing for Awkward Boss Confrontations
Freelancer, Protect Thyself… With a Fair Contract
I Hate My Job and I Don’t Know How To Leave It: A Confession
A New Job, a New Day, a New Life, and I’m Feeling Good
Season 1, Episode 9: “I’ve Given up on My Dream Career. Where Do I Go From Here?”
How Abusive Workplaces Mirror Abusive Relationships 
Take care of your space
How to Successfully Work from Home Without Losing Your Goddamn Mind (Or Your Job)
Leaving Home before 18: A Practical Guide for Cast-Offs, Runaways, and Everybody in Between
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
How To Maintain Your Car When You’re Barely Driving It
Take care of your people
How Dafuq Do Couples Share Their Money?
Ask the Bitches: “How Do I Protect My Own Mental Health While Still Helping Others?”
How Can I Tame My Family’s Crazy Gift-Giving Expectations?
Ask the Bitches: I Was Guilted Into Caring for a Sick, Abusive Parent. Now What?
Love in the Time of Coronavirus: How to Protect Your Community and Your Soul from COVID-19
Be Somebody’s Eliza with a Simple Yet Life-Changing Act of Kindness 
The Ultimate Guide to Helping a Sick Friend 
Learning To Reverse the Golden Rule
I Have Become the Rich Relative I Always Wanted  
Take care of your financial well-being
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Make Myself Financially Secure Before Age 30?
How to Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Ask the Bitches: Is It Too Late to Get My Financial Shit Together?
Slay Your Financial Vampires
Should Artists Ever Work for Free?
Don’t Spend Money on Shit You Don’t Like, Fool
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Financial Math
Share My Horror at the World’s Worst Debt Visualization
Stop Undervaluing Your Freelance Work, You Darling Fool
A (Somewhat) Comprehensive List of Fun Job Perks that Won’t Pay Your Rent
We will periodically update this list with newer articles. And by “periodically” I mean “when we remember that it’s something we forgot to do for four months.”
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mediopinions · 7 months
5 Common Myths About Vaccines and Why They Are Wrong
If we are to take the list of all major human advancements, vaccines will rank among the top five. They have been the saving force of millions of human lives. From preventing disabling diseases to helping patients suffering from infectious diseases to return to life, vaccines have had a tremendous impact on mankind. 
But, how do vaccines weave their magic? At a molecular level, vaccines work with your body’s natural defenses to build protection against diseases that can be serious or even deadly. When you get vaccinated, you not only protect yourself, but you are also helping build herd immunity by preventing the spreading of the disease.
However, despite creating all awareness about vaccines, there is still a minority who harbor doubts or fears about getting vaccinated or vaccinating their near and dear. Their doubts and fears are founded on myths and misconceptions that lack scientific backing. These myths are the primary cause of confusion and anxiety, and also why there is always a small minority that escapes from vaccinating themselves for preventable diseases.
That’s why we have created this blog: to debunk some of the common myths and misconceptions about vaccines and provide you with factual and evidence-based information.
Let’s get started!
Myth 1: Vaccines are unsafe because of their hurried development
One of the myths that some people may have about vaccines is that they are unsafe because of their unsafe development. Case in point: the COVID-19 vaccines. However, this is far from true. All vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, undergo a rigorous testing and approval process before they are authorized and released for public use.
The testing happens in a lab where it is subject to various combinations and permutations of tests to ensure that it has no reactions, allergies, or side effects. Then, it’s tested in people in clinical trials to make sure it’s safe and effective. There are three phases of clinical trials:
Phase 1 is done in a small group of people. Scientists first determine if the vaccine is safe and test different doses.
Phase 2 is done in hundreds of people who have characteristics similar to the intended recipients of the vaccine. Scientists gather more information on safety, side effects, and immune response.
Phase 3 is done in thousands of people and compared with a similar group of people who did not get the vaccine. Scientists measure how well the vaccine prevents the disease and monitor its safety in a large population2.
The COVID-19 vaccines were developed faster than usual because of several factors, such as:
Unprecedented global collaboration, funding, and scientific innovation
Availability of advanced technologies and platforms for vaccine development
Prior knowledge and experience from previous coronavirus outbreaks
Streamlined regulatory and administrative processes without compromising safety standards
Overlapping phases of clinical trials to save time while ensuring quality dat
The fact is, like any approved medicine, vaccines can cause some side effects, however, they are usually mild and short-lived. For example, the COVID-19 vaccines showed some side effects like pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, followed by tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea. 
These side effects do not indicate that your body is revolting to the vaccine. Instead, these effects are normal signs that your body is building protection against the virus. They usually go subside in a few days. 
Therefore, we can safely conclude that vaccines are safe and effective because they undergo extensive testing and approval before they are used. 
Myth 2: Vaccines can cause the disease they are supposed to prevent
Another widespread myth about vaccines is that they can cause the disease they are supposed to prevent. The knowledge that treated viruses of the disease are sometimes used as the vaccine had led to the myth. However, this is also not true. Vaccines are designed to stimulate your immune system to fight off the disease without causing infection.
Depending on the type of vaccine, the immune response will vary. Some of the main types of vaccines are:
Live attenuated vaccines use a weakened form of the germ that causes the disease. These vaccines are very similar to natural infection, so they provide strong and long-lasting immunity. Examples of diseases that can only be prevented by live attenuated vaccines are measles, mumps, and rubella.
Inactivated or subunit vaccines use killed or inactivated germs or specific parts of the germ, such as proteins or sugars. These vaccines cannot cause infection, but they may not provide immunity that is as strong or long-lasting as live attenuated vaccines. Therefore, they may require booster shots to maintain protection. Examples of diseases that can be prevented by inactivated or subunit vaccines are COVID-19, polio, and hepatitis B.
Live attenuated vaccines cannot cause the disease in healthy people because the weakened germs cannot multiply enough to make you sick. However, in very rare cases, some people with weakened immune systems or other health conditions may not be able to safely receive live attenuated vaccines. That’s why it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before getting vaccinated if you have any concerns about your health or medical history.
Inactivated or subunit vaccines cannot cause the disease at all because they do not contain any live germs. However, they may cause some mild side effects, such as pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site or fever, headache, and muscle pain. These side effects are normal signs that your body is building protection and they usually go away within a few days.
All said, we can safely assume that vaccines do not cause the disease they are supposed to prevent. They help your body create protective antibodies without causing infection.
Myth 3: Vaccines contain toxic ingredients that can harm you
Well, we just dispelled the fact that vaccines, although contain treated viruses, are not toxic in nature. But, does the lab treatment add any other toxic ingredients? However, this is another myth that is not based on facts. Vaccines contain only the ingredients they need to be safe and effective, and each ingredient serves a specific purpose.
Some of the common ingredients in vaccines are:
Water, salts, and sugars
Fats and proteins
Residual ingredients
All these ingredients are tested and approved by regulatory authorities, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S., to ensure their safety and quality. The amount of each ingredient in a vaccine is carefully measured and controlled, and it is far below the level that can cause any harm to your health.
Here is a possible section for the blog:
Myth 4: The natural immunity I get from being sick with COVID-19 is better than the immunity I get from COVID-19 vaccination
Well, it is good to have confidence in one’s health and well-being. However, it is always foolhardy to assume against grave viruses like COVID-19 for which there is little intel available. One of the myths that has surfaced recently is that getting sick with COVID-19 and recovering from it will give them better immunity than getting vaccinated. However, getting a COVID-19 vaccine is a safer and more dependable way to build immunity than getting sick with COVID-19.
There are two main ways to acquire immunity to a disease: natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity.
Natural immunity is created when your body is exposed to a germ and your body produces antibodies and T cells to fight it off. 
Vaccine-induced immunity is created when you receive a vaccine that contains weakened or inactivated germs or parts of them. 
The evidence shows that natural immunity to COVID-19 is not as reliable or durable as vaccine-induced immunity. Studies have found that Natural immunity to COVID-19 can vary widely among individuals and may not be sufficient to prevent reinfection or symptomatic disease, especially with the Delta variant (Source: UCLA Health). All said, getting a COVID-19 vaccine is a safer and more dependable way to build immunity. 
Myth 5: Getting a COVID-19 vaccine will cause me to test positive on a viral test or alter my DNA
It is a common myth that getting a COVID-19 vaccine will cause them to test positive on a viral test or alter their DNA. However, this is another myth that is not based on facts. None of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines can cause you to test positive on viral tests or infect you with the virus. They also do not enter your nucleus or change your DNA.
None of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines can cause you to test positive on viral tests or infect you with the virus. This is because they do not contain any live virus that can multiply or cause infection in your body. They only contain parts of the virus or instructions for making them.
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine will not cause you to test positive on a viral test or alter your DNA. They will only cause you to test positive on an antibody test, which means that you have developed immunity to COVID-19.
We hope we have debunked some of the common myths and misconceptions about vaccines and provided you with factual and evidence-based information. Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases and save lives. When you get vaccinated, you not only protect yourself but also help stop the spread of diseases to others in your community. Don’t let these myths stop you from protecting yourselves from any kind of pandemics or far-spreading diseases.
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bills-bible-basics · 8 months
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Helpful Tips Regarding Using Face Masks and Respirators https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/helpful-tips-regarding-using-face-masks-and-respirators/ Some people say that face masks and respirators provide adequate protection against being contaminated by COVID-19, while others say that they don’t work. So what is the truth regarding this matter? There is actually truth in both statements. N95 and FFP3 respirators do work. However, there are several things that the user has to do in order to ensure that they work as intended, and provide the protection that one needs; namely these: 1. Make sure that you have the right size mask for the size and contour of your face. A medium-size mask will fit most people. 2. Make sure that you are wearing the mask properly so that it fits snugly against your face. Some respirators — such as the ones I have — have a small metal strip across the nose bridge so that you can mold that part of the mask close to your nose so that there are no gaps between the mask and your skin. 3. If you have a beard or a mustache, you will probably have to shave it off; as otherwise, the mask will not seal properly on your face. 4. While wearing the respirator, do NOT touch any part of your face with your hands, particularly your nose and your mouth. 5. Most respirators should only be worn for a few hours and then discarded; not only because they become moist from your breathing, but also because if you are working in a contaminated area, the mask will eventually become saturated with contagions. 6. When it comes time to remove and/or discard the mask, be very careful how you do it. Try to just touch only the straps as you remove it, as otherwise, you could unknowingly end up getting the virus on your fingers. Then, when you inadvertently touch your face, such as your mouth or your nose, you will end up infecting yourself. 7. If you are living in, working in or temporarily visiting an area where there may be infected people or contaminated surfaces, in addition to making sure that you are wearing your face mask properly following all of the previous steps, wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water, or else use wipes that contain at least a 70% alcohol solution, or use rubbing alcohol with a non-alcohol-based wipe of your choice. If you fail to carefully follow the previous recommendations, then no matter how expensive or high quality your mask is, you will still become infected. For the record, despite how careful they are, it has already been reported that some health care workers have in fact been infected by the coronavirus. That is just how virulent and aggressive COVID-19 is when it comes to transmission. So be careful, be conscious of what you are doing at all times, and follow the above guidelines, as well as the guidelines which are issued by your local healthcare officials and government authorities. And, of course, pray for God’s protection. I hope that the above tips help. Thanks for taking the time to read this. For those of you who may have possibly missed some of my previous coronavirus-related writings, following is a list of everything I have written to date regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe that you will find a lot of useful, factual, instructive and Scriptural information in this material. Please feel free to share this list on your own timelines, pages, in your Facebook groups, and on any other social networks where you happen to participate. Thank you so very much, and God bless you! Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center: Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center Bill's Bible Basics Articles: BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Just the Facts, Ma'am": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19, Financial Assistance and Christian Love": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Defiant Christians, Stay Home!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-1.html
BBB Article: "COVID-19: Exposure Logging and Contact Tracing: Is It Safe?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/COVID-19-ExposureLogging-ContactTracing-1.html Bill's Bible Basics Blog Posts: BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Latest Statistics - Bill's Bible Basics Blog": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-latest-statistics-bills-bible-basics-blog/ BBB Blog Post: "Stop Joking About the Coronavirus": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/stop-joking-about-the-coronavirus/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: God Will Silence the Fools": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-god-will-silence-the-fools/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Be Still and Know That I Am God": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-be-still-and-know-that-i-am-god/ BBB Blog Post: "Is COVID-19 the New Normal? : Don't Freak Out! Trust the Lord!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/is-covid-19-the-new-normal-dont-freak-out-trust-the-lord/ BBB Blog Post: "Helpful Tips Regarding Using Face Masks and Respirators": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/helpful-tips-regarding-using-face-masks-and-respirators/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Why Do You Condemn Your Brethren?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-why-do-you-condemn-your-brethren/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are You Distracted?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-you-distracted/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Wake Up, Already!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-wake-up-already/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: 40 Bible Verse Lists Regarding God's Love, Patience, Wrath, Judgments and Repentance": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-40-bible-verse-lists-regarding-gods-love-patience-wrath-judgments-and-repentance/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Where is Your Common Sense?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-where-is-your-common-sense/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: More Useful Information": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-more-useful-information/ BBB Blog Post: "The Doctor Anthony Fauci Debate: My View": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/the-doctor-anthony-fauci-debate-my-view/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: How to Respond to the Pandemic": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-how-to-respond-to-the-pandemic/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Face Masks or Bandanas?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-face-masks-or-bandanas/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus and Beards and Mustaches": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-and-beards-and-mustaches/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Do You Need A Psychiatric Evaluation?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-do-you-need-a-psychiatric-evaluation/ BBB Blog Post: "COVID-19: Attention iOS Users! This May Be of Interest to You if You Use the "Maps" App!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-attention-ios-users-this-may-be-of-interest-to-you-if-you-use-the-maps-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Apple iOS 13.7 Introduces COVID-19 Exposure Notifications With No Need For 3rd Party App": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/apple-ios-13-7-introduces-covid-19-exposure-notifications-with-no-need-for-3rd-party-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are Vaccine Passports Inevitable?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-vaccine-passports-inevitable/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Don't Be So Harsh!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-dont-be-so-harsh/ Bill's Bible Basics Poetry: BBB Poem: "Coronavirus Kooks": https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/coronavirus-kooks.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/helpful-tips-regarding-using-face-masks-and-respirators/?feed_id=78976&_unique_id=6513f42872428&Helpful%20Tips%20Regarding%20Using%20Face%20Masks%20and%20Respirators
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c19library · 8 months
COVID-19 Interventions
Last Updated September 8, 2023
Summary: Masking in crowded indoor and outdoor areas is an effective way to protect yourself and others from being infected with COVID-19 because it is airborne and spreads through aerosols.
It is important to point out the distinctions between different kinds of masks/respirators and what they are capable of.
Cloth Masks are no longer recommended unless you are using them to double mask over a surgical mask.
Surgical Masks are somewhat effective at reducing aerosol transmission from you to other people, but are less effective at protecting you from other people. That being said, surgical masks are most effective in situations where most or all people involved are utilizing them properly.
KN95, N95, and respirators above these ratings are more effective than surgical masks at protecting others from you and are capable of protecting you from others regardless of their own masking status. However, one-way masking does not provide as much protection as when all people involved are utilizing respirators.
Published Research
Airborne transmission of COVID-19 and the role of face mask to prevent it: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed (nih.gov) Tabatabaeizadeh, S. (2021).
Face masks to prevent transmission of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed (nih.gov) Li, Y., Liang, M., Gao, L., Ahmed, M. A., Uy, J. P., Cheng, C., Zhou, Q., & Sun, C. (2021).
Articles & Reports
Masks and Respirators (cdc.gov) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, May 11)
Face Masks and COVID-19 | NIH News in Health News in Health. (2021, November). National Institutes of Health.
Mask Types
NIOSH Approved Respirators (N95 and higher)
Approved Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators | NPPTL | NIOSH | CDC
KN95 Masks: When, Where, Why, and How to Wear Them Properly (healthline.com)
Elastomeric Respirators (Reusable)
Elastomeric Respirator Resources | NIOSH | CDC
Summary: Proper ventilation of indoor areas reduces the concentration of COVID-19 in the air and lowers your risk of being infected.
Published Research
Indoor Air and COVID-19 Key References and Publications | US EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2023, July 10).
Articles & Reports
Italian study shows ventilation can cut school COVID cases by 82% | Reuters Reuters. (2022, March 22).
Ventilation and Coronavirus (COVID-19) | US EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2023, June 7).
Improving Ventilation in Your Home | CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, April 13).
Ventilation in Buildings | CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, May 12).
Indoor Air Filters
Summary: HEPA air purifiers and MERV-13 boxes are capable of filtering COVID-19 virus out of the air. On their own, HEPA air filters can reduce exposure to the virus by up to 65%. In combination with masking, exposure to the virus is reduced by 90%.
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Published Research
Effectiveness of HEPA Filters at Removing Infectious SARS-CoV-2 from the Air - PubMed (nih.gov) Ueki, H., Ujie, M., Komori, Y., Kato, T., Imai, M., & Kawaoka, Y. (2022).
Efficacy of Portable Air Cleaners and Masking for Reducing Indoor Exposure to Simulated Exhaled SARS-CoV-2 Aerosols — United States, 2021 | MMWR (cdc.gov) Lindsley, W. G., Derk, R. C., Coyle, J. P., Martin, S. B., Mead, K. R., Blachere, F. M., Beezhold, D. H., Brooks, J. T., Boots, T., & Noti, J. D. (2021).
Articles & Reports
Air Cleaners, HVAC Filters, and Coronavirus (COVID-19) | US EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2023, April 25).
Do HEPA Filters Really Catch Coronavirus Particles? | Columbia News Martineau, K. (2021, November 11).
Summary: Treatment with Paxlovid beginning during the early acute phase of a COVID-19 infection may lower your risk of developing health complications or Long COVID. Currently, there are trials to determine whether or not Paxlovid can also alleviate Long COVID symptoms after the acute phase has passed.
Published Research
Association of Treatment With Nirmatrelvir and the Risk of Post–COVID-19 Condition | Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network Xie, Y., Choi, T., & Al-Aly, Z. (2023, March 23).
Articles & Reports
Paxlovid reduces risk of Long COVID - VA News Veterans Affairs. (2022, November 6).
Should You Take an Antiviral to Prevent Long COVID? | Time Ducharme, J. (2023, March 23).
The antiviral drug Paxlovid reduces the risk of getting long COVID (sciencenews.org) Saey, T. H. (2023, March 31).
Summary: Vaccination is an essential part of protecting yourself against COVID-19. They have been shown to effectively reduce rates of hospitalization and death. However, this does NOT mean the virus is now harmless to the body or similar to a cold. It may reduce the severity of acute symptoms, but this is not indicative of long-term damage. Additionally, vaccinated people can still spread the virus to others when infected - whether or not they experience symptoms. Therefore, vaccination is only the baseline of implementing COVID-19 interventions, not the end.
The first two doses of the initial inoculation are not enough to protect you from newer strains. You will need boosters created to fight against the latest mutations. It is recommended that you get boosters as often and as soon as possible when you are eligible for an update.
Published Research
Acute and postacute sequelae associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection | Nature Medicine Bowe, B., Xie, Y., & Al-Aly, Z. (2022).
Dynamics of inflammatory responses after SARS-CoV-2 infection by vaccination status in the USA: a prospective cohort study - The Lancet Microbe Zhu, X., Geob, K. A., Abraham, A. G., Habtehyimer, F., Patel, E. U., Laeyendecker, O., Gniadek, T. J., Fernandez, R. E., Baker, O. R., Ram, M., ... Tobian, A. A. R. (2023).
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There is No Vacation from Wisdom
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar from Art of Living shows the way to impactful wisdom during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and how to cope with it’s devastating affects.
He says,
The second wave of the Coronavirus is a critical challenge for humanity and calls for a heroic response to overcome it.
From availing of vaccinations, which is a must, it is necessary to cultivate hygienic habits and a disciplined lifestyle to stem the spread of this highly contagious virus. Our foremost responsibility is to strictly follow all prescribed protocols to keep ourselves and those we come in contact with, safe. There is no vacation from wisdom. Bringing the pandemic under control requires collective action. Everyone must do their bit.
The escalating global health crisis has reinforced the need for equipping our inner self-defence mechanisms too. Make sure you sleep enough, work out and meditate. Stress and anxiety weaken your immune system. Making asanas, pranayamas and meditation an integral part of daily life can change not just one’s physical chemistry but also make the mind peaceful and resilient. A strong mind can pull a weak body, but a weak mind will mess up even a strong body.
This crisis serves as a reminder that no man is an island unto himself. I urge everyone to strictly follow the protocols enunciated by the medical community including frequent washing and santising of hands, wearing masks and social distancing. Interestingly, our traditional ways such as joining hands in greeting and the emphasis of Patanjali Yoga Sutra on shaucha (purity and cleanliness) show that these practices have been around for thousands of years.
Until we defeat the virus, continue to stay indoors, avoid travelling and going to public gatherings or community feasts. Abstain from congregational prayers and rituals. Do not worry about not being able to visit the temple, masjid, gurudwara or church. Meditation and mental prayers are equally if not more effective than rituals. By being responsible you will protect not only yourself but also many more people and reduce the burden on already overwhelmed medical facilities and frontline workers.
Various epidemics, wars, pandemics and natural disasters have challenged the human race before and they will keep coming, testing our ability to survive. Such times, as the one we are going through now, bring out qualities of the human spirit – its ability to endure and prevail and emerge stronger, kinder, and wiser. This is the time to invoke the valour in us, stand together and overcome once more.
I pray for the safety and good health of all beings.
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