#Dr. Fauci
tenderbittersweet · 1 year
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He lied
Charge his ass
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thehalfwaypost · 1 year
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roboe1 · 1 year
ICYMI, Must Watch. And The Government is at it again.
ICYMI, Must Watch. And The Government is at it again.
World Premiere: Died Suddenly Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind…
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barbarian15 · 2 years
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loriandcompanyaction · 2 months
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Young people on this platform are sharing pictures of their body parts, their latest tattoo and listening to Communists clueless morons. If you want to be survive what is coming and be informed, please take the time to listen to former Navy SEAL and ex CIA operator Michael Jaco. I have met him in person at a TruthTour.net event in northern San Diego, CA. He's a patriot and served our country unlike the drugged up tuned out dopes that are on Tik Tok and here. You might want to put down the crack pipe and get informed fast. It's about to get wild.
Pay attention and you might actually have a long life. I am so fed up with lunatics running our nation and schools into the ground and creating perverse ugliness and poverty.It's time to join our efforts together and tune out the static. Listen and Learn here
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sgreffenius · 4 months
First, let us get our terms right. Lab leak became shorthand for one explanation of how Covid-19 started and spread. Wet market became shorthand for a competing explanation. Both the outdoor market and the virology lab at issue were located in Wuhan, China.
The term conspiracy theory became attached to the first explanation on this side of the globe. At no point did anyone accuse staff at the Wuhan Virology Institute of cooking up a conspiracy to infect the world with a gain-of-function virus that would kill millions of people all over the world.
We know how the phrase conspiracy theory works in the West. It actually works in a lot of ways. I don't need to explain them here. Arguments about whether Covid-19 infected millions due to an accidental release of a gain-of-function virus developed at the Wuhan Virology Institute actually do matter, though. We can't let Dr. Fauci's changing attitudes about this explanation for the pandemic obscure that.
We kept hearing the phrase during the pandemic, follow the science. Without a doubt, public health officials' primary aim throughout the pandemic was to protect themselves from looking bad, not follow the science. They certainly did not want American citizens to know that the National Institutes of Health, an agency Dr. Fauci's agencies worked with, had funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Virology Lab.
Thus Dr. Fauci and his colleagues subjected us all to mumbo jumbo about conspiracy theories. Once you introduce that term into your argument, you increase confidence that your side has the upper hand. No one one wants to be caught believing in a conspiracy theory. Calling an accidental release of the virus from the Wuhan Virology Institute a conspiracy theory was a perfect way to distract attention from the fact that the National Institutes of Health had funded gain-of-function research at the lab for years.
That was Dr. Fauci's strategy. When you want to protect yourself, and the truth makes you look bad, you do not tell the truth. You obscure it. When the truth comes out down the line, you can deny your denial. You can deny that you ever denied an accidental release of the virus from the lab as a plausible explanation. That's all you need, a double denial, to make many people not care whether you are a trustworthy public official. Who, after all, expects public officials to be trustworthy in the first place?
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lenbryant · 8 months
The MAGA ranks are full of these violent lunatics. Scary.
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The "died suddenly epidemic" isn't going away. The mainstream needs to grow up and properly investigate.
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skyshoes · 1 year
Dust a little Musk off Dr. Fauci's shoulder
Arrogant trust funder Elon Mollusk.. Posted some childish right wing drivel referencing Dr. Fauci
Fat boy got Smoked.. 
The learned doctor's response?
 I don't get caught up in that "Cesspool of Interaction"... Buh.. Wha... hahahaaaaa
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mrapodcast · 2 years
"Dog Fish" Ep. 208
“Dog Fish” Ep. 208
Coach Prime says there needs to be tiers of the NFL HOF. Son saw moms cheating. What should he do?Dr Fauci set to retire in December. A Post Nut from a listener who tells us a story about a date that made her HAPPY she didn’t get to nut A Dear Erby from a lady who’s ready to kill her neighbor’s dog.
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disillusioned41 · 2 years
The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder Aug 23, 2022
Tucker Carlson Is Obsessed With Imaginary Liberals Being Obsessed With Dr Fauci
Fox News's Tucker Carlson thinks liberals are devastated by Anthony Fauci stepping down from his position as Chief Medical Advisor. Carlson attempts to characterize those who would be upset by the news. The Majority Report crew discusses how Carlson is an elite private school nerd and now a reactionary who comes off as unrelatable. 
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mercoglianotrueblog · 2 years
Who hides behind the Covid-19 emergency
70% #Americans-children over 5 included-aren't up to date on #vax (#Kaiser FF) but #Fauci, #Biden insist people should do it for "community"
#Moderna, #Pfizer, #J&J injected into you but you still would not prevent from being prone to transmitting the virus
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Fauci says it could take 12 years to realize a vaccine is dangerous!
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i genuinely hope Dr. Fauci comes out of this okay. best friend put in the work against this virus and HIV. we clearly don't agree on some very serious stuff, but COVID doesn't give one fuck about anybody, and i want the good doc to be okay.
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eurekadiario · 9 months
Rand Paul emite una referencia penal para el Dr. Fauci por cometer "crímenes contra la humanidad"
Según el senador Paul, el Dr. Fauci también le mintió rotundamente en un testimonio jurado ante el Congreso sobre la investigación de ganancia de función que supervisó.
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El senador dijo que el correo electrónico en el tweet anterior deja de lado la historia de Fauci y demostró que supervisó la ganancia de función a pesar de sus negaciones:
Paul señaló un correo electrónico de febrero de 2020 en el que Fauci detalló una llamada con el investigador médico británico Jeremy Farrar, quien era director del Wellcome Trust en ese momento. Según Fauci, los miembros del grupo de trabajo, incluido Francis Collins, ex director del Instituto Nacional de Investigación del Genoma Humano, y otros científicos "altamente creíbles" con experiencia en biología evolutiva, expresaron su preocupación por el "hecho de que al ver las secuencias de varios aislados del nCoV, había mutaciones en el virus que serían muy inusuales que hubieran evolucionado naturalmente en los murciélagos y que había una sospecha de que esta mutación fue intencionalmente. insertado." "La sospecha aumentó por el hecho de que se sabe que los científicos de la Universidad de Wuhan han estado trabajando en experimentos de ganancia de función para determinar los mecanismos moleculares asociados con los virus de murciélagos que se adaptan a la infección humana, y el brote se originó en Wuhan", escribió Fauci, según una captura de pantalla del correo electrónico recientemente no editado compartido por el reportero de la Casa Blanca de RealClearPolitics, Philip Wegmann.
"Esto contradice directamente todo lo que me dijo en la audiencia del comité, negando absolutamente que financiaron cualquier ganancia de función, y es absolutamente una mentira", tuiteó Paul. "Es por eso que envié una referencia criminal oficial al Departamento de Justicia".
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No es la primera vez que Paul intenta alertar al Departamento de Justicia sobre Fauci: en julio de 2021, el senador de Kentucky escribió una carta al Fiscal General Merrick Garland alegando lo mismo, a saber, que Fauci mintió cuando dijo los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH), donde el médico fue director del Instituto de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas (NAID) de 1984 a 2022. nunca financió la investigación de ganancia de función en el Instituto de Virología de Wuhan.
Esa referencia parece haber caído en un agujero negro del Departamento de Justicia, pero Paul siente que ahora tiene evidencia de armas humeantes con este correo electrónico.
Desafortunadamente, creo que es probable que esta referencia también caiga en un vacío, ya que el Departamento de Justicia de hoy parece estar centrado principalmente en proteger a la familia criminal Biden y procesar a Trump y parece completamente desinteresado en investigar las mentiras, encubrimientos y tomas de poder que ocurrieron durante los días de gripe de Wuhan.
Sin embargo, es importante que tengamos todas estas cosas registradas para que el pueblo estadounidense pueda ver lo que está sucediendo y también porque, si Dios quiere, en enero de 2025, tendremos un nuevo capitán del barco. Si un republicano es elegido, tenga la seguridad de que el fiscal general Merrick Garland recibirá la bota el primer día de la administración, y posiblemente, solo posiblemente, podemos obtener alguna responsabilidad por todos los crímenes y violaciones de la libertad que ocurrieron durante la era COVID.
Aunque es posible que no obtenga satisfacción de inmediato, Rand Paul está haciendo un trabajo importante.
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