#hogwarts fifth year
hollowwrites · 3 months
The Room of Reconciliation
Ominis x MC
Summary - Tensions had been high between the Slytherin Trio shortly after the Undercroft Catastrophe.
Warnings - Angst into Comfort, Evelyn mom mentioned right at the beginning (Fluff if you’re sick of it but I’m continuing to add my boi into every square inch of that game (someone mentioned this to me ages ago I’m so sorry I lost who it was))
Word Count - 2928
She’d overreacted. She knew that.
Crying because a boy had shouted at her. Grow Up, Evelyn.
Make your mother proud.
Of course, that was the reason she was in such a foul mood that day in the first place. And why she was so easily brought to tears.
The day Ominis had shouted at her for entering the Undercroft was her mother’s birthday. A sensitive day that had started off terribly in it own right.
She’d fell up the stairs leading out of the Common Room. Missed Breakfast. Gotten into trouble because of Garreth, again. And spent most of her day without her wand after forgetting it in her bedside table. Getting used to carrying the thing around hadn’t quite become second nature yet.
So when Sebastian approached her in the late afternoon, a cheeky smile and a twinkle in his eye, she didn’t think twice to follow him. And when he mentioned, repeatedly, that it was Ominis’ place, something Ominis had shown him…it hadn’t occurred to her to refuse, and perhaps ask Ominis for his permission beforehand.
She simply followed.
And she had a blast.
Sebastian was right, there was something about that spell that was addictive. Cathartic.
It wasn’t until Ominis’ sharp authoritative tone cut through her reverie that she snapped. And the whole day just became too much.
And she hadn’t spoken to him since.
It had been a week.
Pretty impressive considering they shared a Common Room, multiple classes and a best friend.
It wasn’t like she actively ignored him. More that she felt an intense guilt every time she looked at him. Everytime his milky eyes settled over her, she just saw…betrayal.
Especially with Professor Weasley showing her the Room of Requirement the very next day. She didn’t even need the Undercroft. She hadn’t used it once. Whether that made her presence there in the first place any better she didn’t know.
But spending no time in the Undercroft, hours holed away in Room of Requirement and daily task and chores occupying any time available after that, Evelyn had become…lonely.
Sebastian had become a little…manic. Shortly after the Undercroft incident, Sebastian invited Evelyn to visit his family. Whether it was to cheer Anne up by meeting someone new, or cheer Evelyn up by taking her mind off Ominis, she wasn’t sure.
Either way it hadn’t worked.
Sebastian’s home life just made her feel…empty. The confrontation with Solomon had left her both angry and yet incredibly sad. Anne was stuck amongst this in immense pain. Sebastian felt helpless and Solomon was clearly an unfit guardian for two teenagers he neither wanted nor seemingly cared about.
She couldn’t exactly blame Sebastian for his behaviour. But she had to admit, the far off unfocused gaze and sudden downturn of his lips was jarring. Just the week before, he asked her to learn unsanctioned spells and blast braziers until they were both rosy cheeked and giggling.
Now she could barely get a chuckle out of him.
In the space of a week, she’d lost her closest friends in this new mysterious world. If she didn’t have Imelda and her constant abrasive form of affection, Evelyn very well may have lost it. As it stood she just became a husk, trudging from class to class, trail to trail, chore to chore. Barely taking in her environment as she did.
Which explains how she come crashing into Ominis after leaving the Charms Classroom.
Because he had become the same.
His wand even alerted him to the presence coming from the classroom. It notified him of their trajectory all the way until it came fumbling into him.
He just ignored it.
Because he didn’t care.
Anne was gone, he was losing Sebastian and he’d pushed Evelyn away. He, too, was a husk.
“Watch where you’re-” Ominis snapped, his wand falling to the floor with a clatter. His instant aggression and plastered on sneer faltered when he heard the tiny exhale forced from her chest and the unmistakable scent of Roses. “…Evelyn”
“…Ominis…” she breathed. A moment of stunned silence fell over them before she blinked herself back to reality. His wand rolled towards her, bumping against her shoe as she knelt to retrieve it.
Surely it was the least she could do.
She extended her hands towards him, his wand still blinking somehow as Ominis reached to take it back.
“Thank you…” he said softly, his eyes holding a deep sadness behind them and she wondered why. But, as he so aptly pointed out, they weren’t friends, so she didn’t have the right to ask what was wrong
“You’re Welcome…” She replied sheepishly with an equally pained expression.
An awkward, heart-achingly long silence stretched before them as she stared at the ground. His feet were a much safer location to stare than the piercing judgemental wells of his eyes. Neither made any move to leave, though neither said anything either. Both of them choosing to wallow in this sickening pit of longing and despair.
No sense in attempting to hide away from the negativity. It only bled into their everyday life, both becoming a shell of their former selves. Though many hadn’t seen this side of Evelyn, the cold hard faced figure. They’d only seen her chipper almost gleeful persona as she flitted around. And why wouldn’t she be happy? She’d discovered magic and all the wonders that that held. She’d made friends she didn’t even know existed a few months ago.
And yet…
With this bump in the road, everything she had pushed deep down came bubbling to the surface like one of Garreth’s failed concoctions.
Mr Osrics death, Ranrok, Rookwood, Goblin Rebellions, Annes Curse…
Now she wears them on her sleeve, a near constant frown etched into her features.
Though Ominis’ was a regular occurrence. Whether it was Sebastian winding him up or his family making themselves known, he’d earned a reputation for being stoic and unfeeling.
In actuality, Ominis felt things probably more than most. He was just better at hiding it.
They both were…
The sounds of Evelyn running and crying from him had eaten away at him over the last week. And he found himself now in an uncomfortable position of admitting fault and asking for forgiveness.
“I’m sorry” They said in unison, causing them both to laugh softly and the tension to shatter into a thousand glorious little pieces.
“Please…allow me to go first” Ominis said with a gentle smile and hands raised in surrender. He mulled the words over in his mind before he spoke. “…You shouldn’t have to apologise. At all. It was Sebastian I was angry at and you, unfortunately, just happened to be in my line of sight…” he chuckled softly, almost to himself “…so to speak”
“No. I shan’t hear it. I said-” a deep regretful sigh left his chest “…I said some, frankly, horrible things to you. And my pride got in the way of apologising”
His posture was always bad. But there was something about the slouch of his shoulders, the hunch of his back, that looked like he was trying to shrink away from everything. Like he was readying for her to reject him entirely.
“Still though…That place was special to you and now it’s…less so. Because of me…” the mournful tone of her voice was immediately recognisable to Ominis.
Though he wasn’t certain of what she looked like, he had a rough idea from what Sebastian had told him and what was silhouetted from his wand. He could imagine her upturned brows, the sad tug of her lips. Then he remembered her little sobs as she ran from the Undercroft and he could almost see the tears breaching her lashes.
“Nonsense…” he whispered, tormented by his own mental image of her “…it’s not any less special because you know of it. In fact…”
Careful, now
“I was planning on showing you the Undercroft myself. I was simply…frustrated Sebastian got there before me” the lopsided way he smiled was endearing and she found herself smiling dreamily up at him, despite his inability to actually see it.
“Yes. I wanted to show you because you’re my friend, not just Sebastians” As he took back the words he cut her so deeply with before, he felt the sting of them on his tongue.
“I must say…that is a relief to hear. I was afraid I’d…never mind. I’m just sorry any of this happened” she said quickly, hoping to get the words out before he cut her off, explaining that she needn’t apologise.
“I’m sorry I spoke to you in the manner I did. It was rude and childish. And I certainly should’ve have threatened you with expulsion…” Ominis shook his head as though he was retroactively disappointed in his own actions.
“No, it’s fine. I understand where you were coming from. I’m-“
“If you apologise again I will speak to Professor Black about having you removed from the premises…” his lopsided smile morphed to a smirk, pulled wide across his cheeks. He chuckled when he heard her close her mouth, the distinct little huff she exhaled from her nose clear to him as she pouted.
She often did this. A little quirk he’d known many people do when they showed dissatisfaction but hers was…unique. The huff sounded almost like a laugh, a humourless and pouty thing that bought endless joy when he teased her.
“How about you stop apologising and we try to move on? If you would like to, of course” He offered a hand outstretched to her. He wasn’t even really sure why. Just that a part of him wanted to feel her again, and this was the most natural way he could think of.
That’s when her cool fingertips grazed across his palm and shook his hand in the daintiest of hand shakes he had ever experienced.
Difficult to imagine this was the same girl who had effortlessly defended Hogsmeade against a troll. And a myriad of other pointless and dangerous tasks appointed to her.
“I’d like that…” her gentle pleasing tone sang out from below him.
The moment she agreed, his whole demeanour shifted. He stood a little straighter, shoulders more square and yet somehow he looked more…relaxed.
“I’d like that too” he said more relived than she thought he would be.
“I do have a way to make it up to you though” she offered as her finger slipped from his grasp, moving over to weave her fingers amongst his. She tugged on his hand but he remained stationary. His fingers did indeed weave with hers but he stood steadfast as a curious smile tugged at his lips.
“You don’t have to make anything up to me” he borderline whispered. His voice was always soft but this was new. Gentle in a way he’d never shown previously.
“Please? It would make me feel better besides…it offers you an avenue away from Sebastian”
Upon hearing those words Ominis’ brow raised with boyish curiosity.
He loved Sebastian, he really did…
The near constant questioning of his families knick knacks, hidden knowledge and…gods he wished he’d never mentioned that damned Scriptorium. Just the mere utterance of Salazar Slytherin had Sebastian foaming at the mouth and every single conversation thereafter had been consumed by it. No longer did they indulge in casual chatter. No more quidditch theories. No more fiction recommendations. No more Sebastian.
And with sharing a dorm, the Undercroft and most classes…Ominis had been left with little peace.
“Oh? I suppose I can hear you out…” Ominis asked with just the slightest edge of guilt. “…How were you planning on making this up to me?”
Evelyn grinned upon seeing the usual teasing smirk pull across his lips.
“It’s easier if I show you…” she said tugging on his arm playfully once again, only this time…he relented, taking a few steps forward with a roll of his eyes.
“Lead the way…”
Thankfully, they stumbled into each other not far from their destination. Though she did have to convince him she wasn’t leading him to his death and planned on pushing him off the Astrology Tower. He laughed softly at her faux outrage, offering her arm to guide him up the few stairs leading towards that infamous ogre tapestry.
They stood for a moment in awkward silence.
Not because it was awkward between them, but because the door to the Room of Requirement did not show itself. She worried for a moment that the sentient room knew she was trying to show someone and it refused or that perhaps their needs were different and it didn’t know how to differentiate between the two.
“It’s here…” she muttered desperately, releasing his arm and beginning to pace up and down the little empty hallway.
The sounds of a rather lively Astrology class rang down the wooden staircase ahead of them and Ominis shook his head with a small laugh.
He had a near exact copy of Hogwarts’ complicated and winding hallways in his mind. There was nothing here. Just an old dusty tapestry and the Astrology Tower.
The smell of musk and the distant sounds of that rambunctious class of third years was evidence of that. Until…
A slight rubble and crackle of stone turned his attention toward the blank wall ahead of them. He placed his hand against the stone, cautiously. The grinding of stone against stone didn’t sound the safest and yet it moved harmlessly under his palm, twisting and transfiguring to a warm wood and cool metal.
Of course
“You found the Room of Requirement?” Ominis grinned, turning his head towards the buzzing and ecstatic Evelyn behind him.
“Found is a strong word…” she said, the joy in her voice unmistakeable “…Professor Weasley instructed me to look here and it presented itself to me”
She took his hand, the one not pressed curiously to the wall and gently guided him inside the Room.
Ominis felt a strange shift in the atmosphere as he stepped past the threshold. Neither out in the open, nor indoors. The air felt…artificial. Stagnant. Generated in some way. Not entirely unpleasant.
A welcoming warmth wrapped around him as Evelyn brought him into a larger room. Not huge. Roughly the same size as the dorms but all for her. For them.
She bought him around the Room, narrating along as she did.
“There’s a fireplace and settees. Bookcases. This here leads to where I’ve been practising spells and potions and…well…everything. But this…”
She gently turned him and guided him to another room. Smaller and cooler.
“…I left this for you.”
Ominis stepped away from her and into ‘His’ room. His wand alerted him to the snug way the walls tapered in around them, the narrow walkway around a huge plush bed that took up almost the entire room.
He had been struggling to sleep…
“I found it shortly after Sebastian showed me the Undercroft. I felt so guilty, I’ve been coming here instead. Only I know about it…in this form at least”
“It’s perfect…” Ominis finally spoke, running his hand along the bed runner with a gentle smile and a voice filled with gratitude and relief.
He fought everything inside him telling him to pull her into a warm embrace. They didn’t have that kind of relationship, as much as he wanted to. As much as he craved her touch. He settled for something little, reaching out to her arm, squeezing affectionately before letting his fingers drop to hers. And she reciprocated, her own lazily linking with his.
“We can share this space…” she whispered “…we could arrange it so we have our own time to ourselves. Maybe putting a tie on the door handle if we don’t want to be disturbed…” she laughed softly, earning a playful rise of Ominis’ brows.
“…I’d like that. Thank you”
“It’s okay…” she shrugged, Ominis’ fingers tightening somewhat as her arm accidentally pulled her from his grasp “…I took away your safe haven, it’s only fair I replace it”
Ominis sighed sharply, turning and holding Evelyn by her cheeks.
“You did not take away anything…” he said with a strange authority, like how a father might scold a child when they aren’t listening “…I acted like a brute. You did nothing wrong”
He felt her lean into his hand slightly and her cheek puff out as she smiled sheepishly.
Was that a mole he could feel beneath his palm?
He could…see her!
He dropped his hands from her face, blinking rapidly to rid images of her from his head.
If he dwelled on them for too long he would want to see her completely. And he told himself not to get that close to too many people.
Gods, he hated himself for making that rule!
Oh, actually, I don’t need to know what anyone looks like. If I’ve known them for two years then they are worthy of my time but before that…no.
Stupid angsty little child…
“I’ll leave you to it then…” Evelyn chirped before she turned to leave his domain.
She didn’t get far before his cold hand wrapped around her wrist.
“Before you go…I wanted to say…” he paused momentarily, his lips parted as the words got stuck in his throat. His hesitation turned to nerves as he felt her turn to him completely. Her full attention, on him “…Evelyn, with everything going on; Sebastian, our disagreement, you disappearing to Merlin’s knows where…I just wanted to say I missed you”
A beat of silence hung in the air as Evelyn smiled and stopped herself from jumping into his arms.
“I missed you too…”
105 notes · View notes
claywriting · 4 months
Look out for me
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3600 words
first part of three: part two, part three
If you like I wrote another fic of neville, called "I can’t always be there to save you"
the Y/n is the same
Very, very slow burn
neville x f!reader
Being in the DA is one of the best things that happened to Y/n, not drawing attention on herself however has never been one of her abilities. When she found herself having to decide between defending Neville, which she isn't even so friend with or ending in the Umbridge hands she has no doubt, jumping at the rescue of the timid boy, not caring about the consequences. But this will have, and perhaps, not the ones expected.
The corridors of Hogwarts where colder that year, than ever before. Maybe only in the third year Neville found those colder, the terror of having the dementor roaming around the school and knowing that a serial killer was looking for the guy who slept in the bed near his almost make him go crazy that year. But in his fifth year the atmosphere if possible was even darker. The danger didn’t come from outside the school no more, but from the inside. The installation of the professor Umbridge was one of the worst things ever happened to the school; making the climate that the students had to endure the worst possible. Just walking around, talking freely, or looking too much could cause many problems to the younglings.
And there he was, walking alone in the afternoon, after the end of his lessons, going for the Room of Requirement, because Harry had that crazy idea, and now he was risking his neck to learn how to defend himself from crazy death eater and You-Know-who. He sighed, shaking his head, very lost in his thoughts, only listening the sound of his shoes on the floor of the empty hall; until a much faster sound captured his attention, someone coming very fast to his location. He raised his eyes just enough to look at his surrounding when a hand clashed on his back. “Hello, Darling. Going around alone? Mind if I walk with you? Pretty sure we are going in the same direction anyway and,” there she lowered her voice “Granger told us, better moving in pairs, less easy to pick on us.” A small laugh came out of a mouth next to Neville’s ear, as he moved his gaze to look at the girl that just crashed on his back.
Y/n was a year younger than him, a fellow Gryffindor, a normal girl. Pretty, Seamus once said, but no one had the courage to go tell her; her notorious hot head more than enough to keep any unwanted suitor away from her. But Neville had to agree with Seamus, she was, pretty. She had large shoulders, always waiting for one of the Weasley twins to fell of the broom (as she said) to be able to play, her hairs looked soft and well cured, even when she returned to the common room after study session they looked pretty, curled in a bum on top of her head; although that year she had cut them shorter, into a messy and carefree bob that was always, well... messy; but, and Neville could not explain that to himself, it looked like she wanted it to be like it, because even if it was chaotic, her hair looked better than ever. She had a happy smile, the one kind that make other people smile too, and a fast tongue that make her one of the targets both from the twins and the Umbridge, the firsts because they founded her annoyed words funny, and the second because she can’t seem to keep her mouth shout for her own good.
And, as the last part there were her eyes. Neville always tough that her eyes were the most mesmerizing eyes in the whole school. Able to go from looking like a sky before a storm, when she was studying or saw something that angered her, to the kindest and happiest one for almost nothing.
As one time she was clearly struggling with her head inside a book, reading for God know what time the same three lines; her face looked like she was about to explode and kill someone, and Ginny came to Neville asking for a courtesy.
“I have finished all my sweets,” she told him softly “don’t you happen to have something? This usually is enough to make her mood better.”
Now, Neville always was picked on by bullies, but after the year before when the girl crushed Gobble’s nose with her book to protect him, he felt a little more safe to walk around in the castle, especially when the girl was in the surroundings. So, he was eager to be able to help her, in everything, even the smallest thing. This was no exception, and the marvel when he noticed that, only tapping on her shoulder to offer her a candy, make her eyes transform in pure bliss. She accepted the candy so happily that make his heart warmer.
“Yes, I Know, but I didn’t find anyone; and…” he hesitated “going around with a girl is…”
She laughed, softly. “I swear Longbottom, I’ll be distant enough to not get us a detention, if someone comes by, okay?”
He nodded, slow.
“But seriously, ask me next time. I don’t like to go alone neither. And go picking Luna is a pain in the ass, I always send Ginny and Hermione. So, I don’t have to walk by myself for half of the castle.”
“She isn’t bad” tried to argue him.
“No, she is lovely. Don’t get me wrong.” She fasted explain “But, if you don’t mind, I prefer to walk with you.”
Some redness grew on the boy’s face, his hand twirling on each other’s. “I… like to walk with you too, Y/n.” he muttered.
“So, there isn’t any problem if we go together, only being safer. No cons, only pros.” She laughed, putting her hands in the pockets of the coat. “Am I wrong?”
The boy shakes his head. “As always, no, you aren’t.”
Another laugh left the lips of the girl next to him. She must have been of an extremely good mood that day, Neville thought, looking at her jumping happily in the middle of the hall, slightly ahead of him; he himself let go a smile, while looking at her. The thoughts in his head looking at the happy girl jumping and twirling her skirt, her bouncy hair free in the air, the laughter in her eyes. She was extremely good at making him happy, just by looking at her. He almost tend his hand to grab her when a cough reclaimed their attention behind them.
“Longbottom.” a snarky voice make him  froze on the spot, and slowly turn around.
The malefic trio behind them, Draco was looking at Neville with a smirk on his face, and behind him Cabble and Goyle. Neville was petrified in the middle of the corridor, unable to lift his gaze to look at the three in the eyes, one good thing was that his figure covered almost completely y/n, so when she emerged from behind him she had a very good view of the change of expression of the three guys. She smirked at them, Cabble growl ah her, Neville with a surge of curage put himself between his friend and the bully.
“Do we have any problem, Malfoy?” asked the girl, putting a hand on Neville’s shoulder, to tranquilize him. “I mean, you and your two minions, clearly have some, but we?” she looked at them funny, “We didn’t do anything wrong.”
The blonde one, the one that looked like a ferret, gaze them with attention, before a smirk grew on his face. “Do you really wanna do this, L/n?”
The girl already had her wand in her hand, but was still smiling, and the tone of her voice spoke about arrogance, against Draco. “I won’t make anything, if you don’t do anything funny, Malfoy.”
Neville thought that the tension between the girl and Draco was so thick that could be cut with a knife, both looked like as they were ready to jump at each other throat, just a wrong movement and chaos would be unleashed in the corridors. They clearly hated each other, Draco was a bitch with all the Gryffindors, but Neville has seen him with that expression only looking at Harry, he would have never thought… His gaze moved on the two behind him, Cabble looked like he was ready to rip the head off y/n, probably because last year she broke his nose, and Goyle looked as always, eager to torment someone.
“Letting a girl defending you Squib?” asked Malfoy moving his gaze on Neville, witch didn’t answer the provocation.
Y/n however did.
“Jealous, Draco? What’s the matter? Do you wish to have someone protecting you?” she makes a grimace at him, moving her weight to a foot into the other. “I can show you, if you ask properly. Be a good boy, c’mon.”
She was shitting on him, and everyone could tell; but, for once, Draco decided to be the smart one, lifting his wand as to cast a spell, Neville saw the slow movement, and understood that there made with purpose, to make the girl attack him first. And that exactly what she did, seeing Draco lifting his wand she had no instants of doubt, her wand moved almost on his own ad she casted a spell that led the blonde boy fly into a wall, crashing and falling with disgraced movement.
But, when he lifted his face, aside from a little blood that was leaking from his nose, a smile moved his face.
“She attacked me!” he started screaming. “Get her! She attacked me!”
The yells were more than enough to make her hesitate for some moments, her eyes moved to Nevilles, with a sorry look on her face; knowing that she, with her hot head, just condemned them both to a visit into Umbridge’s office. That was just a second because after that a binding curse send her flying into the hall, blocked on the floor.
Neville looked in horror his friend being sent on the other side of the corridor, her hair scattered on the cold floor and her wand fled some meters from the body of the girl. Her eyes blocked looking in another direction, open. For a second, he felt bile coming in his mouth, she looked death, but then the Pietrificus totalus malediction crashed on him too, and his thought moved in another direction, afraid for the consequences of the meet.
When Neville recuperates his body autonomy, he was already in the Umbridge office; the smell of melted rose scented wax making his eyes watery, and his throat ache. Y/n on the floor too, not far away from him. She didn’t look very worried, and this made him even more anxious, afraid of what the girl could do. It was almost like she didn’t care what would have happened to her, as long as she would have win in the long period. She wasn’t afraid of losing points from her house, to sustain the angry looks of her housemates, to end in detention every other week; it was like she didn’t care because she feels in peace with herself every time she put herself in trouble to defend someone.  So, there she was, lifting herself from the floor to sit on one of the little armchairs in front of professor’s Umbridge desk, with a little smile on her lips. Neville didn’t sit, standing behind the girl, trembling slowly.
“Is it true,” started the woman, passing her own wand from a hand to the other. “that you two attacked some other students.”
“No, it’s not.” answered Y/n fast, moving for an instant her gaze on Neville’s, which sent her a confused look. “I did. He didn’t do nothing, Miss, just standing here.” 
The professor’s gaze moved on Neville, thinning.
“I’m ready to take the Veritaserum, Miss, I was the one that cast a spell first, on Malfoy. He did nothing, was walking me to the common room.” She fidgets with her hands, slightly nervous. “I swear, Miss. Neville’s has not done anything wrong, even stepping in the middle to stop me.” she make a small laugh. “He knows I’m a hot head.”
Professor’s Umbridge sat in silence, looking only at the girl.
“Very well” she sighed “Longbottom, you are free to go. But I have my eyes on you, so be careful.” She showed him the door. “And, perhaps, choose better friends, in the future.”
Neville opened his mouth, as to protest. “I’m… I was there it isn’t right… not only Y/n…”
The girl gave him a soft smile “It’s alright, I’ll see you in the common room later. I’ve made a mistake, It’s only my fault.”
Neville looked at her in disbelief. Once again, she was just sitting there going in detention with serenity, the girl give him a last smile and then the professor forced him to leave the office.
He walked to the great hall with his hands into the pockets of his pants, the head recessed between the shoulders, and his face deformed in a sad pout. He sat there till the other members of the DA arrived and sat as well.
“Why didn’t you come to the encounter?” inquired almost immediately Ginny, leaning in his direction.
Every other member of the DA looked at him curious.
“Y/n.” he answered, gaining more curious look from his peers. “She…” he sighed “Malfoy stopped us in the middle of a hallway, and she… didn’t take well. I mean, he extracted the wand, and she attacked him…” he passed a hand on his eyes.
The Weasley let all go a laugh, followed by Harry.
“Did she hurt him?” asked Fred, with sparling eyes.
Neville just moved his head to point to the Slytherin table, where Draco’s nose was still red and swallow. The table let go another amazed laugh, one of the twins almost fall from his spot.
“She has a passion to hit on the nose of the Slytherin. I wonder if she does on purpose or what.” Ron commented between the laughs; Ginny’s, on his side, exploded in another laugh, very amused by the precision of her friend.
“I bet she does it on purpose.” Commented Dean. “She is a good Beater; her aim must be good.”
Everyone agreed with that, and, by doing so the focus of the conversation moved to the quidditch, distracting the presents, except for Neville, which keep an eye on the doors of the Great Hall, waiting for his friend. When they all get up, at the end of the dinner he makes sure to take a sandwich for the girl.
The group moved to the common room and there sated, chatting between each other, on the sofa enjoying the warmth of the fire in the fireplace. Next to Neville, Ginny was sitting on the sofa curled up in silence. In an angle Fred and George were confabulating something and, next to them, Seamus and Dean were chatting about Quidditch.
After some time, the paint of the Fat Lady opened, and, behind the entrance y/n was standing, her hand red and a black eye proud on her face.
“Sup guys,” she entered gaining the silence inside of the room, she left her robes on the armchair and sat on the sofa, next to Ginny and Neville. “did you all had a good evening?”
“What in the bloody hell happened to your face?” Hermione spoke first, breaking the silence in the room, clearly voicing what everyone were thinking, looking at her.
“Oh… yes.” Y/n answered “This… I may or may not have made the Umbridge…” she grinned “Mad.”
The silence persisted.
“I exaggerated, maybe. But that old Hag makes my patience go to the hell.” she looked at Neville’s lap, where a sandwich sat napkin-wrapped. “Is that for me honey? You are the most precious.” she added when Neville confirmed that, the food, was in fact for her. Her hand moved and grabbed the sandwich to unwrap it, and she started eating.
Fred and George moved closer curious looking at her. “And the hand? What did make you write?”
She grinned, once again. “I should have write ‘I should not attack other students.’” she moved her hand, to show the twins; Neville leaned to look at the back of the girl’s hand, on that the back a sentence.
“I will punch Malfoy” and above another sentence, unreadable.
“When I noticed what that thing was doing to my hand, I decided to write on me something that I actually believe.” she huffed. “The old hag didn’t check what I was writing, so…” She lifted her shoulder with a smile that promised chaos and moved her eyes to look at Fred and George. “Weasleys, I will need your help, if it’s not much trouble.”
The two looked at her intrigued, smelling that something was on.
“I swear Y/n if you make us loose other points…” started Ron.
“Let the lady talk Ronnie.” exclaimed Fred smacking his brother behind his head.
“Ye, I think she is cooking something in that head.” added George.
She tapped her fingers on the armrest of the sofa. “I think we’ll need the bludgers,” she muttered “and a distraction to sneak into the office while she is away.” added eyeing Ginny, she huffed. “But before anything else I need a shower, and a good night of sleep.” the girl eyed the twins once again. “I hope we’ll discuss this thing better tomorrow morning, yes?”
The two grinned at her.
And Neville stood here looking at y/n and the twins, the stomach twisted with anxiety and, maybe, something else.
Two weeks passed by with nothing done from y/n, it looked like that only speaking about terrible things with the twins was enough to keep her satisfied, but Neville couldn’t shake that horrible feeling that was aching his chest. He, used to have her spawning around him at the most random moments, was now seeing her only in company of the two ginger boys. Even Ginny, that was a good friend of the girl, was barely seeing her outside of the lessons. At lunch and dinner, she always sat with Neville and Ginny, and now her new place was between the two brothers, in the corridors looked like they walked to her and with her to every class; and after the lessons she was allowed to stick to them constantly, at quidditch practice, during the DA meetings, in the common room during the evening.
Neville was looking at all this with a pouty face and nervous attitude, ready to snap to everyone that talked about the trio in a different way than to complain. Ginny and Hermione being his best ally on this ques. The first because the one girl that was hatched by her brother was her best friend who she was deeply missing, and the other because she didn’t want to attract Umbridge attention on the Gryffindor house. So, during an evening in the common room, during which Neville was studying at a table in silence the two girls popped at his side, sitting with a disappointed groan.
“We must stop the three of them.” Hermione said with no further ado. Neville lifted his eyes from the book he was reading to send the two girl a confused look, tilting his head, no more invitation was needed for the girl to continue. “They are going to get us in trouble, if they get caught in no time the Umbridge will know about the DA, and then, we all be marked.”
Neville shot a look at Ginny, which nodded. “To be honest you know, I’m only pissed because she now spends all her time with those two,” she moved her hair behind her ear “aren’t you? You used to walk everywhere together, and now she goes with them.” The two girl sent him inquisitive looks, curious about his answer, and he blushed.
“I… you know, since the beginning of the year walking with a girl can send you in detention.”
Ginny gave him a kick under the table.
“Don’t be stupid,” She hissed. “and don’t lie to me. I know you miss it, she doesn't even spar with you at the DA.” The redhead takes her breath in, as Hermione moved her gaze to look at the girl they were talking about that was just walking inside the room with the twins.
“We know it pisses you too, Neville.” Hermione said softly “And we know that seeing her happy makes you happy too, but…”
At this point the boy shook his head, asking himself why he was listening to the two girls. He closed his book, his cheeks red and suddenly stood up, interrupting that and other conversation in the room. Even Y/n which in the last period was so taken by the twins to even look at him stopped her chatting to stare in silence. Seeing Neville, the quiet, unsure, boy stand up like that, the face angry and the hands closed in firsts was a new gaze to all the presents, and so everyone stopped what was doing to look in awe at the scene. “I’m not gonna put in the middle.” Said the boy with no hesitation whatsoever. “If she is happy, then I am. That’s it.” He spoke, leaving Hermione and Ginny to look at him confused, or better, surprised from the reaction. He waited long enough to see the two nods before taking his book and fly in the direction of his room, the eyes of the common room that were piercing the back of his head.
Many times, Y/n had saved him from the bully, the last time just a few weeks prior, when the bully stopped being a student and has become a professor, he could have never token something that made her happy, even if that meant was left behind. He passed a hand on his eyes, trying to make the tears that were stinging his eyes return, and succeeded, remaining in silence, on his bed, looking at the ceiling while in the common room the chatting was returning to his normal pace.
hello hello hello i hope you liked this little thing, is shorter than the other one, but I'm writhing other parts too and working on other fiction as well.
If you wish to be tagged in part two (and three as well) let me know; and if you have any request or ideas. Anything will be precious to improve myself. <3
I take a moment to tell, I don't have a beta reader and, since I'm not english, I would appreciate some help.
thank you all, send love <3
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dewitty1 · 3 months
Vichan  @k-vichan
Chapters: 29/29 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson & Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass Additional Tags: Slytherin Harry Potter, Dark Arts, Hogwarts Fifth Year, Dark Harry Potter, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Alternate Hogwarts House Sorting, Re-Sorting, Dark Magic, Slow Burn, Slytherin Pride, Protective Slytherins, Pureblood Politics (Harry Potter), Bigotry & Prejudice Series: Part 1 of Mutatum
In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn.
Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he's been learning, Harry’s not so sure.
(ノ゚∀゚)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
“We’ve been up all night,” Draco said. “You’re exhausted. We don’t have to figure this out right this second.” He then gently pulled Harry over to his bed before sitting on the edge, pulling Harry with him. He drew his wand and began fixing Harry’s hand.
As Harry watched his broken skin knit up before his eyes, the gentle touch of Draco’s fingers against his own brought his conversation with Hermione swirling back into his mind.
Harry swallowed hard, lifting his eyes from their hands to Draco’s face. Draco’s eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, a stray lock of blond hair falling in his eyes, his lips working as he cast Episkey after Episkey, and his pale eyelashes were just so damn long.
Draco Malfoy. Draco, who had thrown caution to the wind and accompanied Harry to the Ministry simply because Harry had insisted on going, had done the unthinkable and chosen Harry over his own father. Now, instead of worrying about what he and his mother were going to do now that his father was headed for Azkaban, he was completely focused on Harry’s self-inflicted injuries.
Draco Fucking Malfoy.
Without even fully realizing what he was doing, Harry raised his free hand and brushed the stray lock of hair behind Draco’s ear.
Draco paused in his ministrations, his silver-grey eyes flickering up to meet Harry’s.
Throwing caution to the wind, Harry’s hand slid to the back of Draco’s neck and he gently coaxed him forward, while at the same time he leaned in.
Their lips met, and the first thing Harry thought was that Draco’s lips were incredibly soft. For someone who was as sarcastic and pointy as Draco was, it almost made no sense that his lips would be so soft.
And then Draco’s lips moved against his own.
Warmth spread through him, and he was only faintly aware of Draco reaching out and pulling on his collar, drawing him closer. The mattress underneath him shifted as they gravitated towards one another. Harry raised his other hand to cup Draco’s cheek, tangling his fingers in soft, silky hair.
Lips moved against one another, then tongues, and Harry shuddered pleasantly as they imitated each other’s movements.
It was his first kiss and Harry had nothing to compare it to, but he could definitely understand why some couples couldn’t seem to keep their lips off of each other.
Finally, and at the same time altogether too soon, Draco pulled back, sucking just a bit on Harry’s lower lip as he did so. “Not that I don’t appreciate it,” he whispered against Harry’s lips, “but what brought this on?”
“Hermione,” Harry responded, feeling like something in his brain had short-circuited.
“What?” Draco asked, drawing away so he could look Harry full-on in the face. He scowled. “You’re kissing me while thinking about -”
“No!” Harry said. “She just… she pointed out that I… might have a thing for you. And that you might have a thing for me, too...”
Draco’s expression melted into amusement. “You…” He shook his head. “I invited you into my bed, had you sleep next to me, and just now you realize that I have a… ‘thing’ for you?”
“Uh,” Harry said sheepishly. “Well… as Hermione pointed out, I had an awful lot on my mind this year…”
“You’re a moron, Scarhead,” Draco said. His hand drifted upwards to grasp Harry’s still-injured one. “And did you just get blood in my hair?”
“Uh…” Harry’s eyes flicked upwards. “Yes.”
Draco smirked and leaned forward. “You owe me for that, you realize,” he said. “Though I suppose I owe Granger, as well…”
Harry’s laugh was cut off as their lips met again.
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alulasprinkles · 4 months
This is War.
"‘This is war.’ Honestly! Who says something like that about sodding snowballs, for Merlin’s sake?!"
Or: in which Draco and Hermione's ongoing snowball fight quickly becomes too real.
I recently learned I'm allowed to share this link, so here it is 😋 I absolutely adored working on this project, and I hope you enjoy it!
Happy holidays :)
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professionalfanatic · 3 months
Harry stiffled a curse, heading back to the Tower after yet another detention with Umbridge. He cast a Tempus, and groaned, seeing that it was a little past midnight. Now he would have to copy off Hermione's Transfiguration homework again, seeing he was just too exhausted to pick a quill, forget writing down the Laws of Goodness knows what.
He hoped Hermione was  asleep. His hand seemed to be bleeding even more than usual, and even though he would have loved to soak his hand in her special dittany , he didn’t want to deal with her rebukes again. He knew that she disapproved of him keeping the true nature of Umbridge’s detentions quiet. She'd been urging him the whole of the past weekend to go to Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, anyone really, but Harry had refused soundly. He didn't want to see the satisfaction on Umbridge’s face that she was getting under his skin. That she was hurting him. He'd be damned before he allowed that to happen.
Besides, what use was it, going to Dumbledore? The man seemed to be pretty determined to ignore him for the entirety of the school year, starting from his Trial back at the Ministry for Magic. Harry didn’t want to bother him either. He must be busy, what with the whole business of Voldemort, and the Ministry being a bunch of idiots.
So Harry would just have to deal with it. It wasn’t anything huge, he had lived with the Dursleys for the past 15 years of his life.
He yawned, rubbing his tired eyes. Honestly, this year was turning out to be the worst ones ever. He was so exhausted and disgruntled with everything that he was even looking forward for the holidays, and that's to say something, because Harry usually preferred his school terms better than the vacation.
But who could blame him? What with the whole business with Voldemort coming back to torment him, the dementor at Privet Drive, Dumbledore ignoring him, the horrible nightmares, Umbridge with her stupid DADA lessons, the damn detentions, his OWLS and that blonde prat -
"Oof! " Harry huffed as he collided with someone, and made a head dive to the floor. "Watch where your going! "
It was unfair, he knew, as he had been the one engrossed in his thoughts to have not seen the dark clad figure, who was also now sprawled on the floor in a very undignified manner.
"I think you should do that. "
Harry froze in the act of standing up. He could identify that snooty, lordly sneer anywhere.
"Malfoy. "
Of everyone he could have bump into after detention, it just had to be Malfoy.
The said boy was now dusting himself off the floor, scowling as he did so. His blond hair was all over the place, and he looked a bit more dishevelled for his impeccable Malfoy appearance. Not to mention, he was also sprawled on the floor, in a very undignified manner.
Malfoy looked up, and seeing Harry’s glaring face, his own scowl deepened.
"Potter. " He sneered at him. "What are you doing here at this time of the night? Not sneaking around, I hope? "
"Malfoy. " Harry bit back with equal venom. "It's none of your business. "
His scowl was replaced by a little smirk. "Language, Potter. I'd like to remind you that I am a prefect. Which means that I, unlike you, can take away some points for your unseemly behaviour. "
Harry glared at him.
His smirk grew. "So tell me, Oh great boy who lived. What are you doing at this ungodly hour? "
"Detention. " Harry said through gritted teeth. "I had detention with Umbridge. "
Harry hadn't thought that his smirk could become any wider. But apparently, it could, and Malfoy actually had the nerve to let out a gloating laugh.
"Ah, yes. Detentions for all the lies you've been spouting this year, am I correct? "
"You know very well if they are lies or not, Malfoy. " Harry grinned, seeing the smirk on Malfoy's face fade.
"Do I, then? " He hissed, a glare adorning his features.
"At least your scumbag of a Death Eater father would. " Harry shot at him. He shouldn't be here, fighting with Malfoy, a distant voice in his head which resembled Hermione was warning at him to shut his big mouth and stop enraging the blond menace, but Harry never did have much self control around Malfoy.
Malfoy's lip was curling in a cruel sneer.
"At least I have parents, Potter. Yours are six feet under. "
Harry saw red.
He growled at the disgusting slimy Slytherin and leapt forward, pulling his wand out of his pocket, not giving a least care that this would very well mean another set of ghastly detentions with the toad like woman. Malfoy had pushed him to the limit today, and insulting his dead parents, he could not tolerate. He wanted to murder the stupid bastard.
Ginny's Bat Bogey Hex seemed a good idea at the moment-
"Potter! What's wrong with your hand?! "
Harry stopped in his tracks, startled, all thoughts of hexes and curses forgotten. He had not expected Malfoy to ask about his hand, much less notice his hand was bleeding.
He spared a glance at his blood dripping hand and winced. Okay, maybe he would've noticed, but Harry never expected him to look so... different. He wasn’t sneering at him, or giving out snide comments at how pathetic he was to injure his hand, on the contrary, Malfoy was staring at him with something akin to..... concern.
"What? " Harry said stupidly.
"Your hand, Potter. " Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Why is it bleeding all over the place? "
"That's - " Harry began to say, before stopping abruptly. "Wait, what? "
"Potter, much as I knew your brain to be nonexistent, this is ridiculous, if you don't have the ability to understand simple sentences. " Malfoy rolled his eyes expressively.
"No! Just... why are you asking about my hand? " Harry garbled.
Malfoy heaved a sigh and lurched forward, and grabbed his hand, making Harry yelp.
He watched as a series of emotions flick in Malfoy's grey eyes, moving from concern, to surprise and anger after discerning the words carved into his skin.
Harry had never seen Malfoy's eyes look so intense. All for an injury that had happened to Harry. Harry bloody Potter, who was Malfoy's worst enemy. Why even was he angry for this? Harry had never been this stupefied in his life.
Then again, nothing about Malfoy ever made much sense, right?
"Bitch. " Malfoy muttered under his breathe and demanded sharply, startling Harry out of his bewilderment. "How long has she been making you do this? "
"Huh? " Harry mumbled, his brain yet to process Malfoy's question.
He rolled his eyes, and muttered, "Probably from the start of this term... no wonder its deep. "
Harry’s jaw dropped at Malfoy's unnatural concern.
"Woah, woah.. " He stuttered. "Malfoy? Are you alright? "
"What? " The said boy snapped, still staring at his hand with a frankly alarming expression.
"..... why.... are you holding my hand...? "
Harry winced when that was the first question that slipped him. That was not a good thing to ask right now. Or any time. He shouldn't be wondering why Draco Malfoy of all people was holding his hand and worrying about him. What next, Voldemort inviting him for a nice chat over a cup of coffee?
So in Harry’s defense, his concern was perfectly acceptable.
Malfoy was worried for Harry.
Malfoy, with his blond hair, not slicked back with gel for a change, and his grey eyes that looked almost silver in this light, was actually cradling Harry’s hand. Tenderly.
Harry shook his head frantically. That made no sense. He must be hallucinating. Did Fred and George give him  some weird thing that was making him see weird stuff like this? Were everyone in the common room laughing at how dumb his hallucination was?
Or dreaming. He must have returned to the common room, and he must have fallen asleep while writing Snape's stupid essay about the restorative properties of Merlin knows what. Any moment now he'll wake up, and laugh at himself for seeing such bizarre and stupid dream.
Literally anything made sense in the face of Draco bloody Malfoy expressing an emotion other than anger, and hatred to him.
He glanced at Malfoy's worried (worried! ) face and asked him slowly, in a delibrate voice,
"Malfoy, are you sure if you are all right? "
He yelped when said blonde prat tightened his grip on Harry’s hand. "Ow! What was that for?! "
Malfoy actually had the nerve to smile at him, though the look of worry didn't completely fade from his grey eyes. Which was still baffling Harry. He still couldn't think of any remotely logical reason as to why Draco Malfoy of all people was being worried about the state of his hand.
This didn't seem much like a hallucination, Harry thought, much to his discomfort. And he probably would have woken up by now, had it been a dream.
Perhaps... something had happened to Malfoy? Was he cursed or something? That made even more sense, seeing that Malfoy was the one who was actually acting in a very strange manner. Completely different. Was this someone polyjuiced as Malfoy? Even that made more sense.... whatever this nonsense happening right now did.
Harry pulled himself out of this slump he was falling into when he heard Malfoy sneer at him, and put his hand inside his pocket, pulling out his wand.
"What are you - "
"Relax, Potter, " Malfoy sneered, pointing his wand at Harry's hand.
Harry let out an incredulous laugh. This was getting way more insane by the second.
"You are pointing a wand at my hand, Malfoy, " Harry reasoned with perfect logic. "We've hated each other's guts for the past years, so yeah, sorry if I can't relax, when you point your fucking wand at me. "
Malfoy just rolled his eyes and muttered something, and Harry felt an immense sense of relief wash over his hand. Glancing down, he watched in astonishment as the blood dripping down his arm disappeared. The words carved into his hand were still visible, red and stark, but the painful sting had quite subsided.
Harry studied his now healed hand carefully, and glanced at Malfoy, who looked extremely smug.
Did Malfoy just heal his hand? No, that's not possible. What goddamn reason would Malfoy have to cure his hand? Did he curse his hand with some elaborate Pureblood spell?
But his hand seemed fine. In fact, it felt perfectly okay, now that the pain had been subdued by a great degree. He clenched his hand, smiling in relief as the sharp stab of pain had subsided.
"Wow, that feels great, " Harry exclaimed. He glanced at Malfoy who was still wearing his smug smirk, and gave a small wry nod. "Thanks, Malfoy, "
The blonde boy's smirked deepened. "I couldn't have the Oh great boy who lived bleeding all over the castle. Imagine the stress it would cause poor old Filch, " He gloated.
Harry rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like I have to believe you did this for the sake of Filch's sanity. No, I think you care about me, " That sounded entirely too bizarre and wrong, but Harry thought he wasn't too faraway from the mark when Malfoy's pale cheeks flushed, and he looked away.
"Don't be ridiculous. Why in the name of Merlin would I care about you? " He snapped, stuffing his wand into his robes.
"Oh, I don't know- why else would you go out of your way to help me?" Harry grinned. It was totally fun, teasing the other boy and making him blush.
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Potter. Just don't make it a habit to wander around the halls at midnight, knocking people down. I could have gotten seriously injured, "
Harry snorted. "Forgive me, your Royal Highness. It's okay to get acquainted with the floor once in a while, considering you walk three feet above it, "
"Acquainted? My Potter. That's a big word. Sure you didn't hurt your head, thinking that? " Malfoy smirked.
It was bizarre, them, Malfoy and Harry, actually having a civil conversation that didn't involve them flinging hexes and curses at each other. Ron wouldn't even believe him. He'd accuse Harry of lying. Hermione would believe him, but would seriously send him off for a check up with Pomfrey.
Harry stiffled a yawn, wondering just how late it was. Malfoy noted his yawn and rolled his eyes again.
"Goodness, Potter, cart yourself upto bed, please. Its terribly unattractive to see you yawn like that, " He sneered, but Harry, to his surprise didn't feel annoyed by it. Alright, just a little, but not enough to throw hexes at him.
"Shut up, " He murmured back, but with a lot less heat than earlier.
"Well, you will see the value of my words when you are inevitably even more inattentive at Snape's class tomorrow. " Malfoy smirked. "Maybe you'll land yourself another detention, "
Harry rolled his eyes, and turned to leave, silently acknowledging that Malfoy may have a point. He already had to finish Snape's stupid essay. If he was inattentive at class, and turn in a subpar essay as well, he might be in a lot of hot water. He was leaving when Malfoy called out to him, his voice more uncertain this time.
"You told Dumbledore about Umbridge’s punishment, didn't you? "
Harry whirled around, angered by the mention. It wasn't enough that Hermione was bothering him, now Malfoy as well? He could take care of himself, why did no one get that? Dumbledore had enough on his plate without Harry adding to it.
"There's no need for him to know. I can deal with it, " He snapped at Malfoy who looked taken aback.
"Merlin's beard, Potter! Stop getting so worked up over nothing. I just asked because Blood Quills are forbidden, you know? It's not a simple matter to use it on children. The School Board takes stuff like that seriously, "
Harry frowned at those words. "And you know this because... "
"My Father is a Governor, of course. " Malfoy rolled his eyes. "This school is unsafe anyway, remember that oaf Hagrid's ridiculous bird? "
"I remember you crying like a little baby, all because you couldn't follow simple instructions. " Harry taunted. "Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff, I rode him, remember? "
"Yeah, yeah, Saint Potter, capable of every miraculous feat possible, " Malfoy sneered. "But this place is a deathtrap, don't even refuse, "
Harry would have liked to refuse, but remembering Aragog, Hagrid's monstrous spider, and even the Basilisk, he just scowled. Malfoy did have a point. He turned around to leave when Malfoy called out again.
"Potter, do consider telling at least McGonagall. She's always on your stupid side, so she'll listen. And like I said, Blood Quills are forbidden. "
Harry looked at him shrewdly. Was this Malfoy's way of looking out for him? Something in Harry told him that Malfoy was genuinely trying to help him, like how he had healed Harry’s hand. Was he even telling Hadey a way to get Umbridge out of Hogwarts? Perhaps it wasn't such a terrible idea to go to McGonagall.
He just smiled at the blonde prat, liking how his cheeks flushed again.
"Good night, Malfoy, " Harry said instead of an answer.
Malfoy smiled at him. He actually smiled, instead of that stupid smirk. Harry found out that it was unexpectedly nice to see his pointy features soften by a mundane smile.
"Good night, Potter, "
Wrote this on ao3, but posted here too :)) Forgot how much I love Drarry to be honest :)
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zetadraconis11 · 3 months
HL Incorrect Quote #75
MC: Let me go!
Sebastian, grabbing MC's robe: One of us has to have eight hours of sleep, and it's not going to be me!
MC: Oh, how generous of you! I have things to do!
Sebastian: You think I don't have things I want to do too?
MC: Ominis! Tell Sebastian to let me go!
Ominis: If I had to choose someone to be more lucid, I would have you get more sleep. So you could then help me manage this idiot!
Sebastian: That might be an insult to me, but all I heard was that I won.
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seleneprince · 1 month
Mulciber: So, are you a boy or a girl?
Sevrina: I'm a fucking mess
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fandomsnfreaks · 4 months
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That time of the year: Yule Ball! 🎄❄️
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Seb really got that ✨rizz✨.
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kirain · 10 months
I got a lot of requests for more funny journal entries by Sharp, so I just made a whole bunch and threw them all together. Enjoy! 😅
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mellabreeanna · 1 year
It's nice seeing that Dumbledore has continued Hogwarts teachers proud tradition in letting teenage kids take care of all wizarding worlds problems.
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claywriting · 3 months
Look out for me
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the second part of this fic, you can find the first here
3500 words
after ending in detention with professor umbridge Y/N start to hang out with the Weasley twins, kind of leaving behind her friend, too entangled with the new situation. But what will this came to?
Seeing the twins hanging around with Y/n, glued with them, was weird. Yes, the girl always had an attitude for chaos, for explosion and her laugh always echoed in the corridors of the castle, reclaiming the attention, reclaiming the looks of her peers. Was kind of obvious, she was the other half of one of the most popular duo in the school; she and Ginny made heads turn, when they passed in the halls, the Weasley with the longest legs, mesmerizing smile; and her friend with the silkiest hair and a laugh so contagious that would have made the statues in the castle laugh too.
But from a month or so the girl was hanging around with the wrong Weasleys, the two older brothers of Ginny and Ron, the two most notorious troublemaker in the school. She was always next to them, at the meals, in the pauses between lessons, during their free days in Hogsmeade, it was like the girl had glued herself in the middle of the duo, making him become a trio. No one was happy about it. Ginny wasn’t, Hermione wasn’t, Lee wasn’t, but the most unhappy was for sure Neville, which looked like was founding a sport, becoming champion in looking for the trio in the corridors, and then become all grumpy once spotted. It was kind of a weird look, seeing the boy, usually too timid to let go any other emotion than embarrass, all grumpy and moody; so, he started to hang out way less with the other Gryffindor, preferring to spend his free time in the green-house, sometimes accompanied by Ginny and Luna, which just sat there to study, while listening their friend rumble about something in half voice.
It went of like that for a month or so, before Ginny decided she was full of that shit, and decided to take the matter into her own hands. Seeing Neville miserable, moping around every time he saw the trio in the halls was a show she grew tired pretty fast. So, one night she waited for her friend on her bed, her arms crossed and the face her mother used to wear when she was about to lecture one of her children. It took long, Y/n came into her own room late at night, after the curfew, and despite being quite stealthy two sarcastic coff claimed her attention the right moment she put her foot inside the room. She did a little jump, not expecting to find someone awake, and a little light arise from her wand, lighting up Ginny on her bed, looking at her friend.
“We need to talk.” Simply said the redhead, getting up from her bed to descend into the common room, followed by a confused Y/n. The two did the stairs in silence, Ginny going first, and when both sat on the sofa, in front of the half dead fire she looked at her friend serious.
“Listen, and don’t get angry.” Started Ginny without leaving her friend the time to understand what was this about “Believe me I know my brothers do this effect. They suck you in their shenanigans, and I’m well aware that it all looks so cool, while doing it. I don’t judge you for this but… I miss you. You always spend all your time with them, I nearly don’t have a best friend anymore. Even during the Hogsmeade day you prefer their company, I…” she hesitated, looking into her eyes, thinking about the right words “Listen, I know… he will kill me, I mean, he would kill me if he knew how to held his hand; but do you know that Crabbe and Goyle last week waited Neville outside the green house to torment him? Everyone knows you are hanging around with my brothers, but I miss you, I miss you, Hermione miss you, Neville miss you.” She paused, “He told me that he doesn’t care about going around alone, neither being picked on from those idiots, but he misses your chatter in the halls; and I miss those too. Can… you pleas return to hang out with us?” ended in a hopeful tone, grabbing her friend hands, and looking her in the eyes. In those she found remorse, and sadness.
Y/n sent her arms around her friend neck, hugging her tightly. “I’m so sorry” she cried, hiding her nose inside Ginny’s neck, on the verge of tears. “Oh, I’ve been a terrible, horrible friend. I’m so, so, so very sorry Gin. I… didn’t even notice, the twins are just so much, I always felt like I was drunk around them, and I’ve let them intoxicate me. I’m so stupid.”
“Hey, now” she laughed softly, patting her friend’s back “it’s my brothers you are talking about, not fire whisky, c’mon.”
“But it’s true, once you feel part of the stunts it’s so difficult to step back, it’s just so funny and… I’m sorry. Really.” She shook her head, cleaning her eyes from the small tears that had formed. “From tomorrow I’ll be back being your shadow, I promise. And I’ll go talk to Neville to, I can’t believe he didn’t tell me about those two gits!” added getting up, and giving her friend a hand, to help her get up too. “Let’s go to bed, now. Tomorrow I’ll fix everything, I swear.”
The next day Y/n kept her words, she didn’t talked with the Twins, sitting not far from them, but near Ginny both at breakfast and lunch, but the three kept smile at each other. About Neville, however she didn’t catch a sign of him the whole day. The day slip between her fingers like water, the lessons of the morning let her with a sense of something missing, she was understanding that in the past weeks her mind was so full of pranks and schemes that she had left behind her academics, only her quidditch didn’t rusted. The question in her head just one, were the twins two geniuses? She had no other way to understand how they managed to keep all their invention and pranks work, while going not bad at school AND being in the regular team of quidditch, so playing every damn match. There weren’t any other explanation, those two were well above the other students.
But she wasn’t, and with the DA and quidditch she already felt herself fall behind her classmates, so she decided that she was doing the right thing, she could just keep talking to them during the trainings, and during meals.
Those were the thinking that were filling her mind while she trotted in the direction of the greenhouse. Two problems were solved, Ginny wasn’t angry, the twins weren’t angry. She only hoped that Neville would been understandable as well, not getting angry. Happily she descended the stairs that lead to the greenhouse, her books under hands and a smile on her lips, and approached the door of the first structure. The greenhouse zone was gigantic, and she knew she could have to look for him for some time, before, she hoped, the two of them had to leave to go together at the last DA meeting before Christmas.
With as much stealth as she could she entered in the first structure, at the ground floor, and started looking around, careful to not touch any of those plants, turning up her nose, not being very fond of the subject. She wandered around, in silence, and having decided that on that floor there were no one she took the stairs, going up to the first floor, where she started to wander once again. It took some time to do the whole turn around the greenhouse, and she was now sure that he wasn’t there when a knowing voice reclaimed her attention, and she leant over the handrail, to look at the lower floor.
There stood Neville, laughing about something in a muffled voice, his hand in front of his mouth and his cheeks red, perhaps from the too much laughing, or because of the hand that a blonde Hufflepuff girl had on his forearm, to keep her steady while she was laughing with him. Y/n stood here, almost in shock, looking at the two, a heartache suddenly make her need to have a seat, but at the same time she found herself unable to look away from the scene under her. She discovered that jealousy left a very acrid taste in the mouth, and make the hands twitch while the eyes stings. She never knew, or better, she never knew that jealousy could be that strong for a friend. She already proved jealousy, she had some crush in her life, she remember the distraught sighs she used to unleash watching the twins dancing with their dates, and earlier that same year she remembered watching Harry ogling over Cho with a sting of jealousy; not because she fancied the boy, but dreaming, perhaps in a childish way, to have someone that looked at her like that.
But this, she decided, was a new kind of jealousy, the one kind she didn’t feel like to ignore, to walk with the two of them to the meeting, so she get up on her wobbling legs and left, leaving behind her the two plant lovers, talking with one another. She didn’t spare a look at the greenhouse, nor to the Slytherin outside of it, that followed her with their eyes, soft smile forming on their lips while words impossible to hear came out of their mouth. She just left, alone and angry, challenging everyone to step in the middle of her run, to talk to her. Nobody did, nobody stopped her, talked to her, looked at her. She felt alone.
The room of requirement was stuffed with people, the DA was almost already gathkered here to the lesson of the day, the spells flowing from left to right in the room, the people screaming, laughing; and in an angle, by herself, Y/n was testing a refined fire spell, exercising her control. She knew, Harry knew, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, the Twins and all the rest knew that the girl was raw power, her spells the fastest and strongest of the students in the group, but not controlled, not fined, not precise. She could make three walls one after the other explode like it was nothing, but when the other managed to make pass their spells inside a metal ring without causing damage; she would make the thing explode in hundreds of pieces. When Luna could make her levitate in the middle of the air, gracefully, she shouted her poor companion into the ceiling, and then released them into the floor with no grace. When Hermione managed to make her aguamenti took the form of a beautiful horse she would create a wave so big that could draw everyone inside the room. When Ron expelliarmus made the wand of his opponent fly directly in his open hand, hers shouted the wand of the opponent inside a wall, physically.
She was embarrassed.
So that day she decided to sit by herself in an angle, only a small table in front of her and her wand in hand, held as she would hold a knife, so strongly that her knuckles had became white, her forehead sweating, sticking her hair to her skin. The flames in front of her dancing softly. “Engrogio” she whispered to her wand, and fast enough the flame erupted toward the ceiling, reclaiming the attention inside the room, making everyone move their head to the girl. Her cheeks reddened, in shame. Hermione was fast to kill the danger, sending a knowing look at the girl, once the flame had returned to a smaller figure.
“You lack control.” Spoke Harry coming closer.
“Don’t you say.” Is the snarky answer that greeted him. A grin lifted the corners of three lips, as the twins and Ginny looked at the scene.
“She is going to eat him alive.” Someone whispered.
But just in that moment the doors of the room opened once again, letting inside Neville, that was carrying a huge vase, followed by some Hufflepuff girl laughing at something he would have said during the route. Once again the flame near Y/n exploded like a firework, a powerful swoosh that made everyone shout their mouth, looking at her with wide eyes. The flames moved near the head of the girl, caressing her hair and casting moving shadows on her visage, her eyes usually bright looked like two dark caves shadowed in her face, but somehow the image of the fire reflecting on her skin make her look like some sort of ancient divinity of chaos and revenge.
“Aguamenti.” Shouted in synchro Hermione and Harry, pointing the wand to the blazing flames, extinguishing them for good, leaving a little smell of smoke and steam in the air.
“What in the bloody hell was that?” asked Ron elbowing to get closer, his eyes widened, and the face white. She was feeling all of the eyes in the room pointed on her; but felt unable to move her gaze from her friend and the blonde girl who just entered in the room. Felt the redness of her face rose once again, and hoped that could be attributed to the fire that, just now, almost burned her. Y/n lowered her gaze, mumbling some apologies, unable to sustain the look everyone was giving her, in particular the shocked look of the boy and the smug one that Ginny reserved only to her friend, confident on her right opinion.
“She just lost control of the spell.” Tried to defend her Luna, “We know she has problem, with it.”
Somehow the defence only worsened the ache in her chest, being pointed as the one who could not handle her own spell was no pride. Every respectable duellist knew that, even she.
“Y/n blossom in the middle of the chaos, when she can use her spell at a fast rate, not under the pressure of being controlling,” Ginny rose to speak “if I had to choose someone to fight alongside she would be the one.”
In the meantime, the rest of the students seeing the danger ended turned to do what they were.
“She would risk killing you too.” Answered Hermione, while the girl felt her cheeks reddens even more. “Perhaps we should focus more on control,” she moved her head in the direction of the boy at her right “Harry?”
The boy-who-lived nodded, putting a hand under his chin “Perhaps… how about a duel?”
Hermione looked at him as he went mad. “A duel?”
“Against someone she doesn’t want to hurt. She’ll be forced by herself to hold back.”
“That’s idiotic.” One of the twins said getting closer the hands shoved in the pockets of his trousers.
“Ye, Y/n hates every one of us.” Added the other half of the redhead pair. The girl showed them her middle finger, causing some laugh from the two. “I mean, she punched everyone in this room.” The small group sent a look around the space, thinking, with Ginny’s arm around her friend’s shoulders.
“That… that’s not true.” A timid voice spoke, as Neville got closer. “She never punched me.” Smiled him, to the girl, which shook her head.
“That’s true. Maybe Neville is what is needed for Y/n, maybe he can handle her spells.” Said a voice near to Y/n’s ear.
“I mean, we already have worked together during the meetings.” Added the boy with a smile, looking hopeful at his friend.
She shook her head. “I never cast when we work together,” answered her “whit no one, not since I sent Fred into the wall.” She gives one of the twins a look of sorrow, but met a finger that pointed the other, so she scoffed and returned to talk, “I don’t want to hurt Nev.” added reinforcing the grip on her wand.
“I can handle it.”
“I can’t.” answered the girl hardly.
“I will.” Offered Ginny. “She’s my best friend, won’t hurt me.” Many worried looks set on the girl, but she didn’t move herself, only sent a look in Neville’s direction, telling him something only with the eyes. The boy shut his mouth, and Y/n slowly nodded.
“If you are sure… if you need to make me duel someone, I would have preferred kicking Harry’s butt, but as you wish.” An arid laugh left her, as she moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
In no time the middle of the Requirement Room got evacuated, leaving place for the two girls to face themselves, the wand high in front of their faces, ready, waiting for Harry’s signal to start. Y/n’s face looked like she was about to have a stroke, her hand trembling slightly and once again her wand was kept so hardly that looked like it was about to break in half. Ginny’s look was completely different, almost relaxed. Around the both of them, on the floor, a circle was drawn, and the purpose of the exercise, sending the other just out the line, for Y/n; for Ginny sending her friends out of the circle, whatever it takes. One had to keep herself under control, the other had to let herself go.
When Harry clapped his hand Ginny’s started to blast spell first, Y/n just focusing on deviate the ones that came near to her, trying to not hit someone by doing so. Screams emerged from around them, while the two moved around the circle, one still launching spells, and the other only deflecting them. It was clearly an impair fight, Ginny already had the victory on her; as she was duelling against someone who was focusing only on defensive spells, which weren’t her area of expertise. Just once Y/n lifted her wand, exasperated, to hit her friend, casting a levicorpus that sent Ginny fling in the air, but let go almost immediately, afraid of hurting her, and that give the redhead the time to send against her friend a jinks that hit her like a punch on the nose, leaving with the part swallow and bleeding; but none of them stopped. Slowly Y/n, attack after attack received, started to send her friend some offensive spells, but it was easy to see she wasn’t really aiming Ginny, but more the walls behind her. Nonetheless, some student had to jump away from the paths of the spells, to not be caught as a collateral victim.
It was after a spell that was particularly difficult to dodge that Ginny manage to sent the final blow on her opponent, the stupeficium spell hit Y/n’s face sending her fly back for some meters, and crashing ruinously on the floor of the Room. Silence fell from above, on the group, and then the acclamation for Ginny’s started, whit the girl laughing, while her friend just laid herself on the floor, looking above.
Y/n heard some fast step approaching and when she moved her look the preoccupated face of Neville, kneeled near to her, occupied all of her visual field, the boy had his eyes so wide that for a moment the girl feared that they would have fallen out, and his cheeks where so red, was also painting, as he had sprinted to get near to her. “Are you hurt? Your nose is bleeding an afoul lot.”
She laughed softly. “Yes, I mean, no. I’m alright. Noting serious. But someone should fix this bloody mess, don’t wanna go to dinner covered in blood.”
Neville nodded, and fast looked around for one of the green flasks of wiggleweld potions the DA students where required to bring. In no time he jumped to grab one and came back, sitting on the floor whit Y/n.
She drank the liquid, unhappy, “Don’t you go congratulate to Ginny?” asked after a bit.
“Why so?” asked the boy looking at the youngest Weasley “You were the one that forced herself to not attack. I saw how strong your wand was trembling, sure not because you were afraid of Ginny, or hurting.”
She sent the boy a confused look and give him a small push. “Since when are you so sure of your opinion Longbottom?”
Neville laughed softly, getting red on the cheeks. “I… am attentive, when are talking about friends.” He sent the girl a small look, whit the corner of his eyes “Did… did I say something stupid, didn’t I?”
She shook her head. “The contrary I would say,” Answered getting up, and handing the boy her hand to help him getting up as well “pretty accurate.”
Neville accepted the hand, and was pulled on his feet by the girl, which didn’t move to go congratulate on her friend, that when saw her on her foot again sent her a murder look. “She’s gonna be angry,” Luna came near them “she will think that you didn’t take the duel seriously.”
Y/n shook her shoulder, “She’ll get over it.” answered dryly “I was contrary from the beginning, could not have thought that I really was going to fight her. How could I watch myself in the mirror after hurting somebody I love? Could have not sparred honestly with her, nor with..." she stopped, biting her tongue "Doesn't matter, i'm happy enough to not have hurt someone I care about."
Neville stood in silence, his head racing, the words of the girl next to him echoing in his head.
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
Attempted Abduction Rescue of the cute Ashwinder Scout (Oswald) by my MC
Why, yes, "she" is rather unapologetic about her sociopathy..
(No cute baby Ashwinders who don't know any spells were harmed in the making of this video)
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boxdstars · 4 months
A letter from the Chief Auror..
hi gang! Im back with.. more mara posting (who could’ve seen it coming)
I’m just messing around with some in-universe post game content. So here’s a little test of a letter sent to the MC from Amara, ten years post graduation. It’s a little vague but it ties into some plot stuff i’ve been drafting >:)
if you know me, you know a lot of amara’s story is very much focused outside of the hogwarts tenure, it’s a whole long thing with lots of theatrics and high stake thrills — involving some ancient magic antics
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I also have a transcript below the cut, because the cursive is a little blurry and isn’t the most legible lmaoo
My dear fellow,
I confess, it has been some time. My sincerest apologies for my absence at the 10 year anniversary celebration since our graduation. In truth, I’ve been entirely preoccupied with a most pressing issue here at the office.
Moreover, I must regrettably call on you immediately. There is a situation stateside which if I remember correctly, may be of use to your talents of sorts. I shan’t elaborate on the nature of your abilities, though I’m sure you can imply what I’m getting at.
I’ve sent an envoy from the MACUSA Department of International Relations to assist you in this matter. His name is Peter Buttonwood. I admit, he’s a bit sheepish.. though to my chagrin, the only staff available at my whim on such short notice. You’ll find him in the Three Broomsticks in room 2. Ask Sirona.
Rendezvous with me immediately, Peter will escort you overseas and show you the way through Manhattan. Dress appropriately for the occasion, I’ve just stocked up on a couple bottles of my finest bourbons and gins should that strike your fancy. You’ll need to drink after you hear this.
At your earliest opportunity,
A. Ambrose
Chief Auror
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weirdraccoon · 7 months
Sebastian: Some of us are still "it" from our last game of tag.
MC: ...
Ominis: ...
MC: I've never played tag.
Ominis: Sebastian's it! Run!
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Idk what is it with legacy but everything seems to me like it was written on a napkin five minutes before the programming started. I'm crying about the ancient magic and the fact that nothing was done with it. The friends weren't involved with the plot enough, Fig was involved too much (were they trying to copy year 4 and 5 with Rakepick???), we CAN'T FUCKING ALLY WITH RANROK, Isodora and Bragbor successfully cooperated to create the repository but we can't have main character and ranrok paralleling that and working together.
You know, you're absolutely right.
This game was like...almost incredible. But in every area it could have been incredible, there's this pesky "almost" stuck as a prefix for this reason or that reason.
The companion mod is proof that not enough was done with the characters in this game (Amit doesn't even get a quest-line) but it's obvious that the characters are still compelling. Poppy and Natsai are three dimensional and lovable, and Sebastian's popularity speaks for itself. Even the ones who aren't meant to be in focus can be well crafted. (They rolled a real winner with Ominis, I said what I said.)
Fig was obviously meant to be a significant character (I am still not clear on what subject he teaches, does anyone know...?) and given his connection to the plot through Miriam, that's to be expected. He's a lovable guy and I don't mind him being so relevant, but it's obvious that (for better or for worse) the student characters are largely here by obligation and in the mind of the developers, they're more for side-quest content. That other characters like Fig and Lodgok are meant to be the important ones. Again, for better or for worse. I've heard it said that Sebastian's story should have just been the main storyline of the game and honestly...that's not entirely a bad idea.
Though frankly, I think a far better idea would have been just having Isidora as the villain instead of Ranrok.
Which is a good segue into talking about the other points you mentioned. I've talked about this before as well, but yes. Ranrok was beyond wasted as a character. What you describe would have been perfect, and yeah, it would have mirrored the backstory. It seems so obvious. Ranrok deserved more development and deserved to be portrayed as someone the MC might sympathize with. He deserved an ending of his own, where the player can side with him. Never mind the political, real-life reasons for why this was essential, it's just a no-brainer in an open world RPG that would have you believe it has multiple endings. (It really doesn't...)
Oh and that reminds me, this game pretends it has two endings when really, it only has one. Yes, you can choose to harness the Ancient Magic rather than becoming a Keeper, but it changes nothing about the game's ending. Half of the players were already going to head-canon their MCs as doing that anyway. The Ancient Magic is such an intriguing concept but apart from being a map marker for The Fifth Year to discover new plot threads, we don't learn much about it at all.
Honestly, the most fascinating the Ancient Magic ever gets is when we're learning about it through Isidora. The scene where she removed her father's pain was genuinely chilling, and in that I saw the glimmer of a terrifying villain wielding magic we had never seen before. Isidora would have been the best kind of villain because she would have believed she was doing the right thing and would have had understandable reason why she believed it. What she could do to those who oppose her...what she did to the people she loved, and all because she wanted to help them...the power of Ancient Magic is frightening, in no small part because we know so little about it, but we could definitely have stood to learn a little bit more, especially as it's unlikely to be featured again. (Unless they make a sequel.)
I think above all, what this story needed was more nuance. Everything is way too black and white. There are hints of something more, but they get dropped almost immediately as they get brought up. Maybe that's why Sebastian's storyline is a fan-favorite. His dynamic with Ominis and where his story ultimately goes, not to mention the sympathetic reasons why it ends up where it does...and the actual impact The Fifth Year's choices can have on this story...yeah, the rest of the game could take note. Isidora isn't developed enough, and neither is Ranrok, when they could both be exceptional characters.
You want to know my favorite scene of the game, bar none? The scene where Lodgok opens up about meeting Miriam and his grief at her death. That. That is the kind of nuance I'm talking about, and combined with the scene's atmosphere and raw emotion...I teared up. I mean it. That was so powerful. I wish more of the Ranrok storyline was like that more of the time. Any story in the Potterverse that centers around a Goblin Rebellion cannot afford to be this black and white, and we all know why. But in general, it's just better storytelling if there are more shades of gray.
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idlyfretting · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Dolores Umbridge, Neville Longbottom Additional Tags: Hogwarts Fifth Year, Harry Potter is So Done, Anger, Slytherin Harry Potter, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry gets re-sorted into Slytherin, but that's not the plot, Smart Harry Potter, Harry is a Little Shit
“Longbottom is a worthless excuse for a wizard. He’s not even a proper Gryffindor, if there even is such a thing.” Malfoy glanced across the table at Crabbe and Goyle. “What kind of lion runs away from a snake?” The two boys and Parkinson laughed mockingly.
Harry had been content to just leave, feeling more irritated with the others than any actual anger. But as he was standing up, he caught sight of Umbridge sitting at the head table fairly close to the Slytherins, giggling into her napkin in obvious mirth.
Yeah, fuck that.
After being re-sorted into Slytherin at the beginning of fifth year, Harry has finally had enough of Malfoy. But instead of letting his anger take hold in a very Gryffindor way, he lets his inner snake out to play.
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