#history time
littlemissbigears · 1 year
Fun History fact about John: He was born in 11 AD and died in 99 AD (making him 88 years old), meaning John lived through THIRTEEN ROMAN EMPERORS! Augustus died when John would’ve been just three years old (Jesus would’ve been nineteen) and John died shortly after Trajan became emperor!
So basically John’s life can be summed up like this:
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ichirostrange · 1 year
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Tuve todo el día sin luz 😩 lptm
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kainbubog · 1 year
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teach em’ young
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sochaossheep · 1 year
2 años, la madurez no le llega a todos al mismo tiempo.
En los últimos dos años la vida me dio una arrastrada, creo que hablo por todos cuando digo “siempre hay algún momento de la vida en el que parece que nada puede llegar a empeorar”, ciertamente muchos nos sentimos identificados con esto, todos tenemos algún pasado oscuro del que nos avergüenza hablar.
Quiero compartirles de como la cague y la seguía cagando a pesar de ver las cosas tan obvias.
Entre el 2012 aprox.
Conocí a la persona que más tarde se convertiría en mi pareja, cuando nos conocimos claramente me gustaba ya que siempre fue una persona carismática y como mujer a las chicas nos encanta que tengan buena personalidad, y para mi en ese entonces el tendría a lo que se le llamaría una personalidad atractiva, siendo jóvenes creemos que se puede solo vivir de unos cuanto besos, abrazos y unos “te amo” aunque realmente no conozcamos el significado de esa palabra, muchos tardamos en entender el verdadero significado y peso que esta tiene.
Por ahí del 2012 mi abuela fue invitada a una boda de parientes políticos, nos tocaba quedarnos con la familia del novio quienes eran muy amigables, obviamente más familiares llegaron y mi abuela se había ofrecido a ayudar, entonces yo siendo algo aburrible fui a buscar donde distraerme o pasar el tiempo, ahí fue cuando lo vi llegar estando sentada en el patio sobre una gran montaña de tierra, ambos nos miramos por bastante tiempo hasta que su prima nos presentó (desde entonces me habría parecido tierno), siendo atento y bastante hablador el chico se gano mi corazón aunque jamas ninguno dio un paso, más tarde después de la boda teníamos que separarnos y para ese entonces fue tan triste, recuerdo haber llorado por que quería más tiempo a su lado, siempre fue muy ocurrente y alegraba mi corazón.
Corazoncito si quieren seguir leyendo la historia
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starblue2406 · 1 year
Stories from mini-hell 1
As part of the anniversary week I have compiled all the interesting stories (to say nothing else) that comics and fanfic have brought to this small fandom.
Story narrated by Elgu herself:
Let's see.
When I was still in high school, a teacher gave us a project and since I already had my little group of friends, between them and me we were going to do it. The thing is that none of them had a computer to do the project but me, so I offered to do the project at my house.
At that time there were 3 friends, of the three I was the only girl in the group, so what would happen?
The thing is that I had already learned about the story of the little star, so I was giving her encouragement to continue it. Anyway, even at home and with the computer open the creation of the project began, half an hour later I suggested something to eat so I went to get some snacks.
When I came back they were looking attentively at the screen without saying a single word, I approached them and oh surprise! I had forgotten to close WhatsApp web, so they were reading every chapter of the comic mame of Arceus and Damos.
The strange thing was that when they noticed my presence they didn't notice any disturbance, only anger; because Arceus is the passive one! And from that moment on they wanted to cut off the head of the little creator star.
In short, that is it, although according to my friend they were also hurt and horrified to see Arceus less authoritarian and more "chicken-hearted"(his complaints are all contrary to those of my cousin) and make Damos and Arceus look so cute together only to end up splitting them up. Although they mainly complained about Arceus' tastes in bed, how funny and terrifying those three were to me.
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charlesoberonn · 3 months
Tell me you know nothing about history without telling me you know nothing about history
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dndspellgifs · 8 months
look, I know I've talked about this essay (?) before but like,
If you ever needed a good demonstration of the quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", have I got an exercise for you.
Somebody made a small article explaining the basics of atomic theory but it's written in Anglish. Anglish is basically a made-up version of English where they remove any elements (words, prefixes, etc) that were originally borrowed from romance languages like french and latin, as well as greek and other foreign loanwords, keeping only those of germanic origin.
What happens is an english which is for the most part intelligible, but since a lot everyday english, and especially the scientific vocabulary, has has heavy latin and greek influence, they have to make up new words from the existing germanic-english vocabulary. For me it kind of reads super viking-ey.
Anyway when you read this article on atomic theory, in Anglish called Uncleftish Beholding, you get this text which kind of reads like a fantasy novel. Like in my mind it feels like it recontextualizes advanced scientific concepts to explain it to a viking audience from ancient times.
Even though you're familiar with the scientific ideas, because it bypasses the normal language we use for these concepts, you get a chance to examine these ideas as if you were a visitor from another civilization - and guess what, it does feel like it's about magic. It has a mythical quality to it, like it feels like a book about magic written during viking times. For me this has the same vibe as reading deep magic lore from a Robert Jordan book.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Fat people deserve mobility aids, too. No matter if it's connected to their fatness or not, because having a mobility issue that is connected to one's fatness won't change that they're still fat and still have the issue at hand. Fat people don't deserve to "tough it out" because fatness should be this divine punishment doled out to those who "deserve" it. Fat disabled people deserve to have the peace of mind that they can exist in whatever way is most comfortable and accessible to them
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oliveroctavius · 5 months
In Plagiarism and You(Tube), Hbomb says "If you consider something so obscure you can get away with stealing it, you do not respect it." Save that line for the next time someone tries to tell you that Roy Lichtenstein brought respect to comics as art.
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It's since been pointed out that while Lichtenstein did copy one of Russ Heath's drawings of an airplane getting hit, the painting depicted above was actually copied off Irv Norvick, because Lichtenstein did this so many times to so many comic artists.
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In Lichtenstein's defense, he was doing this in a time when comic artists frequently weren't even credited in the issues themselves. In his condemnation, he never even tried to check, nor has he made any move to pay or credit any of the comic artists who recognized their own work later on. Rather than elevating the "low art" of comics, he was widening the gap of financial success and respect even further.
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The Hbomberguy of this story is art historian David Barsalou, who has now spent decades tracking down the original art and the names of the original artists used in Lichtenstein's most famous output. Here's the flickr gallery for the Deconstructing Roy Lichtenstein project. Frequently copied were Tony Abruzzo, Ted Galindo, Mike Sekowsky, Joe Kubert, Jerry Grandenetti, and dozens more Golden Age artists who aren't very well known in comics circles, let alone art history books. Many of them died in poverty. That's something that the Hero Initiative, mentioned in Russ Heath's comic above, aims to prevent.
Also, Lichtenstein didn't even paint Ben-Day dots. That's a specific thing.
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maliciouscigarette · 10 months
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The sack of Rome, August 24th 410 CE, colourised.
Art by Psicochurroz
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ponquegala · 8 months
Me embobe
Hace masomenos unas 3 semanas unos amigos organizaron una fiesta , yo estaba trabajando en la barra del club, todo iba normal, entragaba bebidas y tragos a la gente. Eran como casi las 11 de la noche, estaba bailando pues la Musica estaba chevere y pues había que generar ambiente. Hasta que en un momento, un chico llega a la barra, me mira, me saluda con todo el gusto del mundo y yo, sin recordar bien quien era, solo lo miré. Al chico llamemoslo "B" pues el nombre X ya está algo trillado, resulta que B me había escrito hace mucho en aquella app amarilla donde los hombres se ven como productos de una vitrina. Su mensaje era casual, nada del otro mundo, solo me dijo que me había visto en varios toques, que esa barbita no se olvidaba, bla bla bla; me mando una foto suya y me pareció muy lindo. Vivíamos cerca uno del otro, hablamos como por dos semanas, luego no me volvió a responder. Pasaron meses hasta que en la fiesta del orgullo gay , en donde lo vi en persona, pero de lejitos, luego se me perdió. En esa fiesta me parche con un mansito, y B me escribió, que estaba yo con muy buena compañía , que por eso no me busco (Sigo sin entender porque me reclamo, cuando B también me confeso que fue con su novia) , no entendía, no le di importancia y no volví a saber algo sobre B.
Luego de que se alejo de la barra, recordé quien era, se me hizo muy extraño que me haya saludado sin tanta extrañeza. En toda la noche el se hizo cerca a la barra o en mi punto de visión, a veces volteaba, me sonreía y me daba aire con un abanico enorme. Yo simplemente lo miraba. A eso de las 5 cuando se acabó todo, me pregunta que iba a hacer luego , que donde era el remate, que nos veíamos allá. Ya en el remate lo vi, me le acerque y le pregunte si quería fumar algo. El acepto, nos fuimos a un rincón a hablar, me dijo que no se quería enamorar nunca mas, que le habían roto el corazón , que no estaba interesado en algo con alguien. Yo solo asentía y decía ah, vea pues, pues toda mi atención estaba en su rostro y en su piel. Quería besarlo, besarlo al lado de los labios, debajo de la oreja, besarle la mejilla y la barba de 3 días, besarle la comisura de los labios, debajo de la quijada, besarle el cuello de arriba para abajo y de abajo para arriba. Morder (no tan duro) su oreja mientras le decía cosas al oído. Pero no pude, solo después de preguntarle, pude besarlo en la boca, solo 3 besos nos dimos y yo, como si de una suerte de hechizo se tratase, estaba embobado por su cara , sus gestos y su voz.
Al final termine hablando muchas cosas con B , pues nos fuimos en transmilenio juntos, pero desde ahí no volvimos a hablar. Tal vez estaba tan encacorrado porque supe desde un principio que jamás le iba a volver a ver de nuevo.
Que paila que si me estoy disfrutando con alguien siempre me llega ese pensamiento de
"¿Será que esta es la única vez que le veré en mi vida?"
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thedarkacademian · 1 year
oh my god there are so many books to read and instruments to learn and languages to speak and poems to write and oranges to eat and ideologies to study and songs to sing and films to watch and people to kiss and
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daancienttime · 8 months
The Fascinating Science of Compare the World Now vs Then (50000 Bc)
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eirene · 8 months
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The Painter and Pianist
Lionello Balestrieri
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cassandragemini · 23 days
its so crazy that for the last 5 years a small but annoyingly vocal online group has been acting like mob movies of all things are pretentious and inaccessible cinema. yeah the godfather is kinda slow but these are movies about criminals who shoot people
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katruna · 9 months
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