#his research methods. does he take notes or not
filia-floris · 4 months
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An attempt to not forget about the sketchbook
The doodles are better as always
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oddballwriter · 3 months
Moon Boys with a Pregnant Reader
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Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and reader being pregnant 
Author’s Snip: Something wholesome to go with the previous headcanon about calling them your husband.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Steven Grant
Absolutely over the moon
I've said it before I will say it a million times more, Steven wants to be a father SO BAD and he wants as many as you two can manage. So when you're pregnant he shakes with joy
Steven makes it his job to make sure your pregnancy is the easiest it can be
He looks up remedies for any symptoms to help ease them and consults on mom forums to ask for advice on what he should be doing
Steven also researches the development of babies in the womb, like their size at each point in time/stage, what they're able to do, all that
To him, the best and most important part is when they start to kick and hear. Once the baby can hear he makes sure to talk to your bump so that they're used to their voice. It's as wholesome as you think it is, man is just yapping like he always does.
"When you're out here it's going to be great. We have everything ready and set for you."
Steven starts making a picture book so that the baby can look through it when they're older and also have memories. Marc and Jake make fun of him for it but they look through the photos that he's put in already like the first sonogram and the progression of your bump with side notes like "You're about the size of an apple in this one."
Steven gets a bit of a spending addiction once it's time to start buying stuff. He can't help it. He'll be there at the store and passes the baby aisle and he sees all the cute onesies, clothes, mobiles, and the tiny little shoes. My goodness, the tiny little shoes.
You have to tell him no and it breaks your heart a little to say no to him, but you already have like three baby mobiles and plenty of clothes.
Steven is honestly the dream father. All the women in the vicinity of you will see you and him out together and come up saying that it's so nice to see a man taking care of and being so involved in the pregnancy
When you're close to being due Steven can hardly sleep. What if you go into labor right now? Or in the middle of the night when he's out. Or what if you sit down too fast and that triggers it to start. Honestly, you need to tell him to calm down
Marc Spector
Marc makes it his job to take care of you and protect you
You know the deal. Marc's anxious about being a dad and that he's going to do it wrong or not protect them, so he starts being protective of you while pregnant to feed his need to be protective and prepared. It's nice and all but when you first started out he was a bit in your space
Eventually he tones it down but he is still being a bit of a guard dog
He closely checks all the food while you're at the grocery store to make sure nothing is in there that you and the baby aren't meant to have
Also, you will always get the lighter bags. Always. Marc will carry all the heavy ones and no, you can not convince him to let you carry one bag. You're carrying the baby, that's the only 'heavy' thing you should be carrying
He's also very picky and methodical. Steven said that pregnant people 'nest' but it seems like somehow Marc has taken most of that
He cleans everything until he deems it clean enough and places things in spots that "seem right". However, when it comes to the placement of things in the nursery he always asks you for your opinion because you, as the one carrying the baby, get the final say
When your baby starts to kick and your baby bump gets more prominent he gets all soft and mushy, emotional even. He was just preparing for something that he was expecting but now he knows that this is real. You're actually pregnant. You're going to have a baby with them and raise a child together.
It actually makes him cry, in a good way, because this is his chance to prove himself of being worthy of having joy and happiness to himself
For a good long while, Marc spends his free nights laying with his head next to your bump and just basking in the feeling. He talks to them too.
"It's just crazy to me because... you're there. You're actually real. You can hear me and you can kick and all that. And when you come out I can hold you and you can make noise and cry and squirm around. It's crazy. You're real, and I'm your dad and I'll get to see you grow up and teach you how to be a person."
When you're close to being due, he and the boys make a go bag so that you can be ready for when you go into labor but Marc sort of falls back into the intense need for preparation that he gets anxious over it and will check the go bag over and over and over again to make sure everything is in there
You need to tell him that it's alright and that the things in the bag aren't going to sneak off somehow
Jake Lockley
Jake makes sure you're happy
In his mind, there's no need to stress over the baby's growth because the doctors and check-ups take care of that. If something is wrong or needs to be done then they'll tell you and you can do what they said to do. But otherwise, he's more focused on you.
That's not to say he isn't doing anything. Of course not! He makes sure you're comfortable and healthy and that you aren't taking on any stress or workloads that might cause strain
Jake 100% is the one who builds everything, and he's good at it, and fast as hell. He built the whole baby crib in like five minutes and then started the next thing
I do feel like he takes on making the pregnancy more fun though
And by that I mean he makes stupid jokes to make you laugh
He quotes the how is prangent formed video all the time and says "pregananant" and "pregante" regularly
When you're in your final stage of pregnancy and are very pregnant he picks up everything that you drop because he knows you can't do it because the bump makes it impossible to bend down
He's seen you try before, and it's funny to him. You look like Chicha from Emperor's New Groove. That or you sit on the floor to be able to get it and then can't get back up.
He's very wholesome though. He's got the sonogram in his wallet as a keepsake to look at from time to time while he's at work
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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morganbritton132 · 11 months
My friend is a high school teacher, and the other day, he told us this story of when one of his students said, "Going 90." And proceeded to type his chair AND his desk to the side aka 90°. The kid landed on his side and got out his paper to start working. He said, "I think better this way." And my friend just had no clue what to do, lol.
I could help but think of Steve just standing there with his hands on his hips, trying to hide his laughter with a look of disappointment. And one of the other students gets it on film. So Eddie sees it and starts doing it everywhere as a joke.
The whole class is in on it which is how it ends up on TikTok for Eddie to see.
Mr. H hasn’t been in a bad mood per se, but there’s something off about him that his whole sixth period has picked up on. It’s not the low energy tiredness that sometimes lingers after he misses a day of work because of a seizure or the tense stiffness that’s present when he’s trying to work through a migraine.
It’s something else. It’s like he’s…sad.
He just seems really sad and the students do not like it, so sixth period looks towards their class clown and Jeremy says, “No problem, guys. I got this.”
They are waiting in anticipation as the class starts.
Steve takes attendance, nothing. He passes out a worksheet and notes, nothing. He starts the lesson and nothing happens until Steve asks, “Can anybody tell me what the characteristics of a right triangle are?”
There’s a moment of hesitation as everybody waits to see if that’s the moment but when Jeremy doesn’t do anything, Annalise answers, “One of the angles is ninety degrees.”
“That’s ri-“
“Going 90, Mr. H!” Jeremy shouts from the back of the classroom and then proceeds to yeet his desk, his chair, and himself sideways onto the floor.
The reverberation of the desk hitting the tile echoes around the room, followed by a round of giggling as Jeremy casually gets his spiral notebook and a pencil. He presses both of them to the desk so they don’t fall.
He’s writing his name at the top corner of his worksheet when he sees Mr. H’s shoes approach. His socks match his tie today. Jeremy thinks that’s very stylish of him. He mentions it.
Steve makes a strangled noise and when Jeremy looks up at him, he sees that he has his hands steepled in front of his face like he’s praying for patience. At the angle that Jeremy’s at, he can see Steve pressing his lips together like he’s trying not to laugh.
Finally, he puts his hands on his hips and asks, “Why?”
“I’m putting myself in the mindset of a right angle so I can learn better,” Jeremy answers and Steve presses his lips together again. He shakes his head so Jeremy presses on, “It’s like method acting but for math. I’m becoming the angle. There’s like, a whole bunch of research and stuff about it online.”
Steve’s shoulders shake when he asks, “That so?”
“Yep, Mr. H. I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it.”
“Yeh, that’s up,” Steve composes himself. “That’s hypoten-news to me.”
The whole class groans.  
Eddie rolls his eyes at the pun but laughs at the three different videos he sees of the interaction. He thinks it’s hilarious and he thinks it’s even funnier when Steve retells the story later. He comments on one of the videos, “V funny, gonna steal this.”
A few days go by and then Eddie posts a Tiktok that’s just a compilation of him shouting ‘Going 90’ and Steve scrambling to catch him before he falls over. With each clip, Steve’s reaction gets slower and slower.
The first time Eddie does it, Steve drops everything he’s holding to stop Eddie tipping the barstool he’s on onto the floor. The second time, he follows Eddie into the grass when he goes 90 off the deck. The fifth time, Steve bear hugs him before he can get the phrase out. The fifteenth time, he just lets Eddie fall. 
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・❥・Slashers With A FTM S/O Headcanons・❥・
(ft. Billy Lenz, Billy Loomis, Bo Sinclair, Bubba Sawyer, Michael Myers, Pyramid Head, Thomas Hewitt)
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CW: Dysphoria Mentions, Murder Mentions, Mentions of Blood
Billy Lenz
* Billy doesn’t really know what being trans means. As long as you tell him you’re a man, you are one, simple as that
* He tries to have you explain further, but he gets distracted easily and never actually listens to your explanations
* He helps you bind safely (if you don’t have top surgery, yet), well, helps as much as he can, he’s clueless
* He loves you regardless of your gender and he is always there when you feel dysphoric. He will call you all the masculine names he can think of and does his best to remind you that you’re not just any man, you’re his man
Billy Loomis
* He, unlike Billy, knows what being trans means. He has no issues with it, you’re whatever you tell him you are.
* As sweet as he is, he will 100% try to like, mansplain what being trans is. Like, “Yeah, it just means that your anatomy doesn’t match, babe. You have dysphoria.” LIKE AFTER YOU TELL HIM YOU HAVE DYSPHORIA-
* He’s very supportive and researched safe binding all on his own (with help from Stu). He makes sure you don’t do anything unsafe, no bandages or tape. He also has Stu buy you a lot of binders, in any colors you can imagine.
* When you feel dysphoric, he’ll be all over you. He’ll call you a beautiful boy, his handsome man, the cutest little boy he’s ever seen, so on so forth. He loves you lots, he really cares about you.
Bo Sinclair
* He is confused at first. He doesn’t know what being trans means so he just kind of ignores it. Tell him you’re a guy? Cool, he loves you so he doesn’t care
* He would never try to ignore it, but he can’t help but tune you out every time you try to explain. You’ll begin to tell him that you weren’t born right and he’d shush you and ask you to bring him his tools. It’s subconscious, but it is really annoying
* He’ll monitor your binding and makes sure you don’t have bruises, but he won’t make a spectacle out of it. In fact, he’ll never bring it up to you that he is paying attention
* When you get dysphoric, he leaves notes underneath the bedroom door. He calls you his lovely boy, his handsome honeydew, his sweet man, anything he can think of that’s masculine. He cares about you and about taking care of you, but he’s too awkward to actually let you know that.
Bubba Sawyer
* He also doesn’t know what being trans means. Oh, you’re a boy but you weren’t born a boy? He doesn’t care at all! He loves you regardless of parts, you’re personality is what melts him anyways
* He’s an amazing listener. He would let you explain whatever you needed and would let you know he’s listening because he loves your voice. He would mhm or uh-huh at every sentence, his eyes focused on your lips when you talked (shout out anti-eye contact gang)
* After you explained what binding was, he would monitor you closely. He would try to sneak, but his large form really didn’t let him. He didn’t want to hover but he had to make sure you were being safe. He’d squeal and grab whatever incorrect method you had out of your hands. He’d offer to make you a binder, but you knew he meant out of skin. And that wasn’t your thing, so you politely declined
* When you got dysphoric, he would panic internally. He didn’t know what to do, he would just sit with you and run hands through your hair and mumble. He was very soothing. He loves his boy, that boy being you of course
Michael Myers (OG)
* He has heard about the transgender. He met a lot of people in Smith’s Grove, and some people were trans. Did he get it? No, but he didn’t care at all. You say you’re a boy? You’re a boy then.
* You explain it to him and he listens. He doesn’t really respond, but he listens. He understands what you mean, understands what you need, and he leaves it at that.
* Binding unsafely? Not on Michael’s watch. He’ll use all of the strength he had to rip any harmful material from your hands and throw it away (yes, even the gauze. You may have needed that). He would steal binders for you from victims, houses, and stores. You didn’t need to harm yourself, he could help you
* When you got dysphoric, he would be there. He would sit next to you, larger hand on yours. He would just breathe and rub your knuckles, trying to remind you that he was here for the man he loved. That man being you
* (He also killed many people who misgendered/deadnamed you, made a show out of it for himself. When you asked him where the blood on him came from, he shrugged)
Pyramid Head
* He doesn’t know/care about being trans. It wasn’t his business. Regardless of gender, you were his, simple as that.
* Explain all you want, he won’t listen. You would explain anything but he doesn’t care. It’s not his concern, all that matters is that you belong to him
* Unsafely binding? He’ll make a warning metallic noise at you and rip the unsafe material away. He won’t actively get you a binder, but he offers at-home top surgery (ill-advised)
* Feeling dysphoric today? He will lift you into his arms and make metallic clicks and groans, run his huge hands all over you to calm you down. He wouldn’t know how to make you feel masculine and to be honest, he wouldn’t try to. He’d just try to make you feel safe
Thomas Hewitt
* He was aware of what being trans meant. He knew that it was a thing, though he couldn’t say that he understood it all too well. It was none of his business what other people identified as. Well, it wasn’t his business until you came along. Then it was his business
* You explained it to him, you explained everything, and he listened. He listened and he understood to the best of his ability. You were a man. You told him so, so he agreed. Anything you told him, he’d respect and he’d accept.
* He would give you soft and gentle reminders to bind safely. He would offer a tight tank top to you and a sports bra (as finding a binder in the middle of nowhere in Texas is a bit of a struggle). Bandages were strictly for wounds, nothing else.
* If you felt dysphoric, he would be there with you. He would hold your hand and help you through it, whisper almost silently every masculine pet name he could come up with. You were his man, he loved you, and he would do anything to prove that
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animasola86 · 6 months
Smutmas: Take your anger (and stick it where the sun don't shine!)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x m!reader
Genre: Angst/Smut // Words: 3.9k // [Read on AO3]
Warnings: NSFW! MDNI! Explicit sexual content! Hate sex, oral, anal, mutual masturbation, double the amount of dicks!
Synopsis: You and Sebastian are both flawed boys and there is only one way to let out that pent-up frustration.
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Notes: Beware: I am entering my explicit gay porn era! But hear me out: I, as the author, identify as female (and do not possess any male genitalia), and I believe most of my audience does too, but I wanted to try something new, so here we go. Don't worry, I did my research, yet I hope it was enough to convey what is going on.
Last warning: There's gay smut below! Read at your own risk!
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Take your anger (and stick it where the sun don't shine)
“You insufferable little shit!” you could hear Sebastian's voice behind you. As you turned around, you saw him stomping right at you. You recognised his angry stance immediately.
“What did I do?” you asked innocently, putting your hands on your hips as you waited for him to reach you. You wondered how you angered the Slytherin this time (until the memory came back to you), though it didn't really matter either way, because when he stopped right in front of you, he glared at you out of dark eyes, working his jaw, and then grabbed your tie and pulled you unceremoniously after him. “Hey, easy!” you tried again as you stumbled along but to no avail.
Moments later, you found yourself being pushed into an empty classroom, heard the door being closed and enchanted, so no one would disturb you. You should have been more surprised, or even alarmed, but you knew the drill. This wasn't the first time Sebastian Sallow took his anger out on you.
Frankly, you were kind of hoping he would find you after you had convinced Madam Scribner that it had been Sebastian who was responsible for a bookshelf to collapse and burst into flames in the library the other day – when it had been you all along because you were still struggling to control that blasted ancient magic coursing through your veins, and sometimes things just happened, mostly destructive things.
And because it was easier to distract yourself rather than to deal with a problem head-on, a notion you certainly shared with the brunet pinning you to the wall right now, you often found yourself in his presence when you needed to take care of the steam threatening to burst free.
“You landed me a week in detention!” he growled and stared at you.
You raised your eyebrows. “Only a week? She threatened to expel me if I didn't tell --”
“So you admit that you blamed me? For something you did, presumably? You bastard!” Sebastian grunted and grabbed your shoulder to turn you around, pressing your chest against the wall. “You could have just asked to spend time together, you know?” he added in a lower voice as his hand slipped down the front of your breeches, his fingers expertly gliding over the stiff fabric.
He was right of course. You started doing those stunts to see him, meet him in detention, meet him anywhere really, because you couldn't think of anyone else who you could share your anger and frustration with than the boy behind you. You'd been to hell and back together these last years, and somehow when things got really bad, you always found yourself next to him, very, very close to him.
If anyone had ever told you that you would feel the most relaxed with another boy's dick up your arse, then you would have laughed and felt ashamed and frankly would not have believed them. But it was true. Anger sex was your go-to method of calming down again.
So you forced yourself to play along, counter his rage, defy it as best as you could with your cock already throbbing against the tight confines of your trousers. Even though your frustration had been running high these last days, causing the outburst in the library, you felt your own anger deflating the moment you felt Sebastian's hand palming your crotch roughly. Actually you always seemed to ease up the moment you saw his warm eyes on you or heard his voice in your ear.
Yet you'd never tell him how he made you feel, you wanted him to hate you, you wanted the unbridled wrath he could unleash upon you. So you kept pranking him, teasing him, angering him in any way or form. Because deep down you knew he needed it as well. He needed someone to handle the conflicting emotions running through him, chewing on his insides, destroying him slowly from within, ever since things went downhill in your fifth year.
Sebastian had lost everything that year and had found himself in a very dark place that only you had been brave enough to enter. Mainly because you were there too, for different reasons, but you still shared the rage coursing through your veins. The grief, the anger, the disappointment, the feeling of being all alone in the world, trying to shoulder things you were too young and inexperienced to handle.
It had been the end of the year, everyone had been exhilarated to celebrate the House Cup, to leave Hogwarts for the summer holidays, but you had found yourself huddled away, still in disbelief that you had lost your mentor and that everyone else seemed to have forgotten about it rather quickly. The battle of Hogwarts was no longer on the front pages, everyone had moved on. Yet you couldn't, because you still felt the energy pulsing through you of when you had absorbed Isidora's corrupted magic.
While you had tried to figure out what to do next now that the Keepers had abandoned you for defying them, you had met another lost soul in the dimly lit hallway. Sebastian had still been dealing with the loss and abandonment of his sister, the broken friendship with Ominis and the outrage that had killed his uncle, so when you two had met each other in the shadows while everyone else celebrated the end of the year, you had quickly found yourself in a dark corner, with no word spoken between you as he had rammed his cock into your underprepared arse.
The pain had numbed your anger, and quickly you had become addicted to the sensation. And now, two years later, you had made it a habit of completely driving him insane, bring out his rage, to feel it all over again. You both knew why you'd do it also and somehow he still played along, though you knew he was secretly impressed by your creativity of finding new ways to get him to hate you.
“Where's the fun in just asking you out?” you muttered back as he proceeded to grope you through your breeches. “You know I hate being boring...”
“Oh I know you do,” he grunted into your ear as he pressed his groin against your arse. “Can't do anything the normal way...”
“What's normal anyway?” you whispered as your hand moved around to grab at his thigh. “Definitely not this...”
“No, definitely not this,” he repeated and you could feel his hot breath on your neck as he leaned in to bite at your pulse. You couldn't help but wince when his teeth nibbed at your sensitive skin and frankly you were past hiding all those little twitches he was able to coax out of you.
“It wouldn't be the same,” you started, taking another sharp breath as you felt his fingers undoing your buttons before slipping into the newly created opening to tease at your dick. “I can't even imagine doing this normally with you. What would that look like? Would you buy me flowers and treat me to a nice meal? Out on a cosy date in Hogsmeade for everyone to see? Would you --”
“For Merlin's sake, shut up already!” he grunted, pushing you against the wall as he let go of you. You couldn't help the smirk from playing around the corner of your lips. He saw it when he suddenly spun you around by the shoulders once more, glaring at you out of those dark eyes that made you weak in the knees (not that you would have ever admitted to that). “You really like to hear yourself talk, eh?”
You scoffed and merely glared back at him. Shaking his head, he then grabbed your waist and forced your breeches down, your undergarments with it, and when you stood in front of him, literally butt naked, it was his turn to smirk at you. With his hand on your shoulder, he pushed you down until you were on your knees, looking up with your smug expression unfaltering.
“Look at you,” he muttered, tilting his head. “You pathetic little worm, kneeling in front of me with your trousers down like a bloody whore. Use that damn mouth of yours for better things, why don't you!”
Your hands were at the buttons of his breeches before he even stopped talking down at you. Undoing them with nimble fingers, you quickly freed his hardening erection from its confines and grabbed it roughly, causing him to stumble slightly. He shot you an even darker glance, but didn't say anything as he watched you do what you seemed to be doing best, at least in his eyes.
Leaning in with your eyes fixed on his freckled face, you gave his shaft a long skim of your tongue, taking in every single little reaction you caused in him. One hand moved up to cup his balls and give them a tight squeeze before you grabbed his length with the other and stroked it expertly as you focused the movement of your tongue to his tip, circling and lapping at it, sucking and nibbling on his sensitive skin until you heard the first little groan escaping him.
The sound vibrated through your entire body and you leaned back and watched him curiously, licking your lips as you did so. Your hand kept moving, firmly pushing his skin up and down, until you pressed your thumb to his slit and forced the first droplets of precum out of him. A shiver rushed through him and you saw him clenching his fists at his sides.
You leaned back in and closed your lips around the agitated crown of his cock, tasting and smelling that special musk you cherished so much, that would make your own body shudder in excitement. Of course you held back for now, focusing on him while your own dick stood tall and proud, bumping against your lower stomach with every bob of your head as you pushed yourself onto him and took him into your mouth as deep as possible.
As you felt him pressing against the back of your throat, you closed your eyes and held your breath, but you fought your gag reflex for now and pushed further until your nose was buried in his curly hairs. He grunted loudly as you forced his tip into your tight throat and when you leaned back again, you spluttered slightly and wiped a strand of saliva off your lips as you looked up at him.
He watched you darkly as you continued stroking him with a firm grasp, before you dove back in and repeated the same motion over and over again, each time holding him longer and deeper in your throat until you felt your eyes watering and his body shuddering more and more.
“Fuck!” he spat and grabbed your shoulders in support, his fingers digging into your shirt as he jerked his hips against your face.
You relished in his noises and involuntarily reactions as you kept bobbing your head on him, moving with the slight bucking of his hips, feeling him hardening to the point more and more precum leaked out of his tip. You lapped at it hungrily, the wet slurping noises filling the empty classroom.
Suddenly he gripped your hair and pulled you off him, red spots dancing on his cheeks as he stared down at you. “Get up and turn around,” he told you gruffly and you got to your feet and did what he told you, your trousers still pooling around your ankles as he positioned himself behind you.
He pushed his hard erection between your cheeks and leaned around you, grabbing your previously unattended dick with a fierce grip as he started stroking you, his chin resting on your shoulder, his shallow breaths right in your ear. You couldn't help the shivers running down your spine at the sensations and the little moan escaping your slightly aching throat. Closing your eyes, you leaned into his touch, even pushed your rear against him invitingly.
Not that Sebastian Sallow needed a formal invitation to do anything, he always took what he wanted, and right now, it was to drive his cock into your arse. With one hand on your dick, giving you those needed pumps, his other hand moved around your left butt cheek, groping and kneading it until he teased his thumb against the tight ring of muscles. You inhaled sharply when he pushed past the resistance and forced his digit in deeper.
You felt your legs trembling when he poked around until he pressed firmly against your prostate, coaxing a deep grunt out of you that made you stumble against his touch. You almost came right in his hand there, but then he pulled his thumb out and even let go of your dick, before grabbing your hips and guiding you back towards his cock.
Swallowing hard, you realized you were never really prepared for his intrusion and even though he had gotten better at making it less painful over the last years, it would still always take your breath away when he would fill your arse. This time he pushed his tip firmly against your tight hole and you inhaled deeply, trying to relax, before he used a sharp snap of his hips to push his length all the way into you until you felt his balls slapping against your sensitive skin.
A groan escaped you and you had to put your hands on the wall in front of you in support as he dug his fingers into your hips and just rested there for a moment, buried deep in your bum, giving you the chance to adjust to his size. He had gotten softer for sure, you thought, the Sebastian from two years ago wouldn't have given a damn about how much pain he would inflict on you, he might even have opted to make you suffer more than was necessary.
But this version of the boy behind you seemed to listen for your noises, wait for the shudders of your body to subside, before he finally started moving. Slowly retreating, until his tip was gripped by your tight entrance, then pushing back in with a quick jerk of his hips, back and forth, over and over again until you heard yourself moaning louder.
His hands were on your waist as the slapping of skin against skin filled your ears and all you could feel was the relentless rhythm of his cock sliding in and out of your arse and his pelvis slamming against your cheeks. You were groaning and moaning in unison now, a low rumble of noises mixing with the sounds of your bodies pushing together.
You felt light-headed quickly, but even in your haze, you felt the need to lower a hand and grab onto your own dick to release a little bit of that tension. Yet at the same time he had slowed his movements and leaned around to grab it too, your hands touching involuntarily. Despite the rather rough nature of your 'love making', it still sent pleasant shivers down your spine when his fingers would brush against yours, be it in class or the library when you reached for the same book, or in the middle of having him rail you into the wall, it always felt exhilarating.
Instead of withdrawing or slapping your hand away, he slipped his fingers between yours and guided them towards your cock so you started to stroke your throbbing member together. More moans escaped your throat and you couldn't help but lean your head against his shoulder as you felt your balls tightening under the combined ministrations of your hands.
He buried himself deep in your clenching arse and started grinding his hips slowly, pushing his girth against your sensitive muscles and all the right spots. You grunted deeply, biting your lip as all the sensations at once caused your dick to twitch in your combined hold. He seemed to notice your struggle to move on your own, so he kept stroking you fiercely, his own grunts loud in your ear, and when you came with a low growl, he wrapped his arm around your stomach and held you close, keeping you steady as you felt thick ropes of cum spurting out of your tip and dripping down both of your hands.
He let you rest for a small moment, holding you tightly as you leaned against him, his breath hot on your cheek as he turned his head towards you. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, panting badly, and when your eyes met, there seemed to be another one of those unspoken agreements you both had perfected over the last years.
You saw him smirk and then he let go of you and pushed you back against the wall, his hands on your hips, before he continued to move inside you once more, slow at first, but then faster and faster, as he drove himself deeper and deeper into your tight space with reckless abandon. Your noises of quiet whimpers and deep moans mixed with his grunts and the never-ending slapping of skin against skin when he fell into a rapid rhythm of slamming his hips against your cheeks.
There was the power you had needed, the raw emotion, the unbridled rage, as he rammed his cock into you at an impressively fast and deep rhythm, his length and girth stretching and prodding your muscles with each powerful thrust. You fought against the sensation, forcing your legs to stop trembling beneath you, your entire body tense from the experience.
But this was what you had wanted, all of it, and you craved the pain that came when your muscles started contracting around him, working against you instead of with you. You could have relaxed and let him have it, it would have been so easy, but you were too stubborn and frankly quite the masochist, because you needed every aching muscle, every screaming nerve, every burning sensation.
It was the only thing that kept you from losing your mind. And so you gritted your teeth and strained your arms against the wall as he kept rocking your body back and forth, over and over again, his grunts mixing with yours, as his fingers dug painfully into your hips, his balls slapping against you as his cock moved in and out relentlessly, the delicious heat of the friction driving you almost insane with pleasure.
You felt your dick harden all over again, but you couldn't give it any attention at this moment because it was Sebastian's turn to let go. With a loud growl, he gave you one final powerful thrust that rippled through your entire body as he buried himself as deep as possible before you felt his cock throbbing and twitching as he emptied himself inside your tight arse, his hot seed filling you up completely.
He kept grunting as more and more shudders rushed through him, more and more cum spurting out of him and into you, and as you savoured the warm feeling spreading inside you, you lowered a shaking hand and gave your own dick a few much needed squeezes before you came as well again, your body spasming against his as you leaned your sweaty forehead against the wall, unable to stop your legs from shaking beneath you this time.
Inhaling deeply, you tried to catch your breath, while the boy behind you leaned his entire weight on your back, his arms snaking around your stomach as he held onto you, his cock still twitching inside you. You let him have this rather tender moment and closed your eyes, but as soon as you relaxed against him and even raised a hand to put on his arm, a gesture that was usually too intimate for your liking, he retreated again, standing up straight and slowly pulling out of your clenching hole.
You let out another moan and a surprised grunt when he suddenly slapped your butt cheek with his flat hand, the pain rippling through you deliciously. It didn't however mask the emptiness you felt with his cock no longer lodged inside your bum, and without his girth, your muscles worked hard to move back into their original form, causing his seed to pump out of you relentlessly.
You rather enjoyed the warm sensation of being so full, but gravity and whatever other forces worked ruthlessly against you, leaving you to desire this whole spectacle all over again. Sighing deeply, you eventually leaned down to grab your trousers and undergarments, ready to pull them back up, but before you could do anything, you were suddenly spun around, almost stumbling against Sebastian as he pushed your bare backside against the wall, his eyes boring into yours.
Despite the intense gaze, you couldn't help but break eye contact and look down his front. His spent cock was still out, glistening in your combined juices, yet your eyes lingered on his wand in his hand. For a moment you wondered what he wanted to do, and when he grabbed your throat with his free hand you were really concerned for a second, but he only held you in place while he moved his wand over your soiled skin and cleaned your mutual messes.
You watched him intently, despite the tight grip of his fingers this might have been the gentlest gesture you witnessed him express towards you ever. He usually left you a shuddering, defiled mess (and you were there for it), but having him wash you so thoroughly, was certainly something else. When he was done, he pocketed his wand and let go of your throat, only to bend down and grab your breeches before he pulled them back up and helped you get dressed again.
You were more than confused, yet somehow oddly intrigued by this turn of events. As he grabbed your dick and shoved it back behind the confines of your trousers, you raised your hands and did the same to him. He seemed equally surprised and your eyes met for a long, heated moment. Despite sharing the most intimate desires of both of your bodies, you had never indulged in the more romantic kinds of affection, like kissing or hand holding or even hugging, in that order.
Both of you had resorted to the most extreme type of being together and never looked back, but standing before Sebastian now, staring into his dark eyes, you felt the need to take several steps back and redefine your relationship. Might also be the post-nut clarity, you weren't sure. Whatever it was, the moment quickly faded when he took a literal step back from you and tilted his head, looking you over grimly.
“Next time you need to do this, just send me an owl or something,” he told you gruffly and moved a hand through his messy hair. “I really can't have you ruin my reputation any further.”
“What reputation?” you replied with a low chuckle and a smirk. “I'm only adding to the already existing one... You did that to yourself.”
He groaned and gave you a glare, before he turned around and headed to the door. “I mean it...” he called back over his shoulder.
“I know,” you said and watched him leave. “Expect my owl then.”
Sooner than later, you wanted to add, but you didn't want to come across as too desperate. Though he probably already knew that and frankly you couldn't care less. You needed him as much as he needed you. Not just his cock up your bum, the entire package. And perhaps there was even one of those chaste kisses for you in the future, who knew.
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End notes: I've always been a yaoi lover and it still took me more than seven months of being in this fandom to actually write something like this, oh well.
I was certainly channeling the snarky boy that is the male mc when writing this, I can just hear his voice taunting Seb.
Again I took inspiration from this Smutmas prompts list, so here we have Day 4: Anal and Hate Sex. As you can see I'm not doing those in order or even consistently, I just write them as they come (out of my brain).
Thank you for reading!
By the way, I have three other oneshots that are not exclusively female oriented, but gender neutral:
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The Ghost under the Table (a bj in the library)
Just Breathe (an angsty love confession)
Just another adventure, right? (angsty first kiss)
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gallusrostromegalus · 8 months
Hi, if the asks for AEIWAM are still open, can you share some more regarding the 12th division transitioning to taking over R&D, thanks to Urahara? Did the other divisions take it well, were there fights over boundaries/responsibilities/secrets? Individual divisions holding onto research directly relating to their remits? And how did Mayuri taking over from Urahara impact relations with other divisions?
Urahara proposing a dedicated research and development branch was not a particularly unexpected move, and a wildly applauded one.
His predecessor, now-Royal-Guard Hikifune, had done extensive research and development on her own when she developed both the modern Gikon and the Mod Souls like Kon. The 4th was massively overworked but still doing their own medical research. The Kido corps had been doing their own R&D writ: spells for ages. The 7th division had been tracking death and soul statistics like where souls reincarnated in the Rukongai and who went to hell and why for centuries. "Science" is a very strong word for what the 11th was doing re: destruction, but by golly they were doing a lot of it.
So Urahara's idea to develop a cross-division group dedicated to connecting existing research and developing new lines of inquiry from there was an extremely logical step and one pretty much everyone regarded as a good move.
Everyone, except Aizen.
See, Aizen had been doing his own little experiments with creating and perfecting the Hogyoku and those experiments involved a shitload of murder and other crimes, not to mention the whole treason thing, and Aizen was worried that if Kisuke managed to say, actually collate and look over the Rukongai crime stats Aizen had been hiding or read up on the Kido corps work, he might be JUST smart enough to figure out what Aizen was up to.
So Aizen made sure that when they got caught, that the experiments he'd been running would look like Kisuke's work :)
I think Aizen also had a significant hand in making sure it was the literal clown Mayuri who got the job after Urahara fled. There were definitely better candidates to become the Gotei-13's quartermain, but I think Aizen either discouraged them, or figured out how to make Mayuri look way more sane than he actually was to the other captains when the vote came.
Mayuri was a disaster for R&D. Not only were his scientific methods dubious at best, none one the other divisions trusted him with their work, and all of them became a lot more secretive and paranoid.
The 4th resumed it's own medical research, which was slow because of all the other work the 4th needed to do as well. The 7th kept its statistics under lock and key lest Mayuri get funny ideas about killing people to measure things faster. This new cloaked way of doing business allowed Mayuri to engage in horrors that actively got in the way of progress. Like recruiting the top 10% of the academy's graduating class for his division and then using them as guinea pigs and/or explosives.
Aizen: All According to Keikaku :)
In AEIWAM, not all hope was lost.
Before he was a shinigami, Kaname Tousen was a Librarian.
It was all he ever really wanted to be- when he came to the seireitei it was entirely to investigate his sister's death. He had no intention of enrolling in the academy, or pursuing rank.
Aizen has a way of derailing people's lives.
By force, when necessary.
By pounding 44 magical nails into Tousen's spine and carving command kanji into his shoulders and inflicting a vile curse on him to force Kaname into being his co-conspirator, his own personal R&D, and his entertaining puppet, if necessary.
Maybe Aizen is having a little bit more fun than strictly "necessary".
Aizen might have cursed Tousen into silence and obedience, but he can't stop Tousen from keeping his own records. Meticulous notes about every excursion he is made to take, every crime he is forced to commit, every horrific act Tousen does through tears- everything is recorded, documented, and safely stored in triplicate in several locations and formats.
In fact, Aizen comes to rely on those records- Aizen is very good at Lying and Kido and Hubris but that is the extent of his intellectual prowess. He relies on Gin to keep track of what everyone else is doing, and on Tousen to do all the scheduling, lab work, provisions and actually keeping the aarancar in line.
And Kaname takes advantage to press the curse whenever he can- he was close, he was so. Fucking. Close! To getting the whole scheme exposed during Turn Back The Pendulum.
He tried. He tried and tried to say it when Yamamoto interrogated him, to confess his sins and bring Gin and Aizen down with him, to make himself understood.
-Who did this? Who killed captain Hirako?
-I know them! I know, but I can not say!
It's all Kaname can manage before the curse retaliates, and almost strangles him to death to keep his silence, invisible to Yamamoto because of Aizen's illusions.
...after the nature of the curse is revealed, Yamamoto listens to the recording of that interrogation and weeps. The captains are the closest thing he has to children. Yamamoto hears this man who is almost his son, screaming, begging him to understand -
Not "I don't know"
Not "I will not say"
"I know, but I can not say."
So Kaname bides his time, keeps his records and tries to distract himself form his situation by drawing what conclusions he can.
After the Winter War, there is some debate as to what's going to happen to R&D.
Mayuri is in a jar, battling for control of his body.
Nemu refuses to admit he's out of action. Akon refuses to be promoted.
Kisuke or whoever does run the 12 will be too busy shovelling leftover war crimes out of the basement to actually run R&D.
Yamamoto has a long-standing agreement with Unohana that if he makes her take on One More Thing, he will not get the privilege of dying.
Ukitake is running the Kido corps, but he's also already got a foot in the grave.
Yamanoto isn't sure he can trust anyone else with lab equipment.
" ...Tousen." he says, nonchalant, visiting him in the hospital. "You seem to be rather accomplished at record-keeping and lab work."
"Last time you promoted me while I was in the hospital after a catastrophe, it extended my recovery by a solid five years and lead to an even greater one. No. Tell Kisuke to buck up and run R&D, it was his damn idea in the first place."
"Yes, obviously." Yamanoto says as though he had been planning that at all. "-but the court guard still needs to be supplied, so if Kisuke is running R&D, who is running the 12th?
"Kensei Muguruma might be the second-worst boss I've ever had but he is rigorously punctual, has an incredible work ethic, and can be trusted to stick to rules and regulations to the letter. He's a rigid, grouchy, hard ass, and a terrible match for the ninth, but he'd make an excellent quartermain." Kaname sighs.
Yamamoto ponders that for a bit.
"Also, he's running the newspaper over my dead body." Kaname elaborates. "He's contracted horoscope brainrot from Mashiro, I'm afraid."
"He may attempt to dispute that he should be running the Ninth as his prior demotion was unlawful, as is his right." Yamamoto nods. "It would be resolved by some kind of combat."
"I've gutted him once, I'll do it again." Kaname grunts and Yamamoto barks a laugh.
"I believe your judgement is sound, and will abide by your recommendation." Yamamoto nods, patting Kaname's hand. "I will inform Urahara and Muguruma of their new responsibilities."
"...Thank you, sir." Kaname mumbles, listening to Yamamoto open his notebook and write something down. "For your trust in me, and not promoting me again."
"Hm." Yamamoto nods.
To-Do: Update last will and testament in regards to successor choice. He writes.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
platonic requests you say?! well,, how about xiao or scaramouche (or both hehe but just do whichever one you’re more inspired for!) with a child reader that’s kinda like a little sibling figure for them, who just follows them around aimlessly & doesn’t listen when they’re told to go away until Big Brother Figure has to accept that they just have this Stray Child attached to them now?! thank you if you decide to do this!! <3
what's with this sassy, lost child?
summary. scaramouche is not a good person.
trigger & content warnings. implied child abuse and canon-typical scara lore.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. found family, fluff, alight angst (?). scaramouche & child!reader. 0.5k words. they/them pronouns used for reader.
author's thoughts. the title is funny; the brainrot is... less funny.... anyways, anon i love this idea! i ended up only doing scara as i had a lot of trouble with getting ideas for xiao's part? its weird since i really like xiao but i had no inspiration for him. additionally, i only wrote about fatui!scara rather than wanderer!scara. if you ever want a wanderer!scara version of this, just shoot me another request and ill be happy to do it <3 this ended up being kind of similar to a character study, which i find super interesting actually. it wasn't meant to be like that but i think its kinda cool c:
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scaramouche is not a good person.
he has no issue admitting to this—he is cruel, violent, and temperamental and has no qualms with resorting to methods equally so to get what he wants. despite this... he will not commit crimes against children. that is one thing il dottore, the man very much responsible for his present state of mind, does that he won't.
the balladeer will never be caught dead being the one to take away a child's innocence and hope.
a child's innocence is unlike that of any other. it is fragile and delicate and something to be protected rather than battered and bruised. he didn't get to bask in his own innocence for very long; his view of the world around him began to skew towards darkness the moment ei threw him out as if he was nothing more than a doll that lost its novelty. he knew all too well what it felt like to be thrown away.
maybe that's why he kept them around.
"what are you doing?" he demands, turning to the kid he begrudgingly settled on keeping around. it was mostly just to spite the ignorant fatui agent that had tried to assault them after finding them lost in a research camp. it... definitely had nothing to do with the fact that he saw himself in them, that he saw kunikuzushi staring back at him when he looked down at them. not at all. definitely not, because empathy was something the balladeer absolutely did not have the capacity for.
(deep down, he knows he's only lying to himself. number six was once so gentle and kind and curious. he wasn't always this way.
regardless of how he feels about it, kunikuzushi will always be a part of him.)
"it's raining," is all they say in reply, scooting closer to the harbinger. he shoves them away with gentleness unheard of from someone like him, and they whine, adding on, "it's not even warm rain. it's cold."
"freeze, then."
their lower lip juts out into an intentionally overdramatic pout at that. "big brother's so mean to me..."
he glares down at them.
he does not, however, offer any opposition other than a soft scoff when they scoot back under his hat.
scaramouche's sharp glare redirects to a fatuus that stared at them a little too long as he rests a hand on their head, calloused fingertips rubbing little circles into their damp scalp. they seem happy with the contact—happy enough not to notice the way their guardian's eyes narrow further at the foolish, unmoving agent. it's a warning, an unspoken threat, a promise of a fate worse than death if his underling does not back off. the fatui agent seems to understand well enough, scurrying to get back to work.
the balladeer's hands are drenched in an inconceivable amount of blood and tears that no amount of rain will wash away—some belonging to him, but the majority belonging to his victims. he fears that the crimson will spread onto them like some kind of disease, consuming whatever innocence they have that he's tried so hard to preserve. the worst part is that he knows his fear isn't irrational. even a worm will turn.
number six of the fatui harbingers does not remember what it means to be gentle, but for them...
he's willing to try.
he's desperate to try.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
worm sounds fascinating, how do I get started reading it? would you recommend starting from the beginning?
(Here we go)
So, first off, the specific questions you asked indicate that I should probably clarify the following: Worm is a single self-contained novel by Canadian author John McCrae (Pen name Wildbow). The book was written and published online for free on Wordpress, at a rate of two-to-three chapters a week, over the course of two years between 2011 and 2013. It's useful to conceive of it as a book written under the same paradigm as a particularly-faithfully-attended-to webcomic, except (and very unusually for a superhero thing) it's entirely prose with no visual elements. All of this is a longwinded way of answering your second question; yes, you should absolutely read it from the beginning, and the beginning is here. The entire book is available online, for free.
(In case that you haven't been able to pull together a broad sense of what the book is about just from perusing my Tumblr, I wrote a broad pitch for the setting at large and the story of Worm specifically here. The gist is that it’s a reconstructive superhero setting where superpowers are ironically tied into the user’s moment of greatest rock-bottom trauma, which is a major explanatory factor in why there are so many unstable kooks in costumes taking out their frustrations on the world; Worm proper follows the upwards-and-downwards trajectory of one Taylor Hebert, a teenaged insect-controller and would-be superhero with the secondary superpower of being able to rationalize nearly anything she does as being in the service of some greater good.)
Worm is divided into 31 arcs; each arc is comprised of 6-to-10 chapters, told in first person from Taylor’s perspective, followed by an interlude chapter told in third-person from the perspective of a member of the supporting cast. This structure is partly a holdover from early in Worm’s development, when the book was conceived as an ensemble piece that would rotate perspectives between different cape teams; as the book picked up steam, it also became a monetization vector, as Wildbow would write additional interludes if his donors hit certain milestones. This is important to note because one failure mode I’ve seen for reading Worm is that people will assume they can safely skip something called a “donation interlude” without missing anything important. You can’t. From a thematic perspective, the interludes are a major method by which the narrative keeps the protagonist honest, as they provide a sane or at least differently-insane perspective on the situation at hand, or on whatever over-the-top bullshit Taylor has pulled recently. From a craft perspective, the interludes are some of the best and most memorable writing in the book, at least in part due to the novelty of each character’s perspective.  From a story perspective, Wildbow was very diligent about making sure that most or all of the interludes introduced information or set up future events in a way that, if worst came to worst, he could incorporate into a regular chapter if the goal wasn’t met. But he did meet those donation milestones, meaning a lot of the book isn’t gonna make sense if you don’t read the interludes. Read the interludes.
You may have caught on to that “31 arcs with 5-10 chapters an arc” factoid and done some quick napkin math. Worm is long. Very Very Long. To my knowledge, Wildbow didn’t miss an update once, and 10,000 words every three days is considered a middle-of-the-road output for him. The effect of his truly insane production rate is twofold. First, the quality of Worm’s prose increases exponentially over the course of the book, going from workmanlike to amazing as a result of the sheer volume of practice he was getting. The second effect is that it’s 1.7 million words long. There’s a piece of apocrypha about how a mail-order copy of Stephen King’s It fell through a mailslot and pulverized the recipients chihuahua. Top researchers hypothesize that a printed edition of Worm could plausibly achieve similar results with a mastiff. This is mitigated by the pageless online format that lets you consume vast quantities of text without noticing the volume of what you’ve read; kinda similar to the infinite canvas trick that make some webcomics unprintable, or the infinite scroll UI trick if it were used for good instead of evil. But the gist is that Worm is very Long, and it’s also essentially a rough draft. Your enjoyment therefore might be contingent on your willingness to extend it a mulligan based on the absurd circumstances under which it was produced.
The very first chapter of Worm has the following disclaimer; Brief note from the author:  This story isn’t intended for young or sensitive readers.  Readers who are on the lookout for trigger warnings are advised to give Worm a pass. Some people interpret this as glib or dismissive on the part of the author; I think what’s closer to true is that he was just saving time, because the alternative would be most of the first chapter just being a ten-thousand-word long list of specifics. I can’t think of a single common trigger warning that isn’t applicable to Worm. Name a fucked-up thing, and it’s in there somewhere. Special mentions going to Bug Stuff (duh), dismemberment, torture, child abuse, incest, implied (and some offscreen) sexual assault, Nazis, animal death, and horrifically fleshed-out descriptions of bullying and institutional apathy, which are heavily influenced by the author’s own experience as a disabled student in public school. Reader Beware.
And, on a related note, the book was pretty clearly trying to be progressive.... by 2011 standards, which means you’re gonna be sucking air in through your teeth at points vis a vis representational issues, if that’s a big sticking point. It would be disingenuous for me to frame this as something that meaningfully detracted from my own reading experience, but it would be equally disingenuous to act like it doesn’t bother anyone deeply, and for valid reasons. To hone in on the queer rep angle specifically, picture the discourse if Ianthe was the only canon-lesbian character with any focus in TLT and you’re getting close to the situation on that front.
Wildbow (AKA Writers Georg, who should not have been counted) continued to maintain the two-chapter-a-week production rate to this day. His other works include: 
Pact (2014-2015) and Pale (2020-present) which are Urban fantasy works set in a universe colloquially known as the Otherverse, a setting in which essentially all magic is fueled by bullshitting the universe so hard that your chosen magical tradition is incorporated into reality as Something That Is Allowed; a major downstream result of this is that the sheer weight of precedent means that no magical practitioner is allowed to explicitly lie, on pain of the universe revoking their magical ability if they’re called out on it. Pact follows the misadventures of Blake Thorburn, a jaded 20-something who gets a target painted on his back after his grandmother- a widely feared diabolist- kicks the bucket and wills him her potentially apocalyptic cache of demonic texts as part of a complicated post-mortem gambit. Pale is a murder mystery/coming of age story. Set in Kennet, a small Canadian town with a subculture of unorthodox magical creatures who’ve managed to avoid being subordinated by more powerful human practitioners, the story follows a trio of pre-teen witches who’re hurriedly brought into the magical fold and tasked with trying to solve the murder of an extremely powerful magical being whose residence in the area was a major warding factor against magicians moving in and trying to bind the locals. 
Twig (2017-2018), a biopunk alternate-history coming-of-age novel set in a universe where, instead of writing Frankenstein, Mary Shelley actually figured out how to reanimate the dead; this kicked off a necroengineering/bioengineering revolution that leads to Britain conquering much of the world by the 1920s, lording over their holdings with everything from Kaiju to designer plagues, with a Royal Family that’s been modified into undying, post-human atrocities who treat their subjects as playthings as best. The protagonists are The Lambs, a group of heavily augmented child-soldiers used by The Crown’s science division as an investigation and infiltration unit; picture here The Hardy Boys or Scooby Doo if every case they were sent out on was in service of Ingsoc.  Alternatively, think of Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan trilogy with the same aesthetic sensibilities, but paired with the balls to portray British Imperialism as backed by genetic engineering as something apocalyptically horrifying rather than as forbidden-love fuel.
Ward (2018-2020) is the sequel to Worm, set in the parahumans universe two years after the end of the first book. Basically impossible to describe in any additional detail without massive spoilers; suffice to say that it was contentious. I liked it personally, and I maintain that it’s main error was not having the same ten years of Pre-writing that Worm got. Other works in the same universe as Worm include PHO Sundays, which were RP threads that Wildbow ran weekly on the official subreddit in which he would post a fictitious forum thread from within the setting’s cape enthusiast forums, PRT Quest, which was a semi-canon Play-by-Vote quest on the Spacebattles Forums, and Weaverdice, which is an ongoing WIP TTRPG for the parahumans universe that he works on in his spare time, and for which he’s written a lot of fleshed out faction documents and character profiles.
There’s probably some level of broad fandom analysis it’d be useful to impart here; one interesting bit of fandom lore is that, by virtue of being a superhero setting that made some effort to be internally coherent, the series received a big bump from the Rationalist community, who you may or may not have run into on here. The series was also a big hit with battle boarders, who-would-winners, and that whole corner of nerddom, since the power system is so well-defined and well-articulated; a consequence of this is that a major Worm fandom Locus is the wargaming-site spacebattles, which was hit with such an ongoing deluge of Worm Fanfiction that they have a designated Worm section on the creative writing board, something no other fandom necessitated. Both of those things have affected the shape of the fandom and the fanfiction scene in ways that I don’t feel qualified to comment extensively on this late in the evening, but it’s a fascinating little abyss to have a staring contest with. At any rate, I’d genuinely would recommend the subreddit for the OC threads, worldbuilding idea threads, and stuff of that nature, the Cauldron discord if you’re into fanfiction, and Tumblr if you’re into rambling character analysis. I would recommend none of these things before you’re actually done with the book.
That’s all I’ve got for the moment. Hope you enjoy the book. Or shun the book, if my sundry disclaimers generated a sort of warding effect. I hope you have a contextually appropriate interaction with the book.
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candidateofloyalty · 1 year
In my mind the Persona trilogy protagonists are all top of their class but their methods and attitudes towards it vary wildly, so like Kotone was a decent student before coming to Tatsumi Port Island but then Mitsuru makes a comment about grades early on and Kotone dedicates herself to becoming top of the class without apparently trying just out of spite. She'll invite the group to Tartarus saying it's to train whoever isn't on the main fighting force but then she spends the whole time listening to audiobooks and vaguely waving her spear at shadows.
Makoto I think has mastered the art of putting in as little effort as possible for a grade. Does one class's homework in another class so he doesn't have to do it at home; half the time this is the period before the homework is due. He knows how to pad an essay and make it look like you're just being thorough about your research, netting you bonus points for less thought. It would be infuriating if he ever called anyone's attention to his scores but he's just coasting along.
Yu is a nerd. This kid organizes study sessions with his friends and takes notes in class and no one thinks twice about his grades because obviously.
Ren wanted to give off that impression when he first arrived at Shujin, visibly studying in the library and all, but he very quickly stops caring about that again now that he has friends and his reputation doesn't matter to him. What he also has is an excellent memory for trivia and a knack for bullshitting. He reads a book about shogi to try to impress Hifumi and two months later he finds a way to make a shogi analogy while explaining something in class that obscures the fact that he's parroting what the teacher just said. (This also drives Akechi crazy, because Akechi will painstakingly decide his stance through research and then Ren will go "well I don't know about that exact thing, but" and then somehow have an angle that Akechi didn't know about. Someday Ren will chain himself through three different fun facts and only hold back from a fourth when Akechi "jokingly" threatens to throttle him.)
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Getting Moving When You’re Stuck in a Small Room
I like sharing my notes with people and I’ve heard from a few people that I am not the only person who is disabled, living with high conflict people, or just stuck spending a lot of time in one room generally. These resources are also great for people who are depressed or just need a low barrier to exercise generally.  
Framework: For me, movement is a bit like the old school food pyramid. The bottom is gentle cardio/walking, the middle is strength, and the top is stretching and enjoyable activities. I put most of my time and effort into maintaining a walking practice and less as I go up. It might help to know that walking done indoors generally takes longer than walking done outdoors. More frequent movement breaks throughout the day might be more helpful and bearable than one big chunk. 
Mindset: I think it’s also important to keep in mind that none of these are going to “fix you”. They’re not a thing to beat yourself up for not doing. Every time you choose to do a little more movement in your day, you’re planting a seed. You don’t lose that seed just because you didn’t exercise for the last several days, weeks, months, or even years. The more you plant, eventually some of them will sprout into fruitful benefits - but just planting one is better than not planting any. Because even one has more opportunity to bring you benefit - planting none can’t don’t do that. You planted that seed and nothing can take that away from you.
So here are some resources I use for getting more movement in with about 2′ x 6′ of clear space in my room (total space 8′ x 8′; full bed and book shelves).
Get Fit with Rick - Walking Workouts
Get Fit with Rick was my lightbulb moment. It was about a year into the pandemic. Conflict with my partner was keeping me from wanting to so much as pass her in the hallway to get to the door some days so I started researching what was possible to do indoors. So many workouts required equipment, were loud if you were in an apartment, or were boring as hell. 
But some how I stumbled onto Rick Bhuller’s walking workouts and it felt honestly a little bit life changing. It was something I could do with headphones in, quietly, in my own space. 
I like his music taste, he gives you variations so you can make it harder or easier as you need, and it doesn’t require much space. Some moves don’t work in my extremely small usable area now, but I can still get through most of the workouts without having to change much. His 5k step workouts are on the higher end of what he does so if you need a shorter workout he’s got you covered. 
While he does mention weight loss on occasion, it’s not his focus. He has a very positive coaching style that really just encourages you to have fun with it.  
Hybrid Calisthenics - Strength/Bodyweight Workouts
I fucking love Hampton. 
He’s got such a lovely energy and is an incredibly positive and resilient person. When it comes to this workout videos, he focuses building a foundation for healthy functional movement and preventing injury. He teaches bodyweight progressions and doesn’t make any one progression the goal. 
While his pullup methods might not work in a very small space, everything else has for me. I can do it all on a yoga mat that fits in my little walkway. For the pullups, I replace them with rows that I do with a milk jug filled with water to at least get something in. I might look into kettlebells as I get stronger. Hoping he’ll make a video at some point with some variations. 
I still struggle with strength training but I’m the most consistent I’ve ever been thanks to his positive and adaptive style of teaching. 
His website is probably the most accessible way to get into his content. 
Dayana Wang - Workouts in Bed
Content warning with her stuff that much of it uses dated and toxic weight loss language so if you find that triggering I would skip her videos. 
But if you can tolerate that, her bed workouts are really helpful! I did these when pain was keeping me from getting out of bed. I’d just follow along until I couldn’t anymore. I slept better and felt better and my flares were a little shorter as a result. 
Take care not to strain yourself with some of the moves. Depending on the firmness of your bed, some might not be advisable. 
She has some bed workouts for different areas - arms, core, legs, etc - so if you have an injury in one area, you can always follow a workout for the others. 
But overall, excellent resource for bedbound folks. 
Yoga with Adrienne - Yoga/Stretching
Who hasn’t heard of Yoga with Adriene at this point? 
She’s a favorite for a reason. She really does have videos for every skill level. I really enjoyed what I was able to complete of her 30 days of Yoga series that she has. It’s a great spot to jump in to her channel and get a sampling of her different offerings. 
What I most like to use her videos for are for stress relief stretches. I can’t really get into yoga personally but her hip, back, and neck progressions have been wildly helpful. Her bedtime yoga videos are also a treat. 
Hope this helps someone out there or at least saves them a little time! I really felt like I was wondering around in the dark on this a few years ago so I really hope this spares someone that experience. 
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tired-fandom-ndn · 3 days
I love obsessed oisin but I can't help but imagine quieter but equally obsessed adaine, pouring over ancient and probably cursed books looking for forbidden rituals to make oisin a full dragon or forcing him to adventure until he's a high enough level to get true polymorph to be a full dragon so that he can live as long as possible with her. seeing her grandma kissing the skull of the dragon she loved the most and imagining she won't even get a tenth of the time they had together before she's doing the same with oisin, unless she takes matters into her own hands
Anon, I ADORE this.
I love obsessive and creepy Oisin with Adaine being into it, but Adaine also being obsessive and creepy in her own way? Perfect, amazing, they're a match made in hell.
She's so much subtler about it than Oisin is, but she grew up with the awareness that nothing in the world belonged to her and then, later, that she would outlive the people she loved so she clings to everything she has with the desperation of someone who knows how easily it can all be taken away. I think, in this scenario, Adaine would've already been looking into how to extend lifespans, part of her desperately hoping that she cold crack that kind of magic and convince her friends to stay by her side.
Reconnecting with Aelwyn lessened that desperation a bit, with the assurance that she won't be completely alone as the centuries pass, but she would stil absolutely jump at the chance if any of her friends showed even the slightest bit on interest in that. With Oisin though. . . . . .
Adaine knows he's the one, the person she wants to be with forever. She spent much of her childhood listening to her grandmother wax poetry about her late wife and Adaine feels echoes of the things her grandma talked about in her relationship with Oisin, that sort of intense and burning love that makes everything else fall away. In her visions of her future, he's the one with her, the father of her children, her soulmate. And she also sees him grow old, scales getting rougher and duller while she stays young, and she knows that they'll only have a few decades together before she's alone again.
Decades. 50, maybe 60 years at the most. Adaine thinks about the thousands of years she has ahead of her and the idea of him being just a brief moment in her life is. . . devastating.
Instead of just accepting that that's her lot in life, Adaine does what she does best and starts researching. She looks into every possible way of expanding lifespans that she can think of, chasing even the tiniest lead, unearthing ancient manuscripts to pore over and looking into both "acceptable" magics and the most taboo spells possible. Deals with demons, blood sacrifices, whatever, there's no line she won't cross if it keeps Oisin by her side.
Most of her leads ended up being dead ends or methods that had to be taken off the table for one reason or another, either because they wouldn't work like she needed or because the risks were too high (like a lich ritual). Something like him changing into a true dragon would definitely be an option, but I think Adaine would only consider it if there was a way for him to be able to switch forms. She loves Oisin, loves the way she fits in his arms and loves being able hold his hand and even loves his dorky glasses. She doesn't want to completely change him.
For this AU though, since you brought up Grandma Abernant, I think she'd have her whole family's thousands of years of research into this exact topic at her disposal, her grandma more than happy to help Adaine's quest and getting the best magic users in their family on board. The fact that many of them have mortal loved ones means that pretty much everyone is eager to help.
Adaine would do her best to hide all this from Oisin, because she (ironically) doesn't want to freak him out or scare him away. Joke's on her though, once he finds out (by finding her notes in her tower or seeing correspondence from one of the other wizards she's working with or even when she breaks down after a particularly rough night and tells him everything), Oisin is fucking THRILLED and puts 110% behind helping her. He'd always known that their time together was limited by his own lifespan and though he always wants her to be happy, the idea of leaving her widowed and then her finding love with someone else is enough to make him spit lightning and rage worse than when he had the shatter-star; knowing that she wants him just as much as he wants her is a weight off his shoulders. Even becoming a full dragon is on the table as far as he's concerned, though obviously he'd prefer something a bit less. . . incompatible with Adaine's own body.
With the two of them, and their many contacts and their families' wealth and hoards of knowledge, they'll figure it out eventually :)
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Haunted: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Summary: This is Hotch's first case back since being stabbed by Foyet. As much as he says he's fine, he's not and he's letting his emotions affect the case in a negative way.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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Under Hotch's orders, half of the team heads back to the station where JJ and Spencer are. They've been doing as much research on Darrin, the Hollow Creek Killer, and Tommy as they can.
"So, what do we know?" Hotch asks when he walks in.
"There were only four suspects in the Hollow Creek case, and they're all dead. The kids were taken in 1973, '74, and '75, and all on the way home from school."
"They came from different school districts," JJ says. "He waited for them to be alone."
"That takes patience. He must have had time off in the afternoons. He lived or worked near the schools."
"That's a lot of doors to knock on," Derek sighs.
"Do you think Call's going back there?" Rossi asks.
"I think there's a good chance."
"I'll tell Mitchell," JJ says and walks away.
"Where's the secondary location? He needed seclusion to do what he did." Derek's phone rings and he places Pen on speakerphone. "Go ahead, Garcia. You're on speaker."
"I found Tommy. He goes by James Thomas Anderson now."
"Is he local?"
"One county over. His address and bio are coming now."
You and Hotch take this one together without a hoard of other agents. Tommy probably wants to put all this in the past. Seeing so many officers about this case will only freak him out. Tommy wasn't thrilled to see you two on his doorstep, but he let you in nonetheless. When Hotch explains the situation vaguely, Tommy looks visibly upset.
"What does Darrin Call have to do with me?"
"We think he survived the Hollow Creek Killer."
"Nobody survived that."
"You did. There was another boy. He was six years old."
"No, that's not true."
"We don't have time for this," Hotch says angrily.
"I'm telling you, I was alone."
"Just like now?"
"Excuse me?"
"Have you ever been married? Any relationships? Any family?"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Or are you afraid you'll abandon them, too? Or was it because of your alcoholism?"
"I would never leave a kid," Tommy says with hints of tears in his eyes.
"Did he cry too much? Was he too slow? What was it? How could you leave a six-year-old all alone?" Hotch says a bit harshly.
"I was only twelve."
"He's been taking medications to deal with the trauma that suppressed his memories," you explain. "That kind of amnesia is a psychological defense."
"He's gonna wish he never remembered," Tommy sighs.
"We know what you told the police. We need to know about the boy."
"He never talked. I was kept in a cage in the barn. He'd come in frequently so I thought I'd be able to use him to escape. One day, the man was drunk and passed out. Darrin freed me. Turns out the man wasn't as drunk as I thought he was because he caught us pretty quickly. He took us both away in a car to a secluded spot. I don't remember where. He gave the shovel to Darrin and told him to dig my grave. I ended up grabbing that shovel and beat the shit out of the man. Both Darrin and I ran away until we got to a fence. I jumped over it easily but Darrin was stuck. The man caught up to Darrin but I was already free. I never thought I'd hear his voice."
"He told you to go," you say.
"He was a kid," Tommy cries.
"So were you."
"Was Call in the back with you?"
"No, he was in the front."
"He got the keys to let him free. He rode in the front. Why wasn't he locked up?"
"Maybe Call wasn't a victim."
Something clicks in your head and you gasp.
"Call's father was the Hollow Creek Killer."
Tommy isn't going to be much use to you anymore so you and Hotch go back to the station to tell everyone else this revelation.
"His own kid? No wonder he was never claimed," Rossi scoffs when he hears the news.
"How did the father explain how his son just disappeared?"
"He could have said he ran away."
"His mother would have reported him missing," JJ says.
"Then maybe he said the boy died."
"She'd want a funeral," JJ shakes her head.
"What if there wasn't one? Morgan, call Garcia. Ask her to check death records from 1969 to 1975."
"For who?" Derek asks Hotch.
"For the mother." Derek calls Penelope and asks her for the death records, and she works quickly to grab that information. "You got it?"
"It's a long list. A really long list."
"Can you narrow it down?"
"Six years is a long time. I need more parameters."
"She lived within that eight-mile radius, was married, was most likely in her twenties, he was probably her only kid, and the husband drove a red truck."
"Okay, this could be one," Penelope says as he types. "Here we go. I have Doris Jarvis. She died in childbirth."
"Let me guess. She had a boy?"
"Yeah. So Doris Jarvis was married to Bill Jarvis. He owned a machine shop just outside the city."
"That could be the secondary location," Spencer says.
"It closed in 1980. He hasn't done anything since. I guess he laid low. He had a red pickup until 1976 when he bought a black one. I know that because that's what he was driving when he was arrested for DUIs. He was locked up from '77 to '80, and I'm sending his picture now."
Penelope sends a picture of what Darrin's father looks like. Yeah, he looks like a serial killer.
"That could definitely be Darrin's father."
"Where is Jarvis now?"
"In the same house. 1457 Hitchens Avenue."
"Let's go," Hotch announces.
By the time you get to Jarvis' house, Lieutenant Mitchell, his team, and SWAT are already here. Darrin Call is inside the house with Ryan which is why they're not busting the door down.
"Lieutenant," you say when you get there.
"The kid's in there. We've got this. Tactical teams are covering the exits."
"Call needs a distraction."
"He's focused on the old man."
"Yeah, for now, but we're gonna have to figure out the safest way to get that kid out."
"I've got a team in the back and one on the way. We're going to infiltrate."
"If you do that, someone is going to die."
"It'll either be Call or a child murderer. Flip a coin," the Lieutenant scoffs.
"It doesn't have to end like that. If we get a confession out of Jarvis, he goes away and Call gets his answers. No one else has to die." You happen to look over at your team and see Hotch walk past the barricade without his FBI vest on. He's going in there unarmed and unprotected. "Hotch? Hotch!!"
You jump to stop him but Rossi holds you and Derek back from going after him.
"What the hell is he doing?!" Derek gasps.
"Let him go."
"Rossi! I'm not letting him go in there solo."
"We have to trust him."
Waiting for something to happen is like a ticking time bomb. You're not sure what is going to happen. Hotch could get very hurt in there without protection, but you have to trust him. Hotch manages to bring Call to the window but SWAT doesn't have a shot on him yet.
"Do you have the shot?" Lieutenant Mitchell asks.
"Damn it. What's he doing?"
Whatever Hotch is doing must be working because the front door opens and Ryan runs out fearfully. One of the SWAT members grabs him and takes him to safety behind the line of police cars.
"Let's get Hotch out of there,"
"That's his call," Rossi says.
Two long minutes pass before you hear three gunshots ring out from inside. You don't care if he wants to be alone or not. You're going in now. You, Emily, and Derek take off running into the house with your guns raised. Jarvis is dead but Hotch and Darri are fine. Hotch is handcuffing Darrin to take him away.
"What the hell happened?" you ask.
"I couldn't stop him."
Hotch escorts Darrin out of the house without an ounce of guilt on his face. He's not guilty because he let it happen. He's acting recklessly because of his own feelings toward Foyet which is pissing you off. You wait until you're back at the BAU to confront him about his behavior. Hotch is alone in his office when you approach it.
"Hey, do you have a minute?"
"I'm not in the mood for company right now."
"I don't care." You walk inside and shut the door behind you. Hotch looks up at you in shock but you continue before he has a chance to respond. "Look. I know how much pain you're in. I can feel it as if it were my own. If you hadn't turned down Foyet's deal, then he wouldn't have gone after Hayley and Jack and they would be safe right now. I get the guilt you're feeling because I've been there. You have no idea how guilty I've felt for a decision I've made and how it would affect the ones I love. Now, you're obsessing over trying to find him so your family can be safe but guess what, you're not alone. You have an entire team--family--here to help you. Foyet will get caught but you can't blame yourself for not knowing what was going to happen when you turned down his deal. You once told me not to blame myself when that car bomb went off because I couldn't have known. The same thing goes for you. I understand you miss your family but you have another one right here to help you through it. Use them but don't disrespect them."
"I understand," he nods. "Thank you."
Hotch understands the weight of your words. His response might not feel sincere but you know he means it when he says he understands. He knows how he's been feeling and vows to himself that he will do better.
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Frank paces the inside of his empty apartment quickly. The only pieces of furniture he has in there are an inflatable mattress, a dingy nightstand he got at a thrift store, and a TV that sits on it. He's not going to be here for much longer so why would he try and furnish this apartment? It's a month-to-month contract that he can renew at any time, so he only bought out two months.
He has to stick around to see how this is going to play out with you. He went through all the trouble to get you in trouble so why would he leave before he knows you're going to take the fall for this? He's been living here for the past few weeks in hopes that something will progress with the police.
So far, nothing much has happened.
"How's it going out there?" Frank's wife asks.
"It's complete bullshit. The police are so fucking slow. I practically have to do their jobs for them. I talked to a few more officers and told them everything besides her fucking name. If they don't figure it out, I'm gonna have to think of something else."
"When are you coming home?" his wife pouts.
"I'm gonna have to spend another month here." She groans in protest but he's quick to shut that down. "Clarissa, don't."
"I can't handle the kids by myself."
Frank sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Call Rob. He owes me a favor anyway."
"Are you sure? He's worse than you."
"I don't care. He will do what needs to be done. It's only for a month, anyway."
"Fine. Hurry home."
"Listen, there's something else. I gave my real name to the police."
"What were you thinking?"
"I'm not a fucking idiot, Clarissa. I didn't give them my last name. I told them it was Livingston."
"You're playing it too close. Someone is going to get caught. What if they show up at our front door? All the work we've done?"
"Hey, we've evaded the police for this long, and we'll do it some more."
"What if Y/N finds out who we are?" Clarissa asks after a pause.
"Y/N claims she has this gift that can read right through people," Frank chuckles. "If that were true, she'd have figured out who we were a long time ago. Let me worry about Y/N."
"I'll call you in a few days."
Frank hangs up before his wife can say anything else.
Ah, Y/N, my most prized possession.
"There is no witness so dreadful, no accuser so terrible as the conscience that dwells in the heart of every man." - Polybius
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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thatpodcastkid · 18 days
Magnus Archives Relisten, MAG 13 Alone
If a ghost tells you to turn left in a forest, and no one's around to hear it, do you still get hit by a car? My apologies to Ms.Herne for the tasteless and offensive humor. MAG 13 analysis, spoilers ahead!
Facts: Statement of Naomi Herne regarding the funeral of her fiancé Evan Lukas. Statement given January 13, 2016.
Statement Notes: RIP Evan Lukas. RIP king. You would have loved Bo Burnham's Inside.
It's so exciting to have our first live statement. The beginning of the episode stands out because it establishes that the digital recorders not only fail frequently, but at specific times. It is likely that by this point Jon understands the tape recorders must be used for the "real" statements.
Naomi's behavior at the beginning of the episode is also a bit strange. For one, she states that a paranormal investigator laughed at her for suggesting the Magnus Institute. I've always found it odd that investigators like Melanie mock the institute or find it illegitimate because they are an academic institution. They do extensive research, have significant funding, and even though they don't actively interfere in paranormal occurrences, they appear to be conducting and publishing legitimate studies. Why are they disregarded so often?
Naomi also appears actively antagonistic towards Jon. She needs his help, yet still ices him out. This is exemplative of her unconcious commitment to remain alone. Even when she asks him to stay while she gives the statement, she doesn't form any connection with him.
The religious aspects of this episode are so profound. Herne had found solace in religion her whole life. The only person she aside from Lukas and her mother that she could form a connection with was her priest. Yet, in her moment of desperation and fear, when she seeks shelter in the church, the door is locked. Her priest had advised Naomi to bond with others, and while she does get close with Evan, she doesn't actually make more friends and instead depends on religion to give her a sense of connection. But religion alone couldn't help her when everything fell apart.
The idea of being locked out from your religion is also particularly powerful. Being metaphorically and literally locked out of her religion amplified Naomi's loneliness and drove her further into misery.
Lukas' death, while not necessarily supernatural, has this particularly stinging bit of symbolism. A man from a strongly connected yet chronically isolated dies of a genetic broken heart.
The "turn left" line is frightening because I can't pinpoint where it came from. There seems to be a few possibilities:
A) It actually was the dead Evan Lukas. His ghost was using the car crash to jar her out of the Lonely and save her. This insinuates that he wasn't killed by an illness, but by his family or at least some aspect of the Lonely which absorbed him.
B) Evan Lukas had been killed/absorbed by the Lonely, but he wasn't the one warning Naomi. The Lonely had taken and brainwashed him, compelling him to force Naomi towards the car in an attempt to kill her.
C) Evan Lukas' ghost was stuck in the Lonely, and in an uncontrolled spiritual state, thought killing Naomi could reunite them and free him from loneliness.
C) It wasn't Evan Lukas or his spirit, but a manipulation of his voice by the Lonely/the Lukas family to kill Naomi for invading their space and taking one of them away.
Entity Alignment: Pretty much in the title. Great introduction to the Lonely, really gets to both the heart of the fear and the methods it uses.
Some people have mentioned the elements of the Buried in this episode because of the open coffins, and while I do think it's present, these coffins are more so an extension of the Lonely. In the cemetery, Naomi is not afraid of being buried alive or of dying, but of dying alone. Hence the gravestone she carries out with her reading "Forgotten."
I also noticed Jon's Eye abilities beginning to develop in this episode. While he certainly isn't compelling Naomi to speak, he is certainly leading her. Naomi is mad at him, she doesn't want to speak, but his mention of the stone and attempt to diffuse the situation with a joke urge her to give the statement.
Character Notes: This introduction to the Lukases is very frightening. Very classic "isolated rich family" horror, but taken to another level because the isolation is the fear, not just a storytelling device.
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laxmiree · 3 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien's Lyric Poetry Event Translation (Day 4-6)
This post contains a HEAVY SPOILER for the event that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lyric Poetry Free SSR Event | Prologue+Day 1-3 | Day 4-6 | Day 7-9 | Day 10-12 | Day 13 (Ice Flowers Date)
Translation under the cut!
✧ [Day 4] ✧
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The rain is pattering outside the window. I quickly open the umbrella and shake it dry. Then, I take out a small packet from my bag, still damp with a few drops of water.
I quietly spread out several rain-soaked flower buds and place them on the table.
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MC: Recently, I've been eagerly anticipating when the flowers along the roadside will bloom...
MC: But today, on my way back, I discovered that many flower buds had been knocked down by the heavy rain.
MC: Do you think these can be preserved as specimens?
Lucien slightly raises his eyebrows, sets down the book he was reading, and then gets up to fetch a towel from the bathroom.
Lucien: Of course, it's possible. However, for long-term preservation, we need to remove excess moisture first.
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Lucien: The same applies here.
With a soft towel draped over my head, he gently wipes away the raindrops that had splattered onto me.
(he's so gentle and considerate :")
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Lucien's post: Although the plan to enjoy the flowers has been postponed, I’ve gained a special decoration as a result.
MC: You’ve received a gift from spring~
Lucien replied to MC: It's you who made it become our collection, so in this light, perhaps you are the spring.
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Lucien’s note: Perhaps next time we can try drip glue craft together and make some more practical "specimens", like matching keychains.
✧ [Day 5] ✧
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I stare at the package in my hand a bit dazedly—an exquisite storage box containing a beautifully patterned small stone.
MC: This is...?
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I look at Lucien with some uncertainty.
Those slender eyes curve into a handsome arc, with a hint of slyness lingering in them.
Lucien: Mineral specimens are also a major category of specimens.
MC: Are you saying this is a piece of crystal?
Lucien: No, it's not.
MC: Then... what rare mineral is it?
Lucien: It's not a rare mineral either.
Lucien: It's just a charming little stone.
Lucien: But when I saw it, you happened to message me at the same time.
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Lucien: That's the happiest moment for me today.
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Lucien: The newly opened dessert shop nearby has freshly baked egg yolk pastries.
Lucien: Do you want me to bring back a piece for you?
MC: Yes, please! This shop always has a long line, and I've been curious about it for a while.
Lucien: If it's delicious enough, will it become the specimen we'll work on tomorrow?
MC: What a pity, just a moment ago, that honor already found its recipient.
Lucien: Judging by your tone, it seems I can only patiently await the arrival of tomorrow.
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Lucien’s note: I'm quite certain this is also a kind of specimen. ^^
✧ [Day 6] ✧
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MC: Ta-da! This is today's "specimen"!
I proudly place the small box into Lucien's hands.
Lucien: Does this little fox also hide some mysteries?
MC: Hehe, when Professor Lucien sent the message yesterday, I was aimlessly browsing the internet.
MC: After replying to you, the origami tutorial for this little fox was the first video that caught my eye.
Using the same method as him before, I return it to him intact.
The orange little fox sits obediently in his palm, waiting to move into its new home on the shelf.
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Lucien’s note: Because the little fox is too cute, I always want to secretly take it away from home and move it to my desk at the Bioultima Research Center.
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eukarisparadise · 3 months
Snake Fruit Cookie backstory headcanon
My friends and I once made a theory that Snake Fruit Cookie was the child of Affogato, who he «conjured» with the help of magic and a piece broken off from Dark Cacao. I know this sounds crazy, but listen.
Snake Fruit always dreamed of becoming a dragon, like those they were forced to bow before their entire life. Actually, this is probably why they went to serve Longan in the first place. But when they eventually managed to turn into a dragon, their appearance looked differently: Ananas, Lotus and Pitaya (I couldn't find Lychee, but I think they looked the same) were built, more or less, as we are used to seeing them in Western folklore – like lizards.
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Snake Fruit, on the other hand, seemed to look more like a snake, they didn't have the wings or even the body of a dinosaur, and, nevertheless, they were signed as «Snake Fruit Dragon».
What does it mean?
Well, if you look closely, you'll see that they are depicted as a stereotypical Oreo dragon from the Dark Cacao Kingdom. I don’t think that if it had depended on them, they wouldn't have taken on the appearance that they saw in the faces of their masters – which means that they acquired such an appearance due to circumstances beyond their control. I'm making the simplest bet possible: they already were like this, it was in their nature to become a dragon that looked like this.
Because Snake Fruit themselves are not from this region. They are from a place where serpentine dragons are reflected in culture (tapestry and statues) and folklore (the tale of dragons that king Dark Cacao cut down, creating a cycle of day and night).
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Now what does their supposed kinship has to do with it? Well, eh, I just wanted to somehow connect these two restless souls with too similar destinies, but different ages (I always presumed Affogato is old for some reason): both Affogato and Snake Fruit managed to achieve their goals, but failed to keep them. I can’t say anything about their external resemblance to any of them – based on their appearance, I can rather assume that this is Affogato who's the second parent of Dark Choco, but that’s not the point.
Based on some joking Twitter posts, we've concluded that most likely Choco's mother is White Lily, who created him based on her designs and research (with some help from Dark Cacao, of course), but what happened to her notes when she left to Beast Yeast? They didn't just disappear, did they? So, I came to the conclusion that no, they didn't – which Affogato could have taken advantage of.
Affogato couldn't have been unaware of the circumstances under which Prince Dark Choco was exiled: it might have occurred to him at some point to curry favor with the king by using Lily's notes to create a new heir (possibly even secretly taking a piece from him, resulting in unequal parts). No relations are implied here though: in Cookie Run, one of the semi-«official» methods of reproduction involves breaking off two pieces of dough from the parents to, when combined, create a new cookie.
He didn't take into account, though, that his half ended up disproportionately larger than Cacao's: baby Snake Fruit turned out to be almost a copy of Affogato, and he began to fear that the king simply wouldn't believe him. Add to that Cacao's deteriorating condition due to Affogato's control magic, and we have a deadlock situation: the resulting child needed to be protected.
Affogato could have known that the dragon gene might reveal in Snake Fruit one day. Considering that he himself was a mixture of Coffee Tribe and Milk Tribe residents, and the resulting child clearly reflected his Milk ancestors, it was safe to assume that Dark Cacao's ancestors would eventually manifest themselves too. Keeping this in mind, the idea came to him to send the child far away to Longan, the Dragon Master, to keep them away from harm. They would raise them, nurture them in their home, and perhaps something worthwhile would come out of them, while Affogato figured out how to explain their existence to the king.
Well, along with the genes of Affogato's ancestors, Snake Fruit inherited his nasty character and penchant for intrigue – unwittingly following in the footsteps of one of their parents, becoming an advisor and being cast down for it into the abyss. Hopefully, their body will wash up on the shores of the continent, where their newfound majesties can be picked up by kind people: someone must ultimately look after the king while Caramel Arrow is busy defending the kingdom, and Dark Choco hasn't come to his senses yet.
Literally the only thing that doesn't fit into this theory is Longan themselves: firstly, their dragon appearance somewhat resembles Snake Fruit's dragon form. There's no reason to assume that Longan has any connection to the Dark Cacao Kingdom (unless Snake Fruit hadn't seen their dragon form before). And secondly, Longan... well, they're chauvinist – they wouldn't accept a regular cookie into their service, even if kings were to ask them to. In that case, Affogato would have to persuade the dragons that the child is a hundred percent dragon, just not awakened yet (and by the time it became clear that it's more cookie than dragon, they would have gotten used to their service and simply mockingly called them «Snake»).
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk again.
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thesongmachine · 3 months
Yes! It’s open! Sonia, Chiaki, and Izuru with BEN Drowned! Reader, LETS GOOOOOO!
omg stop I literally giggled when I read this!! I love writing these UGHH
Sonia, Chiaki, Izuru x Ben Drowned!Reader
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Sonia Nevermind
at first yall probably never interacted
you just didn't like her vibe and thought she was your complete opposite (she sorta is...)
she was really confused by your sadistic nature
she was kinda like
'oh my god... please don't tell me there's two...'
she's referencing you and nagito
she was really fascinated with you though
mainly by your appearance
she's really open to anything though, especially with her large range of interests
she has 100% researched you before-
once you DO start talking she's actually really cool
yk the saying opposites attract?
this applies to your relationship def
at first she does find what you do upsetting
but after a while she doesn't mind as long as it isn't anything TERRIBLE
you two are rlly cute omg 🫶
she asks SO many questions
and you LOVE answering them
Chiaki Nanami
your dynamic was kinda like hers and Nagitos at first
you thought she was SOO annoying
and she thought you were weird and just rude-
but after a while you kinda get used to it
like all the tension just randomly dissappears???
when she had first seen you with her two eyes she was like..
'wait why do they look like [insert video game character]??'
even if you two were still in your 'eww I hate them' phase
please DO expect her to say something about how you remind her of that video game character...
even when you do get together, there will still be some playfully bantering
also PLEASE fuck with Nagito
it brings her so much joy istg
and you gotta make your gf happy
because she hates dislikes nagito, you do too
Izuru Kamukura
in the nicest way possible
this man doesn't care-
like he was SORTA fascinated with your personality
and he was like 'huh you don't see that everyday' when he saw your appearance
before you got together you kinda had to 'prove' yourself to him???
your were like 'no way!! im not doing that'
but you did
seeing you do what your good at makes him smile
but he'd deny that till the day he dies
he sees every talentless person on earth as parasites
he could never say that about you, even if you have no talents he could never say that about the one person he loves
something I see you two doing is taking notes on what the other does to fuck with people
like when he's doing stuff the ult. despair would do you kinda watch
you use some of his methods when you mentally ruin people
he finds you messing with people entertaining
and he finds very FEW things intertaining
so like
you two are a deranged couple together!!!
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