#him being a kid and being dragged into this world and responsibility is like Important and Good to explore
lpbear · 3 months
I can’t believe they made me prefer Shyamalan’s adaptation. I can’t believe they’ve done this to me.
#like he did a bad job but he at least tried something#he failed but he was definitely aiming for something I can appreciate#the new one just took out all agency and everything important about each character#I’m not even talking about sokkas sexism#although that also shows a huge misunderstanding of the original to think that that needed to be taken out to update it#I’m talking about aang not even being allowed the flaw of running away from being the avatar and being a scared kid#he just goes out to fly around a while to like clear his head and gets caught in a storm???#pro tip if your plot is driven by coincidence it is a Bad Plot#him being a kid and being dragged into this world and responsibility is like Important and Good to explore#and also they didn’t they didn’t even get rid of silks being sexist btw they just don’t call it what it is#which is WORSE#he still thinks katara can’t fight or protect the village but all the boys can#they try to frame it like it’s just about leadership?? oh yeah?? why does he think he should be a leader and katara shouldn’t?#whats that called?#and yue works in the kitchen now to be more relatable?#they took the sexism out of his plot line and put it into the show itself#I need to stop adding tags but I could literally go on all day#I’m not precious about adaptations#it’s fine to change things#but if all the changes you make are just removing characters’ agency and growth and the POINT of them#those are Bad Changes#you did it Wrong#also they literally CLUNG to tell don’t show as a guiding principle#they didn’t do the most basic storytelling once#not once did they show something to us instead of just telling us what we’re meant to think over and over#first episode includes about five retellings of the opening monologue#aang TELLING gyatsu that he’s playful instead of once just showing him goofing off#this is fucking storytelling 101#all that to say the movie is terrible but it’s like funny and more like a failed attempt at something decent#this series is more like a successful execution of a bad approach to the story and I think that’s worse
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cuubism · 1 year
on watching your god become human
"I don't believe you are meant to be here, Corinthian."
Corinthian is certainly not meant to be here. He's not sure where the impulse to slip from his cage came from; he's pretty sure that was supposed to be written out of him when Dream reconstructed him from the ashes of his rebellious former self. Maybe when you make a being of wanting, the wanting for itself comes back, whether you like it or not.
"Fuck that," he says. "Neither are you."
Morpheus observes him placidly from where he's sitting on Hob Gadling's couch, sipping a cup of tea. Humans are alternately entranced by or repelled by the Corinthian, depending on their particular complexes, but Morpheus -- human, human Morpheus -- is neither. He knows the truth of what the Corinthian is, and doesn't fear him, even though Corinthian could step over there and bury a knife in his throat and this time, it would stick.
"Maybe not," Morpheus concedes. Dead, he's supposed to be dead, Corinthian thinks. "But I am. Are you going to sit, or just ogle?"
Corinthian might just stare at him. Morpheus looks exactly the same as last Corinthian saw him, except that he is fucking human, and every time Corinthian looks away from him and then back, his stomach jolts like he’s missed a step on the stairs.
"Depends, are you going to call the cops on me?"
"Is that how you saw me?" Morpheus asks. "As jailer and persecutor?"
"...No," Corinthian admits. In his former life, in the end, maybe. In the way an adherent chafes against the strict, incomprehensible strictures of his holy book. But Morpheus -- Dream -- was much more than some rules meant to circumscribe him.
"Regardless, I won't 'report' you," says Morpheus, with a half-smile. His eyes are sharp and knowing as ever where they track Corinthian's movement across the living room as he sits down in the armchair across from the couch. But he's lacking the thrum of power Corinthian is used to. The gravity well of belonging that always let Corinthian know he was near, that drew him in. It's disconcerting. "As long as you don't go around carving out eyes, after this. I would hate to see you unmade."
Corinthian has more important business here than that. Besides, he isn't interested in being taken apart again.
"I'll pass. Pretty sure that kid would dissolve me like that."
"Are you somehow implying that I was lenient with you?" says Morpheus. "Although, I suppose he did not create you."
"If you wanna get technical about it he did," says Corinthian. That well of power has transferred over to Daniel, now, those ancient brushstrokes of creation now following the path of his hands. But it feels wrong. The Corinthian does not want to be Daniel's creation. He wants to be Morpheus's. He has always been Morpheus's.
"Technically," repeats Morpheus, a spark in his eyes as if he knows exactly what Corinthian is thinking. "I still consider you mine."
This sends a confusing rush of emotions clanging through Corinthian's being. Not that that is an unfamiliar sensation, around Morpheus. Pleasure and indignation war within him. "You have no power over me anymore."
"Don't I?"
Corinthian grits his teeth. He doesn't know what to do with this Morpheus. Whether to hate him, whether to mourn him. Whether to drag him back to what he once was, somehow. "You're nothing, Morpheus.” He intends this to sound cruel. It doesn’t, quite. “You were a world." My world. “Now you're nothing."
"I've accepted that," Morpheus says, which is not the response Corinthian had expected, and gives him no satisfaction. He wanted Morpheus to lash at him. To punish him, the way he might once have, for his rebellions. Instead, Morpheus just watches him evenly, as if this behavior is no surprise to him but doesn't bother him anymore. Because it’s not his responsibility anymore. Because he’s human.
Once, Morpheus had been an entire dreaming universe. One the Corinthian inhabited. Once he had held Corinthian's fabricated heart in his hands, crafted each ventricle from dreamstuff. Corinthian was carved from a piece of his soul. A piece that he didn't want, Corinthian had thought, at his first life's end. A piece that he wanted too much, Corinthian thought, when reborn. He had thought he could see straight through to Morpheus's heart, that he was a part of him, that he understood. He had thought he knew everything.
And now Morpheus is sitting in the Waking world like a human, as a human, and Corinthian thinks desperately on the boundless creature he once knew and wonders what he didn't see.
"Some hypocrite you are," he accuses. "Unmaking me for wanting to be different."
"You'll notice I didn't use it as an opportunity to murder people," Morpheus says drily. "However, perhaps that has some merit. But tell me: would you give up what you are to be here? Not as a nightmare walking free in the Waking, but as a human?"
This gives Corinthian pause. Once, he had roamed the Waking world as a terror, had gorged himself on power. Had held men at his mercy and relished in it. It would not be quite the same, would it, to be one of those men himself.
"I don't know," he says.
"It's not so easy a trade to make," Morpheus says, setting down his tea and holding out his hands, palms up, hands that once could have stripped the Corinthian back to dreamstuff, now useless against him, "to give up your power for freedom."
Corinthian isn't sure if this is what he intends, but he lays his own palms over Morpheus's.
His skin is warm. Soft. Human. Corinthian could never have touched him like this, before. Not that Morpheus had never touched him. But it had not been like this, with hands open.
"I tried to destroy you," he says.
"So you did, my creation."
"Did that hurt?" Corinthian had meant it to. At the time.
"When you make something with your own hands and it decides it hates you," Morpheus says, gaze without its old stars but still fathomless as he looks down at their joined hands, "yes, it hurts."
The thought gives Corinthian no satisfaction now. "I never hated you." I loved you. "I worshiped you."
"I don't require worship."
"I loved you, and you unmade me." He stands without meaning to, and looks down at Morpheus from above. Morpheus doesn't follow him to standing, just observes him, face tilted up. He looks, if anything, sad. Corinthian recalls, from a distance, the expression of disappointment as his former self was unmade.
"And then I made you again," Morpheus says.
"More suited to your purpose."
"Like you did with yourself?"
Morpheus blinks and looks away, thrown by the accusation. "I--"
"Ripped yourself apart and threw away the piece that wasn't working?" For Daniel is Dream but also not, and it's the not that keeps sticking in Corinthian's guts like a bite of tough meat, impossible to digest.
"Is that not what you wanted?" Morpheus says. He seems discomfited by the Corinthian's words. "You did tell me to change."
"Yeah, well, I didn't want some random kid running the place that you made." He doesn't know, anymore, exactly what he wanted, only that now he wants Morpheus and seeing Morpheus here, like this, leaves a bitter taste on his tongue, carves fault lines everywhere he stands.
"I've been assured Daniel is doing a fine job."
Corinthian huffs in frustration. "Sure, yeah, fine."
"What do you want of me, Corinthian?" Morpheus asks. They're still fucking holding hands. Morpheus hasn't pulled away. His hands are weightless in Corinthian’s grip. “Absolution? I granted it when I remade you. Guidance? That is no longer mine to offer."
Love? Corinthian thinks, disgusted with himself. I don't fucking know. He's not even sure why he's here, only that he had to see. Had to see all of this for himself.
“You can’t give me anything, Morpheus. You're just a human now." The word scrapes over his throat, he might cry with rage, it's so intolerable. “You were so—”
Beautiful. Monstrous. Terrible.
He is still beautiful. Corinthian has always thought so. Was he made to feel this way? Maybe. But that doesn't change the feelings. Once, Morpheus was beautiful in the way of a distant, inhospitable planet, seen only by craning your neck up to the sky. Now, Corinthian is walking in that landscape. He's unused to having to be wary of where his footsteps tread.
He squeezes Morpheus's hands, hard, and when he lets go the skin has gone white, blood chased away by the pressure.
Corinthian stares at the evidence of his touch. Morpheus is vulnerable to him now, as vulnerable as any of the men the Corinthian's former self had killed. Corinthian is more powerful than him, except that Morpheus is right, Corinthian is still in thrall to him and would only destroy himself by destroying Morpheus now.
He had not yet even accepted the idea of Morpheus as something that could be killed. And now he must contend with this as well, this bloody human thing.
Barely thinking about it, he steps closer, until he's standing between Morpheus's spread knees, looking down at him. He takes liberties he had always wanted to, slides his hands up Morpheus's throat, cradles his face with thumbs hooked under his jaw to tilt his head up further. Morpheus doesn't stop him. He doesn't even move. Just watches him with that all-knowing gaze, still every inch the king even if he's pulled his kingdom out of himself and given it to another, no longer holding such tight control and instead waiting to see what his creation will do.
"What do you want of me?" he asks.
Corinthian leans down and kisses his god.
His lips are soft. He tastes of tea. Corinthian doesn't get smited by the heavens; no void swallows him whole. He digs his fingers into Morpheus's hair. Sweeps his tongue into his mouth, feels the pulse of blood against his thumbs.
Morpheus doesn't kiss back, exactly, but he does let Corinthian take what he needs from his mouth. And when Corinthian draws back with a nip at his lower lip, Morpheus's eyes are dark and heavy-lidded as if he has drawn some pleasure from it himself.
"I could destroy you," Corinthian murmurs, still close to his lips, even knowing that he could not. "Like this."
Morpheus gazes up at him. "Could you?"
His voice no longer echoes with the distant turning of planets, but Corinthian's being still resonates at its frequency. Perhaps it always will, even if he has a new master now. Corinthian wants him and he could have him, like this, he could debase his former god and make this human body his own; he knows how to bring ecstasy as much as he knows how to bring terror, and he could lay waste, could have Morpheus gasping and begging for it, could deliver his worship and rage at last and ruin him for human lovers. He thinks human Morpheus, hands off all reins, might even invite it. And Corinthian would have him after all of that chasing.
But Dream is gone. That Daniel kid doesn't matter. Corinthian's Dream is gone.
"What do I want from you?" he repeats. Hands still on Morpheus's jaw. "Let me go."
Morpheus smiles, and it's not the smile of a human, but of the creator of horrors and nightmares. It rings a bell of recognition in Corinthian’s ribcage, like calling to like, for all that there is no power in the connection anymore. "I have no leash on you."
Your existence is a hook in me, Corinthian thinks.
He kisses Morpheus again, a flat, chaste, but lingering kiss, then pulls back. When he does Morpheus's expression looks soft, human again, and it's unbearable.  
Corinthian steps back, releasing Morpheus's face. "You're supposed to be dead. Do me a favor, and finish the job."
He turns to go, but Morpheus catches him by the wrist. A light grip Corinthian could easily pull out of, but doesn’t, letting himself by held as much by the lump festering in his throat as by Morpheus’s fingers. "Corinthian."
Morpheus kisses the underside of his wrist, a motion that feels both proprietary and beneficent. I don’t need your charity, you half-god thing, Corinthian thinks. He doesn’t pull away, but he also doesn’t look. If he doesn’t look, he can almost pretend that it is Dream kissing him, and that fantasy, that terror, is a well-worn path. If he pretends, then he doesn’t have to stumble through the feral woodland trail that is his king becoming human.
Morpheus’s lips are still brushing his skin when he says, “Even when you went astray, you were always my favorite."
Oh, fuck you, Morpheus, Corinthian thinks. How dare he say such a thing when he left. When he made himself human. When he unmade Corinthian for daring to try the same.
He pulls his hand from Morpheus’s grasp. Doesn't respond, or look back. Maybe he'll return, maybe he won't. Maybe he'll finish the job Morpheus started. Or the one he himself started, in daring to touch his lips.
For now, feeling only more jumbled up than when he arrived, he leaves the flat. Leaves Morpheus to his human life. And lets the door slam shut behind him.
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zproblematic · 28 days
So, I enjoy reading everyone's DP x DC prompts and stories! Very fun! And a recurring thing I see pop up is Clark getting dragged for not reacting well to Connor's existence, especially juxtaposed with Danny and his relationship and reaction to Dani.
I've also seen stories that have Danny specifically say that he entirely understands why Clark reacted like that and he doesn't feel it deserves condemnation or comparison to his own.
Here's the thing. I feel like the more accurate opinion on the situation would be somewhat in the middle of these two.
Because here's a very important fact to keep in mind. The circumstances behind them being cloned, the relationship they specifically have with the person cloning them, and their own lived life experience, which dictates how they perceived the situation, are different.
Danny is cloned at 14. He has a contentious relationship with Vlad who generally seems to want Danny as a son/heir, but there are times we see Vlad acting more like an annoying uncle than an outright villain. Danny has at this point gone through a myriad of traumatic things, including his own death, all within the span of a year.
Also keep in mind Danny is 14, his perception of what is happening is "Guy who is obsessed with my mom wanted me as a kid so badly he tried to make a version of me in his lab". Which is, so far as we are ever told, largely the goal here. Also, Danny has no exposure to the concept of clones or evil duplicates or anything at this point.
And then you get to Clark. He's a grown man near/in his 30's. His relationship with Lex is almost strictly antagonistic, and Lex is frequently actively attempting to either kill Clark or turn public opinion against him and get him publicly lynched. Clark has a rather stable and consistent life for someone in his situation, his parents are still alive and supportive, he's got Lois who is aware and supportive, he's got the Justice League at this point meaning he's got people he can connect to about his daily life. He's rather settled into heroism, didn't start it until adulthood and that was fully a choice he made, it has little effect on his civilian life most days.
Clark being so old, also his long-term relationship with Lois, paired with his understanding of subtext and human nature, means his perception of Connor's existence is drastically different. "Lex stole my DNA and made a child with both of our DNA against my knowledge and will". And here's an important thing to note. Connor technically isn't a clone, he's technically a petri-dish grown child with Lex and Clark as the parents. What does that sound like to you? Because to me it sounds like "Connor is functionally a product of date-rape from the man I hate most in the world as he keeps trying to kill me". Clark also has had multiple exposures to the concept of at least evil duplicates/ surprise family members, what have you.
So what do I think would actually happen here? 1) Danny acknowledging that no, Clark had no responsibility at all for Connor's existence, and had no requirement to act as a parent/family member. 2) However, Clark did have a responsibility to Connor as a mentor and teacher in gaining control of his abilities. Even if it was by getting his parents to share their experiences of raising him with someone else who was caring for Connor. Also, his active dehumanization of Connor was insanely inappropriate and uncalled for, as well as presenting doubt if he's actually equipped for diplomacy with the wider universe.
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ilikepjo24 · 9 months
We all know that Ursa couldn't solve all of Azula's problems if she tried...
...But she could solve some of them.
People love to say that Ursa was a victim of Ozai (which is true) and the fact that she has a bad relationship with Azula is exclusively Ozai's fault (which isn't). Ursa also shares blame. You can't act like she holds no responsibility when she's the one Azula keeps hallucinating. She's the reason behind Azula's abandonment issues.
"bUT iT WAs oZai tHAt foRceD hEr to leAvE, sO IT wAs hIS fAuLt 🤡"
Ozai did force Ursa to leave, but did he also force her not to say goodbye to her daughter? Did any of you ever heard Ozai say "You can wake up Zuko if you want, cause adding abandonment issues on top of all his other flaws would make him even more unbearable, but don't you dare disturb Azula, she needs her beauty sleep."? I don't remember that scene ever happening, in the show or in the comics.
"BuT azULa coUlD hAve snItcHeD oN heR 🤡"
Blaming the child I see, but you're forgetting sn important detail. Snitch on her to who?
Ozai? He already knew she was leaving.
Azulon? He was dead.
To some guard? The guards would just report to Ozai, who would do nothing because he wanted her to leave.
Iroh? In what universe would Azula willingly go to Iroh if she had a problem? Was Iroh even there at the moment or was he still in the spirit world? We don't know, we never saw him!
There was absolutely no reason whatsoever why Ursa couldn't wake Azula up. No reason whatsoever. Plus, Azula is baby, if Ursa were to wake her up in the middle of the night, Azula would tell nobody (at least not immediately) because she would just fall asleep again, just like Zuko did, because she's nine!
Do you even know what kind of natural disasters nine year olds can sleep through? You can't possibly believe that, Azula, a nine year old, would leave her comfortable, warm bed, in the middle of the night, to go find her scary dad, or scary grandfather, or walk around until she found a guard (where were the guards btw? How come nobody saw Ursa? It's possible that there wasn't even any guards patrolling in the inside of the palace) to tell them that her mom came to hug her in the middle of the night, when, realistically, her mind was still fuzzy from sleep and she didn't even know that the hug meant goodbye, since Ursa had no reason to give away that detail, since she didn't tell Zuko either.
But let's pretend that you're right, and Ursa couldn't wake Azula up for some reason. That still doesn't change the fact that Ursa could still do other stuff to be close to her daughter. Ask her to do an activity together or something.
"bUt ThE tuRtlEdUCKs...- 🤡"
Stfu about the turtleducks. Feeding the turtleducks is an activity Zuko likes, that Azula has no interest in. Just like with the walks in the ganders. That's not how responsible parenting is done. This is "I will send some quality time with one child and drag the other one along to not look bad, but during the quality time the second kid can buzz off, I won't even be paying attention to them." This is exactly what is happening in this picture:
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And don't go all "What chance would she have? Azula would push her away!" Because that just indicates that you don't understand shit about Azula's character. She wants her parents to be proud of her. She wants her power to be recognized. That's canonically what she craves the most:
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So no, if Ursa gave Azula a chance to feel like she's making her mother proud, Azula would rather die than waste it. And under what circumstances could Ursa give Azula a chance like that without being interrupted you may ask? Well that's very simple. During Azula's training.
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In this panel Azula is speaking directly to Ozai about how her training went. Which means he wasn't there to see it. He wasn't the one training her. He wasn't observing her training. And he wouldn't be there to stop Ursa from observing Azula's training once in a blue moon. He wouldn't be there to stop Ursa from telling Azula that she has improved so much and she's proud of her. He wouldn't be there to stop Ursa from showing Azula how much she loves her. He wouldn't be there to stop Azula from growing up knowing that her nother does care.
And who knows? Maybe the presence of a parent that doesn't believe in burning people's pants when you're displeased with them would prevent Azula from misbehaving on those occasions.
So Ozai couldn't prevent Ursa from doing that. Azula wouldn't want to prevent Ursa from doing that. So what stopped Ursa from doing it? Nothing. Nothing at all. She could easily do it and chose not to. Because Ursa isn't as good of a mom as some of you like to pretend she is.
Ursa couldn't solve all of Azula's problems, but she could save Azula from a lifetime of thinking her mom didn't love her and she selected not to do it because Ursa is not a great person.
Thus proven.
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raayllum · 11 months
I just finished Book 5, and do you think that Ezra’s arc will have him learn that words aren’t enough? Some fans do think that he’s the least emphasized of the Dragang
I don't think Ezran is going to learn that words aren't enough (they have been, often times in his life, and trying non violent routes are important) but I do think he's going to be presented with more and more situations where it is, as he acknowledges, "Not that simple" (4x03).
In Arc 1, you had the transformative trio of characters (Callum, Rayla, Soren) who were rapidly changing as people versus the more "circumstances change and drag out certain personality traits either more or less" stagnated trio (Ezran, Viren, Claudia). In Arc 2 thus far, it seems that Soren, Claudia, and Ezran are the 'stagnant' ones and Viren, Callum, and Rayla are the transformative ones. That being said, I do think S5 focused on Ezran as much as S4 focused on Rayla, so it's not surprising there's a bit of a trade off (especially with Janai very much being a Main Character in arc 2) with Callum (always our main Main protagonist) getting a decent amount every season. There's definitely a lack of Ezran in the first four episodes (he gets about one scene a-piece) but I do think it's over quality > quantity, in some ways. (Bow from She-Ra for example is in every single episode of that series, but gets very little by way of arcs or conflict or interiority, y'know?)
That said:
I talked about this a bit more in a podcast review I did for the season / this meta, but I think Soren and Ezran are having slowburn arcs that will come to fruition in S6. Soren, after all, hasn't really changed as a character since the end of S3 - he's on team good guy, he's reaffirming his choices and love for his friends, he still cares for Claudia and still views his father as a cruel villain (which, Viren is/can be).
Ezran, likewise, is dealing with his own well, slowburn of problems. In a lot of ways, Ezran has to hold it together when everyone else is falling apart (Rayla is MIA, Callum is a mess; staying level headed even when they're arguing; being the main negotiator seemingly between the Pentarchy and the dragons of Xadia; and ruling is own kingdom). He takes his duties seriously and wants to broker peace further, if maybe a tad faster than people are ready for. Like Janai says, I think, his priorities have changed since becoming king. His duty first and foremost is to his kingdom/the world. (Not that it wasn't his mindset before, but it wasn't his responsibility before pre-series, y'know?) Which is very Rayla of him, I think ("I let them all down" in 3x04 / "I just feel like I'm letting everybody down" for Ez in 3x03).
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And we see how much this weighs on Ezran based on how heavily he takes responsibility for his perceived and or literal mistakes. Whether it's speeding things up too fast / not giving enough room for his people's, or his own anger...
E: I had a speech planned for today. It was about peace and love and hope. But I think I left something out. I ignored something that was true. I denied something that is undeniable.
or in doing the right thing in saving the Baitlings, but putting his friends in danger.
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And Soren acknowledges that this isn't really fair for Ezran, either:
Soren: This is all too heavy. It's not fair you have to struggle through this alone. You deserve time to do kid stuff. If you spend all your time doing adult stuff now, you'll grow up weird, like your brother and Rayla.
Now, on the certain level, Ezran is alone because he's like - he's the King, and that's its own unique position. However, if you look at how close Viren and Harrow, and Harrow and Sarai were, in their decision making, they did everything together. In spite of being a single dad, Harrow was never alone in what he did as king (for better or for worse): "I accept that tonight I may pay the price for our mistakes."
So I think it's interesting this emphasis on loneliness/alone in the same season we have Amaya and Rayla's conversation about it too:
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A: My big sister Sarai was the smartest, strongest, bravest person I knew. When she died, I felt lost and weak without her.
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I hated feeling that way, so I learned to be strong alone. Stoic, strong, and lonely. [...] To have that kind of strength, it is not enough to love someone. You have to trust them to share the burdens you're carrying.
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So who does Ezran depend on to carry that burden with him? Because Ezran isn't supposed to be alone as king, and Harrow spelled it out for us:
When I am gone your brother Ezran will become king, and you will be his partner, his defender, and his closest advisor.
So the question is... has Callum really fulfilled his role for his brother? Callum isn't crownguard, so actually protecting Ezran is primarily in Soren and Corvus' hands, exemplified by Soren being the one to get angry over the ruined painting in 4x03, to run to Ezran in 4x09, and for Callum to be absent from the Dragon mission in S5. And when Callum is there to have a duty to fulfil:
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Then we see the brothers - not Ezran and Rayla - disagree on how to proceed forward with Aaravos, getting momentarily a little heated before they both turn to Rayla (and remember those Rayla parallels I mentioned earlier?):
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Now, it's not surprising that Ezran wants to take the diplomatic / least violent route. He's the one primarily appealing to Akiyu rather than barrelling onwards, and expresses great concern for her (even after she tried to kill them). Claudia thinks she can appeal to him in 5x09 because of his empathy. A more compassionate, reasonable route is what he's always done, trying to reason evenly with Finnegrin and with Rex Igneous, even if it doesn't precisely work out... simply because they, like his brother, don't exactly Value the same things Ezran does.
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Alright, so the broyals disagreed once, and Callum is a little flighty as a High Mage. So what? Well: Callum now knows, and has already committed himself, to helping Rayla free her parents from the coins, including Runaan.
And Ezran's short story going into S5 hints that this may not exactly be something he's happy about:
Ezran gripped the arrow tight. The thing in his hands was a terrible letter, the ribbon its message: the king of Katolis was dead. King Harrow. His father. Something cold lurched inside him. He fought against it. He’d fought it before, that same hurt, years ago—when he’d found out what really happened that night in Katolis. Still, it haunted him. He couldn’t help but imagine the scene, all of it playing out like grim theater before him, as though he’d been there, as though he’d stood by and watched it happen. That Moonshadow elf upon the castle ramparts, skulking toward his father’s chambers. 
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It stared up at him. Ezran felt a coldness twist its way around his heart. It took his lungs, too, and for a long moment he could not breathe, could not feel anything but an unfamiliar anger so potent it seized the whole of him, inside and out. Ezran stepped towards the arrow— —and stomped down on it as hard as he could. He wished he were bigger, stronger, he wished his boots were made of iron and not something soft. Still, it was enough. When he pulled his foot away, Ezran glared down at the arrow’s hawkish head, flattened and broken. Its ruby eye slipped from its socket, its black metal bent like frayed feathers. He left it there in the dark.
Full short story here.
So Ezran is going to find out, or possibly feel, that Callum and Rayla are keeping a secret from him (again, just like S2, which didn't make him happy then, either). Callum is going to side with Rayla over him if he mandates that Runaan shouldn't or can't be freed, giving into his anger and grief much the same way his father did. He may pull rank - and Callum is going to disregard it. A very similar fallout repeating itself...
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Ezran being increasingly isolated (especially if Callum and Rayla are working, or leaving, to find the Starscraper), his disapproval and grief, trying to manage the possible fallout of Zubeia being injured/MIA, feeling undervalued and disregarded by his brother... There's little doubt in my mind that Callum and Ezran (and Rayla) will reconcile and find their way back to one another, healing their hurts, but Ezran has a lot of potential anger and angst to express and a lot on his upcoming plate, steadily added to and set up by the previous seasons.
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Which in a lot of ways, makes sense. Ezran as king and Callum as high mage, and as brothers, have to prove they won't fall apart the same way that King Harrow and Viren did, more necessary than ever now that Callum has done dark magic again. Ezran was there to pick up the pieces after Rayla left, but he may still have anger over that and their joint secret keeping from him / feeling like they're treating him 'unfairly' like a child. We've also never really seen Ezran have this type of conflict before, nevermind for the trio as a whole (most of the time it's been Callum and Rayla disagreeing, a couple brief instances of Ez and Rayla, and Callum and Ez a few times in S1 / 5x05) so for Ezran to be what starts falling apart would really rattle all three of him, and seems to be where he's headed, character wise.
And I for one cannot wait to see it.
TLDR; Ezran's slow burn arc, much like Soren's, is being steadily set up and is going to likely be a big focus in the next two seasons, pushing him and other characters in brand new directions and with some really emotional, powerful storytelling to upstage our previously held status quo in all the ways.
142 notes · View notes
lovebatty · 5 months
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ㅤ( English and Spanish ver. )
Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Husband — Dark Prologue
ㅤTW: none / ninguna❔
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English ver.
I have always thought that, as long as I can remember, I have never felt the need to venture into something. Maybe it’s normal for kids my age to act this impulsively, kicked out of the woods at such late hours... even out of public places.
It’s not that I don’t believe in magic or the paranormal activity, it’s just that maybe it doesn’t make an impression on me.
Maybe we were never the only intelligent beings on the surface, we just played at believing we were important. Thinking we were unique, valuable.
And if so, why would we be now? In a vast world, where without being —or not being— we cannot be happy and the morning smells like cigarettes.
—Flashback, 10 years ago in Mexico.—
❁ㅤHe still remembers that afternoon when one of his many colleagues took him by the arm to the computer room. It seems like a joke, but Romantic isn’t used to being dragged around. Spring was just dawning in the joy of the 21st century and they ran without any rush just to look at the day’s publications. For a laugh or two. After all, they were children.
Romantic: Vampires?
❁ㅤSaid the kid glued to the counter, more like a murmur to himself.
They? Romantic believed that they had become extinct from cinema; subjugated by entertainment, romantic comedy and Superman. For this reason, the little one could not help but frown, sliding his eyes over that digital page that no longer transmits that intoxicating aroma of fresh ink on his screen.
Romantic: Oh! Incredible! Who knew vampires could develop immunity to their weaknesses.
( Waa! This book is fabulous! If only I had the money to buy it... )
( At least, this girl uploaded all the translations like an angel from heaven would do. Now, I owe her my entire life! )
Hehe. ♪
Even if it’s crazy... If I was a vampire as well, maybe I could do those cool things too. Ah, that most be... too good to die for. ♪
—End of flashback.—
—Currently, «Haunted House» in Japan.—
Romantic: What a joy! I can’t stand this shoes anymore, I should have brought something lighter.
❁ㅤRomantic proclaimed as he looked at the huge houpse.
Romantic: Is this the place?
❁ㅤHe could expect everything, but a mansion is a luxury even for the most greedy. The boy searched his pockets, pulling out a battered sheet of paper with a scrawl of the address. It was the right place.
Romantic: It seems fine... is this really the «Haunted House» everyone is talking about?
❁ㅤHe didn’t have time to think about it. The skies rumbled and the rain became even more aggressive, forcing him to enter the space of that solemn construction without taking even a step back. He stuck to the entrance and carefully knocked on one of the two large wooden doors, waiting patiently in the rain without any response.
Romantic: Hello? Is anyone here?
( I could swear that everyone I asked along the way said this was the exact place. Was I wrong? )
Maybe they didn’t listen, should I knock again?
❁ㅤUnder his voice, his tone hinting at a certain insecurity. Maybe he was too used to the air of his home that being alone and without signal in the middle of the night is a worry.
Romantic: ( I don’t know what to do. There aren’t even any lights on, there’s most likely no one there after all. )
( It was to be expected. After all this place... is the famous «Haunted House» of the street. )
( They say there are monsters inside, but that doesn’t make much sense. After all, there are people living here... It must be a shame that they are considered that way. )
( I’m sure that if I approach them cordially, they will agree to answer my questions about the mansion. )
( I want to be the first to tell their story! It will be a fabulous project. ♪ )
Just one more try—
❁ㅤThe boy tried to knock on the door again by retracing his steps, shaking off some of his wet clothes and tilting his wrist, but his hand stopped in mid-air when the door opened on its own, leaving Romantic fully impressed.
Romantic: It’s open!
( The... the door opened by itself? )
This... can’t be possible, can it? Are there thieves snooping around in there...?
❁ㅤHe spoke while his mouth was partially open, turning his head from side to side to check that no one was there, and letting the wind of the storm blow his hair from the outside in.
Romantic: ( There’s only one way to know how lonely this house is—! )
( God, forgive me for what I’m going to do! I know it’s reckless, but I can’t handle this concern anymore. )
( I swear it’s for the common good... )
❁ㅤFor a brief moment, he had his doubts, but in the end, he never lowered his face as he walked through the lightning inside the house.
Romantic: ( It doesn’t look like anyone is here... but, the door opened. Should I grab something just in case? )
This is all so strange...
❁ㅤWhile paying close attention to all the amenities present inside the mansion, the boy lowered his voice. The house was huge inside, so he didn’t want to make noise in case someone was home.
Romantic: ( I must admit, this house is pretty scary. I wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking it’s haunted... although the decoration is nice. )
It’s so dark, maybe I should go back now...
❁ㅤSuddenly, lightning fell from the sky and light filtered through the window, revealing a figure lying on a sofa in the main room that left Romantic paralyzed.
❁ㅤRomantic walked there, the image of that figure slowly focusing on another male with refined features. He was so beautiful, his red hair covering part of his face as he lay on the couch.
Romantic: ( A person! )
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( I feel so bad interrupting... whatever he’s doing, but maybe it’s the best option. )
Romantic: ( What a pretty face... )
( Will he live here? He shouldn’t have left the door open like that. )
Um... Excuse me.
???: ...
Romantic: ( Is he sleeping? He must be a heavy sleeper... )
Hello, are you okay? Please, wake up.
❁ㅤRomantic asked in a low voice, trying to wake him up. He wanted to get closer, but once he ended up accidentally touching the stranger’s hand, a chill ran through his skin.
Romantic: ( He’s... frozen. )
( Did he...? )
Excuse me—
Ugh! Ah...
❁ㅤWithout knowing why, he suddenly clutched his chest and pulled at his clothes as he gasped in pain. A puncture piercing his heart.
Romantic: Agh—!
( What was that...? G-god...! )
( W-what’s wrong with me?! It hurts so much! )
...It hurts...
Unknown voice: Where are you? Where...? Where?
Romantic: ( What... what is this voice in my head? )
( This is all so strange... did seeing this person really affect me that much? I’m afraid something bad has happened to him. )
( ...My sickness must have played a trick on me again... but I have to help this person first, he seems to be alone, I can’t leave him here by his own. )
I have... I-I have to get help, yes. That’s it...
❁ㅤHe staggered weakly, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and looked at the person sitting on the sofa who had not moved yet. He had to help him, help himself. Romantic tried to call someone.
Romantic: Let’s see... Ah, should I call someone to come here—?
???: ...Ngh...
Romantic: !
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???: You are so loud...
Romantic: You–! Y-you’re fine!
( He grabbed me by the ankle to sit on the couch... But I can't believe he’s really okay, this must be a miracle! )
Oh, god... I’m so glad you’re okay, I... I thought that–
???: Oh...? What the hell... you’re a guy. What are you doing in a place like this?
Who gave you the permission to sneak out, huh?
Romantic: I’m really, really sorry. I didn’t want to break into your house, and— I did it because...
( I thought he was hurt... Or even worse. )
???: «Because» what? I was just sleeping peacefully... and you ruined it, do you have a problem with that?
Romantic: No, not at all.
???: Well, in that case...
❁ㅤThe redhead smiled mischievously, grabbing the boy’s hips to pull him onto the couch with him, pushing his body against his, making sure to keep him under him.
Romantic: W-wha...?!
( He pushed me! )
???: Heh, you’re like the moth flying itself towards the light, isn’t? Just when I’m hungry.
Romantic: ( ...What did he say? This can’t... )
???: Having a feast right in front of me...
Romantic: W-wait! What are you doing?!
???: That’s what I should ask you. It’s you who appeared out of nowhere!
Romantic: ( Well, he’s right, but that doesn’t mean he have to attack people like that! )
???: What’s happening? Were you suddenly embarrassed?
Just accept it and stay still for me...
Romantic: ...!
( I-I feel like I want to say something, but I can’t... )
No, don’t touch me! Get out of me!
???: Haa?! Who the hell do you think you are to reject me?!
Romantic: D-don’t you dare come any close... you... monster!
( It can’t be true, is this a nightmare? )
( He’s... not a person. He can’t be one! )
???: ...
...How did you call me...?
Romantic: ...?
❁ㅤThe young man suddenly stopped and raised his head when he heard the footsteps of another person who came here and showed some anger, growling through fangs as he turned around.
??? (2) : What is the reason for this scandal? I wish you weren’t so noisy after you woke up, Ayato.
Ayato: Ugh... Reiji...
❁ㅤConfused, Romantic turned and looked at the vampire’s face once more before slowly backing away from him. His eyes fixed on the other’s with uncertainty.
Romantic: ( Ayato...? )
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꒰ 𔓕 ꒱ㅤThis chapter comes included with a poem, these are related to the story, but you can skip them. Do you want to read it?
CW: Pregnancy, blood mention.
Greatness is in my veins.
Every morning I find myself, but I don’t see myself in the mirror.
I was just a zygote in the womb of a young mother when they told me that glory ran through my veins, with the pain of the soul and anesthetized of the heart.
I don’t know what it’s like to depend on someone, because my greed has embraced me every sleepless night; with each sentence of his for a confusion and between my footprints the blood of a greedy child.
I always have to be the best because I am full of pride, I am the only one who can handle it and only I can do it. There is nothing in the world that can change the price of your praise.
So, lie.
Let’s see if you see me.
Admin's comment 🧚🏻‍♀️
It’s very good to post here again, I already missed doing it. This time, I updated and improved the main lore experience. You guys chose for me to upload the oldest chapters first, and here it is.ㅤ(〃´𓎟`〃)
If you like it, please consider giving this post a fav, reblog and why not, even follow me❕ As always, thank you so much for reading. Have an amazing day.
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Versión en Español.
Siempre he pensado que, desde que tengo memoria, nunca he sentido la necesidad de aventurarme a algo. Puede que sea normal para los chicos de mi edad actuar de esta manera tan impulsiva, expulsados de los bosques a horas tan tardes... incluso de los sitios públicos.
Tampoco es que no crea en la magia o en lo paranormal, es sólo que, tal vez no me genera impresión.
A lo mejor nunca fuimos los únicos seres inteligentes pisando la superficie, tan sólo jugábamos a creernos importantes. Pensando que éramos únicos, valiosos.
Y si así fuera, ¿por qué lo seríamos ahora? En un mundo vasto, donde sin ser —o no ser— no podemos ser felices y la mañana huele a cigarro.
—Flashback, hace 10 años en México.—
❁ㅤÉl todavía recuerda aquella tarde en que uno de sus tantos compañeros le tomo del brazo hasta la sala de cómputo. Parece una broma, pero Romantic no está acostumbrado a que lo arrastren. Apenas iba amaneciendo la primavera en el júbilo del siglo XXI y corrían sin aprieto alguno sólo para mirar las publicaciones del día. Por una risa o dos. Después de todo, eran niños.
Romantic: ¿Vampiros?
❁ㅤDijo el niño pegado al mostrador, más como un murmullo para sí mismo.
¿Ellos? Romantic creyó que se habían extinguido del cine; sometidos por el entretenimiento, la comedia romántica y Superman. Por eso mismo el joven no pudo evitar fruncir el ceño, resbalando sus ojos por aquella página digital que ya no transmite ese aroma tan embriagador de la tinta fresca sobre su pantalla.
Romantic: ¡Ah! ¡Increíble! Quién diría que los vampiros pudieran desarrollar inmunidad a sus debilidades.
( ¡Waa! ¡Este libro es fabuloso! Si tan sólo tuviera el dinero para comprarlo... )
( Al menos esta chica subió todas las traducciones como ángel caído del cielo, ¡le debo mi vida entera ahora! )
Jeje. ♪
Incluso si es una locura... Si yo también fuera un vampiro, tal vez también podría hacer todas esas cosas geniales. Ah, eso debe ser... demasiado bueno para morirse. ♪
—Fin del flashback.—
—Actualidad, «Casa Embrujada» en Japón.—
Romantic: ¡Qué alegría! Ya no soporto los zapatos, debí haber traído algo más ligero.
❁ㅤProclamó el joven al mirar la enorme casona.
Romantic: ¿Es este el lugar?
❁ㅤPodía esperar todo pero, una mansión si que es un lujo incluso para el más avaricioso. El muchacho reviso sus bolsillos, sacando una maltratada hoja de papel con un garabato de la dirección. Era el lugar indicado.
Romantic: Parece estar bien… ¿es está de verdad la «Casa Embrujada» de la que todos hablan?
❁ㅤRomantic no tuvo tiempo para pensarlo. Los cielos retumbaron y la lluvia se hizo incluso más agresiva, obligando al chico a adentrarse dentro del espacio de aquella construcción solemne sin dar ni un paso hacía atrás. Él se pegó a la entrada y golpeó cuidadosamente una de las dos grandes puertas de madera, esperando pacientemente en medio de la lluvia sin respuesta alguna.
Romantic: ¿Hola? ¿Hay alguien aquí?
( Juraría que todas las personas a las que les pregunte en el camino dijeron que este era el sitio exacto. Acaso... ¿me equivoqué? )
Tal vez no escucharon, ¿debería volver a tocar?
❁ㅤBajo la voz, su tono dando a entender cierta inseguridad. Quizá estaba demasiado acostumbrado al aire de su hogar que, estar sólo y sin señal a medio anochecer es una preocupación.
Romantic: ( No sé qué hacer. Ni siquiera hay luces prendidas, lo más seguro es que después de todo no haya nadie. )
( Era de esperarse. Después de todo este lugar... es la famosa «Casa Embrujada» de la calle. )
( Dicen que hay monstruos dentro, pero eso no tiene mucho sentido. Después de todo, hay gente viviendo aquí... Debe ser una pena que se les considere así. )
( Estoy seguro de que, si me acerco cordialmente, ellos accederán a responder mis preguntas acerca de la mansión. )
( ¡Quiero ser el primero en contar su historia! Será un proyecto fabuloso. ♪ )
Bien, sólo un intento más—
❁ㅤEl niño trató de llamar a la puerta de nuevo volviendo sobre sus pasos, sacudiéndose parte de su ropa mojada e inclinando la muñeca, pero su mano se detuvo en el aire cuando la puerta se abrió por si sola, dejándolo impresionado.
Romantic: ¡Está abierta!
(¿Realmente... la puerta se abrió sola?)
Esto... no puede ser posible, ¿verdad? ¿Podría haber ladrones husmeando por ahí...?
❁ㅤHabló mientras tenía la boca parcialmente abierta, girando la cabeza de un lado a otro para revisar que no había nadie, y dejando que el viento de la tormenta soplara su cabello de afuera hacia adentro.
Romantic: ( ¡Sólo hay una forma de saber que tan sola está esta casa—! )
( ¡Dios, perdóname por lo que voy a hacer! Sé que es imprudente, pero ya no puedo soportar más está inquietud que me carcome. )
( Prometo es... por el bien común. )
❁ㅤPor un breve momento, tuvo sus dudas, pero al final, nunca bajó la cara mientras caminaba a través de los relámpagos en los adentros de la casona.
Romantic: ( No parece que haya alguien aquí... pero, la puerta se abrió. ¿Debería ir agarrando con qué defenderme? )
Todo esto es tan extraño...
❁ㅤMientras prestaba mucha atención a todas las comodidades presentes dentro de la mansión, el chico bajo la voz. La casa era enorme por dentro, así que no quería hacer ruido en caso de que hubiera alguien en casa.
Romantic: ( Debo admitir que la casa es bastante aterradora, no culparía a nadie de pensar que está embrujada... Aún así, la decoración es bastante bonita. )
Está tan obscuro, lo mejor será que regrese pronto a dónde estaba...
❁ㅤDe repente, un relámpago cayó del cielo y la luz se filtró por la ventana, revelando una figura tendida en un sofá de la sala principal que dejó al pequeño paralizado.
Romantic: ( ¡Una persona! )
❁ㅤRomantic camino hasta allá, la imagen de aquella figura lentamente enfocándose en un hombre joven de rasgos refinados. Era tan hermoso, su cabello rojo cubriendo parte de su rostro mientras yacía en el sofá.
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( Me siento tan mal interrumpiendo... lo que sea que esté haciendo, pero tal vez sea la mejor opción. )
Romantic: ( Qué cara tan linda... )
( ¿Será que él viva aquí? Porque no debería dejar la puerta abierta de esa forma. )
Romantic: Um... disculpe.
???: ...
Romantic: ( ¿Está durmiendo? Si que algunos tienen el sueño pesado. )
Hola, ¿estás bien?
❁ㅤPreguntó el chico en voz baja, tratando de despertarlo. Quería acercarse, más una vez este terminará tocando la mano del desconocido accidentalmente, un escalofrío le recorrió la piel.
Romantic: ( Él... está helado. )
( ¿Acaso él...? )
¡Ugh! Ah...
❁ㅤSin saber por qué, de repente se agarró el pecho y tiró de su ropa mientras jadeaba de dolor. Un pinchazo que le atraviesa el corazón.
Romantic: ¡Agh—!
( ¿Qué fue eso...? ¡D-Dios...! )
( ¡¿Q-qué pasa conmigo?! ¡Duele mucho! )
...Me duele...
Voz desconocida: ¿Dónde estás? Dime dónde... Por favor, ¿Dónde?
Romantic: ( ¿Qué... qué es esta voz en mi cabeza? )
( Es tan extraño todo esto… ¿realmente me afectó tanto ver a esta persona? Temo que le haya pasado algo malo. )
( ...Mi enfermedad debe haberme jugado una mala pasada otra vez… pero primero tengo que ayudar a esta persona, parece estar solo, no puedo dejarlo aquí. )
Tengo... tengo que buscar ayuda, sí. Eso es...
❁ㅤÉl se tambaleó débilmente, sacó su celular del bolsillo y miró a la persona sentada en el sofá que aún no se había movido. Tenía que ayudarlo, ayudarse a si mismo. Romantic trató de llamar a una autoridad.
Romantic: Veamos… Ah, ¿debería llamar a alguien para que venga aquí—?
???: ...Ngh...
Romantic: ¡!
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???: Eres tan ruidoso...
Romantic: ¡Tú–! ¡E-estás bien!
( Me agarró del tobillo para sentarse en el sofá... No puedo creer que verdaderamente esté bien, ¡esto debe ser un milagro! )
M-me alegro tanto de que estés bien, yo... creí que–
???: ¿Ah...? Qué demonios... es un chico. ¿Qué estás haciendo tú en un lugar como este?
¿Quién te dio permiso de entrar?
Romantic: De verdad lo siento muchísimo, no quería irrumpir en su casa, y-yo pensé...
( Creí que estaba herido... O algo peor. )
???: ¿Qué «pensaste»? Tan sólo estaba durmiendo pacíficamente... y tú lo arruinaste, ¿tienes algún problema con eso?
Romantic: No, para nada.
???: Bueno, en ese caso...
❁ㅤEl pelirrojo sonrió con picardía, agarrando las caderas del chico para tirarlo sobre el sofá con él, empujando su cuerpo contra el suyo asegurándose de mantenerlo bajo suyo.
Romantic: ¡¿Ah–?!
( ¡Él me empujó! )
???: Je, eres como la polilla volando ella misma hacía la luz, ¿eh? Justo cuando estoy hambriento.
Romantic: ( ...¿Qué es lo que dijo? )
???: Tener un festín justo frente a mí...
Romantic: ¡E-espera! ¡¿Qué haces?!
???: Eso debería preguntarte. Eres tú quien apareció de la nada, por suerte, justo delante de mí.
Romantic: ( Bueno, tiene razón, ¡pero eso no significa que tenga derecho a atacar a la gente así! )
???: ¿Qué te pasa? ¿De repente te sentiste avergonzado?
Sólo acéptalo y quédate quieto para mí...
Romantic: ¡...!
( S-siento que quiero decir algo pero no puedo... )
¡N-no, no me toques! ¡Alejate de mí!
???: ¡¿Haa?! ¡¿Quién carajos te crees que eres para rechazarme?!
Romantic: N-no te atrevas a acercarte... tú... ¡monstruo!
( No puede ser verdad, ¿es esto una pesadilla? )
( Él... no es una persona. ¡No puede serlo! )
???: ...
...¿Cómo me llamaste...?
Romantic: ¿...?
❁ㅤEl joven de repente se detuvo y levantó la cabeza cuando escuchó los pasos de otra persona que vino aquí y mostró algo de enojo, gruñendo entre colmillos mientras se daba la vuelta.
??? (2) : ¿A qué se debe este escándalo? Me gustaría que no fueras tan ruidoso después de despertarte, Ayato.
Ayato: Ugh... Reiji...
❁ㅤConfundido, Romantic volteó y miro el rostro del vampiro una vez más antes de apartarse lentamente de él. Sus ojos fijados en los del otro con incertidumbre.
Romantic: ( ¿Ayato...? )
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꒰ 𔓕 ꒱ㅤEste capítulo viene incluido con un poema, estos están relacionados con la historia, pero puedes omitirlos. ¿Quieres leerlo?
CW: Embarazo, mención de sangre.
La grandeza está en mis venas.
Cada mañana me encuentro, pero no me veo en el espejo.
Yo era sólo un cigoto en el útero de una madre joven cuando me dijeron que la gloria corría por mis venas, con la dolida del alma y anestesiada del corazón.
No sé lo que es depender de alguien, pues mi codicia me ha abrazado todas las noches sin dormir; con cada frase suya por una confusión y entre mis huellas la sangre de un niño avaricioso.
Siempre tengo que ser el mejor porque estoy lleno de orgullo, soy el único que puede manejarlo y sólo yo puedo hacerlo. No hay nada en el mundo que pueda cambiar el precio de tu elogio.
Así que, miente.
A ver si me ves.
Comentario del admin 🧚🏻‍♀️
Es muy bueno volver a publicar aquí, ya extrañaba hacerlo. Esta vez, actualicé y mejoré la experiencia de la historia principal. Ustedes eligieron que yo subiera primero los capítulos más antiguos, y aquí está.ㅤ(〃´𓎟`〃)
Si les gusto, consideren darle a esta publicación un fav, rebloguear y, por qué no, incluso seguirme❕ Como siempre, muchas gracias por leer. Qué tengan un maravilloso día.
40 notes · View notes
gojowh0rcs · 1 year
anyway, imagine despite all precautions taken and how careful and vigilant the two of them might’ve been (save for that one very spontaneous emotionally charged night), gojo still manages to get his s/o pregnant. it probably isnt even smth that crosses the realm of possibility in gojo’s mind at first just BECAUSE of how cautionary they (he) would have been. having a kid isnt really on his agenda. so much preparation and thought would have had to gone into even entertaining the idea on normal circumstances. but gojo--what with everything going on pre-shibuya arc--would be too buried under his responsibilities to dedicate the proper time and energy into caring for a pregnant s/o. it’s probably pure denial and avoidance that halts him from delving deeper into the possibility at first. he doesn’t have the time so the universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to layer another obligation, especially one as important as this, onto his already sky-high pile---is what he thinks. but then he remembers the universe has never quite been on his side (perhaps terrible luck was the karmic balance of the strongest). being head of his clan and the sole pushing force of it does deem him a little freedom. there’s nothing anyone could truly force him to do, which is why he’s the nerve to be so rebellious in the first place (along with just being the literal strongest sorcerer---who gon check him? LMFAO). but gossip and social pressure from the higher ups is bound to aggravate him. he still has to stay somewhat within the lines of their politics. play a little by their rules. impregnating a s/o without any social standing or status in jujutsu society probably spreads rumors of diluting the gojo bloodline. he ignores it, ofc. lets them have that if they want. but he draws all lines at dragging his s/o and specifically their baby into that world. there’s a huge, steal wall of separation he builds thicker than before between his s/o and jujutsu society. no one is forcing his s/o into the gojo clan, no one is forcing his child into obligation or training either. he decides. this is his. and they belong solely to him. 
(that being said he’d definitely train his child regardless if they’re born with cursed techniques or not when they come of age. its just under his say not anyone elses :) SDJDSDFJ)
as for the relationship with his s/o, idk if he’d marry them outright just because they’d get pregnant. that entirely depends on the s/o and their own perception of marriage. if its important to them, then maybe. but i dont think gojo would want to put that pressure, and he doesnt really care about what society or anyone would have to say abt having a child out of wedlock either. actually it seems more in character for gojo to never actually legally marry but have a whole secret long-term relationship on the side that no one knows abt until he’s sealed and his s/o comes lookin for him 💀. when his students find out hes just like oops lol hehe silly me 
their relationship would definitely take a different undertone. gojo already regarded his s/o as his, but the pregnancy would make that x100000. he’d start making decisions on their behalf without them always knowing, takes more of a lead. might not legally take the title, but definitely assumes the role of a husband. a lot more protective, but its all very subtle. his s/o would feel the change in energy coming from him. he might move them out of their apartment and somewhere more safe and secluded. the city is crawling with curses, so the farther out they are, they less likelihood of danger. might set up a curtain that protects their home that keeps curses and curse users out when hes not there. he’s still not as present as he’d like to be, so his s/o might be left feeling lonely, but there is a notable effort in how much more frequent his visits will be (especially closer to the delivery date). 
gojo might  🤏 be a little more vulnerable than usual too. it might actually catch him by surprise. he thought he’d be just as vacant and as distant of a father as someone like toji. there’s probably a theory out there that jujutsu sorcerers make for shitty parents. they’re all too hardened to coddle the dearness, the preciousness of youth. hence why so many sorcerers are forced to grow up early and thus the cycle repeats. he probably rationalizes that he’ll be like that too. that even if he’d try, and god will he try, he’d still manage to fuck his kid up a little. it’s just how these things kind of go. but there will be so many nights that he rests his cheek against his s/o’s growing belly and tells their baby stories about his day, his students, his battles. he complains about the higher ups and their stagnant ways. he tells their baby that he’s the strongest sorcerer alive, and thereby the coolest dad in the world. and on nights where he’s troubled by things he’s too proud to divulge, he tells them that he will rip time and the universe apart for them with his strong hands. that no one could touch a hair on their head without his permission. that he’d do anything for them. that they were his, and he’d protect them for the rest of his life.
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
levi is like pain is the best discipline
yet when in marley people wanted to hurt a kid because he stole from them levi jumped right in and didnt let them
i think he is mostly just talking abt this
yeah he sometimes used violence but he never enjoyed it and i think he was using it less as time went on
Well, yeah, exactly, because the thing is, Levi ISN'T a child abuser.
I've had people try to tell me that he is because of the handful of times he hits Eren, and the one time he hits Jean, completely ignoring the context of those moments, and also the fact that, by the standards of the time they were living in, Eren and Jean weren't considered children, and were also well-trained soldiers in a military unit. One which was directly under Levi's command. Physical discipline of soldiers is hardly unusual or unheard of.
The worst "beating" Levi ever gave Eren was during Eren's trial, and it was completely for show in order to save Eren from falling into the hands of the Military Police and being executed.
The second time he hit him, and Jean, it was because the two of them were acting like undisciplined fools the night before a pivotal mission to re-secure Shinganshina, a mission which they believed, at the time, the fate of humanity hinged on, and in which hundreds of new, inexperienced recruits would be joining them. Eren's and Jean's ridiculous fighting very much could have disrupted the discipline and cohesion necessary to their missions success, and put lives at risk. That kind of shit would never be tolerated in any military unit, anywhere in the world. Levi was also not in his regular state of mind, stressed out and feeling lost and confused after Erwin's confession to him about caring more about the basement than humanity, and refusing to back down from joining the expedition.
The third time Levi hits Eren, it's because Eren is directly threatening Levi, putting his hands on him, and trying to prevent him from carrying out his own duty as a soldier.
And the last time Levi hits Eren, is after the raid on Liberio, in which Eren has just murdered dozens upon dozens of innocent people and dragged Paradis and the Survey Corps into a war none of them agreed to or signed up for.
Every one of these instances isn't a case of child abuse. It's a superior officer disciplining a soldier who's directly under his command and who expects a certain amount of discipline and adherence from his soldiers, for the sake of the entire unit and its safety.
It's also important to note that Levi doesn't actually USE physical violence against his soldiers as a regular means of discipline. In other words, he doesn't make a habit of it. He only ever hits someone when the circumstances are extreme in some way, or call for some sort of extremity. So we know Levi doesn't really view giving someone a beating as an appropriate or normal form of disciplinary action. He only hits people when they've done something or acted in a way which endangers the mission, or other people.
Ramzi was just a little boy. Maybe ten years old, from the looks of him, if even. He didn't have any special military training, he wasn't a soldier, he didn't know how to fight or defend himself. Levi would never hit a little kid like that, I guarantee it. Because, again, he isn't a child abuser.
He never went around just beating kids up as a means of disciplining them, he never engaged in that or employed it as a regular means of teaching anyone anything. All the times Levi actually hits someone, it's more like a knee-jerk reaction than a deliberate form of disciplinary action. It isn't thought out or planned, it isn't a tactic employed with forethought or with some further goal beyond the immediate need to rein whoever's acting up in. He never hits anyone as a way of instilling any sort of lesson in them. It's just an immediate response to an out of hand situation. And, again, they're not just children, they're soldiers under his command, with heavy and serious responsibilities expected of them, and each of those only handful of times, the circumstances surrounding Levi's violence were extreme.
So, yeah, this isn't a case of Levi being abused and then becoming an abuser. There's a world of difference between him and Kenny and the way they operate.
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mgarmagedon · 5 months
MMMM I love toxic yuri drama >:DDDc
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Kaon – a dark and cold city almost every day. Rain fell there at least once every few days, as it always followed its routine, covering the entire city and its surroundings.
But today, the weather was exceptionally unfortunate. Strongarm sat on the steps of her school dorm, fingers tightly interlocked and raindrops gently dripping from the roof onto her leather boots.
Thousands of thoughts crossed her mind, questioning if the decision she had made was the right one. "I wanted things to be good in the end," she explained to herself in her own head.
With all her strength, she closed her eyes and buried her head between her knees.
"Everything will be okay," she thought aloud. "It's Nightra... She has to understand... Surely, I can somehow fix this! Yes!"
She quickly stood up.
"Tomorrow, I'll go to the headmaster and explain the situation! I'll rely on logical arguments, my father’s position, and... and somehow it will work out..." She wiped her face with her hand and sighed loudly, as if expelling the remnants of ideas on how to fix the situation with her beloved.
Suddenly, her phone vibrated again; it was her father - Ultra Magnus. The news of Nightra being expelled from the academy had already spread rapidly, especially since her father had compelled the principal to inform him about anything related to his daughter. Strongarm merely furrowed her brows and immediately rejected yet another of the dozen calls from her father. She silenced the phone, then forcefully shoved it into her pocket as if wanting the whole world to leave her alone.
She stared at the courtyard in front of the dorm, wondering what to do, when slowly her makeup began to run down her face.
Suddenly, the loud bang of dark wooden doors echoed, and the girl who had closed them sighed quietly, putting her bags filled with things from her room on herself, opening an umbrella, and walking ahead.
That girl was Nightra, with a sour expression and a fixed gaze on the ground, not even starting a conversation.
Strongarm almost threw herself at her in despair.
"Nightra!" She yelled, grabbing her girlfriend's arms. "Listen, I know you can be angry, I'm aware, but you know well I just couldn't do it. If my father  found out-"
"Could you just shut up?" Nightra easily broke free from her grasp. "Is your ‘love’ for that stuck-up old man so important that you couldn't do one little thing for your girlfriend? It’s absolutely understandable."
"No, Nightra, it's not that simple, you know that!" She grabbed the back of her neck. "I just don't want to disappoint him! He sacrificed so much for me, and he has so much hope in me... I just... I can't let him down! But that doesn't mean I don't love you! Please Nightra, I can fix this!"
"In what way do you plan to fix the fact that you blamed me for everything?"
"Tomorrow, I'll go to that awful principal and convince him it's a big misunderstanding! I'll even call my father to persuade him, and everything should be okay!" She laughed nervously. "Of course, you'll still have to face consequences, and for a while, my father probably won't let me contact you, but surely-"
"Are you kidding me, Regs?" Nightra looked at Strongarm with disgust. "You dragged me into this because you didn't want to break the rules and your awful father trust. I got expelled from the academy because of you and in your greatful plan I’m gonna get punished, while you wash your hands of it and disappear until the situation calms down! You're awful."
Those words shook Strongarm to the core. She felt weak and disgusted by the whole situation, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.
"Please, Nightra! I'm not like that, you know it well. It's about my father, and even if I didn't have to worry about him... I couldn't take responsibility for you. It-it's just wrong."
"Typical Regs... When you want something, everyone brings it to you on a silver platter. But when I, your girlfriend, ask you for something important, you treat me like garbage. Typical rich daddy's girl."
Nightra headed towards the building's gates where security was already waiting to escort her to the academy's limits. She didn't look back at Strongarm or utter a single word.
Strongarm was trembling, tears streaming down her cheeks, mixing with the rain and makeup. She clenched her fist with all her might.
"Nightra... I beg you. Don't leave me like this... not in this way... please..."
The girl just walked ahead, not looking back at Strongarm.
Kaon- ciemne i zimne miasto niemalże każdego dnia. Deszcz padający tam co najmniej raz na kilka dni, jak zawsze powtarzał swoją rutynę ogarniając cały obszar miasta jak i w okół niego.
Ale dzisiaj, to było wyjątkowo niefortunna pogoda. 
Strongarm siedziała na schodach akademika jej szkoły, palce miała ściśle splecione, a krople deszczu delikatnie skapywały z dachu na jej skórzane buty. 
Tysiące myśli przechodziły przez jej głowę, czy na pewno decyzją którą podjęła była tą słuszną, "w końcu chciałam dobrze", tłumaczyła tak sobie we własnej głowie. 
Z całej swojej siły zacisnęła powieki i schowała głowę między kolanami. 
"Wszystko będzie okej" pomyślała na głos. "To Nightra...! Musi to zrozumieć...! Na pewno da się to jeszcze jakoś odkręcić! Tak!"
Szybko się podniosła.
"Jutro pójdę do dyrektora i wyjaśnię tą sytuację! Powołam się na logiczne argumenty, pozycję mojego ojca i... i jakoś to będzie..." przetarła swoją dłonią twarz i głośno westchnęła, jakby wyrzucała z siebie resztki pomysłów jak naprawić tą sytuację z jej ukochaną.
Nagle znowu jej telefon zawibrował, to był jej ojciec- Ultra Magnus. Już informacje się rozniosły o wyrzuceniu Nightry z akademii w trybie wręcz ekspresowym, zwłaszcza od kiedy jej ojciec zmusił dyrektora by informować go na każdy temat związany z jego córką. Strongarm jedynie zmarszczyła brwi i odrzuciła natychmiast kolejne z kilkunastu już wcześniej odrzuconych połączeń od jej ojca. Wyciszyła telefon, po czym z całej siły wepchnęła go do kieszeni jakby chciała, żeby cały świat ją zostawił.
Wbiła swój wzrok w posadzkę przed akademikiem i zastanawiała się co zrobić, kiedy powoli jej makijaż zaczął spływać z jej twarzy.
Nagle głośny trzask ciemnych drewnianych drzwi rozbrzmiał, a dziewczyna która je zamknęła cicho westchnęła założyła swoje torby wypełnione rzeczami z jej pokoju na siebie, otworzyła parasol i ruszyła przed siebie.
Tą dziewczyną była Nightra, miała cały czas skwaszoną minę i wbity wzrok w ziemię, by nie zaczynać nawet rozmowy.
Strongarm wręcz się prawie na nią rzuciła w rozpaczy.
"Nightra!" Krzyknęła i chwyciła za ramiona swoją dziewczynę, "Posłuchaj, ja wiem, że możesz się gniewać, jestem tego świadoma, ale wiesz dobrze, że nie mogłam tego zrobić, jakby mój stary się dowiedział-"
"Weź się może zamknij, co?" Wyrwała się z jej uchwytu z łatwością." Aż tak ci zależy na miłości tego stetryczałego dziada, że nie mogłaś zrobić tylko jednej małej rzeczy dla swojej dziewczyna, rozumiem, czaje."
"Nie Nightra, to nie tak dobrze to wiesz!" Chwyciła za swój kark. "Ja po prostu nie chcę go zawieść! Tyle dla mnie poświęcił i tyle nadziei we mnie pokłada... ja po prostu... ja go nie mogę zawieść! Ale to nie znaczy, że cię nie kocham, błagam cię Nightra, ja to potrafię odkręcić!"
"Niby w jaki sposób chcesz odkręcić fakt, że zwaliłaś na mnie całą winę?"
"Jutro pójdę do tego starego dziada i przekonam go, że to nieporozumienie! Jeszcze zadzwonię po mojego ojca żeby go przekonał i powinno być wszystko okej!" Zaśmiała się zestresowana. "Oczywiście będziesz musiała nadal dostać karę i na jakiś czas pewnie moj ojciec nie pozwoli mi się z tobą kontaktować, ale na pewno-"
"Żartujesz sobie ze mnie Regs?" Spojrzała na Stongarm z obrzydzeniem. "Wpakowałaś mnie w ten syf, bo nie chciałaś złamać raz zasad i zawieść zaufania twojego ojczulka, przez co wyrzucili mnie przez ciebie z akademii i w twoim przegenialnym planie mam jeszcze dostać potem nie wiadomo jaką karę, kiedy ty sobie umyjesz od tego rączki i znikniesz z obrazka póki sytuacja się nie uspokoi? Jesteś okropna." 
Strongarm aż wstrząsy te słowa. Czuła się słabo i obrzydliwie przez tą całą sytuację, a do kącików jej oczu napłynęły łzy.
"Błagam cię Nightra! Ja nie jestem taka, wiesz o tym dobrze. Tu chodzi o mojego ojca, poza tym nawet gdybym nie musiała się nim martwić... nie mogłabym wziąć za ciebie odpowiedzialności i tak... To po prostu niewłaściwe."
"Typowa Regs... Kiedy ty czegoś chcesz wszyscy ci to przyniosą w zębach,  kiedy ja- twoja dziewczyna, proszę cię o tak ważna dla siebie rzecz, ty traktujesz mnie jak śmiecia. Typowa bogata córeczka tatusia."
Nightra ruszyła do bram budynku gdzie już czekała na nią ochrona by ją odprowadzić do granic akademii. Nie obejrzała się w stronę Strongarm, ani się nie odezwała chodźby najmniejszym słowem.
Strongarm była roztrzęsiona, łzy płynęły je po policzkach i mieszały się z deszczem i makijażem. Z całej siły zacisnęła swoją pięść.
"Nightra... Błagam cię. Nie zostawiaj mnie tak... nie w taki sposób... proszę..."
Dziewczyna jedynie szła przed siebie, nie patrząc już na swoją byłą dziewczynę.
Besides, I watched this one and only episode with Nightra and god I forgot how this episode is good! I love it! like fr one of my fav ep of whole series!!! I love how Bee gave Sides ban for bazooka
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and after he wanted to do something stupid said how stupid it is and they won't ever do it at home
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fugamsemidei · 6 months
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He shuffles nervously. The little group waits for him to elaborate. He isn't sure if he should. He isn't sure if he can.
Victoria flicks an ear, speaking evenly. "Listen to me Paleo. I give all who come here the benefit of the doubt....but this is suspiciously timed of you. Sunset has just accused you of something dire, and the moment she's gone, you tell me you want to leave? Being vague about why? It comes across as you running from a true accusation, though I'd like to believe its not."
He swallows. He'd been planning to say this before Sunset's accusation, but since he'd waited, it now did look bad of him.
"I know, and I thank you for the trust you've had in me thus far." He begins. "It's not something I take lightly." He gave a light bow of his head.
Victoria narrowed her eyes a little. "I know I cannot prevent you from doing anything, but from what you've said, you and your kids had a very strenuous time out there before finding this place. What could be so important to justify taking this safety from them?"
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The genuine anger in his tone startles the group into silence. His words spill forth with little pause. "From the moment I got them out of there it has been unbearably tense between us in all but a select few moments! Ark does not want me as a father, and Alburune refuses to even talk to me! The past few weeks have made only one thing abundantly clear: I am not suited to parent anyone!" He groans hoarsely, dragging his claws across his face. "I have no idea what I'm doing. You all do. It is simple as that."
Victoria seems puzzled, but she's still the one who breaks the silence. "....is that what you were lying about? Your intention to stay here with y...these children?"
He goes quiet. It wasn't. But it was a convenient cover story, so he nods. "I...in all honesty, this was approximately my plan since we left the facility. I...wanted to find them someplace where they'd be safe, and cared for, and then...go my own way....or...." He trails off. He had no plan, really, beyond securing safety for his charges. But he knew he could not stay with them, for them to be safe.
Unfortunately for him, the others do not react with understanding. They react with disappointment.
Nobone speaks first. "There's something I don't think you understand, Paleo. The three of you share something horrific and traumatic in a very specific and unique sense. That is something that only the three of you can relate to and understand. If you leave them, it will leave them with no outlet for that pain."
"They would grow up here, feeling isolated and alone in their grief." Says Knalla next. "You'd be abandoning them to that fate out of...what? Guilt?" Her eyes narrow, judgmental.
He swallows. "I...I am not fit for this role, it was forced upon me-"
"Then learn." She cuts him off, gaze hard. "Learn to be there for them. Learn how to make them feel comfortable. It is your responsibility as their guardian. You've got plenty of role models here, and all the time in the world."
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"But nothing. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain." Knalla cut him off, voice going gentle at the end. "Please. For your kids."
"They're not-"
"Did you not see how they clung to you when you arrived here?" Victoria spoke up. "Like it or not, they see you as safety in some sense. You swore fealty to me, and I am exercising that authority just this once: it would be nothing short of neglect to abandon them right now."
He was trapped by what he was hiding. But what if he told them, and they decided it wasn't safe to keep the kids either?
He sighed, the nerves fluttering beneath his skin not letting his feathers smooth. "F...fine. I will stay and learn. For them." He relented.
He was met with grateful smiles. But the only thing he felt was dread.
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dayyydr3amm3rr · 1 year
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Sky being protective of you, his mother, when Riven flirts with you
~Do keep in mind that this imagine has a flirty Riven and a grossed-out Sky
~Do keep in mind that this imagine won't really feature the reader, it's more of a Sky and Riven imagine (not a ship, mind you), this is just written from Sky's point of view
~Do keep in mind that this imagine might be a bit shorter than my other ones so far, but do know that I did try to make it as long! So please enjoy!
**Word of caution**
None this time around folks!
Sky was officially grossed-out. He held a look of pure disgust on his face as he watched his best friend, the person he grew up with, the person he told everything to...flirt with his mother. He stood in disbelief as Riven leaned in a little closer to you, a smirk pulled on his lips as he gave you the eyes. Sky could feel himself wanting to gag. He was still a bit grossed out when it came to Riven flirting with other students, but for the most part, those were quick flings or harmless words. But you! You were the person who birthed him! You brought him into this world and were the parent who stepped up to the plate when his father fucked off. He was who he was today because of you. And watching as his friend tried his best to rizz you up, was a giant, "Absolutely Not!" Sky burst out, he was on a war path. He stomped towards you and Riven, a mission in his head; Protect Mum from Riven.
    He could hear your slightly uncomfortable laughter as Riven used another cringy pick-up line on you. Geez he was really laying it on thick. Sky noticed when you saw him out of the corner of your eye; they always brightened whenever your son was in sight. "Come on Ms. Y/l/n! Just one date! It's all I need to woo you!" Ew. Ew. Ew. Sky was quick to reach you and his best friend before he yanked his best friend back by the back of his shirt, of course, he went with a muscle tee that showed off his arms. Riven sputtered out a curse as he fumbled off balance, glancing over his shoulder at who grabbed him before a wise smirk covered his face. "Oh hello, Sky! Sorry mate, but if you don't mind, I was in the middle of something quite important." Sky groaned when Riven shot you a wink after his words. "Gross dude! That's my mum!" You let out a chuckle, covering your mouth with your hand when both boys took notice. Riven looked back at Sky. "See? I think she likes me!" He wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner causing Sky to cringe. "Alright, I've heard enough. Sky, I'll see you in class...Riven...what am I going to do with you?" "Oh, I've got a few ideas I'm sure you'll like Ms. Y/l/n-OW!" Sky was quick to give him a smack to the back of his head, dragging Riven back as the two boys watched you turn and start walking away.
    "How I hate to see you leave but love watching you go!" Riven yelled out, watching as you shook your head but kept walking. Oh, he was in for it now. A few students straggling nearby had heard Riven's words and looked over, some losing interest almost immediately, some continuing watching as Sky continued dragging Riven until they had at least a little bit of privacy. Sky tossed him onto the bench in front of him, the boy adjacent then looked up at his blond friend with a smirk on his face. "Problem mate?" Sky sighed heavily through his nose at Riven's question. "That. Was my mother." Riven nodded in response. "I know. Talk about a hot MILF-" "Ew! Again, my mother, Riven. Stop flirting with my mother!" "Hey, it's not my fault I like an older woman! Mature, sweet, I know she handles kids well," Riven started, gesturing towards Sky who rose an eyebrow in response, "filled out in all the right places..." "I swear to god I will punch you. Right in the face." Riven let out a dramatic gasp as he placed a hand on his chest. "Are you saying you don't want me as your stepfather?" Sky's eyes went wide as he felt himself shiver. Violently. He swore he could feel bile traveling toward his mouth. Oh fuck no. "Absolutely not!" Sky yelled, absolutely appalled by the mere thought of his best friend putting a ring on your finger.
    "You can't even afford a ring anyways." Sky huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Riven shot the pouting boy a wide smile. "No, but I do have a ring pop somewhere in our dorm. I'm sure she'd be more than happy with something like that until I can afford a real one." If Riven was being honest, he quite enjoyed messing around with Sky, it was fun to see how red his face and neck could get when he got riled up. But he also knew that Sky was quite protective of you in particular, he's surprised that Sky didn't start throwing punches when he first witnessed him flirting with you. Riven knew Sky's limits, he knew just how far he could push before Sky went into true defensive mode and started dealing some real damage. Sky shuttered again, shaking his head rapidly. "Nope. Not happening! I forbid it!" Riven let out a chuckle in response. "What's the matter Sky? I think I'd make a rather fantastic stepfather!" He quite enjoyed watching Sky squirm in discomfort at the word stepfather coming out of his mouth. "I'm serious Riven, don't push it. If I catch you flirting with my mother again, we're going to have some problems." Sky snapped, seemingly having had enough of him at that point.
    Ever since Sky could remember, he had always been protective of you. You were his only parent. He barely remembered his father, but to Sky, you were his father. You played both roles while he grew up. You mothered him on how to talk to girls, how to go on dates. You fathered him when he needed to learn how to fix something, how to be a man of the house. You were mom and dad to him. And to Sky, you portrayed them perfectly. It's thanks to you he knew how to speak to girls and charm them, he also knew how to fix things and how to maneuver his way around a sword. He grew up to be who he was today thanks to you. Sure, Dowling and Silva came by all the time to help, especially when Sky was in his terrible two era, but you were his mother. And he'd be damned if his best friend kept flirting with you. Sky put on his harshest glare. Riven kept his smile on his face, knowing that Sky wasn't going to hurt him. "I won't tell you again Riven. I mean it. Stop flirting with my mother. She used to change your diapers you know."
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Dahlia Propaganda
"The fandom hates her so bad. She's the antagonist of the trilogy, so I understand some dislike of course but they hate her SO MUCH. she's a 14 year old girl with a twin sister, she gets dragged into crime by her cop step sister and her pedophilic teacher, dahlia betrays them both, steals the money for herself and abandons them. she slowly goes on a downward spiral in an attempt to protect herself. at college age, she kills her step sister and the teacher in an attempt to not be found and charged for the past crimes. the defense attorney for the case questions her testimony and she poisons him. the rest is just her continuing on that path and killing, attacking or blaming anyone who threatens her safety. this is a BASIC reading of her character. The fandom cannot understand this. they think dahlia seduced the teacher and that she's a crazy bitch. the games themself hate her. there's a male character who's so similar to her but WORSE (no backstory) and the fandom fucking loves him. But, dahlia? she's hated so much for no real good reason. I'm not talking dislike of her choices, but calling her a crazy bitch and refusing to look into WHY she acts like that and what lead to her demise. it's so ridiculous."
"she is based"
"Hell, she was fucked over by the writing itself, too. She's written to be this cold, unfeeling, master manipulator and was portrayed as the one at fault in a relationship she had with a 20-year-old when she was FOURTEEN. She's basically treated as this evil temptress who makes boys fall in love with her and then hurts them. It's. It's pretty bad."
Yukari Propaganda
"YUKARI PROPAGANDA: SHE IS LITERALLY SO CORRECT ABOUT EVERYTHING. People call her a bitch for uhh [checks notes] having a a brief freak out after she's shown live footage of her father's gruesome death? For [checks notes] accusing Mitsuru of lying to them about important information (which turned out to be COMPLETELY TRUE, by the way, but fans still mock her for this)? For [checks notes one last time] being mean to Junpei, who gives as good as he gets with rude and sometimes sexist comments in response? And even then, several times she apologizes or reassures him that she was just kidding when he seems genuinely upset by her words, so it's not like she isn't compassionate towards him. She is also routinely mocked and villainized for (huge spoilers) wanting to risk it all to attempt to save the protagonist after he passes away saving the world. To be fair, this turns out to have been the wrong choice, but let's be real -- she was a grieving teenager trying to save her friend slash crush. Yes, she was emotionally all over the place during The Answer. Of course she was! THE WORLD ALMOST ENDED AND HER FIRST LOVE HAD TO DIE TO SAVE EVERYONE. LIKE, THAT JUST HAPPENED TO HER. And everyone somehow just expects her to behave perfectly rationally when she's a 17 year old girl who just lost someone important to her and also almost died with the rest of humanity. Girl is traumatized and grieving and all people can do is call her a hysterical bitch or whatever other shit they wanna come up with." (by @ragecndybars)
"she's NOT a bitch she has a hard time opening up to people + she's a 17 year old dealing with grief after one of those people dies leave her alone!!"
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Pairing: Suga x you
Genere: Smut, Established relationship
Summary: Yoongi doesn't want to take your relationship public, he's comfortable hiding and knows he wouldn't be able to protect you from the media. Idk why I'm addicted to a sad story. It's my first BTS fic Army be nice.
“Yoon-gi! I am tired of your shit !” your voice is low and steady.
“And I am not tired of you ?” he stared at you coldly.
“Cool," you take a step back from him, almost disgusted by how detached he was being “I’ll get my shit then.” you brush past him into your room,dragging your suitcase out of the back of the closet. A place that had been it’s home for the last three years. You wield it over your small shoulder and onto the end of the bed,as you watched him close the door to your room. He takes his time , until the door clicks, turning back around to you. 
“I’m not trying to offend you, I just don’t understand why it’s so important to you I-”
“Because if this is real” you cut him off “If this is something, we have to try it in the daylight,we have to try the real world. And if we don’t make it ,we don’t make it but we try-” 
“You are so frustrating -” he rolls his eyes. 
“And you are so comfortable being alone.” you can tell that comment cut him. And as much as you hated yourself for it you were glad you could hurt him as much as he had hurt you. 
“Ack-” he waves his hand at you.
“No, listen to me .” you rush towards him and he moves around you. Swiftly switching positions and pinning your back against the bedroom door. 
You are caught in his eyes, in his love for you, his want to keep you safe and the reality of the fact that he is right. Going public meant sharing you with more than just his friends and family.
“Going public means when we have fights like this, they take pictures.” he bit his bottom lip in uncertainty “When we hurt, the world sees that .When we’re happy they see that too, but is that worth how you will be hunted by sasaeng.When I have a kid, he won’t be able to play at the park, to be normal. He deserves that .”
“So you want to keep your family, your life ,everything entirely secret?” you whisper 
“I want you-” He whispers back leaning into you “ I just don’t want anything but us to ruin us.”
You can’t help but lean in and kiss him after that. His hand comes to cup the side of your face. His hips rock into you and before you realize your hands are tugging at the hem of his shirt while he works under your skirt, up your thighs to pull down your panties. This was the fire  you had; just unending passion, connection,like fissures linking and touching every corner of your body, inspiring it to seek more of him. You step out of your underwear and he slides the warmth of his palms up your calves, the back of your legs becoming alight with his touch. 
“Yoon-”you protest as he rolls up your body.
“Shhh.” he whispers through a lazy smile, kissing you again. Your hands are at his belt buckle, pulling at the loops.
“Fuck that.” he mumbles,forcing his pants downwards, shimmying out of the denim.He wraps his arms under your hips ,lifting you and holding you up against the door. His voice was low and he let out a growl as he rolled his crotch into yours again. That elicited a short high pitched moan   from you which he must have liked because he pulled back and smiled at you before placing a hand at your throat and doing it again. He takes his other hand to your core and begins rubbing you slow and controlled. “Is this what you want?” he asks , and it’s hard for you to have clarity on if he’s looking for a response to your conversation earlier or an answer for if you do or don’t want sex. Because you always wanted sex,especially with him; which he knew. Making that just seem like an unnecessary additive. “Mmmm I can’t wait to be inside you” he purrs, lifting your hips and angling himself at your opening. It didn’t matter that you had just argued, it didn’t matter that he couldn’t change. Your body ached for him. 
“Please…please” you found yourself whispering. Begging for what you were unsure but, he understood you, he knew what you needed. He fucked into you at a painstakingly slow rate, relishing in your array of faces pre orgasm. He is a man of many talents and he wasn’t usually rough with you. But this slow, subtle domination was a talent even you didn’t know he had. He held eye contact with you as he pulled himself in and out of your warm hole, time passed slower. The sound of your moans and his breath were music to your ears, peppered by his occasional praises of how good you are at a low whisper in your ear. You feel yourself nearing your climax and you dig your fingernails into his shoulder while crying out. He kisses the vanes in your throat as you throw your head back, using the kisses to break up the phrases of praise towards you. He tells you how good you are for cumming for him and you can tell he’s getting excited by his own words as he rocks faster inside you. His last few pushes are rough and you hold onto him so you don’t slide down the wall yourself. You feel him shoot into you and you can’t help but smile, taking stock of his face a bit flushed, hair damp and sticking to his forehead, eyes heavily lidded in pure bliss. You hold each other there for a minute,enjoying the contact,breathing heavily in unison. Your lips part and you’re overcome with comfort in that contorted position, against the door for a while. Eventually you are able to peel your bodies apart from each other and you look up at him suddenly aware of your nakedness. “ I may not be as figured out as you Yoongi but, I don’t want to be with someone who won’t claim me.” You look up at him sadly. The rose colored glasses were gone. His hand brushes down your arm and moves to hold your hand. This time instead of holding his, you take a step back from him. You snatch your clothes from the corner of the floor they had occupied and get dressed. He’s quiet as you move towards the bed,you slowly zip your suitcase and roll to the door. You extend a hand to press the elevator button of his penthouse“Don’t choose this.” he says quietly. He has sweatpants on, and somehow an incredibly solemn face while shirtless sitting on the arm of his couch. “You think I want this?” you pull your jacket over your shoulders. The door dings open and he crosses his arms across his chest. “For the record, I always would have picked you.” you smile, trying to rush into the elevator before you feel your tears hit your cheek. He stares at you but doesn’t respond. It’s clear there’s nothing more to say. His gaze runs over your entire body, as though he’s trying to burn a memory of you into his brain. 
“Bye Min Yoongi” you say, jabbing your finger into the door close button but it can’t close fast enough.
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shoechoe · 1 year
On the subject of people insisting that Trish is Doppio's daughter instead of Diavolo's, I think the main reason that bothers me isn't because it's just incorrect, but because people use that to try and twist the narrative into "Diavolo is the evil monster that ruined poor Doppio's relationship and if only he was never there, Doppio could've stayed with Donatella and been a good father to Trish and none of this would've ever happened!"
You guys… Doppio actively helped Diavolo kill Trish. The point isn't that Diavolo is a horrible monster for getting in the way of Doppio's happy domestic life or whatever- the point is that Diavolo's paranoia and attempts to erase his past became a self-fulfilling prophecy as his own past actions finally caught up to him and led to his defeat.
As Diavolo became increasingly power-hungry, he lost his humanity in order to become completely untouchable by the outside world. He sabotaged his own life (including Doppio by extension) to sever all of his ties from the rest of humanity. He was willing to burn down his hometown, abandon his girlfriend, and eventually try to kill his kid because of his paranoia and lack of care for anyone but himself. His own daughter, a person he's supposed to care about, was instead a painful living reminder of his past that he wanted to dispose of at any cost.
That’s the moral of his character; when all you seek is power, you lose your humanity and sight of what’s really important, which, in this case, was his child. This “Diavolo is the evil split personality getting in the way of Doppio being a good father” narrative totally defeats the point (not to mention echoes the tiresome “sweet, innocent alter with an evil violent alter” character trope that has been used to stigmatize people with Dissociative Identity Disorder for decades).
I feel the same way about the constant insistence that Doppio is the "real/original" of the two and that Diavolo is the "fake" one, whatever that means (if anything, it would be the reverse since the manga repeatedly calls Diavolo the "true form" and their "true nature"- though this entire idea of one being "fake" and one being "real" doesn't really make sense), the "Diavolo is actually a demon possessing Doppio" theories, and the constant babying of Doppio's character. It's all geared to favor Doppio and frame him as the pure victim and Diavolo as the practically inhuman monster, resulting in squashing out the depth in both of them (and honestly detracting attention from the real innocent victim, which is Trish.)
And it’s not like Doppio needs any of this mischaracterization to be interesting; there’s genuine tragedy to his character as well. Diavolo’s obsession with self-isolation ends up dragging Doppio around with him as he’s used as a human vessel, even though Doppio does not desire this isolation for himself. As a result, he’s incredibly lonely and unhappy, depending on his Boss for companionship and instruction, never realizing that the one responsible for his loneliness in the first place is his Boss- who is also the other side of their fractured identity. In the end, he’s forcefully separated from Diavolo and ends up dying alone, deliriously begging for his Boss to call him despite Diavolo not even being there to hear him, never getting to discover the truth about himself. It reflects not only how brutally Diavolo treats others to achieve ultimate power, but also how he treats himself.
Character favoritism is fine- after all, Doppio is the more likable one, so it was inevitable- but I think it's leading people to make these two into worse characters, and that bothers me. You don’t need to spout misconceptions, fall back on overdone mental illness tropes (really, canon is already bad enough as it is), and change the whole moral of their characters to make them interesting.
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fantasyinvader · 11 months
So now that G-Witch is over (and I finally ordered a HG Aerial), is it a step up from Gundam IBO? I feel like G-Witch is the better show, but IBO is the more important one. I’ve been saying this since the first season, so much of G-Witch felt like it was done in response to IBO. IBO, on the other hand, felt like it was taking the hypocrisies of the Gundam franchise to their absolute limit.
The franchise wants to say “war is hell,” but also wants to market model kits of cool robots. We occasionally get bits on how war can mess kids up, but at the same time the franchise uses the war as a means to mature it’s protagonists. It usually wants to use a grey vs grey war setting, but at the same time the narrative wants us to support one side over the other. The enemy must be stopped, but it’s meant to be grey because the other side are just guys fighting for what they believe in and some of their commanders aren’t complete shitheads (though the upper echelons are another story). So while the “bad guys” are defeated, the good guys will talk about the need for “understanding” despite them having unstoppable killing machines. Violence is okay when the good guys do it, especially if they don’t kill the enemy pilots. It’s okay for the good guys to use illegal weapons, even if we condemn the enemy for using the same weapons. Worldbuilding fluff is often left out of the show, told in side-materials, despite how it could help us better understand the conflict (though that gets in the way of the narrative). And the whole not repeating the past thing is a joke considering we either base events on real wars or reuse the Universal Century timeline.
I mean, you can look at something like SEED and see how these things can be problematic. Old interviews with Fukuda have him saying things like he wanted to make it like super robot shows of the 70’s, the mold Gundam tried to break out of, or how things were done simply because they were cool. That got to a point where SEED was being deconstructed in crossover games and 00 was made with the intent, according to it’s director, to examine what happens when you fight to end fighting, something that was a major part of SEED’s morality later on (though Fukuda himself has dismissed this, saying that Kira fights during Destiny for a world where there will be conflict because that’s needed for people to grow and the Destiny plan would have eliminated conflict). Yet people believe SEED is emblematic of Gundam, and that 00 deconstructed the entire franchise in it’s first half.
IBO intentionally cranked the hypocrisy up to 11, made it’s main characters the villains in the eyes of history and punished them for their crimes while saying more people needed to question them (the creators backed this up0. It’s lost on a lot of people, but damn, that takes some balls. You really can’t go back to Gundam as normal afterwards, you need to be conscious of what messages you are sending out.
IBO sounded the alarm on what Gundam had become, G-Witch fought for the franchise’s soul. That's the way I see it.
Still would rather rewatch Witch though, because it doesn't drag like IBO did and the animation is way better.
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
I'm still too sick to catch up on my fics or comments, but can I interest you in some headcanons about Nicolas de Lenfent if he'd survived into the modern era?
Utterly acidic in commentary, claims it's a lack of filter but it's just pushing the extremes to see what gets what response. Dresses up what he's saying like he's dressing for a performance, the difficult part is finding the important part between the venom and what he's actually trying to say. Armand and the threatre kids are still some of the best people at this.
Misses the theatrics and rebellion of the 60's-80's rock and punk. Dresses like a late 80's goth, something inspired by Siousie Sioux and Nick Cave with anarchic flair of punk. Can and will talk about every single pieces origins at length. One of the rings belongs to Armand. He's not getting it back.
Likely has a personality disorder, most probably borderline with it exasberated by traumatic experiences. Given the modern predisposition with mental health, has gone to several therapists over the years but tends to eat them when they annoy him.
Can and will get into the most knock-down-drag out fights with Lestat even now. One was about whether Bowie ripped off Bolan in terms of theatric expression, another about the performative nature of charity as a way to show purity in the modern era. ('You don't care about charity and if good deeds are done, are good deeds not enough?' 'I've done plenty of charitable needs - I've fucked you, haven't I?')
Always covered in writing, tends to just write on himself when he doesn't have paper.
Begrudgingly will look at Antoine's work, will rip it to shreds like Miranda Priestly looking at a blue sweater if he doesn't like it but will be helpful if he does. Antoine gets extra marks for being the replacement with musical talent. Feels closer to Sybelle (he understands the need for obsession as expression to the point of ruin to create something beautiful better than post) and encourages her to write more of her own pieces. Will listen to Pandora's without complaint. She was with Marius a long time, she gets it.
Big fan of like Baz Luhrmann, psychological thrillers and mindfucks. Actually does agree with Armand about Blade Runner but he's not going to TELL him that. Their relationship is complicated, but he doesn't really hold much against him other than he was supposed to die and he's grumpy that he's still alive. Actually loves the little gremlin for trying, for being honest when it seemed like everything else was bullshit.
Drawn to dark or just inappropriate humour. He has a 'the world is going to hell, might as well enjoy the ride if we're fucked either way' mentality and it tends to colour his interactions. The more emotionally uncomfortable, the worse the humour - has probably asked Armand if he did anything kinky with his hands and been disappointed with the answer.
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