#and yue works in the kitchen now to be more relatable?
lpbear · 3 months
I can’t believe they made me prefer Shyamalan’s adaptation. I can’t believe they’ve done this to me.
#like he did a bad job but he at least tried something#he failed but he was definitely aiming for something I can appreciate#the new one just took out all agency and everything important about each character#I’m not even talking about sokkas sexism#although that also shows a huge misunderstanding of the original to think that that needed to be taken out to update it#I’m talking about aang not even being allowed the flaw of running away from being the avatar and being a scared kid#he just goes out to fly around a while to like clear his head and gets caught in a storm???#pro tip if your plot is driven by coincidence it is a Bad Plot#him being a kid and being dragged into this world and responsibility is like Important and Good to explore#and also they didn’t they didn’t even get rid of silks being sexist btw they just don’t call it what it is#which is WORSE#he still thinks katara can’t fight or protect the village but all the boys can#they try to frame it like it’s just about leadership?? oh yeah?? why does he think he should be a leader and katara shouldn’t?#whats that called?#and yue works in the kitchen now to be more relatable?#they took the sexism out of his plot line and put it into the show itself#I need to stop adding tags but I could literally go on all day#I’m not precious about adaptations#it’s fine to change things#but if all the changes you make are just removing characters’ agency and growth and the POINT of them#those are Bad Changes#you did it Wrong#also they literally CLUNG to tell don’t show as a guiding principle#they didn’t do the most basic storytelling once#not once did they show something to us instead of just telling us what we’re meant to think over and over#first episode includes about five retellings of the opening monologue#aang TELLING gyatsu that he’s playful instead of once just showing him goofing off#this is fucking storytelling 101#all that to say the movie is terrible but it’s like funny and more like a failed attempt at something decent#this series is more like a successful execution of a bad approach to the story and I think that’s worse
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stiltonbasket · 25 days
stilton I love all the sv fics you've been posting lately 🥺 will you be posting more in the future?
I have two multichapter SVSSS WIPs (A Wife by Any Other Name and my ongoing LOTR-inspired Bingqiu fic), and I plan to post around six more oneshots for the SVSSS Gotcha for Gaza. After that, though, my SVSSS writing days will likely come to an end! :')
I do have a Qijiu age gap AU in the works; but my (countless, at this point) MDZS projects take priority, so this one might not ever see the light of day. I've attached a few scenes below the cut, in case anyone is interested. <3
Short background: in this AU, Yue Qingyuan and Shen Jiu met when they were fifteen and five years old respectively, when YQY (then a kitchen slave) took little Shen Jiu off the streets and hid him in an abandoned wing of his master's manor. They were separated when SJ was discovered, and Yue Qingyuan was badly beaten and thrown out of the estate while Shen Jiu managed to escape and ended up being sold to the Qius a few years later. When they reunited at the Immortal Alliance Conference, YQY had been Qiong Ding's head disciple for nearly a decade and had just earned the right to accept disciples of his own, so SJ became YQY's disciple and went back to Cang Qiong with him.
Shen Jiu later realizes that he and SY!SQQ (head disciple/future peak lord of Qing Jing) are brothers; the following scenes mostly concern his relationship with Shen Yuan.
scene 1, set shortly after Shen Jiu comes to Cang Qiong and discovers that he and Shen Qingqiu are related:
This soft-eyed, fair-faced fool—he could never have lived through the trials Shen Jiu and his Qi-ge had endured, no matter how strong his cultivation, or how fine his calligraphy, or how well he swayed the hearts of men to bow to his every whim—
“Oh,” Shen Qingqiu murmurs, his voice full of such pain that Qi-ge makes a sound of distress behind him. “Of course. They must have had another child after they sold me away.”
Shen Jiu stares. “What? You were…”
“There was a drought in the second-to-last dog year, before you were born,” Shen Qingqiu says distantly, unfolding his fan and placing it over his mouth. “I was the third son, and born sickly—so when the slavers came to Jinan, they told Father that I was quick-witted and handsome enough to serve a lordling in a great house, and that I would have all the food I wanted and medicine to treat my infirmity as long as I did not make too much of a nuisance of myself. So I was sold and taken away.”
He casts a thoughtful glance at Shen Jiu’s sharp nose and smooth jaw, and then at the mole behind his left ear. “The sixth year after that was a bad year, too. You must have been sold then.”
Shen Jiu wants to tell this cheap brother of his that he had not even been sold, for the slavers had wanted nothing to do with a three-year-old infant scarcely out of babyhood. His mother was long-dead by then, and his father and the two kept brothers had resented her for bearing Shen Jiu and hated Shen Jiu for not having died before he was weaned: so there was no one to protest when his father carried him out of their shack while he slept and abandoned him in an alley a few miles away. If this heretofore-unknown third elder brother, Shen Yuan, had not been pretty enough to catch the eyes of the Jinan slavers, perhaps their father would have done the same to him.
scene 2, set about a year later, after Shen Jiu finds out that Yue Qingyuan's personal name Yue Qi is not written with the character for "seven" in CQM's sect records:
“Qi was good enough for Qi-ge.”
“Yue Qi’s name was changed when he entered the sect,” Shen Qingqiu tells him. “The Qi that Shixiong uses now comes from qi xi, for a bird resting on a perch.”
Shen Jiu turns around to stare accusingly at Yue Qinguan. “You never told me that you’d changed your name. Why did I have to find out from—from Senior Shen?”
“Ah, well,” Yue Qingyuan says awkwardly, “Shizun was the one who decided that the Qi for seven wasn’t worthy of a Qiong Ding Peak disciple, and then I became the head disciple, and my name was changed again, to Qingyuan. I haven’t signed my name with the new Qi in years. But, A-Jiu, I do think that Shidi is right; it’ll be years before you can become a head disciple, and in that time…”
“Should I use the jiu for ‘a long while,’ then?” Shen Jiu quips. “Or jiu zhi?”
Shen Qingqiu snaps his fan closed. “No. How practiced are you in the scholarly arts?”
“I do well enough,” Shen Jiu bristles. Reading, writing, and the reciting of poetry were the three subjects that came to him easily after he entered the sect; and though he had been near the bottom of the class when he first arrived, his weekly reports placed him at the top by the beginning of the second month. “Ask Qi-ge.”
“Then why not use the name Jiu’ge, after the second volume of the Chuci?” Shen Qingqiu asks. “What do you think, shixiong?”
“I think Jiu'ge is a fine name. But it’s no good if Xiao-Jiu doesn’t like it.”
Shen Jiu thinks for a moment. In truth, he had wanted Yue Qi to bestow a new name upon him, if it so happened that he needed one. He gave Shen Jiu the very first name he remembers, Xiao Lizi, after the plums that Yue Qi used to smuggle to him when he was a child in the Huang manor; but he does not entirely detest the thought of this strange elder brother, thrown away just as he was, choosing the name Shen Jiu will be known by in the future.
“It’s not bad,” he admits at last. “Very well, then. Let it be Jiu’ge.”
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derenyanai · 6 years
Araquu Journal Session #9- Yue and Wendy
Time: Not long after Journal Session #9 Characters: Yue, Wendy, Navi
Posts indented like this were typed by the GM.
Posts that were not indented were typed by the player.
The morning after she goes Werewolf, Wendy seeks breakfast, and Yue decides to join her...
Emerging from Maska's room, with a yawn and a rather loud growl of her stomach, is Wendy! She had woken up not long after the conversation previously covered, and was only just now emerging to get some breakfast.
Much after everyone else Yue wakes up on the couch, head on the ground feet on the back. her hair is a mess. the blanket is behind the couch and her pillow some how on the other side of the room. She stretches and yawns.  She would look around spotting Wendy coming out for some breakfast, "Good morning" she cheerily states upside down on the couch.
"Good Morning!" Wendy greets with a smile, though it's shortly punctuated by another yawn. "Mmm... foooood..." Spying the tray of pancakes on the table, she moves over to help herself.
"Food?" Yue states half awake still, then it dawns on her FOOD Actual Food! She flips around  where  her back use to be on the couch she is now stomach facing the couch, her legs on the cushions and hands on the floor and she crawls over to the table in her tanktop and shorts, "Foooood..." she states grabbing another plate with edible food on it.
Wendy is, pun fully intended, wolfing down the food. She doesn't appear to be stopping. Must be hungry.
Yue is also very hungry as she is also wolfing down her own food, "Mphh this is very good." she states looking at Wendy.
"Uh-huh! I wonder who made it..."
"Prolly Maska or his dad.... Unless someone else knows where everything in this house is located" Yue points out.
"Maybe it was a GHOST!" Wendy theorizes, as she noms the foods.
"Yeah, That's true. Though it would be one of those nice ghosts." Yue confirms as if it's normal then after a pause does a bit of a laugh.
Wendy nods seriously. "So what're you guys gonna do after this?" she asks.
"We're..." Yue pauses not really sure, "Going to do some police work and be, TRUE SUPER DETECTIVES!" She states in a showmanship kind of tone to help entertain.
"Detective stuff is boring," Wendy pouts.
"No no, Super Detectives, where we face inter-dimensional beings bent on invading our world for their own purposes. Also facing down super villains bent on Destroying our magic. Let's not forget about taking down monsters that wish to harm others, such as yourself. It's never boring for a Super Detective!" She has gotten up and put a foot onto the table Captain Morgan style, "Super Detectives are avengers of justice! Unlike those normal boring detectives." Suddenly a cloud of smoke booms from behind her, yes she spent one of her Variable points to have the flashy magic to do this.
Rather than being impressed by this, Wendy yelps in alarm and hides under the table, apparently scared by this.
Yue raises an eye brow then looks under the table, "Hey, hey no need to be scared, the baddies are gone." she says, by the way there was no sound just visuals.
Wendy is shuddering in fear, but she does seem to listen and slowly climbs out from under the table.
"Sorry about that I can get a bit carried away some time." she rubs the back of her head  looking down as if she was just scolded.
"A-Are the monsters gone now?" she asks, whimpering.
Yue places a hand on Wendy's shoulder, "Yes the monsters around here are all gone now." if Wendy allowed Yue would hug her for comfort.
She's not comfortable with hugs, but she does calm down a bit more, and is easily pacified when Navi passes the table and drops off more pancakes, this time with syrup.
Yue begins  to drool some before wiping her mouth, "So, it was you making breakfast all along." she grins, "Thank you."
"T'be fair, Maska did start us off, but then he had to go do store stuff or something lame like that," Navi waves Yue off as she moves the ten steps she has to take to re-arrive in the kitchen.
Wendy is wolfing down more food. Werewolf transformations must make you hungry.
Yue smiles at the food eating that Wendy is doing when her stomach growls, wait didn't she just eat? She begins to have her seconds of what is there on the table. Using her connection to Magic (variable power) must make her hungry as well and she used it for a good chunk of the night.
Navi shakes her head, not quite disappointed, but not really shocked either, as she makes more food for these hungry children.
"So what kinda police stuff are you doing?" Wendy asks between pancakes.
"Right now, I'm helping out the others here, handle creatures that come into our world, also some secret stuff I'm not sure I can share with you." she puts her finger to her lips in the 'secret hush hush' manner.
Wendy gasps in wonder. "What kinda secret stuff?"
A faint 'thud' as Navi whacks her head against a cabinet.
"I don't know, are you sure you can keep a secret?" she leans back in her chair as if judging her.
"I keep it a secret that I'm a werewolf!" she huffs, a bit offended that Yue thinks she can't.
Yue smiles, "That's good." She looks around then leans in motioning Wendy to come closer.
Wendy leans in closer, excited about this as evidenced by the fact that she's bouncing up and down in her seat.
In a whispered voice she states "We're working with the city council to protect special artifacts from around the city that help keep the city safe from evil outside forces that would want to cause harm to the people here."
"Ooohhh!" Wendy nods seriously. "Like Grandpa had!" Yeah, that makes sense. Wait, what?
"Yeah like grandpa..." Yue looks confused for a brief second before looking like nothing was wrong she was rolling with it.
Wendy doesn't seem interested in continuing this, just nomming her pancakes more.
"So, Wendy, you said you enjoyed my shows right?" Yue wonders taking another bite of her pancakes.
"Uh-huh!" Wendy nods. "They're super cool! It's something to do afterschool 'cause I don't have friends."
Yue looks shocked, "But you're super cool though. How about this, I'll be your friend, how does that sound?"
"Really?" Wendy gasps. "My dads don't let me have friends 'cause I might hurt other kids my age, or turn them, and that'd be real bad, something about proximity?" she shrugs. "But you guys already showed you can handle it!"
"Yep! Also, since we're now friends, how would you like to join me on my show some times?" she wonders.
"I could!?" she gasps, then her smile falters. "But... I can't do magic yet."
"Just because you can't do magic doesn't mean you can't join my show. We could do a whole learning segment, and..." she pauses a bit, "...I think it will be great! I can help teach you magic and you can join me on my show, what do you say?"
"Dad says you can't learn magic until you're at least sixteen, and I'm only ten," Wendy pouts. "I don't wanna break the law."
"Only 10 huh? And here I was thinking you were older," Yue is trying to make good of an awkward situation since she has herself been capable of doing magic since a young age and was taught how to control her abilities to a degree she was a special case, "Well, in any case, you can still help me there are tons of things non-magic related that we can do from, singing, dancing, parkour, and other activities. Heck we can even just play some games with each other."
"Ooh! Parkour's the one where you go to a park, right?" Wendy. Wendy please.
"Sometimes, It's basically doing really cool stunts like climbing walls and being able to tumble from a fall and such." She smiles.
"Oh, that sounds like it'd hurt..." she frowns, nomming another pancake.
"It could... There would just need to be some practicing, then you'd be the envy of most people."
"But wouldn't a parkour wolf be dangerous?" Wendy asks.
"Only if the wolf was uncontrolled." Yue points out, "I think you could be able to control your special abilities given the proper training," she states.
"Y-You really think so?" Wendy asks. "I could be like... a wolf hero?"
"I don't see why not." Yue replies, "Though having some proper training to have control of your wolf self would be the most important part. I could help you if you like," she grins.
"Do you have experience with werewolves, Yue?" Wendy asks, sipping some syrup from a cup, because she's ten.
"Yeah, I do have experience with werewolves. And I'm sure everyone else here would be more than happy to help as well," she states now dragging everyone else into the mess without consulting them.
"DON'T DRAG ME INTO THIS SH-...OW WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Navi yells from the kitchen.
"So, you wouldn't want to help, our adorable friend Wendy with being able to control her abilities?" Yue called back.
"You'd have about as much luck convincin' me to do something I have no idea how to do as y'all would have with convincin' Maska to stop flirting with people," Navi points out.
"But, Navi, that's what Aldrid and I are there for, you, Eiriol, Maska, and Cecily would just need to help us execute our plans to help our important friend. What do ya say huh?"
"Unfortunately for you, I'm immune to puppy dog eyes and the reasoning of a ten year old," Navi snarks back as she puts more pancakes on the table.
"Then how about this, You scratch my back I scratch yours. In exchange for helping Wendy, I'll do any favor within my power for you, how about it?"
"No." Navi gives a flat glare to Yue, which actually looks kind of intimidating with her hood and how her eyes almost seem to glow underneath it. "I don't do favors for people I've just met."
"Fair enough." Yue puts her hands up in defeat, "Well, you have your reasons." Yue smiles to off put the intimidating glare.
With that said, she goes back into the kitchen, cleaning up, apparently finished with her cooking for now.
"...she's kinda scary," Wendy frowns, staring at her back.
Yue keeps up the grin, "Yeah, but I think she's warmin' up to me a bit." she gives a small chuckle looking back at Wendy trying to liven up the spirits around the heavy atmosphere room., "Just give her some space, she has her own troubles, everyone does."
"If you say so," she says, sounding uneasy as she finishes her food.
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