#him and jaskier would get on great
For all of my Dreamling friendo's imagine our boy Hob Gadling, dressed in Jaskiers clothing, lute in hand singing this little beauty
I don't know if you'll arrive, how surprising
I've kept on surviving, what more can I do?
Thought these meetings bought you glee
Oh, my stranger, look at me
Now I'll miss reminiscing with you
These many hundred years that I've thrived
How you'd sat with just me at your side
I thought you had cared
'Bout my grin and my stupid hair
Watch me cry, reliving these meetings with you
Ladies and gentlemen, you have been the most beautiful audience
Remember to watch The Sandman if you can
Anyone needs Hob, he'll be brooding at the bar
Where have you gone?
I don't know if you'll return
With everything I said, you saw
You stormed right out on me
Oh, where've you gone?
I have grown most fond
At the end of my time once I'm through
No word that I can think of rings quite as true as "fond!"
Fond, stranger fond
I'm fond, stranger
Fond, fond, fond, fond, fond, fond, fond
I'll admit. I'm so very fond of you
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jaybren · 2 years
Jaskier and New Geralt
I am of the belief that Cavill is leaving because of the way the writers have screwed up some very important aspects of both the games and the books.
MOST IMPORTANT being Geralt's relationship with Jaskier.
Both book!Geralt and game!Geralt love that funky, feral bard. Geraskier fan or not -- they are, at minimum, platonic soulmates for life.
Point being, Cavill left because the writers didn't let him show that despite Joey being an AMAZING Jaskier.
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
Geralt x Dandelion (Jaskier) in The Witcher books Masterpost
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I thought I would make a masterpost for my "I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon" (otherwise known as..."facts that sound like Geraskier fic writers made them up but are, in fact, book canon") series.
I will add to this post, so rb it and keep an eye on it. I have at least one more big post coming up.
Geralt rescuing Dandelion from kidnappers (and slaughtering and threatening a bunch of people for him)
Geralt plays it cool, but secretly loves Dandelion's singing
Geralt and Dandelion Domesticity (sharing beds and clothing)
Geralt and Dandelion Domesticity (pooling money and Dandelion bullying racists)
Geralt is Dandelion's specialest boy (Dandelion defending Geralt)
Dandelion is Geralt's Most Important Damsel (Geralt defending Dandelion)
Geralt and Dandelion patching up each other's wounds
Geralt learning Dandelion's real name
Sweet quiet moment of Geralt asking Dandelion's advice (and Dandy begging him not to kill a dragon)
A doppler turns into Dandelion to protect itself from Geralt and it gets more interesting from there.
So the tag is I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon, and I also do a series called Canon or Fanon in response to asks. But since the tag system on tumblr isn't great, there are the biggies. Just thought I'd make it a little easier on you guys.
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podcastenthusiast · 1 year
"Here should be safe to set up camp," Geralt says, scanning the treeline with his eyes in that odd witcher way. Like he's seeing much more than a mere mortal could.
"Thank the gods," sighs Jaskier, who's been really starting to regret skiving off those physical fitness courses at Oxenfurt.
"Get a fire started while I tend to Roach."
"Oh Geralt, I'd love to, I would. Truly it's colder than a sorceress' shapely—"
"Well, as they say: you can lead a bard to timber, but you can't make him—"
"Just do it, Jaskier."
"I don't know how! All right? I've never built a fire in the middle of nowhere before! It's not one of the seven liberal arts, and I much prefer my fires stoked by comely barmaids in taverns."
Geralt looks at him for a long moment. It's a complicated look—frustration and amusement and a hint of regret. Mostly it's a look that says Jaskier is an idiot for joining him on the Path.
"Right," Geralt says slowly. He begins building the campfire himself.
"I imagine they teach wilderness survival to baby witchers at witcher school."
Geralt looks at him again and there's something different in his expression. The ghost of a smile? Jaskier doesn't quite know how to read it.
"Kaer Morhen," he says. "And yeah. Something like that."
"Oh?" Jaskier has to rein in his enthusiasm, his curious questions. Geralt so rarely reveals anything personal about himself or his past. Not that Jaskier has been forthcoming in that regard either. They live in the moment, day by day, but some context would help his creative process.
Besides all that, he genuinely wants to get to know Geralt a little better.
"Vesemir took me out into the forest one day. Gave me a knife and left me there for a month."
There is no bitterness in his words. If anything, the witcher sounds...almost fond. Nostalgic. Proud of his younger self for overcoming the challenges his mentors set before him.
It takes a moment for the true meaning of that to sink in and, once it does, Jaskier is horrified. His own parents weren't great, but even they would never simply abandon him.
"He just— like as a test— what—?"
"Real eloquent, bard. I doubt he had any choice. Probably wasn't even supposed to give me anything."
"How old were you?" he demands, unsure if any answer will make this revelation less abhorrent.
"Six? Seven? Maybe eight. I don't know." Geralt makes a gesture with his fingers and the pile of wood beneath his hand sparks with flame. "Not old enough to have learned Igni yet."
He can picture it, too, so vividly. Curse his dammed artist's imagination. Geralt, just a kid, alone and scared and definitely cold—because no one bothered to teach him how to start a fire.
"Stop it," the witcher snaps.
"Looking at me like that. I'm fine. I was fine back then. Wasn't so bad at all compared to the Grasses. Vesemir came back for me like he said he would. I survived the trial—no, I didn't just survive; I exceeded all expectations, which is why they..." The witcher trails off. Takes a breath.
All of that... It's quite a lot of words for Geralt. Honest words, even.
It's his job to talk, to sing, to commit the most painful and difficult experiences to beautiful poetic verse. But Jaskier doesn't know what to say to his friend right now. Surely he has to say something.
"Don't waste your pity. Save it for the ones who didn't make it through. I did."
"Okay," the bard replies, careful and tentative. He isn't a brave man, nor a particularly kind one. But Jaskier considers himself an honest fellow so he adds, "Just because you made it through, you know, that doesn't mean what happened to you was all right, Geralt. Children aren't supposed to be left alone to fend for themselves."
The witcher laughs—a humorless, wretched sound. He doesn't say anything at all to that. Which is okay, really; Jaskier just needed him to hear it.
There is a long silence. The fire crackles. Jaskier absently strums his lute.
"You're gonna write a ballad about this, aren't you," Geralt says after a while.
"No!" Maybe. Yes. He won't perform it.
The fire crackles.
Quite out of the blue, Geralt tells him, "I befriended a wolf back then."
"What? You're joking!"
"Witchers don't have a sense of humor. Common knowledge."
"Common misconception. Most people are just stupid. No, hang on, stop distracting me—You had a pet wolf?!"
"Not a pet," the witcher corrects, smiling faintly. "Fangtooth was her own wolf."
"Fangtooth?" Jaskier repeats, struggling to contain his amusement. "Not Roach?"
"Forgive me, but that's adorable."
"I was just a child. I wanted to stay with her in the wilderness. Be a wolf, too. Or a knight." He shakes his head dismissively. Silly childish dreams.
"But you didn't," Jaskier says. And feels stupid for saying something so obvious.
"Too late for that," Geralt replies without reproach. "I was already a witcher."
"As a child, I wanted to run away and join the circus," the bard offers.
"Of course you did."
They're quiet for a moment then. Comfortable, shared silence. Just the sounds of birds and forest creatures, and Roach contentedly eating grass. The fire crackles.
"Geralt, will you teach me to light a fire? Without witcher magic, obviously, since I don't have any."
"Because...well, because I could be a more useful traveling companion. Like Fangtooth must've been."
"...Fine," Geralt agrees after some thought.
It is a skill he will be very grateful to have on freezing nights in the coming years, especially whenever the witcher is too injured or ill from those dreadful potions to help set up camp. He will try not to think of the child Geralt once was, subjected to horrific tests of his ability to survive all on his own.
Except he hadn't been on his own back then, not completely. And he isn't alone anymore, either.
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wolvesandfoxes25 · 11 months
"You should leave."
Jaskier looked up quickly from where he was writing lyrics.
"I beg your pardon?"
Geralt wasn't looking at him, eyes facing the adjacent side of the hut.
"Leave for Oxenfurt...or Redania. Find that Prince you fucked."
Jaskier felt his stomach lurch.
How did he know about that?
Clearing his throat, he shoved his booklet into his coat.
"I'm not sure what you're playing at Geralt, but I've no intention of leaving."
He was still facing away.
"You're wasting your time here. I'm sure the noble could provide you with many adventures."
The words came out sardonically and snappish.
Jaskier felt whiplash at the statement.
"We enjoyed our time together. Until afterwards." He mumbled the last part, feeling the same dreg of anger at Radovid come to the forefront. Even if he had apologized, it hadn't changed what he'd done.
What Jaskier hoped he wouldn't do.
He wasn't looking to marry the man, but a romance that was his, where he wasn't pining and panting after someone who would never love him, well, it would've been nice.
"Cut from the same cloth, I bet you did." Geralt growled.
Jaskier furrowed his eyebrows.
"And just what do you mean by that?"
"You've no right to judge me based on my dalliances, Geralt."
How had the conversation come to this point?
"Dalliance?" Geralt asked, eyes finally turning to Jaskiers.
The brunette looked sideways, being pinned under the weight of those eyes had always been too much for him.
"Where did you learn this anyway?"
The dryads were little gossipers then.
"You cared for him." Geralt grit out.
Jaskier pinched his lips together, feeling as if this were an interrogation.
Sighing loudly, Jaskier turned his gaze back to the Witcher.
"It felt nice. With him, I felt I was actually being seen. He learned my songs, even if knowing them was just for nefarious reasons. I-I was... lonely. Being back in the thick of this isn't always easy."
Geralt took in his expression his nostrils flaring.
"It used to be."
Jaskier blanched.
That was before Yennefer was everywhere.
He couldn't blame Geralt and Yennefer for their feelings for each other. But, it wasn't easy to always have it in his face.
"Age tends to change things." He murmured, hoping the other man believed the lie.
Geralt grunted.
Guess not.
Jaskier felt the tension in the room thicken.
"Had I known you went for poncey little Princes, I would have left you at a royal court to do their bidding long ago."
Knashing his teeth together, Jaskier stood up in a furious flourish.
"I don't know why you're being such a bloody bastard to me, but I'm not your punching bag, Geralt! Those days are over! Do you understand me?"
The Witchers eyes flashed and he pulled himself up into a piteous representation of sitting up.
"Fuck you."
Jaskier hissed.
"Fuck me? Fuck you." He fired back at Geralt.
What was happening right now? Why was Geralt behaving this way?
The two of them stared each other down.
"I don't know how you can sit there and have the bleeding audacity to berate me over a potential partner."
The golden eyes narrowed.
"Meaning?" He hissed.
Jaskier felt the anger start to build higher and higher.
"You have your great romance! Yennefer! Your sweet little family! Then there's me, who you tossed away like yesterdays porridge!"
Geralt moved to get up, but hissed at the pain.
"Don't do that, you idiotic lump of a man!" Jaskier chided him, moving to shove him back.
Geralt pushed him away, catching his breath to gather himself to his feet.
"Yennefer healed me, I told you that." He snapped, flinging his cane away.
Jaskier watched him sway, but he rolled his shoulders, catching himself.
"But we both know your leg is still giving you trouble, Geralt."
The Witcher glared.
"Easy to leave then, huh? Just like you did on the mountain."
Jaskiers jaw dropped, feeling his balance shift at the fury that ran through him.
"You have the unmitigated, bleeding gall to say that to me? You blame me!?" He yelled.
Geralt scowled, looking away from him in what seemed like shame.
Suddenly... it all made sense.
"You're jealous." Jaskier whispered.
The Witcher moved to leave the hut but Jaskier grabbed his arm to halt him.
Geralt growled.
"How in all the hells are you jealous? You have never expressed anything regarding romantic affections towards me. Ever."
"All those women you were constantly fucking was supposed to tell me otherwise?" Geralt replied sarcastically.
Jaskier threw his hands up in frustration.
"You could've asked me!"
Geralt said nothing as the other man set his hands down upon the bedding of the cot.
"You have got to be the most stubborn, burlish lout I have ever met in my existence upon this earth."
"You have no idea how I fe-."
But he stopped himself, the words clogging his throat.
The truth he had figured long long ago. And had told no-one, not Vespula, not the Countess, nobody.
Yennefer had probably guessed after hearing his song in the tavern, but said nothing in reference to it.
Thank the Gods.
"I don't want to continue this conversation further. If you want me to fucking leave so badly, I'll leave. And I'll go back to Radovid and suck his cock in his pretty little throne room. Would that make you happy, Geralt?" He snarled, shoving past him to get some air outside, when a hand clamped over his wrist...
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ladyannemarie5 · 9 months
Jaskier graduated summa cumme laude from the most prestigious university on the continent. He acts like a superficial and disinterested bard all the time, but from time to time he acts like what he is, a master of the 7 liberal arts: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Geometry, Arithmetic, Music and Astronomy.
Geralt doesn't notice this until Radovid shows up.
Every now and then Jaskier would blurt out a nonsensical comment that usually isn't meant for anyone, other than Geralt with his great ear, to hear.
The prince, hears everything that comes out of the bard's mouth and it is surprising when he laughs at whatever Jaskier said to the bard's amazement. Most amazingly, Radovid responds with another nonsensical comment that makes Jaskier laugh.
Geralt looks at them with a frown. Jaskier stops his laughter and eagerly asks the prince if he has read the philosopher he was apparently quoting. Radovid launches into a story of how his private tutor forced him to read the philosopher and he subsequently became enchanted with the man's writings and read his work for his own pleasure.
The more they travel, the more that happens. It turns out that the apparent nonsense Jaskier occasionally spouted is actually quotes, references and facts from philosophers, poets, astronomers, mathematicians, etc., that he was taught in college or read himself. Radovid responds to each of them with charm and delight, because apparently, Radovid has read them all as part of his royal education.
Geralt is not jealous. He isn't. No matter what Ciri and Yennefer say. He just doesn't like being out of the joke, doesn't like both of them acting like others aren't there and having to listen to their academic conversations when no one but them seems to care.
He just doesn't like that Jaskier smiles like never every time Radovid quotes an old poet of yesteryear that no one but them has read, as if it's an inside joke, because there should be no secrets in their group. He also doesn't like it when Jaskier laughs so loud because that can attract monsters. He hates that Jaskier sits next to Radovid every night talking about boring books because they are mere humans and if something attacks them, then both will be in danger and Geralt will only be able to save one (cof cof Jaskier), it's simple strategy. And absolutely not jealous because the bard now asks the prince for his advice when he writes songs, it's just that was something that used to de-stress Geralt and now he can't sleep well anymore. It's simple comfort.
But it all finally goes to shit when Jaskier turns down Geralt's invitation to spend the winter in Kaer Morhen because stupid Radovid invited him to his castle on the coast where he apparently has the best collection of maritime astronomy on the continent.
Geralt spends all that winter stuck in the library of Kaer Morhen reading anything that might interest Jaskier other than bestiaries. He tries very hard not to think about his bard and the prince huddled in front of the fire looking up at the stars until late at night drinking wine, getting closer and closer and closer until…
No. He won't allow it. When he sees Jaskier in the spring, he'll be sure to casually mention everything he read in winter, he'll make a fool of the prince when Geralt shows his bard the ancient books he brought him from the Wolf school library (not that Vesemir needs to know what came out of his precious library).
He'll graduate summa cumme laude from freaking Oxenfurt if it means getting his bard's attention again.
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echo-bleu · 2 years
While I’m staying away from all the speculation, all those posts and memes about Jaskier either being the only one who can see Geralt is different or the only one who can’t and keeps insisting that yes of course, that’s Geralt, are giving me ideas.
Namely: faceblind Jaskier. Bear with me. He can’t recognize any face, including his own in the mirror (when he finds a mirror, it’s not that often). That’s why he flirts with everyone, flirting is just his default mode in case it’s someone he’s met before, because at its core it’s kind of roleplaying. While people may not respond to it well, they mostly don’t bat an eye at cheesy joke-y pickup lines where Jaskier ‘pretends’ to meet them for the first time (”Do you come here often?”). Meanwhile it buys Jaskier time to figure out if he has in fact met them before.
(Demi or ace Jaskier? Who flirts for the reasons above and mostly has sex with people because he figures it’s expected of him?)
It’s also the reason he makes so many enemies. Sure, there are actual cuckooed husbands who hate him, but really it’s mostly former lovers who are horribly offended when Jaskier ‘snubs’ them at a reception because he just didn’t recognize them. Or former lovers horribly offended that he tried to flirt with them again pretending not to know them after they threw him out. There are also plenty of people who were never his lovers at all but are just offended because nobles are Like That.
(There have been some really embarrassing situations. Like the time he tried to flirt with Valdo Marx, his eternal rival, who still laughs about it every time they see each other.)
He latches onto Geralt because Geralt is recognizable. There just aren’t two white-haired wolf-eyed muscular men around. Jaskier never has to worry about seeing him and being unsure if it’s actually his friend and not some random stranger with the same haircut. Geralt also never changes his haircut or his appearance in any way, which is refreshing.
Yennefer is mostly the same, with her violet eyes, although Jaskier does have to get close enough to be sure. They have a few weird encounters where Jaskier starts to flirt with her, gets within a few feet, and immediately backtracks the hell out with a disgusted face. That’s how she figures it out, but it takes her a while. After that she takes great pleasure in teasing him about it, but only in ways that no one else will clock (hence the crows’ feet comment. Jaskier doesn’t even know himself in the mirror. He can’t tell if she’s right. He does obsess over it the whole way up the mountain, but he has other things to think about on the descent).
The witchers of Kaer Morhen, when Jaskier meets them, are so refreshing. They’re all different! Eskel is unmistakeable with his scars, and while they’re within the confines of Kaer Morhen it’s very easy to distinguish Lambert’s red hair from Coen’s shaved head and darker skin from Vesemir’s white beard. Ciri is of course the only kid, so that’s not a problem. For the first time in his life, Jaskier doesn’t feel like he’s playing catch up to a game whose rules he doesn’t know. It’s relaxing.
The witchers, on the other hand, are quite surprised about Jaskier. They’ve been told (many times, over the years) that Jaskier flirts with everyone under the sun. Now Geralt isn’t always the most reliable source, of course, and Eskel never expects anyone to be attracted to him because of his scars (which is a subject for another day), but Jaskier doesn’t even try to flirt, even just friendlily, with either Lambert or Coen. He’s not afraid of them, they would be able to smell that, he seems perfectly comfortable with them, but he doesn’t flirt. At first, they figure that it’s because his newly mended relationship with Geralt is still fragile.
One night they’re all a bit drunk and the witchers are talking about how Jaskier’s songs have helped them on the Path, how many humans are much nicer to them, and in general how hard interacting with humans is. And Jaskier is just nodding along, “Yeah, yeah, interacting with humans is so hard.”
“But you’re always going out of your way to talk to people and flirt!”
“Well yes, I like making friends, but they have so many expectations, and they get angry so easily.”
“That’s only when you flirt with the wrong people,” Geralt growls.
“But how am I supposed to know it’s the wrong people when I can’t recognize them?”
“What do you mean?” Eskel asks.
“Faces are hard! I don’t know how people do it, I mean, obviously your scars are distinctive, and I’d recognize Geralt’s hair anywhere, but most humans all look the same!”
Geralt blinks very slowly as it all slots into place in his head. Jaskier’s very strange flirting methods. The way he keeps making enemies without meaning to. Hell, he’s seen Jaskier say hello again to someone they’d seen just minutes before, or completely ignore one of his bard friends at a festival until she came right up to him. “You don’t recognize people?”
Jaskier, who didn’t survive forty-three(ish) years without figuring out that this wasn’t normal, freezes and suddenly looks like a deer in the headlights. “Uh... no?”
“So if, say, Vesemir was to shave his beard, you might confuse him with Geralt?” Lambert asks.
“I’d... probably be able to tell from up close? Geralt’s taller.”
“Wow.” Lambert seems ready to tease him about it, but Eskel stops him.
“How did you never notice?” he asks Geralt.
Geralt just grunts. Jaskier answers for him. “I’m very good at making people feel like we’ve always known each other, I guess. Mostly I just buy time until I can figure out if I’ve met them before.”
The witchers have a million questions, but they never make Jaskier feel like he’s deficient somehow. Jaskier has always been ashamed of it, but to them, it’s just another quirk, like not being able to eat raw meat.
The next time they’re on the road, or at a festival together, Geralt is brooding just as much as usual, eyes darting this way and that, but before Jaskier can go and greet people (with his usual fake-it-till-you-make-it technique), Geralt stops him.
“Your friend Essi’s wearing a yellow dress with red accents,” he mutters under his breath. “Marx has a green doublet, that shade you hate. Avoid the man in the bright purple doublet and the brown pants, you slept with him last time and he threw you out. That woman at the right of the stage with the braid, she has a husband, you tried before.”
Jaskier gets so emotional that he can’t speak for a solid minute, and he ends up hugging Geralt instead. “Didn’t know you paid attention,” he says eventually.
“Just look at me if you’re not sure who someone is, I’ll tell you who to avoid,” Geralt says gruffly.
It’s not a perfect system, but Jaskier doesn’t offend a single person all day.
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panur · 7 months
Scary Witcher fics (Geraskier)
Last year i decided i would compile a mini list of some dark/spoopy Geraskier fic recs to share with the masses. In no particular order:
The Only One Who Resonates by crushcandles
"Did you really worry?" he asks, licking his lips.
Jaskier barely hears the question and it doesn't register. It doesn't matter. No matter what Geralt asks him, the answer is the same.
"Yes," he says, deep from his empty belly.
with lilies and with laurels he goes by twelvemagpies
The day that Jaskier dies, Geralt wakes up to an almighty ringing in his ears.
Fever Song by crushcandles
"What are you doing?" Geralt barks.
Jaskier freezes, knife in one hand, a long deep blue strip of fabric in the other.
"Cutting a ribbon," he says. He doesn't stutter, but his eyes are wide; he knows he might be doing something he’s not supposed to.
Quiet by Funkspiel
But still, Geralt looked for a cure. He did not ask for forgiveness. He didn’t deserve it – not while Jaskier was still unable to say the words to pardon him for his wish. Wishes. How Geralt hated them, hated the word. His wish had driven Yennefer away. His wish had bound Jaskier to a life in which he could not do what he loved. Geralt didn’t deserve forgiveness. So he did not ask.
And then came the contract about the witches of the bog.
Silver and Copper by Heronfem
From the shadows a man steps out, his feet soundless on the flagstones. He’s tall for a human, lanky, and dressed all in grays and blacks. His clothing is good but oddly threadbare, the embroidery standing out against the silk, and the collar is high on his deathly pale, sun deprived neck. He wears many rings on his fingers, and several necklaces tangle at his throat. Handsome, with nut brown hair with a bit of a curl to it, and a fine jaw and nose, but his eyes.
His eyes are horrible.
haunt by theredtailedhawkwithjewelsforeyes
He is exhausted with the grief of it. He does not let himself feel, and he feels this anyways. Sharp, aching, unfair. The absence of a heartbeat.
Echo by ravenbringslight
Jaskier was gathering his things and he wasn’t panicking. He’d known that Geralt was going to leave any day now like he always did, so that was no surprise, even if it hit him like a punch to the gut (he was familiar with Geralt’s punches to the gut and he could say with great authority that getting left behind again felt slightly worse). But he had enough money to get to Oxenfurt now and his headache was gone and the vomiting seemed to have been short-lived. Other than the whole “can’t speak without the pain of a thousand rusty knives” situation he was right as rain.
In the corner, the thing that looked like him winked.
Bloodhunger by SpinnerDolphin
“What do you need?” Jaskier asks, low. His heart stutters a little, and he firmly tells himself that this is his friend, and he is not afraid of his friend.
Geralt actually trembles. “I need to kill something,”
a thousand voices by mrc2 (this one is actually a WIP but guys it’s SO disturbing i refuse to read it after dark)
“You scared me,” Jaskier said. “I didn’t see you there.”
The statue, as expected, didn’t reply. It was a strange place for a statue to be.
“Why are you here?” Jaskier asked slowly as he took a tentative step closer.
And to his horror, the statue simply smiled.
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Prompt 42
Call Jaskier a fool, but he's fallen in love with a witcher. As a merman. But despite what all his peers tell him, he wholeheartedly believes the witcher would never hurt a merman, let alone one as harmless as Jaskier! They'll make great friends! And even better lovers! Hopefully! So when Jaskier learns the witcher is camping not far from a river, Jaskier literally jumps at the chance to get close to finally meet the man he's admired from afar for so long. Only problem is that the river is muddy in some parts, and in other parts thinner and more shallow than he thought, and though he loathes to admit it, he does get stuck. He's beached. He hasn't even met his witcher and he's BEACHED! BEACHED! AND HE'S NOT EVEN ON A BEACH! He's tied between being horrified he's dying alone, and being thankful nobody is seeing the embarrassing way he's leaving this world. He's not getting nearly enough water into his gills, and the sun is merciless. It's been nearly two days since he first got stuck. His eyesight is blurring and all he can hear is his own breathing. But then he's suddenly hefted up into arms and being carried away, and he can't even worry about who has found him, because he's finally drifted off into a (sadly very dry) slumber. He wakes up to find himself in a small pond, just barely big enough for him to swim a lap, and that was pretty much it. Clearly for healing and not long-term stay. But it was big enough to live. The gills on his sides near his ribs are fully submerged in the water, and he belatedly notices that water is being repeatedly poured on the gills on his neck. He turns to look at what is dripping on him, and finds it to be a waterskin. His witcher found him! His witcher found him, and is filling up his waterskin with the pond's water and pouring it on Jaskier's fills repeatedly. He's caring for him! Oh, how Jaskier's heart is singing! Jaskier tries to talk to him only to cough and let out a weak chirp noise. The witcher shushes him and warns Jaskier that he was in a very bad way and that it'd be best for him to rest for now. Jaskier decides not to take his advice, and instead stays up to stare at his witcher and chirp at him. One time when Geralt pours the water over the mer's gills, he reaches his head up to bump at Geralt's hand until Geralt allows the Mer to limply nuzzle his wrist. It's a tad annoying that this mer Geralt saved is so relentlessly determined to shower him with affection, but after a few days of the attention, Geralt submits to the routine. It only gets more intimate when the Mer regains speech and now keep asking Geralt things about himself and showering him with compliments. Geralt learns about the merman, and grows attached, he admits, but he can't keep care of a mer. He has to continue on The Path and the Mer cannot follow. So one day, he picks up Jaskier, brings him back to the ocean, and sets him free. Four times. It takes four times before Jaskier stops trying to beach himself to follow. Geralt is miserable without his little merman companion, but he knows it's for the best. That is, until a few months lather, when he hears word of a merman being captured nearby and he knows deep down it's his merman. I don't know if Jaskier is captured by poachers intent on killing or harming him or if he's been captured by some sort of circus/freakshow but I DO know that Jaskier got captured because he started recklessly talking to any and all humans asking for anyone who knows how to turn him human (so he can be with his witcher)
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thedemonofcat · 3 months
When you live for as long as Witchers does, it is sometimes hard to remember how much words can hurt. So after the Mountain, when Geralt didnt see Jaskier waiting near Roach, he figured that the bard would be upset for a few days and show up again somewhere.
Only months went by, and Geralt had yet to encounter Jaskier again. In the meantime, Geralt had found Ciri, and while he did complain that Jaskier was annoying, there were some nights when he wished the bard was with him. As Geralt knew that Jaskier would be great with Ciri
Then, one day, while stopping in the tavern, Geralt sees Jaskier. Except Geralt also gets to hear Jaskier's newest song.
Burn Butcher Burn.
So Geralt doesn't realize how hurtful his words were to Jaskier. Angry about how Jaskier would say such hurtful words about him, Geralt feels a sense of betrayal
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captainkirkk · 9 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
fill in the blanks by mindshelter
"You?” Tim blurts. Holy shit. “You’re Kon?”
A nod. “Are you in any pain?” he asks again.
Kon’s skin is sun-kissed, cheekbones dusted with a fine smattering of freckles; he is, without exaggeration, the prettiest person Tim has ever seen. “No, I’m—great,” he says, fidgeting. “Do you, uh, come here often?”
Kon raises a brow. “To the medbay?” he intones. “Definitely more often than I’d prefer."
Fault Line by sElkieNight60 (+ podfic)
Part 1 of Tectonics
"You’re invulnerable…” he whispers, but it’s clear that fact falters in his mind.
Confusion writes its way into the lines on Conner’s face and Clark takes a step back as though physically pushed.
“You’re not invulnerable.”
It is a statement, dull like stone.
“N-no, sir.”
— 🦸 —
OR: Conner's not as invincible as Clark thought. Suddenly, he's a lot more human.
Danny Phantom x DC
The Business of Family by Spaced_Ace
Jazz remembered the way their parents loomed in the living room as they’d laid out that verdict. Ever-present weapons gleaming, standing in such a way that they blocked access to both the front and back entrances. Their eyes had been what struck her the most of that horrible tableau. What made her stomach fill with jagged stones and drenched her back in a frigid sweat. The way they looked at her little brother, their gazes cold and hollow and -
(Things are not well in Amity Park.
With the GIW getting more and more aggressive and their parents becoming ever more suspicious of Danny each day that passes, Jazz knows that they're running out of time. It's not safe, and their options are painfully limited. Out of sheer dumb luck or a little intervention from Clockwork, she manages to discover a distant relative that just might be their salvation.
If asked Oswald Cobblepot would say that it's just good business. Adopting a few kids had done wonders for Bruce Wayne's reputation, why not his? It's not like he can't afford to put them somewhere out of the way if they get to be a problem. It's just business. Nothing more.
(His soft heart says otherwise))
The Witcher
Words of Love by ForestWren
"I should warn you,” Jaskier said between kisses in the soft darkness of the shed, “That I know some… very interesting people. You may want to avoid meeting them.”
“I’ve dealt with the Redenian court for decades. Your friends can’t be worse than that.”
Five times Radovid meets Jaskier's friends and family, plus one time they are alone.
Star Wars x The Mandalorian
Master Skywalker: The Absolute Worst by PrinceJakeFireCake
"Din got to his feet. He patted Boba on the shoulder affectionately.
“You should watch the recording of Skywalker fighting the death troopers,” he said, then pressed a kiss to Boba’s cheek and told Grogu to stop eating his blocks.
Boba watched the recording. He was pretty sure he would never be the same again. He was positive that he never wanted to meet Skywalker ever again.”
Boba Fett falls for Luke Skywalker. It isn’t the funnest thing he’s ever done.
Original Works
Call Me Menace by wingedcat13
You, Synovus, are a respectably terrifying supervillain. Your main rivals, a pair of superheroes named Legionnaire and Athena, are actually respectable as heroes. You hate having to stoop to kidnapping their child - but you hate more what the kid's behavior implies.
if it don't hurt now (just wait a while) by quandaries_and_contradictions
Part 27 of mage in a wolf pack
When the hunters first take him, Jaime knows everything will be okay.
He’s scared, of course. He wants his mom and dad and little sister. But he knows it’s going to be okay — because the wolves who protect his town will come for him. Lada’s mother and father and papa won’t let the hunters get away with this. All he has to do is hold on until they get here.
Months later, he's not so sure.
Stranger Things
No One Rides For Free by weird_witchcraft
"Are you okay Harrington?” Eddie asks gently, “Need me to get anyone?”
“No one to get,” replies Steve, so soft Eddie barely catches it. “You think I want anyone seeing me like this?”
Eddie Munson stumbles across Steve Harrington crying next to a bush at Tina's party and makes it his mission to cheer him up.
Clone Wars
mirci't be uja by ihathbenobiwankenobied for whitchry9
Obi-Wan is usually good at keeping track of his blood sugar levels–because he has to be–but this time, it’s out of his control.
(Or, a diabetic Obi-Wan is thrown for a loop after crashing on an unknown planet. Stim does his best to keep his General alive)
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Ciri: Geralt just made another dad joke. The only thing he's said outside of training for the past week has been dad jokes
Lambert: Let's kill him
Jaskier: You can't!
Lambert: You haven't heard his dad jokes. They're worth murdering someone over
Jaskier: Yes but you'll inconvenience me
Lambert: Explain
Jaskier: How am I supposed to be a rich widow if we're not married and Geralt has no money to leave me? You would deny me one of life's great pleasures over bad jokes?
Lambert: Suppose not. ESKEL!! Find us a priest! The sooner we get this over with the better!
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
The Witcher Headcanon - High
The more time Jaskier spends around Witchers, the more he notices how much they are like cats in some ways. Of course, they had those signature cat eyes that allowed them to see in the dark. And he started noticing how their eyes would dilate when something caught their attention.
A stalk of field grass with a bit of seed fluff on the end would cause Geralt's eyes to immeidately dialte if twitched. He had done it one winter in the Great Hall, with a willowy twig, and five heads had snapped toward the motion, and five pairs of eyes had dilated.
Jaskier had been reminded just how fast Witchers could move. He survived only because he managed to yeet the twig before he got dog piled.
Then he discovered that they purred, and liked cheek and chin scratches. He would start scratching cheeks or chins, and their eyes would dilate, and they would turn into Witcher-shaped puddles.
There were a lot of things that made their eyes dilate: cheek and chin scratches, being warm and comfortable, hugs, seeing something interesting, being excited, White Gull, and now, whatever the h*ll that plant was that Geralt was laying next to.
Jaskier had been waiting for over an hour for Geralt to return to camp. He had said he was going to set some snares, but he'd been gone too long, and Jaskier had gone looking for him. The bard had found him laying on his back next to a large shrub that was all shredded and mashed down, and he'd panicked, thinking he'd been attacked by something and left to die.
After getting a closer look though, he discovered that Geralt was unhurt. He was idly rolling a twist of pungent smelling leaves between his fingers and staring up at the sky, looking like he was having some kind of religious experience. There was only a thin ring of gold around his dialted pupils.
Jaskier *gently shaking his shoulder*: Er...Geralt? Geralt, can you hear me? Are you okay?
Geralt *dreamy voice*: Wouldn't being a-a bird be, like, the best? You could just fly around all day, sh*ttin' on people... I'd sh*t on Whatshisname...Valdo. Yeah, man, I'd totally sh*t on him. I'd just follow him around all day, every day, just sh*ttin' on him for you.
Jaskier: That's very touching, Geralt, and I appreciate the sentiment, but--! Melitele's tits, is that catnip?!
Geralt: Yeah, *rubs leaves on his face and starts purring*
Jaskier: Er, okay, big guy, let's get you back to camp. *slips arm under his shoulders and levers him into a sitting position*
Geralt *dramatic voice* : I ASCEND!
Jaskier: *gently takes the handful of leaves away and puts them in his pocket* Let me just hold on to these for you.
Jaskier heaved Geralt to his feet. The Witcher wobbled but stayed upright. He raised his hand, fingers positioned as if he were holding something, took a bite out of the invisible thing in his hand, squinted up at the sun, then demanded that Jaskier blow out the giant candle in the sky because he couldn't taste his cheese.
Jaskier regarded him silently for the space of a few heartbeats, then took a breath and blew it out at the sun.
"You blew out the sky candle! F***ing h*ll, I can't see anything now!"
"Your eyes are closed, Geralt."
Geralt opened his eyes, frowning irately, and grumbled "Blowing out the f***ing sky candle and plunging us all into eternal darkness-!" he stopped mid-rant as he remembered his invisible cheese, and took a bite. "Tastes like purple!"
Their trip back to camp had been punctuated by more stange ramblings as Geralt talked about all the mysteries of the universe, and randomly stopped to yell at a tree that was giving him a dirty look. He had passed out as soon as Jaskier had dropped him on his bedroll.
Geralt woke later, and in answer to his confused look, Jaskier had gleefully blurted, "You got high off catnip!", and then laughed himself breathless while Geralt growled and grumbled and denied it.
Jaskier pulled a few of the leaves out of his pocket and held them out to him. He'd been rather disappointed when Geralt had taken the leaves, examined them, and had absolutely no reaction to them. Geralt had given him a smug look that screamed "I told you so!".
Days later they stayed at an inn while Geralt worked a contract, and Jaskier entertained himself by tring to make friends with the cat that lived there.
She had stopped to sniff under the door, so he had opened it and tried to lure her in with some food scraps. The cat had been reluctant, having smelled Geralt's scent in the room. Jaskier remembered that cats did not like Witchers, but his inner Disney Princess was going to make friends with this cat through h*ll or high water!
He had taken some of the catnip, rubbed it between his palms, then put it in a little pile on the floor and crouched near it, hoping to entice the cat to come closer. He wiped his hands on his shirt and pants for good measure, in the hopes that he could get his new friend to sit in his lap.
Geralt returned a while later and found Jaskier sitting on the floor with a spaced out cat in his lap. He was curious as to why this cat was not immediately hissing and spitting at him like cats usually did when he encountered one. He slowly moved a little closer and caught a whiff of something herby...
The cat barely even flinched when Geralt dropped his bags and practically knocked Jaskier over trying to rub his face into his shirt. Jaskier ended up pinned to the floor by a hulking Witcher and a cat. He was grinning like an idiot while both the cat and Geralt rubbed their faces on him, and Happy Purred.
Jaskier made a few mental notes: 1. This is gold, tell Yen! 2. Don't mention this to Geralt. 3. Start collecting catnip. Ask Yen to help.
By the time Jaskier went to winter in Kaer Morhen that year, he had, with Yennefer's help, stockpiled a sizeable amount of catnip. He kept it hidden in his pack, wrapped with all his other herbs and dried florals, tucking it down in with his soaps and lotions and scents.
He had originally brought it as a joke, something to use to tease his adoptive family with, but he found that it really came in handy. Fights were a regular thing at Kaer Moren, especially when you were stuck indoors for weeks on end.
Jaskier started secretly burning a pinch or two of catnip in the Great Hall's fire pit when the usual minor scuffles looked like they were going to turn into fistfights.
Sometimes, when they were drunk and starting to try to fight each other, Jaskier would lobb a little catnip stuffed beanbag into the middle of them and let it work its magic.
Catnip tea became a thing.
Along with catnip cookies.
Sometimes, if he was bored, cold, or feeling a little down, Jaskier would rub a little catnip on his clothes and walk into the Great Hall, and then just enjoy the massive cuddle pile that resulted.
Yennefer knew exactly what was going on and was lowkey impressed her bardling had been able to smuggle the stuff into Kaer Morhen without Geralt knowing. It was an amusing distraction. She and Jaskier would sit and listen to their random thoughts.
"Forks are just a hand for your hand."
"Bread has a wetness scale, and here's why..."
" What if dragons had their wings on their back legs?"
" When two people kiss, they make a really long tube with an a**hole at each end."
"Your belly button used to be your mouth."
"If potatoes have eyes, then that means they watch you as you murder them."
And of course there was the humorous behavior, like:
Lambert balancing on the top of a door, claiming that he was a hawk.
Witchers crowding around a window to 'ekekekekek!' at a bird outside.
Geralt standing in the stables, bare a** naked, telling Roach she was pretty.
Eskel swearing that the rats in his room were talking sh*t behind his back, and it was really hurtful so, could Jaskier please go tell them to stop being mean?
Coen standing infront of a mirror, combing hair he didn't have, and swearing that Yennefer was lying to him when she told him he was bald.
Vesemir trying to fight everyone because he was feeling like he was 150 again because his joints didn't hurt anymore.
Then came the event that Yennefer personally could not stop laughing about. Lambert had started a massive drunken brawl one evening. Jaskier had been in his room, trying to make friends with some of the rats, when he'd heard the enraged screaming. He'd run to the Great Hall and seen an obviously inebriated Geralt and Lambert rolling and snarling on the floor.
Coen and Eskel tried to break it up, but were dragged into the free for all. Jaskier started yelling for them to stop, but he was ignored. He ran back to his room and did the only thing he could think of.
Yennefer had heard all the rukus and stormed into the Great Hall just as Jaskier came running back in, carrying the biggest joint the Continent had ever seen. The size of it was just absurd. Yennefer had started laughing as he'd dropped it unceremoniously into the firepit. Smoke billowed up, filling the room, and seconds later, the fight was over. Witchers were laying in a pile on the floor, stoned off their a**es, and contemplating the complex mysteries of the universe. Jaskier was pretty sure some of them were seeing gods.
It had taken weeks for the room to air out enough to were the Wolves weren't getting high just walking in to it, but there were still a few spots on the wall, and one of the furs where the smell continued to cling. It became a big joke after Jaskier guiltily explained what happened. Now when one of them, especially Lambert, started getting extra prickly, someone would say "Go sniff the fur/wall and calm the h*ll down!"
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thelostgirl21 · 10 months
How to solve the whole situation once they've found Ciri...
Jaskier: I think Ciri should marry Radovid.
Geralt: Are you insane? He's way too old for -
Radovid: If I may, he's talking about a purely political alliance. I can assure you I'm gay, and I've got absolutely no matrimonial interest in your daughter. I do, however, so happen to have a kingdom that I'd very much love to abdicate from in favor of a queen that might actually have an interest in running it.
Ciri: I could use a kingdom! One that would treat elves, dwarves and humans as equals...
Jaskier: See? She'd make a great queen! They get married, Radovid renounces the throne, they divorce, Ciri inherits Redania - and with it the most powerful army in the North to keep her safe... Oooh! And Yennefer could be her mage adviser!
Yennefer: You sound like you've been giving this way too much thought...
Geralt: Wait. Redania legalized divorce?
Jaskier: And gay marriage, too. *Tries to sound casual about it.* Not that this is, you know, at all relevant to the the current situation.
Geralt: And why should we believe the King of Redania would be keen on giving up power so easily?
Radovid: Look, all I really wanted was a pretty song...
Geralt: *Eyes him suspiciously*
Jaskier: No, he's being honest. Had my doubts, too, but turns out all he really wanted, at first, was a pretty song.
Geralt: *Slowly realizes what this is about, an amused glint in his eyes as he looks back at him.* I thought you didn't do pretty?
Jaskier: *Dramatically throws his arms in the air, slightly annoyed.* Well, apparently I do now, don't I?
Radovid: *Smirking smuggly* I'm "pretty".
Ciri: *Totally missing the innuendo* You really are!
Radovid: *Delighted and preening* Thank you.
Yennefer: *Snorts*
Yarpen: *Points to Jaskier and Radovid* Wait. Has the lute-playing walloper been fucking a King?
Geralt: *Groans and sighs* Again, real subtle, Yarpen.
Yarpen: *Whisling while looking at Jaskier, somewhat impressed.* Didn't think you'd have it in you, friend!
Radovid: Well, technically -
Jaskier: Aaand on that note! I'll also need Ciri to divorce him, so I can marry him after.
Ciri: *Excitedly* You two are getting married?
Jaskier: Only if you are! Which, I'm aware, makes very little sense...
Radovid: I actually did offer to marry him first - and have Redania become the first kingdom to have two kings - but that triggered a bit of a panic attack.
Jaskier: Look, I stopped using that viscount title and left nobility behind for a reason. If Ciri can make room in the castle for a retired king and his traveling bard, I'd be fine spending a few weeks or even months living at court from time to time. Especially at first, so Radovid can help her get settled and update her on the most important issues that need to be addressed and resolved in the kingdom.
Ciri: Of course you'd always have a home here, and I wouldn't just kick Radovid out! Actually, would it be okay for me to let him keep his prince title? Just in case anything happens to me, and -
Yennefer: *Firmly* Nothing's going to happen to you.
Ciri: Yeah but -
Geralt: No buts. We won't allow it.
Ciri: What if I accidentally portal myself to another dimension? Wouldn't want to force me to leave the Kingdom unattended until I get back, would you?
Jaskier: Hate to say it, but she does have a point.
Radovid: Look, if that would give the Princess some peace of mind to have someone willing to be holding the fort in case of emergencies... But, if that were to happen, I'd be needing Jaskier's help.
Jaskier: *Shrugs* I mean, I guess that would work. It's not that I don't want to get involved in making people's lives better in the kingdom, or share in any of those responsibilities. It's just that, no matter how much I love any of you guys - and I really do love you - I tend to get quite antsy and unpleasant confined to a single location for too long.
Radovid: And personally, I've always wanted to travel, meet different people, and experience some of the tales that have inspired Jaskier's songs for myself.
Geralt: You know he makes a lot of those things up, right?
Radovid: *Shrugs* I think Jaskier's always told those stories the way he sees them - for what they are or mean to him according to his own emotional truth, rather than facts. For example, I've always thought that "Toss a Coin to Your Witcher" was about how the world tends to forget that, behind every larger-than-life heroic figure, there's often just someone that needs to be looked after, too, offered a drink from time to time, listened to, and treated as a friend. If accuracy or factually reporting events had been his goal, then he'd have become a historian, not a bard.
Yennefer: That's... surprisingly insightful.
Jaskier: *Swooning* I know... *Sighs happily* He really is quite brilliant, isn't he?
Radovid: *Blushes brightly* I take it my humble interpretation's not too far off?
Jaskier: *Leans in to whisper into his ear.* I'll let you know just how close you got later...
Geralt: *Confused* Okay, what's actually happening here?
Ciri: *Chuckles* It's called poetry.
Jaskier: *Dreamily, mostly to himself* You'd have to be a spoon to get it...
Radovid: *Now also confused* Wait. What? Now I don't get it.
Jaskier: *Winces slightly* Sorry. That one's on me, you're missing context. You're a spoon, Geralt's a hammer - just...
Radovid: ...different tools for different purposes?
Jaskier: *Makes a half strangled noise, as his legs threaten to give up on him.*
Yarpen: *Motioning to Jaskier while looking at Yennefer, bit puzzled* Does your bard usually do that?
Yennefer: *Looking deep in thoughts, seemingly analysing the situation* Not that I've ever been aware of.
Geralt: Yeah, no. That's new.
Ciri: *Incredulously* You've been travelling with him for, like, over 20 years, and you're telling me you've never seen him have a crush before?
Yennefer: Oh! Oh. Yeah, that's um - okay. I think you're right - I mean, I can see the nuance.
Jaskier (*slowly coming back to himself*) & Geralt: What nuance?
Yennefer: *Innocently* Nothing! Just enjoy your spoon, bard. I'll explain it to the hammer later.
Geralt: *Huffs thoughtfully*
Jaskier: *Still looking unsure* Alright...
Yarpen: You know what, I think it's safer if I don't know.
Radovid: I'm actually not entirely sure I follow...
Yennefer: *Uses magic to telepathically communicate with Radovid, making him blush even brighter.*
Radovid: No, I mean, that seems...
Yennever: *Continues to telepathically communicate with him, looking fondly amused, and just the slightest bit smug.*
Radovid: *Bashfully* I'll ah, I'll take your word for it, and thank you...
Jaskier: What did she just say?
Radovid: Nothing bad, and I'll tell you one day, when the time's right, I promise.
Jaskier: *Doesn't look quite convinced.*
Yennefer: *Rolls eyes* I promise it's fine, Pankratz. Now stop pouting!
Jaskier: *Sighs dramatically* Fine!
Radovid: But,to go back to the whole political royal union thing, I did look to see if I could just hand the kingdom over to Ciri - simply name a successor and step down. Sadly, changing the laws of succession would appear to be a complete nightmare!
Geralt: Meaning we have to trust that you'll honor your end of the agreement, and -
Yarpen: What? You really think that King's going to attempt to stay married to your kid with the amount of eye fucking that's been happening between him and your bard?
Geralt: *Groans* Yarpen, for fuck's sake!
Yennefer: That's a bit of a crude way to put it, but he's got a point.
Geralt: You know Dijsktra and Philippa won't be happy about this, right?
Jaskier: Yeah, well, good thing you and Yennefer are scarier than Dijsktra and Philippa.
Ciri: *Crosses arms on her chest, pointedly looking at Jaskier* Why are you overlooking the fact that I'd totally rip their spines out if they tried to come after you and hurt my family?
Jaskier: Gods, I love you kid! *Pulls Ciri into a tight hug*
Radovid: Didn't you say Yennefer was the scary one?
Jaskier: Like mother, like daughter.
Yarpen: *Proudly* I actually taught the cub how to rip out spines.
Geralt: *Gives two vigorous pats on Radovid's shoulder, almost making him fall over* Welcome to the family, Radovid! *Whispering omninously* But, should you ever try to hurt Jaskier or Ciri, trust me, you'll be wishing she ripped out your spine.
Yennefer: Yes, because I know how to eternally trap souls into an infernal dimension.
Radovid: *Hesitating* That's... oddly reassuring. *Visibly relaxing while looking at Jaskier* You were right, love - Dijsktra and Philippa aren't so scary after all, are they?
Jaskier: *Smuggly* Told you!
Yennefer: Are we sure we shouldn't have been warning Jaskier not to hurt him?
Geralt: Hmm... I was just thinking that, too.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Did you have any thoughts on the prophecy in the last few minutes of blood origin? The editing seemed to imply that Jaskier had something to do with it which has caused some grumbling from people who want more book accuracy.
The people who want more book accuracy have been grumbling about things deviating from the books since the games came out :p
Honestly, everyone would be a lot happier if they just realized we're traversing down parallel timelines that look similar but have their own stories to tell. We're essentially watching Wither fanfic with a Netflix budget. Would that more fandoms have such coinage.
Anyway, yeah, I do have some thoughts about it.
Spoilers under the cut!
So just to recap the last few lines of the prophecy, "the Lark's seed shall carry forth the first note of a song that ends all times, and one of her blood shall sing the last."
You get the general gist that Lark/Eile's bloodline is being referenced, and Jaskier gets to break the fourth wall a bit by quite obliviously going, "wait, what, who?"
The elven woman then commands him to "sing the song of the seven, Sandpiper, so the oppressed may find hope and strength and make ready for the great change to come," ensuring that Jaskier's voice is tied to how things end no matter what.
But let's jump back a bit and break things down some more.
Focusing on "the first note that ends all times," I believe that's meant to be a reference to Ciri's power. We've seen what happens when she screams; imagine what some training and time with Yennefer will achieve. Girl is going to end the universe as we know it. Again.
But wait, who is the "and one of her blood shall sing the last?"
Why, it's our dear bard, of course!
This implies that Jaskier is related to Ciri in some way, which I don't find all that implausible, no matter how much some people are grumbling about it. He's a Viscount, after all. And royal and noble bloodlines are so thickly interwoven in this universe that all their family trees look like wreaths if you squint. Sometimes you don't even need to squint. (and that is book accurate.) It's entirely plausible that Jaskier and Ciri are thirteenth cousins twice removed on their divorced great aunt's side. Or somebody had an affair. That's just as likely.
If anyone is still skeptical about this theory, Jaskier's nickname, Sandpiper, is also a type of bird, tying him back to Lark again. Lark is the bird that sang at the start of the world as we know it; the Sandpiper will sing as it ends.
It's quite heavy-handed, and I'll be surprised if the show doesn't run full tilt with it. It'd also let them handwave away why they forgot to age up Jaskier in season one. Surprise, elf blood!
Now, I know why people are mad about it because the person in the book who is telling the end of the story is meant to be Ciri.
But this is not the book series. This is the Witcher Netflix series, and they're giving the narrative burden to Jaskier, which IMO makes more sense given his tendency to break the fourth wall and that it's his voice we hear at the end of every season finale, singing through the end credits.
He is quite literally going to be the last song we hear as the series ends. It makes narrative sense to pass the burden of retelling the story on to him.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Witcher TedTalk.
I'm going to be so mad if the showrunners don't do any of this and pull some complete batshit fuckery out of their arses as a twist.
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valdomarx · 1 year
“Oh no.” Geralt took a step back, eyes wide, face pale. “Oh no. This is not good.”
Jaskier waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t be a sourpuss.” The other Jaskier flashed him a grin. “This is great, actually.”
Beads of sweat pricked at Geralt’s brow. In the room in front of him were two Jaskiers, seemingly identical down to the stupid hat and air of insouciance. A doppler? A magic spell? A portal to an alternative dimension? None of the options were good.
Fighting back panic, Geralt turned on his heel and slammed the door, turning the lock with a satisfying clink. At least now both of them would be contained until he figured out what to do next. Could the imposter hurt Jaskier? Might they both be in danger? The thought of two of Jaskier made his head swim and his thoughts dazed and sluggish for reasons he would not be examining right now.
Yen! Yen would know what to do. She was good at this sort of thing. He pulled out his megascope and prayed that she would answer.
Mercifully she did, and she listened to his fumbled explanation with a smirk which grew wider by the minute. “So you locked the two of them in a room together?” she asked, one eyebrow arched in amusement.
“... yes?”
“And you’re worried about what they’ll do to each other?”
“... yes?”
She gave an undignified but delighted snort. “Oh, how terrible, perhaps one of them is dangerous. Perhaps they’ll be hurting each other. You should really check on them.” Despite the seriousness of her words, her eyes were sparkling with mirth. 
Geralt wasn’t going to take any chances though. He straightened up and, bracing himself for whatever traumatic horror was about to greet him, he unlocked the door and tentatively pushed it open.
The good news was that the two Jaskiers were not hurting each other. The bad news was that Geralt had a strong feeling that what they were doing was going to be branded into his brain for the rest of his days.
“Hebleugh,” he managed. 
“Oh, Geralt!” One of the Jaskiers caught sight of him and extracted himself from his current activities. “We were just… getting to know one another.”
The sweat at Geralt’s brow was back. “So I see.”
“It’s rather fascinating, actually!” the other Jaskier piped up. He looked at Geralt with a wild grin. “We’re performing novel experiments in the field of self-other phenomenology. Care to act as our observer?”
Geralt swallowed thickly. 
In the background, through the open megascope, Yennefer’s boisterous laughter boomed through the chamber.
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