#hihihi. the hand scene. i will never stop thinking about it
d0d0-b0i · 1 year
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turns out gay people ARE real, and so is love. wild
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qqtxt · 2 years
HIHIHI I really like your page :’)) can I request a pretty soobin fic going on a carousel ride where he confesses his feelings :( my birthday just passed and this is all I want 🫶🏼
(thank you for your time and efforts if you do 💗)
aw beb! belated happy birthday! 💖😛 i hope you got to have a nice time on your special day! i’ll say it right now that i don’t think i’ll be open to requests yet (bc i already started a bunch of things in my drafts and i just wanna get around to finishing those first!) but in future, i might have requests open!
as of now, if anyone does send anything in, just know that there’s a chance it might not get written as requests aren’t “officially” open. (bc again, my drafts is a nightmare 👻) so just a disclaimer if anyone does send anything in.
now! i couldn’t help but just write a small little thing here. hope you like it and again, belated happy birthday! ✨
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[🐰] can’t take my eyes off of you 
✿ pairing: soobin x reader / non.idol!au / cheesy fluff / shy!soobin / mentions of food and eating / word count: 695 words ✿ in which soobin tries to tell you how he feels about you... but it doesn’t exactly go as planned... 🎧: can’t take my eyes off of you (cover–craymer, prd–aiivawn) [masterlist 🌸]
everything about today went right. everything except the one main thing that soobin hopes for with his fingers crossed, might as well try to cross his toes while he’s at it, really. the day you were born; the day soobin is thankful he’s met you and has the blessing to call you his friend... soon-to-be partner-in-crime, hopefully?
it was going well. too well. and he feels like his heart is going to fly out of his chest despite how slow the carousel was moving. the day was perfect from the start; a quiet moment in the library together, cafe hopping twice because you have to try that cake! and later you’ll have to try that drink! and the night was coming to an end at the small theme park just across town; nothing like a calming bus ride together before havoc soon ensues when two bunnies run around to the rides and food stalls.
that one! let’s go! you’re dragging him to the carousel but he insists on standing outside the ring to watch you hop on the robot horse. somehow, you’re the only one on the ride and soobin doesn’t know if it’s the sign from the universe to confess, this is the time, now’s the perfect time!
he tries to practice his speech in his mind as he smiles and watches you enjoy the ride with the music-box-like music that fills the environment. the lights twinkle and the movements of the horses up and down paint the scene straight out of a movie. soobin’s mind goes blank the more he watches you, even with the way you’re trying to do silly faces through each spin doesn’t navigate away how beautiful he thinks you look.
his nerves almost clamp down on him and he can feel himself restricting himself with the way his hands turn to fists by his side. he decides it’s now; when the music seems to be the loudest and–”i like you, y/n!”
the ride came to a stop and the music dies down, with soobin facing his horror when you stop right in front of him. eyes wide, gaping slightly, unmoving. soobin has never wanted to be buried six feet under until now; not with the way he can’t read your expression. every single heart beat that passes when you don’t say anything is adding to the pressure building up in his chest. oh god, he can feel that corndog coming right back up–”took you long enough, handsome.”
the way his face morphs is what makes you laugh the hardest. from being straight up mortified, he’s so confused that his eyes nearly bulge out of his head.
“let’s go on the ferris wheel next!”
he had mentally prepared himself for the endless teasing, but nothing would’ve prepared him for the way you’re standing in front of him, holding your hand out for him to hold that he quietly fills the spaces of your fingers with his own, allowing you to pull him to follow your lead.
maybe... maybe it didn’t turn out so bad, afterall.
((the bus ride back to town wasn’t as awkward as soobin had thought. initially, he figured if the confession didn’t go well, he’ll just pretend like he’s asleep the whole way (or pretend he doesn’t exist). none of that is happening, though... when his dreams are a reality with the way you hold onto his hand, playing with his fingers on your lap. he instinctively shifts his shoulders lower just a little for you to rest on and his breath hitches when you snuggle against him.
he hopes you don’t move away when he peeks at you, watching how your eyes flutter shut to get some rest with a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips. soobin does this thing with his face when he’s too happy but tries not to show it. he presses his lips together, dimples showing, eyes snapping shut momentarily as if he’s trying to memorise the image before he lets out the exhale he’s been holding in to gaze out the window.
in his own reflection, the stars spark brighter in his eyes with joy.))
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saturn-sends-hugs · 3 days
🍊🍏🍐🍇 for the fruit emoji ask! Feel free to answer whatever is most interesting to you 😊
hihihi thanks for the ask! answers under the cut cause this could get long lol
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
FIVES!!! For the fact that he's pretty much the most important person in Echo's life (or at least was) (sorry bskjdsfk), I really don't write for him often enough. He's usually either just in a memory or a dream where he's warped by Echo's perception. I have a WIP that will let me tap into his character a little more (and even explore how he would interact with the Bad Batch) and I'm very excited to get working on it!! I just.... need to have Slow Down finished first lol.
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
Em dashes. And maybe italics. And like single sentence "revelation" paragraphs or whatever for dramatic effect lol. (and outside of fic writing I use "lol" too much like gIRL but it's just my default "don't take this too seriously" thing and I almost used it again right there) (I blame my best friend) (literally never used it before her and now I can never go back aghhhhhh)
I definitely use the trope of like "oh fuck, they're hurt" a lot, but personally I will never get tired of that so it doesn't count as overusing. totally.
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Characters not giving two shits about a traumatizing event or something. Like, they'll have the characters witness the literal death of their established best friend and then WALK AWAY. And they NEVER MENTION IT AGAIN RAHHHHHKJDGJBSGD im totally over the citadel arc as we can all tell. and tech's death. and that scene where Rex mentions Fives and they just kEEP WALKING WTFFFF
Anyway yeah, that's basically the reason I got into writing fanfic. I didn't like the lack of detail or time spent focusing on different events and I wanted to give the characters some time to actually work through things.
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Crosshair putting his hand on Echo's shoulder after previously having gotten punched in the face for saying "I would've left him for dead" like GIRLLLLLLL be so fucking fr rn. And like I'll never write a fic based solely on that scene, but that moment and what it means has seeped into every single fic I write with the two of them because they just work together so well its insane.
And other than that, most times it's scenes that don't happen that I end up writing about. For example, Echo learning about Fives' death or the time between TCW and TBB where Echo bonds w/ the batch and we just??? don't get to see it???? yeah so I'll never stop writing abt all that I think
Anyway, sorry this was kinda long but thanks so much for the ask!!!
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mr-voorhees-husband · 2 years
First of all, thank you sm for taking my previous request. I loved what you wrote sm 😭❤️
I was thinking... 2004 Ozzy receiving a timid peck on the lips from his future S/O for the first time after going through quite a few dates? And some fluffy headcanons on their relationship! Basically a continuation with the shy yet poilte and affectionate reader, if that's cool with you 👉🏻👈🏻
Their sappy relationship is going to be the death of the other villains but Oswald will be even more flirty toward his S/O in front of them to upset them further 😶
Thanks ily/p :*
- Pengy Anon
Also kinda workd for any penguin, but it was written with 2004 in mind like pengy wanted <3
Warnings: soft,,, kisses,, luv him
Reader: gender neutral, shy, implied anxiety, implied villain
Oswald was chattering about his most recent heist, resting a hand on your waist as you two walked. He was a good bit shorter than you, and it wasn't uncommon to gain some... rude looks. Yet that never mattered to you. Why would it? You had a perfectly adorable, sweet, gentleman by your side that made your heart beat quicker.
If only he'd make the first move.
It wasn't that you doubted Oswald didn't like you, you'd already been on 5 dates, currently walking home (which was really just the Cobblepot home that now housed several villains) from your 6th. In any situation, a rational person would just make their own first move, and while you wanted to, you always backed out.
"Dear?" You were knocked out of your thoughts by Oswald's voice, his ramblings coming to a standstill. "You're quiet, more so than normal." He cracked a grin at his own joke, letting out that laugh you found oddly adorable.
"Just... thinking."
"Yes, I noticed." Oswald stopped walking, and in a case of odd coincidence (or was it fate?) under a pink flower tree, lit by the moon. Such a typical romantic scene, you thought to yourself, almost bitterly. He didn't miss the odd look in your eye, something sad and upset that he couldn't really understand. "Dear? Is everything alright?"
"I..." Your voice trailed off, finally locking eyes with your beautiful bird. With the barest hesitation, you cupped his face, moving so fast to press a soft, quick kiss to his cheek. Originally you had planned to kiss him, properly, but, you really couldn't manage to it. "Stop being such a gentleman.. please?"
"Oh." Oswald reached up, laying his hand to the cheek you kissed. For a moment, he stared, before his lips broke out into a face splitting grin. You'd never seen him so happy, you realized, before he was grabbing you down and pressing a proper kiss to your lips. It was soft, sweet, and so much like your precious penguin.
"Why didn't you just say so, my love?"
"Finally!" Harley cheered, immediately having her mouth covered by Mr. Freeze. She pouted, glaring at the ice-themed villain as he peered over the edge of the building. Watching the esteemed villains continue their walk back to the safe house.
"Took them long enough." Ivy hummed, leaning against one of her vines as she watched with the other villains. The tree, of course, was her doing, she knew that you wouldn't be able to deny how romantic it was. "Does this mean Oswald will stop complaining?"
"Most likely, though" Riddler twirled his cane with a contemplating hum, "now we'll have to deal with him boasting about his new partner."
"Great, he won't even chill now that we've got them together." Freeze muttered bitterly, being met with an offended slap against his helmet from the red and black jester.
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koqabear · 5 months
Hello, I am here to excitedly rave about Only You Darling and shower you in well-deserved compliments. Anybody else reading this, stop if you haven't read Only You Darling as there will be SPOILERS.
First of all, your writing is brilliant, I wish I could come up with plots like you do. I have so many fics that I start writing and then I don't know how to get from A to B or what should happen next and just give up.
I have read Only You Darling (and also What The Body Wants, the whole concept of that fic >>>) twice now, and I'm sure I'll read it again in the future. My first read was a wild ride, I was so invested, I thought what if it's Yeonjun and Beomgyu but nah, then I when Soobin came into the picture I was sure it was Soobin and then it was Beomjun! Every time I thought i had it figured out, you had me doubting myself. I loved all the twists and turns and the way I was so stressed after everything went down and the reader was living in that house, the imagery that you created was amazing. I have to say that it's the best fic I've read on this site. Hands down. I don't think I've read such a well planned and fleshed out fic in maybe a decade (not to show my age haha), after I was done reading I felt as if I'd just watched a movie. I don't even get through thriller novels, I always get bored with the pacing or the writing, but you had me in the palm of your hand.
I'm sure I have more thoughts, but right now they're just a blurred mess of excitement and awe. Thank you for sharing your work and making me excited about reading fics again. I am slowly making my way through the rest of your stuff, I'm sure I will be back to word-vomit on you about other stories in the future!
HAIIIIII HIHIHI OMG IM SOOOO SORRY I TOOK LITERAL MONTHS TO ANSWER THIS 😭😭😭🙁 i saw it and wanted to make sure that i had time to answer all your points but then i KEPT FORGETTING ABOUT IT 😭😭 but please know that i really appreciate feedback like 🫶🫶🫶 getting a review on oyd always makes me so happy and you really delivered with this 
full response under the cut :]
AHHHHSJDBSKDB BUT THANK U OMG 💔💔 when i first started writing on here i’d neverrrr thought i’d be writing long fics so consistently… even 10k was a huge rare accomplishment to me akzbwkdjs,,, it takes time to really figure out what works and what doesn’t with writing methods but… i wish you the best of luck with all your wips and i’m sure you’ll be able to have a breakthrough someday with any you might be struggling on !!! i believe in you !!!
YOU’VE READ OYD TWICE. Oh… my heart T_T idk but like,, i’ve never really been able to grasp the concept that people actually.. reread my stories. That’s genuinely one of the most flattering things to hear in my opinion bc 😭😭 to hear that i’ve managed to write a fic that’s worth being read again is mind blowing to me algskldgh (also thank you !!! WTBW is forever near and dear to my heart <3)
It’s always so satisfying to hear that my attempts on tricking the readers were successful hehe :3 it was one of the major things i was worried about tbh,,, it took a lot of thinking on how i would introduce soobin’s character and how he would be involved, so im happy to hear that my work paid off ! and imagery was something that i learned was very important while writing oyd; it really makes or breaks a scene, imo. Especially in those final cabin scenes,,, AGH idk im so giddy to have it pointed out tho bc i do put a little extra love and effort into my imagery :3
AWWWWSLDKGHH UGH YOU’RE JUST. im gonna sob. The best fic.. dont say that to me im crazy 😭😭 but aggggh it makes me feel so appreciated and seen to read that you think it’s well planned like :(( i remember how much effort i put into that fic omg… that story is my baby im afraid 
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a sweet review, and im sorry i couldn’t respond to it sooner 😭 comments like these are sooo motivating and validating, i seriously can’t explain how happy it makes me <333
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ookawahere · 3 years
How about Trevor giving kids a lesson?
“Okay, kids, now listen up.” said Trevor slightly leaning forward, hands on his hips.
It’s a rather chilly night. Late autumn, almost winter time in the Belmont Village. Simon’s five friends from the village has come to stay over the night in the castle, to play with him. But apparently, a fight started over between the kids and Trevor got a grip on the subject.
They are all in a big room, where a fire silently burns behind them. Even though this living room has many chairs and sofas, a bunch of kids and a black cat sitting in front him on the carpet, rather bashfully, knowing that Trevor is angry with them.
“What do we do if we make a mistake?”
Kids answered together, with a mild whisper. “We apologize.”
“Can’t hear?”
“We apologize.” Said kids all together, with a bit higher tone. Trevor huffed and stood straight.
“Thats more like it.” He shrugged. “Unless you are 100% right about what you did. And no, kid,” he hushed one of the village kids before he could even find the chance to speak. “ this fight wasn’t something like that.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Stealing is never a righteous behaviour. And lying about it after is way worse.”
Hearing this, all the the children in front of him bowed their head in shame.
Alucard, who was silently watching over this scene behind a column, rose an eyebrow. He was simply passing by the main-room when a troubled sigh of Trevor caught his attention. So instead of entering the room, he decided to observe. He was rather curious about what happened since Trevor wasn’t the type to scold kids.
“But, dad, Jack said-“ Simon tried to speak but lost his voice when Trevor looked at him.
“Simon. You are equally guilty as Jack. Haven’t I been telling you not to lie about serious matters? Stealing a weapon and playing with it without mine, Sypha’s or Alucard’s watch is a dangerous thing.” He sighed, trying to calm his nerves. But it was a bit hard since the image of him and his friends literally playing juggling with consecrated blades never leaving his mind. “Look, I am not usually the one to give a lesson to you but using weapons without an adult’s watch is something i cant approve.”
He sighes once again. And shrugs. “ I am not saying you cant use them. But i want to be the one to show you how those are used. You all are in the age to get bruises as much as leaves in the trees. Yet I wouldn’t want to see any of you got hurt, mortally, just because you find shiny things intresting.”
Kids, now heads up, looking at him eyes full of hope. “So… can you teach us how to throw knives, uncle Trevor?” asks a girl with dark curly hair.
Trevor smirks. “Without a question.”
As he answers children starts to scream with excitement, scaring the cat sitting beside them. Trevor hurries to silent them.
“Shh shhh! Not so loud. On one condition: We are all keeping this between us, okay? No one will say anything, and i mean anything,” he narrows his eyes looking at another kid, who is famous for his loose tongue “ to Sypha nor Greta, okay??”
Kids, covering their mouth with their palms, nods excitedly. Trevor smiles again now soften up.
“Too late. Already heard it.” Whispers Sypha, next to Alucard. Alucard, grins. He knew she reached to his side long before she started speaking. She must also prefered to stay silent and watch them, trying to understand the situation.
“Are you going to stop him?”
“Hmm? No, i dont think so. I mean who is more used to knives and blades than Trevor? Let him show off a little.” She giggles into her fist, leaning over to Alucard’s arm. Alucard chuckles again.
“Why do i sense a competition vibe?”
“It’s because i will show the kids, who is the stronger parent later on.” Sypha says, proudly, her hand on her chest. “ They will lose their interest in Trevor’s blades after my magic show, which i am sure of it.”
Alucard, chokes on his silenced laugh. “Such a humblegod.”
Sypha grins. But before giving a response a kid in the room screams.
“Uncle Trevor, can you pretty please tell us a story?”
Trevor, rises an eyebrow. “You sure? It’s not usually my job, considering Sypha’s story-telling is way better than mine.” As his eyes catches a strand of blonde and ginger hair right outside of the room. Trevor smirks. “But alright, tonight i can make an exception. So, Have you ever heard the “Flying Jesus” story, kids? It’s one of my adventures.”
Alucard tenses up between hands of laughing Sypha next to him.
“He really couldn’t find any better name for me than that, in all these years….”
Sypha trying to wipe away her tears of joy, between breathes. “Hihi, you were like that though, hihihi.”
“Why thank you, Miss speaker.” Huffs Alucard, a little annoyed.
“Oh come oooon,” says Sypha, as she looks at the room, meeting eyes with her husband. She nods and starts to drag Alucard to other part of the corridor. “You know, we love it when you fly. And kids? They love it even more.”
Alucard, giving her a “really?” look, follows her. “Well, what can I say, I have my charms as well.” He shrugs and grins mischievously. “Maybe I am the strongest parent in their eyes, hmm?”
Sypha pinches his sides. “Don’t get cocky, Rapunzel.”
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amphii-writes · 3 years
Hihihi!! I was wondering if you could write a second part to your tsuki angst? I really loved it was amazing 🥺👉👈 anything is fine I just wanna see how everything turns out in the end! :))
I totally didn’t say “pogchamp” out loud when I read this, pfft no wrong person. Anyway, your support and suggestion mean so much to me! (and plus I was thinking of making another part to that story, so this ask just made it concrete) also, falling in love with your best friend is either the best or worst thing ever, no cap. It also helps if you know what Tendou’s song, Baki Baki, translates to in English! It helps a lot- at least comprehension wise.
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Part one -->here<--
synopsis: After you met a red-haired boy with a mischievous smile, you decided to befriend him. Now, a couple of months later, it's time for Shiratorizawa and Karasuno to fight. genre: angst, fluffy internal monologue warnings: Swearing, toxic friendships, unrequited love, etc. pairing: Tsukishima & Yamaguchi x F!Reader x Tendou  word count: 2.5k
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After what happened at the Karasuno volleyball club, you couldn’t seem to get yourself to go back. Whether it be to support them during practice or a game, you just couldn’t deal with the embarrassment, especially after what Tsukishima did to you. Just imagining the pitiful stares and judging gazes made your heart pound. It also didn’t seem to help that Yamaguchi was pissed off at the taller man. His texts were a punch of rambling rants about how he felt about what happened and how he wished he could’ve stopped both of you from getting hurt. He was always looking out for both of you behind the scenes, a true sweetheart, at least if he didn’t pick up some of Tsukishima’s personality on the way.
On the other hand, the Shiratorizawa team was warm and welcoming as always. They never barged into your business and helped you with learning the ropes: you basically became their cheerleader. When it was finally the game against Karasuno; you decided not just to support your school, but the goofy red-head you met on the street.
Making your way to where the Miyagi prefectural qualifiers were held. The stadium-like building towering just over some of the buildings, with teams heading inside left and right. Mixes of blue, pink, mint green, and the four colors you were looking for: black and orange, then white and purple. You of course spouted some Karasuno merch as you walked over to the team of gentle giants. The first person to notice you were Goshiki. He yelled your name, waved, and then ran up to greet you properly.
“Y/N! Hey! I’m so glad you could make it! We all appreciate you coming- oh and Tendou said-” “Goshiki? What did I say, huh?” the tall male interjected, slumping down to meet your eyes with a smile on his face. “Well,” he stammered, “You said that we’d beat Karasuno! You said that if you saw the tall blonde guy that you’d-” “okay okay Goshiki, calm down! We don’t want our future ace to be too pumped up for the match, do we?” Tendou immediately looked at you “can’t have our guest not see your potential, isn’t that right, Y/N?” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Of course, Tendou does have a point Gohsiki, but thank you for welcoming me!” you smiled brightly at the tall boy “I’ll be over there in a second, go catch up with your team.” and with that, Goshiki ran over to Ushijima and the rest of his team.
“So Tendou, what did you say you’d do to Tsukishima?” you inquired, although a bit mischievously. “Well, I just said I’d taunt him a little bit, nothing wrong with that, right?” he shrugged, “It’s not like I don’t taunt the opposing team a bit anyways, but that Tsukishima kid...” he grumbled, “Makes me wanna play a bit dirty.” “Tendou, you won't have to do that. You're already a wonderful player! Forget about him and make sure that your team wins. Please: don’t get caught up in my business,” You smiled at him and ruffled his hair.
Tendou at this point was enamored by you, how you spoke to him, treated him with respect, and just how sweet you were to him and the team. Sometimes, he would admit that he was jealous of Goshiki due to how often the black-haired boy would steal your attention. He honestly just wanted to see you happy, and when he’d think about what Tsukishima said to you, he’d lose his cool. He honestly had only seen the setter and a short ginger-haired blocker from Karasuno, so he’d never seen Tsukishima before, but from what you’d described, he was tall, blonde, had glasses, and a complete asshole. He knew that once he found out his number he’d make sure that Tsukishima would suffer.
After the first night he met you, he ranted to his team about how horrible that kid must’ve been, who would make a girl cry on purpose? That's absolutely insane! Tendou had accidentally made girls cry due to his looks when he was younger but he never tried to scare them. Tsukishima reminded him of his bullies when he was younger, trying to put everyone down, trying to hurt innocent people, and that made him so much angrier. He didn’t want you to be hurt, he wanted to save you from what he went through.
On the other side of the story was Tsukishima. He hadn’t heard anything from you for a while. He would honestly stick knives in his eyes before ever admitting to the fact that he’s worried about you. Even Yamaguchi called him out on how mean he was, and Tsukishima snapped under the pressure, he opened up to Yamaguchi about his feelings for you and how he wanted them to go away. He knew you didn’t have feelings for him, so why would he confess? To ruin the friendship? He just decided to ignore his feelings, and that meant ignoring you.
With this new information, Yamaguchi saw that you were in quite the love-related mess. Tsukishima and his pride wouldn’t allow himself to be seen as weak to anyone, while Tendou saw Tsukishima as the enemy. Yamaguchi wouldn’t be lying to say that he also had a small crush on you. He never mentioned it, but it wasn’t as big as Tendou’s or Tsuki’s so he just stood by. Yes, he felt a little sad about it but he just wanted his two friends to be happy- and it’s not like Yamaguchi didn’t also have a crush on Yachi. He saw himself as the last resort, and so he’d try his best to have both of his friends at least make up.
You, of course, had to go see your best friend Yamaguchi before the game! even if that meant having to see Tsukishima again, you’d just ignore him. You’ve accepted that he wasn’t going to change for just anybody and that you already had better friends than him, so what’s the point of going back to him?
You were greeted with a surprised Yamaguchi, you could’ve sword his eyes blew up to the size of saucers when he saw you. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if you’d come to this game- he knew you exactly didn’t have a gracious exit after Tsukishima had yelled at you. But, even then, he couldn’t contain his excitement or his voice when he saw you.
“Y/N! You actually came? I’m so glad to see you!” Yamaguchi smiled brightly, he didn’t even have the words to express how happy he was! He was practically beaming at you. “Of course, Yamaguchi! I couldn’t just miss one of the most important games of your season? What kind of friend would I be?” His smile lightly faltered at the sound of you saying “friend” but that didn’t matter! You were here and he needed to make sure he impressed not only you: but his team!
At the sound of your name, of course, the entire Karasuno team whipped their heads around. Their collective thoughts were: “Y/N? Isn’t that the girl who Tsukishima yelled at?” “That poor girl, I’m glad she’s feeling better.” “That pretty girl who gave Tsukishima a plushie?” “The girl that Hinata wouldn’t shut up about for a week?” “The nice girl who gave the team food?” “The pretty girl who gave us food!” and Tsukishima’s thought, “fuck.”
After the team had talked to you well, everyone but Tsukishima you decided to see the Shiratorizawa team again, mostly to say that everything went okay and to remind Tendou not to taunt Karasuno too harshly.
“Hello, Y/N. I’m glad to see you’re cheering for us during the tournament. The team seems very happy to see you, and I am as well.” The booming voice of the one and only Ushijima Wakatoshi making you squeak a bit. Of course, hearing his best friend’s voice greeting you also brought Tendou walking over. “Ah, Thank you Ushijima, it means a lot! I really wanna support you all before your game.”
“Hey! It’s awesome to see ya back? Didn’t you talk to Karasuno? “ He tilted his head and wrapped an arm around you “How'd that go, Miracle-girl?” Of course, he expected your response of: "It went pretty well, I ignored Tsukishima and he ignored me. The team was super nice to me though!"
Tendou was honesty glad you ignored him; but, he didn't give you an apology? He had the perfect time to redeem himself, not only you: but himself, and to Tendou. Now, with this information, he isn't backing down from his plan.
It was now mid-game, Shiratorizawa and Karasuno seemed to be on the same level. You were gripping the edge of your seat, torn on who to cheer for. You saw Tsukishima and Tendou right across from each other, the only thing operating them was the thick tension; and of course, the net.
You could practically see the faux smile on Tendou’s face; and before you knew it, he was mocking Tsukishima. “Well, if it isn’t ‘Mr. Vanilla’! Glad to see you’re still on your heartbreak streak!” Tsukishima scowled in response, what is this guy saying? What did he mean? “What are you going on about?” the rude response just meant that Tendou had found the right guy! “Oh, you can’t forget about how you made my Miracle-Girl cry, I know you know exactly what I’m talking about.” The whole court went cold, either with frustration or shame.
Tendou knew how to push buttons, how to make a team crumble at the knees with just a few choice words, and after what this tall asshole did to you, he’d make sure to throw hard verbal punches. He wasn’t going to leave his best friend out of this, he didn’t exactly defend you at all! He just let Tsukishima do whatever he liked to both him and you, Tendou was doing this for the greater good: you.
After the game, Shiratorizawa was heartbroken, they lost to the underdog team, so who wouldn’t be upset because of this. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want them to win; they were so nice to you, but this is what they get for underestimating the power of Karasuno.
On the other side of the court, Karasuno was losing their shit. They’ve never been able to go to nationals for the past couple of years, so this means that they finally get to redeem themselves in the eyes of the public!
But for you, this meant dealing with opposite spectrums of emotions from both teams. You decided to go see Tendou first, you could only imagine how he felt. “Tendou, Ushijima, are you okay? I’m worried about you two especially.” you looked up at the two to see their hanging heads, the blank stare coming from Ushijima was absolutely terrifying. He didn’t respond, he just stood there, frozen. Seeing this, you decided that you didn’t want to accidentally anger him and looked to Tendou; he was crying. 
You grabbed him and hugged him, he fell in your arms and just cried for a bit. You rubbed his back as he let out choked sobs, whispering that he was amazing on the court and that he was a winner in your eyes. He looked up at you, eyes puffy and irritated, “You really are my paradise, aren’t you?” he chuckled sadly and took your hands in his. “You have no idea what you mean to me, what your words mean to me... I wish there was a better time to say this but fuck it,” he sighed, “I love you, not in a friendly way, but it’s become more than that. I see you every day, yet I can’t get you outta my head... I remember that day when you were crying on the street, that’s when I fell for you.” He looked back down to our connected hands and rubbed the back of your palms. 
With his words, you hugged him harder and even started crying, now he was the one rubbing your back whispering sweet words into your ears. You thankfully managed to babble a couple “yes”s after. His warm smile to you made your worries leave your side. He was your miracle boy, after all, is said and done.
On the other side of the gym; witnessing this display was Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, obviously torn:
 Yamaguchi was happy that you were happy, but of course the tang of pain in his own heart longed for you to hold him like that.
While Tsukishima was pissed; who was this guy? Why was he treating you like his girlfriend? Was he your boyfriend? Is that what he meant on the court? Either way, he was seeing his heart break right before his eyes.
The two boys watched as you hugged him, his eyes lighting up to meet your face.
“Paradise, can I kiss you please?” he was looking straight into your eyes, his seemed to be less red and puffy, and now energetic and happy. “Tendou, please let me wipe my face off, I’m kinda gross-” he responded with taking out a small pack of tissues and wiping your face off for you, your giggles resonating in the hard walls of the stadium. “There, my Miracle Girl; back to what I said earlier...” of course he’d get nervous after thinking about what he said, so you just cut off the silence with “I’m waiting, Satori.” That was all he needed to kiss you; his left hand holding your cheek as his right was resting in your hair. His lips were chapped yet sweet. You both melted in the kiss, breaking it to breathe, resting your heads on each other. “Satori, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, my paradise.”
After seeing the display of love, Tsukishima left. He didn’t have time to ponder about how your warm hand would feel in his hair, your soft lips on his, he didn’t have time for love. He didn’t like it, the feeling of heartbreak. If he didn’t fall in love with you, he could’ve avoided the stress of seeing you happy with that bastard.
Yamaguchi stayed, seeing that Tsukishima needed some time alone. He was so happy for you! But like always, a part of him would wonder how it’d feel if your hand squeezed him, or your warm lips kissing him on the cheek each morning. He was happy, he swears he isn’t lying to himself.
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Just Breathe, Peter
oohhh myyy im late im late i am so effing late hahahha. technically it’s still spideychelle month week 2 day 1 here in mah place but it’s nightime already so pheewww i am so effing late to the game hahaha.
ya ready for some angst/hurt/comfort, babes? this is directly after the ffh post credits scene, and i like to think the prequel to Safehouse which was my first entry for spideychelle month hihihi (even tho i actually wrote this one first haha)
hope you enjoy mj being such a calm collected rock in the midst of the eventual chaos that would ensue from the identity reveal, folks. 
hurrah for spideychelle comfort being the oasis in the dry desert of angst hahaha
The moment Peter’s secret identity was revealed to the world, the minds of every single person who knew beforehand started going into overdrive, no one more so than Peter. His first thoughts immediately landed on the safety of the people he cared about: Aunt May, MJ, Ned, and Happy. He’s taken down quite a few criminals who would be more than happy to threaten the lives of the ones he cares about just so the thorn on their sides would be gotten rid of.
Peter immediately does a rundown of the whereabouts of every single person he cared about, and MJ was right down below him just a few feet away. MJ was still staring at the screen when Peter jumps down from the post he was hanging onto and just grabs her with no warning, in case anyone got any ideas of trying to attack her.
“Whoa, Peter, what are you doing?”
“I’ve gotta get you somewhere safe, MJ, there’s too many eyes around here and people know you’re close to Spider-man now.”
“Wait, Peter!”
Peter consequently proceeded to web-swing away to the nearest safe place that he could; a well hidden alley that no one was currently occupying at the moment. One and two thwips away from the square, and Peter and MJ were gone.
They land at the alley, and Peter gives himself some space from MJ to make sure she’s okay.
“MJ, are you okay? I am so sorry I webs-winged you without your permission.”
Peter runs his eyes all over MJ and then to the alley’s openings to check if they were followed.
“I just couldn’t risk anyone trying to attack you and-”
Peter was still checking all the exits when MJ shakes him to get him to face her.
“Peter, it’s fine. I’m fine.”
The last bit of agency Peter had left had just been taken away from him by a villain they thought was out of their lives forever and he still manages to think of the people he cares about first. The kindness that radiates from this boy is one of a kind. MJ only wished she could offer the same comfort for him right now. She’ll just have to try her best, she guesses, it’s what Peter deserved.
“I should be asking how you’re doing. Are you okay?”
After Peter’s made sure MJ was safe, he still had to make sure the others were as well. And like a ball, it’s when everything suddenly drops, and the consequences of what just happened finally dawns on him.
“I- I- I can’t-” Peter says, prying himself away from MJ.
Peter suddenly finds himself breathless, his legs are all wonky, and he has to hold himself by his knees just so he can remain upright.
“Oh my God, Peter!”
MJ rushes to Peter’s side, holding him up by his arms, but he resists and steps away.
“I- I have to make sure Aunt May’s safe, MJ,” Peter is barely able to say.
Peter didn’t even know where May was yet and even though some rational part of his mind is saying that it’s unlikely anyone could have gotten to her this quick, the shock of it all just made it too hard to focus on anything other than the fact that he doesn’t know where his loved ones are right now, and he doesn’t know if they’re okay.
“Peter, you can’t save May in the condition you’re in right now. You could do more harm than good.”
MJ didn’t want to say it, but she had to tell Peter the harsh truth. And it worked; MJ’s blunt words stopped Peter in his tracks. MJ knew Peter’s heart was in the right place, it’s just his mind that wasn’t.
“I just- I can’t I can’t lose anyone again because of me.”
Peter turns around and MJ sees tears have started to form in his eyes.
“I thought- I thought Beck was gone, MJ. I thought-”
And Peter loses it. He drops down on his knees and the tears start flowing faster. He’s finding it even harder to breathe. MJ gets down on the ground right in front of him and just hugs him as tight as she can.
MJ knows it isn’t much but if she can provide a sense of comfort in the chaos that is his life now, shield him from the unbearable weight of his problems for even just a few minutes, MJ’s gonna fucking do it.
“I thought he was gone, MJ,” Peter mumbles onto her shoulder as he continues to cry.
“He did this just to hurt me.”
Peter doesn’t say it to MJ, maybe because he’s too busy trying to breathe and keep himself from falling apart, but Peter hated himself right now. He should have known better than to think he’d actually genuinely get a true win for once in his life.
“I- I don’t know what’s going to happen to my life now, MJ. He- he ruined it. I don’t think I can-”
Peter isn’t able to finish his sentence. He doesn’t think he can be with his family anymore, because it might be too dangerous for them. He doesn’t think he can lose any more of the people he loves. He just doesn’t think he can do… anything, anything to help himself right now. Beck stole from Peter the only thing he had left, the one thing he had that let him have some semblance of a normal life. So much was going thru his mind that he found himself unable to stop crying even just for a minute to explain why he was reacting the way he is.
As MJ hugs Peter, she’s finding herself in a state she only seems to find herself in when she’s with him, she’s out of words. She is in no way prepared to handle any of this. Peter losing his secret identity was like a bombshell that had dropped in on their Saturday morning date. But MJ knows, there was no point in having both of them freak out right now, so she summoned all the courage she had into trying to stay steady, calm, and collected. Peter had already lost so much, and now he lost his identity too. She had to be a rock; she had to be Peter’s rock.
“Peter,” MJ finally manages to say as she burrows her head onto his shoulder and caresses his back, his nape, and runs her hand thru his hair.
“I know you have a lot going through your mind right now. I’m still trying to process it all myself.”
MJ pulls away from the hug but only just so Peter can hear her words properly. She looks him in the eyes and says
“But right now, it’s just us, okay? Beck isn’t here, all the criminals of New York aren’t here; it’s just you and me in this alley right now.
“Peter and MJ and no one else,” says MJ as she goes back to hug him tight as she can once again.
“Just breathe, Peter.”
“Your world has just been shook to its core. You get to take a moment to process what just happened and grieve before you start dealing with it all.”
Little by little, the raggedness of Peter’s breathing starts to slow down. He’s still trembling but as he breathes in and out, in and out, it starts to get steadier. Peter nods and does exactly what MJ says. He closes his eyes and just focuses on getting his breathing back to normal.
MJ is still caressing him, and before he knows it, Peter’s beginning to get this feeling of warmth and comfort wash over him as more and more time passes in their tight embrace.
And Peter asks, desperate for reassurance, voice shaky from fear, mouth muffled by MJ’s shoulder, puffy red eyes still closed and his fisted hands currently covering the rest of his face.
“Just you and me?”
Their lives had just been changed forever. But none of that mattered in the moment. Right now, the rest of the world didn’t exist, and it was just Peter and MJ.
MJ replies with a smile as she wipes away the few tears that managed to escape.
“Yeah, Peter, just you and me.”
They weren’t even talking anymore, and they were still on the ground of some random New York alley but MJ wouldn’t dare move away from the hug. She would be more than happy to wait as long as it took for Peter to get a grip on himself, feel better, and get back to the optimistic, kind, and intelligent boy she fell in love with.
MJ suddenly feels Peter moving away from the hug, his breath isn’t as ragged anymore, and his voice is no longer shaky, but you can feel the sense that Peter is just so tired and worn out now.
Peter looks MJ in the eyes, his own still red and puffy and says “Thanks, MJ” with a sad smile.
MJ merely wipes off some of the tears left on Peter’s face and says “Anytime, Peter”
Peter stands up and so does MJ.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” asks MJ caressing Peter’s hand.
“I am now,” Peter looks MJ in the face, “really.”
“Okay, so what are we going to do, Peter?”
“I need to get to Aunt May.”
“Then let’s go already” says MJ already hanging onto Peter’s shoulders.
Just a few moments ago, MJ told him she was never going to web-swing again, but here she was now ready to propel herself across rooftops with him just to help him.
“Okay, let’s go,” Peter says with a smile, before putting his mask back on, holding onto MJ tight, and shooting a web onto the nearest roof as he and MJ propel up to the air and Peter thanks his lucky stars that he’s with MJ.
He truly doesn’t know what he would’ve done without her. Yeah, he’s pretty sure he doesn’t just “really like” MJ, he loves her and he’ll do anything to make sure that she and the other people he loves are safe, no matter what.
~ end ~
yaaayyyy only one more promised prompt left, folks hahaha. i actually do have other plans but i didn’t promise/mention those ones yet hahaha
i still have to write the follow up for safehouse hahaha but it’s fine. i’m hopeful i can keep up
i hope yalls liked this one. cus i really do as well :’) <3
shoutout to @tare8chan for being my first beta ever, and for being the beta for this one. i am always very thankful for ur notes n comments n suggestions n support, and i just appreciate you a lot so much thanks :’)
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mendesnecessary · 5 years
A real-life fairytale -  Shawn Mendes one shot
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A/N: Here am I after so long hihihi hope you guys like it, soon I’ll be releasing some of my drafts (there are a lot) and yeah, that’s it. If you like please reblog and give the heart on the post ❤️
Summary: Y/n and Shawn are attending the same event and finally they get to know each other properly, even if to the children they are Ariel and Eric.
Word count: 1.919 
Fame and charity were two things that they had in common at first. 
Fame because Shawn was a singer and y/n an actress.
Charity because they both loved to give their money to help others. 
And their good hearts are the reason why there are a lot of famous people walking around the orphanage that night. The two biggest donations coming from both of them. 
Y/n smooths her green and purple dress taking a deep breath once the car stops in the entrance of the event. Some cameras ready to take the best or worsts shots from her first appearance after one whole week away. A week that she took to enjoy her family and close friends after a long time filming a new movie. Safe to say that the audience was crazy about the new piece. 
Once her long hells click in the ground the flashes took place. 
"y/n, is it true that you and Nick Robinson are going to end as a couple in the new movie?” 
“How is your relationship with him off the cameras?”
“Turn around!” 
She takes a deep breath once again, stopping at the red carpet and smiling to the sea of people trying to take some shots and details of her dress and makeup. No worries about how she was felling, only trying to sell the image. 
“Are you excited to the fans reaction?”
“Here, y/n, look at here!!”
“Can you describe it with one word?!” 
She waves, wanting to get out of the carpet like never before. Y/n only needed to see some of the children she was helping, hear their laughs and be put inside the bubble of peace and love that was so normal around people with a simple life. 
And no, don’t get her wrong. Y/n loves who she is, the role she plays and the people she is able to meet, but with all the fame the things that seem so simple suddenly become so far out of reach. She only wishes they could see that underneath there’s an ordinary girl. 
Her manager points to the bottom of the carpet where a reporter waited for her waving sympathetically. Y/n turned around to show better her dress just like everyone was expecting and then walked to the interview. 
“Look who we got here!!!” Montana, a reporter that every once in a while used to interview y/n greeted her. “You look amazing tonight”
“Awe, thank you” a small and shy smile made the way to y/n’s lips.
“So, first things first. How are you feeling knowing that you were one of the biggest donations of the night?”
“Complete. Really, help others whenever you can is one of the things that renew your soul.” 
“What about the performances of tonight?” 
“I read that the Jonas Brothers are going to sing, that’s the only thing that matters for my old-Disney-addicted-heart.” she jokes and Montana lets a laugh scapes. "Also, I’m excited to watch Alessia Cara.”
“Now, going the movie scene, what should we expect for the new work that you’ve been working?” 
“A lot. We finished this month and even knowing about everything I was emotional at the end.” 
“So you guys heard, don’t forget to go to the movie theater with your tissue” the reporter turned to the cameraman winking to the audience.
The almost calm sea of photographers started to make noise again, catching the attention of Montana and y/n.
“Oh, prince charming just arrived” 
“And by prince charming, she means Shawn Mendes” y/n explains to the camera giving it a thumb up and holding back a giggle. 
“A real-life prince and I really mean it. Are you two friends?” Montana asks turning back to y/n.
“We never really talked, but he’s a great singer.” 
“BBC news is uniting you two, the perfect scenario,” she speaks before calling out Shawn’s name. 
“Hey, Montana” Shawn greets her with a big smile and does the same to y/n taking his time to appreciate her pretty face.  
“We got here two of the biggest donations of the night. How are you feeling about today, Shawn?” She starts at the camera but turns to the singer at the end.
“I’m really glad I can help, that’s the perfect thing to do after ending a world tour, somehow relaxes the mind. I don’t know how to put into words, but yeah...that’s it” 
“Now, going to the topic of friendship. Do you and y/n know each other?!” 
“Unfortunately, we don’t” he is fast to answer and look at her with something you could tell as a shy smile. “I mean, I know her but she doesn’t know me” he jokes.
“What do you mean?” Montana gives him a curious look.
“I follow her, she doesn’t follow me” 
“Wow, that’s cruel, Y/n!” 
“What?! But I do follow him on Spotify” y/n arches her eyebrows. 
“Y/n, you can’t flirt in the Spotify app, go follow him on Instagram!” Montana spills and suddenly y/n’s cheeks are getting a new color. 
Shawn laughs clapping his hand surprised about the guts in Montana to throw them at each other in front of a live interview.
“Our time is off, now you two go take some pics together and if the flirt thing works don’t forget to thanks us!” 
Y/n and Montana exchange kisses in each other cheeks and Shawn wave politely before looking at y/n. They both head to the middle of the red carpet again, this time side by side. Shawn holds her middle and she puts her hand in his chest looking for stability. Both smiling wide to the cameras and ignoring all the questions about a date. 
“How are you feeling after filming that blast of a movie?” Shawn asks while they walking inside the event leaving all the mess behind.
“You saw the trailer?! I almost got an injury behind the scenes and the whole story...damn I knew everything but still, in the end, I was emotional as fuck.” She confesses. You could feel the true and the excitement in her voice. Shawn was fast to notice how pure was her love with the job.
“I saw it of course! Can’t wait to watch it in the movie theater. Thank god I’m home from tour and can get prepared to be the first in the room, so that way I can’t get spoilers.” 
Y/n giggles.
“Oh, I was just going to tell you about the part when my ch...” 
His eyes go wide and y/n stops herself to laugh with the scene.
“Chill out, rock star, not gonna spoil” she bumps into him.
“We should watch it together”
“Are you inviting me to a date that includes watching myself in the movie theater?”
He couldn’t tell if she was joking or about to say no to him, but once his cheeks started to burn y/n giggles.
“Hell yeah, I’m in, but I thought we were going to flirt on Instagram first” her innocent smile catches her lips and before Shawn could answer something properly his manager showed up.
“There you are, let’s go, you’re performing now” 
“Go, rock star” 
Two famous models that y/n didn’t remember the name was opening the event, telling about how important the donations were and how happy the children got once they knew that their foster house was going to get reformed and they were meeting their idols. Once the speech is over Shawn walks in the stage, there are colorful balloons everywhere and he just gots all of her attention, not because he was wearing a simple button up white shirt, but because he was captivating...and well...he was staring at her once in a while. 
He sang two of three songs that got the kids and all the adults singing along and doing some dance moves before he ends up and call out the Jonas Brothers. They two danced some teenage years songs and even the new ones, and it was like that till the performances were over and the event take roll. 
Shawn and y/n were sitting in the ground playing with two little toddlers and their caregiver that had a huge smile on her face, he could tell that she was probably a fan of y/n.
He was thinking about more things to talk with her once they get to be alone again, but a girl walking closer got his attention.
“Hey there” Shawn smiles encouraging her to keep walking since her steps were somehow able to tell how shy she was. 
Once close enough she studies his face with wide eyes. Y/n got caught by the situation in front of her and watches.
“Oh my god, you are prince Eric, aren’t you?” she asks before another girl appears by her side.
“He got those things in the eyes, so it gots brown and we can’t discover that he is the real Eric.”
Shawn holds back a giggle realizing they talking about contact lenses.
“And she is Ariel! She’s Ariel, guys!!!” It’s time to a boy approaches pointing to y/n. 
“How are you breathing outside the sea?” the first girl asks curiously.
“Lena, haven’t you watched the full movie?! She got the kiss from the prince and become human and stuff” this one appears to have probably seven or eight years.
Y/n and Shawn exchange glances with each other, almost silence talking about what to do. Should they pretend to be a Disney couple and keep the flame inside the kid's heart, or should they tell them the truth?! 
The caregiver glances at the couple, holding one of the toddles and deciding that she could give them a lead of what would be good to the kids.
“Ariel” She called and y/n instinctively looked.
“SEE!!!!” One of the girls almost screamed. “She looked, she’s Ariel!” 
The caregiver nods and y/n giggles deciding to get into the real-life fairy tale. 
“Can I touch your hair?” the second girl asks approaching y/n with her hands stretched. 
“Of course, come here” she calls and the girl gives her a big smile sitting by her side, ignoring all the toys and focusing her attention in y/n’s red hair. She had the new color because of the movie and somehow she thought it went good, not wanting to go back to the natural strands once it was finished. 
Shawn notices that even her clothes were somehow remembering of the little mermaid. The green and purple dress just like the green tale of the little mermaid doll in one of the girl's hand. 
“Prince Eric, can you take us to meet the castle?!” 
“Yeah! A tea party with the other princesses. Call Belle and Adam, she’s my second favorite after Ariel and I don’t fear the beast anymore!!!” 
Shawn laughs giving the children a nod. 
That’s how their night at the foster house goes: pretending to be a Disney couple and nothing in the world could pay the glow in the kids’ eyes. 
“So you’re a great actor too for what I could see this night” y/n starts while they wait for her driver in the back exit of the orphanage. 
“You thought I was acting?! Well, I am pretty sure I’m your real-life prince, madam.” 
 She laughs at his cheese talk. 
“I’ll see you around, Eric”
“I hope so, Ariel” he kisses her cheeks and closes the car door. 
Later that night his cellphone buzzes informing new interactions on Instagram. Y/n had followed him and sent a DM.
“You know, like Montana said it is easier to flirt if I follow you back” 
Requests are open here and this is my masterlist 
Like and reblog if you like it!!! 
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haipain · 6 years
Hihihi!!! Joining the celebration✨ "We can't do this" kisses with Haiba Lev, in a Mafia AU? I'm a sucker for Mafia!Lev. Reader is a detective investigating his gang but they're falling in love and oh, no! Thanks so much, and congrats✨♥️
hihi! i hope this is okay, this was so much fun to write (i rewrote this 3 times bless) 💕
i’m just going to include a trigger warning: hints at violence? just in case anyone is sensitive to things like that!
also kmn its only been 3 weeks but my writing skills have become rusty af HAHA whyyyy
“Well, if it isn’t my favourite detective!”
The voice comes from behind you, one that was definitely recognisable — the way it flowed so smoothly, low and knee-buckling. There was no doubt, it was him.
Haiba Lev. 
Almost instantly, you freeze, joints locking up and goosebumps spreading across your skin as you spin around, making sure to arrange your features into one of annoyance.
“Snooping around again?” He grins, a childish air of delight surrounding him as your noses touche. A wave of nervousness hits you as your heart begins to thump wildly, and an involuntary reaction follows, causing Lev’s grin to turn into a full-blown smile.
Everything about him was pushing your boundaries — his job, his demeanour, just… everything. Was there ever a person that managed to rile you up in every way possible? If there wasn’t, now there was, and he was standing in front of you.
“I’m off duty right now,” you reply as nonchalantly as possible, turning your head to face the busy road. Lev chuckles, poking his index finger into your cheek.
“Off duty… Hm, so why are you near my home? It’s pretty boring in this district, there isn’t really a reason for you to be around here… unless-” he stops, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you so close, to the point where you could smell the very faint smell of shampoo lingering on his skin.
“You came here to see me?” He teases, letting you go and taking a step back.
“I don’t recall this district being owned by you, it’s my free will to walk where I want to,” you snort, pushing yourself off the wall. Except, what he said was true. It left a bitter taste in your mouth to admit it to yourself, but you were actually hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
“Relax, I was just kidding,” strong fingers wrap around your wrist, and you are pulled back with force — right into his arms. “Since you’re off duty, that means you’re not a detective now, so,” he mumbles, dropping his voice into a whisper breath tickling your neck. “Shall we go on a date?”
“No,” you respond swiftly, reaching a hand up to your neck and rubbing it to rid it of the ticklish feeling. “I’m still a law enforcer, you’re a mafia leader, we don’t mix outside of my wo-”
Lev tilts his head in mild frustration, brows knitted closely together, mouth pushed into a pout. “So? Like I said, right now you aren’t a detective, so why not?”
“Then, I can ask you the same thing,” you breathe a sigh of annoyance. This boy was not good for your heart, and honestly, right now, apart from his appearance and height, he definitely didn’t fit the mould of the leader of a gang. A kindergarten teacher maybe, but not a mafia leader. It felt as though you were chastising a child. “Why do you want to go on a date with me?”
“Because I like you.” Woah, no hesitance there — you had an inkling on how he felt about you, and figured that he probably knows about your feelings as well. Yet to hear it straight out of his mouth, despite the number of times he had said it… it still catches you off guard every time.
“Well, that’s a no, and I’ve got to get going, enough of playing games here.” With a rush of words, you quickly slip out of his embrace and left before he could make any more retorts.
That was close… I almost agreed.
Ever since you met Lev, you crafted a ritual that had grown on you, one that you stuck to religiously.
Walking to the room near the end, you push open the door and stare at the wall filled with pictures. 
Specifically, they were various pictures of Lev stuck to your wall, each marked with a red marker, the date and activity taking place. By now, you had known that there was an issue with what you were doing. Yet, you found it really hard to stop — and so this ritual had now gone on for months on end, with each greeting piercing your heart, increasing the guilt that made itself home in you.
“I’m home, Lev.”
Initially, you had convinced yourself that this was solely due to your investigations on him, it was nothing weird — in fact, you argued that it was necessary, because it was part of your job. There was nothing weird about taking pictures of his group and trying to connect the dots together, to figure out the business his gang was taking part in, so that you could get the crucial evidence necessary to throw him in jail.
But it slowly became clear that there was an issue. Bit by bit, the entire wall was filled with pictures of him, even when he’s not doing anything suspicious, even when all he was doing, was simply taking a walk around the neighbourhood. Bit by bit, the notes you penned down were beginning to be a little more intimate and frankly, part of you were horrified at how you were alright with doing this, but the other half of you simply felt pure bliss. And bit by bit, you find yourself roaming around areas he frequented. This wasn’t right, and you were aware. Yet, being aware didn’t automatically translate into jumping headfirst into fixing the problem. How could you, when you had actually enjoyed doing this?
“What should I do?” you murmur to no one in particular, brushing your finger against the most recent picture, the one taken during your previous encounter with him. His smile is teasing, and nose slightly scrunched up in an attempt to imitate your frowning face.
Taboo, would be the word to describe the relationship. It didn’t feel right to keep tugging back and forth, without ever settling the burning pit of emotions within the two of you — a closure felt in place. This had gone on for far too long, it was simply far too unhealthy for both you and him.
“I like you, I really do.” Sliding your eyes shut, you leaned your forehead against the wall, the cold jolting you a little. “Ironic, isn’t it? We both like one another, yet we can’t be together… Dating you is not even in the question…” you pluck one picture off the wall, hugging it to your chest as you flopped onto your back. “So I guess I’ll just have to be satisfied with the pictures in this room, don’t I?”
This is for the best, you repeated in your mind, all while feeling the cool metal of your phone in your hands feel as though they were about to melt off your skin. Slight hesitation takes hold of you as you scrolled through your contacts, fingers pausing at one contact. Then, with a determined push, you press on it, watching as the call connected.
“Good evening sir, I… have a request. Its regarding the investigation on Haiba Lev.”
“Oh! If it isn’t pipsqueak!” Lev pipes up, the usual charming grin plastered all over his face. “What a coincidence! Or is it really? Who knows, maybe you’ve actually come to meet me-”
“Actually, I did,” you shrugged, as if it meant nothing to you, when in actuality, your stomach were in knots and hands clammy from nerves and being in the cold for the past hour.
“Ah!” His face lights up as he speaks, eyes glinting with mischief. “You’re here to confess your love for me, aren’t you?”
“Spot on, Haiba.”
Now the roles have reversed; he freezes, a small blush rising to his cheeks. If you two had any other roles than the one you held currently, this would’ve been a very heart-warming scene. Except it wasn’t, and confessing your love for him wasn’t all you had in mind.
In all fairness, you were never the calmest detective around. In fact, it’s the exact opposite, you were rash, hot-headed, though you suppose that came with its own benefits. So, with a quick pull, and the tip of your toes, you pull him into a kiss, the warmth of his lips spreading across your own, making your toes tingle comfortably. Your brows were drawn close together, heart pulsating wildly in your chest and jaw clenched tight as frustration crashes down on you, because the sheer helplessness you felt was nauseating.
Right now, it was probable that Lev knew what was up. While childish, he was impossibly perceptive at times, and now was just one such instance. His gaze had revealed his thoughts. Time seemed to stand still, with the only things moving being your chests and the little puffs of white clouds formed by heavy breathing.
Lev was the first to speak.
“Wow,” he huffs. And then, taking a look at your face, he continues, a frown similar to yours now on his face, his voice taking on a colder tone — one you had heard him use during business deals. A shiver runs through your body as you took care to tread as carefully as possible. “There’s something else you want to say, isn’t it?”
“I think you’ve known this for some time now, but yes, I do like you.”
Silence fills the air as he waits for you to resume, watching as you squeezed your eyes shut, clenching your fists, as though it was causing you pain to do this.
“But we can’t be together, we were never meant to be, I’m a detective and you’re the leader of the mafia — the difference is too stark, we are on opposite sides-”
“So you’re scared, is that what you’re telling me?”
“… It’s against my morals.”
“Morals? A load of bullshit.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s just impossible. I’m here to tell you this because I thought it’d be good to get proper closure, since we won’t be seeing each other anymore as I’m not longer investigating you.”
He runs his hand through his hair, a chuckle escaping his lips. Love was an abstract concept, one that he never really grasped, but looking down at you now, his primal instinct was to grab you and lock you up so that you could never leave him. Lovers you two were not, yet he felt so possessive of you. The more you couldn’t belong to him, the more he wants you — no one else except him should have you, you are his. This was such a stupid reason for you to leave him. Morals or not, right or wrong, he doesn’t care. What matters to him is that he obtains you, your heart, your body, your everything.
Pain spreads through your scalp as he tugs roughly on your hair, pressing yet another kiss on your lips, but this time round, it was rougher and harder. As he watches the saliva trail joining both of your lips together, he flashes a crafty smirk.
“Did you really think I’d just accept this?”
Oh no. Fear strikes you, and it’s all of a sudden that you realise — he’s a mafia leader. Of course this wouldn’t go swimmingly. How naive were you to think that’d happen? All this time, you were focused on your roles and feelings, spending time horsing around… it made you drop your guard and fail to take into account just how he actually was as a person. The childish persona? While very much true, that wasn’t all to him. Haiba Lev didn’t rise up to be a leader of a gang at the tender age of 19 just because he was sweet and kind and funny. No, there was just a single thing about him that differed. Because, what Haiba Lev wants, Haiba Lev gets. The method doesn’t matter — the goal does. And so, he’d do anything to attain what he wants, even if it means…
“How silly of you. But don’t worry your pretty little head, since you said we can’t be together in this life,” he hums happily, brushing a thumb against your trembling blue lips, watching as terror began to seep into your eyes. “I have a solution.”
“We can be together in death, isn’t that perfect?”
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wearethegladiators · 5 years
it’s been a long time i haven’t ranted right
i have’nt re-read your posts @elo (et je dois te répondre sur fb!!!! ouloulou c’était la hess ces temps-ci) mais j’ai toujours en mémoire le “NATHAN WOULD NEVER GROW A MUSTACHE” et MDRRRRRRRR
i have been angsty these past few days and i needed to SHARE.
about Wynona and Sacha
Sacha makes me sad. i want him to get the support he deserves. i want them to MAKE UP. can you imagine being an engineer and yet your best friend asks for someone else (a NON-ENGINEER) to help work on her new leg(s)??? or him helping take care of the kids/dragons and her avoiding him as much as possible because she’s so ashamed/feeling so useless?? and so him having to go through all this shitstorm all alone?? THIS IS NOT OKAY.
btw about Wynona’s trajectory in the war: ok so she killed that family (let’s try to be chill about it okay she did not mean any harm *okijesorsdéso*), joined an extremist group and did some fucked-up shit for a while until SOMETHING happened (maybe she had to confront/kill a friend or something) and she ran away. for like a couple weeks, maybe a couple months?? leaving Sacha/Nathan/Lily/whoever with the kids (who can’t look at her in the eyes anyway now mdr). that’s like the least Wynona thing EVER but i think she really needs it. and then she would go back to the ranch and pretend like everything is normal, go back to taking care of the dragons as much as she can (and getting frustrated all the time), maybe even re-starting to work on her thesis or stuff like that. casually ignoring the war.
Wynona and the kids: effed-up relationship, they’re either scared of her or super pissed at her for leaving them. ofc they love each other to death but angst angst angst, especially with sacagaewa.
Wynona and Lily: they’re a thing!! like i’m pretty sure they did not get along at first, but they always had loads of respect for each other (and relatively similar values, even with different perspectives??). pretty sure also they had a girl talk at one point about Nathan (hihihi) like “i know you love him but he shouldn’t get to treat you like that” sort of thing. ET TOC. anyway, they kept on seeing each other after Wynona went rogue - unofficially. Nathan probably doesn’t know about that. even more so, when Wynona went back to the ranch after disappearing and officially stopped being involved with any rebellion movement whatsoever, she actually started working for the muggleborn rebellion as their engineer hihihihi. so they see each other pretty often and they go each other’s back. Wynona was the one that Lily called to burn the bodies of her family. small bonding stuff like that.
Wynona and the rebellion: the ranch is kept hidden by a Fidelitas (probably not with Sacha, bby :’( MAYBE LILY ???? THIS IS GOING TOO FAR). there’s probably a whole part dedicated to the rebellion tbh, like bungalows in the middle of the forest (quite far from the ranch but still apart of it) where fugitives can temporarily hide. there’s definitely some sort of little cabanon where Wynona does her little experiments and still meets with rebellious leaders sometimes. trying to preserve her kids.
BTW: Wynona was an “official” pureblood/neutral figure up until pretty late in the war, so she was very cautious about hiding her identity - until the massacre. after that she always appeared without a mask, so she took all kids back from Hogwarts to the ranch. they’ve literally been living there for years without seeing ANYONE ELSE (beside the refugees and the few persons Wynona lets in). bonne ambiance.
i don’t know how this could happen but i just have this one!! scene!! in!! mind!! where Sacha has a moment like “SOME OF US ARE HUMAN” and Wyn just stays super calm/quiet/silent and when he’s done she goes to him and grabs his hands and is like “Sacha. you’re family. you’re the blood of my blood” and it’s like the biggest love declaration Wynona can ever make?? cause it’s not like the Evans, for the Blackbirds blood and family are SACRED. and they probably have this sort of “cérémonie de passage à l’âge adulte” in which they have super long discourses and say stuff like “blood of my blood” in their native tongues and Sacha is so close to all of them that he has probably witnessed one of these!! and so he would know that’s like a big thing. AND IDK BUT PLEASE HAVE A HUG AND BE FRIEND AGAIN AND WYN PLS BE SUPPORTIVE OF HIM HE’S YOUR CHILD TOO!! *bye* idk, or maybe about the whole Edan thing but i really want Wynona to have one of these moments in which she can explain why she pushed him away like that :’(
Wynona and Nathan
ok i remember reading stuff about Wynona and Nathan!! like going to pureblood galas together mdrrr. ARE THEY GOING AS AN OFFICIAL COUPLE sorry. also this means that maybe they have already met each other BEFORE she joined the rebellion in one of such events?? maybe when they were younger? and maybe when the war had started and this is when Wynona noticed him and was like “hmhm. il est po clair ce gars let’s goooo” it sounds like a Wynonathan AU i like it hihihihi. (can you imagine if they had already seen each other meeting for the first time when Wyn is trying to join the rebellion and he is her contact?? mdr)
Nathan being the mastermind and Wyn the engineer!! yes!! btw sorry BUT I HAVE ANOTHER HEADCANON IN MIND. what if, recently, Nathan came up with a GENIUS plan and everyone’s like “that’s a really good plan. we just don’t know how to do it. like we PHYSICALLY don’t know how to do it and all engineers are either dead or working for the government” (hey don’t get me wrong Sacha is a genius engineer but for the purpose of drama we will rule that this is not his field of specialty ok). OH YOU KNOW WHAT Nathan looking at Sacha like “can you do it?” and he’s like “no........” and Nathan just stares at him and goes like “I know someone who can” and BAM, cut to black, he goes to Wynona (SORRY i’m watching too many TV shows i should have written the GOT finale i knoooow)
mdr and after that Nathan bringing Wynona to the rebellion headquarters to work on the plan and she asks “hey you told them it’s me right??” “yeah yeah no worries” .... they go in the headquarters and everyone goes silent like “mdr wtf encore”
also it’s very unclear in my head what Wynonathan’s relationship has been over the past few years?? the more i think about it the more i think Wyn must be freaking in love with him which is terrible because NATHANGELE IS ENDGAME. like he’s probably coming to the ranch quite often to help with the kids/creatures but they probably don’t talk that much, maybe they don’t even look at each other in the eyes anymore (NOW YOU LOOK AT ME LIKE A CRIME SCENE RIGHT). is he trying to help her, is he disgusted/scared of her like everyone else?? pretty sure she’s angry af against him for “letting her down” at her worst (bah i mean that’s Wynona you know) (also she’s probably mad jealous/hurt by the whole Angele plot, bby). and then he comes to her with this plan and they’re working on it like before and??? i don’t know??
(this is not related but maybe when Wynona disappeared she came back with dragon eggs from we don’t know the hell where. and she’s been training dragons for the rebellion in secret? and who’s gonna get it, the muggleborn resistance or the rebellion??? ouloulou???)
this is already FREAKING LONG so i’ll come back to faire un point on Lily/reread your posts later. thank you for coming to my confused ted talk!!
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durzarina · 7 years
Kalan vs Black Butler Chapter 16
Malum had been having fun with Sebastian, they both bounced about the theatre like bouncy balls, dodging each other’s attacks with swift ease. “You dance pretty well for a demon” Malum commented as she stood at the top of the stage looking down at Sebastian. “I haven’t had this much fun in centuries” she said launching a set of fire shaped snakes to his throat. They both knew that they were not going full out in power, it was pointless as Malum was a being beyond his power, and she knew that too.  After all, Malum wasn’t out to kill Sebastian, just toy with him a bit letting her anger out. “What does Kalan think of this?” Sebastian chided as he dodged the snakes and disappeared into the shadows. Malum tutted and frowned “She hasn’t got a choice when I am literally oozing power right now” Malum boasted.  Around her neck Sebastian noticed that she wore a necklace that looked like a cinema tape, it began to wriggle around when Malum stood still “I see Kalan hasn’t got all of her memories back as she?” Sebastian attempted to change the subject. “Ah you can see it can you?” Malum snorted looking down to the tape.  Sebastian seized this moment and threw knives at her, Malum heard them singing through the air but chose to ignore them.  One hit her in the thigh and another by the hip.  Suddenly a scream of pain echoed around them as Kalan bellowed out in pain in the surrounding mirrors. “Ohhh Kalan didn’t like that!” Malum awed as she ripped the knives out of her.  “Three wounds and I don’t even get the pain… She does” Malum chuckled darkly walking over to the demon.  “Demons have gotten better with their weapons.  But you still have far to go as a race” she winked handing him the knives and walking away. Sebastian was about to object when Malum came flying past him and in an instant she disappeared into the orchestra pit with a crash and a pang of the infected instruments.  Blinking a few times he then looked back to see what knocked her backwards.  A tall figure stood in the doorway and the echo of his laughter confirmed his shape. “Undertaker?” Sebastian frowned. The Shinigami stepped forwards into the room giggling to himself “hihihihi Sebastian? What are you…? Ohhh I wondered what was keeping her busy and now I understand why Kalan is bleeding” he muttered with his usual grin. “You go back to your Earl and forget what happened here” he mused and lifting his fringe out of the way he gave Sebastian a wink.  For the first time ever Sebastian saw the luminous green eyes of the Shinigami.  
Without his fringe the Undertaker looks ready for business as he frowns and glares towards Malum who had just crawled out of the orchestra pit. “Oh and get Reed here as well” The Undertaker added before launching himself at Malum, his death scythe ready for the swing. --- Kalan was curled up on the floor, bleeding from her shoulder, thigh and hip.  Sobbing on the floor she endlessly called for the Undertaker to come back. “Don’t leave me… Please” she uttered.  There was silence for a long time until Kalan began to wonder where Reed had gotten to.  Crawling to the mirror Kalan begged that the mirror showed her the person she was looking for.   ‘How else did Malum do it?’ She thought to herself.  Then the mirror began to change and it showed Reed in his dog form laying sound asleep upon a set of legs.  Seeing the red chainsaw Kalan assumed it was Grell, or she hoped it was.  Using the mirror as a leaning post Kalan stood up and began to call.  “Reed… REED!” Kalan called banging on the mirror.  He did not stir but the set of legs did.  “Grell… GRELL!” Kalan screamed banging again on the mirror.  He lazily lifted himself and looked around to see what the noise was. “Grell the mirror!” she sobbed “I’m in the mirror” Grell rubbed his eyes and placed his glasses on his face.  It was then that he let out a girlish scream and pointed to her.  Reed finally woke up as he toppled onto the floor, he let out a gruff exclaim of unhappiness as he glared at Grell.  But that all left as he noticed Kalan in the mirror, bleeding.  Immediately he changed to his human form and began to ask questions. “Shut up you damned fool.  We need those bracelets.” Kalan cussed. “Is this where you have been all this time? Whoring with Grell?” “WHORING!? I’ll have you know…” Grell began defensively but Reed stopped him as launched himself out of the window and transformed into an albatross.  Flying into the distance he didn’t look back as Kalan collapsed onto her knees in pain.  Grell knelt beside the mirror and watched her with great curiosity. --- “Undertaker you brute!” Malum seethed as she launched him backward with an energy pulse.  Tending to her hair and brushing it back Malum began to walk forward. “I was just beginning to like you, but then you had to go and ruin it” she tutted.  Feeling a strand of hair that had fallen from her head Malum gripped it tight and then launched it from her hands, it morphed into a fire snake that nearly gripped him around the ankle.  Luckily, he swerved out of the way and threw himself back at her.  Malum jumped out of the way but was send backwards and rooted to the back of the stage.  He threw four blades, one for each limb, growling Malum recognised the blades. “HOW did you even get them?” she spat through her teeth. The Undertaker strolled over in his own time, swinging his death scythe around and whistling a tune. “Oh these? Sleight of hand is a skill set you learn over the years.  Kalan was completely oblivious hihi” he chuckled. “Or you could say she was distracted by something… But what I wonder. Ah well, she will never find out” Malum chided, trying to pull away from the blades.  Sebastian looked on in amusement, but wondered why the Undertaker was able to hit her so easily and yet he struggled. Those blades are made from a particular material that was only given to Angels in the beginning.  Kalan began to take these blades from the dead angels when the war was going on and used them for her own weapons.  This was before she became an Archangel and had a stronger weapon given to her.  Although she uses this blade the most, Kalan never forgets to carry these around with her at all times. While Sebastian was thinking the Undertaker had put his death scythe up underneath her throat “Hehehehahahah Do you really think you can kill me? Remember the last time this happened?” Malum guffawed in his face. “Give it back.” He asked simply, there was no malice in his voice, but there was also no laughter.
The necklace Malum had been wearing was gone and grinning wildly Malum chortled and replied with a short and sweet “No.”  Losing his patience the Undertaker slammed his hand underneath her neck and began to crush her throat.  Malum’s laughter quickly became chokes and screams.  The strong posture had disappeared and tears were streaming down her face.  His grip became tighter and lifting her head he realised he was strangling the wrong woman. “KALAN!” he uttered removing his hand immediately. Gasping for breath Kalan screamed out to him she sobbed.  Sebastian came over and went to remove the blades when Kalan screamed out at him “NO! Reed has gone to get the bracelets.  Keep her busy” Kalan wheezed.  Sebastian was confused but the Undertaker knew what to do and grinned a mischievous grin. “Sebastian, let’s play a game” he began to chuckle and stepped back from Kalan.  They waited as Kalan wheezed and twitched from the wounds. “Sorry about those” Sebastian said referring to the knives he had thrown at her. “Don’t be.  She deserves it” Kalan said sadly lolling her head downwards. “Why are you sorry Sebastian? You are the one who threw it at us after all…” came the snarky reply of Malum.  She lifted her head back up and the sad face of Kalan had distorted back to the angry face of Malum.  Her eyes glittered from the gold and green to a dark orange and red.  Malum snarled and stood up straight, you could hear a crunch from where the joints in her shoulder ground together. “Now I am disappointed.” She added. “You seem less playful now Malum…” the Undertaker pointed out.  Malum laughed in reply and Sebastian tensed himself ready to attack when needed. “Relax Sebastian, she can’t get out from that” he taunted and placed a hand on his shoulder. Narrowing her eyes Malum forced her hands out and away from the blades as they still stuck to the wall.  Bending over Malum then removed the blades from her feet and collected the others. “I wish I could still have been playful, but you really pissed me off now” she said staring at the blades in her hand.  The Undertaker remained where he was cool and calm while Sebastian was very much on edge. “How many times have we come back to this conclusion Undertaker?” Malum asked as her dress went from Kalan’s white simple design to something out of this world.  Literally.  As Sebastian watched her dress faded out of existence and it was if he was looking into a portal to the end of the universe.  Dark purples, blues and black swirled around stars that glittered like diamonds, then the nebula began to engulf Malum’s body and it swirled up and around in a pillar of clouds.  Now the Undertaker began to step backwards tutting. “Now now Malum, this is unfair. The past should stay in the past, right? Hihihi and showing part of your true self you know how this will affect the balance of the world?” the Undertaker began, he began to panic slightly as he annoyed her a little too much it seems. As if on cue the window smashed and a large albatross entered the scene and shining blue he appeared in his human self, holding a silver band in his mouth. “KALAN!” he cried to the void.  There was obviously no answer and Sebastian gave him a look of utter stupidity. “She isn’t there anymore!” he went to explain but Reed wasn’t having any of it.  Changing form again he became a Fennec fox and darted off into the darkness.
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damn-agi · 7 years
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Imagine V Taehyung as your boyfriend!!! ^^
You woke up really early that day because you had some filming shootings. Oh yea, you are part of the HWARANG’s cast. You are not famous, this is the first act that you make. J You are not a primary actress, but you affect a lot in the continuity of the event. So you got wear really fast and took your car to went into the HWARANG set. You are soo preety, you have long blonde hair and you always keep a big shiny smile in your face. You arrived a bit late into the set, and some other actors were shooting in the moment you arrived. The film’s director saw you with some angry eyes, because you had a really important part to shoot that day. You looked down in embarrassment and you were feeling guilty. Ah, you had a kiss scene, with one member of HWARANG, Park Hyung Sik. You actually really like that actor, because he’s like prince charming, he’s tall, handsome and a great kisser( just from the movie experience :P). Actually all the boys actors are really handsome. You don’t like just one of them. He is V Taehyung. >.< V is a member of BTS, but you don’t really like him. He always wants to stay close to you and even distracts you sometimes. Go Ara( one of the film’s actress), is your best friend from this movie, and she says that you have feelings for V Tae. You: Go, stop it!!!! I hate him, and you say that I like him!! Weird! -.-‘ Go: I know you like him!! I’ve noticed how you look at him, when he has the shooting parts. He is so hot by the way!! If you don’t want him, I will take him!! LOL You: Take him, I don’t really care. Go: Ehee, look he is coming in our direction. Even that you hate V, your heart pumps really really fast everytime he is next to you. What does this mean?!! Do you lik….nooo Y/N don’t continue that!!! V: Oh, hello girls!! Hi Y/N!! So the director is a bit angry with you today right? You: What do you care anyway? V: Well you know I care about you. I want to make you a proposal. You: Wha..at?!!! What proposal!!!! Oh…your heart was running into your chest in that moment. <3 V: Haa, don’t worry I’m not going to marry you, maybe it can happen one day lmao, but I just want you to come with me today after the rehersals. You: Why would I come with you?!! -.-  V: Because it’s gonna be a lot of fun, I promise!!!! ;D V said this while he was holding your hands in a begging way. Go Ara tread your foot, in an act where she wanted to say that you should absolutely go with V. You: Ummm, I don’t know, I will think about it. J After you said that, you ran into your clothing room and started to think about this situation. You were sitting into your room’s chair. You suddenly heard some footsteps coming in you room’s direction. V: Oh com’on sweety!!! Open the door. You: V, go away!!!..or I will not come with you tonight. >.< V started laughing and anyway he opened the door. V: Oh, so you are thinking, ha!! Will this help you thinking? After he said that, he came towards you and he was really really close with you, you could even felt his heart. He was staring at you with some curious eyes like he wanted to feel every single part of you. You: Are you crazy!!!!! >.< Mooove! You stepped him away, but V couldn’t stop his flirting. V: I’m gonna have you someday Y/N. And when I have you, you will enjoy it much more than I will. So, see ya today, after the rehearsals. :* V closed the door and left your room. You: I can’t believe this guy!!! >.< Why does he always want to talk with me.?!..... After you finished your rehersals, that  went really well btw J, you entered your car, and just when you were going to drive it home, you see some big hands standing in front of your view. -.-“ V: Stoop, plz!!! You: What do you want now?! V: Before I tell you, get out from the car. :D You got out from the car, with full nerves. You: V, stop doing all of these stupid things! Stop following me everywhere! Stop laughing just for once!!! And stop being this ahhhh….!!! >.< You started crying from anger. V: Wait, no no, don’t cry  please!! I will also cry then! L You: No you won’t silly!! L But surprisely V actually started crying, and you sudden, started to laugh. V: Uaaah ToT, look what did you do to me?!! I cant stop crying now!! You: Hahaha, you are funny! When he heard that, he suddenly stops crying. J V: I am?..I mean of course I am…that was the purpose from the beginig. :D You smiling: Yea right!! J V, I think I will come with you! I don’t have anything special to do in home alone anyway!! V: Reeaally!!! Uh, finally! XD Come on, I’m the best guy that can make someone happy, especially you. You giggled with that. Wait, what was happening now?! You are going out with V. ^^ V: Hey, why don’t we go over there? He showed a small bar, in which you have been so many time with your best friend, but not with V. V: What’s wrong, you don’t like that place? You: No, it’s not that. It’s just, that was the place where me and my best friend used to go. And we two are not friends anymore, that kinda remind me of her. But you know what,that was the past, now let’s go there and have some fun!! :P V: Umm, ok lol!!! :D Let’s go!!.... You two finally found a free table, because there were so many people. You two set in front of each other, and ordered smth to drink. It passed some minutes, and Taehyung wasn’t taking his eyes off you. You were feeling a bit embarrassed. V: Haha you’re blushed!! :D Can I touch your cheeks? They are really rosy right now, lol!! ^^ You was a bit shocked and you don’t know why but you felt yourself burning up. Are you feeling smth for V?! You: :D you really want to touch my cheeks?! I don’t think so!! :P V: Yes, I want and here I’m doing it. Tae take out his big hand and starting pulling your cheeks in a really cute way. That made you feel a bit uncomfortable, but still ahh <3…a guy had never touched your face before. V: Hihihi, they are so squishy!! But maybe I should stop now because you are getting more red. V pulled his hand to himself, but didn’t take his eyes from you, not any second. V: So talk me a bit about yourself. What you like, what you do in your free time or things like do you have a boyfriend? :D You felt your heart jumping really fast when you heard the word “boyfriend” from V’s mouth. You: Well, it’s not much. I really like playing the guitar, and I spend almost my whole free time with it. But anyway my life is acting, and I would love to be a famous actress in the future, well I know I am in Hwarang, but I would like smth much bigger, you know, like Hollywood, and Los Angeles baby!!! XD Also, the most important people of my life are my parents, because I don’t have any brother or sister. <3 They are my biggest support and only from them, I’m now who I am today. They are like my tune that I play with my guitar, they are my act that I play like an actress, they are my soul that stay always here in the bottom of my heart. And I think that this heart, will always have a place for them. <3 Ahh, sorry, you don’t like things like that right? It’s just, when I talk about my family, I have so many feelings in my heart. V: No no, I am listening you really carefully, and I really appreciate people that love their families, because I am one of them. I also love my family, more than everything else in the world. And I’m not saying this, just for fun now, I think family it’s a really serious subject. You may know that I am part of a group named BTS, and when we work really hard for smth, the only things that makes me move on with the music career are my ARMYs and my family. When we win an award, I don’t get happy because of my fame or smth like that. It’s smth totally different. I get happy because, I can never take off of my mind the look of my tired dad that came everyday from his work and always had his shiny smile on his face. He said that he made all of that difficult work, just to make me and my family happy, because he believed that I would also made him happy in the future. And he believed and is always believing on me,that “my dreams” are going to make him always happy and I should countinue for the best. This motivates me more and more everyday. So, this is the reason why I’m always smiling and I always want to be positive, for life and its adventures. You were crying from the words of Taehyung. You never thought of him that way. He was so carrying and sweet and lover of life, so maybe he isn’t the idiot guy, you always thought he was. You think you really like him now. ^^ You: Oooh, Taehyung that was so sweet!!! TT You made me cry, again lol J, but for good this time. I think we have a lot of similarities, and this is a good thing. :) V: Ahh, sorry for making you cry again!! It’s just I love them so much!! <3 So, you are happy about the fact that we are similar! You: Actually yes, yes a lot. ^^ V: Oh, look at the time, I think we better leave from here now. J You: Yea, me too!! Let’s go. J ….
You two left the bar, and started walking together, side by side. V: I was thinking for both of us, to go in some other places too, but now it’s really late, so…Anyway I don’t think you would like to go out with me another time. You: No actually, I really do!! I had so much fun today, as you promised, and we can go out again tomorrow, if you are free. Oh, and here is my number, in case you want to call me or smth. ;) V: Wow, I’m so glad you had fun. And, how is it possible that before 4 hours you hated me more than everything else in the world :P , and now you suddenly gave me your number?! Umm, I’m impressed!!! You: Well, I think I was wrong about you. I guess you are much more different than I thought. I really like guys that are emotional and soft. And you are one of them. By the way, I thought you would be as every other guy that I’ve met, who talk only for themselves and are always flirty and act like bad guys. But you are not like that. You are different. You are special. ^^ I like that!!! V: Uhh, thanks, I guess I will be the rosy cheek now. Well, do you want me to take you home or..? You: It’s ok, I can go by myself. V: OK, bye!!! Love ya Y/N!!! You: Byee!!! ^^……
You woke up early the next day, and you couldn’t sleep during all night because the cute face of V, couldn’t leave from your mind. You were so excited that you would see him again today. And you were staring at your phone, minute after minute, because you were hoping to receive a message from V. Ahh, you really care about him now, after he talked with you last night. And you kinda love him right now. Maybe Go Ara was correct, maybe you and V are really made for each other. You were also stressed because you wanted to find smth cute to wear. It’s not that you don’t have cute clothes, it’s just in situations like this, you always feel like you have a blank wardrobe. You started looking for smth, when suddenly your phone rings. It was an unnamed number, but you still open it. You: Hello! V:Well hello, hello miss! Would you like to buy smth in our company? You: Umm…I don’t know maybe. You were broken now, because you were expecting V to call. (you didn’t get that he was V for a bit) V: In what item are you interested, miss? (V was using a deep voice, so he could confuse you) You: Nothing special actually, do you mind if I leave this conversation because I don’t really need any item. V: As you want, sweety, I mean miss!! Damn!! XD You heard that “damn” and you suddenly recognized that voice. :P You: No way, V is that you? XD V: Hahah yep, it’s me!! The seller. You: aha, so funny!! So, good morning by the way! V: Good morning!! Are you ready for going out now? You: Ah, yea. I will be at the bar in where we met yesterday in 30 minutes. Promise!!! V: Okey. I will wait you in there. *kiss kiss ?*  You: *nope, nope!!* Bye V lol!! :D V: Ah, ok bye!!! :*…..You weren’t expecting V to call you. You were expecting him to send you a message. You: Soo, this is V’s number. I should definitely save this. Since you didn’t sleep much at night, you went on google and download some photos of Taehyung. You saved the number, and since nobody is going to watch it, you put V number with a photo of him and a heart. <3 You: Ahh, I’m in love now!!! ^^ You actually got wear really fast, you wear smth instyle and comfortable……You went to the living room in which your mom was cooking. You: Mmmm, what is the most beautiful person in the world cooking? *o* Your Mom: Oh hey sweety!!!! <3 I’m cooking your favourite cookies!! ;) You: Ahh, thnx mom!! Love ya! Mom, I’ve missed my guitar a lot these days. L I know we can’t for the moment, because I will take my payment from Hwarang in the end of the month, but mom, plz can we buy a new guitar? Y/M: Ahh, honey!! I don’t know what to say. You know that we can’t for the moment. Ehh, neighbors have started thinking that we can buy everything now that you are an actress, but they don’t know that we are not in a really good situation right now. L You: Oh no mom, keep the smile plzz!!! That smile makes me more happier than a new guitar, believe me. J By the way, I should leave now!! Ah, it already passed 30 minutes! -.-“ Y/M: It’s ok!!! Go have fun sweety!! Bye!! :** You: Bye momy!!! Love you!!! :**…. You left your house and now you were walking by yourself. That day you didn’t feel really confident like other days, you were feeling smth awkward in your stomach, it was like you wanted to be perfect in front of V. Is this love? The idea of loving V, doesn’t make you angry anymore, it makes you happy and excited. You finally arrived at the bar you were with V yesterday, and he was waiting for you in there. You: Oh gosh, I’m so sorry V, I didn’t mean to come this late!!! >.< V: What, no!!! I should say sorry, because I love to go in some places earlier than everybody else so don’t worry!! By the way, you look amazing Y/N!! I love your look and it looks like we have both decided to wear smth similar because we have almost the same style! ^^ You: Ahh, thanks!!! Oh, what are you holding behind your back? V: It’s a surprise for you Y/N!!! Tatata!!!! You: Haaaaa, *o* oh my… V oh, thank you so so so so so so much!!!! Omg, how did you know I wanted smth like this? Anyway, I guess I can’t take it, but thank you !! J V took out a guitar, that he bought especially for you!! So sweet!!! :P V: I am so glad you like it!!! Of course you are taking it, now it’s yours!!! You: You didn’t have to buy me smth this expensive, but really, thank you so so much Taehyung!!! :* But anyway, how did you know that I didn’t have a guitar? I mean I told you yesterday that I love playing it, but I didn’t mention that I don’t have one now. V: Ahh, it’s a long story!! You: Well I guess we have time, and I love long stories!! :P You and V started walking together and he was talking now. V: Ok ok!!! :D Well, when I went home last night I was thinking a lot for you, and since we were going to meet each other again today, I wanted to buy you smth special. I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to call Go Ara, since you two are friends, to ask her what thing can you like the most. So I called her, but she said that she wasn’t sure what you would like as a present, so she told me to call and ask your mom. ^^ I called her, and asked your mom what can I buy you and she was so sweet. She told me that, you would love to take a guitar, because the last one is broken. So I thanked her, and in the middle of the night, went into a music shop and bought you this guitar. So this was the story!! ;) Now, I am really happy you like it! You: Oh my…You did all of that just for me?!!! ^^ Ahh, so my mom knows you now. Thank you again so so much V!!! This is the most amazing present I have ever taken. Oh, wait my phone is ringing. You took out your phone and surprisingly look that the one who was calling was V. You: Umm, what? V… V: Hahaha, I called you because I was interested to see if you would have put my photo in my number or no. And, that photo is cool btw. Ohh, look also a heart!! You felt really embarrassed that moment, and took away your phone immediately. You started blushing again. You: Oh, this is really awkward… You didn’t even finish your sentence, when you suddenly felt Taehyung’s lips kissing your cheek. Omg!!!! He was kissing you, and you didn’t move him but you were feeling really good and started smiling. ^^ V: Ahh, here!!! Yesterday when you started blushing I just touched your cheeks, but now I couldn’t just touch them. I needed to kiss you. You: It’s ok!! I think I don’t mind it now! J Actually I need to tell you smth! I felt really happy when you said that you couldn’t sleep yesterday just because of me ^^ I also couldn’t sleep yesterday, because I was thinking about you. I think I lo..ve you V!! Anyway if you don’t feel the same, it’s ok. I get you! I know that a guy like you would like someone else, prettier and talented!! L V: What are you talking about Y/N?! You are really wrong in this part. You are the preetiest, the most talented, the sweetiest and the coolest girl I have ever met. You are not like any other girl. You are special for me Y/N!! :D And I really mean this, believe me!! ;D You were feeling really happy when V was saying those words for you, and now you were holding your new guitar!!! This was the best day ever! ^^ V: Oh look! There is the bridge of the city!! Why don’t we go there? So I can also listen at you playing your new guitar! You: Yea I also love that place, but I don’t know..playing my guitar in front of all those people!! V: Come on Y/N!! You are a part of a film now, and you know that a lot of people are going to watch Hwarang. Than you are afraid to do smth that you really like to do?! You: Uhh, ok ok!! Let’s go! ;) You two were walking through the city’s bridge and suddenly V stops walking and stays face to face with you. V: Well, I think now it’s time for you to play the guitar, sweety!! ;) Ahh, you didn’t say to V that you also know to sing, so you decided to play the guitar and sing one of your favourite songs at the same time. At first your fingers were shaking, but than you were feeling much better and you had missed a lot the melody of a guitar. You playing the guitar and singing: I like being independent, not to much of an invenesment, no one to tell me what to do.. yea yea..I like being by myself, don’t gotta entertain anybody else…nananana…But sometimes I just want somebody to hold, someone to give me the jacket when it’s cold, got the young love even when we’re old..yeaa sometimes I want someone to grabb my hand, pick me up, pull me close, be my man, I will love you till the end!!(Meanwhile, V was staring at you with really sweet eyes, keeping his arm on the bridge, and listening to you really carefully) So if you’re out there I swear to be good to you, but I’m done looking, for my future someone…cause’ when the time is right, you’ll be here but for now, Dear no one, this is your love song..Whooaoa!!! You: So that’s it!! It’s Tori Kelly, Dear no one. J I hope you liked it!! When you finished your singing, everyone that was staying near the bridge started claping and saying: Bravo bravo!!! V: *o* Who wouldn’t liked that? Look, I told you everyone would love you! But, woow, I wasn’t expecting you to sing!! ^^ You are amazing! I have made this song, cover with one of my BTS member. I think you are really talented and I will help you with singing, I promise!! ;D V took out his little finger, so he could keep the promise. It was so cute. You also took out your little finger and grabbed it with V’s. ^^ You: Ohh, thank you so much V!!! I can’t belive that I used to hate you. I have been so stupid, you are an amazing person. V: Hahaha, thnx!!! You are an amazing person too!! ;)….You two left the bridge happily, and started walking through a nice playing place. There were a lot of kids playing and laughing around. You: Look they look really happy!!! *o* V: Oh, look!!! A kid is playing with bubbles!! I want to play too T.T!!! Hey kid!! Hello sweety, can you please give me your toy just for some seconds!! The little kid: Haha, ok!! Here you are! V took the bubble’s toy and started making bubbles. He looked like a cutie pie!! He was laughing and playing with it all over the place, and he was blowing them to you too. You were laughing and playing around like little kids. V: Hahaha, this is so fun!! But I think we should give the toy to the kid now. :D You: Lol, yes!! V gave the toy to the little kid, and thanked him a lot. He looked much more little than the little kid. ^^ V: Ahh, that was so fun! Oh Y/N, let’s go to the beach!! I think it will be really cool now. You: Umm ok! Let’s go TaeTae!!! V: Hihhi TaeTae!! Cute! Thank you so much!..... You two started walking again and now in the beach’s direction. That moment you had an absolute different opinion for Taehyung. He is like the guy of your dreams, the one that you have always wait for, to show up. ^^ When you were thinking about these things, you see that you and V had arrived at the beach. And to make this end of day even better, you see smth really amazing and well-thought in front of your view. It was a tree with a heart shape <3 and under it, it was a cute little table with some foods and drinks on it. You: Haaaa, V that is amazing and so romantic!! *o* Umm, if that’s for me anyway!! V: No it’s for another special girl, of course it’s for you Y/N!!! :D Ahh, I can’t even belive that myself, because I thought I wasn’t a really romantic guy but now that I did that, haaha I think I am, lol!!! You two set on the chairs near the table, and that was the most romantic thing that someone had ever done to you. ^^ V: I need to tell you smth Y/N….. You: Shhh, you don’t need to say anything!!! ;) You didn’t let V to talk but came closer him and kissed him on the lips. He looked really happy with this, because he pulled you more closer and closer to himself and you two were kissing now in the middle of the beach, with a heart tree staying up you both!!!! So since that day you became V Taehyung’s girlfriend!! ^^ Yaaay!! You reveal more and more from the perfect personality of V everyday of your life with him, and you still think that being V’s girlfriend is one of the most great things you have done in your life! <3
So that’s it guys!!!! Thank you for liking and reading my other stories!! :** This story is a bit different and I hope you like this too!!! I love y’all and the other lovestory is going to be with Rap Monster!!! ^^
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