#high iq
wronggalaxy · 8 months
Me: *Can't cook, clean, go to college, have an actual job, feed myself, know when to use the bathroom, use utensils, give myself medicine, make or understand different facial expressions, handle any type of change, eat most foods, have an understanding of most social situations and rules no matter how much I experience them, retain information, prevent melt/shutdowns, emotionally regulate, write without a grammar/spelling checker, do anything above 4th grade math, pay bills, do taxes, grocery shop, drive, put food/drink in/on dishes, drink out of a non-lided cup, drink water, do most medical tests, sleep without 5 blankets(1 weighted), 10 pillows, a stuffed animal, and T.V. constantly going, temperature regulate any better than something cold blooded, say/remember the name of basic things, and way, way, more*
People: "You can talk most of the time, so clearly you're low support needs and level 1!"
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artyapplebee · 4 months
Hey so I don't know if it's been discussed before, but are high-IQ people considered a part of the neurodivergent community ?
I feel like people often don't know or ignore the fact that high IQ doesn't mean intelligence, but does mean neurodivergence. The brain doesn't function the same way - High IQ is neuroatypical, like the autism spectrum, ADHD or dyslexia
Yet I feel like I've never seen it adressed unless it's linked to autism or 'burned out gifted kids' (which is not what I'm talking about here). How come ? If anyone knows more, genuinely asking !
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yellownavystar · 9 months
Can we please start talking about how high IQ is neirodivergency? About how gifted kids NEED help in school? About how frustrating it is to live with a brain that doesn't cooperate because it wants to do things at a thousand miles per hour? How it feels like, as my dad so aptly described it, "having a Ferrari brain inside a fiat"?? How frustrating it is to try and tell people about to ask for help and only get told that's even more of a reason to leave you on your own? How growing up you feel like you have to jump to progressively higher and more absurdly difficult hoops because people take for granted what you already did? The struggle with having to do 60000 things because if you don't, you don't feel fulfilled, but if you do you are "overlooking school/work/family"? The struggle with finding a partner that stimulates you enough because life is so fucking boring most of the time since the things that satisfy other people do not do that with your knowledge-munching brain??
Please. We have problems too. Many, actually, but no ine ever talks about it and just assumes that high IQ=easy life
I don't wanna impose my idea of giftedness being neirodivergence, but honestly it makes everything harder to not fit in at all with neurotypicals but being seen as "not tormented/hurt enough" to be accepted in ND communities
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buggirlfreak · 5 days
i find so much solace in people with aspd due to the shared experience of boredom when interacting with people and things that are not stimulating enough. for me a lot of it is because i don't find a lot of people intellectually stimulating and therefore talking to many of them for more than a few minutes is unbearably boring. cannot speak for people with aspd as to how this boredom comes about or feels but i am deeply appreciative of the mutual understanding! being bored with people makes me feel super evil and mean and it is a huge comfort to know that other people who i don't think are evil or mean experience this as well.
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coelii-weeb · 4 months
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(Fujimoto Tatsuki, Chainsaw Man, Chapter 21)
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virtuality500 · 5 months
Please revlog (esp if you are a cat)
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slavicgerman · 10 days
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parrotvoid · 5 months
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superduperswagsnos · 1 year
My Poem
eeny meenie miney mo
i will eat up all the snow
in my tummy it will go
and soon enough
i will be col(d)
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msdaarb · 11 months
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iqcertifications · 8 months
Demystifying High IQs: Practical Steps to Boost Your Brain Power and Test Performance
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Often regarded as the gold standard of cognitive ability, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scores remain the subject of fascination and scrutiny. While high IQs are typically associated with innate genius, they are not solely the product of genetic fortune. There are numerous practical steps individuals can take to boost both brain power and performance on IQ tests. This article will explore these steps, demystifying the path to a higher IQ.
What is IQ?
Intelligence Quotient, or IQ, refers to a score derived from standardized tests designed to measure human intelligence. These tests assess an individual’s cognitive capabilities, including problem-solving, logical reasoning, verbal comprehension, and memory. However, an IQ score is not a definitive measure of intelligence; rather, it offers a gauge of a person’s cognitive abilities in relation to others in their age group.
Read more: https://iqcertificate.medium.com/demystifying-high-iqs-practical-steps-to-boost-your-brain-power-and-test-performance-fba36af97d67
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comraderosex · 1 year
People assume Tumblr is a Twitter micro blog clone when it's format seems to be a blend of Instagram and Twitter. I guess Mastodon being more like a Twitter replica in how "toots" instead of "tweets" are posted and viewed on screen has made it more popular right now.
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paizleyrayz · 2 years
Sensory Processing Disorder
Their unique brain structure and function enables high IQ individuals to receive and process greater amounts of sensory input at once. Gifted people can detect and respond to sensory stimuli more quickly. They can think more complex and abstract thoughts, scan visual images quicker, detect visual and cognitive patterns, and make connections between seemingly unrelated bits of information. They can read micro facial expressions and body language, perceive what others are thinking, and accurately predict their responses. These abilities make high IQ individuals good at researching, detecting, code breaking, and intelligence gathering. Their quick reflexes and superior hand-eye coordination allow them to control a speeding vehicle and reverse a trailer with high accuracy. Their superb memories and auditory processing capacity allow them to function as human tape-recorders and to rapidly acquire foreign languages. In a military setting, their high visual-spatial processing IQ scores flag them as potential elite sniper squad recruits. Combine superior reaction time, hand-eye coordination, physical strength, agility, sniper skills, physical fitness, and a whole lot of ability enhancement via brainwashing – and you have a potential super soldier. This might explain why the CIA targeted high IQ visual-spatial learners.
Unfortunately, that which enables gifted individuals to perform impressive cognitive tasks is the same thing that makes them hypersensitive to sensory stimuli. The higher the IQ, the greater the sensitivity to light, noise, touch, smell, taste, and emotional stimuli. Such sensitivity has been labelled a developmental condition, Sensory Processing Disorder. SPD contributes to why gifted people often turn to drugs and alcohol, to subdue the constant overwhelming barrage of sensory input.
Note that people on the autism spectrum are also prone to SPD. While they share hypersensitivity and certain cognitive abilities, autism must not be confused with giftedness. Remember McGilchrist’s observation that these developmental disorders feature profound right hemispheric abnormality. In stark contrast, gifted individuals demonstrate exceptional right hemispheric functioning. Yet ignorant and jealous health professionals routinely misdiagnose intellectual giftedness as high-functioning autism.
Extreme visual-spatial processing ability renders gifted individuals susceptible to PTSD, and this can confound diagnosis. The high IQ victim is so sensitive that merely hearing a traumatic story second-hand affects them as though they witnessed the event first-hand. They turn the verbal rendition of the event into an internal movie so that the traumatic scene is permanently stored in memory and may be replayed. Their right hemisphere repeatedly plays an internal movie of a trauma incident.
This hypersensitivity makes the trauma-based nature of mind control programming especially painful for high IQ victims. Fundamental brainwashing techniques involve overwhelming the victim’s nervous system with sensory stimuli. Sensory overload is achieved via the parallel infliction of loud screeching sounds, foul smells, electrocution, and forcing the eyelids open to view horrific images.
Gifted individuals have a greater capacity for empathy, to picture themselves in others’ shoes, and anticipate how others might feel, think, and respond in a situation. This tendency to over-empathise also contributes to the gifted individual’s sensory overload. Their capacity for empathy makes the sight of tortured animals and children extra painful. Their empathic nature places victims at risk of revolting
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casualdepression · 1 year
I love learning about the brain because it seems so impressive.
Then I remember that 8 billion people all have a brain that's equally impressive and that just makes it less so.
Then I remember most people are thick. So, I guess the brain isn't too impressive.
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bulbinthebarren · 2 years
Even now joining mensa nobody can actually understand me
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bellathejade · 1 year
scnie ypu edend up hree renadig tihs psot tehn taht paroblby maens taht ygu hvae a vrey gopd biran ahd yeu afe spupesod to soe tihs msegase:
Rmebemer lfie is nvzer ginog to gvie yqu ail tbe asewnrs; yuor taceher mgiht, bot lfie wnot. Semomites yeu jsut gat to lpok at tbe sutdy giud ahd hpoe yhu gat tbe rgiht asewnrs.
-- Bella Jade
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