#he will also fist fight his grandparents
noxcheshire · 25 days
Back at it again with my Danny is mom coded au’s, but this time it’s because of Clockwork that he suddenly has a whole ass teenage kid.
Clockwork had been bored or maybe he was playing a game against an opponent, or even lost a bet, whatever it was, he stepped in right as Jason was searching for his biological mother.
The DNA that would have registered itself as one Sheila Haywood, confirming Jason’s mother, glitched a terrible green across the screens of the batcomputer.
In those few moments of chaos Jason’s heart beat rapidly as he tried to figure out why the computer wasn’t working, wondering if his only chance to find his mom — his blood mom — would never find success.
Then as suddenly as things went wrong the DNA settled and pinged.
Jason watched, his chest tight, as one Danny C. Works, formerly Danny Fenton appeared onto the big screen.
Danny looked a lot like Jason, short cut black hair more straight than the subtle curls of Jason’s own; deep blue eyes, tired in a way that spoke of long days and nights, but with a warm happiness that made the familiar smile — the one Jason would see on himself every time he looked into the mirror — even more striking.
Jason didn’t linger too long on the male identifying gender, nor the fact his mom leaned more towards a masculine name or clothing.
There were plenty of male to female, and female to male leaning individuals that lived in Crime Alley. He had seen it enough to not even bat an eye at it, even now. After all, in Gotham you minded your business least you find yourself in business you can’t leave.
On a different monitor information of Danny C. Works piled for Jason to quickly browse through.
Danny was a senior engineer, no intimate relationships, and with no close connections to family outside of the tentative calls from Jasmine Fenton.
Danny was estranged from Jack and Madeline Fenton, a falling out that had occurred just a little before Danny’s high school graduation. If Jason calculated it correctly that would have been — around the season Jason himself would have been born.
Okay, so no grandparents then but I might have a maybe aunt. Jason scrolled further and stilled.
Twin toddlers: Dante and Danielle Works.
Jason had baby siblings.
He doesn’t let the sting of younger siblings consume him, doesn’t allow the whispering thoughts of why he had been given up when his younger siblings had been kept and so very obviously loved.
Jason took deep breathes, he didn’t have time to linger here. He had a family to get to, and a family he would get to.
It took almost all night to reach, the starlight night sky slowly and surely fading into cloudy wine as the sun rose, but Jason made it.
And when the door opened to his hesitant but firm knock, Jason was unable to speak. His mom — dad, maybe? Did they want to be mom or dad? — stood in the doorway, brows furrowed in confusion.
It was when Danny spoke his vigilante name did Jason only just realize that he was still dressed to the nine’s in his Robin costume.
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ash-sword-06 · 3 months
The Bachelors and what they would do when they're angry
(Idk why I thought of this)
I don't think Elliott would be quick to physical anger, but he also seems like the type to carry a glove just in case shit goes down
Insult his writing, annoyed and hurt but not angry
Insult his partner/ family... run
Mans is either going to outwit you or try to out last you in a competition
I feel like seb would alternate between one of two reactions depending on the situation.
He would either cuss someone out
Or using Abigail as an attack dog
For the most part, though, prepare to be glared at
Plain and simple
It's either a bar fight
Or Marnie dragging him away before he can get into a bar fight
Man doesn't know how to fight for shit
He's a doctor. tf do you want from him?
He would use those "threats" that are along the lines of 'I hope you stub your toe.'
He'd probably feel bad after TBH
He would forget why his mad in like an hour or so tbh
Mess with his family he'll make your life hell
I'm talking like minor inconvenience after minor inconvenience until you get so fed up you cry
He would "accidentally" run over your foot on his skateboard
He's just petty
The only reason he's going to try not to get into a fist fight is because he'll be scolded by Evelyn
Isn't anti violence by any means, though
He used to play football, he's no stranger to tackling someone
You know he's strong af too
Respect the grandparents, and there won't be a problem
I wrote this last year and I just finished it 😅
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Hyper ur baby fever more. Do the characters u have done hcs on w babi fever 😏
Why would you do this to me. But I will oblige
Yandere Baki Head Canons
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Baby fever edition (NSFW and SFW)
Orochi Katsumi, Baki Hanma, Jack Hanma, Hanayama Kaoru, Gaia and Sikorsky (throuple)
Female Reader
Minors DNI
Orochi Katsumi
You shouldn’t be surprised he’s on here. We all know this guy would be an amazing boyfriend/ husband/ dad. Not that you have a choice on getting him to be all three (him and his parents decided you’re the one, congratulations)
And his parents are definitely dipping their fingers in the pot to have grandchildren. (Yandere platonic grandparents? Hell ya). Natsue will be giving you all kinds of food to make you more fertile and Doppo would be making more opportunities for you and Katsumi to be alone together. They absolutely love you and they’d do anything for you to join the family. They’ll make sure to ruin your chances with anyone else. They really want those grand babies. Doppo is even willing to fist fight Yujiro to make sure you’re his sister in law and not Yujiro’s
Katsumi saw you holding a baby and he immediately knew he wanted kids with you. You’re so good with children and you look so natural holding a baby. Of course he’s going to want to put a baby in you. You were holding a baby in front of him, you must want children with him (remember he’s delusional as hell). When you tell him the new baby smell gives you baby fever, he’s over the moon. He takes your words as you wanting children right away
Katsumi would poke holes in condoms to ensure you two are having a baby together. He’s going to do anything to make his and your dream come true. Katsumi already has baby names picked out and he has a place picked out for the two of you to move into. His parents are already buying gender neutral baby clothes and decorating a nursery in their home. They’ll all hide that from you until you announce you’re pregnant
Katsumi will make love to you just about every night and tell he how much he loves you until you do finally conceive. His family will be so excited once you two announce the news and they’ll instantly prepare a wedding ceremony (completely paid for) as soon as possible if you and Katsumi haven’t already tied the knot
Katsumi will still try to make love with you until your final stage in your pregnancy. Katsumi will then make sure to massage you and prop you up so you’re always comfortable. Anything for his wife
You’re getting pampered by all three of them. You’ll be waited on hand and foot, they’ll be there for your every need
Katsumi, Natsue, and Doppo will also make sure you have a comfortable pregnancy. They’ll get all the right foods to satisfy your cravings, Katsumi will rub your swollen feet and rub your sore back, and Katsumi will hold your hair back if you’re experiencing morning sickness. He’s an amazing husband. He’ll wake up in the middle of the night to get you whatever you need
All three are there for you during the birthing process too. They’re all so excited.
Katsumi would 100% hog the baby when they’re born (after you hold them for awhile). He will even push his parents away when they want to hold the baby. He loves both of you so much and he swears he’ll protect the two of you forever.
Doppo and Natsu are doting grandparents and they will spoil you for life. You couldn’t have joined a better family and you’re never going to leave their family ❤️
Baki Hanma (aged up to 22)
Baki would baby trap you so you don’t leave him (like Kozue left him). He would plan it all out too. You two ‘accidentally’ created a happy little accident and that’s okay! Baki will step up to the plate, he’d never abandon you like his father abandoned him.
Would gaslight you if you voice your suspicions on your sudden pregnancy. “Do you really think I’d tamper with your birth control? You’re over thinking it. The pharmacist could’ve tampered with them since the birth rates in Japan are so low. Don’t think about it too much, stress isn’t good for the baby.”
Baki would research all the foods you can eat and he’d make sure you two have everything set up. He’d baby proof everything in your shared home prior to the pregnancy. Little things you wouldn’t even notice at first. If only you paid more attention to how hungry he looked when he stared at you from time to time
He’s extremely doting and caring the entirety of the pregnancy and even after it’s all over. He won’t ever leave your side
Baki is a very doting partner, he’s just so possessive it’s suffocating. He never wants you to leave because Kozue left him broken. He doesn’t want to fall apart like that ever again. Baki is afraid of failure so he’ll do his absolute best to make this relationship with you and your baby work
When your baby is born, he’s with the two of you constantly. He holds you both with a soft smile. He swears he’s going to be the best dad and he’s going to give your child the childhood he never had.
Jack Hanma
Jack would tell you he doesn’t want kids but he does. He really wants kids but he knows he’s pretty scary looking. Jack is secretly insecure about his appearance
He wouldn’t try to baby trap you. Jack wants you to be happy so if you really want a baby, he’d give you one
You would have to teach Jack on what to do. He hasn’t really had the best role models for love growing up, but he’d be willing to learn how to be there for you better
Jack is an amazing lover. He tries his best to be gentle with you and you’re always happy with his efforts.
When you two are having sex, he always pushing his cum back into you with hopes it’ll take. Only if you want this baby though. Jack would never do anything to you that you wouldn’t want to do because his mom was SA. He’d never take advantage of your trust
Now your pregnancy is either an accident or you two decided to try for a baby and it happened. Either way, both of you are over the moon.
Jack is ten times more protective than he already is. You’re never more than a foot out of his eye sight, he goes everywhere you go. He makes sure you’re taking all of your vitamins, eat enough healthy food for your growing baby and you, exercise so you don’t hate your body after birth and to make the birthing process easier, and he makes sure you’re comfortable and get plenty of rest. And he’s so gentle throughout it all
When your baby is born, he cries. He makes sure no one else sees him in such a vulnerable state but you. He’s holding you both as he buries his face in your forehead, not minding your sweat at all. He’s so happy to have a family. Jack has always secretly wanted one and now he finally has one
Hell protect you both forever. Especially from his father
Hanayama Kaoru
Hanayama is not big on babies. He has no idea what to do but the way your eyes sparkly when you see a baby or how eager you are to hold one, it catches his attention immediately. It’s something you want. Something you really want and he would give that to you. Hanayama loves to spoil you. He’s a man of few words but his actions are loud
The sex is kinky as usual except Hanayama isn’t wearing protection anymore. His mind is blown at how much better his orgasms are now, how amazing it feels to unload inside of you. You two will go for multiple rounds a day now
It won’t be long until you conceive and he’ll smile at your starstruck expression, his large arms holding you as you happily babbled on about being pregnant.
Whatever you want or need, he buys it. He makes sure you’re taken care of in every step in the pregnancy.
Hires the best midwife and doctors. There was not going to be a single complication to your birthing process and Hanayama threatened the hospital staff to save you over the baby. He cares more about you than the kid. He’s not the fatherly type at all but he loves you
When your baby is born, he changes his mind immediately. His couldn’t get over at how the baby is a perfect mixture of you and him when his large hands holding the big baby in awe and wonder. Hanayama was going to relentlessly spoil the both of you till his last breath
Hanayama is an amazing dad. He’s still quiet but he’s super supportive and he takes turns with the baby. He’s a lot better of a dad than his ever was
He takes the two of you to visit his mom’s grave a lot. He knows she would’ve been so proud of him
Gaia and Sikorsky
Gaia was the first to notice the way your face lit up when you would see a baby. He’d point it out to Sikorsky, the blonde and him now in a silent competition on who would be the father first
You’re now double stuffed during sex, your pour body so stretched and sore from the two of them constantly stuffing you. You’d constantly be over stimulated from how competitive they were being as of late
Sikorsky would be the one who would slip up and tell you that they’re trying to get you pregnant, more than likely during sex. “I’m gonna be the one to get you pregnant! Take it!”
Gaia would sit you down with Sikorsky and explain to you that he saw the way you kept looking at babies so he and Sikorsky wanted to give you one. They both just want you happy.
They’re both very honest people so you figured that’s what they were trying to do from the beginning. You love your boyfriends
When you do conceive, they’re both so thrilled. Gaia is buying gender neutral baby clothes and supplies, Sikorsky is cooking you nutritious meals, Gaia builds a crib, and Sikorsky helps set up a nursery with Gaia. The two argue over baby names but you keep the peace by taking a first name from Gaia and a middle name from Sikorsky. They’re both extremely involved in the pregnancy
When it’s time to give birth, Gaia is the most level headed while Sikorsky is freaking out. He is an ex convict, what if the baby hates him? Gaia will smack him on the head and remind him that you need him by your side too. Gaia holds your right hand and Sikorsky holds your left hand while you push the baby out
Sikorsky cries when the baby comes out with blonde hair and Gaia notices the baby has your eyes and his nose. It’s seems they both played a role into making this baby. Sikorsky tries to fight Gaia on who gets to hold the baby first after you. Gaia let’s Sikorsky hold the baby first. Sikorsky starts crying immediately. He never thought he’d be a dad or be in a polyamorous relationship
The three do you take turns with the baby. Sikorsky makes sure you prioritize your rest over his (plus he’s the one who spoils the baby the most). Sikorsky wants another one immediately and Gaia has to stop him all the time. Gaia is the one keeping the peace now because they don’t have space for another baby quite yet
Gaia promises you can have another one once the four of you get a bigger place
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creepychippy · 9 months
My Take on Kieran from the Pokemon SV Teal Mask DLC/his Pain/Trauma (obvious and major Spoilers to the Story under the Cut):
Carmine is seen throughout the Game insulting/not treating Kieran kindly. That has tremendous Effects on his Confidence and Self-Esteem (stuttering, not confident enough to talk to others, etc)
When he sees you, the Protagonist, he immediately places you on a Pedestal, basically idolizing you and thinking you can only do right/are not capable of making Mistakes (which is a very bad Thing to do, because when you put People on a Pedestal and think very highly of them, any Mistake they'll do will shatter the perfect Image you built of them and you will grow to resent that Person because of that. Instead of unyielding Love and Admiration for them, it will turn into bitter Hatred and a Grudge forms.)
The only Thing that brings him Comfort through all the Pain is Ogerpon. It basically became his Hyperfixation which you can see when he comes up with these wholesome Scenarios in his Head (hoping to meet Ogerpon one Day and become his Friend, invite Ogerpon to his Home, etc). He also sees Part of himself in Ogerpon, so because of that he thinks he would have a special Connection with this Pokemon.
Then you come along. At first, everything seems fine, but soon Things begin to turn negative. You lie to him (probably against your Will) as he tests you, so Part of his Trust is already once again shattered and his Self-Esteem worsens once again (he thinks you and Carmine laugh behind his back without having any Evidence for it. His Head tells him that this is the Truth).
Then, the only Source of Comfort turns away from him… and to you (it's like your Hyperfixation walking right up to you, only to push you aside and give someone else the Attention you always craved), so that is taken away from him as well. On top of that, the Person he once considered his Friend is understanding themself well with the one Person who always antagonized him… his Sister, Carmine.
His entire Environment is crumbling apart, so he tries to fight the Force that is destroying it… only to lose over, and over, and over again (without anyone telling him that the Person he is facing off against is considered a Champion in one Region, while he himself only has average Knowledge about battling. He was doomed to lose from the Start)
He is shown as this shy, meek Character at first, but if you pay Attention to the Details, you can quickly tell how his Frustrations, his Despair and his Anger are building up, bottling up within him (he punches a Shrine made out of Stone with his Fist (not thinking clearly and reacting based on his Emotions as he regrets doing that Moments later on, seeing how his Expression changes into a pained one and he shakes his Hand in Pain), he falls down to the Ground and pounds his Fist against the Floor, the Light in his Eyes vanishes, he clenches his Fists when thinking about you… but also mostly stays silent all the same, rarely shouting out in Anger.)
And to top it off… he seems to be a Child without Parents, only having his Grandparents around him, one of which has kept the true Story of Ogerpon hidden from him for many Years now.
Carmine assumed at some points that Kieran acted weirdly due to Hormones, since Kieran is in his Teen Years… and we know how irrational and emotional Teens can become due to Hormones.
It doesn't end there for him, however. As one of my best Friends pointed out while I was talking to him, Kieran's School Life doesn't seem great either. Remember how all giddy Kieran gets when he hears you considering him to be your Friend. That shows how he doesn't have any Friends at his School at all. It's no wonder how he considers himself to be an Outsider and how he asumes Carmine and you exclude him from Stuff even if there is once again no Proof for it.
One last Detail I think I noticed is how Kieran sabotages himself, whether he does it intentionally or not. He is clearly frustrated that Ogerpon prefers you over him. Yet, he abandoned Ogerpon when Ogerpon needed help the most (meanwhile, the Protagonist was always there for Ogerpon, so it makes Sense that Ogerpon would flock to them more than it would to Kieran). Instead of listening what others have to say and let them talk, he keeps running away before he can gain Information/their Side of the Story, twisting his Perception of others further. He is also always the one that demands to battle with you, despite Part of him knowing that he will lose.
To sum it up: Kieran is seemingly a shy and meek Boy who already had some Troubles in his Home-, Social- and School Life, resulting in his poor Self-Esteem and dwindling mental Health. Then he places the Protagonist on a high Pedestal (possibly due to Trauma and/or Loneliness) when they come along and idolize them, only for that Person to unintentionally and inevitably destroy everything he held dearly to him and turn his Life upside down.
Also, while I can't assume that he hates the Protagonist's Guts now and harbor a Grudge against them (since that would be kinda hypocritical considering he thought Carmine and the Protagonist were laughing behind his back without having any Evidence to back it up), it wouldn't be too surprising if it turned out that that was the Case, even if it is just a tiny Part of him that does so.
So, what exactly does all of this mean for Part 2 of the DLC?
Well, I think that maybe someone is going to take Advantage of the Situation and manipulate Kieran, as Kieran's mental Wellbeing is basically down the Drain at this point. The only Thing he, and possibly by Extension his Hatred, cares about is tearing us down. And considering how chaotic his Emotions must be right now, he won't think clearly about what he is doing, as proven by his past Actions… therefore giving others an Opportunity to manipulate him.
If anyone wants to add something onto this, feel free to do so. Also, if this Post feels scattered or weird, it's because I copy and pasted my Thoughts and Ramblings I had between me and my best Friend on Discord onto this Post, so that's why it might be all over the Place- uwu Please remember that I also played the DLC in German, so if some Things are different, then Parts of the Translations weren't the same as the English one- :^Pc
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sunshine-zenith · 10 months
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…this was supposed to be a three panel gag comic
Anyway, while I like to imagine movie!Ambrosius is an orphan like his comic counterpart, the movie itself doesn’t really give much evidence either way. I’m also a sucker for AUs that connect different iterations of the same character, so when I thought “hey wouldn’t it be funny if…,” I couldn’t stop myself. Plus, in an older post on his tumblr regarding the webcomic, ND Stevenson said he saw Comic!Ballister as being of Asian descent/multiracial, like how Movie!Ambrosius ended up being (that said, Stevenson specifically “fancast” Lucy Liu as Comic!Ballister, who is Chinese-American, and Movie!Ambrosius was modeled after Eugene Lee Yang, who is Korean-American — two different ethnicities with two different originating countries. Given the in-universe No One Goes Over The Wall fact, M!Amb is definitely multiracial, and so would be C!Ballister if set in the same universe. Still, I wanted to acknowledge this)
I tried to make Older!C!Ballister look a bit like M!Amb, implying he’s the bio!grandparent/Gloreth’s descendant. Given the fact that C!Amb longed for parents that were special and were Totally Alive And Just Away For A Good Reason, No Death Or Abandonment Involved, him being Gloreth’s descendant takes away from that a bit of his backstory. This AU would make his parents known to him, and make them “special,” but they’d at least be “normal” knights in comparison to Gloreth’s line. Though thinking about it, given that cloning is referenced in the comic, maybe they used SCIENCE to make a baby that was related to both of them. Or one of them is trans idk
Also, for the record, if M!Amb actually met C!Amb, they’d probably get into a fist fight in like two second. C!Ballister would meanwhile adopt a Frustrated Dad persona and drill in the whole Arm Chopping =/= Love Language thing, while M!Bal would have a conniption over the Actual Law Breaker thing
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Yandere! Professor Hannibal Lecter x Female Reader
Chapter 4: True Puppy Love.
The silver fox was quiet as he rested his chin on top of your head and stroked your arms. You were crying on his chest. He felt his shirt wet.
Poor you.
Lecter and you visited your father hand in hand. Your father not only disowned you but called you whore, slut, etc.
Hannibal yelled back and almost got into a fist fight with your dad. Your ex family had to break them apart.
Here you were, abandoned. 
Lecter's heart broke. He wanted his future kids to have cousins, grandparents, and uncles.
Gulping, Lecter grabbed your chin and kissed you square on the lips and said nothing. He stripped you naked and tucked you to bed. 
Since the two of you became an official and normal couple, you were no longer a prisoner.
You went out with your girlfriends at the mall yesterday, the carnival, and got your phone back.
Lecter or should you say Hannibal trusted you.
So, you two slept in the same bed.
You sighed and went to sleep due to exhaustion.
Hannibal stared at you as you went to sleep. Then he left the house.
Your eyes blinked in confusion. That sounded familiar! Opening your eyes. It was the next morning and you saw him! Your cat. Zalmai!
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You wouldn't believe it. You thought you would never see him again. Here he was on your new shared bed with Hannibal.
You hugged your cat and saw Hannibal leaning on the door framed with his muscular arm crossed and an arrogant smirk.
Before you could thank him. An animal jumped on you! You squealed in surprise and saw it was a dog. You never had a dog before and you didn't know what breed it was.
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"I figured I needed these two to keep you company while I go back to work starting tomorrow."
Lecter walked to the bed and stroked Zalmai's head.
You thanked your boyfriend and hugged him. Hannibal returned the hug and smiled. He felt fluttery and tingly inside. Soon, the two of you would have animals of their own. Hehe. 
Dear Readers, I made an appointment with my doctor and I cannot wait. I have been getting lots of acne, facial hair, back and joint pain despite being 28. I feel old. I also have been getting headaches. Also, I had to quit my bipolar and insomnia medicine because I gained weight and loss hair on my head. (Yet I was able to grow a beard.)
I am so sad now. Anyway, I posted this because it is 9/11. I don't know if Afghan terrorists really did it with fake news and propaganda. Still, many innocent people died. That is a fact. So, in honor of the dead and all the people who got effected by it due to family and friends or just seeing it. I posted a story chapter.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Herkie, son of Hercules and Megara, Headcanons:
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Made this for @askauradonprep and @disneyandthefamilybusiness since they're right about Herkie being mostly forgotten by the fandom.
Herkie is just a nickname: his full actual name is Hyllus Amphitryon Tiryn-Theban-Athanasiou of Argolis.
Theme song: ‘What doesn't kill you Makes you stronger’ by Kelly Clarkson.
He often visits his mortal grandparents and helps out around their house—also running errands for them (while also avoiding running errands for his grandpa Zeus as much as possible).
He glows faintly in the sun.
He has his ears pierced.
Herkie is closer to his mortal grandparents than his immortal ones.
His favorite cousins are Hadie and Elle.
He is the middle child. Belonging to a huge immediate family consisting of twelve siblings—including six older siblings and four younger.
Eight of these are brothers named: Therimachus, Telephus, and Tlepolemus (27), Creontiades (24),Ophitius (23), Alexiares and Anicetus (17), and Deicoon (4).
Four of these are sisters named: Eucleia (19), Macarla and Manto (12), and Pandaie (2).
He's fifteen years old in d1.
Herkie has many cousins including but not limiting to: Tsunami, Míngzé, Reyna, Wilhelm, Arabella, Cordelia, Avisa, Flip, Shelly, Finn, Fluke, Nessie, Harmony, Elle, Mal, Hadie, Uma, Jonas, and Edith. That's not even getting the many aunts and uncles and other relatives he has,
He is a part of Belle's book club.
His Auratube subscriptions are mainly Vks and his tourney buddies with few exceptions.
Herkie is very supportive of most of his cousins. Though that doesn't mean he doesn't annoy them at times, lol.
He often mediates when the others (like Mal and Uma) get into fights and can/will restrain them if things get violent.
Herkie isn't big on magazines but he does have a subscription for one: Hero's Health. It's one of the few Auradon magazines he reads often.
He was quite a fan of the Evil Isle channel and was rather disappointed when Beast took it off air. He wanted to see what happened next on Wharf Watch, after all.
After this, Herkie's new favorite show was 'The Great Auradon Bake Off'. A close second was 'Real Princesses Of Charmingsville.'
He also watches the sports' channel, of course.
Herkie often pays Gil and Evie extra when they have to repair his clothes/readjust his measurements do to another growth spurt/rip because it happens quite often and he feels both guilty and embarrassed about it.
His favorite candy is Tongue Tinglers.
His favorite social media is Royallr.
He's got a secret goat tattoo.
He is dating Esmeralda and Phoebus's daughter, Emile (an oc of either @descendants-extended or @cleverqueencommander , can't remember which).
Herkie loves Hadie's band 'The Living Tombstones' but he also quite enjoys Diego's band 'the Bad Apples' and 'The Dragon Slayers.'
His favorite song is 'Take Back The Knight'.
Herkie goes to Auradon Prep and is apart of the Auradon Tourney Team, making him a Auradon Fighting Knight.
He has a blue truck.
In the Rise of the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel, Herkie accidentally sent Carlos flying across the field with a fist bump on the shoulder.
According to the wiki, Herkie is the son of Hercules and Megara and one of the players of the Tourney team, being one of the strongest offensives due to inheriting his gift of strength from his father Hercules. This means he's likely The Center Forward— who are described as 'by far the most offensive player who leads the charge into the opposing team's side, and blocks almost as much as Defenders'. Probably a back up (There are eleven members present during 'did I mention' despite the fact the wiki says there's only seven members on a team. And seeing as he's not labeled in this post, he was likely sick that day).
And seeing as he wasn't assigned a jersey number to my knowledge, I'm assigning him the number 97.
He visited Olympus High exactly once before deciding he did not want to attend (Unlike some of his older siblings).
He was born on June 13th.
Unbeknownst to both his parents, he is a frequent customer at "Hades' Souvlaki" once the barrier is brought down. He is also a big fan of Dr. Facilier's Arcade.
His younger sister, Macarla, is in band and his other sister, Manto, is a cheerleader. They both go to Auradon Prep alongside him.
Herkie is a friendly, mostly laid back guy who's smarter and more sarcastic than he's given credit for.
He is very close to his parents, particularly his mom.
One day, he and his mom ran into a lost Hadie (who didn't know who they were) and helped him find Mal and Ben.
His favorite teachers are Coach Jenkins and Grumpy, also being fond of Lil' Shang when he was still an assistant Coach at Auradon Prep. To no one's surprise, he does not like Mr. Deley. But to many's surprise, he doesn't like Merryweather.
Meg has cursed Mr. Deley out before.
He loves the seaside and Heroes and Heroines Festivals but hates Ancestry Day, for obvious reasons.
Herkie hates it when people dismiss his mortal grandparents as not being his family. If you want him to hate you, that's a sure way to do it.
He calls Phil his uncle.
When Herkie was younger he fell off of Pegasus and broke his arm. As a result, he developed a deep fear of them that he hasn't quite gotten over yet.
He also loves Auradon's Three Legged Races.
It goes without saying that he's a big fan of Tourney. Though, it may come as a surprise to learn that he doesn't like R.O.A.R (and no, it's not because he sucks at sword fighting, shut up Aziz).
He's close friends with Aziz, Demurra Foxworth, Anxelin, William Darling, Tyrone and Nina ( @cleverqueencommander 's oc children of Tiana and Naveen), and Brendan Westergaard-La Bouf.
His best friend is Ruby Fitzherbert though.
He is also a fan of archery, Doomball, and Foul ball though.
Herkie is a terrible dancer and singer.
He used to see the fates and the muses when he was younger—and it scared his parents to death.
His two favorite non sport games are Knock 'N Down, Win A Crown and Crown of Duty.
He had a pet lion named 'Neme' that followed him home one day and wouldn't stay gone when brought back to where he belonged.
He has reddish brown hair and purple eyes. His favorite colors are purple and blue.
As a kid, he had a stuffed goat and a pegasus baby blanket (he still does he just refuses to admit it).
He can play the lute.
Herkie, like his dad, also struggled with learning to control his own strength as a kid but luckily, he was around a lot of other demigods a lot of the time, so he wasn't as isolated as his dad was.
He is good at accidentally intimidating his friends/family members' significant others upon first meeting but is a big teddy bear in reality and one of the more welcoming people in the family.
He loves the ocean and hates flying.
Herkie is fond of the Badun Detective Agency and is thankful for the eye they've kept on his younger cousins (Edith, Paro, and Hadie) so he tends to defend them around others.
He has a weird sense of humor that is a mix between dark humor and the silliest jokes you've ever heard.
He is fun at parties (but doesn't drink/do drugs because he's scared of accidentally hurting someone).
Herkie won't admit it but he's afraid of lightning/thunder, spiders, heights, and needles.
Oh and he's super sensitive to dust and pollen. The sneezing fits are not fun (nor were the tantrums he threw when he was very little).
He loves sparring with Uma and Mal.
His favorite classes are cooking, gym, History of Woodsmen and Pirates, and art.
Herkie flunked his Flying Carpet Driving Class but passed his Mermaid Language Arts class with flying colors.
He has a mini library in his room consisting of the Flynn Ryder book series, The Top Secret Villain files, Secrets of Auradon Prep, Uma’s Wicked Book, Vks’ Guide to Auradon Prep, Sidekick Life and Hero Health Magazines, various cooking, art, and history books, and his various year books, among others.
The brunette helps people find lost pets/get things off of high shelves/off roofs/out of trees.
Last but not least, he wears a shield necklace.
If anyone has any canon info about him, or any headcanons of their own, feel free to add!
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eslanes · 1 year
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(thanks @faerie-tempest)
Okay I went a bit wild and did the whole challenge for Devon's family. This was really fun and I highly encourage doing this one!
(See below the cut for who's-who!)
Devon Grace (the influencer + cousin who's getting married) - The reality star, social media influencer and adult entertainer we all know and love! She's also getting married to her new boo, unbeknownst to him.
Stavros Pantazis (the new bae) - Literally new new, they met less than a sim-week ago and are now expecting a little terror of their own. No one will bother remembering his name and Grandma keeps calling him "Vlad".
Briar Rose Grace (the quiet judgmental youngin') - Devon's daughter. What can i say, she's a saucy little shit lol.
Brianna Grace (the competitive sibling) - Devon's younger sister and a bit of a brat in her own right.
Mary-Jacqueline Grace (the instigator) - Devon and Brianna's mother. She's a chainsmoking, hard-drinking hot mess of a broad. She's been known to get into fist-fights with grown men (and win, of course).
Catherine Grace-De la Roca (the cool aunt) - Mary-Jacqueline's twin sister and the only reason Devon and Brianna turned out half-sensible. Art teacher and travel enthusiast.
Rodrigo De la Roca (the world's most interesting uncle) - Catherine's husband and walking encyclopedia of weird and random knowledge. Has some kind of bizarre story for every occasion. Don't ask him to tell the thumb story.
Gabi De la Roca (the holier-than-thou student) - Teenage terror with brains to burn. She's banking on a full scholarship to Britechester to get away from her unhinged family.
Enid Grace (the family recipe gatekeeper) - The matriarch of the Grace family. Rules the kitchen with an iron fist. Whatever you do, don't ask for her rhubarb pie recipe.
Tony Grace (the overly-supportive grandparent) - Enid's husband and family patriarch. Wanna join the circus? Drop out of college? Kill someone? Grandpa's got your back (and probably the shovel).
Ronnie Grace (the bitcoin uncle) - Tech nerd and the lamest guy you will ever meet. Somehow his family hasn't left him for his constant rants about blockchains. May or may not have lost half his savings from investing in Llamacoin. Mary-Jacqueline and Catherine's younger brother.
Keisha Grace (the nosy relative) - Somehow still married to Ronnie (but doesn't know about the Llamacoin yet). Actually loves family gatherings because she gets all the dirt to gossip about with her friends later.
Niko Grace (the peacemaker) - Ronnie's son from his first marriage, at 31 he's still "finding himself" (ie: unemployed musician living in his parents' basement). You can probably find him outside of a family gathering trying to push weed on his younger cousins.
Grayson Grace (the golden child) - It's really not hard to be the golden boy when your older brother sells weed to children.
Tabitha Loveless (the passive-aggressive auntie) - A widower, Tony's older sister and Devon's great-aunt. Tabitha may or may not have flown to the gathering on her broom.
Karen Loveless (the live-laugh-love mom) - Tabitha's daughter. Cheerful to a fault, but please don't ruffle her couch cushions or you will face the wrath of God. Has been in a 17-year old standoff with Aunt Enid over that goddamn pie recipe.
Eddie and Jason Loveless (the d.i.n.k.w.a.d's) - Karen's son and son-in-law. They just got back from a cruise and can't wait to tell you all about it. They're really living their double-income-no-kids-with-a-dog life to the fullest. They considered leaving because their precious pooch, Tangerine, was not given her own place setting.
Kurt Loveless and Monica Song (the anxious new parents) - Eddie's twin brother and his fiancée. Just welcomed a bouncing baby boy, Chevron Fritz Loveless. Baby Chevron is so special that he spends 18.5 of 24 hours a day screaming his sweet little head off. If it weren't for his mother Karen, Eddie is convinced he would kill his twin brother and take over his life. Monica showed up to the reunion with baby shit on her shirt and is unfazed.
Kelly Loveless-Strong (the wino soccer mom) - Tabitha's other daughter and Karen's younger sister. She's convinced her precious boy is going to make it to the World Cup (that is if he can get tf off of Twitch). Fun fact: there's definitely wine in that coffee cup. Is 100% likely to get into a table-dancing contest with cousin Mary-Jaqueline later.
Colby Strong (the 'other' influencer) - The family still doesn't undertand how Colby got famous for playing videogames but they are all so proud anyhow, even if he is pissing away his opportunity at being a world-class athlete. Most definitely out back smoking weed with cousin Niko.
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feathersage · 2 months
Rivi Feathersage
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Name: Rivienne Steele, but goes by Rivi. Named Feathersage because of her exceptional skill and knowledge with chocobos.
Nicknames: none
Age: Late 20s/Early 30s
Nameday: 14th Sun of the 4th Umrbal Moon
Race: Highlander Hyur
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Profession: Adventurer, Weaver, Chocobo Husbandry
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Long thick, perfectly straight red hair. Typically worn in a Gyr Abanian Plait, but sometimes let down completely when she is relaxing.
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White but lightly tanned. Prominent red facial blotchiness.
Tattoos/scars: Typical Highlander face tattoo
Parents: Rivi's father was a weaver in Ala Ghiri when the Garlean Empire invaded. He got Rivi smuggled to Ul'dah by a business associate when she was 10 years old. She has not seen or heard from him since.
Rivi's mother was absent throughout her childhood.
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Unknown
In-laws and Other: Polyamorous but chronically single. Flings in the past with Moenbryda Wilfsunnwyn and Raubahn Aldynn. Has a platonic adventuring companion in Simomo Simo @simomo-the-smol
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Rivi and Redolent Rose grew up together in Ul'dah , and she considers him a very close friend.
Pets: Rivi owns 26 thoroughbred racing chocobos, as well as a flock of 20 wild chocobos. Her riding chocobo, Xiaoyu, is her closest companion and is almost constantly by her side.
Xiaoyu is a millioncorn yellow Rouncey chocobo that Rivi has taught to fight and cast healing magic. His favourite food is sylkis buds, and he's very noisy and sassy.
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Abilities: Rivi has mastered White Magic, and is a monk of the Fist of Rhalgr. On her adventures she is partial to teaching the Fist of Rhalgr style to any who are committed to learn it.
Hobbies: Swimming, and fashion. Particularly making her own clothes.
Rivi is also obsessed with chocobos and has been since childhood.
Most Positive Trait: Rivi hates injustice, and will enthusiastically lend her strength to those who need it.
Most Negative Trait: Rivi struggles to form close relationships since the death of Moenbryda, and tends to run from people she gets too close to.
Colors: Dalamud Red
Smells: Chocobo, nice bath salts
Textures: Leather
Drinks: Anything cold
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No
Drinks: Hard spirits mixed with fruit juices
Drugs: None
Mount Issuance: Xiaoyu, as above
Been Arrested: No, but narrowly escaped arrest as a child in Ala Ghiri
Tagged by: @sundered-souls Thanks for tagging me, I really enjoyed the opportunity to rotate my blorbo in my mind Tagging @simomo-the-smol @meatball-headache @lizzy-frizzle @mages-ballad @damian-elero @jefarawol @ofscorchedearth @wayward-hatchling @xhiel @uldahstreetrat @alannah-corvaine @arasnealashandr
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ladykailolu · 4 months
I have this headcanon that Diego Armando was born in San Diego, California, and his father was born somewhere in the USA and his mother was originally from Tijuana, Mexico. His paternal grandparents had settled in America a long time ago, and his maternal grandparents had emigrated to Mexico from Spain. To this day, his maternal grandparents still live in Tijuana and refuse to move across the border to live with his mother in America.
Growing up and into adulthood, Diego was closer to his mother's side of the family. In fact, when his parents married each other, his mother refused to change her last name, Armando, and also insisted that Diego take her name. And so it was.
That also meant that Diego traveled back and forth between San Diego and Tijuana to visit family. It wasn't uncommon for Diego to go to school in San Diego from September to June then spend the summer in Tijuana under his grandparents' roof.
His grandparents also refused to learn English and spoke exclusively Spanish (although they do know at least a few English words and phrases). His mother's first language was Spanish and she learned English quickly in school with the desire to one day move to the USA.
Which meant that if Diego wanted to communicate with his closest family members, he had to learn both English and Spanish lol.
Diego's father was still in the picture and provided for his family, but he wasn't the one who taught Diego important life skills or how to be a man, generally speaking. Diego's uncle, his mother's brother, was his mentor, teaching him not to fight with his fists but with his words instead, taught him what it meant to be a man.
As a natural progression, Diego regarded this uncle highly, often likening him to a second father. Overall, Diego had a nice childhood, surrounded and loved by his family.
Some issues arose right around the time he went to law school. Some cousins and aunts and uncles thought he was tryna show off and one-up them, accusing him of "being too good", "an uppity dago", and "forgetting where he came from". Needless to say, those comments hurt Diego, so he stayed away from those relatives for a while. His grandmother would be hurt if he didn't show up for holidays and the like, so he kept to those traditions and said little else.
Given this, I imagine that his family would be devastated to find that he's been poisoned and put into a coma. While visiting him, Mia probably saw his mother dabbing at her reddened eyes with a crumpled tissue, his father rubbing her back as they waited outside of the room. Sometimes Mia saw another man there--his uncle--talking to him, so she stayed outside of the room to give them privacy. And occasionally, his grandparents crossed the border to visit him with his uncle and mother guiding them through the hospital.
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year
6's to 9's
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Billy and Steve head to Rutgers in the fall of 2019 for his freshman year of university. They meet, only to be forced apart by the Covid 19 pandemic. When they return in the fall of 2022 for their senior year, everything has changed. Can they still make it work?
Chapter 1
Read on AO3
Billy escapes on a quiet, cloudless Tuesday morning. He purposely waits until Neil and Susan have left for work, laying silently in his bed, pretending to still be asleep, even though he’s been up since 5am, running over his packing list again and again, trying to make sure he doesn’t leave anything important behind. He sure as hell isn’t asking his father to ship him anything, so he needs to be sure he’s not leaving anything behind.
When he hears the front door close, he congratulates himself on avoiding a stiff, awkward goodbye, and any last-minute advice from Neil on how to be a real man in this day and age. He’s been lecturing Billy about it for months, sure that his advice will keep Billy on the straight and narrow his first time away from home.
He’s pretty sure that Neil’s personal definition of being a real man doesn’t include having cartoonishly bright hair, so he’s thankfully also avoided comments on his newly dyed locks. He unlocks his phone, opens up his photos, and takes a minute to grin wildly at the shot of his pink curls, taken by his friend Heather just last night, after she dyed it for him.
He only met Heather in May, when they were both new lifeguards at the same beach, since they went to different high schools, but they bonded quickly over both being queer kids in a hurry to get out from under the thumb of their conservative parents, after Billy had made a show of hitting on her, she’d seen right through him and his bullshit. Their bond only strengthened once they realized they were both headed to Rutgers in the fall, and Billy found himself thinking how grateful he was to have someone there with him.
He'd offered to drive Heather to New Jersey with him, but she’d declined, as her parents had decided they’re going to fly out there with her, so Billy’s making the trip solo, the furthest he’s ever driven alone, with only Spotify and Mr. Grizzle, his childhood stuffed bear, to keep him company on the journey.
He takes one more look around the room, at the only home he’s ever known, at the last place he ever saw his mother, as she tucked him in and kissed him goodnight, only to have vanished by morning, at the white walls littered with holes from thumbtacks and nails, at the curtains that are really just old sheets thrown over the curtain rod, at the loose floorboard where he’s been stashing his cigarettes and his savings since he was old enough for either, then he closes the door, vowing to never come back.
Max is still asleep, if the loud snoring he can hear through her closed bedroom door is any indication. She tries to insist that she’s silent when she sleeps, but the multiple videos he has saved to his phone would say otherwise. He hasn’t told her about them though. He’s saving them for when he needs blackmail material.
He pounds on the door twice, hard enough that she lets out a genuine, frightened shout before regaining her composure. The door swings open and she glares at him, throwing on a hoodie and pulling the hood up to hide her sleep rumpled hair.
He remembers the day he moved into the bedroom across the hall, four years ago, when he was 14, and she was 10, just weeks before Susan and Neil got married at city hall. He’d hated her then, hated how much space her personality took up, hated that her and her mother’s presence was the only thing keeping Neil’s fist from conducting regular meetings with his face.
Over time though, she’s wised up to the fact that the bruises on his cheeks and the black eyes she’d find on him when she and Susan came back from the mall or visiting her grandparents weren’t from the fights that he’d say they were, and finally saw Neil for who he really was. Things changed after that, after endless whispered fights about getting him help, getting him out of there, and she’d stashed a shitty freebie calendar, the kind the local real estate agents would stuff in their mailbox, as a reminder that they could sell your home in a week flat, under her bed, counting down the days and months until he'd finally be free for him.
Her eyes go wide as she takes in his hair before a wide grin splits her face. “Holy shit, Billy!” she shouted. “Your hair! What the fuck did you do to it?”
Billy returns her grin, twirling a bright pink lock around his finger. “You like it?”
“Of course, it looks amazing. I’m so jealous. I can’t do anything with this orange mess.”
He pushes her hoodie back, ruffling her hair. “How many times have I told you, Maxine? Own it. People pay ridiculous amounts of money to have hair like yours, and all you had to do for it was be born.”
She laughs, her smile turning wistful. “I’m gonna miss you, you know. I never thought I’d say this, but it’s going to be too quiet around here without your grandpa music blaring all the time.”
“I got you something to help with that,” he says, thrusting a handful of cassettes at her. The year before, she’d gotten into collecting tapes, asking for a Walkman for Christmas, and combing second-hand stores all over town, scooping up everything from 90s hip hop to Alanis Morrisette. He’d worked tirelessly to make her mixed tapes with all of his favourite 80s metal songs, so she’d have a little piece of him here with her, even when he left.
“Thanks,” she replies, placing the small stack on her dresser and grabbing something else from it. It’s a box, wrapped in newsprint, and when he unwraps it, he finds a box of string lights, shaped like sparkling stars. They were almost identical to the ones that Neil had ripped down from around his window a few weeks before, in a fit of rage.
“I found your other ones in the garbage, and then I saw these at the store, so I got them for you. I thought they might make your new room feel a bit homier.”
He doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know how to tell her how fiercely he’ll miss her when he’s gone, so instead he pulls her into a bear hug, not letting her go until she starts to wriggle out of his grasp.
“Do you need help with anything else?” Max asks, peering into his room.
Billy shakes his head. “Nope. I’m all packed. See me out?”
She nods and follows him out to the car.
He tosses the box of lights into the back seat with everything else and says one more prayer that his vintage Camaro makes it through the trip. She’s 40 years old, and this will be the furthest he’s ever driven her, but she’s the only method of transportation he’s got, so he’ll have to keep his fingers crossed.
He buckles in, then turns to Max. Her expression is neutral, but her arms are crossed and she’s biting her bottom lip, classic signs that she’s upset. “It’s going to be ok, shitbird. Only four more years and you’ll be out of here too. It’ll be over before you know it.”
“I’m going to come out there,” she says, rocking on her heels. “If you’re still there when I go to university, I’m gonna go to New Jersey too.”
He smiles at that. “Jersey will be lucky to have you.”
After another hug, with Max leaning through the driver’s side window this time, he promises to text her when he stops for the night, and then without another glance, he drives away.
Billy drives all day. It’s relaxing to drive along the highway, just his thoughts and Metallica to keep him company. He shouts along with the music, excited to be as loud as he wants to be for once. There’s no one shouting at him to turn it down or change it to something less angry.
When he starts to give himself a headache, he turns the music down and lets himself daydream about what life in his new home is going to be like as he watches the world pass him by. He’ll finally have a space of his own, and he’ll get to decide if he gets out of bed at 6am or noon. He can eat junk food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and he can play basketball because it’s fun, not because his dad is forcing him too, standing on the sidelines and shouting, almost getting kicked out of Billy’s games. It’s going to be paradise, and he can’t fucking wait.
He ends up stopping for the night in West Wendover, Nevada, when he finds that he can barely keep his eyes open any longer. He checks into a cheap motel after texting Max to let her know that he’s made the first leg of his journey safely, and the second he’s set his alarm for 8am, he drops his phone and falls asleep.
He wakes up in the morning feeling happy and light, and it takes him a minute to remember that he feels this way because he’s finally free. He doesn’t have to listen outside his door to see whether his father’s footsteps are heavy and angry or not before going out into the hall. He can do whatever he wants, and there’s no one to give him shit for it.
He’s dressed, packed, checked out of his motel, and on the road with a McMuffin in hand by 8:45, determined to knock off at least another 10 hours before he stops for the night. It’s much hotter today, as he rolls through first Utah, then Nebraska, and the air conditioning in his car struggles to combat the heat. He misses the breeze in his hair, but he doesn’t want to die from heatstroke less than two days away from home, so he keeps the windows up.
Excitement builds the closer he gets to his final destination, and the more miles he puts between himself and Neil. He can feel the tension in his body loosen, and he finds himself smiling more, even if it’s at nothing in particular.
That night, he stops in Sidney, Nebraska, just in time for a late dinner. He grabs a burger and shake and eats in the room he’s booked for the night at a small roadside motel. He’s ravenous, given that all he’s had since breakfast 10 hours ago is a bag of Doritos and a Big Gulp that he quickly scarfed down at a gas station somewhere along the highway at about 2pm, so he inhales the burger and fries in about two bites each, then sucks down the shake like it’s a glass of water after crawling through the dessert.
Since the whole affair’s taken about ten minutes, and he’s not too tired yet, he turns on the ancient tv perched on the dresser under a shitty landscape painting of a Mediterranean seaside village that no one in this tiny middle America town had probably ever been to, and flips through the few available channels. There’s nothing much on at 9:30pm on a Wednesday except shitty reruns of shows he vaguely remembers from his childhood, so he gives up after a couple minutes, turning off the tv and settling back on the bed.
It’s then that he remembers the dildo in the very bottom of his duffle bag, where he’d shoved it after liberating it from under the floorboard that he’s been hiding it under since he bought it in late June.
One evening, after their shifts were over, he and Heather had been drinking cheap beer under the boardwalk. They were playing Never Have I Ever, and it was revealed that Billy’s never used a sex toy before. She made the sudden decision that they were going to change that. She marched him into a sex shop in the Castro, and he came out the owner of a sparkly purple dildo. It’s small and, the salesperson had assured them, perfect for a newbie, but he’s been too nervous to take it out of its hiding place, let alone use it until now.
He pulls it out, along with a bottle of lube that he’d purchased at the same time and tries not to blush. Living at Neil’s, with no lock on his bedroom door, he hasn’t really had a chance to explore his own body. Jerking off has been limited to his hand shoved furtively down his pants late at night, hoping that the quiet creak of his mattress doesn’t wake anyone up.
One night, last summer, when Neil and Susan were out of town for the weekend for some event for Neil’s work and Max was at a friends house for the night, he’d worked up the nerve to finger himself, using spit as lube, but it had been too dry, and he’d only gotten to the first knuckle of the first finger before he’d heard a noise and convinced himself it was his dad home early. He was so scared that he’d pulled his finger out as quickly as he could, his heart beating a hundred miles an hour, and he hadn’t tried again.
The only sexual experience he’s had involving another person was the time he’d been surfing all day, and when he finally got out of the water, there was a boy on the beach. He started talking to Billy, asking about his board and his favourite places to surf. As they’d talked, he’d rested a hand on Billy’s arm, eventually moving it to his waist. When there was a lull in the conversation, he’d leaned over and asked Billy if he could blow him under the boardwalk. It was dark by then, and foggy.
They were the only ones around, so Billy had nervously agreed. Halfway through, the guy on his knees in the sand, Billy’s shorts around his ankles, they’d heard someone approach. The guy had gotten up off Billy’s dick like a shot and they’d run, and that was the end of that.
Now though, he has the time and space and privacy to do whatever he wants. Supplies gathered, he lays back on the bed, palming himself through his briefs, letting his mind wander. What comes to mind first is Jeremy, one of his co-workers from the pool. He was taller than Billy, with a lean swimmers build and long, sun-bleached waves that he always kept in a bun. All summer long, he was the star of most of Billy’s fantasies, but he was too shy to do anything about it, so now he’s just got memories of the other boy, naked and dripping wet under the spray of the employee showers.
He can feel himself start to fill out and slips his fingers under the waistband of his briefs, taking himself in hand and stroking, slowly at first. His thoughts drift next to Nathan Halton, who, due to their teacher’s insistence that classes sit in alphabetical order, had sat in front of him all through grade school, after moving to San Francisco from Iowa for his father’s job in the second grade, and in any of their shared high school classes.
He’s never told anyone about his all-consuming crush on Nathan before, but Billy, for lack of a better word, was obsessed, before he was old enough to recognize that what he felt for the other boy was a crush. He had cornfed good looks, stocky, with thick brown hair and bright blue eyes, and an ass as juicy as a peach. He was the subject of Billy’s first wet dream, and when Billy wasn’t cumming in his pants to the thought of giving him a blowjob, he was fantasizing about holding his hand in darkened movie theatres, at the local diner, and in the hallways between classes. In the middle of their senior year, his family had moved back to Iowa, and Billy still thinks about him sometimes, wondering where Nathan will end up. Maybe he’s picked Rutgers too.
He picks up speed, tightening his grip, when his mind’s eye conjures up a picture of someone he’s never seen before. Their face is hazy, but they’re tall, all legs, with floppy brown hair, and they’re carrying themselves differently than all the laid-back California guys that Billy’s used to. He looks bitchy, and Billy’s into it.
Sliding his briefs all the way off and kicking them to the edge of the bed, he grabs the bottle of lube. He drizzles some on his fingers and opens his legs wide. He just circles his rim at first, teasing himself as the tall brunette keeps flashing through his mind’s eye. Then, he presses in slowly with his index finger, gasping loudly at the intrusion.
Once he’s used to the stretch, he pulls out, already whimpering at the loss, and starts working in two fingers. He stretches himself with them, pressing in and pulling out, and scissoring them, and holy fuck, it feels good. He takes a minute to curse everyone and everything that’s stood in the way of him doing this before now, and then he slicks back up and adds a third finger.
At first, the stretch is a bit uncomfortable, but then he brushes against something inside of himself, and he swears his eyes roll back in his head. That must be his prostate. He presses against it again, moaning loud and long, and hopes whoever’s in the next room can’t hear him through the wall.
Once he feels thoroughly stretched, he grabs the dildo, covering it in lube. Spreading his legs wider, he reaches down and starts to press it in, slowly at first. By now, he’s panting and covered in a light sheen of sweat, despite the air conditioning pumping the room full of fridged air. He pushes his damp bangs off of his forehead and continues pressing until he’s fully seated on the toy.
He gives himself a minute to adjust to how full he feels, then he starts moving the toy. Eventually, after a little bit of adjusting, he gets a good angle, and manages to get a good rhythm going. He thrusts up to meet the toy as he slides it in and out of himself. He feels so gorgeous like this, all spread out, slutty and wanton and dripping with lube, putting on a show, even if there’s no audience.
With his other hand, he fists his cock, stroking it in time with his thrusts. He’s close, he can feel it, feel the heat building in his groin, his balls tightening, and then he’s coming, spilling over his fist. Eventually, he regains a bit of energy and cleans up. He falls asleep that night grateful for freedom and new beginnings.
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hellfirecoded · 1 month
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(  JOSEPH QUINN  |  CIS-MALE  |  HE/HIM  |  TWENTY-FIVE  )  — — —  it's  just  been  another  long  week  in  boring  -  ass  hawkins.  isn't  that  right,  EDDIE MUNSON  ?  shit,  i  guess  they  can't  hear  me  over  THE LAST IN LINE  by  DIO  playing  through  the  headphones  of  their  walkman.  it  looks  like  they're  gonna  be  late  for  WORK  as  BARTENDER/MUSICIAN at THE HIDEOUT.  did  you  know  EDDIE  has  been  in  hawkins  for  HIS WHOLE LIFE  ?  yeah,  their  family  and  friends  describe  them  as  PASSIONATE,  but  i've  seen  them  be  OBNOXIOUS  too  !  i  would  also  say  they  remind  me  of late night drives with the windows down, band tees and leather jackets, and bulky rings on every finger but  is  that  weird  ?  i  guess  nothing's  too  weird  for  this  little  town,  huh ?
full  name  —  edward alan munson.
nickname(s)  —  eddie, ed, kid, freak, murderer.
age  —  twenty - five.
date  of  birth  —  october  13.
place  of  birth  —  hawkins, indiana.
current  location  —  hawkins,  indiana.
pronouns  — he/him.
sexual  orientation  —  undecided.
education  level  —  high  school  graduate.
residence  —  forest  hills  trailer  park.
familial connections  —  alan munson ( father / incarcerated ) ,  elizabeth 'lizzie' franklin-munson ( mother / deceased ), wayne munson ( uncle / legal guardian ).
mbti  —  ENTP ( the debater ).
positive traits  —  original, charismatic, protective, energetic, quick-witted, non-conforming.
negative traits —  argumentative, blunt, insensitive, obnoxious, guarded.
aesthetics  —  late night drives, leather jackets, band tees under a jean jacket, mixtapes with no names, bulky rings on every finger, uncontrollable late night laughter.
similar vibes to  —  patrick verona ( 10 things to hate about you ), jack sparrow ( pirates of the carribean ), tony stark (iron man ), chandler bing ( friends ), tyrion lannister ( game of thrones ), wade wilson ( deadpool ).
eddie's parents were tragic from the start. his father had a gambling issue that quickly turned into a drug and theft issue by the time eddie was two. his mother, being the saint she was, raised eddie up until she discovered her illness shortly after he turned six. stage four breast cancer. she only lived five months after she was diagnosed.  
alan munson had been arrested for drug possession when the news of his wife's death broke and he was denied custody until he could clean up his act. after calling eddie's maternal grandparents, they denied wanting custody of their only grandchild. it was only a few days after being put in the system did child services find his father's only brother, wayne. without hesitation, he was granted custody and eddie's new life began.
from the time eddie was young, eddie always had an unruly head of curls. his mother loved them. middle school was when the bullying for him began. he loved fantasy games. he LOVED metal music and often dressed in the color black. ripped jeans were a custom. it's all wayne could afford when he was growing up so he was often picked on for his grunge look. it all came to a head when rumors went around that his mom didn't die from cancer but that he sacrificed her life for some wicked intentions. the bullying got so bad that he ended up shaving his head and throwing a punch at anyone who disrespected his mother's legacy.
he got into a lot of fights in his middle school years. more often, eddie would be the victim of brutal words that he couldn't handle and he was throwing a fist at the nearest jaw. wayne was in the principals' office most of his seventh grade year. his counselor suggested that it could've been grief driven for his new-found behavior. he met every day with the guidance counselor that year and eventually dealt with the loss of mother. in high school, he began to grow his hair long to embrace his curls... in honor of his mother.
his love for d&d stemmed when he was in middle school as did his love for music. he was a self taught guitarist and when he found his lifelong friends out of the talent for both hobbies, he slowly started to find his place in the crowd of high school. the hellfire club was formed shortly after he entered into high school and desired a place for the outcasts to find their way.
all of season four is canon for eddie, though matilda is in the place of chrissy. after the battle in the upside down, eddie sustained the injuries to his sides from the demobats. when dustin, nancy, steve, and robin pulled him from the upside down... he was taken to hawkins general where he was detained and patched back up after losing a lot of blood. he remained in the hospital for three days after the incident under heavy guard as he was arrested as a suspect in the death of matlida, fred, and patrick.
despite every effort to clear his name entirely, it was nearly impossible to undo the damage that the title of 'murder suspect' did to his name. though hopper helped clear all the charges against him for lack of evidence, eddie's life never went back to the way it was before vecna's killings. he graduated, but wasn't able to walk the stage due to the controversy surrounding him. the hellfire club was disbanded in school, though eddie agreed to start the club up on his own time when speculation died down. he wasn't able to hold down any job, colleges did not accept him for his poor grades and reputation... everything he had was destroyed.
with the help of the hideout's owner, eddie was able to train as a bartender and works every other night to help wayne out with rent. he looks forward to moving out on his own time but lays low most of the time due to the ridicule he still faces to the day. he can only hope that one day, he can make it out of hawkins for good. for now, all he can do is hope that the day comes sooner rather than later.
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halikyon · 2 months
Ryune Avereth
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A.K.A: M'runa, U'ryune, Rye
Age: 30 as of Endwalker
Nameday: 13th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Half Seeker/Half Keeper Miqo'te
Gender: Female
Orientation: Demiromantic/Pansexual
Profession: Adventurer, Fist of Rhalgr, Rebuilder
Physical Aspects-
Hair: Blue Mid-length straight with a braid in the back to keep it from getting too wild.
[]It's one of her favorite relaxing activities to have M'naago play with and maintain her hair, and she enjoys doing the same in turn.
Eyes: Light pink, like her father's.
Skin: Light, betraying her familial origins as being not at all from the M as she has no ability to tan.
Tatoos/Scars: Her body is covered in small scars from various encounters, but her knuckles are especially rough and scarred. Faded stretch marks on her hips and thighs. Surgical scars from the lifesaving measures taken in Old Sharlayan after her final fight with Zenos are on her abdomen, including: one from her navel to her right side, one from just below her left breast down to mid-stomach, and a smaller one a few inches long on her left side about mid-torso. As for tattoos, she enjoys the non-permanent glamoured kind but doesn't want to be stabbed by a needle a million times no thank you.
Parents: Both dead, her mother by a Garlran patrol she attacked in her grief at the loss of her other children, and her father by the cruel sea many years later.
Siblings: All dead. Her two sisters were skilled hunters and warriors but fell before the might of Garlemald when they invaded Ala Mhigo. Her brother died later, caught in a skirmish between a Garlran patrol and a Qalyana hunting party. He was a learned herbalist and would have likely attempted to find his way to the Studium.
Grandparents: Technically, the Nunh of the X Tribe on her mother's side but has never really been un contact with him. She has no idea about her father's side.
In-Laws/Other: X'rhun Tia is her uncle. Technically, now with M'naago, she shares a familial relation with the M Tribe, just not a blood one.
Ryune is in a romantic relationship with M'naago and lives with her in Ala Ghanna. They spend a lot of time together rebuilding their homeland and support each other's pursuits, Ryune being the head of the new Fists of Rhalgr and M'naago in charge of the local garrison and patrol forces for the Fringes and Peaks.
Ryune has a physical relationship with Thancred, though they haven't seen each other in quite a while and haven't engaged in anything together since before his unwilling departure to the First. M'naago is well informed and doesn't see any issue with this, having been brought up in a Seeker Tribe, where having multiple partners is commonplace.
Vic the Swallow, a bird named for her late brother. She talks to him often as he perches on her finger.
Lilivanna the Chocobo, her faithful companion and fastest bird in Gyr Abania.
Statice the Familiar Fae, not so much a pet but a lonely rascal Ryune is more than happy to have tag along and see the star with.
Hand and Land: Leatherworking and Weaving were picked up to repair her clothes and gear when she was younger and grew into a full mastery of the subjects. She took up Gathering in remembrance of her brother, often recalling small passages from books he would read to her before she ever knew what it all meant. It's enjoyable and results in a plethora of ingredients for cooking, which she picked up to never have a bland meal of rations out on the road again.
Combat: Being a Monk and Fist of Rhalgr is her passion, but she also has training as an Astrologian as communicating with the world around her in such a way was a big draw. She is also a Gunbreaker after seeking out a teacher after watching Thancred in the First. Much to her uncle's delight, she is also a Red Mage and has diverted some resources in helping him with his efforts to rebuild as well.
Hobbies: Swimming, Drawing, Tripple-triad, and Doman Majong are her go-to activities during down time when she isn't cooking up a meal or spending time with M'naago.
Most Positive: Her will to see a task through to the end no matter what. Once she has set her mind to something, there's not much that will stop her.
Most Negative: The same as her most positive, as she also can be too stubborn to divert her course until it's become a problem.
Colors: Blue, Purple, Silver
Smells: Thavnarian spice, Rain, Freshly cut wood, Grilling food
Textures: Intricate lace, Soft sheets, Bare skin, Moist soil, River rock
Drinks: Fruit juices, Ciders, Strong herbal tea
Foods: Grilled spiced meat, Whole fruits, Pastry (especially cinnamon rolls), any Bread
Vices: No smoking or hard drugs, just social drinking during occasions where it's the thing to do.
Mount Issuance: Lilivanna was her Mount from the Immortal Flames when she joined, and they bonded immediately.
Been Arrested: Many times in her youth, but only to be dumped back at Little Ala Mhigo during her time there. She also was put in the brig of a Yellowjacket ship after accidentally boarding and being misidentified as a stowaway as she thought it was just another building on the water and didn't understand that boats don't look like that one up in the Peaks anymore.
Tagged By: @paintedscales
Tagging: @vasheden @diamondangelkitten
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junhoseo · 2 months
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again, it's me, bear (he/him) and this time i'm introducting seo junho! a 21 year old astrophysics student at sungkyunkwan university, but a professional boxer in another life. also the only son of stupidly rich people but you'd never know it from looking at him and his scarred knuckles from fights he used to frequently get into. here are links to his profile, and bio, and under the cut i'll leave some tldr info about him. and, as i've said before, please like this post if you'd like to plot!
born in seoul, but very quickly moved to fan fransisco, he grew up living in one of the houses on the same street as the famous 'painted ladies' houses
his parents pushed him to be perfect, his mom was a pretty extreme 'tiger mom'. she expected good grades, extracurriculars, a 'good enough for him' social circle, but also that he'd spend time studying and calling his grandparents and visiting his cousins. there wasn't time for it all, so inevitably, junho was a disappointment
when he was young he dreamt of becoming a kpop idol. he's since grown out of that desire, realising he'd hate how restrictive it would be to be watched and controlled all the time (he had enough of that from his mother growing up)
he's always been a bit of a space nerd, so he sort of has a new silly dream to work for NASA one day. he doesn't want to go to space, but he'd love to try out all their telescopes and tech
he's always been a rather repressed individual, since he was never really allowed to be himself, though since graduating high school he's taken the time to really grow as a person and let himself embrace who he actually is
he used to get in a lot of fights. he was always stepping in to protect people being bullied, and while no one dared target jun himself, he was always in the fights that broke out because he couldn't stand injustice, even if he couldn't speak up for anything, his fists did the talking
he's since managed to control his anger and aggression through frequently going boxing, and he's pretty good now. he fnids exercise really helps to calm him down and make things less likely to make him explode
he has a still rather secret love of fashion that he'sonly just begun embracing, but he's got a long way to go
comes across as your typical masculine man, but if flirted with he turns into a ball of giggling mush
he's a real softie when it comes to kids. he used to believe he'd be an awful father, that his kids would see the bad sides of him and be influenced in a way he never wanted them to be, but nowadays he can't help but want a family
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naha-division · 10 months
🤐 pleaseee
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Ichiro (👍🏻)
He respects Ichiro as a friend. They were best buddies however after they grew apart for so long and reunited again, they’re still friends as they used to be but sometimes they had to put their friendship aside then battle eachother when it comes to 1 on 1 fight or competition
Kuko (👍🏻 & 👎🏻?)
He also respects Kuko as a friend just like Ichiro and sometimes.....not? He remember that last time he hangout with Kuko few years ago, he doesn’t like how he cause trouble at the temple (he feels bad for Kuko’s dad and his teammates) Although there are good times where those two seriously likes to brawl eachother in a fist fight to see who’ll be last man standing
Rio (👍🏻)
He never met a soldier and he admitted that Rio is more taller and buff than him, he won’t say it but he likes him right away. Ryū would ask Rio to join body training with him. He’s the first leader division who likes his cooking, he knows what abominable ingredients that Rio made, and he wouldn’t care a thing
Gentaro (👎🏻)
He could tell whether Gentaro lying or not and wouldn’t pay mind of his lies but if Gentaro tried harder to make something up that is convincing, Ryū would ended up falling for it just like how Naoki teases him and he admits that he gets embarrassed
Rei (👎🏻???)
He doesn’t know if he should hate him since Ryū doesn’t know him except the fact that he works as a conman that brings him to not get involved. Although he gets suspicious feeling that he knows much about hypnosis mic....that led him curiosity.....
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Ramuda (👍🏻)
Both of them had in common they have fans and likes hanging out with group of lady friends (technically for Kyō, it’s other way around). They’re pretty sure they can get along well and since Kyō has a handsome looks, Ramuda would probably like to hire him as a model for his next fashion trend
Sasara (👍🏻)
He actually likes corny jokes and he’d be the one histerically laugh so hard at Sasara’s jokes/antics. Technically he haven’t seen any of Sasara’s shows but he would like to watch with his grandparents at home
Samatoki (👎🏻?)
Kyō wouldn’t say he hates or likes him but every time his grandparents warned him about yakuza and the things they did, he wouldn’t want to get involved but he believes he’s a good guy just....remembering not to mess with him actually his in sweat scared of Samatoki and tells Ryū not to challenge him in a fight
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Saburou (👍🏻 & 👎🏻)
He acknowledged how very cunning that boy was but mostly finds Saburou quiet adorable and young that he wanted to tease him like giving him a nickname “Sabu-chan~” Naoki didn’t hide how much he adores Saburou’s baby face and wanted to squish the cheeks however, he also doesn’t like when he’s being rude at time so Naoki would nag him to respect elders
Hifumi (👍🏻)
He used to visit FRAGRANCE one time when he was on day off. Naoki enjoys how lively the club was and he admits he’s quiet charming. He likes how well Hifumi serves customers of being a host after founding out Hifumi has a fear of women, he’d use his tone of voice and pretend to act like a woman just to play around with him but rest assured, he’ll apologize and tell the truth that he’s a guy after all Overall, he would say he respects him as a profession and became rivals of being the most attractive man in Japan
Ramuda (👍🏻)
He’s a big fan of Ramuda and both of them followed eachother on every social media and pretty sure Ramuda has also heard of Naoki’s greatest success of being a kabuki actor which makes him quite happy to hear that! He likes Ramuda’s sense of fashion and how energetic he was it reminded him Kyō
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elcheese · 2 months
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I know I already included some facts about him in the pic but I'm still going to type stuff about him lmao
Like I said on Hannei's post, I am not from Japan and I'm not knowledgeable on their language, so if I get something wrong, I'm sorry
Kagerō Hara
His first name Kagerō (かげろう or カゲロウ), also spelled Kagerou, is the Japanese word for "heat haze" (陽炎) or "mayfly" (蜉蝣 or 蜻蛉)
[Ignore the fact I forgot to make the o in his name's this ō]
While his last name Hara 原(はら) means meadow.
Current Age:
December 3rd
Gender + Pronouns:
Male, He/Him
Breathing Style:
Breath of the Weasel
A breathing style inspired by the Japanese mythical creature, Kamaitachi. It has six forms. Kagero came up with it by himself, derived from Wind breathing.
Relationship + Sexuality:
Single and ready to mingle (kill me that was hurtful to type). Demiromantic.
Kusarigama is his main weapon. A sickle attached to a long chain.
He has smaller weapons though like daggers and a Tekko-Kagi laced with wisteria poison.
Miscellaneous items he carries with him though are matches, a lighter, a tin of gasoline/oil and wisteria powder.
Kagero is a very extroverted person but very blunt. He doesn't mean to be rude! He just.. isn't the brightest. Very outgoing and active, always at least interacting with someone or keeping himself busy with training or hobbies. He's a gentleman as well, mama raised him right type of gentleman. Confident but not egotistical. He's a bit of a blabber mouth, he tries to keep quiet but like it ends up failing. An absolute nerd when it comes to japanese mythical creatures. Always puts his family first, no questions asked.
He's a bit reckless though and oddly violent. That violence is only towards demons of course. One of his flaws is that he always rushes in. His determination is admirable but my god this guy is gonna die faster if he just keeps attacking 💀 he gets better though. That plays along with his slight lack of patience, he wants things to end as quickly as possible so he can get to another mission. A bit greedy and a huge spender, love language is gift giving frfr. Nosy, and is upfront about it too.
Kagerō and his little sister, Akemi, lived in a nice little village with their grandparents, parents sadly passing away due to natural causes. Kagerō used to work at his grandparents' restaurant but only to help. Serving the orders to the customers, occasionally hearing the gossip from locals and visitors. The most peculiar ones were about demons. How odd, but it's nice to know that there are people interested in myths just like him. Every once a month, Kagerō and Akemi would visit their parents' graves to pay respects and just chat for a while, have a little picnic as well.
The rumors about a demon were starting to get even more intense, Kagerō chalked it up to just paranoia until he heard something about the graveyard. Dug up graves have been spotted with the bodies in them gone. Of course he was starting to get worried, what sort of maniac would steal the dead bodies of people's loved ones? So one particular night, he did the smart (dumb) thing to do. Wait until his grandparents and little sister fall asleep, sneak out and catch the criminal in the act! He took a lamp with him, careful not to step on any of the graves as he walked. That's when he heard it, a sickeningly loud and squelching noise, followed by a few crunches. To his horror, the rumors were true. It was a demon. A demon was digging up graves and eating up the corpses. His parents' graves are one of them. Furious, he yelled at the demon.. and proceeded to fist fight with it. The demon was pretty frail and weak, but still stronger than the average human.
Akemi had actually followed him, scared out of her mind while holding her own lantern, decorated in wisteria flowers. One thing led to another and Kagerō just shoved the wisteria into the demon's mouth, poisoning it. He was tired but did his best to stay conscious so he could take Akemi back home. Both got the scolding of their lives but it was later revealed that their grandparents are retired demon slayers. Both trained the two about the wind breathing. Akemi was successful while Kagerō made a few changes to better suit him.
- His favorite food is Uiro. He has a massive sweet tooth.
- Freaked out by the Wind Hashira ngl
- The top of his uniform originally belonged to another demon slayer he knew. He saw how uncomfortable she was with it and offered to switch. They were the same size so it was successful.
- Friends with Hannei! He maybe even has the tiniest crush on them.
- Regularly talks about brutal ways on how to kill a demon with Hannei.
- He keeps his hair long because Akemi loves playing and styling it. (Got pissed this one time a demon was able to cut it lol)
- He'd be great friends with Mitsuri!... If he wasn't so freaked out by the Serpent Hashira. Respectfully.
- Likes giving fun nicknames to everyone he meets. (Tanjiro = lucky, Zenitsu = deer boy, Hannei = Hare, etc.)
- Admired Rengoku Kyojuro a lot, he even wanted to train with him one day.
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