#he might wanna try bribery
angrybatart · 7 months
(Follow up to the last thing I drew, but never finished due to stress and falling ill.)
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"Look, I need this for decorating. So can you PLEASE get out of there? I'd much appreciate it."
Bat: >:[
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radiance1 · 7 months
De-aged Mothboy Dannyo.
Except this time, he isn't in Jump City and Killer Moth is sadly not his kidnapper turned parent.
Instead, he's in Gotham.
He doesn't really do anything in the City of Crime. To everyone else, he's just a street kid who was unfortunate enough to be abandoned because of his meta status.
Danny's little home is literally a dumpster in an abandoned alleyway that he cleared out of all the trash. He has a mat that he uses as a makeshift bed, and a corner where he stores all his pretty little marbles he gets from dumpster diving, as well as an old backpack he found somewhere to hold all his other stuff.
He did use another Dumpster to expand his little home though, he doesn't know what he'll do with all the extra space really, but he'll find a use for it, probably.
The use was pulling in a bunch of other soft (enough) mats that he managed to find, filling the extra space with all of that, and then laying down on all of it in joy.
How did he make said Dumpster extra space? Simple, he just tore off one of the walls, and stuck them together with a drill and a few nails he managed to buy with his limited amount of money.
Danny... doesn't remember a whole lot. He remembers red, people in white, people who he thinks he knew laying so still. He doesn't try to remember any more than that, it usually hurts.
So, he's just one little kid trying to live his life in the City of Crime. He usually tries to stay away from any gang-controlled area, he couldn't do it all of the time, but he managed good enough. He meets some other street kids, and tries to make friends, but they aren't very receptive to his efforts.
So what does he do?
He has enough money to buy some snacks and stuff, and he does pay for it, no matter how cashier looks at him as if he were going to steal something, to be fair she does that to everyone but still! He's a law-abiding street kid!
Bribery worked very well! The first few times it wasn't anything too special, but after that, they decided that he was one of them now! They tell him stuff about the various gangs and stuff, which ones to avoid, and which area to not go towards because of one incident or another.
They also helped him that one time when he was chased by some really mean people who wanted to take him somewhere and apparently sell him? He didn't wanna hurt them, so he was trying to lose them and go back home, so that he could then get off those weird cuff thingies they put on his lower set of arms that made him feel a strange disconnect for some reason.
So he was running, didn't expect for one of them to have a gun, tried to evade the bullets, one hit him in the leg, then another in his other one, and he hit the pavement. Then they caught up and put some cloth to his face and he started to feel loopy and really tired.
Before he fell unconscious, he heard a loud smack. Then he was woke up to his friends, those weird cuffs gone, his legs having been bandaged and a really nice bed.
So he thanked his friends, and went back home. He gave them each their favorite snacks for their help!
About a month after that, he meets this really kind old guy that he helps carry stuff to his car, he took most of it, puffing out his chest and saying he's got this because he's really, really strong. Then the old guy invited him to come with him for a thank you dinner.
His friends told him not to accept any suspicious offers from strangers, but he helped the guy and he just wants to say thank you. Plus, food.
So he says yes.
He didn't know the old guy- no Alfred, had a giant mansion! His jaw-dropped, awestruck face practically showed what he felt. He then looked at himself, back at the mansion, and almost didn't wanna step in because he's afraid he might dirty it, before being gently pushed inside by Alfred.
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daenysx · 3 months
i wrote this at a psychology lecture almost five minutes ago so i'm not sure if it's any good, i still wanna share. enjoy! ♡
remus lupin x fem!reader, fluff
remus is rubbing your back when you open your eyes from an afternoon nap.
you love the feeling of his long fingers pressing into your tender muscles gently. you can smell his cologne and cigarettes he smoked leaning from window. he turns a page of his book, his eyes are on the words but his hand focused only on you.
you move slowly, turning your back on bed to see remus. you try to give him a smile but sleep makes your movements sloppy. he puts his book aside to push your hair back, his eyes have the spark of contentment.
you snuggle into him like a cat. he lays back, pulls you gently on his tired body. you mumble something he can't hear, your unconcious hand stops on his abdomen. he kisses your hair, it's a mess but it smells like your shampoo.
"when did you come back?" you ask with a low voice, words melt between your lips.
"almost an hour ago, sweetheart." he answers. "you were fast asleep."
you stretch a little bit. "i was really tired."
"yeah?" remus asks sweetly. "how about now?"
your head feels numb from the heaviness of sleep. "i'm not sure." you say, burying your face to remus's neck. "i slept too much."
remus strokes the naked skin of your shoulder. you are almost about to fall asleep again, holding onto him. you don't know if you want to sleep though, you want to spend time with remus and you'd prefer doing it when you're conscious.
you try to lift your head to see him. remus looks like he is ready to fall asleep if you do, his body limp on bed. you touch his neck to maintain an eye contact, he obliges with his pretty eyes as he looks at you.
"kiss?" you ask, almost whispering. you lay back to pull remus on top of you and he moves like his movements are controlled by your brain. he smiles before leaning into you, giving you a sleepy kiss. he sucks on your bottom lip softly, you breathe his air. your hands cup his cheeks as his hands hold your waist to keep you under him tightly.
you like when he kisses you slow and confident, he's calm but he never fails to make you excited. you make a little sound when he breaks the kiss, he looks at you funnily.
"do you wanna go back to sleeping?" he asks, his lips curved into a fond smile.
you shake your head. "can we have some coffee?"
the words are still slow but you are waking up. you think you need a cup of caffeine from remus's hand, made by him. he knows what you want from the way your eyes get wider, the lovely expression on your face every time you need him to do something.
"of course we can." he replies coolly. "but you have to give me something in return."
your eyebrows rise, "like what?"
"i'll think about it." he says. "just decided i need some bribery."
you hold onto his neck. "what about a kiss?"
"one kiss is never enough." he says. "gotta have more than that."
you think for a moment, you love how his eyes shine when he's playing games. "okay." you say, reaching his forehead to stroke the soft skin and push his hair back. "what about a neck massage and lots of kisses?"
"mm-hmm." he kisses your neck with too much love. "yes."
"but if we don't get up now i might fall asleep again." you say, closing your eyes dramatically.
remus is quicker than you expect him to be. he extends you his hand to help you up and he carries you all the way to kitchen with your legs wrapped around his waist. you kiss him many many times on his cheeks on the way and he seems pleased with that.
you watch him prepare your coffees after he makes you sit on the counter gently. the comfortable silence covers the kitchen, the smell of coffee fills your senses. remus gives you yours in your favorite cup and you thank him.
he looks happy and calm under the last lights of the day that peaks through open window. you make sure to help him keep his smile on his pretty face.
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thyandrawrites · 9 months
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I'm gonna talk about this panel again, actually
Yes, Nagi's obliviousness to how he hurt Reo's feelings is frustrating yadda yadda yadda
But from the pov of Nagi being secure about their relationship, Reo hurt Nagi's feelings as well, and I feel like this gets rarely acknowledged?
Imagine this. You're Nagi. You don't wanna be in blue lock. You don't even want to attend. The summon letter you received interested you so little, you only opened it cause Reo did. You tagged along because Reo, your best friend, cared about it.
Then you learn blue lock is a special training program that will pit all the competitors against each other in a fight with only one winner. You don't wanna be Reo's enemy, and you don't want him to be yours. You try to leave, reasoning you don't want to face the day you'll either have to win against him and crush his career, or get eliminated yourself and crush his dream. You try to explain this to him. He doesn't understand—doesn't even want to listen. You sigh and keep tagging along, for his sake. Your heart isn't in it, but Reo believes in you so much you want him to be happy. You tell him, "stay with me till the end", knowing that parting will be inevitable at some point, despite his delusions otherwise. He tells you, "it's a promise, Nagi", and you believe him cause Reo puts his entire heart into his promises.
You still don't care that much about football. You'd rather be at home, secure that Reo is where he belongs, in a place filled with likeminded and driven people like him, and nothing like you. But you persist. For his sake, cause he still believes you more than you ever believed in yourself, really. At some point, soccer starts to become kind of fun. You can see yourself finally getting invested, and you tell him "I want to try to make an effort". Isn't this what he's always been wishing for all this time? For you to try, on your own, without bribery? And you tell him, "You and I are going to be best in the world. That's a fact." You believe so much in him, just as much as he believes in you. His dream was never yours, but you want to see it happen anyway, not for Reo but to keep staying with him until the end. Cause you like being with him. It's comfortable. It's fun. So you tell him, "later, Reo. I'll be waiting for you," because you'll always find your way to him, no matter what. You swore your future to him, and he to you.
You part ways with him and immediately feel lonely. You've never been apart for long, but you think his dream might be starting to become yours too, a little bit, cause you keep thinking about it—about ways to make it happen, still. You were beaten once, and it was enough to make you fear you and Reo wouldn't make it, and you don't want that. Neither does Reo, you know this. So you part ways even if it hurts. Even if Reo wasn't happy about it. He promised you he'll stay with you till the end, and Reo keeps his promises, so why would he lie to you?
But then, just after two days apart, he tells you, "You and I are rivals now, Nagi," and you don't understand what he means. His eyes are so cold, dull, and he slaps your hand away. He never refused affection before. Reo always initiated it, but not anymore. And he tells you "I'm going to crush you," and you don't know why he would say such a thing. You'll win the world cup together. That's a fact. So you don't say anything back. It hurts, but you don't protest it. Reo believed in you first, it's your turn now to believe in him. You singlemindedly continue to believe in that dream, even if he doesn't seem to care about it anymore.
And then it happens. Just like you predicted on day one, you're up against each other, but you give it your all. You never wanted him to be your enemy, but that's how he feels, and you knew this day would come sooner or later.
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So you put it to the back of your mind. You don't listen to the doubt in your chest, even if you think Reo might have forgotten, after all. But you haven't, and that's all that matters to you now.
Then you win, but it was a close match, so you know he'll keep advancing. That's just who Reo is. He's so talented, so driven. So you tell him you'll be waiting for him. Again. Trying so hard is a pain, but you're willing to do it however many times it takes to become strong enough to chase that dream again, with Reo at your side. You don't know what Reo is feeling, or why he doesn't want to be your friend anymore, but you think he'll understand this, at least. This all-consuming drive that fires you up from the inside, this excitement. Between the two of you, Reo was always the more passionate one. Except now he's not. He's slumped on the ground, and he doesn't get up. He tells you, "if you're gonna throw me away, then just do it," like that idea ever crossed your mind, like it's not utter nonsense to you. He looks at you with defeat written all over his face, waiting for you to offer him an excuse to give up on the world cup. To give up on you.
And you think, what happened to making you the best stiker in the world? To staying together till the end? What happened to your promises to each other?
Did that dream matter so little to him? Did you?
*head in hands*
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nagi's love is quieter but I promise you (ha!), if you look at it closely enough, it's wayyyyy more intense, holy shit. and Reo is as much to blame for his shit communication skills as Nagi is... Just cause Nagi didn't cry about it, it doesn't mean he wasn't upset too
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ellecdc · 1 month
whats everyone’s comfort style? like after an argument or maybe R has conflict with a class— how’re they soothing their partner?
oooooooooh my gosh this makes me wanna cryyyyy
I think I'm gonna do this if it was an argument???
I think he'd be just as close to tears as his partner
anxious and fidgety as he tries to figure out how to approach this now that tempers have settled
I think a mixture of cuddling and encouragements
tries to get you excited about something else [bribery? but in the good way lol "we'll have fun at Hogsmeade next weekend, yeah? we'll get Butterbeer - you like butterbeer"]
I think he'd be good at communicating and very emotionally intelligent (that's what having healthy and loving parents does to a person - can't relate)
broody at first - I think he'd have a tendency to shut down after a fight because he'd feel like an arse for upsetting you
I feel like he might try to back track? like he'd start thinking "was what I was so worked up about really worth upsetting them like this?"
pet names, cuddles, asks if you wanna just go to bed early with him and stay in each others arms the rest of the night - he'd need physical contact with you
lots of apologies - feels like a monster for upsetting you, maybe worried you'll leave :(
I feel like he'd panic at first when he realizes he's upset you - like face drops and all the colour leaves his face as he sees your eyes well with tears
I think this would put him into a momentary state of fight or flight - negative emotions were dangerous growing up
cautious - gentleness, complete 180 from how heated the conversation had been because he's worried; he knows he can go too far and that his words cut deep...he is a Black after all
cuddles, kisses, tries to crack some jokes as he holds you
and then apologies
panics at first just like Sirius above
momentary state of fight or flight like Sirius above & for the same reasons
think he'd start feeling like a failure, like he can't get any aspect of his life right
caution - I think he'd be afraid how you'd react when upset (again, negative emotions = danger to Black's)
lots of eye contact, hand holding, praise, bribery (I'll buy you this, I'll buy you that)
he may not actually buy you that (okay he will, but) he said it mostly to crack a smile out of you
panic, "nononono, whoa, hang on, wait, hang on, what's with the tears? what? hang on"
immediately "okay wait stop, no, don't cry. You're right, I'm sorry. You were right. Fuck I'm such a wanker."
gathers you up in his arms and straight up will not let you go for the rest of the day/night - basically barks at anyone who tries to approach the two of you during this time
gets anything you need: thirsty? you stay put, he'll get you water. Hungry? he'll take a quick jaunt to the kitchens (i.e., acts of service)
I think he might cry about it later because he feels guilty.....and the roles will need to be reversed.
tbh I see her being stubborn about it - she's rarely wrong and she's not going to start now
except....except you look so hurt and dejected; was that really right? and was it worth being right when you looked like that?
it would feel fundamentally wrong
she'd want to talk it out - have a full blown conversation about what happened, why it happened, how it could have gone differently and how you two will navigate things going further
throughout the entire conversation though she'd be holding your hand and rubbing soothing circles on it and forcing you to make eye contact with her so you know she's being sincere
she might suggest getting ice cream or something after as a treat lol
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
i’m back! how would aew boys react to reader having a bianca moment she has a mystery opponent they come out and beat her in a couple seconds https://youtu.be/XvblHAfgCwo
i’m bad at explaining if you can can you add Kenny Omega
AEW Stars React: You Losing Your Championship Within a Minute
Pairings: MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Darius Martin x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader, Daniel Garcia x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1K
Supreme Speaks: thanks to @cassie0sstuff for requesting this (i always love your requests). I still have a lot of requests so Imma try my best to release 2 or 3 things tomorrow. umm thanks for supporting me and reading my crazy thoughs. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: "mature language", mentions of bribery and my sugar daddy Christian Cage
Taglist (if yall wanna join, lemme know): @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @cassie0sstuff @hookerforhook @eddie-kingstons-wifey @triscillal @sheinthatfandom
Even though you can click on this link, imma elaborate:
After what happened, you sat up in the ring in disbelief
You were mad at the lack of communication, mad at the unwanted surprise
But you were mainly mad at yourself for not seeing this earlier
You were just overall really upset at the entire situation
But if you were feeling this way, imagine how your significant other/best friend felt…
Kenny Omega
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Immediately asks who signed off on this and who didn’t tell you
“I swear to god that I didn’t know. But whoever did, better pray that I don’t kick their ass.”
Is upset that this decision was made without his input
Would def be heartbroken after seeing your pouting face
Immediately hugs you telling you that he’s sorry and that you’ll get your rematch soon
After comforting you, he goes into executive producer mode and tries to figure out how to give you a decent rematch where everything makes sense and has meaning
Promises you that you’ll get the match that you deserve (might fight Tony tbh…me too, I wanna fight Tony)
Eddie Kingston
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It took everything in him not to run out to the ring and kick your opponent’s ass
But he didn’t…instead he linked everything back to his enemies
I think he would see this situation as people trying to hurt him through you (or you paying for his words/actions)
“Doll, I’m sorry that some people are literally out to get you for stupid shit. But I promise that I will help you get your championship back.”
Immediately hugs you while you try to calm down
Just like any situation where you are in danger/or upset, he’ll take this very personally
Will help you in your rematch by any means
Shit..because Eddie is a ride or die, he might put his title on the line for yours
Darius Martin
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Runs down to the ring and comforts you while you look on in disbelief
He hugs you, whispers sweet comforting words to you
Promises that you will become champion again
“Listen, they don’t deserve it. But you do and because of that, you will become champion again.”
Hypes you up and is glad to be a part of your revenge plan
Does anything you ask, as long as he’s helping
Is ringside for your rematch and stops other people from interfering with your match
Daniel Garcia
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He has found his humility
After making sure you’re okay, he tries to go after them; but you stop him out of exhaustion
Now, he’s concerned about making sure your mental health is okay (as this is nerve-wracking)
Mans gets on the mic a week later ripping into your opponents in your absence
“Y/N made that championship, not the other way around. She didn’t need to be a whining, cowardly bitch to get it.”
I think Daniel would try his best to help you get inside of your opponent’s head (one good thing he learned from the JAS)
Will post on social media your merch, promos, and pictures (especially when your opponent posts something else)
“Anyways, stan Y/N”
Christian Cage
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He’s suing everyone in sight (my hero)
Your opponent? Sued. The referee? sued. Tony Kahn? He is now in debt to Christian.
I think he would use his smart and manipulation tactics to really get the championship
You didn’t even have to ask him, he just did it for you
“Don’t worry sweetheart, everything is gonna be alright.”
Makes your opponent sign a contract that is in your huge favor
Then makes Luchasuarus choke slam them; you cover them (all within 5 seconds)
You win and now you and Christian roam around the locker room flaunting your championships
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Hook mad? No, no, no. Mans is pissed
I think this along with what’s happening with Jack Perry has really sent him over the rails
He’s kicking everyone in sight, slapping people, throwing the security over the barricade
Tries to suplex your opponent but Jack stops him (which leads to a chase around the arena)
“That bastard can’t run for long. And your coward for an opponent won’t be able to defend that championship when we’re done with them.”
This leads to a tag match between you/Hook vs. your opponent/Jack
You got your lick back (best believe it)
You and Hook won your titles back within a match (a first in AEW history)
Ricky Starks
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Mans in disbelief
Someone shut his mouth before he catches flies (god forbid he’s in his heel era cause everyone would be flamed)
I think he would be genuinely pissed off to the point where you couldn’t even calm him down
Immediately goes on a rant on the mic
“First, this company screws me over. Now it’s Y/N? Y’all have really fucked up! Are you lopsided, cross-eyed, inbred people just bored?”
….don’t argue with me, I can see him saying it…
Since he’s suspended, he manages you and you come back with a new attitude
After some “cheating” (Ricky calls it guaranteeing a victory), you win your championship back
Ricky’s there; just smiling and feels great that he was able to help you gain something back that meant so much to you
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Mans straight up buys it back
No, deadass, that’s it
He’s done with taking the higher road with certain shit/people so he goes back to bribing
Max literally just keeps upping the price
“I know that your poor, stank asses need more than 100 dollars so how about 1,000 dollars? Maybe you can buy some soap.”
After buying the belt and the reign, he throws you a coronation where he proclaims you the queen of the women’s division
Dares anyone to say otherwise
He also renegotiates your contract which strictly prohibits matches that you are not prepared for/made aware of
“I just wanna look out for you. Since this dumbass company can’t.”
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hotgirlgraps · 10 months
Synopsis: Two people who swear they hate each other’s guts but they just can’t leave each other alone
Warnings: angst, pining, a bit of choking, oral female and male receiving, creampie, semi-public sex, Tyler has a filthy mouth, enemies who end up fucking, basically.
A/N: this is that “you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” trope with an extremely arrogant Tyler and YN who knows how to push every single one of his buttons. This is also like 3 requests in one fic so Enjoy babes!
The requests were:
• Shower smut (enemies to lovers edition)
• “You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid”
• facefucking
if you sent those in, thank you besties here they are🫶🏼
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“Don’t say shit.” You glared at the man standing in front of you. You’d just gotten back from your match and you already knew you looked a little rough around the edges. You were sure you’d have a black eye in the morning and the last thing you cared to hear was anything Tyler Senerchia had to say.
Unfortunately, he was never good at keeping his mouth shut. It’s surprising to you how he hasn’t gotten his teeth knocked down his throat yet, but maybe you’d have to be the one to do it one of these days. Either way, he had that annoying ass smirk spread across his face the minute he caught sight of you and you just knew he was thinking of something, anything he could possibly come up with to annoy the shit out of you.
“You look like someone just beat the shit out of you.” He smirks, eyeing your hair wildly scattered about and the red welts on your skin. “You sure you’re ready to step in the ring with pro wrestlers? You might need to toughen up a little more before someone puts your little ass in a coma.”
Crossing your arms defensively, you felt your left eye twitch, which was not so coincidentally something that tends to happen whenever that man is in your vicinity. “You talk a lot of shit for someone who got knocked out with his own title.” You snap right back, watching his dark eyes narrow.
“At least I had a title. Last I checked, you lost every championship match you’ve ever been in.” He counters, his lips tipping up slightly when he sees the anger swirling around in your eyes.
“Should probably ice that eye. Looks like she got you pretty good.” He points out with a condescending smirk still playing on his lips.
“Shouldn’t you be in Tony’s office with your daddy bribing your way into another title shot right now?” You watched his jaw stiffen, feeling a little satisfied about that.
“I never had to bribe Tony for shit. I earned everything I have, unlike you, miss shorts that doesn’t even cover my ass.”
“You sound fucking stupid. It’s ring gear. Everybody wears the same shit. And I don’t use my body for bribery, if that’s what you’re trying to say.” Your voice was a little louder than you intended but thankfully nobody else was in the hall.
You watched his white teeth show with the scoff he let out. “No? You don’t? So you just wear shit like this-“ his hand motions over you, rather dramatically, “for the hell of it? I doubt that. You only get tv time because you’re eye candy for the dumb asses who are stupid enough to be interested in you. That’s all you got going for yourself, and I think you know that too. I mean, look at your win loss record. You’re probably the worst in the woman’s division.”
He always had a way of getting under your skin and you hated that you gave him the satisfaction of letting him see how angry he made you. But for some reason you always came back to the banters.
“You know what?” Your eyes flared.
“What?” He piped up.
“I don’t give a fuck what you think about me. I have plenty of fans who love me because I’m a badass wrestler and I don’t have to prove shit to you. Maybe I’ve never held a title but I’ve gone out there and given my all in that ring and i’m only eye candy, but I could walk out there in a nun outfit and still have people screaming my name, so nice try but you’re just spitting bullshit and you know it.”
You hated that easy smirk that seemed to always be on his face and wished more than anything that you could literally slap it right off.
“Then do it.” He shrugs. “Cause I’m highly doubtful and I would love to prove you wrong, and watch you absolutely humiliate yourself more than you already do when you get your ass beat every single week.”
You fell silent and he stood there with that infuriating look of satisfaction.
“Like I said, just eye candy.” He says before he brushes past you, bumping your shoulder with his arm.
“Go fuck yourself” you mumbled, but he heard it.
“I don’t need to do that.” He shrugs his shoulder. “But from this little attitude you got, it sounds like you do.” He smirks, stepping close enough that your chest was brushing against his. “I’m sure one of your creepy, perverted fans would be more than happy to help you out with that.”
“I’m sure one of the random hookers you meet on the street would be more than happy to get in your car again.” You snapped back, and all he did was let a low chuckle slip through his lips.
“Trust me. Anybody would be happy to fuck me, but unlike you, I’m not desperate.”
“Your constant visits to the strip club say otherwise.” You quirk a brow, wanting to take a step back but you didn’t want him to think you intimidated him.
“Looking and touching are two different things.” He calmly states. “And why are you keeping up with my life anyway? Aren’t you supposed to hate my guts like you tell everybody?” The corner of his mouth tips up as he eyes you slowly. “Or are you just that obsessed with me?”
You were the one to scoff at that, shaking your head. “You’re so fucking conceited it makes me sick.”
He takes a step back and chuckles lowly. “And you’re the worst liar I’ve ever met in my life. You know why?” His voice had a new edge to it, filled with condescension.
You didn’t respond, only stared up at him with piercing eyes as he tilted his head slightly to the side.
“You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” He almost whispered, allowing his eyes to linger down to your lips and then to the deepening redness on your cheeks.
“I would never fuck you.” You spat, almost quite literally.
“Cause I’d never let you.” He quickly counters, taking another step back until there was a breathable distance between you again.
“I would never want to.”
Obviously he didn’t believe that, but you didn’t believe him either. You knew him pretty well simply because of all the time he takes out of his day to play these little tit for tat games with you, and for that reason, you knew there was some kind of motive behind his constant bantering and teasing. Unfortunately for him, you didn’t want your hands on him unless it was to strangle his throat, literally.
He eyes you again, making sure to hold that dark stare long enough to make you a little nervous. That always happened and you never really knew why. But then, he takes a step foward and closes the space between the two of you almost fully once again, and you felt your heart start to thump hard against your chest.
“Next time you lie to me, at least make it decently believable. Go practice in a mirror or something, cause I can practically read your mind right now and all I’m seeing is you wanting to get bent over and fucked until your body collapses. And I’m not opposed to a little pity fuck. If you want it that bad, I can be charitable.”
His words left you speechless staring up at him for a couple of seconds while he let his eyes linger down to your lips once more, almost as if he was debating to kiss them, but fighting against it. But then you snapped back to reality and realized who you were listening to that shit from and immediately felt the rage bubbling up inside again.
“If I ever gave you the opportunity to fuck me, it would be because my life’s being threatened and the only way to save it is to fuck the most arrogant motherfucker on the face of this earth.”
You watched yet again as his lips tipped upwards and his eyes seemed to have sparked something new within them, before he shrugged one shoulder and slid his tongue over his lips.
“That’s funny, actually, cause I remember one of your little friends telling me otherwise.” You knew exactly what he was talking about and felt yourself internally wanting to scream.
“I was so fucked up, Tyler. Like drunk off my ass. Whatever I said that night, I never meant it. Don’t let it go to your head cause I promise you the last thing I want when I get in my bed at night is you.”
“Yeah?” He challenges. “If that’s the case I wouldn’t hear you moaning my name when you’re alone in your hotel room. You know we’re on the same floor, right? My room is right next to yours. Didn’t know that, did you?”
You felt your cheeks burning, like a thousand fires were blazing beneath your skin. So yeah, maybe you’d been caught up about that but it wasn’t because you wanted Tyler. It was just that it was rather undeniable that the man would probably be mind blowing in bed. He carried himself with that cocky demeanor and that air of sexual energy around him that you just knew he would be outstanding but, that smart mouth and arrogant attitude kept you from even attempting.
“What’s the matter? Nothing to say? You’re not even gonna try to deny it?” He smirked. “You know, I was gonna pay you a little visit right after that cause I figured your fingers probably didn’t do you justice but, then I thought about it and decided it was best for everyone on our floor if I didn’t cause clearly you’re a little loud by yourself, you’d get us kicked out of the hotel if I was fucking you.”
You swallowed thickly and your eyes adverted down to the gold cross sitting over his hoodie, in an attempt to avoid those dark eyes. Tyler was surprised you had nothing to say back. Usually you always did. That’s when he realized he either took it too far and humiliated you or he just figured you out completely, calling you on this bluff that you can’t stand him.
“Why are you so silent all of the sudden?” He asks, taking a slight step closer. “I just called you out for fantasizing about me and you’re not even trying to choke me out right now. What is it, yn? Did you mean it when you imagined me being the one fucking you instead of these-“
He reached down and grabbed your hand, sliding his thumb over your fingers before you felt him cup your chin. He raised your head and your eyes locked with his.
“Did you want me to be the one making you moan my name? Cause you can admit it to me, and I can make it happen right now.” His voice was deeper, raspier, almost breathy and as much as you wanted to push back like you always did, this time, you knew it wasn’t going to happen.
You watched his adams apple bob in his throat, his eyes slightly softening before a new blaze ignited within him when you simply shook your head and said, “I want to be the one to make you moan my name, not the other way around.”
“I can’t make promises on that.” He said as you felt his hand tighten around your fingers, as if he was letting his nerves subtly get the best of him.
“I can.” You whispered, and within a split second you were pinned against the wall with his hands locking your wrists together above your head. You gasped out but it was caught by his lips landing on yours, as if he really was the one who had been desperate for this all along, like you already expected.
It was all happening so fast that you couldn’t even catch your breath but something about it had you instantly wanting more the second he pulled away and he saw that in your eyes, and being the arrogant man he is, all this did was fuel him. Start a fire that nobody would be able to put out until he was satisfied with the way he plans to absolutely ruin you.
His eyes glanced to the end of the hall before he looked back down at you. His lips were swollen and chest heaving, as if he was a caged animal dying to break free.
“We can’t do this. Not here.” You managed to breathe out, watching ideas swirl around in his mind until he thought of a specific place he’d always imagined would be good for fucking at, cause that’s just the type of shit he randomly liked to thing about.
That lead to him pulling you down the hall, feet rushed until you passed talent standing around. Neither of you wanted anyone to know what you were about to go do and everyone was under the assumption that the two of you despised each other so, needless to say you got some weird glances from eyes all around when you were spotted walking side by side, but nobody said anything.
He brought you to the showers that not many people prefer to use, because it was at the other end of the arena and there was another set of them closer to the locker rooms. In his mind those showers were installed for this specific reason. And you didn’t even know they were down there until you walked in and seen three stalls with only single curtains separating them from anyone who might walk in.
“This is risky.” You tell him the second you glance around the room. “Anyone could walk in.”
“And they’ll walk right back out.” He mutters as he wraps his arms around your lower back and pulls you into his chest, locking his lips with yours once again. All of those hesitations were immediately washed over with the way he was backing you up against the wall, his lips rhythmically moving against yours.
“Look who’s desperate now” you hummed against him when his hands moved down to your shorts, fingers hooking under the waistband before he pulled back, and yanked them down to your ankles with a smirk on his face. He came eye level with your exposed core and glanced up at you as he brought one finger to run down your folds.
“It’s still you.” He says as he collects the wetness on his digit. “You’re dripping for me right now.”
Your head fell back against the wall and you kept your eyes on the door, until you felt his fingers spread your folds, and his warm tongue immediately followed, sliding from your entrance to your clit, earning your hips to jolt towards him and a low “oh God” to slip out.
“No baby” he muttered against you. “It’s Tyler. only name you need to remember is mine, and I wanna hear you wear it out”
You felt his tongue slide up again, the warmth sending tingles through your entire body. Your mouth fell open and eyes screwed shut as you allowed it all in, and his eyes stayed trained on you with every single motion.
He brought his forearm up to pin your hips, keeping you still as he swirled and flicked his tongue over your pulsating clit, reveling in the mixed sounds filling the room. He felt your hands tangle up in his hair and tightly grasp a fitful, your body was so effortlessly reacting to him in a way he knew he’d be thinking about when it’s all over with and you two probably go back to despising one another.
He knew there wasn’t a likely chance he’d be able to do these things to you again, whether you craved it or not, so he was going to make the absolute most of it.
He tilted his head so his tongue could flick at a different angle, and judging by the way you inhaled a sharp gasp and exhaled a series of broken whimpers, he assumed you liked that.
“Knew you were gonna be a moaner” he smirks against you, his hot breath lingering against your sensitive skin. “Don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to let me do this”
You heard that, and much like him, you didn’t know how to keep your mouth shut. You attempted to recollect yourself but your words still came out as one long, drawn out moan when you looked down at him, locking eyes and said, “You just admitted how desperate you are to fuck me”
His tongue stilled and eyes narrowed, but only for a split second before he brought two fingers to your entrance and without warning, pushed them in and roughly curled them against that one sweet spot that he somehow effectively and effortlessly found.
Your eyes rolled back and head hit the wall again. “What was that, baby? You were saying something? What? That I’m desperate? Sounds like you’re the one that’s desperate right now, moaning and whimpering from just two of my fingers.”
He curled those fingers back and to, hitting that spot that kept you from being able to argue back, and he took pride in that.
“Nothing to say now, huh? You were just talking all that shit, now you can’t even speak properly. You’re to tight, so wet, you’re dripping to the floor right now and all I’ve done is touch you.”
You peered down at him, catching the view of his dark eyes watching you come undone above him. A smirk spread across his lips when he noticed your cheeks flushing, eyelids fluttering and you just couldn’t help it even if you wanted to.
His fingers skillfully pumped against you, making your whole body erupt with goosebumps covering every inch of your skin.
“Bet you’ve thought about this before. About me on my knees for you, getting a taste of this perfect little pussy while my fingers fuck into you. Bet that’s exactly what you wanted that night you were touching yourself in your hotel room, and I’m sorry baby, but I was under the impression that you couldn’t stand me. Or else I would’ve been doing this all night long.”
Just his words were making your head spin. His raspy voice and the condescending edge that you couldn’t admit you loved so much. You were on the verge of letting yourself fully succumb to him but, just as soon as that release approached, it was ripped away when he stilled his fingers and rose to his feet, keeping those digits curled against your g-spot, but not daring to do more.
You involuntarily arched off the wall and he smirked at that, but he didn’t allow anything else when he pulled those slender fingers out of you and brought that slick hand up to your throat, wrapping around it and slightly squeezing. His lips barely touched yours as he applied a little pressure, enough to make your head spin.
“I got something for that smart ass mouth.” He groaned, using one hand to push his shorts down to his thighs while the other one held that pressure on each side of your neck. “On your knees.” He demanded, and you did exactly as you were told.
You dropped to your knees, your eyes now giving his cock your full attention. You knew he’d probably be impressive but at full mass, standing tall and proud, he was massive. Or at least massive compared to anything you’d had before him.
You took his shaft with one hand and immediately felt his hand tangle up in your hair. You trailed your tongue from his shaft to the tip, swirling around it a few times just to see what he’d do, and that lead to him gripping a handful or your disheveled locks.
You cupped your lips around his tip, tasting the saltiness of the precum before you relaxed your throat and took in as much as you possibly could. He felt his tip hit the back of your throat and let a breathy groan pass through his lips, looking down as he watched his cock disappear between your puffy lips.
You held your eyes on him as you started bobbing, doing your best not to gag on his size but when he thrusted his hips forward, that was long forgotten.
“Fuck you’re pretty on your knees like that” he muttered, his brows furrowing as he kept snapping his hips.
You rotated both hands around the length that just wouldn’t fit in your throat as you continued sucking him in, letting him use your mouth and throat as he stilled you with his hand gripping your hair and thrusted faster instead.
He started panting, his heavy breaths lingering about in the air as you stared up at him, feeling tears prick the corner of your eyes and there was no use trying to hold them back when he thrusted forward and knocked the back of your throat.
“Are those tears?” His voice was filled with that typical condescending edge and you wished you hated it as much as you say you do. “What’s wrong, y/n? I never took you for a crier before. Wonder if there’s some other ways I can make tears stream down that pretty face.”
You kept your mouth open as he fucked into it, unable to push your head back due to his hand still gripping a fistful of hair. You felt the tears sliding down your cheeks, new ones pushing the previous ones out every time his cock hit the back of your throat.
“God I love seeing you like this. Can’t even argue with me. Too busy getting my dick shoved down your throat.”
You watched as he pressed one hand to the wall, his upper body bending slightly over you as he started to slow the thrusts down, and a low reverberation of appreciation he would definitely deny, slipped past his lips when he felt your tongue flatten on the underside of his cock. Something he was probably going to miss when it’s all over with.
You felt his hand slowly unravel your hair and his fingers slide down your cheek until they cupped your chin. You pulled off of him with a soft pop and looked up at him. You were sure you had mascara staining your cheeks but, he liked it.
“Up” he demanded, and you rose to your feet. His eyes lingered to your swollen lips and his thumb came up to them, pressing against the pink, puffy flesh before he pulled your bottom lip down slightly.
“Still got that attitude?” He raspily whispered.
“I’ll always have this attitude.” You copped back, watching as an amused look lingered in his eye. He glanced down at your naked lower half and the wetness smearing your thighs. Then he leaned to the left and turned the shower knob, water casting down that you knew you were about to probably be under.
“You’re a mess. Should get you cleaned up.” His hands roamed from your hips up to the end of your gear, the tight top that he would deny, but he really liked when you wore. You let him slide it over your head and suddenly felt self conscious as you stood in front of him, fully naked so you grabbed the end of his hoodie and slid that over, and he stepped back to remove his shirt underneath, leaving him wearing nothing but that gold cross around his neck.
He nodded his head to the shower. “Don’t worry, I’m still gonna fuck the shit out of you.” He smirked as he placed his hand on your lower back to guide you in. You spun around the second the water casted down on you, scorching your skin until that heat was forgotten as he wrapped his arms around you and switched places, blocking most of the scolding hot drops.
“Wow, you actually did something nice for me.” You tease, feeling his thumb stroke your lower back.
“About to do a lot of nice things for you.” And then his lips were latched to your neck, his fingers found themselves intertwined in your soaked hair and all you could do was let the feeling in. The tingles on your skin mixed with the strange feeling of fire erupting through your veins and he was the cause of it all.
You sighed deeply as he walked you back, pinned again to another wall by his body pressing against yours. He was aiming to leave reddened patches over your skin and it wasn’t long before he pulled back and saw the mark he made, which would be a pretty nice sized hickey you’d have to lie to your friends about.
You stared up at him a bit breathless, and he looked down at you with lustful, impatient eyes. He had so many thoughts swirling through his head but the first thing he planned to do was make sure there was no way you wouldn’t be thinking about him every single night before you go to sleep from now on.
He reversed your places, now with his back against the shower wall that he planned to use for leverage. His hands found your hips and he lowered himself slightly, angling his hips forward so that his cock was positioned perfectly at your needy core.
His eyes caught yours just as his tip brushed over your heated skin, his hand wrapping around his shaft to keep it there as he slowly slid it around, teasing like you already expected from him.
“Not sure you can handle this, but I’ll let you try.” He smirked, and all that did was make you want to prove yourself to him so, you grabbed him in your own hand and adjusted his tip to your entrance before you angled your hips foward and pushed him in.
Right from the start he was overwhelmingly stretching you out. You could feel him taking every space between your walls and claiming it all with his size. You had to bite down on your lower lip to keep from whimpering, and he held his hips still, as much as he wanted to push in deeper, to give you time to adjust to him.
Your hands found his shoulders and his found your hips as he helped you take all of him, easing you through it until he felt his tip hit your cervix, proudly at that.
“Take your time” he whispered, and with no smart ass comment behind that remark, which was surprising.
But you, ever the sarcastic girl, shook your head and looked into his eyes, making sure he hears you when you say, “Don’t need to”
And with that, you started rocking your hips back and forth, his length stretching you to your limits with every move you made but deliciously so. It was a pain that you knew you weren’t going to be able to get enough of. Already addicting, you were fucked from this point on.
But that’s okay, because so was Tyler. He was doing his best to hide it, but the way you were gripping him so tight, sucking him right back in every time he glided out was making his head spin. He wanted more already and he knew that was going to be the case when the two of you go back to your normal after you leave the shower.
“Fuck” you breathed out, wincing when he pushed in deeper.
“Taking me better than I thought you would” be groans out of pure anticipation. He’s trying so hard not to get carried away and it’s not working out too well, because feeling your nails dig into his skin and watching your teeth sink into your lip is quickly becoming his weakness.
Your eyes peered open through the steam surrounding the two of you and you caught sight of his expression. For once he didn’t have that cocky arrogance even though his words were full of it. He looked like he’d completely succumbed to you. His eyes were focused solely on your reactions, filled with undeniable admiration even though you knew he’d never admit to that.
He kept his back pressed against the wall but his hips pushed against it, starting to go a little faster simply because he couldn’t help himself, and one of his goals was to hear you moan his name while he’s the one making you feel good.
You felt his fingertips dig into your skin, hands tightly gripping your hips as he guided your every move. You looked down to where his cock was disappearing inside of you, the feeling so intense you could hardly keep your head up.
Moans and whimpers quickly morphed into cries and whines of pure pleasure as he snapped his hips back and to, driving so deep inside of you that you could barely take it.
“That’s it baby, let me do all the work while you take my dick like a good girl. Matter of fact-“ he pulls out quickly, surprising you until he spins you around. You pressed your hands to the shower wall to keep steady and as soon as he entered you again, his fingers intertwined yours.
You arched your back and he leaned away slightly to watch as he fucked into you. Your ass jiggled each time his hips rocked into you and the look of that alone was almost too much for him, coupling that with your walls having a vice grip around him, this man was nearly done for.
Your cheek pressed against the wall, mouth couldn’t figure out how to stay shut for the first time as a list of unnatural noises came flying past your lips. And Tyler loved every single sound you made.
He folded over you, his lips finding your neck where he decided he just wanted to leave another purple patch in their place. Your head lolled to the side, letting him do whatever he wanted as he kept thrusting into you.
The sounds of your skin slapping and a mix of moans, whimpers and heavy breaths overpowered that shower water casting down on the tile but neither of you cared at that point.
He pulled off of your neck with a pop and his teeth grazed the shell of your ear, sending goosebumps skating down your whole body. His heavy breaths were puffed in your ear and you were quickly realizing you loved the sound of him like that, whether you liked that fact or not.
“Next time you touch yourself, this is what you need to think about” he breathily whispered, punctuating his words with harder thrusts. “And when your fingers aren’t leaving you satisfied, then you need to call me.”
Your eyes rolled back as he slammed into you. He leaned back and grabbed your hip, keeping your steady as he picked up the pace. You quickly started feeling your stomach coil, a pleasurable sensation that was taking over too rapidly to process.
“Oh my God” you cried out.
“I told you baby. Tyler. I’m the one you need to be crying out for. Only name that needs to come from those pretty little lips is mine.” He slams into you once again, now holding both of your hips as he thrusts with a speed that had you seeing flashes of white.
He grabbed a handful of your wet hair and pulled your head back, his lips coming to your ear once more.
“I don’t know what you’re gonna tell your little friends when they ask you why you’re walking funny” he mutters against your cheek, “or why there’s hickeys on your neck” he adds as he pulls out halfway, just to slam right back into you. “But I’d love to be there when you give them your bullshit explanation, and if you say any other man aside from me did that to you, I’ll fuck you right there in front of them.”
He leaned back up and gripped your hips again. “Cause baby, I’m not letting anyone take credit for the way I’m ruining you.” His fingertips grip your hips so tightly you’re sure they’ll leave red marks in their place. “And as much as you might wanna keep this our little secret, I’m just not sure you’ll be able to do that for very long. Not when I’m done with you.”
At that point you barely could comprehend him, but that was until he pulled out of you, just to spin you around. You came face to face with him again. He wanted to see what he was doing to you and needless to say, looking at how blitzed you were, he was pretty proud of himself.
He then wrapped his hands under your thighs and lifted you up. Your legs felt like noodles but you still managed to wrap them around his hips. There was a familiar sting when he pushed himself back into you but you quickly realized that you loved it, and unfortunately you were probably going to want it again after this.
He held you up as he rocked into you. The shower water had started running cold against his back but he didn’t care. He was so hyper focused on you that he didn’t even feel the ice droplets against his skin. And that man hates cold showers.
“You’re so pretty while you’re getting fucked” he huffed out. “Wish you could see yourself right now. See how fucking hot you look with my dick stuffed inside your perfect little pussy. All those marks on your neck. Fucking gorgeous just like I knew you’d be.”
Your mouth fell open but nothing but those inhuman sounds could come out. Your hands gripped his biceps and you felt his muscles stiffen beneath your touch. Your eyes fluttered to get a good glimpse of him but it was all so blurry. You were on the edge of an impending high and apparently he knew exactly what to do to bring you over.
“Next time you open your mouth to say some smart ass shit, remember my dick getting shoved down your throat, cause that’s exactly what ima do, baby. From now on, you’re gonna be a little nicer, or you’re gonna get that pretty throat ruined.”
You moaned at that for some reason you really didn’t even know, and especially when you felt his teeth scrape over your jaw, his lips peppering delicate kisses down your neck was such a stark contrast to the way he was fucking into you so roughly that your brain had completely checked out.
“I know you’re loving every second of this. I can feel it. Your pussy squeezing me so tight, can’t hardly let me pull out of you without sucking me right back in.” He rasps against your slick skin, reveling in the moans that are ripping through your lips. “You want to come on my dick so bad you’re shaking, baby. You’re practically begging for it.”
Your eyes fluttered open and caught his. His hair was slick against his skin, eyes low and rather hazy. He had sweat beads slipping down his temple and looked like the absolute picture of perfection, as much as you hated to admit it.
His lips landed on yours, taking you by surprise in that moment but you easily kissed him back. His tongue surpassed and entered your mouth, finding your own tongue as he slowed his thrusts down from hard, sharp snaps of his hips to slow, smooth and languid pushes in and out of you and for a moment it felt so intimate that you almost fought against it but, it also felt right, and you decided not to overthink that and just let it happen. You’d ignore the feelings it brings later.
His hands cradled your face as his tongue danced with yours. You felt his cock push back into you easily, yet carefully, and he held it there for a few seconds before he pulled halfway out, just to do it all over again.
He pulled his lips back and both of your eyes opened. For a moment you were both so caught up in the emotion that suddenly aroused, you both wondering why things just took such a turn but Tyler was quick to snap his hips and pick up the pace again, because like you, he didn’t want to overthink.
Caught by surprise once again, your head fell back against the shower wall his name rolled off the tip of your tongue way too easily.
“Fuck” he groaned when he heard it. “So fucking hot when you moan my name like that, angel. Fucking love it.”
“Please don’t stop Tyler, please, I’m so close I-“
“Wasn’t planning to, baby” he snaps his hips again and buried his face in the crook of your neck. He keeps you held up when he feels your body going limp, knowing your orgasm was about to rip through you and he was more than just ready for it.
Your eyes screwed shut as you held him tightly against you, feeling him hit your sweet spot over and over until your entire body suddenly erupted with the warmth that you’d been aiming for, pure euphoria rolling through your veins as he rocked your through it.
“Fuck, oh my- Tyler! Fuck!” You were a babbling mess as you felt that high crash into you, along with his merciless hips. He thrusted three more times before he stilled those hips. Low grunts and groans of his morphed into the air with your higher moans and whimpers.
You were barely comprehensible at that point when you felt your feet get placed gently on the shower floor. He slid out of you but kept his face buried in the crook of your neck for a couple extra seconds, both attempting to catch your breaths.
After a minute or two, he picked his head up to look down at you. He now had tired eyes and a lazy smirk plastered on his face, but there was a lot of pride evident in those dark eyes and it immediately made your cheeks tinge red, though you tried to hide it by dropping your head.
That’s when you felt his finger curl under your chin and lift your gaze back to him. “Tell me again how you’d only let me fuck you if your life depended on it.” He smirked, and you couldn’t help but do the same as you looked into his unusually soft eyes.
“I mean, I was feeling nice today. Don’t get used to it.”You shoot him a look as you step out the shower.
“You were not feeling nice today. Maybe you’re feeling nice right now, but not earlier you weren’t. You might as well just admit it, YN.” He steps out the shower and placed himself in front of you, leaning down to grab your clothes off the floor before he hands them to you.
“Admit what, Tyler?” You grabbed your clothes and gave him a cross look.
“That you just wanted me to fuck you.” He shrugs with a boyish grin, and as much as you do try to act like it annoyed you, it wasn’t so much anymore. Not as much as you wished it did, anyway.
“Why don’t you admit it?” You countered as you slipped on your shorts.
“That I wanted to fuck you?” He asks as he slips on his shorts and pops the band against his waist. “Okay, I mean, obviously. I just did, didn’t I? See I can admit things, but you never can. That’s your problem. You like to try to hide things to much.”
“Appreciate the advice, Dr. Phil, but I really don’t have anything to admit.” You crossed your arms after you slipped on your shirt. He hated that there were clothes on you again but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
“Nothing?” He quirks his brow. “Nothing at all?”
You peered your eyes at him, noting how he was trying to act like he knew something he clearly didn’t. You shook your head and stepped back towards the door.
“Nope. But I need to go fix myself up before my friends see me looking like this and ask me what the fuck happened, thanks for that.” You bite out, but all he does is let his eyes linger down to those purple patches he left on your neck.
“Yeah, well, when you’re begging for more, you know where to find me.”
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ravensilversea · 21 days
Prompt(s): Hope/Forgiveness
Warnings: No warnings apply
Characters: Commander Fox, Sergeant Hound, Grizzer, Yarn (Clone OC)
Additional Tags: Forgiveness, in the most unserious and comedic way possible, Fluff, Grizzer is a Drama Queen, Bribery
Summary/Description: Fox will take it as a win that the kid wasn’t asking stupid questions like ‘what is one of my commanders doing underneath a table?’ Because the answer is: Trying and failing to bribe/beg/grovel for Grizzer's forgiveness with a rope toy
“Uh, you okay there, commander?”
Fox bangs his head on the table, and he swears Grizzer’s laughing at him as he rolls over to address the issue. The issue being one of his annoying brothers coming by at the most inopportune of moments. “I’m perfect, private. Was there something you needed?”
Unfortunately, that did not send the shiny away, nor was he spilling what he actually walked into the room for. But, Fox will take it as a win that the kid wasn’t asking stupid questions like ‘what is one of my commanders doing underneath a table?’ 
Flipping back over, Fox wiggles the rope toy closer to Grizzer’s nose. The massiff yawns and rests his head back on his front paws, facing away from Fox. “Come on, Grizzer,” Fox whispers. He flicks the end of the toy closer to Grizzer.
“What the commander isn’t saying,” Fox is going to kill Hound, “is that he upset Grizzer this morning and must now beg his forgiveness.”
“An exaggeration,” Fox retorts with a sniff. “Grizzer’s a drama queen who’s moping over nothing.”
Somebody- it’s Hound, the shiny wouldn’t have the guts- nudges Fox’s leg and scoffs. “Not what it looks like to me, sir.” The table creaks slightly as Hound sits on top of it, and Fox eyes it warily.
“Hound, if you bring this table down on top of me…”
“I’ll suddenly be field promoted to replace you and will buried under piles of paperwork and comm calls from whiny senators, yeah, yeah.” Fox can just imagine Hound’s dismissive hand wave. “Hey, shiny, you have a name yet?”
“I’ve been trying Yarn, sir. My squad, uh, they called me ‘Chatterbox’ because I always was bringing them the latest gossip and all, so I wanted to try and spin off that.”
Fox tilts his head and thinks it over. “So you spun yarns as a cadet?”
“Clever.” Better than some reasonings he’s heard, not that he’s going to argue with any of his brothers about names of all things. Fox pulls the toy back and takes a breath before tossing it towards Grizzer again. This time he got an interested eye. “Come on,” he mutters. “You wanna play right?”
“Um, commander?”
Fox closes his eyes. He sighs, “Yes, Yarn?”
“What exactly did you do to Grizzer?”
Hound barks a laugh, and Fox drops his forehead to the floor with a groan. “Well, Yarn, you see, our dear Commander Fox was getting his lunchtime refill of caf. And while Grizzer was just minding his own business in the break room like the good massiff he is, Commander Fox kicks him.”
Fox whips his head up, banging it against the table again, and raises a finger. “I barely touched him!” Grizzer jerks at the sudden noise and with a loud huff, stands and walks out from under the table. Fox turns back towards the massiff and reaches after him, “No, wait, Grizzer, come back! I’m sorry!”
“Looks like Grizzer’s not accepting your apology, Commander,” Hound says through his snickers. The table rocks as he stands with a sharp whistle. Grizzer’s claws scrap against the floor. Fox pulls himself out from under the table just in time to see Hound give Grizzer a treat and a round of pets. “Next time, sir, might I recommend grabbing some treats? He’s always in the mood for them.” Hound smirks, then hooks a lead on Grizzer’s collar before leaving for his patrol.
Yarn stands in the middle of the room, looking back and forth between Hound’s retreating back and Fox’s darkening face. His eyes gain a bit of a gleam, and the faintest hint of a smile plays on his lips. “Can I help you, private?” Fox all but snarls.
“No, sir. Have a good day, sir.” Yarn snaps off a quick salute and darts off.
It’s not until the shiny’s long gone that it occurs to Fox that Yarn had admitted to being the gossiper of his squad. He lurches off the floor with a curse, “Force damnit, I knew I shouldn’t have gotten up today.”
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Dangonronpa korekiyo, nekomaru, nagito, kokichii, and gundam, and fuyuhiko with someone who reads erotic books like at first they try and hide it like throwing the book under their bed or hiding it and they have A LOT of those kinds of books but they have a lock on their closet but when they find out they dont care anymore and just bring it everywhere and sometimes read out loud on accident and detail?
Better late than never I hope?
Anyways, this one just cracked me up!! I uh. Let's say I relate-
I only did Nagito, Kokichi, Gundham and Fuyuhiko for now! Perhaps I'll do more soon.
Mod Usami/Bunny
Rating: Mature
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-Honestly, he's curious when he sees or finds out about the locks and mega privacy you have!
-He doesn't push your boundaries at all, or try to snoop, but he's always wondering what secrets he has left to uncover about you...
-Maybe it's his luck or your forgetfulness that leads him to finding out, but sooner or later he's holding one of your books and flipping through it
-He doesn't look surprised or disgusted or even confused, he just turns kind of red
-'Oh, is... this the kind of stuff you're into?' He'd laugh awkwardly. 'You've no need to be embarrassed! It's really only natural-'
-You, uh, might wanna shut him up before he says something that really embarrasses you. If you're having sex he definitely offers to perform an act he read about
-He doesn't really feel a ton of shame about this sort of thing, so when you bring it out in public, he only laughs and humors you
-He would even voice act if you'd goaded him into, but I don't think he'd do it well, or without laughing a bit and feeling bad about it
-He's glad his luck has brought you two closer!
-He's not the type to be opposed to keeping secrets... He knows well that some can be good in a relationship.
-Even if your everything is locked he doesn't really bat an eye. He's definitely interested but he's of the mind that if he doesn't know, he doesn't need to know, and if he needs to know, he'll find out eventually anyways
-When he finds out, hes more flustered than he'd like to admit. Sure, he's been exposed to violence for a while but not a ton of sex!
-'What the hell?! You're into those dirty mags the old guys I work with are?!'
-He doesn't think its that big a deal once he gets over the initial shock about the size of the collection and does his best to forget until you bring it in up or into public
-It definitely embarrasses him and he might walk away the first couple of times if he knew you wouldn't take it too hard-
-At the end of the day though he's extremely loyal and puts up with it very begrudgingly and he might even get used to it if you didn't budge
-Well. he gets used to it until you start throwing in moans and then he's right back to square one of embarrassment
-Seems decently... sheltered
-When he sees the locks he's like that old meme. 'Alright then, keep your secrets'
-"Ah, my dark liege has a chest full of ritual objects! I mustn't disturb it." He never mentions it again.
-You'd have to be the one to slip up or show him on purpose
-He blushes REALLY hard when he finally realizes what they are. If he was holding them he probably drops them
-"What kind of sorcery-"
-If he found it he'd probably assume someone put it with your stuff as 'a twisted sort of deceptive revenge... be careful my dark liege!'
-if you started reading it in public he'd probably begin to speak very loudly about his magic or animals so that no one would hear you to cover you
-if you were doing it to tease him he wouldn't realize. He just thinks you have your interests and they're... strange to him
-if you admitted you were doing it to tease him he would probably be so flustered he would just hide in his scarf
-oh this fucking rat
-Locked closet? He's doing everything in his little rat bastard power to get in. lockpics. bribery. pleading. the silent treatment. breaking it. asking your friends where the key is. searching your room for it. at one point you swear you left him for a second in your room and he was gnawing at it-
-Kokichi's quite upset you'd keep this from your leader!
-When he inevitably gets his terrible hands on them he's DELIGHTED
-he'd HOPED it be something as embarrassing as this and maybe for a second you ARE super duper embarrassed
-"So this is the perverted stuff you're into? Maybe I should have pegged you for it a long time ago-"
-He absolutely makes fun of you ruthlessly for it. Even in public. Especially in public.
-He loves the game where he runs around and you try to fucking tackle him to keep his damn mouth shut-
-Eventually when you start carrying them around, he just gets worse
-But its only for a little bit- you start having less and less reaction and soon you even read them out loud to him to get his reaction
-kokichi's never one to turn down a bluffing competition
-soon you're reading them together everywhere- on the train, at lunch if you're in school, on dates sometimes, anywhere to try to get the other one to back down. If you're the type, you absolutely both throw moans into it
-he still teases you for being a 'perv', but he's the one who got you two kicked out for public indecency about it-
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
hi bonny first off i wanna say i love your fics. as a black reader i dont feel unsafe at the moment and would really love to stick around cuz your writing is compelling.
while i do believe fic is a free for all, i do think a police fic would attract a certain demographic into your audience making it unwelcoming to your poc readers.
you already have someone reblogging under the other anons post spouting dog whistles.
personally i’d have no problem with a “police” fic IF it wasnt taking inspiration from the CURRENT JUSTICE SYSTEM AND POLICING OF TODAY.
you could write about how you’d see crime handled in a way thats makes sure that perpetrators get to court alive to have a fair trial or even preventative measures within the community jungkook could take to ensure that someone never feels the need to turn to crime.
it could be cool to visualize jungkook as like a community policer. they usually live in the neighborhood and work with their neighbors to watch out for each other. you could create your own system of how they handle punishment.
you could have a tasks force but they dont use guns. and they dont use excessive force.
they could try deescalation tactics like talking.
you could have jungkook on a crime scene making sure that ALL evidence is collected, briberies arent happening, and he’s checking his peers when they might have messed up.
you could include advanced futuristic technology that makes sure that a suspect is being rightfully accused to avoid false accusations.
because the system is under such careful surveillance unlike OUR CURRENT SYSTEM, you could write about how heinous crimes are punishable by death or maybe even exile to some other planet
jungkook could be seen doing charity drives like handing food to the homeless and back to school/supply handouts.
he could even be featured playing with youth in the community. like basketball on the court or sitting down and talking to them to see if things are good at school and home.
there’s ways to showcase him as an actual protector of citizens.
you could show him outside work too being a pillar, like maybe he goes to city hall meeting and advocates for social changes. like transportation, shelters, and livable wages.
imagining a better tomorrow where you have the creative freedom to imagine how you’d go about changing the system could be more FUN creatively cuz the possibilities are endless rather than having him abuse his power and hurt people.
hope that helps💜
I mean, yeah, that would've been my actual goal, I didn't think people would feel like I would write it in a way that would make people feel upset :/ That's why I wanted to maybe make it a 'fantasy'-esque hybrid or Alien fic to kind of.. take away the 'reality' connection from it? I don't know.
I write fics to give people a way to escape the troubles they have daily, so they can daydream about a world where things are better, true love is a thing, and happy endings are the norm. I know I'm not always hitting the nail with that attempt, clearly, if people instantly thought that I would not do well in creating an Alternate Universe where things would be better. I don't know. I'm currently feeling a little weird about everything I wrote now, like, I'm questioning what exactly caused it. Was it the way I wrote my hybrid fics? Or how I buit my Alien universes? Did I unintentionally make people feel unwelcome/uncomfortable? I don't know anymore.
I try to not make specifics about skin color/hair length/eye color or whatnot in my fics to try and keep it open as possible, and I know I don't do that well sometimes, since there's a limit to what I can properly write- which is why I don't write tall characters, male readers, or specifically poc's- because I cannot and will never be able to properly portray that. I'm not a professional writer, this is just a hobby, and maybe I need to, I don't know, educate myself more to make sure that in the future, my works don't make anyone feel excluded or upset in general. I'm sorry if that was the case in any of my works.
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madam-melon-meow · 6 months
The Good, The Bad, and The Alternative; a homestuck fanfic. Chapter 28, an excerpt.
Sollux reached under the table and pulled out the mic he brought for announcements, and the backup mic in case the first one ran out of battery. He set them on the table in front of his laptop. "You guys wanna do this now?" He asked.
Gamzee reached for the mic, chuckling. "For sure, my brother."
"Hold up." Dave raised his hands. "How do I know you're not about to fucking cheat again with all your extra shapeshifting bullshit?"
"Aww, c'mon my ninja, you're not still all broke the fuck up over that shit, are you?" Gamzee said smugly. "I'm just using the gifts God done gave me."
"Fuck you, man, it's a rap battle, not a whole goddamn cinematic instrumental and Foley orchestra- just cause you can make a airhorn sound out of your ass after rhyming 'cool' with 'tool' doesn't make that shit a good bar. Fucking disrespectful to the art form." Dave crossed his arms, a stank expression on his face.
"Ease up, big D, shit's no different than dropping the mic- it's about the motherfucking performance- getting the fucking crowd going." Gamzee didn't seem to have a clue how invested his opponent was in this argument.
"Alright, alright, how 'bout I start making it rain Jacksons into the audience, would that be cool? Just the performance, big G. Just flexing the fortune I've been given." Dave kissed his fingers and pointed up.
"Shit, dog, that kinda sounds like motherfucking bribery, that money ain't part of you." Gamzee pursed his lips and shook his head.
"Would, uhm. We? Be the audience?" Tavros asked quietly. "Cause, uh, I think that might be fair play. If so."
Gamzee turned around, utter betrayal across his face.
"T, you're gonna motherfucking backstab me?" Gamzee asked.
"Sorry, Uh. I was just thinking, like- booster packs aren't free." Tavros admitted shamelessly.
"Hey wait a second-" Now John spoke up. "If the people here- your friends- are going to be the audience, wouldn't pretty much all of them favor Gamzee anyway?"
"Yeah wait a fucking second- are you trying to fucking play me?" Dave asked Gamzee, gesturing towards the mics.
"Holy fucking shit- I'm not gonna sit here all night while you four bitch about your rules." Sollux snapped. He pointed at John and Tavros. "You two- you'll be the ones in the battle. The better rapper will be the better teacher- so start training them- you've got 20. Nobody will favor either of them cause pretty much nobody knows either of them." He said with absolute authority.
"What?" John yelped.
"Uh, I agree with John. What?" Tavros's wings buzzed anxiously.
Dave and Gamzee looked at each other, competition burning in their eyes.
"My boy John can douse yours on any day of the fucking week." Dave said.
"Haha you don't even know what kinda shit they got going on in the Fae, gonna turn this motherfucking dance floor into a gallows." Gamzee said. "C'mon, T."
Gamzee grabbed Tavros's arm and dragged him off. Dave did likewise with John.
Ready to experience the rap battle of your dreams? Read on here to see what our heroes of breath have to say!
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notasapleasure · 1 year
Behind the Beautiful Forevers, National Theatre (2015)
David Hare's adaptation of Katherine Boo's book about a Mumbai slum. It follows various people and their interconnected stories, and Joplin is one of those playing multiple characters in the play: Sub-Inspector Shankar, the Prosecutor, and an unnamed extra.
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First off, just a warning for anyone who might need it, as Sub-Inspector Shankar is not above committing a little light torture to get the results he wants. The story is pretty heavy too - there's self-immolation, suicide and violence.
And yeah, I am just here taking my little screenshots, and I am not above saying a uniform can look good on the right body even when said body is wielding a stick or belt as an instrument of torture. But you all know that from these blog posts already... First watch was for going oof at the story, second watch was just for going mad taking screencaps.
Oh HI Assad Zaman! He has a motorbike.
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He.....oh dear. He had a very bad time as Deepak Rai, aka Kalu. Brutally murdered for breaking into the airport grounds to steal metal. (but he also turns up as a number of other characters)
Hmmmm hello Mr Officer Sir. That IS a moustache!! Sub-Inspector Shankar Yeram aka Fishlips 🙃 (I'm not making it up!)
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He wants to keep the murder rates low! Get the certificates, look after his kids....just say the murder victim was suspected of having TB, the coroner will know what to do. Tell the other pickers he was murdered though, we wanna keep them scared!
Among the British actors putting on their Indian accents, he's at least doing a posher one but umm. If you know he's a Cockney you still know.
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Holy SHIT did he just pick up Sunil the picker one-handed skdjdjjfjfjff 💀
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The problem is I'm trying to have critical thoughts and then it's just 'HURRR. LOOK HOW BIG HE IS.'
Oh no, torturing a man for evidence is bad for his back :(
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"Can you tell me what they've been charged with?"
"Yes, I can." 😐🤌
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The tick of pulling the trousers up is splendid. The moustache is glorious. The bribery by tiffin is kind of charming. But the accent....bb it's not your best :') I guess it's a struggle to project and do this accent together?
Beginning of the second act (the rains have arrived - hence hat).
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He sort of takes pity on the woman whose eldest son, husband and daughter have been jailed for beating a woman who then self-immolated (which they didn't do). I say sort of, because money and tiffins are very much involved, but he helps get Abdul a school certificate to ensure he'll go to juvie rather than adult prison.
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As an aside, the second act hits SO much harder. The audience laughter is rarer, quieter, more nervous - in the first half it often made me uncomfortable, like the characters were grotesques to be laughed at. The themes come together too - younger generations who have seen either tenuous opportunity or brutal reprisal based on their parents' approach to getting on, asking themselves why they have to act 'dishonourably' or unjustly to improve their lot. And their parents standing by the hard work they've put in - whatever the cost - in order to improve things for their families.
Probably my least finest hour was trying to get a shot of Joplin's butt dancing in the background while Meena is in agony from the rat poison she's taken.
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But if you do watch the play - and I really do recommend it - fair warning that Meena and Manju's interactions will wreck you, even if nothing else does (and there's plenty else that should).
He's now the lawyer for the prosecution (against the Husseins for Fatima's death).
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gosh isn't he big though.
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I think the accent is better without the moustache?
They still have him hauling bits of stage around in his suit :') And once you're on the look out for him in the unnamed role in between scenes as the copper and the lawyer he's on stage quite a lot. But the cast is large and the story is dense, so if you do watch, be aware that focussing on Joplin will make the story near-incomprehensible and in focussing on the story you might miss a lot of his background appearances. Which is why I'm glad I watched twice :)
Dead? Nope! Not one version!
Evil? Nearly everyone in the play is morally compromised and sees the bribes and the selfishness simply as the only way of surviving with the hand life has dealt them. It's worse from the professional classes because of the additional power they wield, as you'd expect, and though S-I Shankar does what he does for his children's education, one feels he does relish it somewhat, too.
Affects the plot? He does indeed!
It took a while to warm on me, but the second act really made it all come together, and re-watching with a better idea of the characters and themes was really satisfying. The performances all round are great. And on a thoroughly basic note, the uniform is hot, the suit is well-fitted, and yes there was that time he picked up a dude one-handed. 3/5. The speaking roles he has really aren't nice people, looks notwithstanding, and the accent...not his best.
There are shitloads more screencaps too, but I couldn't be bothered to knit them together tonight - when I've watched the last three plays I'll set up a fan blog and a google drive with all of them in for people to take and use as they want.
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
For the H/C bingo, I wanna see something for "Learning to be Loved" with either LU or LK (whichever you feel like writing, there's good content for that in both)
I... hope this is okay. I’ll admit these are characters I don’t have the best grasp over, but I know they both legit exist in LK so... I’ll call it pre-LK? Though its kinda more Four Swords Manga fic. I say. Having still not read it. Oops.
Infact its definitely Four Swords Manga fic, I can even work out where it goes. Sorry if this isn’t quite what you meant? But thank you for the prompt! (Feel free to/please submit another). I’m also not quite sure it counts, though I promise from the other PoV it might. ^^;
He was still just sitting there.
Vio stared at the shadow-clone sitting on the edge of the balcony, legs dangling towards the distant earth. He did not seem to be doing... Anything. Just sitting there, staring at the clouds hiding the night sky.
Well. That was not going to do.
He turned away, heading back inside. The two were allowed a surprising amount of freedom within the Palace, but, in turn, they were both trapped within; even at times like this, when Vaati was away.
Vio knew. He had tried to leave, and it had gone far from well.
Still, it had granted him plenty of time to perfect not only his plans, but his knowledge of the place. Every part of the building was ingrained in his brain, and so, too, was their supply situation.
Without hesitation he headed to the basements, where the wine was stored. He pulled a random bottle from a shelf, and then filled two glasses from one of the barrels. The bottle he tucked under his arm, and one glass in each hand, Vio made his way back to the balcony.
The shadow still sat exactly where he had left him, eyes skimming the clouds as though searching for the moon. 
Unable to be graceful about it, Vio still sat himself at the shadow’s side.
The shadow turned his attention to Vio; Vio forced one of the glasses into his hands.
“What’s this?” the shadow asked, amusement in his tone. “Bribery? I thought you heroes were above these things.”
Saying nothing, Vio turned to look at the blank sky, and put his own glass to his lips. The wine within was foul, but still he drank it; he would go just as mad from never speaking as he would from trying to have a conversation with an evil shadow.
“It’s a drink,” Vio kept his tone very flat as he replied. “Nothing more.”
Or maybe it was a little more; the shadow had looked so utterly /miserable/ that even Vio could not help but intervene.
“Like I’ll believe that,” the shadow took a long gulp of his cup anyway. “Softening me so I don’t hurt the other yous?”
“If you want sentimentality, you should have bought Red back with you instead,” Vio tipped out the rest of his glass, and instead poured some wine from the bottle. Maybe, just maybe, it would be less foul. “I made my choice. I’m not going to change it.”
“Like you didn’t change your mind on the wine?” the shadow quipped, though he copied Vio’s actions.
“I wasn’t looking at what I grabbed. Defecting? I made an actual choice about that,” Vio took a sip. This wine was still bad, but slightly more palatable.
“You were just scared I’d beat you all on your own.”
“Like you weren’t; if you were half as confident as you claim to be, you would have just killed me.”
“What? So you’re saying you just agreed so you didn’t have to stab my pretty face?”
That… Was preposterous. Of course that was not so! Vio and the shadow had the exact same face, after all, and they both knew it. Rather than reply, Vio rolled his eyes.
“You did!” The shadow cackled. “You really betrayed your other selves just because I’m a pretty face! Or was it my ass?”
“It was neither your face nor your ass,” Vio gestured hard enough that his wine sloshed over the edge of his cup, and down to the forest below. “I just didn’t want to die.”
That made the shadow a whole lot more serious, “neither do I, you know?”
“I know.”
Really, Vio, ‘I know’? Where was Red when you needed him? Hopefully not dead, though where else he might be Vio had no idea.
The shadow froze a moment, something breaking in his usual persona. He tried to gather it back again, but there was still vulnerability within the joke, “I thought you didn’t consider me real. Can’t die if I’m not alive, right?”
“You’re real,” Vio replied. “Can’t be lonely if you aren’t real, can you?”
That in turn had the shadow freeze up entirely; Vio took another long sip of his wine, dearly wishing that he was Red or Green once again. They would be so very, very much better at this than him…
“No,” the answer was quiet. “I don’t suppose I can.”
“So,” Vio bit down every instinct as he offered his hand. “Hello, Shadow. My name is Vio, and I look forward to working with you.”
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dreamsclock · 3 years
aw heck now im thinking of Daisy slowly coming to see Dream as a second dad even if she doesnt realize theyre related yet D:
awwwwww this made me so happy and so sad at the same time ,,, on one hand yeah !!! c!dream dad figure pog !!! on the other, oh my god, this is so sad, help this entire family and the whole server please
warnings: mentions of death, repressed memories
“I can’t tie my shoelaces,” Daisy whines dramatically one morning, “I’m going to be homeless.”
Dream wheezes, unable to help himself at such a dramatic statement. Daisy looks like the embodiment of misery — crossing her arms and frowning like the world is coming to an end brings to mind the vision of an older boy doing the exact same in Dream’s mind, though his name escapes him. “Homeless?” He asks, teasingly. “What, did your dad tell you that?”
“Well, no,” Daisy admits, sitting down on a tree stump and pouting, “but I know it’s coming. I’m the only one in my class that can’t do it, and I’m one of the oldest! And I know Dad is gonna get disappointed and remove my Princess rights and then I’ll basically be nobody and then he’ll make me sleep outside, and I’ll be homeless, ‘cause he’ll hate me.”
Dream fights back a fond smile, kneeling down and inspecting Daisy’s shoes for himself. They don’t look bad: the laces are messily tied, sure, but they’re tied, which is what matters. “Did you tie these?”
She fidgets. “....Sure.”
“Sure?” Dream smirks.
Daisy pins him with the most exasperated look possible. “Michael tied ‘em for me. I gave him a gold block and asked him to pretend like I did it, but I know Dad is gonna find out and he’s gonna be pissed.”
“Language.” Dream shakes his head with a smile. “Look, if you want, I can help you. I’m pretty good at tying shoelaces. I can sit here with you until you can do it properly.”
Daisy squints at him. “Promise?”
“Promise,” Dream agrees, and so the agreement (that Daisy very solemnly calls The Declaration, which almost makes Dream laugh) is decided upon. He’ll sit with Daisy until she can tie her shoes properly, and in return, she promises to bring him cookies next time she visits.
“From Lissie’s sister,” she confides in him, tongue poking out in concentration as she fiddles with her laces, “they’re the best. Niki makes the best cookies and cakes in the world.”
Dream gets a faint memory of the scent of freshly baked bread drifting over the horizon, and a painful twinge in his chest he thinks might be regret.
“Well, I have to try one now,” he says lightly, and Daisy beams in promise.
It takes hours, but at last, after only one sulk (which Dream had successfully coaxed her out of with a selection of persuasion, blackmail, bribery and pleas), Daisy ties her shoes four times in a row without messing up, quick and confident and grinning from ear to ear.
“Well done,” Dream beams, approval in his words, “you learned fast.”
Daisy flings her arms around him. A month or so ago, Dream would have frozen up. Now? He returns the embrace, picking her up and spinning her round to make her giggle and because his chest glows bright inside with happiness.
“Do you really think so?”
“I do.” Dream laughs. “I was a pretty quick learner too. You’re just like me.”
“Good! I wanna be like you,” Daisy says cheerfully, “you’re pretty cool.”
The warm glow in his chest stops, abruptly. No, he thinks, but he doesn’t know why, Daisy isn’t like him, and if he has his way, she never will be. Because he’s still the Monster, whether the kids like to pretend otherwise or not, and he had earned that name for a reason.
Daisy is not a monster. She smiles at him with earnest, wide eyes, and kicks her little legs to be allowed down, and the Monster slowly returns her to the ground. She doesn’t seem to notice his mood; if she does, she ignores it, glancing off in the direction of her home with a sigh.
“I gotta go and show Dad. He’s gonna be so proud.”
“Yeah,” the Monster agrees, voice thick, “yeah, he will be.”
Daisy hugs him one last time, and he feels a little more himself, a little more Dream than before. “Bye, Dad,” she chirps, “see you tomorrow.”
And before Dream can even blink and digest what she’d said, Daisy is off, running through the long grass and letting her hands fly over the flowers. Dream watches her until she’s out of sight, a strange strange feeling in his chest.
Dad. It had been a mistake, sure, but for a second, it had fit as a name.
Dream closes his eyes, presses his hands over his face, tries to take a deep breath that doesn’t hurt.
Fuck. This kid is going to be the death of him.
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The most baffling part of WKM is that everyone trusts and adores Damien, despite him being the only one in politics and actively in office. Mark made the mayor character the most trusted and loved. How????
(uh oh, you unlocked my 'Love Damien' mode)
You came to the right person! This is a great question and I will gladly go on a rant to try and help shed a little light on this!
In short, it's exactly because of how you phrased your question. There's a politician. He's seen as nice and trusted and loved. It seems like something that shouldn't be, and you assume the worst of him because it has to be an act for whatever reason; and that is because of the general view of politicians at the moment. I'm not touching IRL topics with a ten foot pole, but I will say that at present, there is a sorta wariness/a 'they don't care about us' vibe toward politicians in certain countries (including my own). That's something that then seeps into media.
Think about it. If there's a politician in a show of any sort (especially one holding office), they're usually up to no good behind the scenes or are unreliable - just like how a librarian might be cranky, for instance - in a sort of caricature. Off the top of my head I can remember seeing... A mayor that wanted to evict an entire community to build a business something-or-other to make lots of money, a mayor who branded a local team of agents as non-trustworthy when they went against his pretty crummy views (which could be the same show tbh), an absolutely useless buffoon of a mayor who needed the help of children to constantly save his city from supervillains, and a politician (maybe a mayor?) who constantly clashed with the chief of police in a city. This isn't even considering the times a politician character (whether or not they hold office) is involved with criminals, bribery, is being blackmailed, or even has a criminal record of some sort.
Damien is an exception to this trope. It may or may not be completely intentional, but it's genius on Mark's part. You walk in, see this well-dressed man with a rather cheesy Mayor badge pinned on... And people would immediately get suspicious... Something which Mark called people out on at a panel! Don't forget, every character was framed in a way to give reason for them maybe being the killer. I watched WKM (and got vaguely into the fandom) a week after it finished, so I missed the speculation in between each episode. From what I've seen, it appeared that a lot of people were wary of Damien, though I'm not too sure if it's because they were like "IT'S JUST DARK IN DISGUISE DON'T BE FOOLED" or if it was because of his job and mannerisms. Either way, it turns out his worries were genuine, and he was innocent of any crime that night, which completely subverts the expectation of a politician in a show. He's a rare breed - someone that has good intentions and a good heart, who wasn't 'tainted' by politics in some way.... But ends up getting corrupted anyway through matters far beyond his control.
Not only that, there's two important points that I think people forget and I'll go into better detail of under the read-more because this is getting pretty long.
1. The character that is the viewer has known Damien since university. That means they've been friends minimum... Let's say five years, but probably closer to ten. You're going to be more at ease and more 'yourself' around people you are very fond of, and Damien's face lit up the moment he noticed the viewer arrived. Since the viewer would be going into this cold the first time it's viewed, they wouldn't feel that bond and might think Damien's friendliness is an act. 2. While he is the Mayor, he's not The Mayor at that moment. He's merely a Mayor by title alone. For the events of Who Killed Markiplier?, he's just Damien. It would be different if we had walked into his office, but we arrived at a party with people Damien was comfortable with. He had no need to impress anyone because they were friends. Remember, the reason the badge exists is to tell the viewer what Damien does. Otherwise he could be any sort of businessman or guy in a fancy suit, and the explain everything video states that everyone thought Mark got the suit for a wedding when he shared a photo.
(Both points are showcased nicely in the very first scene we meet Damien if you compare the way he talks to the Detective - someone he barely knew - to the viewer - who has been a friend since university. When talking to Abe, Damien stands poker straight (almost rigid) and rests his hands on his cane. One hand moves to emphasise something, but the rest of his body remains still. There's a polite, yet formal, air to him. Here, he is The Mayor. I'd bet they were having casual conversation on how they met Mark or some other generic topic to break the ice. Then the pair notice you and that conversation is instantly DROPPED. Damien immediately lifts his cane as his entire body turns to the viewer. That smile isn't one that's given out of politeness. He's now Damien. There's no need to put on an act when it's a familiar friend. He still stands straight, but his body language and facial expressions are far looser and more casual. Gestures are with both hands now. His expressions are more playful, including widening his eyes to emphasise his tease about the viewer's skill of poker. This continues until he walks off-screen where, I presume, he was going to say hello to William.)
We don't know the extent of how much anyone trusts anyone else, but one of the big exceptions is the Colonel. I know I've written a headcanon on a roleplay blog about this, but he didn't know you, so he was polite, but distant and aloof. He had no reason to even care about you. We saw a good example of William acting like this the morning after. HOWEVER, after spotting the viewer talking to Damien outside at the end of the first episode, he notices a connection. The moment he knows you are Damien's friend he opens up with no hesitation in the second episode and is rather friendly toward you from then on. He trusts you because he trusts Damien, which to me suggests that our Mayor keeps good company and has a good judge of character. Plus, no one really has a reason to think ill of Damien. He and William have an argument focused on William's reaction to Mark's death (and don't forget that Damien wanted to apologise but William kept running away), while Celine shuts him down for Damien trying to get her to reconsider her idea; but neither are motives for them to be suspicious of Damien. Chef and George are indifferent, while the Butler is probably indifferent but feels comfortable enough to make a drug joke with Damien in earshot (and Tyler's IC stream as Butler had it that he thought well of Damien, but this might not be considered canon). On the other hand, you could say that the Detective is wary of Damien, but he was suspicious of everyone between all the work he did and the warning he got from Mark, so it's not completely reliable.
Speaking of, I haven't forgotten about the Detective's study and how there's a record sheet for Damien with something scribbled out. Unfortunately, I don't think it's something we'll ever get clarification on. I double-checked the explanation stream and there wasn't any mention of what was on it... But I feel like I heard Mark say something like 'forget about what is there, focus on why it's there', or how it got there in the first place? Maybe it was for another project, but the idea is more that the Detective's work was built up over time, and not in the span of that weekend; rather than focusing on every little piece of writing that can be seen. Perhaps there is something shady in Damien's life... But since it wasn't relevant to the 'story' we were being shown, it was omitted. This could very well be where people take the idea of a corrupt politician and run with it (and I have seen some excellent roleplayers over the years work with that!), or they could be like me and say that the crimes were things he was framed for. Or maybe, as I'm writing this, it could be like how Abe had documents for things that didn't happen in WMLW, and that the crimes he scribbled out were ones that Dark would do later... But that's going into theorist territory and that's not at all relevant to what I'm talking about.
Anyway, I've rambled on waaay too much as it is. He's trusted and loved as a character because he's so human. Mark pointed out in the explanation stream that Damien was the only one to question what was going on. He was upset, mourning, and had no idea what to do. It's a vulnerability that you don't see from people often, especially if they are supposed to be leaders.
If there's anything people wanna add or point out, jump in and do so! :D
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
Hey!! I was wondering if i can have a candied rose frappuccino with floyd please. Thanks 😊
Sugar Addict
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Warning(s): mild spice, lowkey spicy ending
A/N: I went feral. What is plot? I ended up writing more than expected. Also, I was too lazy to proofread so I apologize for my horrible grammar. Feel free to correct me! I should probably get a beta reader... 
Context: This is an AU. Yes, a coffeeshop AU, but some things are different. These characters are aged up and NRC is actually a college.
It was unexplainable, this feeling. Twilight. The sun was setting. Traffic ensued streets as people poured out of work and into their vehicles, all with one destination: home. But for you, home was the last place you wanted to go. You were a student who did not need to fret over something like a job. You had the convenience of asking for a ride or traveling by foot to reach local destinations not far from your oh so prestigious school. At this moment, at twilight, you were experiencing the convenience of the latter. Well, a normal person would not call it a convenience. These days made taking a stroll an absurd pastime. But right now, it was both a convenience and a pastime. The roads were clogged by a massive sea of cars. Your nose crinkled at the stench of gasoline. Choosing to traverse by foot was more pragmatic. You were in a rush as well. Your destination might close any minute now!
From the inside of any of the vehicles on the street, you were akin to a hooligan. A scrambling, mad hooligan. Not only were you running in the opposite direction of where these cars were going, you were also running as your life depended on it. Therefore, you were a crazy person who was running into the city suburbs at a somewhat late hour rather than going home. Mothers in said vehicles shook their heads in dismay, praying their children were safe at home. But, you could not care any less. Night Raven College’s headmaster was very lenient on curfews and was susceptible to bribery if all else fails. But to be fair, your destination was not something to be frowned upon. It was something to laugh at, really. The place you were so desperate to get to was none other than a café.
More specifically, Café Rosé . Cheesy, chessy, yes, you were aware. The café was notorious for their supposed love potion of a latte, but you weren’t coming for that. You wanted to try their Candied Rose Frappuccino. You were a lover of all sweets; You could never live with yourself if you didn’t try it. Of course, this coffee shop was not going anywhere nor was this beverage a limited one. You simply were in the mood for it. It was craving, a whim, a last minute decision.
You sighed heavily, leaning against the café’s exterior walls. With one deep breath, you pushed the rose-tinted glass door open. The chime signaled your entrance. You braced yourself for a  barista to question your hazed, flushed state… but it never came. Still heaving, you scanned the shop. You made your way to the counter to check for employees in the back room.
“Hey, Shrimpy! Café’s closed,” a voice glowered.
You spun your heel, making eye contact with a barista with a disheveled appearance– his aquamarine hair was slightly unkempt, his tie was unraveled and dangled loosely around his neck, dress shirt unbuttoned down to the point where his collar bone was exposed with his sleeves rolled up which furthermore accentuated his lean yet muscular figure. It was all too much to take in. He put his weight onto the nearest table. Ah, the thud came from a chair he just stacked… but nevermind that-!! The moment he moved into that position, he exposed a bit of his cleavage. Hot damn he might be lean at first glance, but he was built like a Greek god. This should be illegal! A barista should not be dressing– let alone be looking– like that. Everyone would suffer from a cardiac arrest from such a heartthrob! You quickly averted your attention to the café’s schedule.
“The business hours sign says you guys close at seven. It’s six fifty-two right now,” you said, holding up your phone.
“Close enough. Get lost.”
He walked over to you suavely, leaning over you and against the door frame to flip the open-closed sign over so that it’s closed side faced the streets. It was meant to be a gesture of mockery and intimidation, but holy hell… you were flustered more than anything. He was tall from afar but up close he was huge!! You even got a better look at his chest. Well defined, if you don’t say so yourself. Wait–
You shoved him back, “Not even for a to-go order?”
“Nope. Don’t feel like it.”
“But you’re not closed yet!”
“But I don’t wanna,” he whined.
“I asked you ‘why’?”
“Can’t you just come back tomorrow and let me call it a day? I’m tired.”
“That’s not an excuse.”
“I ran all the way here just to get something–”
“Should’ve done it earlier,” he shrugged, returning to his chore.
“Okay. Fine. Is there anyone else here to serve me? Since you’re too ‘tired’?”
“Sorry, Shrimpy, but they all went home.”
“Ugh! Don’t call me something that makes us seem so familiar. I’m not that short anyway...” you huffed.
He snickered, walking behind the register, “Alright then, Shr-im-p-y~! What would you like to order that you just had to come in at the last minute today?”
While you were relieved he gave into serving you a drink, the way he enunciated your unwanted nickname was irksome.
“I’ll have one Candied Rose Frappuccino.”
“Oh thank god it isn’t that latte.”
“You mean the Rosé Latte?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, loudly tapping on the cash register, “Everyone has been flocking here and only ordering that. I’m so tired of making the same order everyday.”
“Sorry, I’m not into hot beverages. Just a person who likes sweets.”
“Cute,” he cooed, handing you your receipt.
You watched as he messily wrote “Shrimpy” onto your cup.
“Can I get your name?” you asked.
“My name?”
“What for?”
“Somehow you’re slowly becoming my favorite barista.”
Partially a lie, partially the truth. He was your favorite because he was so fine. You only wanted his name in case you ever decided to write a review on your bitter first meeting with him or if you came across the manager. Petty, yes, but it annoyed you that much.
“Floyd, Floyd Leech,” he grinned.
You checked the receipt and sat down at the barstools in front of the barista’s worktable, watching him intently as he began to work on your order. Well, half your attention was actually on his hand movements. Your mind was having an internal battle about how shameful you were to fantasize about his back muscles, mentally undressing him. The fact that there were only you two in the coffeehouse did not help either. The silence, at its surface, was calming, but, at its core, it was awkward. With the occasional clinks of utensils and the sound of coffee being brewed and blended into a frappuccino,  the lack of noise left your mind to wander.
“Just because he’s good looking does not make up for the fact that he was rude,” you chided yourself.
Floyd cocked his head: “Hey. What are you staring at?”  
He looked behind him as if there was actually something of interest. You saw your drink in his hand. He held it close to his chest, withholding it, waiting for your answer.
“Oh? Um.. nothing? I was just zoning out. I’m tired from running all the way here.”
“Shrimpy’s no fun,” he pouted.
“My name is (y/n), not Shrimpy.”
“You’re short, jumpy, and huggable like a shrimp~”
“I am not that short!”
“Oh-!!! You remind me of Goldfish. You both get so mad for some reason,” he laughed.
“Listen here–”
The barista took a swig of your order. He didn’t take the dome-shaped lid out. He didn’t even drink it with a straw. He just… straight up… put his lips on the lid and drank the contents from the rim. You halted your rant, appalled by his audacity.
“You talk too much, Shrimpy.”
In this total silence, someone, if there were someone here, would have heard your sanity and patience snapped.
“Listen here, Floyd Leech. That was awfully rude of you. Actually, from the beginning, you were so rude! From getting into my personal bubble to calling me names when I told you to stop. And now you drink my order? And right in front of me too?! So, so, rude-!!! I just–”
“Wow. What an expansive vocabulary you have,” he glared, twiddling with the collar of his shirt and somehow exposing more of his collarbone.
You leaned over the counter, reaching for your beverage, heat traveling up your cheeks, “I’m not done yet! Just because you’re hot does not mean you can dress like that and automatically get a free pass to do these things! Do you have any idea how distracting that was?? Now–wHAAA!!”
You pounced at him. Your toes hung on the edge of the barstool, your left arm wrapped around Floyd’s neck, and your right arm stretched out in an attempt to reach the drink in Floyd’s hand. Much to your annoyance, he raised it higher than you could ever hope to reach. If he took anymore steps back, you would most likely flop onto the barista’s side of the table face-first. With the drink in his left hand, his weight (and yours) was shifted onto his right arm which conveniently propped itself against the countertop behind him. You wondered what people on the road thought when they saw what was going on inside the café.
It was early evening with a decent amount of cars on the street before the storefront. Nearly twenty minutes since you came into the café and here you are– without your order, curfew approaching steadily, and no sign of getting your frappuccino anytime soon. Instead, you were sprawled across the counter, a test of your flexibility and modesty.
“I didn’t really think Shrimpy was this bold, this naughty,” Floyd chuckled.
Ah shit. Your anger got the best of you. Your verbal filter was removed and all of your thoughts slipped past your conscious and common sense. His sly grin did not help at all. Your close proximity enhanced your blush. The way you clung onto him caused his shirt to slide off his left shoulder and with the position you were in, you had a front seat to all his glory. What a sticky wicket this was.
“I just wanted something sweet to drink,” you panted, fisting his shirt in your petite palms, frustration washing over you.
You were on the verge of tears. Floyd sighed, lowering the cup just a bit, and took a few steps back as he carefully let you slide onto the barista’s side of the counter. However, your beverage was still out of reach.
“You’re such a snowflake,” he mumbled.
You clung to him, still, using him as leverage to reach your order, “Am not. This wouldn’t have happened if you just let me have my coffee!”
“You mean this hell of a sugary confection??”
“Yes? I mean I wouldn’t know because I haven’t even tried it yet,” you grunted, jumping at it like a fish trying to catch the bait.
“Oi, (y/n), can I kiss you?”
That was the first time he used your actual name instead of “Shrimpy” ever since you met. You would rejoice, but the following words were out of the question. His tone made it sound more like a demand than a request of consent.
“Excuse me?!”
“You wanted to try the drink right?”
“Yes, but it’s right there in your hand! So if you would just let me have it, I’ll stop annoying you!”
“The taste is lingering in my mouth. It’s so sweet. I wanna get rid of it…”
“Get some water.”
He squeezed his right arm around your waist, bringing you closer to his face,  “But I want to kiss you~!”
“Well, since you drank out of it, if you let me have it, then we can have an indirect kiss!”
The temperature of the coffee shop was just unbearable at this point. And worst of all, this was self-inflicted. You didn’t have to tolerate him. Frankly, you should have left the moment he told you the café was “closed”.  You didn’t have to pounce on him and end up in this painstakingly uncomfortable position either. Moreover, you were sweating from embarrassment from your suggestion. An indirect kiss! That was such a childish thing to fret about and here you were, regretting your own words.
“That’s no fun,” Floyd said, taking another sip of your frappuccino.
Despite how he manhandled you thus far, he kissed you very tenderly. His lips were soft, warm even. As much as you wanted to push him back and scold him for taking away something as precious as your first kiss, you couldn't. Everything just… felt right. Your grip on his shirt loosened. Before, you held them in your palms in anger, a way of intimidation, a sign to show him that you weren’t going to back down even if he was teasing you with no mercy. But now, you held Floyd’s collar to close the space between you two. You were this close to each other, but it wasn’t close enough.
You gasped as he nibbled your lip. Floyd took it upon himself to invite his tongue over to your wet cavern. A sugary substance flooded your taste buds. Ah… he never swallowed your drink.... Not that it mattered. You gulped it in one breath, continuing on with your tango of tongues. If Floyd wasn’t supporting your waist, you might’ve melted away into this temporary bliss. You momentarily broke away from him to catch your breath. The distance between you two was barely five centimeters. He growled lowly, taking two steps forward, pushing you towards the bar. He smashed his lips against yours, a clear sign for you not to do that again. A fire lit in his eyes. Floyd hungrily bit your bottom lip, earning a whimper in response.  Without breaking away from your mouth, only turning his head to take you at a different angle, he hoisted you up and set you and the beverage down on the countertop. Now, with both hands free, he cupped your cheeks. You responded by wrapping your legs around his waist and grabbing his wrists, drawing away his hands.
“W-Wait…” you exhaled.
“...did you not like that?” he cocked his head.
“No... No… I liked it… I liked it a lot… I just… S-Slow down…”
Floyd reached for the ends of your hair, twirling with the strand, “Take your time…”
Perhaps it was purely the heat of the moment or lust, but you judged him too soon. In this brief period of time, he was being considerate of you.  He traced your figure with his eyes, grinning from ear to ear at your bruised lips, bright pink from the dozens of kisses he gave you. You were just as disheveled as he was.
“You sure?”
“I’m thirsty,” you pouted.
Floyd let out a chortle before sipping your coffee, “Alright, then Shrimpy.”
You prepared yourself for yet another rough session. Before he took your lips, he smoothed back his hair, revealing his forehead. The gesture caught you off guard thus you stiffened as he brushed his lips against yours. By gods, it was as if he wasn't even trying to be provocative. Was it possible for someone to be this seductive without actual effort? At this rate, you were going to miss curfew..
“Floyd…” you moaned, intertwining your fingers with his as he pushed you down onto the counter.
“I’ll be gentle, don’t worry...”
“Floyd… No… T-There’s people watching-!!!”
“Does that not bother you?!”
“Not when they’ll know you’re mine~”
You sat up, “I’m a bit too shy for that. A-And I would like for my first time to be private…”
You left the last part trail off in embarrassment, fiddling with his necktie which somehow managed to stay on his person despite everything that just happened.
“Oh? Is Shrimpy a virgin?” he teased.
“So what if I am?!”
“Nothing. Just thought a cute Night Raven College girl like you wouldn’t be since you were really good~”
He earned himself a playful smack on the shoulder to which he responded with a sarcastically scoff. This was so unfair...
“How did you know that I went there?”
“Hmm must be because of the shirt you’re wearing underneath that hoodie,” he said, feigning innocence.
Oh. He’s the perceptive type. You didn’t think much of his ministrations (other than them being tantalizing). It seemed that he took note of every detail about you. At this point, you were crimson as a tomato.
“Also, because I go there as well,” he snickered.
You smacked his shoulder once more.
“I’ve never seen you before.”
“Different years, probably.”
“Also, I’m always stuck at the Mostro Lounge so you can find me there,” he winked.
“Ahhh! Stop doing that!”
“Doing what?”
“Giving me two answers and mixed signals.”
Floyd tilted your head upwards and pecked your lips, holding you as if you were a figure of glass: “What about this is mixed?”
“You were terribly rude before… and you probably just want someone to bed with for the night,” you puffed your cheeks.
How your body was betraying you… Your legs were still wrapped around his waist and the fervor was not going to dissipate anytime soon.
“I’ll have you know that I’ve had my eyes on you for a long time, (y/n).”
He raised your hand and pressed a chaste kiss on each individual knuckle.
Oh god. Your heart couldn’t bear it anymore. The way your name rolled off the tip of his tongue made honey taste like summer– hot, overwhelming, but still something to look forward to.
“Since when?” you exhaled.
“Since your first visit to the Lounge.”
He switched to your other hand, continuing the ritual.
“I’ve only been there once.”
“You were such a cute Shrimpy that I couldn’t forget about you~”
“That can’t be right–”
“You just have to accept it!”
“It doesn’t make up for how you treated me before.”
He placed your hands on his cheek, “Sorry, Shrimpy. The scent you released was too irresistible.”
Instinctively, you sniffed your clothes, “I don’t smell anything.”
“It might be just an eel thing*, then. But just so you know, I’ve been trying to find you for a while now. I’m so happy that I did. You’re mine now, Shrimpy. Your smell is intoxicating,” he cooed, leaning closer to your ear, “It makes me go feral~”
You squealed at his sudden remark, unable to regain your composure. Your words melted into gibberish and murmurs as you buried your face into his chest once more.
“You’re such a creep,” you whined.
“You don’t mean that~”
“I don’t…”
“We should get going before curfew though. Help me clean up, will ya?”
Floyd planted a kiss on your forehead, “Thank you, Shrimpy.”
That nickname wasn’t as obnoxious as it was before, huh.
“I’ll reward you once we get to my room,” he snickered over his shoulder as he left for the back room.
Wait– WHAT?!?!?
“H-Hold on-!!”
“Relax, Shrimpy, ’m not gonna do anything to you… not yet, anyway. I’m just sayin’ in case we don’t make it before curfew.  Azul needs me for Mostro Lounge tomorrow, he has no choice, but to let me in. If anyone can convince the headmaster, it’s probably him,” he gave you a thumbs up.
“Good to know. But… I’ve been meaning to ask about Mostro Lounge and this café. If you work for Azul then why work here too?”
“He doesn’t pay me. I’m just helping out of obligation.”
“What? How come?”
“He’s my friend?”
“You sound unsure.”
“You made it sound like I’m gullible,” he laughed, stacking the last of the chairs.
“Well? Shall we go, Shrimpy?”
You took his hand without hesitation. This feeling– it was addicting. You only knew him for a less than a day, but it felt right. It felt meant to be... as if you were soulmates. 
“Oya? Floyd, what happened to your back? There’s scratches all over it. Are you alright?”
“ s’nothin’, Jade. I just… had a fun night~”
“Please. You and (y/n) were so loud. Please reserve those kinds of activities for somewhere more private– not a dormitory with thin walls,” Azul chided.
His brother’s eyes widened, but he didn’t question it any further. Jade curtly closed his gym locker and headed out towards the field.
Azul followed in suit with a huff. 
* Note: Female moray eels release an odor in order to attract males to mate with them
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