#written for commander fox week 2021
ravensilversea · 25 days
Prompt(s): Hope/Forgiveness
Warnings: No warnings apply
Characters: Commander Fox, Sergeant Hound, Grizzer, Yarn (Clone OC)
Additional Tags: Forgiveness, in the most unserious and comedic way possible, Fluff, Grizzer is a Drama Queen, Bribery
Summary/Description: Fox will take it as a win that the kid wasn’t asking stupid questions like ‘what is one of my commanders doing underneath a table?’ Because the answer is: Trying and failing to bribe/beg/grovel for Grizzer's forgiveness with a rope toy
“Uh, you okay there, commander?”
Fox bangs his head on the table, and he swears Grizzer’s laughing at him as he rolls over to address the issue. The issue being one of his annoying brothers coming by at the most inopportune of moments. “I’m perfect, private. Was there something you needed?”
Unfortunately, that did not send the shiny away, nor was he spilling what he actually walked into the room for. But, Fox will take it as a win that the kid wasn’t asking stupid questions like ‘what is one of my commanders doing underneath a table?’ 
Flipping back over, Fox wiggles the rope toy closer to Grizzer’s nose. The massiff yawns and rests his head back on his front paws, facing away from Fox. “Come on, Grizzer,” Fox whispers. He flicks the end of the toy closer to Grizzer.
“What the commander isn’t saying,” Fox is going to kill Hound, “is that he upset Grizzer this morning and must now beg his forgiveness.”
“An exaggeration,” Fox retorts with a sniff. “Grizzer’s a drama queen who’s moping over nothing.”
Somebody- it’s Hound, the shiny wouldn’t have the guts- nudges Fox’s leg and scoffs. “Not what it looks like to me, sir.” The table creaks slightly as Hound sits on top of it, and Fox eyes it warily.
“Hound, if you bring this table down on top of me…”
“I’ll suddenly be field promoted to replace you and will buried under piles of paperwork and comm calls from whiny senators, yeah, yeah.” Fox can just imagine Hound’s dismissive hand wave. “Hey, shiny, you have a name yet?”
“I’ve been trying Yarn, sir. My squad, uh, they called me ‘Chatterbox’ because I always was bringing them the latest gossip and all, so I wanted to try and spin off that.”
Fox tilts his head and thinks it over. “So you spun yarns as a cadet?”
“Clever.” Better than some reasonings he’s heard, not that he’s going to argue with any of his brothers about names of all things. Fox pulls the toy back and takes a breath before tossing it towards Grizzer again. This time he got an interested eye. “Come on,” he mutters. “You wanna play right?”
“Um, commander?”
Fox closes his eyes. He sighs, “Yes, Yarn?”
“What exactly did you do to Grizzer?”
Hound barks a laugh, and Fox drops his forehead to the floor with a groan. “Well, Yarn, you see, our dear Commander Fox was getting his lunchtime refill of caf. And while Grizzer was just minding his own business in the break room like the good massiff he is, Commander Fox kicks him.”
Fox whips his head up, banging it against the table again, and raises a finger. “I barely touched him!” Grizzer jerks at the sudden noise and with a loud huff, stands and walks out from under the table. Fox turns back towards the massiff and reaches after him, “No, wait, Grizzer, come back! I’m sorry!”
“Looks like Grizzer’s not accepting your apology, Commander,” Hound says through his snickers. The table rocks as he stands with a sharp whistle. Grizzer’s claws scrap against the floor. Fox pulls himself out from under the table just in time to see Hound give Grizzer a treat and a round of pets. “Next time, sir, might I recommend grabbing some treats? He’s always in the mood for them.” Hound smirks, then hooks a lead on Grizzer’s collar before leaving for his patrol.
Yarn stands in the middle of the room, looking back and forth between Hound’s retreating back and Fox’s darkening face. His eyes gain a bit of a gleam, and the faintest hint of a smile plays on his lips. “Can I help you, private?” Fox all but snarls.
“No, sir. Have a good day, sir.” Yarn snaps off a quick salute and darts off.
It’s not until the shiny’s long gone that it occurs to Fox that Yarn had admitted to being the gossiper of his squad. He lurches off the floor with a curse, “Force damnit, I knew I shouldn’t have gotten up today.”
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hrtiu · 3 years
Written for Foxiyo Week 2021, the prompt is “acts of service, words of affirmation.” Uhh I may have written this all in one sitting and haven’t edited it at all, but I couldn’t let the first day of Foxiyo Week pass by without contributing! @foxiyoweek
Fox was having a bad day.
He didn’t know much about civilian life, but he’d wager that most of his days counted as bad days on the civilian scale. But this was a bad day even for him, and he’d been in charge the day of the Zillo Beast attack.
It was the little things--each a tiny inconvenience stacked one on top of the other until finally forming a massive mural that communicated “the galaxy has it out for you.” First it was waking up bleary-eyed and exhausted from a night of insomnia that even the strongest of sleep aids only managed to conquer after several hours of tossing and turning. Then it was the broken caf machine in the cafeteria. Then it was Senator Burtoni making a snide remark about production quotas and damaged goods in front of Senator Chuchi. Then it was Chancellor Palpatine asking him to do the dirty work of evicting a rival senator from his offices.
By the time the smog-filtered light had faded from the Coruscant sky, Fox was about at the end of his rope.
Thorn poked his head into Fox’s office, his eyes bright with stim-induced energy. Fox would have that same gleam in his eyes as well, but his stims had worn off hours ago and the CG medic would kill him for taking more than the recommended dosage again.
“Ready to get the Pantorans?” Thorn asked.
Fox looked up at Thorn blankly, then swore as the distinct memory of receiving the last-minute request several hours earlier returned to him. “Dank farrik, how did the day slip by so fast?”
Thorn’s eyebrows raised as he looked around the chaos of Fox’s office. “I’d imagine a lot of things get lost in here. How do you stand it?”
Fox pursed his lips and glowered at the pile of datapads and flimsiwork scattered across his desk. “I don’t. But what choice do I have?”
“I thought we were all supposed to be organized, but you have to go and be the exception for everything, don’t you?”
“Hah!” Fox barked, amused at the suggestion that there was anything exceptional about him. Yes, he was a commander. But he had the same face, the same crew-cut, the same armor (with only a few slight paint modifications) as anybody else. He was even un-inked, like a shiny. Chancellor Palpatine didn’t like the idea of his personal muscle being tatted up, even if it was hidden under the armor. 
“The urge to be organized is still there,” Fox corrected. “I’m just physically incapable of keeping the place tidy with my schedule.”
Thorn looked down at the chrono on his wrist guard. “Speaking of…”
With a sigh Fox got up from his desk. “Right now?”
Thorn nodded. “Yeah. We’ve got about ten minutes.”
“Should be enough.”
Fox followed Thorn out of the barracks, heading off towards the Senate’s transportation facility. One last task for the day, and then he could sleep. Fox was pretty sure he could make it.
“You alright, brother?” Thorn asked him as they made their way to the landing platform to meet the senator’s guests. “Got any more of those Mirialan truffles?”
Fox’s mouth watered at the thought of the candies the Mirialan senator had gifted him the previous week. Well, “gifted” as in “told him he could eat her leftovers,” but that wasn’t important. What was important was that those candies melted in his mouth with a delicious sweetness offset by a slight, fruity tang.
Fox’s face fell. “No, I finished them all yesterday.”
“Damn,” Thorn said. “Maybe you could get some on your next off day?”
“Maybe,” Fox said doubtfully. He was one of the rare clones that handled credits for any reason, but he doubted he’d be able to justify a pricey purchase just for him. “It’s fine. I don’t need them.”
Thorn snorted. “Of course you don’t need them, but this is the first time I’ve seen you indulge in anything. I think it’s good for you.”
“Whatever you say.”
They stepped onto the landing platform and Senator Chuchi and her guests disembarked, Senator Chuchi leading the way. She looked beautiful, as always. The maroon palette of her outfit contrasted nicely against her pale blue skin, and her golden eyes sparkled even in the muted city lights. 
Senator Chuchi nodded her greeting to Thorn and Fox, then walked the Pantoran delegation to the lifts that would take them to the senate conference rooms. Thorn and Fox followed behind, Fox barely managing to keep his attention on their surroundings as his eyes grew heavier and heavier with exhaustion.
The door to the conference room whooshed open and the blue-and-maroon delegation walked in. Fox followed after, but his boot caught on the bottom lip of the doorway as he went and he tripped, sending him sprawling to the floor.
A hand reached down for him and Fox grabbed it, expecting to feel the broad warmth of Thorn’s gloved hand. Instead, his hand closed around delicate, ungloved fingers that barely managed to pull him to his feet. Caught off guard, Fox could only stare into Senator Chuchi’s face once he’d found his footing.
“Are you well, Commander Fox?” Riyo asked.
Somehow, she always knew his name.
“Y-yes, ma’am. My apologies, it won’t happen again,” Fox’s words tripped just as gracelessly from his tongue as his foot had tripped over the threshold.
“It’s no problem, Commander,” she said, her brows knit together in concern. “Only please take care of yourself.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Riyo returned to her guests and Fox retreated to the back of the room, flanking the door along with Thorn as the attendees commenced their meeting. As they switched into Pantoran, Fox’s mind began to wander to the Senator and her consistent kindness to him. To all the clones, really. It probably had nothing to do with him as an individual. She was just a good person, and on Coruscant that wasn’t easy to find.
Soon enough the meeting ended and Fox dutifully accompanied the senator and the Pantorans to their respective accommodations. He was nearing a state of delirium, and only the knowledge that this was his last assignment of the day kept him on his feet.
When he reached the barracks and fell into his bunk, he could hardly remember how he’d gotten home. His insomnia wasn’t able to overpower his deep exhaustion this time, and as soon as he closed his eyes he was asleep.
Fox woke the next day feeling, if not rested, at least alive. He rolled out of bed with a groan and wrinkled his nose at the realization that he’d fallen asleep in the same blacks as the night before. Then he checked the time and groaned again when it became obvious he didn’t have time to shower and change.
He pulled on his armor with robotic precision then jogged down the barracks hallway, his feet leading him to his office without any thought. He opened the door and braced himself for the tornado of reports, senator requests, and various flimsiwork that awaited him on the other side, but it never came. He looked around the office, his eyes still heavy with sleep and slow on the uptake. Was this actually his office?
Fox half closed the door and checked the number embossed on the placard outside. Office 1010. Yep. That’s him. He stepped back into what he was now certain was his office, but it was nearly unfamiliar. It was clean--spotless, even. All his datapads had been sorted by date and arranged in an orderly line on the shelves along the wall. He opened the desk and found his flimsiwork in a series of folders, each one neatly labeled with thin, loopy handwriting. A neat trash receptacle had been placed in the corner, and not a speck  of dust could be seen in the entire cubicle. It was… perfection.
On the table rested a small gold-and-maroon box, and inside Fox hoped to find an explanation for this minor miracle. He tore the lid off the box and found a square, handwritten note.
Commander Fox,
I hope you don’t mind that I tidied up a bit. Commander Thorn let me inside, and I promise I didn’t read anything classified. Please take care of yourself.
Warm Regards,
Riyo Chuchi
His heart stuttered in his chest and he set the note reverently down on the desk. Later he’d take it back to his bunk and put it somewhere safe. Maybe in his weapons kit. Then his eyes lit on the tiny, brightly-packaged bundles in the box underneath the note. He inhaled sharply through his nose, and the sweet, unmistakable scent of Mirialan truffles filled them.
Fox sat in his chair and unwrapped the first truffle, popping into his mouth and leaning back as he let the candy slowly melt in his mouth. He would savor this for along time, making each one last to the best of his abilities. He thought back to the note, reciting the short message to himself in his mind as the candy slowly melted to sugary goodness.
Riyo Chuchi, he thought the words he’d never say out loud, is a goddess.
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transbuckaroo · 3 years
pain, applause
hello. my name is andrew, and i wrote a short lambden fic a few days ago. this will be based on the “following the thread” quest from “the witcher 3: wild hunt” developed by cd projekt red. the characters are based on dev patel as sir gawain in the 2021 film “the green knight” as directed by david lowery, and paul bullion in the upcoming 2021 seaon 2 of “the witcher” as directed by stephen surjik. i haven’t written very much these past two or three years, but i am proud of this finished product. please keep any comments/criticisms kind. thank you, enjoy!
The moment Aiden realized how well and truly fucked him and Baby Steadfast were, he was already surrounded on all sides. He could sense them. His medallion hummed gently against his chest with the signal of danger with every step he took. If he could get out of this clearing, he thought, just into the tree line to stay hidden. It wasn’t far; he could make it, just keep going. The Cat kept his hand at the ready to make quick work of grabbing his battle axe and kept his breaths even as he walked. Aiden knew what was waiting for him. It seemed the fox did as well. Always intuitive, the little one.
Jad Karadin came out of the trees in front of him like a shadow from an alley, looming and dagger drawn in his right hand. Aiden slowed his pace, too exposed, ears picking up the slide of multiple steel swords off to the left. Then two figures emerged from behind Jad, appearing as if they had come directly from within his body. Lund first, after came Hammond. Baby laid back his ears flat, centering himself lower to the ground in a defensive position. He placed himself between the three and Aiden as he went.
There was no running from them. These people were never meant to be his enemies; Jad was supposed to be his brother especially. If anyone here was supposed to be on his side more than anyone, it was Jad. An elder Cat, someone Aiden was supposed to be able to look up to as a mentor. Jad had broken the mold. Had children, a wife, a life away from being a Witcher. Beyond it. He had proof that there was more.
These things didn’t matter anymore. Whoever Jad Karadin was supposed to be was pointless now. Because he was an evil man today. He and whoever else followed him here.
Aiden drew his axe, pulling a deep and centering breath as he went. There were more of this group, hiding somewhere in the thick of trees, awaiting their moment. This was only to end one of two ways. There would be no other option besides these. For a split second, Aiden found himself missing the presence of a certain Wolf over his right shoulder.
Lambert. Lambert wouldn’t let him get hurt. He would protect Aiden here and now, and the Cat wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. In fact, Lambert would have already drawn his sword and made a calculated advancement on their enemy. He would have won, too, because Aiden has never seen him fail a task when he gets that crease between his brows as they furrow in his determination. Lambert, with his fiery curls and attitude to match. Lambert, with his impossible wit and unrelenting promises made to Aiden that have never broken. Lambert, the little brother of Kaer Morhen, baby of the lot of them.
Lambert, who Aiden swore to see back in the valley in Kaedwen where the Buina and Gwenllech rivers part in Daevon so them and Baby Steadfast could finally make the trek up to Kaer Morhen together.
The heat in between Aiden’s shoulder blades told him he wasn’t going to make it up to the keep this year.
“Aiden,” Jad spoke, knuckles white around the hilt of his dagger. Aiden snapped back into focus. He didn’t even dare to blink. “You know why I’ve come?”
“I didn’t kill the Duke’s daughter. I couldn’t save her. I tried.” The contract Aiden had held just months ago in the start of spring. A young girl, cursed, incurable despite the Duke’s pleads and Aiden’s best attempts to reverse it. She had succumbed to her circumstances. Aiden was paid for his efforts, bowed his head with sorrow as the Duke grieved, and went on his way.
“I’ve come to hear otherwise. You’ve botched it, boy. People are angry with the results of your work and lack thereof. You fucked up, and you’ve not shite to say for it.”
“I didn’t botch anything, I did my job. Not everyone gets a happy ending, Karadin. You’re a Cat. A Witcher. You should know.”
To be completely honest, Aiden hadn’t a goddamnable clue how he was going to get through this. Maybe he could take them. Most rivals don’t tend to waste time talking through events, let alone listen to their target. This time, maybe this time, Aiden could walk away with a mere banishment from the city. Possibly, hopefully, he could meet Lambert in time in the valley.
“You’re right,” said Jad, some semblance of resignation on his face. It wasn’t real, his tone sounded fabricated. “Aiden. Not everyone gets a happy ending.”
The arrow came right in that moment, whizzing through the air and lodging itself into the ground by Aiden’s left foot. He startled, stepped back, whipping his head around to try and follow its trajectory. Someone was up high. Someone was in the trees. Jad brought a sniper with him. Of course he did. Oh, of course that motherfucker did. This horrid, abomination of a man. The tree line was too dense, impossible to know where in the leaves the arrow came from where Aiden was standing in the field. He had only tried to look for a moment though before the sound of running footsteps came too close for comfort. And fuck, he could only gain so much momentum with his axe from this angle but he had to try.
Aiden spun back around on his heel, hands braced on either end of the hilt of his axe, prioritizing blocking the blow and creating distance before landing a strike of his own. Jad was successfully pushed back at the chest. Sent fumbling backwards to regain his footing. He growled in anger at the same time Aiden swung at his accompanying attackers, just barely missing them with the blade of his weapon. Steel struck and sounded a metal clang through the clearing. Aiden grunted with the effort of three-and-a-sniper against one, swinging his axe to catch a sword under the head and vaulting his enemy away. Distance was vital, energy was crucial to use sparingly.
“Baby!” He shouted towards his fox, whom of which was bee-lining for the trees where the arrow had come. “No! Run home! Home! Go home!”
It was something they’d agreed upon once. Home. They knew what home was, who home was. Where home was. The valley. Lambert. The point they meet and part at every year, the small town the Wolves have passed through many times in prior years. It was an easy place to go. That was where they found home, him and Baby. Lambert was home. Baby Steadfast knew this command well and clear as day. Go home. Go find Lambert; he’ll know what it means for the fox to show up without the company of his Cat Witcher. He’ll spring into action.
All it took was one incorrect turn, expose just a little too much of something or other, at just the right moment. It wasn’t because he’d called out to Baby; he knew how to give direction without faltering in his task. It was fucked luck. Terrible, awful, shit luck. All he did was avoid another two arrows in the ground, one grazing his cloak as it went.
Jad caught him in his right side with his dagger, blade plunging in deep and ripping a pained and surprised shout from Aiden’s throat. All the way in and right back out. Aiden staggered, snarled, and lunged at the man in front of him. Jad was a monster on this day, and Witchers know damn well to dispose of those. His side was on fire. The younger Cat swung, but Jad ducked underneath the blade. As Aiden turned with the momentum, one of the others kicked a boot into his chest and sent him backwards into Karadin’s grasp. The dagger entered the same area as before as Jad grappled an arm around Aiden’s throat. He was stuck. He was bleeding horribly. Baby Steadfast had gone to get Lambert. There was no way they would find one another in time.
With a strong shove from the man behind him, the dagger dislodged, and in the same moment whoever was at his left ripped his axe out of his hands. Aiden tried to spin around to face them as he propelled forward, but only managed to end up on his back on the grass. It was still cold with morning dew. Aiden could see the fog of his breath as he fell.
And in the most startling of realizations as Jad came to kneel over him, Aiden realized he was going to die. Without Baby. Without his dignity. Without Lambert. Without telling Lambert how much he truly and purely loved him.
He thought he had more time. Had it all planned out. They would meet in three weeks hence, and the night before they would make the ascent to the keep for the winter, Aiden would tell Lambert that he loved him in their room. This incredible, selfless, beautiful Wolf. Part of him even believed Lambert might say it back. He would feel the same. They were just like comfortable lovers already, what with the way they shared beds and blankets and curled up in the night to sleep, the way they helped wash and put up one another’s hair, cooked for each other, looked out for each other, lost all sense of personal space with each other. Melitele, the two of them even refused to separate their bedrolls while they camped out during their travels. They called each other “pup” and “kitten” respectively, dressed wounds, mended clothes and armor, cleaned weapons, hunted together, laughed and smiled and hugged and shared stories. Oh, Lambert was beautiful. Of course Aiden was in love with him. To expect anything else were a fool’s game.
“Oh, kitty cat,” he heard from above, and focused his eyes on Jad. The coldness of his gaze, so detached and unaffected. The only indication he’d ever been in a fight at all was the way his chest pulled bigger breaths than before. “Don’t go and cry now, will ye? This is just the natural order of things.”
Oh, Gods above, Aiden was crying. Silent little tears slipping free from the corners of his eyes, sliding down into his hair that lay fanned out in the grass below. Without dignity indeed. Wounds screaming in white-hot pain, vision blurring with tears that he could not control, heart aching, voice beyond him.
“Please,” the younger Cat spoke in a soft, quivering voice. He blinked hard once, twice, willing the tears away. They did not relent.
“Please.” He was being mocked. Then someone spat from out of his sight right into his hair. It smelled of salmon and tobacco. This time Jad’s dagger entered slowly, and new hot tears fell from Aiden’s eyes with the hurt of it, hand coming to grab his wrist in a feeble attempt to stop him. It did nothing. If anything it encouraged the man.
Aiden couldn’t grant him the final victory of looking away from Karadin’s eyes. Even as the blade ripped out of his body once more. Karadin spoke again. “You beg me to spare your life. Your pathetic little life. Insignificant, worthless, liar’s life. You were never going to change; your batch was doomed from the start. Your death is hardly any repayment, but it is the best we can do to provide peace and closure for the Duke and his people. A life for a life. It is but the way of the world, Aiden. Certainly you understand.”
Oh, he understood. A life for a life was the most polite way to speak of revenge. Talk of debts and dues, exchanges of wins and losses. A life for a life meant a day of reckoning to come. Lambert, kind as Aiden ever saw him, would cash this in as quickly and mercilessly as he could. He was coming no matter what. If he was unable to save Aiden now, he as sure as all things was going to tear apart whoever hurt him. What a gorgeous soul he was.
The fourth and final stab, a telling sign of Karadin’s assassinations. Aiden couldn’t fight it this time. A cluster of wounds just under the right side of someone’s ribs, always in four, always fatal. Aiden choked out a cry of searing agony, feeling the blade twist inside of him with force, squeezing his eyes shut and clenching his jaw so tightly he should have broken a few teeth. It twisted again as it was taken out, and all Aiden could do was let the fat tears roll as it happened. He felt Jad grab his medallion from under his shirt and opened his eyes as it was ripped off his neck and placed into a pouch at Karadin’s hip. Proof of death. The easiest form of it, but still worth enough to get paid. Hired by anyone associated closely with a Duke, Jad was sure to be rewarded handsomely for his work.
“Now,” spoke Jad. Aiden’s eyes were starting to get heavy, chest heaving, vision spotting behind the blur of tears. “You’ll be gone in moments, boy. A few minutes and this will be over. The pain will dull just prior, don’t fret. I will not seek out your fox nor that Wolf you travel with, but should they come I will be ready. Goodnight, Aiden. Sleep well.”
Then Jad started to walk away. Hammond and Lund went with him. Aiden could only lay there in the grass, sending his apologies to Baby and Lambert skyward and hope they would understand. He never meant for this to happen. If there hadn’t been that damned sniper, then maybe he could have taken them. But there was no time to dwell now. Darkness crept in, and Aiden’s breathing slowed, and it went dark once and for all as he bled out. He had failed. He was sorry. He could only imagine how horrifically pathetic he appeared. Perhaps he could be forgiven in time by his fox and his Wolf for never coming home.
In some months, when the snow lay thick on the ground, white and untouched blanketing where grass once resided, there would be the choking gasp of a man within the Brokilon Forest. Waking from a healing sleep induced by an old magic, cast by resident Dryads within the cover of trees that towered above. Known by many as the forest of death, breathing life back into someone who simply had not been due to die.
“Sir Witcher Aiden,” said a calming voice, a person standing kindly to the side. Her palm lay gently at the crown of his head, soothing. “We welcome you back to the living world. It has been some time.”
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September 24, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
On Monday, we learned that after last year’s election, John Eastman, a well-connected lawyer advising former president Donald Trump, outlined a six-point plan to overturn the outcome of the election and install Trump as America’s leader. They planned to cut the voters’ actual choice, Democrat Joe Biden, out of power: as Trump advisor Steve Bannon put it, they planned to “kill the Biden presidency in the crib.” This appears to have been the plan that Trump and his loyalists tried to execute on January 6.
That is, we now have written proof of an attempt to destroy our democracy and replace it with an autocracy.
This was not some crazy plot of some obscure dude in a shack in the mountains; this was a plan of the president of the United States of America, and it came perilously close to succeeding. The president of the United States tried to overturn the results of an election—the centerpiece of our democracy—and install himself into power illegitimately.
If this is not a hair-on-fire, screaming emergency, what is?
And yet, Republican lawmakers, with the notable exceptions of Representatives Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), have largely remained silent about the fact that the head of their party tried to destroy our democracy.
The best spin on their silence is that in refusing to defend the former president while also keeping quiet enough that they do not antagonize the voters in his base, they are choosing their own power over the protection of our country.
The other option is that the leaders of the Republican Party have embraced authoritarianism, and their once-grand party—the party of Abraham Lincoln, the party that saved the United States in the 1860s, the party that removed racial enslavement from our fundamental law—has become an existential threat to our nation.
Democracy requires at least two healthy parties capable of running a government in order to provide oversight for those currently in control of the government and to channel opposition into peaceful attempts to change the country’s path rather than into revolution. But Republicans appear to believe that any Democratic government is illegitimate, insisting that Democrats’ calls for business regulation, a basic social safety net, and infrastructure investment are “socialism” that will destroy the country.
With Democrats in charge of the federal government, Republicans are cementing their power in the states to support a future coup like the one Eastman described. Using “audits” of the 2020 elections, notably in Arizona but now also in Pennsylvania and Texas, Trump loyalists have convinced their supporters to distrust elections, softening the ground to overturn them in the future. According to a new poll by NORC at the University of Chicago, 26% of Americans now believe that “[t]he 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president,” and 8% believe that "[u]se of force is justified to restore Donald Trump to the presidency."
Arguing that they have to stop the voter fraud they have falsely claimed threw the election to Biden, Republican lawmakers in 18 states have passed more than 30 laws to cut down Democratic voting and cement their own rule. Trump supporters have threatened election workers, prompting them to quit, and have harassed school board members and local officials, driving them from office.
Although attorneys general are charged with nonpartisan enforcement of the law, we learned earlier this month that in September 2020, 32 staff members of Republican attorneys general met in Atlanta, where they participated in “war games” to figure out what to do should Trump not be reelected. The summit was organized by the Rule of Law Defense Fund, the fundraising arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), which sent out robocalls on January 5 urging recipients to march to the Capitol the following day “to stop the steal.” In May, RAGA elevated the man responsible for those robocalls to the position of executive director, prompting others to leave.
In states where Republicans have rigged election mechanics, party members need to worry about primary challengers from the right, rather than Democratic opponents. So they are purging from the party all but Trump loyalists, especially as the former president is backing challengers against those who voted in favor of his impeachment in the House in January 2021. Last week, one of those people, Representative Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), announced he was retiring, in part because of right-wing threats against his family.
Trump loyalists are openly embracing the language of authoritarianism. In Texas, Abbott is now facing a primary challenger who today tweeted: “Texans deserve a strong and robust leader committed to fighting with them against the radical Left. They deserve a leader like Brazil has in Jair Bolsonaro…..” Bolsonaro, a right-wing leader whose approval rating in late August was 23%, is threatening to stay in power in Brazil against the wishes of its people. He claims that the country’s elections are fraudulent and that “[e]ither we’ll have clean elections, or we won’t have elections.”
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) today used language fascists have used in the past to stoke hatred of their political opponents, tweeting that “ALL House Democrats are evil and will kill unborn babies all the way up to birth and then celebrate.” Yesterday, the leader of Turning Points U.S.A., Charlie Kirk, brought the movement’s white nationalism into the open when he told a YouTube audience that Democrats were backing “an invasion of the country” to bring in “voters that they want and that they like” and to work toward “diminishing and decreasing white demographics in America.” He called for listeners to “[d]eputize a citizen force, put them on the border, give them handcuffs, get it done.”
Today, we learned that the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will be held in Budapest, Hungary, where leader Viktor Orbán, whom Fox News Channel personality Tucker Carlson has openly admired, is dismantling democracy and eroding civil rights. When former vice president Mike Pence spoke in Budapest earlier this week at a forum denouncing immigration and urging traditional social values, he told the audience he hoped that the U.S. Supreme Court would soon outlaw abortion thanks to the three justices Trump put on the court.
Establishment Republicans who are now out of power are not on board the Trump train. They are quietly backing anti-Trumpers like Representative Cheney. Former House speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan, former Florida governor Jeb Bush—who was widely expected to win the Republican nomination in 2016, only to be shut out of it by Trump—and former president George W. Bush's former adviser Karl Rove have all donated money to Cheney to help her stave off a challenge from a Trump loyalist in the 2022 election. Next month, former president Bush himself will hold a fundraiser for Cheney in Texas.
Other establishment Republicans currently in power might be staying quiet about the party’s slide toward authoritarianism because they are simply hoping that the Trump fire will burn itself out. The former president is no longer commanding the crowds he once did, and his increasing legal woes as well as the investigation into the insurrection will almost certainly take up his time and energy. The mounting coronavirus deaths among his unvaccinated supporters also stand to weaken support for his faction.
But the fact that Republican lawmakers have ignored the Eastman memo, which outlines the destruction of our democracy, suggests that the party, which organized in the 1850s to protect the nation against those who would destroy it, has come full circle.
[from comments]
It is time to call this out as what it is - a well-documented attempt to overthrow the government, led by people too unconcerned or too stupid to worry about leaving a paper trail.
The January 6th sheep currently in court are not the problem. It's time to round up the ringleaders of this attempted coup and prosecute them on an open and shut case of treason.
Reasonable people insist on framing this coup as a robust political debate, but reasonable people are wrong. It is a naked power grab, an assault on the popular will, and blatantly illegal. Three evidence is there, in the seditionists' own hands.
A crime has been committed, even if it was unsuccessful. Failed bank robbers don't get to walk because they got no money. Failed murderers are still prosecuted. The evidence is there for all to see, and the alleged criminals aren't denying it. They're doubling down, and we're letting them. Either prosecute them, or remove the treason laws from the books since they're clearly meaningless and unenforceable.
In short: lock them up.
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stuffedeggplants · 3 years
18! 19! 33! 😘
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Apart from two one-shots I wrote last winter, I only first 'seriously' started writing fanfiction around December 2020/January 2021. My very first fic was going to be set in the Imperial/Rebellion era focusing on an archaeological/historical mystery at a university research station and involving some Thrawn detective stuff, new force traditions, the requisite flavors of Desert Planet (TM), etc... But then I rediscovered the Clone Wars era when it grabbed me by the throat and it hasn't let go, so Archaeological Mystery Story now molders in the My Documents folder on my laptop.
I also have 12k for what was going to be a long multi-chapter story focusing on the Coruscant Guard during the transition from Republic to Empire, but it was my second attempt at writing original fiction and I now think what I had planned might work better as smaller stories in the same series. (Though there's a 75% chance that's just my lack of confidence in my ability to write out a long, nicely put together narrative that's not an academic work...)
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
Revenant focuses on a Wookie shaman who recovers Commander Gree's body after Order 66 and performs a ritual to eventually resurrect him. It involves nature magic and weird force stuff, and in subsequent chapters I want to show what exactly Gree has become and what his, eh, goals are now, and write out an interesting encounter for him exploring Imperial operations/atrocities on Kashyyyk and the lives of clone soldiers still in Imperial service at this time. Honestly I mostly wrote this to indulge in florid descriptions of nature but now I really like the concept as an opportunity for worldbuilding (which is always a huge portion of what I care about and want to write anyway.)
If You Can Prove It I want to turn into a multi-chapter story. Part of the summary:
At the end of the Clone Wars, Commander Fox had been dragged off to a GAR black site and frozen in carbonite. It's been two weeks since he woke to find himself collapsing onto the sandy floor of Jabba's palace, staring up at a masked Leia Organa and 20 years removed from a life that to him was only moments old.
It will include Fox/Leia, and there's a lot I'm interested in exploring here with Fox-- switching over from the GAR and the kinds of conflicts he dealt with during the Clone Wars to something very different with the Rebellion; thinking about things like choice, freedom, duty, and responsibility; loss; identity, etc.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Hm, ones where I've affected the reader emotionally and made them laugh (big one for me) or cry and be able to really feel the atmosphere and mood I'm trying to evoke, and they think it's beautiful.
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bard-llama · 4 years
The Witcher Fic Masterlist
Masterlist of all of my Witcher fics, updated as of June 5, 2021.
If you like my writing, consider donating to my ko-fi! I am writing gift fics for all donors.
Here is a masterlist of all completed multi-chapter fics.
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Families of Choice
Geraskefer Canon Divergent AU
Summary: The best families are those you choose. Jaskier realized that early in life, but his family continues to expand over the years.
Series Masterlist
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Cintra Happily Ever After Series:
AU from the Families of Choice Series (as of the end of 5 Dinners with the Lioness chapter 5)
Summary: A series in which I pretend everything is fine and nobody dies, and Geralt makes Cintra his home base after the feast in episode 4.
Series Masterlist
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Chronic Pain Series
Summary: Unconnected shorts in which I vent my pain onto fictional characters.
At Her Back
Summary:  Yennefer was born with a twisted spine. Her transformation had cured her, but she still felt the pain as if nothing had changed. Geralt offers Jaskier's services as a masseuse.
Coming to a Head
Summary: During a confrontation gone wrong, Jaskier gets hit with a spell that is supposed to cause unimaginable pain. So why does Jaskier seems mostly unaffected?
When Pigs Talk
Summary: When seeking pain relief, Yennefer takes something that makes the pigs in her pig pen start talking. It’s the start of an interesting evening.
Your eyes aren’t rivers there to weep
Rated E
Summary: Geralt’s eyes burn and ache like he’s undergoing the trials again, so Jaskier does his best to help distract from the pain.
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Don’t Cry for Me, Temeria
Iorveth/Roche Witcher 2 Different First Meeting AU
Summary: A Witcher 2 Canon AU in which Iorveth and Roche meet before either of them know who the other is. Somehow, this changes absolutely everything.
Series Masterlist
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Fish Out of Water
Iorveth/Roche MerMay AU
Summary: Once upon a time, all elves lived in the sea and had mer forms. Now, Iorveth is something of a novelty, one of the last true elves.
Series Masterlist
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For You, My Love, I Bleed
Iorveth/Roche angsty AU
Summary: Iorveth and Roche had been happy, or so Iorveth had thought. Then King Foltest recalls Roche to the capital, and suddenly Iorveth is left alone as Roche returns to Foltest. Roche made his choice, clearly, and Iorveth just has to deal with that. But all is not as it seems, and Roche considers everything worth sacrificing if it protects the man he loves.
Series Masterlist
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A Hard Day’s Night
Iorveth/Roche interrogation AU
Summary: Iorveth ends up imprisoned, with Vernon Roche as his interrogator. From there it only gets worse - or better, depending on your point of view.
Series Masterlist
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If You’re Good to Mama
Iorveth/Roche Outsider POV
Summary: The Clarabelle is the finest brothel in town and its located in the shittiest part of town. Follow the adventures of the Madame, Eliza, and the brothel workers as they start working to supply food to the terrorist elves in the Scoia'tael.
Series Masterlist
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Keep Me
Iorveth/Roche fanart AU
Summary: All Vernon Roche wants in life is someone to keep him and appreciate him. Surprisingly, he may find exactly that - in the form of his enemy, no less. Based on this art.
Series Masterlist
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King and Country
Iorveth/Roche divergent AU
Summary: When Foltest rejects Vernon Roche, he sets into motion a series of events that have consequences he never could've expected. A universe in which Roche's anger and hurt at Foltest remove the rose colored glasses.
Series Masterlist (NEW ADDITIONS!)
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Love Shack
Iorveth/Roche Secret Relationship AU
Summary: The Love Shack: a ramshackle cabin in the forest that happens to be Iorveth and Roche's only respite from a reality full of violence, war, and hate. In the Love Shack, all that matters is each other.
Series Masterlist
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The Lovestruck Fox
Iorveth/Roche Schoolgirl Crush AU
Summary: It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that the Scoia’tael Commander holds his opposite in the highest esteem. 
Series Masterlist
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Petals and Stripes
Iorveth/Roche Hanahaki AU
Summary: Those that felt the deepest of deep loves could develop a condition known as the wasting disease. Those afflicted slowly suffocate as their lungs fill with fruit representing the one they love. Well, it's supposed to be fruit. So why is Commander Roche coughing up flowers?
Series Masterlist
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With A Look I May Not Meet
Iorveth/Roche capture AU
Summary: When Iorveth is captured using his relationship with Vernon Roche, Roche is forced to make a decision. Stand with King Foltest and Temeria as he has always done - or choose Iorveth and go on the run.
Series Masterlist
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The Woodland Fox and The Temerian Hound
Iorveth/Roche animal transformation AU
Summary: Roche usually didn’t mind Triss’s magic much. Sure, she poked at him with it all the time, but it was always playful, inviting him in on the fun. This time, however, something had gone very, very wrong and he was quite sure that it would take him a long time to trust her magic again. Because somehow a rebound spell had hit him, and now he had a tail. A dog’s tail. Well, he was always getting called Foltest’s attack dog. Now it was just a bit more literal.
Series Masterlist
Under the cut:
New! Gen fics (22)
Yennefer fics (4)
Geraskier/Geraskefer fics (25)
Geralt getting railed fics (4)
Cintra fics (Calanthe/Eist and others) (9)
Lambert/Aiden fics (6)
Lambert/Jaskier fic (1)
Wolf Witcher fics (2)
New! Iorveth/Roche fics (45)
New! Saskia fics (3)
Gen Fics:
(They came after me) With Masterful Deceit
Summary: When Jaskier discovers that Yennefer has Elven blood, he is forced to confront his prejudices.
Beauty and Imperfections
Summary: Jaskier signs up to be a nude model. He's expecting it to be a fun, sexy time. It goes a lot differently than he expected.
The Blood of the Covenant is Thicker Than the Water of the Womb 
Summary:  Found Family prompt fills, focusing mostly on Iorveth and Roche. Chapter 1: Geralt invited all of his family to join him in Corvo Bianco, which is great, but has the downside that finding a moment alone is near impossible.
Cards Out For Your Country
Summary: In which a great number of people are convinced or coerced into posing for a Gwent Pinup Calendar.
Greg the Demon Horse
Summary: Jaskier tries to make a stuffed toy for Ciri. If only he knew how to sew properly.
Gwent, The Good Old Game (NEW!)
Summary: Zoltan, Dandelion, and Priscilla decide to go all in on a new money-making scheme involving gwent. This time, they are going to sell stories and dolls of the characters that appear on gwent cards. It's guaranteed to make a killing.
History is Written by the Victors
Summary: “Dara said grandmother’s men laughed as they raped women and killed babies by - by swinging them by their legs, bashing their heads in.” Fuck. Tentatively, Jaskier wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a hug when she didn’t flinch away. In his head, he could hear Filavandrel’s voice, the humans proudly watch these very fields grow... our babies fertilizer for their grain. He swallowed against rising bile. Against his neck, he could feel Ciri finally succumb to tears. “How could grandmother order that? I know her, that wasn’t what she was like! But Dara wouldn’t have lied.”
Wherein our characters struggle with knowing that good people can do awful things, and that everything you think you know is probably wrong.
How to Train Your Roach
Summary: The story of how Jaskier's stupid ditties on the road accidentally trained Roach.
Inspired by Her Fire
Warning: Spoilers for Witcher 2, specifically something from the end of Iorveth’s Path.
Summary:  Saskia's POV during the Council Meeting where Saskia introduces Iorveth.
It’s the Little Things
Summary: A collection of fills for various prompts! Chapter 1: “You. Rest. Now.”
jaws that crack the bones the lion leaves
Summary: Jaskier writes a song about the Slaughter of Cintra.
Life is a Cabaret
Witcher 3 Canon/Spoilers
Summary: Set during the Cabaret quest, after Geralt helps Dandelion with his staged fight, he decides that Dandelion's big comfy bed at the Rosemary & Thyme is perfect for a bit of rest. Dandelion doesn't exactly mind.
The Lion That Haunts My Dreams
Rated M
Summary: Calanthe does what is needed to protect her kingdom. Dara just wants to forget. Two perspectives on a genocide.
Summary: Geralt knew he couldn’t claim his Child of Surprise. Destiny had punished him harshly the one time he’d thought about raising a child. He could not risk its wrath again.
Summary: Yennefer had been forced to fight for every bit of power she had. So why does the power to make people see her seem so unattainable? An introspective look at Yenn during the Dragon Hunt (but ignoring the break up because I can)
Sentenced to Write
Summary: A collection of fics from 1 sentence prompts. Chapter One: Thief!Ciri Chapter Two: Kid!Calanthe
Soft Words and Kind Hearts
Summary: A collection of fills for Geralt Fluff Week 2020. Day 1: First times. Geralt gets a tattoo and becomes part of the Blue Stripes Commandos
Sweat and Blood and Tears: A Geralt Whump Collection
Summary: Collected shorts for Geralt Whump Week
What Makes a Family
Summary: Ciri spends her first birthday since the Fall of Cintra at Kaer Morhen.
What You Meme to Me
Summary: A collection of Witcher fics inspired by memes. Just because. Second chapter: Jaskier doesn't understand why people are so obsessed with gender. Why would what's in their pants matter?
The White Wolf
Summary: Geralt always gets named the White Wolf in fight clubs, even before Jaskier gave him the name. Sometimes he even hid his medallion and gave a fake name, and still, he was always called the White Wolf.
Your Voice is Your Life
Summary: “Your voice is your life.” His old teacher used to tell him. Jaskier largely disagreed, but then a djinn steals his voice. Bottled Appetites from Jaskier's point of view
Yennefer Fics
To Be...
Summary: Collection of shorts for Yennefer Appreciation Week on Tumblr!
A Tribute to the Fae
Rated E
Summary: When Yennefer accidentally trespasses on fae land, she must pay the price.
Viscount Pankratz and Wife
Summary: When Jaskier receives an invitation to a fancy party addressed to him and his wife, he decided he deserved a night of fun causing problems for people. Who better to help than Yennefer of Vengerberg?
Yenn & Djinn
Summary: Bottled Appetites AU Jaskier’s last wish is for Geralt to appear. This manages to change everything.
Geraskier/Geraskefer Fics: 
(I would not wish) Any Companion But You
Summary: I’m not your friend, Geralt always insists whenever Jaskier calls them such.
100 Ways to Love You
Rated E
Summary: A drabble collection for Witcher OT3 sex Okay, it might be more double drabbles than drabbles, but shhh
Awaken in Pleasure
Rated E
Summary: Geralt dreams of having Jaskier waking him up with sex. He finally manages to ask for it.
Bounce a Coin Off Your Witcher
Rated E
Summary: Jaskier has lots of thoughts about Geralt's arse in leather pants. And then they get stuck in a small room together.
Butter That Biscuit
Rated E
Summary: Bottled Appetites Ep 5 AU – When Jaskier awakes in Yennefer’s room, he does, in fact, butter that biscuit.
Five Almost Kisses and One Happily Ever After 
Rated E
Summary: What it says on the tin. Geralt knows he wants Jaskier, but why would the bard ever be interested in a witcher? Five times Geralt ALMOST figures it out and one time he actually makes a move.
Five Times Geralt Frotted Against Jaskier’s Ass and One Time He Fucked It
Rated E
Summary: Based on this tumblr post about Geralt frotting against Jaskier's ass in his sleep.
Fulfilling a Need
Rated E
Summary: Geralt has been twitchy and restless lately. When Jaskier confronts him, he discovers that what Geralt needs is for Jaskier to take control and fuck his face. So he does.
Gestures of Affection
Rated M
Summary:  A collection of shorts featuring any configuration of the relationship between Geralt, Jaskier, and Yennefer and the ways they show affection to each other. With bonus Ciri, because she’s their family.
Hit Me Baby (One More Time)
Rated E
Summary: Jaskier desperately wants physical evidence of Geralt’s love for him.
How to Spoil Your Pet
Rated E
Summary: Yennefer and Jaskier team up to give Geralt everything he wants. He wants a lot. Good thing they're amenable.
Howling Swirling Storm
Summary: Jaskier is a winter spirit who has always been shit at hiding his powers. But somehow Geralt still never figured it out?
Jaskier’s Words are Horseshit
Summary: The thing about Jaskier is, he never shuts up. Literally, ever. That was the first thing Geralt noticed about the bard, but he was not prepared for all that entailed. Jaskier was, quite literally, always making noise of some sort. If he wasn’t singing, he was humming, muttering, strumming at his lute. Even in his sleep, the bard hmm’d and sighed and mumbled and snored continuously.
A Kiss With a Lash
Rated E
Summary: Geralt asks Jaskier to punish him for the Break Up (TM)
Making Amends
Rated E
Summary: Jaskier is putting his life back together after the Mountain™. So what is he supposed to do when Geralt arrives at his doorstep?
Pamper Your Witcher
Rated E
Summary: Geralt doesn't let himself have the finer things in life. So Jaskier decides to pamper him.
That Wild Blue Yonder
Summary: Jaskier lives in the modern world as Julian Alfred Pancratz. When his family vacations at an old castle his cousin owns, he discovers an old wardrobe that leads to the Continent. Specifically, it leads to a wardrobe belonging to Madeline de Stael.
The Pleasure of a Good Bath
Rated E
Summary: Geralt had always enjoyed baths. Since Jaskier had joined him, they'd gotten even better - and it was making it difficult to hide that he wanted more.
Porny Prompt Pile
Rated E
Summary: Just porny fics based on prompts. First chapter: Geraskier - blow job while standing Second chapter: Geraskier - Jaskier riles Geralt into rough sex
Relationships Require Communication
Summary: Jaskier liked to joke about him being allergic to the word ‘friends’, but he wasn’t far off. Geralt was aware that he was not good at talking, not good at feelings, and definitely not good about combining the two. After Yennefer and Jaskier leave him on the mountain, Geralt does some thinking about what happened and how exactly he messed up. And how to fix it.
Rushing Thoughts and Pulsing Hearts
Rated E
Summary: Geralt knew he was in love with Jaskier, but what could he do about it? No one believed Witchers could love. Not even him, sometimes.
So hold me, lover, like you used to
Rated E
Summary: When Geralt brings Cirilla to Oxenfurt to search for Jaskier, he was not expecting to walk into a concert the bard and another were giving together. Songfic based on The Amazing Devil.
When Words Act As Phantoms on Horseback
Summary:  Jaskier gets Geralt used to the lack of silence. Without him, the silence creeps up on him and itches at his mind until he must break it. AKA how Netflix!Geralt slowly becomes more like Game!Geralt.
With Knot But A Look
Rated E
Summary: Jaskier asks tamed werewolf!Geralt to fuck him in the forest under the full moon.
Worth 100 Words
Summary: This is a Witcher drabble collection, using prompts. Mostly OT3 and family fics with Ciri.
Geralt getting railed fics:
A Cintran Welcome
Rated E
Summary: Geralt’s Witcher stamina is too much for Jaskier to handle alone, but he wants Geralt to experience being fucked to exhaustion. So he arranges a gangbang in Cintra. Featuring Geralt’s self–loathing getting overwhelmed with pleasure.
Forest of Plenty
Rated E
Summary: Geralt goes to visit his friend Mousesack for some fun and discovers that Mousesack and Jaskier have already anticipated his arrival and prepared quite a surprise for him.
I’m Yours to Claim
Rated E
Summary: Geralt knew he would eventually agree to go to Cintra. It was Jaskier asking, after all. He hadn't expected to run into his old friend and fuckbuddy, Mousesack, but it was nice to see him again.
Size Matters: The Geralt Size Queen Chronicles
Rated E
Summary: Just porn about Geralt being a size queen.
Cintra Fics: 
5 Gifts from Family, 1 Vision of the Future, and 1 New Start
Summary: Pavetta gets to know her family after the banquet.
Artistic Endeavors
Rated M
Summary: Calanthe discovers that her daughter has a habit of drawing rather explicit art. For the Banned Together Bingo prompt "Porn". Set before Episode 4: Of Banquets, Bastards, and Burials
Falling Into the Lion’s Den
Rated E
Summary: Calanthe and Eist have slept together many times, but it was never about feelings. So why does Eist propose to her and insist on changing everything?
Her Mother’s Legacy
Summary: Ciri had always had trouble with schooling. So if Geralt wants to train her in monster lore, he's going to have to do some things for her. Featuring ways Pavetta helped Ciri figure out how to manage her ADHD.
Like a Punch to the Face
Summary: “Oh sweet Cintra, you were so promising, from your spoiled princess to your stupid old king! But when I arrived, the royals were dead! Tossed out a window or shot in the head!” Ciri forced herself to keep walking past the puppet show, feeling like a fist had reached into her chest and ripped out her heart.
The Lion in the Woods
Summary: Mousesack teaches Ciri about the importance of balance.
The Lioness and the Seahound
Rated E
Summary: A collection of Calanthe/Eist porn fics. Chapter One: Calanthe positions Eist so that she can ride him while giving the illusion that she was taking him. Eist loves it.
Mousesack’s Educational Retreat for Proper Young Nobles
Summary: 13 year old Calanthe gets sent to a “whip-your-heirs-into-shape” 6 weeks and she is not happy about it. She’s also not delighted by this kid Eist, who is determined to become her friend, and sharing her room with 2 other noblewomen was not fun. Featuring 13 year olds’ interpretations of cultures, some significant cultural misunderstandings, and some slow but sure developing friendships.
O war! Thou son of hell
Summary: In the aftermath of war, Calanthe waits to feel the way everyone said she was supposed to.
Lambert/Aiden Fics:
An Evening of Frippery
Rated E
Summary: When Lambert and Aiden get invited to a fancy party, it’s the perfect excuse to dress up, dance, and have some fun.
Fuck Me Properly (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Aiden stumbles upon Lambert getting fucked by a plant. With tentacles. Then his brain kind of shorts out.
One Way to Skin a Cat (NEW!)
Summary: A reflection on Aiden's thoughts in the aftermath of his near death, and a realization of what Lambert must be thinking.
pretty witcher (walking down the street)
Rated E
Summary: Lambert decides to finally make his move, dressing up in his prettiest dress to encourage Aiden to give in to temptation. Before he has a chance, though, bandits force them into an unexpected position.
Silk and Lace
Rated E
Summary: When Aiden and Lambert split up on the road to tackle separate contracts before meeting again, Lambert takes the opportunity to spoil himself with pretty clothes and slow, drawn out pleasure.
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This (NEW!)
Rated M
Summary: Lambert wakes up when Aiden has a bad dream. Fortunately, he knows a good way to get Aiden's mind off of it.
Lambert/Jaskier Fics:
Desperate Affection
Rated E
Summary: Lambert didn't know when he'd fallen in love with the bard, but he could no longer imagine life at Kaer Morhen without him.
Wolf Witcher Fics:
Rated E
Summary: Lambert, Geralt, and Eskel have a long tradition where Eskel ties them up. This time, they've invited Aiden and Jaskier in on the fun.
The School of the Wolf
Summary: Vesemir is old, the oldest Witcher alive. Witchers don’t retire, they get slow and they die. He knows he's slowing down, but all he has left in this world is the boys he trained, and the legacy of the School of the Wolf.
Iorveth/Roche Fics: 
A Kiss Can Mean A Thousand Things 
Summary: Fills for kissing prompts based on the 50 Types of Kisses Writing Prompts
And Ghosts Did Shriek and Shrill
Rated M for violence/gore
Summary: After the unjust murder of his team, Vernon Roche is willing to do anything to get them back. Even if it means drawing on unspoken-of beliefs from a childhood in Velen.
Before All Else, Be Armed (NEW!)
Summary: Iorveth and Vernon Roche are finally getting together. But when it comes time to disrobe, they run into a few problems. Namely, the sheer number of concealed weapons each of them carry.
Brewing Romance and Dissent 
Summary: When a spear to the eye means that Iorveth needs to take at least a year to recover, he decides to spend it undercover in a coffeeshop in Vizima's Royal Quarter. He's also not expecting his favorite customer to be a human.
Can’t We All Just Get Oolong? 
Summary: In which Iorveth and Roche discover that Roche's mom Eliza works for both of them, drink lots of tea, and slowly get to know one another.
The Chase
Rated M
Summary: Iorveth likes making Roche chase him when the Blue Stripes and the Scoia'tael clash. When Roche manages to catch him one day, something entirely unexpected happens. And then it keeps happening.
Commander Roche’s Secret Lover (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Commander Roche is very clearly hiding a lover. His team tries to figure out who it could be.
Deep Inside Me (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth longs for things he shouldn't want and his attempt to ignore that ends up making everything worse.
Devour What’s Truly Yours
Rated E
Summary: When Roche discovers Iorveth inside a magical circle of flowers with pollen that makes you feel good, he was not at all prepared to find out what they had to do before they could leave.
A Dh’oine’s Only Use (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth arranges for his Scoia'tael to make use of his new whore, Vernon Roche. After all, a dh'oine's only use is as a hole to be fucked.
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Rated E
Summary: It totally doesn’t mean anything that Roche dreams of Iorveth.
‘Ere Our Souls Are Ground To Dust 
Summary: After Nilfgaard conquered the continent and deigned to let Temeria be self-governed, Roche finds himself drowning in work trying to build a new government and keep an economy afloat (well, more get it back there for some parts of Temeria). Meanwhile, he and Iorveth were managing to live a fairly domestic life together. It had only been a few months, but it was going well. Then they have their first fight. Over coffee, of all things.
Every Kiss Begins With Kayran (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Every once in a while, there was a local brave enough to seek out the Kayran for a pleasant distraction. The Kayran was delighted to oblige. And sometimes, sometimes there were people who wanted a more regular experience. People like Iorveth, who had scheduled monthly fuck dates to work off the stresses of command. Neither of them expected to get discovered during one such session.
Explore That Which Sets Your Soul Aflame (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth very much was not expecting Vernon to ask about his ears. But if he's going to satisfy Vernon's curiosity, it's only right that Vernon satisfy his in return.
Eye on You 
Rated E
Summary: 5 Times Iorveth Accidentally Watched Roche Come and 1 Time Roche Watched Him
False Positive (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: When Iorveth sneaks into Lobinden in disguise to enjoy the Imbolc festival, the last thing he expects is to deal with Vernon Roche - especially because Vernon doesn't know it's him.
The First Seeds of Trust 
Rated E
Summary: As soon as Iorveth had started fighting vines rather than fighting him, Roche knew something was up. Still, nothing could have prepared him for what happened next.
Great Eggspectations (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: In the aftermath of Temeria's fall, Vernon Roche is feeling unmoored. So it only makes sense to track down his once-enemy. Iorveth has always encouraged his mind to bring its best and right now, he dearly needs that. He's in for a slight surprise when he actually finds Iorveth, though.
A Heart’s Fire (NEW!)
Summary: Skellige is the only kingdom without a price on Iorveth's head, so it only makes sense to seek shelter there after the Scoia'tael are disbanded. The isles are nice, but what had been pleasantly cool in summer now turns freezing in winter and elves were not made for temperature extremes. So of course Iorveth manages to get caught in a blizzard.
How to Fluster an Elf 
Summary: When Geralt, Dandelion, and Zoltan make a casual remark about never having seen Iorveth flustered, Roche decides to take it as a challenge. Featuring Nilfgaardian feasts, cultural differences, really fancy beds and baths, and a witcher, a dwarf, and a bard who are having the time of their lives watching Roche try to catch Iorveth off guard.
It’s the Little Things
Summary:  A collection of fills for various prompts! Chapter 1: “You. Rest. Now.”
The language of friendship is not words but meanings 
Summary: When Geralt is hired by the Blue Stripes and the Scoia'tael to find their missing commanders, he discovers that not only have said commanders somehow turned into children, but that the two groups managed to scare them away before introductions could be made. Fortunately, Roche and Iorveth both have their own ways of making themselves understood.
Leap of Faith
Summary: When Roche changes the rules of engagement in a skirmish with the Scoia'tael, Iorveth ends up captured.
Needs More Dragons
Summary:  Frankly, 2 dragons in all the Witcher stories? Not enough. So have some fics with random dragons! Chapter 1: Honey, I Adopted A Dragon: Iorveth may have acquired a baby dragon while Roche was traveling. Roche is about to find out.
Never Have I Ever
Summary: The Blue Stripes have an evening off. What better way to spend it than by playing drinking games?
On Knife’s Edge 
Rated E
Summary: After they assist in the Battle of Kaer Morhen, Iorveth and Roche end up traveling back to Temeria together. An injury to Roche’s arm leaves him unable to shave himself, so it’s only polite for Iorveth to offer his assistance… right?
Olfucktory Senses (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth typically found the smell of human exertion to be nauseating. But when it's Vernon Roche's sweat, somehow he finds himself responding entirely differently.
Orificial Business
Rated E
Summary: When Roche hears a rumor that the Scoia’tael might be frequenting a brothel on the edge of town, he decides it’s worth going undercover to see.
Pining and Poignards (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth may spend a lot of time thinking about Vernon Roche, but it didn't mean anything. It couldn't mean anything. Doesn't stop him from contemplating the possibilities, though. Meanwhile, Roche attempts to teach himself Elder Speech to translate the carvings on a knife Iorveth stabbed him with.
The Portrait of Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (NEW UPDATE!)
Summary: Ciri hates the portrait from her childhood that Geralt displays openly and proudly and loudly. He shows it off to everyone he can and she wants to destroy it. Lucky for her, two fighting enemies present a prime opportunity to make the portrait's destruction look like an accident.
The Pride of Temeria
The Blue Stripes are Temeria's elite Special Forces Unit. Their mission is to hunt down the Scoia'tael, but in between fighting and drilling, they get up to an awful lot of shenanigans. “He looks like he’s dead,” Shorty said, poking the sleeping form of their commanding officer with a stick. “Shorty!” Silas hissed shrilly. The newbie was still scared of breaking rules and he fidgeted nervously. “What?” Shorty shrugged, “He sleeps like the dead, it’s fine. As long as he’s not actually dead, anyway.” “He’s not,” Ves, their erstwhile second in command, rolled her eyes. “He’s just fucking weird.” “Are you sure he’s okay? How can he possibly breathe like that?” Igo frowned in worry, which wasn’t surprising for the man who had accidentally become their de facto team therapist. “What he needs,” Thirteen pointed in what would have been a dramatic gesture if not for the drunken stumble, “is a goo’ pair o’ tits to bury his face in.”
Red is the Rose (Complete!)
When Roche gives Iorveth a rose of remembrance, Iorveth doesn't know what to think. Legend has it that if you give a rose to someone you love, then it’ll live forever, but surely that can't be true. After all, Roche is his enemy.
Run Away With Me
Summary: Iorveth and Roche spend a starlit night together. “Run away with me,” he murmured, only half aware of the words he was saying. But when Iorveth froze, they truly processed and suddenly cold fear gripped him. He stuttered a correction, “I mean – I know, obviously, you can’t just leave your people. It’s – I–” Iorveth cupped his face, cutting off the stream of words. “Vernon,” Iorveth said, voice soft and wondrous. “Vernon,” he said again, tugging Roche forward into a desperate kiss, full of wanting and longing and regret. Even though Roche already knew the answer – of course they couldn’t just run away together – he still had to close his eyes and brace himself against the words he knew were coming when Iorveth drew back again. “Cariad,” Iorveth whispered, stroking his face. “Were my life my own, I would go anywhere with you.”
Scenes from Another World
Summary: Standalone scenes based on different trope AUs, but set in the canon Witcher universe.
Sentiment and Condescension
Summary:  Roche hadn’t been planning to go to the Vengelbud party, but as soon as Emhyr told him not to... Now if he could just get Iorveth to leave him alone, he could get wasted in peace.
Seven Seconds in Holding 
Summary: Iorveth is very, very unclear on how his last fight with the Blue Stripes led to him here, spooning Roche in the Blue Stripes’ holding cell, both their wrists cuffed together.
Spousal Privilege
Summary: Stuck at a diplomatic conference, Roche is frustrated that none of the elves in the room will even acknowledge he exists. Then Iorveth enters and it's like seeing an old friend. And then somehow they end up pretending to be married.
A Stubbornly Persistent Illusion (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Roche wakes up in a different world, one where he and Iorveth are raising Foltest's children in the dwarven city of Vergen.
These Boots (are gonna walk all over you)
Rated E
Summary: Neither Iorveth nor Roche had expected their fight to go like this. Inspired by this gorgeous art.
Time is Cruel, To Rob Us from Ourselves 
Summary: An AU of Don’t Cry for Me, Temeria/(Im)Perfect Strangers where a magical artifact sends everyone back through events of Iorveth’s past. Iorveth is less than pleased, but the insights into his character may be invaluable for more than one person present.
Under Pressure 
Rated E
Summary: When Iorveth defeats Vernon Roche, he intends to take his time interrogating his enemy. Fortunately, an abandoned mage’s house nearby provides him with the perfect toys to make this fun.
The Value of a Man
Summary: When Iorveth finally defeats Roche, he decides that such a valuable prisoner is worth ransoming back to the King. After all, surely the King's Enforcer is worth a few concessions to elven rights. Right?
To Weave The Strands of Fate (NEW!)
Summary: There is a tradition in Velen. Whenever a child is born within Velen, a lock of their hair is cut off and gifted to the Ladies of the Wood. According to whispered legends, the Lady Weavess could add the hair to her loom and thereby change their Fate.
What Happens in the Cave-In Stays in the Cave-In
Summary: When Iorveth and Roche’s fight ends abruptly because of a cave in, they find themselves trapped together as they wait to be unburied. In the meantime, Roche is injured and Iorveth has herbs that could help - but all he knows about humans is “they need more”.
Wolves and Squirrels and Stripes
Rated E
Summary:  A collection of Witcher 2 short fics featuring Geralt, Iorveth, and Roche. Chapter 1: Iorveth had never expected this to happen when Geralt invited him to visit Kaer Morhen.
Saskia Fics:
Damned Be The Thoughts That Refuse To Leave (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: When Saskia gifted him a toy shaped like a large human penis, Iorveth had sworn he would never use it. After all, it wasn't as if there were any humans he desired... right?
Shared Custody (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Iorveth wasn't sure how walking into Saskia's office to see her talking with Vernon Roche of all people led to the three of them jammed into a closet with him in the middle, but he supposed it could be worse.
What Goes Around Comes Around (NEW!)
Rated E
Summary: Philippa decides to give Saskia a little treat to wake up to. Saskia repays her in full.
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newsworthy56 · 3 years
On Sep 25, 2021, at 12:07 AM, Heather Cox Richardson from Letters from an American <[email protected]> wrote:
On Monday, we learned that after last year’s election, John Eastman, a well-connected lawyer advising former president Donald Trump, outlined a six-point plan to overturn the outcome of the election and install Trump as America’s leader. They planned to cut the voters’ actual choice, Democrat Joe Biden, out of power: as Trump advisor Steve Bannon put it, they planned to “kill the Biden presidency in the crib.” This appears to have been the plan that Trump and his loyalists tried to execute on January 6.
That is, we now have written proof of an attempt to destroy our democracy and replace it with an autocracy.
This was not some crazy plot of some obscure dude in a shack in the mountains; this was a plan of the president of the United States of America, and it came perilously close to succeeding. The president of the United States tried to overturn the results of an election—the centerpiece of our democracy—and install himself into power illegitimately.
If this is not a hair-on-fire, screaming emergency, what is?
And yet, Republican lawmakers, with the notable exceptions of Representatives Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), have largely remained silent about the fact that the head of their party tried to destroy our democracy.
The best spin on their silence is that in refusing to defend the former president while also keeping quiet enough that they do not antagonize the voters in his base, they are choosing their own power over the protection of our country.
The other option is that the leaders of the Republican Party have embraced authoritarianism, and their once-grand party—the party of Abraham Lincoln, the party that saved the United States in the 1860s, the party that removed racial enslavement from our fundamental law—has become an existential threat to our nation.
Democracy requires at least two healthy parties capable of running a government in order to provide oversight for those currently in control of the government and to channel opposition into peaceful attempts to change the country’s path rather than into revolution. But Republicans appear to believe that any Democratic government is illegitimate, insisting that Democrats’ calls for business regulation, a basic social safety net, and infrastructure investment are “socialism” that will destroy the country.
With Democrats in charge of the federal government, Republicans are cementing their power in the states to support a future coup like the one Eastman described. Using “audits” of the 2020 elections, notably in Arizona but now also in Pennsylvania and Texas, Trump loyalists have convinced their supporters to distrust elections, softening the ground to overturn them in the future. According to a new poll by NORC at the University of Chicago, 26% of Americans now believe that “[t]he 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president,” and 8% believe that "[u]se of force is justified to restore Donald Trump to the presidency."
Arguing that they have to stop the voter fraud they have falsely claimed threw the election to Biden, Republican lawmakers in 18 states have passed more than 30 laws to cut down Democratic voting and cement their own rule. Trump supporters have threatened election workers, prompting them to quit, and have harassed school board members and local officials, driving them from office.
Although attorneys general are charged with nonpartisan enforcement of the law, we learned earlier this month that in September 2020, 32 staff members of Republican attorneys general met in Atlanta, where they participated in “war games” to figure out what to do should Trump not be reelected. The summit was organized by the Rule of Law Defense Fund, the fundraising arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), which sent out robocalls on January 5 urging recipients to march to the Capitol the following day “to stop the steal.” In May, RAGA elevated the man responsible for those robocalls to the position of executive director, prompting others to leave.
In states where Republicans have rigged election mechanics, party members need to worry about primary challengers from the right, rather than Democratic opponents. So they are purging from the party all but Trump loyalists, especially as the former president is backing challengers against those who voted in favor of his impeachment in the House in January 2021. Last week, one of those people, Representative Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), announced he was retiring, in part because of right-wing threats against his family.
Trump loyalists are openly embracing the language of authoritarianism. In Texas, Abbott is now facing a primary challenger who today tweeted: “Texans deserve a strong and robust leader committed to fighting with them against the radical Left. They deserve a leader like Brazil has in Jair Bolsonaro…..” Bolsonaro, a right-wing leader whose approval rating in late August was 23%, is threatening to stay in power in Brazil against the wishes of its people. He claims that the country’s elections are fraudulent and that “[e]ither we’ll have clean elections, or we won’t have elections.”
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) today used language fascists have used in the past to stoke hatred of their political opponents, tweeting that “ALL House Democrats are evil and will kill unborn babies all the way up to birth and then celebrate.” Yesterday, the leader of Turning Points U.S.A., Charlie Kirk, brought the movement’s white nationalism into the open when he told a YouTube audience that Democrats were backing “an invasion of the country” to bring in “voters that they want and that they like” and to work toward “diminishing and decreasing white demographics in America.” He called for listeners to “[d]eputize a citizen force, put them on the border, give them handcuffs, get it done.”
Today, we learned that the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will be held in Budapest, Hungary, where leader Viktor Orbán, whom Fox News Channel personality Tucker Carlson has openly admired, is dismantling democracy and eroding civil rights. When former vice president Mike Pence spoke in Budapest earlier this week at a forum denouncing immigration and urging traditional social values, he told the audience he hoped that the U.S. Supreme Court would soon outlaw abortion thanks to the three justices Trump put on the court.
Establishment Republicans who are now out of power are not on board the Trump train. They are quietly backing anti-Trumpers like Representative Cheney. Former House speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan, former Florida governor Jeb Bush—who was widely expected to win the Republican nomination in 2016, only to be shut out of it by Trump—and former president George W. Bush's former adviser Karl Rove have all donated money to Cheney to help her stave off a challenge from a Trump loyalist in the 2022 election. Next month, former president Bush himself will hold a fundraiser for Cheney in Texas.
Other establishment Republicans currently in power might be staying quiet about the party’s slide toward authoritarianism because they are simply hoping that the Trump fire will burn itself out. The former president is no longer commanding the crowds he once did, and his increasing legal woes as well as the investigation into the insurrection will almost certainly take up his time and energy. The mounting coronavirus deaths among his unvaccinated supporters also stand to weaken support for his faction.
But the fact that Republican lawmakers have ignored the Eastman memo, which outlines the destruction of our democracy, suggests that the party, which organized in the 1850s to protect the nation against those who would destroy it, has come full circle.
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© 2021 Heather Cox Richardson Unsubscribe 111 Sutter Street, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104
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ravensilversea · 18 days
One Day
Prompt(s): Time Travel, with side of Family
Warnings: Fox snipes both Jango and Palpatine mostly off-screen, mild description of looting a dead body, questionable decisions and morality in general
Characters: Commander Fox, Sifo-Dyas
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Minor Character Death, offscreen minor character death, Palpatine and Jango both die and Fox is only slightly sorry about one of those, Angst, Emotional, Hopeful Ending, Referenced Order 66
Summary/Description: Fox still isn’t sure where the moral line falls for purposefully going out of his way to clone his brothers again versus never giving the brothers he knew and loved a chance at life, but he knows which one he prefers. And he refuses to let them be sent off to die again.
Jango Fett was a cold, cocky bastard who thought himself nigh invincible. Unfortunately for him, Fox had once hunted an identical brother through thousands of other identical brothers and the lower levels of Coruscant, so hunting a single bounty hunter through the Outer Rim really wasn’t as hard as Jango thought it would be. A carefully aimed blaster bolt was all it took in the end. Afterall, his armor was similar enough to the armor Fox had worn day in and day out.
Fox hated, still hates really, how much like his brothers Jango looked when he peeled off that priceless armor and swiped a vial of still warm blood from the man’s rapidly cooling corpse. How much like Fives he looked. He reminds himself again, and again, that this is the man who willingly let millions of his clones be created to die, who chose exactly one to acknowledge as his own. Tries to hold onto the resentment and anger and jealousy he felt as a cadet.
One day, Fox will hand the beskar pieces to Boba and tell him that it was his father’s armor. Boba will try to correct him, say that it was their father’s armor, and Fox will shake his head and say, no, yours and yours alone. On that day, Fox still won’t know if he handed the armor over to apologize to the Boba he once knew for taking his father from him again, or to Jango for denying him his son.
Fox still isn’t sure where the moral line falls for purposefully going out of his way to clone his brothers again versus never giving the brothers he knew and loved a chance at life, but he knows which one he prefers. A bit of slicing and a cryptic message, and Fox had a decent idea of where and when Sifo-Dyas could be found.
Which is how he finds himself in a bar, still in the Outer Rim, and for a place in the Outer Rim, the bar is fairly clean. Fox can’t find any suspicious smudges on his glass, or any glass he takes a glance at, and the bar counter isn’t greasy or caked with dirt. The windows are set in the wall in such away as to show only the sky, which this late at night makes it look like the place just opens out into starfield. There’s also a comfortable amount of people, not too many to be crowded and loud, not too few for conversations to echo all over the place.
One day, Fox will walk into a newly opened bar on Coruscant that is always crowded and loud and smelled of sweat and grime. He’ll buy a round of drinks and sit at a table by himself with a drink at each empty seat. “I’m not busy now,” he’ll whisper, “but it’s too late for that isn’t it?” The night will grow late, and he’ll leave a tip and a collection of untouched drinks meant for brothers he turned down in favor of paperwork, only to never have another chance again. He’ll have no intention of ever returning.
Fox slams his drink back and gestures for a glass of water as Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas makes a fairly subtle entrance, for a Jedi. He’s quiet and weaves through the people and tables without anyone noticing him, well, except for Fox who had been keeping an eye out for Jedi robes. Grabbing his glass, Fox makes his way to the table by the window that Sifo-Dyas chose.
“Evening,” Fox drawls and slides into the seat across without bothering to ask for permission. He wraps his hands around his water glass. “Rumor has it that we can help each other out.”
“Can you now?” Sifo-Dyas hides trembling hands in the sleeves of his robe. 
Fox… doesn’t know what to say. A thousand angry, resentful, vindictive words claw at his throat, but the man in front of him looks nothing how he imagined. Lined face with brown eyes not quite as dark as the clones’ he would order. Long mostly silver hair with patches of dark, almost black, brown pulled back into a bun that’s falling down. Trembling hands, how he keeps using the reflections in the window to watch what’s happening behind him, just like how Fox’s brothers would when they came back from the frontlines.
Fox almost pities him. Almost wonders how he got to this point.
One day, Fox will walk into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for the first time, for the five hundredth time. He will stand at the foot of a white infirmary bed and look down at an older Sifo-Dyas who will be unsure about whether his smile would be welcome. One day, Fox will hold this man’s hand and be among the people he asked to be at his bedside when he breaths his last, and then he will stand with his hands clasped behind his back at the funeral. One day, Fox will wonder about this man he never knew and regret never allowing himself to consider knowing him.
This is for his brothers, he reminds himself. Brothers this man bought and paid for to fight a war he didn’t bother trying to stop. “I can deal with your Sith problem.”
That gets Sifo-Dyas’ full attention. “What Sith problem? The Sith have been dead for a thousand years!” he hisses, leaning across the table.
“You’re the seer, you tell me.” Fox leans in as well. 
For a moment, neither move. Neither speak. They sit there, mere inches apart.
Sifo-Dyas sighs and leans back. “I see a war, not the Sith,” he says. “I see the end of the Jedi, and selfishly, I want an army that will never turn on them.”
For a moment, Fox burns. For a moment, Fox is numb. His men, his brothers, created for the Jedi, for the Republic they served, and something made them turn on both those things. Something that was supposed to ensure their never-ending, never-dying loyalty to people who gave varying levels of ‘don’t give a shit’ about them. Something that he didn’t even realize happened until he woke up over a decade in the past, thinking it was a dream.
“Your plans will bring about the destruction of the Jedi. Your army. My brothers.” The words fall from his mouth like bombs.
Sifo-Dyas flinches. Fox pretends the grief on his face is at least in part for Fox’s brothers. One day, he will wonder if it was.
“Though,” Fox takes a sip of his drink and looks out to the stars, “technically, it’s most likely the Sith’s plan now.”
“Who are you?”
Fox laughs and laughs for a while, until he’s almost sobbing. He wishes he had something stronger than water now. “The poor fuck who watched his brothers die,” he says. He closes his eyes, takes a breath, and looks at Sifo-Dyas again. “So my deal is this: I deal with your Sith Lord problem, and you pay the Kaminoans to clone every, single, one of my brothers. No strings, no army, no ties to the Republic. If any of them want to fight, it will be their choice and their choice alone.”
One day, Fox will hold every, single, one of his brothers. One day, he’ll teach them how to walk and talk and sing and laugh. He’ll watch them run through meadows he didn’t quite believe existed for a decade and swim in peaceful lakes instead of endless storming oceans. One day, he will teach them how to do so many things from repairing ships to sewing clothes to cleaning weapons to planting crops. And one day, he will wake up each morning with the knowledge that his brothers have a future. That his brothers are free.
To his credit, Sifo-Dyas takes the deal, no questions asked outside of hammering out the exact details. When the contract is signed, he stands and looks at Fox for a moment. He whispers an apology that Fox doesn’t acknowledge, not now, and leaves without another word. Fox doesn’t care. He’s had enough of the Republic and enough of the Jedi.
The blaster shot that takes Sidious down is infinitely more satisfying than the one that took Jango.
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perfectirishgifts · 3 years
Why Sports Illustrated Chose These 5 Athlete Activists As 2020 Sportspersons Of The Year
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/why-sports-illustrated-chose-these-5-athlete-activists-as-2020-sportspersons-of-the-year/
Why Sports Illustrated Chose These 5 Athlete Activists As 2020 Sportspersons Of The Year
Clockwise from top left to right, Patrick Mahomes, Lebron James, Breanna Stewart, Naomi Osaka and … [] Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, Sports Illustrated’s 2020 Sportspersons of the Year.
Sports Illustrated is embracing the concept that athletes do more than dribble, and that they will not, despite Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s infamous diss, shut up.
The magazine’s editors announced this morning that they have chosen to end 2020, a year marked by tragedy, protests, raised awareness of racism and inequity and a Covid-19 pandemic that has killed the equivalent of five Dodger Stadiums, filled to capacity, with this message: Athletes can be leaders both on the field or the court, as well as in the world.
The 2020 Sportspersons of the Year are “Athlete Activists,” and there are five of them:
LeBron James of the NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers
U.S. Open champion Naomi Osaka
Breanna Stewart of the WNBA champion Seattle Storm
Patrick Mahomes
Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, both of the Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs
All of them are cisgender, but at least one one identifies as gay and there are other connections between the honorees and the LGBTQ community.
It’s only the fifth time in the history of Sports Illustrated that the magazine chose five athletes as co-Sportspersons of the Year.
Portrait by Alexis Franklin of Lebron James of the Lakers.
Lebron James
As it happens, the very same target of that condescending “shut up and dribble” remark in 2018, set a new record: Lebron James is the first Sportsperson of the Year to pull off a three-peat. It’s the Lakers superstar’s third time being selected by the magazine.
“King James,” as he calls himself on Twitter, tweeted to express his thanks to the magazine:
“Each of these people won a championship in 2020,” co-editor in chief Stephen Cannella said in a phone interview Friday, prior to the public announcement. “This group also represents a nice range of activism on a lot of different causes and a lot of different themes that really dominated the larger conversation way beyond sports in 2020: Racial injustice and Black Lives Matter was top of mind there, and LeBron was very outspoken on those issues.”
The magazine enlisted basketball icon Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to tell readers James’ story and his significant impact off the hardwood: In addition to leading the Lakers to the 2020 NBA title and winning Finals MVP honors in the process, James fought to end voter suppression with his organization, More Than a Vote, which helped turn sports arenas shut down by Covid-19 into polling places.
About the covers: New York City artist Alexis Franklin, 24, said she was commissioned by Sports Illustrated to create the five portraits that grace SI’s magazine covers. She used an Apple computer to “paint” these commanding portraits of the honorees; Franklin said she has no formal art training.
Portrait of Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs by artist Alexis Franklin
Patrick Mahomes
In addition to helping the Chiefs win the Super Bowl and being named MVP, Cannella said Patrick Mahomes was a leader off the gridiron, too. “One of the main focus of his activism this year was spurring a video that NFL players made, directly asking the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell to recognize players rights to protest and to recognize the importance of the BLM movement, something that the NFL and Goodell had refused to do,” Cannella said.
On Sunday, of course, Mahomes was focused on winning against the Denver Broncos. Which he and his Kansas City teammates did. The article in Sports Illustrated about Mahomes is written by Doug Williams, the first Black quarterback to win the Super Bowl.
Portrait of Laurent Duvernay-Tardif of the Kansas City Chiefs for Sports Illustrated.
Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
“Laurent Duvernay-Tardif also played for the Chiefs. He was a key lineman for them coming off a Super Bowl,” added Cannella, who said Duvernay-Tardif was selected to represent the other significant event of 2020: the pandemic and our response to it. “This is the height of his NFL and his football career. And he gave it all up and left football to finish his medical training and become a doctor, so he could fight on the front lines of the Covid-19.” He’s doing so in his home province of Quebec.
Jenny Thompson is the author of Duvernay-Tardif’s story: the 12-time Olympic gold medalist is also an anesthesiologist.
Portrait of tennis champion Naomi Osaka for Sports Illustrated.
Naomi Osaka
In addition to winning the 2020 U.S. Tennis Open, Naomi Osaka made spreading awareness of the victims of racial violence her cause, every day of competition. The names of those Black Americans, whose lives were lost to police violence, adorned her masks; a different name each and every day.
“She is believed to be one of the first athletes active on social media in the wake of George Floyd’s death,” Cannella said. “She really did a lot to raise the awareness of that movement, in her own way.”
Out lesbian tennis legend Martina Navratilova, a fighter for equality for decades but currently embroiled in the fight on the side against transgender inclusion in sports, wrote the article about Osaka.
Portrait of Seattle Storm star Breanna Stewart
Breanna Stewart
“Breanna is very active in support of the BLM movement this year. She and the [Seattle] Storm were front and center of the WNBA as a whole, front and center in the entire conversation about social justice this year. Breanna was very outspoken about the idea that this WNBA season was being played in honor of, not just the BLM movement writ large, but also Breonna Taylor specifically.”
PALMETTO, FLORIDA – OCTOBER 06: Sue Bird #10 of the Seattle Storm celebrates with Megan Rapinoe … [] after winning the WNBA Championship on October 06, 2020 in Palmetto, Fla. Photo by Julio Aguilar/Getty Images
World Cup Soccer phenom Megan Rapinoe, a friend of Stewart’s who is engaged to marry her teammate on the Storm, Sue Bird, wrote the profile accompanying Stewart’s award.
Choice Results In Criticism
Although awards typically leave somebody unhappy, in this case there was a backlash on Sunday against Stewart’s selection, spread by WNBA sportswriters, fans and SI readers.
By choosing “Stewie,” as friends and fans call Stewart, SI opened itself to criticism that the magazine erased Black women who led the movements credited to and benefiting Stewart with this award. There’s no argument that she is worthy of this honor, and one of the white players who stepped-up as an activist, early on, to fight injustice and racism.
But multimedia sports journalist Arielle Chambers, who was named to Forbes 30 Under 30 list last week, was one of many Black women sportswriters who successfully walked the line, online, between critiquing Sports Illustrated’s decision, and doing so without attacking or trying to take away from Stewart’s accomplishments.
Chambers emailed to expand and further explain the struggle she and other Black women in sports endure, that was not being recognized by the magazine or white-majority mainstream media in general:
“Each day, I’d look to Ariel Atkins of the Washington Mystics to quite literally #SAYHERNAME and remind us of the many Black women who have had their lives senselessly taken in the hands of the police.
“Each day, I’d get on the phone with Natasha [Cloud] to plan and organize how to keep the energy around advocating for justice. Each day, I’d bask in proudness of Angel McCoughtry and Renee Montgomery, two super vets, seeing them really use their platforms, literally putting Breonna Taylor on their backs.
“Each day, I’d consider the mothers of the WNBA, especially the ones with Black children, who had to have those difficult conversations with their kids, explaining how their cuteness can easily turn into criminal perception.
“Each day, I existed in America as a Black woman who was in awe of these Black athletes who somehow mustered up the strength to show up and keep going… When will society start showing up for us? Black people belong in the history books. Imagine literally drowning and people who aren’t, asking from the boat, ‘What can I do?’ Stop ignoring Black women.”
The co-EIC, Cannella, responded to the online backlash in a written statement:
“This year’s Sportsperson honor is about recognizing athletes who reached the pinnacles of their sports in 2020 and also used their platforms in a variety of ways to take action, create awareness and build unity. Breanna Stewart was the top player for the WNBA champion Seattle Storm and was named Finals MVP. She did all that less than a year after suffering a career-threatening injury. With those achievements, along with her unabashed advocacy for equality for everyone, Breanna Stewart represents a Sportsperson’s standard of excellence on and off the court.”
In response to questions about the magazine’s decision-making process, specifically how many of those involved in the Sportsperson of the Year awards were Black, how many were women, and how many were both Black and female, Cannella issued this statement:
“Our Sportsperson choices were made after much collaborative discussion and debate among the entire editorial staff. SI is committed to a diversity of opinions and voices in its staffing and in its editorial decisions, an effort we will continue to focus on in 2021 and beyond.”
Tamryn Spruill, the editor-in-chief at the website Swish Appeal and author of the forthcoming book, Court Queens: A Story of Passion, Perseverance and Power from the Women of the WNBA (Abrams 2022), says Cannella “missed the mark” with his responses.
“Choosing to amplify one white woman over more than a hundred majority-Black players in the league… is a stinging, yet familiar slap in the face.” As for the question about his staff, Spruill wrote that his response “exemplifies the lip service being paid to ‘diversity,’ and underscores how often this type of language is never backed with action. Inclusion is not hard; the pool of diverse talent out there is broad. Yet, it seems many newsrooms have not made inclusion a priority, and that includes a failure to hire sports journalists with a deep knowledge of the WNBA.”
Spruill suggested in a tweet that Stewart decline the award from Sports Illustrated.
As of press time, Stewart has not responded to any of the tweets that claimed the magazine made a mistake, and did not respond to my request for comment.
However, the 2020 WNBA Finals MVP is sharing her thoughts in a video that will be released by SI in conjunction with the award Monday morning:
Breanna Stewart of the Seattle Storm wears a team jersey with the name of police shooting victim … [] Breonna Taylor on the back.
“The 2020 season is going to be a historic one for everything that we stood for, but it can’t just be this one season. This is something that should be a part of our everyday lives.
“I’m not afraid to use my voice. I’m not afraid to make mistakes and I’m going to continue to educate myself. I want to be able to make a difference and make an impact and be the best person I can be, just like I want to be the best player I can be.
“But the only way I can do that is if I continue to do what I can and make sure that as our society is hopefully growing, that I’m growing, too.”
A Changing Magazine
What’s unfortunately not growing is Sports Illustrated.
Just a little over a year ago, Cannella and his co-EIC, Ryan Hunt, inherited a magazine that had let go between 40 and 50 editorial employees, according to reports such as in The Day, or a third of the total newsroom. They were replaced by contractual and freelance writers, as SI shifted from biweekly to monthly, a victim of the media industry downsizing, which published reports say has only accelerated during the Covid-19 slump, under new ownership by Maven.
Cannella himself has worked for more than two decades at SI, starting as a fact-checker in 1995. So, he has seen a lot of changes, and shepherded them, too, including the magazine’s first swimsuit issue with a transgender model this past summer. And he said he sees this year’s Sportspersons of the Year as reflective of both change, and of tradition.
“Sports Illustrated has always been determined to use sports as a prism into telling stories about not just sports, but about society as a whole,” said Cannella. “We’ve done that throughout our history, around the fight for racial equality, the fight for gender equality, of all types of equality.”
Even transgender inclusion in sports?
“I think trans trans athletes and the opportunities they they should be given and the recognition that they’re seeking, that is already a very big story at the grassroots level and will continue to be,” he added. “We’re going to cover that story in 2020 and beyond.”
From Diversity & Inclusion in Perfectirishgifts
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Orville: Update on “More Ambitious” Season 3 Progress
There’s rarely anything that Star Trek fans like to do more than talk (and argue) about Star Trek, but there’s one thing that an increasing number of them do agree on: Seth MacFarlane’s love letter to Trek, The Orville, has turned out to be surprisingly great.
Family Guy creator MacFarlane first debuted his sci-fi comedy series to a dubious audience back in 2017, and after a wobbly start it gained a faithful fan base. MacFarlane had written himself a plum lead role as the 25th century captain an exploratory space vessel with a diverse crew, and the series has often played with ‘story of the week’ standalone episodes that are more akin to The Next Generation’s glory days than the likes of Star Trek: Discovery, which seemed more interested in sticking with season-long arcs.
Indeed, both shows have their merits but they’re very different, and while Discovery has launched a third season on CBS in recent weeks, The Orville has been missing from our screens since April 2019 for several reasons. First, the series was snapped up by Hulu after Fox was acquired by Disney, allowing MacFarlane and his team to plough more time and energy into future storytelling – but having finally begun production on Season 3 in October of last year, filming was halted as the industry shut down in the early months of 2020, with Season 3 around halfway to completion.
Due to enhanced safety guidelines, finishing Season 3 is likely to take the cast and crew around five months, and its new batch of eleven extended episodes may not even begin streaming until the end of 2021. The reliable TrekMovie says that filming is set to resume in December, however, all being well.
“This is a work of deep passion for Seth, and it’s a really great season,” The Orville’s executive producer, Brannon Braga, told the site. “I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone on the show that isn’t eager to get back to work, as long as it is safe.”
He continued: “The shot delay is simply COVID, but it’s also taking longer to film because it’s so much more ambitious even in its scope, in comparison to the first two seasons. And that’s partly because it’s on Hulu, and we can expand the scope and increase the length of the episodes, and all the reasons Seth wanted to take it to a streaming service. This season is the best one. I can’t wait for people to see it.”
The Orville stars MacFarlane as Captain Ed Mercer, Adrianne Palicki as Commander Kelly Grayson, Penny Johnson Jerald as Doctor Claire Finn, Scott Grimes as Lieutenant Gordon Malloy, Peter Macon as Lieutenant Commander Bortus and Mark Jackson as Isaac.
Hulu has not confirmed an official release date for The Orville Season 3 yet, nor has the streamer revealed if it will renew the series for a fourth season.
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The post The Orville: Update on “More Ambitious” Season 3 Progress appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2JOCFln
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x-enter · 5 years
Taika Waititi explains the origins of his Oscar contender 'Jojo Rabbit,' why he ended up playing Hitler, and what it was like directing in costume
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Taika Waititi spoke with Business Insider about his acclaimed Nazi satire, "Jojo Rabbit."
Waititi wrote and directed the movie, and also stars as an imaginary Adolf Hitler who the main character talks to.
Waititi said the first draft of the script was more dramatic and didn't include the Hitler character.
Almost five years after Waititi wrote the script, Fox Searchlight said it wanted to make the movie, as long as Waititi played the Hitler character, "which was lunacy to me," Waititi said.
The director eventually agreed and the result is a movie that is building Oscar buzz.
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  Taika Waititi's eyes widen when he spots a couch in the room where his interview with Business Insider is set to take place. He goes straight for it and lies down, stretching across the entire piece of furniture. Moments later, he takes off his shoes to get even more comfortable.
Waititi will take relaxing moments when he can find them. His last few weeks have seen him pin-balling from Disney's huge fan event D23 in Los Angeles, to the Toronto International Film Festival, to the Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas, and now back to LA.
But the actor-writer-director isn't complaining.
He's currently a hot commodity in every facet of his career. On the acting side, there's roles in anticipated projects like the Disney Plus series "The Mandalorian," the Ryan Reynolds comedy "Free Guy," and James Gunn's "The Suicide Squad." Waititi has also begun work writing "Thor: Love and Thunder" (coming out November 2021), the sequel to his successful first directing effort of a Marvel Cinematic Universe title, "Thor: Ragnarok." But what he's focused on most as he lies on the couch is his latest directing effort, "Jojo Rabbit" (in select theaters on Friday).  
Written, directed, and starring Waititi, the movie is a unique coming-of-age tale: Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) is a young boy living with his mother (Scarlett Johansson) in Germany at the height of the Nazi regime during World War II. Jojo wants nothing more than to grow up to be a loyal Nazi and even has an imaginary friend who is a Nazi: Adolf Hitler himself (played by Waititi).
But the boy's life is thrown for a loop when he learns that his mother has been letting a Jewish girl hide in their house. 
In typical Waititi fashion, the story is original, full of heart, hilarious at times, and showcases the talents of its actors (particularly Johansson). All that adds up to a movie that you will hear more about as we get deeper into award season (especially after the movie won the audience award at the Toronto International Film Festival, which has led to Oscar gold for numerous past winners).
Business Insider spoke to Waititi about switching quickly from drama to dark comedy in the early drafts of writing "Jojo Rabbit," why he knew casting a major star to play Hitler was the wrong move, and what it was like to direct while in his Hitler costume.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Jason Guerrasio: The source material for "Jojo Rabbit" is Chelsea Winstanley's book, "Caging Skies," but did your time spent in Berlin painting during your 20s influence the story at all?
Taika Waititi: No. I stole some of my friends' names that I grew up with while living in Berlin and put them in. While I was in Berlin, I was living the life of an artist so it was very free. Germany was very vibrant and liberal. The club scene was incredible. I think I drew more on the World War II films that I'd seen and some comedies.
Guerrasio: Speaking of watching war movies, was "Empire of the Sun" one of them? Because in some ways I compare the journey of Christian Bale's Jim character with Jojo's. 
Waititi: I definitely watched it in the last few years. I would have watched it to specifically look for something. 
Guerrasio: Even John Malkovich's character in that movie has a similar father figure-like relationship that Sam Rockwell's Nazi commander character has with Jojo. 
Waititi: Yeah. You're right. So there's that. "Alive Doesn't Live Here Anymore," that was more for the mother relationship. Ellen Burstyn is the greatest single mother character that's ever been committed to screen. She's so good in that. Having a mother who raised me by herself I was really struck by watching that film. And having kids myself, I also just fully realized how hard their job was. And not to just keep a kid alive, but to shield them from bullying and prejudice and the darkness of the world. Trying to keep their lives bright and happy even when you're feeling like s--t. Not to take it out on them, trying to raise a good person. 
Guerrasio: Scarlett Johansson's character is a mother who really knows how to keep her interactions with her son not as toxic as everything around them. Is that a character trait your mother had?
Waititi: When I was growing up I felt it was pretty chill but obviously there are certain things, and again, being a father now, there are just things kids do that piss you off. [Laughs.] With Scarlett's character I thought a little of [Roberto] Benigni in "Life Is Beautiful," where he is distracting his son from what's really going on around them. He never loses it at all. There's the one moment with Scarlett in the living room where she just snaps and then remembers herself. But I really wanted people to fall in love with her. I wanted the audience to see her as really the only grounded force in the film. Everyone else is running around like headless chickens and all she's trying to do is keep the kid safe. 
Guerrasio: Did you get any rehearsal time with her? I would think with her schedule you only had her for a limited time.
Waititi: Yeah, we just talked. We talked a lot about it. 
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Guerrasio: Did you feel that was enough?
Waititi: Unless you are searching for something, I'm not really sure you need much rehearsal. I felt the script was really in a place where I was really happy with it, and if there was anything we were searching for dialogue-wise, we could just talk about it and go off and try to execute those notes. And then there's also having amazing actors. With Sam and Scarlett, you don't really need to overthink it. I've learned that over the years, if you know someone is really good and they're smart and you have had those homework discussions earlier then most of your work is done. 
Guerrasio: Let's change it up and talk about Hitler.
Waititi: I've brought this on myself. 
Guerrasio: It sounds like early drafts of the script didn't have him in the story, right?
Waititi: The very first draft didn't have him, but then I started all over again. 
Guerrasio: What was the lightbulb moment?
Waititi: The book, I'll be straight up, is not a comedy. It's very much dramatic. And I was just about to do "What We Do in the Shadows," and I felt then that I was only interested in doing this if it's a different story from these World War II films. Knowing myself, I knew eventually I was going to put humor into it somewhere. When I rewrote it, I just started typing and it just kind of wrote itself. It only took me a couple of weeks. And I don't usually start at page one but I started and basically wrote all the way through. And the Adolf character came about and the script hasn't changed that much since. It's really hard to explain because the only time it's really happened to me is with this script.
Guerrasio: So in the rewrite that's when things get outlandish. 
Waititi: Yeah. The first version wasn't a comedy. 
  Guerrasio: That first draft was more true to the book?
Waititi: Yeah. I wrote the first draft with a friend of mine. It was brilliant but it just didn't feel like me. 
Guerrasio: And also you probably asked yourself, "Do you want to do a serious movie on this subject?"
Waititi: "Do I have to go to work and feel sad and angry all day." So I started again. I didn't even have this idea in my head of having this imaginary friend. I think I wanted to get rid of the father. I wanted to have this life in the house small and simple. Just the kid and the mother. In the book there's the kid, the mother, the grandmother, the father comes back and forth. There were just too many characters to try and do this. So I got rid of all of that and then just gave him a friend.
Guerrasio: How did you end up playing Hitler?
Waititi: It was never my intention. The furthest thing from my mind was me playing him. Then we shopped it around to a few agencies, not even specific actors, and asked, "What do you think of the script? Who do you think would work?" Back when we were getting this off the ground it was all about what actors are a box-office draw when it came to making period movies. So a lot of the investors said, "We need an A-lister to play Hitler." I could see why they would say that, but weirdly it's not like that anymore. 
Guerrasio: And if you cast a star, all I'm going to see in that role is that star.
Waititi: You're exactly right. So, let's come up with a name. Big movie star. 
Guerrasio: Um … Brad Pitt. 
Waititi: If it's the Brad Pitt Hitler movie that's all it's going to be known as. 
Guerrasio: It's true. 
Waititi: And he'll be the only thing on the poster and it will distract from the real heart of that story which are these kids. And I want to see a Brad Pitt anything movie but it would have taken away from what the story is trying to deliver. 
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Guerrasio: So you have to take the role. 
Waititi: And it was [the movie's distributor] Fox Searchlight's decision.
Guerrasio: Really?
Waititi: After I finished shooting "Thor: Ragnarok" they came in and said they really loved the script. This is four or five years after I wrote it. They said they really want to make it but they said, "We're only interested if you play Hitler." Which was lunacy to me. 
Guerrasio: What was their pitch? Why?
Waititi: They made a good point which was that particular role is written a certain way and it needs to be handled by the person who invented that character. Part of it, like we said, is the celebrity distraction thing, but also because the way I wrote it, and because I knew how it needed to be played, it fell on me. And it actually made it easier to play because I didn't have to deal with someone else filtering what I was trying to do. They were right, looking back on it. If I worked with another actor maybe that person would have researched it too much or tried to do a more authentic version of Hitler and pulled away the buffoonery I was after.
Guerrasio: So what was it like on set directing in costume? 
Waititi: Yeah, it was horrible. 
Guerrasio: Did you address everyone on set the first day of shooting? "Sorry guys, it is what it is." 
Waititi: I did actually have to do that. I was just embarrassed on set. Having to be dressed like that and having to talk to people. Often I took off the mustache between set ups or put a hat on. Or I would take the jacket off. But still, you catch yourself in a reflection and you're reminded. For most people it's something like seeing themselves and going, "I forgot, I got a haircut yesterday." For me it was, "Ah, I forgot, I look like Hitler."
SEE ALSO: The Nazi satire "Jojo Rabbit" is a heartfelt coming-of-age comedy by the director of "Thor: Ragnarok" that feautures an amazing performance by Scarlett Johansson
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source https://www.businessinsider.com/taika-waititi-jojo-rabbit-interview-backstory-playing-hitler-2019-10
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ravensilversea · 1 month
Life's endless toil and endeavor (And to-night I long for rest)
Prompt(s): Loyal/Exhaustion
Warnings: No warnings apply
Relationships: Fox & Stone
Characters: Commander Fox, Commander Stone
Additional Tags: Exhaustion, Paperwork, Stone stages an intervention and makes Fox go to bed, Genfic
Summary/Description: Fox's report is due on the chancellor’s desk at 0800, and he has… 500 words left. He's so tired he's drinking from an empty cup of caf, and Stone stages a minor intervention
Words stopped making sense about half an hour ago. They started dangling just out of reach on the other side of a foggy cloud at least an hour before that, and Fox reaches for his caf only to find it empty for the third time in as many minutes. He sighs deeply and sets the cup back on the coaster. Rubbing his face, he tries to regain the train of thought he lost quite a while ago. The report’s due on the chancellor’s desk at 0800, and he has… 500 words left.
Fox stares at the padd in front of him, twirling his stylus absentmindedly. “Who the fuck decided these things needed a minimum word count requirement?” he asks the air.
There’s a clatter, and it takes Fox a moment to process the fact it was someone tripping into the other desk in the room and scattering padds. “What are you still doing awake, Fox?” a brother whispers harshly.
Grabbing his caf mug, Fox takes a sip of air as he looks over at the formerly empty desk. Stone. It was Stone leaning over it with his helmet still spinning on the floor where it fell. Stone who got that stupid tattoo in a washroom on Kamino from some random CT that Fox never got the name of before they were all shipped out. “Report,” he says and clears his throat. “Writing a report. What are you doing still awake?” Nope, that sounded wrong. “Still doing awake.” And that feels redundant somehow.
Fox takes another sip of air and stares down at his caf mug, feeling somewhat betrayed.
Stone carefully takes the mug from him and sets it down further away on the desk. “Right, you’re heading to bed. I’ll finish your report. Force knows the chancellor can’t be bothered to tell us apart most of the time; I’m sure he won’t notice.”
The padd is pulled out of Fox’s grip, and Stone jerks backwards a bit when it finally comes loose. Fox stifles a yawn. “I’m fine, Stone.” He holds out a hand while the other reaches for his caf mug again. “Just need a little more…” Blank. Blinking, Fox tries to summon the word from beyond the fog.
“Fox, 1010, darling sleep-deprived little brother, you can’t come up with ‘caf’. You’re done.” 
“Stone. Padd. Now.”
Stone pointedly sets the padd and caf mug on the other desk before pulling Fox’s chair back, with Fox in it, from his. “Nope. Come on, up you get.” He drags Fox out of the chair, and Fox stumbles into Stone. 
It’s a much longer walk than usual back to the barracks. It’s a much quicker walk than usual back to the barracks. Every time Fox blinks they’re still walking; every time he blinks they’ve teleported corridors. The smell of the lower levels clings to Stone, specifically the smell of spiced street food. 
“Bastard,” Fox mutters as Stone settles him down onto his bunk.
“Didn’t bring any back for me.”
Fox’s boots slide off his feet and thud to the floor. They’re quickly followed by his upper armor and belt. “Dude, you literally hate anything spicier than a mild curry sauce. I still don’t understand how you’re related to me.”
“We’re clones,” Fox slurs, tipping sideways onto his mattress. Force, this pillow. It’s the best thing he’s ever slept on. And the mattress! So soft and comfortable. “Grew up together,” he finishes half into his pillow.
Stone snorts. “Still a drool monster I see.” The blanket is gently pulled up over Fox’s shoulders, and Stone lifts and moves Fox’s head, running a hand over the curls. “There,” he says softly, “now you won’t get a crick in your neck. You better thank me in the morning.”
Fox hums and burrows into the blanket. Stone laughs. Then the door opens and closes with a swish-swish.
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