#he doesn't like plants or ballet
mumrikberry · 2 months
Today, I woke up for ballet class and went to get dressed. My boyfriend made me a cup of green tea with one spoonful of honey, the hard honey, in my lilac mug with the blue spoon, the smallest one. He passed me the black tote bag before we went out. On the way there, he pointed out that one of the clouds "looked like a columbine" - he is not interested in clouds, or in columbines, or in plants at all. He laughed when he saw I was wearing the purple socks with green dinosaurs on them, "because those are the ones you wore when we first hung out" he said.
I went to uni today proudly wearing my green backpack. "It's green, you love green" He said when he gave me the gift bag containing it during our beach holidays. I looked into the bathroom mirror in between classes and smiled at my dragon earrings, they look just like his necklace.
The thing is, I like my green tea with one spoonful of hard honey and I love the smallest blue spoon. I wear the black tote bag to ballet class and I love clouds and plants and columbines. I collect funny socks, and he knows the stories of them all. He knows my favourite book is Demian. His sister tells me he's taking notes while reading it. He remembers all the space facts I've told him and all the constellations I've pointed out. He says my lips taste like blackberries (I wear blackberry lip gloss, but he argues that it's because that's my name).
He knows and he listens and he remembers. And he tries. He always tries.
And god I love him.
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perksofbeingpoet · 7 days
MEEKS: something tells me meeks would be really into rollerblading or skating? idk i can really picture him as a skater boy, and i can see pittsie coming with him to try it out! meeks would be very chill about it, not trying to learn the coolest tricks or something, BUT he'd totally bring his skateboard everywhere and the poets would tease him about it like oh hey mr cool, do you skateboard? that's so cool i'm SWOONING, good that you brought it to the theatre in case there's a skateboarding emergency
PITTS: photography/videography. if he lived today, pittsie would totally be a youtuber, but i can see him always taking pictures or even "vlogging" in the canon era, too! he just enjoys capturing these memories, and at the end of every year, he'd do a sort of "best of this year" with the poets- i also see him as a big plant dad, not sure if he'd do it in the 60s though? but i can picture pittsie having several little succulents. oh and baking/cooking!! meeks always snacks on his stuff before it's ready and it drives pittsie insane
TODD: i know everyone's convinced todd would be into crocheting, but i honestly don't really see it? no hate whatsoever, i get where people get the idea but to be honest i think crocheting would make todd frustrated/anxious. this boy needs movement, something to do so his mind shuts up, and i think that's swimming. i honestly think todd would be a really dedicated swimmer, maybe to the point where it gets a bit unhealthy because he just throws himself into it to turn his thoughts off?
CHARLIE: yes this one is kinda obvious but charlie would totally pursue music if he had the time and means- he seems so passionate when he plays the saxophone, it's one of the few scenes where we get to see him not joking around, dismissing things with a quip and smirk, but earnestly enjoying something. charlie wouldn't only play, I totally picture him going to jazz clubs and loving to dance there and chat up girls. oh he'd also play video games as soon as they're available!
KNOX: i've mentioned this before but knox would 2000% learn how to play the guitar, and then proceed to play it at dps meetings and with chris. i know it sounds super douchy but honestly, i think knox wouldn't even notice that it comes off as annoying sometimes? he just really enjoys playing the guitar and wants to share that with others. also seems like someone who'd love running, i can see him being one of those people who go on 1 hour jogs in the morning :') Oh and drawing! But he'd be quite shy about it.
NEIL: this is so hard for some reason? 😭 i mean obviously he'd act, and probably go to the theatre quite often on top of that- i also think neil would like cycling, but other than that it's pretty difficult for me to think of what his hobbies would be- i kinda see him as just hanging out with friends a lot and going to parks etc. to chill when he's not at rehearsal. feel free to share your ideas if you have some!
CAMERON: dancing. he's SO ashamed of it and only does it in the comfort of his own room, but if cameron could do anything he wanted, i think he'd do ballet? HELP GUYS I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I FEEL SO SURE ABOUT THIS, CAMERON IS PRETTY MUCH BILLY ELLIOT IN MY MIND BUT HE NEVER GETS TO PURSUE BALLET/DANCING COS HE LIVES IN A TIME AND SOCIETY THAT DOESN'T ALLOW THAT?? WHY IS THIS SO CANON TO ME???? also crosswords.
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lee1504 · 1 month
random sbg hc pt 2
aiden swallows cereal like pills when he's late for school/doesn't want to eat and claims it makes him full
taylor and tyler used to say that in elementary school they're telepathic and even the teachers believed them
ashlyn used to want to do rhythmic gymnastics but changed her mind because she like ballet more
when ashlyn's parents let the gang in without ashlyn knowing, she'd get weird looks because she'd be breaking in her pointe shoes by throwing them against the wall
logan's favorite plants are the deadly ones like belladonna and he could rant about it/those for hours about how great they are
ben wanted to be a voice actor or a music teacher when he was younger. he sometimes used to have dreams of him and aiden being in a band
tyler's spotify playlist is so messy that one moment you can be listening to 90's rap and the next is something like some random piano piece he thinks is cool
taylor's the type of person to change her lockscreen, homescreen, and profile picture 50 times each week
since aiden went to a lot of schools when he was younger, he would accidentally call people the wrong names
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kairiscorner · 9 months
i just thought of something 👀👀 what would the spiderteens think of a reader who is really nerdy or can talk on and on about a topic they're very interested in (bonus points if the topic is academics-related). they ramble about it and when they realize they're rambling they get all shy while apologizing profusely and then they stop talking out of embarrassment. 🤐🤐🤐
~ 🫐
SO CUTEEEEEE, I HOPE U LIKE THIS !!! (also happy monthsary to this blog !! consider this as a gift, to all fellow nerds and non-nerds on my blog :DD)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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⋆。°✩ — miles morales.
he loves how bright and wide your eyes get, how broad your smile becomes when you're rambling, going on and on about your favorite topics at school. miles doesn't have the strongest opinion on school, he finds it pretty decent, but seeing you be so passionate about your niche interest about anything in school–be it an interesting scientific theory, mathematical equation, literary piece, historical or cultural event you know well–he finds himself getting roped into your interest and... gets lost in your eyes. he lets your voice lead him to a whole lecture room where you just talk, talk, and talk about your beloved lessons as if you were the teacher, just so much more passionate about what you know and love learning about.
when you realize you're rambling is the second cutest part, you get all flustered when your gaze meets his and you feel all conscious about the way your facial muscles stretch since you've been smiling for minutes on end just talking about the lesson you love so much. the cutest part is when you giggle to yourself while talking about what you love and while you apologize for rambling. miles gets bewitched every time you giggle and smile through your intense fluster.
"hey, hey, hey, no... don't stop." he whispers to you with a loving smile as he placed his hands on yours, looking up at you with his chestnut brown eyes and warm gaze. "tell me more! you're so much better than all my teachers combined, you'll be the reason i'll get a pluses on every subject now." he said with a small chuckle and he leaned closer to you, ready to hang on to every word you say.
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⋆。°✩ — gwen stacy.
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she's always the first one you go to when rambling about your favorite lesson being finally discussed in class; it makes for good conversation while gwen's fixing up her worn out ballet shoes or thinking over her answers while you two do homework. she chuckles to herself when you start using onomatopoeias to emphasize your points, as if she can fully understand how much you love the subject you keep going on and on about, when all she can do is witness how adorable you are being all bright-eyed and innocent when talking about the subject and topics you love.
it's only when she chuckles out an, "okay, nerd," to you that your voice falters and you try finding your train of thought again after gwen derailed it with that little comment of hers that was only meant to tease you. she notices you hesitation to talk again and gets worried, she asks you if you're doing alright and telling you she's sorry if it hurt you, she never meant for that.
she places her hands on both of your shoulders and smiles at you softly. "when i say you're a nerd, i always mean... that you're my charming, darling of a nerd. i love you and your big, fat brain and when your cute, nerdy little voice gets louder when you talk about your interests. you're the smartest and the cutest, my little nerd." she says playfully with a cheeky smile as she plants a kiss on your cheek, watching you get all flustered and stammering as she giggles and gets all flushed in the face seeing how adorable you look right now as a bumbling mess of a nerd, her nerd.
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⋆。°✩ — pavitr prabhakar.
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he's never had to really try at school, but he does it anyway, because his main source of inspiration is your little dorky ass. he has never seen anyone be so in love with the lessons being taught, being so passionate about them—he feels the need to do even better than he's already doing at school because of you, and because of that... you two have been shipped together. a lot.
pav doesn't mind it, in fact, when you two got closer, became friends and everything, he realized you were a walking encyclopedia of the subject you like. you'd ramble on and on to him for hours if you could, with the sweetest smile on your face and the brightest shine in your eyes—it was like you could do no wrong, except for talk, talk, and talk about everything you loved that not everyone else in school did with the same fervor as you.
"you know..." he interrupted you mid-sentence as he smiled widely at you, his gaze fixed upon you as your eyes met his and you got all... flustered. "i could listen to you talk all day, you're way more fun than the teachers, i bet you know a lot more than they do for the lessons. can you maybe... be my tutor? that's the perfect excuse to ask if i can come over to your place, hmm?" he asked you with a sly smile and a smooth talking voice that had your stammering and giggling like a dork, which you were to him. "what a cute little dork i scored, so adorable!"
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⋆。°✩ — hobie brown.
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his smile matched yours as he listened to you blabber on and on to him about this one topic you guys had during a lecture that you just couldn't help but be so in love with. he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in closer to hear you better. your voice went quieter at times when you felt hobie get closer to you or heard him hum in response to your rambling, with him smiling even wider and gazing down at you so lovingly and affectionately.
he'd nod and share his own understanding of the lessons you learned, despite not being so fond of the education system, he'd very invested in what you're interested in. hobie's done his own learning and can keep up and share ideas with you, but he's also done a lot of loving with you, so having him be so supportive of your nerdy self that refuses to shut up about your favorite subject and topic and be the one to make you all flustered and stuttering is a dream combination.
he squeezes your arm gently and flashes you a sweet smile as you keep talking about your favorite topic from the lecture you had. "oh, really? damn, well, did you know..." he went on and on sharing his own understanding of the topic—which you found so cute—and he turns to look at you and raises an eyebrow. "y'know, i... kinda fancy cute little nerds like you who shut up when i y'get noticed–actually, i just fancy you and your big brain. c'mere, lemme pepper that cute little head with the biggest brain in the whole universe with kisses." he said with a slight chuckle underneath his breath at the sight of you getting more and more flustered, and becoming a completed melted mess of his little nerd as he peppered your face with kisses.
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tags !! @k4tsu3 @onginlove @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @solecitoszn @euphovlq @arachnoia @conitagray
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mooncalf87 · 3 months
I was wondering if you had any Sir Pentious headcannons to share?
YESSSSSS Pent is one of my very favorites, I love him sm 🙏🙏
Sir Pentious headcannons!
Can't swim for the life of him. Actually CAN NOT. Everyone finds it weird due to the fact that he is a snake
He gets wasted so easily. 3 shots can get him drunk off his ass
He is the most awkward man in existence to start conversations, but once he starts talking he will never ever EVER shut up
Loves cats. Is terrified of dogs.
Can't figure out new technology for the life of him
Has such bad vision that when he finally gets glasses he screams in shock
He loves stuffed animals so fucking much
When he gets redeemed he becomes friends with what he calls "hells counterparts" (Emily, Molly, and Alastors mama)
He loves to read. He can easily lose track of the time by the hour when he's reading
He has a very green thumb, and loves plants.
Baby boy has insomnia
He is a HUGE cuddle bug! Loves snuggles and really any time of physical affection
Is a huge gentleman. He treats Cherri with all the respect and admiration in the world, which isn't something very commenly seen in hell
He loves soap opreas
He isn't a cannibal but he loves hanging around cannibal town, due to it being like a small 1800s village. It reminds him of his life.
He gets flustered SO EASY
Forces the rest of the hotel into tea time with him every day
Loves ballet. He knew how to dance in life and and is always sad he can't dance the same anymore now that he doesn't have legs
Has a soft spot for Charlie because she really reminds him of his little sister in life
He was married in life and had a daughter. he loved her very much and misses her every day
He was a shoe shiner when he was a teenager (a commen thing in 1800s england)
Hes one of the last few sinners left from pre-1920s. Most have been killed in Exterminations.
All of his eyes on his Cobera Hood and Tail are actual functioning eyes. The amount of vision he has is often overwhelming.
He would kill for his egg bois. Actually commit murder for them if they asked nicely.
He eats the banana with the peel on
I take hc requests!!
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 2 months
CWF human AU :
So, Adam is Vaggie's godfather, well, that's messy. I wouldn't be surprised if 6 years old Vaggie told Lute that she and Adam should just be together, because not only they're best friends, but they obviously love each other (Vaggie saw how they looked at each other) and Sera has to take Vaggie for the day because Lute being told that messed with her mind.
Seth probably assumed that it was why his father often visited Lute, though he definitely understood that Adam and lute were a thing when he was like 10 or 11.
Considering Cain was jealous of Abel in the Bible, I think than here, Abel managed to accept the divorce pretty easily and his lack of venom toward Lute and Vaggie+being a nice caring guy got Adam and Sera, Sera who's probably some sort of honorary aunt for the Eden sons, and this pissed off Cain who thought his brother was being a traitor and a suck-up.
Vaggie with a soft g probably is how both Adam and Cain call her, at least depending of the situation. I think than Adam always call her Vaggie with a soft g, and if she get upset over it he just bribe her with sweets or money.
Meanwhile, Abel call her Maria, Seth call her Vaggie with a hard G, and I think Cain usually call her Guerrera unless he's pissed, and there he say Vaggie with a soft g.
For Abel, calling her that is because he know Vagatha is not her real name and he's appalled by that immature joke, furthermore, considering his link to plants, I imagine that he helped her learn about plants and she actually liked it too, even if it's not her interest, unlike Cain who prefer being with his animals and find Abel's interests stupid and Seth who isn't interested even if not hostile.
Seth just always knew the name as Vaggie with a hard G, especially since his mother as well as Sera and Lute told him the soft g was just a thing Adam did as a Godfather.
I think the only one of Adam's sons Lute really get along with is Seth, pre reveal at least, because Cain hate her, I think Lute is too agressive for Abel to appreciate her and she most likely doesn't get his interests, though there's no real hostility, simply non-compatibility, while Seth would have seen Lute since he's a baby, and she's simply his dad's cool friend.
How did Vaggie's relationship with her half-brothers and father changed after she learned they were her family?
I think the reveal of Adam being Vaggie's father is one of the events that started to kick off Emily's doubts on her link to Sera.
Sera knew Vaggie was Adam's daughter, and Emily would have been in her mother's belly when Vaggie was born.
If Sera could keep secret something like that, despite being Vaggie's godmother, what else could she keep?
I think Emily started wondering before, but learning Vaggie's godfather was also Vaggie's father and the fact that none of the adults ever told it, despite the fact than Vaggie knew her brothers since her youth definitely made her consider the possibility that there were other lies in families.
Sera and Vaggie probably had a quite heated argument too, with Emily siding with Vaggie.
What anger Vaggie the most probably is that the secret wasn't that necessary from her pov, she knew Adam well, and Lute and him not being together made it clear she wouldn't have had anything like a normal family, but she love her family, Emily is like a cousin, Sera+Adam and Lute's armies buddies are like her aunts, Adam is weird but she like him well enough.
So why the secret?
I think than after the fiasco of the reveal, Vaggie decided to do ballet at Carmilla's school, as she need to do a physically intensive activity that wasn't like what her mother did, and beside, Vaggie always liked dancing.
On a more cheerful note, Vaggie probably learned dancing, flamenco most likely (the Guerrera being of Spanish origin) from her mom, as dancing was something Agatha and Lucia loved to do together.
Hum, and now than I realize it, Lute got her name through her mother, since Guerrera was Agatha's name before Hector,which make sense tbf if there's a question of prestige.
I love the mental image of Adam struggling to learn the music of guitar to go along Lute's dancing when they were in the army, Adam's music likely was one of the few ways to distract themselves after all.
When did Charlie and Vaggie started going out? And I know Lute's reaction was bad (with mother-daughter actually fighting each other) but what was Adam's reaction when Lute brought it up to him?
I propose Vaggie meeting Carmilla at 14 to give reasonable time for her to learn it, furthermore, at this point in life, Vaggie's trust in her adult figures is shattered, be it her mother, her godparents Sera and Adam or Lute and Adam's old army buddies, who would definitely have known the truth.
Okay, this is a long one, so it's gonna take a bit to fully answer....
Young Vaggie definitely once suggested her mother get married to Adam. because, yeah. she absolutely could tell the two of them had a thing for each other. She didn't understand why her mom had such a negative reaction to the suggestion until she was quite a bit older.
Seth and Vaggie were both really excited at the idea of their dad and mom, respectively, getting married when they were really little. Because they were best friends and if their parents got married, that would make them siblings. They even use that at least once to try and convince Adam and Lute to get married, and basically all the adults present can feel the tension in the air because they all know the secret of Vaggie's parentage, but these kids have no clue...
You are right that part of what makes Cain resentful of Abel in this AU is the fact that, despite being two years younger, Abel had a much easier time accepting his parents' decision to get a divorce. While Cain felt upset and betrayed by what happened, and kept trying to blame someone, despite Adam and Eve explaining to their sons that it was nobody's fault - they just weren't happy being married to each other anymore. Abel was also a bit upset, but was much more easily comforted by the promise both his parents made that even if they weren't married anymore, and they weren't in love, they did still care about each other and they both were going to love Abel and his brothers as much as they ever had.
Basically hit the nail on the head for what each of the Eden men calls Vaggie - Seth really is the only one who calls her by her actual first name, and pronounces it the way it's actually supposed to be said. Though Cain is the only one who calls her Vaggie with the soft G out of malice; with Adam, it's mostly just him being sort of playful, and, he'd argue, the way he's supposed to say it, since he is the one who picked her first name, and knows how you're supposed to pronounce it.
Lute isn't super close to any of Adam's sons, but Seth is definitely the one she gets along the best with, for basically the reasons you said. Plus, he's the closest in age to her daughter and the two kids are really close, so she kind of just ends up seeing Seth more often than either Cain or Abel, since while usually Vaggie would go over to Eve's place after school to hang out with Seth until Lute got out of work, it wasn't like the inverse never happened, and Seth stayed over at Lute's to play with Vaggie.
I think Vaggie's relationship with Adam changed more than her relationships with any of her half-brothers once she learned the truth of their relationship. Obviously things were different all around, but I don't actually think the way Cain, Abel, or Seth really treated Vaggie would be super impacted by them learning they were siblings, at least once the initial shock of the reveal has passed. But with Adam, the fact that he was her father - and he knew the whole time - did make Vaggie think of him differently for a while. She admits that she almost wishes he was less involved in her life than he was, because then she wouldn't have to deal with the fact that technically her father was around for her whole life up to that point...she just had no clue who he was because both he and her mother actively chose to lie to her.
Honestly, Vaggie's "fall" in this AU is likely at least somewhat the result of the fall-out from the reveal of Adam being her father, because out of anger and just being hurt at the secrecy, there is a bit of a rift between Lute and Vaggie, and Vaggie actually starts kind of acting out and pushing her mother away. She starts occasionally skipping school and refusing to go home, no matter how much Lute tries to make her. And it leads to a minor, but still physical altercation where after it's done, Lute is convinced to let Vaggie have some space to deal with her feelings - but with the caveat that if Vaggie won't come home, she has to at least make sure she's staying with people Lute at least trusts to keep her safe - which are the Morningstars (Lute isn't a huge fan of Lucifier or especially Lilith, but she knows they wouldn't let anything happen to Vaggie) or the Celestes.
And it is during this time where Vaggie meets the Carmine twins, Odette and Clara, and they introduce her to their mother, who is starting up a new ballet studio in town after having recently moved in. And Vaggie takes them up on the offer of trying it out, if only to have something to keep her busy now that she's taking an indefinite break from fencing lessons to avoid her mother as much as she can. She did also continue to do the flamenco dancing that she'd learned from Lute growing up, and actually enjoyed doing both, to her slight surprise.
Charlie and Vaggie were probably around like, 15 when they started seriously dating? They may have kissed a bit and gone on a couple dates when they were a little younger, but it wasn't until then that they actually decided to make it official that they were actually in a relationship.
Finding out that Adam was Vaggie's father absolutely helped to really push Emily into wondering if her "sister" had been keeping any other secrets, especially from her. Because part of her had always wondered why Sera was always so unwilling to tell Emily much about their parents, or why she apparently had no pictures of them, despite how close they'd apparently been. For most of her life, she just took any of Sera's explanations as fact because, why would she lie to her about that? But now that she's seen that Sera would lie about something like who Vaggie's father is, she has to wonder what else she may have been capable of lying about....
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
hear me out I like zeff/yasopp I think it's great but just hear me out sora right? Mrs Vinsmoke instead of poisoning herself to fix her babies. She poisons her husband, killing him. She takes her daughter and runs away to the east blue.
She finds the nice humble island with a small village known as syrup village. She has a nice little home and delivers her babies in the village and raises them on her own. They're all completely normal well adjusted non-emotionally stunted children with their own passions and hobbies. Ichiji literature and poetry, Niji gardening and plants Sanji is still cooking and Yonji is sports mainly baseball Reiju ballet.
she befriends a lady named Banchina she likes to visit her once in a while and brings her son usopp to play with them. They get closer like really close Sora is catching feelings practically having a second sexual awakening with this woman. She doesn't know what to do She didn't even know she was bisexual until now. That's how trapped she was in that miserable miserable marriage
Banchina is a lesbian (insert lavender marriage backstory right here we know the lore yasopp is being gay somewhere this ain't about him) she fell for this woman the minute she saw her she was head over heels. Gorgeous, beautiful. She needs her She wants her. She pursues her
They kiss, they start seeing each other more often they get closer they're in love
The whole lavender marriage thing with Yasopp and Banchina is just amazing to me, tbh. I adore them. And Sora deserved so much better,, She deserved to escape from that hell and get a wife fr fr. And in this concept we're like, SO adding Childhood BFFs to lovers Sanuso right??? Right???
Because I can't stop thinking about Sora raising the kids on her own in Syrup Village and they all have their little personalities and passions. And Sanji still loves to cook and is the sweetest thing that has ever existed. Honestly, he might not get his stubborn and strong personality from Zeff but he could most definitely get it from his brothers. 100%. If in this concept they act like normal siblings I can assure you they are arguing 24/7 (but they're very protective of Sanji because you will have to kill me before I give up my headcanon of the brothers actually loving Sanji a lot). So yadda yadda yadda he meets Usopp and they are best friends and they grow up together and they are boyfriends and the story is similar to the original except that there's no Zeff BUT Luffy does end up making these two idiots join. Except that they're boyfriends already. And the story doesn't change because they already look like boyfriends in canon.
But this isn't about them because I like women more!
Okay so Sora is the sweetest mother in the whole world but since she has to raise the kids on her own she also has to act tough sometimes and you know,,, It is a hard job when you have,,, 5 kids,,, Poor woman. But she loves her little angels SO much it's insane and they love her even MORE and they all help in their tiny little home in the village somehow. Tiny little family that is not so tiny because those are 5 kids. Girl,,, I just know Banchina would want to help her somehow. Usopp doesn't have that many friends and Banchina thinks it's a great idea to go visit Sora and the kids so Usopp has somebody to play with. And even if it's a bit hard because his personality clashes a lot with the brothers, he gets along the most with Sanji. Instant best friendism because Sanji looks so sweet and quiet and sensitive and Usopp goes full superhero mode on him. My pookies,,,
Honestly, Banchina is so real for falling for Sora right away. Because. You know. Have you seen Sora? I think Banchina admires her a lot because sometimes it's hard for her to raise Usopp on her own without Yasopp around and you're telling her Sora can do that same thing with 5 kids??? And Sora falls for Banchina too because. Again. Have you seen her??? And she is also so fun to be around and so so helpful!
Wouldn't it be extremely sweet but angsty if they started to fall in love, meeting even when the kids aren't around and doing chores together, but Sora feeling guilty because she thinks Banchina is actually married married to Yasopp? She doesn't know anything about the lavender marriage yet,,, And Banchina doesn't want to ask personal, intrusive things, so she doesn't know more than "They escaped from a bad place" about Sora and her kids. She guesses she doesn't want a romantic relationship now-- But she does!! Of course she does!!
Banchina is just,, So sweet to her and so so helpful and thoughtful. Sora isn't used to this much kindness in her life,, You have to keep in mind she basically got out of an abusive relationship and it's the first time somebody actually wants her for herself and not to use her. Banchina always wants to cook for her and help her with her groceries and look after the kids when Sora wants to take a nap. And I think Sora also would see her with Sanji cooking, stopping fights between the brothers and playing with them (also fixing their stuff bc I hc that Banchina knows her ways when it comes to like, mechanics and art and such), and talking for hours with Reiju and dancing with her. Sora is so in love,,, She has never felt like this before. She didn't even know she liked girls. But she doesn't want to make any sudden changes for the kids,, Again,, Or ruin what they have. So she stays quiet.
And Banchina loves painting, by the way. Obviously, because I say so (and bc I want Usopp to have a deeper reason to love art). So Banchina is always drawing Sora, at first absentmindedly, and later on she realizes the only thing that inspires her is Sora,,, She has always been looking for that. A true passion and stability and knowing she can trust somebody to stay and to offer her their heart so she can paint it. She's a bit intense when it comes to helping Sora, maybe, but she wants to be helpful! And Sora is always taking care of her too and her health!! Looking out for her and being oh so gentle and fun to be around. Sora is the sweetest but she's also a bit of a tease and her laugh is the cutest thing Banchina has ever heard. But yeah,,, Neither of them wants to confess even though they've almost kissed,,, A lot of times.
Okay,,, But wouldn't it be cute if Sanji and Usopp's crushes on each other started very early in their friendship and Sora and Banchina realized they have to be honest about their feelings thanks to their kids??? Because they both ask for advice from them about how to tell somebody you like them, and when they're both like "If you truly feel like it's meant to be you'll know... You need to follow your heart and be honest..." they know they have to finally be together together. They wouldn't tell their kids right away because they think they need to get used to more to this dynamic first and it's a big change. So they stay quiet and keep it to themselves. But, you know, Banchina and Usopp basically live with them now at this point so it's hard not to know.
Also,,, Can't stop thinking about Sora being a badass and knowing Judge is the most horrible person to ever exist BUT still having issues with relationships because of his fault? She still has this feeling of like, thinking she's worthless and needs to do more and more and more? And give give give? And Banchina helping her all the time and sharing the burden and seeing all the pretty things Judge found ugly in her,,,, It does wonders for her heart. And Banchina also realizes that she doesn't have to be alone and can share her passions and true feelings with somebody finally??? What if I cry.
Aghhhh. I absolutely adore this. The kids grow up and do their own things and Usopp and Sanji go with Luffy and they are all happy and there's no angst! And once they're alone they can be cottagecore middle-aged sapphics in their little village.
Lil note: Somebody choose a shipname bc I am awful with these things thank you-
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
Lay all your love on me
This is for Alice (@yournowheregirl), who had this wonderful idea of Eddie taking care of a sad Steve. I tried to make it as soft and loving as possible and I really hope you like it!
Happy Valentine's Day, my dear 💜
(steddie | explicit | 4.6k | AO3 Link)
Valentine's Day used to be something Steve loved.
Back in the old days, when he had ruled the halls of Hawkins High and all the pretty girls had hoped to be his sweetheart for that day, to find a card from the Steve Harrington in their locker, Valentine’s Day had been his favorite day of the year.
With Nancy, it had also been a pretty great day. He had learned that she liked the ballet, so on their second Valentine's Day together, he had taken her to Indy to see a performance of the local ballet, and even though it hadn't been his thing, the look on her face had been the best gift she could have given him. That and the amazing blowjob in his car when they had parked in a cornfield on the way back to watch the stars.
Halloween '84 had changed all that. After that fateful party, Valentine's Day had become as much bullshit as the rest of his love life. The breakup had not only made him miserable, it had made him doubt everything he thought he knew about himself.
The next Valentine's Day he had spent getting drunk at some stupid party and sleeping with a girl he didn't even know the name of. Not his proudest day, but misery loves company, and he vaguely remembered her telling him she had been dumped the same day. They had both been looking for a meaningless distraction.
February '86 saw Steve Harrington pulling babes again. Only none of them meant anything. He went through the motions; card, chocolate, roses - the whole nine yards. But his heart wasn't in it. Lisa - or was it Lucy? - had giggled and planted a kiss on his cheek when he showed up at her house. At the movies, they had sat in the back to make out and she had jerked him off while muffling his moans with her clever tongue in his mouth. It had been nice.
She hadn't returned his calls the next day.
In ’87 his life had changed once again. The near end of the world had put things into perspective for him. It had made him realize that it wasn’t meaningless dating he wanted but a partner. Someone to love and cherish. Someone who would love and cherish him in return. Someone who made him want to be better, who challenged him and supported him. Someone who was in it for him, Steve, and not for his reputation or his looks or the money he no longer had.
For one hot minute he had convinced himself that someone was Nancy, that she was still it for him. But that was as much bullshit as it had been in ‘84. Nancy and him, they had their chance, and it did not work out for a reason. He wanted to settle down, she wanted to make it big. Live her dreams and be the strong, fearless, and passionate journalist she deserved to be.
So when Dustin calls him at an unholy hour on the morning of February 14, '87, he picks up on the sixth ring and grumbles, "What the hell?”
"Steve, that's no way to answer the phone." Dustin sounds indignant, the condescending little shit.
"That's how I answer my own goddamn phone when someone calls me on a Saturday before the sun comes up, Henderson."
Dustin remains silent on the other end of the line, and Steve can hear his raised eyebrow. It's a showdown, a battle of wills that Steve will not lose. Not to a goddamn 15-year-old.
The silence holds.
And holds.
"Harrington residence, Steve speaking." He grunts through clenched teeth. It's too early for this shit.
Dustin doesn't even try to hide the smugness in his voice. "Steve, I need you to drive me and El to the miniature golf course this afternoon."
"I have to what now?"
"Aren't you listening? Jesus Christ, Steve." The little bastard is spending too much time with a certain metalhead, Steve thinks. "Me and El have a Valentine's Day date at the miniature golf course this afternoon." The Duh at the end is clear in his tone.
"No, I get that, although how a nice girl like El would want to spend Valentine's Day with someone who can't even say please or thank you is beyond me."
"But I don't see why I should be the one to drive you. Can't Hopper drive you?" Steve knows that Hopper would love any reason to spy on the boy dating his daughter.
Apparently Dustin does too. "Steeeeeve." He whines. "Come on, man. You know how Hopper is. This won't be a date, but a stakeout followed by the most awkward interrogation ever." When Steve says nothing, Dustin adds, "Don't you want us to be happy, Steve? After all we've been through, don't you think we deserve some happiness, some normalcy?"
Steve folded up like a house of cards.
"Fine. You win. Goddamn it. I'll drive you and El to your date. Happy?"
"Thanks, Steve, I knew I could count on you. Can you pick up Will, Mike, Max and Lucas on the way?"
"Yeah, yeah - WHAT?" He must have heard wrong.
"Oh yeah, Mike and Will want to go to the movies for Valentine's Day, 'cause that's not so obvious, you know? And Max and Lucas are going to the arcade. That's where it all started for them, and the last few years have been really hard on them - "
Steve needs to stop being such a goddamn pushover for these kids, he really does.
"Okay, Henderson, I get it. I'll pick them up." Steve cuts off the tear-jerking monologue. He hears Dustin's enthusiastic 'Awesome' and his own 'Always the goddamn babysitter' comes out fond instead of annoyed. He's so whipped by these kids.
And that's why Steve spends most of his day driving a bunch of 15-year-olds around. And Robin, who calls him just as he's about to leave the house to ask if he can give her a ride to Vicky's. It's her first time spending the night there.
It seems that everyone has a date for Valentine's Day. Everyone except Steve, which makes him the perfect designated driver.
The icing on the cake is that even Keith has managed to get a date, so after dropping Max and Lucas off at the arcade, he heads over to Family Video for his late shift.
Here he has to advise couples on the most romantic movies, help guys find something sweet and plotless enough to make out with without missing too much, or point some girls in the direction of romantic comedies they can watch over ice cream while dreaming of their Prince Charming sweeping them off their feet.
When he finally drags his tired body to his car, it's already 10:30 pm. His feet hurt, his head hurts, and worst of all, there's a heavy weight on his chest and a queasy feeling in his stomach that he can't really explain. He just feels... sad.
Nothing happened. Everyone was fine, even happy. So why is he feeling so sad?
Steve decides to just go home, have a generous helping of the expensive scotch his father hides in his office, and go straight to bed. Tomorrow the sadness will be gone and he will be back to his normal self.
When he gets home, there is another car parked in the driveway. For a horrible second, he thinks it's his parents, but then he recognizes the beat-up van, and he smiles for the first time all day.
Eddie is sitting on his front steps, a six-pack of beer next to him and a cigarette dangling from his mouth. The front light comes on as Steve approaches and the light makes him look unreal, like some kind of appearance straight from heaven.
He looks up and his eyes light up as they fall on Steve. The smile Eddie gives him is a bright and happy thing, even his dimples seem to be so happy to see Steve that they have to come out to say hello. The heaviness in Steve's chest doesn't go away, but it feels a little lighter than it did back in the car.
Eddie gets up and starts walking toward him as Steve comes closer, drawn together like magnets. They stand close, almost touching, when Steve asks, "Eddie, what are you doing here?" He wishes he didn't sound so breathless.
"I figured you'd probably be home, so I came to hang out."
"Oh, great, so you assumed I didn't have a date on Valentine's Day? Jesus, thanks for the vote of confidence. I didn't know I was that pathetic."
The queasy feeling in his stomach is back and it turns his insides sour, the crushing heaviness adding to the sensation. He knows in a distant way that he is being unfair, that Eddie didn't mean anything by it. But it hurts. He hurts.
Steve's sudden outburst catches Eddie off guard. His body swings back, away from Steve, and his doe eyes look even bigger as they scan Steve's face. Steve hates that Eddie almost looks scared for a second. He hates that Eddie thinks, even for a moment, that Steve might hurt him.
"Eddie, I..." his voice breaks, unable to articulate what he barely understands himself.
But it is enough for Eddie to understand. His face softens and he moves back into Steve's space.
"No, I guess I was just hoping you didn't have a date so we could both be single together today and spit in the face of this capitalist holiday."
Steve can't help but roll his eyes at Eddie's dramatic antics. Eddie smiles at him, a gentle thing, and his hand slowly rises to Steve's face before Eddie realizes what he's doing and lets it fall back down.
"Are you okay, Stevie? You don't seem, I don't know, yourself." Eddie tilts his head to the side. "Did something happen, sweetheart?"
It's the goddamn sweetheart that does it. Steve's whole face crumbles and before he even knows what's happening, tears fill his eyes and make his vision swim. He tries to swallow the feeling down, to get himself back under control.
He loses the fight against himself and the first tears start to spill down his cheeks.
"Oh, hey, shit, Stevie. Sweetheart. What's wrong?"
Eddie swoops in and takes him in his arms, as naturally as breathing. Like they do it every day.
Steve tries to speak but can't. He wouldn't even know what to say if he could, so he just pushes further into Eddie and shakes his head where it's pressed against Eddie's chest.
"Okay, you don't have to tell me. But how about we go inside, huh?" Eddie's arms are still around him and he speaks the words directly into Steve's ear.
Steve nods against his chest but doesn't move. Eddie chuckles, the sound vibrating through Steve's body where it's still pressed against Eddie's. Future Steve will be so embarrassed by his behavior.
Steve jumps when he feels Eddie's hand pat his ass.
"Sorry, I was just -" now the hand wanders to his front "trying to find your -" and the hand dips into his front pocket where it closes around his house keys "aha!"
The keys jangle as Eddie opens his front door and Steve takes a shuddering breath. He's not sure if he's glad or disappointed that Eddie didn't try his other pocket first.
They make their way inside and Eddie leads him to the couch in the living room where Steve sits down with a heavy sigh. His eyes had closed on their own, and when he opens them again, Eddie is hovering over him, his eyes soft but his eyebrows knitted in worry.
Steve tries to smile up at him, to tell him it's all right, wants to say sorry, man, not the Saturday night you had in mind, huh? but he can't. He fucking can't. Instead, he asks, "Can you stay?"
Eddie can. Eddie does.
He sinks down on the couch next to Steve, thighs pressed together, shoulders touching. They just sit there, breathing, for several minutes.
"Today just - sucked. I don't know. I just, I - fuck." Eddie looks at him, Steve can feel his eyes on him, but he doesn't say anything, lets Steve find his words.
"I don't want to feel like this, man. Like - " Steve sighs, searching for words. "Like I'm alone." He holds up his hand before Eddie can speak. "I know I'm not. I do. I know I have Robin, the kids. But they all have someone, you know? Someone special. Someone they want around because they love them, because every day is better with them in it. Not because they can do anything for them. Just because they are - they are their person".
Steve looks at Eddie with so much longing in his heart that it threatens to drown him. "I want to be someone's person."
When Eddie doesn't say anything, just looks at him with big eyes, Steve lowers his eyes again and looks at their knees instead. "Sorry, I don't want to be such a bummer, you can go if -"
The hand on his cheek stops him.
"Steve Harrington, you already are someone's person. You have been for months."
Eddie leans in, leans his forehead against Steve's and looks him in the eyes as he says, "I came here hoping you wouldn't have a date so I could feel like I was your Valentine's date. And you can punch me in the face for that if it means you stop looking so fucking heartbroken. But Steve. You are my person, okay? My favorite days are the days I get to see you, even if it's just so you can bitch at me about one of the kids. I want you around all the time. Some mornings I have to force myself to do stupid things like clean my room or take a fucking walk so I'm not standing on your doorstep at the crack of dawn."
Steve can't help but chuckle at the sound of indignation in Eddie's voice when he says clean my room, like it's the worst chore in the world. Eddie smiles at his reaction.
"I want to hear your laugh more than I want to hear Metallica live. I know it's not much. But you are my person and you will never be alone.
Steve is in Eddie's lap before Eddie can even close his mouth.
"Say it again. Eddie, please. Say it again." Steve almost begs, his lips inches from Eddie's.
"You, Steve Harrington, are my person."
Their first kiss is sweet. Sweeter than Steve would have expected, if he had ever allowed himself to think about it. He jumps right in, wants to show Eddie what his words mean to him, but Eddie immediately slows them down. He makes their kisses small and soft, just lips against lips, and Steve swears he could die from the sweetness of it all.
But at some point their kisses begin to grow longer and longer each time their mouths meet. They also become deeper as Steve slides his tongue between Eddie's supple lips. Steve has never kissed a guy before and he expects it to feel different. And it does, a little. There's stubble on Eddie's cheek where Steve's hand is cupping it, and there aren't soft breasts pressed against his chest, but another hard, muscular chest. But so many things are the same. Eddie lets him take control and there are little gasps and soft moans coming out of their mouths as they hold each other.
It's only when Steve begins to rock against Eddie in his lap that Eddie pulls away. Steve chases his lips, desperate for them to continue, addicted to the feeling of Eddie.
"Steve - Stevie, hey, baby, stop for a minute." Steve does, not sure what's wrong. Eddie cups his cheek, where not long ago tears had made their way across his skin. "Are you - is this okay?"
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Honey, you were so upset just a few minutes ago. I don't know, I just don't want to take advantage of you. I don't want you regretting this tomorrow."
Steve is pretty sure that Eddie is his person too.
"It's more than okay. This feels so good, Eddie." As if to prove his point, Steve rocks against him again to let Eddie feel how good it feels for Steve.
"Okay, okay, I get it. You want me to make you feel even better, baby?"
Steve wants. Oh, how he wants.
He doesn't answer, just dives right back in and crashes their lips together. What started out sweet and tender turns messy and desperate in seconds. It's as if Eddie has unleashed some kind of hungry beast in Steve's chest.
He bites Eddie's lower lip and enjoys the feeling of Eddie's hips thrusting up in response. Eddie's hands roam his body, never able to stay still for long. The metal of his rings feels warmer than Steve expected, like an extension of Eddie's thick fingers on his skin.
A high-pitched whimper falls from his mouth as Eddie's thumb finds his nipple and strokes over it, again and again. His shirt is in the way, restricting the movement of Eddie's hands, so he pulls his hands from where they are buried in Eddie's hair to pull the shirt off his body.
Eddie's mouth catches his nipple before Steve can dive back in for another kiss.
"Shit. Fuck. Eddie." Steve's hands find their way back into Eddie's hair, unable to do much more than hold on for the ride. The heavy feeling in his chest is forgotten. All Steve feels is heat and desire and some undefined thing starting to bloom where the heaviness used to be.
He's lost in the sensation that is Eddie, all around him. His smell, his skin, his fucking mouth. Suddenly there are teeth scraping over his already abused nipple and Steve almost loses it and comes in his pants like an inexperienced freshman. Jesus Christ.
Steve feels Eddie's smug smile against his skin. He wants nothing more than to feel more of him, to feel everything, so he reaches for Eddie's fly with only slightly trembling hands. He has already undone the button and is about to pull the zipper down when Eddie's hands close over his. Eddie's sinful mouth has left Steve's nipple to say something, and Steve shudders at the sudden coldness he feels on his spit-slick skin.
"Sweetheart, slow down. Let me make you feel good, okay? No need to reciprocate. I just want to take care of you."
Steve melts at the sentiment behind those words, and his heart soars at the knowledge that, for once, someone wants to take care of him, not the other way around. But if Eddie thinks this will make Steve want to devour him less, he must not know Steve at all. Instead of slowing down, he slaps Eddie's hands away and goes for the zipper of his jeans again.
"You make me feel good, Eddie, so good. I wanna make you feel good, too. Wanna feel you." Steve babbles, trying to coordinate his rocking hips and searching hands. There is too much blood going south for him to multitask efficiently.
Eddie growls deep in his chest and grips Steve's wrists tightly. "I said slow down, sweetheart." With that, Eddie puts Steve's hands behind his back, one over the other, and doesn't let go.
"You want to run this show? Go ahead. Take what you need, baby." He leans back against the couch and looks up at Steve with dark, dark eyes.
Steve whines at the loss of contact, at the restriction Eddie has put on his hands, but his face is flushed and his erection is straining against his jeans. He's never done this before, never been exposed like this, his needs and desires laid bare by Eddie's skillful hands and gentle heart.
So Steve takes what he wants, just as Eddie asked.
He slides forward to sit more firmly in Eddie's lap, so he can feel Eddie against him as he begins to rock back and forth more urgently. There's delicious pressure against his dick, but it's not enough. No matter how fast or slow he moves, he can't get anywhere near where he wants to be.
Steve clenches his thighs and presses down on Eddie's firm thighs as he rolls his hips back and forth, moans and groans falling from his lips with increasing desperation. He wants - he needs -
"Eddie, please. Please, it's not enough, I need - " Another breathy whimper.
"What do you need, baby? Tell me. Everything. I'll give you everything."
Eddie is just as affected as he is. His pupils are dilated to twice their normal size, the beautiful brown of his irises swallowed by hungry blackness. His hands tremble where they still grip Steve's behind Steve's back, and Steve squeezes them gently. It calms a part of him to know that he's not alone, that they're in this together. It gives Steve hope that it means something to Eddie, too.
"I need you, Eddie. I don't care, I just want you. I wanna feel good with you."
Before Steve knows what's happening, the hands around his wrists disappear and slide under his ass to where it meets his thighs. Eddie leans forward and brings his lips right up to Steve's. Before he kisses him, deep and dirty, he whispers against them, "Hold on tight, baby."
He barely manages to wrap his hands around Eddie's shoulders before the other man stands and lifts him into his arms. Steve instinctively wraps his legs around Eddie's waist and the hands under his thighs press him tightly against Eddie's body.
Holy. Shit.
They stumble up the stairs and Steve feels Eddie tremble under his weight. He wants to ask him to put him down so he can walk, but his mouth is busy being devoured by Eddie's lips and tongue.
Thank God he left his door open because he doesn't think Eddie would have been able to hold him up and open the damn door. As it is, they tumble inside and towards his unmade bed. Steve is glad that Eddie is too busy to see the plaid monstrosity that is his room. He wants Eddie to have a nice, mind-blowing orgasm before he has to see this.
He expects Eddie to drop him on the bed, maybe even throw him down in another show of strength. Eddie does not.
Instead, he drops to his knees on the bed and lowers Steve onto the mattress with such gentle care that Steve almost forgets why they're here. He's still hard and aching in his jeans, but the burning need has subsided for now. He lifts his hand to Eddie's cheek, cupping it gently as he looks deep into the soft chocolate button eyes.
"Hi," he whispers.
Eddie leans down and nudges Steve's nose with his own.
"Hi," he replies, smiling down at Steve.
Their next kiss starts out sweet - lips sliding against each other, little nips and kitten licks, but soon the fire between them is rekindled. Eddie is still kneeling between Steve's spread legs, and as he leans back to look down at Steve, his hands find their way to Steve's jean-clad thighs.
"Let me take these off you, yeah?" Steve nods and watches with rapt attention as Eddie slowly undresses him. "So goddamn pretty, Stevie. You're gorgeous, inside and out."
His cheeks are burning and he's afraid that the tears that are starting to gather in his eyes will fall if he doesn't do something. He grabs Eddie's left hand, stroking his hipbone, and pulls him closer so he can kiss him. "You too." He tugs at Eddie's shirt to show what he means. He still means both.
Eddie removes his own clothes with efficiency, and Steve thinks that next time he'll take his time to uncover and appreciate every inch of Eddie's body.
Soon they're both naked, Steve on his back with his head on the pillow and Eddie still between his legs. They drink each other in and Eddie leans down to plant a soft kiss on Steve's lips. He seems to be waiting for something, but Steve doesn't know what.
"Eddie, tell me what to do, what do you want?"
"Baby, you don't have to do anything, okay? Let me do all the work for once. I want to." He chuckles at Steve's puzzled look. "I really do. I want to make you feel good. I want to see you fall apart at my hands and I want to put you back together again. If you let me." He gently bites Steve's jaw. "Please say you'll let me." Another bite at his throat, just as soft. "Please, baby, let me make you feel good."
Steve squirms on his sheets, his hips jerking in a futile search for friction.
"Yes, anything. Please. Anything. I want you to."
After that there is no need to speak. There are sounds from Steve's lips and showers of dirty praise from Eddie's, but both know what they want, what they need. Like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly, soft protrusions and sharp edges fitting just so.
Eddie takes his time, kissing and licking every inch of golden skin he can reach. When he bites, it's soft, affectionate. It still leaves marks and Steve welcomes each one because they mean this is real, this is happening.
Steve lets Eddie do what he wants to him, pliable and so responsive to every touch, to every word of worship and praise, that Eddie kisses against his skin. He never knew it could be like this, never felt so completely loved and cared for. It seems like days go by as Eddie worships every single part of him.
When Eddie finally takes him in his mouth, Steve thrashes against him, overwhelmed by the sensation. He's on edge for what feels like hours, gripping himself tightly at the base to hold back his orgasm.
He's still in Eddie's mouth and Eddie has the audacity to smile up at him through long lashes, his lips stretched wide around Steve's girth, winking at him. Steve's groan is almost painful. He has to look away or not even his hand will stop him from spilling his release into Eddie's cocky mouth.
Not to be deterred in the least, Eddie begins to suck on the head as if it were his favorite lollipop. His tongue swirls around the head and dips into the slit before his mouth sinks down on him in one swift motion.
"Fuck, Eddie. Jesus Christ."
The throaty chuckle is what does him in. Before he knows what's happening, before he can even think of stopping it, he comes down Eddie's throat in hot, messy spurts.
"Shit! No, no, no, no. Fuck. I'm so sorry, Eddie, oh God, I don't know what happened, I didn't mean - "
Eddie silences him with a soft kiss, lips slick with Steve's release. He strokes Steve's cheek and smiles down at him with a blissful expression on his face. "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen, baby."
"But. It was so fast. You didn't."
"To see you lose it like that, baby. To see you writhing and moaning and being so overwhelmed with pleasure that you can't help but come? Steve, sweetheart, that was better than any orgasm I ever had. I wish I could have recorded it, I'm afraid no memory will do it justice."
Steve looks at Eddie, sees the genuine joy on his pretty face, the warmth and affection in his big brown eyes, and wants to believe him. Wants to believe that he didn't have to do anything to deserve it. But it's hard.
"What about you?"
"Nothing. It can wait. Right now I really want to hold you and bask in the afterglow for a while. And maybe later we can get something to eat and watch a movie. What do you think?"
Steve thinks he's in love.
Thank you @legitcookie for being a wonderful cheerleader and beta while also being sick af. Toughest cookie in the jar 💜
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hollowstarsaga · 6 months
More ADAHS headcannons
I imagine Lethe's personality as an orange cat (once he warms up to people) he has a lot of stupid idea's collected over the years, he gets bursts of energy, also will bring Cel shiny things he finds.
Vehan will go for runs with no direction and just zone out, then he'll be entirely lost when he zones back in.
Arlo is a booktok girly, she's a romance reader, mostly reading cute stuff but she's definitely found herself reading things that are less than family friendly.
Nausicaa is a language nerd and out of pure boredom over the years she has learnt a bunch of languages.
Aurelian is also a booktok girly but doesn't read as much contemporary romance, he read more fantasy and sci-fi.
Aurelian also definitely forced Vehan to sit down with him and watch good omens and dr. who.
Celadon is unbeaten at board games; the group will do board game nights and Cel always comes first at this point it's a war for second place.
Lethe has like a million-step skin and hair care routine; he researches all the products he uses and guards his hair like a prison.
Nausicaa hasn't read a book in a hundred years, but she has watched a majority of what Netflix has to offer.
Arlo did Ballet when she was young and wishes she kept doing it.
Cel can ice skate really well entirely unironically.
Vehan is super flexible and never utilizes it unless drunk or something.
Aurelian is scarily photogenic, like someone will snap a random picture of everyone and they'll all be pulling an odd face and he'll just be looking perfect.
Theo, Vehan and Cel all growing up in royal positions all can ride horses and play polo and will just do random intense competitions but get the others to join when they cannot ride horses.
Lethe is a plant dad and has like a greenhouse with a bunch of named plants that he will steal for to keep alive.
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goldenteaset · 5 months
Stampede!Legato's Charm Points
...A not-comprehensive list of blatant squee for the @tristampparty.
I enjoy every version of Legato (which feels like saying "water is wet"), but Stampede's version in particular feels dazzling, like looking into the sun for too long. And if you couldn't tell from that description and looking at other people's reactions, especially toward his looks, this is very much me "proselytizing" in his favor. (Or finding like-minded people!)
Under the cut because I couldn't contain myself. XD
Charm Point the First: How He's Framed (...Mostly)
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(The big zipper on his coat is also cute by the way)
Studio ORANGE made a fascinating choice with Legato for Stampede s1: his face is either in shadow, or at various angles that highlight how striking he is, usually as seen from below. This forces us to either a) look deeper at what expressions we do see, or b) focus our gaze on everything else about him. So a win either way, really.
On the other hand, though: please let us see more of his face in S2 PLEASE
Charm Point the Second: His Hands
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Self-explanatory, I know. But hands are an absolute pain to draw and I'm forever impressed with the sheer, insane detail the animators get across with Legato's. Look at this gif, you can actually see where he laughs when his wrist tilts! There's something so erotic and dangerous about how they're portrayed. Very very good.
Charm Point the Third: His Laugh
This Legato is a downright jolly fellow in some ways compared to the previous ones! His laughter is lovely, often low and soft and wicked. It makes every scene with him more fun for the viewer, because he's having fun.
Charm Point the Fourth: His Plantlike Complexion
One might even call it a "ceramic-like pallor". It has to be because of the Plant genetics Stampede's writer mentioned. It makes him even more Fair Folk-like and otherworldly, almost ethereal; it adds another creepy, "don't make that deal" layer to his scene with Wolfwood.
Charm Point the Fifth: His Legs
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I could've picked a different shot, but no. This one illustrates the point rather well, I think. (In general, besides his stomach he's on his way to a male ballet dancer physique, which is a wonderful thing.)
Charm Point 5.9: Safety First!
Something about Legato doing nefarious deeds and still wearing a seatbelt is just...peak moe for some reason. 10/10.
Charm Point the Sixth and Seventh: His Nape/Hair
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I love this shot so much uuuuuuu look at the lighting
Sometimes the sheer floppiness of his haircut in some screenshots undersells how neatly managed it actually is. Legato may not want people to talk about his hair, but he does take good care of it. It's sleek, it's out of his way (mostly), and I can't help but wonder if it's cut as short as it is in the back to avoid touching his skin... :(
Charm Point 7.5: His Waist
It's the part everybody critiques! Yes, he looks like a Ken doll with it being that narrow. Yes, I 100% think that's the point and Studio Orange will make us sad about it in S2. Moving on quickly so as not to dwell on it!
Charm Point the Eighth: His Voice
I'll be talking about his dialogue right after this, but really, that dialogue wouldn't land right without the perfect voices to match. Whether subbed or dubbed, Stampede!Legato manages to slide between cold elegance and zealous desperation with ease. (Also, again, That Laugh *happy shivers*)
Charm Point the Ninth: His Dialogue
While we sadly only see Legato in two episodes, I think they're still a great introduction to him. We're given just enough to understand why he conflicts with Vash and co., what his motives are (which he might explain too much, but anyway), and who he is as person. He's a human who fundamentally doesn't understand humans, least of all himself. I think he's drawn to Wolfwood and Livio's relationship specifically because he himself doesn't have a reference point for it. It fascinates him even as he hates it. And speaking of that...
Charm Point the Tenth: His Confusion About Love
I left this one for last because unlike the above, which are mostly fixed states, this one really could go in any direction. At the end of episode 6, Legato explains how he doesn't understand love and thinks it should "give way to devotion". This is interesting, to say the least, because past Legatos don't just lay things out that clearly, and neither do most characters in Stampede. There's practically a big neon sign blaring over this!
From my very biased standpoint, there's nothing more fun than when a character who looks like this *points at the above* disdains love that openly. That means that either a) Legato is being set up to never understand love ever, which is less interesting, or b) discover what love means to him. Will that end well? Poorly? Will Studio Orange give us enough string to make a cats cradle out of for our own entertainment? Who knows! It's all up in the air for now.
I just think that there's nothing more narratively thrilling than limitless possibilities and slowly winnowing them down, is all. :D
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vineofroses · 8 months
I'm starting the Sunday thing now even though it's only about 45 minutes into Sunday for me. These are my Sunday scribbles.
It's not the untitled Carlos fic this time, though. @paperstorm planted a seed in my head about Iris and Nancy meeting and now I've decided it's a thing that will turn into a larger thing. For now, here's their first meeting.
Also I'm convinced TK is a huge boy genius fan and also I love "we're in love" by them and I can't stop thinking about people slow dancing to that song at a wedding.
“Bartender, hit me with another!” 
Iris slams her glass on the counter. The bartender raises his eyebrow. “Another water?” 
“That’s what I said, bartender! In a shot glass, though, if that's alright. And keep ‘em coming!” 
The bartender, whose name tag says Dave, chuckles. “You got it.”
Iris leans back against the bar and surveys the dance floor. It’s a lovely evening. She spots Andrea sitting at a table by herself, which feels wrong. Iris makes note to drag Andrea to the dance floor next. A slow song starts playing but Iris doesn’t know what it is. Couples have paired off, swaying to the music. From this distance, the dance floor becomes a moving landscape.
"Here ya go."
"Thanks!" Iris slams the water back. "I said keep 'em coming, Dave!" 
"You don't want to join everyone else out there?" Dave nods toward the dance floor. He fills the shot glass with more water and pushes it over to Iris. 
"Nope. Needed to hydrate." Iris follows Andrea’s line of light to Carlos and TK in the middle of the crowd. TK's arms circle around Carlos' neck, while Carlos' arms settle on TK's waist. Iris thinks she recognizes the song playing now. TK made her listen to it about a hundred times after he first discovered it. She’s pretty sure it’s called “We’re in Love” by genius boys, or something like that. She didn’t want to give TK credit for finding a song that made her cry but when there’s something to the lyrics about finding people in another life that sticks with Iris. She can’t shake it. 
On the next turn about the room, Carlos raises his eyes to meet hers. He gives her a quick smile but then the movement of their dance takes him away again. Iris smiles back anyway.
"Can I get a glass of the house red, please?"
Iris tears her eyes away from TK and Carlos and finds a very tall woman in a black high neck dress. Dave nods at the newcomer as he places another shot of water in front of Iris. The woman watches as Iris downs the shot.
"Iris, right?" The woman asks. 
"Yeah. You know who I am?"
The woman laughs. "Of course I do. Carlos doesn't shut up about you." 
Iris nods. That seems correct. Carlos can go on and on about things sometimes. "And you are?"
"Sorry, I should have introduced myself. I'm Nancy." 
Nancy holds her hand out. As soon as she says her name, Iris grins, and clasps her hand into Nancy's. 
"Is it true that TK once camadeered the ambulance to attend a ballet?"
"It was a ballet class, and he only did it because he’s a kiss ass. Is it true Carlos used to sleep with the lights on every year after watching The Nightmare Before Christmas?"
"Absolutely. I tried to tell him it wasn’t scary, but he refuses to see my point.”
Nancy smiles. “I think you and I have a lot to talk about.”
No pressure tagging: @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @paperstorm @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @carlos-in-glasses @phoebenpiperx
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theizzifromosaka · 9 months
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
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Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School is an animated film released in 1988 featuring the titular Scooby-Doo as he follows his keeper Shaggy to his new job as a Gym Teacher. Unfortunately for the three, what they thought would be an easy paycheck turns out to be a harrowing experience as they misread the name of the school as Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, when in actuality it's a Finishing School for Ghouls. Who are also girls. Hence why I'm talking about it.
So this film has a suspiciously large fan base for what on the outside appears to be an innocuous Scooby-Doo film, so one of my goals for this review was to try and figure out why that is. So this will be a sort of combo review, the small text will be talking about the film while the larger text will be about the Girls featured in it.
The movie opens up with an adorable scene of Shaggy driving to their new job as Scooby freaks out as magical floating words introduce the main cast. This concludes in the words along with a heavy downpour obstructing Shaggy's vision, so he ends up at the nearby Calloway Military Academy by mistake. This is a great way to establish the setting, these two schools are situated right beside each other.
Correcting his mistake, Shaggy drives to the correct school, still unaware there's anything amiss until Miss Grimwood begins to introduce her students, where in classic Scooby-Doo style Shaggy and Scooby end up running around the school in fear, running into every single monster on the way. Excellent way to naturally introduce Shaggy and Scooby to the new characters, it ends up feeling pretty organic.
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The first student we're introduced to is Sibella, the daughter of Count Dracula (THE Count Dracula this time). She gets the most screentime of any of the students by a less than slim margin, though honestly there still isn't much to say. She litters her speech with puns, something we learn later she likely got from her father.
She's got an alright if basic design. Nothing that really reads as "vampire" besides her fangs, though she likes fanning her hair out as if it were wings. Her bat design is very cute, it retains her eyes, color pattern and the "tuft" on top of her hair, so it reads very easily as Sibella.
As Shaggy stumbles around the school he eventually meets Tanis, the youngest of the girls at the school who hopes to fill her trophy case with the volleyball trophy traded between Miss Grimwood's school and the Military Academy next door. This element is introduced kinda awkwardly.
The next day, Shaggy is still somewhat on edge but has uncharacteristically become more accustomed to being around the girls. He and Scooby proceed to with little resistance lead the group in a ballet routine, with tutus and everything. The film then cuts to the Military Academy where we're introduced to the boys of the school. Their personalities aren't all that distinct but their dynamic works well.
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Winnie seems to be close friends with Sibella. She's got several doglike qualities.
Her design doesn't immediately read as "dog", which honestly I kinda appreciate. She's a furry little creature. Nice color palette on her too, and the torn dress and bow invoke how werewolves are depicted with tattered clothes.
The bizarre rotten food of the school proves to be inedible even for the iron guts of Shaggy and Scooby, so in a cute show of appreciation Sibella springs for a pizza for the two. As the group explores the school's garden a pair of eyes are revealed to be "Venus spytraps", planted by the assistant of a witch called Revolta.
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Tanis is a mummy and the youngest of the girls at Miss Grimwood's. Despite her youth and habit of sucking her thumb I was glad to find out she's not a token little kid character with matching mannerisms.
She's got a fine design. I really like the eyes poking out of the darkness trope, and her bandage ponytail is a cute touch. I wish there was something else breaking up her design, I guess that's the idea behind the ribbon, but even her dress is bandadges.
The two teams play, both sides using all manner of trick available to them, but in the end it's a narrow victory for Miss Grimwood's school. The trophy is begrudgingly handed over to Tanis.
Cut to the girls decorating for their upcoming Open House, excitedly waiting for their parents as Shaggy and Scooby panick in a similar fashion to when they first arrived. Despite their best efforts, the girls' parents find them with little effort and thank them.
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Elsa Frankenteen (her actual name) is the daughter of Frankenstein's Monster. She comes off as a bit brutish but is revealed to be decently intelligent.
Her design is a different take on "teenage Frankenstein's Monster" than Frankie from Monster High or Vicky from Monster Prom. She takes a bit more after her father than her presumed mother, though like the other two her hair is also black with white streaks.
On their way out, the parents individually threaten Shaggy and Scooby if anything happens to their daughters. I like to think this is a way to assure the audience this won't lead to the pair confronting their phobias but it's more than likely just setting up something for later.
That night Revolta finally makes her move, siccing one of her minions on Shaggy. After some hijinks with Scooby the Spider Bat successfully infiltrates the school and hypnotizes Shaggy into planning a field trip.
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The disturbing prospect of ghost genetics gets brought up as one is left to wonder: is this a dead girl or are ghosts capable of reproducing and aging? Would she even really be a ghost then? Anyways Phantasma is a giggly girl who likes to play the piano and twisting her head too far.
She's completely blue, kinda like how Polly was from Monster High, which kinda makes me wonder if there's some rule I'm not aware of that ghosts are blue. When I think of a ghost the first color in my mind is green, is that just me? Her boots feel slightly out of place and her hairstyle perhaps was a poor choice for a character whose head rotates all the way around but despite those small isssues she might be my favorite design so far.
The next day, Shaggy decides to take the group to a nearby bog, coincidentally the same day the boys of the Military Academy are out for some field training. The girls are slowly snatched up one by one by Revolta's minion the Grim Creeper, with Shaggy and Scooby giving chase and the boys reluctantly deciding not to follow.
At her lair, Revolta plans to permanently brainwash the girls into serving her for life, and Shaggy, more afraid of the girls' parents than of Revolta, is determined to rescue them. Stumbling around her lair eventually leads them to the girls, where the boys of Calloway Military Academy regret their decision and show up to help. Revolta's potion becomes volatile and the group narrowly escape. In classic fashion the film ends with dancing, and a fun gag where more monster girls show up and Shaggy decides he's had enough and resigns.
Scrappy-Doo: The TRUE Monster
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So I've completely neglected to mention up until now that Shaggy and Scooby did not arrive at the school alone. I, like many people my age, grew up too late to have really known Scrappy, with my only familarity with the character being his mischaracterized appearance as the main antagonist in the first live action film and hearing older fans talk about how Scooby's nephew "ruined the franchise".
There may or may not be legitimate reason to dislike Scrappy-Doo, but you won't find it in this film. I found the way he idolizes his uncle and is constantly making excuses for him to actually be endearing and though he does end the film with a "rap" it's not enough to ruin the experience.
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The Witch of the Web is introduced a short ways into the film but constant reminders of her interloping make sure you never forget she's lurking. Her goal of commanding the girls as servants is said to stem from her bitterness towards their parents at having "gone soft".
Her physiology isn't made apparent but she's got four arms and orange eyes. She may not be the most pleasant character to look at but there's enough to like for me to say I appreciate her design.
So if you're familiar with these characters but haven't seen the film it's likely because this movie has an almost suspiciously loyal fanbase. Maybe it aired on a popular TV network often at some point, or maybe it was a cheap home video when it first released? I'm not sure but this film is actually not these girls' only appearance.
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I'm not familiar with OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes beyond it's that Cartoon Network show that's crossed over with what feels like just about every other Warner Bros property, and among those crossovers is a single episode where slightly aged up versions of these characters visit one of the characters from the show.
Besides that that's it though. Still not completely sure why it's so popular, though it's a fun enough movie it's by no means my go to Scooby-Doo film, though it might be something I'll go back to once in a blue moon. It's a cute enough little film.
As for the Monster Girl fans, there's something about these girls that have stuck with other people for a long time, and who knows, maybe they'll stick with you too.
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ghost-kitty-cat · 6 months
Honey! Where's my Headcanons? Honey where is my Headcanons! (I pray that people get that reference...)
First Headcanon, (slightly also a Lauren Headcanon... but..) I like to imagine Lauren and Honey were friends in high school (I also imagine Lauren was friends with Casey in high school but Honey & Casey didn't actually meet until further down the line...)
Second Headcanon, Honey is a very patient person which is why they didn't mind taking things a bit slow with Casey.... (they also are quite calm but um... you'll see why in a bit...)
Third Headcanon, I don't know why but I imagine Honey's family was rich but not extremely rich... like rich enough that Honey's parents could afford them dance lessons specifically ballet (which is why they know how to dance...)
Fourth Headcanon, (this is connected to the last Headcanon.... but..) Honey's family was the kind of people who kinda let the money go to their heads and they kinda becames snobs (except for honey) and also Honey's family didn't have the best control of their tempers sooo there was quite a lot of yelling mostly directed at Honey (didn't help that back then Honey was almost as anxious and nervous as Casey so they ended up kinda locking away certain emotions even after moving out and that's why they're so calm.... jeez that got depressing....)
Fifth Headcanon, (this is a more light hearted one.. i promise...) Because of Casey (and Because Lauren practically begged Honey to) Honey's home now has a bunch of plants (I imagine Honey has a actual home while Casey & Lauren shared a apartment which means Honey has more space and Lauren asked Honey to take some of Casey's plants since the apartment is practically overflowing with them...)
Sixth Headcanon, I don't know why but I imagine Honey really likes cinnamon (also pumpkin pie too....actually scratch that, they like all the sweets and they have a massive sweet tooth.....maybe in the future when Sweets possibly opens up their dream bakery, Honey can be one of their first customers....I think Honey & Sweets would get along...)
Seventh Headcanon, (I don't think Honey's job has been mentioned (yet) sooo...) I like to imagine Honey works as a author... they aren't super well known (yet) but they have written quite a bit... (now I'm just thinking that Ellis, Gem & Honey would possibly get along... maybe a few of Honey's books have ended up in Ellis's bookstore....)
Eighth Headcanon, (I don't know why... but..) I like to imagine Honey has a ginger cat (who I have dubbed "Cheese/Cheese Puff" and he is very fluffy and poofy.... also round like a cheese puff...)
Ninth Headcanon, (slightly inspired by one of my Casey's Headcanons... but..) I like to imagine Honey has tried to come up with their nickname for Casey but 1. They aren't very good at nicknames and 2. When they try to use nicknames like love,baby, babe and etc.. it causes Casey to get very flustered (I believe that's the word...) so Honey doesn't really have a nickname for Casey though they occasionally call him something flower related like Rose or Petal...
Tenth Headcanon, (totally not based off my own opinions... but..) I like to imagine Honey really likes the movie "Howl's Moving Castle" (plus other movies made by Studio Ghibli... I believe I spelled that right...)
Bonus Headcanon, (a bit of a future headcanon techically... but..) When Honey eventually opens up a bit more and lets loose more of the emotions they have locked away, I totally see them becoming more anxious and nervous... and as a way to fidget/stim Honey will either write or paint... (I imagine they even gave Casey a painting once though it was a small painting...)
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
Okay My Darling, can I get your BTS Girl Dad headcannons? I have a mighty need. 🌹
Seokjin - all about the tea parties. His daughters serve the best air on the block and you best believe he is making her uncles attend one a month. Every time he spoils them with a new princess dress (although he buys the middle a three piece suit when she asks because she wants to match daddy)
Yoongi - He has hair bows coming out of his ears. He has learned every braid suitable for his daughters hair type, as well as a couple for their friends from the international school. He has also bought all of the gadgets to do fancy twists and big bouffants just for fun.
Hoseok - takes his daughter to daddy/daughter ballet classes. And then for a massive cookie afterwards. They have a specific bakery that he always takes her too because she loves the chocolate cookie. He also takes her here when he returns from tour, for her birthday, after he first break up, and on results day
Namjoon - He planted a flower garden just after she was born. Had her sitting in a bouncer under an umbrella while he worked and his partner slept off the taxing pregnancy. As she grows up it's something they do together. Spending a lot of time in nurseries picking new plants to add. He has a lot of photos of her lying in petals and making flower crowns, and he treasures each one.
Jimin - learns to bake. He is gutted when he finds out his daughter doesn't want to dance. She wants to read and draw and bake. Still he takes it in his stride. It starts with box recipes but they both tire of those quickly so he spends time researching cookies and cakes. He reaches out to the chefs that they've met over the years for advice. They have matching aprons, which is good because a lot more flour seems to cover them rather than be in the bowl.
Taehyung - goes overboard on animals. She asks for a bunny, she gets one. She asks for a puppy, she gets one. She asks for a pony, he buys a stable. He also buys 1000 stuffed animals. His daughters have a separate room filled with stuffed animals that they like to take naps in.
Jungkook - His baby girl is nobody else's baby girl. He starts her off in martial arts classes as soon as she can walk. He also makes sure she can swim, takes her to all the lessons himself, always. Likes to be at every gala, every belt ceremony, every school assembly. He always makes sure to wear something that matches her so you know who's daddy he is, even if that means sparkly pink swim trunks
@stealth-liberal sorry it took me so long to get to 😂😅
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bloodiegawz · 1 year
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Rose Hunt-Clover (he/any)
Nicknames: Ma petite rose (Rook), Kiddo (Trey), Rosie (Epel, Cater), Little Briar (Like all of Diasomnia lmao), Ortho's friend (Idia)
House: None (yet 👀)
Class: None
Age: 12-14, but definitely younger than the boys at NRC
Birthday: Unknown
Height: 146cm
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Homeland: Sage's Island
Likes: Sunlight, making friends, learning
Dislikes: Being alone, darkness, others' sadness
Hobbies: Asking questions. Like... a lot of questions.
Favorite food: Just straight up dirt, also anything sugary
Least favorite food: Salty foods
Talent(s): Singing
Signature spell/Unique magic: ???
- The young mascot of the Science Club. Gave this title to himself and takes it very seriously.
- He was born of one of Rook's many ✨extravagant✨ experiments! Trey had to beg him to use a subject that wasn't like... a cat or something in case it went wrong.
- Spends their time wandering into random classes and trying to follow whatever lesson is being taught.
- Upon learning what last names are, adopted his because Rook and Trey were the first people he saw after transforming.
- He also refers to them as his fathers occasionally.
- Has shown to be magically capable but hasn't expanded on it.
- Apparently, he can communicate with flowers and most other plants, but he doesn't seem to like them because "they gossip too much".
- Absolutely loves to sing and has a surprisingly beautiful voice. She often sings her sentences, though specifically for Riddle and sometimes on Vil's request.
- He has a knack for reading body language and emotions, and will often mirror what the person he's talking to is feeling.
- Ortho is his absolute best friend.
- When inside, they're usually sleepy unless it's well-lit. Will otherwise spent their time pressed against a windowpane.
- Trey dyes Rose's hair if he attends unbirthday parties (via Doodle Suit/Paint the Roses)
- Usually isn't shy, but if she gets embarrassed will hide her face.
- Vil buys him custom outfits. Absolutely spoiled.
- He sleeps in whatever dorm will accept him for the night.
- They have an unusual amount of sharp teeth, and sometimes accidentally bites their own tongue and lip to the point of bleeding. Trey gave them tooth caps for this, though they don't always wear them.
- Along with his teeth, his nails are naturally sharp.
- Has a soft spot for romantics and love stories.
rosie!!!!!! rosie my beloved first twst oc ever <33
i finally made him an actual outfit so that's sweet! it's like a leotard with a collar? he also has another pair of slippers so he's not just wearing the ballet shoes all the time
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merigoldaround · 7 months
Okay, finally properly watching the documentary and I have a few thoughts. (I guess this is bit of a summary too, so spoiler warning maybe? And this is just how I experienced the documentary, if someone sees it differently, that's fine too). It got long so I put it under the cut.
Face off: I just love how they build the melody, how Jimin is part of it so fully, it starts with the tune Jimin plays and builds from there. He hums the melody while walking around the table and PDogg has to remind him to record everything, because it sounds good. Honestly this part had me in tears a bit, I don't know why, just watching them build the song and being proud of Jimin's effort in it. They then work on the lyrics, Jimin says there's a story behind them, a story about betrayal (the song tells about a "rebellious spirit due to betrayal"). It's a story about making a mistake and trusting the wrong people, but also him being better without those people, that it's their loss. (This is me paraphrasing what he said in the documentary.)
Like Crazy: PDogg says "it's sort of sorrowful dance party... It's like getting drunk" when they work on the first beats and melodies. And again Jimin just starts humming the melody that later is part of the song and PDogg catches it even though he's doing it so quietly. I love how they've captured these little moments, where Jimin is quietly humming the melody and PDogg goes "that's good!". PDogg is the one saying a conversation between a man and a woman would sound good at the beginning if Jimin would find a movie that suits best. And then Jimin immediately thinks about the movie Like Crazy and that's how they even end up naming the song. As they're writing the lyrics Namjoon says he'll help with them after Jimin gets the story he wants to tell out first. I think it's the post production phase where Jimin says Like Crazy is the song everyone likes the most whenever he plays the songs to people, while Set me free pt2 is Jimin and the team's favourite.
A side note: I love how Jimin erupts in little dances along the whole documentary, whether it's something cute or maybe a few ballet-like steps or just having fun. The dancer he his.
Alone: Jimin says it was the most difficult of the songs. It's interesting, Jimin says that the lielielielielielielie part sounds to him a bit like people laughing at him and pointing at him and how he wanted to write about it. I love how Jimin says he's having fun working on the song. And I think it's Ghstloop (sorry if I got that wrong), who says the whole album is so unpredictable (and yes it kind of is, in the best way possible). I love watching Jimin slowly finding the melody for the song, he's so good at it and the way the team cheers him on in the process is so nice to see. And the way it's Jimin's idea to put the sound effects for the "falling" part, he really is an idea bank like he said in his live. While writing the lyrics Jimin says "I keep melting into these moments, it has so much emotional labor." And he really worked so hard, revisiting old painful memories isn't easy. The way he says he once thought the way he wrote in the lyrics is painful to hear, but we all have those times, don't we (if someone doesn't then they should consider themselves really lucky). Him talking about how he had a difficult time facing the emotions, hiding them, trying to say it's all okay. I'm glad to see him in a better place during the song making process though, seeing that he's past the emotions Alone is about.
Another side note: I found his face planting onto the couch in despair because of the lyrics very relatable as a creative person. Sometimes creating is just that.
Letter (Dear.Army): About Letter Jimin says how he wanted to make a song where he could express his feelings to the fans in a better and more genuine way compared to always writing thank yous to weverse. I love that it's Jimin playing the guitar and coming up with the chords and again the teamwork with the producers and how they support Jimin. The way Jimin knows from the beginning it's going to be an emotional song once he gets the lyrics right and he does. I wonder how the Dear.Army title came about since Jimin seems happy about the Letter (in Korean) title, they could've easily just translated it directly too. Jimin says the title Letter is like him, nothing pretentious. He looks so happy when he has Jungkook recording background vocals to it, and Jk does beautiful harmonies. To me it sounded like Jungkook was a bit worried his contribution was too much, but Jimin seemed just happy to have him there singing as much as he could.
Set me free pt2: First of all it's clear they all love this one, they seem to have so much fun creating it. Jimin is adorable when he meets the choir in LA. And just watching the whole process of how this song develops, the way he plays with his voice, the way he lets it all out while recording, the way they're all jumping around while listening to it, it gives me the feeling that it's such an empowering song for Jimin.
His ending words are touching. Him telling about how he contacted PDogg after coming home from Las Vegas, wanting to tell his story, feeling worn out, having to go through a deep emotional journey, facing the feelings he's had, hating it, but also having fun doing it. He mentions talking to Hobi, how when trying once you can see where you can try your best the next time.
I wrote too much I think, but I just loved seeing how the songs got their start, how they built them, how involved Jimin was in all of the parts of the process, how much of it was his work. It was definitely a collaborative effort too, I think Jimin was lucky to have such an encouraging team with him working on the album.
If you got this far then I hope what I said made sense. I just really enjoyed watching this, getting insight to how Jimin functions in a way.
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