#hawks hates everything about being in a cell
tiredpaladins · 2 years
Well since I was talking about Hawks having an abnormally high as fuck caloric intake and it IS starvation day for hurt Hawks week-
Imagine people just not knowing this. His diet requirements have just never been something he's shared. So when the League of Villains finds out he's a spy and takes him hostage, they are feeding him. They don't hate him, don't want him dead, he's just a liar and more importantly: a threat that they need to have contained. So of course they're giving him food. This imprisonment is all just temporary until the villains can win their fight.
Which is why Dabi doesn't know what to do when one of the PLF guards comes to tell him that Hawks is acting very sick. Pale, shakey, lethargic. They don't know why because he is eating and he's not throwing it up and isn't coughing or anything like that. So Dabi, for the first time since Hawks was captured, goes into the cell to talk to him. He's horrified when the closer look at the hero shows how much weight he's lost, how dull his eyes and feathers are. It's then that Dabi realizes they've been unintentionally starving him the entire time he's been in here. And worse, since Hawks had no contact with anyone, he had no idea if it was intended or not. If it was a misunderstanding, or if the League wanted him to be weak and hurting.
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starwalker03 · 6 months
I’m not over Slade leaving Dick in the army to get alone time. It’s so fucked and hilariously in line with Slade’s parenting records. (This is why Grant and Rose hate you Slade) I’m sure it did not help Dick’s abandonment issues.
What did Slade do while Dick was away in service?
before when Slade would lock Dick in cell in solitary confinement, did he ever do it because Dick was annoying him rather then a punishment?
lmao yeah he's just... such a piece of work.
Mostly he'd do the same things just without having to worry about his apprentice running along beside him. emotional manipulation is so tiring guys he just needs a break every now and then.
Especially cause Dick is one of those people he has to watch like a hawk for any signs of trouble. did he hesitate when he pulled the trigger? did he consciously chose to injure not kill when he attacked that guy? is he understanding everything about a scene or problem correctly? is his brain working exactly how Slade wants it to?
Having Dick away for so long means he has less control, sure, but it also means Dick will miss being with Slade. and he can still check in and spy on him and make sure that Dick isn't just acting well around Slade and that everything Slade has taught him is genuinely ingrained as habit.
plus it allows him to have time with Rose and Wintergreen without Dick being there as well.
Solitary was mostly just a punishment and not a petty way to keep Dick away from him. he had other means of keeping Dick busy that didn't involve that. The thing with solitary is Dick would come out the other end fragile, and Slade can't just manhandle his emotional and mental state carelessly, he has to put in the effort to make sure he remembers it as 'Slade good, misbehaving bad, because punishment means being away from Slade' y'know what I mean?
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Heartbeat(1997)-Watching Con O'Neill's old stuff cause it's fun. Day #? REX HAWKINS!
Heartbeat S07-Ep.16 The Queen’s Message
Should you watch this? 
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It’s fun, you don’t need context for the series, and its a full story. Fun for what it is. Con in this is wet and pathetic. It’s 50 minutes, and another one-off thing. Not as fun as Pie in the Sky, still a good time. 
As always, thanks to my mutual Con lovers! If you haven't watched it, skip this, as always! I hope everyone has a great week!
@dianetastesmetal @gydima @ivegotnonameidea @treesofgreen @vicsuragi
That was his milk! Fucking rude.
How about we never borrow money ever again! Why is it so easy to get in debt with the mob? Maybe it's my small-town roots showing, but damn.
Also, I’m jealous, why does Con's characters get choked out so often? That and the gun thing!
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Are we allowed to hate the cops in this one, 'cause I already do
This had to have been made in the 90s
THIS IS THE DOCTOR ONE!!!!! The one where Con is in that white coat?
How are half the people in this looking like its still the 60s, love interest’s hair is interesting
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Help Calude! He’s just an old guy, Jesus lady. 
The most homeless-looking man with a homeless-looking dog. 
G-man(half-life) Con Look
Who embroiders a Doctor’s jacket like that, it looks a mechanics smock 
This is Cons character from ‘Vengeance is Mine’s backstory.
Con is named Rex Hawkings yeah?
HE’S A MECHANIC!?! Oh, he’s a handyman. 
WHEN DOES THIS SHOW TAKE PLACE? Color TV’s? Weren’t they common in the 90s?
That's a lil gremlin dog
Okay, the poor guy broke his antique, Rex sings in a choir and has a few ladies after him, then got shoved down the steps. A cop is suspicious of his motives
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Weird hat lady totally influenced someone to push Rex.
Oh, Nevil did it with ladies' help, cool
'LOL BAXTER'. Oh to be named Lol. That is a bard DND name begging to be stolen.
Her eyelashes bug me a bit, and I have no clue why.
Lol is waiting at Rex’s shop, great, lets have the mom be a witness.
“You finger me, you tell the cops?” EXCUSE ME? Is that what Lol just said?
The amount Con is able to spit in every role he’s in shocks me.
Calling the cops won't do shit babe, he's being strangled right now.
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Oh Good, another Con character who knows to be careful with what you say to the cops
I feel for the homeless-looking guy, he’s just not given any slack. 
Shit, well, damn. Rex is kinda fucked. 
Oh good, you need to swindle a shit ton of people to make the money back. Lovely situation you got going on there Rex. 
He’s not too careful about not being seen near Rex in public, is Lol. 
The fact they kept a dog quiet that long in the back of a car is shocking. Also, clown car. That was like 12 guys.
HHALKJSDAHS Looney Tunes run into a door trick
Haaahakjlja Fucking love him, smashes the antique, great
Well, at least Rex got to sing at the thing at least. To an audience of fifteen or so people.  
HAAAAAAAAhahaha they replaced his part with a child!!!! 
I thought the Queen's Speech was also done through the radio, that’s the whole thing. Let the public hear it. 
You know, I want this same setup, but Con’s character is like, way more of a dangerous criminal. Not an incidental criminal, but has to keep up these two lives
Con’s panicking is very funning
It is obvious that he just wants protection
“Will that do?” *SMASHES PHONE.* He’s dumb and way too scared to survive prison. 
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That feels illegal. In so many ways. 
Oh look, they’re vibin. 
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Scared Con is always kind of fun. 
God I don’t know most Christmas carols, huh. 
Whelp, Rex is imprisoned with the same guy who was threatening his life, and everything else is back to normal.
Overall, not bad. I watched this one with the brother, so my commentary was a bit more sparse this time. We made a ton of ‘Vengeance is Mine’ x ‘This show’ jokes, which was very fun. I swear, he remembers that movie better than I do which was funny. My favorite joke being that guns magically respawn around Con's characters, and he just needs to find a kit. Go out and get rid of Lol.
This is one of the few characters where Con got to be scared as shit without any way to fight back. It’s funny that the whole plot revolves around Rex being kind of a piece of shit, and the cops don’t care. It doesn't really work for me.
Seriously, he rented out broken TVs. Which is scummy, yeah, but not the worst thing, and it’s not like he did it on purpose! You know how many broken LED TVs get returned every holiday season? It’s kinda normal for a ton of them to be shit. I guess he’s also kinda a dick for getting that one guy kicked out of the church choir, but it wasn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Idk, I was a bit more sympathetic to Rex than I was supposed to be? But that’s kinda common for these shows with Con being a guest star. Especially when he’s as pathetic as Rex is. 
I have no idea what this whole show is about. If the cops are the main focus or not. I liked the poor guy, he was generally fun. Everyone else just felt vaguely off putting. Might just be the dated lingo, this came out in 1997’ so… 
CON: 8/10. Really fun. Wet, pathetic, and this is one of his earlier roles, like 1 or 2 years after Pie in the Sky and Soldier Soldier. Cool for him to morally be a wrong and not an actual threat to anybody. His singing was great, and he gave a solid performance. Scared little rat man.
It’s dated, and it feels like it’s from its time. Generally, I don’t like town gossip stories and that is what this is. I wonder how this all ties into the rest of the show, but I have no want to go find out. Not bad though. 
(I also used my Con drinking game for this, and was well-hydrated!)
Solid 7-8/10. Great time!
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god I am so out of it I nearly forgot to share my c!prime dream
anyway so like. in it the disc finale was staged but like not for c!tommy and c!tubbo? it was weird like they were kidnapped and murdered respectively but everything was staged to cause paranoia and implicate secret involvements with everyone in the server, so they’d turn on themselves while going mad trying to find c!dream as he fucked off very far away to experiment or something? and the prison was there to drive that? idk
anyway c!tommy was kept in like this little bunker but it was nice. like a little cottage it even had a fake back yard build. but also it was like super childish. like nothing that’d be inappropriate for young kids he had a ton of plushies and colouring books but no violent media stuff like that and he had a strict bedtime. but dream treated him very nicely, if condescendingly. c!dream said something like “you’re not a bad kid you were just raised wrong so I’m going to raise you right” or something? i know that was like the sort of excuse he used (the real reason was obviously bc he knew c!tommy hated being treated like a child and he was using it to manipulate him).
c!dream would give him more age appropriate things if he “acted maturely” but his definition of it was literally just being Nice and Obedient. they’d be taken away the second he stopped doing that, and if he continued, he'd be punished. c!dream was like “nice” about it in a not mad just disappointed way but obviously he was awful and abusive and just trying to hide it. and he didn’t even have to consider if c!tommy would die after bc he knew the revive book worked. i remember one punishment was just him being left alone for days which bc c!dream brought the food meant he’d starve and often resort to eating whatever plants he was growing in the “garden” (which often lead to him being poisoned bc some pretty flowers are very deadly!)
but like. c!dream would also sometimes bring c!tubbo over to spend time with c!tommy (while watching him like a hawk) and c!tommy learnt that c!Tubbo was also being treated relatively “kindly”- he was being killed and experimented on in awful ways, but he had a comfortable cell with nice food and entertainment, and if he filled out diaries he'd be allowed to chat with c!dream and c!Punz for a bit usually about science bc they’re all nerds (secretly they used what c!Tubbo said to aid their research) so they both really struggled on how to view him. because he was awful and abusive but he was also kind to them, and they couldn’t figure out a reason why he’d pretend to be nice when there was no one else around.
it was a weird dream probably bc of The Meds lol
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hawksmybirdie7 · 1 year
Keigo wanted to spend Christmas with Enji but he didnt want to intrude. It's time to be with family and he not part of the family.
They don't know about our relationship yet Enji did say he was going to tell them. Keigo isn't sure when but he knows Enji going to do it.
Keigo sighs looking down everyone looks so happy and here he is miserable.
"I wish I was off I could do something fun." Keigo mumbles he takes his cell out scroll through social media Everyone says happy holidays or posting pictures of themselves with family Hawks sighs again texts Rumi.
Hawks knows she is on patrol maybe they can meet up for dinner.
When Rumi texts him back. "Sorry babe Im meeting up with my mom you can join us!" Hawks says no enjoy your time together. "Well looks like it's just me." Keigo wraps his arms around himself watches the street.
Endeavor got up from his desk and shut his laptop Shoto called him and said everything was almost done are you on your way home? Enji was grateful for his relationship with his kids and ex wife going well. Not completely fixed but it's working.
Enji calls Keigo he doesn't want wing hero to be alone.
"Keigo?" Wing man answers with sorry the wind was strong.
"Enji! Hi didn't think you would call me." Enji frowns why wouldn't he call him and Hawks sounds sad.
"Are you flying?" Keigo tilts his head lands on roof," I was why? Something wrong?" Enji knew he shouldn't do this but he wants Keigo to be with him today not alone.
"Meet me at my office we need to go over something."
"Ok be there in a couple minutes!" Keigo ends the call and flies over.
"He is not going to be happy with me."
Enji takes Keigo to his house bird hero wonder why they couldn't stay at the office.
"Rei and Fyumi made dinner wants us to be here to enjoy it." Keigo doesn't want to intrude Fyumi comes to greet them she smiles that them.
"Hi Dad happy you made it! Oh Hawks san so happy you're here please come in." Keigo walks in and takes his boots off he follows Endeavor.
"Enji good to see you." Enji gave his ex wife small smile nods at her she looks at Hawks san," hello Hawks so nice of you to join us here have biscuit." Keigo takes one bites into it almost moans its sooo good!
"yum this is delicious Rei San I can eat the whole basket!" Enji rolls his takes the basket from him Keigo pouts Rei hides her laugh.
"Let's sit at the table Keigo behave yourself." Keigo grins follows Enji the pro heroes walk over to the table Rei watches them she wants to say something but not now.
"Mom are you ok?" She smiles nods," yes honey I'm good just watching your father and Hawks. How long have they been together?" Fyumi tries to remember what she knew for while now it's funny that they think we don't know!
Shoto walks in with Bakugou the two been dating over year now. Fyumi gave her brother boyfriend bright smile.
"Hi Katsuki good to see you it's been awhile."
"Hey Fyumi and Rei nice to see you two thanks for inviting me." Rei gave the teen hug.
"Let's go eat."
Everyone sat down and ate Keigo nervous calm down but he was still on edge he not use to these family dinners everyone was in good spirits.
Natsuo and Touya behaved they didn't make comments about Hawks being there and Fyumi sweetheart she kept asking me if I want more I declined. After dinner we went in the living room.
"Enji aren't we supposed to work on. Enji cut him off pulled Hawks onto the couch next to him," No we are not working Keigo I brought you here to relax and enjoy Christmas. The commission isn't in charge of you anymore." Keigo sat up look at Enji he wanted to cry.
"You want me here?" Enji nods he really hates seeing Keigo like this he wants to change that.
"Yes I do now relax and enjoy yourself." Keigo smiles and buries himself next to Enji Bodies press against each other. Keigo felt so good he holds Enji tight.
"Geez dad couldn't wait until you're alone." Touya drops himself on other couch Enji looks at his oldest son he raise eyebrow.
"Touya we're not doing anything don't be so loud Keigo asleep." Bakugou sits next to Touya who begins to tease the blonde.
"Ok everyone let's watch some movies then open presents oh is Hawks asleep?" Enji nods runs his fingers through thick hair Fyumi takes picture.
"Let him sleep poor dear looks like he hasn't slept now let's watch some Christmas movie." Enji thankful Rei step in she good at distracting the kids.
Enji not big fan of Christmas movies Keigo woke up middle of the movie he looks around confused then realized where he at.
"Sorry I fell asleep." Enji pulls him close," don't worry about you can go back to sleep we're just watching movies going to open presents Keigo hums close his eyes.
"Thank you for inviting me Enji." Endeavor hugs Keigo close whisper in his ear," Anytime Keigo." That brings a smile to Keigo's face He is so happy to have Enji and his family who welcome him with open arms.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
One thing I find amusing about Hawke's cameo in Inquisition is that, they could literally be in a relationship with Anders and know exactly where he is, and Cassandra does not question it? No one questions it? Hawke is literally hiding an abomination somewhere out there, one who killed the Grand Cleric, and Cassandra doesn't even react? She's even worried if Anders gets to receive a letter if Hawke doesn't make it? And hopes they reunite if they do? It's so weird. XD
Everything about how Anders is treated in DAI is bizarre due to Bioware realizing that some people were like "Hey, maybe blowing up the symbol of oppression in the city that has an actual tangible negative impact on how Kirkwall is due to Tevinter bullshit with the woman who cheerily benefited from the suffering in the city and did approximately fuck all to fix it inside, thereby forcing the mass slaughter of the population of the Gallows into the open instead of letting the Templars just kill them all in their cells and almost certainly saving some lives, was not a purely evil act" and frantically trying to retcon everything he did. I will never be over the claim that blowing up one building somehow killed over a hundred people, caused severe structural damage, and changed the tidal patterns of a port city. That just does not physics. It was one building.
But yeah, Hawke going "Uh yeah Anders is... evil and crazy and bad, please don't ask me where he is" is genuinely kind of hilarious if you assume that Hawke's lying their ass off. They're literally just like "Oh yes I hate the love of my life so much" and no one questions it. And yeah, no one caring that Hawke knows exactly where the apostate who blew up Elthina is is so funny. Of course it could also be a display of cunning on Hawke's part: if they say that obviously they think Anders is bad and wrong, no one in this Chantry organization will question it because the Chantry higher-ups don't comprehend that maybe some people think the Chantry is bad! Although Cassandra being super invested in Hawke and Anders's relationship is actually fantastic, it makes fuck all sense. Cassandra why are you so obsessed with Hawke's relationship with their boyfriend who blew up the Grand Cleric.
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veenxys · 2 years
「BNHA Boys giving you the partner privilege」
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⤷ Bakugou he hates losing or being behind someone, it’s a horrible feeling that he hates with all his heart. but for you, he can learn to accept. he doesn’t complain or curse when you’re better than him in a test or game - even because he let you win. it’s something he would kill to get, but now, he would kill to make you win, because your smile and your well-being are priceless.
⤷ Deku he would give you anything you want; are you looking for a certain food or drink? he’s already getting it for you without question. it’s movie night and you want to watch a movie that no one else wants to watch? one way or another he’s going to make sure you’re watching that movie. he just wants to see you happy - and also because he likes to pamper you. the second you arrive, his friends are rolling their eyes because they know how much he’s wrapped around your finger, just a fool in love.
⤷ Kirishima
you’re the only person who can play with his hair. it’s hard for him to get his hair the way he likes it and he does his best to make sure other people don’t ruin all the effort he put in, but you’re different; he doesn’t mind you playing or running your fingers through his hair, he loves the feeling and loves you enough to let you do whatever you want with his hair.
⤷ Todoroki
he always seems serious and closed with people, but with you it’s different. you are the only person who sees his true side; the fun, spontaneous and loving side of him. you’re one of the few people who’s ever heard his laugh, or made him slow dance in the kitchen with you. you are the only person he allows himself to be, you are always the one for him.
⤷ Denki
he always lets you stop him, always reckless in stupid decisions in which he’ll obviously get hurt; all his friends tell him not to do it and he ignores until it comes from you. you don’t find it funny when he shorts circuits, you don’t laugh when he’s in danger, you want the best of him and that’s why he listens to you, and only you
⤷ Tamaki
he brings small gifts constantly. he can’t stop thinking about you and in everything he sees he sees you; whether it’s a coffee at that coffee shop at the end of the street that he knows you like, or that flower he saw in a tree on his way home. every little gift has meaning and a little bit of his heart. he just walks into the room with the sweetest smile to say ‘i have something for you my love’
⤷ Shinsou
he gives you all his love and affection; it’s like he freely gives his heart to you, when it comes to you, he’d give you the entire galaxy if he could. he would let you do anything; playing with his hair, stealing his clothes, eating his last piece of pizza.. he is also more affectionate physically like; he gives you long and warm hugs, soft and long kisses until you lose your breath, plays with your hair while he look through his cell phone, pulls you into his lap... he loves you with all his heart, and only you.
⤷ Hawks
shows you off in every way possible - honestly, most of the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. he’s always looks in love with you like ‘wow, you’re so perfect for me’. he also gets his eyes in his heart looking at you but still doesn’t understand how people guessed you were dating... but he honestly doesn’t complain, it just makes him show you even more to others because he wants to show everyone that he has the world in his hands.
⤷ Dabi
you’re the only person he really likes to be around. he wants your presence all the time; it’s not that he’s suffocating you, it’s just that he wants to be surrounded by you all the time. like he could literally spend 48 hours locked in a room with you and still feel like he needs more time - like no you can’t leave, we’re not done yet. no matter how much time you spend with him, it will never be enough for him and he will never get tired of your delightful presence; he truly cherishes you and wants nothing more than to give you all of the love he can for as long as possible. your existence alone to him is so mesmerizing, he really doesn’t understand how you’re his or what he did to deserve you.
⤷ Shigaraki
he hates to be interrupted while playing, but you are always an exception; when you arrive in the room he always looks quickly at you and takes a headset out of his ear, attentive to anything you are going to say. if you are sad or discouraged. he lets you sit on his lap and he listens intently to everything you have to say. but if you want, he’ll even turn off the computer/video game because he really cares about you - but he’s a little upset that you made him left the game when he was about to win, but he put this aside and focus on you; because what matters most is you, and always you.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tags! @tiiredcorpse, @avocamich, @yfneccentric, @nishayuro, @hazyspells, @belovedserenityy, @shrimpy109, @rorikau, @mlb-hp-hoo, @itisaclock, @hirugummies, @insomniacwreck, @afairywithacrown, @3-am-depression, @cherries4denki, @solyxa, @belsumu, @mitsuyaya, @gwynsapphire, @justanotherfangirlwup, @afk-dreaminq, @jahnvi-d, @horrorcvnts, @gratefulstranger, @mayukhii, @uwiuwi, @idunnomynamesince2005, @blossominglark, @delvine, @simpingforsero, @uravichii, @izukus-gf, @seanicsiren, @infectedtee, @myiahh, @toxji, @b4ngal, @thezegendofzelda, @luluwiie, @kageyama-i-want-tobiors, @painfullyghst, @i1k, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @shoutaswhore, @sleazysquid, @gluchie. @bobakugo, @taurus852, @shimshim42 <3
.˳⁺⁎˚ taglist + masterlist! ˚⁎⁺˳ .
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dawbi · 3 years
taking care of the bnha boys when they’re sick (gif reaction)
warnings - flu/cold symptoms, swearing !!
characters - midoriya, bakugou, todoroki, dabi, & hawks
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do not listen to his "i'm fine y/n. really." poor boy is light headed and trying to sniffle his way through the day. no, not on your watch. "babe, i'm gonna need you to rest. i'm not gonna even try asking." "but i--" you shake your head and lightly push him back onto the bed and pull the blanket over him. he pouts but deep down inside he knows he needs to take it easy. you would have to ask him if he needs anything because he will not want to bother you. and if you know how to cook, a nice homemade soup would be perfect in this situation but if you're like me, a cup of noodles 🍜 will suffice. either way, it warms izuku's heart that you'd take care of him and will finish every single drop of it. no complaints. *sniffle* "thanks, love." he sneezes into the bowl right after lol. he's so cute red-faced from his fever and from the mishap that you just walk over to him and hold his face in your hands. "y/n." "what?" "don't get so *sniffle* close, you're gonna *sniffle* get sick." you ignore the warning and lean in to kiss him but, he turns his head and his arms form an x. "w-wait till i get better." you can't help but giggle at his cuteness. when he goes back to lie down, you reach for the remote and flip through a couple channels. a couple minutes later, you hear light snores coming from your boyfriend's direction and a small smile forms on your face. you quietly leave the room so he could rest peacefully. a couple hours pass and midoriya wakes up feeling so much better and he's giddy. he gets up to walk over to the room you're in and stands at the entrance, not even saying a word ssdgjjfs. you look over at him and raise a brow. "are you feeling better, izuku?" he smiles instead of giving a verbal reply. he's still standing there awkwardly until you ask "so does that mean...?" izuku smiles and walks towards you to hold your face this time. "maybe~" he playfully answers. he places soft kisses all over your face as you giggle. midoriya always appreciates everything you do for him so prepare for him to make it up to you x1000 💖
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his own cells are pissed off. bakugou will not take it easy even if he’s sick, so pls you’d have to take care of him 🥺 would put up a fight if you tell him to rest. “y/n! it's just a stupid fever, i'm not gonna die!" "baby, i know you're strong and all but imma need you to chill." you look down at the thermometer and it's at 102 degrees. "it's gonna go higher if you don't shut up." the blonde furrows his brows and starts arguing with the thermometer about how it's lying. bakugou is probably delirious at this point who knows lol. "suki please. you're making me stress out here." he doesn't like hearing that. he hates ever being the cause of your worries. so, without a word he gets up and plops on the couch, ready for you to place an ice pack on his forehead. there are a few times he tries to get up to get something himself instead of asking you but, you just send him a look and he huffs while not moving an inch. after you get him some water and medicine, his fever seems to have gone down a bit. you sit together on the couch watching dr.phil because that's what comes on in the early day. "what a loser. that bald guy better roast his ass after the commercial." "his name is dr. phil babe." you two exchange laughs throughout the episode and bakugou ends up placing his head on your lap. you look down at him questioningly and he just murmurs "i’m feeling dizzy ok? just give me a minute." you run your fingers through his hair and massage his scalp. you notice he's watching you and you pull back thinking it was annoying him. "oh sorry!" "no, it's fine. i...like it." he grabs your hand and softly places it back on his hair. never would bakugou admit this but maybe it's his cold making him. "you're so cute." you tell him and place a kiss on his forehead. he feels his face heating up and he knows it's not his fever. "shut up." bakugou says out of embarrassment and turns to the side. "...you are." he murmurs. again, it's "the fever talking". a smile forms on your face and you continue running your fingers through his blonde hair. you two end up falling asleep like that with the tv still on. omg if you get sick because of him he will yell at you for putting yourself at risk while going full on protective mood uwu.
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todoroki would want to look strong for you. he's been sick plenty of times before and he doesn't like feeling like a burden. "baby, you know we can stay in right?" todoroki had been planning on taking you out on a date for awhile now since you hadn't gotten the chance to spend much time together recently. "i'm fine y/n. let's--" he cuts himself off in a fit of coughs. you rush over to him and push his bangs aside to feel his forehead. it's obvious he has a fever and these coughs sound painful as hell. "todoroki shouto. you must think i'm crazy if i'm gonna let you out of this house." before he can even respond you start heading into his room to set his bed. "hey, if you're not over here in 10 seconds i'm gonna drag you here myself." he sighs and walks towards the room. todoroki appears with a frown on his face and sits on the bed while saying “love, i wanted to take you out today.” coughs right after his sentence. “cool. can you lie down?” he gives you a salty look but complies as soon as he sees your unamused face. shouto doesn’t wanna admit that he’s feeling weak. won’t ask for any medicine or anything. “babe, i need you to take this.” “i don’t need it.” “yes.” “no.” it’s frustrating but you two compromise and he takes some cough drops. you leave your boyfriend to rest for a bit and get him tea that helps with coughing and some soba. cold of course. just as you carry the soba with you to give to todoroki, he’s already in the kitchen. “nooo i was gonna take it you.” he looks at what you brought for him and his eyes land on the cold soba. it all hits him and he feels shy. “y-you didn’t have to do all this.” todoroki looks to the side as he says this. “stop sho. of course i’m gonna take care of you!” you smile at him. “i love you but i’m gonna be pissed if you don’t eat this.” you point to the soba and he slightly smiles. shouto takes a seat and says “thank you, i love you too.” and then a fit of coughs follows. your smile fades and you pass over the cup of tea to him. “start sipping 😀🔪”
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omg this man is a big baby on the inside. he’s smirking at your attempts of taking care of him but, he loves it. “how tf did you manage to get a fever of 114 degrees?” dabi rolls his eyes and argues “it’s not a big deal. i’ve always dealt with it when i overheat.” you give him a 🤨🤨 “and am i just supposed to let you be?” “uh yeah?” without a word, you get up and set the couch for him. "babe, lay tf down or imma make you lay tf down." normally dabi would playfully accept the challenge but, his fever has him feeling too weak to do so. hey, sometimes this man needs tough love because he usually rejects anything soft. he's just not that used to it yet. dabi gets up from his seat with the longest sigh and plops himself onto the couch. "thank you. now, let me go get an ice pack while you take off that jacket." you point to his jacket that he wears almost daily. "you're gonna overheat." dabi scowls as he angles his head currently located on the pillow, to look up at you. "what. did you get your phd in the last five minutes or something?" "just do it." "sorry, dr. y/l/n." yeah he doesn't stop calling you that the whole time lol. you come back to see that he listened to you and took his jacket off. "ok ready?" "...do i even have a choice?" he closes his eyes as his way of saying get on with it. you place the ice pack on his pretty forehead and hold it there for a bit. dabi opens his eyes and observes you. wow, someone is taking care of him? someone...cares? "open." your voice suddenly interrupts his thoughts. you're trying to get him to take the tylenol. if you're the one taking care of him, he doesn't wanna get better soon. "nope sorry doc. i'll do everything except that." which he does and especially loves every second of you taking care of him. the guy coughs obnoxiously loud to get you to come over to him. he doesn't even have a sore throat but you don't need to know that. dabi is a menace and will pull you down onto the couch to cuddle you. “babe, get you and your germs the fuck off of me.” “no.” if only you could see the soft smile on his face as he nuzzles into your warmth. after the cold passes, you mess with him before he leaves by speaking in a parental tone, “don’t forget your jacket! you’re gonna catch a cold.” as you put it on him he smirks. “ah is that so? then maybe i shouldn’t wear one then.” he then grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a kiss. his way of thanking you for everything.
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keigo definitely works a lot as a top hero. the stress of all of it mutated into a cold. to be honest, he didn't mind calling in for a day off with you. however, a part of him feels like it's wrong because he should be protecting people. "kei. you should stop watching the news for today. it's not good." he sneezes before an answer can come out. "but i'm not there today ya know? feels weird." keigo pouts and crosses his arms. "i know baby but today you need to relax." mans takes full advantage i'm sorry. he thinks it's cute when you worry about him and it's frustrating 😒. "kei, did you take the tylenol i left for you?" "oh? you left me one? could you feed it to me pls 😇😇" oh he saw it. keigo either wants you to baby him or to fluster you ajhsfdgshjskks. "y/n my love~ could you take off my clothes? i'm feeling too hot." you give him a look but he just winks at you. "bye." just pour water on his thirsty ass. beneath all the flirting, this hero is in love and greatful for you being in his life. he has someone waiting for him at home to wash away the stress and darkness. the one he works against at work and within himself. "why do you do all this?" you hear keigo's voice from the living room as you cut carrots in the kitchen. "do what?" keigo takes a deep breath, "take care of me." there he goes. you know your boyfriend well at this point. keigo's self-sabotaging again. you turn away from the cutting board to face him. "because i love you and even a hero needs someone to take care of them." his heart skips a beat pls he's such a simp for you. you turn back to the cutting board and a couple seconds later, you hear a trail of sniffles coming towards you. keigo wraps his arms around your middle and places his chin on your shoulder. "i love you too. you're my medicine, for everything." your boyfriend is a tease but, he's very sincere with his feelings for you. you let out a small chuckle. "alright, mr. hawks. allow me to continue making this healing soup." he chuckles at the name and gives you a quick peck before walking back to the living room. on his way back you hear him say, "you should probably make extra. you might need it later." oof good luck bb 🙃
a/n - omg sorry for the small hiatus ☹️ and tysm for 500+ 💕💓💓💞 i kinda wanna do an event but idk if anyone would participate :(((
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Your pregnancy stuff is absolutely adorable it KILLS ME— Can we get the Cell 13 gang with their S/Os in the delivery room?? Like how they comfort their laboring partner and how they act during the delivery itself?? QwQ
LE GASP YESSS, pregnancy stuff is one of my fav things to writeeee—  I had to jump on this as soon as I saw it o(≧∇≦o)
* * *
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
Is flipping the fuck out before and when you first get to the hospital
He can’t believe it’s actually time..!
While waiting for you to fully dilate, the two of you mostly just talk, but he also brought along a few puzzles to keep you occupied as you wait
Sits up in the bed with you for some comforting cuddles as you watch the TV, carefully wrapping his arms around you and gently rubbing your baby bump through the contractions
Offers you to squeeze his hand whenever a contraction hits, and rubs your shoulder with his free hand to soothe you through the pain
Flinches, ooches and ouches when you squeeze his hand too tight, but cares more about your comfort and bears with it
Rubs your shoulder and, despite having a slightly shaky voice from his nerves, whispers words of reassurance to you
“I-it’s okay, Y/N.. I’m here, everything’s gonna be okay..”
His anxious tone makes it seem as if he’s the one who needs to be reassured
Paces around the room anxiously when not by your side for any reason, biting his nails and watching you like a hawk
Probably almost faints at some point during the actual delivery
Never lets go of your hand throughout the birth, no matter how tight you squeeze
Scared. So scared. He’s worried something might go wrong, but tries his hardest to keep a straight face for you
Then he hears the baby’s first cry. Instant tears.
Sobs as the two of you hold the baby together, keeping his forehead against yours as he murmurs how happy he is and how much he loves the two of you
He was so unsure and afraid of becoming a dad, but getting to actually meet his very first child.. it was an amazing feeling. More amazing than he could’ve expected.
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🎲 Uno 🎲
Is very nervous when you go into labor, but also super hyped!
You’re going to get to meet your baby soon— how can he not be excited?
Lots of loving small talk as you wait for the delivery, and helps keep you distracted with magazines, card tricks, some videos on his phone.. anything he can think of to help.
Fantasizes with you about what your baby might look or be like. What eyes they’d have, their hair color, their gender.. so many possibilities!
Idly caresses your baby bump as you chat, baby talking it, overall being super sweet and loving
With the baby coming so soon, the two of you exchange name ideas back and forth, so you can eventually settle on the two chosen names for whether they’re a boy or girl
When it’s time to push, he’s right there beside you, holding your hand and coaching you along and comforting you
”That’s it honey, that’s it.. you’re doing so good.”
His thumb pets the top of your hand gently as he holds it, his other hand working on wiping your tears
Glances back and forth between your face and the doctors further down, anxiously watching and listening for any change
He’s doing a good job at hiding it, but during the actual labor, he gets pretty anxious. He hates seeing you in pain and feels bad for it
Supportive as can be throughout the birth, gently cheering you along, holding your hand tight, whispering comforting words..
When the baby cries for the first time he perks up, eyes wide and he lets out a breath of awe when he first catches sight of the baby
So in love the second the two of you hold them, a warm smile on his face as he admires the life you created and murmurs words of affection and admiration
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🍩 Rock 🍩
Super worried and never leaves your side, nor lets go of you as you rest in the bed
Presses gentle kisses to the back of your hand and murmurs comforting words to soothe your pained cries
Constantly checks in on you, asking if you’re okay, if you need anything..
If you get hungry at all during the wait, he’ll head down to the cafeteria or out to get you some fast food
As you eat, he rubs your shoulder and you exchange some light conversations, keeping you distracted the best he can
Sits closer to the bed and lets you lean your head against his chest or shoulder, rubbing the opposite side of your head comfortingly
Puts on some TV shows- probably something to do with food- for you to watch and distract yourself with as you wait
Constantly asks the doctors if they think it’ll be time soon, he just hates seeing you in pain- and just wants to meet your baby already- and wants it to be over with
When the time does come, he’ll help you through some breathing exercises, let you squeeze his hand as tight as you need..
Pretty quiet through most of it other than some words of encouragement and comfort, and his eyes are glued on your face, making sure you’re alright
Wipes your tears with his free hand and kisses your cheek comfortingly
Never looks away until he hears the baby cry. Turns his head so fast to look that he’s lucky he didn’t get whiplash
Nervous about holding the baby for the first time. They’re.. so tiny compared to him, he doesn’t want to hurt them on accident!
But when you do convince him to hold them, he’s so gentle and considerate, and starts crying when the baby looks up at him
Vows to protect the little angel with his life right then and there
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💊 Nico 💊
Just, panic.
Of course he’s super excited, what with the baby on the way, but.. he didn’t think it would be this painful for you!
All over you as you lay and wait no matter how much you reassure him that you’ll be fine
”Oh my gosh oh my gosh, Y/N, are you gonna be okay?! S-should I call the doctor?!”
Sits in bed with you and holds you close, comforting any pained cries you make and cuddling you, kissing you, petting your baby bump..
Begs the doctors to just take your pain away already— he can’t stand to see you in pain like this cause of him!
The calmer you are, the calmer he is
Once he’s done having his little freak outs, he distracts you with physical affection, playing games on his console.. tries anything he can think of to take your mind off the pain
When you start pushing he holds your hand tight with both of his own and is kinda shaky as he comforts you through it
Constantly asks the doctors if the baby’s almost out, kind of like a kid asking their parents “if they’re there yet” while on a car trip
Can’t help but cry along with you
If you’re in pain, he’s in pain
But, oh, his sympathetic tears are nothing compared to his happy tears when he hears the baby’s first cry
All the happy sobs as he praises you for doing so well and showers you in comforting, congratulatory kisses
So impatient to hold the baby and just won’t put them down once he gets his hands on them
So. Much. Baby talk. It’s friggen adorable as he coos at and plays with the baby, wiggling his fingers in front of their face and giggling along with them
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What's your favorite moments from Blood and Ash?
Ok I love this question but it's also one of the hardest asks I've ever had to answer because how HOW do I narrow it down!!! I'm just going to do the first book because otherwise this post is gonna be as long as the books themselves lol!
The Red Pearl scene! Just an all round A+ first meeting. Poppy freezing up and going along with it because "oh no he's hot, and oh god he's taking his shirt off look at his abs" The "you should get off" "I was planning to" innuendo. Poppy thinking about how she feels "safe" with Hawke right from the start. Hawke feeling "contentment" being around Poppy, oh the signs, the signs that their heartmates, I cry. And the Hawke pov where he's like how sloshed was I the last time I was with the owner of this cloak because I do not remember their body being like this??!! And when he removes Poppy's hood and is like HOLY SHIT IT'S THE MAIDEN!! And when Poppy says hi and he's like that was... cute!!! 💓😄💖😄💓
The rise scene! Everything about it is *chefs kiss* The tension™ so much tension! Poppy trying to play it cool and not reveal who she is. Hawke knowing the WHOLE time and letting her sweat. The fighting, the banter, their bodies pressed up together and Hawkes thigh between Poppy's legs 🙄 Poppy throwing the dagger at him. Him loving it. The "I came back for you that night". And of course this scene gave us the iconic "you're an absolutely stunning murderous little creature". One of my fave scenes in the whole series!
Hawkes first day guarding Poppy where they're in the atrium and Davena and Loren are talking about the dark one being hot and you just know Hawke can hear them and is trying not to smirk. And Tawny being like "what are you going to do about him?" And Poppy all confused being like "the dark one??" And Tawnys like no Hawke! The blatent foreshadowing! And then they turn around and he's standing right there! And this is the scene where Casteel finds out Poppy's nickname and they start counting how many times he says it.
The scene immediately after the rise scene when Hawke confronts her in her room. Again just great banter and tension. Poppy stamping her foot and Hawke being like did that help? And them both realising what Poppy's wearing and Hawke giving her THAT roving look. But also I like that they start to talk and open up to each other a little bit in this scene.
When they're in the corridor and Casteel talks about his brother and Poppy touches his hand and takes his pain away and he doesn't know she's doing it. It's just soft. And it's made better knowing that later when Hawke finds out he says it was the best he's slept in ages.
The library ledge scene. Again the banter, the chemistry. The first apperance of the diary A+ for all.
The Willow. Enough said. Actually I'll just add this quote “I was seconds from taking you to the ground and becoming a very, very bad guard.” UGH
The Blood forest. When Hawke's talking about what he wants to do but is like we can't do that tonight "Because if I get any part of me in you, every part of me would be in you, and I want to hear every sound you make when that happens." Again UGH
The first night in New Haven for obvious reasons 👀 And again I'm adding a quote "I know my limitations, I know that I’m not a good enough man to remember my duty and yours or that I’m so incredibly unworthy of you it should be a sin. Even knowing that, there is no way I wouldn’t strip that robe from you and do exactly what I told you I’d do when we were in the forest. I’m not just going to hold you. I won’t stop at kissing you. My fingers won’t be the only thing inside you. My need for you is far too great, Poppy. If I stay, you will not walk out this door the Maiden." OHH MYY GODD 🔥🔥🔥 And don't even get me started on the "promise me you won't forget this... whatever happens tomorrow... you won't forget that this was real"
The following morning in the stables where Poppy realises Hawke's betrayal. This scene has everything, fighting, banter, betrayal, heartbreak. You really feel Poppy's confusion and pain. And I love the way she just goes absolutely feral at Hawke. Like yes girl he deserves it. Her trying to knee Hawke in the groin and him going "you'd be sad if I couldn't use it later" asdgjkkhf he's so annoying! (in the best way) But also so frustrating because he's just betrayed her and broken her heart (her looking down at her chest to see if there's a dagger in it because it hurts so much 😭) and he has the audacity to joke around after what he's done! And you know that he knows that he's hurt her and that he hates that he's hurt her, and he's just doing it to try keep the mood light and show her that he's still the teasing Hawke she knows, but you still feel so bad for Poppy.
The scene after Poppy gets stabbed and  Hawke's so worried and is like Poppy please open your eyes please! And Poppy goes "it hurts" and he misundetstands and thinks she's talking about herself, but she means him. He hurts seeing her hurt 💔 My heart 😭. And also the part before this in the cells, when Delano gently nudges her with his nose and Kieran picks her up and carries her to rush her to Casteel. My Wolven boys already protecting and looking after her 😭 the first signs of what's to come.
Poppy stabbing Hawke in the heart. How could I not include this scene. The whole "oh my goddd whattt did she do!!" moment the first time you read it. Even though you know he's not gonna die, you're still like how... what... how... because you don't know yet that Atlantians can't die from being stabbed in the heart, so you're trying to like rationalise it in your mind, like ok she must have missed his heart because I know he's not going to die but how could he survive that?! And Hawke going "you're crying". She just stabbed him in the heart and he's worried she's crying 💔 And Poppy being like "I'm sorry I'm sorry" and Hawke banging his hand on the ground and letting out a choked laugh like "no you're not." The drama of it all.
And then immediately following that in the forest 👀 The way they go from Poppy being so angry at Hawke she stabs him, to them banging in the snow, and them being all soft and Poppy taking his pain, all in a matter of minutes! These two are all about the extreme 180's. I can only imagine what everyone in the keep thought when they saw Casteel saunter back in from the snowy forest shirtless, carrying the maiden who's wearing his shirt, her pants all ripped and a bite mark on her neck.
And lastly of course "We go home to marry, my Princess" Because what a great cliffhanger/last line.
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kohakuarisaka · 3 years
Trial By Fire (chapter 1 of 2)
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Takami Keigo x (fem!)Reader
[ SUMMARY ] Hawks stopped by your apartment, asking for a patch up, and then asked for so much more.
[ WARNINGS ] R18+ for graphic sexual content and language. Role reversal: Keigo is a villain and Touya is a hero. Liberties were taken with Hawks’ quirk and is non-canon compliant. This fic is not nice to Touya. Reader and Hawks smoke. Reader has a quirk. Reader is a female with descriptive female genitalia. This fic contains graphic sexual content, including penis in vagina sex, oral sex, spanking, dirty talk, biting, degradation, and knotting. Consensual ♥
Keigo’s appearance in this fic was inspired by this lovely art piece!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
[ My BNHA Fanfic Masterlist ] ~ [ Also on my AO3 ]
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You hadn't heard him approach, not his footsteps, nor the flutter of his wings. It was a little windy tonight; but, that wasn't why you hadn't heard him. He was just that good at sneaking around, or maybe you were just that lost in thought.
Suddenly, the cigarette in your hand was plucked out of your grasp. You followed the burning bud and watched a calloused hand bring it to a pair of soft lips that weren't yours.
He took a drag, looking at you innocently, before huffing the smoke out through his nostrils.
Sometimes, you really hated how weak you were for him. Even when he deserved it, you couldn't bring yourself to get mad at him. Maybe, it was his stupid beautiful face, or his mismatched eyes, or those wondrous crimson feathers.
"What are you doing, pretty bird?" you scolded him softly, reaching out to take your cigarette back.
Hawks let you, and some deluded part of your mind told you it tasted better after his mouth had touched it. Still, you turned away from him, finding it difficult to think properly when he was staring at you like that, his gaze soft and his lips quirked into a faint smirk.
In the distance, a car was honking obnoxiously. You peered down at the streets below and watched the traffic lights change colors.
"Was hoping you'd patch me up?" he asked, perhaps a little too sweetly. "Or is Touya gonna find out and arrest my ass?"
You sighed and gave him a dirty look in the corner of your eye. "No. It's over between us. He isn't gonna be comin' around," you retorted, a little venomously.
"Ohh," he whistled. "What happened? Must'a been bad. You were always so far up his ass."
"Get stuffed," you spat back at him.
He laughed in response to that. It was a little louder than expected, and you could see his shoulders trembling in the corner of your eye. Hawks leaned against the railing next you, matching your posture.
Before he could take it again, you remove your cigarette from your lips and brought it to his. He snatched it from your grasp with his mouth and took a careful drag before lifting his hand to pull it away. You watched the smoke drain from his mouth before looking away again.
"You wanna talk about it?" Hawks offered. Strangely, he sounded sincere.
"As much as I wanna get fisted by sandpaper," you replied hoarsely.
"Shit," he grumbled.
You let out a loud sigh. "There's nothing to talk about. I just couldn't take it anymore," you explained.
In the corner of your eye, you could see Hawks staring at you as if he was trying to decrypt your words or decipher your expression. You avoided his stare for just a little bit longer before finally giving in and turning to face him.
When you looked at him, he returned your cigarette to your lips, or tried to anyway, but you took it with your hand. It was almost burnt out, but had enough left for one more drag, which you took slowly.
"You're hurt?" you asked him softly before turning around to burry your burnt up cigarette in the nearby ash tray.
"Not too bad. I'll fuck right off if you want me to," Hawks replied.
Sometimes, you didn't really think his superpower was his feathers, but just how he managed to always show up at the perfect time. Maybe, someone to talk to was what you needed, even if you told yourself you didn't.
Ending things with Touya was exactly what had to be done to try to get back on track with your pitiful life; but, that didn't mean that everything would be magically okay again, that wounds would just heal and every trace of him would be gone forever.
But, you weren't childish enough to think that anyone could save you from that. No, you had to save yourself.
"Come on, pretty bird," you tossed over your shoulder.
Hawks hated when anyone called him that, except you. Maybe because anyone who called him that did so to put him down, to emasculate him. But, you called him that because you actually meant it. He was so, so pretty. Or, maybe, he just had a soft spot for the girl he used to bum cigarettes off of.
The winged villain followed you down the stairwell to your room. He made a grumbly cooing sound, like a hum in chest, when he stepped inside.
"Place looks great."
It had been quite a shithole the last time he was here. You scrubbed the walls and floors, replaced most of the furniture, gutted out the shitty kitchen cabinets and replaced them. It did look great.
"Thanks," you hummed, pushing at his shoulders until he obeyed and plopped down on the couch.
You sat down next to him and didn't bother asking what was wrong, but just began sliding your hands down the arm of his leather jacket, pushing it up to his elbow to expose his forearm.
You worked your hands over his skin, using your quirk to navigate his nervous system. Your eyes went glossy and distant as you did so, staring at him without actually looking at him. Hawks was patient, watching you work.
"You broke some ribs," you observed quietly. "The gash on your back isn't infected, but your blood cell count is low. You have a cavity forming, too, you manchild."
Hawks burst out laughing. "Do I need to call a dentist?"
"No," you laughed softly. "I'll take care of it." You let go of his arm and looked up at him, head tilting slightly. "Mind if I go by your neck? It's easier closer to the spine."
"Sure. I like choking," he teased.
"Tch," you grimaced at him. "Shut up."
He laughed softly in response to that. Despite his teasing, you still shimmied in closer and reached up, sliding your hands one either side of his neck. His skin was soft. Even the healed burn marks were soft.
Your eyes went glossy again as you focused on the task at hand. Hawks made a low, grumbling hiss as you pulled the injuries from his body, focusing first on his broken ribs.
It hurt like a fucking bitch, feeling each one crack back into proper place. Where your hands touched him was cold as ice; but, it was just an illusion, a side effect of your quirk, a sensation without the actual stimulation.
The wound on his back followed, muscles and skin tissue forming back over into proper place. That didn't hurt as bad, and felt more like a dull ache in comparison. You took care of his cavity, too, which he noticed like a stab in the mouth.
You were done, and Hawks knew you were done. The icy cold touch of your hands had subsided, and the warmth of your skin returned. Still, you didn't let go right away. Your vision returned and you peered up at him, and he looked down at you just the same.
The left side of Hawks face was covered in a scar, a healed burn. It started at the center of his forehead, traveled across the bridge of his nose, took most of his cheek, but just barely missed his lips.
The burn continued down his jaw, onto his shoulder. You had seen him shirtless before, and knew it extended down his chest, ending somewhere at his waist.
Along with that burn, his left eye had been blanched, now pale white instead of the golden, sunlight hue of the one on right. He could still see out of it, just not as well as the undamaged one.
Still, despite all that, he was so, so-
"All done," you sighed, letting go of him and standing up, turning away from him maybe a little quickly.
"Thanks," he grunted, watching you rise to your feet.
He reached for you; but, you had already stepped too far away and eluded his touch. It wasn't intentional. Your back was turned and you didn't even see it. Yet, your sudden retreat made him feel an unpleasant ache in his chest, and another, very different sort of ache somewhere else.
"It's gettin' kind'a late, so-" you started, heading for the hallway that connected to your bedroom.
Hawks was fast, dangerously so, and was suddenly right beside you. His wing jutted out and smacked into the wall, blocking your path. Your eyes shifted to his, not entirely surprised by his actions. Maybe you should have been. But, he was the kind who liked attention, especially from you.
"Are you alright?" he asked, crossing his arms loosely over his chest.
"No," you deadpanned. "There's a birdman loitering in my house."
That seemed to calm him a little, for he pulled his wing back, lips twitching into a faint smile. However, he replaced his wing with his body, blocking you from continuing down the hall.
"I'm sorry I haven't been around lately," he began, surprising you a little with the sincerity in his tone.
"I get it," you answered immediately, with just a bit of bite.
Life led people down different paths. Touya was following in the footsteps of his dear father to become a great hero. Hawks ended up joining a league of supervillains and was wanted for murder, amongst other things.
-and you worked a 9 to 5.
Maybe, facing down one of Japan's most wanted villains should have been frightening. Being trapped with him in your apartment probably also should have been frightening.
He was a dangerous criminal and on a power level than most could never even dream of. But, you trusted Hawks more than you trusted most people... most heroes.
By the look on his face, there was something he wanted to say; but, it didn't come out.
"What's with the constipated look?" you blurted.
The compressed look on his face softened and Hawks threw his head back, letting out rolling laughter. His hands clutched his tummy and his shoulders trembled. Maybe, that was your real power: making him laugh like that, to the point tears gathered in the corners of his eyes.
"I missed you," he stated plainly when he finally stopped laughing.
"Y-yeah, me too, pretty bird," you replied softly, tearing your gaze away from him.
"I hate when you call me that," he murmured.
Hawks stepped towards you and you reeled back. His wings came up on either side of you, forcing you to duck back and hit the wall to avoid him. The bright red plumes towered on either side, caging you in, trapping you with him.
Yet, you weren't scared or perturbed. Hawks liked to play, after all. Even when you were kids, he would fly after you and tackle you to the ground, laughing about what terrible prey you were, always so easily caught.
"No, you don't," you retorted gently.
There was still some distance between you, just enough that you'd have to extend your arm to reach him. His wingspan was massive and the soft, red quills were like curtains caging you in, absolutely gorgeous.
"I'm not good at this sort'a thing," Hawks began, murmuring softly into the darkness of the hallway. His face was cast in shadows, but his eyes were bright, pale white and sun kissed gold.
"Formalities and playin' nice," he added on, a little hoarsely.
You knew where this was going.
"You want Touya's sloppy seconds?" you asked him lowly.
Immediately, it was clear that he didn't like what you said. His eyes narrowed and he stepped in closer.
Hawks might have only been a couple inches taller than you and while he certainly was muscular, he wasn't a hulking beast. Still, he managed to make you feel so small.
His hand landed on the wall behind you with a smack, and it startled you a little.
"Don't fucking say things like that," he snarled.
You gawked up at him, surprised that something like that would upset him.
"You're more than that - a lot fucking more," he added on lowly.
It was only then that you realized he wasn't just mad, he was hurt. He had been your closest friend since you were 13, back when you were stealing cigarettes from upper classmen and sneaking into R-rated movies.
-and he had to watch Touya have you.
"What do you want from me?" you asked him, voice low, a harsh whisper, and it shuddered out of you.
"Everything," Hawks replied in a harsh whisper.
You couldn't help but lick your lips at that proposition.
He stepped in closer, sliding his forearms against the wall on either side of your head. The closeness forced you to crane your head back to look up at him.
"You want me, too," he commented lowly, peering down at you like a hawk circling above an unsuspecting prey.
"I let you in here because I care about you. Don't be so arrogant," you scolded him softly, lacking any real authority to your tone.
"Then, tell me to fuck off," Hawks challenged you.
You stared up at him, lips unmoving. His feathers picked up the faint change in your breathing pattern, just the slightest bit of acceleration. Even if you didn't say it, your body gave it away: this was exciting you.
He was one of the most powerful villains in Japan; but, you were his greatest weakness. He'd do anything you asked, deliver the world to you if it was what you wanted.
"You want this," Hawks murmured darkly, as if he had just made some grand discovery.
His eyes flickered down from your face to below, signaling what he was talking about.
He was hovering with just enough space between you that you could tilt your head down to investigate his claim and take a glance at the tent he was pitching, pressing against the zipper on his black cargo pants.
When your eyes moved up and caught his gaze, you felt hypnotized by the dark stare he had focused on you.
Hawks didn't look expectant or desperate. He looked hungry, yes, but there was some hope to that stare, maybe even the faintest bit of sorrow in those mismatched eyes.
He didn't want to be rejected by you. But, he didn't want you if you didn't want him back.
There probably should have been a little voice in the back of your head telling you not to do this. There had to be some sort of negative repercussion, right?
But, all you could hear was the rattle of the heater in the other room and the shuffling of your neighbors in the room above.
Normally, your thoughts ran rampant with worries, negativities and fears. All had been silent since Hawks arrived. He just had that sort of effect on you, clearing your thoughts with nothing but his presence.
Expectantly, you tilted your head back and parted your lips slightly. Hawks leaned in, following the temptation you presented him with.
Maybe, it would have been wisest to remain as just friends. Even if you tried to tell yourself otherwise, this would change that forever: a door would open that could never be closed.
But, you weren't kids anymore.
"If I kiss you, I won't be able to stop," he promised, or threatened, warm breath fanning over your cheeks.
He smelt like the cigarette he stole from you earlier. It made you all the more eager to taste him.
"Last chance," he added, voice low and hoarse.
"What happens if I say yes?" you dared to ask, eyes peering up at him almost innocently.
You watched Hawks' throat bob. "What happens if you say yes..." he parroted lowly.
The predatory gaze he gave you reminded you that he was a bird of prey and you might as well have been a mouse.
"I'm gonna fuck you like no one ever has before," he began, the words falling from his mouth in a sultry whisper. "Stuff you stupid with my cock, cum so deep inside you that you feel me for days. My name will be the only god-damned thing you remember when I'm done with you."
"Promise?" you whispered hoarsely, leaning up a little to try and reach his lips.
You must have been making quite the lewd expression, for Hawks' eyes pinched with amusement.
Hawks tilted his head down. "Promise," he agreed in a whisper, breathed against your lips.
This must have been what it felt like for a spark to meet gunpowder.
Something as simple as a kiss had sent a powerful shockwave down your spine. Your skin prickled all over, flushed with a sudden need to be touched. Your heart began thundering away in your chest and you unconsciously released a very pathetic little sound.
His feathers picked up the rage of your heartbeat and he couldn't resist a shudder, aroused at the excitement he had give you with just the press of his lips.
In a split second, he had his body pressing against yours, flush from shoulder to thigh, pinning you to the wall. Your hands weaved through his hair, pulling him down to crush your mouths together.
It was probably the sloppiest kiss you ever had: a little violent, crushing, and wet. But, nothing could even compare to what this felt like, the taste of him mingled with tobacco, to the way it made you feel like you could melt.
His hands grabbed at your thighs and hoisted you up off the ground. He slammed your back roughly against the wall, cores pinned tightly together, and perched your legs on either side of his waist.
"You feel that?" Hawks breathed, lips touching the shell of your ear.
It was clear what he was referring to: his clothed erection rutting shamelessly against your clothed cunt.
"Every time I see you take a drag, I get fucking hard," he confessed, pulling back to chuckle a little. "Maybe that's why I always stole 'em: fucking jealous."
Before you could get a word out, his head dipped down and took your mouth again. Your hands dragged down his back, clawing at his jacket, threatening to venture further.
Hawks pulled back violently, bumping his forehead against yours to force your gaze to meet his.
"You touch my wings and you're gonna get something you can't fucking handle," he threatened, the words rumbling out of his chest like gravel in a cement mixer.
You looked back with a drunk expression, partially frightened by his threat and partially curious to what that entailed. It resulted in a ridiculously lewd expression on your face.
"All I've done is kiss you, and you already look like that," he observed with intrigue, chuckling softly.
"All I've done is smoke, and you're hard," you retorted sharply, leaning in to bite at his bottom lip.
He hummed, amused at your teasing; that sound, however, died out when you dipped your hands down into his shoulder blades and slid up, brushing the baby feathers that jutted out of his skin.
Hawks let out an almost inhuman sound, head tilting back and moaning, eyes fluttering shut, as his entire body vibrated against you. You stopped, hands shifting away from his feathers, surprised by his reaction.
Immediately, his head fell forward and he settled a frightening glare on you. The growl that emanated from within his chest sent a violent tremor down your spine.
"Oooohhh," he cooed hoarsely, the sound rumbling through his throat. "You don't want me to be nice, do ya'?"
The question went unanswered, for Hawks rolled his hips, pressing your clothed sexes together. Your hands flew up, grabbing at his wings again, fingers tangling in the feathers for purchase.
The friction was nice; but, it wasn't good enough, and Hawks seemed to have that same thought process, for he removed you from the wall and carried you to the bedroom.
He tossed you down on the bed like you were a toy and watched your body bounce a little with an amused look on his face.
You shrieked when red plumes departed his wingspan and swarmed your body. They surrounded you in a wispy tornado before descending, tracing your skin softly and pushing under the hem of your clothes with purpose.
The brief moment of fear washed away when they carefully, albeit swiftly, worked your clothes off. Your arms were forced above your head so your shirt could be discarded while other feathers peeled your pants and underwear down your legs.
Hawks watched, standing at the bedside with a starving expression as his crimson feathers exposed you for him. You didn't take yourself for the shy type, but something about the whole thing had your skin prickled with embarrassment.
Once they were done, his feathers retreated, returning to his wingspan like good little soldiers. Hawks approached, sliding his knees onto the edge of the bed.
Before he could arch over you, your foot flung up and you flattened it against his chest, pushing in protest.
"You, too," you tried to demand. Unfortunately, it came out breathless and desperate.
Hawks eyes shifted from your heated gaze, trailing down to shamelessly take in the sight of your sex, now exposed due to the position of your leg. Instinctively, you wanted to close your legs at that predatory stare. But, somehow, you found the strength to resist.
He hummed and stood back, returning to his feet. You leaned up to watch him work his jacket and shirt off, wings shuddering to peel the fabric away before dropping the materials carelessly to the floor.
He seemed caught off guard by your sudden advance as you got up on your knees at the bedside to reach for him. Your hands landed on his pectorals, shamelessly squeezing at his muscles before drifting down, fingers gently digging into his abs as you traced the outlines.
"Are you having fun?" he laughed.
You were about to answer, but he suddenly grabbed your wrists and brought your hands down to his belt. He didn't have to demand anything, you started working at the buckle, eagerly working the clasp open and undoing his pants.
His mouth opened, likely to spew teasing words. Whatever was going to come out failed him when you suddenly palmed his erection over the fabric of his boxers.
"F-fuck," he groaned, leaning into you suddenly as if he was going to fall over. "Damn brat," he added on in a snarl.
"Are you touch starved, pretty bird?" you murmured, tilting your head to nibble at his jawline.
The red that tinted his the tops of his ears failed to hide the truth from you. It had been a little while, just long enough to make him hungry for it.
Suddenly, he pushed you down on the bed. You flung over with a startled yelp and felt his hands pry your legs apart, fingers digging into the meat of your thighs.
He flung your legs up over his shoulders, careless that your feet knocked against his wings, and buried his face between your thighs.
"AH!" you cried out, startled by the sudden sensation of his textured tongue lapping along your slit.
Normally, when someone ate you out, there was some finesse to it, tongue tracing delicately, some soft kisses, just barely lapping at your slit as if you were a dainty little flower.
Not with Hawks. He was smearing his tongue all over the place, lapping at your slippery folds as if he was starving and this was the only meal he'd had in weeks.
You didn't mean to, but in the process of grounding your heels against his back, your toes curled and touched his feathers. You felt his wings flap once and his back muscles tremble.
He leaned back and peered down your body, taking in the look of your aroused expression with a pleased sigh. You felt delirious, wearing a lost look on your face, and he looked damn proud with your wetness smeared across his cheeks.
"Hawks-" you squeaked.
"A meal fit for a king," he praised you in a hoarse voice, tilting his head back down to continue where he left off.
Trying to get on some equal grounds, you twisted your foot and poked at his feathers with your toes. His shoulders twitched, so you continued, digging in as best you could considering the awkward positioning.
Hawks moaned at the touch, the sound vibrating against the folds of your sex. He probably would have scolded you if his mouth wasn't preoccupied. Instead, he pushed back on your thighs, forcing your legs a little higher, until you couldn't reach his wings anymore.
He fucked you with his tongue, mouth suctioned around your opening and slurping lewdly. It was a strange sensation you weren't quite used to, but it felt amazing.
It was clear that he wasn't doing it out of obligation. He did it because he fucking wanted to, and he was thoroughly enjoying himself. When he needed a break from your core, he lapped his tongue up your folds, smearing wetness all over the place.
He purposely avoided your pearl until he was confident it was throbbing, the tiny bud forced on display with lewd the way he held your legs apart.
You practically screamed when his tongue finally touched it, hands pulling at the bedsheets beneath you and making a mess, pillows and blankets going askew.
Hawks groaned, mainly because the sound made his cock throb painfully in his pants. He ignored that ache and focused on lapping at your little button, not relenting, even when you were trembling and sobbing.
At the risk of your feet getting touchy again, Hawks dropped one of your legs, needing a free hand to bring you to peak ecstasy. He hardly had to force the calloused digits inside. Your squishy walls took him in eagerly.
"Fuck, Hawks," you sobbed, struggling to remain still.
He leaned back, just enough to get some words out. "Come for me," he uttered hoarsely.
You whimpered at the command, head falling back into the sheets. He had been getting you there before he even said anything, even when it was just his tongue. But, now, with his thick fingers drilling into you and voice making such demands, you felt it approaching like a speeding truck.
"I said fucking come," he added on with a demanding, low growl. "Come on my fucking face. I wanna taste it."
He growled into your sex, loud and rumbling like thunder while his wings flapped once, knocking some things off your walls. The loud noise was a little startling, but didn't break the spell.
He kept up the pace with his fingers, even when the slippery mess of your slick dribbled down his knuckles, and his tongue returned to your pearl, lapping at it roughly.
Your orgasm started in a small wave, rolling over you once, twice, before crashing down and forcing a bizarre concoction of moans, sobs, and whimpers to pour from your lips.
Hawks was unwavering, tongue and fingers working you over expertly through the whole thing, until you sagged on the sheets and stopped whining.
He pulled back and stood up, setting your legs down on the bed. You looked up at him dizzily, and watched him lick his fingers and knuckles clean as if he had spilt some treat on them.
It was such a shamelessly erotic display and left you trembling.
When he was done, he dragged his palm down his chin, wiping your essence away. He caught you staring, of course, and quirked his lips into a prideful smirk.
"Nothing smart to say?" he uttered teasingly. "'Thank you, Hawks'?" he suggested with a warm chuckle.
He had pulled his wings back in; but, there was no way to miss that he was holding them up just a little bit higher than normal. If you weren't so blissed out and eager for more, you probably would have laughed at such a blatant display of dominance.
He was still in the state you had left him in, pants hanging limply around his waist, erection pressing eagerly against his boxers, belt undone and dangling at his thigh.
Hawks lifted his dominant hand and wagged his index and middle finger, beckoning for you to approach. After that mind numbing orgasm, you didn't dare refuse and shimmied over to the edge of the bed.
"I deserve a reward for that, don't you think?" he suggested, that predatory expression taking over his face again as he looked down at you.
"Say 'please'," you challenged him softly, looking up through your eyelashes.
"Hmmm," rumbled out of his throat. He sounded amused, maybe even a little impressed.
You expected something snarky when he opened his mouth. Surprisingly, he uttered a sultry, "please."
You didn't plan on denying him even if he disobeyed; but, after hearing that, there was no way in hell you would dare refuse.
Your hands pushed his pants down his thighs, simultaneously leaning in to mouth at his clothed erection.
Hawks drew in air sharply, like a low hiss, before drawling out, "fuckin' tease."
In all fairness, he hadn't held out on his services for very long; so, you pushed at him, until he relented and let you turn him around. His butt hit the edge of the bed as you settled on your knees on the floor, between his thighs.
You were supposed to be ridding him of his clothes. However, in the desperation to see what he was hiding, you simply pulled his boxers down, until his cock sprang free.
Staring at it like an idiot would have probably pleased his ego; but, you opted to wrap your lips around the tip and take him in your mouth promptly. You went down just a little too eagerly, and nearly choked; but, it was worth it to hear the strangled sound he made.
"F-" he hissed through clenched fangs, "-uuuck."
You stroked what your mouth couldn't fit, starting off sloppily to get him slicked up well enough to make the glide easier. Your eyes fluttered shut, concentrating on the task at hand, and to make every little noise he made just a little clearer.
He was breathing harshly through his nose, groaning out the occasional curse, before he opted to just blurt what was on his mind.
"Daydreamed about this all the fucking time," Hawks grunted.
Maybe, that sort of thing should have been concerning; but, if you were being honest with yourself, your thoughts of him weren't always so pure, either. Sometimes, laying in bed alone at night, masturbating, it was easy to start thinking about his long, calloused fingers, and wonder what kind of things he would say.
Hawks had one hand gripped at the edge of the bed, while his other weaved carefully through your hair. You expected a painful, demanding grip; but, he was surprisingly gentle, touching you with a sort of adoration.
"Yeeahhh," he groaned, the word undulating as it exited his chest.
"Fuck, you look so cute like that," he praised, pushing your hair out of your face so he could admire the lewd expression you were wearing, lips spread wide over his girth.
"I bet you were curious, huh?" he uttered arrogantly. "Bet you wondered how big it w-" He cut off, moaning lowly when your tongue flattened along the underside and lapped at the thick vein there.
"Does it - aghn - taste better than a heroes?" he taunted in an amused, gravely voice. He even laughed a little at his own crudeness, albeit briefly.
As you drew back, you suctioned tightly, maybe to punish him, or because you were spurred on by such vulgar words. You weren't sure which. His hips lifted off the bed, chasing the sensation, and he moaned shamelessly loud into your dimly lit bedroom.
It startled you a little when you suddenly felt something staring to swell at the base of his cock, fingers smoothing it over curiously.
Just as quickly as you felt it, Hawks hand rotated from the top of your head to the underside of your jaw, pulling you back and forcing you off his cock. The fleshy sound your mouth made echoed around the room.
When you peered up at him, it seemed he was as caught off guard as you were. His mouth was hanging open, cheeks tinted pink, fangs bared while labored breaths wisped through them.
Did he want an answer? You were ready to tell him that he did taste good, when he suddenly leaned down. His arms wove beneath yours, and he hoisted you off the floor, spinning you around and tossing you onto the bed, almost carelessly.
He quickly rid himself of his clothes as you bounced atop the sheets, and climbed on top of you, forcing your legs up and onto his hips.
Just a little dizzy, you were surprised when he suddenly slotted over you, his mouth colliding with yours. He barely gave you a single kiss before shoving his tongue inside.
Your tongue joined his, sliding together in a pointless dance. You felt him lean down, the warmth of his body caressing yours. Hawks weaved one arm around your head possessively, while his other slid up your side, fingers dancing along your ribs.
You expected him to just ram into you. That was usually how this went. But, he was proving to be unlike any other man you had been with before. You could feel his cock jabbing into your thigh, throbbing with need; but, he seemed more concentrated with another task at the moment.
The kiss went on, and on, and on, as if he hadn't already kissed you senseless earlier. He seemed enraptured by the taste.
One of your hands fell onto his shoulder, while the other slid up to cup his face. You weren't really thinking about the where, until your fingertips touched leathery skin. Hawks flinched as if you had hurt him, and you realized you were touching the burnt half of his face.
He pulled back harshly from the kiss with a wet smack and stared down at you. He looked like he was trying to be mad, like a retort was hot on the tip of his tongue. But, instead, he just looked lost.
You stared up at him, unable to hold back just the slightest tinge of fear, afraid that the moment was ruined, that the spell had been broken, that you had crossed a line that Hawks didn't want you to cross.
But, then, he leaned into your palm, surrendering something that went unspoken. Your thumb smoothed over his cheekbone and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.
"Hawks?" you hummed, wondering how long it had been since someone touched him there, touched skin tinged red and scarred over, forever a reminder of the past.
His eyes fluttered shut as your hand explored, down his jaw, down the side of his neck, over his shoulder, touching places he had once been burned. He dipped his head down, brushing his cheek against yours. You trembled at the sensation of his soft, short beard hairs tickling your skin.
It seemed he had grown impatient, for he tilted his hips up and slid forward, until the tip of his member brushed your folds. Your head fell back with a sigh and you tightened your legs around his waist expectedly, eagerly awaiting him to finally take you.
But, Hawks was unmoving, hovering. His lips nibbled at the shell of your ear before you felt his warm breath as he uttered lowly, drawling out the words, "beg for it."
He was so close, you could feel his chest vibrate with each syllable. You gazed over his shoulder, down his back, where his wings fanned out beautifully behind him. The appendages were tense, fingers bristled tensely.
When you didn't answer fast enough, Hawks reeled his hand away from your side. His palm collided with your ass and a smacking sound echoed around the room, immediately followed by your pained yelp.
"I said," he snarled, "beg for this cock."
It was far more arousing than it was menacing, and it was clear, despite the anger he was displaying, that he was pleased by your refusal to immediately obey. It meant he got to punish you, to drag this out a little longer, to play with you some more.
You bit your lip and delayed giving him the answer he wanted, skin prickled with excitement at the thought of what would follow.
"Are you tryin' to piss me off?" he asked lowly, tilting his head back to look at your face.
He didn't look mad. He looked painfully aroused, cheeks tinted pink, eyes taking in your lewd expression hungrily, fangs bared through slightly parted lips, where he drew in sharp breaths.
"I-" you began.
He either guessed you were going to sass him, or just decided he didn't care what the response was going to be. His hand collided with your backside again, just a tiny bit rougher than last time.
Your eyes pinched shut and you cried out again, body jerking slightly from the touch. Even with your eyes closed, you could picture the smirk he wore at witnessing your response.
Hawks leaned down, nose nudging at the soft spot behind your ear.
"Last chance," he whispered, almost tauntingly. "Beg. For. This. Cock," he added on lowly, almost snarling into the skin of your neck.
You probably couldn't have suppressed that shudder if you were dead, and Hawks felt it. His wings twitched behind him and he groaned softly, pleased by your reaction.
To taunt you further, his hips nudged forward, just until his tip breached your entrance. At the sound of a sweet moan leaving your mouth, he pulled back, then pushed back in, again and again, not breaching you past the tip.
It was sweet, delicious torture.
"Okay," you hissed out, unable to take it anymore.
You tilted your head, lips trailing along his jaw, kissing at the soft, short hairs there, until you found his ear.
"Keigo," you growled.
Immediately, you felt the way he stiffened above you, muscles going tight beneath your hands. A barely audible gasp escaped him.
It had been a while since someone said his name. He was the villain Hawks, now. Keigo was dead, according to him... but not to you. The blonde haired boy with crimson wings and big smile would never die as long as you were alive to remember him.
"Please give me your cock," you uttered softly, lips moving against the shell of his ear as you spoke.
Surprisingly, you didn't hate how desperate you sounded. If it sounded sweet in your ears, then you could only imagine how it sounded to him.
You had barely finished your sentence before he was shoving his hips forward, filling you to the brim in a split second. Your voice was caught in your throat, but Hawks let out a startlingly loud sound, bellowing out a roar into the darkness of your bedroom.
You trembled beneath him, shaken by his roar and by his girth filling your insides. His wings twitched fiercely, lifting up into the air for a brief second before fluttering back down to a relaxed position.
"Oohh, fuck," Hawks wheezed.
He gave you, or maybe it was for himself, a second to breathe before he started moving, pistoning in and out of your heat fiercely: halfway out, back to the brim, the skin of your hips smacking together noisily.
One of his hands had purchase on your thigh, holding on for dear life, while his other hand was fisted in the bedsheets by your head, the grip looking tight enough to rip the fabric.
Your legs were hoisted high on his waist, heels digging into the backs of his thighs. Your nails dragged down the backs of his shoulders, leaving behind pale impressions, and nearing his wings.
No one said it, but you both felt it: finally.
Destiny, soulmates, and all that nonsense was bullshit to you. Hawks made it clear he never believed in fate; whatever happened was because of choices, your own or someone else's, that shaped each and every outcome.
But, in that moment, your unity felt like destiny. His weight above you, his warmth, the smell of his skin, felt familiar, felt like home. His breath fanning out in hot wisps across the skin of your neck, his manhood nuzzled deep in your core, felt like harmony, like it was meant to be.
Maybe, you were just stupidly aroused, to the point that sense and reason was lost. Maybe, Hawks was just so good at this, that he already had you drunk on the sensation, drunk on him.
But, you decided that you didn't care what the answer was, just as long as he didn't stop.
"Fuck. You feel so good," Hawks praised, leaning up to look down at you.
"You like that? 'm I making you feel good, baby?" he slurred, huffing out breaths between each thrust.
"Keigo," you whined affirmingly, or maybe scoldingly, maybe somewhere in-between. His words were embarrassing; but, you didn't want him to ever stop talking.
He leaned down, nuzzling his forehead affectionately against your temple. It seemed to contrast the vulgar words he spewed.
"Fuck, yeah. Say my fucking name," he grunted.
The hand gripping your thigh tugged you down a little, putting you a bit further beneath him. It changed the angle slightly. The fact that he even considered that was enough to knock the wind out of you. But, now, with him reaching all the best places, his hips were doing that quite well.
He laughed darkly at the way you cried out sharply, legs trembling on either side of his hips.
"Right there?" he hummed. "Right fucking there?" he added on immediately with a particularly harsh thrust, clearly demanding an answer.
"Yes!" you almost screamed, barely recognizing the sound of your own voice.
Every time he plunged back inside, bringing your hips impossibly tight together, a smacking sound echoed around the room. He buried his face in the divot between your neck and shoulder, alternating between slurs and nibbling on the soft, sweaty skin.
"Feels so fucking good," Hawks groaned. "So fucking warm 'n soft. Ya' feel that - feel your juices dripping all over the fucking place? Yeahhh - all over my fucking cock."
He lapped a wet tongue up the side of your neck, teeth biting gently at your jaw and cheek before rising to hover against your lips.
"Look at me," he demanded softly. The skin of his lips touched yours as he spoke.
You almost didn't realize that you had closed your eyes. The pleasure was overwhelming, making it near impossible to force your eyes open.
You could picture him perfectly in your head. Still, you weren't prepared for the sight of him when your eyes fluttered open: Hawk's handsome face, looming over you, cheeks flushed red, fangs peaking out between parted lips, messy blonde locks flopped over his sweaty forehead.
"Don't look away," he demanded in a low growl.
It likely wasn't intentional, but he sounded more pleading and less demanding. Still, you were eager to comply. Even if he hadn't requested it, it would have been difficult to look away when he was wearing an expression like that.
Your hands clawed down his back, venturing lower and lower until they reached his shoulder blades, where beautiful, heavenly plumes grew. Hawks cried out, eyes squeezing shut, when you dipped your hands down and slid one along each wing, tangling digits in the feathers.
"Ohhh, fuck," he snarled.
You whimpered when he dipped his head down and bit at your lips before forcing his tongue inside. His command for you to look at him was briefly forgotten as he kissed you, if the harsh motions of his tongue could even be called a kiss.
The swift pace he had set became brutal suddenly, and he was smacking his hips against yours almost violently. Something slithered between your bodies, and you realized faintly that it was a feather.
The soft little quill curled between your bodies and found purchase against your clit, rubbing at the bud almost like a fingertip. That touch got your grip on his wings to loosen as the pleasure became almost blinding.
Hawks pulled back from the kiss with a wet smack, looking down at you almost angrily. You had gotten used to that look, and recognized it as pure lust. Maybe, he was a little mad at you, in his own way.
"Grabbing my wings? You fucking brat," he snarled. There was no venom, however, just animalistic lust.
You wanted to bite back at him; but, the sensations between your legs made it near impossible to think properly, let alone speak. His feather was flicking at your pearl, sparking white hot pleasure, while his cock pummeled your insides, burning aching pleasure at your core.
Somehow, you found the strength to return your hands to his wings, curling fingers and palms beneath the lower end where the appendages jutted out from his back. You grabbed on, felt the feathers fold and twitch between your fingers, making room for you to settle in, almost as if they were working against him.
Hawks cried out, head falling back; but, his pace didn't falter once.
"Fuck, oh fuck," he whined, head nearly smacking into yours when he came back down.
"Holding on like that, gonna make me-" Hawks cut off, moaning shamelessly, breath fluttering out across your cheeks.
Gods, he looked beautiful like that: eyes clouded with lust, cheeks and the tops of his ears tinted red, mouth hanging open. You didn't look much better, laying there and just taking everything he gave you, and loving every fucking second of it.
Normally, his hair was blown out and brushed free from his face. It was cute seeing long strands clinging to his forehead and brow. You could see short, fluffy strands clinging to his neck, skin shiny with a thin layer of sweat.
He could easily jostle his wings or use a strong hand to push you away, to free himself from your grasp; but, he didn't. It felt good, too fucking good, to possibly do that. But, that didn't stop him from bitching about it.
"-touching my fucking wings," he snarled, sounding almost unlike himself, breathless and senselessly aroused, as he growled into the shell of your ear.
"-knot you as punishment," he threatened, words slurred and growling. "Yeah - make you take all of it."
It became clear to you, then, what you had felt earlier, while sucking him off. Perhaps, it shouldn't been so surprising that he could do that. Still, the promise was enough to make you cry out.
Hawks laughed darkly. "That's not a punishment, is it? No, nooo - you would like that."
You weren't sure if it was his words, or the thought of what he intended to do. Maybe it was the way he growled at the end of his sentences, or the feeling of his feathers shuddering in your grasp. But, before you knew it, your orgasm was creeping up on you.
"You want my knot? Hm? Fucking say it - hgnnn," he demanded, words drawling out into a low growl that rumbled through his chest.
"Keigo, please," you sobbed.
"'Please' what?" he snarled.
You barely heard his response. Your orgasm was suddenly overtaking you, so strongly that you could only hear your heart thundering in your ears. Your eyes fluttered shut and you trembled helplessly beneath him, fingers releasing his wings to claw down the skin of his back, trying to find purchase in his skin.
His feather never ceased pinching at your clit; Hawks hips, however, began to falter, feeling you come undone beneath him, tightening and gushing. You failed to feel him swelling at the base, his own orgasm approaching rapidly.
"Oh fuck - oh fuck," Hawks chanted, panting above you like a wild dog.
Without separating, he hiked your leg up and turned you over onto your side, nuzzling into the space behind you. There was barely a second where his pace faltered, and suddenly he was pressed up tight against your back, snarling into your neck while he continued jackhammering into you.
"I need to hear it," he uttered harshly.
Weakly, you reached down between your sopping wet thighs and pushed at the feather that never stopped fluttering against you. It felt good, so, so good. But, it was bordering on painful. The little plume refused to obey your weak protest, and continued flicking expertly at your bud, sending shockwaves across your body.
"-need to hear it," he added on again, insistently.
As your orgasm started to wane, you remembered his request.
Hawks' legs were tangled with yours, resting on his side behind you, sweaty chest slotted against your back while his hips fucked into you feverishly. He had one hand curled over your hip for leverage while his other arm was tucked under your head.
He was panting wildly, nearing completion, fucking into you so fast and hard that it almost hurt. You could hear his wings flap once, stirring the air around you.
"Baby - fuck - please," he sobbed, so fucking close that it was starting to claw away at his insides. He buried his face in the back of your neck, wheezing harshly between sharp moans.
You felt deliriously high, insides still churning in mind-numbing pleasure, skin silky with sweat. You could feel his harsh breaths fluttering out against your neck, felt his hair tickle your skin, felt what he was begging for, prodding at your entrance.
"Y-yes," you stammered, arching your back to try and meet him. "Knot me, Keigo, pleas-"
He pushed it in just in time for his orgasm to take him. The gland at the base of his cock swelled, locking you two together, and Hawks let out a harsh cry that rattled your bones.
The sob you made at the sudden fullness was drowned out by the sounds Hawks was making behind you.
Hawks' sharp cry faded into low moans that stuttered past his lips, one right after the other, as if he was helpless to stop them. The hand that had been holding your hip lowered until his arm locked around your waist, holding you close. His cock throbbed against your walls, gushing his seed in hot spurts.
Even when his orgasm seemed to wane, Hawks couldn't stop shuddering behind you, low wisps of pleasured sounds leaking from his mouth and fluttering across your skin.
It was only when his cock stopped throbbing that he finally went quiet and the feather fluttering at your pearl ceased. The blinding pleasure slowly faded into blissful tranquility, leaving you in the soft ambiance of the ceiling fan, Hawks' breathing, and the bustling streets outside.
In awe, you stared ahead as some of his feathers fluttered free from his wingspan and floated around the room, caught in the breeze from the ceiling fan.
Hawks held you close, panting into your neck, barely an inch of your sweat soaked skin not touching.
Most of the time, guys pulled away as quickly as they could when they were done. Feeling him linger felt nice, warm, comforting, especially when he finally started to calm down, and you felt his lips trail up your neck before nuzzling behind your ear.
"You okay?" he uttered lowly.
"Yeah," you replied softly. "Are you?"
"Still feels good," he answered hoarsely.
"Mmm," you agreed.
You wanted to close your eyes and sink into the sheets; but, you didn't want to look away from the sight of his feathers floating around the room. He must not have realized yet, for he surely would have pulled them back by now.
His arm left your waist so he could free his hand to wander, smoothing over your belly before rising up your sternum. He palmed your neck softly before smoothing over your shoulder, down your arm, then over the curve of your side, briefly squeezing the meat of your behind.
That hand then lifted to brush the hair out of your face and away from your neck, freeing up more skin within reach of his lips, which he promptly peppered with kisses.
Sensitive from such powerful orgasms, your sensitive skin prickled at the feeling of his short beard hairs, and you couldn't hold back some giggling and twitching, which did nothing to deter him.
When he was satisfied, his arm returned to your waist, bringing you in closer as if such a thing was possible.
"Is this... your first time?" you asked him softly, hesitantly.
"What? Having sex?" he blurted, laughing a little.
"No," you sharply retorted, snorting at him.
"Knotting?" he answered with a chuckle. "Yeah. Never wanted to be like this with someone before."
You slid one of your hands over his forearm, the one curled over your waist, until your fingers touched his knuckles. He opened his fingers, letting you intertwine the digits to caress his hand.
"Good," you hummed. "I'm special."
Hawks laughed breathlessly, his chest trembling softly against your back. "Yeah... Yeah, you fucking are," he agreed in a quiet whisper.
Everything was quiet for a little while. Hawks eventually realized he lost some plumes and drew them back into his wingspan. You could hear the feathery appendages shudder softly as he stretched them out, wiggling the masses, before drawing them back in.
He relaxed behind you, pliant and lazy atop the sheets, occasionally blessing your skin with a kiss: a rough one on your shoulder, a soft one on your cheek, a wet one against the shell of your ear. His other arm was still beneath you, making for a decent, albeit hard, pillow.
It was possible that his knot had already gone down by now; but, if it had, you hadn't noticed, and didn't care to move or to tell him to move. You didn't want the moment to be over quite yet.
"Soooo," Hawks uttered suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.
He carefully drew his arm out from beneath your head and propped an elbow up so he could lean elevate his hand against his palm and look down at you.
"How was that?" he asked, and you, of course, noticed his cheeky tone.
You groaned in response, highly suspicious of where this was going.
"Better than-"
"Don't you fucking say it," you interrupted him sharply, turning your head a little to look back at him, just in time to watch the wicked smirk on his face turn into a pout, an annoyingly adorable pout at that.
You sighed and turned your head back, away from him, uttering quietly, "yeah, it was better."
Hawks hummed happily. "Better than-?" he cooed, cutting himself off intentionally to tease you.
Testing the waters, you gently pulled away from him, confirming that he had softened and slipped out with ease. You lifted up into a seated position and shimmied to the edge of the bed. Hawks hadn't moved an inch, you realized, when you paused to look back at him.
"The best I've ever had," you sighed at him. "Happy?"
He closed his eyes, beaming a smile at you. "Yep!" he chirped, wings twitching subtly behind him.
"Are you staying, pretty bird?" you dared to ask, just a little fearful that he would take that opportunity to see himself out.
"I sure hope so," he replied. "Or are you the kind to throw men out to the cold when you're done with them?"
You leaned over the bed to give him a playful, harmless smack on the top of the head. He let you, smile not faltering and not flinching in the slightest.
"I might start tonight," you teased.
Still, you gently pushed his hair out of his face, preening him until you were satisfied, and stood up. You couldn't help but stare at him for a moment, spread out on his side, beautifully naked and looking happier than you'd seen him in ages.
"Gonna clean up. Keep the bed warm," you gently commanded him.
Just as you turned away from him, you felt his hand wrap around your arm, stopping you from retreating. You jerked back just a little, not expecting that sudden touch.
"Be mine," he requested.
It was possible that Hawks intended for it to come out demanding. It was, just a little bit; but, there was no missing the plea there, the fear that you were going to tell him that you belonged to no one, or that you didn't want what he was asking for.
You looked at him over your shoulder. The stern face he was making startled you a little. He was always joking about something, making dumb faces so people would underestimate him. It was rare to see him look like this, and you realized-
He was serious.
You gently peeled his hand off your arm. "I was yours when you stole my cigarettes, asshole," you beamed at him, a little bit more venomously than you intended.
That didn't stop Hawks from grinning like a madman.
"Fuck, babe. I love that dirty talk. Let's go again."
For some reason, that got you laughing. "Fuck off."
"Fuck me?" he teased.
You laughed again. "No."
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superlockmg39 · 3 years
Roman Reigns x Reader {1}
Summary: You are a member of the SHIELD and have a crush on Roman. You aren't able to tell if he has feelings for you until one day you get hurt badly during a match. (2500)
(A/N: If you would like to, you can find more of my writing on Wattpad @FandomsxReader and @Sammy_Dean_Cas)
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You watched the T.V. screen that was in the gorilla cautiously, while you played with the bulletproof vest that you were wearing. You messed with one of the buckles that were on it before fiddling with the blue "Hounds of Justice" badge that was embroidered into your black shorts. Your hair was tied back, ready for a fight, but not looking for one. 
"We're going to go out there tonight," Seth Rollins told you, coming up behind you with Dean Ambrose by his side. The three of you were dressed in your "SHIELD" outfits. You were a part of one of the most dominant groups in WWE, alongside Seth, Dean, and Roman Reigns.
"To do what?" you asked Seth. "Braun Strowman tried to cash in his "Money in the Bank" contract at SummerSlam, but he wasn't able to. He's looking to cash it in again tonight after Roman beats Finn Balor. We're going to stop him again, and give Roman the chance for a fair match with Strowman for the championship," Dean explained.
"So, get ready. As soon as Finn goes down, the SHIELD is going to go out," Seth told you, amping himself up for the fight that was ahead. You nodded your head, fixing your outfit, as you continued to watch the screen that was currently displaying the fight between Roman and Finn. 
Braun Strowman was standing outside the ring, watching like a hawk, waiting for Finn or Roman to make a pin. "Now," Seth stated, as Finn hit the ground. The SHIELD's music began playing as the three of you rushed out from the gorilla. Roman had a smile on his face, loving the camaraderie that you and the two boys next to you always provided him.
Seth and Dean began attacking Braun Strowman outside the ring while you climbed inside the ring where Roman was standing. He gave you a smile and you gladly gave one back before he rolled out of the ring. 
Dean and Seth cleared the announcer's table as you climbed the turnbuckle. The three men then worked together to pick Braun up and you lined yourself up with them before jumping from the turnbuckle and stomping Braun into the announcer's desk. You tumbled to the ground, but Roman quickly helped you up while the crowd began cheering.
The four of you left a few moments later, and as you entered the gorilla, Roman said, "Thanks for coming out there." Seth nodded and Dean replied, "We always have your back." "Can we talk about how much distance you flew through the air though, Y/N? That was insane!" Seth stated excitedly. You laughed but brushed the compliment off by telling him, "It wasn't that far."
The boys looked at each other before laughing and rolling their eyes, knowing that you were just being humble. The move you did was awesome and you knew it. "Alright, well Dean and I have some unfinished business, so we'll catch up with you guys later?" Seth said, giving Roman a handshake. 
He nodded his head and Dean winked at you before the two of them walked away. You felt a bit nervous now that those two were gone and you were alone with Roman. Of the three boys, you've always had a crush on Roman, and Seth and Dean sure knew it.
Whenever they could embarrass you in front of him, they took the opportunity. You hated them for it, but you loved them too much to stay mad at them for too long. Despite their best efforts though, Roman was still oblivious to your feelings. Part of you wanted him to know, but the larger part of you didn't, refusing to let your feelings ruin your friendship with Roman.
"You wanna have a movie night?" Roman asked, avoiding eye contact with you as the two of you continued to walk. "I would love to," you replied with a smile. Roman's eyes lit up as you questioned, "Your room or mine?" 
"We can hang out at yours tonight, let me just shower and I'll meet you there?" he said. You nodded your head and told him, "Sounds like a plan, I'll leave the door unlocked for you." Roman smiled before parting ways with you and going to his room. Since he was showering, you decided to do the same.
You got into your room and left it the slightest bit propped open so that Roman could get in and then you hopped in the shower. After getting out of the shower, you realized you had forgotten your clothes.
Your mentally face-palmed and cracked the bathroom door open before asking, "Roman? Are you here yet?"  When there was no answer, you carefully walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body to make sure no one was there. Thankfully, the room was empty, so you dropped the towel and pulled on your bra and panties, first.
Once you were done, you began looking for other clothes to put on when the door opened and you heard Roman's voice. "Hey Y/N...oh...I'm sorry!" he said, quickly turning around with a blush coating his cheeks as he saw you were only in your underwear.
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you quickly grabbed some shorts and a tank top. You put them on before saying, "Sorry, Roman, I forgot my clothes when I got into the shower. You can turn around now." Roman hesitated before turning around, relaxing when he saw that you were dressed.
"Sorry, I should have knocked first," he muttered, looking down at the ground instead of at you. "It's okay, I'm the one who left the door open," you replied. He made eye contact with you and the two of you just sat there in awkward silence for a moment, not sure what to say,
"At least Seth and Dean weren't with me tonight," Roman joked, trying to alleviate the tension You laughed and nodded your head, agreeing before asking, "What movies are we watching tonight?" Roman shrugged his shoulders before telling you, "We'll both choose one." You agreed with his decision, letting him pick first as you climbed into the bed that was facing the T.V.
You got under the covers before motioning for Roman to come sit next to you, and he did, getting under the covers too. You put on the movie as Roman pulled out some snacks that he brought. "You know me so well," you teased with a smile as you took the snacks from Roman.
The two of you sat comfortably together as you watched the movie. It was one of Roman's favorites and you couldn't help but smile at him when he would quote the movie lines with the actor on-screen. "What?" he asked you, catching you smiling one time. "Nothing, it's just cute how well you know the movie," you replied. He couldn't help but smile at your words, but he tried to hide it.
When his movie was over, it was pretty late, but you still insisted on watching your choice of movie next. You moved from your sitting position in the bed to lay down, and Roman did the same, getting cozy.
About halfway through the movie, you felt yourself begin to drift off and noticed that Roman had already fallen asleep. Luckily, it was a movie you had already shown him, or you would have teased him about it the next day. You turned off the movie and decided to let Roman stay in your room that night, not wanting to wake him.
The next morning, you woke up and Roman was still asleep next to you. You blushed when you noticed that his arm was draped across you, and you tried not to move too much. He woke up a couple of minutes later, and when he realized he was holding you, he quickly moved his arm, apologizing. You reassured him that there was no need to apologize before rolling out of the bed and getting ready for the day.
"Hey, thanks for letting me stay the night," he told you, leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom as you were doing your hair. "Of course," you replied with a smile. "See you later?" he asked with a hopeful looking. You nodded your head and he went to his own room to change his clothes.
You and Roman hadn't hung out since that night, and now it was the end of the next week's Smackdown. Braun had confronted Roman about what the SHIELD did to him the previous week and told Roman that he was going to cash in his "Money in the Bank" contract at the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view. Acting General Manager Baron Corbin then came out and approved the Hell in a Cell match before stating that Braun and Roman would be in a tag-team match against Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre later that night.
You were watching the match a bit away from the gorilla. Roman started off strong, taking out both Dolph and Drew, but they quickly came back, wearing Roman out. They refused to let him make a tag to Braun, as they continuously beat him up.
Finally, Roman got away and made a tag to Braun, but instead of helping him, Braun crushed Roman's hope of having a partner as the three of them began to beat Roman up. Your heart dropped at the sight as Dean Ambrose suddenly rushed in by himself. You had to help too. You began making your way to the ring as the three of them attacked Dean.
Seth was the next to come out, but it was another three-on-one attack. Right as they knocked Seth down, you snuck up behind them. You were able to use your weight to pull Braun over the top rope, jumping up and grabbing him by his head before letting your body hit the ground hard.
He fell out of the ring and smacked the ground and you jumped in side-sweeping Dolph's legs. As Dolph hit the floor of the ring, you stood up, and Drew immediately hit a claymore on you, sending you out of the ring. You hit your head on the steel steps, hard, and you watched as the three men stood victorious over you and your boys before everything started to fade to black.
You were going in and out of consciousness as you watched the three heels leave the ring. Seth and Dean were still down, while Roman was slowly making his way over to you. You were still on the steel stairs. 
"Y/N?" Roman asked, gently cupping your cheeks before officials pulled him away so that the medics could get to you. They gently pulled you off the steel steps and you felt something wet drip down your face. You touched your forehead and realized that you were bleeding from your head, bad. You must have hit the edge of the steps.
The medics rolled you onto the stretcher that they had brought out, reassuring you that you were going to be fine. By now, Seth and Dean had gotten to their feet and were standing next to Roman, all three of them clearly hurt.
They looked at you with sadness in their eyes as the medics began to carry you away. You felt your body go limp as your eyelids were getting too heavy to keep them open anymore and you let yourself drift off.
You woke up a few hours later with a horrible headache. You blinked a few times trying to figure out where you were and you realized that you were in a hospital room. You looked to your right and saw Roman there asleep, sitting in a chair he pulled up next to your bed as your hand was in his. Next to him on the table was a vase with flowers and a card from Seth and Dean. You smiled at the gesture before gently shaking Roman to wake him.
He woke up with a startle and sighed a big breath of relief when he realized you were awake. "How do you feel?" he asked. "Like I have the worst hangover of my life," you joked. Roman was concerned with your answer as he quickly stood up, saying, "Let me go get the nurse real quick."
You shook your head no, motioning for him to sit down before you told him, "I'm okay, really. I just have a headache. What did the doctors say?" "That you have a pretty bad concussion, but no other injuries. Once your concussion heals, you should be cleared to wrestle again," he responded. You could tell something was off by the way he spoke and looked anywhere else but you.
"Roman? What's wrong?" you asked him. "I'm so sorry Y/N, this is all my fault," he told you, sadness filling his expression. "What do you mean?" you questioned. "This was my rivalry with Braun. You shouldn't have gotten hurt," he explained.
"Roman, it was my decision to go out there. Just like it was my decision to go out there a week ago. We're all in this together and you know that if three girls teamed up on me, you would be out there to defend me too," you replied. He nodded his head knowing that he would have done the same in a heartbeat, but he still was off.
"Roman, there's something you're not telling me," you stated, reading him like a book. He looked into your eyes when you said that and crashed his lips onto yours, tangling his hand in your hair before deepening the kiss.
He pulled away a moment later and you were shocked. "I don't ever want to lose you," he said, barely above a whisper. You gave him a soft smile before cupping his face and gently placing your lips on his. "You won't," you replied, before moving over in the bed and patting the spot next to you.
Roman climbed into the bed with you, holding you in his arms as you laid against his chest. You flipped through the channels on the hospital T.V. until you found a movie you would enjoy. You watched the movie with Roman, both of you enjoying every moment.
When you were discharged from the hospital, Roman stayed with you everywhere you went. When your concussion healed, he helped you train so that you could return to WWE. Seth and Dean were there, of course, offering every bit of support they could; and, when you finally healed, they made sure to tease you and Roman badly.
You were annoyed at first but then you and Roman embraced it, officially telling him that the two of you were together. Dean and Seth were stunned but happy for the two of you, and you and Roman couldn't have been happier.
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alaskasmonsters · 3 years
No Strings to Hold us Down | Takami Keigo
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(spoilers for chapter 299 ahead!) 
requested by @waffleareniceandfluffy​: can I request a hawks x reader where yk how ehe in the car with best jeanist faked his death all that yeah and he says he’s free of his shackles can you do where they’re both free and they discuss his backstory (reader is childhood friend she knows about his abuse) and can you include any other thing chapter 299 with him as like can u make it hella angsty but with a little fluff and definitely a fluff ending.
part two
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pairing: takami keigo x fem!reader
w.c: 4.269
warnings: spoilers for ch. 299, some amount of angst (with happy ending), mentions of neglectful parents
a.n: so this took me a hot minute and i’m so sorry you had to wait for so long! it’s also like 4 k words and i don’t know how or when that happened i-... i hope it’s angsty enough and i hope you like it! please enjoy :) <3
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The silence hung thickly in the air of the freshly washed car, weighing heavily on you. A glance to the side told you that Keigo was still asleep, head propped up against the window.
He’d fallen asleep as soon as you’d taken off from the hospital, the only sign he was still alive was the even lifting and lowering of his chest.
You knew he was fine, Keigo was the most stubborn person you knew and as long as he hadn’t given up yet, there was nothing that could keep him from going on. Still, there was this little voice at the back of your head, barely an itch, that urged you to make sure just once more, if he was still alive, still breathing, still going.
He’d taken a lot of damage during his battle with Dabi. The villain hadn’t held back, hadn’t even hesitated when he’d burned his wings off, almost ruining the cells in his shoulder blades they were sprouting from beyond fixing, before he had moved on to his face and neck, leaving nasty burn marks behind wherever his hands had reached.
You remembered when you had stormed into his room, ignoring everyone who told you to take care of your own injured first, to take it slow, saying Keigo needed rest now, and you had first laid eyes on his battered form. The bandages covering his body, the absence of his wings, the peaceful look on his burned face as he was still sleeping soundly.
For a moment, a never ending moment, you had thought he was dead. You wouldn’t have known what to do then, when Keigo had actually left you behind, all alone in a big cold world, a world even colder without his silly jokes and genuine smiles. It had been awful, that feeling of dread, heavy and suffocating, that had taken a grip on your throat and squeezed.
Then the beeping of the vital signs monitor had reached your eyes, barely audible through the ringing of your ears and the loud beating of your eyes and you’d been able to breathe again.
Since then you hadn’t left Keigo’s side, even denied Best Jeanists help when he’d suggested to accompany the two of you. He’d wanted to drive, since you were still heavily injured, but you’d denied.
It felt too personal, visiting the house of Keigo’s mother, a woman you’d only met once before but had heard too many stories about, to not be by Keigo’s side when he had to face her after years of separation.
Luckily, Best Jeanist had realized this and instead agreed to meet you back at the hospital later, leaving Keigo and you alone on your ride to your destination.
Out of the corner of your eyes you saw your friend’s body stirring, straightening out of his hunched over position, his eyes blinking open tiredly before he seemed to recognize where he was.
“I’m sorry. I fell asleep,” the robotic voice of the translation app he was using, chimed through the car.
Another reminder of how close Dabi had gotten to him, you thought.
You glanced at him, your eyes falling on the muzzle he was wearing that prevented him from using his voice.
You smiled at him, hands tightening their grip on the steering wheel as you stopped at a red light.
“It’s okay. I’m glad you’re alright.”
You seemed to repeat yourself around him a lot since he’d woken up. “It’s okay.”, “I’m glad you’re alright.”, “How are you feeling?”. At this point you felt like a broken record. If he noticed, Keigo didn’t mention it.
“I’m glad that everything with Best Jeanist went smooth,” the voice chimed back.
You remembered when Keigo told you about it. The plan involved Best Jeanist. Before he’d even asked the man himself about it.  He probably hadn’t been allowed, the commission usually forbade any exchange of important information between the two of you, but Keigo never cared.
He had always told you anything, it’s been like that since forever.
The rest of the 40 minute ride was endured in silence. Keigo was looking out of the window, eyes unfocused, and you tried to focus your attention back on the street. The concerned voice was pushed to the back again.
You arrived soon after, parking the car in an empty spot and exiting the vehicle together with Keigo. The mansion at the end of the street caught your eyes immediately and you were once again impressed how much money the commission was willing to spend to keep their little pet obedient.
“Is that it?” you asked, covering your eyes against the blinding winter sun.
“Inside that house,” Keigo assured, passing you without giving you a second glance.
You let out a sigh, sensing his nervousness, maybe even fear to see his mother again. Locking the car, you followed after him, stomach churning with something you could only identify as dread.
When you arrived at the door Keigo rummaged around in his pockets before he pulled out a key card. He hesitated, grip tight around the little piece of plastic, before turning to you and typing a few words into his translation app.
“Before I fully recover and show my face again...you know there is something I need to be sure of.”
Maybe he felt like he had to explain himself, as if you didn’t already know exactly why he came all the way here to see his mom again after he hadn’t even bothered to keep in touch with her the last few years. His eyes were searching your face, hand on the handle and you gave him a soft nod.
“I know,” you replied quietly.
He opened the door wide and you entered the house.
It looked just as spacey and clean as the outside let suspect. The interior was beautifully put together, the furniture was expensive looking and excessive. It looked all very tidy and you knew that the way everything was decorated has probably been the work of interior designers.
Something about the fact that the place reminded you strangely of where Keigo was living stuck with you. His apartment was just as clean, just as nicely decorated by the hands of strangers, just as well put together.
How ironic.
The similarity of it. Mother and son both separated and still connected through the hands of the commission, the organisation the woman sold her son to.
It made you feel sick, no matter how much Keigo acted like it didn’t bother him, it just seemed to anger you twice as much.
How these people working for the Hero Public Safety Commission managed to make it appear all nice and clean from the outside, sweeping all the unpleasant details under the rug. They made Keigo the perfect hero, paid off his mother and ensured their comfort, ensured your comfort to him. Only to have the man in their debt.
The commission loved how close you and Keigo were, if only to use your friendship against you and use it to their advantage. Although it had only been him they had taken in, fixed up and trained for years, you were just as much controlled by them as he was. Due to your friendship.
They didn’t think of you as talented or as perfect as him. Hawks was charming, impressive, loved by the public, the number two hero! You weren’t even in the Top Twenty, your quirk wasn’t as flashy as most of Japan’s Top Heroes’ and you weren’t as loved by the public either.
You were only useful to them when it came to the dirty work, keeping Keigo in line that was (and you hated it hated it hated it), being the one responsible when he had to get punished after a mistake he made because it was on you when you didn’t pay enough attention, wasn’t it?
And only because the two of you had been childhood friends. Because you knew Keigo better than anybody else in this world, even himself. Keigo did have no issue sacrificing himself, burning himself out in the process if that meant he did a good job. You were the one who had to ensure he was at peak performance at all times.
Of course, being the commission, they had also used their sources (you didn’t believe it was Keigo who had told them, he would have never done as much) to uncover your awful past and find out about your family home just to use those things against you. As leverage. As if Keigo’s safety and wellbeing wasn’t motivation enough.
Your past was filled with pain and regrets.
Your mom, who’d left you with your dad after you were born and your dad who’d turned to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain.
The man had neglected everything. His health, his job, his life...you. So it had been your responsibility to keep the both of you afloat. You had started shoplifting when you were merely old enough to tell the difference between left and right. Everything you’d stolen, you’d taken to keep your dad and you alive.
The commission knew about this and liked to use it against you. It didn’t matter that you’d only been a child, old enough to know better for sure but too young to see any other possibilities for your hopeless situation.
You had met Keigo back then, too, when you’d been 7 and he’d been 8, after you had stolen from a small shop and accidentally caused havoc when you were caught and ran away, causing two cars to crash into each other when you’d crossed the street without looking, which forced one of them to swerve the other way so it wouldn’t hit you.
Keigo had found you hiding behind a group of trash cans in an alleyway crying, saying his feathers had tingled and that’s how he knew something had happened in the city. He had wanted you to return what you’ve stolen but when you had told him in tears about your situation and begged him not to tell anyone he had taken pity on you. Making a promise to not snitch on you if you were being more careful.
That’s how you’d become friends.
Although he’d gotten in trouble for leaving his house, beaten and screamed at by his paranoid piece of garbage of a father, who believed he’d tried to rat him out or something...That didn’t stop Keigo from seeing you again.
You would both sneak out in the middle of the night to see each other, meeting in forests and on playgrounds all around the town. He’d share food with you or bring you little things he’d managed to sneak from his dad’s newest gig.
Since that day in the dirty alleyway, Keigo had never stopped taking care of you. The both of you felt connected through your abusive fathers and (in Keigo's case emotionally) absent mothers. You both had scars you'd rather hide with everyone but never each other and you both felt lost, unable to be yourself in a home you didn't belong in.
You had realized, even at your young age, that you could never let him leave because you’d never find a person like him ever again.
So when the commission got involved, when they took him away, isolated him from his old environment, which involved you as well, your heart broke.
Although Keigo, sweet caring Keigo (who now had to go by Hawks. Commission’s orders.) still never entirely left you. He’d asked the commission for one more favor beside taking care of his mother and him. They had to ensure your safety, get you away from your father and into a better household.
You were the very first person he’s saved and although he tried to downplay it you knew he was proud of the fact that it held him together on days he didn’t feel much like a hero.
These days, it was rather often...
The house remained silent, the calls of the robotic voice for Keigo’s mother echoing through the big room.
No answer followed.
You looked around the room, noticing that what you had called clean before was really just the absence of everything that was supposed to tell someone that this mansion was inhabited. No dirty dishes, no books or newspapers lying around, not even a glass of water on the sink.
“Do you think she left overnight?” you asked, strolling around.
Keigo didn’t answer your question so you turned around to see him standing with his back to you, something clutched into his hand. Curious of what he had found you stepped up from behind him to look over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of what looked like a letter addressed to Keigo.
From his mother.
“Did Dabi use people for this...? How did he even get this far...?”
You hummed softly, reaching up to grasp his shoulder tightly. Keigo had already suspected that it must have been his mother to tell Dabi or people Dabi sent about his real name and family background. Still you knew there was a little part of him that had hoped this not to be true.
Now, though, with the letter that his mom left behind in her abandoned home, there was no doubt about it.
His shoulders sacked and his body hunched over as he let out a deep sigh, barely audible through the muzzle.
“Guess it really was my mother that leaked it then,” for some reason even the robotic voice sounded heartbroken about the fact.
You reached up to card your fingers through the hair at the back of his head, or rather the part that wasn’t covered by bandages.
“I’m sorry, Kei,” you mumbled lowly.
He leaned into your touch and let out another deep sigh, the tiredness that had been edged into his features ever since he had woken up in the hospital bed seemed even more prominent now under the cold lights of the living room.
“When the name “Takami” had been taken from me, the relationship between my mother and i had finally disappeared. I had always thought i was fine with that,” he explained, the robotic voice breaking the silence again.
“What i thought of as being saved was just me turning my back on everything. Even on you, y/n.”
You looked up in surprise at his words, staring at the back of his bandaged head with furrowed brows.
“You’ve never turned your back on me, Keigo,” you assured him, giving his shoulder another squeeze.
How he could even think that he’d ever done as much was beyond confusing to you.
Keigo reached to put his hand on your hand, the skin warm against yours and the touch comforting. He tightened his grip ever so slightly.
“Yes I did,” the speech assistant continued, “After we’ve met again a few years back, I’ve run from you, kept my distance, because you represented what i wanted to be but couldn’t.”
After we met again a few years back.
You’d seen him in the news one day, when you were still training in hero school, and recognized him immediately as your childhood friend, even after all the years you’d been separated.
The huge red wings were a distinct tell.
You had run out of the Starbucks, leaving behind your freshly ordered drink to where you’d heard the incident had occurred. Out of breath and disheveled from all the running you’d gotten there just in time to reunite with Keigo for the first time in years.
Since then you’d never left him out of your sight again, too scared you’d end up losing him again.
Hearing Keigo say that he’d tried the complete opposite, keeping a distance to you because of what you’d represented, something he wanted to be but couldn’t...what did that even mean?
“A guy who helps people...”
Your hand felt cold when Keigo dropped his own again, letting it hang off to his side.
“That’s the only thing that’s returned. Actually it’s refreshing,” he continued.
The air around you felt heavy, suffocating, just like earlier in the car, just like when you’d stepped into his hospital room. Although now the reason for it was a completely different one.
“What do you mean?” you asked quietly, your voice barely a whisper.
“The commission is currently at a stand still, y/n, in total dysfunction.”
You swallowed thickly at the reminder. The commission, the one thing haunting the both of you whenever you were with each other, the organization holding Keigo in an iron clasp and ensuring his obedience with your help...since the Jaku Hospital Raid, since Dabi exposed Endeavor and Hawks, the number 1 and number 2 heroes of Japan, they’d been silent.
Scarily so.
“There is no one to give me orders anymore. And they won’t be able to control you anymore either. I won’t let them.”
You took a step back away from the man when you noticed how violently he smashed the screen, his shoulders tense and the recovering wings under his jacket bulking.
“Keigo...” you tried weakly.
“They won’t get to abuse your kindness anymore, have you chained to me..”
You didn’t have to see the look in his face to know what emotion was displayed on it, neither did you have to hear his voice.
Your heart dropped at the words, at the bitterness he so desperately wanted to put into them but couldn’t because of his injured throat.
“Keigo,” you repeated, this time with more insistence.
“I know why you did it. You wanted to return the favor. I saved you, you save me,” the electronic voice sounded awfully smug all out of the sudden.
Your stomach twisted, a horrible hot sensation built in your chest and you had to clench your jaw to stop yourself from saying the first thing to come to mind.
Which would have been an insult.
You clenched your fists, pinned them to your side as you stared at Keigo’s back, your face twisted into an ugly expression.
“No, fuck that,” you spit, “how dare you?”
His face came into view when he turned half to look at you over his shoulder, eyebrows lifted in surprise at your outbreak.
You snarled, unable to contain the hurt as tears started to build behind your eyes.
You’d always been an emotional crier and you really hated it.
“It’s not about a favor. Don’t say shit like that.”
Hawks cocked his head, eyeing you for a moment before he fully turned towards you. His posture was more relaxed than before but there was a question behind his eyes.
He lowered his glance only to type in the next words...
“What? You care about me so much, sweetheart?”
You scoffed, wiping at your eyes in frustration.
“You know i do, stupid bird brain,” you said, still angry.
How could he even believe for a second that you endured the commission’s whining and yammering out of guilt. How could he not know how much you cared for him after all the years you’d been by his side now, after all the times you’d been there for him.
Keigo grasped your wrist, stopping your frantic wiping to push them away and make place for his own hands, thumbs softly brushing the wetness from your cheeks.
He found your eyes, his own wrinkling at the edges.
“No chains left,” the phone chimed.
You watched in anticipation as Keigo reached behind him, hands moving to his neck, and removed loosened the clasp, pulling the muzzle off.
Now you could see the smile, too.
“To shackle us down,” he told you with a hoarse voice.
“Kei,” you scolded him, looking down at the muzzle between his fingers.
You took a step towards him, closing the distance between you. Then you reached forward to gently run your fingers down his throat. The fabric of the bandages was rough against your fingers.
Hopefully he hadn’t started talking too soon.
You looked up at him and caught his eyes that were staring down at you with a determination you’d seen directed at you so often before, but couldn’t deny they had still the same effect on you as if it were the first time. Making your head all dizzy, that was.
“When we’re driven into corners, we find liberation. That’s when a true person’s nature rears its head. That’s why Bubaigawara was such a great guy,” he explained, gripping your wandering fingers into his hand, holding them close.
“At heart, he was desperate to be a help to others. I also want to be like that.”
You smiled up at him, squeezing his skin between yours.
“You’re already like that, Kei. You’ve always taken care of me, haven’t you?” you teased, hoping to ease the tension between the two of you a little.
“I think it was more the other way around, y/n.”
“I don’t-“
“Without you...i would have never known what it is like to have someone care for you. To have someone by your side no matter what. To understand...i think i would have never understood what it meant to love.”
You froze, staring up at Keigo with wide eyes. He tightened his grip around your hand, feeling that you wanted to draw back, instead keeping you close, thumb softly stroking the back of your hand as a way of calming you down.
“I think i love my mother, but that’s more out of obligation than anything,” he explained, searching your eyes but you couldn’t tell what he was looking for, “I never feel like i have to be anything than me when i’m with you. Nothing about being with you feels forced, or like it’s an obligation. It’s just...us.”
The room was spinning suddenly as you felt something cold wash over you. Your chest tightened, your heart daring jump out with every harsh beat against your ribcage.
He couldn’t be saying what he was saying...right?
He didn’t mean that. He couldn’t mean that.
“Keigo...are you saying you love me? As in...in love with me?” you wanted to laugh, just a little, to lighten the mood, but it got stuck in your throat on its way out.
Unlike you the man in front of you looked calm, not at all deterred by your panicked state.
“Yeah, I do. I think I have for a while now, but i didn’t fully realize until recently.”
Still gripping your hand in his left one he raised the other to your face, gently cupping your cheek. You leaned into the touch instinctively.
A faint smile tugged at his lips at your action.
“It’s alright if you don’t return my feelings, but I think you do.”
You frowned in thought.
You’ve never thought of the man in front of you as anything else than just Keigo, the kind hearted boy whom you met in a dirty alleyway, the one that brought a little girl food and presents every now and then. The teenager who wrote letters once in a while to keep you up-to-date. The man who you spend your free days with, eating chicken and watching movies.
You meant it when you’d said you wouldn’t leave his side, not if you had any say in the matter. Now, you weren’t entirely sure what you meant with that.
Stay with him? Forever?
Maybe Keigo was right.
He was always able to read you better than anybody else, just like you were the one to know him best as well. That’s also why he noticed your inner turmoil just by looking at your screwed up face.
“May i kiss you?”
Your breath hitched, warmth spreading through your chest as your heart fluttered in your ribcage.
His lips were warm against yours, the touch soft and delicate. Like he was testing the waters, giving you the opportunity to pull away if you wanted to.
The feeling was foreign to you. You had kissed other people before, quick pecks, sloppy kisses, passionate making out...But this, this felt different to all of them.
He kissed you gently, carefully, holding you with a delicacy you weren’t used to.
Your heart pounded in your chest as your knees suddenly grew weak, hand reaching out to curl around the back of Keigo’s head, urging him even closer.
He pulled you in, accepting the closeness happily as he deepened the kiss. The taste of toothpaste invaded your mouth.
Your mind went blank, the only coherent thought you were able to grasp was that you were making out with Keigo...in his mom’s house.
How ironic.
Your lips tingled when the two of you parted again, the aftertaste of peppermint lingering on your tongue. The warmth in your chest had spread to your face and you weren’t sure if you were blushing out of embarrassment or glowing because wow...that was something.
Keigo was staring down at you with an undefinable look in his eyes, but he looked happy, content like this and it made something in your chest flutter softly.
You did that.
“I-“ you started but the wide grin spreading on your face against your will, growing despite your attempts to suppress it with a bite to your tongue, made your voice die with a squeak.
The man chuckled, the outline of his wings moving under the fabric of his jacket and the thought of Keigo ruffling his wings joyfully in response to your obvious happiness...you wanted to kiss him silly.
“I think i love you, too, Keigo.”
He might have been the happiest bird man in the whole entire world when you said those words and for a moment...just one small moment, you really felt like the two of you could be free.
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Taglist: @crystal-lilac​
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
💜-Hawks Pt 2 commission kidnapped I wrote most of this at 1 am, so it may not be the best.
You sat quietly in one of the commission cars,accompanied by one commission agent who hasn’t told you anything no matter how many times you ask where you’re going. You were worried about keigo, knowing that he probably was freaking out when he saw you weren’t home when he got back.
You were even lucky for the commission to give you a blanket, even if it is a poor excuse for a blanket, it is still better than only being in the commission uniform they give to their prisoners. You assume it is a bit nicer though due to it being cloth and not paper like material you’ve seen other have to wear. Hell you didn’t even get shoes, only hospital socks.
The car stopped and you hear the wind pound against the window. Thinking the worst you being to well up, terrified of what you assume is you impending demise. Maybe they’ll tell keigo that you love him one last time. But as the door opened youre greeted by two arms nearly yanking you out of the car and into a tight embrace.
“Keigo?” You ask, wanting to know if this is real, you’re not going to die. His wings wrap around you, almost acting as a shield.
He lets out a deep sigh of relief now that you’re in his arms, safe. His arms tighten around you as his eye dart around his surroundings. His pupils were pins and he had more of a wild bird look than his normal clean cut, playboy hero look.
“Please baby, tell me you’re real,” he says with a strained voice. Holding you like you’d slip away if he let go.
You wrap your arms around his torso, snuggling into his chest,”I’m here keigo, I’m right here,” you lift up one arm to gently move his face from your neck, having him look at you, “everything is okay, I’m here. I’m alive. “
He looks you over in his arms, checking for any major injuries that need immediate attention. Once he sees none he sweeps you up in his arms and takes off.
While you were taken he prepared new security systems, took more measures to ensure your safety. He also had to clean up and replace the broken furniture, not wanting to make you stress or worry.
He arrives in the balcony, not even feeling the cold wind with the adrenaline flowing through his veins, but he feels you shiver slightly and presses you closer to his chest. Even when you two are inside of the house he didn’t calm down, not till all the doors were locked and the security system was enabled.
“Keigo, thank you so much. “ you say kissing his chest, leaning your head against him.
“I’m sorry,” his words filled with pain and regret,”it’s my fault you were taken. If I wasn’t such a fucking idiot I could have protected you better,” he wasn’t nearly crying at this point. He slides down onto the floor with you in his arms, clutching you close to his body as guil overwhelms him.
“Keigo, do not think like that. You are the reason I’m here right now. You couldn’t have stopped them, but you rescued me. “Taking his face in your hands you kiss his cheek,” that was for saving me,” you kiss his other cheek,” that is for being the best boyfriend in the world,” you kiss his nose,”that’s for being my hero,” you continue to pepper his face with kisses and shower him in complements till he stops crying.
Even when his tears stop you continue to hug him with his wings encircling around the two of you, keeping you safe and warm. When he has calmed down a bit more, he’ll realize that you’re wearing a paper thin set of pajamas and socks. Those fuckers could even give you actual clothes, or at least shoes, he thought to himself. Carefully he stands up with your arms and legs around him, carrying you too the bedroom he gets out one of his hoodies. He hates how you don’t smell like him or even yourself. You smell like the commission cell, and the generic soap brand they made you use.
You notice the foul look on his face, his ruffles feathers and his constant sniffs.
“Keigo, what’s wrong baby. What’s with that foul face. I didn’t think I smelled that bad,” your joke at least made him crack a smile, but that quickly turned into a frown once the smell of the commission soap hit him again.
“Your smell, it doesn’t smell like you. All I smell is that fucking place.” His pupils shrink and his wings puffy up again think about how you were taken against your will and held in a cell. The one person who grounded him, made him feel loved, who was there for him and loved him when he didn’t know how to love himself.
“How about we take a bath? Would that be okay? “ you suggest. He just nods, not trusting himself to keep a level head right now.
He is so gentle and attentive when helping you into the bath, checking you over for injuries while you try to talk to him. He washes you down till you don’t smell like the commission anymore. He sees your exhausted eyes, and decides that he’ll pamper you more tomorrow.
Dressed in his hoodie and his pajama bottoms he picks you up again, carrying you over to the bed. The blankets and pillows that are piles onto the bed makes it look more like a nest, but you’re not complaining. Not when keigo is holding you tightly with his wings covering you, and a warm blanket is over you both. You nuzzle further into his embrace, letting yourself drift off into the first deep sleep in a while.
Keigo couldn’t sleep much, not now. He is too worked up to let himself relax, although he does feel better with you in his arms. His dove who deserves the world. Only three more years of being trapped in the commission till he can be free, till he can finally be keigo again.
If he has to fight every villain, every hero, every fucking commission worker to be with you he will, he’ll do anything to keep you safe and happy.
“I love you dove,” he mumbles in your ear, expecting you to be asleep
“Love you too birdy,”
as soon as keigo sees the doors of the car opening, the world begins to spin like oxygen is finally filling his lungs again...because quite frankly— you are his oxygen. you were the one to breathe fresh air into his life and give it a sense of meaning to his life all over again. his arms tremble as he takes you into them, pads of his fingers sinking into every ounce of your flesh to check that you’re alive and breathing and real.
you’re real.
he can’t help the flutter in his wings when he brings you into his arms, nuzzling you like a touch starved animal while he still gets a sense of you. your poor birdie looks heartbroken as heartbroken as you feel— being apart from each other is painful and draining, like you’re being ripped aosrt with a burning feeling in your chest. but once you’re with him, everything has colour again, the world is brighter and the sky clearer.
when you’re finally back home, new security measures in place— he breaks like shattered glass, pretty tears cutting you with just how much hurt he feels. and while you hold each other, he realised that you don’t smell like comfort, but the horrid people who took you from him. even though you’re in his arms you don’t feel like his dove, his love, but a little pawn in the game that the comission played with you.
keigo sings to you; while you bathe together— the birdie chirps that remind you of the days you shared in secret with one another, covering you in a thick sheet of your eternal love before everything that happened. you sing back, tales of your deep routed feelings for the number two hero written across your lips. your love for hawks speaks even bigger when you intertwine your fingers while he sleeps, listening to the sound of his now calmed breathing.
“do you love me?” keigo asks, nosing your hairline.
“always birdie.”
“is this real?”
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bakugohoex · 3 years
For the 1K event! Dabi angst number 3!!!🥴
“you don’t remember me?”
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pairing: dabi x gender neutral reader
cw: angst, one mention of the word suicide, language, memories in italics, mentions of blood and minor manga spoilers (dabi’s identity) 
word count: 3000+
a/n: me writing after wanting to cry all night, i know its a shock but yeah my 1k event really needs to finish now because this is getting out of hand
summary: in which after losing your memory in what seemed to have been a week, the capture of shigaraki is the only thing on your mind but when you meet face to face with a distant memory, the reality of the torture the heroes inflicted on you finally comes to light
1k event masterlist
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The task at hand was simple, corner the league, grab Shigaraki and take him into custody. It was the first thing you heard from Keigo, the first words that were uttered to you as you entered the cell. You didn’t know why you were there in the first place, memories forgotten as all Keigo told you was how you were good. How you were going to join the heroes side and defeat the league, that’s everything he told you. The bandages wrapped around your waist as you saw your wrist wrapped in cloth as well, you unwrapped it softly, the way the brown burnt marks encased your wrists. You dared not touch it, instead waiting to be let out of the cell.
Keigo’s eyes flashed at you, he stared at the screen as he saw you pace about. You had forgotten it all, he was almost glad you had because without you the next actions of the heroes would be flawed. He looked at Endeavor who smirked at the you, he was intrigued wanting to vitalise that power and create chaos amongst the villains.
“She cant control her quirk yet.”
“She will.” Endeavor spoke as Keigo didn’t speak staring at how your hand would occasionally touch at the bandages, you really had no clue what had occurred prior. No clue of the horrors that had been exerted upon you. Keigo left to go and collect you, having already seen how other pro heroes had arrived.
He stepped out from the room, taking a sharp breathe as he walked the long stretch to where your cell was.
“If it isn’t the number two pro hero Hawks, come to rescue me.” Your tone had been filled with malice as you flew around him, yellow wisps around your hands as you were about to shoot the energy at him.
Hawks stared, the hatred you had for heroes, the way you were ready to murder him in a matter of seconds. “I can save you Y/n, I will.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
Hawks entered the confines of your room; you gave him a soft smile as he took a step closer. “Hey.” He nodded at your greeting, moving to sit beside you on the bed, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah, we need you though, I explained before about capturing Shigaraki.” You nodded remembering his earlier words, he had told you, you had been out for a month, but everything still felt new and with the amnesia it didn’t seem real at all. “It’s happening now, and we need you, we need the h…hero in you.”
He almost felt bad for lying but to bring you back, get you to become good again, this was the only way. You nodded as his hands moved against the bandages, “I need these off.” He began unwrapping them all, brown skin burnt as you saw the engrained initials T.T against your wrist. Keigo covered it with his fingers as he turned your arms around, Dabi had gone too far in suppressing your power.
“Y/n, don’t you fucking dare.” Dabi’s words echoed throughout the sky, the way you flew down as he saw the tears form around your eyes, “I…I can save you.”
“Let me go…”
You shook the memory aside, a familiar man…his face seemed to bring comfort. The villainous intent made you shake your head. He was unknown and your aim was to find Shigaraki and capture him, Keigo helped you outside, he saw how you still had a hospital gown on. Your costume had been destroyed in the blast, but you wouldn’t remember something like that. You couldn’t and it didn’t seem like you cared. “I’ll find you some clothes.”
He had spoken just as he had brought you in front of the pro heroes, a tense setting as they looked up and down at you. They tried to hide their disgust, but you could almost sense it, you didn’t know what your quirk was, but Keigo had told you it had been something to do with manipulating energy sources around you. You however had no idea how to ever start using this quirk, you looked back missing Keigo’s presence, before feeling his hand go against your back.
“I fucking love you, we promised till the end.” The same voice from before spoke out, his black hair and almost burnt features seemed distorted, but you could see yourself.
You held his hands both looking out onto the Tokyo skyline, “till the end.”
“Everything okay?” Keigo spoke as he passed you a bag, you nodded as he directed you to the bathroom on the other end.
Slowly walking inside, eyes being met with every single pro hero who looked to hate you. You looked into the bag, the entire black outfit with a black coat to match covered your body as you stared into the mirror. Eyes looking unfamiliar as you looked at a reflection of someone who wasn’t you, another you in another lifetime.
Your fingers moved to trace your face in the mirror before seeing the initials again, T.T. they seemed so familiar yet so far away. Looking at your burnt wrists, they seemed fragile yet when you touched them it began to peel away, showing your skin again. You traced the initials feeling another burst of energy come through into your mind.
“You fucking son of a bitch, don’t you dare touch her.” The voice screamed as he looked to be holding onto you, holding onto your limp body.
You couldn’t make out who the man was talking to in your fluttering eyes, but he seemed to be coming closer with every step. Your breath hitched as you saw the wings open up, realising that it was Keigo, he had saved you.
Wiping away stray tears you looked at yourself one last time before going back to the others. They seemed to be a bit more peaceful now as Keigo had explained the situation. His hand on your back reassuringly as the plan got dealt out with you and Keigo on the front lines.
His reassuring words were helping you to get through this all, his eyes soft as you both walked towards where the apparent league of villains hideout was. You only knew the both of you were somewhat bait for Shigaraki, which you didn’t really understand as how could you serve any importance.
Keigo dismissed your questions as he stared up at the twilight sky, almost preoccupied and not wanting to face the truth. You dismissed it as you both finally saw the scene; it was an abandoned lot right in the centre of the city. You looked out seeing shadows inside as you didn’t know how the two of you were even going to create a scene until Keigo did something you hadn’t expected.
“Hold on.” He grabbed onto your waist bringing you closer and closer up into the air, the wind against your skin, flying higher and high…letting you go. You fell to the ground stumbling as you looked up at his hand in the air as you felt the ground get closer and closer.
Until it stopped, energy had circled your fingers from the lights and vehicles around you as just as you reached the ground, a burst of energy stopped you creating flashing lights and fire in your way. Keigo saw you apologising but you didn’t say a word, staring at your fingers as you looked at the yellow wisps.
“It can’t be.” Both Keigo and you turned around, seeing three unfamiliar faces yet they seemed so familiar. You looked at the man who had been your target, Shigaraki with his many hands of the dead clothing on him.
“Target sighted.” Keigo spoke as you saw the helicopters and pro heroes begin to surround them, it had been easy, but they seemed ready to fight. Yet the tall man with black hair and burns just like on your wrists stared directly at you.
He stepped forward but pro heroes had already come, quirks out to kill him if necessary. “How are you…how are you alive?”
He stared at you, the soft face he remembered from all that time ago, the way you still seemed to have a sense of love inside of you. But he met a frown as you looked in confusion, hiding behind Keigo as you looked at him for the first time in horror. “Y/n, it’s okay I’ve got you.”
The rest of the league had begun fighting the pro heroes, Keigo telling you to stay out of trouble as you saw the man come and try to get closer to you but getting stopped by another person’s quirk. You finally saw the blue flamed in action, the way he burnt everything around him lighting up the entire street as pro heroes continued to try and capture him. “Y/n.” He repeated through the screams of civilians, “you don’t remember me.” You put your hands to your ears not wanting to hear him speak.
Why cold? A dark bleak room around you where everything had been cold. You saw Keigo, saw him watch over on the other side as you got tortured. Belt across your mouth as another electric shock hit your head making your whole-body frazzle. How long had it been? How long had you really been trapped?
“The names Dabi.” He spoke out, it had moved to another setting one where a dark alleyway had stretched out in front of a bar.
He looked down at you raising an eyebrow, “you really think you could be a villain.”
“Says the one who looks like he walked out of a horror movie.” You snickered as he scratched the back of his head.
“Whatever, you’ll get caught within a week.”
You rolled your eyes as your lip twitched upwards, “If I last a week then you owe me some fun.”
He had begun to walk towards the entrance of the hideout before turning around to answer you, “deal.”
Your hands grasped your ears harder as memories began to surface, screams of the civilians you and Dabi had killed together. You felt every emotion run through you, every moment in time with a man you had forgotten.
His soft lips against your own as he tenderly kissed your lips, rough hands against your cheeks as his tongue gilded inside. He felt you melt into it as your hands grabbed the back of his neck, a handful of hair as you felt something you hadn’t had in a long, long time. “I love you.”
It had been a whisper and he had heard it, his eyes softening as he looked at you saying the three words for the first time himself.
Your eyes met Dabi’s as you saw him try to destroy everything around him, maybe he didn’t care about being caught or maybe he had given up after seeing you forget. But you remembered, you remembered your relationship with him, remembered your firsts of everything but what had occurred however long it had been was still a mystery. You needed to remember, and the only way was through being with Dabi one last time.
You moved through the destruction almost running towards him, pro heroes realising you had broken their torture, Keigo trying to grab you. As yellow energy swooped around you filling your fingers as you pushed the heroes aside, the league seeming to realise they had gotten you back.
Dabi looked at you, almost pushing himself to get past the fires and pro heroes, as you pushed everything to the side. Your mind had started to become your own, as walls began to break inside, every step towards him making more memories emerge.
“You lasted a week then, what fun do you want?” He muttered, he had already seen the chaos you had caused and couldn’t lie and say he didn’t see you as an asset, but the way you gave a chilling smirk made him go cold.
You leaned against him, eyes looking up as you spoke, “I want to see the stars.”
“What the fuck?” He murmured, “what are you fi…”
“Please.” You pouted and with that single look he had taken you up to a hill to watch the sunset and nightfall erupt. He didn’t realise it then but that was the first time he had ever felt love in his heart, after all these years of torture from his father he had gained something new as you leant against his body. Pointing out each constellation and where the next would be, he had fallen for you in that time.
“Dabi.” You screamed as you ran into his arms, letting the yellow energy encompass you as he held you. Held onto the woman he hadn’t seen in a year, the woman who had been taken away from him, he looked into those soft eyes of yours, the same ones he had seen when you went to go watch the stars.
He kissed your forehead as you both stayed in each other’s arms before he leant down to capture your lips. His soft lips brushing against your own, love and lust filled but most of all the memories of that day had finally occurred.
“Y/n, don’t you fucking dare.” Dabi’s words echoed throughout the sky, the way you flew down as he saw the tears form around your eyes, “I…I can save you.”
“Let me go…” Yellow surrounding you as you and the league had been confronted by pro heroes, they began to circle you and you only had one option left to save them, to save him.
The yellow became brighter as the rest of the city turned dark, all the energy cultivating inside of you. You were burning, feeling your head burn as the yellow stayed firm in your grasps. The cries of civilians and pro heroes trying to attack you being prevalent before you burst. Flames capture the entire city, buildings burning, and pro heroes being shot down to the ground as each essence of your power burns out of you. Until you fell, you fell to the ground as Dabi tried to get a hold of you, tried to grab onto you, but saw the warp gate surround your body and his own.
He instantly moved to grab your limp body, the way you collapsed in his arms unable to even form words as your eyes became heavier and heavier. He kissed your cheek as he looked down at you, he knew if he had still had tear ducts he’d be crying but instead all that formed were I love you’s and pleas for your survival.
He saw Kurogiri get slammed to the side by Hawks as he stared with hatred at him.
“You fucking son of a bitch, don’t you dare touch her.” He screamed as he held onto your limp body.
You couldn’t make out who the man was talking to in your fluttering eyes, but he seemed to be coming closer with every step. Your breath hitched as you saw the wings open up, realising that it was Keigo, he was ready to take you.
Keigo looked at Dabi before pinning his feathers to the man, his eyes filled with fury until he felt Endeavor grab him and push him onto another building. The last thing Dabi saw was you in Keigo’s’ arms being taken away.
“How long?” You whispered as you both stopped kissing, Dabi didn’t want to answer that instead looking down at the burn marks that he hadn’t caused. He looked down at his initials kissing it softly before looking up.
You repeated your question waiting for an answer, “one year.”
Holding onto him again, you kept him close by you as the yellow energy field kept you both safe. You both would stay safe forever, you would be together and have the happiness you deserve with him. You cupped his cheek to kiss him again, having missed the feeling of his lips against your own, the torture and near death you had experienced. Was all for this, was all to meet the man you loved on…
Darkness. Your body collapsed as Dabi felt your limp body against his own, blood seeping through onto your clothes as it went against his fingers. A bullet, not just a normal one, one made from your own energy had passed through the field and collided with your stomach. It wasn’t a warning bullet, they had killed you, Dabi collapsed just as he had a year ago. Eyes looking up at the destruction ahead as he held onto you, seeing how tears poured out. “I love you.”
“No, please not again.” He whispered seeing Kurogiri ready to warp around everybody, he needed you to come with them. He couldn’t watch you get tortured and forget him all over again, the sounds of pro heroes ready to shoot once more as the warp went around the two of you.
The countryside where the league watched and stared at your limp body. “I’m so…sorry, for no…not being…there.”
“It doesn’t matter, just stay with me, come on Y/n, stay with me.” His words were pleading, he needed you to be okay, but the bullet had hit a vital organ and you and him both knew you had no time left.
“Say it.” You whispered.
He knew what you wanted him to say, the words that would finally bring you peace, “I love you Y/n.”
With those four words everything became dark as your arm went to the grass and Dabi held your corpse in his hands, blood covering the two of you as he looked up at the sky. He had always thought the two of you would die together, a type of double suicide but now finally being left without you for good this time. He would never know the torture you went through, but as he kissed your head one last time, he would rid the world of fake heroes in your name. For that had been the dream of the two of you ever since that night watching the stars.
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lilchibi-chan · 3 years
Hawks Mafia! AU x Reader
This post/series is inspired by mailorderfriend on TikTok. I love her videos and when she did this series, my mind started going WILD! Details will be inspired by her videos (obvi) but everything else will come from my head.
You work at a local diner in the city and make pretty good money. Business men come in on their lunch break and even late at night when they’re working late. A few of them try to impress you and make comments about you being beautiful and how you’re “much too nice of a girl to be working in a place like this”. You know it’s just for them to show off to their friends, although you do make great tips from it. They feel entitled because they work in these big beautiful buildings and look down on everyone, but that stuff doesn’t impress you.
There is one guy that sticks out to you. He has ash blonde hair and these amber/golden eyes and always has on the nicest suits, like really expensive looking and tailor made.Not like the business men that you usually see. You could tell he was rich or at least had more than enough money he knew what to do with, but he wasn’t arrogant. He always comes in when you’re working late, which has been everyday lately (just trying to make a little extra cash). He’s always nice to you and always asks how your day has been. He insists on calling you pet names like baby bird and hummingbird, but you don’t mind them. He says them in more of an endearing way than a i’m-trying-to-get-in-your-pants way.
When you’re closing, he stays until you leave. You don’t find it weird at all. He has this aura about him that just makes you feel safe. He makes you feel at peace, happy even.
It’s been raining for the past week and you have been dreading closing, but you needed the money since your roommate had moved out. You were on the hunt for a new one, but didn’t have any bites yet.  
“Excuse me sir,” you say to the very handsome,blonde haired man
“Yes, hummingbird,” he says looking into your eyes, each yours with his
“Um, we’re closing, s-so I have to ask you to leave,” you say nervously.
“That’s alright,” he says with a soft smile,“you have a Goodnight baby bird. Get home safe and be careful out there with all that rain.”
“Th-thank you sir,” you reply,still nervous
“Enough of the sir business, please call me Hawks”
“Yes si-I mean Hawks”
“Good girl,” he says in a low voice, then pats your head
He made his way out the door and towards his car. It was a blacked out Audi R8. He waved to you before he pulled off and you gave a small wave back.
You noticed there was man sitting in a corner booth. He was a regular, but he never came this late.You noticed the scent of liquor as you got closer to him.
“Sir,” you say tapping his shoulder
“Hey gorgeous,” he says drunkly
“Sir, we’re closing. I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” you say nicely, but firm
“I’ll leave... if you give me your number and let me take you out,” he says grabbing your hand
“Sir, I’m not allowed to fraternize with guests and that includes dating them,” you say pulling your hand out of his
“C’mon beautiful. You always treat me well when I come in and I see the way you look at me. You think I don’t notice, but I do. You want me,” he says standing over you
You mentally roll your eyes
“Sir, that’s just me doing my job. It’s called courtesy and being respectful. I’m going to have to ask you to leave now”
“C’mon stop denying it. You and I both want this. I know it, you know, so c’mon. Let me take you out,” he says going to grab your arm, but you back up
“Sir, this is the last time I’m going to ask you. Please leave,” you say in a slightly pissed off tone
“Look, I’m not screwing around,” he says finally grabbing you
You try to pull away, but this time his grip is much stronger in you. He pushes you into the corner booth and forces you to lay down. He lowers himself to kiss you, but the door swings open causing his attention to go there.
“Well, well, well... what’s going on here? That’s no way to treat a lady, sir” he says smiling
“Stay out of this, it has nothing to do with you,” the customer says,still hovering over you
“Oh, it very much does sir cause ya see, I don’t really care for people disrespecting women in any way, but especially if it’s her.”
“Tch. Get lost before I have you limping out of here”
“Sir, you’re the one that’s probably not gonna make it out of here”
“You think you’re tough. Go ahead and try. I’ll lay you out right here,” the customer says finally getting off you
You’re able to sit up and see that it was Hawks who came to your aid.
You see him remove his suit jacket, fold it, then he lays it over the booth closest to the door. He started rolling up his sleeves and made his way toward the customer trying to have his way with you.
Hawks grabs the man and throws him to the floor. He then joins the man and places a hand around his throat.
“How does it feel to be the bitch now, huh? Come back here and I promise it’ll be the last fucking thing you do. If I see or hear that you’ve been hanging around, I’ll fucking kill you,” he says with a smile
He meant what he said.
Hawks releases his hold and let’s the man up off the ground. He races out of the diner and doesn’t even think to look back.
Hawks makes his way over to you and at first you’re unsure if you should let him near.
“Are you alright, baby bird,” he asks with a tinge of sadness in his eyes
“Y-yeah. Thanks to you. H-how did you even know-“
“I saw him when he came in and something felt off. When I drove off, I only parked across the street. I watched just in case he tried anything and I’m glad I did.”
“Th-thank you Hawks,” you say, still shaken up by the events that just occurred
He looks at you softly. His eyes saying ‘I’m here for you. You’re safe with me’
“Get your stuff baby bird. I’ll take you home, you shouldn’t be alone tonight,” he says softly as to not startle you or make you feel any more uneasy
You simply nod and get your stuff from the break room in the back of the restaurant.
You meet Hawks in the front and you feel the sudden urge to hug him.
This surprises him, but he hugs back and rubs the back of your head.
“Thank you,” you squeak out
He smiles and lets out a small hum.
He takes your hand and guides you to his car, covering you both with a huge umbrella.
He opens the door of the passenger side and lets you get in first. He does a small jog around and gets in on the drivers side.
“Comfortable, baby bird?”
“Good, so where we headed,” he says smiling
You tell him the address and starts the car. The drive is quiet, but comfortable. Hawks even put on the seat warmer for your chair to further comfort you.
He makes it to the front of your building and wakes you up gently. You weren’t even aware that you had nodded off.
“We’re here, humming bird”
“Thank you, Hawks...for everything,” you say grabbing his hand and rubbing his knuckles with your fingers
“Anytime...here,” he says handing you a business card
You examine the nicely crafted card and smile
“That’s my cell number. Whenever you need me, don’t hesitate”
“Thank you,” you say mentally kicking yourself because you keep saying thank you,“I promise that’s not the only thing I can say, but I’m appreciative of everything you’ve don’t for me tonight”
He laughs
“It’s fine and you’re welcome. I’m bein honest though kid. In fact, how about I give you a job at my company? It pays more than you working at the restaurant and I have top of the line security, that way you’ll always be safe. You’ll even make enough that you won’t need a roommate”
“I’ll think about it. Thank you though. I just wanna get through tonight. When I can actually think, I’ll let you know”
“Alright, baby bird. Well you get on up to your apartment. I’ll leave once you’re inside.”
You get out the car and enter the code to enter your building, then you take out your key fob to enter the second set of doors and to use the elevator. When you get up to your apartment, you look out the window and see Hawks’ car still sitting in the same spot. You can’t help the smile that grows on your face.
You text him, letting him know you’re in your apartment and you’re safe. He takes a minute, but eventually pulls off.
You head to your bathroom to wash the day off and head to bed.
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Art by kawaiitentacle on IG
Hope you guys enjoyed this! I wanted to give you this in the meantime while I figure out how to extend Siren Song (I hate writers block).
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