#had some complaints that my original info post was too long or the read more was opening on reblogs or something?
hey! you should submit characters to the webcomic character tournament before submissions close on this thursday, june 8th!
are you thinking 'i won't bother, my favorite character is too obscure to ever make it far in a tournament'? don't worry about that!
this isn't a typical single elimination bracket, it's inspired by mcmahon system tournaments instead! that means:
no character eliminations
characters are initially matched up using a score to determine how well known their comic is, and all rounds should be relatively evenly matched in this regard
points are awarded to characters based on whether they win or lose, and will then be used to determine future matchups
this means you can have fun rooting for your favorite characters all throughout and seeing how many winning points they can score in their matchups!
there are no limits set on what counts as a webcomic character, but considering the makeup of submissions so far i want to especially encourage everyone to submit comics that are not webtoons originals (as they are currently a large proportion of submissions) and to submit characters from the obscurest webcomics you love!
more information and a link to the submissions form can be found in this post :)
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
For anyone interested in long-term residence in the supernatural fandom, please have some observations I’ve made over the decade I’ve been here. Take it or leave it as you will, but I’ve found all of this info useful over the years I’ve been here.
I wrote this yesterday, and it achieved its mission of identifying the sort of folks who would react negatively to it (i.e. a lot of block lists have been updated), so now that it’s been edited for content, it’s going under a cut (because that is how we do things on tumblr in general, unless we have a deliberate purpose for annoying readers with excessively long text posts) for the sake of people who actually do care about the fandom and its history. If that’s not you or your reason for being here, then keep on keeping on with your own thing, I guess. For those who are interested, there’s a lot of fandom resources some of us have been building for years that you might enjoy knowing about.
First off, I’ve been informed by a few friends who’ve read through this for coherency’s sake that it sort of reads like a *shakes cane from porch* fandom grandma complaint, but honestly... I earned this rocking chair and goshdangit imma rock now. So apologies for any “back in my day” vibes or faint aroma of tiger balm this post might give off. Then again, it’s loosely based on a similar post from 2012 so like... time is a flat circle anyway I guess.
1. There is no such thing as “tumblr famous,” unless you’re referring to the hilarious and delightful fic of the same name (please go read it, you will cackle). Posting Hot Takes for imaginary Clout™ on this site is kind of pointless in the long run. Sure you can post solely for the sake of stirring shit and getting notes, but the majority of the folks who do aren’t long term residents of the fandom. They’re just tourists moving through our little beach town for spring break. If you’re actually intent on moving to this corner of the fandom for an extended stay, please bother to really feel out the permanent residents and understand the culture and general mood of the neighborhood. It bears no resemblance to whatever’s going on across town where all the bars and beach parities are happening, and those loud, drunken revelers are, again, gonna disappear back to their regular lives or on to the next party eventually. That doesn’t mean the fandom is dying, it’s just evolving.
(funny how I had several comments implying that I’m just trying to keep the fandom from evolving with this post, because I sincerely do want the fandom to continue on for years to come, and that is impossible without evolution. We can evolve without self-immolating, though. mostly i included point 1 for an excuse to push ancient but hilarious fanfic on you.)
2. Once you post something here, it’s been unleashed to the fandom winds. You never know where it will end up, or who will comment on it or add to it. Remember that time Misha tweeted the link to the Epic Cockles Love Story post? No? It was wild. That was 2012. They all know we’re here, and how to find us if they want to. Please don’t take it to their doorsteps.
Obviously if someone is being a dick on your posts, please feel free to block them, but the whole entire point of this site is to engage people with your posts. Being big mad that someone reblogged your post with comments or supporting evidence, or happy headcanons or “HECK THIS IS GREAT BECAUSE (insert personal story about their experience or whatever else made them Feel Things about your post)” is frankly ridiculous. If your goal is to avoid any sort of engagement with your posts, then maybe try instagram instead. From what I understand, there is a SPN fandom presence there, and nobody can tarnish your original posts with unwanted commentary. But the ability to reblog with additional commentary is a FEATURE of tumblr that builds community through conversation. Otherwise we’re all just talking to ourselves in a vacuum, and that’s what actually kills fandoms.
(and for the folks who just want to blog how they want to blog and don’t want people to engage on their posts at all, please feel free to block anyone you want, as well... nobody wants to step on your toes, but most of us also don’t want to walk on eggshells wondering if this post is one of the “do not add comments for any reason” sorts of posts, either. This is a huge fandom and most people can’t even begin to keep track of every creator and their url du jour, and what their personal rules might be regarding interaction with their content. Including a “please don’t add comments” note at the bottom of your posts-- and not in your tags that won’t even show up on reblogs, but in the actual body of the post-- would sincerely help avoid any awkward or unwanted interactions, too. At the end of the day, you are in control of your own fandom experience and the block button exists.
For the record, I block zero fandom blogs (which is why I posted this, I wanted it to reach a wide scope... refer to the opening paragraphs as to why).
3. Since this post was partly inspired by a tag I left on that post going around about how “previous tags” mean fuckall on this site (which you can read here), just a reminder that if you like someone’s tags or feel they add value to the post, part of the Peer Review structure of tumblr encourages you to PASTE THEM INTO A REBLOG. If you do this, then at least credit the person who actually wrote the tags! Don’t just copy someone else’s tags into your tags on your reblog of the post without credit either. They were not YOUR tags. (I have had this happen to tag rambles I wrote and someone else got credited with them on a subsequent reblog and it is FRUSTRATING). Just... don’t even bother to write “previous tags” because WHAT PREVIOUS TAGS?! Nobody is gonna bother to chase back the chain of reblogs trying to find where the mystery tags came from, friendos. That way lies madness.
(for the record, since some folks seemed to focus on this point solely, writing “previous tags” on a post isn’t inherently a BAD thing, but for anyone who actually is here for more than one-off shitposting, then it’s sort of a pointless thing in the long run. This wasn’t intended to suggest people who ARE here for one-off shitposting are bad or “doing it wrong,” but for people who might actually want to preserve that hilarious joke or insightful comment. People delete posts and entire blogs all the time around here. Links break. I get that the upcoming generation just shrugs at that and moves on with their lives, but heck... you don’t have to accept that all entertainment is disposable if you don’t want to. There’s a bizarre sort of nihilism plaguing us all about the impermanence of pretty much everything that feels like something we should be fighting against rather than buying into wholesale, even in our escapist entertainment. I’m just exhausted by the complete loss of joy in community.
Yes... yes it isn’t really that deep, but bigger picture in the state of reality we’re all entirely disillusioned with, are we supposed to just give up on everything, including the things we cling to because they bring us a tiny spark of hope that we’re not all just trapped in this dystopian nightmare and things might actually be worth living for?
*peanut gallery clinging to burnt husks of peanuts in a barren peanut field* but this is how we have chosen to cope
Okay... you do you... I feel bad for you but if that’s the case then this post is NOT FOR YOU. AND THAT’S FINE. I honestly do not care if you don’t care! I mean, I’m sorry anyone has to live in a world that drives them to that mindset, but I understand. This post is for anyone who might look at their lives and their choices and think “no wait, I unironically enjoy this and want more from the experience of that enjoyment than I’m currently feeling.” Everyone else can continue with their lives as usual.)
4. CONTENT THEFT IS NEVER OKAY. PERIOD. Things like “credit to the artist” or tagging gifs or images you found on pinterest as “not mine” isn’t actually credit. If you can’t source an image or gif set, DO NOT POST IT! We don’t REPOST (i.e. save an image and then create a new post with it as if it was our own creation). We REBLOG (click the little square arrows and reblog from the actual creator). That goes for gif sets, fanvids, screencaps, meta, fic... everything.
(hopefully everyone here already understands this one, but I felt compelled to include some “these are stupidly obvious” reminders anyway, since this is ostensibly some sort of advice column. This is the equivalent of the warning label on your toaster reminding you not to use it in the bath. Like... duh...)
5. Close kin of item 4 is SOURCE YOUR SHIT. 
(for 100% disclosure purposes, I specifically discussed this one in this specific way because of an influx of anon ask messages I received in the wake of the finale. Literally the inciting incident for creating this entire post was what I can only assume was a joking ask about a comment Misha made at a con years ago. Someone actually bothered to take the time to type out those sentences to me. I have no idea what they were expecting in reply, or what could possibly motivate them to send this comment about something so entirely random from, again, several years ago. Just a joke? No idea, but whatever... it got me thinking that there might actually be people who are new to the fandom who MIGHT actually care about the fandom history, and maybe they just don’t know where to go for that info, or how to even begin searching through 16 years of history for things they might actually find enjoyment in, rather than just hauling random out of context garbage out on main and pointing and laughing about it now. People are actually allowed to care about things. It’s not cringeworthy to actually care about things, and you are not alone in actually caring, and there’s this whole big room over here full of people who are thrilled to share in that with you. This post is intended FOR THOSE PEOPLE SPECIFICALLY, so if that is not you, please just continue walking by.)
Yes, I know lots of y’all are new around here right now, but dredging up stuff from years ago that fandom has completely debunked and presenting it as TRU FAX again is just exhausting. We’re not trying to be party poopers, but seriously, we have seen it all and are mostly done with extinguishing bags of flaming dog poop on our front porches for the umpteenth year in a row. I’ve seen a lot of posts that have the same tone as “I saw Goody Proctor dancing with the devil” or “I heard kylo ren has an eight pack” and just... the information is there for anyone who cares enough to find it.
This goes double for “why is nobody talking about this thing I just discovered while watching the show for the first time?!” And, oh hon, we have talked it all into the ground over the last fifteen years. We’re happy you’re discovering it again, but I promise we talked about it plenty when the episodes originally aired. We have such a rich meta history that lots of us have worked really hard to preserve. I encourage you to seek it out, if nothing else than as historical artifacts. The way we have discussed the show has been a 16-year evolution. People have written literal doctoral dissertations on this show. Your shitposts are fun! We love reliving our own experience through fresh eyes, and seeing your wonder at experiencing it all again for the first time! But y’all didn’t invent this fandom in the last six months, either.
Meta Sources and Minerals provided by our friendly neighborhood fandom archivist, @lets-steal-an-archive
Academic books and articles about SPN 
A collection of Meta Essays going back to s1 and organized by topic (all of this has happened before, all of it will happen again)
SPN Heavy Meta Archive (s1-3)
Mel’s Dreamwidth archive of meta (s1-12)
Oranges8hands Dreamwidth archive of meta (s1-15, with many similar entries to Mel’s... though ymmv on viewpoint in a lot of these too)
Anyone remember Fandom Wank? Not the concept but the actual LJ... No? Okay have a link to SPN topics that ended up there. Through 2013. We have seen so much... including several fandom containment breaches.
for all your art sourcing needs, please see @theroadsofararchive, the repository for so much fandom art.
need to find a gif of something? canonspngifs is a vast repository of gifsets of the entire series. If the gif you want to use in your post happens to be the first gif in the gifset, in the tumblr gif finder thingy just paste the permalink to that post from canonspngifs (which is easily searchable by episode, character, location, situation, quotes, and sometimes even color and clothing items the actors are wearing... it’s really well organized, especially for tumblr >.>) and the first gif will be automatically linked with credit to the gif creator attached. It makes life easy that way. It’s also convenient when trying to remember something specific but can’t remember what episode it’s from. I’ve used the site to jog my memory before going to the superwiki armed with more specific search results to find episode quotes and references. Or sometimes I just scroll through all the nice gifs for fun, too.
Need a screencap of something and know exactly which episode it’s from? Try Home of the Nutty. You might not find the exact screencap you’re looking for, but they have a complete set of caps of every episode, and it’s an incredibly useful resource for quick reference checks and the like. Just give pages a chance to fully load before clicking on the next one. The site is easily overloaded, but it’s still free to use (and again, with credit... Pretty much every screencap on my entire blog is from HotN unless otherwise credited).
As you can see, this is a fandom built on preserving our history. You absolutely are not required to engage with any of this if that’s not of interest to you, but I can only assume that there are people who would be interested in it if only they knew it existed and how to find it. Well, now they do.
6. A few more notes on tags, and how they work on tumblr. The first 20 tags on your ORIGINAL posts are searchable sitewide, so if you want to be able to find something again, tag that thing first before going on general tag rambles. The only place tags on reblogs are searchable is on your own blog. So you don’t have to put 50 tags trying to get a post seen if it’s a reblog. You’re just spitting into the wind at that point. If you have a filing system for finding things again, then by all means add those tags (again, in the first 20, so they’re searchable), but you don’t need to tag a reblog “destiel” and “deancas” and “dean” and “cas” and “dean x cas” or whatever. Pick one for your personal blog’s filing system, that’s all you need.
(this was only added because tagging and searching on this site is so very broken... I get that a lot of folks don’t care about ever searching their own blogs again for anything, so this one only really applies if you do often find yourself trying to find old posts. If not, then it’s not really relevant.  It took me years to work out a decent tagging system, and at the beginning of my time here I never thought I’d end up camping out here for a decade and falling this deep into the fandom, and I regretted my lack of consistent tags only years later when I realized I actually wanted to be able to go back and find specific old posts again. So... for anyone who wants to err on the side of caution, working out a sensible tagging system really helps if you’re here for the long term. I personally tag content by episode, because some of my other general tags are so large as to be practically useless as a search term. But whatever system you choose to file stuff on your own blog, it really only has to make sense to you. And again, if this is pointless advice for someone who has no intention of settling here for the long term. Please feel free to ignore it. I just wish someone had explained it this way to me ten years ago and saved me the hassle of retroactively tagging something like 30k posts... especially now that using the mass tag replacer is the fastest way to get your entire blog deleted... oops? so yeah, don’t use the mass tag replacer either >.>)
7. Tags on Tumblr DO NOT WORK LIKE TAGS ON TWITTER. If you @ someone in the body of the post, it will show up in their notifications (if they’re the sort of person who even checks their notifications... not all of us do. For the record, I generally don’t...), but putting actor or ship names in the tags on a tumblr post does absolutely nothing. It’s not the same as tagging the actor’s twitter account in a tweet. Nobody’s getting notifications about you tagging a post about Jensen here as “Jensen Ackles.” There is a difference. Please learn it. (and don’t take headcanons and ESPECIALLY RPF or otherwise explicit art or fic from tumblr to twitter and tag the actors in it. That’s just... not okay.)
(I have seen the pearl clutchers getting all in a huff about the mere existence of RPF or even explicit content of fictional characters if it doesn’t meet their purity standards, but tagging those things allows people who don’t want to see it to actively avoid that content here. Nobody has a right to tell people their fictional content shouldn’t exist at all, or that creators of that fictional content somehow deserve harassment or threats for having dared to create such “immoral” content, won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children... and no... you do not do that here. Don’t be the problematic behavior you wish to ban from the world. Learn to use tags to protect yourself from, as i have attempted to emphasize here, fictional content you are personally upset by. That’s a you problem, not a problem for the creators of potentially upsetting content that they tag appropriately for.)
8. General formatting stuff: If you’re writing long text posts, visually break them up so people aren’t faced with one long wall of text. The enter key is your friend. Also, if you put long text posts under a Read More break and send people to your blog to finish reading, please ensure that your blog is actually visually accessible (tiny text, or light grey text on a dark grey background, or a visually busy background might be aesthetically pleasing to you but nobody can actually read it. Loads of folks won’t even try. Which is great if you don’t actually care whether people are able to appreciate your content or not, but something to at least consider if you *do* actively want to encourage engagement with your work. Confirm how your blog looks on both mobile and desktop and make sure it’s actually functional in both, too).
And since I mentioned that most of my experience on fandom tumblr has been in the SPN fandom, here’s a bit of a reminder for folks who are new around here. With the reminder that I have been here more than a decade and still feel like a newbie myself sometimes...
This is an OLD FANDOM. There are many, many people who have been at this longer than some of you have been alive. The average age for creators in this fandom is older than you think (I think of my friends in their 30′s as young’ins okay? okay). With that understood, you are responsible for the content you consume and are exposed to. Curate your experience. Ship and let ship. YKINMKATOK. Don’t deliberately expose yourself to content you find upsetting for whatever reason. Tags and warnings are your friends, not targets for you to attack in some sort of purity war. People will ship things you do not like (or in specific ways you do not like), will say things you do not agree with, and will find their happiness in things you abhor. That is not your concern. Find what you do like, and support and engage with it, and ignore (or block, or unfollow) the rest. Tumblr has a feature that lets you blacklist tags so the content you’re trying to avoid won’t appear on your dash.
Remember the paradox of tolerance.
It is not your job in fandom to police how other people enjoy the fandom. It’s not *my* job to police how *you* enjoy the fandom, UNLESS your enjoyment is in actively harming other real human beings in the fandom. If you don’t like their take on the character or the show or the plotlines or their ships or anything else, you don’t need to engage with their posts at all! The necessary corollary to this is that clarifying misunderstandings or correcting factual misinformation is not “policing.” 
(this is where the peanut gallery reminds me it ain’t that deep, and I plead with them to put down the social media and find just one (1) thing to actually believe in in this godforsaken life, find something other than disdain and cynicism and spite to live for. If those things motivate you to find a larger cause for yourself, then great, use them to your advantage, but use them to find something that makes you a better person or brings you a modicum of joy and connection to your fellow human beings despite living in a dystopian hellscape of a world)
I have seen a lot of posts lately that are founded on the sort of authority that comes with “I watched through tumblr for a few months and then watched the last three episodes of the series” and as such are just... missing the larger context of the entire show, and are unfounded entirely in canon. I 100% appreciate the new enthusiasm for the fandom that we’ve been living in here for years, and it’s wonderful to see new people enjoying the thing we love. Your headcanons are valid, you are valid, but recognize that your headcanons aren’t canon. All of us finale denialists have accepted this in some measure, so we feel you. We truly, truly feel you. But regarding actual canon, we have a resource for that: the Superwiki. Learn it, live it, love it, as Metatron would say.
(which you could discover he said in 10.17 Inside Man, thanks to the superwiki! accept no substitutes!)
(and again, there have been people who have been involved in fandom for years who haven’t engaged with canon in years, either! You can play in this universe however you choose, BUT FOR PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT CANON AT ALL, WHICH I AM AGAIN POINTEDLY SAYING MIGHT NOT BE YOU, READER, AND I’M NOT SUGGESTING YOU ARE WRONG FOR NOT WANTING TO ACTUALLY ENGAGE WITH CANON, but if you DO want to engage with canon, please have some useful resources. Why do people feel personally attacked by being presented a list of helpful resources? Absolutely baffling.)
(also: words have definitions. “Canon” is a specific thing, meaning in this case “the finished media product that aired on television.” Anything beyond those limits is secondary canon (think: john’s journal, which is not canon but canon adjacent at best...), word of god (i.e stuff said by the writers and showrunners), or headcanon (which includes actor commentary-- they may have helped create the show with their acting choices and whatever, but they are not in control of the story overall). If there’s something you dislike about actual canon, you can reject it and supplement it with your own theories or preferred outcomes-- that’s basically what fanfic is-- but that doesn’t make your theories canon (much to all our dismay, that’s just not how any of this works. This is not to invalidate how anyone engages with the show or the fandom, just trying to clarify what seems to have been a source of unintentional misunderstandings. Your theories do not have to be “canon” to be legitimate interpretations.)
***I am setting this section apart, and did make a separate post of just this following information, because this is where we go from being relatively chill about different parts of fandom choosing to interact in different ways and you do you and blog however you want, to “hey can everybody please understand that the way you are interacting with this specific material might be harmful for specific legal reasons, and stating that you do not care about the consequences of your actions does actively make you the asshole here...” Okay, now that we have that understood:
The spnscripthunt collective has been steadily acquiring new scripts (which are posted in full on the superwiki for everyone to enjoy, for free). The language around how some folks are talking about these scripts is... concerning. For very real legal reasons, actually, and not because we’re feeling precious about the collection and don’t wike it when meanies use them in shitposts.
-First off, these scripts are not “leaks.” They are all verified and legally purchased (or gifted, in some cases, but still acquired entirely above board. we didn’t whack anyone over the head in a back alley for these scripts, or swipe them out of someone’s trailer on set).
(in case anyone was unaware, these scripts are the copywritten protected property of Warner Brothers. So yes, how we use them and share them with the fandom could have legal repercussions. We present them as a collected resource of fandom history which SHOULD fall under Fair Use doctrine, but this is untested legal water. Insinuating that the scripts are somehow not entirely legally obtained, or that posting them for public access involved less than 100% transparent and entirely legal transactions is incredibly concerning.
Once again for the peanut gallery, if you don’t care about any of that and are just having a good time with it, at least be mindful of the work and expense a large group of people have gone through to acquire and present the content you’re all too eager to exploit for cheap thrills. Some of us do actually care and are not exactly comfortable with the fact that others don’t seem to care about burning it all to the ground. We can’t force you to listen or behave as we’d hope you might, but at least be aware of the potential consequences of your actions. All we’re asking is for you to not be the douchebag who sets the whole neighborhood on fire with your illegal fireworks display. Is that too much to ask for? more on that in a second, first... a psa)
-If you see a script for sale and are unsure if it’s legit (or believe it might already be freely available in our collection), please feel free to ask us for advice. Our goal is to make as much of our fandom history available to the entire fandom, and we absolutely do not want anyone shelling out money for stuff you can already find for free.
(seriously, we’ve seen a bunch of resellers cropping up selling printed versions of the scripts we bought and uploaded for everyone to enjoy free of charge, or scripts that are otherwise of dubious origin. We’ve been at this for years now and know what’s actually out there. We don’t want anyone to fall for a scam if we can help it)
-Also, the usual reminder that the scripts we acquire ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE FINAL SHOOTING DRAFTS. In fact, the majority of scripts in our collection are NOT. Changes are made daily to scripts, even during filming. Comparing a Production Draft (white pages, effectively the first “final draft” of what usually becomes a series of drafts before filming wraps) to a much later revision (say... green or goldenrod revisions, several of which we DO have in our collection for comparison) and how those earlier drafts often differ wildly from the aired version versus how similar a much later green draft is to the aired version, for example, can teach you a lot about the television writing process. The link above to the superwiki scripts page has a nice little explainer about how this process works.
Differences between our posted scripts (many of which are white drafts, aka FIRST complete drafts, which will likely go through multiple rounds of revisions before filming even begins) and the aired version of the show are not all “acting choices” or a director or editor just cutting whole scenes on a whim. It’s insulting to everyone involved in production to suggest that’s the case.
(and yeah, fine... whatever, make any sort of posts you like regarding how those changes came about, but at the very least understand that it’s not actually the truth about how any of this works. Don’t care that that’s not the truth and want to make the posts anyway because shitposting is fun and that’s the extent of your sense of humor? FINE! You’re entitled to do that! But at least you DO know the truth now, and hopefully so do the people who engage with your posts. Deliberate ignorance isn’t cute, smooth lions notwithstanding)
There’s probably a whole other post to be made on fandom tagging etiquette, but again I don’t really use the tags enough to know what’s going on with that whole situation. I’ve also probably left a lot of stuff out, so please feel free to add things I’ve overlooked.
Thanks also to @trisscar368 and @thayerkerbasy for help compiling this, too. They were kind enough to escort me through the park to feed these pigeons. Now I need to take them out for ice cream. :’D
So I guess welcome to the neighborhood. Make yourself at home, but like... try not to trash the place while you’re here. Some of us live here by choice, lol.
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precuredaily · 3 years
Precure Day 201
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 03 - “Syrup the Delivery Boy’s Friend” Date watched: 10 July 2020 Original air date: 17 February 2008 Screenshots Transformation Gallery Project info and master list of posts
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Last time I said I was pretty sure this episode was packed with more exposition.
I was wrong.
The Plot
Coco is writing a letter to Milk to explain what they’re up to and ask about the status of the Palmier Kingdom. As he finishes, Syrup shows up, and Coco asks him to deliver the letter. Instead, the delivery boy dumps a bag full of letters onto Coco’s desk, explaining they’re from Milk. Nozomi says that since Milk took the time to write them all, Coco should properly respond to them. Individually. Nobody stops to say that maybe he should write one long letter that responds to all her points, because making jokes out of Coco’s misery is more fun. Meanwhile the girls all decide to go to the store for snacks. Because.
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this is Rin’s “I give up” face
Meanwhile, Syrup decides to crash on top of the clock tower when his partner Mailpo shows up. Mailpo, for the record, is just an LCD screen with arms and legs, but they are the best mascot in this show. They spit out letters from their face-screen, which Syrup then delivers to their destination. In this instance Mailpo summons another letter from Milk. Syrup is frustrated and decides he’ll just take a nap and deliver it later, because there will probably be more anyway. Mailpo just wants to be a good little toy, so they set off to find the recipient themselves. Mailpo eventually stumbles upon Komachi and presents her with the letter before disappearing into thin air.
Over in Eternal, Anacondy drills Scorp about Precure. He admits that they weren’t especially strong, but they came at him from all directions. Bunbee chimes up that he’s familiar with this strategy, and Anacondy requests that he write up a thorough report.
Back at the plot, Komachi (now accompanied by Nozomi) looks for Mailpo, and they run into Syrup who is also looking for his friend. They coax him into letting them ride on him so they can search from the sky. While this is happening, Mailpo continues wandering aimlessly around the city, when they are accosted by a shadowy figure (Bunbee) who gives them a special letter to deliver. While trying to find their friends, Rin, Urara, and Karen along with Coco and Nuts spot another Palmin and give us a refresher on how to use the CureMo to catch it. It’s an apple. The girls all meet up and find Mailpo, who has a special delivery.... for Nozomi! It’s a letter. They think it’s from Milk until they open it.
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you were expecting a letter from Milk but it was ME, BUNBEE!
Then the man himself appears on a nearby rooftop and explains to the girls that he works for Eternal now. He informs the audience how he survived his seemingly fatal fall from Nightmare HQ: he caught a ledge and then remembered he can fly. Then he transforms, as do the girls, and they clash. Bunbee is surprised by how much stronger the Precures are now, so he turns a mailbox into a Hoshiina. It knocks the girls around for a minute, and Bunbee takes the chance to seize Mailpo, believing they have the Rose Pact, but this just pisses off Mint, who chides him for taking advantage and diminishing the friendship between Mailpo and Syrup, so she unleashes her new attack: Precure Emerald Saucer. She summons a ring around her waist, raises it above her head as it fills in, and then hurls it at her opponent. It’s an interesting change from last season, where she was a shield user (though we know she could use them offensively). I imagine there were complaints that it wasn’t exciting enough. Anyway, her attack misses but causes Bunbee to drop Mailpo when he dodges, and then Dream uses Shooting Star to destroy the Hoshiina, and Bunbee flees.
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A few days later back at Natts House, Coco and Nuts collapse after finishing writing the last of their response letters to Milk (to say nothing of how many more may have come in in the intervening time). Karen comments that they apparently haven’t slept in 3 days while they wrote them. (side note: please do not do this, it is not worth it) They ask Syrup to deliver them and he refuses because it’s too much work, but Mailpo jumps on the table and starts sucking them up, to everyone’s surprise. Syrup tries to stop Mailpo, screaming about how he refuses to deliver this many letters, and the ending plays.
The Analysis
I must once again point out that the art quality on display here is uh..... not great. To be fair, it’s not awful or anything, my screenshot gallery will make it seem worse than it really is because close-ups tend to be better but they don’t tell the story as well. If I got all close-ups I’d have to take more pictures and I’ve had a bit of a problem doing that. This is the first time in a while I’ve had fewer than 100 screenshots and I kind of want to keep this energy. ANYWAY.
I don’t hate this episode, I want to emphasize that early. But it doesn’t do much for me either. It just... exists. The main point is to establish Mailpo, who had previously appeared with little fanfare in the previous episode, so little that I didn’t bother mentioning them because I knew this episode showcased them more. Also I am referring to Mailpo with the singular “they” because they don’t display characteristics of any gender. Mailpo is Mailpo.
So, Mailpo, moreso than most fairies, seems to be meant as a toy first and foremost. As I said they’re just an LCD screen in a cute casing with penguin limbs. (surprisingly though, I wasn’t able to actually find a toy of it) Nevertheless, they have an innate charm to them. They’re kind of like a Pokémon, all they do is say their name... or the first syllable anyway: MEH! They’re very endearing, they waddle around and just do their best. They suck up and spit out mail like nobody’s business. You can’t not like Mailpo. 10/10 best fairy in this show. We stan a legend.
Speaking of toys, there’s a slightly higher than usual emphasis placed on them in this episode. I mentioned that we got a repeat on how to catch Palmins with the CureMo, but there’s also the curious case of some kind of interaction between the CureMo and Syrup. When the girls are getting ready to board him, Syrup has Komachi touch her CureMo to his wing, similar to scanning a pass at a train or bus terminal, and his wing turns into a set of stairs.
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I have to assume this is some kind of feature on the toy, but it’s hard to find information on 12 year-old Japanese toys.
The most notable theme on display is responsibility. It’s not pounded over your head or anything, just shown in a few places. If Syrup had taken responsibility and delivered the letter, Mailpo wouldn’t have gotten lost. Coco and Nuts dodge their responsibility to write response letters to Milk, and at the end they’re exhausted from trying to catch up. Ironically the most responsible character present is Bunbee, who faithfully pulls off his duty to study the Precures and actually comes up with a decent plan to lure them out. I don’t know if it was meant to even be a theme of this episode at all, but that’s what I picked up on.
Some passing thoughts: Mint’s new attack is badass, I wish she’d gotten to use it to actually finish off the Hoshiina rather than just attacking Bunbee but oh well, she’ll get her chance to shine. The comedy on display is good, and there’s a fun callback to the previous season when Rin jokes about Karen’s grape juice and Karen responds by threatening not to buy Rin’s orange juice. I could watch a whole episode of the two of them just playfully annoying each other.
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And once again I have to point out the logical shortcomings on display: when they receive a mountain of letters from Milk, they decide to respond to each one individually instead of doing the sensible thing of reading them all, assessing common themes and points, and responding with a single letter that covers all the bases. Japanese culture idolizes working yourself to exhaustion and taking very few breaks, it’s a serious cultural problem and it manifests in their art as well because it’s just so commonplace. I do have to once again say: please do not sacrifice sleep for your dreams or goals, or even your obligations. It’s bad for you.
The main objective of this episode is just to develop Mailpo and Syrup’s relationship, since they’re the new characters, and it works well enough. I already said it makes Mailpo very endearing and Syrup warms up a bit as well. He’s still stand-offish but not as much as in the previous episode. Mailpo brings out the best in him, and when Mailpo goes missing, Syrup feels guilty and wants to find his friend again. However, a second, more subtle goal of this episode is to remind the audience that Milk is still out there, in active communication with the team. It would be easy to write her off as being away in the Palmier Kingdom, but they make it a point to physically show her, if only for a minute, ensuring the audience remembers she exists and is relevant. For..... reasons.
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Kettei!
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omoi-no-hoka · 4 years
Rural Life and Mental Health in Japan as a Gaijin
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Heads up: This is a very long, personal post about mental health and the stresses of living in rural Japan as a foreigner. If it’s not what you’re looking for in this blog, please feel free not to read it. If you can’t tell by the gif above, this isn’t going to be a very positive post because I’m not in a very positive mood.
It’s been just shy of five and a half years since I moved to Hokkaido, the northernmost island/prefecture in Japan. In many ways, it’s similar to the American Midwest, which is the region I’m originally from. It’s big on agriculture, it’s got lots of nature and rural areas, winters are long and nasty, and the people have a warmth that make up for the cold snow and ice outside. Heck, even a lot of the flora and fauna are the same.
I think of my current city as my “Japanese hometown” because it was where I stayed during my first trip to Japan and it’s where my hostparents from that time are. I love it here like I love my country bumpkin village of 2,800 back in the states.
But after a little over two years of living and working in this city, I think I need out. I am...tired of it in many ways.
特別扱い Tokubetsu Atsukai, “Special Treatment”
Prior to living in this city, I lived in Sapporo, which has a population of 2 million. There, no one batted an eye at a foreigner walking the streets. A lot of them were surprised that i could use Japanese, but a good few people were used to gaijin that could use nihongo and read kanji.
But in my current city, I have experienced all of the following things, some of which on a daily basis.
DISCLAIMER: I have also had a LOT of very positive experiences with the people of this city. Most of my experiences have been positive or neutral, but a good 40% have been as described below.
Everywhere I go, I am openly stared at. Gawked at, at times. (I am your standard-looking, standard-dressed, slightly overweight white girl. No visible tattoos, piercings, vibrant hair color, or otherwise attention-grabbing aspects about me other than the fact that i am clearly not Japanese.)
I am often spoken to like I am mentally disabled, or if I am with a Japanese person, they will refuse to speak to me and instead speak to my Japanese companion.
I have entered restaurants on my own and had waitstaff make a big “X” with their arms and say “No English” immediately upon seeing my non-Japanese face.
I have had waiting taxi drivers drive off instead of allow a troublesome foreigner into their car.
I have sat down alone at a bar and had the Japanese people beside me openly gossip about me with the assumption that I could not understand them.
When searching for apartments when I moved to this city, I was denied 75% of my picks because they have a “no gaijin” rule. Despite the fact that I can speak and read, that I have a good job and valid visa, and that I have already lived here 3 years without a single late rent payment or complaint against me.
I have built up casual relationships with employees at grocery stores, etc. I frequent, and they have asked me for my contact info because, in their own words, “I’ve always wanted a gaijin for a friend!” In Japan, every girl wants a token gaijin friend instead of a token gay friend.
I have gone on dates with Japanese men who clearly just wanted a white girl to hang on their arm like a piece of swag and insist on taking me to a pasta place because “You must prefer western food to Japanese food” or insisting that I dye my hair blonder to look more foreign.
I am just...so very tired of this 特別扱い (special treatment).
I don’t want to call it 差別 (prejudice) because, the majority of the time, Japanese people think they are doing me a kindness by speaking slowly and simply, or by telling me as soon as possible that they cannot help me in English, etc. While a couple of the above experiences are straight up racism (I’m looking at you, asshole taxi drivers and landlords), most of them are a misguided form of “omotenashi,” a.k.a. Japanese hospitality.
So I try very hard not to let it get to me, because I know that they don’t wish ill upon me. But I’ve worked so goddamn hard to learn this language and speak it well, and it is so frustrating for the people around me to assume that I can’t do what has been my freaking life goal. Or having people assume I can’t understand slightly difficult words and dumb down their language (Even colleagues I’ve worked with for two years now!). In the middle of a conversation they’ll say things like, “It’s hard to deal with that level of animosity--oh wait, omoi-no-hoka-san, sorry, ‘animosity’ means ‘dislike.’”
They mean it in a helpful way, but it just comes across as very condescending and I end up thinking, Oh, so they think my Japanese proficiency is so low i can’t understand that word. Which sends me into doubt over whether my language skills are actually that deficient, or whether I am speaking in a way that makes myself look at bad at Japanese.
The Effects of 特別扱い (Special Treatment)
It’s been gradual, but over the past two years, I have found myself withdrawing from the outside world. I got bad at replying to friend’s messages. I started making excuses to avoid meeting up and hanging out. I would buy all the groceries i needed to last me through the weekend on Friday after work and not emerge until Monday morning to go back to work. Even though I really love the outdoors and used to spend entire days just riding my bike along the river trails here.
...But in the past few months I’ve become unable to answer even close friends’ phone calls and messages. And I’ve even had a hard time phoning my parents, which is crazy because ever since I left home for uni I’ve called my mom on a daily basis. When I think about stepping outside of my apartment, no matter the reason or destination, I am gripped by a dread so strong I nearly throw up. I have gone a couple weekends without food because it would require me leaving my apartment to buy some, or paying for very expensive delivery which also means interacting with whoever is bringing me that food.
I’ve had a stressful summer and fall at work, and that undoubtedly has contributed to my current anxiety overload. But things have settled down at work for the past month now, and not only have I been given an award that only 2% of employees get globally, recently I have been in talks to take on what is very nearly a dream position for me within the company that is a BIG step up career-wise. I have great bosses who recognize my efforts, who listen to what I have to say, and do what they can to help when I tell them I’m in over my head.
But I have had several days where I have woken up, gotten ready for work, and just frozen at my apartment door, too sick at the thought of going outside. And yet, I can’t stand the thought of calling in sick because I feel chronic, self-imposed guilt when I take a day off, no matter the reason. So I call in to work and tell them I have a stomachache and will be in once it’s gone, (which isn’t an absolute lie), and then drag myself into work within a couple hours.
And once I enter the office, do the obligatory bow and apology for being late and causing inconveniences, the dread and anxiety vanish and I am fine until it is time for me to go outside to return home.
This makes me think that work is not a main stressor right now. It doesn’t matter if I’m going to the convenience store or the grocery store or work or anywhere. I think the constant being stared at everywhere I go has gradually accumulated to become a nasty form of social anxiety. I used to have panic attacks in middle school and high school due to home life, but since removing myself from that environment they’ve gone away. I’ve always been a socially-reserved person who shies away from the spotlight, and despite telling myself a thousand times, “Let them look at you--you’re just being you and they’re being them and that’s OKAY,” I just can’t brush it off. I have very, very seriously considered dyeing my hair from its natural brown to black in an effort to blend in, if only slightly. Which is laughable, but that’s just how much it bothers me to stand out.
But the event that really sounded the alarm for me was when my best friend of 10 years, a Japanese girl whom I met by chance my freshman year of uni, who was my roommate for 4 years of uni, who let me sleep on her living room floor here in Japan for 3 months until my work visa came through, who has been with me through thick and thin, sent me a message asking when she could drop off a souvenir for me and
I couldn’t bring myself to reply to her text.
That was when I very clearly knew that I was too deep in this funk to get myself out on my own, and I had to figure out how to get help.
Frankly, despite having struggled with panic attacks and anxiety in the past, I have never sought professional help. Until now, I never felt that my symptoms were so bad that they warranted medication. But the fact that i can’t contact my mother or my best friend, that I would rather not eat anything for two days instead of go outside, means that snorting essential oils and rubbing rose quartz against my temples or whatever isn’t going to be enough.
Mental Health Views in Japan
It’s not exactly a secret that the approach to mental health in Japan is “sweep it under the rug.” You do not talk about it. You may go to a doctor and receive medication, but you do not get counseling, because that involves talking about it. You do not tell your friends. You do not tell your family. You DEFINITELY do not tell your coworkers.
I saw my boss, T, fall into a very similar spiral to my own this summer. Stomach aches in the morning, coming in late, making excuses to get out of outings outside of work, not replying to messages, not sleeping well. And then one day he just vanished. Didn’t show up one Monday.
T wouldn’t respond to our messages so we had to contact his mother to get a hold of him. And once she had confirmed that she had spoken to him and scolded him for being “selfish” by skipping work, my coworkers were satisfied because, in their words, “Now that we know he’s still alive, we don’t have to worry.”
Honestly, that was one of the most fucked up reactions to any situation I have ever seen. I was shocked, because these coworkers truly cared for him, but their mutual reaction to this was to just...let him languish.
T announced to a select number of supervisors/colleagues that he had been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and would be stepping down from his position. He said that he had been diagnosed years ago, but had not disclosed it because he knew that he would never be promoted if anyone knew.
And that’s one of the big reasons that no one wants to talk about their mental illness here. In Japan, having a mental illness is a shameful thing. It shows that you’re weak, that you can’t keep up with everyone else, that you are flawed in a way that will adversely affect those around you at one point or another.
But my company really is a great company and the people in charge are progressive. T has a lot of great skills and experience, and they didn’t want to let him go. So they told him that they would find someone to fill his current role, but once he had rested and gotten better, they wanted him to come back and do a position that he used to do, one that he really shined in and enjoyed. And that is where he’s at now, and he’s doing much better for it.
So, having seen all of this unfold mere months ago, I grappled with how much I should tell my employers. The talk of this new and big position in Tokyo was underway, yet I knew that I wouldn’t be able to handle it unless I got better.
So I bit the bullet, and on the night that I couldn’t respond to my best friend’s text, I sent my boss a message, explaining my symptoms, how long they’d been going on, what I thought the causes were, and that I wanted to take the morning off to see a doctor about it sometime that week.
And I was really shocked by his reply.
This boss is the guy that filled T’s position, and i didn’t know him that well yet. As it turns out, he used to be a counselor before he joined this company. He told me that I could go to the doctor whenever I wanted, but that he also wanted to talk in person about this the next day.
The next day he called me into the conference room with one other manager, a guy I really trust and like. When T vanished, shit really hit the fan at the office and it was basically this manager and me keeping us afloat for the first couple weeks, so we’ve got a lot of camaraderie going. They asked me to talk more about what was going on, why I was feeling all this anxiety, etc.
And it was during this conversation that I saw the division between the traditional Japanese views of mental health and modern views of mental health.
When I explained to them both why I wanted to see a doctor and try medication, their reactions were mixed. My boss, the former counselor, said that if I thought it was best, trying out medication for a few weeks was a good idea.
The manager looked doubtful and said, “But do you really think that going to a doctor and getting pills from him will fix everything? If you’re diagnosed, what will your colleagues think? I thought you wanted that promotion.”
In that moment i felt intense fear and regret, as well as hurt. T had said that he had withheld his diagnosis for this very reason. A part of me had wanted to think it was paranoia on his part, but now I realized that he had been right to keep it a secret. This manager, whom I knew very well and trusted deeply, clearly was of the opinion that a diagnosis/medication = evidence of weakness.
So I ended up lying and telling them, “I’ll go to the doctor just to get some sleeping pills.” (I’ve been waking up every hour on the hour for a couple months now.) Sleeping pills aren’t frowned upon in Japan and the manager was pleased with this decision.
And after that manager left, I told my boss the truth, that i would be getting anti-anxiety meds as well because I really thought it was necessary, and that I would appreciate him not disclosing it unless he was required to, which he agreed to.
Seeing a Psychiatrist in Japan
So now i had to find a psychiatrist and make an appointment. A Google search provided me horrors. Below is an excerpt of a Google review of a certain mental health clinic in my city, and the record of the exchange between the doctor and reviewer (patient). I’m not going to translate it all because it’s long, but these are some highlights of the doctor’s words directly to the patient.
“You can’t sleep? I can’t sleep either. What, do you want some pills for it?”
“You can’t expect me to believe what a patient says.”
(After he made the patient cry) “You are being so difficult. Could you stop crying?”
He gives her medication, has silent nurses send her out to the waiting room where she continues to cry, and the doctor comes to the waiting room and says, “Could you hurry up and pay and leave?”
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Having read this, I was filled with absolute fear. Maybe I was better off trying to fix this on my own after all.
But I kept searching, and I also learned that my city hall has a 心の相談窓口 (Kokoro no Soudan Madoguchi), “Mind Consultation.” You can call them to learn information about what sorts of mental health facilities/options are available in your area. A very kind lady there informed me that it takes about 2-3 months to get in to any psychiatrist in this city, most of them do not take new patients, and that counseling is almost non-existent. Unless I was a harm to myself or others, I would have to wait. However, there was one general hospital in the city that had one psychiatrist staffed. This hospital has no reservation system whatsoever (very common in Japan) and takes a set number of patients in the morning and evening. I could try my luck to get in and see her.
So that was what i did, and I was able to see her on the first morning I went! I think the Kokoro no Soudan Madoguchi lady made it sound harder to get into so I wouldn’t feel let down if it didn’t work out the first time I went.
Having read the horror story above, I had a lot of trepidation stepping into the exam room with her and two nurse secretaries. I had expected it to be a very clinical, dry exchange of symptoms and a sufficient prescription with a token お大事に。
And, more than anything, I had feared that she would say something like, “Maybe you should just go home to your own country where you wouldn’t stand out.”
But she asked me a wide range of questions, with none of them focusing on the fact that I was a gaijin: what my symptoms were, how long they’d been going on, what I had going on in my life, what work was like, past history of anxiety, etc., and she and the nurses all truly listened to what i had to say. It was clear that she cared about the underlying causes and me as a person.
She told me that it sounded like I was experiencing a buildup of stress and anxiety and that she wanted me to try a low dose of anti-anxiety meds and sleeping pills for a week and then come back for another discussion.
That was 3 weeks ago. I’ve since been in the process of working with her to find the right combination of medication. Fun fact: they prescribe you Rohypnol (roofies) for sleeping meds in Japan if they deem your insomnia is serious enough. So. That is interesting.
Where I Am Now
I am keeping my boss informed of my condition and he is still very supportive. He seems to have informed his bosses of my tribulations to some extent, because they have gone out of their way to check in on me and see how I’m doing, which is very kind of them. Of course, they also know that i went above and beyond the call of duty for several months in a row until recently, and they could simply be asking because of that. Either way, I am touched that they would think of me, as I am a lowly translator for a lesser project and they are quite a ways up on the corporate ladder.
I am still in talks about taking on a very exciting position in Tokyo HQ, despite one of those bosses likely being aware of my situation to some extent. I used to dread the thought of Tokyo because I am a country girl who needs to see green, but recently I’ve come to the tough decision that I need to leave my beloved Japanese hometown, just like i left my American one. I love them, but I do not belong in them. I have visited the Tokyo HQ quite a few times, and there are a ton of foreigners in the area so I don’t stand out at all. I think that as long as I can live reasonably close enough to a park, I can satisfy my needs for nature while lessening my social anxiety.
I am having good days and bad days where it is still hard for me to leave the house. But I am having more good days than bad now. And today I was finally able to send a text message back to my best friend. Which really doesn’t seem like a lot, but it is a lot to me. My friend is supportive and understanding, which means the world to me.
I’m getting back to being me. 💗
p.s.: The gif at the top of this is from the anime Mushishi, which I think illustrates various mental illnesses and their effects in a very metaphoric way.
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mannatea · 4 years
Fireside Dreams, a Rose of Versailles ‘fic
Words: 5,176 Summary: Oscar was in love. Pairing/Character: Oscar/André Extra Info: This was originally posted on Fanfiction.net back in 2008. It is a full rewrite. Rating: I’d say T bordering on M, but it’s rated M on AO3 just to be safe. :) Genre: Romance and Friendship with a dash of Angst. Kind of character-study-ish, too.
Notes, if  anyone’s interested in them.
All right, so...if you read the original version of this story, you’ll notice the rewrite is...very different.
A few little things:
I use the French manga as my usual reference, so you’ll see a lot of lines quoted that might not match up perfectly with the Japanese-to-English translations that many people are used to. There is one line I did pull from the Japanese though, I believe it was: “One eye isn’t too much to sacrifice for you, Oscar.”
The French version says, instead, “I’ll always be ready to sacrifice an eye for you, Oscar.” I like this too, but I don’t think it really conveys that deep emotional impact that the scene was supposed to have on the reader. Rather, it almost sounds goofy (since he only has one other eye to sacrifice)! 
I guess I could have gone with a loose translation of the French (maybe, “If it’s for you, Oscar, I’ll sacrifice my other eye without complaint.”) but I wanted something the audience would be familiar with.
I do believe the intent of the original line is supposed to convey: 1) I’d do it again, 2) No regrets, and 3) harken back to André’s promise to put his life on the line for Oscar some day...even though the eye thing was a complete accident in the manga.
The lines for the lips I know are my creative translation of the French manga.
I feel like I shouldn’t HAVE to put translations for the French in here, but...I dunno. Why did I put them in the story like some kind of ouiaboo? Because there are some words that just don’t have the same meaning in English, my dudes.
Mon Dieu = My God!
d’accord = okay, yes, [agreement] 
Whenever Oscar tells André to do anything, in the French manga, this is how he responds. I could have just written “okay,” but I can’t help but feel that it’s too informal/not respectful enough, and “yes ma’am” (which is closer to how I read it) just feels too formal.
Je t’aime = I love you. André shouts it over and over in The Incident Scene, which is what I’m referring to by using it.
I actually hate the title (“Fireside Dreams”) but I’ve known it as this for so long I couldn’t change it.
I changed the ending A LOT for reasons I’ll talk about below, but...I kept the cheesy last line. Well, I rewrote it, but I kept the general feeling of corniness that existed in the original!
Goals when writing this were as follows:
Try for a tone that felt as if it could have been part of the manga.
Eliminate André’s POV (more on this later).
Deep-dive into Oscar’s POV.
Treat the story like a fanficcified Character Study piece.
The manga tone thing was frustrating, because the manga lends itself to this really flowery, romantic language that I don’t actually think Oscar would use very often (mostly because the entire series tells us that she is Not That Kind of Person and I don’t appreciate her suddenly Becoming That Person Because Love). A lot of the fandom will disagree with me on this point, and that’s okay. I tried to strike more of a balance where Oscar thinks some of these types of things, but says Logical Oscar Things.
André’s POV originally came in when he did: at Oscar’s door. It also transitioned suddenly into third person omniscient from third person limited, aaaaand when I reread it...I didn’t like it. I felt like it made it harder to follow! The original was supposed to be more of Oscar’s story anyway, so I just committed to it in the rewrite. Overall I do feel this was better for the story, but I lost some lines I really liked from the original that were in André’s POV! Who knows, though, maybe they’ll make an appearance in another story, someday!
Regarding this story as a character study, though... Okay, I’ll try not to let this get long, because I haven’t eaten all day and it’s already getting late here, but I want to address this.
Something that always stuck with me about the manga was how Oscar confessed her love to André quite early on compared to the anime, and how it felt to have their relationship evolve before the end of the series (when she asks André to marry her).
1. I am always ALWAYS ALWAYS a sucker for the woman to ask the man to marry them, ESPECIALLY in period dramas, and
2. See the image below.
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Oscar as a character has always interested me greatly, and been highly #relatable, but on my last rewatch I feel like I understand her better than I ever did as an early 20-something.
Despite being in a relationship with André when she asks him to make her his wife, she’s still afraid of actually following through with the act! That’s not something we get to see in the media very often, so I enjoyed getting a peek at it in Rose of Versailles.
Additionally, I felt that Oscar’s whole romance arc was kind of its own character study for her in the canon. She spends most of her life being efficient and logical. Love confuses her. Feelings are difficult to navigate and express. She would not have defended André so passionately I think if she did not love him, but when faced with those feelings she doesn’t even tell him she cares. If the author wanted to make Oscar astute/in tune with her own feelings, she could have written that scene a hundred different ways, but instead we get “I didn’t do it for you, I did it for Nanny! Hahaha!” Part of Oscar’s issue is most assuredly due to the way she was raised, but I feel it didn’t create that character trait so much as it expanded upon it.
Anyway, something difficult to put into words is Oscar’s wondering in the story about being “broken.” I’m writing this from a very specific perspective, but I feel like Oscar’s feeling is relatable to many different types of people. I mean, raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like you were broken, if there was something deeply wrong with you. Now raise it higher if you feel that way and yet...you’re also pretty satisfied with yourself and like who you are, and you don’t really wish to change.
Oscar’s in an interesting position. She’s a woman who identifies as a woman, but she lives as a man. She wears men’s clothes, she does men’s work, she has men’s hobbies, and she’s expected to publicly Act Like a Man. She’s good at these things. She enjoys these things. She delights in her own skill, and has a lot of fun springing the fact that she’s a woman on poor unsuspecting people (like Rosalie, lol) while also shooting down things typically associated with being a woman (like when she glared at André for suggesting she had an understanding of something because of women’s intuition). It’s easy to understand Oscar’s POV: she wants to be free to be herself, and that means picking and choosing from gender stereotypes as she sees fit, identifying herself as what she is and what she is not.
At the end of the day, Oscar is...Oscar...which is how I imagine André feels about it.
I’m sure if you read the story, and you went out of your way to read this far, you probably have a personally complex view of Oscar yourself, so please don’t feel as if my view of her has to match yours. Everyone will read her a little differently!
I wanted to explore the confusion that Oscar feels. The confusion that makes her put on a dress even though she isn’t comfortable in one, the confusion of falling for someone you already knew from the beginning was unattainable (though I didn’t go into detail on this particular point), the difficulty in expressing feelings when you’ve been raised to not do that, and the understanding that different does not mean broken.
Oscar is not broken. You are not broken. I am not broken.
One last note about this story, and it’s related to The Incident Scene. I’m choosing to interpret it in my own way, so if it’s different than yours, I hope my interpretation wasn’t too jarring!
I look at the scene, particularly in the manga, to be kind of a Domino Effect of less-than-stellar choices. Oscar tries to communicate her feelings but does a very poor job of it, and in the process hurts the person she’s trying to communicate with. As a result, he makes a bad choice and hurts her in turn. I don’t feel that any of the hurt was intentional (these two people love each other, after all), but circumstances have put them into positions where some kind of hurt was inevitable.
André undoubtedly would have been rejected by Oscar no matter when he confessed (just because she wouldn’t be mentally capable of processing it quickly enough to spare him), but he chose to confess to an Oscar 1) as part of an emotional outburst/explosion, and 2) physically.
Oscar is not used to Intimate physical contact, and understandably freaks out. She’s also not used to André as a Passionate Person. He’s always been so mellow! It’s frightening to her on multiple levels.
NOTHING EXCUSES ANDRE, BY THE WAY! Taking his frustration and sorrow and fear and emotion out on Oscar was terrible.
But context is important, I think, to understand how manga!Oscar forgives him before he even leaves her rooms. André’s outburst was never about him being horny, or him wanting to be intimate with Oscar. If you look closely I think it’s clear that it’s a chain of André trying to communicate to her in turn, and failing repeatedly until he rips her shirt (that he’s already holding onto)—something I don’t believe he meant to do, or he wouldn’t feel such immediate shame for it.
It was an outburst of fear that she was abandoning him. It was an explosion of all the love he legally wasn’t allowed to feel for years of his life. It was frustration and sorrow over seeing the person he loves best denying Who She Is in the face of an unrequited crush.
I never felt that André was insisting she was a woman instead of the man she wanted to be so much as he was insisting that Oscar Is Oscar, and she cannot change that, and shouldn’t change it out of fear or embarrassment AS WELL AS SAYING, “You are who you are and I LOVE YOU FOR THAT! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! PLEASE HEAR ME AND DON’T HURT YOURSELF BY TRYING TO BE SOMEONE YOU’RE NOT!”
Unfortunately André fails to speak plainly enough and the whole thing Backfires. (Now you can consider how he was raised to speak to his betters.)
I know all of the above wasn’t necessary to read the story (or even afterward), but I thought it would assist if anyone read my ‘fic and came away from it wondering if they’d read/watched a completely different version of The Incident. 
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I sure hope you leave a comment over on AO3, since you can do so anonymously, and Feedback Is Life!! ♥
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dust2dust34 · 4 years
All I Know (Olicity, post-8x10, M)
Summary: Sequel to Our New Normal. Prompt from OlicitySmoaky - Oliver and Felicity finally take their honeymoon in Aruba in the "afterlife" (humor/angst/fluff).
A/N: This is answering a prompt from OlicitySmoaky received for a Fic for Food Drive I'm doing with Janis! Thank you for the donation, and I hope this fits the bill for what you wanted to read! Please see this thread for more info on the food drive. If you can, please donate, and then send the receipt in exchange for a fic prompt! (Including FICoN ‘verse, canon, original work.)
Also, please note that the song Glory by Dermot Kennedy is the soundtrack to this ficlet.
(read on AO3)
“It’s time.”
“Felicity. It’s been three hours.”
“You told me if you don’t respond I have permission to throw you in the water.”
His wife finally grumbled something unintelligible where her face stayed buried in her arms. Past that, she didn’t budge an inch.
Oliver grinned.
She laid sprawled face-down on an amply-padded chaise lounge. Today’s bikini was a bunch of string with some triangles attached, bright white to match the sand surrounding them, and showcasing the gentle bronze her skin had taken on. It was the only thing she wore save for her wedding ring and a clip haphazardly tossed into her hair. The strands were thicker here, from the humidity, and brighter, the sun adding highlights that somehow made the freckles peppered across her nose stand out. Even in the shade where they sat, she glowed. She was stunning and he’d spent the majority of the last three hours doing what he had been since they had arrived in Aruba: staring at her.
He still couldn’t quite believe she was by his side again. He had known it was going to happen, because the Spectre had known what the Monitor had done, but the man in this cosmic partnership had to pinch himself every once in a while to make sure it was real.
His wife was really here.
Well, here being a relative term, since this wasn’t the actual Aruba from Prime Earth. But it might as well be. One nice side benefit of being the house for the Spectre: he could shape their little world into anything he wanted. Meaning he could give the love of his life the honeymoon they never had the chance to go on. The time he was able to spend on the actual earths was limited, and even more so when he had Felicity with him, such as when they visited the kids. But it meant he had an excuse to spend more time staring at her as he regained his energy in their pocket dimension for whatever else the universe wanted to throw at him.
Felicity said something else, but it was too muffled.
“You don’t have to get up,” Oliver told her with a chuckle, pushing off his lounge chair and stepping to hers. He tapped her hip with a, “Scoot over,” and sat down, tugging open the tie in the middle of her back. He smoothed the strings out of the way before popping open the sunscreen and squirting some on her.
She jerked at the first touch of the cool liquid, but then she snorted. “Dirty.”
Oliver smirked, shaking his head as he remembered her cheeky, “Oh, this looks familiar,” when she’d squirted some on her stomach earlier.
Felicity sighed as he started spreading it around.
He was thorough. He took his time. He found every nook and crevice of her back, her shoulders, her neck, her ears, her arms, her sides. Despite the heat in the air, goosebumps followed his caresses every once in a while, and she started squirming about halfway through. The only time he stopped was to turn in place so he could take care of her lower half. Pouring more sunscreen into his palms, he focused on her hips, the back of her thighs, her calves, her feet. She hummed and mewled, sighing, melting under his touch as much as leaning into it, seeking more.
On his way back up her legs, he had, “One more spot.”
He got another dollop and then he covered every single bit of her ass with sunscreen.
Felicity laughed, kicking her feet up lightly as she propped herself up to look back at him.
“I’m just being thorough,” he said, glancing at her over his shoulder with a wink as he slid his hands under the bit of cloth covering her ass cheeks. His fingers slipped along the crack between them before massaging his way down to the little creases where her backside met the back of her thighs.
“You’ll hear no complaints from me,” Felicity replied with a little wiggle.
He smacked one cheek with a light tap and instructed, “Turn over.”
“Yes, sir,” she breathed. He smacked her ass again as she flipped over. He didn’t move, intending to start with her legs first and work his way back to her front, but he did look back to watch her. Because he’d left her bikini top untied. She smirked as she maneuvered onto her back, making sure to keep her arm banded over her breasts. He pouted and she huffed out a laugh. “Is this how you want me?”
“Not exactly.”
“This is a public beach, Oliver. I’m pretty sure nudity is against the rules.”
“This is a fake public beach. I can make these people disappear whenever I want.”
“I think the power has gone to your head.”
“There are no boundaries when it comes to seeing my wife naked.”
Felicity grinned and threw her arms back over her head. The loosened triangles covering her breasts moved up with her, but just enough to reveal the rounded undersides. Tragically, her nipples remained trapped under the fabric.
“Is this better?” she asked with a coy smile.
“Not exactly,” he repeated
Felicity laughed, making her breasts jiggle. It got worse when she wiggled deeper into the padded chair, her breasts moving right along with her, but not enough to reveal any of the goods.
“Well, if you hurry up…” she teased.
“I could…” Oliver hedged. He poured more sunscreen into his palms. “But I don’t want to.”
He continued, still taking his time, making sure to cover every inch of her in sunscreen. She didn’t actually need the coverage from the sun, since the UV rays shining down on them weren’t doing any damage. But it was exactly what they would be doing if they really were in Aruba. It was what they had done when they stopped there during their summer travels all those years ago. And besides, he jumped at any chance to massage every inch of her.
Oliver only paused to get more sunscreen every few minutes.
He got her feet, including every single toe - it made her giggle endlessly, which made him spend more time down there, just to hear more of that magical sound - and then her shins, her knees, her beautiful thighs. He turned in place again and spent a good amount of time making sure her pubic area was well-covered, making sure not to go too far under the strip of material covering one of his favorite spots, but being very thorough. To the point he moved her legs up and down and all around, earning more giggles and a couple of gasps and some heady sighs that nearly had him tossing the entire illusion away just to hear more of it. Then it was the front of her hips, her stomach, her sides again just to be safe, her chest…
Oliver slid his hand under her bikini top to cup her breasts.
“Just being thorough?” she teased, biting the corner of her bottom lip.
She chuckled. Her smile didn’t go away as he took his sweet time, enjoying the tightening buds against his palms. He tweaked them with his thumbs, enjoying how heavy her lids grew, the color filling her cheeks. He was content to do this all day, but there was more ground to cover. He left her breasts, delighting at the sight of her hardened nipples through the thin white material. She just watched him with a smile that he shared as he moved on to her arms, her hands, then her shoulders, her neck, and then her face.
“There,” he said when he was finished.
“Your turn.”
They switched places. Oliver once again pouted when she tied her top back into place, but she just poked his side and instructed him to lay face down.
She was just as thorough as he was, covering every single bit of him she could reach, starting with his feet and working her way up. He huffed when she slid her hands up the bottom of his trunks, going as far as she could reach. She dug her nails into his ass and he let out a little yelp that had her laughing. As the minutes passed by, he relaxed more and more, especially when she started rubbing his muscles harder and deeper with each pass. He was melted butter by the time she straddled him and sat on his butt to rub sunscreen into his back.
Felicity didn’t miss a single spot. She never did.
She had never shied away from the brutal marks left on his body.
It didn’t take long to appreciate the difference in sensation when she swept over those spots.
“I thought about removing them,” he said, the words just falling out.
“The people around us?” she asked, and he could hear the smile in her voice.
A ghost of a smile tugged at his lips. Oliver thought about going along with that. He didn’t want to tarnish this happy moment, but the urge to talk about it was too strong. And he was too used to talking openly with her, especially now. It had been too long, too much time had passed, for him to bury the words to keep up a happy facade.
“No,” he murmured. “My scars.”
Felicity paused. She didn’t say anything for a long moment. And then she dragged her fingertips down his whip marks. Or so he thought. Her touch was so light that he wondered if he was imagining it because then she was pouring more sunscreen into her palm. She rubbed his shoulders, rocking forward where she sat on his backside for leverage.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” she finally said.
He knew every single cadence of her voice as well as his own, and he caught the slight shift in her tone, the rougher edges. He wanted to turn over so he could see her face, but she seemed singularly intent in what she was doing.
And he didn’t miss the way she lingered on parts of his back now.
“I don’t know if I can,” Oliver admitted. He stared at the faraway point where the beach met the sky. The air shimmered with the heat of the sun. “I haven’t tried. I just thought… They’re from a different life. And they used to be a reminder of why I did what I did. Like my dragon tattoo. When I put my past with Shado and Slade to rest, I didn’t need it anymore.”
Felicity didn’t say anything. Instead she worked her way down the back of his arms, then up the back of his neck, making sure to cover his ears in sunscreen.
Just when the silence became too much and he opened his mouth, she tapped his shoulder.
“Turn over,” she said quietly.
Felicity climbed off him to sit on the edge of the chaise and he immediately flipped onto his back, needing to see her. But she wasn’t looking at him. Her eyes stayed on her hands where she rubbed more sunscreen into her palms. She moved to face away from him so she could cover the front of his legs.
Oliver didn’t let her.
He grabbed her waist and tugged her back towards him, urging her to straddle him again.
“What are you thinking?” he asked, hooking his hands on her hips, anchoring her to him as he rubbed his thumbs against her hip bones.
“Selfish things,” she replied, her slathered hands hovering in the air.
He furrowed his brow in question.
On a heavy sigh, Felicity dropped her eyes to his chest, and her hands followed. He watched her as she watched her hands rub slow circles into his marred skin.
“You’re right,” she said softly, smoothing lotion over him. “You’re not the same man that you were before. You don’t need these as a reminder for anything. But you are wrong if you think you ever did. What you did for the city - for the universe - it wasn’t because of what was done to you, Oliver. It’s because you’re a hero. In spite everything that’s happened to you, you’re a good man. The best man. You never did anything as the Arrow because of what was done to you. I know you believe that, but I don’t. Your scars…” Felicity touched the burn marks on his pecs, her hand lingering where his Bratva tattoo had been, before she found more ugly remnants of his life - bullet wounds, knife slashes, where arrows had hit him, then been ripped out. “These are reminders of how strong you are. That no matter what, you get back up. These are you as much as your heart and soul, Oliver. They’re evidence that you are the man that I have always known you were. They’re an homage to the strength that not only saved our world, our universe, but also our children. Me. Us. And… this man-” She put her hand over his heart and finally met his gaze. She gave him a tiny, beatific smile when she saw the wetness in his eyes. “This is the man that I fell in love with.”
Oliver took a slow, shaky breath.
“And that’s the selfish part,” Felicity added with a sardonic laugh. “I love you so much that I don’t know where you begin and I end, and that includes every single one of your scars, inside and out. I’ve had your scars memorized for nearly as long as I can remember. They’re part of you. They are you. But I won’t stop you if that’s what you really want, because I know how I view them is different-”
He sat up, cupped her face, and kissed her.
It felt like the period of a sentence, but it wasn’t the end.
It was the beginning.
Felicity sighed against his lips and then she opened for him. He pulled her bottom lip into his mouth, his teeth nipping at it just enough to get a little moan from her. Oliver wound his arms around her as tight as he could, following her lead, reveling in the soft press of her body against his. She slid her hands up his neck to his jaw and angled his head to deepen the kiss. They both sighed when their tongues met, when he rocked her body against his, when the kiss slowly grew deeper. Felicity urged him back and he fell with her onto the chaise lounge. She blanketed his body with hers, her hips pressing close to where he hardened in his trunks. The sinful touch had a growl erupting from deep in his chest and instinct took over. He swept a hand up her back to her hair. He pulled the clip out and tossed it away as her hair spilled out in a cascade of wildflowers and seasalt. He slid his hand through the mass to fist the strands at the back of her neck. He pressed her lips harder to his as his other hand slid down to her ass. He spread his hand over both cheeks, urging her to rock even closer to him. He lifted his knees so he could thrust up against her welcoming heat he could feel even through their suits. She inhaled sharply and shoved her hands into his hair, anchoring herself with his head to give her more leverage as she rubbed against him.
It spiraled so fast, the air between them heating in a rush of need, and all they could do was respond to it, to each other, getting swept away, moving together. She shuddered and he knew he was hitting her right where she needed him. He dug his fingers into her backside and she reciprocated by lengthening her movements, rubbing against more of his growing hardness. It felt so damn good, a low, intoxicating burning pleasure spreading through his veins, but he knew it would feel so much better when he untied her bottoms and yanked his trunks down and thrust home…
A stream of water hit them right in the face along with a sharp, shrill, “Don’t do that here!”
They broke apart with a start and just when Felicity lifted her head, more water hit the side of her face, and then Oliver’s. The streams hit in such quick succession that neither of them had a chance to react save to jerk away from the water assault.
The chaise lounge tilted and they both fell, landing in the sand in a graceless heap.
“Have a little respect!” the shrill voice continued. “This isn’t-”
With a quick thought, Oliver had the old lady disappear.
He barely had a chance to appreciate the silence or what had just happened when Felicity started laughing. Her body shook against his where they laid tangled on the ground, her hair stuck under his shoulder, their noses bumping together.
“You…” she said, her words coming out between giggles, “had her… here?”
“I’m sorry,” he said, his face nearly splitting from smiling so widely. God, he loved when she laughed like this, uncontrollable and so full of life. He started chuckling as the reality of what just happened set in. “I was pulling from our last time in Aruba. A little too well, obviously.”
Felicity wiped her eyes as much as she could without getting sand in them. “Oh, she was so mad.”
“I lost count of how many times she appeared with that damn squirtbottle.”
“Especially when she started looking for us on purpose. Not the best person to share a private island with.” Felicity stared at him as she caught her breath. “It did make sneaking around a whole lot more fun, though.”
“Mm,” Oliver agreed, leaning in for a kiss. “That it did.”
The kiss quickly grew into more, picking up right where they’d left off before they’d been interrupted. Oliver pressed his thigh between hers and she hiked her leg up over his hip. He rocked into her, his hand cupping her jaw, turning her head. He deepened the kiss, drinking in as much of her as he could as he started urging her backwards so he could crawl on top…
“Oh,” Felicity gasped as she broke away. “Sand.”
Oliver made a mindless sound of agreement before kissing her again. She kissed him back, and it was her turn to deepen it, but then she caught herself and pushed at his chest.
“C’mon,” she rasped, untangling herself and sitting up. It put her breasts right where his face was and he shamelessly leaned in to nuzzle them. She laughed before pushing up onto her feet. She held out her hand to him. “Water.”
Oliver grasped her fingers in his and stood. When she moved to tug him to the water, he yanked back and leaned down, grabbing her thighs, picking her up. Felicity let out a little shriek that turned into another gorgeous laugh. She wound her legs around him with a cooed, “So strong,” that had him chuckling as he walked them out to the water.
He held on tight as she leaned back into the water, her legs hooked around his waist, floating in the water on her back, her hair spreading out like a sea nymph. He spun them around gently, delighting in the grin on her face at the sensation of water lapping at her skin. He held her, drinking her in. He finally pulled her back up with a gentle hand up her spine, but only because he had to kiss her again.
They stayed like that, for the rest of the day, for the rest of time, enjoying their honeymoon.
Thank you for reading! Reviews literally feed the soul and muse!
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holywankenobi · 4 years
SW fandom rant
To be honest, I don't really know how or where can I start talking about this. If you aren't interested in any of the Star Wars drama that is going on then skip this post, cause its gonna be long... these goes for the SW fans we are concerned about the whole situation itself. I barely have the strength to do this and exposing my opinion about certain things makes me uncomfortable but it's been a long while since I'm keeping things to myself. There's much information I have to process so please be patient with me since I barely know how to express my emotions in the right way (that's why I'm holding myself back a lot here: it will seem I'm calm... but I'm not. I'm angry and tired at the same time).
We all know where it all started. The Force Awakens premiere in 2015. We will start from there.
As ANY star wars movie, there will be people who liked it, people who loved it and people who hated it. And there is where some fans clash with the others. Fans who enjoy practically every movie or SW related things and those fans who demonize every movie (specially the ones from the new Disney canon) and the only thing that matters for them are the episodes IV, V, VI and the Legends canon (some of them also defend the prequel episodes I, II and III, fact which I'll talk about it later). And they bash against everyone who likes the Disney sequels.
BOI IM SCARED OF TELLING PEOPLE THIS WAS MY FAVOURITE SAGA SO FAR. And I already had problems with Legends hardcore fans.
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Let me tell this straightaway... Star Wars are movies for kids. They've always been. George Lucas said it. They seem to be thirsty for feeling again what they felt when they were kids whenever a SW movie comes out but they always exit the cinema with a feeling of extreme disappointment.
I was talking about the last movie with my co workers at the beginning of the year and they complaint it was "too Disney". And that's precisely what I'm trying to explain! It's ok whether you like the sequels or not like them. Everyone has his own taste. I just find funny complaining for a whole saga originally made for kids for being "too Disney". I dont know if you get my point here.
Then there's those who hated the prequels, that said there was nothing worse than the phantom menace, those who hated on George Lucas for doing such a crap, but now praise the prequels because Disney is satan for them and they want the old canon back. George Lucas ended up selling SW to Disney because, he ain't no fool, he knows this fanbase is one of the most toxic and ungrateful that has ever existed. And he saw it with the prequels feedback... Then they now have the guts to demand him to continue the old canon? Smells like hypocrite-crying fanboys to me.
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My whole point is....It's ok if you are a new/Disney sequels fan, it's ok if you are a prequels fan, it's ok if you are a SW original movies fan, Legends canon fan, OG fan, casual fan, hardcore fan... as always you understand that not everyone will agree with your point of view, not everyone will like or think the same way as you do, or live SW the same way as you do. There's a difference between respecting and agreeing with, concepts which sometimes get mixed and taken as the same thing, which is not. Respect other fans mean "I don't agree with you but I know how much this means for you, so I won't intentionally mock you" WHICH THING LEADS US TO THE NEXT TOPIC:
*takes a deep breath*
Man. I dont know. He's a full grown up man and he's behaving like a 5 yo on his social media...... John is the actor who gives life to Finn (the ex stormtrooper). It all started with this sexist comment he responded to a fan in his IG. 
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Then people (naturally) got offended, specially reylos. But instead of apologizing he kept on going, remarked what he said and also did a video to mock the reylo community.
You think I'm only defending a ship here but no. Its bigger than that. He has the right to feel left out in this saga because I agree with him IN THAT FACT. He is probably the actor which is more into the SW world, he was always a big fan (of the whole cast I mean). Thats why fans love him do much. And I did love him too. And he (naturally) wanted to have more spotlight on this saga ( I think Finn was one of the most wasted characters of these movies tbh) But instead of taking it the mature way he's having a tantrum on his IG because Finnrey did not become a real thing, he's trolling reylos and encouraging SW haters and antis to bully them whose are already having a hard time with TROS end (which I'll talk about later because I dont like their attitude about it either).
And it's not just raise the hate on shippers thing dude you could just apologize because you said something sexist and offended a lot of people who ship reylo and really means a thing for them. The whole thing that the greatest achievement a man can have with a woman is sex is just DISGUSTING. Rey kissed Ben but now he's gone Finn has the road clear and can fuck her? BRUH.
This is all so wrong and he was the one who started it.
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I'm really relieved Adam does not have any social media because omg I would be suffering so much rn...
I honestly have never emotionally connected with an actor so much as I did with him. His whole acting is so good and I could really notice on this last movie. I'm starting to watch his other movies. And not just his acting, he's so professional off camera too.
I'm really happy and proud of him for his Oscar nomination, he really deserves it TT
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But I'm worried this whole John Boyega thing affects him. Idk how I would feel if I were in his shoes, if my coworker was saying those things on social media and then smile at me like nothing is happening. But honestly what hurts me the most is he's having a worse time with "reylos".. I think the rumors of him having an affair with Daisy Ridley was what messed things up. I honestly dont know if its true, I've got some info but it's hard to believe. Because there are so many haters manipulating fake info that I dont trust anything and anyone anymore.
And this is where I talk about:
This is gonna be hard....
First of all, I don't consider Daivers (Daisy x Adam shippers) as part of the reylo community. I'm sorry. But its fucking disgusting you going to demand Adam to divorce from his wife, abandon his son and then start dating Daisy because of this rumor or because you can't separate fiction from reality.... I read he even recieved death threats ARE WE NUTS??? They (Adam and Daisy) having a good chemistry working together doesn't mean they are in love, kids...
Driver has an awesome wife and a lovely son. Daisy is currently dating someone.
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Infidelity is gross. No more. And I would be so disappointed at them if this turns out to be true. But seeing all what's happening around the actors and specially having all this haters out there... I'll say this was all false information.
Daiver is not real and won't be. So stick only to the fictional ship.....
About Reylo itself. I find REALLY funny how people who dont know shit about what this ship means say it's an abusive relationship. Bullshit. I wouldn't be shipping them if so.
Also the people still stating it's not real/canon hiding themselves behind the "Ben solo is dead lol" argument. Do you stop loving someone when they die?
Yes, they love each other. No, it wasn't always reciprocated love. They started being enemies in the force awakens, friends who understood and cared for each other through force dyad in the last jedi and ended up being lovers at the end of the rise of Skywalker. Rey wants to revenge her family (her falling to the dark side) but also wants Ben Solo back, and he wants to be the most powerful leader on the galaxy and still being kylo ren. But they eventually meet in the middle between light and dark and Leia finally reaches out to him to make him turn to the light.That's their fight. That's the angst. That's the tea. "No one is ever really gone" there's always hope. Star Wars is centered in HOPE. And their story represents it at its finest.
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NOW. The reylo community.
Despite you liked it or not the end they gave to the saga... I think JJ Abrams doesn't deserve all the hate he's receiving... he probably did a lot of things wrong but seriously... just stop. Not only from reylos but the whole fandom.
Sending hate won't lead to anything now...
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I enjoyed The rise of Skywalker. Indeed I spent half of the movie crying and I loved it.
You can cry as much as you want the loss of Ben (although I have hope for him still being alive in a way, there are plenty of theories) but that doesn't give you the right to death threat JJ. And I think I'll stop here cause I'm already tired.
Everyone has their own taste, preferences, favourite characters, ships, whatever. I pray for people stop judging others for their tastes, specially in this cursed fanbase. Sorry if I ever misbehaved trying to defend what I think or like. I just want this place to be supportive and safe for everyone and everything what's happening is not helping... We are all SW fans and that's our connection point. Dont discredit others for having another point of view...
I'll leave it here, but I'm open to debate or talk about anything I said in a respectful way.
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clarasimone · 5 years
A perspective on the forewarning fascist iconography in GoT
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Was it yesterday ? I reacted to a mind-provoking aesthetic analysis of GoT reblogged by @felixthemudnescat ... which basically no one reacted to (LOL) but... chatting with @scratchybeardsweetmouth and @ser-jorah-the-andal, I felt like revisiting it to add observations to my initial reaction. Even if it’s too heavy-meta for such a beautiful summer day. @felixthemudnescat pardon me for not using the reblog button cause I want to do this under the dot-dot-dot so as not to weigh down the usual degree of levity in our tumblr group ;-)
Also I only realized today that you actually reblogged without commenting and I assumed, maybe wrongly, that you adhered completely to what you reblogged. And that might not be the case, so I’ll alter my text accordingly...
So here we go... (my input comes at the end)
Anonymous asked:
Girl. Gurl. Who the fuck is Leni Riefenstahl? Y'all Sansa stans pulling the most elaborate nonsense out of your asses to justify shitty writing. Or you twist everything and make D&D sound as if they're the most brilliant minds the world has ever seen LOL
fedonciadale answered:
Hi there!
If you would have taken one moment to look up Leni Riefenstahl - and I assure you that it is not difficult to look her up - you would not have combined your question with a comment about the writing…. Look her up and learn a lesson about how tyrants manipulate.
The visuals of the show are alluding to famous/ notorious shots of Leni Riefenstahl. You would agree that the visuals are something that gives us hints? In addition to the dialogue?
Sansa stans have complained about the writing since season 5…. You all - I’m just assuming you are a Dany fan, correct me if I’m wrong - had no complaints about shitty writing in season 7?
Look I am not saying that the way D&D got to DarkDany this season was well executed, but the foreshadowing and the character development are there. And actually from all the things the show did Daenerys is one of the better from book to screen. The hiding of her path to ruthlessness by filming from her POV is well done in season 1 to 6, and the triumphant visuals are part of that.
Visuals are part of the foreshadowing. It did not come out of nowhere and it was always a major plot point - as has been argued by book readers for ages. That Dany blew up King’s Landing was always to be the culmination of her arc. And it was always meant to hit you in the gut. So, as you do nicely put it : get your head out of your ass as and realise that you have been duped. And ponder about why? Was it because Dany is beautiful? Was it because she had the occasional bouts of benevolence? Was it because you thought she was entitled to an ugly chair because she suffered? Was it because she was set up against people coded as villains, so that you don’t care about how she defeated them? Was it because she is a woman and woman can’t be evil?
Take your pick and learn something about yourself and your own bias, how we can be duped by a tyrant! If you do that you are doing exactly what GRRM intended his readers to do by writing Dany like he did.
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(in fiction, all these logos meant to reference the nazi flag)
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Reblogging for @une-nuit-pour-se-souvenir ’s excellent additions. I could not have done that because that film is actually forbidden in Germany.
Ohhhohohoho the last one - I am😏 at people who half a year ago threw stones at me when I argued that Dany has always had parallels with Hitler.
Found this shared on Quora, had to re-blog!
Hi @felixthemudnescat​ long time no see !
I had not seen the original posting of this. My first instinctual reaction to this iconographic/aesthetics research is to object to the simple equation of Daenerys with Hitler. No fiction character will ever match the scope of evil (for lack of a better word) this man and his ideology represented. By ricochet and association, it makes every fan who was moved by Daenerys a potential Nazi sympathizer and that makes no sense. It’s also unnecessarily hurtful and insulting both to these fans and the real World (those who suffered and still suffer from The Holocaust). This said, the iconographic evidence you provided through your reblog has weight and is exactly what I referred to in some of my posts as the visual clues given in the show as to Dany’s *possible* arc, its *possible* finality (more on the *possible* further down); clues which scream at you if you have the cultural baggage to recognize them, and when you binge-watch the series 3 times in one month instead of watching it an ep at the time over 8-9 years. The middle seasons are especially ripe with these visual signs because they’re tagged unto somewhat repetitious narrative (Dany freeing/conquering one city at a time with little intimate character dev scenes). And @fedonciadale is right in wanting fans to look more closely into themselves; we shouldn’t close ours eyes on the shady ideological and moral symbols casting shadows on Daenerys throughout the seasons. But they were shadows. I don’t think they were meant to be the beginning and end to all things explaining the character.
@felixthemudnescat​ or @fedonciadale don’t you think D&D were building something much more subtle than the end result they opted for and which gives weight to your comparative iconographic essay ? For many seasons, the fascist references or foreboding reminders of Targaryen madness never outweighed the characterizations of Daenerys as a young woman who, regardless (or because ?) of her thwarted and abusive upbringing was trying to conjugate her own suffering and road to affirmation with the conquerer’s path given her. She might not have questioned the necessity/validity for her to conquer her way back to Westeros, as the only way she could get home, but she didn’t do it through simple rampage either. She did care to free the people she needed to build her armies. She did have a heart. This she did spontaneously; it came from a deep source within her, not a calculated one. Even if, of course, it turned out to be an astute strategy. And that sets her apart from the Nazis and its leader. At their best, D&D conjugated the two: giving us a rounded character build-up and evolution with ominous symbolic shadows lurking about her. @scratchybeardsweetmouth also made me realize, I who have not read the novels, that this humane aspect of Daenerys is brought even more to the foreground in the books. I quote @scratchybeardsweetmouth: “In the books (...) she repeatedly communicates firsthand with her freed people. She hears their opinions, is not afraid to mingle with them, always finds a way to protect them, even went out of her way to help heal some when a disease was about...” Without getting as much detailed info on her compassionate stance and actions in the show, it’s certainly the impression she indeed left us with, and it’s what her most faithful and steadfast companion, ser Jorah, sees in her and repeatedly says out loud, lest we forget it ;-) (“You have a gentle heart,” etc.)
So I thought it was IMMENSELY daring of D&D (or the novelist I’ve not read yet) to give us that scene where Daenerys is called Mhysa/Mother by the slaves she freed because the scene was inhabited with so many conflictual signs: I was all at once moved and sooooo worried as to where this could lead. Moved because, bottom line, these slaves are freed, actually freed, it’s the start of something. Dany has always given those she freed a choice to leave if they so wished… Moved because it’s a woman effecting the freeing, not a man… Moved because it’s Dany, the girl who suffered, who was a slave of sorts, that does the freeing, not her mentors…. Moved to see a culture refer to their freer as “Mother” (what a great homage to mothers, to women in general) / buuuuut also worried to see a culture refer to their freer as “Mother” because it seems to infantilize them on screen. 
Here we could also open up a whole debate about the malaise one can feel in seeing an Aristocratic White Woman free Third World People but I urge you to go read @khaleesirin‘s meta writings on the subject. She makes a great case for us NOT to see Daenerys in this fashion. Regardless of her looks and lineage, the novels (and GoT, I insist in my chats with @khaleesirin ;-) shows her to be like the people she frees: an Other. She like then is homeless, uprooted, migrant, disenfranchised. If we fail to see it in Essos, the show really drives this home once Daenerys sets foot in Westeros where NO ONE welcomes, understands or appreciates her. (Which suddenly complexifies our rapport to Sansa and the Northerners we grew to love and respect since they seem not to be above xenophobia, and racism.) 
But to get back to the Mhysa scene. Once the worrying starts, I can’t seem to stop it, even as I am moved to tears. Literally. Because of the above-mentioned qualities of it, and also possibly because of the Christ-like iconography it uses to celebrate Dany (”Let the little children come unto me” - if I may paraphrase the New Testament -- and thanks to @ser-jorah-the-andal for the reminder). And I’m always partial to feminizations of Christ; I love it, I think it’s sublimely subversive :-) But I’m also kicking myself for liking this because I fundamentally don’t want a Messiah saving the Third World, I want the Third World to save itself... and I’m worried. I’m really worried as I watch Daenerys triumph in this scene because we know she’s lacking important elements in her “psycho-affective and socio-political tool kit” (regardless of the quality and loving care of advisers now on hand, *cough* Jorah -- in the books @scratchybeardsweetmouth tells me she needs no advisor to keep her moral compass straight) and, so, will this get to her head ? Will she get drunk on her Messiah complex (and of course she does at the end of season 8) ? And what will happen if those she freed disappoint her (again flashforward to the end of season 8) ? And how will she rule them exactly (ditto) ? And, finally, yes, worried because, the fascist iconography is there and I’m going: omg where are they going with this ?
Here I want to open another parenthesis, also brought on by something @ser-jorah-the-andal wrote me: “if this is what they meant in the first place, they sure as hell didn’t bother to tell anyone in the cast so they could act accordingly, tho a case could be made that Dany never saw herself as the villain so that’s why they didn’t tell Emilia.” Indeed I’m sure the cast, or at the very least Emilia Clarke, were never told about the endgame, or never cued to the quoting of fascist iconography in some of Daenerys’ triumphant scenes. Clarke’s shocked reaction upon reading the last screenplays is a testament to her profound surprise... and this raises ethical questions, doesn’t it ? I mean in the ethics of creative partnership. It’s a recent debate possibly because there are so many tales of directors manipulating actors into giving them the performance needed to embody and communicate the discourse they want to leave us with. But the professional in me cringes here a bit. You’d hope they would trust actors enough to let them into what it is exactly they’re supposed to be creating...
This said, up to the moment before “the bells” scene in season 8, I had nonetheless seen D+D and EC give us a woman struggling morally with her choices. That’s important to state. And to get back to the above demonstration of fascist parallels, well, please, let’s point out that the Nazis and their leader never did struggle morally with what they were doing (or if they did, History bears no markers -- I’m talking about the Nazis here, not the German people as a whole). And I was prepared to see Daenerys fail because she never healed, she never achieved psycho-affective soundness (shall we get into the chapter of her misconstruing what love is ? Her relationship arc with Jorah speaks volumes) but I was expecting her to feel remorse if she did succumb to true fascism; remorse to the point of self-execution if you will, because that’s the kind of moral person D+D had been building for 7 years.  But after D&D sent her over the edge, they erased all the previous nuances they had built into her, and I believe, tried to explained it away with a broken heart, megalomania and madness…. 
So if their plan was truly to make us see her as a fascist leader of the scope we’re talking about here, the way the above visual essay seems to suggest, they would have fleshed out her character’s arc accordingly throughout the seasons, and they didn’t. There were clues as to the possibilities -- yes, Dany stepping out for her final speech is absolutely shot like Triumph of the Will by Riefenstahl… but it’s also infused with other iconographic references. That image of her merging with Drogon’s wings belongs to the fantastic, and makes her into a formidable and powerful Id, which can be construed as a positive subversive marker. And some of us do celebrate WrathfulDany for this reason.... 
The reality of GoT is that there were no actual scenes developing her fascist ideology. So let’s not confuse allusions to fascism with actual fascism. With all D+D’s failings towards the end, Daenerys remained a more nuanced and contradictory character than that. She is NOT Hitler, please...... 
The iconographic research you provided in your reblog @felixthemudnescat show us one important aspect of Dany’s subtextual arc but not the full picture. It’s missing the heart and the suffering behind the soul who fell from grace.
I hope you don’t construe this long winding reaction as a slam. I know you come from a very specific place in regards to Daenerys. I just thought the excellent research you provided deserved to be reblogged, but with an added perspective ;-)
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regentcorpse · 4 years
Added after I wrote this, I know my grammar is a mess in this. This post is 2223 words, longer than most high school essays which averaged 1500 words. If you don’t want to read all of this it has been separated into paragraphs and most of the conversation points are in the last three paragraphs. This sentence was added in after word count, the original post was on Facebook which is why the link in this does point to my own blog: My sentence structures are not correct, and this is Facebook and I don’t give a crap about that here. I did try to do my best to make it somewhat understandable with several ideas and conversations all in this. Also I didn’t originally separate it into paragraphs. If a sentence seems out of place at the start or end of a paragraph, my bad. But please read, comment opinions, not angry but constructive to build a conversation. I also don’t know how but this became more like an info blog post, but valid points and openings for conversations are made.
These newish Apple features like the Memoji, like it’s aight but still lacking in so many hair styles and facial depth, forehead, chins, and noses. Hopefully the will add a lot more features to be able to make it more like you, in a cartoon version. I’m about to check out the full bitmoji app to see what all they have, but I feel like apple should of used bitmoji, and since Apple has a version, I know android does. How is their version in your experience? (Please reply even if you don’t know me, I want to have decent conversations with people, but I hardly have anyone to talk to about random stuff like this.) Also the fact that Apple has Memoji in their database of words and not Bitmoji, is extremely weird, and pointless not to have it.
I don’t know how I feel overall about Apples decisions on these updates. They seem to be trying to almost build a legit social media around their platforms, I wouldn’t be surprised if they make something like Google+, which will most likely fail all together as a product, not because it will be awful but because we already have the social media giants that control most people’s lives, work, and reputation.
Facebook is for memes mostly and socializing with like minded people with their pages and groups. Not to mention that so many people use their marketplace now as well, which did shock me that it took of with other apps offering the same thing before Facebook did. To those who didn’t know, yes, Facebook stole that idea from OfferUp and LetGo(I think there was another around before the marketplace.)
You have Snapchat, the goofy fun social media where you can have personalized stories, private or public, and I may be wrong but they are also the ones that introduced the idea(maybe didn’t originally have the idea, but did introduce it, I think. Let me know if I am wrong please, I would like to know.) Next, the thing that made Snapchat big originally was the disappearing pictures after 10 seconds, which you couldn’t edit when the app first came out, the initial release didn’t even have filters or all the extra stuff they have now, it was so basic and simple and blew up. Another thing that made Snapchat big in the same way, disappearing photos meant disappearing nudes for both male and female, only that at first they could be screenshots, that didn’t notify you. In a future version, they disabled screenshoting photos from the default system buttons, but of course people found ways and made apps to get around it. Snapchat then started to block accounts for using those apps, then came the solution of notifying users of screenshots and then recordings when Apple released that feature. I know Snapchat probably wasn’t the first to make the goofy photo filters, but they did make it so much easier and almost more advanced with their simple facial mapping(yes it is simple since it’s meant to work with phones without facial recognition and all the other fancy face features.). Now Snapchat is a place to socialize in groups, or privately with friends through photos, messages, and video. Another big use now is the porn industry, where I think it’s safe to say only females succeed at making a lot of money with. It also seems to avoid spam bots and stuff. I’ve never received anything from a fake user or bot, besides their built in Snapchat bot, so that is honestly impressive and I applaud them for trying to keep it safe and friendly, except for the usual douchebag guys that send dick picks and stalk girls no matter their age. Danger lurks at all corners of the internet, and making friends is easier now, and just an add and a message away sometimes. But be careful who you add and honestly block anyone who harasses you or sends you unwanted images. And report them, help improve internet society and safety. This goes for all social media platforms.
Instagram is built solely around the personal sharing of photos to a feed and nothing else really. I know everyone was shocked that it became as big as it did, considering you can do the same thing in Facebook, and easily share other peoples photos to your friends. Although it is just photos, the people on there that are successful, actually do influence people and promote sponsors and their products. Some use it to get money, for their more explicit content. It followed Snapchat in adding stories, then filters, and has been successful in its endeavors. You can find everything legal on their as well as some illegal content such as drug use. As mentioned above, yes bots and fake accounts exist, be weary in who you talk to and exchange messages and photos with on here as well.
Twitter has been around for a long time and honestly, I see it being the first to die, due to overall lack of community and now with all the user interface updates and whatnot, it can be difficult to understand how the social environment of it works. Basically you get I think 140 characters to insert into the status prompt or whatever you/they want to call it. I personally don’t use it much, I get on there to see any updates from game companies and some of my favorite authors and music artists. I do this maybe once a week or two. I honestly don’t understand the point in twitter nor how getting followers and conversations started on there, if you have any suggestions for me please let me know if you are still somehow reading this.
Tumblr, ye olde blogging platform, one of the best until the pornography bam that yahoo added once their app was removed from the Apple store after I think being reported for child pornography. A lot of people lost their blogs and thousands of followers and countless hours of work. Many others had a lot of their content censored by a community guidelines photo or by being completely removed. So yes we can all agree that it’s a good thing they are trying to do what they can to combat child pornography of Tumblr, but a lot of people saw this as a complete change of environment for tumblr, whether being used for art, music, porn, pizza, cats etc.. Another big complaint that caused this change is how easy it was to lie about your age and turn off the content filter that got rid of the majority of inappropriate content. It was literally just a search option, then they tried moving it to your phone settings to the app setting in there to turn it off, which was still too easy. I can say you will still see pornographic content on Tumblr, mostly by accident, but there are people still posting getting around their image search algorithms. Past that to summarize, it’s basically a bigger version of Twitter, allowing for blog posts of most media types now, they have a reblog button to repost on your own page(these also get their own sub domains where it follows such as mine regentcorpse.tumblr.com. This is not for promotion, just an easy example(it’s a new blog with only like one blog post, but yes is my personal blog.) You can use your own domain if you own the address and route it to tumblrs name-servers, which most domain hosts have guides available to help you understand the process and set it up. They follow Wordpress in allowing themes which are only visible in a web browser and not the Tumblr mobile app, but on mobile you can edit the color scheme and fonts to what they have stock. To be like twitter with the features of Wordpress except custom plugins, it is a phenomenal platform still where you can truly be yourself and no one actually has to know who you are, you just post the content you love, the content you create(except for the porn content that a lot of people now went to Snapchat and Twitter for, and probably some private instagrams). You can find almost everything you heart desires within lawful reasons, I mean honestly you could probably find someone to buy illegal stuff from like guns, drugs, etc but I’ve never looked for that type of stuff on there. I love cyberpunk culture and there are so much content around it on tumblr. It also has pretty decent privacy setting for a blog, which can be password locked I believe and you can set permissions for it to be only people you follow or follow you, or no one or everyone can message you, ask questions(which can be anonymous), and submit content to your blog(also can be anonymous). The tumblr community can be toxic but also so helpful and beautiful seeing some of the ways people come together on there. It can range from legit bugs to books and quotes to programming and even professional use.
There is also LinkedIn, which is a very professional platform where you can add your professional resume and skills and may get recruited to jobs. I remember something like this tried to launch on Facebook but I do believe it failed out, as I haven’t seen anything about it or a link since they probably removed it.
So this leads me to ask What would an Apple Social Media Platform consist of? How would they try to outdo the others, and how would they make it appealing enough for people to use/switch to. Yes Apple is a big name, but so was google which failed at social media. They had good ideas but went about it completely wrong.
I feel like Apple would attempt to make a platform around creativity and art of all types. I feel like it would be a platform that would combine GarageBand, IMessages, Memoji, and all their other great apps into one. If they added collaboration on projects a lot easier in that aspect, and didn’t force themselves into everyone(Yes, Google that’s a shot at you.), they could make a truly great platform where we could see great things made by groups, communities, artists, and I could see them adding some sort of collaboration for web developers and programmers, which I would like to see knowing that Facebook, the corporation not social network, owns Oculus, and they already have a lot of resources for developers. Do you think Apple might be working on a social media platform, or do you think they will just keep adding out of place features? Do you think they would succeed in it or absolutely fail? Do you think Apple would stand a chance against the other giants that have been around and built up their user base? Also another issue is how exclusive Apple is with everything, just the fact you can log into Apple TV and watch it on a Windows Pc is a miracle. Do you think Apple will make it exclusive or would they put in the effort of being their media platform to everyone no matter their device? Remember everyone had a MySpace, now you never even hear about it, Facebook was a surprising switch with it having limited functionality and basically no customization options for your profile like MySpace and some other media’s had.
I want to hear your thoughts, opinions, and speculations about this, let’s start an open and friendly conversation, no hate or trolls, I don’t want all of that and your comments will be deleted and I may even block you from seeing posts like this on your feed and my page. This is at an end because my thumbs are tired and my phones dying and Facebook is lagging from how much I just put on here, but seriously comment, let me know what’s running in your mind, even what you would like to see change in social media in general or even in specific ones. I hope you all do open a nice and positive and informative conversation, I want to see that on Facebook more and I want to make friends I can talk about this type of stuff with in depth or even as broad as mostly common knowledge.
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thehanniecorner · 4 years
Yes, I realize that this post is coming out nowhere near January, but I have been finding it difficult to keep up with blogging lately, so it is what it is, right?  Hopefully, things have calmed down enough in my life that I can get back to writing semi-regularly, but no promises yet!  Regardless, I read a lot in January and am eager to share my thoughts with you.  Let’s get started!
I hope this reaches her in time – r.h. Sin
Rating – 1 Star
Unfortunately, I started off my year with what may turn out to be my least favorite title of 2020.  I hope this reaches her in time is a poetry collection, and while I like to pick up poetry once in a while, I didn’t connect with this collection at all.  First of all, it felt like there should have been a little more editing, as I found a number of sentences and word choices that I think might have just been typos.  Beyond that, the poetry itself reminded me of the “Tumblr style” where poets just break a normal sentence into multiple lines to make the words feel deeper than they really are, which is not a style I enjoy at all.  The good news is, however, that my reading can only get better from here, right?
Emergency Skin – N.K. Jemisin
Rating – 5 Stars
After reading an incredibly underwhelming title, I decided to give N.K. Jemisin’s Emergency Skin from Amazon’s Forward collection a try, figuring that an author this popular couldn’t possibly let me down.  Thankfully, my instincts were right and I loved this short story so much.  Given how short this experience is, I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say that this is a phenomenal science fiction story with the best usage of second person narration that I have ever seen in literature.  This was my first title by Jemisin and I can’t wait to read more of her work in the future.
Randomize – Andy Weir
Rating – 3 Stars
Since I loved Emergency Skin so much, I wanted to give another short story from the same collection a try, which led me to Andy Weir’s Randomize.  This wasn’t bad at all, but I didn’t love it to nearly the same degree as Jemisin’s work.  The hardest part for me is that the central premise, involving the security of gambling machines and whether they can be hacked or not, felt both flimsy and info-dumping in its setup.  The ending was pretty satisfying and I had fun reading this, but I came away from the story feeling like not enough had really been done with the universe.  I’m hoping to get to more of the Forward short story collection a try in the coming months, so I hope I enjoy the others more than I enjoyed this one.
Interview with the Robot – Lee Bacon
Rating – 4 Stars
I decided to pick up an Audible subscription recently in order to read more audiobooks, and Interview with the Robot was one of the Audible Original productions available one month, so I decided to pick it up.  This short audiobook with a full cast follows a robot who looks like a young child.  She gets apprehended by the police and has to tell her strange life story to a social worker in charge of her case.
While listening to this story, I had a smile on my face from beginning to end because it was just so charming and adorable.  That said, however, there were a few pretty good twists and turns that I didn’t see coming and definitely made me feel a lot of empathy towards the protagonist.  Overall, my main complaint is that it was just too short, at around three hours of listening.  I want more from this world in the future, so I hope some sort of sequel comes out eventually.
The Last Wish – Andrzej Sapkowski
Rating – 3 Stars
2020 is the year that I work my way into adult fantasy, and other than reading Game of Thrones last year, reading The Last Wish is one of the first titles that I have ever picked up in the genre.  This series follows Geralt, a witcher, which is a type of mutated human that fights monsters, as well as the many people that surround him.  This specific book is a short story collection that follows, for the most part, Geralt as he goes from contract to contract, killing monsters.
I love the lore and world of the Witcher universe, but I’m not totally convinced that I appreciate the writing style.  It’s hard to tell if this is because of the translation or this is the intention of the original author, but there was a lot of distance between the narrator and the events happening, which made me feel disconnected from the story.  I still intend to continue on, especially after I completely fell in love with the TV series, so I hope that I will connect more with future books and get used to the writing style.
The Outsider – Stephen King
Rating – 4 Stars
Stephen King is an author that I should read way more than I do, because I only pick up one or two of his books in a year, but I almost always enjoy them.  As it turns out, The Outsider is no exception.  This horror novel follows a group of detectives as they investigate the death of a young boy in a small town.  The obvious suspect is the town’s little league coach, as the evidence is quickly mounting up against him.  As the case opens up, however, conflicting details emerge and the truth becomes more difficult to grasp.
Overall, I really enjoyed the mystery and couldn’t stop reading for the entirety of this 600-page tome.  Stephen King has a way of making long books feel like they go by in an instant.  Unsurprisingly, however, the ending was incredibly underwhelming.  Additionally, The Outsider is connected to the Mr. Mercedes trilogy, which I didn’t know, and I got pretty spoiled for the events of that series, which is unfortunate.  On top of all of this, I would like to take a moment and point out that the graphic depictions of the child’s death did not really need to be so detailed, much less have those horrific details brought up at least a dozen more times over the course of the book.  It just felt gratuitous after a while.  I enjoyed this book immensely, but the details I mentioned above kept it just barely out of five-star territory.
Every Heart a Doorway – Seanan McGuire
Rating – 4 Stars
Since The Outsider was quite a lengthy read, I wanted to pick up some shorter titles again, leading me to finally pick up the start to a fantasy series that has been on my radar for a long time:  Every Heart a Doorway.  This series follows a group of children that found doorways to their own personal versions of Narnia and Wonderland.  At some point, however, their newfound homes kicked them back into the normal world and they have to learn how to cope with returning to their own life.  A halfway home of sorts was founded for children struggling with this task, and as it turns out, bringing a bunch of children together who have all gone to vastly different worlds can cause some pretty crazy antics and disagreements.
I love the characters, but didn’t find the plot of this overly engaging.  Given that my rating is still high, it’s clear that my disinterest in the plot wasn’t a deal-breaker by any means, but I just struggled to stay interested, especially given that I guessed the big plot twist almost immediately.  Since these books are so short, I will definitely be reading the sequels.  In fact, given how late this wrap-up is, I can say with great certainty that my February wrap-up will have a lot of news regarding my progress on this series.
Outer Order, Inner Calm – Gretchen Rubin
Rating – 3 Stars
I like to try reading books that push me out of my comfort zone, and it has been a long time since I read anything that might be considered a part of the self-improvement genre.  Therefore, as a chronically messy person, I thought reading Outer Order, Inner Calm might be an interesting adventure, given that the whole book is dedicated to getting rid of unwanted junk to keep life peaceful.
This was an incredibly easy read.  The writing style was simple and easy to digest.  Reading it was actually a pretty pleasant and relaxing experience.  That said, however, I’m not sure how useful I actually found the book, as the advice felt like it was playing it pretty safe.  For the most part, the tips went like “Get rid of things you don’t use anymore” and “Clean your house” with about 75 different variations, each.  I’m glad I read it, but I don’t think I got much out of it.
Everything My Mother Taught Me – Alice Hoffman
Rating – 4 Stars
My final read for the month of January was another short story from an Amazon collection like the Forward collection.  This is Everything My Mother Taught Me, and it’s my first attempt at reading Alice Hoffman.  This follows a young girl who is living at a lighthouse and trying to navigate coming of age with her dysfunctional mother around her.  I can’t say much more than that given how short the story is, but I did really enjoy this.  This is a common complaint for me with short stories, but the main reason it didn’t get five stars is because it just didn’t feel fully fleshed out.  When I read Emergency Skin, I felt like Jemisin did a phenomenal job of packing a full story into a short amount of pages, and Everything My Mother Taught Me didn’t manage this as successfully.  I’m still quite eager to pick up more books by Hoffman, however, as I enjoyed her writing style.
Well, now that it’s almost March, I have finally shared what I read in January.  What did you read in the first month of the year?  Let me know in the comments below!
  January 2020 Reading Wrap-Up! Yes, I realize that this post is coming out nowhere near January, but I have been finding it difficult to keep up with blogging lately, so it is what it is, right? 
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
April 2019 Pond LiveChat Recap
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We had a great time chatting with @deanscarlett today! Thank you so much, Scar, for joining us!!
We had a bunch of non-native English-speakers in the room today, and we all discussed the challenges of writing in a language that is not your first. A rundown of the chat, as well as general Pond news, is below the cut!
People attending: @deanscarlett @katehuntington @emilyshurley @focusonspn @mrswhozeewhatsis 
Q: What is everyone’s first language?
Scar: Spanish Kate: Dutch Emily: Hindi Sol: Spanish
Q: You all are so fluent, did you grow up speaking English?
Scar: My mom sent me to learn English when I was 6 or 7. I’m almost 41 lol Emily: I did, grand dad is a retired professor of English so like almost the second language kinda thing Kate: My mom grew up on Australia and she thought it was important for me to learn English from a very early age. 
Q: What do you guys think is the hardest part of English?
Emily: Grammar. I can speak fluently, but for me, it’s grammar and punctuation. Speaking is easier because I grew up talking to my dad in English on occasions. Scar: The listening and pronunciation part. Grammar comes easy to me because of the way it was taught to me. Spanish has waaaay too many verb tenses that makes English a joke in that sense. Kate: I personally sometimes struggle when I wanna use a Dutch way of saying things. I translate too literally.
We then discussed how even English is very different depending on what country you’re from. US vs. UK vs. Australian, for example. The same words mean different hings, different countries have different words. Sometimes, the differences can seem like it’s a whole different language.
Q: Is there anything about English that constantly trips you up, even though you know better?
Kate: Times. I mean, tenses. Scar: I got it, tenses in Spanish are called “tiempos”, which in EN is “times” 😀 For me, phrasal verbs, certain rules when it comes to prepositions. Those are my bane. Emily: Tenses. I mess those up a lot. Michelle: Well, it’s not like there’s not 2983625 tenses or anything. Native speakers screw them up, too. Apparently, we’re all REALLY invested in knowing exactly when things happened!
Q: Which brings up a side thought. I know that language informs thought. Like, some languages have no words for things, or special words for things. How often do you run into that?
Kate: A lot. I’ve looked so long for a translation to the word ‘gezellig’. It doesn’t exist. Scar. Yup. We don’t have a word for toes, for example. Kate & Michelle: Toes? How can you not have a word for toes??? Scar: Yup, it’s “fingers of the foot/feet”. There isn’t a word for it. Emily: Same. Michelle: I was thinking about those cultures that don't have words for stealing because they believe everything belongs to everyone, and here Scar is telling me the South Americans don't have toes!
Emily then turned us onto a discussion about how English steals from other languages.
Emily: Speaking of word stealing "jungle" is a Hindi word. Michelle: Oh, English is a great thief. English steals from EVERYONE indiscriminately. Kate: Oh now I wanna know what they stole from the Dutch. Emily: *cough* colonialism *cough* Kate: We were just as bad. England owned half and the Dutch the other half. Scar: Spanish stole terms, too, but they evolved in time. Emily: Jungle is straight up Hindi word with same meaning. The only English words we use in Hindi are for the things British introduced to India. Even then we came up with word for them eventually. Michelle: Quick Google search for English words with Dutch origin: Coleslaw (from the Dutch word meaning cabbage salad), boss (from baas, which means master), stove (from the Dutch word for heated room), and booze (from a Dutch word "busen" meaning to drink in excess). Kate: Koolsla! Haha! Of course we inspired a word for alcohol. Busen is old old Dutch, though. Stoven is a Dutch word for cooking. But what the English speakers call a stove, we call a gasfornuis, now. Language is weird, man.
Q: One of the facets of English that I don't know if other languages do, is how it constantly changes. I took a history of the English language course in college, and if you read Old English, like Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was originally written in, it's a completely different language. For example, the verb to starve, came from a word steorfan (not the correct spelling), which simply meant to die. Over the centuries, the meaning changed to die specifically from hunger.
Emily: Most languages evolve with time.  Scar: Latin American Spanish and Spaniard Spanish have different tenses for 2nd person plural. Even a different pronoun.
Q: Someone once told me that English is more malleable than other languages. What do you think of that?
Scar: It’s true. Spanish is hard to evolve.You cannot transform a word in a verb as easily as with EN. Emily: I’ll speak for Hindi. It’s a constantly evolving language that’s super malleable.
Q: When you look for a beta, do you look for someone who speaks your first language, or just for a native English speaker? If you don't look for someone who speaks your language, do you think finding a beta who did would make things easier or harder?
Scar: Always a native speaker. For one, not many Spanish speakers around, and 2nd, they are bound to make the same mistakes I do. Emily: It’s hard finding Indian betas, so mostly they are native English speakers. Kate: I look for a native English speaker in a beta, at least one of them (I usually get my stories checked by 2 or 3 betas). Scar: Though I notice that EN speakers tend to not notice stuff like they’re/there/their and the like. I don’t have issues with those when I write, but I notice it a lot in other writers (native EN) who were betaed by other native EN, and you see tons of those mistakes.
Q: Is there anything that has tripped up your betas in the past, or anything that you wish betas would focus on more often?
Kate: Repeating a certain word. I use a certain verb or emotion too much. Synonym would be better, not everyone picks up on that Scar: I tend to go a little too happy with passive voice. I usually do 10 reads before giving it to the beta. Usually they find wrong prepositions.  Emily: For me, it's common English saying and day to day slang. A beta once said my dialogue sounds formal. Michelle: I can understand the formal thing. One ESL writer I beta for never uses contractions. Emily: That's because I learnt the "proper" way of speaking English in school. Scar: That’s another issue, too. I was taught the posh English, so when I went to England last year, it was hard af to understand the cockney English. Emily:  Then there is the whole cultural divide situation. For example, I have a really difficult time writing anything remotely NSFW because sex and PDA are kinda taboo in India. Any advice? Michelle: Only write what you're comfortable writing. If you REALLY feel that your story needs something you don't feel comfortable writing, then collaborate with someone. Scar: Don’t force yourself to write something you are not comfortable with. Because in some cases, you don’t enjoy it and in the end that shows in the writing. Emily: It isn't that I'm not comfortable, I don't have an issue I just have no idea what I'm doing. Michelle: Whenever you're writing something that you don't know much about, find someone who writes that or knows about that, and work with them. For example, @manawhaat is my weapons expert. When I wrote a fic about Dean and the First Blade, comparing it to his other weapons, I practically had her on speed dial. I wrote what I was thinking, and asked her if any of it sounded plausible, and she corrected what I had wrong, and gave suggestions for things I didn't know about. Another suggestions is to read TONS of other fics that have what you want to write. Kate: But if you wanna learn, read and practice, though. You don’t even have to publish it.  Emily: That makes sense but I'm to scared to reach out to people. I follow some people who are really amazing, but when they post stuff like, “No, I won't read your fics unless I offer myself,” I get scared thinking I'm bothering others as well. Michelle: That’s when the Pond’s Beta list comes in handy! Sol: I'm too scared to bother someone for beta my work. Michelle: That’s what the list is there for. These are people who want to beta read. If they’re busy, they’ll tell you. But they want to be on the list and welcome people asking them.
We ended with some advice on picking a beta, and complaints about Tumblr eating asks. REMINDER: IF YOU SEND AN ASK TO THE POND AND DON’T GET A RESPONSE IN TWO DAYS, SEND A MESSAGE TO ONE OF OUR ADMINS!!
Great talk, guys! Can’t wait for next month!!
General Pond Updates and Reminders
Angel Fish Award nominations are accepted all month long! No need to wait to tell us how much you liked a fellow Fish’s work!  IF YOU HAVE SENT IN A NOMINATION, BUT HAVE NOT RECEIVED A PRIVATE MESSAGE CONFIRMING WE RECEIVED IT, WE DIDN’T GET IT. Be sure to use Submit instead of Ask!
Don’t forget to submit your stories to be posted to the blog! When your stories are on the blog, then they are easier to nominate for Angel Fish Awards!
SPNFanFicPond Season 14 Weekly Episode Challenge - Now that the season is over, we will be reposting each prompt list through the summer months! Remember, there’s no deadline for submissions! 
Say hi to April’s New Members!
Check the Pond CALENDAR to see when Big Fish will be in the chat room and other Pond and SPN events are happening! Know of something that’s not on the calendar, send us an ask or submission with the deets info details!  The calendar offers a lot of features, such as showing you when things are in your own timezone! Since we’re an international group, that’s a definite plus!!
We don’t have a topic or speaker set up for May’s event, yet, so if there’s something you want to talk about, or someone you want to talk to, LET US KNOW!
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My Fanwork
Do you want stuff to read or art to look at? Here are the fandom things I have made these last two years, maybe you can find something? 
It’s a lot. I can’t believe it’s this much, to be honest. Anyway. It’s presented more or less chronological. If you find something tempting, I hope you enjoy!
Tumblr media
This is a long post. So. It’s all under the cut. :) 
Multichaptered fics
Don't leave me (alone): Isak/Even, 106 674 words,  6/6 chapters. Explicit. Slightly magical AU where Even never transferred to Hartvig Nissen, but Even and Isak meet as adults.  
The Very Personal Shopper: Isak/Even, 21 986 words. 2/2 chapters. Explicit. Part of the Apps of Love series. A shopping service AU (an alternative first meeting for #SkamFicWeek). Isak is too lazy to shop his groceries, and too fed up with Eskild’s complaints, and finds that a shopping service would be perfect. But what can he do when his personal shopper turns out to be the most gorgeous guy he has ever seen?
Different, but same: Isak/Even,  31 615 words, 2/2 chapters. Explicit. Post break up fic. Even goes on a ski holiday with Yousef and Elias to get over it. At the cabin he meets a guy who looks like Isak, except his dark, buzz cut hair, well trained body and rough, charismatic personality. The fact that he calls himself Markus Simensen is even more confusing. Translated to russian here. 
Drunk on Your Colours: Isak/ Even,  71 500 words, 4/4 chapters + bonus info. Mature.  When Isak starts at Hartwig Nissen, he is confused by all the eyes with bright colours he can see. He has a strange gift that makes him see colours in certain people’s eyes, and the colours reflect who they are and how they feel. Now there are kids with colours in their eyes everywhere, and one tall, gorgeous guy has the colours of the whole rainbow. Friends to lovers AU where Even is in third year at Hartvig Nissen when Isak starts in his first year.
My Very Personal Ski Trainer: Isak/ Even, 28 181 words, 5/5 chapters. Explicit. This is part of the Skam Stories Christmas Challenge and part of the Apps of Love series. Even has just broken up with Sonja and is recovering from a manic and depressive episode. Sana has invited Even and her other friends to a Holiday cabin trip, and Even needs to get in shape so that he can beat his buddies in Sana’s planned ski race. He tries out a personal ski trainer app and meets the hot ski trainer Isak Valtersen. A different meeting AU. 
The Secret Santa App: Isak/Even,  25 591 words, 5/5 chapters. Mature. Part of the Skam Secret Santa. Part of the Apps of Love series. In this world, Isak and Even met at Nissen, but they were never brave enough to do anything. Isak (25) is a stressed-out salesman for playground equipment. Even (27) is a freshly educated, burned out and lonely children’s psychologist. They meet again when Sana, Eva and Vilde arrange a Secret Santa party. Without knowing it, Isak and Even end up as Secret Santas for each other and they chat with each other on the Secret Santa App. Things happen.
A Fucking Bet: Isak/Even, 32 793 words, 7/7 chapters. Explicit. SKAM Big Bang 2018 collection.  A fuck buddies AU/ Canon Divergence in Isak’s POV (and one chapter in Even's POV). Isak and Even are just friends. They make a bet and decide to fuck only five times and then go back to being friends again. Isak hopes that he might be able to fuck his crush out of his system, once and for all. Who knows what Even’s motives are.  
Around the Corner (My Very Personal Christmas Shopper): Even/Isak, 51000 words, 4/4 chapters. Explicit. Evakteket Christmas Challenge 2017 collection. Isak (22) works in a record shop for Jonas. Isak’s best friend Eva works in the shop, too. Even (24) comes and asks for a job. The two get off on the wrong foot, although Isak finds Even irritatingly attractive. To complicate things, Isak has just gotten a personal Christmas gift shopper, who turns out to be very flirty.This is a Holiday movie AU (inspired by “The Shop around the corner”, 1950), and it's part of the Evakteket Christmas Challenge. The two other prompts were “Bah, humbug!» and Snowglobe.
To Write a Good Ending: Sara/ Ingrid, 13205 words, 2/2 chapters. Explicit. Evakteket Birthday Challenge.  This story starts the summer before Sara starts at Nissen. Sara is ambitious, but struggles to feel like everybody else. This is a 5+1. Five times Sara kisses someone for the wrong reason, or one time she kisses for the right, or five times Sara is a part of someone else’s story ending, and one time she writes her own ending.
The Cuddle Snuggle App: Isak/Even,124934 words, 10/10 chapters. Explicit. Part of the Apps of Love series. Halfway through Even's third year, he is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. When Isak is 16, he moves away from his troubled mother. Both boys have turned their lives upside down, and their new lives are more or less lonely and touch deprived. They meet when Even downloads a cuddler app (mostly for his film project, but also because he needs the touch) and Isak becomes his professional cuddler. They are both determined to keep the cuddling friendly and platonic, but it proves to be difficult.
Mine egne meninger: Eva/Vilde. Norwegian. 16,871 words. 6/6 chapters. Explicit. Eva kunne allerede kjenne hjertet banke raskere. Hun visste det var tullete, men med ett bare visste hun at hun kom til å slite med å dele rom med Vilde. Hun kom til å bli gående rundt en feberhet tåke og tenke på Vilde hele helga. Til ingen nytte. Fy faen. Dette kom jo til å bli en helt strålende romjulsferie.  
The Origin and the Fulfillment: Isak/ Even. 81,026 words. 14/14 chapters (13 + epilogue). Explicit. Collab with @evakuality​.  Isak, an alpha, and Even, an omega, meet on the tram on their way to school. From there, they deal with first heats, pining, miscommunication and lots and lots of tension. They both have issues with their own, and other people’s, assumptions about being alpha and omega.  
The Fake Boyfriend App: Isak/Even,  7 239 words, 1/1 chapter. Mature rating. Part of the Apps of Love series. AU where Isak is desperately pining for his flatmate Even, and downloads a fake boyfriend app to get over him. When he discovers that the Fake boyfriend is a human, and not a bot, he is sceptical.
An Early Friday Morning: Eva/Jonas, 2 115 words, 1/1 chapters. Explicit. This is a future fic/ ficlet. Eva and Jonas wake up and take the chance of a quickie while the kids are busy. That's it. It's a pwp, basically.
Trollbundet/Spellbound: Isak/Even, 16 425 words, 1/1 chapters. Explicit. Evakteket Summer Challenge. A summer fling soulmate AU. Isak has graduated from Nissen and he’s attending Trolsk (Enchanting), an alternative Fair/music festival with his friends. When he meets a guy called Even, they bond. However, Even is reluctant about bonding. Is a summer fling all they will have? Prompts: Camping, summer fling you can’t forget, bare feet.
The Rule of Reciprocation: Noora/Eva, 9952 words, 1/1 chapters. Teen and up. SKAM Reverse Bang 2018.  Noora knew too well that she had fallen in love with Eva. She didn't know exactly when it had happened. It was something that snuck up on her gradually, and one day she realized she was gone for Eva, for her laughter, her sense of humour, her bright eyes and the way she always was so open to so many things. Noora had most likely fallen a long time before things ended with William, she just hadn’t known it yet. She hadn’t allowed herself to know.  
My Tie Is Blue: Even/Isak, 1 185 words, 1/1 chapters. Teen and up.  Ficlet based on Julie Andem’s New year’s gift and this anonymous prompt: «Has anyone ever written a backstory for "my tie is blue and i love you"? I imagine them bickering, Isak says the tie is blue and Even insists it's black and it goes on for over half an hour of light insults and playful shoves and at some point Even realizes he's wrong but he won't admit it and in the end Isak settles the argument by saying I love you»
Not an aberration, but rather a truth: Even pov. Collab with @evakuality. 2780 words, 1/1 chapters. General Audiences. Skam Chill Christmas Challenge.  It takes Even a little while to figure out who he is, and it's not as clear cut as he might once have thought.
Den lengste natta: Isak/Even. Norwegian. 22101 words, 1/1 chapters. Explicit. Skam Chill Christmas Challenge.  Det er fredag den 21. desember 2018 og vintersolverv. Fruktbarhetsguden Frøy, i Evens skikkelse, må for første gang gjøre seg fortjent til den gaven han ønsker seg aller mest; kjærlighet. 18 år gamle Isak syns kjærligheten virker uoppnåelig, helt til han kommer hjem til Oslo på juleferie og besøker Jonas og Eva på kafeen Eldrimni. 
All Good Things Life Has to Offer:  Vilde/ Eva. 10,721 words. 1/1 chapter. Explicit. She hadn’t really had butterflies in her stomach since she went out with Magnus, half a lifetime ago. Magnus was sweet. But the butterflies today were for Eva.
Don’t you let me go tonight. Isak/ Even. 2 209  words. 1/1 chapter. Written for the smut prompt making love.The first time Even and Isak make love, it’s not particularly slow and tender, at least not at first. Some would maybe not even call it making love, they would call it getting off, or fucking. Not that Even cares about that. But the point is, the first time they make love, it’s not really planned.
Just A Summer Dream: Isak/Even. 9,105 words. 1/1 chapter. Explicit. Even knows that this thing is temporary. And yeah, he knows that to do this, here, probably is a stupid thing to do.  He knows that it’s just a summer fling and that he’s too invested and a quick fuck in this bathroom will do nothing to help that, but the thing is… he doesn’t have the energy to care. He wants Isak so much, and he wants him now.
Touch yourself: Isak/Even. 924 words. 1/1 chapter. Explicit. “Touch yourself for me,” he commands, voice still a whisper, but determined.
Hvis senga hans kunne snakke: Isak/Even. Norwegian.  3,662 words. 9/9 chapters. Explicit. Hvis senga hans kunne snakke, / ville den fortelle om / drømmene han drømmer. / Om alt som truer med å / flomme inn / gjennom sprekkene i veggen / og ta pusten fra han. / Drukne han.
A Mouthful: Isak/Even.  5,157 words. 1/1 chapter. Explicit. “What do you want?” Isak says, looking tired, although there’s a hint of recognition in his face as he watches them.Even grins. "Meeting the love of my life."
My Poison of Choice: 2456 words, 1/1 chapter. Mature. Part of the Temptations series. Matteo has an intoxicating crush on his best friend, Jonas. They have a smoke. Jonas wants to try shotgunning. This fic is translated in Russian here.
My Sweetest Elixir:  2,539 words, 1/1 chapter.  Mature. Part of the Temptations series, more or less free standing sequel to My Poisin of Choice. Written before we knew David’s name. – Good? Matteo asks casually, and the guy nods. His cheeks are slightly pink. Matteo’s face is burning. Damn. He wants to lick into those lips. He wants to bury his hands into that thick, dark hair. He desperately hopes that he doesn’t imagine that there’s something heated in the guy’s eyes, as well.
Draumekvila: Gunnhild/ Luna.  5,112 words, 1/1 chapter. Norwegian. Mature. Det er noko der imellom dei, er det ikkje? Ein tone som strekkjer seg mellom dei og skjelv. Ein melodi som summar under huden. Det er vel ikkje berre noko Luna innbiller seg? Luna trur ho kan sjå noko i auga til Gunnhild, men ho er ikkje sikker.
Blue Moon:  Gunnhild/ Luna. 1,134 words, 1/1 chapter. General audiences.   Gunnhild is pining for Luna.
Even and Isak Fanart 
In Eden’s Garden 
Ingrid and Sara Fanart 
Isak and Even Pride Kiss 
Isak blowing Even (explicit)
Isak and Even good times (slightly explicit)
Isak and Even kissing in bed 
Sculpturer Even and Isak (explicit)
Young Even in Winter  (Skam Chill Christmas Challenge )
Aurora and Steve (Isak and Even kissing,  Evakteket SKAMenger Hunt)
Eva and Chris doing Holiday Chores - Fanart (Explicit, Skam Chill Christmas Challenge)
Trans Even and his Isak
Isak and Even (Explicit)
Isak ready for a fight
Matteo and David
Beautiful Minds
David and Matteo Smitten (Michelangelo's David and Michelangelo's San Matteo)
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arofili · 6 years
legolas or celebrimbor??
celebrimbor doesn’t have a tumblr, he made that shit. he and narvi are @staff.
(well. they were @staff…)
leg …. pre fellowship
their blog url
(or something equally long and horrendously hyphenated and fake poetic)
the kind of posts they reblog
random shit he finds amusing
like, cat pictures and social justice posts from 2013
no theme at all
i would never follow him
the first person they followed
she convinced him to get a tumblr because of the memes
a year later, she regrets this immensely
she matured and has a better blog that she doesn’t even use much
legolas is the exact same.
what kind of theme they’d have
tumblr default theme
what kind of text posts they make at 2am
he will wake up in the middle of the night and post about the dreams he just had, but without any context
“made some chocolate milk with the lady who pulls the sun. tasted like weed. also, that one girl who i thought i had a crush on in 3rd grade was there. awkward.”
“sweating so much!! just ran a marathon with my dad while we were being chased by oliophaunts. the racetrack turned into a river halfway through. we won!!”
he thinks he’s funny
(he’s not.)
leg …… during fellowship
their blog url
he privated his blog for the first part of the journey because he thought it would be safer
after a few weeks he gets bored and starts liveblogging this shit
at that point his url becomes “fellowshipoftheleg”
his blog title is “Eight Idiots And A Gorgeous Elf Save The World”
“Hello! My name is Legolas Greenleaf. I am currently on a quest to save the world. The details are ~secret~ but I needed a place to vent so here we go. My companions are all idiots, except for me. My interests include….”
you know the type of subtitle i’m talking about.
the kind of posts they reblog
he basically stops reblogging and only makes original posts during this period of time
the liveblog
legolas had >300 followers before this, but his posts about his journey start to gain traction
his liveblog is pretty much petty complaints at first
he talks shit about gimli
he cracks “jokes” about boromir
(again. he’s not funny)
he reports on the weird stuff gandalf does
he gushes over the adorable hobbits
(until one day he accidentally bumps into frodo and sam tries to jump him.
he’s a little afraid of them after that.)
he quotes aragorn like there’s no tomorrow
some of these are like, actually deep
most of them sound like stuff from inspirobot
or they’re stupid inside jokes
everyone gets code names, cuz legolas isn’t that stupid
gandalf is “old man”
aragorn is “the bro”
boromir is “angstlord”
the hobbits go through tons of nicknames
“itty bitties”
“curly boys”
tiny monsters
eventually they get their own, but by that point the fellowship has split
gimli is “asshole dwarf”
after a few weeks… he becomes weirdly popular.
his story reads like a trollfic, with stupid plot twists and bizarre anecdotes
this mostly is anecdotes, not the full scope of the quest
he mostly makes text posts, with a few pictures here and there
every now and then he’ll post a snapshot of the fellowship roasting marshmallows
or a selfie of him in lothlorien
or a sneaky pic of him drawing dicks on boromir’s face while he’s asleep
he used to be low-profile, but shit’s gone whack.
he’s gaining hundreds of followers a day
his top post has half a million notes.
he’s a tumblr “cewebrity”
everyone on tumblr thinks this is just a story, not real life
people dig through his old posts looking for clues and foreshadowing
they’re baffled by the dedication the mod of the blog has to building up this “legolas” character
or they’re puzzled by the mod’s decision to turn this shit blog into a dedicated storytelling platform
legolas is bombarded with asks and @ mentions
but like…this bitch don’t actually know how to use this website.
he can make a post and reblog one
but that’s literally it
he’s the kind of blogger who leaves stupid captions on popular posts
he can’t figure out how tags work
he’s never heard of xkit
all his asks go unanswered
he’s only sort of aware of what’s going on
he’s blogging 100% from mobile, which makes it even worse
the Legolas Fandom goes buckwild
there is not enough time in the day to over it all
ship wars.
fan theories.
headcanon drama.
it’s a mess.
and again, legolas has no clue that this is going on.
when he catches feelings for gimli…things get insane.
he writes gushy, cringy, angsty posts about gimli
he posts pics of gimli with flower crowns
he composes bad poetry about gimli
the fan base is infuriated.
they’d all been shipping him with aragorn.
and like, no one in the fellowship has a fucking clue this is happening.
at least, not until they get to 
it’s ironic that Isolated Horseblr User eowyn is the first one to recognize legolas
she finally gets up the courage to ask him about it
“has someone been stealing your selfies, or…?”
he is astonished.
if Leg could, he’d shut down the whole thing
even if eowyn had wanted to help him do that, he’s just in too deep
he’s in this for the long haul.
now, Legolas starts to make shit up.
that’s when his popularity tanks.
he’s getting callouts
he’s everyone’s “problematic fav”
people dig through his blog to find dirt instead of clues
Legolas is more aware of this now, and he pouts for days
then gimli, a Twitter-Only lad, finally sees a masterpost explaining everything
he connects the dots way quicker than anyone else did
and oh fuck.
he’s frantically tweeting–
“wtf do i do??”
“i think i’m the asshole dwarf??”
“but he’s like in love with the asshole dwarf now??”
“oh my god, my crush likes me back??”
“has he been liveblogging EVERYTHING??”
eventually he deletes it all and decides to confront legolas
the leg boy caves under pressure and spills the beans.
they figure their personal shit out
of course, aragorn knew everything all along.
at least, that’s what he says
gimli takes over the liveblog for a day and everyone goes nuts.
together, he and leg decide that they’ve got to end this fake-ish story
even though they don’t know the ending of the real one.
for someone who’s never used it before, gimli picks up tumblr etiquette quickly
and on mobile. that’s a whole nother level of perseverance.
he starts streamlining shit, collecting information, making use of fan masterposts
he ties all the loose ends together
with a little bit of help from legolas to make it suitably weird, they close the story strong with a bang and a kiss.
aragorn finds their version of events…amusing.
after the real dust settles and the news stories about the Real Quest hit the press…
now legolas is a Real Actual Celebrity
his fans new and old start to see…similarities between the two stories
insider info?
no one can decide.
leg ………… post fellowship
their blog url
Legolas has three blogs now.
“fellowshipoftheleg” is kept as an archive. he doesn’t post there anymore.
he has a secret personal blog, “greenwood-gossip”, that he just posts random shit on like before.
and finally he has a Real Life Famous Person Tumblr Blog, “legolasgreenleaf”
the kind of posts they reblog
with the help of gimli and tauriel, he figures out how to actually use this website.
like most celeb blogs this one doesn’t post much
but he does reblog edits of himself and of his friends
every time he’s asked about fellowshipoftheleg he answers that he is not responsible for it and has no idea about it and would you all please stop asking about it.
the first person they followed
aragorn’s new Famous Person account.
this blog is deactivated after two months because he never uses it.
what kind of theme they’d have
something that should be really classy but with awkward shades of green
like, it had potential but again…legolas has a terrible eye for design
what kind of text posts they make at 2am
he doesn’t usually make original posts
but sometimes he’ll complain about gimli’s weird habits
and once - just once - he confessed that he was the one who ran that liveblog all those years ago
he deleted the post an hour later, but there were screenshots.
legolas is the Ultimate Troll.
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knightedwriter · 6 years
Quick question, how to start up a writeblr, tips on getting my story noticed, etc.?
Ah the age-old question of writeblr. I know you said quick question, but my answer is probably going to be a bit long (so I’ll put most of it under the cut). I’m sorry for the time it took to respond!
Starting up a writeblr
First things first, just make your blog. Now, you may be saying “I know how to make a blog” but hold up, because I’ve heard a few complaints from fellow writeblrs about the ease of navigating people’s blogs.
Make sure your theme/text is readable and easy to navigate. I’ve noticed a lot of blog themes look nice, but the text is teeny tiny, or the background and text colors have terrible contrast. This can discourage people from following read more links and thus discourage them from reading your writing.
In addition, having tabs for your current WIPs and/or common tag lists you use will make it easier for people to find your stuff. Start this early so it doesn’t become some daunting task to organize your tags later (guilty).
Try to pick a name that makes it obvious you’re a writeblr. You don’t have to, of course, but this’ll attract other writeblrs easier.
Once you’ve made your blog, make an info post. This has been a trend recently with writeblrs, and I like it. The community might not reblog it right away, but these posts do eventually make their rounds. Some points to avoid:
Don’t use gifs in the post. it turns some people off from reblogging it. (People have specifically told me this, so yes, it happens).
Introduce yourself! I want to know about you and your works, so make room for both.
Don’t degrade yourself in your post. Things like “I’m terrible at writing” or “this is probably better than my actual writing” are tempting to say, but can turn people away. We all joke about being terrible, and plenty of us struggle to see value in our writing. It’s okay to feel that way, but you’re making this blog for a reason: to share your writing and gain interest. Degrading yourself is the opposite of your goal here.
Try to keep it short. The longer the post, the more likely people will skim or skip it completely. You can talk about yourself and your WIPs in more detail in other posts.
Once you’ve introduced yourself, start posting about your work! This can be snippets, rambles, one shots, whatever you want to see on your blog! Don’t be discouraged by the note count. I’ve had this blog since July 2017. It took six months for my note count on original posts to reach more than ten notes consistently. Even now, stories and snippets of mine tend to only get 30 or so notes, but I’m perfectly happy with that. Just understand that it takes time and patience to build a following, and that even then you might not see that much activity. The worst thing to do is pitch a fit to other writeblrs (I see this often). It may be frustrating, but not everyone is going to see or even enjoy your work. Just keep going. You’ll get people who love it. It just takes time.
Interact with other writeblrs. If you want support, give it out. Though not everyone will reciprocate (and they’re not obligated to!), some will definitely take notice and support you in turn. So reblog their stuff, send in asks, and, for the love of god, SCREAM IN THE TAGS OR ON THEIR POSTS. Give feedback! You’ll make someone’s day, and it’s just plain good writeblr etiquette.
If you’re feeling daring, start a convo with someone who’s willing. Just make sure you respect their boundaries, and please, please, don’t start with asking them to read your work. Some people find it hard to say no in that situation, and they may be busy. Just make friends. The rest will play itself out.
Getting your story noticed
Much of what I said above applies to this. The main points are: post about your story, interact with other writeblrs, and have patience. And, to reiterate, by patience I mean be willing to dedicate months or even years to building up a following. Not just a few weeks. It may be discouraging when nothing happens very quickly, but just keep. going.
Keep posting about your story. Ramble about it. Make worldbuilding posts. Reblog ask games. Show your excitement for what you’re writing, and other people will pick up on it. Show us what you love about it, and we’ll fall in love, too. If you’re excited, your reader will be.
I know it’s cliche to end on, but seriously, have fun. This is all for something you love. If you start falling out of love with it bc you’re not getting much attention, step away from writeblr and remind yourself that this is as much for you as it is for anyone else. You don’t want to lose your passion for something just because gaining a following is a long, difficult process. You got this. You’ll get people who are interested.
I hope this helps! Happy writing.
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baradorable · 3 years
My opinions on the current anime season. I’ll go over come popular shows and try to warm you up to some hidden gems.
Attack on Titan (Season 4)
I ended up liking this show a lot more than I thought I would. I ended up binging the first three seasons in like a week. Now I’m impatiently waiting for more episodes.
I will say that I’m kind of mixed on this one, though. Like I know they want to flesh out the country of Marley, make the war less one-sided and establish how villainous Eren is later, or whatever. I preferred it when the characters were fighting the enigmatic, monstrous force of titans. The political drama was like the least interesting parts of season 3. (That, and Eren being kidnapped for the millionth time.) Regardless, I’m still liking what we have so far, and there’s only one thing that makes me hesitate.
Gabi Braun. Fucking Gabi Braun. She’s so fucking obnoxious. She’s like Eren, except without the character traits that made him interesting. We have less reason to care about her, and her story is mostly just a retread of Eren’s. And I’d tolerate that if she wasn’t such an obnoxious cunt all the damn time. “But euuhughhg Gabi is a kid and she’s brainwashed! She’s actually really well-written!” Yeah, but she’s still an annoying little shit and less sympathetic than the other Marleyans we’re focusing on. She shouldn’t be the main focus character.
“Did you see it happen?” BITCH. There’s being brainwashed and there’s being a fucking moron. And don’t give me that “Well, in real life, brainwa-” Yeah, I don’t care. She’s not real. The only thing real about her is the headache she gives me.
So she’s this unlikable kid who came in and killed a fan-favorite character. I loved Sasha. Everyone did. But I’ll live. (Unlike her.) But she just HAD to be killed by fucking Garbage Braun of all people. Honestly, if Falco killed Sasha, I’d get over it. He’s a way better character than Gabi. I could go on and on about how he works better on a fundamental level, but none of you are even reading this post in the first place. So whatever.
Beastars (Season 2)
It’s good. I don’t like it as much as season 1, but I’m enjoying it a lot. It’s not a show I actively wait for, but it’s always pleasant to see.
Cells at Work!! Code Black
I never saw the original Cells at Work, but this show makes me not want to. Because I don’t think it would be as good as Code Black.
For those who haven’t seen it, Cells at Work is basically about humanized cells working in a body. You follow a red blood cell as they deliver oxygen, and you encounter all sorts of issues and quirks you see in a body. From sicknesses, to infections, to even cancer, you actually learn a lot. It’s genuine edutainment.
Black is set in a body that’s incredibly unhealthy. The characters are scrambling to survive and keep a failing body going. There’s this growing sense of dread each episode as the body grows worse and worse. You get frustrated because these characters don’t deserve the Hell they go through, and you just want to shout at the human to eat healthy, quit smoking and shape up. Because you care about the cells and want them to have a better work environment.
It’s really fun and makes me feel guilty for my unhealthy habits.  
7.5/10. Maybe 8/10 if these last few episodes keep up the momentum.
Dr. Stone
I really liked season 1, and I’m liking this season so far as well. I prefer the set-up and use of tech in season 1, season 2 is kind of moving too fast with tech while the story is a little slow. But despite all that, this show is still great and is on track to becoming a classic. If it weren’t for Attack on Titan, it would be Anime of the Season for me.
Jobless Reincarnation: 
A 40-year-old NEET gets isekai’d into the body of a baby. You watch this child with an adult mind grow up and learn about this magical fantasy world. It’s pretty good, I like it. It has good humor, nice characters, interesting lore, and a fun magic system. 
If you ever watched Isekai Cheat Magician? (Of course you didn’t. No one did.) This is what Isekai Cheat Magician wishes it could be.
I give this show a 7/10. It loses points because it made me think of Isekai Cheat Magician just now.
No words. Except four words: Go watch this show.
Oh boy. This show is. This show is a doozy. If I had to explain, I would say it’s like... shit. Because it is shit. But it’s very entertaining shit.
The story and characters are cool, but unimportant. You just can’t get into them because the animation is the highlight of the story. It just blows every other aspect of the show out of the water.
What kind of animation are we talking about? If I had to describe it, it would be the visual equivalent of that girl on Tik Tok who made a video series where she plays a Jewish girl during the Holocaust. It’s like a present you would give your eyes, if you hated them and wanted them to die.
Tumblr media
Some characters are 2D, but the rest are 3D. And not even good 3D, because this shit is worse than those bootleg mobile games with stolen assets that don’t fit together. They had to censor kisses because they couldn’t animate lips moving, and pushing their faces together would just make their models clip. One of the characters has a wide-eyed smile all the time, no matter the situation, because there’s like no animation for her expressions. This show makes the 3D Pokemon games look like fine art.
Another thing I’d like to mention is the opening song, if only because I can’t tell if it’s good or terrible. I genuinely can’t tell if I like it ironically, or unironically. Either way, it’s perfect for this show.
So yeah, I love this show. It’s such a fucking mess in the best way. It always brings a smile to my face. I just wish the story was bad, so I can have another level of awfulness to enjoy. This show never fails to make me smile. Anime of the fucking decade right here.
Kemono Jihen
It’s kind of like Inuyasha, except without the humans, Naraku has big boobs, the Shikon Jewel/life stones aren’t that important yet, Bakugo from My Hero Academia is on the cast, everyone is a 12-year-old with bad fashion sense, and it’s a lot more generic in premise and execution.
So, nothing like Inuyasha. Honestly it’s more like My Hero Academia in terms of vibes. I still enjoy it though. My favorite character is probably the little fox girl because I like her design. But I also like the little fox boy because I’m not entirely sure what game he’s playing, but I’m into it. 
Redo of Healer
It’s basically just rape hentai with a budget. Honestly, I appreciate the boldness of the show, if anything. (Aside from the fact that they don’t show any dick or vag. How cowardly.) The sex scenes are decent and frequent, so no complaints there. I’m not really into rape (been there, getting raped isn’t fun), but a true hentai connoisseur can still appreciate it.
Plot-wise, it’s neat. Making the main character a revenge-seeking rapist fighting even worse rapists is an interesting take. And there’s a lot of fun creativity in how he uses his powers, though I wish they explained them more. Like I get how he’s doing everything, but breaking it down would make them feel more intriguing. He’s also a broken self-insert power fantasy, but it’s nice seeing one that’s smart, evil and methodical. 
In execution, it’s a pretty generic story with generic settings and plots. The lead’s carrying the whole thing, though I can’t help but like the villains for being so over-the-top evil. If nothing else, the audacity and sex scenes make this show worth watching. Pretty entertaining.
Re: The harem. Setsuna is too young and innocent for my tastes, but I like her. The white-haired girl is cool, she’s my favorite even though she hasn’t really done anything yet. Freia’s meh, but I like the idea of her being a major cunt despite the memory wipe. 
I give this one five rapes out of ten. And if you like this show, I recommend reading that one Megg, Mogg & Owl comic where the characters become obsessed with rape-based puns.
Re:Zero (Season 2, second half)
I love this show. The first season was pretty good. The second half of season 2 was also pretty good, and the plot was shaping up to be great. But now we’re in the second half of season 2, and it’s meh. Which is really disappointing for such a great show.
Like, I get what they’re trying to do: they’re shaping up alliances, digging into the characters’ pasts, moving everyone forward, yadda yadda. But this arc is so slow now. It feels like we’ve seen nothing but flashbacks, characters standing around and talking, flashbacks, more talking, flashbacks. There’s so little action to break things up. The mystery and exploration from earlier episodes is gone, since we pretty much understand the important things. We’re just left waiting for the things they’ve been building up to, to finally happen. 
“AEUUGHG You’re Just an action anime fanboyyy, this is serious plot and excellent story!!” It’s endless exposition, flashbacks that go on way too long, and characters standing around and repeating the same points over and over. Compare how the story was delivered in the previous season. 
The Promised Neverland (Season 2)
Boy, did this show go off the rails in only a few episodes. What the fuck is even going on in this show anymore?
I ranted about this show on Twitter, but it pisses me off. Season 1 was a well-crafted, suspenseful show about these kids using their brains to unravel the mysteries around them, plan a daring escape from their captors and try to survive in a world of monsters. It was easily one of the best anime of 2019.
Season 2 skips about 80 chapters and off-screens tons of development. Like Norman fucking shows up in season 2, all fine and dandy with his own personal army of freaks. Also he lead his own escape, learned a ton of info AND found a way to auto-kill all their enemies, and we didn’t even get a flashback of any of this. Now Emma’s bitching about saving demons, even though they’re all assholes who probably wouldn’t change their ways even if they could. But she’s an iDeAlIsSTTT!!!!! But she was an idealist last season and had to learn how to compromise when faced with the reality of the situation? And the whole William Minerva plot, which was a major driving force in the last season, was handwaved away and unceremoniously dropped?
So yeah, I dropped it after episode 4 or 5. It’s not even fun to hate-watch I’d give it a 3/10 on its own, but it gets a -2/10 for ruining a great legacy.
Free!, except they’re skating instead of swimming. It’s a well-animated show with an interesting premise: undergound gay skateboarding. The battles are fun, the characters (while cliche) are appealing, and it’s fun. And yeah. 
But I dropped this one because Langa is boring as a lead. Canadians, they don’t deserve representation. He’s a fine character besides that, but he’s gotten way too much screentime over the other protag, Reki. Reki was just pushed aside and the show quickly became about Langa. Which is sad, because I feel like this show would have benefitted from making them both stars. Especially since the characters’ friendship is a key selling point.
Ended up dropping this show. I read through later comments that they’re making a plot point about Reki falling behind, but even the fans are having their doubts that he’ll have a satisfactory story. And even if they make him a real protag again, the show’s been so imbalanced that I don’t think it’ll matter. Especially since we only have like 4 episodes left.
The sequel to Inuyasha, staring Sesshomaru and Rin’s twins, and Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter. Except 2/3rds of the main cast are dull, and most of the stories are blatant retreads of Inuyasha plots, starring retreads of Inuyasha characters.
Think I’m kidding? The first episode was about Mistress Three-Eyes (Mistress Centipede but with three eyes instead of two) coming to eat the character’s magic sacred jewels. Rainbow fucking pearls, what the hell is this shit plot. Fuck you.
“Euhrghhghgh but they’re just paying homage to the old show!” Nah, they’re fucking ripping it off every step of the way. 
The most frustrating thing about this show is how Moroha, Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter, is such a great character. She has great dynamics with other characters because she’s so lively. She has the best traits of her parents, while still being unique on her own. Then you have Sesshomaru’s kids, who are just Kagome 2 and Tsundere. The latter has more depth than that, but she’s  not that great anyway.
Guess who’s the focal point of the series? The fucking Kagome knock-off, followed by the tsundere. Moroha is a minor character who is often forgotten by the plot, or reduced to a joke. The already-boring plots are exacerbated by them ignoring best girl to focus on 
And I’m not alone on this, too. Read all the anime forums, pirating websites, and pretty much anywhere talking about this show. Moroha is the most popular character, far and away. People like her way more than the twins. 
0 notes
jibrillenyan · 6 years
The event is over and Easter is coming...
Hellows :) 
I’ll start by saying that you will find an extended version of this post on my Tumblr because it contains personal opinions that I try to avoid on the guide. That being said, I won’t be able to work on the Easter guide as I’ll be in Japan around that period. I will try to, and I will add as much info as I can, just don’t be surprised if you don’t see anything. I’m really sorry but, as you probably gathered by the severe lack of updates, my life is quite busy right now. I promise I’ll try though! 
Under the cut for more :3
Now to the personal stuff. The event is over and it left a bittersweet taste in my mouth, so much in fact that, as petty as it can sound, I didn’t get the illustration on 4 accounts just because I refused to use gold coins on this event (I do buy gold coins, but not maana, since maana can affect the economy but gold coins don’t)
I did not dislike the general idea of this event; actually, I found it quite cute and, contrary to most, I even enjoyed the minigame (yes, I’m crazy, but this shouldn’t come as news). I liked the dresses, I liked the companion, I even enjoyed the illustration (well, the Italian players got quite a few spoilers out of the event, being so far behind, but I guess it was unavoidable). Overall, I had fun.
There are, however, a few things I did not like. I’m not trying to start a flame or an argument, I’m just pointing out things that I think would be worth working on. The idea is to indulge in costructive criticism, I hope I don’t suck too much at it XD Ranked from most annoying to mild annoyance: 
1. There was no way to get the familiar without winning the minigame. You could buy other matches, but you could not buy the familiar. I have a tablet, I was able to win fairly easily but what about those who *can’t* be that fast? Or don’t have a tablet, a touchpad, a touchscreen to play on. What if they have some sort of phisical disability? Are they not allowed to get the familiar unless they have outside help? Was it such a bad thing to put it for sale in the shop? Or to give people a chance to pay to get it? I’m not even complaining about the pay to win direction this event took (oh, it’s coming XD) what I’m saying is that people would have been willing to pay to win the companion, but couldn’t. I think it would have been nice to give the chance to win the match by paying gold coins, it would have got beemoov the same amount of cash, and players who were willing to pay for the companion could have gotten it. Instead people gave up, before wasting tons of gold coins over something they thought they couldn’t win anyway.
2. The event was a bit too much pay to win oriented. Yes, they’re allowed to do it, the core of the game is free after all, yes, it’s understandable that they want to make money out of it, but did they have to make it *stressful* for so many? Again, it’s not a personal complaint, having 9 accounts, one for each version, I got so much pratice on the shield minigame that I did 10 most of the time, but I read the forum, tumblr, I saw how many people struggled. Why make it impossible to win without that minigame? Not to mention the final heart minigame at point 1. Why not take into account the huge negative feedback they got? I know they answered about it, I know they deemed +2 days sufficient as compensation but the bitter aftertaste remains. I still think they net quite a bit of money from the extra outfits, from the last year one... was it really needed to make this so hard that it was gold coins or nothing for some? And many picked nothing because they *can’t* (for whatever reason) buy gold coins. 
Not to mention the people who had it bugged, and are still waiting for an answer from the support. 
3. This links to point 2 and 4 and partially clashes with point 1&2, but I will get to that in a moment. I wish paying would have unlocked the next day, not just given us points. I LIKE to play the event, to see the dialogues, do the minigames, I don’t want to just skip everything; it made me sad that I couldn’t see what was after, just net my points and win my items. The poulpata event was so much nicer for me on this point. As I was saying, this may appear to clash with what I said on point 1 and 2; considering the difficulties many faced it was probably better this way, or we would have ended up having the same issues we had with the final hearts minigame and the shield one, still, I wish there could have been a way to do both, maybe offering both options, to skip to next day or to buy next day. When I realized I wouldn’t have gone forward with the “story” (when I thought there was going to be a story, see point 4 XD), I resigned myself to do the guide day by day instead of paying to get everything on day one (which, for the purpose of the guide, would have been pointless, since you can’t do the dialogues once you cap a boy)
4. the dialogues were... useless.They weren’t in any logical or chronological order, they didn’t have much personality and I couldn’t even see all 15 because it took me fewer than 15 days to win (on a single account). It wasn’t even planned to let you see them all because the event was originally designed to be completed in 14+1 days (from the 14th to the 28th, but you needed 24 hrs for the companion). The idea was cute but the result was a bit... disappointing. It was similar to the Poulpatata event, but that one had a story, a logical line it followed... this one, not so much. Dialogues were there just to make you score points and nothing special. It was a bit... meh, in my opinion of course.
5. This is more curiosity than annoyance, I know that if I had farmed the 10 energy areas more, or had been willing to pay 10-20 gold coins I could have gotten the illustration but what about people with common familiars? Any of you out there that can tell me how bad it was? Honestly, one of the things I liked about this event is that it made no difference to be a veteran or a new player, same chances to win, but what about the illustration? 
6. This is just me probably, but I wish there were more events where you can trade outfits. It’s absolutely impossible to get everything (sorry beemoov, you are not worth that much money...) and, being a collectionist, that hurts me so much XD I know that, as much as I lovelovelovelove map events like Halloween or Christmas they aren’t easy on the newcomers, so I appreciate the fact that there are other events that don’t discriminate against the newbie but still... Let a cat dream, more market-events would be sweet. 
Phew, that was long X_x I hope you guys had fun on this event too, and managed to get everything you wanted :) I’m lurking in the shadows reading reviews and comments from other people too and I’m hoping beemoov will keep our feedbacks into consideration, as they have done so far, to be fair, for the future events.  
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