#had a whole FEVER and was probably a little DELIRIOUS
idyllic-affections · 1 year
i know a lot of people think mui's fight against gyokko was too easy but he looks beyond exhausted in the last episode. kid looks like hes going to faint (again). he looks TIRED.
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fandxmslxt69 · 5 months
Terrible Liar
Avenger!Loki x Avenger!f!reader
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Warnings: Swearing, mentions of injury (reader has a nasty ass wound), mentions of blood and medical supplies, Loki and reader are both assholes to each other but its FUNNY. Rushed plot bc this came to me in a fever dream. Maybe some bad grammar, run on sentences etc. Ignore those ahaha. this is NOT edited or reviewed AT ALL. she's as raw as they come.
A/N: This came to be in a fever dream. Btw. Like God sent it to me. I'm sorry if it feels rushed I was so desperate to get it all down I blacked out. IT'S 5K OKAY MY BAD AHAHAH i'm kind of a slut for this kind of trope so MY BAD. anyway this is for THE @sarahscribbles 's Christmas Celebration!! Sorry I'm a little late, these two wouldn't shut the fuck up so I got carried away. ANYWAY I HOPE YOU ENJOY SARAH I LOVE YOU <3
Synopsis: What could possibly go wrong with spending a night sharing a room with Loki? (aka: enemies to lovers + one bed trope)
Word count: 5K
Oh man. You watched Loki bang the hood of the car in anger. That can’t be good. 
You rested your head against the window of the stolen car, taking deep breaths. You could feel your whole body shaking from the adrenaline. You hadn’t calmed down a single bit since the ride out here. How long has it been? Probably less than an hour. You had no idea how far out you were from the nearest town and it absolutely was not the right time for this car to stop. Your entire body hurt from getting kicked in the ass repeatedly during the fight, and your head spun. Your left side throbbed and your shoulder screamed in agony. Not to mention, you are completely separated from the rest of the group, and you have no means of communication. Somewhere along the way, you had lost your comm, and your spare was of no use. Loki said the lines were down anyway, so it wasn’t much help to begin with. 
Speaking of the devil, he threw the door of the car open, letting in the chill winter air, and huffed as he got back in, slamming the door behind him. “Stupid, useless vehicle. What is the point of transportation if it fails so easily?” He grumbled.
“It’s out of gas, genius,” “Well it’s not making for a very efficient getaway car,” He ran a hand through his hair. “Well?” You looked at him expectantly, but he only looked back with an expression of confusion. You sat up straighter to face him, but your vision blurred and your head swam. It took you a minute to collect yourself. “We can;t just sit here, we’ll freeze to death,” Loki scoffed. “No I won’t,” You clenched your jaw. “Okay, I’ll freeze to death,” “Tragedy,” His tone was dead as he pulled out his phone to mess with. “I’ll let them know it was a heroic death,” “You’re such an asshole,” “How original,” You nearly growled. “Laufeyson,” “Agent,” He replied smoothly, looking up at you with one of those disarming grins. You were not falling for it. You may be delirious and crashing soon, but you were not falling for Loki’s charms. 
“We need to figure something out,” “You mean I need to figure it out,” “Oh my fucking god. I’m not gonna sit here like some passenger princess-” “Agent, you are trembling so hard you couldn’t even walk a foot much less help out in this little dilemma,” Loki interrupted. “I have no desire to starve out here, and horrifyingly, I can’t find it in my heart to let you die out here either. I’ll figure it out,” 
You grumbled under your breath, and you were certain he heard you because he grinned wider and went back to messing with his phone. 
He was right though, you were shaking really hard- both from the adrenaline and now, the cold. Whenever you exhaled, a puff of white air formed in front of you, and the tip of your nose was starting to go numb. The idea of leaving your fate at the moment in the hands of Loki was an absolutely horrifying idea, since you knew how reckless this guy tended to be. But you didn’t have much of a choice, and as much as it physically pained you to sit quietly and wait, you did just that. It was made another fifteen minutes before Loki peeled his eyes away from the phone pad. He opened the door to the car, and stepped out. 
“Hey!” You yelled. “Where the hell are you going? Close the goddamn door!” But of course, he didn’t bother answering or listening. He looked around, staring at his phone occasionally before surveying the area again. And just when you thought he couldn’;t get more insane, he started walking away from the car. Your heart squeezed in your chest. Was he going to leave you here? Like hell he was. You kicked open your door, shakingly getting out of the car. You were vaguely aware of the stab of pain at your side that nearly had you doubled over as black spots danced in your vision, but you willed yourself to push it aside. You slammed the door shut as you walked out after Loki. 
“Hey!” You yelled out to him. You had no idea if he could even hear you with the way the wind howled and snow whipped at your face. It was freezing cold, snow biting your cheeks and your teeth chattering after being out here for less than a few minutes. “Laufeyson!” You yelled louder, arm clutching your side and limping in the direction he walked in. No answer. You were positive a storm was kicking up. 
“Loki!” You screamed this time, as loud as your voice let you. Your chest heaved, your throat hurt, and the air you gulped stung so bad you were so close to never breathing it again. 
“Loki! God help me, Loki, when I find you!” You looked around slowly, yet all you saw was the outline of your stolen car in the winds, and white. So much white. “I’ll haunt you, you know!” You shouted into the wind. “If I die here, I’ll haunt you forever!” You had to shield your eyes from the harsh snow as you yelled. You knew he couldn’t hear you, but you also knew that he couldn’t have gotten too far. How long could he even last out here? Damn it, he could probably last a while. 
Stupid, horrible, arrogant Loki. You contemplated going back to the car, but decided that if you were going to imagine a million and one ways to kill and haunt Loki for eternity, you might as well do it while freezing out here. You were only at number fifteen of your haunting possibilities when you heard his stupidly smooth voice. “What in the Nine Realms do you think you’re doing out here?”
You whirled around to find him standing there, absolutely unaffected by the weather or your situation. His cheeks were rosy and his pretty hair was up in a bun (that was more falling apart than anything) and pretty snowflakes hung in the curls. 
He looked….well. He looked heavenly, to say the least. 
“I was out here looking for you,” You shot back as harshly as you could, but with the way your teeth chattered and the small smirk that tugged at his lips, it didn’t seem to be working. “You should have stayed in the car,” He sounded almost…angry. Why the hell would he be angry when he left you behind? Although, the frown and furrowed brows were a little cute. “You shouldn’t have wandered off and left me behind,” “I was coming to get you,” “Like hell you were,” “I was,” He stepped closer to you, and you had to hold back everything to not huddle up closer to him like a goddamn penguin. He snapped his fingers and you felt something warm and heavy fall on your shoulders. “Put that on. We’re leaving,” 
“Leaving?! Where the hell are we leaving?! Do I need to remind you that we are stranded in the middle of a storm?!” 
Loki grumbled as he forcefully got you into the jacket he conjured. You didn’t bother saying thank you, which was fine because he only kept glaring at you before marching ahead. 
“Where are you going?!” He didn’t bother answering. “Loki!” Assshit. You grumbled and huffed the entire time as you hurried after him, trying to block off the tingling ache at your side. You knew you didn’t get stabbed. Maybe it’s a big cut. You were certain you’d know if a knife had lodged itself into your side. 
You had no idea where Loki was taking you but you kept your mouth shut in hopes that it was someplace warm and safe. 
“Your hair looks like shit,” You blurted out. Okay, maybe not always keeping your mouth shut.
He looked at you from the corner of his eye. “You don’t look much better,” “Yeah but I said it first,” “Maybe I should have left you in the car,” “I would’ve still found you,” “Yes, haunting me forever,” “You heard that?!” He shrugged. “I was heading back to the car. You weren’t exactly quiet,” You stared at him with wide eyes. “And you didn’t even say anything,” “I found it too amusing to interrupt,” You frowned, shoving him with your shoulder. Wrong move apparently, because your vision started spinning and your knees nearly buckled. Loki wrapped an arm around you ever so gently, as if scared you’d shatter otherwise. “Stop talking,” He snapped. “And stop being so damn aggressive. I would like to make this journey without you collapsing on me,” “I’m not going to collapse,” You mumbled. “You always were a terrible liar,” He muttered under his breath, and more or less carried you to your destination. At first, you didn’t let him, but he won eventually, like he always did, and you leaned the rest of your weight onto him. 
You had no idea where you were until you reached the smack middle of a small town. A picture perfect fantasy, almost. Little houses and small shops lined with lights and trees and covered in snow. It was like stepping into a Hallmark movie. Each house was so full of light, and even through the howling wind, you could hear the sounds of laughter and shrieking children. 
How the hell did Loki find this place? “There’s a motel here. We’ll book rooms, spend the night. I’m sure there’s Wi-Fi too,” Loki sounded like he was talking more to himself than you. 
“Freaking out?” You asked. 
“Yes. I’m thinking of which way Stark will kill me if you die,” “Pfft. Tony wouldn’t kill you,” Loki raised his eyebrows but stayed quiet as he walked you both through the town. The storm was clearly picking up, and you were thankful that he had all those genes to keep him alive in this weather, and that he was able to find this place. 
When you reached the motel- which appeared to be the only one in town- you couldn’t help smiling (even if you couldn’t feel your face at all anymore). It was a cute little building, rustic and heartwarming. Little snowmen lined the front, and a bed jingled as you and Loki entered. The inside was even better, with burgundy and gold designs and wallpaper that looked like it came straight out of a Victorian novel. It was cozy, and more importantly, warm. 
You almost sobbed in relief as you practically collapsed onto an armchair by the counter. Your body sank into it, your nerves singing in joy as you slowly felt your fingertips again. 
“Are you alright?” Loki asked. 
You nodded. “Yup,” He made a sound of disapproval. “You need to lie better,” “Go shove your head through the wall,” You muttered back. He only grinned. Loki didn’t even appear fazed or relieved at the warmth, and simply marched up to the counter. There was no one there, and he rang the bell at least five times. 
“Would you stop that?” You snapped after the sixth time.
“It’s a bell. It’s meant to be used,” “Not like that,” “It’s how you call for attention,” “Well I’m sure whoever runs this place will be here shortly,” He lasted a whole two minutes before he hit the bell again. 
“Loki,” You hissed. 
“Just a minute!” You heard a cheery voice call from the back, and a short old lady appeared, seemingly out of breath. “Sorry about that, all those damn stairs,” She chuckled to herself.
Loki flashed her a smile. “It’s not a problem at all,” “Oh my,” The old woman smiled back but this time you swore up and down she blushed a little. 
Loki and his stupid, disarming smile. 
“My…friend and I are a little caught in this storm,” He started, gesturing to you. You waved weakly at the lady and mustered up a smile. She probably thought you were crazy. You had no idea how you looked, but you knew it wasn’t how a normal person should. 
“We were wondering if you had any available rooms for the night. Just two is fine,” He turned back to the lady with an even bigger smile. 
“Well,” She smiled wider at Loki. “I’ll see what I can do,” He nodded, “Thank you…” he squinted at her name tag. “Lucy. Thank you very much, Lucy,” And there Lucy went, blushing and grinning at him again. 
Horrible, absolutely tragic. The poor woman had no idea how insufferable Loki was. 
Lucy rummaged through her desk, seemingly looking for keys to the rooms. She pulled out one, placing it on the counter, before going back to look for the other. You waited, tagging your foot on the wood floor, staring at the cute fireplace. Your whole body hummed in gratitude, and your feet tingle, feeling back in them. 
“Oh dear,” Lucy muttered to herself. 
“Everything alright Lucy?” Loki asked. 
“It seems that I only have a single room available. This storm has the place booked fully,” She explained. 
Hell no. 
Loki sighed. “Very well-” “Are you sure?” You interrupted him. “Can you check again?” You probably sounded desperate, but you couldn’t stop yourself. 
You can’t share a room with Loki. You’d go crazy. You’d do something disastrous- like give in to the urge to cuddle into his chest! Or God forbid, tangle your hand in his hair. 
“I did, hon. I’m afraid this is all I’ve got,” She said apologetically. 
“It’s quite alright, Lucy. There’s two beds in the room, correct? I’m sure we can manage to share a room for a night,” Loki said hastily before you could interrupt again. 
Lucy opened her mouth, as if to say something else, before she stopped. “Alright,” “How much is it for the night, darling?” Oh okay, he was really laying it on thick then. 
“Oh- oh um…” Lucy chuckled nervously. “This room….it’s 150$ for the night. You can pay in the morning, if you prefer,” “Nonsense,” Loki smiled, pulling out cash from the pocket in his top armour, counting the bills. “Here you go, Lucy,” He handed her the money. “Thank you so very much for your help,” She nodded wordlessly as she handed him the key. Loki took it and turned back to you, arms on his hips. “Are you coming, or must I carry you?” “I wouldn’t mind being carried…” You started jokingly. Apparently, Loki couldn’t read the room, because he frowned, shrugged and then walked over, picking you up effortlessly. 
“Hey-!” You started to protest, but a sudden wave of pain shot through you, shutting you up. “I was joking,” You muttered.
“Mhm,” He said, shooting Lucy another smile before heading upstairs to your room. The stairs were cute too, you noticed, lined with a soft matt and cute lamps lined the walls. And Loki’s chest was really warm, and- that had nothing to do with the motel. 
Before your thoughts could get any more dangerous, Loki stopped in front of a room, hand rummaging through his back pocket to get the key. “You can put me down now,” “I’ll put you down when I feel like it,” Shithead. 
He unlocked the door and stepped in, closing it behind him with his foot. All businesslike, he walked over to the big bed and placed you down on it. It was comfy, and you had to control yourself from not falling back and getting it dirty in all your blood and gore. Loki looked you over. “Fine?” You nodded. “Fine,” He smiled and you were certain he was going to call you a liar but you stopped him. “Laufeyson?” “What?” “Where’s the other bed?” Loki froze, looking around the room slowly. “Oh,” “Oh?” He looked back at you. “It seems, darling, that there is no other bed,” “No fucking shit! You’re sleeping on the floor,” He looked at you in disbelief. “Absolutely not. We can share the bed like civilised people,” “Everyone always says that! And then it never works out!” You threw your hands up. You winced, immediately dropping your hands to hold your side. “Everyone? Who the hell is everyone?” “The movies, duh,” He stared at you. “You’re serious,” “Dead,” He ran a hand down his face. “Alright. We’ll split the bed or something. I truly don’t care enough. I simply want to sleep,” You shrugged. “Fine. Go shower first, then I’ll go in,” “I don’t have clothes to change out of, genius,” “You’re a god genius,” You replied mockingly. “I’m pretty sure you can snap your fingers and get us some clothes,” He stared at you, like he hadn’t had that thought at all. “Right.” And indeed, with a snap of his fingers, a pile of clothes appeared on the bed, and one in his hands. “Try not to get yourself killed,” “I hope you drown in the shower,” He smiled at you before heading into the washroom. You were finally alone, even for a few minutes. You breathed a sigh of relief. Being around Loki always ended with one of you flustered. Tragically, it tended to be you. You looked through the pile of clothes Loki summoned- a plain shirt that appeared way too large, and some plaid pants. They weren’t outrageous. You just had to make sure you hadn’t lost any limbs. 
You slowly peeled off the layers of your top- the jacket, weapons, cash, your useless comms and phone- and then unzipped your equally-useless-in-the-cold vest. You laid all your things on the floor, not wanting to get the bed dirty. Then, slowly, you lifted your top just under your chest, sucking in a deep breath.
There was a nasty looking cut, starting from right under your ribs and nearly crossing the other side. You didn’t think it looked terrible, but you are almost certain it needed stitches. It wasn’t bleeding too much, but that might have to do with being out in the cold for too long than anything else- even your top was more or less soaked in blood. 
You didn’t even have a first aid kit. You traced around the cut slowly, wincing when it hurt. You prayed it wasn’t infected. 
“Alright, hm?” Your head snapped up to see Loki freshly showered and changed, his now useless mission suit nowhere in sight. “Um, yeah, I’m fine,” His jaw ticked. “You’re hurt,” “Yeah but I’m fine,” “You are bleeding,” He sounded ...angry. Was he mad at you? “It’s not like I did it on purpose,” You snapped. 
He clenched and unclenched his fists. He opened his mouth to say something, before he shook his head and stormed out of the room. 
“What the fuck? You called out after him. He didn’t answer as the door slammed behind him. 
You had no clue why he had to be so mad. It’s not like you chose to get hurt, and you certainly weren’t going to ask him for anything, so why’d he get so pissy? You grumbled to yourself as you grabbed the clothes, heading into the bathroom to scrub off the day. 
It took you a solid twenty minutes to wash everything out. You were very careful to not open your cut further, taking warm water to wash off the dried blood around it. 
You tugged on the plain shirt as you stepped out of the bathroom. You winced when you reached up to tie your hair, deciding to just leave it down to dry. You had thrown your old clothes on the pile of Loki’s in the bathroom, and used a spare towel to press against your wound. 
“Welcome back,” You said sarcastically when you found Loki sitting on the bed. 
“Come here,” He said curtly. 
“You can’t just order me around after you walk out you know? And you can’t get bitchy with me for no fucking reason-” “Will you please come sit down so you can look at your wound,” Loki snapped, but it didn’t sound harsh. It was almost…pleading. You froze in your spot, blinking slowly at him. His voice sounded devastated and in your daze, you nodded, slowly walking over to sit on the bed beside him. 
“May I?” He gestured to your shirt and you nodded again. He lifted it over your head, and suddenly you were thankful for putting on the sports bra Loki brought with your clothes.. “You didn’t say anything,” He whispered. 
You swallowed. This was too freaky. You never got this close with Loki. “We-...we had other things to worry about,” You swore his hands trembled as he reached into the first aid kit beside him. Where did he get that? Did he run out to buy one? Damn it. You and Loki didn’t do fluffy shit. The one day you needed him to be an asshole….
He took his time cleaning the wound, and you tried your best to keep your yelps of pain down. 
“Do you want stitches?” Loki asked in a soft tone. He looked ...frightened. And why too pale. Did he get squirm-ish at this stuff?
“Are you a medical professional?” You asked. 
“Farthest thing from it,” You hummed. “Just wrap it up,”
He nodded, grabbing some cotton pads and the gauze. He carefully placed the pads onto the wound, and began wrapping the gauze around your waist. His fingers brushed against your skin, and you shivered at the touch. 
“There,” He exhaled, pulling his hands away. “You can put your shirt back on,” “Yeah,” You nodded. You should definitely grab it now. You should probably put it on. But you didn’t move a muscle, not with the way Loki stared at you, and the way his eyes dipped lower occasionally. He looked away, appearing flustered, his fists clenched on his thighs. “Loki?” “What?” He snapped. 
“Why are you so angry?” “You could have died,” His voice died down to nothing but a desperate whisper. “You could have died,” You opened your mouth to protest, to say that you had it under control and that everything was fine, but he shook his head. 
“Don’t you dare say everything was ‘fine’. You’re still such a terrible liar,” You weren’t. He just had that freaky ability to tell when you lied every damn time. 
“You could have died. Human life is so horribly fragile, you could have died at any second. What was I to do then, hm? Stare at your lifeless body?” “I thought you’d rejoice at my death,” You joked, trying to break the tension. His eyes snapped to look at yours, his jaw clenched and his eyes wide with fear. You thought he’d say something, but instead he just leaned in, crushing his lips harshly against yours. Before you could even react, he pulled away, breathing heavily. 
“I would have died too. In the simplest terms, my heart would have stopped working the minute yours did too,” You froze in shock, staring at him with wide eyes. What just happened? Your lips tingled from the kiss. You wanted him to do it again. “What the hell are you saying, Loki?” “I’m saying that you are incredibly stupid and idiotic and completely selfish. And that I would rather die than live a life without you in it,” He started, his tone angry and desperate. Your head was spinning. Maybe there was drugs in the linen of this bed. Or maybe Loki hit his head. 
“Say something,” Loki pleaded now, the fight gone from him. “I’m sorry if I offended you. I’m sorry I’ve been such an ass. I can’t help myself. I go crazy every time you’re around. I can’t think straight and I….I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve never done this before. I thought perhaps if I annoyed you enough, I’d get you out of my head. But Norns, every time you shot some clever remark back, it only egged me on more,” He was rambling at this point. 
You felt confused, but at the same time a sense of relief washed over you. It wasn’t like you were in love with Loki- but you definitely didi entertain the idea of occasionally making out with him or spending the day shopping together. 
So maybe it was a little crush. 
And fuck, it was a relief to hear him blurt out how helpless he was with you. 
“Did you black out?” Loki asked. He cursed under his breath, getting up to give you some space. “I apologise, I shouldn’t have said anything. I came off too strong,” He fumbled as he stood up, running a hand through his hair. “I just…I panicked. I apologise-” “Loki,” You stopped him from spiralling further, even if it was cute to see his usually composed self dissolve. You shuffled over to him on your knees. Even while on the bed, he was still fucking giant. You cupped his face and pulled him down, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
You pulled away after a second, dizzy from the feel of his lips on yours. It was better than you could have ever imagined. He stared at you in shock, lifting his fingers up to press them to his lips. You nearly died right there. 
“What was that for?” he asked, shocked. 
You laughed, kissing him again. He leaned into it this time, wrapping his arms carefully around your waist, his lips pressing against yours. 
You kissed him again and again and again, until you were both breathless and his lips were swollen and you were sure yours were too. 
“You’re really fucking insufferable, by the way,” You muttered against his lips. He hummed, chasing after yours as you pulled away. “You drive me insane. You’re in my head all the damn time, I can’t get rid of you,” “Don’t get rid of me, then,” He captured your lips in another bruising kiss. “I don’t plan to,” You sighed happily as you shuffled back onto the bed, pushing aside bandages and gauze wrap and wipes. Loki was a lot neater, taking his time to put them away onto the night table. He crawled into bed with you, his body hovering over yours, hands on either side of your head, caging you in. He leaned down, pressing another kiss to your lips. One kiss turned into two, into three, and then you were making out lazily, your lips crushed together, heavy pants and heated breaths for god knows how long. Tragically, Loki rolled off of you, laying down beside you. You took deep breaths, trying to calm your racing heart. 
Loki shifted, laying now on his side to look at you. You did the same, smiling softly. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?” 
“If you couldn’t tell, I’m not quite a people person,” You chuckled. “No, I guess not,” He could be your person though.
Maybe that’s too early to say. You kept your mouth shut. 
“Did I come off too strong?” “Nah,” You shook your head, reaching out to wrap your finger around a lock of his hair. “It was a Hallmark-worthy confession,” “What in the Norns is this Hallmark?” You laughed. “It’s a company. It makes lots of cheesy rom coms, all of which have some sort of frustratingly handsome male lead and big confessions,” “So you’re saying I’m handsome,” He grinned devilishly.  
“Can’t deny it,” 
He leaned in and kissed you again. You kissed him back but then pushed him off. “Stop it. I’ll become addicted,” He leaned back in. “Not a problem. I have no plans to go anywhere,” You ducked away from him, laughing. “If you keep making out with me Loki Laufeyson, we will be having sex,” His brows furrowed. “Absolutely not. Not while you’re injured,” Damn. 
“Fine, then stop kissing me,” “Well that’s unfair. I just got started!” You shrugged. “It’s not my call,” He huffed, pulling you closer, your back flat against his chest. His arm wrapped carefully around your waist, the hand coming to rest just under your wound. “Go to bed then. Before I do something crazy,” “I like crazy. I’m quite fond of crazy,” “Yes, crazy seems to follow you everywhere. It might be your whole identity, really,” “Is that an insult?” A pause. “I don’t think so,” 
You fell silent for a minute. “I think Lucy has a crush on you,” Loki laughed. “What makes you say that?” “Um, the way she blushed when you smiled at her? You laid it on so thick,” You could hear the shiteating grin as he spoke. “I have no idea what you mean, darling. I spoke to her like a normal person,” “Hm,” You wiggled closer to him. “Nah, you definitely were charming her,” His hand squeezed your hip. 
“Stop that,” “What?” You feigned innocence. 
“Stop moving,” You wiggled your ass again, just for a bit of emphasis. “What? This?” 
You swore the sound he made then was some growl. “You find new ways to annoy me every day,” “It’s my talent,” “And you excel at it,” You truly did. No one ever got under his skin like you did. And now with this new layer of your relationship, you have an infinite number of possibilities. 
You knew you guys should probably talk. Figure out where you stand. A plan for tomorrow morning. Try to communicate with the team. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care right now though. Loki was warm, and as he peppered kisses across your shoulder, you felt like maybe tomorrow would be a good day too. 
“I still think you’re an ass,” You mumbled, your eyes half closed. 
He laughed, the sound vibrating in his chest. “Truly a terrible liar,” He pressed a kiss under your ear. “I still think you are the bane of my existence,” “The only one?” “The only one,” You hummed, content with the answer. You could figure things out tomorrow. Tonight, you just wanted to lay in this haze of sunshine. To sleep and wake up to get drunk on Loki again.
Tags: I'm gonna tag a few people because I think I'm silly and this is my second little christmas-y fic so what the hell i dont care LMAO. DONT FEEL OBLIGED TO READ <3 @sarahscribbles @divine-knight-hand @holdmytesseract @joyful-enchantress @saturn-rings-writes
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lalacliffthorne · 10 months
because it does have it's perks that Azriel is running cool sometimes
(brought to you by me remembering how awfully sick I was a few months ago, and how I wished for something like this. now you do too. you're welcome.)
“Ugh.” Burying my nose in my pillow, I slowly breathed out through my open mouth, feeling a scowl form on my face, even though it felt a little weak.
I hated being sick.
An awful scratch started forming in my throat, and I coughed, my body shaking with the force of it and tears building at the corners of my eyes from the pain.
Groaning softly, I pushed myself up on an elbow, still coughing lightly, the sound rattling my body as I reached for one of the many cups on the nightstand. The tea within was one of the things Feyre had brought yesterday.
She had appeared in the middle of the apartment out of thin air, cringing at the sound of the cough welcoming her, carrying two bags, one of which contained homemade chicken soup and the other supplies Madja had given her, including drops against the stuffed nose so that I could at least try and sleep at night, teas and syrups against the sore throat, paste for the fever – it felt like she had whizzed once through the whole infirmary.
It was clear Madja had not believed me a bit when I had told her I was fine.
But the whole of Velaris was currently plagued by a rather nasty flu, and she and the other healers had their hands full. It was the only reason I had been helping in the infirmary in the first place – and probably how I had gotten to where I was now: Sick and miserable.
Carefully taking a sip of tea, I pushed the cup back onto my nightstand, breathing against my closed up nose and carefully sinking back into the pillows, my head thrumming with the movement.
Blinking, I felt my eyes begin to burn and scowled as I squeezed them shut, breathing through my open lips as I tried to blend out the way my body ached and how my head pulsed.
I felt a soft brush of air that should not have existed, because all the windows were closed, and when I furrowed my brows and cracked open an eye, my heart skipped weakly.
The last two and a half days, since I had locked myself up to not get anyone else sick, the only person who had visited was Feyre, mostly because when she had appeared in my apartment on the first day without prompt, I had first thrown a pillow at her head for risking to get sick before I made her promise to not let any of the others get in here.
Of course that had not kept him away.
Azriel's eyes moved over the apartment that was unusally dark even in the middle of the day, the curtains drawn because even the halflight made my head pound. His shadows whispered curiously, moving over the big carpet that was covered with tissues, the nightstand crowded by used cups and cans with tea, the sink full of unwashed dishes – and me, buried deep under my blanket and trying to glare at him.
“What are you doing here?”, I croaked, almost cringing at my own voice, hoarse from coughing and nasal from my stuffed nose as I slowly pushed myself up, wincing at the way my head protested. “Get out, you'll get sick.”
Azriel threw me a look, and even if the halflight, I saw the way he scowled back.
“I knew Feyre played this down.” His deep mumble caused my heart to skip weakly again, and I glowered at him.
“Yes, because I told her to, so that no one else would turn up here.” My voice broke with the last word, and a new fit of coughs shook my body, my eyes tearing up as I turned, but before I could reach for my mug, a gloved hand picked it up, and when my gaze darted up, Azriel crouched down next to the bed and handed it to me. A wrinkle had formed between his brows as his gaze moved over my face. His cheekbones were tinged pink from the cold outside, his dark brows were furrowed, his lips looked soft -
Maybe it was the fact that I was so sick, I felt a little delirious. But he looked so beautiful, it made my chest ache.
Forcing down a few sips of tea, I breathed out through my mouth, burying back into the pillows when Azriel took the mug and placed it on the bedside table. The crease on his forehead deepend, and then he slipped off a glove and reached out.
My breath hitched a little, something turning over in my chest, and in reflex, I pulled away.
Something shifted through Azriel's eyes, and his face froze over, his scarred hand stilling in the air.
My heart tightened as I realized what it looked like, and I breathed out in frustration at myself.
“I don't want you to get sick,”, I mumbled, my voice raspy as I dropped my head into the pillow, my lids heavy and eyes burning from being open.
I could feel Azriel's gaze, could feel it piercing the side of my face. Then something brushed my shoulder, and the next, he carefully placed the back of his hand on my forehead.
I sucked in a soft breath, because his skin was cool, even after being under his lined gloves, like it really was freezing outside and he had been flying the whole morning. It felt heavenly.
Which is why I blamed it on the fact I was sick and delirious that when Azriel pulled back his hand, my own shot out to catch it, and without missing a beat, I tugged it close, dragging his whole arm towards me as I tucked Azriel's hand, rough and far bigger than my own, against my chest, almost whimpering with relief when it pressed against my too hot skin.
I could feel the shadowsinger grow rigid. His fingers froze in mine, and I felt my cheeks heat a little more as I cracked open an eye, ready to defend myself. But the words got stuck in my throat.
Azriel was staring at me. His lips were a little agape, the crease still between his brows, but almost smoothed over, like what I had done had made him forget about the reason it had been there in the first place. His fingers twitched, and I already prepared for him to pull his hand out of my grip and away from my body – but then Azriel blinked, and his hand shifted, gently closing around mine as the back of his forefinger carefully stroked over my chest.
“You're burning up,”, he mumbled, and I was almost sure his low voice sounded a little raspy.
“Knew you think I'm hot,”, I mumbled back, my head thrumming as I blinked heavily and grinned weakly, and Azriel rolled his eyes, but for a second, I caught his lips curving.
For a second, his gaze moved over my face, then he blinked and dropped his head, and something flickered a little in my chest when he pulled his other glove off with his teeth, dropping it carelessly as he raised his free hand.
My eyes fluttered shut and a blissful whimper left me when Azriel pressed his palm against my forehead, his thumb slowly brushing over my cheek. I nuzzled my face into his hand, not caring about anything but the fact that his skin was cool, the fever made my body feel like it was on fire and this was the closest to being a little more comfortable I had gotten in days.
My eyes fluttered shut as the movement triggered another wave of pounding headaches, and I coughed lightly, the rattling sound making my own face pull into a wince as I sniffled against my blocked nose.
“I still don't want to get you sick,”, I mumbled, my voice hoarse, and Azriel's hand shifted in mine, his fingers carefully linking with mine as his deep voice gently rumbled over me.
“You won't.”
“I think you're overestimating yourself.” Tipping my head slightly, I stared at him in exhaustion, feeling my lips curve as I raised an eyebrow tiredly. “Even big bad Illyrian warriors can get the flu.”
Azriel's eyes flickered over my face, and the shadow of a crease formed in his cheek. Then he blinked and straightened up, his hands slipping away from me. Something tightened a little in my chest, but when I opened my eyes that had already started to droop again, my heart jumped so high, it got stuck in my throat.
Azriel was stripping out of his chest armor, the winter leathers heavy as he peeled them off and dropped them to the ground with a thud. Muscles shifted under his skin, causing his tattoos to shift as well, like they were moving over his shoulders like his shadows, and suddenly, breathing felt even more difficult than before as my eyes dragged over his torso, chiselled like carved from marble, the dip of his shoulders where they met his neck, the planes of his chest over his lean, muscled middle -
Azriel's thigh holsters with his knives hit the floor, then he kicked off his boots and moved towards me, and I felt my lips part, my voice so croaky I couldn't even blame it onto the flu anymore as I mumbled: “You know, I'm not sure I'm in the shape for that right now -“
Azriel huffed, and I was almost sure to see a twinkle flash through his eyes when he glared at me.
“We need to get your temperature down.” The mattress dipped, and I could just stare with hitching breaths when Azriel climbed over me, dropping onto the mattress and propping himself up until he could spread his wings comfortably. Then he raised his eyes, and something started fluttering weakly against my ribs when they met mine, twinkling just a little bit as he held out his arm. “Come on.”
I felt my lips part, my head thrumming as I stared, stared at the male that just had to be so godsdamned gloriously perfect, and one corner of Azriel's lips twitched a little. Then he softly arched an eyebrow, like a silent challenge.
And maybe it was because there was pain thrumming under my temples and my skin was burning up and I was just utterly exhausted, or the overwhelming urge to be close to him had just finally gotten too much – but I just breathed a soft grumble and turned around, simply flopping onto his chest. My cheek met his skin, my arm wrapping around his middle as I curled into his side, and I almost purred at the sensation of his cool skin against my own, way too hot and flushed.
I would have been completely content like this, my eyes already drooping, ready to doze off to hopefully get a reprieve from the thrum in my head – only the shadowsinger had other plans.
His arm snuck around my back, sliding under me, the other wrapped around my waist, and smoothly, like I weighed nothing, Azriel pulled me up onto his chest.
I almost groaned at the sensation of his cool skin pressing against mine wherever it was exposed. I had long shed any shirts I used for sleeping and was only wearing underwear and a soft bra under a short flimsy thing with thin straps, and I had never been happier about little clothing before.
Draping my arm over his chest, I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, feeling my eyes flutter shut when just for a second, the pulsing pain in my head seemed to subside a bit. I thought I could feel Azriel shudder a little when my nose brushed over his throat, then I shuffled a bit, pulling up my leg and draping it over Azriel's waist, almost shivering blissfully when my bare thigh pressed against his cool skin.
Azriel's muscles shifted under me. I could feel it ripple through his body as he grew still, his hand tensing where it was pressed against my hip, my top ridden up far enough for his skin to be flush against mine, and my heart stumbled a little.
Suddenly, the pounding in my head was back, only it had transferred to my chest, the ache growing as I felt myself grow stiff, because maybe I had gone too far, crossed a line –
Quickly, I raised my head, almost wincing at the way the movement caused my head to swim, and my eyes found Azriel's, only inches away, so close I could see the golden sprinkles in his honey-colored iris, so close I could count the shadows of the few freckles on his nose.
Azriel blinked. Then something shifted in his eyes, and a deep exhale left him. His head dipped forward, and I simply lost my breath when his arm wrapped tighter around my waist and hauled me up, up until my whole body was completely draped over his, his rough hand slipping under my top and up my back until his whole arm pressed against my spine and his other hand – his other hand grabbed my blanket and threw it over us before it slid under my knee, pulling it up further until his arm slipped under it and his whole forearm was curled around my thigh.
And again, maybe because I was delirious with fever and pain thrumming through my head and whole body, my heart just fluttered softly and warmly as I curled deeper into his chest, burying my face in the crook of his neck and closing my heavy eyes.
And when Azriel pulled me closer, dropping his nose into my hair as his thumb started to gently brush over my spine and I began to slowly doze off, I thought that maybe, just maybe, this stupid flu had turned out to have some perks after all.
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unstable-samural · 1 month
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Miyeon x Male Reader
tags: blowjob, teasing, strangers tor lovers, penetration, creampie, girl next door
[Note: English is not my native language, So possible grammar errors and more rigid prose can be found in the text. But I ask that you give it a chance, if I don't give up on this, I will work hard, bringing longer and more effortful stories:)
This is the first version, I will eventually correct whatever is wrong.]
The moving team worked very hard. Fortunately it would be a quick job. One of the many advantages of being a single and minimalist man: little furniture. Y/N helped the moving team by picking up the most delicate boxes that contained electronics and fragile objects. The neighborhood was beautiful on that calm afternoon, the golden sun radiated the green grass and the white fences of the houses on the street.
"Man, I'm going to love living here", thought Y/N, sighing with satisfaction.
He noticed that the neighboring house on the right had a beautiful flowerbed. Maybe it was a kind old lady who lived there. The whole flower and decoration thing indicated that. He still didn't know any of his neighbors. Y/N cut off his thoughts and returned to his task. It didn't take long to get everything inside the house, anyway.
The interior of the residence now had some furniture scattered throughout the rooms and several boxes that needed to be opened. Y/N wasn't in a hurry, he would do everything calmly, after all, it's not like visitors were going to show up anytime soon...
Well, he was wrong about that.
While he was drinking water, the doorbell rang, slightly startling him. Y/N really thought he was going to be completely alone, at least for the first few weeks until he adjusted to the neighborhood. The person at the door was probably one of the neighbors wanting to welcome him or something. Y/N was exhausted as hell, but he couldn't start things in this new city by ignoring people like that.
To his surprise, the one on the other side of the door was a beautiful young blonde. She holding a box of chocolate.
"Hello, new neighbor! I came to welcome you to the neighborhood." She said, quite excited.
The girl was wearing a red flowery dress that highlighted her small body.
"Hello! Are you one of my neighbors?"
"I'm the girl next door. I brought this to you." She handed him the box of chocolates.
"You didn't have to do that. Thank you very much. What's your name?"
"My name is Miyeon." She smiled at him. It was a charming smile.
He reached out to shake her hand, but Miyeon pulled him into a hug. Y/N couldn't help but enjoy the heat her body emanated, the sweet scent was also delirious.
"I was watching you when you were bringing the furniture into the house." She revealed it to him.
"Serious?" Y/N questioned. "I did not see you."
"You seemed focused on the task."
"It must have been because of that. Are you, by any chance, the owner of that beautiful flower bed?"
"Yes! It's mine! I've been taking care of it for about two years. It's my greatest pride!" She told him, her little eyes sparkled with joy. "It's not very common for men to pay attention to flower beds and things like that. You're quite observant, Y/N."
"I think we both are."
Miyeon laughed, her cheeks flushed.
"I hope you like the chocolates."
"They look great."
"Do you have anything for dinner at your house?" Miyeon asked.
"Actually, I was thinking about ordering a pizza."
"Save the pizza for tomorrow. I can make you dinner at my house and bring it to yours. We both eat together. What do you think?"
Y/N quickly thought that: even if he was delirious with fever he would still be unable to refuse a proposal like that.
"If it's not too much trouble, I would love that."
"Me too! Then I'll see you later."
"I'll be waiting for you."
She said goodbye to him and went to her house.
He wasted no time getting ready. Y/N ran to the bathroom to take a well-deserved hot shower. In the shower he felt silly for being so excited about that dinner, he almost looked like a 15 year boy on first date. But Miyeon was a really beautiful and attractive woman, as well as incredibly friendly. He didn't expect a blessing like that to happen so suddenly on his first day in the new house. "Miracles happen," he thought. And also, after the last relationship, he deserved to breathe new air.
Breathe new women.
Y/N played poker on his laptop sitting on the sofa in the living room. The internet would only be turned on the next day, and he was starting to feel a bit of withdrawal from not being connected. But when deciding to leave the troubled capital, he should also get used to being a little offline. All the social media shit had been fucking with his brain for a while.
"I need to learn gardening or something.", he thought.
The doorbell again. And now Y/N didn't feel fear when he heard it, but rather excitement. Y/N took the notebook off his lap and placed it on the sofa, combed his hair a little more with his fingers and went to open the door.
"I hope you like lasagna!" Miyeon exclaimed, carrying a glass baking dish with both hands.
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Y/N barely managed to speak since he opened the door. She was dressed really provocatively, and acted like she didn't give a shit, totally casual. She had placed the lasagna on the kitchen counter. The two were sitting on the sofa. Miyeon was cross-legged, and the short skirt she was wearing wasn't able to hide even half of those juicy thighs.
"You're going to live alone, right?" She asked.
"Yes. Do you live alone too?"
"Correct. I used to live in the capital, but I got tired of the traffic, the people there, all the futility and stuff. My job luckily allows me to live anywhere I want."
"We're not much different then."
"You also lived in the capital?!" She asked, amazed.
"Now I'm sure we'll get along great." Miyeon commented, and casually placed her hand on Y/N's knee.
It was soft and warm. A thought came over him and he imagined her sliding that hand to his thigh, and from his thigh to his groin. Just by vaguely imagining this scene, Y/N felt his dick harden inside his pants.
"You know, I was actually watching you move in. You caught my attention. In fact, I've seen you since you came here last month to look at the house." Miyeon's voice was no longer animated from before. It was now in a low and sweet tone. Sexy. "I hoped you would become my new neighbor."
"I think if I had seen you too, I would have moved here a lot quicker."
She smiled.
"You're sweet" Miyeon slid the hand that was on Y/N's knee to his thigh. "And naughty."
"Why you say that?"
"Because I can see your hard dick in your pants."
Y/N couldn't contain himself and placed his hand on Miyeon's thigh. The grip was so intense and sudden that she couldn't take it and let out a muffled moan.
"I can't control myself with you dressed like that" he said, looking intensely into her eyes.
"I don't want you to control yourself, darling." when she finished speaking she jumped into Y/N's lap. He grabbed her small waist and started kissing Miyeon on every corner of her face: cheek, mouth, chin and neck. She was totally surrendered, and felt between her legs how hard his dick was.
Y/n slid his fingers along the strap of Miyeon's crop top, feeling the soft texture of her skin under her eager touches. With a slow, deliberate movement, he lowered the strap and, to his surprise and delight, saw that she was not wearing a bra. Miyeon's small but perfectly formed breasts were exposed. Without hesitation, Y/N leaned forward and captured a nipple between his lips, sucking it voraciously as his tongue played with the sensitive tip. Miyeon arched her back in response, moaning loudly with the pleasure that coursed through her body. "Yes, baby!" she said between muffled moans.
"I love having my breasts sucked. They are sensitive. This makes me so excited." She commented, ecstatic.
As Y/N occupied himself with her tits, Miyeon felt more and more aroused, her breathing becoming heavier by the second. With hands shaking with desire, she got off Y/N's lap, her mind fixed on one thing: completely drooling over that hard, thick cock that was waiting for her. In one agile movement, she unbuttoned Y/N's pants, eager to taste what was underneath.
Miyeon played with Y/N, caressing the dick that was inside his underwear with desire. "Make him wet for me, baby," she begged, slyly. Miyeon started kissing Y/N's dick. The warm, soft lips through the cotton of his underwear gave him indescribable pleasure. "Keep going...argh!! This feels so, so good," he sighed. It didn't take long for the underwear to become damp where the glans of the cock was. Y/N let out an anticipatory moan when Miyeon released his dick. He breathed quickly when he felt the skillful caress of her lips wrapping around his cock, which was pulsing with excitement. Y/N's eyes closed instinctively, getting lost in the overwhelming sensations that Miyeon's mouth provided. Every suck, every moan of pleasure she made, every flick of her tongue, pushed him closer to the edge of absolute pleasure.
With a husky moan, Y/N pulled away from Miyeon before she made him cum, her eyes shining with lust as he made her stand. "Sit on the sofa and open your legs for me!", he ordered, and she smiled at the order. With eager hands, he lifted Miyeon's skirt, exposing her wet, pink pussy to him. Without hesitation, he dove between her legs, his tongue finding the right spot of pleasure that made her tremble with desire. Miyeon's moans echoed through the room, her mixing with the sound of wet and obscene movements that filled the air while stroking Y/N's hair.
Finally, momentarily satiated by the intensity of pleasure, Y/N sat down on the couch, her eyes burning with desire as he watched her hungry for more. With a husky, lust-filled voice, he ordered her to ride him, giving in completely to the desire that consumed them. Miyeon didn't need any further encouragement, riding Y/N with a ferocity that only increased the intensity of the pleasure they shared. Her pussy turned out to be very tight and incredibly delicious. The hip movements were incredible, the skirt was lifted to the waist, while the top was pulled down. It was beautiful the way she rode on his lap, so that Y/N didn't want to close his eyes just to see her moving smoothly and steadily on top of him.
"Daddy!" She blurted out of her mouth.
"Do you like riding your Daddy?!"
"I love it! I love it! I love it!" She moaned louder and louder.
"Just like that! Yeah! Such a good girl!"
"Argh! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Miyeon moaned following the rhythm of her hips going back and forth simultaneously. That was art!
"What you said before?" Y/N asked between moans and heavy breathing. "Your boobs are sensitive, right?"
Y/N took his back from the back of the sofa and hugged Miyeon. He could wrap his entire body around her, and that was delicious, because that was what he felt like doing with her: wrapping himself completely around Miyeon until he ejaculated.
Y/N grabbed Miyeon's waist and it was as if she already knew what he was going to do because she automatically arched her back so he could suck her boobs. This made her go crazy immediately. "So good..." she moaned. Miyeon started to ride faster as she became delirious with pleasure.
"Like this! Keep sucking my little tits, Daddy! Oh!How naughty you are! You suck so good!"
Y/N squeezed Miyeon's ass tightly while licking one of her nipples without stopping. She was moaning incredibly loudly.
"Slap my ass, Daddy!"
"Ask again!"
"Spank my ass, Daddy. Slap it until it turns red, please!" She screamed.
He slapped her while she rode frantically. Y/N was going crazy with so much pleasure.
"I'm going to cum!" He groaned in her ear.
"Cum inside me, baby! Let's cum together!"
"I can?"
"Yes! I'm taking the pills.
Y/N thrust her hips making her accelerate at a pace she had no control over.
"I'm going to cum... I'm going to cum!" She said.
"Cum for me!"
"I'm going to cum on your cock, Daddy!" She screamed, then wrapped her arms around Y/N's back, scratching him in the act.
Miyeon flexed her thighs on his lap as her pussy squirted, gyrating her hips and rolling her eyes in pleasure. Those movements involved all the sensitive receptors in Y/N's dick, and that was the end for him, cumming inside her, pressing Miyeon's body against him, while she said:
"How delicious! I feel your hot cum inside me... Uhhh!" Her entire body shook. "Now it was dripping..."
She remained astride him for a few moments longer, while cum slowly dripped down her pale thighs. Y/N kissed her, slowly and tenderly.
"That was amazing!" He said. His body was completely relaxed and the brain had reset itself. Little by little reality returned to his mind.
Miyeon got off his lap and it was a surprise for both of them to see that his dick was still a little hard.
"Can you handle another round later?" She asked, giving him a teasing look. "I haven't felt this hot for someone in a long, long time."
"We can have sex after dinner. Now I'm starving... Damn, the lasagna must have gotten cold!"
"Do you know what the second best thing is to sex?" She asked, trying to hide a laugh.
"Hmm, i don't think so."
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littledollll · 8 months
Hii can I please request a fic for principle weems x student reader. Where R has been missing from classes all day and the teachers have reported it. so weems goes to find R and is kind of mad beacuse R is a bit of a problem student with good grades. So when she finds R is sick in her dorm w a fever and is delirious she’s worried and so weems looks after her. I would love this. Thank you for considering it even if you dont write it :) also I love your writing its very amazing. <3 (sorry if this request is a bit long)
Problem child
Larissa weems x student!reader
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A/n: I love requests like this so don’t you worry! I started writing this the very same night you requested and had so much fun, thank you for your request<3
Warnings: platonic relationship, sick reader, Larissa being such a mom, reader actually calls Larissa mom once, food.
Larissa could already feel a headache coming on after checking the attendance of the homeroom teachers to find out that you were yet again, not in class. But it wasn’t until the end of the day that all the teachers reported you missing from class that she really got concerned.
It’s always something with you. It was one of the seven wonders to Larissa how you managed to keep up good grades while simultaneously being one of the most problematic children in the school. So you not showing up to any of the classes had to mean you were up to no good. Thankfully though, when she checked if your usual group of trouble making friends attended class, most of them were in all their classes, with the occasional skip or tardy. So what could you possibly be up to on your own?
She was about ready to storm into your room and even more ready for the probability of not finding you there. Turns out she didn’t even consider any of the normal reasons for why a student would miss class, figures.
To say she was shocked to actually see you in your room, in your bed, practically rotting away sick, would be an understatement. In a flash, her anger seemed to fade away as she knocked on the door to announce her presence, which was a little too late but still appreciated.
You looked her way as you heard it, and instantly groaned and turned away. “Oh my you look horrible-“ words came tumbling out of her mouth before she could even think and rephrase.
“Oh thanks- I really appreciate that.” The middle of your sentence was cut off by a cough. You sounded horrible too, but Larissa learned to shut her mouth by now with the dripping sarcasm in your words. “I apologize. That’s not what I meant to say. I just mean you look really ill.” You turned to her, squinting your eyes. “Yeah sure, that sounds better.”
Larissa sighed and rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.” And you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t bite back even with your hoarse voice. “And you’re an as- mean. You’re mean.” You instantly trailed off from your intentes words at Larissa’s warning look, but she moved on from it quickly.
“Do you have a fever?” She asked, not wanting to overstep or touch you without you allowing it. “How the hell would I know? I just feel like shit and the world is all spiny..” Did you just feel like being extra impossible today? She sighed. “Have you been locked in here the whole day?” The second you nodded she decided to take the rest of the afternoon to care for you as best as she could.
She encouraged you to go back to sleep as she went down to the cafeteria, grabbing a few bottled waters and having them pack up your dinner to bring back to your dorm. Usually nots allowed, but in cases like these she’d make an exception.
When she came back you were already fast asleep. She sighed and spoke quietly to herself. “What am I going to do with you, problem child?”
In all honesty, she truly didn’t know what to do. Should she wake you up to eat?.. no resting should take priority but it’s late, and you’ve yet to have a bite of food. So after a bit of contemplating, she lightly shook you awake, leaving you to wake up confused. “..mom?”
Oh you poor thing. Larissa offered a small smile, choosing not to mention it. “I’ve brought you dinner, I think it’s best if you eat up before heading back to bed, alright?” You whined and complained but eventually sat up, looking between Larissa and the food a little awkwardly. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to sit here and watch you eat. I just needed to make sure you’d actually get to it.”
You nodded, placing a pillow over your lap and resting the container there. There was a beat of silence before you looked back up to her. “Thank you.., principal Weems.”
She flashed you her signature smile, it was oddly comforting. “Of course. Do let me know if you need anything else, and please, rest up, darling. I rather see you up and causing trouble than like this.”
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chastiefoul · 2 years
all taken care of. | thoma
turns out the rock solid and dependable thoma has a tendency to be clingy when he's sick.
1k words. just fluff and soft.
it was this morning when the news was brought to you telling thoma has come down with a slight fever. to say it's strange was an understatement. your ever so reliable boyfriend who's so fond on taking care of people that he's always in a top-notch condition got sick? but alas, after witnessing his condition with your own very eyes, it turns out the news was no deception.
his body glued to his futon, breath somewhat ragged, his cheeks dusted red. you frowned seeing he's in pain.
"____?" he called out meekly, probably sensing a familiar presence. "i'm here, do you need something?" you combed his golden locks back, carefully not to disrupt the position of the towel on his forehead. his eyes still in a daze, the discomfort of the illness was apparent on his expression. "you should go back home, i don't want you catching what i have," he said, although it was quite obvious that he did not want you going anywhere by the way he was already holding your hand the moment he saw you.
"hmm, are you sure?" you said teasingly, staring at your still tightly-gripped hand. thoma was quite for a moment, torn between indulging his vulnerable selfish desire or letting you go. he nodded as a response, reluctantly loosening his hold on your hand. you just chuckled at his generous stubbornness. it would have been perfectly fine if he wanted you to stay.
"well i can't really say no to a sick person can i? i'll come back later then, feel better soon love." you leaned in and kissed his half-lidded eyelid gently. however before you could get back up you felt his hands entrapped you, pulling you so your body stayed on top of him. "umm thoma, honey?" you called him, worried something might be wrong.
"want you to stayyy," he whimpered; finally giving in. his tone was almost childlike, sounded so needy that you could not really believe your ear. however this made you giddy.
you love your reliable boyfriend with all or your heart, but sometimes you were worried that he's not putting himself first at times. you also wanted to be the one who takes care of him. and in this moment of weakness, a chance finally arrived that you could pamper and spoil him rotten without him attempting to turn the tables on you. also may you add that clingy thoma was extremely adorable.
"and i'm here baby i'm not going anywhere," you said as you raise your head, resting your gaze on his reddened face. "but to make sure," he trailed off, taking the towel on his forehead and put it aside. "thoma, you needed that-" but before you could finish your sentence, suddenly you were under him, the golden-haired male rested his head on your chest, getting comfortable. this way, you couldn’t really go now could you? "it's fine, the fever wasn't that bad anyway," he mumbled although he obviously shouldn't be the judge of that.
you sighed softly, "should i really be taking the word of a man who's clearly delirious?" you played with his hair, untangling the tangled strand of locks here and there. "if anything, i think you could be a little lenient to your poor and weak sick lover." he said, palpably satisfied as to how the whole thing escalated.
that was four hours ago.
you had watched him nap, talked a little, but there's still no sign of him letting you go any soon. or in other words, you're really trapped.
"thoma, please? i just wanted to grab a glass of warm water for you," you said while writing gestures on his back, trying to grab his attention. thoma responded by snuggling closer--if that's even possible. so that's a no.
you tried again. "hey, i'm gonna get angry you know?" you faked a scolding tone. he immediately lifted up his face to stare at you pleadingly. continuing the parade will feel like kicking a puppy so you dropped it quickly. "fine maybe i won't, but you need to stay hydrated and i can even make a quick snack for you while i'm at it," you stated, thinking perhaps bribing would work. he pondered, the thought of your cooking has caught his attention.
"okay," he finally agreed, reluctantly getting up just to lie back down on the pillow because of the dizziness. you sat up, preparing to go to the kitchen before yet again a pair of hands pulled you back in. huh hasn't this happened before????
your back rested nicely against his chest, his hands secured safely around your stomach. "thomaaa," this time you whined, he has trapped you in his embrace yet again. not that you didn't like it, but you just wanted to make sure he's feeling content; not thirsty or hungry.
"what?" he replied innocently. "don't you want something to drink or eat?" you asked, genuinely concerned. "you being here is my medicine, really." and that wasn't a lie, with you by his side on such close proximity already made him thousand times better than when he woke up this morning. "there's no way that's medically true."
you just sighed, giving in. "alright then, but that was your chance okay? i won't bring you a glass of water even if you beg me to later." you fumed. that was a lie of course. you could be running in full speed right this very second searching for help if thoma expresses the slightest form of discomfort.
he chuckled, "my lover is so kind."
"and mine is quite clingy when he's sick"
"and you love him"
you laughed.
"and i love him."
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Burning chill
Pairings: Natasha X Sick!Reader, Natasha X Child!Reader, hints of WandaNat
Warnings: Mentions of the Red Room, nothing too specific, but reader is definitely traumatized
Summary: Taking care of a sick kid was already hard enough, but when a fever brings to surface your traumas, Natasha is going to need some help to get you to lay down
To say that Natasha was a little worried about you would be an understatement. She was really worried about you.
You were the youngest widow on training when Nat and Yelena took the red room down one year ago. Now you were already 7 years old and a lot less traumatized than when they took you to the avengers compound. It took a lot for you to unlearn all the bad things that Dreykov implemented on your head, including the way he made Natasha seem like a traitor. Now you loved her like she was your mother and she loved you back.
At first, the avengers didn’t want a kid living in the compound. They thought it was too dangerous, however you were highly intelligent and skilled, so you started your avengers training. You still weren’t allowed to go on the field with the adults but you did almost everything like they did.
On your last training, Steve took the whole team to a frozen lake to test everyone combat skills in a snowy area. Everything would have turned out alright if Bruce didn’t Hulked out and broke the ice on the lake, prompting you to fall down on the freezing water.
Now, you were here, with the worst cold ever and a high fever that wouldn’t break. Natasha was on bed with you, by your side the whole time and the way you were shivering besides her broke her heart.
A series of deep, chesty coughs made you wake up, glassy look on your eyes as you sat up, staring at the void.
“Y/N? how are you feeling malyshka?” Nat asked, closing her book to give you a proper look.
Your lack of answering made Nat press her hand to your forehead, confirming her worries, your fever had probably risen.
“You’re burning up, I need to take your temperature” she said, while getting up to get your thermometer.
As she re entered the room, you had gotten up and were currently walking in circles on the bed.
“I’m glad you got some energy left, but please sit down for a moment.” The redhead said, suppressing a chuckle
You did as you were told and Nat placed the thermometer under your tongue. Because of your previous “exercise” you were shivering more obviously now.
“Try and stay still, baby.”
The device beeped and gave her the verdict.
“39.7, that’s too high for you detka, i’m gonna have to give you a shower.”
“T-too cold!” you said, trying to get inside Nat’s hoodie
“Get outta there! you’re too warm!” She said while giggling about your silliness.
Pushing your head out of her clothes, you locked eyes with her and immediately started crying and flinching away from her.
“Y/N? What’s wrong? are you hurt?” she asked, panicking.
“GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU’RE MY OPPONENT!” You yelled, trying to free yourself from her grasp.
Oh, your memories from the red room must had returned in your feverish state, and the black widow hated to see you in pain. And it really hurt her to remember about the way you saw her before.
“Baby, you’re delirious, you’ll feel better if you go and lie down.” Nat tried to coax you out of that state, still holding you firmly so you wouldn’t get hurt.
Still, you managed to get away from her hold and opened the door, ready to run through the compound.
And you would be successful, if Wanda weren’t passing by.
“Y/N! Are you okay?” The witch took a firm hold of you, picking you up.
“LET ME GO!” you yelled, your voice getting hoarse both from all the yelling and from your cold.
“Wanda! she’s delirious and wont calm down” Natasha said desperately.
Wanda understood and with a swift of her hands, she managed to put you to sleep, adjusting your body so you were being carried in a bridal position by her.
“Thank you so much, she could have gotten hurt without you”
“Don’t mention it, she’s really warm, I think we should put her back in bed.”
When they tucked you in, Wanda glanced at Natasha, she looked exhausted and shaken by your outburst.
“Hey, what about I put you to sleep too? you look like you need some rest.” Wanda said tenderly.
“Thanks Wands, but I really should stay awake in case she needs me”
“Let’s do it like this, you try and get some sleep, and I’ll stay right here looking over the both of you.”
“Are you sure?”
Tucking Natasha in, the witch gave a kiss on her temple, lulling her to a much needed rest, and walked over so she could lay down on the other side of the bed, having you in the middle of both women.
“Sleep well, angels, i’m gonna take care of you.”
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ebonybow · 7 months
oh so we can choose which blog to reply to posts from now but im still sending asks from my stupid dead blog. anyway sex pollen scargrian 👀👀👀👀👀👀 if u dont mind
Augh I KNOW pls Tumblr, catch up!!!
I have a whole bunch of this sex pollen written but it's mostly from the start of this year, and it needs some major rewriting because I feel like I didn't have a proper grasp on their voices yet. Premise: Grian falls into a weird spore blossom cave and comes home feeling unwell, and Scar checks in on him a few times, clueless as the sex pollen fever progresses.
Sex Pollen:
Grian’s various pieces of armor are scattered in the hall outside the bathroom, as though he’d flung himself into the shower or bath the moment that Scar had left the night before, though his elytra are neatly hung in their usual spot near the door.
And then, he finds Grian in bed in his room, tucked into the back of the base, bare shoulders peaking out from beneath his bedsheets. The air is stuffy back there, almost muggy with the windows closed, and Grian is asleep face-first in his pillow.
So Scar does the most sensible thing and checks if he’s still breathing, leaning in close.
“Scar,” Grian startles awake and Scar lets out a hoot of surprise, stumbling backward to avoid being headbutted. “Why? What are you doing here? Why?”
Grian's voice is rough with sleep and confusion as he clears his throat, blearily pushing himself into a more upright position in his bed.
“Checking you’re alive,” Scar intones, as cooly and matter of factly as he can. He’s definitely not distracted by just how shirtless Grian is, as he – seemingly self-conscious – gathers his sheets and pulls them close around his torso. 
Grian is– small is the wrong word, despite the height difference. Grian is strong. You don’t haul blocks around for hours on end every day without building some muscle. 
“It’s morning?”
“It’s morning. Your bedhead is adorable.” That’s a normal Scar Thing to say, right? “Anyway, you’re breathing, so. My job here is done.”
Grian's gaze visibly softens again at Scar's flustering, and he slouches back a little bit in the bed.
"No, sorry. Sorry. I'm glad you're here," he says, and it sounds like an admission. He's still so very pink-cheeked, a reflection of the night before, but now Scar can see that it goes all the way down his chest between his pecs. He looks warm. Hot. "I'm glad you checked in on me."
It's like watching glass fog over, the way Grian's eyes cloud, suddenly hazy. He licks his lips.
"You got any water on you?"
"Well sure," Scar says, slipping his pack off his shoulder to rummage through. "Have you eaten? I have, ooh, I brought an apple."
"You brought snacks?" Grian asks, sounding somehow weaker this time, eyes wide and glossy as he looks up at Scar, accepting a bottle of water from him.
"Of course," Scar smiles, and sets an apple down on Grian's nightstand, and a small tub with some watermelon. "Who else is gonna take care of you?"
Grian suddenly makes a strange and very un-Grian noise, like a choked-off whimper, lips parting on an inhale before he bites down on his lip. Of course Scar is staring at his mouth now. Of course he is.
"Uh huh," Grian says, suddenly intent. "Scar, I need you to fuck me."
Had Scar been looking anywhere but Grian's mouth, he may have thought he misheard. Except, he literally sees the words come out of Grian's mouth.
"You- huh. You want me to check that fever?" He says, moving to get up off the bed as Grian's hand shoots out to stop him. "I might have a thermometer back at my place."
"No, Scar, listen."
"You are clearly delirious."
"I'm not. I mean I am, probably, but listen."
It's not hard to break free from Grian's grasp, and Scar takes a step back to catch his breath. The room is stiflingly warm, even more apparent now than before.
"You- you want to take care of me right?" Grian  rises to his knees just to get closer to Scar again, clutching his bedsheets close over his lap to at least preserve some dignity, Scar assumes.
"Of course," Scar says, but it comes out weaker than he'd appreciate. The words have an entirely new meaning now but his answer is still the same.
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daigina-3 · 2 years
I’m sick rn so I’m just considering Max skating home in the rain because Billy no longer has a car and is no longer alive to give her hostile, tensely quiet rides to and from school, his angry rock music blaring. She can’t ask her mom to pick her up, she’s at work. So it starts raining and by the time she’s home she’s drenched- which is whatever until later the next day she starts feeling hot and a little shaky, like her limbs might give out and her brain is cloudy. Her thermometer reads 101.2*F and probably, she thinks, that’s bad. Mostly, she thinks, this sucks. She rifles through their cabinets and there’s no medicine and she’s so achey and just wants to pass out. She collapses on the couch only to hear a *knock knock* on the trailer’s front door. She groans, too tired to move and half delirious at this point, and rolls over.
“Red?” A voice calls. Another knock. “Hey , Red? Reddd?”
Jesus H. Christ, go away. She just wants to sleep. Another groan.
The knocks are full banging now, and she feels the irritation spill out of her suddenly- because what the *fuck*- she is trying to *sleep*?! She all but shouts out a groan, half way between a zombie moan and a “go away, asshole.”
Eddie opens the door and sticks his stupid head inside. She closes her eyes and tries to will him away but after a second his hand is on her forehead and he’s crouched on the floor next to her while she wastes away on the old worn-in sofa she wishes would swallow her whole.
“What the goddamn, you’re burning up! Where’s-“ he doesn’t finish the question because they both know the answer. At work. At the bar. Called to say ‘at work’ but the background chatter and cursing on the phone said ‘at the bar.’ Eddie’s no stranger to elusive parents.
Max has never been drunk but she bets this is what it feels like. Her head is fuzzy and on fire, she doesn’t feel like she has control over her own body- one minute she’s solid lead on the sofa and the next her arms are floating away from her, pushing Eddie’s dumb annoying hand off her her, flopping over her her eyes to block out the light.
All she can do is croak.
But then Eddie is moving her arm off of her face and she tries to struggle for a second until she feels the cold of a washcloth on her forehead and the weight of a blanket across her body.
“Alright, Sick-o, looks like the lighter I came to bum offa you will have to wait. God you look a ghost.”
She pulls the blanket tighter around her and then creeps open one eye to see Eddie lean over her and use his hands to tuck the blanket snug around her. Eddie Munson is fucking *tucking her in.*
And if she were thinking clearly she would push him off and call him a weirdo, a creep, a long-haired freak and kick the blanket back out because she doesn’t need anyone treating her like a baby But right now, she just feels her eyes watering up. The blanket is so warm and snug around her, the washcloth cool and refreshing. It feels good. Comfy, even.
Is this what it feels like, she thinks? What she could have had if she hadn’t- if Billy hadn’t- or had- she can’t even finish the thought, a warm tear escapes and she screws her eyes shut. Maybe she should just succumb to the heat and the fever and let it all take her away.
But then the TV flicks on in the corner- Eddie fiddling with it to get a good signal before collapsing on the spare bit of sofa at Max’s feet. He pats her leg and points, explaining about the latest episode of whatever stupid TV show she doesn’t care about.
And Eddie is so casual. The same causal way he helped old lady Lister up her porch steps two days ago or how Max spotted him giving his leftover cereal milk to the stray cats that hang around the trailer park. He just talks. like it’s natural. He gets up when she groans and comes back with a glass of water, like it’s an every day thing, to babysit the dumb sick kid who lives across from you. What, just because they saved the world together or whatever that makes them friends? Close?
“You know I drive the van to school I don’t know why you wouldn’t have just asked- you looked like a drowned rat by the time you rolled in, by the way.”
She groans.
“Listen, just because I’m so busy with my very successful and cool societal club-“
His dumb nerd game.
“And a lucrative business-“
Dealing pot to the other nerds at school.
“- doesn’t mean I can’t give you a lift sometimes. Y’know, Sinclair would have my hide if he knew I was letting you skate home in the rain like a sad little orphan.”
Her breathing pauses. That’s what she is, isn’t she? A sad little orphan? Sure her mom’s there but she’s usually not *there* and Max knows she’s trying her best and only fell off the wagon a couple times- and God, Lucas would think she was so pathetic if he saw her now. So stupid. Who wants to get back together with the local pity-case? Who can’t do anything on her own without falling apart, not even a little head cold.
“He’s been asking, y’know. About you. As if he thinks I, in all my glory and busy, busy life, have time to play matchmaker to the local freshman.”
If Eddie sees her crying, he doesn’t say anything. He knocks her ankle with his heavy-ring clad knuckles and she pushes her feet into his leg, like a pitiful excuse at trying to push him off the couch.
She doesn’t want to push him off the couch.
It’s quiet for a minute, Max’s feet all but halfway in Eddie’s lap as he watches the TV, occasionally tapping his knuckles against Max’s blanket-covered leg to a rhythm she doesn’t know.
Max opens her mouth, dry and weak, to speak. She doesn’t, at first, she just lays there with her mouth open, feeling the presence of Eddie at her feet, here. She closes her mouth, tries to swallow, and opens it again. She wants to say that she can’t believe Lucas would want to be around her, that Eddie would give up his night just to watch her, that Will’s twenty-third offer to play dungeons and dragons was genuine. That Dustin’s invite to dinner at his house was something she could accept. That El would need her when she’s not breaking up with Mike. That anyone needs her. That she deserves any of it. She’s drifting away again, but before she does, she speaks, slow and croaky.
“Next time it rains. I’ll find you.”
She can’t see it, but even with her half- floated away brain she can hear the smile in Eddie’s voice.
“That’s all I ask, Maxie.”
She falls asleep.
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Whumpril 2023 - Day 22
I guess it's not a whump event if I don't get wildly attached to a character that was supposed to be a once off and decide to develop a whole relationship for them
TWs: Illness, fever
Sponge Bath | Infection | “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Manuel shuddered as Mariano sponged more cleansing, herby paste onto the stitched incision. He closed his eyes, feeling the warmth behind them pressing forward. "I'm...I'm sorry about what I said." He mumbled into his arms.
Mariano paused, and when Manuel looked up he saw a look of vague irritation on the other mage's face. He'd never been more grateful than he was right then for how blunt and forthcoming Bastian was. If you think he's mad, he's probably just thinking or confused. His face is stupid like that. Don't worry about it.
"What...I'm sorry." Mariano said, his expression not changing as he looked down at Manuel. "I don't know what you're talking about." The back of Mariano's hand came to rest against Manuel's forehead. "Your fever isn't very high..." He mumbled, cupping Manuel's face as if to double-check.
Manuel's red face got redder as he realized that Mariano wasn't mocking him. He was legitimately worried that Manuel was delirious from his infection. "No--no, I mean. When you were...cutting me open. I said some awful things, and...I'm sorry."
Mariano blinked, whatever tension was in his brow draining away. "Oh. Don't worry about that." He said with a shrug as he set the paste to the side. "I said you wouldn't hurt my feelings, and you didn't."
Manuel jumped as cold water was wiped over his heated shoulders and arms next, the mild evening breeze helping to wick away the feverish heat from his skin. "But--it was still mean." He sighed, beginning to relax as he got used to the temperature difference.
"It was the truth." Mariano said, fingers gentle as he dipped them into the bowl and began combing water into Manuel's hair. "I am a traitor, and I didn't stand up for you before. I might be helping the other mages to make myself feel better. I'm not sure why I want to help everyone.
"But if I didn't want to hear those things, I should've done better." He didn't let any water drip down Manuel's face, his free hand catching any spare droplets before they could escape his hairline. His voice was even as he spoke, as though they were just talking about why it rained. "The truth does not hurt my feelings."
Manuel was quiet as he looked away towards the trees, one hand reaching up to catch Mariano's on its way back to the bowl of water. "I don't think any of that, though...not, not really." Mariano didn't pull away.
He tended to do that--he just let Manuel do what he wanted. Manuel wasn't entirely sure how he felt about that. "I...just wanted to apologize. It was bothering me."
Mariano squeezed Manuel's hand a little bit. He'd never done that before. "It's...alright." He said. "I'm not upset. And...it makes me happy that...that you wanted to apologize." When Manuel glanced up, he saw the faint red that had also crawled over Mariano's face.
Mariano slowly, hesitantly, kept wiping the sweat from Manuel's face and shoulders. Manuel slowly, hesitantly, relaxed into the gentle swipes of the cool cloth. Neither one of them could look at each other. Neither one released the other's hand.
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littlemisssatanist · 2 years
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A Little Something - Kamisato Ayato (Part Two)
You come to keep your promise.
Switch? Ayato
Switch? Reader
Not beta-read
This is my first time writing smut with a man so I low key hate it??? But we all start somewhere ig. Might rewrite this later when I feel the creative juices flowing.
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True to your word, when Ayato was finally feeling better, you were back in his room watching him sleep.
It wasn’t like you haven’t watched him sleep before. It’s just that you knew today would be different.
He looked so peaceful, you thought. And you knew you were utterly in love with him.
You sat patiently by his bed, waiting for him to wake up. It had been a week since the kiss, and you couldn’t stop thinking about it. Thankfully, Ayato was too delirious and tired to formulate any coherent thoughts the few times he woke up from his slumber, so you were spared the embarrassment.
But, alas, his fever had subsided and his temperature was back to normal. You knew that the moment Ayato woke up that he would remember your promise and…
Well, that was better saved for later. You were too flushed to think about that for now.
Ayato breathed in and out quietly and you sighed in delight. He was gorgeous. The prettiest man in all of Teyvat.
You watched how the sunlight hit his eyelashes and made them look ethereal.
Then, his eyes fluttered open, and immediately cut to you. He took your breath away, and if you could stare at his face forever, you would die happy.
“Have a good rest?” You ask, smiling as Ayato sits up.
“Better now that you’re here.” He says, his voice like caramel. Ayato makes some space for you. “Come here.”
Hesitantly, you climb onto his bed, and he immediately wraps his arms around you, head resting on your shoulder.
“I love you.” He mumbles into you, and you feel your heart skip a beat. “Is that crazy ?”
You hug him back, one hand in his hair. “It’s ok.” You don’t know what to say. “I’m here to keep my promise.”
Ayato looks up at you, bringing a hand to cup your face. He looks into your eyes, mouth slightly open. “Yes.” He breathes, leaning in close. “Can I?”
You nod, and he kisses you. It’s sweet and innocent, like the first one. He hasn’t had any tea in the past week, so you drank it for him. Hopefully, it would feel sweet to him.
You open your mouth slightly, and his tongue slips in, meeting your own tongue and swirling around it. There are hot butterflies in your stomach, and you feel needy.
Ayato pulls apart slightly, nibbling on your lower lip.
He was still in his nightwear, having been bedridden a whole week, and you were suddenly aware of how casual he was. In fact, if you were to move your arms accidentally, you would touch his…
Oh Archons. You pull away, blushing furiously. Why were you thinking of that now?
Ayato looks at you, and you could see hurt in his eyes. Suddenly there was a pang in your chest and you felt guilty for giving him pain.
“Is something wrong?” He asks, oh so quietly.
You want to take him and kiss him over and over again, telling him that nothing was wrong. So that’s what you do.
He gasps slightly when you grab him, pressing your tea-flavored lips and against his. “Nothing is wrong, Lord.” You whisper, kissing him again.
Ayato groans at the feeling and flips you over, laying on top of you. He straddles you, and yet you do nothing to break the kiss.
“You have no idea of the effect you have on me.” He says against your mouth, and you suddenly remember who this man was.
He was the Head of the Kamisato Clan, a serious and hard working man that rarely had time to indulge in romance.
But above you, his hair was disheveled, his cheeks were dusted pink and his night wear slipped over his shoulders, allowing you to see his bare arms. They were really pretty. And muscly. And strong. His fingers were also probably really strong. How would they feel inside of you?
His ice hair fell over his body and onto yours, and you shifted under him as it tickled you neck. Ayato groaned at the movement, and you smiled.
Reaching up, you grab his nightshirt and unbutton it slowly, taking it off carefully. Touching his bare skin with your hands was heavenly. It was smooth like porcelain.
“Like what you see?” Ayato asks, smiling. He leans in close and you can smell lavender.
“Very.” You answer, and Ayato blinks. He did not expect that answer, but you were no longer afraid of what he thought.
You start to unbutton your own blouse, and Ayato watches with heavily lidded eyes as you did so. You were wearing a bra underneath, but didn’t unclip it just yet.
Instead, you reached down and fingered with the band of Ayato’s pants. It snapped against his delicate skin and his breath hitched.
Gone was the reserved persona you dedicated you whole life to perfecting. Now, the only thing you wanted to do was fuck this man senseless.
Ayato kisses you again, hands sneaking under you to undo your bra. It falls away with a click and you feel Ayato’s skin against yours as he cups your breasts.
You sigh against his mouth and you can feel him smiling. He pinches your nipple and you gasp at the sudden pleasure.
“Do you like that?” He asks, pinching it again. You nod fervently and he laughs as you arch your back into him.
Ayato slots his mouth over yours once more, and you take the opportunity to slide his pants down. You could feel his dick bulging against your crotch and you lift your hips. His breath hitches and he lets out a moan, which was like music to your ears.
You grab his dick and massage it with your hand, and Ayato throws his head down into the crook of your neck. You hold it there with your other hands, fingers tightly curled into his messed up hair. Precum drips down from his tip and you wipe it off, licking your finger curiously. It was salty.
“Ngh-“ Ayato stutters into your neck and you flinch from his ticklish eyelashes. Still you don’t let go. “Let me look at you.”
You shake your head, holding his tighter. The result is him placing small kisses on your neck, sometimes biting it hard enough to break skin. You know that there will be bruises later, but you don’t care.
Ayato licks your wounds and you moan, grabbing his dick and holding it tightly. He begins to play with your breasts again, rubbing the nipples and leaving them sore and hard.
You gasp, finally letting go of him. He lifts himself up slightly and you fall in love with him all over again. His lips, which are usually slim and pink, are now red and puffy, wet from kissing. His eyes are half closed as he looks down at you, blush dusting his face as the mole underneath his mouth stands out more.
You trace his face with your thumb, lightly touching the mole. “Take off my panties?”
Ayato complies, sliding them off while never breaking eye contact. He looks to you for further instructions, and you guide his fingers to your throbbing cunt. He smiles at you sweetly, placing in one finger. You immediately clench around it, but it’s not enough.
His fingers are much longer than yours, and after he slides in the third one it finally, finally, reaches your sweet spot. You arch your back, mouth open as your eyes roll to the back of your head. Archons, this was amazing.
Ayato bends his fingers, his thumb grazing over your clit just slightly. You could feel yourself dripping, the heat growing bigger and bigger. He reaches deeper and your orgasm runs over you like a wave. It’s better than any time you’ve ever masturbated, and Ayato leans down to kiss you on the lips.
Then he grabs his dick and places the tip to your cunt, playing with you. You whine, and you can see him smiling through the heat haze he’s placed you under. Slowly, he inserts himself into you and you gasp. He was much bigger than you thought.
Ayato reaches about halfway before you wince in pain and he stops immediately. You shake your head, signing for him to keep going, and soon the pain turns to pleasure when he inserts himself fully.
Your walls clench around him and Ayato gasps under the pressure; you wrap your arms around his back and press your fingernails into it, leaving crescent moon shaped marks that will be there for a while.
He bounces slightly, and another wave of pleasure washes over you. This was better than before and you made sure he knew it.
Ayato groans, flinging his head back, and you take the opportunity to tug on his hair. He opens his mouth, panting like a puppy. “So pretty.” You whisper to yourself.
Eventually, it all becomes to much and you both finish within seconds of each other. You whisper his name over and over again, hugging him to yourself tightly. Ayato buries his head into your neck once more, breathing in deeply.
“I love you.” He says. You pat his back.
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meganwasbored · 1 year
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 2 Episodes 8 and 9
Random thought that has nothing to do with anything: Was Viren ever married because I made fun of him last episode reaction because he’s not married but then I remembered that he has two kids but I’ve never heard any mention of their mother do we just assume that she died?
Episode 8
-“how may I serve you” he says in a tone that screams ‘I’m more powerful than you and you know it’
-so the trapping-people-inside-coins spell makes you look like a zombie, and the turning chains-into-snakes spell apparently makes you look like a ghost that hasn’t slept in a month
-“what are you doing”
“I’m pinching you, Soren”
“Well that’s just rude”
When you’re probably totally paralyzed but talking back to your sister is much more important
-“that was really pretty! But I still can’t move”
-The guy in Callum’s nightmare (vision?) doesn’t look like anyone we’ve seen before, are we really about to add a third(?) villain
-also I know nothing about anything what symbol was the one that was lighting up?
-“I’m not lying, I never lie” he says in the most untrustworthy tone I’ve ever heard
-finally he’s bandaging his hand, there should be blood literally all over his arm right now
-I know Aaravos’ name but I am very tempted just to keep calling him sparkly hands
-dream dude has Callum’s gloves, I think I know what’s about to go down
-if he’s about to tell Ezran about his dad I swear let him stay ignorant as long as he can please I can’t do this rn
-ik Soren is gonna walk again that’s not what I’m worried about, what I’m worried about is how much it will hurt to watch when he finds out
-well now look what you’ve done, this poor little boy
-the first thing he was worried about was Callum my heart
-he’s handling it SO WELL
-Hahahah Callum’s face when he sees dream Callum
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-seriously what symbol is that supposed to be am I supposed to just know
-we’re really bringing Harrow into this y’all are torturing him beyond the grave
-but also that fact that there are so many people Callum probably talked to much more than Harrow but he was the one to snap him out of it says a lot
-“Destiny is a book you write yourself” adding this to my possible senior quotes list
-the cube just fell into hell??? And dream Callum turned to dust??? Does this happen to everyone the first time they use dark magic???
-not Corvus blaming Rayla for letting Ezran go when she was literally the one to try to convince him to let her go with him while Corvus just stepped out of his way
-Soren being so chill about this is both incredibly heartbreaking but also kinda funny ngl
-he literally just had to lie there and watch as his sister trashed his hospital room and got dragged out
-this dream started super deep but now Callum is… a sail???
-this whole episode had been a fever dream honestly the only way this could get worse is if someone dies
-“you’re making this easy for me, young king!” Dude… his dad just died?? And you’re more focused on beating him at hide and seek?? Show some respect??
-Aaravos’ expression looks super shady no matter what he’s doing or saying if they’re trying to hide that he’s a villain they’re doing a very bad job
-imagine thinking you just got the king of Katolis killed very shortly after the last king got killed and when you tell his friend (who just happens to be an elf, in fact, she’s one of the elves who was on the mission that killed the first king) she laughs in your face and tells you that your king (who is like 9 years old) can talk to animals and is now riding away on a banther, oh and also his brother the prince has been lying on the ground with two black eyes and yelling out random delirious things since you found them and you still have no idea what happened to him, like what would you even do
-me too man, me too
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-“you big, dumb human” she says while looking at him with extreme concern in her eyes
-this dream is the most chaotic masterpiece I have ever seen
-I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am
-screw it I’m watching the next one
Episode 9
-I just realized that we haven’t seen Claudia and Ezran interact one on one until now this is adorable
-the fact that they’re telling jokes while both of them are in horrible mental states
-so mom left and it was probably definitely because of Viren, but she’s the one that left her children with him so they’re both awful
-also why do I always just randomly remember stuff that seems totally unrelated but then it always gets brought up an episode later
-that phrase being passed down to the next person every time they have to talk about hard stuff
-is this thing with his mom made up because he was like 5-6 when she died but here he’s his current age???
-Now THAT symbol I know
-“I understand the sky arcanum” that’s it? That’s all you had to hear? …I don’t get it but cool ig
-also how does he know it’s the sky arcanum? Like it is because the primal stone was a storm? Like we know it’s the sky arcanum because the sky symbol lit up but I didn’t see a single thing in that dream that pointed to sky
-girl what the heck are you about to do to those deer that you need to send Ezran away for it
-ooooooh ok I totally get it now it took me a second
-this is awesome but doesn’t he only know like two spells
-oh shoot there’s always at least one person who needs catching up, oh boy
-very thankful that they didn’t show what she did to the poor deer nobody needs to see that
-oh no Claudia’s punishment for whatever she did was turning her hair into e-girl hair during the bleached front pieces trend
-are they still looking for Viren because they’re not doing a very good job he’s literally on top of a tower in plain sight
-oh great he’s a zombie again
-ok they zoomed in on the rocks sinking and I’m taking that as a bad sign
-the butterfly thing Viren has is giving hawkmoth
-I’m sorry but whatever Aaravos was doing in the mirror just looked like a bunch of Tik Tok dances
-the fact that Aaravos is inside Viren’s head, both figuratively and literally
-and Opeli of course wins because she’s the best
-why weren’t they running the whole time?
-ok so not only can Ezran suddenly see through Zym’s eyes but also Corvus just let him go on his shoulders and flap around without a second thought
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leupagus · 2 years
Star Wars, Poe/Luke, eight of hearts! :D
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"I just have some questions, I guess," Poe says, kissing him again. He tastes like rain and apples and he might be addicted already. Which is probably the whole point. "So on Tattooine, your soulmate leaves a mark on you the first time you touch, right?"
"Mmhmm," Luke replies, working his way down Poe's neck, which is really nice but also a little unfair in light of Poe's investigation here. So he grabs Luke by the shoulders and rolls him over, pinning him down.
"Okay, but on my home planet, the first words your soulmate says get written on your skin," he says, grinding down just a little bit because hell, why not. Three years working together in the Resistance, wanting Luke so bad he could feel his molecules reorient themselves every time Luke walked into a room, and now — "But I don't have anything written on my skin."
"Mm," says Luke, and takes hold of Poe's left arm and traces over the dark brown mark there, not really recognizable as a handprint. Poe had been so delirious with Jaak fever that he didn't notice the mark until days later, when BB8 and Rey were telling him about how Luke had almost dragged him from the airfield to the infirmary. But even then, it hadn't clicked. "What did you think this was, then?"
Poe shrugs, but he can't help but grin. "I thought I was just allergic to Jedi," he says, and laughs when Luke mutters something impolite and pulls him down for another kiss.
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abarbaricyalp · 2 years
For whumptober I’d love to read no 9 “a very noisy night” maybe some multiverse shenanigans in a cave or house that is definitely fucking haunted and everybody has to watch out for each other…getting together/admitting feelings/caving to lust vibes…
Who’s everybody? Sambucky? Sambuckysteve? Sambucky and Joaquín and maybe Nico wasn’t supposed to be there but he is and things finally start to kindle with Joaquín? So many options…
Jules! I love this prompt (and I'd love to see your take on it! 👀) Nico thanks you for trying to move his love life along but he is unfortunately trapped by the narrative and usually his office.
I went possibly a little darker than you might've wanted. TW for body horror, blood, and gore by way of haunted house hallucinations. Samstevebucky with sambucky getting together.
AO3 // Rated M for violence // 12.4k words
Snippet: Haunted
Bucky used the bursts of lightning outside the dusty windows to guide himself back to the grand sitting room he’d left half an hour earlier. “There’s no way out,” he said. “This house is definitely haunted or bewitched or cursed or something. Congrats, Wilson. You walked us right into a trap.”
Sam’s hands stilled against Steve’s leg, where bloodied bandages were half changed. If there was exactly one thing that could drive his focus away from the wound in front of him, it was Bucky trying to start a fight. “You know what, Barnes? It was either come into the freaky house or drown outside while God knows what crawled into all the open bullet holes in your arm.”
Bucky looked down at his own bandages. There were only two holes in his arm and he’d stopped being able to feel them before they’d even seen the house, so he wasn’t particularly concerned with them. Not as much as he was the fact that all the doors and windows in this house kept moving or locking from the other side.
Steve, sprawled across a beautiful couch and half delirious with blood loss and a fever that had broken through his serum, mumbled an objection to the fight brewing in front of him. Something to the effect of ‘behave’ and probably ‘water.’ If there was one thing that could drive Bucky’s focus away from fighting with Sam, it was Steve being hurt.
“I’ll find some damp towels to cool him off,” he said and began his circuit of the house again. The house had multiple stories. Bucky had gotten freaked out after climbing one flight of stairs, so he hadn’t explored the other two (three?) but he assumed they were all the same. Maybe a bedroom became a sitting room, maybe there was an extra Jack-And-Jill, maybe none of it mattered at all because nothing in this awful place was permanent.
If it hadn’t been for the serum and all the work he’d put towards trusting his mind again, Bucky would’ve been content to believe he had misremembered the layout or stepped down a hallway he hadn’t noticed. At first, anyway. But every single room he walked into was different than what he’d seen walking down the wing in the first place. By the time he’d toured the whole house, he hadn’t felt confident in reporting anything back with any kind of finality other than that they were fucked until the front door opened for them.
But he could at least search for towels. There were bathrooms in this place.
For as creepy and haunted as the place was, the rooms were still lovely. Things were covered in dust and most of the lights didn’t work–flickering on when they wanted and snuffing out like a candle a moment later–but the furniture was soft and beautiful, there was a distinct lack of awful creaking in the floorboards, and there seemed to be no peeling or staining or warping of any part of the house. There were no holes for bugs and rats to pour out of. There were no claw marks from demonic forces being ripped into or from the world. There was no mold creeping forward along the walls, no shadowy reaching fingers peeling back the wallpaper. It was just a house that was doing its damndest to keep them inside.
Bucky still wasn’t sure what they’d been fighting. An ambush for sure. Hunting down rogue HYDRA labs was destined to blow up in their faces one of these days. But he had expected more of an explosion and less of a wounded romp through the woods and the rain to a haunted house. He certainly hadn’t expected the magic. Everything about the misadventure had been magic. The sudden storm. The monsters in the water. The house. Everything but the bullets, it seemed.
Bucky knew more about HYDRA and the occult from the 40s than he did from his time as the Winter Soldier. If the occult had remained a priority for fascists, they kept it far from their human weapon. He knew Schimdt had been fucking around with the occult, had called the Cube occult. There’d been rumors of a whole fleet of magic soldiers, scientists who were more like magicians. Supposedly they had raised the devil in Scotland.
Other than Schimdt ripping his face off, Bucky hadn’t seen any of it in action. The Cube had been explained to him through Space-Magic means (which was apparently different than the occult), but he hadn’t seen much of that either anyway. Strange and Maximoff were not occult. Aliens were aliens. Science was science. The word, and all the fear it brought with it, had been edged out in his mind by more pressing threats.
But now they were trapped in a haunted house and who knew how many HYDRA magicians were outside conjuring weird lamprey-like creatures to eat them when they finally got a door unlocked. Bucky was kind of hedging his bets on the haunted house, actually.
And he was hedging his bets on Steve. He had to find some towels to get Steve through his fever. This was very old hat for him. Still, he hadn’t shaken the terror that had clawed at his chest when Sam had said Steve was running hot and getting hotter. “He’s not going to die, is he?” Bucky had asked, sounding for all the world like he was fourteen again, listening to a priest offer Mrs. Rogers condolences after another bout of last rites. He’d been just as frozen to the spot, staring at his best friend and begging for just a little more time.
It had only been Sam’s steady gaze, voice, and touch that had reeled him back in. “No, he’ll be fine,” Sam had assured, like anything else was so far out of the question it was laughable. “But we don’t have time to wait for it to break on its own.”
If Bucky was being honest, he was hedging his bets on Sam too. Sam, who was confident and smart and sure under pressure. If anyone could think them out of this situation while Steve’s body tried to cook his brain again, Sam could do it. His wings were grounded, but that didn’t make Bucky any less sure of him. The wings had never been what made Sam special. They just gave him something extra to work with.
Ugh, God, this house was fucking with Bucky’s head.
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ayearofgoodfate · 1 year
i’m staying awake making sure my roommate doesn’t start showing od symptoms. we tend to take things too far. i have my hell day later and it’s all i can do not to fall asleep but i miss my parents house even though they didn’t always know how to be parents and i miss my little brother and sister and my dog and my bookshelf and the wall i would tape up magazine articles and photos to whenever i got sad. and i think that college fucks you up a little bit. there is so much love here. there’s also so much trauma.
when i was about nine my dad decided that he and i were going to read every single book in the middle grade section of the library. my dad had a lot of passion and not a lot of ways to harness it so every saturday he would drive me to the library and he had this old grey car that he could never tame enough to follow the speed limit. and we’d just spend hours there. my dad never talked to me a lot, we never had conversations that weren’t in a group setting. he never told me things or asked me questions but i was a talker so he learned what would work to work around that. he read to me. he’d always read to me. we’d knock out a book or two in the library, literally just sitting there for four hours straight on the old blue carpet while he’d make up voices for the characters, then we’d take about twelve more books home for the week. I’d read most of them on my own, but we’d go through one or two together throughout the week before bed. when we left the library he’d always buy girl scout cookies in quarters from whoever was outside the library selling. we’d eat the whole box. dad never made it feel like we had less than. he never ever told me that we were as poor as we were. he has done a lot of things but i will love him for that forever. i will always defend my dad.
we stopped reading together after a while. he got tired or i got old and he’d joined the church and my siblings weren’t babies and suddenly there were littler kids that needed reading time too. we didn’t finish the entire middle grade section of the library. i don’t think we even made it halfway. i don’t think dad has gone to the library since. the last book we read, we didn’t finish, and i was a bitch about it. it was this big collection of science fiction short stories and the girls in my class had been telling me that stuff was for boys and i simply wasn’t having it. dad wouldn’t have that. every book is every book, so we trudged.
i got really sick that fall. i slept for days straight. my parents couldn’t afford doctors and probably wouldn’t have taken me anyway but dad was really good at taking care of sick people. he’d sit there and watch me breathe and make me mac and cheese and read to me and i’d be half asleep. this one story was about solipsism. i was delirious, drifting in and out of his voice, letting the idea of me being the only real person in the world marinate in my mind. i woke up three days later like i’d never been sick. i needed to read that story again because i needed to know it existed because, mainly, i needed to know that dad did and mom did and baby sister and brother and my friends and the book was gone.
i looked for it for years in different libraries. big. silver. i resigned myself to the fact that it was a fever dream and then like magic it popped up on the library shelves again. i took it out and renewed it for months on end and drew in it with the invisible ink pen I stole from office depot’s back to school sale. i marked it with my name and annotated it with notes on how dad read it when i was little and it was mine until it was overdue. years later i bought a used copy i found at a yard sale. annotated. i play around in my mind with the idea of trading the books out, as if i still live in a place where i could. the point is, it’s real. we’re real. dad was real, our library trips that had been half forgotten were real, and isn’t it nice to feel real and to know everything else is too?
I miss dad. my roommate’s breathing heavy and in a few hours she will wake up sick. between my classes i’ll raid my drawers and wallet for enough coins to run to cvs and buy her some mac and cheese because that’s what we both crave when we’re not doing too good. i will never tell her i paid for it in coins and i’ll never tell her i stayed up to make sure she’d be okay. we’re a lot alike and so i’m not even mad at her for what she did tonight. she just wanted to know she was real. she is my best friend and she has a lot of passion. i take to people like that, latch onto them like a leech because i was taught to feel deeply and anyone who doesn’t i seem to repel. i will go to class and not fall asleep, and i’ll wear cute clothes and there will be circles under my eyes and no part of me will match but that’s how i am and i can’t ever in good faith tell anyone why. i play around with calling dad a lot. I look at his contact but i can’t bring myself to hear the silence. i think that’s why i went to book school in the first place. i think it’s why i’m writing this.
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astaldis · 1 year
Ups, got quite a few fics that fit this prompt 🙈. Here are some excerpts with the links to the fics on AO3 if you’d like to read more. 
Fandom: The Witcher
Delirious character: Cahir 
- From Chapter 6 of “And quietly lay the frozen lake”
In the early morning hours, well before dawn, Cahir's fever got worse and he started to agitatedly kick his legs and struggle against the blankets, moaning loudly and muttering what appeared to be his own, long Nilfgaardian name over and over. Both Regis and Geralt were needed to hold the raving young man down so he would not aggravate his injuries. Although his eyes were wide open, he did not seem to recognise either of his comrades.
"What's wrong?" Milva had woken up from the disturbance and come over, worried for her sick friend.
"Bad fever dream," grunted Geralt, panting. Cahir was strong in his panicked, imaginary struggle and not easy to control. "Can't you do anything, Regis? Put him to sleep? Like the guards in Armeria?"
"Sorry, Geralt." The vampire was panting no less than the Witcher. "I've already tried, but the moonshine must be affecting my hypnotic abilities."
"Let me try to calm him. Make some space," Milva ordered resolutely, squatting down next to Regis and grabbing the rag soaking in the bowl with cold water. Placing the cool piece of cloth on Cahir's sweaty-hot forehead, she softly called his name. Once. Twice. Third time seemed to be the charm, as Cahir suddenly stopped kicking and struggling, blinked several times, then looked at her with glassy eyes.
"Mother?" he rasped, barely audible.
"Shsh, it's all alright. Everything's OK," she soothed, taking his hand in hers and pressing it gently. "Go to sleep. I'm here. Everything will be fine."
Cahir shuddered, then closed his eyes and, completely drained, fell asleep.
- From Chapter 3 of “On the run”
Come evening, Cahir's fever has gone up even more, his brow hotter than ever. He is sweating profusely, his shirt and pants drenched with sweat, and he is raving. About a fire. Well, that is not exactly surprising after what happened at Sodden, and the fact that he is literally burning up with fever. There is more though, something about a mission he has to complete. And an ashen-haired girl. The one this morning's nightmare was about? This is - intriguing. If the fever lasts a while, maybe she'll find out who this mysterious girl is. And what this equally mysterious mission is about. On the other hand, Yennefer wishes with all her heart that Cahir recovers quickly. This whole situation is definitely not fun. Not at all.
"Cahir, wake up, you need to drink." She gently shakes him by the shoulders. In the few short moments the Nilfgaardian was awake during the afternoon, Yennefer managed to get some water into her sick companion with the help of one of the scallop shells she had collected earlier, but it was probably far from enough to keep him sufficiently hydrated. Cahir blinks, then opens his eyes. They are bright with fever. Glazed. Unfocused.
"Mawr?" he croaks weakly. Shit, he does not even recognise her. His eyes fall shut again, the effort of keeping them open too much for the sick man.
Yennefer lifts Cahir's head up a little and puts the water-filled seashell to his hot face. Dammit. He's got so much fucking hair. Several sweat-soaked strands are plastered across his face, and then there is this awful, shaggy beard, it's not easy to find his dry lips in the twilight of the cave. She adjusts the shell a little and he swallows the few sips thirstily. Yennefer scoops more water from the boot and repeats the tedious procedure several times. Suddenly Cahir's eyes fly open. He looks at her blearily and tries to sit up, clearly agitated.
"I-I have to go. The girl, I have to find her. The White Flame -"
"Shhh," Yennefer soothes, pressing his shoulders back into the sand. "The White Flame will have to do without you for a while. Go back to sleep." Closing his eyes obediently and lying back down without resistance, Cahir does as he is told. Not a good sign. Yennefer sighs once more, probably not for the last time in the long hours to come.
- From Chapter 7 of “Not cruel by nature”
The redheaded enchantress enters the cell and approaches her patient. Besides the easily visible shaking and clearly audible chattering of teeth from the fever chills, Marti immediately notices that something is wrong with the man's breathing. The respiration rate is conspicuously increased and he is wheezing and coughing in his feverish sleep. An infection of the respiratory tract? The sorceress deposits her bag on the floor and squats down next to the pallet. His clothes are drenched with sweat. Quickly she casts a warming spell around both of them and magically dries his black shirt and pants. When she touches the prisoner's fever-hot brow, he flinches violently and gives a low moan, but does not wake up. This is good, a reaction to external stimuli, a clear improvement of his condition in spite of the high fever. Which will not be too hard to treat properly as Marti has a good idea of the underlying cause. There is a simple way to verify her hypothesis, too, she only needs to turn the patient onto his back for a moment.
Marti grabs the shivering Nilfgaardian by his shoulder and hip and pulls him toward her. Although she does so as gently as possible, the man's eyes fly wide open with fear and he gasps for air, then starts to cough convulsively. Darn, after what he has gone through, she should have anticipated that the prisoner might panic and given him more of the sedative before touching him. She has everything in her bag, of course, but now she first needs to deal with the cough attack. Which will not be possible without her touching him again. Well, cannot be helped. Quickly Marti grabs the badly coughing and gasping, delirious man and pulls him further toward her onto his other side so he would not choke on or inhale any coughed up phlegm by accident.
"Don't be afraid. I'm a healer. I'm here to help, not to hurt you," she repeats over and over in her most soothing bedside tone of voice while with one arm she cradles the sick man's head to her body and with her free hand strokes his sweat-matted hair and shaking back.
From Chapter 2 of “To kill or not to kill”
"Give me one of those water skins, will you?" Ingolf grabs the drinking vessel with the fresh spring water that one of his comrades is passing him, then turns to their leader. "I think the Nilfgaardian is waking up."
"He might be able to tell us what happened. Who slaughtered his squad," Isengrim Faoiltiarna says pensively, rising from the tree stub he was sitting on while repairing the fletchings of his last remaining arrows.
Unfortunately, Cahir is in no shape to tell anybody anything, at least not yet. He blinks and wakes up for a brief moment when Breon shakes him by the shoulder and, supported by Ingolf, manages to drink a few sips of water, but he is so feverish that he does not recognise any of the elves nor does he seem to understand, let alone answer the questions the Iron Wolf is asking. The Scoia'tael leader swears and leaves again. Breon and Ingolf stay for a while and use the opportunity to change the sick knight's dressings. The deep stab wound in his shoulder does not look too bad, there is neither fresh blood nor pus. In contrast, his left hand, the one with the ugly cut, is badly swollen and inflamed. No wonder the man is delirious with fever. Maybe it would be best to amputate? However, there is no experienced healer, not to mention a surgeon among the remaining Squirrels and the Nilfgaardian has already lost so much blood, he would surely not survive the grisly operation, especially not if performed by an amateur. Of course, the infection might kill him, too, only more slowly. At the moment, though, the two elves can do no more than cleanse the wound with spring water and redress it with fresh bandages. Hopefully it will be enough. The Nilfgaardian moans and whimpers while they are at it, but does not wake up again.
During the night the fever gets worse. Cahir raves about an insane girl with green eyes, about the Lion Cub of Cintra, cries out for some Yennefer he appears to be worried about. And murmurs about a witcher who massacred his men. Even though the elven commander has not shown much interest in the Nilfgaardian's fate so far, this last tidbit catches his attention. A witcher responsible for the slaughter? Although it is hard to believe that a single person killed the entire squad, if any one person could have pulled that off, it is a witcher. But what would a witcher do on Thanedd during the Conclave of Sorcerers? And why would he butcher the elves? Witchers, especially those of the Wolf School, are usually neutral, pride themselves in not taking sides and treat elves, dwarfs and other races with as much respect as they treat humans. Very strange indeed. Well, as the Nilfgaardian is still delirious, he will have to wait for the fever to break to find out more about his comrades' deaths. If the fever breaks. Which it seems not very willing to do. At least not any time soon.
From Chapter 5 of “To kill or not to kill”
All of a sudden, Cahir is startled out of another delirium-like sleep by the sound of close-by - fighting? There are shouts, screams, the neighing of horses, clanging of swords, groaning, cursing. And every now and then the boom of a thunder-clap. Then, after hardly more than a few minutes, everything is eerily quiet. Except for the pitter-patter of rain on the wood of the coffin. Only now does Cahir realise that the tarpaulin is gone. Water has started dripping into his face from the soaked wooden lid. In the dim light coming in through the holes together with the rain, he can see the droplets forming before they fall. However, the rain is slowly easing off, as is the thunder. The storm is moving somewhere else. Cahir blinks and tries to concentrate on any other sounds from around. Sounds that would give him an idea of what has just occurred. Who attacked who? Who won? And, more importantly, is there still anybody out there alive? But it is terribly and increasingly hard for Cahir to keep his eyes and ears open. His headache is killing him, as is the thirst, and he is feeling dizzy and inexplicably tired and is hardly able to think a coherent thought. 
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