#got BEAT UP by haganezuka
idyllic-affections · 1 year
i know a lot of people think mui's fight against gyokko was too easy but he looks beyond exhausted in the last episode. kid looks like hes going to faint (again). he looks TIRED.
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ninapi · 9 months
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Fireflies ╝
Premise: Haganezuka gets a marriage proposal from one of the elders of the village, marrying was a must for those in the Swordsmith's village, self preservation of the clan and its techniques was absolutely mandatory. He hated the idea to his very core, to say the least.
Word count: 3544
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Amongst all the preparations of the corps to beat Muzan, came the craftsmanship of the Nichirin swords, an art that had been passed from generation to generation to this day.
Haganezuka Hotaru, had the honor, some would say, to craft every single one of Tanjiro’s swords, even if the last one wasn’t his own creation, thanks to him it was in fighting conditions.
Though, this also meant one thing, now that the sword was ready he had a lot of free time since his mountain training was over as well, the sword had been officially delivered to its owner and he had just one eye left, even if he wasn’t completely sure of how all that actually happened.
Tecchin, the village’s chief and his father figure called upon him a lovely afternoon.
He thought he was being summoned for tea and sweets, as that’s usually the only reason to call him there, but that was far from the truth this time.
He was rewarded with the promised mitarashi dango set, yet tea time was not the reason for his summoning.
“Hotaru, you are to marry next full moon.” a mochi ball got stuck in his throat making him cough loudly in order to save his own life.
“You heard me, boy. It was decided already, you will marry the great granddaughter of the previous chief. I wanted her for Gantetsu, but it appears she prefers you instead. It is your duty to take her hand in marriage, it’s final.”
“But why me? What do you mean she prefers me? Why was I an option? Does she know I don’t want any part in this? Does she even know what she’s getting herself into? Tell me where she lives! I will make her regret her decision!” he was hyperventilating at this point, smoke coming out of his mask, the elder getting ready to face one of his angry outbursts.
“I do not know why she would prefer a crazy boar like you, but it is a fact that cannot be changed. You can ask her all those questions yourself; she should be here any second now.” the man was trying to calm himself down by chewing on some more treats, he needed his head clear, otherwise he would get sucked into this situation without an exit path.
You did arrive a few minutes after his statement, proving your eagerness. The kimono you were wearing was beyond expensive, your hair up beautifully decorated with the finest hairpins, and your makeup had been clearly done by someone who knew what they were doing.
You looked like a doll, one to keep on display for all the village to look at and brag. Or at least that was the impression Hotaru got the moment you stepped into the tatami matted room, definitely not someone who should be interested in a man like him.
“(Y/N), my dear, please sit with us. Do you like mitarashi dango? I got these from the famous shop down the street, they’re Hotaru’s favorite treat.” the mentioning of his name got him restless once more, he had so many questions but also just wanted this whole thing to end so he could go back to his lone training in his room.
“I do, Tecchin-sama. You’re very kind.” stretching a hand over to grab one of the sweetened treats, you smiled in his direction. He just couldn’t believe the audacity of this woman, you weren’t just taking his time with your ridiculous expectations but were also eating his food.
“I informed Hotaru of the ceremony and its date, I will leave you two alone so you can get to know each other.” you just nodded in appreciation, bowing to the elder as he exited the room, plainly excited to finally have some alone time with your future husband.
“Woman, what is this about? I’ve never seen you in my life, why is it you wanna marry me?” the question caught you off guard, you knew you would have to address the matter at some point, you just wished it wasn’t this soon, you tried your best to look presentable and get in his good side, yet that didn’t seem to be the case.
“I- well, I have seen you around…” your voice turned softer, uncertainty could be felt from your words but also an unexplained amount of warmth came along.
“You’ve seen me around? That’s it? Have you not seen any other men ever or what’s your deal?” you could see his frustration growing by the second, you were aware of his bad temper and wanted to avoid triggering him yourself, especially on your first official meeting, though it seemed you also failed at that.
“No, no. That’s not it. I…” sitting up straighter, you left behind the sticky sweets to fully convey your thoughts and show him your resolution filled heart, it was now or never. “I saw you when you were training in the mountains. I was there myself in isolation, trying to cure the restlessness of my soul. You see, my family had been trying to get me to marry someone for a good decade now and it just never worked. But I was the problem, not them.” this piqued his interest, so he just remained quiet, listening without making any sort of commentary.
“They never interested me; I just couldn’t see myself marrying men like them. My father was so angry that he sent me to the mountains to reflect on my behavior. That’s when I saw you. Your extreme rigorous training, you were so focused you didn’t even notice I was sitting beside you one day.” racking his brain he is certain he didn’t see any woman at all while training, this was concerning to a degree.
“To me it was a wonderful sight, all that determination, that concentration, that urgency to become better, those muscles….” the last part was nearly over a whisper, yet he heard it loud and clear, the tips of his ears burning at the little piece of information gained.
“So, when Tecchin-sama and the elders came up with the proposal to marry his son, I just picked the son that managed to interest me instead of the one who was being offered. I also happened to be around to see how you were bleeding everywhere and kept on sharpening that blade for the young lad after the attack, it was so alluring and ugh, yeah…you know…” he could see your blush shinning brightly even under the layers of fancy makeup you were wearing.
He was definitely not prepared for such a confession; he was more than ready to not only turn you down but make a scene just to make sure you’d hate him. He wasn’t so sure if he wanted to go the route anymore, though.
“So, you’re physically attracted to me? Is that it? You haven’t even seen my face. What if I’m an ugly bastard?”
“Oh, but I saw it…though, even if you were…I’ve never seen someone so determined and with such a strong nature. That would be enough for me, since I’m considering traits that I want in a husband.” you were giving him a soft smile, one that made him shuffle on his seat cushion. He’s used to people yelling at him, disrespecting him, being complete dicks to him, but he was most certainly not used to this softness.
“You don’t know me, woman. I don’t get along with others, I prefer to be on my own and some say I have a bad character. Surely this isn’t what you want in a husband, rethink your decision, nobody would blame you for leaving me, I’m a lost cause anyways, nobody expects me to get married.”
“Haganezuka-sama, could you please stop insulting me? I know what I want ok? I like you, is that so hard to believe?”
You were both now standing, facing each other equally enraged by each claim, “Oh you think I’m insulting you? You haven’t gotten a sample of it yet even, prepare yourself, you have no idea what you signed up for, you…you ugly pigheaded woman!” his mask was fogging up with the steam he was blowing out of his nose, completely deranged at this point.
But you…
Oh…you were mad, alright.
How dare he call you such an awful thing after all the time you invested in dolling yourself up for him, this was outrageous.
He was screaming nonsense in your direction, a bad headache coming its way up your frontal lobe.
That’s when you saw your chance.
You’ve heard it from others in the tavern downtown, tickling this man was the only way to get him to shut up, that was his weakest point, an adorable one at that.
Tackling him to the ground, you sat on his hips, pinning him down with one hand on his chest, the other tickling his side at an insane speed.
He was so overwhelmed by the entire thing that his breathing became ragged quite fast, his strength quickly declining, giving you the chance to lift the mask off his face.
When he had your own so close to his, he could see the remaining tracks of angry tears down your beautiful face. It seems like he really hurt your feelings with his harsh words, and honestly that’s what he wanted to accomplish, but seeing your effort so up close made him feel bad for ruining everything.
Not only your clothing and hair accessories were probably bought for this encounter alone, he could see the amount of time getting in so many things must have taken, how your makeup was now ruined due to him, how even if you were tickling him and making him laugh to his death as a result, your expression was one of pain.
“I don’t have a pig face….” you were mumbling in between sniffs, your hands coming to a halt when you noticed his eye trained on your face. “You don’t….”
He sighed, getting you off of him gently, still trying to regain his breath. “Do you really want to, you know…marry me? Even when I’m like this?”
You nodded, wiping your face of any watery remains, “You’re the only man I’ve ever considered for my future. Am I…not to your liking…?” your eyes were on the floor, afraid of his response not being what you had hoped for.
“Ugh…you’re not half bad I guess, but how can I marry someone I don’t know? I get it, you’ve seen me around, you seem to know a lot about me, but I know nothing about you besides what I just gathered on your crazy stalkerish behavior.” his wording made you chuckle, the sadness filling your chest moving away on its own accord.
“Would you consider it after a few dates?” he groaned, reaching over for his discarded mask, covering his face with it once more.
“Just don’t make it awkward…you know where I live.” getting up, he headed over to his room, a weird feeling of expectation invading his confused self.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you asked him to consider your offer after going in a few dates, he honestly thought you’d be pestering him about it the very next day, yet it’s been a week since your last encounter and he hadn’t heard a word from you.
Tecchin thought his boy had ruined everything as usual, so he himself went to check on you, to try to convince you to take his actual son instead.
To his surprise, you were covered in rice flour from head to toe when he arrived at your residence, trying to master the art of pounding it into mochi.
Saying he was confused was an understatement, he thought you’d be heartbroken hiding away in a corner of the house, but you were very much busy, determination covering your face, it reminded him of Hotaru when he’s working, and so, he began to understand your line of thought when choosing a husband.
“(Y/N) dear, what on earth are you doing?”
“Oh, Tecchin-sama!! Sorry I didn’t see you there, I’ve been a bit busy. Who knew mitarashi dangos were so complicated to prepare.” so that’s what you were doing, he thought you’d been chasing chickens in the kitchen and had fallen into a sack of flour, that’s what you looked like at least.
“Why don’t you just buy them from the specialty store near my house?”
“Well, I wanted to show Haganezuka-sama I can be a good wife, so I thought of learning how to prepare his favorite dish, honestly I didn’t expect it to be this hard, but it’s been fun, I’m confident this batch will meet his expectations.” Tecchin was moved to tears, he’s never thought someone would be willing to go this far for that silly adoptive son of his, maybe you were really the one.
“I’m sure they’ll be perfect, dear. Please stop by the house to say hello when your done. Even if he denies it, I can see how restless Hotaru is, he’s most likely thinking you gave up on him.”
“I would never! I’ll go get myself ready as soon as the sauce is fully cooked!” knowing he was grumpy on your account made you smile to yourself, he’s so adorable, you wondered how nobody has noticed this as of yet, it’s so obvious to you it’s painful.
Thankfully, the treats ended up being better than you had expected, the sauce sweetened to perfection, the mochi gooey as it should be, the golden color from it indicated they had been cooked to perfection.
For your visit though this time you opted for a more relaxed fit, you wanted him to see you for who you really are and not some kind of kimono shop mannequin for sale. A pale pink yukata with scattered white lilies on the bottom, a soft braid threaded with wild flowers and only a bit of lip tint as makeup.
To any, you looked pretty ordinary, but when Haganezuka opened the door to your calling, his mask fell from his face on its own.
It was amusing how you looked even more beautiful with clearly less effort. If you looked like a doll before, you looked like some sort of goddess now, those you see painted in temples.
The natural glow of your skin, the rosy accent on your plush lips, the seemingly wild look the small flowers on your hair gave you, it was a bit too much for his brain to function properly. To this day, not even a single woman had caused this sort of reaction from this man, not even the ones from the red district, a day to remember for history books, the day Haganezuka Hotaru broke.
“Haganezuka-sama? Is something wrong?” he was just there flabbergasted while holding the door knob, looked like he was in some sort of trance-like state.
“Boy are you gonna let her go in or are you gonna keep her outside all evening? A storm is coming.” the warning seemed to snap him out of the weird feeling in his stomach, moving a side to let you in and quickly closing the door behind you, keeping his father’s prying eyes at bay.
“I apologize for taking this long, I wanted to bring a gift for you, but I didn’t know how to make it, so it took a while to master it.” your quiet fit of giggles made that awkward feeling creep back into his gut, his chest tightening, could it be possible he was going to have a heart attack just now? Man, what a pathetic way of dying…
You handed him a medium sized container, carefully wrapped in a beautiful cloth.
A gasp left his lips at the sight of way too many delightful balls of gooey goodness. “You made them yourself-?”
“I did. Hopefully they will be to your liking.”
Without wasting any time he dived in for a taste of what he assumes love tasted like. He’s eaten mitarashi dangos all his life but they’ve never been this good. He heard an old lady once saying love is what makes food taste good, guess she was right.
“Are they…good…?” he just nodded pushing a couple more into his mouth, causing you to giggle. “Take it easy, they’re all yours, nobody will take them away from you.” you leaned closer, gently removing the excess sauce from the corners of his mouth with a napkin.
Nobody’s ever been this intimate with him before, what he thought was weird though was how it almost felt natural, like this was just how things should be.
The container was soon emptier than you’ve ever seen it, he even licked the remains of sauce from it, leaving it sparkly clean.
His lazy bum was laying belly up on the tatami mat, trying his best to digest the enormous amount of sweets he just had. “You know? I made that many for them to last you an entire week. They lasted what, ten minutes?” the fond look you were giving him was making his belly hurt even more.
You noticed his discomfort and moved closer to his side, one of your hands reaching over to rub his swollen belly in adoration.
“I don’t get you, woman.”
“Would you stop calling me that? I have a name…” naming things make it hard to let them go later, that’s why he avoids calling others by their actual names.
“Then, I don’t get you, (Y/N)….” hearing your name falling from his lips felt foreign yet wonderfully, it made you smile.
“What is there to understand?”
“You’re too nice for a man like me…I don’t think I can give you what you want.”
“And what is it that I want?” the suggestive tone you were using was clouding his judgement, seems like he was a man after all.
“Well I don’t know…a husband?”
You shook your head, looking into his eyes, “I never wanted a husband, my father was the one that wanted me married with a prominent house, I on the other side, just want you.”
“So you don’t want to marry me then?” the disappointment lacing his words surprised the both of you, he didn’t know when it happened but he didn’t hate you that much anymore.
“Of course I do, silly. But I don’t want to marry you just because I want a husband. I want to marry you because I like you, because I want to spend the rest of my days with you…”
“Just because I have muscles now?” that made you laugh, opting to lay beside him on the floor, still rubbing his indigestion away.
“The muscles are just a bonus, I like your grumpy self a bit too much. Even if I have to tickle you on daily basis. But look! I’ve been here for a while now and I haven’t had to do it at all.”
“I guess you’re tolerable…”
“Does that mean you like me too? I wasn’t sure if you’d prefer me in formal dressing, or-“ he stopped your babbling by holding your face up by your chin, your eyes meeting his instantly. “I prefer you like this. You look real now, not like some sort of princess.” his honesty caught you off guard, the warmth of his hand sending tingles down your body.
“Well, I like you better like this too, without that mask and head wrap…relaxed and by my side…” you chuckled, nuzzling your face against his palm.
“Even if I have just one eye now?”
“I think it suits you, it gives you this mysterious look. I always thought guys with scars were hot, they’re like battle trophies, proof of how strong they are.” your fingers were gently caressing the severed eyelid, with such a gentle touch almost freezing the man to his spot.
“So next moon…”
“Wait, wait! I thought you wanted more dates before making a decision…” panicking, you sat up, worried you had taken too long learning the new skills needed in order to satisfy him and had lost your chances.
“Why wait? The old man is driving me crazy and those dangos gave you some extra points, I don’t think I need to think this further. If I have to marry someone, might as well take a woman this dedicated and effortlessly beautiful…” his last words were all slurred together in embarrassment, making your heart run wild within your bodily cavities.
He reached for your hand pulling you back down beside him, he already missed your belly rubs and not even five minutes had passed.
Maybe getting married wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe he should start paying attention to the outside world some more, he almost missed on this without noticing at all.
And maybe, just maybe, his heart was as happy as yours to finally find its other half.
The lonely firefly in the pond finally shone its brightest the moment he found his one and only match.
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bosozuku998 · 1 year
Haganezuka blind date official story
Here is one of the official side stories of demon slayer about the sword smith village chef trying to wed Haganezuka in his 37 birthday hoping that having a wife will make Haganezuka easier to deal with
Cr to the author and transilator
This is vol 3 ch 2 :
(T/N: In modern times, we would have called it a blind date but I’m just gonna stick to matchmaking which is more time appropriate)
Haganezuka Hotaru was a superb sword smith.
Not only did he have the polished techniques that were passed down through the generations of the Haganezuka clan, he loved swords more than anyone else.
But there was a huge problem with his personality.
When he was only two years old, because of his difficult personality, he whittled down his parents’ mental spirit. Afterwards, he even grabbed a cleaver and chased after this youth from the Demon Slayer corps who had a custom sword made by him, yelling “I’ll kill you!!”, “You deserve a thousand deaths!!” and so on. He even choked another youth who had the same job as him and beat up a youth who was a Pillar and various other violent actions. It was already well known among others that he was a self-centered individual……
“Hotaru really gives people a headache.”
While seated in the living area and eating mitarashi dango, Tecchikawahara Tecchi let out a huge sigh.
Just to mention, the mitarashi dango was a gift to Haganezuka by the Demon Slayer Kamado Tanjirou. As Tanjirou had trampled on the result of painstaking effort that came from Haganezuka polishing a blade without rest, Haganezuka, in a fit of rage, demanded that Tanjirou “give him mitarashi dango till the day he dies”.
Tanjirou was really amazing* and he really followed the instructions obediently.
(T/N: Amazing – not in a good way. As in doing something to make people bewildered and so on)
Speaking of this thirty seven year old man with the maturity of a fifteen year old….
As the foster father who gave Haganezuka his name, Tecchin slumped his shoulders in low spirits.
“Did I go wrong in the way I raised him?”
“No no no. He’s already a man who’s close the forty. Right now it has nothing to do with how he had been raised.”
Kanamori brewed tea and said calmly.
“Right? Kotetsu boy?”
When his name got called, Kotetsu looked up from his mitarashi dango.
“Yeah. With a personality that’s antisocial and being a hot-headed loner, it’s all Haganezuka’s own fault. You don’t have to care.”
“Even so, I feel that I should take responsibility for it~”
Tecchin shrugged his shoulders lightly like a child.
“I really wish he could become more amicable. Isn’t there some good method for it?”
Kotetsu answered harshly.
“Rather than changing that person, it’s definitely easier to teach a bear to shake.”
“……Well.” On the other hand, Kanamori who was older, and had more experience in life tilted his head. Then—
“How about setting him up for a matchmaking session?”
Kanamori said leisurely.
The plan “It’s about time to get Haganezuka married and create a family and become a changed man” raised by Kanamori progressed smoothly, which was unexpected, under Tecchin’s passionate fanning of the flames.
They had worried that Haganezuka would throw a tantrum……However, even though the person himself appeared to be reticent, he did not put up much protest and agreed to the suggestion. Therefore, the date of Haganezuka Hotaru’s matchmaking was set to be on the closest auspicious day.
And today was that auspicious day.
Kanamori, who made the suggestion, and Kotetsu were both staking out at the courtyard of the Ryotei* where the matchmaking was to take place. The goal was, of course, to spy on the situation.
(T/N: A luxurious traditional Japanese restaurant)
As the village did not allow outsiders, the location of the matchmaking was chosen to be in a town that was far enough from the village, in a time established Ryotei that was famous for its beautiful courtyard. The one was made the reservation was Kanamori so there was no need to sneak themselves in.
In the middle of a hall that was the size of more than twenty tatami mats, a man and a woman sat facing each other. Even if it was not said, this pair was Haganezuka and the girl he was set to meet. Tecchin, who was short, sat between them like he was a piece of décor.
The young lady who was all dressed up was cuter than they had expected, with a petite slender frame that contrasted well with the gorgeous peony pattern of her clothes.
“The other party is really cute. How infuriating.”
“Ah, this completely reflects of village head’s preferences. Her face is exactly like Kanroji-sama’s.”
They heard that Tecchin chose the matchmaking partner seriously. Even though the village head usually had a calm and steady composure, there were occasions when he would emit a terrifying aura of intimidation. But when it came to women, he was just like any other lay person.
“Such a cute person was actually willing to come for matchmaking.”
“If we just go based on looks, Haganezuka-san is handsome. In this case, just the photo alone would be able to pass.”
“So in the end, it’s about appearances.”
“No, Kotetsu-boy. The important factor is love, love.”
Kanamori, who fell in love at first sight with his wife and tied the knot with her, was the number one in the village for doting on his wife and it felt like he would go on a long spew about his feelings for his beloved wife anytime.
At the same time, the matchmaking session continued in the hall.
“May I know what your interest is, Haganezuka-san?”
“……smithing swords.” (bo: this originally and everything Haganezuka says is in small letters indicating Haganezuka's low voice full with shyness through the whole conversation 😂)
Clack. The sozu* that was fixed in the courtyard made a clear sound.
(T/N: Bamboo water fountain that can be found in gardens. When one end fills with water, it will tip over and strike a stone, making a noise. Originally for scaring away animals.)
“Your first name is Hotaru? That’s an excellent name.”
“………thank you.”
“Isnt it? I’m the one who gave him that name. However this child keeps complaining that the name is too cute…”
“Fufufu, he must be embarrassed.”
The sozu made a knocking sound again.
“My interest is in cooking. If you don’t mind, may I find out what kind of dishes you like?”
“…….Mitarashi dango.”
The sozu made another clear noise.
“What do you like to do when you’re not working?”
“….Eat mitarashi dango.”
“Dear me, you really do love mitarashi dango.”
“….I wish I can eat that every day.”
“Haganezuka-san is really adorable.”
The loud clapping sound from the sozu seemed to finalise the conversation.
“Oh? It went pretty well? Also, isn’t the sozu too noisy?!”
“True, it did go better than expected.”
“Right? The atmosphere is quite good but that guy didn’t say much at all and his voice is so soft!!”
“He’s probably nervous, right? A big man like him is acting so coy……how gross.”
“Well, he has been living only for the sake of swords after all. He’s unexpectedly innocent. At least, for now, Haganezuka-san has not done anything strange and the lady seems to have good feelings for him. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance.”
As though he was the one participating in this matchmaking session, Kanamori was terribly excited.
“Alright, why don’t you two young people take a stroll in the garden?”
The village head used an old-fashioned method to temporarily wrap things up and the location for the match making moved to the courtyard.
A hunky man wearing a Hyottoko mask and a youthful beautiful lady were walking together in the courtyard. This scene was definitely difficult to describe.
“Haganezuka-san, you don’t really like to talk much, do you?”
“I like men who are silent. It feels like they’re gentle and intelligent.”
“………………Is that so?”
“The next time, I’ll make Mitarashi dango and bring them to you.
Haganezuka still barely uttered a few words and his volume was strangely tiny, also, the contents of the conversation seemed to keep spinning around mitarashi dango. However, the atmosphere between the two could not be considered bad.
“This is a miracle, Kotetsu-boy.”
Kanamori lowered his voice even more to prevent themselves from blowing their cover, and at the same time, he made an action like he was wiping away tears.
“Haganezuka-san’s spring has finally arrived.”
“Ah, that girl actually proactively held his hand!! Oh, that Haganezuka-san is still squirming around, he’s just like an octopus!”
“Yeah, he’s shy, I suppose?”
“You call that shy?! That’s disgusting!”
“It is indeed disgusting but right now, we should be praying that this miracle can hold on until the end.”
Kanamori made the pose of a senior and spoke to Kotetsu in an even mannered tone.
Haganezuka and his potential partner got close to the tree the two were hiding behind. Kotetsu and Kanamori immediately held their breaths and shrank their bodies until they could not become any smaller.
The two stopped in their steps.
The lady spoke in dead earnest.
“I have a request.”
Her tone was extremely serious as though she had made some kind of decision.
“ ………Ye, yes?”
Haganezuka was so nervous his shoulders stiffened up.
Was this finally the moment? The two sneaking a peek from their cover behind the tree both swallowed their saliva.
“After the chat we had just now, I have fully understood how high of a regard you hold for your sword smithing job, Haganezuka-san.”
“Is, is that so?”
Haganezuka’s voice suddenly became brighter. “However—” the lady continued to speak:
“Swords are already a thing of the past.”
The lady showed a pleasing smile.
“No one uses swords in this era already. So, why not make chef knives from now on, or even tools? I don’t wish for my dear husband to make barbaric objects such as swords.”
The lady said so in a straightforward manner and Haganezuka froze on the spot.
The two who were eavesdropping were also stunned….and the blood quickly drained from their faces.
“Crap!! This is bad!! She can’t say such a thing in front of Haganezuka-san!”
To that man – Haganezuka Hotaru – who loved swords more than anyone else, this was the most forbidden of forbidden statements.
In the worst-case scenario, he might even kill someone with his own hands.
Then the swordsmith village would be finished.
“Kotetsu-boy, if things go south, please take that woman and run. I will tickle Haganezuka-san’s armpits and use my utmost efforts to open a path for the two of you.”
“I understand. Kanamori-san, please do not die.”
Kotetsu and Kanamori became nervous.
Yet, after a long while, Haganezuka did not make any sound.
“Umm……Haganezuka-san?” Seeing that Haganezuka had quietly lowered his head, the woman opened her mouth to ask.
“….is someone.”
Haganezuka said in a whisper:
“There is someone using what you call barbaric swords, putting his life on the line to battle for the sake of people he does not even know.”
“Even if he was riddled with injuries, he continued to charge forward. No matter what kind of predicament he was facing, he still continued to fight without yielding. I am lucky I can make a sword that protects lives for that person. I am proud to be a blacksmith.”
“Excuse me, please pretend this never happened.”
The woman could not speak.
A cold wind blew past between the two.
Haganezuka was very calm.
Even though the woman looked down on the swords he loved greatly, he did not scold her on impulse.
He only quietly rejected her.
The reason definitely involved his pride as a swordsmith as well as his bond with a certain Demon Slayer.
–Haganezuka’s matchmaking session quietly came to an end.
“Sigh, this is considered fate as well. Just try again next time.”
The village head was still optimistic.
“Let me see. Which girl should I choose this time~?”
He happily chose another matchmaking potential from a stack of photos.
“……forget it….I have my swords anyway….”
On the contrary, it had already been a few days since the end of the matching making session, but Haganezuka still lay on the tatami mats in a slovenly manner.
“You have a huge build, stop blocking the way. It’s annoying.”
Kotetsu retorted with his usual tone and then placed a plate full of Mitarashi Dango onto the table lightly.
“Here, Tanjirou-san sent Mitarashi Dango over again. Eat these and get your spirits back.”
“Yeah, Haganezuka. Isn’t it great that you can make swords for such a kind and caring Slayer? For a swordsmith, that is the greatest fortune.”
“Hmph, of course it’s something he should do….that guy did trample on my hard work.”
“Alright, stop making a fuss. Let me pour you some tea.”
Once he finished speaking, Kanamori poured tea into Haganezuka’s teacup.
“Wow, the tea stem is standing straight up. Haganezuka, this is a good omen.” Kanamori said happily. There really was a complete tea stem standing upright in the teacup.
“You definitely will be successful during the next matchmaking session.”
However, not long after the joyful moment, Haganezuka became angry for some peculiar reason.
“When the tea stem stands straight up, one has to secretly finish the entire cup! You have ruined it! How are you going to pay me back?!”
“If things don’t go well during the next matchmaking session I go for, it’s all your fault!! Take responsibility!”
That was far too unreasonable, wasn’t it? Kanamori could not help but be bewildered by the situation.
“….How did you raise such a rotten personality?”
Kanamori blamed the village head.
“Didn’t you say that he was almost forty so it has nothing to do with the way he was raised already?”
“I did say that but he’s ridiculous. If I had put it bluntly, he’s human scum!”
“It has nothing to do with me~”
Tecchin abandoned his responsibilities as the foster parent and turned away his face that was covered with a Hyokotto mask as though he was not part of the issue.
Kotetsu helplessly sighed under his mask.
(However….it’s not as though Haganezuka-san did not make any progress.)
Seeing how Haganezuka lectured the beautiful lady who looked down on swords, it made him delighted. It was too cool.
Those words were full of responsibility and honour as a swordsmith. As someone who was from this hidden village, from the same profession, Kotetsu could not help but feel deeply moved.
Getting to know that youth who believed in the sword he made and who entrusted his own life to him, could actually let this isolated man undergo such a huge change.
–Because of that.
(….Gods, when there is a day that Haganezuka-san can turn over a new leaf and rid himself of that rotten to the core personality of his, please bestow him with a gentle wife who can understand his love for swords.)
Even though that could be something that only happened many years later, Kotetsu still prayed within his heart that Haganezuka Hotaru can find his own spring–
(bo : manga readers know that he did 🙂)
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supermarine-silvally · 2 months
What was your inspiration for Yara? how did she come to be?
Oooh good question!! Yara, like the vast majority of my OCs, underwent a lot of tweaks and changes and development to the point I have her at right now, where I've got her story and personality and abilities and all that pretty tightly nailed down.
Her character concept started as Mihawk's daughter (I just thought he was EXTREMELY COOL the first time he showed up in the East Blue arc), since I have a thing with my OCs where they always end up being related to a canon character somehow (i.e. Circe Mackinnon (Soul Eater) being the half-sister of Franken Stein; Lilletz Lucilfer (HxH) being the younger sister of Chrollo; Haganezuka Minako (KnY) being the niece of Haganezuka Hotaru; Joey Armansky (Death Note) being the cousin of Mary Kenwood/Wedy; (Iryna Kovalenko (BnHA) fits this mould too but I haven't revealed who she's related to just yet heheh it's a bit of a doozy)). Funny enough, I initially envisioned her travelling with her father and perhaps encountering the Straw Hats at Baratie, so the whole abandonment plotline actually didn't come into play until later, when I decided to make her a Whitebeard Pirate after meeting Ace in the Alabasta arc and absolutely falling in love with him (which only grew as I learned more about him and the depth of his character).
Sometimes, the funny thing with OCs is that after a certain point, their stories just sort of begin to write themselves and all the pieces start to fit together in some really nice thematic ways. Yara and Ace's relationship developed as they found common ground with their resentment towards their fathers and both looking to Whitebeard as a surrogate father figure, which in turn developed Yara's internal struggles with her own identity (not knowing where she came from for the longest time and then even after finding out who her father is, dealing with the pain of being an unwanted and neglected child who grew up into an fiercely angry, yet profoundly lonely young woman). The more I thought about what Yara's early life must've been like, the more I could get a good grasp of who she is as a young adult, what her major plot beats are, and how those connect with the canon story.
Her relation to Wano and the Shimotsuki family (and Zoro, who became her second cousin on her mother's side) was a later addition, as I continued to learn more about the One Piece world and how she could potentially fit into each arc. Marineford and Wano were the two natural places where she would exist, so I've really tried to figure out her development in relation to those two arcs.
I hope that answers your question okay! I could really talk about Yara (or any of my OCs) all day heheh
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637lemonbelle637 · 11 months
Haganezuka x Kanamori /Hagamori/ (Scene 2 ~A drunken kiss~)
Haganezuka had just finished a long day of hard work. While Haganezuka worked in his rather gloomy excuse of a work room he was interrupted with a knock on his door. A soft and quiet knock that Haganezuka knew could only be Kanamori. As he told whoever was outside to come in he looked back to his craft.
And of course he was correct. It was Kanamori. Kanamori walked in and took a seat at his usual spot on the stool directly in front of Haganezuka. He simply stared at him for a while.
Haganezuka noticed that ever since their beach day or rather, ever since their first kiss things had become slightly awkward between them but that hasn't stopped Kanamori from still paying regular visits. Though they hadn't made their relationship official they still shared quite a few intimate moments since then.
Suddenly, Kanamori spoke up. "You know the festival is later today right?" He spoke, his red mask covering his features. "Yes. And?" Haganezuka replied in a gruff tone. "Well, you are going right?" Kanamori had a hopeful tone in his voice that made Haganezuka melt from the inside.
"Why would I go to that damned festival? It isn't anything cool. Just people fooling around thinking life is so great." Haganezuka had never once attended the yearly festival that the swordsmiths had. It was a large party where the swordsmiths were allowed to relax for the night and hang out with friends. Party with lovers or even play with your children. Haganezuka never found a reason to go to the foolish gathering and simply stayed home.
Kanamori stood up and took Haganezuka's hand into his. "Because I want you to go with me. I usually go with just Kotetsu but I want you to go this year. You skip out every single time. Just this once. Please??" Haganezuka stared in the slightest bit of shock. He felt a fluttering warmth erupt in his chest. Kanamori's hand on his own rough skin. Without really thinking about it he nodded. Kanamori immediately brightened and began to cheer quietly.
He was a small child being promised a new toy. "Okay! I'll see you there!" Kanamori yelled before running out of the small "work space". Haganezuka groaned. He didn't understand why he nodded. He really didn't want to go but to see how much Kanamori wanted him to be there made him soft. He couldn't let Kanamori down.
"I'm dying." Haganezuka said to himself as he set his head down on his small table.
Haganezuka sat in his small two room home that was provided to every swordsmith from Tecchin. His bed was rather small but he still stretched out like a starfish. A knock at his door sounded in the rather quit room. Kanamori's knock. Haganezuka sat up and walked over to the door. He opened it and was greeted with Kanamori who was rather nicely dressed in a black kimono and a red haori.
The black kimono was patterned with white and grey flowers, and the haori was a beautiful crimson. Kanamori's hair was fluffed up nicely and Haganezuka could swear that Kanamori had lip gloss of some sort on. Kanamori smiled, his mask being off due to the fact that their masks don't need to be on during the festival.
Haganezuka felt his heart skip a beat. His cheeks flushed a very subtle pink. "You look...nice." He mumbled under a deep breath. Kanamori nodded a blushed thank you. Haganezuka didn't own many nice clothes so his outfit was mainly just a plain kimono with an equally as plain hakama.
Kanamori didn't seem to mind however. "Well come on." Kanamori took Haganezuka's hand and pulled him along out of his small living space. Haganezuka still got flustered easily when Kanamori held his hand. His hands had always been rough and hard compared to Kanamori's soft and supple skin.
Kanamori's skin glazing over his own, just the smallest touch and Haganezuka would turn red. When they both reached the entrance of the festival they parted hands and Kanamori looked away, avoiding eye contact with the other.
Walking over to them was a familiar young boy. "Well, you actually got him to come." Kotetsu smiled. Even he was dressed nicely and Haganezuka felt out of place. Kanamori laughed, "Yeah pretty easily to. Don't you just love me Hotaru." Kanamori smiled and Haganezuka yelled.
"Shut up!"
Kanamori smiled warmly and took his hand again. Kotetsu would've started foaming at the mouth if it hadn't been for the abundance of people around the three. "Well come on! Let's have a good time." Kotetsu laughed and pulled the two along with him. The night consisted of Kotetsu dancing with Kanamori, Haganezuka being forced to dance with Kotetsu, (Kotetsu's mother was giving Haganezuka a cold side eye) and Kanamori dancing with Haganezuka during slow dances and fast ones.
Kanamori was doing another small dance with Haganezuka. Kanamori stared deeply into his eyes though Haganezuka couldn't make eye contact for very long. As the two swayed together in a quiet embrace Kanamori asked in a hushed voice, "Will you be my boyfriend?"
Haganezuka froze on the spot and almost chocked on his own spit. "Well that's uh..sudden?" Haganezuka chuckled with a red on his face. "Well?" Kanamori tilted his head down hoping for an answer. "Well...Uhm. Sure." Haganezuka answered simply, his hair covering his features as he looked down at the ground.
Kanamori smiled and set his finger under Haganezuka's chin, lifted his head up and giving him a quick kiss.
Haganezuka blushed like mad and Kanamori laughed. "Stop laughing at me." Haganezuka demanded though his voice was shaky from embarrassment. "You're cute." Kanamori looked at him with a teasing grin. Haganezuka shoved Kanamori's face to the side in anger and embarrassment, "I said shut your mouth!"
Kanamori kept laughing though.
(Yes. Now Kotetsu was foaming at the mouth.)
After the small festival, (And shoving his mouth full of food) Haganezuka and Kanamori decided to go get a drink together. Kanamori suggested it and again, Haganezuka was so out of it that he just agreed again without thinking about the question.
They had sat in a bar that was slightly off the path to the festival. This bar was ran by Kanamori's good friend Yoko. Yoko was an energetic woman and her bar was a safe space for many swordsmiths during night and day.
When they walked in she greeted them happily. Usually she should be in the village that housed the women and children but on a normal bases she was instead at this very bar. She wore a pink and purple kimono and her arms had a lot more muscle than the average women.
"So what do you two want?" Yoko leaned on the counter that Haganezuka and Kanamori sat at. Kanamori asked for "the usual" and Haganezuka asked for a simple small cup of beer. Yoko nodded and made her way to the back room to prepare the drinks.
"So, you come here a lot?" Haganezuka asked since Kanamori asked for "the usual". Kanamori shook his head, "Not really. I come here quite a bit to talk to Yoko but not to drink. I only do that on special occasions. Haganezuka nodded as he listened.
When the drink did finally get to them, Haganezuka had a smaller mug of beer and Kanamori had a decent sized cup of clear liquid. Haganezuka didn't know exactly what it was but it smelled strong, tingling his nose hairs.
As the two talked and drank Kanamori was slowly loosing himself. Haganezuka could tell very clearly by the drunken blush on his cheeks and the rather bold behavior he put forth. Kanamori was usually very considerate of what he would say but in this state he was bolder than the bold font itself.
"Haganezuka...Do deer have inner thoughts about cheese sometimes?" Kanamori asked totally out of himself. Haganezuka snorted at the question. "No, I don't know." He replied.
Kanamori looked at him and sat up straight. The bar was empty now aside from Yoko who wasn't even in the main bar room. It was late and the crickets sounded their daily noise to fill the night air. Haganezuka sat at the counter in silence until he felt Kanamori take a lock of Haganezuka's hair and tuck it behind his ear, easily revealing Haganezuka's face.
Haganezuka looked at Kanamori with a light blush. He didn't know why or how he blushed so easily, especially with how stern of a man he normally was. Kanamori turned Haganezuka's head to face him. His finger pressing lightly under chin, and a warm smile on his face.
Haganezuka himself didn't really known where the other was taking it but Kanamori's soft hand on his face was enough to make Haganezuka freak out. His heart beating faster in his chest and that warmth spreading all over his body.
"Kanamori.?" Haganezuka stared into the others eyes, they were filled with a drunken passion that Haganezuka could not explain. Kanamori leaned closer and closed the gap between them. Haganezuka kissed back though he wasn't a very good kisser.
Kanamori however, made it clear he didn't care. Kanamori squirmed his tongue between Haganezuka's lips and ran it along the walls of Haganezuka's mouth. Their tongues intertwining as Haganezuka's eyebrows furrowed. Kanamori rose his hand into Haganezuka's hair running his fingers through it and giving it a soft pull.
Haganezuka a bit of drool trail down his chin as he was slowly pushed down by Kanamori. Haganezuka felt the firm grip the ladder had on his neck and Haganezuka couldn't help be drawn to it. The aggressiveness in the other made Haganezuka's body grow warm. The way Kanamori pulled at his hair as he kissing him with such dominance gave Haganezuka a shiver up his spine that he had never felt before.
Kanamori parted their lips after ten whole minutes. Haganezuka's breath was heavy and Kanamori was leaning close. Haganezuka sighed and pulled Kanamori up to his feet. "I'm taking you home." Haganezuka spoke after wiping his mouth.
"Oh but why?" Kanamori asked as he stumbled around slightly. "Because. Now come on." Haganezuka lifted Kanamori off his feet and carried him out of the bar.
If he didn't brush his teeth good enough, he was definitely going to taste Kanamori in the morning...
Them *Heart Emoji*
I was kind of tired when I wrote this so it might not be as good as the rest of my writing but I tried and I was pretty happy. Yes Kotetsu is still a stalker and yes Kotetsu did see everything. And so did Yoko.
I love them so much. And this also shows my view on the fact that I think Haganezuka would like somebody who's aggressive with him....
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demonslayedher · 1 year
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Sad opening with slow music & slow motion was unnecessarily sad. No, scratch that, an appropriate amount of sad, this is the loss of Rengoku-san we're focused on here.
--I love how Ufotable was probably like, "sure, Fuji TV, we'll air the next season on your channel, but we want as much air time when and how we want in order to tell the story instead of just fit things into time slots, you must have figured out by now that we made enough money on that movie that no one expects us to follow the same guidelines as other anime" and Fuji TV was like, "yes, yes, anything, you got it, one hour premiere, you got it, but we will get some fluffy filler right? Please??" and Ufotable was like, "DONE. But don't expect us to make any big departures from the manga, the fans will be down our throats."
--So with the ability to take their time, I love how they accomplished both a satisfying follow-up to the movie with most of this episode being dedicated to the fall-out (complete with slowing down the Muzan intro and drawing us into the upcoming setting), and then a brief review of what's typical for Tanjiro & Nezuko in the Corp (raincoat Tanjiro, eeeee), and then get us off to an impactful start for the rest of this season.
--Those Yuukaku setting details, though! Particularly at the end of the episode it feels like, "hey, we put all the work into this 3D model of the town, you bet we're going to show it off" but then they turn around with details like a moth that got its wing sliced, presumably by an obi.
--One of the scenes which I loved in the stage play of Mugen Ressha was when Akaza appeared before Selim Bradley child!Muzan, because the actor had such a compelling physical performance which sold the idea that for as hard Rengoku worked to damage him, it's nothing compared to the ease with which Muzan beats him up, over and over. Here, in the anime, it's just one blast, a true statement.
--Akaza. Akaza. Akaza. A KA ZA.
--I love how Zenitsu has learned to be strategic with how he steals manju.
--With Tanjiro asking if Senjuro's even heard the news of Kyojuro's death, it really, really hasn't been that long.
--Show-offy animation moment: the sake bottle crashing against the ground
--Senjuro's horror at Tanjiro's impending doom is palpable. Shinjuro is still powerful and Senjuro knows it. I really love how Senjuro is performed, he's so brave and polite.
--Tanjiro makes a lot of great faces throughout this series. This face as he accept the tea is his worst face ever.
--Kinda drives my inner meta nerd mad how there had already been 20 Flame Pillars by the time the 21st one met Yoriiichi and learned Breath technique. They must die off as fast as Ubuyashikis do.
--Tanjiro's self reflection and determination to become a Pillar warms my heart
--Oh crap, there's the sunset tones and the slow music again as Senjuro gives him the tsuba, nooooo, my heart, it's burning
--I love how Haganezuka levels up every time we see him. I am so, so ready for the next season. And the silliness!! The seiyuu must have been given directions to make it sillier and sillier in every take, which makes me very, very excited for the Tanjiro & Kotetsu antics.
--Speaking of filler!!! Ufotable must had seen that Aoi & Inosuke are endgame and thought, "gee, we need to... leave, like... some kind of hints, somehow" and had Aoi knowingly serve Inosuke a heaping second portion of rice and smile fondly when he gets excited about mitarashi dango. They're taking that "he makes her smile" tidbit and slipping it in as best they can, because we otherwise never see her smile until all is said and done.
--This, as well as Aoi being the smart and brave one to rescue Tanjiro from Haganezuka, certainly endears us to her before her plight.
--Kanao!!! It has been 4 months since Tanjiro declared that she stop using the copper coin, but here she is in a moment of indecision, and with how her actions silence everyone else, this is the very first time she's made such a decision. Good girl, Kanao! That said, she leaves herself speechless too, and when Kiyo and Sumi are emboldened to shout and scream at Uzui, she's as mute as Nezuko. Actions speak louder than words, that's for sure.
--But Kanao's thunder is totally stolen by the entrance of the Kamaboko Rangers
--I love that Tanjiro knows right away that his words have no weight, which is why he very quickly changes tactics and switches to volunteering himself (and his bros) to action
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pallas-cat · 1 year
yeah that added scene of haganezuka beating up kotetsu was unecessary but it wasn't like, deal breaker horrible
still wish we got an extended mitsuri fight instead 😒
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sun-daddy-yoriichi · 4 years
Hotaru Haganezuka x Reader : Inner Damascus
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This was requested by someone from my Wattpad account (Osamu_Miyaaa). Enjoy, lovies!
▃▃▃ Warning(s) : Some manga spoilers
As most sword-smiths that presided in the village, you had a unique determination about you. While most would find your choice of profession rather unfitting for you, as a woman, you were born into a sword-smith family. It came to you like leaves on the wind. Most of the others residing in the village had grown accustomed to your presence, despite almost never seeing your real face. Your natural talent for metal and smithing was enough.
It was quite the spectacle, however, to see you following one particular, temperamental sword-smith. Haganezuka hadn't humored the thought of having an apprentice at all before (Y/n) approached him, begging him to teach you some of his techniques. Even if she was on par with his craft, he had the gift of experience that you did not, regarding the two years of age between the both of you. Seeing the villages most beautiful sword-smith tail him like a baby duckling was quite the sight. Especially if you had somehow managed to chip away at the walls surrounding his heart, and make your home inside.
"Oi, what's wrong with you? You're gonna ruin the damascus if you handle it like that."
Blearily, you looked up at him, feeling a wave of heat roll down your spine. The last few days had been quite the struggle for you, since your body felt hot and heavy. You were constantly forcing yourself awake, even when you were in the middle of working on a new blade. Already, you knew you were sick, but you neglected to tell him so that you could continue working. The sickness would pass on its own, would it not?
"Nothing, nothing," you mumbled, going back to the Nichirin blade you had been shining before you were interrupted. Even the sword in your hands looked like it was a mile away, but you shook the feeling off, trying not to faint right into the open flames that kindled a few feet ahead of you.
Despite your reflexes not being quite as good as they would be when you were healthy, you still flinched when a hand made itself comfortable at the back of your neck, somehow feeling cooler on your skin than normal.
"Stupid woman," you heard him scoff, before the blade was taken from your hands, and you were scooped into someone's arms. Looking up, your eyes eventually focused on Haganezuka's face, and you felt your heart speed up slightly.
"Why didn't you say you had a fever, hm? It's bad to work like that, you know." You would much rather he save the lecture for later, but there was no stopping him. Not when you were content on staying in his arms for the rest of your life, ear pressed right against his heartbeat.
"Yeah, yeah. You make working with you so hard sometimes, dammit."
Whatever that was supposed to mean, you discarded it in favour of staring at him as he pulled out the spare futon, motioning for you to lay down.
There were few times where you got to see Haganezuka's face, but you would never take those moments for granted. His handsome face, while often twisted in anger, was a sight to see. Over the few weeks thag uou had shadowed him, you had learned how to stay on his good side, so the annoyed expression was rarely, if ever, directed to you.
"Don't you have a blade to finish?" you muttered, blinking blearily as you tried to focus your eyes on him. It wasn't like him to abadon his work like that. At most, you assumed he would put you to bed, and then leave you be. He rolled his eyes, dampening a rag to put on your forehead.
"It's getting late, anyway. It was about time that we both put a stop to work for the day."
"But the sun isn't down yet..."
"Shut up."
Obediently, you shut your mouth, also closing your eyes in unison. You listened to the soft padding of his footsteps as he walked around the room, probably pulling out the other futon to set it up. Your thoughts fuzzied as your breathing became steadier, sleeping soon taking over you through your fever-induced haze.
You woke up not hours later, with the entire room quiet and still. The towel on your forehead was still cold and wet, meaning someone, possibly Haganezuka, had been there to look after you a few moments ago. Unless, Haganezuka asked someone to watch over you while he worked. It sounded like something he would do, anyways.
"Oh, you woke up again."
Turning you head slightly, you noticed the familiar black hair of your mentor from the corner of your eye. He sat near the door, facing towards you, a few of his tools from the workshop sprawled around him. Had he come in here to finish shining the blade while you slept?
"You should go back to sleep," he said, not taking his eyes off of his meticulous work, "Your fever hasn't gone down at all, so it's probably best that you stay in bed for now." At the evident softness in his words, you chuckled weakly, bringing your hand up to wipe at your cheek.
"How nice of you," you croaked, plastering a weak grin on your face, "If I wasn't mistaken, it's almost as if you're in love with me."
"You're delirious. Go back to sleep, (Y/n)."
"How caring of you! You should know that I love you, too!"
Haganezuka froze, sharp eyes glancing your way. He readied himself to snap back, before he realised you were asleep again, blissfully unaware of the thundering beat you had set his heart to.
"Stupid woman," he scoffed, turning back to the blade, hoping to bring his focus away from your person. He couldn't stop his mind from wandering, as his body acted on complete muscle memory.
"Just sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."
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Demon Slayer 21 - 24 | Given 7 - 11 (FINAL) | Astra 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Fruits Basket 20 - 24 | Dr Stone 8 - 11 | Cop Craft 8 - 10 (not including recap ep.)
Demon Slayer 21
Ooh, butterfly titlecard.
Well…at least we know Muzan…wasn’t always Muzan Jackson.
Can demons go to hell…?
Aw, seeing Rui become human again (at least in his head) was pretty cute.
Shinobu is off her rocker!!! (a continuation of a comment I made in the collab post for last ep.)
“…don’t forget about the other one!” – The other…what, exactly…?
This girl…is Kanao, isn’t it…? She’s the “other one”!
I was almost hoping Shinobu’s shoe blade would stab the crow…it ruined a perfectly good buch of Giyu reaction faces…
Ukogi! You came back to me!
Why can’t the girls wear trousers too…? (someone grumbles “Because that’s not in accordance with the times in the Taisho Era) I don’t care, let girls wear pants! This is not Strike Witches! Update: Shinobu wears pants, actually…*people collectively facepalm*
Kakushi means “hidden/to hide”. It makes a lot of sense, to be honest.
Given 7
I like the ambient sounds in this show.
If Akihiko learnt you thought something was wrong with him, he’d beat you up. Stat.
Haruki and Akihiko: masters of reading the room. (When they’re counted as a pair, that is.)
I just realised Akihiko is daling with Mafuyu because of Yayoi…Yayoi is what Kasai could be and Ugetsu/Akihiko is what Ritsuka/Mafuyu could be.
Dr Stone 8
Note Jasper says “baka musume” – he still acknowledges Kohaku is his daughter even after disowning her.
“We’re neither gods nor geniuses,” says Senku, a genius…hmm.
Suika has such a cute voice that it’s easy to guess her gender…*hint hint*
Was it “kitto” (certainly) or “Kinro” Ginro said in his sleep…?
I think the eyecatch might be iron sand (some form of it, at least).
Fruits Basket 20
(no notes here, sorry!)
Cop Craft 8
What was that black thing that appeared before the plane broke apart…?
Ohhhhhhh…kay. That was not something I signed up for…
Isn’t there some kind of magic Tilarna can use to get back into her body?
I find it ironic that Seven Miles (a place name, I presume) is 3 miles away…
Given 8
I never skip the OP…so I guess it helps that I found Marutsuke and Kizuato on Spotify. (<-Here you go.)
Indirect kiss…!
I’m reminded of what Boueibu said about umbrella colour being a reflection of your personality when I see Mafuyu with a disposable umbrella.
“Hiiragi Kashima wants to be forgiven” sounds like a LN title.
(I had some notes here, but I forgot them…such is the life of watching on phone but writing the notes down later.)
Demon Slayer 22
I LOLled when Tanjiro asked what a Hashira was…(does he know what it is…? Should we know at this point what it is, or did spoilers ruin it for me?)
Wisteria pattern!
LOL, I like Mist Hashira already!
Only Shinobu has a hiragana first name (out of the Hashiras)…hmm.
Shi-Shinazugawa…? Isn’t that the surname of angry-for-the-sake-of-angry mohawk guy from Final Selection…?
Tanjiro uses his head…once again. (That joke never gets old! What do you mean, you don’t like it…?)
Hashiras’ jackets say korosu (to kill) while ordinary slayers get horobosu (to destroy) and Kakushis’ jackets say, well, kakushi (to hide).
“I wonder if the sky is blue.” – Is this person (master of the mansion)…blind…?
The bandage-head Hashira who says “flamboyant” all the time…he reminds me of Senku…(in a bad way.)
I wonder if Giyu will be punished…? A few comments this episode have suggested such an outcome.
“…devours humans…”
Rengoku (flame Hashira)…I think I once saw him being referred to as “Blaziken Head” by someone on the ‘net…LOL.
How does the Master know this…? The Kasugai crows, right?
I just realised the love Hashira has a skirt…
Poor Giyu has his head turned away…he’s too embarrassed to even blush.
Fruits Basket 21
I noticed the fanclub only ever calls Hana “wave girl”…
I love how the narrator, a middle-aged man, has to voice the thoughts of a teenage girl.
Fruits Basket 22
(no notes, sorry!)
Dr Stone 9
H & N, huh…?
Astra 9
So…what is the sphere…?
Luca’s real dad vs. Quitterie’s mom = art vs. science, LOL.
…I almost cried when everyone started crying…
Uh…random question I didn’t think about when it was revealed, but should Luca invest in a bra…?
You can see Gruppies and waves on the wall while Kanata and Luca talk…and shrooms...and coral…
Wait, so these guys are all…aliens? Polina is the only one from Earth…? What about the sphere???
Cop Craft 9
Why did the intro get moved to the middle of the episode…? Also, I’ve noticed there’s a special episode next week…it means there really was a budget and/or scheduling stuff-up along the way somewhere, just like you can suspect with an anime that moves as terribly as this one.
There’s a strange dent in Kei’s leg…specifically, on his kneecap…
Astra 10
Guardian Enzo said no one’s mentioned the Astra crew never said they were from Earth before…now I’m noticing it too.
W-WHAT?! I was right????? (see this post for why I suspected Charce to be the culprit)
Demon Slayer 23
3 episodes until the end, huh…?
Why does Sanemi taunting Nezuko remind me of a sexual encounter…? (with the “You know you want it” etc.)…Uh, bad news, guys. Sanemi is 21 and Nezuko is 14, so no shipping unless you don’t mind 7 year age gaps and an underage girl, all in the one ship.
Mist Hashira? Using rocks to flick at the esteemed guest (Tanjiro)? Hmm, he ain’t quite my type after all…
This Kakushi that keeps punching Tanjiro seems to be a woman…or just a guy with very long eyelashes. Update: Nope, definitely a woman. The Kakushi dynamic almost reminds me of Jessie and James from Pokémon…
Heyyyyyyy! Don’t underestimate a girl!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope. Nope. Nope. I was hoping we wouldn’t hear about how Zenitsu’s hands were the size of a KFC spork, but…eeeeeeeeeesh…
I never thought I’d be so happy to have Inosuke silenced by spider daddy…well, here we are.
“…I’ll become an old guy and die.” – Wow…even I don’t think of that stuff…
I wonder if Muzan had anything to do with why the Master’s head looks the way it is?
Dr Stone 10
(no notes, sorry!)
Given 9
I wonder if Akihiko ever liked Yayoi in the first place…
I noticed Ritsuka says “atarashii hito” which is translated to “someone else”…the English suggests more intimacy than the Japanese…hmm.
Mafuyu, my boy…! (I bet you could call all of The Seasons “my boys” now.)
I love how Take acts as Haruki’s straight man.
I was wondering why the ANN review was referring to Given as “Wonderwall” – that’s the name of the next episode.
Fruits Basket 23
“What are you doing?”
Astra 11
Only one ‘til the end…oh wow, where did the time go??? (Also, ep. 12’s title of “Friend-Ship” is terrible…a terrible pun…)
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, I saw the Seira = Aries thing right away…it’s exactly the same as what breaks Juuni Taisen for people…
Wait, but couldn’t Charce, as the king’s clone, becom the heir to the throne instead…?
Oh, that…that joke’s absolutely terrible…! *shakes head* Did you know I was holding my hand over my mouth for basically that entire climactic scene?  I think summer might have a fighting chance in the end-of-year rankings for once!
Demon Slayer 24
I love how Tanjiro is “that headbutting kid” now.
There are cute little butterflies on the title card.
It’s good to see the return of Murata…and those transition faces.
Considering spiders are pretty gross if you think about it, both sides have a point…
Murata’s a more fun character than I thought a bit guy would be…in fact, that might explain why we learn his name, as opposed to being a nobody (like the female Slayer on the mountain that got killed by Spider Mama).
“I think we’re a lot better now.” – Aside from Zenitsu’s hands, that is…*makes disgusted face and thinks of KFC sporks*
Sleeping Ukogi is totes adorbs…*face beams with happiness*
Uhhhhhhhh…I reallllllllly dunno what to feel about Zenitsu’s love of girls. He’s no playboy, that’s for sure. Unfortunately (?), I do agree with Zenitsu on how Inosuke deals with girls though.
Zenitsu’s an M, I tell you! An MMMMMMM!
Wow, someone put real effort…into Zenitsu playing tag with a girl…sad life.
“A girl was able to do that to something that hard?!” – Nyeh-heh-heh-heh…call me dirty-minded, but…because this is blowing into a gourd we’re talking about, it sounds funny out of context.
Lemme guess…Aoi is this blue grumpy one. That’s why I dropped Divine Gate (since characters matched their colour schemes too well). Update: No, this blue one was talking when she mentioned Aoi, so Aoi is one of the three mini butterfly girls, I think. Update 2: No, the sentence was punctuated funny: “You’ll be up against myself, Aoi and Kanao there.” Turns out Aoi really is blue grumpy girl, because the sentence is missing a comma after “Aoi”.
“Please forgive me.” – Hey, Moya, you were right. Plus, that random Haganezuka appearance was funny – that’s been the first time in a while that I’ve laughed at Demon Slayer properly.
Apparently Shinobu and Tanjiro on the roof is a meme now. Now I see why.
“…with their instincts laid totally bare.” – I feel like slayers and demons aren’t so different, because even thought both fight for survival, slayers fight for revenge (in a sense, bloodlust) and demons for actual bloodlust.
“I feel like I can rest easy now.” – Sounds like an early death flag to me! (I may be an anime-only watcher at this point, but I encountered some spoilers that showed me Shinobu’s fate. Be mindful of that if it seems like I’m accurately predicting the future.)
Shinobu and Tanjiro…hmm, what a combo.
I love how the Zenitsu and Inosuke in the background react to crimes they’re being accused of in the foreground.
Cop Craft 10
Emails, emails…can’t anyone talk in person these days? (As much as I love emails, I gotta critique that.)
Hey wait. I thought their AI wasn’t so good…
Kei’s birthday is the 18th of June 1993…? Wow, I didn’t know he was 26.
New what now??? This really is straight outta Compton, if you know what I mean…
The march about aliens here reminds me of the climate strike the other day.
Given 10
Smol Ritsuka…
This show is hilarious when it needs to be. I’m really gonna miss it.
“Kedama” means hairball. “Tama” is a cat’s name, as implied here.
“Mafuyu” has “winter” in it to make a set of 4 seasons though…
Oh, so that’s why they’re – and this show is - “Given”.
Fruits Basket 24
Did Tohru vomit…or was she just catching her breath…?
“…when you are.”
Was this “monstrous Kyo” scene halfway through the manga or at the end? I don’t remember anymore…
Astra 12 (FINAL)
Hmm…I heard about gaman (“tolerance”, “persistence”…or maybe “working through hardship”…?) being a concept in the past few years and I think it’s very much embodied in the streotypical Japanese man…or just Kanata. Who knows?
So…what language are Kanata and co. really speaking? It seems like English, based on the spaceport screens (I rewatched ep. 1 today, I should know), but they’re speaking in Japanese for the sake of the fact it’s anime, right? Update: I also noticed quit a bit of the spaceport advertising is for Lucy Lum, while there is special attention paid to Aries’s eyes in ep. 1.
This is what they mean when they say “history is written by the victors”. To build from that, my idea is that the hegemonic idea becomes the truth, i.e. majority rules wins the ability to write history itself (e.g. patriarchal values, able-bodied people’s values etc. write history, not the minorities).
Aries may have eidetic memory, but she sucks at names. That’s consistent with ep. 1 too.
Oh, right! Kanata’s right arm is his dominant one!...I never knew such fond memories could be made of a single character’s appendage…who knew.
LOL, Charce brought out his sparkly face again.
Ooh, older!Ulgar is hot! Me likey!!!
Ooh, Funi’s star ornament. Ulgar still has one!
I swore that was Quitterie…turned out it was Funi. Oh well, Astra lied to me again. (I’m fine with that.)
You can even see Luca’s femininity for once…!
Ooh, red tulips = true love, white tulips = forgiveness/worthiness. Normally tulips represent “perfect love”. Perfect for Kanata and Aries, don’tcha think?
I was wondering why Kanata had a new black hand. (Maybe it was a glove or something.) Nope, it’s a prosthetic.
I don’t actually know how to say that joke about being a right-hand man in Japanese, despite hearing it from the show twice (I went back and tried to listen again). Somebody tell me, please!
I noticed one of the people in the cast list had an exclamation mark next to their name…well, that was funny for a second.
The one unrecognisable song was Astra-gou no Bouken (Adventure of the Spaceship Astra).
Well, that was a wild ride. I’m definitely sad that it’s over, but remember what they say in the show itself – look forward, not back. See you next time!
Given 11 (FINAL)
Come to think of it, if you interpret Kizuato one way, it means “Traces of Scars”, but this song’s title is in katakana so you can’t tell…
This is like a marriage proposal…
I’ve noticed something – ever since I started engaging with BL and yaoi in earnest, I’ve realised there’s this fear of “not being masculine” enough by both members of the couple. That’s probably what Ritsuka is going through with the box.
What did Ritsuka even bump into on his way out, though…?
Oh, science curriculum, huh? Me, I’m a student of the humanities, so I wouldn’t know about that feel…I was always average at English anyway after essays started coming in…
Oh, we’re back at Harusame. Didn’t think we would be.
I love how Mafuyu’s handle for the band is “Kedama”…the name of his dog.
Update: Turns out the SNS account for Given (band), as well as Mafuyu and Ritsuka, are real...on Twitter. I’d assume Haruki and Akihiko join them for the movie...?
Dr Stone 11
Ooh, lyrics! Finally!
I almost expected Chrome to go, “What’s soap?” – he’s never seen it before, remember?
Note Kaseki means “fossil” in Japanese and contains the kanji for “stone” in it.
Ginro just yelled the Weekly Shonen Jump motto…coincidence? I think not!
Team Shiny Spear Tips Forever complicates things for the crew.
0 notes
demonslayedher · 3 years
I've been thinking a lot about Nichirin swords recently (cuz swords are neat), and that got me to thinking about the Hashira swords. is the 'Destroyer of Demons' Kanji engraved on their current blade, or do they receive a new blade upon reaching the rank of Hashira?
Swords! SWOOOOORDSSSSZZZ---I mean, *cough* yes, let's talk swords.
I've also wondered about whether they get new swords upon becoming Pillars, or perhaps more say in the unique characteristics and modifications of their swords, or if the swordsmen in general do as much as possible to preserve their swords. After all, an engraving can be added to an otherwise completed blade, so this doesn't tell us much about whether the blades are new or not.
My conclusions are, "hmm, yeah, probably" to all of the above.
Haganezuka may give us the mistaken impression that all swordsmiths are passionately offended when bad things happen to their hard work. Since they were all raised with the mission of supporting the swordsmen who are regularly putting their lives on the line, I'd like to think the others are more accepting of the fact that the battles their works are subjected to are powerful enough to necessitate the ongoing production of swords, even if they'd ideally like to make swords that would never break and fail the Corp members out on the battlefield.
While Pillars might have special privileges for getting very specific in their requests, or perhaps requesting more swords over and over to suit their desired modifications, I don't think most normal swordsmen would be told "no" if they made requests to better suit their Breath style. Ultimately, it's about taking down demons, and the swordsmiths are there to make that happen. Sure, maybe some of them may get annoyed by fussy swordsmen, but others may embrace how it challenges their creativity and craftsmanship.
As a couple examples, Shinobu and Mitsuri were already using swords suitable for their unique Breaths before they earned the Pillar title. Furthermore, their swords were made by the most esteemed swordsmith in the whole village. Granted, their special sword treatment might had only because they were cute girls with highly specific needs, but still.
As another example, Inosuke had double swords from the start. It's possible Kanamori only made two standard swords in the first place because he was given two pieces of ore, and then made adjustments later on according to Inosuke's tastes based on how Inosuke might had removed the hand guards and handles himself. Or, it's possible Kanamori was sensitive to his new client's needs from the very get-go, having listened carefully to a crow who watched Inosuke in the Final Selection so he could build a good understanding of this unheard of Beast Breath. He might had heard how Inosuke used his flexibility and preferred a rough grip, and made the handles as simple as possible so nothing would get in his way. Upon knowing how beat up the blades were, he might have been thoughtful in making adjustments to prevent that wear and tear on future blades. Poor Kanamori.
CORRECTION: Kanamori did bring Inosuke more swords with beautiful handles. Poor, poor Kanamori.
Conversely, since we never see anything of Zenitsu's swordsmith, it's possible that was a once-and-done sort of deal, like "oh, Thunder Breath? One solid Thunder Breathing sword, coming right up. Those never stay out of their sheath long enough to need replacing." And, since Zenitsu has perfected the one strike he makes with it, he's probably never needed much maintenance on it.
Going back to the question of Pillars getting new swords or keeping their old ones, I feel it's all up to personal preference. Muichirou doesn't seem attached at all to any given sword, it just needs to be one that suits him. Mitsuri, requiring a very unique sword, probably isn't able to use anything else temporarily while waiting for a replacement or maintenance. Giyuu, on the other hand, looked for any Water Breath swords once his broke in the battle with Muzan, he can work anything basic. Even if he had the swordsmiths engrave the one sword he's always carried, he probably borrowed another standard sword (like Tanjiro did while staying in the village) to keep working during those times. (I feel like Iguro may be one of those swordsmen who abuses his privileges, sending swords back over and over until they're up to his standards.)
For Rengoku, at least, I've looked into that in more
detail here. Tl,dr; since he uses a different sheath before and after becoming a Pillar, I find that makes a good case for him using a new sword after becoming a Pillar. His hand guard does remain consistent, and it matches his fathers', while his father still has his own sword (not the same one passed from father to son, entirely different swords in the first place, just with identical characteristics upon Pillarhood). Senjuro's sword had a simpler overall design, not the usual Flame Breath handle either. (Was that Nichirin blade like his training wheels, or something? Aw... that's okay, Senjuro, I never learned how to ride a bike either.)
While we're talking swords, in real life nowadays, different parts of the sword are usually entrusted to different craftsman. After the blade is forged, it's sent off to the handle maker, while someone else will make the hand guard, someone else would make the sheath unique to each sword, someone else still would be the expert engraver, etc. Someone else would had made the iron ore in the first place, too. I wonder about the division or labor or expectation of expertise in multiple skills among the KnY swordsmiths, especially given how this is such a way of life for them. Kotetsu's family having a particular skill set they've been entrusted with makes me think there may be some specialization for different parts of the process to make them churn out blades faster, but with the level of pride they take in their individual works, it also wouldn't surprise me if they're expected to be able to take full responsibility for a product, right down to delivering it personally, maybe even performing all the upkeep and repairs at whatever location is convenient for their clients. Or it could also be that Haganezuka's perfectionist obsession is what drives him to go that far, and maybe Kanamori only went along that one time to keep an eye on Haganezuka and meet this Beast Breath fellow he was curious about. Poor Kanamori.
Since engraving blades really started to take off once swords were treated more and more as works of art, and since only Pillars have their swords engraved, my guess would be they don't have anyone solely responsible for engraving. Instead, this may be a skill common among the swordsmiths, so that should any of their clients become a Pillar, they're ready to make that adjustment, be it to an existing sword or to a new one.
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