#green eyes on Indians are so cool
j4r-of-flies · 5 months
so fucking jealous my Rajasthani genetics didn’t come in clutch to give me sexy green eyes 💔
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ranilla-bean · 8 months
culture tips for writing asian settings: tea varieTEAs
atla's got major Tea Guy representation in iroh but let's be real, even non-tea guys are going to be drinking tea in an asian-inspired setting—you'd be served it instead of water most places. so, what kind of tea are you picking for them?
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as an east asian reader, it can take me out of the setting to see the characters drink something like chamomile (from europe/west asia) or... most herbal teas, to be honest. ngl it was weird to see iroh in the show, characterised as a huuuuuuge tea snob, drink stuff like jasmine (it's fine it's just basic, is all! imo!) or like.... a random flower he encounters in the wild.
when we're talking tea, real asian tea, we're talking about the leaf of the camellia sinensis plant. the huge variety we have of tea is actually from the different ways of processing that exact same leaf. popular varieties include:
green: the leaf goes through minimal processing, can have a bright and even leafy/grassy flavour (examples: gunpowder, longjing aka dragon well, matcha, genmaicha)
white: also undergoes minimal processing, with a lighter flavour than even green (examples: silver needle, shou mei)
oolong: the leaf is semi-oxidised, curled, and twisted—can be characterised by a tanniny flavour with a bright aftertaste. my personal favourite! (examples: da hong pao, tieguanyin, dong ding, alishan)
dark (black): note this isn't the same as black tea as we think of it in english. the leaf is fermented to produce an earthy tea with a flavour like petrichor (examples: pu'er)
all the teas listed in the "examples" are fairly credible teas that i think a real tea snob like iroh would drink.
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ok, but what about...
"black tea" as we know it in the west—assam and ceylon etc? this variety is actually called "red tea" in chinese. we don't drink it with milk but to be honest, i've just... never really heard of anyone drinking chinese red tea? which is why i've kept it off the list. (there's lapsang souchong, but i associate that with bri'ish people...) anyone who does drink it, let me know! on the other hand something like assam/ceylon, while extremely delicious and also asian, is a product of british colonialism and is consumed with milk. i think if you wanted to massage some of the traditions & have chai-drinking indian-influenced characters, though, that's cool!
do you actually not drink herbal tea? we do... but a lot of it is considered medicinal. we've got stuff like herbal "cooling tea" with ingredients like sour plum, mesona, or crysanthemum; tea that warms you up like ginseng or ginger. the whole concept of hot/cold in chinese medicine though... that deserves another culture post
camellia leaf murdered my family & i have a grudge against it; what else can my blorbos drink? there'a some good, tasty stuff made of wheat, barley, buckwheat, even soybean. wouldn't be egregious for the characters to drink that!
is milk sacriligeous? a real tea snob would think so, but a lot of asians nowadays are chill about milk in tea—usually in western-influenced red tea. hong kong, thailand, india, taiwan, and malaysia (among others) have their own cultures of milk tea, which has even become a democratic rallying point.
what do you think of iroh inventing bubble tea? my main issue with it is it's anachronistic! it was invented in taiwan in the late 20th century, but atla's set in the equivalent of the mid-19th century... you could also make arguments about whether iroh's too snobby about tea to invent it LOL
there's soooo much more i can say about all this so: keep your eyes peeled! i'll talk about medicine & tea ceremony in the near future <3
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sassenach77yle · 2 months
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“You won’t leave me?” I asked at last. “You won’t die?” He shook his head, and squeezed my hand tight.
“You are my courage, as I am your conscience,” he whispered. “You are my heart—and I your compassion. We are neither of us whole, alone. Do ye not know that, Sassenach?”
“I do know that,” I said, and my voice shook. “That’s why I’m so afraid. I don’t want to be half a person again, I can’t bear it.” He thumbed a lock of hair off my wet cheek, and pulled me into his arms, so close that I could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. He was so solid, so alive, ruddy hair curling gold against bare skin. And yet I had held him so before—and lost him.His hand touched my cheek, warm despite the dampness of my skin. “But do ye not see how verra small a thing is the notion of death, between us two, Claire?” he whispered. My hands curled into fists against his chest. No, I didn’t think it a small thing at all. “All the time after ye left me, after Culloden—I was dead then, was I not?” “I thought you were. That’s why I—oh.” I took a deep, tremulous breath, and he nodded. “Two hundred years from now, I shall most certainly be dead, Sassenach,” he said. He smiled crookedly. “Be it Indians, wild beasts, a plague, the hangman’s rope, or only the blessing of auld age—I will be dead.” “Yes.” “And while ye were there—in your own time—I was dead, no?” I nodded, wordless. Even now, I could look back and see the abyss of despair into which that parting had dropped me, and from which I had climbed, one painful inch at a time.Now I stood with him again upon the summit of life, and could not contemplate descent. He reached down and plucked a stalk of grass, spreading the soft green beards between his fingers. “ ‘Man is like the grass of the field,’ ” he quoted softly, brushing the slender stem over my knuckles, where they rested against his chest. “ ‘Today it blooms; tomorrow it withers and is cast into the oven.’ ” He lifted the silky green tuft to his lips and kissed it, then touched it gently to my mouth.
“I was dead, my Sassenach—and yet all that time, I loved you.”
I closed my eyes, feeling the tickle of the grass on my lips, light as the touch of sun and air. “I loved you, too,” I whispered. “I always will.” The grass fell away. Eyes still closed, I felt him lean toward me, and his mouth on mine, warm as sun, light as air.
“So long as my body lives, and yours—we are one flesh,” he whispered. His fingers touched me, hair and chin and neck and breast, and I breathed his breath and felt him solid under my hand. Then I lay with my head on his shoulder, the strength of him supporting me, the words deep and soft in his chest. “And when my body shall cease, my soul will still be yours. Claire—I swear by my hope of heaven, I will not be parted from you.”
The wind stirred the leaves of the chestnut trees nearby, and the scents of late summer rose up rich around us; pine and grass and strawberries, sun-warmed stone and cool water, and the sharp, musky smell of his body next to mine.
“Nothing is lost, Sassenach; only changed.”
“That’s the first law of thermodynamics,” I said, wiping my nose.
“No,” he said. “That’s faith.”
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saintbleeding · 1 year
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[ID: Comic of Jon and Martin from TMA, portraying part of their dialogue from MAG 154. Jon is a tall British-Indian man with long, curly hair and a beard, both of which are patchy due to facial scarring, and shot through with grey and white. He wears a partially-tucked business shirt and rectangular glasses, and his hair is tied in a messy bun. Martin is a short, fat, white man with neatly styled, desaturated ginger hair and very pale skin. He wears the waistcoat and trousers from an olive-green three-piece suit, and his sleeves are rolled up and tie loosened. The dialogue shown is the following:
ARCHIVIST: I think I’ve found a way for us to leave the Institute. MARTIN: O--kay? ARCHIVIST: Yeah... But it’s- it’s pretty drastic. MARTIN: What, you going to gouge your eyes out or something? (gets it) Fuck off.
Jon squeezes his hands together apprehensively, then slowly lowers them as they speak. Martin’s facial expressions are sardonically amused until the pause in his last line. As Jon tilts his head forward forebodingly, his eyes glowing dimly red in the low lighting, Martin’s face shows unconcealed shock and then perturbed affront when he says “fuck off”. The background is a dark, mottled green, and their dialogue is shown in two distinct fonts in pale teal. End ID.]
this week the general menace and also specialest boy in the world @hotdrinks introduced me to two very cool things: automatic drawing as a warmup/cool-down, and thinking about the physical circumstances during jmart’s 154 convo, and the combination thereof had me sort of sketching out my idea for the whole scene (which i may or may not ever actually do anything with). these few frames rly amused me so i expanded them and now i am laying it at ur feet and running away love and light xoxo
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orowyrm · 6 months
HEY I have a hermit crab (he's like 6-7 at this point so not a recent acquisition) and I'm always trying to think of things for him to do or play with because he’s awesome and I love him. Any ideas?
ANON THATS SO COOL! hermit crabs are awesome, and huge props to you keeping your little guy’s enrichment in mind!!! i have seen some people put larger hermits or other crabs (like fiddlers) in hamster balls for short periods of time in order to let them explore in relative safety…. i would go for one of the larger ones and keep a close eye on him but that could be fun!!
variety in diet is also a big thing people will do for their hermits. when i worked at a pet store, i used to love giving ours fresh chopped veggies fruit and nuts — but they can eat all sorts of additional things too! food items that won’t spoil right away (like dried fish or dried fruit) can be sprinkled around the enclosure or ‘hidden’ to give him a chance to put those foraging skills to good use. stuff like sterilized dry leaf litter (catappa/indian almond leaves are usually sold for fish or reptile setups, but they work good for these guys too! i’d just make sure to go for stuff intended for pets) or even live plants can make for good edible enrichment too! (i’d be very careful to make sure everything you use is safe for him to eat - i’ve seen people grow wheatgrass or other ‘cat grasses’ for anything from hamsters to birds to crabs so that might be a decent option. you could also look into what sort of leafy greens people find their hermits tend to like, and consider growing some sprouts for him!!)
they’re also avid climbers, so something like pieces of sturdy driftwood or cholla wood or even one of those rope climbing nets people will use for lizards could be fun — if it’s the latter, i’d just make sure it’s very tightly secured and that the substrate is thick + soft enough that if he does fall, he won’t hurt himself too much. don’t want any shell damage.
one thing i always love to do for enrichment with the various inverts i’ve kept over the years is actually one of the easiest things to do — just rearrange their tank every so often! turn around or flip over bits of rock or wood, switch out fake plants for some new ones, change the location of the food or water dishes, all kinds of stuff like that to keep their brain moving and keep them exploring!! it’s something we do for animals at work too, it’s a great way to provide novel stimuli without having to go too crazy.
i’ve honestly never had a hermit crab myself (i love em to death, but they usually like to have as much space as possible and i’m heavily limited for space rn. that and i’m hardly ever home lmao) so i’m just pulling from my general invert/aquatic crustacean knowledge, so take that with a few grains of salt. best of luck in your crabby enrichment endeavors though!!
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loife1m · 7 months
tysm for the ask, I was hoping someone would ask this! assuming this is for the ‘nosy’ ask game, imma answer what I can:
8: yep! I want to get a sun tattoo and if possible, a butterfly tattoo. both small tho. I really don’t think my parents would allow it but yeah.
10: yes again! my sister has piercings and I find them really cool. I want a second and third pair of piercings (emphasis on pair) I also know my parents will approve of this, since my sister got them, so this is more likely to happen.
15: well. for this, I really don’t know. it changes every two seconds, so I can’t answer this one properly. rn it’s encanto bc I rewatched it last week.
20: uhhhh random, but I’ll answer this one. what I hate most about myself is that I feel like my mind tries so hard to convince myself to be like other people and it’s hard bc I’m always contradicting myself on it. I know I’m unique and I know I should just be myself, but my mind always tries to convince myself that to be likeable, I should be like someone else. Uh yeah. An internal war basically.
24: it’s…fine ig. It’s not like they don’t love me, I know they do, but at times, they “unknowingly” do something that makes me upset. Sometimes my mom compares me to someone else my age group, thinking she’s encouraging me to do the same. In reality, it just discourages me more and then causes my internal war to continue. Some times when she has a bad day, she has a short temper where a normal mistake causes her to yell at me, and I’m an easy crier, so I cry. Then she yells at me even more for “crying at the littlest things” and makes me feel even more bad. Then the next day she’s completely normal and doesn’t apologise or anything, making me even more pissed.
27: lmfao Ik this is probably one of my mutuals curious abt lemon dude. He’s Indian, South Indian actually. A Malayali. But he knows Hindi, Malayalam and a little Tamil bc I taught him some. He’s relatively tall, has dark hair and brown eyes (typical ik) and is hygienic (HUGE GREEN FLAG GUYS) he’s calm and chill, kind actually, a little shy at the start (GREEN FLAGS GREEN FLAGS) and isn’t that popular. Nice guy overall.
if anyone was wondering, it’s this ask game! Ask me more questions please!
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the-smart-house · 16 hours
Where did the Indian Harry headcanon come from? I've seen it so much. I have no hate for it (I am half-indian myself) but I'm curious as to how it started. Is it because his hair is described as naturaly black and wild?
I agree with that (the hair struggle is so real) but most Indians do not have green eyes, certainly not bright green eyes (though I know it is posisble since my cousin has them, but he is half-white and his eyes are a duller green.) So where did it come from?
I think this HC is really cool and so is adding diversity to the seires but it's just a little odd that out of all races, people have chosen Indian.
(And funny how some people say he's full Indian on both family sides, but keep his sir name Potter, a very white surname. I guess it's just because it's so iconic. LOL)
Aagain, I mean absolutley no hate for anyone with this HC, but I'm just very curuios how this got started.
So far I've found this in my googling around:
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see-arcane · 1 year
You mentioned Penelosa's uglyness, and it reminded me of the fact that Jonathan never calls Mina's face beautiful or pretty, remarks her youth etc. In fact, one time he describes the aftermath on her face later that day. "She was very, very pale—almost ghastly, and so thin that her lips were drawn away, showing her teeth in somewhat of prominence."
Not only did he not feel repulsed, he stayed up the night after, just looking at her sleeping face ("Her lips are curved and her face beams with happiness..." Later-- "How strange it all is. I sat watching Mina’s happy sleep, and came as near to being happy myself as I suppose I shall ever be.") for hours until she woke up and looked at him in the eyes (to make him promise to keep silent).
WARNING: Spoilers for Arthur Conan Doyle's, "The Parasite" and a giant slab of text ahead.
The thing is, even in "The Parasite," we aren't explicitly told that Miss Penelosa is ugly--she's just immediately put in an unflattering light by the narration of the protagonist, Austin Gilroy. His first estimate of her, well before he lets her try mesmerism on him and gets the unpleasant mind control ball rolling, is:
Any one less like my idea of a West Indian could not be imagined. She was a small, frail creature, well over forty, I should say, with a pale, peaky face, and hair of a very light shade of chestnut. Her presence was insignificant and her manner retiring. In any group of ten women she would have been the last whom one would have picked out. Her eyes were perhaps her most remarkable, and also, I am compelled to say, her least pleasant, feature. They were gray in color, — gray with a shade of green, — and their expression struck me as being decidedly furtive. I wonder if furtive is the word, or should I have said fierce? On second thoughts, feline would have expressed it better. A crutch leaning against the wall told me what was painfully evident when she rose: that one of her legs was crippled.
I was worried even before this that Gilroy would have something to throw in about race, as she's written as being from Trinidad--apparently where the party's host, Prof. Wilson's, wife is also from. The only saving grace*** is that apparently neither Gilroy (nor ACD) felt the need to add explicit racial themes to her being ~visually unpleasant~
An unpleasantness that, to Gilroy, seemingly centers only on her being over 40, a little plain, having a bad leg, and cool-ominous eyes. That's it. The horror of it all. (eyes rolling out of my head)
When compared with the kind of descriptions we get for certain male characters in horror literature, ala Edward Hyde's innate rancid vibes, Erik the Opera Ghost's outright decayed-corpse-bad looks, and Dracula just sweating Instant Dread (c) wherever he goes so that it sends everyone into an uneasy panic? It kind of just looks like ACD wrote a character with some shitty opinions about women who don't exist in the Pretty Perfect Maiden demographic on purpose, the better to have a narrative payoff when Penelosa starts making her legitimately creepy puppet master come-ons and acts of increasingly dangerous vengeance.
Doyle invented Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, two of the most forward-minded characters in literature to ever come out of that era. Along with all the extremely varied characters they help and/or cast icy side-eyes at for being the exact type of haughty prick Gilroy is being before Penelosa pulls the rug out from under him.
This is in addition to Penelosa never really being shown such disdain or disregard by any of the other characters. Mrs. Wilson, for the millisecond of screen time she gets, is obviously still a close friend from their history in Trinidad. Prof. Wilson is too enamored with the potential of her gifts when it comes to his own studies to even remember she has any looks to notice. Gilroy's fiancée, Agatha, is likewise thrilled at her talent and the honor of being tapped to demonstrate it at the party and never makes a sour comment about her.
Well before the villainy kicked in, Gilroy is shown to be the only one being an ass (at least internally) about Penelosa's appearance. Although, we do get some choice words from him later as she starts dancing him along to her whims. Such as:
 I am for the moment at the beck and call of this creature with the crutch. I must come when she wills it. I must do as she wills. Worst of all, I must feel as she wills. I loathe her and fear her, yet, while I am under the spell, she can doubtless make me love her.
He really cannot help mentioning the crutch. Calling back specifically to her physical condition, rather than just sitting with the already-terrifying prospect that is 'This stranger has decided they want me as a lover. I am already in love, already in a relationship, but they have such total control over me that they can walk me along like a doll against my will. This stranger can force me to do anything and I cannot stop them.' In classic literature terms, just as the situation with Dracula and Mina was, it's all but setting up a neon sign declaring, This is the beginnings of enslavement. This is violation waiting to happen. If something is not done, this could very well end with rape.
But no! Got to mention she's handicapped first! An over-40-years-old creature of a woman! Icky!
Meanwhile, here comes Mr. Jonathan Harker.
Mr. Gets a Good Grade in Sweet Young Man Wherever He Goes.
Mr. Holiest Love.
Mr. Would Rather Die Than Join the Sexy Vampire Ladies in Eternal Bloody Undead Harem Hijinks in the Castle.
Mr. I Will Fight God and the Devil and Turn My Blade on My Own Friends Before I Let Mina Be Slain, Even For the "Greater Good."
Mr. She Will Not Go into that Unknown and Terrible Land Alone.
Jonathan Harker and any kind of 'othering' are not on speaking terms. Not before, and certainly not after, being willing to send himself to Hell to protect and/or join Mina in undeath as a monster. He's made of unconditional love for his wife, on top of being a reflexively polite and friendly golden retriever of a man as a rule, and, as you said, never refers to Mina's beauty as one of her attractive traits. He reserves that just for points of her character. He makes out with her in front of their friends when she successfully figures out Dracula's escape route using her sexy sexy wits. He can admit when she's looking ghastly from suffering the ill effects of the whole mess, plus Dracula's bullshit. It never dents his love for her any more than his illness spoiled him in her eyes. The Harkers don't play like that.
Jonathan especially would have no shitty ageist or ableist commentary to make about Penelosa and would, I'd think, be one of the few people--and likely one of the first men--to be outright gentlemanly toward her, simply because that's just how he is. This combination of general kindness, his all-encompassing devotion to the One He Loves, and the implied notes throughout Dracula that he can swing wildly between lash-batting winsome damsel-gentleman and burning-eyed robust berserker cryptid powered by love is the kind of thing that would be catnip to plenty of lonely hearts.
And, unfortunately, is the very thing that would get Miss Penelosa to switch gears from dragging along Gilroy as a victim of opportunity and turning towards the Romance Lottery Jackpot that is Mr. Harker. She wouldn't even have to use her mesmerism hooks on him to have him be cordial and engaging! Imagine that! This is the same guy who got Count Dracula running on tangents about himself for whole nights at a time (and likely saved his neck for Far Longer than he'd have gotten away with if he were to get Gilroy about it).
Jonathan is--like Mina--very good at getting people to open up about themselves and their stories. He'd legit be casually charming and friendly Just Because, never registering Penelosa's looks however good bad or plain they are. Up until things took the inevitable Oh Shit turn, he'd really think he was just making another friend, never batting an eye about Penelosa's appearance, period.
(Something something, 'This person I'm attracted to was nice to me! I Have Decided We Are Soulmates and I Am Going to Keep Them.' taken to nightmare extremes.)
((I'm sure Mina will take all of this well. :^) ))
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via-l0ve · 9 months
hii can i please request a 🎃for spn? Thanks!!
So im 5 foot (and a half inch 😭), dark brown eyes and hair (2c wavy its not long but its not medium either) big eyes, babyface so im percieved as cute, i'm a bit tan, skinny, strawberry legs, ear piercings (2 imma get another one soon hehehe) and uhh yeah thats it for physical
Now personality, bubbly, caring,kind,sweet, ambivert, sensitive, hate conflicts, very lovergirl vibe, sunshine in human form with a little bit of chaos sprinkled in there as concluded by my friends, softspoken, think before speaking (overthinking tbh), i love dancing (ive learned kathak a little and can do other dance forms easily too like contemp., freestyle, bollywood, salsa and folk dances from india), reading books, sketching, photography, watching bollywood movies, dressing up (especially in traditional wear) id describe my aesthetic as very cottagecore + coquette+ softcore+ desi glam like cutesy clothes (but sometimes i do be feeling like a baddie)
My fave artists are lana del rey, abba, phoebe bridgers, hozier, green day, boygenius, sufjan stevens, mazzy star, marina, red hot chili peppers, sharon van etten, cigs after sex, arctic monkeys, the cranberries. And some hindi music artists.
Im fluent in 2 languages and can understand and speak broken urdu, sanskrit and punjabi
My fave seasons are fall, summer and spring, im an aquarius and bisexual, eldest daughter, desi (indian) im a chai person, hate coffee and street food is my absolute reason for living, im really into fashion and wanna be a fashion stylist
Ok idk what else to say 😭
hope you enjoy this mashup darling!!!
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I ship you with Sam Winchester!
PLEASEEE he will beg you to speak in your languages and maybe even teach him some! he will religiously listen to Cigs after sex, red hot chilli peppers and Arctic monkeys with you. please annoy dean together he will have the time of his life.
he would love to meet your family and younger siblings. he treats them as his own family and loves it so much!!
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Can I get a fic/headcannon friends to lovers with gareth and a chubby!reader that's super confident and they wear punk/grunge who's new to the school? :>
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Gareth x Chubby!Gn!Reader
A/n: thank you so much for this request they help a lot with writers block and i really love Gareth so it's like a winwin.
Warnings: slight angst, bad talking about reader, violence, blood, They/Them pronouns
Word Count: 1.4K
Stranger things Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You had moved towns your family wanted a fresh start in the ‘cute’ little suburbs that would be considered Hawkins Indian. It was quiet and not much happened there aside from a false death of some kid and some freak accident at some mall in town but despite all that, your parents still moved to Hawkins. You had spent time and effort into your outfit your favorite boots with black skinny jeans adorned with patches and paint that hugged your thick thighs nicely. and your top hugged you nicely the arms had been cut off. Word around the school had been that there was a new kid. Dressed in dark denim you were a sight to behold confidence was obvious in the way you walked, you really didn't care how other people felt about how you looked you were comfortable with yourself. That's all that mattered. Eyes were on you as you tried to make your way to your locker leather jacket in your hands. A blonde boy in a green Letterman jacket was blocking your locker, leaning against it. You were determined to get to your first class on time. “Excuse me that's my locker,” you said trying to at least be nice and not start anything on the first day. the blonde looked you up and down a frown adorning his face, “look what we have here another freak, what have eddies cult already got to you” he says one of the other boys he was talking to also starting to laugh at his comment. you look at your watch then back up at the blonde with eyebrows raised “What's your Name?” “Jason C-” “Right Jason I really don't care about your name. But whatever little bullshit your talking about I don’t care I just wanna get to my locker,” you say with a hand on his chest pushing him back. “You don't kin who your messing with” Jason tries to say menacingly “You don't know who you're messing with now run along,” you say making a shoo motion as he leaves slightly embarrassed by some of the people snickering at him. You finally get your stuff and leave to find your first class going in and talking to the teacher about where you can sit in the classroom while you're sitting at the lab station in your science class. You see a brown head of curls sit down in front of you with a flannel cut-off adorned with pins out of the corner of your eye. You can feel his eyes on you. You look up and wave at him “hi I'm Y/n L/n,” you say with a smile. “Oh uh I'm Gareth Emerson,” he says back kinda nervous. “Gareth cool I like your shirt” he was wearing an Iron Maiden tee. “Oh thanks, I saw what happened in the hall,” he says pulling out his notebook “Oh with Jason! what's his deal anyway?” You say also pulling out your stuff for class “He's got this thing against like Eddie and our group thinks we're in some type of cult cause we play like DND and listen to metal, you know the typical stuff,” you nod with understanding as the teacher started. Halfway through the class, you see a paper slipped next to you. ‘wanna sit with me and my friends during lunch’ You read the paper and think about it, really his offer sounds better than sitting alone in the library or some other spot alone in the school. When lunch comes around Gareth finds you at your locker and waits for you to finish switching books out. “so what got you to Hawkin's, “ he says gripping the strap of his backpack” “My parents wanted a change so they packed up everything and went they were moving to Indiana,” he nods in understanding. “Anyway, I'm not mad it seems like not everything here is bad,” you say smiling at him Gareth's face felt warm as he looked away quickly hoping you didn't notice. As you guys entered the cafeteria, Gareth went threw the lunch line with you and grabbed a Dr.Pepper, and walked you to the table with his friends. “Hellfire This is Y/n,” Give a wave and find a spot to sit at the table the spot next to Gareth had already taken, the longer-haired brunette at the top of the table looked at you narrowing his eyes a bit. “Your the one who told Carver off this morning,” Eddie says a smile stretching across his face he reaches his hand enthusiastically across the table to shake yours, “Eddie Munson�� “oh so you're the cultist,” you say “yes welcome to the cult,” Eddie says jokingly You eventually get to learn everyone's names maybe your junior year wouldn't be too bad. A few months later close to winter break you were walking to your locker to meet Gareth before lunch this was typically the routine it was a small moment between the two of you. As you get closer to the locker you hear shouting and you push closer threw the crowd to see Gareth and one of Jason's lackies Andy trying to take swings at each other. You weren't expecting Gareth to knee Andy and for him to get on top of him and start getting hits on Andy. It gets to the point where Andy is starting to bruise up pretty bad sporting a black eye. It takes you a minute to snap out of the initial shock, Gareth was hot-headed that was a surprise to no one but he typically could get it under control but you’re unsure what happened as you rush over to try and pull Gareth off the basketball player “Gareth! What the Fuck!” you say grabbing Gareth as Andy’s friends help him up you could tell Gareth's face was wet with tears. “Don't fucking talk about them again!” Gareth yells struggling in your grasp. You pulled the curly-haired boy into a hallway with barely any people in it Gareth wasn't too bruised up with a slight bruise on his cheek and a busted lip you sat him down in the hallway away from everyone “hey what was that back there” Gareth wasn't making eye contact with you avoiding it looking down at his ringed hands. you grab his face gently turning his face to see if it was any worse than what you had seen pulling him away. It thankfully wasn't but it forced him to look at you. he let out a sigh “he was talking shit about you okay?” “Gareth you know I don't give a shit what other people have to say about me, right? I don't let it bother me” “I wasn't gonna just let him talk about you like that okay” Gareth said frustrated “What did he say,” you say softly “He said stuff about you being how easy you were and how you were a quick fuck and-” “Gareth you don't have to defend me from that douche I can fight my own battles-” you say interrupting him ”I'm in love with you okay?! I'm not just gonna let them say all that shit and let them treat you any worse than they already do, I care too much and I don't even know if you feel the-” he raises his voice running a hand threw his hair tears still running down his face. “You're in love with me?” you say shocked. He pauses for a second. “I mean yeah,” he says looking down at his fidgeting hands slightly embarrassed by his outburst. You had liked Gareth for a long time the crush you had developed and the close friendship you guys had created in the past 2 months had made you fall in love with him. “Gareth can you look at me” he hesitates but does and you put your hand on his cheek and kiss his lips. Gareth's eyes fluttering closed and too soon for him, you pull away to look at him. “To think I was waiting for the right time to say something” you chuckle “thank you,” you breathe face still close to his. Gareth starts to laugh at your comment “Jesus, this is embarrassing,” “what about it is embarrassing,” you say joining in in his laughter “The fact that you probably got my blood in your mouth,” he said “Yeah I'm trying not to think too much about it” you get up reaching a hand out for him to take. “let go fix you up”
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Group E Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Mini Kapoor-Lopez, an Indian girl with short brown hair, brown eyes, and gold-colored cat eye glasses. she's wearing a light purple shirt with a darker purple shirt underneath. she's carrying a camping backpack, bedroll, water bottle, and rope. the second image is of Maki, a boy with medium length gray hair. his left eye is red, and his right eye is green. he's wearing a yellow and white jacket with a hood, and an orange shirt underneath. end ID]
Mini Kapoor-Lopez
Smart. Demigod. Glasses. Underrated fave
When he first showed up in episode 15, I gasped. He instantly became my special boy. He was interesting, complex, unique, kinda a brat, and could blow shit up. I loved him. Then he was killed in THE NEXT EPISODE. THE N E X T E P I S O D E. He had so much potential as a character!!!!! and his ability was fuckin COOL!!!! stuff he touched would blow up on command!! he kept rocks in his pocket to throw like grenades!!! that's fuckin SICK!!!! and then he just dies! what bullshit. it's been like 10 years since i watched Darker than Black and i'm STILL pissed. justice for Maki
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inthememetime · 2 years
It is disability awareness month, and because of this and the fact I, too, am disabled, I've decided to go with a trope that's tricky to write without being offensive.
That's right.
Body Horror
Here are the questions we'll cover today: What is body horror? What makes this trope go from an excellent horror device to an offensive abelist stereotype if not done correctly? How do we avoid being offensive? When is it most effective to use body horror?
It's all tricky; and sometimes, as with any time you're writing about a character's body, there's no way to avoid being offensive. But that doesn't mean we can't do our best!
Body Horror is basically a trope where someone goes through negative physical changes. See where this can get really offensive to disabled people really quick?
Things to avoid in body horror:
If your body horror is somebody in a wheelchair, you're not writjng body horror. You're being abelist.
If your body horror is scarring, again, you're being abelist.
Skin color changes to natural colors. Yes, I have seen body horror played like this before. Unless the skin color is changing to something unnatural, or growing massive scales, or similar, you're not writing body horror. You're being racist.
If your body horror involves somebody wearing/using oxygen, or- look. In general, if your body horror is what a disabled person goes through every day? You're either mislabeling your work, or you're abelist.
Things you should use in body horror:
Open wounds! Pus! Blood! Acid! Boils! Go for it! But please do not compare it to what a disabled person goes through. It should be in a context of"wow this is so terrible, this person is constantly oozing bright green blood and spores and stuff, or just looks like a walking corpse", NOT "wow this is so terrible, this person has bad acne, or wounds that need to be debrided regularly."
Eyes! No eyes, more than a normal number amount of eyes, weird pupils, glow, black pits where eyes once were, tears of blood- go for it! Have fun with the messed up eyes! (If your body horror consists only of cataracts, again, you're being abelist and ageist, not scary.)
Horns, scales, hooves, claws, messed up teeth- yay! Again, have fun! Go for it!
Hair- eh. It's tricky, hair loss. You can definitely use it, just be mindful that you don't portray ALL your evil characters/monsters as going through hair loss. Extra hair, though, can be fun!
A not normal number of limbs- does your OC develop 6 arms? Do they turn blue? Do you maybe need to look up deities in Indian mythology before writing something offensive? That aside: extra arms, legs, heads, wings, organs- usually pretty cool! If your body horror is someone is an amputee (no matter how many limbs they've lost), it's abelism.
With all the examples above, it's less what you write, and more how you write it. Let's use the monsters from I Am Legend. As part of a horrific virus, their skin bleaches out (turning to another natural color), experience full body hair loss, and temperature changes.
If it had focused on just one monster, that could've become a horrible racist and ableist thing very quickly. However, it's not. The body horror is a secondary thing to the very real and present horrors of isolation, constant vigilance, and violence.
In The Thing (something that helped really get the genre rolling), it's VERY effective body horror. It combines the terror of what this thing is becoming with isolation, distrust, fear.
In Teeth, the main character has what could be called a disability. However, she learns to use it, gets revenge, and likes having it at the end. In that, it's not ableist, any more than somebody learning how to use their crutches and finally being able to get around is. (Hint: not at all)
Now, body horror can also be played for laughs, like in Danny Phantom. Danny turns his lower chest into a giant ring of oozing ectoplasm to avoid a projectile. He gets cut in half and has a delayed reaction. In the phandom, there's tons of body horror chalked up to Danny being Danny, or 'Body Horror, but guys this is DP'.
The difference between these four is the atmosphere. And this is when it is most/least effective to use body horror:
Combined with fears of others/distrust
Combined with isolation/ can't get help
Unexpected- nobody knew this would happen, least of all the victims
A way for the change(s) to be useful, or even beneficial.
The victim liking the changes/thinking they're cool/using them to escape danger.
Changes in power dynamics. For example, if you have a victim of something, held against their will, then physical changes that enable them to get away and turn the tables on their captors might not be body horror to them. Better believe it's horrifying to the captor!
I hope this helps, if you needed it! And remember: the leas human/more horrifying the changes are, the less likely it is to be abelist.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Wedding Dress Post!!
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Bloom really likes the childhood fairytale princess aesthetic, and weird texture in her outfits so I tried to stick with that's. With a little reference to her Enchantix thrown in, because how could I not. The first and third ones are the ones that give me the most fairytale princess, so I think Bloom would lean towards them.
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Stella has never been nomral about clothes once in her life, why would she start now? Also yes, all of these dresses are from bridal collections. Fashion designers are catering to the incredibly dramatic audience. I think Stella would pick the third dress, ya know, for the drama.
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Despite being the only one who hasn't been changed into a princess, Flora is the most devoted to the princess aesthetic. So I had to stay true to that, the second and fourth one are the ones she'd probably pick. They give me the most flower princess.
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Local Diva, does her diva thing. I do think Tecna would wear a dress, because she seems to enjoy wearing dresses to celebrations, though she would quickly change into a suit after the wedding. The third one was just me referencing the vibes of her s2 party dress, I think the first and fourth one fit her vibe the best. The first one bc it has a blazer and that just looks cool, the fourth one bc it's so diva.
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These are all modified modern traditional wedding dresses, as I don't think Musa would ever go completely Traditional but I also can't see her going completely modern. So I tried to find a balance, plus her first formal outfit was a modified traditional outfit. It fits. The second and fourth ones are the ones I think Musa would like the most. There both slightly more on the traditional side, but that's usually where Musa's dress fashion sense seems to err.
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Nabu is Indian coded so I thought it would make sense to add indian dresses along side some western ones. The first and second one match Aisha's vibes the best to me. The first one looks a bit like a mermaid tail at the top and the second one looks princess-y to me (just pretend it's green).
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Diaspro's wedding, or more accurately, Diaspro's unfriendly reminder that it's her world, your just living in it. I picked only elegant statement pieces here, nothing truly out there like Stella but also eye-catching. The first two are the ones I think Dia would like the most, they have an odd design but still have the factor of a big ass train.
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I think Mirta would go simple, nothing too crazy or out there, but still cute. I like the second one the most for Mirta, best of both worlds.
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I went with two distinctive styles for Daphne, one for before the Ancestral Witches and one for after. I feel like Daphne would tone down her sense of fashion after every that's happened and that she's lost into a simpler style, compared to before when she'd fill up a room with sheer personality alone. Daphne would likely pick the first or third one, they're both very classic.
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Chimera is literally only on here so I could have an excuse to post bridal Lolita gowns :))) Look at how cute these are!!!!
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fluffygreenkoala · 1 year
Avatar: The Way of water Fic head canons (Aonung x Original Female character)
• A ship from Earth arrives at Hell's Gate, and inside is a sixteen years old girl... Max's daughter.
• Long story short, Max married a fellow doctor (pediatrician) some years before departing from Earth although they were engaged for a long time. Due to our planet's decaying stability, various natural catastrophes took place, one of them a horrible earthquake who left very few survivors, one child. The one Max and Philip adopted when she was two (bureaucracy, yikes) and raised as their own.
• Shanti (Peace in Hindi) is of Irish birth, but growing up with Indian and American fathers acquired some of their customs and sayings as well. Her birth last name is Healy, which her fathers let her keep along with Max's (Philip doesn't like his, so to respect his wishes I'm not going to share it). He was more than happy when he proposed to Max because it meant changing his family name - and marrying, of course.
• She calls Philip Dad and Max "Paapa" (Dad in Hindi)
• Philip calls her sweetling, Max calls her "chhote phool" (small flower in Hindi)
• Shanti has long, wavy ✨light✨ brown hair she keeps in low ponytail/braid depending on the day and clear green eyes, isn't tall as a tree but she's lithe and athletic, has good coordination and quick thinking.
• She's a kind, gentle girl who likes to learn, loves to dance (specializes in Kathak, Odissi and Irish riverdance) and would like to become a doctor and veterinarian, drawing inspiration from her fathers' work.
• Shanti was also born deaf, so she uses sign language to communicate and can read people's lips. She can talk but is unsure of how she sounds; she likes and can sing though, via touch and contact with someone's skin she's able to make out the rhythm of a song and sing along to it through the vibrations in the person's bones.
• Of course Max is distraught about his husband's death, but he's happy and overjoyed to have his daughter there.
• She quickly proves herself a trustworthy and reliable ally, helping out in Awa'atlu and learning all she can of medicine from Max, Norm *and* Ronal, wanting to be able to assist the Na'vi that gave her a roof - because as soon as she befriended the teens' gang, she was one of the people.
• She immediately learned the Metkayina sign language and from then on it was BOOM, we're adopting this cool soft-hearted girlie.
• Since she's constantly in Awa'atlu to see her friends and have study sessions with Ronal and Tsireya, she was given her own pod which Kiri, Tuk and Tsireya helped her embellish.
• Upon having to demonstrate what human dances are like to a curious Tsireya, Shanti performed a Kathak piece with the help of a violin-holding Norm and everyone's jaws dropped. Humans are able to create pretty things after all. Lo'ak swears that during the performance Aonung straight up stopped breathing, but there was no recording... that we know of.
• At first Shanti and Aonung share an awkward, shy friendship, that then turns into a full-on camaraderie and "Have you seen my son?" "Ask Shantee". It blossoms into love last, but it's so gradual that all those around them know and feel it developing (and the two are also aware but plagued by "What if she doesn't feel the same?" and "What if he can't be with a human girl?/What if my being human is too much of a sorrow on him?"
• Eventually they do get formally engaged with both Tonowari and Ronal's blessing other than Max's, who are happy to see their children happy with someone who respects and values them
• Shanti teaches Aonung to recognize edible plants on other Pandora regions and makes him food bags for hunts, while he teaches her to breathe underwater so her exopacket lasts longer as she's there - he also shows her nice places he discovered as he went here and there on his little adventures.
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allthemadmen · 8 months
I went to Staten Island, Sharon To buy myself a mandolin And I saw the long white dress of love On a storefront mannequin Big boat chugging back with a belly full of cars All for something lacy Some girl's gonna see that dress And crave that day like crazy Little Indian kids on a bridge up in Canada They can balance and they can climb Like their fathers before them They'll walk the girders of the Manhattan skyline Shine your light on me, Miss Liberty Because as soon as this ferry boat docks I'm headed to the church to play bingo Fleece me with the gamblers' flocks I can keep my cool at poker But I'm a fool when love's at stake Because I can't conceal emotion What I'm feelings always written on my face There's a gypsy down on Bleeker Street I went in to see her as a kind of joke And she lit a candle for my love luck And eighteen bucks went up in smoke Sharon, I left my man at a North Dakota junction And I came out to the Big Apple here To face the dream's malfunction Love's a repetitious danger You'd think I'd be accustomed to Well I do Accept the changes At least better than I used to do A woman I knew just drowned herself The well was deep and muddy She was just shaking off futility Or punishing somebody My friends were calling up all day yesterday All emotions and abstractions It seems we all live so close to that line And so far from satisfaction Dora says "Have children" Mama and Betsy say "Find yourself a charity" Help the needy and the crippled Or put some time into ecology Well, there's a wide, wide world of noble causes And lovely landscapes to discover But all I really want to do right now Is find another lover When we were kids in Maidstone, Sharon I went to every wedding in that little town To see the tears and the kisses And the pretty lady in the white lace wedding gown And walking home on the railroad tracks Or swinging on the playground swing Love stimulated my illusions More than anything And when I went skating after Golden Reggie You know it was white lace I was chasing Chasing dreams Mama's nylons underneath my cowgirl jeans He showed me first you get the kisses And then you get the tears But the ceremony of the bells and lace Still veils this reckless fool here Now there are twenty-nine skaters on Wolmann Rink Circling in singles and in pairs In this vigorous anonymity A blank face at the window stares, and stares, and stares, and stares, and stares And the power of reason And the flowers of deep feelings Seem to serve me Only to deceive me Sharon, you've got a husband And a family and a farm I've got the apple of temptation And a diamond snake around my arm But you still have your music And I've still got my eyes on the land and the sky You sing for your friends and your family I'll walk green pastures by and by
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jinx-the-hunter25 · 6 months
(He's tall and friendly)
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Muno has a full family (mom, dad, older sister, and baby brother)
- He's the middle child
He's such a good brother -seriously, he very brotherly to Brobee, same goes with little brother
-Also, he's a great babysitter, as he in one episode took care two warm babies
- And also in another episode, he was on ethe first of the gang to hold a baby oskie bug +(Muno holds the babies proudly and gently)
+Something tells me he's going to be a great dad in the future
He is very clumsy; always seems to trip on his own feet, but could this be do to his blindness?
- In one episode, he was given glasses, but soon change to an eye contact (I'm still salty about that sandwich bat that made fun of him in that episode, Muno should've turned them into toast)
Muno has said that he really likes noodles, and his mom has said she like Chinese noodles 🤔
+ Are noodles food traditional to cyclops culture or just something they just like 🤔
Let get to another chase, He's a cyclops, apart from his family, we have seen other cyclopes- his iterations
*Cyclopsis and Cyclopfenstein are well known Aquabats villains aka Muno before muno
*Though, things brings my take, are these possible family members 🤔
+ Cyclopsis is shown with green horns and green tuffs on his wrist --> Muno's dad has green hair and green moustache 🤔
0 Will Muno have horns and some green on him when he's older?
0 Does Muno like like Foofa 🤭
Just for the funny, but their hair genetics is everywhere, Cheebo(Muno's older sister) has blonde hair, mom's hair is blueish black, dads hair is green, Gogo appears to be having black hair, and Muno is bald (for now I suppose)
Muno's family adopted Brobee (little headcannon there, but I'll explain more in Brobees analysis)
* Muno was Brobees first(Birthday episode), has known Brobee as a baby, when he was perhaps still a toddler
0 Muno is a Micheal Jackson fan- a great dancer and vocal talented
0 Muno land is a hot/summer area of Gabba land ----> Does he have any fire abilities, could he secretly be a fire bender 🤯 PRINCE ZUKO 🤯
* He seems to like cowboys given he's dressed up as one in two episode ( Halloween and Dress up)
* The wiki states he's 10, but dang is the guy so tall 🤣
- He also seems to like mimes
+ Muno doesn't like the dark nor being alone( in one episode the light went out and he was just so scared, and in the episode Sleep, he was having trouble sleeping)
+ Muno land has a secret layer( seen twice, first in Adventure aka Indiana Jone- and then in Super spies) ---> the layer apparently leads to a temple
* Muno seems to be an Indian Jones fans, even got be him(parody but still)
- Muno also seem to have a love for superheroes, even got to be one himself
0 Lemonade is not for him, had some once and it made his pupil shrivel
Main character status, he's so cool, He's tall and friendly
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