#granted i have no idea if i'm just a better liar than i think i am or if she's just that oblivious
pigfromchino · 10 months
since my mom has some trauma from being ex-mormon and ex-nazarene and there have been a lot of issues between us both in some held-onto beliefs and triggers, i've not been wanting to tell her explicitly that i'm converting until i'm able to move out and have a bit of stability and a better sense of safety
i do still want to be at least slightly open about this and sort of sneakily educate may family for the better so i've been using the "my friend" rule to talk abt my studies and its working hilariously well lmao
#granted i have no idea if i'm just a better liar than i think i am or if she's just that oblivious#i mean i did this before i came out as trans and i got hit with “if you said anything earlier i would have believed you :/”#and then she straight up refused to believe me for 3 years. during which i was comlpetely out to her and the rest of the family lmaoo#so theres a lot of ways this could go#also it'll be easier to actually go about the conversion process if i have my own kitchen and am not stuck in a teensy 3person split level#idk#i would also be safer in general once i'm able to get out-of-state bc as ive mentioned a few times before my extended family fully believes#-theyre the hillbilly mafia#i am literally named after my gay uncle who they brutally murdered & got way with it bc we have relatives in the wisco courts and a few cop#it was ruled an accidental suicide by auto-erotic asphyxiation and my granma told everybody he was in a motorcycle accident#he was covered in bruises and broken bones! the end of the rope was outside the room!#sorry i know that's triggering im just really anxious abt the whole deal#esp since when i came out as trans to them i got very underhanded deah threats for like a year (i was 15)#so i really DO NOT feel safe#my mom isn't like that and she loved my uncle but she's a sucker for the family and very easily manipulated#so i cant be sure she wouldn't tell them without my knowledge just out of guilt and traumatised co-dependancy#also i have an aunt and and unle who're avid collectors of Some Not Great Shit#like indigenous stuff and ww2 memorabilia#fuck i should tag all this#antisemitism tw#abuse tw#religious abuse#murder tw#homophobia tw#sorry abt the overshare i just gotta get it outta my head#but yeah the lifestyle freedom id have as well is gonna be a bigger plus. my own kitchen and safety from having to explain the cultural dif#theyve not spoken to us in a few years so i think (?) its not too much to worry abt now at least#im just paranoid lmao#rn since i live like 2hrs away from the nearest synagogue im just stuck doing some self study anyways#i found a few union 2nd shift jobs for good money i can apply to soon so im good there. i just gotta get my car situation worked out first
0 notes
barleyo · 26 days
Daddy's Girl.
Step Dad! Leon Kennedy X F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: Don't like? Don't read! Either way, READ THE TAGS. I'm starting to get pretty weird on this blog, so expect more stuff like this! A girl has to feed her fetishes, so feel free to tag along with me and enjoy what my sick little mind thinks up. Thanks for reading!
Tags: stepcest, step-dad/step-daughter relationship, cream pie, daddy issues, use of "baby girl" and "daddy's girl," daddy kink, oral sex (f receiving), swearing, infidelity, p in v, cream pie, unprotected sex, LARGE AGE GAP (legal), 2nd person POV
Word count: 2.1k
As far as your mother was concerned, your father was worth less than the sum of his parts. He was fleeting idea, a mere concept in both of your lives ever since you could remember. Sure, you remembered a few odd Christmases with a surplus of gifts, all tagged "from Daddy," and a few daddy-daughter dates here and there, but that wasn't enough to make up for his true absence. 
It wasn't a surprise when your mom eventually left him, scooping you up with her. Just you and her, and the rare postcard that your sperm-donor decided to ship off once a year or so. It was good enough then when it was just you two finding your way in the world, but it went downhill when your mom found a new boy toy. 
He wasn't a bad guy, by any means. Wasn't pushy, didn't make you call him "dad" or try to impose his will onto you, but his presence made the absence of your real father that much more obvious. You tried to ignore him for the most part, letting your mom have her little relationship with him to tide her over. 
But then they got married. Leon became a more permanent fixture. That was no bueno. 
You toughened it out, being cordial with him until you finally hit that mark of independence: sweet, sweet 18! The big one-eight, your ticket to freedom! 
Everything was planned out for your big day. Mom and Leon made a cake, presents were given, and all birthday wishes granted, except for one. What you really wanted, was for your dad to show up for just this one day, just this once, to have him and not just his money. 
You could never get that lucky, though, and that thought was cemented in your head when you found yourself waiting for him outside of your house. The driveway was empty, not even your mom's car was out there, she still had to head off to work. The world couldn't pause for a birthday girl, it seemed.
Stepping back inside to the house, you slammed the door behind you, practically throwing yourself onto the leather couch in the living room. The tears started faster than you could contain them, and quite honestly, you didn't want to contain them. It was your party, damn it, and you would cry if you wanted to!
"You okay, kid? I heard the door-"
Fuck. Him.
Leon's heavy footsteps made their way down the stairs, leading to his place in front of you. "(Y/N), are you crying?"
You sucked back a breath of air, steadying yourself as much as you could before speaking. 
"No, 'm not, just-- go, just leave me alone." You let your face drop into your hands, staining your sleeves with tears.
Leon, being just the right amount of pushy, took a steps next to you a placed his hand on your shoulder. "Can we talk about it? I mean, I probably know what it is, but we could- you could say whatever you need to say." His face cringed a bit at his own words, feeling like he was already fucking this up. "No judgement."
You kept your face covered but obliged, knowing that talking about it, even with Leon, would make you feel a little better.
"My dad isn't here. He's been promising for weeks that he'd show, but he isn't here."
Your step-dad bit his lip trying to figure out how to make you feel better. He knew you weren't exactly fond of him, but he felt a twinge of responsibility.
"Fuck 'em," Leon finally decided on. "He's a liar and you don't need him. So, fuck 'em. Why would you want a deadbeat to bring you down on your special day?" 
"Because, he's my dad," you said, like it was the most obvious thing. He was right, of course, but the absence still hurt you.
"No dad would stand up a sweet girl like you on her birthday. You only turn 18 once. A real dad wouldn't miss a birthday this monumental for anything. What's he worth, if he can't keep to his word?"
"I guess nothing." You sat up straighter, trying to make yourself calm down. "D'ya think it's, like, my fault? Why doesn't he want to see me?"
He suddenly got really serious, making his grip on your shoulder firm.
"Not at all. You are a wonderful girl. Your mom thinks so, and so do I. You are brilliantly smart, kind, responsible, sweet, gorgeous-- you're perfect and if that scumbag can't see that, then he's beyond saving." 
He loosened his grip, letting his hand fall down to your lap, a bit close to the crotch of your jeans. You didn't look down, trying to convince yourself it was an accident, but he didn't move his hand either.
His other hand came up to your face, holding your cheek and to your own surprise, you leaned into his hand. His big, calloused, confronting hand.
Fuck him.
Something snapped in you when he leaned in for a kiss. God, it was wrong, so wrong, but you were so conflicted. Is this what a father's love really felt like? Hell if you knew, this was close enough in your book.
"Hmph-! Leon..." You pulled away from the kiss, wiping at your mouth roughly to get rid of the salvia strings connecting the both of you. "This is wrong, this isn't okay, my mom-"
"Is not here." 
He placed another kiss on your lips, this one chaste and sweet, so unlike the passionate one you shared before. 
"Just you and me. I know your dad isn't here, but I am. Let me make up for him, baby." His whispers pricked goosebumps over your body, lighting a fire deep in you. "Let daddy love you. Can I show you?"
His big hand looked nearly comical resting against the small button of your jeans, pawing desperately at them. So, so, so wrong. So fucked up, so not okay, so....
"Yes," you said breathily. "Okay, I-I want you to show me. Just be careful please, 'cause.." you trailed off a bit, feeling the pop of your pants opening. 
Leon yanked them down, tossing them away quickly. "Fuck, that's good," he said, pressing his tongue flatly on your mound through your panties. 
The fabric slowly grew a wet patch that clung to you, getting sticky. He placed a soft kiss on your clothed clit, then rested his head on your soft thigh.
"Anybody ever touch you here?" he asked, running a finger over your pussy. 
You softly shook your head, mumbling out a 'no.'
"Mm, more for daddy, yeah? Gonna make you feel so good," he said, slipping your panties to the slide. His mouth made quick work, tongue already gliding up and down on your clit. 
Your face was already twisting up in pleasure, eyebrows knitting together tightly.
"That's cute," he blew cool air over your cunt, keeping his eyes on your face. "You like it? My mouth all over you like this?"
"Mhm, please- don't stop. I wanna feel it again." 
You reached your hand out to hold his head, wanting to push it down before bringing your hand back nervously.
"That's right, push my head down if you want. 'M here to make you feel good, so you use me. Just a wet mouth for you today, sweet girl."
You nodded eagerly, running your hands through his blond hair and taking taking firm purchase of a section of it. Your hands greedily pushed his face into your cunt. The feeling of his nose rubbing against your clit while his tongue dug into your tight hole made you feel fuzzy inside.
Leon was so vulgar with his noises; he almost enjoyed it more than you were. Slurp after slurp came from his mouth, accompanied by a moan or two while he tried to get himself off by palming himself through his pants. 
The sight of him was just as good as the feeling of him. You had never been taken care of so thoroughly. Leon was opening a whole new world to you, a world where you could be selfish and take, because your daddy would provide, no questions asked.
"Lemme try somethin', yeah, baby?"
He shook your hand off and spat directly on your clit, spreading the fat glob with his fingers. Tight, fast circles were traced over your bud, back and forth. It felt like hypnosis, the way he reeled your body in closer to an orgasm. 
"Daddy, please, 'm gonna cum," you said, face flushing of all color. "Your mouth, want your mouth," you shot out quickly, already obsessed with the feeling of his hot mouth tonguing you down.
He obliged, of course. How could he turn his princess down? Leon's lips again wrapped around your clit, sucking on the bud like it gave him life. 
You came soon after. You seized and convulsed and the feeling of his eyes taking you in made the waves of pleasure crash down that much harder over your body. 
"If he knew what a sweet fucking pussy you had," Leon said, licking a final stripe over it, "he'd never wanna leave."
"I said," Leon pulled away from your pussy, lifting his head to your ear, "that even your dad would wanna be tongue deep in your sweet, tight cunt. But it's all mine, isn't it?"
The sound of his belt unbuckling made you wetter, if that was possible, but it also sent a sense of realization through you.
You had your pussy in your step dad's mouth. And you liked it. And now, you would let him fuck you. And you would love it. 
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"I know you're a virgin, but fuck, baby, you're so tight." His voice was grumbly and strained while he tried to push into you. "Maybe I need to eat you up a little more," he teased.
"No, I need you inside, wanna feel it now." You let yourself go completely. Here you were, whining like a brat while Leon's fat cock stretched you. The pain with sharp, but immediately worth it. He fit inside perfectly, easily hitting your sensitive spots with a few thrusts.
He hissed, feeling you clamp down on his length. "Shh, come on, gotta get used to it baby. Don't want me to cum too quick, do you?"
"Yes, I do," you whined, desperate to know for certain that you were making him feel good too. 
Leon's laugh softly rang in your ears. "No, I wanna make it worth your time. Wish I could take you all night long," he muttered, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. 
He swallowed all of your moans, slipping his tongue into your mouth while he rocked into you. He tried to find a rhythm, but he was too lost in pleasure to be neat about it. 
He'd fuck you nice and orderly another day, but for now? He just wanted to feel you gush around him, and feel your cunt get sloppy while he took you.
Your breathless moans caught his attention. He found the angle that made you get oldest and stuck with it, lifting your hips up with his hands so he could piston into your g-spot.
"Oh my god, right there! That feels-- oh my god."
"I know, baby," he said, thumbs digging into your hipbones. "Feels good f'me too. You're so good for daddy."
Your heart, and cunt, pounded the more he spoke. You were close and you knew it, you just needed him to keep talking you through it. "I am?"
"Yes, baby, you're perfect. Daddy's perfect little princess, taking my cock so good." His cock twitched, so he clenched his jaw, refusing to cum before you did. "You know what good girls get to do?"
"Hmph?" Your face was red and hot, mouth hanging open while he continued to fuck into your spongey walls.
"They cum hard on daddy's cock. Can you do that for me? Cum all on me?" He traced his hand over your cheek, letting his thumb land on your bottom lip while he egged you on.
Your body had never reacted faster, immediately creaming on his length. Your hole milked him, each contraction gripping his length and sucking the cum right out of him. 
Leon let a shaky breath out before pulling out of you, scooping the mixture of your cum in his fingers. He rubbed it between two fingers for a moment and popped it into his mouth, groaning at the taste.
You came down from your own high and looked over at him, feeling guilt pull at your chest.
"What about mom? She's gonna freak if she ever finds out. Did we fuck up? What's gonna--"
"Hey," he said, shushing you with his finger over your lips. "She's not gonna find out and she doesn't need to know. I might be married to her, and I get why you're stressed, but what we have is different."
He pulled his finger off of your mouth and pressed a kiss to your forehead cheekily. "You're daddy's girl. That makes you special."
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roosterforme · 10 months
The Younger Kind Part 25 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley doesn't know how he will be able to function if Meredith wins custody. As Noah cries in the courtroom, he whishes he would have done more to ensure this never happened. But when he watches you, terrified but supporting him anyway, he knows what he really needed this whole time was you. 
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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The courtroom was freezing cold. Your blazer was scratchy against your arms, and Noah was already crying. As soon as Bradley had to hand his son over to the court appointed counselor, Noah's tears started flowing. And now you were seated in the front row, right behind Bradley, but you couldn't slide down the bench to get to Noah. You couldn't even look at the back of Bradley's head for too long without feeling like it was suspicious. 
So you sat there and listened to Noah softly ask for his dad over and over again while Judge Greene listed everyone who was present today. When your name was called, Meredith and her lawyer both turned back to look at you with identical sneers.
Stay strong. Stay strong. You kept telling yourself you would handle this, but you didn't even have to do anything yet, and you already felt ready to fold. But the soft sobbing from Noah and the fact that Meredith hadn't looked at her son once kept you motivated. 
Both lawyers gave statements which were largely identical, each one claiming their client would be the better option to raise Noah. But you noticed that while Bradley was fighting for zero visitation rights for Meredith, she was doing the opposite. She seemed willing to have Bradley visit with Noah if she won today. And that made you nervous, because even to your untrained ears, it sounded like she was more flexible than him. She also made it clear she was going to fight for financial support. 
"Lieutenant Bradshaw, please stand and give your statement," Judge Greene commanded. You had listened last night at Bradley's kitchen table while he read over his personal statement with Tracy, but hearing his deep, raspy voice shake now had you squeezing your hands to keep calm. 
"My son turned four on April twelfth. For every single one of his birthdays, I have been the only parent involved in his life. If something needs to be done for him, I do it. I pay for everything. I care for him in every way. He only knows me," Bradley said, taking a deep breath. "His mother abandoned us. Both of us. And I know he's sitting right behind me and listening to everything I'm saying. And I can hear him crying, which is making it really hard to stand here right now. But I also know he has no idea who his biological mom is. I do not think it would be in his best interest to remove him from his home and the parent who loves him."
When Meredith stood to give her statement, you could tell she felt defensive. It was rolling off of her in waves. Her voice was harsh as she tried to make claims that you just couldn't believe. "Bradley has kept my son from me. For years I've tried reaching out to him, and I'm lucky to even get a response. So the idea that I could have abandoned them is preposterous. He never asked me for money, so I never gave it. Had he asked, I would have been more than happy to help provide. But along with that, changes in my lifestyle have meant that I'm ready to take full control of my son's custody. As his mother. And I'm more than willing to work with a court appointed counselor to ensure that visitation rights would be granted. I'm being more than fair. A mother is better equipped to care for her child than a father."
You were shivering in the cold room now, and while Bradley's posture had only incrementally changed, you could tell he was angry. But Tracy looked completely relaxed. How could that be? Meredith was a fucking liar! And Noah was whining for his dad! And nothing that was going on in this room was fair or just. 
The lawyers were going back and forth like a verbal wrestling match now. It was impressive. Mesmerizing. When one of them seemed to have the upper hand, the other made a swift comeback. The only problem was, Meredith was being made to sound like a saint. You couldn't understand why Tracy wasn't going for the kill right now. The sooner this was over, the sooner you and Bradley could take Noah back to his house and let things go back to normal. The three of you eating dinner together would help Noah forget about his tears. You wanted your boys to pretend today never happened.
You watched Meredith's profile as she sat there, completely aloof when Judge Greene called the counselor and Noah up toward the bench. Noah pulled his hand away and ran right for Bradley, tears in his eyes again. 
"It's okay, Bub," he soothed, dropping down from his chair to kneel in front of his son. "It's okay to go with them. It won't even take long."
"I want to go home," Noah hiccupped, looking between you and Bradley, knowing the comfort that one or both of you usually provided him. But none of that came right now. Bradley picked him up and handed him over with a soft kiss on the cheek. Noah wailed as he was carried off to the judge's chambers for some one on one questions with Judge Greene. 
And Meredith sat there like she hadn't a care in the world while Bradley cradled his head in his hands on the table in front of him. Tracy tried to get him to drink some water from her bag, but he wouldn't. You reminded yourself not to look at him too much, and that's when Meredith caught your eye again. She was fighting to try to keep the smirk from her face as she tried to appear serious. You knew what she was probably going to have her lawyer ask you. You knew it was going to be ridiculous. But you didn't like the way she was looking at you like you were the only thing between her and what she wanted. 
When Judge Greene returned empty handed, Bradley scrambled to his feet. "Where's Noah?" he asked, and Tracy was immediately trying to get him to sit down.
"In my chambers, coloring. He's just fine. Now, I'd like to call up some character witnesses."
You waited while three separate people spoke about Meredith like she was sunshine incarnate instead of a woman who left her son behind like he was nothing to her. Then your name was called. You made your way up to the seat near the front, and Meredith's lawyer wasted no time in trying to break you. 
"You're a character witness for Bradley Bradshaw?"
"Yes," you replied, mortified by the way your voice shook. "I am."
"And how do you know him?"
You swallowed hard. "I babysit Noah on occasion." It was the truth, but it felt like a lie. Saying you were just Noah's occasional babysitter was a wholly inadequate representation of what the two of them meant to you. Of how much you loved them. You had to swallow against the sick feeling in your throat.
"Is that all you do when you're watching Noah? Or do you stay? Earn some money by doing things for Lieutenant Bradshaw?"
Cold sweat broke out along your neck and chest, and your eyes shifted to Bradley without warning. He looked irate and red in the face, and you were already embarrassed after less than a minute of questioning. 
"I object!" Tracy called out, waving her hand in the air. "That's hearsay. And irrelevant." 
"Sustained," Judge Greene said calmly, as if there was no reason for you to feel like you were going to vomit right now. "Any further questions?"
But of course Meredith's lawyer had more questions for you. And they were all designed to make you look bad. 
"How did you pay for nursing school? Did Lieutenant Bradshaw offer to give you an outlandish salary to spend time with him? Do you actually have any experience watching a child that age? How are you qualified to spend time with him? What sorts of questionable things did you find in that house?"
You tried to answer each question with calm composure, but soon you felt like you couldn't breathe. Your eyes were burning. You turned to the judge, but she gave you a bland look. You were on your own. So you took a deep breath, determined to finish this even if your voice was shaking again.
"As a nursing student, you must have access to prescription drugs. Do you use them?"
"No!" you said, having had just about enough of this. Bradley was rubbing his hand along his face, barely keeping it together. Tracy was looking at you, eyes pleading with you to hold it together. "I do not steal or use prescription drugs. I'm studying pediatric nursing. I'm more than qualified to take care of Noah."
"Would you be willing to be drug tested?" the other lawyer asked. 
"Absolutely. You want blood? Urine? Hair? Depending on the lab, you could have results by the end of the day." Your jaw was clenched tight. 
"One last question," he said with a smile. "Is it true that you seduced Lieutenant Bradshaw? And that you're pregnant with his child?"
The audible gasp that came from you mirrored Tracy's. Bradley was now gripping the edge of the table in front of him. You were shaking as you said, "I'll take a pregnancy test, too."
You would do it if they made you. But it didn't seem fair. Your relationship with Bradley didn't have anything to do with how he cared for Noah. It didn't have anything to do with how qualified you were to babysit. Tears filled your eyes, but you had promised Tracy you wouldn't cry. You watched through blurry vision as she jumped to her feet and approached your seat. 
"He's badgering the witness with irrelevant questions!" she said, and Judge Greene told the other lawyer to sit down. 
Tracy must have been able to tell you were shaken up, because she asked, "Can we take a short recess?"
"No," Judge Green replied with a sharp shake of her head. "Let's carry on with your questioning."
Tracy took her time walking back to the table and gathering her notes, giving you a moment to catch your breath. Your hands were still shaking when Tracy asked you, "Did Lieutenant Bradshaw ever make you feel uncomfortable?"
"No. Never." 
"Did he ever criticize the way you cared for his son?"
"No," you said, your voice sounding stronger now. 
Tracy shuffled her papers and asked, "Does Lieutenant Bradshaw seem to be a loving and caring parent to Noah?"
"Yes," you replied with conviction. 
"Now, can you tell me a little bit about how you injured your arm in the parking lot at Meyer Park?"
You watched the color drain from Meredith's face as you recounted the way she had scared you, forcing you to run to safety with Noah.
"And was that the only time you saw her prior to this morning?" Tracy asked. 
"I saw her yesterday," you replied. "At the grocery store. I thought she was following me."
"Objection!" shouted the other lawyer. 
"Sustained," responded Judge Greene. Your head was swimming with what you were supposed to say and what you were supposed to stay away from. You couldn't remember. And you could barely focus on Tracy. But she wanted you to get to the point. You could tell.
So you blurted out, "Meredith asked me if I was sleeping with Bradley to get to his money. She mentioned a life insurance payout and his expensive car."
"It's actually a Bronco," Bradley muttered, raking his fingers through his hair as Meredith slammed her hand down on the notebook in front of her and started whispering to her lawyer. 
Tracy asked another question quickly while everyone else was distracted. "And what did you do when you left the grocery store?"
She was giving you an encouraging look, so you said. "I looked some things up online. About how her business filed for bankruptcy. And her home went into foreclosure. And she said in an interview after Noah was born that she doesn't have any kids."
"Objection!" the other lawyer shouted again. 
"Overruled," said Judge Greene, and Tracy looked like just won the lottery. "Please continue," she said, brow creased in concern now.
You felt like an idiot as you told Tracy that you used Google to search for information about Meredith, but you just kept going. 
"I found articles that suggest that her business went into bankruptcy because of mismanaged funds. And insider trading with her business partner. They were married, but it appears that he left her."
Every single time the other lawyer tried to object to what you were saying, the judge overruled it. And then Tracy urged you to continue. But you were shaking from a combination of anxiety and fear. 
"It sounds like she has no money," you said, voice quivering again as you met Bradley's eyes. You'd never seen him look so distraught or so hopeful before. He was silently cheering you on, like he knew how strong you could be. So you kept going.
Bradley was practically ready to crawl out of his own skin. He couldn't stand the way Meredith's lawyer kept yelling at you. He hated that he had to sit here in this horribly uncomfortable seat and just listen as your character got ripped to shreds. He wanted to take you and Noah home, order a pizza and watch a movie. You looked like you wanted to cry, but you didn't. And Bradley was so proud of how strong you were.
When Tracy started asking you questions, you sat up a little taller. You sounded a little bolder. And then Meredith was the one in a state of panic. 
"It sounds like she has no money," you said, as you met Bradley's eyes. "That doesn't sound like the right reason to fight for custody of a child."
The room went silent for a second after that. And then Meredith stood up and said, "I've lost everything, okay? Everything! But Noah is my blood, and I have a right to him, too!"
Then chaos broke out. When Bradley stood and said, "Why do you want him now that you're broke, huh?" he felt Tracy's hands on his arm, pulling him back to his chair. 
"Let her sink her own ship," she whispered, keeping a firm hand on his forearm. You were still sitting up in the front, perched on the edge of the seat like you wanted to run. He wanted to scoop you up like he always did, for your own comfort, but for his as well. 
He listened to Meredith rant and try to blame him for everything as her lawyer begged her to sit. He listened to her call you a slut and claim once again that you were pregnant. She said she knows you bought pregnancy tests at the grocery store. So what if you were pregnant? It didn't have anything to do with Noah or Bradley's ability to take care of him. It didn't have anything to do with that fact that Bradley would never abandon a child like she had. 
He watched Judge Greene remain completely calm as Meredith's lawyer finally got her to sit down. Then she stood and said, "Please bring me all written evidence. I'll have my decision shortly." Both lawyers handed her folders before she disappeared into her chambers. 
"Where's Noah?" Bradley asked Tracy immediately, accepting a bottle of water from her. 
"He's with the counselor. He's fine. And you did great."
"I barely did anything!" he growled, worried he hadn't done enough today. He'd done nothing compared to you. As you stood and made your way to the rows of benches behind him, you never met his eyes. He loved you. All he ever wanted to do was protect you from all of this. You shouldn't be here right now. If he lost Noah today, he didn't know how he was going to continue to exist. And you should have had no part in this nightmare. 
He'd forced this on you in a way. Every step he took since he met you led you here. Bradley had tried so hard to cut you out, end things with you, but he was so fucking weak. He should have been more focused on Noah. But he had been. He'd been trying to find someone to date who would make him and Noah complete, or at least better. And despite his initial reservations, that was you.
When he turned to face you, your eyes snapped up to meet his. He'd never be able to thank you enough for everything you'd done for both of them. But he wanted to have the chance. He wanted you to know what you meant to him and to Noah. 
"How long is this going to take?" he asked Tracy, wiping his sweaty palms on his suit pants. He could hear Meredith talking, but he kept himself focused on his lawyer.
"Hard to say," she told him calmly. "Just keep breathing. Focus on your breathing." 
So he did, and when he started to feel sick again, Tracy talked to him. And then Judge Greene was coming back out, and Bradley could see Noah through the door before it closed. Dread rose inside him as the judge had everyone in the room stand. He felt like his limbs weighed a million pounds as he faced the front of the room. 
Every second of silence made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He almost had to reach for Tracy when Judge Greene said, "In light of today's testimonies and evidence plus the collection of evidence I reviewed leading up to the trial, I have reached a decision regarding the custody of Noah Bradshaw."
Bradley had to close his eyes. All of his senses were overwhelmed, and he was afraid he was going to breakdown. 
"The following decision is a reflection of what is in the best interest of the child. Full custody is to be awarded to Bradley Bradshaw. There will be no visitation privileges. There will be no child support owed. The child's biological father is to be his sole guardian."
Bradley collapsed back down onto the chair as he cried. "Oh my god," he groaned, cradling his face in his hands. He was gasping for air as he felt Tracy's hand on his shoulder. He could see Meredith storm out of the room. He could hear you laughing and crying at the same time behind him as the counselor walked back out of the judge's chambers with Noah. 
And then he was out of his chair again, rushing toward his son and scooping him up. "I colored you a monkey," Noah told him as Bradley smothered his whole face in kisses. 
"I love it," Bradley promised him without even looking at the coloring sheet. "It's perfect, and I love it so much." He buried his face against Noah's neck and inhaled. 
"And I colored a unicorn for Princess."
"Yeah?" Bradley asked, holding him tight. "She's gonna love it, too."
"I know," Noah replied confidently. "I told them about how she brings me coloring books and cooks food like spaghetti. And how she plays blocks and reads and can sing good."
"You told them about Princess?" Bradley asked, turning to the back of the room. You were waiting patiently for them, a huge smile on your face as you bounced a little bit on your feet.
"Yep. I told them that she loves me and that you do too. Can we go home yet?"
As much as Bradley wanted to keep you separate from all of this, he needed you the whole time. And so did Noah. He rushed toward you and took you by the hand. "Now we can go home."
You unlocked the front door with your key, and Bradley kissed you again. A huge smile was still plastered all over your face as you watched how much he loved his son. He ended up on his back on the living room floor while Noah sat on top of him and laughed. Bradley's suit was a wrinkly mess now as you knelt down next to them. 
"You want spaghetti for dinner, Noah?" Your appetite was back, and you were ravenous. There was no doubt in your mind that Bradley could do with a good meal as well.
"Yeah! And ants on logs!" 
You kissed his chubby cheek and said, "Let me check on the raisin situation." Then you leaned down to kiss Bradley's lips, and he pulled you back for a second and a third. 
He murmured, "I love you," before briefly swiping your tongue with his. You ran your fingers back through his hair and let your forehead rest on his. 
"I love both of you." Then you kissed his nose and went to the kitchen, letting them have a little more time alone as they laughed on the floor. 
As you set a pot on the stove to boil some water, your eyes filled with tears. It felt like a combination of stress and relief and happiness. You sank to the floor with your back to the cabinet and cried. When you left the courthouse with Bradley, Meredith was nowhere to be found. Bradley had hugged Tracy with tears in his eyes, and she promised to be in touch with him soon to take some final actions. And then she told you that you had done a great job of staying calm and presenting evidence against Meredith while acting as a character witness. "I wish everyone was as professional as you."
Her words echoed in your head as you remembered that you didn't live here with Bradley and Noah. Not really. You were still going to need to finish writing your final papers for school and start looking for a job to support yourself. Because contrary to what Meredith thought, you hadn't been fucking Bradley to get him to pay your tuition. You had a mountain of loans to pay off now. And really, it would be better if you left after dinner tonight and went home. You'd have to get used to a routine where Bradley was your boyfriend with his own space. 
Noah came running in a minute later as you wiped your eyes. "I'm hungry," he informed you, sitting down on your lap. Bradley walked in without his suit coat on. His shirt sleeves were rolled up. His tie was loose, and his top few buttons were undone.
"How about I make dinner and you just supervise?" he asked, pulling you to your feet. "You had a long day, too."
So you nodded at him, and he picked you up and set you on the counter. And then he set Noah on your lap and started the playlist you made. You showed him how to brown the meat and add the sauce. You showed him how to keep the spaghetti noodles from sticking together.
And as he was plating the food, he paused and looked at you. "I forgot. I picked something up at the store the other day for us to celebrate with. Wait here." He dashed out of the room, and you slipped down off of the counter with Noah in your arms. You finished getting the spaghetti onto plates and pulled out the carrots to make him some ants, and then Bradley was back in the kitchen with the biggest bag of Skittles you had ever seen.
Laughter bubbled out of you along with another sob. "I'm happy, but I can't stop crying."
He tossed the Skittles aside and grabbed you by the hips. "That's because you really care about us. You always have. And you saved us today."
The prickle of his mustache against your skin had you parting your lips for him. He held you close, his thumbs stroking you through your pants as you worked your fingers through his hair. "I love you," he rasped, releasing your lips in favor of whispering the sexiest, loveliest things in your ear while Noah made a huge mess of spaghetti at the table. 
Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh! Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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seldomscilence16 · 8 months
Whumptober day 9:
"Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days."
Polaroid | mistaken identity | "you're a liar."
Fandom: Sanders Sides (AU)
Prompts used: all
Oof this one took some creativity I didn't have lol, so pardon the names used. But welcome to Sanders sides superhero au, or rather, the aftermath of one. 
Virgil's early years were an amalgamation of too many things. He gets anxious just thinking about it, a past only a select few even knew about. Virgil's eyes glance over to his mantle- and what a world it is for him to have a fireplace mantle- where a picture frame sits face down. Some days he can look upon it with nostalgia and a small smile, other days he can't see the faces, only the things they'd had to do. 
He'd spent the last several years doing everything he hadn't been able to do then. Online classes galore, a normal job, a house, things so mundane and yet so freeing. He has a service cat- Ide is the only service cat he's ever heard of but she's special in more than one way so he supposes that makes sense- that helps him out in the day to day, to keep him from getting too overwhelmed. 
He's been doing good recently too. He can answer Patton's weekly phone calls on the second ring with minimal heart palpitations, and he'd even been considering going to their next meet up. 
He could already tell he'd never let himself live this down if he made it out. 
He'd decided to go out for coffee, there was a deal going on and it was spooky season and Virgil had woken up feeling okay. He'd get his coffee, take Patton's call when it came, and get some work done, it would be a good day. He should really know better than to jinx himself like that. 
He hadn't even made it to the coffee shop, had felt a shiver up his spine, couldn't even react before his head exploded with pain and his world dimmed. He thinks he sees Ide run off, hopes she's okay, before he can think of nothing at all. 
When Virgil was a kid- and that's what they were, they were kids- he and five other of the neighborhood children had been out late one night. Virgil hadn't really chosen to come, had been kicked out and dragged along by Remus, ever excited to explore in the dark. It had happened like a movie really, some bright light, a crash, the whole dramatic speech from some being from another planet- an Alien named Thomas of all things, though maybe that's just what it sounded like to their ears. 
Exposure to the crash had of course granted them powers. Powers they were expected to use to defend Earth again the foes that had followed Thomas. Virgil thinks the cosmic forces at play made the wrong choice, at least with him, but definitely for choosing kids. Still, for whatever reason, seeing the others put themselves in danger had stirred him the wrong way. He'd ended up fighting alongside them, it was rough but they'd somehow managed to survive. 
So why, after several years of no longer being some stinken 'super hero' and living a semi-normal life, is he being kidnapped!?
"I see you're awake. Took you long enough, Sandine." 
Ah… well frack. How the hell did this guy mix up Virgil with Thomas, Virgil is a complete mess. 
"Yes, I know who you are. You and your team may have disappeared, but the impact you made stayed, I haven't forgotten what you've done. And now, finally, I can make you pay!" 
Virgil almost wants to laugh, how ironic, the guy who fought only because he wanted to protect the others, is captured in place of one of them. What a world Virgil lives in. 
"I'm sure you're wondering how I figured it out." 
Damn, this dude had no idea how to do the villain thing, maybe Virgil is on a hidden camera show… one where head trauma is okay… so just an ameteur, Virgil could work with that, maybe. 
The guy begins to pace in front of the tank he'd put Virgil in- one he can only assume has adtonium in it to keep his powers at bay- gearing up for a long speech. Virgil squirms in his binding, robe burn be damned, as he glares in the general direction of his kidnapper,
"You see, you all were not nearly as secretive as you thought! My uncle, a mere henchmen, was able to capture this photo!" He produces an actual polaroid from his person, wrinkled from years of handling, and though Virgil can't see it super clear through the tank, the costumes on the three figures are familiar, "You were stupid enough to remove your masks, and now, I have you. The great Sandine, captured at last, with no little team to save you. Your life will end, your powers will be mine, and those who oppose me will fall one by one!" His laugh is too pitchy, his speech boring, but Virgil is a little impressed. To find, capture, and contain one of them is a feat, and to supposedly have the technology to steal a power, well it's intriguing at least. 
But he wont be getting the powers he thinks, and this guy will not be able to handle them in the slightest. But to do that, this guy needed to be convinced that Virgil was Thomas, so he should probably say something quippy and heroic…
"You're laugh sucks." Well… that was something at least. 
"I'm telling you Logan, he hasn't missed a call in ages!" Patton paces in the kitchen, piles upon piles of cookies filling the counters, phone pressed between shoulder and ear. 
"Patton, if you worry any more I will have to assume you are Virgil." 
"This is not a joking matter Logan, but good job." He turns to place another tray down to cool when he sees something at his window, "uh… Logan, remind me, am I allergic to all cats or are alien ones an exception?" He squints, trying to see familiar markings. 
"You know we have only met one alien animal, Patton so the results are inconclusive. However Ide was an exception, yes, why do you ask?" 
"Because Ide is at my window, without Virgil, and something is definitely wrong!" He rushes to said window, throwing it open as Ide limps his way through, nerves twist his gut up like only a friend in danger can as the cat meows loudly. "Logan. Call the others." There's no room for argument in Patton's voice as he hangs up, something happened to Virgil. 
"Just a few more adjustments and we'll test this baby out!" 
"Wow, how embarrassing for you." 
"Stop that! Gah, how the press thought you were an angel with that much snark I'll never know!" 
"You just bring out the worst in me." 
Virgil's wrists ache something terrible, rope having cut into skin at this point and he supposes he should be glad his jacket was taken from him before all this lest it be ruined now. He's eyeing the cliche laser gun above him, then the little drains in the floor and wondering idly if he expects a mess or if they'll be draining into his tank rather than out. 
"Soon, I'll know the secrets of the galaxy, and you'll be dust beneath my boots!" 
Wow, this guy thought Thomas knew everything? He'd be flattered sure, but he was far from omnipotent. And Virgil questions everything, even the things that don't need to be questioned! 
"You want to know stuff? Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days. There's always something more, something lurking, if you knew everything your head would literally explode, and you're not allowed to do that without The Duke here." 
"You're a liar, you just want to keep everything to yourself!"
Virgil could correct him, after all Janus was the one with the whole lying schtick. Had to do with his powers and stuff of course, but even before that he was known to lie in stressful situations. His defense as it was, and one that Virgil had taken too long to realize. 
"It doesn't matter anyway, it's ready, say goodbye Sandine!" 
The lazer lights up as bubbling liquid fills in from below and he hates when he's right, his struggles renew as he finally lets his panic, well panic. The feeling he'd been ignoring, that emptiness that had been dragging him down, is ten times worse now- except… It's fading now. That idiot, did he… turn off the thing keeping his powers at bay? 
"You want my powers?" Virgil's wrists finally slide free, smeared with red, purple and black mist swirls around him for the first time in a long time, "Here ya go." 
"Wait. That's not-" 
The lazer goes off, the liquid makes his feet slip, the tank explodes as his powers fill the room with his scream of agony. Trying desperately to find the threat, unable to flee, searching for what to fight, the man screams in terror, but Virgil barely hears it over his own. The machine ignites in a fiery mess, the lazer dying out, but as Virgil slumps his powers stutter. 
The man lifts shaking hands, wild eyes flitting around the room, the gun in his hand goes off and Virgil's powers shrink until they fold into that place within him, pounding against an invisible wall, the emptiness returns tenfold and with no resistance drags him down. His ankles, still tied to the chair, twist uncomfortable as the thing tumbles sideways with him. The bubbling liquid burns but he can't seem to move, a glow has his eyes lowering, and there, embedded in his shoulder, just barely above his heart, is the gray space stone adtonium. 
Huh… guess this is how it goes down. Nothing to hear but the mad ramblings of an unstable villain wannabe, skin burning, chest aching, and powers locked away, alone. 
At least it wasn't Thomas… or any of the others…
"Virgil! Is he okay!?" 
"What a shitshow, Nightmare." 
"Everything will be dreadful soon, Vee. We won't be handling the rest, so do worry."  
"Mkay… 'ake a nap now…" 
"Virgil don't you dare!" 
"Just hang in there buddy!"
"We'll get you home safe stormcloud."
"Please remain still Virgil, this will only hurt for a moment." 
"Falsehood." Virgil's eyes close, he yells at the yanking, and the sudden burst of powers freed, and thinks this was a positively dreadful day. 
But it could have been worse.
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adurami-ekun · 2 years
Phase 1 - The Foundation
My biggest tendency is to get overly stuck in the vision. Rather than seeing it as a guide, it becomes an expectation. Impatience sets in, steps get skipped, burnout ensues. Rinse and repeat. I want things to be different this time. I want to make sure I not only have what it takes to make it possible, but to make it last.
1. Good Stewardship
A good portion of that is actually in everything outside of Adurami. My health, my faith, my relationships, my finances, my work; being a good steward with what I have is the only way to get to what I want. And I am grateful and I have to keep reminding myself that I have enough. Not everyone can say that. Of course I can wish I had more, but I'd be either a liar or delusional to say that I don't have everything I need. I'm operating from a very privileged position, no matter if my race in this country says otherwise.
So what does that look like practically? It looks like doing the dishes, for one. Reading my Bible and meditating on truth, spending time with my daughter and removing my career and a relationship from the pedestal in my mind that says that these are the things that defines my worth. My worth is already defined. I'm a princess, a daughter of the King of kings, and He loves me very much.
I'm not good at keeping up habits. I hesitate to keep going on this point because I'm setting myself up for failure. But without structure I'm not going to get to the place where I have enough room in my life to get what I want. Life is like a gas - it will expand to take up all the room given to it. Structure creates limitations to create margin. And I have to believe that everyday is another day to try again.
My faith, my home, my health, and my finances - if I can create systems to take care of each of these everyday, I'll have the space and the energy I need to move beyond needs to get to the project, and achieve what I want.
2. The Tiger
I have to learn how to draw a tiger. At first I thought I would just create some abstract representation of one and simply change its position depending on the prompt, but the more I think about it, the more flexibility I want for Adurami. I don't want to be restricted to a few poses and then have to do the research every time I want to change something up. I'm also not sure exactly what style this tiger will take - photorealistic, cartoon, minimalistic, wearing clothing or not - whatever final form I decide on, learning how to draw a tiger with the same flexibility I learned how to write and draw letters is the goal.
This quickly becomes a bit of a rabbit hole. Character design, construction versus deconstructed approaches, perspective - my goal is to be so versatile at drawing this tiger that the words she says and the pose she takes are aligned. At the very least I can limit my focus. But it will take time before I achieve the same confidence I have in calligraphy (about 2 years) to drawing this tiger. But thankfully, it's just a tiger.
2. Jẹ ká sọ Yorùbá
I need to learn Yorùbá. It's been my mission for as long as I can remember, but I've failed every time. The idea is that if I learn for the sake of performance, I will learn. So a lot of it will come down to researching translations and understanding the language from a deconstruction point of view. I still need to listen to it and read it so that I can understand it better and make sure that my translations are accurate, and practice as well, but at the very least, I need to reply work on understanding and creating Yorùbá content for this brand. Words of affirmation, wisdom, and identity. From there, I'll be able to speak and write more.
4. Blackletter Calligraphy
I nearly didn't add this one. One because I feel sick as a dog and am over this blog post, the other because I feel this element is already done. But not only should I finish this blog post properly, but I also shouldn't take my calligraphy for granted. Every great calligrapher practices daily, and particularly in this case, I need to understand how my calligraphy works in Yorùbá. I've experimented in the past, but not in a way that is intuitive to me. And I need to settle on the gothic style that will be associated with the brand.
These four elements make up the foundation of phase 1, which I pray will be settled at least within the next few months. After that, I can start really going on the goal of phase 1, which is the community building.
These foundational elements on it serve to make it possible to bring people to the table. I want to learn how to do that, how to capture people's interest and how to make it past typical barriers. I'll have in the descriptions the English translation of whatever Adurami is saying, but I want the aesthetic to be so clean and straight forward that moving from phase 1 to phase 2 - creating inventory - would be obvious. I want people to ask me if I have stickers before they're made, tshirts before they're created. I want people to want Adurami to validate the move towards monetization. But first Adurami has to reach them.
Here's to dreams,
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virginburial · 2 years
༅༚˳ . April Picks ♱ May Announcements. ˳༚༅༚
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first little fic recommendation post ≧◡≦ !!! first and foremost, I have been absent and haven't posted much in the past two weeks or so. I had exams (that I still did poorly on) and I had a lot of requests to dig through. I also am active on the #Marvelrp and #Screamrp Instagram community (my main rp account is @/spacehimbo (MCU) and @/stabsubreddit (scream) if anyone is curious) and i've just been pregaming how active both communities will be in the next upcoming weeks. I also got carried away with writing my original work ヽ(^◇^*)/ aside from that, I felt like I was already oversaturating my account with one-shots in such a short period of time.
another thing I want to say is to thank you for 200 followers! we are already pretty close to the 300 mark, which I'm very blown away by. as well as my first one-shot is pretty much on track to hitting 2K notes; like I said, super cool !! thank you, guys!
I saw a couple of other writers and readers give out recommendations, I don't read a whole lot because my attention span is painfully short, but when I do read I like to give credit to the author. I have a growing platform on here so I feel like this is just a good time to appreciate some of my favorites i've read in April, as well as support the writers !! these are in no specific order ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
♡ Let the Devil Out by The Writing Doll @thewritingdoll this is a dark fic and I would not recommend it if CNC freaks you out. however, I totally get writing dark fics. I struggle with PTSD relating to mass shootings and guns so situations where there is a gun and I'm in control (like playing PUBG or Valorant or just watching Zack Synder's SuckerPunch and other female-led action/horror movies where they stand up to their ab*sers so I can live vicariously through them) makes me feel at ease sometimes. this happens to be one of the better dark fics i found, the ending really is the pretty pink bow on this; but Matt Murdock dirty talking makes this fic a ten.
♡ Bumpy Ride by Laters-Gators @laters-gators the fact that this is called 'bumpy ride' in itself is so funny to me, my humor is absolutely shattered. Also I like submissive Steven Grant. me and submissive Steven Grant are friends. I also like the idea of teasing someone so hard they cream their pants. but maybe that's just me. would read again if i'm stuck in the car again.
♡ Oh Honey Honey by Pink-Baby-Girl @pink-baby-girl despite what my blog shows you, i'm not that much of a bucky girl. but this fic might as well jump off the fucking screen and call me a liar. two things i learned about myself while reading this; i am a whore, and i also have been craving cupcakes for the past two weeks without noticing. bucky girls, this is a treat, pun intended.
♡ Cardigan by Parkers3 @parkers3 "Now that's what I call a great fucking breakfast!"
♡ Kyphi by Clints-Lucky-Arrow @clints-lucky-arrow i think we can all agree that druig doing mind control is sexy, i'm sorry but there is nothing hotter than druig calling me a goddess and a whore all in the same sentence. also the way anon asked for this had me flustered and laughing for two whole minutes. i love when anons ask for super detailed fics - they really get detailed and its hilarious. great fic, would read again
♡ Sins of the Mind by Vigilanteh @vigilanteh i already reblogged this one so i'll try to keep this brief; nothing is fucking funnier than someone watching their significant other take their microdose of amphetamine and being like "that's hot". it made reading the rest of this fic pretty fun. would read again!
I will be posting a Marc Spector and a Villanelle one shot as soon as i can. I hope you guys have an awesome day and an awesome may!
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Queen Marinette
Queen Marinette
Here is a ~2000 word song fic that I wrote in place of working on my ongoing fics hope you guys like it.
I saw a post a while ago where Damian would call Mari Queen/Your Majesty as she was a princess, but i cant find the post anymore but the idea stuck so here we are.
The League of Assassins also known as the League of Shadows is one of the Earth's best kept secret society second to Themiscyra home of the Amazons and Atlantis of the Atlantans. However there is one that only a handful know and whispers of their existence are mythical in the cosmos. Only known to the head families, or rulers, of Themiscyra, Atlantis, and the League of Assassins.
That would be the Kingdom at Miraculi.
Marinette is anything but a normal girl. She is the crowned princess of Miraculi as well as being the reincarnation of the goddess Tikki. She is creation herself, but on top of that she was blessed by the other gods as well, meaning she is able to wield their gifts as well. She is Princess Marinette Dawntreader of Miraculi.
But right now she wants to be anywhere but the palace. At the age of eight she just met her betrothed and let's just say he did not make a good first impression.
In front of her stood Damian Al Ghul the heir of Demons and next head of the league of shadows. The league is the guard of Miraculi, ensuring that the existence of the Kingdom remains peaceful and in turn the Kingdom of Miraculi supplies the magic of the Lazarus Pit. The concealment of Themiscyra and Atlantans able to survive under water are other blessings provided by Miraculi. But back to the pain on hand, Damian Al Ghul.
"Tt. you really do look the part of a princess" she was in a long flowing dress with long sleeves as she had finished her classes for the day. "Fragile and helpless."
"Yes and you appear as a demon" she shot back. "self-absorbed and arrogant" she turned on her heel "keep up little Prince" she called over her shoulder.
They got to know each other better but he was always so cold and distant. But they grew to love each other. Damian left to be with his father when they were 10, but they still stayed in contact. Then when they were 13 she got news that broke her heart, Damian was dead.
She couldn't stay in the Kingdom without remembering him. She needed distance and new scenery wouldn’t hurt. So she brought it up to her parents, and they were reluctant, but Diana Princess of Themiscyra brought up the solution Marinette would be staying with Sabine Cheng, an Amazon who was granted leave of Themiscyra , and her husband Tom Dupain.
That was how she found herself in Paris as an 8th year introducing herself as Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
That was how she also met Adrien Agreste. He was kind and sweet. He was new to school life just as she was new to life outside of Miraculi.
But not long afterwards did Lila Rossi enroll at Du Ponte.
With a quick search on google revealed most of her tales to be just that, fiction.
Adrien and Mari dated for two years before he ended the relationship. It was because she
wouldn't stop trying to reveal Lila's lies. That it was hurting his image that he was seen with her. That if only they knew the truth it would be enough. Well, fine, goodbye Adrien was her only thought. Her head held high.
Cross my heart and hope to die
I don't need another guy
To fight my battles, to overshadow me
Don't ya know I'm dangerous?
Fire burnin' in my blood
I got this handled, I don't need rescuin'
Unfortunately for him she didn't stop trying to get her class to see the truth.
A side effect of the liar's influence was that she was ostracized from the rest of the class.
But that wasn't a priority. Miraculi was going to become public. So she had a revealing ceremony to prepare for.
But before that she was asked to join as a joint member of the Teen Titians and Young Justice.
She was to meet with the two teams at Mt. Justice so she was looking for Kaldur, Aqualad, as she exited the building.
She was making her way towards him when she heard it.
"Princess" Adrien called and pulled her to look at him.
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
"Can I do something for you Agreste?" she asked as calmly as she could. "Because if not I am meeting a friend I haven't seen in ages."
"Just make up with Lila" he started "she isn't hurting anyone. And when you do everyone will be your friend again."
She smiled and noticed Kaldur closer than before. "Kaldur good to see you again how was your flight?" Adrien turned to see who she was talking to, and Kaldur after a second of shock responded.
"Uneventful, is everything set?" he asked giving her a way out.
"Yes" Mari answered "Sorry Adrien, another time"
"B- 02 Aqualad, B- 34 Omni"
She was in a black formfitting sleeveless top that rose to form a mask covering her face to her nose. Dark red combat boots that were tucked into black motorbike pants. A red belt with a forest green sash that faintly resembled a skirt just under it. Her gloves and arm guards were black and grey, and all over were golden accents. Her hair was cut short and was pitch black and her eyes were a golden color with flecks of green. (Outfit)
After quick introductions she noticed him, Robin of the Teen Titians, was standoffish but was familiar oh so familiar. Then she saw his hand twitch towards his sword and tapped the butt of the hilt twice before dropping his hand.
That was all the confirmation she needed. As everything fell into place.
That little jerk.
Batman asked for her to spar, to assess her combat skills. As she predicted Robin stepped in to be her partner.
She pulled two red batons from the small of her back and they began. Yes they were evenly matched but then she decided to mess with him. She turned back time to feign a right but ducked and swept his legs from under him. With him distracted she created a Mirage of herself and another to make herself invisible. She snuck up behind him used venom to freeze him and flip his cape over his head while her Mirage took his sword.
"Tt. unfreeze me" he practically growled she noticed almost everyone flinch and took a step back.
"You sure that's what you want, while I have your sword?" she taunted. She noticed a few shot her looks of sympathy. Odd. As Robin stayed quiet. "Fine" she dropped venom and he charged "Have it your way little Prince."
She jumped and he seemed to freeze mid charge but she didn't. She created a shell-ter around him.
Which he crashed into. He stood up and was gaping at her.
She dropped shell-ter and was making a few final decisions with Batman, while Robin still hadn't moved 30 minutes later and his mouth still agape. By this time Nightwing had come over.
"I think you broke little wing" he chuckled.
"You think so." she responded with a slight question. "Close your mouth your going to catch flies Al Ghul."
"Yes, Your Majesty" he finally snapped out of his stupor.
She saw Nightwing and Batman share a look and then look between the two of them.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
They explained the role of Miraculi in the world. How they had met and knew one another. Their engagement and finally the reopening of the Kingdom to the world. By now she dropped her transformation, meaning her eyes were back to bluebell and her hair was a midnight blue, and the bats had taken off their masks.
Then an idea hit.
"Your plotting something" Damian snapped her out of her planning.
"Plotting makes it seem malicious" she paused "I'm planning."
"I'll bite, what are you planning?" Nightwing, Dick as he introduced, asked.
"How would you like to come to my coronation and be some of the first outsiders in Miraculi?" she responded.
Eyes on me like I'm a prize
But you better recognize
I'm not your angel 'cause I belong to me
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
As she guessed the news of Miraculi opening up was all the news was covering. The hidden Kingdom known only by the Amazons and Atlantans, officially, was all everyone was talking about.
The fact that the opening was set for the coronation of the princess added to the suspense.
About a month before our teacher had news. "Due to a special invitation our class has been invited to attend the Princess’ coronation in Miraculi" that was when the class erupted.
In a week Lila convinced everyone she personally asked the Princess to invite the class as a favor to her. That she grew up in the castle with her and was made a lady in waiting. Two weeks until the coronation, she asked Damian to tweet that 'he can't wait to see his best friend again in Miraculi.’ Which caused a small discourse with a boy called Jon Kent of how he was Damian's best friend. Where he answered with 'female best friend. Better Kent' That Lila used to say it was her, and that he only used best friend instead of girlfriend.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
The week before they left to Miraculi, in order to show them around. Before landing Mari changed into an emerald green dress with a mandarin collar. A jacket and belt with a duster in a dark silver trimmed with gold and matching gloves. Her hair was in a side braid and a thin golden circlet on her brow. A few of her classmates glared at her but she didn't pay them any attention. (Outfit)
She was the last out of the airport and you could feel the tension in the air. Lila was spouting some nonsense to the guards that were sent to retrieve them. Then they noticed her, every guard formed a straight line to the captain as they dropped onto one knee and bowed their heads. As she passed them they stood up.
"Captain Chase it is good to see you again” she smiled as he also rose.
"The honor is mine Princess" he bowed again.
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want,
She turned back to face the class. "Welcome to Miraculi, I am Princess Marinette Dawntreader. I hope you enjoy your stay. The guards will escort you in these carriages to the castle for your stay." she mounted Yin (Silver), who Captain Chase brought for her. "I will ride ahead, as they are in capable hands." She smiled and rode off towards home.
The next week was amazing. Between tours of the Kingdom her classmates were part of an honorary court, to glimpse into the Royal life.
Damian almost cut off Lila's head the first time they met. Most of the class realized that if Lila lied about knowing Marinette, well the Princess but Lila hated Mari, and dating Damian, what else had she lied about. Turns out they can use google and Mari received several apologies and offers to be friends. She accepted the apologies but not their offers.
"Why?" was a consensus of the group.
"You realize that you were deceived, but that does not excuse your actions. As I am also assuming you wish to be friends because of my status." That seemed to force them to think, thank Kwami.
I'ma show you
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
So treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty?"
But the best part of this week was after the apologies was hearing them all, Lila included, only address her with 'Your Majesty’.
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mcheang · 4 years
I'm back and with an idea i just had to share with you a fic with Alya knowing Lila was lying but wanted to knock Marinette down because he felt jealous and inferior to Marinette who had talent and headstart to her carreer and celebrity connections (she was still friends with her cuz Mari had a lot of perks )so she has an excuse to lash out her frustration and Mari calls her out saying Mari has been nothing but a good friend and she's been nothing but a bad person bcuz of her insecurites
Jealousy doesn’t become a hero
I very much prefer writing Lila and/or Bustier salt. But I hope this draft satisfies you.
When Volpina had been defeated, Marinette went to check the Ladyblog and was relieved to have found the interview deleted. Adrien must have informed Alya.
Imagine her surprise when Lila kept lying about her time with Achu. Despite her evidence, Alya dismissed it as jealousy.
Um...maybe Lila decided posing as her BFF was a bad idea and asked Alya to take the video down?
When Chameleon came about and was given the most embarrassing defeat of all time, Marinette sat watching Lila give her class a full-detail tall tale about how she rescued (defeated) her.
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Then, struck by inspiration, Marinette went back to class, a triumphant air about her, her smirk barely repressed.
Adrien saw but shrugged it off. He figured Marinette realized Lila would get caught sooner or later. He joined her at the back later and soon their old seating arrangement was back.
That night, Alya was surprised when she heard a voice in her bedroom window.
“While I am glad that you don’t run after every akuma now, I hope you still check your sources, Alya.”
Alya turned and beamed. “Ladybug! What’s up? Do you need me for another Mission?”
Ladybug leaned against the wall. “No. I’m here regarding Lila. I’ve been hearing rumors that you posted an interview of her claiming to be my BFF- without checking with me.”
Alya blinked. “Oh. You think I’ve been suckered. Don’t worry, Ladybug, I know Lila’s nothing but a liar.”
Ladybug blinked. “But your interviews?”
Alya nodded and went to open a page on her laptop. She figured one of her classmates must have spread the rumor until it reached Ladybug’s ear (she doesn’t know why Lila was akumatized into Volpina). “I did post her interviews. But do you know how you can control who sees what you post? I made sure those interviews could only be seen by our class. And I have to approve what comments appear on every post. The comments you see are made by our classmates solely, but Lila doesn’t know all that because of their usernames. Like I’m going to ruin my journalistic career for a tabloid post!”
Ladybug blinked again, confused. “But why indulge Lila? Why let her lie to your friends?”
Alya shrugged. “It’s a weird way to make friends, sure. But maybe once Lila realizes how cool we are, she’ll learn she can trust us with the truth.”
Ladybug narrowed her eyes. Manipulating their classmates to serve her food is not a way to make friends. (And dismissing her was not very friendly of Alya either!) “You are lying to me, Alya Césaire.”
Alya started backward, and started to get nervous. Ladybug was the reason her blog was so popular, and her only chance to become a hero. She was the smartest girl in Paris and could see through lies like glass.
Alya had 2 choices. Lie again and be exposed (and never be a hero again or granted interviews), or tell the truth and never be a hero again (but at least Ladybug is more likely to forgive her)
“Fine. I indulge Lila because it’s nice to see someone else in class get the spotlight.”
Ladybug tilted her head. “I’m sure Chloe has been improving.”
Alya shook her head. “No, not her. I mean Marinette.”
Ladybug was shocked. “The bakers’ Daughter?”
Alya wasn’t surprised Ladybug knew Marinette, not when she was the one who arranged her first official interview with Ladybug.
LB: How is she in the spotlight?
Alya sighed. “She’s the most popular girl in class. She gets confessed to on a regular basis. Even my own Boyfriend was interested in her before me. She knows Jagged Stone, which is probably how she knows Lila is lying. Marinette even got her designs praised by Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois. Her parents are owners of the most popular bakery in Paris. Clara Nightingale and Adrien Agreste both think she is star material, and worthy of being called Ladybug.”
Alya kept going on, noting that Ladybug’s surprised face wasn’t exactly discouraging her. In fact Marinette was still too stunned to react.
“I just wanted someone else to be in the limelight. And if it couldn’t be me. I’d rather it be anybody else, even a liar.”
Ladybug gathered her thoughts. “So you’re just jealous? That Marinette is popular? But you’re popular too.”
Alya gave a bleak laugh. “Hardly. In class, I’m dismissed as the obsessive and nosy reporter. I don’t know any celebrities and they certainly don’t follow the Ladyblog. More people download apps for akuma alerts and hero sightings than subscribe to my blog. I’ve been dismissed for proposing crazy theories, which in hindsight is reasonable.”
LB: I’m assuming you didn’t tell Marinette you know Lila is lying because of that.
AC: Obviously. Because then I’d have to back her up and she would be the hero again. I used the excuse that she was jealous, and she was. But I knew Marinette is above jealousy. It’s annoyingly. She was ready to give Adrien up to an ice queen.
LB wrinkled her eyebrows, drawing on her professionalism and burying her own hurt for later. “If you are upset by Marinette’s success and annoyed by her attitude, why befriend her?”
AS: Because of her connections! Thanks to her, I got to star in Clara’s music video. She somehow got you to agree to do an interview with me. I persuaded her to take over as class president so I didn’t have to do the real work and Chloe wouldn’t be in charge anymore. She gives me free custom designed clothing. And no offence to my mum, but Marinette’s pastries are the best breakfast in the world.
Ladybug finally stood up tall. Alya had been so lost in the relief and satisfaction of finally venting out her jealousy and frustration that she had momentarily forgotten that her listener in the shadows was a very influential idol whom she wanted to make a good impression on.
Ladybug said coldly, “From what you are saying, it sounds like Marinette has been a better Friend that you have ever been. You are as bad as Lila Rossi. You lie for your own gain. And if there’s one thing I despise above all else, Miss Césaire, it’s liars.”
As Ladybug launched her Yoyo out, Alya rushed to make her plea. “Wait! Please wait! I’m sorry!”
LB: No, you’re only sorry you got caught.
ALya cried out, “what can I do to make it up to you?”
Ladybug gave her one last impassive look. “For starters, I’d say tell the truth. To everyone.”
Ladybug left Alya in horrified and torn silence.
As Ladybug returned home, she detransformed and wept on her balcony, amid the perfume of flowers. She could finally face the betrayal and sadness she had kept away in front of Alya.
Tikki sadly cozied up to Marinette’s neck, trying to offer comfort.
Hawkmoth was alerted by a teenager’s despair, agony and betrayal.
Hawkmoth: Hooray, I get to akumatize Marinette after all!
He doesn’t. Adrien saw Ladybug outside and went out to join her. As he searched for Ladybug, he saw the akuma heading for a weeping Marinette.
“Marinette, move!”
Marinette looked up in surprise (Tikki quickly hid among the flowers) “Chat?”
“Cataclysm!” He destroyed the butterfly in front of her face.
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Marinette gasped.
Chat quickly steadied himself on the balcony. “Marinette, are you alright? What’s wrong?”
Because she was definitely not alright. Those were tear tracks on her face. Chat felt sad that his princess was sad, and wanted to rip out the face of whoever made her cry.
Marinette shook her head. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
Chat was doubtful. An akuma appeared. Clearly she couldn’t handle it. “Are you sure? I’m here for you, you know.”
Marinette finally burst into sobs. She leaped into Chat’s arms. Chat held her close as she confessed the source of her troubles.
“I just learned that Alya wasn’t really my Friend at all. She was just using me.”
Chat was confused. What was she talking about?
Marinette saw his confusion and explained. “I was the one who told Ladybug about Lila first. She got mad and went to confront Lila, i assume that got her akumatized. When Lila got akumatized again today, Ladybug went to visit Alya to make sure she knew Lila was a liar.”
Ok...Chat guessed that explained Marinette’s attitude just before lunch ended.
“And it turns out Alya knew Lila was a liar all along. She never really posted her interviews to the public. She’s just been indulging Lila because she wanted to knock me down.”
Chat was shocked. “And Ladybug told you all this?”
Marinette let out a bark of laughter. “She didn’t have to. I heard Alya myself. I was near her bedroom door when I heard voices saying my name. Once I heard what Alya had to say about me, I didn’t bother knocking or to announce myself. I doubt Nora would bother mentioning me since she was preoccupied with the twins and her parents weren’t home.”
Chat guessed Marinette had new evidence that Lila was a liar and wanted to show it to Alya. But instead she happened to hear a conversation that revealed Alya’s true colours.
Marinette wiped her cheeks bitterly. “She did everything today willingly. She left me to sit in the back alone, without consulting me. She dismissed me and accused me of being jealous. All along, she was the jealous one, and I actually thought she was my Friend!”
Marinette buried her face in her hands.
Chat rubbed Marinette’s back consolingly. “Cheer up princess. You still have the rest of your friends, and me.”
Marinette sniffled. This was not comforting to her. Her friends weren’t much better. And she didn’t see Chat regularly.
Chat sensed he was failing at comforting her and tried again. “So what are you going to do tomorrow. Will you confront Alya?”
“I don’t know. I sit next to her and she is the first person I talk to every morning at school. But I can’t see her face without wanting to shout Liar now. And if I do, she’ll just turn the whole thing against me, like Lila did. (Lila did what now?) I don’t know what to do.”
Chat’s heart broke at how lost Marinette sounded. He tiled her chin up so she would look at him.
“Tell you what, princess. Tomorrow, you are going to walk with your back straight and head proud into that classroom. You are going to give Alya Césaire a polite greeting and ignore her. Talk to your other classmates. Listen to music. Write in your notebooks. Revise old lessons. Do whatever. But don’t give Alya the time of day until you are ready to face her.”
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The next day, Adrien was prepared. He ignored Lila and gave a confused and sad Alya the cold shoulder.
When Marinette arrived, Adrien was all sunshine and immediately invited her to a conversation.
Marinette gratefully accepted. And though she stumbled, she kept Chat’s advice and ignored Alya’s nudges and comments.
They kept talking until class started. The girls were thrilled to see progress.
Throughout the first half of the school day, Alya kept trying to talk to Marinette or slip her notes. Marinette ignored her.
Alya guessed what had happened and braced herself. She had to tell the truth. She didn’t want to know what Ladybug would do otherwise if she didn’t.
When Lunch came and Adrien invited him to join her; Alya firmly grabbed Marinette’s hand and said in a low voice. “I need to talk to you. Now.”
Marinette reluctantly followed. Unbeknownst to her, Adrien and Lila decided to eavesdrop, for different reasons. Adrien wanted to be there for Marinette and Lila wanted dirt.
In a deserted classroom, Alya finally said the words. “Ladybug told you about last night, didn’t she?”
Marinette’s answer was vague. “She didn’t have to. But she did give me a brief warning this morning. I connected the dots on my own.”
Alya laughed bitterly. “Of course, even Ladybug chooses you over me.”
Marinette stayed silent, waiting for Alya to continue.
“Let me be clear, Marinette. I’m only being honest because of Ladybug. I’ve only been your Friend because of what you do for me.”
Even though Marinette was expected it, it still hurt. Thankfully, her only controlled response was an audible exhale.
Adrien: How could you Alya?
Lila: oh snap!
“I know Lila’s lying but I indulged her because I wanted someone else to take the stage instead of you.”
Lila: she knows?
Marinette raised a brow. “Even at the risk of your blog’s reputation?”
“The interview is only seen by our class. The public can’t access it.”
Lila fumed. She had been played. Alya had used her instead of the other way around. Silently, Lila brought out her phone to record the conversation. Despite Adrien shaking his head, Lila glared at him, daring him to lecture her now.
Lila got the whole juicy bit. Alya admitted what she was jealous about, her betrayal to Marinette. And at the end of it, Marinette was still composed. Adrien had to admire her for it, standing strong in the face of such betrayal.
Marinette: you did all of that just to hurt me? Out of petty jealousy? That you accused me of envy- you resented me that much? and you only used me for free stuff and have been my friend when it's convenient? (This was part of the request) you know, I actually felt hurt that you were just taking advantage of me Alya. But now I just feel sorry for you. Some people like Chloe and Adrien are lucky, they are born with opportunities we can only dream of. But the rest of us, like Nathaniel, like Kitty Section, like myself. We work hard. Sure we have help from our friends, but we never take advantage of them. We have struggled and yes, we do face setbacks, but throughout it all, we have stayed true to ourselves. But you, the moment you see someone thriving, you don’t focus on improving yourself, you just try to leech off that person, like you did to Lila, and like you did to me. You can’t think of safer methods to record akuma fights. You never listen to anyone’s reasoning and criticism of your theories. You are stuck in your own entitled world, that you can’t see the bigger picture. You’re a parasite, Alya Césaire. So...I won’t expose you, because I have no doubt you’ll turn everyone against me. But I won’t be your Friend anymore.”
Alya wasn’t bothered. “Fine. So we agree to never speak to each other again unless necessary?”
“Yes.” Marinette walked out first. Adrien and Lila scattered before she could open the door.
Adrien immediately went to grab Marinette for lunch and did all he could to distract her from her recent ordeal.
Meanwhile, Lila edited the video to avoid incriminating herself and sent it to the class group chat.
She hates Marinette sure, but no one plays Lila for a fool and gets away with it.
The class is shocked and angry at Alya, who tries to claim that Lila is lying. She runs away from the mob and returns as Lady Wifi to punish Lila.
Ladybug defeats her but Alya demands a question if Ladybug is friends with Lila. Feeling sorry for Alya, Ladybug announces that her only Best Friend is Chat Noir. She does not befriend civilians.
Alya is sentenced to switch seats with Nathaniel. Adrien takes her place as Deputy. Nino dumps Alya. Lila and her new desk mate keep sabotaging each other.
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Next up on our list my lovelies is Paul! A special thank you to @trescharmant-mydear for helping me with brainstorming ideas when writers block had me stumped! I hope you fang babes all enjoy the next boy in our child birth saga!
Lost Boys Fem!S/O Gives Birth [2/4]
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The whole pregnancy thing was undoubtedly a massive shock when you had finally told him. At first he wasn’t even sure it was his. Granted you slugged him for even suggesting you had been having an affair but he couldn’t help it! The idea of impregnation was pretty much impossible as far as they knew. He had no heartbeat, the blood in his veins was dead and black, he kind of assumed by that point his gun was shooting blanks. That is until you began rejecting anything that wasn’t blood or meat. Every day he could see more of that reality coming into play. At first he thought maybe he had just imagined it, but when your stomach grew in really sank in. 
 He was terrified beyond belief knowing he’d soon be responsible for a living, breathing thing- er baby- guh! The word freaked him out. No one even warned him what came with it. Well, Dwayne tried to but those books were nasty. Especially the pictures. Paul tried his best to sit through them but it just stressed him out! There wouldn’t be a doctor! There would be no sterilized hospital bed where a team of nurses would be on standby if there were complications- hell, they wouldn’t be able to know if there even were any complications! That’s what scared him more than anything. You both were utterly in the dark. Were you healthy? Was the baby healthy? Could this kill you if they weren't careful? Ultrasounds were out too, so he couldn't even know if it was a boy or a girl. The uncertainty of it all was torture!
The only way he knew they were still alive was from his own bizarre connection to them. Sure his mental powers were never as clean cut as David’s, but he could still feel their emotions inside you. It was raw. There were no clear thoughts. Even the emotions would pile over each other. Hungry, tired, anxious, hyper, mad, happy. It was almost like there was more than one consciousness in there, but he just figured it was your own heartbeat and emotions clouding the baby's.
Hormones were wild between you both. You wanted sex more than you ever had before, and at first he was all for it. Being the mother of his unborn child brought out a desire that was utterly foreign to him. Yeah he loved you to death before, but now… he couldn't keep his hands off of you. The first few months it was wild, but the bigger you got the more worried he was that something could happen if he lost control. Okay, well, as long as he was careful right? But, things did not go exactly to plan when a firm kick pressed on his erm… Needless to say it certainly freaked him out. Then came the morning sickness.
Fuck whatever liar came up with that name. “Morning”? Try morning, noon, night, and the ass crack of dawn. Twenty-four seven. He hated seeing you hugging a trash bin, panting between excruciating heaves that made your stomach spasm. Paul could only hold your hair back while you gurgled out sobs. It was even harder knowing he was partially responsible for putting you in this position to begin with. Afterwards he’d carry you back to your bed. Yeah, bed. All the guys had felt that you needed something way better than a couch to crash on. There were more pillows and blankets than you could count. Piles on the bed, scattered on the floor, stacked up in the corners. With a bit of searching they’d found a pocket-cave branching just off their own that kept you out of sight and even better, nearby. What Paul really couldn’t account for was how frickin’ clumsy you were! 
Oops you just banged your knee! Well looks like you accidentally nicked your hand while peeling a freaking apple! Paul nearly ripped a guys head off for bumping into you on the boardwalk just to cut in line with his stupid friends. Eventually he just refused to leave your side during the second trimester when he found a bruise on your stomach. You didn’t have the heart to tell him those were from the baby kicking. While the guys went hunting he’d just lay beside you in bed gushing over your taut belly. The baby always stirred when he spoke, even more so when he’d serenade them. His voice always made your face heat up, and inside you could feel your child eagerly pressing up. While Paul was certainly uneasy about his encroaching parenthood he was over the moon the first time the baby really kicked. Even if it seemed scary he was so excited he could hardly sleep most nights. Every day he'd wonder when they'd get here, bombarding you with thousands of questions.
"Do you think they'll have your eyes? I bet if it's a boy he'll be a bad ass like his dad, huh," he asked. There was almost a glee to his voice, it was so adorable to watch him shed that panic for just a moment to fantasize about the baby. Anything. Teaching them to play guitar, taking them on their first hunt. He didn't care if it was a boy or girl. Part of you really hoped it'd be a little girl. 
“They probably won’t get any eye color until the fifth month I think,” you’d remind him, flipping through the aged pages of a baby book. "I do know if it is a boy he's gonna be so much like you."
"Unless it's a girl," he pondered, tapping your belly like it was an over ripe melon, watching it stirr with life. "Oh god you'll break so many hearts. But no boyfriends. Or girlfriends. Only dad."
"Babe thats not gonna be for years," you assured, petting his head. "You can't keep them from dating when they're old enough."
"Uh, the fuck I can't," he retorted, his hand kicked again. "Yeah I said it. No dating for you"
As they grew you could feel something was.. Off. Granted you couldn’t do much to check but, it almost felt like there was more than one heartbeat...
Your due date was slowly rolling closer as summer shed it's long, hot days for the chilled season of autumn. Tonight was a late, stormy October night. Most of Santa Carla was holed up at home hoping it wouldn’t rain tomorrow on Halloween. Paul grumbled slurping at a blood bag laying on his side as he propped his head on his hand, currently bored out of his mind while you carved at a pumpkin with Marko. 
“I think it needs more teeth,” you’d say to yourself out loud.
Marko peeked over, titling his head to the side. “More eyes too.”
All the guys decided to stay back tonight. It wasn’t just the rain, all of them were nervous to leave you alone. None of them were doctors, but even they could tell your stomach was much bigger than expected. Dwayne was flipping through an old book while David had just gotten back from a hunt. 
Ever since you hit your third trimester each of them took turns gathering blood. A few blood bags alone would not cover it for four hungry vampires and an honorary vamp who had a ton of cravings. Instead they'd carry four or five empty milk jugs that'd be filled to the brim with sloshing, goopy red fluid. 
"Guys, you oughta go get something to eat, you don't need to watch me twenty-four seven," you insist, carefully dragging the knife through the thick gourd's flesh. 
"This wasn't up for debate last time, it’s still not now," David retorted, tossing one of the jugs Dwayne's way. Marko caught a second one, eagerly knocking back a swig. The sight made you want to throw up again. It was slow, like a thick molasses dyed crimson with globs of congealed plasma. Okay looking at the pumpkin again before you had to puke. 
"Don't worry about us, Y/N," Marko insisted with red stained teeth, tossing the now half empty jug to Paul. "It's only a few more months. Blood is blood."
Paul stood up, swooping behind you with his arms around your shoulders. "Speakin' of blood kitten, you need to eat." You looked at the jug as he set it on the table and immediately scrunched up your nose. Now, it'd been seven and a half months of drinking it, so you'd gotten used to the bizarre taste of salty, vinegary cherries with a metallic aftertaste. It always made your body heat up, the feeling itself was better than any booze you'd tried. But the texture. Oh god the fricking texture! Blobby, goopy, slimy- no! 
"Uuuugh," you hesitated, only to have Marko push it towards you. “Can’t I just have a raw steak or something, it’s not nearly as gnarly as straight blood.”
"Don't be picky, you need to eat."
You glanced back at Paul who was just pouting behind you. "Come on babes, drink up."
Once again. Thick, soupy but warm fluids ran down the back of your throat. Everything felt heated, spreading from your stomach to each of your limbs. This time you felt an ache in the base of your abdomen. It was enough to incite a small gasp. And with that suddenly each of them had sat up. 
"What's wrong, what's going on," Paul quickly asked, placing a hand over your stomach. 
Marko had stood up, looking at you with a furrowed brow. "Is it-?"
"Guys, guys," you interrupt. "I'm okay, I swear. It was just a cramp."
It wasn't even a surprise when Paul lifted you up again bridal-style. "Paul,c’mon, I’m fine, really."
"Nope, nope I am not even risking that shit babes. C'mon kitten I'll lay with ya," he insisted, kicking anything on the floor out of his way. But again it ached. This time it lasted two minutes. You clung to him, trying to take a breath. This wasn’t your average false contraction that would only occur maybe every hour. "Paul- Paul it's not stopping."
"Wait wait wait what," Paul asked in rapid following, gently setting you down. Marko had gotten up to help you stand with Paul on the other side. A sharp pain wrapped around your waist. Now another two minutes. It was enough to make you double over with your hands over your stomach. 
"Shit oh shit wait hold on." Paul was in a panic. He wasn't ready! The baby wasn't supposed to be there for another month! It was too soon! 
You, on the other hand, were far too busy trying to keep yourself standing. It wasn't just your abdomen. It was your stomach, all the way up your back, your womb felt like it was being torn open from inside. Dwayne jumped over the sofa when the two blondes failed to move, lifting you up. Your jeans were soaked, sharp pains were faster, harder, any time another contraction squeeze you let out an agonized cry. 
They all made a mad dash for your room, propping you up against a pile of pillows. "No,  no wait, don't look," you insisted to the others as Paul tried to help you get your soggy jeans off.
"I'm about to help you push a baby out, and you're getting embarrassed by us seeing your underwear," Dwayne questioned
"Shut up, turn your fuckin head," Paul snapped. Carefully he draped a blanket over your legs, pulling off your jeans. There was utter fear across his face. He was so afraid of what this could do to you.
 "Hey.. its okay," you assured him, cupping his face. Well, okay was a bit of an overstatement. Still, the tender touch seemed to provide some small ease as he placed his hand over yours. Again, you assured him it'd all be okay. Marko came running in with a bucket of warm water, David was grumbling about carrying over a mountain of towels, Dwayne leaned over Paul tapping him hard on the back of his shoulder. "Paul you need to check how dilated she is."
It was time for both of you chiming in disbelief. "No no, wait Dwayne man, I can't-!"
"If she pushes before she's ready, the baby will get hurt in the process," he interrupted him, grabbing Paul by his shoulders. "You gotta do it, man, I can't do it for you."
"The fuck, why me?!"
"Paul?!" It was your turn to question his logic and the blonde threw up his hands, clutching at his head trying to think.
"I'm sorry! I'm panicking!"
"Dude Paul," Marko shouted.
"Listen, man, this can't be good for either of them. Nut up, dude," he assured him, patting his back. Paul looked at you, still trembling on your bed. You were just as scared as him, bottom lip trembling, he could even see your shoulders shaking. "...okay…" 
The feeling was so uncomfortable. You couldn't even focus between the throbbing pains that shot up your back and the tearing pull between your legs. Tears burned your eyes, you thought you might pass out. Marko was rapidly wiping away sweat from your face, letting you hold his hand. Even if you broke it, unlikely, it'd heal in an hour anyways. 
"Okay how many fingers can you manage," Dwayne asked, getting a strange look from Paul. "Just tell me how many, you asshole.:
"It's like, all my fingers man I dunno what that means."
"Go to her man, I got this," he assured, pushing him up to you. Paul climbed up on the bed beside you holding you tightly in his arms with your shoulder nestled against his armpit with one arm over your shoulder and the other you immediately snatched his hand, panting rapidly. "Shh slow down baby, slow down."
"God it fucking hurts," you whine, throwing your head back on the pillow. Blood stained the bed, a thick pink-red spot on the blanket spreading out. Your face was completely flushed as a tight pressure slowly dragged down your back that made your toes curl. If Paul wasn't pinning you in place you would be writhing. There was a horrid fire in your body, there were no words left in you, only screams. Dwayne's urges to push were muffled, the ache in you back slowly pulled lower until you were able to hear them. A thick gurgle followed by high pitched, raspy wailing. While Dwayne had pulled the infant into a thick, fluffy towel something felt wrong. It still hurt. Your stomach felt no relief, in fact you felt it pull and ache again. "Wa...wait i.. no it's-it's not done, I'm not done," you whimper in a panic.
"Wait what the hell do you mean you aren’t done?! I thought there was just one?!”
Paul looked over at Dwayne, who in turn ran to David and passed the swaddled newborn his way much to his dismay. “Just hold them for a minute man, we weren’t exactly expecting more!
“I got it,” Marko volunteered, climbing off to bed to hold the baby carefully in his grasp. Your screams tore through, a second wave of pain reviving old agony. There was little relief as the same horrid tension in your back spread out. Paul coaxed you through it, but somehow it hurt even worse than before.
“No,” you cried, shaking your head. Your face burned, tears streaming down your face leaving your vision completely blurry. “No no no, I can’t, let me go! I can't, I can’t! Paul, I can’t-!”
“Baby, listen you can do this! You got this, yes you fucking do,” he yelled over you holding your head to his shoulder. “Listen to me. C’mon you fucking got this, kitten! Don’t you give up, don’t you dare fucking give up now!”
With everything you had you screamed until your throat felt raw, pushing as hard as you could until finally, finally… it stopped. A huge wave of relief made your muscles go limp. Two. You just had given birth. To twins. The realization had finally hit Paul asw he looked up at Marko still holding his first born. “Are they…”
“Dude, you got a girl,” he beamed, carefully passing the swollen new born half-awake clinging to the towel. Occasionally her grey eyes squinted open, making trembling whimpers until she nestled back into sleep.
You managed to catch your breath, Marko helping you lay down while Dwayne circled around with your son. A boy too. You couldn’t help but laugh through tears, finally able to see his face after so many months of waiting. Paul couldn’t even hold back tears, laughing like an idiot as he pulled you both in his arms. “Fuck man… oh shit I’m a fucking dad,” he choked out, trying to hide his tears.
“Let it out man,” Marko teased, patting his shoulders.
“Shit man I can't stop crying... they’re so perfect.” Paul ran a hand gently over his son’s head still softly crying in your arms, watching him soothed as he clung to his finger. He looked you in the eyes, both of you just in utter awe that you brought not one, but two lives to the world. Nothing but tears and smiles between you. It was October 31st, 2 am, and you had spent the past four and a half hours of Hell to bring your twins (Girl Name) and (Boy name). Paul could not even fathom the amount of love he was feeling, trailing kisses all over your lips and cheeks. “Happy Halloween, kitten.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, laying your head back against his chest just unable to tear your eyes away from your beautiful new family after so many hours of grueling pain, so much waiting, in the end it was worth more than either of you had ever dreamed.
 “Happy Halloween, babe…”
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everosfics · 4 years
At last I can breath
Warning: several bad words
A/N : so this took forever🙂 Sory about that. You ever have it all written but there’s this chunk you know you need but don’t know how to put it there well that was like two parts of this chapter, so enjoy what I have come up with. See you next chapter.
Ch.2 A year of transition
Lila POV
“Finally that bitch is done, won’t even look at me, sure I lost a few battles like when I lost Agrest but no mater there’s bigger and better out there. So What, one person won’t make my tower crumble and a small crack is just a minor distraction.
So long as Dupain-Cheng only has her little blondes to back her up it’ll be fine.”
Mari POV
It’s been about a year now since Lila’s return and while she has been a pan in my side and a huge agitator, I really don’t think she has been the hardest part of my life. God just saying that makes me feel horribly stressed, like oh yeah it’s junior year college scouts, senior class study abroad program planing, Akuma fights, all on top of a pathological Liar who has it out for me. Oh well I’m so fucking tired right now it’s been such an emotional year from the struggle to get use to Lila, to realizing that there’s only a few people out there that I can really trust. Thank god for Chlo without her I don’t think I would have made it through all that’s happened this year.
“Hey Mari were all going to go work on the ideas for the fundraiser are you coming.”
“Yeah I’m coming, can’t wait to see what each class is thinking about doing.”
Last year in the bathroom
“ Dupain-Cheng what the fucking hell was that. Who the hell does she think she is. I swear this is ridiculous.”
“Chloe what do you want.”
“From you nothing , from that sleaze ball an explanation on who the hell she thinks she is it’s not like you have done anything to her other than question her story.”
“I’m fine Chloe there’s nothing you can do, and why are you trying to help me anyway”
“Ugh. Dupa-, Marinette I may not show it but I am extremely thankful to everything that you have done for me, my family, and my reputation here at school. You have helped me in so many small ways and actually seeing what I was like, is a punch to the stomach. So I’m sorry and I hope I can make it up to you some way.”
“Huh huh huh *gasp* Chloe, I got here as fast as I could Mrs Bustier didn’t want to let me out with so many students already out of class.” *record scratch* sees Mari on floor. “What’s going on in here?”
“Sabrina listen to me I need you to understand this, Lila is threatening anyone who is standing against her so I need you to go back to class act like you didn’t see us and hang on every word Lila says. Ok. I’ll tell you the rest later tonight when we get back to the hotel, just know that as of right now you’re a spy and I-we need you to get close to Lila.”
“Okay. It will be alright Marinette. See you tonight Chlo.”
“Chloe I’m worried about Adrien, have you seen him recently?”
“No I haven’t, not outside of school and even then he’s all gloomy with that leach hanging off of him.
“Hey Marinette can I talk to you?”
“Sure Kagami what is it?”
“Well I kinda wanted to do it in private it’s about Adrien.”
“Kagami whatever you have to say about him is fine to say in front of Chlo she’s worried to.”
“Ok, well you know how we have practice after school every other day”
“Well last week and again on Monday I saw him with bruises and nail marks across his body, the bruise I get sometimes in practice we can get hit to hard but there were so many I think something is happening at home, and the nail marks I know I don’t see him in class but how is it going with that Rossi problem.”
“She still clings on him but based on what you’re saying I think he probably has been pulling away and she is holding on tighter.”
“Mari, Tuskugi I’ll need your help but I think we need to inform Mr. Agrest or at least Natalie of what we believe to be happening.”
“Your right Chlo but I don’t know how we’re going to get a chance with how close Lila has gotten with Mr. Agrest and his brand.”
“If I may, my mother has been discussing my need for understanding the context of when it is appropriate to lash out and I believe we have yet to focus on abuse in all forms along with what bullying is.”
“Go on Tuskugi?”
“I believe that if my mother was to approach the school with an interest towards seminars in these subjects we could go around both Lila and interference from the elder Agrest”
“In the recommendation of several of our families it is a pleasure to present to you our assembly on bullying and abuse.”
(After assembly)
“Nice Tuskugi you did it”
“Chloe it’s Kagami you can use my name. Any way I’m going to be here for good mother is allowing me to continue in this school so long as I keep up with my practices.”
“Well, Kagami, it’s good to have you on board even if you won’t be in class with us.”
(Some where else in the building)
“Hey Lila, I think that you need to start giving me some space from now on,”
“Bu-bu-but why?”
“Well my father saw the nail marks you are leaving and has requested that we spend time apart so that my arm may heal”
In Marinette’s room
“Mari I feel funny”
“Chloe I’m working if you aren’t dying can you bother me later”
“But Dupain, Sabrina’s undercover and no one else will listen.”
“Huff, Ok what is it Chloe”
“Well it’s not horrible but eveytime were around kitty section I feel funny, but it’s only when everyone is together I feel nothing when we’re in class and everyone is there.
“Maybe your just mad because no one is really doing anything inside class so when we’re out of it your mad.”
“Marinette that’s not it and you know it, braced on the facts Chlo only feels nervous”
“I’m not nervous”
“When it’s the entirety of kitty section which means her reaction is caused by Luka.”
“Ooooh Chloe has a crush!”
“Yes you do”
“Yes, Chloe it is most probable you have a crush on Luka similar to back when I was discovering what it was like to similarly enjoy the presence of another”
“Oh shut up” Chloe said as she launched a pillow right at Kagami who ducked it making it hit Mari, unleashing a pillow fight that would lead to the girls having a pillow fight until both Chloe and Kagami where picked up by there rides.
“Bug!!!!” “M’lady” “Tentōmushi.”
It’s all I can hear as I gasp from the puncture that I now have right through my lung. All I can see are rushing shapes as Luka tries to get to his bracelet and the suddenly I can breathe again, I see Luka make a call and all of a sudden bee is there with her stinger at the ready, my heart is still racing but I don’t know why. I start running towards the akuma but Chlo”s already there with her venom out and monster frozen then I’m running as fast as I can to chat because he has the akumatized item and then that’s it the swarm is released and it’s like I know what’s happening.
“I’m running out of time, everyone go home and recharge we need to talk I’ll meet you on top of the tower in 30 minutes”
“Bug why are we here?”
“Well it’s been about six months since the forced reveal and public change of users. I feel as though we now need to confirm our identity with each other since before that time each of you had been serving for over a year.”
“But why now?”
“Why?! Because I almost died today we almost lost and I can’t tell anyone unless I’m in this suit. We need support and no one else can give it to us so we need to build our on support team inside and out of being suppers. So I will be going home to a safe space and any of you who are ready to know who I am and share your secret with the others can follow me. I will never hold this moment against you and I will leave my location visible if you need to take your time.”
“Chat are you coming?”
“Wherever you need me.”
“So now that we all know what does that mean. Where do we go now?”
“We go no where, we trust and have each other’s backs.”
“Well I personally don’t know why we did this Mari you knew who all of us were and I knew who all of you were, I even put together who Rena, and carapace were.
“Wait how did Chloe know before me M’Lady”
“Well, actually I don’t know?! Chloe how did you know”
“Well big we all know how you are and I sort of put your personality together from that and then no one in Paris is as sunshiny as Adrikins here,”
“Don’t humf me you know it’s true. And after that well me and Luk’s started talking and there was something so calming about him and how he took care of everyone. Then of course I noticed how there was really only one more of us left, two if we count Sabrina but Gami was the only one that makes since because well look at her she’s vicious and loyal and most importantly is the only other one of us that has dark hair.”
“Well that’s fair.”
“Wait I still don’t get how you confirmed it?”
“Oh I gave pollen free will she can do whatever she wants whenever and the only downside is that I have to ask her if we can join battle.”
“What do you mean what? Of course she has free will why would I ever keep her like a servant.”
In a meek voice “I’m the guardian and even I didn’t know that they didn’t have free will, Tiki I'm so sorry I didn’t know. As guardian you now have free will Tiki. Adrian go get the Miracle box we have to free them all and no one but Tiki stayed out.”
“Kwamis’ as your guardian I wished I had known that you had no free will and as your guardian I am granting you that freedom but I wish to still have a connection with each of you, as you will work on your own in your own way I hope to keep your miraculous with me and your users so that if need arises we must only tap on them to call to you and inform you of your need, never to merge without your express permission but to work as partners not masters. Do you accept these terms?”
“As guardian, on these terms all Kwamis’ under my care are free to do as they wish and will always have a home with each other and a family in there new found partners.
“ Mari were here we’re going second pay attention Aurore just came up with an auction as a fundraiser.”
“That should work great well just need to do a bit more around the gaining items and how much of the revenue we will get to keep. Now after our pitch we will probably need at least six more ideas and committees to execute them, overall we need eight to even think about doing the trip for the whole senior class even if we get a sponsor other than whatever school we enter for those 6 weeks.”
“Bug your always thinking a head, just focus on now and we’ll deal with the rest after we come up with the finalized schedule for the bigger events.”
Tag list : @thezestywalru
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sharada-n · 5 years
Could you elabirate about why Papyrus reminds Flowey of Chara? I'm really curious.
Sure, but I want to preface this by saying its been ages since I’ve written Undertale Meta so excuse me for being a bit rusty. Also, there’s a lot of personal conjecture and interpretation here so feel free to take what I say with a grain of salt…
This is pretty much a counter argument to people claiming that Papyrus resembling Asriel is the reason why he’s Floweys favorite. I’ll get into why I think that isn’t true in a second (and why I think he actually is more like Chara) but first I’d like to point out that this theory doesn’t even make sense.
Flowey’s relationship with Asriel is complicated. On a technical level they’re the same person, yes, but in reality, they’re more like separate entities. While I do believe there is some Asriel left in Flowey, Asriel himself states at the end of the pacifist route that Flowey and he are not the same. More importantly though, Flowey talks about Asriel with clear resentment. He says Asriel was weak and blames the failure of the plan to free monsterkind on himself.
Keeping this in mind, it doesn’t make sense that Papyrus reminding Flowey of Asriel would be a positive thing to him. Especially considering the way Flowey speaks about his first encounters with Asgore and Toriel. Flowey doesn’t seem to want a constant reminder of his old life around, let alone a constant reminder of his old self. If Papyrus was like Asriel, I can only imagine Flowey would resent him too and not have him as a best friend.
“But Shara,” I hear you cry “Flowey is hardly a good friend. In fact, he's kind of a jerk and he manipulated Papyrus in the pacifist ending!”. Which, yes, that’s a fair point. I’m not saying he deserves a “friend of the year” award, but I’ve definitely been over why I feel their friendship is not just a charade on Flowey’s part. It might have started as such, but it's not anymore I think.
For example, the plan to use Papyrus to lure everybody into his trap at the end of the pacifist route wasn’t concocted until after Frisk fell, and they were friends long before that, so it can’t be the reason why Flowey befriended him in the first place.
Granted this is veering a little into headcanon territory, but there also is canon evidence to support this, such as the anniversary event where Flowey was the only one who knew what Papyrus’ favorite food was, and was seemingly annoyed at the fact that nobody else knew.
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And also the dialogue you get if you keep doing neutral runs without ever attempting a genocide or pacifist run.
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Here Flowey accuses the player of continually resetting and visiting him out of curiosity and boredom rather than a genuine desire to befriend him. This mirrors the part where he talks about his friendship with Papyrus being a result of his own curiosity and Papyrus (for some reason not actually properly explained in canon) being “fun to mess with” and a character that took a long time for Flowey to get bored off. Then we get this tidbit:
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Not only is this line very interesting but the facial expression is important too. You can read it as discomfort, clearly, but it is also very much a guilty expression. This is the same expression Flowey has at the end of the pacifist route when addressing the player and compelling them not to reset anymore because it would take away everybody’s happy ending. It also happens to be the same expression he has when talking about the Flowey Fan Club as well as at the exact line I mentioned above, where he admits Papyrus was his “favorite”. 
Seems to me like Flowey is expressing guilt or embarrassment about his original intentions behind befriending Papyrus…
Now to get into the main thing: Why do people think Papyrus and Asriel are similar? The hard part is that we don’t know that much about Asriel when you think about it. He’s been long dead before the events of the game. We get some bits and pieces here and there but most info comes from Flowey himself, who is hardly an unbiased source. However, it's fair to say Asriel was very kind, innocent even, and pretty naive. A crybaby, in his own words. And if you take the most shallow, basic interpretation of Papyrus (the kind of fanon that makes me want to pull my hair out) what do you get? That Papyrus is kind, innocent and naive.
The only word in that list I do not take offense to is kind. Papyrus is undeniably a very kind person. But he is not innocent or naive. I could go into why I say this but honestly, it has been argued to death not just by me but by the entire fandom at this point, you’ve all heard it before. Papyrus is an actor. He’s good at showing people the parts of himself he wants them to see. It's unlikely that he’s completely faking it, I do believe Papyrus is genuinely a positive and quirky person. But he’s also playing up those parts to the extreme. Which leaves us with a lot of subtle clues as to his real feelings. Meanwhile, Asriel wears his heart on his sleeve. Crybaby, remember? And what about Asriel being a coward? Papyrus is anything but a coward.
So let's talk about Chara then. Once again we face the same problem we did earlier. Chara is long gone and we don’t know a lot about them besides what Flowey tells us, unless you subscribe to the “Chara is the narrator” theory, which I personally do, but since I know some people are still on the fence regarding this I’ll keep to strictly canon dialogue first. 
Asriel says Chara wasn’t the nicest person. True enough, their plan to destroy the barrier by means of killing themselves and then a bunch of humans wasn’t exactly a solid idea. However, it was made with good intentions. Chara was willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of freeing their newfound family. Chara wanted to help fix something they saw as undeniably wrong: the way humans treat others.
But this was also about revenge. Chara was bitter. They didn’t climb the mountain for a happy reason, according to Asriel. Asgore tells us something different too. He says he can see “the same hope in Frisk’s eyes that he saw in [Chara]”. So here we find what is both the big similarity and the big difference between Chara and Papyrus. Both of them are genuinely filled with hope, with belief, and with the motivation to make things better. They just manifested it differently.
Where Papyrus seems to maintain this disposition even in the face of adversary and unkindness, believing in you all the way until his death in the genocide route, Chara has already faced the kind of behavior that has made them resentful of things they consider unfair or unjust.
Both of them are willing to act upon these feelings of righteousness at least, however ill-advised, in contrast with Asriel (or ironically: Sans), who seems to be a more static, laid back person that didn’t like shaking up the status quo and just went along with what others did. Even Flowey himself only engages when he’s sure he has an ace up his sleeve and is unwilling to act thoughtlessly or impulsively. 
As the tape in the True Lab betrays, Chara was also a hard person to read, and both an excellent liar as well as an actor. They were hard to figure out, at the very least, and Asriel expressed joy at seeing a glimpse of their unguarded emotions when they smiled genuinely. Once again though, Chara seems to do this because they want to come across as colder and more emotionless than they really are, giving the impression that they don’t care about anyone or anything. While Papyrus is always trying to come across more happy and untroubled than he really is, and rather keeps his more negative feelings to himself.
The result for both of them is the same though: they are distanced from their friends and family, I’d almost go as far as to say that even those closest to them barely know them, and they are misunderstood in the most fundamental way. Their motivations are harder to figure out than those of most other characters, for sure. It would definitely go some way into explaining why Flowey was so fascinated by Papyrus from the start…
If you do believe in the Narra!Chara theory, there are some small details that match too. Chara is a rather goofy person actually and often makes jokes, but expresses disgust at puns and Sans’ rather lazy sense of humor where he goes for the most obvious wordplays. Just like Papyrus, who the fandom often portrays as hating puns when in reality he loves them, just not the kind Sans makes because they’re easy. Chara is also implied to be quite fond of books/reading and cooking, as is Papyrus. They both come across as inquisitive to me. The narrator's retorts can be unexpectedly sarcastic, or even dark, not unlike some of Papyrus’ dialogue. There’s some other minor things but honestly this post is way too long as is so I’ll just leave it there
Conclusion: Flowey made the same mistake the fandom made in assuming Papyrus was a one-dimensional person who is easy to fool, only be confronted with his new best friend being strangely similar to his old one and now he has no soul and a weird attachment to this strange skeleton who everybody underestimates. He even admits that Chara is the only person he would still care about now. Kind of a weird statement, except if you consider he has found somebody like Chara that sparked some kind of actual emotion in him (whether that be friendship, compassion, guilt, or something else)
What do you guys think? I’d love to hear your thoughts, or if you want to tell me this post was a horrible read from start to finish you can do that too
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All thanks to Lila Rossi
(Thank you for you guys who got tagged to check out this sorry excuse of a fic- well i wanna see your reaction so I'm sorry if you're busy and i am bothering you. also please prepare some bleach cuz this may be the worst fic ever in history of tumblr)
Tags cuz i swore to do this
[ @frostymoon11 @a-marlene-s @apex-primus @bugaboosandbees @captainrose35 @miracul0us-multishipper @miraculouscontent @miraculous-of-salt @lenoreofraven @gale-of-the-nomads @galahadwilder @nobodyfamousposts @symwinter @skaylanphear @imthepunchlord @autumnlover13moni8 @nerdasaurus1200 @gryffindorcls]
Friday morning, best day ever and Lila felt excited that day, like nothing was going wrong in life, her perfect life. But the feeling turned into anger and disgust when Lila saw her enemy. Talking! With! Her! ADRIEN!
'this can't be happening, that naive girl had to stop going near my adrien! Something needed to be done'
Thats when an idea struck her, a plan to make every girl out there stood away from her adrien! No one but her can have him, Adrien will only be hers and they will be together forever. Gabriel better thank her after this cause this plan was the best plan she ever had
The brunette left from the school ground immediately, giving away fake smiles to those who saw her. She walked towards the Agreste Mansion instead of going to school, her mother will be very dissapointed but the old woman won't know anyway
A few days ago, Lila had seal a deal with Gabriel. She will 'protect' Adrien but in return, he must help her whenever she was in need for help. Now that won't be so hard to do, as long Marinette gave up on the boy, then Lila will be able to 'protect' him from the Bluenette. And about her lies, it's been 2 months and her lies were still not exposed, not that it's a bad thing
'So you think you can stop me, Marinette? No one, i repeat, no one can stop me' Lila thought as the gate opened for her
She entered the Agreste Mansion with ease knowing she was already given permission to enter whenever she wanted to. She gave the assistant a fake smile and gracefully walked towards the younger Agreste's room. The girl had been into his room a few times for 'tutor' but the smell of cheese just gets worse and worse. A bad habit she'll had to fix after he decided to date her
The brunette searched through his trash can, ignoring tons of crumpled papers with poems and drawings of Ladybug. After what felt like a hour or so, she finally found what she need. Tried to hold all the excitement as she placed it inside her handbag, nothing will be able to stop her from being with her Adrien
Lila cleared the evidence of her doing and brush off the dust off her clothes as she stood up. She went out of his room and left the mansion after saying goodbye to Nathalie
[the next Monday]
When Lila entered the classroom a lot of confidence and smirk on her face, Marinette suddenly knew that the liar did something but she won't be able to confront her inside the class. Not when the liar was surrounded by Marinette's friends, with the exception of Chloé who decided going to the spa was the 'best idea' at the time.
"Everyone, I have an announcement to make...." Lila said as she tried to not explode in happiness then and there
The other students chatter in wonder and confusion, buzzing with excitement for the announcement because Lila always did an amazing deed no matter where she went. Questions about 'what the announcement was about' were asked by everyone.
"Well..." the brunette started, "I am pregnant...." she acted scared and sad which somehow works as usual. (Bet you didn't expect that)
Anger filled the room, with a pinch of confusion
"Wha- when- Lila, who is the father?" Alya asked the girl, oh boy does she want to beat out of the boy?
Yes, she does
The brunette didn't answer which everyone thought she was forced not to tell who the father was, but then she opened her mouth, "Adrien's the father..."
"WHA- COUGH nInO hElP!" The boy in question choked on his water, his face screaming 'IM GONNA DIE' as Neene- i mean Nino tried to help his friend
When the words came out of her mouth, slowly one by one everyone went silent. Their expressions turned into anger and disgust. Lila thought it was towards Adrien but when the yelling started, she knew something went wrong in her plan. They were supposed to yell at him! Not her! (S u f f e r)
"Marinette, i want to apologize but someone needed to get their present first"
Alya walked closer towards the said 'pregnant' girl, "congrats Lila, here is a present from me!"
A loud slap echoed the classroom as everyone gasp in shock, Lila felt pain on her right cheek. Thats when she realized Alya slapped her, hard (and she can hear Alix and Kim in the background screaming 'ohhs')
'how dare she!? Who does she think she is!?'
"Uhm excuse me!?", oh god here comes daddy's girl "why would someone who is cute and smart like Adrikins! would want to be with a filthy liar like you!" Another loud slap echoed the classroom (y e s)
"WHY YOU!' Lila exclaimed in anger (makes her looks like a witch)
Soon, everyone started shouting and the teachers had to come in to hold back some of the students so they won't hurt the brunette. The principal heard about Lila's claim from Alya and decided to contact Lila's mom and Gabriel, they need to figure out what exactly was going on (first time taking action? I thought they'll just expell mote students- )
Class was dismissed that day so the teachers were able to talk with the parents about what happened earlier, Adrien was told to stay at school by his father considering Gabriel's social issues with the others, he needed his son (pfft- says the guy who can't even eat dinner with his son)
Principal Damocles explained everything to both of the parents, including Adrien, Gabriel threatened to make a restraining order against Lila because the she's using the Agreste's reputation and name for her own need. Lila's mom on the other hand, was trying her best not to scream then and there
Benigna Rossi thought she raised Lila into a good kid, her daughter was always kind, forgiving and honest. If you told Benigna that her daughter was manipulative, evil and a liar, well she won't ever believe you
But just imagine this! You just finished your work and was ready for some good nap HOWEVER your phone rang and the principal was there to tell you 'go to school now, i don't care if you're busy'. Then after you arrived, Gabriel freaking Agreste was ready to make a restraining order against your child, how terrific!
And oh it's not just that, you also received the news that the child you raised for years was lying to you and everyone the whole time. Wasn't it amazing? Yep it was. Then to receive another news that your daughter was pregnant and the father of the baby was innocent and didn't even knew stuff about the bird and the bees
Well her day was awesome, just earlier in the morning she said 'this is a beautiful day! Nothing can go wrong' well she jinx herself. Mentally smacking herself for letting this happen and also not raising her daughter better. But the woman knew better, she knew it's not her fault, she knew what to do, but will she be brave enough to do it?
And not even a month later, everyone in Paris discovered the pregnancy of Lila Rossi. Celebrities were interviewed and most of the topic was about Lila Rossi, about her lies and how some of might had an affect on their carreer. Most of them claim to not know her, but other celebrities who was familiar with Marinette exposed the liar, LIVE ON TV IN FRONT OF HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE
Yeah her reputation was gone, poof away into the wind in less than a month. All thanks to Lila Rossi herself for putting herself into this mess and didn't even think about other possibilities that could happen
Should i mention about the Ladyblog and how Alya managed to improve her blog? Yeah i probably should. Anyway, the ladyblogger herself took down every interview she had done with Lila. She also uploaded a video to explain why she took it down and to apologize for not fact-checking
From there, her blog had other contents other than a video of an akuma fight scene, Alya also uploaded a bunch of meditating techniques that will help anyone calm down. Not only that, she searched more about the miraculouses, her sources were from Ladybug herself so she didn't have to worry. More and more citizens knew how to stay calm and what to do when they got caught in an akuma attack (instead of recording everything when a freaking giant akuma was next to you)
All thanks to Lila Rossi, the Ladyblog had improve a lot. And the ladyblogger herself was invited to almost every news station, because she had proven herself to be a trusted reporter
And Marinette? She was happy, back to her usual cheerful self. Her teachers and friends apologized to her, she forgive them and yeah everything was back to the days where Lila wasn't in Dupont. Well, theres some good changes too, they now respect her feelings and was more understanding
All thanks to Lila Rossi, Marinette can now express her emotions and people around her didn't pressure her into doing stuff she didn't like
Well, you might be wondering, what happened to Lila Rossi herself? Principal Damocles expelled her from Dupont after hearing the claims from Marinette that Lila had threatened her twice. Both Lila and her mother flew back to Italy, Benigna Rossi decided to let Lila live with her strict grandparents
It was also discovered who the father of the baby was, turns out it was actually the Agreste's baby. Just not the younger one, the older one, Gabriel himself checked the cameras around the mansion and yep it was true! Lila was pregnant with Gabriel's kid
Her reputation was ruined as it was her who did it on purpose. The information was published by Alya, permission granted by Gabriel of course. The news were shared around the world, every news station was talking about Lila Rossi as the girl herself was suffering from being humiliated
What about the baby? Hmm who knows what will happen to it, at least we knew that Lila was not allowed to abort it because she cause the pregnancy to happen, and because she was a minor (i ain't letting the baby suffer- )
And there you have it people! Everyone had their happy ending, Lila Rossi? Not so much! But at least she wasn't in jail because working with a villain was a serious crime! Trust me, jail food ain't good (also no i haven't been to jail.....yet)
Hold up! Was that.....laughter? In the distance? Oh well why not show you guys who was behind all of this. Turns out, Tikki, Plagg and the other kwamis had planned this. Yeah thats right they were behind all of this! (P l o t t w i s t)
.....what? You think the tiny god of creation won't be upset if her chosen was being treated horribly? Well you're wrong terribly sweetheart. The kwami had planned this the whole time, after all she's the goddess of creation and literally anything that was created came from her. For example, the big bang! But we're not gonna talk about that-
Oh, so Adrien had accidentally left Plagg in his room the same day Lila barged into his room, what a coincidence! The tiny black cat of course had to tell his other half about Lila's plan, and so from there the Ladybug kwami gave tons of her luck to Marinette
Lila's plan might succeed if Adrien was a pervert or a player, it's a good thing he was a good sunshine kid! Who might lost his innocence after Lila's claim of being pregnant with his kid. Poor boy had been dying to know 'where babies came from' but lets not jump to another topic!
And thats all peeps! Everyone had their happy ending except for Lila Rossi. But she deserved it and every pinch of salt the kwamis threw at her (any Lila Rossi fan out there i am soo sorry)
All thanks to Lila Rossi! and the kwamis of course
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F i n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Welp i don't know if this is a crack fic or if this fic even makes sense but i write whatever pops in my head, and don't mind me writing stuff about my own story lmao,oh and look at the time! It's hidey time- ]
[Also terribly sorry if i wasted your time hehe..]
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overdrivels · 6 years
The Way to a Heart (12)
<<Chapter 11
Hanzo, despite his less-than-stellar display of maturity, was surprisingly granted a mission, and he had taken it with such speed, there was no time for anyone to protest (or for you to have made an appropriate lunchbox). It was merely surveillance around Gibraltar, but that must have been more appealing than remaining in the incredible awkwardness at the base.
His absence, however, did little to alleviate the oppressive air in the sparsely occupied Watchpoint. Genji had made himself scarce, and when he was available, was noticeably more distant. Zenyatta’s presence probably did a lot to ease the uncertainty that weighs on the cyborg.
Though, McCree did not know who he felt worse for: Genji or you.
The others had a lot of say about the matter, but McCree cannot consider himself so morally superior that he allowed himself to gripe. The feelings of the Shimada brothers’ are sticky in ways that even those on moral high ground should not comment on—the deed was done and over with, the main thing now is how they feel now and how they’re going to go about handling it. It’s one thing if it’s between themselves, it’s another if they’re going to drag innocent people in their cautious yet reckless game of feelings and painful memories.
You, especially.
After that fiasco, you confined yourself to the kitchens, making quick work of small talk and any attempts to coax you to come out.
McCree tsk’s to himself. You had made such good progress, too. Ana, if she hadn't been away on a mission, would’ve been proud.
It’d be a lie to say the kitchen is the most welcoming place on base. Head Chef Richard was quite generous and lavish in his own way, feeding people just the right amount (neither left wanting nor bursting) with just the right foods—but despite his creed for serving and loving his customers, his priority would always fall on the chefs he kept under his wing. Through his numerous escapades, McCree had long suspected the kitchens were built in such a way that the entire place was both a fortress and a prison, keeping out intruders and holding them in to be dealt with when the time came even without chefs inside. In some ways, this place was better safeguarded than other places in the Watchpoint.
If you really wanted to lock yourself in there, you could and no one would be able to get you out. Similarly, if you truly wanted to keep people out, the kitchen could be on lockdown faster than most would be able to react. The reason for it was assumed to be because of the ‘treasure’, but McCree isn’t so sure.
“Ain’t like you t’ be standin’ still, Chef,” McCree says as he walks into the darkened mess hall and toward the service window where you stood. If he wasn’t expecting it, it would be a creepy sight to behold: a single, unmoving figure in the middle of the brightest light in the entire cafeteria, finer features obscured by shadows. “Head Chef would throw a fit if he saw you doin’ nothin’.”
Instead of the flustered outburst he expects, you remain quiet, hands folded neatly on the counter as though waiting for something. He could fathom a guess for what—or whom.
He drags a stool to the window and sits. From this spot, he can almost see the washing station and a shocking amount of dishes stacked. They don’t seem dirty, but it just looks like they were left there after being cleaned. A troubling sign.
Gently, he tries again. “Hour’s late, Chef. Whatcha doin’ up?”
“...I’m just thinking,” you reply slowly, voice lacking in any energy or enthusiasm.
He makes a noise in his throat. “That so?”
The silence settles uncomfortably between you both. He sighs internally and decides to cut to—what he believes to be—the chase. “He doesn’t hate you.”
Your fingers twitch and your hands curl into fists before unfurling and curling again. “...how are you so sure?”
Because you’re obvious and Hanzo is not as unreadable as he believes himself to be.
“Callin’ me a liar now? Mighty bold of ya.”
Jesse expects a laugh or some sort of reaction, not the deafening silence that sounds of guilt and something all too familiar.
“It’s between him and Genji. It ain’t your fault you got caught up in it.”
“If I didn’t decide to make a group meal then…”
“It wasn’t about your cookin’ or how you did it.” It was a fine set-up and wonderfully alive. If it weren’t for the Shimadas’ issues, it would have been an excellent affair that was reminiscent of the old, old Overwatch. The stew was spicy and if McCree was being honest, he’d really rather eat that combination that reminds him of his time on the road rather than the neatly arranged meals you normally make. (Not that they’re not delicious, but there’s just something charming about eating food that is more...appropriate for his person.)
“But he didn’t even take a lunchbox when he left.” Despite how distressed you sound, he couldn’t help a smile.
“Bet you cried yourself to sleep over that.”
“Did not.”
He raises an eyebrow and the silence, a little more bearable, seems to unnerve you and eventually you concede with a huff, “I didn’t cry.”
“...but you’re still feelin’ responsible.”
You throw up your hands and begin to pace as though you’ve meant to do it for a long time. “I should have known! I—”
“Known what? That everyone was goin’ to leave that seat open? That Hanzo would react like that? That we’d have to practically tackle Genji to the ground? You almost got clocked in th’ head with a flyin’ bottle and you still feel like it’s your fault?” He scoffs. “You ain’t psychic and it ain’t your responsibility to keep track of all that.”
“But it is,” you insist. “It’s the least I can do.”
He wants to groan and slap his face and barely manages to resist doing either. “Not this again.”
“It’s true!” You stop right in front of him, slamming your hands somewhere above the partition. “I'm not a hero like you!”
“Ain't never claimed t’be one neither.”
“But you're out there”—and you gesture wide toward some unseen horizon or an imagined place that McCree is sure does not exist—“fighting and risking yourselves and I'm…”
Your hands and your whole body just slumps.  
“And I'm in here.”
The silence that follows is almost damning.
There’s always been some sense of self-imposed responsibility from the support-type staff. Well, he can’t say that he was innocent in the matter—long ago, he loathed the easy-going pace of the desk-job people and paper-pushers and those who work with Overwatch but never ever see battle. Why did they get to complain when he’s out risking his hide? Why should people get to live because they’ve got money? Why do those people get to boss them around? (It’s one of the reasons why he liked Reyes so much more than Jack. The former got his hands dirty with the rest of his crew, the latter locked himself up in his offices and meetings. Jesse didn’t care about the heroic stories he was told, he just knows what he saw and what he saw was Jack being a damn sellout.)
But meeting people like you, who are too attached to the idea of ‘responsibility’, he can’t bring himself to be upset. Everyone has their own role to fill, their own troubles, and McCree learned after several years here that people like you probably take it harder than them. He can lose himself in the adrenaline and the missions, but you can only do your best, cooking for agents who are too strung out to appreciate the power of a decent meal and fling it back in your face. It’s too easy to think of the agents’ problems as your fault when it’s their fault for not managing themselves properly.
“It ain’t like you t’ get so worked up over one person. Other people lost their minds over the food before and you didn’t act like this.”
“But that was…”
That was long ago, when you weren’t alone to bear the burden of a discarded meal, when you did not feel so directly responsible, when you had the Head Chef to buffer you. Or is it because of something else?
He knows, vaguely, what you had been doing before you came back to Overwatch. He would have guessed that your skin would’ve been thicker after your ordeals. But for a single person to rattle your cage—
“If it’ll make y’feel better, I’ll hunt him down for you, make ‘im apologize,” he offers.
You snort like you don’t think he is serious—oh, but he’s very serious, no matter how nonchalant he had tried to make the offer seem. It’d be interesting to get Hanzo speaking heartfelt apologies with Peacekeeper against his temple. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’s contemplated it (but for different reasons). Jesse wonders if Genji would help, but banishes the idea quick. That might just make things more grisly than it had to.
“I think you should be the one apologizing, too.”
He starts and tries to look at you through the wall. “Me? What’d I ever do?”
“You told Agent Hanzo about the Cellar!”
“And who told you I told him?”
“Agent Genji, of course.”
That son of a—
Jesse smacks himself in the back of the neck and rubs it twice. Well, it wasn’t that much of a secret anyway. He supposes it’s his just deserts—or in this case, just desserts?  
“Guess I have two Shimadas to go after,” he says wryly, leaning against his palm, directing a smile up at you that he forgets that you cannot see. “Gotta get justice for the both of us.”
“I don’t think it’s really getting ‘justice’, Jesse.”
He shrugs. “Someone wronged you, so it’s only proper t’get even, ain’t it?”
“I don’t—That’s not right.”
“It ain’t like it’s the first time you’ve got into a tiff with somebody. ‘Member the first time you ‘nd I fought? You kicked me and threw the whole tray at me.”
“You slapped it out of my hands!”
“And we both got a helluva lecture from your boss for wastin’ food.”
He gets something like a cross between a choked laugh and a noise of anguish. It’s not what he’s aiming for, but the night’s young.
“You don’t know it, but Reyes chewed my ass out after.”
“And Head Chef put my on cleaning duty for a week since the extra food was unauthorized.”
“Hey, I put it in the terminal all good and proper. It was one of you messin’ with me that caused all of that.”
“That’s because you tried to disguise yourself as a chef!”
The cowboy pulls out his pack of cigarillos and lights one, much to your horror. He grins to himself. Good.
“Good times.”
“Don’t smoke,” you chide with no real malice. “You’ll ruin your tastebuds.”
“Ain’t nothin’ that can ruin how I taste your cookin’, it’s just that good,” he quips, taking a loud and overly obnoxious drag just to hear you groan in frustration and embarrassment. He smirks to himself. That’s a better reaction.
You wave your hand at the smoke, trying to push it back in his direction to very little avail. For good measure, he even blows a stream in your direction, delighting in the way you swat at it. “Stop that. It’ll get into the kitchen.”
“I’ll help you clean it.”
“Oh? That’s very generous.”
“What can I say?” He shrugs and tips his hat with a grin. “I’m a gentleman.”
Grumbling, you ask to yourself, “What sort of gentleman smokes in a kitchen?” You cross your arms and he can swear you are looking down at him. “I remember when you used to use that trick to try to get in here.”
“Did I now? Can’t remember. Old age must be gettin’ to me.” Even though he clearly recalls having offered his help just so he could get one step closer to the phantasmal treasure that the members of Blackwatch kept conspiring about. It did not succeed, of course.
You make some noise of disbelief and pull out an ashtray from somewhere below the window, slipping it onto the table with a loud ‘clack’. Your message is clear, but he just waits.
And waits, and waits.
Until you cave. “I’m going to make Meatloaf Surprise,” you warn sternly. “And I’ll have Gen—Captain Amari help me.”
He can’t contain his grimace. “Please don’t.” The meatloaf is enough of a threat, but throwing Ana into the mix was just unfair even if she isn’t on base. Taking in one last delicious pull, he snuffs out the end. (Though he can’t say he’s completely displeased with the results—you are coming back out of your imposed silence.)
Seemingly satisfied with his actions, you say, “Thank you.”
He stares  forlornly at his snuffed-out cigarillo, itching to put it back between his lips now that he’s had a taste. He's sure you would actually serve him meatloaf if he did. And he would eat it.
“Chef, can I get some coffee then?”
“Use the terminal, please.” But even as you say that, you’re already moving around inside the kitchen. He grumbles a bit as he leans over the length of the counter to punch in his order. “Let me guess, a red-eye for this late hour?”
His finger hovers over the submit button. “Nah.” Beep. “‘s a dead-eye kind of night.”
You choke on a laugh, and already, the kitchen seems a little brighter with the echo of it. “Did you just—”
Then the laughter pours out as though it’s been waiting to come out this whole time.
As long as you were feeling better, he could honestly say he’s done his good deed for the day. (The day’s still early, too.) 
The days pass by in a haze. Jesse drops by often, insisting on talking with you and being a general nuisance. (Though, you can’t say you’re upset about it. The former Blackwatch agent always had a way of making you talk.)
Jesse was right, regardless. You have other priorities to worry about—you’ve never worried so much about another agent before.
But it’s also the first time—second time after a younger Jesse—you were able to be so close with your customers. Back in the day, you would be taking the orders and making them without truly knowing the faces of the people you served. You’d see their name, look them up in the kitchen’s database if you did not know their habits, and cook. There was still that gap that never truly allowed you to connect with them.   
Now, it’s different. You could actually ask them, talk to them, see their reactions, share their joy.
It’s not something you really ever thought of before, but it’s truly a truly precious feeling to have someone’s eyes and face light up when they take that very first bite. Even more so when they finish everything and ask for seconds.
—“We chefs exist for them.”—
It always sounded a little asinine, but with each day here, you think you’re getting closer to what the Head Chef once meant. You’re sure that if you never saw their expressions or received their thanks, you’d still think of food and cooking more shallowly.
Seeing Agent Junkrat lose his mind over something simple like fruit salad—or any fruit in general—was beyond endearing. You couldn’t help but indulge him if only just to see him happy (even if it did eat at your limited inventory). Agent Roadhog, as silent as he was, always seemed to take special care to eat everything clean, thanking you. Mock arguing with Agent Reinhardt about his diet was also fun. He always insisted on bratwurst and fatty substances for his physique only to concede and laugh the exchange off after a few words, leaving with less than you would’ve expected.
Agent Hanzo, though unexpected, definitely caught your attention the most. His sharp features softening into something warmer, younger when eating sweets. It was comforting to watch, strange as it sounds, to see him enjoy himself especially when he always seemed to hold the world at arm’s length.
The nights where Agent Hanzo comes down to drink tea or to eat really puts into perspective the Head Chef’s words. Just by serving him and seeing him eat so earnestly really makes you think that perhaps being a chef was a worthy cause in life if only to help these heroes through the day.
Long ago, the Head Chef would lecture about the agents. How the food you (and every other chef makes) becomes a part of them and that their bodies are made from the food you made. As such, all that they eat must be filled with love. For these agents—these heroes—miles away from home and fighting a war that most people only see through a holoscreen, can easily lose faith and forget the feeling of humanity, and therefore must be loved and nurtured lest they become nothing more than beasts.
—“Love them with all our being.”—
Though, you couldn’t say that you loved every agent.
Deadpan, you stare at the tray Agent Soldier: 76 dropped off. Even from this distance, you can see the food piled up on it, scarcely touched as always. You scrub at your face with your sleeve.
He likes nothing. Indian, Mediterranean, Chinese, French, German, Italian—none of those cuisines have ever caught his fancy, none of those foods have ever received anything more than a nibble despite having one of the highest calorie requirements among all of the agents here. How can you give anyone love if they refuse to have it? What use was pouring in effort if it’s rebuffed?
What does he even eat?
You bite back a groan of frustration even as it claws at you, begging you to voice you discontent and perhaps find Agent Soldier: 76 and give him a good shake or a whack with a ladle or maybe (as unlikely as it is) knock him out and shove food down his throat.
The thought is waved away just as quickly as it comes. No, it's likely not any fault of his own. Maybe he just doesn't like your cooking.
It’s a painful reality to admit, but it’s a humbling one.
It'd be wonderful if he could give a critique or just let you know what he likes—you can't take requests immediately, but the next shipment can be tailored to accommodate him—yet the radio silence he gives you is woefully inadequate in helping you move forward. Each week produces different types of food, but each time produces nothing but a barely touched tray. It’s past the point of being a challenge and stepping dangerously into the realm of making you throw down your apron and leaving the Watchpoint for good.
It was a dangerous balancing act where even the greatest thanks from all agents could be negated simply by Agent Soldier: 76’s apparent refusal to eat anything you make. You cannot give up just because of one person. Your mission is more than just cooking for one person, more than just cooking for a group of agents, and so you remind yourself that you must remain strong.
Resigning yourself to life’s occasional hiccups, you pick up the tray when you pause.
Curiously enough, one plate remained among the different dishes. It’s rectangular, a little smaller and half-hidden among the others, but even more striking is that it’s the only empty plate among other partially eaten dishes.
Hastily, you pick up it up, looking it over, turning it in your hands.
Just what did you…?
Apple pie. There was apple pie on this plate. A few crumbs of flaky crust left behind, but the pie itself is nowhere to be found, a clearing through a dollop of sauce that looks suspiciously like someone wiped a finger through it.
A happiness you haven’t felt in a while bubbles up rapidly inside you, pressing up against your chest, blooming, warming everything in its path until it reaches your face.
“Are you kidding me?” you ask no one, half-hysterical.
He ate something you made. Completely.
You press a hand to your mouth, choking on emotion and a victory hard won, breath stuttering and your eyes entirely too warm.
He ate the pie.
You should make more.
Abandoning cleaning duty, you rush across the kitchen and tear into the walk-in freezer, the crisp and chilly air does nothing to dampen your newfound spirits. How many more pies can you make? Should you adjust the recipe? Oh, but you don’t know his preferences, what about the pie did he like? The flakiness? The way the apples were sliced? The types of apples that were used?
Just what did he like so much about the pie?
The fruit make their way into your arms as your mind furiously burns through the options.
If even Agent Soldier: 76 liked these, then this would surely please Agent Hanzo—
The thought of the archer makes you stop in your tracks.
Agent Hanzo would have enjoyed this, would have taken a bite that’s almost too big for his mouth and maybe smiled that secretive smile when he tastes something he enjoys, may have even closed his eyes and breathed in and sighed a little. A bitter smile crosses your face. If only he were here. You’re sure he would’ve loved this.
You shake your head. No, you have other customers to focus on.
What expression did Agent Soldier: 76 make when he ate this? Was it just as soft? Did he smile? Would he have taken a pause to savor it after the first bite?
You couldn’t help but smile wide, shouldering your way back into the kitchen with ingredients nearly spilling out of your arms. It wouldn’t hurt to make more or to go astray from your menu. Just once.
Just this once.
Nothing could bring down your mood as you began to measure your ingredients, all else forgotten.
You’re in the middle of putting the rolled out crusts into the freezer when your communicator rings. It takes a moment until your hands are free, but you light up when you see who’s calling.
“Asim, good to hear from—”
“Boss.” His tone, cold and curt, makes you stop in your tracks. “We need you back here.”
Your breath comes up short and the dread seeps into your bones, freezing them with full-bodied fear, and your previous elation comes crashing down.
Auditors? From what organization? And why now? The fiscal year isn’t even over yet and you’re sure that last year’s documents were submitted properly—
“They’re asking for all our documents, our ledgers, our—” He takes a shuddering breath. “Boss, you have to come back.”
Without even thinking, you utter, “Asim, don’t—don’t let them take more than they already have. Tell Argus—hold them off while I…”
You brain struggles to form words as plans and concerns flying through them at rapid-fire speed.
You need to go to them—what about your data—how long have they been there—no, you need to let Winston know—but it could be too late—you need to—but Overwatch—but the auditors—how did—
Your feet sway and you cannot decide what you need to do first.
Asim hisses, loud and insistent in your ear, “Boss! We don’t have time! We need you. Now!”
You suck a hard breath through your teeth.
“I’ll be right over.”
And the communications cut off.
The freezer door rattles loudly as you slam it shut, and you almost jam your wrist trying to get the Cellar door open. The door opens then closes after you, lights flickering on automatically after you have already ran past them.
It’s irresponsible to leave Overwatch hanging, but this took precedence. You must see the extent of what the auditors have seen, what they have. If they find out about your operations, Overwatch would be in terrible danger and everything you would have done—all your sacrifices—would have been for nothing.
You could only hope that you’re not too late.
Chapter 13>>
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sanctamater · 6 years
something to talk about: how amelia was condition and brainwashed to the point where she thought she loved comstock. so, in a twisted & manipulated sense, she was actually upset about elizabeth and thinking that comstock had an affair? because she I'm sure being the 'mother of the savior' was a big part of the conditioning/brainwashing and something comstock made her feel 'worthy' with.
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the indoctrination began the moment lady comstock sat down in his congregation and decided to come back. the thing to know is that this was a cult from the get-go, and there are certain steps that have to be followed to create this dynamic between cult leader and followers. indoctrinating one into a cult isn’t a quick process; but in the case of lady comstock, she was picked by comstock for specific reasons to be his bride and groomed her within the congregation.to start off, amelia was an insecure and desperate 18 year old who had been isolated from society due to her own choices and reputation ( “to those who loved me, i was the most generous of souls. there was no pain i would deny them, no betrayal i would not gladly give. and when i had scorched the hearts of all who loved me …” UNCONDITIONAL.). i also believe amelia to be part of american high society, the knickerbockers; which would give her considerable wealth and political prestige that zachary would need to further his ideas and cement the cult into a place of power. lady comstock, when she met her husband, was a vulnerable teenager, and he used her.
there are eight steps to indoctrinating a cult member, which i will explain below as it pertains to lady comstock and zachary’s courtship and marriage.
most cults (i.e: scientology) target those with money. comstock would have been no different. he needed access to senate, congress, and washington, and the funds to do it; which an unmarried knickerbocker heiress would have. he’d have known of her, and had her pointed out to him in crowds. target acquired: one ruined, isolated and single heiress. i don’t think the selection nor courtship was random: he had every intention of making her his wife and wanted to groom her to fit the part.  invitation is when most cults attempt to get the target involved with them. maybe a luncheon, a retreat, a class. we’re going to assume that lady comstock was already attending sermons because it moved her and made her feel better about the direction her life was going, and would have given her hope that her life could improve given time. she already thought highly of zachary: in a moment of informal introduction, he begins to involve her personally with him.
this is characterised by a period of support and affection from the indoctrinator. it’s to associate the cult with good feelings: i’m going to call the courtship a love bomb. this would have been a period where zachary would have made her feel special, given her affection, and made her know just how special she was. to quote her again: “the prophet said: ‘there is nothing you can do for which i will not forgive you. for god has granted me sight, and in his eyes, even you are loved.’” (UNCONDITIONAL.) he would have made it obvious that she was the favourite, and venerated her as something for others to strive for.
cults promise shit. zachary promised redemption to his followers, and a second chance. that was lady comstock’s end goal: to be redeemed and given a second chance. it’d be a ‘join me, get this.’ in this case, it’s also his love and zachary would likely hold himself as a ‘prize’ for her to attain.
the cult leader will then seek a verbal agreement that you do indeed want this prize. cults want the target to feel as though this extraction, this ‘yes, i need this’ is the target’s idea, not the cult’s. this would have marked her baptism, but not her marriage. that was a later prize.
at this point the target is encouraged to do things and get more involved; things they might not want to do. donate in the name of the cult, devote more time, cut off family and friends, adopt more extreme beliefs; and if there is dissent, the cult will threaten to withhold the prize. amelia was…. extremely connected to her family. they were a support system for her. in order to make her more reliant on him, zachary would have asked that she turn her back on ‘non-believers’. she would have refused; and he, in turn, would have threatened to call off the courtship. she, now reliant on his approval and still reeling from the love bomb, would have complied. they marry. 
now that the target is in and no longer asking questions, the target - now recruit - must be made to feel guilty. they are shamed as it makes them more vulnerable to manipulation. for the already indoctrinated - like lady comstock at this point - this makes them stay true to The Cause. in this case the guilt was zachary and lady comstock’s inability to produce a child, which we know he blamed amelia for. “the archangel tells me that columbia will only survive so long as my line sits the throne. yet lady comstock produces no child. i have done what a man can do, yet there is no child!” ( A BROKEN CIRCLE. ) he very likely blamed her for their infertility despite the fact that he was the sterile one, and made sure she knew that in order to keep her close.
behaviour is reinforced by rewarding “good” and punishing “bad”. this is mirrored in her later voxopones. “tonight, the prophet moved against his political enemies. he preaches mercy, but 40 souls lie tonight dead, in unmarked graves. if there was ever a man… unworthy of grace, it would be my husband. but when i was beyond redemption, he offered it anyway. how can i deny forgiveness to one who, with love, granted it to me?” ( BEYOND REDEMPTION. ) it’s implied here he sought to control her by having her forgive him for… mass killing dissenters. that would have been good behaviour she was rewarded for. which also turns to backfire on him when she becomes disillusioned, but – this would have been the reward for her failing to produce an heir.
this is technically the final step. i would like to say that i believe that lady comstock is…. an ideal, not a person. she’s a character in comstock’s narrative that amelia was indoctrinated into playing. she’s only ever referred to by her own initial; her image dots the city and zachary has constructed her into something holy, something inhuman that can transcend everything. lady comstock even has issues processing that zachary hale comstock is a monster, capable of atrocious things. he is so confident in his indoctrination of her that he shows her what he can do to those who oppose him, and she still she attempts to rationalise it. “i know the prophet is a liar, but he cannot be. i know the prophet is a murderer, but… he cannot be. for if the future lies only in the imagination of god, why would he reveal it to such a…. monster?” ( THE IMAGINATION OF GOD. ) she is so deep within this web that her processing of the situation has been affected. however, in terms of who he has turned her into, amelia says: “the child is no more divine than i.” ( NO LONGER. ) at this stage of disillusionment, amelia does not see herself in that narrative. she does not see elizabeth in the narrative. she is, of course, upset. she was 19 years old when elizabeth was brought to her and very much believed in her husband. it was a genuine upset: i’d be highly upset too if my spouse brought home a child for me out of the blue and told me she was cut from the holy cloth; another action which shows that comstock was confident in his grooming of her. she, already at a rickety stage in her belief, gained cracks in a foundation, and logically assumed it was an affair; which he did not refute. that upset was legitimate and valid given the situation. he hurt her. yet at the point where she records no longer, she no longer wants to be in his narrative; does not see herself fitting in that narrative, and wants to set things right. now seeing that he had lost control over her, zachary chose to do what he does to all of those who dissent: kill her. 
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littlemisskookie · 7 years
I wanted to ask you how you came up with the plot to STA? It's very good and I'm a writer myself but this type of writing is beyond my imagination.
Alrightie! This is going to be lengthy because I’m actually going to go into depth for the plot and characters as well, so bear with me.
So mainly it started out with the idea of a drunk boy being carried by a girl, saying he loved her while saying another girl’s name, while she was in love with him.
And I see these posts and such from girls shaming side hoes or being completely shameful or simply hating on a friend who dated their crush, or their ex, or basically just really negative things like that.
And that sucks! Believe me, I know! But there are two sides to every story, and so often I see the girl getting bashed by society because they’re the vixen and it’s somewhat become normal in media and such for side hoes and they’re generally looked down on and are seen to be thrown to the side.
I wanted to add more sides to the story, it being from everyone’s perspective.
At first, I planned for Seulgi to basically do no harm, to be the perfect girlfriend and the perfect victim. But then I started seeing a lot of those ‘boys are abusers’ and such, and I was also doing some research on mental illnesses, and abusive pasts, and certain traits, and there was this one article or post I somehow stumbled upon of a woman who regularly slapped her husband and such, dragging him by the ear or yelling at him repeatedly, and no one seemed to care and instead said he probably fucked up or deserved it.
At that point, I was at the end of writing chapter 2, so while I was already making the friendship between Y/N and Seulgi a bit toxic to show some jealousy and insecureness for both parties, I started hinting more that their relationship wasn’t as perfect as Y/N made it out to be.
Now, how I based the relationships themselves are heavily influenced off of my own experiences, as most of my works are.
Y/N and Seulgi’s friendship was influenced by three friendships of my own, little details plucked from each and added into it. Some included my faults, some included theirs. Each one was unhealthy in its own aspect, which I will briefly talk about.
(I’m not trying to bash any of these people, and it’s in the past now. I’m only describing to help show what inspired the aspects of the story.)
One had us constantly fighting, one continuously fucking up while the other could seemingly do no wrongs, and pointing out each time how the other was a horrible person. Both of us more or less felt obligated to stay friends only because of how long our history was, though even if we’d go a while without talking only to argue again and again as we continuously felt ourselves drifting or starting to dislike each other. The second one was constantly trying to outdo the first, trying to beat her in a competition, in morals, or frankly in everything because of her own jealousy/insecurity. The only reason the friendship lasted was that it started wayyyy back into childhood.
The second friendship was one that formed out of desperation. One became clingy and way too dependent on the other, while that friend was off basically only coming to her when she had her own problems. Jealousy was always an issue because the one who wasn’t so attached would typically be of a sort of higher position. Both drifted to a point where when it came down to its end, one basically blamed all of her problems and outside problems on the clingy one.
The third one is a friendship based on lies, where one person continuously tried to create somewhat of a fake identity and life outside the friendship to gain admiration from the other, trying to get her to become as obsessed as the other seemingly was.
Now, what I collected from those friendships (and trust me, I’ve experienced many more) I added to Seulgi. Some of my worst traits in those friendships, and some of the others’.
From the first one, there’s definitely a sense of trying to be better than the other, and Y/N definitely feels somewhat obligated to stay with her because she’s her childhood friend. While they don’t argue constantly or seem to ignore each other in a way, drifting and at the last second reconnecting, there’s definitely similarities.
As for the second, there’s definitely a sort of clinginess that’s there. Seulgi is also paying more attention to her other relationships (Jungkook) than she is to Y/N, as shown whenever she and JK would hang out and end up excluding Y/N. There was definitely a sense of one being higher up, as Seulgi repeatedly puts herself over Y/N.
The third is basically how Seulgi constantly tries to get Y/N to idolize her, not being completely honest. 
Now, let me just say typically if someone’s toxic, they’re typically not going to be toxic in only one friendship in particular. (Which I experienced in another friendship, that was frankly and by far the worst one I’ve experienced) Which is why it’s fairly easy to see how Seulgi is rather toxic in both friendships, letting her anger and jealousy overwhelm her and swallow her whole.
If someone treats their best friend from childhood like utter shit, who’s to say they won’t treat their boyfriend the same?
(Granted, there are toxic people and abusers who act completely normally around others.)
Seulgi feeds off of Y/N in a certain way, and though both are unhappy in the friendship in a way, both are also extremely dependent on each other, which is perhaps one of the worst things of all.
I based Y/N’s characteristic off of mine in a way, embarrassingly enough, in a period of my life where I was admittedly depressed after something rather traumatizing happen to me from my friends, that admittedly shaped my future friendships and trust issues. Though I don’t want to go into detail about that, it does involve the worst toxic friendship I mentioned above.
But I repeatedly blamed myself for everything, and others’ problems, because that’s what I was being blamed for. At the time, I was being blamed for even family problems that I didn’t know of or didn’t affect, and it was one of the worst downhill spirals I experienced.
I was also responsible for setting up two dear friends of mine, who admittedly didn’t have the best relationship because the girl kept on asking the boy to change himself and “stop being so depressed”. So for a long time, I was responsible for fixing their relationship and such, and for months I placed all the blame for everyone’s separate problems that shouldn’t even affect my life on my own shoulders. (Which the second friend was part of, BTW)
And the entire time I admittedly put on a mask, where everyone believed I had no problems, was perfectly happy, healthy, and strong to be trying to fix everyone’s problems and take charge of the situations they were too scared to handle themselves until it all backfired and the mask crumbled.
Though Y/N does have very different situations and such from mine, and her character is drastically different in certain aspects where I added other quirks and traits that I myself do not possess.
And lastly, Jungkook’s personality, which is rather easy to see where it sparked. Again, myself, but the me who wasn’t aware of the toxic situation I was trapped in, and oblivious to any harm or hurt I was causing unknowingly.
But he does have good intents. He loves Y/N, but he is confused by how he loves her. He is aware of the fact Seulgi is violent, but he simply accepts that as one of her flaws. He doesn’t want to hurt her, as you can tell from how he doesn’t fight back. He’s a bad liar who’s scared of causing more damage than he’s already done, because guilt isn’t something he’s good at dealing with, though he deals with it a lot, especially recently. He has a good heart, but he isn’t aware of everything he does to Y/N because she refuses to show she’s hurt.
I think the last extra thing that made me want to form this series is because of how scared authors seem to be of making a situation messy. They don’t like making their characters flawed, or they justify actions based on something else.
Here, even though Jungkook cheated, it wasn’t okay for Seulgi to hit him. Even if Seulgi is toxic, it doesn’t give an excuse to cheat.
Everyone is flawed, the situation is messy (especially where most people refuse to make their characters cheat, or usually the OC is the one being cheated on, not with) and I thought to myself “How can I make this more fucked than it already is?”
That’s my ‘brief’ thought process for how I formed all of this.
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Buster & Rio
Buster: How are they then? Buster: Besides missing me madly like Rio: Yeah, that's the general consensus here, like Rio: Assuming I'm talking to the girls? 😜 Rio: Everyone's good, enjoying their freedom from education hard, being cute gays, like Rio: How are you lot, babe? Buster: Better not be too hard though, Nance has got a lot of hair to hold back. Your brother not so much, granted Buster: Oh you know, we're manic. High on sugar and poor impulse control Rio: Don't worry, the stylish yet efficient bun is in, she'd not risk her crowning glory, like 😂 Rio: 😏 and that's just you, yeah? Buster: Standard Buster: 'Course. Only bribe you with the sweet stuff Rio: Likewise Rio: You know my weaknesses Rio: I'll facetime later to read 'em a story, I found some cool new ones out here Rio: Why were we shopping for kid's stuff I hear you not ask, well Rio: Don't worry, your sister ain't knocked up Buster: You gonna facetime me later too, yeah? Buster: I got to thinking she'd landed herself another MILF, this time with kids in toe like Rio: Duh, know you can't sleep without a story from me either, I got you baby Rio: Nope Rio: You'll never guess Buster: Are you actually gonna make me Buster: Or just tell me Rio: Alright, Demi and June are going to have a baby! Buster: You're right I'd never have guessed that one Rio: Well, here's the thing Rio: they've asked me to surrogate for them Buster: But you burst their bubble, right? Buster: And then they found someone else Rio: No Rio: We've not gone ahead and started the process or anything but I think its a good idea Rio: it'll make it so its biologically a bit of both of them, as close as Buster: Yeah I get where they're coming from and what they get out of it Rio: You don't think it'd be a nice thing for me to do for them? Why not? I've got the eggs, the incubator Buster: Nice ain't the word, babe Rio: Its my little brother, if I can do something to make him happy, I wanna Rio: and it won't be that much of a hardship on me, like Rio: Sure I can deal with morning sickness and the rest Buster: If you say so Rio: You don't want me to Buster: It ain't up to me Rio: No but I care about your opinion Buster: Yeah? Buster: That's why you already said you'd do it Rio: Not officially, or exactly Rio: I couldn't no it out of the gate Rio: He's so excited, you know what he's like, it would've looked weird if I wasn't Buster: Fuck that Buster: It's weird that you wanna do it Rio: Why is that weird? Buster: 'Cause you ain't Chlo, wanting to just give your kid over when you reckon your part's done Rio: Don't say that Rio: It won't be mine Buster: Bullshit Buster: You're carrying it, you think you're not gonna get attached feeling it kick and everything Buster: Come on Rio: Plenty of women do it Rio: All the time Buster: I don't care about them Buster: I care about you Rio: Then trust me when I say I can Buster: You know I trust you Buster: But can't I be worried, like Buster: Just trying to look at this from the POV you won't Rio: Of course you can but Rio: It isn't fair if they can't have a kid Buster: Grace can't either, you gonna offer for her too? Buster: Don't act like there aren't other options Rio: If she asked, yeah Rio: but she's 18 and single so quite unlikely Buster: You know what I mean Rio: Well what if I want to experience it myself Rio: I'm not going to get a chance now either, unless I take this Buster: That's not a reason to put yourself through this Rio: You can't say that Rio: You don't know, you have kids, and your a man, its totally different Buster: So it's my fault now? Buster: Whatever Buster: You wanted my opinion Buster: I know what it's like to not be able to raise your kid yourself, remember? I don't want that for you Rio: Didn't say that Rio: I'm saying you can't know how I feel on it Rio: It isn't like I'll never see it Rio: still be family Buster: Don't you reckon that'll be harder? Buster: Look what happened to your sister, having Drew around but not Rio: Why would it be anything like that Rio: I'm not like him, I'm not going to pretend she doesn't exist Rio: she'll have me as her Auntie and she'll know I'm her bio Ma but she'll have two parents that love her Buster: So did Edie Buster: Really felt it though, didn't she? Rio: Shut up Rio: You're being stupid now Rio: Its not close to the same situation Rio: Edie knew she was a mistake, one her Da especially did not want Rio: this is planned, and so wanted, and the kid will know Buster: Forget I said anything then Buster: You've made your mind up already anyway Rio: I have to do this Rio: can't you support me? Buster: Of course I'll support you Buster: Doesn't mean I can't warn you. I have to, if you have to do this Rio: Okay Rio: I hear you, yeah? Rio: Noted Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Buster: Good Rio: I'm coming Home in Sunday Rio: or Imma have to buy another suitcase for all the presents Buster: And if Kira couldn't see you before she goes back to Erin's you'd have to hide in your suitcase Rio: Exactly Rio: Don't wanna miss her Buster: No way she's letting that happen Buster: And, you know, her curls are so big now like Rio: 😍 Rio: They're both so beautiful, my heart melts Rio: How can I deny the world of my DNA either, yeah? Buster: You've got me there Buster: You would make a beautiful kid Rio: Right? Rio: And Demi is gorg so not gonna fuck with the mix, thank God Rio: like soz, Junie, don't rate your mans Buster: He's not as hot as me, but who is Rio: Obviously Rio: but not the colour they going for, like Buster: Tut tut Rio: Reverse racism at its finest, you reckon? 😂 Buster: I'm only playing Buster: Gotta when you got no adult company Rio: Poor baby Rio: You love it Buster: Can't lie Rio: Mhmm, no fooling me, boy Buster: Too late for all that, I know Rio: How's Messi Rio: take a pic? Buster: [Sends a group selfie] Rio: 😘💖😩💋 Rio: My faves Rio: Wish I was Home Buster: Me too Buster: But we've waited longer for each other, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Just dramatic Rio: We're all going out later so, won't have time to mope then, they won't have that 😏 Buster: Out where? Buster: Like the club or the museum? Very different vibes Rio: The club, we've exhausted the museums Rio: Sure the lads would disagree but Buster: And you've gotta make the most of it Buster: Can't be hitting the dance floor pregnant Rio: Who says? Rio: Gotta keep working and werkin', like Buster: 🤑 Rio: Although I am having to argue that case rn Rio: Obviously, you get compensation but Demi says I should rest and take more but Rio: I don't know Buster: You'll have to decide when it happens Buster: You won't know the struggle until you do Buster: My mum worked until she dropped, literally but Chlo milked it as her standard Buster: Erin was somewhere in the middle Rio: You did drop in early Rio: Height of rudeness, tbh Rio: Couldn't let me be even a few days older Buster: Blame Nance, she came out first Buster: I was chill and chilling Rio: Likely story 😂 Rio: Hope I don't give them a bogof baby too Rio: not planning for that Buster: You'll be begging for rest then Buster: My mum was sick as hell with us Rio: Again, your awkwardness does not shock me, babe Rio: It is more likely with IVF but fingers crossed Rio: not needing the extra dollar that bad Buster: At least you could take inspo from Disney and keep one each Buster: What could go wrong? 😂 Rio: Perfect plan Rio: You already think I'm gonna become the child snatcher so why not be that cruel about it Buster: Exactly Buster: And the cuteness will be too hard to resist we already know Rio: Oh yeah, THAT'S why you've got 2 already 🙄 Rio: I've got some self-control, unlike yous 😘 Buster: 'Course Buster: 😇 you are Buster: Sainting yourself with this move too so Rio: Hard job but someone's gotta Buster: Who says? Rio: Don't lets start on that again Buster: I'm just saying Buster: Catch me here sinning Rio: Sure, Dad 😏 Rio: Face it, you're such a good boy now Rio: lost it, like Buster: You wish, babe Rio: Nah Rio: Devvo about it, I am Buster: Liar Buster: It'll go perfect with your mother mary vibes when all this goes ahead Rio: Fuck off Buster: I'd say make me but you're too much of a goodie two shoes now Rio: You're so annoying Rio: being a Da made you perfect, did it? Rio: I think not Buster: You know it Buster: Always been close anyway though Rio: 😂 Rio: Please Rio: Anyway, I'm not going to be a Mum, fullstop Buster: Says you Buster: The kid might have a different take Rio: Lord, it ain't even cooking yet Rio: Never mind your imagined teen angst Rio: plenty of donor babies in the world, not losing their shit Rio: they'll be better parents than I'd ever Buster: Whatever Buster: Come on, there's a limit to the bullshit and we both know you're such a great ma Buster: Indie can vouch Rio: That's different Rio: it isn't real, for one Buster: Jay then Rio: You know I love her Buster: Yeah and you're more of a mum than her actual one is Buster: So don't use that as an excuse Rio: I'm not Rio: I'm just saying Rio: The kid's gonna have a good life, yeah Rio: It won't be wanting for anything, least of all me, I'm sure Buster: Fine Rio: Don't be angry Buster: I don't wanna fight with you Buster: Go have fun or whatever Rio: Well, I ain't going to now Rio: but we'll talk when I get back, then? Buster: If that's what you want, yeah Rio: We're getting nowhere now so Rio: Got no other option, have I Buster: You always have options, Rio Buster: But pick your battles too, like Rio: Didn't realise it would be one Buster: What does that tell you? How much have you even thought about this? Rio: If I had made this much drama when you were having Kira, Jay even, we wouldn't be here rn Buster: That's different Buster: It wasn't my decision, for one thing Rio: So? I still supported you Rio: It was still happening Buster: I've said I'll support you Buster: Doesn't mean I have to agree with everything Rio: How are you going to support me if you don't agree with it on some level Rio: Its not going to work Buster: I'll be here anyway, that's how Buster: For you Rio: Alright Buster: Not like I'm the first person to have to get on board with something I'm not 100% sure will work Buster: Our families did it for us and that worked out Rio: True Rio: Just thought it'd be different Rio: but its alright Buster: What do you want from me? Buster: Tell me Rio: No, it was stupid Rio: you're fine Buster: Rio Buster: Come on Rio: It's me Rio: I'm good Buster: Babe, talk to me Buster: I'm sorry I made you upset Buster: But you can tell me anything Rio: It isn't your fault Rio: I just wish it was exciting news Rio: it is for them Rio: but you're not excited for me, and why would you be, or anyone else Rio: because it isn't my news Buster: I'm sorry Buster: That's all I was trying to get across, you don't have to do this just 'cause they want you to Buster: If you wanna have a baby this isn't the way, you know Rio: I know, they aren't forcuing me Rio: but, I don't wanna take that away from them, anyone Buster: I know and you know I love how much you care and how you'll do anything for the people you love, yeah? Buster: I'm just saying don't hurt yourself over it Buster: I just want you to be careful. Think carefully that's all Rio: Yeah Rio: I will Rio: I am Buster: I'm not trying to say it's the same, fucking obviously, but when my mum and dad didn't bring my brother home from the hospital, I remember it Buster: How excited me and Nance were and then Rio: I know Rio: That's awful Rio: but you were kids, there was a lot of confusion and not getting it Rio: I know what I'm signing up for here, like Rio: I know it won't be fun for a while afterward, the hormones and that Buster: Just remember you'll be leaving empty handed too Buster: I trust you Buster: I won't keep beating you over the head with my drama Rio: I can't not do it Rio: How would I say no, like? Buster: Just let the word come out Buster: Practice on me if you want Rio: Funny Rio: They'd be heartbroken Buster: Call me selfish but I'd rather them than you Rio: I can handle it Rio: It's about time something good happens for June, Billie has Stevie and she's settled Buster: Then do it Buster: I can't and won't stop you Rio: My Ma'll be buzzin' Rio: another grandbaby, at last, slacking so hard, like Buster: No arguments there Rio: think she was 6 down by now Rio: preggo with the twins Buster: Christ Buster: Two's hard enough, cheers Buster: Didn't have to birth them myself either Rio: Yeah, she's hardcore Buster: I clearly take after mine Buster: Happy with two Buster: Any more would be such a headfuck Buster: They got their head round it though I guess Rio: Nah, you're just saying that 'cos you ain't had chance to impregnate anyone recently Buster: You're away until Sunday Buster: Plenty of time Buster: Three could be my magic number too Rio: Fuck off Rio: You prick 😂 Buster: I proper miss you Rio: Sounds like it Buster: If you need to hear it, call me later Rio: Just lemme know when you've got your newest baby mama out the door and I will Buster: But I might need you before she leaves, 'cause you know I don't want anyone as much as you Buster: Hate to fail to make baby 3 Rio: Can't find the staff these days, can ya? Buster: 😂 Buster: Got my heart set on sticking to the numbers and my parents status quo though now Rio: I believe in you, babe Rio: power through Rio: if you can with Chlo, you can with anyone Buster: True Buster: Better hit the club myself for a candidate Rio: Ha, you gonna bring along 1&2 like? Buster: They'd love it Buster: Haven't stopped dancing all day Rio: Reckon you'll fuck with their street cred tho Buster: maybe Rio: who goes to the club with their lame old dad Buster: You would Buster: Daddy's girl Rio: Can't tell if you mean my actual Da or you Rio: too awkward to ask Buster: That's how you know you need to sort yourself out, babe Rio: shut up Rio: you love it Buster: I do love you Rio: I know Buster: Good
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