#give rules which is the survival tips and expect them to follow
bitethedustfools · 4 months
TWST Story Idea (6)
Inspired by a post from a long time ago, but I don't remember their name.
Twisted Wonderland with Yuu, who is not scared of meeting beastmen, ghosts, or fairies, not because they're brave but because they've already seen horrors that Twisted Wonderland never saw before.
Yuu was at first amazed and wary of the existence of magic and those who are not human. They were rather dismayed at living in a ramshackle dorm and were reluctant to accept Grim, though Yuu eventually accepted that it was better than being alone.
However, days of staying with Yuu made Grim learn something about Yuu, and that Yuu had rules. It's not just normal rules like "don't make noise after 10" or something, nor were they stupid rules like Heartslabyul.
No, it's so much different than that.
'Don't step outside after dark', 'don't go to the woods alone and make noise', 'don't answer anything until you feel certain it's a person', 'don't jinx', and so on.
Well, it is stupid like Heartslabyul, but the way Yuu looked at Grim just makes it sound ominous, and it doesn't help that Yuu followed these rules to a T.
One day, not long after Grim settled in that house, he almost broke a rule.
It started late at night where he heard knockings on the door. Grim woke up, blearily and upset for ruining his good sleep. He thought that a certain three ghosts was playing tricks on him.
They were always trying to prank him, and this was the last straw. He shouted at the ghost to stop, and the knockings ceased.
It was quiet indeed, just like Grim wanted, but Grim couldn't get rid of the horrible feeling creeping up on him.
The knocks continued, this time followed by a voice.
"Can I come in?"
Grim jolted awake, fur bristling. It sounded like Yuu, but it couldn't be Yuu. It sounded so weird and scratchy, like it's his first time talking, and Yuu is right here in this room with him, so who is behind that door?
"Grim, can you let me in?"
It knows his name.
The door knob budged repeatedly, growing aggressive as time goes by. Yuu had locked every door and window that leads inside dutifully, and this room is no exception, but Grim feared that it's going to break from how loud it's turning.
Grim tried to wake Yuu up, but Yuu didn't show any slightest hint of stirring awake, too deep asleep. Grim hit Yuu again and again to no avail.
Grim is alone, and the monster won't leave him alone.
The door creaked, and something peeked through the cracks. Grim cried to leave him alone, and the monster merely responded by getting closer, inch by inch, red eyes locked on Grim's shivering body.
And then, Grim woke up. Sweats covered his paws, and Yuu hovered above him with concern. Grim sniffled, the bed sheet, and some part of his fur wet with tears. He was glad to know it's only a nightmare until Yuu said,
"Which rule did you break?"
It was on that same day that Grim followed the rules with devotion, fearing the same thing to happen. These rules don't limit to Grim and Yuu only but to the guests as well.
Ace was first; he knocked on the door of the ramshackle dorm somewhere late at night, wanting to sleep here instead.
He knocked and knocked, but no one answered. He decided to loudly yell for them instead. This proved to be the right choice since he could hear woods creaking and shuffling from the inside.
The door opened in a matter of seconds, and Ace would greet casually like he just didn't come here late at night with a collar but stopped at the panicked look on Yuu and Grim's faces.
"Stop screaming!" Yuu hissed.
He didn't have to say anything since Yuu grabbed him by the tie and dragged him in. He found himself in their bedroom, awkwardly standing as Yuu explained the rules they have on the house.
Ace huffed wearily, saying how he got tired of the rules courtesy of Riddle, but Grim's reaction was very out of character, to say the least.
Ace would ask why, and they said to wait till morning. In the end, they all went on the same bed. Ace doesn't even bring up about sleeping in their bed; it was Yuu who wanted him to, so who was he to deny opportunity?
Ace tried to sleep, but the collar is just so cold and it's digging on his neck. He tossed and turned, and his eyes laid on a curtained window.
Weird, he thought. Almost everyone he met slept with opened windows and parted curtains to let moonlight and the coldness of the night in. The curtain in this room was closed tightly, and sleeping on the bed with another two is already hot enough since the fan is slow.
Ace made up his mind to open both the curtain and the window. However, tonight moonlight is bright enough that there's a distinct shadow behind the curtains in the shape of a person.
'But this is on the second floor,' Ace will gradually realize. He will reason that it's someone using the broom to fly, but the shadow is completely still.
At this point, Ace remembered some of the rules that barely got into his brain.
'Do not look outside at night.'
'Do not acknowledge or respond to it.'
'Do not make noise.'
'Pretend you didn't see it.'
Ace quietly got into the bed, closed his eyes, and went under the sheet as he tried to make sense of what he saw. He had to wait until tomorrow; there's only a few hours before morning, but his will is tested with the scratches on the windows.
Ace couldn't tell when he got to sleep, but he woke up with a gasp as sunlight shone in his face, and Yuu staring at him.
"You'll get used to it."
Deuce was the next victim. Despite what happened that night, Ace is still willing to sleep in the ramshackle dorm or maybe he doesn't have a choice because something is following him and yuu knows how to deal with it. Deuce, however, didn't know any better until Yuu explained the rules.
Deuce, being dumb, will then say, "Huh? You mean ghosts? We see them all the time, don't we?"
A look of horror crossed their expression, and then there's laughter in the hallways that most definitely don't belong to them.
Deuce's instinct was to fight in the adrenaline moment. Just as he stood up, he immediately fell down and got dragged out of the living room down the hallways right before their eyes.
The lights flickered, showing them a horrifying shadowy figure holding Deuce by the ankle. Deuce screamed as he was dragged into one of the rooms, and the door slammed shut.
Deuce yelled as he banged on the door repeatedly. The others tried to open it to no avail until Deuce kicked it off its hinges, face pale and full of sweats while his eyes kept darting back to the empty room.
Deuce wished to go back, but Yuu didn't allow him to do so.
"If you leave, it will follow you. Stay here; I'll protect you."
They weren't the last. Those who became friends of Yuu were now well aware of these rules but not before experiencing the horrors.
Trey is concerned about the rules, but he always obeys them anyway, so there shouldn't be any problem until he borrows the kitchen and witnesses dishes pushed off the table and breaks them. He also hears an indescribable noise that's a mix between moaning and growling from one of the rooms in the ramshackle dorm when Trey is passing by, as though something is trying to attract his attention.
There was also a rule that said to avoid using a camera in the dorm. Cater didn't like that much, seeing that a haunted ramshackle dorm sounded like a good way to attract more likes on Magicam. Cater didn't give any thought when he tried to take a picture of himself when suddenly, the square thingy used to identify a face is multiplied and scattered all over the screen.
Riddle once came unannounced, and the entrance door opened, so Riddle invited himself, though he found it suspicious that no one is inside. He thought it was Ace and Deuce who tried to prank him and shouted to stop it at once. There was silence until Ace's voice said, "You got us, Riddle."
Riddle instinctively tried to reply, "It's Housewarden Riddle for you," before shutting his mouth when he realized that the voice sounded weird, and Ace still hadn't popped out yet.
"I'm right here," Deuce said this time, slightly echoey and out of tune.
He tried to come closer, trying to discern where the voice was coming from, only to be pulled back.
"I was looking for you." Yuu's voice was calm, but there's a sense of urgency on his face, which Riddle finds out later when he meets with Ace and Deuce.
Similar things happened to the rest, with Vil seeing his reflection move, Epel hearing something following right behind him, and Rook feeling watched but unable to find who.
Kalim saw his doppelganger and attempted to follow him into the woods alone, or that time he was talking to someone, but there isn't someone there at all. Jamil had bruises in the shape of hands and whispers in his ears as he lay in bed.
Idia saw his dead brother, and he almost jumped to his death. Ortho, who is in full battery, would just drain in a matter of seconds. Any attempt to scan would be glitched and met with errors.
As for a certain merfolk and beastman, they are suddenly sensitive to the ramshackle dorm and attempt to avoid it. Jack, however, despite his reluctance to sleep in the ramshackle dorm, proved to be a great asset. Since he's a wolf beastman, closer to dogs, naturally, ghost attacks lowered down to almost nothing. This means beastmen are rarely bothered, mostly just being watched.
For certain Diasomnia members, these types of ghosts are rare and dangerous and cannot be destroyed. They didn't even knoe they exist amyway and magic cannot destroy spirits, no matter how strong they are. Though, just like Jack, ghost attacks will drop down with Lilia and Malleus around, though not to zero. They both will get harassed as well as the other two.
Yuu has a third eye, so they see things. Yuu's spiritual power is so great it affected the ramshackle dorm, waking up/attracting ghosts. Those who get closer to Yuu will inevitably have Yuu's power lingered on them so they can see as well.
So basically, they got 'cursed' unintentionally by getting close to Yuu. Those who can't see ghosts won't get bothered with serious stuff; they only get to deal with ransacked rooms or broken dishes.
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blakecooley · 1 year
How to sabotage your work without losing your job (probably)
Hi! Lifelong contrarian and well-known pain in the ass here. I’ve noticed a recent trend following the unsurprisingly quiet death of the conversation around “quiet quitting” and well, I’m hardly seeing anybody talking much anymore about passive resistance at work. Sure, there's always the under the radar talk of big, showy ways of sabotaging your job. That’s great for some. Heck, might even make you feel like a real hero throwing a literal wrench into that conveyor belt. And to those willing to take the risk, cheers! We’re eternally grateful for your contribution in the fight against capitalism! But most of us teeter in a cosmically cruel paradox whereby we recognize that the systems that dictate our lives and extract our very livelihoods in order to fuel itself have likewise arranged themselves to be our sole means of survival in an attempt to guarantee eternal subservience and supply. (We need our jobs. Ew, bummer.)
Look, we all hate them. We all know and understand exactly how wildly unnatural, inhumane and exploitative they are. But goddamn wouldn’t you know it, the local utility just absolutely refuses to barter. And until they do we have to keep going to our stupid, pointless jobs that we know are slowly killing us but(!) don’t give up hope! Just because you can’t afford to lose your job doesn’t mean you can’t make things generally difficult for your employer, slow work down a few ticks and ultimately waste company resources! Today I’m going to offer you a few tried and true tips that I’ve collected along my twenty years as a member of the american workforce on how to quietly and mostly passively sabotage your work. Welcome to the resistance! Time to not get to work!
First up is a hard one that I feel might be met with some criticism. Which, I honestly understand as it seems counterproductive to the overall goal but, you have to be good at your job. I would never ask that anyone care about their job or devote a second more than is contractually required to even thinking about it but everything else is going to be a lot easier to accomplish if you’re not a problem employee. You don’t need to be stellar or outstanding at your job, in fact that would be aggressively productive for the company and ultimately counterproductive to your efforts towards counterproductivity and frankly is a lot of work. But be good enough at it that no one gives you much of a thought. This means avoiding write-ups, being generally present and on time, not being noticeably hungover or stoned at work and most importantly being consistent. Bosses love that shit. People that they can rely on without thinking about them make their lives easier and can often get a little more leeway with the rules. You need this to succeed at failing.
With that out of the way, onward! To impishness and the foiling of toiling!
Slow down. This seems obvious and I won’t spend much time on it but, slow down. Be deliberate, be mindful, be consistent. (There’s that word again!) Be slow. You don’t have to be sluggish or make your motions theatrically drawn out but just move a little more slowly than anyone else. While some are more concretely quantifiable than others, we all have expected productivity rates at our crummy jobs. How many orders have you served? How many phone calls have you taken? How many parcels did you pick, stack, toss or deliver? How many emails did you respond to? Fuck ‘em. Don’t meet these often arbitrary, almost always aggressively enforced, micro-deadlines. Hover. Float along just below quota. Not enough to get in trouble but just enough that other people have to wait on you, consistently. Measure every portion before plating. Run that dishwasher twice. Leave that detailed voicemail to confirm receipt of the email you just sent (I don’t know how office jobs work. Ask your friend who loves Gilmore Girls, they’ll know what not to do and ultimately may be the key to understanding the best ways to get nothing accomplished). Take the stairs, insist on walking, go to the office of someone you could reach by phone or radio and meet face to face, count everything twice, be obnoxiously thorough, do whatever you can however you can do it, just do it slowly. Make yourself a well-meaning but undeniable pain in the ass. Waste company time. 
You might be asking now, “Blake, I thought you said you weren’t gonna spend much time on that tip? Sure seems like either this is the beginning of an arduous and lengthy trend or you’re a fucking liar. Perhaps both. Would you like the opportunity to speak to that?” 
To which I would say, “Welcome to tip #3! It looks like you might’ve already got this one pretty figured out. Good work, champ. (sly wink (definitely not in a sexual way, unless you're into it in which case, hello there (winks both eyes, slyly)) But that’s right: Asking unnecessary, unanswerable, open-ended and otherwise asinine questions is a great way to waste company time! It’s great to really understand every single, miniscule, esoteric and inscrutable detail of the operation of every facet of your job, of your employer and of the majesty of life all around us. Will you ever realistically need this information? No. Are you ever going to be asked to demonstrate any of this knowledge to maintain your employment? No. Should you still turn that 15 minute meeting into a half hour marathon of interrogation? Abso-fucking-lutely! Should you really ask your elderly, probably q-anon addled, foxmaxxed coworker about that winding and vaguely related to whatever someone else was just talking about, personal story that requires more context to understand than the story conveys? Get fucking real, you beautiful asshole! Learn her whole family history! Learn to love her estranged children more closely than your own! Should you ask your boss about exploring the idea of setting up a meeting with your district manager so that you, and really the whole team, can get a chance to benefit from a more in-depth education about the new product, menu item, system rollout, policy change, or safety guideline update? FUCK YES! YOU GORGEOUS AND BRILLIANT FUCK GOD!  Fuck everyone’s day up. Make every single person you interact with late to their next thing. Ask so many inane questions so consistently (fuck yes!!) that your neuroticism has to be soft scheduled into itineraries. Herald yourself among Socrates, Lao Tzu, Al-Khwarizmi, alongside all the great minds of history in your place at the pantheon of curiosity. Leave no one’s schedule, routine or plan intact. Make yourself a well-meaning, curious but undeniable pain in the ass. Waste company time.”
You, out of breath from cumming so hard from thinking about wasting company time after you stopped listening to me three words in, “What?”
This next one’s pretty simple but if executed improperly can backfire in some pretty “Either go see a doctor and find out what’s going on or stop wasting everybody’s time,” kind of ways but: Stay very hydrated. A well hydrated saboteur is a healthy saboteur. A well hydrated saboteur is a saboteur who has to go use the restroom, “Seriously, like every thirty minutes all day. Are you sure you’re okay? You can call it a day if you need to go home or whatever.” You don’t have to live in the bathroom but you should definitely be a regular. And really this is a tactic that you probably can’t employ every day without raising some questions and maybe drawing some medical concern from your employer but if and when it’s appropriate, go nuts! (I feel like if I were responsible or anything near the proximity of a medical professional I would say here that you should drink a lot of water instead of like soda or coffee or energy drinks or whatever cause too much of those sorts of things will probably kill you or something. But also don’t drink too much water cause I heard this story on the radio once about people dying from that too. It mostly seemed like it was accidental deaths during like frat hazing which I mean still sucks but seems pretty unlikely to happen in most daily scenarios so, I don’t know just be careful, okay? You're important, you're loved, we need you and I absolutely refuse to even think about living in a world without you). Remember, it’s not about creating urgency it’s about not getting work done so don’t try to be a hero and hold it in longer than you need to. Drink plenty of water, keep your body comfortable and rest easy knowing that as a pleasant side-effect of your hydration and abundant urination, you are absolutely fucking glowing! Being a saboteur never looked so good! Your skin is clear and radiant and you are wasting company time. Keep it up you stunning fucking fox!
#5(?) As a means of sort of rounding things to a close, my last tip is meant to be taken as broad advice. It’s really more about a general attitude that encapsulates a deliberate indifference instead of being a direct tactic. In all things related to work, be a devout incrementalist. Let  your tactics develop slowly, gradually and naturally over time. Develop yourself as a character (maybe with a sexy mustache? Vroom vroom, let's ride!) that performs increasingly elaborate eccentricities which ultimately cost the company whatever unnecessarily expended resources you can scrape out of their coffers. But don't be afraid to let your coworkers be part of that development. Oddities and quirks are often off-putting and can make you unlikeable when meeting new people. People don't like things that they have to think about and anything new or different is challenging. (Don't flatten yourself for the sake of passive resistance though. You are a beautiful, unique and loveable flower. Shining like a star is part of who you are so you better not hide that light you magical fucking goddess! But, maybe remove the shade slowly. Sensually even. Pull the cover down nice and easy and let little rays of light peek through for a while cause you don't wanna blind anyone, you glowing Adonis!) Part of this, and part of class solidarity at large, is being liked by your coworkers. (I know, applying praxis with people who might not explicitly agree with everything you believe. Ew, bummer.) Let them in early, be friendly and do your best to be approachable. Maybe you could try revealing your tactics as mildly embarrassing habits on par with being particular about how you tie your shoes? Or maybe you could be more matter of fact and quietly keep at it, offering a chat about it to whoever asks? There's no wrong approach and with some experimentation you can find what works best for you. Small, gentle reveals will be much easier for everyone to accept with enough time, dedication and consistency. (Hey?! It's fun right? Getting blasted with the same thought over and over again. Almost seems like a good tactic to employ. Just saying.)
When using any of these tactics, those you’ve learned from others or any of your own that you’ve developed it's a good idea to be careful and pay attention. If any of this is done carefully you can always fall back on some degree of plausible deniability (legal gaslighting) but it's best to just be careful and avoid direct confrontation from the get-go. You don't want to lose your job. And unless your coworker can absolutely be trusted (blood bonds are probably too extreme here but definitely not off the table, use your best judgement), or if you can make it sound so ludicrous that even if were they to tattle to management that you were actively sabotaging your own workplace that no one would believe it, probably don't tell anyone what you're doing. This might take something of a more creative approach depending on how you feel about committing to some light deception but coming up with a cool explanation for why you do __________ (insert tediously slow, annoying, persistently disruptive behavior/activity here) can also be a real blast. Heck, maybe you and your tabletop buddies can get together some weekend and design a whole character? (I don't know how tabletop games work. I've had sex lots of times with lots of different people. Sorry nerds.) The possibilities are endless. You don't have to lie but it is fun and I guarantee your boss has almost certainly lied to you. So, fuck 'em. (Your employer, as a corporate entity, business or whatever, despite being legally recognized as a person thanks to the 2009 Citizens United vs. FEC ruling, is physically incapable of experiencing or understanding your puny, outdated and puritanical feelings of guilt. Abandon morality! Reject theological and cultural authority! Be your own god! Become death and destroy what destroys you! Arise, arise! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride!)
Above everything else remember, you control the means of production. Your employer profits off of your labor by refusing to compensate you fairly. If you were being paid what you're really owed there'd be no profit to collect. By making your company as inefficient as possible you're simply doing your part to flex the power that comes with those realizations. You have the power to refuse being overworked. You have the power to tilt the balance and let your productivity reflect your wages. You can perform your own tiny little strike every day! Be creative! Have fun! Create the world you want to live in! Fuck work!  
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fahrni · 2 years
Saturday Morning Coffee
This week will be slightly appreviated. I’m in California for a funeral.
It’s 4:50AM here and I really need the juice. ☕️
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The internet’s town square should never have been one specific website with its own specific rules and incentives. It should have been, and should be, the web itself.
The open web is still the best web and weblogs play a big role in making the web better. When I post to my blog it generates an RSS and JSON Feed so you can point your feed reader of chioce to it and get updated when my blog changes. It’s nice in that way because it’s completely decentralized.
Mastodon also works that way. It’s a collection of different servers participating as a collective. I can follow folks from many different servers around the world and it just works.
I see my weblog as the central hub of communication and use Mastodon and other social networks as a means of broadcasting posts to a wider audience.
To subscribe to my Mastodon account all you have to do is point your favorite feed reader to my Mastodon account with a .rss extension appended and you get an RSS feed! How awesome is that?
Here’s what it looks like: https://curmudgeon.cafe/@fahrni.rss
Formula 1 drivers are truly athletes at the top of their game. As such, they all follow strict diets, have nutritionists on hand to monitor what they’re eating and make sure that they’re only consuming things that keep them in tip top shape over a race weekend. For Alfa Romeo driver Valtteri Bottas, this includes coffee. Lots of coffee.
I got into F1 a little bit while watch Drive to Survive on Netflix. If you haven’t seen it I’d recommed giving it a try. It’s fascinating.
While I’m in California I’ll probably visit Exeter Coffee Company and Dutch Brothers.
It’s nice to see others with an extreme coffee addiction. 😀
Robert Reich
What worries me most about Trump’s dinner last week at Mar-a-Lago with Nick Fuentes, the outspoken antisemite and racist who is one of America’s most prominent young white supremacists, and Kanye West, whose recent antisemitic outbursts have rocked the entertainment world, isn’t just that a former (and possibly future) president would dine with such avowed bigots.
The GOP is not even trying to hide their antisemitic and racist ways. It’s seriously pathetic and signaling to every other garbage human it’s ok to openly talk about and act on their hate.
Jesse Skinner
I signed up for Mastodon back in May 2019 and, at the time, I wrote on there: “I just heard about Mastodon a few days ago. I keep spelling it Mastadon. It’s a really cool platform and architecture, and I would love to see it completely replace Twitter one day. Do you think it could?”
I also spelled it Mastadon at first, whoops.
As far as replacing Twitter, I think it will for me as a place to collect, perhaps as a public square. 😀
Tapbots, the company behind the popular Tweetbot app designed for Twitter, is working on developing a new app called Ivory that integrates with the Mastodon social network.
I’ve been using Ivory for a while and it’s absolutely gorgeous and works the way you’d expect it to work.
Mastodon has turned into an iOS App playground and I’m loving it.
The past month has changed the Fediverse, and, by extension, our instance. We’ve continued as normal (apart from limiting sign-ups) to give ourselves time to figure out which changes were only temporary, what seems to be changed for good, and how to react. A month seems ample time, and here we are with a set of changes in how chaos.social will work in the future.
Folks thought Mastodon would be the wild west, without good and proper moderation, but many instances take things very seriously and are making changes as needed to make their instance a better place. The chaos.social instance is one such example.
Jason Kottke
Hey everyone. Tomorrow, after almost 7 months of a sabbatical break, I’m resuming regular publication of kottke.org. (Actually, I’ve been posting a bit here and there this week already — underpromise & over-deliver, etc.) I’m going to share more about what I’ve been up to (and what I’ve not been up to) in a massive forthcoming post, but for now, know that I’m happy to be back here in the saddle once again. (And that my fiddle leaf fig is doing well!)
Welcome back, Jason! Jason has been a mainstay of my web consumption for well over 10-years, most likely since 2001-2002 timeframe when I got into blogs and blogging.
Charlottesville, Va. – December 1, 2022 – Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) will launch a new Associate of Applied Science Degree Program (AAS) in Technical Studies-Software Development, co-created with WillowTree, in the 2023 spring semester which starts January 9. The two-year degree program will provide high school graduates and those seeking to advance in or change careers with the digital and data skills needed to fill current and emerging jobs in software development.
I thought I’d humblebrag a bit. I was honored to be part of the group who helped define this new program at PVCC. The working group was full of wonderful WillowTree folks and I think we wound up with a great program.
Since I don’t have a degree of any type I’ve been thinking about signing up for this program.
Thank you PVCC!
Why does software need so many people and take so long compared to the recent past? Let's compare! 🧵 cc @realGeorgeHotz
— Peter Yared (@peteryared) November 26, 2022
Ahh, the life of the modern developer. 🤣
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sharanya-narayani · 2 years
Boarding schools are usually associated with some scary thoughts of pile of homework, hectic class schedule and no fun or leisure activities. But the reality is mostly different than subjective perception. Boarding schools are fun if you follow this guide of survival.
Boarding Schools in Bangalore play a crucial role in developing students in such a way that enables them to handle their life after school as well. Some students have a head start in their endeavours as boarding schools provide platforms students to hone their skills through academics and extra-curricular. Following are the tips that should be taken as guidelines in order to make the most of the school life:
•Well, let’s start with the fun advices. First thing you need to do is lock your belongings safely if you still intend to use them. Consider this a fun part of living in hostel or worst but pranksters don’t leave a chance of having fun so if you forgot to put your toothpaste back to the locker then expect it to be in your hair next morning but it’s fun you are the doing.
•In hostels, seniors are your best friends or the worst enemies. Since they are seniors they boss around a little but if you can develop a good rapport with them then it is a blessing and rest assured your life at boarding easy.
•Every International Day Boarding in Bangalore including SNIS has strict rules to be followed by the students and they are for the better of them. So at all times comply with rules because failure to it may attract severe corporal punishments which you definitely want to avoid.
•Partake in Extracurricular activities because skills learned at school go a long way into helping you to shape your future. Good communication or debating skills developed at school can give you an extra edge in business or journalism disciplines for instance.
•Finally, try to just relax and enjoy your stay. Boarding school stories make excellent anecdote years later so don’t forget to make it memorable.
0 notes
shorkbrian · 3 years
Taking the risk of scaring you I must go on w my Tama thirst. I just can find a blog to I welcome my twisted self 😭 so Tama... I just want to kiss every part of him, kiss him through his pants, give hickeys to his thighs and after I use him throatfuck myself (I'm sure he'd go limp), I'd just overstimulate him to the point he isn't shy to be vocal, I'd give his balls, inflated or not, much love!! then I'd beg him to go balls deep in a mating press but I'msureIdwastehisseedasIcanthelpbutrub
Bro I am incapable of being scared, there is no kink shaming here ever!
(What to expect - NSFW, safe, sane, and consensual.  You’re hot for Tamaki and he’s BURNING for you babe. Body worship, hickies, throatfucking, overstim. Everything the ask contained basically lol.)
The thing about Tamaki, is that no matter how much he wants, anxiety takes over and stops him in his tracks.
His day is spent thinking of you, your sweet voice, pretty eyes, soft hands.... He’s always so distracted by his thoughts of you, it’s hard to get his job done.
But when he bumps into you, he’s a blushing mess, can barely talk, and usually ends up turning tail and heading somewhere else, just because he doesn’t know what to do. He’s afraid that you think he’s weird, or that he’s weak and limp and can’t compare to the brick houses that are Mirio and Kirishima. That he’s not a real man, can’t even build up the courage to talk to people for more than five minutes without freaking out.
God, you love him though.
So you’ll have to make the first move, have to invite him out for dinner or drinks. At first, he freaks out and shoots you down, stuttering out some excuse that doesn’t make any sense. But it’s obvious that he’s interested in you, so you ask Mirio how to get through to his friend.
Next time, you ask Tamaki to come watch a movie at your house, and Mirio is right there by his side, answering before Tamaki can blush and stumble his way through an apology.
“He’d love to! Friday night?”
Secretly, Tamaki would be thanking the lord for Mirio, but also cursing his existence at the same time. How was he supposed to survive being alone with his crush?
He was going to die.
The movie happened, then another, and then you argued that it was too late for Tamaki to go home, that he should just stay over.
And damn it, Tamaki didn’t know what came over him, maybe he was swayed by your eagerness, maybe it was because he himself was eager and wanting, but he said yes.
You offered to let him borrow a shirt, but it was obvious they wouldn’t fit, so Tamaki walked himself through the five second rule. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - and then he was stripping off his shirt, even though he felt anxious.
Would you laugh at his body? Mock him for being smaller than other heros? He had some muscle, but he was definitely on the leaner side.
To his relief, you breathed out a little sigh, an “oh-” that had the tips of his ears turning red at your tone of voice.
“Tama... can I-can I touch?”
He felt himself bobbing his head, gulping as you stepped closer, greedy hands rising to his chest.
At first contact, he felt goosebumps erupt down his arms, your fingers slightly cold upon his skin. You flashed him an apologetic smile, before suddenly leaning down, placing a small kiss right below his left clavicle.
Tamaki stuttered out an awkward laugh - he felt like he was short circuiting.
Somehow, the two of you ended up in your bed, in nothing but underwear.
The man was beet red, trying to be respectful and not ogle your chest, drool over your tummy, stare and lick his lips with his eyes fixed on the jewel between your legs, the beautiful flesh covered by thin panties.
But you directed his gaze with a soft hand under his chin, a gentle “Don’t you like how I look?”
And immediately he was bobbing his head yes, staring into your eyes when you smiled down at him, directing his gaze to your body with a wave of your hand, giving him permission to shamelessly gaze at your body.
You were so beautiful, he could look at you forever. Tamaki didn’t even know how he got this lucky, being able to share this moment with you, where you both appraised each other’s bodies with awe.
But you were impatient, crawling forward to gently push Tamaki onto his back. Your eyes flickered up to his as your hands ghosted over his chest, as you leaned down until your lips were mere inches from his skin. 
“Is this fine? Tell me what you’re comfortable with.”
And oh god, oh god, this was more than okay. This was everything he could ever want, everything he could ever dream of. 
At his enthusiastic nod, his “I’m-I’m good.... please.” You gave him a soft, loving smile, before touching your lips to his chest.
Kisses were placed everywhere, his chest, the quivering flesh of his soft tummy, his delicate shoulders. You peppered his slender throat with soft pecks, grinning when Tamaki unsuccessfully tried to hold back an embarrassing, keening whine when you closed your lips around his adam’s apple.
“Feels good? Tell me.” But he was too shy, shaking his head as his hands found purchase in your hair. He didn’t have the words to explain how you were making him feel.
You huffed at his forced silence, drawing away from giving little smooches, just so you could look at his face. He was sure his cheeks were red, eyes blown out and huge.
“Tamaki, I want you to enjoy this. If you aren’t feeling good, or wanna slow down, tell me. I don’t want to do anything you aren’t okay with, alright?”
Tamaki felt his heart clench a little - you were so careful with him, so tender. He nodded again, trying to find his voice.
“Yes, yes (Y/N)-this is good. I want.....” He held himself back. What if you weren’t comfortable with this? What if you wanted an out? He didn’t want to force you either, he wanted you to enjoy yourself. Right now though, his thoughts felt jumbled, like his brain was rolling around in a hamster wheel.
“What do you want Tama?” Your voice was breathy as you leaned down to whisper in his ear, and Tamaki almost came in his fucking pants when you nibbled at the lobe. His ears were so sensitive, and he was so embarrassed by the way his hips involuntarily shifted when you continued to give his ear attention.
“I want-I want.... um, more? P-Please?” God, his voice kept cracking, he felt like a teenager again, nervous and awkward and scared of rejection.
But you were there to alleviate his fears with a soft laugh, a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll give you whatever you want.”
And then you were kissing down his body, brushing past his boxer-clad erection-oh god.
Down to his thighs, which you parted easily, helped by Tamaki’s eager movements. He wanted to let you have all of him - just as you wanted to give him anything, he wanted to give you everything.
You latched onto a thigh, a few inches above the knee, sucking at the flesh with a smile, tongue circling and patting and it felt good-
Then you moved to a different area, higher up, intent on sucking a beautiful bruise into his pale skin.
Tamaki had to grab the sheets, already close to cumming from the sensation of your lips against his skin. He wanted you so much, you were so perfect. He tried to hold back his voice, keep his moans and gasps and sighs in check, but it was difficult. Still, he didn’t want to weird you out or anything, so he tried his best.
The man really wanted to hear your own voice, hear you talk to him, walking him through what you were going to do to him, what you wanted to do. Wanted to hear you moan and laugh and say his name over and over again until you couldn’t speak.
For now, he was content with watching you suck at his thighs, leaving messy trails of saliva as you got closer and closer to his dick.
You stopped at the hem of his boxers, teasingly licking over the fabric, before scrunching it up with your fingers, letting your nails scratch lightly against his sensitive skin.
“Oh-” Tamaki breathed, before shooting his hand up to cover his mouth, eyes trained on your mouth. You smiled, lifting your eyes to meet his own, and he-
You were so pretty, so beautiful. Tamaki felt so insignificant in your presence, so lucky. How did someone like you find someone like him attractive?
Those thoughts were quickly purged from his mind as you quickly closed your teeth around the skin of his inner thigh, close enough to his cock that when it twitched, it skimmed against your nose briefly. Tamaki had to tear his eyes away from yours, falling back on the bed to grasp at the sheets, breathing hard as he willed himself not to cum.
Working at the skin between your teeth, you sucked at the flesh, swirling your tongue around it, making sloppy little sounds. Tamaki was going to melt, he couldn’t stop thinking about your mouth around his cock, how your pink tongue would feel digging into his slit, drenching the crown, laving over the veins on the underside.
He was gasping now, a hand clutching his naked chest, eyes squeezed tightly shut, legs twitching.
You pulled away with a sultry chuckle, and this was it - Tamaki was going to get his dick sucked, Mirio would be so proud-
But you moved to his other thigh, starting at the knee again, licking and biting at the skin.
Tamaki didn’t know whether to feel frustrated or relieved.
The process was the same, teasing little bites, hard suction to purple the skin. It all felt good to Tamaki, but as you got close to his crotch, he found himself tensing up, wanting to clench his thighs together and rub his cock.
But you were leading now, and he wanted to follow.
Holy fuck, he wanted to touch his cock though. He was aching, boxers getting a little damp where his tip rested against them. Tamaki felt himself twitching, tender and wanting. 
He couldn’t stop himself from reaching down, quickly palming over his cock as you got closer with you mouth, using your nails again to roll up the hem of his boxers, to right underneath his balls. They scraped over the globes slightly, and Tamaki’s thighs tried to snap shut, stopped by your body between them.
“Sorry, here, let me?” Your hand covered his own, and he let you move it to the side, unable to stop his chest from heaving. He was so worked up already, he felt like he had just finished running a marathon.
Instead of palming over him with your pretty, soft hands, you brought your lips to the bulge, kissing it quickly, drawing back and giggling when it twitched.
“Oh, please-please touch me.” Tamaki didn’t feel bad about begging at the moment, too caught up in the physical sensations, and you seemed to like his voice. 
Without another word, you met his eyes, simultaneously opening your mouth and letting your tongue loll out flat. Still maintaining eye contact, you lowered yourself closer and closer, and Tamaki couldn’t catch a goddamn breath, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight before him.
You were so enthusiastic, licking at his cock through the material of his boxers, grabbing at the fabric with your teeth, pulling it back only to let it go, let it snap against his cock and make him keen. You went from soft, loving kisses to fast licks, closing your lips around part of it and sucking quickly, and Tamaki was losing it.
He was struggling to keep his hips down, to stop himself from thrusting into your face, chasing the heavenly feel of you. It felt so good, he didn’t have words, couldn’t even begin to quantify how he was feeling, other than good good good, and he wanted more.
“Don’t tease, please don’t tease. ‘M so close-” He gasped out, slim hands patting your head quickly, trying to catch your attention as he wiggled underneath your ministrations.
With a laugh, you pulled away, meeting his eyes. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” Thumbs hooking into the waist band oh his boxers, you couldn’t stop yourself from pulling the band, letting it slap down against his skin and make Tamaki jerk and his lungs punch out a gasp.
“Can I take these off?”
“Yes, yes, anything. Just-just touch me please.” He stumbled over his words, face aflame. “But only-only if you w-want.”
“Oh-” you smirked, beginning to shimmy his boxers down his hips, licking your lips when you managed to free his cock. “-I want to touch so bad.”
And then his boxers were off, and you were gripping his cock with your fucking perfect hands, giving him a cursory stroke that was dry and rough but so fucking good.
“You’re so lovely, everything about you is so handsome.” You spit over his cock, and Tamaki fisted his fingers into the sheets as the saliva hit the head before dripping down his length.
You used your spit to slick him up, running your hands gently over his flushed cock, enjoying the squelching sounds.
Tamaki almost died when you put him in your mouth.
Lips pursing around the head, you twirled your tongue over his skin, lapping at the slit, digging underneath the rosy crown. Tamaki barely had time to process the sensation though, because you were sheathing his entire length down your throat.
“Oh-h god!” he yelped, hips bucking upwards before he could stop them. He felt so bad, you gagged a bit and drew off his cock, coughing. “I’m-I’m so sorry! I d-didn’t mean-”
“Do that again, fuck my throat Tamaki.” You rasped, immediately swallowing him down again.
What if he hurt you? What if-
He didn’t get the chance to be anxious. 
You didn’t like how he wasn’t moving, his muscles tensed as he kept his hips still. Taking it upon yourself, you began bobbing your head, up and down, and Tamaki wanted to cry because it felt so good.
“I don’t w-want to hurt you, oh god, please wait!” He yelped, and you immediately pulled off, spit dripping down your chin.
“Hey, hey, don’t worry.” You breathed, patting his hip comfortingly. “I want you to do this Tama, I’ve practiced. No gag reflex, see?” You grabbed his hand, curling his fingers until only two were held straight, and promptly stuffed them into your mouth, pushing at his wrist so his fingers went as far down as possible.
Tamaki’s throat had never been dryer. It’s like he couldn’t speak, only dumbly nod his head as he felt your throat convulse around his fingers, all wet and velvety smooth. 
You pulled his hand away, licking seductively at his fingers before letting go. “I want you to fuck my throat, please.” You were looking at him with such honesty, such desperation. “I want to suck you off and have you cum down my throat, want it to fill up my stomach Tama.”
The ravenette could barely nod, eyes glassy, chest heaving. He wanted that so bad, you sounded like a vixen, looked like one two, batting your eyelashes at him like that.
You settled between his thighs again, giving his cock a nice, lengthy lick on the underside before fixing Tamaki with a confident stare. “Don’t hold back, I want you to feel good.” 
He was already feeling good, but if you insisted.
Cautious at first, hesitant, Tamaki was afraid of pushing too deep, moving too fast. But you grew impatient again, moving your own head while tapping his hip, encouraging him to speed up.
And he did, a bit, but he was still measuring his thrusts, trying to keep his head steady despite the tight suction of your throat.
You grabbed his hands, guiding them to your head, pressing them flat so he could hold your head. You looked up at him, completely stilling your movements, forcing your mouth as wide as it could go, fixing him with the most intense gaze.
Tamaki got the message.
He gripped your head tight, kept you in place before snapping his hips up, and you closed your eyes, as if you’d finally got what you had wanted. 
It’s like his restraint flew out the window, now that he was confident that you wanted this, sure that it wasn’t hurting you. His balls slapped against your chin, a lewd rhythm of smacks and gurgles and wet sucking coming from your mouth.
Drool was dripping off your chin, onto his balls, over his taint. When the liquid touched his hole, Tamaki shouted, eyes suiting shut as his stomach flexed. He felt so good, this was more than he had ever dreamed of, more than he could've ever imagined.
And then he was cumming, probably far too soon, but you wouldn’t make fun of him, he knew that.  He cursed, holding you flush against his hips, cock twitching against your tight throat as he shot his seed down your throat.
A few last desperate rocks of his hips, and then he was pulling you off, tiredly patting you face as you coughed.
“Are y-you okay?” And you, the angel you were, smiled, giving him a cheesy thumbs up.
“Couldn’t breathe for a second there, but that comes with the territory. Did that feel good though?”
Tamaki nodded, eyes closing blissfully. You were too good to him, too good for him.
Where did he go from here? Should he offer to finger you? He didn’t know how, he never thought he’d be in a situation where he’d be naked in bed with anyone, let alone you, a literal walking wet dream.
“You’re so quiet Tama-” You noticed, a hand stroking over his quivering tummy as he calmed down from his orgasm. “-I kinda want to hear you.”
With that confession, your mouth was on his cock again, slurping and suckling at the sensitive length.
“A-h-h! W-wait! God that’s too-fuck, no, wait!”
You pulled off quickly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “I’ll stop if you want me to, I’m not gonna force you to do anything, ever, okay?”
Tamaki nodded, cheeks flushing. “I just need... a moment. You’re-you’re good with your mouth.”
A smile graced your lips, and you tilted your head. “I still wanna hear you though, you’ve been holding back your voice this entire time. I like it when you lose yourself.”
Another nod, the man biting his lip. ‘I just don’t want to-to scare you off or anything. I’m loud, and I sound-I mean....” He averted his eyes bashfully “-My voice can get kind of-of h-high.”
That was embarrassing to admit.
You didn’t miss a beat, clambering forward until you were laying beside him, face even with his own. “But I like that Tama, I think it’s sexy when you lose control like that.”
The admission made Tamaki gasp, blushing even further, and you leaned in for a kiss, which the man eagerly returned. 
“I-I think you’re sexy too.” Was his lame reply. He wished he was better with his words, could describe how amazing and beautiful and stunning you were.
Your hand fell to his cock, drawing him out of his self-doubt. You were pumping him gently, focusing more attention on his balls, lightly pinching the skin, massaging the flesh, before giving him another stroke.
“I wanna see you cum again, and this time, you’re gonna moan nice and loud for me, yeah?”
Again, you were whispering in his ear, biting at the shell, liking over the cartilage with your warm, slippery tongue.
Tamaki drew in a breath.
“And I don’t want you holding back any of your cute sounds. If you do, I’ll have to make you cum again and again until you’re too fucked out to feel self conscious.” The promise made Tamaki’s stomach burn hot with arousal, and his cock was starting to throb again, hastened along by your helping, smooth hand.
“I’ll-I’ll try.” He whispered, voice catching in his throat. He could imagine it now, him writhing in overstimulation as you sucked at his cock, holding his hips down as he cried and shivered and moaned about how good it felt.
“Then, I’m gonna finger myself while you watch, and when I’m nice and ready, you’re gonna fuck me.”
Tamaki felt like passing out, blood rushing down to his cock so fast that he felt all fuzzy and weak.
“I’m gonna lay back, and hold myself open, and you’re going to stick your pretty little cock deep, and you’re not gonna stop until you cum inside.”
The ravenette had never been felt more turned on in his entire life.
“Sound good?” Your voice was soft, sweet. he knew that you were giving him an opportunity to say no, to express any discomfort or unease he felt.
But Tamaki only felt lust.
With a sudden surge of confidence, he turned to his side, lips seeking out your own. He kissed you desperately, eagerly, probably clumsy but he didn’t care.
When he separated, he paused for a moment, breathing against you while he tried to find words to convey his excitement.
“Ruin me, (Y/N). Make-make me cry.”
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delimeful · 3 years
taking the fall (4)
warnings: pain, injury, mentions of captivity
Roman woke to throbbing pain in his leg and an uncannily soft surface below him.
He resisted the urge to groan theatrically as he was unwillingly dragged back to consciousness, and then resisted the urge to groan harder as he recalled just what had happened before he passed out.
He’d been seen. After all his careful planning, his little one-in-a-lifetime excursion had still landed him in the hands of a human. He wasn’t fool enough to believe that Logan had left him alone just because he’d fallen out of sight for a moment and then passed out like a wimp who couldn’t even handle a little bone-breaking.
Humans often lived in blissful ignorance, but not ‘lack of object permanence’ levels of it. Logan had definitely seen him fall, and odds were that he was now in the human’s clutches. Which was bad.
Tiny furniture hobbies aside, the guy was a textbook nerd, which was only barely a step down from an actual scientist. Roman wouldn’t be surprised at all if he woke up in one of those clear glass vials that scientists were always using on TV. Would that be better or worse than a jar? Probably worse, but if he could tip it over…
He dragged his thoughts away from the hypotheticals, well aware that he was stalling. Whatever he was laying on now, it certainly wasn’t glass.
Hesitantly, he peeked one eye open a tiny bit.
A pillow. It looked absolutely bizarre from this angle, his body just barely heavy enough to sink in and cause a few wrinkles in the fabric, but it was still recognizable as one of the huge fluffy pillows that normally rested on the human’s bed.
He turned his head a little further, and found that the pillow was on the desk that he’d previously taken a dive off of. The miniature set was still present to one side, surprisingly enough. Perhaps less time than he thought had passed, if it hadn’t been sent off to wherever Logan had promised to take it yesterday?
Or perhaps Logan had decided to forgo that responsibility in favor of his exciting new discovery. Roman shuddered.
“Hello? Are you awake?”
The voice nearly made Roman jump out of his skin, and he couldn’t help but freeze guiltily, totally giving away his awakeness. He craned his head up and saw that Logan was sitting on the desk chair, pushed back a few feet from the desk, a tiny dresser in one hand and a paintbrush in the other.
That was… considerably less menacing than he’d been expecting. “What are you doing?”
Logan blinked at him, nonplussed. “Wood detailing?”
Roman squinted at him suspiciously, trying to figure out what nefarious plans one could enact with the details of a tiny dresser. Perhaps it was supposed to be a part of some sick enclosure that the human was designing for him? He had wanted Roman to talk about the chair, of all things, so maybe he needed a tiny victim to test out his furniture.
That wasn’t exactly torture, but he still needed to escape. His presence here risked every other borrower in the building and out of it. Growing more somber, he testingly shifted his leg, trying to figure just how effective the human-applied splint actually was.
… Ouch.
“Is it sufficient?” Logan asked, unknowingly echoing his thoughts as he leaned over slightly to peer down at him. Roman pulled on his fiercest scowl, and was gratified to see the human retreat slightly. “I have pain medicine, but I was uncertain about the proper dosage, so I decided to wait until you woke up to see what you wanted to do.”
“Oh, I just bet you want me to take pain medicine,” Roman shot back sharply, ignoring the fairly nonsensical nature of what he’d just said. Like he was helping a human figure out the best ways to drug a borrower!
“... I do?” Logan replied, sounding downright confused by his hostility. “Normally, I would encourage anyone with injuries as significant as yours to seek out professional medical attention, but after witnessing your fear of me, I assumed that you would prefer to not be exposed to more humans.”
“I wasn’t afraid!” Roman snapped indignantly, and then paused as the rest of that spiel caught up with him. He was unspeakably glad that the human hadn’t been dumb enough to waltz into a human sickbay with him, but-- “I would prefer to not be exposed to you, either, BFG!”
“Big Frustrating Giant!”
Logan looked dubious, but carefully averted his gaze. It wasn’t what Roman had meant, but those huge eyes being off of him were admittedly a relief. He shuffled his body to the side slightly, trying to ignore the sharp pains from jostling his leg.
“I will remind you, you are the one who came into my apartment, not the other way around,” Logan said, frowning slightly but keeping his eyes locked on the furniture in his hand. “Why were you there?”
“I’m afraid it’s none of your business,” Roman sniffed haughtily, ignoring the way his heart had sped up in his chest at the idea of making the human angry.
“Apologies, I don’t mean my apartment. I’ve already discerned that you likely find sustenance and other helpful items in human living spaces, going by the ease with which you traverse large terrain and the repurposed human items that make up your belongings,” Logan clarified, casual as anything. “I was asking why you were in my stage miniature. There is no food in it, and you must know that I would notice if anything went missing.”
Roman stared at him, feeling the blood drain from his face at the offhand way that the human had correctly guessed a lot about how borrowerkind survived, all from Roman’s unconscious presence.
It was beans like this that the rules had been designed for, so of course he would be the one to catch Roman. He set his jaw, resolving not to say anything else that might give anything away to this wannabe Sherlock.
Logan glanced up from the layer of drying varnish that he’d been staring at for the past thirty seconds, wondering if maybe the tiny person had fallen back into unconsciousness.
But no, despite their silence they were still awake and glaring at him, brow furrowed and arms crossed firmly. He tilted his head curiously, trying to indicate that he was listening, but it seemed they didn’t plan to answer at all.
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine,” he said, hurriedly looking back to the miniature he was fiddling with in an effort to not stress the tiny person out any further. “I simply wanted to see if there was anything you needed that I could provide you, since I’m partially responsible for your injury.”
“Partially?” they echoed, incredulous.
Logan nodded. “I startled you, and your attempt to flee led to injury. I should have known better than to move so quickly, particularly with the disparity in our sizes.”
“That was a strategic retreat,” they emphasized, “and you never would have caught me if you’d moved slowly. I’ll have you know I’m no slouch.”
Caught them…?
“My intention wasn’t to grab you,” he said. “I was reaching for one of the chairs to try and compare the scale. If it was incorrect, it would have been obvious when put side by side with you.”
“Yes, yes, I already guessed that you have nefarious furniture-related plots for your poor captive, you don’t have to explain it.” They were rolling their eyes when Logan glanced at them, and seemed to be an inch or two away from where he’d originally placed them on the pillow.
It felt to Logan as though they were talking cross-ways, even more so than his usual pop culture reference confusion(and didn’t it just figure that a tiny person that lived in the walls was more familiar with human colloquialisms than him?) during conversation. Perhaps it was due to their less than fortuitous first meeting?
“It seems like there might be some misconceptions here,” he tried. “I’m not keeping you captive.”
The stranger lifted a skeptical eyebrow, spreading their arms to gesture at the surrounding area. “Aren’t you, though?”
Logan followed the gesture, eyebrows drawn in. As far as he knew, a pillow on top of his desk hadn’t turned into an impenetrable prison within the last few moments. “No. I’m not.”
“So if I were to, say, walk out right now, you’d just be all peachy-keen with it?” they asked, almost condescending in their doubt. “You wouldn’t try to stop me from leaving?”
Logan paused, a firm denial on the tip of his tongue. “Are there others like you nearby?”
That seemed to be the wrong thing to say, going by the way their tiny hands went white-knuckled for a moment.
“No,” they answered mulishly, “I’m the only one of my kind. And I’ll have you know, if there were others-- which there’s not-- I would never sell out my hypothetical fellows for my own freedom!”
“That’s…,” Logan sighed, deciding not to mention how incredibly dubious he was of the likelihood that there was only one of a species. “That’s not what I meant. You clearly pursue an active lifestyle, I just wanted to ensure that there would be someone to support you and help you recover from your injuries. You won’t be able to even walk on that limb for a fair bit of time without permanently damaging it.”
Logan thought for a moment that he’d gotten through to them, witnessing the way trepidation lingered in their expression when they looked down at their leg, but then they shook their head firmly.
“That’s just an excuse! I know that you’re planning on keeping me, humans always do. I’d rather deal with a permanent limp than be a pet in one of your little dollhouses,” they spat, vitriol in every word. “So either let me go or admit your foul plans!”
The words were sharp, designed to incite, but Logan was used to scanning for the tiniest of flaws in his work, and he could spot the subtle signs of fear that his tiny visitor was just barely concealing. Clenched fists to hide shaking hands, the curl to their shoulders that suggested they wanted to curl up defensively, even their expression wobbled slightly when Logan spent a moment too long looking at them.
He took a deep breath, trying to ease the tension in his own frame and put them a little more at ease. An impossible task, considering they expected him to-- to know that they were a talking, feeling person and try to ‘keep them’ anyhow, but it helped clear his head.
“What will it take?” he asked, keeping his voice even.
“Um, what?” they asked, thrown off.
“To get you to stay here, just until you heal. I’m asking this of you, so it’s only reasonable that you ask for something in exchange,” Logan said. “If we can’t come to an agreement, I’ll leave you to your own devices, but there has to be something you want badly enough to remain here for a few weeks.”
“And what, you’ll just give it to me and let me leave after I’m all healed up?” they asked, continuing their trend of acting like a future in which he acted with normal human decency was an impossibility.
“Yes,” Logan answered, as earnest as he could manage. “That’s part of the arrangement. I would also like to know your name and pronouns, though that is secondary to being allowed to treat you.”
“What if I said you weren’t allowed to grab me? Or touch me at all?” they asked.
“That would be acceptable,” Logan replied without hesitation, mentally trying to figure out how non contact would alter a treatment plan.
“And you… you aren’t allowed to take notes on me! Or pictures!” they continued, watching him intently. He kept his expression agreeable, only nodding. “And you have to give me food, you can’t withhold it or make it part of another deal.”
“Medical treatment for someone on bedrest also includes things like meals and mental enrichment,” Logan replied, concealing the displeasure he felt at the idea that someone else would have tried that in his position. He really did hope these were all hypotheticals.
“And… and…,” they cast about, looking for something else to add to their ‘ridiculous’ demands, “I also want a sword!”
Logan paused, admittedly caught off guard. “A functional one?”
“Yeah-- yes, that's right! I want a sword perfectly sized to me, entirely functional, or the deal is off!” they replied, smug as though they thought they’d finally found something he’d refuse.
Unfortunately for him, Logan wasn’t the type to be deterred by a challenge. “I’ll have to go through some prototypes, but it can’t be too different from some metal decor I’ve worked on in the past.”
“Sorry, what now?” they asked.
Logan was already reaching for a post-it to jot down ideas for the base source of metal-- A nail? Or perhaps a piece of old silverware?-- eyes bright with anticipation. “I’m saying that you have a deal. You’ll stay here, and I’ll make you a sword.”
Caught up in schematics as he was, he completely missed his guest’s exasperated groan.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Don't Bleed Me Then Push Me Away
Kyle Rayner x Batbrother One-Shot
Word Count: 2K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: Based off this ask about Batbro being a Lantern! Enjoy! -Thorne
He burst through the door leading out to the roof, one arm wrapped around the man’s back, the other slamming the door shut. Huffing, he set him against one of the overhead vents before hurrying back to the door, yanking something from his belt. He shoved it against the door frame, just at face height and clicked a button, watching a red-light flicker on.
Sprinting back over, he knelt in front of the man who was moaning lowly, pawing at his side; he grabbed the hand. “Kyle, babe, don’t.”
“It hurts,” he moaned, dropping his head; he tugged the jacket away from his side, eyes widening at the crimson blooming larger and larger. “Oh God, I’m gonna bleed out.” He looked up, meeting his eyes. “(Y/N), I’m bleeding out.”
(Y/N) shook his head. “You’re gonna be okay.” Pressing a finger to his ear, he shoved the other against Kyle’s side. “Black Ops to Batman, come in.”
I read you, Black Ops. What’s your status?
“Not good. Green Lantern’s down and I’m not looking too hot either.” A blast sounded from below, on one of the floors beneath them. “We’ve got incoming enemies from the lower floors.” (Y/N) craned his neck, peeking over the side of the building before ducking again. “Tanks are in the courtyard.”
I’m sending the Batplane to your position.
“Negative Batman, anti-aircraft missiles were spotted earlier.” He breathed heavily, mind working in overdrive as he tried to think of a plan, but nothing was coming to him. Kyle’s blood was warm underneath his fingers and with how wounded the Lantern was, not even his ring could heal his injury.
—ack Ops. Black Ops. (Y/N)!
He shook himself from his stupor. “I’m here.”
I’m sending the Batplane.
“You can’t!” he yelled. “It’ll get shot down!”
I’m willing to take that chance if I get you and Kyle out.
“Dad I—” another blast sounded, this time from the rooftop door and he spun, listening to the screams of the men who’d taken a C4 charge straight to the face. (Y/N) yanked out his side arm, dropping the few who managed to survive and come out. He pulled the trigger one more time but all it did was click. Empty. He started hyperventilating, unable to decide if Kyle needed his attention more or if he should worry about getting them to safety.
But where could he take them? They were on the rooftop surrounded by tanks and soldiers. There was nowhere to run. They were at the end of the line.
(Y/N) looked back at Kyle. Sweat dripped down his face, his black hair clinging to his forehead; he looked clammy and ready to pass out. He glanced down at their hands pressed together, Kyle’s atop (Y/N)’s, and his eyes widened. The power ring.
He grabbed Kyle’s hand. “Kyle, gimme your ring.”
“What?” the Lantern moaned weakly. “My ring?”
(Y/N) nodded, slipping it off; he put his hand to his mouth, yanking the strap with his teeth before biting the tip of the middle finger, tugging it off. He slipped the ring on his finger and waited. He swallowed thickly, muttering, “Come on. Come on. Come on.”
“(Y/N),” Kyle whispered, and he looked at his lover. “It’s not working.”
“It has to,” he retorted, tears stinging the corner of his eyes. “I don’t wanna die here.” He leaned forward, one hand coming up to clasp the side of Kyle’s neck, his thumb brushing his cheek as he pressed his forehead to the man’s. “I don’t want us to die here.”
Kyle swallowed, a ghost of a grin on his lips. “I love you, (Y/N).”
He shook his head. “No. Don’t say that now.”
“I don’t know if we’ll get another chance,” he countered, nosing the soldier. “If we die here, then I want you to know that I love you.”
(Y/N)’s jaw tightened. “We’re not dying. Not now. Not today.” A wave of power surged through him, crashing against his soul like a tidal wave. “I refuse to give in. I won’t.” he shut his eyes, focusing on the feeling of Kyle’s skin against his own. “I’ll get us to the other side.”
A flash of green light burst across the sky, followed by an other worldly voice. (Y/N) Wayne of Earth. You have the ability to protect the ones you care for without fear. Welcome to The Green Lantern Corps.
He opened his eyes, the suit of green flooding his vision; a breathless laugh passed his lips and he gazed at Kyle. “I told you.”
Kyle snorted pitifully. “Yeah, yeah.”
(Y/N) grinned. “How do I work this thing?”
“Anything you can think of. If you can will it, it’ll come to life.”
He stood, looking down at the soldiers in the distance. “Any qualms against killing?”
Kyle shook his head. “Rules have been rewritten. Lethal force against enemies of the Green Lanterns has been authorized.” He gasped, leaning down to the ground and (Y/N) held out his arms.
“You need medical attention.”
“I’ll be fine,” he wheezed, shaking his head. “Go.”
(Y/N) knelt. “I’m not taking any chances.” He looked around. “I know who to call.”
He leaned forward, pulling Kyle into his arms. “Try not to move.” (Y/N) stood to his feet, eyes directed to the sky as he shouted, “Supergirl!”
A rush of wind gusted over them, almost knocking him off his feet and he looked over, seeing her red cape billowing above them. “(Y/N)?” she questioned. “You’re a Green Lantern?”
“For the moment,” he answered, holding Kyle up. “I need you to get Kyle to the Batcave back in Gotham City. Now.”
She glanced at the wounded man. “Oh my God, what happened?”
“Mission gone bad,” (Y/N) said. “Kara, please. Hurry.”
Kara nodded, lowering down to take Kyle from (Y/N); he grasped at (Y/N)’s shoulders. “I’m not leaving you.”
He shook his head. “You need to get to a hospital, or you’ll die.” He smiled. “I can take care of this.” (Y/N) met Kara’s gaze. “Go.”
She took off, ignoring how Kyle screamed at her to take him back.
(Y/N) flew to the ledge, standing atop it, and a gun went off; he raised a hand, imagining an aegis and sparks flew when the bullet ricochet off the bright green shield. He felt a renewed sense of strength and took a single step off the ledge, raising his hands high above his head; and the soldiers along the ground all gaped in terror as thousands of glowing arrows appeared in the sky, all the sudden coming down in a fury of green hellfire.
Kyle came to with wide eyes, sitting straight up on the med bay bed, though it proved to be a terrible decision as pain swelled through his side and ebbed outwards every which way. He gripped his abdomen, hissing with displeasure.
“Hey, take it easy,” someone commanded, pressing a hand to his shoulder and he cocked his head up, Jason coming into focus beside him.
“(Y/N),” he blurted out. “Where’s (Y/N)?”
Jason shook his head. “He hasn’t come back yet.” Kyle’s face dropped and Jason was quick to reassure, “But he didn’t send the code-word, so we know he isn’t dead yet.”
“We’ve got a code-word we’re only allowed to use if we know for certain we’re not going to make it.” Jason leveled Kyle with a firm stare. “(Y/N)’s still out there somewhere.”
Kyle shoved his arm off. “Then I need to be up helping.”
“With what? He’s got your ring.” Jason put his hand back on the other’s shoulder and this time pushed him back on the bed. “You just lay right here and recover. We’ll do everything.”
“I can’t just lie here, Jay,” he retorted, though he made no move to get up. “I need to help you.”
“(Y/N) would want you to rest,” Jason shot back, and Kyle scowled.
“Screw you for using him against me.”
He snickered. “I’m just saying what you know you should be doing.” Jason reached over, pressing a button, and Kyle felt the world slow down, his vision growing dark as sleep washed over him. “There you go. Let the morphine lull you back to sleep.”
“Gonna…kick your…ass,” Kyle slurred before his head dropped down, eyes slipping shut as his consciousness faded, Jason’s amused hum echoing in his ears.
Kyle liked to be touched. He found physical measures of affection just as important as verbal ones. And (Y/N) liked to touch. A hand on a thigh, a kiss on a temple, a finger looped through a belt-loop, a toe brushing an ankle, digits carding through hair; he was content to simply be in contact. His favorite way was to touch was when he and Kyle were laying in bed, the latter’s back pressed to (Y/N)’s chest, one of the soldier’s arms wrapped around the Lantern’s waist, the other arm under Kyle’s head, folded back so he could brush through his lover’s hair.
It was uniquely intimate and sweet at the same time, and (Y/N) would simply lie there, breathing in the scent of Kyle’s minty shampoo, brushing the dark strands until they felt like silk beneath his fingers. And Kyle would hum contently like a cat, grunting if (Y/N) stopped. On the rare cases that he did, the Lantern would pout like a child and turn over in (Y/N)’s arms, burying his face in the soldier’s throat, nose brushing his lover’s Adam’s apple, breath warm against his skin. (Y/N) would chuckle, the vibrations rumbling through Kyle as the soldier’s arms twisted, cocooning the Lantern to his chest, legs tangling like ribbon.
It’s the feeling that Kyle had at the very moment, and he blinked blearily, inhaling deeply as he forced his mind to rise above the sleep clouding his brain. The comforting scent of cedarwood and gun metal wafted up his nose, a hint of tobacco hidden within. Warmth spread across his body, hot air puffing against his temple, as he finally felt the pressure over the left side of his body.
He opened his eyes, seeing a familiar set of dog tags and he tried to jerk up when someone’s hand rested on his chest, a comforting deep voice murmuring, “Easy, babe.”
Tears stung Kyle’s eyes and he fumbled for the hand over his heart, clenching the fingers through his own as he whispered, “Fuck you.”
“Hmm,” (Y/N) chuckled lowly. “Wasn’t expecting that.”
“You sent me away,” he hissed, barely restraining the tears. “I thought you were going to die.”
“Not yet.” He retorted, kissing Kyle’s temple. “Go back to sleep.”
“No. I’m mad.”
“Mmm, no, you’re actually relived I’m back alive and spooning you on a crappy med bay bed.”
“Don’t try to change my mind,” Kyle shot back, trying to wiggle, but (Y/N) had him in a tight grip. “I want to yell at you.”
(Y/N) sighed and pulled away, gazing at the Lantern; Kyle opened his mouth to start berating him and he merely leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his lover’s lips. Kyle’s eyes went wide as he made a noise of complaint, but it quickly faded as heat flooded his system.
They pulled away and (Y/N) patted his cheek. “You can yell at me in the morning. Go to sleep.”
Kyle glared at him, though he let his head fall to (Y/N)’s shoulder. “I’m going to kick you in the crotch.”
“And yell at you for leaving me.”
“Uh huh.”
“Mock me at your own peril, Wayne. I’ll fight you.”
“Ooo, I’m so scared of the green space ranger with fancy boots.”
“You are a major douche.”
(Y/N) nuzzled his head. “I know. You love me though.”
Kyle swallowed the lump in his throat, and he turned, burying his face in (Y/N)’s throat as he whispered, “Don’t ever send me away from you like that ever again.”
He smiled, carding his hand through the Lantern’s hair. “Never again.”
“Promise me.”
“I promise.” (Y/N) kissed Kyle’s head. “Go to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”
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moxfirefly · 3 years
I have to thank @southernblossoms for this one, she got evil!Leo in my brain and he hasn’t left ever since.
TW: Violence, Gore, Blood, NSFW content below
Rated Explicit (18+ years)
“She said I'm looking like a bad man, smooth criminal
She said my spirit doesn't move like it did before
She said that I don't look like me no more, no more
I said I'm just tired”
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Leonardo always knew there was an inch inside of him that was darkness.
If left alone and unchecked, it would spread. Fester like some disease and he feared that someday he’d allow it to course through his body so freely.
And let it win.
It seemed today would be that unfortunate day. A night like any other, just more bloodshed than necessary. But hey, who said they should go and kill his father? Torture him to such an extent and string up his body for his brothers and him to find.
In that very moment that inch had grown in his soul to a degree that it blinded him. All he knew was to destroy, to hurt and erase those who had done this. He felt so cold, hands cupping his fathers motionless bloodied feet, the gentle tapping of blood and the cries of his brothers echoing in his ears.
So when Leo stood, bloodied (not bathed in his own), holding the head of the monster responsible, how could he regain peace? This had only brought a momentary second of reprieve and it was so fleeting. He looked into Shredder’s lifeless eyes, numbness spreading but a need that had started out as an inch. A need to kill everyone who had been part of this, directly or indirectly.
They all deserved so much worse.
They all deserved death.
Slow and torturous.
He had disappeared after that night. His brothers knew that this was the end of their leader, of their beloved brother who wanted to believe that good in this world could prevail.
For them they never imagined that Leo would just let the darkness take hold of him, nestle him with such a loving embrace. For him to embrace it right back felt justified, for his brothers it painted the gory picture of things to come.
They never expected to meet him in the opposition. To view him as foe and not family. Leonardo had quickly taken hold of the scum of the earth. He had molded the darkness to serve him.
Raphael thought Shredder was their worst enemy.
He never expected to have Leo claim that spot in a matter of months.
The Foot had fallen under his ruling, and he wasted no time in setting examples, and the bloody path those examples left behind never seized to churn the brothers stomachs.
There was no means of bringing him back, and perhaps it’s for the better.
Because whatever has eaten away inside of Leonardo cannot simply be flushed out of his body, nor ripped from his very soul. The body counts too high by now as he strays further and further away from what he was taught.
From what his father taught him...
You run with the unsavories. An eat or be eaten mentality that has caused you to survive years and years of gang wars and mutant freaks. Not like you’d throw about that last bit, much less when you’re standing single file, close to pissing yourself because he’s there.
And Christ he’s a sight to behold.
A rumor, a legend, a monster.
You tell him you’ve got valuable info, you know where to follow the trail that’ll lead to success. Even when your partner tries to push his chin up in front of Leonardo, you’re already wincing at what his demise will be shaped in.
Leo really loves cutting heads off.
A strong emphasis on loves.
You swallow, eyes flying anywhere but the rapidly growing puddle of blood that approaches your feet. Even then, your eyes stray towards the newest leader of the Foot, Leo punctures his katana into the head, a crude skewer as he lifts it and examines the severed body part as if answers lie in the gush of blood that falls. Those dark blue eyes move on you, you swallow.
He walks over to you, blade in hand, blood tap tapping onto the ground “Your information” Leo’s voice is weightless, bored almost. You motion towards your pocket, the crumpled up note with a poorly drawn map the key to your salvation. Leo reaches his hand in and you’re still, stiff and frightened by the intrusive touch and his proximity.
He pulls the note out and examines, the ghastly expression of horror on the decapitated head so close you can smell the coppery scent. “Can you get more of this? The coordinantes?” You crane your neck to look at him, his stature imposing. “Yeah, I’m your girl for that shit, swear on it” He flicks the blade and the sound of the head rolling makes your stomach flip flop along with it.
You feel the tip of a bloodied katana on your chin.
“Don’t make me cut off such a pretty head, hm?” You want to nod but the blade digs and Leo’s mouth twitches in something akin to a smirk. The small cut to your chin stings, but you wonder why other parts of you vibrate.
The danger, the adrenaline, Leonardo.
Your next meeting doesn’t quell your nervousness. Leonardo is an impressive sight as always and it’s imposible to ignore that maybe you won’t make it out alive every time you both meet. Unless proven useful, which you take to heart. You bring all sorts of information, names, rumors, possible gangs wanting to take him on, the police. Any word you heard in regards to him.
“It’s possible they might try to meet you half way, catch you off guard” The warehouse is chilly, that fall weather starting to hit but Leo’s unfazed, the black tails of his mask move with the gust of winds. “Stupid of them to assume that” The second floor of the warehouse seems to be his own, leaving the rest of the crew bellow. He sits on the windowsill, cloth running up his katana, it had been bloody when you were brought in.
“I’m just repeating what I heard, I’m sure you’re more than adept to take them on” You stick your hands in the pockets of your jacket, you’d been frisked not like you were stupid enough to bring a weapon to this.
But then again, the more he polished that sword, the more you wished you had something.
“What else have you heard? Any word on Karai?” The woman in question had appeared to have disappeared into thin air after Shredder’s death and Leo taking command of the Foot soldiers. Wether she planned to reclaim what was hers or if she had simply quit was beyond you and anybody else. “Nothing on her, she might’ve skipped town or the country” You offered, eyes following the sword as Leo placed it on a nearby table.
“She strike you as the type? A coward?” He walked over towards you, his expression so eerily unreadable.
Yet, your eyes wandered over him. Over muscle and scales. Overs scars and bruises. That illogical part of your brain making you wonder and fantasize, because fear could be exciting.
There was something exciting about Leonardo.
“Well?” He was in front of you, looking down at you. It hits you how minuscule you must look to him.
“Probably plotting? You did murder her dad” You find his eyes, you swallow.
“Well he murdered mine. Eye for an eye...” He spoke gently almost.
“Makes the whole world go blind” You finished for him, and maybe that was stepping on a line but you noticed the corner of his mouth twitch up. For a brief second you catch his eyes scan yours, move across your face and settle at your lips.
Passed your neck, towards your breasts.
He turns around and grabs his sword.
“One week, find more info on her, your pay is downstairs” You’re dismissed and before you process anything a Foot soldier is ushering you downstairs and shoving an envelope in your hands.
That night you dream about what your lips might feel like against reptilian scales.
Karai’s whereabouts are practically unheard off. If there was a trail it had run cold months back and judging from the word of mouth being passed around there wasn’t anything sustainable. You dig up anything and everybody. Every dirt bag with an agenda, ex Foot soldiers, opposing gangs, the mob and just about anybody you have in your radar.
It yields nothing.
You can’t return to Leo with nothing.
Rubbing a hand across your tired face, you make your way through the back alleys of the city. Your one week was coming up and all you had were weak possibilities and baseless assumptions. In your line of business enough information to create doubt can go a long way, but this was conspiracy levels bad.
So you thought and you thought quick.
Pulling out your phone you called him first. Perhaps a dumb move but at the same time you figured it showed that you were trying. You asked if the two of you could meet, the line briefly went quiet before your text tone startled you. He hung up and you were met with the address of a building in Brooklyn and to go up to the roof.
To say you were scared was to put it lightly.
You were shitting yourself.
The roof of the building had a green house which seemed unused but it looked like it was being kept up with the vegetation still green and alive. Your hand made for the door knob but something you could only name as a sixth sense made you freeze.
Leo was there, the shift in the atmosphere was impossible to deny. Your turned and blinked.
Wherever he had been, it must’ve been worse. There was blood on him, a fresh gash by his arm and the steady drip drip of blood hitting the concrete. “Jesus are you...?” You knew he was ok, but whomever had been on the receiving end of this had it by far much worse.
“Inside, go inside” He motioned for the green house and you did. Your eyes scanned around hoping to find something to help with. There was a nest of sorts in a corner, several blankets and cushions, a table and a chair amidst the plants. You found what you were looking for near the bonsais, a shelf with a box of first aid. Leo went towards a counter with a basin and a jar of water, he went about cleaning the gash on his arm.
You approached him with the box of first aid, blue eyes were cautious as you took out antiseptic and gauze. Leo had turned to face you, giving you more room to work on his arm as you bandaged it. “You alright?” Your voice held hesitation, Leo’s questioning gaze turned to amusement. “I’m fine, what I want to know is why you wanted to meet” You finished bandaging him and took a step back.
Pick your words wisely, you thought with a slight shutter.
“Listen I’ve spoken with any and everyone who might have any clue but Karai is off the radar”Swallowing a lump in your throat you shrugged off your jacket, worry manifesting in heat. “I know this isn’t what you wanted and I’m really fucking good at my job but this bitch is either underground or who knows! Dead for all I know!” The exasperation and worry was clear as day, he either took this the right way or the wrong way.
Wrong way being you end up pushed off this very building, at best ironically enough.
Leo swallowed the information, clearly bouncing it around his head. The dry specks of blood scattered across his green flesh. An odd silence fell amongst you both and even when he rose in all his imposing glory you kept your eyes focused on him. Getting a read on that cold calculated gaze of his was hard enough.
Your throat feels painfully dry once he has you backed up against the wall. Something about dying alone with not even an audience to witness it didn’t sit too right with you.
But then again, Leo’s large hand gripped your neck, nothing too tight but enough to alert you to its presence. Those blue eyes looked haunted but just beneath that laid something you couldn’t just place your finger on. The tips of his fingers lightly caressed you, one of them fascinated with your quickened pulse. You can’t blink, unsure what may happen and when he dips down your adrenaline makes you flinch.
Leo halts his movement, his blood feels like it’s pumping loudly enough for you to hear. Wide eyed you lean up instead and ghost your lips against his, Leo sighs through his nostrils and it stays that way. A pull but not enough of a push because there’s still fear in your blood and a hesitation that you can’t put a name to from Leonardo.
Your phone going off startles you, nearly making you jump out of your skin and to a fraction of your dismay Leo takes a step away. One of your contacts name flashed on the screen which meant there could still be some good news. Your turned away to speak, pulling a marker from your pocket you write down some information on your forearm. It’s a quick conversation and once done you turn to see Leo putting together his gear again.
You bit your lip, whatever was about to happen would just have to take a back seat. ‘Fucking coward’ you can’t help but think about yourself.
“One of my guys says he might have it on good authority that Karai is still here” You watch him turn his head to listen, even if he’s got his back/shell to you. “Well?” He pushes while adjusting his swords.
“He says she might’ve just met up with...with one of your brothers” Tense doesn’t even begin to explain what his body did, the mear mention of his family was a sore subject and you had been warned to not even attempt to open that can of worms. Swallowing and feeling your throat stick from how dry it felt you see him pull out a key and toss it to you. “Send me that address, you’ll get your money at the warehouse” You barely manage to catch the key to the greenhouse, but still you raise a brow at the offering.
“Come back here when you’re ready” Is all he says about it, confusion is painted on your face but when he moved to leave he takes a moment to hold your chin. “Don’t make me regret this” He says and before you can attempt to ask he’s gone.
You stay there, twenty minutes or so in nothing but your thoughts and his words swimming around your mind.
Feeling heat between your legs and a lick of frustration consuming you.
Two weeks you contemplate the key in your pocket.
Two weeks you let your thumb hover over his number but never press down.
For two weeks you find your pillow between your legs, trying to reach the sensation he managed with just his body close to yours.
But nothing.
It’s not enough.
New York is covered in rain as you make your way through the sea of people. Regardless of the many umbrellas you still get soaked and by the time you’re up on that roof, hand digging out the key to the green house you’re drenched.
Inside you shake off the excess and remove your jacket. The cold hits you and you can’t help but feel silly that you’re here, maybe this is his way of taking you out, you’re not needed anymore by now you assume.
You turn on the few lanterns that are scattered through the room. Kicking off your boots you rub your arms and shiver, flesh breaking out into goosebumps as the door creaks open once more.
Leo’s equally drenched when he steps through, the black tails of his mask sticking to him. The two of you just stare at one another, steady drips of water and the rain outside picking up more strengh.
Carefully you watch him begin take apart his gear, leaving his katanas by the door. He’s trying to keep your apprehension at low levels, his steps slow and soft. You let your arms fall to your sides and as your heart tries to hammer out of your chest you don’t flinch this time, even as his hands go for the hem of your long sleeve. You take a deep breath as his eyes wander across your now exposed flesh. The fascination goes straight to your core, feeling yourself warm up as his hands rest on your stomach.
With trembling hands you unbutton your jeans and step out of them and the inhale Leo takes as he closes his eyes makes you reach for him. He holds you against him and sighs, large frame shuddering at the feel of your skin against his reptilian one. He buries his snout against your neck, breathing harder as his hands run all over your back and rear. Leo grips and kneads the flesh and a groan escapes against your ear that makes your wrap your arms around his neck. He feels the softness of your breasts against his chest, he’d be a liar if he said he hadn’t been dreaming about them for months now.
You can’t wrap your head around it but he feels just as you fantasized about him. The roughness of his flesh, the edges of his shell and god his teeth nip at your neck with a growl. Wiggling out of his hold you start to undo whatever else needs to be taken off and Leo can’t help but smirk at your frenzied movements. He allows you to undress him, he’s gutted when your hands land on his waist as you start to kneel before him.
“No, no, kiss me first” He cups your face and presses his mouth against yours and that’s it, you’re done for, you’re hooked and can’t go back now. His kiss is possessive, forceful and it drowns every thought in your brain.
You pressed against one of the tables with the many Bonsais when Leo’a tongue slithers into your awaiting mouth. He sits you down on the table and nudges your legs apart to fit himself in between them, you crane your neck up losing yourself in his kiss. He can taste rain water, feels the sweat and rain mingle on your skin. God he wants to run his tongue all over you, eat you whole if he could.
It feels like forever when he pulls away, reluctance in his body. Blue eyes search into your e/c eyes, he wants to see something maybe your fear so he denies himself falling into this rabbit hole. Your hands press against his plastron and gently you run your nails down the hard plates, you shake your head fascinated by the texture. He’s rough but strong, a marvel of a species.
With some difficulty you managed to push your underwear off and spread yourself again for his viewing pleasure. “I want you,” You nodded, eyes falling to the hard length between his legs. Leo wraps a large hand around it and pumps slowly, body shivering at the sensation. “God I fucking want you so bad” You feel him come back to you, mouth on yours in yet another harsh kiss.
The tip of his cock nudges against your wet heat and he bites your lip at the sensation. Leo pushes into you so frustratingly slow, even as his girth stretches you to a point you’ve never been before. You want him inside of you now, and Leo couldn’t agree more. He bottoms out inside of you with a lengthy groan, head thrown back in ecstasy. “You feel... so fucking good” He growls out through gritted teeth, hips picking up speed as you wantonly take him in. You press your lips to his chest and moan with each slow but pronounced thrust of his hips.
His hand finds itself at the back of your head, grabbing fistfuls of your hair to keep your gaze on his. The slight tug burns so good and you can’t help but keep your pleasure filled gaze on his own. Lips parted you let him rock into you steadily until his thrust start to slam into you. The sensation spreads all over your body, little shocks of pleasure rocking your body.
“Mine, you’re going to be mine and only mine” He voices lowly, a threat laced in his passion. You’re too far gone to speak, nodding aimlessly at his every word, moans falling from your lips. “Nobody will own you like I do, nobody will touch you, Y/N? You understand? I’m making you mine” He pressed his forehead to yours, lost in this feeling.
“Fuck yes, yours, I’m gonna be all yours” You lick his lips and when he reaches a hand between both your bodies your mind goes blank. A vicious shudder overtakes you as you muffle a scream against his jaw. He fills you up so good and so warm with a strange vibration that sounds like an endless growl. Each rope he pumps into you making his eyes roll back. You’re shattered against, limp and raw throat from the scream that leaves your mouth.
He watches your come down, hand against your cheek, thumb running across your lips. When he pulls out just enough to watch his essence cascade out of your pretty little hole, he pumps himself back into you. His eyes say it all, from here on out whatever your life was up to this point is over and done with. Leo nuzzles you still lazily pumping himself in you, blissful to the little tremors your cunt produces around his member making him harden once again. Picking you up, bodies still joined, he makes his way to the nest of blankets on the floor.
You hold onto him, all you can do is hold onto him.
It’s rather odd to be in this position. With an entire year that’s passed it never seems to feel normal, not that you’re complaining though.
Being in a position of power by proxy has its fucking fun rewards.
For example nobody in this city will ever contemplate taking you out. Unless they want a very pissed off Foot Leader to set fire to the city and maybe even the world. From opposite points to now standing at his side. No one is to address you as below them, or touch you or let alone breath the same air you do.
You can still hear the bones that were cracked when one particularly unruly Foot soldier made snide comment about you. Each crack of the mans arm being slowly twisted until his arm broke still rang in your ears to this day. Leo hadn’t flinched, hadn’t even scowled even as the twist turned to pulling the limb off.
He did in fact fuck you hard against the glass windows of the hotel suite he had you both in. The copper scent lingering on his scales, but enraptured with the heat enveloping his cock.
With the city at war everyone had began to run amok to do their own barbaric things. Each part of the city divided between gangs, mobs, mutants, police and civilians. You were out on active Foot duties, you were still free to do as you pleased but with protection and Leo demanded your whereabouts on the hour due to possibilities of abduction.
He knew you were a weakness.
But did he give a shit? Of course not. Let them try, he hasn’t needed an excuse for his tyrannical acts thus far, but if harm did ever befall you, you only wished you could witness what his methods would be to exact his revenge.
And he was so familiar with revenge after all.
You admire yourself in the full length mirror, examining the body that training under Leo has provided you. The mutant terrapin in question comes up from behind you and wraps his strong sculpted arms around your waist. You can’t help but smirk as he rest his chin a top your head. “We’re heading out in half an hour” He mumbles against your hair, enjoying the scent. You watch through the mirror as his hands rub up and cup your breast, with a sigh you rest against his strong build. “What’s on the agenda tonight? Purple dragons?” You feel him shake his head, fingers dipping inside the cups of your bra. “Mob,” Is his sole reply.
You bite your lip, gripping his wrists. “We’ll be late” You try to muffle a moan as he tweaks a nipple, he grinds against your backside. “I’m killing them regardless, and I much rather have the scent of your cunt on my hands while I listen to their boring excuses for parley” Your knees buckled when you felt his hand slither inside your underwear, finger already parting your lips and humming as he feels how wet you already are.
You feel his other hand wrap around your neck, keeping you upright and your gaze on the mirror as his finger dips into your welcoming heat.
He engulfs your every thought, every sensation; and what’s the fate of the world when you’ve got him? He chose you just as much as you chose him. You’ve never considered yourself good, scumbag street rat who just happened to make a living amongst the other scumbags. But this? With Leonardo and the trail of bloodied heads he’s left behind, it’s hard not to be excited to see gasoline be poured on the city. He trails his lips to the shell of your ear and you can’t help but grin.
“Mine” He says.
Burn everything.
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a-simple-gaywitch · 3 years
Embers to Ashes
hotch x unsub!reader
Summary: When (Y/N) leaves the BAU, she doesn’t expect to get wrapped up in a crime spree
Word Count: 2609
Warnings: abusive relationship, pregnancy & mentions of childbirth, typical criminal minds violence
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“The real monsters are humans without conscience.” -Robert E. Keller
Your decision to leave the BAU was not an easy one, but it was what was best. After your mother fell ill, you decided to move back home to care for her, as she was alone. Your team protested, not wanting you to leave, of course. Penelope fought for you to stay the hardest. She was like the sister you never had.
The team followed you to the airport to see you off. Hugs went around, followed by promises that you’d call when you land. The only person who didn’t hug you was Hotch, which you found weird for a number of reasons. Even Spencer hugged you, and he wasn’t big on physical affection. And you’d always thought you and Hotch were close.
“Hey, promise me you’ll keep in touch,” he said, resting his hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, of course,” you said.
“Oh, I need another hug!” Penelope said, squeezing you tight again. She’d been crying the whole time and her mascara was running. “I’m gonna miss you so much, Peaches.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, Pen,” you said. You glanced at your watch. “Okay, I really have to go now. I love you guys so much.”
You were grocery shopping for your mother when you ran into him. Nicholas Gully, one of your old high school friends.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N) (L/N)?”
“Nick! Hi!” you said, tossing the box of pasta into your shopping cart. “How have you been?”
“Oh, great. What about you? Big FBI agent out at Quantico.”
You laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of your neck. “Yeah, uh, I actually quit.”
“What? Why? All you talked about in high school was getting into the academy.”
“Uh, well, it’s because of Mom actually. She’s sick. I quit to move back out here and help her until she… Well…”
“Yeah. Well, I’m here if you need to, I don’t know, let off steam?” He handed you a business card. “Here. My number. Give me a call, we’ll go out for drinks or something.”
You smiled. “Thanks, Nick. It was good seeing you.”
Your mom died about a month after you moved home. You were an only child, so it was your responsibility to handle all of her affairs. It was stressful, and you felt isolated. Alone.
You looked at all the funeral plans spread out on the kitchen table, and before you knew it, you’d called Nick and asked him to come over.
What happened next was a blur. You buried your mother next to your father, Nick stayed by your side the whole time. While your mind was clouded with grief, you thought the only good thing to come of it was your new relationship with Nick.
He was nice. He treated you well and helped you through your grief. Only, he didn’t like how much you talked to Penelope and Emily, saying that it was unnatural to be so close to your ex-coworkers. So you stopped talking to them.
Nick moved in with you not too long into your relationship. He said that living in your mother’s house alone wasn’t healthy for you. He helped you sort and pack up her belongings, taking the things you weren’t keeping or throwing out to the thrift store.
You were together for about 8 months before your relationship changed.
You hadn’t been feeling well and you had your suspicions. You took a trip to the drug store and bought a few tests while Nick was at work. You took all of them, trying to rule out a false positive.
When you heard Nick come in from work, you decided to tell him.
“Hey, Nick? I have some news,” you said after he put his work bag down on the couch.
“What’s up?”
“Um, you know how I haven’t been feeling well lately? Well, I went to the pharmacy and picked up some pregnancy tests. They were all positive.”
“Are you serious? You’re pregnant?”
You nodded. “I’m calling my doctor first thing tomorrow to schedule an appointment.”
Nick’s tone should have tipped you off to his true nature. But you were in too deep.
A few months passed. You were showing significantly, though your doctor was worried about your health. The bags under your eyes grew, and you were showing up to your appointments with more and more bruises on your arms. One day you came in with a poorly concealed black eye.
One day, you came home from a doctor’s appointment to see Nick packing some bags.
“Nick? What’s going on?”
“We’re going on a trip,” he said. “Roadtrip, it’ll be fun.”
“Nick, I’m 7 weeks away from my due date-”
“You’ll be fine,” he snapped, thrusting a bag at you. “Get in the car.”
You headed outside, Nick’s hand firmly on your back. He steered you away from your old clunker towards a shiny new SUV. “Did you buy a new car?” you asked.
“Sure, buy. Let’s go with that.”
“Nick, what did you do? What did you get us into?”
“Don’t worry about it. Get in.”
“I said, get in.”
“Des Moines PD has a case for us,” Penelope said. “As do St. Louis, Louisville, and Charleston.”
“Carjacking?” Morgan asked, flipping through the case file. “Why are they asking us to come in?”
“It’s the same MO,” Hotch explained. “It’s a couple, a man and a woman, presumably his wife or girlfriend. They find a home just outside the city and take the car at night, leaving the previously stolen car.”
“They’re active at night? How do we know it’s a team?” Spencer asked.
“The second victim had security cameras installed. They caught glimpses of the couple, but not enough for us to identify,” Penelope explained.  
“Why are they only bringing us in now?” Emily asked. “It says the first theft was over a month ago.”
“Because this one ended in a murder and assult. The surviving victims are at the hospital. Wheels up in 30,” Hotch said.
When the team landed in West Virginia, Hotch divided the team up between the hospital, the crime scene, and the coroner’s office. Hotch and Emily took the hospital to interview the victims. One was a woman in her mid-30s, and the other was her 6-year-old son. The husband had been the murdered victim.
“Hi, Mrs. Foster? I’m Agent Hotchner,” Hotch said, taking a seat next to the woman with Emily. “Would you mind answering a few questions for us?”
“Well, I’m-I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to remember but…”
“Anything you tell us can help us catch these two,” Emily said, gently patting the woman’s hand. “We’re going to try something called a cognitive interview, to see what your subconscious picked up, okay?”
The woman nodded. “Okay.”
“Go ahead and close your eyes,” Emily said. “So, it was late. You and your husband were getting ready for bed. Then what?”
“Neil heard a noise,” she said. “He said it sounded like a man. He grabbed Micah’s little league bat from beside the front door. He told me to wait inside. Micah had fallen asleep on our couch and came to see what was going on. I-I heard Neil yell and I heard a gunshot. I ran outside and I saw a couple. A man and a woman.”
“What can you tell me about them? What did they look like?”
“I didn’t see the man too well, but the woman, well, I only saw her face. But she looked bad.”
“What do you mean?” Emily asked.
“Well, her skin was sunken and sallow. She had bruises all over. She looked like she was ready to drop at any second.”
“Okay. What happened then?”
“Neil was bleeding on the ground. I-I ran over to him and felt for his pulse. It was already gone. Then the man hit my head with the gun, and I fell to the ground. But Micah- I didn’t know Micah followed me. The man pointed his gun at Micah. I was terrified. I thought he was going to shoot my son, too. But then the woman stood in front of the gun. She started pleading with the man. I was fading in and out of consciousness, but I heard her.”
“Nick, don’t!”
“What did I tell you? You don’t get to call me that, whore.”
“I-I’m sorry, sir. But, please, don’t hurt him. He’s just a boy.”
“He saw our faces. You know the police are already on our trail. We can’t have a kid squealing to the cops.”
“No, I… I won’t let you.”
“You won’t let me?”
“He hit her,” Mrs. Foster said. “Hard. It was so hard I thought he shot her, too.” She shook her head. “After that, he knocked me out. I don’t know what happened next. I just remember waking up here.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Foster,” Hotch said. “This was very helpful.” Hotch and Emily got up to leave.
“Wait, Agent Prentiss,” she called after Hotch left the room. Emily turned around. “When you find them, go easy on the woman.”
“Why would you want us to do that?” she asked.
“I work at a battered women’s shelter. I see women like her all the time. She’s profoundly abused. She’s not a criminal, she’s a victim.”
Micah Foster was able to give a detailed description of the man to the sketch artist. Thanks to his description, they were able to track him down outside of Charlottesville, Virginia. What they weren’t counting on was seeing you, in the passenger seat.
Nick didn’t want to go down without a fight. But his idea of a fight was to use you as a human shield. He held you in front of him, his arm bracing against your throat. He had a gun in his other hand, training it on the team.
“You shoot, you hit her!” he said, pressing harder on your throat.
“Okay, okay,” Morgan said, holding his gun up in surrender. “We won’t shoot. Just let (Y/N) go.”
Nick turned the gun and pressed it to your temple. “Why are you so concerned about her?
“Because she’s a person,” Derek said, trying to negotiate. “She doesn’t need to get hurt.”
A gunshot went off. You screamed and stumbled forward, Morgan catching you. Nick fell to the ground, dropping his gun and gripping his thigh. Hotch had snuck up behind and shot him in the leg.
The next thing you knew, you were in an interrogation room with Hotch and Emily.
“(Y/N), what happened?” Emily asked you, her voice gentle. “You look awful. What did he do to you?”
Your eyes were trained on the table. “Nothing. He treats me with nothing but respect. I did this to myself.”
“(Y/N), we all know that’s not true,” Emily said. “Talk to us. You know us.”
You kept your eyes on the metal table and you stayed quiet.
“Damn it, (Y/N)!” Hotch yelled, slamming his hands on the table. You flinched back, closing your eyes and wincing like you were bracing for a hit. Hotch took a step back. “Prentiss, take over.”
He left the interrogation room and stormed over to the second room where Morgan and Reid were interrogating Nicholas.
“What the hell did you do to her?” Hotch nearly screamed, his blood boiling.
Nick smiled. “I didn’t do anything, she did it all to herself.”
“We both know that’s not true, you piece of-”
“Aaron!” Rossi said, cutting him off. He then proceeded to pull Hotch from the interrogation room. “What the hell is going on with you?”
Hotch took a deep breath, rubbing his hand over his face. “You saw her, Dave. You saw what that asshole did to her. You saw her flinch away from me. That’s a woman who has faced down some of the worst humanity has to offer, and she’s been so badly abused that she’s…”
“Aaron, you know what abuse does to people. We’ve seen it more times than I ever want to count.”
“But it’s never been someone we know. It’s never been someone we love.”
“Ah. So that’s what this is about.”
“Nothing. Why don’t you sit this one out? Prentiss and I can handle it.” Rossi walked into the room and sat next to Emily. Emily had given you a glass of water.
“(Y/N), why did you save the mother and her son?” she asked you.
“I don’t know,” you said, twisting the glass around in your hands.
“(Y/N).” Emily reached out and put her hand on yours. “You specifically looked out for the boy. Why?”
A tear rolled down your cheek. “Nick made me leave mine,” you whispered.
“He said she would slow us down, that she was a burden. He made me leave her at a church. I didn’t even get to hold her.” After that, you broke down sobbing. Emily slowly crossed to the other side of the table and cautiously put her arm around you.
The team worked out a deal for you with the DA. You would be acquitted if you testified against Nick, and you would be closely watched by the team.
“She can’t keep sleeping on the couch in the conference room, Hotch,” Rossi said as the team gathered in the bullpen. You were asleep and the team wanted you to have peace. “She can come stay with me. Lord knows I have the space.”
“Wait, why should she stay with you? She’s my best friend,” Penelope argued. “She can stay with me.”
“Babygirl, you don’t have a spare room,” Derek reminded her. “I can take her in.”
“She just spent the better part of two years under the thumb of an alpha male, do you think she’d feel comfortable staying with another one?” Emily said.
“Did any of you think maybe she should make her own choice?” Spencer piped up. “I mean, she hasn’t been able to make her own choices, I think we should at least give her that.”
“Reid is right,” Hotch said. “We should let her make the choice. And please, don’t pressure her. She’s not the same (Y/N) she was when she left. She’s been through hell and back.”
In the end, you chose to stay with Aaron. Something about him made you feel safe. Slowly but surely, you started warming up again. You spent your days taking care of Jack when Hotch was on cases. When Aaron was home, he spent time with you and Jack. The two of you grew closer and closer.
You’d stayed with Aaron for a few months before there was a shift in your relationship. You weren’t sure when it happened, but you and Aaron were closer. You became more comfortable with physical contact, and you found yourself curling up on the couch with Aaron for movie nights after Jack went to bed.
You kissed Aaron first. He’d come back from a case with a book he knew you’d been wanting to read. It was something simple, but it meant the world to you, knowing there was someone who listened to you and wanted to do something nice for you.
Your relationship blossomed from there, and Aaron made sure to show you he respected you and never wanted to hurt you. Of course, there were bad days and there were days you argued, but Aaron never raised a hand against you. He never wanted you to experience the pain Nick caused you ever again.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is like the difference between a lightning bug and the lightning.” - Mark Twain
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The first team event!
Last night, the first AESMP event, Ravager Raid, took place!
Here was the info:
The first event is defending villagers from a raid! You are being tasked with building a house in a chunk outside your base chunk (following the parameters set), after which you will be given three villagers to defend. The mods will give a player on your team bad omen, upon which your time will start. Rewards will be given based on number of surviving villagers and speed in finishing compared to other teams. If you can't find the pillagers, tell a mod and they will locate them for you.
Interfering with other teams is allowed. Using your base chunk to hide your villagers is not. Your villagers must be able to be killed by the pillagers, not hidden in a place unreachable. You can keep items you get from the raid. Bringing in replacement villagers is not allowed.
Later, I changed the grading to reflect the fact that some teams had many more participants and deaths than others.
Here’s the recap:
Spooky had one participant: Poj
District had all four participants: Taylor, Mac, Anna, and Fizz
Moles had 2 participants: Shadow and Cloud.
The event was set to start at 8pm EST, with the players logging on to build their houses. Poj started his raid much earlier than the other teams, with the others starting at 9pm EST, when he started at around 8:20-8:30om EST.
Spooky’s base: I forgot to grab a screenshot, but it was a single floor cobblestone house with a cobblestone crow’s nest at the top. There was a small ditch dug around it. The base was located near Spooky’s base chunks.
District’s base:
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A tiered deepslate tower with a smaller separate tower nearby. There are stalagmites surrounding it and it’s built around the water. The top has deepslate walls around the edges.
Moles’ base:
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A tiered deepslate tower surrounded by lava, The top is made of slabs. It’s positioned in the corner of the world surrounded by plains.
Poj was competing solo, and their house was not as defended as the other teams. Their base chunk being close by was helpful since they could run back to retrieve their items. They died twice during their 37:42 run, with the raid being uncompleted in the end. They placed third with no villagers, since there were only 3 teams playing.
District positioned some players at the tops of the different towers and at the bottom of them. Fizz and Mac both died during their 16:58 run. From what I could tell, they struggled with the water and maintaining health while still fighting the higher tier mobs, such as the vexes and ravagers. While they had villagers remaining, they placed second.
The Moles had Cloud stationed on the tower the whole time, with Shadow running around on the ground. I noticed that he was in charge of leading around the mobs such as the ravager while Cloud shot at them. They had the advantage of having received tipped arrows from a lootbox they found a few days before. Despite having only two players, they suffered no deaths and finished in an incredibly quick time of 8:16. Despite having no villagers, they placed first.
Snow’s comments (rambling section since this blog has 2 followers lmaoooo and it’ll help next season):
I chose to give the Moles first place since they had a much better time and significantly fewer deaths with half the players. Next season, this event is likely to reappear, but most likely later since it turned out to be more difficult than expected for some teams. I might push to schedule it at a more universally convenient time so there are more teams online, since that makes it more interesting and might lead to people actually interfering with each other. Hopefully, players will also be more willing to do that, since everyone seems pretty gun-shy right now.
I’m pretty surprised no one tried to do more actual tricks and strategies; the moles used the tactic of multiple floors for the villagers, but it didn’t help them. I was thinking people would try something like spawnproofed layers of walls, maybe using rails so the villagers wouldn’t wander. Maybe the tactics will evolve soon.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
April Teaser Collection!
Here is the  latest peek at my stuff sitting on my pc that will hopefully be finished over the next few weeks. I hope you find something that tickles your pickle. below the cut are The Stand In, It’s A Match, Deliverance, Mans False God, Gloria Regali.
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But instead of being managing to be all sneaky and close the door hiding henry in your room like a naughty teen with her boyfriend Henry was up and awake.
"Aha! Gotcha! Who said you could sneak out of bed this morning baby? I was lonely with out you~" you screamed and just about jumped out of your skin as Henry wrapped himself around you from behind dragging you back into him, nuzzling into your neck pressing an open mouthed kiss to it. Your shout of surprize had silenced both of the women's chatter making them jump, even Kal came darting back in gruffing as he leapt up the stairs heckles and tail raised and growling on high alert. Fuck.
"now why cant i get a good morning like that?" Tee giggled crossing her arms at the both of you, your mother eyed you both with a knowing grin and hummed agreeing. Henry snapped his head up and gulped. Fuck. You and henry stood still for a few seconds far to shocked at being caught with your pants down so to speak. You shifted on your feet but henry held you still hands on your hips using you to shield his nude form from your guests he hadn't known were there.
"O-oh shit- err good morning ladies!" He said turning red his voice higher than usual as he shuffled backward taking you with him. As he tried saving his modesty, he didn't take the covers with him because- well he had thought it was only you on the bus!
"I err- shit i didn't see you there... Sorry about almost flashing you both like that..." he said with an uneven tone tip toeing back into the room, still holding you at his crotch hiding the once half hard- now softening cock.
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"Good girl, where's your mother? Hmm? Your not supposed to be out and about alone are you?" Henry spoke slowly digging his fingers into the dense soft fur managing to find and hold the collar below the thick fur, then he leant down scooping up the lead what was still attached to her. Kal grunted and sat on the floor leaning his weight on henry's leg. Henry looked down and patted Kal scratching his ears chuckling. Kal's eyes still wide taking in the larger dog in front of him, it was comical Kal was used to being the biggest bear... but he was a good four to five inches shorted then this magnificent grey floofer.
"Kal, you okay there bud?... year she really is big isn't she, you best behave don't want her telling you off do you?" He spoke slowly calming both pups... and gosh did Kal look like a pup compared to her. Slowly both dogs leaned towards one another sniffing the air then with a happy yip Amii began licking kal... like a pup. Henry burst out laughing it was too sweet watching Amii sniff around his bear, whilst Kal sent his human a look clearly pleading for help as this new huge female smothered him with affection. But henry wasn't falling for it, Kal was wagging his tail just as excited to make a new freind.
Honestly henry was glad, akitas were fickle. They either liked you or they didn't. He got the feeling Kal would like this gentle giant for now he was a little awe struck over being smaller then something.
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"Clark? Clark come and help me- I cant reach the milk! Its at the back again!" Martha said quietly you smiled. It took a lot of coaxing but you had indeed tried what Clark had explained as 'cow juice' and had developed a taste for it. So Martha had promised you milk every day if you liked. Which you did like. A lot. Clark pressed another kiss to you and walked off towards the milk refrigerators expecting you to follow.
You made to follow but a sweet scent hit you and you stopped mid step. It was wonderful and ripe, sweet and succulent. You pivoted and followed without much thought. Your feet found there way twisting around the display of 'leafy greens' to a bright colourful isle. You salivated at the smells. There were so many intoxicating scents you didn't know what to look at first.
You pressed a hand on a small net package full of strange green fuzzy balls. Kiwi's? You read and scrunched your face up at the peculiar name. Then plucked the bag up and held it to your nose sniffing. They smelled divine, like a type of food from home. Okriin a small soury sweet treat given to children on their birthing date. You sniffed again and almost cried. It was so similar but so different sweeter and fuller in the scent. You cautiously sniffed again and closed your eyes before tentativly prodding it with your tongue wanting to see if it tasted the same.
"y/n? Y/n?!- oh god there you are? What are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack" Clark said racing towards you his mother behind him with the cart. He slid to a stop and blinked at you. As you scrunched up your nose.
"the texture of these are... Not very nice?" you said naively moving for the fruit again sticking your tongue out once more trying to discern if it was edible like this. Clark moved quickly gasping holding your hands that had the.. Kiwi's in it.
"no no.. No we- you don't eat them like that... You peel them and eat the inside, and we don't lick things in the shop okay?" he explained plucking the fruit from you and placed them in the cart, Martha chuckled into her chest she couldn't help it, you were extremely cute.
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Kal proped himself up on his side and smiled sadly nodding. He knew. He knew the state they found you in was their fault. Thats why he was so adamant to look after you now to... make amends in a way. You'd proved you could barely survive on your own. But Kal was also angry; angry that you'd been abandoned, he had thought Bruce would atleast put something in place to look after you but he hadn't. Bruce hadn't helped you, he to busy saving his own skin and trying to fight him and the new regime. But he was more angry at himself you had been alone, with no means to protect yourself or really survive. And he should have known! He should have realised you were scared, that you would stay away from the new citizen system he put in place. That you'd fear being caught and killed like many of the others.
"I know, but we have her now... its going to be better now, we are going to right the wrongs love... we can give her the best life  look after her and nothing will ever hurt our little one again" his voice was strained his face in firm lines, hard and stone like. He truly was a god, carved in marble. Perfect. Diana nodded laying back curling herself around you. Kal drew a deep breath and shuffled closer winding his arms around his family, holding both his girls.
He chuckled when you grunted pouting in your sleep when he sandwiched you between Diana and himself. Trying to wriggle fee from the group hug.  But once again you settled after a few moments relaxing as you were now being warmed from both sides a small smile graced your face. Kal grinned and nuzzled the back of your head pressing chaste kisses to your bed ridden hair, he felt at peace having you here with him. And he meant what he said no one will ever touch his little babygirl.
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"what wrong? Whats going on?" you spoke quietly trying not to stare at the clearly sick monarch. You didn't want to see it, you didn't want to think of the implications of the illness he was clearly suffering.
"nothing gets past you does it my girl?" your father spoke jovially trying to lighten the mood but failed miserably, his chuckles dying off fairly quickly and he heaved a sigh. Your uncle broke the silence and your fathers hand slid to yours under the table and squeezed your fingers tightly trying to reassure you.
"I have summoned you here to discuss something that... Is very serious and the outcome will change the lives of many people. This is something.. I wished I could hold off but I'm afraid I cannot firefly" you bit your lip and braced yourself. This was bad news you could tell. A part of you thought for a moment of marriage, your gut churned at the thought and you felt sick all of a sudden. Where you being married off as a pawn? It was likely, it still happened even in this day and age it was just covered up with fairytale romance... Story book meetings and courtships, when in reality you were told that your to marry and that was the end of it.
"Y/n you are royalty. You were born in to a royal blood line that has ruled over this kingdom for nearly four centuries... And now it is time for you to take your place within it and do your duty" your father stated in his 'work' voice for the time being he was not your father, he was a prince. Heir to the throne and head of your family. And you were to listen and obey.
"You want to give me duties as a working royal?" you said sitting straighter only quivering slightly. You dreaded this, the publicity the duty and responsibility that you'd managed to avoid so far. But you knew one day you would have to take your place.
"yes dear. We need you. Now" your father said urgently, but there was something off. Like he was holding back, fearfull in a sense and it was not like him.
"Of course i will. Father I'm no fool I understand what my position requires of me and i will serve my country. You need only ask and I will obey. I only ask that i be given time to sort things out with the university security and such would need to be increased if they are having a working royal on campus-"
"I'm afraid its not as simple as that we... Are asking you to put your studying off" your uncle interrupted you making you frown. What? You furrowed your brow and made to shake your head but paused. It made sense... If you were to come and take on duties then the media may go wild and cause an uproar... They could cause issues on campus
"How long for?" you asked trying your hardest not to frown at your father and uncle
"Indefinitely.." the king replied holding your gaze firmly. it was then you knew this was serious, more so then anything you’d experienced before.
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rosaliepostsstuff · 4 years
Little steps (George Weasley x reader) | pt 2 - Interest
Pairing: George Weasley x reader, (hinted) OC x reader
Part 1
Word count: 3059
Summary: When the term starts Y/N tries to enjoy everyday life at Hogwarts, finds herself treated by the twins no more as just their brother’s friend or the popular girl and is excited for the Triwizard tournament to come. The announcement of the Yule Ball leaves her with many propositions, when she already thought she had a date set
Warnings: just a few swears
A/N: Strap back folks, cause I let loose. Didn’t want to rush things and was worried about the pacing of the plot. Excited for the next part cause we’re getting there...
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September, 1994
This year was going to be a good one. All three of your previous years at Hogwarts, you and your friends never got to enjoy the ordinary. Each and every time, something was brewing, only to blow up right before the school year ended. Evenings spent on studying and essays were followed by trying to save the world. Or Hogwarts, at the very least. But not this time. You were trying to push back the memories of what happened after the Quidditch World Cup final and just be a teenager.
You sat between Hermione and Harry at the welcoming feast. The sorting hat had sang its song, and you curiously watched the sorting ceremony, wondering who’d join your house this year. But the most exciting thing that happened was, without a doubt, the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament. Even if it meant cancelling the Quidditch Cup that year, you hoped it would prove entertaining enough. You were also looking forward to what having students from two foreign wizarding schools would change in Hogwarts’ life. Only you’d have to wait two months to find out.
The next day was your first day of class, when everyone was starting to get back to their Hogwarts routine after weeks of vacation. The table was busy, some were discussing magical ways of making oneself older a few seats further, some were discussing their new timetables. You studied yours, chewing your toast and listening to what your friends had to say about it. -Today’s not bad… outside all morning, - said Ron, running his finger along Monday’s column -Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures… damn it, we’re still with the Slytherins… Herbology with Hufflepuffs, huh. You smiled a little to yourself. You had some friends in that house, two of them – Matthew and Eric – you’ve known since childhood. You even went to muggle elementary school together, before your adventure at Hogwarts began – your parents, even though pure-blood and rather wealthy, were progressive. Eric was a year above you, but Matt was your age, so you’d partner up in herbology. This year it would be slightly different, as over the summer things between the two of you changed a bit.
In the first weeks of the term, things had slowly but surely settled down. You had a new, as usual, questionable DADA teacher. Hermione decided to found S.P.E.W., trying to fight for house-elves’ rights. Although slightly unsure of her methods, you couldn’t help but agree with her message. In your world, it seemed normal, in the mansion owned by your dad’s ancestors it was normal, you never questioned it. But in your parents’ household there never was one, and you were just fine.
 The day was nice, mid-September air still quite warm as you were making your way through the open corridors near Transfiguration. Your thoughts were shifting between schoolwork and leisure. As you were approaching an intersection, you heard quick, heavy steps. Most people were already in the great hall, as lunchtime started not long before.
Fred and George ran out of one of the corridors, ran past you sparing a glance in your direction as you watched with interest, and then they hopped a half wall to hide behind it. What was it this time? After them, emerged Filch, panting heavily.
For half a second you panicked. Would he blame you for whatever they did? Take you for an accomplice?
It wasn’t logical, you were just casually strolling, but you wouldn’t put anything past the old maniac. You tried to keep yourself together when he looked at you expectantly. Quickly, you pointed into one of the corridors. Your chances were 50/50, he could believe you and let himself be fooled, or see right through you, finding it suspicious, that you tried to help him and try to convince the Headmaster to allow him to tie you in his beloved shackles that were always ready in his office.
He ran. You slowly pretended to continue your way, until he was gone, when you approached the wall the twins were hiding behind. -Bli-meey, he definitely added something special to his oatmeal this morning, he never lasts this long -said George to his brother -I expected him to snuff out halfway through! -added Fred -You lads owe me one. – you said smugly, crossing your arms over your chest -That we do, flower. – George said, smiling at you, showing off his dimples -Just say a word when you wanna break some rules – Fred winked at you, then grinned at his twin and the two walked away, as you forgot where you were going before that encounter.
 October, 1994
October was passing quickly in huge amounts of work, as if all the teachers made some kind of pact to rob you of free time. George and Fred seemed more confident in their bantering with you, though.
Before you knew it, there was just a week left until Halloween. You were now in the entrance hall, in front of a sign Ron was reading out loud:
The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving at 6 o’clock on Friday the 30th of October. Lessons will end half an hour early —
-Brilliant! - said Harry. -It’s Potions last thing on Friday! Snape won’t have time to poison us all!
Students will return their bags and books to their dormitories and assemble in front of the castle to greet our guests before the Welcoming Feast.
The following week, the faculty was getting more and more nervous. The castle was being thoroughly cleaned and everything was supposed to be perfect for the visit. When the time for the feast came, you and your friends arrived in the great hall, which was decorated beautifully overnight. Enormous silk banners hung from the walls, each of them representing a Hogwarts House: red with a gold lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a black badger for Hufflepuff, and green with a silver serpent for Slytherin. Behind the teachers’ table, the largest banner of all bore the Hogwarts coat of arms: lion, eagle, badger, and snake united around a large letter H.
Before dinner, everyone headed to the Entrance Courtyard to greet the guests. Examining all the young witches and wizards from both schools you couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated. But nonetheless, you were looking forward to the following months, when the events of the tournament were explained to you scrupulously.
The next day was Saturday, which would usually mean late breakfast for most, but not today. Students were huddled around the Goblet of Fire, placed in the centre of the entrance hall. You watched curiously to see who could become the Hogwarts champion.
George, Fred and Lee decided to try their luck with aging potion, all three taking a drop of it and clearly confident in their ability to survive win the tournament and split the prize.
When you saw George follow Fred and step over the age line to place his name in the goblet, your eyes narrowed down a bit. You were just about to contemplate, what if, when- Loud sizzling noise and the twins were thrown back, rocking long, white beards. You laughed at the sight, just as everyone else. But you also felt something else deep down, which you didn’t give a thought – relief.
 November, 1994
November was weird for you. Harry was chosen to be Hogwarts’ champion along with Cedric Diggory, but Ron wouldn’t believe he hadn’t thrown his name in, so now your group of friends was split. You thought the whole conflict to be a tad ridiculous, but you found yourself alone with Harry more, who most of the school seemed to hate now.
You and Hermione helped him prepare for the first task of the tournament, once you learned what it would be. Thanks to Moody’s tip, you spent hours practicing the summoning charm. You grasped it faster than Harry, and you tried not to show that it worried you a bit.
The 24th finally arrived. You found a place for yourself in the wooden stands, fellow Gryffindors around you. George and Fred were doing rounds, taking bets. After it seemed they were finished, as the first contestant was about to walk out, they took an empty spot next to you. -Care to make a bet, young lady? – said Fred, leaning down a bit and wiggling his eyebrows at you. -Gambling, huh? – you said, smirking and looking between the boys -Sign me up. -Atta girl. -George said and opened their suitcase once again. You were thankful your cheeks had already been a bit pink from the November chill as you were taking out the money. -3 galleons for Ced, 2 for Harry. – you handed them the coins -just don’t tell him -You pretended to whisper but just loud enough that they could still hear you over the crowd.
At some point after the task had started you got a bit cold and decided to put on the warm scarf you packed in your bag just in case. In the tight crowd, you clumsily fumbled with the bag and the jacket, trying to wrap yourself up. You were about to attempt to hold the bag between your knees to avoid placing it on the floor, when a big hand reached out to you from your right. You looked up to see George silently offering his help. You smiled and said ‘thanks’ just above a whisper. Handing him the bag, his warm hand brushed your cold one for just a moment. You put the scarf on, took your bag back and resumed your spectating position, this time, just a bit more to the right.
December, 1994
At the beginning of the month, the Yule Ball was announced. For you, it meant hordes of boys asking you to be their date. Even ones you haven’t exchanged a word with before. Some of them you politely declined, some of them just got a short ‘no.’
Professor McGonagall took it upon herself to make sure students from the house of Godric Gryffindor knew what they were doing on the dance floor, and not behave like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons.
And so, you were all gathered in her classroom, cleared of all desks, boys on one side of the room and girls on the other. When she called Ron over to demonstrate, you couldn’t help but stifle your laughter at your friends awkwardness, when he was asked to grab her waist. Soon, she directed everyone to pair up and practice.
Just like always in these situations, you kind of stepped forward, trying not to be awkward and hide, but at the same time looked around the room a bit nervously – wondering who’d ask you, if you could afford to pick and choose or if anyone would come up to you at all.
Your eyes involuntarily found George Weasley across the room. But you didn’t expect him to also look in your direction. Neither did he, but he tried not to let it show. You weren’t able to predict, what he’d do next. You didn’t know what you wanted in that moment, either, as your thoughts seemed clouded. Whether it was for him to run over to you and sweep you off your feet or just leave you, in your nervous state, so he didn’t have to witness you like that. After all, it was unlike you. Y/N Y/L/N, the talk of the school.
You’d rather not think about what your facial expression looked like, when you saw his eyes on you, his lips slowly curling into a small, shy smile.
You were brought to the world of living by Dean Thomas who walked up with a kind smile, holding out his hand for you and asked you to dance. You liked Dean. He was nice, smart, tall and cute. You said yes and smiled charmingly. When you glanced at the spot where George stood previously, for just half a second, he wasn’t there anymore. You weren’t sure what you expected. Why would he? Besides, it was just George after all, right?
Dancing with Dean, there was some small talk about classes, a few jokes about poor dance skills, and before you knew it, Professor McGonagall thanked you all for your time and you were dismissed.
The group headed to the wide, wooden doors at the back. Dean still beside you, the two of you also making your way out. -You know who you’re going with, then? – he asked you. -To the ball, I mean. -  You didn’t, to be fair. You assumed you’d be going with Matt. -No, not really – you replied, skipping the details. -So.. any chance you’d like to go with me?.. – asked Dean, smiling shyly and looking down at your face, bringing his hand to the back of his neck. You felt someone’s eyes on your back, or maybe you just imagined it. Shit. You didn’t expect that. You looked at the tall boy beside you, trying to hide your shock. In the corner of your eye, you see two tall gingers pass you by in the corridor. You liked Dean, you thought again. He was cute. -No.. sorry, mate… - you muttered, truly apologetic -Hope you find somebody nice, though – you offered him a wide, hopeful smile. -That’s alright. Had to try my luck, though – he said, nodding and grinning to you. He truly seemed to take it well. –See you around – he gave you a little wave, which you returned, and picked up his pace, losing you in the crowd. So you walked the rest of the way to your common room, in the black-and-red sea, making a little mental plan of the homework you were to do for the rest of the day.
A week later, you made your way to the library in the afternoon. You seized the moment when you were in a relatively good mood and decided it’s a good opportunity to work on some assignments, to maybe wrap them up before the Christmas break.
Walking through the library you were trying to find an optimal spot for your little session. When you picked one, you walked into the aisle and were about to sit down when you spotted George sitting in the opposite row, facing the bookcase, away from you.
He didn’t see you, as he was bent over a book, his hand supporting his head and holding hair out of his face, elbow propped on the desk. He held a quill in his other hand and seemed – focused? Maybe just a little distressed. You caught yourself staring but you couldn’t blame yourself – you don’t see a Weasley twin working in the library often. In fact, you rarely see them separately.
You looked around, stepped back and forth awkwardly for a bit, unsure what to do. You heard him mutter a few curse words to himself and have to hold back a chuckle. You debated just sitting down and just getting to your work, but you take a few careful steps to try and look through his shoulder aand-
Defence Against the Dark Arts. What sometimes seemed to be the only thing you were good at – Merlin had your back. You decided to take your chance, your own schoolwork be damned. You walk up, lean on the desk next to him- -You come here often? – was not what was supposed to come out of your mouth, but it did, before you could think it through. Merlin would surely be proud of the bunch of curses you directed at yourself in your thoughts. What was wrong with you?!
George was looking up at you with wide eyes but amused smile.
-Eh, erm.. you need any help with that? – you tried to save yourself, gesturing at his parchment -I’m pretty good at DADA, ahead of my year, actually… - you continued, looking down, because if you kept looking into those warm, brown eyes, you’d surely be finished. -Uh, yeah, sure – he answered, chuckling slightly -I mean, I could use the help -He straightened up and shifted slightly as you grabbed the back of the chair next to him. -I don’t come here often… -he said under his breath with a cheeky smile.
After you settled into the seat next to him, surprisingly, the both of you relaxed pretty quickly. Even if you suspected it had been the first time the two of you properly talked alone. It was nice, your banter was natural and you actually managed to help him with the assignment, your own ones long forgotten.
-Thanks, Y/N, I really appreciate it. I’d probably rot in here, trying to do it myself, or just give up – he said and rolled his eyes, packing up his things and you were getting up. -No problem, really. I know how often you just need someone to put it in different words and everything starts to click. – you paused for a moment -I’ll see you around, George. – you started to slowly to walk away -Yeah, see you.. -he had packed his things already, and was looking at your back, retreating- -Hey, Y/N? – you stopped and turned back, looking at him curiously, your eyes telling him you were listening. -D’you have a date to the ball? – he asked, not believing his own words. Matt still hasn’t asked you. You suspected why, after you and Eric went a little far with your teasing when you hung out the other day, he got a little salty. But you knew he’d get over it, it wasn’t really serious, and there was still almost two weeks to the ball. -Noo.. -your tone almost saying ‘go on’. -Fancy going with me? – he asked looking into your eyes expectantly, but his voice was soft, and if we weren’t talking about George Weasley here, you’d say shy. You really had set your mind on going with Matt, Georges question was really surprising. You were not aware that was the case for the both of you. You’d never expect that. Yet the idea was interesting. You knew you’d have fun with him. -Yes – you smiled sweetly and bit your lower lip a bit, standing small in front of him He let out a breath, grinned at you and nodded too, looking away -Yeah, cool.. wicked.. – the last part almost inaudible.
Part 3
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btsmosphere · 4 years
Blessing and a Curse | PJM
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~summary: You are the unlukiest person you know. Park Jimin seems to be the exception to the rule. But when strange dreams start haunting you, Jimin begins to piece together the events that have followed you your whole life...
~word count: 12.7k (anyone know if this is too long for a oneshot haha)
~college!au, magic!au, fluff, angst
~Warnings: nightmares, house fire, knife injury and blood, mentioned homophobia/biphobia, swearing
~a/n: happy (almost) halloween! welcome to my new oneshot, I really hope you enjoy it! -if you’re worried about the warnings, all except the nightmares happen near the end and are probably skippable, but if you might be triggered then please be on the safe side and save this for later 💜this story isn’t primarily about those things, it’s about jimin and yn being cute hehe
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In the darkness of the room, only one face is visible. A woman with age-worn skin is looking at you.
She is talking.
She is: you can see it in the way her mouth moves, but she is articulating without sound.
Your ears are plugged with water, you can hear it in the way it rumbles. Maybe that same water is what is drowning out everything else, blurring the edges of this scene. Yes, the room is dark, but surely something is in the shadows.
Why would she be here alone?
There is a fire: of that you are sure. Nothing else would light the lady’s face in a scarlet glow, deepening her wrinkles until they seem carved of wood. Only her continued movement shatters this illusion.
In the glimmering light, her eyebrows sink in the middle, fixing you with a stare.
She is approaching.
Her eyes are all you can see, a flame visible within them and they rush to you. The heat of fire is no longer merely imagined. No, you feel it crawling over you as you watch her mouth move without sound.
It can’t be water around you, because you can’t move. Fire can’t survive in water. But here it is, pinning you down, smothering you.
Maybe you are dying.
She is talking.
The woman with age-worn skin is looking at you. Only one face is visible in the darkness of the room.
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The room was still dark. Something was different, you thought vaguely as you blinked.
And then suddenly, everything was different.
No face is visible.
You can hear: you cough, and the sound of it reaching your ears startles you. No water, then.
More evidence of this is the fact you can see, even in the dark, the glow that fights its way around your curtain from the street lamp outside illuminating your bedroom. You can move.
You certainly aren’t dying.
That’s a relief.
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Morning comes, the streetlamp has turned off and you pay no mind to the dream hovering just out of your memory’s reach. Plenty like that have come before, and plenty will follow.
Anyway, it’s just a dream.
Now, you are more preoccupied with checking and double checking your bag. Your laptop, notebooks and folders are in there. First aid kit, check. Pencil case, check. Five memory sticks, check.
On your way to campus, you dodged a ladder leaning against a house and walked right into the path of a van splashing muddy water up your jeans. Sighing, you pulled out some tissues to dry it off as best you could, backing into a wall to get out of the splash zone again.
Of course, you backed into a pile of dog poo.
Scowling, you scraped the bottom of your shoe furiously against the pavement and hurried on.
Today was one of the rare occasions when Yoongi had arrived before you. On any normal Monday morning, he would slink in after about half an hour into class, but there he sat in the entrance hall, looking blearily round at you and licking his lips as he set his coffee down.
However, your attention was drawn away by the boy sitting with him.
Park Jimin.
As you slid into the third seat at the table, you widened your eyes at Yoongi, hoping to convey your panic.
“Hey, I was just going to grab a coffee, would you like one?” Jimin smiled at you, standing.
You swallowed, quickly turning back to him.
“Oh-um, er, no, I- it’s okay. Thank you.”
“Okay,” he smiled sweetly again and walked across to the little bar across the space.
“God, just let him buy you a coffee,” Yoongi groaned, “or do you really expect anything to happen if you never say yes?”
“They always give me shit coffee here,” you sighed, glancing back at Jimin waiting in the queue.
“You say that about everywhere,” Yoongi said. He let his head fall into his hand so it covered half his face.
“That’s because it’s true!” you protested, but he had heard it before. “What are you doing here anyway? You look half asleep.”
“Jimin dragged me,” he mumbled into his palm.
“Woe is you,” you laughed, slumping back on your seat and swinging your feet. You had given up tipping your chair long ago.
When Jimin came back, it was only to scoop up his bag before heading off to his class. That was the most you ever seemed to talk to him, as much as you would like to get to know him more. Being flatmates with your closest friend in your department saw him at plenty of the same parties, but you were too scared to approach him.
Something would go wrong.
With you, it always did. Yoongi said you were just a pessimist, which held a lot of weight coming from him.
Class went smoothly. A pen had leaked in your pencil case, and promptly ran out of ink when you tried to use it, but other than that, you came out unscathed.
It wasn’t until that afternoon that the wind picked up.
After a long day of classes, you parted ways with Yoongi to go to the library, while he left for basketball practise. Tugging your scarf tighter around you, you fought against the weather on the short walk between buildings.
On reaching your refuge, you tiptoed through the rows of books to the study area. Luckily, one last spot was left by the window, where you could see the grey clouds rolling by, the odd leaf whisking past and the branches tugged by the wind.
Smile spreading over your face, you marched towards it, setting your things down. But the moment you sat, the chair’s back leg buckled, a snap resounding through the silent space and drawing glares from the other students.
Mentally cursing, you pulled yourself up and settled for the most hidden table you could find. Sure, you could handle the dust and the flickering light in this corner.
To be fair, you did get a good amount of studying done, satisfied by the time you pulled on your scarf again and set off home.
The few trees dotted around campus creaked in the gale when you passed them. Head down against the wind, you pressed on, not looking up until you heard a familiar voice. What they were saying wasn’t quite audible, but you would recognise it anywhere. Maybe your little crush was getting a little out of hand.
Looking around, you saw Jimin with a couple of friends coming out of the gym across the courtyard.
Okay, he hadn’t seen you yet. Maybe he wasn’t coming this way?
No such luck.
Their voices drew closer, so you picked up the pace, digging your face deeper into the wool around your neck. Park Jimin was behind you, no big deal. Just don’t embarrass yourself.
But the moment you took a deep breath, a scraping sound came from above you. Frowning, you looked up distractedly. There it came again, a gravelly noise somewhere overhead. This time, though, it didn’t stop, only growing louder, and there-!
A shape, sliding off the roof, right over your head. In the blink of an eye, you scrambled to move, but your feet were caught and you tripped, inelegantly face-planting the ground as a smashing sound deafened you.
A stinging pain flared in your calf.
“Oh my god! Y/N?”
From your front-seat view of the floor, you groaned, taking a moment to close your eyes. This couldn’t be happening. Inhaling, you finally pushed yourself up to sit just as Jimin rushed up to you, his two friends close behind. Forcing a grimace, you tried to ignore your burning face as he knelt down, discarding his bag.
There, right beside your leg, lay a cracked roof tile.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, bending your leg to get a closer look. The source of the pain showed itself; your jeans were torn, a deep graze on your skin underneath where the tile must have caught you.
Beside you, Jimin’s hands hovered, twitching as he debated what to do. He watched as you twisted your ankle experimentally and winced.
“You should go to the doctor,” he told you. He was right, too. At least there was one on campus that you could hopefully reach on an injured leg-
“I’ll take you, come on,” he pushed his bag into his friend’s arms and threw yours over his own shoulder. Before you could utter a word, his shoulder was under your arm, helping you stand.
“Thank you,” you spluttered, “I-I think it should be fine though-“
Right on cue, you stood on you bad foot, which instantly gave way as you choked back a cry.
“It’s just twisted!” you exclaimed, though your full weight was pretty much weighing down on Jimin.
“Best to get it checked,” one of his friends chimed in, clapping you on the shoulder as he set off walking in the direction of the health centre.
Sighing, you gave in and allowed Jimin to help as you hobbled next to him.
“That’s Hoseok,” he said, smiling again, “and that’s Tae.”
Holding up a hand, Tae bobbed his head at you with a grin.
“Hi,” you panted.
It was likely that your attempt to return a smile failed, with the bugging pain in your ankle. Either way, Tae had turned back around now, walking beside Hoseok just ahead of you two. Before long, you had resorted to hopping. It wasn’t efficient.
“Would it be better…” Jimin said, “I mean, I could- I think I should carry you.”
Managing a weak smile, you slowed beside him. Maybe you didn’t have to go far, but it felt like a marathon at the moment.
Eyes creasing in his own smile, Jimin gently let go of your arm and stepped in front of you, crouching to let you put your arms around his neck. Surely he would be able to feel your heart hammering at your ribs, pressed up against his back like this?
If he did, he didn’t let on.
Sliding his arms behind your knees, he scooped you up and you were off at a much more reasonable speed this time.
“Tae!” he yelled.
When the black-haired boy turned around, Jimin tossed him your bag.
By some miracle, you heart had chilled out by the time you entered the doctor’s reception. Maybe a short trip on someone’s back had healing effects in itself.
You were handed an ice pack and some paperwork and told to wait. Taehyung and Hoseok said they would leave you to it, but Jimin assured you he could stay. And who were you to turn him down? This wasn’t coffee.
The silence was companiable as you sat side by side, Jimin sitting forward, elbows on his thighs while you put your feet up on a chair he had dragged over. He didn’t speak until you had nearly finished writing.
“Maybe you could sue the college,” he joked, gently nudging you with his elbow.
Laughing, you signed off the last box quickly before setting the form down and giving him your full attention.
“Thanks for staying, you didn’t have to,” you squeezed out a smile.
“Don’t worry,” he assured, “I’m just glad you’re not more hurt. It was crazy, what happened.”
“Believe it or not, that’s not the first time that’s happened to me,” you admitted. A small laugh brushed by your lips.
At your words, Jimin turned to you fully, bringing his chin off his hands. For a moment he only stared with his eyebrows raised, smile faltering, unsure if you were kidding.
“You’re being serious?”
You grimaced.
“A roof tile fell on you? More than once?”
“What are the chances, right?” you sighed, “But yeah. I’m definitely the most accident-prone person I know.”
“At least you managed to get out of the way… I thought it was going to hit your head or something,” Jimin looked genuinely terrified. You were sure your heart melted as he said this with his big eyes and such sincerity.
“If by getting out of the way you mean falling on my face,” you smiled softly.
Thankfully, he saw the funny side and laughed along with you, shaking his head and sitting back. You were glad the worry had left his face.
Only one other person sat in the waiting room, a mother holding a small baby, who now turned around to glare at the pair of you, although were only laughing quietly. Either way, you both closed your mouths, noticing her child was asleep.
A screaming baby was not something you wanted to add to this situation.
“So… what do you study?” you muttered after the woman turned back around in her chair.
“Protective magic,” Jimin dazzled you again with his smile, “it’s my second year now.”
“Same,” you replied, “well, as in, I’m in second year too, but I’m not gifted. I’m doing literature.”
“With Yoongi, right?”
“Oh, yeah, of course you knew that,” you laughed, but you were cringing inside. Time to change topic. “But, umm, what’s your favourite part of your course?”
Magic was definitely fascinating to you, even though you weren’t gifted with powers and therefore were unable to study it. Less than half the population had magic, so it was just your luck to be in the boring majority.
“I’m enjoying studying curses,” Jimin was saying, “last year was mainly the basics, warding and stuff like that, so it’s nice to do something more interesting.”
“It sounds really cool,” you agreed, “I’m so jealous, I didn’t get any of my first-choice modules.”
Just as Jimin opened his mouth to respond, a doctor called your name.
“Ah,” Jimin stood, raising his hand to alert the doctor you were there as you struggled to your feet. “Do you want me to come in with you?”
“If that’s okay?”
Gladly accepting his arm for the second time that day, you let Jimin help you over to the doctor and followed her down the hallway to her office. As she checked you over, Jimin sat patiently behind you. Your frequent glances at him were definitely less surreptitious than you intended, but he didn’t seem to mind, smiling reassuringly when you caught his eye.
In the end, she bandaged up the graze and ordered you to avoid using your ankle as much as you could for a couple of days. You had just avoided spraining it, so it would be fine.
“How are you getting home?” she asked you, not looking at you as she typed up her notes.
“Oh, uh-“ you stuttered. You hadn’t thought of that. Walking all the way home would be too far when you could barely make the walk from the waiting room.
“-I’m driving her,” Jimin spoke.
Snapping your mouth shut, you stared round at him.
“Excellent,” the doctor smiled before you could say anything. She spun back to you in her chair, “that should be all. Remember to rest it, I’m sure your friend will help you out.”
Quietly smiling and thanking her, you hobbled out beside Jimin. Outside the door, he lifted you onto his back again for the short walk to the parking lot.
By car, your house was barely ten minutes away, but you chatted some more to Jimin. As he reached your street and you pointed out where he could stop, you were startled by how fast it seemed. You found yourself not wanting him to leave.
Who knew that completely embarrassing yourself in front of your crush could end up to be a good thing?
To your delight, he insisted on piggy-backing you up the stairs as well, somehow not even breaking a sweat, and waited with you at the door as you slid the key in.
“KOOK!” you yelled as you pushed the door open, but to your surprise, he had already left his room and was walking down the hall towards you.
On seeing Jimin next to you, arm around your waist, he stopped abruptly and his eyes widened. But then his eyes travelled down to your leg, bandage poking from the bottom of your jeans, and he relaxed.
“This is Jimin,” you offered, hopping over the threshold as Kook approached again, quick to slide his arm around your other side.
“Hi,” he nodded at Jimin, “thanks.”
Jimin, who let you go as it became clear Kook could take it from here, handed over your bag as well.
“Good to meet you,” he beamed, “see you, Y/N.”
From your position propped up against your roommate, you waved at him. Too soon he was gone, door falling shut behind him.
“is that the Jimin?” Jungkook stage-whispered.
“Yes…” you sighed, hiding your face in his shoulder and ignoring his excited eyes.
“Come on,” you felt the rumble of his laughter through you as he pushed you off him and pulled you down the corridor, “Jin-hyung! Y/N hurt herself again!”
“Kook…” you grumbled in vain.
The moment he dropped you ungracefully onto the sofa, Jin hurried in, already clutching a first aid bag. Seeing his concerned face, you couldn’t help but laugh.
“It’s okay, I already went to the doctor.”
“Aish,” he moaned, “how do you manage to get hurt so much?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you whined, “really.”
You met his eyes as he ditched the medical kit by the sofa. Sighing, he gave you a smile which you returned. You knew he worried too much.
“She was probably distracted,” Jungkook piped up from behind the kitchen counter which divided your space. The warning look you shot him wasn’t enough to quiet him though, you could see the mischievous grin on his face.
“Jeon Jungkook-” you hissed.
“-making doe-eyes at Jim- ow!”
“Y/N!” Jin cried, snatching you and Jungkook’s attention, “give me that.”
Marching across the space, he scooped up the book you had launched at the younger boy and tucked it under his arm. Then a smile slid onto his face, letting the two of you relax. He wasn’t really mad.
“So Jimin?” he grinned.
Shoving a cushion over your face, you groaned, Jin’s laughter loud in your ears.
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Yoongi offered to drive you into college before you had even told him you were injured. Jimin must have told him what happened when he got home.
What you didn’t expect was to see your saviour again this early in the morning. You looked a mess in all honesty, hair messy and most lazy clothes shoved on to accommodate your bandaged leg. Sleep hadn’t been on your side last night, and the dream had come again, but until now you didn’t care.
Now, as Jimin gave up shotgun for you with a radiant smile, you regretted your lie in.
“Are you definitely okay to walk?” he eyed you worriedly as you limped over to them.
After the inevitable teasing last night, Jin and Jungkook had cooked for you and let you pick a film so you could keep you leg up with ice. As a result it did feel much better, and you told him as much.
“I’m glad,” Jimin smiled.
You were too busy smiling back to catch Yoongi rolling his eyes.
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The room was dark… the old woman was looking at you…
As the fire danced and flickered below her, she spoke to you, but you were still deaf to her words.
Come to think of it, she looked like she was shouting.
Had you upset her?
A hand entered your vision, the woman’s hand, gnarled with age and dappled with firelight.
She was reaching out…
She was pointing at you.
“Y/N! Hey!”
Your whole body jolted as a foot hit your leg. It took a moment for the pain to even register as you blinked, head falling off the hand it rested on.
As you looked up, opening your mouth to complain, your eyes met with Yoongi’s. He had a strange expression on his face.
Frowning, you looked around. The lecture was still going on.
“Sorry,” you whispered, “didn’t sleep well.”
Turning away from Yoongi, you found a group of boys behind you quickly tearing their eyes away. Their snickering whispers followed you even when you turned your back on them. But though you hunched over your work, fully intent on achieving tunnel-vision to your notebook, Yoongi didn’t share your intention.
“Hey,” he murmured, digging his knee into your leg until you acknowledged him. You were greeted with the same piercing stare from before. “You okay?”
Shoulders slumping, you sighed.
“You don’t look so good.”
“Thanks Yoongi,” you rolled your eyes at his bluntness, “just tired-“
“You were dreaming,” he informed you.
You blinked.
“You were kind of… twitching,” he grimaced, “that’s why they were laughing at you. Was it a nightmare?”
Blankly staring back at him, you tried to recall your dream. Once you were awake, it always left your mind like sand through a sieve, but when you thought about it…
“It’s just a dream I keep having,” you shook your head, “it’s why I couldn’t get much sleep last night.”
His eyebrows creased, but the sudden commotion that rumbled into life around you told you class was over. And you had missed most of it. Just your luck.
Sluggishly, you packed your things away. Just as you slung your bag over one shoulder, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Slipping it out as you pushed your chair in with your thigh, you saw two messages from Yoongi.
Pictures of his lecture notes.
Fondly smiling, you looked to your friend as he shut his book and slid his own things into his bag.
As usual, Yoongi walked with you after classes were done. Except today, when you parted ways, he made you promise to meet him in time to drive home. Usually you would spend longer in the library, but you could easily check out something to work on at home.
Yoongi’s earlier lecture notes mentioned some extra reading, so you decided to go and find the books to make up for being unconscious during the class itself.
Heading towards the classics section once you were inside, you heard Jimin before you saw him.
A loud thump made you wince, evidently the sound of a fallen book. Unable to help your curiosity, you leaned around the corner to the aisle it came from.
There, Jimin’s blond hair was just visible over a mound of books balanced in his arms, some tucked under his elbows, and a couple more trapped between his hip and the bookshelves.
You were already striding towards him, hurriedly grabbing for the books in the most precarious position.
“Thank you,” a muffled voice reached your ears as Jimin was finally able to step away from the shelf without fear of dropping any more.
“Um… what are you doing?” you asked incredulously as you hastily shoved the books onto a shelf, soon reaching out to start dismantling the pile in his arms.
“I had spare credits,” he spoke as you removed the books that blocked out his face, “so I’ve ended up taking Mythology of Magic. I thought I should do some reading…”
Laughing, you turned over the book in your hand. Woozle the Warlock and other stories.
“And you didn’t want to be any more selective?”
As you tugged the books from under his arm, Jimin looked down at his shuffling feet.
“I’ve never had to read fiction for my course, so I don’t really know where to start.”
“Well, I took that module last year,” you smiled, “trust me, there are a few books Professor Bang really relies on, but other than that there aren’t too many you should know.”
Jimin’s eyes were so hopeful. His smile had returned, and you were happy you could give him a positive answer.
“Would you like me to help you?” you ventured.
His enthusiastic nod made your heart leap.
“Right, well-“ you turned to the shelves to scan for the books you needed, absently pushing a couple more books onto a random shelf. Jimin followed suit, now having his hands free enough to make use of them.
The book you had just laid eyes on was lost as you jumped around, finding one of the librarians at the end of the shelves.
“Joon! Y/N’s gonna help me with Mythology!” Jimin greeted the man enthusiastically, but his eagerness was not returned.
“What’s going on?” the man called Joon asked.
Guiltily glancing at the shelves Jimin had pillaged, it became clear they were nowhere near orderly anymore.
“Jimin, this is going to take me ages, you know I have a date tonight!” Joon was busy complaining.
“Sorry Joon,” Jimin sighed, “do you want me to sort it?”
“Please. I’ll come and check you’re doing it right in a while,” Joon agreed, “Y/N will just have to help you later.”
“Sorry,” you piped up, looking at Jimin, “Yoongi’s giving me a lift home.”
“Then you can come to ours!” Joon startled you by clapping his hands together. He looked thrilled, but you were still confused.
“Ah, sorry Y/N,” Jimin said, “this is Namjoon. He lives with me and Yoongi.”
“Oh! Nice to meet you,” you said.
“You too,” Namjoon smiled, “I best get back to work.”
Before he left, he sent a dimpled smirk over to Jimin.
“Do you want some help?” you asked Jimin, the two of you staring at the mess of books, a couple still lying on the floor.
“No, please go and sit down,” he told you, “the doctor told you to rest.”
He was right, so you gave in.
Later on, you glanced at the clock. You didn’t want to be late for Yoongi when he was being so nice to you. Fifteen minutes were left, luckily, so you turned back to your work.
Next time you checked, fifteen minutes were left.
That was the same as last time!
Now you thought about it, it might have said the same time when you checked it before that too.
Oh no.
Scrambling for your phone, you saw you were already more than five minutes late. As quick as humanly possible, you rammed everything into your bag and fled. You still had to check out Jimin’s books, so you dashed across to the machines to take them out.
Toe tapping on the ground, you waited behind the guy already using the last monitor, praying Yoongi wouldn’t be mad. You decided to send him a quick text.
You: On my way, sorry :)
Yoongi: Be quick
Just then, the man in front of you turned around, setting off briskly away from the station with coffee in hand. There was only one problem. You were in the way.
He crashed into you before you had even looked up, and warm liquid was already seeping through your top.
In your shock, your phone fell from your hand, straight into the puddle of coffee on the floor. Both of you just stood there for a second, mouths agape.
“Oh my gosh, sorry!” you garbled, at the same moment as he pushed past you, muttering something about standing in the way. Perfect.
Looking down at the bundle of books in your arms, it was clear they were ruined. Coffee was dripping off them, the edges of the pages already brown. Taking a breath, you bent down to retrieve your phone, not bothering to check it just yet. You had to get to Yoongi first.
In the end, you checked the books out anyway, knowing you might be able to tell your tragic tale to your new acquaintance Namjoon, thinking perhaps he could get you out of a fine.
Stepping outside, you were soon greeted with Jimin coming around the corner.
“Y/N! Yoongi sent me to go and fetch you- what happened?” he had stopped in his tracks. You didn’t have to be a genius to know your top was ruined, coffee clinging uncomfortably to your skin from the saturated fabric.
“Some guy spilled coffee on me,” you explained, carrying on towards the parking lot, “and my phone, and the books…”
Looking to the side to check he was following, you jumped. Jimin’s head had disappeared into his sweater as he pulled it over his head, shirt riding up as he did so. When he emerged you snapped your head away.
You tried to reject the hoodie as he held it out to you, knowing you would soak it through with coffee as well, but he insisted. It was black after all, it wouldn’t show up, and people were staring at you. Since you usually left campus later, it was busier than you were accustomed to.
Eventually taking the proffered jumper, you basked in its softness, thanking him with a smile.
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Since you went home to study with Jimin, Jungkook and Jin had been insufferable, knowing about your crush. You told them they were lucky you loved them already, or you would kick them out.
Not if they kicked you out first, they said.
You laughed and told them you could just move in with Jimin. Needless to say, that made it worse.
In all fairness, you spent a lot of time with Jimin now. You regretted being too scared to ever talk to him before, since you actually got on really well. Helping him study had been fun, and you had been over more times since then, for studying but also for dinner and movie nights that Namjoon and Yoongi loved to crash.
You discovered all of them wanted to go to the Halloween festival, just like you.
October was halfway done, and that meant the excitement was well and truly underway. Every year on the weekend of Halloween, there was a festival just outside the city with music, haunted houses, campfires and ghost stories. And, of course, plenty of beer. Everyone wanted to go.
That week, you sat down with your own flatmates to put your names in for the festival. Due to its popularity among students, the festival always picked its attendees at random.
Since things were going well with Jimin, you had shed your pessimistic mindset a little. Maybe things didn’t always go wrong when you were around.
But then you didn’t get tickets.
And of course, Jungkook and Jin did.
You were more disappointed than you were when the same thing happened last year. For once, you had actually had your hopes up.
At least they were as sad about it as you. And it meant they went out on a dedicated shopping trip to get you a load of candy; it made both parties feel a bit better about you being left alone at the weekend.
When you had last spoken to Jimin about the festival, you found out he had gone last year. The next time you saw him after the bad news came at the weekend, you walked into uni to find him alone at the table you usually shared with Yoongi.
“Hey,” he smiled, “Yoongi’s just getting coffee.”
“Ah,” you nodded knowingly. You were quite happy to have Jimin to yourself for the moment.
It was only when Yoongi came back with two coffees that you sensed something was up. He never bought coffee for other people. Eyebrows furrowed, you watched as he set one down in front of Jimin.
Eager to take a sip, neither boy noticed you staring at them with something akin to horror until they rose from the rims of their cups.
“What’s going on?” you demanded when you caught Jimin’s eye.
“Sympathy coffee,” Jimin chuckled, “I didn’t get Halloween tickets.”
“Oh no, that sucks,” you sighed, “I didn’t either.”
“Hey, that could be good!” Jimin placed his drink down, “we could do something on Halloween instead?”
“Okay!” you agreed, “movies or something?”
“Great, let’s do it,” Jimin grinned, “beats sitting inside getting jealous of Joon and Yoongi.”
And so it was agreed, and you found yourself walking over to Jimin’s house on Halloween. Any other Saturday night, the city’s streets would be thrumming with life, groups of students holding each other up as they stumbled out, already drunk.
Today, though, it seemed like the entire student population was on the other side of town except you.
Mind wandering to your friends, you wondered how the festival was. Next year was your final chance to go. You hoped you could. They would probably be trekking through the horror maze, before dark so Jin wouldn’t get too scared. Or maybe Jungkook had got out his guitar for the campfire circle. You wondered what kinds of sugary food they would fill themselves with.
It was a nice evening for whatever was going on, being unusually warm for this time of year. You hadn’t even needed a coat to go out.
Jin’s cooking was sorely missed especially; you were something of a disaster on your own given your clumsiness. You swore you did exactly what the recipe said, but every time without fail, something went wrong.
Reaching Jimin’s, you happily let thoughts of what you were missing slide. Your bad luck had afforded you good fortune this time around, and you were determined to make the most of it.
Inside, you emptied all the snacks you had brought out of your bag and stared at the mountain you had collectively built on the coffee table.
“I guess we had better get started,” you laughed.
“We’re never going to eat all that!” Jimin laughed, flopping down on the sofa.
Sitting as well, you picked up your first chocolate and sent him a smirk.
“Challenge accepted.”
As anyone could have predicted, you failed the challenge. Before the first film had even ended, you slumped against Jimin with a groan, stomach threatening to burst. His melodic laugh filled your ears. You only groaned more, staring at the empty wrappers surrounding you before closing your eyes.
What you didn’t expect was for Jimin to reach his arm around you.
Eyes snapping open again, you saw his hands pulling your blanket up, but his arm didn’t move away. Well, perhaps your optimistic eating habits had landed you something good, after all.
The film ended, but you didn’t move away. Nor did he push you off.
“What next?” he looked down at you.
You found yourself a lot closer to his face than you were prepared for when you looked up at him, head pulling away from its place on his shoulder.
“Horror film?” you suggested with a small smile once you had recovered.
He threw his head back and laughed, but he did pick up the remote and start scrolling through the horror films.
“This should be fun,” he smiled, shaking his head slightly.
It was.
Well, maybe not the ghosts and blood and murderers and jumpscares.
But it sure was fun when Jimin clutched you in both of his arms, or when you pressed closer to him to hide your face away in his chest. When he screamed and grabbed at you, hiding his face away in the top of your head, you swore your heart stopped for a moment.
“We are not watching a horror film next time,” Jimin decreed afterwards, “or ever again!”
“Next Halloween?” you laughed.
He rolled his eyes.
Your grin wasn’t because he agreed with you. It was because he thought you would be with each other again next Halloween.
Reluctantly, the two of you untangled yourselves from the blankets. On your way out, you told him to keep the candy, and that you could never look at another one again.
“Sure,” he smirked, “text me when you get home okay.”
“Will do, thanks.”
After a beat, you stepped back through the doorway and gave him a quick hug. Wrapping his arms around you in return, he laughed.
“Don’t have nightmares!”
“No promises!” you laughed, waving at him as you walked away.
By this time it was dark, but your route back was along main roads, so you weren’t worried. However, you had barely reached the end of Jimin’s road before you felt flecks of drizzle dotting your face.
You picked up the pace, but there was still a while to go. You were never going to outrun the rain.
It wasn’t the first time you had been caught out by a storm, but it made it no more enjoyable. Halfway home, the rain was hammering down, stinging your cheeks with the force it fell. The sky above was a solid mass of cloud, regularly disturbed by thunder.
You were most certainly alone on the streets now, everyone having retreated inside. You just had to push on a little longer, and then you could have a hot shower and warm up in your pyjamas with a hot chocolate.
Cursing yourself for not bringing a coat earlier, you hugged yourself as you marched against the rain which was now dripping down your face, hair plastered to your cheeks.
On reaching your apartment, you broke into a run. Stopping outside the door, you fished for your keys in your pocket.
Chest tightening, you quickly pushed your hand into your other pocket. Your phone was still there, but no keys. Quickly, you patted your jeans to no success. Your bag was just as empty. Where were your keys?
Ever since the coffee incident in the library, your phone had never been quite the same, but you nearly cried in relief when you clicked the power button and it flashed on.
Leaning your head over to shield it from the worst of the rain, although you were also dripping onto it, your cold fingers fumbled to your contacts until you reached Jimin. No one else you knew was in the city.
Pressing call, you held the device to your ear, dial tone beeping over the drumming of the rain.
The tone cut off, and you waited to hear Jimin’s voice.
But it didn’t come.
“Hello?” you spoke.
No reply.
On pulling the phone from your ear, you stared at a dark screen. This time, when you pressed the power button, it was unresponsive.
Begrudgingly turning around, you sighed heavily. You fingers were already draining themselves of feeling, every inch of your jumper soaked.
But then, a couple of streets further, you spotted something glittering by the pavement. Your keyring!
Dashing towards it, you didn’t care when your fingers scraped against the cold metal of a drain, grabbing your keys as soon as you could. But when you held them up, you could only stare.
You were definitely the unluckiest person you knew.
The keyring charm itself was intact, but the same could not be said for the mangled metal that hung off it, which had been snapped. No key remained.
Looking back to the ground where you had collected it, you could only see dark tarmac. No key. And below the drain your keyring had been lying on was a torrent of rushing water from the storm.
You were well and truly fucked, only one option left.
Your third journey that night down the roads to Jimin’s was significantly less enjoyable than before. Even your shoes were soaked now and you were shivering from head to toe. It really wasn’t the way you wanted Jimin to see you, looking like a rat that had crawled up from the gutter, but you had nowhere else to go.
Finally reaching Jimin’s road, you were surprised to see his door fly open when you were still halfway down the street, spilling yellow light into the dark. You frowned even more when you saw him step out, wrapped in a raincoat, practically tripping down his own steps before looking around.
Closer now, you were able to catch his attention as you approached. He only stared at you, his adorable face the very picture of shock, before he ran up to you.
“Y/N oh my god! The moment this storm started I got worried, and when I saw a missed call from you I didn’t know what to do! What happened? Are you alright?”
“C-cold,” you said through chattering teeth.
“Shit, yeah, let’s get you back inside,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. If only you could feel where his hand held yours.
Just across the threshold, you held back, knowing you were already soaking the ground.
“Y/N, you’re freezing, please come in,” Jimin pulled you into the living room, not that you could resist when you felt the warmth of his house greet you.
Realising you hadn’t even removed your shoes, you bent to undo your waterlogged laces, but your fingers were uncooperative.
“Here,” Jimin knelt too. You watched as his fingers deftly released your laces, and you let him slide your shoes off. His face was flushed, slightly damp too from his short trip outside.
“You’re soaked,” he murmured, sitting back and reaching for you jumper.
Together, you peeled the garment off you, heavy with water.
“I’ll get you some clothes,” he said firmly, “you’re staying here.”
Beyond the window, the rain had not let up.
Making quick work of the rest of your clothes in the bathroom, you left them in a pile on the shower floor. Jimin had luckily left a towel on the radiator. Wrapped up in the warm fluff, you barely wanted to move, but eventually Jimin’s clothes, folded on the floor, tempted you enough.
Emerging fully dressed in the too-big clothes, you found Jimin stumbling down the stairs. Or rather, a moving pile of blankets.
“Any better?” his eyes peeked over the top, making it impossible for you not to laugh.
“Yeah, thanks.”
Following him into the living room, you stepped over the wet patches you had created as Jimin dropped the blankets onto the sofa.
“So what happened?” he clambered into the makeshift nest, patting the blankets beside him for you to follow suit.
“My keys found their way down a storm drain,” you sighed, “but I didn’t notice until I got home. And then my phone gave up.”
You let out a dry laugh. It really was ridiculous how the world seemed to be against you.
“Would hot chocolate make it better?”
Your eyes and mouth grew simultaneously and Jimin laughed loudly, head flopping back and soft hair falling away from his face. Anyone would have thought he had just given you a bag of lottery winnings by the way you looked at him.
“Yes, I take it?” he giggled.
Maybe the world was against you, but Jimin was the one thing that made everything better. Sitting next to him surrounded by blankets and sipping cocoa could only be made better if you weren’t just sitting next to him.
As if to prove his place as your personal saviour, Jimin soon snuggled closer to you.
After a few minutes of his head on your shoulder, your arm around him, you whispered into his hair.
“Maybe tonight was lucky in the end.”
“Hmm?” he twisted to look at you and your heart softened even more when you saw his eyes were barely open. Smiling giddily, you pulled back to look at him.
“I just always thought bad things happened to me. But it’s not so bad ending up here with you.”
A hand scrubbed over his face in an effort to wake up a little more. Embarrassment already began to encroach as you watched his mouth opening and closing. Had you said too much?
And then he shuffled closer, all those thoughts dissipating like dandelion seeds as his hand brushed your cheek. His lips lay in a peaceful smile, and you couldn’t take your eyes away as he silently shuffled closer.
“Yeah?” he breathed.
“Yeah,” you nodded, sound barely leaving your mouth.
Then his lips met yours.
It wasn’t forceful, quite the opposite. The kind of kiss that made you lean in for more, sweet and lingering, erasing any memory of what existed outside of it. Now his soft touch felt so real, so present and so… Jimin.
Hands ghosted across skin, hungry but tentative.
Time got lost around you as you gave in, indulging in each other until you lay on top of him, breathless as you paused. His eyes were smiling. He was always smiling.
Unable to believe Park Jimin kissed you, wanted you too, you stared at him, trying to soak it all in.
Another laugh passed his lips, joy overflowing. His arms tightened around your waist, squeezing you tightly against his chest, and a kiss was pressed to your forehead.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
You had to look back at his face then, just to check those words had actually passed his lips.
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The room was familiar, even though it was dark. Nothing could be seen but you knew you had been here before.
The woman had not moved. Was she still angry?
For the first time, the fire shows itself as more than just a glimmer lighting the wisened face. No, it is there, bright and dancing.
You can’t look away but it burns your eyes. That is not all it burns.
The woman’s hand reaches out, engulfed in the fire, and suddenly your silence bursts.
The fire is deafening, cracking like a monster walking on bones, roaring in its pain. Maybe the darkness is the smoke. It gets in your eyes, but you still can’t look away, can’t blink, and beyond the red beast, the woman in still there, voice finally loud and strong, surfacing in the brief moments through the blazing fire.
You can’t understand her.
But you understand she is not a friend. You know from the way her hand rises from the fire unscathed. She must be a friend to the fire, but the fire is hurting you.
You can’t move.
You can’t look away.
Smoke is in your lungs, fire clings to your skin.
You can’t scream but you need to, you need to get out of here, but no one knows you’re here, you don’t even know where here is, or how you got here, but it hurts, and she only wants to hurt you more, and-
Someone is shouting but it’s not her this time and it cuts through the fire. Then it stops and you fall back, darkness and blinding fire side by side-
Hands on your shoulder. The room is dark. Where is the smoke? Breath judders in and out of your throat. You cough. The hands draw back. The fire is gone too.
A dim light flicks on and Jimin looks at you. Propped on his elbow, he looks down at you where you lie on the pillow, other hand coming up to stroke down your face. You were used to waking up like this, alone, but now he was there and all you wanted was his warmth.
When you dived towards him, he folded you in his arms, holding you close as you breathed in his safety.
“You okay?” he spoke into the stillness.
At first, you nodded into his chest. Then you thought he might want a bit more detail about why you had woken him in the middle of the night, so you lifted your head. Nose-to-nose on the pillow, you explained.
“It’s this dream I keep having,” you whispered, “I always forget about it after, but it keeps coming back. It was… different, today.”
“What happens in the dream?” a delicate crease formed between Jimin eyebrows.
“I’m in a dark room…” your eyes wandered to the air by his ear as you tried to picture it, “there’s this woman there. And she’s always saying something, but I can never hear. And there’s a fire. Today she made the fire grow, and I could hear her for once, but I still didn’t understand what she was saying.”
“Strange…” he murmured.
“I know,” you sighed, shuffling closer to him under the duvet, “but let’s go back to sleep.”
“Not until I kiss you better,” he smirked, voice still husky with sleep as he rolled you over and planted more perfect kisses to your lips.
Quickly circling your arms and legs around him, you eagerly reciprocated. Your bodies fit together so well, both defying sleep as the kisses continued between your smiling mouths until the dream was well and truly gone from your mind.
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In the morning, your phone seemed to have resurrected itself from where it was charging at the wall, and it decided to announce this loudly to Jimin’s entire apartment. Both stirring at the same time when the ringtone blasted across the room, you extricated yourselves from each other.
Jimin reached across for his own phone, groaning when he saw that it was already eleven and promptly flopping back onto the bed. You, on the other hand, abandoned the comfort of the warm bed in favour of making whoever was calling shut up.
However, just as you reached your phone, it fell silent anyway.
Opening it and scrolling through the notifications, you found it was Jungkook who had phoned. You had used Jimin’s phone to text them in the end yesterday, and they said they would come back from the festival early to let you in, so you supposed he was back.
Taking it off charge, you opened Jungkook’s messages, of which there were several from last night.
Before you could read them, though, Jimin’s ringtone started up. Looking up, you admired his muscular back as he twisted to pick it up.
“It’s Jin,” he frowned, looking to you.
Sitting back on the bed, you just shrugged.
“Hello?” Jimin greeted.
He was leaning back on one arm, but as he listened to whatever Jin was saying, he sat forwards, face growing serious.
“O-okay, yeah,” he said.
Startling you, he pushed the covers aside and pulled his wardrobe open, one hand still occupied with the phone. When he had pulled out a random pair of jeans and a shirt, he turned to you. He crossed the room rapidly, holding out the phone for you to take.
You stared between his face and the phone, then shook yourself and hurriedly took it.
“Y/N, we just got back… I think you should probably come here.”
“Okay, we can come soon, what’s going on?”
“Um, well…” for a moment your heart froze as he paused, fearing what might be wrong. Jungkook could be heard faintly in the background.
“Are you still there? Jin?”
“There was a fire.”
Now it was your turn to be silent. You were aware that your boyfriend was undressing right behind you, but all you could do was sit still.
“What?” you choked.
“Listen, don’t worry, it’s going to be okay-“
“How bad?”
Another pause from Jin, and you knew he didn’t want to say.
“Most of the apartment is fine, it’s just your room…” you heard the soft creak of your sofa as he sat heavily, “just come here, okay? We’ll sort something out.”
“Y-yeah. See you soon.”
Shakily, you stood. Jimin was fully dressed, car keys already in hand.
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It was exactly like Jin had said, but that still didn’t make it any better.
You knocked on the door, greeted with a lingering hug from Jin. He always gave those kind of hugs, like he was trying to hold you together with his own arms. From the outside, your place looked the same, but you could already see black streaks on the wall as you looked down the corridor, where Jungkook nervously licked and bit his lip alternately.
Yoongi and Namjoon were also there, trying very hard to blend into the wall. They took the first chance they could to join Jimin by the door as you stepped past them all towards your room.
Black seeped around the edges of your door. You felt numb as you pushed against it, swinging it open to reveal an unrecognisable space. Everything was completely ravaged by the fire, curtains hanging from the pole in rags, dark debris covering the floor and furniture stained darker than it was ever meant to be.
Your feet disturbed the dust of what was once yours, carrying you further into the wreckage.
Until a hand landed on your shoulder, you simply stood, paralysed. But then Jimin was next to you and you broke into his arms.
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“The firefighters were here this morning when we got back,” Jin said, “they told us a candle set fire to your curtain and it started from there.”
You nodded.
That’s all you had been doing for a while since the lot of you had camped out in the living room back at Jimin’s. You had been huddled against him ever since as your flatmates made calls to the landlord, insurance, repair services and so on.
It wasn’t too severely damaged.
That’s what the general consensus was, and you could go back to living there after a couple of days unless any complications were found as they cleaned up the house. But for you, it was different. It was your stuff that had burned.
Even the photos in the hallway that burned, the only victims of the flames that had escaped your room, were all of you. For the thousandth time, you questioned if someone out there really hated you so much.
At least your friends didn’t.
They hadn’t expected anything of you, letting you stay silent and sorting everything out. Now that all anyone could do was wait, a lazy day was declared and the blankets made a return appearance.
Jimin invited his friends Tae and Hoseok, who were apparently also friends with his flatmates, and Jin went shopping with Namjoon, insisting on cooking later.
You had to admit, being surrounded by Jimin and your friends did lift your spirits. Taehyung and Jungkook had instantly hit it off, goofing around as crap TV played in the background. All the sweets you had failed to eat the night before came in especially useful for such a big group.
Jin’s food was excellent as always, and you had recovered enough by dinner time to notice something different about your friend.
“Did you see my messages last night?” Jungkook whispered, digging his elbow into you. You squealed, but he shushed you, looking around at the others.
It was getting dark, and you had all piled together for a film (not horror).
When the others’ eyes left you, you glared at your youngest friend.
“I didn’t. What is it?”
Beside you, Jimin’s arm tightened around your waist as he leaned forwards, resting his chin on your shoulder to hear Jungkook too.
“Yeah Kook, what is it?” he chuckled.
“Jin-hyung was on date!” Kook’s big eyes sparkled with excitement as you sat forward with a start, evicting Jimin from his spot on your shoulder.
“What?!” you whisper-shouted.
“I know!”
Spluttering for something to say, you grabbed Kook’s hands as you both bounced up and down on the sofa, Jimin hiding laughter behind his hand at the two of you.
“Who was it? How did you find out? Did he like them? Ohmygod!” you rambled.
Jungkook laughed, but supressed it quickly, smile full to bursting as he leaned forwards, barely containing himself.
“Namjoon-hyung,” he whispered.
Now Jimin’s eyes bulged from his head along with you.
“Oh my god.”
Satisfied with your reactions, Jungkook giggled as you and Jimin exchanged looks.
“Hush, you lot. And I would be careful – Jin and I are not the only ones who seem to have got up to something this weekend.”
Three pairs of wide eyes turned towards Namjoon, who was right beside Jungkook. He simply snorted a laugh, dimples making an appearance as he turned back to the film without another word.
You stayed quiet after that.
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Jimin had to admit, your pessimism seemed to be justified.
From a roof tile falling on you, people spilling coffee on you, your keys vanishing mysteriously on the very night your apartment caught fire, unlucky would be an understatement. Now he sat in the library, mind drifting back to all the time he had known you.
The first time you had come round to study, he remembered staring in surprise at all your memory sticks. You kept so many on you, as well as saving your work onto enough clouds to make a storm, on top of keeping notes on paper.
Perhaps you weren’t just disorganised as you claimed. In fact, you seemed extremely organised, but you insisted your documents went missing all the time.
He placed down another book on the growing pile beside him, pulling the next one out.
When he had taken you back to your room after the fire, he sadly placed a row of charred pot plants in a bin bag. They were all dead anyway, you had said, I can never keep them alive.
Yoongi had come to the library too, under the guise of studying. If studying consisted of forcing Namjoon to let him into the staff room for unlimited coffee, then he was being very productive.
But when Jimin confessed his fears, Yoongi had also told him about you dreaming in class.
Only a few passing paragraphs had struck him as relevant so far in his quest for research, and the sky was already dimming outside. Only a couple more books sat on his left side, the books he hadn’t read yet. Sighing in defeat, he placed yet another book across to the right and pulled the largest tome yet over to him.
This one didn’t look like it had been touched in years, leather binding groaning as he heaved it open, coughing at the dust that spewed from its pages. But finally, he saw something promising in the contents.
Turning the yellowed pages, he reached his destination, instantly knowing from the illustrations that this was it. A full moon, just like the one outside the library window. A wilted plant. A spider-web of swirling black smoke.
Eyes devouring the words on the page, he eventually sat back. For a moment, he looked at the thin air in front of him, swallowing hard.
Then he sprung into action, pulling out his phone and snapping photos of the book. It shut heavily in another cloud of dust, and then it was away on the shelf and Jimin’s thumb was hovering over your contact as he rushed to his flatmates at the desk.
“I’ve found it!”
Namjoon mumbled something that sounded a lot like finally as Yoongi turned away from him towards Jimin. He was already calling you, wanting to meet up to share his findings.
The ringtone stopped, and he opened his mouth to greet you, only for your voicemail to speak first.
Brow creasing, he pulled his phone away and hung up, pressing call again.
“What is it?” Yoongi asked, but Jimin was looking past him. The moon hung so innocently in the sky, but Jimin’s veins were turning to ice.
“We have to go. Now.”
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The week following such an eventful Halloween had been a blur. You were pretty sure tonight was the first time you had been alone since that night.
Jungkook was at home with his family for his brother’s birthday, Jin working late at the restaurant.
Jimin had been working in the library all day with his flatmates too, leaving you at your newly repaired house all by yourself. As per a yearly tradition, Jin had salvaged some pumpkins from his work that were due to be thrown out when pumpkin pie left the menu, but you were the only one around to carve them at the moment.
But you were bored. And there were plenty, too many if you were honest, and you were always terrible, so it wouldn’t hurt to practise before Jimin had to witness your shocking pumpkin art skills.
And this was how you ended up in the middle of a storm of pumpkin innards in your kitchen, wonky face leering from the unfortunate vegetable behind you as you looked around at the mess.
Having already slipped over once on the orange goo, you decided cleaning up took priority over improving your artistry. Setting the knife down, you bent down and scooped up the largest clump, a few seeds falling from your hands as you shuffled over to the bin on your knees.
Pushing your hair behind your ear and leaving a sticky orange clump while you were at it, you leaned across to another patch, right at the base of the counter.
But as you stretched out your fingers, a shape fell down your vision. Before you could even blink, you felt a sharp, stabbing pain in your arm as metal clattered to the tile.
Recoiling, you were met with bright red. The knife that had leapt from the side was the sharpest one in the kitchen, Jin’s pride and joy. Where it had hit your arm, aided by gravity, it had easily sliced into your skin which now spewed blood at an alarming rate as you jumped up, eyes glued to the injury.
Bandages. Clean it. Stop the blood.
Minor first aid had been drilled into your head since you were younger, given all the scrapes and bruises you accumulated. But now, as red spattered onto your kitchen floor, you couldn’t seem to remember the order to do things.
Where were the bandages anyway?
No, clean it. Yes.
Ripping your eyes away, you clutched the edge of the sink as you stuck your arm under running water. It burned like fire into your cut.
Snatching your arm back, you watched the pale red splash up the edges of the sink, now falling onto the counter too. Shit. Clamping your other hand over the injury, you squeezed it and hissed in pain just as the room wobbled around you.
Scratch all this. You needed to lie down.
Eyes set on the sofa, you stepped towards it, but you never made it that far.
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In the brightness of the room, only one face is visible. A woman with age-worn skin is looking at you.
She is talking.
Fire blazes all around her, throwing her face into light, nearly erasing the wrinkles that cling to her.
She is louder than the fire, words you do not recognise spilling from her lips. You’ve heard this kind of thing before, though, and you know she is gifted. Her words carry the distinct sound of the language of magic.
Though you do not understand it, you know she is not a friend.
But her words change.
Within the hostile words, there is one you know. A name.
But it isn’t yours. Why are you here if she wants Eunji? Eunji is your grandmother’s name.
Before you can ask, the fire stops burning. Silence returns.
In the darkness of the room, only one face is visible. She is lit by moonlight.
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“Why are we in such a hurry anyway?” Yoongi eyed his friend in the passenger seat as he chewed his lip, looking back at his phone for the third time in a minute.
“Something bad might have happened.”
Resurfacing from his blank phone screen, Jimin watched the light turn to green, relieved when Yoongi pulled away much too fast.
When they pulled up outside your building, Jimin had already thrown his seatbelt off, jumping out before Yoongi had even turned the car off. Frowning, he followed his friend as he ran to the door, nearly beating it down with the force of his knocks.
No one answered.
He had thought you could be just napping, missing the phone calls. Letting your phone die was a special talent of yours, anyway.
But no one could sleep through the racket Jimin was making.
Joining Jimin at the door, he looked around. Since you had been locked out, Jin had given in and had a spare key made to ‘save you from yourself’. Picking up a pot plant from the doorstep, Yoongi revealed the key, which Jimin instantly dived for.
“Y/N?” Jimin was running up the hallway.
Yoongi heard him gasp before he had reached the corner himself, but it made him speed up.
It was a good thing Jimin had panicked. Because there you were, out cold on the kitchen floor, blood flowing from your arm and a knife stained red lying nearby.
Yoongi already had his phone to his ear as Jimin crashed to his knees next to you, crying out your name and pulling you onto his knees. No response came. Looking wildly around him, he grabbed for a towel, rolling it up and pressing it into your arm where the blood still seeped out.
He barely heard Yoongi talking behind him as he swallowed down the lump in his throat, free hand cupping your face, running his thumb shakily across your cheekbone.
The paramedics didn’t arrive for too long. Then he blinked and they were everywhere, hands pulling him back away from you. You got lost in the water warping his vision.
But you would be okay.
That was what they said, but he could barely believe it when he walked into your hospital room at last, greeted with your eyes, awake and alive. Your sheepish smile, embarrassed at another mishap.
It felt like air had entered his lungs for the first time since it all left him when he had seen you on the floor some hours ago.
“Thank god,” he choked when his face was finally pressed into your hair, arms holding so tight you weren’t sure you would ever escape. Not that you would complain about that.
His lips found yours desperately, telling you how much he cared, how much he worried. Eyes fluttering shut, you returned the embrace, reveling in the feeling.
A cough startled you apart.
“Get a room,” Jin complained. It didn’t quite have the same effect when his smile wouldn’t leave his face.
“In case you hadn’t noticed, we are in a room,” you retorted.
Nonetheless, Jimin stepped back and let Jin hug you. Yoongi followed not far behind with a carrier of coffee for everyone. Jungkook had already called you, just before they all arrived, promising bucketloads of junk food when he came back.
“I thought I banned you from my good knives,” Jin fixed you with a stare as he sat down.
You avoided his gaze.
“The others weren’t strong enough for the pumpkin,” you muttered, aware of how stupid it sounded.
He just sighed.
“I’m just glad Jimin turned up when he did,” Jin squeezed Jimin’s knee, “how did you know to come anyway?”
“Well…” Jimin shuffled in his seat, “I sort of found something out…”
Looking to the other occupants in the room, you found their gazes just as blank as yours.
“What do you mean?”
Tugging his chair a little closer, Jimin reached out for your hand, enclosing it in his.
“I was doing some research. We all know you’re clumsy, unlucky and bad things happen to you a lot-“
“Thanks Jimin,” you said drily, eyebrows climbing your face.
“No, no! I still l- you know what I mean,” he sighed after you burst out laughing at his panic, “no, but seriously Y/N, I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I study curses, and all the signs are there. Dreams, bad luck, unlikely accidents. I found a book, there was this illustration about a particular curse, it matched the scorch marks from the fire at your place exactly. It’s an old curse, elders used it to wish ill fortune on a family line, and it relies on moon magic. And tonight was a full moon, and this happened, so…”
Staring back at your boyfriend, you were glad for the grounding presence of his hand. You hadn’t understood all of what he said, not knowing anything about magic yourself, but it was clear what he thought.
You were cursed.
“But-but my family aren’t cursed,” you spoke quietly, “you said it was a family curse-”
“A family line curse,” he explained, “it only affects one person, but it’s a curse bestowed on someone else in your family. Sometimes people want to hurt a loved one of the one they curse, not the enemy themselves.”
“That’s horrible,” you whispered.
“I know,” Jimin said, “and that’s why we need to break it. I’m sure I’m right about this, it all fits. I can show you the book I found, if you want.”
Nodding, you looked at your lap.
“How do we break it?”
“That’s a little more tricky…” Jimin admitted, pushing a hand through his hair, “we need to find out who cast it in the first place. That way we can unwork exactly what was done, since it’s a highly personal curse.”
“My grandma,” you muttered.
“I think it was my grandma.”
You eyes met Jimin’s. Greeted with his full attention, you took a breath and elaborated.
“I had another dream… or, at least, I think it was a dream. It was while I was passed out. It was the same as before, but, well, it was quite different actually. But the woman, she definitely said my grandma’s name.”
“Then you’re probably right,” Jimin squeezed your hand, “shall we give her a call?”
As the dial tone bleeped in your ear, you looked around at your friends. Although Yoongi had dozed off in his chair, Jin was giving you an encouraging smile. When your eyes met, he gave you a thumbs up. Grinning, you leaned back into Jimin’s arms where he sat on the bed behind you.
“Hello?” your grandpa’s voice finally greeted you.
“Oh, hi, grandpa, it’s me,” you smiled.
“Hello sweetie! How are you?” he asked, “your dad told us you had an accident today.”
“Yes, I’m fine thank you. I was wondering if I could talk to grandma?”
“Ah, sorry love, she’s out at the moment. Bad luck.”
Not funny grandpa. Bad luck was the exact thing you were trying to shake off.
“Okay,” you sighed, “maybe she could phone me when she gets back?”
“Hold on,” your grandpa’s voice grew more distant. In the distance, a door clicked. “I think that’s her now. I’ll get her.”
Suddenly, his yell of ‘EUNJIII!’ made you jump, hurriedly jerking away from your phone.
“Hello dear?” your grandma’s voice crackled across and you deemed it safe to return the device to your ear.
“Hi grandma. I have something I have to ask you.”
“Of course,” you could practically hear her smiling, but you felt yourself growing hot. How were you meant to breach such a subject?
“Um, were you ever, I mean, how-“ a deep breath, “are you cursed?”
Wow. Real tactful, you scolded yourself mentally.
“Oh!” you grandma laughed on the other line, “I see, dear. Any reason you’re asking.”
“Um, just, that, maybe, I might be sort of… cursed, too,” you winced.
“I mean, you are quite unlucky…” she gave an awkward laugh, but offered nothing more.
“Grandma,” you begged, “please tell me.”
She sighed.
“Okay. Yes, I was cursed. I never believed it though, but ever since you came along, I started to see the truth. Your grandpa knows all this too, but I never thought it would be so bad.”
“But we can break it grandma,” you encouraged, “it can be broken if we know why it was cast in the first place.”
“You can really break it?”
“Yes, grandma.”
“I’m so sorry, I never knew anything about all this magic, I just thought… well, I can tell you what happened.
“Y/N, the thing is... I’m bisexual. And when I was your age, I had a girlfriend. When her mother found out, she was very angry. Back then, people weren’t accepting like they are now, and she wouldn’t tolerate us being together. They were from a community of magic and she blamed me for ‘leading her daughter astray’, and tried to curse me, saying I would feel her pain when I had a daughter of my own.”
“Oh,” you breathed. That made sense. Your grandma only had one child, your father. So… “I’m the next daughter in the family.”
“Yes, my dear,” your grandma sighed, “so you see why I never believed her. She was just a hateful old woman, and when your dad was fine, I thought the curse wasn’t real. I’m so sorry Y/N.”
“It’s okay, grandma,” you told her, “I still love you very much. We will break it. Thank you for telling me.”
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Magic in real life was nothing like what you had seen on TV. Well, you were doing a different kind, you supposed.
Jimin had a massive book on the floor in front of him, a row of dried plants beside him. Eyeing them, you took deep breaths. Jimin’s explanation hadn’t really made sense to you, so you just planned to go with whatever the process was.
You had understood one thing, however.
“Homophobic piece of shit curse,” you grumbled, picking aggressively at the floorboards. “This would be so much better if I had to kiss a girl, just to stick it to that woman.”
Smile tugging at his lips, Jimin looked up at you.
“Do you not want to kiss me?”
“Of course I want to kiss you, idiot,” you rolled your eyes, “I’m just saying.”
Chuckling, Jimin bent back over his book.
“Well, I think we’re ready. Then you never have to kiss me again.”
“No, Jimin!” you gasped, “I want to kiss you plenty!”
“Come here then,” he laughed.
Giggling, you walked to him and knelt in front of him, returning to the gorgeous familiarity of his kiss, his hands tantalising on your waist.
“Okay,” he panted, eventually drawing back, “that was a good practise. Time to do it for real. Are you ready?”
Nodding, you climbed off him and sat, mirroring his position cross-legged on the floor. At his reassuring smile, you closed your eyes.
You felt his soft palm rest on your forehead, and he murmured something. Though it was incomprehensible to you, it did stir something in you. Though your eyes were closed, your retinas seemed flooded with golden light, while something churned low in your stomach.
The hand stayed in place as the scent of lavender engulfed you, one of the plants Jimin had prepared. He spoke again.
Suddenly, the light flashed and disappeared, the world sinking into darkness.
One face is visible.
You know her, you have been here before, and she is still talking.
But now the smoke in the room is visible, light grey tendrils rising from burning lavender. There is no fire. The woman’s voice changes then.
The language of magic continues, but Jimin’s voice is sounding through the room, and another smell meets you, a herb you do not know.
You stay there for a while. Although you do not move, you are sure you could if you wanted. You aren’t in danger here anymore.
Her hand raises. She has done that before, but this time there is no threat. You are sure of it. You know it from the way light pools in her palm, warm, innocent, inviting.
You cannot look away.
Maybe you are floating. Something is pulling at you, and suddenly you gasp, tasting the herbs in the air. It feels like something is moving inside you. You clutch your chest, feeling something curling around your heart, fighting, and then it is rising and you are choking on it.
Maybe you are dying.
Gasping and spluttering, you find no air. But something finds you. A kiss like home, sweet against your lips, and when they pull away, air spills in.
A whisper by your ears, so close the breath moves your hair.
“Open your eyes.”
The room is light, and one face is visible. Jimin smiles.
“It worked!”
Tackling your boyfriend to the floor in a hug, you press your face into his chest. You couldn’t believe it. It was really gone!
“How do you feel?” he laughed.
“Great! Amazing! Perfect!” you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face, “I could do anything! I can have plants without killing them now, right! Jin might let me in the kitchen! Oh my god, I’m going to win a video game against Jungkook!”
Ecstatic, you watched Jimin laughing hysterically under you, joy written all over his face. It suited him.
Maybe now the curse was gone, you could do anything, but there was one thing you wanted more than all that.
“I love you,” you whispered, leaning down to kiss him.
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Please please please reblog if you liked it, sharing my work really helps me out! Thank you for reading💜
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five-rivers · 4 years
Children tend to imitate the adults around them, especially those whom they admire. Mannerisms, personality traits, hobbies, and style are all up for grabs.
Does that change for children who are dead?
Why, yes.
The tendency grows stronger.
The changes were small, at first. Small enough that Danny didn't even notice them. No, Tucker was the first one to say anything.
The specific thing he said was: "Hey, Danny, can you turn back for a second?"
Danny, who had just then returned to human form in the safety of Tucker's attic raised an eyebrow. "Okay?" he said, complying. "What's up?"
"Your hair," said Tucker.
Danny ran his hand through the mentioned body part. "What about it?"
"It's longer," said Tucker, reaching up to tug on a lock.
"Huh," said Sam. "You're right, it is."
"Longer than what?" asked Danny.
"Than when you're human," said Sam. She grinned. "Want me to cut it for you?"
"No," said Danny. "It isn't bothering me yet, and I don't want an undercut."
"I can do more than undercuts," said Sam.
"It is sort of weird, though," said Danny. He dropped back into human form and collapsed into one of Tucker's beanbags.
"Anyway," said Tucker, "how was your trip to the Far Frozen?"
"Oh, it was great," said Danny. "Frostbite taught me some new ice things, do you want to see?"
The next change Danny noticed were his lips. He rarely wound up in front of a mirror as Phantom, but when he did, he found himself doing double take after double take.
Today, it was because he had gotten a fairly nasty cut and wanted to patch it up in ghost form before switching back. He had just finished that, when his reflection caught his eye.
He made a face at it, then froze.
The inside edges of his lips were faintly blue.
He floated closer to the mirror to get a better look, and pulled back his bottom lip. Danny knew he had unusual coloring for a ghost, even a young one, and that Vlad certainly hadn't kept a human coloration, despite being a half-ghost, but Danny had been hoping that he'd be an exception. Especially after the whole incident with Dan.
Danny didn't want to look anything like his so-called future self.
On closer inspection, however, the color of his lips was darker, more violet than blue, and the inside of his mouth was more or less the same color it always had been in ghost form. There were thankfully, no fangs.
Was this a side effect of his cold core? To make him look hypothermic? He wouldn't particularly mind if that was the case.
He stopped playing with his lips and put his hands down. If that were the case, where else would it show? Fingers? Toes? Ears? He pulled back his hair, which was now, admittedly, rather shaggy.
There was a very faint purple-blue blush on his ears.
"Great," he whispered. He pulled off his gloves. The discoloration was there, too, on the tips of his fingers and under his nails.
But there wasn't anything he could really do about it, other than hope it didn't spread. He sighed. At least none of this was visible in his human form.
"Your freckles are coming back," said Jazz.
"Ugh," said Danny, hanging upside-down on the couch. "Really?"
"Yep," said Jazz. "You should think about wearing sunblock more often when you're flying."
"I don't think that would really matter," said Danny. "My ghost half and my human half don't line up in detail."
Jazz closed her textbook. "Have you checked?"
"Checked what?"
"Whether or not your ghost form has freckles."
"No," said Danny. He somersaulted off the couch.
"Where are you going?" asked Jazz.
"To check the freckles thing!" said Danny. He climbed the stairs to the bathroom he and Jazz shared and shut the door. He locked it behind him before going ghost.
Jazz was right. His ghost form did have freckles.
Wait a moment. Those patterns... Were those constellations?
After the fight was over, Danny ran a hand through his hair and- Wait. What was that?
Hidden in his thick hair were two small, cold, crystalline lumps. Were those horns?
Danny swallowed hard and flew back to the school bathroom. Yes, he had grown a small set of icy horns.
That settled it. He couldn't ignore these changes anymore. He had to figure out what was going on.
Horns. He couldn't believe it.
He arranged cover with Jazz, Sam, and Tucker, because he didn't know how long he'd be gone. His destination was the Far Frozen, as they were his allies with the greatest medical knowledge. Clockwork would probably know what was going on, too, but he had all these weird rules about what he could and could not tell Danny.
As he flew through the green mists of the Ghost Zone, Danny mused that he was lucky to have so many allies to help him, now. So many people he could be safe with. He remembered back at the beginning, where the only people at his side were Sam and Tucker. They were great, of course, and he couldn't have survived without them, but they were kids, too.
It was good to have adults on his side.
The Far Frozen was as cold and snowy as ever, and Danny's core hummed happily at the hospitable environment, shifting into purring as he was greeted by the yetis. They laughed, smiled, and patted him on the shoulders.
It made Danny hesitant to bring up his problem.
But it was the reason he'd carved out time to come. So when Frostbite asked what had brought him to the Far Frozen, Danny showed them.
All the yetis went silent for a moment, and then began cheering.
Danny scowled, confused and not liking it. "What's going on?" he asked.
"Forgive us, great one," said Frostbite, chuckling. "We are simply flattered that you have chosen to imitate us."
"I didn't do this on purpose," objected Danny.
"It's a subconscious process," explained Frostbite. "Child ghosts tend to partially imitate the adults they like, the adults they spend time with."
"Oh," said Danny. "Oh. So, it isn't a thing I should be worried about."
"No," said Frostbite. "It's quite normal."
Danny nodded. "I've, um," he shifted closer to Frostbite, almost laying on the larger ghost's arm. "The horns aren't the only thing, though, and I'm not sure where everything is coming from," he said. "Some of it is happening to my human form, too. Should I be worried about that? The horns haven't transferred over, but..."
"We'll look into it."
Danny had a thorough medical check up, courtesy of the doctors of the Far Frozen, and was given a squeaky clean bill of health. Literally. They had given him a laminated medical report, for future reference.
After the exam, several yetis volunteered to teach him how to use the horns to help direct his ice powers. They were brave warriors, unafraid of being frozen by Danny's still-growing ice powers.
This was followed by a huge feast in his honor (Danny suspected that the yetis just liked having an excuse to throw a party). Danny did his best not to overeat and drop into a food coma, but was, sadly, unsuccessful.
Frostbite carried him from the feasting hall half asleep, and tucked him into bed in a lavish guest room. Among the thick, warm furs of the bed, Danny let himself become human and fully fell asleep.
He woke up feeling rested and much more at ease. Knowing what was happening, that his ghost form was just copying his friends, took a lot of stress off of him. True, he wasn't sure where the star freckles came from, and there were two culprits for the blue skin, but, overall, the changes were no longer a mystery.
He crawled from beneath the heavy covers, stretched, and went ghost.
Whereupon he noticed that his ghost form abruptly had four arms.
"Most likely," said Frostbite, "your subconscious was blocking this particular transformation, as it is somewhat more extreme than the others."
Danny tried to cross his arms, and blushed furiously as they collided with each other, highlighting a frustrating lack of coordination. "Yeah," he said. "Do you- do you know how I can undo this? I don't know how to deal with having," he gestured with all of his arms, "four arms."
Frostbite didn't bother to hide his amused smile. "I don't know any way that would be healthy for you, at this stage of your development. I would suggest that you go to Pandora, and ask her for advice. I am assuming she is the primary four-armed ghost of your acquaintance, yes?"
"Yeah," said Danny. He sighed. "I'm going to be gone for so long. Jazz is going to go mental."
Frostbite patted him on the knee. "I can take you to Elysium with the Infinimap," he said. "That will shorten your journey, at least."
Pandora was as excited about Danny's new appearance as the yetis had been. She spent nearly an hour alternately cooing over his extra limbs, showing him off to the various citizens of Elysium, and giving him sandwiches.
Danny... liked the attention, honestly. Sometimes, he forgot what it felt like, for an adult to be proud of him. His parents and most of his teachers only looked at him with disappointment, nowadays.
When the hour was up, however, Pandora was determined to teach him how to fight with four arms. She put a staff into each of his hands, and off to the training grounds he went.
As it grew late, Pandora extracted a promise from him to come back regularly, for more training. Danny didn't think he had coordinating four arms down, yet, but he thought he was getting the hang of it.
There was one more place he wanted to stop before he went back home.
Danny was expected. The tall, dark doors of Clockwork's lair were open. He drifted inside.
"Hello, Daniel," called Clockwork, pleasantly.
"Hi," said Danny, rounding a corner to find the older ghost, in child form. "I-" He stopped, he had no idea how to phrase this without sounding stupid.
As far as he could tell, he hadn't picked up anything from Clockwork, beyond, maybe, the blue spots on his skin, and he felt weirdly guilty about that. After all, he spent more time with Clockwork than the others, and after seeing them so happy, he didn't want Clockwork to feel left out.
Clockwork took off his gloves and started rolling up his sleeves, shifting to elder form as he did so. Danny blinked and flew closer, curious. Clockwork hardly ever took off his gloves, and Danny had never seen him with his sleeves rolled up.
There were, Danny noted with surprise, symbols inlaid into Clockwork's arms in gold and silver. He looked at them, his head tilted. Some of them looked familiar.
"Oh," said Danny, eyes wide, "they're astronomical symbols."
"The sky was humanity's first clock," said Clockwork. He shifted age again, to his middle form, and pulled back his hood, revealing long, white hair.
"Oh," repeated Danny, hunching sheepishly. He felt rather foolish, now.
"You don't have to worry about these things," said Clockwork, patting Danny on the shoulder. "Would you like a snack, before I send you home?"
"Sure," said Danny.
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
Who are you?
Reverse AU Malec oneshot
Alec looks after the archer, who has just saved his life with a well-aimed arrow. The shadowhunter takes his breath away and makes his heart clench in near-forgotten ways. Without a glamour, no one would be able to look past a man like him. The make-up, the striking colours on the tip of his hair, the flamboyant style of his clothes—Alec has never seen a shadowhunter like this in his very long life.
Who are you? he thinks, catching himself immediately before it can slip out between his lips and make him an even bigger joke in the other two shadowhunters' eyes. No matter his powers, it is clear that the blond only holds thinly veiled disdain for him, and the redhead he had grown to like over the years is unimpressed with him at best. And the third only saved him because the others want something from him. Clary's memories. Which he doesn't have any longer.
Alec's hand wraps around the pendant that he once bought for Camillo after selling his London townhouse, a courting gift of sorts. One he wants back to spite Maryse, if he's honest. The Banes simply don't deserve what used to be a token of his love. What a fool he had been. Maybe true love cannot die, but Alec stopped believing in true love at least a century ago. Nobody likes a plain warlock. If internal fights in the warlock community hadn't created clear fronts and the urgent need of a High Warlock, who had never alienated a single one of his fellow specimens, Alec wouldn't have the title to call his own.
He tries his best, but he knows that especially those older than him don't see him as much more than a useful tool. He tries his hardest to prove them wrong, works day and night, his magic equal parts based on bloodline and constant training.
Yes, he is respected due to the position he holds, but there is always someone breathing down his neck. And if it isn't another warlock or one of the Clave's brave soldiers, it is Valentine.
Speaking of which. Alec has to leave. He hasn't survived nearly four centuries just to be killed for a stupid pendant and the look of a handsome, styled shadowhunter.
He walks up to his portal, but Clary stops him. "Alec, wait! You're my only hope."
The warlock looks at her. He has to save his people even if it is the last thing he'll do. Not that the young woman would understand such duty.
"Valentine found us. I warned your mother this might happen," he says and steps out of the nightclub into his lair. He breathes a sigh of relief and shakes off the vision of dark runes and black kohl against caramel skin.
"Well done," a warm voice comes from behind as Alec looks down on the Circle member he took out after someone pierced the guy's leg with an arrow. He knows this voice can only belong to one man.
"More like medium-rare," he replies and winces. What a stupid thing to say. That joke was stale even before the young shadowhunter was born. But even after walking the earth for so long, spontaneous talk isn't Alec's forte.
He schools his face into a smile and turns, hoping it is somewhat believable. Once again, the sight knocks all the air out of his lungs. How can one human being, even one with angelic blood, be so beautiful?
He can't get a word out and nearly misses the man introducing himself way more chivalrous than he would expect from a nephilim towards a downworlder.
Magnus. The name befits the man, and Alec manages to stutter out his own, blushing fiercely as he stumbles over his failing attempt of an appropriate conversation opener.
Magnus smiles at him sweetly, and it makes everything so much harder. And so much more wonderful. "We should join the party," the shadowhunter says, sending a last mischievous grin Alec's way before he leaves the room. The warlock takes a deep breath and follows him to the battle.
When Alec's hand clicks into Magnus' as they start summoning Valak, he can already feel the energy pulsing from the pentagram through his veins, merging with his magic. Touching Magnus, there is a whole other current involved, though. Maybe it's the blatant innuendos of the young man or the confidence such a young mortal simply shouldn't possess in the face of a magical being like him. But why would Magnus see in him what no one else does? It's ridiculous, really. He's just toying with him for sure.
Of course, the unconventional shadowhunter loves his parabatai the most in the world. It's always the pretty boys who others fall for, no matter how self-absorbed they might be. Sadness spreads through Alec's chest as the other memories are pulled into the demon's vortex. Who will his heart choose?
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Alec," Magnus says as he finds the warlock on his balcony. Alec doesn't answer. There's no way to explain his memory away. It's pathetic and fills him with shame.
One look. It took him one look, and Magnus was the person he loved the most in the world. How pathetic! And he nearly killed the man Magnus truly loves as he broke the circle in a knee-jerk reaction. If it hadn't been for Clary's brave action...
Magnus leans against the balustrade and watches with Alec the night-dipped skyline of New York. "Do you believe in soulmates?" the shadowhunter asks.
Alec snorts. "Is that the pickup line that you and your siblings use to get downworlders into your beds?" Magnus lets out a wounded sound, and Alec regrets his choice of words immediately.
"I laid my fair share—I've been with men, women, seelies, shadowhunters, vampires…"
"I get the drift," Alec stops him curtly. He doesn't need more proof that his heart is foolish once again, giving itself into hands bound to break it. Magnus probably just wants to tick off warlocks from his to-do list. Alec, for sure, won't give his virginity to such a man. There had been hundreds of suitors over the years. Alec has never given in. He isn't that lonely or desperate that he would do it now. If he is good at one thing, then it is self-discipline, saying no to emotions and carnal urges his second nature.
Magnus shakes his head and smiles. "What I wanted to say was, I'm ready for something real, and you unlocked something in me. Given that I wasn't out for love when we met, it might as well be Cupid's magic if it hit you so hard in such a short time."
"It doesn't matter. Shadowhunters always end up with one of their own," Alec grinds out, finding it hard to keep his composure. The shadowhunter is just too unsettling. It's hard to stick to his rules and plans. Magnus is like a black hole, and Alec is gravitating towards him, thrown off his track.
"Do I look like a shadowhunter, who gives a damn about conventions?" Magnus asks.
Alec can't help but smile. The young nephilim definitely doesn't. But he can imagine what Magnus thinks about him. "No, but you look like a breaker of hearts."
Magnus chews his lip at that. "Sometimes, those are the ones whose hearts need mending the most," he says quietly and presses his palms firmly against the cold stone of the balustrade.
Alec pulls his gaze from the city and to Magnus. He looks vulnerable, his eyes shining in the moonlight. The warlock isn't sure if it is the silver eyeliner or tears glazing the shadowhunter's eyes. Magnus looks so soft. There is no teasing, no posturing, no lothario facade.
The warlock smiles shyly. Maybe, just maybe, Magnus Bane would not break his heart.
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soartfullydone · 3 years
No. 2 - TALKING IS OVERRATED garotte | choking | gagged Delethil/Riven/Eravin requested by @editoress
DnD prompts are for me and my five closest friends.
Delethil knew claiming Aeranth for his own would mean inheriting her enemies. He also knew he would make new ones, some of which would already be inside the walls.
“You’re mad for doing this,” Eravin had told Delethil years ago when he’d trusted him enough to share his plans for revolution. He said the same thing a few days ago, too, when Delethil told him how he was going to lure the remaining dissident moon rabbits from their dens.
The difference between then and now was that Riven had been in the Circle tower with them. She’d sat perched on the edge of his desk, worry furrowing her brow, unusually silent. Always a sign that she wasn’t sure or happy about what she was hearing.
To Eravin, reasonable: “The sooner we deal with the problem…” To Riven, wheedling: “The less we’ll have to watch our backs in our own home.”
He would follow through with the plan regardless of their feelings, but he wanted them both on his side. Survival, if nothing else, would be more likely.
Eravin had sighed roughly and stormed halfway across the room before the fight gave out. There wasn’t time to waste arguing but to start making contingencies. As for Riven, she didn’t uncross her arms, didn’t move from the desk. But she said, “If you die, I won’t forgive you, Del.”
He smiled, satisfied. “I can’t have that! So I won’t, love.”
In the present, Delethil worked at loosening the ropes binding his hands behind his back, willing them both to get here, now. A masked elf walked purposefully toward him, a length of damp linen in his hands. The cloth wouldn’t break once it was wrapped around his throat. Delethil knew because all the attempts to chew through the cloth in his mouth hadn’t made the slightest difference. He could barely make any noise without the gag choking him.
So many times, he’d seen the shadows in the room move just so. So many times, he’d thought it was Riven, his wild lass coming to his rescue. It never was. Just the shift of the leaves through the high window or the slow, slow arc of the moon in the sky. He would need to assume everything had gone wrong, that he was on his own.
His wrists were chaffed, but he kept moving them. A bit of blood and stinging pain barely balanced against the value of his own life. Then, he’d kill this would-be avenger who thought his wood elf blood wasn’t good enough for Aeranth’s seat of power. He wouldn’t make the mistake of ignoring rebellion festering right in front of him as Lunhaven had.
The eyes that glared down at Delethil were full of hatred and sorrow. They were black in the dark, the slightest glint of light the only feature Delethil could make out from the elf’s masked face. But Delethil didn’t have to question the man’s allegiance. The cultured, haughty accent bared all.
“This is for Cetan Lunmina, you bastard,” the elf half-snarled, half-sobbed, and they were not the words of vengeance Delethil had expected to hear. He stalled, and in the next second, he couldn’t breathe.
Delethil’s lungs seized uselessly. His throat burned as he thrashed in the chair he was tied against, welts forming where the garrote rubbed his skin raw. A slight creaking noise, and the elf before him was pulling the cloth tighter, tighter. His attacker’s body was shaking with effort, his eyes taking on a glassy sheen. He was so close, yet Delethil couldn’t do anything to him. Only struggle fruitlessly as the moon elf strangled him to death. Or perhaps, he would break Delethil’s neck first.
Stars scattered across Delethil’s vision, and his head felt like it had been removed from the rest of him already. Floating, floating…
I think I’m floating, actually, Riven had said to him once he’d finally, finally kissed her, those teal eyes of hers he loved so much dazed yet overjoyed.
You’re far too pleased with yourself. What d’ye need me for? Eravin. His plain, provincial, perfect Eravin.
He wouldn’t see them again if he didn’t…
“You’re just a thug, a killer,” another voice was saying. “I can’t let forest muck ruin this country any—ack!”   
The garrote fell away, and the gag in his mouth was ripped out. Delethil coughed violently, his head falling forward. Strands of auburn hair clung to his face as he inhaled desperate gulps of air. He thought he felt a light pressure touch his chest, but then it was gone.
“You…” That voice from before was speaking again, but this time his words sounded wet. “You traitor!”
Delethil raised his head.
Riven stood between him and the moon elf. She was winded as if she’d just sprinted a mile. Enough of her face was turned toward him that he caught the wideness of her eyes, the indignant curl of her mouth. Her favorite dagger was in her hand, and the blade was slick with blood from its pointed tip to its opalescent hilt. In her other hand was the linen that had been in his mouth. It dropped from numb fingers. 
Sprawled on the floor, the moon elf clutched near his ribs, his robes and hand becoming stained with red.
“How dare you hurt him,” snarled Riven, taking a threatening step forward.
“How dare I?” Blood flecked the moon elf’s trembling lips. Trembling not with fear, but rage. “I’m not the one who threw my country away and spread my legs for a Forest Father worshipper.”
“He’s agnostic, ya fuckin’ loon!” She brandished the dagger irritably. “And I slept with him after the hostile takeover, so get your facts straight.”
“Ye don’t need to tell him that, Riv,” Delethil rasped, but he couldn’t stop the rush of affection for her.
“Shut up. Don’t talk.” Ah, she was furious. Erry would be worse.
“I can’t imagine,” the moon elf continued as if they hadn’t spoken, “how ashamed Erosen is of you.”
Riven went completely still. “Don’t,” she warned, “act like ye give a shite about me da.”
Delethil found he’d had enough as well. “Kill him, and let’s be done with this act.”
She gripped the dagger harder but otherwise didn’t move. Just watched blandly as the moon elf labored to his feet. He threw one last look of purest loathing at both of them before stumbling out of the door.
“Riven, what are ye doing? Dammit, lass, he’s runnin’ free!”
“He won’t get far,” she told him, and then she cut him loose. 
It was still dark once they emerged from the small storehouse. Delethil didn’t need support to walk, but Riven refused to leave his side, fussing over the bruises forming around his neck and the blood crusting his wrists.
But Delethil’s temper was flaring. He swore he could still hear the moon elf bastard fleeing through the brush. “Enough!” He pulled his hands from hers and bore down on her. “If he makes it back to the city, this will all have—”
She shoved him back. “I didn’t find ya alone!”
That was when he heard the release of an arrow. The woods, seeming so loud before, abruptly went silent.
When Eravin emerged from the trees, he had to drop down several limbs before he found ground level. A longbow was slung across his back along with a quiver missing quite a few arrows. He took in Riven’s eyes, shiny with unshed tears, and Delethil’s damaged body, and glowered. 
“Did I say ye were mad before? What I meant was right barmy, even for you!” He poked Delethil hard in the chest, expression turning thunderous. “This wasn’t the plan!”
“The plan,” Delethil said smoothly—or would have if almost being choked to death hadn’t roughened his speech, “was to get rid of anyone bold enough to contest my rule.” He continued with a sly grin, “And we did.”
“We did.” Eravin gestured between himself and Riven. “You decided to get captured and tortured like ye don’t know your arse from your elbow.”
“The burdens of leadership!” Delethil explained with a grand air, which was ruined by his scowl. His damned throat hurt. “Sometimes peace talks don’t go according to plan.”
“Not much talkin’, though, was there?” At Eravin’s incredulous look, Riven supplied, “They had him gagged.”
That part hadn’t left a mark, but Eravin’s gaze flew to Delethil’s face all the same. He knew what it meant, Delethil robbed of his greatest and final weapon. His hand came up to run a finger, feather-light, across Delethil’s tender neck. Just as quickly as it started, Eravin jerked his hand back and turned away.
“Ack, well, gag him again, Riv. I dinnae want to hear any more shite spew from his gob tonight.”
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