#quiet quitting
animentality · 8 months
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hurgablurg · 2 years
heads up, “quiet quitting” is a re-framing of the ACTUAL term, Work-To-Rule. As in, “working according to the rules”.
the former term is preferred by capitalists because they can frame doing your job as a failure, or a subpar performance
So, call your news networks and inform them of the ACTUAL term. Inform your mutuals, your friends, the freaks on twitter and tik-tok, and beyond.
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toruandmidori · 9 months
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heymrsamerica · 2 years
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The real quiet quitting: Boomers nopeing out of the workforce
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I actually, seriously, think this “quiet quitting” thing is capitalist propaganda, to make you think that working to your contract is akin to “quitting” or some big lifestyle change you need to make.
It’s nothing like “quitting” and it’s what everyone should be doing.
It’s mad that we’ve reached the point as a society where “only working your contracted hours and doing the things you were employed to do” can be seen as akin to quitting.
That should be the norm.
Fair enough if you are chasing promotion or whatever, you might take on some additional duties, maybe occasionally you’d work longer hours in a crisis. But the idea that it’s normal/expected to do these things (which is the message of a lot of this quiet quitting nonsense, really). Yeah. Fuck off.
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cognitiveinequality · 2 years
Long live the king. [x]
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liberalsarecool · 2 years
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thateagleguy · 2 years
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wilwheaton · 2 years
If you’re late to the party, quiet quitting is a new workplace trend in which employees dial back their commitment to their jobs, renewing an emphasis on work-life balance.
‘Quiet quitting’ gives way to ‘quiet firing’ | KTLA
KTLA’s David Lazarus’s framing of Quiet Quitting here is insulting and misleading. “Quiet Quitting” isn’t dialing back a commitment. It is  what management decided to label workers who do the job they are paid for and nothing more. It is management’s rhetorical response to workers establishing boundaries.
How the fuck is doing the job you are paid for and nothing more “quitting”, quietly or not? It’s literally showing up to do the work you are paid to do, and then living your life when you are not on the clock.
The expectation from overpaid management that employees who are already underpaid should take their work home, sacrifice their quality of life, and give EVEN MORE than what their employers are already taking from them is outrageous.
Showing up for work and doing the job you are paid to do, then going home to live your life while you keep the two things separate is NOT “quiet quitting” it’s literally “going to work”.
If management wants workers to do more work, then fucking PAY YOUR EMPLOYEES FOR IT.
If he wasn’t clear, David Lazarus REALLY unloads his inner Boomer privilege:
“Going the extra mile at the office was once viewed as a positive, not a sign of giving too much to employers.“
“That’s not to say you should kill yourself for your job. That’s never a good idea. But thinking you can just coast through your work day making a bare-bones effort — trust me, you’ll be noticed.”
What? What the fuck? Doing ONLY THE JOB THEY ARE PAYING YOU FOR is just coasting through your workday?
Oh fuck you, and fuck everyone who simps for management.
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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balestrem · 1 year
Quiet quitting is one of the most bizarre things to me to be discussed in 2022. 
It’s mostly bizarre to me, because of the entitlement older generations have towards younger generations and the ignorance they enforce upon my generation, especially in Germany, where I grew up.
You have older generations, usually the generation of my parents, calling us lazy, unable to work well under pressure, etc. I’d like to give insight into the fact that our school system was designed to recreate a work-like state from the age of six. You go to school, learn stuff, go home, do unpaid labor, called “homework”, which has to be good, otherwise you’re labeled as stupid and unable to keep up and have to repeat a year in school. I partially had a workload of 12 hours per day, not because I was poorly structured, but because I had four school subjects per day, with four different kinds of homework which all required at least 30, if not 90 minutes of investment, to do homework properly. Add to that my dyslexia and you get at least 30 minutes more than others. But even non dyslexic students sat there for hours doing homework. I even had my mother do my homework for me, because the work load was too much. Let that sink in.
Then you have a system that rewards pupils who are never sick, by pointing out how there is one kid in class with the most sick days, as though it is their fault that they get sick. Meanwhile you have underpaid and overworked school staff who cannot handle instances of bullying accordingly, resulting in pupils being more sick, especially mentally due to continuous bullying. You create a place that is literally designed to be hostile to human nature, by forcing people to sit still for multiple hours a day, move during breaks to „prevent health problems“ in the future, but give so much homework that hobbies and personal interests can barely be done, and usually if one performs bad at school they have to quit their hobbies because they need to focus more on school or they have their parents cancel their hobbies for them (if they could afford a hobby to begin with), resulting in more stress, because of less possibilities to destress. Then you have heavy school bags that literally fuck up people‘s backs for life, because they have to carry like 10-20kgs of books and folders per day (this was my reality, I kid you not). Then we had no proper food at our cafeteria (for the first four years we had no cafeteria at all, but had to go to school until 3 or 4pm, with no proper food). 
Then you have weird power dynamics with teachers who bully you and abuse their power and give you bad grades, just because they think a person with dyslexia should not get the chance to go to university, thereby giving them bad grades, by not answering any of their questions during exams (also something that happened to me and other students as well). And if it’s not dyslexia there is another aspect that a teacher will hate about you and mock you for and treat you like you’re less than a human being than others.
Then we entered a school system that was changed by graduating one year earlier to go to university sooner in Germany, but the school books were not ready for that so we had to carry two books per subject at times, because the subjects we discussed required two books of two school grades. We had no coherent teachings and had to read a lot of stuff at home, by our selves, because the curriculum to teach us properly was not yet developed. And we were asked to understand it all and there was never time for any questions.
Then we finish with a degree, have terrible payments, cannot afford a reasonable lifestyle and are forced to suck it up. Then we have shortages in almost every area, a pandemic we went through a financial crisis, a war that effects the economy and destabilizes a lot in other countries, we have a climate crisis which no politican seems to take seriously enough to do proper change, basically my generaiton in Germany will not have any rent and no positive prospects for the future. Far right extremism seems to be on the rise world wide.
I had my first burn-out in fourth grade and had to go to therapy, because school life was so tough and nobody did anything. I had a parent at home who created immense pressure and guilt if I failed, who regularly assaulted me verbally.
And now our “generation is just lazy”? That shoe just doesn’t fit.
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everwizard · 1 year
Just read about this new trend called "Quiet Hiring" which, despite the name, does NOT involve hiring permanent new employees. Instead, it is companies either outsourcing freelancers or temps OR restructuring their current job positions and making already hired employees work in those newly created roles. It's the exact opposite of the bullshit "Quiet Quitting" (which is just a way of victim blaming those who have chosen to work-to-rule) in that it's forcing employees to do work outside their job description. It's disgusting. You hear all this "NoBoDy WaNts To WoRk AnYmOrE!!!1!" bullshit when it's clear the phrase should be, "Nobody wants to hire anymore." The labour shortage is caused by employers, not employees.
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kitschandretro · 1 year
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And the next night she said: “Sack night off, dear!” Or that’s what it sounded like, anyway.
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
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