#give me more downworlder dad magnus please
lurafita · 26 days
Downworlder Dad Magnus
I want more "Downworlder Dad" Magnus.
I would have loved it so much had the tv series shown more interactions between Magnus and the downworlders he took under his wing.
And the ao3 tag is fine and all, but there are woefully few (and most of those seem limited to interactions with Raphael. And don't get me wrong I love those, but I need Magnus daddying more than just Raphael).
I want him adopting kids/teens/young adults/and older adults but new to being a downworlder, left and right and center.
I want him to playfully complain about how his kids only ever call when they need something.
I want a truckload of father's day cards to arrive at his loft every year.
I want Alec having a full blown crisis about being a step-dad to dozens of downworlders.
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How about one where Alec’s siblings try to give him an ultimatum after he and Magnus start dating. Like it’s him or us kind of thing?
Hey! Thanks for prompt!! Hope you enjoy 💜
“Do you even think before you spew shit out?” Alec asks, having perfectly thought out what he himself was going to say. “No—“ he holds up a hand. “Don’t actually try to answer that, I have no faith in whatever you’re about to say. So tell me one thing, just one thing. Did the four of you—“ Alec pauses and gives Simon what he knows the vampire calls his ‘disappointed assassin!dad look’. He goes even paler under his death pallor and Alec sighs. “Did you even consider how dangerous what you're asking could be for Magnus?”
“Magnus is more than powerful enough, we all know that now.” Clary explains, like that makes it better.
It doesn’t.
“It’s not about if he’s capable. Obviously he’s powerful enough. It’s about whether or not even the slightest risk to Magnus’ safety is worth the outcome you’re trying to get. And it’s not. I’ve run the risk and it’s not an acceptable one.”
“You’re seriously going to choose your boyfriend over the mission?” Jace asks and Alec sends him a dry, unimpressed look at the hypocrisy.
“At least he is my boyfriend.” Alec murmurs, because Jace didn’t even have an official relationship to blame for his actions regarding Clary for a long time.
“Okay.” And Alec settles in his chair and clears his throat. “So here’s what we’re not going to do. We’re not going to do the ‘you’re picking Magnus over the mission. Or ‘you’re picking Magnus over me’.” And here he gives them all a tired look.
“It’s going to be yes, obviously I’m going to pick Magnus. I've lost Magnus three times now and each time the likelihood of getting him back became less and less each time. Magnus is my husband. I don’t care who it is. You could be bleeding out, begging me with your whole soul to do something that would put him even just a little bit of harm's way, and I’d say no.
“Because it’s not Magnus’ job or responsibility to do such a thing. And as your superior, I’m telling you right now, that no one will argue with me. Because every single Institute in this realm knows that Magnus Bane has a very protective, possessive asshole of a boyfriend. One who legally jacked up the price of every single magical and mundane service Magnus offers to the clave. And currently, the New York Institute doesn’t have the funds to pay his rates. Because we’re still paying off the debt you four — and yes Simon you are included in that thanks to Clary and Izzy — all racked up, calling Magnus like you had a stack of quarters and he’s an arcade.”
Alec takes a weary breath and ignores Simon murmuring, “how does he know what an arcade is?”
And Izzy’s quick and quiet, “Magnus took him and Madzie to one.”
It’s only Alec’s business if he enjoys showing off the knowledge he learns at Magnus’ side.
“So you three are going off duty. Turn your phones in to Andrew. You can go through our databases and see if there’s a warlock who would be willing to work with you in our pay grade. Simon, leave.”
“You can’t take our phones!” Clary protests and while Alec doesn’t actively hate her anymore, his glare still stops her in her tracks.
Alec will assign her ichor duty if she shows insubordination and she knows it.
“If I leave you your phones, you’re just going to call every single downworlder you know starting with Magnus.” Alec knows exactly how this plays out. “You’ll interrupt the valuable time of people who have frankly, more important things to do than save you some time and brain power.
“And even if one of them, maybe Maia, is willing to help you out, she’s a mixologist learning to be a marine biologist. She’s not going to know shit about the kind of abilities you need. So you’d just be wasting her time twice over
“So look through the database, ignore any clave bias in the portfolios and be respectful when you call. You’re making a request, not a demand.”
Alec is very pleased with himself, even if the group is looking at him with varying degrees of confusion and irritation. And then he hears a noise and looks over them to see Magnus.
Magnus is watching him with his gold eyes melting into amber the longer their gazes stay connected.
“We are gonna just go.” Simon mutters, “right now. Immediately, we should definitely go. I will leave. Text me when you’re not grounded and get your cell phones back okay?”
“We’re not grounded.” Clary quietly protests but Jace clamps a hand over her mouth, probably recognizing the look on their faces from his ill-fated stay at the loft.
“Uh, assassin-daddy-vibes over there definitely grounded you. And because my life might be at stake—“ Simon waggles his brows and ignores the groans. “I am definitely obeying his house rules. And also I think I might be either mentally scarred for life or forced to confront parts of me I am not prepared for if I have to watch them jump each other.”
Alec ignores them.
This is the reason why he lets them keep Simon around, he’s like a little Shetland sheepdog desperately trying to keep his incredibly reckless ponies together.
“That all sounded very familiar.” Magnus says quietly as he steps past them, shutting the door behind him as. There is something soft and almost uncertain when he asks.
“I try to listen when you talk.” Alec admits and shrugs his shoulders, “sometimes it’s hard when I’m tired. Or if it’s something frustrating because I don’t understand. But I figure if I don’t understand it I just need to listen harder.”
“Even my clave hating rants at six am when you’re covered in ichor and passing out on me in the shower?”
Alec shrugs again, “sometimes those are the most important ones. You got hurt and we were separated because the clave summoned us to two different battles. Because your safety isn’t a priority for them. It’s why I put so many new protocols in place. The only one I can trust to protect your back is me.” Alec believes it wholeheartedly.
He trusts no single other person to put Magnus’ well being above the world. Because even Cat now has Madzie and they lost Ragnor. And one night; when Magnus had taken Madzie out for a movie, Cat had come over to talk.
Because she could not handle not having the assurance of someone who would put Magnus first. And she didn’t trust Alec, not until he spilled his blood and swore a secret vow.
And so the two of them; they’d promised each other. That Cat would always put the little girl the three of them loved first.
And Alec would always put Magnus before anything. Even above the survival of their realm.
Alec will cut out his own heart if it means Magnus’ still beats and Cat watched him swear that vow on his runes and divinity and had finally known some peace. Because Alec is also willing to lose a piece of his soul if it means keeping Magnus safe; and Cat knows that too.
“My darling,” Magnus murmurs and Alec will always endeavor to put that look on his face. “And you’d choose me over any of them.”
Magnus says it wonderingly, like it’s a deep shock and his hands are cupping Alec’s face and he wants to meld into them as he nods.
And Alec knows Magnus won’t entirely believe him, and it’s not Magnus’ fault that he can’t yet.
But Alec is going to spend every day of the rest of his life proving that he will always and forever put Magnus first.
Like he should have done from the start.
“I’m a selfish man.” Alec admits softly, “how can I not put you first, when you’re the very heart of me?”
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Dear Alec,
Your sister was complaining about the lack of colour and decor in my office. So, last week, I ordered some portraits and tapestries to brighten things up in here.
I hung most of them outside in the hall - so when people come inside the Inquisitor’s office, they are reminded of what we have been through and how much we have fought. 
I think nephilim as a race are often focused on the future - or prefer to live in the present. We overlook the past. Something I myself am quite guilty of. But I do not wish to do that anymore. 
When I look back at my past, there are many things I regret. One of the biggest is hurting the ones I love the most. 
And this includes you. 
I used to have a father who was embarrassed of me and thought less of me and wanted me to be different. 
I remember hating him and wondering how to make it stop. I remember loving him and wondering why that wasn’t enough. 
I need you to know that I never, ever wanted you to feel this way. 
I know you did - and for that I am sorry.
I cannot change the past. I can only hope for a better future.
In this future, I hope no part of you feels ashamed or guilty - because there is no part of me that isn’t proud of you. 
When Maryse was pregnant, we had a huge argument about what to name you. 
Maryse wanted a boy. I wanted a girl. 
But in the end, we decided it doesn’t matter. The sex. The name. None of it mattered. 
I promised Maryse that it doesn’t matter who you were because I was going to love you no matter what. 
Somewhere along the way, I broke my promise. 
I am sorry for that too.
I look at the man in the tapestry and I wonder how one of the greatest men to ever live is my son. 
You are my son. And I love you. 
I love you and I am proud of you. 
This letter isn’t an apology, Alec. It is a promise.
I promise that I will remind you of this love and pride as long as I live. 
I promise to make it right and do better. 
This promise I intend to keep. I swear by the angel. 
Please give my love and regards to Magnus and my little man. 
I hope to see you all in New York soon. But I cannot leave Idris right now. There is much tension here against downworlders and your Alliance. 
I keep fighting them. I keep fighting for you. 
I hope you keep fighting too, son.  Keep fighting for yourself and your future as you always have. 
Your courage gives me more strength than any rune or angel blood ever can. 
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
jace + taking care of baby son alone for the first time please!!
Thank you, I love writing dad Jace
This is long but worth it
"well buddy it's just me and you, mommy took your sisters to the store," Jace said to his 6 month old son. And he smiled at Jace, that sweet innocent smile that babies and kids have, the smile of them not yet knowing the hardships of life, Jace and Clary swore they would give their kids the best life they could and they would make it easier for them.
And one of Jace's favorite thing about being a dad is his kids smile at him with the smile of knowing exactly who he is, He's dada
Jace read many books about pregnancy when Clary was pregnant with their first baby and he knew Clary would get super emotional but so did he.
He let his son grap his finger and swing it around like babies do, it's funny how at one point in your life all you want is constant fighting and being a hero and then after all that all you wanted was a family and once you have that family there really isn't anything more important.
Clary and the kids were Jace's world now and they are a world he would protect and love until dies.
"you know I love you right bud," Jace said. Stephen squealed and blew raspberries at Jace "I'll take that as a yes," Jace said with the loving and gentle smile he had for the ones he loved, he kissed his son on the cheek
Jace stuck his tongue out at him, and Stephen giggled, Jace started laughing as well, this is why being a parent made him feel so fulfilled, those laughs your kids gave you when you were being silly
The way they trusted you and loved you without a second thought and in return you give them love and take care of them and make sure they know their trust is safe with you, Jace wouldn't be anything less to his kids, he would always make sure they knew he loved and supported them no matter what, and that they can always trust him.
"listen chickpea, you need to stop being so cute and getting bigger, I want to snuggle you forever," Jace told his son while tearing up cause Stephen was already six months and he doesn't know how it's already been six months since he came into the world and they added another precious light to their life.
When Jace and Clary found out they were having another kid they were both overjoyed, Jace got Clary to agree to a big family, after they had their first kid and Celine started getting bigger, Clary came to Jace with tears saying 'she's getting so big it's not fair' at first Jace thought Clary was hurting and his instincts were to take her into his arms but then he found why and he started crying 'i know it seems like yesterday she was a newborn'
And then they met Eleanora who's parents had been killed on a mission and they took her in, Jace and Clary made sure she knew that she was just as much their daughter as Celine was, Jace having an adopted family himself didn't hesitate taking her in, and then a year later Clary found out she was pregnant with their son
And now Jace was here married with the most amazing and beautiful wife he could ever ask for, who is also the best mom ever in his opinion, and with 3 amazing kids who he will give all the love he can to, he had to admit he was nervous, he knew how to be a dad to girls but not a son yet, sure Max and Rafe are boys but that's different, their his nephews, Jace now had a son and he knew he will teach him to be a good man, he will teach his children to be better then he has been and make sure that they know how proud he is of them no matter what.
Jace decided to take Stephen to the greenhouse, "see chickpea, all these plants are beautiful, they all have a purpose and they all are different," Jace was telling his son as he bent down by a Basil plant "see this you use to cook with to give good flavor, one day dada will make you something with it," Jace said beamingly.
"one day I will teach you how to do all kinds of things, but for now you need to stay little," Jace said as he tickled his son, and was given that adorable baby laugh in return.
"you know, you really are precious, and I swear I will be the best dada I can be to you and your sisters, mommy will too, she's great you know, she also loves to the moon and would do anything for you, and she is the strongest person I know," Jace told his son
"oh, and then there's your uncle Alec, he is amazing and he's making the world a better place for the babies like you, he is the truest person I know and he loves you very much, Alec is a very important person to me and he doesn't get enough recognition, but I know you will look up to him just like I do," he said with a fond smile "also if anyone ever hurts you, your aunt Izzy will fight them, she loves you so much as well and she is one of the most amazing women you will ever meet, tho I suppose I am biased, but most of all Izzy will protect you no matter what," Jace said as sat down with his son in his arms and looked him in the eyes, they were Clary's green eyes.
"and your uncle Magnus will teach you how to put eyeliner on some day, and I want you to know that no one else can show you how to do it better, he'll also give you glitter and you will probably make a mess but you'll have a lot of fun doing that, you get that from me, I like to cause trouble," he said teasingly "and your uncle Simon will get you into all kinds of Mundane movies and comic books and I have no idea what they are about, but I'll listen when you come to tell me about them," he said with a smile
"and then there's grandma Maryse, she is another amazing woman, your surrounded by amazing women, she'll sing to you and play with you and spoil you, she'll read to you and make sure you feel safe, she is my mom and she tried her best to make me feel safe, so I know she will for you too," he said as he was starting to tear up.
"and now we talk about Max and Rafe, your cousins, Max is gonna get you into trouble and Rafe will get you both out of it, and you all will have many stories to tell and you'll be close and always have each other's backs, and they love you so much as well."
"and there's Tessa and Jem they are beautiful people who are so kind and loving you wonder if they are real, you know if you ever need them they'll come with hesitation, and they love you, then we have Kit and Mina, Kit will always make sure you have cookies and Mina will play with you and give you bandages if you need one," he said and saw that Stephen was staring at him like he was listening "and there's aunt Emma, she's gonna spoil you along with your sisters, she calls you and your sisters super angel babies, and she will smoother you in kisses so you better watch out, but she is kind and badass and you'll love her."
"and aunt Lily will say she'll eat you cause your so cute but she won't really I promise, aunt Lily is another amazing woman, and she is a savage, trust me she'll teach you things, and there's aunt Maia, I was not so nice to her when we first met but I grew on her and I apologised, and she loves you, she says she doesn't know how I made such cute babies, but i have to admit your mama had a big part in that," he said with a laugh.
"oh and there's Aline and Helen, they'll love you as well, Aline is another badass and amazing woman and Helen is fierce and kind, Aline will also show you how to throw a good lunch but don't tell mama I told you that, and Helen will make your oatmeal with love," Jace said with fondness.
"and there's Mark and Cristina, they are in charge of the Downworlder-Shadowhunter alliance,and Mark will make you weird sandwiches but he makes them with love, and he'll give you strawberries, and Cristina will sing you to sleep with spanish lullabies, your surrounded by so many people who love you, and you'll grow up to know these amazing people," he said emotionally.
"ah, there's my boys," Clary said as she walked up to them. "What's dada telling you chickpea?" She said as she picked their son up and kissed his temple
"I was telling him he is surrounded by good people who will love him," he said
"yes, so many, sometimes I wonder if you'll even know what to do with it all," Clary said with a grateful and loving smile.
"dada! dada!," Called Cece and Nora, Jace saw them running up to him and they tackle hugged him.
"hey my girls," he said as he took them both in his arms and they told him about their visit to the store and Clary took Stephen to go feed him, cause he was now hungry.
Fatherhood was an adventure and it's a adventure he hoped to be on forever, "alright girls let's go get dinner ready while mama takes care of baby chickpea," he said to them.
And they went and made dinner and Jace would never know what he did to deserve this love he now had but he knew he would forever be grateful and make sure he gives as much love back.
Tagging @khaleesiofalicante cause I know you'll be emotions with me
This got long but I couldn't help myself and I wanted to write about them as a family nas wellz hopefully you enjoy anon and hopefully this isn't too bad 🧡💛🧡💛
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dumbfuck-mojave · 3 years
Lily Chen SFW Relationship Headcanons
Character: Lily Chen from The Shadowhunters Chronicles written by @cassandraclare
Author’s Notes: This is the first thing I’ve written in a while and it feels good to be back! I’m experimenting with post formatting as well, and I like the little squares (Tumblr won’t let me have my square bullet points :( ). I haven’t fully read all of Lily’s scenes but I have skimmed and done enough research that I think this is in-character enough. If it isn’t, who cares? She needs more content, please and thank you. I will make that content. I have something else with her in it coming soon. 
Warnings: I don’t know, nothing too in-depth/graphic. Vague mentions of trauma and talking it out because you should support your partner in a relationship. Since she's a flirtatious character, there’s some of that, but this is still SFW. Also, she’s a vampire, so general vampire stuff. It’s fine, this probably wasn’t even needed. Also just way too many emojis, I need to calm down-
Being in a relationship with Lily Chen:
(This was supposed to be written as a neutral thing as to whether the reader was a member of the shadow world or a mundane, but it turned into strictly mundane. Sorry about that).
You probably met at an establishment that caters to mundanes and the shadow world.
Has a preference for women but is into dating anyone, so get ready.
She’s with some of the other clan members and locks onto you and the others are like “She’s at it again.”
Lays the charm on HEAVY. Slides up to you and is like “👀👀”.
Whether you’re super flustered or not, she’ll keep doing it. 
She never comes off as creepy though, a real casanova in the ways of romance~
She’s on official business for the Alliance, picking something up from the little shop you’re both at (a drag because she can’t go out with you right now 🙄) but she hands you her phone with a smirk so you can put your number in. 
You might think she would’ve taken yours to do some flirty nonsense like putting her name in as something… flirty, but she wanted to see what you would put your name in as (Uno Reverse).
Made dead sure there was nothing you could see beside the number input screen though, not even notifications. She doesn’t trust like that. 
You put a little heart after your name and smile at her and she lowkey freaks out. This feels different what’s going on, oh no-
Her phone case is a blinged out vampire smile Clary gave her as a gag gift. She isn’t being subtle (this should’ve been your first clue, but nah). 
So she and the others show up at the Alliance meeting (It’s at Magnus and Alec’s today because they’re dealing with warlock business) and she looks kind of uncomfortable? Not uncomfortable in the usual way, just a little blushy and nervous.
Alec is like “You good?” and she’s like “MMMM YEAH?? I THINK??”
She isn’t IN LOVE right away but it does feel different from when she usually picks up hotties 😉.
The only thing she mentions about it during the meeting is a quick “Yeah I saw some cutie before we got here 😎” because if we only do surface level emotions we don’t have to discuss our actual feelings nice one Chen-
It doesn’t work that well. Sometimes she can pull the hiding stuff off but today is not her day.
Elliott and Jacob are looking at each other like “??” because Lily’s usually joking around and not taking anything seriously during smaller meetings like this. Alec is staring at her trying to figure out what’s wrong because he’s way too oblivious for this, help him.
Magnus KNOWS. He’s sipping on tea and raising an eyebrow at her and Lily notices and glares at him because he always gives her THAT LOOK like he knows her and Lily doesn’t vibe with it-
(Magnus wants to be a better support system for her, but he isn’t going to poke that bear. She’ll come to him when she wants, if ever. He’s everyone’s dad.)
She gets back in her groove by the end of the meeting, it’s like 2 in the morning now and she pulls out her phone and texts you.
“Hey, u up?”
She’s good at flirting but also sucks at it at the same time.
You text back immediately. Don’t ask me what you were doing the pretty girl with the cool hair just texted you it’s GO TIME.
 While ignoring the implications of that type of message, you text back “Yeah what’s up.” 
So this breaks her. She honestly wasn’t expecting a text back right away and we’re back to square one. Stay cool Lily, stay cool. 
After 5 minutes of staring at the phone on her end and you waiting for a response (a bit impatiently because it’s 2 AM) she responds “When are you free? I wanna get to know you as soon as possible 😘”
“Is that so? Well tomorrow night should work, pick me up at 9?”
Congrats, you unknowingly played her again. She’s off her mojo today.
“Of course 😉. I’m looking forward to it~” Not off her mojo enough to not be cheeky though.
You just barely smile and give the nerd your address. She better tell you what you’re doing before then though (You want to dress smart and also aren’t trying to get murdered)
You both end up talking throughout the day (Well, your day. She’s supposed to be sleeping) and you figure out where you’re going. 
Earlier, she was literally breaking down over where to take you.
“Is going to a club to cliche? What counts as trashy? Will they want something more intimate or casual? Taki’s? Is Taki’s good?”
Elliott’s just standing there, watching her and waiting for his booty call to show up.
She may be good with flirting and casual hook-ups but relationships? Genuine, honest relationships? That about scares her right back into living.
She wants this to go well, to maybe lead to something more, and that makes her nervous.
Anyway she ends up taking you to a really casual but classy run by a nice couple (of Downworlders).
It’s really nice and fun, typical first date “get-to-know-you” type questions. Stuff she can come up with while still being guarded.
You can already tell by the way she treats the staff and owners that she’s a good girl.
(She was a waitress, she knows the pain.)
She walks you up to your door at the end of the date and you turn to her and tell her you had a good time and maybe… maybe if she did too, you could do this again. 
Then you go inside. 
She stands there in silence for a few minutes then skips back to the car she “borrowed” and speeds off to go brag about how well it went to Jacob because his last date ended up with the girl crying.
Magnus has many cars. Magnus knows Lily took one of his cars.
Ok just imagine getting more steady with her because I need to stop the set up and actually do what the title says:
She’s literally an amazing girlfriend. 
Jokes around a lot but does a pretty good job at seeing when things need to be serious or if you’re uncomfortable with anything. 
One night, she asked to come into your house. Which, mind you, she’s done before, but she had this look in her eyes like she needed to tell you something important.
That was the night she told you everything about the shadow world.
“You aren’t supposed to do that!” She does NOT care.
Because she genuinely feels bad hiding it from you if you’re going to go steady + the unknowing danger you can be put in if you’re with her. 
She talked about it with Alec, he says he’ll handle it if anyone gives you trouble. 
They already went through it with Simon, they got this.
She talks a lot about you to Alec and that’s how he knew you were important.
No matter how you react, she knows what to say to make everything fine. 
The first time she took you to the Dumort you were pretty amazed. Like, c’mon. Your girlfriend did all of this. She shows you around and while you’re busy being amazed by the decor she’s side-eyeing anyone who tries to get out of place.
The other vampires show you a good time though, it’s great. 
Now to explore my favorite headcanon: Lily’s a secret nerd.
She’s not as much of a nerd as Simon or Clary but she’s still with it. 
Granny is hip with the kids you know. 
Another thing I know is- she absolutely kills at Dead by Daylight.
If you don’t know what that is; PVP survival game.
She’s a fair but absolutely ruthless killer. 
Tries to get you to play, if you don’t want to try, at least watch it makes her happy. 
Has max leveled all the killers, doesn’t play survivor, if she ever let’s Simon know she plays she makes him cry. 
Also, plays a lot of Nintendo games. 
Got Animal Crossing: New Horizons the second it came out and that and DBD are like all she does when she’s free.
Absolutely the person to do the arm yawn thing during movies and laugh at horror movies. 
Into pop culture, but doesn’t know ALL pop culture, so introduce her to stuff, she has an eternity to enjoy it. 
This is getting kind of disjointed so end of Nerd!Lily for now.
Like I said, she’s a charmer- So if you’re in good standing with your parents and introduce them to her, she’ll make a stunning first impression. 
It’s important to her so no funny business.
Some funny business she’s a little comedian.
Speaking of little, there’s a good chance you’ll be the taller one in the relationship.
She’s only 5 foot but don’t try to do the armrest thing she bites, literally. 
It’s canon she’s polyamorous so if you’re down for it, she is too. If not, that’s also fine. 
Just in all aspects, she’s down and flexible for most things if you’re comfortable.
Is really smart and knowledgeable, but no one can know everything so if there’s an aspect of you she doesn’t know a lot about, she’ll research it and let you explain it yourself if you choose.
Never change yourself. She loves and respects you as you are. 
You’ve been on every date imaginable at this point.
Aquarium where she bought a huge shark (she bought you something too but she wanted that shark with all the passion in her tiny body).
She has an old projector so you can have private movie dates.
Elliott tries to sneak in. Lily yells at him to get out. Elliott gets out.
She likes planning them but you take her out sometimes too. 
You both even went to Build-A-Bear one time and she did the whole bear ritual thing. Vibes with kids, so she wasn’t embarrassed or anything. 
Kisses the plush heart you put in your bear aw. 
Ok now to get into some more serious/angsty ones.
Has very vivid dreams. Not good when your dreams are usually nightmares. 
She appreciates it if you wake her up and hold her (she likes being held regardless but it’s especially true in this situation).
Doesn’t usually like to talk about it.
You need to work with her to open up about things. Like REALLY work.
Feels bad if she ever gets snippy but she doesn’t like feeling cornered or pushed.
But she has A LOT of trauma and baggage that she deals with in unhealthy ways.
It happens eventually though, and it’s a really important moment in your relationship. 
Obviously, will do the same for you. She’s good at giving advice. 
Sometimes she’s really sad about never being able to have kids herself and sometimes is so thankful she can’t, because while she loves kids and is good with them, she’s scared she’ll mess up her own somehow. 
Doesn't even know if she'd adopt because then she knows she took this kid away from having a better home than with her (even if it's all false and she would be an amazing parent). 
Same with being a vampire. She flip-flops on how she feels about it. 
Struggles with depression and it got even worse after Raphael died, so just support her with it. 
I know she smokes, but she drinks a ton as well. Not even spiked blood, just normal alcohol because she feels a thrill in testing how much it takes to have some effect. It's frightening.
Misses her mom, like a lot. Many of her crying fits are over it.
It’s why she’s more susceptible to woman authority/mentor figures than men.
Hates her dad. She wishes she was the one to kill him after she got out of the brothel, but she couldn’t track him down in the few months she stayed in Hong Kong. 
Really insecure and hates showing it. Always afraid you’ll leave her alone and she despises she thinks that way.
I’m getting too sad. Roll out the last ones.
She may have a lot of sad memories, but she has a lot of happy ones too.
In all fairness, she doesn’t have the best memory, and although she really tries not to, she forgets a lot of stuff. Don't get too mad.
A really good driver. A fast driver, but a good one.
Takes you on motorcycle rides and one time she drove up the side of a bridge and almost gave you a heart attack. 
Talks to her bike like it’s a horse. It’s semi-alive in a way, which both freaks you out and fascinates you.
Also good at roller skating/rollerblading and skateboarding.
Um,,, going back to biting; if you’re down with it she’ll take blood from you. In… many scenarios (you probably get what I’m talking about huehue). 
Made you sign one of the consent forms as a joke but not really- 
Smokes a lot but is respectful enough to control it around you. You have human lungs, regardless of if you smoke or not. Can't be damaging those.
Help her dye her hair and do her makeup! It’s bonding! She can’t see herself in a mirror! 
Exquisite music taste like ugh 👌👌👌 
Pretty good dancer too. 
The girlfriend who hypes you UP. Wolf whistles included. You’re perfect to her and anyone who disagrees with that gets the knife🔪.
Seriously, she'll fight and probably kill for you (something to probably discuss. Like more in-depth than that specific scenario.)
She likes to style things. Your room/house, you, your car. Get decorated.
She’s into nicknames and prefers “babe” and “baby” in a relationship.
Brings you trinkets constantly she’s like a bird. 
“Babe look at this cool rock I found.”
Surprisingly, doesn't have tattoos. YET. 
Matching tattoos?? Maybe.
She has piercings, though, and will get more. Come with her and she'll let you pick out a charm.
Does that stupid "ahaha" f-boy meme thing constantly. If you don't know what I'm talking about you're lucky.
Is eternally 19, acts like it. 
Party hard baby.
Gets you involved in her political life and responsibilities; she is an important figure after all.
Was kind of nervous her loved ones wouldn’t like you. Irrational; of course they love you.
A pretty decent artist. She likes drawing you :).
Nude modeling 👀. JK JK, unless-
Likes to take pictures and likes to send pictures so just be ready.
She's a big fan of karaoke and I'm sorry but you'll absolutely, 100% get dominated. She didn't come here to mess around, she has 80's songs on standby.
She's like a cat- fast and flexible. It's fun until it looks like she's broken herself.
She really likes your voice and talking to you.. which means you'll get hit up at midnight if you aren't with her. She just really, really loves you but please figure out a sleep schedule.
Has a lot of money. You're kind of concerned where she gets it from. 
But that just means she can treat you 👏. Vacations to wherever you want baby.
Overall, it’s a very good, fun and healthy relationship. You teach each other things and make a ton of memories together. 
Isn’t really looking forward to having to face your death if you don’t become immortal but hahaha we’re done with angst headcanons for now-
I’m done for now I could go on all day in more detail but I’m sick so thank you for reading and leave a comment, like, share, reblog, whatever ;)
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thechangeling · 4 years
Be wise enough to wonder. Be brave and let it go.
Mark had no idea what time it was when he was woken up by the sound of his daughter crying. He heard an exhausted groan beside him as Cristina moved to pull herself up. Mark put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
"No it's alright," he whispered, his voice hoarse from sleep. "I'll go."
Two months ago Cristina had given birth to their first daughter. Her name was Gianna She was the biological product of Kieran and Cristina with her pointy ears and blue hair that changed with her moods, and Tina's chestnut coloured eyes and copper skin. But the trio fully considered her to be theirs. Blood was unimportant.
Mark was half asleep as he stumbled his way down to the room they had set up Gianna's crib in. He missed Kieran and he knew Cristina did as well. Kier was currently stuck in Faerie with his royal responsibilities. Cristina and Mark were visiting the LA institute to help with a recent uptake in demon activity around the area. It was amazing to see his siblings again (minus Ty, he was in Devon visiting Kit since the two of them were now dating long distance.) However he knew it was strange for Gigi to be sleeping in an unfamiliar environment.
Hence lots of crying.
Mark heard his daughter's crying getting softer as he came to the doorway. He could also hear another voice, cooing to her, calming her down. As he got closer he could see it was Helen. Mark smiled at the sight of his big sister gently rocking his daughter in her arms.
"Thank you" he whispered, trying not to startle her or wake Gianna. Helen was wearing her sleep clothes, with her hair tied back. There were also very prominent dark circles under her eyes.
"You should get some rest" Mark said as forcefully as he could without raising his voice. "Seriously you look exhausted Len, hand her over and he back to bed." Helen just gave him a stern look. The one that she used to use when he was trying to sneak extra cookies as a kid, or the first time she caught him trying to come home past curfew after being out at a downworlder party that he was way too young for.
The funny thing was that even though Helen had started calling Eleanor "mom" around the age of 8, Mark had never been able to do it. It had absolutely nothing to do with an attachment to his birth mother. He barely remembered her. Maybe it was because he had always had someone looking out for him since day one, and that person wasn't Nerissa or Eleanor.
And it certainly wasn't his father.
I think you're punishing yourself, is what Helen had told him one night. You're punishing yourself for being different, so you won't let yourself get attached.
Helen placed Gigi back in her crib and put her hands on Mark's shoulders. "Sweetheart you are more exhausted then I am" she reprimanded him gently. "You and Cristina both need help and I'm more than happy to do it." Mark put his hand over hers, gripping onto Helen to avoid passing out.
"She has Kieran too remember?" He insisted firmly. "Just because he isn't here right now doesn't mean that he's not her dad too." Helen's eyes widened.
"Oh no! No that wasn't what I was saying at all." She said frantically. Her voice was starting to slur a little like she was drunk. She really needed to go to sleep. "I was just trying to be useful you know? Like I always used to when we were younger."
Mark knew what she was referring to. When the twins were born, in order to help out Eleanor and their dad, Mark and Helen starting taking care of them so their parents could get more sleep. Julian was still very young, only two, so it was up to them as the older siblings to step up.
Livvy was a relatively easy baby. She cried when she was hungry or needed changing, and then she was fine. She was pretty good at sleeping through most of the night as well. Ty on the other hand was not. When he was drinking formula from the bottle he would only ever take a little and then refuse to eat any more. This lead to him always being hungry half an hour later and as a result, not sleeping for very long.
The family would take shifts when looking after the twins to avoid being too exhausted. But there were some nights where Ty would just refuse to sleep and nobody knew why. Eleanor wanted to go to the silent brothers, but thankfully Helen had talked her out of it.
He's just different, she had said. It's fine, we will figure it out.
At a certain point Andrew had just refused to try, and Helen and Mark had to step in. Unfortunately these were bad habits of Ty's that seemed to have carried over into adulthood. But at least now he could get up and feed himself at 2 in the morning.
Mark shook himself out of his stupor. "No it's ok. I'm sorry. I just worry about you Len" he murmured. Helen shot him a tired smile. "And I you, brother" she replied, slipping into a very fae way of speaking. Mark turned to look at his little girl, who was still sleeping. Thank the angel.
Thank the gods, his brain supplied.
It was interesting thinking about the way she would grow up. It would be so different from Mark and Helen. Gianna had access to Unseelie culture through Kieran, as well as the privilege of being raised by a full blooded faerie. She was already being read fae stories (accurate ones) and sung fae lullabies. She would be taught fae languages by Kieran and Cristina mostly, because as Kieran loved to point out, he was terrible with languages. She would also be taught Spanish and English when she was older.
She would be raised as a shadowhunter and as a faerie in a better, more understanding world that he was trying to help build. Mark couldn't help but be a little envious of her.
He turned back to Helen who hadn't left, but had sat down on the floor, bracing her back against the wall. He sat down beside her.
"Hey" he whispered roughly. "Do you ever feel like we were robbed?"
Helen looked up at him slightly dazed. Her Blackthorn blue-green eyes were starting to glaze over. "Huh?" She muttered sleepily. Helen rubbed her eyes and cleared her throat, trying again. "What do you mean exactly?"
Mark sighed as he slowly felt all of the thoughts and feelings he usually tried to keep buried. He really didn't want to deal with them. Because if he delt with them then he would have to acknowledge what happened, and acknowledging it made it real.
Something that Magnus always said was that you had to go through the pain and not around it, because going through it was the only way to get over it.
Mark took a deep breath and looked Helen in the eye. "I mean think about it. From the moment we arrived at this institute, our father always talked about how evil and wicked and manipulative our mother was. And yes, I would argue from the sound of things he was probably right, but I was four years old and she was the only faerie I had ever known. So it seemed as if everyone around was establishing a baseline of, Faeries. Wicked. Manipulative. Cannot be trusted.
Helen shook her head "but that's not-" Mark interrupted her. "I'm sorry but I'm not done." Helen sighed and looked to be fighting the urge to roll her eyes, but she didn't protest. "Ok fine. Go."
Mark continued. "And the thing is we were bombarded with that information all our lives. From our instructors, from our father, from our peers. So eventually I think you and I started to believe it Len! I think we started to think of ourselves as evil, and in order to not be evil we had to distance ourselves from being fae as much as possible." Mark's voice was beginning to shake.
Helen shook her head. "No I don't think it was that so much as we were trying to prove that we were real shadowhunters. Me personally, I didnt want to be considered a downworlder because I'm not, I'm a shadowhunter. " Helen explained, but her voice sounded unsure. "I didnt want to be treated differently."
Mark chuckled humorously. "But don't you see? We are different! That is precisely my point, and everyone made us feel ashamed of that. Remember how you used to braid your hair like a faerie until girls started making fun of you and trying to pull it out? And then you started wearing your hair to cover your ears. Did you honestly expect me to believe that you preferred the style, sister?" Mark was trying to keep his voice lowered but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
Helen was silent. There was a pause where neither sibling spoke and then Helen's defeated voice. "I don't want to talk about this Mark." He felt a pang of guilt.
"I know. Forgive me please, it was not my intention to upset you." He spoke elegantly. Helen laughed softly. "You know it's weird how much it comforts me, hearing you talk like that" she said.
Mark smiled sadly at her. "But that's exactly my point Helen. I mean think about it? How much did we give up or refuse to pursue just because we were scared? You know I've been reading far stories to Gianna and some of them are actually really incredible. There are stories about brave female warriors who go on adventures to save beautiful princesses and stories of people who couldn't decide which one if their suitors they liked best, so they just chose them all. They are stories about people like us, written for people like us." Mark could feel himself beginning to cry .
Helen reached over silently and placed her hand on his to comfort him. She looked like she was holding back tears as well.
"Imagine" Mark whispered brokenly, tears running down his cheeks. "Imagine what it would have been like if we read stories like those when we were younger.
Helen closed her eyes, trying to block out tears. "We were trying to keep ourselves safe" she whispered. "It was self preservation."
"It was assimilation" Mark said firmly. "And that really wasn't fair." Helen let out a harsh breath.
"And it didn't even do any good," Mark continued. "They still kicked us out."
Helen laughed in spite of the situation. Then let they weight of the conversation wash over them both, soaking them in despair and self pity.
Helen finally broke the silence.
"You know, she began, Magnus Bane loves to share stories about past shadowhunters in a more accurate way because the Clave's records are usually very white and straight washed, and when Aline and I mentioned potentially adopting a child from abroad, he told us a story about this one shadowhunter Ariadne Bridgestock. Apparently she was a lesbian and in a relationship with Anna Lightwood but she was also originally from India. Her parents adopted her and brought her back to England."
Mark shrugged "So? There's nothing inherently wrong with that." Helen gave him another look.
"Well yeah, but the problem was they didn't let her retain anything from her culture and they didn't give her the opportunity to branch out and learn more. They stripped her of all of that and basically taught her to behave like the typical white British girl." Helen readjusted her position, straightening out her back. "He wanted to make sure that if we ended up with a child who had a different cultural background, we would understand the importance of nurturing that connection" she explained.
Mark nodded "Well yes, but Aline would never do anything like that given how important her culture is to her." Helen was silent for a moment.
"Yeah I know. It's just that I'm not exactly the poster girl for self love and acceptance now am I? She said I'm a self pitying tone.
Mark shook his head. "It's not really the same thing though Len" he reasoned.
"No I know that, but it's similar" she mumbled, tiredness seeping into her tone. "Anyways, that's why I'm so happy Gigi has you and Kieran." Helen finally stood up "Especially you. When she feels like her mom is too much of a shadowhunter to get it, and her dad is too much of a faerie to get it, she has her papa to understand her." Helen said wistfully with a smile.
She extended her hand to Mark and pulled him to his feet. They both stared at Gianna who was moving around slightly in her sleep. "Yeah she will be fine" Helen mused softly. "She's got Cristina to teach her spanish and Kieran to teach her faerie. You can tell her stories about the wild hunt and Cristina can tell her stories about living in Mexico." Helen paused, her expression looking a little sad. "Her life is going to be so different from ours."
Mark felt another pang in his chest as well as the boiling of anger beneath his skin.
"How do we get past this?" He whispered. "How do we deal with this Helen? This anger?"
Helen was silent for a moment. Mark turned to face her and noticed she was shaking slightly. Helen gulped and looked up at him.
"We can't feel sorry for ourselves. That gets us nowhere. We need to confront it and then we need to find away to move past it," she said determinedly. "We need to be brave enough to let it go. We can't change the past but what we can do is try and change the way we approach this now. I know it's hard but we can do it." Helen smiled at him "As long as we have each others backs we can get through this."
Mark nodded. "I know. You're right. I want to keep moving forward. I want to learn more, discover more. I want to figure out who I really am." Mark spoke steadily. "The things that happened when we were younger were horrible," he felt his voice breaking again. "It's painful, but we can't just stay on our knees. We have to move on or it'll consume us."
Mark took Helen into his arms and hugged her tightly. She sniffled lightly, wrapping her arms around him. Mark let out a sigh.
"It's ok," he whispered. "I've got you, you're not alone."
You are not the only.
Be wise enough to wonder, be brave and let it go.
Nothing is everlasting.
Have mercy on my soul.
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danrifics · 7 years
y’know who i’ve not seen on my dash lately? fucking Luke Garroway
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magnusbanewastaken · 3 years
SUMMARY: In compliance with our roleplaying group's winter holidays special activity, following the prompt: “Someone has just become fabulously wealthy and is picking out gifts for their family.”
CHARACTER/S: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Max Lightwood-Bane
TAG/S: rpgroup, writing challenge, romance, winter holidays, christmas
also @ ao3
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Last minute Christmas gift-shopping was always a terrible idea. Either things would be out of stock by that point or nothing much of worth would be left on the shelves. Not to mention the surprising long lines that still exist that late into the holidays. Not to mention having to deal with ill-tempered customers in line with you and the frustrated staff who had to be stuck at work instead of spending the last few days before Christmas preparing for their own celebrations at home. But that's not always the case, not if you were like Magnus who knew exactly where to go.
Everywhere you looked in the Liberty Mall were a festoon of lights, ribbons, tinsels, shiny ornaments, and faux evergreens decked along escalators, archways, and guardrails. A massive Christmas tree that reaches up to almost the third floor of the mall, stood tall at the center of the atrium. This was the place to be in Manhattan for Magnus's quick, at-the-very-last minute shopping spree. All the shops were still open despite it being Christmas Eve already but there weren't a lot of people there compared to other stores and strips around Manhattan around this time in the afternoon. The reason for that most likely had something to do with the stores there being lavishly-priced luxury stores. And that was most unfortunate for him since he liked the attention and stares he'd get for the captivating outfits he usually wore.
Today he had on black leather pants, a studded black belt that looped around his waist twice, and a blood red wool overcoat open over a white wool deep V-neck sweater. A pair of gold thin rimmed sunglasses sat neatly over his coiffed hair and his face was subtly slathered with silver bits of glitter just over his eyelids and out towards the outer corners of his eyes. At least there were still some store managers to dazzle, he thought, perhaps he'd even get discounts as it sometimes often happens to him. Not that he needed any discounts. He had a perfectly wonderful yet complicated relationship with money that never really failed him even at times when he'd end up with nothing but the shirt on his back. He could get himself anything he wanted and anything anyone else wanted. Which is how he ended up going for a last minute shopping spree in the first place.
He didn't have to be there. Personally Magnus wouldn't really bother with shopping "traditionally" for anything. He could just conjure up anything from somewhere and compensate for them later, that is if he remembers to do so, and it was more reliable than online shopping. But now that he was practically sharing his life with Alec, some changes with his lifestyle had to be made. His roguish shopping habits weren't something Alec particularly liked leaving the warlock no choice but to oblige.
He sauntered through the marbled floors of Liberty Mall, going in store after store to pick out presents for tonight's party. It was a gathering at the Institute, mostly a Shadowhunter event despite other Downworlders like him being invited and despite Christmas not exactly traditionally celebrated among the Nephilim. It was an excuse to have a party for the holidays and a way to have their growing families gather together for a night. He wasn't in charge of organising this party, a mistake and a tragedy for them if you'd ask Magnus. He would've done it for free if they asked but the other people who aren't his friends and family that will be there were still predisposed into thinking Magnus would have turned it into a Downworlder rave. At least it was Isabelle helming the celebration, he could count on her to pull off something he would still enjoy despite the restraints of the ever-so-uptight Nephilim traditions.
It was easy enough to think of gifts for the women in his life since fashion was always the answer. He went to every big-named fashion houses at Liberty and was immediately entertained by store attendants, likely believing he might be someone important or famous with the way Magnus always carried himself. And if not that, it was the wads of cash he'd fan and flaunt to their faces, Magnus always wanted to do that. Isabelle was easy to give gifts to since she was always more than willing to try out anything Magnus recommends and her taste and style was to his liking. He simply got her anything he thought would look good on him if he was a woman. Maryse, much like her daughter was somewhat easier to give gifts to. Some jewelry here, designer coats and handbags here and there. They didn't always see eye to eye but ever since his little blueberry, Max, came around, Maryse had softened, even Robert too. She'd often invite him over just to chat, although he was certain she just wanted to spoil little Max. But it did give him the opportunity to get close to her and know her well which also pleased Alec.
Lily was another person he found to be easy to gift to, she'd accept almost anything fancy he gave her, even the not-so-fancy ones he'd sometimes trick her into believing were fancy. Clary on the other hand was slightly more difficult as to this day she still had little to no fashion sense and would deny him the opportunity to enlighten her about the latest fashion trends. Even Maia was easier to bend, provided it came along with a couple of board games and video games. But that won't stop him from trying. He didn't want to force Clary into things that would be uncomfortable for her even if they are trendy. He didn't want to change her, he only wanted to open her eyes to different possibilities than just sticking with something safe and casual. Good thing Jocelyn wasn't as difficult as her daughter. He got her some clothes and jewelry but of course he had to give her the finest brushes and paints as well as coffee table books on art. He was certain Clary would be jealous of them but she'll have to up her fashion game first before he gives her anything she actually wanted.
Men were difficult to give gifts to, he thought. If they weren't anything like him who had a taste for all the pretty and stylish things in the world, he wouldn't be enjoying even thinking about what to give them. Raphael and Ragnor were the exceptions since their gifts were almost exclusively joke gifts and expensive ones at that. But, well, it wasn't possible to do that anymore. He completely rushed through gifts for Jace, Simon, Luke, and Robert and got them simple, not-as-thoughtful as the rest gifts. A set of throwing knives from Japan and a set of Scandinavian hunting knives were for Jace. Simon gets to inherit some of the rare comic books in his possession that were still in mint condition. He threw in a couple of the latest computer games in there just to say he actually bought him something. Luke also gets a set of first editions of books he had owned for centuries; he figured he wouldn't mind that they were used books. But he also got him some new clothes and shoes. Magnus appreciated his alternative, scruffy vibe but he can't wear plaid and worn out boots every single day of the week, that's just preposterous, especially when he has to stand next to a lovely woman such as Jocelyn. And for Robert he got him a pair of watches and a set of fashionable ties, dads liked those kinds of things, right?
He also threw in mugs with designs that he thought would fit for everyone like "Nothing Less Than Seven Inches" for Isabelle. "World's Best Grandma and Grandpa" for Maryse and Robert respectively, "Life Is Short And So Am I" for Clary, "I'm A Vampire Let Me Suck You Off" for Lily, things like that. Nobody likes getting mugs, especially not for Christmas, but he had already prepared expensive gifts for them, surely they wouldn't mind the mugs.
He was empty-handed again after sending away the novelty mugs he got for everyone. His loft must look like Santa's Workshop by now with the amount of gifts he sent back there, he was hoping to get back and do some wrapping before Alec and Max comes home. He looked out the glass panes of the side of the mall to see that the sky was still a bluish gray of daylight, and the horizon was just turning into a faint shade of purple. It's only been a couple of hours but going through all those stores felt like a lengthy ordeal. Next year he wouldn't be so generous, he thought, he'll only do it again in ten years or twenty.
Now all that's left was his own little family. Alec and Max. Max and Alec. My family. He kept repeating the thought in his mind. Even if it's been years since he and Alec were together and well over a year since Max came into their lives, it was still a bit odd for him to think that this was all real if he was being honest, but it was all real. Being with Alec was real. Having Max with them was real. He doesn't really show it but even Magnus was still trying to get used to the idea.
Max was not difficult to think of a gift for, what was difficult was restraining himself from spoiling him; Max was such a cute baby it was really difficult not to do so. If Magnus had it his way he would've spoiled him to death, even Maryse was quite eager to do just that, but Alec wasn't going to have any of that, and he was right on this one. Still, it was Christmas, so he got Max some stuffed toys and a rideable toy car that looked very much like the black Maserati he and Alec rode through France last summer. He hoped for the best that Alec would let this slide becuase Max would look really cute in it, provided he didn't float away with it.
Alec was the last person he would be getting a gift for. Magnus could have made an excuse for himself that this was because he saved the best for last but really Alec was the first person he tried to think of a gift for, the moment he woke up this morning to be exact, and since then he hasn't settled on what to actually give him. Magnus wondered how you could love someone so passionately and even know that someone all too well for quite some time, yet you still find yourself having difficulties with thinking of what to gift said someone.
Magnus took respite in a garden cafe on the first floor of the Liberty Mall. He had one of their special winter lattes that were sweet and minty cool to taste while still thinking of a gift for Alec. He knew he couldn't ask anyone else for their opinions, he learned that lesson the last time he tried to think of a gift for Alec on his eighteenth birthday. He could always ring up Isabelle but he figured she would still be busy with organising things for tonight. Scrolling through articles online on his phone didn't help much either since they found them all too tacky and incredibly heteronormative for his liking. He sighed and put down his phone and took a sip from his latte.
His eyes lingered on the stuffed toys sitting inside the toy car he recently bought for Max just sitting next to his chair. He hadn't sent it away to his loft yet since seeing it gave him some sort of comfort. Looking at the car closely made him remember of his time in France with Alec again. That was the time where they finally managed to redo their European trip without having anything to do with demons and cultists. He has been in and out of France far too many times since the Belle Époque but that summer felt like a brand new experience with Alec. Magnus showed him all the places he had fallen in love with in the quaint countrysides of France and Alec showed him how to fall in love with them all over again. He told Alec about how he felt about that and Alec told him how much he looked forward to seeing the world with him. That was a promise that made Magnus believe that what they had was something for the long run, that he would be loving Alec for a long time. And that's when it hit him. He finally figured out what to give Alec.
Magnus's loft never looked so bright and festive unless it was because of his parties. It has been a long time since he last threw one and it was before Max came along. Tonight, his living room was ornamented by the dreamy and warm hues of gold, beige, cream, and white. The usual colours of reds, greens, yellows, and blues were much too gaudy for Magnus's vision of Christmas that year. The only greens in sight were the garlands lined all over the place and the tree sitting at the center of the room, swathed with gold and silver tinsels and ornaments as well as strings of fairy lights. Sitting by the floor and standing about as high as half of the tree were the presents he had bought earlier in the day. Magnus had already changed into the suit he would be wearing tonight. Alec had warned him that he might get looks from people since he would be wearing white when it's not a funeral. Not that Alec really minded but thought he should let him know anyway. Magnus thought that would be ridiculous, he'd be wearing chanterelle beige not white and he would very much like to get looks from people. And that was that, no one could tell Magnus how to dress anyway.
He was surrounded by lights and sparks of blue as he did his magic, as he was still in the middle of boxing and wrapping the last batch of presents when he heard the door swing open. Without pause, he looked over the side of the tree and looking past the mountain of presents to find Alec with an astonished expression on his face. He was also already in his outfit for tonight which was something he asked Magnus to pick for him. He wore dark brown dress pants and brown overcoat over a cozy beige turtleneck sweater that let him look somewhat formal without sacrificing comfort. He would have just worn something semi-formal but knowing Magnus, he wouldn't have let him look too simple next to him. Alec was carrying a little blueberry of a baby in his right arm, wearing a little black and white onesie suit. The little blue warlock was looking far more cheery than Alec at the sight of the presents. Or perhaps he just had a nice mix of milk in his bottle that day, Magnus couldn't quite tell with Max sometimes.
"Did you just rob the North Pole?" asked Alec.
"Of course not! And even if I did, I'd say it's fair game, that jolly old bastard owes me," Magnus just finished tying the final bow on the last gift in the pile when he walked over to where Alex and Max was.
"...Santa Claus is real?"
"Absolutely, and he's a warlock too. I thought that was common knowledge," said Magnus then planted a kiss on Max's temple.
Alec was not always sure whether Magnus was making things up especially when it comes to warlock things and his warlock friends but that wasn't what's important right now.
"You paid for all this, right?"
"I did and here are the receipts to prove it," with a quick snap of a finger there appeared a clipboard of receipts popping up from a blue swirl of light, floating right in front of Alec's line of sight.
Magnus spoke almost too proudly about legally acquiring his gifts. Alec had been persistent in guilting him with the things he'd conjure from somewhere without paying after all. Magnus picked up Max from Alec's grasp before Alec started flipping through the receipts. Then suddenly a gasp was heard.
"By the Angel, Magnus! Twenty thousand dollars just for clothes?" Alec asked, having a more audible and greater shock than the one he had when he came in earlier causing Max to look up at Magnus as if he could understand and was looking at him for answers.
"They were Dior," Magnus simply explained.
"Seventeen thousand dollars for a watch?" Alec continued flipping.
"Two watches actually, believe me that's already cheap, I hope your father doesn't mind."
"How could you even afford all this?" He asked as he still continued flipping but should really be stopping at this point.
"The painting I sold off the other day remember? It was worth millions apparently,"
"Millions?" Alec looked at Magnus with an even greater expression of disbelief than when he started flipping through the receipts.
"This is why I don't want to talk money with you, you look like you're about to faint," Magnus spoke calmly as he held Alec's face in his free hand hoping it would calm Alec down as well.
"Remind me not to ask next time," Alec nodded then sighed. Magnus looked at him, a bit of worry evident on his face but Alec gave him a reassuring smile, "As long as you actually paid for things."
"Yes, dad, I don't do that thing anymore," Magnus quipped with a smile and dipped in for a kiss on Alec's cheek.
"How are we getting all this to the Institute?"
"Right, magic. Almost forgot. Well, we better go ahead, Izzy will kill me if we're late."
"Wait, I'm sure Izzy won't mind us being fashionably late. I want to give you your present right now," said Magnus then passed Max back to Alec's arms.
"You look serious," Alec noted as he let Max nestle comfortably in his right arm.
"Just nerves. I'm not sure why when I know you wouldn't say no."
A whirl of blue light appeared in the palm of Magnus's hand. When the glowing light dissipated, underneath it was a small red velvet box. Magnus could see Alec was already too stunned to say anything. He stared at the box in the warlock's hand for a moment and then back at Magnus. His brilliant blue eyes seemed like they were glistening as their eyes met and Magnus felt his heart warm up at the sight of Alec's smile.
Magnus opened the box and cushioned inside were a pair of rings. One had a round ocean blue diamond set in an intricate basket of flame filigrees, setting on top of a half-braided white gold band. The other ring was a bit bigger in size with an emerald cut blue diamond framed with blue melee diamonds.
"You paid for this too, right?" Alec finally spoke, Magnus almost laughed.
"Sorry, nerves."
"It's my promise to you, my love," said Magnus. "I still stand by what I said the last time we spoke about it, that I won't have you marry me until you, until we, can marry in gold. You deserve nothing less and I can't have you settle for less just because you chose to be with me. I want these rings to be a promise and a reminder for us everyday when we might glance upon it that this is all real. Just as real as any other Shadowhunter unions. That the kind of love we have is not worth anything lesser just because it's a little bit different than what Nephilim traditions dictate.
"So, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, if I may ask,” Magnus got down on one knee and looked up at the two loves of his life, first to Max and then to Alec, "Will you promise to stand by me until we can marry in gold?"
"Absolutely. Yes. It's a promise," Alec was holding back tears as he said that. Max might have felt it too since he started blubbering things and patting his little hands on Alec's face as if to comfort him.
Magnus picked out the ring with the round cut blue diamond then reached out for Alec's left hand. He slipped the white gold band in his ring finger then looked up into Alec's beautiful blue eyes with his heart full of love. Alec took out the other ring from the box with his free hand as Magnus raised his left hand in front of him. The ring sat perfectly around Magnus's left ring finger and suddenly it was the most priceless ring he had, putting all the other rings he wore to shame. They both leaned in for a kiss, it was sweet and tender and Magnus felt the warmth of Alec's love between his lips. But Max had other plans when he decided to break it off and hit Magnus on the side of his head.
"Alright you little smurf, we're going, we're going," he smiled as he ruffled the head of the little blue warlock.
"Oh, right, Alec," Magnus raised his hand and behind the blue glow of smoke surrounding his hand, he conjured up what looked to be like car keys. He handed it to Alec and he immediately recognized the logo etched on its body.
"Did you rent this just for tonight? Can't we just Portal through?"
"You know I don't trust Portal-ing with the baby," Magnus replied. "And no, it's not rented, it's yours."
"No way. Magnus, I can't—" but Magnus cut him off with a kiss.
"Darling, no more arguments before a party," said Magnus as he pulled away from Alec. He then took Max from him and carried him in his arms. "I don't want us to look stressed when we waltz in there. We have the image of a perfectly perfect family to rub in people's faces."
Alec was still a bit dumbfounded about everything that just happened. All those surprises in one night seemed to be too much for the Shadowhunter. But Magnus liked it whenever he leaves Alec dumbfounded.
"Now come along, Alexander, I don't want us to be later than fashionably late," Magnus was already out the door and was being playful with Max who was giggling his little heart out. "My little blueberry must steal the show, yes you will, you're going to be just like your papa when you've grown."
Alec eventually broke out from his daze. He followed them out and went on their way to the Institute.
The party had already started by the time they rolled in the Institute grounds in the sleek black Maserati GT Convertible Magnus had just given him. Though the streets were lined with snow, luckily it wasn't snowing that evening so they were able to ride the car with the top down. Alec might have wanted to argue with Magnus about it earlier but driving it now let him warm up to the idea of owning it. Max seemed to have enjoyed the ride as well as he sat on Magnus's lap in the back of the car. Everything seemed to be going smoothly on its own that Isabelle had the time to come out and meet with them. Simon was with her of course and Jace and Clary followed too when they heard that Magnus, Alex, and Max were on their way. But it was really just an excuse for them to be able to leave the party even for a moment. Parties really weren't the same without Magnus in it.
Clary immediately walked over to Magnus who was carrying Max in one arm. Max was still bouncy and lively as he wrapped his hands around Clary's finger and patting his other hand on her head. Jace was in awe of the car that his parabatai drove and recognized it was the same one Alec kept talking about when they got back from their European redo trip last summer. Jace nearly flipped when Alec told him it was his Christmas gift and even Simon who wasn't exactly a car guy was impressed by it. The car conversation was cut when Isabelle broke in to reprimand Alec and Magnus for arriving late but immediately had a change of heart when the two showed off their rings. Isabelle practically leapt in to hug her brother and so did Clary with Magnus. They all said their congratulations but no one could say they were surprised. With the way things are between Magnus and Alec it was just the natural progression of things but it was still something nice to see especially on Christmas Eve.
As Magnus had expected and have willed to happen, there were a lot of eyes on him as he walked inside the Institute with Alec holding his hand and Max nestled in his other arm. No one would dare state for too long but he noticed the side glances and whispers as they walked through. Whether they were bad or good whispers he didn't particularly care, it boosted his ego pretty well either way.
He and Alec approached Maryse and Robert first who were in the middle of a conversation with some of the Blackthorns. Maryse was quick to ask for Max when they got close which Magnus obliged to and passed his little blueberry into his grandma's arms. It was Alec who excused his parents for a moment and brought them aside to show them their engagement rings. Maryse looked like she was getting overwhelmed that Robert had to take Max from her while she hugged Alec tightly. Like the others, they weren't entirely surprised by it but the rings really did make all the difference.
When all was finally said and done, Magnus conjured up the mountain of presents that were sitting back in his living room. The presents were all lined up around the base of the Christmas tree for his friends and family to open up later when the other guests have left. He made sure to conjure up the gifts in the homes of the others who weren't able to make it there that night like Jocelyn and Luke who decided to stay in together. As well as Maia and Lily who had hosted a different kind of party for the werewolf pack and vampire clans.
At the Beth Israel Hospital, Catarina finally had time to take a break from cheering up the kids who were stuck there for Christmas. She sat on her own in the breakroom having a snack and some coffee using a mug that said "Why So Blue?". She was on her phone to check the messages she couldn't read earlier and most of them were typical holiday greetings. The one that stood out and brought a smile to her face was a photo greeting of Magnus and Alec showing their rings and Max floating on his own next to them with the caption, "Happy Holidays from the Lightwood-Banes".
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popcrone818 · 4 years
Fate - Alec Lightwood
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Let me just say before I start, yes I am aware that Alec is gay! I have read the first book, (getting the rest for my birthday) and I am so in love with Malec it is so not even funny anymore, but at the same time I read fanfiction and fiction in general to escape to put myself in the shoes of the reader. So when I write that is also what I do. I don’t know how to write in a male’s perspective and I’m not about to write a full story about it. 
so in short, I am sorry to whoever I offend by posting this story. But I have been Brewing it over in my head since October 2019. So all I can say is I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think. <3
I never knew who my mother was. She left me on the doorstep of the Lightwood’s when I was just a baby. Alexander Lightwood and I grew up together, wreaking havoc on Maryse and Robert since before we could talk. The Lightwood’s were exiled from Idris before my first birthday and with Alec and I in tow Maryse and Robert moved to New York, where they proceeded to have Isabelle, and where they adopted Jace Wayland. The Four of us were never seen without each other as we grew up. Alec became Jace’s Parabatai and Izzy and I were close to it ourselves, we just never got around to doing the ritual while we were growing up.
When Clary joined the institute, Jace and Alec seemed to be in a disagreement constantly. I started to worry for my family, I wasn’t sure how parabatai’s actually worked but I was almost sure that Jace and Alec’s might start to disappear if they kept at it.
I had followed Clary, Jace and Izzy to help free Meliorn from Lydia. We were surprised to say the least when Alec was the one leading Meliorn to the silent brothers. Clary, Jace and I snuck up behind Alec and Meliorn.
“Alec.” Clary yelled jogging ahead and gaining his attention. Jace stepped in between Alec and Meliorn and the entrance to the City of Bones. I stayed back out of the way. I noticed Alec’s eyes shift for a spilt second to me before turning his attention back to Jace and Clary like I wasn’t even there.
“You told me you were taking Clary back to the Institute. You lied to me.” He growled his hands closing into fists.
“I did what needed to be done.”  Jace fired back as Clary walked up to Meliorn and I took a couple of steps forward, in case I was needed to break up a parabatai fight.
“Alec, the Clave has gone too far. You have to see that. Please, just let Meliorn go.” I said calmly to him. His eyes flicked to me yet again before he looked down, not making eye contact.
“I have my orders.” His hand twitched slightly, getting ready for a fight. I saw Clary flare up.
“You and your damn orders. Who cares about orders?” Clary shouted at him. I squeezed my eyes shut, she has no idea about this world. I opened my eyes as Alec took a step closer to Clary.
“See?” he almost laughed while he gestured to Clary. “That’s how little you know about being a Shadowhunter. You couldn’t possibly understand–.”
“It’s you that doesn’t understand, Alec. Not this time.” Jace started as Alec started to move closer to the entrance. “I’m really sorry.” Jace’s head motions for me to go. I jump on Alec’s back, easier than I expected honestly, still not as easy as you might think.
“Clary, Meliorn, go, now!” Jace yells, Clary and Meliorn make a run for it as Alec flips me off his back and kneels gently on my chest. Jace knocks Alec off me and quickly jump up into a fighting stance.
“You always broke the rules, but never the law, not until she showed up.” Alec accused.
“You’ve had it out for Clary from the start. And now you’re getting married, Alec? We both know what this is about.” Jace yelled, I stood back and watched boys fight it out.
“Oh, do we? Okay. Why doesn’t the legend, Jace Wayland, tell us what’s it about?” Alec counters pushing Jace up against the cave wall.
“It’s about Mia! It’s about your feelings. It’s because you’re–.” Jace yells at him as my jaw goes slack looking at the two of them. Alec has pulled out his blade and now has Jace on the ground with it placed against his neck. “Do it. Do it! I don’t wanna be alive if we’re on different sides, Alec.” I watch as Alec gets off Jace.
“Come with us. We’ll fight Valentine the right way: together.” I told Alec stepping closer to him as Jace gets to his feet.
“If we do that, we’ll be considered traitors like Mom and Dad.” Alec said, I knew he was worried about what they had done as circle members, but I didn’t think it was this bad. This must be why he is getting married.
“I’m begging you, my parabatai, my brother. Please, Alec, come with us.” Jace pleaded with him as he and I both stepped forward again. Alec slid down the wall of the cave shaking his head.
“No.” with that one word I felt my heart break. I made sure Alec could see it as Jace and I walked away, he pulled me into his side as a tear rolled down my cheek.
We met back up with Meliorn and Clary outside of the Hotel Dumort. Izzy was locked in a passionate kiss with Meliorn before Jace clears his throat to break them up.
“I hate to break up this reunion, Izzy, but we have to go.” Jace reminded her of the rest of the mission; get Meliorn back to the Seelie realm.
“You’re in good hands.” Izzy says to Meliorn before turning to Clary, Jace and I. “I need to get back to the Institute, see what hell has broken loose. Try and talk some sense into Alec.” She gives me a sad look before she places a hand on my arm gently. “Take care of him.”
“We will.” Clary and I saw in unison.
“Kick Alec’s ass for me.” I told her. She and Meliorn share another kiss before she pulls away and walks her way to the institute.
Isabelle told me it was your idea to rally the Downworlders. That you spearheaded my rescue.” Meliorn said to Clary, “She also told me that you would have to go up against Alec, someone you love,” he turned his attention to me. I felt my cheeks blush before the memory of Alec saying ‘no’ to Jace and I resurfaced and all I did was nod my head towards Meliorn.
“Don’t give me too much credit. Isabelle made this happen. We just helped.” Clary stated as we started walking.
“She’s being modest. You’re a Shadowhunter now.” Jace said.
“I have been surprised by more than one Shadowhunter tonight. You risked everything to unite us.” Meliorn thanked Clary once again.
“Right after you tried to sell her out.” Jace reminded Meliorn. I looked away as we continued to walk towards a park I had never seen before.
“Not my finest moment. Which is why I’m offering you both a gift, for your sacrifice. If you’re ready, I can help you find your father.” Meliorn said addressing both Clary and I. I looked behind me to Jace, giving him a questioning look. I didn’t know who my father was.
 Clary and I stepped through the portal to the alternate dimension, where she and I were standing in a kitchen together. She turns around and grasps a butter knife holding it up in front of her.
“Where’s my mother?!” she shouts accusingly.
 “Whoa. Is this from one of your cosplay skits?” I heard Valentine ask as I turn around. “Uh, honey? Come in here. You gotta see this.” He turns to call into the living room. “No, seriously, you have to let me come with you, just once, okay? I wanna see what you do at these things, all right?” he turns to face the two of us again. Jocelyn enters the kitchen and takes in the scene in front of her, Clary slightly in front of me holding up a knife.
“Val, you’re not allowed to do cosplay. You’d stick out like a sore thumb.” Jocelyn says coming up to Valentine. At the sight of her mother Clary drops the knife and moves over to her.
 “Mom.” She pulls her in for a tight hug. I just stand there unsure of what to do.
 “Wow. Wow, if you miss us this much, you should really leave the dorm room more often.” Jocelyn jokes as Clary pulls away.
 “Right. Sorry.” Clary moves back over to me.
“Oh Amelia, honey, your mum said she wouldn’t be able to see you for breakfast this morning, so you’ve got us instead.” Jocelyn says to me before she moves to sit down at the kitchen table. I notice one of the sketches is signed by Jocelyn Morgenstern. I nudge Clary discreetly who then looks at the painting also. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as Clary sits down hesitantly.
 “Clary…” Jocelyn holds up a cup of tea in a toast as I sit down opposite Clary at the table pulling out my phone. “In honour of your father’s Mad Hatter party tonight.” She takes a sip and I look at the message that lit up my screen.
From: Alec
Can’t wait to see you today, looking forward to that coffee :)
“Your mom made waffles for you. Come on, kiddo, you gotta eat something, right. So, Clarissa… when do I get to meet this new man in your life, hmm?” Valentine asks as he also sits down. It felt like I was intruding on family bonding time and I wasn’t even sure why I was here in the first place anyway. Valentine wasn’t my father.
 “Val.” Jocelyn chastised
 “What? I have to give my stamp of approval, right? For both of you by the way, you may not be blood related but we still think of you as our daughter Amelia.” Valentine said looking towards me. So that’s why I'm here. I'm basically family.
 “Oh, Clary, look at this commercial, it’s hilarious. It’s so bad, it’s good.” Jocelyn states and we all swivel on our chairs to look towards the tv sitting in the dining room. I see Magnus, Hodge and Luke on the tv in the commercial, apparently in this dimension Magnus is a psychic, I guess a warlock never changes his mark. I notice Clary starts to space out slightly and I drop my fork to bring her back. She gasps before standing up abruptly.
“I have to go.” She says as she gathers up her things.
“Uh, so do I, thank you for breakfast.” I say politely as I grab my phone and stand up too.
 “What?” Jocelyn asks Clary and I.
 “I thought you were spending the morning with us.” Valentine asks looking up at the two of us also.
“I, uh, have a last-minute assignment due that I haven’t even started yet, so I gotta go.” Clary states before rushing out of the door.
“I uh, have a date.” I say before following Clary out.
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More trans Raphael headcanons please🥺
anon, i hope you know that youre my favorite person on this website. i would bleed for you. i would die for you. but most importantly, i would live for you. i would work everyday to see joy in the world and make it a better place. for you. i owe you my life, which i feel begins only now, in this new breath that i take as i start typing this response
in no particular order:
one of the reasons him and rosa were so close is because she accepted him readily and wholeheartedly. like, they were already super close before (that’s partially why she didn’t give a straight fuck) but the way she just... accepted him so easily and stood by him really cemented how much he adores her
like, his family as a whole was pretty accepting (his mom didn’t move all the way to the US to try and start a new life for her kids just to kick one of them out. plus, in a latino neighborhood, there were probably a few travestis already, as well as trans people as a whole, cuz well, poor place. it also helped that they then had a “man in the house” since i hc it was just the 3 of them), but his mum was also catholic and had never heard of that before, so it took her a while to figure out how to handle that? but rosa was the one who was like, correcting everyone cheerfully when they got his pronouns wrong, making sure no one picked on him and stuff, you know?
she felt good about it too, because when they had moved she was the one who had trouble adjusting and he was the one protecting her, so she got to pay it back and :’) nice 
obviously there were no T shots easily available by that time, so he kind of just, improvised a binder, cut his hair short, and hoped for the best
rosa helped him take the “binder” off sometimes. she also made sure that she didn’t wear it too tight or for too long after they had a pretty big scare where it started constricting him in the middle of the street (went through that once! do not recommend!) 
after he became a vampire, when he used to go to the bleeder dens and stuff, he for a while tried to only drink blood from cis men to see if it would help him transition lmao
it doesn’t, and being a vampire also means that he can’t possibly get surgery (super healing) or T shots even if they were available, so that sucks and for a while after raphael turns he’s more dysphoric than ever
magnus “trans icon” bane helped him with that after he took raphael in too, because he had been perfecting ways to magically transition for years, and guess what! it works on vampires too because fuck you. and also even if it didn’t magnus would have probably tried to figure out a way that did anyway 
magnus also offers a glamor, but he foregoes it most of the time, specially after he starts to grow more muscle and stuff? also he feels more dysphoric about the way they look like, with the clothes than without haha me projecting never and now the binder can’t hurt him, so you know. whatever
the downworld is full of trans icons due to, you know, immortality meaning that there are people from several different backgrounds and societies and time periods that had nothing to do with the modern gender binary, and that slaps hard actually. it’s pretty much normal, specially among warlocks (which are most of his friends anyway, as he’s raised by magnus), and that makes him feel less and less dysphoric and more and more comfortable as time went by 
with that being said, camille is 100% a transphobic bitch because that’s how she rolls so’s lorenzo tbh lmaooo but she doesn’t come into the picture until later anyway
not to be a slut but like..... all of raphael’s partners are trans too....... saiaphaeliorn is the ULTIMATE trans power couple (quadrouple? anyway)
simon is one of the first people he meets after getting to the downworld who’s also a trans man (as most people are non-binary/have culturally specific genders) and it’s. really nice, actually 
also!!! i’ve talked before about my headcanon that magnus uses clothing as a form of protection and he teaches raphael the same, so like... magnus also teaching raphael how to use clothing that helps him be perceived as masculine.... teaching him how to spot a person’s reactions to his gender to protect himself from potentially transphobic violence....... just being the greatest trans dad
the result of transition he liked the most was his voice, by far. the muscles are a very great bonus even if he could do with getting a little taller but like... to this day he sometimes hears his own voice, realizes how deep and pretty it sounds, and gets a little overwhelmed by how happy he is
gender euphoria yall!!! gender euphoria!!
raphael seeing himself in the mirror when magnus gives him one of these expensive three-piece suits that he never even dreamt of being able to afford and being just. so excited he barely knows what to do with it
ooh that’s also one of the reason he wears vests so frequently? you know besides the whole Good Pressure thing, they help him seem more lean u kno
ok i think that’s all i have but if anyone else also has hcs or trans raphael thoughts as a whole please send them to me because aaaa i just love he
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maiaphaelsource · 4 years
I was the anon who sent you the trans Raphael headcanons ask on your other blog, do you have any more? With some trans Maia thrown in too🥺 like Magnus being the best trans dad to his son and the love of his sons life and being supportive and loving. Raphael kissing Maia on the forehead and telling her how beautiful she is, you know? Cute shit like that
yes!!! hello!!! i hope you know i love you and you're my favorite person in the world!! thank you so much for this ask!
okay so i’ll begin with the specifics... magnus is absolutely THE trans dad to both of them. not only with practical stuff like offering to help them with glamours, magical transitioning, stuff like that, but just... being so supportive and understanding. he’s always there, and he has so many stories to share, so many people he’s met who had happy lives. he was there for stonewall, he’s met Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, and it’s just so heartwarming for the both of them to talk to him about that, you know? that feeling of not being alone in history, of knowing that there are and were other people like you, that you’ve always existed.... it’s just great
also in maia’s case since she also lives a partially mundane life he just solves all her documentation problems like deadname? gone forever. no registers. you’re welcome. the first time maia sees her document with her name she almost cries and she throws herself in magnus’ arms and magnus is so touched and moved and shocked you know? like the gratitude and the affection and she’s just thanking him and he’s so moved and raphael just watches with a little smile in his face because he knows that magnus is moved by the display, even if he won’t say it. and maybe he tells magnus that later? like, “your kindness means more to others than you imagine,” and of course magnus isn’t important just because he’s kind but he’s used to not being recognized for his services (ahem especially by CERTAIN people) and it’s nice to see that being appreciated, you know?
plus, maia makes it a point to pay him and magnus is all like “i couldn’t possibly take payment for something like that. it’s the least you deserve” so instead maia teaches him her secret sangria recipe. magnus is super pleased but he also jokes that now he has one less excuse for inviting them over. and raphael goes, super seriously, “you never need an excuse” and magnus just melts 
raphael kissing her forehead! yes! tbh i think they both love forehead kisses (as well as hand kisses and shoulder kisses) and sometimes when she’s feeling dysphoric or upset for any reason she likes just... lying down on raphael’s chest and letting him pet her hair and kiss her forehead and tell her that it’s alright, bella, te quiero
and YES he just makes it a point to talk about how beautiful she is constantly and kiss down her whole body (not sexually of course, just sweetly?) and she giggles and it’s fun :’) sometimes things get to her, especially after jordan’s constant transphobic/racist rethoric, and it’s nice that raphael always makes it a point to tell her she’s beautiful and amazing and he loves her. and he always does it in such a matter of fact way, but also intense, you know? he has her close and he says shit like “you’re the most beautiful woman i’ve ever met” and she melts
as for general headcanons!
maia figured out she was trans relatively early in life, and it’s the reason she always knew she’d have to run away from her parents’ house. she was basically only planning until she had enough to be able to survive without them. but also, jordan and wanting to be able to “be with her already” rushed her out of home when she was finishing high school 
raphael and maia are absolutely willing to throw down for each other if someone’s transphobic and that’s that on that. someone being transphobic to raphael? fine, he can handle his own, he’ll end them with his words and do it with a pleasant smile. someone being transphobic to maia? they’ll be met with the usual cutting sarcasm until they back down. but if the other catches you doing that? you’ll be thrown against the wall and threatened/punched in the face so fast you won’t even know what the fuck happened 
a lot of baby trans downworlders start coming to them! they’re already an iconic couple for many reasons, what with being a werewolf/vampire couple, a black/latino couple (we need more black/latino couples okay! desperately! and black/native and native/latino too! i want more poc solidarity and romance!), and an iconique trans couple. people just feel comfortable going to them because they’ve brought so much change and are so accepting you know? 
it still surprises raphael, even after years on end, that so many people come to him for help with that. he never thought that he would be seen as the kind of person people can go to, and yet here he is. after being told for most of his life that he was cold/unfeeling/threatening/weird... it’s nice to be valued like that, to be seen as someone who can be soft and provide comfort and love, too
same goes for maia, who’s also used to be seen as agressive/violent for just defending herself and her people, and just generally reduced to being a “threat”. it’s nice to know that many, many people see her as someone they can look up to, and who they feel safe it
that is not to say obviously that they just love doing emotional labor for other people but like... having other trans downworlders, especially trans downworlders of color, come to them, feels nice. especially people who are trying to figure themselves out and approach them with so much hope and admiration in their eyes you know? the way they always come with a “sorry to bother, but..” ready in their lips and look at them like they are heroes... it’s really something
taki’s slowly becomes a place for trans downworlders to hang out, especially those who don’t enjoy clubs and stuff like pandemonium (which is totally a queer club as well bite me. including for mundanes. with taki’s that’s trickier of course since they have like, blood on their menu lmao but a few trans minors have hung out there and it was cool) for whatever reason. it’s just a cool queer-inclusive space for people who want to hang out, you know? and they love that
the first time maia saw raphael lose his cool was when a shadowhunter made a gross comment about how it’s lucky he didn’t want sex, so she wouldn’t have to deal with that. he almost tore their throat off
raphael just.... loves maia’s shoulders. she was a little self conscious of them, she always made a point to have them covered, but raphael just loves peppering kisses on her shoulders and making her chuckle 
magnus gives maia a bunch of fashion tips similar to the ones he gave raphael, just how to better protect herself and figure out how people are reading her gender and stuff like that, you know?
they do the thing where they show each other pre-transition pics (once they’re comfortable with that of course) just to hear each other be like “*outraged gasp* i don’t recognize you at all” and “oh, look how much happier you are now”, and my personal favorite, “i can’t see a boy/girl in there, i just can’t” (like personally whenever i see pictures of my partners/friends pre-transition i’m just like... i realize this is pre-transition and that you’ve changed a lot but also i’m unable to see an [assigned gender] in this photo). it’s all like “how did people not notice you were a girl? unbelievable” you know. just that sweet sweet trans couple validation ritual
together they have like. all the insufferable pun-happy sexualities (bi[romantic], pan, ace, trans) and you will be hit with those constantly in conversation if you’re a friend of them. raphael in particular greatly enjoys making those puns with the most blase, straight face as he looks straight into your eyes and watches as your soul slowly leaves your body. magnus is so proud and also afraid he created a monster
raphael is that bitch who’s like. “i heard that broccoli has a substance that’s similar to testosterone so i’m now eating 5 bowls of it” and maia wants to tear her hair out because it doesn’t work like that and he’s like “can’t hurt to try. also i’m finally able to eat let me have this” 
maia never got to like... celebrate those small transition moments because she was all alone and felt like she was transitioning in such a rush, you know? and raphael makes it a point to point out the small changes that are still going on with her body, to take her shopping and encourage her to be as giddy about it as she wants to, you know? and it’s nice and fun and he also gets to relive those small gender reaffirming moments and it’s really nice
maia is a huge against me fan!!! like not to project but it’s just... their songs are so great and relatable even when they’re not about being trans at all and laura jane grace’s voice is so beautiful and maia for sure absolutely loves punk, so like. it’s one of her fave bands for sure
she liked them since before laura came out and when she did it was like. oh. oh. so that’s why i always related so hard to her songs. it just... makes sense
while punk is not as much raphael’s style he likes true trans rebel, especially the acoustic version, where her voice just sounds mwaaahhh imo and he can listen to the recording for hours because her voice in there is just... sensorial heaven and maia feels all giddy that raphael genuinely loves a trans woman’s voice so much 
raphael always makes a point to say that he loves her voice just as much, too :)
they are just very trans and really love each other the end
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Clary’s letter
Since we never saw Clary’s letter as a whole, I wanted to write my own version of it. The one where she said something to all of her closest ones. A few parts are the same as in the episode. English is not my first language, so there might be some grammatic or spelling errors. I have no idea why some parts turned into italicized, sorry.  I hope you like it. 
I am so sorry for leaving you all so suddenly, but I don't have any other choice. By the time you read this letter, my memories of you and the Shadow World will be gone. It was the price the Angels made me pay for the runes I've created. I know that it is hard to accept, but destroying Jonathan was my own choice and I hope that, one day, you are able to honor it.
All of this started by my urgent will to find my mother. Little did I know, that I would find my birth right, my heritage, a real family. You all sacrificed everything to make it happen and I can never thank you enough. Now it's my turn to return the favor.
The moment I met you, a part of me knew that we were meant to be. Because of you I found myself the way that I didn't ever think to be possible. You and I both know that we are capable of great darkness, such as Downworlders are able to do good. Our family has been our biggest source of misery and Jonathan just wasn't able to escape it. I meant everything I said to you at the wedding. At the end of the day, you are a lonely soul, but if I was able to make the change even slightly, the way you told me I was, don't push people away. Don't cling on that perfection you were so desperate to achieve. I am counting on you to lean on to others, whenever you need that. I love you so much. Please forgive me.
Simon - we never had time to actually watch "The Fault In Our Stars", but I guess you could say this is some kind alternate universe of it. I always imagined that as old people, we would take some competitions in  wheelchairs, bicker watch some of our favorite movies and talk about our graphic novel in a nursery home. It wasn't meant to be, but we got to experience some hell of the adventures of our own. From the moment I took you to the nurse after your allergy attack, I knew you would always be my best friend. I know that things got bit messy between us, but I am so grateful for your presence through it all - your support, jokes that would always make me feel better. You've been through so much and even though you used to find vampirism repulsive, I am so happy that you seem to have accepted your essence. You told me you wanted to honor your Mom by choosing to study accounting, but the best way to do that is to live your life, enjoy your music and share it with people. Since I knew you before the Shadow World, I am not sure what will become of our memories, but I will hold on to them as long as I can. Tell Rebecca my best regards, will you.
Iz -  you're one of the most beautiful and strongest women I've ever had  an honor to meet. You once told me that in me, you saw the sister you never had. The moment you agreed to become my parabatai was one of the happiest experiences of my life, and I am sorry that we didn't get the chance to cherish those bonds longer. But no matter how hopeless things might seem right now, I won't give up hope. Perhaps, it will come true someday. You were there for me right from the start, even during your addiction and recovery, and turned the casual tomboy into a feminine, but still badass woman - and that's really not an easy thing to do. Momentarily relapse is okay, but don't let it consume you. The worst battles are within our own minds, but I know you will conquer them one day. I am so happy for you and Simon - two of my best friends together, what more could I hope for? I know that you can love him like no other. Take care of each other. I hope you can thank Raphael and Meliorn for me as well. I am sure they both will be a great guidance for many souls - both spiritually and mythically.
Alec.. We have gone through quite a journey together, huh? If you were here now, you would probably call it quite an understatement. Even if we got on each other's nerves big time - I mean, let's face it, I was quite pain in the ass - and my actions might have seemed like a disrespect on you and the Clave, you should know that I always admired your resilience, loyalty and honesty. I have no idea how you managed to do that, but you always seemed to see right through me. Please remember that I would never blame you on anything. In the end, we understood each other and wanted the best for our family. During the process, without even noticing it, you somehow became some sort of unbiological brother for me. That's why I know that you will understand my decision. I am sorry for all the lies and secrecy I put you through, you did not deserve it. Even if you and Magnus live together now, I count on you to take care of Jace. We both know that he is able to be a stubborn jackass sometimes, but he cares about you very much. He couldn't ask for the better parabatai as far as I am concerned. I once told you that leader must do some hard decisions. And you did, multiple times, even at the expense of your own happiness. You have truly turned from that shielded boy into this caring and protective leader we always knew you could be. That's truly inspiring and I honor you deeply for that. I don't know if the angels are ever willing to forgive me, but I swear, if I ever come back and see that you have forgotten that, this little girl will kick your ass.
Magnus. I didn't get the chance to ask my Mom if she ever officially named you as my Godfather, but that's what you've always felt like to me. It's a pity that so many of our paths together were forgotten, but we got many new ones instead. In every realm, you sacrificed your happiness and safety for me, for us, probably more often than I will ever know - and I don't know how to thank you enough.  I know you have tendency to carry the world on your shoulders, but I sincerely hope you won't put this on yourself. It's not your fault in any way. Your guidance through all of those ordeals has been irreplaceable. I should've been there for you more during your difficulties, please forgive me. I guess we both had to fight against our own demons. You had to crawl through hell, literally - but you came back stronger than ever and I couldn't be prouder.  I will always be your Biscuit, even if I won't remember that.
You two would have deserved better goodbye,  but even though I never fully understood the whole "emotions being a distraction"-thing, in that situation, that would've been quite accurate. I told Jace I couldn't imagine more beautiful and fitting couple than you, and being at your wedding was an ultimate privilege. Therefore, as my wedding gift for you, it would've been my greatest pleasure to try the immortality rune - if that's what you wanted. Sadly, that's not the case now. But there's no doubt in my mind, that you will find the way. You always do. Your love has been and will be an inspiration for many souls. Cherish it for as long as you both shall live. It's your time to be happy and at peace. Give Madzie a hug for me. Perhaps I get the privilege to meet your children someday.
Luke...blood or not, you are my father in every way. You remember how many stories you had to read for me to get me to sleep at night? My Mom wanted me to learn some historical and romantic sagas, but I was always more into fantasy and mystery. And sometimes, when she didn't notice, you sneaked me some of your favorites of that area. Once, when that freaking marshmallow got stuck into my hair when we and Simon where camping, my Mom had to cut it. I didn't want to go to school, but you had already got used to bullies that disliked my art and told me that whoever had some negative to say, had to deal with you. Whether we were on boat trip or you helped me with my homework, I always felt so safe and true. You always put me  and my Mom as your first priority, no matter the consequences. You two would've deserved a happy life in Idris, but that was not written in the stars. Raziel sent her to my room, exactly where she passed away, to warn me about my runes. She was so beautiful and seemed to be in peace.  She and I are blessed and happy to know that you and Maryse have a chance for the new beginning together. I just wish you didn't have to keep it as a secret, at least from me. She basically became a mother figure for us all. I hope you would tell her my thanks for her support.  Give Maia my best regards, too. She will rock her position as the wolfie-leader, there's no doubt in my mind about that. I am sorry I didn't have time to tell you all this, but I am so proud of getting the chance to see you as a true Shadowhunter once more. I love you, Dad.
Thank you for everything. Whatever it's worth, I want you to know that I have no regrets. Even if I won't remember you, you will always be in my heart.
With all my love and respect,
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bytheangell · 5 years
i am so in love with time travel fics so if it's not too much trouble can you please write something re: sad!past!magnus (maybe TID-era, or anything really) somehow winding up in the present day, and finding out that he's gonna be ok, he's gonna be so happy with his husband and children (if you want to include the book!malec kids here) and family, and the world might not be perfect but it's going to be better than he thought it could be
Believe in All the Possibilities (Read on AO3)Magnus just wants a carefree night of music, perhaps a bit of dancing, and most definitely more drinking than would be strictly advisable in his current emotional state. Maybe, if he still feels awful enough by the end of the night, he can end up in a den of questionable moral offerings on the shadier side of London. Who knows where the night might take him?
Instead he finds himself staring across the room at Camille, dancing far too close to be publicly decent with her current conquest. That’s all they are, he reminds himself, but it doesn’t help, not when he was in her arms not that long ago (had it been weeks? months? what’s time to an immortal, anyway?). Not when she’s the reason he’s drinking his heartbreak drink alone at the bar in the first place. He watches her for a while, losing track of time (has it been minutes? hours? time matters so little these days…). It’s the amount of time it takes to drink two bottles of whiskey, he can measure it that way. He thinks he might just continue for the rest of the night until Camille meets his eyes, winks at him, and then pushes her suitor against a wall to shove her tongue down his throat and run her hands down the length of his body and-
He needs to leave. 
Magnus pays his tab and walks out of the party, doing his best not to look back. He almost manages it but steals one last glance, not sure if he’s more or less hurt by the realization that she isn’t even watching him for his reaction, now entirely lost in the arms of her new lover. It isn’t a comfort to remind himself that he probably means nothing to her because that’s only a reminder that he meant nothing to her, too. 
He doesn’t have a place in mind when he opens a portal. He’s only just polished up with Henry a more stable way of opening portals for Shadowhunters to use, with runes drawn intricately around where they wish to form it to channel the magic needed. The one he opens now, fueled only by his own raw power, could be considered a prototype at best. It’s unstable and unpredictable without the runes to ground it, but hell, he’s feeling more than a little unstable and unpredictable himself. 
Magnus knows, deep down, that this is a mistake. The first rule to using a portal is to have a clear picture of where you’re going, but instead he steps into it with only one thought in mind: Take me somewhere I can be happy. I just want to feel okay again.
London vanishes behind him, and everything goes black. 
By all accounts he should be dead. Or in limbo. Or some horrifying combination of both.
Instead, Magnus finds himself blinking his eyes open from darkness to take in the scene around him of a city that is most definitely not London. There are street lamps lit along the– no, not lamps. The light coming from them isn’t fire. They’re electric. In fact, electric lights seem to be everywhere, despite the lightbulb barely being functional in the richest of areas testing out electricity in 1878. 
But that’s not the strangest thing. Magnus takes a few tentative steps towards the street only to jump backwards at the speed of the… well, he isn’t sure what the horrifyingly fast cart that passed him is exactly, but he knows that one more step forward and he would’ve been underneath it. Sobering up much faster than he’d like, Magnus starts to realize that however improbable the idea is, he has to face the facts that add up around him. He appears to be in the future - at the very least an alternate timeline, one far more advanced than his own. Regardless, either should be impossible. 
And the most distressing realization (as if all of that isn’t enough) is that since he has no idea how he managed to get here, he isn’t entirely sure how to get himself back. 
If he even can. 
…if he even wants to. 
After all, the past holds little for him outside of disappointments and broken promises. He can hardly find joy in his work at the moment, the one thing he’s consistently turned to as a source of pride and solace, so why bother going back to a life destined for solitude and misery? 
But first things first: he needs to figure out exactly where he is. It takes a bit of poking around and more than a few heavy American accents telling him in no uncertain terms not to so much as look at  them, before he gets the answers he’s looking for. It’s New York in the late 2010s, a little over a hundred years ahead of where he came from. 
But why here? Why now? 
Those questions are answered when he backs up quickly to narrowly avoid two children who turn the corner and nearly run directly into him, followed by the voice of someone calling out after them. No, not someone - that’s his voice. 
“Max! Rafe! This isn’t a game tonight, okay? Something’s wrong and I need to test the wards before you can go inside.”
Magnus glamours himself immediately, pressing up against the side of the building to let them pass while  listening in on the middle of a conversation this future version of himself is holding with a very tall, very attractive Shadowhunter. 
“-I don’t know, Alexander. But something feels off with my magic, like I can sense too much of it? I can’t explain it, but I just want to make sure nothing’s wrong before you and the boys come up.” And then he’s gone, vanishing into the apartment building while the man named Alexander waits on the sidewalk with two children, one warlock and one shadowhunter. Magnus knows because of the runes and blue skin he can see just beyond their glamours; glamours which are good enough to fool mundanes but not strong enough to block out skilled warlocks who are looking hard enough. The children must be keeping their own glamours up rather than relying on ones put on by the two adults. Impressive, especially for children so young. 
The warlock boy starts to poke small jolts of magic into the Shadowhunter boy, who looks about two seconds away from stabbing the warlock boy in the arm with his stele if he doesn’t stop. Magnus has the sudden impulse to give away his own hidden position to stop them but Alexander is already on top of it.  
“Max! No magic on the street, you know that. Rafael, please, if you break another stele this month Izzy’s going to kill both of us. Just stand still for two minutes while Papa checks the wards.” 
“Alright, Dad,” the children say in unison.
And that’s when Magnus realizes. These aren’t just people his future self is working with, or bringing here for a social visit. These are his children. And Alexander is… well, if Dad and Papa weren’t enough, one glance down at the wedding ring on the Shadowhunter’s finger is all the answer he needs there, too. Magnus can sense the magic there, his magic there, laced with more protection charms than should reasonably be contained in an object so small. 
The future version of himself comes back downstairs looking more confused than ever, and just for confirmation Magnus’ eyes immediately drop to the matching wedding band on his hand, standing out in its simplicity compared to the rings surrounding it. I’m married. And more than that, married to a mortal. A Shadowhunter. “Everything’s fine. C’mon kids, grab your things before we drop you back off at the Institute with Aunt Isabelle and Uncle Simon for the weekend.” 
Magnus follows behind as they go upstairs, the wards letting him pass without incident as they’re keyed to his own magic, after all. He’s careful to stay out of the way as he remains hidden from view, listening to the sounds of laughter as the children pack clothing into a bag and his future self enjoys a glass of wine with his husband, eavesdropping on their conversation while he looks around the room at children’s artwork and smiling family photos, feeling the warmth that radiates from this nontraditional family. 
“Once we get back to Alicante I have three meetings, one with Consul Penhallow,” his future self sighs. “Remind me again why I let you talk me into the High Warlock position?” 
Alexander laughs. “Talk you into it? As I remember, the moment you heard Alicante was getting one you practically demanded to be the one to, how did you put it?, ‘put the Clave in their place once and for all’?” 
Magnus nearly chokes on the air he’s breathing. High Warlock is one thing, it’s an honor he’s always dreamed of. But High Warlock of Alicante? It sounds absolutely absurd and he can hardly comprehend the idea of it. Downworlders are barely allowed to exist in the same rooms as Shadowhunters, let alone exist as any sort of authority in their sacred country. He’s broken from his thoughts by his future self speaking again. 
“Yes, well, I also remember the job coming with the clear perk of moving to Alicante with my husband the Inquisitor, so-” 
Magnus watches them smile at one another, leaning in to kiss. It’s a short one, quickly interrupted by a flying pillow and the laughter of children. Soon both wine glasses are magicked away and both his future self and Alexander are each grabbing a child, spinning them before pinning them to the ground, tickling them into submission. 
Suddenly Magnus realizes why he’s here, why now. 
This is what he wanted. This is where he’s happy. 
There is so much love in the room it’s practically palpable. He’s married to someone he clearly trusts, someone he doesn’t believe will hurt him or leave him, because he knows himself. He knows how impossible the idea of finding someone like that feels right now, and how important this Alexander must be for him to go against everything he’s resolutely resigned to in his own mind and allow him into his life in such a monumental way. And a family… as impossible as marriage seems to him, the idea of a family isn’t even up for consideration. This sort of life - settling down, unconditional love, contentment, happiness - it isn’t meant for him. It never has been, and he never thought it would be. 
Until now. 
When his future self opens a portal to the Institute they’re going to drop the children off at Magnus instinctively follows close behind, still glamoured, coming out of the other side and into the New York Institute just as it closes, like it knows to wait for him. The children immediately run into the arms of another Shadowhunter, a woman this time, and then the man beside her. A vampire, who is casually coexisting in the inner sanctum of the Shadowhunters and friendly with his future children. 
“Simon!” The young Shadowhunter boy, Rafe, nearly shouts. “I got my speed rune, I bet I can beat you in a race now!” 
The vampire - Simon - laughs. “Oh yeah? We’ll have to see about that…” 
Magnus almost feels guilty for intruding on these moments. He knows they’re not for him, not yet, but he can’t help himself when Alexander and his future self say goodbye shortly after and he’s ducking quickly behind them into another portal, this time coming out somewhere entirely unfamiliar at first. It takes a few moments before the scenery around him registers. 
He recognizes the demon towers, can feel the strength of the angelic power around him from both the concentrated amount of Shadowhunters and the adamas veins that run beneath the city. He’s immediately uncomfortable, an instinctive sense of unease coming from so much as stepping foot upon the City of Glass… but not his future self. 
He watches his future self visibly relax the moment he steps foot out of the portal and onto the ground of the park below. Can anyone portal into the middle of Alicante at will now or is it just him, Magnus wonders idly. Exactly how much have things changed? 
…exactly how much of that is, potentially, because of him? 
Magnus follows his future self and Alexander down a path he realizes was picked deliberately for the portal to open up at. The pair take their time wandering down it, hand in hand, talking and catching up on each other’s days. Alexander mentions Catarina and Magnus feels his heart swell at the knowledge that they’re still friends, even now. Maybe everyone doesn’t leave him in the end after all. 
When his future self and Alexander finally reach a building that’s most likely their home Magnus decides not to follow them inside. He’s seen enough: enough to know that he may never stop watching this version of his life if he doesn’t leave soon, and more than enough to know that running away from the life he has now is no longer what he wants, not when he has this to look forward to in the end.  It might not be what he thought he wanted out of life, but maybe it’s exactly what he needs.
Magnus feels a lightness in him he didn’t imagine himself capable of just an hour ago. Hope, the smallest seed of it, rests firmly within him after the sights he witnessed tonight. He just has to let it grow, nurture the idea that things may seem bleak now but they won’t be forever. He has proof of that now, a reason to believe that he’s more than just someone to be used and discarded. That one day he’ll find a love powerful enough to see him marrying a Shadowhunter, taking on a job title he never could’ve imagined existing let alone holding personally, and raising a family to come home to at the end of the day. Loved. Accepted. Content. 
Before he came here he simply wanted to dull the ache and numb himself to any feelings at all; now he finds himself overwhelmed by too many emotions to count, and he couldn’t be more grateful for it. 
This may all be his one day, but first he has to get here. Once he’s certain he’s alone he conjures a portal of his own, picturing London and a life that’s only as meaningful as he chooses to make it.His life no longer feels like an inevitable sentence to play out but rather a glowing future that’s his for the taking. ‘Take me home’ he thinks with surprising fondness as he takes his first step towards that light.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
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“No, no, no,” Alec threw his notepad away. “Just no.”
“Alexander?” Magnus walked out of Rafe’s room. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes. Yes, everything is alright,” Alec replied, not wanting to bother Magnus. “Is Rafe asleep?”
“Only after three songs,” Magnus smiled. “What is it, darling? I know something is bothering you.”
“I thought I had a good poker face,” Alec frowned. 
“You do,” Magnus concurred. “But your notepad is on the floor and you are surrounded by crumpled pieces of paper. That is usually not a good sign.”
“I’m fine, my love,” Alec reassured but then sighed when Magnus didn’t back down. “I just…I just don’t know what to do about this treasury issue. I’ve been thinking of a long-term strategy and I…I can’t seem to figure anything out.”
“Oh, Alexander,” Magnus sat down next to him. “You’ll figure it out.”
“When?” Alec scoffed. “I wish…I wish dad was here.”
Magnus held his face and laid a soft kiss on the forehead. “I know I’m no inquisitor, but maybe I can help you?”
“You always do, Magnus,” Alec smiled. “But this…this is so tied up with our history and bureaucracy…I need to talk to a shadowhunter. I need someone with clave experience. I know I can do it; I just need some guidance.”
“You could ask Jia?”
“No, no,” Alec said quickly. “Jia trusted me with this responsibility. I can’t ask her. I need to do this on my own. I can’t…I can’t be the consul who can’t do anything alone.”
“It’s fine,” Alec put on his best smile. “You go to sleep. I’ll join you in a bit.”
It was already late. They both knew Alec wouldn’t come to bed without figuring this out.
“How about if you could meet another consul?” Magnus asked. “Someone before Jia?”
“None of them are alive, Magnus,” Alec pointed out.
“They don’t have to be,” Magnus replied. “I’ve been learning more dream magic now that Ragnor is back and I gotta say it is quite useful. Actually...I can help you meet one of the best consuls I know.”
“You don’t mean...” Alec gasped. “Charlotte Fairchild???”
“The one and only,” Magnus grinned.
“You can do that?” Alec gaped.
“Darling, there is very little I can’t do,” Magnus winked.
“You mean like doing laundry?” Alec chuckled.
“I just don’t see the point in washing old clothes when you could simply buy new ones!” Magnus explained in exasperation. “Do you want to meet Charlotte or not?”
“Yes please,” Alec grinned. 
Magnus led Alec to the bedroom and asked him to lie down.
“Wait, hold on!” Alec jumped up and ran towards the closet. “I can’t meet Charlotte Fairchild in pajamas.”
“And you think that sweater is an upgrade is from the pajamas?” Magnus laughed to himself.
“Okay, I’m ready,” Alec lied down again once he put on some decent clothes.
“Sweet dreams,” Magnus giggled as he laid a quick kiss on Alec’s lips and Alec rolled his eyes, although he couldn’t help but chuckle either.
“Also, this laundry conversation is not ov-”
Familiar blue magic surrounded him and Alec felt his body automatically relax. It wasn’t just the spell, but the magic itself. Magnus’ magic knew him well. It was such an intimate feeling – something only Alec was privileged enough to experience.
The next thing he knew he was standing in the middle of a manor. It was old – but not in terms of the structure. It was sturdy and strong, but the décor implied that Alec had successfully found his way to his destination.
Alec had been to many manors in Idris after the Dark War. But this one…this one seemed unfamiliar. The only thing he recognized was the familiar sigil of the angel wings on the door.
“It burned down,” a voice said, and Alec turned around. “Valentine burned it to the ground - which is why you don’t seem to recognize it.”
And there she was.
She was sitting behind a desk, reading some letters. Alec didn’t know if there was a desk there before, but he didn’t care. He was standing in front of Charlotte Fairchild, his idol.
He was not going to make a fool himself today. Not today!
“It’s an honor to meet you,” Alec said in disbelief. “I’m Al-”
“Alec Lightwood,” she smiled. “The Consul in exile. I must say, it’s an honor to meet you too.”
“Staph!” Alec giggled.
Get yourself together, Alec!
“Truly,” she insisted. “I’m so impressed by everything you have achieved in such a short time.”
“But how do you know?” Alec wondered. “Who I am and what I-”
“Magic,” she simply shrugged. “Your husband is an extremely capable man.  I don’t know how but I seem to know who you are and what you do. I even know what Netflix is! How fascinating!”
“Um, good for you,” Alec said. “Do you…Do you know why I’m here?”
“The treasury,” Charlotte nodded. “You are worried about nephilim finances.”
“Without Idris, we don’t have access to the Citadel and w-” Alec didn’t want to rant. “I just don’t know what to do. We’ve been relying on religious institutions, but I don’t think that’s going to cut in the long run.”
“I see,” she looked into her teacup gravely. “How can I help you, Alec Lightwood.”
“I don’t know,” Alec bit his lip. “I don’t know if you can help me at all. I just…I just know I need to fix this. I need to fix it for my people. They are relying on me to lead them and I can’t let them down. But I don’t know how. I’ve been trying and I can’t seem to figure it out. And I’m running out of time. I can’t let the Nephilim economy collapse. I need to fix it. I need to find a way.”
Charlotte was quietly sipping her tea. Alec couldn’t help but be embarrassed a little. Here he was meeting his idol and lamenting about his problems. What would she think of him?
“You remind me of my son,” she said then.
“Oh,” Alec responded in surprise. “I’m not a blonde though. Now my parabatai Jace is just like Mat-”
“I was talking about Charles,” she corrected him.
“Oh,” Alec blinked. “Oh. Ew!”
Realization struck him and he covered his mouth in embarrassment.
“Shit! Shit, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. God, this is so-”
“No offense taken,” she put her teacup down. “I know Charles wasn’t, how do you say…oh, yes, he wasn’t a fan favourite.”
“I’m sure he had many redeeming qualities,” Alec offered, trying to salvage his fuck up.
“He did,” she smiled, and Alec couldn’t help but notice that it was a little sad. “But he also had many unredeemable ones.”
Alec didn’t know what to say about that. As a father, it was almost impossible to find fault with his kids. He was sure that Max and Rafe both would have vices of their own, but he didn’t know how to look at them as anything less than perfection.
“One thing Charles never understood was that leadership isn’t just about leading. It’s also about relying. It’s about leaning on the shoulders on those you trust.”
“But as the Consul it’s my job to fix it,” Alec pointed out.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help,” Charlotte countered. “It doesn’t make you weak or incompetent. It makes you stronger.”
Alec pouted. He felt like a child.
“I know it makes you feel vulnerable,” she stood up and walked towards him. “I was the first female consul. You don’t think I hesitated every time I needed help? It was torture. I knew I was better with the support of those I loved and trusted. But asking for help meant that I couldn’t do something on my own. It made my question my own competency. Then I couldn’t help but wonder if other would start questioning it.”
“I know,” Alec agreed. It was exactly how he felt every time he needed help too. He was scared to ask for it, wondering if others would think he wasn’t up for the task. It was torture indeed. 
“I think Charles would have turned out to be a better man if he had people he could trust and rely on. But he didn’t. But you know who did?”
“Matthew,” Alec replied.
“Yes. But as Matthew might tell you, there is no point in having friends if you can’t count on their support when you need it,” Charlotte said gently.
Alec knew she was right. But right things often were the hardest to do.
“You are the leader of Nephilim. It’s not an easy job. Not at all. So, stop trying to do it yourself. We Nephilim are nothing without our brothers and sisters. Trust those around you. Trust yourself.”
“I…It seems impossible at this point but I’ll try,” Alec promised.
“That’s the best any one of us can do,” she smiled. “Yours is the story that redefines what is impossible. I have faith in you, Alec Lightwood.”
“You do?” Alec asked in disbelief.
“You got Magnus Bane to settle down,” she chuckled. “There is little you can’t do.”
“Thanks,” Alec chuckled back.
They had a cup of tea then. They talked about politics. They talked about their families. They talk about the downworld. They even talked about Netflix.
It was one of the best days – or rather dreams – of Alec’s life.
“It’s hard, isn’t it?” Alec asked when he was about to leave.
“What’s hard?” Charlotte inquired.
“Being the first.”
He was the first gay Consul. She had been the first female Consul. He knew she could relate.
“It is hard,” she agreed. “But we make it a little bit easier for everyone who comes after us. That makes all of this worth it, don’t you think?”
Alec smiled. “Yeah. Yeah, it does. Thank you, Charlotte. Now how do I, um…”
“Close your eyes and think of home,” she smiled. “And don’t ask me how I know!”
“Okay, okay,” Alec chuckled and glanced at her one last time.
She was small. Even tiny. Alec was surprised by the amount of strength and kindness she carried inside that small body. She continued to amaze him in every possible way.
Her hair wasn’t red and her eyes weren’t green, but Alec knew that she was a Fairchild just as much as Clary. They were two of the strongest women he knew.
“Remember what I said,” she called. “Trust those around you. If you want to lead, you must learn to rely.”
“I will,” Alec promised her again.
“Who knows, it might even help you with your treasure problem,” she winked.
“What do you mean?” Alec raised an eyebrow.
“Our shadowhunters are more talented than we give them credit for,” she pointed out. “We have inventors, writers, poets, painters, musicians and so much more. Give them the opportunity to discover themselves. Let them earn their own income. Maybe they will contribute to the Clave.”
“Nephilim doing mundane jobs?” Alec gaped. “But that has never been done before!”
“Alexander Lightwood-Bane,” she chuckled fondly. “You are a gay man married to a bisexual warlock, raising two child one of whom is also a downworlder. You are a consul who is not allowed to set foot in Idris and currently are working from New York. Nothing you do has ever been done before!”
Alec laughed. “Okay, you are not wrong.”
“My Henry once told me that Nephilim aren’t meant for destruction,” she said gently. “We are meant to create. He told me that we are meant to create strength and preserve goodness. So, let them create. Let them preserve. ”
Alec thought of Clary and her art. Simon and his music. Jace and his plants. Izzy and her clothes. They all had something they were passionate about. They all had something they wanted to show the world. They all had something they had to sacrifice just because of their blood. They all restricted themselves of the good they can do just because the law said they couldn’t.
“You are the Consul, Alec,” Charlotte pointed out. “But the shadow world belongs to all of us. It is the responsibility of every single nephilim to fix it and to protect it – not just yours. So, let them help you. Maybe you could help each other.”
It could work. It could work if they figured out the logistics. Shadowhunters doing mundane jobs to pursue their passions. Shadowhunters helping to rebuild the treasury. It could work.
“Although I must warn you,” Charlotte hesitated suddenly. “People might oppose you and call this idea crazy.”
“That’s what makes it more fun, right?” Alec asked cheekily.
“There is the Lightwood devil I know,” she chuckled fondly, a thousand memories hiding in the winkles of her eyes. “I see why Magnus chose you.”
“Thank you,” Alec meant it with all his heart. “Thank you so much.”
“I only advised what I wish I could have done in my own time,” she said kindly. “I wish all the luck, Alec Lightwood. May the angel be with you always.”
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Consul,” Alec smiled.
“The pleasure was mine, Consul,” she smiled back.
It was surreal. All of it. The fact that he was Consul. The fact that he was talking to Charlotte. The fact that he might figure this out. All of it was surreal.
Alec never wanted it to be anything else. He loved his surreal life where every day was magic.
“Now it’s time to wake up,” she said, and Alec closed his eyes and thought of the smell of Sandalwood.
“So, what did she say?” Magnus inquired, lying on his side. “Did she help you figure it out?”
“She did,” Alec nodded. “She said that we should rely on things that are familiar. She said that we might tempted to try new things, because it’s easier to choose something new than to trust something old. Old things don’t automatically become clean and perfect. We need to work hard to-”
“Alexander,” Magnus slapped him on the arm. “Are you talking about laundry again????”
“You just need to press three buttons!!!” Alec reasoned. “Come on, Magnus!”
“You are the worst!” Magnus slapped him on the arm again and Alec started laughing and Magnus started to laugh with him.
His heart was overloaded with love, but he had never felt lighter. His head was swimming with possibilities for the new nephilim future and his heart felt at peace. Alec didn’t know that shadowhunters were capable of sleeping like this – without fear and without burden.
Yours it the story that redefines what is impossible, Charlotte had said. So, Alec closed his eyes and looked forward to the impossible future he planned to redefine.  
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
Inside TMI Gang's diaries part 3 - 2/2 for CoG
Clary: Dear diary, so what can I say a lot has happened, me and Sebastian went to find Ragnor and instead found. Magnus, he pretended to be Ragnor. And Sebastian kissed me and it felt wrong, but also he took me to the place where the Fairchild manor use to be, he took me to a burned down manor, and everything felt wrong. Anyway me and Jace also made the Wayland Manor collapse and figured out my father was torturing am angel. Jace is also mad at me so yay.
So um... Where do I begin, a lot has happened Idris was attacked, Max... Is dead and the Lightwoods are in pieces, Jace wrote me a love letter and ran off to go after Valentine and get himself killed most likely, Izzy I think probably still doesn't like me, my mom's back but I am mad at her, and she informed me that Jace isn't my brother and now all I can think about is how I want to tell him. Now we are preparing for the next battle so gotta make a rune brb.
*Later, later*
So my father was trying to raise the angel to destroy all the Downworlders, right, so um he killed Jace and I kinda replaced his name in the sand with mine and I used the wish to bring Jace back but like what will people think, oh well, I'd do again if it meant to have him back, safe and alive, to get to love him and make him happy, though idk does he still want me? either way I'd do it again. Also I can't wait to get back to new york and get some COFFEE!, but also please don't let Jace not love me anymore.
Jace: Dear diary, you'll find me in a bad spot at this moment, things have fallen apart, Hodge is dead but I don't feel much for him, Max was killed and I can't help but blame myself, after all it is my fault. The manor where I grew up collapsed and while I knew it was my childhood home, it also felt freeing watching it all fall apart, like watching the bad memories in that place being crushed, like seeing that you can heal. But as I am watching Clary sleep, I know I won't get the chance to ever heal myself, I love her but will never have a future with her, and I have to go after my father and stop him, I know where my journey ends and I always knew it would never be a happy ending for me. So I'll write her a letter and leave with her, I'll tell her all my feelings and let her know what she means to me. I know Izzy and Alec will understand in time. And I probably won't be coming back.
So I died but was brought back, I also fought Clary's creepy brother and my father is dead, I feel empty in so many ways, apparently my actual parents were Stephen and Céline Herondale, which would mean Imogen was my grandmother, I don't know what people want me to say or do, I don't even know who I am anymore. Amatis gave me a box with stuff that belonged to my father in it, but I don't know this man, and I know nothing about my mother, I am sitting here looking through it but what am I supposed to feel? I am sitting here thinking about how Clary asked for me of all the things she could have had but maybe she didn't actually want me now, maybe she felt she owed me and that was it, I wouldn't blame her, but I love her, I love her more than anything, I want to see her so bad, she always knows what to say to me and how to comfort me, I miss her. We are also going back to new york soon and thankfully the news that I am apparently a Herondale hasn't gotten to far out yet and hopefully I'll be gone before it does, I don't want to see the stares or hear the whispers. And I'll be back to my room and my blades.
Alec: Dear diary, I write to you today with mixed feelings, of loss and gain, Max is gone and it's all my fault, I spent so much time trying to protect Jace and Izzy that I forgot Max needed protecting too, me and Magnus are a thing now I think, but I can't help but feel guilty because I shouldn't have something so great when I failed to protect my baby brother. Mom and Dad probably will hate me now and Izzy is too shocked and upset for anything honestly, she blames herself but it really isn't her fault. Jace ran off and if I lose him too I don't know if I'll be able to go on like I use to.
Somehow our gang is still alive, i have no idea why or how but we are, the pain and hurt and grief is still strong but we will have to carry on. Jace is a Herondale and honestly I don't know how to feel, but he must be so conflicted, I am giving him space cause I know that's what he needs right now. Izzy is hanging with Simon who got her to get out of her room and maybe there will be some friendship between them, me and Magnus are apparently going on a trip and it is what I need, I can't be around at the moment with everybody staring and grieving. And I think everyone needs some space right now, hopefully we'll all be able to get through it, hopefully me and Magnus will be together.
Magnus: Dear diary, there is much to say but no time for it, the Shadowhunters are at war, not surprised, Alec asked me why I never called him back in the middle of a fight, honestly this man, but also he kissed me in front of people in the accords hall which is all I needed him to do to tell me he is serious, although he has also lost so much and I can only hope for the strength he'll need to get through it, we are going to war but Biscuit has made a rune to unite Shadowhunters and Downworlders, honestly this girl is gonna surprise the Clave in many ways and cause so much chaos, I can't wait to see it.
We are all pretty much are alive, many were lost but we won the war, if you can call it a win. Me and Alec will be going on a trip, I hope maybe it will help him cope a little, Shadowhunters aren't known for grieving too long, but I think it would do good for them to grieve longer for their lost. Jace is a Herondale and now everything makes much more sense as to why he is the way he is, he has a journey ahead of him though and I can only imagine what he must be feeling, Isabelle I have much respect for and I hope she'll find the comfort she needs in the ones who care for her, Simon Lewis is a brave boy and deserves more credit than people give him, Biscuit is the bravest and I wish her well on her journey to becoming a Shadowhunter, although I don't think Jocelyn will be pleased. I am heading back to new york after the party tonight to deliver the news of Ragnor's death to Catarina and Raphael, and to catch up on some stuff before me and Alec leave, I still wonder if it is all over though.
Izzy: Dear diary, I don't know what to say, so much is lost and I don't know what to do, it's the first time in my life I have felt this lost, it's all my fault that Max is dead, I should have protected him, I never should have trusted that piece of trash Sebastian, if I could kill him I would and if I get the chance I will, Hodge is dead as well but honestly don't care. Simon came to see me and comforted me, he is the only one who didn't say that I need to be strong or that it will get better, he just held me and said it's gonna hurt for a while but your aren't alone, and that's all I needed. And Jace ran off, I wasn't gonna follow him cause I respected his decision but I can't let him die thinking there's something wrong with him or that Clary is his sister, he deserves to know.
Sebastian is dead and I am happy about that, many were lost but not my loved ones, I thank the angel for that, Jace is a Herondale and I don't know what he'll do but I won't let people take him, he's my brother, him and Clary can finally be together and I wish them happiness, if the two idiots would realize that they still want each other lol sometimes I wonder about my brothers, Alec is with Magnus now and all I can say is finally. I'll see where things with Simon goes and I actually kinda hope it goes somewhere, but I'll never say that out loud. I still blame myself for Max but I got to keep going, I know he'd want me to.
Simon: Dear diary, my prison friend turned out to be Hodge and he is dead now, idk how to feel, I almost burned tho, at least I was saved, that Sebastian killed Max and I feel terrible for the Lightwoods, Izzy is a wreck and I comforted her after everything, Clary and Jace aren't siblings and I am happy to hear that, it means they won't be suffering anymore and the angst will stop but Jace ran off and he may not come back so maybe it will be worse, Jocelyn is awake and idk what will happen when we get back but I don't think Clary plans to stop being a Shadowhunter, also speaking of my badass best friend, she made an alliance rune, and put the mark of cain on me she feels terrible about that last one but I asked her for a reason, it will all be okay.
Everything is okay, thank God, mostly everyone is alive and we can go back to somewhat normal life, tho I don't know how they expect the Lightwoods to, Jace is a Herondale and I guess that's basically a kinda Royal Shadowhunter family? Idk, Clary and Jace appear to be okay, they walked up to us holding hands and it seems they worked things out, I am happy for them. Things with Izzy may be going somewhere but also things with Maia are going somewhere, idk what to do but it may end terribly, Magnus and Alec are a thing now and that's good, I just want to get back to new york and out of here.
Sebastian: Dear diary, these dumbasses have no idea who I really am, father said they wouldn't but I thought maybe they were smarter, especially Jace, you were raised by father as well you pathetic boy, but I guess you fell in love which is exactly what father told you not to do, although he is punishing you for it and trying to get back control over by making you believe Clary is your sister and making you think you are a monster, I am enjoying the show, honestly maybe you'll end yourself that would be fun to watch, although I'd like to kill you myself, after all you were always father's favorite and I would love to see father's face when I kill you, I hope you know I will kill you if I can.
Well apparently I am dead.
Church: Dear Cat diary, the idiots all lived except the kid, I feel bad he had so much more life to live, the Herondale figured out he was a Herondale congratulations Dum dum, maybe his tragic love will end now that he knows, also Jem seriously I miss you and still want you to save me. Magnus and Alec are together now and it's about damn fucking time, Isabelle is gonna be Isabelle, I feel that Simon kid will be around more now, Clary will probably be a Shadowhunter now, so much fucking happened and honestly the Shadowhunters need to get their shit together. Valentine may be dead but the stuff he caused isn't, there is much to be rebuilt, I just hope the drama is over, I am getting to old for this shit. Jem again I miss you and you are the only other intelligent one, end my suffering please!, Also I want some tuna, I'm gonna go find that Herondale to get me some.
(again not my best but the others will be better, I can't wait to continue, hopefully you enjoy these)
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misterclaremontdiaz · 5 years
angel: please wax poetic with me about magnus and alec and their lil babies. i feel like you and me are on the same wavelength when it comes to our boys havin a whole ass gorgeous family and i need someone to scream about it with. like !!!! magnus coming home to be balled over by two excited kiddos who are so happy their papa is home! alec trying to be the strict dad at first but ABSOLUTELY failing. magnus and alec doing the “ask your father” back and forth so much their kids are like GOD !!
Yes yes yes ! Immortal husbands are gonna adopt a lot of kids // take in downworlders that need a home for a day or years. The home they buy together once all the shit has gone down is large and open and can fit everyone they love. They picked out everything about the house together from the paint to the decor so it’s a perfect combo of Them . The house is always having to expand magically cause they keep it open for anyone in need.
I don’t think they wait that long to adopt after tying the knot. These two don’t know how to go slow. Getting married months after meeting ?? They were already talking about kids so its not a surprise when Magnus brings up a little warlock girl who needs a home bc she was dumped outside a hospital only hours old. Her warlock mark is very obvious but together they make sure she grows up not being ashamed of herself or her mark like Magnus did.
After the little girls comes more kids I see them adopting babies and older kids. Older kids that have been given up on for whatever reason but magnus and alec never give up on them.
I’m rambling but you know they just have the perfect life which they both deserve a million percent
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