#girl guides
marvelmaniac715 · 23 days
I was lowkey in a cult when I was younger because once a week I would go to a hall, in uniform, with several little girls, and we would work towards a common goal (earning badges) and we’d start every meeting with a song where the leaders, whose names we never knew so we called them things such as Brown Owl - it was all owl themed for some reason - would form an arch with their arms and we would all skip through their linked arms whilst chanting about what we were. Then we would recite a promise whilst holding our fingers up in a three fingered salute, I can still remember it and it went like this:
“I promise that I will do my best to be true to myself and develop my beliefs, to serve the Queen and my community, to help other people and to keep the Brownie Guide law.”
Then at the end of the session we would link hands and lift them up and down to simulate bells whilst singing a song that I do still remember that went like this:
“Oh Lord our god, thy children call, grant us life ease, and bless us all, goodnight.”
Then the leaders would say “Goodnight Brownies” and we’d go home like that was normal. Our parents not only knew about this, but fully supported it because where I live that’s just a normal part of childhood that’s looked back upon fondly, and they get these children in YOUNG, the Rainbows are like six or seven, and it’s not just girls, the boys have Scouts. But it’s not just the meetings that were odd, when I was too old to be a Brownie (you can only go when you’re eight to ten years old) there was a special moving up ceremony where I could become a Guide. You might wonder “What’s so strange about that?” Well, after being given a book to read about the mythological story behind the creation and ethos of the group involving a talking owl, the chosen girls would be lifted by the arms by two of the leaders and ‘flown’ over a plastic replica toadstool (I’m in a wheelchair so I just wheeled around it), then they would stand before a fake pond, spin around three times, then recite:
“Twist me and turn me and show me the elf, I looked in the water and there saw myself.”
Then we’d get a badge and people would clap. I thought nothing of it at the time but it was only after I left Guides (I could have kept going and eventually become a leader myself) that I realised just how odd it was. And that was just the modern day, back in World War Two these little girls were used to gather scraps to make weapons as well as to raise money and spread flyers for the war effort. Is it just me that finds this whole thing kind of culty? 😂
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orcsporkdidi · 18 days
been wanting to make a patch jacket for ages now because i have a few band patches, but i want to practice first, because i've never really sewn before. so finally my old girl guide badges are coming in handy for something!!
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marylinasblog · 2 months
The dating handbook.
Act like you already know you're a catch—but you need to know if he values it. This is how a queen would analyse her candidates before birth control—make him work to prove himself.
Look confident in your femininity, like a proud peacock and let him take your energy in. This will put him on edge and scared to offend but he will relax his nerves a bit once you get talking. This won't throw off a HVM as he doesn't have anything to worry about- he knows you'll trust him in time and he knows you're worth the effort. He will demonstrate he values you: he will book the table at the upscale restaurant and pull the seat out and have in depth conversations whilst giving you the puppy eyes.
Whenever you fall into that 'Omg he's cute does he like me, am I good enough? What else can I do to impress???' mindset, you're going to gift him the upper hand every time & end up chasing/getting your ass run because you're working too hard to get his validation. Approach the date with QUEEN energy that fills up the room. Keep the first dates more serious whilst you sniff him out. Don't become the jokey fun drunk party girl he could just have a bit of fun on the side with (this is important! Do not let him get you blind drunk - that's his tactic to get your guard down for sex).
They can smell that sense of self doubt the same way we can so just relax. He really might not turn out all that (what if he's hot & turns out to be a simpleton? Are you a simpleton? Why does he deserve that pedestal then?). Switch off the scarcity mindset, most these men are very replaceable & far less impressive than they initially make out.
Stop being too available. Have a tint of mystery to your aura. (I will be writing a blog on how to do so). Don't be waiting eagerly for his texts like an addict- assume he's bullshit & make him work for you to think otherwise. Some bored men are just filling time. Equally if he's playing the loooong lazy game on a constant basis, as in really not making much conversational effort, don't get too excited about that & match his low efforts- he may be plating other women, not v interested or trying to turn you into a lapdog (chase me). Don't over complicate it- men will make time for what they value (& some men don't value women full stop). He will find time to mategate dream girl. If he has a v busy job or is going through something stressful (like a sick family member)- give him some leeway but he should still be communicating throughout the week and opening up his weekend time for you. If he is taking too long to reply too often- bring that up & communicate- find out whether it's for genuine reason- make sure you're on the same page & he's in the space to date. Also pay attention to how fast he replies to his phone when with you- if he’s making you wait 4 hours a time & replies to his friend fast- you know where you stand.
Stop being scared to offend them. You need to come down heavy, otherwise these men will wriggle in and ruin your life. They will steal even more time from you. Don't just chase him because you're offended by his behaviour or rejection! Understand his mask has slipped. Do you REALLY want to be involved with that trash? You don't have to risk feeling more hurt, disrespected & used. ​Be in control & cut him off.
This kind of assertiveness will make you unattractive to manipulators. They know you put YOU & your dignity first. They know they can't shake your character.
Keep certain aspects of yourself in the dark for when he has come far enough to gain your trust (6 month minimum for me). This is where restraint & discipline has to come in if they are funny/very attractive/have the gift of the gab. If you're warming to them quickly, you’re in danger of letting your guard down too fast.
Brush off all attempts at him trying to probe too deeply on your personal or sensitive stuff fast (looking for weak-spots 9/10) & respond to any attempts at negging you with blunt sarcastic witty jabs (no over emotional reactions like he worked you up). This shows you can handle fools assertively without getting worked up: you can give as good as you get.
This will either make him wind his neck in & make him stop his shit tests. He then will realise that you're not insecure or here for the BS, or he will escalate this in a bid to crack you & this will become a red flag to cut him off (he's insecure/out of his depth/trying to lower your self-worth).
Be aware that manipulative low value men are prone to selling you sob stories (about ex’s /their childhood) quick to make YOU respond by letting your guard down & revealing your weak spots - so be weary of this as this is often where we women slip up. He says something about his childhood issues & then we splurt out the deepest depths of ourselves. We are judging HIM remember - we already know ourselves - so let him prove himself over time before you truly let him in. Low value men know the prime door to get their foot in is through your emotions. Keep that in mind always. Hence why women who can emotionally self regulate/have discipline/hold high standards are DIFFICULT to manipulate long term - they have internal barriers in place which prevent them from investing once his mask slips. A savvy woman with experience of men, who has options & is not needy, is not gonna show her cards & play wifey fast- if she does, he knows she's REALLY into him & its gonna pump his ego, make him think he can sit back & get away with doing bare minimum. So make him earn it. Men are used to insecure over-emotional women being the norm & making them chase after/nag them- it bores them eventually...so be a challenge & make yourself stand out. It's going to make him curious why you have such high esteem & don't fall for or trust him easily. Show some restraint & keep your game face on, even if you really want to rip his clothes off or really like him, because you barely know this man, his intentions or his character. All of this could be a honeymoon phase or a persona yet.
They are going to start laughing & getting cocky if they think 'haha wow I bagged this girl out of my league quick, that didn't take much' & boy oh boy does that inflate a mediocre man's confidence- this is how their false ego gets built up. You need to bide some time getting to know his character before you start letting the guard down or cooking for him (wifey stuff) or letting him in your apartment quick (convenient for him to escalate to sex). If he starts acting up cos he paid for a measly date or 2 and starts talking about you 'treating' him now or joking about your 'turn'/ going halfsies when he is grown- just laugh in his face at the audacity & look around with the most unimpressed face like you're waiting for the joke- that will shut him up & he won't try that again. But I’d take that as a possible yellow flag he’s insecure, cocky or already resentful of the effort you require- likes he’s already considering whether the investment is worth his while. A confident high value man knows a high value woman is worth every penny- he knows the return on that investment is high- he is sure he has the qualities to keep that woman off the market so spending on dates to prove his generosity is a small price to pay to bah his dream girl. Like I said don’t take personal offence to this shit test- he might be worried he’s not enough of a man to keep you so he’s cautious of all this spending. But if he’s trying this shit test a lot- he is definitely low value/ not trying to commit & he’s likely trying to take you for a soft target to exploit. Believe me he will already know you’re high value, whether they are valuable enough to keep you off the market is another question. That’s for you to decide. It’s his risk if he wants to try to take a high value woman for a ride. Don’t feel bad you wasted his money if he’s happy to waste your time. No one told him to bat up this league, no one told him to lie.
Don't be flattered by lovebombing/ excessive compliments & mistake that for real chemistry. That 'too good to be true' gentleman act/dopamine rush is usually short lived, so stay weary until you're over that 3 month mark (he'll struggle to keep that up if he's bluffing - his attitude & real self will come out). A few compliments from him is totally fine but no 'omg you're absolutely stunning and amazing look at YOUUU!' all the time. It's fake and insincere & he's doing it deliberately to put you on a pedestal he will later dethrone. It’s also likely he sees you as a sexual object for an ego boost.
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corduroy-leggings · 2 months
Girl Guide camp is so fun. I go in to the woods with a hat covered in crafts for like, a week, forget that men ever existed, and then come home singing songs about being consumed by a giant reptile.
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Girl Guide Cookie Plushies - Vanessa Vanilla & Chantel Chocolate
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did a survey at the 2023 youth guiding summit in ottawa, found out that approximately 75-80% of 15-30 year olds in guiding are queer
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“GIRLS?!?” -Robert Baden Powell
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katischaos · 1 year
The girl guide to queer pipeline is REAL
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Girl guides?
more like
“girl” GUYdes
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orcsporkdidi · 18 days
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progress on the cult jacket so far!!
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jaymesbuckman · 1 year
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lilgayducky · 11 days
Rakiura - Stewart Island
This island is my anchor
Where trees echo the stories of the land
And rangers laugh and dance and sing
Unleashing the wild child within.
This island is my anchor
Where I will sing with friends until 
the fires burn out
And the sky grows dark
Then the eyes of the universe
Will illuminate the path
Guiding the way for tired girls
Safely back to their cabins
And to their beds where
They will rest their tired bones
Prepared for another day.
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Duchess of York wearing the uniform of the Girl Guides
British vintage postcard
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coochiequeens · 1 year
It’s bad enough that grown ass men are trying to weasel their way into women only spaces but to see them now try to do they same to space meant for minor girls is infuriating.
An Australian mother has come forward to express concerns about an adult man who had been given access to her daughter’s Girl Guides event, ostensibly on the basis of his gender identity.
Every year, the Girl Guides in Australia holds a Jamboree advertised to Australian parents of as a week long adventure of female empowerment for their daughters. This year, over 1,000 young Australian girls between the ages of 10 and 17 attended the event in Ballarat, Victoria. For many, this was their first time away from home and family.
While most parents might assume that the staff in closest contact with their girls would be female, one Aussie mother was horrified to have received a text message from her daughter that there was a man in attendance. 
Speaking to Reduxx, Queensland mother Sadie* says she had allowed her 14-year-old daughter to travel with her Guiding friends to the Jamboree, but shortly after received a text message from the girl informing her that there was a man “pretending to be a woman, wearing a Guide shirt.”
Sadie said she immediately contacted the camp leader and second-in-charge with the information her daughter provided. After a brief investigation, Sadie was told that the man was “was part of the Scouts group assisting the event set-up but not staying on site.” Sadie was initially told the man may have “borrowed” the shirt.
Sadie says that she understood that the usual procedure for males on Guide camp sites was for them to be chaperoned by a Guide Leader. But, as messages from her daughter continued to roll in, Sadie quickly learned the man was participating in events directly with the girls.
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Sadie explains she received images and messages from her daughter of the man performing onstage in a skirt with the local hosting guide troop, mingling with the children, and appearing to act in a supervisory capacity.
“If I could have jumped in the car and brought her home, I would have… but this was the first time she had travelled interstate without me, I was even fearful of telling other parents as I didn’t want them to feel as distressed and helpless as I did. Parents should have been told that a man was participating as a Guide on-site at the Jamboree.”
Sadie once again contacted Camp Leaders, who told her they would “talk” to her daughter — something Sadie says she instructed them not to do. She told Reduxx she did not want her daughter singled out or disciplined, and was concerned her child would be “gaslit” by adult staff insisting the man was in fact a woman.
Upon returning home, Sadie says her daughter told her: “We could all see he is a man, he had facial fluff, but nobody dared say anything.”
Girl Guides Australia’s Child Safe Safety Frameworks places emphasis on that it is an “inclusive, supportive, safe and friendly girl-only environment,” but further policies articulate that “girls” can include anyone who identifies as such.
According to the organization’s Guidelines for Diversity and Inclusion: “Membership of GGA and SGGOs is limited to girls and women. Under the terms of this policy, ‘girls and women’ include persons who identity as and live their lives as, females. For the purposes of Australian Guiding membership, non-female gender is a lawfully permitted basis for denying membership.”
On the basis of these guidelines, Girl Guides Australia is open to any person, male or female, who expresses a “female’’ gender identity. Ironically, any female who does not have a “female” gender identity, such as those who identify as as “non-binary” or “trans,” would not be allowed to participate in Girl Guides membership.
The guidelines further state that the organization would not discriminate against any member on the basis of sex or gender identity.
Sadie believes the policies must be urgently reviewed in order to ensure the safeguarding of the young girls who participate in Girl Guides events. 
“The Girl Guiding Inclusion policy … does not reflect community expectations. It must be reassessed by sensible voices who see safeguarding of our children as the priority, not the inclusion of men and boys able to roam unsupervised around our young daughters,” the mother says.
Sadie has told Reduxx she has reported the presence of a male at the Jamboree as an official incident with her daughter’s Girl Guide Leaders. At this stage, she said she feels her “concerns have been taken seriously.” If the response is considered unsatisfactory, Sadie may escalate her concerns higher in the organization.
Girl Guides Australia did not respond to a request for comment on their policies.
While the identity of the transgender male who oversaw the youth at the Jamboree is currently unknown, this is not the first time concerns have been raised about the global shift in “inclusivity” amongst Girl Guides organizations. 
Last year, a frenzy was sparked in the United Kingdom after a trans-identified male with a disturbing social media history became the lead Commissioner for the Southwell division of Girlguding, the nation’s Girl Guides franchise.
Monica Sulley, a male who identifies as a woman, became the lead Commissioner for the Southwell division of Girlguiding in July of 2021, but came to widespread attention later on in the year after concerning social media posts emerged. Sulley had made posts on multiple platforms of photos of himself posing with weapons, dressed in bondage gear, and captioning himself “Mistress.”
Some members of the public who attempted to contact Girlguiding to submit complaints about Sulley were later contacted by police and threatened with arrest
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expfcultragreen · 26 days
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So......80% of the cookie money goes to "highly patriarchal" trad german snackfood tychoons, and the other 20% goes to....internal propaganda surrounding turning the girls into sellers for them? And there's allegations of a family culture of hating whistleblowers? But the allegations come from a child abductor?
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lunarninja613 · 11 months
Did y'all know that Carrie Fisher was a Girl Scout? So were Queen Elizabeth II, Taylor Swift, Mariah Carey, and Hilary Clinton.
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