#gangster squad fic
elusivewildflower · 2 years
Take My Last Name | Sgt. Jerry Wooters x Reader
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Pairing: Sgt. Jerry Wooters x F! Reader
Summary: You begrudgingly leave Jerry’s bed and arrive back home at the wrong time, just as your uncle has realized that his mansion has been bugged by cops. You’ve been out and about more often the last month, and he believes you may have something to do with ratting him out. He places his hands on you, and when you are freed, you run right back to Jerry. 
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, abuse/violence (reader being strangled for a brief bit) 
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I don’t know how many people will read this, as I tried to find other Jerry Wooters fics last night and found none on this site, but I hope those of you that do will enjoy it! You can’t go wrong with any of Ryan Gosling’s characters, and I’m obsessed with all of them. Thank you so much to @truesblue​ for being my beta for this!! 
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“Sweetie, don’t go.” 
“I have to, Jer. He’s gonna wonder where I am.” 
“Then let him wonder.” 
“I’ve gotta go.” 
Those were the last words you had spoken to Jerry before you weaseled your way out of his arms and made the drive back home to your uncle’s. You checked up your makeup in a tiny pocket mirror, wanting to look put-together and not like you’d been up all night rolling around in the sheets, before stepping out of the car and entering the mansion. You despised calling it home, really wishing you had let Jerry convince you to stay. 
As you ventured further, the sounds of a commotion coming from the small living room prickled your attention. The distinct crash of glass shattering, heavy objects being tossed about, and of course, the angry shouts of your uncle filled your ears from where you halted across. You saw movement in the corner of your eye, and turned to find the maid shooing Grace, your uncle’s girl, out of the house. Lucky, you thought. She at least has a family to run to. Your parents had been murdered a few years back in retaliation of something your uncle had done. You’d never been given specifics, but someone had targeted Mickey’s only living family, which had been your father, mother, and you, to hurt him. Thankfully, you had accepted a last minute invitation to go out with friends, and you weren’t at home when the attack happened. Otherwise, you’d be six feet underground like your parents. Your uncle Mickey took you in when that had happened, vowing to find those responsible and keep you safe. If only you had known back then it was him that you really needed to be saved from. 
“You!” Mickey snarled, effectively shaking you from your thoughts. When your eyes met his figure, his arm was raised and finger pointed directly at you. Oh. This can’t be good.
A chill ran down your spine as he closed the distance between you, your fear rooting you in place when you probably should’ve run. “Where the hell have you been?” He questioned harshly, his finger now wagging in your face. 
“Out with Connie and Peggy. It was a girl’s night.” You lied right through your teeth. 
He stepped closer towards you, his form crowding around you as your back pressed against the wall. You hadn’t realized you had been backing away from him until that moment. “Don’t lie to me!” He shouted in your face. 
You shook your head vigorously, opening your mouth to object when he continued on. 
“You’ve been out an awful lot lately, and someone has been ratting me out.” He spoke in an accusatory tone. 
You shook your head once more. “I’ve been going out with the girls, just like I used to do before mom and dad died.” 
In an instant, Mickey’s hands were wrapped around your throat. His pure strength he had as a retired boxer showed as he lifted you from the ground with his hold. “Then why did one of my men see you chatting up a cop the other night?” 
You gasped for air as he throttled you, your fingers trying desperately to pry his hands away from your neck. You were unsuccessful, and tears began brimming in your eyes. “Cops aren’t my type,” you wheezed out quickly, “I let him down easy.” It was another lie, but you hoped it would be enough to get him to let go. Instead, he only tightened his grip. Your lungs felt as if they were on fire, your last bit of air used to answer him. Tears trailed down your cheeks as your heart hammered in your ears. The corners of your vision were beginning to grow dark as you struggled to breathe.
You could barely see as your uncle regarded you for a few moments, seemingly pondering over whether or not you were telling the truth. Or at least, that’s what you hoped he was pondering, and not whether or not he actually wanted to kill his niece. When he finally released his hold, you crumpled to the floor, your legs unable to hold your weight. Your hands flew to your neck to soothe the pain as you gasped for air, only to immediately break out in a coughing fit. Slowly, you regained your vision, watching as your uncle retreated back into the living room, shouting for his men to find the bug within his home. 
When you felt the coast was clear, and you had enough strength back in your body, you staggered to your feet and made a run for your car. You didn’t bother to look back as you threw her in drive and sped off to the only place you could think of. Jerry’s. 
More tears rolled down your cheeks on the drive over. Pulling into his driveway, you decided to check your reflection in your pocket mirror. What greeted you when you flipped the mirror open made you grimace. Your eyes were red and bleary, streaks of your tears mixed with mascara stained your cheeks, and when you caught a glimpse of the bruising your uncle’s hands left behind….You snapped the mirror shut.  
You rapped on Jerry’s front door, hoping that it wouldn’t take him long to answer. You hoped no one else would have to see you like this, and it was broad daylight afterall. Within moments the door is swung open, revealing the man you had been sleeping with for the past few weeks. He was dressed in gray slacks, but a simple white undershirt. His blue eyes quickly take in your appearance, his expression shifting from one of worry to anger in seconds. 
“Sweetie, what the hell happened to you?! Who did this?” He questioned, his hands reaching out to grasp your arms and pull you closer to him. You didn’t object to his touch, but you didn’t feel like answering his questions right now. You just wanted to be wrapped up in his arms, the only place that you ever felt safe. You shake your head and bury your face into his chest, fresh tears falling down your face. 
He gently guides you further into the house, shutting and locking the door behind him. Now that you were safe behind closed doors, he wrapped his muscular arms around you tightly and held you there for a good while. Your tears soaked through his thin shirt, but he didn’t seem to care. One of his hands rose to rub your back soothingly as he pressed his lips to the top of your head. After your sobs settle into sniffles, he pulls back slightly to place a finger under your chin. He then prompts you to lift your head, and you do so willingly. His free hand ghosts over the handprints that are now bruised into your skin, and he closes his eyes, sucking in a deep, calming, breath. He lowers his forehead to press against yours. 
“Who did this?” He asked once more, this time in a much softer voice.
You sucked in a shaky breath. “Mickey.” 
Jerry’s jaw clenched tightly. “I’ll kill him, I swear to God I’ll kill him.” He moves to take a step away from you as his body shakes with anger. 
You shake your head and reach back out for him, desperate to pull him close again. “No, Jerry, no. Please…I don’t have anywhere to go.” You begged. 
He allowed you to pull him back right where you wanted him. His intense blue eyes stared directly into yours. “You’ll stay right here.” 
“He’ll come after me.” You protested. 
It was Jerry’s turn to shake his head. “No. I’ll protect you. I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.” His words held so much conviction that you had to believe him, even if his promise seemed impossible. “We’ve got a plan.” 
He was referring to the gangster squad, the ones that planted the bug your uncle had just found out about. You looked a bit unsure of him for a moment. Sure, the gangster squad had done well in thwarting your uncle’s business plans, but as far as you knew, most of their tactics weren’t actually planned out very well. They had mostly been lucky. 
“Even if your squad is successful,” you began. “I’ll always be a target. His enemies, hell even his men that survive, they’ll come after me just because I have his name.” 
Jerry fell quiet for a few moments. His eyes dropped from yours as he seemed to be mulling something over. You searched his face for any inkling of what it may be, but his expression changed to a blank look before you could piece anything together. Your brows furrowed together in worry. “What?” You questioned, not liking the silence he had created. 
His eyes met yours again as he gave a shrug. “Marry me.” 
You blinked a few times as your brain tried to understand what he had said so nonchalantly. He wanted to marry you? You had only known each other for a little over a month. “What?” You asked yet again as your eyes searched for any hint that this may be a joke. 
“Marry me.” He repeats himself. “You won’t have his name anymore, you’ll take mine.” He paused for a beat. “Mrs. (Y/N) Wooters.” He tilts his head to the side as he regards you, a small smile pulling at his lips. “I kinda like the sound of that.” A brow raises as he waits for your response. “What do you say?” 
Your thoughts feel as if they’re traveling through your mind a mile a minute. You hadn’t known this man for long, but already he made you happier than any other man in your life. This might be a rash decision, but maybe, just maybe, he’d keep his promise of keeping you safe. You’d finally be free of your uncle. 
A smile spreads across your face, “Yes.” 
“Yes?” He echoed, sounding as if he was unsure of your response. 
You nodded, “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.” 
His smile broke out into a grin as he quickly pressed his lips to yours. It was gentle, as if he was afraid of applying too much pressure due to your injury, but still passionate. His large arms wrapped around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck, ignoring the throbbing pain in your throat. You were just happy to be in his arms, something you’d now get to be in for the rest of your life. 
Jerry broke the kiss first, pulling away from you. “Wait here,” he instructed before disappearing into his home. 
You glanced around at the place you’d now get to call your home as you patiently awaited him to return. When he did return, he had a small box in his hand. You eyed it over curiously as he brought it closer for your inspection. Not giving you a chance to question what it was, he popped it open, revealing an ornate diamond ring. 
“It was my mother’s,” he explained, removing it from the box and taking your left hand in his. He slid it onto your ring finger slowly. It was a perfect fit. 
“Now, it’s yours.” 
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maniacwatchestheworld · 5 months
So about the Batfamily and ghosts...
So I was looking through the DPxDC tag and just... Ghosts are actually like a known thing that Batman and Co. know that they sometimes have to deal with...? Batman does sometimes need to deal with supernatural threats, including spirits and ghosts among other things (Solomon Grundy is an undead gangster and tends to live in Gotham's sewers. Jason Blood can turn into the demon Etrigan and he often lives in Gotham). So Bruce and company would ABSOLUTELY believe that Danny is a ghost by the time the rest of the Batfam is there once Danny shows off his ability to turn intangible and fly.
As two examples of ghosts that are not uncommon for Batman and squad to have to deal with, on the rogues side, you have Gentleman Ghost aka James Craddock.
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Who was a 19th century thief/highwayman before he was killed and cursed to never be able to pass on. He tends to travel around, stealing things and causing general mischief, so Batman sometimes runs into and has to deal with him. Also he's British by the by, so have fun with that! (Also you know. His character design is just rad as hell so I personally always love to see him pop up in things!)
And on the heroic side you have Deadman aka Boston Brand.
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(Yes, he did die in those clothes.) He was an aerolist acrobat (he did much of the same type of things that Dick Grayson did at the circus) who died during a performance and was unable to pass on until he found his killer... But then decided to stick around anyway to help the Justice League out where he can. Normal people typically cannot see nor hear him, so he has to possess others to be able to communicate with the living.
So yes! Batman and family do know that ghosts exist and have dealt with them before! And in fact, they have special equipment to deal with them and other supernatural foes they may face! Specifically they have access to the material known as Nth Metal, which is able to effect and hurt ghosts even when intangible otherwise. They have batarangs made of Nth metal, but Nth metal can be used to make anything that you can use metal for. So Nth metal knuckles or handcuffs are not out of the question. Nth metal does tend to be pretty rare on Earth, but eh. Brucie is rich af so that's not much of a problem for the bats.
So there you go! Some info on Batman and his experiences with ghosts! I hope you find this useful and can use some of these pieces of information in your fics and headcanons or whatever! This has been a PSA!
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jwirecs · 7 months
hello, hello! here are my bts recs of october! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Photograph || @i-am-baechu💕💔✅
↳ Jimin hated Y/N. Y/N didn’t know why. It all changed with a photograph.
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Beside You || @nochukoo97🔞💕✅
↳ you miss your boyfriend after not seeing him for a long time, so who could blame you if you couldn’t resist him once you saw him?
Claimed || @bethschamberoftales🔞💕💔✅
↳ He promised that he is going to fuck you hard so you won't be able to walk after that. You took that lightly but the thing is, Jungkook never breaks his promises.
Finish Line || @bonny-kookoo🔞💕🔄
↳ He's one of the best, no race too tough to handle, every track a new challenge he takes on- especially when it's you who's waiting at the finish line for him.
Loverboy || @kookslastbutton🔞💕💔✅
↳ After a startling conversation with your coworkers, you start feeling insecure about your sexual prowess. You don't initiate as much, you haven't worn lingerie yet, and you're still timid about doing much seducing with your body–are you giving your boyfriend boring sex? Taehyung reassures you that you are perfect and have nothing to worry about.
Never Goodbye || @smutlvrrr🔞💕✅💯💯💯
↳ It’s never goodbye, I’ll always see you again…
Support System || @bangtanfanfiction🔞💕✅
↳ You’re the support system Hoseok needs in times of uncertainty without his members. And you make sure he knows it. 
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Masked Miracles || @remedyx🔞💕💔🔄
↳ It wasn't supposed to happen this way. A quick in and out. Infiltrate and bring down a hybrid trafficking ring. Saving lives while we're at it. But things hardly ever go to plan. And being locked in with seven hybrids that meant more to me than victims forced into a life they didn't deserve was definitely not according to the plan.
Safe And Sound || @bearr02🔞💕💔🔄
↳ You have worked at a hybrid rehab and adoption center for years, enjoying being able to help people others only see as their animal side. You thought you might end up taking in one or two, what you didn’t expect however, was to take in 7.
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A Thief's End || @eleni-cherie🔞💕💔✅
↳ he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble.
Best Served Cold || @anotherbtswriter🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Yoongi is at the bottom of the organization just trying to stay alive when the story starts.
City Of Lights || @sunnebeam🔞💕💔🔄
↳ (theres no summary, but i will put the warnings instead! - warnings: gangster squad au, smut (18+), cheating, mafia shit, minor character death, murder, mentions of blood)
Cruel Intentions || @explicit-tae🔞💕💔✅
↳ You adored your eldest brother - you truly did. Before his addiction got the best of him, he was amazing at caring for you and your other siblings. Now, however, it was your turn to care for him without the help of your siblings who long abandoned him, advising you to do the same. Once your brother manages to get himself imprisoned, you realize just how much trouble he got himself into. Once your family is threatened, you offer to pay off the debts your brother owes with the one thing any powerful man couldn't resist - your virginity.
Darkest Little Paradise || @sunnebeam🔞💕💔🔄
↳ (theres no summary, but i will put the warnings: mafia au, smut (18+), sex work, mentions of past accident, amnesia / memory loss, more warnings to be added upon series completion)
My Beauty, My Blood || @7cypher🔞💕💔✅
↳ With Namjoon out of the picture, Jeongguk has to step up and be the sole successor to the organization laid out before him. However, guilt doesn’t escape him very easily, and neither does your persistence.
Vixen || @star-my🔞💕💔✅
↳ The door to the opulent room swung open soundlessly, allowing the tall, muscular man to enter unnoticed. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the young woman seated at the vanity.
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After Hours || @archivedkookie🔞💕💔🔄💯💯
↳ staying after hours with Yoongi for months proves to be a mistake when your heart falls for him.
Champagne Confetti || @busanboykoo🔞💕✅💯
↳ “you won't regret me, champagne confetti” or maybe just jungkook wants you to tell him what you want him to do to you.
Flower Girl || @nochukoo97💕✅
↳ you’re in charge of mentoring jungkook, a convict who’s currently doing community service. as time goes by, you grow closer and closer to the man, finding out more about him and his past. jungkook makes you crazy with his small gestures, he makes your cheeks turn the same shade as carnations, he makes you dizzy. most of all, he makes you his flower girl
Mami || @kithtaehyung🔞✅
↳ you somehow have a conversation with yoongi, and you tell your roommate about a date date.
Nothing New || @myg-butterfly💕💔✅
↳ You get hurt and have to find a replacement. You just didn't think that replacement extended to your relationship with the BTS members. Will they still want you when you're nothing new?
Oh, Angel! || @yoongiofmine🔞💕✅
↳ Ever since he met you, Hoseok just couldn’t resist you. Even though you were off limits -many years younger than him and an intern on his sister’s company-, he just had to make you his. You were the perfect baby for him, docile and pliant. What happens when you decide to be a little brat instead?
Oh, Darling! || @yoongiofmine🔞💕💔✅
↳ Starting your second semester at one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities should be stressful enough. Between juggling classes, good grades and a social life, your plate was full. Hoping to spice up your academic career, you thought it was a good idea to enroll as an assistant for your literature professor, whom you've held a very secret and very forbidden crush on for the past several months. What will happen now that you’re forced to work closely together? And what if your crush isn’t as one sided as you thought?
Peek-A-Boo! || @namfinessed💕💔✅
↳ at a camp that you hated, you find yourself falling for a man that tries to sneak into your tent.
Punching Bag? || @bonobonoyaatheart💕💔✅
↳ You care and worry for Jungkook? In return, you feel like his emotional punching bag, despite of his intentions being different.
Set Me Free || @casuallyimagining💕💔✅
↳ Tired of being told how to live his life and unsure of where he stands in the world, Yoongi--your soulmate--yearns to be free. When you give him what he wants, it causes a rift in your relationship that seems irreparable. 12 years later, you find him back in your life. Can you mend your relationship? Do you even want to?
Sun Chasers & Moon Watchers || @foredelweiss💕💔✅
↳ after constantly transferring from school to school every couple of months, you've long accepted the impermanence of many aspects of your life. you never expected to want the world to allow you to spend a little more time with seven individuals. your days with them were one of the most beautiful moments in life.
The Five-Year Plan || @jknoah🔞💕💔🔄
↳ you've always had a very strict life plan. when you were twenty you sat down and made your five-year plan, you would get married, get your dream house, have your dream career and then at the end of those five years you'd have a kid. everything was going perfectly to plan, well until your husband came home with divorce papers. now you're somehow trying to stay on track, maybe you could convince your best friend to have a baby with you?
The Monster In The Dark || @themochiverse🔞💔✅💯
↳ Sleep paralysis is a common concern for everyone, but once your episodes start to become more frequent, you meet a horrid monster. A horrid monster who has only come for you to join him in his world. You can't run, you can't hide, but you can only watch whatever the hell is going to happen to you right now.
Ungodly Hours || @explicit-tae🔞💕✅💯
↳ That time you - a broke college student - were willing to do just about anything for a hulu account after your brother kicks you off of his - (and Jungkook would do anything to have you).
Venom || @nochukoo97🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ after a nasty breakup with your ex, who was a boxer, the person who introduced you to the sport, you decided to make life easier for yourself and switch clubs. little did you know that your club leader, also known as ‘venom’ in the ring, would eventually spark your interest. no matter how much jungkook interests you, you can’t bear to risk another failed relationship, you’re still hurt and traumatised from the inside. but will jungkook manage to crawl his way into your heart?
Do check out all of the other BTS Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 6 months
Clone Bang Promo Post: Team 35!
The members of @clonebang Team 35 are proud to announce our upcoming contributions to the Clone Bang! 🎉
I wrote Built on Bones and Middens, a 90K (!!!!) Commander Fox/Quinlan Vos mystery fic set late in the war on Coruscant. This Fox POV story follows our hard-knock, heavy-drinking commander as he (and a very irritating Jedi) dive deep into Coruscant's underworld to solve a mystery before Fox's brothers suffer the worst fate.
Action! Intrigue! Banter! A fatalistic view of Coruscant's inherent corruption!
Check out a snippet under the cut. Chapter 1 posts on January 6th, 2024!
The immensely talented @sankt-jesper contributed their artistic chops. Here is a might fine preview for you:
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And the dulcet-toned @flowerparrish did a podfic for one of the chapters! For a scintillating preview, please enjoy a recording of the snippet below.
Friends, I'm so excited to share this work with you all. It is the longest thing I've ever written (by a lot) and it was so lovely to collaborate with others to create these works. This was my first Star Wars fandom event and I had a lot of fun. Enjoy!
“Are you sure?” Vos asked. “They make the best Ithorian food on the planet. Would you like to try it?”
“I would like,” Fox said, keeping his voice level, “to know what we’re doing here.”
Vos went still again, eyes locked on Fox’s face with the air of a predator preparing to pounce. Fox regarded him back evenly and tried very hard not to find it intimidating. 
Once again, Vos’ smile emerged after a moment. He relaxed back into his chair. “All business, I see. No worries, Fox, I won’t waste your time. We needed to be able to speak openly and that called for a change of scenery.” Vos spread out his arms, indicating the decor. “And also a change of wardrobe. I suppose you’re wondering where I left my robes.”
Fox took another sip of his whiskey. Damn, it was good. “I wasn’t going to comment on your fashion choices,” he said.
“Big of you,” Vos replied breezily. “Here at The Little Dipper I’m known as Garyth Lidon, a small-time gangster trying to break into the casino business. He has… a certain look I need to maintain.” Vos tugged a little at his voluminous trousers.
“And why,” Fox asked, “are we meeting at Garyth Lidon’s favorite restaurant to discuss this case instead of the secure GAR facility?”
Vos hummed. “Not so secure, though, is it?”
Fox looked down at his glass, swirled the whiskey around. He took a moment to control his expression. “You have a problem with my security?” he asked cooly.
“Oh, don’t be insulted, Fox!” Vos cried as he flopped back in his chair. “It’s nothing against you personally. I’m sure you run a very tight ship. But we can’t ignore the obvious here, can we? It was clones who attacked Obi-Wan and we don’t know why.” He spoke with his hands, rings catching the light as they moved. “Maybe they were just angry mutineers. Maybe they were brainwashed by a Sith. Maybe they swallowed one of those brain slugs from Geonosis!” Vos leaned forward, elbows on the table, and pointed at Fox. “Maybe it was the first attack of a massive coup and you brought two squads here to kill me when my back is turned.” 
Fox raised an eyebrow and used his glass to point at one of the windows. “My sniper is getting into position now, I’m just waiting for the signal.”
Vos snorted and sat back again. “I get it, I do, Fox. You have faith in your brothers, as you should. But we have no idea who we can trust here, even among friends. So we’re going to keep this investigation as far away from the GAR and the RCMO and that bantha-kriffer Tarkin as we can. And that starts with meeting at fine establishments like this one.”
“You don’t trust Tarkin either?” Fox asked.
Vos shrugged. “We don’t know how far up this goes. The attackers told Commander Cody they were acting under orders, but not who gave them. We can’t rule anyone out yet.”
Fox tried not to be too pleased at the idea that he might get a chance to arrest Tarkin, far-fetched though it may be.
“And the serene mystic act?” Fox asked.
“Ah!” Vos waggled his eyebrows. “That was my spot-on impression of Obi-Wan’s late master, Qui-Gon Jinn. He could stonewall politicians with all that Force babble for hours. When we have to be under close supervision I want to discourage anyone from asking too many questions. And no one wants to talk to the guy that makes you want to strangle him after two sentences.” 
“The thought did cross my mind.”
“Then I’m doing my job!”
Fox allowed himself to relax a little. Vos wasn’t what he had expected from this meeting and he certainly wasn’t like any of the other Jedi Fox had met. But he didn’t seem to care if Fox got a little sarcastic with him. Vos himself had insisted they forgo the formalities. Maybe he wouldn’t be too much of a hindrance during this investigation. Even if he was a little… cocky.
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The Stars, The Moon, The Sun, and an Incoming Constellation
A DP x DC x Tfrb fic - also posted on my Ao3 Agentsquirrel
After marrying Danny and getting engaged to Tucker, Sam packs up the trio and heads to Griffin Rock, a place that is rumored to be just as chaotic as Amity Park.
Of course, the Fenton luck follows them, and the three of them find out their family will soon become bigger than they thought.
"Shots fired at the dock! Dad, be careful!" Cody said, his voice shaking with worry.
"I promise, all protocol will be followed to the letter." Chase said, speeding towards the dock, Blades flying overhead.
They parked, and immediately, Charlie knew they were in over their head. A white goth woman no older than Dani was pinned behind a cement parking barrier, her forehead grazed and her forearm shot right through the skin, missing bone but severing muscle. She was oddly calm though, her body language free of shock as she kept pressure on her wound and watched the battle with rapt concentration.
"Danny, love, quit being cocky and wrap this up. The police are here, and Tuck's gotta scram." She said into her flip phone, the thing absolutely ancient compared to the cell phone, this year's model, shoved in her steel toed boot.
"Chase, I can't see anything! Whatever is opening fire is just a green blur!" Blades was bordering on a full on panic, Dani fully in control.
"It looks like a fight between a gang trying to set up shop and whatever that green blur is. Stay back dad, looks like it can fly fast." Dani said, retreating from the fight after scanning for civilians. The situation seemed to be resolving itself without them.
"Miss, do you require medical attention?" Charlie yelled over the sounds of gunfire.
"I'm fine, my partner needs to HURRY THE FUCK UP!"
With one last final blast, a white, blue eyed, black haired boy ran from the scene and behind Chase, his sneakers soaked in blood and a green substance Charlie hoped was paint.
"I got trapped between that… thing and the shootout. I don't know what I stepped in, but I think it's all blood." He said, panting hard, his face and arms cut up from debris. "My name is Danny Mason. That's my wife Sam. I'm a medic, got a first aid kit on you?" Charlie handed it over, and on a whispered count of three, he dashed over to his wife, quickly applying a tourniquet and dragging her towards the squad car. "Tuck's fine, is at the hotel. After we give a statement, I am taking you to the hospital."
"Wait." Graham said over comms Daniel and Sam Mason-Foley, with their fiance Tucker? Like, Mason industries, and Foley computer systems? Dad, half the island buys their tech, its the most repairable, environmentally sustainable, and secure software and computer companies on the market, and a flagship brand against planned obsolescence. Please, play nice. This could legitimately be huge for the island."
"Noted. Kade, you too."
Kade sighed. "Got it. Be nice to the Luskey Jrs."
"Do you need a ride? I can follow up on a statement later. I can have you flown to the mainland for a checkup or let you call for a ride."
"It's not-" Sam started, wincing as Danny cleaned her head wound.
"We will take that flight. I don't like the look of her head wound, and I am no good at stitches."
"First, call Tucker, so he can rub it in our faces." Sam said, hissing as Dani caught up to them and started redressing her wounds, Chase and Charlie clearing the area, Charlie trying not to vomit at the sight of the finely pureed gangster decorating multiple shipping containers and an overturned forklift.
"Well, this is… unpleasant." Chase said, wrinkling his nose at the smell.
In the background, Blades flew towards the mainland, very glad he wasn't on clean-up duty.
"Hey, there's my moon and stars!" Tucker said, dropping his duffel bag on a spare chair before resting a hand on Danny's shoulder and kissing Sam's cheek.
"Only if you are the sun." Sam said, a little loopy from the pain medication, the hospital keeping her under observation for a few more hours.
The nurse came in, oddly nervous, holding a box. "So, I have some news. Sirs, could I ask Mrs. Mason a question in private? Hospital policy, it will only take a minute."
"Oh." Danny said, suddenly concerned. "Sure. Be back soon, Sam. Love you."
"Love you too." Sam replied as Tucker and Danny awkwardly shuffled out of the hospital room.
The nurse watched them leave, then took a deep breath. "It's hospital policy to for this to be private. There's a few questions I have to ask first, but…" She opened the box. Inside, there was a positive pregnancy test, in a sanitary box, and some paperwork.
Sam looked shocked, covering her mouth and choking back a squeal. "I'm pregnant." She whispered. "I thought that. Could you bring my partners in?"
"Of course, but I have to ask a couple of questions before it, standard stuff."
"Oh. OK."
"First I have to give you this." The nurse gave Sam a couple of business cards with referrals to maternity resources, domestic violence hotlines, and reproductive care information. "Nothing personal, we give them to all patients with positive tests. In the same vein, have you experienced any threats of violence, acts of violence, coercion, or felt that your right to consent has been violated by chosen partners, friends, ex partners, or family members?"
"Would you like or have the need for confidential referrals to counseling on your pregnancy, either by our support counselors or religious clergy?"
"Would you like to keep the test?"
Sam smiled. "Yes. Could you bring my partners in?"
The nurse nodded, and closed up the box with the test inside. "In the box is the same forms and resources in writing, and some other paperwork. Congratulations."
"Thank you." Sam said, wiping away a few tears.
Tucker and Danny rushed back into the room, their voices overlapping with worry.
"Guys, enough. Open the box." Sam said, offering it to Danny.
Danny ripped it open, throwing the top aside. He dropped it in shock. "I'm…I'm…"
Tucker gasped, a huge grin on his face. "We are gonna be dads!" He yelled, rushing to hug Sam while shaking with excitement.
"I didn't know I could…" Danny said, obviously in shock.
"Danny, DANNY!" Sam yelled, snapping him out of his trance. "I demand attention for my sacrifice."
"Oh!" Danny squeaked, jumping into action. He gave Sam a peck on the cheek before grabbing her hand and flopping into one of the chairs. "We gotta call Jazzy."
"No, duh, but first, I want you two." Sam grumped, returning Danny's kiss. "I already have names for 'em." She said, resting her head on Danny's shoulder while Tucker was already looking up all the latest baby gear and thinking up his own.
"If it's Danny's bio kid, then it's gonna be Cassiopeia or Orion. If it's Tucker's bio kid, it's either Sadie or Orion. My selections are final and not up for debate."
"Yes, ma'am." Danny and Tucker intoned, only half joking. Sam's word was law, after all.
Danny counted backward in his head and gasped. "Uh, Sam. Who's gonna tell your parents that this one's probably mine?"
"Not it!" Danny and Tucker yelled, Sam catching on too late.
"Fuck." Sam hissed.
Danny chuckled. "Apparently, we are quite good at that." He earned a tug on the ear for that comment. "Ow. I deserved that."
Tucker did the math too. "Yep. First one is likely gonna be… no, wait, Danny failed math, we have got a fifty-fifty shot here."
"Meh. Doesn't mean much to me. I am bad at doing hair anyway." Sam said, only half joking.
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ken-dom · 9 months
Hey! I’m absolutely in love with your account. The Ken fics are superb and as a Holland March truther I’m giddy for the drabble! I was just wondering if you’ve seen Gangster Squad as I watched it this weekend and all I’ve been able to think about since is the beautiful boy that is Jerry Wooters
Thank you so much lovely anon, that’s very kind of you! 🥹🩷 Holland March truth is always welcome at ken-dom dot tumblr dot com
I haven’t seen Gangster Squad yet. I’ve watched everything available on streaming (in the UK) so now I’ve started ordering DVDs — I’ll add Gangster Squad into my next order! What should I expect from Jerry 👀
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ship-mista · 2 years
Hey Howdy Mista-Lovers! It's finally time! I present to you...
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Running from November 27th until our best boy's birthday on December 3rd!
This post will cover info, rules, prompts... and more? Check it out!
Also find me on Twitter:
Question One: What is Mista Harem Week?
Short answer: A week dedicated to any and all relationships featuring Mista!
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Long answer: A seven-day creation spree featuring everyone's favorite gunslinger in all types of relationships!
We welcome:
➼ All pairings (But rarepairs are encouraged!)
➼ All types of love (Platonic, romantic, chaotic -- you name it!)
➼ And all types of fanworks!
Question Two: Well, are there any rules?
Short answer: There are!
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Long answer:
Rule 1. The Prompts and Schedule are Optional!
Prompts are for inspiration, not restriction! Feel free to use the prompts, mix-and-match, post out of order, or throw everything out altogether. The world is your oyster!
Rule 2. Tag your ships!
People want to find their OTPs and avoid their NOTPs. Tagging ships is essential.
Rule 3. Use warnings for NSFW content!
I will only reblog sensitive/explicit material if it is censored or cropped. But that doesn't mean "don't make it"! It just means I am limited by platform restrictions.
Rule 5. The Most Important Rule!
Be kind to one another!
Please follow the three laws of fandom:
➼ Don't Like; Don't Read
➼ Your Kink is Not My Kink (And that's okay!)
➼ Ship and Let Ship
(And use tags!)
Now, here's what you've all been waiting for. (Or maybe that's just me!)
The Prompt List!
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November 27
❤️ "Meet & Greet"
How did Mista meet the object of his affection? How did he woo his current flame? (Or was he wooed instead?) Who made the first move?
Meet & Greet is about first meetings, first dates, first kisses. What is the start of something beautiful?
⭐ Mista x Allies
We all know Mista likes his friends. But does he LIKE-like his friends?
What if something canon-compliant where Mista dates his team. Or an AU where Mista's part of a different squad. Maybe an AU where a canon ally is now an enemy?
So many options!
November 28
❤️ "Run & Gun"
How do Mista and his partner run missions? How do they run for groceries?
Run & Gun could be about day-to-day life. Does Mista like to jog? How would he teach someone to shoot?
(Or maybe it's about fighting and shooting each other! Up to you!)
⭐ Mista x Enemies
We all might love Mista... but not everyone does (a shock! I know).
Would Mista befriend his enemies in true JoJo's fashion? Would Mista fall into a star-crossed romance, doomed for tragedy from the start? Would he forgive someone who betrayed him?
November 29
❤️ "Streets & Sheets"
Mista in the streets, still Mista in the sheets.
Streets & Sheets is about the difference between public life and private life.
Does Mista like public displays of affection? Could he keep a relationship a secret?
⭐ Mista x Anyone in Golden Wind
Anyone in Golden Wind canon is fair game, here. Anime, manga, novels, you name it.
(Also, listen... I think Mista could land Giorno's mom. And Giorno's dad. And also Giorno's mysterious gangster hero.)
November 30
❤️ "Wake up & Make-up"
Morning routines! Coffee, cuddling, curtain-fic. Who's the morning person? Who would rather DIE than wake up before noon?
Wake up & Make-up is about domesticity. Or maybe it's about Mista in drag! You know he'd rock a winged eyeliner.
⭐ Mista x Anyone in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Could you imagine if Mista, Hol Horse, and Foo Fighters met? What a wild adventure those three gun-toting hotties would have.
What if Mista were in a different Part? What if he met Joseph in his prime? Chaos.
December 1
❤️ "Short Skirts & T-Shirts"
Pining from afar, jealousy, falling in love with your neighbor... Could Mista keep his love to himself or does he wear his heart on his sleeve?
Or maybe this is the fashion episode. (Does he have a whole zoo of animal-print pants?)
⭐ Mista x Anyone outside of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
I'm thinking... Sherlock Holmes... SpongeBob Squarepants... Lassie. Literally anyone or anything is fair game here. Go wild!!!
December 2
❤️ "Showers & Flowers"
After it rains, life grows.
Showers & Flowers could be about recovering from adversity and trauma. We know Mista's had his fair share of both.
Or maybe it's about who hogs the shower, who brings flowers in apology, who likes the rain?
⭐ Mista x Your OC
This is your chance to ship Mista with your OC. Any OC. I mean it!
A JoJo's OC? Absolutely. Another anime OC? Yes PLEASE! Your D&D character? Live your best life! Your cringy middle-school cat boy OC? I would LITERALLY die for him.
December 3
❤️ "Happy Birthday"
A free day!
I'd honestly love it if everyone shared their favorite piece of someone else's work. Spread the love! Give the gift of Mista to the masses.
⭐ Mista x Your favorite character
Literally any character from anything, as long as they're your favorite. Gush about your favorite character, gush about Mista. Gush about Gushers. Gimme all those gooey feelings.
And that's it! That's all the info I have. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions, any comments, any concerns. Above all, I want this account and this ship week to just express all the love in the world for one Guido Mista.
Have fun! Be positive!
How do you @ship-mista?
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Can you do a fic where Higuchi gets a solo mission and the mafia doesn't think she could do it but she proves them wrong and she gets the mission finished in less time.
Hello 😊 I can indeed. I love this idea!
Back at it again with Mori trusting Higuchi
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Mori trusted her.
Elise trusted her.
Her family trusted her.
She trusted herself.
Why…. Why couldn’t anyone else? Why wouldn’t her coworkers believe in her.
Granted the executives she understood, they were worried but that was only because they’d never actually seen her work on her own before… it had always been with a team, always overshadowed by Akutagawa and the Black Lizard squad leaders… it was never just Ichiyo Higuchi.
This meeting was a disaster- from Akutagawa practically throwing her to the dirt to the Black Lizard insulting her to Koyo looking at her wearily… Chuuya honestly he didn’t look like he cared about her going just worried like any good person would be.
She wouldn’t really be alone she knew this, someone would be in her ear, watching through a camera they’d made into a contact as she wandered through the nightclub.
Ichiyo could hear their insults as she stepped into the bass filled club. All she had to do was assassinate the leader and co of a small time gang, one that had barely got their hands dirty. It was a simple job and really she didn’t understand why only Elise and Mori trusted her with this because from what she had read the worst they’d done was rob a few banks and attempt to imitate the Port Mafia. A weak group with nothing to stand on.
She thought as she swayed to the music, making eye contact with all necessary parties, tempting them to come her way, she thought about how everyone in the mafia had their own quirks.
Some had abilities that they relied on, some relied on weapons such as guns and knives and others liked to be more explosive but many overlooked the simplicity of poison and why many believe it is the woman’s weapon. She may use guns the most and she may have something buried deep within her veins but the slightest bit of sharpness and a strong dose of the most lethal substance she was done.
Anyone she’d danced with that night felt the bite of those silver rings placed delicately on her pretty little hands. Anyone she kissed felt the strange tingling of her lips. And anyone she didn’t like as the night drew to a close felt the sting of the small blade she’d hidden on her thigh.
The mission was over before it even began, she’d taken special care to look into the gangsters that were there tonight, hopelessly drunk and wanting everything they couldn’t have. From a pretty dancer to someone, anyone they could get their hands on… and Higuchi had practically sunk claws into them all and enjoyed every minute of it.
They were all dead before the Sun even kissed the horizon.
Through the few hours she’d been at that nightclub, dressed to the nines in the most revealing dress she owned and heels much too high and hair delicately curled, with makeup she hardly ever wore.
Her heels clicked and clacked as she walked down the hallway, that revealing dress just a bit too short and lipstick still a bloody shade of red. She hadn’t bothered changing, heading straight from the nightclub to the meeting room at the Port Mafia base.
No one expected her to be back just a few hours after the mission was given, no one expected to be brought back to the meeting room so fast- it felt like whiplash as Ichiyo stepped into the room, still dressed up as she was.
“All accounted for.” She said simply, a wicked grin gracing her red stained lips. She passed the USB now containing the video evidence collected through her contact into the leaders white gloved hand. He grinned back at her, proud.
And as they watched the nights events playing out, Ichiyo responding to any questions and adding additional info, each member of the mafia sat in that room learnt a lesson, Ichiyo Higuchi was not weak.
After all this was why she joined the mafia at Mori’s request… she was the femme fatal no one ever saw coming.
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tlonista · 2 years
Blood and Blue Diamonds: Chapter 13 Notes
Arcane’s criminal operations seem to basically be drugs, with a bunch of random brothels and augmentation sales and spy operations and whatever the hell else I gleaned from the League of Legends wiki while I was writing this. In LA in the ‘30s, the big money was gambling.
I already talked a lot about bookie operations, but in this chapter I get to introduce offshore casinos, a phenomenon thought up by a man named Tony Cornero. Cornero was an Italian-born bootlegger whose core business, like a lot of gangsters’, got gutted by Prohibition’s repeal in 1933. (I have a couple references to “Volstead” somewhere in this fic, which for the record refers to the 1919 Volstead Act, which gave teeth to the Constitutional ban on alcohol.) He hit on ferrying Angelenos from Santa Monica to luxurious ships just at the edge of the city’s jurisdiction, launching a complicated and pretty entertaining cat-and-mouse operation with police that you can read about in LA Mag.
That said, there was plenty of other organized crime in the city, including huge rings of brothels and call girls run first by Anne Forst and then by her protege Brenda Allen. These flourished partly because LA’s police department and mayor were just ludicrously corrupt — plenty of them were patrons of the establishments themselves and Brenda Allen was (allegedly) literally sleeping with the head of the LAPD internal vice squad.
And finally, the Great Depression produced a lot of ugly xenophobia on the unsurprising premise that outsiders were stealing Americans’/Californians’/Angelenos’/etc. jobs. (In California this included non-Californian Americans, with police at one point blockading the border to keep out Midwestern farmers who’d been driven into poverty by the Dust Bowl.) One of the ugliest examples was Mexican repatriation, a huge drive to push out Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans with rules intended to make hiring them difficult as well as outright arrests and deportations even of legal citizens. The Mexican government also played a role here, actively encouraging emigrants to come back — so all in all about a third of America’s Chicano population left under varying degrees of pressure in the ‘30s.
I swear I really don’t hate the Council in Arcane as much as it seems here, it’s more that everything I’ve learned about 1930s LA business and politics convinces me their equivalents would just be insufferable.
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prolestari · 2 years
If You Wish Upon Me (2022)
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Summary: An ex-con starts volunteering at a hospice where the staff works together to fulfill their terminal patients' last wishes.
My Rating: 9/10
Pros: I came for Ji Chang-wook and stayed for Choi Soo-young. What chemistry the two of them had! The plot lines were so bittersweet but struck a good balance between uplifting and heartbreaking. An overall lovely show about grief, loss, and surviving.
Cons: I was not a fan of the mystery man storyline. It felt distracting in a show that was already chock-full of drama and already had a bad guy in the background. The explanations of how and why he is there was a bit too farfetched.
Fanfic-ability: 9/10. Great cast of characters that lends itself to plenty of fics before, during, and after canon.
Definitely one of my favorite shows of the year! It was certainly not the usual fluffy romcom fare, but the deep friendships and developing relationship between the leads helped it stay light at the right moments. Anyone who loves a good found family plot has come to the right place!!! Spoiler talk under the cut.
The stories of the patients and even the squad were really sad, but in a really good way. I had such a good cry several times through this show. I think it did a great job of allowing the audience to have the right amount of catharsis.
The choices by the Team Genie chief didn't make any sense to me. I get that he wanted to keep his cancer a secret, but why not tell Gyeo-Rye about their shared past? Keeping those secrets was a terrible choice and I wish there had been a good reason for it.
Introducing Gyeo-Rye's father was overkill for me. The gangsters were a good enough adversaries looking for him, and Ha Joon-Kyung was a really interesting foil in his storyline. And how was he unconscious upstairs for months and no one notices? And then he can get up and walk after being in a coma? That storyline should have been cut.
Team Genie makes up for all of it though! I loved all of them and how they took in Gyeo-Rye. I also loved Park Jin-Joo and Yeo One being in the show, they are two of my faves! Overall this was definitely one of my favorite k-dramas and let's be honest, Ji Chan-wook could read the phone book and make it entertaining.
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elusivewildflower · 2 years
I managed to get out the 2nd part to Sunday Breakfast today, and I’ve got several more fics in my wips that I hope to crank out this weekend.....One of which is gonna be for my newly beloved Sgt. Jerry Wooters
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anothanobody · 2 years
Months ago i read this gang leader Eren x detective Mikasa and god i was so inspired. And I thought maybe make it angstier?? But beware tho. That fic has mentions of Eren being a whore and ereannie
I think i know what you're talking about. is it the one where carla is in the hospital and he went to that lifestyle to pay for them but didn't want to drag Mikasa with him so he left. also Annie betrayed him bc she was in squad with Bertholdt and Reiner, Marcel was killed. and it ended with Mikasa and Eren together even though he's still a gangster and she's still a detective and she's pregnant in the end i think.
I loved it. I didn't mind the Annie thing tbh, it was awkward to envision tho.
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chi-chi-chimera · 1 year
Fic Ideas (free to a good home)
Long masterpost of various plot bunnies and fic ideas I’ve had over the years, for various fandoms. Pick them up if you’re interested. 
Note: the formating on this only works if you go to my blog itself, not on dashboard.
Human town AU, in the 80s. Mining town where the mines have since closed. Shockwave owned the mine and was in with the government, secretly mining uranium. Outliers = shockwave sponsored children’s ward at hospital for all these kids turning up with cancer. Megatron was a miner, now running for a government position (state governor). Shady deals with local gangs. Beating up gangsters. Running Overlord out of town.
Empurata Optimus. Caught by Sentinel Prime during the time when he’s running with the outliers. Make an example of him like they did with Shockwave. Mnemosurgery to make him ‘Lawful’. However following the letter of the law and their government conflicts and he is able to break through the mental block. Alpha Trion gets him the Matrix. Joins the Decepticons. MegOp.
Starscream gets to be happy and learn he can win by actually making things better for people. Wheeljack helps. People stop being mean to him and he gets over his trauma. 
Rung remembers he’s Primus from the beginning and tries to stop the war.
Role reversal AU, somewhat based on sixthlight’s ‘Changes of Perspective’:
 the Folly/Little Crocodiles being the mainstream and Nightingale being the ‘faceless man’. Similar background with Ettersberg happening differently, Folly still being around, Chorley et al joining in the traditional way and getting up to all sorts of unethical things. Lesley POV at least at first - she goes to murder squad, peter goes to case progression. Peter ghost hunting, meets nightingale, but no transfer as nightingale isn’t police. Learning magic in secret - Lesley is aware something’s up but reckons peter is trying to keep his new posh bf secret. Different jobs mean they see less of each other anyway. Lesley partly caught up in Punch thing tho not as pretty polly - sees Folly magic during Chelsea riots and is selected as police liaison. Picks up magic similarly to canon, so they are forced to train her. 
Magic still a well kept secret - rich, important people know, general public less so.
Time advances. Lesley and Chorley get on/work well together. Slowly inducted into Dark Side of Folly, human experimentation, unethical magic, right-wing bigot attitudes a la canon. Drifting further apart from Peter, who is moving slowly up his own side of the career ladder. Seems outwardly to have lost some of his drive/ambition, but this is because of split attention between police and wizardry.
Nightingale left Folly after war with David Mellenby to retire - soured by war. David kept on with scientific assessment of magic, ended up recruiting some students, associating more deeply with demimonde, was deemed to be a threat by the Folly and died suddenly and inexplicably - murdered, but that can’t be proved. David had been keeping enough of all this from Thomas that he wasn’t targeted by Folly at same time - also some fear of Nightingale’s power. Subsequently Thomas withdrew from the world even more, and then the anti-aging started to happen, and he dropped off the Folly’s radar (or, Folly tried to kill him, he escaped, and faked his own death?)
Nightingale running an ‘underground railroad’ for victims of the Folly - chimeras, fae and the like
Nightingale trying to amass enough power to take down the Folly’s wards, hence various ritual things as per Faceless Man, and eventually coming to the Folly’s attention once more, though they don’t know who he is
Nightingale doesn’t want outward war with Folly because of collateral damage to demi-monde, they keep trying to force a confrontation, even though lots of fear of his level of power/speculation about still being alive and how
Base of operations - family property, but might not have been able to legally inherit it? False identity from the Rivers, owes them a favour - possibly paying that back by running the demimonde safehouse. 
Some kind of Dresden Files casefic crossover
Magnus Archives crossover:
has Chorley been working toward an Entity ritual this whole time? The Lonely was trying to get Nightingale during the time he was the Last Bastion of English Magic. Newtonian magic and the genius locii as something unconnected to the 14 - not everything is lovecraftian horror, but the Archives tend not to run into nice things. 
Black Library is full of ‘Leitner’ books
halley/raynier and newton were friends - the Dark has been concealing knowledge of the Dread Powers from Newtonian wizards for a long time
It starts with a book Peter finds at the goblin market, one which has strange signare and which Nightingale takes from him very quickly before it can get its teeth into him too much
Peter and Arcane Architecture - robert smirke et al
Sometime mid season 4/2018 but pre apocalypse, enough for trauma-hungry archivist and peter has a lot of trauma
Twin Sunrise universe rewrite of the ST:
Ben Solo has been having dreams of the desert for as long as he can remember. It’s hot and dry and he is always hungry. The sand is a graveyard of Imperial vessels, remnants of the civil war. He has told his parents about his dreams, but none of them have any idea what they mean. Then one night there are voices in the dream. Voices upon voices, screaming at him. 
Ben has been training with his mother and uncle in the ways of the Force along with other children who had previously been destined to be Inquisitors
Hux Palpatine is growing up alongside him, with some strength in the Force but not enough to have been a Republic Jedi. He and Ben are tentative boyfriends. 
Rey is a wage-slave in the desert of Jakku and she’s had a running commentary in her head for as long as she can remember, going on about the Sith and her Destiny.
The ST but Finn is the main character and it’s about brainwashed stormtroopers and the political state of the galaxy makes sense.
Maul trains Grogu AU:
Maul is the one who comes for Grogu on Tython and he gets there before Luke does. 
Luke arrives too late and is very confused. 
Time Travel Vader AU:
Vader gets sent physically back in time, suit and all, and runs around the galaxy fucking shit up, threatening his younger self, pining over Padme, keen on killing Palpatine etc. 
The Jedi think he’s some ancient Sith Lord from the Old Empire who has been in carbonite this whole time or something. 
Purge Trooper Cody! Au:
That one tumblr post basically.
Ozai is ‘helping’ AU: 
Ursa fails to assassinate Azulon, and is killed. Ozai flees the palace before he is imprisoned and executed, and ends up having to leave the Fire Nation after he is proclaimed a traitor. 
Being too open with his firebending in the Earth Kingdom is… troublesome. Killing is fine, but even Ozai can’t take on entire Earth regiments. He resolves to be more sneaky. 
Still refuses to use bladed weapons, just martial arts forms. 
The ‘Red Dragon’ spirit - Ozai is rather enjoying having the freedom to hunt and murder people occasionally on his travels and have it blamed on a fire spirit. It’s how he de-stresses. 
Some years later Ozai is no closer to finding a way to kill his father and his brother and reclaim the throne. He is aware his children were adopted officially by Iroh. After Aang wakes up, he spends longer in the South Pole before leaving to travel north with Katara and Sokka. They run into Ozai on Kyoshi Island, who immediately sees this as an opportunity.
Ozai doesn’t intend to win forgiveness by capturing the Avatar, but given that he is an official traitor to the Fire Lord, why doesn’t that make him one of the ‘good guys’? - not that he tells them all the details about why he’s a traitor/ The Avatar and his two water barbari… friends could surely benefit from some adult supervision/protection, yes? And the Avatar will eventually need a firebending teacher. 
Ozai is really enjoying manipulating these children - more than he should considering its beneath his dignity - but the longer he travels with them the more he hates their damn childishness. He has to find time to go and… ‘relieve his stress’. After a while the tales of the Red Dragon spirit reach Aang’s ears, and he’s horrified that such an evil spirit seems to be following him - he will have to find it and deal with it! That… doesn’t really work. 
“I’ll save you from the pirates!” Murders everyone. 
FMA/ATLA crossover:
Ed and Roy Mustang get caught up in some human transmutation kookyness and sent through the Gate to the ATLA world. Alchemy doesn’t really work there, but Truth is able to align them to bending elements - Roy to Fire and Ed to Earth. They pop out somewhere in the Earth Kingdom and spend some time getting the lay of the land and working out what they can do now. 
Unfortunately they figure out the bending before figuring out the political situation, and Mustang firebends in front of Earth soldiers. The pair are taken captive. 
This is the same Earth unit that ends up capturing Iroh - when Zuko comes for him, they all escape together. 
Mustang tells people Ed is his son without an understanding of the implications of a firebender with an earthbending kid. This doesn’t go over well with the Earth soldiers. 
Ed and Roy have to get to somewhere spiritual in order to get back home, so end up travelling with Zuko for a while. They know they’re only getting one side of the story of the war, and Mustang isn’t going to risk making any moral judgements about any side. 
Established relationship complicated by ep 97:
Caleb and Essek started up a relationship before the revelation that he was behind stealing the beacons in S02E97. Lots of guilt feelings pre-97 from Essek. Caleb trying to figure out how he feels about Them after it. Forgiveness and coming back together by the time of Aeor and the endgame.
Time travel AU:
Something bad happens with Trent after Aeor etc and Essek travels back in time to meet the Mighty Nein and try and eliminate Trent before it gets to that point. 
Who is this mysterious drow wizard adventurer? Essek falls back on Secrets and doesn’t tell them who he is or even that he knows them. Just poses as a regular adventurer who shares their goals. Weird tension with Caleb and Molly, but he doesn’t know much is safe to explain, and doesn’t want to jeopardize the relationship that ought to build between the Caleb and Essek of his own timeline. 
Perhaps he looks slightly different as well from injuries sustained in final fights. Still has the eye tattoo as a memento of Cognousa - previously it had no power left, but here and now… 
Initially Mighty Nein POV reacting to this stranger. Drips and drabs of Essek POV. 
Loyal weapon Bren escorts his Master Trent to meet with the Shadowhand who is delivering the beacons for a research project. He is very curious about said research, but that isn’t what he is For. He is For Killing Traitors. 
Essek starts to get concerned about the lack of research feedback and knowledge sharing from the Assembly. He starts to reach out for answers but keeps being rebuffed. Bren is sent to warn him off, reminding him of mutually assured destruction but also that he has much more to lose than they do. Once in Essek’s tower though, Bren is caught off-guard by the drow’s dunamancy and is knocked out or otherwise imprisoned. 
Conversation. Both find themselves intrigued by the other. Bren wants Trent dead and sees Essek as an opportunity. Essek wants a way to know what the Empire knows about the beacons. They decide to work together. 
Secret meetings in between their other responsibilities. Sharing magic. Trading Beacon research for dunamancy knowledge. Impressed by each other’s ruthless ambition. Intellectual attraction becomes physical attraction. 
Then the attempt to steal the beacons back and the Mighty Nein’s involvement (called something else now because no Caleb. Chaos Crew?)
Professor Caleb:
Students in his transmutation class at the solstryce academy trying to figure out what his deal is, and why he has so many boyfriends - a new one every few months!
Other volstrucker AU:
Volstrucker Caleb AU where he and his team attack and kidnap the Shadowhand... not knowing that his brother Verin is friends with a mercenary group called The Mighty Nein who immediately start hunting their asses to get his asshole brother back as a favor to their friend.
AU where the hot boi the M9 are friends with is an echo knight panicking about his evil brother getting nabbed and said evil brother is just being a BITCH to Bren, Astrid, and Eodwulf the whole time. Volstrucker trio torment.
XiYao Dark post-canon AU:
LXC takes JGY back to Cloud Recesses and imprisons him in the jingshi in knowing mirror of his father’s actions. JGY has core sealed and house is warded. Plus knows all allies are dead. LXC being driven darker and darker by grief. Relationship goes back to being sexual - maybe JGY is trying to manipulate him but he tells himself he won’t be caught by that, but also wants him so much still. Lots of twisted emotions and no happy ending.
The juniors thoughts on LWJ and (to them) MoXuanyu being in a relationship. Speculation re: replacing WWX given the physical similarities. // LWJ has actually been fucking lots of demonic cultivators in the 13 years. 
What if Baxia shipped NieYao!AU. Sabers have the ability to discern truthfulness via blood?
LSZ feeling guilty about being in love with three people (JL LJY, Ouyang) when real Lans are only meant to have one true love.
No-one survives the burial mounds - WWX dies there when he’s dropped in. WWX came back wrong trope. JC noticing little things are off. Genuine evil. LWJ too much in love to let himself see it.
Murder twink basement crew shenanigans. Perhaps Xue Yang brings his new boyfriends home to meet the family?
Jin Ling grapples with the legacy of his uncle and complicated/ambivalent feelings towards him
Wangxian Evil!Ghost AU, inspired by that one fic:
Lan Wangji makes contact with a spirit when playing Inquiry. Trying to get it to move on, but this proves difficult. Talking builds a relationship. Wei Ying introduces himself by that name. Everything seems normal enough.
Little details about WWX’s life start to strike LWJ as odd, but he is reassured by WWX each time.
WWX persuades LWJ to travel to the Burial Mounds. They talk about the history of the place - centuries ago the founder of demonic cultivation the Yiling Patriarch ruled the area and eventually died there. WWX “huh, sounds cool, no i don’t recognise that story why’d you ask ha ha”.
Once inside the Burial Mounds WWX reveals that he is indeed the Yiling Laozu and manifests as an evil ghost. 
LWJ realises. He fucked up!
LXC goes after his brother but its already too late. He’s been killed and is stuck as a ghost by WWX’s side forever!
Reincarnation Wangxian AU, inspired by that comic:
Modern times but the Xianxia past is real. WWX is currently alive and reincarnated, living as a historian. He moves to Gusu for research purposes. 
Back then, LWJ died from the thirty-three strokes and wasn’t around to see WWX reincarnated. That’s why he’s been haunting Cloud Recesses as a ghost for so long. WWX was brought back by Mo Xuanyu, but wasn’t able to avoid detection with LWJ to protect him. JC tracked him down and that was a whole… situation. JGY framed him for the arm thing and the cultivation world demanded his death. 
NHS ended up going after JGY in a totally unsubtle way and just… ended up assassinating him. It caused another war and all the major sects were caught up in it. Nie Clan ended up destroyed. Tumultuous period. Bad ending all round. 
WWX is haunted by LWJ’s ghost. Magic is real??? 
IDK romance and historical discovery. WWX gets several published papers out of this. 
Yiling patriarch/evil overlord trope:
Many years ago the yiling patriarch ruled the yiling wei sect and did necromancy shit. Sects got together to bring him down and defeated/killed him. A backlash curse from his death created the Burial Mounds. 
In the ‘present’, LWJ is doing normal Lan things. How modern do we want to go? 
Somehow the yiling patriarch has returned!
Wangxian meetcute. 
Rebuilding the yiling wei? Chilling and doing necromancy things? Enrolling in university to see how far the studies of necromancy have come since his day? Revenge? World domination?
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silverwolfdesign · 5 years
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⤷⎨Balgair & Florence ‣ Cameron & Emma ‣ Brothers ⎬ «Your head isn't full of hope, but madness.  Fuck, all of this is insane, Florence, why don't you come back to us? Why do you prefer that bunch of monsters? Tell me, Flo. Where is my sister?»
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nightcolorz · 3 years
Poorly describing my versions of the Gotham rogues:
Joker: “yolo” in its most dangerous form, def is writing a slow burn enemies to loves fic about him and Batman. Gay and homophobic 💯 The other rogues don’t invite him to pride celebrations anymore cause he’ll keep calling people slurs “as a joke”. Him and Edward have longterm beef, like schoolgirl levels of petty drama.
Harley Quinn: would describe herself as a “girlboss” unironically while committing heinous crimes. tweeted “clowns aren’t funny” after breaking up with Joker (ended up causing a huge scandal). The OG “I can fix him” girl. Is sort of the rogues free underground therapist (god knows they need it) cause they can’t get professional help without being sent to Arkham.
Poison Ivy: Breaking News: Cottagecore lesbian commits mass murder cause her plant wilted. She’s what republicans think environmentalists are. Would get in a fist fight with that vegan teacher cause “plants have feelings too”. Has beef with most of the male rogues, supports ‘kill all men’ without realizing it’s a joke (she prefers ‘kill all humans’ but figured she had to downgrade because the Gotham city sirens are humans technically).
Cat Woman: “OH NO! It appears I’ve gotten stuck backwards in the bank vault step-Bat 😏😏😏😏😏😏, looks like I’m not stealing any more diamonds today 😰😩”. Mad respect for Selina, she just wants diamonds and bat dick, no tragic backstory or complex motivations needed. I personally like to headcanon her as wearing a straight up cat costume (ears and a tail like a true furry) cause it’s way funnier to imagine a sophisticated rich woman dressing up as a cat to steal shit than whatever bullshit DCs up to these days. Trans catgirl supremacy 💎👍
Scarecrow: That one guy who gets angry at people because “Halloween costumes are meant to be scary 🤬😡😑😒”. Doesn’t even attempt to express emotions, is the human embodiement of this emoji: 😐. His presence is more jarring than threatening, his intimidation levels are somehow underwhelming and overwhelming at the same time. The other rogues have collectively decided that he’s asexual under no assumption other than that they don’t want to imagine Jonathan having sex. Overtime Jonathan has become basically fearless (he smokes his own fear gas like vape just to feel something). Jonathan and Harley became good friends when they both worked in Arkham, their dynamic is surprisingly wholesome.
The Riddler: Didn’t get hugged enough as a child and is now making it everyone’s problem. Would hold a bank hostage to show Batman his third grade spelling bee medal. Is the only autistic rogue that gets accommodations in Arkham because he won’t stop bugging the guards. FTM trans ofc (his names Edward Nygma for Christ's sake). He ran away from home at seventeen and faked his own death (his deadname is legally dead lmao). Uses the terms “alpha, beta, and omega male” unironically.
Two Face: “Yeah, I mean, I didn’t wanna blow up the orphanage either, but Y’know the coin said-” The other rogues talk to Harvey as if he’s constantly at his breaking point, which is half true. Harv is a stone cold mf, he’s the rock that’s holding Two Face together tbh. Edward calls Harvey and Harv Jekyll and Hyde cause he’s that original. All the rogues have at least a sneaking suspicion that Bruce Wayne is batman and use Harvey as their little primary source (being ex besties and everything), until they find out Selina and Bruce are a thing of course. No matter how much evidence he’s faced with Harvey will never accept Bruce Wayne is batmam, he’s not ready to consider that one of the only positive people in his life has been duking it out with him this whole time.
Penguin: He’s the rest of the rogues chill gay gangster uncle I don’t make the rules. The iceberg lounge is like the Batman villain equivalent of The Central Perk from friends (aka: its their default place to hangout). Oswald always makes a fuss about them not making reservations ahead of them but at this point it’s just performative. Everyone’s 99% sure Oswald and Edward fucked at some point (Edward always makes a show of flustering Oswald when he needs a loan). Ossie always takes care of the others belongings when they’re in Arkham (he has a special place in his heart for Jonathan‘s crows).
The Mad Hatter: I love Jervis lmao he just really likes Alice in Wonderland and that’s a valid ass villain motivation 👍. One of the smartest rogues but doesn’t get enough credit because of how childish he is. He dresses in kids clothes, not just because he wants to but because he’s small af and can’t fit in shit. In public while the rogues are undercover Jervis usually wears a beanie or a baseball cap (he’d get spotted instantly if he wore his usual, but on bad days Jervis can’t bear to be without a hat). Jonathan and Jervis play chess a lot together in Arkham, and frequently engage in intellectual discussion, Edward tends to be a piss baby when Jon encourages him to do the same, he’s not ready to accept the reality that Jervis can match his intelligence.
Killer Croc: Waylon has a surprising amount in common with Jonathan, they share southern solidarity. He doesn’t travel out of the sewer often so the rogues will occasionally come to visit Waylon there (Edward always makes sure to complain loudly about the smell). Will show immense affection and loyalty to anyone who treats him as human (poor guy just needs a friend ☹️).
Mr Freeze: Literally just dead inside, someone give this poor bastard a hug. Victor stands as the most awkward rogue, he‘s sorta like the odd one out. The other rogues don’t interact with him that often because he’s sort of a party pooper. He’s the straight friend on thin ice, haha get it. Mr Freeze is my sisters favorite Batman villain because she thought the ice puns were funny in Batman in Robin, little does she know I’m embarrassing myself on tumblr in her glory.
Music Meister: So many of the Gotham rogues have horrible childhood trauma and Music Meister is just like “people bullied me for being a theater kid 😩😭💔😔”. In all honesty he’s iconic, in my au universe thingy I have him join the dork squad latter on and he sticks out like a sore thumb for a bit. I feel like him and Jervis would really hit it off though (mind control buddies, ha), although Jervis would always get him to sing Alice in Wonderland songs. In Arkham they have him wear a dog collar thingy and zap him when he sings, he gets bullied for that lol. anyways I’m sure I could make more of these, but it’s 2:20 am and my mind went blank. If y’all liked this I could always put more au headcanons out (I have A LOT)
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2dmenenthusiast · 3 years
Grounded - Levi Ackerman x Reader
I had this whole thing typed out but it all got deleted cuz im an idiot so all I’ll say is that writing for Levi is hella difficicult, I hate the ending, and I hope you all enjoy. also yes there is a line from TWD in here but it fit so perfectly and it was too good to pass up okay? and I gave Hange they/them pronouns btw
(also one of my favorite fanfic writers @phen0l​ followed me and uhh I just wanna say that I’m honored?? They write amazing Levi fics and fics for other fandoms, so make sure to go check them out)
Summary: The Scouts are getting ready for the 57th expedition outside the walls, and you can’t help but let Levi know how worried you feel about the possible outcome of the mission
Word count: 6.8k
Warnings/other info: swearing, angst, death, spoilers for AOT season 1, reader has possible anxiety, reader is kept gender nuetral
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No matter how many times you face them, no matter how many times you find yourself suspended in mid-air right over their gaping mouths, ready to swallow you whole, you will always have nightmares about that one fateful day in Shiganshina. The day the Colossal Titan kicked in Wall Maria and let his friends feast on the people in your district. Your friends, family, all destined to be one thing at that moment. Titan fodder. You still wonder how you made it out sometimes. How through all the commotion, a titan didn’t target you and scoop you into its mouth, effectively sealing your fate just like everyone around you. You chalked it up to luck at first before telling yourself that was bullshit. Luck didn’t have anything to do with it. Shit just happens, and there’s nothing you can do about it besides roll with the punches and try your best to survive.
The sight of your sister and father being eaten by those beasts was permanently engraved behind your eyelids, seeing flashes of their thrashing, screaming bodies whenever you close your eyes to go to sleep. In those moments, you always wondered why you survived rather than them. Your sister… she was the sweetest little thing, lighting up a room whenever she smiled and constantly greeting you at the door with a hug whenever you came back from shopping in town. You swore her laugh was all you needed to take you right out of a bad mood, reminding you that things weren’t so bad if you had someone so full of joy in your life. And your father, while he was stubborn, he made sure to take care of his family the best he could, and you were forever grateful for that. He raised you to be strong and rely on yourself because in the end, the only person you truly had on your side was you.
No one really knew about your past. Well, besides your superiors who needed to know, but other than them, your fellow cadets knew the bare minimum about your private life. Although, when they found out you were from Shiganshina, they all just automatically assumed you suffered a great loss of some kind, whether it be your family or your home. In your case, it was both. Of course, you were close with some of the other soldiers. Eld and Petra were people you considered to be good friends with, along with the rest of your captain’s squad. Though, that didn’t stop you from wanting to deck Oluo in the face whenever he got too cocky, throwing his arm around your shoulders during lunch before immediately removing it when you would elbow him in the ribs.
“Jeez, Oluo. You think you’d learn by now. What is this, the fifth, sixth time?” Petra asked, pushing a stray hand of hair behind her ear.
“Seventh,” you chimed as you brought a spoonful of soup up to your mouth.
“Aw, you’ve been keeping count. That must mean you actually like me.”
You raised an eyebrow as you looked over at him, placing the spoon back in your bowl before licking the remaining soup off of your lips. “You know this food is still steaming. Don’t make me throw it at your old ass face.”
He let out a noise of protest while the rest of the table laughed, and you snickered to yourself before shifting your gaze to meet Levi’s, his steely eyes almost piercing through you before he looked down into his cup and tuned back into the conversation his commander and squad leader Hange were having, watching as the dark liquid swirled around.
You always knew Levi to be a man of few words, but a strong sense of purpose. He wasn’t one to waste time on trivial things, always wanting to get straight to the point. He didn’t seem to be the type to waste time on feelings either, but you guessed it wasn’t any of your business. You knew he felt things. Experienced emotions and all that. You’d be stupid to think he didn’t. During training, when he’d survey your group to see how things were going, there would always be gossip when he left, your peers saying how he was cold and emotionless, but you disagreed. You had already heard the rumors of the captain being some type of underground gangster at that point, so when you really thought about it, it wasn’t unusual or weird for him to act the way he did. Something, someone, had made him that way, and that was okay. Something had affected all of you too. The world you all lived in didn’t have the time to spare you from grief or trauma.
“Cadet l/n.”
You jumped slightly at the sudden mention of your name, lifting your head to see your captain entering the mess hall with a signature cup of tea in his hand, and you gave him a lazy smile before looking back down at your own cup, the liquid having gone cold over the time you had been sitting there. Levi didn’t reprimand you for not saluting him, just silently walked over and occupied the seat across from you, looking at you with that stern gaze of his.
“You should be asleep. I won’t make training any easier for you tomorrow just because you’re tired.”
“This isn’t unusual for me, captain. Just needed something else to look at that wasn’t my bedroom wall,” you said, your voice quiet.
He slightly tilted his head as he studied you, lifting his hand to gesture around the room. “And you thought an empty mess hall would be better?”
You let out a scoff, meeting his eyes for a moment before sipping at your drink and immediately grimacing at the taste of it. “It’s better than the alternative. For now, at least.”
He didn’t respond at first, simply staring off into the distance as he let your words sink in before setting down his cup with a soft ‘clink.’ You thought that maybe if you weren’t so over everything at the moment, you wouldn’t be acting so casual with your superior, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Hopefully this wouldn’t bite you in the ass later
“You’re not the first one here to experience nightmares, you know.”
“Oh, so you have this talk with all of the cadets in the middle of the night?”
“No,” he answered simply, taking another sip of his drink.
You didn’t know why, but that simple interaction had been the best one you had with another person in months. Sure, you loved the company of your friends, but talking to Levi was just so… different. Almost liberating in a way. There were things you had told him that you never told anyone else during your late-night meetings, and it got to the point where you had found yourself looking forward to talking with him. Because you knew that behind his gaze was a man that felt so much, and you knew what that was like.
“You know… I only really made it out because they were too busy eating my family.”
Levi paused at that, eyebrows slightly raised as he looked at you over his cup that was pressed to his lips. He didn’t speak at first, taking his time as he leisurely drank his tea, and you could practically feel the depth of the silence looming over the both of you like it was its own presence.
“Shit, maybe I should’ve just kept my mouth shut,” you thought, teeth digging into your bottom lip as you anxiously waited for Levi’s response.
You didn’t want him to pity you. That was never your intention. You guessed you just.... wanted someone to know what you were thinking and feeling, tired of constantly keeping it to yourself. If you got eaten by a titan one day, you’d at least want someone to know who you were. Who you really were.
“Sorry, I um…” you looked around at everything besides the man sitting in front of you, trying to find a way to fill the silence. “You probably don’t wanna hear some sob story from some cadet, I-”
“‘Some cadet?’”
Your eyes snapped over to his, mouth slightly agape before swallowing thickly. “I… Well I mean-”
“Talking like that about yourself isn’t going to change anything or make anything better. You’re not just some cadet, and I’m even willing to say that you’re not as bad as some of the shit-for-brains we have here. You came here to do the same thing everyone else is here to do. Fight for humanity. Whether your end goal is selfish or to try and relieve yourself of some guilt from the past, it doesn’t matter.” He leaned closer to you, elbows placed on the table as he pinned you with his gaze. “Every life sacrificed out there matters. So does yours, even if you don’t think it does. And it’s our job to make sure those soldiers don’t die in vain. 
You didn’t know what to say. No one had ever really talked to you like this, so how could you know how to respond? Luckily, he started speaking again so that you didn’t have to.
“Your family…  it’s a shame what happened to them. What you had to go through. But, their deaths will be avenged, and I will make damn sure of it.”
That night was the first time you cried in probably months. You thought Levi would think of you as some pathetic little soldier, trying to gain the sympathy of their captain, but he didn’t. He just placed a hand over yours and let you cry, and you remembered how you were sort of surprised by how warm he was. You remember that talk like it was only yesterday when in reality it was years ago. You and Levi didn’t talk as much as you used to, considering the fact that he was constantly busy with helping the titan shifter cadet, Eren Jaeger, and you had been recruited to squad leader, so you had your own people to deal with. But that didn’t mean you two never spoke. Whenever your paths crossed, you’d make sure to give him a little greeting, whether it was a simple wave or a “hello.” And occasionally, when you couldn’t sleep and you’d come down to the mess hall, he was there, a steaming cup of tea in front of him, and you’d talk for a few hours until you both agreed it was time to try and catch some sleep.
Now, the soldiers were getting ready for the 57th expedition, and you couldn’t shake off the bad feeling you got whenever you thought about it. Of course, every expedition was dangerous. More often than not, the scouts would come back from outside the walls with more than a few dead, and on bad days, their numbers would be cut in half. Eren was making progress, and you hoped he would be useful, but a part of you was still doubtful.
“I’m worried,” you stated, arms crossed over your chest as you stood next to Levi, watching the cadets train vigorously.
“You always worry.”
You glanced over at the man and huffed, seeing him completely focused on the soldiers before you lightly kicked your boot into the dirt. “I guess that’s kinda my thing, isn’t it? Can you blame me though? We’ve seen what Eren can do, but… he hardly has it under control. And this isn’t exactly a normal expedition.”
“Things will turn out the way they turn out. There’s nothing we can do except make sure things go the best way they can.”
You sighed. Levi was able to reassure you most of the time, but other times he did nothing to calm your nerves. It wasn’t his job to, though. His responses were straightforward, and if you didn’t like it then that was just something you had to deal with.
“Ever the optimist, Levi,” you said, a sarcastic lilt to your voice, and you smiled when he glanced at you before shaking his head.
“Hey! You’re not here to slack off. Pick up the pace before I make you all train through dinner.”
You were used to Levi giving out orders. Hell, he gave them to you all the time, but his commanding voice sent shivers down your spine at that moment.
“He’s a freaking tiny tyrant, I swear,” you heard one of the cadets mutter, and you couldn’t help but snicker as you turned your head away from your captain, covering your mouth to conceal your smile.
“Find something funny?”
You cleared your throat as you shook your head, turning to Levi with a grin and shrugging your shoulders. “Not at all, captain. Just have a little cough is all.”
“Mhm. Maybe I should make you run it off then.”
“Aw c’mon, Levi. Have a little laugh. We all need one once in a while, especially considering the day you’re all going to have tomorrow.”
He just let out a hum, and your smile slowly dropped as you looked out at the horizon, the sky painted in beautiful strokes of orange and pink. Yes, you were right, you all needed those small moments of joy in this fucked up world you lived in, but you weren’t stupid enough to believe that those moments could last forever. Sometimes you just had to face the reality of the situation you were all in, and you couldn’t help the feeling of dread that filled you as you thought about tomorrow.
“You’re overthinking. Stop it,” Levi said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You shook your head and gave him a smile that felt bittersweet. “I can’t help it sometimes. I wish I could go with you.”
“We have enough force and skill in the recruits we have for the expedition. It would be a waste to put you and your squad into it and leave you hanging with no real job to do.”
“No real job? We’d be doing what everyone else would be; killing titans and keeping Eren safe! How would we not be useful? You know for a fact that my squad and I are plenty skilled and-”
“We can’t risk more sacrifices by putting you out there. We have enough people to hopefully accomplish what we need to.”
“Then why wasn’t my squad a first choice to go beyond the walls this time? We’re more capable than most of the people here and you know it. Maybe if I talk to Erwin he’ll-”
“This wasn’t just Erwin’s decision, it was mine. And your insubordination is starting to get irritating, so I suggest you take a walk.”
You looked at Levi with widened eyes, disbelief clear on your face, and you swallowed down what you actually wanted to say before letting out a deep breath.
“Levi, I-”
“Take a walk, l/n. I don’t wanna hear about it.”
You simply blinked at him a few times, clearly upset by the way he addressed you, before letting out a scoff and walking away, your jaw and fists clenched tightly. Yes, maybe you were being a bit childish, but you refused to acknowledge that when you felt so pissed at the moment.
“I mean, how can he just treat me like that?! Just completely dismiss me and not even give me a reasonable answer! He’s so… He’s just so… Ugh!”
You groaned and rested your head in your hands as you sat across from Hange, your friend looking at you with raised brows as they idly tapped their fingers against the table.
“I mean, he is your superior, y/n.”
“But that’s not the point! Like, yeah okay, I know he’s my captain and all that, but… We’ve always just been casual with each other. We’ve never seen each other as our ranks. I still respect him and follow his orders when he gives them but…” You let out a noise of frustration and slammed your fists down on the table. “That doesn’t give him the right to just pull out the superiority card whenever it benefits him!”
Hange blinked a few times before letting out a sigh, brushing a piece of stray hair out of their face as they leaned back in their chair, shrugging their shoulders. “I mean, he said it was also his decision, right? So maybe… he’s trying to keep you safe?”
Your eyes widened almost comically, feeling heat travel up the back of your neck at the mention of the possibility that Levi was concerned about your safety. “I-I… I mean he- um.”
“Oh my, are you getting flustered, y/n? Does the thought of Levi caring about you make your heart race?” Hange asked, a playful smirk on their face.
“Stop! For the love of everything, please stop,” you whined, waving your hands in front of you as you tried to ignore how embarrassed you felt. 
Hange just laughed at you, continuing to poke fun until you threatened to not be a part of their crazy experiments anymore, to which they quickly backed off. You thought talking with Hange might make you feel better, but hours later when you were pacing in front of the door to Levi’s office, you still wanted to rip your hair out as you thought of what to say to him. Letting out a huff and straightening your posture, trying to gain some nerve, you raised your hand to knock on the door, only for it to suddenly open and reveal your captain, his cravat having come off and the first few buttons of his shirt undone.
“Your incessant pacing is driving me up the wall. What do you want?”
Oh, so he had heard you. You avoided eye-contact, reaching a hand up to rub at the back of your neck before clearing your throat to try and relieve some of the awkwardness you felt.
“Um… can I come in?”
You both stood there for a moment, Levi’s gaze traveling up and down your body before stepping aside to let you in, and you gave him a small, appreciative nod as you walked inside his office. The tension in your shoulders was almost painful, your whole body almost stiff as Levi walked in front of you to sit on the edge of his desk, crossing his arms over his chest. You didn’t know why you felt so nervous. It was only Levi, a man you had come to know for years. And while you didn’t know everything about him, you still considered you both to be somewhat close. So why were you feeling so weird right now?
“Uh… I wanted to talk about this afternoon,” you said, mindlessly fidgeting with your fingers.
Levi raised a curious brow, letting you linger in silence for a moment before letting out a soft hum. “Not sure it’s something worth talking about.”
Lips curving into a small frown, you mimicked his posture and crossed your arms, shifting your weight onto one foot. “Well, I think we left some things… unaddressed back there, and I wanna talk about it.”
He didn’t say anything, and you were starting to get pissed, your fuse short enough as it is. Your frustration finally hit its peak when he grabbed the cup of tea next to him and wordlessly took a sip, and you swore at that moment you wanted to take the cup and smash it against his head.
“Goddammit, would you stop drinking your stupid fucking tea and listen to me?!” you yelled, and you could see a flash of shock in his eyes at your outburst before he glared at you, setting his cup down.
“You wanna repeat that?”
“Oh, don’t get all fucking ‘Captain Levi’ on me. You know exactly what all of this is about. You didn’t even try to give me a reasonable explanation earlier, and I feel like I deserve one.”
“Do you? You think you deserve something for acting like this?”
“I’m not a child!”
“But I am your superior, which you seem to forget quite a lot.”
“That is such bullshit! Since when have you given two fucks about ranks when it comes to us? I follow your orders when I have to, not when you use your superiority when it’s most convenient for you.” 
Levi clicked his tongue as he got off of his desk, rounding it to sit in his chair, and your fists were clenched so tightly it was becoming almost painful, your nails digging into your palms.
“You know, you say you’re not a child, yet you constantly act like one. Throwing a fit when you don’t get your way. Sometimes I wonder why Erwin made the decision to promote you.”
Your eyes widened as you softly gasped, questioning if you heard Levi correctly, but you know you did. There was no mistaking it. You always believed that Levi knew that you were capable, that you could protect yourself. But now he made you question if he really thought those things. Did he even respect you as a soldier? After countless nights of spilling your guts to him and him reassuring you… did he think of you as just some simple-minded cadet? You felt like your heart was in your throat and tears were threatening to spill, but you just swallowed everything down and turned your head away.
“Good luck on the expedition tomorrow,” you muttered, and you were quick to leave his office and rush back to your room, tears spilling down your cheeks.
When it came time for your fellow scouts to leave for the expedition in the morning, you were a bit reluctant to watch them, knowing that you’d end up automatically spotting Levi in the crowd, and the petty side of you wanted to ignore him at all costs. However, the rational side of you remembered that it wasn’t just Levi going out there, it was other soldiers as well, most of them you knew personally, and you’d be damned if you didn’t give them a proper send-off, knowing the likelihood of some of them not making it back. So, you dragged yourself out of bed and made yourself presentable, slipping on your jacket as you stepped out of your room.
You turned at the shout of your name, seeing Hange waving excitedly at you as they jogged down the hall, slowing down to walk with you.
“So? How did it go with Captain Shorty?”
You groaned and rolled your eyes, bringing your fingers up to rub at your temples to try and cease the headache you already felt coming. “I don’t even wanna talk about it.”
“Dang, that bad, huh?” Hange grimaced.
“You have no idea. I just wanna forget about it”
Hange didn’t say anything more on the topic after that, simply talking about random things with you as you walked outside to the stables. You had a bad feeling settled in your stomach ever since you woke up, but as more time passed it just got worse.
“Hange,” you muttered, the squad leader turning towards you with raised eyebrows as they held the reins to their horse.
“Uh… Please be careful out there, okay?”
Hange looked shocked for a moment before their mouth split into a wide grin, and they quickly pulled you into a tight hug, which you immediately reciprocated.
“Aw, y/n! Don’t worry about me, I’m always careful!”
“That is such a lie, but I’ll believe you anyway,” you chuckled.
Pulling away from each other, Hange mounted their horse and joined the rest of the scouts at the gate, and you went to stand at the sidelines with the rest of your peers to watch them. Your eyes immediately caught sight of a head of familiar black hair, and you felt your heart grow heavy and your chest tighten, almost wishing he would feel your gaze and look over at you. But he didn’t and with Erwin’s war-cry, they charged through the open gate, the horses kicking up dirt and dust, and you only got a glance at their retreating figures before the gate was closed again.
Every minute that ticked by felt like hours. You didn’t know how long they would be gone, the time usually spent outside the walls ranging from a few hours to a few days. You hoped it was the former, knowing that the longer they were out there, the more likely they were to get killed. You knew your comrades were skilled, having been outside the walls with them and seen their skills up close, but that didn’t stop you from worrying. Now with the Eren being a titan shifter and a traitor in your midst, anything could happen.
You almost didn’t acknowledge the shouting of your fellow soldiers that afternoon, too focused on taking care of some of the horses in the stables. But when you finally heard it, you quickly stopped what you were doing and ran to the gate. They were back. Adrenaline coursed through you as your heart pounded like a drum against your chest, and when you finally caught sight of the returning scouts, you immediately stopped in your tracks. The look on their faces was one of defeat, and you could already tell just by looking at them that not all of them made it back. When you spotted Hange, you felt some relief wash over you and you quickly made your way over to them, walking beside their horse.
“Hange, what happened? Was the mission successful?”
Hange didn’t answer, a blank look on their face, which was identical to the expressions on all of the other soldier’s faces. It was a bad day, that much you could tell, and you made brief eye-contact with Levi before looking for your friends. Only… you couldn’t see them. Turning around frantically, you spotted Eren laying in a cart and ran over, jumping in beside him as you glanced at his hand clutching Mikasa’s. He looked even worse than everyone else did. No, loss was never easy, but Eren was just a kid, and experiencing so much of it at his age must have been devastating for him, especially when he was so passionate about saving humanity.
“Eren, tell me what happened. Who… Who did we lose?” you asked.
You didn’t even know if you wanted to know the answer, seeing Eren so broken and torn up already told you that what happened out there wasn’t good, but when was it ever? The boy had tears falling down his cheeks, trying to keep his sobs quiet, and Mikasa just looked at you with narrowed eyes.
“Y/n, I don’t think right now’s a good time-”
“Please!” You gripped the cape that was laid over top of Eren, eyes focussed on the blue and white wings embroidered on the back and you sniffled as you tried to hold back the tears that were desperately trying to come out. “I… I need to know. Please, Eren…”
He stared at you with wide eyes, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed before letting out a shuddered breath. “They… We were after the female titan and she… I couldn’t save them, y/n. They died protecting me!”
Your face seemed void of any emotion as Eren’s words sunk in, piercing your heart like a million knives, and all you did was nod silently before jumping out of the cart, your mind going on autopilot as you walked. You didn’t need him to explain who he was talking about for you to already put the pieces together. Levi had told you that Eren was going to be a part of his squad so that he could keep an eye on him, and his squad was in charge of protecting him. He had become humanity’s number one asset after all. Civilians were shouting at all of you, cursing at you and hurling insults at your face. You weren’t even one of the scouts on the expedition, but that didn’t matter. As long as you wore the wings of freedom on your back, you were a bastard like the rest of them. No more, no less.
You had stumbled too close to the crowd, too preoccupied with your thoughts to even notice, until a large man gripped your shoulders and pushed you in front of the horses, your body landing harshly in the dirt as some of the people laughed at you. You heard someone shout your name, but it sounded distant to you, everyone’s drowned out underneath the roaring of your thoughts. You shifted yourself onto your hands and knees, only to look up and see Hange crouched down in front of you, a concerned expression on their face.
“Y/n, are you okay? Can you hear me?”
There was a ringing in your ears as you looked at them, trying desperately to just get a grip.
The dirt under my hands, the dryness in my mouth, the shouts of the citizens, the musty smell of the horses… Hange right in front of me.
“I’m fine. I… I’m fine.”
The single tear slipping down your cheek went unnoticed by you, but it was one of the things that let Hange know that you were lying. That you weren’t fine. Reaching out to wipe the tear away Hange shook their head.
“I’ll see you later, okay?”
Giving Hange a tight-lipped smile, you picked yourself up off the ground and made your way back to the Scout’s headquarters, feeling everyone’s eyes on your back, and you couldn’t help but wonder if Levi was watching you too.
You didn’t keep track of how long you cried that day, keeping yourself locked in your room and sobbing until your body physically couldn’t produce any more tears. The last time you cried this much was when your family died, same thing could be said when you thought about the last time you felt this way. Like all hope was lost. You found yourself questioning what the point of all of this was for a moment before you quickly slapped yourself out of that thought. You knew why you had to do this, why the Survey Corps was important. But shit, all this loss? You didn’t know how much more you could take. Especially if days like today became more frequent.
Then you got to thinking about Levi and the stupid argument you had yesterday. At the time, you felt like your feelings were justified, and maybe they were, but now you felt like a complete idiot for arguing with him, especially the day before an expedition where it was one hundred percent possible that he could’ve died out there. The thought of your last interaction being some petty argument made more tears fall, and you gripped the sheets of your bed so tightly that you thought they might rip. Did he even want to speak to you now? Maybe he realized that you were just some immature little soldier and wanted nothing to do with you.
No, you couldn’t accept that. You wouldn’t. Standing from your bed, you harshly wiped at your eyes and sniffled, trying to look like you weren’t crying for hours on end - even though it was pointless, you knew Levi would be able to tell immediately - and exited your room to start making your way to Levi’s office. Your nerves were kicked into high gear, but you refused to let this man intimidate you. You were going to let him know how you felt and he was going to listen. Of course, your confidence immediately deflated when you found yourself standing in front of his door, but you swallowed down your nerves and knocked, taking a deep breath.
Levi’s muffled voice came from the other side of the door, telling you to come in, and you let out a small huff as you gripped the doorknob and let yourself in. He didn’t even look up from the paperwork in front of him when you walked in, and as the door closed behind you and you moved to stand in front of his desk with your hands held behind your back, you lightly cleared your throat to get his attention. His eyes flickered up to meet yours, and you could feel yourself shrink under his gaze. There was no doubt he saw what happened earlier today when they came back, and from the way he was examining you, you knew he could easily tell that you had been crying.
“Did you need me?” he asked, and you sharply inhaled at the sound of his voice. It felt like forever since he talked to you last, and hearing him speak made your stomach do flips.
“Uh… I don’t know, honestly. I didn’t really practice what I was going to say before I came in here.”
He raised a brow at you. “‘Practice?’”
“I mean, it’s kinda hard to talk to you. Not that that’s a bad thing, it’s just… Ah shit, I don’t know. It might just be me. I’m not the best at articulating, you know?”
He hummed and grabbed his cup as you let out a sigh, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk and leaning your elbows on your knees, bouncing your leg. Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you wordlessly gazed at him for a moment, a made-up image of his death flashing in your mind before you shook your head and ran your hand down your face.
“Look, um… I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for yesterday. For questioning your judgment when I should’ve just dealt with it. You’re my superior and I disrespected you so… Again, I’m sorry.”
Silence fell between you for a moment before he let out a sigh, setting down his cup before leaning his chin against his propped up hand. “Don’t apologize. You were right.”
Your eyes widened. Did you hear that correctly? “Uh, I’m sorry?”
Getting up from his seat, he rounded his desk to stand in front of you, and you were even more confused. You swore he would’ve been done with you by now.
“You said you and your squad were more than capable of handling the mission. You were right. Or at least, you were right at the time. The female titan would’ve wiped us all out if she wanted to, just like she did my squad. I don’t doubt that if you went after her, you’d be dead right now too.”
You stiffened slightly at his words, fingers gripping your knees as you let out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in. “Oh.”
“As captain, I’m supposed to remain unbiased. My decisions should be based on the greater good of humanity and my comrades. If my judgment is wrong, then that’s something I have to live with. Making my squad protect Eren was my decision, and they died.” He let out a long breath. “When Erwin decided to not bring you on the expedition, I was opposed to it at first. I knew that you and your squad would be able to aid us greatly, but I couldn’t sway him. However, now that I think about it, I’m glad you weren’t there.”
You were at a loss for words. When Hange had joked the other day about Levi caring about you, you didn’t take it seriously. But now that you were hearing all of this… Did he care for you? Or was it just your wishful thinking that was causing you to interpret things wrong? Slowly standing up, you briefly met his gaze before walking over to the window and looking out at the night sky, the sun having gone down a while ago, and you wrapped your arms around yourself as you tried to piece together what you wanted to say to him.
“Even if you think I was right, I’m still sorry. I don’t like arguing, especially with you. And the fact that you had to go on an expedition the next day…” You swallowed thickly. “I was scared. I know you say that there’s no use regretting the decisions we’ve made, but if you died out there today and a stupid argument was the last interaction we ever had, I would’ve regretted it every day of my life.” You turned to face him, eyes glossing over. “I would’ve beat myself up when I know you’d want me to continue to be strong. But I feel like I can’t do that without you, and I feel so weak and stupid for saying that. For feeling like the only thing that gives me hope in this godforsaken world is you.”
Levi remained silent, not that you expected him to say anything, and you sniffled as you reached up to wipe at your teary eyes before sighing and giving him a sad smile.
“I’m sorry. I know you don’t wanna hear some silly confession. I’ll let you get back to your business,” you said, walking past Levi to get to the door, but you didn’t make it that far when his hand suddenly shot out and gripped your arm, causing you to turn back and look at him.
“Why do you always do that?”
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“You never take yourself seriously and act like the people around you don’t either. You’re self-deprecating. You did the same thing when I found you in the mess hall years ago. Why?”
“I… I don’t know, I guess I just get nervous around you.”
Your mouth felt dry suddenly, and your heart was racing as Levi’s grip on your arm tightened and he pulled you closer. “Because… I want to be strong in front of you. I don’t want you to see me as someone immature and incapable, and I’m scared of embarrassing myself in front of you.”
“Did you find your confession embarrassing? Do you want me to forget about it?”
“If you want to.”
“Mm. And what if I don’t?”
You let out a shuddered breath, eyes flitting down to his lips for a moment. “Then what will you do about it?”
Neither of you moved at first, your gaze not leaving one another, and you felt like your heart was about to beat out of your chest, it was going so fast. You wondered if Levi was experiencing the same feeling. Wondered if underneath that stoic, calm expression, his blood was pumping in his ears and his pulse was going crazy. You were waiting for him to do something, anything, as he stared at you with an almost challenging look. It made anger flare up in you for some reason, and you clenched your jaw as you narrowed your eyes. 
No, I won’t let this get away from me.
Reaching up, your hand grabbed at his cravat, yanking him forward into an almost desperate kiss that had your mind reeling. His brows were scrunched up, body tense, before finally relaxing, and you could feel him almost melt into you as he brought both of his hands up to hold your face, eagerly responding. Your frustration had been building up ever since your fight, and you felt like you were both letting it all out now, each kiss hungry and rushed, barely able to pull your faces away before one of you was pulling the other one in again.
“Fuck, I can’t stand you sometimes,” you breathed out between kisses, fingers weaving into Levi’s dark locks and lightly tugging, causing him to let out a soft groan against your lips.
“Stop talking.”
You don’t know when the anxiety started bubbling in your stomach or why your heart felt like it was about to jump out of your throat, all you knew was that every sensation was suddenly overwhelming. Levi’s hands, his lips, his breath against your face, it was all too much. You were suddenly pushing him away, tears quickly building up behind your eyes as you panted for breath. Whether it be from the desperateness of your kisses, or the constricting of your chest, you didn’t know. You just knew that everything was suddenly hitting you at once, and you couldn't get a grasp on how to deal with it.
Right, Levi was still here, and he looked at you with a hand slightly reached out, waiting for you to meet him halfway. You hesitated, staring at his hand like you were trying to see through it, before eventually grabbing it, and he slowly pulled you into his chest. Your arms were limp at your sides, silent tears streaming down your face as Levi held you.
“They’d be proud of you, y/n. You know that.”
You felt like you had been falling all of your life, nothing to stop you, nothing to hold onto as you plummeted through an endless abyss. But now, as you brought your hands up to grip the back of Levi’s jacket and sobbed into his shoulder, for once, you felt like your feet had finally found the ground.
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